Re: no wiki problem - Clifton Hill Extension

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> Garry, hopefully this is heading toward a round of sincere apologies to 
> everyone you insulted...?
> Amir 

Ya , right :

  Anyway , could not get this awesome looking girl out of my head .
Thought of her all week long at work , and wondered why I did not
react more quickly , ask her for her phone number , apologize and
ask if we could get together some other time .

  The week went by and Saturday was baseball practice . Back at
the coach's backyard we enjoyed some hot dogs and cold Gatorade .
Suddenly while sitting there day-dreaming , it hit me .

  This girl probably was not on crowded Clifton Hill to see the
sites . She was flying up that hill like a pro . She _must_ have
just gotten off of work and was heading home !

  Maybe she does the exact same thing every Saturday around that
time ! I look at my watch ... it was around 4:00 PM that I saw her
last Saturday . It's 3:00 PM now ... gotta go !!

  No time to change out of my ball uniform - just drive to Clifton
Hill - park halfway up the Hill - keep an eye out for her ...

  An hour goes by and no beautiful familiar girl . Lot's and lot's
of people though , more than last week it seems . Oh well , it was
quite an enormous longshot anyway . Just a weak attempt at finding
a needle in a haystack .

  Then , at the foot of the Hill , on the other side of the street
it looks like her . She steps out onto the street to pass an 8 mem-
ber family , then back onto the sidewalk and is really moving ...
it's her !

  Out of my car - lock the doors - more money into the parking
meter - turn to look for her and she has already passed me . She
is in fine form today and I must risk getting hit by cars if I
want to catch her , and finally at the top of the Hill , I do .

 Behind her I gently tap her shoulder as I say "excuse me , miss" .
She slows and turns slightly , no look of recognition on her face .
I say "excuse me , I know you don't remember me but I was here last
week and you were suggesting a nice place to have a drink " .

  She semi-rolls her eye's and looks away . "oh yes , I remember
you now " . The sarcastic tone was to be expected .

   I go on to tell her that I'd been thinking of her all week and
took a chance that maybe she would be here on the Hill again at the
same time , that perhaps she had just gotten off work .

  Before she can answer I apologize for last week and my buddy
cutting us off . That I actually did wish to buy her a drink at
one of her favorite places , if she had time some day .

  She said she had to go , to catch her bus , to be home on time
for dinner . I offer her a ride then , as it would give us an
opportunity to chat . She says no , but I am persistent and apol-
ogetic , and plead a little that she not keep my wondering
about her again all the coming week too .

  She laughs and then, finally, agrees to let me drive her home .
We walk to my convertible , and I suggest we drive with the top
down . She agrees . Driving past powerfull Niagara Falls , a
slight mist is falling on us , cool and refreshing .

  I introduce myself formally , at last , and she does the same . It
turns out her Brother & Uncle are members of my Construction Union ,
who I have worked with on several projects and know quite well . We
have something immediately in common and we talk about how those
family members are doing . They are doing very well and I ask her
if she would make sure to say "hello" to them for me .

  Almost at her home , I gently pressure her yet again and ask if
she would allow me to buy her a very casual dinner tonight , now ,
and that way we could continue to drive a bit more , perhaps on
the parkway , or along the lake on this beautiful summer day .

  It takes several attempts , but Chris finally agrees , phone's
home at a nearby payphone , hops back in the car , and off we drive
'into the sunset' , the first of many , many beautiful evening drives
together .

Chris . She was my one and only "10" .


Let's Attack Garry ! was : Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> Jason you lost Vesa's game!

   Yes he did  .

> I've been over ten years on this list but there has never been so much
> negative energy. Garry (right with two "R") tries to destroy this list.

ooops , and now you ! 

> Unfotunately the mailinglist admin seems to be tolerating pissing and
> spitting on the most gratefull artists. 

Wow ! Vacation , anyone ?

> It's a big big shame that an amoeba
> from budweiser and stripbar can bring so much trouble here.

Vesa's advice to ignore flamebait is a wise one .

> First he asked for tutorials, then he gets them, oki then he asks for
> project files. I guess he needs them to make the first great image on
> his renderfarm. Man ... my bloodpressure goes now nowhere and I can't
> understand what's going on. Toleration has somewhere it's end. For me
> it's since last week reached.
> Bye
> Boris

  I asked where are the concrete HTML Tutorials from Jason , with
links to project files and textures ? They are non-existent and
will perhaps always be so .

  Where are your Concrete HTML Tutorials concerning your ever
evolving "Female Creations" ? Same place I guess . You constantly
use this list to attempt to pump up your ego , by posting a link
to your latest never ending effort , but where is the "Give-Back"?

   ... doesn't exist . That is not a personal attack on you , just
the bitter truth . Same with Jason . I was not attacking him , just
pointing out the same sad truth .

   For some advanced users here , it is very very simply , all
about them , and them alone .

  Sorry if the truth hurts . Strip clubs ? Yes , try one some-
time you may even become properly inspired at last . Mine has
ice cold Buds on sale tonight . 

  Yep , ice cold beer delivered by gorgeous naked girls as a
$50,000 sound system pumps out awesome tunes . Ya , that's a
terrible thing now , isn't it ?

  I feel so very hurt by your cruel cutting words .


> > This is not what you asked for Gary ?
> > 
> > You got know where near asking for this.  Instead you were abusive to me and
> > eventually my wife for no founded reason other than your frustration of the
> > lists lack of response to your general ranting.  You accused me of giving
> > nothing to the list of which I have disproved with these previously
> > mentioned emails alone and my years of contributions to the beta testing and
> > development which you have never been privee to see and could not possibly
> > have any idea of what you are talking about.
> > 
> > I have shown you in the previous emails my working methods which have NO
> > GREAT SECRET you keep eluding to, just hard work of tweaking and testing.
> > You now choose to ignore this information as I have proved you wrong and
> > instead find a new reason to complain to me and others.
> > 
> > Why was I suddenly to be named as solely responsible for the Realsoft user
> > list demise in your previous email, when GI is only a small part of Realsoft
> > 3D ?  You chose to slander and critisize me and now I have proved your
> > accusations to be misplaced you still cannot bring yourself to apologise
> > for your behaviour.  I am amazed you are still allowed to voice your opinion
> > on this list and hope you are not permitted to speak to anyone else the way
> > you have to me ever again.
> > 
> > What is so odd is that you could have asked me in a nice pleasant manner as
> > you have managed to do in the past and I would have no doubt found the time
> > to answer your concerns as best I could.
> > 
> > You contradict yourself over and over.  If you know GI very well then you
> > can surely apply a sky texture map as an illumination channel in a single
> > shader to a skydome sphere, throw in your scene, a GI shader, a light and
> > tweak the controls as explained.  This is no secret and it's how I make my
> > images as I have told you over and over.  You clearly have a lot more time
> > than many of us here, so if you are not doing it for you alone, perhaps you
> > can put your time where your mouse is and upload the project file yourself.
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > >  Somehow , you 2 percieve a tiny possibility that I am
> > > asking for myself . If I was , I wouldn't attemp to shame
> > > someone into finally sharing some concrete tutorials , of
> > > course .
> > 
> > Shame someone into creating concrete tutorials ???  None of us are under any
> > obligation to provide any tutorials especially in the manner in which you
> > ask.  This kind of pressure would scare people away as they would feel any
> > kind of presence on the list would warrant they must create a tutorial to
> > stay around.  This is a free community list to help each other out as and
> > when we can and know how to.
> > 
> > What you are suggesting is re-inventing the user list into a different
> > approach from what we have come to know.  While you do have some points that
> > are worth discussing as you and the list currently are, your approach to
> > saving good information is entirely different

Let's Attack Garry ! was : Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> I am amazed you are still allowed to voice your opinion
> on this list 

> You contradict yourself over and over.

> really what planet are you on...  

> Jason

  Yep , these are the kind of personal attacks Vesa has
suggested that we ignore , so I will . 

   Just more time wasting teeth gnashing anyway , still
no concrete HTML examples for the Realsoft user base .

  ... oh well .


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> There's a simple solution to abusive comments: IGNORE THEM!

Right , that's what Vesa suggested .
> The destructive atmosphere builds up because we tend to react (quite 
> naturally).

Yes , and some are very , very sensitive too , it seems .

> Let's remind ourselves that this list is an exchange of ideas, 
> resources and assistance.  Should someone step beyond this, it's better 
> (and more effective) to ignore.  Allow the atmosphere to dissipate 
> rather than polarize.

  So right , with Vesa's suggestion to "Cool it" comes another
barrage of attacks . Very odd .

> With apologies to Garry, he's been a long-time contributer to this 
> list, but also has those destructive episodes.  So: there is some good, 
> with bad.  As long as we maintain a balance, any excesses can be 
> absorbed...

No apologies required . I have very little in my life to be
sensitive about (except for that one time in Samoa ... but
that's another story) .

> I'm sure Vesa has already contacted Garry about this situation.
> Amir

  Actually no, Vesa took the time to contact all of us at once by
posting his sentiments to this list . That was enough for me ,
but for some it seems it was an invite to flame away , at will .

Kind of bizzare , if you ask me .


Let's Attack Garry ! was : Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> I will resurrect myself from the dead, to say that Garry must go. Now. I
> have waited a long time to say that. He was given a second chance, probably
> more than once, before and he continues to abuse the priviledge. If he does
> not go, I suggest we take the mailing list to a new forum and ban his
> account.
> Miles/.. (sorry Vesa, but it has to be said)

  Well said , and thanks for the many many awesome tutorials
you have provided through all these many years . So glad you
were not one of those people who just kept posting about their
problems and their creations .

  Many here have left their mark on this community , some ...
just a quickly fading , and very odd looking stain .


Re: no wiki problem - Clifton Hill Extension

2006-09-24 Thread Amir Ansari
Garry, hopefully this is heading toward a round of sincere apologies to 
everyone you insulted...?


Re: no wiki problem - Clifton Hill Extension

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> Considering my work often starts at 8am and finishes
> between 8pm and 4am the next morning I do not know when
> else I am supposed to email the list Gary...

  It was on Clifton Hill that I met her . My best buddy
was back at my car grabbing the wallet he forgot , out
of my TR-6's trunk . I was getting a bit pissed off that
it was taking him so long , when all of a sudden , this
girl comes trucking up the sidewalk just like she owned
it .

  Chris was her name .

  She was the best girl I ever met . 19 . Killer smile .
Just a doll and that is the reason I stopped her and
asked for directions .

  I knew the area like the back of my hand (but we
grasp for straws in those sudden situations) and that
is all I could come up with ...

