Re: [hlcoders] FW: SDK Needs to be fixed

2007-03-14 Thread Teddy

This is a bit of a wild guess, but perhaps the problem lies within the
TE_HL2MPFireBullets() function, perhaps the UsePredictionRules() for
the CPASFilter isn't working correctly. Mabey try adding the following
to test this theory out:

filter.RemoveRecipient( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ) );

On 3/14/07, Mark Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a multipart message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

SDK Needs to be fixed



My name is mark and im one of the main programmers for a source mod called
Golden Eye source ( Now we have had a major bug
that has been plaguing the mod for about 8 months to a year now. The problem
is that when firing a bullet in game some times it multi fires causing two
bullet decals to appear (or worse up to 50). This problem is hardly
noticeable for pings from around 0-100 but gets worse after that.

The mod team and i have have spent countless of hours on this problem
rewriting code and searching to what is causing this but with no luck.

To prove that it is not the fault of golden eye modified source code i
started a new mod based on the advanced sdk. And guess what? Same results.

Lag was introduced using net_fakelag (200 and 500) and from the video you
can see the shoot gun going mad and the mp5 producing multi fire.

I would post this on verc but hardly any valve employees go there any more.
So im posting it here in the attempt to get a solution to this problem.

Mark [aka lodle].


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Re: [hlcoders] Accessing Friends information

2007-03-11 Thread Teddy


thanks Wraiyth  ScottL

On 3/11/07, Matt Stafford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

On 3/11/07, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey gang,

 I've been trying to figure out a way to access Steam Friends
 information, so I can highlight friends in-game on the radar,
 scoreboard, etc. but I can't get it working.

 So far, it seems like IFriendsUser (defined in
 public/Friends/IFriendsUser.h) looks like it's setup to be the
 interface to this information, but I can't seem to access it. I've
 tried initializing it useing appSystemFactory() in CHLClient::Init(),
 but that fails. I also looked at the various EXPOSE_INTERFACE()
 macros, none of these seem applicable.

 I can see something similar has been attempted in
 ClientScoreBoardDialog.cpp, which references a extern IFriendsUser

 Has anyone got this working, is this functionality still in the SDK?


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Matt Stafford (Wraiyth)
NightFall HL2 Mod -

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Re: [hlcoders] swapping w_model to be held in other hand.

2007-03-11 Thread Teddy

I got this working for dystopia, in the weapons Draw() function I
turned off the EF_BONEMERGE effect (bone merge will only merge with
the bone named in the w_ model, usually the right hand bone), then
making the weapon attach to a point on the players back. Note: I used
a hack in the baseentity code to set the m_iParentAttachment, rather
than redoing the whole FollowEntity() call again, as the weapon is
already following the player.

On 3/12/07, Jed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually putting weapons on the players back was another thing I was
going to look at later so if you figure it out, let me know!

- Jed

On 12/03/07, Andrew (Bromfitsen) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I've been looking into this too, but the effect I wanted to go for was how
 CSS has holstered weapons show as being attached to the player body.

 The way I figured it was done, was the Equip() function has the
 FollowEntity() set to the player, which by default uses bonemerging and adds
 the  EF_BONEMERGE.  I wasn't sure if by changing this to use an attachment,
 then on deploy and holster just changing the attachment to the hand or body
 location, would work out the way I was expecting.  None of the tests I did
 worked but I may have missed something, plus I'm not sure if CSS just draws
 the weapon in a different location rather than acctually following a
 specific location on the players body.

 Should any of that have worked, I would have suggested that you just setup 2
 attachment points 1 on each hand and attach the weapon back and forth as you
 switch hands.  But it seems that either I missed something crucial ( ie. the
 bone merge in QCs is un counterable) or weapons just don't like attachements
 over bonemerging.

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[hlcoders] Accessing Friends information

2007-03-10 Thread Teddy

Hey gang,

I've been trying to figure out a way to access Steam Friends
information, so I can highlight friends in-game on the radar,
scoreboard, etc. but I can't get it working.

So far, it seems like IFriendsUser (defined in
public/Friends/IFriendsUser.h) looks like it's setup to be the
interface to this information, but I can't seem to access it. I've
tried initializing it useing appSystemFactory() in CHLClient::Init(),
but that fails. I also looked at the various EXPOSE_INTERFACE()
macros, none of these seem applicable.

I can see something similar has been attempted in
ClientScoreBoardDialog.cpp, which references a extern IFriendsUser

Has anyone got this working, is this functionality still in the SDK?


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Re: [hlcoders] How to find the position of a func brush?

2007-02-18 Thread Teddy

Does WorldSpaceCenter() work on this? Since it uses the collision
bounds, and not the world positioning?

On 2/18/07, Minh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ahh, Ok, I just figured it out. In the .fgd I was supposed to add Origin
next to the solid class definition.

@SolidClass base(Targetname, Origin) = func_rescue_zone:

Adding Origin, allowed me to do a -GetAbsOrigin() on the 'func_rescue-zone'
entity and it returns the center of the brush that this entity is linked to
(instead of Vector(0,0,0) ).

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] How to find the position of a func brush?

 hmm.. I cant seem to find any references to valid references to pev in the
 hl2 sdk. (it seems they've done  away with it from what I cant tell of the

 - Original Message -
 From: Rodrigo 'r2d2rigo' Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 3:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] How to find the position of a func brush?

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 If HL2 works just like HL did, you should be seeking for pev-mins and
 pev-maxs. Those store the minimum/maximum vectors that determine the
 of the resulting box.

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2007-02-06 Thread Teddy

There's a bunch of reasons it might not be getting set, to
troubleshoot this check out CBaseEntity::ResolveFlyCollisionBounce(),
where it does SetGroundEntity( pEntity).

Note that it checks trace.plane.normal.z to see if it's a flat
surface, and checks if the entity velocity is less than 30 units/sec,
and checks pEntity-IsStandable() before it sets teh FL_ONGROUND flag.

On 2/7/07, Mark Gornall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to work with an HL2 entity that has movement type of
FL_ONGROUND flag never gets set when the entity hits the ground (I'm
checking GetFlags()  FL_ONGROUND) and I cannot see where or why it is
wrong, just wondering if anyone has any idea.


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Re: [hlcoders] VAC keeps booting me from my own listen server! :(

2007-01-30 Thread Teddy

We had the VAC problem a few weeks ago (where we had to run our
servers with -insecure), but it's since resolved itself. We've never
had any problems with the latest SDK causing the server to crash or



Unfortunately I can confirm this. I ported from the 8/4 code from last
year to the most recent version this weekend, and ever since whenever
I load a map with sv_lan 0, the engine.dll calls LevelShutdown()
almost immediately. sv_lan 1 allows playing. I really hope for an
answer/fix soon, since this is about the 6th time we can't continue
developing/playtesting due to external causes.

best regards,

-- Maarten

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Re: [hlcoders] Particle prototyping

2007-01-30 Thread Teddy

I did some googling, it seems it's as simple as turning it on in the options!

1. From the Tools menu, click Options.
2. In the Options dialog box, open the Debugging node, and select the
Edit and Continue category.
3. To enable, select the Enable Edit and Continue check box.
4. Click OK.

Note: Edit and Continue works only in debug builds. For native C++,
Edit and Continue requires using the /INCREMENTAL option.


On 1/31/07, Matt Stafford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Well I wouldn't really have the faintest idea where to start, so I'd really
appreciate a hand :)

On 1/31/07, Minh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yea, it's really easy to set up and saves A LOT of time not having to
 restart your game everytime you make a code change.
 Lemme know if you need help setting it up.

 - Original Message -
 From: Matt Stafford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Particle prototyping

  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Didn't realize there was such a thing :P
  I'll have a read into it, thanks.
  On 1/31/07, Minh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For what it's worth, I managed to get quick results by using the
  continue-edit feature in the MS Visual Studio debugger.
  I could tweak the variables for my particle emitter and see my results
  matter of seconds. Do you know how to use the continue-edit feature?
  - Original Message -
  From: Matt Stafford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:50 AM
  Subject: [hlcoders] Particle prototyping
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   Hi all,
   I'm starting to get into working on particle effects as of late. Just
   quick question to either Valve or anyone else who has had experience
   particle creation - what is the easiest/best way to be able to
   test effects instead of 'tweak param and recompile' or use a bunch of
   I've seen in a few files an EXPOSE_PROTOTYPE_EFFECT as well as
   IPrototypeAppEffect. So is there an external app that Valve used to
   prototype particles?
   Reason I ask is that the other engine I mod on has a fantastic
   system where everything can be done in the editor using a simple
   modifier-esque system, and then in the preview window you can see
   changes. Particle development in any other manner now seems tedious,
   hoping there is another method Valve have used.
   Thanks all,
   Matt Stafford (Wraiyth)
   NightFall HL2 Mod -
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Re: [hlcoders] removing decals at round start?

2007-01-23 Thread Teddy

engine-ClientCommand( r_cleardecals\n );

On 1/24/07, Minh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Hi guys,
   Has anyone figured out a method of removing all the special f/x decals at 
the start of a round (or at any point for that matter :) ?

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Re: [hlcoders] VPhysics Crash Dump

2007-01-23 Thread Teddy

He's right, this bug is weird. I've seen it on a test map for
dystopia, luckily it's never happened on any production maps. You
could try stripping the map back, and testing it piece by piece until
you find the culprit. Or try some sacrafices to your gods, both
methods are equally effective :-)


Uh-oh, if you've followed this mailing list for a while, you'll know I sure 
don't envy you! :)

At 2007/01/21 04:11 PM, Daniel Menard wrote:
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I have this vphysics crash dump which I am getting only in a specific map
with the spacecraft from Eternal-Silence. This map is the only one with
displacements. The crash seems almost random and the call stack offers no
information whatsoever, the whole thing is in vphysics.dll. I was wondering
if someone at valve could tell me in what part of the physics code it is
crashing so I can make appropriate modifications.

Here is the file:



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Re: [hlcoders] Custom Hull Box Problems?

2007-01-21 Thread Teddy

As well as setting the hitbox size for the gamemovement code, you'll
need to also set the collision hull size in the players PostThink()
function. CBasePlayer::PostThink() resets this every frame, so you'll
need to do the same.

On 1/22/07, Greg Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Been trying to make a custom hullbox/view for a player class, using a custom
CMoveData class;  I went changing the Hullbox data and view data by using
GetPlayerViewOffset() and
GetPlayerMins(bool/void)/GetPlayerMaxs(bool/void).  Everything works, except
that when the player moves into an area that is smaller than the standard
HL2/GordonFreeman hullbox, they get pushed out of the area..?  I'm guessing
some sort of Fixing player stuck workaround is causing this, but I'm not
really sure.

Anyone who's done much work with hullboxes, any idea if there is more I
should modify beyond the GetPlayerMins/GetPlayerMaxs functions?  In the mod
there will be multiple differing hullboxes, so just modifying the default
Freeman box and using that won't work. : /  Thanks for the help! : )

-Greg 'Khaim - Wind' Scott (Intelligent Design Mod Coder)

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Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES

2007-01-18 Thread Teddy

Thanks Jay! The hacky workaround fixed the triggers through doors bug,
now i can have the best of both worlds. For anyone who's interested,
here's the code snippet:

void CDYSPlayer::PhysicsTouchTriggers( const Vector *pPrevAbsOrigin )
CollisionProp()-SetSurroundingBoundsType( USE_OBB_COLLISION_BOUNDS );
BaseClass::PhysicsTouchTriggers( pPrevAbsOrigin );
CollisionProp()-SetSurroundingBoundsType( USE_HITBOXES );

On 1/18/07, Jay Stelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Players touching triggers through thin doors is a bug.  It will be fixed
a future version of the engine, but that's not going to help you now.
The important thing to know is the SolidMoved() is using surrounding
bounds to intersect with triggers rather than the bbox for SOLID_BBOX
objects like the player.  You could do a bbox vs. trigger test in the
game DLL to fix it when the engine calls back to mark the ents as
touching and one is a FSOLID_TRIGGER and the other is SOLID_BBOX.  A
hacky workaround would be switching to USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS or
USE_GAME_CODE just before the call to engine-SolidMoved() when the
solid entity moving is a player and then switching back to hitbox after.

The second issue is supposed to happen though - I mean either you want
it to hit the hitboxes outside the hull or you don't.  If you only want
to hit them when they aren't protruding through some geometry you'll
have to add some kind of code to detect that condition and account for
it.  As a heuristic you could trace a ray back from the impact point to
the center of the player (ignoring the player) and make sure it makes it
and filter out the hit if it doesn't...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teddy
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 8:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES

 Some major issues have appeared as a result of this change,
 I've had to revert it unfortunately. Players were able to
 touch triggers through thin doors, and get shot if any part
 of their model was protruding through a brush/prop/etc.

 I looked into setting the surrounding bounds before any
 weapons ray trace runs, but this eats up alot of CPU time,
 and doesn't work with projectile weapons anyways..

 So the only solution I've got now is to modify all the player
 model animations so they don't stray outside the movement
 collision bounds,
 -or- increase the size of the movement collision bounds. Our
 mappers will kill me if i do that (especially this close to

 Anyone got any advice or a workaround for this problem?


 On 1/17/07, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Jay,
  I did some measuring, and it had very little impact on
 performance. It
  turns out, near misses are pretty frequent (must be those 30
  raytrace/sec weapons)!
  Try putting the call to SetSurroundingBoundsType at the end of the
  spawn function, just in case something in the baseclass is
  On 1/16/07, Jay Stelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I tried to answer this in the wiki page:
   USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS could also be used to solve this problem by
   specifying a constant box that is always larger than the space
   occupied by hitboxes in any animation. As a tradeoff,
 this will be
   cheaper than USE_HITBOXES as the player animates and
 moves, but more
   a conservative boundary resulting in more hitbox queries
   against ray tests that miss. The highest performance method will
   depend on the mod's number of players moving vs. number
 of ray/box
   traces computed against players (and how many of those
 queries actually miss).
   It really depends on several variables (like how many
 rays are near
   misses, the number of hitboxes and the complexity of the player
   skeleton).  The only way to determine exactly how much is to
   measure it in your mod.  HL2 uses this method for
 striders' bounds
   so it's not insanely expensive or anything, just more
 expensive when
   you have only a few ray traces nearly missing players in
 a frame.
   It may be less expensive if you have a enough rays being
 rejected as
   a result or less expensive if the animation of the player varies
   enough to require a large enough USE_SPECIFIED_BOX.
-Original Message-
 Behalf Of Teddy
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES
Exactly how much more load does USE_HITBOXES put on the server,
say for a 16 player with a similar amout of raycasts as
counterstrike (for example)?
I've found it gives much more accurate reg on player's
extremities, but i wonder at what cost?  Would it be cheaper to
make an exagerated bbox using USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS (considering
all the extra ray casts that may

Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES

2007-01-17 Thread Teddy

Some major issues have appeared as a result of this change, I've had
to revert it unfortunately. Players were able to touch triggers
through thin doors, and get shot if any part of their model was
protruding through a brush/prop/etc.

I looked into setting the surrounding bounds before any weapons ray
trace runs, but this eats up alot of CPU time, and doesn't work with
projectile weapons anyways..

So the only solution I've got now is to modify all the player model
animations so they don't stray outside the movement collision bounds,
-or- increase the size of the movement collision bounds. Our mappers
will kill me if i do that (especially this close to release)!!!

Anyone got any advice or a workaround for this problem?


On 1/17/07, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Jay,

I did some measuring, and it had very little impact on performance. It
turns out, near misses are pretty frequent (must be those 30
raytrace/sec weapons)!


Try putting the call to SetSurroundingBoundsType at the end of the
spawn function, just in case something in the baseclass is overriding


On 1/16/07, Jay Stelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried to answer this in the wiki page:

 USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS could also be used to solve this problem by
 specifying a constant box that is always larger than the space occupied
 by hitboxes in any animation. As a tradeoff, this will be cheaper than
 USE_HITBOXES as the player animates and moves, but more a conservative
 boundary resulting in more hitbox queries happening against ray tests
 that miss. The highest performance method will depend on the mod's
 number of players moving vs. number of ray/box traces computed against
 players (and how many of those queries actually miss).

