--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Irmeli" <irmeli.matts...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Cool, I guess. If what you are looking for in a 
> > "leader" is someone who allows himself to be 
> > dressed up like a Ken doll in a dress and crown,
> > be called the "king" of an imaginary country, 
> > and feels it necessary to hide *his own family*
> > from the subjects in his imaginary kingdom.
> I agree. To me the king and the other rajas in their crowns look truly 
> ridiculous. I have occasionally a little bit lurked at them ath Maharishi 
> Channel. I observe thoughts forms appaearing to me like 'if these people are 
> not insane, what are they metaphorically trying to tell us?
> It requires plenty of courage for a sane person to dress up like that 
> publicly. Kings and queens and royalty are old archetypes in our psyche. What 
> could it mean, when these get lifted up on the 'table' in a form which to a 
> westerner looks like a parody of that arcetype?

Irmeli, this archetype idea is exactly what have I wondered about in regard to 
the Rajas since they first donned their crowns.  We humans seem to need these 
images - its' why many of us feel somehow "better" with pictures of deities on 
our bookshelf, or enjoy fairy tales, theater, opera stories and their grand a 
glittering sets, the rituals of Catholic mass, the glamour of royal families.  
It is one level of what Amma is probably doing when she does her Devi Bhava 
evening (she dresses in elegant saris and other regalia and appears as Mother 
Divine to let those watching soak in the images).  It triggers something in the 
human brain.  While I think the whole Raja thing seems ridiculous - I have 
often wondered if we don't need to see those images of people in crowns.  It 
was the only meaningful reason I have ever come up with for the whole show. 
Personally, the TM Raja thing is so loaded with feelings of disappointment that 
I can't look at them and get any supposed benefit from the visual. But maybe 
that was the basic idea.

> As to the Global Country of World Peace I do perceive a referent to it in the 
> very subtle domains.
If you feel free to say so, exactly what do you perceive?

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