  Well , blow me away , this gorgeous girl was totally
in the mood for a glass of wine ! Wow ! She pointed out
2 of her most favorite places just up the hill , scant
meters away . Hard day at work for her and of course a
glass of wine with a newly met guy who dug her might
help fix a few things .

  Unfortunately my buddy shows up at the exact wrong
moment and makes it clear that I am not a tourist and
attempts to drag me away to our previoulsy set plans.

  Chris looks at me and rolls her eye's and walks away
quite quickly amd diliberately heading back up Clifton
Hill towards her car ...

(ya , but how did I come to learn that her name was
"Chris" ? ) .

Stay tuned !


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread Amir Ansari

There's a simple solution to abusive comments: IGNORE THEM!

The destructive atmosphere builds up because we tend to react (quite 

Let's remind ourselves that this list is an exchange of ideas, 
resources and assistance.  Should someone step beyond this, it's better 
(and more effective) to ignore.  Allow the atmosphere to dissipate 
rather than polarize.

With apologies to Garry, he's been a long-time contributer to this 
list, but also has those destructive episodes.  So: there is some good, 
with bad.  As long as we maintain a balance, any excesses can be 

I'm sure Vesa has already contacted Garry about this situation.


RE: no wiki problem

2006-09-23 Thread Miles Finlay
I will resurrect myself from the dead, to say that Garry must go. Now. I
have waited a long time to say that. He was given a second chance, probably
more than once, before and he continues to abuse the priviledge. If he does
not go, I suggest we take the mailing list to a new forum and ban his

Miles/.. (sorry Vesa, but it has to be said)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Boris Jahn
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: no wiki problem

Jason you lost Vesa's game!
I've been over ten years on this list but there has never been so much
negative energy. Garry (right with two "R") tries to destroy this list.
Unfotunately the mailinglist admin seems to be tolerating pissing and
spitting on the most gratefull artists. I was considering the first time
since I'm here to leave the list. It's a big big shame that an amoeba
from budweiser and stripbar can bring so much trouble here.
First he asked for tutorials, then he gets them, oki then he asks for
project files. I guess he needs them to make the first great image on
his renderfarm. Man ... my bloodpressure goes now nowhere and I can't
understand what's going on. Toleration has somewhere it's end. For me
it's since last week reached.


> This is not what you asked for Gary ?
> You got know where near asking for this.  Instead you were abusive to me
> eventually my wife for no founded reason other than your frustration of
> lists lack of response to your general ranting.  You accused me of giving
> nothing to the list of which I have disproved with these previously
> mentioned emails alone and my years of contributions to the beta testing
> development which you have never been privee to see and could not possibly
> have any idea of what you are talking about.
> I have shown you in the previous emails my working methods which have NO
> GREAT SECRET you keep eluding to, just hard work of tweaking and testing.
> You now choose to ignore this information as I have proved you wrong and
> instead find a new reason to complain to me and others.
> Why was I suddenly to be named as solely responsible for the Realsoft user
> list demise in your previous email, when GI is only a small part of
> 3D ?  You chose to slander and critisize me and now I have proved your
> accusations to be misplaced you still cannot bring yourself to apologise
> for your behaviour.  I am amazed you are still allowed to voice your
> on this list and hope you are not permitted to speak to anyone else the
> you have to me ever again.
> What is so odd is that you could have asked me in a nice pleasant manner
> you have managed to do in the past and I would have no doubt found the
> to answer your concerns as best I could.
> You contradict yourself over and over.  If you know GI very well then you
> can surely apply a sky texture map as an illumination channel in a single
> shader to a skydome sphere, throw in your scene, a GI shader, a light and
> tweak the controls as explained.  This is no secret and it's how I make my
> images as I have told you over and over.  You clearly have a lot more time
> than many of us here, so if you are not doing it for you alone, perhaps
> can put your time where your mouse is and upload the project file
> >
> >  Somehow , you 2 percieve a tiny possibility that I am
> > asking for myself . If I was , I wouldn't attemp to shame
> > someone into finally sharing some concrete tutorials , of
> > course .
> Shame someone into creating concrete tutorials ???  None of us are under
> obligation to provide any tutorials especially in the manner in which you
> ask.  This kind of pressure would scare people away as they would feel any
> kind of presence on the list would warrant they must create a tutorial to
> stay around.  This is a free community list to help each other out as and
> when we can and know how to.
> What you are suggesting is re-inventing the user list into a different
> approach from what we have come to know.  While you do have some points
> are worth discussing as you and the list currently are, your approach to
> saving good information is entirely different.
> >  What I was actually trying to accomplish , was to once
> > again point out that the Realsoft3D community's success
> > hinges on selfless giving and sharing via HTML tutorials .
> >
> >  Not by firing off emails while at work , or showing us
> > yet another awesome render .
> >
> > Garry
> Considering my work often starts at 8am and finishes between 8pm and 4am
> next mo

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-23 Thread Boris Jahn
Jason you lost Vesa's game!
I've been over ten years on this list but there has never been so much
negative energy. Garry (right with two "R") tries to destroy this list.
Unfotunately the mailinglist admin seems to be tolerating pissing and
spitting on the most gratefull artists. I was considering the first time
since I'm here to leave the list. It's a big big shame that an amoeba
from budweiser and stripbar can bring so much trouble here.
First he asked for tutorials, then he gets them, oki then he asks for
project files. I guess he needs them to make the first great image on
his renderfarm. Man ... my bloodpressure goes now nowhere and I can't
understand what's going on. Toleration has somewhere it's end. For me
it's since last week reached.


> This is not what you asked for Gary ?
> You got know where near asking for this.  Instead you were abusive to me and
> eventually my wife for no founded reason other than your frustration of the
> lists lack of response to your general ranting.  You accused me of giving
> nothing to the list of which I have disproved with these previously
> mentioned emails alone and my years of contributions to the beta testing and
> development which you have never been privee to see and could not possibly
> have any idea of what you are talking about.
> I have shown you in the previous emails my working methods which have NO
> GREAT SECRET you keep eluding to, just hard work of tweaking and testing.
> You now choose to ignore this information as I have proved you wrong and
> instead find a new reason to complain to me and others.
> Why was I suddenly to be named as solely responsible for the Realsoft user
> list demise in your previous email, when GI is only a small part of Realsoft
> 3D ?  You chose to slander and critisize me and now I have proved your
> accusations to be misplaced you still cannot bring yourself to apologise
> for your behaviour.  I am amazed you are still allowed to voice your opinion
> on this list and hope you are not permitted to speak to anyone else the way
> you have to me ever again.
> What is so odd is that you could have asked me in a nice pleasant manner as
> you have managed to do in the past and I would have no doubt found the time
> to answer your concerns as best I could.
> You contradict yourself over and over.  If you know GI very well then you
> can surely apply a sky texture map as an illumination channel in a single
> shader to a skydome sphere, throw in your scene, a GI shader, a light and
> tweak the controls as explained.  This is no secret and it's how I make my
> images as I have told you over and over.  You clearly have a lot more time
> than many of us here, so if you are not doing it for you alone, perhaps you
> can put your time where your mouse is and upload the project file yourself.
> >
> >  Somehow , you 2 percieve a tiny possibility that I am
> > asking for myself . If I was , I wouldn't attemp to shame
> > someone into finally sharing some concrete tutorials , of
> > course .
> Shame someone into creating concrete tutorials ???  None of us are under any
> obligation to provide any tutorials especially in the manner in which you
> ask.  This kind of pressure would scare people away as they would feel any
> kind of presence on the list would warrant they must create a tutorial to
> stay around.  This is a free community list to help each other out as and
> when we can and know how to.
> What you are suggesting is re-inventing the user list into a different
> approach from what we have come to know.  While you do have some points that
> are worth discussing as you and the list currently are, your approach to
> saving good information is entirely different.
> >  What I was actually trying to accomplish , was to once
> > again point out that the Realsoft3D community's success
> > hinges on selfless giving and sharing via HTML tutorials .
> >
> >  Not by firing off emails while at work , or showing us
> > yet another awesome render .
> >
> > Garry
> Considering my work often starts at 8am and finishes between 8pm and 4am the
> next morning I do not know when else I am supposed to email the list Gary...
> really what planet are you on... it is now a crime to respond to the list
> while I am at work ???  I also promise not to post any more renders to the
> list if that will keep you happy as it clearly irritates you.
> Now anyone else who would like to post a good image will now have to
> think... hmmm if I post this image I am happy with, while I have 2 minutes
> to upload it during my busy day. Will I get lambasted by Gary for not also
> handing over the project file and a tutorial of how I did it  This which I
> do not have the time to do and my client would not allow me to release
> publicly anyway  hmmm maybe I better not upload it after all... another
> good piece of work lost in cyber ether for no reason.
> With your approach the list falls apart a lot quicker as no o

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-23 Thread Jason Saunders


 Thanks for the offer , but I have a very elaborate archive
that goes way-way back to V3.x .

 I feel that I should put you straight , however . I wasn't
asking for help from anyone . I was suggesting that those with
advanced knowledge share it with the community .

 You and Jason are telling me how I should work hard and
learn , but I've known that for many years now .

  I wasn't suggesting that Jason create an advanced Gi
tutorial for me , I feel I have a very good grasp on RS3D
Gi now for the last 2 years .

 I was suggesting Jason share some of his project files ,
or at least create a project file that he could share , so
_THE REST_ of the community could begin to come to grips
wuth RS3D Gi

This is not what you asked for Gary ?

You got know where near asking for this.  Instead you were abusive to me and
eventually my wife for no founded reason other than your frustration of the
lists lack of response to your general ranting.  You accused me of giving
nothing to the list of which I have disproved with these previously
mentioned emails alone and my years of contributions to the beta testing and
development which you have never been privee to see and could not possibly
have any idea of what you are talking about.

I have shown you in the previous emails my working methods which have NO
GREAT SECRET you keep eluding to, just hard work of tweaking and testing.
You now choose to ignore this information as I have proved you wrong and
instead find a new reason to complain to me and others.

Why was I suddenly to be named as solely responsible for the Realsoft user
list demise in your previous email, when GI is only a small part of Realsoft
3D ?  You chose to slander and critisize me and now I have proved your
accusations to be misplaced you still cannot bring yourself to apologise
for your behaviour.  I am amazed you are still allowed to voice your opinion
on this list and hope you are not permitted to speak to anyone else the way
you have to me ever again.

What is so odd is that you could have asked me in a nice pleasant manner as
you have managed to do in the past and I would have no doubt found the time
to answer your concerns as best I could.

