Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-27 Thread Anthony Wu
You are wrong. The correct answer your Chan Master implies is as follows:
When you turn your consciousness into pure wisdom, there will no longer be 
reincarnation. Your sacred life has been completed. Done is what was to be 
done. Congratulations. You are a Buddha.
I charge 500 yuan for that.
On the other hand, mind you, you should not try to tamper with your karma by 
manipulating your chi. The Buddha says, karma can only be exhausted or worked 
out in relation to other sentient beings. For instance, when you say something 
bad to your wife, not only will she remember it for all her life, but also your 
word will be stored in your alaya consciousness (having a capacity of more than 
a trillion gigabytes). In a certain future life, your wife, a dog then, bites 
you. So your karma balances out, and you are even.
Don't take offense at my remark that your wife will be a dog. She is not alone. 
I am a dog too. Remember the advantage of the Internet is that nobody knows I 
am a dog.

--- On Thu, 28/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Thursday, 28 October, 2010, 12:06 AM


Hi Anthony,

Worthwhile question, but it is two steps ahead of ourselves.

Let us eliminate all attachment to form first.  That's on the mental side.

On the physical side, let us turn our body from a physical being into an energy 

After we accomplish this two phases, then we can discuss the next step, which 
is the merging into the spiritual being.

Thank you for the opportunity to share.
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/27/2010 3:11 AM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

Lets see the two sentences below (the translation is excellent. Though it 
cannot be 100% accurate, I think a minimum of 90% is warranted):
1. The cause of reincarnation is the existence of consciousness. If 
consciousness does not exist, we transcend the cycles of reincarnation.
2.  at the last moment of a person's life, if there are no hindrances left 
unresolved in the heart, then death will be comfortable and smooth while 
reincarnation becomes unnecessary.
The corollary is:
1. To get around reincarnation, you must eliminate consciousness.
2. If reincarnation is unnecessary, there is a possibility of its disappearance.
What is the outcome of the elimination of consciousness? Where will you be? 
What will you become?
If there is no reincarnation, are you going to disappear completely? Or like 
the materialist says, death is like a lamp blown out?

--- On Wed, 27/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010, 2:08 PM


Hi Anthony,

The paragraph below states, "In other words, at the last moment of a person's 
life, if there are no hindrances left unresolved in the mind, then death will 
be comfortable and smooth while
reincarnation becomes unnecessary."

Meaning, having no unresolved matters in our consciousness.  

Does this answer your question?

BTW, "bad way or good way" is from your discriminating mind.  It is a mental 

JM Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 5:21 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

I am fully awake now. Still you have to answer my question how I can avoid 
reincarnation (in a bad way, at least) by eliminating my consciousness.

--- On Wed, 27/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010, 7:17 AM


To wake you up, Anthony.  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 4:08 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

If words are unimportant, why do you keep posting here?

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 9:49 PM


Hi Anthony,

My Master always reminds us that "words are not important."  When our practice 
gets there, we will experience.  When our practice is not there, there is 
nothing to know or understand.

As Bill and Mayka continue to stress, sit down and experience.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 12:56 AM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

I am not going to pick up any other books. My question is about the words by 
your Chan Master.

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-27 Thread Anthony Wu

Lets see the two sentences below (the translation is excellent. Though it 
cannot be 100% accurate, I think a minimum of 90% is warranted):
1. The cause of reincarnation is the existence of consciousness. If 
consciousness does not exist, we transcend the cycles of reincarnation.
2.  at the last moment of a person's life, if there are no hindrances left 
unresolved in the heart, then death will be comfortable and smooth while 
reincarnation becomes unnecessary.
The corollary is:
1. To get around reincarnation, you must eliminate consciousness.
2. If reincarnation is unnecessary, there is a possibility of its disappearance.
What is the outcome of the elimination of consciousness? Where will you be? 
What will you become?
If there is no reincarnation, are you going to disappear completely? Or like 
the materialist says, death is like a lamp blown out?

--- On Wed, 27/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010, 2:08 PM


Hi Anthony,

The paragraph below states, "In other words, at the last moment of a person's 
life, if there are no hindrances left unresolved in the mind, then death will 
be comfortable and smooth while
reincarnation becomes unnecessary."

Meaning, having no unresolved matters in our consciousness.  

Does this answer your question?

BTW, "bad way or good way" is from your discriminating mind.  It is a mental 

JM Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 5:21 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

I am fully awake now. Still you have to answer my question how I can avoid 
reincarnation (in a bad way, at least) by eliminating my consciousness.

--- On Wed, 27/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010, 7:17 AM


To wake you up, Anthony.  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 4:08 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

If words are unimportant, why do you keep posting here?

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 9:49 PM


Hi Anthony,

My Master always reminds us that "words are not important."  When our practice 
gets there, we will experience.  When our practice is not there, there is 
nothing to know or understand.

As Bill and Mayka continue to stress, sit down and experience.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 12:56 AM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

I am not going to pick up any other books. My question is about the words by 
your Chan Master.

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 7:30 AM


Hi Anthony,

One of our practitioner just informed me that Michael Newton's book "Journey of 
Souls" says the same thing.

Perhaps you can pick up that book that tell me about.  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 2:15 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

The Chan Master does not make it clear. Does consciousness exist?
Moreover, when you have no hindrances before death and you skip reincarnation, 
then what do you do? Where are you?

