Re: Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread Bruce Hewson
Hello Howard,

what "our" and "we" ?!?!

I work outside my country of citizenship, in an Asian country, for a global 
multi-national company, which happens to be headquartered in USA. 

We run applications for my host country and also other countries around the 

So I am an ex-pat working at an in-sourcer/outsourcer.

but I am not a citizen of USA.

so what "we" and "our" do you mean in your public to the world post.

On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 14:15:28 -0700, Howard Brazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 1 Mar 2007 12:59:52 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thompson,
>Steve) wrote:
>>I'm baffled at outsourcing to countries that are a security risk to the
>>USofA. Countries that have a sizeable number of Islamic radicals should
>>not be targets of outsourcing.
>How about keeping our business inside our country - which also
>contains sizeable numbers of people who are a threat?
>We defeated the USSR by showing them that our way worked better than
>their way.When our enemies become middle class with career paths
>that work - they will be more hesitant about risking those values.

Bruce Hewson

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Bruce Hewson
Hello Jon,

Another thing we do...raise a problem/incident ticket whenever the SMF DUMP 
tasks waits for more than 60 minutes. That way we get someone to check why 
the process got stuck, sometimes it is more than the daily round up job.

we get WTORS unanswered, Tape mounts pending, and anything else Murphy 

Bruce Hewson

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Bruce Hewson
Hello Jon,

1. add enough SMF datasets to cover your longest enqueue time...



We are putting 3 50,000 track datasets on a mod-9.

so far today we have DUMPed to 18 times for the two members of the sysplex.


2. I have in the pipeline a process which uses date-time stamped datasets 
instead of GDG datasets. This removes the GDG enqueues.

Written in REXXthere is also a second REXX to handle the MXG portion of 
the process. sorry I cant release them but you have the idea.

Bruce Hewson

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Re: IBM S/360 series operating systems history

2007-03-01 Thread Randy Hudson
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don't know about MFT, but MVT was reclassified as Class C (meaning frozen,  
> no more new releases, no more fixes) in November, 1977.  I continued  working 
> with it and other OS/360 variants off and on until late 1983.

It wasn't completely frozen, because I learned sysgen assisting a 1978
sysgen of MVT 21.8E, and in 1979 led a sysgen of MVT 21.8F, which had come
out in the meantime.  (Got a huge increase in batch throughput by making the
tape error recovery routine resident instead of transient.)

Randy Hudson

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Re: Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread Ed Gould

On Mar 1, 2007, at 1:46 PM, Clark Morris wrote:

On 1 Mar 2007 11:31:12 -0800, in you wrote:

On Mar 1, 2007, at 11:08 AM, Rick Fochtman wrote:

A friend made a very good point that many sysprogs lost their jobs
in OZ due to outsourcing; like one company had 8 SP, then
outsourced, & eventually ended up with 2 SP supporting a few sites.

Has this also been a factor in US?
It's a factor, but I'm not sure how great a factor.


The one place I was familiar with(7+ years ago). I heard they have
outsourced  to India. Supposedly all their systems staff is being let
go and will be supported out of India. It is too early in the process
to know if it will work or not, IMO. My gut instinct is that it will
not work but I am not in any real position to know. I suspect that
the positions here will be around (although numbers will be smaller)
for some time. What I am really curious about when it falls flat on
its face.


Outsourcing means giving up some control.  The legal implications and
responsibilities when something goes wrong should be the subject of
careful negotiation.  When the entities are in two different states
(United State of America, India or Germany for example) or provinces
(Canada for example), the legal issues become somewhat more complex.
When the entities are in two different countries, the complications
escalate.  The Patriot Act in the United States has some Canadians
worried about privacy violations (probably correctly) and this concern
led to people opposing the outsourcing of some government processing
(health care) in British Columbia to a US based company.  Outsourcing
within the North American Free Trade Act area or within the European
Union is probably less risky than between the two entities.  My rule
of thumb would be "don't outsource to a jurisdiction where the company
doing the outsourcing doesn't have a strong physical presence".  The
strong physical presence gives greater assurance that the company
knows local laws and customs (greater, not absolute).

The thing that has baffled me about outsourcing is how do companies
actually save money since now the outsourcer includes in its costs
marketing expenses and profits.


This as a multinational company HQ in Europe. From a second hand  
source (pretty reliable) The HQ wanted to cut costs so the Chicago  
"division" was selected to get outsourced. From what little I heard  
HQ is still spending $'s like a drunken sailor.  In plain simple  
english the US was the division that got screwed . There was some  
internal politics (of course) and the Chicago division got the axe. I  
did hear that the option was there to be outsourced to a consulting  
company (name withheld) and also IBM had their hand in the pot. India  
got it .

I doubt if anyone will be able to come forth and give the full story  
without some fear of retribution.
 If it will save $$ only the company will be able to answer that.  
With the amount of fiber (electronic communications) that are(is?)  
needed I am surprised that they will not need a whole bunch of fiber  
to be created.

Last I heard there was some legal requirement to mirror one  
application that amounted to 100+ volumes. I don't know if there was  
also some kind of requirement for this to be in the US or not. In  
fact the whole issue of DR will be interesting, IMO now that they are  
being relocated to INDIA.


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Re: How to change color for one particular message?

2007-03-01 Thread John S. Giltner, Jr.

Wallace, Jason wrote:

I don't think that NetView will change the colors of messages on the
MVS console, only within NetView, either in NetView's log or on a
operator whois logged on and is setup to receive those messages.

That's what I suspected, but I guess the problem was that from my novice
point of view, this part of Netview's functionality seemed a bit
deceiving: It can do all this other stuff to MVS messages (edit,
suppress, replace), why can't it color them?

Because NetView is getting the message after the decision has been made 
to either write it to the console or not write it to the console.  That 
decision is made by MPF.  After thinking about it what you MIGHT be able 
to do is create a automated operator, assign it to a console, then setup 
the automation table to color the the message.

At IPL you could do something like:


Then assign the message $HASP050 to the operator ID ACON01 and try and 
make it RED and have DISPLAY(Y).  I am not sure this will work.  I would 
have to test it.

However, IIRC $HASP050 gets issues as a action WTO normally.

I think our operators missed it the first time because it was white. It
happened at noon when the full-time operators were at lunch, and the
student employees (part timers) usually ignore everything except tape
mounts and red messages. Instead of bringing the hammer down on them, I
got caught up in the novelty, "if we can make that message red, can we
make others blue, yellow, whatever?"

We just had this happen recently.  However, it was a full time operating 
staff.  Hammers were used.

I will try your suggestions, thanks.

- Jason

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zFS directory cache default 2M being changed to 32M by OA20180

2007-03-01 Thread Knutson, Sam

We have been working to convert applications currently using HFS to zFS.
In converting one large application we ran into some performance issues
which could not be addressed dynamically and required us to move the
application back to HFS.   zFS has performed well and been reliable
overall but for this application which created file systems with 30K to
40K small files in a single file directory updated from multiple jobs
performance was an issue and we could not meet service levels.   We got
some good support from zFS Level 2 and have made several tuning changes
dynamically using zfsadm config however, the dir_cache_size can NOT be
changed this way, and the IOEFSPRM parm needed to be updated and ZFS
restarted.  If you are making non-trivial use of ZFS then a ZFS restart
is likely to be an IPL as it is here.  The default is being changed in
APAR OA20180 from 2M to 32M.  

Our zFS parameters for your information.  

* zSeries File System (zFS)  IOEPRM00 
* For a description of zFS parameters, refer to the   
* zSeries File System Administration, SC24-5989.  
* Following are the ZFS config parameters currently in use:   

I am NOT saying you cut and paste those into your system!  Don't do it!

I am saying if you are moving large applications into zFS consider to
stage the change to the dir_cache_size in advance either by simply
coding it in IOEPRM00 or installing the PTF for the APAR.  I feel pretty
comfortable relating that now that the APAR is open.

As for the log, meta, and user cache sizes get performance data on your
system with your application and if needed adjust them.

We started out looking at RMF Monitor III zFS displays but in working
with zFS Level 2 it didn't have enough detail to understand what was
happening. We put in automation to QUERY and then RESET zFS statistics
every 30 minutes.  This has worked well for us.

