RE: List Termination

2017-11-14 Thread André van Deventer
But they are not audio related only.  So you have to sift through all kind of 
other pc tech stuff to get to what you want.

This seems to be the only list for audio related topics specifically.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Laz
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:24 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: List Termination

As with all lists all you have to do is send a blank message to the 
below two email addresses to join:

One group has over 400 members and the other has over 300.


On 11/14/17, Tom Kaufman  wrote:
> And what are the addresses of these lists?
> Tom Kaufman
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Laz
> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:54 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List 
> Subject: Re: List Termination
> There are at least two very good blind tech lists on where 
> PC audio questions are asked and answered every day.
> Laz
> On 11/14/17, Tom Kaufman  wrote:
>> I have to agree with Norma here; once in a while, I've seen stuff 
>> like a message (supposedly from a subscriber) the message usually has 
>> a lin it (and of course I would never click on it) but this hasn't 
>> happened in a while!
>> While it might not be the end of the world if this list goes away, I 
>> hope it doesn't, for it is nice to know that if we have an 
>> audio-rrelated computer question, there's a place we can go to 
>> possibly get our questions answered!
>> Tom Kaufman
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
>> Norma A.
>> Boge
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:48 PM
>> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' 
>> Subject: RE: List Termination
>> I guess my ISP must have a good Spam filter because I don't recall 
>> seeing any on this list.
>> I, too, have been on the list quite a while. Although the traffic 
>> isn't steady, it is nice to have a place where I know my 
>> audio-related questions will get answered. I guess I could live with 
>> the list disappearing if someone could post subscription info for 
>> other lists where our audio questions are welcome. I hope such an 
>> animal exists.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
>> Tom Dimeo
>> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 5:34 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: List Termination
>> Ladies and gentlemen,
>> I am seriously considering terminating the pc audio list.
>> There is very little traffic on the list but a lot of spam. Also, 
>> with the advent of DMARC I have no idea who is or is not receiving 
>> list messages.
>> I could take the list to Google Groups or some other commercial 
>> e-mailing list if there is enough interest, or, maybe some one else 
>> would be interested taking on administration duties of the list. 
>> There is a cost for the domain name and web space.
>> Jonathan Mosen started the list almost twenty years ago and it might 
>> have out lived it's usefulness.
>> Comments are welcome. Best to contact me directly.
>> Thank you,
>> Tom Dimeo
> --
> Affordably priced Accessible Talking MP3 Players, Accessible phones, 
> Bluetooth devices, and accessories
> Email:
> Phone: 727-498-0121
> Skype: lazmesa
> Personal Facebook:
> Facebook:

Affordably priced Accessible Talking MP3 Players, Accessible phones, Bluetooth 
devices, and accessories
Phone: 727-498-0121
Skype: lazmesa
Personal Facebook:

RE: Issue with Buzz in Radio Recordings

2017-08-29 Thread André van Deventer
Sounds like a cable with to thin screening perhaps?  Many of the cables you get 
nowadays have very thin screening.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Gary 
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 4:25 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Issue with Buzz in Radio Recordings

Did you consider trying a clean box or hum filter like you would use with 
guitar amplifiers?
You run it into your mixer and plug your radio into that! Art and Behrenger 
make them. I was going to say you could get an isolation ground loop filter 
from Radio Shack but they aren't in business any more, and I doubt most of the 
sales people wouldn't know what you are talking about.

-Original Message-
From: Danny Miles
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 8:49 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Issue with Buzz in Radio Recordings

Thanks.  I often have to move the wires around, which is why I thought a new 
wire might solve the trick.  However, I can't get a completely non-existent 
buzz without holding the middle of it up in the air, which obviously isn't 
feasible.  I just find it odd that it does it with the digital radio but not 
with the iPhone, as they're both digital appliances and I don't move the wire 
when swapping over devices (obviously I have to take the jack out of one and 
put it in the other but the cable itself stays flat rather than up in the air 
while attached to the iPhone and it remains in the same position).  Is it 
possible that the iPhone is simply better designed for this sort of thing than 
both of my other devices and, although I appreciate that it's probably quite 
technical, I'd be grateful for any info on how to identify suitable equipment 
for the future if that's the case.


On 8/29/17, Smiling?  wrote:
> If you seem to not get this buzz as you put it when you are recording 
> whatever from your iPhone, it must be something specifically with 
> either the digital radio or some routing of the cables involved. Try 
> moving the cables around and see what comes of it because sometimes 
> certain cables crossing paths can cause noise depending on the quality 
> of the shielding or lack thereof.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
> Danny Miles
> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 05:19 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Issue with Buzz in Radio Recordings
> Hi.  For a long time now, I have noticed that I get buzzing in 
> recordings from my digital radio and tape recorder, even though using 
> the same set-up (2x RCA phono connectors in my mixer to 1x 3.5 mm jack 
> in the audio device in question) works perfectly when using my iPhone 
> to record.  I'm using GoldWave 5.65 (I know it's not the latest
> version) and, although I've tried all of the hiss/hum removal options, 
> I can't seem to get rid of all of it.  The best result that I got was 
> when I used Stereo Center to keep just the channel with the least 
> (almost hardly any) buzz and then put that channel into a mono mix.
> However, it still didn't remove the whole hiss and, of course, it lost 
> a lot of the bass as a result of removing the other channel.  I've 
> also tried buying a brand new lead but I'm still getting the same 
> results (at least, I've trialled it with the digital radio and am 
> still getting a lot of buzz, which I knew was going to happen as soon 
> as I plugged it in because I could hear it in my headphones via the 
> mixer).
> So, does anybody please know why this might be happening with two 
> devices but not with my phone, even though the radio is digital (so 
> it's not a matter of using a mono device)?  Also, does anyone know of 
> settings/processes that I can run with GoldWave or another piece of 
> software to successfully remove everything, or am I just going to have 
> to accept things as they are?
> Many thanks in advance for any help, Danny


2017-06-30 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


I realize this may not be of interest to many so simply delete if you find
it boring.  Hopefully it may be of some interest to someone.


I have recently acquired a new product called the basslet.  What this is is
a very small transmitter which connects to any kind of music player with a
socket to which you can connect [ a pair of headphones or in my case  a
cable connecting my two cochlear implants  to the headphone jack of my


The transmitter then transmits sound to a watch like device  which straps
onto your wrist.  The wrist device then vibrates in frequencies between 128
hz and 10 hz.  It was designed to give people who listen to headphones an
extra bass experience which cheaper headphones cannot provide.

My situation is a bit different though.  With my last cochlear implant I
lost all frequencies below 100 hz which has a profound impact especially
when listening to music.  You effectively lose all lower sounds which makes
it sound if you are listening to a transistor radio or one of these small
and cheap cd players.


I was busy researching intohow to get back some of these lower frequencies
when a friend from the US alerted me to a new device on
which was the basslet.  This immediately piqued my interest and I thought
that it may be possible to get the lower frequencies back by touch.  However
when  the device finally came on the market I learned to my sorrow that it
it will not be available in SA for a while.  I arranged through someone in
England to buy it for me and it arrived yesterday.


Although my initial impressions are very positive, I need to do some more
experiments to see what the full impact of the device will be.  |What is
important to keep in mind is that this is not sound but vibrations.
However, the vibrations are surprisingly detailed – you can feel the
difference quite clearly between say for example the sound of a bass drum
and a tune played on a bass guitar.


I’m sticking with music that I know in order to be sure of what I’m feeling.


Interestingly a friend of mine tested it yesterday with a pair of stock
apple earbuds and he says the music is actually much fuller using the

Once again my apologies for this long and involved mail.  Please delete if
not interested.






RE: England V. SA cricket

2017-06-02 Thread André van Deventer

In short a VPN will in our case allow you to listen to the BBC because you are 
able to log on as if you are coming from the UK thus fooling the bbc server.

The one I usually use is at

It's a bit pricy though - I haven't checked it recently.  Up to about R1000 per 
year.  And last time I used it would not log on to the BBC server.

Anyone else have other suggestions for a reliable and accessible VPN?


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Fanus
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2017 5:00 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket

Hello Andre
I know nothibng about this VPN thing, so can you explain a bit what is Wytopia 
and how do you use it to listen to the cricket?

From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:43 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' 
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket

I use wytopia at

Works reasonably well.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:20 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket

Actually, I could earlier but the latest version of their software is 
inaccessible on PC's and on Android encryption is very weak as we use 
accessibility features.  The only way I can use it is Iphone but there I have 
data restrictions.  So I can but I can't.  I am a bit irritated.  Any other way?

I would have preferred Guerilla cricket but they have no crowd sound effects 
and I don't like the atmosphere there.


-Original Message-
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 10:21 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


Can you not use Tunnelbear VPN to access the bbc from India?


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:59 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket


If I can suggest I use Tunnelbear VPN,  but you will agree it is not as good as 
listening directly.

Some hope for champions' trophy if cricket radio broadcasts then you may get it 
on west Indian stations.  If you need help contact me nearer the time.
Do keep in touch.  Also, any private stations?  even off screen will do.

By the way, All India radio have stopped broacasting cricket since we got this 
new government in 2014 except CWC.  I hate these people.

-Original Message-
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 8:16 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


Found an article on the net that stated that the SABC will not be broadcasting 
either the matches between England and SA or the champions trophy matches.

So we are stuck with the BBC which will not let us listen.

The only is now to get a VPN service for access to the BBC!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:12 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket

Any plan for the next matches and the Champion's trophy?  I hate these cricket 
rights things.  Arrogance of the worst kind.

-Original Message-
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:34 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


We don't even get it here in SA at the moment!

Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:32 PM
Subject: England V. SA cricket

Hi Friends,

Ordinarily, whenever Souuth Africa plays cricket matches the commentary is 
broadcaste on radio 2000 but this time I don’t see it there.  Could anyone in 
South Africa enlighten me on this?  I know it is there on BBC Radio 5live 
Sportsextra but unfortunately I can’t get it in India.  Any help will be 
appreciated.  Thank you.

With best wishes,


RE: Help please!

2017-06-01 Thread André van Deventer
It also does not seem to work on tapin radio if you click on bbc five live

And that with the cricket champions leage busy!!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Colin
Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 10:00 AM
Subject: Help please!


I do not remember if sent to the UK Radio Listeners or the PC Audio groups
so am sending to both.

On 17 January 2017, somebody sent a most useful list of links which he
advised works for all BBC radio services.  Yes, all the ones I tried did,
but now, all of a sudden, the link for 5LiveSportsExtra when used in FireFox
announces the source file cannot be found, when used in I.E hangs, advising
gathering file information.

I paste back the complete list, looking at the format of links before and
after, I can't find anything wrong I would be grateful if the original
poster could take a look and either come back with a replacement link (or if
necessary list) which works.

National stations

BBC Radio 1

BBC Radio 1xtra

BBC Radio 2

BBC Radio 3

BBC Radio 4FM

BBC Radio 4LW

BBC Radio 4 Extra

BBC Radio 5 Live

BBC Radio 5 Live Sportsball Extra

BBC Radio 6 Music

BBC Asian Network

BBC World Service UK stream

BBC World Service News stream

Nations and regions

Radio Cymru

BBC Radio Foyle

BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

BBC Radio Scotland

BBC Radio Ulster

BBC Radio Wales

Local radio (all broadcasting exactly the same programme as I compiled

BBC Radio Berkshire

BBC Radio Bristol

BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

BBC Radio Cornwall

BBC Coventry & Warwickshire

BBC Radio Cumbria

BBC Radio Derby

BBC Radio Devon

BBC Essex

BBC Radio Gloucestershire

BBC Radio Guernsey

BBC Hereford & Worcester

BBC Radio Humberside

BBC Radio Jersey

BBC Radio Kent

BBC Radio Lancashire

BBC Radio Leeds

BBC Radio Leicester

BBC Radio Lincolnshire

BBC Radio London

BBC Radio Manchester

BBC Radio Merseyside

BBC Newcastle

BBC Radio Norfolk

BBC Radio Northampton

BBC Radio Nottingham

BBC Radio Oxford

BBC Radio Sheffield

BBC Radio Shropshire

BBC Radio S

RE: England V. SA cricket

2017-05-24 Thread André van Deventer
I use wytopia at

Works reasonably well.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:20 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket

Actually, I could earlier but the latest version of their software is 
inaccessible on PC's and on Android encryption is very weak as we use 
accessibility features.  The only way I can use it is Iphone but there I have 
data restrictions.  So I can but I can't.  I am a bit irritated.  Any other way?

I would have preferred Guerilla cricket but they have no crowd sound effects 
and I don't like the atmosphere there.


-Original Message-
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 10:21 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


Can you not use Tunnelbear VPN to access the bbc from India?


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:59 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket


If I can suggest I use Tunnelbear VPN,  but you will agree it is not as good as 
listening directly.

Some hope for champions' trophy if cricket radio broadcasts then you may get it 
on west Indian stations.  If you need help contact me nearer the time.
Do keep in touch.  Also, any private stations?  even off screen will do.

By the way, All India radio have stopped broacasting cricket since we got this 
new government in 2014 except CWC.  I hate these people.

-----Original Message- 
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 8:16 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


Found an article on the net that stated that the SABC will not be
broadcasting either the matches between England and SA or the champions
trophy matches.

So we are stuck with the BBC which will not let us listen.

The only is now to get a VPN service for access to the BBC!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:12 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket

Any plan for the next matches and the Champion's trophy?  I hate these
cricket rights things.  Arrogance of the worst kind.

-Original Message-
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:34 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


We don't even get it here in SA at the moment!

Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:32 PM
Subject: England V. SA cricket

Hi Friends,

Ordinarily, whenever Souuth Africa plays cricket matches the commentary is
broadcaste on radio 2000 but this time I don’t see it there.  Could anyone
in South Africa enlighten me on this?  I know it is there on BBC Radio 5live
Sportsextra but unfortunately I can’t get it in India.  Any help will be
appreciated.  Thank you.

With best wishes,


RE: England V. SA cricket

2017-05-24 Thread André van Deventer

Can you not use Tunnelbear VPN to access the bbc from India?


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:59 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket


If I can suggest I use Tunnelbear VPN,  but you will agree it is not as good as 
listening directly.

Some hope for champions' trophy if cricket radio broadcasts then you may get it 
on west Indian stations.  If you need help contact me nearer the time. 
Do keep in touch.  Also, any private stations?  even off screen will do.

By the way, All India radio have stopped broacasting cricket since we got this 
new government in 2014 except CWC.  I hate these people.

-Original Message----- 
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 8:16 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


Found an article on the net that stated that the SABC will not be 
broadcasting either the matches between England and SA or the champions 
trophy matches.

So we are stuck with the BBC which will not let us listen.

The only is now to get a VPN service for access to the BBC!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan 
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:12 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket

Any plan for the next matches and the Champion's trophy?  I hate these 
cricket rights things.  Arrogance of the worst kind.

-----Original Message-
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:34 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


We don't even get it here in SA at the moment!

Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan 
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:32 PM
Subject: England V. SA cricket

Hi Friends,

Ordinarily, whenever Souuth Africa plays cricket matches the commentary is 
broadcaste on radio 2000 but this time I don’t see it there.  Could anyone 
in South Africa enlighten me on this?  I know it is there on BBC Radio 5live 
Sportsextra but unfortunately I can’t get it in India.  Any help will be 
appreciated.  Thank you.

With best wishes,


RE: England V. SA cricket

2017-05-24 Thread André van Deventer

Found an article on the net that stated that the SABC will not be broadcasting 
either the matches between England and SA or the champions trophy matches.

So we are stuck with the BBC which will not let us listen.

The only is now to get a VPN service for access to the BBC!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:12 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket

Any plan for the next matches and the Champion's trophy?  I hate these cricket 
rights things.  Arrogance of the worst kind.

-Original Message-----
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:34 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


We don't even get it here in SA at the moment!

Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:32 PM
Subject: England V. SA cricket

Hi Friends,

Ordinarily, whenever Souuth Africa plays cricket matches the commentary is 
broadcaste on radio 2000 but this time I don’t see it there.  Could anyone in 
South Africa enlighten me on this?  I know it is there on BBC Radio 5live 
Sportsextra but unfortunately I can’t get it in India.  Any help will be 
appreciated.  Thank you.

With best wishes,


RE: England V. SA cricket

2017-05-24 Thread André van Deventer
I doubt it over here ...
But that's the SABC for you!

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:12 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Re: England V. SA cricket

Any plan for the next matches and the Champion's trophy?  I hate these cricket 
rights things.  Arrogance of the worst kind.

-Original Message-----
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 7:34 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: England V. SA cricket


We don't even get it here in SA at the moment!

Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:32 PM
Subject: England V. SA cricket

Hi Friends,

Ordinarily, whenever Souuth Africa plays cricket matches the commentary is 
broadcaste on radio 2000 but this time I don’t see it there.  Could anyone in 
South Africa enlighten me on this?  I know it is there on BBC Radio 5live 
Sportsextra but unfortunately I can’t get it in India.  Any help will be 
appreciated.  Thank you.

With best wishes,


RE: England V. SA cricket

2017-05-24 Thread André van Deventer

We don't even get it here in SA at the moment!

Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Ketan Kothari
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:32 PM
Subject: England V. SA cricket

Hi Friends,

Ordinarily, whenever Souuth Africa plays cricket matches the commentary is 
broadcaste on radio 2000 but this time I don’t see it there.  Could anyone in 
South Africa enlighten me on this?  I know it is there on BBC Radio 5live 
Sportsextra but unfortunately I can’t get it in India.  Any help will be 
appreciated.  Thank you.

With best wishes,


RE: Victor Reader Stream 2nd Generation

2017-05-06 Thread André van Deventer
Now where will you get this little player since Neville retired?