--- On Mon, 25/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 9:02 AM



 Original Message 

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng


佛教上講到「輪迴」,這個輪迴 就是因為神識 的存在,如果沒有神識的存在,就超越了輪 迴,所 以神識是決定輪迴的最主要因素。換句話說,一個人在生命的最後
一口氣時,你的心裡沒有罣礙, 死得很自在, 就不受輪迴,很多事情放不下,你就沒有辦法 解 脫,就要被輪迴的命運。

神識就是死後的靈魂,我們人身 本來會發光, 就是因為神識包住,像太陽光被雲遮住時看不 到祂 的光,在人往生時,依神識的境地就淪落到那一個未可知的地方。
超越了潛在意識進入第八意識光 明藏,就可以 看到自己自性的光,這個光不在外面,在裡 面,這 個光它是生命的光、智慧的光,這種光充滿了超能力,比人的頭腦
和一般人所知道的力量要大上好 幾十倍,很不 可思議的力量。

修禪的最終目的是找 到自己心靈的光,這個心靈的光來自於大宇宙的生命體,一切生命的來源,那才是本來的自己。 人要得到智慧,就必需由禪定入 門,佛教三學
「戒、定、慧」先要修戒、修善 法,然後禪 定,最後修般若智慧。在座的很多未來的科學 家,參 禪以後可以幫助大家將自己所學的發揚光大,所學的理論可以得到
證明。禪就是自證,看聖經、研 究佛經,這是 修的功夫,修還不夠,還要證。
想要認識「我」,要超我才能認 識「我」,就 像一個人在山中看不到山的外貌一樣,你必須 離開 那座山遠遠的,才看得清楚那座山的全貌,所以你一定要經過禪定
的功夫,禪定以後離開現在意 識。

要認識「我」就要進入禪定,入 禪定是要經過 訓練的,譬

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-26 Thread Anthony Wu
I am fully awake now. Still you have to answer my question how I can avoid 
reincarnation (in a bad way, at least) by eliminating my consciousness.

--- On Wed, 27/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010, 7:17 AM


To wake you up, Anthony.  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 4:08 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

If words are unimportant, why do you keep posting here?

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 9:49 PM


Hi Anthony,

My Master always reminds us that "words are not important."  When our practice 
gets there, we will experience.  When our practice is not there, there is 
nothing to know or understand.

As Bill and Mayka continue to stress, sit down and experience.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 12:56 AM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

I am not going to pick up any other books. My question is about the words by 
your Chan Master.

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 7:30 AM


Hi Anthony,

One of our practitioner just informed me that Michael Newton's book "Journey of 
Souls" says the same thing.

Perhaps you can pick up that book that tell me about.  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 2:15 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

The Chan Master does not make it clear. Does consciousness exist?
Moreover, when you have no hindrances before death and you skip reincarnation, 
then what do you do? Where are you?

--- On Mon, 25/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 9:02 AM



 Original Message 

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng


佛教上講到「輪迴」,這個輪迴 就是因為神識 的存在,如果沒有神識的存在,就超越了輪 迴,所 以神識是決定輪迴的最主要因素。換句話說,一個人在生命的最後
一口氣時,你的心裡沒有罣礙, 死得很自在, 就不受輪迴,很多事情放不下,你就沒有辦法 解 脫,就要被輪迴的命運。

神識就是死後的靈魂,我們人身 本來會發光, 就是因為神識包住,像太陽光被雲遮住時看不 到祂 的光,在人往生時,依神識的境地就淪落到那一個未可知的地方。
超越了潛在意識進入第八意識光 明藏,就可以 看到自己自性的光,這個光不在外面,在裡 面,這 個光它是生命的光、智慧的光,這種光充滿了超能力,比人的頭腦
和一般人所知道的力量要大上好 幾十倍,很不 可思議的力量。

修禪的最終目的是找 到自己心靈的光,這個心靈的光來自於大宇宙的生命體,一切生命的來源,那才是本來的自己。 人要得到智慧,就必需由禪定入 門,佛教三學
「戒、定、慧」先要修戒、修善 法,然後禪 定,最後修般若智慧。在座的很多未來的科學 家,參 禪以後可以幫助大家將自己所學的發揚光大,所學的理論可以得到
證明。禪就是自證,看聖經、研 究佛經,這是 修的功夫,修還不夠,還要證。
想要認識「我」,要超我才能認 識「我」,就 像一個人在山中看不到山的外貌一樣,你必須 離開 那座山遠遠的,才看得清楚那座山的全貌,所以你一定要經過禪定
的功夫,禪定以後離開現在意 識。

要認識「我」就要進入禪定,入 禪定是要經過 訓練的,譬如一個人在禪坐,他坐單盤可以坐 一個 鐘頭,坐雙盤只能坐二十分鐘,坐雙盤雖然 是二十分鐘,可是這二
十分鐘比一個鐘頭的效果還好, 為什麼?因為 他加強了突破身體障礙的耐力。同樣地,雙盤 坐一 個月是單盤坐兩個月的效果。

現在企業界很流行所謂的「企業 禪」,就是訓 練他達到超人的耐力、超人的體力,讓他能夠 超越 自己。在超越別人之前先要超越自己,超越自己原來的本能,然後
自然能夠超越別人,才能夠有更 廣大的開創, 事業才能更成功,學識的研究才能更徹底。最 後告 訴大家,要經過智慧禪門,才能夠得到無限智慧,同時你有了智慧
以後,也才能夠順利進到「智慧 禪門」。

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng

Buddhism talks about “reincarnation”. The cause of reincarnation is the 
existence of consciousness. If consciousness does not exist, we
transcend the cycles of reincarnation. Thus consciousness is the most important 
factor affecting reincarnation. In other words, at the last
moment of a person's life, if there are no hindrances left unresolved in the 
heart, then death will be comfortable and smooth while
reincarnation becomes unnecessary. If there are many concerns remain with the 
dying person, then there will be no liberation, and
reincarnate will continue to be the fate.

Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond

The ultimate goal of Chan practice is to find the spi

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-26 Thread Anthony Wu
If words are unimportant, why do you keep posting here?

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 9:49 PM


Hi Anthony,

My Master always reminds us that "words are not important."  When our practice 
gets there, we will experience.  When our practice is not there, there is 
nothing to know or understand.

As Bill and Mayka continue to stress, sit down and experience.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 12:56 AM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

I am not going to pick up any other books. My question is about the words by 
your Chan Master.

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 7:30 AM


Hi Anthony,

One of our practitioner just informed me that Michael Newton's book "Journey of 
Souls" says the same thing.

Perhaps you can pick up that book that tell me about.  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 2:15 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

The Chan Master does not make it clear. Does consciousness exist?
Moreover, when you have no hindrances before death and you skip reincarnation, 
then what do you do? Where are you?

--- On Mon, 25/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 9:02 AM



 Original Message 

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng


佛教上講到「輪迴」,這個輪迴就是因為神識 的存在,如果沒有神識的存在,就超越了輪 迴,所 以神識是決定輪迴的最主要因素。換句話說,一個人在生命的最後
一口氣時,你的心裡沒有罣礙,死得很自在, 就不受輪迴,很多事情放不下,你就沒有辦法 解 脫,就要被輪迴的命運。

神識就是死後的靈魂,我們人身本來會發光, 就是因為神識包住,像太陽光被雲遮住時看不 到祂 的光,在人往生時,依神識的境地就淪落到那一個未可知的地方。
超越了潛在意識進入第八意識光明藏,就可以 看到自己自性的光,這個光不在外面,在裡 面,這 個光它是生命的光、智慧的光,這種光充滿了超能力,比人的頭腦
和一般人所知道的力量要大上好幾十倍,很不 可思議的力量。

修禪的最終目的是找 到自己心靈的光,這個心靈的光來自於大宇宙的生命體,一切生命的來源,那才是本來的自己。 人要得到智慧,就必需由禪定入門,佛教三學
「戒、定、慧」先要修戒、修善法,然後禪 定,最後修般若智慧。在座的很多未來的科學 家,參 禪以後可以幫助大家將自己所學的發揚光大,所學的理論可以得到
證明。禪就是自證,看聖經、研究佛經,這是 修的功夫,修還不夠,還要證。
想要認識「我」,要超我才能認識「我」,就 像一個人在山中看不到山的外貌一樣,你必須 離開 那座山遠遠的,才看得清楚那座山的全貌,所以你一定要經過禪定

要認識「我」就要進入禪定,入禪定是要經過 訓練的,譬如一個人在禪坐,他坐單盤可以坐 一個 鐘頭,坐雙盤只能坐二十分鐘,坐雙盤雖然 是二十分鐘,可是這二
十分鐘比一個鐘頭的效果還好,為什麼?因為 他加強了突破身體障礙的耐力。同樣地,雙盤 坐一 個月是單盤坐兩個月的效果。

現在企業界很流行所謂的「企業禪」,就是訓 練他達到超人的耐力、超人的體力,讓他能夠 超越 自己。在超越別人之前先要超越自己,超越自己原來的本能,然後
自然能夠超越別人,才能夠有更廣大的開創, 事業才能更成功,學識的研究才能更徹底。最 後告 訴大家,要經過智慧禪門,才能夠得到無限智慧,同時你有了智慧

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng

Buddhism talks about “reincarnation”. The cause of reincarnation is the 
existence of consciousness. If consciousness does not exist, we
transcend the cycles of reincarnation. Thus consciousness is the most important 
factor affecting reincarnation. In other words, at the last
moment of a person's life, if there are no hindrances left unresolved in the 
heart, then death will be comfortable and smooth while
reincarnation becomes unnecessary. If there are many concerns remain with the 
dying person, then there will be no liberation, and
reincarnate will continue to be the fate.

Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond

The ultimate goal of Chan practice is to find the spiritual light of our 
hearts. That is the true self. Such light comes from the life
force of the universe, and it is the origin of all lives. To gain wisdom, a 
person needs to start from Chan meditation. The threefold
training of Buddhism includes "discipline, meditation (Ding), and wisdom.” 
Discipline is the entry point of Chan practice followed by
mediation, and finally wisdom. Many of you will become scientists.

Chan practice will enhance what you have learned, and it will help to prove 
theories you have studied. Chan practice is about witnessing
your own experience. Reading t

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-26 Thread Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明

 Hi Anthony,

My Master always reminds us that "words are not important."  When our 
practice gets there, we will experience.  When our practice is not 
there, there is nothing to know or understand.

