Re: [ZODB-Dev] Test mail, please disregard

2010-08-05 Thread Tim Peters
[Jens Vagelpohl] ... just to check if the list is broken as Martin Aspeli seems to believe. A _possible_ reason for believing that: ZODB-dev is configured to auto-reject messages sent by non-subscribers. About once a month I find a msg among the 100s (sometimes 1000s) of

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Using zodb and blobs

2010-04-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Nitro] ... I wonder if _commit is really *that* slow Six years ago I timed factor-of-100 speed differences due to using MS _commit() on WinXP at the time: or if there's another (faster) function which can be called... No MS

Re: [ZODB-Dev] 3.9.4 release?

2009-11-20 Thread Tim Peters
[Jim Fulton] I need to review the changes before the release. I'll probably reject the repozo change without an automated test. [Chris Withers]\ Are you serious? You'd rather have a broken tool than one that isn't broken on the basis that the existing tests aren't part of the test suite that

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Reliability of 'repozo --quick' option

2008-10-19 Thread Tim Peters
[Tres Seaver] Does anybody have evidence or belief that the probabalistic part of the '--quick' optoin (as of ZODB 3.2.8, if it matters) is likely to guess wrong on a setup where incremental backups are run frequently? Last time I did a repozo bug hunt (years ago), I wrote a stress test that

Re: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO tests hanging in Python2.5

2007-06-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Nikhil [EMAIL PROTECTED]] Testing of ZEO is hanging in Python2.5. When i traced i think it is failing to connect and is attempting to reconnect continously in Does this happen due to changes in socket module or due to in threading module ? FWIW, when I looked at this about a year

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Todo: Zope support for Slots and Decorators?

2007-06-01 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Spencer] A couple questions. Does ZODB support classes using __slots__? [Jim Fulton] Much to my surprise, it seems to. I just tried it and it worked just fine. :) FYI, this is intentional :-), and was part of the changes to make ZODB play nicely with Python's new-style classes. It

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Same transaction object (re)-used for subsequent requests?

2007-05-01 Thread Tim Peters
[Andreas Jung] I encountered the following strange behavior with Zope 2.8.8. I couldn't find a problem in the following. Are you having a problem, or just asking a question? The following code is used to integrate SQLAlchemy with Zope. A registered utility subclassing ZopeBaseWrapper

Re: [ZODB-Dev] another reason to stop supporting versions

2007-04-24 Thread Tim Peters
[Alan Runyan] +1 for removing versions. they have been considered bad practice for over 3 years. I believe 100% its ok to remove them. Jim formally announce[d] the intention to deprecate versions in both Zope and ZODB nearly 3 years ago, here:

Re: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO client cache tempfile oddness

2007-04-10 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters] The ZEO client cache is stored in a fixed-size disk file. When a ZEO client needs to create this file for the first time, it's trying to ensure there's enough space on disk for it at the start, and reserve that disk space then, rather than risk dying with a no space left on device

Re: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO client cache tempfile oddness

2007-04-10 Thread Tim Peters
[Paul Winkler] Our experiments suggest that ext2, ext3, and reiserfs optimize for sparse files so there is no such guarantee. AFAICT from some quick googling and wikipediaing, the same is true for NTFS, XFS, JFS, ZFS. I suspect we've accounted for the majority of the production Zope

Re: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO client cache tempfile oddness

2007-04-10 Thread Tim Peters
[Paul Winkler] ... If I understand this stuff correctly, the code in question on a filesystem that *doesn't* have the sparse file optimization would equate to write N null bytes to this file as fast as possible. True? [Dieter Maurer] Posix defines the semantics. I have not looked it up, but

Re: [ZODB-Dev] [ZEO] Storage error with big transactions.

2007-02-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Andreas Jung] I have the following script to emulate a long running writing ZEO client by writing 100MB to a page template: import transaction pt = while 1: data = '*'*1 T = transaction.begin() pt.pt_edit(data, 'text/html') T.commit() print 'done' This

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Why does transaction.commit(1) break savepoints?

