Some of the comments in this thread have been along the lines of "Well I can find what I'm looking for amongst my 200 Bajillion items in moments - and, look Ma, no collections, ain't I grand". Well, great for you, but there are other ways of reviewing data than knowing what you want and extracting it with aplomb from a big messy pile. There is a very good reason why this is useful and why organising these collections better would be even more useful… Browsing.

For many of the tasks I use Yojimbo for, searching is unnecessarily time consuming when a single click tag collection can do the job so much quicker - searching is just cumbersome in comparison, especially if you're only after a vaguely defined selection of stuff to pick from. Sure, I want to be able to dig things out with a search and YJ is great for that, but often I want to browse a subset of my data and hide the rest from view - presumably this is partly why collections exist in the first place. The problem is I have a lot of subsets I'd like to get to and review with one click and this results in a lengthy list of sidebar items. Grouping these would not only tidy up my sidebar, but would make scanning and finding them easier. Even allowing me to re-organise collections according to how my mind works rather than alphabetically would help a lot.

Also, as a side note - those who say they spend no time organising information and then extol the virtues of tagging are being disingenuous - tagging your data IS organising your data except that instead of having a rigid structure into which to drop things you have to carry around an amorphous tagging schema in your head ("hmm, did I tag this sort of thing 'humour' or 'amusing'"). The effectiveness of tag based searches is only as good as the consistency of the schema you apply to tagging ("hmm, not in 'humour' - what on earth would I have tagged it with, guess I'll have to back up to a more general tag and sift through more items"). A tag- reference panel of some kind (see previous post a month or so ago) would help with consistency here but (to get back on topic!) would also cut a fair chunk out of the collections I have already, many of which are just there just as a quick reference for some of the more specific tags I use in order that I can tag more effectively in the first place!

At the risk of repeating earlier posts, wanting to group your collections does not imply a yearning for hierarchy or that you don't know how to tag & search effectively, it's just a very useful compliment to the existing functionality.


On 24 May 2007, at 21:41, Niels Kobschätzki wrote:


Only being curious but how many tag collections/collections does other users have (especially the developers would be interesting because they are so against having a structure through folders or smart tag-collections in smart tag-collections).

I have right now 25 and switched off most smart collections to remove at least some of the clutter…

Niels *who gets more and more annoyed about the fact that he can't put in any structure and begins to being not anymore able keeping track of the tag collections (and that's only 25)*
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