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Aidan
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2017 7:39 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Victor Reader Stream 2nd Generation

Well, I think that humanware really like to give us quite crappy hardware and 
then we pay fru our nek for what? I love my stream, but I agree that PlexTalk 
do a much better job with hardware. The stream wifi chip is really not that 
good. I would love to get a milestone, I think I would like the 212 as it sfor 
voice and music mostly, as I have enough players with more in a package.
I have both ptp1 and ptn2, wich have great speakers as said.
I just think that PlexTalk should make their devices faster and update it more, 
then I can support them 100%. But the player I enjoy a lot now is the evo e 10 
from vin-vision. They a china baste company but they really do great work.
The player have wifi, and its very strong, and the hardware in general is very 
good. It don't have a full keypad though, so you do most things with the up, 
down, left and write and enter, but it have the most features of all.
Both fm radio and internet radio, podcast ability, recorder, and soon will 
hopefully be able to record internet radio also. Five alarms, voice memos, 
voice reminders, (similar to the notepad on ptr2) The recorder is actually so 
loud when recording from external sorces or radio that you need to set 
recording volume to 1 or 2, and the nice thing about it is that if something is 
very soft, then you can make it louder to record better.
Also have noise gate. Not to high quality bitrates, but the most used are 
there. It even have time announcements on hour or hafr hour or 15 minits. It 
uses evona tts joei and sally. It have calculator and compus bookmarks, and 
customizable hotkey set. Also alouw for copying/moving/deleting files. It have 
four gig internal memory and uses also sd hc carts. Extremely stable firmware 
and take ten seconds to upgrade firmware. Can also check for updates online. It 
have a large speaker on the top frunt, and sound louder than even ptp1. You can 
choose if you want it to remember the playback position of different content. 
Music, wich also include any playable audio, e-books and daisy.

On 04/05/2017, john schwery  wrote:
> The Battery in my NLS player is down to around 8 hours, now.  I don't 
> know why they can't solve the battery life issue.
> At 10:07 AM 5/4/2017, you wrote:
>>I read quite a lot and while at home, in my opinion, nothing beats the 
>>NLS player, with its good sound, long-lasting battery, although the 
>>battery life, that begins at 40 hours, slowly degrades to about 16 
>>with prolonged use.  The Iphone of course, is also excellent for 
>>listening to BARD books, but with so many other apps on the Iphone and 
>>now with unlimited data, plus texting and the telephone itself, I 
>>prefer to also take the Milestone 312 for the books.
>>The problem is that we are slowly  becoming pack horses, when you take 
>>into consideration that when travelling, I normally take my Iphone, 
>>Milestone, Olympus, ORCAM, laptop and CPap machine.
>>Everything could be improved of course.  The NLS players could solve 
>>the battery-life issue plus add Bluetooth capability;  the Milestone 
>>could add Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and an antenna for the FM radio, for now it 
>>uses the wire of the headphones as antenna; the ORCAM should be able 
>>to save the text it scans,  etc.
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Pc-audio
>>[] On Behalf Of Hamit Campos
>>Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2017 7:33 AM
>>To: PC Audio Discussion List 
>>Subject: Re: Victor Reader Stream 2nd Generation
>>Cool. Yes I've red that the new 1 has a radio. I'm glad it's so much 
>>better then my 311. So you'd say it's worth it then? Cause I've never 
>>seen 1 and wasn't sure how much of an upgrade it is. As for the NLS 
>>player. I too have 1. It's cool looking. Don't use it as often though.
>>What with the app being on my phone.
>>On 5/4/2017 2:03 AM, Humberto Rodriguez wrote:
>> > Hello Hamit:
>> >
>> > Yes, I do have the 312 and it is excellent,
>> except as I said, that it does not have Wi-Fi.  I also have a VRS but 
>> one of the first generation.  I do not use the Milestone for 
>> recording except for emergencies, I have an Olympus DS-50 for that 
>> and I normally do not record stereo, mostly monoaural voice.
>> >
>> > The Milestone 312 has a circular speaker with
>> a grill in front, rather large for the size of the hardware, that 
>> plays excellent sound, albeit mono; to hear stereo you must use 
>> headphones, but either way the sound is remarkable for such a small 
>> player.  It also has FM radio.
>> >
>> > I normally use the NLS player to listen to
>> BARD books at home, but when travelling or otherwise away from home, 
>> use mostly my Milestone, I pref

RE: sound input on the mac mini

2017-03-20 Thread André van Deventer
Thanx dane - will forward this to him.

It's one of those headsets with a plug for the microphone and a plug for the
headphone part.
Of course if the socket does nothave enough power then he will have to take
the other route.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 9:18 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: sound input on the mac mini


Yes, the input socket is a line-in standard and - unlike some Windows sound
cards - doesn't provide power either so you have some alternatives at your
disposal, I'll give you a link with more details at the bottom of this

A microphone can be used with this socket but it needs to be of the battery
powered kind - in other words the microphone has to provide amplification.

On the Mac Mini a microphone is usually connected via the output socket
believe it or not.

This doesn't make sense when you read it but when you think about it
connecting a microphone to the output socket makes perfect sense.

Suppose you have a set of Apple Earbuds or compatible headset with an inline
microphone or similar, all you have to do is to plug the headset into the
line-out/headphones socket and you have both your headphones and microphone

I know that various adapters are available for this socket including one
which will allow the oconnection of the conventional two plug stereo headset
- one plug being for the headphones themselves and the other being for the
microphone on the headset -.

Some more information about the audio in and out on the Mac Mini before we
move on.

Both these jacks are capable of accepting digital signals which is handy to
know if you're connecting to speakers with a digital input, connecting to a
source such as a TV or similar for recording from a digital output and so

Now if the microphone situation with the audio in and out sockets is just
far too annoying then the easiest way to get around all this is to use one
of the USB sockets for either a dedicated USB microphone or - perhaps a
better option in your firneds case - a USB adapter.

This adapter is affectively a USB Sound Card dongle which provides the
connections for a powered microphone - standard Windows PC type - or other
microphone so you'll have to do a little research here into what's

So here ends my explanation and I hope you followed along  and here's
the support link from the Apple site.
On 21/03/2017 5:52 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Hi all
> Firstly I know nothing about mac computers and do not have one.  I am 
> asking this on behalf of a friend who has one.
> He bought a mac mini a few days ago.  Apparently there are two 3.5 mm
> sockets on this machine.  One is an output and one an input.   The output
> enough to drive a pair of headphones but the input seems to only be line
> His question is whether it is possible to switch between line in and 
> microphone input like most windows sound devices.  Or is this socket 
> line in only?  He is trying to use a headset that he already has.  The 
> sound comes out fine on the output side but of course the input is
completely dead.
> Regards
> André

sound input on the mac mini

2017-03-20 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


Firstly I know nothing about mac computers and do not have one.  I am asking
this on behalf of a friend who has one.


He bought a mac mini a few days ago.  Apparently there are two 3.5 mm
sockets on this machine.  One is an output and one an input.   The output is
enough to drive a pair of headphones but the input seems to only be line in.
His question is whether it is possible to switch between line in and
microphone input like most windows sound devices.  Or is this socket line in
only?  He is trying to use a headset that he already has.  The sound comes
out fine on the output side but of course the input is completely dead.





Knosti Disco Antistat

2017-02-18 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


Has anyone ever used this specific cleaner and how did you find it?  



RE: Vinyl Studio

2017-01-19 Thread André van Deventer
The ones I will be using hasn't been cleaned or played for some time!  Need 
something to get the dirt out from inside the grooves I think.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 11:16 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Vinyl Studio

I use a micro fibre cloth these days, pulls the dust from the record.

> On 19 Jan 2017, at 8:12 pm, André van Deventer  
> wrote:
> Still must find the time to put this through  its paces.  Just trying to find 
> the best solution now to clean records.  Other equipment in place - NAD 
> preamp and Rega iii turntable!
> Regards
> Andr é
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:43 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Fwd: Vinyl Studio
> Hi!
> Here’s an eMail from someone writing to the techno-chat list regarding the 
> Vinyl Studio Record Cataloging and Recording Software for Windows and Mac OS.
> I own both the versions of this excellent Software and of course credit goes 
> to another list member of pc-audio who brought Vinyl Studio to my attention 
> in the first place, I’m extremely grateful and now for Gordon’s views on the 
> Software and associated topics.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Gordon Smith 
>> Subject: [Techno-Chat]: Vinyl Studio
>> Hello everybody
>> There’s a software solution out there which Dane recently pointed out to me 
>> called “Vinyl Studio”. Available for Windows & MacOS, Vinyl Studio seems to 
>> totally out-perform the rest of the similar products I have at my disposal, 
>> including Sound Forge Professional and even Adobe Audition, (which I use at 
>> the community radio station where I work).
>> Vinyl Studio can even detect the sound of your placing the stylus down on a 
>> disk, and start recording automatically thereafter until either the end of a 
>> track, or until you list the queue arm again. The noise reduction / crackle 
>> removal seems to be at least on a par with those which retail for 10 times 
>> the price of this software. Plus, you don’t get the clipping effect which 
>> most of those actually insert by trimming the higher frequencies where you’d 
>> get crackle much too aggressively.
>> I have literally thousands of albums and probably an equal number of old 
>> 45’s, plus a handful of 78’s (which my deck will not accommodate, sadly). I 
>> have already searched high and low on the Internet, as well as in a number 
>> of UK and Europe-wide music stores without any luck for a goodly number of 
>> these albums. Until now, I hadn’t given serious thought to sampling them, 
>> owing to the fact that without processing, crackles and pops from some of 
>> these 1960s and 1950s albums actually sound much more pronounced 
>> post-sampling. So I’d more or less given up on them. Now, however, thanks to 
>> Vinyl Studio, my plans for these albums have been radically revised, and 
>> I’ve just brought most of them down from my attic, where they’ve been stored 
>> for years in dust-proof cartons. Some of them haven’t been opened during the 
>> course of my lifetime, which is considerable, I might say!
>> Thanks, Dane, for this very excellent recommendation. Well, I’m saying 
>> thanks, maybe not actually, because you have just created several hundreds 
>> of hours of work for me I think. ;-)
>> I say that very tongue-in-cheek, because I’m actually really looking forward 
>> to listening once again to some of these, and to capturing for prosperity 
>> some of those which I’ve never listened too at all. They came to me years 
>> ago in the cartons where my late Aunt stored them. She sent them to me just 
>> before she died about 20 years ago, knowing how I love old records. So, here 
>> we go! Let the fun begin!
>> Oh yes, I guess I should include the now almost obligatory URL to the 
>> product, which just happens to be British, for a change. Maybe there is 
>> something we do best after all, apart, that is, from producing the best 
>> branded audio speakers and the best Bluetooth speaker systems in the world! 
>> :)
>> Vinyl Studio can, of course, handle tapes and other old analogue material, 
>> (such as the audio from VHS and Betamax Video Cassettes). It seems to have 
>> the highest technology noise gates I am aware of of any product at all. I 
>> shall be taking this to the studio with me tomorrow.  Anyway, here’s the 
>> website:

RE: Vinyl Studio

2017-01-19 Thread André van Deventer
Still must find the time to put this through  its paces.  Just trying to find 
the best solution now to clean records.  Other equipment in place - NAD preamp 
and Rega iii turntable!


Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:43 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Fwd: Vinyl Studio

Here’s an eMail from someone writing to the techno-chat list regarding the 
Vinyl Studio Record Cataloging and Recording Software for Windows and Mac OS.
I own both the versions of this excellent Software and of course credit goes to 
another list member of pc-audio who brought Vinyl Studio to my attention in the 
first place, I’m extremely grateful and now for Gordon’s views on the Software 
and associated topics.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Gordon Smith 
> Subject: [Techno-Chat]: Vinyl Studio
> Hello everybody
> There’s a software solution out there which Dane recently pointed out to me 
> called “Vinyl Studio”. Available for Windows & MacOS, Vinyl Studio seems to 
> totally out-perform the rest of the similar products I have at my disposal, 
> including Sound Forge Professional and even Adobe Audition, (which I use at 
> the community radio station where I work).
> Vinyl Studio can even detect the sound of your placing the stylus down on a 
> disk, and start recording automatically thereafter until either the end of a 
> track, or until you list the queue arm again. The noise reduction / crackle 
> removal seems to be at least on a par with those which retail for 10 times 
> the price of this software. Plus, you don’t get the clipping effect which 
> most of those actually insert by trimming the higher frequencies where you’d 
> get crackle much too aggressively.
> I have literally thousands of albums and probably an equal number of old 
> 45’s, plus a handful of 78’s (which my deck will not accommodate, sadly). I 
> have already searched high and low on the Internet, as well as in a number of 
> UK and Europe-wide music stores without any luck for a goodly number of these 
> albums. Until now, I hadn’t given serious thought to sampling them, owing to 
> the fact that without processing, crackles and pops from some of these 1960s 
> and 1950s albums actually sound much more pronounced post-sampling. So I’d 
> more or less given up on them. Now, however, thanks to Vinyl Studio, my plans 
> for these albums have been radically revised, and I’ve just brought most of 
> them down from my attic, where they’ve been stored for years in dust-proof 
> cartons. Some of them haven’t been opened during the course of my lifetime, 
> which is considerable, I might say!
> Thanks, Dane, for this very excellent recommendation. Well, I’m saying 
> thanks, maybe not actually, because you have just created several hundreds of 
> hours of work for me I think. ;-)
> I say that very tongue-in-cheek, because I’m actually really looking forward 
> to listening once again to some of these, and to capturing for prosperity 
> some of those which I’ve never listened too at all. They came to me years ago 
> in the cartons where my late Aunt stored them. She sent them to me just 
> before she died about 20 years ago, knowing how I love old records. So, here 
> we go! Let the fun begin!
> Oh yes, I guess I should include the now almost obligatory URL to the 
> product, which just happens to be British, for a change. Maybe there is 
> something we do best after all, apart, that is, from producing the best 
> branded audio speakers and the best Bluetooth speaker systems in the world! :)
> Vinyl Studio can, of course, handle tapes and other old analogue material, 
> (such as the audio from VHS and Betamax Video Cassettes). It seems to have 
> the highest technology noise gates I am aware of of any product at all. I 
> shall be taking this to the studio with me tomorrow.  Anyway, here’s the 
> website:
> />
> ===
> My compliments and kindest regards
> Gordon Smith:
> Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist.
> Mobile/SMS:
> +44 (0)7907 823971

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

crossfade app for the iphone

2016-12-26 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

Have just been wondering – does anyone know of an accessible crossfade app
for the iphone?  I don’t think the normal music player has that facility.



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

annoying behaviour of voice dream reader on ios lately

2016-12-19 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


I have always and am  still a huge fan of voice dream reader on my iphone
but lately the programme is acting up.  In the past, I could stop the
program, do something else on the phone and   then return to boice dream.
The program would return me to the exact place where I left off.  Lately,
when reading an audio book consisting of multiple mp3 files, it will return
me to the beginning of the file I was busy with and not to the exact place
in the fiole where I stopped.  I know it can be remedied by inserting a
bookmark where you sstoppped each time.  The point though is that in the
past it was not necessary.


Has anyone found this lately with voicedream?





RE: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor

2016-12-14 Thread André van Deventer

I have some good news for you.  I have found a device that might do the trick 
in the UK at
The postage to over here though is about the same as the original product 
though.  But this will do exactly what we want.



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Reed
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 8:58 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor


I have a tiny device that I have plugged into a splitter which is plugged into 
the phone jack on the wall.  The second side of the splitter holds the line to 
the phone.  I have the other end of my tiny device plugged into my Bookport 
input jack.  This works great when running my Bookport on battery power.  When 
I use AC power for the Bookport, the AC hum is so loud as to render the 
recording useless.  So, I really understand your issue.  If you find a useable 
device, I'd love to hear about it.

Another option for you might be to use a device that used to be available at 
Radio Shack that would reduce AC hum.  
You would plug this device into your AC plug on the wall, plug your recorder 
into this device and the AC hum was significantly reduced.  I haven't looked 
for or heard of this device for years.  So, I don't know if it is still 
available.  Just another angle...

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van 
Sent: December 13, 2016 8:59 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' 
Subject: RE: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor


I have spent hours looking on google  for such a device and also came across 
the link you mention.  But they work between the handset and the phone which is 
not what I wont.

I want my whole land line to run through the induction loop system.



Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 6:13 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor

Here's a very wide ranging article I found on the subject of how to record 
phone calls - whether you're using a standard telephone or mobile system -, I 
really don't know why other list members don't turn to Google first as they'd 
save quite a bit of time and come up with answers to questions in seconds 


“Oh, I’m an activist and I’m OK / I sleep all night and I tweet all day.”

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor

2016-12-13 Thread André van Deventer
I only used the PC as an example that more people could understand.  It will
be working independently from the pc and connected to a induction loop
system that works through the house.  The loop amplifier and the pc are
about 30 meters away from each other.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 8:38 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor

If you run freeswitch, you could use the portaudio module to get the output
of the phone line to your sound card which should do what you want.
Freeswitch is a whole pbx, so this may be overkill for you.
You would also need an adaptor to convert your phone line to sip.

On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 11:59:15 -0500,
André van Deventer wrote:
> Dane
> I have spent hours looking on google  for such a device and also came
across the link you mention.  But they work between the handset and the
phone which is not what I wont.
> I want my whole land line to run through the induction loop system.
> Regards
> André
> Regards
> Andr é
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 6:13 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor
> Here's a very wide ranging article I found on the subject of how to record
phone calls - whether you're using a standard telephone or mobile system -,
I really don't know why other list members don't turn to Google first as
they'd save quite a bit of time and come up with answers to questions in
seconds .
> /
> --
> **
> “Oh, I’m an activist and I’m OK / I sleep all night and I tweet all day.”
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

 John Covici

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor

2016-12-13 Thread André van Deventer
Exactly the problem!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Reed
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 8:58 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor


I have a tiny device that I have plugged into a splitter which is plugged into 
the phone jack on the wall.  The second side of the splitter holds the line to 
the phone.  I have the other end of my tiny device plugged into my Bookport 
input jack.  This works great when running my Bookport on battery power.  When 
I use AC power for the Bookport, the AC hum is so loud as to render the 
recording useless.  So, I really understand your issue.  If you find a useable 
device, I'd love to hear about it.

Another option for you might be to use a device that used to be available at 
Radio Shack that would reduce AC hum.  
You would plug this device into your AC plug on the wall, plug your recorder 
into this device and the AC hum was significantly reduced.  I haven't looked 
for or heard of this device for years.  So, I don't know if it is still 
available.  Just another angle...

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van 
Sent: December 13, 2016 8:59 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' 
Subject: RE: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor


I have spent hours looking on google  for such a device and also came across 
the link you mention.  But they work between the handset and the phone which is 
not what I wont.

I want my whole land line to run through the induction loop system.



Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 6:13 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor

Here's a very wide ranging article I found on the subject of how to record 
phone calls - whether you're using a standard telephone or mobile system -, I 
really don't know why other list members don't turn to Google first as they'd 
save quite a bit of time and come up with answers to questions in seconds 


“Oh, I’m an activist and I’m OK / I sleep all night and I tweet all day.”

