Nuclear waste in the West Bank - should be welcomed! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-05 Thread Rolf Martens


Nuclear waste in the West Bank - should be welcomed!

[Posting note: This is being sent (also) to the kominform2
mailing-list, whose programme is General class struggle
news. To any other subscriber who may reply to it, I shall
send a public reply again (if any) *only* to the Usenet news-
groups 'alt.society.revolution', 'alt.politics.socialism.mao',
'swnet.politik', 'eunet.politics' and 'alt.politics.socialism'
and/or to some *other* mailing-lists including the Mao Zedong
one, reached via [EMAIL PROTECTED], in
suitable cases also to the Socialism and Communism Forum at]


Not least in the so-called superstructure, in fields of cul-
ture and education, in quite a lot of important scientific
fields, is there a very sharp class struggle going on in the
world today.

Here's one small example of this, concerning, quite directly,
one rather small (though politically important) area in the
world, indirectly however more or less the whole globe too:

In some newspaper and Internet articles recently, it has been
reported that the racist, wildly aggressive, mass murdering
and totally illegal state of Israel is planning also to

...turn the Palestinian Authority-ruled area of the
West Bank into a vast dumping-ground for its domestic
industrial, chemical and nuclear waste, thereby
creating a potentially catastrophic environmental

As far as actual industrial and chemical wastes are concerned,
this of course must be emphatically protested against and
combated, just must as all other acts of Zionist aggression.
Many kinds of such wastes are quite dangerous to people's

However, if the Zionists would really dump such substances as
are, in precisely all of the multi-moronic mass media of the
all the fanatically Zionism-backing US and other imperialists
in the world precisely always being called, multi-moronically,
nuclear wastes, then this should really be welcomed and in-
deed applauded, by the Palestinians and by the supporters all
over the world for their just cause of annihilating those mass
murderers and their racist state and establishing a democra-
tic state in all of Palestine.

Why is this?

Because of the longtime and still today continued rule of the
imperialists, with their multi-moron media, multi-moron
school teaching, multi-moron regulations on (e.g.) radia-
tion, multi-moron everything that has remotely to do with
culture in its widest sense, this long-since established fact
may not yet be known to all that many outside some circles of
scientists and technicians:

*A little more* ionizing radiation than that which people in
most areas in the world (including e.g. the West Bank) today
are receiving from natural sources - a suitable, not too big,
addition to that amount - actually is *beneficial* for their
health, and by no means detrimental.

What's always being called nuclear wastes (*none of* which
of course are *really* wastes, all of which, on the contrary,
of course can be put to quite excellent, peaceful, use, al-
ready with that technology which there is today) by all the
rabidly-reactionary rulers, in all their daily mega-moron poi-
son propaganda, comes basically in two kinds:

Highly-active, respectively, low-active wastes - or, to
call them by their proper name, *residual products* or *ma-
terial which has been made more radioactive than normal*,

Now *highly-active* wastes, that's mainly such stuff as has
been inside a nuclear reactor, and which has therefore or in
some other way gotten to be emitting radiation at high levels,
very intensively. These are dangerous for humans to be close
to, even for some short time, and are therefore, normally at
least, kept tightly enclosed in thick-walled containers. Most
improbable, and silly indeed, would it be, even for the Zio-
nists, just to dump *such* stuff in places to where they
might later, hopefully, send some aggressor troops of
theirs, such as the West Bank.

Only *low-active* wastes, of which there is always much more
too - since lots of stuff which has just been realtively
close to a nuclear reactor in included in this - could the
Zionists reasonably be expected to plan to dump in such an
area as the West Bank.

And these are *not* dangerous for people to approach, and
to stay close to for as long as they might care. Children's
perhaps even putting some of such stuff into their mouths,
that's not dangerous either. In fact, the only thing that
*such* stuff does is to *increase just a little*, in its vi-
cinity, that so-called background radiation which there
always is in nature, in all places on earth.

And this, their possibly increasing the level of radiation
in some areas of the West Bank by a small amount, this can
only - if anything - *improve* the health of people living

Perhaps, if 

Fwd: Pentagon RESCUE ??? Open, Bloody, Questions . . . 1/3 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-07-05 Thread Rolf Martens


X-eGroups-Return: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-eGroups-Approved-By: amnehtt [EMAIL PROTECTED] via web; 05 Jul 2002 
05:42:07 -
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Mailing-List:   list [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Date:   Thu, 4 Jul 2002 21:28:07 -0700
Subject:Pentagon RESCUE ??? Open, Bloody, Questions . . .  1/3

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]X98
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 8:31 PM
Subject: Pentagon RESCUE ??? Open, Bloody, Questions . . . 1/3

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Carol A. Valentine
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 8:18 PM
Subject: Pentagon RESCUE ??? Open, Bloody, Questions . . . 1/3

It was murder, actually -- with a sham rescue slicked over the top.
This article has been divided up into three sections for e-mail
purposes.  You may read the entire article at:

* * *

Pentagon RESCUE?
Open, Bloody, Questions . . . 1/3
by Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
Entire article available 
at:  http://www.Public-Action.com
Copyright, June, 2002
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes

* * *

There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond comprehension.
--  Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense, speaking of missing
Pentagon personnel on September 11, 2001 -- just nine hours after

And just as we may not rescue them from a fire, so may we not rescue
them from a collapse [of debris] or from water or from anything that
may destroy them.

June 23, 2002 -- The recent movie Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man
Behind) deals with an important lesson -- the military has two jobs.
The military must destroy the enemy's forces and they must ensure the
survival of their own.  Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)
dramatizes a story of survival: the heroic efforts of soldiers who
attempted to rescue their fellows who were trapped behind enemy lines
in Mogadishu, Somalia.  The rescuers themselves become trapped, and
they, too, needed to be rescued.

For about 140 minutes, Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind) deals
with how much soldiers -- from the generals down to the enlisted man
-- care about each other.  We see soldiers risking their lives to get
their wounded buddies, risking grenades, risking machine gun fire,
risking rockets, risking belligerent mobs -- all to rescue other
soldiers.  We hear dialogue that goes like this:

Medivac! Medivac!
No man gets left behind,
You all right?
No man gets left behind,
We won't leave you behind,
If he don't get to the hospital in 1/2 hour, he's in trouble!
No man gets left behind.

At one point, two soldiers are talking about a helicopter crash.  The
dialogue goes something like this: There can't be any survivors,
says the first man.  The second replies: We don't know that, we
gotta go back and look!

At the conclusion of the movie, soldier hero Sgt. Hoot Gibson is
asked why he risks life and limb in these military actions: Is he a
war addict?  Hoot replies:
It's about the man next to you.

Camaraderie, being a team member -- that's what the US military is about.

Or is it?

What would you think of a military that refused to rescue its
soldiers from certain death -- even though those soldiers were within
arm's reach, right in the Pentagon office building?

What would you think of a military that publicly pretended rescue,
but meanwhile deceitfully ensured the deaths of its own soldiers?

What would you think of a military that gave away the its rightful
jurisdiction over military matters to perfidious civilians, and stood
by while the civilians let US soldiers die?

Who would support such a military?

As you read this article, keep in mind that on September 11, the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was General Henry Hugh Shelton.
Shelton is a former Commanding General of the 101 and 82nd Airborne
Divisions.  He is a former Commanding General of the XVIII Airborne
Corps, and a former Commander in Chief of the Special Operations
Command.  It was Special Operations that conducted the Black Hawk
Down (Leave No Man Behind) mission in Mogadishu, Somalia.  (See
Shelton's career highlights at:
cached at:

There's what you need to know:  On September 11, the top commander of
the entire US military machine was intimately familiar with aircraft,
aviation fuel fires, aircraft rescue, and the ideals depicted in
Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind).

However, those who directed the 9-11 rescue at the Pentagon did these

Fwd: Pentagon RESCUE???? (Part 2 of Parts 1-4) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-05 Thread Rolf Martens


Mailing-List:   list [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Date:   Thu, 4 Jul 2002 21:30:30 -0700
Subject:Pentagon RESCUE  (Part 2 of Parts 1-4)

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]X98
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 8:51 PM
Subject: Pentagon RESCUE (Part 2 of Parts 1-4)

It was murder, actually -- with a sham rescue slicked over the

This article has been divided up into sections for e-mail
You may read the entire article at: 

* * *

Pentagon RESCUE?  Open, Bloody, Questions . . .
by Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
Entire article available 
at:  http://www.Public-Action.com
Copyright, June, 2002
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes

* * *



Rescue From Collapsed Buildings
Earthquake Victims Can Live Up To 12 Days in Rubble
Wreckage Must be Removed Vertically
Unstable Sections of Building Must Be Shored
Cranes Must Be Available
Cranes On Site September 12, 13
Wrecking Ball Used Instead of Vertical Lifting And Shoring
Murderous Use of Wrecking Ball
One Excuse After Another To Stall Rescue
Six Days Later, Stabilization Continues
Civilian Rescue Workers Exhausted
How Things Should Have Been
Arrival of The Soda Pop Brigade
Head Shrinking  Smoochie Poochies
Darin Pontell Calls Home From The Grave
Survivors Be Damned!  Pass The Money!
Accomplices to Murder
Black Hawk Down Revisited


Now let's turn our attention to the subject of rescuing people
trapped in collapsed buildings.  The Emergency Response 
Institute (ERRI) is a crisis, conflict and emergency services
and resource center.  It has won awards from a variety of
security, and law enforcement organizations.  The ERRI homepage
cached at:

You can see the awards they have received from police and
rescue organizations.
cached at:

Now let's visit the ERRI page that deals with rescues from
collapsed buildings.

Study these pages.  This is how the pros do it when they want to
lives.  The ERRI will be our standard for measuring the Pentagon
[non-] rescue.


The Emergency Response  Research Institute tells rescuers that:
 . . . you should remain aware of the fact that people have been
successfully rescued alive after as much as twelve (12) days . .
buried in the rubble of an earthquake . . . In the March, 1992
Turkish earthquake, a 22 year old nurse was pulled from beneath a
building collapse after eight days. She was also quoted as saying
that she had been 'talking with her two friends,' who were also
buried, for several days after the collapse . . . until she
hear them anymore.'  The thought of someone remaining buried
for several days should be enough motivation for most rescuers to
continue with their efforts until every possible hope has been

 . . . you should remain aware of the fact that people have been
successfully rescued alive after as much as twelve (12) days. .

Yet here is Rumsfeld declaring the 9-11 victims dead after nine
hours . . .
There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond
cached at:
Rumsfeld's it's all hopeless statement was pulled out of thin
He could not possibly have known whether the buried victims were
alive or dead.

Leadership drives men to extraordinary effort or paralyzes them
apathy.  Rumsfeld's words seem designed to discourage any heroic


According to the ERRI webpage, debris from a collapsed building
cached at:

Most rescue experts agree that building collapse 

Re: 1/2 A serious mistake, damaging anti-imperialist unity [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Rolf Martens


[This goes to some mailing lists and also to the Usenet
newsgroups 'alt.society.revolution', 'alt.politics.socialism.
mao', 'swnet.politik', 'eunet.politics', 'alt.politics.
socialism', 'alt.politics.radical-left', 'alt.activism',
'alt.politics.communism', 'de.soc.politik.misc' and 'alt.

At 22:46 2002-07-03 +, you (Macdonald Stainsby
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote, to the kominform2
mailing list:

Rolf Martens [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  readers of the ANTINATO list for those QUITE SERIOUS SLAN-
  DEROUS ALLEGATIONS against me with which you, as MODERATOR of
  that list, thus have MISINFORMED the subscribers to it.

I hereby DEMAND that you get a life and go get involved in a real
struggle. You show all the signs of someone who never talks to real
workers or anything at all involved with activism or anything else.

Further, I DEMAND that this thread and this crap be ended
immediately. Go navel gaze somewhere else, like the APST newsgroup or

We have real work to do and no time for this kind of personally
indulgent tripe.

Macdonald Stainsby,
External Relations Co-ordinator,
Douglas College Students Union.
In the contradiction lies the hope. --Bertholt Brecht.
`Order rules in Berlin.' You stupid lackeys! Your
`order' is built on sand. Tomorrow the revolution will rear
ahead once more and announce to your horror amid the brass
of trumpets: `I was, I am, I always will be!'

-Rosa Luxemburg, 1918.

It's silly of you, you know, ol' McDonnell/Douglas, to
make pronouncements concerning things which you
don't know shit about.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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Re: Cheap whores! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Rolf Martens



Very right you are!

That MCP-ism (Male Chauvinist Pig-ism) still
remains an important and very bad factor.

Many of us (M-s) have had to learn about that and
(hopefully) improve, over the years.

One other thing in this context: Both men and women
can understand these things better, I think, if they
get to know about the historical background to that
present-day male dominance, which is such a bad
thing for people of both sexes and which absolutely
must be overcome.

Two important books:

1) Friedrich Engels: The Origins of the Family,
Private Property and the State (1884)

Can be found at:

2) A very important further development of that above,
demonstrating some errors in it, among other things:

Evelyn Reed: Woman's Evolution, from Matriarchal
Clan to Patriarchal Family

Copyright 1975 by Pathfinder Press, New York, USA

Do you know about that last one, Heather? And if so,
could you tell me where to get a copy in English?
I have one in Swedish, but it would be of interest to
put some excerpts of the English text out on the Net.

These things about very early history are one of the
*very* big secrets today which the bourgeois reactionaries
absolutely *don't* want people to know about. Important
stuff, for a lot of reasons.

(Some other time I shall continue to scold you, Heather,
for your really impossibly reactionary ideas in another
field, the green one. You know what I mean, don't you?
But on this MCP stuff, you and I could be allies, I think!)

Rolf M.
Malmö, Seden

At 20:05 2002-07-03 -0400, you [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear STOPNATO men:
Of late I see references in the (subject posting box) to someone's bitch 
and now this. These are sexist terms, my brothers, and you need to find 
some other epithets and metaphors with which to excoriate the enemies of 
the people. Surely there are more vilifying terms you can find that do not 
smack of sexism and the degradation of women!
In sisterly solidarity,


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2002-07-04 Thread Rolf Martens


Date:   Wed, 03 Jul 2002 17:22:55 +0300
Subject:[kominform2] CIA in Iraq

From: Arlene Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 06:44:47 -0400

Arlene Johnson

CIA in Iraq
Report from correspondents in Beirut
30 June 02

DOZENS of US troops and intelligence services have been sent into northern
Iraq from Jordan under a plan to overthrow President Saddam Hussein, the
Lebanese newspaper As-Safir reported overnight.

In a front-page story datelined London, the daily quoted well informed
diplomatic sources as saying Washington has launched a security and
military operation in Iraq.

Central Intelligence Agency chief George Tenet had personally visited
northern Iraq during his last tour of the region and had given orders to
start the security plan after US President George W Bush (recently) approved
a decision to ask the CIA to overthrow ... Saddam, the source said.

The Lebanese daily, which maintains close relations with the Syrian
leadership, said forward bases for US troops had been set up in Jordan.

Jordanian King Abdullah has given orders to clear two military airports in
Jordan for the US forces. About 2,000 US troops have been deployed in Jordan
so far, it said.

Dozens of those US soldiers, along with CIA agents, have been sent into
Iraqi territory, it said.

The sources said the US had started a flurry of contacts with various
forces among the Iraqi opposition, and there are great difficulties in
forming a coalition similar to the 'Northern Alliance' in Afghanistan.

Intensive contacts are being held with both the Kurdish and Shi'ite
opposition in order to establish springboards for potential operations,
they said.

The sources added that Washington had first approached Saudi Arabia, which
refused to let its territory be used for any military attack against Iraq.

It seems that discussions moved to other countries in order to reach an
agreement on the possibility of using their territory in case it is needed,
they said.

The United States has drawn a plan for an emergency economic assistance to
Jordan in case its economic and trade relations with Iraq suffer a crisis,
they added.

© Herald and Weekly Times, Australia


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Fwd: Indonesia. Appeal for Solidarity. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Rolf Martens


Dear friends in Indonesia,

I want to support your campaign, and am forwarding
your message to some other mailing lists and to
some Usenet newsgroups.

I'm also a member of two organizations here in
Sweden which you can probably count on for

Folket i Bild / Kulturfront (Sweden)


Clarté (Sweden)

These will get this message too.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

Date:   Wed, 03 Jul 2002 17:24:56 +0300
Subject:Indonesia. Appeal  for Solidarity.

Organization: ACTUS
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 12:31:43 +0200

Subject: Appeal  for Solidarity

  Wed, 03 Jul 2002 16:05:42 +0700

  Jakarta 1  July 2002

Dear friends,

This letter is a world-wide campaign for international solidarity from
of millions of Indonesian ex-political prisoners and their families in
difficult struggle to restore their civil rights and to defend their
dignity. Because of the extremely inhuman treatment suffered by them, we

draw your attention to the following aspects :


During the Suharto military regime (which lasted over 30 years),
arbitrary detentions, kidnappings and so forth, were commonplace
Indonesia. The worst period was 1965-1966 when about 3 millions people
killed, and about 1,8 million people arbitrarily detained without
trials, in prisons and detention camps controlled by the military, or by

police units.

Thanks to the pressure of international public opinion most of the
prisoners have been released, though in many cases after more than 10
imprisonment. Many were in bad health, many were aged.  Some had been
despoiled of property due to illegal confiscation by the military
authorities (land, houses and valuables).

The detainees came from all walks of life : military officers and common

soldiers, civil servants, teachers, trade union leaders, and other
mass-organisations (women, students, peasants etc) . Most were detained
because of their supposed links with, or sympathy for, the Indonesian
Communist Party (PKI), or because of mere false accusations.

The political prisoners suffered from all kids of ill-treatment and many

worked as forced labourers. Tens of millions of their families at home
also victims of systematic state terrorism and psychological persecution

during more than 30 years and many still suffer profound trauma, to this



In the first years after release,  many ex-political prisoners received
limited and temporary aid from the Catholic and Protestant churches.
aid was invaluable since even after release the military regime
continued to
treat them ( and their families) inhumanely.  The downfall of the
regime has not eradicated this practise.

Even today, ex-political prisoners suffer from administrative
promulgated by the Suharto regime, which deprived them of civil rights.
Former government civilian and military employees, sacked during the
regime, receive no pensions or salaries. Those who are of age to work
not allowed to work.  They receive no health service. Many live in
poverty. They are treated as secondary citizens or pariahs. Even until
political persecution and psychological persecution is pursued
Indonesia (by the political remnants of the military regime and a part
the fundamentalist sections of the Moslem community).


In order to defend their fundamental rights as human beings and as
ex-political prisoners  have created an organisation “ Institute of
for the Rehabilitation of Victims of the New Order” (Lembaga Perjuangan
Rehabilitasi Korban Rezim Orde Baru -- called LEMBAGA). LEMBAGA, a
non-governmental organisation, was launched  on 16 January 2000 in
and is now implanted in many provinces and regions, including Java,
Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi (Celebes), Bali, Maluku (Moluccas). Its
adherents are of various ethnic groups and religions.

The principal aims of this organisation are to urge the Indonesian
government to abolish at last the repressive regulations and decrees
to ex-political prisoners and other victims of the Suharto government
and to
rehabilitate fully their civil rights  In co-operation with other
forces, LEMBAGA will struggle against the remnants of inhuman policies
the military regime of Suharto. Together with other national and
international organisations, LEMBAGA will promote democratic struggle
peaceful reforms in political, economical and social 

1/2 A serious mistake, damaging anti-imperialist unity [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Rolf Martens


1/2 A serious mistake, damaging anti-imperialist unity

Javier (Francisco Javier Bernal [EMAIL PROTECTED]),

You wrote, to the ANTINATO mailing list list on Tue, 2 Jul
2002 21:33:59 +0100, subject Re: Support for kicking the USA
out of the UN (#02):

 This is really sad, Rolf.
 Can you please stop? You're hardly doing yourself a favour
 with such a behaviour. Why do you have to call anyone who
 slightly disagree in his views with those of yours a spy,
 impersonator, agent provocateur, etc? You've done it to
 David, did the same to Claudia, Nancy, Barry, the
 Irishman, and I'm forgetting many others for sure.

I on my part think that this matter is *serious*, even more
than sad, which it is too.

With the above, you're making a mistake which I certainly
hope is inadvertent, but which, in its possible effects and,
even more, as to its principle, so to speak, risks causing
considerable damage to anti-imperialist unity, among sub-
scribers to and writers to the ANTINATO list in particular.

*Nowhere* in that recent reply of mine to David Q.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], posted to some mailing lists
on Mon, 2 Jul 2002 07:44 +0200, did I call that writer a
spy(!), an agent provocateur(!), or anything similar; nor
did I even maintain that he was an impersonator.

Last in your posting you yourself did quote *the entire text*
of that reply - and please also *check your archive of pos-
tings*. But in your comments (quoted above) you maintained
that I had written these things, which where clearly *not*
there at all.

All on the ANTINATO list can see for themselves that this
slanderous allegation of yours, concerning what I wrote quite
recently, was wholly and completely *an invention* by you.

You even *added some other* pure *fantasies* of your own
here, on what I purportedly on earlier occasions had done
to some other writers.

readers of the ANTINATO list for those QUITE SERIOUS SLAN-
DEROUS ALLEGATIONS against me with which you, as MODERATOR of
that list, thus have MISINFORMED the subscribers to it.

If you do not do this, then I certainly shall draw that con-
clusion, and publish it as widely as possible, in order to
warn people, that you in reality are someone who *wittingly*
disseminates serious misinformation and slander, in favour of
reaction in the world.

Even as caused by a MISTAKE on your part - which I do HOPE it
was - these false allegations *were* a quite serious slander.

Perhaps you not understand, or agree with, this? Please let
me explain it to you, in some detail.

It's because I hold that these false allegations of yours
*are* a quite serious mistake on your part that I'm finding
it necessary to reply to your rather brief comments - by
which you just tossed these things into the air, in the
most irresponsible manner, with the back of your hand, so
to speak - with this considerably longer present one.

1) Firstly:

There of course *are* some spies, agent provocateurs and the
like on the Internet, sent out by the arch-reactionaries in
the world in order to combat and to cause mischief, directly,
to various sincere Leftists on the Net, more indirectly to
the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples and

If and when such are discovered and made out clearly to be
precisely spies, agent provcateurs etc and nothing else, then
of course these should be publicly exposed, for all to be
warned against them. *Not* to do so, on the part of those
who because of some experience of their own have seen through
them, would be an error.

And likewise would it be an error, which may cause rather
serious harm, for some writer or writers to *maintain*, pub-
licly, that some other or others, who is/are *not* (a) such,
*has/have* such a character. For the important unity on some
questions today, also among many who may not agree recipro-
cally on everything, such wrong accusations of course are
among the most damaging things you can imagine.

Such an error it is that you now recently maintained, public-
ly, that I had committed, Javier, and not just once
either, but several times. And have you reflected on, in
which way, on what basis, it was that you put forward this
accusation? (See the quote above from your posting.)

And *your* - actual - recent error, of *maintaining* that
someone else had branded some third person as a spy or a
provocateur, and indeed had earlier branded a number of
others too (quite unclearly referred to) as spies or pro-
vocateurs, when that someone else in fact had *not* done
that (quite irrespective of the question, whether this in all
or any of the cases actually might have been justified to
do), such an error too of course risks damaging that impor-
tant unity too, in the same way as someone's falsely crying
out: Spy!.