You contradict yourself over and over.  If you know GI very well then you
can surely apply a sky texture map as an illumination channel in a single
shader to a skydome sphere, throw in your scene, a GI shader, a light and
tweak the controls as explained.  This is no secret and it's how I make my
images as I have told you over and over.  You clearly have a lot more time
than many of us here, so if you are not doing it for you alone, perhaps you
can put your time where your mouse is and upload the project file yourself.

 Somehow , you 2 percieve a tiny possibility that I am
asking for myself . If I was , I wouldn't attemp to shame
someone into finally sharing some concrete tutorials , of
course .

Shame someone into creating concrete tutorials ???  None of us are under any
obligation to provide any tutorials especially in the manner in which you
ask.  This kind of pressure would scare people away as they would feel any
kind of presence on the list would warrant they must create a tutorial to
stay around.  This is a free community list to help each other out as and
when we can and know how to.

What you are suggesting is re-inventing the user list into a different
approach from what we have come to know.  While you do have some points that
are worth discussing as you and the list currently are, your approach to
saving good information is entirely different.

 What I was actually trying to accomplish , was to once
again point out that the Realsoft3D community's success
hinges on selfless giving and sharing via HTML tutorials .

 Not by firing off emails while at work , or showing us
yet another awesome render .


Considering my work often starts at 8am and finishes between 8pm and 4am the
next morning I do not know when else I am supposed to email the list Gary...
really what planet are you on... it is now a crime to respond to the list
while I am at work ???  I also promise not to post any more renders to the
list if that will keep you happy as it clearly irritates you.

Now anyone else who would like to post a good image will now have to
think... hmmm if I post this image I am happy with, while I have 2 minutes
to upload it during my busy day. Will I get lambasted by Gary for not also
handing over the project file and a tutorial of how I did it  This which I
do not have the time to do and my client would not allow me to release
publicly anyway  hmmm maybe I better not upload it after all... another
good piece of work lost in cyber ether for no reason.

With your approach the list falls apart a lot quicker as no one will see any
inspiring work any more.


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-21 Thread studio
> However, since you've commented about the lack of mailing list 
> archives, I offer you my archive.  It goes back 3-4 years and includes 
> all attachments.  I might have lost one or two posts due to past 
> computer hiccups.  If you're interested, email me off-list.
> Amir 

  Thanks for the offer , but I have a very elaborate archive
that goes way-way back to V3.x .

  I feel that I should put you straight , however . I wasn't
asking for help from anyone . I was suggesting that those with
advanced knowledge share it with the community .

  You and Jason are telling me how I should work hard and
learn , but I've known that for many years now .

   I wasn't suggesting that Jason create an advanced Gi
tutorial for me , I feel I have a very good grasp on RS3D
Gi now for the last 2 years .

  I was suggesting Jason share some of his project files ,
or at least create a project file that he could share , so
_THE REST_ of the community could begin to come to grips
wuth RS3D Gi .

  Somehow , you 2 percieve a tiny possibility that I am
asking for myself . If I was , I wouldn't attemp to shame
someone into finally sharing some concrete tutorials , of
course . 

  What I was actually trying to accomplish , was to once
again point out that the Realsoft3D community's success
hinges on selfless giving and sharing via HTML tutorials .

  Not by firing off emails while at work , or showing us
yet another awesome render .


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-20 Thread Amir Ansari

Hi all

I can't believe what I'm reading lately.  Garry, you should be ashamed 
of yourself.  If you want to learn the software, be prepared to work 
hard at it - no one owes you anything.  It's just the old concept of 
'personal responsibility'.  And if you need help, you should remember 
that a little politeness goes a LONG way.

That's how community works, like it or not.

However, since you've commented about the lack of mailing list 
archives, I offer you my archive.  It goes back 3-4 years and includes 
all attachments.  I might have lost one or two posts due to past 
computer hiccups.  If you're interested, email me off-list.


  +/`   +  / `
 ( )`( )`
 /  A/ A

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-19 Thread studio
> You have a point Gary, we should, if we can, put as much possible to advance
> the community. But it's not an obligation .

Not an obligation ? Hmmm ... 

  Do you not feel an obligation of some small amount toward
the society that you live in ? I dare you to say "no" .

  If you are a 'Leader' in the society that you live in ,
how can you not contribute ? In my mind , if you are of
the 'Leader' status in your society , then you _must_
contribute !

  However , in the RS3D society , leaders show awesome
works without direction on how the rest of us may follow .

  Why ? Because the last thing they want is for us to
follow ... and pass them easily ! It's the same all
over the world . Those on the inside track certainly
do not want to share the knowledge that they have
gained via their gravitational interactions .

  Of course , what comes around goes around , and that
can be a bitch . Always-always-always there will be
those that are hoar-ders and all 'the rest of us' can
do is point them out whenever we have the opportunity .

> And for the wide variety of subjects and opinions on this
> list : It's a free bonus.

  This list is like an X-Box or Playstation Game to many .
Another diversion is all .

I say it 'till I'm Blue In The Face ;

Concrete Contribution is all that matters ...

Jump on IRC and you will meet all kinds of people who
are willing to help you .

You say RS3D is too slow but did you ever contact Vesa
of Juha and ask them directly ?

Robert d. and bore,us J are solid contributers but most
are just lazy people looking to kill time at work via
the RS3D list .

Spew to the list ... who cares , it will all be washed
away tomorrow , as everything that is posted to this
list inevitably is (no one seems to get it[bizzare]) .

> > Jean-Sebastien Perron
> > www.neuroworld.cws

my web situation is currently in deep flux 

Re: no wiki problem - this is my last email on this matter.

2006-09-19 Thread studio
> Regards
> Jason

Well , I see that Vesa has cracked down . Too bad because I was
going to have a riot with your reply ... oh well .

  So then , let me ask you this question :

  Do you not grasp the fact (that I've been harping on , over
and over till I'm blue in the face) that this .zip file that you
have in your "TEMP" directory will only have the very short life
that your one single mail to this list gives it ?

  Seriously ! Only one single person has ever addressed my
simple premise , and that's Jean-Perron . All else here have
never commented on the inherent drawbacks of posting info to
this list .

  In my last mail I profusely suggested that you quit posting
info to this list and instead create a web page with your RS3D
insites .

Your response was to post an information-bearing list e-mail.

  Let me ask you point-blank then . "Why don't you simply add
a single , solitary web page to your vast web site , that has
a/some links to your Realsoft3D findings .

  Barring that , why not very simply just include a short link
to the above .zip file in your email signature ?

 Having a link to this new informational file (that you have
finally taken the time to create) in your sig , will ensure
(on your rare visits to the list) that it will have (a brief)
perpetualness .

 This suggested way is better than nothing , isn't it ? (and
nothing is what new subscribers to this list will get)

  I wish I could join some of you in thinking that 'it's
just me' ... but I can't . I look for _concrete_ contri-
butions to the community and ...

 ... oh yes , Vesa has spoken .

OK . 

my web situation is currently in deep flux

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-19 Thread studio
> In Outlook 2002  select the menu and type in: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Set it to "move it to deleted items folder".
> Click next and activate "Turn on this rule"
> Click finish.
> Karl

Hi Karl , so good to hear from you again ! :

   Thanks Karl . Much less frustrating than your usual
" well , I don't have Realsoft3D running right now as
I am at work , but if you take the vebelfester and V-
notch it starting at the cornfesting cranknob you will
perhaps get a solemn nitquacker's aromatic " .

 I have of course expressed my constant frustrations
to people like you and David Coombes , about you al-
ways "shooting VSL from the hip" while you are at
work . It serves no purpose what-so-ever but only
causes deep head scratching & high blood pressures.

  Your above advice runs perfectly (so refreshing)
however ! Thank you so much for a detailed working
methodology . I knew you had it in you . (even if
it is not VSL related in any way at all)

... and of course thanks for your RS noise shader . If only you would find the
time to ship a few more of those rare gems (and
create a permanent link to them ...somewhere) .   

my web situation is currently in deep flux 

RE: no wiki problem

2006-09-19 Thread Jean-Seastien Perron
I know many usefull trick and could do the following turial :
-How to do a portal to another univers with compositing inside realsoft.
-How to render the depth of an object to use it as a bump mapping to a lower
polygon object.
-How to do a manual motion blurr.
-How to to cut the scene complexity by 4 by rendering a 360 image and then
using it as a background.
-How to do a fisheye lens rendering by putting the camera inside a
transparent sphere with refraction.
-How to controll all the animation of a character with a  single channel.
-And many more.

But I don't have time and I am lazy.
I have 2 website to do, a pamphlet to produce, my own website to update, my
personnal animation project to complete. And I have to work my regular job
8:00 to 16:30 5 days a week, make some repairing on my house.
So my only relax time is reading this interesting realsoft list.

I have so many new things to show on my website, I don't have time to put
them on my site.

I would like to do as many tutorial as I could, but I am tired. And I have
been sick for the past 6 months.

The other problem is that I don't use realsoft professionaly, 
Because I find the workflow (rendering setting, GI and material) too slow.
So I use other 3D application. 

I use realsoft only for modeling. This is sad, but I don't have much time.
Realsoft is very powerfull but difficult to use.

In fact, it is the most difficult software to use.
That's why everytime you want to do something with realsoft you need to open
the manual and ask this list. Realsoft is very technical. It is the last
software I would recommand for a beginer. But if you have time to learn and
time to work with it it is the finest of the finest.

Everytime I get a new contract, I think of realsoft, but use another
software instead because I fear it may take too much time with Realsoft.

I still offer my personal texture collection of 18 000, 8 gig textures to
anyone asking. If anyone is interested, I will ship the DVD's full of
texture. The last time I offered this, nobody replied to it.

You have a point Gary, we should, if we can, put as much possible to advance
the community. But it's not an obligation.

And for the wide variety of subjects and opinions on this list : It's a free

I personally learned to do 3D by myself and by observing others work. Never
used any tutorial in my life. I read the manual, try every feature of a
software one by one. An advice to every newbie is think of a scene or the
image of that scene, sketch it rapidly on a paper, write the list of object
needed then start working inside Realsoft. Solve every problem one after the
other. A real project will make you go trough the whole process slowly.

It took me 17 years of 3D to be where I am now. So be patient.

3D is not about trick and technique, it's about patience and many try.

Don't compare to pixar, because nobody there know how to do a 3D animation.
They only know part of it. There is a departement by : modeling, texture,
lighting, animating, rendering, compositing. So if you do an image from
scratch you are already better than them.

To understand what is a good photography and composition,
To understand what is a good lighted scene with an emotion,
To understand what makes an image beatifull is a verrry long process.
To do that you have to leave Realsoft there and observe the world aroud you.