2006-10-17 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] ... s = transaction.savepoint() transaction.commit(1) s.rollback() Traceback (most recent call last): File stdin, line 1, in ? File lib/python/transaction/, line 682, in rollback raise interfaces.InvalidSavepointRollbackError

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Anybody using ZODB with no calls to fsync in production?

2006-10-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Roché Compaan] ... ... [Lennart Regebro] I read this thread, and it seems to me that the ultimate solution would be to have a setting for FSStorage, say fsync-behaviour with the options of single, double, none or interval. We'd

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Deadlock in ZODB/

2006-10-09 Thread Tim Peters
[Christian Zagrodnick] the method makes me wonder how it works ( ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/ It locks with self._a() and calls self._connectionMap which locks too. I cannot imagine a way this could possibly work. Look at __init__(): x =

Re: [ZODB-Dev] [Enhancement Proposal] Memory size limited Cache

2006-10-09 Thread Tim Peters
... |Jim Fulton] Or consider object activation and deactivation. If a ghost is shared among multiple threads, then __setstate__ could be called from separate threads. [Dieter Maurer] But, why should this be a problem? They would install the same state. __setstate__ implementations are

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Why DO we use timestamps as transaction ids?

2006-10-05 Thread Tim Peters
... [Chris Withers] Yes, but using timestamps also means: - we're dependent on the system clock being accurate for no good reason [Jim Fulton] I'm hoping that Jeremy or Tim will chime in, since we considered switching to integers a while back. Not much to say here. It's not true that

Re: [ZODB-Dev] HOWTO recover from Data.fs.tmp

2006-10-02 Thread Tim Peters
[Juan Pablo Giménez] ok... but, if you delete Data.fs zope keep running, writing data into Data.fs.tmp, and don't log nothing about it. Sorry, but that's a bug... Well, if it is, it's an operating system bug: you normally don't delete files on Unix-like systems, you merely unlink them,

Re: [ZODB-Dev] unghostified object not in cache

2006-09-17 Thread Tim Peters
[John Belmonte] Just reporting that I got this spurious error with Python 2.4, mod_python 3.2.10, and ZODB 3.6. I don't see what I could be doing wrong at the app level to cause it. SystemError: object at 0x2aaab031dc00 with type BTrees._OOBTree.OOBucket not in the cache despite that we

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Problem Storing Infinity

2006-09-12 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris S] I'm having a problem storing infinity. The following code reproduces the problem on w2k: Purely a Python issue. Nothing about the behavior of infinities, NaNs or signed zeroes is defined in Python before (the not yet released) 2.5. In 2.5, marshal and pickle (but only with protocol

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Problem Storing Infinity

2006-09-12 Thread Tim Peters
[David Binger] That's interesting. It appears that pickle protocol 2 chokes on inf. [Tim Peters] As above. BTW, why protocol 2 specifically? Protocols 1 and 2 treat floats the same way. [David] I was thinking that the default protocol is 1, but I see now that the default is 0. Strange

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Nearest Neighbors with OOBTree

2006-07-27 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris S] Is there a way to determine the nearest neighbors to a key in an OOBTree? Something like: from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree tree = OOBTree(dict(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4)) tree.nearestLowItem('b') ('a',1) tree.nearestHighItem('b') ('c',3) Efficient range searches are an important

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Invalid object references on brand new Data.fs using

2006-07-26 Thread Tim Peters
[various failures in Zope 2.9.3] [Tres] I can reproduce this on the Zope 2.9 branch, but not on the 2.8 branch. I'll note that it can be reproduced easily with a standalone ZODB 3.6 too: import ZODB import ZODB.FileStorage import transaction from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree st

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Indico zope errors

2006-07-11 Thread Tim Peters
[John S. Bellendir] We are running Indico and using zodb. Users are receiving random errors like the one below, any idea why this is happening? I don't know what Indico is, but almost all the software in your traceback is under a MaKaC subdirectory and isn't part of ZODB. The ZODB message

Re: [ZODB-Dev] What makes the ZODB slow?