That last I have *not* done - as, in the recent and main
case of David Q., all can see for themselves at once. Quite

2/2 A serious mistake, damaging anti-imperialist unity [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Rolf Martens
 of the writings of Nancy Hey,
some of which I've found rather good. (Perhaps I *have* com-
mented on, and/or forwarded, one or two of them, over the
years.) Certainly I've *never* called Nancy Hey a spy, an
agent provocateur or something similar. I've had no reason
whatsoever to do this.

I see that I've saved one posting from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as one which I liked, on Sweden from where I'm posting.
That was sent Fri, 3 Nov 2000 00:30:04 EST, subject Be
careful what you wish for, Sweden!, and started out by

 The Swedes should think long and hard before they
support Western meddling in Yugoslavia!  The same
kind of meddling could be used against them!  See
the following:...

Or precisely the same, on that question, as something written
earlier by me, on 01.05.2000 as part of a Mayday leaflet of
mine (in translation) then:

That demand which have been raised by many is quite
justified: Sweden out of Kosovo!

Your misinformation on *this* point, concerning such a writer
as Nancy Hey, certainly is particularly strange, Javier.

d) Claudia:
By this you must must mean a writer who since - how long is
it now? - over a year, or at least several months, I think,
is no longer with us: Claudia K. White, who started pos-
ting to the ANTINATO list in November 2000 and who contribu-
ted, using variously the addresses [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and [EMAIL PROTECTED], from which last address another
writer, M.S. Darkstar, now likewise no longer heard from,
would sometimes post to ANTINATO too.

Claudia K. White in the main reproduced articles from
newspapers, magazines and websites. And in her case, not
least with contents supporting that nasty sneak green war-
fare against the people in all countries, by the very worst
among the imperialist reactionaries, which unfortunately,
some obviously sincere but very ignorant Leftists still do
*not* recognize as what it is, having been fooled into be-
lieving that it's protection of the environment or some
such things those arch-reactionaries, the US imperalists in
particular, are so extremely interested in furthering.

Against one such instance of - perhaps unwittingly, I
thought - harmful reactionary propaganda, I sent a posting
with friendly criticism and some information, in November
2000.  From Claudia K. White, there then came a reply
which I found it suitable to quote and to comment on, basing
myself also on some other peculiarities which that writer
had shown, as follows below.

In the context of your now recently having advanced it as an
accusation(!) against me, Javier, that I called *that*
particular writer precisely *a spy*, it's suitable to
quote the entire main part of that reply of mine:


(Rolf Martens)
Subject:Re: Rolf...  US spy Thomas Claudia
P. Murray
(Bill Howard)
Date:   Sun, 12 Nov 2000 19:43:33 +0100


Re: Rolf...  US spy Thomas Claudia P. Murray
[Posted: 12.11.00]

Claudia K White [EMAIL PROTECTED], who
also writes from [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote to the
07 Nov 2000 22:09:01 -0800, under subject Rolf The
Freak Swede!!!, the refreshingly revealing:

Dear Rolf
You are a Lunatic Nut case
What kind of Freak White Supremacist Nazi are you?

[...I hope subscribers to this list will have seen
for themselves what basis there could have been for
such theories..]

{Well, or for such slight disagreement, on the
part of Claudia, as you perhaps would call this,
Javier, considering how you characterized the re-
cent and similar statement of disagreement (above)
by David? - RM, July 2002]

and Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked, on
Thu, 9 Nov 2000 04:42:33 -:

Greetings One and All of the STOPNATO NO PASARAN!

May I refer to the post the subject of which begins;
Rolf..., sent on 'Wednesday, November 08, 2000
6:09 AM' apparently by; Claudia K White and may I ask
the following question:

Is there a possibility of a typing error in the
complete subject line of the post?

Yours Sincerely,
Bill Howard

Whereupon good old Claudia came back today,
Sun, 12 Nov 2000 08:04:21 -0800, with:

I don't think there is a typing error, however, I am
not recieving incoming mail much at this account, as
it is being hacked, or cracked or shall I say many
technical errors here... Perhaps you can write me
off list

Support for kicking the USA out of the UN (#02) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens


Support for kicking the USA out of the UN (#02)

[This goes to some mailing lists and some Usenet newsgroups,
and also to Taimur Rahman [EMAIL PROTECTED], with
whom I had a brief public discussion on his In Defense of
Marxism in mid-June and who may be able later to check on
some things - if necssary - among those mentioned below.]

Tariq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, to the MaoZe-
Dong mailing list on Sun, 30 Jun 2002 22:20:21 +0500, sub-
ject Re: Support for kicking the USA out of the UN (#01):

 Dear Rolf Martens,
 I support, 'Kick the US out of UNO'.

Hello Tariq,

Thank you for your support of this call, and for your in-
teresting viewpoints.

We thus are already three(?) supporters of that call.

It was nice to learn too that some of you in Peshawar, Pa-
kistan, will arrange, in the last week of July, 2002, a se-
minar/debate to see how effective are the arguments con-
tained in my message.

I have to tell you that some inconsistencies in your message
suggest that you are really not Tariq at all but only one of
the many non-existent persons, so-called cyber ghosts, in-
vented by a certain reactionary-minded person in the USA,
Thomas P. Murray, who takes an interest in trying to fool
others and at best lead them astray in various ways.

If that should be the case, I'm sorry for you of course,
since it cannot be fun to lead the existence of just a ghost.
And in that case too, you would constitute a new development
in Murray's activities, since he has not earlier been able
to acquire e-mail addresses with a domain clearly of another
country than that of the USA - in your case pk, a Pakistan
domain. And then of course there would not really be that
further support for kicking the USA out of the UN, nor such
a later seminar/debate in Peshawar as that you mentioned.

Anyway, here are a few comments on your viewpoints; these
perhaps might interest some others even if it should turn
out that you Tariq are just another Murr-Murray ghost.

[Tariq, further:]
 I read your very lengthy message. It was a feat in itself to
 go through that. I deeply appreciate and admire the effort
 you have put in.

By my very lengthy message, you no doubt mean my UNITE!
Info #173en: Kick the USA out of the UN! of 28.06 which,
yes, was relatively long. But something you wrote also sug-
gests you didn't really read all of it. That US Murr-Murr
always *was* a lazy bastard, even if striving quite hard to
improve on his swindle attempts.

 Nevertheless, I have my reservations about the exercise be
 any success. Although I know much less of international law
 and the functioning of UNO but: The members constitute the
 UNO, who all operate through their officially appointed
 emisaries. You would agree the US could not have gone that
 far 'down' had she known there would be some countries tel-
 ling her, 'No More'.

I on my part, on the contrary, hold that the call *is* quite

It's true that, so far, the governments of other countries
have *not* resisted the international desperate terrorist
war and war threat activities of the US imperialists quite so
strongly as would correspond to a number of them uniting in
order, for instance, kick the USA out of that UN in which it
today clearly does not belong.

This is due to the bourgeois character of practically all of
these governments too, of course. And in particular, the
rulers of other richer countries, such as Sweden and the
other West European ones, and also the new tsarists who rule
Russia and the Chinese revisionists in control of China,
today see a great need to team up with the militarily much
stronger US imperialists, whose espionage organizations en-
gage in cloak-and-dagger murder activities against the people
everywhere too. These other rulers too desperately fear
their own people, and the peoples everywhere. They hope
that this really big-time terrorist, US imperialism, may
protect them from the people in the world.

At the same time, really big-time and (relatively) strong
imperialist powers have always been very hungry crocodiles.
Today that incomparably strongest one, US imperialism, is
so insatiably hungry too that it wants, and tries, to eat up
as much as it only can of Western Europe, Russia, China etc -
or to be more precise, gobble up for free, as much as it
only can, the products of these countries too - leaving only
smaller crumbs to those other predatory, much smaller ani-
mals, the respective ruling circles of those countries.

Thus, even they are in certain conflict with the US rulers

Don't feed the crocodile! was, in another but in some ways
similar situation, over 60 years ago, the rather good advice
of one politician who himself of course was an imperialist
too, Winston Churchill of Great Britain, to the relatively
rich but small countries here in Scandinavia, whose leaders
in early 1940 thought that their interests were best served
if they continued to provide wildly

[kominform2] Re: Is America at war with China? (*Not* with Bushy Co.?)

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens

Haha, Agent Smiley, this really is funny!

An article trying to get people to believe that behind
11 September 2001 was not good old Bushy and his
good old mass murder gang after all, but - China!
(Ruled today, likewise, by no nice people at all, of

This is on an intelligence level quite on a par with
that old word explanation, in Mad Magazine, back in
the late 1960s: Crèpe de Chine - Red Chinese

Only today, China by no means is red any longer, of
course. The herring in this posting of yours is, however.
It smells just as if it had been delivered fresh from one
of those CIA fishery factories, in another primitive
attempt at saving the Bushies from their present plight!

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

At 19:14 2002-06-30 -0700, you (Agent Smiley
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - a name straight
out of that good old spy fantasy) wrote, to the
Free Palestine list:



I think that when we are sleeping or otherwise
abosrbped mentally that our organic CPU is still
engaged in computation and sorting of information,
driven by the need to make sense of the world. Last
year I lived in Santa Rosa, California up until late
September. It was here that about two thirds of the
experiences I have detailed, the psychological
operations aimed at de-stabilization, occurred. It is
here that I had methamphetamine offered to me
unceasingly. I was homeless due to the fact that A) I
had left Michigan to keep from jeopardizing my family
and friends during the height of the Jam Echelon Day
campaign due to cryptic threats and B) I had been
denied, somehow, every opportunity to make a better
situation for myself. It is also here that I was
offered heroin regularly. As I go on here you will see
how this is key.

It was in Santa Rosa wherein the person I eventually
fled, the girl who was obviously assigned to me for
about a year and a half, was at the center of attempts
to shove certain memes (paradigms) down my throat. One
of those was a reverence for the now popular dragon
iconography you are seeing about. I must caution
against assuming that anyone bearing such, be it on a
t-shirt or a tattoo, is in cahoots with what I am
leading into.

It was in Santa Rosa that I had a very disturbing
dream and this is the gist of what I was
circumlocuting in the first sentence of this text. I
do not have dreams like this and I did not even during
the height of my psyop induced angst, except for this
once. I submit that my unconscious was speaking the
only language it knows how to transmit to the
conscious mind, the language of the mythic, of dreams,
of symbolism. I believe my unconscious had pieced
together something that my conscious mind was only
vaguely aware of, in its endless computations. I
believe this is the nature of prophecy and I believe
we are all prophets at times.

My dream was of billowy Arabian tents, of a dragon,
and of much blood. The words “The dragon has shed its
spines and gone undergound” echoed for months in my
head. We had gone from the year of the dragon into the
year of the snake. I am sorry that it was not more
specific. It bothered me all night and I hardly slept.
This was June, 2001. In case you are wondering, I am
NOT making this up.


How do you recruit a person to rain terror, death and
destruction on people they do not even know? Do you
look for someone who is already evil?

No. You use bait. The best bait is information that
can easily be accepted as true and may, from a certain
perspective, in fact be true.


Now what the hell does this have to do with anything?
I was driven to relay the story above by what I
believe is a revelation of sorts that I had today.

FACT: China bought four hundred million dollars worth
of the very 757's that struck the World Trade Center.
Someone needs to explain to me why this was done if
these jets had just been shown to be vulnerable.

Boeing signs huge China deal

FACT: The international cabals we have been often
speaking of (or CLUBS if you prefer) always seem to
cross paths with Henry Kissinger.

FACT: Last year, in the spring, Kissinger and his CFR
buddies presented China with what was allegedly new
incriminating evidence regarding the Tiennamen square
incident years ago.

You've heard a lot of mixed info on Lyndon LaRouche
for sure. This is because his research department is
phenomenal but his conclusions as to what to do about
he world he paints with an accurate brush are
questionable. It IS he that reports this information.
Here is the url. Take it in context with the following
two items.

FACT: Kissinger now sits as top advisor to a huge
Chines oil firm. What does TOP advisor exactly mean
unless he is calling the shots.

FACT: THIS happened on September 6, 2001:
Chinese authorities shut 

Re: Is America at war with China? (*Not* with Bushy Co.?) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens


Haha, Agent Smiley, this really is funny!

An article trying to get people to believe that behind
11 September 2001 was not good old Bushy and his
good old mass murder gang after all, but - China!
(Ruled today, likewise, by no nice people at all, of

This is on an intelligence level quite on a par with
that old word explanation, in Mad Magazine, back in
the late 1960s: Crèpe de Chine - Red Chinese

Only today, China by no means is red any longer, of
course. The herring in this posting of yours is, however.
It smells just as if it had been delivered fresh from one
of those CIA fishery factories, in another primitive
attempt at saving the Bushies from their present plight!

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

At 19:14 2002-06-30 -0700, you (Agent Smiley
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - a name straight
out of that good old spy fantasy) wrote, to the
Free Palestine list:



I think that when we are sleeping or otherwise
abosrbped mentally that our organic CPU is still
engaged in computation and sorting of information,
driven by the need to make sense of the world. Last
year I lived in Santa Rosa, California up until late
September. It was here that about two thirds of the
experiences I have detailed, the psychological
operations aimed at de-stabilization, occurred. It is
here that I had methamphetamine offered to me
unceasingly. I was homeless due to the fact that A) I
had left Michigan to keep from jeopardizing my family
and friends during the height of the Jam Echelon Day
campaign due to cryptic threats and B) I had been
denied, somehow, every opportunity to make a better
situation for myself. It is also here that I was
offered heroin regularly. As I go on here you will see
how this is key.

It was in Santa Rosa wherein the person I eventually
fled, the girl who was obviously assigned to me for
about a year and a half, was at the center of attempts
to shove certain memes (paradigms) down my throat. One
of those was a reverence for the now popular dragon
iconography you are seeing about. I must caution
against assuming that anyone bearing such, be it on a
t-shirt or a tattoo, is in cahoots with what I am
leading into.

It was in Santa Rosa that I had a very disturbing
dream and this is the gist of what I was
circumlocuting in the first sentence of this text. I
do not have dreams like this and I did not even during
the height of my psyop induced angst, except for this
once. I submit that my unconscious was speaking the
only language it knows how to transmit to the
conscious mind, the language of the mythic, of dreams,
of symbolism. I believe my unconscious had pieced
together something that my conscious mind was only
vaguely aware of, in its endless computations. I
believe this is the nature of prophecy and I believe
we are all prophets at times.

My dream was of billowy Arabian tents, of a dragon,
and of much blood. The words “The dragon has shed its
spines and gone undergound” echoed for months in my
head. We had gone from the year of the dragon into the
year of the snake. I am sorry that it was not more
specific. It bothered me all night and I hardly slept.
This was June, 2001. In case you are wondering, I am
NOT making this up.


How do you recruit a person to rain terror, death and
destruction on people they do not even know? Do you
look for someone who is already evil?

No. You use bait. The best bait is information that
can easily be accepted as true and may, from a certain
perspective, in fact be true.


Now what the hell does this have to do with anything?
I was driven to relay the story above by what I
believe is a revelation of sorts that I had today.

FACT: China bought four hundred million dollars worth
of the very 757's that struck the World Trade Center.
Someone needs to explain to me why this was done if
these jets had just been shown to be vulnerable.

Boeing signs huge China deal

FACT: The international cabals we have been often
speaking of (or CLUBS if you prefer) always seem to
cross paths with Henry Kissinger.

FACT: Last year, in the spring, Kissinger and his CFR
buddies presented China with what was allegedly new
incriminating evidence regarding the Tiennamen square
incident years ago.

You've heard a lot of mixed info on Lyndon LaRouche
for sure. This is because his research department is
phenomenal but his conclusions as to what to do about
he world he paints with an accurate brush are
questionable. It IS he that reports this information.
Here is the url. Take it in context with the following
two items.

FACT: Kissinger now sits as top advisor to a huge
Chines oil firm. What does TOP advisor exactly mean
unless he is calling the shots.


Fwd: 9-11. U. of Ottawa Professor Says Evidence Shows U.S. Helped Plan Attack

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens


Date:   Mon, 01 Jul 2002 06:13:34 +0300
Subject:9-11. U. of Ottawa Professor Says Evidence Shows
 U.S. Helped Plan Attacks

From: Macdonald Stainsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [R-G] U. of Ottawa Professor Says Evidence Shows U.S. Helped Plan

U. of Ottawa Professor Says Evidence Shows U.S. Helped Plan Attacks

Ruppert Kicked Out of Canada -- But He Was Leaving Anyway


June 27, 2002, 16:00 PDT (FTW) -- An estimated crowd of 1,200 turned out on
25 at the University of Calgary's MacEwan Hall to hear FTW Publisher
Mike Ruppert and University of Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky present
evidence of and a rationale for U.S. government complicity in last
September's terrorist attacks. (See photos at
Their two-and-a- half-hour presentation, including documentary evidence,
was greeted with a standing ovation.

In a question and answer session after the lecture, not one audience member
questioned that the Bush Administration needed the attacks in order to
mobilize public support for a war to control Central Asian oil reserves and
the cash from the Afghani opium trade. Traditionally, Afghanistan has been
the world's largest producer of opium.

The G6B -- standing for a global population of six billion people whose
interests need to be balanced against the corporate interests of the
industrialized world -- was a three-day event sponsored by, among others,
the government of Canada, Amnesty International and the University of
Calgary. It brought delegates and activists together from 60 countries. The
counter summit was timed and located in Calgary, Alberta so as to juxtapose
it with the G8 meeting in nearby Kananaskis of the world's eight largest
industrialized nations starting on June 26.

The first-ever joint presentation involving Ruppert and Chossudovsky, an
economics professor, presented the strongest evidence to date that not only
did the Bush Administration have complete foreknowledge of the attacks and
allow them to happen, but also that the CIA had a direct hand in financing
the attacks. Chossudovsky presented documentary evidence from ABC news,
citing FBI sources, confirming a report that Gen. Mahmud Ahmad, then-chief
of the Pakistani intelligence service (ISI), ordered for $100,000 to be
wired to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta just weeks before the attacks. The new
corroboration from U.S. media, using FBI sources, gave considerable weight
to earlier press stories originating in India linking the ISI to 9/11.
[These new revelations will be the subject of an upcoming story in FTW].

General Ahmad arrived in Washington on Sept. 4 and met with, among others,
his good friend [CIA Director] George Tenet, [Deputy Secretary of State]
Richard Armitage, [Sen.] Joe Biden, [D-Del.,] and the heads of the two
intelligence committees, Chossudovsky said.

To me the issue of foreknowledge is a red herring. Osama bin Laden is and
remains to this day a CIA asset. Even now his Al Qaeda operatives are
working with the Kosovo Liberation Army who are U.S. allies and with
U.S.-backed forces in Macedonia. Members of Al Q'aeda have been protected
as they moved into Kashmir where they are now fomenting conflict between
India and Pakistan.

The evidence is becoming clearer every day that the U.S. government helped
to plan and fund the Sept. 11 attacks, said Chossudovsky.

In addition, Chossudovsky has uncovered what may be complicity on the part
of the major media in hiding the smoking gun. Using transcripts from the
Federal Records Service (FRS), Chossudovsky obtained the transcript of a
question posed to National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rica at a May 16
press conference, in which she was asked if she had met with the ISI
chief while he was in Washington. The CNN transcript of the event
indicated that the words ISI chief were inaudible when, in fact, they
were quite audible to the FRS. Rice's response was a troubled, I have not
seen that report, and he was certainly not meeting with me.

Chossudovsky painted a broad picture of globalization pushing events toward
a possible nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan by noting that one
U.S. company with strong intelligence and military connections, MPRI of
Vienna, Va., was acting as adviser to both governments. He also noted the
strong links between CIA Director George Tenet and Deputy Secretary of
State Armitage to the leaders of both countries. Chossudovsky also pointed
out that George W. Bush receives daily personal intelligence briefings
from the CIA Director -- a custom that has never previously been followed
by any sitting president. Previously most CIA briefings have been delivered
in written format.

Ruppert, using new evidence of U.S. government foreknowledge disclosed by
major media sources and through recent press 

Fwd: FBI torture of Muslims in US [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens



I'm forwarding this to some other mailing lists,
and to some Usenet newsgroups.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

From:   Cameron McLaughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Sun, 30 Jun 2002 15:21:15 -0500
Subject:eFreePalestine! FBI torture of Muslims in US

I know this is beyond the scope of this group, but we must spread the
word about what is happening here in the US to all Muslim people. It has
gone far beyond detention and harassment.

 A terrifying article from Dawn (,
 Pakistan's English-language newspaper, which is in no
 way considered extreme.  This was published June 23rd
 and passed on to me by my friend Raza, in Pakistan.
 Note particularly:
 Mohammad Rafiq Butt, a Pakistani, was picked up by
 the FBI after 9/11 and was tortured to death. The INS
 reluctantly sent his body back to his family in
 Pakistan who carried out an independent autopsy and
 discovered that the cause of his death was severe
 beating and torture. (taken from within the following
 Has anyone read a word about such actions?
 now quoting the article and, through anyone who can
 pass them on, sending condolences and my personal
 shame to the victims of this kind of terror.
 FBI and INS into racial profiling of Muslims
 By Anjum Niaz
  Caramel coloured clouds that hang atop Brooklyn
 Prison and Detention Centre lend a sober sight to a
 treeless, flowerless and a friendless neighbourhood.
 Dog-dirt strewn across the pavement emits a fowl
 smell, while the desolate structures all around look
 like a wild west movie set. An odd immigrant
 shopkeeper shuffles around, eyes downcast, lost in his
 weary shack. The silence is eerie. Unbelievable that
 only 10 subway stops away is lovely Manhattan, and its
 alluring sights and smells with wealthy Americans out
 shopping on late Saturday summer morning!
 As I cross under a Brooklyn bridge, laden with water
 (a burst sewer?), I see the protesters gathered in
 front of the Prison, across the road. The poker-faced
 police is in full force and have cordoned the area. My
 effort to stray off and get a close shot of the
 maximum-security federal prison sends a scowling cop
 scampering after me with a stern warning that such a
 trespass will not be tolerated.
 Every Saturday, for the past 21 weeks, protesters have
 assembled in this very spot to demonstrate against FBI
 and INS (Immigration Service) detention of over 2,200
 Arab and Pakistani immigrants since 9/11. We are
 experiencing one of the worst periods of xenophobic
 and racist backlash this country has seen in recent
 history, Robina Niaz, a Pakistani volunteer tells me.
 She works with Justice for Detainees Coalition. She
 adds, The Arabs and Pakistanis have been under direct
 attack in the forms of racial violence, racial
 profiling, mass incarcerations and deportations. None
 have been charged with crimes connected to the 9/11.
 We live in fear because these incidents have gone
 unreported as INS, FBI and NYPD (New York Police) are
 still continuing to kidnap members of our community.
 Flashing images of Pakistani men being deported on
 visa violations come to my mind as Adem Carroll,
 Relief Coordinator for Islamic Circle of North
 America, tells me, We have received reports that some
 Pakistanis have been deported in their jail clothes,
 an orange jumpsuit, which may criminalize them in the
 eyes of the authorities back there.
 Wait a second. To be dressed in a jailbird orange
 jumpsuit and arriving on your sacred homeland is the
 ultimate humility the Americans can heap on
 Pakistanis! Can one imagine these fallen men to ever
 lead normal lives again? And yet, not a stir of
 protest from our Embassy here nor from authorities in
 Pakistan. Such official indifference is so
 About the identity of these unfortunate men, Adem
 tells me, For the moment, I will not provide the
 names we have as I would like to give them time to
 readjust back in Pakistan. Apart from the humiliation
 and indignity they have suffered, it's difficult as
 many have lost their savings with legal fees or to
 keep families fed during their confinement. Some have
 Americanized children who may find return to Pakistan
 a new but confusing experience.
 Brooklyn has been one of the INS's main targets.
 Hundreds of Muslims have disappeared in the middle of
 the night, with most of their loved ones still being
 kept in the dark about their charges and conditions.
 The INS refuses to return our phone calls or answer
 our letters, says Adem. While his organization has
 spent $150,000 for legal services, attorneys are
 reluctant to take up pro bono cases because of the
 stigma attached.
 Mohammad Azmath and Ayyub Ali remain in solitary
 confinement after nine months in this prison. This
 does not mean that the charges of terrorism against

Re: Is America at war with China? (*Not* with Bushy Co.?) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens


At 08:55 2002-07-01 -0400, you ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

---Why did you even bother to post this stuff? 
Stopnato is more serious than this, and
you are being irresponsible to post the ravings of some drug 
addict-paranoid-LaRouchian nutcase!