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor

2016-12-13 Thread André van Deventer

I have spent hours looking on google  for such a device and also came across 
the link you mention.  But they work between the handset and the phone which is 
not what I wont.

I want my whole land line to run through the induction loop system.



Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 6:13 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: How to record phone calls - How-To - PC Advisor

Here's a very wide ranging article I found on the subject of how to record 
phone calls - whether you're using a standard telephone or mobile system -, I 
really don't know why other list members don't turn to Google first as they'd 
save quite a bit of time and come up with answers to questions in seconds 


“Oh, I’m an activist and I’m OK / I sleep all night and I tweet all day.”

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: looking for a device which can connect your landline to something like your pc

2016-12-13 Thread André van Deventer

A few problems here.

Many of these devices use the cord between the mouthpiece of the telephone
and  the telephone itself into which you connect the adapter.  This will not
work in my case - I have more than one telephone so I need to connect the
device into the land line itself.

Also - the devices for voice recorders very often will not work with
something running of mains power - the hum caused by the mains power is so
loud that it is completely unusuable as I have stated in my original



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 6:10 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: looking for a device which can connect your landline to
something like your pc

Another interesting device that will do the job though with a slight twist.

Ghe device outlined here is a voice recorder that comes with a telephone
adapter kit - uses the cables from the telephone - in order to record both
sides of the conversation straight to the recorder.

The specs indicate that this recorder records at a max of 192K MP3,
certainly better than what you'd need for recording from a standard
telephone line.

The recorder can be put into "Voice Activation" mode where the recorder
starts recording automatically when a voice is detected - set the level
according to your needs -.

The page shows all the specs and features of this unit and I have to be
honest, one of these little beauty's could find itself at home in my gadget

On 14/12/2016 2:18 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Hi all
> I’m looking for something which may not be available.
> I’m looking for a device that will allow you to route the sound of a
> telephone to a pc or any amplifier or mixing unit for example.
> This device must do the following:
> -  Connect into the telephone line itself and not into the cable
> from the mouthpiece of the telephone
> -  Have an output that can connedct to the analog input of a
> that runs from mains power.  That is quite important because I have
> found a device that works that way but it will only work from the
> input of a battery powered device like an mp3 recorder.  If you
> connect it to  a unit running from mains power the interference is so
> loud that the sound is completely drowned.
> I wish to connect this device to an induction loop system running
> through the whole house.
> Regards
> André
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


“Oh, I’m an activist and I’m OK / I sleep all night and I tweet all day.”

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

looking for a device which can connect your landline to something like your pc

2016-12-13 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I’m looking for something which may not be available.

I’m looking for a device that will allow you to route the sound of a
telephone to a pc or any amplifier or mixing unit for example.

This device must do the following:

-  Connect into the telephone line itself and not into the cable
from the mouthpiece of the telephone

-  Have an output that can connedct to the analog input of a device
that runs from mains power.  That is quite important because I have found a
device that works that way but it will only work from the input of a battery
powered device like an mp3 recorder.  If you connect it to  a unit running
from mains power the interference is so loud that the sound is completely

I wish to connect this device to an induction loop system running through
the whole house.



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

2016-11-26 Thread André van Deventer

Thanx.  It's not impossible to use it but extremely irritating.  And I must say 
I'm not impressed with the sound quality of Bluetooth at all!



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 6:19 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

That’s correct yes, the device turns power off when Bluetooth isn’t being used 
in order to save battery.
Remember that these adaptive devices are only meant to come into play when the 
phone rings and there’s a steady stream of Bluetooth data being generated thus 
the power stays on.

> On 27 Nov. 2016, at 2:33 am, John Covici  wrote:
> I think this is controlled by your device, for my bluetooth
> headphones, vo works fine without stuttering.
> Hope this helps.
> On Sat, 26 Nov 2016 10:06:43 -0500,
> André van Deventer wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I am using an adaptive device on my iphone which requires a bluetooth
>> connection.  One problem I do have is that the Bluetooth connection
>> keeps switching off every 2 or 3 seconds if there is no activity.
>> This means that I lose quite a bit of what voiceover is saying when
>> the connection starts up again.  I am wonder if there is a setting on
>> the iphone which will allow you to keep the Bluetooth connection
>> active for a longer period when it is inactive?
>> Regards
>> André
>> ---
>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> --
> Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
> How do
> you spend it?
> John Covici

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

2016-11-26 Thread André van Deventer

So this is quite possibly a problem with the device itself and cannot be
fixed on the phone?

The problem is worse here now.  |The Bluetooth must be enabled when the
system starts up again but also the wireless on my cochlear implant device
must be enabled also resulting in an even longer delay.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Tony
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 6:17 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

This is a problem with all of the Bluetooth transmitters I have tried.  The
signal drops after an interval of no audio.  The delay varies from less than
a second to several seconds, depending on device.  The problem is when the
audio returns there is a delay while the Bluetooth devices go through their
handshake protocol.  This causes a loss of the beginning of the audio.  One
of my devices looses over 5 seconds every time although it is usually only a
second or so.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 10:05 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

Let us hope this is not the case.  This specific device can be compared to
Bluetooth headphones yes.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 5:33 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

I think this is controlled by your device, for my bluetooth headphones, vo
works fine without stuttering.

Hope this helps.

On Sat, 26 Nov 2016 10:06:43 -0500,
André van Deventer wrote:
> Hi all
> I am using an adaptive device on my iphone which requires a bluetooth 
> connection.  One problem I do have is that the Bluetooth connection 
> keeps switching off every 2 or 3 seconds if there is no activity.
> This means that I lose quite a bit of what voiceover is saying when 
> the connection starts up again.  I am wonder if there is a setting on 
> the iphone which will allow you to keep the Bluetooth connection 
> active for a longer period when it is inactive?
> Regards
> André
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

 John Covici

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

2016-11-26 Thread André van Deventer
Let us hope this is not the case.  This specific device can be compared to
Bluetooth headphones yes.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 5:33 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

I think this is controlled by your device, for my bluetooth headphones, vo
works fine without stuttering.

Hope this helps.

On Sat, 26 Nov 2016 10:06:43 -0500,
André van Deventer wrote:
> Hi all
> I am using an adaptive device on my iphone which requires a bluetooth
> connection.  One problem I do have is that the Bluetooth connection
> keeps switching off every 2 or 3 seconds if there is no activity.
> This means that I lose quite a bit of what voiceover is saying when
> the connection starts up again.  I am wonder if there is a setting on
> the iphone which will allow you to keep the Bluetooth connection
> active for a longer period when it is inactive?
> Regards
> André
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

 John Covici

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

keeping bluetooth running on the iphone

2016-11-26 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I am using an adaptive device on my iphone which requires a bluetooth
connection.  One problem I do have is that the Bluetooth connection keeps
switching off every 2 or 3 seconds if there is no activity.  This means that
I lose quite a bit of what voiceover is saying when the connection starts up
again.  I am wonder if there is a setting on the iphone which will allow you
to keep the Bluetooth connection active for a longer period when it is



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digital to analog converters revisited

2016-11-21 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I know this has been discussed several times but here goes any.

I’m looking for a reasonably inexpensive digital to analog converter which I
will use to drive a sub whoofer.  It needs basically to have one USB digital
input and an audio analog output.  And it should also be able to handle
lower frequencies effectively.

Any ideas?



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difference between .aac raw and ordinary .aac files

2016-11-13 Thread André van Deventer
Hi folks

I’m trying to convert .aac raw files which were downloaded from the BBC
website to mp3 files.  I’ve tried to use the Switch converter  but the
converted mp3 files have 0 bytes in them.  All I can deduce is that  the
word raw before the .aac files has something to do with it.  Interesting
also is the only player I can get to play these raw .aac files is something
called Musig Groove in windows 7.  No other player can play them.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?



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converting .aac files to mp3 with Switch

2016-11-13 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I have been trying to convert an .aac file to mp3 with Switch.  However, the
converted file is only zero bytes long although the programme gave me no
error message at all?



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RE: Advice needed for good vinyl player and ria amp.

2016-11-05 Thread André van Deventer
The ceramic cartridge turntables that I heard and owned all had a very tinny 
sound.  Stick to turntables that use magnetic cartridges.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Anders 
Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2016 1:41 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Advice needed for good vinyl player and ria amp.

So my friend why is this so ghastly?
What should they be made of?
> On 3 Nov 2016, at 18:51, André van Deventer  
> wrote:
> I heard that some of the cheaper USB turntables actually have ceramic 
> cartridges!
> How absolutely ghastly!
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> goshawk on horseback
> Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2016 6:21 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Advice needed for good vinyl player and ria amp.
> audiotechnica do a few nice decks, which have both USB, and standard
> phono outputs with a line level option built in, so no need for an
> extra preamp. I personally like the AT-LP1240
> Simon
> - Original Message -
> From: "Anders Holmberg" 
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
> Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 11:49 AM
> Subject: Advice needed for good vinyl player and ria amp.
> Hi!
> Since my Dad passed on in July my intentions are to digitize some of
> his vinyl collections.
> Not only for sentimental reasons, also because he had some vinyls you
> can’t get from anywhere.
> So my questions are:
> What kind of vinyl player should i get?
> I think i read on this list that usb turntables are no good and i
> guess this is because the sound of the dac in the turntable?
> But if i by the new rega planar 1 2016 i guess i get a good player for
> the money or do i have to get up in price?
> The next thing is the Ria amp for the turntable.
> That has to be good enough but not in the expensive part of the price tag.
> Sadly i am not made of money *lol*.
> So any help you can give me are very welcome.
> Thanks in advance.
> /A
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: Advice needed for good vinyl player and ria amp.

2016-11-03 Thread André van Deventer
I heard that some of the cheaper USB turntables actually have ceramic 

How absolutely ghastly!

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of goshawk on 
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2016 6:21 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Advice needed for good vinyl player and ria amp.

audiotechnica do a few nice decks, which have both USB, and standard phono 
outputs with a line level option built in, so no need for an extra preamp. I 
personally like the AT-LP1240


- Original Message -
From: "Anders Holmberg" 
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 11:49 AM
Subject: Advice needed for good vinyl player and ria amp.

Since my Dad passed on in July my intentions are to digitize some of his
vinyl collections.
Not only for sentimental reasons, also because he had some vinyls you can’t
get from anywhere.
So my questions are:
What kind of vinyl player should i get?
I think i read on this list that usb turntables are no good and i guess this
is because the sound of the dac in the turntable?
But if i by the new rega planar 1 2016 i guess i get a good player for the 
money or do i have to get up in price?
The next thing is the Ria amp for the turntable.
That has to be good enough but not in the expensive part of the price tag.
Sadly i am not made of money *lol*.
So any help you can give me are very welcome.
Thanks in advance.

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is windows 10 still free

2016-10-03 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


Just want to know – is the windows 10 upgrade still free?



RE: Putting Vinyl Studio Pro Through Its Paces

2016-09-22 Thread André van Deventer
That is what I like about my Rega - the thing is probably close to 20 years old 
but still functions as new.  Incredibly solidly constructed with no 
unnecessarily bells and whistles.

Andr é

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Byron 
Sent: 22 September 2016 02:35 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Putting Vinyl Studio Pro Through Its Paces

No problem! The pro-ject tables have the adjustable tracking via counterwate, 
and the phono box is the preamp that you will need. Also these turntables are 
dead on for speed.
- Original Message -
From: "Dane Trethowan" 
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: Putting Vinyl Studio Pro Through Its Paces

Thanks for this, my Aiwa is getting a little old now and I have been looking 
around for a replacement.
Thankfully one of the Hi-Fi specialist stores I know very well does stock 
Pro-ject and they’re supposed to be very reasonable so I’ll take a look the 
next time I’m down there.

> On 22 Sep. 2016, at 6:54 am, Byron Stephens 
> wrote:
> I got one of the pro-ject turntables here, the pro-ject carbon, and 
> it's a beauty of a unit! True you pay more for their products, but 
> it's audiofile grade, and getting their phono box that they make is quite a 
> setup.
> - Original Message - From: "Dane Trethowan" 
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 12:33 PM
> Subject: Re: Putting Vinyl Studio Pro Through Its Paces
> Probably not worth bothering about unless you have a whole stack of 
> LP’S or Singles in vinyl to sample and thus catalogue.
>> On 22 Sep. 2016, at 5:04 am, André van Deventer 
>>  wrote:
>> I would be very curious to hear about your experience.  Haven't had 
>> time to do the same thing yet.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
>> Dane Trethowan
>> Sent: 21 September 2016 06:34 PM
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Subject: Putting Vinyl Studio Pro Through Its Paces
>> Yep, will be doing that this weekend, have some lost  45’s bought 
>> from Vinyl Australia to sample and I’ve got the old Aiwa Turntable 
>> prepared and ready, have one of the computers here connected to the 
>> line-out of the Rotal Amp which has a truly superb Fono stage built-in.
>> I have both the Mac and Windows versions of Vinyl Studio Pro so it 
>> will be interesting to see which I get better access to, the Mac or 
>> the Windows version, at this early stage they both seem rather equal.
>> **
>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest 
>> of the halfwits in this world behind.
> **
> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of 
> the halfwits in this world behind.
> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 2016.0.7797 / Virus Database: 4656/13054 - Release Date: 
> 09/20/16

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 2016.0.7797 / Virus Database: 4656/13054 - Release Date: 09/20/16

RE: Putting Vinyl Studio Pro Through Its Paces

2016-09-21 Thread André van Deventer
I would be very curious to hear about your experience.  Haven't had time to do 
the same thing yet.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 21 September 2016 06:34 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Putting Vinyl Studio Pro Through Its Paces

Yep, will be doing that this weekend, have some lost  45’s bought from Vinyl 
Australia to sample and I’ve got the old Aiwa Turntable prepared and ready, 
have one of the computers here connected to the line-out of the Rotal Amp which 
has a truly superb Fono stage built-in.
I have both the Mac and Windows versions of Vinyl Studio Pro so it will be 
interesting to see which I get better access to, the Mac or the Windows 
version, at this early stage they both seem rather equal.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

RE: bass shakers

2016-09-21 Thread André van Deventer
I don't really have a choice but to try something like that at present.
Just thought someone else had some experience with it.  The home theatre
effect part of it is of no relevance to me at all.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Hamit
Sent: 21 September 2016 04:47 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: bass shakers

H if you're talking about the things that are for home theater that
supposedly when you're watching say Jurasic park or a Godzilla movie is
supposed to vibrate your chare? I don't know. They should be pretty good
though as they are for theater use. They are meant for movies. Just be care
full cause they apparently according to Scott Wilkinson can make ya feel
funny. He calls them but shakers. He doesn't like them. But that's Scott. I
personally haven't tried them so I don't know. I'd probably try it if the
chance presents it self to before buying 1 just to see. Also if what Scott
had happen to him to also see if it doesn't make you feel weerd like it did
to him. But that's the idea. How effective it is I don't know. But actually
it might be kinda curious to try 1.

-Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 4:12 PM
Subject: bass shakers

Hi all


Has anyone ever tried one of these devices and would it amplify bass
frequencies of music say from below hundred herz so that you will be able to
feel it?  I do not have these frequencies anymore and am wondering if you
will be able to actually distinguish musical notes through them or are they
not accurate enough?


Hope this makes sense!!



bass shakers

2016-09-20 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


Has anyone ever tried one of these devices and would it amplify bass
frequencies of music say from below hundred herz so that you will be able to
feel it?  I do not have these frequencies anymore and am wondering if you
will be able to actually distinguish musical notes through them or are they
not accurate enough?


Hope this makes sense!!



RE: Daisy Player

2016-09-11 Thread André van Deventer
We must keep in mind that many people especially older folks who lose their 
sight later in life do not sometimes have good internet connections  or have 
the knowledge to utilize online services.  Also they may also have serious 
financial constraints caused by growing older.  fFor those people the libraries 
publishing their audio content in daisy format will be a source for reading 
material for a long time yet.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Andrea Sherry
Sent: 12 September 2016 12:05 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Daisy Player

Thanks for this information. This is exactly what I wanted to know.

On 11/09/2016 10:46 PM, Smiling? wrote:
> This is simply just a list of Daisy players that RNIB put together that I 
> thought may help whomever of you find informative. there are Desktop players, 
> Portable players (which I've copied and pasted below) and Computer software 
> players.
> Buy a DAISY player from RNIB | RNIB | Supporting people with sight loss:
> ooks-service-talking-books/buy-daisy-player-rnib
> Portable players
> If you want to fit a large amount of audio content in your pocket the these 
> small, lightweight players can be easily carried with you wherever you go. 
> They all use SD cards for storage and you will generally need to use a 
> computer in order to copy your content to the card. All portable DAISY 
> players have these common features:
> •play various audio file types - DAISY, MP3 and WAV •listen to text 
> files read out with the text-to-speech (T T S) software, with a choice 
> of male and female voices •microphone, speakers and headphone jack
> Milestone
> The Milestone is the smallest and lightest DAISY player on the market. There 
> are three different models but all feature the same simple layout with five 
> buttons arranged in a cross with a button in the centre and a mode button on 
> the top edge. These tactile keys and simple layout help ensure you hit the 
> right button every time.
> The Milestone 212 is primarily a book and music player and is one of the 
> easiest to use portable players.
> The Milestone 312 adds an FM radio, one gigabyte of internal memory, a clock, 
> timer and alarm. You can also manage appointments and set reminders by adding 
> Milestone Agenda software.
> The Milestone 312 Pro adds Speakout which enables you to record voice labels 
> for items around your home and office.
> You can also use the Milestone to work out what colour something is with the 
> optional Milestone Fame colour detector.
> Plextalk Pocket (PTP)
> Listen to web-based radio stations by using the built-in Wifi to connect to 
> the internet. The Plextalk Pocket has a number key pad providing shortcuts to 
> menu functions, bookmarks as well as arrow keys for navigation. The ability 
> to record in DAISY format makes it perfect for education and work. You can 
> add headings during a lecture so you can quickly and easily navigate the 
> audio when revising. Available in two colours; black with white buttons and 
> white with black buttons.
> Plextalk Linio Pocket
> The Plextalk Linio Pocket is very similar to the original Plextalk Pocket 
> both in design and adds a calendar, alarm and 8GB of internal memroy.
> BookSense
> The BookSense is compatible with the widest range of formats enabling you to 
> listen to content from the widest selection of providers. The BookSense range 
> all have FM radio and a dedicated time button. There are three models 
> available - BookSense T50, BookSense T50XT and the BookSense DS.
> The red BookSense T50 has a number key pad and arrow keys for navigation.
> The white BookSense T50XT has the same key layout as the T50 but also has 
> four gigabytes of internal memory and Bluetooth so you can listen to your 
> music and books using wireless headphones.
> The BookSense DS also has Bluetooth and four gigabytes of internal memory but 
> also has a high quality OLED screen. Its number key pad has well defined, 
> tactile buttons.
> Blaze ET & EZ
> New Victor Reader Stream
> The Victor Reader Stream 2 is roughly the size of a pack of playing cards and 
> is the largest of the portable players. Its number key pad has well defined 
> and raised tactile buttons.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
> Andrea Sherry
> Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 5:02 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Daisy Player
> Need a suggestion for a new player which is not the Victor Reader Stream.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers
> Andrea

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now 
and make a brand new ending." - Carl Brad

RE: Vinyl Studio

2016-09-10 Thread André van Deventer

My initial impressions also seem to be quite good.  I might also fork out the 
necessary money to get the full version.  Dialog boxes and even the menus seem 
to be quite accessible.  Will have to see how the complete things work though 
when recording.  It seems to be very specifically geared towards working with 
vinyl lps.  While you can probably use something like audacity for this 
purpose, chances are that vinyl studio might be a lot easier to work with.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 11 September 2016 05:29 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Vinyl Studio


I didn't intend trying this App but I'm now very glad I did at least take a 
look, you can find Vinyl Studio at

You can download a free trial of Vinyl Studio or buy a licence for $29 U.S. 
which I beleive to be extremely reasonable given everything the App does.

