LoisTed Macdonald wrote:

> A Leslie,
> Sgri\obh thu:
> >   Tha mi 'nam ruith, ach tha mi a' mothachadh rosg-rann leis faclan agad
> >ma b'urainn dhomh a ghèarr goirid e.
> >     I'm in a hurry, but I am considering a sentence with your words if I
> >can cut it short.
> Gle\ mhath, ach aon rud beag; tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil e "le faclan
> agad" no " leis na faclan agad".
> Very good, but one small thing; I think that it's "...." or ".....". Also,
> I'm not too sure about the use of "a' mothachadh" for considering. Usually
> it means " noticing, observing, perceiving ." Thomson gives "smaoinich,
> beachdaich, cnuasaich" for considering.
> >Agus tha ceist agam
> >    Dh'ionnsaich mi gum bi "rannaisch"="search" neo "explore".  A bheil e
> >ceàrr?
> >      I learned that "rannaisch" was . . .  Is this wrong?
> 'Sann "rannsaich" a tha an gni\omhair seo, agus 'sann " a' rannsachadh" a
> tha an "verbal noun".
> It's "rannsaich" that is this verb, and "a' rannsachadh" that is the verbal
> noun. It sounds like the English word ransack, doesn't it?
> Tha mi 'n do\chas gu bheil Aonghas a' mothachadh na teachdaireachdan seo.
> Ma tha, de do bheachd, Aonghais ?
> I hope that Angus is noticing these messages. What do you think, Angus ?

Eideird 's a h-uile duine,

Tha mi 'gam faicinn uileadh, agus 's e mo bheachd gum bi sibh a' deanamh cho
math 's bu chòir dhomh bhi sàmhach!
Am I at-their seeing all, and is it my opinion that will-be you doing so good
that is proper for-me to-be quiet!
I'm seeing them all, and it is my opinion that you're doing so well, I should
be quiet!

( "Uileadh" is an old form of "uile" and is used when "uile" comes after the
word it modifies. e.g.
a h-uile duine -- na daoine uileadh . I don't know how much it is used in
"modern" Gaelic.)

Le meas,

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