Re: [fossil-users] Fossil update

2018-11-07 Thread Richard Hipp
On 11/7/18, Zoltán Kócsi  wrote:
> For some projects we used colour-coding of the Timeline entries, for
> example releases were coloured differently from developers-only commits
> and so on. That all seems to have gone.
> Also, the Timeline now seems to show only one branch at a time while the
> old version has shown all changes and different branches were
> represented by different colours and a graphically displayed line.

Those features should be unchanged.  If you visit the canonical Fossil
self-hosting repo ( or the
SQLite Fossil repository ( you can see
that both of those show all branches using color codes.  I do not know
what might be causing your problem.  Can you provide an example?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil update

2018-11-07 Thread Richard Hipp
On 11/7/18, Zoltán Kócsi  wrote:
> Is the latest Fossil binary compatible with the 1.29 version on the
> repo file level? That is, will it be able to read the old SQLite file
> and modify/update its schema to the latest version without losing
> anything?


In fact, I don't recall any major schema changes going from 1.x to
2.x.  The big change there, and the reason for the major version
number bump, was adding support for SHA3 hashes.  1.x supported only
SHA1 hashes.  2.x supports both SHA1 and SHA3.  Thus 2.x will read and
understand 1.x repos, but 1.x cannot decode 2.x repos.

If I had to guess (with so little information) about why you are not
seeming to sync, I would suspect that somebody in your organization is
using a 2.x version of Fossil and has done one or more commits that
use a SHA3 hash.  The older 1.x versions cannot understand that and
are pretending those checkins do not exist.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] This mailing list is now deprecated

2018-08-08 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/8/18, Philip Bennefall  wrote:
> I am still getting stuck on the registration screen due to the captcha.
> What parts do I miss if I don't have an account for now?

I have added you as a verify subscriber.  You should be getting forum
notifications now, without the need to fill in the captcha.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] This mailing list is now deprecated

2018-08-08 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/8/18, joerg van den hoff  wrote:
> On 08.08.18 14:40 , Richard Hipp wrote:
>> Please discontinue use of this mailing list except as an emergency
>> back-up to the forum in case the forum stops working.  If forum is not
>> working, you can also send email directly to me.
> well no luck here. this:
> An email has been sent to "". That email contains a
> hyperlink that you must
> click on in order to activate your subscription.
> simply has not happened so far (>5-10 minutes since subscribe).

Check your spam folder?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] This mailing list is now deprecated

2018-08-08 Thread Richard Hipp
The new "forum" feature of Fossil is now live on the self-hosting website:

The forum feature is intended as a replacement for mailing lists like
this one. Though still very "beta", I believe in eating ones own
dogfood, and hence I am cutting over to the forum for Fossil itself.

There is a "subscribe" option on the link above where you can sign up
for email notifications to new forum posts.  The enhance email
notification should work just like a mailing list, with individual
emails for each forum post containing complete post content and
correct In-Reply-To headers.  The only major difference between the
forum and this list is that you must go to the forum website to post
new content.  New submissions via email are disallowed as an anti-spam

The Fossil homepage now has a link to the forum instead of a link to
mailing list sign-up.

Please discontinue use of this mailing list except as an emergency
back-up to the forum in case the forum stops working.  If forum is not
working, you can also send email directly to me.

After we have shaken out the forum feature a little further, I will
shut down this legacy mailing list.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Who runs Fossil servers on Windows?

2018-08-07 Thread Richard Hipp
If you are running a Fossil server on Windows, please share with me
how you set it up.  You can respond via private email directly to me
if you like.

  (1)  Run using "fossil server"
  (2)  Run using "fossil winsrv"
  (3)  Using Apache with CGI
  (4)  Using Apache with SCGI
  (5)  Using Nginx with SCGI
  (6)  Via SSH using some kind of SSHD for Windows
  (7)  Some other webserver (please specify)
  (8)  Other (please specify)

I have the impression that most if not all Fossil servers on Windows
are run using either (1) or (2).  If you are using any of the other
approaches, then I especially want to hear from you.


D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] The backoffice. Was: strange delay and messages during `fossil (uv) sync'

2018-08-07 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/7/18, Andy Bradford  wrote:
> Then I suggest that we simply make backoffice_run() smart enough to know
> that it has already run once:

That would delay the second HTTP request coming over the SSH connection.

I have the post up now at:

Please reply there.  All suggestions are welcomed.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] The backoffice. Was: strange delay and messages during `fossil (uv) sync'

2018-08-07 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/7/18, Andy Bradford  wrote:
> Does it  make sense to  have backoffice_run()  in the SSH  transport? If
> not, then your fix is apropos.

yes, we do want backoffice to run for SSH transport.  My "fix" is
really a work-around, not a true fix.  We need to devise a proper fix
for this, but I don't yet have a vision of how to do that.  I'm in the
process of writing a long post of the "forumtest1" site now that tries
to discuss the problems and asks for ideas for a solution.  I'll send
follow-up email to this list when that post is up.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] The backoffice. Was: strange delay and messages during `fossil (uv) sync'

2018-08-07 Thread Richard Hipp
Please build the from the tip of the forum-v2 branch and let me know
whether or not it is working for you.

On 8/7/18, joerg van den hoff  wrote:
> On 07.08.18 00:36, Richard Hipp wrote:
>  > On 8/6/18, joerg van den hoff  wrote:
>  >> question: the observation that it seemingly is related specifically to
>  >> repos holding uv files is unimportant/irrelevant? or does that have
>  >> implications where to look?
>  >
>  > This is not much help in debugging.  But it is helpful to you in
>  > bisecting, because it allows you to quickly and easily determine if a
>  > particular various is working or not.
>  >
>  > BTW, when doing the bisect, be sure to use the same Fossil version on
>  > both ends of the SSH connection.  We do not know on which end the
>  > problem exists, so it is better to eliminate that variable.
>  >
>  >> then I do wish you much success with achieving that, of course.
>  >
>  > Your assistance in bisecting the delay problem is a step in that
>  > direction.  Thanks.
> this is what I've got:
> bisect complete
>1 BAD 2018-07-31 23:38:39 71260ba25e79f4aa
> # error message, clone fails
>5 BAD 2018-07-24 22:01:12 42d821a714d092a8
> # error message, clone fails
>7 BAD 2018-07-19 18:54:39 ac6657e2d35c974d
> # clone hangs infinitely, no error message
>9 BAD 2018-07-19 17:22:04 ada7ecde5bf91e18
> # clone hangs infinitely, no error message
>   10 BAD 2018-07-19 16:27:51 f525b6d5e9dcb775
> # clone hangs infinitely, no error message
>   11 BAD 2018-07-19 15:58:36 a32a92d227be5663 CURRENT
> # clone hangs infinitely, no error message
>8 GOOD2018-07-19 15:52:43 aa17077eafbbad37
>6 GOOD2018-07-18 19:22:31 752ea432d1cf20fa
>4 GOOD2018-07-14 20:11:37 023ce4edde8ceb2d
>3 GOOD2018-06-23 15:48:49 aeb98be80f1d51f5
>2 GOOD2018-01-07 21:38:26 5b558bc76bb9fb5f
> so the last good one is aa17077eafbbad37.
> 1.
> I ran this with another repo not holding any uv files and still got the
> errors. so my previous observation (only affecting uv sync seems
> spurious or at least not true for all repos)
> 2.
> the bisect is true for the scenario: use ssh-transport from a local
> machine over the wire to the remote server. it does *not* happen (with
> this repo) if I do the same while being logged in to the server holding
> the remote repo. in the latter case the clone suceeds with tip of trunk...
> 3.
> I have added comments in the bisect log which refer to the checkin
> _above_ the comment. the point I want to stress is that the BAD
> behaviour changes during the bisect: initially after the last GOOD
> checkin, the clone just hangs and never comes back, later/more recently
> the error messages and manifest "clone aborted/failed" messages appear.
> 4.
> the bisect was performed on the (linux/ubuntu) server while keeping
> the local (osx) labtop version of fossil constant (on 71260ba25e79f4aa,
> I believe). so I think this proves that the problem is happening "on the
> other side", not locally).
> hth,
> joerg

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] The backoffice. Was: strange delay and messages during `fossil (uv) sync'

2018-08-06 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/6/18, joerg van den hoff  wrote:
> this is a pure
> CLI/ssh scenario.

