[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

2012-11-08 Thread emptybill
Said so justly and truthfully.

This is exactly what we would expect from such a great small-business
employer like you. I'm sure all of your employees feel profound relief
knowing that you will absorb all the taxes increases and regulation
changes in the coming four years.

We can't have hope and change without hope and change.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 snip he is demonstrating their (his) stunted, fear-based,
emotional selves and are (is) reacting completely irrationally

 I started to right this about the collective wealthy right-wing poor
losers, but I changed to him individually. Â Give people a chance to
get over themselves.

  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2012 8:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama Wonâ€So I Fired 22 Employees

 One day later he is worried about his survival? Â What an idiot.
 Just one of the wealthy who has no intention of using his resources
to create jobs or care about his employees; he is demonstrating their
stunted, fear-based, emotional selves and are reacting completely
irrationally. Â I expect the Koch Bros' industries to play a similar
punishment game. Â I'm sure they are worried about their survival
as well. Â  Â

  From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2012 8:14 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama Wonâ€So I Fired 22 Employees

 LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) †A Las Vegas business owner with 114
employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of
President Obama's re-election (and Obamacare).

 David (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host
Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that elections have consequences and that at
the end of the day, I need to survive.

 Here's an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to
hear even more from this compelling conversation:

 I've done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which
way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the
right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a
business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made
sure that when I went without a paycheck that [I] made sure they were
paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I'm
at a point where I'm being forced to have to worry about me and my
family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

 I explained to them a month ago that if Obama gets in office that the
regulations for Obamacare are gonna hurt our business, and I'm gonna
have to make provisions to make sure I have enough money to cover the
payroll taxes, the additional health care I'm gonna have to do, and I
explained that to them and I said you do what you feel like in your
heart you need to do, but I'm just letting you know as a warning this is
things I have to think of as a business owner.

 Well unfortunately, and most of my employees are Hispanic â€
I'm not gonna go into what kind of company I have, but I have mostly
Hispanic employees †well unfortunately we know what happened and
I can't wait around anymore, I have to be proactive. I had to lay off 22
people today to make sure that my business is gonna thrive and I'm gonna
be around for years to come. I have to build up that nest egg now for
the taxes and regulations that are coming my way. Elections do have
consequences, but so do choices. A choice you make every day has
consequences and you know what, I've always put my employees first, but
unfortunately today I have to put me and my family first, and you watch
what's gonna happen. I'm just one guy with 114 employees †well
was 114 employees †watch what happens in the next six months.
The Dow alone lost 314 points today. There's a tsunami coming and if you
didn't think this election had consequences, just wait.

[FairfieldLife] Re: muula-bandha?

2012-11-08 Thread emptybill
Just more enightenment from Willy Woo Woo.

Yep ...  don't need no meditashun, no yoka.
Jus' chant sara's swati's man tra and yu'll get
loads a money er dope ... whatever pleazes yu.

It's the goodess from Cashmere.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

   I guess the simplest definition is that it's a
   technique for circulating energy
  When Kundalini (the she-coil) begins to ascend it
  is the river of life moving into various seas and
  finally expanding into the ocean of omni-presence.
 The tern Kundalini is another name for Sri Vidya, the
 Goddess of Learning. According to my sources. our
 Guru Dev was an adherent of Sri Vidya and from what
 I've seen, SBS practiced the mula bandha every day in
 his personal yoga sadhana.

 According to Iyengar, 'mula bhanda asana' is a
 posture where the body from the anus to the navel is
 contracted and lifted up and towards the spine.

 Here are the directions for practicing the mula
 bandha, which is just like TM and the Sri Vidya yoga
 enumerated by the Adi Shankara Acharya which
 Shankara composed in Kashmere:

 Devotion to that Glorious Presence,
 Infinite Instructor, Who,
 By means of the auspicious hand-sign,
 Makes clear to the worshippers
 His own real nature
 Always shining within as I,
 Following into all the successive states-
 And those beginning with waking.

 (Translation by Ernest Wood)

 The auspicious hand-sign in Sanskrit literature is
 refered to as the symbol of wisdom or the mark of
 the I conciousness, which represents Knowing
 That I am, or Knowing That I know. The
 auspicious hand-sign meditation reminds us of the
 absolute truth, the circle made by the thumb and
 the forefinger is the symbol of unity - a space that
 is empty, yet full at the same time. It is the
 symbol of the one reality and for Shankara, the

 Works cited:

 'Light on Yoga'
 by B.K.S. Iyengar
 Thorsons, 1966
 page 525

 'The Glorious Presence'
 The Vedanta Philosophy Including Shankara's
 Ode to the South-Facing Form
 Quest Books, Theosophical Pub House, 1952

 'Strange Facts About a Great Saint'
 By Raj P. Varma
 Jabalpur, India 1980
 Varma  Sons Pub.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Mexicans, Blacks and Asians voted for Obama

2012-11-08 Thread emptybill

Yeah ... ancestral pain alright.

I don' need no 'fuggin' green card ... I'm a indigenous peoples. I
been here since 30,ooo years, an I ain't leavin'.

Sorry but there are no original peoples here in 'smerica. Everyone is an
ima-grunt. The merciless brutality of the amer-indians was all about
tribal identity not hollyweird media bs. We are returning to that
condition so you better choose the right tribe.

Maybe Australia.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 Oh, well, no wonder - you are working through all that ancestral pain.
 America is still being invaded by outsiders, exploiters, those
looking for an easy ride. Â

  From: Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2012 9:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Mexicans, Blacks and Asians voted for

 Not speaking for anybody else, but mine are, 11 generations, since
1640. My ancestors along with blacks, forcibly brought here, built this
country. As for so called *Native Americans*, they migrated here from
Asia and would still be living in the *stone age*, following herds of
buffalo on foot , eating berries and killing each other over hunting
territory had it not been for my ancestors.

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2012 8:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Mexicans, Blacks and Asians voted for

 Bully, are your ancestors Native Americans? Â

 From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2012 8:38 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Why Mexicans, Blacks and Asians voted for

 Obama and the Democrats give them money and benefits! They are part of
the dependency class, *many* of whom came here illegally for the
benefits, they're not Americans per se. Many of them don't even speak
English. No, American didn't win Tuesday night, weakness and dependency
did. America is more than just being a citizen.  It's E Pluribus,
pluribus, now!   Sad!

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Offering about Cults-now in Rich Text to Ann

2012-11-08 Thread emptybill
And sadly so accurate.

Hey, vixens unite!
Scratch their I's out.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 No Jason, not everyone knows this. Â Nothing is wrong if Share
addresses only one point, but she didn't address any point - she just
descended back into passive-aggressive attack. Â There was no week of
peace on the forum - it was election week, after all, remember? Â
Share has not demonstrated any intellectual sanity at all - post one
thing that constitutes a personal response she's made in this situation
that demonstrates that. Â Your characterization of Judy is so
tiresome and so gender-stereotypical. Â

  From: Jason jedi_spock@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2012 9:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Offering about Cults-now in Rich Text
to Ann


 Anybody who has been reading this forum for past two years
 know that the Robin of today is still pretty much 'off his

 What's wrong if Share addresses only one point?

 There was one week of peace in the forum. Now you are back
 as usual, pestering, nagging, hen-pecking, complaining,
 scolding, overbearing, bossy, annoying, bothersome, irksome,
 aggravating, vexing, disquieting and downright maddening.

 If LK and Share are not sane intellectually? You are
 emotionally nuts.

 ---  authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Again, notice that Share addresses only one point in Ann's
  thoughtful post--and that *how* she addresses it makes almost
  no sense. As far as she's concerned, the fact that LK still
  has a bug up his ass about what went on with Robin decades
  ago somehow negates not only everything Ann has said but
  confirms everything *Share* has said, including what she
  has said about the Robin we know from FFL, today's Robin. It
  doesn't occur to her to ask herself whether, from what she
  knows of Ann, LK's concern for Ann is even sane.
  The idea that Howell's book has more than validated Share's
  suspicions about Robin--whatever they are; she's careful
  not to say--is so ridiculous it leads one to wonder about
  Share's own sanity.
  ---  Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Ann, if it's all in the past, then why did your good friend LK
express concern about you in reference to all that JUST A FEW DAYS AGO?
From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 10:57 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Offering about Cults-now in Rich
Text to Ann
   ---  Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Dear Emily,I have just finished reading Vishnu's book, The
   Share, you might as well have just finished reading The Farmer's
Almanac from 1963 for all the relevance it has to anything going on
currently. Listen, I was there, I may be in the book for all I know  but
am not sure as I have not yet read it and probably will, at most, speed
read through. Relatively speaking, this is all ancient history. 27 years
is a very long time. What were you doing and thinking and involved with
27 years ago? I certainly hope it was different from what you are doing
today. Let it go. Not one single person featured in that book is still
in that time and space. Those days are long gone.
   I was filled with joy at the end of it, so many happy
endings.  And yes, a few genuinely tragic endings.
   Don't dwell in the past. It was but a fleeting moment in a long
progression of hours and days and weeks and years. Move along, we all
have, long ago. It is as if you think this is all still happening. It is
not. It is long over. Lose the romantic notion of something that no
longer exists (and the sentimentality while you are at it).
     It is clear who Ann is in the book though Vishnu
uses pseudonyms.ÂÂÂ
Perhaps your reaction to the book will not be similar to
mine.  After all, I have known Vishnu in
   Not well, I might conjecture. You didn't even know Vishnu and the
author were the same person. And someone interpreting your dream is
hardly knowing someone well. I know the author more than well. He was
one of my dearest friends, I was married at his home, there was a core
group of us who were inseparable and bound to each other for life.
As a result of reading this book, my suspicions about Robin have
been more than validated by those who knew him so well and for a long
   Christ woman, this was decades ago. Get over it.
   Â  I continue to wish him all the best always.
   Share, what does this actually mean? How does this translate? Get
real, this is a fatuous cliche with no basis in anything but New Age
babble. It simply does not compute with the rest of what you just wrote.
It is like this statement just appeared out of left field.
And I don't think he is even now completely healed from his
childhood traumas and his drug experiences.
   Perhaps he is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

2012-11-08 Thread emptybill

Yeah, they should just save enough to make a real difference and then
give it to the folks who might need it. You only need a few clothes,
some food to fill your belly and then you can be worth something to
everyone else. After all, the only investment you can make that carries
into the next life is good deeds.

Now give us that money. Only the evil keep it for themselves or family 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...

 Why would anybody take their savings and barrow more to start a
business if it weren't going to be profitable? THAT is how wealth is
created. Many people spend enormous amounts of money and 60-70- hours a
week or more building a business before it ever becomes profitable. They
take incredible risks getting started and once they start turning a
profit, should they succeed, da gubmint steps in and demands a big
cut, not just to run government but to redistribute that wealth
especially among those that have no appreciation of how that wealth was
created in the first place.

[FairfieldLife] Re: muula-bandha willy

2012-11-08 Thread emptybill
Yep ... wiki-willy is our erudite teacher.
Only he has them smarts.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

   According to Iyengar, 'mula bhanda asana' is a
   posture where the body from the anus to the navel
   is contracted and lifted up and towards the spine.
  It's the goodess from Cashmere...
 Of course Saraswati is the 'goodess' that came from
 'Cashmere' - why do you think the Vedics called the
 river 'Saraswati'? Do you know anything about yoga
 asanas and tantric mudras? Get a teacher Bill, and
 get some smarts - at least read a history book!

 Apparently Bill got confused - Saraswati is Goddess
 Kundalini, but the Dakshina Murthy is an incarnation
 of Lord Shiva. LoL!

 Shankara's Dakshinamurti Stotram:

 I praise and salute that Dakshinamrthy, Who faces
 the south, Who explains the true nature of the
 supreme Brahman, Through his state of silence, Who
 is young in looks, Who is surrounded by disciples
 who are old Sages, Whose minds are fixed on Brahman,
 Who is the greatest of teachers, Who shows the
 Chinmudhra by his hand, Who is personification of
 happiness, Who is in the state of extreme joy
 within himself, And who has a smiling face...


 I guess the simplest definition is that it's a
 technique for circulating energy

When Kundalini (the she-coil) begins to ascend it
is the river of life moving into various seas and
finally expanding into the ocean of omni-presence.
   The tern Kundalini is another name for Sri Vidya, the
   Goddess of Learning. According to my sources. our
   Guru Dev was an adherent of Sri Vidya and from what
   I've seen, SBS practiced the mula bandha every day in
   his personal yoga sadhana.
   According to Iyengar, 'mula bhanda asana' is a
   posture where the body from the anus to the navel is
   contracted and lifted up and towards the spine.
   Here are the directions for practicing the mula
   bandha, which is just like TM and the Sri Vidya yoga
   enumerated by the Adi Shankara Acharya which
   Shankara composed in Kashmere:
   Devotion to that Glorious Presence,
   Infinite Instructor, Who,
   By means of the auspicious hand-sign,
   Makes clear to the worshippers
   His own real nature
   Always shining within as I,
   Following into all the successive states-
   And those beginning with waking.
   (Translation by Ernest Wood)
   The auspicious hand-sign in Sanskrit literature is
   refered to as the symbol of wisdom or the mark of
   the I conciousness, which represents Knowing
   That I am, or Knowing That I know. The
   auspicious hand-sign meditation reminds us of the
   absolute truth, the circle made by the thumb and
   the forefinger is the symbol of unity - a space that
   is empty, yet full at the same time. It is the
   symbol of the one reality and for Shankara, the
   Works cited:
   'Light on Yoga'
   by B.K.S. Iyengar
   Thorsons, 1966
   page 525
   'The Glorious Presence'
   The Vedanta Philosophy Including Shankara's
   Ode to the South-Facing Form
   Quest Books, Theosophical Pub House, 1952
   'Strange Facts About a Great Saint'
   By Raj P. Varma
   Jabalpur, India 1980
   Varma  Sons Pub.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Offering about Cults-now in Rich Text

2012-11-06 Thread emptybill
Yeah ... you're Bala-Krishna alright.
More like Chucky-Krishna slashing the air with his knife.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 You too Jason baby - slandering an innocent, playful, baby Krishna
like me
 - aah this must be Kali Yuga. OK now I'm mad, angry and hurt.

 On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:

 ...look at that idiot Dalai Lama - all he does
 is soothe the liberals, he pretends to be be
 humble, loving, talks about peace, he can ill
 afford to offend anyone because he needs their

   Ravi Chivukula:
And whenever I see Dalai Lama on Facebook, an
innocent, playful desire arises in me - to use
Barry's phrase - to (metaphorically) rip Dalai
baby another asshole...
  --- Richard J. Williams richard@ wrote:
   Why don't you just self-immolate yourself instead?
   That would be a more symbolic protest - I don't see
   how sodomizing the Dalai Lama would get you anything
   but thrown in prison in China.
   Ravi Chivukula:
- I don't know why this cruel existence continues
to deny this innocent desire of mine :-(
   Well, for one thing you raping the Dalai Lama
   wouldn't be very innocent :-(
   In fact, it sounds pretty perverted. Where is Curtis
   when we need him? Barry said you hated Obama because
   he was black! This is just outrageous!!!
  Heh heh, he thinks existence is cruel if his desire is
  denied, but raping the Lama isn't.
  His statement sounds similar to many serial killers who are
  in prison. They lament about how cruel existence is because
  they can't continue their attacks.
   Ravi Chivukula:
- by the time I would be done humiliating him,
instead of the fake humility, peace, love he will
have an authentic emotion for the first time in
his life - a maddening, overwhelming urge to hurt

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Prophet sanctioned pedophilia

2012-11-05 Thread emptybill
Probably their prophet was a schizoid. Thus
their holy book is a testament to total delusion.

Since their god is either a schizoid projection
or else an evil demon (kakos daimon) there is
nothing to know here.

You may compare whomever on the list you find
with these definitions. Certainly there are a few
folks here who make us wonder.

However, I figure they are just off script and have
forgotten to take their prescription(s) given by their
psycho-I-a-trix ... oops, I mean succubus.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:

 You mean this god took consideration of his carnal nature
 and gave him special permissions which other men couldn't

 I wonder what would be your reaction if someone like Barry
 or Ravi gave the same excuse?

 ---  emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  And yer point?
  Muslims are only embarrassed when having to
  defend the prophet from the proponents of the
  expired religions and those notoriously corrupt Westerners.
  final answer is that he was a prophet (rasul/law giver) appointed by
  Allah and therefore the receiver/transmitter of the word of god. As
  such, he was submitted to the guidance of god. Thus god took
  consideration of his carnal nature, just as god took consideration
  the carnality of the old testament prophets. As god's own chosen
  prophet, he was given latitude other men (who cares about the women)
  could not have.
  ---  Jason jedi_spock@ wrote:
   The Prophet sanctioned pedophilia
   Tabari IX:137 - Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to
   Muhammad as booty. Muhammad considered the women that he
   captured and enslaved to be God's gift to him.
   Tabari VIII:117 - Dihyah had asked the Messenger for
   Safiyah when the Prophet chose her for himself... the
   Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins.
   The women of Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims. He
   sometimes pulled rank to reserve the most beautiful captured
   women for himself.
   Tubari IX:139 - You are a self-respecting girl, but the
   prophet is a womanizer. Words spoken by the disappointed
   parents of a girl who had 'offered' herself to Muhammad.
   Muhammad's sexual antics are an embarrassment to those
   Muslims who are aware of them. This is particularly so for
   their prophet's marriage to Aisha when she was 6-years-old.
   The thought of a 52-year-old man sleeping and bathing with a
   young girl is intensely unpleasant and it reflects the
   disgusting character of a sexual glutton rather than a holy
   man. Critics even allege that Muhammad was a pedophile.
   Some Muslims respond by denying the hadith itself, which is
   a mistake. The accounts of Muhammad sleeping with a
   9-year-old are no less reliable than those on which the five
   pillars of Islam are based. They have been an accepted part
   of tradition and did not become controversial until social
   mores began to change with the modern age.
   The charge of pedophilia may or may not be true, depending
   on how it is defined. Technically, Muhammad did have a
   sexual relationship with a child, but Aisha was also the
   youngest of his twelve wives. Zaynab was in her 30's when
   she attracted the unquenchable lust of the prophet. We don't
   know the age of Muhammad's sex slaves. They may or may not
   have been as young as Aisha, but there is no point in
   Another strong piece of evidence against Muhammad being a
   pedophile is that, according to the same Hadith, he waited
   from the time Aisha was six (when the marriage ceremony took
   place) until she turned nine to consummate the relationship.
   Although the text doesn't say why, in all probability it was
   because he was waiting for her to begin menstrual cycles -
   thus entering into womanhood. It is unlikely that a
   pedophile would be concerned about this.
   On the other hand, Muhammad passed down revelations from
   Allah that clearly condoned sleeping with underage girls,
   even by the standard of puberty. Qur'an (65:4)  lays down
   rules for divorce, one of them being that a waiting period
   of three months is established to determine that the woman
   is not pregnant. But the same rule applies to those too who
   have not had their courses, a real man is one who marries
   a real woman... but that's just us.meaning girls who have
   not begun to menstruate. (In our opinion, this would have
   been a great time for Allah to have said something else
   instead like, thanks to Muhammad's extremely poor judgment
   (at best) and explicit approval of pedophilia, sex with
   children became deeply ingrained
   in the Islamic tradition. For many centuries, Muslim armies
   would purge Christian and Hindu peasant villages of their
   menfolk and send the women and children to harems and the
   thriving child sex slave markets deep in the Islamic world

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Prophet sanctioned pedophilia

2012-11-04 Thread emptybill

And yer point?

Muslims are only embarrassed when having to
defend the prophet from the proponents of the
expired religions and those notoriously corrupt Westerners. Their
final answer is that he was a prophet (rasul/law giver) appointed by
Allah and therefore the receiver/transmitter of the word of god. As
such, he was submitted to the guidance of god. Thus god took
consideration of his carnal nature, just as god took consideration of
the carnality of the old testament prophets. As god's own chosen
prophet, he was given latitude other men (who cares about the women)
could not have.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_spock@... wrote:

 The Prophet sanctioned pedophilia

 Tabari IX:137 - Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to
 Muhammad as booty. Muhammad considered the women that he
 captured and enslaved to be God's gift to him.

 Tabari VIII:117 - Dihyah had asked the Messenger for
 Safiyah when the Prophet chose her for himself... the
 Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins.
 The women of Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims. He
 sometimes pulled rank to reserve the most beautiful captured
 women for himself.

 Tubari IX:139 - You are a self-respecting girl, but the
 prophet is a womanizer. Words spoken by the disappointed
 parents of a girl who had 'offered' herself to Muhammad.

 Muhammad's sexual antics are an embarrassment to those
 Muslims who are aware of them. This is particularly so for
 their prophet's marriage to Aisha when she was 6-years-old.
 The thought of a 52-year-old man sleeping and bathing with a
 young girl is intensely unpleasant and it reflects the
 disgusting character of a sexual glutton rather than a holy
 man. Critics even allege that Muhammad was a pedophile.

 Some Muslims respond by denying the hadith itself, which is
 a mistake. The accounts of Muhammad sleeping with a
 9-year-old are no less reliable than those on which the five
 pillars of Islam are based. They have been an accepted part
 of tradition and did not become controversial until social
 mores began to change with the modern age.

 The charge of pedophilia may or may not be true, depending
 on how it is defined. Technically, Muhammad did have a
 sexual relationship with a child, but Aisha was also the
 youngest of his twelve wives. Zaynab was in her 30's when
 she attracted the unquenchable lust of the prophet. We don't
 know the age of Muhammad's sex slaves. They may or may not
 have been as young as Aisha, but there is no point in

 Another strong piece of evidence against Muhammad being a
 pedophile is that, according to the same Hadith, he waited
 from the time Aisha was six (when the marriage ceremony took
 place) until she turned nine to consummate the relationship.
 Although the text doesn't say why, in all probability it was
 because he was waiting for her to begin menstrual cycles -
 thus entering into womanhood. It is unlikely that a
 pedophile would be concerned about this.

 On the other hand, Muhammad passed down revelations from
 Allah that clearly condoned sleeping with underage girls,
 even by the standard of puberty. Qur'an (65:4)  lays down
 rules for divorce, one of them being that a waiting period
 of three months is established to determine that the woman
 is not pregnant. But the same rule applies to those too who
 have not had their courses, a real man is one who marries
 a real woman... but that's just us.meaning girls who have
 not begun to menstruate. (In our opinion, this would have
 been a great time for Allah to have said something else
 instead like, thanks to Muhammad's extremely poor judgment
 (at best) and explicit approval of pedophilia, sex with
 children became deeply ingrained
 in the Islamic tradition. For many centuries, Muslim armies
 would purge Christian and Hindu peasant villages of their
 menfolk and send the women and children to harems and the
 thriving child sex slave markets deep in the Islamic world.

 The Ayatollah Khomeini, who married a 12-year-old girl, even
 gave his consent to using infants
 (http://www.homa.org/Details.asp?ContentID=2137352826) for
 sexual pleasure (although warning against full penetration
 until the baby is a few years older). In April, 2010, a
 13-year-old Yemeni girl died from injuries suffered to her
 womb during intercourse.

 Some clerics show relative mercy on underage girls by
 advocating a process known as thighing (also known as
 child molestation in the West). According to a recent fatwa
 (known as 23672), the imam answers a question: My parents
 married me to a young girl who hasn't yet reached puberty.
 How can I enjoy her sexually? by telling the 'man' that he
 may hug her, kiss her, and ejaculate between her legs.

 Muhammad's penchant for girls so much younger than him was
 such that at least two of his father-in-laws (Abu Bakr and
 Omar, the first two Caliphs) were actually younger than him
 as well. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-11-04 Thread emptybill

These so-called authorized sampradaya-s and their versions are merely
Vaishnava creations based upon various favored interpretations.

Nothing more.

Shridar Swami's was the commentary which Shri Chaitanya recommended
for his disciples but whenever tat tvam asi was uttered or
quoted he covered his ears and pretended he couldn't hear it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nayakanayaka nayaka@... wrote:

 Try these commentaries.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@
   Apparently you never tire of parading Hairless Krishna
   Propagandhi. I discussed this forced interpretation in
   a post with you in the past.
   Early Old-Timers?
  Well, it's kinda interesting that A.C's website has
  'anaadi mat-paraM brahma' (Vaishnavite reading?):
  ...buh..buh...but my Finnish copy of As It Is (Kuten Se On)
  has 'anaadimat paraM brahma' (Shankarite reading?), but[!] the
vocabulary has 'anaadi mat-paraM brahma' (V.r.):
  This confusion almost makes me nuts...shucks! :-/
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@
Vedanta (4 of 4)
Subject: Vedanta (4 of 4)
From: manish@ (Manish Tandon)
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 22:28:24 GMT
Apparently-To: alt-hindu@
From news@ Thu Mar 16 17: 20:40 1995
Newsgroups: alt.hindu
Organization: Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Sender: news@
namo om vishnu padaya krishna prasthaya bhu tale
srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine
om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur unmilitan yena tasmai sri- gurave namah
om brahman satyam jagan mithya
  Brahman alone is (formless and unmanifested)
The advaita-vadins say:
viShaya: Form is only for beginners. All forms disolves at the
time of
  Krishna says in the Gita (12.5) For those whose minds are
  to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme,
  is very troublesome.
To this we reply:
samSaya: But that is quoting out of context!  He already
described His
  worshipers in (12.2) and declared them the best before He even
  to describe the impersonalists.
  BG 12.2
  Sri Bhagavan uvacha: Those who fix their minds on My personal
  and are always engaged in worshiping Me with great
  faith are considered by Me to be the most perfect.
  Now you may say that Krishna is saying that only to encourage
  conditioned beings since then cannot concentrate on the
formless and
  if concentrating on the form is inferior they may not take up
  But not so, because in BG (13.13) He explicitly says
   anadi mat-param brahman
  the beginningless (anadi) Brahman is subordinate to Me
The advaita-vadins say:
viShaya: But sruti says Brahman is Supreme, it cannot be
   to anyone
  or anything.
To this we reply:
samSaya: Not so. Sruti explicitly says Isvara/'Paramam Brahma'
  atma' in several places and there is no obvious reason, save
  atheism, to resolve the two into one.
  The advaita-vadins cite Mundaka Upanisad (3.2.9)
  brahma veda brahmaiva bhavati  one who knows Brahman attains
  whereas the actual verse says sa yo ha vai tat paramam brahma
  brahmaiva bhavati one who knows the Supreme Brahman attains
  Svetasvatar Upanisad (3.7)
   tatha param brahma param brhantam yatha-nikayam
   visvasya aikam parivestitaram isam tam jnatvamrta bhavanti
  Higher than this is the Supreme Brahman, the great hidden in
   creatures according to their bodies, the One who envelopes
   universe, knowing Him, the Lord, (jivas) become free.
  Note the explicit words tatha param brahma refer to Isvara
and not
  just (nirguna) Brahman.
  So Krishna is the Supreme Brahman and knowing Him, one
realizes his
  real nature which is Brahman (sat-cit-ananda).
  Gopal-tapani Upanisad (1.35)
  tam ekam govindam  sat-cit-ananda-vigraham
  You may say no. no. Brahman is Supreme and paramam brahmn
  Brahman that is supreme.
  But we refute that because that is contrary to the grammar. Do
  say Head Master and Master the Head to say the same thing?
  refers to a master who is the head and there may or may not be
  masters, whereas Master the head refers the Master

[FairfieldLife] Re: Congrats, Mitt!?

