On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Irmeli <irmeli.matts...@netti.fi> wrote:
> On an extremely subtle level where we are not fully separate from each other, 
> I perceive pretty much conscious human activity also.
> I'm fully aware that what I perceive I interpret through the lenses of my 
> cultural backround and conceptual framework.This is one of the reasons I'm 
> cautious abut talking too much of my perceptions in these domains.
> Many of my perceptions seem to hint that some of the Purushas and Mother 
> Divines maybe capable of being consciously active there, as are many others 
> with quite different spiritual backgrounds. Here the boundaries dissolve and 
> differing approaches intertwine into mutually supporting network of 
> intelligence in many forms.
> I have been pondering maybe the idea of Global Country of World Peace 
> appeared from experiences similar to mine. Other spiritual traditions have 
> other names for this domain.

Hmm.  I didn't realize this was such a "subtle thing".  For me it's
just a shift in perception, like deciding to tune in on a different
conversation while at a noisy party.  I've always called it the "party
line", a reference to the time when telephony was very expensive.  An
entire neighborhood of houses shared the same phone line.  The phone
would ring at only one house, but the conversation was carried over
the single line that joined all the houses in the neighborhood.  If
you wanted to make a call, you'd have to pick up the phone and see if
there was a conversation already on it.  This also allowed for
evesdropping.  There is a level in my perception where everybody's
thinking.  I suspect this is the level of telepathy and perhaps
intuition, as you can have a conversation with many others by just
thinking and receiving the thoughts of others.

Life isn't like a bowl of cherries or peaches..
it's more like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today,
might burn your ass tomorrow.

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