The ssh transport works by invoking the same HTTP processing engine as
is used on a website, just on the far end of an ssh tunnel.  It's all
the same under the covers.

That said, I do remember making some minor changes to the ssh
transport as part of the refactoring that is currently taking place.
Maybe something broke.  Can you bisect back to the last release and
figure out where the problem was introduced?  That would be a big

> overall, I really hope that not too much complexity is currently added
> to fossil that could lead to a situation where fossil no longer excels
> by ease of use and stability/absence of problems or serious bugs as it
> has done now for so many years, thankfully.

There is a lot of refactoring going on right now, in an effort to
avoid introducing unnecessary complexity.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Error during commit

2018-08-06 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/6/18, Philip Bennefall  wrote:
>  But I wanted to report our experience in case it is of use to the
> developers, and in case doing so could give us some assistance with the
> immediate issue.

Thank you for the report.  This is definitely something that should be
fixed.  But I have a large queue of other issues of relevance to far
more users (ex: support for email alerts and forum) that need to be
fixed first.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Error during commit

2018-08-06 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/6/18, Richard Hipp  wrote:
> On 8/6/18, Philip Bennefall  wrote:
>> Do you have any recommendations for something we could try in order to
>> get more information, or would you suggest that we switch to another
>> DVCS if we need to store files of these sizes?
> Regardless of the problem, I don't think *any* DVCS is appropriate for
> storing gigabyte sized binary files.  You should look into a
> centralized VCS such as subversion, methinks.

Further information:

Fossil was written for the purpose of managing the SQLite project.
The primary SQLite Fossil repository contains about 5.8 GB of content
when fully expanded, but that is compressed down to 92 MB.  In other
words, the whole repository spanning 18 years of development and 20K
check-ins and 78K artifacts is less than 1/10th the size of just one
of your files.

The largest uncompressed artifact in the SQLite repo is 19 MB and the
median uncompressed artifact size is 42 KB.  With compression the
largest artifact is 1.8 MB and median artifact size is a mere 152

I analyzed a bunch of other Fossil repositories, and they all mostly
have similar stats.  Except, usually the maximum uncompressed artifact
size is about an order of magnitude less than 19 MB (SQLite is has a
few exceptionally large artifacts) and in the case of the SQL Logic
Test repository, the median artifact size was 1.5 KB.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Error during commit

2018-08-06 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/6/18, Philip Bennefall  wrote:
> Do you have any recommendations for something we could try in order to
> get more information, or would you suggest that we switch to another
> DVCS if we need to store files of these sizes?

Regardless of the problem, I don't think *any* DVCS is appropriate for
storing gigabyte sized binary files.  You should look into a
centralized VCS such as subversion, methinks.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Error during commit

2018-08-06 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/6/18, Philip Bennefall  wrote:
> We have a repository in our organization which stores a number of rather
> large binary files. When attempting to commit, we sometimes get
> something like this:
> ERROR: [largefile.bin is 999378424 bytes on disk but 210746789 in the
> repository

My guess is that you are probably overflowing a 32-bit integer
someplace.  If so, I fear that this will not be something easily

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] strange delay and messages during `fossil (uv) sync'

2018-08-06 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/6/18, joerg van den hoff  wrote:
> I see substantial delay (order of many seconds to minute(s)) when
> executing
> seen with 2.6 [74c908e709] 2018-08-03 21:06:57 UTC

Please try and
let me know whether or not that resolves the issue.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-05 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/5/18, Gilles  wrote:
> 2. There's no maintained GUI for Fossil.

I would argue that running "fossil ui" is your GUI.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Why no EXE+DLL like SQLite?

2018-08-05 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/5/18, Gilles  wrote:
> I'm only a casual programmer, but I assume it would have made it easier
> to build a GUI by calling functions within the DLL.

How does adding an extra component and a bunch of new interfaces make
a program easier to build?  I think that the key to building complex
systems is to keep them as simple as possible.  If you can omit a
DLL/shared library and all the maintenance and interface design
associated with it, then why wouldn't you?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] service instability

2018-08-04 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/4/18, bch  wrote:
> I'm seeing "database locked" (with failure to load timeline via web)
> and "panic: multiple calls to backoffice_run()" from
> $ fossil server
> which is a recent phenomenon for me.

I think that might be fixed on the forum-v2 branch, though I'm far
from certain.  Please consider giving that branch a try and let me
know if you continue to have issues. I hope to have time to work on
things again beginning on Monday.

Note that this is merely an annoyance.  Pressing "Reload" on your
browser will normally clear the problem, and there is no risk of data

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] About to merge the forum-v2 branch

2018-08-03 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/3/18, Richard Hipp  wrote:
> On 8/3/18, Richie Adler  wrote:
>> El 03/08/2018 a las 11:13, Warren Young escribió:
>>> The vast majority of mail users *do* go out and specifically pull
>>> emails,
>>> either via IMAP or by visiting a web mail interface of some kind.
>> Is there a reason why you exclude POP3 from the "pulling"?
> I was just waiting for you to contribute that code, Richie ;-)

I misread Richie's email, thinking it was directed at me.  I therefore
retract my snarky remark

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] About to merge the forum-v2 branch

2018-08-03 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/3/18, Richie Adler  wrote:
> El 03/08/2018 a las 11:13, Warren Young escribió:
>> The vast majority of mail users *do* go out and specifically pull emails,
>> either via IMAP or by visiting a web mail interface of some kind.
> Is there a reason why you exclude POP3 from the "pulling"?

I was just waiting for you to contribute that code, Richie ;-)

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil's (lack of) use of the Ticket system

2018-08-03 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/3/18, Stephan Beal  wrote:
> i see that Richard just answered, so i'll stop there and see what he says

I like Stephan's answer better than my own :-)

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil's (lack of) use of the Ticket system

2018-08-03 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/3/18, Dan Barbarito  wrote:
> Hi all, I am trying to understand why Fossil itself does not use the
> built-in ticketing functionality. I understand that trolls + spammers may be
> a problem, but can't ticket changes simply be approved/denied?

I tried that.  What I found was that I was spending an inordinate
amount of time pressing the "Reject" button on new ticket moderation
because almost all tickets were of the form "How do I do ..."

Maybe the forum will turn out the same way.  I won't know until we try
it.  Maybe with a forum in place, we won't get so many "How do I
do..." tickets and we can turn tickets back on.

I have your request.  I have a really long queue right now.  I need to
spend several days (probably) working on SQLite.  I'll get back to
this Fossil enhancement as I am able.  Thank you for your feedback -
it is important.  I will deal with it as soon as I can.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Theming in Fossil docs - edits

2018-08-03 Thread Richard Hipp
Thank you for bringing to light some documentation issues.  I will try
to address them as I have time.  There is a queue at the moment.

On 8/3/18, Joel Dueck  wrote:
> The "Theming" page in Fossil's docs
> (
> has a typo:
>> log_image_url - A URL for the logo image for this project, as configured
>> on the Admin/Logo page.
> This should be "logo_image_url". It's easy enough to guess once you
> get it wrong, but the document should be changed!
> In addition, it would be great if that page could include some
> information I had to discover by trial/error/pure accident:
> - The document seems to imply that the skin's header includes an HTML
>  section. But, confusingly the "default" skin does not include a
>  section (it starts with ). This strongly
> implied to me that either it was not possible to change the 
> part of the page, or that some special programming jiujitsu was needed
> to do so. Ideally the page would clarify what I eventually figured
> out: that if a  section is included in a skin's header, Fossil
> will use it, and if not included Fossil will supply a default.
> - The "here's a typical header" part of the document showing the TH1
> variables is actually a kind of crucial starting point for making your
> own  section; it includes a few tags+TH1 variables that might
> badly break things if missing or altered (especially the 
> and stylesheet tags). Ideally the "Theming" document (and/or some HTML
> comments in the default skin itself) would alert you to this fact.
> Anyways just some suggestions based on my limited experience. I'm new
> to the list so there could be some background I'm missing.
> _______
> fossil-users mailing list

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] About to merge the forum-v2 branch

2018-08-03 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/3/18, Pietro Cerutti  wrote:
> The important point is of my sentence above is that *all* of my email is
> delivered to that single place where I can organize it.