 It really depends on several variables (like how many rays are near
 misses, the number of hitboxes and the complexity of the player
 skeleton).  The only way to determine exactly how much is to measure
 it in your mod.  HL2 uses this method for striders' bounds so it's not
 insanely expensive or anything, just more expensive when you have only a
 few ray traces nearly missing players in a frame.  It may be less
 expensive if you have a enough rays being rejected as a result or less
 expensive if the animation of the player varies enough to require a
 large enough USE_SPECIFIED_BOX.


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teddy
  Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 7:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES
  Exactly how much more load does USE_HITBOXES put on the
  server, say for a 16 player with a similar amout of raycasts
  as counterstrike (for example)?
  I've found it gives much more accurate reg on player's
  extremities, but i wonder at what cost?  Would it be cheaper
  to make an exagerated bbox using USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS
  (considering all the extra ray casts that may collide)?
  On 1/11/07, Jay Stelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hitboxes are only tested when the ray/box trace intersects the
   surrounding bounds of the entity.  For players the
  surrounding bounds
   are simply the collision hull in world space.  In your case
  that won't
   work so you'll need to modify the surrounding bounds.  I
  just wrote a
   page on the wiki that should answer your question:
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Minh
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES
I believe any hitbox that lies outside of the player's
  hull cannot
be hit. I am pretty sure you must keep your hitboxes
  inside of the
hull. So you cannot make your hull too small or else the
will not detect the hitbox.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:44 AM
Subject: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I changed
the player
 hull and view to very low and now it seems like I cant hit
the model
 over that hull (projectiles go right through) even
  though that the
 hitboxes cover the whole model (custom model).

 - Nic2

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Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES

2007-01-16 Thread Teddy

Thanks Jay,

I did some measuring, and it had very little impact on performance. It
turns out, near misses are pretty frequent (must be those 30
raytrace/sec weapons)!


Try putting the call to SetSurroundingBoundsType at the end of the
spawn function, just in case something in the baseclass is overriding


On 1/16/07, Jay Stelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I tried to answer this in the wiki page:

USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS could also be used to solve this problem by
specifying a constant box that is always larger than the space occupied
by hitboxes in any animation. As a tradeoff, this will be cheaper than
USE_HITBOXES as the player animates and moves, but more a conservative
boundary resulting in more hitbox queries happening against ray tests
that miss. The highest performance method will depend on the mod's
number of players moving vs. number of ray/box traces computed against
players (and how many of those queries actually miss).

It really depends on several variables (like how many rays are near
misses, the number of hitboxes and the complexity of the player
skeleton).  The only way to determine exactly how much is to measure
it in your mod.  HL2 uses this method for striders' bounds so it's not
insanely expensive or anything, just more expensive when you have only a
few ray traces nearly missing players in a frame.  It may be less
expensive if you have a enough rays being rejected as a result or less
expensive if the animation of the player varies enough to require a
large enough USE_SPECIFIED_BOX.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teddy
 Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 7:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES

 Exactly how much more load does USE_HITBOXES put on the
 server, say for a 16 player with a similar amout of raycasts
 as counterstrike (for example)?

 I've found it gives much more accurate reg on player's
 extremities, but i wonder at what cost?  Would it be cheaper
 to make an exagerated bbox using USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS
 (considering all the extra ray casts that may collide)?

 On 1/11/07, Jay Stelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hitboxes are only tested when the ray/box trace intersects the
  surrounding bounds of the entity.  For players the
 surrounding bounds
  are simply the collision hull in world space.  In your case
 that won't
  work so you'll need to modify the surrounding bounds.  I
 just wrote a
  page on the wiki that should answer your question:
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Minh
   Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:01 AM
   Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES
   I believe any hitbox that lies outside of the player's
 hull cannot
   be hit. I am pretty sure you must keep your hitboxes
 inside of the
   hull. So you cannot make your hull too small or else the
   will not detect the hitbox.
   - Original Message -
   From: Niclas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:44 AM
   Subject: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I changed
   the player
hull and view to very low and now it seems like I cant hit
   the model
over that hull (projectiles go right through) even
 though that the
hitboxes cover the whole model (custom model).
- Nic2
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Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES

2007-01-15 Thread Teddy

Exactly how much more load does USE_HITBOXES put on the server, say
for a 16 player with a similar amout of raycasts as counterstrike (for

I've found it gives much more accurate reg on player's extremities,
but i wonder at what cost?  Would it be cheaper to make an exagerated
bbox using USE_SPECIFIED_BOUNDS (considering all the extra ray casts
that may collide)?

On 1/11/07, Jay Stelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hitboxes are only tested when the ray/box trace intersects the
surrounding bounds of the entity.  For players the surrounding bounds
are simply the collision hull in world space.  In your case that won't
work so you'll need to modify the surrounding bounds.  I just wrote a
page on the wiki that should answer your question:


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Minh
 Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES

 I believe any hitbox that lies outside of the player's hull
 cannot be hit. I am pretty sure you must keep your hitboxes
 inside of the hull. So you cannot make your hull too small or
 else the traceline will not detect the hitbox.

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:44 AM
 Subject: [hlcoders] Player HULL vs HIT BOXES

  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I changed
 the player
  hull and view to very low and now it seems like I cant hit
 the model
  over that hull (projectiles go right through) even though that the
  hitboxes cover the whole model (custom model).
  - Nic2
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Re: [hlcoders] Split Collision Routines

2007-01-15 Thread Teddy

You could do it by creating a new collision group for your energy
sheilds, and then putting rules in place in the
GameRules::ShouldCollide (i think?) function so players don't collide
with it.

On 1/6/07, Daniel Menard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Is it at all possible to hot-swap VPhysics Objects in the middle of
simulation depending on what is being collided against? Say for energy
shields, where we want players to go through, but other objects to hit the
shield. We could also use it for performance boosting our vehicles by having
a world-collide model which would be much simpler than the player-collide
model. Are these swaps possible? If not, could it be done by somehow
simulating two objects for the same entity with different collision groups?
Something along these lines would be useful and I would like everyone (and
Valve's) insight on the problem.

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Re: [hlcoders] Material Override on Model with 2 materials

2007-01-01 Thread Teddy

It's the only way I'm afraid. I spent alot of time trying to do it in
code for dystopia, this was the only solution i could find

On 1/2/07, Aaron Schiff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
The models' skins reference the vmt files, not the vtf files; if you need to
use multiple vmt files with different vtf files, that would work fine.

On 1/1/07, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You might have to double the textures, but it will be
 a hell of a lot quicker then having to code in
 something that might not work.

 However, if your going to apply this effect to every
 model, and not just player models, it might be better
 to do something in the code.


 --- Joel R. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  I thought about this agian, and I'd have to double
  all my model textures
  just to use one with my shader wouldn't I?  Cause if
  I remember correctly
  models compile using the graphic file name, so I
  can't just have it use a
  different .vmt file, cause its pretty much bound to
  the .vtf name isn't it?
  So in essence this method sucks just for toggling my
  own Shader with valve's
  On 12/31/06, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You can't set more than one material to override
  per render pass. What
   you can do instead is make multiple skins on the
  model, then set the
   m_nSkin accordingly. Here's how to setup the
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Re: [hlcoders] Material Override on Model with 2 materials

2006-12-31 Thread Teddy

You can't set more than one material to override per render pass. What
you can do instead is make multiple skins on the model, then set the
m_nSkin accordingly. Here's how to setup the model:

On 12/31/06, Joel R. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I built myself a Shader that I wanted to toggle on the model using .vmt's
that use my custom shader.  I was successful using ForceOverrideMaterial to
change one material of the model but it overwrote the other skin of the
model with the material I set.  Other Methods like
pMaterial-SetShaderAndParams( keys ); doesn't work because it sets all
objects globally using the same .vmt to use the said shader+params.

My shader is basically like an overlay, but I used a pixel shader to do the
color stuff I wanted.  I've heard about screen overlays, but what about
model overlays?  Anyways, if someone knows how to change .vmt files or
shader type on ONE model to its multiple skins, I'd really appreciate
the help. Thanks.

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Re: [hlcoders] November SDK - Final

2006-11-09 Thread Teddy

Try compiling memoverride-vc7.cpp instead of memoverride.cpp. This
problem only happens if you compile the linux .so using the vc2005
.proj files i think

On 11/9/06, Ratman2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


i currently have an Problem with the new memoverride.cpp...

I have included it in my compile allready but now after the update i get
lots of errors like...:

memoverride.cpp:812: Error: _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK isnt an type (translated)
line 781:
_heap_alloc  undeclared (first use this function)

i have 17 errors in this file...
All beginns at line 781... The new included source...
So whats wrong with it?

i compile with:
gcc 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)

I hope you can help me!

Sorry for the bad english! i am from germany :)

With friendly reguards


- Original Message -
From: Jeremy Swigart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] November SDK - Final

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Your point? I'm happy for you that you are among the people that hate
 though I'm not sure why you would share that here, your personal bot
 preferences have no bearing on the subject of fixes that have been put off
 for years.


 On 11/8/06, Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I never liked the idea of bots. Mostly because they are just that
  robots.  I haven't yet seen a robot that could learn, and if I did I
  don't know if I would want to play against one anyway.
  On 11/8/06, Jeremy Swigart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   Could we please bias some bugs on their age? We've been waiting on
   fixes for several years now, and there still isn't and end in sight to
   There are a number of bot coders(and users no doubt) that would
   love to be able to make bots for CS:S, DOD:S, HL2DM, and other hl2
   the server plugin interface that has been forever lacking in
   Even if it was an incremental fix, adding the most important missing
   to begin with, and the rest later it would be greatly appreciated. I'm
   bots for Fortress Forever, using the SDK due to the server plugin
   shortfalls, so I have a good amount of experience with bots if you
   or info.
   On 11/8/06, Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I will try to vote later tonight on some of the bugs. I don't
if I created a account for bugzilla yet or not, I have too many
accounts to remember, and waay too many passwords.
Thanks Mike again for releasing the update. These updates help us
coders a great deal.
On 11/8/06, Mike Durand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Then I will be able to effectively prioritize... none of them. :)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John
 Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 4:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] November SDK - Final

 On Wednesday 08 November 2006 6:31 pm, Mike Durand wrote:
  Speaking of Bugzilla: make sure that you guys vote for the bugs
  you really care about. Only 5 of the 62 current bugs have any
  votes at

 I vote for... all of them.

 -John Sheu

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Re: [hlcoders] New SDK Update is Out As Beta

2006-11-03 Thread Teddy

Thanks for the SDK update Mike, everythings working beautifully! I've
compiled my mod in vs2005 express, and made a linux .so using the 2005

One thing I'm wondering, what do we need to do to compile a 64 bit
dll? And will Source SDK Base detect it/support it? And is there any
way to do it with vs2005 express? Or will we need professional for


On 11/2/06, Eric Van Huss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Yep it's the free one. It compiles and runs HL2MP fine with debug and release
builds. You can even run it through the debugger.

There are still asserts and missing resources(mentioned previously in this
list). You can fix most of the resource bugs my transfering them from certain
gcf files.


From:  Adam Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: [hlcoders] New SDK Update is Out As Beta
Date:  Thu, 2 Nov 2006 11:54:54 +0100

On 2 Nov 2006, at 02:05, Eric Van Huss wrote:

Using C++ 2005 Express it wouldn't compile. It's a simple fix

Visual C++ 2005 Express is the free-download one, isn't it?


Adam Foster - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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Re: [hlcoders] poorer prediction with new SDK?

2006-09-22 Thread Teddy

In the new SDK, StartLagCompensation happens on line #193 of
sdk_fx_shared.cpp, during the FX_FireBullets() function. It's done
here so it doesn't effect player movement (aka sticky player
collisions). The problem with this is if your weapon needs unlagged
positions for anything other than firing bullets, it won't work.

I would recommend you instead StartLagCompensation before
RunPostThink( player ) in the CPlayerMove::RunCommand() function.

On 9/23/06, Robbie Groenewoudt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Damn, you are right. There's no StartLagCompensation-call in the entire
code. I don't see any reason why it isn't because it worked good. In the new
SDK-code the lagcompensation-code is even expended... It's a bug I guess

On 9/22/06, Paul Peloski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I'm at home now, sv_showlagcompensation the right name, it's implemented
 player_lagcompensation.cpp with the following description: Show lag
 compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated.

 If you compare the file player_command.cpp between the old SDK source and
 the Aug 11 source, you should notice that the call to StartLagCompensation
 is missing from CPlayerMove::StartCommand in player_command.cpp

 I wondered about this when I merged the new SDK, and decided to keep the
 startLagCompensation for our mod and haven't had any problems with shots
 registering. Maybe this is a bug in the new SDK?

  Closest I see is player_showpredictedposition, but it doesn't seem to
  visually change anything at all.
  At 2006/09/21 08:41 AM, Paul Peloski wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Check that the lag compensation system is still being used to move
  when a player is shooting, IIRC you can use sv_showlagcompensation 1 or
  something similar to show some hitboxes when a player is being lag
  compensated (ie, you have to be shooting at him and lag compensation
  be turned on, etc.) I remember the
  missing in the player command code on the server side with regard to
  compensation system when I first merged with the new SDK.
  Sorry I can't be more specific, I'm at work and don't have access to
  right now.
  On 9/21/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   I'm getting lots of complaints from my user base that, following the
   update, lag prediction has gotten worse.  Has anyone else experienced
   this?  I haven't really experienced much of a change, but then I
   as large of a ping to any of my mod's servers as some of my users do.
   After receiving complaints a few days ago I reviewed SDK changes and
   noticed massive amounts of code changes around prediction.  But most
   seems to be centered around the creation of a seemingly unused and
   NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION define to segregate out the prediction
  code.  Maybe
   it's used by Valve for debugging or something?
   It's unclear whether any behavioral changes exist - anyone found
   of any?  Unfortunately we got a years worth of SDK code thrash in one
   so it's a bit much to try to code review.
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Re: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else getting this?

2006-09-07 Thread Teddy

I just compiled with the .a files, and it's working again!!

Thanks to mike and kenny from myself and the dystopia testers ;)

On 9/7/06, Robbie Groenewoudt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I just saw that a new fix is posted by bloodykenny at the VDC. Maybe that
one works?