2012-11-04 Thread emptybill
You basterds are all a buncha Euro-commies.

Mitt and Ann will start a new brahmanda
after they go to heaven and serve many
lost souls - 'cept you faithless bolshedicks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 11/04/2012 02:03 PM, card wrote:
  Just learned that according to the Redskins rule,
  Mitt Romney is the next President of the USA.
  So, I guess I have to congratulate Mormon (yuck!) Mitt
  Romney as the de facto winner... :-(

 The tea baggers should be careful what they ask for because if Romney
 wins they'll be unhappy because he wants to take away their porn,
 beer and their coffee. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread emptybill
A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!

On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate
Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a propaganda
machine ...


[FairfieldLife] Re: For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread emptybill

Advocacy journalism became the goal in post-70's America,
since the powers that pee determined that objectivity was
a non-existent phenomenon.

Since objectivity was impossible and the specter of the 1930's
totenkopf has faded with the death of Dr. Joseph Göbbels,
what was left but natural propagandizing?

MSNBC is the current incarnation of that trend.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 11/03/2012 07:47 AM, emptybill wrote:
  A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!
  On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP
  Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a
  machine ...

 Mr. Bill, news channels are entertainment these days.  MSNBC and their
 sponsors are going after the liberal bucks.  Liberals are often better
 educated and earn more income than the conservative crowd.  Also
 owns the controlling share of NBC and probably doesn't want I'm going
 to end porn Romney in.  They make a lot of money on those adult
 channel subscriptions. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: For the Fox News haters

2012-11-03 Thread emptybill
Hyour so hright kommrade!

Better that our brave commy-czars tell
the little folk what they need to know.

No more so-called ideals of the petite bourgeoisie

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 And a good reason to disallow Corprica to own so much of the media.

 On 11/03/2012 11:15 AM, emptybill wrote:
  Advocacy journalism became the goal in post-70's America,
  since the powers that pee determined that objectivity was
  a non-existent phenomenon.
  Since objectivity was impossible and the specter of the 1930's
  totenkopf has faded with the death of Dr. Joseph Göbbels,
  what was left but natural propagandizing?
  MSNBC is the current incarnation of that trend.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  On 11/03/2012 07:47 AM, emptybill wrote:
  A Pew study catalogs media bias and finds MSNBC the winner!
  On MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP
  Mitt Romney was 71 to 3.That's not a news channel. That's a
  machine ...
  Mr. Bill, news channels are entertainment these days.  MSNBC and
  sponsors are going after the liberal bucks.  Liberals are often
  educated and earn more income than the conservative crowd.  Also
  Comcast owns the controlling share of NBC and probably doesn't want
I'm going
  to end porn Romney in.  They make a lot of money on those adult
  channel subscriptions. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Samavartaka Fire

2012-11-03 Thread emptybill

The Brahmvaivarta is a typical sectarian Vaishnava purana. It is full of
krishna is the supreme god, all the rest are only demi-gods.

ISKON translations are actually sectarian interpretations … nothing

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nayakanayaka nayaka@... wrote:

 This translation of BV Purana by an anonymous Iskcon devotee is not
precise, to say the least. In no way is this text apt to give a
prediction about a coming  golden age.  Check with a Sanskrit
specialist about this.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From a friend:
  Re Samavartaka Fire, below: I haven't had any confirmation of the
  attributed to Maharishi, and I don't have any further information on
who the
  Jyotishis are that have predicted it to come in Feb. 2013.  From
what I have
  seen on the internet, it seems that the predictions of a phase
  fall sometime during the next 2 years.
  What is encouraging is the actual quote that 2 people sent me from
one of
  the Puranas that predicts the 10,000 year Age of Enlightenment to
  5,000 years into Kali Yuga, which is where we are now.  The Sanskrit
  transliteration and the English translation of the 10 verses are
below the
  original email:
  From the Brahma Vaivarta Purana
  Krishna said to Ganga (Gangamata, the Ganges personified as a
  Five thousand years from this date, within the span of Kali Yuga,
  will be respite from this terrible age. There will be a golden age
of 10,000
  Jyotishis have calculated that it will come on February 2013 and
call it the
  Samavartaka Fire, a solar cleansing of the earth. Both the Mayan
  and the Samavartaka Fire predictions were done at least 5,000 years
ago, but
  there is some dispute about the accuracy of the Mayan calendar
  These predictions were done on opposite sides of the earth at the
same time.
  The time in between ages is called Pralaya where there is often a
time of
  strife. Someone on Purusha asked Maharishi about the Mayan calendar
  end-date, and he said, It's a little off.
  The following are ten verses from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana that
  spoken by Lord Krishna to Mother Ganga just before the beginning of
  yuga (the age of quarrel and strife). Kali yuga began approximately
  thousand years ago, and it has a duration of 432,000 years, leaving
us with
  427,000 till the end of the present age. [For a description of Kali
  please read the related article Predictions for the age of Kali.]
  this 432,000 year period, there is a period of 10,000 years that
will be a
  golden age. That golden age is being described below by Lord Sri
  This text is taken from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana.
  Text 49
  bhagarathy uvaca
  he natha ramanashreshtha
  yasi golokamuttamam
  asmakam ka gatishcatra
  bhavishyati kalau yuge
  Ganges said: O protector, Supreme enjoyer, on your departure for the
  abode, Goloka, thereafter what will be my situation in the age of
  Text 50
  sri-bhagavan uvaca
  kaleh pancasahasrani
  varshani tishtha bhutale
  papani papino yani
  tubhyam dasyanti snanatah
  The blessed Lord said: On the earth 5,000 years of kali will be
sinful and
  sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing.
  Text 51
  bhasmibhutani tatkshanat
  bhavishyanti darsanacca
  snanadeva hi jahnavi
  Thereafter by the sight and touch of those who worship me by my
mantra, all
  those sins will be burnt.
  Text 52
  harernamani yatraiva
  puranani bhavanti hi
  tatra gatva savadhanam
  abhih sarddham ca shroshyasi
  There will be chanting of the name of Hari and reading of the
  Purana. Reaching such a place, attentively hear.
  Text 53
  purana shravanaccaiva
  bhasmibhutani papani
  brahma-hatyadikani ca
  Sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be
nullified by
  hearing the Purana and chanting of the names of Hari in the manner
  Text 54
  bhasmibhutani tanyeva
  vaishnavalinganena ca
  trinani shushkakashthani
  dahanti pavako yatha
  Just as dry grass is burnt by fire, by the embrace of My devotees
all sins
  are burnt.
  Text 55
  tathapi vaishnava loke
  papani papinamapi
  prithivyam yani tirthani
  punyanyapi ca jahnavi
  O Ganges, the whole planet will become a pilgrimage sight by the
presence of
  My devotees, even though it  had been sinful.
  Text 56
  madbhaktanam sharireshu
  santi puteshu samtatam
  sadyah puta vasundhara
  In the body of my devotees remains eternally [the purifier]. Mother
  becomes pure by the dust of the feet of my devotees.
  Text 57

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-02 Thread emptybill
If I remember from the pic you posted here, your schnozoloa wasn't quite
so prominent.
Must be the pinocchio effect.
Got them big stories up for display?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  When the blossom shrivels - it can then reveal the bitter shrew.
 Actually, an elephant shrew.

  It's an old story... mythologized throughout the history of Western
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@
   Ann, you don't get it?!  Nonetheless you make derogatory
  remarks!  About a list which includes Quakers, Liberal Catholics
  Sufis; yoga classes and qigong and devotional singing!  Your
  capacity for unfounded accusations seems to know no bounds.  I
  to see I'm in such good company, having also been accused by you in
   Ok, in reference to your all fine post this evening, this probably
  makes it all unfine again.  But I could not in good conscience
  go unanswered your making such derogatory and blanket statements
  so many good groups of people.  For good sakes, woman, you
  even been here in how many years?!  How can you say such things
  based on no actual experience of these actual groups?!  What is
  going on with you that you can do this?
   I admit, I don't understand.   Â
From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 8:43 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual
  Groups of Fairfield
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
Well as negative as I have been about TMO and MMY, I have to
  am surprised at the number and breadth of what is going on in
  today - it was hidden and underground in the 80's. I have to admit
  must have been the TM infusion that created the kernel around which
  the other energy formed.
   I think these travelling medicine men and side shows recognize an
  opening (Fairfield Iowa) when they see one. Good Lord, what a load.
  there shoulder room in that town? And the townies back in the early
  thought it was crazy when MIU moved in. I have to say I don't get
  not one little bit. And one more thing, the title of this post seems
  tad generous. Shall we call it instead, Directory of Active Groups
  Happy to Take You All For a Ride.

 From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 7:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual
  Groups of Fairfield
WOW, it's become a literal smorgasbord of Religions! Probably
  what MMY or the tmorg had in mind, but then, TM ain't a Religions
  what would you expect?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@

 Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

 Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups

 Outside of Fairfield, people intently ask, What is going on
 The spiritual, utopian side of Fairfield is something they are
 about. Fairfield has become recognized as a spiritual Mecca of
 ranking with Sedona, Arizona, Boulder and Crestone, Colorado,
 North Carolina and the like. Within these past four decades,
 spiritual practice groups have matured, giving this community
 rich, new
 The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its own
 spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice groups
 Fairfield is
 now a unique feature of our town in the 21st Century.


 A Course in Miracles, Mondays 7:30 pm. Local contact:

 The Afternoon Satsang, at Revelations Coffee Shop. North room
 2:30pm most days. Spiritual experience and understanding.

 Ammachi Fairfield Satsang
 Ammachi Fairfield weekly schedule of meditation,
 chanting, and bhajans. http://amma-fairfield.org/
 contact: 472-8563 or 472-9336

 Art of Living Foundation -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Meditation and
 schedule in Fairfield. 472-9892

 Babaji Group: Local contact: 472-9952

 Bapuji Group Shri Avadoot, better known as
  Local contact:

 Chalanda Sai Maa Satang in Fairfield
 Group meditations based on the teachings of Chalanda Sai Maa
  Lakshmi Devi.
 First and third Monday of the month at 7:30 PM. Call for

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-02 Thread emptybill
MJ -

Beware of being respected. It makes us dependent upon other people's
You know from experience that those opinions will change anyway.

National spiritual groups found Fairfield a fertile ground for their
That says more about what was absent in the TMO than about the groups.

The TMO gestapo is a Euro-American phenomenon. In India there are
everywhere and people go where they please - this group, that temple,
this sampradaya, that sampradaya.

Even in America, people are free to attend the church/synagogue/mosque/
or spiritual group that they wish.

That fact makes the TMO not only a cult (like the Jehovah witnesses)
but downright Un-American.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson
mjackson74@ wrote:

 As little as I know you Feste, for some reason I respect you. Your
response to me is non- reactive and actually conveys something of the
validity of the plethora of spiritual smorgasbord available in FF. I am
not sure I would agree with you on what you wrote here (we are all
different in our needs and expectations and desires) if I lived in FF
for a few months but I respect your right to say this and to believe it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Sidhi Practitioners

2012-11-02 Thread emptybill
As we know from Patanjali's Y.S., the akasha-gamana sutra is just a
side-line possibility. Patanlali was quite clear in his statements.
Direct seeing of the difference between sheer awareness
(drishti-matra) and the effulgence of the intellect (buddhi-sattva) is
the only means to freedom from the procreatix (prakriti).

If sidha-s only do the flying sutra then they are leaving out the very
part (except for the heart sutra) that matters

The undulating bitch controls all.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74 mjackson74@...

 Just curious to know if those who are regular with the TM Sidhi
practice would answer this: If you were no longer able for some unknown
esoteric reason (or instructions came from the TMO) to no longer
practice the flying sutra, would you still do the rest of the sutras in
addition to TM? When I was regular, the flying sutra was the highlight
of the program, and for most people I knew, the other sutras were what
you did to get to the flying sutra, so if you couldn't do it, would you
continue with the rest of the sutras?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-02 Thread emptybill
 Barry ... and occultists who know how to do
so can travel to those places or live in those places and
*draw upon* these reservoirs of power, to re-channel the
energies present there and put them to (hopefully) positive
uses in their own lives.

If you've got the juice you don't need a place to energize you.
Think Der Führer. You energize other places, other people.

A ...  those were the days. Der bier, der Brauts. der broads.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
   After traipsing around with the Movement (I still call it that
   after all these years), Deepak, and looking from the outside at
   others like Ananda (good old J. Donald Walters) and having also
   sampled a plethora healing stuff from Holotropic breathwork to
   Touch for Health kinesiology, I am not likely to be swayed by
   any follow me people - I was pretty much over that after I
   left MIU - 2 years after leaving MIU I spent a couple weeks in
   Santa Fe - and man oh man was there ever a lot of New Agey
   stuff going on there!
   Not so much as Sedona where I spent another couple weeks - an
   odd place where nearly every waitress and bartender was a
   channel, psychic or other new age practitioner who was there
   for the vortex energies but couldn't compete with all the others
   to make a living exclusively.
  That's hilarious, the New Age version of the
  Ultimate L.A. Joke:
  Person 1: What do you do for a living?
  Person 2: I'm an actor.
  Person 3: Oh yeah, which restaurant?

 Still tripping on Sedona, I shall pass along to you what
 the Rama - Frederick Lenz guy I studied with for a while
 said about it, which I tend (gulp) to still agree with.

 He often spoke in Castanedan and occult terms, about power
 and the use of it. On one level, the world really can be
 perceived as individual pockets of power and the lines
 that interconnect them, lines across which power is transmitted
 freely, shared, borrowed, or sometimes outright stolen. Some
 places on the planet, according to this theory, have more
 innate power than others, and occultists who know how to do
 so can travel to those places or live in those places and
 *draw upon* these reservoirs of power, to re-channel the
 energies present there and put them to (hopefully) positive
 uses in their own lives.

 Hopefully. The Rama guy also had a name for places of power
 to which an overabundance of amateur occultists lacking in
 self control and over-endowed with ego had chosen to live,
 and who had overused and overabused that power. He
 called such places lined out.

 Santa Fe was lined out. The Grand Canyon's South Rim is
 largely lined out, because of the millions of tourists who
 have been there. Sedona is WAY lined out.

 On the contrary, places like Canyon de Chelly, which few
 people know about, is *not* lined out. You go there and
 it's just as shiny and as pristine as it ever was.

 My experience with Sedona matches your own. WAY lined out.
 Its power was WAY sucked dry and depleted decades ago by
 the people who moved there, and who either used it badly
 or used it badly *and* egoically.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-02 Thread emptybill
You would know.
Since you were a displaced brahma-rakshsa last lifetime, you were
probably standing up tall for your guru.
He was an asura that was more powerful than you because his shakti was
real -  not imaginary like yours.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Oh I'm loving these empty  Barry - you two need to talk more,
 conversations between two emotionally stunted persons can be
 so exhilarating and invigorating. Devi and I approve this.

 On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 1:22 PM, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

   *Barry ... and occultists who know how to do
  so can travel to those places or live in those places and
  *draw upon* these reservoirs of power, to re-channel the
  energies present there and put them to (hopefully) positive
  uses in their own lives.*
  If you've got the juice you don't need a place to energize you.
  Think *Der Führer*. You energize other places, other people.
  A ...  *those *were the days. Der bier, der Brauts. der broads.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson

 After traipsing around with the Movement (I still call it that
 after all these years), Deepak, and looking from the outside
 others like Ananda (good old J. Donald Walters) and having
 sampled a plethora healing stuff from Holotropic breathwork to
 Touch for Health kinesiology, I am not likely to be swayed by
 any follow me people - I was pretty much over that after I
 left MIU - 2 years after leaving MIU I spent a couple weeks in
 Santa Fe - and man oh man was there ever a lot of New Agey
 stuff going on there!

 Not so much as Sedona where I spent another couple weeks - an
 odd place where nearly every waitress and bartender was a
 channel, psychic or other new age practitioner who was there
 for the vortex energies but couldn't compete with all the
 to make a living exclusively.
That's hilarious, the New Age version of the
Ultimate L.A. Joke:
Person 1: What do you do for a living?
Person 2: I'm an actor.
Person 3: Oh yeah, which restaurant?
   Still tripping on Sedona, I shall pass along to you what
   the Rama - Frederick Lenz guy I studied with for a while
   said about it, which I tend (gulp) to still agree with.
   He often spoke in Castanedan and occult terms, about power
   and the use of it. On one level, the world really can be
   perceived as individual pockets of power and the lines
   that interconnect them, lines across which power is transmitted
   freely, shared, borrowed, or sometimes outright stolen. Some
   places on the planet, according to this theory, have more
   innate power than others, and occultists who know how to do
   so can travel to those places or live in those places and
   *draw upon* these reservoirs of power, to re-channel the
   energies present there and put them to (hopefully) positive
   uses in their own lives.
   Hopefully. The Rama guy also had a name for places of power
   to which an overabundance of amateur occultists lacking in
   self control and over-endowed with ego had chosen to live,
   and who had overused and overabused that power. He
   called such places lined out.
   Santa Fe was lined out. The Grand Canyon's South Rim is
   largely lined out, because of the millions of tourists who
   have been there. Sedona is WAY lined out.
   On the contrary, places like Canyon de Chelly, which few
   people know about, is *not* lined out. You go there and
   it's just as shiny and as pristine as it ever was.
   My experience with Sedona matches your own. WAY lined out.
   Its power was WAY sucked dry and depleted decades ago by
   the people who moved there, and who either used it badly
   or used it badly *and* egoically.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-02 Thread emptybill
Ravioli sez:
 it's bad news if you don't hear back from me.

More brahmrakshasa threats! You sound desperate.
Must be terrible to only have imaginary shakti -
one called bragging-I.
Hmmm ... is that your attempt at a Sanskrit name?
How far you've fallen - now with pidgin Sanskrit!

By the way ... meet my new friend.
Her name is Rakchenmo and she is definitely
not the bitch with whom you claim to have sex!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 And Devi will change her mind regarding your emotional stunted-ness
after reading this? I suspect not, but I will check empty baby, it's bad
news if you don't hear back from me.

 On Nov 2, 2012, at 2:05 PM, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

  You would know.
  Since you were a displaced brahma-rakshsa last lifetime, you were
  probably standing up tall for your guru.
  He was an asura that was more powerful than you because his shakti
  real - not imaginary like yours.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   Oh I'm loving these empty  Barry - you two need to talk more,
   conversations between two emotionally stunted persons can be
   so exhilarating and invigorating. Devi and I approve this.
   On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 1:22 PM, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
*Barry ... and occultists who know how to do
so can travel to those places or live in those places and
*draw upon* these reservoirs of power, to re-channel the
energies present there and put them to (hopefully) positive
uses in their own lives.*
If you've got the juice you don't need a place to energize
Think *Der Führer*. You energize other places, other people.
A ... *those *were the days. Der bier, der Brauts. der
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson
   After traipsing around with the Movement (I still call it
   after all these years), Deepak, and looking from the
   others like Ananda (good old J. Donald Walters) and having
   sampled a plethora healing stuff from Holotropic
breathwork to
   Touch for Health kinesiology, I am not likely to be swayed
   any follow me people - I was pretty much over that after
   left MIU - 2 years after leaving MIU I spent a couple
weeks in
   Santa Fe - and man oh man was there ever a lot of New Agey
   stuff going on there!
   Not so much as Sedona where I spent another couple weeks -
   odd place where nearly every waitress and bartender was a
   channel, psychic or other new age practitioner who was
   for the vortex energies but couldn't compete with all the
   to make a living exclusively.
  That's hilarious, the New Age version of the
  Ultimate L.A. Joke:
  Person 1: What do you do for a living?
  Person 2: I'm an actor.
  Person 3: Oh yeah, which restaurant?

 Still tripping on Sedona, I shall pass along to you what
 the Rama - Frederick Lenz guy I studied with for a while
 said about it, which I tend (gulp) to still agree with.

 He often spoke in Castanedan and occult terms, about power
 and the use of it. On one level, the world really can be
 perceived as individual pockets of power and the lines
 that interconnect them, lines across which power is
 freely, shared, borrowed, or sometimes outright stolen. Some
 places on the planet, according to this theory, have more
 innate power than others, and occultists who know how to do
 so can travel to those places or live in those places and
 *draw upon* these reservoirs of power, to re-channel the
 energies present there and put them to (hopefully) positive
 uses in their own lives.

 Hopefully. The Rama guy also had a name for places of power
 to which an overabundance of amateur occultists lacking in
 self control and over-endowed with ego had chosen to live,
 and who had overused and overabused that power. He
 called such places lined out.

 Santa Fe was lined out. The Grand Canyon's South Rim is
 largely lined out, because of the millions of tourists who
 have been there. Sedona is WAY lined out.

 On the contrary, places like Canyon de Chelly, which few
 people know about, is *not* lined out. You go there and
 it's just as shiny and as pristine as it ever was.

 My experience with Sedona matches your own. WAY lined out.
 Its power was WAY sucked dry and depleted decades ago by
 the people who

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is this the world's happiest man? Brain scans reveal French monk found to have 'abnormally large capacity' for joy, and it could be down to meditation | Mail Online

2012-11-01 Thread emptybill
Most Tibetan translators are interpreters of the uttered paragraphs
which they remember from the just finished discourse of a Lama.
Most preform condensations of the Lama's words with the resultant
uncertainty about total fidelity to his actual message.

Matthieu Ricard is a Gelugpa mouthpiece for the Dalai Lama and in many
ways professes a type of neo-buddhist presentation to Western

We don't need more neo-buddhism with its über-synthesis of
rationalism and new-age platitudes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

 I've actually seen Matthieu Ricard do his thing, while
 translating for the Dalai Lama or other Tibetan teachers,
 and have always wondered how much of his brain plasticity
 is the result of how simultaneous translation is done
 in that context.

 Translating for a Tibetan Buddhist teacher is *NOT* the
 way you see it done at the UN. Instead of translating
 phrase by phrase, the translator sits quietly beside
 the teacher, listening but taking no notes, and allowing
 the teacher to speak as long as he wants. Then, when the
 teacher pauses, the translator relates what the teacher
 said, in a different language.

 The teacher could have been talking for two minutes or
 twelve, but the translators seem to always (according
 to people I know who are bilingual in Tibetan and English)
 spot-on, and perfect. Nothing left out, nothing added,
 and nothing mistranslated. Being chosen to be the trans-
 lator for a Tibetan teacher is considered a teaching
 in itself, developing the ability to DO THIS.

 I strongly suspect that this has a great deal to do with
 the differences one sees in scans of his brain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-01 Thread emptybill
What seems missing is Buddhist practice - Theravada samata-vipassana and
Vajrayana devata-yoga. Dzogchen is beyond Buddhism but is also missing
from Fairfield.

I tried to get an extraordinary Rimé yogin-scholar to go to Fairfield
but he wasn't interested because many FFL folk were already doing
Hindu yoga practice.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@...

 Well as negative as I have been about TMO and MMY, I have to say I
am surprised at the number and breadth of what is going on in Fairfield
today - it was hidden and underground in the 80's. I have to admit it
must have been the TM infusion that created the kernel around which all
the other energy formed.

  From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 7:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
Groups of Fairfield

 WOW, it's become a literal smorgasbord of Religions! Probably not what
MMY or the tmorg had in mind, but then, TM ain't a Religions so, what
would you expect?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield
  Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups
  Outside of Fairfield, people intently ask, What is going on in
  The spiritual, utopian side of Fairfield is something they are
  about. Fairfield has become recognized as a spiritual Mecca of
  ranking with Sedona, Arizona, Boulder and Crestone, Colorado,
  North Carolina and the like. Within these past four decades,
  spiritual practice groups have matured, giving this community a
  rich, new
  The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its own center
  spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice groups in
  Fairfield is
  now a unique feature of our town in the 21st Century.
  A Course in Miracles, Mondays 7:30 pm. Local contact: 472-7148.
  The Afternoon Satsang, at Revelations Coffee Shop. North room
  2:30pm most days. Spiritual experience and understanding.
  Ammachi Fairfield Satsang
  Ammachi Fairfield weekly schedule of meditation,
  chanting, and bhajans. http://amma-fairfield.org/
  contact: 472-8563 or 472-9336
  Art of Living Foundation -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Meditation and
  schedule in Fairfield. 472-9892 http://us.artofliving.org/index.html
  Babaji Group: Local contact: 472-9952
  Bapuji Group Shri Avadoot, better known as ³Bapuji². Local
  Chalanda Sai Maa Satang in Fairfield
  Group meditations based on the teachings of Chalanda Sai Maa Lakshmi
  First and third Monday of the month at 7:30 PM. Call for location 
  641-919-5223  641-919-5223   or email directly at:
  Circle of Sophia
  a holy order for women at St. Gabriel and All
  Angels, the Liberal Catholic Church.
  Original worship celebration, written from sources
  in ancient Christianity, enlivens the Feminine Divine for both men
  and women. Celebrations monthly. 300 E. Burlington. www.stgabe.org
  Contact 472-1645
  Deeksha Darshan and teachings of Bhagavan Kalki  Padmavati Amma
  Fairfield contact for local program: 472-6948
  Divine Mother Church in Fairfield
  `We don¹t talk about God, we commune with God'.
  Interfaith Service: Sundays 11 AM;
  51 North Court, East Entrance
  Contact 641.209.9900  641.209.9900
  Local meetings, lectures and meditation
  Bringing speakers from the regional and national movement
  Fairfield Vedic Pujas, Yagyas and Ceremonies
  Scheduled public events always open to interested persons. By Vedic
  Scholar and Priest, Pandit Dhruv Narain Sharma: 630-240-3368
  Fellowship of the Holy Spirit in Fairfield
  `Consciousness, Joy, and Devotion: Christianity that works.'
  Sundays, 11 AM,
  51 North Court. 472-8737.
  Gangaji Group Local contact: 472-9476.
  Golden Shield Qi Gong Fairfield practice: 641-919-3913 
641-919-3913  .
  Golden Shield Qi Gong www.jingui.com 641-472-5998 
  Hatha Yoga classes. Sue Berkey: 472-6577
  Henry Hertzberger Chanting, Pujas  Yagyas. Mahaganapati Temple
  Fairfield Shri Karunamayi Satsang
  Fairfield Group Meditation, Chanting and Program. 472-8422
  Liberal Catholic Church in Fairfield
  St Gabriel and all Angels, 300 E. Burlington.
  Contact, 472-1625 www.stgabe.org
  Manavata Mandir Vedic Temple
  800 W. Burlington in Fairfield. 469-6041.
  Master Spiritual Healer John Douglas
  Biannual visits to Fairfield
  Workshops, meetings, meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

2012-11-01 Thread emptybill
When the blossom shrivels - it can then reveal the bitter shrew.
It's an old story... mythologized throughout the history of Western

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 Ann, you don't get it?!  Nonetheless you make derogatory
remarks!  About a list which includes Quakers, Liberal Catholics and
Sufis; yoga classes and qigong and devotional singing!  Your
capacity for unfounded accusations seems to know no bounds.  I happy
to see I'm in such good company, having also been accused by you in this

 Ok, in reference to your all fine post this evening, this probably
makes it all unfine again.  But I could not in good conscience let
go unanswered your making such derogatory and blanket statements about
so many good groups of people.  For good sakes, woman, you haven't
even been here in how many years?!  How can you say such things
based on no actual experience of these actual groups?!  What is
going on with you that you can do this?

