Yeah, i have seen all kinds of weird runtime errors do to something getting over looked. Though, getting 1000 rounds out of a six shot revolver sounds like that was a cool bug. You could have taken down God Zilla with that weapon. Lol!

Valiant8086 wrote:
Rofl amuzeing. It's silly but strangely relational mistakes like this one that makes programming more fun sometimes. Like the time I forgot to set my gun reloader on a moo to remove amunition from the box until the gun was full. I forgot to check to see if the gun was full, but did get when the box was empty to quit, one way or the other. So I reloaded it, and got loads of spamm. When all was done I had a hundred shots in a 6 shot revolver and such. Or the time a fellow programmer also forgot to tell it to stop when the box was empty. He ende dup with way over a thousand shots, and the box was in the negatives big time. That was so funny.

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