On 9/7/06, Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't care much about any shader updates really. Linux is much more
 important to me than some shader bugs :P

   I got mathlib and choreo stuff compiling and running fine, now
   i ld it says all symbols are linked, yet it still
   crashes at the same spot (CModAppSystemGroup::Create)
   On 8/25/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   You reverse-engineered the missing functions?
   At 2006/08/24 03:25 AM, Teddy wrote:
   I've fixed up the choreo and mathlib linkers and made my .so,
   it still crashes when i try to load it.
   Has anyone got their mod to load on linux after fixing all the
  linker problems?
   On 8/22/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Please ensure it also includes the choreo* stuff, per my
   i ll_not_link_fully_on_Linux (... and anything else that might
   be missing ...)
   At 2006/08/21 08:33 PM, Mike Durand wrote:
   I just added it to the SDK branch. It will be included in the
   next SDK update. That should be coming out soon.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
   Scott Loyd
   Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:21 PM
   Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else
   getting this?
   Valve, can we have the source(s) to mathlib.lib?
FYI, I have confirmed that those missing symbols are present
in the
   MSVC .lib files.  I don't see why Valve would've done that
   unless they wanted to make them closed-source, but they'd
   already released previous versions open source, so this is one
  of their more mysterious breakages.
At 2006/08/19 09:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I thought there was a KI on this already but there
So I
   added a KI entry for the srcds dlopen bug:
s t#srcds_d oes_not_inform_you_that_your_mod_failed_to_load
At 2006/08/19 04:08 PM, Scott Loyd wrote:
nice catch!
(gdb) info sharedlibrary
FromTo  Syms Read   Shared Object Library
0x00a09300  0x00a22604  Yes /lib/tls/
0x00a00bb0  0x00a018c4  Yes /lib/
0x008e8c00  0x009d9a40  Yes /lib/tls/
0x008bb7a0  0x008cd59f  Yes /lib/
0x0011f100  0x0013a6d0  Yes bin/
0x00a812d0  0x00a89998  Yes
0x00c05910  0x00c0eff0  Yes bin/
0x00b50960  0x00b9b6e0  Yes bin/
0x003fa5a0  0x0041c0e0  Yes
0x00199860  0x002292a0  Yes
0x00448330  0x0049a7f0  Yes
0x00cc96a0  0x00e542d0  Yes bin/
0x00271520  0x002a9ff0  Yes bin/
0x00ff8fe0  0x011e4020  Yes bin/
0x03995410  0x03a5b040  Yes
0x002b85f0  0x002c3a50  Yes bin/
0x002d63a0  0x002d89e0  Yes
Are you sure it was even your mod .so that got loaded?
Due to
L ist#Will_ not_link_fully_on_Linux it seems likely that
would have compiled a mod .so that was not even loadable,
due to missing
   linker symbols.
Due to the long-standing, often-lamented srcds bug where
it fails
   to print dlerror() messages and abort when the .so is
   unloadable, you would not be aware that it was actually
  sneakily loading some other .so.
At 2006/08/15 08:11 PM, Scott Loyd wrote:
anything new on this?
Teddy wrote:
We're having the same problem at the moment, haven't
been able to
find a workaround for it yet.
On 8/11/06, Mike Durand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Gavin-
This issue appears to be well-known and we are working
on a fix for this issue.
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Gavin
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:53 AM
Subject: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody
   getting this?
Hey gang,
Are people's

Re: [hlcoders] HL2:EP2 Gameplay Video vs Gameplay Demo

2006-09-07 Thread Teddy

Take it to the forums, this is not the place for that

On 9/7/06, Nathan Voge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

For a brief moment I thought there was a god and then that died when I saw it 
was really a video.

Could someone at Valve stop f-ing with me by calling a gameplay video a 
gameplay demo? Or at least call them just one consistently.

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Re: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else getting this?

2006-09-03 Thread Teddy

Any updates on this Mike? It's been a few weeks ;-P


You must still be using the old mathlib code, because the new code is 

Incidentally to whoever at Valve that maintains it, if you're reading this, the 
SDK page is incorrect, missing the 2006-08-11 update:

Any ETA Valve on when the new code will be ready?  I'm trying to decide whether 
to release a version of my mod without Linux support, or wait until the next 
SDK update.


At 2006/08/27 10:26 PM, Teddy wrote:
I got mathlib and choreo stuff compiling and running fine, now when i
ld it says all symbols are linked, yet it still crashes
at the same spot (CModAppSystemGroup::Create)

You reverse-engineered the missing functions?

At 2006/08/24 03:25 AM, Teddy wrote:
I've fixed up the choreo and mathlib linkers and made my .so, but it
still crashes when i try to load it.

Has anyone got their mod to load on linux after fixing all the linker 

Please ensure it also includes the choreo* stuff, per my entries on
(... and anything else that might be missing ...)

At 2006/08/21 08:33 PM, Mike Durand wrote:
I just added it to the SDK branch. It will be included in the next SDK
update. That should be coming out soon.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Loyd
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else getting

Valve, can we have the source(s) to mathlib.lib?

 FYI, I have confirmed that those missing symbols are present in the
MSVC .lib files.  I don't see why Valve would've done that unless they
wanted to make them closed-source, but they'd already released previous
versions open source, so this is one of their more mysterious breakages.

 At 2006/08/19 09:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I thought there was a KI on this already but there wasn't...  So I
added a KI entry for the srcds dlopen bug:

 At 2006/08/19 04:08 PM, Scott Loyd wrote:
 nice catch!

 (gdb) info sharedlibrary
 FromTo  Syms Read   Shared Object Library
 0x00a09300  0x00a22604  Yes /lib/tls/
 0x00a00bb0  0x00a018c4  Yes /lib/
 0x008e8c00  0x009d9a40  Yes /lib/tls/
 0x008bb7a0  0x008cd59f  Yes /lib/
 0x0011f100  0x0013a6d0  Yes bin/
 0x00a812d0  0x00a89998  Yes /lib/tls/
 0x00c05910  0x00c0eff0  Yes bin/
 0x00b50960  0x00b9b6e0  Yes bin/
 0x003fa5a0  0x0041c0e0  Yes bin/
 0x00199860  0x002292a0  Yes bin/
 0x00448330  0x0049a7f0  Yes bin/
 0x00cc96a0  0x00e542d0  Yes bin/
 0x00271520  0x002a9ff0  Yes bin/
 0x00ff8fe0  0x011e4020  Yes bin/
 0x03995410  0x03a5b040  Yes
 0x002b85f0  0x002c3a50  Yes bin/
 0x002d63a0  0x002d89e0  Yes bin/

 Are you sure it was even your mod .so that got loaded?  Due to
 not_link_fully_on_Linux it seems likely that you would have
 compiled a mod .so that was not even loadable, due to missing
linker symbols.

 Due to the long-standing, often-lamented srcds bug where it fails
to print dlerror() messages and abort when the .so is unloadable, you
would not be aware that it was actually sneakily loading some other .so.

 At 2006/08/15 08:11 PM, Scott Loyd wrote:
 anything new on this?

 Teddy wrote:
 We're having the same problem at the moment, haven't been able to

 find a workaround for it yet.

 On 8/11/06, Mike Durand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Gavin-

 This issue appears to be well-known and we are working on a fix
 for this issue.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:53 AM
 Subject: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else
getting this?

 Hey gang,

 Are people's Linux builds working at the moment? While I can
 compile (using the changes on the KI page), the server crashes
 as soon as it starts up. This happens right after Console
 initialized and occurs both with an existing mod and a fresh
start a mod from scratch

Re: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else getting this?

2006-08-24 Thread Teddy

I've fixed up the choreo and mathlib linkers and made my .so, but it
still crashes when i try to load it.

Has anyone got their mod to load on linux after fixing all the linker problems?


Please ensure it also includes the choreo* stuff, per my entries on
(... and anything else that might be missing ...)

At 2006/08/21 08:33 PM, Mike Durand wrote:
I just added it to the SDK branch. It will be included in the next SDK
update. That should be coming out soon.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Loyd
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else getting

Valve, can we have the source(s) to mathlib.lib?

 FYI, I have confirmed that those missing symbols are present in the
MSVC .lib files.  I don't see why Valve would've done that unless they
wanted to make them closed-source, but they'd already released previous
versions open source, so this is one of their more mysterious breakages.

 At 2006/08/19 09:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I thought there was a KI on this already but there wasn't...  So I
added a KI entry for the srcds dlopen bug:

 At 2006/08/19 04:08 PM, Scott Loyd wrote:
 nice catch!

 (gdb) info sharedlibrary
 FromTo  Syms Read   Shared Object Library
 0x00a09300  0x00a22604  Yes /lib/tls/
 0x00a00bb0  0x00a018c4  Yes /lib/
 0x008e8c00  0x009d9a40  Yes /lib/tls/
 0x008bb7a0  0x008cd59f  Yes /lib/
 0x0011f100  0x0013a6d0  Yes bin/
 0x00a812d0  0x00a89998  Yes /lib/tls/
 0x00c05910  0x00c0eff0  Yes bin/
 0x00b50960  0x00b9b6e0  Yes bin/
 0x003fa5a0  0x0041c0e0  Yes bin/
 0x00199860  0x002292a0  Yes bin/
 0x00448330  0x0049a7f0  Yes bin/
 0x00cc96a0  0x00e542d0  Yes bin/
 0x00271520  0x002a9ff0  Yes bin/
 0x00ff8fe0  0x011e4020  Yes bin/
 0x03995410  0x03a5b040  Yes
 0x002b85f0  0x002c3a50  Yes bin/
 0x002d63a0  0x002d89e0  Yes bin/

 Are you sure it was even your mod .so that got loaded?  Due to
 not_link_fully_on_Linux it seems likely that you would have
 compiled a mod .so that was not even loadable, due to missing
linker symbols.

 Due to the long-standing, often-lamented srcds bug where it fails
to print dlerror() messages and abort when the .so is unloadable, you
would not be aware that it was actually sneakily loading some other .so.

 At 2006/08/15 08:11 PM, Scott Loyd wrote:
 anything new on this?

 Teddy wrote:
 We're having the same problem at the moment, haven't been able to

 find a workaround for it yet.

 On 8/11/06, Mike Durand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Gavin-

 This issue appears to be well-known and we are working on a fix
 for this issue.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:53 AM
 Subject: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else
getting this?

 Hey gang,

 Are people's Linux builds working at the moment? While I can
 compile (using the changes on the KI page), the server crashes
 as soon as it starts up. This happens right after Console
 initialized and occurs both with an existing mod and a fresh
start a mod from scratch.

 The server has been fully updated with the steam update tool,
 gameinfo.txt is using the new 215 biz.

 And the last moments:

 #0  0x in ?? ()
 #1  0xb730d693 in CModAppSystemGroup::Create () from
 #2  0xb740f3ff in CAppSystemGroup::Run () from
 #3  0xb730dfff in CDedicatedServerAPI::ModInit () from
 #4  0xb7d7b24a in CDedicatedAppSystemGroup::Main () from
 #5  0xb7da8d43 in CAppSystemGroup::Run () from
 #6  0xb7da8d43 in CAppSystemGroup::Run () from
 #7  0xb7d7b60f in main () from bin/
 #8  0x0804909e in main ()


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Re: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else getting this?

2006-08-13 Thread Teddy

We're having the same problem at the moment, haven't been able to find
a workaround for it yet.

On 8/11/06, Mike Durand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Gavin-

This issue appears to be well-known and we are working on a fix for this


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gavin
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:53 AM
Subject: [hlcoders] Linux crashes on startup, anybody else getting this?

Hey gang,

Are people's Linux builds working at the moment? While I can compile
(using the changes on the KI page), the server crashes as soon as it
starts up. This happens right after Console initialized and occurs
both with an existing mod and a fresh start a mod from scratch.

The server has been fully updated with the steam update tool,
gameinfo.txt is using the new 215 biz.

And the last moments:

#0  0x in ?? ()
#1  0xb730d693 in CModAppSystemGroup::Create () from bin/
#2  0xb740f3ff in CAppSystemGroup::Run () from bin/
#3  0xb730dfff in CDedicatedServerAPI::ModInit () from
#4  0xb7d7b24a in CDedicatedAppSystemGroup::Main () from
#5  0xb7da8d43 in CAppSystemGroup::Run () from bin/
#6  0xb7da8d43 in CAppSystemGroup::Run () from bin/
#7  0xb7d7b60f in main () from bin/
#8  0x0804909e in main ()


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Re: [hlcoders] Getting VALVe Symbols files.

2006-07-26 Thread Teddy

Not very likely. If you think you've found a bug in the engine files,
you might be able to send an mdmp to someone at valve and have them
look at it, they're good like that.

On 7/27/06, Louka Outrebon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Is there any way to get .pbd's of VALVe's bin files (engine.pdb tier0.pdb...) ?
It would be really helpfull for debugging with mdmp files. however I dont
know maybe they can't release them...


Louka Outrebon.

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released

2006-07-25 Thread Teddy

While you're waiting for the SDK update and if you want a good laugh,
read this page:

It's got such memorable quotes as Source and Steam have been designed
with MODs in mind and The SDK is updated continuously and
automatically, including new features (like HDR)


On 7/26/06, Robbie Groenewoudt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
If they would spent 1 week to help the modders, I would be happy. HL2 has
one of the biggest mod-communities and this community is keeping HL2 alive
and generating money (I suppose many people bought HL1 just to get Sven
Valve is in a good position to keep this community alive with Steam (easy
updates) and keeping  updating the same engine.
Modders are making mods for fun. Not for money

Anyway, Alfred said they were working on an SDK update. I just hope it's
worth waiting.

On 7/25/06, Sebastian 'Darth.Hunter' Kreutz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Same here...I was already happy that something is finally coming, but
 then, it was just a confusing topic name :P
 Our team is kind of annoyed too...although we would really love to have
 all the new features in the SDK, it concerns us far more that we have to
 deal with the amount of bugs since the engine update. Having to run the SDK
 on two PCs to work with StudioMDL _and_ Hammer is not quite the kind of
 workflow that increases speed ;o)
 Too bad the workaround damages as much as it resolves :-/

 However, I assume that this will still take some time. Remember when
 Alfred announced a new SteamAppId for Source mods? It was still unclear at
 that time what requirements for mods will be with this new Id. As this
 covers modding as much as the broken SDK itself does, my assumption is that
 this will result in one big update. However, with VALVe being in the
 planning phase for the mod requirements, we still might have to wait

 I'm getting the feeling that the answer to all assumptions, ideas and
 suspicions around this topic leads us to the well-known 42.

 So long and thanks for all the fish,
 Sebastian 'Darth.Hunter' Kreutz

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Re: [hlcoders] Fundamental Source engine question

2006-07-19 Thread Teddy

I hear it's about five times that much. Better start saving!

On 7/20/06, Skillet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
It probably depends on what kind of project you're doing, but $200,000 would
be a reasonable estimate.

On 7/19/06, Emiel Regis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it would be $200.000 minumum.

  Thanks for the quick reply. I think we might have to go the expensive
  Does anyone know what the approx. price is for a Source dev license?

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Re: [hlcoders] Render Targets taking a long time to create?

2006-07-18 Thread Teddy

As long as i can remember there's always been a delay.. so i just made
sure to create all my render targets when on startup (i only have
about 4, so it's no biggy)

On 7/18/06, Garry Newman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm pretty sure that way back, like a year ago, the RTs were created
almost instantly without any pause.

On this call:

Msg(Creating RT Texture..\n);
ITexture* tex = materials-CreateNamedRenderTargetTexture( ,
256, 256, RT_SIZE_NO_CHANGE, fmt );

It's taking about 3 seconds between the Msg's.. with a bunch of

First-chance exception at 0x7c81eb33 in hl2.exe: Microsoft C++
exception: Grid::CFs::CEndOfFileException @ 0x0013ce2c.

in between.

What's the deal? Is there a faster way? Why is it reading 8 files when
creating a simple render target?

- garry

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Re: [hlcoders] Vac

2006-07-18 Thread Teddy

I don't think old server files make vac work. I think it depends which
steam server it connects to. If it connects to steam3, vac won't work,
any others and it should be fine (or so i heard)

On 7/18/06, Alfred Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Except for all the ones released before you using HL2MP (which != HL2)

- Alfred

Charles Solar wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

 First and only mod released not requireing half life 2

 On 7/17/06, LDuke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 What's a dods source mod?  Do you just mean you tested it using Day
 of Defeat: Source?  Isn't it already VAC secure?

 On 7/17/06, Charles Solar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Just created it :)

 On 7/12/06, Chris Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A number of admins on the hidden forums found that rolling back
 their srcds files allowed them to run secured servers - though I'm
 not sure if VAC is running in a complete sense or if it's just
 indicating a false secure status in the server browser, I can
 provide a link to 'rolled back' linux files if anyone wants them
 for testing.

 Could someone at valve comment on the official situation regarding
 VAC and third party mods?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Charles Solar Sent: 12 July 2006 02:25 To:
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Vac

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Well thats what I
 thought too, but then I created a new mod from scratch, and copied
 the dods's dlls into it.  Then I started it and presto, no vac
 either...  Which is what led me to beleive that it has to be
 configured valve side like the steam stats.

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Re: [hlcoders] Network Sound Overhead

2006-07-02 Thread Teddy

Perhaps it is the footstep sounds being transmitted from the server.
Try making them client side (even triggered by events in the walk

On 7/2/06, Skillet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I'm getting ridiculous amounts of sound network overhead in my mod and I'm
not sure why.