I posted this in order to show one more of the *desperate CIA
red herring attempts* to throw people off the real scent (that
of Bushy  friends) in the case of 11 September 2001.

As a such (as I pointed out it was too), it was of some
interest, I believe, and not at all irresponsible to show,
*with those comments by me added*.

And *you* are quite wrong - might even be called irrespon-
sible - in trying to make people believe that *this* thing
came from that small LaRouche bourgeois group in the
USA, *not* from (main) CIA quarters.

I among other things, rather early on, quoted, to this
list too, what *LaRouche* on his part *did* say - even
the very same day, 11 Sept 2001, when he happened
to be in a radio interviwe at the very time those Bushy-
(etc) directed planes were flying smack into the WTC

*He* said - as you must know - that clearly, such a
thing could *not* have been done without the *connivance
of some highly-placed persons in the USA itself*.

And in this, he of course was quite right. By no means
did LaRouche - then or later - hint anything about

And you, Heather, expressed *anger* at that time,
back in September 2001, at my even qouting such
a person as LaRouche, saying - then too, but *then*
with *another* reason given by you for this - that
he was a nutcase, implying too that his correct
pointing at such highly-placed US persons was
all wrong.

Responsible acting, then, on your part? Respon-
sible acting by you now?

True enough, the theory of LaRouche was, some
*rouge* influential people in the US, *not* the
administration itself. And in this, he clearly was/is
wrong, it has turned out later - or hasn't it?

Trying to pin the China done it? red herring on the
LaRouche people, that's pretty bad anyway, Heather
- I did appreciate your info on quite another matter,
having to with the people's justified defence against
the present attacks on democratic rights in the US.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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Fwd: Einstein, Arendt to NYT, 04.12.1948, on Begin etc [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens


From: Raja Mattar
Mailing-List: list
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 18:07:14 +0300
Einstein, Arendt to the New York Times, Dec. 4, 1948 
Important Document

Very important

[This is the full text of the letter that Einstein,
Hannah Arendt, and many other Jewish intellectuals sent to the N.Y. Times
on Dec. 4, 1948, protesting the visit of Menahim Begin. Of
particular interest is the reference to the Deir Yassin massacre which
occurred earlier that year, and the reference to the Herut party, the
predecessor of Likud, as Nazi and Fascist party. It is also worth
noting that Begin, and Yitzhak Shamir who were members of the party
became Prime Ministers. One small proviso: the names of some of the
signatories may have been misspelled as the zealous person who located
the letter had to type it herself from a faded copy.
Raja Mattar]

?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office / 
Letters to The Editor 
New York Times 
?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =
urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags /December 4,

New Palestine Party Visit of Menachem Begin and Aims of Political
Movement Discussed


Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the
emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the Freedom
Party (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its
organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi
and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of
the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist
organization in Palestine.

The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United
States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support
for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political
ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several
Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit.
It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world,
if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin’s political record and
perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he

Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions,
public manifestations in Begin’s behalf, and the creation in Palestine of
the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements
in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and
objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.

The public avowals of Begin’s party are no guide whatever to its actual
character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism,
whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist
state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real
character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to
do in the future.

Attack on Arab Village

A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.
This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had
taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted
to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES),
terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military
objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants – 240 men,
women, and children – and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives
through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was
horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology
to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being
ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely,
and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view
the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.

The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the
Freedom Party.

Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of
ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other
Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves
pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they
have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.

During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence, the IZL and
Stern groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish
community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults were
shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods,
beatings, window-smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the terrorists
intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute.

The people of the Freedom Party have had no part in the constructive
achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no
settlements, and only detracted from the 

Re: Support for kicking the USA out of the UN (#02) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens


At 22:44 2002-07-01 -0400, you ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
wrote, to the ANTINATO and MaoZeDong mailing lists:

[Quoting me, RM:]
have to tell you that some inconsistencies in your message
  suggest that you are really not Tariq at all but only one of
  the many non-existent persons, so-called cyber ghosts, in-
  vented by a certain reactionary-minded person in the USA,
  Thomas P. Murray, who takes an interest in trying to fool
  others and at best lead them astray in various ways.

Yet another sign of an extremely paranoid individual, seriously in
need of  councelling.

How very interesting, Davey-baby!

You're arging that Tariq is real, and not another Murray

Well, let's wait a little and see how things turn out
concerning that. Tariq did promise me, as you saw
too, a report on a certain seminar/debate which would
take place in Peshawar, Pakistan, last week in July.

I've informed Taimur Rahman, UK, who's of Pakistani
origin, about this too; he no doubt will have some
possibilities of checking this out, in August or so.

And you yourself David, could you perhaps be related,
cyberspace-wise, to Tariq too? Let's see what the
future will show.

[RM, earlier: Kick the USA out of the UN!]

  ... said, I agree- [USA] and Israel!
  The two nations that continually vote against peace and

  I will like to add another name: India.

Well, Tariq, that was one thing which you wrote that was
*completely out of character* for any *genuine* Pakistani
Leftist. But a typical one for a stupid reactionary US
bourgeois person, such as the inveterate cyber ghost in-
ventor Thomas P. Murray, to try to *make people believe* a
Pakistani Leftist might writ

   AH --  but how does the enlightened marxist Rolf Marten of
Sweden define such a term as a ' genuine Pakistani Leftist'?; and
for that matter,genuine leftist? Under what circumstances is this
title revoked?

You don't like my calling that stoopid Murr-Murray stoopid?
This may have one very simple explanation, or what do other
readers think?

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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Fwd: UK Pakistanis tell of US prison horror [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-01 Thread Rolf Martens


Date:   Mon, 01 Jul 2002 15:48:05 -0500
From:   Cameron McLaughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rolf Martens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: Fwd: FBI torture of Muslims in US

The New York Times ran a story about the guy whose jaw was broken
and then was refused medical care, but I haven't been able to find it. It
may be archived already or has been pulled.

Here is another account of Pakistani detention from that same
FreePalestine digest (2666):

Saturday, 29 June, 2002, 19:44 GMT 20:44
UK Pakistanis tell of US prison horror

Observers say anti-US feeling is likely to rise

By Owais Tohid BBC reporter in Islamabad Pakistanis repatriated in
recent days say they have suffered months of degradation and
abuse in prisons across the United States.

I was shackled and handcuffed - completely bound - and questioned
as if I were an associate of Osama Bin Laden
Mufeed Khan
Los Angeles resident

Some 131 Pakistanis, many who had lived in the US for years, were
deported and flown home two days ago - most charged by US
immigration with overstaying their welcome and having invalid
documents. All were detained in the months after the 11 September
attacks on New York and Washington last year. The deportees
arrived in Islamabad late on Thursday aboard a chartered Portuguese
airliner, and were allowed to go to their homes.

Pakistan is co-operating with America... and America in return is
treating Pakistanis as terrorists
Jahanzeb Zulfikar
Iowa resident

They accuse the US of forcibly sending them back following 11
September, and say the treatment meted out to them in prisons
and in detention was inhuman and unjust. I was treated as a
terrorist. I was psychologically tortured in the prison, 35-year-old
Mufeed Khan told the BBC on Saturday. I was shackled and
handcuffed - completely bound - and questioned as if I were an
associate of Osama Bin Laden.

Dream sours

Mr Khan had lived in America for 11 years and ran a small
business in Los Angeles before his detention in February this
year. US attorney-general has led crackdown

For me America was the dreamland. I used to think that I was
lucky to live in a liberal and democratic country. But the dreamland
became hell for me after 11 September, he says. Even if I was
not carrying valid documents to stay there, I did not deserve such
treatment. I was treated badly because I am a Muslim. Carrying
a Muslim name should not be a crime. Not every Muslim is an
extremist or a terrorist.


Like Mr Khan most of the deportees complained of ill treatment by
the US authorities. Before 11 September we were Pakistani
Americans - now we have become aliens who want to destroy
Arshad Mehmood
Chicago resident

Jahanzeb Zulfikar, 28, is one of them. He had been detained since
April. He says he went to the US on a student visa when he was
just 17 years old, and was living in Iowa. I never thought I would
be put through such mental torture. My rights were abused, m
dignity violated and self-respect insulted and compromised in the
detention centre, Mr Zulfikar told the BBC. Pakistan is co-operating
with America in its fight against terrorists - and America in return is
treating Pakistanis as terrorists. Isn't this injustice?

Tough laws

In the aftermath of 11 September, strict legislation regarding
immigration was introduced in the US. It gave sweeping powers to
law enforcement agencies to detain people without charge. Many,
even within the US, say the measures are draconian. Hundreds of
thousands of Pakistanis are still living in America. Since the 1980s,
going to America has been a dream for many teenagers who want to
make their fortunes in the United States. The exodus continued until
recently. Many families have moved in their entirety, and are living
there illegally.

'Friend of Osama'

But those who have been deported say the US authorities want to
demoralise and discourage Pakistanis from staying in America.
Pakistan has been integral to the coalition against terror. This will
influence public opinion Mohammad Riaz, analyst Arshad Mehmood,
who lived in Chicago for almost a decade, has now been sent back.

For them (the American authorities) every Pakistani is now an
activist of the Taleban or a friend of Osama. They do not want us to
live over there. Before 11 September we were Pakistani Americans -
now we have become aliens who want to destroy America, Mehmood
says. They have deported me and allowed my wife and two children
to stay in America. Obviously we cannot live our lives like this. Soon
my wife and children are coming to Pakistan, he says.


Pakistani officials say they are expecting more Pakistani deportees
from America. The families and friends of those detained or deported
are embittered by these accounts. There already exists anti-American
sentiment in certain elements of society. Observers believe these
accounts will further spur such feelings, even among those who were

Fwd: Join us July 10 in SF - Freedom of Liaoyang 5! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-30 Thread Rolf Martens


Date:   Sat, 29 Jun 2002 20:15:29 -0700
To: Recipient List Suppressed:;
Subject:Join us July 10 in SF for Noon Protest to
Demand Freedom of Liaoyang 5!

OWC CAMPAIGN NEWS - distributed by the Open World Conference
in Defense of Trade Union Independence  Democratic Rights,
c/o S.F. Labor Council, 1188 Franklin St., #203, San
Francisco, CA 94109.

Phone: (415) 641-8616   Fax: (415) 440-9297.

Visit our website at - Notify if any change
in email address. (Please excuse duplicate postings, and
please feel free to re-post.)


1) Introduction: A Revealing Conversation with Chinese
Consulate PR Head in SF

2) Notes on Phone Call with Mr. Hong Li, Head of Public
Relations at the Chinese Consulate

3) Urgent Appeal: July 10 -- International Day of Action
to Free the Liaoyang 5!

4) Support Coupon for International Campaign to Free the
Liaoyang 5!

1) Introduction: A Revealing Conversation with Chinese
Consulate PR Head in SF

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

On Friday, June 28th, I asked Krista Husar, a  volunteer with
the OWC Continuations Committee, if she would call the Chinese
Consulate in San Francisco on behalf of the San Francisco
Labor Council (AFL-CIO) and the OWC Continuations Committee to
set up an appointment with the Consulate on Wednesday, July

On that date we will be sending a representative labor  com-
munity delegation to the Chinese Consulate -- as part of the
July 10 International Day of Action to Free the Liaoyang 5 --
to demand the immediate and unconditional release from prison
of the five unionists in Liaoyang, northeast China, and to
express our strong-felt concern that China should ratify and
implement ILO Conventions 87 and 98, which call for the right
to strike and to form independent trade unions.

[Note: See below the Appeal for the July 10 International Day
of Action to Free the Liaoyang 5. Also visit our web site at to read more about the struggle of the Liaoyang
workers and the recent international labor delegation to
Liaoyang organized by the International Liaison Committee for
a Workers' International (ILC).]

Krista, who will be coordinating our July 10 delegation and
rally here in San Francisco, called the Chinese Consulate to
make this appointment and spoke briefly with Mr. Hong Li,
head of Public Relations at the Consulate. I am sending you
below the notes Krista took from this call, which -- as you
will see -- reveal a hardline stance by the Chinese authori-
ties against the Liaoyang 5 and their supporters.

Despite the Consulate's initial refusal to receive our dele-
gation, we will keep calling them to insist that they receive
us. In coordination with the San Francisco Labor Council we
will also organize a noon-time rally and press conference on
July 10 in front of the Chinese Consulate in SF to report on
the outcome of our delegation, to reiterate our demands, and
to provide an update on the struggle of the Liaoyang workers
for their basic rights.

We urge all unionists and supporters of labor rights in the
San Francisco Bay Area to sign the Urgent Appeal below, which
we will submit to the Chinese Consulate on July 10. Our goal
is to submit thousands of signatures on this appeal. (Please
forward this appeal to your contacts and friends.)

We also urge you to join us during your lunch break at 12
noon on July 10 in front of the Chinese Consulate at 1450
Laguna St. (corner of Geary Blvd), near Japantown. We espe-
cially call on union locals, community organizations, and
labor rights groups to contact Krista Husar at 415-626-1175
to help us coordinate this protest action and to have
speakers and banners at the event on July 10.

One final yet important political note: Contrary to what Mr.
Hong Li, head of Public Relations at the Chinese Consulate,
implied in his response to Krista Husar, our campaign is not
marked by any hostility whatsoever towards the People's Re-
public of China and the Chinese people. Its aim is to convey
our solidarity with the Chinese workers who are struggling
for their rights. To defend the right of the Chinese workers
to organize independently is not an attack against China. On
the contrary, it is a condition to allow those who create the
wealth of the country to defend themselves.

The multinational corporations are requesting from those in
power in China the unlimited right to exploit the Chinese
workers. They do not hide the fact that their plans and their
needs require the destructive privatization of State enter-
prises and the dismantling of all systems of social protec-
tion in China. The international financial institutions of
Global Capitalism clearly say that tens of millions of lay-
offs will 

Fwd: USA. [IAC] Report from June 29 protest in defense of civil rights [WWW.ST

2002-06-30 Thread Rolf Martens


Date:   Sun, 30 Jun 2002 07:32:38 +0300
Subject:USA. [IAC] Report from June 29 protest
 in defense of civil rights

From: Action Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 19:34:39 -0400

Subject: [IAC] Report from June 29 protest in defense of civil rights

June 29, 2002

*Rallies Also Take Place In Over 30 Cities Around the

Over 1,000 people came out today to protest the
Bush/Ashcroft assault on civil rights and civil liberties
in Washington D.C., demanding the repeal of the USA
PATRIOT Act and other unconstitutional measures.  Along
with demonstrations held over the weekend in thirty other
U.S. cities, the actions launched a nationwide campaign
called by the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition to defend civil
rights and civil liberties

While the government has tried hard to single out and
demonize one segment of the population under the phony
war on terrorism, today the Arab, South Asian and Muslim
communities were joined by anti-war activists, civil
rights attorneys and others who are angry at Bush's
campaign of racist profiling and mass detentions.

Demonstrators also condemned the monitoring of libraries
by FBI agents under the USA PATRIOT Act; the elimination
of basic constitutional protections; the forced
fingerprinting of immigrants; the mass detentions of Arab
and Muslim people; and the reinstatement of COINTELPRO and
Hoover-style harassment by the FBI.

The Bush administration is criminalizing dissent, said
Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, an attorney with the Partnership
for Civil Justice.  The Bush administration, with an
all-war all-the-time agenda, knows people will want to
protest the spending of billions on war while cutting
school budgets and healthcare.

Today's demonstration in Washington and in thirty other
cities signals the beginning of a fightback movement
against the domestic war being waged against civil
rights, stated Larry Holmes, a leader of the
International Action Center and spokesperson for
A.N.S.W.E.R. Racial profiling has been an ever-present
reality for African-American and Latino people and other
people of color for centuries. Bush and Ashcroft are now
legally sanctifying this odious  policy under the rubric
of the War on Terrorism and codifying it in the so-called
PATRIOT Act, Holmes stated.

We all have a stake in defending civil rights and this
demonstration proves that people are responding, stated
Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of the Muslim American
Society Freedom Foundation, who served as the co-chair for
the DC rally.

Tens of thousands of people who were attending the annual
Folk Life Festival on the Mall in Washington DC saw the
civil rights march as it wound through the crowded street
adjoining the Festival. Carrying brightly colored banners
and signs, the marches distributed thousands of leaflets
entitled: Why we are Marching to Defend Civil Rights. A
number of young people in the crowd left the mall and
joined the march for several blocks as it moved forward
past the White House for a closing rally.

International A.N.S.W.E.R.
Act Now to Stop War  End Racism

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Fwd: US vs. World at the UN: Kick the USA out! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread Rolf Martens


Fwd: US vs. World at the UN: Kick the USA out!

 From the Socialism and Communism Forum at

Topic:  The United States versus the World at the United
Nations : Kick the USA out!

Author: Fisk

posted June 28, 2002 09:28 PM (EST)
The United States versus the World at the United Nations

America, we have all been taught for half a century, is the
leader of The Free World. If this is so, it's proper to
ask: Where are the followers? Where is the evidence that
Washington's world view sways the multitude of nations?

To enlist support for its wars in Korea, Vietnam and the
Persian Gulf, the United States had to resort to bribery and

At the United Nations, the US has, with noteworthy regula-
rity, been on the minority side in voting on resolutions. The
table below shows a portion of this pattern. It covers an ar-
bitrarily chosen 10-year period, 1978 through 1987, and is
composed of the following sections:

1978-1981: All voting in the General Assembly examined;
only those resolutions for which the US cast a solitary no
vote or were joined by one or two other nations are listed.

1982-1983: All voting in the General Assembly examined; only
those resolutions for which the US cast a solitary no vote
are listed.

1984-1987: Only a portion of the General Assembly resolutions
are examined, and a sample has been selected, primarily for

[Note: Naturally enough, the question of the voting
of the then existing likewise important pillar of
international reaction, the social-imperialist
Soviet Union (up until 1991), in general (with one
exception) is not dealt with in this compliation, by
the writer Wiliam Blum. - RM, June 2002]

The number of abstentions is not shown. There were many reso-
lutions where Israel cast a solitary no vote and the US was
the sole abstainer. Voting on resolutions of the Security
Council and the Economic and Social Council are not included
here, but these votes show a very similar pattern. In the
Council -- where its solitary no vote is enough to defeat a
measure -- the United States is free to play its role of in-
ternational school bully.

We were all also taught that the Communists had no respect
for world opinion.

... a decent respect to the opinions of mankind ...
The Declaration of Independence

Date/ Resolution Yes-No vote
Issue Number

Dec. 15 33/75 119-2 (US, Israel)
Urges the Security Council, especially its permanent members,
to take all necessary measures for insuring UN decisions on
the maintenance of international peace and security.

Dec. 18 33/110 110-2 (US, Israel)
Living conditions of the Palestinian people

Dec. 18 33/113C 97-3 (US, Israel, Guatemala)
Condemnation of Israeli human rights record in occupied

Dec. 19 33/136 119-1 (US)
Calls upon developed countries to increase quantity and
quality of development assistance to underdeveloped

Jan. 24 33/183M 114-3 (US, France, UK)
To end all military and nuclear collaboration with apartheid
South Africa

Jan. 29 33/196 111-1 (US)
Protectionism of developing countries' exports

Nov. 23 34/46 136-1 (US)
Alternate approaches within the UN system for improving the
enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms

Nov. 23 34/52E 121-3 (US, Israel, Australia)
Return of inhabitants expelled by Israel.

Dec. 11 34/83J 120-3 (US, UK, France)
Negotiations on disarmament and cessation of nuclear arms

Dec. 12 34/90A 111-2 (US, Israel)
Demand that Israel desist from certain human rights viola-

Dec. 12 34/93D 132-3 (US, UK, France)
Strengthening arms embargo against South Africa

Dec. 12 34/93I 134-3 (US, UK, France)
Assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their
liberation movement.

Dec. 14 34/100 104-2 (US, Israel)
Against support for intervention in the internal or external
affairs of States.

Dec. 14 34/113 120-2 (US, Israel)
Request for report on the living conditions of Palestinians
in occupied Arab countries.

Dec. 14 34/133 112-3 (US, Israel, Canada)
Assistance to Palestinian people.

Dec. 14 34/136 118-2 (US, Israel)
Sovereignty over national resources in occupied Arab terri-

Dec. 17 34/158 121-2 (US, Israel)
Prepare and carry out the UN Conference on Women

Dec. 17 34/160 122-2 (US, Israel)
Include Palestinian women in agenda of UN Conference on Women

Dec. 19 34/199 112-1 (US)
Safeguarding rights of developing countries in multinational
trade negotiations

Nov. 3 35/13E 96-3 (US, Israel, Canada)
Requests Israel to return displace persons.

Dec. 5 35/57 134-1 (US)
Establishment of a New International Economic Order to pro-
mote the growth of underdeveloped countries and international
economic co-operation.

Dec. 5 35/75 118-2 (US, Israel)
Condemns Israeli policy re the 

Support for kicking the USA out of the UN (#01) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread Rolf Martens


Support for kicking the USA out of the UN (#01)

In reply to my UNITE! Info #173en: Kick the USA out of the
UN! on Friday, 28.06.2002, the signature Fisk, who manages
the Socialism and Communism Forum at,
wrote, likewise on 28.06, to the Forum mentioned:

 I agree- and Israel!
 The two nations that continually vote against peace and

We thus now so far have 2 (individual) supporters of this
call, which will be brought to the attention of as many
people, organizations and governments (above all those of
internationally-oppressed and -exploited countries, in-
cluding those today under direct US military attack or
threat) as possible.

Fisk also showed us others on that forum an article (a UN
resolutions-voting compilation 1978-1992) by William Blum,
which he gave the title:

The United States versus the World at the United Nations:
Kick the USA out!.

