LoisTed Macdonald wrote:
> Hallo a h-uile duine, (Hello everybody,)
> A bheil thu a' rannsachadh a' Gha\idhlig agaibh?
> Are you studying your Gaelic ?
> Seo tri\ gni\omhaireran dhuibh. Cha bhi mi gur innse de tha iad a'
> ciallachadh. 'S do\cha gu bheil eolas agaibh orra, mur eil feumaidh sibh a
> lorg anns na faclairan agaibh.
> Here are three verbs for you. I'm not going to tell you what they mean.
> Maybe you are familiar with them, if not you will have to look in your
> dictionaries.
> 1. mothaich, a' mothachadh
> 2. gea\rr, a' gea\rradh
> 3. ruith, ruith
> A-nis, an urrainn dhuibh rosg-rann  a dhe\anamh le gach gni\omhair?
> Now, can you make a sentence (actually three sentences) with each verb?
> It'll be good practice for you.

  Tha mi 'nam ruith, ach tha mi a' mothachadh rosg-rann leis faclan agad
ma b'urainn dhomh a ghčarr goirid e.
    I'm in a hurry, but I am considering a sentence with your words if I
can cut it short.

Agus tha ceist agam
   Dh'ionnsaich mi gum bi "rannaisch"="search" neo "explore".  A bheil e
     I learned that "rannaisch" was . . .  Is this wrong?


Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-----http://www.gadallah.com/~leslie

   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
      A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
             --Gaelic proverb
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