With net_showmsg 1 I see this message repeated hundreds of times:
Msg from svc_Sounds: number 1, reliable, bytes 5
A search of the SDK for svc_sounds brings back nothing and I don't recall
making any changes to the server side sound code, so I've got no idea what
the source of the problem is.

It increases with the number of living players, but seems to disappear
completely for me (as the local player on a listen server) when I enable
noclip mode or go underwater.  I would think it was related to player
footstep sounds, but the overhead is still there if I stand still in
standard movement mode (despite snd_show indicating that no sounds are

The net graph (with like 15 bots):


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Re: [hlcoders] Jerky Movement when player is on moving lift/elevator.

2006-06-28 Thread Teddy
m_flOldPlayerZ = flCurrentPlayerZ +
eyeOrigin[2] += m_flOldPlayerZ - flCurrentPlayerZ;
m_flOldPlayerZ = flCurrentPlayerZ;
m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ = flCurrentPlayerViewOffsetZ;
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teddy
   Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:11 PM
   Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Jerky Movement when player is on moving
   No, but i would give up my first born for it.
   Seriously, i've been trying to fix this for a while now, very
   On 6/28/06, Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Hello,
There is apparently a bug with the SDK, that when you are
   on say, a lift or
an elevator, your movement becomes jerky when the lift is
  in motion.
At first I thought it was a problem with some custom
   movement code, so I got
the base SDK and tried the same map with a lift.
But no dice, same weird jerky movement issue.
So, I fired up HL2DM, same map with a lift, smooth as a
   babies bottom, I
then got the base HL2DM code, tried it, same jerky movement,
and then CS:S, same jerky movement.
So it appears that valve has applied some fixes to the
   HL2DM code, which I
have missed out on. Does anyone know how to fix this
  jerky movement?
- voogru.
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Re: [hlcoders] Jerky Movement when player is on moving lift/elevator.

2006-06-28 Thread Teddy

if you're talking about the hl2 mini-bloom mod (see well it's not
selfillum textures. there's a whole lot of bloom in there.

strictly speaking, it's not the HDR technologoy valve have made, with
exposure and gathering on reflective surfaces, etc. we have the
compiled shaders for all that, but i don't think anyones figured out
how to implement it yet

On 6/29/06, Aaron Schiff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I think that mod just uses nice transparent selfillum textures


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Re: [hlcoders] Jerky Movement when player is on moving lift/elevator.

2006-06-27 Thread Teddy

No, but i would give up my first born for it.

Seriously, i've been trying to fix this for a while now, very frustrating

On 6/28/06, Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

There is apparently a bug with the SDK, that when you are on say, a lift or
an elevator, your movement becomes jerky when the lift is in motion.
At first I thought it was a problem with some custom movement code, so I got
the base SDK and tried the same map with a lift.

But no dice, same weird jerky movement issue.

So, I fired up HL2DM, same map with a lift, smooth as a babies bottom, I
then got the base HL2DM code, tried it, same jerky movement,

and then CS:S, same jerky movement.

So it appears that valve has applied some fixes to the HL2DM code, which I
have missed out on. Does anyone know how to fix this jerky movement?


- voogru.


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Re: [hlcoders] Jerky Movement when player is on moving lift/elevator.

2006-06-27 Thread Teddy

I just did a test on an elevator in Dystopia using smoothstairs 0,
unfortunately the problem still persists.

I noticed when this jerking is taking place there's prediction errors,
further investigation shows it's getting a pred error in
C_BaseEntity::m_vecNetworkOrigin, so I've been looking through the
movement code for answers, to no avail.

On 6/28/06, Jay Stelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When you say, In hl2dm, it's smooth regardless of the smoothstairs
setting. It sounds like you misunderstand what I'm trying to say.

HL2DM is running the code from episode 1 that I pasted below.
smoothstairs is already disabled when you're on an elevator in HL2DM -
so testing HL2DM isn't going to prove whether this change is the fix or
not - you have to test a mod based on the current SDK code release.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald
 Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 7:07 PM
 Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Jerky Movement when player is on
 moving lift/elevator.

 That only masks the problem apparently. In hl2dm, it's smooth
 regardless of the smoothstairs setting.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jay Stelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:30 PM
 Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Jerky Movement when player is on
 moving lift/elevator.

 I'm not sure if it's the issue or not, but I remember a bug
 like this in episode 1.  If it's the same issue, then setting
 smoothstairs to zero will fix it (but cause other problems).
 If that's the case then you need to add some logic to disable
 stair smoothing when the player is on an elevator.

 Here's the code from ep1

 static ConVar smoothstairs( smoothstairs, 1,
 FCVAR_REPLICATED, Smooth player eye z coordinate when
 traversing stairs. );

 // Handle view smoothing when going up or down stairs
 void CBasePlayer::SmoothViewOnStairs( Vector eyeOrigin ) {
   CBaseEntity *pGroundEntity = GetGroundEntity();
   float flCurrentPlayerZ = GetLocalOrigin().z;
   float flCurrentPlayerViewOffsetZ = GetViewOffset().z;

   // Smooth out stair step ups
   // NOTE: Don't want to do this when the ground entity
 is moving the player
   if ( ( pGroundEntity != NULL 
 pGroundEntity-GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NONE )  (
 flCurrentPlayerZ != m_flOldPlayerZ ) 
m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ == flCurrentPlayerViewOffsetZ
   int dir = ( flCurrentPlayerZ  m_flOldPlayerZ ) ? 1 :

   float steptime = gpGlobals-frametime;
   if (steptime  0)
   steptime = 0;

   m_flOldPlayerZ += steptime * 150 * dir;

   const float stepSize = 18.0f;

   if ( dir  0 )
   if (m_flOldPlayerZ  flCurrentPlayerZ)
   m_flOldPlayerZ = flCurrentPlayerZ;
   if (flCurrentPlayerZ - m_flOldPlayerZ 
   m_flOldPlayerZ = flCurrentPlayerZ -
   if (m_flOldPlayerZ  flCurrentPlayerZ)
   m_flOldPlayerZ = flCurrentPlayerZ;
   if (flCurrentPlayerZ - m_flOldPlayerZ 
   m_flOldPlayerZ = flCurrentPlayerZ +

   eyeOrigin[2] += m_flOldPlayerZ - flCurrentPlayerZ;
   m_flOldPlayerZ = flCurrentPlayerZ;
   m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ = flCurrentPlayerViewOffsetZ;

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teddy
  Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Jerky Movement when player is on moving
  No, but i would give up my first born for it.
  Seriously, i've been trying to fix this for a while now, very
  On 6/28/06, Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Hello,
   There is apparently a bug with the SDK, that when you are
  on say, a lift or
   an elevator, your movement becomes jerky when the lift is
 in motion.
   At first I thought it was a problem with some custom
  movement code, so I got
   the base SDK and tried the same map

Re: [hlcoders] Traces

2006-06-15 Thread Teddy

You can get the vector position of the point of collision in a
trace_t, it's tracename.endpos

On 6/15/06, John Sheu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are there any model traces that give the actual point of collision,
instead of just the 0.0f-1.0f value in a trace_t?
IPhysicsCollision::TraceCollide() seems like a good candidate, but not
quite, as it doesn't give me the point of intersection.

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Re: [hlcoders] TraceRay not hitting player's head

2006-06-15 Thread Teddy

Something very simple you should check (if you haven't already), load
up the player model in model viewer and take a look at the hitboxes.
Make sure the head hitbox matches is the right size and in the right
position, it could be the cause of your problems and is very easy to

On 6/13/06, JG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I realize this is an old topic, but I have this same problem and can't find a 

As you can see, the bounding box doesn't actually surround the whole model, 
so there
lies the problem.. There's got to be a way to fix this since the traces done 
someone fires at someone's head don't just go through the player's head. I just 
no clue how to accomplish this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Good call. Yes, it's for CS:S.

On 3/25/06, Aaron Schiff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Are you using CS:S? coz CS:S models are weird...

 On 3/24/06, LDuke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  For debugging purposes, in a MP game, I'm drawing a line to the endpoint
  the trace. If I aim at a foot, body, hand, etc. the player entity is
  returned and the line gets drawn to that point. But if I aim at the
  the trace doesn't see the player and it draws the line right through the
  player's head to whatever is behind him.
 CTraceFilterHitAll traceFilter;
 enginetrace-TraceRay(ray, MASK_ALL, traceFilter, tr );
  Do I need to change my mask or trace filter I need to use to include the
  player's head? Why won't this work?
  (L. Duke)
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[hlcoders] Sticky player collisions fix

2006-06-12 Thread Teddy

Hi gang,

I've been chasing down this bug for a long time, as it was wreaking
havock with sword fighting in Dystopia, not to mention lots of people
trying to get through a spawn door. I think I've finally found the
cause of it, and a subsequent fix for it, which I'd like to share with
you all:

We've been testing it to great effect in Dystopia, and the hidden
source guys have used this fix too, I just wanted some feedback for
you folks if you can think of any uses for unlag aside from weapons?
Unlag is being used for the whole player command (including movement,
the cause of this bug), but so far as i can tell you only really need
to unlag players for hitscan weapon functions. Thoughts?


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Re: [hlcoders] steam issues

2006-06-06 Thread Teddy

This isn't the valve hotline, it's a mailing list for mod programmers

On 6/7/06, Vyacheslav Dzhura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

  I perfectly know that this is programming forum, but I'll still post
  that here cos I already saw [and felt on myself] how Steam support
  works and maybe you guys (from Valve, or other) will read that and
  know the answer...

  1. I've installed Steam at work and only on my machine it doesn't
  launch at all! Just gives me 'exception can't load Steam.dll'
  without even displaying progress window or trying to connect
  anywhere! On other machines it first displays progress window, tries
  to connect and then gives that error. Steam forum has no answers
  regarding that, only questions from hundred of users.

  I [and everyone from work] go to Internet through our company's
  proxy, but it even doesn't try to connect on my machine. There is no
  ports issue

  2. You've made regional protection together with Buka company
  regarding CIS countries [some people here were joking why there were
  no writings on walls in game This is version for poor countries
  )))] and the question is:

  I always used only western Half-Life 2 activation keys, western
  Half-Life generations key. If I'll use Buka's activation key, will
  it work with my account? My Steam's language setting is English and
  I don't want make it russian because:
  1. this isn't my native language
  2. I don't need those russian game cache files.

  Hope for reply, please understing me right that I wrote here. Thanks

Best regards,
 Slava Hoaxer Dzhura  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [hlcoders] FW: Source Beta Engine Released

2006-05-12 Thread Teddy

It's great that we have this feature, so we can make sure our mods
don't get broken by updates.

I hope this known issue gets fixed soon:

-Mods that were built off of HL2 will continue to run the publicly
released engine. Mods that were built off of CS:S, DoD:S, or HL2DM
will use the beta engine.

Anyone using a HL2DM codebase tested with it yet?

On 5/12/06, Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Nominates everyone who suggested an SDK update to test the beta version of

On 5/11/06, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 --- Jorge Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is nice.
  But what we really want is an SDK update.

 My Website
Lead Programer NightFall
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released

2006-04-19 Thread Teddy
Yes, it's probably bad timing now, I'll bet there's some serious
crunch time going on to get Episode one polished up.

Still, the thing that puzzles me is, I didn't think updating the SDK
code would be so hard. I thought it'd just be a matter of taking a
snapshot of the codebase then testing the crap out of it then release

On 4/20/06, Aaron Schiff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Just wait for Episode one...then the friends beta, then they'll get to it

 On 4/19/06, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't want to seem impatient, but has there been much progress in
  the past few months David?
  I'm really keen to see if this update fixes any of the niggling bugs
  in my mod, and to play with HDR of course!
  On 2/18/06, David Speyrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yep, we're still working on it. Thanks for being patient.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teddy
   Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:06 PM
   Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released
   Any update on the SDK code update David?
   On 1/19/06, David Speyrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We're working on the SDK code update now and it should be released
within the next few weeks.
-- David
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam
amckern Mckern
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released
HDR - what i am after is just the code to hook the hdr
shader in - i might see what OpenEXR is like, it might
be quicker then wating on the sdk. Made by ILM and looks to be
--- Garry Newman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 What are we expecting in the code updates again?

 On 1/18/06, Jason Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  I'm with Adam on this one, I have been waiting for
 too long for the new
  sdk's. I was expecting them right after DOD:S,
 then Lost Coast came out.
  please, a guesstimate on that would be great. Put
 us out of our misery
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Re: [hlcoders] Supported Image formats

2006-04-18 Thread Teddy
You might be able to get some use from materials-GetBackBufferFormat()

On 4/14/06, Garry Newman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 What's the best way to detect whether a client supports a certain image

 For my bloom I want to ideally create the render targets as
 if they support it, but fall back to IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA if they don't.

 It seems that SupportsHDR always returns false right now so that's no use.

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Re: [hlcoders] Are we ever going to get an update for VS2005?

2006-04-06 Thread Teddy
I was also expecting a SDK code update back in october, because the
engine update at that time broke Dystopia (along with alot of other
mods), but alas we had to do some hasty workarounds of our own. I
can't quite believe it's been 10 months since the last SDK code
update, especially given the number of issues in the current build.

Back in Novemember I was presenting at the Australian Microsoft
Tech-Ed on Developing atop Half-Life 2 with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Express Edition, I remember telling people at the presentation that a
patch to make the SDK work with VS 2005 Express would be out very
soon, there was even a press announcement;

Now i feel like a total ass for lying to all those people :/

On 4/7/06, Jason Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I was expecting a SDK update when DOD:S came. Right now it's been a good 11
 months since we had an update to the source code. I want this update so I
 can put the BG2 code in it and see if it fixes a few problems we have with
 the current sdk.


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Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

2006-03-28 Thread Teddy
I tested this out in a recent dys build, it didn't seem to fix the
problem of wall running, and it made strafe running quite jerky..
anyone else have this problem?

On 3/24/06, Jason Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Cool. Thanks for that. I'll give it a try soon too. Soulfather will be
 pretty happy if we can make that jittery prediction bug go away :D


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Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

2006-03-28 Thread Teddy
Probably something i've changed making it go wacky.. i'll give it another shot

On 3/29/06, Tony omega Sergi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's what dod uses, and it worked when I was still working on FLF classic
 before I left. It also worked good in another mod I was working on.

 -Original Message-
 From: Teddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: March 28, 2006 3:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

 I tested this out in a recent dys build, it didn't seem to fix the
 problem of wall running, and it made strafe running quite jerky..
 anyone else have this problem?

 On 3/24/06, Jason Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Cool. Thanks for that. I'll give it a try soon too. Soulfather will be
  pretty happy if we can make that jittery prediction bug go away :D
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Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

2006-03-23 Thread Teddy
Nice one omega, I'll give that a shot!

On 3/24/06, Tony omega Sergi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 void CGameMovement::Accelerate( Vector wishdir, float wishspeed, float
 accel )
 int i;
 float addspeed, accelspeed, currentspeed;

 // This gets overridden because some games (CSPort) want to allow
 dead (observer) players
 // to be able to move around.
 if ( !CanAccelerate() )


 // See if we are changing direction a bit
 //  currentspeed = mv-m_vecVelocity.Dot(wishdir);

 currentspeed = sqrt( DotProduct(mv-m_vecVelocity,
 mv-m_vecVelocity) );

 // Reduce wishspeed by the amount of veer.

 -Original Message-
 From: Teddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: March 19, 2006 7:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

 Wall running also gives you a speed boost in Dystopia. I haven't been
 able to find a fix for it, nfi why it happens, suffice to say i think
 it's a bug in the stock hl2 gamemovement code.