As for the trick about GI, my better advice is do it in you room with real
light. The solution is not in Realsoft, It's in you.

Everyone should calm down on the list, It's just a spicy debate.
Don't take it personnaly, It's not like we know each other.

As for the language and the insults, It's useless and it's going nowhere.

Note : I have been banned on the ElectricImage forum a couples of years ago,
because I mentionned that realsoft was like electricimage with 20 000$
dollars of plugins included for only half the price of electricimage.
People started insulting me, I sold electricimage right after that.

I am toltally against banning.

A good Idea Gary, if you have time, would be to compile the interesting
information from this list and put it on a website. : )
Like that they would never be lost, like tears in the rain.

This thread is nice, it shoked and woke up the community.

A final advice to anyone, read the tutorial of other 3D software,
Most of the time they work with every other application.

Jean-Sebastien Perron


-Message d'origine-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de studio
Envoyé : Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:53 AM
À :
Objet : Re: no wiki problem

> You should leave it there.

No .

> Instead of writing on this List, you should be working with Realsoft
> instead.

Yes .

> There is no competition about who is the best Realsoft user.
> Realsoft is there to realize your personnal vision only.


Re: no wiki problem - this is my last email on this matter.

2006-09-19 Thread Jason Saunders

As I (and others) have been slandered and abused beyond what 
is acceptable I sadly must reply to your unjust and unpleasant 
Gary, I am afraid the Budweiser has fried your brain as you 
clearly have no memory of my advice over the years.
I have just quickly grabbed a selection of my posts to you and 
the list over the years relating to how I use GI in Realsoft.  I use the 
same methods today and am holding back no great secrets you keep eluding 
to.  Learn concept, detail and finally execution of your 
interpretation and you too can produce great images and animation.  
As the mails are too big to get to the list in this 
email, I have uploaded them in a zip file at this link:
As to my non existent contribution to the community I am 
confused by your conclusion.  While as a beta tester for Realsoft I 
get the software for free, what you have never seen is the literally 
hundreds of hours of testing, posting and bug reports I and many others have 
contributed since the late 1990's.
In the selection of emails I have uploaded I particularly 
like your  ' 9 out of 10 ' posting regarding a review I wrote, 
but you seemed to have missed that point.
I have been trying to be as polite as I possibly can, but 
there is no easy way around this.  What you are lacking is not information 
from the list... it is sadly talent and / or the inability to understand 
that you have to learn a lot yourself about art, imagery and animation 
beyond this helpful list.  You have to stop blaming others for your 
shortcomings and pull your finger out and learn art or what interests you 
yourself.  We can all help each other technically and with encouragement, 
but we can't teach you what makes a good image.  You have to learn that 
I believe you have really gone too far in your personal 
attacks on myself and others today.  Bringing my wife into this was grossly 
immature of you and I hope you are now ashamed and can one day find a way 
to apologise to me and the others.
You sadly have no ability to laugh at yourself like we are all 
capable of doing of ourselves and this is why you reacted so badly to the 
light humour that was posted earlier in an attempt to end your continuing 
I suggest you plough through all the advice I have 
given in my attached previous posts and shove them up your WIKI 
I wish you a pleasant day and please let this be the 
end of it as you are harming what you supposedly hold so dear.
- Original Message - 
From: "studio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: no wiki problem
> >> I can only 
speak for myself, but I value your contributions both to this >> list 
and the Realsoft community in general.  I'm sure many on this list ( if 
>> not all...) appreciate the time and energy it takes to make a 
living out of >> 3D.>> Glenn McLean   > 
> Contributions ??? : > >  What contributions ? "Here 
, this is what I have rendered> with Realsoft3D" is the only contribution 
I have ever seen> out of Jasmine Slanders .> 
> ...Years & Years Later :> > Where are the RS3D 
project files ?> Where are the advanced RS3D Gi tutorials ?> Where 
are the RS3D VSL Indoor Textures ?> >  Of course making a 
living in 3D is an enormous task , > and a hill I never had the talent to 
climb , but it's> no excuse to hoard crucial information , as far as 
I'm> concerned anyway .> >  Jason is a hoar-der . We 
all know that . His wife may> put up with his endless "3D for Jason" , 
but I will not> and will "call a spade a spade" .> > 
Whatever ...> > Garry> > PS : Forgot about possible 
youngsters on this list .> Will attempt to filter my "army mouth" from 
now on .> > > >over 
recent years to the list realting to techniques and advise on using GI from 
Jason Saunders

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-19 Thread Matthias Kappenberg
> >   Of course in theory , anyone can log in and delete the
> > whole site at will , but still , it would be nice to see
> > a few more details concerning particular page histories ,
> > I think .

There's a history for each page, it's possible to restore
older versions of an article (try the "history" tab).

If you like to find something:
There's a searchbox.
Try something like "zaug" or "greeblez" or "random" or 
to find Real GreebleZ.


And to Garry:
Please try "halfling's leaf" instead of Budweiser ;-)

RE: no wiki problem

2006-09-19 Thread Karl.Ruben.Pettersen
Sure. I'll take a hint and I'll give a small tutorial.
Someone finally broke my patience. Do the following steps:

In Outlook 2002 (but likely similar in newer versions), select the menu
Tools\Rules Wizard\New\Start from blank rule\Check when arrive
Click Next

In the next box check the "with specific words in the message header"
click on the "specific words", and type in:

Set it to "move it to deleted items folder".

Click next and activate "Turn on this rule"

Click finish.

And that's all that's needed for a generally better day.
One main source of negative vibes eliminated.

You get my drift I suppose.

If anyone has better solutions, feel free to contribute,
that's what's he's after anyway, no? Contributing takes TIME,
time most of us might not have!

FYI Garry, I have been doing some "tutorials" and info-pages
and such, but never released any of it because:
1. Full of mistakes
2. Too much "other life" going on (you should try it)
3. Never time to complete
4. Repeat from 1

That's all I have to say about this..
A shame some people can't behave humanly.

And a big gratitude to the rest who is keeping the list
interresting and on a factual level with the occasional
spinoff. Thanks to everyone else for not letting a bad
day affect the quality of the list. I'm sure everyone
have them from time to time.

Btw, I'm against user ban, and I'm against word filter.


This e-mail and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or 
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Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread studio
> Who wants to belong to a list with pathetic individuals like yourself on
> it!!!?

Exactly :

  This is all you have got !

Sad , so sad .

 Back up your position in this community with even a
single solitary ounce of contribution ...

> Anyone coming to this list as a newbie would be put of RS3D all together
> after seeing the attitude you have..

You have not contributed even a single solitary word/verb/noun
toward newbies coming to this list .

> Some people have a life outside RS3D

Right , of course , but being a part of the RS3D
community is an important part of sharing vital
information . 

> That's all the input I am going to put into your pathetic posts
> ...Garry on the spam/delete list.

  Yep , that is good thing for the list , and actually the
only thing you have ever done since you got here from "who
knows where ? "

  Please do not stress out over this tiny altercation . We
know you are very sick and I wish nothing but the best of
health to you and sincerely hope that they do not decide
to cut your testicles off .


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread studio
> You should leave it there.

No .

> Instead of writing on this List, you should be working with Realsoft
> instead.

Yes .

> There is no competition about who is the best Realsoft user.
> Realsoft is there to realize your personnal vision only.

Yes again . 
> And you should not associate Realsoft with the people using it.
> Realsoft is just a tool... so use it. Stop talking about it.

Yes again & again .

> Note : The realsoft community is the weirdest one, people
> Take much of their time trying to write tutorial, finding technical tricks,
> Writing plugins than actually using Realsoft to create ART(Picture or
> animation).
> Jean-Sebastien Perron

  Ok , but if you yourself Jean-Sebastien find something very
interesting that you know without question that the whole RS3D
community would absolutely love to have access to , that would
love to have a project file or a VSL file , or would go crazy
for an elaborate Web Page Tutorial ...

  Would you not share ?

  My whole point is :

A) There are many here .
B) Some will contribute with tutorials  .
C) Some will endeavor to degrade the RS3D community
   via various useless mails to the list that serve
   no purpose except to promote certain individuals
   as RS3D proponents when in actuality it's "all
   about them" .

  This is my whole point (above) again.


  I totally agree that the best you can do is create
awesome art with RS3D but it really only takes a few
tutorials first , and those tutorials are being pro-
mised by some users , and never-ever-ever-ever-ever
delivered .

 Also , some so called advanced users simply choose
not to share vital knowledge (yet another point I'm
trying desperately to make) .


RE: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread Ross Hopkins
Ha ha,
Man you are a joke...

Take your blood pressure medication and get some counselling...
you are a disgrace to RS3D and are pathetic!

Who wants to belong to a list with pathetic individuals like yourself on

Anyone coming to this list as a newbie would be put of RS3D all together
after seeing the attitude you have..

Some people have a life outside RS3D


That's all the input I am going to put into your pathetic posts...Garry on
the spam/delete list.

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of studio
>Sent: Tuesday, 19 September 2006 17:20
>Subject: Re: no wiki problem
>> Man,
>> This list has sunk sow low
>> The lowest of low..
>> R
>Ya , but where have you been ? :
>  Haven't you been one of those people who have promised
>all kinds of tutorials but have never actually delivered
>even a single ounce of usefull information? Of course not .
>  Yep , you are a mailing list garbage person .
>  You comment once and a while , but do not provide even
>a single morsel of usefullness , although you obviously
>promise otherwise , endlessly .
>So who are you ?
>Where did you come from ?
>What are your true intensions ?
>What have you given the community ?
> Examine this logical equation (below) :
>A)  (If) The mailing list is nothing but a place for people
>like yourself to throw garbage (like your above
>comments) .
>B) (And If) The only place the Realsoft3D community has any
>kind of interaction with you is this mailing list .
>C) (Then)  You are nothing but garbage .
>D) Time for you and your clown buddies to go Fluk
>   themselves .
>E) Contribute or Fluk Off !
>F) Time to determine who is for the RS3D community and
>   and who is for the Maya/Max/LW community .
>G) That can only be determined by the amount of effort
>   that has been applied toward advanced HTML tutorials .
>  We know Robert and Bore-us John are all for RS3D , but
>what about the rest of you that contribute nothing , ex-
>cept your useless promises and critiques ...
>   That's correct ! You are against . You have nothing to
>offer except shallow promises that never happen , of
>course .
>  You are not of the community and have no intentions of
>becoming part of the RS3D user base . You are garbage .
>  So now we may look at Swanson Swinders and ask "who's
>side is she on ?" Who knows ? She only contributes to
>the garbage list ... no tutorials ... no textures ...
>no contibutions except "lick my renders" .
>   I'm eager to hear your pansy rebuttal . (Please do
>forgive this mail if you're finally dead) .