//* Report on zFS performance for the previous 30 minute interval and 
//* then reset for the next interval. 
//* This job is used by the performance team and z/OS team to monitor 
//* zFS performance.  
//   SPACE=(CYL,(1,1),,)  
//SYSTSIN  DD *   

Note: OC is OPSCMD we use CA-OPSMVS for automation and it works nicely
to issue a command and capture the response.   You could just issue the
command using any facility and let the output just reside in SYSLOG.

I SHAREd this pain so you can avoid at least one of the land mines I
stepped on.  We are still learning but our experience with zFS has been
positive and this application is going back to zFS tonight after I got
an IPL on that image last weekend.   

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."

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Re: Missing IBMers on

2007-03-01 Thread Timothy Sipples
Yes, IBM's "whois" does have an opt-out option for IBM employees. There are
various reasons why someone might want to have an unlisted e-mail address,
and some of them even make sense.

That said, I think you can reach any IBM employee (or assistant, or
voicemail) by telephone, at least in the U.S., as long as you know the name
and location.  In the U.S. the IBM switchboard at 800-IBM-4-YOU can connect
you.  They're also pretty good at these sorts of questions: "I'd like to
talk to Roger, but I don't know his last name. I know he has DB2 in his job
description, and I know he is based in California, although I'm not sure if
he's at the Silicon Valley Labs or in one of the other San Francisco area
offices.  I think he has the digits 585 in his telephone number."

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific
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Re: IBM S/360 series operating systems history

2007-03-01 Thread Steven Arnett

Patrick O'Keefe wrote:

My experience with DOS preceeded DOS/VSE (and DOS/VS), but as I recall, 
the linkage conventions for DOS and OS (including pre-MVS) were identical.
The difference was that the main routine was entered using a different 
set (or maybe no set) of conventions - no R13 for save area and no R15

for the entry point.  (R15 may have been iffy in subroutines, too, but
R13 ad R14 were savearea and return addresses.)

Yea, it has taken me years to replace:

BCTR  R12,R0
BCTR  R12,R0

NAME   STM  R14,R12,12(R13)

It is amazing how just just eight or so years on DOS could do that to a 

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Schiradin,Roland HG-Dir itb-db/dc
Also make sure you really need all of these SMF records and some
software allow to limit the size or records (e.g. SIZE). 
Often I saw installation with a large number of unneeded SMF records
(e.g. TYPE99)

For DB2 V8 you may use ACCUMAC ZPARM to limit the number of SMF TYPE101 
For CICS 3.1 you may not need the DB2 SMF Type101 for accounting as the 
DB2 CPU is already in the CICS TYPE110. Do you know you can build a CICS MCT
to limit the size of TYPE110. 


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Zelden
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

>We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that we need 
>to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records. 
>Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but mostly it 
>hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records from the 
>GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific 
>functions (accounting, performance, etc). While that job is 
reading the 
>many tapes created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump 
>jobs are forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data. Has 
>anyone else run into this problem? How are other shops handling high 
>SMF volumes?

Here is what we do on one of our larger LPARs for example:

6 SMF MANx dsns

IEFU29 triggers SMFDUMP job at switch time to DASD or virtual tape GDG. 

SMFDUMP job runs in "STCHI" which is IMP=2, but we have very little 
imp=1 work. So other than SYSSTC IMP=2 is equal with onlines.  If 
I had to, I would change it to SYSSTC.  Some LPARs go to disk, 
but some of the larger ones go to virtual tape.

Just after midnight we run the "CBIPO" SMFDUMP program.  That 
makes sure all MANx dsns have been dumped and causes one last 
switch and dumps that also. 

We then run the job to combine all the dumped GDGs to single daily 
tape runs in a "hot batch" service class.  But at that time of
night there are spare cycles anyway.   

If switches happen during the combine job... the SMFDUMP job 
does have to wait, but we catch up after the combine job is done.  

SMFPRMxx is set up with BUFSIZMAX(1024M) to help prevent loss 
of data if things do get backed up.

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Re: Jes exit05 - $repexit/$addexit

2007-03-01 Thread Shane
On Thu, 2007-03-01 at 13:50 -0500, Clark, David wrote:

> Exactly what I wanted.  Using the wrong key words in Google
> search.  Thanks.  

Don't use Google, go get file001 every so often. Much easier to search
locally, or even resort to IEAEYEBALL in need.
I find it *real* handy to keep a copy.

Shane ...

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Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread Dave Kopischke
On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:16:25 +1000, FRASER, Brian wrote:

>John Deere Technology Center
>Cyber City, Magarpatta City, Hadapsar

I read a story this morning on IGNITES about Franklin Templeton Investments 
launching a new mega-campus in Hyderabad, India. According to the 
article, "It's the firm’s largest single-location campus anywhere in the 
world." They don't say if there's any hardware at the site, but they do say 
it's primary purpose is to serve as a support center to the operations and 
technology groups and employ about 1800.

And this isn't out-sourcing. And they don't like the term off-shoring. It's 
called “captive” operations.

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Re: IBM S/360 series operating systems history

2007-03-01 Thread Patrick O'Keefe
On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 18:53:30 EST, IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

>you put the 6-card BPS IPL deck ...

I remember 3 different BPSloaders - 3-card, 7-card, and 12-card versions.
There very well could have been a 6-card loader, too.  I have no idea what
the differences were but I bet the 3-card loader didn't uspport REP cards. 

>I heard about COS, for Compatibility Operating System, ...

I remember running COS back when I was an operator.  It was 1401, etc. 

Pat O'Keefe

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Re: Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread Howard Brazee
On 1 Mar 2007 12:59:52 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thompson,
Steve) wrote:

>I'm baffled at outsourcing to countries that are a security risk to the
>USofA. Countries that have a sizeable number of Islamic radicals should
>not be targets of outsourcing.

How about keeping our business inside our country - which also
contains sizeable numbers of people who are a threat?

We defeated the USSR by showing them that our way worked better than
their way.When our enemies become middle class with career paths
that work - they will be more hesitant about risking those values.

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Re: Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Clark Morris
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:47 PM
> Subject: Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

> The thing that has baffled me about outsourcing is how do companies
> actually save money since now the outsourcer includes in its costs
> marketing expenses and profits.

Either go where the cost of living is significantly less that the US (as
India was and China still is), or use salaried employees and demand a
168 hour work week. 

Or maybe do "lawyer billing". Eg. lawyer in route from client A to
client B works on a brief for client C. All three clients are billed for
that time. This may even be possible in a sense to bill all your z/OS
clients for "maintenance time" when the sysprog is in a maintenance
cycle. I.e. they all pay, full cost, for the "research time" in addition
to the individual bill for "installation" time. Note that I don't know
if they do this, I've never worked for an outsourcer.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread Thompson, Steve
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Clark Morris
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:47 PM
Subject: Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

The thing that has baffled me about outsourcing is how do companies
actually save money since now the outsourcer includes in its costs
marketing expenses and profits.

I'm baffled at outsourcing to countries that are a security risk to the
USofA. Countries that have a sizeable number of Islamic radicals should
not be targets of outsourcing.

But then, when this started I was asked, "Where you when manufacturing
went out of the country?" 

My response then and still is, IT is the intelligence of a company.
Would you outsource your brain if it were possible? Yet this is what
companies are doing. Think about the intelligence possibly given to
people we really don't want having it (who works for the water
department in  -- isn't that in banking, credit card, payroll, etc.
data that is offshored?). How much does the USGov't spend to get that
kind of intelligence?

But back to the legal issues. IP law is different and the courts that
handle it are not uniform between jurisdictions (look at the US and how
it must be forced to the FED courts, which aren't uniform). How many
Trade Secrets have been lost (or would be if the arguments were made)
because India, Malaysia, China, etc. do not have the same rules? What
about patents and copyrights? Certain countries only enforce copyright
for 10 years, period (they don't recognize the Mickey Mouse Copyright
extensions [Actually done to protect the Disney copyrights to Mickey
Mouse cartoons and the like.]).

But, if you have access to all my business rules, customers, contacts,
etc., why can't you start going after my customers?

But, I'm just a lowly code slinger. What could I possibly know compared
to someone making 10x or more than I do who dresses better and waves
his/her hands in the right direction when suggesting the use of FedEx
over the USPS (any body catch that little slap in the commercial
referred to?)?