 I admit, I don't understand.   Â

  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 8:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
Groups of Fairfield


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  Well as negative as I have been about TMO and MMY, I have to say I
am surprised at the number and breadth of what is going on in Fairfield
today - it was hidden and underground in the 80's. I have to admit it
must have been the TM infusion that created the kernel around which all
the other energy formed.

 I think these travelling medicine men and side shows recognize an
opening (Fairfield Iowa) when they see one. Good Lord, what a load. Is
there shoulder room in that town? And the townies back in the early 70's
thought it was crazy when MIU moved in. I have to say I don't get it,
not one little bit. And one more thing, the title of this post seems a
tad generous. Shall we call it instead, Directory of Active Groups
Happy to Take You All For a Ride.
   From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 7:13 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
Groups of Fairfield
  WOW, it's become a literal smorgasbord of Religions! Probably not
what MMY or the tmorg had in mind, but then, TM ain't a Religions so,
what would you expect?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield
   Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups
   Outside of Fairfield, people intently ask, What is going on in
   The spiritual, utopian side of Fairfield is something they are
   about. Fairfield has become recognized as a spiritual Mecca of
   ranking with Sedona, Arizona, Boulder and Crestone, Colorado,
   North Carolina and the like. Within these past four decades,
   spiritual practice groups have matured, giving this community a
   rich, new
   The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its own
   spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice groups in
   Fairfield is
   now a unique feature of our town in the 21st Century.
   A Course in Miracles, Mondays 7:30 pm. Local contact: 472-7148.
   The Afternoon Satsang, at Revelations Coffee Shop. North room
   2:30pm most days. Spiritual experience and understanding.
   Ammachi Fairfield Satsang
   Ammachi Fairfield weekly schedule of meditation,
   chanting, and bhajans. http://amma-fairfield.org/
   contact: 472-8563 or 472-9336
   Art of Living Foundation -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Meditation and
   schedule in Fairfield. 472-9892
   Babaji Group: Local contact: 472-9952
   Bapuji Group Shri Avadoot, better known as ³Bapuji².
Local contact:
   Chalanda Sai Maa Satang in Fairfield
   Group meditations based on the teachings of Chalanda Sai Maa
Lakshmi Devi.
   First and third Monday of the month at 7:30 PM. Call for location
   641-919-5223  641-919-5223   or email directly at:
   Circle of Sophia
   a holy order for women at St. Gabriel and All
   Angels, the Liberal Catholic Church.
   Original worship celebration, written from sources
   in ancient Christianity, enlivens the Feminine Divine for both men
   and women. Celebrations monthly. 300 E. Burlington. www.stgabe.org
   Contact 472-1645
   Deeksha Darshan and teachings of Bhagavan Kalki  Padmavati Amma
   Fairfield contact for local program: 472-6948
   Divine Mother Church in Fairfield
   `We don¹t talk about 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sandy provides an opportunity for creative reportage

2012-10-30 Thread emptybill
Amazingly ignorant bullshit.

The Japanese murdered 300,00 unarmed men, women and children before they
even came near to Nanking.

Before arriving at Nanking, a no prisoners rule was instituted. 50% of
the population was murdered just to demonstrate Japanese superiority to
the rest of Asia. All that in 1937. Apparently you don't know shit about
real history - just euro propaganda.

You otta be talking fantasy with barry.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Stay safe, all of you in the storm's path...

 Perhaps Shiva as Rudra (Rudraabhisheka...) tries to remind Amerika of
 its past bad karma, like Hiroshima, Nagasaki, perhaps
 even 9/11. But most probably, not...


 Rudra (Devanagari: #2352;#2369;#2342;#2381;#2352;) is a Rigvedic
God, associated with wind or storm,[1] and the hunt. The name has been
translated as The Roarer,[2][3].[4]

 The theonym Shiva originates as an epithet of Rudra, the adjective
shiva kind being used euphemistically of the god who in the Rigveda
also carries the epithet ghora terrible.[5] Usage of the epithet came
to exceed the original theonym and by the post-Vedic period (in the
Sanskrit Epics), and the name Rudra has been taken as a synonym for the
god Shiva and the two names are used interchangeably.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: How to Get Good at Uncertainty for WEDNESDAY

2012-10-23 Thread emptybill
So now it's us - you an' your gal Devi.

Oh, I must've fergit ...
yer mr. aushu sarvadarshan.

Guess you and Devi need to do some skyping
'cause you find omnipresence so boring.

BTW ... I just sold my copy of the Rig Veda,
published in 12 volumes on Amazon.com.
It has devanagari and romanized sanskrit on
the left side page and an English translation
on the right side page. The translation follows
the directives and methods of Sri Aurobindo
and is done by Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati.

Don't worry! I still have the metrically restored
Rig Veda text, Harvard Oriental Series vol. 5.
Every brahmana-rakshasa ought to have one, even if you
can only chant by yourself: that is in-between martinis.
Better that than descending into a chandala's body.

I'm just trying to help you out Ravioli.
You know, just wishing you the breast.

Rig  Veda : A Metrically Restored Text With an Introduction and Notes
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674769716 /
Book  and Disk (Harvard Oriental, Vol 5)  (Written in Sanskrit) 
[Hardcover]  [Feb 07, 1995] Van Nooten, Barend and Holland, Gary

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Devi is not amused at your rebellious attitude empty baby, cute if you
 a teenager, not a 60+ old homeless destitute, begging for books as a
 of rebellion - is this how you worship her on Navaratri, by slandering

 Are you at least going to Skype us today is what she's asking me now -
 because she could tell from your picture and your stupid posts here
 you have an internet connection.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shri Chakra, Arid Mars, Adi-Shankara and Wiki-Willy-Tex

2012-10-23 Thread emptybill
Yep, and Vyasa's commentary on the heart sutra points this out.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 EB, sounds like Chandogya Upanishad, 8.1:

 In the center of the castle of Brahman, our own body, there is a small
shrine in the form of a lotus flower, and within can be found a small
space.  We should find who dwells there, and we should want to know

  if anyone asks, Who is he who dwells in a small shrine in the form
of a
  lotus flower in the center of the castle of Brahman?  Whom should
 want to find and to know,  we can answer:

 The little space
 within the heart is as great as this vast universe.  The heavens
and the
  earth are there, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars; fire and
 lightening and winds are there; and all that now is and all that is
 not.  For the whole universe is in Him and He dwells within our

  From: emptybill emptybill@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 2:36 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shri Chakra, Arid Mars, Adi-Shankara and


 You are granting Wiki-Willy an undeserved title. Willy is called Wiki
 it is his main source of information. That makes him the anti-scholar
 pseudo-scholarship is proven every other post by his unwarranted and

 What he is not telling you, because he doesn't know and doesn't want
to know,
 is that the stupa is patterned upon the geometric dimensions and
 of the
 Vedic vedi, the vedic sacrificial altar.

 The historical progression is from vedic altar to hindu temple to
 stupa to hindu yantra and buddhist mandala.

 If interested, all this is explained by the seminal work of the
 architect, Adrian Snodgrass in Symbolism
 of the Stupa.
 7 - Myth narrates a sacred history: it relates an event that took
 place in primordial time, the fabled time of the beginnings. In
 other words, myth tells how, through the deeds of Supernatural Beings,
 reality came into existence, be it the whole of reality, the Cosmos,
or only a
 fragment of reality †an island, a species of plant, a
particular kind of human
 behavior, an institution.‎
 191 - There is this city of Brahmanâ€the bodyâ€and in it
the palace,
 the small lotus of the heart, and in it that small ether. Both heaven
and earth
 are contained within it, both fire and air, both sun and moon, both
 and stars; and whatever there is of the Self here in the world, and
 has been or will be, all that is contained within it.‎
 191 - There is this city of Brahmanâ€the bodyâ€and in it
the palace,
 the small lotus of the heart, and in it that small ether. Both heaven
and earth
 are contained within it, both fire and air, both sun and moon, both
 and stars; and whatever there is of the Self here in the world, and
 has been or will be, all that is contained within it.‎
 194 - He, desiring, seeking to produce various creatures from his own
 first created the waters, and deposited in them a seed. This (seed)
became a
 golden egg, resplendent as the sun, in which he himself was born as
Brahma, the
 progenitor of all worlds.‎
 204 Â - as far, verily as this
 (world) space extends, so far extends the space within the heart.
Within it,
 indeed, are contained both heaven and earth, both fire and water, both
sun and
 moon, lightning and the stars. Whatever there is of Him in this world
 whatever is not, all that is contained within it.‎

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@
  Richard, you wrote:
  So, the Sri Vidya tradition is similar to the
  Trika of Kashmere. The Kashmiri Pandits still
  worship the triratna symbol.
  Buddhism in Kashmere:
  Kashmir Shaivism resembles Hindu tantra, and both
  have as their key symbol the Shri Yantra.
  This seems to be the weak link in your argument, Richard. I think
the Sri Vidya component is solid but the rest of the alleged connection
to Buddhism as the basis of the TM tradition essentially is: Sri Vidya
is similar to Trika of Kashmere, there was/is Buddhism in
Kashmere, and Kashmir Saivism resembles Hindu Tantra and both use the
Shri Yantra and Guru Dev was into Sri Vidya, too.
  So, what do
  we know for sure? Apparently, not much regarding the alleged Buddhist
inspired Sri Vidya/TM traditions.  Following your argument, there's no
connection between Buddhism and the Sri Vidya traditions of Hinduism,
except that there were/are Buddhists in Kashmir and everyone in all the
different religious traditions in that area have cool symbols that they
like to focus on.
  The Triratna symbol doesn't resemble the Sri Yantra in the
slightest, and although the Sri Yantra is a mandala, not all mandalas
are Sri Yantras or equivalent

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shri Chakra, Arid Mars, Adi-Shankara and Wiki-Willy-Tex

2012-10-23 Thread emptybill
Guess you never practice anymore.
That would explain a lot.

The reference was to YS 3.34 ( or YS 3.35 depending on the version)

hridaye chitta samvit
(on the heart - awareness of consciousness )

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

   EB, sounds like Chandogya Upanishad, 8.1:
  Yep, and Vyasa's commentary on the heart sutra points
  this out.
 You're not even making any sense - the 'heart sutra' is
 a Mahayana Buddhist work, 'Vyasa' is a legendary author,
 and all the Upanishads came AFTER the historical Buddha.

 Go figure.

 Everyone knows that the Heart Sutra comes from Kushan
 Kashmere in the 1st century A.D.

 It should be obvious, even to a casual reader, that MMY
 got almost all his ideas about the perfection (siddhi)
 of transcendental (emptiness) wisdom (prajna) from
 Mahayana Buddhist sources, borrowed by Gaudapadacharya
 Shankaracharya and Patanjali from Tantric Yoga Buddhism.

 According to Kelsang Gyatso, the 'Heart Sutra' contains
 a mantra in the original Sanskrit, which explains in a
 very short, condensed form, the essence of the Shunyata

 'Heart of Wisdom'
 by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
 Tharpa Publications, 2001
 page 125

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shri Chakra, Arid Mars, Adi-Shankara and Wiki-Willy-Tex

2012-10-22 Thread emptybill
 appreciate your scholarship, Richard, but what is the actual
connection that you premise your belief?


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@
   ...even though no Buddhists use the Shri Yantra.
  So, what do we know, fer sure?
  Rajaram Mishra, later to become Swami Bramhananda
  Saraswati, was born on Thursday, 21 December, 1868
  in village Gana, which is close to the city of
  Ayodhya, in North India. Rajaram was enrolled at
  the Sanskrit Institute at Kashi at the age of eight
  and later became a student of Swami Krishnanand
  Saraswati of Utter Kashi.
  So, the formost desciple of SBS is the Karpatri
  Swami, Hariharaanada Saraswati. It is a fact that
  Karpatri was an adherent of the Sri Vidya, as
  attested by Alain Danielou, the famous Indologist,
  Karpatri's student.
  According to Swami Rama, Brahmanada Saraswati is
  said to have been one of those rare siddhas
  (accomplished ones) who had the knowledge of Sri
  So, the Sri Vidya tradition is similar to the
  Trika of Kashmere. The Kashmiri Pandits still
  worship the triratna symbol.
  Buddhism in Kashmere:
  Kashmir Shaivism resembles Hindu tantra, and both
  have as their key symbol the Shri Yantra.
  Kashmir Shaivism:
  Work cited:
  'Living With the Himalayan Masters'
  by Swami Rama
  Himalayan Institute
  page 247
  Read more:
  'Yoga: Mastering the Secrets of Matter and the
  by Alain Danielou
  Inner Traditions, 1991
   ...even though no Buddhists use the Shri Yantra.
  The Shri Yantra is based on the Buddhist stupa, which
  is a mandala. The mandala can be found in the form
  of the stupa and in the Atanatiya Sutta in the Digha
  Nikaya, part of the Pali Canon.
  Adherents of the Sri Vidya got the Sri Yantra from
  the Tantrics in Kashmere, based on the Tibetan mandala.
  The TM bija mantras originated with the Eighty-four
  Mahasiddas of the 8th century Buddhist era - the Sri
  Vidya cult came much later following the Gupta age and
  the age of the sects  - Shaivaism, Vaisnavism,
  Shaktism in the 12th century and after Chaitanya, 15th
  It is a fact that all the Shankaracharyas agree that
  the Saraswati Dasanamis worship the Sri Vidya. It is
  also a fact that the Sri Chakra, is ensconced on the
  mandir at both Dwarka, Kanchi, and the Sringeri Mathas.
  It is also a fact that all the Adwaita Sannyasins claim
  that Adi Shankara established four mathas as seats of
  learning and for the worship of Sri Vidya.
  According to the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the Adi
  Shankara placed the Sri Chakra, symbol of Tripurasundari,
  with the TM mantras inscribed thereon, at each of the
  seats of learning - Jyotirmath, Dwarka, Puri, Srigeri
  and Kanchi.
  It is also a fact that the cult of Sri Vidya was derived
  from the Nath Siddhas, Tantric Alchemists of Medieval
  India, 50% of whom were Vajrayana Buddhists. So, why do
  you think MMY called it the TM-Sidhi Programe?
  'The Alchemical Body'
  by David Gordon White
  U. Chicago Press, 1996
  'Tantra in Practice'
  ed. Donald S. Lopez, Jr.
  Princeton U. Press, 2000
  'Auspicious Wisdom'
  by Douglas Renfrew Brooks
  SUNY Press 1992

[FairfieldLife] Shri Chakra, Arid Mars, Adi-Shankara and Wiki-Willy-Tex

2012-10-20 Thread emptybill
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

What? Willy is saying the bija mantras are derived from Buddhist
soruces?  Amazing! - haven't heard that one before.

Yifu -

You've apparently missed some of Willy revelations. In fairness to
Willy's glory - Let's sum it up

Bhagavad Shri Adi Shankara used his yogic siddhi-s to stop off at a
crater on Mars while journeying to Karshmir.

He installed 108 cystal lingams (spatika linga) in the center of 108
Shri Yantra-s and gave tantric mantras to the Martians (after all ...
they weren't Brahmins) and then went on to Gandhara to thank Gautama
Buddha for giving him that knowledge.

The Martians all transcended, looked around and said …We don't need
this stinking, arid desert! We don't need these stinking arid bodies!
Besides, it's hard to breath here anymore … Then they all dissolved
their bodies into akasha (o' yeah, he gave `em the flying siddhi too)
and then they all went up to Brahmaloka to thanks Brahma for getting
Shiva-Shankara to give them the Shri Vidya mantras.

The Rover will probably be turned into a shrine when the Injuns get
there - you know all those tantric mantras and stuff.

Wiki Willy got these secrets himself from Shankara. After Shankara gave
mantras to the Martians , Shankara travelled forward in time to a
special loka called Teks-Ass where only the most enlightened cities
reside. There met an enlightened city name wiki-tex-willi, who told
him about all the great yoga he could learn from Gautama Shakyamuni
Buddha, once he gave up all of hisfoolish Advaita stuff.

Wiki-Willi-Tex then told Shankara the special mantra of Sarah's
Swaty, that Tex himself had gotten in the future from Great Seer, Great
Ruler Joki, aka MMY.

Willy then told him ... Okay, let's sum it up Shank.  Yuh gotta give
'em these sounds, so `member `em when you get back to the past.

And that was how all the Injuns actually got all those secret mantras
and how wiki-tex determined you don't need no stinking mantra 'cept
Sarah Swaty's own.

It real esoteric-like …

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 What? Willy is saying the bija mantras are derived from Buddhist
soruces?  Amazing! - haven't heard that one before.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Willy -
  Once again offering nothing but erroneous
  conclusions based upon Hindu apocrypha.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
  richard@ wrote:
...even though no Buddhists use the Shri Yantra.
   The Shri Yantra is based on the Buddhist stupa, which
   is a mandala. The mandala can be found in the form
   of the stupa and in the Atanatiya Sutta in the Digha
   Nikaya, part of the Pali Canon.
   Adherents of the Sri Vidya got the Sri Yantra from
   the Tantrics in Kashmere, based on the Tibetan mandala.
   The TM bija mantras originated with the Eighty-four
   Mahasiddas of the 8th century Buddhist era - the Sri
   Vidya cult came much later following the Gupta age and
   the age of the sects  - Shaivaism, Vaisnavism,
   Shaktism in the 12th century and after Chaitanya, 15th
   It is a fact that all the Shankaracharyas agree that
   the Saraswati Dasanamis worship the Sri Vidya. It is
   also a fact that the Sri Chakra, is ensconced on the
   mandir at both Dwarka, Kanchi, and the Sringeri Mathas.
   It is also a fact that all the Adwaita Sannyasins claim
   that Adi Shankara established four mathas as seats of
   learning and for the worship of Sri Vidya.
   According to the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the Adi
   Shankara placed the Sri Chakra, symbol of Tripurasundari,
   with the TM mantras inscribed thereon, at each of the
   seats of learning - Jyotirmath, Dwarka, Puri, Srigeri
   and Kanchi.
   It is also a fact that the cult of Sri Vidya was derived
   from the Nath Siddhas, Tantric Alchemists of Medieval
   India, 50% of whom were Vajrayana Buddhists. So, why do
   you think MMY called it the TM-Sidhi Programe?
   'The Alchemical Body'
   by David Gordon White
   U. Chicago Press, 1996
   'Tantra in Practice'
   ed. Donald S. Lopez, Jr.
   Princeton U. Press, 2000
   'Auspicious Wisdom'
   by Douglas Renfrew Brooks
   SUNY Press 1992

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi teaching of renunciates

2012-10-18 Thread emptybill

This doesn't seem to make much sense.

The primary quality of sattva-guna is prakasha, which signifies
shining/radiance/clarity. It already
has this value and doesn't need to be turned into something else.

Jyoti is the term used to describe the self-radiance or self-luminosity
of the seer (drishti) which illumines
everything, like the sun, and therefore requires nothing else to
illuminate it.

No yoga or yoga-mantra can reveal the self/atman which is self-revealing
by nature. It is the essence of the very one who seeks to apprehend its

This is the classical Vedanta of Shankara and is the reason he did not
agree that yoga was an instrument for awakening (sambodhana).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@... no_reply@... wrote:

 They are given mantra for the transformation of Satwa into Jyoti the
pure light of consciousness, funny people who think they know better
than Maharishi or imagine that he didn't know what he was doing. More
imagined grandiosity. Plenty here.

[FairfieldLife] A reminder

2012-10-18 Thread emptybill
A word to the wise -

However  [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they
are  likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines,
by  which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to 
subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of
government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted 
them to unjust dominion.
-- George Washington, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796

[FairfieldLife] What Willy missed

2012-10-17 Thread emptybill
Thousands of Buddhist Monks in Asia Learn Transcendental Meditation
by Bob Roth http://www.tm.org/blog/author/bob-roth/  on October 31,

  [Buddhist-monks-group-picture2] More than 3,000 Buddhist monks in 100
monasteries throughout Southeast Asia have learned the Transcendental
Meditation technique
http://www.tm.org/meditation-techniques?leadsource=CRM421 , as a
result of the work by a revered Japanese Buddhist
l  monk, Reverend Koji Oshima, who is a longtime TM practitioner and
certified TM teacher.

According to Rev. Oshima, the Buddhist monks appreciate the  simplicity,
effortlessness, and profound experience of transcendence,  which is
gained almost immediately after starting the TM practice. Rev.  Oshima
adds that transcendence provides the natural basis for the monk's 
subsequent prayers and practices.


During Maharishi's http://www.tm.org/blog/category/maharishi/  
many tours of Asian countries, he often visited monasteries and spoke 
personally to many Buddhist leaders. One prominent monk in Sri Lanka, 
who is now the leader, or Shan Kara, of one the three streams
of Buddhism in Sri Lanka
http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/buddhistworld/lanka-txt.htm , has
been instrumental in encouraging monks throughout the country to take TM
instruction from Reverend Oshima.
Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka beginning their day with the practice of the
Transcendental Meditation technique
Young students practicing the TM technique as part of their daily
routine at a Buddhist monastery in Thailand
Reverend Oshima said the younger monks are especially inspired by 
Maharishi's integration of modern and ancient knowledge. They
were  particularly interested in the Unified Field chart
Chart%20Physics.pdf , illustrating how the Unified Field of Natural Law
ynch-and-john-hagelin/ ,  as described by modern quantum physics, is
experienced directly during  TM practice as the field of transcendental
consciousness, the field of  Absolute Being.
Reverend Oshima has been awarded an honorary doctoral degree by 
Maharishi University for the significant contributions he has made to 
society by promoting the experience of Nirvana
http://library.thinkquest.org/28505/buddhism/nirva.htm —the
spiritual foundation for the achievement of the goals of Buddhism.
Through Reverend Oshima's travels and teaching of the Transcendental
Meditation technique
http://www.tm.org/meditation-techniques?leadsource=CRM421   he has
helped enliven the knowledge and direct experience of Absolute  Being in
the lives of thousands of Buddhist monks—an influence that  helps
heighten the peace, happiness and sustainable progress of these 
monasteries and the world around them.
Reverend Koji Oshima (center) with students who have learned the
Transcendental Meditation technique at a monastery in Thailand

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Willy missed

2012-10-17 Thread emptybill
TM teachers were not renunciates but rather brahmacharya-s.
MMY could not give sannyasa because he was only a
brahmacharya rather than a full monastic.

Brahmacharya was a prolongation of the vedic student's way
of living in the fourfold vedic ashrama-s.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 He had teachers for renunciates. I knew Bill Rogers who was one of
 I had a nun in my SCI class who required a special teacher.

 On 10/17/2012 01:22 PM, wgm4u wrote:
  I thought TM was for *householders*, MMY doesn't have a technique
for the monk!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Thousands of Buddhist Monks in Asia Learn Transcendental Meditation
  by Bob Roth http://www.tm.org/blog/author/bob-roth/  on October
 [Buddhist-monks-group-picture2] More than 3,000 Buddhist monks
in 100
  monasteries throughout Southeast Asia have learned the
  Meditation technique
  http://www.tm.org/meditation-techniques?leadsource=CRM421 , as a
  result of the work by a revered Japanese Buddhist
  l  monk, Reverend Koji Oshima, who is a longtime TM practitioner
  certified TM teacher.
  According to Rev. Oshima, the Buddhist monks appreciate the 
  effortlessness, and profound experience of transcendence,  which is
  gained almost immediately after starting the TM practice. Rev. 
  adds that transcendence provides the natural basis for the monk's
  subsequent prayers and practices.
  During Maharishi's http://www.tm.org/blog/category/maharishi/
  many tours of Asian countries, he often visited monasteries and
  personally to many Buddhist leaders. One prominent monk in Sri
  who is now the leader, or Shan Kara, of one the three streams
  of Buddhism in Sri Lanka
  http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/buddhistworld/lanka-txt.htm ,
  been instrumental in encouraging monks throughout the country to
take TM
  instruction from Reverend Oshima.
  Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka beginning their day with the practice
of the
  Transcendental Meditation technique
  Young students practicing the TM technique as part of their daily
  routine at a Buddhist monastery in Thailand
  Reverend Oshima said the younger monks are especially inspired by
  Maharishi's integration of modern and ancient knowledge. They
  were  particularly interested in the Unified Field chart
  Chart%20Physics.pdf , illustrating how the Unified Field of
Natural Law
  ynch-and-john-hagelin/ ,  as described by modern quantum physics,
  experienced directly during  TM practice as the field of
  consciousness, the field of  Absolute Being.
  Reverend Oshima has been awarded an honorary doctoral degree by
  Maharishi University for the significant contributions he has made
  society by promoting the experience of Nirvana
  http://library.thinkquest.org/28505/buddhism/nirva.htm —the
  spiritual foundation for the achievement of the goals of Buddhism.
  Through Reverend Oshima's travels and teaching of the
  Meditation technique
  http://www.tm.org/meditation-techniques?leadsource=CRM421   he
  helped enliven the knowledge and direct experience of Absolute 
Being in
  the lives of thousands of Buddhist monks—an influence that 
  heighten the peace, happiness and sustainable progress of these
  monasteries and the world around them.
  Reverend Koji Oshima (center) with students who have learned the
  Transcendental Meditation technique at a monastery in Thailand

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shri Chakra found on Mars

2012-10-16 Thread emptybill

Swami Rama described SBS's practice of Shri Chakra but the quote and
the book were basically about those teachings that Swami Rama himself
gave out.