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread studio
> But in this reply I suppose
> I am breaking my own rule. The paradox of justice.
> Neil Cooke

Ya  , OK :

  Go back to sleep now .


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread studio
> Man,
> This list has sunk sow low
> The lowest of low..
> R

Ya , but where have you been ? :

  Haven't you been one of those people who have promised
all kinds of tutorials but have never actually delivered
even a single ounce of usefull information? Of course not .

  Yep , you are a mailing list garbage person .

  You comment once and a while , but do not provide even
a single morsel of usefullness , although you obviously
promise otherwise , endlessly .

So who are you ?
Where did you come from ?
What are your true intensions ?
What have you given the community ?

 Examine this logical equation (below) :

A)  (If) The mailing list is nothing but a place for people
like yourself to throw garbage (like your above
comments) .

B) (And If) The only place the Realsoft3D community has any
kind of interaction with you is this mailing list .

C) (Then)  You are nothing but garbage .

D) Time for you and your clown buddies to go Fluk
   themselves .

E) Contribute or Fluk Off !

F) Time to determine who is for the RS3D community and
   and who is for the Maya/Max/LW community .

G) That can only be determined by the amount of effort
   that has been applied toward advanced HTML tutorials .

  We know Robert and Bore-us John are all for RS3D , but
what about the rest of you that contribute nothing , ex-
cept your useless promises and critiques ...

   That's correct ! You are against . You have nothing to
offer except shallow promises that never happen , of
course .

  You are not of the community and have no intentions of
becoming part of the RS3D user base . You are garbage .

  So now we may look at Swanson Swinders and ask "who's
side is she on ?" Who knows ? She only contributes to
the garbage list ... no tutorials ... no textures ...
no contibutions except "lick my renders" .

   I'm eager to hear your pansy rebuttal . (Please do
forgive this mail if you're finally dead) .


Re: no wiki problem (the list is garbage)

2006-09-18 Thread studio
> > Love and best wishes 
> > Jason 

> Well, that sums it up nicely, good work m8!   : D
> Zaug
> P.S. Nah, you can stay  ; )
> My love of the  halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.
> <|8?o  

Inspiring words from one of the 'Dubie' Brothers :

  I remember a day when list sharing was monumental , when
there was so much sharing the list actually 'split' into
a specific catagory .

  Has the time come to start to think about what is good
and what is not good for this list , perhaps ?

  No , not even close . This list is nothing . Anyone can
subscribe . Anyone can attempt to set the pace here and
lately the pace is absurdly slow .

  The first thing 'real' Realsoft3D lovers must come to
understand is that the list is nothing but garbage !

  Yep , you read that right ... the list is garbage ! It's
venting , and bullcrap and very little info , and the info
that is sparingly shared will disappear forever into the
void .

  The whole Realsoft3D community actually centers around
web sites similiar to what 'Bore-Us John' have created .

  IRC is another true wealth of info . Of course Robert
denbroeder has attempted to create an all in one RS3D web
site where even inside beta-testing info can be had , and
maybe this is the one true RS3D information site , but
Robert d. only has so much time ...

  Satu helped to create yet another RS3D site that may
have been the 'be-all-and-end-all' of RS3D sites , but
somehow that site did not actually emerge as was antic-
ipated , and Satu retired from the RS family in order
to spend more time with her own family .

  Then came the Wiki , which turned out to be just an-
other version of the mailing list . Crucial info could
be easily added and just as easily subtracted by any-
RS hating clown who happened to wander in ...

  HTML tutorials are all that actually count .

  "Here, lick my renders" are nothing more or less than
meaningless egotisticall crap that people like Gay-son
Saunters have been flaunting for years and years . 


RE: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread Ross Hopkins
This list has sunk sow low
The lowest of low..


>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of studio
>Sent: Tuesday, 19 September 2006 16:12
>Subject: Re: no wiki problem
>> I can only speak for myself, but I value your contributions both to this
>> list and the Realsoft community in general.  I'm sure many on this list (
>> not all...) appreciate the time and energy it takes to make a living out
>> 3D.
>> Glenn McLean
>Contributions ??? :
>  What contributions ? "Here , this is what I have rendered
>with Realsoft3D" is the only contribution I have ever seen
>out of Jasmine Slanders .
> ...Years & Years Later :
>Where are the RS3D project files ?
>Where are the advanced RS3D Gi tutorials ?
>Where are the RS3D VSL Indoor Textures ?
>  Of course making a living in 3D is an enormous task ,
>and a hill I never had the talent to climb , but it's
>no excuse to hoard crucial information , as far as I'm
>concerned anyway .
>  Jason is a hoar-der . We all know that . His wife may
>put up with his endless "3D for Jason" , but I will not
>and will "call a spade a spade" .
>Whatever ...
>PS : Forgot about possible youngsters on this list .
>Will attempt to filter my "army mouth" from now on .

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread studio

> I can only speak for myself, but I value your contributions both to this 
> list and the Realsoft community in general.  I'm sure many on this list ( if 
> not all...) appreciate the time and energy it takes to make a living out of 
> 3D.
> Glenn McLean   

Contributions ??? : 

  What contributions ? "Here , this is what I have rendered
with Realsoft3D" is the only contribution I have ever seen
out of Jasmine Slanders .

 ...Years & Years Later :

Where are the RS3D project files ?
Where are the advanced RS3D Gi tutorials ?
Where are the RS3D VSL Indoor Textures ?

  Of course making a living in 3D is an enormous task , 
and a hill I never had the talent to climb , but it's
no excuse to hoard crucial information , as far as I'm
concerned anyway .

  Jason is a hoar-der . We all know that . His wife may
put up with his endless "3D for Jason" , but I will not
and will "call a spade a spade" .

Whatever ...


PS : Forgot about possible youngsters on this list .
Will attempt to filter my "army mouth" from now on .

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread studio
> If the rest of the list feel the same way Gary has indicated, then I will 
> gladly leave the user list today as I have not intention of offending anyone 
> else.
> Love and best wishes
> Jason 

  You're cracked . Elitist's like yourself hoard profusely
but will consistently remind you of their non-tangible cont-
ributions .

  Your beta-testing gives you free software . Your sporadic
mails to this list are lost forever (there is no archive) .

  So what have you got to show for yourself , as far as
community contributions go ?

Yep , excellent Gi renderings ...

  I rest my case (of Bud) .


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread Neil Cooke
Hi List, Jason, Boris ... Garry

Jason wrote:
> > If the rest of the list feel the same way Gary has indicated, then I
> > gladly leave the user list today as I have not intention of offending
> > else.

Boris wrote:

> no way ... the only one who should leave this list is Gary. He is a big
> shame for the RS community.

I agree with Boris.

I expect that the List can not vote a user off the list since access to the
list might be a contract offered by Realsoft to anyone purchasing RS. The
solution many of us have found is to simply not respond to or even read
posts from those who do not deserve the effort. But in this reply I suppose
I am breaking my own rule. The paradox of justice.

Neil Cooke

- Original Message -
From: "Boris Jahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: no wiki problem

> Hi Jason,
> > If the rest of the list feel the same way Gary has indicated, then I
> > gladly leave the user list today as I have not intention of offending
> > else.
> no way ... the only one who should leave this list is Gary. He is a big
> shame for the RS community.
> Bye
> Boris

Re: Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread ss-cm-gm
Hi Jason,

What a gentleman! I would have had to sleep a couple nights to reply to that 
email with as much restraint.

Thank you Jason for your efforts. Probably the single biggest tip I got from 
your postings was that you need to have some dim 'ambient' type of lights to 
'activate' good transparency and reflection. 

You are right. These kind of images take a lot of experience (the hard kind you 
can only learn by doing it yourself) and often they can take a lot of 
testrendering and tweaking. Having a lot of entourage can help as well.

Thanks again.

From: Jason Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2006/09/18 Mon AM 04:09:21 CDT
Subject: Re: no wiki problem


Oh dear I think someone got out of bed on the wrong side today.

I have some news for you Gary.  There are no great secrets to creating my GI 
images.  I have, in numerous emails already informed the group of my 
standard workflow and also in personal emails to some individuals.

RE: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread Jean-Seastien Perron
You should leave it there.

Forget about this small simple and ridiculous problem (observed from

Instead of writing on this List, you should be working with Realsoft

There is no competition about who is the best Realsoft user.
Realsoft is there to realize your personnal vision only.

And you should not associate Realsoft with the people using it.

Realsoft is just a tool... so use it. Stop talking about it.

Note : The realsoft community is the weirdest one, people
Take much of their time trying to write tutorial, finding technical tricks,
Writing plugins than actually using Realsoft to create ART(Picture or

Jean-Sebastien Perron

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread Zaug

Jason Saunders wrote:


Oh dear I think someone got out of bed on the wrong side today.

I have some news for you Gary.  There are no great secrets to creating 
my GI images.  I have, in numerous emails already informed the group 
of my standard workflow and also in personal emails to some individuals.

You seem to think just knowing the tools gives you a good image.  This 
is not the case as I have stated before, you also need to have a god 
eye, a good concept and a good understanding of what kind of image you 
are trying to achieve.

I cannot give you any more information than I already have as its the 
same method I use today.

Stop moaning because know one is holding YOUR hand in showing you how 
to start and finish a masterpiece. Go and discover if you have the 
ability (or dare I say talent) alone like the rest of us have to.  
Technical help is on hand for all of us when we need it.  That is 
primarily what the list is here for.  To help with the usage of the 
realsoft software and to encourage.

My lack of posting to the WIKI has something to do with the fact I and 
a few others are a minority in that we are trying to earn a living 
using this software, it is no longer a hobby for some of us.  I 
clearly do not have the same time you have to discover every finite 
trick Realsoft has to offer.  I have enormous pressures running  a 
business you obviously have no comprehension of.

There are many more on this list with far greater knowledge than I on 
VSL, mathematics and physics, who you can and are learning a lot from.

Something else your hung-over head might also have forgotten is that 
while the list does not see the effort I have put in over several 
years in beta testing the software you use.  I have bug reported, 
tested and commented consistently for the benefit of all of us.  
Apparently this is not enough.

Stop trying to find shortcuts Gary.  Go learn the art of good imagery 
and animation THEN learn how to use the Realsoft tools to achieve your 

" Can Rolf Harris paint the 'Sistine Chapel'... answer... probably 
not.  "

I am quite happy with who I have become, but thank you for your 
intellectual insight as always.