As Bill and Mayka continue to stress, sit down and experience.


Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/26/2010 12:56 AM, Anthony Wu wrote:

I am not going to pick up any other books. My question is about the 
words by your Chan Master.


--- On *Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
//* wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
    Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 7:30 AM

Hi Anthony,

One of our practitioner just informed me that Michael Newton's
book "Journey of Souls" says the same thing.

Perhaps you can pick up that book that tell me about. :-)

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can  <>  <>

On 10/25/2010 2:15 PM, Anthony Wu wrote:

The Chan Master does not make it clear. Does consciousness exist?
Moreover, when you have no hindrances before death and you skip
reincarnation, then what do you do? Where are you?

--- On *Mon, 25/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 9:02 AM


 Original Message 

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu
Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng


佛教上講到「輪迴」,這個輪迴就是因為神識 的存在,如果沒有神識
的存在,就超越了輪 迴,所 以神識是決定輪迴的最主要因素。換句
一口氣時,你的心裡沒有罣礙,死得很自在, 就不受輪迴,很多事情
放不下,你就沒有辦法 解 脫,就要被輪迴的命運。

神識就是死後的靈魂,我們人身本來會發光, 就是因為神識包住,像
太陽光被雲遮住時看不 到祂 的光,在人往生時,依神識的境地就淪
超越了潛在意識進入第八意識光明藏,就可以 看到自己自性的光,這
個光不在外面,在裡 面,這 個光它是生命的光、智慧的光,這種光
和一般人所知道的力量要大上好幾十倍,很不 可思議的力量。

修禪的最終目的是找 到自己心靈的光,這個心靈的光來自於大宇宙的
生命體,一切生命的來源,那才是本來的自己。 人要得到智慧,就必
「戒、定、慧」先要修戒、修善法,然後禪 定,最後修般若智慧。在
座的很多未來的科學 家,參 禪以後可以幫助大家將自己所學的發揚
證明。禪就是自證,看聖經、研究佛經,這是 修的功夫,修還不夠,
想要認識「我」,要超我才能認識「我」,就 像一個人在山中看不到
山的外貌一樣,你必須 離開 那座山遠遠的,才看得清楚那座山的全

要認識「我」就要進入禪定,入禪定是要經過 訓練的,譬如一個人在
禪坐,他坐單盤可以坐 一個 鐘頭,坐雙盤只能坐二十分鐘,坐雙盤
雖然 是二十分鐘,可是這二
十分鐘比一個鐘頭的效果還好,為什麼?因為 他加強了突破身體障礙
的耐力。同樣地,雙盤 坐一 個月是單盤坐兩個月的效果。

現在企業界很流行所謂的「企業禪」,就是訓 練他達到超人的耐力、
超人的體力,讓他能夠 超越 自己。在超越別人之前先要超越自己,
自然能夠超越別人,才能夠有更廣大的開創, 事業才能更成功,學識
的研究才能更徹底。最 後告 訴大家,要經過智慧禪門,才能夠得到

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu
Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng

Buddhism talks about “reincarnation”. The cause of
reincarnation is the existence of consciousness. If
consciousness does not exist, we
transcend the cycles of reincarnation. Thus consciousness is
the most important factor affecting reincarnation. In other
words, at the last
moment of a person's life, if there are no hindrances left
unresolved in the heart, then death will be comfortable and
smooth while
reincarnation becomes unnecessary. If there are many concerns
remain with the dying person, then there will be no
liberation, and
reincarnate will continue to be the fate.

Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human
bodies were luminous. However, they are covered by our
consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end
up in an unknown space according to our consciousness. When
we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth
Consciousness (Alaya Consciousness), and then we witness the
light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's
the light of life and wisdom, and the light is full of
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that
of the human brain or any power we know of

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-26 Thread Anthony Wu
I am not going to pick up any other books. My question is about the words by 
your Chan Master.

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 7:30 AM


Hi Anthony,

One of our practitioner just informed me that Michael Newton's book "Journey of 
Souls" says the same thing.

Perhaps you can pick up that book that tell me about.  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 2:15 PM, Anthony Wu wrote: 

The Chan Master does not make it clear. Does consciousness exist?
Moreover, when you have no hindrances before death and you skip reincarnation, 
then what do you do? Where are you?

--- On Mon, 25/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 9:02 AM



 Original Message 

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng


佛教上講到「輪迴」,這個輪迴就是因為神識的存在,如果沒有神識的存在,就超越了輪迴,所 以神識是決定輪迴的最主要因素。換句話說,一個人在生命的最後
一口氣時,你的心裡沒有罣礙,死得很自在,就不受輪迴,很多事情放不下,你就沒有辦法解 脫,就要被輪迴的命運。

神識就是死後的靈魂,我們人身本來會發光,就是因為神識包住,像太陽光被雲遮住時看不到祂 的光,在人往生時,依神識的境地就淪落到那一個未可知的地方。
超越了潛在意識進入第八意識光明藏,就可以看到自己自性的光,這個光不在外面,在裡面,這 個光它是生命的光、智慧的光,這種光充滿了超能力,比人的頭腦