Steve Thompson

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Re: Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread David Day

The thing that has baffled me about outsourcing is how do companies
actually save money since now the outsourcer includes in its costs
marketing expenses and profits.

Salary for a programmer in India is about 10k per annum. 

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Re: Jes exit05 - $repexit/$addexit

2007-03-01 Thread Mark Zelden
On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 12:36:45 -0500, Clark, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Has anyone had trouble or a fix for the CBT Jes exit05 that
>allows other Jes exits to be refreshed on the fly?On Zos 1.7 I'm
>getting and error that says the exit is not located in a linklist
>library.  The exit is there and in an linklist library.   I didn't spot
>any updates to the code on CBT.  

See  CBT File 198 at   I am making heavy
use of it now as I am working on z/OS 1.8 JES2 exits (we skipped
1.7).  Working as advertised.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Mark Zelden
>We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that we need
>to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records.
>Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but mostly it
>hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records from the
>GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific functions
>(accounting, performance, etc). While that job is reading the many tapes
>created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump jobs are
>forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data.
>Has anyone else run into this problem? How are other shops handling high
>SMF volumes?

Here is what we do on one of our larger LPARs for example:

6 SMF MANx dsns

IEFU29 triggers SMFDUMP job at switch time to DASD or virtual tape GDG. 

SMFDUMP job runs in "STCHI" which is IMP=2, but we have very little 
imp=1 work. So other than SYSSTC IMP=2 is equal with onlines.  If 
I had to, I would change it to SYSSTC.  Some LPARs go to disk, but
some of the larger ones go to virtual tape.

Just after midnight we run the "CBIPO" SMFDUMP program.  That makes
sure all MANx dsns have been dumped and causes one last switch and
dumps that also. 

We then run the job to combine all the dumped GDGs to single daily 
tape runs in a "hot batch" service class.  But at that time of
night there are spare cycles anyway.   

If switches happen during the combine job... the SMFDUMP job does have
to wait, but we catch up after the combine job is done.  

SMFPRMxx is set up with BUFSIZMAX(1024M) to help prevent loss of data
if things do get backed up.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Tom Schmidt
I like the idea of downloadable web deliverable, too.  I'm open to any idea 
that gets the function out to customers wanting relief earlier, rather than 
I've seen much larger SPEs that were reasonably stable, so I'm not inclined 
to be as apprehensive as you seem to be.  And I suggested that z/OS 1.6 be 
omitted, since it is off service in September even though I'm at a 1.6 shop 
now.  (We will convert to 1.8 "soon".)  I wouldn't argue if IBM said that 
1.7 was too much effort if they would commit to rolling it back to 1.8 this 
Tom Schmidt 
Madison, WI 
On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 13:22:24 -0600, Brian Peterson wrote:

>Putting a huge enhancement to SMF such as the below described by John Eells
>into an SPE for current releases - just a PTF in the service stream -
>sounds like a fairly risky thing to do.  I certainly wouldn't want IBM to
>do that.  Just my opinion.
>On the other hand, a downloadable web deliverable (a dependent function,
>similar to zIIP support for z/OS 1.6/1.7) that only customers who really
>really want the relief for SMF can go ahead and install, that might be a
>better idea.
>But, at the end of the day, my guess is that absent some huge groundswell
>of customer demand, we'll all just have to wait for z/OS 1.9.  Again, no
>inside info, just my opinion.
>On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 12:57:06 -0600, Tom Schmidt wrote:
>>On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 13:22:59 -0500, John Eells wrote:
>>>Starting in z/OS R9, you can send SMF data to a log stream.  You
>>>will be able to separate different sets of SMF record types to
>>>different log streams, specify different retention periods for
>>>different log streams, and so on.  There will be a new version of
>>>IFASMFDP (IFASMFDL) that knows how to get SMF data from a log stream.
>>>If you can hold off long enough to get to R9, this should be
>>>worth a look.  It's intended to solve exactly the kinds of
>>>problems you're having.
>>Hmmm... maybe IBM could have pity on its customers and package those SMF
>>changes as an SPE for z/OS 1.7 and 1.8?
>>Not many shops will be on 1.9 for a year and a fair number won't be on 1.9
>>for up to 2 years.  That's a long time to make customers wait for relief.

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Outsourcing perils was Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread Clark Morris
On 1 Mar 2007 11:31:12 -0800, in you wrote:

>On Mar 1, 2007, at 11:08 AM, Rick Fochtman wrote:
>> A friend made a very good point that many sysprogs lost their jobs  
>> in OZ due to outsourcing; like one company had 8 SP, then  
>> outsourced, & eventually ended up with 2 SP supporting a few sites.
>> Has this also been a factor in US?
>> --
>> It's a factor, but I'm not sure how great a factor.
>The one place I was familiar with(7+ years ago). I heard they have  
>outsourced  to India. Supposedly all their systems staff is being let  
>go and will be supported out of India. It is too early in the process  
>to know if it will work or not, IMO. My gut instinct is that it will  
>not work but I am not in any real position to know. I suspect that  
>the positions here will be around (although numbers will be smaller)  
>for some time. What I am really curious about when it falls flat on  
>its face.
Outsourcing means giving up some control.  The legal implications and
responsibilities when something goes wrong should be the subject of
careful negotiation.  When the entities are in two different states
(United State of America, India or Germany for example) or provinces
(Canada for example), the legal issues become somewhat more complex.
When the entities are in two different countries, the complications
escalate.  The Patriot Act in the United States has some Canadians
worried about privacy violations (probably correctly) and this concern
led to people opposing the outsourcing of some government processing
(health care) in British Columbia to a US based company.  Outsourcing
within the North American Free Trade Act area or within the European
Union is probably less risky than between the two entities.  My rule
of thumb would be "don't outsource to a jurisdiction where the company
doing the outsourcing doesn't have a strong physical presence".  The
strong physical presence gives greater assurance that the company
knows local laws and customs (greater, not absolute).  

The thing that has baffled me about outsourcing is how do companies
actually save money since now the outsourcer includes in its costs
marketing expenses and profits.

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Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread Ed Gould

On Mar 1, 2007, at 11:08 AM, Rick Fochtman wrote:

A friend made a very good point that many sysprogs lost their jobs  
in OZ due to outsourcing; like one company had 8 SP, then  
outsourced, & eventually ended up with 2 SP supporting a few sites.

Has this also been a factor in US?
It's a factor, but I'm not sure how great a factor.


The one place I was familiar with(7+ years ago). I heard they have  
outsourced  to India. Supposedly all their systems staff is being let  
go and will be supported out of India. It is too early in the process  
to know if it will work or not, IMO. My gut instinct is that it will  
not work but I am not in any real position to know. I suspect that  
the positions here will be around (although numbers will be smaller)  
for some time. What I am really curious about when it falls flat on  
its face.


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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Brian Peterson

Putting a huge enhancement to SMF such as the below described by John Eells 
into an SPE for current releases - just a PTF in the service stream - 
sounds like a fairly risky thing to do.  I certainly wouldn't want IBM to 
do that.  Just my opinion.

On the other hand, a downloadable web deliverable (a dependent function, 
similar to zIIP support for z/OS 1.6/1.7) that only customers who really 
really want the relief for SMF can go ahead and install, that might be a 
better idea.

But, at the end of the day, my guess is that absent some huge groundswell 
of customer demand, we'll all just have to wait for z/OS 1.9.  Again, no 
inside info, just my opinion.


On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 12:57:06 -0600, Tom Schmidt wrote:

>On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 13:22:59 -0500, John Eells wrote:
>>Starting in z/OS R9, you can send SMF data to a log stream.  You
>>will be able to separate different sets of SMF record types to
>>different log streams, specify different retention periods for
>>different log streams, and so on.  There will be a new version of
>>IFASMFDP (IFASMFDL) that knows how to get SMF data from a log stream.
>>If you can hold off long enough to get to R9, this should be
>>worth a look.  It's intended to solve exactly the kinds of
>>problems you're having.
>Hmmm... maybe IBM could have pity on its customers and package those SMF
>changes as an SPE for z/OS 1.7 and 1.8?
>Not many shops will be on 1.9 for a year and a fair number won't be on 1.9
>for up to 2 years.  That's a long time to make customers wait for relief.
>Tom Schmidt

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Re: RE : Does VVDS must be catalogued ?