Yes, the App seems perfectly accessible though I cannot yet vouch for editing 
audio as I've not recorded anything with Vinyl Studio at this point however 
certainly all the dialogue boxes and edit boxes etc I cam across when setting 
up Vinyl Studio were easy to get to.

The real reason I myself wish to give Vinyl Studio a good is because of the 
completeness of the pacakge, anything pretty much to do with capturing your 
Vinyl is handled by Vinyl studio, capturing the vinyl to your computer, 
organising your albums into a collection, proting to CD, getting information 
from CDDB for your captured albums, cleaning up pops and noise  and much more.

Vinyl Studio also has a version available for Mac which I'm very much looking 
forward to trying.

accessibility of vinyl studio lite

2016-09-10 Thread André van Deventer
Hi folks


Just received my NAD PP4 phono preamplifier.  Nice little device with USB,
moving coil and moving magnet inputs, an auxiliary input for e.g. recording
cassette tapes and also an auxiliary output.  Very solidly constructed
little box with also a recording volume control on the front.


With it came a programme called Vinyl Studio lite.  I’m just wondering if
anyone has ever used this programme and whether it is accessible?  I suppose
this is no big deal as you can use any editor like audacity for example to
do your recordings but I was just wondering.





sndt audio

2016-08-24 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I am just curious – when I go to manage audio devices in windows 7, I see
quite a few items in the list called “sndt audio”.  I tried to find an
answer with google for this but I have no idea what they are.  Can anyone
tell me what this SNDT audio is and if I can remove this with device manager
without causing any harm to my sound devices?



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Sandberg USB Sound Box 7.1

2016-08-02 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

Has anyone used this sound device?  Is it accessible?  This also goes for
the software supplied with it.



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: Hurricans vs Sharks

2016-07-22 Thread André van Deventer

Sorry man should have gotten to you earlier.  If you have tunein radio  it 
works on there.  Just search for radio new Zealand sport and you will be good 
to go.  This one still works fine.

Poor sharkies!!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Fanus
Sent: 22 July 2016 08:04 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Hurricans vs Sharks

Hello Andre
I hope you are well.
Have you perhaps found a way to listen to the match tomorrow morning. The 
station on tapin radio does not play and even the New Zealand app on the iphone 
is silent.

From: André van Deventer
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 4:03 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' 
Subject: RE: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

As far as I understand it it is just an analog input.  At least that is what 
the manual that I downloaded says.



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 22 July 2016 12:48 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

Yes okay, sorry about the miss-understanding there , I've read those 
complaints too in reviews and - whilst those reviewers are very much entitled 
to their viewpoint - I think it trivia givin what the MM3's are but that's 
going over old ground again.

Regarding the line-in? You're correct about audio quality depreciating 
somewhat, its an analogue line-in after all and the MM1'S are based around 
Digital input hence the USB cable from the computer to the MM1's.

Now I can't remember exactly whether the analogue input of the MM1's doubles as 
a Toslink 3.5MM digital input? I know the input socket on the
A7 can be used as both analogue and digital, I have the A7 linked to my Sangean 
DDR63+ through a digital cable so with that - the DDr63 has DAB+ Radio, CD 
Player, Internet Radio, iPod dock etc -, with the A7'S ability to stream 
AirPlay and it linked to my computer via USB I have a pretty powerful system to 
be going on with.

On 22/07/2016 6:49 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Dane
> Perhaps I have not expressed myself correctly.  Definitely no one on this 
> list has complained about the fact that these speakers do not fill a huge 
> room with sound.  But I have read quite a few reviews complaining about this. 
>  Perhaps this is what I should have said.
> Like you I like the fact that the DAC is actually built into the the speakers 
> so that you will only need a USB connection.  I have not tried the 3.5 mm 
> input of the speakers yet but according to what I have read the sound quality 
> depreciates quite a bit - which makes me think that perhaps much of the 
> signal processing is actually done at the DAC stage of the speakers.
> André
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: 22 July 2016 10:15 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers
> Can I ask you who has complained about the Bowers And Wilkins MM1 speaker set 
> not filling a house with sound? No one on this list that I'm aware of has 
> complained about that, I've meerly mentioned it as a trait of this speaker 
> set and its perfectly acceptible to think that a desktop pair of computer 
> speakers wouldn't fill a house with sound as they're not designed to do that 
> at all.
> Logitech and other cheaper manufacturers do make speakers that disperse sound 
> however they don't sound nearly as good as the MM1's do as computer speakers.
> Again I make the obvious point which you're making and have made before as I 
> have done, the MM1 speakers are great placed on your desktop with you in 
> front of them or near them to fully enjoy them however if its room filling - 
> or even house filling - sound you want then the A7 or A5 are worth 
> considering.
> I think of the A7 as a computer speaker because it has - like the MM1 - a USB 
> input so it can be connected to your computer as a USB sound card would be 
> connected - as is the case with the MM1's -.
> The A7 is more a speaker music system whereas the MM1's are desktop computer 
> speakers.
> My only other comment is that I really wish I knew of other music 
> systems that had a USB input as the A7 does so if anyone knows any 
> others then perhaps they may wish to comment? I only know of one other 
> and that's the Kef X300 I think its call and that system is actually a 
> pair of bookshelf speakers so they're rather large.
> Its a beautiful set of speakers without a doubt and exhibits 
> everything in sound that Kef speakers are well

RE: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

2016-07-22 Thread André van Deventer
As far as I understand it it is just an analog input.  At least that is what 
the manual that I downloaded says.



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 22 July 2016 12:48 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

Yes okay, sorry about the miss-understanding there , I've read those 
complaints too in reviews and - whilst those reviewers are very much entitled 
to their viewpoint - I think it trivia givin what the MM3's are but that's 
going over old ground again.

Regarding the line-in? You're correct about audio quality depreciating 
somewhat, its an analogue line-in after all and the MM1'S are based around 
Digital input hence the USB cable from the computer to the MM1's.

Now I can't remember exactly whether the analogue input of the MM1's doubles as 
a Toslink 3.5MM digital input? I know the input socket on the
A7 can be used as both analogue and digital, I have the A7 linked to my Sangean 
DDR63+ through a digital cable so with that - the DDr63 has DAB+ Radio, CD 
Player, Internet Radio, iPod dock etc -, with the A7'S ability to stream 
AirPlay and it linked to my computer via USB I have a pretty powerful system to 
be going on with.

On 22/07/2016 6:49 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Dane
> Perhaps I have not expressed myself correctly.  Definitely no one on this 
> list has complained about the fact that these speakers do not fill a huge 
> room with sound.  But I have read quite a few reviews complaining about this. 
>  Perhaps this is what I should have said.
> Like you I like the fact that the DAC is actually built into the the speakers 
> so that you will only need a USB connection.  I have not tried the 3.5 mm 
> input of the speakers yet but according to what I have read the sound quality 
> depreciates quite a bit - which makes me think that perhaps much of the 
> signal processing is actually done at the DAC stage of the speakers.
> André
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: 22 July 2016 10:15 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers
> Can I ask you who has complained about the Bowers And Wilkins MM1 speaker set 
> not filling a house with sound? No one on this list that I'm aware of has 
> complained about that, I've meerly mentioned it as a trait of this speaker 
> set and its perfectly acceptible to think that a desktop pair of computer 
> speakers wouldn't fill a house with sound as they're not designed to do that 
> at all.
> Logitech and other cheaper manufacturers do make speakers that disperse sound 
> however they don't sound nearly as good as the MM1's do as computer speakers.
> Again I make the obvious point which you're making and have made before as I 
> have done, the MM1 speakers are great placed on your desktop with you in 
> front of them or near them to fully enjoy them however if its room filling - 
> or even house filling - sound you want then the A7 or A5 are worth 
> considering.
> I think of the A7 as a computer speaker because it has - like the MM1 - a USB 
> input so it can be connected to your computer as a USB sound card would be 
> connected - as is the case with the MM1's -.
> The A7 is more a speaker music system whereas the MM1's are desktop computer 
> speakers.
> My only other comment is that I really wish I knew of other music
> systems that had a USB input as the A7 does so if anyone knows any
> others then perhaps they may wish to comment? I only know of one other
> and that's the Kef X300 I think its call and that system is actually a
> pair of bookshelf speakers so they're rather large.
> Its a beautiful set of speakers without a doubt and exhibits
> everything in sound that Kef speakers are well known for.
> On 22/07/2016 5:35 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
>> The mm1 is manufactured as a desk top set and that is the job it does very 
>> very good.  I really cannot understand the complaints some folks have about 
>> it not filling up the whole house or big room with sound.  They are not 
>> designed to do that.They are designed to give you clear sound without 
>> booming bass when you are sitting in front of them.  And the sound is 
>> incredibly clear and detailed.  The bass is definitely there for such a 
>> small set of speakers but it is not a booming sound.  Interestingly enough 
>> you can actually feel the bass on the desktop where they are standing.  They 
>> cost me both my arms an

RE: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

2016-07-22 Thread André van Deventer

Perhaps I have not expressed myself correctly.  Definitely no one on this list 
has complained about the fact that these speakers do not fill a huge room with 
sound.  But I have read quite a few reviews complaining about this.  Perhaps 
this is what I should have said.

Like you I like the fact that the DAC is actually built into the the speakers 
so that you will only need a USB connection.  I have not tried the 3.5 mm input 
of the speakers yet but according to what I have read the sound quality 
depreciates quite a bit - which makes me think that perhaps much of the signal 
processing is actually done at the DAC stage of the speakers.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 22 July 2016 10:15 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

Can I ask you who has complained about the Bowers And Wilkins MM1 speaker set 
not filling a house with sound? No one on this list that I'm aware of has 
complained about that, I've meerly mentioned it as a trait of this speaker set 
and its perfectly acceptible to think that a desktop pair of computer speakers 
wouldn't fill a house with sound as they're not designed to do that at all.

Logitech and other cheaper manufacturers do make speakers that disperse sound 
however they don't sound nearly as good as the MM1's do as computer speakers.

Again I make the obvious point which you're making and have made before as I 
have done, the MM1 speakers are great placed on your desktop with you in front 
of them or near them to fully enjoy them however if its room filling - or even 
house filling - sound you want then the A7 or A5 are worth considering.

I think of the A7 as a computer speaker because it has - like the MM1 - a USB 
input so it can be connected to your computer as a USB sound card would be 
connected - as is the case with the MM1's -.

The A7 is more a speaker music system whereas the MM1's are desktop computer 

My only other comment is that I really wish I knew of other music
systems that had a USB input as the A7 does so if anyone knows any
others then perhaps they may wish to comment? I only know of one other
and that's the Kef X300 I think its call and that system is actually a
pair of bookshelf speakers so they're rather large.

Its a beautiful set of speakers without a doubt and exhibits everything
in sound that Kef speakers are well known for.

On 22/07/2016 5:35 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> The mm1 is manufactured as a desk top set and that is the job it does very 
> very good.  I really cannot understand the complaints some folks have about 
> it not filling up the whole house or big room with sound.  They are not 
> designed to do that.They are designed to give you clear sound without 
> booming bass when you are sitting in front of them.  And the sound is 
> incredibly clear and detailed.  The bass is definitely there for such a small 
> set of speakers but it is not a booming sound.  Interestingly enough you can 
> actually feel the bass on the desktop where they are standing.  They cost me 
> both my arms and both my legs but are certainly worth it.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: 22 July 2016 01:12 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers
> Yep fair point about the “Standby” issue unless something could trigger them 
> through the USB port connection perhaps? I’ll do some research on that later 
> on today.
> You’re right about opinion on sound being very subjective .  The one 
> thing I’ll say about the M1’s from hearing them that often is that they’re 
> not the type of speaker for a lounge room - meaning they’re not good at 
> projecting sound too far - so obviously they’re meant to enjoy good Hi-Fi 
> sound with you sitting nearly in front of them at your computer desk with the 
> M1’s sitting either side of you pounding up the rich sound.
> On the other hand - if you want something that projects sound far and wide - 
> and sounds as good at one end of the house as it does the other - then 
> something like the A7 might be the go, the A7 I have myself and it also hooks 
> up to the USB port of your computer which is a great touch for a speaker 
> system.
>> On 22 Jul 2016, at 8:25 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> Well, opinion of sound is always quite subjective, but I think the BMW M1 is 
>> a wonderful speaker. For their size, they are downright amazing. They are a 
>> small desk top speaker. And yes, even though I have left mine on 
>> occasionally for quite some time, and the right speaker did get rather warm, 
>> no damage app

RE: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

2016-07-22 Thread André van Deventer
The mm1 is manufactured as a desk top set and that is the job it does very very 
good.  I really cannot understand the complaints some folks have about it not 
filling up the whole house or big room with sound.  They are not designed to do 
that.They are designed to give you clear sound without booming bass when 
you are sitting in front of them.  And the sound is incredibly clear and 
detailed.  The bass is definitely there for such a small set of speakers but it 
is not a booming sound.  Interestingly enough you can actually feel the bass on 
the desktop where they are standing.  They cost me both my arms and both my 
legs but are certainly worth it.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 22 July 2016 01:12 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

Yep fair point about the “Standby” issue unless something could trigger them 
through the USB port connection perhaps? I’ll do some research on that later on 

You’re right about opinion on sound being very subjective .  The one 
thing I’ll say about the M1’s from hearing them that often is that they’re not 
the type of speaker for a lounge room - meaning they’re not good at projecting 
sound too far - so obviously they’re meant to enjoy good Hi-Fi sound with you 
sitting nearly in front of them at your computer desk with the M1’s sitting 
either side of you pounding up the rich sound.

On the other hand - if you want something that projects sound far and wide - 
and sounds as good at one end of the house as it does the other - then 
something like the A7 might be the go, the A7 I have myself and it also hooks 
up to the USB port of your computer which is a great touch for a speaker system.

> On 22 Jul 2016, at 8:25 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
> Well, opinion of sound is always quite subjective, but I think the BMW M1 is 
> a wonderful speaker. For their size, they are downright amazing. They are a 
> small desk top speaker. And yes, even though I have left mine on occasionally 
> for quite some time, and the right speaker did get rather warm, no damage 
> apparently resulted from that. I don't honestly know if there is some kind of 
> sleep or standby mode. It could also be even if there is one, that the 
> occasional sound coming through my Mac, such as a mail notification or 
> whatever, would've been enough to keep triggering the speakers even when I 
> was not actually using the Mac.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 21, 2016, at 12:04 PM, chris ramsay  wrote:
>>  mary what is your opinion of the sound of the b and w speakers. 
>> I think i'd be interested.  Chris
>> - Original Message - From: "Mary Otten" 
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
>> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 2:58 PM
>> Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers
>> This beaker containing all the amplification stuff does get hot. If you 
>> leave it on for a long time. If you just turn it off when you're not using 
>> it, it's fine. But if you forget and leave it on for a long time as I have 
>> done on occasion, yes, it does get hot.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 21, 2016, at 11:53 AM, Dane Trethowan  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi there!
>>> I know that people on this list have these speakers and I’m saving for a 
>>> pair myself.
>>> So to my question, I read another review on these fine speakers which 
>>> states that the speakers get hot after use.
>>> Well I’ve seen and listened to them enough and I’ve never noticed any real 
>>> heat generation from them though to be perfectly fair I’ve never used a 
>>> pair over a long period of time in a home environment so I put the question 
>>> to you all.
>>> I’m sure the MM1’s generate a little heat but - as I’ve seen them thus far 
>>> - no more than body heat type temperature.
>>> **
>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
>>> halfwits in this world behind.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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tapin radio and witopia

2016-07-03 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

In the past, I was able to listen to restricted broadcasts from the bbc
using tapin radio together with the witopia vpn.  Now however I seem to be
unable to do so.  I can access these broadcasts when connected to the London
UK service using internet explorer but not using tapin radio.  I keep being
told that this content is not available for me.  I suppose I can use the bbc
website and internet explorer to access it but I like using tapin radio for
this purpose.  Can someone help here?



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RE: [MediaReq] talking guitar tuner available in the apple store

2016-07-01 Thread André van Deventer

The mistake is mine.  I am indeed talking about the talking tuner!  Thanx for 
your answer.  It indeed seems to be worth the 99 cents it costs?

-Original Message-
From: Danny Noonan []
Sent: 01 July 2016 10:26 AM
To: André van Deventer
Subject: Re: [MediaReq] talking guitar tuner available in the apple store

I can't find a talking guitar tuner. I know and use talking tuner however and 
it works great. I tune my uke, mandolin, guitars and bass with great success. 
Tuning low notes like bass for example I play the 12th fret harmonics but 
having said that I can tune the G string on a bass and then tune the other 
strings from the G.
If there is a talking guitar tuner please post a link and I'll check it out.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 1 Jul 2016, at 6:17 PM, André van Deventer via MediaReq 
>  wrote:
> Hi all
> Does anyone have any experience with the talking guitar tuner
> availableon the iphone app store?  How accurate is it?  And how usable?
> Regards
> André
> ---
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talking guitar tuner for ios

2016-07-01 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

Does anyone have any experience with the talking guitar tuner  availableon
the iphone app store?  How accurate is it?  And how usable?