修禪的最終目的是找 到自己心靈的光,這個心靈的光來自於大宇宙的生命體,一切生命的來源,那才是本來的自己。 人要得到智慧,就必需由禪定入門,佛教三學
「戒、定、慧」先要修戒、修善法,然後禪定,最後修般若智慧。在座的很多未來的科學家,參 禪以後可以幫助大家將自己所學的發揚光大,所學的理論可以得到
想要認識「我」,要超我才能認識「我」,就像一個人在山中看不到山的外貌一樣,你必須離開 那座山遠遠的,才看得清楚那座山的全貌,所以你一定要經過禪定

要認識「我」就要進入禪定,入禪定是要經過訓練的,譬如一個人在禪坐,他坐單盤可以坐一個 鐘頭,坐雙盤只能坐二十分鐘,坐雙盤雖然 是二十分鐘,可是這二
十分鐘比一個鐘頭的效果還好,為什麼?因為他加強了突破身體障礙的耐力。同樣地,雙盤坐一 個月是單盤坐兩個月的效果。

現在企業界很流行所謂的「企業禪」,就是訓練他達到超人的耐力、超人的體力,讓他能夠超越 自己。在超越別人之前先要超越自己,超越自己原來的本能,然後
自然能夠超越別人,才能夠有更廣大的開創,事業才能更成功,學識的研究才能更徹底。最後告 訴大家,要經過智慧禪門,才能夠得到無限智慧,同時你有了智慧

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng

Buddhism talks about “reincarnation”. The cause of reincarnation is the 
existence of consciousness. If consciousness does not exist, we
transcend the cycles of reincarnation. Thus consciousness is the most important 
factor affecting reincarnation. In other words, at the last
moment of a person's life, if there are no hindrances left unresolved in the 
heart, then death will be comfortable and smooth while
reincarnation becomes unnecessary. If there are many concerns remain with the 
dying person, then there will be no liberation, and
reincarnate will continue to be the fate.

Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond

The ultimate goal of Chan practice is to find the spiritual light of our 
hearts. That is the true self. Such light comes from the life
force of the universe, and it is the origin of all lives. To gain wisdom, a 
person needs to start from Chan meditation. The threefold
training of Buddhism includes "discipline, meditation (Ding), and wisdom.” 
Discipline is the entry point of Chan practice followed by
mediation, and finally wisdom. Many of you will become scientists.

Chan practice will enhance what you have learned, and it will help to prove 
theories you have studied. Chan practice is about witnessing
your own experience. Reading the Bible or studying Buddhist scriptures is only 
one aspect of religious practice. But it's not sufficient
without witnessing for yourself.

In order to understand "self", we must transcend ourselves. It’s like a person 
in a mountain who cannot see the entire mountain. In order
to see the entire mountain, the person must observe it from a distance. 
Similarly, you have to go through the process of meditation
to enter a deep meditative state of Chan Ding, and become devoid of all mental 
Looking back, recognizing the "self" requires that we enter a meditative state, 
and we need to go through training for that. For
example, when we meditate, we could sit an hour in the half-lotus posture, or 
we could sit twenty minutes

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明

 Hi Anthony,

One of our practitioner just informed me that Michael Newton's book 
"Journey of Souls" says the same thing.

Perhaps you can pick up that book that tell me about. :-)

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 2:15 PM, Anthony Wu wrote:

The Chan Master does not make it clear. Does consciousness exist?
Moreover, when you have no hindrances before death and you skip 
reincarnation, then what do you do? Where are you?


--- On *Mon, 25/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
//* wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 9:02 AM


 Original Message 

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng


在,就超越了輪迴,所 以神識是決定輪迴的最主要因素。換句話說,一個
下,你就沒有辦法解 脫,就要被輪迴的命運。

被雲遮住時看不到祂 的光,在人往生時,依神識的境地就淪落到那一個未
在外面,在裡面,這 個光它是生命的光、智慧的光,這種光充滿了超能

修禪的最終目的是找 到自己心靈的光,這個心靈的光來自於大宇宙的生命
體,一切生命的來源,那才是本來的自己。 人要得到智慧,就必需由禪定
多未來的科學家,參 禪以後可以幫助大家將自己所學的發揚光大,所學的
貌一樣,你必須離開 那座山遠遠的,才看得清楚那座山的全貌,所以你一

他坐單盤可以坐一個 鐘頭,坐雙盤只能坐二十分鐘,坐雙盤雖然 是二十分
力。同樣地,雙盤坐一 個月是單盤坐兩個月的效果。

體力,讓他能夠超越 自己。在超越別人之前先要超越自己,超越自己原來
才能更徹底。最後告 訴大家,要經過智慧禪門,才能夠得到無限智慧,同

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng

Buddhism talks about “reincarnation”. The cause of reincarnation
is the existence of consciousness. If consciousness does not exist, we
transcend the cycles of reincarnation. Thus consciousness is the
most important factor affecting reincarnation. In other words, at
the last
moment of a person's life, if there are no hindrances left
unresolved in the heart, then death will be comfortable and smooth
reincarnation becomes unnecessary. If there are many concerns
remain with the dying person, then there will be no liberation, and
reincarnate will continue to be the fate.

Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human
bodies were luminous. However, they are covered by our
consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in
an unknown space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness
(Alaya Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the
light of life and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of
the human brain or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond

The ultimate goal of Chan practice is to find the spiritual light
of our hearts. That is the true self. Such light comes from the life
force of the universe, and it is the origin of all lives. To gain
wisdom, a person needs to start from Chan meditation. The threefold
training of Buddhism includes "discipline, meditation (Ding), and
wisdom.” Discipline is the entry point of Chan practice followed by
mediation, and finally wisdom. Many of you will become scientists.

Chan practice will enhance what you have learned, and it will help
to prove theories you have studied. Chan practice is about witnessing
your own experience. Reading the Bible or studying Buddhist
scriptures is only one aspect of religious practice. But it's not
without witnessing for yourself.

In order to understand "self", we must transcend ourselves. It’s
like a person in a mountain who cannot see the entire mountain. In
to see the entire mountain, the person must observe it from a
distance. Similarly, you have to go through the process of meditation
to enter a deep meditative state of Chan Ding, and become devoid
of all mental activities.
Looking back, recognizing the "self" requires that we enter a
meditative state, and we need to go through training for that. For
example, when we meditate, we could sit an hour in the half-lotus
posture, or we could sit twenty minutes in the full-lotus posture.
However, the twenty-minute session

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread Maria Lopez
Hehehe.!!! you are so funny!.

--- On Mon, 25/10/10, Anthony Wu  wrote:

From: Anthony Wu 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 23:37


Was ist 'ferrying'? Do you mean 'proselytizing'? If so, Mike will be the first 
to run away. But I will stay on, in hopes I may find something to counter Bill.

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 12:17 AM


Hi Mike,

You do have a point.  In most of our classes, we have "first grader" as well as 
"high school" in the same room.

We talk about different experience with different people.

The challenge for me is always what to say so that everyone learns something 
from it.

When my teacher speaks, it is always to more than two thousand practitioners.  
Somehow he manages to communicate to everyone individually.

Ferrying is the most challenging task.  We learn more from ferrying than from 

Thank you for your comment.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 7:52 AM, mike brown wrote: 

I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I guess I'm 
just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking their 
product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 12:55:56
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II


No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can talk about 
it anyway you prefer.

Until then  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote: 

Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates the point 
I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific method to zen over the 
>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
>luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond
To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls like a 
ninja if I really apply myself? : )

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread Anthony Wu
So Mike, you should join me in an orgyhouse to grow your wisdom there.

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 12:28 AM


Oh Mike,

I forgot to mention, that sometimes, we would purposefully throw something out 
there and see what kind of response we get, so that we know where to go from 

All for the well being of every sentient being.

If anyone is stuck in his or her own ego, we would divert the subject matter to 
something more accepting.

In our school, there is only four practices to cover it all -- purification, 
wisdom, fulfillment, enlightenment.

When we are "pure" enough, we would have no problem to let the inner "wisdom" 
shine, so that we could "fulfill every encounter".

Without fulfilling every encounter, we could always be affected by "communal 

"Getting into the mud to absorb its essence to grow the lotus."

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 9:17 AM, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 wrote: 
Hi Mike,

You do have a point.  In most of our classes, we have "first grader" as well as 
"high school" in the same room.

We talk about different experience with different people.

The challenge for me is always what to say so that everyone learns something 
from it.

When my teacher speaks, it is always to more than two thousand practitioners.  
Somehow he manages to communicate to everyone individually.

Ferrying is the most challenging task.  We learn more from ferrying than from 

Thank you for your comment.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 7:52 AM, mike brown wrote: 

I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I guess I'm 
just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking their 
product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 12:55:56
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II


No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can talk about 
it anyway you prefer.

Until then  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote: 

Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates the point 
I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific method to zen over the 
>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
>luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond
To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls like a 
ninja if I really apply myself? : )

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread Anthony Wu
Was ist 'ferrying'? Do you mean 'proselytizing'? If so, Mike will be the first 
to run away. But I will stay on, in hopes I may find something to counter Bill.

--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 12:17 AM


Hi Mike,

You do have a point.  In most of our classes, we have "first grader" as well as 
"high school" in the same room.

We talk about different experience with different people.

The challenge for me is always what to say so that everyone learns something 
from it.

When my teacher speaks, it is always to more than two thousand practitioners.  
Somehow he manages to communicate to everyone individually.

Ferrying is the most challenging task.  We learn more from ferrying than from 

Thank you for your comment.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 7:52 AM, mike brown wrote: 

I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I guess I'm 
just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking their 
product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 12:55:56
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II


No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can talk about 
it anyway you prefer.

Until then  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote: 

Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates the point 
I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific method to zen over the 
>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
>luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond
To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls like a 
ninja if I really apply myself? : )

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread Anthony Wu

To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls like a 
ninja if I really apply myself? : )

Yes, you can. But first you have to eliminate your consciousness.

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread Anthony Wu
The Chan Master does not make it clear. Does consciousness exist?
Moreover, when you have no hindrances before death and you skip reincarnation, 
then what do you do? Where are you?

--- On Mon, 25/10/10, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明  wrote:

From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Subject: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 9:02 AM



 Original Message 

Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng







Abridged from "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" by Chan Master Wu Jue Miao-tian
Translated by Zhenyao
Edited by Eng

Buddhism talks about “reincarnation”. The cause of reincarnation is the 
existence of consciousness. If consciousness does not exist, we
transcend the cycles of reincarnation. Thus consciousness is the most important 
factor affecting reincarnation. In other words, at the last
moment of a person's life, if there are no hindrances left unresolved in the 
heart, then death will be comfortable and smooth while
reincarnation becomes unnecessary. If there are many concerns remain with the 
dying person, then there will be no liberation, and
reincarnate will continue to be the fate.

Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond

The ultimate goal of Chan practice is to find the spiritual light of our 
hearts. That is the true self. Such light comes from the life
force of the universe, and it is the origin of all lives. To gain wisdom, a 
person needs to start from Chan meditation. The threefold
training of Buddhism includes "discipline, meditation (Ding), and wisdom.” 
Discipline is the entry point of Chan practice followed by
mediation, and finally wisdom. Many of you will become scientists.

Chan practice will enhance what you have learned, and it will help to prove 
theories you have studied. Chan practice is about witnessing
your own experience. Reading the Bible or studying Buddhist scriptures is only 
one aspect of religious practice. But it's not sufficient
without witnessing for yourself.

In order to understand "self", we must transcend ourselves. It’s like a person 
in a mountain who cannot see the entire mountain. In order
to see the entire mountain, the person must observe it from a distance. 
Similarly, you have to go through the process of meditation
to enter a deep meditative state of Chan Ding, and become devoid of all mental 
Looking back, recognizing the "self" requires that we enter a meditative state, 
and we need to go through training for that. For
example, when we meditate, we could sit an hour in the half-lotus posture, or 
we could sit twenty minutes in the full-lotus posture.
However, the twenty-minute session is more effective than the one-hour session. 
Why? That’s because we enhance our ability to break through
physical barriers in a full-lotus posture. Similarly, one-month of meditation 
in a full lotus posture has the same effect as two months
of meditation in a half lotus posture.
Now in the business community the so-called "Chan Enterprise" is gaining 
popularity, much like the “devil’s training" in Japan, i.e.,
to train a person to achieve super endurance and super strength in order to 
enable a person to transcend his/her own limitations. To
surpass others, we first have to surpass our instincts. Then naturally we will 
be able to surpass others to attain a fuller life,
to be more successful in our careers, and 

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread ED


Their desire to save you because they think you are wrong (and me too)
is part of their good-heartedness.


--- In, mike brown  wrote:
ED,If it's driven by their good-heartedness then I'm ok with that.
It's when it's driven by their desire to save me because I'm wrong that
I object.   Mike



That's very funny!

However, persons who have found a belief or practice which makes them
feel good are usually driven by their good-heartedness to share it with
their friends - and so their being alogical or illogical in their
presentations may not really matter.


> I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I
guess I'm
> just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking
> product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.
> Mike

> No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can
talk about it
> anyway you prefer.  --JMJM

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread ED

Mike,   That's one response to the koan being thrust on you.   --ED

--- In, mike brown  wrote:
ED,If it's driven by their good-heartedness then I'm ok with that.
It's when it's driven by their desire to save me because I'm wrong that
I object.   Mike



That's very funny!

However, persons who have found a belief or practice which makes them
feel good are usually driven by their good-heartedness to share it with
their friends - and so their being alogical or illogical in their
presentations may not really matter.


> I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I
guess I'm
> just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking
> product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.
> Mike

> No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can
talk about it
> anyway you prefer.  --JMJM

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明

 Oh Mike,

I forgot to mention, that sometimes, we would purposefully throw 
something out there and see what kind of response we get, so that we 
know where to go from there.

All for the well being of every sentient being.

If anyone is stuck in his or her own ego, we would divert the subject 
matter to something more accepting.

In our school, there is only four practices to cover it all -- 
purification, wisdom, fulfillment, enlightenment.

When we are "pure" enough, we would have no problem to let the inner 
"wisdom" shine, so that we could "fulfill every encounter".

Without fulfilling every encounter, we could always be affected by 
"communal karma".

"Getting into the mud to absorb its essence to grow the lotus."


Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 9:17 AM, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 wrote:

Hi Mike,

You do have a point.  In most of our classes, we have "first grader" 
as well as "high school" in the same room.

We talk about different experience with different people.

The challenge for me is always what to say so that everyone learns 
something from it.

When my teacher speaks, it is always to more than two thousand 
practitioners.  Somehow he manages to communicate to everyone 

Ferrying is the most challenging task.  We learn more from ferrying 
than from meditation.

Thank you for your comment.

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 7:52 AM, mike brown wrote:

I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I 
guess I'm just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's 
been smoking their product for years but still can't play tennis or 
ride a bike.


*From:* Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
*Sent:* Mon, 25 October, 2010 12:55:56
*Subject:* Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can 
talk about it anyway you prefer.

Until then :-)

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote:

Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates 
the point I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific 
method to zen over the metaphysical:

>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human 
bodies were luminous. However, they are covered by our 
consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an 
unknown space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness 
(Alaya Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the 
light of life and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the 
human brain or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond


To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru 
walls like a ninja if I really apply myself? : )


Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明

 Hi Mike,

You do have a point.  In most of our classes, we have "first grader" as 
well as "high school" in the same room.

We talk about different experience with different people.

The challenge for me is always what to say so that everyone learns 
something from it.

When my teacher speaks, it is always to more than two thousand 
practitioners.  Somehow he manages to communicate to everyone individually.