2007-03-01 Thread Richards.Bob
Try searching the IBM-Main archives. This has been discussed many times over:

Bob Richards 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 11:26 AM
Subject: RE : Does VVDS must be catalogued ?

But when you defined it with the following statement:

NIXD VOL(volser) -  

It is automatically catalogued...
What is the step to catalog?


Responsable Grand Système
MATMUT, France

-Message d'origine-
De : IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de 
Envoyé : jeudi 1 mars 2007 14:05
Objet : Re: Does VVDS must be catalogued ?

Short answer - NO

And it does not have to be cataloged.

Bob Richards

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Veilleux, Jon L
I would agree, even though we usually run an ESP it will be over a year
before we can get 1.9 into production. John, any chance of an SPE

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tom Schmidt
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 13:22:59 -0500, John Eells wrote:

>Starting in z/OS R9, you can send SMF data to a log stream.  You will 
>be able to separate different sets of SMF record types to different log

>streams, specify different retention periods for different log streams,

>and so on.  There will be a new version of IFASMFDP (IFASMFDL) that 
>knows how to get SMF data from a log stream.
>If you can hold off long enough to get to R9, this should be worth a 
>look.  It's intended to solve exactly the kinds of problems you're 
Hmmm... maybe IBM could have pity on its customers and package those SMF
changes as an SPE for z/OS 1.7 and 1.8?  
Not many shops will be on 1.9 for a year and a fair number won't be on
1.9 for up to 2 years.  That's a long time to make customers wait for
Tom Schmidt
Madison, WI 

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Tom Schmidt
On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 13:22:59 -0500, John Eells wrote:

>Starting in z/OS R9, you can send SMF data to a log stream.  You
>will be able to separate different sets of SMF record types to
>different log streams, specify different retention periods for
>different log streams, and so on.  There will be a new version of
>IFASMFDP (IFASMFDL) that knows how to get SMF data from a log stream.
>If you can hold off long enough to get to R9, this should be
>worth a look.  It's intended to solve exactly the kinds of
>problems you're having.
Hmmm... maybe IBM could have pity on its customers and package those SMF 
changes as an SPE for z/OS 1.7 and 1.8?  
Not many shops will be on 1.9 for a year and a fair number won't be on 1.9 
for up to 2 years.  That's a long time to make customers wait for relief.
Tom Schmidt 
Madison, WI 

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Re: Jes exit05 - $repexit/$addexit

2007-03-01 Thread Clark, David
Exactly what I wanted.  Using the wrong key words in Google
search.  Thanks.  

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Knutson, Sam
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: Jes exit05 - $repexit/$addexit

I think you want file 198

File # 198 JES2 Exit Dynamic Reloader Command from Bob Break NEW

//*11  Update to File 198 from Bob Break, to add a version  *
//*of the JES2 Exit Loader program that works for JES2  *
//*on z/OS 1.7 only.  Member name is CBTEX05.  All the  *
//*old versions of the exit loader are still there. *
//* *

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Clark, David
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 12:37 PM
Subject: Jes exit05 - $repexit/$addexit

Has anyone had trouble or a fix for the CBT Jes exit05 that
allows other Jes exits to be refreshed on the fly?On Zos 1.7 I'm
getting and error that says the exit is not located in a linklist
library.  The exit is there and in an linklist library.   I didn't spot
any updates to the code on CBT. 

David Clark
Brown University 

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Re: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

2007-03-01 Thread Chase, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Rick Fochtman
> A good example of this is when politicians pass laws "to do 
> something", whether or not that is a something that helps.
> -
> And more often than not, the laws they pass are either 
> unenforceable or unhelpful, or both. Don't get me started on this on.
> FWIW: It's still unlawful to leave a horse tied to a hitching 
> post in Detroit for more that 4 hours; the fine is $2. And 
> they still have "whipping posts" in Maryland!


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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread John Eells
Starting in z/OS R9, you can send SMF data to a log stream.  You 
will be able to separate different sets of SMF record types to 
different log streams, specify different retention periods for 
different log streams, and so on.  There will be a new version of 
IFASMFDP (IFASMFDL) that knows how to get SMF data from a log stream.

If you can hold off long enough to get to R9, this should be 
worth a look.  It's intended to solve exactly the kinds of 
problems you're having.

John Eells
z/OS Technical Marketing
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: Jes exit05 - $repexit/$addexit

2007-03-01 Thread Knutson, Sam
I think you want file 198

File # 198 JES2 Exit Dynamic Reloader Command from Bob Break NEW

//*11  Update to File 198 from Bob Break, to add a version  *
//*of the JES2 Exit Loader program that works for JES2  *
//*on z/OS 1.7 only.  Member name is CBTEX05.  All the  *
//*old versions of the exit loader are still there. *
//* *

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Clark, David
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 12:37 PM
Subject: Jes exit05 - $repexit/$addexit

Has anyone had trouble or a fix for the CBT Jes exit05 that
allows other Jes exits to be refreshed on the fly?On Zos 1.7 I'm
getting and error that says the exit is not located in a linklist
library.  The exit is there and in an linklist library.   I didn't spot
any updates to the code on CBT. 

David Clark
Brown University 

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Re: IBM S/360 series operating systems history

2007-03-01 Thread Tony Harminc
Shmuel Metz wrote:

> My recollection is that the original virtual storage announcement for
> S/370 already used the term MVS for OS/VS2 R2.

My recollection is that IBM pushed the term OS/VS2 Release 2, to avoid
suggesting that it was much different from Release 1 (SVS).

> However, you will still see remnants in the code of the original names,
AOS/1 and AOS/2.

And MVM (presumably Multiple Virtual Memories) - a name that never made it
into external doc. But it was on the header line of IEHDASDR for a long

Tony H.

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Jes exit05 - $repexit/$addexit

2007-03-01 Thread Clark, David
Has anyone had trouble or a fix for the CBT Jes exit05 that
allows other Jes exits to be refreshed on the fly?On Zos 1.7 I'm
getting and error that says the exit is not located in a linklist
library.  The exit is there and in an linklist library.   I didn't spot
any updates to the code on CBT.  





David Clark

Brown University 

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Re: IBM S/360 series operating systems history

2007-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman

Unlike most new threads that end up in ancient history and then have to 
be killed, this one starts out with ancient history! What an opportunity 
for us Jurassic-types. Since I was non-email-capable for two weeks, I 
read all old posts before adding my 2 cents' worth, which embody 
responses to many previous posts.

Don't know about MFT, but MVT was reclassified as Class C (meaning 
frozen, no more new releases, no more fixes) in November, 1977. I 
continued working with it and other OS/360 variants off and on until 
late 1983. 

PCP did indeed stand for Primary Control Program.

I used BPS, TOS, and DOS from mid-1966 to late 1971. The worst thing 
that the tape-resident-SYSRES TOS had to do was to recover from an I/O 
error on the SYSRES tape itself - backspace or forwardspace to fetch the 
system module to do the recovery, whose logic said to retry the failing 
I/O, so move the tape back to where the error was, re-read ten times, 
then, if it still failed, move the tape way back to the beginning again 
to locate the system module to do the ABEND process. Truly heinous and 

BPS had a 2-pass 8K card assembler available for hard-core warriors. You 
put the standard BPS self-loading IPL deck (all of 6 cards) in the card 
reader followed by the 8K card assembler phase 1 object deck followed by 
your source deck and IPLed from the card reader. The first phase punched 
one output card, containing intermediate Assembly data, for each input 
source card. Then you put the 6-card BPS IPL deck in the card reader 
followed by the 8K card assembler phase 2 object deck followed by all 
the cards punched out in phase 1 and IPLed from the card reader again. 
This second phase punched the final object deck. In order to run the 
program thus assembled, you again put the 6-card self-loading IPL deck 
in the card reader followed by this object deck and reIPLed from the 
card reader. So you had an "operating system" with major limitations: 
(1) only one program could run at a time, (2) you had to re-IPL whenever 
you wanted to run a different program, and (3) the operator performed 
the operating system's functions of running one job after another.

The first version of BPS did not support multiplexing on the multiplexor 
channel. Regardless of how cleverly you tried to overlap I/O, when you 
did the EXCP the supervisor would do a SIO to start the I/O and then a 
TIO loop until the I/O completed before returning control to the 
instruction just after the EXCP's SVC. More heinosity and egregiousness.