2006-06-26 Thread Tim Peters
[Dieter Maurer] The newest pickle formats can also handle the class references is bit more efficiently -- at least when a single transaction modifies many objects of the same class. [Chris Withers] I know ZC was involved in the work to introduce these new pickle formats, but are they actually

Re: [ZODB-Dev] oids affected by a transaction

2006-05-19 Thread Tim Peters
[Pascal Peregrina] I would like to know if there is a way to get the list of affected oids knowing a transcaction id. Nothing in the storage API reveals this. If not, any idea about what would be the simplest way to do that for a FileStorage ZODB? Search the output of

Re: [ZODB-Dev] tid error with ClientStorage cache in Zope 2.9.2

2006-04-29 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim] No, I don't. The internal docs/comments are inconsistent on this point. FileCache.settid() starts with ## # Update our idea of the most recent tid. [Chris] Is this the most recently used or the most recently available? (possible off-by-one error) Neither, really. It's the

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Changes in _p_changed behaviour between Zope 2.7 and 2.9

2006-04-27 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] I'm trying to fix this bug: And I've narrowed it down to the following lines in ... If I comment out the base._p_changed=0 and base._p_deactivate() then history copy starts working again. ... Why was the scrubbing

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Corrupted Data Error?

2006-04-25 Thread Tim Peters
[Sidnei da Silva] It's a bad disk block situation. No blame on Zope. Getting a new disk. That's refreshing -- most people would claim that ZODB destroyed their disk ;-) These are the times you're glad you made backups, eh?

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Getting all OIDs from a storage.

2006-04-24 Thread Tim Peters
[Christian Theune] Hmm. Sorry, but could you point out where the API is defined? I might not have looked hard enough. I only found internals to exploit. :( [Jim Fulton] I wish I could. I'm almost certain that Chris McDonough implemented one at PyCon 2005 and that Stephan Richter made use of

Re: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO under Py 2.4: Cache verification hangs in Python os.path.abspath()

2006-04-20 Thread Tim Peters
[Martin Gfeller, attacks a ZEO hang on Windows] ... Man, that sucks! Looks like a Python bug to me, probably specific to Windows, and (as you discovered) introduced in Python 2.4, but deliberately not backported to 2.3. I opened a Python tracker item with a minimal hanging test case:

Re: ZEO cache best practices, was Re: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO 3.2 (Zope 2.7) -3.6 (Zope 2.9) upgrading: Much slower startup due to cache file creation

2006-04-18 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters] That's an example: the post-MVCC ZEO cache is a single file, and there are no cache flips; flips are unique to the pre-MVCC two-file ZEO cache design. [Paul Winkler] Interesting. Is there a recommended way now to judge whether your ZEO cache is big enough

Re: ZEO cache best practices, was Re: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO 3.2 (Zope 2.7) -3.6 (Zope 2.9) upgrading: Much slower startup due to cache file creation

2006-04-18 Thread Tim Peters
[Paul Winkler] Heh. Well, I had a site that under some usage patterns would occasionally slow to a crawl with cache flips every few minutes. That was with the old default 20 MB cache size. I think I left it at 500 MB or so and that site's been fine since. But the performance demands were

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Weird ZODB error on Zope startup :-(

2006-03-24 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] Anyone ever see this error before and have a clue what it means? File lib/python/Zope2/Startup/, line 47, in startup starter.setConfiguration(cfg) File lib/python/Zope2/App/, line 100, in startup File

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Extenuated memory

2006-03-23 Thread Tim Peters
[Antonio Beamud Montero] Well, now I can minimize the cache and get the next values (an unclosed connection fixed): [['BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree', 3], ['Persistence.PersistentMapping', 6], ['request.Request', 14], ['status.Status', 3]] But my server doesn't free any memory, now it uses 55Mb of

Re: [ZODB-Dev] writes to Data.fs?

2006-03-08 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] Is it just me or does write a transaction to the end of Data.fs containing a MinPO object? Make sure a ZEO server is running. usage: [options] The test will connect to a ZEO server, load the root object, and attempt to update the zeoup counter in the root.

Re: [ZODB-Dev] cache not minimized at transaction boundaries?

2006-01-31 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] ... ...oh well, if only the ZODB cache was RAM-usage-based ratehr than object count based ;-) [Tim Peters] Ya, that's not feasible. More plausible would be to base ZODB cache targets on aggregate pickle size; ZODB _could_ know that, and then it would also be strongly

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Zeo and authentication....

