If CalDAV is so far away from being an agreed standard, perhaps several
years away, shouldn't we be considering an interim interface to the most
popular 2 or 3 web-calendar applications? Just in order to make this great
piece of work useable and useful whilst the proper CalDAV standard settles

Otherwise there is a chance that a boat could be missed.

Thanks for all the caldav links and webdav links - but in reality most of
them are experimental, incomplete, or early-adopter applications at the
moment. It really drove home to me the impression that these DAV protocols
have yet to get major market acceptance as commodity protocols for web
communications. I know IE has partially supported it for years, but how many
major sites _really_ offer the protocol, I've never used it.

I know and agree that from a standards poit of view what you are doing in
this development is the right thing, but from a user point of view and a
take-up point of view it might be worth considering an interim tack.

Keep up the great work,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kervin L.
Sent: 06 February 2006 15:32
To: Matt McNeill; otlkcon-devel
Subject: Re: [otlkcon-devel] Interfaces

Hello Matt,

Matt McNeill wrote:
> being able to synchronise/view my personal diary in outlook, very much 
> what is being suggested by CalDAV interface. The only probem is, apart 
> from apache, there aren't many web servers which support webdav. I run 
> an embeded linux server and apache is too heavy. I've tried some PHP 
> webdav libraries but to no effect it all seems very immature and 
> undeveloped since it was introduced.

The best bet will be a CalDAV server.  We have
3 open source servers that are being developed currently [
http://ietf.webdav.org/caldav/homepage/projects.html ] and more should
follow along the way when the CalDAV specification is completed.

> So I'm wondering whether, once this beta is running, you would 
> consider annother interface to a popular (7th most popular project on 
> SF) web calendaring application. This would bring a good user-base of 
> people who want to self-host their calendars...

I would like to say sure, but unfortunately limited resource will not allow
this.  The main trainport, CalDAV will still need a lot of work after the
beta and probably a long will after that.  Even had to scrapped plans for a
native Kolab connector.  We need more developers.

WebCalendar does look like a very polished product though.  I hope someone
will write a simple, efficient, cross-platform CalDAV server eventually.

Think once CalDAV settles down, it is going to be up to the calendar servers
to support that protocol, and not the client's job to support individual
server protocols.  But it would be appreciated if people wrote custom
backends for Open Connector for their favorite calendar applications.

Best Regards,

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