MVT was first virtualized in early 1974 as OS/VS2 Release 1, better 
known as SVS (Single Virtual Storage). A fuller version, OS/VS2 Release 
2, was available a year or so later, and it was quickly renamed MVS for 
Multiple Virtual Storages. MFT evolved into VS1.

I heard about COS, for Compatibility Operating System, but I'm not sure 
what was made compatible with what (maybe it was a 360/20 emulator 
running on a 360/30?).

We should get together sometime, Bill. I'm in Woodridge.

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Re: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

2007-03-01 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Fochtman
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 11:26 AM
> Subject: Re: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids
> A good example of this is when politicians pass laws "to do 
> something", 
> whether or not that is a something that helps.
> -
> And more often than not, the laws they pass are either 
> unenforceable or 
> unhelpful, or both. Don't get me started on this on.
> FWIW: It's still unlawful to leave a horse tied to a hitching post in 
> Detroit for more that 4 hours; the fine is $2. And they still have 
> "whipping posts" in Maryland!

And in my home town of Arlington, TX (home of the Rangers and future
home of the Cowboys), it is illegal to drive sheep on Main Street. You
can drive other animals on Main Street (such as cows) and sheep on other
streets, just not sheep on Main Street.

There are many such archaic laws still on the books. I remember a book
which I think was entitled "That's the Law?" which a lot of them.

For some laughs:

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman

We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that we need 
to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records. 
Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but mostly it 
hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records from the 
GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific functions 
(accounting, performance, etc). While that job is reading the many tapes 
created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump jobs are 
forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data. Has anyone else 
run into this problem? How are other shops handling high SMF volumes?

We ran the SMF dumps to DASD, then sorted the data immediately, using 
appropriate exits to handle RMF records. At the end of the day, we ran a 
MERGE to create the "daily" tape dataset and deleted the SMFDUMP GDG 
files. Splits for special purposes were run from the daily tapes as 
needed, in subsequent job streams. The MERGE job was created by a 
TSO-batch CLIST that listed all the datasets in the GDG created by the 
SMFDUMP processing through the day. If I can find the jobs and CLISTs, 
I'll send them to you privately. I MIGHT even submit them to the CBT tape!

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Re: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

2007-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman

A good example of this is when politicians pass laws "to do something", 
whether or not that is a something that helps.

And more often than not, the laws they pass are either unenforceable or 
unhelpful, or both. Don't get me started on this on.

FWIW: It's still unlawful to leave a horse tied to a hitching post in 
Detroit for more that 4 hours; the fine is $2. And they still have 
"whipping posts" in Maryland!

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Re: sysprog demand in USA

2007-03-01 Thread Rick Fochtman

A friend made a very good point that many sysprogs lost their jobs in OZ 
due to outsourcing; like one company had 8 SP, then outsourced, & 
eventually ended up with 2 SP supporting a few sites.

Has this also been a factor in US?
It's a factor, but I'm not sure how great a factor.

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Murrell, Aldridge (CDC/OCOO/ITSO) (CTR)
One thing that we do is dump the days data first, then run a job later
to split records for various functions. 

Aldridge Murrell

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Veilleux, Jon L
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:48 AM
Subject: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that we need
to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records.
Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but mostly it
hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records from the
GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific functions
(accounting, performance, etc). While that job is reading the many tapes
created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump jobs are
forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data.
Has anyone else run into this problem? How are other shops handling high
SMF volumes?
We have 4 SMF datasets on each LPAR. Two are 3000 cyl and two are 1500
A side issue is that we are capturing DB2 trace records in SMF. We have
tried to turn them off but our performance area 'needs' them. We would
like to move these records from SMF to GTF but we use MXG and were told
that MXG cannot handle input from GTF. Any ideas? Is anyone using MXG
with GTF input?
Thanks much for any help!

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

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Re: still hunting zOS opportunities PA-MD

2007-03-01 Thread jim harrison
Still is - Known as Highmark BC/BS.  They've been holding the DB2 user group 
meetings there for years.

Closer to Baltimore/DC - yeah I know the OP didn't want to go there, but 
these are outside the beltway:  Social Security Administration and Centers 
for Medicare and Medicaid Services, both big MF shops.  Probably have a 
better shot at hooking up with one of the support contractors:  Lockheed 
Martin,  Nothrup Grumman, CSC and a few others.  SSA did have an open call 
awhile back  - I think I posted it here.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Wilkie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: still hunting zOS opportunities PA-MD

Pa Blue Shield WAS in the Harrisburg Camphill area.


From: "John S. Giltner, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
Subject: Re: still hunting zOS opportunities PA-MD
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 20:25:41 -0500

Joel Ivey wrote:

Many listers helped me a few months ago identifying zOS shops in the
Harrisburg, PA area.   As other recent threads have mentioned, the zOS
market isn't exactly hopping.  The market I'm in is next to dead, and 

still trying to explore a move to the PA-MD area.

I'm trying to compile a list of shops for potential employment in the
Hagerstown - Frederick/Mt. Airy - York, PA area without getting too close 
Baltimore/Washington (no insult intended).Even the Winchester, VA 

would be good.

I'm aware of First Data and Washington County Hospital.  Any help in
compiling this list will be greatly appreciated.Thank you.

Joel M Ivey
SC Employment Security Commission
Columbia, SC

Try they have one job in MD and a few in PA.

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Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread O'Brien, David W. (NIH/CIT) [C]
Likewise I am also using 40gb tape for my ML2 data.
Recall of the second dataset on the second volume took 23 seconds, a bit
below my average of 27 seconds.
Recall of the dataset causing the connection took 1 min 15 seconds. 
Now I have 5 connected ML2 tape sets so I have 5 datasets that IF
recalled will invoke 2 tape mounts taking significantly longer than
average to recall.
5 datasets out of 1.3 million occurances. Somehow I don't see this as a
significant problem.

What is your tapespansize parameter set at?   

-Original Message-
From: Murrell, Aldridge (CDC) 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

We are using 40gb volumes for ML2 and am trying to minimize time for
recall. Another reason is to keep all data on single volumes. 

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Re: IBM S/360 series operating systems history

2007-03-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Shmuel Metz , Seymour J. wrote:

My recollection is that the original virtual storage announcement for
S/370 already used the term MVS for OS/VS2 R2. However, you will still
see remnants in the code of the original names, AOS/1 and AOS/2.

some number of customers had been doing stuff to make MVT run better in a cp67 
(on 360/67)
virtual machine ... including various things related to virtual memory.

there was a period when we were making regular trips from cambridge to pok to 
in 370 architecture meetings ... especially related to virtual machine and 
virtual memory operation ... and would periodically knock around 706 machine 
room in the evenings where AOS prototype
was being built ... crafting virtual memory on the side of MVT for what was to 

Ludlow(?, i'm pretty sure i remember his name) was doing a lot of the work. 
Part of the
effort involved taking the (virtual to real) channel program translator/builder 
from CP67 (CCWTRANS) and cobbling it into the side of MVT (i.e. a lot of AOS 
... instead of running MVT under cp67
virtual machine virtual memory ... was hacking various pieces of cp67 virtual 
memory support
into the side of a MVT kernel ... especially the channel program translator ... 
which was
some amount of fairly complicated code, involving interpreting the virtual channel program, making 
a shadow, finding all the "data" virtual pages, fixing them in core ... and using the 
"real" addresses).

recent thread discussing patching CCWTRANS to handle ISAM and other 
self-modifying channel programs
i.e. CCWTRANS built a "shadow" of the "applications" virtual channel program ... with "real" 
addresses ... and ran the "shadow" channel program ... any dynamic modifications that an application did to the 
"virtual" channel program wouldn't actually involve the channel program being executed. Cycles per ASM instruction A way to speed up level 1 caches Cycles per ASM instruction

A slightly different issue I had was with the POK performance modeling group that was 
trying to come up with virtual page replacement algorithms. They eventually decided on 
including some optimization feature that I claimed that would totally distort "least 
recently used" assumptions related to page replacement. They did it anyway ... and 
it wasn't until well into MVS release cycle in the late 70s ... that it dawn on them that 
they were selecting high-use LINKPACK shared executable pages for replacement before 
private, lower-used application data pages.