And so it shall be with the new forum.  All forum messages will be
delivered to you as email.  You will need to visit the website in
order to *send* new messages.  But if you are merely listening, your
workflow does not change.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] About to merge the forum-v2 branch

2018-08-03 Thread Richard Hipp
On 8/2/18, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas  wrote:
> I also enjoy mailing list. Hopefully some RSS way of
> subscribing/replying to the forum from a mail client will be provided
> and I will stay here as much as possible before subscribing to the
> forum.

You will be able to receive all forum traffic by email, just like on a
mailing list.  (Currently, you only get a notification link that you
have to click on to see the actual message.  I intend to fix that -
but there are several other issues ahead of that one in line.)

For sending messages to the forum, however, you will need to visit the
website.  I do not intend to accept forum traffic via inbound email,
as that leads to many spam filtering problems that I do not want to
have to deal with.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] About to merge the forum-v2 branch

2018-07-31 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/31/18, Philip Bennefall  wrote:
> I am trying to register an account on the new forum, but am running into
> an issue with the captcha. I am blind and so am using screen reading
> software, and it won't read the captcha. Is there a way to either skip
> the captcha, or get an audio challenge?

This is an interesting problem, for which I do not have an immediately
solution.  There is no way to skip the captcha at this time.  I will
investigate further.  Thanks for reporting the issue.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] About to merge the forum-v2 branch

2018-07-31 Thread Richard Hipp
I am about ready to merge the forum-v2 branch into trunk.  If there
are any objections, voice them quickly.

The forum-v2 branch implements a "forum" capability.  Here is a quick summary:

*  Messages are organized into threads.  The initial post of a thread
contains a title.  All subsequent posts omit the title, but have an
in-reply-to field.

*  Passers-by can post anonymously, or (depending on the
configuration) they can create a new account on-the-spot and post
using their new account.  The "self-register" feature has been in
Fossil for ages out of mind.  I forget who contributed it.  (It did
not come from me.)  Self-registration has been seldom used before now,
as far as I know.

*  Messages can be edited, either by the user who originally posted
the message, or by an administrator.

*  Each message is an artifact, using a new artifact class called
"Forum".  See
for a description.  There are three new cards:  G, H, and I.

*  Because each message is an artifact, forum content syncs just like
everything else.

*  Forum message from untrusted users (ex: anonymous) can be held for
moderation.  Such messages are not synced nor may they be replied too,
until they are approved by a moderator.

*  Email notification is available for new forum posts.  Currently,
the alert emails contain a very brief synopsis of the post -
essentially just the title.  This can be enhanced later to provide the
complete text of the post, if that is seen as desirable.

*  Each forum message has a mimetype.  Currently supported mimetypes
are text/plain, text/markdown, and text/x-fossil-wiki.  New mimetypes
can be added later

The intent is to replace this mailing list, as well as various other
mailing lists (fossil-users, sqlite-users, sqlite-dev,
sqlite-announce) with the new forum feature.  I hope to shut down the
mailing lists and bring the forums all live within about a week.  So
if you have concerns, voice them soon.

This message was originally posted on a test-forum at - please
consider posting follow-ups there, as a test of the new forum system.
If you encounter problems, reply to this legacy mailing list, or
directly to me via private email.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-22 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/22/18, Florian Balmer  wrote:
> Just a thought: would it make sense to have --nodelay as a global
> option recognized by all commands, and maybe also through an
> environment variable, and a CGI control option? So that any backoffice
> processing could be temporarily disabled?

Everything is in flux right now.  Let's iron out these details once I
get everything actually working.  There is a lot more to be done
before we reach that point.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-22 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/21/18, Florian Balmer  wrote:
> I see random delays for the `fossil ui' command,

Please test the latest trunk version and let me know if you are still
seeing issues.

Anybody who has the capability, please also verify that "fossil server
--scgi" is now working again.  I do not have a SCGI webserver set up
on windows with which to test that command so I implemented the fixes
there without actually checking them.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-22 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/22/18, Florian Balmer  wrote:
> The Windows HTTP server (and thus `fossil ui') works by spawning
> sub-processes for each individual HTTP request, right? This results in
> multiple sub-processes per web page (one for the HTML page, one for
> CSS, another one for JavaScript, etc.)?

Every Fossil webpage is generated by a separate subprocess.  This is
true for Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD, whatever.  And it is true
regardless of how Fossil is launched.

The backoffice is a facility to do background processing - things like
sending email notifications, syncing with peers, maybe doing
aggressive compaction of the repository - anything that is not
directly interacting with the user.  Backoffice runs after a webpage
is generated, in the same subprocess.  Once the entire webpage has
been generated, Fossil closes the socket or file into which the
webpage is being written, and then attempts to do backoffice
processing.  There can only be one backoffice process at a time, and
another backoffice that is "on deck" - ready to run when the current
one finishes.

In most systems, the webserver returns results back to the user as
soon as the output socket closes.  So the user does not realize that
the process that generated the webpage continues running for up to 60
seconds of backoffice work.  But on Windows for "fossil ui" and
"fossil server", the webpage is not returned to the user until the
subprocess actually terminates.  Hence, if the subprocess gets
involves in backoffice work, that can delay the return of content to
the user.

The only comes up on Windows.  I do not yet have a good work-around.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-21 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/21/18, Florian Balmer  wrote:
> The current tip version of Fossil still
> exhibits the behavior summarized here:

I think this problem has been addressed in a more general way on the
latest trunk.  Please let me know if you find otherwise.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-20 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/20/18, John P. Rouillard  wrote:
> Does a clone/sync grab passwords and user accounts as well? I thought those
> weren't copied in the clone but were private to the repository.

If you have Admin or Setup privilege, you can do "fossil config sync user"
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-20 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/20/18, Florian Balmer  wrote:
> But what is a good
> strategy to minimize backup traffic, if repository databases change
> that often?

Don't backup by copying the database file (which is not safe to do
anyhow, unless you shutdown Fossil during the copy, because otherwise
the database file might change while it is being copied, resulting in
a corrupt copy.).  Instead, create your backups by cloning and
syncing.  That is what DVCSes are designed to do.

The canonical Fossil self-hosting repository, and the SQLite source
repository that Fossil was created to manage, are both backed up this
way.  There are three separate servers, each in separate
geographically distributed data centers, managed by two indenpendent
ISPs.  These repos are all synced with one another automatically using
a cron-job.

One cool bonus feature of this approach is that the 'backups" are live
repositories, that can be directly accessed (as and
httpss:// so it is easy to verify that
the backups are really happening and that they are correct.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Re-sync skins of remote repo

2018-07-15 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/15/18, Jungle Boogie  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to know if there's a way to re-sync to the skin of a remote repo,

fossil config pull skin
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] OT: security/entropy (was Re: New Fossil user experiences)

2018-07-14 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/14/18, Joerg Sonnenberger  wrote:
> If you can take the output
> of any modern CPRNG as hex and don't get 4bpc, the entropy estimator is
> broken.

I've always understood the output of entropy estimators to me "the
entropy is no greater than this", which is somewhat easier to define,
since you get your choice of models.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Fossil in a chroot jail. Was: Chiselapp status

2018-07-13 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/13/18, Warren Young  wrote:
> chroot() might even be strong enough given the tight scoping.

Just checking to make sure you know:  If you launch Fossil as root, it
will automatically put itself into a chroot jail in the directory
containing the repository, then change its userid and groupid to match
the owner of the repository.  It does this prior to reading any
content from the wire.

The chroot jail that Fossil runs in can be very lean.  It does not
need a shell nor a bunch of libraries (assuming you have statically
linked).  You will need to mknod a /dev/null, /dev/random, and
/dev/urandom inside the jail, but that seems harmless enough.