This will be forwarded separately.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden 


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Ignorant(?) Jew-baiter #5, now on ANTINATO list [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-27 Thread Rolf Martens


Ignorant(?) Jew-baiter #5, now on ANTINATO list

Hello David O. Q. [EMAIL PROTECTED],

You wrote, to the ANTINATO mailing list on Wed, 26 Jun 2002
15:52:23 -0400, subject Re: To ignorant(?) Jew-baiter #1
on Free Palestine list:

 I have to disagree. Zionism could be labeled a 20 century
 adaptation to Judaism. To label it a political movement
 would be to imply that there is essentially rational con-
 siderations driving the policies of the state of Israel
 (that is to say, that what drives Israeli 'foreign policy'
 relates primarily to imperialist ambitions).
 David O. Q.

I can only repeat what I wrote to Jew-baiter #1, that
people who write such things as you do either are agents
of Zionism engaging in that old standard trick of such of
trying to discredit support for the just cause of Free
Palestine by equating it with *anti-Semitism* (Jew-baiting)
or else, possibly, in fact are just as utterly ignorant of
some very basic facts as they make out to be.

Can there be such animals in Canada (too)?

You're adding yourself to the group of these writers, to
the Free Palestine list (in case you people[?] in fact are
different people and not the products of one and the same
person, for instance, which seems to be one possibility
too - the others are all US-based and perhaps someone
there could also get a Canadian account?):

#1: HnsomDevil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(X-Yahoo-Profile: ziohazard),

#2: [EMAIL PROTECTED], who signs himself sometimes
as Michael Von Shearer (yes, actually, with a
capital V like that) and somentimes as just m,

#3: amnehtt [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

#4: bob luce [EMAIL PROTECTED].

An interesting group(?) of writers. I suggest that others
keep an eye on stuff coming from them/you in the future
too, and watch out for possible traps in it.

It cannot hurt to repeat one more time, I suppose, in case
ignorance *is* the problem in your case, that which I cal-
led Some flowers-and-bees stuff on 'Israel', on Zionism
and on anti-Semitism. Follows below here.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


Here are the quotes I promised you [Jew-baiter #1], with
information which I think is bery basic and relevant in
this context and whose correctness you will be able to
check on in various ways:

[QUOTE, from a 1 May leaflet of mine, posted in translation
01.05.2002 and later to the Free Palestine as 'UNITE! Info
#171en: Rich countries and Israel':]


The racist state of Israel, which now occupies Pa-
lestine, was created, in 1948, by a joint action of
the governments of all the rich states in the world,
in order to function as a military bastion of theirs,
in the strategically important region of the Middle
East, for the continued oppression and continued ex-
treme exploitation of all the poorer countries.

The very point of that state from the begining on
was for it to constantly engage in aggression and
terror, not only against the vast majority of the
original inhabitants of Palestine but against all
other peoples in that region too. It was intended to
function as a killer instrument of the imperialists',
a particular scourge of theirs against the 200 mil-
lion Arabic-speaking people who live in or close to
the Middle East, a mad dog to perpetrate aggressive
war after aggressive war.

This is what this very particular kind of state has
done too, earlier above all in 1948, 1956, 1967 and
1982. And this is what it's once more doing today, in
early/mid-2002. Against the atrocities perpetrated by
it now, people are protesting everywhere.

The imperialists with all their propaganda resources
are continuing to say what they have said in the last
50 years and more, that Israel was created in order
to offer protection for believers in the Jewish
faith from that racist persecution which they have
been subjected to since centuries back and still are
being subjected to in many countries, and in particu-
lar from such genocide against them as was perpetra-
ted by the Nazis during World War II.

This is another of the big lies of the imperialists.
The rulers of the rich countries in reality never
were against racist persecution, nor against genocide.
On the contrary, both of these things are an integral
part of the present social order in the world, that
of capitalism developed into imperialism.


[QUOTE, from Sami, eWilderness [EMAIL PROTECTED], pos-
ting to Free Palestine list Fri, 21 Jun 2002 

Re: Berkeley Leading Change [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread Rolf Martens


OK, I now understand that these discussions were/are *not*
a good new thing, after all.

In particular because of what Snehal S. wrote, as quoted
below, I retract my earlier recommendation that this be
tried elsewhere. Clearly, no real progress has been achieved,
perhaps not even intended; on the contrary, just another
distraction of a type infamous since long, here in Sweden too,
for instance. I'm forwarding this also to some other lists.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

At 21:19 2002-06-24 -0700, you (Dave Kersting [EMAIL PROTECTED])

 If Israel's supporters insist on maintaining its identity as an
officially Jewish state, if they insist on perpetuating the violent
expulsion of ethnically unsuited Palestinians, they must be expected to
suppress reasonable discussion, through shouting, slanders, etc, rather than
allow their violent racism to be calmly and reasonably identified for what
it is.

 Israel's racists would have us define a reasonable dialogue as one which
helps them pretend violent state-racism is not violent state-racism.

Dave Kersting

  Lest anyone get the wrong idea, these discussions are not being attended by
  the majority of pro-Palestinian activists who see these discussions as
  distractions and deliberate attempts to sideline activism in favor of
  consciousness-raising and navel-gazing.  These discussions have done
  little to change actual policy and even less to reduce the venom of the
  zionists on campus against the pro-Palestinian activists.  I encourage
  people at other schools who are genuinely interested in Palestinian
  liberation to treat these dialogues with suspicion.
  Snehal S.
  UC Berkeley
  From: Rolf Martens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: eFreePalestine! Re: Berkeley Leading Change
  Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 15:24:04 +0200
  One thing in the below I don't agree with: That rallies, flag-
  waving, finger-pointing and taking sides would be obsolete.
  It certainly is not, quite on the contrary.
  But this kind of discussions and dialogue reported here as
  being engaged in at Berkeley University, USA, certainly is
  a (new) good thing. It does not rule out that other, and in my
  opinion should be tried at universities (etc) here in Sweden
  (etc) too. So this goes to some other lists as well.
  Rolf M., Malmö, Sweden
  At 04:21 2002-06-24 +, you (amazonmama2000
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote, to the Free Palestine
  At the University of California, Berkeley -- and increasingly on
  other college and high school campuses -- students are discovering
  healing Dialogue to replace obsolete rallies, flag-waving, finger-
  pointing, and taking sides that increase alienation and fan the
  flames of war.
  Jewish and Arab students are not waiting for governments,
  politicians, and institutions to change the world. Remarkable young
  women and men are taking it on themselves to begin breaking down
  walls to build long-awaited, authentic human relationships.
  The newly-gathered students at Cal call themselves Salaam-Shalom.
  They learn from one another, each expanding each one's own knowledge,
  discovering together new compassion and creativity.
  For more information about Salaam-Shalom at U.C. Berkeley, send
  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] encourage other campuses to follow
  this path.
  Published in The Daily Californian -Tuesday, June 18, 2002
  Group Finds Discourse on Middle East Conflict:
  Students Emphasize 'Friends' to Build Relations
  Contributing Writer
  Amid shouts of hatred fueled by the Middle East conflict, one UC
  Berkeley student group seeking to represent a variety of perspectives
  calls for a dialogue of understanding.
  Friends is a common buzzword for members of Salaam Shalom, a group
  that aims to build peaceful relations between Israelis, Palestinians,
  Arabs, and Jews on campus. People say dialogue is easy, but it's not
  easy to tear your soul inside out, says group member Judy Gussman.
  The group's first meeting, held at the end of the spring semester,
  was at times heated as the group tried to make sense of violence
  through open dialogue. It was a little tense, says Laura Haddad, a
  Salaam Shalom member. But as someone at the meeting put it, if it
  weren't a little tense we wouldn't have been getting anything done.
  However, if we hadn't been friends first, we wouldn't have been able
  to hold that discussion.
  The group has yet to stage an open forum on serious issues
  surrounding the conflict. For now, the students focus on forging
  friendships between members. We haven't had a big discussion because
  we believe we have to know each other first, Haddad says

To ignorant(?) Jew-baiter #1 on Free Palestine list [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread Rolf Martens


[This goes to some mailing lists and also to the Usenet
newsgroups 'alt.society.revolution', 'alt.politics.socialism.
mao', 'swnet.politik', 'eunet.politics', 'alt.politics.
socialism', 'alt.politics.radical-left', 'alt.activism',
'alt.politics.communism', 'de.soc.politik.misc' and 'alt.
politics.india.communist'. I hope it may interest Left-
wingers in general, and some others too.]

Hello again, HnsomDevil [EMAIL PROTECTED], X-Yahoo-
Profile: ziohazard,

You wrote, to the Free Paelstine mailing list, on Fri,
21 Jun 2002 06:19:51 EDT, subject Re: PIC reports fake
pro-Zionist e-mails:

 Rolf, I wish you would show some of the compassion and
 understanding you have for jews toward Americans and
 people like Michael. You keep blabbing your mouth, but
 everyone understands that there are a small number of
 good Jews who sincerely follow their religion without
 the need to oppress the Palestinians. We all know that.
 However, the other 98% of Jews are the strongest backers
 of Israel. Have you ever happened to notice the strange
coincidence that the national flag of Israel contains the
 same star of david that is the symbol of Judaism? Isn't
 that peculiar? If there were no Jews, there would be no
 I'm disappointed in you - that you are not a gentleman
 enough to apologize to Michael. But I can tell you that
 you are wasted people's time with these pointless dis-
 cussions. Why not direct your verbal attention to some
 places where it will do some good - send a barrage of
 emails to the US media and government offices. Work for
 the cause - instead of sowing dissent within the ranks.

There are two possible explanations for your behaviour,
I think.

Either you're a Zionist agent, masquerading as an adherent
of the cause of Free Palestine and at the same time trying
to paint that cause out as being one of Nazi-Schmazi anti-
Semitism, in order to discredit it completely - one very
standard trick of those people's, all of whose skulls of
course, like those of their main masters and alive-keepers
since a long time back, the US imperialist leading swine,
will eventually get bashed in, spilling their brains with a
nice big SPLAT all over the sidewalk, to the jubilation of
practically everybody in all countries in the world.

Or else in fact you're just as ignorant as you make out to
be, meaning no harm but just being a victim of the ubiqui-
tous propaganda - no doubt particularly massive in the USA,
from which country you're posting - of the abovementioned
and their slimy mass media.

In favour of the first possibility might speak the snottiness
of your stupid blabbing (above). Also, it was quite interes-
ting to see the parallel Jew-baiting replies to me by as many
as three other writers on the Free Palestine list the same
day, last Friday 21 June, not quite as demonstratively nasty
as yours, though.

There were such replies also by:

[EMAIL PROTECTED], who signs himself sometimes as Michael
Von Shearer (yes, actually, with a capital V like that)
and somentimes as just m - the Michael whom you mentioned




I shall reply to those writers too, Free Palestine Jew-
baiters #2 to #4 (Michael, amnehtt and Bob Luce the toneman-
, I mean), separately, though not bothering in those
cases to send my reply also to other lists or to newsgroups.

And those writers I shall refer, for some information on main
elementary facts concerning Zionism and anti-Semitism, to
this present reply of mine to you (with a few quotes below).

Now I in fact don't even know with any certainty whether you
four writers are really different and separate persons; the
peculiarities of the Internet makes it possible for one and
the same person to appear under several different names and
mail addresses too, of course; certain propagandists I know
about in other contexts since long are using that trick, and
I know none of you four writers in any closer way. I shall
presume anyway that you all *are* different and real people.

Living here in Sweden and not being familiar with the actual
conditions in the USA (from where those others were posting
too, I suppose), I absolutely cannot discount the possibility
that as many as four of you (relatively) eddicated Amurricans
(that's what you are, isn't it?) may be so utterly ignorant
of the most elementary of these fact that all of you, or per-
haps some of you, actually believe that which you're writing.

An assessment of this, a really well-informed judgement on
what it is that makes you people write like that, this I must
leave to others who likewise live in the USA or in some other
way know better than I what levels of ignorance on these sub-
jects, on the part of various groups of people there, are

I don't mean to say that I think awareness of some basic
facts of life, of politics etc, is necessarily higher, in ge-
neral, among Swedes than among people in 

Re: BBC: Bush calls for end to Arafat's rule (compare also Congo!) [WWW.STOPNA

2002-06-26 Thread Rolf Martens


At 05:43 2002-06-25 +, you (Alphonse De Boncoeur Kasongo


Pour comprendre la position americaine vis a vis de la situation du Congo,
je vous pris de relire le message ci-apres. Tenez  je vous demande de
remplacer expressement

Palestine par CONGO
Israel par rwanda.

Faites d'autres remplacements de votre choix et relisez votre nouveau


Oui, bien sûr! Vous avez tout à fait raison.

Other people, in many other countries, should read this too:

You're suggesting that in Bushy's speech, Palestine might
also be replaced by the DR Congo, and Israel by Rwanda.
Which is very true. And Arafat, not a very good leader either,
has not been assassinated, for instance. The Congolese very
good one, L-D Kabila, was, on 16.01.2001. And it's rather clear
whom one must suspect, above all, of having ordered that.
But this of course could not quell the massive resistance of
the Congolese people, either, to that imperialism-instigated
aggression against the DR Congo, which still continues. Inter-
national support of that resistance, in my opinion, is just as
necessary and vital as support of the Palestinian people's

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

Monday, 24 June, 2002, 20:05 GMT 21:05 UK
Bush calls for end to Arafat's rule

Bush asserted Israel's right to defend itself

President George W Bush has urged the Palestinian people to replace
Yasser Arafat, who has led them for more than 30 years, with a leader
not compromised by terror.
Unveiling a long-awaited policy statement on how to end the Middle East
conflict, the president said peace required a new and different
Palestinian leadership which could lead the Palestinians to their own

If Palestinians embrace democracy, confront corruption, and firmly
reject terror, they can count on America's support for creation of a
provisional state of Palestine, he said.

He asserted Israel's right to defend itself against the forces of
terror, but said the Palestinians could not be allowed to continue
living under Israeli occupation.
 From: Bin Mudiandambo  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [CONGOTRIBUNE] BBC : Bush calls for end to Arafat's rule
 Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 15:53:40 -0500
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Received: from ([]) by with
 Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.4905); Mon, 24 Jun 2002 14:04:19 -0700
 Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 24 Jun
 2002 20:53:45 -
 Received: (EGP: mail-8_0_3_2); 24 Jun 2002 20:53:42 -
 Received: (qmail 81861 invoked from network); 24 Jun 2002 20:53:42 -
 Received: from unknown (  by with QMQP;
 24 Jun 2002 20:53:42 -
 Received: from unknown (HELO (  by with SMTP; 24 Jun 2002 20:53:42 -
 Received: from DMORL-Message_Server by gw.orl.ilstu.eduwith
 Novell_GroupWise; Mon, 24 Jun 2002 15:53:41 -0500
 X-Apparently-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise 5.5.4
 Mailing-List: list [EMAIL PROTECTED]; contact
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 Precedence: bulk
 List-Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 Jun 2002 21:04:20.0069 (UTC)
 Monday, 24 June, 2002, 20:05 GMT 21:05 UK
 Bush calls for end to Arafat's rule
 Bush asserted Israel's right to defend itself
 President George W Bush has urged the Palestinian people to replace Yasser
 Arafat, who has led them for more than 30 years, with a leader not
 compromised by terror.
 Unveiling a long-awaited policy statement on how to end the Middle East
 conflict, the president said peace required a new and different
 Palestinian leadership which could lead the Palestinians to their own
 If Palestinians embrace democracy, confront corruption, and firmly reject
 terror, they can count on America's support for creation of a provisional
 state of Palestine, he said.
 He asserted Israel's right to defend itself against the forces of terror,
 but said the Palestinians could not be allowed to continue living under
 Israeli occupation.
 The announcement comes a week after back-to-back Palestinian suicide
 bombings against Israel - which delayed the speech - and against the
 backdrop of a massive Israeli operation to seize Palestinian-controlled
 He said the issues of Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees, as well as ending
 the Israeli occupation, must be settled by negotiations between the two
 The president is now expected to announce a new mission by Secretary 

Bushy cracks a joke on who must go, terror-tainted! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread Rolf Martens


Reportedly, George W. Bush, still president of the USA, in
a recent speech among other things said - concerning quite
another country and quite another people than his own -
that Yassir Arafat, leader of the Palestinian people, must
go, and even be replaced by someone untainted by terror.

That Bushy certainly has got a weird sense of humour!

One would think that somebody who really did need to go, a
person hardly tainted, but *painted all over* precisely
by terror, by the infamous action, to start with, of direc-
ting some passenger aircraft to be flown smack into the World
Trade Center Towers and into his own military command centre
the Pentagon, for good measure, killing over 3,000 of his
own people, that was none other than George W. Bush himself.

The big media of course have always presented a quite diffe-
rent story about who was responsible for *that*. But now
things have gone so far that the sparrows, so to speak, al-
ready are crying it out from the rooftops: Those responsible
precisely were the ruling persons in the USA.

And that's not the only terrorist action by which those
persons have tainted themselves lately, as all know. The
list of quite overt such crimes of theirs, against people
in other countries above all, is quite long.

Now of course, to take Bush out (to use the term he himself
is fond of, concerning leaders of some other countries),
that's the business and the direct responsibility of the
people in that country where he's based, the USA.

But we others at least should offer that people some solida-
rity and some help in that direction.

A certain leader of another country, a long-time dictator in
fact, had this quite sensible thing to say about such a ques-
tion, long before he himself did become a reactionary dicta-
tor and in fact as still a representative of the people in
that country, when it was still socialist - China, in 1974;
here's what the later traitor Deng Xiapoing said in a UN
speech then:

If one day China should change her colour and turn
into a superpower, if she too should play the tyrant
in the world, and everywhere subject others to her
bullying, aggression and exploitation, the people of
the world should identify her as social-imperialism,
expose it, oppose it and work together with the
Chinese people to overthrow it.

Now of course the USA is not a social-imperialist superpower
but another of basically the same type, a traditionally im-
perialist one. And in the field of playing tyrant in the
world, and everywhere subjecting others to its bullying, ag-
gression and exploitation, it's no exaggeration to say, that
power today already has merited a place in the Guinness Book
of Records - not that this will help it in the long run.

Expose it (if still necessary), oppose it and work together
with the people in the USA, this the people of all other
countries undoubtely should do.

It's Bushy and his gang of terrorists and mass murderers that
must go! It's they, above all, who indeed need to be put be-
fore an international war crimes tribunal.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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Re: RIM-Pobly fwds 11.09 *NO* Bush conspiracy article [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-24 Thread Rolf Martens


[This goes to some mailing lists and also to the Usenet
newsgroups 'alt.society.revolution', 'alt.politics.socialism.
mao', 'swnet.politik', 'eunet.politics', 'alt.politics.
socialism', 'alt.politics.radical-left', 'alt.activism',
'alt.politics.communism', 'de.soc.politik.misc' and 'alt.

This posting is a discussion reply and also contains an
assessment on my part of the present situation of the
US imperialists, in support of which which I'm citing some
small things which have recently taken place on and
concerning some Internet mailing lists.

At 21:56 2002-06-23 -0400, you [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote, to the ANTINATO mailing list:

In a message dated 6/23/2002 10:10:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

precisely the ones who would
be the *least* liable to be decieved by the stupid offi-
cial propaganda concerning these mass murder terror attacks
in the USA - among those who are saying NO conspiracy by
the US imperialists?

I don't think anyone on this list was deceived by it. It was sent to
show the lengths that some people will go to discredit others.

Yes, that's quite reasonable, I think, Cynthia. And as you say,
probably nobody on the ANTINATO list *was* deceived by that
article either: September 11th: Conspiracy-itis, by one Marty
Jezer, clearly a hack writer of the US imperialists'.

Forwarding the thing to ANTINATO, as was done by Miroslav
Antic, was quite OK, in my opinion - having that aim, as you
say, to show the desperation of the US imperialists at this
time. They really do appear to be shitty-scared! Not only are
their leaders obviously infighting like hell, with Bushy him-
self not been able to make up his mind (if any) about when and
how to speak out (or speak up, at least) on the Middle
East and stuff. Some clear shitty-scaredness has appeared also
in the behaviour on the Internet of certain tools and stooges
of theirs.

The point of my posting of course was that interesting fact
that a propagandist of that phony International the RIM
and of its equally phony leading party, the RCP-USA,
forwarded that ridiculous No, no, NO Bush conspiracy on
11.09.2001! thing, uncommented-on and thus in practice
with a recommendation, under those *different* circumstances,
to a lot of other lists.

Those are the people, as I wrote in the quote above, who
one would think were the *least* liable to be fooled on this
by the (official) US imperialists, since they are adherents
of the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong - or so
they *say*.

Pobly (poblachtach dearg [EMAIL PROTECTED]),
who was the RIM/RCP-USA propagandist who did that
puzzling - in my opinion telltale - forwarding, earlier has
expressed his/her/its (unknown to me whether a male, a
female or perhaps a group) dislike of one article I published
back in 1994, and sent via the Net in early 1996, Why Does
the RIM Help U.S. Imperialism Encircle the PCP?, and
some other Net stuff by me in the same vein; Pobly at the
same time writing that they (unclear who) well knew that
I was not really Rolf but someone else - a theory so easy
to refute (by lots of people who've known me for decades,
for instance) that I didn't bother to reply more on this point
than just giving my own opinion on it.

The nervousness at present of the US imperialists and some
different tools and stooges of theirs show up too in some
things having to do with Internet mailing lists:

Subscribers to the Free Palestine list (above all) have
been hacked most massively, with hundreds of messages
with pro-Zionist content sent by somebody-or-other in their

The pointing out, on my part, of some funny things about
the RIM and the RCP-USA, seems to have been uncomfy
to some list managers, just recently.

There's a particular group of lists called Maoism, Maoist
respectively, MaoZeDong (sic), apparently managed by
forces close to those entities. Discussions have earlier taken
place above all on one of those, Maoism. But since some
days back now, postings precisely by me (in contrast to such
by others) I don't get as coming back from that list anymore.
No message has informed me as to perhaps a reason for
this. To a newly created list in that same group, one called
Maoist_Guns, and stating expressly that you must *not*
say on it that some people are CIA, I've not been allowed
to post at all - this I was actually told.

As rather many know, I'm advocating the political line of
Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, and have been doing so
publicly via the Net since late 1995, with a posting series
UNITE! (etc) Infos, among other things.

The utter dislike of such stuff by some people managing
lists with precisely such names as the above, their panic
now in the face of it in fact, is one further small indication,
I think, of this: At present, the US imperialists and their
closest friends really are finding themselves in pretty deep
shit. More and more are people everywhere awakening 

Re: Berkeley Leading Change [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-24 Thread Rolf Martens


One thing in the below I don't agree with: That rallies, flag-
waving, finger-pointing and taking sides would be obsolete.
It certainly is not, quite on the contrary.

But this kind of discussions and dialogue reported here as
being engaged in at Berkeley University, USA, certainly is
a (new) good thing. It does not rule out that other, and in my
opinion should be tried at universities (etc) here in Sweden
(etc) too. So this goes to some other lists as well.

Rolf M., Malmö, Sweden

At 04:21 2002-06-24 +, you (amazonmama2000
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote, to the Free Palestine

At the University of California, Berkeley -- and increasingly on
other college and high school campuses -- students are discovering
healing Dialogue to replace obsolete rallies, flag-waving, finger-
pointing, and taking sides that increase alienation and fan the
flames of war.