lots of past posts related to page replacement algorithms
as well as old email on the same subject

past posts in this thread: IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history IBM S/360 series operating systems 
history IBM S/360 series operating systems 

misc. pasts posts taking ludlow's name in vain: What level of computer is needed for 
a computer to Love? Linux IA-64 interrupts [was Re: 
Itanium benchmarks ...] IBM OS Timeline? IBM OS Timeline? History The problem with installable 
operating systems The problem with installable 
operating systems Linux paging Linux paging Microkernels are not "all or 
nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For Infiniband - practicalities for small 
clusters The mid-seventies SHARE survey Moving assembler programs above the 
line HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 MVCIN instruction 2nd level install - duplicate volsers Multiple address spaces

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Jim Mulder
IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote on 03/01/2007 
11:16:01 AM:

> From Barry Merrill:
> " Writing an SMF record is an SVC call to the SMF address space, with no
> physical I/O that has to be managed.  Writing to GTF requires the DB2
> Address Space to have to manage each of those tiny chunk writes.  I can
> see no way in which the overhead to write to GTF would not be
> significantly more than sending the
> records to SMF.   But this is an option based on the way I think it
> works,
> and is not based on actual measurements. "
> Actually I do have a question about this that maybe someone from IBM can
> answer: Does the I/O to GTF tapes happen in DB2 or in GTF? How does the
> data get from DB2 to the GTF tape? Is Barry correct that the overhead
> would be higher to write to GTF vs SMF?

  When a record is passed to GTF, GTF adds it do a GTFBLOK (whose size is
the GTF data set block size) in ESQA.  When a GTFBLOK becomes full, an
SRB is scheduled to the GTF address space.  The SRB routine copies 
any full GTFBLOKs from ESQA into GTFBUFRs in the GTF address space.
The SRB routine the POSTs the writer task in the GTF address space.
The writer task uses BSAM to write the GTFBUFRs to the data set.

Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY

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Re: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

2007-03-01 Thread Howard Brazee
On 1 Mar 2007 07:33:23 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Merritt)

>It is an old, proven marketing ploy. Humans are programmed to respond to
>any thing 'new'. In ancient times, it could be food for you, or
>something that wants to make food of you. Either way, it was a life or
>death situation.

A good example of this is when politicians pass laws "to do
something", whether or not that is a something that helps.

I can't even begin to calculate how much it cost the country to move
daylight savings time up.But I can calculate cost/benefit ratio
without knowing this cost (if you don't mind getting a SOC9).

We have a lot of such "taxes" that don't appear on the federal
accounting.   Some of these taxes have benefits - most safety rules,
for instance.But others just keep us from doing more productive

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RE : Does VVDS must be catalogued ?

2007-03-01 Thread CAPRON Romain
But when you defined it with the following statement:

NIXD VOL(volser) -  

It is automatically catalogued...
What is the step to catalog?


Responsable Grand Système
MATMUT, France

-Message d'origine-
De : IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de 
Envoyé : jeudi 1 mars 2007 14:05
Objet : Re: Does VVDS must be catalogued ?

Short answer - NO

And it does not have to be cataloged.

Bob Richards

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Re: Warning on IBM APAR OA17011

2007-03-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 02/27/2007
   at 10:29 AM, Alan Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Early in January Russ Witt sent the list a warning about the
>implications  apar OA17011 could have on tape retention.  We've had
>some discussions  about this apar internally; not concerning the
>technical impact but the  fact that there was no hold on it.  I'm
>not suggesting that it should have  a hold

Then I will; it should have a hold.

>So I'm asking the group "when you're applying preventative
>maintenance do  you read and analyze the cover information for every
>ptf being applied?" 

IMHO that would be a practical impossibility. I have, however, always
read the text of every unresolved hold, including DOC, before
installing service.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: IBM S/360 series operating systems history

2007-03-01 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 02/28/2007
   at 06:53 PM, "(IBM Mainframe Discussion List)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Don't know about MFT, but MVT was reclassified as Class C (meaning
>frozen,   no more new releases, no more fixes) in November, 1977. 

MVT was just an OS/360 sysgen option. It was OS/360 in its entirety
that was frozen.

>MVT was first virtualized in early 1974 as OS/VS2 Release 1, better
>known  as  SVS (Single Virtual Storage).  A fuller version, OS/VS2
>Release  2, was  available a year or so later, and it was quickly
>renamed MVS  for Multiple Virtual  Storages.  MFT evolved into VS1.

My recollection is that the original virtual storage announcement for
S/370 already used the term MVS for OS/VS2 R2. However, you will still
see remnants in the code of the original names, AOS/1 and AOS/2.

>I heard about COS, for Compatibility Operating System, but I'm not 
>sure what  was made compatible with what (maybe it was a 360/20
>emulator running  on a  360/30?).

14xx Emulator running under DOS/360. 

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread Aldridge Murrell
We are using 40gb volumes for ML2 and am trying to minimize time for 
recall. Another reason is to keep all data on single volumes. 

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Veilleux, Jon L
>From Barry Merrill:
" Writing an SMF record is an SVC call to the SMF address space, with no
physical I/O that has to be managed.  Writing to GTF requires the DB2
Address Space to have to manage each of those tiny chunk writes.  I can
see no way in which the overhead to write to GTF would not be
significantly more than sending the
records to SMF.   But this is an option based on the way I think it
and is not based on actual measurements. "

Actually I do have a question about this that maybe someone from IBM can
answer: Does the I/O to GTF tapes happen in DB2 or in GTF? How does the
data get from DB2 to the GTF tape? Is Barry correct that the overhead
would be higher to write to GTF vs SMF?

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

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Compuware March 2006 Technical Spotlight Sessions

2007-03-01 Thread Dell'Anno, Aurora
approved by the list owner.
Hi All, 

please find below the March schedule for Spotlight Sessions, for all you
Compuware users/customers out there.  

Remember, our customers are required to register for FrontLine to access
these sessions, the March 6 Spotlight is a great opportunity to register
and gain an insight and understanding of how FrontLine can benefit you.

This month's Spotlight sessions are aimed at users in the DB2, IMS and
z/OS environments.

Aurora Emanuela Dell'Anno
Compuware Ltd.
Systems Engineer, Mainframe pre-Sales


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The March 2007 Spotlight sessions have been posted to FrontLine's Events
page.March's schedule will consist of 4 sessions:  

 March 06 >  Getting Started with iStrobe Concepts 

 March 13 >  Getting Started with File-AID/MVS - Browse and Edit 

 March 20 >  Getting Started with Hiperstation For Application

 March 27 >  Getting Started with Transaction Abends for Beginners

We have had great success with these sessions - you continue to respond
on the Spotlight surveys asking us for more!  

In addition, I've included the link to the Events page on FrontLine ( and the link to
the archives page where all the previous presentations and tip-sheets
can be found  
( in case you would
like to see past Spotlight presentations (you will need to log on to
FrontLine to view either of these links).

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Re: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

2007-03-01 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Clark Morris
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:44 AM
> Subject: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

> If they move off because of confusing hardware configurations, what
> platform is going to be any less confusing?  The Wintel platform
> certainly has enough CPU variants to keep me confused and I doubt the
> Unix platforms are much better.

Go Apple, of course. You have very few choices with them.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread O'Brien, David W. (NIH/CIT) [C]
Why are you concerned about the occasional spanned ML2 volume? 

-Original Message-
From: Murrell, Aldridge (CDC) 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

Thank you - this works great.
I will look into the reconnect.

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Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread Aldridge Murrell
Thank you - this works great.
I will look into the reconnect.

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Re: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

2007-03-01 Thread Hal Merritt
It is an old, proven marketing ploy. Humans are programmed to respond to
any thing 'new'. In ancient times, it could be food for you, or
something that wants to make food of you. Either way, it was a life or
death situation.

MS has made gazillions of dollars exploiting that trait. 

Consider also that we tend to bash IBM marketing for not 'getting it'.
Well, perhaps the still don't get 'it', but they are getting even :-) 
My $0.02 (before taxes)

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Clark Morris
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:44 AM
Subject: Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

On 28 Feb 2007 14:13:31 -0800, in you wrote:

>>A 2094-S18 could be many different models.
>Just like MIPS and MSUs, IBM is confusing the issue, rather than
helping us.
>If we, as mainframe experts, can't keep things straight, how can we
expect our management to?
>No wonder they want to move off!