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adding shortcut keys to foobar 2000

2016-06-11 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I’m running into a strange problem within foobar 2000.  Let me add that I
have been  a user of this excellent program for the last few years now.

I’m using Jaws 17 on a windows 7 system.

Whenever I now try to add a shortcut key, say for example in the playback
section, using say shift-p for that, it changes all of the items in that
specific section to shift p.  And I cannot seem to get out of that mode!

Can anyone help.  It has never done this to me before.


Andr é

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lost my blindtunes serial number

2016-06-05 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I lost my blindtunes serial number by accident.  I filled in a contact
request on the website where you find blindtunes but have not heard from
anyone in the last few days.

Does anyone khow if there is a way to retrieve your serial number for



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RE: radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore ontapin radio

2016-05-27 Thread André van Deventer
But now tapin radio suddenly does not want to play anything here.  Not even

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Fanus
Sent: 27 May 2016 02:58 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore ontapin

Hello Andre
All that I can think is that they shifted the frequency a bit and the
developers of tapin and the ios app does not realize this factor.

From: André van Deventer
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 2:27 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore ontapin

It also does not want to play on the radio new Zealand pro lite app!  Very

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Fanus
Sent: 27 May 2016 12:50 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore on tapin

Hallo Andre
I experience the same problem, so if you find a solution please let me know
and I shall do likewise.

From: André van Deventer
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 9:17 AM
Subject: radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore on tapin

Hi all

It seems that Radio New Zealand Sport does not seem to play anymore on Tapin
Radio.  Nor does the it seem to play anymore on the IOS new Zealand radio
app.  Does anyone know why this is?



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This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore on tapin radio

2016-05-27 Thread André van Deventer
It also does not want to play on the radio new Zealand pro lite app!  Very

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Fanus
Sent: 27 May 2016 12:50 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore on tapin

Hallo Andre
I experience the same problem, so if you find a solution please let me know
and I shall do likewise.

From: André van Deventer
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 9:17 AM
Subject: radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore on tapin

Hi all

It seems that Radio New Zealand Sport does not seem to play anymore on Tapin
Radio.  Nor does the it seem to play anymore on the IOS new Zealand radio
app.  Does anyone know why this is?



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This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: B&W speakers arrived finally

2016-05-27 Thread André van Deventer
It was for me most certainly!

I have what I need now.

Still need to try that society of sound website out.  Got a 3 months
subscription for it.  Never heard of this music site though I get the
impression you can download there only in lossless format.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: 27 May 2016 10:25 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: B&W speakers arrived finally

I certainly sympathise with you regarding scraping up funds and waiting as
that's exactly what I've been doing with the B&W A7 I'll have in my hands
shortly so I guess the only consolation about it all is that the wait for
such things is certainly worthwhile.

On 27/05/2016 5:07 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> We actually have an authorized B&W agent here also with several
> sub-distrubitors throughout the country.  The fact that my speakers
> took so long was due to the fact that I had to scrape the funds
> together to pay the rest of the money.  Imported from the UK it took
> just over 3 weeks to arrive in SA.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: 27 May 2016 07:21 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: B&W speakers arrived finally
> Most of my B&W merchandise has come from my local online Apple Store,
> my
> P7 headphones and the A7 speaker system were bought from a specialist
> Hi-Fi shop up the road.
> One of our biggest department store chains - Harvey Norman - stocks
> B&W though when you contact them to order it their out of stock if
> that makes any sense so you have to wait, and wait and wait.
> On 27/05/2016 2:36 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Well, here in the town where I live, you definitely have to visit a
>> high end store to get the brands you named. Those Magnolia shops or
>> rooms are limited to the Best Buy stores where there are big bucks in
>> the surrounding community. In fact, the one store here that had B&W
>> is closed. So if you want 'em, on line is it.
>> Mary


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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radio new zealand sport does not seem to play anymore on tapin radio

2016-05-27 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

It seems that Radio New Zealand Sport does not seem to play anymore on Tapin
Radio.  Nor does the it seem to play anymore on the IOS new Zealand radio
app.  Does anyone know why this is?



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RE: B&W speakers arrived finally

2016-05-27 Thread André van Deventer
We actually have an authorized B&W agent here also with several
sub-distrubitors throughout the country.  The fact that my speakers took so
long was due to the fact that I had to scrape the funds together to pay the
rest of the money.  Imported from the UK it took just over 3 weeks to arrive
in SA.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: 27 May 2016 07:21 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: B&W speakers arrived finally

Most of my B&W merchandise has come from my local online Apple Store, my
P7 headphones and the A7 speaker system were bought from a specialist Hi-Fi
shop up the road.

One of our biggest department store chains - Harvey Norman - stocks B&W
though when you contact them to order it their out of stock if that makes
any sense so you have to wait, and wait and wait.

On 27/05/2016 2:36 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Well, here in the town where I live, you definitely have to visit a 
> high end store to get the brands you named. Those Magnolia shops or 
> rooms are limited to the Best Buy stores where there are big bucks in 
> the surrounding community. In fact, the one store here that had B&W is 
> closed. So if you want 'em, on line is it.
> Mary


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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society of sound music service

2016-05-25 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

Do any of you know anything about a music service called society of sound?
If I register my Bowers and Wilkens mm1 speakers with Bowers and Wilkens I
apparently get a 3 months subscription to this service.  Just wondering if
it is accessible?



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RE: B&W speakers arrived finally

2016-05-24 Thread André van Deventer

Got it sorted thanx!

Pricy but the most amazing set of speakers I have ever owned.

Just keep in mind they're desktop speakers.  They're not made to fill a whole 
room.  I've heard criticism about that.  My feeling is though that you buy a 
set of speakers for the purpose you want to use them.  I tested them with a 
sweep generator program and they go down to about 50 Hz when they start to fall 
off.  Amazing for such small units!

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 24 May 2016 06:38 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: B&W speakers arrived finally

Okay to the problem of the broken tab on your remote.

The bottom of the remote comes off in the same way that the bottom might come 
off an older type of mouse when changing the ball, turn the cover anti 
clockwise and you’ll feel it come off and the tab will drop out.

The remote control - if its the same one as comes with all other B&W Powered 
Speakers - should be easy enough to get around, 5 buttons in the shape of a 
cross, 2 buttons either side control track back and forward, middle button is 
your pause button, up and down control volume, the slightly indented bottom 
button is your source - toggles between USB and Aux-In mode - and very top 
button is for power.

I’m not surprised to hear your summary of the B&W Audio as being subtle but 
very desirably so in my opinion.

I had been wondering how you’d been going with this set of speakers and I 
hadn’t forgotten, actually I was forcibly reminded of your speaker set 
yesterday, I’ve finally managed to save enough money to get the B&W A7 speaker 
system so started doing research to find a good price which paid off 
immediately, I was able to find a place that had one model left on the floor 
for sale at 2 thirds of the original price so that’s been reserved until I can 
arrange to go and pick it up and I don’t mind telling you all that the pickup 
day can’t come quickly enough.

> On 25 May 2016, at 1:40 AM, André van Deventer  
> wrote:
> Hi all
> For those of you who might still remember – my pair of B&W mm1
> speakers finally arrived today.
> Getting started was rather straight forward.   I simply connected up the two
> speakers, connected it up to the power supply and plugged in the USB port.
> Was a bit of a problem finding the power button on the side of the
> active speaker but when I finally found it by accident, the computer
> recognised it immediately and installed the windows drivers.  It now
> shows up in my audio devices as mm1.
> The two rather small speakers are surprisingly heavy for their size and
> extremely solidly constructed.   There are two buttons on the left side of
> the speaker for volume control and one on the right side of the
> speaker which is the power on button.  All of these buttons must be 
> physically press
> so they give tactile feedback.   But there is now physicale indication where
> they are located.
> There is a basic little remote control that comes with the unit which
> I have not yet used.  You have to pul out f small tab that keeps the
> battery door from closing.  I messed up things a bit so the greatest
> part of the tab broke off!  Still have to get the rest out.
> The sound that comes out of these little speakers is quite astonishing.
> However, if you are looking for booming bass and screeching highs as
> seem to be the case with much of the modern equipment, you are going
> to be very disappointed.  The sound of the B&W is subtle  that is the
> only way I can describe it.  All the frequencies are there that you
> would need.  And the sound is wonderfully clear.
> Am still running some tests so will get back later if anyone is interested.
> Regards
> Andre
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: B&W speakers arrived finally

2016-05-24 Thread André van Deventer

Yes two separate speakers.  They connect by usb  to your computer directly so 
you do not need to use an external digital to audio converter for them.  The 
connections are all at the back on the underside of the speaker.

They run from their own power supply so they are not portable in that sense of 
the world.  But it should be quite easy to travel with them although they are 
quite heavy!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Fanus
Sent: 24 May 2016 06:22 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: B&W speakers arrived finally

Hello Andre
I assume there are two speakers to have stereo sound? So are both connected via 
bluetooth simultaneously? Did you get it here in SA?

From: André van Deventer
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 5:40 PM
Subject: B&W speakers arrived finally

Hi all

For those of you who might still remember – my pair of B&W mm1 speakers finally 
arrived today.

Getting started was rather straight forward.   I simply connected up the two
speakers, connected it up to the power supply and plugged in the USB port.
Was a bit of a problem finding the power button on the side of the active 
speaker but when I finally found it by accident, the computer recognised it 
immediately and installed the windows drivers.  It now shows up in my audio 
devices as mm1.

The two rather small speakers are surprisingly heavy for their size and
extremely solidly constructed.   There are two buttons on the left side of
the speaker for volume control and one on the right side of the speaker which 
is the power on button.  All of these buttons must be physically press
so they give tactile feedback.   But there is now physicale indication where
they are located.

There is a basic little remote control that comes with the unit which I have 
not yet used.  You have to pul out f small tab that keeps the battery door from 
closing.  I messed up things a bit so the greatest part of the tab broke off!  
Still have to get the rest out.

The sound that comes out of these little speakers is quite astonishing.
However, if you are looking for booming bass and screeching highs as seem to be 
the case with much of the modern equipment, you are going to be very 
disappointed.  The sound of the B&W is subtle  that is the only way I can 
describe it.  All the frequencies are there that you would need.  And the sound 
is wonderfully clear.

Am still running some tests so will get back later if anyone is interested.



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: B&W speakers arrived finally

2016-05-24 Thread André van Deventer
Got the rest of the tab out!  Very simple actually you simply have to open the 
battery compartment!

Very handy little control indeed.  All the functions work with fobar 2000 which 
is what I am primarily use.

Still can't get over the sound of these little speakers!

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: 24 May 2016 06:01 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: B&W speakers arrived finally

I hope you can manage to get your remote control working. I prefer it immensely 
to the controls on the speaker, because they have no tactile indication, and 
because you have to reach for the speaker in order to use those controls. Plus, 
with the remote you can move among tracks and stop playback. It's a very handy 
little unit.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 24, 2016, at 8:40 AM, André van Deventer  
> wrote:
> Hi all
> For those of you who might still remember – my pair of B&W mm1
> speakers finally arrived today.
> Getting started was rather straight forward.   I simply connected up the two
> speakers, connected it up to the power supply and plugged in the USB port.
> Was a bit of a problem finding the power button on the side of the
> active speaker but when I finally found it by accident, the computer
> recognised it immediately and installed the windows drivers.  It now
> shows up in my audio devices as mm1.
> The two rather small speakers are surprisingly heavy for their size and
> extremely solidly constructed.   There are two buttons on the left side of
> the speaker for volume control and one on the right side of the
> speaker which is the power on button.  All of these buttons must be 
> physically press
> so they give tactile feedback.   But there is now physicale indication where
> they are located.
> There is a basic little remote control that comes with the unit which
> I have not yet used.  You have to pul out f small tab that keeps the
> battery door from closing.  I messed up things a bit so the greatest
> part of the tab broke off!  Still have to get the rest out.
> The sound that comes out of these little speakers is quite astonishing.
> However, if you are looking for booming bass and screeching highs as
> seem to be the case with much of the modern equipment, you are going
> to be very disappointed.  The sound of the B&W is subtle  that is the
> only way I can describe it.  All the frequencies are there that you
> would need.  And the sound is wonderfully clear.
> Am still running some tests so will get back later if anyone is interested.
> Regards
> Andre
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

B&W speakers arrived finally

2016-05-24 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

For those of you who might still remember – my pair of B&W mm1 speakers
finally arrived today.

Getting started was rather straight forward.   I simply connected up the two
speakers, connected it up to the power supply and plugged in the USB port.
Was a bit of a problem finding the power button on the side of the active
speaker but when I finally found it by accident, the computer recognised it
immediately and installed the windows drivers.  It now shows up in my audio
devices as mm1.

The two rather small speakers are surprisingly heavy for their size and
extremely solidly constructed.   There are two buttons on the left side of
the speaker for volume control and one on the right side of the speaker
which is the power on button.  All of these buttons must be physically press
so they give tactile feedback.   But there is now physicale indication where
they are located.

There is a basic little remote control that comes with the unit which I have
not yet used.  You have to pul out f small tab that keeps the battery door
from closing.  I messed up things a bit so the greatest part of the tab
broke off!  Still have to get the rest out.

The sound that comes out of these little speakers is quite astonishing.
However, if you are looking for booming bass and screeching highs as seem to
be the case with much of the modern equipment, you are going to be very
disappointed.  The sound of the B&W is subtle  that is the only way I can
describe it.  All the frequencies are there that you would need.  And the
sound is wonderfully clear.

Am still running some tests so will get back later if anyone is interested.



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


2016-05-06 Thread André van Deventer
Dane thanx man

Actually gold of the lady Jackie McBride who compiled the manual and she
sent it to me.

I've always been fascinated by this thing ever since I played around with
its predecessor the omnichord - mainly because of its unusual way of



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: 06 May 2016 04:51 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re:

Perhaps this link will help?

On 6/05/2016 7:09 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Hi all
> There used to be an accessible manual and some handy info on the
> website for the Suzuki QChord.I might be
> interested in getting me one later this year.  However, it seems that
> the  site is no longer available.  Does anyone
> perhaps have any information where I can get this manual or if the
> site has been moved?
> Regards
> André
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

2016-05-06 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

There used to be an accessible manual and some handy info on the website for the Suzuki QChord.I might be
interested in getting me one later this year.  However, it seems that the  site is no longer available.  Does anyone perhaps
have any information where I can get this manual or if the site has been



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

2016-04-28 Thread André van Deventer
p, carry strap
and manual.
Free Memory Control Software makes it easy to manage
1,000 alphanumeric memory channels, 40 search banks, 2
VFOs and all mode reception. Available for download from
Receive frequency range:
500 KHz - 3 GHz (Cellular Blocked for US version)
Receive modes:
Freq. step:
17 different steps including 1 MHz
500 KHz - 1.9 MHz
AM 3.5 uV (10dB S/N)
1.9 - 30 MHz
AM 2.0 uV (10dB S/N)
30 - 470 MHz
AM 1.5 uV (10dB S/N)
NFM 0.85uV (12 dB SINAD)
WFM 1.0 uV (12 dB SINAD)
470 - 1,040 MHz
NFM 0.8 uV (12 dB SINAD)
1,040 - 2,040 MHz
NFM 4.5 uV (12dB SINAD)
2,040 - 3,000 MHz
NFM 14 uV (12dB SINAD)
3 KHz (-6dB) / 9 KHz (-40dB)
9 KHz(-6dB) / 20 KHz (-40dB)
12 KHz(-6dB) / 25 KHz (-40dB)
150 KHz(-3dB) / 380 KHz (-20dB)
Antenna connector:
50 ohms
Audio Output:
120 mW (8 ohm) 10% THD
Power requirement:
9 - 16 V DC
Current Drain:
190mA at rated output(120mW audio output)
Operating temperature:
-5 to 50 degrees (C)
23 to 144 degrees (F)
61(W) x 143(H) x 39 (D) (mm) Projections excluded
Approx. 340 g
Approx. 12 oz
Slot cards (only one usable at a given time):
CT8200 CTCSS squelch and tone search
TE 8200 Tone Eliminator
AR8200 MKIII IR - Special US govt. only version with infra-red illumination
(IR) of the display and operating keys
EM8200 expands memory to 4000 channels, 160 search banks.
VI8200 Voice Inverter (requires documentation in USA)
CR8200 tape recording output cable
USB8200 computer connection for use in downloading control software
CC8200A computer control cable with level shift.
Cellular frequencies blocked on USA version; unblocked version available to 
entities, documentation required. Due to ongoing product development, 
subject to change without notice or obligation.
2-6-4 Misuji, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0055, Japan
Tel: +81 3 3865 1695 Fax: +81 3 3865 1697
AOR U.S.A., Inc.
20655 S. Western Ave., Suite 112, Torrance, CA 90501, USA
Tel: 310-787-8615 Fax: 310-787-8619
-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 28 April 2016 03:18 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

I don’t know anything about those, is this a portable we’re talking about?

I was immediately reminded of a company called AOR I think it was, whilst their 
receivers may have been good the sensitivity and performance on the HF bands 
was not, I got this from someone I know who has had a few of their sets.

It should also be noted that many of the portable sets I’ve written about now 
employ DSP - Digital Signal Processing - which makes the portable radio a more 
powerful and flexible unit than its ever been thus giving us more features, 
better sensitivity and selectivity.

For example, it now only costs $50 to get a basic set with outstanding FM 
performance and a little more to get something with both outstanding AM/FM 
performance and slightly more for a well respected World Band radio.  Not all 
that long ago to get something that performed well on FM would have cost 
hundreds of dollars and todays FM performers even beat some of the best Tuners 
I’ve seen.

The trick with all this - if you take an interest that is - is to stay informed 
if possible as to what’s happening.

The other big development of course has been SDR’S - Software Defined Radio - 
many of these radios are in fact small computers which run on software so no 
need for any of the expensive hardware designs that defined the radios of years 

I’m setting up a SDR system now with various components and software, I sent an 
article about this to the list some time ago.

The Interface I’m using is a command driven one.