2006-01-30 Thread Tim Peters
[Erik A. Dahl] I'm trying to get a zeo server to do authentication using the built-in digest stuff. I have poked around a bit and haven't found any documentation on it. Is there any? Sorry, not that I know of. Remnants of the original proposal seem to be here, and you may be able to glean

RE: [ZODB-Dev] cache not minimized at transaction boundaries?

2006-01-30 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] ... ...oh well, if only the ZODB cache was RAM-usage-based ratehr than object count based ;-) Ya, that's not feasible. More plausible would be to base ZODB cache targets on aggregate pickle size; ZODB _could_ know that, and then it would also be strongly related to how a ZEO

RE: [ZODB-Dev] cache not minimized at transaction boundaries?

2006-01-26 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] This is with whatever ZODB ships with Zope 2.8.5... Do: import ZODB print ZODB.__version__ to find out. I have a Stepper (zopectl run on steroids) job that deals with lots of big objects. Can you quantify this? After processing each one, Stepper does a

RE: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO.ClientStorage replication: invalidations don't work

2006-01-26 Thread Tim Peters
[Mihai Ilinca] ... In addition to what Dieter said (thanks, Dieter!), ... Trough 'slave' I only do read operations at the moment. You didn't say which version of ZODB you're using. If it's a version before 3.3, then a client that doesn't modify objects may not process invalidations even

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Weird ConflictErrors with Zope 2.8.4 - It's been a while; -)

2006-01-24 Thread Tim Peters
Note that neither Transience nor TemporaryStorage are part of ZODB -- they're part of Zope. That doesn't mean they're off-topic here, but it does mean you're probably not gonna get anywhere without attracting Chris McDonough's attention. ___ For more

RE: [ZODB-Dev] zodb pickle format for root

2006-01-20 Thread Tim Peters
[Florent Guillaume] In there's a comment saying that only a few types of pickles for the class descriptions are written, even if more are read. But actually in there's this code that creates a new root if oid z64 doesn't exist: root = PersistentMapping()

[ZODB-Dev] RE: lost implementer

2006-01-19 Thread Tim Peters
[replying to private email here, with permission] [Egon Frerich] maybe you are interested in this. I installed Zope 3 (version 3.2) in python 2.4.2 site-packages (Windows XP Home - but I assume this is not important). Windows isn't relevant to the problem you hit, no. Then I installed

RE: [ZODB-Dev] SORBS blacklisting is disabling subscriptions

2006-01-17 Thread Tim Peters
Oops! I didn't mean to send that msg twice here. The other one was trying to bcc the people whose subscriptions got disabled today, using a non-Zope account. I expected that to get rejected by Mailman, but forgot that I have multiple-account subscriptions to zodb-dev ...

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Persistent ZEO Cache corruption?

2006-01-12 Thread Tim Peters
[Sidnei da Silva] Every now and then I face a corruption of the persistent zeo cache, but this is the first time I get this variant. What other variants do you see? The cause is very likely to be a forced shutdown of the box this zope instance was running on, but I thought it would be nice

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Persistent ZEO Cache corruption?

2006-01-12 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters] ... It doesn't call fsync() unless it's explicitly closed cleanly, but it's unclear what good fsync() actually does across platforms when flush() is called routinely and the power stays on. LOL. Immediately upon sending that msg, there was a power outage here, which left behind

RE: [ZODB-Dev] memory usage recommendation

2006-01-12 Thread Tim Peters
[DJL] I have a project that i want to export to nokia 770 that use zodb is there any recommendation to minimize the memory usage of zodb package Don't store any objects in the database, and don't open any storages or connections ;-) Of course those are silly extremes, but they do point to

Re: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zLOG module deprecated

2006-01-10 Thread Tim Peters
[Andreas Jung] ... Obviously ZEO (using TRACE) runs on Zope 3 without zLOG so specific extension can be handled locally. ZEO also runs on Zopes 2.8 and 2.9 without zLOG -- zLOG hasn't been used in ZODB since 3.2 (ZODBs 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and current trunk contain no references to zLOG). If