As a defense against DoS attacks, Fossil has a feature were it refuses
to run certain expense web pages (ex: creating new tarballs) if the
system load averages is too high.  Fossil uses the getloadavg()
interface to compute this.  On Linux, getloadavg() requires that /proc
be mounted.  So, if you want to use the rate limiting feature on
Linux, you will need /proc mounted in your chroot jail.  I wish there
were a better way...

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldl

2018-07-12 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/12/18, Jungle Boogie  wrote:
> openBSD -current x64

I don't have access to such a system for debugging purposes.  Can you
suggest a patch?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldl

2018-07-12 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/12/18, Jungle Boogie  wrote:
>  Any clues?

Could you tell us what platform you are trying to compile on?
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Feature slideshow on fossil homepage

2018-07-09 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/9/18, mario  wrote:
> Our current homepage is a bit wall of textish / too bland

"Bland" is a feature, not a bug.  :-)

Nevertheless, it would be cool if you could come up with a skin or
demonstration project that showed people how to do the slide-show in
case they wanted to do something like that on their own projects.
Let's just not make that slide-show part of the default Fossil

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] branch assistance needed

2018-07-03 Thread Richard Hipp
On 7/3/18, Dewey Hylton  wrote:

> Essentially what I did was to commit a change to a new branch, forget I was
> in that branch and committed another unrelated change which should have
> gone back to trunk but went into the branch.

I made that same mistake myself, recently.  See

Perhaps the best way to fix this is to cherry-pick the fix into trunk.

> then attempted to change
> that latest commit by adding a 'trunk' tag and cancelling the new branch
> tag. I'm pretty sure that was wrong, but I'm unsure now where to go with
> this. I've tried a few other things to no avail, but now even after
> executing 'fossil update trunk' the 'fossil branch' command shows I'm still
> in the new branch.
> So I have two problems to solve:
> 1) how do I properly move commits between branches (and to trunk, in my
> case)?

Cherry pick.

> 2) how do I unfudge my current condition and get back to trunk?

There is a way to undo your fudge.  But, since this comes up so
rarely, there is not a convenient interface.  That is something I
suppose I need to work on.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] smtp.c build failures

2018-06-28 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/28/18, Martin Gagnon  wrote:
> To use the ns_* function, you needs to install libbind from packages:
> pkg_add -r libbind.

I'm thinking I will probably end up having to write my own DNS query
response parser....

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] smtp.c build failures

2018-06-28 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/28/18, jungle Boogie  wrote:
> The res_query() function provides an interface to the server query
> mechanism. It constructs a query, sends it to the local server, awaits
> a response, and makes preliminary checks on the reply. The query
> requests information of the specified type and class for the specified
> fully qualified domain name dname. The reply message is left in the
> answer buffer with length anslen supplied by the caller. Values for
> the class and type fields are defined in .
> I think that's what you want!


So can you write up a little subroutine to parse the binary DNS reply
and extract the name of the MX host for us?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] smtp.c build failures

2018-06-28 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/28/18, jungle Boogie  wrote:
> Does this help?

That seems to be an OpenBSD-only library function.  So, no, it doesn't
really help.

Does OpenBSD have req_query() at least?  I suppose I could write my
own DNS record parser.  (sigh...)

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] smtp.c build failures

2018-06-28 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/28/18, jungle Boogie  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I know it's still very early on to make use of the new smtp logic, but
> I thought I'd report these issues. Is anyone else experiencing issues
> with compiling?

Did you rerun ./configure?

fossil clean -x

If you still get errors then, please let me know.  But first, figure
out what library OpenBSD wants to link against in order to pick up the
DNS parsing routines.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Embedded Documentation Force Trailing Slash?

2018-06-28 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/28/18, MKG  wrote:
> /index.cgi/doc/trunk/test/ ---> works
> "/index.cgi/doc/trunk/test ---> doesn't work
> Technically, this is correct but I'm wondering if there is a way to add the
> trailing slash when necessary to make it more usable.

I don't recall a way of making the /doc webpage do that.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Patch: Enables integration of syntax highlighting systems

2018-06-28 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/28/18, Lester L. Martin II  wrote:
> Indeed. The entire code dealing with adding in line numbering would need
> reworking to enable it (and probably updates to CSS as well). I might
> can
> look into getting that working as well. I actually think there would be
> a way that would be simpler than IIRC prefixing each line with spaces
> and
> the number and then more spaces.


Please mail in your CLA when you get a chance.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Patch: Enables integration of syntax highlighting systems

2018-06-28 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/28/18, Lester L. Martin II  wrote:
> This patch changes the way `void artifact_page(void)` renders a files
> content.
> Formerly a `` was issued for content, whereas now a
> `` is issued where $ext is the file's
> extension (example, "blah.lua" extension would be "lua").

But then the syntax highlighting goes away if you select line numbering, no?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Help with making a subroutine x-platform to windows

2018-06-27 Thread Richard Hipp
If anybody can suggest patches that will get this routine
( to compile and
work on windows, that would really be helpful.  Thanks.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Meta-enhancement

2018-06-27 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/27/18, Andy Goth  wrote:
> Would you be okay with me creating feature requests to track my own
> Fossil development ideas, or would you prefer I keep them in wiki pages
> or somewhere else?

I prefer them on this mailing list for now.  What advantage do you
hope to gain from moving feature requests to tickets and/or wiki?
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Meta-enhancement

2018-06-27 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/27/18, David Mason  wrote:
> Wouldn't it be better if feature requests didn't count as bugs. And if
> tickets were marked as bugs, can't they be redefined as feature requests
> (and then left open)?

Yes, you could do that.  I encourage you to experiment with that
technique on your own projects and let us know how it goes.  If you
report a positive experience, then I will consider trying it on Fossil
and SQLite.

My impression is that I would be troubled by the thousands of open
feature requests that the ticket system would be carrying around.  But
perhaps that is just a personal bias that I need to overcome.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Meta-enhancement

2018-06-27 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/27/18, Warren Young  wrote:
> The problem there is spam.

Captchas and requiring moderator approval of wiki edits and new
tickets goes a long way toward fixing the spam problem.

Another more important reason why I turned off anonymous tickets is
that the signal-to-noise ratio was just too low.  An overwhelming
majority of tickets were really support requests and/or new feature
requests.  There were very few actual bugs reported by tickets.

If a feature request comes in via ticket, I can either leave the
ticket open for some future date when I might implement the idea, or I
can close it immediately as "not a bug".  If I leave it open, then
people become alarmed at all the open bugs against Fossil.  If I close
it right away, people misunderstand that as rejecting the idea.
Either way, users end up feeling unhappy.

In my experience, the mailing list is a much better mechanism for
dealing with community input.  Ideas get expressed and debated, but I
am under less pressure to pick sides or to take immediate action on
marginal ideas.  Hopefully the new Forum feature with email
notification might work out even better than the mailing list.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Checking out the same check-in displays meaningless error

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/26/18, Richard Hipp  wrote:
>  it is mostly harmless.

In fact, the message comes from fossil_warning()  Quite harmless.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Checking out the same check-in displays meaningless error

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/26/18, Dan Barbarito  wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I figured I'd share a bug I found on here since tickets by anonymous
> users seem to be disabled. I am using the latest code in the trunk
> branch and I noticed that if you run "fossil checkout" on the same
> check-in twice in a row then you get an error that says "Missed call to
> db_end_transaction(). Rolling back." To reproduce, just run "fossil
> checkout tip" twice. I have not yet had the chance to try this on the
> 2.6 release build of Fossil but I figured I would let you all know that
> this is occurring anyway.

I added that new error message yesterday, to help ferret out subtle
problems.  Thanks for the report.  But don't stress over the error -
though it out to be fixed, it is mostly harmless.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Markdown in tickets

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/26/18, Chad Perrin  wrote:
> I am running Fossil v2.5 here:
> $ fossil version
> This is fossil version 2.5 [188a0e2904] 2018-02-07 18:48:14 UTC
> I see no Markdown formatting option for tickets when visiting the web UI
> via `fossil serve`:

Go to /Admin/Tickets and edit the scripts you find there to provide
support for markdown.  As the scripts already provide support for
text/plain, text/html, and text/x-fossil-wiki, it should be apparent
how to enhance them with an extra case for text/markdown.