> On 28 Apr 2016, at 6:46 PM, André van Deventer  
> wrote:
> Must say at this stage I am also looking at the  AR8200 Mark3
> receiver.  At least they have an agent  over here which is very
> knowledgeable
> Bit pricy though but I have always been very impressed with the products from 
> them which I have used.
> Nice thing about it is that it is programmable by computer also.
> Any other AOR users on this list?
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: 28 April 2016 01:07 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio
> Okay an apology from me to you, there were a batch of the Eton Satellit which 
> muted as you described but those made after September last year have a 
> revised firmware that illiminated this problem, I must have one of those with 
> the updated firmware.
> On 28/04/2016

RE: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

2016-04-28 Thread André van Deventer
Must say at this stage I am also looking at the  AR8200 Mark3 receiver.  At 
least they have an agent  over here which is very knowledgeable

Bit pricy though but I have always been very impressed with the products from 
them which I have used.

Nice thing about it is that it is programmable by computer also.

Any other AOR users on this list?

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 28 April 2016 01:07 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

Okay an apology from me to you, there were a batch of the Eton Satellit which 
muted as you described but those made after September last year have a revised 
firmware that illiminated this problem, I must have one of those with the 
updated firmware.

On 28/04/2016 1:42 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
> I listened to a youtube demonstration of this radio.  You could clearly hear 
> the break in audio when the tuning knob was turned even on USB.  I understand 
> that the tuning knob has clicks.  So if you tune for example through the 
> short wave frequencies there is a very slight break  in audio  for each 
> click.  This was in fact what also irritated this specific interviewer.
> I'm in the market for a good portable receiver but I would not like something 
> like that for tuning shortwave bands and especially doing USB work.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: 27 April 2016 12:30 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio
> And where has it been said the audio is interrupted when the tuning knob is 
> turned? I don’t recall any mention of that do you?
>> On 27 Apr 2016, at 8:23 PM, André van Deventer  
>> wrote:
>> Must say what I find immensely  irritating with this specific radio is the 
>> sound of the tuning during bands.
>> Perhaps I come from the time of analog receivers where the tuning is smooth. 
>>  Now every time that you turn the tuning knob and it clicks the audio is 
>> interrupted.  My old AOR 3000A receiver does this on the fm bands but not on 
>> AM and SSB.
>> I would be in the market for a portable receiver that has both the short 
>> wave bands and SSB mode, is reasonable accessible and does not have this 
>> annoying  tuning feature.
>> André
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
>> Dane Trethowan
>> Sent: 27 April 2016 11:25 AM
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Subject: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio
>> The radio arrived yesterday.
>> For those who wish to find out more about the new Eton Satellite note that 
>> the Satellite in the name of the radio is spelt without the trailing E, I 
>> would never had known this if it weren’t for my Braille Display .
>> List members would have read the review of the radio I posted and I agree 
>> with pretty much every point in the review so there’s little point me going 
>> back over old ground.
>> Audio out of the speaker less than 3 inches in size is nothing short of 
>> impressive, not as good as the audio from the Tecsun PL880 but still good 
>> all the same and of course the speaker of the PL880 is a 4 inch unit so if 
>> its audio quality you’re looking for in a small unit then the Tecsun PL880 
>> sets the bar though its slightly bigger than the Eton.
>> The Eton is well thought out in just about every way, everything from the 
>> double-jointed telescopic whip to the arrangement of functions.
>> The presets are arranged in pages, press the “Page” button and you can type 
>> in a number of a page of presets followed by the page button to get there.
>> Once there just press one of the preset buttons above the keypad or tune to 
>> a station and hold down the preset button for 3 seconds to set.
>> This Satellite is one of the very few radio sets around that performs well 
>> on each and every band and I can only say its about time.
>> The clicks when turning the jog dial feel most satisfying so you’re not 
>> going to accidentally turn 2 clicks instead of 1, certainly one of the best 
>> mechanisms I’ve seen in a jog-dial.
>> The speed of the dial can be changed either between fast, slow or off by 
>> repeatedly pressing the dial.
>> I’m extremely glad Eton chose to add an Aux-In function to the radio though 
>> this function isn’t immediately obvious to the user, the Line-out jack ca

RE: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

2016-04-27 Thread André van Deventer
Ah that is good news indeed.

Another thing - I'm wondering if this radio covers the airbands  as well?



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 28 April 2016 01:07 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

Okay an apology from me to you, there were a batch of the Eton Satellit which 
muted as you described but those made after September last year have a revised 
firmware that illiminated this problem, I must have one of those with the 
updated firmware.

On 28/04/2016 1:42 AM, André van Deventer wrote:
> I listened to a youtube demonstration of this radio.  You could clearly hear 
> the break in audio when the tuning knob was turned even on USB.  I understand 
> that the tuning knob has clicks.  So if you tune for example through the 
> short wave frequencies there is a very slight break  in audio  for each 
> click.  This was in fact what also irritated this specific interviewer.
> I'm in the market for a good portable receiver but I would not like something 
> like that for tuning shortwave bands and especially doing USB work.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: 27 April 2016 12:30 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio
> And where has it been said the audio is interrupted when the tuning knob is 
> turned? I don’t recall any mention of that do you?
>> On 27 Apr 2016, at 8:23 PM, André van Deventer  
>> wrote:
>> Must say what I find immensely  irritating with this specific radio is the 
>> sound of the tuning during bands.
>> Perhaps I come from the time of analog receivers where the tuning is smooth. 
>>  Now every time that you turn the tuning knob and it clicks the audio is 
>> interrupted.  My old AOR 3000A receiver does this on the fm bands but not on 
>> AM and SSB.
>> I would be in the market for a portable receiver that has both the short 
>> wave bands and SSB mode, is reasonable accessible and does not have this 
>> annoying  tuning feature.
>> André
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
>> Dane Trethowan
>> Sent: 27 April 2016 11:25 AM
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Subject: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio
>> The radio arrived yesterday.
>> For those who wish to find out more about the new Eton Satellite note that 
>> the Satellite in the name of the radio is spelt without the trailing E, I 
>> would never had known this if it weren’t for my Braille Display .
>> List members would have read the review of the radio I posted and I agree 
>> with pretty much every point in the review so there’s little point me going 
>> back over old ground.
>> Audio out of the speaker less than 3 inches in size is nothing short of 
>> impressive, not as good as the audio from the Tecsun PL880 but still good 
>> all the same and of course the speaker of the PL880 is a 4 inch unit so if 
>> its audio quality you’re looking for in a small unit then the Tecsun PL880 
>> sets the bar though its slightly bigger than the Eton.
>> The Eton is well thought out in just about every way, everything from the 
>> double-jointed telescopic whip to the arrangement of functions.
>> The presets are arranged in pages, press the “Page” button and you can type 
>> in a number of a page of presets followed by the page button to get there.
>> Once there just press one of the preset buttons above the keypad or tune to 
>> a station and hold down the preset button for 3 seconds to set.
>> This Satellite is one of the very few radio sets around that performs well 
>> on each and every band and I can only say its about time.
>> The clicks when turning the jog dial feel most satisfying so you’re not 
>> going to accidentally turn 2 clicks instead of 1, certainly one of the best 
>> mechanisms I’ve seen in a jog-dial.
>> The speed of the dial can be changed either between fast, slow or off by 
>> repeatedly pressing the dial.
>> I’m extremely glad Eton chose to add an Aux-In function to the radio though 
>> this function isn’t immediately obvious to the user, the Line-out jack can 
>> be switched to an Aux-In jack so the user can take full advantage of the 
>> audio powered packed into the radio through an external source.
>> Stereo headphones sound really nice through

RE: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

2016-04-27 Thread André van Deventer
I listened to a youtube demonstration of this radio.  You could clearly hear 
the break in audio when the tuning knob was turned even on USB.  I understand 
that the tuning knob has clicks.  So if you tune for example through the short 
wave frequencies there is a very slight break  in audio  for each click.  This 
was in fact what also irritated this specific interviewer.

I'm in the market for a good portable receiver but I would not like something 
like that for tuning shortwave bands and especially doing USB work.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 27 April 2016 12:30 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

And where has it been said the audio is interrupted when the tuning knob is 
turned? I don’t recall any mention of that do you?

> On 27 Apr 2016, at 8:23 PM, André van Deventer  
> wrote:
> Must say what I find immensely  irritating with this specific radio is the 
> sound of the tuning during bands.
> Perhaps I come from the time of analog receivers where the tuning is smooth.  
> Now every time that you turn the tuning knob and it clicks the audio is 
> interrupted.  My old AOR 3000A receiver does this on the fm bands but not on 
> AM and SSB.
> I would be in the market for a portable receiver that has both the short wave 
> bands and SSB mode, is reasonable accessible and does not have this annoying  
> tuning feature.
> André
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: 27 April 2016 11:25 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio
> The radio arrived yesterday.
> For those who wish to find out more about the new Eton Satellite note that 
> the Satellite in the name of the radio is spelt without the trailing E, I 
> would never had known this if it weren’t for my Braille Display .
> List members would have read the review of the radio I posted and I agree 
> with pretty much every point in the review so there’s little point me going 
> back over old ground.
> Audio out of the speaker less than 3 inches in size is nothing short of 
> impressive, not as good as the audio from the Tecsun PL880 but still good all 
> the same and of course the speaker of the PL880 is a 4 inch unit so if its 
> audio quality you’re looking for in a small unit then the Tecsun PL880 sets 
> the bar though its slightly bigger than the Eton.
> The Eton is well thought out in just about every way, everything from the 
> double-jointed telescopic whip to the arrangement of functions.
> The presets are arranged in pages, press the “Page” button and you can type 
> in a number of a page of presets followed by the page button to get there.
> Once there just press one of the preset buttons above the keypad or tune to a 
> station and hold down the preset button for 3 seconds to set.
> This Satellite is one of the very few radio sets around that performs well on 
> each and every band and I can only say its about time.
> The clicks when turning the jog dial feel most satisfying so you’re not going 
> to accidentally turn 2 clicks instead of 1, certainly one of the best 
> mechanisms I’ve seen in a jog-dial.
> The speed of the dial can be changed either between fast, slow or off by 
> repeatedly pressing the dial.
> I’m extremely glad Eton chose to add an Aux-In function to the radio though 
> this function isn’t immediately obvious to the user, the Line-out jack can be 
> switched to an Aux-In jack so the user can take full advantage of the audio 
> powered packed into the radio through an external source.
> Stereo headphones sound really nice through this radio, perhaps a little 
> quiet for some models of stereo but good enough for most.
> so is the Satellite worth the $200 U.S. price tag? Most certainly and I have 
> the feeling this is the last great Shortwave radio we’re going to see for 
> quite some time, or perhaps this radio may well be the last we’ll see in a 
> good line of radios, time will tell.
> **
> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
> halfwits in this world behind.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

2016-04-27 Thread André van Deventer
Must say what I find immensely  irritating with this specific radio is the 
sound of the tuning during bands.

Perhaps I come from the time of analog receivers where the tuning is smooth.  
Now every time that you turn the tuning knob and it clicks the audio is 
interrupted.  My old AOR 3000A receiver does this on the fm bands but not on AM 
and SSB.

I would be in the market for a portable receiver that has both the short wave 
bands and SSB mode, is reasonable accessible and does not have this annoying  
tuning feature.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 27 April 2016 11:25 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: A Few Words On The Eton Satellite Radio

The radio arrived yesterday.

For those who wish to find out more about the new Eton Satellite note that the 
Satellite in the name of the radio is spelt without the trailing E, I would 
never had known this if it weren’t for my Braille Display .

List members would have read the review of the radio I posted and I agree with 
pretty much every point in the review so there’s little point me going back 
over old ground.

Audio out of the speaker less than 3 inches in size is nothing short of 
impressive, not as good as the audio from the Tecsun PL880 but still good all 
the same and of course the speaker of the PL880 is a 4 inch unit so if its 
audio quality you’re looking for in a small unit then the Tecsun PL880 sets the 
bar though its slightly bigger than the Eton.

The Eton is well thought out in just about every way, everything from the 
double-jointed telescopic whip to the arrangement of functions.

The presets are arranged in pages, press the “Page” button and you can type in 
a number of a page of presets followed by the page button to get there.

Once there just press one of the preset buttons above the keypad or tune to a 
station and hold down the preset button for 3 seconds to set.

This Satellite is one of the very few radio sets around that performs well on 
each and every band and I can only say its about time.

The clicks when turning the jog dial feel most satisfying so you’re not going 
to accidentally turn 2 clicks instead of 1, certainly one of the best 
mechanisms I’ve seen in a jog-dial.

The speed of the dial can be changed either between fast, slow or off by 
repeatedly pressing the dial.

I’m extremely glad Eton chose to add an Aux-In function to the radio though 
this function isn’t immediately obvious to the user, the Line-out jack can be 
switched to an Aux-In jack so the user can take full advantage of the audio 
powered packed into the radio through an external source.

Stereo headphones sound really nice through this radio, perhaps a little quiet 
for some models of stereo but good enough for most.

so is the Satellite worth the $200 U.S. price tag? Most certainly and I have 
the feeling this is the last great Shortwave radio we’re going to see for quite 
some time, or perhaps this radio may well be the last we’ll see in a good line 
of radios, time will tell.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

looking for a simple analog to USB input device

2016-04-19 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I’m looking for a simple USB device with only one analog input.  The sound
quality must be reasonably good though.  Can someone help?

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: iPad Audio

2016-04-11 Thread André van Deventer
I have another question regarding this.

Does the ipad and the iphone use the same DAC?  Therefore would the sound 
quality from the headphone socket of the ipad be the same as that of the iphone?


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 11 April 2016 10:36 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: iPad Audio


Interested in thoughts of others regarding iPad audio.

The last full-sized iPad I owned was the iPad 3 and I had this device around 3 
years ago I think it was.

Anyway I didn't keep the device for long as I didn't much care for the audio of 
the speaker.

I now have an iPad Mini and the audio is truly divine if I dare say so myself 
and I doubt whether there are too many tablets around the size of the iPad that 
would exhibit such good quality audio from stereo internal speakers.

So I'm wondering about the audio of the full-sized iPad 4, is it as good as or 
better than that found on the iPad Mini 4 or is it about the same as found on 
the iPad 3.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: audio input device or phono preamp with USB port

2016-03-29 Thread André van Deventer

Thanx man for your advice.

I'm looking at a NAD phono preamp at the moment which has both a USB and a
line out  as well as a line input should you want to transfer e.g. cassette
tapes.  They have a reasonably good reputation regarding low end audiofile
equipment so I suppose you can not go far wrong.  Rega also seems to have a
phono preamp which has only a line output.  This would of course mean that
you have to purchase some kind of audio input device.  And of course I would
have to get hold of some record cleaning stuff also.  It's been years since
I worked with vinyl records.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of goshawk
on horseback
Sent: 29 March 2016 09:34 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: audio input device or phono preamp with USB port

personally, I would go for the first option, as then, you will have the pick
of choice of equipment, so that you can maintain audio quality, where as
going for option 2 means that you are going to be limited to those preamps
with a USB connection only, and what ever bit and sample rates they choose
to use.


- Original Message -----
From: "André van Deventer" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 8:19 AM
Subject: audio input device or phono preamp with USB port

Hi all  I'm needing to record some vinyl records  onto my computer mostly
for sentimental reasons.

I  already have a rega turntable so that is not the problem.  As this is a
high quality turntable, I would not like to decrease the sound quality in
any way.

So it seems there are two scenarios I can use regarding the hardware?

1.I can get a phono preamp with an analog sound output and then get
some kind of a USB audio input device with an analog input.  Or

2.   I can get a phono preamp with a USB connection.

Any advice from anyone on which route to go?



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

audio input device or phono preamp with USB port

2016-03-29 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all  I’m needing to record some vinyl records  onto my computer mostly
for sentimental reasons.

I  already have a rega turntable so that is not the problem.  As this is a
high quality turntable, I would not like to decrease the sound quality in
any way.

So it seems there are two scenarios I can use regarding the hardware?

1.I can get a phono preamp with an analog sound output and then get
some kind of a USB audio input device with an analog input.  Or

2.   I can get a phono preamp with a USB connection.

Any advice from anyone on which route to go?



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: dmi to analog

2016-03-22 Thread André van Deventer
Garry you might be right.

So is there no way to get a line out output from these new tvs?

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Gary
Sent: 22 March 2016 05:14 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: dmi to analog

you can buy an HDMI to analog converter on sites like amazon. usually with
TV's though, the HDMI ports are usually imput! you may explain to me why
there would be HDMI outputs unless you have a receiver for the audio or
another monitor or something?

-Original Message-
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 10:08 AM
Subject: dmi to analog

Hi folks

The tv has dmi outputs and a headphone output.  I would seriously prefer not
to use the headphone output for this.



I need to connect my new flat screen tv to an ordinary analog system which
uses 2 RCA inputs.  Does such a converter exist?

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

dmi to analog

2016-03-22 Thread André van Deventer
Hi folks


The tv has dmi outputs and a headphone output.  I would seriously prefer not
to use the headphone output for this.






I need to connect my new flat screen tv to an ordinary analog system which
uses 2 RCA inputs.  Does such a converter exist?

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: SV: SV: Apple's iPhone 7 WILL dump the headphone socket | DailyMail Online

2016-03-12 Thread André van Deventer

A few points.

I do not know where you get the idea that  induction loop systems are being
phased out.  Definitely not in developing countries.  I will not go further
into this matter as it is beyond the scope of this list.

Jonathan motion stated quite correctly that the most ifficient way to
connect hearing aids to any audio source is by using direct cabling.  Most
wireless systems seem to have latency issues - that is most definitely the
case with  Bluetooth.

Finally - all the hearing aid manufacturers that make hearing aids with
wireless capability make ones without this extra.  However, they have an
induction loop coil in them and  also have the ability to   fit some kind of
adaptor to enable direct audio input.  In developing countries which as far
as I know still comprises most of the world you will find that people wear
the cheaper modelsof hearing aids mostly as this is all that you can get.  I
am very fortunate that I am on a good medical plan which can assist me to
purchase the right equipment.  But this is not the case for most people in
Eastern Europe, South America and Asia.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: 11 March 2016 10:49 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: SV: SV: Apple's iPhone 7 WILL dump the headphone socket |
DailyMail Online

Okay well Bluetooth is certainly not in the luxury hearing instruments, its
common place in hearing isntruments now as other technologies are being
fazed out such as induction.