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: zLOG module deprecated

2006-01-09 Thread Tim Peters
[Andreas Jung] ZODB defines these levels but I can not see any code in the ZODB package that actually uses these levels. Nevertheless, grep'ing the ZODB source for TRACE and BLATHER will find them. TRACE is used only in modules under ZEO/zrpc/, and gives extremely verbose output about

[ZODB-Dev] ZODB 3.6.0 final released

2006-01-05 Thread Tim Peters
I'm pleased to announce the release of ZODB 3.6 final. This corresponds to the ZODB included (or that will be included) in Zope 2.9 final and Zope 3.2 final. You can download a source tarball or Windows installer from: Note that there are two Windows

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: ZODB with a Relational Database

2006-01-04 Thread Tim Peters
[José Carlos Senciales] How can i know if i have my Python configured with large file support ? My version is: Zope Version (Zope 2.8.4-final, python 2.3.5, win32) Python Version 2.3.5 (#62, Feb 8 2005, 16:23:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] System Platform win32 All flavors of Windows

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Searching/wo/Zope

2006-01-04 Thread Tim Peters
[Tamas Hegedus] You have released the ZODB/ZEO as a stand alone package. But there is no stand alone searching possibility. Why? This just does not make any sense. It makes sense if you know why ZODB is released this way ;-) Primarily, it's so that people running Zope can install ZEO servers

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Searching/wo/Zope

2006-01-04 Thread Tim Peters
[Tamas Hegedus] Please do not forget that I am not a real programmer but a consumer: That's OK -- in return, please don't forget that you're posting to a ZODB developer's list ;-). 0. I accept if the policy is making ZODB just for Zope. That's the only solid reason Zope Corp has to _pay_ for

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2006-01-02 Thread Tim Peters
I'm still baffled by how you get into this state to begin with. Florent explained why earlier, and I didn't see a reply to this part: [Florent Guillaume] Huh are you sure? That would mean you have thousands of threads. Or hundreds or ZEO clients. Or hundreds of ZODB mountpoints. By itself

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2006-01-02 Thread Tim Peters
FYI, I added code to clear the cache in _ConnectionPool at the time a closed Connection is forgotten. This will be in ZODB 3.6 final, which in turn will be in Zopes 2.9 and 3.2 final. I don't have time for more here now, so if others want more it's up to them ;-) ... P.S. Call me Pitcher, i

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2006-01-02 Thread Tim Peters
... [Tim] FYI, I added code to clear the cache in _ConnectionPool at the time a closed Connection is forgotten. This will be in ZODB 3.6 final, which in turn will be in Zopes 2.9 and 3.2 final. [Pitcher] Okay. Tank you. But it's good not always... You never said anything good or bad of the

RE: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO and setting instance variables in __getstate__

2005-12-30 Thread Tim Peters
[Syver Enstad] I have recently upgraded from ZODB 3.2 to 3.5.1. After doing this I notice that ZEO throws exceptions on commiting a transaction for certain types of Persistent classes. ... [Tim Peters] I was able to create a small self-contained test case from this description, and opened

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2005-12-30 Thread Tim Peters
[Dieter Maurer] They did not tell us about their application. But, Zope's database adapters work like this. They use the ZODB cache (and its pool) as an RDB connection pool. Thus, if the ZODB caches are not released, the RDB connections won't. I believe you, but I'm not sure what to make of

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2005-12-30 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters] ... I suggested before that forcing calls to gc.collect() would give more evidence. If that doesn't help, then it's most likely that the application is keeping Connections alive. [David Rushby] I'm not the OP, but I was able to reproduce the problem he was encountering. Calls

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Connection pool makes no sense

2005-12-29 Thread Tim Peters
[??? ? ?] Hi. A little bit of history... We have zope as an application server for heavy loaded tech process. We have high peaks of load several times a day and my question is about how can we can avoid unused connections to remain in memory after peak is passed? Before

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2005-12-29 Thread Tim Peters
[Florent Guillaume] ... The self.all.remove(c) in _ConnectionPool attempts to destroy the connection. Nope, it's simply getting rid of a weak reference that no longer serves a purpose, to avoid unbounded growth of the .all set in case of ill-behaved application code, and to speed Python's

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2005-12-29 Thread Tim Peters
... [Florent Guillaume] The self.all.remove(c) in _ConnectionPool attempts to destroy the connection. If something else has a reference to it once it's closed, then that's a bug, and it shouldn't. It should only keep a weak reference to it at most. [EMAIL PROTECTED] But it's nonsense!