If they move off because of confusing hardware configurations, what
platform is going to be any less confusing?  The Wintel platform
certainly has enough CPU variants to keep me confused and I doubt the
Unix platforms are much better.
>Too busy driving to stop for gas!  

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Hal Merritt
DASD is cheap. Use enough to last a long weekend so that any issues cam
be detected and resolved before loss. 

HTH and good luck. 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Veilleux, Jon L
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 7:48 AM
Subject: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that we need
to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records.
Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but mostly it
hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records from the
GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific functions
(accounting, performance, etc). While that job is reading the many tapes
created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump jobs are
forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data.
Has anyone else run into this problem? How are other shops handling high
SMF volumes?
We have 4 SMF datasets on each LPAR. Two are 3000 cyl and two are 1500
A side issue is that we are capturing DB2 trace records in SMF. We have
tried to turn them off but our performance area 'needs' them. We would
like to move these records from SMF to GTF but we use MXG and were told
that MXG cannot handle input from GTF. Any ideas? Is anyone using MXG
with GTF input?
Thanks much for any help!

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

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Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread Jack Kelly
no i use reconnect but the users usually change the large dsn, so it goes 
back to a different tape. now that i've said that, they'll always 

Jack Kelly
LA Systems @ US Courts
x 202-502-2390

"O'Brien, David W. (NIH/CIT) [C]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
03/01/2007 09:49 AM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List 


Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes


  Do we assume that you have the RECONNECT option turned off? 

-Original Message-
From: Jack Kelly 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

i still do it the old fashion way. i list the second volume with 'list
ttoc .dsi' and dsn 01 is  the one that spanned. if i can, i recall
that dsn and break the connectin. 

Jack Kelly
LA Systems @ US Courts

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Veilleux, Jon L

>From Barry Merrill:
>To defend MXG Software, yes, it can and does process DB2 records
written to GTF.

>There are two probles when DB2 data is written to GTF:

Barry, I wasn't trying to disparage MXG. What you say makes sense as to
why it might not be a good idea to use GTF. Thanks for the
Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

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Re: HSM/CA-1 WORM problem

2007-03-01 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 3/1/2007 7:34:46 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

With  both acting funny, it is hard to determine who to pin the tail on.  

Anyone muck with the ARCTVEXT exit?

EREP is your friend. As the devices age and tapes get reused tolerances  
begin to meld with friction, gravity, and magnetomotive forces.   Specifically, 
start with the 3490s then vols, and then TRENDs report to see if  there Perm or 
Temp errors occurring.
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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Ed Gould

On Mar 1, 2007, at 7:47 AM, Veilleux, Jon L wrote:

We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that we need
to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records.
Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but mostly it
hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records from the
GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific  
(accounting, performance, etc). While that job is reading the many  

created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump jobs are
forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data.
Has anyone else run into this problem? How are other shops handling  

SMF volumes?
We have 4 SMF datasets on each LPAR. Two are 3000 cyl and two are 1500


We too have run into this issue and came up with this. This is not a  
cure all (or close) but it seemed to work well (for us).

We set up a GDG for  each system ie smf.raw.&sysid.smf.gvxx and  
let each system create them all day long (this was tape originally  
then it went to dasd). Then at about  10PM a job kicked off on each  
system to create a "intermediate" daily and deleting the old gdg's on  
successful completion. then a 'final" smf tape as created taking all  
of the intermediate tapes in.

You are right about the contention issue and at times it did need  
baby sitting but that is what production control people are for.


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Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread O'Brien, David W. (NIH/CIT) [C]

  Do we assume that you have the RECONNECT option turned off? 

-Original Message-
From: Jack Kelly 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

i still do it the old fashion way. i list the second volume with 'list
ttoc .dsi' and dsn 01 is  the one that spanned. if i can, i recall
that dsn and break the connectin. 

Jack Kelly
LA Systems @ US Courts

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Confusing hardware platform configurations was Re: cpuids

2007-03-01 Thread Clark Morris
On 28 Feb 2007 14:13:31 -0800, in you wrote:

>>A 2094-S18 could be many different models.
>Just like MIPS and MSUs, IBM is confusing the issue, rather than helping us.
>If we, as mainframe experts, can't keep things straight, how can we expect our 
>management to?
>No wonder they want to move off!

If they move off because of confusing hardware configurations, what
platform is going to be any less confusing?  The Wintel platform
certainly has enough CPU variants to keep me confused and I doubt the
Unix platforms are much better.
>Too busy driving to stop for gas!  

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Barry Merrill
To defend MXG Software, yes, it can and does process DB2 records written to GTF.

There are two probles when DB2 data is written to GTF:

Post processing:

The problem is that processing GTF data requires two passes of the data; the
long DB2 "SMF" records are broken into many 256 byte chunks and written to GTF
as individual records, and the physical order of the records guaranteed not to
be in order by IBM, so the raw chunks of the real data records must be read, 
sorted, and then the long records can be rebuilt from the little chunks, and 
then the "SMF" code can read the DB2 trace records.

Impact on DB2:

Writing an SMF record is an SVC call to the SMF address space, with no physical
I/O that has to be managed.  Writing to GTF requires the DB2 Address Space to
have to manage each of those tiny chunk writes.  I can see no way in which the
overhead to write to GTF would not be significantly more than sending the
records to SMF.   But this is an option based on the way I think it works,
and is not based on actual measurements.

Barry Merrill

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Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread Jack Kelly
i still do it the old fashion way. i list the second volume with 'list 
ttoc .dsi' and dsn 01 is  the one that spanned. if i can, i recall 
that dsn and break the connectin. 

Jack Kelly
LA Systems @ US Courts
x 202-502-2390

Aldridge Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
03/01/2007 07:27 AM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List 


DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

I have ML2 data spanning volumes.  My question is - does anyone know of a 
way to identify the dataset that is causing migration to span volumes?.
I have used parameters to minimize the possibility of spanning volumes but 

I do get the occasional dataset that causes this situation.  Any input 
would be appreciated.

Thank you

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Re: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread Friske, Michael
Try the following commands.




-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Aldridge Murrell
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 6:28 AM
Subject: DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

I have ML2 data spanning volumes.  My question is - does anyone know of
way to identify the dataset that is causing migration to span volumes?.
I have used parameters to minimize the possibility of spanning volumes
I do get the occasional dataset that causes this situation.  Any input 
would be appreciated.

Thank you

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Robert Bardos
Good topic, Jon. Am constantly struggling with high volumes of DB2
SMF records myself.
Before dropping them entirely you might consider activating/using
DB2's fairly new ACCUMACC parameter whose objective is the
consolidation and therefore reduction of DB2 SMF records.

Had asked for opinions/experiences with DSNZPARM ACCUMACC
(modifiable on the fly thru ISPF) on MXG-L recently. Got only one
response giving numbers (mentioning a reduction factor of 100), so
this is a question I wanted to ask from IBM-MAIN as well.

Any experiences with ACCUMACC in "IMB-MAIN-land"? To what value
have you set it?
Any pros and cons?

Robert Bardos
Ansys AG, Zurich, Switzerland

> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Marz 2007 14:48
> Betreff: How are you handling high SMF record volume?
> We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that
we need
> to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records.
> Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but
mostly it
> hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records
from the
> GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific
> (accounting, performance, etc). While that job is reading the
many tapes
> created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump jobs
> forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data.
> Has anyone else run into this problem? How are other shops
handling high
> SMF volumes?
> We have 4 SMF datasets on each LPAR. Two are 3000 cyl and two
are 1500
> cyl.
> A side issue is that we are capturing DB2 trace records in SMF.
We have
> tried to turn them off but our performance area 'needs' them. We
> like to move these records from SMF to GTF but we use MXG and
were told
> that MXG cannot handle input from GTF. Any ideas? Is anyone
using MXG
> with GTF input?
> Thanks much for any help!
> Jon
> Jon L. Veilleux

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Re: How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM
"Veilleux, Jon L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that we need

> to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records.

> Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but mostly it

> hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records from the

> GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific

> (accounting, performance, etc). While that job is reading the many

> created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump jobs are

> forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data.

> Has anyone else run into this problem? How are other shops handling

> SMF volumes?