I've been using Bluetooth hearing instruments now for over 6 years, they
were bolky affairs at first requiring a whole heap of connection boxes and
adapters but now? Well the typical hearing instruments have Bluetooth built
right into them ready and raring to go.

Other wireless technologies can be used with hearing instruments when
Bluetooth isn't the answer.

As far as Apple not caring about Hearing Instruments? May I suggest you read
the documents on the Web that talk in detail about the commitment and
consideration Apple has given to the users of Hearing Instruments, Deaf and
Deaf-blind people.

I should also point out that we in Australia are extremely fortunate at
present when it comes to hearing instruments as those on a low income can
have their hearing instruments funded which I did at one time though I've
since moved to a private fitter as there is obviously more choice available.

On 11/03/2016 5:49 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Exactly
> How are you supposed to connect something like a neck induction loop
> to such a device?
> Yes some of the rolls Royce hearing aids have wireless connectivity
> but very few people have the money to purchase them.
> But I suppose this segment of the market is so small that Apple does
> not really care.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Mary Otten
> Sent: 10 March 2016 11:50 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: SV: SV: Apple's iPhone 7 WILL dump the headphone socket |
> DailyMail Online
> The problem with all this forward thinking is that it leaves the
> hearing impaired out. Jonathan Mosen has done some very good writing on
this topic.
> I personally have the equipment to deal with the loss of the headphone
> But in thinking of what it will mean for others, I think it is a
> stupid idea at this time and, if it is just to make the damned phone a
> hair thinner, it is clearly not worth it and is just another  money-making
angle for Apple.
> But this one is coming at the expense of a fairly  large and growing
> segment of the population.
> Mary
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: SV: SV: Apple's iPhone 7 WILL dump the headphone socket | DailyMail Online

2016-03-10 Thread André van Deventer

How are you supposed to connect something like a neck induction loop to such
a device?

Yes some of the rolls Royce hearing aids have wireless connectivity but very
few people have the money to purchase them.

But I suppose this segment of the market is so small that Apple does not
really care.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Mary
Sent: 10 March 2016 11:50 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: SV: SV: Apple's iPhone 7 WILL dump the headphone socket |
DailyMail Online

The problem with all this forward thinking is that it leaves the hearing
impaired out. Jonathan Mosen has done some very good writing on this topic.
I personally have the equipment to deal with the loss of the headphone jack.
But in thinking of what it will mean for others, I think it is a stupid idea
at this time and, if it is just to make the damned phone a hair thinner, it
is clearly not worth it and is just another  money-making angle for Apple.
But this one is coming at the expense of a fairly  large and growing segment
of the population.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: controls on B&W mm-1 speakers

2016-03-04 Thread André van Deventer

It might take a month or so for me to actually get them.

Still very excited.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: 04 March 2016 02:34 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: controls on B&W mm-1 speakers

Just wondering have these speakers arrived and what you think?

On 22/02/2016 7:30 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Hi all
> Am still waiting for my mm-1 speakers to arrive  and have 1 or 2
> questions for those of you who have them.
> The connection and setup seems to be a very simple matter indeed.
> I believe there is a standby button and volume buttons incorporate in
> the metal band around the active speaker.  Can you actually feel these
> controls on the band?  I find it a bit difficult to picture.
> Also are the volume controls separate of the master control in windows
> or do they change the volume controls in windows itself?
> Finally regarding the remote control.  As far as I understand it, it
> has buttons for some functions like stop, pause and skipping tracks.
> Do these controls work with windows software players?  I use foobar
> 2000 as my premium audio player.
> Regards
> Andre
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

controls on B&W mm-1 speakers

2016-02-22 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


Am still waiting for my mm-1 speakers to arrive  and have 1 or 2 questions
for those of you who have them.


The connection and setup seems to be a very simple matter indeed.


I believe there is a standby button and volume buttons incorporate in the
metal band around the active speaker.  Can you actually feel these controls
on the band?  I find it a bit difficult to picture.


Also are the volume controls separate of the master control in windows or do
they change the volume controls in windows itself?


Finally regarding the remote control.  As far as I understand it, it has
buttons for some functions like stop, pause and skipping tracks.  Do these
controls work with windows software players?  I use foobar 2000 as my
premium audio player.







This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: Oppo HA--2 just arrived...

2016-02-14 Thread André van Deventer
One thing I have been wondering about.

If a group of audiofiles are put in a room and not told what they are listening 
to, will they really be able to hear the difference between different formats 
of audio reproduction.

I always use the analogy of wine tasting.  If you are not told beforehand what 
you are drinking, will you really be able to taste the difference between what 
would be considered a good drinking wine at a reasonable price and  a so-called 
superior one with also a higher price tag?  I believe I once read about a group 
of wine tasters who were given different wines to taste  without them knowing 
what they were tasting.  And it turned out that in some cases  they actually 
enjoyed the cheaper wines more!

I like my red and dry white wine but I am in no way a expert.  I just like a 
good drinking wine that I can enjoy with good friends.

I knew a man once who spent thousands of dollars on the best audio equipment he 
could find at that time.  He could talk to you about the qualities of each of 
these superb systems.  But the interesting thing is that he had a very small 
record collection and had little knowledge of the music he listened to.  So he 
was listening more to the audio quality than the to the music itself.

I suspect that most individuals are like me and my wine drinking habits - you 
just need to enjoy what you are having.  In the end they want a decent sounding 
system with a lot of music to simply enjoy.  You don't want to listen to every 
finest nuance but want a decent sounding system for a decent  price.  After 
all, many of us listen to our favourite music when doing something around the 
house very often.  I believe in the end the enjoyment should be in the music 
with decent sound and not necessarily all kinds of fine points.  It is often 
happened to me that I was looking for a specific song or album and that I could 
only get it at a lower bitrate say 192 kbps.  I would then gladly take it while 
looking for it in another higher bitrate.  But in the meantime I will just 
enjoy  the music and be glad that I have it!

Please don't misunderstand me - I also like good sound out of my system - that 
is why I am getting the B&W mm-1 desktop speakers, but my main aim in listening 
to music is to enjoy the music!

So I lift my glaas of nice ordinary red wine  to all lovers of good music for 
the sake of music!


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of John Gurd
Sent: 14 February 2016 07:59 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Oppo HA--2 just arrived...

I don't think it's the case anymore that vinyl sounds better than digital music 
or even CD although I can remember a time when it did. I used to have a fairly 
large LP collection in the eighties and I was so disappointed when I bought my 
first CDs because they were so flat and lifeless with noticeably less detail. 
Since the turn of the century digital recording and production techniques have 
improved to the point that digital can capture the richness and detail of a 

Usually there's one serious and unnecessary exemption. Most digital recordings 
compress the relative loudness of instruments and vocals into one narrow band 
so that much of the dynamics of the music are lost. This technique isn't 
inherent to digital but is a production standard to make music easier to hear 
at any volume; it's more convenient for radio broadcasting and for compressing 
down into lossy formats. The exception is usually in the classical or jazz 
genres. Vinyl tends to escape this level of over production.

Having said that, digital HD recordings are some of the best recordings I've 
ever heard. This despite the fact I know I personally don't hear higher 
frequencies the way I used to when I was younger due to the natural roll-off as 
you get older. By the way, before anyone gets too smug, this process starts in 
your early twenties. Check out the Mosquito Anti-Loitering device for a device 
that works on the principle of an annoying sound that only teenagers can hear 
but the rest of us can't.

Just to go back to Dane's query about how to describe a high quality DAC, or 
any Hi Fidelity audio for that matter, I think it is about presence. The more 
an artist or piece of music sounds real, like you could almost reach out and 
touch it, like it's a performance and not just a recording, then the closer you 
are to pure audio quality. Sadly, at least for the wallet, this also depends on 
the other equipment you're using but the starting point has to be the source 
signal. There's no question the simplest and cheapest way to achieve this 
nowadays is via a good DAC headphone amp and a good set of headphones.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Hamit Campos
Sent: 14 February 2016 14:09
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Oppo HA--2 just arrived...

Ah yeah, that's true. I mean with the C

RE: playing media files through more than one output

2016-01-26 Thread André van Deventer
I'll leave of on the sub for now.  One never knows perhaps the sound might be 
quite adequate.

Will then decide whether I will play around with virtual audio cable or find 
some other way to add it.

The dealer said it will take up to 3 weeks to arrive from the UK.  Usually in 
my experience it is more like 2 weeks.  I think they tell you 3 weeks just to 
cover themselves.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 25 January 2016 09:58 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: playing media files through more than one output

Praise for your B&W dealer from me and he’s absolutely right about the demand, 
I mean we’re talking about a rather expensive set of computer speakers are we 
not and its very difficult to convince a person that they should by a set of 
these speakers when they can go and buy some junk for a 20th of the price and 
be satisfied - that is until they actually hear the B&W desktop speakers for 
the first time -.

Regarding reproduction of an orchestra? I won’t say they sound as good as my 
Addax Transmission Lines in the lounge room but for a desktop speaker they’re 
not too far off, again your dealer hit the mark, “Be Realistic” but - unless 
I’m incredibly wrong - be prepared to be a little pleasantly surprised too.

Please post your thoughts when you get your new toy.

> On 26 Jan 2016, at 6:47 AM, André van Deventer  
> wrote:
> Yes I did actually.  Contacted a B&W agent about 120 km from me.  He told me 
> they do not stock them as there is not enough demand for them  but that he 
> can get them for me.
> They have one connected to the shop pc and he says he keeps being amazed by 
> what comes out of speakers with such a small footprint.  But he says you also 
> have to be realistic - they are desktop speakers and in the lower frequency 
> size does matter.
> I mostly listen to acoustic music and choir music sometimes with large 
> orchestras.  I would be curious for example if these speakers would be able 
> to reproduce the picked double bass of a symphony orchestra or  the sound of 
> a pipe organ effectively.  Or is this a bit too much to expect?
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: 25 January 2016 03:45 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: playing media files through more than one output
> so you did find a pair of these speakers?
> I’m sorry but I certainly don’t use Youtube as a bible when it comes to 
> computer speakers or anything else, whilst Youtube is useful with some much 
> knowledge available there its also a breeding ground for idiots and halfwits 
> just as Google and the Net in general is, people know that radio is a hobby 
> of mine for example and there are some truly outstanding demos and review of 
> radio sets to be found but there are unfortunately just as many notable twits 
> doing reviews of radios and setting themselves up to be real little 
> know-it-all’s when it soon becomes apparent - listening to the review - that 
> they wouldn’t know the volume knob from the keypad on a radio.
> Of course having said that, it often helps when you have the appliance or 
> item that is being reviewed in front of you whilst watching the review itself 
> then the laughs dramatically increase but for those who don’t actually own 
> the product themselves or have actually seen/heard the product then Youtube 
> may not be very much help at all so that’s why I look at trusted sources on 
> Google such as My Hi-Fi or seek out those sources who compare the product 
> with something else rather than just say its good, bad, ugly or anything else.
> I mean there’s little point in say saying the B&W MM1’s are good, what does 
> that tell you if the reviewer doesn’t compare it to other brands available or 
> similar speakers that have been reviewed in the past.
>> On 26 Jan 2016, at 12:31 AM, Hamit Campos  wrote:
>> Yeah I heard that on the youtube vid I shaired the link for. Or at least I 
>> thought I did. But yeah the guy said that. But he said it strictly because 
>> of the price. They are good for what they are but too pricie.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van 
>> Deventer
>> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 1:39 AM
>> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' 
>> Subject: RE: playing media files through more than one output
>> Dane
>> What I was thinking actually might never be necessary.
>> I have taken the plunge and ordered the B&W desktop speakers.  I'm still 
>> very curious about the

RE: playing media files through more than one output

2016-01-25 Thread André van Deventer
Yes I did actually.  Contacted a B&W agent about 120 km from me.  He told me 
they do not stock them as there is not enough demand for them  but that he can 
get them for me.

They have one connected to the shop pc and he says he keeps being amazed by 
what comes out of speakers with such a small footprint.  But he says you also 
have to be realistic - they are desktop speakers and in the lower frequency 
size does matter.

I mostly listen to acoustic music and choir music sometimes with large 
orchestras.  I would be curious for example if these speakers would be able to 
reproduce the picked double bass of a symphony orchestra or  the sound of a 
pipe organ effectively.  Or is this a bit too much to expect?

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 25 January 2016 03:45 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: playing media files through more than one output

so you did find a pair of these speakers?

I’m sorry but I certainly don’t use Youtube as a bible when it comes to 
computer speakers or anything else, whilst Youtube is useful with some much 
knowledge available there its also a breeding ground for idiots and halfwits 
just as Google and the Net in general is, people know that radio is a hobby of 
mine for example and there are some truly outstanding demos and review of radio 
sets to be found but there are unfortunately just as many notable twits doing 
reviews of radios and setting themselves up to be real little know-it-all’s 
when it soon becomes apparent - listening to the review - that they wouldn’t 
know the volume knob from the keypad on a radio.

Of course having said that, it often helps when you have the appliance or item 
that is being reviewed in front of you whilst watching the review itself then 
the laughs dramatically increase but for those who don’t actually own the 
product themselves or have actually seen/heard the product then Youtube may not 
be very much help at all so that’s why I look at trusted sources on Google such 
as My Hi-Fi or seek out those sources who compare the product with something 
else rather than just say its good, bad, ugly or anything else.

I mean there’s little point in say saying the B&W MM1’s are good, what does 
that tell you if the reviewer doesn’t compare it to other brands available or 
similar speakers that have been reviewed in the past.

> On 26 Jan 2016, at 12:31 AM, Hamit Campos  wrote:
> Yeah I heard that on the youtube vid I shaired the link for. Or at least I 
> thought I did. But yeah the guy said that. But he said it strictly because of 
> the price. They are good for what they are but too pricie.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van 
> Deventer
> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 1:39 AM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' 
> Subject: RE: playing media files through more than one output
> Dane
> What I was thinking actually might never be necessary.
> I have taken the plunge and ordered the B&W desktop speakers.  I'm still very 
> curious about the sound I will get from them.  Many hifi folks seem to say 
> that there are better desktop speakers now available for that price.  Be that 
> as it may - I do also have a reasonably high quality DAC available here.  And 
> a reasonably good quality hifi sub.  So if I should want to add a sub to this 
> system,  I might want to be able to play my media files through both the mm-1 
> speakers and a DAC for the sub at the same time.  Just investigating things.  
> It may be that a sub is not necessary at all.
> André
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: 25 January 2016 08:17 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: playing media files through more than one output
> Interesting question.
> I can immediately think of how this could be done on a Mac as Audio Hijack 3 
> would allow you to do this without question and without fuss so yeah, 
> interesting to see how one might go about doing this on a Windows PC.
> I do that sort of thing all the time actually using my Radiologic 
> Broadcasting software so the scenario you’re illustrating does have its place.
>> On 25 Jan 2016, at 5:10 PM, André van Deventer  
>> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I realize the subject line might be a bit confusing so please let me explain.
>> I have been wondering for some time whether it is possible to play media 
>> files like mp3 files for example through two different sound cards at the 
>> same time.   I realize that this may sound unusual but I may have need of 
>> someth9ing like this in the near future.
>> Say for

RE: playing media files through more than one output

2016-01-24 Thread André van Deventer

What I was thinking actually might never be necessary.

I have taken the plunge and ordered the B&W desktop speakers.  I'm still very 
curious about the sound I will get from them.  Many hifi folks seem to say that 
there are better desktop speakers now available for that price.  Be that as it 
may - I do also have a reasonably high quality DAC available here.  And a 
reasonably good quality hifi sub.  So if I should want to add a sub to this 
system,  I might want to be able to play my media files through both the mm-1 
speakers and a DAC for the sub at the same time.  Just investigating things.  
It may be that a sub is not necessary at all.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 25 January 2016 08:17 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: playing media files through more than one output

Interesting question.

I can immediately think of how this could be done on a Mac as Audio Hijack 3 
would allow you to do this without question and without fuss so yeah, 
interesting to see how one might go about doing this on a Windows PC.

I do that sort of thing all the time actually using my Radiologic Broadcasting 
software so the scenario you’re illustrating does have its place.

> On 25 Jan 2016, at 5:10 PM, André van Deventer  
> wrote:
> Hi all
> I realize the subject line might be a bit confusing so please let me explain.
> I have been wondering for some time whether it is possible to play media 
> files like mp3 files for example through two different sound cards at the 
> same time.   I realize that this may sound unusual but I may have need of 
> someth9ing like this in the near future.
> Say for example you have two different usb sound devices and you would like 
> to have the music to come through both of these devices?  Is such a thing 
> possible?
> Regards
> Andre
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

playing media files through more than one output

2016-01-24 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I realize the subject line might be a bit confusing so please let me explain.

I have been wondering for some time whether it is possible to play media files 
like mp3 files for example through two different sound cards at the same time.  
 I realize that this may sound unusual but I may have need of someth9ing like 
this in the near future.

Say for example you have two different usb sound devices and you would like to 
have the music to come through both of these devices?  Is such a thing possible?



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: harmen carden sound sticks II

2016-01-20 Thread André van Deventer
I would have to draw the line at the Bowers and wilkens ones.  I already have a 
good quality DAC so it will not be that much of an issue.

I'm not interesting so much in volume but in sound quality.  So the optimum 
would be for these speakers to deliver optimum sound while I am sitting at my 
desk less than 6 feet away.

One of the criticisms I have read in interviews about the B&W mm-1 is they 
sound optimum when you sit real close to them like about 6 feet away.  That is 
I think what desktop speakers should do though.

Dane finally - the strange thing is that many bowers and wilkens products are 
available over here including their wireless systems.  I can order 1 and have 
it delivered to my door within 2 or 3 days.  The problem is the mm-1 system 
which I cannot find over here in spite  of the fact that I have used google 
extensively.  I have now written to two B&W suppliers to find out if they can 
get it for me and at what cost.

I could find one local supplier of the mm-1 but they mainly import from Amazon. 
 And they wanted almost $1000 for it which I am not prepaired to pay.

So the search continues


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 20 January 2016 08:33 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: harmen carden sound sticks II

Only my observations for what they're worth.

I Had a pair and I wasn't too impressed to be honest, they're okay but nothing 
earth shattering.

I suppose that's because I set a high bar when it comes to my music listening 
as I want to enjoy it.

If you can wait a little longer and save a little more then perhaps you might 
look at some computer Desktop speakers that will really knock your socks off 
and show your ears the true quality of your music and there are quite some 
incredible pairs to choose from such as those from Keff - can't remember the 
model number now - and of coruse the B&W M1's which are still available.