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2005-12-29 Thread Tim Peters
Oops! I sent this to zope-dev instead of zodb-dev by mistake. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not agree. Can you answer the question? Does self.all.remove(c) mean that we WANT to destroy connection instance? [Tim Peters] It means that _ConnectionPool no longer has a reason to remember anything about

RE: [ZODB-Dev] ZEO and setting instance variables in __getstate__

2005-12-29 Thread Tim Peters
[Syver Enstad] I have recently upgraded from ZODB 3.2 to 3.5.1. After doing this I notice that ZEO throws exceptions on commiting a transaction for certain types of Persistent classes. ... I was able to create a small self-contained test case from this description, and opened a Collector

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Connection pool makes no sense

2005-12-29 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim] ... Or there are no strong reference to `obj`, but `obj` is part of cyclic garbage so _continues to exist_ until a round of Python's cyclic garbage collection runs. [Dieter Maurer] And this is *VERY* likely as any persistent object in the cache has a (strong, I believe) reference to

RE: [ZODB-Dev] session problems

2005-12-26 Thread Tim Peters
[Florent Guillaume] Ok I've dug deeper and now understand the problem. The root cause is in the multi-databases support. The problem is that the Zope startup only closes the main connection it had on the root database. The first connection to the TemporaryStorage, created and opened during

RE: [ZODB-Dev] session problems

2005-12-24 Thread Tim Peters
[Florent Guillaume] I've been debugging session problems for two days, I feel it's time to write down what I've observed and ask for other eyes to look at it (Chris McDonough has been working on this too). This is all on Zope 2.9 trunk BTW (ZODB 3.6.0b5 and Zope 2.9's tempstorage) with python

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Savepoints and Shared.DC.ZRDB.TM

2005-12-20 Thread Tim Peters
[Sidnei da Silva] I have a object that subclasses from Shared.DC.ZRDB.TM and it's bombing with a 'TypeError: Savepoints unsupported' with Zope 2.8. Please find a full traceback and share it. Should the Shared.DC.ZRDB.TM implement savepoints as a 'noop' maybe? No -- lying would make matters

RE: [ZODB-Dev] More exciting ZODB errors ;-)

2005-12-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim] I don't know, but if I were you I'd try running for a while on entirely different hardware. [Chris] This is on a cluster of machines, with the errors not coming from any one machine as far as I can see... Networking gear and cables are also hardware ;-) 10:05 - Couldn't load state

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Dynamic Wrapper?

2005-12-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Spencer] Instead of requiring all persistable objects to inherit a special class, wouldn't it be possible to dynamically wrap a class's __setattr__ and/or __setitem__ methods to determine when an object's been modified? I'm not clear on what you're trying to accomplish, but any

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Test Failures

2005-12-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Sidnei da Silva] I've seen the following tests fail today, after updating Zope 2.8 branch for all variants of BTrees: == ERROR: testUpdateFromPersistentMapping (BTrees.tests.testBTrees.IIBucketTest)

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Test Failures

2005-12-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Sidnei] I've seen the following tests fail today, after updating Zope 2.8 branch ... Python 2.4.2 (#2, Nov 20 2005, 17:20:59) ... BTW, I think the Official Story is that Python 2.4+ is still not supported for Zope 2.8. I ran all the stuff in my reply with 2.4.2 too. Doesn't matter, though

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Test Failures

2005-12-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Sidnei da Silva] But, why only the 2.8 tests would fail then? Hey, it's your machine, you figure it out ;-) Note that in 2.8 has little in common with the in 2.9 or Zope trunk, and they may very well react in different ways to quirks in your environment. I'll try a 'make