Once you get this working, submit your changes for inclusion in the
SQLite source tree.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Meta-enhancement

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/26/18, Andy Goth  wrote:
> A
> forum might be nice, but I don't want to have to enhance Fossil just to
> be able to discuss enhancing Fossil!

Initial prototypes for the forum code are already in the tree.  It
just needs some more work.  The recent email notification enhancements
were made in order to support ongoing Forum development.

Patience, grasshopper.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] `unversioned' questions

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/26/18,  wrote:
> But now I am confused by this thread?
> If/When I add unversioned files, are their original paths stripped?
> Are they stored differently than source code?

Unversioned files were created for the purpose of providing a place to
store build products when Fossil is used as a server, as you find on
the  See for
a discussion of how the download page is implemented.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] `unversioned' questions

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/26/18, j. van den hoff  wrote:
> turning this setting on by default might also offer the "least
> surprise" for the user

It isn't an on/off setting.  I was not clear. The setting is the name
of the directory that is the root of the unversioned file hierarchy.

An empty string for this setting means "off".  But there are
infinitely many "on" settings.  What should be the default?
"unversioned"?  ".uv"?  Just "."?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Markdown in tickets

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/26/18, Andy Goth  wrote:
> Is there a reason why Fossil tickets don't allow markdown?  The format
> options are wiki, HTML, plain text, and [links only].

Markdown as a formatting option can be added by configuration.

Perhaps you are asking for Markdown support to be added to the default

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] `unversioned' questions

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
My thought was to provide a new setting (perhaps versionable) that
specified a directory relative to the root of the check-out into which
unversioned files are written whenever one does "fossil update" or
"fossil checkout".  If the setting is missing or empty, then Fossil
works as it does now.  If you turn on the setting, though, then the
unversioned files work just like other files in the check-out, except
that Fossil never records their history.

I'm not sure yet whether or not this is a good idea.  I'll need to
think about it.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] `unversioned' questions

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
Unversioned files do not appear in the local check-out, by design.  It
would be an enhancement to make them do so.

But you are not the first to request that capability.  I've been on a
Fossil-enhancement binge lately - perhaps I can find the time to fix
that for you...

On 6/26/18, j. van den hoff  wrote:
> today I convinced a colleague to give fossil a try. so we set up a project
> (two checkouts/clones, one central server/repo), using a planned journal
> article (to be written in latex) as the test case.
> now, while I never have used 'unversioned files' so far, he immediately
> wanted to try this option for the jpeg-figures to be included (and
> probably modified 100 times before the paper is completed).
> good: he managed to get them into his repo and to sync it to the server.
> good: I managed to sync the unversioned files into my repo.
> problems/questions:
> 1.
> the files do not materialize in my checkout after "sync -u". they are
> "just" present in my local repository. that probably is as it should be
> (just as with standard `sync'). but there seems to be no equivalent to
> `fossil up' for the unversioned files.
> question: what is the canonical way to get them out of the repo? I see the
> export command but it probably is not the idea to issue 20 export commands
> (or to write a shell script for that)?
> 2.
> if I export the files manually now, what happens after the next push of
> unversioned files by my colleague? I guess, I can sync them (but am not
> really notified of changed content) but would have again to export them
> manually (and would have to know that this is required)?
> maybe I am missing some stupid point here, but my expectation would have
> been that unversioned files mostly behave like tracked/versioned files in
> that there should be an update facility (say `fossil up -u' or something
> like that) of these files in my local checkout?
> thank you,
> joerg
> --
> Using Opera's revolutionary email client:
> _______
> fossil-users mailing list

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Email notifications content transfer encoding

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
Since Rafal's original inquiry, I have modified the email notification
logic to use quoted-printable instead of base64.  Quoted-printable is
not as clean as plain-old 8bit, but it is much more readable than
base64.  Acceptable compromise?

On 6/26/18, Rafal Bisingier  wrote:
> Hi
> Richard asked me to post it on the list for discussion, so here it is:
> The new email notification functionality in fossil use base64 as
> Content-Transfer-Encoding. I personally prefer use of 8bit encoding,
> which have a side-effect of human-readable source of message. I admit
> that it does not matter much in a normal situation (reading the message
> in an email client), but on a few occasions I had to grep/cat through
> mailbox files, and having a readable message body was of great help
> then. That's why I want to submit for consideration using a 8bit
> content transfer encoding for email notifications. Nowadays there are
> practically no problems in transport of such messages. The only down
> side I could think of is that theoretically there is a limit of 1000
> chars in a line in an email message (and base64 encoding bypasses it).
> But would it really be a bigger problem?
> On the pros there is simplified debugging (no need to decode message,
> which fossil store in his database file in "transport-ready" form -
> so currently with base64 encoded body). Of course DRH already wrote a
> tool to help in this ;-) so it is already doable without much trouble
> Nevertheless I'd like to have a readable source of messages. ;-)
> --
> Greetings
> Rafal Bisingier
> ___
> fossil-users mailing list

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] mv-rm-files setting

2018-06-26 Thread Richard Hipp
The mv-rm-files setting used to require a compile-time option in order
to function.  I have removed that requirement.  mv-rm-files now works
without special compile-time options.

On 6/26/18, j. van den hoff  wrote:
> I have not fiddled with this for some time and now I do no longer recall
> how exactly this setting is managed. it is mentioned in several of the
> help pages and I do have an entry
> in my global `.fossil' database
> INSERT INTO global_config VALUES('mv-rm-files','on');
> (I do no longer recall when and how I've put it there :| ...) but it is
> neither reported by `set' AFAICS nor, in fact, does `fossil set' recognize
> "mv-rm-files" as a valid setting. what am I missing? a pointer where to
> look in the documentation would be appreciated...
> thank you,
> joerg
> --
> Using Opera's revolutionary email client:
> ___
> fossil-users mailing list

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-25 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/25/18, jungle Boogie  wrote:
> If I inadvertently forward my email along
> to someone/group without modifying the footer, the person/group would
> be able to alter my subscription.

How can I fix that?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-25 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/24/18, Dingyuan Wang  wrote:
> I just got 50 exactly same "[fossil-src] activity alert" emails
> describing 5 check-ins in three minutes. What's happening to the server?

Did today's digest arrive successfully, and only once?
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [PATCH] Remove unused option from settings page

2018-06-25 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/25/18,  wrote:
> Ping.

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2018 22:18:37 +1000
>  wrote:
>> It appears the "show-version-diffs" setting was abandoned in commit
>> 0a1f4ed6aa.
>> Index: src/setup.c
>> ==
>> --- src/setup.c
>> +++ src/setup.c
>> @@ -1463,19 +1463,10 @@
>>@ in a separate box (using CSS class "timelineDate") whenever the date
>> changes.
>>@ With the "-MM-DD HH:MM" and "YYMMDD ..." formats, the
>> complete date
>>@ and time is shown on every timeline entry using the CSS class
>> "timelineTime".
>>@ (Preperty: "timeline-date-format")
>> -  @ 
>> -  onoff_attribute("Show version differences by default",
>> -  "show-version-diffs", "vdiff", 0, 0);
>> -  @ The version-information pages linked from the timeline can either
>> -  @ show complete diffs of all file changes, or can just list the names
>> of
>> -  @ the files that have changed.  Users can get to either page by
>> -  @ clicking.  This setting selects the default.
>> -  @ (Property: "show-version-diffs")
>> -
>>entry_attribute("Max timeline comment length", 6,
>>"timeline-max-comment", "tmc", "0", 0);
>>@ The maximum length of a comment to be displayed in a timeline.
>>@ "0" there is no length limit.
>> ___
>> fossil-users mailing list

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] A fossil library

2018-06-24 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/16/18, Stephan Beal  wrote:
> 3) Fossil effectively uses exit() to handle just about any type of
> non-allocation error. i.e. there's little library-friendly error handling
> in fossil.