I'm not cynical at all …  I just found out from Willy that SBS
used Shri Yantra and therefore that is all we need to use because it has
Sarah's Swaty mantra in the center.

Willy says that it's all from the Buddha anyway - even though no
Buddhists use the Shri Yantra.

This is apparently the whole substance of Willy's knowledge and life
so he keeps repeating it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  The other 15 TM mantras are Martian mantras and don't really count.
  Wik-Willi found out from  Shankara (when he came forward in time
  his siddhi-s) that only Sarah's swatty mantra was the one to use.
  That why he keeps repeating himself about Sarah's swati. Guess that
  what mantra japa must mean to Willi … bein'  Shankara's
  personal disciple and all.

 For someone who seems to know his stuff you sure are cynical
 What's the deal?, did you lose 3 grand on the Siddhis and are now
bitter? Or, like Maharishi, the whole world never beat a path to his
door so he died bitter? and of course damn democracy and the
'Britishers' for destroying the Vedic culture of India (doubtful if that
actually even happened).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shri Chakra found on Mars

2012-10-14 Thread emptybill

The other 15 TM mantras are Martian mantras and don't really count.
Wik-Willi found out from  Shankara (when he came forward in time with
his siddhi-s) that only Sarah's swatty mantra was the one to use.

That why he keeps repeating himself about Sarah's swati. Guess that is
what mantra japa must mean to Willi … bein'  Shankara's
personal disciple and all.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

   Everyone knows the real Sri Chakra is up in
   Oregon, Billy.
 Alex Stanley:
  Not true. It's actually right here in FF:
 So, why do you suppose that Bill Witherspoon
 decided to create a Sri Yantra up in Oregon?

 Because Bill knew about the connection between
 SBS and Sri Vidya? The Sri Yantra is the
 symbol of Sri Vidya.

 And, why do you suppose MMY made the Golden
 Dome based on the Sri Yantra diagram?

 And, why do you suppose MMY was giving out the
 Saraswati bija mantra to meditate on?

 So many questions, Alex - so few answers!

 Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shri Chakra found on Mars

2012-10-13 Thread emptybill

Yep, Wiki Willy has finally been proven correct.

Bhagavad Shri Adi Shankara used his yogic siddhi-s to stop off at a
crater on Mars while journeying to Karshmir.

Yep, he installed 108 cystal lingams (spatika linga) in the center of
108 Shri Yantra-s and gave tantric mantras to the Martians (after all
... they weren't Brahmins) and then got on to Gandhara to thank Gautama
Buddha for giving him the knowledge.

The Martians all transcended, looked around and said …We don't need
this stinking, arid desert! We don't need these stinking arid bodies!
Besides, it's hard to breath here anymore … Then they all
dissolved their bodies into akasha (o yeah, he gave `em the flying
siddhi too to help out) and then they all went up to Brahmaloka to
thanks Brahma for getting Shiva-Shankara to give them the Shri Vidya

The Rover will probably be turned into a shrine when the Injuns get
there - you know all those tantric mantras and stuff.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Nasa's Curiosity rover finds 'unusual rock'
  The pyramidal object had a composition not seen on the planet
 Finally willytex can rest in peace!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Response

2012-10-13 Thread emptybill
Since yer a siddha of i-net slang ... TINC.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

  ...I am always impressed with your masterful search
  skills.  Thanks for these links below.  These kind
  of links are archival.
 There's a very large rabbit-warren of information about
 TMers and ex-TMers informants over on Usenet, at
 alt.m.t. - Barry, Bharatu, Judy, Billy, Alex, Card,
 Lawson, Vaj, and John M. all used to be over there.

 John M. is very busy these days posting anti-Romney
 propaganda to alt.religion.mormon. LoL!


 Although, there aren't that many siddha-yogis posting
 at a.m.t. right now. Most of the previous informants
 seem to be posting here, or have dropped out of
 posting, or dead by now.


  I notice that someone is going through the FFL
  archive and taking down key posts. Evidently someone
  in the movement's legal department is detailed to
  doing that.
 Probably 'mjackson' - he seems really interested in the
 comings-and-goings of the TMO and Fairfield residents,

 'Buck' is also an obvious candidate for informant. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shri Chakra found on Mars

2012-10-13 Thread emptybill

Yep, let's sum it up.

Wiki Willy got these secrets himself from Shankara. After Shankara gave
mantras to the Martians Shankara travelled forward in time to a special
loka called Teks-ass where only the most enlightened cities reside.
There met an enlightened city name wiki-tex-willi, who told him about
all the great yoga he could learn from Gautama Buddha, once he gave up
all that foolish Advaita stuff.

Wiki-Willi-Tex then gave him the special mantra of Sarah Swatee, that
Tex had gotten in the future from Great Seer Great Ruler Joki.

Willy then told him ... Let's sum it up S.  Yuh gotta give
'em these sounds,  so remember them when you get back.

And that was that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

  Yep, Wiki Willy has finally been proven correct.
 So, let's sum up what we know:

 The TM bija mantras came from Guru Dev, who was a
 member of the Dasanami Order of the Saraswati Dandi
 sannyasins, founded by the Adi Shankaracharya. Guru
 Dev's teacher was Swami Krishnanada Saraswati of
 Uttar Kashi.

 Do we agree so far?

 The Dandi sannyasins of the Saraswati Order in the
 Shankaracharya tradition are termed Jnana Yogis,
 and thay all worship the Goddess of Knowledge and
 Learning, Sri Saraswati. She is enthroned at the
 Sringeri Matha in Karnataka, South India, the main
 headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins.

 In addition to twice daily meditation on the bija
 mantra of Saraswati, the Dasnamis of the Saraswati
 Order perform the Saraswati Puja on the 5th day of
 Magha month, known as Basant Panchami.

 So much for the facts.

 At Sringeri, Shankaracharya placed the image of
 Saraswati, which he had brought from Kashmere.

 All of the Saraswati dasanamis are adherents of the
 Sri Vidya and they follow the teachings contained
 in the Saunadryalahari, which was composed by the
 Adi Shankara, containing the fifteen bija mantras.

 According to the Shankara Saraswati tradition,
 Saraswati is considered to be the feminine energy,
 or Adi Shakti of Brahman.

 Devi Saraswati:

 Sri Yantra:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-11 Thread emptybill


You're taking Ravioli too seriously. This guy is lower than a Dalit. He
is actually reborn brahma-rakshasa.

However, if you just Wiki that term you'll only get a watered-down,
Westernized version – one that misses the real nuances of the term.

A brahma-rakshasa is a mentally cruel and vicious former brahmana that
inhabits the antaraksha (inter-space). They are not considered ordinary
rakshasa because they are former brahmana-s that misused their brahmana
knowledge to deceive, harm or destroy people (especially the devotees of
Bhava/Bhavani). They originally did this out of a jealous desire to
prove their superior power to Deva/Devi and to demonstrate
that the Deva/Devi is nothing but a projection of human weakness.

Because they still remember (in the antaraksha) how to misuse mantra-s
from their former, vicious lifetime, they are considered still
threatening to people who are not yet possessed of firm intellect and
intention. However, they can only retain this artificially maintained
karmic abeyance for a relatively short period.

After that intermediate state, they are reborn - often as a fallen
brahmana. That means they usually receive the standard baseline brahmana
training in their youth. They also still possess some semblance of
intellect and can keep a job that involves mental work but
since they are bereft of insight, they often end up just drinking
martinis at the local club and cursing others for their emptiness.

If they are fortunate then rather than just being evil schizoids, they
get a forgiving glance from Devi – who then begins slowly hauling
them over toward the other shore.

I take Ravioli to be this kind of recovering brahma-rakshasa -
verbally abusive, passive/aggressive and emotionally unbalanced (ie.
bragging about having sex with devi). Perhaps he is better than he was
when he first got kicked off of FFL (he started claiming that MMY had
anal sex with SBS) but he is still appears to be dominated by
uninhibited, adolescent emotions.

So don't take him too seriously. He's a psycho-naut.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...

 As I have said earlier, I'm not familiar with Ravi since I've read so
few of his posts. However, I am befuddled at his frequent use of the
terms *retard* and *retarded*. Words that I put in the category of the
*N* word. Describing me in that way, obviously was intended to
offend  or humilate me but I put it in context with the rest of his
posts, rotten tooth, Appalachian trailer trash, etc. and told me how
much *help* I needed. Could this guy be in *False*Â Unity? Was he
seeing himself in how he described me? I can't help but wonder if this
comes from life time after life time of feelings of superiority,
possibly from the traditional way Dalits(untouchables) have been
treated. A very curious fellow but hardly worth wasting my time on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Good News

2012-10-10 Thread emptybill
Wiki Willy

You'd be better off just posting this once a day
as your answer to everything - your declaration
that you like repeating yourself so much that you
are the Texas incarnation of Mr. Japa.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

  Basically TM IS mantra japa, (with the proper
  instructions), japa just means repetition, MMY
  revealed its effortless significance.
 According to Swami Rama of the Himalayas, Guru Dev was
 a proponent of the Sri Vidya, and that Guru Dev used
 to worship a ruby-encrusted Sri Chakra.

 So, let's sum up what we know:

 Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (SBS) was from the
 tradition of the Saraswati Order of the Shankaracharya

 His teacher was Swami Krishnanand Saraswati (SKS) of
 Uttar Kashi, a siddha yogi and meditation master.

 The headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins is the
 Sringeri Matha founded by the Adi Shankaracharya, whose
 teacher was Swami Govindapada, whose teacher was

 SBS recieved the bija mantra of Saraswati from his
 teacher, SKS, just like all the Saraswati initiates in
 that tradition.

 SBS taught many diciples how to meditate on the
 Saraswati bija mantra. The TM bija mantra of Saraswati
 is the same bija used by all the Saraswati sanyasins.

 The Saraswati bija mantra is enumerated in the
 'Saundaryalahari' composed by the Adi.

 The Mahesh Yogi, (MMY), a close desciple of SBS, taught
 yoga meditation using the Saraswati bija mantra.

 It has now been established that SBS was a worshiper
 of Tripurasundari, The Divine Mother of the Three
 Cities, from 'Tripura' which means three, and 'pura'
 which means a city.

 Tripura  is thus the Sri Vidya, that is the 'Auspicious
 Knowledge' of transcendental pure consciousness that
 operates in the 'three cities' of waking (A of OM
 Mantra), Dreaming (U of OM Mantra), and Deep Sleep (M
 of OM Mantra), as enumerated in Gaudapada's Mandukhya


 Many valid techniques exist, so there is really no
 difference between one type of authentic meditation
 and another, as long as they have the goal of helping
 you attain inner stillness and focus. (Page 6)

  In meditation, you do not make any attempt to give
 the mind a direct suggestion or to control the mind.
 You simply observe the mind and let it become quiet
 and calm, allowing your mantra to lead you deeper
 within, exploring and experiencing the deeper levels
 of your being. (Page 10)

 Works cited:

 'Living With the Himalayan Masters'
 By Swami Rama
 Himalayan Institute Press, 2007

 'OM Mantra and 7 Levels of Consciousness'
 by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati

 Read more:

 'Om the Eternal Witness'
 Secrets of the Mandukya Upanishad
 by Swami Rama
 Lotus Press, 2007

 'Meditation and Its Practice'
 by Swami Rama
 Himalayan Institute Press, 1992

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Know Reality's Point of View

2012-10-09 Thread emptybill

Elf Baiter, FYI -

The Arabic word al-lah actually is a title that means the
Deity. It is only one of the 99 traditional names of The Deity. The
declarative testimony lā ʾilāha ʾillà l-Lāh is
the affirmation of the unicity of The Deity, who has no two-ness
(Zoroastrian dualists) or three-ness (Christian trinitarians).

Your season premier is entitled The Rainbow Bridge. It is the narrow
passageway balancing a right view and the hell fire of the final
incandescence. The final incandescence is the unmitigated presence of
The Deity and the denier's consequent annihilation while directly seeing
the Face/Identity of The Deity in the midst of their own obstinate
denial. Robin is the classic denier, both unsubmitted and unsubmitting.
In essence, it is someone who doubts anything other than themselves.

To affirm the uniqueness of The Deity means that we simultaneously
realize our contingent insubstantiality and our true non-being …
i.e. our relative absence from Reality, except for the gift of being -
which is only received through pure grace.

But of course none of this should concern you.

It is, as Jason points out, just more metaphysically theistic

Fer sure …

Elf Baiter sez -
Who the hell is The Deity? If I haven't heard of him/her then they
probably aren't worth knowing. Maybe it's a rock band, a new TV show, a
song? Geez Bill, how could I have missed the season premier?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  There is no deity but The Deity.
  Muhammad is his Messenger.
  Jesus was the glorious prophet of The Deity.
  The Deity has no mother, no wife,  no son.
  Robin is a idolater and polytheist
  because there are not two deities nor
  three deities.
  Robin has heard this but turns his
  face away from The Face of The Deity.
  Robin has time only until his last breath,
  perhaps his next breath, to take
  refuge in The Deity or be consigned
  to the Fire.
  Or if The Deity wills, Robin shall enter the
  flames quite soon to show the fate of those
  who refuse the Mercy of the All-Knowing.

 Who the hell is The Deity? If I haven't heard of him/her then they
probably aren't worth knowing. Maybe it's a rock band, a new TV show, a
song? Geez Bill, how could I have missed the season premier?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I disagree with your interpretation of his point
   I did not interpret Robin's point. I quoted his point
   directly from his post.
but we can let Robin decide if he cares to.
   He doesn't have to decide anything, Curtis, he's
   already made the point. That's what I quoted, you see.
Although he objects to my characterization of likeability
to describe the personality qualities he uses to determine
how aligned someone is to the POV of reality he clearly
does list the traits for both sides.
   Well, I'm not going to quote Robin's refutation of this
   notion again; I'll simply ask readers to scroll down to
   the quote, which begins WTF...
   Then readers can ask themselves why Curtis is reiterating
   his interpretation of what Robin has said after Robin has
   told him it's wrong.
   I mean, how many ways are there to interpret likeableness
   does not come in here and It is not a question of
   likeableness, Curtis? Robin doesn't mention personality
   traits. He's talking about how a person feels *in the
   moment* when they have an experience of accord, or lack of
   accord, with reality. This is entirely independent of
   their likeability or lack thereof as a person.
He has applied this criteria many times in our exchanges.
   BTW, criteria is plural. The singular is criterion.
 It is part of the personal attack style that you are also a big
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I would love for anyone to rephrase Robin's thoery to
that they understood it better than I have.  Perhaps
can offer answers to my objections that don't include an
assumption about my personal motivation and flaws, but
actually sticks to the points themselves.
   For the most part, the answers to your objections are
   simply that your objections are irrelevant. It isn't
   crystal clear whether they're irrelevant because you
   genuinely haven't understood Robin's theory, or because
   you were attempting to mislead and confuse about

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Know Reality's Point of View

2012-10-09 Thread emptybill

That's funny ... she doesn't even mention you.
Maybe yer just her boy toy, always bragging
how you yer doing Her.

I'll ask Shri Devi Palden Lhamo if she has heard of you.
Obviously yer a very important person.
She must have heard of yer preemptive eminence.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Empty, shut the fuck up OK? Stop irritating me. How's your Sadhana
these days? Devi had been complaining to me about you a lot these days.
She's not happy Empty, not happy at all. Empty, I'm telling you I'm
going to whip your sorry ass if you make my beloved unhappy.


 On Oct 9, 2012, at 11:22 AM, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

  Elf Baiter, FYI -
  The Arabic word al-lah actually is a title that means the Deity.
It is only one of the 99 traditional names of The Deity. The declarative
testimony lā ʾilāha ʾillà 
l-Lāh is the affirmation of the unicity of The Deity, who has no
two-ness (Zoroastrian dualists) or three-ness (Christian trinitarians).
  Your season premier is entitled The Rainbow Bridge. It is the
narrow passageway balancing a right view and the hell fire of the
final incandescence. The final incandescence is the unmitigated presence
of The Deity and the denier's consequent annihilation while directly
seeing the Face/Identity of The Deity in the midst of their own
obstinate denial. Robin is the classic denier, both unsubmitted and
unsubmitting. In essence, it is someone who doubts anything other than
  To affirm the uniqueness of The Deity means that we simultaneously
realize our contingent insubstantiality and our true non-being …
i.e. our relative absence from Reality, except for the gift of being -
which is only received through pure grace.
  But of course none of this should concern you.
  It is, as Jason points out, just more metaphysically theistic
  Fer sure …
  Elf Baiter sez -
  Who the hell is The Deity? If I haven't heard of him/her then they
probably aren't worth knowing. Maybe it's a rock band, a new TV show, a
song? Geez Bill, how could I have missed the season premier?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Good News

2012-10-09 Thread emptybill
More cross-eyed yoga.

Mantra japa is for those who can't do anything else.
Fortunately, TM has nothing to do with mantra-japa.

Write your own book on TM.
You can call it Yogananda's TM.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u no_reply@... wrote:

 Mantra Japa leads to bliss consciousness! Been there, (not lately, too
many sleeping elephants) but enough to know TM works. The holy mantras
of the Rishis lead to bliss, as MMY used to say, All roads lead to
Rome, or bliss consciousness.

 Even Swami Yogananda extolled the virtues of mantra japa (ie. TM)
though he thought Patanjali's *ALL* 8 limbs were superior (including
concentration or Dharana);  thanks to MMY however for enlightening we
ignorant Westerners as to the very nature of consciousness as the
foundation of relative creation, Jai MMY. Peace!

 PS According to Swami Yogananda it may just *take longer*, so be it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to Know Reality's Point of View

2012-10-08 Thread emptybill
There is no deity but The Deity.
Muhammad is his Messenger.

Jesus was the glorious prophet of The Deity.
The Deity has no mother, no wife,  no son.

Robin is a idolater and polytheist
because there are not two deities nor
three deities.

Robin has heard this but turns his
face away from The Face of The Deity.

Robin has time only until his last breath,
perhaps his next breath, to take
refuge in The Deity or be consigned
to the Fire.

Or if The Deity wills, Robin shall enter the
flames quite soon to show the fate of those
who refuse the Mercy of the All-Knowing.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  I disagree with your interpretation of his point

 I did not interpret Robin's point. I quoted his point
 directly from his post.

  but we can let Robin decide if he cares to.

 He doesn't have to decide anything, Curtis, he's
 already made the point. That's what I quoted, you see.

  Although he objects to my characterization of likeability
  to describe the personality qualities he uses to determine
  how aligned someone is to the POV of reality he clearly
  does list the traits for both sides.

 Well, I'm not going to quote Robin's refutation of this
 notion again; I'll simply ask readers to scroll down to
 the quote, which begins WTF...

 Then readers can ask themselves why Curtis is reiterating
 his interpretation of what Robin has said after Robin has
 told him it's wrong.

 I mean, how many ways are there to interpret likeableness
 does not come in here and It is not a question of
 likeableness, Curtis? Robin doesn't mention personality
 traits. He's talking about how a person feels *in the
 moment* when they have an experience of accord, or lack of
 accord, with reality. This is entirely independent of
 their likeability or lack thereof as a person.

  He has applied this criteria many times in our exchanges.

 BTW, criteria is plural. The singular is criterion.

   It is part of the personal attack style that you are also a big fan
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  I would love for anyone to rephrase Robin's thoery to show
  that they understood it better than I have.  Perhaps someone
  can offer answers to my objections that don't include an
  assumption about my personal motivation and flaws, but
  actually sticks to the points themselves.

 For the most part, the answers to your objections are
 simply that your objections are irrelevant. It isn't
 crystal clear whether they're irrelevant because you
 genuinely haven't understood Robin's theory, or because
 you were attempting to mislead and confuse about a
 potentially extremely useful approach to getting to the
 truth of a matter. Probably needless to say, I strongly
 suspect the latter, given how disastrous it would be for
 you for folks to have a reliable means to discern the
M: Right, I am against truth and kittens.
   Don't know about kittens, but truth has never been your
   friend as long as I've known you.
 Robin illustrates (hyperbolically) the nature of the
 irrelevance of Curtis's objections:

 Robin: Is that our bus coming now, Curtis?
 Curtis: I did so kill that mosquito, Robin. STFU. Ad

 It's not all that hyperbolic, actually. At one point
 in their dialogue, Curtis went off on a long
 disquisition about how personal likeability is not
 necessarily an indication of trustworthiness, as if
 this were something Robin had proposed. It wasn't. It
 had nothing whatsoever to do with anything Robin had
 said. Jaw-droppingly irrelevant.
M: And your attempt at bullshittery is equally jaw dropping
   Well, let's see whether I was bullshitting.
Robin making the point Judy missed:
   No, Curtis, I didn't miss it, any more than I missed your
   objection to what you go on to quote, or Robin's response
   to your objection (which you do not, of course, quote),
   pointing out that likeability has nothing to do with
   anything he's proposing:
   WTF does 'likeability' have to do with truth--except that it
   is a better and more real and more satisfying experience when
   one's first person ontology becomes more responsive and
   affected by the POV of reality? Objectification of one's first
   person subjective perspective is always available, Curtis--to
   This [my theory] only has to do with the objectification of
   subjectivity, Curtis: likeableness does not come in here. It
   may somewhere be a natural byproduct of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Talked to Buddha -he said Willy was just a name inposed uipon a ghost

2012-10-03 Thread emptybill


Don't take him seriously. Willy is just a corpse-guarding ghost,
like the shriek of a strong wind on a cold day.

Corpse-guarding ghost is the title given in Chan Buddhist circles for
the unfindable 'I' - you know, the one that seems to exist while a
thought is present but can't be traced once thoughts cease.

Willy claims everything is Buddhist because he feels that way he can
one up the Hindoo-s and thus make himself look superior.
Trouble is he uses old, half-baked sources `cause he doesn't
know better.

The foundation of Vastu in Indian architecture is detailed in English in
Symbolism of the Stupa by Adrian Snodgrass which clearly established the
roots of the stupa in the Vedic fire altar and the internalization of
that sacrifice (antar-yagya) as found in the Upanishads and then ported
over to Buddhist yoga and architecture. You can purchase the book on
Amazon or view parts of the text with a Google search.

And yep me too.

I talked to Buddha and he said that Willy was just a label
conveniently applied to a mere assembly of flesh, blood and pus sitting
around punching keys on a keyboard.

Nothin' but wind whistling around the corner.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

  ...you mean that unless I believe and speak to things
  that can be historically proven, then no assertions
  of mine will be believed?
 No, I mean telling fibs about talking to dead people
 like the Buddha is all we need to know in order to cast
 doubt on any assertions you make about anything,
 historical or otherwise.

 Now back to Judy, Robin, Curtis, and Barry. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: GBh: Patanjali's reincarnation??

2012-09-30 Thread emptybill
Thanks for the demonstration of sheer ignorance by the yogis.
That is why Gaudapada condemns their quest for laya.

For them everything is about actualizing the state of samàdhi.
However for classical vedantin-s  samàdhi is a path value that
is only valued for its ability to generate clarity of consciousness
(chitta). After that is is a path of bondage.

Classical Vedanta is founded upon the insight of the Upanishads
not the meditative absorptions (laya) of yogi-s.

This is why the so called yogic vedanta of Vidyaranya and folk
is a path of defeat by samsara.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister cardemaister@...

 Shankaracharya's guru had told Shankaracharya that Patanjali was
reincarnated as Govinda Bhagavatpada and was meditating in a cave
somewhere in the state of samadhi.[7]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-28 Thread emptybill

Share, don't be fooled by Wiki-Willy.

Willy is quite the name dropping amateur but he didn't bother to tell
you that the real identity of Swami Agehananda Bharati was actually the
Viennese academic - Leopold Fischer.

Fischer was a polyglot and teacher, a Professor of Anthropology at
Syracuse University. He was a Sanskritist but in India that only gets
you halfway. Consequently, when he wanted to do fieldwork in India he
needed better Indian credentials. Therefore, he went to India and got
initiated into one of Shankara's dashanami monastic orders - that is why
he had this swami name. What Willy isn't telling you (because he doesn't
know) is that in India, no one with real knowledge will talk with you
about the important stuff unless you are a sannyasin. They just
don't think you can be serious and focused enough to listen,
comprehend and absorb it properly.

Leopold-Agehananda was particularly interested in buddhist and hindu
tantic traditions, so he researched and wrote about them. In his works
he was just as willing as any other academic to speculate about
historical origins and he did so in the common fashion. Although
technically a swami, he didn't like orthodox Hindu
traditions much. He loved to call Ramana Maharshi a crashing
bore - to the vast delight of tantric buddhist Chogyam Trungpa and
his 1970's hipster sycophants.

Willy's conclusions that bija-mantras originated from the Buddhist
Vijñanvada lineages is nothing but erroneous tripe. I don't know
any scholar who would hold such a silly view.

This is why Willy is often called Wiki-Willy by those who
actually know this stuff but get tired of his back-pocket ego polishing.
Many of his conclusions are downright amateurish because he reads this
stuff and then launches his repetitive rants.  Apparently, he thinks it
gives him stature and thus lets him attempt to lord it
over the less informed about a given topic. This is the shared
evaluation by Bharitu, Vaj and me - who all have experiential knowledge
about these topics. We may argue  about other things but we all concur
about Willy.

So don't be fooled.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 Thanks, Richard, great info.  Letting it percolate on back burners
of share brain.  Off to Dome...

  From: Richard J. Williams richard@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 8:18 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2


 Share Long:
  I guess it's all about mantras LOL

 'Bija' mantras have no semantic meaning; 'mantras'
 are words used in the Vedic rituals. You can do
 japa with bijas, but you'd need to know Sanskrit
 in order to chant the mantras in the Vedas.