 On 3/19/06, Jason Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Hi, everyone would of no doubt noticed that running against a
  and moving forward works best) makes you run really fast. If anyone has
  played kreedz climbing yet(I used to code for it) you might of noticed
  moving against walls is jerky. I think when I was adding some things to
  movement I made the server and client disagree on what speed the player is
  moving at. Has anyone sound why players in source do this? where the boost
  might be clamped to normal levels? If so I'd love to know, and it would be
  good to know for bg2 as well, people who play it complain alot of it as
  well(just the boost, not client prediction jerks).
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Re: [hlcoders] Cartwheel jump/Rotate playerview

2006-03-23 Thread Teddy
Look in the baseplayer_shared at CalcViewRoll() function, you could
hax that up to make their view roll

On 3/24/06, Tobias Kammersgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Hello there!

 I'm currently working on singleplayer mod, and I've been asked to create a
 cartwheel jump-effect, which would require I rotate the players view, but
 I'm have trouble figuring out how to rotate the view, anyone got any ideas?
 Thanks in advance :).

 I've looked a the rolling code, when leaving a tilted vehicle, but no luck
 so far.


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Re: [hlcoders] Are we ever going to get an update for VS2005?

2006-03-19 Thread Teddy
The official line is thus;

It's coming, but don't hold your breath.

On 3/19/06, Aditya Gaddam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are there any real plans to update the SDK to work with the 2005 line
 of Visual C++ or Visual Studio? I keep hearing people say it will
 come in the next update, but are there any real release dates? I
 have VS2005 but not 2003, the other coder on our mod team can use VC++
 express. The new IDEs seem to be much better than 2003 from what I
 have seen of 2003.

 So? Any updates Valve? pleease? =P



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Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

2006-03-19 Thread Teddy
Wall running also gives you a speed boost in Dystopia. I haven't been
able to find a fix for it, nfi why it happens, suffice to say i think
it's a bug in the stock hl2 gamemovement code.

On 3/19/06, Jason Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Hi, everyone would of no doubt noticed that running against a wall(strafing
 and moving forward works best) makes you run really fast. If anyone has
 played kreedz climbing yet(I used to code for it) you might of noticed
 moving against walls is jerky. I think when I was adding some things to the
 movement I made the server and client disagree on what speed the player is
 moving at. Has anyone sound why players in source do this? where the boost
 might be clamped to normal levels? If so I'd love to know, and it would be
 good to know for bg2 as well, people who play it complain alot of it as
 well(just the boost, not client prediction jerks).


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Re: [hlcoders] filesystem_steam.dll cant load

2006-03-15 Thread Teddy
Q: What does running HL2 do that Steam is so dependent upon?
A: Update all the dlls in the \steam\steamapps\username\half-life 2\
directory that your mod uses.

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 So if our mod were already released, this would be the best answer we could 
 give users seeing the same problem?nbsp; Run HL2 again, then run us?nbsp; 
 Isnt that absurd?nbsp; What does running HL2 do that Steam is so dependent 

 --- Original Message ---
 From : Chris Janes[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent : 3/14/2006 7:45:17 AM
 To :
 Cc :
 Subject : RE: [hlcoders] filesystem_steam.dll cant load
 Run HL2, should fix it right up.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Donovan
 Subject: [hlcoders] filesystem_steam.dll cant load
 [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
 well just woke up today to play with some things I was doing with the sdk to
 find that all my mod files will not run in hammer. I even tried making a new
 mod from scratch to test things and I got the error of filesystem_steam.dll
 cant load.. I did notice that there was an upadtae for steam just before it
 all stopped what is the go here anyone have any clues to whats
 Adam Donovan

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Re: [hlcoders] filesystem_steam.dll cant load

2006-03-15 Thread Teddy
Dystopia is having no such problems as far as I'm aware. But it's not
using any of the HL2SP/HL2DM source code, it's using the barebones sdk

On 3/16/06, DAV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried to run HL2 and the zoom still doesnt work on the mod...
 Are you having the same problem?

 Davide (DAV)
 DAV Levels:

 Q: What does running HL2 do that Steam is so dependent upon?
 A: Update all the dlls in the \steam\steamapps\username\half-life 2\
 directory that your mod uses.

  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  So if our mod were already released, this would be the best answer we
  could give users seeing the same problem?nbsp; Run HL2 again, then run
  us?nbsp; Isnt that absurd?nbsp; What does running HL2 do that Steam is
  so dependent upon?
  --- Original Message ---
  From : Chris Janes[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent : 3/14/2006 7:45:17 AM
  To :
  Cc :
  Subject : RE: [hlcoders] filesystem_steam.dll cant load
  Run HL2, should fix it right up.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Donovan
  Subject: [hlcoders] filesystem_steam.dll cant load
  [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
  well just woke up today to play with some things I was doing with the sdk
  find that all my mod files will not run in hammer. I even tried making a
  mod from scratch to test things and I got the error of
  cant load.. I did notice that there was an upadtae for steam just before
  all stopped what is the go here anyone have any clues to
  Adam Donovan
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Re: [hlcoders] Glue that damn player to the seat!

2006-03-13 Thread Teddy
I did this just yesterday, as it happens. You just gotta set the
m_iParentAttachment when you SetParent() to make it align to that
attachment point. I made a small hack function in cbaseentity so i
could change this, as the SetParent( ent, attachindex) dosen't seem
function correctly

On 3/13/06, Vicent Marti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Over the last few days, I've been trying to get third person player models
 to work when inside of vehicles.
 As you may know, original HL2 has no support for this whatsoever (there
 isn't even a third person player model for our dear Gordon Freeman), so
 there is a small bit of coding work to get all the animations working
 properly. Either way, that's working already: As you may have guessed by the
 title, my main concern is to make the animated model follow the vehicle.

 In the CBasePlayer::GetInVehicle(), the method which Valve uses is a simple
 SetParent() which doesn't work as it should. Yes, the player model moves and
 rotates together with the vehicle, but as soon as the car leaves flat ground
 (starts climbing a slope, jumps into the air, flips over or whatever), the
 player model is stuck in its original position, just like if the car was
 still on flat ground.

 Obviously, I need a better way to glue the player to the vehicle to make
 it look at least a tad realistic. I have tried with EF_BONEMERGE, which
 seems to make no effect (¿?) and with a fixed physics constraint, which
 makes it look buggy and jittery as hell.

 My last idea was a IPhysicsMotionController, just like the one that the
 gravity gun uses, as I found this line in player.h:

 PFLAG_VPHYSICS_MOTIONCONTROLLER = ( 14 ),// player is physically
 attached to a motion controller

 ...although I don't know how efficient would this be.

 Plus I'm sure that there must be a much cheaper, easier way around it.
 So, any input on what would be the best approach to this problem is
 appreciated, before I spend my whole afternoon messing with the motion

 Thanks in advance.

 Vincent Tanoku Martí

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Re: [hlcoders] Glue that damn player to the seat!

2006-03-13 Thread Teddy
m_iParentAttachment is used only for attaching to specific attachment
points on the parent, things like the bomb on a players back in
counterstrike. So it wouldn't be suitable for a sticky launcher, which
needs to stick to random points on the model (depending where it hits)

On 3/14/06, Michael Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 that m_iParentAttachment, is that only for a player? Or for every physics
 objects, because in my Stickylauncher, it works and everything, though in
 multiplayer when you shoot someone else, it sticks to them, and they are no
 longer able to move. Do you think that m_iParentAttachment being set with
 SetParent(); would work?



 On 3/13/06, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I did this just yesterday, as it happens. You just gotta set the
  m_iParentAttachment when you SetParent() to make it align to that
  attachment point. I made a small hack function in cbaseentity so i
  could change this, as the SetParent( ent, attachindex) dosen't seem
  function correctly
  On 3/13/06, Vicent Marti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   Over the last few days, I've been trying to get third person player
   to work when inside of vehicles.
   As you may know, original HL2 has no support for this whatsoever (there
   isn't even a third person player model for our dear Gordon Freeman), so
   there is a small bit of coding work to get all the animations working
   properly. Either way, that's working already: As you may have guessed by
   title, my main concern is to make the animated model follow the vehicle.
   In the CBasePlayer::GetInVehicle(), the method which Valve uses is a
   SetParent() which doesn't work as it should. Yes, the player model moves
   rotates together with the vehicle, but as soon as the car leaves flat
   (starts climbing a slope, jumps into the air, flips over or whatever),
   player model is stuck in its original position, just like if the car was
   still on flat ground.
   Obviously, I need a better way to glue the player to the vehicle to
   it look at least a tad realistic. I have tried with EF_BONEMERGE, which
   seems to make no effect (¿?) and with a fixed physics constraint, which
   makes it look buggy and jittery as hell.
   My last idea was a IPhysicsMotionController, just like the one that the
   gravity gun uses, as I found this line in player.h:
   PFLAG_VPHYSICS_MOTIONCONTROLLER = ( 14 ),// player is physically
   attached to a motion controller
   ...although I don't know how efficient would this be.
   Plus I'm sure that there must be a much cheaper, easier way around it.
   So, any input on what would be the best approach to this problem is
   appreciated, before I spend my whole afternoon messing with the motion
   Thanks in advance.
   Vincent Tanoku Martí
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Re: [hlcoders] Network Optimization

2006-03-10 Thread Teddy
FL_EDICT_DONTSEND should stop the prop sending any info to clients,
but wouldn't you need to transmit the position of the weld point

I suppose you could send the weld position relative to the object just
once, and you could calculate the position via that. In theory it
should work, you might have some problems with the IPhysicsConstraint
on a dormant entity, seeing how the code for it isn't in the SDK...
but i'm sure you can find a way around it

On 3/10/06, Garry Newman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just thought I'd check a couple of things before I wasted a few hours trying 

 If you make an entity FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK then have ShouldTransmit
 return FL_EDICT_DONTSEND any clients that join the server will be
 totally unaware of that entity - is that right?

 I'm considering doing something with welds in my mod. So when you weld
 one prop to another PropA will become the master prop and PropB will
 become the slave.. PropB won't send any network info.. but the client
 will continually move it to the right weld position.

 There'll probably be a few problems with this since welds aren't 100%
 solid.. but it should kind of work.. and if there's a network of props
 solidly welded together we'd be able to work out the position using
 just the position of one entity.. in theory (in reality it'd probably
 become a huge bendy peice of crap so this probably won't work).

 Anyway. My question is.. how would you handle this? Would you send the
 prop location every x seconds instead of not sending it at all - or
 would you send it only when a client sees it for the first time since
 the change..


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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released

2006-03-10 Thread Teddy
Any news on the update David? Must be getting close now! :-)

On 2/18/06, David Speyrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yep, we're still working on it. Thanks for being patient.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teddy
 Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released

 Any update on the SDK code update David?

 On 1/19/06, David Speyrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We're working on the SDK code update now and it should be released
  within the next few weeks.
  -- David
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam
  amckern Mckern
  Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:27 AM
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released
  HDR - what i am after is just the code to hook the hdr
  shader in - i might see what OpenEXR is like, it might
  be quicker then wating on the sdk. Made by ILM and looks to be
  --- Garry Newman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   What are we expecting in the code updates again?
   On 1/18/06, Jason Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I'm with Adam on this one, I have been waiting for
   too long for the new
sdk's. I was expecting them right after DOD:S,
   then Lost Coast came out.
please, a guesstimate on that would be great. Put
   us out of our misery
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Re: [hlcoders] New P2P functions coming to Steam, do you guys think we should ask Valve to distrubute our mods on it?

2006-03-10 Thread Teddy
Where do I find this file?

On 3/11/06, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thats prob 'part' of Brams code work from late 2003.

 --- Benjamin Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Or maybe that's what they are planning for it.
  You wanna be checking in P2PDownload.res
  - Benjamin Davison
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Re: [hlcoders] New P2P functions coming to Steam, do you guys think we should ask Valve to distrubute our mods on it?

2006-03-10 Thread Teddy
It looks just like a torrent, with the DownloadRate, UploadRate,
PeersConnected  SharingRatio elements. Cool bannanas!

On 3/11/06, Benjamin Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

 It's in the new friends beta.

 On 3/11/06, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Where do I find this file?
  On 3/11/06, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thats prob 'part' of Brams code work from late 2003.
   --- Benjamin Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Or maybe that's what they are planning for it.
You wanna be checking in P2PDownload.res
- Benjamin Davison
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 - Benjamin Davison

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [hlds] Whining or true?

2006-02-19 Thread Teddy
No and uhhh no.

On 2/19/06, Dan Stevens (IAmAI) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think Valve is not sure whether the complaints are real or are from
  whiners.  For example:  On the client side the video test in CS:S gave
  me an average FPS of 110, and that data was sent to Valve.  But in the
  real world my system would be unplayable at times.  The FPS would drop
  when all the players were together fighting.  So some would complain to
  Valve about the FPS but Valve had it's data (from the video test)
  telling them everyone was getting decent FPS'.

 Does anyone think that it might be possible to, via a mod, create a
 custom video test and hack it so sends frame rate report as if it had
 come the official video test. If everyone then used the custom video
 test, Valve may get a more 'accurate' survey of performance.

 I'm sending this question to coders list, as I'd guess they'd be more
 likely to know the answer. I hope that doesn't cause any technical

 On 19/02/06, Brian M Frain (eternal) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  I think you are right, I mean the general opinion does matter and should be
  considered by the ever churning valve machine but when it all comes down to
  it the fact is your dog is ugly. :)
  On 2/18/06, DT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think Valve is not sure whether the complaints are real or are from
   whiners.  For example:  On the client side the video test in CS:S gave
   me an average FPS of 110, and that data was sent to Valve.  But in the
   real world my system would be unplayable at times.  The FPS would drop
   when all the players were together fighting.  So some would complain to
   Valve about the FPS but Valve had it's data (from the video test)
   telling them everyone was getting decent FPS'.  Also, I'm sure there was
   a lot of hackers crying to Valve saying they were just good players and
   got banned because of their skill.  So Valve took the opinion that there
   was not that many hacks out there and all complaining were just
   whiners.  I think that some of the info that Valve got was not real
   world experiences and when we complain that are not sure if it's legit
   or Whining.  So, I would suggest that when you see an e-mail that you
   have experienced then to let them know.  I understand how frustrating it
   can be.  I am personally extremely frustrated.  So, now I beat my dog.
   It's okay cause he's ugly and I think he likes it. ;)
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Re: [hlcoders] unannounced SDK changes?

2006-02-16 Thread Teddy
I just did a diff of the code, still the same as it has been for the
past as many months

On 2/16/06, Charles Solar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Actually vangelis, I to have noticed a difference, but its at a more basic
 level then a diff machine would pick up.  I was working with disassembling
 the compilled sdk dll's a month ago and I just picked my project up again
 and notice the new compiled dll's differ greatly at the 1's and 0's level.

 How or why, I can not say, but the code I am looking at now is much
 different then it once was.

 On 2/15/06, Scott Loyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  I did a diff. of the code a few weeks ago, no changes.
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   Does the SDK get updated by Valve without an announcement or mention in
   Steam news?nbsp; I could swear the HL2DM code generated by the Source
   just changed significantly in the last 4 weeks.nbsp; For example, the
   Ragdoll Violence settings.nbsp; Yet there's no mention of an update
   the 1/17/06 update in news.
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released

2006-02-15 Thread Teddy
Any update on the SDK code update David?

On 1/19/06, David Speyrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're working on the SDK code update now and it should be released
 within the next few weeks.

 -- David

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam
 amckern Mckern
 Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Update Released

 HDR - what i am after is just the code to hook the hdr
 shader in - i might see what OpenEXR is like, it might
 be quicker then wating on the sdk. Made by ILM and looks to be


 --- Garry Newman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  What are we expecting in the code updates again?
  On 1/18/06, Jason Houston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   I'm with Adam on this one, I have been waiting for
  too long for the new
   sdk's. I was expecting them right after DOD:S,
  then Lost Coast came out.
   please, a guesstimate on that would be great. Put
  us out of our misery
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Re: [hlcoders] Successful mod team tips and warstories?

