> * Hook: hook [??? manter]
> Esta sempre foi unha das dúbidas que me asaltaron... sei o que significa
> pero non como traducilo.
> Básicamente é unha acción que se leva a cabo ou que se dispara cando
> certas condicións se cumpren.
> P.ex. ao facer unha remisión ao repositorio queres enviar un mail a
> todos os devs.

Segundo foldoc:
«hook <programming> A software or hardware feature included in order
to simplify later additions or changes by a user.

For example, a simple program that prints numbers might always print
them in base 10, but a more flexible version would let a variable
determine what base to use; setting the variable to 5 would make the
program print numbers in base 5. The variable is a simple hook. An
even more flexible program might examine the variable and treat a
value of 16 or less as the base to use, but treat any other number as
the address of a user-supplied routine for printing a number. This is
a hairy but powerful hook; one can then write a routine to print
numbers as Roman numerals, say, or as Hebrew characters, and plug it
into the program through the hook.


The term "user exit" is synonymous but much more formal and less hackish.

(1997-06-25) »

Unha funcionalidade incorporada nun software ou hardware co propósito
de simplificar as adicións ou modificación futuras que faga o usuario
(a ese sw ou hw).

(Unha cousa + para ter en conta á hora de procurar unha tradución)

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