Jewish and Arab students are not waiting for governments,
politicians, and institutions to change the world. Remarkable young
women and men are taking it on themselves to begin breaking down
walls to build long-awaited, authentic human relationships.
The newly-gathered students at Cal call themselves Salaam-Shalom.
They learn from one another, each expanding each one's own knowledge,
discovering together new compassion and creativity.

For more information about Salaam-Shalom at U.C. Berkeley, send
e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] encourage other campuses to follow
this path.

Published in The Daily Californian -Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Group Finds Discourse on Middle East Conflict:
Students Emphasize 'Friends' to Build Relations

Contributing Writer

Amid shouts of hatred fueled by the Middle East conflict, one UC
Berkeley student group seeking to represent a variety of perspectives
calls for a dialogue of understanding.

Friends is a common buzzword for members of Salaam Shalom, a group
that aims to build peaceful relations between Israelis, Palestinians,
Arabs, and Jews on campus. People say dialogue is easy, but it's not
easy to tear your soul inside out, says group member Judy Gussman.
The group's first meeting, held at the end of the spring semester,
was at times heated as the group tried to make sense of violence
through open dialogue. It was a little tense, says Laura Haddad, a
Salaam Shalom member. But as someone at the meeting put it, if it
weren't a little tense we wouldn't have been getting anything done.
However, if we hadn't been friends first, we wouldn't have been able
to hold that discussion.

The group has yet to stage an open forum on serious issues
surrounding the conflict. For now, the students focus on forging
friendships between members. We haven't had a big discussion because
we believe we have to know each other first, Haddad says.
The first dialogue, which was just for the group organizers, asked
members what brought them to the group in an attempt to make the
discussion personal rather than political. It has involved a great
deal of soul-searching of things you were raised with, Gussman
says. They all have the ability to step back from that and look at
their world in a new way.

The group began as an attempt to add a peaceful perspective to the
campus debate on the Middle East conflict. I was distressed by two
things, says UC Berkeley graduate student Roger Studley. First,
there is a lack of any communication between people from different
camps and groups. Secondly, everything on campus is one group
shouting at another and shouting back. It's very political, noisy,
and nobody is sitting down and talking to one another.

Many members of the group joined out of frustration with the apparent
lack of dialogue between already existing groups who have a stake in
the conflict. I got involved because I noticed the intense
polarization on this issue, says Robin Baral, a UC Berkeley
student. I've been here long enough and involved in enough activism
to know what happens. I felt like the politics had gotten in the way
with people getting to know each other.

Haddad says the group offers an alternative route for those who don't
feel a place in either of the two major political groups, the
Students for Justice in Palestine and the Israel Action Committee.
Students say that while they have no illusions that they are going to
solve the conflict, they believe a resolution cannot be reached
without discussion.

We take seriously that it is important to understand someone else's
view as much as your own, Studley says. We believe that the first
thing you have to do is get to know an individual. Once you have
that, you are much less likely to shout and will be able to
understand someone's opinion with further complexity rather than as a
political stripe.

Students from Muslim and Jewish student groups said that Salaam
Shalom has great potential to clear up misunderstandings. I think

Re: Basque War News: Car bombs rock southern Spain [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Rolf Martens


Right you are, Javier.

Those supposedly Basque nationalist bombings in
Spain recently really are cowardly acts.

They precisely are not part of any (just) 'class war' but
are (in one way or another) all about money, as you say.

And your parallel to that Albanian terrorist group UÇK
managed by the US imperialists also is pertinent. In fact
one must suspect that behind those Basque bombings
too, in the final instance, are those same US imperialists,
wanting to put some pressure on that uncertain ally of
theirs, Spain.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

At 21:10 2002-06-21 +0100, you (Francisco Javier Bernal

Re: Basque War News

Hi there,

Would you be so kind to explain the use of this definition for such a 
coward act?
Not surprising coming from known admirers of the UÇK. Bunch of cowards is 
what they are.
Very clever and what a expression of solidarity and freedom fighting is 
trying to ruin
Andalusian tourism economy, the poorest nation in the EU! Don't you 
reckon, mate? What a
nice moment it is! Just when Aznar is phasing out the income support 
benefit for almost two
millions of 'jornaleros', peasants without land. Why don't they stick 
their bombs up any
Basque banker's arse? I guess the Argentinians would be really pleased, 
taking into account
how did they ruin their country.

Make no mistake: Basques are not Kurds or Palestinian. More likely think 
of Slovenians or
Croats trying to break free of a 'backward' poorer South. This is not 
'class war', mate. Learn
some history. It's all about money.

Francisco Javier Bernal

On 21 Jun 2002 at 15:33, poblachtach dearg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Friday, 21 June, 2002, 12:10 GMT 13:10 UK
  Car bombs rock southern Spain
   Police got phone warnings before the explosions
  Two car bombs have exploded in the southern Spanish resorts of
  Marbella and Fuengirola, injuring at least six people including three
  Britons. A British man is critically ill in hospital after the car
  bomb in Fuengirola, which also slightly injured two British children,
  a Moroccan and a Spanish couple.
  Shortly after that blast a second car bomb exploded on a central
  boulevard in Marbella, just 27 kilometres (17 miles) down the coast
  from Fuengirola. No-one is thought to have been hurt. The bombs -
  blamed on the Basque separatist group ETA - coincided with the start
  of a two-day summit of European Union leaders in Seville, about 160
  kilometres (100 miles) north-west of Fuengirola. According to Spanish
  national radio, a 35-year old Briton hit by shrapnel in the Fuengirola
  blast is undergoing urgent surgery in hospital. Tip-off The man
  suffered serious injuries to his lungs, diaphragm and pelvis. The
  blast happened near Las Piramides Hotel, which is popular with British
  and German tourists. Police said the Basque separatist group ETA
  phoned a warning through just minutes before the Fuengirola blast, but
  gave the wrong address. The police still managed to locate the car,
  and cordon off the area.
  This must have been an itinerant (ETA) command cell that probably
  came here, left the bomb, and went again, said an Interior Ministry
  official, Jose Torres Hurtado. It's not the first time this has
  happened in Andalusia, he said. An anonymous phone warning also came
  from ETA before the Marbella attack. Previous attacks Holidaymakers,
  who were still in their beds, said they were first aware of a huge
  explosion, followed by billowing smoke and flying glass. ETA carried
  out many similar attacks on tourist sites last summer. Although ETA
  does not normally claim responsibility for its actions until weeks
  afterwards, it typically times attacks to coincide with major
  political events. Only last week, police found 131 kilograms (288
  pounds) of explosives, along with detonators and wiring, further up
  the coast near Valencia. ETA campaign The group has killed more than
  800 people in a 30-year independence campaign for the Basque region.
  There is huge security at the Seville summit, with about 10,000 police
  deployed in the city. On Thursday, ETA accused the EU of leaving the
  Basques behind, complaining that a Basque homeland has no place in
  the current Europe. ETA wants a state in the Basque areas of northern
  Spain and south-western France.


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Re: European Commision software patents (counteraction!) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Rolf Martens


At 00:53 2002-06-22 +0200, you (Jonerik Sjölander [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Sprid detta vidare till så många som möjligt. Sidan nedan förklarar vad
detta innebär och varför man bör motsätta sig det.

European Citizens: European Commission is pushing to make all ideas
patentable, proposal written by BSA. This page explains everything and
tells you how you can help prevent this disaster.


Jonerik Sjölander ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Thank you (again), Jonne!

It is indeed important that this becomes known to everybody,
so they can oppose it expressly. So I'm forwarding this
posting of yours (too) to a number of other lists and also
to some Usenet newsgroups.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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RIM-Pobly fwds 11.09 *NO* Bush conspiracy article [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Rolf Martens


RIM-Pobly fwds 11.09 *NO* Bush conspiracy article

Recently, there appeared on the ANTI-NATO mailing list an
article which went out of its way to argue that NO, the
infamous terror attacks on 11 September 2001 were NOT, as
more and more people are saying today, the work of the US
imperialists themselves, aimed at hitting back against the
people in the USA and in the whole world, whose resistance
they so more and more desperately fear.

The article, entitled September 11th: Conspiracy-itis was
written by one Marty Jezer. It was forwarded to the ANTI-
NATO list by Miroslav Antic, who often has forwarded, with-
out comments of his own, various articles, some by revolu-
tionary-minded people and some by hack writers of US impe-
rialism and other reactionaries too.

This particular article in itself was yawningly uninteres-
ting. All who had followed events even in an approximate
way and had seen a few of all those facts which very clearly
point to the actual perpetrators of 11.09.2001 could easily
tell: Here's another stupid attempt by those mass murderers
the Bushmen and Bushwomen to prevent the truth from becoming
apparent to precisely everybody on this planet.

But one really interesting thing in this connection, in my opinion,
is the fact that one writer, poblachtach dearg poblachtach_
[EMAIL PROTECTED], whose main activity has consisted of
making propaganda for that International the RIM and
for its politically leading party, the RCP-USA, forwarded
that silly please-no-conspiracy-theories-on-this! article
again, and likewise with no comments of his own - thus pre-
senting it as containing something sensible! - to a whole
number of other mailing lists!

Since the RIM and the RCP-USA are saying that they stand
for the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, and
often in various contexts seem to be *attacking*, not least,
the US imperialists, is it not very surprising that one of
the propagandists - even the main propagandist today, as far
as Internet mailing lists are concerned - precisely of those
*very* rrrevolutionary entities wants to convince everybody
that NO, the Bushmen and Bushwomen were NOT behind 11.09?

Actually, the RCP-USA had already done this itself some-
what earlier too, with a big interview in January 2002
with its illustrious chairman, Bob Avakian, likewise posted
to a number of mailing lists, rather recently, by that same
RIM/RCP-USA propagandists, Pobly. Precisely the main
point of that interview was its attempt to convince all of
the innocence of the US imperialists of 11.09.2001.

Now why are *those* people - precisely the ones who would be
on the alert most of all, as *Marxists*, as *revolutiona-
ries* based not least *in that very country*, the USA, con-
cerning precisely such events, precisely the ones who would
be the *least* liable to be decieved by the stupid offi-
cial propaganda concerning these mass murder terror attacks
in the USA - among those who are saying NO conspiracy by
the US imperialists?

It's very puzzling, isn't it?

I mean, when a party or other organization *says* it's revo-
lutionary, when it says it represents the line of Marx, Lenin
and Mao Zedong, when it says it strives to represent the com-
mon interests of the vast majority of people on earth, then
one should always take that party's or other organization's
word for that, should one not?

I mean, harbouring suspicions that it might actually be the
puppet of some quite other forces, some considerably less
nice ones, for instance, that's being very distrustful and

The very introduction lines of one of those mailing lists
to which Pobly forwarded that article, the Maoist_Guns
mailing list, a recently created new one, quite rightly
say, among other things:

'Provocateurs and the like NOT discussing / posting
Maoist propaganda and struggles of the Oppressed
will be banned, especially if refering to People`s
Real names and labelling individuals as CIA etc.'

And some provocaterurs' labelling some *very* Maoist *orga-
nizations* as CIA etc, that of course is even worse.

The intro lines of the Maoist_Guns also say, concerning
what kind of postings would, and should, appear on that list:

'Postings from the Maoist press, wheather [sic] from
the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement [i.e.,
the RIM], Revolutionary worker [the newspaper of
the RCP-USA], A World To Win [magazine inspired by
the RIM], Maoist Internationalist Movement [one
other International, likewised based in the USA,
the MIM] etc is greatly encouraged to inspire
debate as part of the Unity, Struggle, Unity, Trans-
formation process.'

So here it becomes clear, once more, that all of those enti-
ties of course *are* Marxist, Maoist ones.

So who can doubt the revolutionary credentials of Pobly? At
least, when posting to that Maoist_Guns list?


Re: La Suède a palpé du doigt le terrain humanitaire de

2002-05-03 Thread Rolf Martens


[This is a continuation of a discussion on the imperialist,
genocidal war against the DR Congo and the necessity for the
people in all the rich countries to combat this war, which
is engaged in and supported by the rulers of these countries.]

At 17:49 2002-05-02 -0400, you (Seya Wa kubisanswa

 Cher M. Martens,
 En tous cas, la Suede, depuis l'Independance du Congo en
 1960, n'a jamais eu la gourmandise des richesses historique-
 ment connue du peuple congolais. On a vu les militaires
 suedois en 1960-1964 dans la mission de l'ONU au Congo. Les
 Suedois avaient construits des ponts detruits pas la guerre
 (dont les ecrits sur les plaques en cuivre sont visibles et
 lisibles aujourd'hui).
 De tout temps, la Suede est un des pays Calmes au
 commerce clair avec le Congo. Evidemment tout a balance avec
 la presente guerre.
 La n'est pas le probleme. Ma joie est qu'aujourd'hui qu'il
 ait une voix EN SUEDE qui dit et CRIE pour la TOUTE PREMIRE
 FOIS  INJUSTICE au Congo... C'est tres important car les
 pleurs de nos bebes mourant car l'Occident a pris gratuite-
 ment notre cuivre... et nous manquons de medicaments, ont
 ete entendus.
 A celui qui toque, on ouvre. J'espere que ces cris
 d'injustice porteront leurs fruits: la justice.
 D'INCIVILISATION pour un pays CIVILISE:c'est la definition
 du SOUS-DEVELOPPEMENT, voler sans etre inquiete car on a
 des missiles de croisieres.
 La Suede n'est pas a ce point. Mais elle peut faire mieux,
 user de son influence pour que ce genre d'actes cesse.
 Merci pour tout

Cher Seya,

Je vais réexpédier votre message, ci-dessous, à certains
autres fora.

De la Suède officielle, ou des autres pays riches offi-
ciels, évidemment, vous les Congolais ne pouvez vous attend-
re à beaucoup des bonnes choses.

Mais il existe, dans tous ces pays, un nombre assez important
des gens qui s'opposent à les guerres et les pillages im-
pèrialistes. A cette opinion vous pouvez vous adresser. Au
moment, malheureusement, elle est très mal informé sur la
guerre contre le Congo.

Les Belges, probablement, savent un peu de ce que se passe
dans votre pays, les Suédois presque rien. Cette petite mais
puissante minorité des gens qui nous oppriment (oui, nous
ici aussi), et qui font leur mieux pour pillager les peuples
d'Asie, d'Afrique et d'Amérique du Sud, contrôlent tous les
grands média - l'Internet, cependant, ils ne peuvent pas
censurer; nous pouvons tous utiliser ça au maximum.

Des informations brèves, des articles, venants des Congolais,
par example, sans doute interessaient-ils aux lecteurs de la
liste mot_krig (contre la guerre) - une liste (petite en-
core) où la langue normale est le suédois, mais j'ai vu
aussi des articles là en espagnol, par example. Pour abonner
cette liste, on écrit à [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Il y a aussi le Usenet, avec beaucoup des newsgroups nor-
malement en anglais, avant tout, et certains qui sont liés
à des pays comme la Suède; en le newsgroup normalement en
suédois 'swnet.politik', par example, se deroulent souvent
des discussions intéressantes.

Une liste internationale, lisée, je crois, en un assez grand
nombre de pays, on peut abonner via le website:

Naturellement, pour rejoindre le majeur nombre possible des
gens internationalement, il faut écrire en anglais. Mais,
par example, certaines publications périodiques ici en Suède
pourraient s'interesser d'articles en français aussi, pour
les publier en traduction: Folket i Bild / Kulturfront et
Clarté (tous les deux avec anti-impérialisme comme une
partie de leurs programmes). Adresses: [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Un peu de contact entre quelques Congolais, de l'un côté, et
ces gens-là, de l'autre, ça serait une bonne chose.

En comparison avec les évenements qui se deroulent, des
choses comme ça, certes, ne sont pas grandes. Mais, d'une
façon ou d'autre, il faut que les peuples partout

Rolf M. 


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UNITE! Info #171en: 2/2 Rich countries and Israel [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Rolf Martens
 Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvud-
sakligen på svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)


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UNITE! Info #171en: 1/2 Rich countries and Israel [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #171en: 1/2 Rich countries and Israel
[Posted: 01.05.02]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmärkning:
¡UNIOS! / FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information à la dernière page / Ver
información en la última página / Se information på sista sidan


This Info in the main repeats the text in Info #169en: 'Isra-
el, rich states' mad dog', of 12.04.2002.

Added here are a couple of notes, in particular one (last)
showing some websites from which you can get information on
certain themes mentioned briefly in the text.

This Info is a reproduction in English of a leaflet (4 pages
A4) in Swedish which I'm publishing here in Malmö today. The
call which, in the leaflet, appears on a red flag in the up-
per right-hand corner of p. 1, means: Proletarians in all
countries and oppressed peoples, unite!.

I'm posting a Net version in Swedish too, as 'FÖRENA ER! Info
#171se: Rika länder  Israel'.

End of intro note

INFORMATIONSBLAD Proletärer i alla länder
 och förtryckta folk,
 förena er!

Published by R. Martens   No. 34   01.05.2002

About the character of the present so-called order in the
world, what the rulers of countries like Sweden are engaging
in towards the poorer countries and in particular about their
common strongpoint in the Middle East, the state construction
Israel, is the article in this leaflet. It was sent in Eng-
lish via the Internet on 12.04.2002, with the title *UNITE!
Info #169en: Israel, rich states' mad dog*.

 T H ER I C HC O U N T R I E S   A N D

   T H E   S T A T EI S R A E L 


The racist state of Israel, which now occupies Palestine,
was created, in 1948, by a joint action of the governments of
all the rich states in the world, in order to function as a
military bastion of theirs, in the strategically important re-
gion of the Middle East, for the continued oppression and con-
tinued extreme exploitation of all the poorer countries.

The very point of that state from the begining on was for
it to constantly engage in aggression and terror, not only
against the vast majority of the original inhabitants of Pa-
lestine but against all other peoples in that region too. It
was intended to function as a killer instrument of the impe-
rialists', a particular scourge of theirs against the 200
million Arabic-speaking people who live in or close to the
Middle East, a mad dog to perpetrate aggressive war after ag-
gressive war.

This is what this very particular kind of state has done too,
earlier above all in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1982. And this is
what it's once more doing today, in early/mid-2002. Against
the atrocities perpetrated by it now, people are protesting

The imperialists with all their propaganda resources are con-
tinuing to say what they have said in the last 50 years and
more, that Israel was created in order to offer protec-
tion for believers in the Jewish faith from that racist per-
secution which they have been subjected to since centuries
back and still are being subjected to in many countries, and
in particular from such genocide against them as was perpetra-
ted by the Nazis during World War II.

This is another of the big lies of the imperialists. The ru-
lers of the rich countries in reality never were against
racist persecution, nor against genocide. On the contrary,
both of these things are an integral part of the present so-
cial order in the world, that of capitalism developed into

As was reported publicly again recently, more than 11 million
children in the world die each year due to preventable causes
- lack of food or medicines. This genocide is continuing be-
cause the people in the rich states, which could be sources
of aid instead of sources of exploitation and mass murder and
which will become sources of aid once imperialism is over-
thrown in the whole world, are not the masters of their own
countries; the capitalists and their politicians are control-
ling them, with US imperialism as their big international
gendarme today.

As for the WW II mass killing in Hitler Germany, of some 5.4
million civilian Germans, Poles, Russians, Hungarians, Czechs
etc, mainly Jews but also people of many other groups, the
Western governments then fighting the fascist powers knew
about this going on from 1942 on but kept silent about it to
the people up to 1945 when the truth had to come out. And they
themselves resorted to barbarous methods in this basically
just anti-fascist war, also targeting and killing millions of
civilians with militarily 

Re: Chernobyl's Legacy of Radioactive Poisoning Passed On [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Rolf Martens


The below is a complete falsification, originating from the worst
reactionaries in the world, with some very bad intentions.

Not even an increase in thyroid cancers were caused by the (of course
nasty, and not accidential either) Chernobyl disaster, let alone genetic
mutations - not even after the Hirosima and Nagaski bombings in 1945
have any such whatsoever been discovered.

It's vital that nobody should be fooled by misinformation of this kind.
This is one part of a sneak green warfare by the reactionaries.

So I'm sending two earlier items of my UNITE! Info series:

#119en:  More Chernobyl horror hoaxes  (originally of 07.05.2000)
(2 parts)
#163en:  Chernobyl: No thyroid cancers (originally of 11.02.2002)

Rolf M.

At 17:45 2002-04-26 -0400, you wrote:

---Published on Friday, April 26, 2002 by
16 Years Later
Chernobyl's Legacy of Radioactive Poisoning Passed On
by Elizabeth Piper

KIEV - Ukrainian children born with genetic mutations or harmed by 
radioactive food form a new generation of Chernobyl victims who could pass 
the accident's tragic legacy on to the next, specialists warned yesterday.

On the eve of Chernobyl's 16th anniversary, specialists who have worked in 
the region since a reactor exploded and spewed clouds of radioactivity 
over much of Europe said the fight against radiation-related illness was 
far from won.

''Today, 16 years after the accident, there remain some huge problems in 
several regions ... especially in terms of children's health and in terms 
of food,'' Olga Bobylova, deputy secretary of Ukraine's health service, 
told a news conference.

An aerial view of Ukraine's Chernobyl nucler power plant, the site of the 
world's worst nuclear disaster, is seen in this May 1986 file photo made a 
few days after the April 26 deadly explosion. In front of the chimney is 
the destroyed 4th reactor. Ukraine commemorates victims of Chernobyl 
catastrophe Thursday, April 25, 2002, on the eve of the 16th anniversary 
of the tragedy when a nuclear explosion, many times bigger that Hiroshima 
and Nagasaki combined, sent a radioactive cloud over parts of then-Soviet 
Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and parts of Western Europe. The plant was closed 
for good in 2000, but many environmental problems persist. (AP Photo/STR/FILE)
''[In areas surrounding Chernobyl] meat and milk in the private sector 
have high levels of radioactivity. ... There are also problems with the 
mushrooms and berries in the forests. ... Such food can have a profound 
effect on health.''

Thousands of impoverished Ukrainians live in areas affected by radioactive 
contamination from the plant, which exploded on April 26, 1986 in the 
world's worst civil nuclear disaster.

To boost their meager daily meals they gather berries and mushrooms from 
fields and forests still contaminated by radioactive debris. Many are 
unaware or reluctant to think that the food remains a health risk so long 
after the accident.

''The state tries to give children good, clean food, but it cannot because 
of a lack of funds,'' Bobylova said.

''We need this in the future.''

The specialists urged Ukraine and the rest of the world not to allow 
Chernobyl to become a forgotten crisis - a term used first by the United 
Nations which hinted that funds could run out as interest in the disaster 

Evgeniya Stepanova, a specialist in radiation-linked illnesses, said 
children were becoming sufferers years after the explosion, which killed 
few people at the time.

The true casualty toll in the years since is a matter of intense 
controversy. Chernobyl has been blamed for thousands of deaths in Ukraine, 
Belarus, and Russia and for a huge increase in thyroid cancer.

''[Research] has shown genetic mutations in sufferers of Chernobyl, both 
adults and children. ... Those children and adults are more likely to get 
cancer and pass on mutations to their children.''

Radiation is known to cause genetic mutation, and the rate of certain 
cancers goes up in areas exposed to nuclear fallout, scientists say.

Stepanova said it was time to turn the world's attention to those who had 
no choice but to suffer the consequences and those who could unwittingly 
become the next victims of Chernobyl.