Not just errors.  If Fossil finds an opportunity to send a "304 Not
Modified" reply, it does so and then immediately calls exit(0),
without having to unwind the stack.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-24 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/24/18, Stéphane Aulery  wrote:
> Hello,
> Le 23/06/2018 à 22:07, Richard Hipp a écrit :
>> Just FYI:
>> I have opened up email notifications on the canonical Fossil
>> repository.  To subscribe, visit:
>> Your help in finding creative ways of breaking the new system is
>> appreciated.
> I subscribed at 2018-06-24 18:22:53 and never received the message of
> confirmation.

This is what your email system said to the Fossil server when it tried
to send your verification email:

Jun 24 18:32:49 ubuntu postfix/smtp[2330]: C2148CE08:
to=,[]:25, delay=0.98,
delays=0/0/0.51/0.47, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 spam detected (in reply to end of
DATA command))

I do not (yet) have the bounce-processing logic working in the new
email notification system working, and so Fossil was not able to
detect that your confirmation request had bounced.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-24 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/24/18, Dingyuan Wang  wrote:
> I just got 50 exactly same "[fossil-src] activity alert" emails

Thanks for the report.  The problem should be fixed now.

There is a variable in the database that remembers when the last
digest was sent.  Do to a missed COMMIT, that variable was never being
updated.  Hence, the digests were being sent over, and over, and over.
I think I have the problem fixed now, but I do need to better
instrument the code to detect these kinds of things and provide better

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-24 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/24/18, j. van den hoff  wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Jun 2018 12:08:30 +0200, Richard Hipp  wrote:
>> The UPDATE syntax error should be fixed now.  Please try it again.
> yes, it works now. thank you. NB: I received the notification email
> regarding the fix prior to actually confirming the subscription again --
> so my confirmation went through despite the SQL error? or is this
> indication of some flaw in the subscription logic?

You had already been verify by the fact of visiting the page itself.
That was a separate UPDATE (with the correct syntax!) that was
performed in a different transaction.

Thanks for pointing this out, though.  I did have to think about it
for a few seconds.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-24 Thread Richard Hipp
The UPDATE syntax error should be fixed now.  Please try it again.

On 6/24/18, j. van den hoff  wrote:
> I get an sqlite error when following the verification link and hitting the
> `submit' button there:
> SQLITE_ERROR: near "WHERE": syntax error
> Database Error
> near "WHERE": syntax error: {UPDATE subscriber SET sdonotcall=0,
> sdigest=0, ssub='c', smtime=julianday('now'), smip='*', WHERE
> subscriberCode=hextoblob('*')}
> On Sat, 23 Jun 2018 22:07:52 +0200, Richard Hipp  wrote:
>> Just FYI:
>> I have opened up email notifications on the canonical Fossil
>> repository.  To subscribe, visit:
>> Your help in finding creative ways of breaking the new system is
>> appreciated.
>> Please note that this is still a work-in-progress.  All subscription
>> data may be erased at any time.  Email notifications might be disabled
>> at any time, in order to close security holes or otherwise work on the
>> system.
> --
> Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-23 Thread Richard Hipp
Just FYI:

I have opened up email notifications on the canonical Fossil
repository.  To subscribe, visit:

Your help in finding creative ways of breaking the new system is appreciated.

Please note that this is still a work-in-progress.  All subscription
data may be erased at any time.  Email notifications might be disabled
at any time, in order to close security holes or otherwise work on the
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-23 Thread Richard Hipp
Rough developers notes are available at for
anybody who wants to experiment with or contribute to this

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] email testing - no subscriber table?

2018-06-23 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/23/18, Jungle Boogie  wrote:
>  no such table: subscriber SELECT 1 FROM subscriber WHERE suname='jungle'

The email notification tables are created on-demand.  Apparently I
have missed a call to "email_schema()" someplace in the code.  Fix
this by running the command:

 fossil email reset

Note that the email notification schema is still in flux.  It will
likely change again, multiple times, before release.  To update the
schema run "fossil email reset" again.  Bare in mind that when you do
so, it will erase all of your subscriber information.

Some kind of automatic schema upgrade that preservers subscriber
information will be incorporated prior to release.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] What should email notifications look like?

2018-06-22 Thread Richard Hipp
Shown below is what I have at the moment.  It is more succinct than
other examples I've seen, but you can easily follow the link for

The example below has more check-ins that one would normally find in a
single alert (unless you sign up for the "daily digest") because my
local repo is not actually sending emails and thus is not purging its
"pending alert" queue.

--- BEGIN ---
This is an automated email reporting changes on Fossil repository
[fossil-src] (

== 2018-06-22 01:18:59 Check-In ==
Rename the email_pending table to pending_alert.  Add triggers to fill
in the pending_alert table each time a row is added to the event
table. (user: drh tags: email-alerts)

== 2018-06-22 01:28:10 Check-In ==
Fix harmless compiler warnings. (user: drh tags: email-alerts)

== 2018-06-22 01:37:26 Check-In ==
Add the --nocompress option to the "fossil clone" command. (user: drh
tags: trunk)

== 2018-06-22 03:17:00 Check-In ==
Add the /unsubscribe page. (user: drh tags: email-alerts)

== 2018-06-22 12:25:41 Check-In ==
Make sure the content of outbound email messages always ends with a
newline. (user: drh tags: email-alerts)

== 2018-06-22 13:50:00 Check-In ==
Add the --sql option to the timeline command. (user: drh tags: email-alerts)

== 2018-06-22 15:34:06 Check-In ==
Add logic to generate the text of email alert messages. (user: drh
tags: email-alerts)

== 2018-06-22 15:57:46 Check-In ==
Generate event report in chronological order for an alert text. (user:
drh tags: email-alerts)

== 2018-06-22 17:36:33 Check-In ==
A new way of computing alert text. (user: drh tags: email-alerts)

To unsubscribe:
------ END --

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] What should email notifications look like?

2018-06-22 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/22/18, Philip Bennefall  wrote:
> Would it make sense to have the possibility to supply various email
> templates in markdown on an admin page, and have insertable variables?
> Of course with a default text for each new repo.

That sounds like good idea.  Please send an example.  Ideally, your
example would show us both the original template, and the text that
results from apply the template to a specific timeline event.  Perhaps
use the check-in at to complete
your template.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] What should email notifications look like?

2018-06-22 Thread Richard Hipp
You may have noticed that I've been working on adding support for
email notifications or alerts to events on a Fossil repository.  But I
need your help.

When an event occurs (such as a check-in, or wiki-page edit) and a
user wants a notification of that event, what should the email look

Please send me examples.  Pick a timeline event from the Fossil
self-hosting repository and send me the actual text of an email that
you think should be dispatched to announce that event.

You can reply to this mailing list, or send examples directly to me.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Cloning repository with large files very slow

2018-06-21 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/21/18, E Cruz  wrote:
> Is there a way to prevent fossil
> from re-applying delta encoding when cloning?

Please rebuild your Fossil using the latest trunk check-in, then try
your clone using the new --nocompress option.  Report back whether or
not this solves your problem.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] No rule to make target 'src/email.c', ...

2018-06-21 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/21/18, Warren Young  wrote:
> You might want to change the “sendmail -t” default for Windows as well.

I need to get it working first.  After I get something working, then
we can go back and worry about fine-tuning so that the feature to be
convenient for windows.  Right now, nothing in the email notification
logic works.  At all.  On any platform.  So the fact that the defaults
are suboptimal is not a distraction that I want to burn time on.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] No rule to make target 'src/email.c', ...

2018-06-21 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/21/18, Eric Dillon  wrote:
> Fails to compile on Win32 VS2013 (12.0)
> email.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _popen referenced in
> function _email_send

Thanks for the report.  Fixed now.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] The legacy of FOSSIL_ENABLE_LEGACY_MV_RM

2018-06-20 Thread Richard Hipp
It ought to be the case that the default action of "fossil rm" and
"fossil mv" is to actually change the filesystem, in addition to
changing the way files are stored in the repository.  But early
versions of Fossil did not behave that way.  They required you to do
it in two steps:

 fossil rm abc.c
 rm abc.c

We talked about fixing Fossil so that "fossil rm abc.c" actually
removed the file.  But the feeling was that would break too many
legacy scripts.  So the less desirable legacy behavior remains, to
this day.