[ZODB-Dev] RE: [Zope-dev] Re: sessions in the presence of conflicts

2005-12-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Florent Guillaume] Plagiarism! ;) Fascinating! I didn't know plagiarism was French for open source ;-) ___ For more information about ZODB, see the ZODB Wiki:

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Heads-up: Test failure on trunk/Python 2.4.2/OS X

2005-12-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Dmitry Vasiliev] Sure, but my reasonable assumption was that when you insert an exception message in a doctest you reread it another one time and fix typos if any. Relying on ideal behavior is rarely a reasonable assumption ;-) What actually happens is that people write new doctests, run

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: sessions in the presence of conflicts

2005-12-15 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris McDonough] Note that changing the transientobject conflict resolution algorithm won't get rid of all write conflict errors, because the BTree-based indexes in the transient object container will still conflict during a bucket split and other situations that I can't exactly recall

FW: [ZODB-Dev] More exciting ZODB errors ;-)

2005-12-15 Thread Tim Peters
FYI, I also added this info to Chris's other bug report, at -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dieter Maurer Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:52 AM To: Chris Withers Cc:

FW: [ZODB-Dev] More exciting ZODB errors ;-)

2005-12-15 Thread Tim Peters
FYI, I added this info to Chris's bug report, at Thanks! -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dieter Maurer Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:02 AM To: Tim Peters Cc: 'Chris Withers'; zodb-dev

RE: [ZODB-Dev] More exciting ZODB errors ;-)

2005-12-14 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] We recently upgraded to Zope 2.8.4 and have been seeing some different and special errors every so often (why does this always and only ever happen to me? ;-) I don't know, but if I were you I'd try running for a while on entirely different hardware. Nothing noticeably bad

RE: [ZODB-Dev] More exciting ZODB errors ;-)

2005-12-14 Thread Tim Peters
[Timmy] Jeremy, the code at the start of _setstate() looks fishy: any idea what the intent was?: # There is a harmless data race with self._invalidated. A # dict update could go on in another thread, but we don't care # because we have to check again after the load

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Heads-up: Test failure on trunk/Python 2.4.2/OS X

2005-12-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Dmitry Vasiliev] Oops, my bad. I couldn't imagine that misspelled text could been used in any doctests so I had omitted the testing phase because I was in some hurry. :-( And unfortunately I was far from any computers for past few days. Thanks for following up -- I was afraid you had

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Heads-up: Test failure on trunk/Python 2.4.2/OS X

2005-12-11 Thread Tim Peters
[Jim Fulton] ... Tim. we should set up a buildbot whachamajiggy (I have trouble keeping the buildbot jargon straight) to run ZODB tests on checkin, so we can catch these sorts of things sooner. Happy to help, and it's certainly the right thing to do, but don't know anything about setting up

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Heads-up: Test failure on trunk/Python 2.4.2/OS X

2005-12-11 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim] ... the overnight test runners and used to at least test some ZODB versions regularly {Jim] Yes, very specific versions, which doesn't help catch bugs on the trunk or even on a branch. Yes; I said that later myself. Note that the overnight test runners are still

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: OID length

2005-12-10 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim] _p_oid = Attribute( The object id. ... Non-None object ids must be non-empty strings. [Florent] Ok then I guess this comment in Connection doesn't apply anymore: # It sucks that we have to hold the lock to read _invalidated. # Normally, _invalidated is written by

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Heads-up: Test failure on trunk/Python 2.4.2/OS X

2005-12-10 Thread Tim Peters
[Jens Vagelpohl] Just as a heads-up because I don't know how much testing ever gets done on OS X: I do: none ;-) For ZODB specifically, since the Zope trunks were changed to stop running ZODB tests, no version of ZODB is regularly tested on any platform anymore; the overnight test runners and

RE: [ZODB-Dev] OID length

2005-12-09 Thread Tim Peters
[Florent Guillaume] I know this has been raised several times in the past, but I'm not sure of all the details... You should believe whatever Jim tells you ;-) What layer of ZODB, if any, has a restriction that OIDs be 8-byte strings. Is it the persistence module? Or just FileStorage?

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Deferred notifing from one thread to another.