You may not have noticed this Gary, but over the years I cannot think 
of anyone else on this list who upsets and alienates people the way 
you do. You seem consistently on a knife edge and generally a very 
frustrated individual, turn the mirror on yourself once in a while for 
a reality check.

Careful who you slander on this list my friend !

If the rest of the list feel the same way Gary has indicated, then I 
will gladly leave the user list today as I have not intention of 
offending anyone else.

Love and best wishes


Well, that sums it up nicely, good work m8!   : D


P.S. Nah, you can stay  ; )

My love of the  halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread Glenn McLean
If the rest of the list feel the same way Gary has indicated, then I will 
gladly leave the user list today as I have not intention of offending 
anyone else.


I can only speak for myself, but I value your contributions both to this 
list and the Realsoft community in general.  I'm sure many on this list ( if 
not all...) appreciate the time and energy it takes to make a living out of 

All the best,
Glenn McLean 

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread Boris Jahn
Hi Jason,

> If the rest of the list feel the same way Gary has indicated, then I will 
> gladly leave the user list today as I have not intention of offending anyone 
> else.

no way ... the only one who should leave this list is Gary. He is a big
shame for the RS community. 


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread Jason Saunders


Oh dear I think someone got out of bed on the wrong side today.

I have some news for you Gary.  There are no great secrets to creating my GI 
images.  I have, in numerous emails already informed the group of my 
standard workflow and also in personal emails to some individuals.

You seem to think just knowing the tools gives you a good image.  This is 
not the case as I have stated before, you also need to have a god eye, a 
good concept and a good understanding of what kind of image you are trying 
to achieve.

I cannot give you any more information than I already have as its the same 
method I use today.

Stop moaning because know one is holding YOUR hand in showing you how to 
start and finish a masterpiece. Go and discover if you have the ability (or 
dare I say talent) alone like the rest of us have to.  Technical help is on 
hand for all of us when we need it.  That is primarily what the list is here 
for.  To help with the usage of the realsoft software and to encourage.

My lack of posting to the WIKI has something to do with the fact I and a few 
others are a minority in that we are trying to earn a living using this 
software, it is no longer a hobby for some of us.  I clearly do not have the 
same time you have to discover every finite trick Realsoft has to offer.  I 
have enormous pressures running  a business you obviously have no 
comprehension of.

There are many more on this list with far greater knowledge than I on VSL, 
mathematics and physics, who you can and are learning a lot from.

Something else your hung-over head might also have forgotten is that while 
the list does not see the effort I have put in over several years in beta 
testing the software you use.  I have bug reported, tested and commented 
consistently for the benefit of all of us.  Apparently this is not enough.

Stop trying to find shortcuts Gary.  Go learn the art of good imagery and 
animation THEN learn how to use the Realsoft tools to achieve your concepts.

" Can Rolf Harris paint the 'Sistine Chapel'... answer... probably not.  "

I am quite happy with who I have become, but thank you for your intellectual 
insight as always.

You may not have noticed this Gary, but over the years I cannot think of 
anyone else on this list who upsets and alienates people the way you do. 
You seem consistently on a knife edge and generally a very frustrated 
individual, turn the mirror on yourself once in a while for a reality check.

Careful who you slander on this list my friend !

If the rest of the list feel the same way Gary has indicated, then I will 
gladly leave the user list today as I have not intention of offending anyone 

Love and best wishes


- Original Message - 
From: "studio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: no wiki problem

Thanks Robert, but trying to add some humour to a continuing disgruntled
thread that is becoming tedious from one corner.  Profanity has never 
prevalent on this list and is unnecessary.  We either diffuse with humour 

it gets nasty.

Lets finish it here.  No more unnecessary swearing and ranting and we can
expect a calmer Realsoft society.

Uh-huh :

 and let me personally thank you for all your enormous
efforts regarding your elaborate tutorials on how to
create incredible indoor Global illumination scenes .

 I mean , of course you would be a little upset and
be so low , considering all the incredible efforts you
have personally placed on the RS Wiki regarding skills
that you and you alone have mastered .

 I bow to you , as we have all done for years , since
you are indeed the RS Gi King . Thanks , of course ,are
not enough . Your tutorial efforts kept so many many of
us from floundering needlesly ... haplessly experiment-
ing with little or no results .

 Thank god you were not one of those self-centered
cocksuckers who strived to protect in secrecy any and
all skillsgained from experimenting with with Vesa's
and Juha's hand holding .

 You are a true pioneer who did all you could to make
sure that the rest of the community never had to say
"how did he do that incredible render?" .

  Yep , you certainly are not one of those cunts who
seem to think they are so much better than everyone
else , who keep all skills learned close to thier
chest in a flacid attempt at being better than all
others in the very very tight Realsoft Community .

 You my friend are about to become confronted with
what you truly have become , so relax and enjoy
your destiny , you most certainly earned it .

good luk ...

Garry Curtis

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-18 Thread studio
> Thanks Robert, but trying to add some humour to a continuing disgruntled 
> thread that is becoming tedious from one corner.  Profanity has never been 
> prevalent on this list and is unnecessary.  We either diffuse with humour or 
> it gets nasty.

> Lets finish it here.  No more unnecessary swearing and ranting and we can 
> expect a calmer Realsoft society.

Uh-huh :

  and let me personally thank you for all your enormous
efforts regarding your elaborate tutorials on how to
create incredible indoor Global illumination scenes .

  I mean , of course you would be a little upset and
be so low , considering all the incredible efforts you
have personally placed on the RS Wiki regarding skills
that you and you alone have mastered .

  I bow to you , as we have all done for years , since
you are indeed the RS Gi King . Thanks , of course ,are
not enough . Your tutorial efforts kept so many many of
us from floundering needlesly ... haplessly experiment-
ing with little or no results .

  Thank god you were not one of those self-centered
cocksuckers who strived to protect in secrecy any and
all skillsgained from experimenting with with Vesa's
and Juha's hand holding .

  You are a true pioneer who did all you could to make
sure that the rest of the community never had to say
"how did he do that incredible render?" .

   Yep , you certainly are not one of those cunts who
seem to think they are so much better than everyone
else , who keep all skills learned close to thier
chest in a flacid attempt at being better than all
others in the very very tight Realsoft Community .

  You my friend are about to become confronted with
what you truly have become , so relax and enjoy
your destiny , you most certainly earned it .

good luk ...

Garry Curtis

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-16 Thread Jason Saunders

>> studio wrote:
> couldn't one do him this favour?

send in the Budweiser again me thinks :)

Stop this childish behaviour please...

Thanks Robert, but trying to add some humour to a continuing disgruntled 
thread that is becoming tedious from one corner.  Profanity has never been 
prevalent on this list and is unnecessary.  We either diffuse with humour or 
it gets nasty.

Lets finish it here.  No more unnecessary swearing and ranting and we can 
expect a calmer Realsoft society.

RE: no wiki problem

2006-09-15 Thread Robert den Broeder
> >> studio wrote:
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> > 
> > couldn't one do him this favour?
> > 
> >
> send in the Budweiser again me thinks :)

Stop this childish behaviour please... 

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-15 Thread Boris Jahn

> studio wrote:

couldn't one do him this favour?

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-15 Thread Zaug

studio wrote:

The link does not work for me.


My love of the  halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-14 Thread studio
> Ok, I will stop talking to you now. Good luck in life. Or not. :|

FreBer :

  Strive to make it easier , not more difficult . It's already
so ... so incredibly difficult , this world of 3D creation , &
getting worse by the moment .

  My experience with the RS Wiki so far has been worse than
trying 'POV by brail' . Of course _YOU_ can navigate easily ,
but what about the rest of the community ?

  Mark H. found my page when I could not . You have advise
on how to find things that are now lost forever (unless one
saves that particular mail) .

  The whole idea of the Wiki was to preserve vital information
and it has failed so miserably at that one simple impetus that
your last mail bearing bizzare directives only served to obscure
even more .

  You volunteered your efforts (thanks) but ... open up your
fucking mind just a tiny bit and ask "what is the potential of
the RS Wiki ? "

  When an administrator responds with ridiculous instructions
I have no choice but to say "shut down the Wiki" , at least
until the community pushes for more vital info , more easily
accesible info .

  If the community doesn't care ,well , I'll still say , shut
it down instead of creating yet another stupid waste of pre-
cious time .


> > > No, you are correct, I think that only admins like myself and Matthias
> > > may remove a page completely - the page we are talking about is still
> > > there. Go to "Special pages->All pages" to see _all_ pages that are on
> > > the wiki. If an admin completely removes a page, however, it won't
> > > even appear here and the contents of the page will be lost forever.
> > >
> > > As for extending the "Recent Changes", you can do that yourself by
> > > clicking the links at the top of the page. There you can increase the
> > > number of changes to show and how old the changes may be. If the
> > > numbers presented in there aren't enough, you can modify the URL
> > > directly:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > This will give you the latest 500 changes that are less than 300 days
> > > old. I suppose that you can exchange 500 and 300 with any number,
> > > within reason. If you don't want to type this in every time, you can
> > > bookmark the URL in your browser for easy access.
> > >
> > > If Matthias, as he is the only one with enough access, were to modify
> > > the PHP code of the Mediawiki to add more links on that page, he would
> > > make it more difficult to upgrade the wiki when that becomes
> > > necessary. It is best to minimise the number of such modifications.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Fredrik Bergholtz
> > >
> > > P.S.
> > > Note that, on the "All pages" page you can also easily see the
> > > duplicate pages I was bitching about a long time ago. I think most of
> > > the duplicates are sorted out, but some may still remain.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > >   Sorry , I thought only yourself had the means to comp-
> > > > letely remove a Wiki page . My sincerest apologies .
> > > >
> > > >   You also make good points about the pro's & con's of
> > > > simply copying info into the Wiki from a site that is
> > > > in a constant state of being upgraded , without foll-
> > > > owing the S/W's Doc upgrade timetable .
> > > >
> > > > Well , could we not extend the timeframe of the 'Recent
> > > > Changes' tool ? Not fair in my opinion to have an author
> > > > wondering who and what and why , without at least some
> > > > small info about the date thier efforts were wiped out .
> > > >
> > > >   Of course in theory , anyone can log in and delete the
> > > > whole site at will , but still , it would be nice to see
> > > > a few more details concerning particular page histories ,
> > > > I think .
> > > >
> > > > Best .
> > > >
> > > > Garry
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Who are these "non-contributing administrators" you speak of? The page
> > > > > wasn't removed by any administrator, contributing or otherwise.
> > > > >
> > > > > The wiki has mainly contained information about RS3D, not easily found
> > > > > in the official manual. The wiki was never intended to be a
> > > > > carbon-copy of the manual since that only raises unnecessary problems
> > > > > of maintaining consistency. Besides, what would be the point of having
> > > > > redundant information on the wiki?
> > > > >
> > > > > Now, to relate to the greeblez! page, the initial page was, in fact,
> > > > > the user-manual for Real Greeblez!. This was ok since, at that time,
> > > > > the script was shipped with no manual and there was no natural "home"
> > > > > for such a manual. This has changed, Real Greeblez! has a web site of
> > > > > it's own, this site is linked to from the image contest site and
> > > > > wikipedia. The Real Greeblez! script now ships with a manual and a
> > > > > tutorial that shows how to use the script. There is no

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok, I will stop talking to you now. Good luck in life. Or not. :|

On 14/09/06, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No Words :

 Perhaps Your Reply (far-far below) is the Perfect Post to
Place on the Wiki's Tombstone ...