''We have not paid enough attention to those people who are suffering,'' 
she said, almost shouting.

''Among all the problems caused by Chernobyl, the genetic [mutation] 
problem should come first. ... It is a huge problem.''

Copyright 2002 Reuters Ltd



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UNITE! Info #119en: 1/2 More Chernobyl horror hoaxes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Rolf Martens


Sent 29.04.2002 to the ANTINATO mailing list
because of a recent posting Chernobyl's Legacy of
Radioactive Poisoning Passed On.

UNITE! Info #119en: 1/2 More Chernobyl horror hoaxes
[Posted: 07.05.00]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmärkning:
¡UNIOS! / FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information à la dernière page / Ver
información en la última página / Se information på sista sidan.


On the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in the then Soviet
Union in 1986, which cost some 42 people their lives and caused
considerable material damage and which was obviously the result
of an absolutely non-normal handling of that nuclear power
plant, a large number of totally falsified reports have been
disseminated and still are being disseminated all over the
world, wildly exaggerating the scope of that disaster and in
fact causing much more material damage that it itself has
caused, all this out of arch-reactionary political motives.

A case in point is a recent Reuters telegram, on 21.04, in
which some outrageously incorrect statements on this matter by
UN General Secretary Kofi Annan were quoted. It was posted to
the Activist mailing list yesterday by
one subscriber, and I wrote a brief reply pointing out its
fraudulent character.

In reply to that again, another subscriber, an obviously well-
intentioned but very ignorant person who has been fooled into
embracing the reactionary propaganda against the peaceful use
of nuclear energy, wrote that I didn't know what was happening
in my own country in this respect - I do indeed however, and in
fact have been following this scandalous matter rather closely,
over the years - and contributed yet another horror story on the
supposed effects of Chernobyl here in Sweden.

For the complete texts of these earlier postings, see Appendix 1
in part 2/2 of this Info. Here's a reply to that other sub-
scriber, which I'm posting to newsgroups too, with some infor-
mation on the technical and political aspects of this matter.
At this time, I can only go into some very few parts of the
entire and really very big Chernobyl propaganda syndrome.

I'm including in this Info one article too which I've repro-
duced earlier, concerning the scientific-technical aspects:
Chernobyl Health Effects by Rod Adams, USA, published in the
April 1996 issue of the magazine Atomic Energy Insights. See
Appendix 2, in part 2/2. Much more information on the actual
health effects can be found on various websites.

End of intro note


Hello Marco Saba,

Your reply to me yesterday concerning the Chernobyl disaster in
1986 and in particular its so-called effects in Sweden shows
that you still need to learn much about such things as radia-
tion, in the first place - we've discussed similar matters be-
fore - and not least, that you still are being decieved by the
massive bourgeois anti-nuclear energy and other anti-modern
propaganda syndromes in the world. You have no idea of the ac-
tual motives behind this propaganda, do you? Well, unfortunate-
ly, you're not alone in this.

In that ignorant horror story (by Sara Bell) which you brought,
it was stated that here in Sweden, as a result of that event
in the distant Ukraine,

the Saami's [a people living in the north of Sweden,
Norway, Finland and Russia] reindeer, whose meat they
both eat and trade, became highly radioactive.[!!]

No, that's *not* true at all. Actual facts are, firstly, that
*measurable* amounts of radioactivity, stemming above all from
extremely small amounts of the radioactive isotope caesium-137
released from Chernobyl, were detected here in Sweden, and se-
condly, that the government here, for *no* real such reason at
all which would actually have to do with protection against ra-
diation but purely *for reactionary propaganda reasons*, ban-
ned the use of certain foodstuffs including reindeer meat, if
their content of Cs-137 was above a certain - ridiculously low
- level of radiation.

Even back in 1986, I read the reports of some scientists who
pointed out that there was *no* danger whatsoever to people's
health anywhere here in Sweden resulting from that miniscule
fallout here from Chernobyl. I happened to know enough about
radiation in general too to be able to follow their argumenta-
tion, which went straight against that which practically all the
politicians and the media were saying on this matter.

And on 29.11.1994, I publicly asked one also internationally
well-known radiation expert in this country, Professor Gunnar
Walinder, if it wasn't a fact that *all* so-called preventive
measures decided on here in Sweden on account of Chernobyl
(which had caused quite large amounts of foodstuffs to 

UNITE! Info #119en: 2/2 More Chernobyl horror hoaxes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #119en: 2/2 More Chernobyl horror hoaxes
[Posted: 07.05.00]

[Continued from part 1/2]


To my reply to Marco Saba, in part 1/2, I'm appending here,
first, as Appendix 1, those outrageously incorrect reports
concerning effects today of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986
which appeared yesterday on the Activist mailing list, and a
brief reply of mine to the first of them.

After this, a 1996 article by Rod Adams is reproduced, as
Appendix 2: Chernobyl health effects.



Mailing-List:   ListBot mailing list contact Activist_List-help
Date:   Thu, 4 May 2000 20:23:36 -0700
From:   Beth von Gunten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[Activist_List] Chernobyl Kills and Cripples
14 Years Later

Chernobyl Kills and Cripples 14 Years Later

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in a new UN report on the con-
tinuing effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 which
spread a radioactive cloud over Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and
western Europe, states that:

Chernobyl is a word we would all like to erase from our memo-
ry... More than 7 million of our fellow human beings do not have
the luxury of forgetting. They are still suffering, everyday, as
a result of what happened... Not until 2016, at the earliest,
will be known the full number of those likely to develop serious
medical conditions.

The report cites 3 million children require treatment and many
will die prematurely.

The Ukraine Minister of Health Olha Bobyleva said that consump-
tion of radioactive food produced in the northern and central
Ukraine regions of Kiev, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Cherkassy and Riv-
ne pose continuous public health dangers.

(Reuters 4/21/00)


Mailing-List:   ListBot mailing list contact Activist_List-help
Date:   Sat, 6 May 2000 20:33:20 +0200 (MET DST)
To: Activist Mailing List Activist_List@listbot.
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rolf Martens)
Subject:Re: [Activist_List] Chernobyl Kills and Cripples
14 Years Later

Beth von Gunten,

That which you quoted below, from some people who should know
better, is simply not true and is part of, respectively, a re-
sult of, a certain very nasty bourgeois propaganda campaign.

The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 was serious enough. It cost the
lives of some 41 people and caused considerable damage. (And it
most certainly was no accident but a willed event, on the part
of certain people, just as was that near Harrisburg in the US in
1979, as a number of facts show.)

But certain reports by media and politicians, such as this
one, in the 14 years since then, have wrongly blown the effects
of this disaster [up] out of all proportion, and *this* has
caused quite enormous damage; in some ways, it has been even
worse than this disaster in itself.

*No* radioactive cloud (if by this is meant an actually harm-
ful one) was spread over Russia, Belarus or western Europe, for
instance - nor over most parts of the Ukraine itself either.
This quite contrary to a certain propaganda syndrome in which
many governments have taken part.

As demonstrated (again) in a recent doctor degree thesis, people
in the city of Lund in southern Sweden - just to take one detail
concerning the matter - received tens of times as much radioac-
tive cesium from the atmospheric A-bomb tests in the 60s as
they did from Chernobyl fallout, and those levels of this
stuff (which they got in the 60s) by no means were harmful

You and others could look up some sites on the actual health ef-
fects from Chernobyl where some actual experts are informing
on this, in contrast to what certain politicians are saying for
purely political reasons, which is quite outrageously wrong.

Rolf M.

You wrote:
 Chernobyl Kills and Cripples 14 Years Later

[Rest of the quote snipped here; see A above]


Mailing-List:   ListBot mailing list contact Activist_List-help
Date:   Sun, 07 May 2000 01:52:07 +0100
From:   Marco Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Activist Mailing List Activist_List@listbot.
Subject:[Activist_List] Chernobyl, another Martens

Mr Rolf Martens from Sweden is carrying out a campaign to tell
that nuclear is safe. But he even don't know what is happening
in his own land. Here an article to open your eyes (from: and a question: Who's behind Rolf

Radioactive Reindeer: the Chernobyl Legacy

Fallout from the Chernobyl disaster has all but exterminated the
last of Norway's original Laplanders.

When reactor 4 of Chernobyl's nuclear power station exploded on
the 26th of April 1986, the whole world panicked. Throughout the
northern hemisphere, whole herds of livestock

UNITE! Info #163en: Chernobyl: No thyroid cancers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Rolf Martens
 the evidence that shows that there are no
adverse effects from high levels of natural radiation in many
regions, and the evidence that low doses of radiation received
by nuclear workers and medical patients (including cancer pa-
tients) provide significant overall beneficial health effects.

The ethics of the International Commission on Radiation Pro-
tection is being questioned and debated in the scientific com-
munity (37, 38), but there is enormous resistance to any
change that would disturb the billions of dollars of research
money and clean-up funding flowing as a result of the linear
no-threshold myth. (40)

[Author's note (37), p. 57:
Z. Jaworowski, 1999. Radiation risk and ethics,
*Phys. Today*, (Sept), pp. 24-29.]

[Author's note (38), p. 57:
Radiation risk and ethics: Health hazards, prevention
costs and radiophobia, Letters in *Physics Today*,
April 2000, p. 11 and May 2000, p. 11.]

[Author's note (40), p. 57:
J. Muckerheide, 2000. It's Time to Tell the Truth
About the Health Benefits of Low-Dose Radiation,
*21st Century* (Winter), pp. 44-55. http:/www.]

Most damaging is the public fear that this myth perpetuates,
making it difficult for many scientists to present the real
evidence of the beneficial effects of low-level radiation that
have been observed on humans and other living things. It is,
therefore, not surprising that the very important UNSCEAR
2000 Report received very little publicity.

So, the myths about cancer and abnormal babies will continue,
as scientists carry out more and more politically correct and
politically funded research on the response of cells and mice
to radiation.

The linear no-threshold myth blocks efforts to supply re-
liable, environmentally friendly nuclear energy, to power the
world economies. It also blocks the widespread use of low-dose
radiation therapy to cure or control cancer and other dis-
eases. In the name of protection, it is actually causing

How long will it be before concerns about energy supplies and
cancer death rates will cause people to pay attention to the
actual scientific results, and take action to reap the great
social benefits?


I am grateful to Dr. Myron Pollycove, of the U.S. Nuclear Re-
gulatory Commission and the University of California, San
Fransisco, for his comprehensive review of this paper. Also,
Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski, of the Central Laboratory for Radio-
logical Protection in Warsaw, and Representative of Poland to
UNSCEAR, provided valuable clarifications on the UNSCEAR 2000
Report and important information on thyroid cancer studies
applicable to the Chernobyl accident.

[END OF QUOTE from Jerry M. Cuttler, D.Sc, 2001]

FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Each item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaf-
lets in the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly
in Swedish, since 1975 are available on request.

Befürwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Ze-
dong. Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n)
gesandt werden. Flugblätter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von
mir hauptsächlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veröffentlicht,
sind auf Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi prin-
cipalement en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur de-

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cada número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su dis-
posición, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la
serie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en
sueco desde 1975.

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvud-
sakligen på svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)


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NEWS ON CONGO 043: 1/2 A partial peace agreement [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-20 Thread Rolf Martens


NEWS ON CONGO 043: 1/2 A partial peace agreement
[Posted: 20.04.02]

NOTE: On websites with information on the DR Congo and for
some contact addresses, see endnote last in NOC 044, the
continuation of this item.


Items 043 and 044 contain:

In 043:

A:  On the imperialist war against the DR Congo
 (General information, repeated from NOC 040-041)

B:  Press statement by the government of the DR Congo,
 17 April 2002 (in translation by me from the text in
French as reproduced to the CONGOTRIBUNE mailing
list, address see endnote)

C:  Press communiqué by the Mai-Mai movement,
18 April 2002 (translation)

In 044:

D:  An AFP news report from Kigali, Rwanda, 17.04 (trans-
lation): Combats in Kasaï Oriental province, central
DRC (rebellion)

E:  A message to the CONGOTRIBUNE mailing list, 20.04
(translation): Serious violence at Bukavu

F:  Other information in brief, and a preliminary assess-
ment (RM)


In the DR Congo, then called Zaire, an uprising against the
Mobutu dictatorship which had oppressed and fleeced the
people in favour of imperialism since 35 years back started
in late 1996 and was victorious on 17.05.1997, when the pre-
sent state, the Democratic Republic of Congo, was founded.
The liberation struggle was led by Laurent-Désiré Kabila,
who also became the first president of the DRC.

The DR Congo from the start set itself the goal of freeing
the country from imperialist exploitation and building up
an actually democratic form of government in it, thereby
also setting up an example for all of Africa and for simi-
larly exploited countries elsewhere.

Because of this, the US and other imperialists instigated a
war of aggression against that country on 02.08.1998 by three
neighbouring states, a war which so far, directly or indi-
rectly, has cost the lives of over 3,000,000 people and which
still continues. One-half of the DR Congo today is under fo-
reign occupation. The people in the whole country continues
to suffer enormously. It very much needs the support of the
people in all other countries.

After the foul murder of L-D Kabila on 16.01.2001, his son,
Joseph Kabila, was installed as president; a government led
by J. Kabila has continued the struggle against the aggres-
sion since then.

Since some weeks back now, a conference is being held in
Sun City, South Africa, in which attempts by the imperia-
lists to gain control over the whole of the DR Congo by so-
called peaceful means are confronted by the strivings of
the Congolese people and the country's lawful government to
retain the independence of the DRC.

The UN Security Council on 19.03 by its Resolution 1399
(2002) condemned the recent military seizure by the aggres-
sors, in flagrant violation of the present armistice, of
the city of Moliro in the south-east of the DR Congo, and
demanded the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the
forces of the so-called RCD-Goma, one of the aggressors'
puppets, from that city.


*Press statement by the government concerning the South
African proposal regarding the institutions of transition*

Ladies and gentlemen,

Since 25 February 2002, day by day, the Congolese of the Go-
vernment of the Democratic Republic of Congo, of the RCD/Goma,
the MLC, the RCD/ML, the Civil Society [les Forces vives -
Tr.], the RCD/National and the Mai-Mai patriots have debated
in vain in order to work out by consensus the institutions and
the constitutional text which are to govern the Congo during
the period of transition.

[Note: The RCD has been acting as a Congolese mili-
tary puppet of the Rwandan invaders. It's divided
into several factions, as seen here. The MLC has
been acting as a Congolese military puppet of the
Ugandan invaders. These groups are the ones which are
always being called rebel groups by the mass media
of the imperialists. The Mai-Mai movement in the
eastern DR Congo has been fighting the aggression by
Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi since its beginning, in
August -1998. - Tr.]

Last Friday, 12 April 2002, the mediator of the negotiations
made public the proposal submitted to the delegates by the
President of the Republic of South Africa regarding a solution
of the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

[Note: The text as reproduced to the CONGOTRIBUNE
mailing list reads Last Friday, 11 April 2000
I'm assuming that it's the date that is erroneous
here. The proposal mentioned, the second by Mbeki,
was submitted on Thursday, 11.04. See NOC 041 - Tr.]

The government of the Republic appreciates the just intentions
of this initiative by Thabo Mbeki, which has the advantage of

NEWS ON CONGO 044: 2/2 A partial peace agreement [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-20 Thread Rolf Martens
 will mean *much larger difficulties* too in liberating
the whole country, compared to what would or will be the case
with a system of government which - as much experience in
other parts of the world has shown again and again - really
lets the forces of the people unfold.

As that parliamentary Republic whis is now being outlined
too, the DR Congo very much merits the support of the people
in other countries. It's to be hoped that the people's forces
in that country will develop further.


NEWS ON CONGO postings bring statements by the Congo National
Association in Sweden and the DR Congo Committee in Sweden and
also reproduce information and analysis from other sources.

Postings are sent to:

- some 30 Usenet newsgroups, on politics and/or on Africa
- some 5 international discussion mailing lists
- some 400 private, media or governmental e-mail addresses

[This endnote is being updated continually, in order to show
readers where at the time they can best get information. Last
update of this note: 20.04.2002.]

Some websites with information in English and/or in French on
the DR Congo:

Official site of the DR Congo:

Site of the DR Congo's Permanent Mission at the UN:
(With much information, i.a. continually updated news in
French and English; NB new address this year)

Kinshasa newspaper l'Avenir:

The Mai-Mai movement, fighting the aggressors in the east:

Mjumbe wa Kivu, a site on the occupied Kivu province, with
i.a. a forum to which the Mai-Mai movement and also the
resistance movement les Forces Républicaines Féderalistes
have contributed:

Great Lakes Press:

Congo 2000:

Two Belgium-based sites support the struggle of the DR Congo: and

Two other Belgium-based sites: ATMA: and Congon-
line: (the last only for subscribers).

An English-language website managed by Richard Alcorn, USA,
with i.a. much material from August 1998 on from us supporters
of the DR Congo in Sweden:
(This site has no more recent material; last updated Nov 1998)
(Replaces an earlier site, Africanews)

(Managed by Ed Marek, formerly of the US Air Force. Often ap-
parently well-informed and, of late, containing considerable
criticism of the official US position on the aggression. Its
informations should be treated with great caution anyway, ex-
perience shows.)

Rebel aggressor puppets, a site based in South Africa:

Three discussion sites of interest:
(Belgium-based. E-group discussions are in French and English.
For participation, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or congokin_
(Congo Defence Fund)
(Founded 09.11.2001)

Some contact addresses:

Congo National Association
Box 5343 SE - 102 45
Tel:+46 - 8 - 471 96 26 (chairman)
 +46 - 8 - 84 57 18  (facility)
Fax:+46 - 8 - 751 26 06

DR Congo Committee (Chairman: Bony Ndjov-a-Shamalo)
c/o Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe

Tel:   +46 - 40 - 12 48 32


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Or send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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NEWS ON CONGO 041: 1/2 Negotiations and war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Rolf Martens


NEWS ON CONGO 041: 1/2 Negotiations and war
[Posted: 15.04.02]

NOTE: On websites with information on the DR Congo and for
some contact addresses, see endnote last in NOC 042, the
continuation of this posting. New here is that the Mai-Mai
movement, which is fighting the aggressors in the east, now
has its own website, at


The items 041 and 042 contain the following parts:

In 041:

A:  On the imperialist war against the DR Congo (same
text as in intro note to NOC 040, 23.03.02)

B:  Two articles (in my translation from the French)
from the Kinshasa newspaper l'Avenir, Thursday 11.04,
on the ongoing negotiations respectively on the war

In 042:

C:  A message from Kigali (capital of Rwanda) by the news
 agency AFP, Sunday 14.04 (in translation)

D:  Some more information on the most recent events, and
an attempt at analysis of the present situation in
 connection with the negotiations at Sun City, South

[Texts in B and C and informations in D according to
postings to the discussion groups congokin_opinions
and CONGOTRIBUNE and to the DR Congo's Permanent
Mission at the UN; addresses see endnote.]


In the DR Congo, then called Zaire, an uprising against the
Mobutu dictatorship which had oppressed and fleeced the
people in favour of imperialism since 35 years back started
in late 1996 and was victorious on 17.05.1997, when the pre-
sent state, the Democratic Republic of Congo, was founded.
The liberation struggle was led by Laurent-Désiré Kabila,
who also became the first president of the DRC.

The DR Congo from the start set itself the goal of freeing
the country from imperialist exploitation and building up
an actually democratic form of government in it, thereby
also setting up an example for all of Africa and for simi-
larly exploited countries elsewhere.

Because of this, the US and other imperialists instigated a
war of aggression against that country on 02.08.1998 by three
neighbouring states, a war which so far, directly or indi-
rectly, has cost the lives of over 3,000,000 people and which
still continues. One-half of the DR Congo today is under fo-
reign occupation. The people in the whole country continues
to suffer enormously. It very much needs the support of the
people in all other countries.

After the foul murder of L-D Kabila on 16.01.2001, his son,
Joseph Kabila, was installed as president; a government led
by J. Kabila has continued the struggle against the aggres-
sion since then.

Since some weeks back now, a conference is being held in
Sun City, South Africa, in which attempts by the imperia-
lists to gain control over the whole of the DR Congo by so-
called peaceful means are confronted by the strivings of
the Congolese people and the country's lawful government to
retain the independence of the DRC.

The UN Security Council on 19.03 by its Resolution 1399
(2002) condemned the recent military seizure by the aggres-
sors, in flagrant violation of the present armistice, of
the city of Moliro in the south-east of the DR Congo, and
demanded the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the
forces of the so-called RCD-Goma, one of the aggressors'
puppets, from that city.


L'Avenir: *Sun City. A republican front to save the Congo*
Kinshasa, 11.04.2002

At the moment when everyone hoped for a solution, even if a
late one, of the Congolese crisis, the Rassemblement congo-
lais pour la Démocratie (RCD/Goma) [the RCD, which has been
acting as a military muppet of one of the invading countries,
Rwanda, a large part of it based at Goma in occupied eastern
DR Congo - RM] has sounded a note different from those of the
other participants in the negotiations. It rejects as a whole
the South African president's proposal.

