On 12/18/2012 2:17 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Tuesday, December 18, 2012 1:19:46 PM UTC-5, Stephen Paul King wrote:

    On 12/18/2012 11:54 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

    On Tuesday, December 18, 2012 10:34:14 AM UTC-5, rclough wrote:

        Hi Craig Weinberg

        Party politics will soon end.

        The two parties of the future (next year if even that)
        will be (a) those who want to cut the debt and
        (b) those who don't.

        That's what's happened to much of europe.

    Eh, even that will be a lie. I would assume that party politics
    will continue in a less overt way is all. Oligarchy re-branded.

        And what changed? Haves v. have nots will fight forever until
    max entropy is reached. Meanwhile I need to house, clothe and feed
    myself and my children.

    As far as the pipe dream of increasing individual liberty by
    reducing the power of government, can't you see that
    unconstitutional Corporate Feudalism will fill the vacuum before
    you can say Habeus Corpus? You think that Monsanto is going to
    give you a constitution? Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahah.


        Monsanto, et al do not have a monopoly on the legal use of
    force so their ability to affect your rights is not beyond appeal.

You have to realize though that the only reason that there is a such thing as an illegal use of force is because of the government. The only appeal that we have to corporate abuse is to a higher authority: government (in theory).

    When the government tells you to do something, you are forced to
    comply, ultimately at the point of a gun and you cannot shoot back

The government has no particular reason to tell me to do something unless lobbied by a corporation. I don't feat the government monitoring my Facebook or this list - I fear my employers or potential future employers. What does the federal government care what I say?

        Can we be done with this?

Sure, I'm easy. I'll talk about any topic you want.


Dear Craig,

Yas' just notta gonna let go, ar ya?! s Government, in its actions, always "good"? Yes or No. If yes, please demonstrate.



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