By the way, 'Bizarre' is a very descriptive ... something .


> No, you are correct, I think that only admins like myself and Matthias
> may remove a page completely - the page we are talking about is still
> there. Go to "Special pages->All pages" to see _all_ pages that are on
> the wiki. If an admin completely removes a page, however, it won't
> even appear here and the contents of the page will be lost forever.
> As for extending the "Recent Changes", you can do that yourself by
> clicking the links at the top of the page. There you can increase the
> number of changes to show and how old the changes may be. If the
> numbers presented in there aren't enough, you can modify the URL
> directly:
> This will give you the latest 500 changes that are less than 300 days
> old. I suppose that you can exchange 500 and 300 with any number,
> within reason. If you don't want to type this in every time, you can
> bookmark the URL in your browser for easy access.
> If Matthias, as he is the only one with enough access, were to modify
> the PHP code of the Mediawiki to add more links on that page, he would
> make it more difficult to upgrade the wiki when that becomes
> necessary. It is best to minimise the number of such modifications.
> Regards,
> Fredrik Bergholtz
> P.S.
> Note that, on the "All pages" page you can also easily see the
> duplicate pages I was bitching about a long time ago. I think most of
> the duplicates are sorted out, but some may still remain.

> >   Sorry , I thought only yourself had the means to comp-
> > letely remove a Wiki page . My sincerest apologies .
> >
> >   You also make good points about the pro's & con's of
> > simply copying info into the Wiki from a site that is
> > in a constant state of being upgraded , without foll-
> > owing the S/W's Doc upgrade timetable .
> >
> > Well , could we not extend the timeframe of the 'Recent
> > Changes' tool ? Not fair in my opinion to have an author
> > wondering who and what and why , without at least some
> > small info about the date thier efforts were wiped out .
> >
> >   Of course in theory , anyone can log in and delete the
> > whole site at will , but still , it would be nice to see
> > a few more details concerning particular page histories ,
> > I think .
> >
> > Best .
> >
> > Garry
> >
> >
> >
> > > Who are these "non-contributing administrators" you speak of? The page
> > > wasn't removed by any administrator, contributing or otherwise.
> > >
> > > The wiki has mainly contained information about RS3D, not easily found
> > > in the official manual. The wiki was never intended to be a
> > > carbon-copy of the manual since that only raises unnecessary problems
> > > of maintaining consistency. Besides, what would be the point of having
> > > redundant information on the wiki?
> > >
> > > Now, to relate to the greeblez! page, the initial page was, in fact,
> > > the user-manual for Real Greeblez!. This was ok since, at that time,
> > > the script was shipped with no manual and there was no natural "home"
> > > for such a manual. This has changed, Real Greeblez! has a web site of
> > > it's own, this site is linked to from the image contest site and
> > > wikipedia. The Real Greeblez! script now ships with a manual and a
> > > tutorial that shows how to use the script. There is no need for
> > > copying the manual to the wiki, in fact, due to consistency problems,
> > > its presence on the wiki could, theoretically cause more damage than
> > > assistance. This means that the wiki can go back to be about things
> > > _not_ explicitly listed in the official manuals.
> > >
> > > If you want to make a tutorial about performing a specific task, that
> > > maybe nobody even thought about using Real Greeblez! for, feel free to
> > > make a new page for that. But I do not think that an outdated copy of
> > > the manual is helpful at all.
> > >
> > > As a final note, if you had taken the time to look at the page history
> > > you would have noticed that it was Zaug himself who removed the link
> > > to the page. And even though anyone can add and remove things from a
> > > wiki, I think that the author of the product has a little bit more
> > > than others to say about pages concerning his/her product.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Fredrik Bergholtz
> > >
> > > On 07/09/06, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Oh my, Oww! That is a quite dated version; apparently composed prior 
> > > > > the complete rewrite/redesign and several additional small changes. It
> > > > > really should be remove

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-13 Thread studio
No Words :

 Perhaps Your Reply (far-far below) is the Perfect Post to
Place on the Wiki's Tombstone ...

By the way, 'Bizarre' is a very descriptive ... something .


> No, you are correct, I think that only admins like myself and Matthias
> may remove a page completely - the page we are talking about is still
> there. Go to "Special pages->All pages" to see _all_ pages that are on
> the wiki. If an admin completely removes a page, however, it won't
> even appear here and the contents of the page will be lost forever.
> As for extending the "Recent Changes", you can do that yourself by
> clicking the links at the top of the page. There you can increase the
> number of changes to show and how old the changes may be. If the
> numbers presented in there aren't enough, you can modify the URL
> directly:
> This will give you the latest 500 changes that are less than 300 days
> old. I suppose that you can exchange 500 and 300 with any number,
> within reason. If you don't want to type this in every time, you can
> bookmark the URL in your browser for easy access.
> If Matthias, as he is the only one with enough access, were to modify
> the PHP code of the Mediawiki to add more links on that page, he would
> make it more difficult to upgrade the wiki when that becomes
> necessary. It is best to minimise the number of such modifications.
> Regards,
> Fredrik Bergholtz
> P.S.
> Note that, on the "All pages" page you can also easily see the
> duplicate pages I was bitching about a long time ago. I think most of
> the duplicates are sorted out, but some may still remain.

> >   Sorry , I thought only yourself had the means to comp-
> > letely remove a Wiki page . My sincerest apologies .
> >
> >   You also make good points about the pro's & con's of
> > simply copying info into the Wiki from a site that is
> > in a constant state of being upgraded , without foll-
> > owing the S/W's Doc upgrade timetable .
> >
> > Well , could we not extend the timeframe of the 'Recent
> > Changes' tool ? Not fair in my opinion to have an author
> > wondering who and what and why , without at least some
> > small info about the date thier efforts were wiped out .
> >
> >   Of course in theory , anyone can log in and delete the
> > whole site at will , but still , it would be nice to see
> > a few more details concerning particular page histories ,
> > I think .
> >
> > Best .
> >
> > Garry
> >
> >
> >
> > > Who are these "non-contributing administrators" you speak of? The page
> > > wasn't removed by any administrator, contributing or otherwise.
> > >
> > > The wiki has mainly contained information about RS3D, not easily found
> > > in the official manual. The wiki was never intended to be a
> > > carbon-copy of the manual since that only raises unnecessary problems
> > > of maintaining consistency. Besides, what would be the point of having
> > > redundant information on the wiki?
> > >
> > > Now, to relate to the greeblez! page, the initial page was, in fact,
> > > the user-manual for Real Greeblez!. This was ok since, at that time,
> > > the script was shipped with no manual and there was no natural "home"
> > > for such a manual. This has changed, Real Greeblez! has a web site of
> > > it's own, this site is linked to from the image contest site and
> > > wikipedia. The Real Greeblez! script now ships with a manual and a
> > > tutorial that shows how to use the script. There is no need for
> > > copying the manual to the wiki, in fact, due to consistency problems,
> > > its presence on the wiki could, theoretically cause more damage than
> > > assistance. This means that the wiki can go back to be about things
> > > _not_ explicitly listed in the official manuals.
> > >
> > > If you want to make a tutorial about performing a specific task, that
> > > maybe nobody even thought about using Real Greeblez! for, feel free to
> > > make a new page for that. But I do not think that an outdated copy of
> > > the manual is helpful at all.
> > >
> > > As a final note, if you had taken the time to look at the page history
> > > you would have noticed that it was Zaug himself who removed the link
> > > to the page. And even though anyone can add and remove things from a
> > > wiki, I think that the author of the product has a little bit more
> > > than others to say about pages concerning his/her product.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Fredrik Bergholtz
> > >
> > > On 07/09/06, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Oh my, Oww! That is a quite dated version; apparently composed prior 
> > > > > to
> > > > > the complete rewrite/redesign and several additional small changes. It
> > > > > really should be removed if it is not to be updated. In my opinion 
> > > > > that
> > > > > would be rather redundant as Rea

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No, you are correct, I think that only admins like myself and Matthias
may remove a page completely - the page we are talking about is still
there. Go to "Special pages->All pages" to see _all_ pages that are on
the wiki. If an admin completely removes a page, however, it won't
even appear here and the contents of the page will be lost forever.

As for extending the "Recent Changes", you can do that yourself by
clicking the links at the top of the page. There you can increase the
number of changes to show and how old the changes may be. If the
numbers presented in there aren't enough, you can modify the URL

This will give you the latest 500 changes that are less than 300 days
old. I suppose that you can exchange 500 and 300 with any number,
within reason. If you don't want to type this in every time, you can
bookmark the URL in your browser for easy access.

If Matthias, as he is the only one with enough access, were to modify
the PHP code of the Mediawiki to add more links on that page, he would
make it more difficult to upgrade the wiki when that becomes
necessary. It is best to minimise the number of such modifications.

Fredrik Bergholtz

Note that, on the "All pages" page you can also easily see the
duplicate pages I was bitching about a long time ago. I think most of
the duplicates are sorted out, but some may still remain.

On 11/09/06, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Fredrik :

  Sorry , I thought only yourself had the means to comp-
letely remove a Wiki page . My sincerest apologies .

  You also make good points about the pro's & con's of
simply copying info into the Wiki from a site that is
in a constant state of being upgraded , without foll-
owing the S/W's Doc upgrade timetable .

Well , could we not extend the timeframe of the 'Recent
Changes' tool ? Not fair in my opinion to have an author
wondering who and what and why , without at least some
small info about the date thier efforts were wiped out .

  Of course in theory , anyone can log in and delete the
whole site at will , but still , it would be nice to see
a few more details concerning particular page histories ,
I think .

Best .