2005-12-29 Thread Teddy
Even when you get a mod team, keeping them isn't that easy. For the 12
or so people who actually contributed to Dystopia, we had over 60
people come and go over the past 2 years. Be prepared that people wont
do work, or those that do will disappear from time to time, always
have a backup person ready to step in.

It also helps if you find some really good artists early on in the
piece, as releasing great looking renders/shots is actually a good way
to attract more quality dev team members. Sad but true!

On 12/30/05, Rice, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LOL, if you have to ask that question, then you have not worked with others
 on serious projects.

 How many times have you had to bail out that one member of your team?
 How many times has that one member put you behind schedule?
 How many times has that one member been a disruption?
 How many times has that one member constantly failed to produce?

 Teamwork readily identifies those that 'can' from those that either cannot
 or are unwilling/lazy/incompetent.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of fjulll
 Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Successful mod team tips and warstories?

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 What's that suppoused to mean?

 On 12/29/05, Rice, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Remember: Teamwork is natures way of identifying the weak.
  Richard Rice, BSCS
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Loyd
  Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:34 PM
  Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Successful mod team tips and warstories?
  If you consider Goldeneye: Source a successful mod so far, then this is
  I have to say as a programmer on the team:
  - Sharing of source; the code is just as valuable as the rest of the
  material, and having the *source* available to other developers incase you
  just get up and leave, or have no time to develop your assignment, allows
  others to pick up where you left off.
  - Constant Communication; we use Ventrilo, IRC, and our forums to keep
  communication going.  Although we don't have as good of communication as a
  lot of us want, it still exists :).
  - Design Document WOULD have helped us :).  I proposed the idea of using a
  WIKI to develop our design document as a team (this was before our alpha
  release, and I believe this is our next goal).
  - Not everyone on the team needs to work as a team, but you need a few
  do.  I would say that at least one from each area of development should be
  in good communication with the rest.
  - Use CVS/SVN/P4 if you can.  We use it to hold our Source and our MOD.
  Gives you a good idea of the development activity and also what to
  as others develop :).
  - Value the knowledge of your team mates, this goes along with respect.
  - Get rid of those that don't work.  From my experience, the programmers
  tend to come and go... :(
  - Motivation...
  I believe we are doing those that contribute, lead.  I am thinking,
  that contribute have the respect of the team and simply lead by example...
  With a proper design document, the team should know what needs to be done
  anyways, and should just have good communication to check up on one
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Holt
  Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:01 AM
  Subject: [hlcoders] Successful mod team tips and warstories?
  I put up a new page on the Valve Wiki to talk about what makes a
  team.  I thought I'd email here to see if I could get a few additions and
  stories from you the list members, since many of you have recognizable
  long time mod developers, etc.
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Re: [hlcoders] Successful mod team tips and warstories?

2005-12-29 Thread Teddy
It's a fair bit of pot luck as to who will see your ad/post, so you
just gotta keep trying.

Once you have a core team together and you start producing stuff you
can show off, then people will start to seek you out, indeed thats how
we found the most dedicated members of Team Dystopia.

On 12/30/05, Aaron Schiff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I've tried posting at hl2files...probably the wrong place to look?

 On 12/29/05, Kuja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you have to actively search for people, something is extremely wrong.
  In the five years I've been running the development team for DPB, there
  has never been a shortage of people willing to do work for the mod. The
  trick is, getting talented people without the ego/time problems.
  If you really, really are hurting for that one extra person, ModDB or a
  Planet Half-life news post usually garner the attention of the type of
  people you'd be looking for.
  -Jeff Katz
  Digital Paintball
  Aaron Schiff wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Yes but how DO you find people?
  On 12/29/05, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Even when you get a mod team, keeping them isn't that easy. For the 12
  or so people who actually contributed to Dystopia, we had over 60
  people come and go over the past 2 years. Be prepared that people wont
  do work, or those that do will disappear from time to time, always
  have a backup person ready to step in.
  It also helps if you find some really good artists early on in the
  piece, as releasing great looking renders/shots is actually a good way
  to attract more quality dev team members. Sad but true!
  On 12/30/05, Rice, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  LOL, if you have to ask that question, then you have not worked with
  on serious projects.
  How many times have you had to bail out that one member of your team?
  How many times has that one member put you behind schedule?
  How many times has that one member been a disruption?
  How many times has that one member constantly failed to produce?
  Teamwork readily identifies those that 'can' from those that either
  or are unwilling/lazy/incompetent.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of fjulll
  Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:22 PM
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Successful mod team tips and warstories?
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  What's that suppoused to mean?
  On 12/29/05, Rice, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Remember: Teamwork is natures way of identifying the weak.
  Richard Rice, BSCS
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Loyd
  Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:34 PM
  Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Successful mod team tips and warstories?
  If you consider Goldeneye: Source a successful mod so far, then this
  I have to say as a programmer on the team:
  - Sharing of source; the code is just as valuable as the rest of the
  material, and having the *source* available to other developers incase
  just get up and leave, or have no time to develop your assignment,
  others to pick up where you left off.
  - Constant Communication; we use Ventrilo, IRC, and our forums to keep
  communication going.  Although we don't have as good of communication
  as a
  lot of us want, it still exists :).
  - Design Document WOULD have helped us :).  I proposed the idea of
  using a
  WIKI to develop our design document as a team (this was before our
  release, and I believe this is our next goal).
  - Not everyone on the team needs to work as a team, but you need a few
  do.  I would say that at least one from each area of development
  should be
  in good communication with the rest.
  - Use CVS/SVN/P4 if you can.  We use it to hold our Source and our
  Gives you a good idea of the development activity and also what to
  as others develop :).
  - Value the knowledge of your team mates, this goes along with
  - Get rid of those that don't work.  From my experience, the
  tend to come and go... :(
  - Motivation...
  I believe we are doing those that contribute, lead.  I am thinking,
  that contribute have the respect of the team and simply lead by
  With a proper design document, the team should know what needs to be
  anyways, and should just have good communication to check up on one
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Holt

Re: [hlcoders] A modification of shot distribution for Source

2005-12-29 Thread Teddy
This is really cool, I've implemented this in Dystopia and we're very
pleased with the results. Biased spread rewards good aiming alot more,
and that's what we like to see! :-)

Thanks for posting this Tim!

On 12/21/05, Jorge Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tim Holt wrote:

 I wondered about that as well Jorge.  Valve's way is effective, but 
 One thing that really bothers me about it is the whole bias thing.  It makes 
 wonder how much it could influence a distribution of points.  Also, the bias
 will be applied in a cartesian coordinate space, not polar coordinate space -
 which would then lead to unequal distributions of points given the while loop
 BTW - feel free to use/post/modify this code.  I was tempted to put it on the
 Wiki - but if someone beats me to it that's ok by me :^)
 Only problem with that is it'll remove the gaussian bias code Valve has.
 I don't know what code uses that right now, and I can't really check
 since I'm at work right now.

 Jorge Vino Rodriguez

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Re: [hlcoders] Problems with Validation

2005-12-28 Thread Teddy
If you find you get a STEAM validation rejected when ever you try to
load a map on a listenserver, make the following file:


and put the following command in it:
sv_lan 1

On 12/28/05, Brian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have had a problem since the last update... when starting a from scratch
 or HL2DM project, I can compile but not run them.  Steam says STEAM
 validation rejected.  However, I can play HL2/CSS/HL2DM just fine.

 Any ideas or workarounds?

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId

2005-12-27 Thread Teddy
I was using the beta SDK, but vrad crashes when I compile. So i have
to use the old hammer editor, which dosen't load many things properly
because of the previously mentioned bug.

This bug also effects faceposer and model viewer, i guess you could
say the SDK is broken and merry christmas 3 from valve.

On 12/25/05, Benjamin Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Use the beta SDK.

 The problem is not present.

 On 12/25/05, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just wonderful
  - Original Message -
  From: Scott Loyd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 4:49 PM
  Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Re: Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId
   Not around Christmas... :)
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew
   Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 2:43 PM
   Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Re: Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId
   Will I ever be able to make maps for hl2 again
   No.. This freaking issue was happened a little time before. There was
   update released for that.. but now it appears again..
   - Jurgen Knops
   -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens pat fujin
   Verzonden: zaterdag 24 december 2005 17:51
   Onderwerp: [hlcoders] Re: Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId
   On 12/24/05, Stephen Micheals [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nothing works now, this is so fucking stupid.
   But Valve will learn from the mistake so it won't happen a second time.
   Oh wait...
   Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's
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 - Benjamin Davison

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId

2005-12-27 Thread Teddy
I had checked all the lightmap scales, wasn't any probelms there. The
non-beta vrad works fine. Just FYI, here's the error i get with the
beta vrad:

BuildVisLeafs:   0...1...2...3...Error trying to allocate 32296 bytes.

On 12/28/05, Spektre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 VRAD is likely crashing because of a malformed light patch resolution;
 like, texture select all the faces in the map, and reassign the lightmap
 scale to something like 16 or 32.
  This seems to fix it in all cases I've encountered.

 Teddy wrote:

 I was using the beta SDK, but vrad crashes when I compile. So i have
 to use the old hammer editor, which dosen't load many things properly
 because of the previously mentioned bug.
 This bug also effects faceposer and model viewer, i guess you could
 say the SDK is broken and merry christmas 3 from valve.
 On 12/25/05, Benjamin Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Use the beta SDK.
 The problem is not present.
 On 12/25/05, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just wonderful
 - Original Message -
 From: Scott Loyd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 4:49 PM
 Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Re: Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId
 Not around Christmas... :)
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew
 Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Re: Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId
 Will I ever be able to make maps for hl2 again
 No.. This freaking issue was happened a little time before. There was
 update released for that.. but now it appears again..
 - Jurgen Knops
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens pat fujin
 Verzonden: zaterdag 24 december 2005 17:51
 Onderwerp: [hlcoders] Re: Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId
 On 12/24/05, Stephen Micheals [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nothing works now, this is so fucking stupid.
 But Valve will learn from the mistake so it won't happen a second time.
 Oh wait...
 Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's
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 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
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 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
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 - Benjamin Davison
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Re: [hlcoders] 64 Bit, and Valves Relase timetable

2005-12-27 Thread Teddy
Actually nevermind. I did some benchmarking with HL2  Lost Coast in
64 bit mode, and got considerably worse FPS than i do in 32 bit mode.
Even a few reviews are reporting similar problems:

Best not to touch this with a barge pole till valve get around to fixing it

On 12/23/05, Benjamin Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Hopefully Teddy.

 (Just made a post about this just after you did ;))

 On 12/23/05, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  An update has been released for HL2  Lost Coast with 64 bit support:
  My question is, when the SDK code update is eventually released, how
  will mods be able to make 64-bit versions? Will it require a different
  code base for 32  64 bit versions? Will we have to distribute them
  seperately, or will there be a feature to automatically detect
  On 12/14/05, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ta ben!
   --- Benjamin Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Alfred Reynolds to hlcoders
 More options  Nov 16Yes, VS.NET
2003 is still our primary
development platform. VS.NET 2005
is a part of our 64-bit
port efforts.
- Alfred
Take that for what you will.
On 12/13/05, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I don't know if Gabe, and the project leads at
 will be doing this, but I am trying to find out if
 Valve will be releasing an EXE for 64 bit?

 Why I am asking is because I am in the middle of
 choosing to compile the SDK with 64 bit, because
 the target systems of nightfall, or to go and
 the game with vs. 2005's profiler.

 So will valve be releasing a 64bit exe to stop
 necking 64bit DLLs?


 My Website
Lead Programer NightFall
   Developer of CST and ZHLT 3.0

 This email has been sent from Adam McKern, and is
not one of the many spam
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- Benjamin Davison
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   My Website
  Lead Programer NightFall
 Developer of CST and ZHLT 3.0
   This email has been sent from Adam McKern, and is not one of the many
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 - Benjamin Davison

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Re: [hlcoders] 64 Bit, and Valves Relase timetable

2005-12-22 Thread Teddy
An update has been released for HL2  Lost Coast with 64 bit support:

My question is, when the SDK code update is eventually released, how
will mods be able to make 64-bit versions? Will it require a different
code base for 32  64 bit versions? Will we have to distribute them
seperately, or will there be a feature to automatically detect

On 12/14/05, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ta ben!

 --- Benjamin Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Alfred Reynolds to hlcoders
   More options  Nov 16Yes, VS.NET
  2003 is still our primary
  development platform. VS.NET 2005
  is a part of our 64-bit
  port efforts.
  - Alfred
  Take that for what you will.
  On 12/13/05, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I don't know if Gabe, and the project leads at
   will be doing this, but I am trying to find out if
   Valve will be releasing an EXE for 64 bit?
   Why I am asking is because I am in the middle of
   choosing to compile the SDK with 64 bit, because
   the target systems of nightfall, or to go and
   the game with vs. 2005's profiler.
   So will valve be releasing a 64bit exe to stop
   necking 64bit DLLs?
   My Website
  Lead Programer NightFall
 Developer of CST and ZHLT 3.0
   This email has been sent from Adam McKern, and is
  not one of the many spam
   bots that use my email address.
   If you receive an email that has not got this
  signature line, please
   delete the email, and not respond in any way to
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
  protection around
   To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or
  view the list archives,
   please visit:
  - Benjamin Davison
  To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view
  the list archives, please visit:


 My Website
Lead Programer NightFall
   Developer of CST and ZHLT 3.0

 This email has been sent from Adam McKern, and is not one of the many spam 
 bots that use my email address.

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 the email, and not respond in any way to it.

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Re: [hlcoders] video graphics

2005-12-20 Thread Teddy

On 12/21/05, Baer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I reinstalled winxp on my computer, reinstalled steam, everything looks good 
 in hl1, but when I go to hl2 I get a black screen with orange lines on bottom 
 right, and pink lines through the center. Running it in a window does the 
 same thing.  My computer is a AMD Athlon XP 3200, 512 megs of ram, Nvidia 
 GeForce 4 video card. Before the format steam worked great, hl2 worked like a 
 charm. When I reinstalled windows I got the newest driver for nvidia GeForce 
 4, everything went out the window so to speak.
   Anyone have any idea what is causing this error?
   I uninstalled the video driver, redownloaded it 3 times and reinstalled, 
 uninstalled steam 2 times and reinstalled still the same thing.
   Any help is appreciated.


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Re: [hlcoders] New weapons system

2005-12-16 Thread Teddy
One big problem with using attachments to put the weapon on the hands
is you'd have to use BONEMERGE which means the model that gets
attached (the weapon) must be static (no bones or animations).

Also, coding a IK/Ragdoll system which would have bascially the same
result as making it out of animations, but would run alot slower
wouldn't be worth the worry in my opinion.

On 12/17/05, DrBob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have quite a radical (probably overblown) idea for a way to handle
 weapons, weapon animations, etc. for a more weapon-based game than CS:S
 (something more akin to Raven Shield).
 Instead of each weapon model having some hands in it, and all the
 animations based around this, why not have each weapon just have a set
 of attachment points where the usual finger positions on the grips,
 trigger, etc. are, and corresponding ones on a hand model? (On the
 surface of the skin, and the surface of the gun, of course.) When you
 want a gun to appear on screen with some hands, you link each hand
 attachment point to the corresponding weapon attachment point (e.g.
 hand_finger01 - gun_grip01_finger01)
 With regards to weapon animations such as reloading, it would be the
 attachment points on the weapon that move around, guiding the hands (so
 to speak) into doing a nice animation - the hands would be ragdolled,
 effectively (a cut-down ragdoll mode without collisions, for example),
 by the attachment points on the gun model. For example, with a reload
 animation, the attachment points for the hand on the gun barrel grip
 would float their way to the clip's surface, move down with it as it
 moves, and so on.
 In fact, this could be taken a step further, with a weapon itself being
 only the stripped-down weapon body (no silencer in the normal model -
 the M4A1 has animations for with a silencer and without, no clip, no
 scope, etc.), with attachment points for such things (silencer, clip,
 scope, etc.). At buy-time, the player would then be able to choose which
 addons to buy for his gun - what type of silencer, what type of ammo and
 how big the clip should be, what type of scope if any, etc.; and these
 would all be attached to the gun, and removable during gameplay.
 Managing to animate this using the aforementioned moving attachment
 method would be slightly more complex (I haven't thought about it much
 yet), but would be possible.