 According to Brooks, the bijas are superior, just
 like yoga is superior to ritual acts.

 Why do you think the cow is now sacred in India?

 According to Swami Ageananda Bharati, it is clear
 that the Buddhist tantras preceeded the Hindu
 tantras, and hence, yogic practices are tantric
 in nature, e.g. the non-Vedic practices such as
 yoga, mudra, dhyana, mantra, yantra, dharani, puja,
 pradakshina; and monasticism, ahimsa, instruction
 by sutra, relic worship, edifice architecture,
 etc., etc.

 Yogic practices and thus yogins, and yogic practice,
 is firmly rooted in the teachings of Shakya and
 the Sramanas such as Natatputra.

 Read more:

 'Mantra Yoga'

 The srividya, because it consists of indestructible
 seed syllables (bijaksara) rather than words,
 transcends such mundane considerations as semantic
 meaning. Accordingly, a bija-only mantra is not
 merely esoteric but inherently superior.

 Because it is purely seed-syllables [bijasaras] is
 the purest form of mantra. It does not make a request
 or praise god, it is God's purest expression. Gayatri
 is great but it cannot match srividya because it is
 still in language; it is Veda and mantra but when
 transformed into the srividya its greatness
 increases (95).

 Work cited:

 Auspicious Wisdon
 The texts and traditions of Srividya Sakta Tantrism
 in South India.
 by Douglas Renfrew Brooks
 SUNY, 1992

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-28 Thread emptybill
Yep Ravioli,

I wander around the streets searching for a vinosk (Victim In Need of
Sudden Knowledge).
When I find one, I slam the top of their head with this:
Rig Veda : A Metrically Restored Text With an Introduction and Notes
(Harvard Oriental, Vol 5)  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0674769716

Just as it hits them, I hurl forth the most esoteric karma- mantra of
all time: pow!

Then I stroll away, laughing and shouting into the air …
koo-chi-koo, you corpse-guarding ghost!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Yes indeed MJ, but ignore emptybill, he is just a vagabond roaming
 streets accosting and hitting people with his torn, worn books. Not
 you need to pay too much attention to.

 On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@...wrote:

  Man, Fairfield life is mighty interesting! Thank you for posting
this, its
  good to know.
  *From:* emptybill emptybill@...
  *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Friday, September 28, 2012 2:19 PM
  *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part
   Share, don't be fooled by Wiki-Willy.
  Willy is quite the name dropping amateur but he didn't bother to
tell you
  that the real identity of Swami Agehananda Bharati was actually the
  Viennese academic - Leopold Fischer.
  Fischer was a polyglot and teacher, a Professor of Anthropology at
  Syracuse University. He was a Sanskritist but in India that only
gets you
  halfway. Consequently, when he wanted to do fieldwork in India he
  better Indian credentials. Therefore, he went to India and got
  into one of Shankara's dashanami monastic orders - that is why he
had this
  swami name. What Willy isn't telling you (because he doesn't know)
is that
  in India, no one with real knowledge will talk with you about the
  stuff unless you are a sannyasin. They just don't think you can be
  and focused enough to listen, comprehend and absorb it properly.
  Leopold-Agehananda was particularly interested in buddhist and hindu
  tantic traditions, so he researched and wrote about them. In his
works he
  was just as willing as any other academic to speculate about
  origins and he did so in the common fashion. Although technically a
  swami, he didn't like orthodox Hindu traditions much. He loved to
  Ramana Maharshi a crashing bore - to the vast delight of tantric
  Chogyam Trungpa and his 1970's hipster sycophants.
  Willy's conclusions that bija-mantras originated from the Buddhist
  Vijñanvada lineages is nothing but erroneous tripe. I don't know
  scholar who would hold such a silly view.
  This is why Willy is often called Wiki-Willy by those who actually
  this stuff but get tired of his back-pocket ego polishing. Many of
  conclusions are downright amateurish because he reads this stuff and
  launches his repetitive rants.  Apparently, he thinks it gives him
  stature and thus lets him attempt to lord it over the less
  about a given topic. This is the shared evaluation by Bharitu, Vaj
and me -
  who all have experiential knowledge about these topics. We may argue
  other things but we all concur about Willy.
  So don't be fooled.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Thanks, Richard, great info.  Letting it percolate on back
burners of
  share brain.  Off to Dome...
   From: Richard J. Williams richard@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 8:18 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part
   Share Long:
I guess it's all about mantras LOL
   'Bija' mantras have no semantic meaning; 'mantras'
   are words used in the Vedic rituals. You can do
   japa with bijas, but you'd need to know Sanskrit
   in order to chant the mantras in the Vedas.
   According to Brooks, the bijas are superior, just
   like yoga is superior to ritual acts.
   Why do you think the cow is now sacred in India?
   According to Swami Ageananda Bharati, it is clear
   that the Buddhist tantras preceeded the Hindu
   tantras, and hence, yogic practices are tantric
   in nature, e.g. the non-Vedic practices such as
   yoga, mudra, dhyana, mantra, yantra, dharani, puja,
   pradakshina; and monasticism, ahimsa, instruction
   by sutra, relic worship, edifice architecture,
   etc., etc.
   Yogic practices and thus yogins, and yogic practice,
   is firmly rooted in the teachings of Shakya and
   the Sramanas such as Natatputra.
   Read more:
   'Mantra Yoga'
   The srividya, because it consists of indestructible
   seed syllables (bijaksara) rather than words,
   transcends such mundane considerations as semantic
   meaning. Accordingly, a bija-only mantra

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Alternative

2012-09-27 Thread emptybill

None of these comments address the disparity between the traditional
practice of Maitri Bhavana (the contemplative cultivation of loving
kindness) versus the three little impulses used in tm-sanyama

Having to follow strict institutional rules is no excuse for the absence
of compassion. For example, Buddhist monks must strictly observe 253
rules, Buddhist female monastics must observe 348 rules. However, these
monastics are not thereby allowed to be assholes to people.

Administrative duties in Buddhist monasteries require many skill sets
and yet maitri-bhavana is still enjoined as one of the most fundamental
practices for everyone. Not that everyone in a monastery does them
because most of their time is spent performing chants for the benefit of
the lay people. That is how the monasteries earn donations. However, the
administrators are answerable to the whole assembly of monastics for
their behavior.

A total of nine little impulses doesn't seem to do much
for practitioners supposed evolution. In actual results, this
practice seems unconnected to these administrator's personal
consciousness, whether surface or deep, no matter how long or how much
they have performed sanyama. This disconnect basically stands alone as
an example of something is missing.

That is why I included the example of the guided contemplation. It is
one example of what seems missing.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  People wonder why administrators who practice the tm-sidhi program
  40 years are so unkind and uncaring. Look no farther than the how
  first three sutra-s are practiced - three reps of three ideas ...
  is all.

 That job.  I have friends who have experience working in the
movement's course office over the years.  Hopefully the guidelines
facilitate what is going on.  When the guidelines are less than fair to
people there can be a lot of deep (spiritual) hurt in enforcing them
where it wrecks people's lives as it can.  At times this has been real
bad.  The course office position holds a lot of power over people. 
There is a lot of communal hurt around that and the people working there
end up a conduit for that communal hurt and consequent anger.  If
someone doesn't have a thick skin before coming in to the job they get
one or get out.  It's an soul corrupting job if ever there was one like
being a Ring-bearer in Lord of the Rings.  Hopefully the guidelines help
facilitate what we are doing and not get in the way of it.  The
guidelines evidently have caused a lot of trouble that way.  There's a
reality to that.

  Although engaged with during tm-sanyama, the three sutra-s are
  ideas. Their possible results? According to MMY some feelings of
  warmth. But why should only three repetitions of such introductory
  feelings produce a significant, lasting change in someone?
  MMY used to analogize every method other than tm/tm-sidhi as just
  another cart and bullock practice.
  As a counter-point, here is a condensed and succinct example of the
  method used in the traditions of Patanjali Yogasutra-s and Gautama
  Buddha's eight-fold path. Once you get a feel for it, you will
  understand why these Abodes of Brahma (Brahma Viharas) are
  essential for actualizing and realizing awakened liberation.
  The Four Brahma Viharas
  A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema
  Think of the four brahma viharas, the four supreme emotions,
  loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy (joy with others), and
  equanimity. And see them, as the Buddha explained them, as the only
  emotions worth having. Nothing else has any real place in our
  And think your heart as yearning to be filled with love and
  with joy with others, and equanimity. See your heart as yearning for
  that and then fill it with those emotions. The warmth of love. The
  of compassion. The generosity of joy with others. And the
  of equanimity. Fill your heart to the brim.
  And now spread the love and compassion, and the joy with others, and
  equanimity through this room. So that there is the warmth and the
  the generosity and the peacefulness of it all through this room, so
  everyone can partake of it.
  And now let these four emotions, with their warmth and their caring,
  their generosity and their peacefulness emanate from your heart and
  reach out to the people who are close to you, so that they can have
  of it, without expecting that you can get the same back.
  Now let all your friends partake of the beautiful emanation from
  heart. Loving and compassionate. Caring and peaceful.
  Now reach out to other people you know. Neighbors. People you might
  with. Those you meet in everyday life. Let the heart full of
  loving-kindness and compassion reach out to all these people that

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-27 Thread emptybill

Careful Jackson, pearls before swine. This is a tough rough crowd here.
has visions of this place being a salon but it plays more like a

Kindly, Buck in the Dome

WTF? ...

Like a Saloon?

This place is a saloon and you've been seen and heard chatting with the
riftraft who drink tiger piss in these parts. You condemn yourself by
hanging with these bad associates.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-27 Thread emptybill
Look Jackson, your gonna cause his head to explode.

Here's an example of a former post that deals with this
point but that Willy can't make sense of in any way.

He can't let it go 'cause he can't understand.

From Baba Hari Dass (the upa-guru of Ram Dass)

On the difference between Mantra practice and Japa practice.

1.  Mantra is the repetition of sounds or words which have power due
to the vibration of the sound itself.

2.  Japa is the rhythmic repetition of a name of God.

  It (Japa) consists of automatic Pranayama, concentration and
meditation. The main idea in doing Japa is to make the mind thoughtless.
Then automatically body consciousness disappears. If your body
consciousness disappears, it means your sadhana is going well. The body
is the medium of sadhana and the body is the hindrance in sadhana. Japa
is a formal method of worshipping God. It should be done privately and
preferably with a mala, or rosary.

  Silence Speaks: from the chalkboard of Baba Hari Dass, 1977 (my

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74 mjackson74@...

 Look Richard, let me be very plain here - I do not give a damn where
the mantras came from nor do I know why you obsess over their origins so
much. Were I to be coming to TM now with no prior knowledge of the
practice, I might be interested.

 In 1974 it never occurred to me to ask - I accepted the statement that
Virginia Bedford and Jamie Vollmer (the two TM Center people) made that
the mantras were meaningless sounds. John Briganti, the first teacher I
took a residence course with told us the same thing. Believed it too.
And since the mantra still works after 38 years, I see no need to ask
where it came from.

 My remarks about my other two mantras received from the Movement were
facetious references to my two advanced techniques.

 The other two bija mantras came as I said, one from Bob Fickes, former
TM teacher who I believe was on TTC with Rick (sorry if I got that wrong

 Bob now has his own thing he calls Fulfillment Meditation. Totally
different set of mantras although interestingly he still does puja, but
he puts pics of not only Guru Dev on the puja table but pics of Kwan
Yin, Archangel Michael and so on.

 The last bija mantra I got is a Deepak Chopra mantra. Chopra
instructors do not use TM puja. Their meditation program was mainly put
together by Deepak and Roger Gabriel, an old TM teacher who I believe
left the TM Movement the same time Chopra did and went with him to
California when Chopra set up the Chopra Center.

 The Chopra instructors use a sanskrit chant, the shanti mantra Gabriel
called it, which shanti mantra chant I do not know.

 So yes, when I use the Babaji mantra (what Bob calls his mantras) I am
not doing TM.

 When I use the Chopra mantra, I am not doing TM. '

 When I use my three TM mantras (spoken facetiously for the Fairfield
Life's version of Sheldon Cooper's benefit), meaning my TM mantra plus
advanced techniques, I am doing TM. If that don't satisfy you Sheldon, I
dunno whut.

 Nice pic of Michael Jackson - that obviously is not me or these posts
would be coming from beyond the grave.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@
Careful Jackson, pearls before swine.  This is
a tough rough crowd here.  Rick has visions of
this place being a salon but it plays more like
a saloon...
   With all due respect Buck, why not let the
   posters speak freely?
  Apparently Mr. Jackson doesn't want to talk about
  the elephant in the room - the bijas mantra you get
  when you start TM. Jackson desn't seem to know
  much about them - he didn't seem to realize that
  you get only one bija when you learn TM, when he
  paid the $65.
  And, if you adopt other bijas from other teachers,
  then you're not practicing TM.
   When finally someone with an insiders
   view on the above topics volunteer to share his
   insights who are you to try to stop him?
  So, it's unlikely you'll be getting any insider
  information revealed by Mr. Jackson.
   Let anyone freely display his Pearls of Wisdom !
  Michael Jackson?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-27 Thread emptybill

Don't worry ...

Continuing with the bar analogy -
people 'round here are already well-stirred.

That's why they come here  ... to slam a few back.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74 mjackson74@...

 Damn! I Thought there was something wrong with me cuz my body
consciousness was disappearing!

 But you are right - I probably should posting this stuff - it is
getting too many people stirred up.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Look Jackson, your gonna cause his head to explode.
  Here's an example of a former post that deals with this
  point but that Willy can't make sense of in any way.
  He can't let it go 'cause he can't understand.
  From Baba Hari Dass (the upa-guru of Ram Dass)
  On the difference between Mantra practice and Japa practice.
  1.  Mantra is the repetition of sounds or words which have power
  to the vibration of the sound itself.
  2.  Japa is the rhythmic repetition of a name of God.
It (Japa) consists of automatic Pranayama, concentration and
  meditation. The main idea in doing Japa is to make the mind
  Then automatically body consciousness disappears. If your body
  consciousness disappears, it means your sadhana is going well. The
  is the medium of sadhana and the body is the hindrance in sadhana.
  is a formal method of worshipping God. It should be done privately
  preferably with a mala, or rosary.
Silence Speaks: from the chalkboard of Baba Hari Dass, 1977 (my
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74 mjackson74@
   Look Richard, let me be very plain here - I do not give a damn
  the mantras came from nor do I know why you obsess over their
origins so
  much. Were I to be coming to TM now with no prior knowledge of the
  practice, I might be interested.
   In 1974 it never occurred to me to ask - I accepted the statement
  Virginia Bedford and Jamie Vollmer (the two TM Center people) made
  the mantras were meaningless sounds. John Briganti, the first
teacher I
  took a residence course with told us the same thing. Believed it
  And since the mantra still works after 38 years, I see no need to
  where it came from.
   My remarks about my other two mantras received from the Movement
  facetious references to my two advanced techniques.
   The other two bija mantras came as I said, one from Bob Fickes,
  TM teacher who I believe was on TTC with Rick (sorry if I got that
   Bob now has his own thing he calls Fulfillment Meditation. Totally
  different set of mantras although interestingly he still does puja,
  he puts pics of not only Guru Dev on the puja table but pics of Kwan
  Yin, Archangel Michael and so on.
   The last bija mantra I got is a Deepak Chopra mantra. Chopra
  instructors do not use TM puja. Their meditation program was mainly
  together by Deepak and Roger Gabriel, an old TM teacher who I
  left the TM Movement the same time Chopra did and went with him to
  California when Chopra set up the Chopra Center.
   The Chopra instructors use a sanskrit chant, the shanti mantra
  called it, which shanti mantra chant I do not know.
   So yes, when I use the Babaji mantra (what Bob calls his mantras)
I am
  not doing TM.
   When I use the Chopra mantra, I am not doing TM. '
   When I use my three TM mantras (spoken facetiously for the
  Life's version of Sheldon Cooper's benefit), meaning my TM mantra
  advanced techniques, I am doing TM. If that don't satisfy you
Sheldon, I
  dunno whut.
   Nice pic of Michael Jackson - that obviously is not me or these
  would be coming from beyond the grave.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
  Careful Jackson, pearls before swine.  This is
  a tough rough crowd here.  Rick has visions of
  this place being a salon but it plays more like
  a saloon...
 With all due respect Buck, why not let the
 posters speak freely?

Apparently Mr. Jackson doesn't want to talk about
the elephant in the room - the bijas mantra you get
when you start TM. Jackson desn't seem to know
much about them - he didn't seem to realize that
you get only one bija when you learn TM, when he
paid the $65.
And, if you adopt other bijas from other teachers,
then you're not practicing TM.
 When finally someone with an insiders
 view on the above topics volunteer to share his
 insights who are you to try to stop him?
So, it's unlikely you'll be getting any insider
information revealed by Mr. Jackson.
 Let anyone freely display his Pearls of Wisdom !

Michael Jackson?

[FairfieldLife] An Alternative

2012-09-26 Thread emptybill

People wonder why administrators who practice the tm-sidhi program for
40 years are so unkind and uncaring. Look no farther than the how the
first three sutra-s are practiced - three reps of three ideas ... that
is all.

Although engaged with during tm-sanyama, the three sutra-s are initial
ideas. Their possible results? According to MMY some feelings of
warmth. But why should only three repetitions of such introductory
feelings produce a significant, lasting change in someone?

MMY used to analogize every method other than tm/tm-sidhi as just
another cart and bullock practice.

As a counter-point, here is a condensed and succinct example of the main
method used in the traditions of Patanjali Yogasutra-s and Gautama
Buddha's eight-fold path. Once you get a feel for it, you will
understand why these Abodes of Brahma (Brahma Viharas) are considered
essential for actualizing and realizing awakened liberation.


The Four Brahma Viharas

A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema

Think of the four brahma viharas, the four supreme emotions,
loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy (joy with others), and
equanimity. And see them, as the Buddha explained them, as the only
emotions worth having. Nothing else has any real place in our hearts.
And think your heart as yearning to be filled with love and compassion,
with joy with others, and equanimity. See your heart as yearning for
that and then fill it with those emotions. The warmth of love. The care
of compassion. The generosity of joy with others. And the peacefulness
of equanimity. Fill your heart to the brim.

And now spread the love and compassion, and the joy with others, and the
equanimity through this room. So that there is the warmth and the care,
the generosity and the peacefulness of it all through this room, so that
everyone can partake of it.

And now let these four emotions, with their warmth and their caring,
their generosity and their peacefulness emanate from your heart and
reach out to the people who are close to you, so that they can have part
of it, without expecting that you can get the same back.

Now let all your friends partake of the beautiful emanation from your
heart. Loving and compassionate. Caring and peaceful.

Now reach out to other people you know. Neighbors. People you might work
with. Those you meet in everyday life. Let the heart full of
loving-kindness and compassion reach out to all these people that you
can think of.

Now think anyone towards whom you have some negative feeling in your
ordinary life, and don't change your heart now. Allow it to retain love
and compassion, joy with others, and equanimity and let those same
emotions reach out to that
difficult person.

Now feel your heart emanating the beautiful rays of love and compassion,
the warmth and the caring, the giving and peacefulness and let these
rays go out into the world and touch people's hearts near and far.
Think of people around here and then go further afield. Letting these
beautiful rays and emanations from your heart go to as many hearts as
you can find.

And put your attention back on yourself and feel the warmth of
loving-kindness and the peacefulness of giving permeate you, fill you
and surround you. The warmth in the heart brings joy and the
peacefulness that surrounds you brings a feeling of security.

May beings everywhere love each other.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 Dear Seek,  I agree that TMers are not necessarily more evolved or
knowledgeable or calmer in turmoil or overall better humans than
others.  However I also want to bring up an experience that has
puzzled me for years.  It came up when, for emotional healing, I got
involved with non TM groups.  BTW, both groups contained ex TMers as
well as long term practicing TMers and non TMers.  To me, the non
TMers in general just did not feel natural, which is not exactly the
best word but comes closest.  Maybe unstraining is a better way to
say it.  Some subtle energy of settledness missing.  Again, I'm
fumbling for words and thinking out loud here.  But wanted to
mention to get your feedback. Â Â

 I also notice that a lot of people are familiar with New Age ideas and
even wisdom.  But much of that sounds more like common sense to
me.  Which is very good on that level.  Or New Age knowledge
often puts the cart before the horse.  My favorite example is
Eckhart Tolle and his teaching to be in the Now.  It's my experience
that being in the Now is a result rather than a path.  It's also my
experience that the Now contains both past and future so no need to
avoid them.  Anyway, I'm ever grateful to Maharishi for his teaching
on consciousness and its unfolding.

 At this point, I have not gone deeply into Buddhist or Taoist
wisdom.  But what I have encountered nourishes my spirit.  I'm
simply grateful for all the wisdom and practical help that is available
these days.  And that it's my dharma to explore.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread emptybill


My Devi is Ekajati. She doesn't waste time with utter idiots. My
Guru says she only cares about advaya-jñana but for your sake,
I'll ask her to give you a glace.

Just don't be arrogant, since she can deal roughly with stupid
fools. For your sake, I'll pray for you beneficence.

You need it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Richard J. Williams

  Ravi Chivukula:
   Empty - is it, is that what your Devi says - to taunt
   women here? I never heard back from you since November
   you dumb MF'er...
  Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk
  to, Ravi.

 Right..thanks Richard, poor emptybill, sob, sniffle, sniffle - I'm
 too hard on him, poor bastard. So what if he doesn't have any skills
 deal with real women and gets cursed by them, he has his fantasized
 It's all good - I'm sure he gets along well with his Devi, right

  The obsessed, friendless, possibly sexually dysfunctional
  loser expat drifting through the world of newsgroups and
  message boards.
  The erstwhile participants driven to juvenile hazing rituals
  routinely go on to more even less important projects, like
  walking the dog past a cemetary.
  It's a rabbit hole game to establish the newsworthiness of
  trolling, when a bunch of spoiled, chat-room yakkers, try
  to surprise the Old Guys and Gals, with ...have you
  anything new to say? Go figure.
  Here, the fragility-of-childhood is prominent and the
  disappointments which come from not growing up are central.
  Adults who are torn in time, dislodged and displaced from
  the safety of family childhood, yet not ready, either, for
  the world of adulthood, parenting, or even voting.
  Here, the grotesque becomes human nature - with a talent
  rooted in envy - a scary vision of man alone, shut off in
  his room, cold, bareness, and vacancy, and inertia - the
  emotions of solitude are apparent and flourish in the
  online world.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-23 Thread emptybill

Sorry you have such self-loathing.
Wouldn't you feel better with a completely
new incarnation?

Pray to Devi to spare you from yourself.
I hear she's quite merciful.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Empty - You are physically repulsive, intellectually retarded, vulgar,
 insensitive, selfish, stupid, you have no taste, a lousy sense of
humor and
 you smell.

 On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 4:37 PM, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

  It must be hard to face the truth.
  So many posters here view you as just a shrew.
  Not me of course . Rather, I believe you are a magnificent
  bodhisattva, bent upon liberating everyone in all possible
  universes ... even if they don't want it.
  This is the burden you have taken upon yourself 'cause you
  really love everyone ... no matter what.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
  anartaxius@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
 Me, I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere
 near the larger Truth if they have no concern for the
 smaller truths of everyday life, including on this forum.
While you are very skillful at these smaller truths Judy,
I think you do get caught up in them to your disadvantage.
   Of course you do, Xeno. I wouldn't expect otherwise.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-23 Thread emptybill

Wake up Willy and smell the etymological cognates.

Vi-jnana (vi = apart, separate, jña =to know) is cognate with Latin
dis-cerne (dis = apart, cernere = perceive).

Con-scious (con = with/together, scire = know) is a Latin
loan-translation from Greek syn-eidos = with seeing).

Vijñana therefore means distinguishing apart something from
something else. In Vijñanavada epistemology it indicates the skandha
of being aware or knowing.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

 Me, I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere
 near the larger Truth if they have no concern for the
 smaller truths of everyday life, including on this forum.

While you are very skillful at these smaller truths Judy,
I think you do get caught up in them to your disadvantage.
   Of course you do, Xeno. I wouldn't expect otherwise.
  It must be hard to face the truth...
 Barry wrote that he doesn't believe in a larger 'truth',
 so yeah why would he believe in any smaller truths? LoL!

 Barry believes in 'free will' and 'vijnana' does not mean
 conciousness. LoL! Yeah, the truth, Wright, Bill?

 The concept of free will plays a central role in Kashmir
 Shaivism. Known under the technical name of svatantrya it
 is the cause of the creation of the universe - a primordial
 force that stirs up the absolute and manifests the world
 inside the supreme consciousness of Siva.


 The details of the beliefs vary in different texts, but
 the general principles are similar to those found in
 Kashmir Shaivism...The name srividya is also used to
 refer to a specific mantra used in this tradition having
 fifteen syllables.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Wolfe on how the Romney video killed the American Dream

2012-09-22 Thread emptybill
Maoist sentimentality trans-posted posted on FFL don't mean shit.
Wake up  smell the bovine  feces.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Bottom line:

 We thus see a turning-point in American conservative philosophy. This
 was the moment when the wealthy elite stopped believing its own PR,
 self-affirming myth of that economic success can always be had for
 who want it and are willing to work. Mitt Romney has told us that it's
 now simply class war: a struggle to stop the other half getting what
 we have. Thank you for your candor, Mr Romney.


[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-22 Thread emptybill
It must be hard to face the truth.
So many posters here view you as just a shrew.
Not me of course . Rather, I believe you are a magnificent
bodhisattva, bent upon liberating everyone in all possible
universes ... even if they don't want it.

This is the burden you have taken upon yourself  'cause you
really love everyone  ... no matter what.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
anartaxius@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   Me, I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere
   near the larger Truth if they have no concern for the
   smaller truths of everyday life, including on this forum.
  While you are very skillful at these smaller truths Judy,
  I think you do get caught up in them to your disadvantage.

 Of course you do, Xeno. I wouldn't expect otherwise.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-22 Thread emptybill
A. Woeful Baiter,

Nice job. No one else has yet shown
forth the real Judas Stone as she really is.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   It must be hard to face the truth.
  Actually I vastly prefer facing the truth to facing
  bullshit, but I'll do the latter if necessary.
   So many posters here view you as just a shrew.
  I'd rather be perceived as a truth-seeking shrew
  than a reality-avoiding pompous dormouse.