On 6/20/18,  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to understand the idea behind FOSSIL_ENABLE_LEGACY_MV_RM.
> It has been around for a while, and it is the only compile-time flag that
> determines if a setting is hard-coded or if it is obtained from the
> repository config.
> It appears that if this is not defined, the "mv" and "rm" commands will
> modify the file system under all circumstances.
> Given the "--hard" option in these commands anyway, this seems superfluous.
> So what is the idea behind the FOSSIL_ENABLE_LEGACY_MV_RM flag?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] No rule to make target 'src/email.c', ...

2018-06-20 Thread Richard Hipp
This was also reported by Andy Goth over on fossil-dev.

It is reassuring to know that so many people routinely build Fossil
from the trunk sources :-)

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] A fossil library

2018-06-19 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/19/18, Stephan Beal  wrote:
> i have _no_ idea what the differences are between sha1 and
> sha1-hard,

SHA1-hard is a modified SHA1 algorithm that is resistant to the
SHAttered attack ( against SHA1 that came out
about a year ago.  SHA1-hard generates the same hashes as SHA1, except
in the extremely rare cases where the hash is vulnerable to SHAttered.
SHA1-hash works by detecting cases where the hash seems to be
exploiting weaknesses in the SHA1 compression function and then it
makes the hash "safe" by increasing the number of rounds in those rare

I converted from using SHA1 to SHA1-hard within about a day of
SHAttered being announced.  Git also has converted, but it took them
months.  I also added SHA3 support at the same time.  Git is still
SHA1-only, the last time I checked.

The SHA1-hard code was stolen from  The only
changes I made were to clean it up a little and convert it into a
single-file implementation so that it was easier to import into the
Fossil source tree.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] GitHub repository and DMCA Takedown notice

2018-06-17 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/17/18, Andy Goth  wrote:
> Am I correct in my understanding that all a Fossil repository need do is
> issue shun artifacts for each file in the takedown notice?  If the files
> had multiple versions (they didn't in this case), shun each version of
> them too, right?

I think that is correct, yes.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backups of deconstructed fossil repositories

2018-06-17 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/17/18, Thomas Levine <> wrote:
> As content is added to a fossil repository, files in the corresponding
> deconstructed repository never change; they are only added. Most backup
> software will track changes to the deconstructed repository with great
> efficiency.
> I should thus take my backups of the deconstructed repositories, yes?

Fossil itself tracks changes with great efficiency.  The best backup
of a fossil repository is a clone.

The self-hosting Fossil repo at is backed up
by two clones, one at and the other at  Each of these clones is in a
separate data center in a different part of the world.  The second
clone uses a different ISP (DigitalOcean instead of Linode).  Both
clones sync to the master hourly via a cron job.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Is it possible to revert making a repository private?

2018-06-16 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/16/18, Zack Scholl  wrote:
>  Hi,
> First of all I love fossil - thank you for all the work that goes into
> making it.
> I just tried the feature to make my repository private (Admin ->
> Security-Audit). Now my repository is "Completely PRIVATE" which is great,
> but I'm thinking I'd like to make it public once I finish coding.
> I don't see an option anywhere to make my repository public again. Is is
> possible to make my repository public again?

There is not a one-button-click to take it public.  Instead, go in and
start adding various read permissions to the special "nobody" and/or
"anonymous" users.

The difference between "nobody" and "anonymous" is that "anonymous"
has to log in, using a password provided on-screen, which is an
impediment to robots and spiders, whereas "nobody" can do things
within any login sequence at all.

Everyone who visits the website inherits the permissions of "nobody",
regardless of whether or not they are logged in.  Anybody who logs in
(either as "anonymous" or as any other user) inherits the permissions
of anonymous.

On the Fossil self-hosting repo, "nobody" has permissions "gjozr" and
"anonymous" add permission "h".  In addition, on the Admin/Access
page, the "Enable hyperlinks for 'nobody' based on User-Agent and
Javascript" button is checked.  Those settings are sufficient to
provide a good public access site.

Your question points up the need for us to come up with a
new-administrator tutorial of some kind
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/15/18, Richard Hipp  wrote:
> On 6/15/18, Chad Perrin  wrote:
>> This would not technically be a "pull request".  It would be a "merge
>> request".
> Good point.  It should not be called "pull-request" as pulling does
> not come into play.
> On the other hand, it is not necessary a request to merge.  Often a
> merge is implied, but the reviewer instead might prefer to accept the
> changes but leave them on a branch.  In that case it might be called
> "push-request".  Once the branch gets pushed, then merging can come
> later.

Other ideas for what to name this (hypothetical and unimplemented) command:

   fossil contribute
   fossil bequest
   fossil bestow
   fossil proffer

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/15/18, Chad Perrin  wrote:
> This would not technically be a "pull request".  It would be a "merge
> request".

Good point.  It should not be called "pull-request" as pulling does
not come into play.

On the other hand, it is not necessary a request to merge.  Often a
merge is implied, but the reviewer instead might prefer to accept the
changes but leave them on a branch.  In that case it might be called
"push-request".  Once the branch gets pushed, then merging can come
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/15/18, Nicola Vitacolonna  wrote:
>> Git does have its own method (`git am`).
> Sorry, that should be `git request-pull`.

From the manpage, it appears that the "git request-pull" command is
less automatic than my proposed "fossil pullrequest" command.  The
git-request-pull expects the upstream reviewer to do a pull of the
changes, which implies that the requester must have access to a
repository that the reviewer can reach.  The "fossil pullrequest" goes
ahead and bundles all the changes into a neat self-contained package
and sends them upstream, so that the requester does not need to host
his own server.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/15/18, Ron W  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 2:58 PM,
> wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018 13:35:13 -0400
>> From: Richard Hipp 
>> Subject: Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil
>> An alternative design sketch:
>> (4) The pullrequest command creates a "bundle" out of the "anon-patch"
>> branch and then transmits that bundle back to the server from which
>> the clone originated.
>> (5) The server accepts the bundle and parks it in a separate holding
>> table, but does not merge it or otherwise make it available to average
>> passers by.  The server then sends email notifications to developers
>> with appropriate privileges to let them know that a pull request has
>> arrived.
> How does the bundle get transmitted to the server? If via a push, making
> the bundle seems like extra work..

The user types "fossil pullrequest" and the changes get sent up to the
server.  Why does it matter what steps Fossil undertakes behind the
scenes to make this happen?
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/15/18, jungle Boogie  wrote:
>> Additional notes:
>> Prior to step (3), Fossil might require Anonymous to provide contact
>> information so that developers can get in touch in case there are
>> questions or requests for clarification.  Anonymous might also be
>> asked to sign a contributors agreement to be included in the bundle
>> (as an entry in the bconfig table).
> That's a very nice thought. What is another Anonymous person were to
> submit a pull request, would it assume it's the same user and use the
> same contact info?

No.  Identification policies would be contained in configuration
settings on the server and (automatically) downloaded when the repo is
cloned.  Then when Anonymous runs "fossil pullrequest", Fossil will
check those identification policies and prompt the user to enter the
necessary information.  The identification information would be
included with the bundle in the bconfig table.  Of course, Anonymous
has complete control over the bundle and might forge information so it
is up to the reviewers to ensure that the information is complete,
accurate, and acceptable to the project policies.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Perception of Fossil

2018-06-15 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/15/18, David Mason  wrote:
> I heartily agree with this... A flag to allow a person (including
> Anonymous) to make a commit that would automatically go into a new branch
> like "Patch-1" (each one incrementing the branch number) is (a) better than
> emailed patches, and (b) better than pull requests. Primarily because it
> puts it into Fossil so you can use all your standard workflows.
> The "Patch-?" branches should not be automatically synced, and if you do a
> sync with some special flag, it should offer each of the existing patch
> branches and allow you to agree to sync it, or not. Then there needs to be
> a way to delete the patch branches (whether included into the trunk or not)

An alternative design sketch:

(1) Anonymous clones repo CoolApp

(2) Anonymous makes changes to CoolApp and checks those changes into a
branch named "anon-patch" on her private clone.  Repeat this step as
necessary to get anon-patch working.