 My question to you (finally) is: is this feasible, and what sort of
 overhead would it put on a game - would it be considerably more laggy
 than the current system?

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Re: [hlcoders] SDK Beta Underway

2005-12-11 Thread Teddy
Hows the update progressing I wonder? Hopefully we can get an ETA
soon, it'd be nice if it was ready before christmas.

On 11/23/05, Erik Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't have an ETA yet, but it's what we'll be working on now.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Benjamin
 Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 4:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] SDK Beta Underway

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 D you have an ETA when we will be getting updated code with that?

 On 11/23/05, Erik Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  While we haven't updated the source code yet (that will happen soon),
  we've started the beta of the next version of the SDK.
  Like the beta we ran for the Steam UI release, we'll be using the VDC
  a way to administer it. You can run the beta of the SDK by running
  -beta sdk in your command line.
  Current changelist for the beta is available here:
  Feedback area is here:
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 - Ben Davison

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Re: [hlcoders] SDK Beta Underway

2005-12-09 Thread Teddy
Well it looks like cubemaps are built differently for HDR enabled
maps, so it's possible the updates to this code will fix this bug.

On 11/24/05, Justin Krenz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is the issue with cube maps being excessively dark fixed at all or is
 that a completely different issue since the buildcubemap command is
 done in-game?

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Re: [hlcoders] Soundcache.. what is it for?

2005-12-03 Thread Teddy
After looking at Dystopia's cache files with the Game Extractor tool
from that wiki page, I can't help but wonder why they're so messy
compared to the CS:S/DOD/etc counterparts.

Perhaps creating these caches manually could give better performance?

On 12/4/05, Evan Braa-Heidner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the sound cache is for preloading the first second of every sound so that
 they play while loading

 it is very buggy and does not always work

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Garry Newman
 Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 4:46 AM
 Subject: [hlcoders] Soundcache.. what is it for?

 To cache sounds presumably.

 If I search my entire Steam folder for .cache I get an interesting


 CSS:~6 mb
 HL2: ~19mb
 LC:   ~8mb
 dystopia:   1kb
 gmod:   1kb
 smod:   1kb

 I'm assuming that sharedprecache is exactly what it says, a shared precache.

 Now if we look at individual maps

 Dystopia's map has a 7mb soundcache
 All of GMod's maps have ~18mb soundcaches
 SMod's maps have ~19mb soundcaches
 Non mods have caches generally under 500k

 The map's soundcaches appear to be created on the first run of the
 map, then saved on a succesful exit. This can take quite a long time
 the first time that you run the map.

 So I added this hack in DLLInit..

 if ( filesystem-Size( maps/soundcache/_sharedprecache.cache, MOD
 )  100 )
 maps/soundcache/_sharedprecache.cache, MOD );
 if ( filesystem-FileExists(
 maps/soundcache/_sharedprecache.cache, GAME ) )
 if ( filesystem-Size( 
 GAME )  100 )
 char To[MAX_PATH];
 Q_snprintf( To, MAX_PATH,
 %s/maps/soundcache/_sharedprecache.cache, g_GMODFolder );
 Msg( Copying _sharedprecache.cache..\n );
 maps/soundcache/_sharedprecache.cache, To );

 This copies the _sharedprecache.cache file if it's over a certain size
 and the current file is under a certain size.

 When running GMod with this I found that the maps loaded a ton faster
 on their first load. And the cache file generated were averaging under

 So, my question is what are we doing wrong?

 Should we be shipping a _sharedprecache file with our mods or are we
 not shipping files to properly generate one?

 (Thanks to TomEdwards for the heads up on this)


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Re: [hlcoders] Is there such a thing as a NULL model?

2005-11-26 Thread Teddy
I did this for the Fatman Fist weapon in dystopia. I modified the
SetWeaponVisible() for the fist, so it would AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
(which hides the world model) and then  vm-RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW
); so it shows the viewmodel

On 11/27/05, Chris Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For early versions of hidden we just commented out the world model from the
 weapon script - it threw an error in the console, but didn't crash and the
 model was invisible (no error model either). Might be a good place to start

 If that doesn't work for you, could you not maybe set the models alpha to 0?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Imperio59
 Sent: 26 November 2005 20:20
 Subject: [hlcoders] Is there such a thing as a NULL model?

 I'm faced with a problem right now, and i've been trying a few solutions but
 to no avail so far...
 I'm trying to create a weapon that has a first person view model, but no
 third person model at all (the character model will display the animation).
 I've tried SetModel(NULL); or putting  as the world model name in the
 script file, both those crash me... I've tried putting a bunch of
 AddEffect(EF_NODRAW) everywhere in my weapon class, no luck there, i've had
 a modeller make me an empty model, and that also crashes...

 Anyone got a simple solution for me to fix this problem?

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Re: [hlcoders] Netchannel: failed processing message svc_Sounds

2005-11-22 Thread Teddy
I had that exact same error on a few servers after the DOD:S engine
update about a month or so ago.

The solution was to run a steam update on the server.

On 11/23/05, Adam amckern Mckern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To me it sounds like your project needs a clean
 complie (remove all the intermideate files with
 something like mfcclean i think )

 Other then that, look at your sound loops, and see
 what you have changed for them to error out on the
 data chanel send...


 --- William Ravaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It seems this started happening to us since october.
  When we playtest our
  mod and shoot the regular HL2 DM grenades at each
  other (or any other
  bouncing object), we start getting engine error
  messages such as
  Netchannel: failed processing message svc_Sounds
  and Fragment
  transmission aborted at 1/1, while getting a very
  annoying tin can sound
  that loops forever, and adds up each time a new
  grenade collides with the
  A client-side crash usually follows 1 minute later
  or so, and we strongly
  suspect this is due to this sound problem, since
  some of us don't crash
  while others do, even though we were standing in the
  same area. This is
  really spoiling all our playtest attempts at the
  moment. We tried figuring
  out the origin of this crash by running a debug
  build and checking the crash
  log, but it points to a function in the engine
  itself, and not the client
  It seems we're not the only ones having this problem
  as I remember a post on
  the HL2CTF forums about some servers where this is
  occuring as well. Does
  anyone know what's causing it, and how to fix it?
  Thanks in advance,
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Lead Programer NightFall
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Re: [hlcoders] SDK Beta Underway

2005-11-22 Thread Teddy
The updates to Hammer are terrific! Not only does it look better, but
it seems run a whole lot faster for me. Does it have 64 bit support

Great work guys!

On 11/23/05, Erik Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 While we haven't updated the source code yet (that will happen soon),
 we've started the beta of the next version of the SDK.

 Like the beta we ran for the Steam UI release, we'll be using the VDC as
 a way to administer it. You can run the beta of the SDK by running with
 -beta sdk in your command line.

 Current changelist for the beta is available here:

 Feedback area is here:

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: Trapping Sprays

2005-11-15 Thread Teddy
Cheers, nice one Mani!

On 11/15/05, Giles Millward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Spray Tag Tracking was released in my V1.2 Beta D version yesterday, I might
 port it back to the V1.1.0x series as it's pretty much standalone code and
 very useful.



  gt; Valve,
  gt; Could you open up a mechinism, an event or something
  gt; that we could use in Plugins to see who uses there spray and where..
  gt; We run family oriented Servers..and people going around spraying only
  gt; top or animated porn gets a bit frustrating, when we cant catch the
  gt; doing it.
  gt; Can it be trapped in either a client command or have it fire a game
  gt; Thanks
  gt; Ray
  gt; ___
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK Beta Approaches

2005-11-10 Thread Teddy
HDR cubemaps are already in-game (since the DOD:S update). It dosen't
work properly without the new vrad of course..

On 11/11/05, John Standish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 They need to impliment Parallax mapping lol. As for the HDR, I am pretty
 sure it will be compiled through the compilers. But the HDR Cubemaps will be
 in game(almost guranteed), what I really wish is that it would automaticly
 be done through the compilers and not by the engine.

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[hlcoders] Source SDK Beta Approaches

2005-11-09 Thread Teddy
The VDC was updated earlier today
( with the following

Very soon we'll be beginning a beta of the next version of the Source
SDK, which will be run in a similar way to how the Steam UI beta was
run. When the beta is ready to go we'll have a page here on the VDC
that lists the new features available, along with a place to report

Now the big question on every coders lips is, will the beta of the
SDK update include the updated code to begin with, or will it just be
mapping tools, etc?

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[hlcoders] Calculating hitboxes from TouchTrace()

2005-11-07 Thread Teddy
Hi gang,

I'm having some trouble calculating which hitbox my projectile is
hitting via the GetTouchTrace() function. The trace returned by this
dosen't seem to return any hitbox data! Any ideas why there's no
hitbox info? Also any ideas for a workaround?


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Re: [hlcoders] vgui::HTML, Flashlight

2005-10-19 Thread Teddy
I don't know if this is relevant or not, but i messed around with the
vgui::HTML element a while ago and had it working on vgui_screens, and
the scrollbars worked fine. vgui_screens obviously won't work anymore
cause the vgui::inputinternal is busted, but perhaps there's a way to
fix them scrollbars in a regular vgui panel?

On 10/19/05, Andrew Orner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There seem to be a leak in the HTML widget itself, or at least the
 scrollbars.  I've never gotten the scrollbars to move when i click and
 drag on the bar or on the arrows at either ends.. and this is where
 memory leaks, too.  I've kept Task Manager up on one monitor while
 trying it out on another after I noticed that clicking on them lags but
 does nothing -- and indeed, memory is leaked and never recovered when
 you click on the scrollbar widget itself.  Maybe this isn't an issue
 with the vgui::HTML widget, but rather the vgui::Scrollbars one?

 -- Andrew

 Maurino Berry wrote:

  It seems to happen after extended page views so I'd say there is a leak
  From: Alfred Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: [hlcoders] vgui::HTML, Flashlight
  Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 13:41:43 -0700
  The HTML widget allocates a texture page for the entire HTML page that
  is rendered. Are you worried about that size or is there memory leaking
  on every page load (in which case we will look into it)?
  - Alfred
  Original Message
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aditya
  Gaddam Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:34 PM To: Subject: Re: [hlcoders] vgui::HTML,
   I think his problem (I am part of the same mod as him), is that there
   are quite a bit of memory leaks with the implementation by valve.
   On 10/18/05, Alfred Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am a little confused about the exact problem. Is the little
amount of
overdraw behind the scrollbars making you want to reimplement the
- Alfred
Original Message
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aditya
Gaddam Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:02 PM To: Subject: Re: [hlcoders] vgui::HTML,
 I don't see why. If you could somehow get a handle (hah!) of the

 On 10/18/05, Dan Stevens (IAmAI) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Can you attach/embed ActiveX objects into a Source game UI?
  On 18/10/05, Aditya Gaddam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Well, I was thinking it would be easier if we just used
   existing APIs to render something onto a hidden window and
   after its done loading the page we would just hook onto that
   window somehow and control it.
   I found an ActiveX version of the mozilla api here
   It seems that you control it just the way you would control
   the IE ActiveX object so I am guessing we can just attach
   this to a window and go from there.
   Oh and hey ss =P
   On 10/18/05, Dan Stevens (IAmAI) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I've also considered a similar implementation to that
Xfirehttp://www.xfire.comdoes to produce its in-game
menus. I think it uses DirectX overlays. Xfire's in-game
menus are entirely keyboard controlled, so whether a mouse
controllable UI is possible. Anyone know much about this or
how Xfire implements its in-game menus.
On 17/10/05, Andrew Orner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was looking into it to use as a semi-MotD, but instead
 of displaying an MotD at server join it would rather show
 a server info screen.

 And as for your question of an in-game browser, no way is
 Source's VGUI a practical solution to making it (again
 because of the problems experienced with it), it would
 probably be much better if you implemented your own sort
 of HTML browser.

 -- Andrew

 Dan Stevens (IAmAI) wrote:

  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  I am afraid I cannot help you with your queries.
  However, would you mine if I asked what the purpose of
  your invistigation in the VGUI:HTML control? I am
  interested as I have been considering the possibility
  of an in-game web browser. Do you think such an
  application be practical to implement using Source's
  On 17/10/05, Andrew Orner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: [hlcoders] Steam update broken HL2 mods?

2005-10-12 Thread Teddy
I've been hearing the same from alot of our players, they still get
the same error after patching.

On 10/13/05, Brandon Canary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Just got the new updated and downloaded and third party games are still not
 launching :(

 On 10/12/05, Dan Stevens (IAmAI) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  An easier and less drastic solution is to create a desktop shortcut for
  On 12/10/05, Draco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   Thanks alot mate, now I have an answer for anyone I see complaining
   Quoted your email 3 times now.
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Re: [hlcoders] Steam update broken HL2 mods?

2005-10-12 Thread Teddy
An even easier workaround is to create a shortcut to the mod, and edit
the -game path. Change the program files in the -game path to
progra~1 and it should work.


C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 220 -game C:\program

C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 220 -game

On 10/13/05, Tony omega Sergi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My hl1 mod doesn't even show up in the server browser anymore, and the
 server keeps saying it needs to be restarted to get the latest update; but
 it doesn't do anything.

 -Original Message-
 From: Teddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: October 12, 2005 6:03 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Steam update broken HL2 mods?

 I've been hearing the same from alot of our players, they still get
 the same error after patching.

 On 10/13/05, Brandon Canary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Just got the new updated and downloaded and third party games are still
  launching :(
  On 10/12/05, Dan Stevens (IAmAI) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
   An easier and less drastic solution is to create a desktop shortcut for
   On 12/10/05, Draco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Thanks alot mate, now I have an answer for anyone I see complaining
Quoted your email 3 times now.
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[hlcoders] Steam update broken HL2 mods?

2005-10-11 Thread Teddy
I've been getting reports from a few dozen of our players that they've
been unable to run dystopia since the last Steam UI update. They've
been getting the following error:

AppName: hl2.exe AppVer: ModName: filesystem_steam.dll
ModVer: Offset: e66f

I'll just note that this seems to only have effect some people, as I
can still run dystopia fine on my computer as can a few other folks
i've talked to.

Anyone else having similar problems with this update?

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Re: [hlcoders] Steam update broken HL2 mods?

2005-10-11 Thread Teddy
One of our players found a fix for it, here's his instructions
(hopefully the same willl work for ya'll):

Create a Desktop shortcut by right clicking on Dystopia in Steam. Then
locate the new shortcut on your desktop, right-click and select
Properties. In the Target field, it should say something like:

C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 220 -game e:\program

Just change the 220 to 240 (which is the code for CS:S). I have no
idea why this works, but it does. Enjoy!!

On 10/12/05, Sylvain Rochette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some of our mod team cannot run any of the 3 rd party mod!

 I would like the update screwup the valve mod instead that would be more

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:44 PM
 Subject: [hlcoders] Steam update broken HL2 mods?

  I've been getting reports from a few dozen of our players that they've
  been unable to run dystopia since the last Steam UI update. They've
  been getting the following error:
  AppName: hl2.exe AppVer: ModName: filesystem_steam.dll
  ModVer: Offset: e66f
  I'll just note that this seems to only have effect some people, as I
  can still run dystopia fine on my computer as can a few other folks
  i've talked to.
  Anyone else having similar problems with this update?
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  please visit:

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Re: [hlcoders] collision boxes latency

2005-10-06 Thread Teddy
I've not had any probs with hitbox latency, the unlag and
interpolation works smoothly even at high pings.

There are some huge problems for melee code, as there seems to be bit
prediction errors when you get upu close to another player, but for
ranged hitscan attacks it's fine.