> Who are these "non-contributing administrators" you speak of? The page
> wasn't removed by any administrator, contributing or otherwise.
> The wiki has mainly contained information about RS3D, not easily found
> in the official manual. The wiki was never intended to be a
> carbon-copy of the manual since that only raises unnecessary problems
> of maintaining consistency. Besides, what would be the point of having
> redundant information on the wiki?
> Now, to relate to the greeblez! page, the initial page was, in fact,
> the user-manual for Real Greeblez!. This was ok since, at that time,
> the script was shipped with no manual and there was no natural "home"
> for such a manual. This has changed, Real Greeblez! has a web site of
> it's own, this site is linked to from the image contest site and
> wikipedia. The Real Greeblez! script now ships with a manual and a
> tutorial that shows how to use the script. There is no need for
> copying the manual to the wiki, in fact, due to consistency problems,
> its presence on the wiki could, theoretically cause more damage than
> assistance. This means that the wiki can go back to be about things
> _not_ explicitly listed in the official manuals.
> If you want to make a tutorial about performing a specific task, that
> maybe nobody even thought about using Real Greeblez! for, feel free to
> make a new page for that. But I do not think that an outdated copy of
> the manual is helpful at all.
> As a final note, if you had taken the time to look at the page history
> you would have noticed that it was Zaug himself who removed the link
> to the page. And even though anyone can add and remove things from a
> wiki, I think that the author of the product has a little bit more
> than others to say about pages concerning his/her product.
> Regards,
> Fredrik Bergholtz
> On 07/09/06, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Oh my, Oww! That is a quite dated version; apparently composed prior to
> > > the complete rewrite/redesign and several additional small changes. It
> > > really should be removed if it is not to be updated. In my opinion that
> > > would be rather redundant as Real GreebleZ! has had proper, up to date,
> > > documentation since May; available at the source.
> >
> >
> >
> > I looked for my page (above) on the wiki some time ago with the
> > intention of updating it . Couldn't find it , so I gave up .
> >
> > If the page is that offensive , it could have easily been up-
> > dated by deleting the nasty redundant content and add a link
> > to "for-up-to-date-Doc's" .
> >
> >   That's the whole idea behind t

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-10 Thread studio
Hi Fredrik :

  Sorry , I thought only yourself had the means to comp-
letely remove a Wiki page . My sincerest apologies .

  You also make good points about the pro's & con's of
simply copying info into the Wiki from a site that is
in a constant state of being upgraded , without foll-
owing the S/W's Doc upgrade timetable .

Well , could we not extend the timeframe of the 'Recent
Changes' tool ? Not fair in my opinion to have an author
wondering who and what and why , without at least some
small info about the date thier efforts were wiped out .

  Of course in theory , anyone can log in and delete the
whole site at will , but still , it would be nice to see
a few more details concerning particular page histories ,
I think .

Best .


> Who are these "non-contributing administrators" you speak of? The page
> wasn't removed by any administrator, contributing or otherwise.
> The wiki has mainly contained information about RS3D, not easily found
> in the official manual. The wiki was never intended to be a
> carbon-copy of the manual since that only raises unnecessary problems
> of maintaining consistency. Besides, what would be the point of having
> redundant information on the wiki?
> Now, to relate to the greeblez! page, the initial page was, in fact,
> the user-manual for Real Greeblez!. This was ok since, at that time,
> the script was shipped with no manual and there was no natural "home"
> for such a manual. This has changed, Real Greeblez! has a web site of
> it's own, this site is linked to from the image contest site and
> wikipedia. The Real Greeblez! script now ships with a manual and a
> tutorial that shows how to use the script. There is no need for
> copying the manual to the wiki, in fact, due to consistency problems,
> its presence on the wiki could, theoretically cause more damage than
> assistance. This means that the wiki can go back to be about things
> _not_ explicitly listed in the official manuals.
> If you want to make a tutorial about performing a specific task, that
> maybe nobody even thought about using Real Greeblez! for, feel free to
> make a new page for that. But I do not think that an outdated copy of
> the manual is helpful at all.
> As a final note, if you had taken the time to look at the page history
> you would have noticed that it was Zaug himself who removed the link
> to the page. And even though anyone can add and remove things from a
> wiki, I think that the author of the product has a little bit more
> than others to say about pages concerning his/her product.
> Regards,
> Fredrik Bergholtz
> On 07/09/06, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Oh my, Oww! That is a quite dated version; apparently composed prior to
> > > the complete rewrite/redesign and several additional small changes. It
> > > really should be removed if it is not to be updated. In my opinion that
> > > would be rather redundant as Real GreebleZ! has had proper, up to date,
> > > documentation since May; available at the source.
> >
> >
> >
> > I looked for my page (above) on the wiki some time ago with the
> > intention of updating it . Couldn't find it , so I gave up .
> >
> > If the page is that offensive , it could have easily been up-
> > dated by deleting the nasty redundant content and add a link
> > to "for-up-to-date-Doc's" .
> >
> >   That's the whole idea behind the wiki impetus . Edit , add ,
> > delete page content , modify ... perfect ! (verb) . It was not
> > designed to give non-contributing administrators an opportunity
> > to decide what should be and what should not .
> >
> > Oh well , such is life , n'est pas ?
> >
> > > Zaug
> >
> > Garry
> >
> >
> -- 
> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.4/401 - Release Date: 7/26/2006

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Who are these "non-contributing administrators" you speak of? The page
wasn't removed by any administrator, contributing or otherwise.

The wiki has mainly contained information about RS3D, not easily found
in the official manual. The wiki was never intended to be a
carbon-copy of the manual since that only raises unnecessary problems
of maintaining consistency. Besides, what would be the point of having
redundant information on the wiki?

Now, to relate to the greeblez! page, the initial page was, in fact,
the user-manual for Real Greeblez!. This was ok since, at that time,
the script was shipped with no manual and there was no natural "home"
for such a manual. This has changed, Real Greeblez! has a web site of
it's own, this site is linked to from the image contest site and
wikipedia. The Real Greeblez! script now ships with a manual and a
tutorial that shows how to use the script. There is no need for
copying the manual to the wiki, in fact, due to consistency problems,
its presence on the wiki could, theoretically cause more damage than
assistance. This means that the wiki can go back to be about things
_not_ explicitly listed in the official manuals.

If you want to make a tutorial about performing a specific task, that
maybe nobody even thought about using Real Greeblez! for, feel free to
make a new page for that. But I do not think that an outdated copy of
the manual is helpful at all.

As a final note, if you had taken the time to look at the page history
you would have noticed that it was Zaug himself who removed the link
to the page. And even though anyone can add and remove things from a
wiki, I think that the author of the product has a little bit more
than others to say about pages concerning his/her product.

Fredrik Bergholtz

On 07/09/06, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh my, Oww! That is a quite dated version; apparently composed prior to
> the complete rewrite/redesign and several additional small changes. It
> really should be removed if it is not to be updated. In my opinion that
> would be rather redundant as Real GreebleZ! has had proper, up to date,
> documentation since May; available at the source.

I looked for my page (above) on the wiki some time ago with the
intention of updating it . Couldn't find it , so I gave up .

If the page is that offensive , it could have easily been up-
dated by deleting the nasty redundant content and add a link
to "for-up-to-date-Doc's" .

  That's the whole idea behind the wiki impetus . Edit , add ,
delete page content , modify ... perfect ! (verb) . It was not
designed to give non-contributing administrators an opportunity
to decide what should be and what should not .

Oh well , such is life , n'est pas ?

> Zaug


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-06 Thread studio
> Garry, is this it?
> Couldn't find it at first, only after searching. Anyway: all efforts 
> are always appreciated even if I'm in lurk mode for a while!
> -Mark H

Hi Mark & Thanks :

  Yes , but if you click on the "what links here" hyper-link
on that page you'll see that there are no links to that page
for the casual user . I couldn't even find it by searching .

  Doesn't matter anyway . Any further wiki efforts by myself
will simply feature just a basic header and a link to an HTML
page on my server .

  The wiki was a great concept , I think , but my experience
there was a mostly negative one , generally . Seen this typi-
cal scenario in politics of various kinds , local & regional .

 From now on I will stick with what Realsoft inc. officially
supports . On closer examination it appears that the wiki also
has as much potential for harm , as good . 

  Probably obvious to those with a commercial focus . To myself
initially , I saw nothing but an excellent opportunity for the
whole community to share specific information easily .

Oh well .


Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-06 Thread Zaug

Mark Heuymans wrote:

Garry, is this it?

Couldn't find it at first, only after searching. Anyway: all efforts 
are always appreciated even if I'm in lurk mode for a while!

-Mark H

Oh my, Oww! That is a quite dated version; apparently composed prior to 
the complete rewrite/redesign and several additional small changes. It 
really should be removed if it is not to be updated. In my opinion that 
would be rather redundant as Real GreebleZ! has had proper, up to date,  
documentation since May; available at the source. Perhaps the wiki might 
adopt the links block that started as links on the contest site, then 
Richard put them on the Realman site, then I ripped them off of him and.

The Real GreebleZ! powers that be (snicker ; )

My love of the  halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-06 Thread Mark Heuymans

Garry, is this it?

Couldn't find it at first, only after searching. Anyway: all efforts 
are always appreciated even if I'm in lurk mode for a while!

-Mark H

At 08:19 6-9-2006, you wrote:

Wiki moved to quite a long while ago.

On 06/09/06, Arjo Rozendaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

what do you mean? as far as I can see the wiki is still up.


> I was impressed enough at the time to sit down and create one of
> the first RS Wiki pages ; bringing RG'z to the attention of wiki
> surfers .
>  That effort (still one of the very few efforts) appears to have
> been rendered null , for some reason . Yes , it's been deleted .
> Considered "defunct" by the Wiki powers that be , somehow ...
>   I tried to track the deletion but I'm only allowed to see
> the changes that have occured over the last 30 days . (guess
> how many changes ? yep . zero)
> Makes you stop and think , doesn't it (I hope) ?
> Garry

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-05 Thread Timo Mikkolainen

Wiki moved to quite a long while ago.

On 06/09/06, Arjo Rozendaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

what do you mean? as far as I can see the wiki is still up.


> I was impressed enough at the time to sit down and create one of
> the first RS Wiki pages ; bringing RG'z to the attention of wiki
> surfers .
>  That effort (still one of the very few efforts) appears to have
> been rendered null , for some reason . Yes , it's been deleted .
> Considered "defunct" by the Wiki powers that be , somehow ...
>   I tried to track the deletion but I'm only allowed to see
> the changes that have occured over the last 30 days . (guess
> how many changes ? yep . zero)
> Makes you stop and think , doesn't it (I hope) ?
> Garry