(3) Anonymous runs the command "fossil pullrequest anon-patch"

(4) The pullrequest command creates a "bundle" out of the "anon-patch"
branch and then transmits that bundle back to the server from which
the clone originated.

(5) The server accepts the bundle and parks it in a separate holding
table, but does not merge it or otherwise make it available to average
passers by.  The server then sends email notifications to developers
with appropriate privileges to let them know that a pull request has

(6) Developers who receive notification of the pull request can run a
command that pulls down the bundle and applies it as a private branch
on their own personal clones of the repo.  Developers can then either
approve of the pull request by publishing it (marking it non-private)
and pushing it back to the server.  Or they can reject the pull
request which erases it from their clone.  They might also cause the
pull request to be erased from the holding table on the server.

Additional notes:

Prior to step (3), Fossil might require Anonymous to provide contact
information so that developers can get in touch in case there are
questions or requests for clarification.  Anonymous might also be
asked to sign a contributors agreement to be included in the bundle
(as an entry in the bconfig table).

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Back on-line. Was: Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-14 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/14/18, Richard Hipp  wrote:
> On 6/14/18, Chad Perrin  wrote:
>> It looks like the mailing list page itself is still down for this list.
> It was working earlier today.  We've had some sign-ups.  And I haven't
> changed anything.  Trouble-shooting now....

Should be working again now.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Back on-line. Was: Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-14 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/14/18, Chad Perrin  wrote:
> It looks like the mailing list page itself is still down for this list.

It was working earlier today.  We've had some sign-ups.  And I haven't
changed anything.  Trouble-shooting now....

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [sqlite] Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-14 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/14/18, Roy Keene  wrote:
> If it's any conideration, if it's not a mailing list or something else
> pushed to me, I'll never see it.

I agree.  Any solution must support email notification.  Am working on
that now.  But, given all the security constraints surrounding email
these days, it is a tough problem.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [sqlite] Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-14 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/14/18, Warren Young  wrote:
> It might
> be that the internal developer discussions use this proposed Fossil Forum
> feature and the user discussions are held elsewhere.

My plan was to set up an entirely new Fossil repo just to host the
Forum for SQLite - a repo that was separate from the SQLite source
code repo and holds only the forum.  Call it

On the Fossil website, on the other hand, the entire website is just a
single Fossil instance.  And so on that case it does seem to make more
sense to put the forum in the same repo as the source code.

A key point here is you get to choose.  Easily.  Fossil is (or at
least should be) so simple to set up that people can and do decide to
use Fossil to host just a forum, or just a wiki, or just a ticketing
system, without being required to use all the rest of the
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [sqlite] Back on-line. Was: Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-14 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/14/18, Gary R. Schmidt  wrote:
> Would you be willing to publish your fix to the mailman list so that
> others could make use of it?

I will provide *some* information:

I installed a CGI logging system on selected parts of the subscription
interface, and I am running "tail -f" on the log file.  What I am
seeing suggests that the problem is not caused by a single attacker,
as there are a wide variety of attacks against the subscription
systems.  There are many different IP addresses from all over the
world, so IP address blocking is of no help.  But the differences are
deeper than just multiple IP addresses (multiple IP addresses might
simply mean that the attacker is using a botnet, for example.)  The
signatures of the attacks are very different.  It is all done by
robots, clearly, but it appears that very different code is used for
each attack.  To describe just one example, some of the attacks are
coming in as GET requests, whereas others are coming in as POST.

A minor fraction of the attacks seem to be coming from this website:

So there you have it:  If you want to harass someone by sending them
thousands of subscription confirmations, there is now a website to
assist you.  Do we need any further evidence that the heart of man is
deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked?
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Back on-line. Was: Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-14 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/13/18, Richard Hipp  wrote:
> Unfortunately, I'm going to need to shut down this mailing list due to
> robot harassment.  I am working to come up with a fix or an
> alternative now

Mailing lists are now back on-line and once again accepting
subscriptions.  I have implemented measures to block the subscription
robots and to better log subscription activity to better detect future

I consider this to be a stop-gap measure that will buy me some time to
implement and test a better log-term solution.  The current setup will
change.  But the temporary measure I implemented this morning do at
least get us back to a functional mailing list while work on the
improved solution proceeds.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-13 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/13/18, Warren Young  wrote:
>> Indeed, there are many advantages to just tacking a forum capability
>> onto Fossil.
> Let’s list them:
> 2. Everyone who clones a Fossil project repository would henceforth also get
> a clone of the project’s message traffic.

This is not necessarily an advantage.  We I have found is that forum
and ticket traffic far exceeds the amount of source code.  Furthermore
this kind of traffic does not lend itself well to delta compression.
And so what you would likely encounter is that clones would swell
uncontrollably with most of the extra space going to extraneous and
noisy forum traffic.  This is especially true if attachments are
allowed on forum posts, because what I have found is that you will
quickly accumulate many multi-megabyte incompressible screenshot
attachments.  It doesn't take too many people attaching screenshots
off of their hi-res "retinue" screen to give you 1GB clone bandwidth
even for a smaller project.

> 3. Forum posts can show up in the timeline.

Yikes.  I think I would certainly want that to be turned off by default.

> 4. Forum posts will be able to ink to Fossil artifacts in the same way that
> checkin comments, wiki articles, and such can today.
> 5. Vice versa: a checkin comment can say “Closes issue raised in forum post
> [abcd1234]” and get an automatic *and durable* link to the post.  (How many
> web mail archives have gone away or broken their link structure since the
> SQLite ML was started?)
> 6. Trivially-implemented delayed offline replies: sync the project repo
> before you go off-network, write your forum message replies on the airplane,
> in the tent, etc. then sync when you get back into the warm wifi bath to
> push all your replies out.

These last three are nice ideas.  But they depend on (2) which comes
with associated bandwidth and storage overhead.

My current design does not automatically sync forum content.  I might
add the ability to sync forum traffic separately, using a separate
command, just as one can now optionally sync unversioned content using
the "fossil uv sync" command.  But that will come later, if at all.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [sqlite] Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-13 Thread Richard Hipp
On 6/13/18, Svyatoslav Mishyn  wrote:
> Another alternative would be nimforum:

It does not appear to have email notification.  Unless I overlooked something.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] [sqlite] Mailing list shutting down...

2018-06-13 Thread Richard Hipp
Cross-posted to the fossil-users mailing list since
and are the same machine and both mailing lists are
impacted by the current problem.

On 6/13/18, Luiz Américo  wrote:
> How about using ?
> Open source projects can use for free

Thanks for the pointer, Luiz.

Discourse is moving the right direction, I think.  To install it, one
downloads a docker container and runs it on some Linux VM someplace.
(They recommend Digital Ocean, which is where I is
hosted already.)  It's a self-contained package with minimal
dependencies that just works.  And it uses SQLite!  My kind of

Here are my remaining points of heartburn with Discourse:

(1) The installation guide recommends using an external email service,
and they even recommend four appropriate services.  I clicked through
to each one, having never heard of any of them before.  All four are
pushing email marketing for companies sending 10 million or more
emails per month.  It seems to me that aggressive email marketing is
the root cause of my problem in the first place, so I am somewhat
reluctant to engage a marketing firm to help with the solution.
Fortunately, Discourse also allows one to use a self-hosting Postfix
installation, which is what we are currently running on

(2) Discourse seems to want to run on a machine all by itself.  (It is
written in Rails and has its own webserver.)  I suppose I could spin
up yet another VM to do that.  But I learned this craft in an age
where machines were big and expensive and the goal was to cram as many
services as you could fit onto a single machine and IP address, and so
spinning up a separate machine with its own domain name just to manage
the mailing list seems wasteful, somehow.  And, that means there is
one more machine that I have to keep track of and manage and defend
from attacks, etc.

(Possible remedy to 2):  The main SQLite server (
actually owns 3 IP addresses, only 2 of which are currently in use.  I
suppose I could run Discourse on that 3rd unused IP address.  But that
will end up being a non-standard setup

(3) The installation guide says that Discourse takes between 2 and 8
minutes to boot up.  Seriously?

Even so, Discourse does seem like considering.  Does anybody else have
any experience with Discourse, good or bad?

Are there any volunteers willing to call me on skype and help set this up?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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