On 10/6/05, Kiroke . [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I asked the dev team here and it seems that the problem is in the sdk
 itself! If we create a new mod from scratch we will see that problem occur:
  They did fix it for counter-strike, and now you got to shoot the players
 directly. But when we create an empty mod from scratch the problem still
  From your link Kuja - This doesn't mean you have to lead you're aiming
 when shooting at other players since the server-side lag compensation knows
 about client entity interpolation and corrects this error. It seems like
 this compensation is not working on the SDK, is it working for you guys?
  Thank you!
  On 10/4/05, Kuja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Might make a good read.
  Jean-René Bédard wrote:
   [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
   We started our mod with the option (Start a mod from scratch) and we
   that in a multiplayer game, there is latency between the actual player
   and the collision boxes. So a traceline fired directly on the moving
   such as a character doesnt really inflict damange to him since the
   hitbox is
   lagging behind. I noticed that it is not the case in HL2MP nor as in
   CS:S. How
   can we fix this?
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 Lead Game Designer
 Troy : Divine Playground

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Re: [hlcoders] Upcoming Steam update and MODs

2005-10-06 Thread Teddy
The only bug I can see is there's a few mods missing from the most
popular list... namely Garry's mod and Dystopia (according to

On 9/30/05, Erik Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 We're getting ready to release a fairly significant overhaul of the look
 and feel of Steam, ahead of the release of Rag Doll Kung Fu.

 Part of this release is going to give individual games more space for
 people to see screenshots and information about individual games,
 including MODs.

 Currently if you go to the Third Party Games area of the Steam store
 you'll see a listing of the most popular MODs currently being played,
 along with a text description and a couple of screenshots. You can also
 get to this web page directly by going here:,2,4,6i=0,220,340,24

 What would be really helpful would be for any MOD that is currently
 listed on this page to put together some of this material and send it on
 to me. What we need is:

 1. A short 50 words or less description of the game.
 2. 5 screenshots in .jpg format to include. The width of the screenshots
 can be no greater that 1024px, but the aspect ratio is up to you.

 Once you have these together, .zip up all of the materials and e-mail
 them to me and we'll make sure this gets into the update coming up.

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Re: [hlcoders] Steam UI Update

2005-10-06 Thread Teddy
The only bug I can see is there's a few mods missing from the most
popular list... namely Garry's mod and Dystopia (according to

On 10/7/05, Erik Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 The beta is available now for people to take a look at the update coming
 to Steam that changes the look and feel to accommodate more games. If
 your MOD is in the list, take a look at the text and screenshots, and
 then e-mail me directly if you'd like to make any changes.

 To run the beta, start Steam from a command prompt with a command line
 like this:

 steam -clientbeta betaui

 The beta period is going to be fairly short, so if you find any
 problems, head on over to the page on the VDC and add any bugs you find.
 You can get to that page here:


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Re: [hlcoders] Upcoming Steam update and MODs

2005-10-06 Thread Teddy
Ooops, wrong thread!

On 10/7/05, Teddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The only bug I can see is there's a few mods missing from the most
 popular list... namely Garry's mod and Dystopia (according to

 On 9/30/05, Erik Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  We're getting ready to release a fairly significant overhaul of the look
  and feel of Steam, ahead of the release of Rag Doll Kung Fu.
  Part of this release is going to give individual games more space for
  people to see screenshots and information about individual games,
  including MODs.
  Currently if you go to the Third Party Games area of the Steam store
  you'll see a listing of the most popular MODs currently being played,
  along with a text description and a couple of screenshots. You can also
  get to this web page directly by going here:,2,4,6i=0,220,340,24
  What would be really helpful would be for any MOD that is currently
  listed on this page to put together some of this material and send it on
  to me. What we need is:
  1. A short 50 words or less description of the game.
  2. 5 screenshots in .jpg format to include. The width of the screenshots
  can be no greater that 1024px, but the aspect ratio is up to you.
  Once you have these together, .zip up all of the materials and e-mail
  them to me and we'll make sure this gets into the update coming up.
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Re: [hlcoders] collision boxes latency

2005-10-06 Thread Teddy
sv_showhitboxes dosen't show the hitbox interp or prediction, it's all
explained here:

On 10/7/05, Andrew Foss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sv cheats 1, add a bot in CSS, sv_showhitboxes 2, and you'll see that
 the hitboxes move faster than the player, unless you're shooting at
 them, at least as far as I've been able to tell.

 On 10/6/05, Ratman2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the problem is the hitbox calculation...
  When you strafe left, your hitbox get out of the model on the left side...
  So when you shoot there is no fligth time calculation...
  When you now move foreward and stop on an wall to get cover than your hitbox
  can stay before the wall as result as the hitbox calculation...
  the hitbox than take i think ca 0,5 - 1 second to get back over the standing
  So i think there is no way to aim realy like a pro gamer in cs1.6
  Its only luck to kill an player becouse you have to aim left before an
  player when he is moving to the left side...
  So many of kills get on the account of the hitbox calculation... its not an
  nice way to calculate it but the simplest way...
  width friendly greatings
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Re: [hlcoders] How to apply a blur filter on a texture?

2005-10-05 Thread Teddy
You should check out the DoScreenSpaceBloom() function in
view_scene.cpp, as the blurfiltery shader is used there

On 10/6/05, Thomas TISSOT-DUPONT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Hello the list !

 I'm currently working on a basic bloom effect.

 To do this, I use the blurfiltery.vmt filter, but when use it the bloom
 effect isn't visible whereas I notice a lower framerate.

 So I have changed the blurfiltery.vmt text from



 $basetexture _rt_SmallFB1

 $bloomamount 1

 %noToolTexture 1






 //$color 0.15 0.15 0.15 = lower is lighter

 $basetexture _rt_FullFrameFB

 %noToolTexture 1


 Though it seems to be almost working ( thanks to Valve for your shaders ! )

 I cannot manage to apply a blur effect on the bloom effect, so I get a weird
 rendering ( see the picture link: )

 Does anyone know how to apply something similar to this or how to fix that
 weird rendering? Just keep in mind I don't know anything in HLSL
 programming, I've just borrowed from Valve's shaders used in Day of Defeat

 I really apologize for my very bad English, anyway I hope somebody will help
 me ;o)

 Thank you very much!



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[hlcoders] _rt_SmallHDR0 problems

2005-10-03 Thread Teddy
Hey gang,

I'm trying to code a shader that uses the _rt_SmallHDR0 
_rt_SmallHDR1 render target textures via the GetSmallBufferHDR0()
function, but anything i render to it just comes back with a
checkerboard texture. I found another _rt_SmallFB0  _rt_SmallFB1
render targets, but they don't seem to be a very high resolution...

Anyone else had probs with these?


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Re: [hlcoders] _rt_SmallHDR0 problems

2005-10-03 Thread Teddy
Cool, that fixed it. Thanks!

On 10/3/05, Sylvain Rochette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 Create your own material, since the last update they removed the material...

 materials-CreateNamedRenderTargetTexture( _rt_SmallHDR0, 256, 256, 

 materials-CreateNamedRenderTargetTexture( _rt_SmallHDR1, 256, 256, 


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 8:58 AM
 Subject: [hlcoders] _rt_SmallHDR0 problems

  Hey gang,
  I'm trying to code a shader that uses the _rt_SmallHDR0 
  _rt_SmallHDR1 render target textures via the GetSmallBufferHDR0()
  function, but anything i render to it just comes back with a
  checkerboard texture. I found another _rt_SmallFB0  _rt_SmallFB1
  render targets, but they don't seem to be a very high resolution...
  Anyone else had probs with these?
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Re: [hlcoders] Re: Tier0_s.dll error when debugging Source Mods ( was: Last update has broken Mod shaders and is causing crashes )

2005-09-30 Thread Teddy
I still get the tier0_s.dll error when launching my mod from VS. I'm
launching via hl2.exe, with standard command line params. It loads to
console fine, but when i attempt to load a map/start a server, it
errors out with tier0_s.dll error, followed by a steamclient.dll


On 9/30/05, Imperio59 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've not had one single error in debugging my MOD so far... I don't know
 if there was a code update recently because I haven't WinDiff'ed the
 code bases in the last 2 months at least...
 Here's my arguments:
 -allowdebug -dev -game c:\program
 files\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\Caliber +sv_lan 1 +map cal_test
 Hope that help...

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Re: [hlcoders] Cubemaps Bug

2005-09-30 Thread Teddy
DAV, try turning off HDR when you do the buildcubemaps, and make sure
you don't have -floathdr in your commandline. It looks like it's
trying to build HDR cubemaps, but without the proper HDR skybox and

On 9/30/05, DAV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can it be releated to what I am having but in models?
 The error happens after I build the cubemaps..

 If you want to check a screenshot of what I am saying...
 Before the buildcube maps:
 After the buildcube maps:
 Test map (vmf):

 The test map doesnt have a env_cubemap but the bug is happening with or
 without them.

 Davide (DAV)
 DAV Levels:

 - Original Message -
 From: Spektre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Cubemaps Bug

  Adam: Look at the base texture. It's straight, and there's no seams in
  it. Only the cubemap's got seams.
  I can have the mapper compile with a mirror texture, 100% cubemap?
  According to the mapper, Anarki, the cubemaps throughout the map display
  the error. And there's no splits in the face there.
  Adam amckern Mckern wrote:
 Is that an after shot? Becuase it looks like a bsp
 error (normaly caused by doing a wacky texture apply
 to a face and bsp cuting and missmatching it)
 --- Spektre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is the third instance someone has complained of
 errors with the
 cubemaps in Source on #valveerc, so I'm of a mind to
 believe that
 something's been changed in the most recent update.
 If Valve could have
 a look at this, I'd be much obliged.
 The bug appears to be mismatching the cube's faces
 to the proper
 textures. That's my analysis, anywho.
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Re: [hlcoders] Last update has broken Mod shaders and is causing crashes

2005-09-27 Thread Teddy
I think steam rocks. It'd have been nice to get a SDK update sooner,
but steam itself (or at least the idea behind it) is good for
anti-piracy, anti-cheating, auto updating and online distribution. All
good things in my opinion.

On 9/27/05, Dan Partelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You are not seeing the forest because of the trees. The shitty Steam is
 to blame. Should Valve had any common sense and valued its customers
 they would never had this Steam enforcing policy.

 Valve, your Steam sucks.


 - Original Message -
 From: Alexander Galerakis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 6:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Last update has broken Mod shaders and is causing

 I don't think it would be possible to release the SDK update before the
  Steam/DoD: S releases... Wouldn't that mean that every single modification
  out there would get HDR implemented before DoD: S' release, thus reduce
  impact the game has and almost certainly lower its sales?
  As for caring about what brings them money, well, that's how every single
  business in the world is run, and that's how Valve keeps its employers
  in order to keep working and provide the community with hopefully good
  I don't think it needs to be said how much impact Valve had on the whole
  modding community, perhaps second only to the original Quake...
  It's not like they sit on their asses laughing at the problems they cause,
  they still need to keep employers paid thus they still need to put out
  (and fulfill pre-release promises such as having DoD: S; people who bought
  silver/gold have waited enough time for that), thus they are working on a
  million and one things right now like improving the Source Engine,
  supporting CS: S, putting out DoD: S, working on Aftermath, possibly TF2
  God knows what else...
  Everyone pretty much agrees that the original HL2 release felt rushed
  code/SDK wise (for whatever reason, not going to go into that), and
  like these, while they may break several things for people like you who
  worked a long time on their projects, are ultimately for the better since
  they improve the engine and fix existing problems and add much welcomed
  functionality and features...
  This last patch seems to have broken things but IMO it only shows how
  willing Valve is to help the community and provide patches FAST... Of
  there's not enough time for testing purposes when you need to get the
  out because everyone is complaining his modification is not working
  So just let's all keep giving our feedback to help resolve the issues that
  much faster. I do believe that even though Valve wasn't really doing any
  announcements about this, the patches show they were listening and are
  trying to do the best and as soon as possible to help people...
  They could have simply said wait for the SDK update to fix things up
  yourself but they didn't, they are trying to correct issues already while
  finalising (or whatever) the next SDK update, which I'm sure you want as
  much testing time as possible for it...
  Anyway, of course people should demand things but I don't think everyone
  should act like they know what's going on behind the scenes and blame them
  for untested products... What other company is giving you this much
  with an engine incorporating this many features and is doing it with
  I agree about the docmentation, that's a huge issue, but hopefully it will
  in time be resolved... Perhaps Valve could recruit serious people from the
  community to work together and fix that in the areas that are lacking the
  /me crosses his fingers for a fast and solid SDK update and possibly a
  that fixes more things than it breaks even sooner than that...
  Go Valve :)
  Mod HQ - - Come get your Half-Life 2 news
  - Original Message -
  From: Ben Everett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday - 27/9/2005 05:38
  Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Last update has broken Mod shaders and is causing
  I'd have to agree with Teddy, it is quite irking to the development
  community that this many problems have arisen. It is almost as if you
  no formal QA department that you go through, and that is just ridiculous.
  you only test what you make money off of before a release? Even
  has quite a few issues with it, and you publicly released it. It seems
  the standard for a development studio on the PC-platform is to just keep
  releasing, and not thoroughly test your software. Just because you have
  ability to release patches instantaneously doesn't mean you shouldn't put
  every single piece of your code through peer review or some sort of
  The amount of support

Re: [hlcoders] Last update has broken Mod shaders and is causing crashes

2005-09-26 Thread Teddy
I've fixed all the shader issues in Dystopia, however there's no point
putting out an update till we get the SDK update, as there's still
quite a few crashes occuring in the engine code since the last update.

On 9/27/05, Alexander Galerakis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not a coder or team member of Dystopia but when trying to start up their
 modification (I'm fully updated, have a DX9.0c compatible GPU, latest
 drivers, clean and tidy PC, etc, not a PC newbie) it brings up this error:

 Game shader 'game_shader_generic_sample.dll' trying to override a base
 shader 'Bloom'.

 That pops up on start up and of course the game doesn't even start at all.

 - Original Message -
 From: Erik Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday - 27/9/2005 03:06
 Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Last update has broken Mod shaders and is causing

  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  The release that went along with the DoD launch today should have fixed
  the broken custom shaders in MODs.
  If people are still having trouble with this specific issue, let us
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ben Everett
  Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 9:31 AM
  Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Last update has broken Mod shaders and is
  causing crashes
  Still not working, same crashes with the error as stated before. The
  seems to be with the DLL tier0_s.dll.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Justin Krenz
  Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 11:03 PM
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Last update has broken Mod shaders and is
  Control Panel - System - Advanced tab - Environment Variables button
  - look for sourcesdk in the list of System Variables.  This was also
  after I ran the SourceSDK from the Play Games window in Steam and chose
  Refresh SDK Content.
  If that doesn't work, try the following:
  c:\program files\steam\steam.exe -applaunch 220 -dev -allowdebug -game
  your mod's directory ie c:\mod\mod
  Then I suppose you can try attaching your debugger to it.
  Ben Everett wrote:
  Hmm... I'm still unable to get my mod to work when being launched from
  Same errors as before. I've tried using all of the tips you guys have
  but nothing as of yet. The sourcesdk env variable you are referring
  to, is
  this in VS or Windows? Could you provide a example key-value pair?
  And any word on Valve as to a REAL solution? It's kind of disturbing
  they haven't responded to any of our issues (I know that I at least
  work e-mail on the weekends).
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[hlcoders] Crash in CreateModelInstance() since update

2005-09-24 Thread Teddy
I've trapped a crash in my mod (dystopia) in
C_BaseEntity::CreateModelInstance() when it tries to access the
modelrender it gets a 0x0 return. This happens when rendering from
C_BaseCombatWeapon::DrawModel, it's just started happening since the
last updates.

Anyone else had a similar problem?


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[hlcoders] Last update has broken Mod shaders and is causing crashes

2005-09-23 Thread Teddy
Since the last update, my shader files no longer load (eg.
bin/game_shader_generic_sample.dll) and players are quite a few client
and server crashes.

Can we expcet a SDK update so we can work on fixing these?


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