   Not me of course . Rather, I believe you are a magnificent
   bodhisattva, bent upon liberating everyone in all possible
   universes ... even if they don't want it.
   This is the burden you have taken upon yourself  'cause you
   really love everyone  ... no matter what.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
   anartaxius@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend


  Me, I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere
  near the larger Truth if they have no concern for the
  smaller truths of everyday life, including on this forum.

 While you are very skillful at these smaller truths Judy,
 I think you do get caught up in them to your disadvantage.
Of course you do, Xeno. I wouldn't expect otherwise.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Naomi Wolfe on how the Romney video killed the American Dream

2012-09-22 Thread emptybill
I say stand 'em up along the walls like we did in
Munich in 1919.

Let 'em kiss lead for Jesus,
psycho-pompos capatilist  swine!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Comrade Empty, what is Maoist about Wolfe's statement?  Or do you
 want a bunch of rich fucks telling you what you can and cannot do?

 On 09/22/2012 03:10 PM, emptybill wrote:
  Maoist sentimentality trans-posted posted on FFL don't mean shit.
  Wake up  smell the bovine  feces.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Bottom line:
  We thus see a turning-point in American conservative philosophy.
  was the moment when the wealthy elite stopped believing its own PR,
  self-affirming myth of that economic success can always be had for
  who want it and are willing to work. Mitt Romney has told us that
  now simply class war: a struggle to stop the other half getting
  we have. Thank you for your candor, Mr Romney.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Love This

2012-09-21 Thread emptybill

Elf Baiter sez:

Well, I guess it has to be the witch since that is me circa 1960, the
one on the right.

Empty Bill sez:

Congrads Elf Baiter, you're in good company.
IMO, Margret Hamilton's role  as the wicked witch of the West makes the
1939 film wonderful.

FFL needs another Wicked Witch … only one not quite as unreflective
as those acted out in the other FFL auditions. Maybe you can fly up like
a hawk with your piercing gaze and spot the tasty little morsel awaiting
its karmic devouring.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Elf Baiter
  So which one do you identify with ...
  Nikko the winged monkey or the Witch of the West?

 Well, I guess it has to be the witch since that is me circa 1960, the
 one on the right.


[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-21 Thread emptybill

Sorry, Willy, but you are starting to bluster again.

No Western trained scholar (Indian or Euro-American) would believe these
invented claims by Indians. There are no texts to read, Willy, because
tantra only developed as puja-yajna during the puranic temple-historical
phase later known as Hinduism. Individually oriented inner tantric
practice is a later development which is centered upon the
internalization the fire ritual (antara-agni-yaga).

BTW, all smarta Brahmins claim allegiance to Shankara. So what,  it
means nothing. Current smarta  sannyasins use Sri Vidya because they
adhere to Yogic Advaita, which reinterprets advaita as a form of yoga.
That may be yoga and/or tantra but it is not advaita.

Many of the current Shankaracharya-s have proven to be shills who were
voted in by various Brahmin groups after taking lakhs of rupees for
their votes. However, you are probably getting screwed, Willy,
`cause they ain't payin' you to make their fabulous claims
here in 'Smerica. Wake up and smell the rupees.

That would be smarta than what you're doin' now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

  This does not mean that either Shankara or SBS
  were tantrika-s...
 Can't help you if you won't read the texts, Bill.

 Get some smarts and learn some history! MMY got
 the TM bijas from SBS and he got them from SKS,
 all they way back to the Adi Shankara. All the
 Sringeri sannyasins are tantrikas and adherents
 Sri Vidya. All the Sringeri sannyasisn worship the
 Sri Yantra - a tantric yoga. These are the facts.

 So, let's review what we know:

 The adherents of the Sri Vidya claim Shankara as
 their Adi Guru, and all of the Saraswati sannyasins
 worship Tripurasundari with the Sri Yantra, and they
 repeat the bija mantra of Saraswati at least twice
 each day.

 At their headquarters at Sringeri, the Saraswati
 yogins all proclaim their allegiance to the Adi

 According to the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the
 Adi Shankara placed the Sri Chakra, symbol of
 Tripurasundari, with the TM mantras inscribed
 thereon, at each of the seats of learning - Dwarka,
 Puri, Sringeri, and at Jyotirmath.

 So, the mantras of TM are DIRECTLY related to Sri

 So, we get TM and the TM bijas from MMY, who got
 the bijas from SBS, who got the bijas from the
 Swami Krishananda Saraswati of Sringeri. So, the
 TM bijas come from the Shankaracharya tradition
 of Kaula Tantra which was founded at Sringeri by
 the Adi Shankara.

 So, when TMers use the bija mantra of Saraswati,
 there is no difference between the bija and the
 Absolute itself - there is only the illusion of

 There is no difference between an object meditated
 upon and the object itself. Since the Absolute is
 not a subject to be cognized, TMers use bija
 mantras in order to provide the ideal opportunity
 for the transcending.

 According to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, The
 difference is the same as the difference between
 rice and paddy. Remove the skin of the paddy and
 it is rice. Similarly, remove the covering of
 Maya, and the Jiva will become Brahman.

 ...it has now been established that at least two
 of the most sacred bija-mantras, out of the
 fifteen, contained in the Sound Arya La Hari, are
 in fact, TM bija-mantras.

 Subject: Re: Guru Dev and Sri Vidya
 From: James Duffy
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: April 28, 2003

I have the Mandukya Upanishad with
Shankara's detailed commentary. Nowhere
is there a discussion of 7 states of consciousness,
much less Maharishi's 7 states. Shankara's so called
usage of Kashmiri Trika or Shri Vidya is untrue and
has long been disproven.
   It has already been established that Swami Brahmananda
   Saraswati was an adherent of the Sri Vidya. It has
   also already been established that MMY was a close
   confidant of Swami Laksmanjoo, the last Tantric teacher
   of Trika in Kashmere.
   Another crucial point that is often missed is that
   Maharishi's typology is a tantric rendering of the
   seven states, not a strictly Vedantic map.
   The 'God Consciousness' described by Maharishi is
   based on Sri Vidya principles: The Absolute as the
   creative source - the divine Mother, Tripura, which
   is the main doctrine of both Sri Vidya and Kashmere
   Tripura can be an anthropomorphic deity, but the
   subtler tantric practices are directed towards
   Tripura as the formless - that is, the fourth state
   which is beyond or transcendental to, the three
   gross states (three cities) symbolized by AUM in the
   Mandukhya Upanishad and the cogent commentary by
   In Sri Vidya, the Sri Yantra is the map of the
   seven states, which agrees with Maharishi's layout,
   with the Bindu at the center. According to Tantra
   the Bindu is the highest state of transcendenace.
   Swami Rama on the Mandukhya Upanishad

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-20 Thread emptybill

You must have been a disciple of Joseph Propagandhi Goebbels last
lifetime – thus believing that if you tell a story enough times
people will believe it is true. Funny though, I don't remember you

Shankara instituted the shanmata method of puja-yajna (worship of Shiva,
Vishnu, Shakti, Surya Narayana, Ganesh and Karttikeya). It is the method
(vidhi) used by smarta Brahmins like SBS. Shankara united the various
bickering factions of various deity worshipers by this means. Later they
added the puranic and tantric puja methods – worshipping Shiva as
shivalingam and Vishnu as shalagram shila.

This does not mean that either Shankara or SBS were tantrika-s.   You
have had this demonstrated to you repeatedly.

You obviously believe that if you keep speaking these pseudo-stories
then someone will believe you. Apparently, that is all you have. It
makes you appear amateurish.

Welcome to the noetic void – Willy Propagandhi.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

  I have the Mandukya Upanishad with
  Shankara's detailed commentary. Nowhere
  is there a discussion of 7 states of consciousness,
  much less Maharishi's 7 states. Shankara's so called
  usage of Kashmiri Trika or Shri Vidya is untrue and
  has long been disproven.
 It has already been established that Swami Brahmananda
 Saraswati was an adherent of the Sri Vidya. It has
 also already been established that MMY was a close
 confidant of Swami Laksmanjoo, the last Tantric teacher
 of Trika in Kashmere.

 Another crucial point that is often missed is that
 Maharishi's typology is a tantric rendering of the
 seven states, not a strictly Vedantic map.

 The 'God Consciousness' described by Maharishi is
 based on Sri Vidya principles: The Absolute as the
 creative source - the divine Mother, Tripura, which
 is the main doctrine of both Sri Vidya and Kashmere

 Tripura can be an anthropomorphic deity, but the
 subtler tantric practices are directed towards
 Tripura as the formless - that is, the fourth state
 which is beyond or transcendental to, the three
 gross states (three cities) symbolized by AUM in the
 Mandukhya Upanishad and the cogent commentary by

 In Sri Vidya, the Sri Yantra is the map of the
 seven states, which agrees with Maharishi's layout,
 with the Bindu at the center. According to Tantra
 the Bindu is the highest state of transcendenace.

 Swami Rama on the Mandukhya Upanishad:

 2) Sarvam hyetad brahmayam-atma brahma soyamatma

 Atman has Four Aspects: All of this, everywhere,
 is in truth Brahman, the Absolute Reality. This
 very Self itself, Atman, is also Brahman, the
 Absolute Reality. This Atman or Self has four
 aspects through which it operates.

 Work cited:

 'Enlightenment Without God'
 Mandukhya Upanishad
 By Swami Rama
 Himalayan Institute Press, 1982

 Other titles of interst:

 'The Secret of the Three Cities'
 An Introduction to Hindu Sakta Tantrism
 By Douglas Renfrew Brooks
 University Of Chicago Press, 1998

 'The Triadic Heart of Siva'
 Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual
 Shaivism of Kashmir
 By Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega
 State University of New York Press, 1989

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Wow, This Obama Story Could End His Chances for a Second Term

2012-09-20 Thread emptybill


If Obama gets re-elected then you might have a chance to become a
Commissar. You could then have Willy hunted down and

If Mitt wins then you can always move next to Robin and commiserate
about the demons.

Yep, either way you'll feel better.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 09/20/2012 08:26 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
  As of right now, I think Obama still has a pretty
  good chunk of voters believing that he actually
  knows what he's doing.
  Iran cannot be allowed to possess a nuclear bomb. If
  the U.S. won't put a stop to Iran's plans to rule
  the region, then NATO will still defend keeping open
  the Straight of Hormuz - that's the red line.
  Without the flow of oil in the gulf to Europe, all
  the EU countries will become very cold, and then
  they will be annexed by Vladimir Putin.
  However, if an attack occurs and Iran attempts to
  close the Straight, then I predict that Obama will
  command the defense of the Straight. We can count
  on Obama and Clinton to defend the U.S. and its
  interests over there.
  Otherwise, we will vote in someone who will make
  America safe.
  Obama has very robust foreign policy. - General Wesley Clark
  Many within the Obama administration believe that
  Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike against
  Iran's nuclear facilities before the US presidential
  elections, an act which would signal the failure of
  one of Washington's key foreign policy objectives.
  'Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf
  as Israel prepares an Iran strike'
  The Telegraph, September 16, 2012

 Willy, domestic policy is what is at stake right now.  As for foreign
 policy most Americans would prefer that Obama bring the troops home
 that the administration will stop spending on military presence
 Let Israel fight it's own fights.   I don't see the rich fuck Romney
 showing that he is anything but an elitist pig and certainly someone
 that doesn't deserve to even run for president let alone get elected.
 As he keeps flapping his gums he makes a good job of turning Americans

 If Americans vote in Romney they either have short memories or are
 stupid as hell because they're forgetting the Republicans got us in
 mess in the first place.  Obama was stuck to clean up quite a mess
 the Republicans drunken party.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I Love This

2012-09-20 Thread emptybill
Elf Baiter

So which one do you identify with ...
Nikko the winged monkey or the Witch of the West?

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-19 Thread emptybill
Etymologically, Vijnana means discernment and
within Vijnanavada usage perhaps cognition.
Vijnana-matra does not mean consciousness but
mere discernment or mere cognition.

I have the Mandukya Upanishad with
Shankara's detailed commentary. Nowhere
is there a discussion of 7 states of consciousness,
much less Maharishi's 7 states. Shankara's so called
usage of Kashmiri Trika or Shri Vidya is untrue and
has long been disproven.

This has been pointed out to you on FFL in the past.
You have received conclusive refutations
of each of your false claims in the past.
Your need to perpetuate them here is more
proof that you are not concerned with the truth.

Apparently such self-satisfying displays are all
you have left, since you repeat over and over.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
richard@... wrote:

  Apparently you never tire of parading Hairless Krishna
  Propagandhi. I discussed this forced interpretation in
  a post with you in the past.
  Early Old-Timers?
 It's a re-statement of the Buddhist Vijnana of Vasubandhu.
 So, it's pretty well established that Advaita is a copy
 of the Vijnana.

 So, I guess we've pretty much established that Chit -
 'consciousness', is the One Absolute, according to the
 Kashmere Tantrism, which essentially agrees with the
 Sri Vidya - and the sayings of MMY on the 'Seven States
 of Consciouness' vis a vis the Transcendental state -
 Turiya as mentioned in Mandukhya Upanishad.

 According to Chandrahar Sharma these are essentially
 re-staements of Vinjnanavada Buddhism - the school of
 'Consciousness-only' founded by Arya Asanga and the
 Vasubandhu brothers - Yogacara.

 Excerpt from 'vijnApti matratA siddhi' by vasAabAndhu:

 Pure conciousness is the only Reality. By its nature,
 it is Self-luminous. (XIII, 13). Thus shaking off
 duality, he directly percieves the Absolute which is
 the unity underlying phenomena (dharmadAtu). (VI, 7
 Sharma, p. 112-113).

 Work cited:

 'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy'
 by Chandrahar Sharma, M.A., D. Phil., D. Litt., LL.B.,
 Shastri, Dept. of Phil.,
 Benares Hindu U.
 Rider 1960.
 vimshAtika-Vrtti on kArikA 1, p. 114.

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-18 Thread emptybill

Apparently you never tire of parading Hairless Krishna
Propagandhi. I discussed this forced interpretation in
a post with you in the past.

Early Old-Timers?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 Vedanta (4 of 4)

 Subject: Vedanta (4 of 4)
 From: manish@... (Manish Tandon)
 Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 22:28:24 GMT
 Apparently-To: alt-hindu@...
 From news@... Thu Mar 16 17: 20:40 1995
 Newsgroups: alt.hindu
 Organization: Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
 Sender: news@...

 namo om vishnu padaya krishna prasthaya bhu tale
 srimate bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

 om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
 caksur unmilitan yena tasmai sri- gurave namah

 om brahman satyam jagan mithya

   Brahman alone is (formless and unmanifested)

 The advaita-vadins say:

 viShaya: Form is only for beginners. All forms disolves at the time of
   Krishna says in the Gita (12.5) For those whose minds are attached
   to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement
   is very troublesome.

 To this we reply:

 samSaya: But that is quoting out of context!  He already described His
   worshipers in (12.2) and declared them the best before He even began
   to describe the impersonalists.

   BG 12.2

   Sri Bhagavan uvacha: Those who fix their minds on My personal form
   and are always engaged in worshiping Me with great transcendental
   faith are considered by Me to be the most perfect.

   Now you may say that Krishna is saying that only to encourage the
   conditioned beings since then cannot concentrate on the formless and
   if concentrating on the form is inferior they may not take up

   But not so, because in BG (13.13) He explicitly says

anadi mat-param brahman

   the beginningless (anadi) Brahman is subordinate to Me

 The advaita-vadins say:

 viShaya: But sruti says Brahman is Supreme, it cannot be subordinate
to anyone
   or anything.

 To this we reply:

 samSaya: Not so. Sruti explicitly says Isvara/'Paramam Brahma' and
   atma' in several places and there is no obvious reason, save for
   atheism, to resolve the two into one.

   The advaita-vadins cite Mundaka Upanisad (3.2.9)

   brahma veda brahmaiva bhavati  one who knows Brahman attains

   whereas the actual verse says sa yo ha vai tat paramam brahma veda
   brahmaiva bhavati one who knows the Supreme Brahman attains

   Svetasvatar Upanisad (3.7)

tatha param brahma param brhantam yatha-nikayam sarva-bhuteshu
visvasya aikam parivestitaram isam tam jnatvamrta bhavanti

   Higher than this is the Supreme Brahman, the great hidden in all
creatures according to their bodies, the One who envelopes the
universe, knowing Him, the Lord, (jivas) become free.

   Note the explicit words tatha param brahma refer to Isvara and not
   just (nirguna) Brahman.

   So Krishna is the Supreme Brahman and knowing Him, one realizes his
   real nature which is Brahman (sat-cit-ananda).

   Gopal-tapani Upanisad (1.35)

   tam ekam govindam  sat-cit-ananda-vigraham

   You may say no. no. Brahman is Supreme and paramam brahmn only
   Brahman that is supreme.

   But we refute that because that is contrary to the grammar. Do you
   say Head Master and Master the Head to say the same thing? Head
   refers to a master who is the head and there may or may not be other
   masters, whereas Master the head refers the Master who is the head
   AND he alone is the master.

   Not just that, in several places, sruti has paramam before Brahman
   and others don't. That clearly means Brahman is a state that is
   unmanifested and beginningless and the paramam brahmn is the very
   basis of everything.

   Also, sruti says in several places gives explicit description of the
   form of the Lord, notably, sat-cit-ananda rupaya krsnaya Gopal
   Upanisad (1.1), rukma-varanam kartaram isam paramam Mundaka
   (3.1.3), mukham Isa Upanisad (15) to name a few.

   sat-cit-ananda rupaya in fact establishes the fact that Brahman is
the nature of Isvara or Paramam Brahmn.

   It only says that the form of the Lord is not material like our
   material bodies that decay automatically in course of time. Not
   a material form does by no means implies no form at all. Infact
   infinite doesn't mean formless, the limit is in our minds, we cannot
   see or imagine an infinite form so we may conclude due to our
   that infinite is formless, I substantiate that by a quote:

  When we say something is infinite, we signify only that we
  not able to concieve the ends and bounds of the thing named.
 - Thomas Hobbes, English philosopher

   Shows that infinite can have form but we won't be able to concieve
   that, which is why it is also called acintya.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Jesus=God?

2012-09-16 Thread emptybill
Elf Baiter,

I could have addressed it also to you but you seem
more presumptive that you are absolutely real.
Such are our certainties.

However, as some insightful person once pointed out ...
we might doubt anything but we don't doubt our suffering.
Such are our certainties.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@
   Just to kibitz a bit -
   You don't really seem to vacillate between believing and
   After all, you seem to thoroughly believe in yourself.
   You just don't seem able to totally dismiss this fairy tale
   been told by your betters- probably when you were too young to
   it was nothing but a sales job.
   Welcome to Christian guilt obsession,  even if just in latent
   You enslaved mantra-demon worshiper!
  Yep, and whatever else I believe or don't, I do really like
meditating.  I get all those benefits we talk about.  It is good stuff. 
So, when something works so well, it is easy to believe  in to the other
ideas tht go long with it: enlightenment, maybe reincarnation, higher
states of C, the Vedas, jyotish.
   I heard various fairy tales growing up - mainstream Christianity,
then TM when about age 19. And was always very interested in world
religions and spirituality, even as a young child (interest in such
things is thought to be very much due to genetics).  I don't think it is
guilt exactly that I feel - maybe a bit obsessed with wondering which
version of Reality is the realest.  And wishing I had that 100% belief
in something that I once had. Being enslaved is, in some ways, easier!!

 Oh, so Bill was addressing you Susan, it wasn't clear to me. Thanks
for inadvertently clearing it up for me by addressing his question.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
Good to know I am not alone on this back and forth between
   and non believing. Stay well.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@

 Thank you Susan. Â I got it. Â I will put the two
   side by side. Â I have a believing and non-believing mode
   and you articulate yours quite well; it's interesting to compare.
   Have a nice day. Â Regards, Emily. Â

  From: wayback71 wayback71@
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 2:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Is Jesus=God?

 Hey Emily,
 I wrote a post in reply to you and did not send it until this
   afternoon.  Post #31992o.  It was in response to your question
   what I believe when I am not in my believing in spirituality
   Delayed reply, sorry.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Jesus=God?

2012-09-16 Thread emptybill
If you doubt your suffering then you would be the first to announce it
How do you explain it?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Elf Baiter,

 I don't think I've ever been addressed as this before!
  I could have addressed it also to you but you seem
  more presumptive that you are absolutely real.
  Such are our certainties.

 You seem more certain of this than I do.
  However, as some insightful person once pointed out ...
  we might doubt anything but we don't doubt our suffering.
  Such are our certainties.

 Oh, you don't know of my certainties or my reality but you are welcome
to conjecture here.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@

 Just to kibitz a bit -

 You don't really seem to vacillate between believing and
 After all, you seem to thoroughly believe in yourself.

 You just don't seem able to totally dismiss this fairy tale
 been told by your betters- probably when you were too young
 it was nothing but a sales job.

 Welcome to Christian guilt obsession,  even if just in latent
 You enslaved mantra-demon worshiper!
Yep, and whatever else I believe or don't, I do really like
  meditating.  I get all those benefits we talk about.  It is good
  So, when something works so well, it is easy to believe  in to the
  ideas tht go long with it: enlightenment, maybe reincarnation,
  states of C, the Vedas, jyotish.
 I heard various fairy tales growing up - mainstream
  then TM when about age 19. And was always very interested in world
  religions and spirituality, even as a young child (interest in such
  things is thought to be very much due to genetics).  I don't think
it is
  guilt exactly that I feel - maybe a bit obsessed with wondering
  version of Reality is the realest.  And wishing I had that 100%
  in something that I once had. Being enslaved is, in some ways,
   Oh, so Bill was addressing you Susan, it wasn't clear to me.
  for inadvertently clearing it up for me by addressing his question.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@
  Good to know I am not alone on this back and forth between
 and non believing. Stay well.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn
   Thank you Susan. Â I got it. Â I will put the two
 side by side. Â I have a believing and non-believing
 and you articulate yours quite well; it's interesting to
 Have a nice day. Â Regards, Emily. Â
From: wayback71 wayback71@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 2:20 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Is Jesus=God?
   Hey Emily,
   I wrote a post in reply to you and did not send it until
 afternoon.  Post #31992o.  It was in response to your question
 what I believe when I am not in my believing in spirituality
 Delayed reply, sorry.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Jesus=God?

2012-09-15 Thread emptybill
Just to kibitz a bit -

You don't really seem to vacillate between believing and
After all, you seem to thoroughly believe in yourself.

You just don't seem able to totally dismiss this fairy tale theology
been told by your betters- probably when you were too young to know
it was nothing but a sales job.

Welcome to Christian guilt obsession,  even if just in latent form.
You enslaved mantra-demon worshiper!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 Good to know I am not alone on this back and forth between believing
and non believing. Stay well.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Thank you Susan. Â I got it. Â I will put the two responses
side by side. Â I have a believing and non-believing mode also,
and you articulate yours quite well; it's interesting to compare. Â
Have a nice day. Â Regards, Emily. Â
   From: wayback71 wayback71@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 2:20 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Is Jesus=God?
  Hey Emily,
  I wrote a post in reply to you and did not send it until this
afternoon.  Post #31992o.  It was in response to your question about
what I believe when I am not in my believing in spirituality mode. 
Delayed reply, sorry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was the Maharishi confused? (or just being clever).

2012-09-05 Thread emptybill
Chaim get over it.

You no longer loan out your Bugatti to derelict Counts.
You no longer woo-woo the gentrified on your stage.
When you hurl Nazi! at every shadow you look unhinged.

Get over your sordid past and return to the 21st century.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@... wrote:

 So, if the maharishi was teaching 'neo-hinduism'...
 Then why was he so upset when the courts found TM to be a religion?

 I remember how upset Jerry Jarvis was at the time...he had worked hard
in the TMO and really wanted to see the thing taught in the schools and
so on...

 So, what I heard was that this produced a falling out between
him(jerry) and the maharishi...
 In that Maharishi didn't want to pay the lawyers who had represented
the TMO in the court case...

 Jerry being the moral guy that he is( and the only person that I know
in the TMO who actually is enlightened)...
 Jerry wanted to pay for the services, even though they had lost the
case...so there was a falling out between them...

 So, we all know who replaced Jerry...bevan from heaven as we used to
call him...

 Bevan became the 'Prime Minister of Propaganda' for the TMO, which he
had lot's of experience with, as this was his posititon in his last
 Where...he was regarded as a genius of propaganda for the 3rd Reich,
at that time...

 Cleverly the maharishi fattened him up so he would have a good costume
to avoid being referenced to Prime Minister of Propaganda-   hier Joseph

 He also had him assume this really feminine voice which was also a
good way to divert the attention from the usual loud and obnoxious 'Zeig

 I guess it was meant to be, because Jerry being the enlightened, 
moral and normal married man,that he is, could never really go along
with what was to come of the TMO...

 Hier Bevan on the other hand loves to kiss ass and decieve the people,
in all kinds of clever ways.. as this is what he is best at...

 Just my humble opinion...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u no_reply@ wrote:
  MMY was an enigma, we don't know WHAT kind of meditation HE
practiced nor do we even know if HE, himself achieved what he taught. My
belief is he was more of a social reformer interested in instituting
neo-hinduism throughout the World much like Christian missionaries. (Is
that really so bad? NO!)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   His followers called him Mahasamatman and said he was a god. He
preferred to drop the Maha- and the -atman, however, and called himself
Sam. He never claimed to be a god. But then, he never claimed not to be
a god. Circumstances being what they were, neither admission could be of
any benefit. Silence, though,
   Therefore, there was mystery about him.
   -Lord of Light, by Roger Zelazny
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@
  The thing is that the maharishi never got enlightened
  the use of techniques...
  He said that he got enlightened from being around an
  person...Swami Brahmananda Saraswati...

 Please provide even a single verifiable example of him
 having said this, having claimed that he was either
 enlightened, or that he got there via the method
 you claim he cited.

 I'll wait. Thanks in advance.
Agreed, never heard him say that! In fact MMY's state of
consciousness is unknown since he NEVER revealed what state he was in or
even HOW he got there (if he got there)! We don't know WHAT MMY himself
practiced, probably something completely different as far as we know

[FairfieldLife] Re: US National Debt Hits $16 Trillion

2012-09-05 Thread emptybill
Calm down.

We'll just hyper-inflate out of all this government debt.

$400/gallon gas may seem impossible at the moment
but it's the only proven way to pay off the impossible.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...