Both these sets have their own Sound Cards in them if you like to think of it 
that way so they just plug into the power and your computers USb port ready for 
Windows to find them, they do have Aux-In for older systems or for other 

Both the sets from Kef and B&W are strictly 2 channel units though one could be 
forgiven for thinking that you have a 30 inch sub-wooffer connected to your 

On 20/01/2016 6:08 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm in the market for a good quality set of desktop speakers This is strictly 
> for listening to music - definitely not a surround sound  system!
> One of the systems I am looking at is the Harmen Carden Soundsticks III.  
> Does anyone have this system and what are your thoughts?  I realize that 
> something like sound quality is a personal opinion but I am curious to hear 
> what people say.  I'm interesting in a set that will give you what would be 
> considered audiofile sound.
> Regards
> André
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: harmen carden sound sticks II

2016-01-20 Thread André van Deventer

I'm trying to find a local supplier for the Bowers and Wilkens mm-1 also.  
Having some difficulty though.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 20 January 2016 08:33 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: harmen carden sound sticks II

Only my observations for what they're worth.

I Had a pair and I wasn't too impressed to be honest, they're okay but nothing 
earth shattering.

I suppose that's because I set a high bar when it comes to my music listening 
as I want to enjoy it.

If you can wait a little longer and save a little more then perhaps you might 
look at some computer Desktop speakers that will really knock your socks off 
and show your ears the true quality of your music and there are quite some 
incredible pairs to choose from such as those from Keff - can't remember the 
model number now - and of coruse the B&W M1's which are still available.

Both these sets have their own Sound Cards in them if you like to think of it 
that way so they just plug into the power and your computers USb port ready for 
Windows to find them, they do have Aux-In for older systems or for other 

Both the sets from Kef and B&W are strictly 2 channel units though one could be 
forgiven for thinking that you have a 30 inch sub-wooffer connected to your 

On 20/01/2016 6:08 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm in the market for a good quality set of desktop speakers This is strictly 
> for listening to music - definitely not a surround sound  system!
> One of the systems I am looking at is the Harmen Carden Soundsticks III.  
> Does anyone have this system and what are your thoughts?  I realize that 
> something like sound quality is a personal opinion but I am curious to hear 
> what people say.  I'm interesting in a set that will give you what would be 
> considered audiofile sound.
> Regards
> André
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: harman kardon sound sticks II

2016-01-20 Thread André van Deventer
My mistake regarding the spelling!

It should be Harman Kardon!  Sorry all!

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van 
Sent: 20 January 2016 09:08 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: harmen carden sound sticks II

Hi all

I'm in the market for a good quality set of desktop speakers This is strictly 
for listening to music - definitely not a surround sound  system!

One of the systems I am looking at is the Harmen Carden Soundsticks III.  Does 
anyone have this system and what are your thoughts?  I realize that something 
like sound quality is a personal opinion but I am curious to hear what people 
say.  I'm interesting in a set that will give you what would be considered 
audiofile sound.



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

harmen carden sound sticks II

2016-01-19 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I'm in the market for a good quality set of desktop speakers This is strictly 
for listening to music - definitely not a surround sound  system!

One of the systems I am looking at is the Harmen Carden Soundsticks III.  Does 
anyone have this system and what are your thoughts?  I realize that something 
like sound quality is a personal opinion but I am curious to hear what people 
say.  I'm interesting in a set that will give you what would be considered 
audiofile sound.



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

using my usb headroom headphone amplifier with my iphone

2015-12-06 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

Was just wondering about something.  I have a very high quality USB headroom
headphone amplifier of about 10 years old.  This little amp has a USB input.
I was wondering if it is possible by using some kind of adaptor to use this
little amp with my iphone 5s using the lightning connector.  I would like to
try and bypass the DAC of the iphone.



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RE: apps for ham radio and android

2015-11-22 Thread André van Deventer
Echolink on ios is certainly accessible and easy to use  and as far as I 
understand it the Android version is also accessible.  There is an interesting 
service called Hamsphere available where a kind of simulated ham platform is 
created and in which unlicensed hams can participated.  The IOS one is 
reasonably accessible but I have no idea how the android version works.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Adrien 
Sent: 21 November 2015 11:12 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: apps for ham radio and android


What apps are there out there for using ham radio on an android nexus 7 please, 
I would like echolink, is it available?



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RE: feeling bass frequencies

2015-09-27 Thread André van Deventer
Another interesting thing.

I have a very good quality pair of old Sennheiser hd250 Mark ii headphones.
If you drive them hard enough  and place the headphones on your head and not
your ears would you be able to feel the lower frequencies that way?  You
will not be able to hear them as the cochlear implants basically disconnects
the middle and outer ear.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Brian
Sent: 28 September 2015 04:26 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: feeling bass frequencies

 I like the balloon idea I once had that experience I was on
the bus going from the blind school to home and my bus driver gave some
ballons I think that I had about 3 and I placed them on the speaker of my
tape recorder and it almost sounded like stereo and yes I could both feel
and hear the base through the balloons.  I would give it a try and see what
you think.

On 9/27/2015 4:11 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Something to try thanx quintin.
> This sub has a very thick wooden cabinet especially to keep all
> unnecessary vibrations out.  The only place you seem to be able to
> feel  the bass really is if you place your fingers gently on the front.
> Someone once said you might try holding a balloon wich should pick up
> the vibrations.  But I'm wondering if different kinds of materials
> might give you different kinds of detail.  I don't know even where to
> begin researching this!!
> Regards
> Andre
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Quinten Pendle
> Sent: 27 September 2015 09:39 PM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: feeling bass frequencies
> Hi Andre
> Is there a possibility that you could maybe make your sub stand
> against the chair in which you sit when listening to music? This way,
> maybe, the sub could transfer some of it's bass through the chair or
> bank, through which you could maybe feel it? Maybe this is stupid, i don't
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> André van Deventer
> Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: feeling bass frequencies
> Hi all
> I sincerely hope this is not off topic for the list.  If so the
> moderators must please let me know and I will request people to answer me
off list.
> I have a very unique situation here.  I have just had a second
> cochlear implant which resulted  in my losing all frequencies below about
100 hz.
> This as many of you know results in you losing quite a deal of the
> lower bass sounds in music.
> I’m researching some way of now compensating for this.  The only way I 
> can think up is to  use my tactile sense to feel the missing frequencies.
> the brain may put the signals of the  audio and visual cortex together
> create some kind of a whole.
> What I have done is to lightly rest my fingers  onto  the front of my
> reasonable quality sub whoofer.  It is then indeed possible to do
> this.  But it’s really not the most comfortable position to sit in
> also.  Another thing – if you turn up the bass too much, the harmonics 
> starts to distort the cochlear implants.
> So I’m wondering if someone has any thoughts on this rather unique
> challenge to share?
> Regards
> Andre
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: feeling bass frequencies

2015-09-27 Thread André van Deventer

Might be the cheapest solution to try I think.

I'm just wondering whether different materials provide different detail?

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Brian
Sent: 28 September 2015 04:26 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: feeling bass frequencies

 I like the balloon idea I once had that experience I was on
the bus going from the blind school to home and my bus driver gave some
ballons I think that I had about 3 and I placed them on the speaker of my
tape recorder and it almost sounded like stereo and yes I could both feel
and hear the base through the balloons.  I would give it a try and see what
you think.

On 9/27/2015 4:11 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
> Something to try thanx quintin.
> This sub has a very thick wooden cabinet especially to keep all
> unnecessary vibrations out.  The only place you seem to be able to
> feel  the bass really is if you place your fingers gently on the front.
> Someone once said you might try holding a balloon wich should pick up
> the vibrations.  But I'm wondering if different kinds of materials
> might give you different kinds of detail.  I don't know even where to
> begin researching this!!
> Regards
> Andre
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Quinten Pendle
> Sent: 27 September 2015 09:39 PM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: feeling bass frequencies
> Hi Andre
> Is there a possibility that you could maybe make your sub stand
> against the chair in which you sit when listening to music? This way,
> maybe, the sub could transfer some of it's bass through the chair or
> bank, through which you could maybe feel it? Maybe this is stupid, i don't
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> André van Deventer
> Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: feeling bass frequencies
> Hi all
> I sincerely hope this is not off topic for the list.  If so the
> moderators must please let me know and I will request people to answer me
off list.
> I have a very unique situation here.  I have just had a second
> cochlear implant which resulted  in my losing all frequencies below about
100 hz.
> This as many of you know results in you losing quite a deal of the
> lower bass sounds in music.
> I’m researching some way of now compensating for this.  The only way I 
> can think up is to  use my tactile sense to feel the missing frequencies.
> the brain may put the signals of the  audio and visual cortex together
> create some kind of a whole.
> What I have done is to lightly rest my fingers  onto  the front of my
> reasonable quality sub whoofer.  It is then indeed possible to do
> this.  But it’s really not the most comfortable position to sit in
> also.  Another thing – if you turn up the bass too much, the harmonics 
> starts to distort the cochlear implants.
> So I’m wondering if someone has any thoughts on this rather unique
> challenge to share?
> Regards
> Andre
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: feeling bass frequencies

2015-09-27 Thread André van Deventer
Jeff thanx man!

I am aware of this method of the use of morse code by deafblind persons.

What I'm just wondering about  is that I may need more detail than would be 
available in a morse code system.  Also with the kind of music I listen to you 
need bass frequencies a whoofer might not  be able to provide?

This is actually fascinating research I think.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Geoff Eden
Sent: 28 September 2015 12:38 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: feeling bass frequencies

Cognitive transference, it's entirely possible that with use your brain may 
kick in the bass for you.

A long time ago there was a deaf blind ham operator in central Canada who used 
the Morris code for communication.  A gentleman at the national research 
Council built a speaker box whose speaker cone he filled with Styrofoam, and 
then topped with plastic for protection as this person's hand would be on the 
speaker a great deal.

This person worked the radio for many years and most of her contacts never knew 
that she was deaf blind.

Therefore I suggest a small Wolfer with major excursion capability and whose 
cone be filled with foam to provide you a flat surface.  It too could be 
covered by a plastic film for protection.  Small Wolfer's travel back and forth 
more distance, generally, than do large ones to get the air in the room moving. 
 Hence, the term long excursion.

It strikes me that some of those relatively inexpensive three point speaker 
systems for computers might have a ready made Wolfer box that you could adapt 
directly.  I see them all over the place for around $100 or less.  A computer 
repair store just may have a set of these speakers with the tweeter components 
not functioning, as it's rather common for their cables to break or deteriorate.

Best of luck to you, and let us know if it works out.  It's probably material 
for a research article.


-----Original Message-
From: André van Deventer
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 3:25 PM
Subject: feeling bass frequencies

Hi all

I sincerely hope this is not off topic for the list.  If so the moderators must 
please let me know and I will request people to answer me off list.

I have a very unique situation here.  I have just had a second cochlear implant 
which resulted  in my losing all frequencies below about 100 hz.
This as many of you know results in you losing quite a deal of the lower bass 
sounds in music.

I’m researching some way of now compensating for this.  The only way I can 
think up is to  use my tactile sense to feel the missing frequencies.  Maybe
the brain may put the signals of the  audio and visual cortex together   and
create some kind of a whole.

What I have done is to lightly rest my fingers  onto  the front of my 
reasonable quality sub whoofer.  It is then indeed possible to do this.  But 
it’s really not the most comfortable position to sit in also.  Another thing – 
if you turn up the bass too much, the harmonics starts to distort the cochlear 

So I’m wondering if someone has any thoughts on this rather unique challenge to 



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: feeling bass frequencies

2015-09-27 Thread André van Deventer
I will do so thanx!

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Howard
Sent: 28 September 2015 01:57 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: feeling bass frequencies

There is a transducer device made for gamers that is attaches to your chair
or sofa.  I don't know the frequency range, but it is said to vibrate your
chair conforming to the low frequency audio.  You might google chair shaker.
- Original Message -
From: "André van Deventer" 
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" 
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 3:11 PM
Subject: RE: feeling bass frequencies

Something to try thanx quintin.

This sub has a very thick wooden cabinet especially to keep all unnecessary
vibrations out.  The only place you seem to be able to feel  the bass really
is if you place your fingers gently on the front.

Someone once said you might try holding a balloon wich should pick up the
vibrations.  But I'm wondering if different kinds of materials might give
you different kinds of detail.  I don't know even where to begin researching



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Quinten
Sent: 27 September 2015 09:39 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: feeling bass frequencies

Hi Andre

Is there a possibility that you could maybe make your sub stand against the
chair in which you sit when listening to music? This way, maybe, the sub
could transfer some of it's bass through the chair or bank, through which
you could maybe feel it? Maybe this is stupid, i don't know.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:26 PM
Subject: feeling bass frequencies

Hi all

I sincerely hope this is not off topic for the list.  If so the moderators
must please let me know and I will request people to answer me off list.

I have a very unique situation here.  I have just had a second cochlear
implant which resulted  in my losing all frequencies below about 100 hz.
This as many of you know results in you losing quite a deal of the lower
bass sounds in music.

I'm researching some way of now compensating for this.  The only way I can
think up is to  use my tactile sense to feel the missing frequencies.  Maybe
the brain may put the signals of the  audio and visual cortex together   and
create some kind of a whole.

What I have done is to lightly rest my fingers  onto  the front of my
reasonable quality sub whoofer.  It is then indeed possible to do this.  But
it's really not the most comfortable position to sit in also.  Another thing
- if you turn up the bass too much, the harmonics starts to distort the
cochlear implants.

So I'm wondering if someone has any thoughts on this rather unique challenge
to share?



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: feeling bass frequencies

2015-09-27 Thread André van Deventer

Something to try thanx quintin.

This sub has a very thick wooden cabinet especially to keep all unnecessary
vibrations out.  The only place you seem to be able to feel  the bass really
is if you place your fingers gently on the front.

Someone once said you might try holding a balloon wich should pick up the
vibrations.  But I'm wondering if different kinds of materials might give
you different kinds of detail.  I don't know even where to begin researching



-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Quinten
Sent: 27 September 2015 09:39 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: feeling bass frequencies

Hi Andre

Is there a possibility that you could maybe make your sub stand against the
chair in which you sit when listening to music? This way, maybe, the sub
could transfer some of it's bass through the chair or bank, through which
you could maybe feel it? Maybe this is stupid, i don't know.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:26 PM
Subject: feeling bass frequencies

Hi all

I sincerely hope this is not off topic for the list.  If so the moderators
must please let me know and I will request people to answer me off list.

I have a very unique situation here.  I have just had a second cochlear
implant which resulted  in my losing all frequencies below about 100 hz.
This as many of you know results in you losing quite a deal of the lower
bass sounds in music.

I’m researching some way of now compensating for this.  The only way I can
think up is to  use my tactile sense to feel the missing frequencies.  Maybe
the brain may put the signals of the  audio and visual cortex together   and
create some kind of a whole.

What I have done is to lightly rest my fingers  onto  the front of my
reasonable quality sub whoofer.  It is then indeed possible to do this.  But
it’s really not the most comfortable position to sit in also.  Another thing
– if you turn up the bass too much, the harmonics starts to distort the
cochlear implants.

So I’m wondering if someone has any thoughts on this rather unique challenge
to share?



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

feeling bass frequencies

2015-09-27 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all

I sincerely hope this is not off topic for the list.  If so the moderators
must please let me know and I will request people to answer me off list.

I have a very unique situation here.  I have just had a second cochlear
implant which resulted  in my losing all frequencies below about 100 hz.
This as many of you know results in you losing quite a deal of the lower
bass sounds in music.

I’m researching some way of now compensating for this.  The only way I can
think up is to  use my tactile sense to feel the missing frequencies.  Maybe
the brain may put the signals of the  audio and visual cortex together   and
create some kind of a whole.

What I have done is to lightly rest my fingers  onto  the front of my
reasonable quality sub whoofer.  It is then indeed possible to do this.  But
it’s really not the most comfortable position to sit in also.  Another thing
– if you turn up the bass too much, the harmonics starts to distort the
cochlear implants.

So I’m wondering if someone has any thoughts on this rather unique challenge
to share?



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

rugby world cup commentary

2015-09-04 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


Does anyone know if there is a platform where one should be able to listen
to  all the upcoming rugby world cup matches?   I supposed the bbc will be
blocked as usual?







This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

streaming music from your pc to your iphone

2015-08-25 Thread André van Deventer
Hi all


On google I see a lot of information about streaming music from your iphone
to your computer.  But can the opposite be done?  Is it actually possible to
stream music stored on your computer to your iphone over a wifi network?
Can you use your regular network for this or do you need other hardware?







This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: improving headphone sound with a portable amp?

2015-05-21 Thread André van Deventer
I use a little headphone amplifier  made by a company called Headroom.  It
takes 4 AAA batteries.

What I like about it is that it has a high and low impedence switch so it
caters for all kinds of headphones.

You get a short cable with it  which allows you to connect your mp3 device
or whatever to  the 3.5 mm input of the amplifier. It also has a usb socket
so you can use it as a sound card also.

I think it was called the Egghead or something like that. 

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Mary
Sent: 21 May 2015 05:50 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: improving headphone sound with a portable amp?

Hi all,

Several years ago, I purchased a pair of AKG Q701 headphones for use with a
home stereo. These are, in my opinion, outstanding phones, especially
considering the price is around $200 or a bit more on Amazon.They are
wonderfully comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, more so than
any other phones I've seen, bar none.  Recent reviews indicate some
dissatisfaction, since these are now apparently being made in China, rather
than Austria, the home country of AKG. But that's not the point of this

I have tried my Q701 with the headphone output of my iPhone and find the
output of the phone isn't sufficient to drive the Qs well. So I looked into
the possibility of a portable headphone amp, such as the fiio e12, which has
pretty decent reviews on Amazon. It is not clear to me, however, how you get
the signal from the lightning port on the phone to the little amp, as it
doesn't seem to come with a cable. You can purchase a separate LOD from
fiio, but it has the old style 30-pin connector. You could then purchase an
official Apple lightning adapter at some ridiculously inflated price, of
course, and then I suppose the set up would work, although I don't think
this amp has a DAC, and I'm not sure if you'd need one of those anyway. So,
the question. What are folks doing who have head phones which are not driven
adequately by the crummy output stages found in portable devices like phones



2015-05-06 Thread André van Deventer
Can anyone who uses echoLink please get in touch with me privately at


Please do not reply on list.



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