[That is, the first proposal by Mbeki for an agreement, put
forward on 10.04. He on the next day, 11.04, put forward a
second, after consultations with the aggressor-friendly so-
called mediator, Masire, one clearly more favourable to
those Congolese so-called rebel organizations which have
helped the Rwandan and Ugandan invaders. The negotiations at
Sun City were scheduled to last until 12.04. On 11.04, it was
also proposed that they would be extended until 18.04. This
has been accepted by all the participating parties. - RM]

One thus is back at the starting-point. And given the time
which there is left for the delegates to pack up and go, one
fears that one will return empty-handed to the country, with
all those consequences which this means. The Congolese public
opinion can see in this the irresponsible behaviour of those
who aspire to govern the DR Congo. In connection with the pro-
posal of president Thabo Mbeki, it becomes clear 

[Fwd: Venezuela. First details of President Chavez's return] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-04-14 Thread Rolf Martens


I'm forwarding this, since the recent information
here seems important. - RM

Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 10:25:19 +0200
From: democrite [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.78 [en] (Win98; U)
X-Accept-Language: en,fr,el,ru
Subject: [Fwd: Venezuela. First details of President Chavez's return]

afapp wrote:
  Subject: [CubaNews] First details of President Chavez's return
  Hugo Chavez freed, returns to claim Venezuelan presidency
 CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Hugo Chavez was freed by his military
  captors and returned to reclaim the Venezuelan presidency Sunday,
  greeting a cheering throng of supporters as he stepped out of a
  helicopter, smiled and raised a fist in triumph.
 Hundreds of people outside the palace and thousands in the
  street beyond began singing the Venezuelan national anthem.
 Chavez, who was ousted by the military on Friday, arrived at the
  Miraflores presidential palace shortly after 3 a.m. in a dramatic
  restoration of power following the resignation of Pedro Carmona,
  who resigned amid violent protests after just one day in office as
  interim president.
 Chavez's vice president, Diosdado Cabello, had declared himself
  acting president until Chavez's return from military custody.
 Chavez's family, supporters and former government officials
  insisted he never resigned as president, as Carmona and Venezuela's
  high command have claimed.
 Chavez, who was freed by his military captors, greeted a
  cheering throng of supporters as he stepped out of a helicopter,
  smiled and raised a fist in triumph.
 The dramatic restoration of power comes hours after the
  resignation of Pedro Carmona. He resigned amid violent protests
  after just one day in office as interim president.
 Today we are celebrating a new democracy, said one man who
  took a microphone to greet Chavez.
 The Organization of American States was sending a delegation to
  Venezuela to assess the situation. Chavez is a former army
  paratrooper who led a failed 1992 coup but was elected in 1998 on
  an anti-poverty platform. His term was to end in 2006.
 Chavez's attorney general, Isaias Rodriguez, told Carmona's
  ministers they were under arrest pending possible charges.
 They must take responsibility. They will be put on trial with
  all their rights, but they will be put on trial, Cabello said.
  Some military officials also would be tried for military rebellion,
  he said.
 Tens of thousands of people surrounded the presidential palace
  Sunday after news of Carmona's resignation. They set off powerful
  fireworks as they waited for Chavez's anticipated return from
  military custody.
 Chavez is coming! Chavez is coming! said Dario Fereira, an
  unemployed man wearing a tattered shirt.
 Chavez administration officials -- many of whom had evaded dozens
  of police raids under Carmona's brief reign -- and loyalist military
  officers hugged each other in the palace's marble-floored
 In these past two days they have persecuted us, said Rafael
  Ramirez, president of the state-run national gasoline company.
 Unshaved and with red-rimmed eyes, Ramirez said he had hidden in
  friend's homes after Chavez's arrest on Friday. Asked about the
  turnaround, Ramirez said: It's marvelous because the Venezuelan
  people responded to this illegal coup attempt.
 Chavez's labor minister, Maria Cristina Iglesias, said Chavez
  was kept on Orchila Island off the Venezuelan coast.
 Just hours earlier, interim President Carmona -- a businessman
  and co-leader of a general strike called last week against Chavez --
  announced he had resigned.
 Carmona was named president by the military high command Friday,
  hours after generals arrested Chavez for allegedly ordering gunmen
  to fire on a massive opposition protest on Thursday. Sixteen died
  and hundreds were wounded in the melee.
 Dozens more died in rioting and looting on Saturday.
 Caracas Mayor Alfredo Pena said at least another nine people
  were killed and 40 wounded Saturday. But an Associated Press
  reporter witnessed dozens of bodies at city hospitals.
 We have every right to protest, but they are gunning us down
  out there, said Edgar Paredes, his clothes soaked in blood as he
  brought his wounded brother to a hospital. He didn't know who shot
  Luis, and probably never will. Like most violent demonstrations
  here, gunfire can erupt from any side, at any time.
 Demonstrators supporting Chavez -- or opposed to the way he was
  ousted -- forced Carmona to step down. The commander of a strategic
  air base in the central city of Maracay rebelled Saturday, setting
  in motion nationwide protests demanding Chavez's return.
 Thousands took to the streets, taking over state TV, to demand
  that Chavez be reinstalled. Signaling a split in the armed forces,
  several military commanders refused to accept Carmona's

UNITE! Info #170en: US politician questions 11.09.01 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-13 Thread Rolf Martens

Some lawmakers have a less charitable view of McKinney's pen-
chant for publicity. Rep. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) said McKinney
is simply trying to impress her constituents.

She's demonstrated at home an ability to win, he said, and
she's demonstrated in Washington a total lack of responsibili-
ty in her statements.

Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), a friend of McKinney's, said the
Georgia Democrat is adept at seizing on red-meat issues that
resonate with her political base and have helped her fend off
a series of GOP challengers.

She's not as random as people think, Kingston said. People
always want to hear a political conspiracy theory.

Staff writer David Von Drehle contributed to this report.

© 2002 The Washington Post Company


FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Each item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaf-
lets in the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly
in Swedish, since 1975 are available on request.

Befürwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Ze-
dong. Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n)
gesandt werden. Flugblätter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von
mir hauptsächlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veröffentlicht,
sind auf Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi prin-
cipalement en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur de-

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cada número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su dis-
posición, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la
serie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en
sueco desde 1975.

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvud-
sakligen på svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)


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Or send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

T O P I C A -- Register now to manage your mail!

1/2 Re: Is the Last Empire Falling Down? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Rolf Martens


1/2 Re: Is the Last Empire Falling Down?

[Note: This goes to the Communism mailing list at and to the Usenet
newsgroups 'alt.society.revolution', 'alt.politics.
socialism.mao', 'swnet.politik', 'eunet.politics',
'alt.politics.socialism', 'alt.politics.radical-left',
'alt.activism', 'alt.politics.communism', 'de.soc.
politik.misc' and 'alt.politics.india.communist'.]

Greg Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, to the
Communism list on 09:12 2002-04-04 +0800:

 Rolf I think you are mixing to separate things up when you
 identify the fall of the bourgeois and the last imperial
 power together. And I think we must understand what is
 happening historically.

[Rolf, earlier:]
 The Last Empire is not merely US imperialism but the
 entire rule of the bourgeoisie in the world, whose big
 gendarme of course is US imperialism.

 World bourgeois rule, that is  the class becoming a world
 ruling class, is in contradiction to the US rogue super-
 power - state dominance of world affairs and only the
 bourgeoisie lucky enough to be able to influence it, as
 against the interests of the class as an international
 What is going on at the moment is a schemism within the
 bourgeois world class, where the last imperial power is
 asserting itself against bourgeois internationalism.

On what's happening now as a whole, I don't agree with you,
Greg. True, to some certain extent, US imperialism *is*
acting as a rogue power within the international bourgeoi-
sie, *is* asserting itself against bourgeois internationa-
lism. I didn't mention that aspect in my last posting,
written rather quickly. You're right in so far that this is
one aspect too.

However, it *is* a relatively minor one, I absolutely hold.
It above all *is* the desperate fear of the imperialist
bourgeoisie everywhere of the people in all countries that's
behind the present rather open warfare against the people.

A warfare which is engaged in most openly, true enough, by
the US imperialists, but which the other relatively big-time
reactionaries - the rulers of Russia, China, West Europe -
are supporting quite eagerly too, and in close co-operation
with US imperialism.

Remember that when on 11 September 2001, the US imperialists
vilely directed several passenger aircraft, supposedly hi-
jacked (by some stooges of theirs), to fly smack into the
World Trade Center towers and into their own Pentagon, kil-
ling upwards of 4,000 people, mainly civilians, and thereby
initiating this wave of warfare against the people every-
where, neither the Russian nor the Chinese nor the West
European bourgeoisie with as much as a whisper indicated
publicly who was behind this, as they of course could tell
too, but as one man supported the lies of the US imperialists
that this was the work of some terrorists supposedly sup-
ported by some of the poor and internationally-oppressed
and -exploited countries in the world.

(On the facts already at an early stage rather clearly
showing what forces *were* behind this, see e.g., or, or #152-155 of my UNITE! (etc) Info

True enough, the French bourgeoisie apparently did not (at
once) go along 100% with Bush's open general declaration of
war against the people everywhere on 20.09.2001 (which
is one thing that suggests you're right in pointing to the
also rogue character of the US imperialists' actions too,
Greg - but this still *is* a *minor* factor). And then on
the following day, there was that devastating explosion in
a chemical plant in Tolouse in southern France, killing many
and destroying large part of the city. (See my #154en.)

But on the whole, the imperialist bourgeoisie elsewhere (the
French one too, eventually) *did* gone along with the US
imperialists in their warfare against the people. The Rus-
sian and the Chinese rulers came out in quite open support of
the following US aggression against Afghanistan, despite the
fact that this also contained some intentions of US encircle-
ment (attempted such, at least) against their own territo-
ries. And not only the British but also the French, German
and Japanese rulers, for instance, contributed troops respec-
tively naval units for that aggression too.

Now that the Israeli zionists, with massive support by the
US imperialists, are perpetrating their particularly large
and vile aggression, the other relatively big-time reactio-
naries are having some doubts, true, and this has forced
the Bushies too to put some hypocritical (purported) brakes
on, but there's no really effective counteraction by Russia,
by China or by the West European bourgeoisie.

What the Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany), for instance, is
complaining (in a leading article on 05.04) is only that
this escalation in the Middle East and the resulting resis-
tance against it is now making it more difficult for the
US leaders and some 

2/2 Re: Is the Last Empire Falling Down? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Rolf Martens
 good - even with the above qualification?

It isn't. Take a look at the ongoing aggression against the
DR Congo in the middle of Africa, half of which is being
occupied by foreign forces at the instigation of the US and
other imperialists, which has lost over 3,000,000 in dead
due to that aggression, from August 1998 on, and whose
people is suffering enormously from that completely illegal
act, straight agaist all fundamental principles of the UN,
and an enormous crime against humanity. What has the UN
done, or tried to do, against this? Practically nothing. It
during a long time has cold-bloodedly condoned that aggres-
sion. Only in quite recent times, some resolutions have been
passed against it, but any effective intervention? Of course

What *we*, the peoples of the world, need, is a call for
*the complete overthrow of imperialism in the world*. The
war criminals ruling the USA, and also the ones ruling Swe-
den, Australia etc, must be brought down from power, the
worst among them must be hung and the rest of them put into
prison where they belong, and these forces must then be sup-
pressed most rigorously in the world for a long time to come.

 We need a coalition of armed forces in Isreal to produce the
 two state solution.

What utter bullshit, Greg! Two state solution indeed! The
illegal racist state of Israel of course must be brought
down and must be replaced, in *all of* Palestine, by *a demo-
cratic state* (and not for instance an Islamic one either),
one that represents the interests of all those people living
there who will not engage in aggression and oppression
against others.

 We need to bring war criminals to justice (Bush and Sharon).

I agree. And the others too.

 We need states to be tied down by international law and
 treaty and increasingly large proportions of the armed
 forces to be given over to UN control.

That depends - once more - on who would control the UN. As
your call stands, it has a bourgeois illusion-mongering'
smack to it, I hold.

 We need universal bans on the production, and keeping of
 weapons of mass destruction and making this an international

Yes, yes. But the people will not get that without interna-
tional proletarian revolution.

 And not one of these things is against the interests of the

What?? - Of course they are! Against the ones of their main
and quite dominant forces, that is, and that's what's
counts. Of course those less arch-reactionary ones among
them should be encouraged to counter their overlords too,
in such and other respects; this nobody should be against.

 ...or will bring proletarian socialism one step forward,
 unless of course this becaomes the conscious demand
 of the working class.
 But comrades, just having said this I can imagine the
 backlash, the idea that for the immediate benefit of the
 working class we should raise a reform which would benefit
 our class enemies? Well comrades that's just history and it
 happens all the time, the real problem is saying and doing
 nothing useful, of confusing the underlying issues by
 bringing up ghosts from the past.

[Greg Schofield
Perth Australia

 ps Sorry Rolf this is not strictly speaking a response to
 what you have said rather it has been an opportunity to get
 something off my mind.

Well, and in part, I hold, what you wrote contains some ne-
cessary qualification of what I wrote earlier, but in large
parts it's illusion-mongerning, in my opinion!

Rolf M.

 --- Message Received ---
 From:   Rolf Martens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date:   Wed, 03 Apr 2002 22:53:31 +0200
 Subject: [COMMUNISM LIST]Re: Is the Last Empire Falling Down?
 Hello Sayed and others,
 In my opinion, yes, it is, but it will take some time yet,
 and enormous struggle, to make that occur.
 And The Last Empire is not merely US imperialism but the
 entire rule of the bourgeoisie in the world, whose big
 gendarme of course is US imperialism.
 Those people, as rightly said below, *are* getting more and
 more desperate.
 Dangerous of course, but also a good sign, for the peoples
 in the world, of the inner weakness of the imperialist rule.
 One other thing: Of course it was *not* a communism which
 fell with the Soviet Union and *its* empire in 1989-1991,
 but a *revisionist*, *social-imperialist* system; its cha-
 racter, similar to that of Hitler fascism, as pointed out
 by Mao Zedong already back in 1964.
 On the situation still today, Mao Zedong said, in an
 important speech back in 1962:
The next 50 to 100 years or so, beginning from now,
will be a great era of radical change in the social
system throughout the world, an earth-shaking era with-
out equal in any previous historical period. Living in
such an era, we must be prepared to engage in great
struggles which will have many features different in
form from those of the past.
 Perhaps it will be somewhat more than 100

UNITE! Info #167en: The ozone hole hoax refuted [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-31 Thread Rolf Martens
) in the time 1988-2002, and a horizontal line which
shows that the mean level has not changed at all. The
text reads in English:

Monthly deviation (%) of total ozone Norrköping/
from Uppsala 1951-1966
Linear trend Feb 1988 - Dec 2001 +0.0 % / decade.

Which is just one of several *pretty hard facts* on this
subject, possible for everybody to ascertain for him/herself.

Rolf M.
Malmoe, Sweden

FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Each item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaf-
lets in the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly
in Swedish, since 1975 are available on request.

Befürwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Ze-
dong. Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n)
gesandt werden. Flugblätter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von
mir hauptsächlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veröffentlicht,
sind auf Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi prin-
cipalement en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur de-

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cada número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su dis-
posición, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la
serie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en
sueco desde 1975.

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvud-
sakligen på svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)


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NEWS ON CONGO 040: GLAC: The Congo in danger [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens
 clearly hinted that Angola [one of
the countries which has importantly supported the DR Congo
with military forces in its struggle against the aggression,
from the beginning of that aggression in August 1998 and in
the following years - RM] at present needs to concentrate on
questions having to do with its own security and would no
longer be involved in the Congolese crisis.

*Note for our readers' attention*

Because of technical problems which Grand-Lacs Confidentiel
has encountered lately, GLAC has opened a temporary mailbox
for priority messages to its readers. Please do not use this
mailbox for replying to us. For all replies and comments,
please continue to write to us at the following usual mailbox:



NEWS ON CONGO postings bring statements by the Congo National
Association in Sweden and the DR Congo Committee in Sweden and
also reproduce information and analysis from other sources.

[This endnote is being updated continually, in order to show
readers where at the time they can best get information. Last
update of this note: 24.03.2002.]

Some websites with information in English and/or in French on
the DR Congo:

Official site of the DR Congo (new, May 2001):

Site of the DR Congo's Permanent Mission at the UN:
(With much information, i.a. continually updated news in French
and English)

Kinshasa newspaper l'Avenir:

Great Lakes Press:

Congolese League for Peace (abbr. LICOPA):

Congo 2000:

Two Belgium-based sites support the struggle of the DR Congo: and

Two other Belgium-based sites: ATMA and Congon-
line (the last only for subscribers).

An English-language website managed by Richard Alcorn, USA, with
i.a. much material from August 1998 on from us supporters of the
DR Congo in Sweden:
(This site has no more recent material; last updated Nov. 1998)


CIDES, and Comité de la Communauté Congolaise du Nord de la
France (Committee of the Congolese Community in Northern

(Managed by Ed Marek, formerly of the US Air Force. Often ap-
parently well-informed and, of late, containing considerable
criticism of the official US position on the aggression. Its
informations should be treated with great caution anyway, ex-
perience shows.)

Rebel aggressor puppets, a site based in South Africa:

Two discussions sites of interest:
(Belgium-based. E-group discussions are in French and English.
For participation, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or congokin_

Some contact addresses:

Congo National Association
Box 5343 SE - 102 45

Tel:+46 - 8 - 471 96 26 (chairman)
 +46 - 8 - 84 57 18  (facility)
Fax:+46 - 8 - 751 26 06

DR Congo Committee (Chairman: Bony Ndjov-a-Shamalo)
c/o Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe

(new contact address, change from former post box one)

Tel:   +46 - 40 - 12 48 32


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UNITE! Info #166en: 1/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


This didn't reach the list on 20.03; I'm trying
again now, 26.03.02. - RM

UNITE! Info #166en: 1/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmärkning:
¡UNIOS! / FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information à la dernière page / Ver
información en la última página / Se information på sista sidan


In #136en of this series, 'A mail to Thomas Gold, Cc others',
of 16.09.2000, 12 scientific megahoaxes of today were listed
as being quite serious attacks on the people in all countries
by the main reactionaries in the world, intended at all costs
to preserve the international capitalist and imperialist
system of oppression and exploitation a little longer.

I in that Info announced as a programme of mine to investi-
gate further, as well as I could, in the respective cases:

A:  What are the main actual facts of the matter
B:  Who are perpetrating the hoax, and since when
C:  Why is the hoax being perpetrated
D:  What damage does the hoax, as propagandized
and acted on, cause to the vast majority of
people on earth
E:  How can and must the hoax be combated.

The rather recent #165en, 'The big greenhouse hoax (1)' (in
4 parts, 22.02.02), was a result of one part of this program-
me, and so is the present Info.

One immediate reason for its being written and sent now is
the spilling-over of part of a debate on some newsgroups
concerning the questions touched on in Info #165en into the
questions pertaining to a supposed manmade ozone hole.

On a discussion under Re: Ozone hole?, which the writer
hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] had showed me was going on, I
commented briefly, and on 08.03 got some replies from Paul F.
Dietz [EMAIL PROTECTED] and David Bell wraith7@mb., arguing i.a.:

[Paul F. Dietz:]
 I used to be skeptical of CFCs affecting the ozone layer.
 But the theory that anthropogenic halocarbons are respon-
 sible for the ozone hole has been proved beyond a reasonable
 doubt. To believe otherwise these days is on par with be-
 lieving the earth is flat...,

and later in reply to my question, what was the evidence
for this, a reference, by both writers, to the website:

This is a FAQ in 4 parts on this matter by Robert Parson,
University of Colorado, USA, last updated in 1997, which ap-
parently has been quoted quite often in debates.

I've now studied this site, which turns out to be another of
the swindle kind (by whose fault more precisely, I cannot
tell), a relatively advanced and also in part informative
such. I've gained some more knowledge on the purported ozone
depletion also by looking up the sites:

The Science and Environmental Policy Project (S. Fred
Singer and others, USA):
(with articles on the subject from 1989 to 1998),

a 1994 article by Robert J. Bidinotto, Ozone Depletion:

and the homepages of, among others, The World Meteorological
Organization (WMO), the TOMS satellite and the Swedish meteo-
rological institute, SMHI - the last-mentioned has some data,
both from as far back as the 1950s and, not least, some quite
recent ones, which in my judgement contribute importantly to-
wards refuting the ozone hole hoax. Like all other offi-
cial organs (of the richer states at least), the SMHI too
(of course) propagandistically supports that same hoax.

Also, the 1992 book by Maduro and Schauerhammer, USA: The
Holes in the Ozone Scare, from which most of my earlier
knowledge or supposed knowledge on the subject has stemmed
(though I - of course - didn't and don't agree with the poli-
tical line advocated in it), still very much is to be recom-
mended, in my opinion, and I shall quote extensively from it.

(One proposition advanced by that book as one of several ma-
jor arguments against the scare, later criticized both by
Parson and by Bidinotto [see above], in fact obviously is
false - its saying that natural amounts of chlorine in the
stratosphere must always be much bigger than any resulting
from breakdown of CFCs, supposedly a manmade factor adding to
the always occuring natural processes which destroy ozone.
But this question, as will be seen, has very little relevance

The scientific questions concerning the ozone layer in the
atmosphere, possible changes in it and possible effects of
such changes on human life make up a whole which is more com-
plicated than the one concerning possible climate change, for
instance. And the covering-up and confusion-mongering, by the
main reactionaries, in connection with this big ozone hole
hoax, is even more massive than that connected with their pa-
rallel (and in part 

UNITE! Info #166en: 2/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 2/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 1/8]


Against that hurry, above all by the main forces of US impe-
rialism at that time but also by others, rather many scien-
tists protested. The fact that obviously, some political rea-
sons or other lay behind it was publicly pointed out by some
of them too, for instance by S. Fred Singer. He wrote, con-
cerning one conference, the political activity in connection
with it and the enormously harmful effects of the bans de-
cided on (see

My Adventures in the Ozone Layer
by S. Fred Singer
National Review, June 1989

The 123-nation Conference to Save the Ozone Layer,
held in London in March 1989, ended with a whimper.
The developing nations, principally China and India,
were quite unconvinced by the evidence and unwilling
to go along with the European Community and the
United States in rushing to phase out completely the
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other widely used che-
micals. It seems they know better.

It is rumored that Mrs. Thatcher was converted into a
global ozone fan by Sir Crispin Tickell, the diplomat
turned eco-freak. Lord knows who the President Bush
has been listening to, but he deserves better advice.

Now it's on to a European conference in the Hague to
which Maggie and George have not been invited --tsk,
tsk-- and then a follow-up to London in Helsinki in
May. All this after the 1985 Vienna Convention, the
Montreal Protocol (Sept 1987), Geneva, Toronto, and
who knows how many other international gabfests in
between. Who can keep track of them? Norway's Prime
Minister Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland hardly spends
time in Oslo anymore. My word! When do these people
ever govern?

The hyperactivity this creates in the agencies, main-
ly in the State Department and EPA, has to be seen to
be believed. The congressional Government Accounting
Office would have done an investigation and totaled
up the thousands of hours and the huge resources
spent on this issue -- except for the fact that Con-
gress and its staffs are just as involved. As the
Hill folks try to outdo the Administration and the
feds dream up new initiatives, things are building up
to a fever pitch -- spurred on by lurid stories in
the media about the imminent danger. Arctic Ozone is
Poised for a Fall scream the headlines. Skin Cancer
is on the Rise!

Is it all hype? Or is it a hoax? And is the hysteria
for real? As we'll see later, the scientific basis
for the much-touted ozone crisis may be evaporating--
leaving the new breed of geo-eco-politicians high and

I am not against CFC control at all; but look at the
poor state of the scientific evidence. The case
against CFCs is based on a theory of ozone depletion,
plausible but quite incomplete-- and certainly not
reliable in its quantitative predictions.

And substituting for CFCs is no simple matter. A New
York Times report of March 7, 1989 talks about the
disadvantages of the CFC substitutes. They may be
toxic, flammable, and corrosive; and they certainly
won't work as well. They'll reduce the energy effici-
ency of appliances such as refrigerators, and they'll
deteriorate, requiring frequent replacement.

Nor is this all; about $135 billion of equipment use
CFCs in the U.S. alone, and much of this equipment
will have to be replaced or modified to work well
with the CFC substitutes. Eventually that will in-
volve 100 million home refrigerators, the air-condi-
tioners in 90 million cars, and the central air-con-
ditioning plants in 100,000 large buildings. Good
luck! The total costs haven't really been added up

These are some of the costs we are now trying to im-
pose on the developing countries who can ill afford
them. Sanctions through a new U.N. agency seem to be
out -- at least for the time being. But trade bar-
riers can accomplish the same results and won't make
us beloved. One can hear already the charge of en-
vironmental imperialism from third-world countries
accusing the West of protecting its pocket books as
well as its fair skins. Keep in mind that olive-
skinned and dark-skinned people are not very suscep-
tible to skin tumors caused by solar ultraviolet

Of course, if we in 

UNITE! Info #166en: 3/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 3/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 2/8]


Over Sweden, as over other countries rather far away from the
equator, ozone levels vary quite considerably, from day to
day even, and in particular with the seasons. And there are
some - smaller but important - periodic year-to-year varia-
tions too. More on this under points 08 and 11 below.

Normally, the ozone layer at our latitudes is at its thick-
est in the spring...Typical levels for March and April over
Sweden are between 350 and 450 DU, SMHI, the meteorological
instiute here, says at its homepage (in Swedish, which I'm
translating here). The thickness of the ozone layer is mea-
sured in Dobson Units (DU - for a definition, see under point
08 below). I assume that in other seasons of the year, ozone
levels over this country often fall to under 300 DU, and that
an annual mean for Sweden may be something like 330 DU.