2005-12-09 Thread Tim Peters
[Victor Safronovich] ... Of course i may write time.sleep( SLEEP_CONSTANT ) before app._p_jar.sync(), but is this a good solution? I can't make time to understand your problem (sorry!), but I can make time to tell you that a bare time.sleep() is almost never a good solution to thread problems.

RE: [ZODB-Dev] OID length

2005-12-09 Thread Tim Peters
... [Tim] You should believe whatever Jim tells you ;-) [Jim] Hey, what's the wink for? I was just flirting with Florent ;-) ... I thought this was settled in: which also mentions the requirement that oids must have len

RE: [ZODB-Dev] OID length

2005-12-09 Thread Tim Peters
[Florent Guillaume] Oh I agree, but if my storage (think SQL) has internally other kinds of identifiers, like autoincremented integer primary keys, and several tables depending on object kind, I want to reuse its concepts and pack them into an oid like 'footable_12345'. I probably would not.

[ZODB-Dev] RE: [Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/src/persistent/ Nail the type of oids, as agreed ; -) to in

2005-12-09 Thread Tim Peters
[Jeremy Hylton] A minor point, but it seems like it would make more sense for the storage to choose the id of the root object. The database doesn't actually care what the root is, so long as the storage can return it. You could add a ROOT_OID class attribute to a storage to distinguish the

RE: [ZODB-Dev] lazy BTreeItems

2005-12-09 Thread Tim Peters
[Victor Safronovich] Hello zodb-dev! Is this a correct behaviour? from BTrees.IIBTree import IIBTree t = IIBTree(map(None,range(5),range(5))) list(t.keys()) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] k = t.keys() list(k) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] del t[0] list(k) [] Nothing is defined about what an iterator sees

RE: [ZODB-Dev] OID length

2005-12-09 Thread Tim Peters
[Shane Hathaway] FWIW: Ape still uses variable length strings. That's OK! The OIDs shrank in size because they used to contain the object's physical path, but that turned out to play bad tricks with copy/paste, A cautionary tale about getting too fancy with oids ;-) so now OIDs are usually

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope] DateTime mess

2005-12-01 Thread Tim Peters
Sorry, I couldn't find a comprehensible question here after reasonable effort to extract one. Clearly, Zope2's DateTime.DateTime.DateTime objects are neither persistent nor do they define any mutating methods. Are those relevant? If not, try to ask a question directly, without assuming everyone

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Different weird errors with Zope 2.8.4

2005-12-01 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] Yay! Where's the correct place to report these nowadays? Same as always: ZODB bugs should be reported on a Zope Collector, with topic Database. It's fine to discuss them on zodb-dev, but when (as appears to be the case with this one) nobody has an immediate answer or time to

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope] DateTime mess

2005-12-01 Thread Tim Peters
[Jürgen Herrmann] the question was wether DateTime instances (of the new implementation, which is yet to be coded) should mixin Persistent. OK. Since ZODB doesn't care whether you do, is there confusion about what ZODB may or may not do in either case? That is, what's the ZODB issue here?

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope] DateTime mess

2005-12-01 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers] Sorry, my question was that if DateTime's were persistent, would the following code result in a complete pickle for 'a' being written on the second transaction commit? There is only one commit in the following, so I'll assume you intended a second commit at the end:

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope] DateTime mess

2005-12-01 Thread Tim Peters
[Gary Poster] For some definition of a lot of thought. :-) The pickle for pytz.utc is now relatively small (though still adds a non-trivial percentage addition--30%ish?--to a naive datetime IIRC). That's as far as that bit goes. A naïve datetime has an extraordinarily small state, though,

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope] DateTime mess

2005-12-01 Thread Tim Peters
... ...have we just committed a pickle containing all of 'a'?... If `a` is persistent, yes. If not? Then get_transaction().commit() presumably doesn't do much of anything, since no persistent object was changed. It's like asking what this does: i = 2+3 get_transaction().commit()

RE: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope] DateTime mess

2005-12-01 Thread Tim Peters
[Gary Poster, on pickle extension codes] Yes, I remembered this, and just refreshed my memory. This is the last mention I see in the archives as to ZODB use of protocol 2 (i.e., it doesn't, and prior to Py 2.3.4 it couldn't).

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