 You are absolutely right about Presidents don't run a country by
themselves. Obama, with his party, and his party only, saddled us with
another major entitlement program, Obamacare, when we can't even afford
the ones we have now. Nobody that runs a business knows what's coming
next and can't plan for the future and therefore will not barrow or
spend money to grow their business by hiring more people. Banks want to
lend money but are afraid to because of all the new regulations. They
fear the government coming after them and hitting them with fines
and penalties. Obama has put capitalism in a straight jacket, not onÂ
a leash. The country can not grow out of this at our current rate, which
means we keep falling further and further behind, deeper in debt. We are
going right down the same path the Greeks, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians
and now the French. BTW, I saw where the wealthy French are leaving the
country nowand taking their money.Meanwhile,
  people in the USA, who really do understand capitalism, save their
capital for another day. The rich are never hurt in these situations.
They have enough to hunker down and wait it out but not near enough to
bail us out.If you took ALL of their money, you could run the Federal
Government about eight days, what do you do then? Who is hurt most
are the poor and then the middle class.IMPO, I think Obama has done more
to hurt the very people that he claims to champion, but you'll never
convince them of that because they think he *cares* about them and will
make the rich pay for what they want. He probably does care. But I think
the dude is in way over his head. Instead of creating heaven, he's
creating hell. My prayer is that Romney gets elected with a strong
Republican House and Senate and has the same opportunity Obama had.
However, I think it's going to take decades to bring the national debt
down significantly, even with entitlement reform.

  From: Bhairitu noozguru@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 12:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] US National Debt Hits $16 Trillion


 Presidents don't run the country by themselves.  That's a myth
 uneducated Americans have.  Regardless of what you say on the campaign
 trail it has been well documented that once in office you get the
 to Jesus talk from the people who really run the US.  Just ask JFK
 happens if you defy what they want.  IOW, just don't have foreign war
 empire and the budget would have probably remained with a surplus. 
 what product to sell, stuff that your customer destroys and needs to
 order more ... to destroy.  What a crazy planet we live on!

 Romney would run the country like that rich Australian bitch that
 miners to work for $2 a day.  Good reason why people shouldn't be
 allowed to have wealth worth any more than a few million in Today's
 dollars.  Wealth equals power which corrupts.

 On 09/05/2012 11:50 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
  NO SHIT DUDE! We've been saying that for years now! And the
government keeps running up the debt. Bush ran it up about 4 trillion in
his eight years and Obama has run it up over 5 trillion in four years.
The next guy in office will probably run it up 10 trillion in two years!
Somebody, that knows what they are doing, has got to fix this NOW or
we're all going down in this life time, together. While I believe Obama
means well, I don't think he has a clue as to how an economy runs, at
least Capitalism. He is the embodiment of discontent without wisdom. He
wants us to be more like the European Union and they're in the same
predicament, if not worse. Why would anyone want to go down that path?
Look, only a fraction of the baby boomers have retired yet and SS and
Medicare will be solvent for only a decade or two more, at best. If the
economy continues to worsen, another recession, it will only get worse,
faster. I know Obama can't fix this mess. Romney has a
reputation of being a problem solver and fixing broken things and
he's very good at what he does. Obama said, if you don't have a record
to run on then you have to make everyone run from the other guy. That
is Obama's strategy. Make people fear Romney. So much for Hope n Change.
From: John mailto:jr_esq%40yahoo.com
  To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 8:22 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] US National Debt Hits $16 Trillion
  We have a big problem here.  The politicians have to cooperate to
reduce the debt.  Neither one president nor one party can solve this
problem.  It may take more than two terms to reduce the debt to an
acceptable level.  If not, the US economy 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Think Back to When You Bought the TM-Sidhis...

2012-09-05 Thread emptybill
And what Upanishads would that be?

What traditional text are you pointing to as proof of concept?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 As I have pointed out many times in this forum, MMY's exposition on
Yogic Flying -that it comes in stages, including hopping like a frog-
is straight out of the upanishads and other traditional texts.

 The fact that you don't want to acknowledge that this really IS how it
is described in traditional circles speaks volumes about how you still
have anger issues.

 Whether or not Yogic Flying, as practiced by TM-Sidhas or by anyone
else for that matter, ever leads to real floating around the room, is
immaterial: a devout Hindu (or are you going to say that MMY wasn't a
Believer) believed the scriptures of his own religious tradition were



 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808
fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  (snipped more great stuff)
  Which is pretty funny really, like saying my half-hearted jogging
efforts are merely stage one of running at the speed of light. Any day
  Excellent post.
  The human capacity to believe is a wonder unto itself, Amen!  I
think the core of how this got sold to us is based on a faulty
understanding about what went on in the Vedic past.  We still hear echos
of this on FFL where people quote old texts designed basically as promo
brochures for saints of different religions as if they were factual
statements.  Being in the past it slips through one of our cognitive gap
vulnerabilities. I know that I can't fly and people in my neighborhood
can't, but maybe they can if they live in the Himalayan mountains which
is far away and that might make it more likely.  Or perhaps in the past
it happened because that is removed from my everyday experience and so
that makes it feel as if things like this might be more possible.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quiz: Determining one's existential sincerity

2012-08-22 Thread emptybill
This quiz is neither theme nor value neutral.
Rather is the subset of a doctrinally preloaded view.

Thus it is not an existential but rather a meta-thematic
post-it note for (in this case) a specific theology.

Yep, another Christian subterfuge masks itself as existential.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 Quiz To Determine How Sincere You Are About Knowing Reality

 Directions: Read each statement carefully. Decide whether you Strongly
Agree (SA), Agree (A), Strongly Disagree (SD), or Disagree (D).

 Score 4 for the maximally desired answer, which will always be either
SA or SD. Score 2 for the desired answer, which will always be A or D.
Score 0 for the undesired answer, Score -1 for the maximally undesirable
answer. Perfect score = 100. There are 25 questions.

 I understand more or less how I came to my present view of reality.

 I can't conceive of understanding or experiencing reality in any other
way than I do.

 When I sense some challenge to my view of reality (or any given issue)
I harden and hunker down; it doesn't matter at that point whether I am
right or wrong; I must preserve the sense of my own sense of integrity:
I must defend myself.

 I have had the experience of realizing I was wrong about something,
and have enjoyed surrendering to a different truth than I started out

 I feel I am a pretty good judge of the sincerity or insincerity of
someone who takes a point of view opposed to my own.

 I believe it is possible to be a good person and yet have a view of
reality or even any important issue which is opposed to my own point of

 I would like to have a greater awareness of all the reality that there
is to know.

 I am living a life that is not ignoring the fact that I know I must
die someday.

 I wish I could be in an actual state of grace all the time, supposing
this were possible.

 I am willing to brave my fears and my own conditioning in order to get
a connection with reality which will ask some form of sacrifice of my
familiar way of seeing things, and my own vanity.

 I am interested in having an experience of my own essential innocence
and sincerity--at least this is a desideratum I seek.

 I consider a clear conscience to be a good thing. It is something I
wish to possess in my own life.

 When I am in the presence of an intuition of a greater or higher
reality I tend to contract rather than expand.

 I have done my best to find the purpose of life, even the purpose of
my own life.

 I like learning new things about myself; I am in the quest of greater
self-knowledge all the time.

 I feel motivated in some sense to seek the truth even if that truth is
inconvenient to me, to my assumed beliefs and predilections.

 I think I am a pretty good judge of the character of other human

 I feel that my life has been governed by a fate which did not take
into account my own desire or free will. I feel I am not essentially
responsible for where I have ended up in my life.

 I am willing to have a change of heart about someone should they
indicate some willingness to reach out to me.

 My enemies, they are fixed for all-time for me. I don't see
reconciliation or negotiation. I will fight to the end, never giving any
quarter--no matter what.

 I would rather be who I am than to be any other person who has ever

 I am willing to see the truth of when irony is directed towards me.

 I feel I want what is the most real experience that any human being
can have in the universe.

 I feel the truth about something always has a better potential for
being useful to me than some falsification of that same truth.

  I am living a life so as to deserve to be happy when I die.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quiz: Determining one's existential sincerity

2012-08-22 Thread emptybill
No animosity present except which you impute.

Go out and take a drive or walk. Ask yourself a simple
question ... Where did I arrive?. That is the
quiz, already preloaded.

If your answer is mundane thus will be your reality.
If your answer surrounds you with a silence born
out of the gulf of unknowability then welcome to the

You are a smart lady. You will answer this quiz easily.
You probably answered it already in your 10th-12th year.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  We require more than a quiz - especially one that is askew with
  concealed assumptions.

 Why doncha reveal some of those concealed assumptions so we
 know what the hell you're talking about?

 Better yet, why don't you create your own unskewed quiz?

 I'm a little puzzled at the animosity from you and Xeno
 generated by a set of questions designed for you to ask
 yourself, whose answers you score as you see fit. Seems
 pretty low-key to me. Why does it feel so threatening?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quiz: Determining one's existential sincerity

2012-08-22 Thread emptybill

Nice deep question but one needing a trans-rational answer.

I would advise searching for a famous book Venus on the Half-Shell by
Kilgore Trout. In it the last remaining human goes around the universe
searching for the definitive answer to the ultimate question ... Why
are we born to suffer and die?

You will find it all there - the whole bare-assed naked trooth.
Be advised however ... you might not be ready for it.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 Emptybill, answer me this...what is the point of it all?

  From: emptybill emptybill@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1:46 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quiz: Determining one's existential

 No animosity present except which you impute.

 Go out and take a drive or walk. Ask yourself a simple
 question ... Where did I arrive?. That is the
 quiz, already preloaded.

 If your answer is mundane thus will be your reality.
 If your answer surrounds you with a silence born
 out of the gulf of unknowability then welcome to the

 You are a smart lady. You will answer this quiz easily.
 You probably answered it already in your 10th-12th year.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   We require more than a quiz - especially one that is askew with
   concealed assumptions.
  Why doncha reveal some of those concealed assumptions so we
  know what the hell you're talking about?
  Better yet, why don't you create your own unskewed quiz?
  I'm a little puzzled at the animosity from you and Xeno
  generated by a set of questions designed for you to ask
  yourself, whose answers you score as you see fit. Seems
  pretty low-key to me. Why does it feel so threatening?

[FairfieldLife] Beyond 1st Person Ontology

2012-08-19 Thread emptybill
Intersubjectivity in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism


[FairfieldLife] Re: even better

2012-08-18 Thread emptybill
An even more extraordinary hymn is
The Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God.
It is a eulogy to the intersession of God into
the cosmos as the divine-human incarnation
due to the Virgin's (unwed Mother's) voluntary
acceptance of God's grace.

The hymn is by St. John Chrysostom and
while this lenten hymn is beautiful as sung
its real brilliance is is in the lyrics.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 Dear Emptybill,

 Extraordinary. I am grateful to you for giving me a religious
experience I have never had before. The sense of something so real,
something inspired by God. I feel I understand Russia much better
now--the spirit of the Russian people. I feel I made contact with an
unknown (to me) form of truth. Awe-inspiring. I hope I recover. :-)


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  This is what silence sounds like when it sings.
  This is why the communists, despite their brutal destruction and
  genocide, lost out in Russia.
  This is why Orthodox monasticism is still a living presence in spite
  70 years of oppression.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@
   Ohhh, love Gregorian chanting. I'll have to wait until I am back
  before being able to fall into that revery. No speaker on my
computer at
  work. Thanks!

[FairfieldLife] Re: even better

2012-08-16 Thread emptybill
This is what silence sounds like when it sings.
This is why the communists, despite their brutal destruction and
genocide, lost out in Russia.
This is why Orthodox monasticism is still a living presence in spite of
70 years of oppression.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 Ohhh, love Gregorian chanting. I'll have to wait until I am back home
before being able to fall into that revery. No speaker on my computer at
work. Thanks!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neo-Advaita is just confused advaita

2012-08-12 Thread emptybill
Although I posted this article to the group recently , methinks you
never read it.

Your claim methinks advaita is only suitable for people already
is a double entendre on the meaning of this article on traditional


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Read and see how -

 Well, methinks advaita is only suitable for people already enlightened
 because, as the intellect (mahat, buddhi?) is born of prakRti
 mahaan... -- SS), it's inevitably 'dvaita'??

 puruSaartha-*shuuNyaanaam* guNaanaam[1] pratiprasavaH kaivalyam,
 svaruupapratiSthaa va citi-shakter iti.

 1. sattva-rajas-tamasaaM saamyaavasthaa prakRtiH!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Batty Wright

2012-08-11 Thread emptybill

Ann you miss so much.

You've no doubt heard the teaching many times which points out the
resultant karma for people who continually dwell upon the perceived
faults of others. They take those faults upon themselves.

In similar fashion, and unlike mere backbiters, Jude assumes the mantle
of the vixen just so she can deliver others from the scourge of their
afflictions. She steals bliss from the gods to deliver relief to the
distressed by taking away their sins and then delivers it all into her
own crucible of maladies faster than Fed-Ex overnight. Even more
remarkable, she does all this before bedtime and her usual midnight hot

This is why Robby accepts her defending him. He suspects that her secret
sacrifice honors the blessed mother of god and knows he needs the
backup, considering all he has unjustly done.

So instead of praising her escape from the asylum, recognize that Jude
Stone is actually a high bodhisattva. She is the protector bent upon
delivering Soma-on-the-rocks to those tormented in the hell-fires of FFL
and won't tolerate no wu-wu until everyone is adequately

All praise to the Stone of Judas.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 No, no dear Barry. I think she is the smart one. Who wouldn't want to
be forcefully removed from the loony bin? She, at least, has gotten out
alive. She knew what she was doing, I'll bet you anything. If you don't
know that, you have no idea about her and you've known (of her) a lot
longer than I have.

[FairfieldLife] Neo-Advaita revealed as the New A

2012-08-11 Thread emptybill
Read and finally understand

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neo-Advaita revealed as the New A

2012-08-11 Thread emptybill
? oops

New Advaita is just the new ahhh

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Read and finally understand

[FairfieldLife] Neo-Advaita is just confused advaita

2012-08-11 Thread emptybill
Read and see how -


[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-08-05 Thread emptybill

Robin's Message 315852

  Robin sez:

Because, you see, emptybill, my intentions here on FFL, they are far
more morally driven than your disgust and aversion to what I am doing.

Emptybill sez:

No disgust, no aversion … not even disquiet. Admiration rather,
since now I understand. You are just displaying your performance art -
although seemingly bereft of quietude or contemplation. In truth, you
appear as the blessed bitch of your totem-daimon, like a good and
dutiful servant. Why you must certainly see your performances as
confessional addendums to Truly, truly, I say unto thee ….
Aren't they literal prayers to have your efforts recognized as

  Robin sez:

You don't like it and would have me acting perhaps as a more antic
version of Lear's Fool—or the cosmic harlequin whose nimble
acrobatics are to seduce some would-be inamorato.
Emptybill sez:
Oh not so, not so. (See footnote 1)


I conceive of acting in love—however differently it is perceived by
you and a strong contingent of critics sympathetic to what you have said
Emptybill sez:
Isn't this the mark of Plato's true lover? Or is it rather the
stamp of a Platonic motherfucker – a lost soul coupling with prima 
materia? Isn't the Dark Lord a better lover of your deity than you?
(See note 2)

  Robin sez:

I will assume, however, that in having done so you will go about the
rest of your day satisfied you have struck a blow for truth—whether
your own truth, the truth of the Self, or the truth of something even

   Emptybill sez:

Contrary to you, I consider subjectivity as a human invariant but not a
proof for an invariant personal identity. I have seen enough of my most
recent past lifetime (along with other ones) to examine its workings,
achievements and deceptions. (see note 3)

  Robin sez:

I am sure, however, as I sit in this Starbucks, that were you able to
join me, we might have some great conversation. I am nicer in person
than I am on this forum.

Emptybill sez:

Yep, it would probably be worth our time around the table. However, I
would chose something other than Starbucks fare. I rather think
Woodford's Select Kentucky Bourbon would better fluidize the wheels
of conversation. It might even warm the ontological heart of a Northern

  This universe is a stream of unbroken perceptions of Brahman. In
all respects, it is nothing but Brahman. In all conditions, see Brahman
with inner vision and a peaceful mind. As those with eyes see forms all
around, thus the knowers of Brahman see nothing other than Brahman.
Adi Shankara, Vivekachudamini, verse 522

1 This point is carefully explained in my pseudonymous book -

Slavery is the Highest Enlightenment: the story of Om.

by Anarkhia Sophos, Hierodule Publications, 2009 ed.

2 One tradition says: We are true the others false or we are
esoteric the others are exoteric - yet the other traditions claim
the opposite.

  Perhaps they should just fight each other unto oblivion to establish
domination – like the fierce battles between jews and muslims or
christians and muslims. After all, this is what Shakti does – she
dances this Lila for the entertainment of her Lord.

  This is why yogins claim that all bhoga comes from bhaga
– all experience comes from a vagina. So can we genuinely claim this
or is it rather that all pleasure and pain comes from a

  Which brings up another point about yoga. According to the Samkhya-Yoga
synthesis, the procreatrix (prakriti) dances for her spectator (drishta)
and will continue until she feels she is adequately seen and
appreciated. Only then will she retire her dance and take a rest.
Isn't that good ol' tricky trixy for you. Always on stage.

Hmm … sound familiar?

  Likewise, for those traditions that worship Vishnu only, in
reality there is only one Purusha (literally the male). He is
Narayana, Vishnu, Krishna and everything else is the opposite of him.
Therefore, a soul is always female (a yoni-jiva). That means we are all
yoni-s without regard to our physical gender. That also means we are all
yoni-s or receptacles waiting to be filled with god's creative and
procreative effluence. In Western parlance, we call this effluence
seminal-raisons or logoi-spermatikoi.


  Conclusion 1: All meditation/contemplation/prayer is only about
ultimate divine union because females such as we (the yoni-jivas) can
never be satisfied by anything other than a god.

  Conclusion 2: Tantra, such as Gurudev performed to worship Shri
Lakshmi, is a form of noetic and yogic etiquette defining the right view
and right conduct towards the goddess-powers (devi-shaktis) who manifest
and actualize this whole cosmos.

  Conclusion 3: we are all a bunch of pussies waiting to be filled by a


  This explains why I am bitch-slapped daily by the guna-s of Trixy the
procreatrix to keep me in my place. This would also explain the
high-indifference of god/gods to the sufferings in this world.

  Or as his eminence

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread emptybill
You mean she couldn't bear the bare on FFL?
How do you know what you know?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:39 PM, feste37 wrote:

  We can agree to differ. If, as you suggest, Stupid Sal may be
  lurking here, she is free to delurk and reveal her stupidity and
  nastiness once more so we can all marvel at it. I brought her up
  because she came to mind as such a stark contrast to our newly
  arrived Saint Share, and I liked the alliterative ring of Saint
  Share vs. Stupid Sal.

 IIRC Saint Share actually was the person who ran the Fairfield
 Kiosk email list, set up as an alternative to the negativity of FFL.
 No negativity was allowed on this list and I believe it was moderated
 by her. At the time, apparently FFL was just to negative to bear.

 Needless to say, this sattvic alternative to FFL never took off -
 (must have been the artificial sweetners). And look who showed up

[FairfieldLife] Re: to whom it may concern

2012-07-31 Thread emptybill
Yep, that's you.

Truth-mocking, double-ironist and dissembler extrordinaire.
Discursive conjurer continually on stage like any actor needing an
Will your totem-daimon ever recognize your feats so you can retire?
Or like most stage actors will you need to keep it new to feel alive?

First-person ontology?
Searle notwithstanding -
nothing but I am talking.

Better yet, revelation , revelation ...
I have subjectivity ... please believe I'm real.

Ain't that always the mask wearer's plea?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 RESPONSE: Beyond Monty Python. There's irony, there's inadvertent
irony, and then there's double-irony: in the latter case a person
simulates outrage and bitterness, meanwhile (if you examine the subtext
carefully) mocking the very existence of sincerity or innocence. Or even

 One makes oneself vulnerable by believing in and feeling there is such
a thing as truth. But if one wants to have the entirety of one's
consciousness subject only to the secret delight of malice one makes
certain one never commits oneself to believing anything—Not at least
so as to become influenced by the objective demands that that truth
would make upon us.

 The person who wrote this gives the appearance of believing in what he
or she has said. But if you follow the meaning to its logical conclusion
(becoming susceptible to its subtext) then one has the edifying
spectacle of someone mocking the very idea there is something called

 And the proof of this? There will never be any attempt to answer this
post [MZ's] so as to contradict its categorical judgment.

 And, dear readers of FFL, you realize it would only take slightest
nuance of feeling to utterly refute me. What is that feeling?

 Something that originates in sincerity.

 I am beginning to see why there is such a thing as having to die.

 For even the consummate practitioner of double-irony meets there a
context of reality which transcends irony—and all of this reality
bears down upon us with its almightiness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great Compassion Mantra of Kwan Yin

2012-07-31 Thread emptybill


Message #315811

You must not realize that Kwan Shi Yin/Guan Shi Yin' is remembered with
the Chinese pigeon-Sanskrit mantra namo guan shih yin pusa
where pusa is just pigeon for bodhisattva. She is
really the Chinese LGBT transgender version of the male Avalokiteshvara
Bodhisattva whose Tibetan mantra is the well-known mantra om mani padme
hung – hrih.

Apparently, Chinese Buddhists just couldn't bear to have a
sympathetic, face-losing man as a patron who shed tears at the suffering
cries of the world. Thus, they changed him to her.

They apparently hoped for more mercy than possible when crying out

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 Thank you so much Yifu.  I love Kwan Yin.  Am grateful that
She showed up when She did.

  From: Yifu yifuxero@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 7:22 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Great Compassion Mantra of Kwan Yin


[FairfieldLife] Re: Another reason FFLers should look into mindfulness

2012-07-30 Thread emptybill

I have a long term friend who started training with Chogyam Trungpa in
the early 1970's.

He practiced in group and on retreats with Deirdre Blomfield-Brown
(a.k.a. Pema Choedren). He also practiced with Thomas F. Rich, (a.k.a.
Osel Tendzin) later declared by Trungpa to be his Vajra-Regent.

When it was discovered that Osel Tendzin knew he was HIV positive and
already had developed AIDS but hid that fact and then infected a 14 year
old boy, the moral eruption that followed split the Vajradhatu

During the tumult, it was Deirdre/Pema C. who refused to censure
Osel's deadly actions but continually advised people …
Don't be judgmental, just meditate. Don't think bad about
someone. It will all be o.k.

My friend has always been clear that moral discipline (Sanskrit: shila)
was one of the three foundations of Buddhist practice. The other two
foundations are meditaion (dhyana) and insight (prajña). This is
straight Buddhism 101.

However, he knew and trained with them all, - Trungpa, Osel and Pema. To
this day he will not consider anything Pema says to be worth
considering. He has only distain for her advice at the time: We
don't want to overshadow the Dharma. Just look on the positive.

This is how the corruption of Dharma starts … with just this kind of
moral relativism.

Guess they all hadn't read enough Thomas Aquinas. Better yet, since
they worshipped all those Buddhist demons, what else should anyone

Better go get an expectorant.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
 To be without a reference point is the ultimate loneliness.
 It is also called enlightenment. – Ani Pema Chodron
  Although I like Pema Chodron, I suspect that in this case
  her comment may have been taken out of context. There is
  a difference between a false reference point -- e.g.,
  the belief that one knows the Truth -- and a useful
  reference point, which IMO involves merely living what
  life is, without any beliefs about its nature.
  Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.
  -- Voltaire
   Buddhist nun and teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage,a fully
   ordained bhikSuNI in a combination of the Mulasarvastivadin and
   Dharmaguptaka lineages of  vinaya,
   from(2000), Six Kinds of Loneliness,used in this turquoiseb quoted
   still uncorrected proofs paper [:D]

 What a nice discourse.  'Opening the door to Invincibility'.
 She's talking about TM and She's a Buddhist?
 -Buck in FF

   Central theme of her teachings is shenpa -usual translation of
   the word shenpa is attachment-, which she interprets as anger,
   low self-esteem, or addiction in response to an insult by another
   person or be hooked, that sticky feeling almost like having
   scabies- shenpa is the itch and it's the urge to scratch:
   Somebody says a mean word to you and then something in you
   tightens — that's the shenpa. Then it starts to spiral into
   self-esteem, or blaming them, or anger at them, denigrating
   yourself. And maybe if you have strong addictions, you just go
   right for your addiction to cover over the bad feeling that
   arose when that person said that mean word to you. This is a
   mean word that gets you, hooks you. Another mean word may not
   affect you but we're talking about where it touches that
   sore place — that's a shenpa.
  This part I agree with fully, especially the aspect of
  attachment. Without attachment, words are just words.
  With attachment, they become much more -- triggers for
  our samskaras and a lingering indulgence in our addiction
  to the emotions once triggered by those same words.
   Someone criticizes you — they criticize your work, they
   criticize your appearance, they criticize your
   child — and, shenpa: almost co-arising.
  I would assume that her larger teaching has to do with
  the fact that shenpa need *not* be co-arising. One
  can detect it early, and avoid the problem before it
  arises into a manifest form such as anger or acting
  I'm starting to see glimmers of this avoiding the
  shenpa in 3-1/2-year-old Maya. Words or actions that
  once would have resulted in acting out and a quick
  trip to the Timeout Corner now result only in a quiz-
  ical look, as she feels the reaction start to build
  in her the way it did before, followed by a smile,
  as she lets it go and decides to do something else
  instead, something that will allow her to keep playing.
  That's one of the reasons Fairfield Life is sometimes
  a shock to me. I see people -- people who have been
  meditating for thirty to forty-plus years -- still as
  reactive to certain words and certain criticisms and
  certain actions as they probably were before they

[FairfieldLife] Iranitea and Xeno: SSRS's instruction on silent awareness during meditation

2012-07-29 Thread emptybill

Reply to post #315421:

Lawson, that's the dawn of knowledge, when you know that you don't know
anymore, all your previous knowledge has been evaporated. There is a
very good practice in Zen to cultivate the 'don't know' mind.

Iranitea and Xeno,

  This don't know mind is difficult for TM trained people
to comprehend. This is because MMY's whole teaching presents itself
as the practice of direct, non-conceptual sensory perception resolving
itself back into the field of awareness. Since that awareness is
described in TM as all-knowing, these two types of teaching
appear to contradict each other. However, the reality is different.

   Back in mid 80's, I practiced for a while at a Kwan Um Zen center.
Later I practiced with Zen master Seung Sahn himself during some
three-day retreats (Yong Maeng Jong Jin/Leaping like a tiger while
sitting). He began by asking me questions I could not answer.

