On Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 12:00:22 AM UTC-7, Brent wrote:
> On 1/20/2020 10:09 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> *Maybe I can summarize it this way; if it had a beginning, which I will 
> label as T = 0, and was finite in spatial extent, including zero spatial 
> extent, it has remained finite in spatial extent since all expansion rates 
> are finite, and have been going on for finite time. Thus, if it started as 
> finite, it must remain finite to avoid a singularity; namely, an infinite 
> expansion rate.This is really easy, and shouldn't present a problem. OTOH, 
> if it had a beginning and was spatially infinite at that time, it's not 
> null at that time, the beginning. *
> But it's simply your prejudice that it can't be null at T<0 and infinite 
> at T=0. 

*At its beginning it's null. This is my definition, if you will, of what 
exists at "the beginning" for our universe, nothing. You can call that a 
prejudice but it's much more logical than positing a creation event with 
something already in existence, or infinite at T > 0. It seems you're the 
one with illogical prejudices. AG *

> Above you explicitly allow that a finite space might come into existence 
> at T=0, i.e. one that was null at T<0 and finite at T=0.  You wrote, "*if 
> it had a beginning, which I will label as T = 0, and was finite in spatial 
> extent". * But that is just as much a discontinuity or "singularity" that 
> you consider a logical contradiction, as the coming into existence of an 
> infinite space at T=0.  

*Yes it is, but I was just allowing the possibility of finite spatial 
extent at T = 0, as a way to emphasize the fact that once finite, always 
finite. In any event, for consistency and what I believe, it had zero 
spatial extent at the time of creation AG *

Offenses to your intuition are not necessarily logical contradictions.
> Brent
> *So the assumption that it's spatially infinite at the beginning when it 
> should be null (at the beginning) is a contradiction. (Proof by 
> contradiction). AG*

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