Ferrying is the most challenging task.  We learn more from ferrying than 
from meditation.

Thank you for your comment.


Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/25/2010 7:52 AM, mike brown wrote:

I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I 
guess I'm just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been 
smoking their product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a 


*From:* Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
*Sent:* Mon, 25 October, 2010 12:55:56
*Subject:* Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can 
talk about it anyway you prefer.

Until then :-)

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote:

Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates 
the point I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific 
method to zen over the metaphysical:

>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies 
were luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an 
unknown space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness 
(Alaya Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light 
of life and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the 
human brain or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond


To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls 
like a ninja if I really apply myself? : )


Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread mike brown


If it's driven by their good-heartedness then I'm ok with that. It's when it's 
driven by their desire to save me because I'm wrong that I object.


From: ED 
Sent: Tue, 26 October, 2010 0:44:58
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II


That's very funny!  
However, persons who have found a belief or practice which makes them feel good 
are usually driven by their good-heartedness to share it with their friends 
- and so their being alogical or illogical in their presentations may not 
--- In, mike brown  wrote:
> I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I guess 
> I'm 
> just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking their 
> product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.
> Mike

> No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can talk about 
> anyway you prefer.


Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread mike brown

Tell me about it! I just can't stand the smug, glassy-eyed prolestyizing that 
usually comes with it (and yes, I'm mainly talking about religious folk here). 
Geez, don't get me started!


From: ED 
Sent: Tue, 26 October, 2010 0:32:29
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II


That's very funny!  
However, the underlying motivation in humans who have found a belief or 
which makes them feel good, is to want to share it with their friends - and 
so their being alogical or illogical is a non-issue.
--- In, mike brown  wrote:
> I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I guess 
> I'm 
> just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking their 
> product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.
> Mike

> No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can talk about 
> anyway you prefer.
> Until then  :-) 


Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread ED



That's very funny!

However, persons who have found a belief or practice which makes them
feel good are usually driven by their good-heartedness to share it with
their friends - and so their being alogical or illogical in their
presentations may not really matter.


--- In, mike brown  wrote:
> I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I
guess I'm
> just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking
> product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.
> Mike

> No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can
talk about it
> anyway you prefer.

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread ED


That's very funny!

However, the underlying motivation in humans who have found a belief or
practice which makes them feel good, is to want to share it with their
friends - and so their being alogical or illogical is a non-issue.


--- In, mike brown  wrote:
> I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I
guess I'm
> just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking
> product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.
> Mike

> No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can
talk about it
> anyway you prefer.
> Until then  :-)

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread mike brown

Or just use the door...


From: "" 
Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 13:02:19
Subject: RE: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

You can also move through a wall if you are very big or very fast…Bill! [] On Behalf Of 
Jue Miao Jing Ming - 
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II
No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can talk about 
anyway you prefer.

Until then  :-) 
Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote: 
Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates the point 
I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific method to zen over the 
>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
>luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond
To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls like a 
ninja if I really apply myself? : )

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 5560 (20101024) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 5560 (20101024) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-25 Thread mike brown

I'm not blind to the light - it's just the advertising I don't get. I guess I'm 
just like the man who writes to Tampax saying that he's been smoking their 
product for years but still can't play tennis or ride a bike.


From: Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 12:55:56
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can talk about 
anyway you prefer.

Until then  :-) 

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can 

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote: 
>Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates the point 
>I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific method to zen over 
>>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
>>luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
>like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
>space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
>sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
>Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
>nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
>and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
>powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human 
>or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond
>To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls like a 
>ninja if I really apply myself? : )


RE: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-24 Thread BillSmart


You can also move through a wall if you are very big or very fast…Bill!


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Jue Miao Jing Ming - 
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II



No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can talk about 
it anyway you prefer.

Until then  :-) 

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote: 


Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates the point 
I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific method to zen over the 


>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
>luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond


To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls like a 
ninja if I really apply myself? : )




__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 5560 (20101024) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-24 Thread Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明
 No problem, Mike.  When one day you experience light, then you can 
talk about it anyway you prefer.

Until then :-)

Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can

On 10/24/2010 7:58 PM, mike brown wrote:

Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates 
the point I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific 
method to zen over the metaphysical:

>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies 
were luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an 
unknown space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness 
(Alaya Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light 
of life and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the 
human brain or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond


To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls 
like a ninja if I really apply myself? : )


Re: [Zen] Fwd: "The Gateway to Chan Wisdom" - II

2010-10-24 Thread mike brown
Sorry to pick on you JMJM, but this one paragraph below illustrates the point 
I'm making about the efficacy of applying the scientific method to zen over the 
>Pure consciousness is the soul after death. Originally, human bodies were 
>luminous. However, they are covered by our consciousness, just
like clouds covering the sunlight. After death, we will end up in an unknown 
space according to our consciousness. When we go beyond our
sub-consciousness, we enter the realm of the Eighth Consciousness (Alaya 
Consciousness), and then we witness the light of our self-
nature. This light is not outside of us. It is inside. It's the light of life 
and wisdom, and the light is full of supernatural
powers. Its powers are tens of times more powerful than that of the human brain 
or any power we know of. Such powers are beyond
To me that kinda begs the question: will I be able to walk thru walls like a 
ninja if I really apply myself? : )