What is your name, where do you come from?

I hesitated with my answer since I had already read some of his Zen

Seung Sahn laughed and said, This is easy … your name is
William and you came from you home in xyz.

I said yes.

Seung Sahn …So just give your answer, it's easy.

Then he asked me …

So tell me your true name before your parents gave you one?

I was silent, unable to answer. He continued …

Then show me who you are before your parents were born!
Quick, before thinking  … what is it?

I was unable to answer.

He then took his stick and poked me in the hara/duntien below my navel. 
Answer from here!

Although I had practiced moving from the hara/duntien during twenty
years of karate and tai chi, I still had no answer.

I could only say – I don't know.

Seung Sahn looked at me directly and said, Under all conditions
keep this don't-know mind.

He then showed me a way to answer this question.

Years later a teacher pointed out that what we believe we know are
actually just concepts. For instance, whether we say The apple is
red or Der apfel ist rot or La pommes est
rouge, the object before us does not change because the name we
select is either apple, apfel or pomme. Likewise, if we
aggregate all possible descriptions and names together, we still have
only labels rather than the actual object. We can cut it up for a pie,
use it as a substitute baseball or stick an antenna on it and shoot it
into space. However, none of these names, concepts or utilizations
reveal to us what that object really is.

Such a view directly points beyond mere description to what something
actually and ultimately is, is, is. Thus, while we know that
an apple is red in color, what is red? What is
round? What is sweet? What is color?  Also,
just because we can describe a monochromatic spectral frequency and
wavelength, this does not define what this something is, is,

What is the consequence?

Ultimate ineffability, real and actual unknowability … whether self,
other or a thing.

Unless we realize that we can never know it, we will never
understand that we can only be it and that such being
it will never be attained but only actualized when we realize 
directly that we are already being itself.

This is not SCI but it is the original MMY teaching about Shankara's
three fields of life … doing, knowing, being.

As a trained TM teacher, when I heard such statements as You need
to keep a `try mind', it appeared to be the antithesis of TM. It
troubled me until I set aside my ideological mind-stamp and realized
that they were actual talking about maintaining a resolute,
single-minded intent, void of wavering. Such can be mindless ideology,
bereft of awakened contemplation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea no_reply@... wrote:

 Lawson, that's the dawn of knowledge, when you know that you don't
know anymore, all your previous knowledge has been evaporated. There is
a very good practice in Zen  to cultivate the 'don't know' mind. If you
like, read this

[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS's instruction on silent awareness during meditation

2012-07-29 Thread emptybill


You should give up trying to convince TM practitioners by paraphrasing
ol' Gelugpa Lati Rinpoche and Rama Linga Ding Dong.

As usual, your Buddhist Gelugpa idiot-olgy betrays you as a doctrinare.
Go back to Shambhala, Maine and smoke some more chara-s. Then praise
Shiva. You'll feel like you are going higher and higher. You can then
tell everyone all about the vastness of your view.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jul 29, 2012, at 10:59 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

  Thanks.  This is clear and very helpful.
  Just one question:  it seems you are using awareness, presence and
remembering interchangeably (see snip below).  Am I understanding
  over-arching awareness or presence. It's the over-arching

 In this model, awareness becomes sheer-awareness, which dissolves into
nondual presence. All three are maintained and supported by an
over-arching mindfulness. Combined with introspection we can thus
develop a type of metacognition that can operate as a kind of
quality control for quickly detecting laxity or mental

 In Buddhist tradition, a mind that can falls into laxity or
over-excitation is considered dysfunctional. Heaven forbid we
actually train our mindstream as dysfunctional because of
institutionalized fear of balanced attention! ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Iranitea and Xeno: SSRS's instruction on silent awareness during meditation

2012-07-29 Thread emptybill

Many times the observation has been asserted that parents are
the first guru, teacher the second but life itself is the ultimate guru.
You prove the case.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 Unless we realize that we can never know it, we will never
understand that we can only be it, and that such being it will never
be attained but only actualized when we realize  directly that
we are already being itself.

 I like this a lot and I liked the story associated with it as well.
 I have come to a similar conclusion (first two phrases at least as
I have issues with acknowledging my existence) without any long-term
meditative practice and without having immersed myself in theological
and philosophical texts. Â It is simply life that has brought me to
this place. Â

  From: emptybill emptybill@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Iranitea and Xeno: SSRS's instruction on
silent awareness during meditation

 Reply to post #315421:
 Lawson, that's the dawn of knowledge, when you know
 that you don't know anymore, all your previous knowledge has been
 There is a very good practice in Zen to cultivate the 'don't know'
 Iranitea and Xeno,
 Â This don't know mind is
 difficult for TM trained people to comprehend. This is because MMY's
 teaching presents itself as the practice of direct, non-conceptual
sensory perception
 resolving itself back into the field of awareness. Since that
awareness is
 described in TM as all-knowing, these two types of teaching appear
 contradict each other. However, the reality is different.
 Â  Back in mid 80's, I practiced
 for a while at a Kwan Um Zen center. Later I practiced with Zen master
Seung Sahn
 himself during some three-day retreats (Yong
 Maeng Jong Jin/Leaping like a tiger while sitting). He began by asking
 questions I could not answer.
 is your name, where do you come from?
 I hesitated with my answer since I had already read some of his Zen
 Seung Sahn laughed and said, This is easy … your name
 is William and you came from you home in xyz.
 I said yes.
 Seung Sahn …So just give your answer, it's easy.
 Then he asked me …
 So tell me your true name before your parents gave
 you one?Â
 I was silent, unable to answer. He continued …
 Then show me who you are before your parents were
 born! Quick, before thinking  … what is
 I was unable to answer.
 He then took his stick and poked me in the hara/duntien
 below my navel. Â Answer from here!
 Although I had practiced moving from the hara/duntien during
 twenty years of karate and tai chi, I still had no answer.
 I could only say †I don't know.
 Seung Sahn looked at me directly and said, Under all conditions
 keep this don't-know mind.
 He then showed me a way to answer
 this question.
 Years later a teacher pointed
 out that what we believe we know are actually just concepts. For
 whether we say The apple is red or Der apfel ist rot or La pommes
est rouge, the object before us does not change
 because the name we select is either apple, apfel or pomme.
Likewise, if we
 aggregate all possible descriptions and names together, we still have
only labels
 rather than the actual object. We can cut it up for a pie, use it as a
 baseball or stick an antenna on it and shoot it into space. However,
none of
 these names, concepts or utilizations reveal to us what that object
really is.
 Such a
 view directly points beyond mere description to what something
actually and ultimately
 is, is, is. Thus, while we know that
 an apple is red in color, what is red? What is round? What is
sweet? What
 is color? Â Also, just because we can describe
 a monochromatic spectral frequency and wavelength, this does not
define what this
 something is, is, is.
 What is the
 ineffability, real and actual
 unknowability … whether self,
 other or a thing.
 Unless we
 realize that we can never know it, we will never understand that we
can only be
 it and that such being it will never be attained but only
actualized when we
 realize  directly that we are already being
 This is
 not SCI but it is the original MMY teaching about Shankara's three
fields of
 life … doing, knowing, being.  BTW,

 As a trained TM teacher, when I heard such statements as You need to
keep a `try
 mind', it appeared to be the antithesis of TM. It troubled me until I
set aside
 my ideological mind-stamp and realized that they were actual talking
about maintaining
 a resolute, single-minded intent, void of wavering. Such can be
mindless ideology,
 bereft of awakened contemplation.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea no_reply@ wrote:

  Lawson, that's the dawn of knowledge, when you know that you don't
know anymore, all your previous knowledge has been evaporated. There is
a very

[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS's instruction on silent awareness during meditation

2012-07-27 Thread emptybill


As SSRS discussed many times, abiding in silent awareness during
meditation happens naturally in TM practice – that is if someone has
meditated for a long time following proper instruction. He further
clarified that if a practitioner continues to maintain an effortless TM
practice, then they do not need Sahaj meditation. That is because they
have already realized what he is pointing out and are practicing

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 Determining whether or not the mantra is subtle isn't part of TM
practice. Nor does it matter that it doesn't matter. If you're doing
TM, then you follow the instructions, if you don't follow the
instructions, such as they are, then you're not doing TM.

 Of course, follow the instructions can be kind of vauge sometimes,
but that's as OK as any other part of the process.

 As long as you can think a thought, you can meditate.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
anartaxius@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@
Oh dear, for the last 39 years I've been doing TM improperly.
The horror.
   Lawson, that's the dawn of knowledge, when you know that you don't
know anymore, all your previous knowledge has been evaporated. There is
a very good practice in Zen to cultivate the 'don't know' mind. If you
like, read this
  I have been practicing TM for a long time, and I do think this
'don't know' mind has come about. A long long time ago I learned
mindfulness, and found at that time it was rather difficult, or perhaps
because my mind would not settle down then, annoying. Lately though the
character of TM and mindfulness just seem to have merged; it does not
matter anymore. It does not matter whether the mantra is there or not,
or if I notice that the mantra is not there, it does not matter if I
start it again or not. It actually seems as if there are no subtle
levels of the mantra at all.
  I think it helps to find alternative explanations, to try to find
different ways to explain the same thing. This is easy to do with
metaphysics because there are no facts. The scientist Richard Feynman
would attack physics problems this way, he would try to find alternative
ways to explain various phenomena, and of course he was ultimately
constrained by facts, what the experiments showed. This keeps thinking
more flexible, and when you do this, you are breaking the potential for
doctrinaire ossification of belief.
  You step outside on a fine sunny day and there is all this stuff and
instead of saying, 'Well, there is a pond, and trees, and clouds'; you
just feel 'Wow!', And then if that could be expressed in more concrete
conceptual terms it might be something like 'What is all this?'. A
certain freshness imbues experience because you do not know what is
going to happen and you are not thinking about what things are and what
they might become.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS's instruction on silent awareness during meditation

2012-07-25 Thread emptybill

If this is what you meant as my point –

Lawson sez:

  And again: noticing something, however subtle, even the first
glimmering of awareness of awareness, is no longer pure consciousness.

  Empty Bill sez:

Theny ou do not understand what the witness actually is.

However,if you are referring to a point that is different, then please
restate you point.

Lawson also sez:

  There are two different comments I have heard on this topic that apply,
at least
for me:

1. there is no end to how subtle the mantra can become.

2. the thought OF the mantra is still the mantra.

Empty Bill sez:

  1.There is indeed an end to the subtlety of the mantra.

  According to Patanjali, the scale of subtlety terminatesin the
a-linga – the quality of unmarked, non-differentiation (YS
1.45). Thus,whether an object is a physical quanta or a subjective
thought, pradhana/prakritiis the final field of subtlety.

  Empty Bill further sez about your claim that -

  2. The thought OF the mantra is NOT the mantra.

If your statement were true then simply the thought
mantrawould equally qualify as the mantra. A thought
of or thought about the mantra is simply a thought –
that is all. The actual meditation bija-mantra is that human speech
sound pronounced by the initiating teacher. Any thought that is
eitherof or about the bija-mantra, is a relational
remembrance – a signal to return to the mantra but is not the mantra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 Many words, none of which address my point.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  One of the first signs of the progressive development of CC is the
  simultaneous presence of pure awareness together with either
  the mantra or thought(s).
  You are not accounting for this development but are treating pure
  consciousness only in the exclusionary terms of TC. MMY never
  treated CC as a sudden appearance but rather as a gradual refinement
  clarification of the gross and subtle values of the nervous system.
  MMY emphasized that Pure Awareness/Pure Consciousness is
  always present because it is the who in who-we-are. He always
  pointed to this as the reason anyone might transcend spontaneously
  during ordinary human experience and that, in fact, such had
  many times in documented human history.
  Shankara, for his part, pointed out that the sakshi/witness is what
  are and can never be generated by any yoga, quality of knowing or
  Lawson sez:
  Buddhists and other traditions warn of getting trapped in subtle
  experiences. As presented, and argued, the instruction is to revel
  the trap, in the guise of calling it something other than a trap.
  Another case of sweet poison, which SSRS appears to indulge in a
  it seems.
  To bad you need to make such claims. You are so poorly informed
  other meditative traditions that you believe you can include them as
  misfit proof of your assertions. When you make a claim such as
  the one above you demonstrate that you are a clueless TM ideologue.
Robin gets a pass because when he generalizes about The East
  everyone here knows he has no clue about these traditions. You,
  present yourself as if you understood them when you so obviously do

[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS's instruction on silent awareness during meditation

2012-07-24 Thread emptybill
 is, and you know what deep silence is,
but they are still separate. When they come together, in fact, you still
cannot imagine it, but you know. But how to say it, you are mute.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   I'll put it differently:
   if there is a choice, there is also a chooser.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@
You're sure about this, are you...
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea no_reply@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@
  And again:
  noticing something, however subtle, even the first
glimmering of awareness of awareness, is no longer pure consciousness.

 Lawson, not trying to be arrogant here, but the states Empty
and I are talking about, you simply don't know. You really have no glue.
You are just talking from a script.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea no_reply@
   Thank you Empty, this is simply superb, best post of the
week IMHO.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill
emptybill@ wrote:
You do not seem to understand SSRS's instructions about
meditation with
a mantra. Is this because you have never heard those
SSRS pointed out that a meditator does not need to place
attention back
upon the mantra during meditation just because they
become aware they
are not thinking the mantra. Recognition of not
the mantra does not itself constitute a requirement to
the mantra. Likewise, the realization of not thinking
mantra does not, in itself, constitute a form of
The reason is simple.  The nature of awareness is
(sakshi-j�ana). This is pure Vedanta.
When the field of experience subsides with the ceasing
(nirodha) of
every external or internal experience, including the
termination of
I-consciousness (aham-pratyaya), what remains is the
awareness that is
naturally present as the inner self (pratyag-atman).
Awareness is a seer (drista). It is not the cognizer of
a cognitive
activity (pramata). It is not a knower (j�aatri), a
doer (kartri) or
an enjoyer (bhoktri) but rather is knowingness itself.
The seer is the
witness-consciousness (sakshin) which witnesses the
ending of all forms
of experience during meditation and simply remains as
is, uninvolved and
prior to all experience.
SSRS's instruction is founded upon this realization and
is the
pointing-out instruction which allows meditators to
remain as they truly
are. They remain, during this period of silent
awareness, as
sheer seeing (dristi-matrataa) until cognitive,
affective or sensory
activity causes limited identification once again.
Thus recognizing or remembering the mantra occurs as a
consequence rather than from a demand to think the


[FairfieldLife] SSRS's instruction on silent awareness during meditation

2012-07-23 Thread emptybill


You do not seem to understand SSRS's instructions about meditation with
a mantra. Is this because you have never heard those instructions?

SSRS pointed out that a meditator does not need to place attention back
upon the mantra during meditation just because they become aware they
are not thinking the mantra. Recognition of not thinking
the mantra does not itself constitute a requirement to think
the mantra. Likewise, the realization of not thinking the
mantra does not, in itself, constitute a form of

The reason is simple.  The nature of awareness is witnessing
(sakshi-jñana). This is pure Vedanta.

When the field of experience subsides with the ceasing (nirodha) of
every external or internal experience, including the termination of
I-consciousness (aham-pratyaya), what remains is the awareness that is
naturally present as the inner self (pratyag-atman).

Awareness is a seer (drista). It is not the cognizer of a cognitive
activity (pramata). It is not a knower (jñaatri), a doer (kartri) or
an enjoyer (bhoktri) but rather is knowingness itself. The seer is the
witness-consciousness (sakshin) which witnesses the ending of all forms
of experience during meditation and simply remains as is, uninvolved and
prior to all experience.

SSRS's instruction is founded upon this realization and is the
pointing-out instruction which allows meditators to remain as they truly
are. They remain, during this period of silent awareness, as
sheer seeing (dristi-matrataa) until cognitive, affective or sensory
activity causes limited identification once again.

Thus recognizing or remembering the mantra occurs as a natural
consequence rather than from a demand to think the mantra.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
Though it proly would not work for TM to broadside SSRavi
Shankar as his meditation is so like TM; evidently is also 'effortless'
though he uses different mantras.  Can't pick the same fight over
'effortlessness' that way as with the Buddhists so evidently AOL for as
large as it is, is strategically ignored.
   From what I hear, SSRS has decided that people should not bother
returning to the mantra if they find themselves in pure consciousness.
That is an important distinction, if correct, and to me, it misses the
point of TM:
  Well, 'pure consciousness' is one of those correct experiences of
meditation listed in the TM second nite lecture.

 Pure consciousness during TM is no more or less correct than falling
asleep or having an itch.
 Sitting activated by transcending in Brahman could be that too. 
Though yours is an interesting explanation about how some TM'ers can
look so spiritually anemic after decades of their mental practice
interrupting their silence coming back to the mantra. Possbly explains
why folks may have withered away from meditating for lack of cultivated
experience.  It is an interesting distinction in the sublimity of
meditation practice.  Of course, constantly coming back to a mantra
dovetails for someone disposed with an active mind as in, 'keep on
keeping on'. It gives them something to do.  It seems some have done
that for decades based on instruction.  You make a really interesting

 So you agree with SSRS on this, i take it. Been checked lately?

   if you can notice you are not thinking the mantra, you are no
longer in PC anyway, so there's no point in enjoying it, as you aren't
really there. You're just fooling yourself.
  Om,and who is fooling who with that description?

 WHo is not fooling who for that matter?

 Are you trying to make some point or merely score points?

   BTW, I know that people like to think that SSRS has taught many
millions to meditate, but in fact, the group meditation that he led a
few years ago, as far as I can tell, was just a do your own thing. It
wasn't that many people practicing what his organization teaches. ANd
the primary focus of the AOL is breathing exercise, not meditation, as I
understand it.

[FairfieldLife] Just for Nabby - CIA agent says it was true

2012-07-12 Thread emptybill

A former CIA agent is going on the record to say the alleged UFO
incident on July 8, 1947, in Roswell, N.M., really happened, the Daily
ing-CIA-agent-Chase-Brandon-speaks-65th-anniversary.html  and other
news organizations report.

By Jayne Clark, USA TODAY

Chase Brandon, who worked 35 years with the CIA, said documents
regarding the alleged landing of beings from outer space are locked up
at the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Va.

It was in a vaulted area - there was one box that really caught my
eye, the Daily Mail quotes Brandon as saying. It had one word on it:
Roswell. I rummaged inside it, put the box on the shelf and said, 'My
God, it really happened.' 

It was in a vaulted area - there was one box that really caught my
eye, the Daily Mail quotes Brandon as saying. It had one word on it:
Roswell. I rummaged inside it, put the box on the shelf and said, 'My
God, it really happened.' 

Brandon makes the comments during the 65th anniversary of the alleged
incident, which military officials initially explained as the capture of
a disc, but later explained away as a weather balloon, according to
the Daily Mail.

It was not a weather balloon - it was what people first reported, the
news organization quotes Brandon as saying.

The Huffington Post
andon_n_1657077.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp0003  quotes Brandon as
saying, It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet.

Brandon worked as an undercover, covert operations officer in the CIA's
Clandestine Service, where he focused on missions on international
terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics and weapons smuggling,
according to Huffington. He spent his final decade with the agency as
liaison to the entertainment and publication industries, and it was
during this time - in the mid 1990s - that he walked into the vaulted
Historical Intelligence Collection area at CIA headquarters, according
to the news organization.

Brandon said the box contained written material and photographs,
according to Huffington.

That's all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box,
Huffington quoted Brandon as saying. But it absolutely for me was the
single validating moment that everything I had believed and knew that so
many others believed had happened truly was what occurred.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Is Intellectual Humility?

2012-07-09 Thread emptybill

Robin sez:

 I don't display it. I hide it inside my insufferable arrogance. That
way it becomes a sort of embodied koan.

 I think I need to make my definition a little clearer, empty bill.

 Oh, and by the way: I like getting humbled. So, keep at it.


Please … enough with the self-effacement.

You may not realize it, but I lived a few years in a monastery.
Consequently, I have some experience of adopting a demeanor of verbal
modesty while focusing upon humility. While I can appreciate humility as
a psychic orientation that tempers the egos of the unreflective, you
don't quite fit that category.

Has it occurred to you that humility may have nothing to say about
itself? That humility may remain not only  silent about itself
but also disinterested?

That very disinterest may signal not only lack of
identification with ordinary pride, honor and self-esteem but also may
signal attenuation or even absence of identification with psyche, soul
or self. In fact, such an actual disinterest may never yield to
entifying or reifying human subjectivity at all.

Likewise, many here on FFL entify by using the phrase the
ego. This Latin word merely translates into the English word 
I . And although it may appear to be only a matter of grammar,
placing the English definite article the in front of
ego reifies it into a quasi-substance.

We know what the `I' represents in the use of our common English
language. Perhaps that is its only function and sole reality. Like the
shadow of a broom sweeping the stairs, it may never actually reduce the
dust. Perhaps any first person ontology which does not
recognize this fact is destined to wander in the ocean of illusion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 Dear Empty Bill,

 I don't display it. I hide it inside my insufferable arrogance. That
way it becomes a sort of embodied koan.

 I think I need to make my definition a little clearer, empty bill.

 Oh, and by the way: I like getting humbled. So, keep at it.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Where and when on this group have you ever displayed humility?
  And please don't give us the old I'm humble before God.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
On 07/08/2012 10:56 AM, Robin Carlsen wrote:


My tantra guru always emphasizes being humble because
what you experience or learn there will always be more to learn
experience.  It is, after all, an infinite process.
Intellect is frequently selective.  Don't ask me about sports
  because I
don't know a damn thing about it and I grew up in a sports
with a father who was planning on being a college coach with a
minor but due to Great Depression did not finish college.  Yeah,
inherited the math minor part. ;-)
So regardless of how bright someone is they are frequently weak
area (and with many intellectuals that may of well be
while I lowered the class curve in academics in my small town
peers didn't mind so much because I was a klutz when it came to
My parents also emphasized not lording ones intellectual ability
same way my guru does as there will always be someone brighter.
that I don't see people often as dumber' but just lazy minded
apparently because that has become popular due to this bad
raising self esteem the last 20 or so years in schools.  I'm
favor of lifting people up rather than keeping them down.  To
bad so
many of our leaders don't believe in that.
   RESPONSE: I don't think about humility quite like this, Bhairitu.
  think of it more like *a state of consciousness*, where one is given
  grace to know that one is a contingent and created being (without a
  necessary existence), and in objectively experiencing through one's
  subjectivity, this truth, one endears oneself (as it were) to the
  intelligence and reality which has caused one's existence.
   So for me, humility is a very real, almost physical thing. It
  determines even one's perception, and ideally is to be incorporated
  one's personality—as in the paradigmatic example of Saint
Francis of
  Assisi. He became the embodiment of humility, and this was what drew
  as close to God (or what I would now refer to as Reality) as any
  being has ever been.
   No, humility is a kind of grace which allows one to feel
  nuances which are, perceptually and experientially, incompatible
  pride and egotism and a sense of wanting to protect one's status.
  Humility—the really creative (non-mood-making kind!) and
  kind—is almost

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Is Intellectual Humility?

2012-07-08 Thread emptybill
Where and when on this group have you ever displayed humility?

And please don't give us the old I'm humble before God.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  On 07/08/2012 10:56 AM, Robin Carlsen wrote:
  My tantra guru always emphasizes being humble because regardless
  what you experience or learn there will always be more to learn and
  experience.  It is, after all, an infinite process.
  Intellect is frequently selective.  Don't ask me about sports
because I
  don't know a damn thing about it and I grew up in a sports crazed
  with a father who was planning on being a college coach with a math
  minor but due to Great Depression did not finish college.  Yeah, I
  inherited the math minor part. ;-)
  So regardless of how bright someone is they are frequently weak in
  area (and with many intellectuals that may of well be athletics). 
  while I lowered the class curve in academics in my small town school
  peers didn't mind so much because I was a klutz when it came to
  My parents also emphasized not lording ones intellectual ability in
  same way my guru does as there will always be someone brighter. And
  that I don't see people often as dumber' but just lazy minded
  apparently because that has become popular due to this bad practice
  raising self esteem the last 20 or so years in schools.  I'm more
  favor of lifting people up rather than keeping them down.  To bad so
  many of our leaders don't believe in that.

 RESPONSE: I don't think about humility quite like this, Bhairitu. I
think of it more like *a state of consciousness*, where one is given the
grace to know that one is a contingent and created being (without a
necessary existence), and in objectively experiencing through one's
subjectivity, this truth, one endears oneself (as it were) to the
intelligence and reality which has caused one's existence.

 So for me, humility is a very real, almost physical thing. It
determines even one's perception, and ideally is to be incorporated into
one's personality—as in the paradigmatic example of Saint Francis of
Assisi. He became the embodiment of humility, and this was what drew him
as close to God (or what I would now refer to as Reality) as any human
being has ever been.

 No, humility is a kind of grace which allows one to feel metaphysical
nuances which are, perceptually and experientially, incompatible with
pride and egotism and a sense of wanting to protect one's status.
Humility—the really creative (non-mood-making kind!) and intelligent
kind—is almost a secret mode of orientation of oneself towards
reality. And it yields up plenty of suffering and doubt and confusion;
but in the end it tends to heal and make one understand what is the very
hardest thing to understand: the terrible mystery of providence.

 But of course I must be humble here in asserting my opinion of
humility. :-)

 From what you say here you must have missed knowing that the artistic
Roger Federer was resurrected at Wimbledon.

 Humility is, as Charlie Sheen once would have said: WINNING!

 If it can be said, Bhairitu, I even deem humility the first
prerequisite for finding the right kind of irony .

 I agree of course with what you say about everyone having a weakness.
No one is excluded from this, I think.

 But humility goes beyond apprehending this; I see humility as as the
most efficient way to go about seeing and knowing Creation, for what it
really is.

 As a mathematics major you must know something about David Chalmers:
for me I feel his mathematical genius provides him a certain kind of
(unconscious) humility which enables him to say the most interesting
things about consciousness that anyone has ever said yet.

 Leonard Cohen, he has a kind of creative humility too.

 Maharishi, I think he was oblivious to this 'natural law'. :-) And
this really is a downside now for those who remain loyal and devoted to
him and his teaching. Because he is the wrong kind of model to
emulate—No one can emulate Maharishi—and this shows. (We did a
good job of attempting this in the seventies; after that, the clock
struck twelve and our carriage turned into a pumpkin.)

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