> We have 4 SMF datasets on each LPAR. Two are 3000 cyl and two are 1500

> cyl.  

> A side issue is that we are capturing DB2 trace records in SMF. We

> tried to turn them off but our performance area 'needs' them. We would

> like to move these records from SMF to GTF but we use MXG and were

> that MXG cannot handle input from GTF. Any ideas? Is anyone using MXG

> with GTF input?

> Thanks much for any help!

> Jon


We have our GDG datasets throughout the day created on Dasd. Depending
on your tape and dasd technology, this could speed up processing


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How are you handling high SMF record volume?

2007-03-01 Thread Veilleux, Jon L
We are running into issues with the volume of SMF records that we need
to process. We create a GDG every day for that day's records.
Occasionaly we run into contention issues during the day but mostly it
hits us at the end of the day when we read the day's records from the
GDG and split the output into various other tapes for specific functions
(accounting, performance, etc). While that job is reading the many tapes
created during the day, the GDG base is locked so our dump jobs are
forced to wait which eventually causes lost SMF data.
Has anyone else run into this problem? How are other shops handling high
SMF volumes?
We have 4 SMF datasets on each LPAR. Two are 3000 cyl and two are 1500
A side issue is that we are capturing DB2 trace records in SMF. We have
tried to turn them off but our performance area 'needs' them. We would
like to move these records from SMF to GTF but we use MXG and were told
that MXG cannot handle input from GTF. Any ideas? Is anyone using MXG
with GTF input?
Thanks much for any help!

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

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Re: HSM/CA-1 WORM problem

2007-03-01 Thread Richards.Bob
And, of course, nothing has changed in either HSM or CA-1, right Barry?

You know this is coming; Open a PMR or ETR with IBM and email Russell/
call CA Tech Support.

With both acting funny, it is hard to determine who to pin the tail on. 

Anyone muck with the ARCTVEXT exit?

Bob Richards 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Schwarz, Barry A
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:08 AM
Subject: HSM/CA-1 WORM problem

A customer site has been using HSM and CA-1 for almost 10 years without
serious problems.  For some reason, recent attempts to recycle some
backup tapes are running into some strange and probably related

HSM recycle task is abending with a S0C4 in an unknown module.

Entry in the CA-1 TMC for the tape to be recycled starts out as
a normal EDM tape and suddenly changes to WORM (FLAG5 = X'18') and loses
both the EDMID and the EDM bit in FLAG2.

CA-1 generates an IECTMS14 message regarding the tape being
ineligible for EDM.

I recycled almost 30 tapes without incident on 28 Feb.  Problems started
on 1 Mar (yesterday as site is in Japan).  Only tapes used at the site
are 3490 cartridges, no WORMs.

Suggestions welcome.

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Re: How to change color for one particular message?

2007-03-01 Thread Wallace, Jason
> I don't think that NetView will change the colors of messages on the
> MVS console, only within NetView, either in NetView's log or on a
> operator whois logged on and is setup to receive those messages.

That's what I suspected, but I guess the problem was that from my novice
point of view, this part of Netview's functionality seemed a bit
deceiving: It can do all this other stuff to MVS messages (edit,
suppress, replace), why can't it color them?

> However, IIRC $HASP050 gets issues as a action WTO normally.

I think our operators missed it the first time because it was white. It
happened at noon when the full-time operators were at lunch, and the
student employees (part timers) usually ignore everything except tape
mounts and red messages. Instead of bringing the hammer down on them, I
got caught up in the novelty, "if we can make that message red, can we
make others blue, yellow, whatever?"

I will try your suggestions, thanks.

- Jason

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Re: z/OS V1R8 WLM & CICS Performance Observation

2007-03-01 Thread Rugen, Len
We got rid of ADABAS before WLM, but isn't it a separate started task?
I don't think the ADABAS work done on behalf of CICS ran under the CICS
TCB's (like DB2 & IMS does) when we had it, it may have changed.  If
not, you have to find some balance between the priorities of CICS vs.
ADABAS tasks.  

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Shmuel Koller
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 4:10 AM
> Subject: FW: z/OS V1R8 WLM & CICS Performance Observation
> Un-related to new z/OS release - I would check relative MVS priority
> CICS main TCB (QR) where the CICS dispatching is done -
> to be higher that other L8/L9/etc.. TCBs in CICS address space..
> Shmuel Koller

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HSM/CA-1 WORM problem

2007-03-01 Thread Schwarz, Barry A
A customer site has been using HSM and CA-1 for almost 10 years without
serious problems.  For some reason, recent attempts to recycle some
backup tapes are running into some strange and probably related

HSM recycle task is abending with a S0C4 in an unknown module.

Entry in the CA-1 TMC for the tape to be recycled starts out as
a normal EDM tape and suddenly changes to WORM (FLAG5 = X'18') and loses
both the EDMID and the EDM bit in FLAG2.

CA-1 generates an IECTMS14 message regarding the tape being
ineligible for EDM.

I recycled almost 30 tapes without incident on 28 Feb.  Problems started
on 1 Mar (yesterday as site is in Japan).  Only tapes used at the site
are 3490 cartridges, no WORMs.

Suggestions welcome.

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Re: Does VVDS must be catalogued ?

2007-03-01 Thread Richards.Bob
Short answer - NO

And it does not have to be cataloged.

Bob Richards 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of CAPRON Romain
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 8:02 AM
Subject: Does VVDS must be catalogued ?


I'm wondering if the VVDS "MUST" be cataloged or not...

All of our VVDS have the following file naming convention :

And are definied as with this IDCAMS statement :

NIXD VOL(volser) -  

So, there are cataloged to the MCAT of the system where they have been

But, when we "init" a such volume on a different system, the VVDS is not
catalogued on the system where the volume is used...

Is it a mistake ?



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Does VVDS must be catalogued ?

2007-03-01 Thread CAPRON Romain

I'm wondering if the VVDS "MUST" be cataloged or not...

All of our VVDS have the following file naming convention :

And are definied as with this IDCAMS statement :

NIXD VOL(volser) -  

So, there are cataloged to the MCAT of the system where they have been

But, when we "init" a such volume on a different system, the VVDS is not
catalogued on the system where the volume is used...

Is it a mistake ?



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DFSMSHSM migration spanning volumes

2007-03-01 Thread Aldridge Murrell
I have ML2 data spanning volumes.  My question is - does anyone know of a 
way to identify the dataset that is causing migration to span volumes?.
I have used parameters to minimize the possibility of spanning volumes but 
I do get the occasional dataset that causes this situation.  Any input 
would be appreciated.

Thank you

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FW: z/OS V1R8 WLM & CICS Performance Observation

2007-03-01 Thread Shmuel Koller
Un-related to new z/OS release - I would check relative MVS priority of
CICS main TCB (QR) where the CICS dispatching is done -

to be higher that other L8/L9/etc.. TCBs in CICS address space..

Shmuel Koller 


From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jim Marshall
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:38 PM
Subject: z/OS V1R8 WLM & CICS Performance Observation


We run CICS TS & ADABAS and saw some performance issues with CICS
transactions in z/OS V1R7 although not very bad. When we brought up z/OS
V1R8 we are seeing high level of delays in CICS transactions when they
are going to "redispatch" queue. Talking to IBM lab folks they are
telling us it is not a z/OS V1R8 problem but maybe a CICS performance
problem. But then the CICS people say the transactions are not being
dispatched quick enough off the redispatch queue. I think this has been
shuffled over to the WLM folks.

Like to know if anyone else is encountering CICS performance problems
where it seems the CPU is running 100%, transactions start queueing up,
repsonse gets slow, CPU drops down to 50-60%, redispatch queue gets
bigger and then all them transactions come out at once and FLY through
the system.
Is this happening to you or has it happened lately.

thanks  Jim

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Re: Do you use "$D PERFDATA" ?

2007-03-01 Thread Christian Blesa


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Re: Print Dataset List with Last Date Referred

2007-03-01 Thread TISLER Zaromil

in 1.7 with pdf3.4, the dsn list does have the reference date. the problem 
may be the spflist lrecl going to 121 and truncating the last few fields.

Look in "ISPF Services Guide" for
  LMDLIST ... STATS(YES) ... ===> variable ZDLRDATE

or "TSO/E REXX Reference"

  LISTDSI ... ===> variable SYSREFDATE


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