Thus, there are seasonal variations of sometimes over 30 per-
cent. These SMHI informations tally with those in Maduro's
and Schauerhammer's 1992 book: northern latitudes the thickness of the ozone
layer is almost 500 dobson units in March (spring),
dropping down to less than 300 dobson units by Octo-
ber (fall) - a depletion of 40 percent on the average
each year. In contrast, in the tropics (close to the
equator), the thickness of the ozone layer is 220 to
250 dobson units and shows little change on a seaso-
nal basis.

Parson's 1997 FAQ shows ozone levels and their seasonal va-
riations over St. Petersburg (at 60 degrees North, approxima-
tely the same as mid-Sweden) in a simliar way:

Location   Column thickness, Dobson Units

  Jan Apr Jul Oct

St. Petersburg, Russia (60º N)  360 425 345 300

Now some recent or relatively recent data reported by the
SMHI are quite interesting - concerning the question of
whether there in the last few decades may have have been some
more important trend of global ozone depletion (one conside-
rably larger, say, than 3 percent per decade) or not:

Generally speaking (the SMHI said recently at its
homepage) the ozone layer over the northern hemi-
sphere has been much thicker, during the years 2000
and 2001, than in many years before.

In the latest few weeks (up until 15.03.2002) the
ozone layer over Sweden has been relatively thick. On
2 March, a level of 556.7 DU was measured over Norr-
köping (which is at 58 degrees North) and a some-
what lower one over Vindeln (at 64 degrees N). 

Solar activity is likely to remain high this year
too but is expected to decrease the next year.
(Meaning that ozone production, which is caused by
the sun's UV radiation, will still be large too for
a while, over the globe as a whole, and later de-
crease. See also under point 11 below.)

The QBO (a quasi-biennial oscillation of the winds
blowing from the tropical regions, which have the
highest ozone production, to higher latitudes; the
ozone transport due to these winds is at its biggest
in periods with some 26 months in between) will
change its phase rather soon, and this means that
ozone levels will decrease in the coming winter and
spring. (More on the QBO too under point 11 below.)

And under Old News, the SMHI says, in a report from March


In Norrköping, on 23 February 2001 a new absolute
maximum record for measurements since 1988 was noted,
at 574 DU. The old all-time high was from 9 April
1988 and was 521 DU. A considerable increase!

In Uppsala (at 60 degrees N, thus quite similar to
Norrköping) the level was measured at 536 DU in
April 1961, which was an all-time high for the mea-
surements at that station, between 1951 and 1966. At
Vindeln, the all-time high since 1991 is 535 DU.
Probably there too, the level was higher on 23 Febru-
ary this year (2001).

So, not only was the ozone layer over the northern hemisphere
much thicker, in 2000-2001, than in many years before.
(How many years, the SMHI didn't say.) There even was an all-
time high (574 DU), on one day in 2001, not only considerably
above the previous one measured by the same station, at Norr-
köping, in 1988, its starting year (521 DU), but also consi-
derably above the all-time high (536 DU) reported way back in
1961 by the Uppsala station, which operated between 1951 and
1966. And that quite recent level too, from 2 March 

UNITE! Info #166en: 4/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 4/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 3/8]


That part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation which
is of interest in this context is shown in the table below.
All of this radiation, of different wavelengths, of course is
being emitted by the sun.

Type of radiation   Wavelengths
  (1 nm = 0.000,000,001 m)

[infrared (heat) radiation  700 nm - 1 mm]
visible light   400 nm - 700 nm
ultraviolet A radiation (UV-A)  320 nm - 400 nm
ultraviolet B radiation (UV-B)  280 nm - 320 nm
ultraviolet C radiation (UV-C)  40 nm - 280 nm
[X-rays0.01 nm -  40 nm]

These various types of radiation, all coming from the sun,
are filtered out in various ways and to various extents by
the atmosphere, so that only certain proportions of the radi-
ation of the respective types reach the ground.

Visible light accounts for less than 1 percent of all the
energy emitted as radiation by the sun towards the earth, but
it's hardly filtered away at all by the atmosphere. Almost
100 percent if it (the 400-700 nm wavelengths) reaches the
ground, which is probably why human (and most animal) eyes
have evolved to perceive precisely these wavelengths.

Ultraviolet waves (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C) comprise 5 percent of
the total energy from solar radiation that reaches Earth, and
infrared waves comprise 40 percent of it. Neither ozone nor,
for instance, ordinary oxygen (O2) filter out any important
amounts of UV-A, so almost 100 percent of this radiation too
reaches the ground. The amount of UV-A that reaches the
ground is 100 times as large as the amount of UV-B that does
this. UV-A causes skin tans (to various individual degrees)
in white-skinned people, as does UV-B too.

UV-A, which is not absorbed by ozone, is not usually
thought to be especially dangerous, says Parson. He however
notes too, as do Maduro and Schauerhammer, a possiblity, sug-
gested by some scientists, that one particular kind of skin
cancers, called malignant melanoma, might be caused by
UV-A. These melanoma have been on the rise, in some coun-
tries, since the 1940s; they are infrequent but, in contrast
to other skin cancers, sometimes fatal. They clearly are not
caused by UV-B, and my sources, from 1992-97, agreed that
there was then no certainty at all about what did cause them.

Of UV-C, only very small amounts reach the earth's surface.
Practically all of it is filtered out by oxygen, O2, in the
atmosphere, some of it (the wavelengths below 240 nm), as
seen above, breaking up some of these oxygen molecules in the
stratosphere and in particular at its region some 30-35 km
up, thus forming ozone. (Most of) UV-C, that's ozone-produ-
cing stuff.

UV-B is the biologically most active and important, both in a
positive sense and a negative one, of the ultraviolet radia-
tion types. Most of the incoming UV-B is filtered out by
ozone (O3) and also by ordinary oxygen (O2) before it
reaches the surface. So it's in relation to UV-B that the
ozone layer has its most important shielding function.

Ozone absorbs very strongly in the ultraviolet region bet-
ween about 3,300 and 2,200 Å, (or 330 to 220 nm; Å or Ång-
ström is a unit often used earlier; 1 Å = 10^-10 m) the
strongest absorption being at a wavelength of about 2,500 Å
(250 nm) where it is extremely intense, Dobson wrote in
1968 (as quoted in 1992).

That is, ozone absorbs UV radiation best at a somewhat grea-
ter wavelength, 250 nm, than the ones which create it; these
are from 240 nm and downwards. In connection with this, Par-
son asks one question and answers it:

If the ozone is lost, won't the UV light just pene-
trate deeper into the atmosphere and make more ozone?

This does happen to some extent - it's called 'self-
healing' - and has the effect of moving ozone from
the upper to the lower stratosphere. Recall that
ozone is *created* by UV with wavelengths less than
240 nm, but functions by *absorbing* UV with wave-
lengths greater than 240 nm.

The peak of the ozone absorption band is at ~250 nm,
and the cross-section falls off at shorter wave-
lengths. The O2 and O3 absorption bands do overlap,
though, and UV radiation between 200 and 240 nm has a
good chance of being absorbed by *either* O2 or O3.
[Rowland and Molina 1975] (Below 200 nm the O2 ab-
sorption cross-section increases dramatically, and O3
absorption is insignificant in comparison.)

Since there is some overlap, a decrease in ozone does
lead to a small increase in absorption by O2. This is
a weak feedback, however, and it does not compensate
for the ozone destroyed.

Re: Site Mayi-Mayi [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


This didn't reach the list on 22.03; I'm trying
again now, 26.03.02. - RM

An important piece of information, petokraka;
thank you for this! I shall pass it on to others.

The forgotten aggression against the DR Congo,
which has so far cost over 2 million lives since it
started in August 1998, is one important thing
for all anti-imperialists to combat. The Mayi-Mayi,
fighting the US-etc-instigated aggressors in the
east, are a valiant lot. Certainly they need all the
international support they can get, and some more

Rolf M.

At 23:28 2002-03-11 -0500, you wrote:

In a message dated 06/03/02 20:10:19 Eastern Standard Time, 

Subj:[AfricaT] communiqué
Date:06/03/02 20:10:19 Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet

A la presse
A tous les patriotes congolais
A tous les amis du peuple congolais.

Nous vous annonçons l'existence du site

Sur ce site vous trouverez tous les communiqués, la présentation,
l'historique et les autres informations concernant les Maï Maï. Comme vous
savez les Maï Maï résistent contre l'agression, l'occupation et le pillage
de nos territoires par les armées du Rwanda, de l'Ouganda et du Burundi.

Puisque les ennemis du peuple congolais essaient de semer la confusion,
nous trouvons qu'il est important que nous puissions nous adresser
directement au public.

Vous trouverez sur ce site entre autres le procès-verbal de la réunion
tenu à Gabarone la semaine passée où les représentants des Maï Maï au
Dialogue inter-congolais ont été désigné. Ce procès-verbal est très utile
pour chacun qui veut voir clair dans la définition des Maï Maï et dans la
question qui sont les vrai et les faux Maï Maï.

En dehors des informations sur les Maï Maï vous trouverez aussi une
rubrique Tribune.

Vous pouvez vous inscrire sur la lettre de nouvelles qui vous informera
une fois par semaine des nouveautés sur notre site.
Vous pouvez aussi participer à notre forum.
Pour ces deux inscriptions, il suffit de lire l'information dans la
rubrique mailingliste.

Pour la défense des intérêt du peuple, nous résistons.
Pour la cause juste, nous vaincrons


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UNITE! Info #166en: 6/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 6/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 5/8]


If you search the Internet World Wide Web for articles with
ozone depletion propaganda, you'll find that there are a
large number of such from all the years up until 1998; then
they suddenly practically cease altogether.

The reason for this is of course that this big lie with each
passing year has come even more into conflict with reality.

An ozone depletion trend of, say, 3 percent per decade,
which there perhaps was in the 1980s, according to the CFC
depletion propagandists such as the WMO, would continue and
would, if anything, be bigger, not smaller, in the 1990s, and
in the next two decades too. Thus there in 2000 would be some
6 percent (at least) less global ozone than in 1980.

To ascertain quite clearly, in 2000 or today, whether there
had (has) in fact been a decrease of that order over the past
20 years or so perhaps still is not all that easy, because
of those quite large natural variations which there are.
But the silence, since some three years back, by the react-
tionary propgandists, on any long term global ozone deple-
tion trend, is very telling anyway.

No international data on this are being shown any more.
What has continued, after 1989, is more or less only pro-
paganda concerning that local phenomenon, the Antarctic
ozone hole, and (of course) such of the cruder kind, just
by scare statements with hardly any attempts at supporting

The fact that the ozone layer, at least over the northern
hemisphere, has been unusually thick in recent years (2000-
2001) and apparently still is today, hasn't helped the de-
pletion propagandists either, of course. This fact of
course to a large extent is due to that maximum, one of the
bigger kind too, in sunspots which there was/is around the
year 2001 (if I understand things correctly). And the QBO
too seems to make for high ozone levels at higher latitudes
at present. (See under point 11 above.)

This is a temporary phenomenon. But also in the following
years, when the number of sunspots will decrease, for in-
stance (reaching a new minimum around 2007), and the QBO
will change phase (this is predicted already for the next
winter, with a change back some 26 months after that again),
the CFCs (etc) ozone depletion hoax will continue to come
more and more into conflict with the observed facts.

Unfortunately, the ruling imperialist war criminals already
have managed to enforce their anti-industrial and genocidal
bans against these vital substances, propagandistically jus-
tified by this hoax, and since it's they who still have
practically all the political power and practically all the
international propaganda resources too, it will be quite dif-
ficult for the people in the world to get these bans revoked
- as long as these conditions remain as they are.

Here's a little about how global ozone depletion propagan-
da has developed after 1998:

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), for instance -
the main scientific such propagandist in recent years -
publishes press releases on various questions; the latest,
#671, was on 07.03.2002. On ozone, in the most recent years
including 1998, there were only two:

Firstly, WMO #619, on 01.10.1998. It was headlined Record
Ozone depletion in the Antarctic (on this subject, see point
zz below) and had the following few lines on ozone levels

Relatively higher ozone dominated over the middle
latitudes - only 3 to 7% less than the pre-ozone-hole
averages. Maximum values of 430 to 480 m atm-cm [the
same as 430-480 DU - RM] appeared usually over the
ocean area in the sector separating the Antarctic
from New-Zealand and Australia., and further:

WMO is responsible for the international co-ordina-
tion of the atmospheric science and systematic obser-
vations in support of the Vienna Convention for the
Protection of the Ozone Layer. 'As the authoritative
scientific voice on atmospheric issues within the
United Nations family, WMO will continue to provide
up to date information on the status of the ozone
layer' said Professor Obasi [Secretary-General of

And secondly, WMO #652, on 15.09.2000, on the occasion of
the International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer
(there even is a such, 16 September, decided on by the UN!).
It was headlined, in familiar fashion: Unprecedented rate of
ozone loss measured one to two weeks earlier over and near
Antarctica, but did not breathe a word about ozone levels
elsewhere. No later WMO press release has done this either.

This should be contrasted to those estimates by the WMO it-
self of future ozone depletion, in its 1998 Ozone Report
No. 44, which were quoted under point 14 above, 

UNITE! Info #166en: 7/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #166en: 7/8 The ozone hole terror hoax
[Posted: 20.03.02]

[Continued from part 6/8]


As said under point 08 above, over the higher latitudes (more
precisely, over what the WMO calls the midlatitudes, bet-
ween 25º and 60º or so), the annual mean level of ozone is
somewhat higher than over the tropics, 300 DU over the USA
and some 330 DU over Sweden, for instance, compared to 220-
250 DU close to the equator, and seasonal variations there
are quite large, in contrast to over the tropics, where the
ozone layer thickness always remains at those 220-250 DU.

The ozone layer over Sweden is at its thickest in the spring
(March-May in the northern hemisphere), between 350 and 450
DU then, says the SMHI (see point 06 above), and in late au-
tumn often thins out to below 300 DU. Day-to-day variations
are even larger, with for instance that all-time high of 574
DU over mid-Sweden (58º N) on 23 February 2001, the recent
reading of 557 DU on 2 March 2002 too, both considerably
above the former all-time high of 536 DU in April 1961, and
also the all-time low over Sweden at only 194 DU on 30 Novem-
ber 1999.

It's mainly transport of ozone with the winds from the tro-
pics that accounts for these large variations.

Equally large, and sometimes even larger, variations in the
thickness of the ozone layer there are over the Arctic and
the Antarctic regions (at latitudes higher than some 70º N
respectively 70ºS). In these regions close to the respective
Poles, there are particular meteorlogical vortices, approxi-
mately circular or elliptical currents which at some points
in the seasons may more or less prevent the influx of ozone-
rich air from the lower latitudes. The vortex over the Ant-
arctic is much stronger than that over the Arctic, which is
impeded by chains of mountains.

Over the Arctic, the ozone layer varies between some 480 DU
in the (northern) spring and some 260 DU in the autumn, as
already measured by Dobson back in the 1950s. The correspon-
ding seasonal dip in the level of ozone over the Antarctic,
which occurs in the southern spring, in September-October
each year, is much deeper than the Arctic one. A table by
Parson (whose data I shall complement a little in the below)
shows approximately how deep it was in the years 1956-1997:


Halley Bay Antarctic Ozone Data

Mean October ozone column thickness, Dobson Units, as
measured at the British Antarctic Survey station at
Halley Bay (Latitude 76 south, Longitude 26 west)

1956  321  1971  299  1986  248
1957  330  1972  304  1987  163
1958  314  1973  289  1988  232
1959  311  1974  274  1989  164
1960  301  1975  308  1990  179
1961  317  1976  283  1991  155
1962  332  1977  251  1992  142
1963  309  1978  284  1993  111
1964  318  1979  261  1994  124
1965  281  1980  227  1995  129
1966  316  1981  237  1996  139
1967  323  1982  234  1997  139
1968  301  1983  210
1969  282  1984  201
1970  282  1985  196

Data from J. D. Shanklin, British Antarctic Survey, personal
communications, 1993-95.


As is seen, from approximately the late 1970s on and up to the
early 1990s, there was a tendency for the September-October
dip to get deeper year by year, and up until 1997 at least, it
stayed at a level considerably lower than the mean one of pre-
vious years. The difference between that level and the earlier
mean one is what the ozone depletion propagandists are cal-
ling the Antarctic ozone hole. Parson writes too that There
is no question that the ozone layer over antarctica has thin-
ned dramatically over the past 15 years and that:

The antarctic ozone hole, discussed in detail in Part
III [of the 1997 'FAQ'], falls far outside this range
of natural variation [the one of seasonal such else-
where - RM]. Mean October ozone at Halley Bay on the
Antarctic coast was 117 DU in 1993, down from 321 DU
in 1956.

On whether an Antarctic October ozone level mean of 117 DU
(or 111 DU - see table) actually does fall far outside the
range of earlier natural variation or not, see further below.

The term ozone hole, for this greater depth of the Septem-
ber-October level dip, of course is a propagandistic one.

More precisely, the WMO defines as an Antarctic ozone hole
a region over which there, during a certain seasonal period,
is less than 50% of the ozone which there there was on the
average over the same region, during the same seasonal period,
in a number of years which the WMO takes as the norm, those

UNITE! Info #166en: 8/8 The ozone hole terror hoax [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread Rolf Martens
 o más idiomas. Están a su dis-
posición, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la
serie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en
sueco desde 1975.

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvud-
sakligen på svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)


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Re: UNITE! Info #160en, 2/2: Correction of an address [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-20 Thread Rolf Martens


Re: UNITE! Info #160en, 2/2: Correction of an address

It has been pointed out to me that an URL address I gave in
part 2/2 of yesterday's UNITE! Info #160en: Revolutionary
leaders' errors was wrong - thanks, Juan, for that! The
correct address follows here.

The site with:


is *not* at:

as a wrote, but at:

Rolf M.

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UNITE! Info #160en: 1/2 Revolutionary leaders' errors [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-19 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #160en: 1/2 Revolutionary leaders' errors
[Posted: 19.01.02]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmärkning:
¡UNIOS! / FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information à la dernière page / Ver
información en la última página / Se information på sista sidan


Today the ongoing putrefaction of the entire international
social system of capitalism and imperialism and the worse and
worse crimes of that system's rulers against the people in the
world is putting a number of questions on the order of the day:

How can this present international order be overthrown? Is
it possible basically to get rid of it? How did those earlier
societies, in the Soviet Union and in China above all, which
were said to be quite different from that, to be socialist so-
cieties, actually function? Did they bring some experience
which is valuable for people today, concerning the possibili-
ties for the future, or not? And in connection with this, what
was done correctly by some of those societies' leaders and
what incorrectly - as seen from the standpoint that it's the
common interests of the vast majority of all people on earth
that must be furthered?

On this last, there has recently been a discussion on some
Internet newsgroups, 'alt.activism', alt.politics.socialism',
'alt.politics.radical-left', alt.politics.socialism.trotsky'
and 'alt.politics.socialism.mao'.

Of course, the actions of various leaders (whether revolutio-
nary ones or not) are very much those of those different
classes, strata or groups in society whose interests they
represent (consistently or perhaps less so - a person's
standpoint also may change with time). Single individuals
cannot make all that much of a difference all by themselves.
Some political leaders in recent history have had such impor-
tance anyway, that certain lines of action still today are
being identified very much with their respective names.

This Info is intended as a longer reply in the abovementioned
discussion, which mainly has been on the role and the actions
of Josef Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union from 1924 to his death in 1953.


In article stephend15-3E0786.20470118012002@news., [EMAIL PROTECTED] says, subject
'Proyect's Perpetual Whining  elementary ally HW's'...

 So, tell me this. WHY did the great revolutionary Stalin
 form an unprincipled alliance (and I refer here not to a
 treaty, but to a whole international line which declared
 that in the capitalist countries the Nazis were not worse
 than anyone else, in order to further the aims of his al-
 liance with Hitler? As you point out, this included imper-
 missible secret diplomacy (so as to hide the fact that the
 line of the Communist Parties was to be subordinated to
 that alliance).
 Yet, Stalin had accused the entire leadership of the Bol-
 shevik party with being in league with the Nazis.
 Do tell us how this revolutionary could have fallen so
 low as to abandon socialist internationalism, while still
 having (in your view) genuine revolutionary credentials.
 What happened? Do you have an analysis, or just checkered

I shall reply to this, Stephen Diamond, by 1) first repeating
that criticism of mine of that alliance which I wrote in re-
ply to Louis N. Proyect, likewise a Trotsky adherent, then
2) saying what I think were the approximate reasons why pro-
letarian internationalism, in fact, *was* abandoned *at least
in part* by the leadership of the Soviet Union in 1939 and
also earlier and later, and 3) last in this posting bringing
some lines from a relatively recently published document
(genuine-looking to me) from 1956 with some comments by Mao
Zedong on Stalin and also on some principles concerning re-
volutionary leaders' errors in general.


In reply to Louis N Proyect earlier today (subject Proyect's
Perpetual Whining - a thread initiated by Hunter Watson), I



 But as I've written before, it's funny to see *a Trotsky ad-
 herent*, and a supposedly principled one too, criticize
 that alliance of Stalin's in 1939, since at the time, Trot-
 sky said absolutely nothing against it but on the contrary
 wrote it was a very good idea. And its main character (which
 did contain some contradictory elements) could be seen
 rather clearly even then, even without knowledge of that
 secret protocol.
 Rolf M.
 There's actually nothing about the Stalin-Hitler pact in
 itself that is unprincipled. When you really get down to it,
 making a non-aggression pact with Nazi 

UNITE! Info #160en: 2/2 Revolutionary leaders' errors [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-19 Thread Rolf Martens
?  It was between father and son in the past;
now it more or less resembles a brotherly relationship, but
the shadow of the father-and-son relationship is not com-
pletely removed.  This is understandable, because changes can
never be completed in one day.  With certain openness, people
are now able to think freely and independently.

Now there is, in a sense, the atmosphere of anti-feudalism: a
father-and-son relationship is giving way to a brotherly re-
lationship, and a patriarchal system is being toppled.
During [Stalin’s] time people’s minds were so tightly con-
trolled that even the feudalist control had been surpassed.
While some enlightened feudal lords or emperors would accept
criticism, [Stalin] would tolerate none.  Yugoslavia might
also have such a ruler [in your history] who might take it
well even when people cursed him right in his face.  The ca-
pitalist society has taken a step ahead of the feudalist so-
ciety.  The Republican and Democratic Parties in the United
States are allowed to quarrel with each other.

We socialist countries must find [better] solutions.  Cer-
tainly, we need concentration and unification; otherwise,
uniformity cannot be maintained.  The uniformity of people’s
minds is in our favor, enabling us to achieve industrializa-
tion in a short period and to deal with the imperialists.  It,
however, embodies some shortcomings, that is, people are made
afraid of speaking out.  Therefore, we must find some ways to
encourage people to speak out.  Our Politburo’s comrades have
recently been considering these issues.

Few people in China have ever openly criticized me.  The
[Chinese] people are tolerant of my shortcomings and mis-
takes.  It is because we always want to serve the people and
do good things for the people.  Although we sometimes also
suffer from bossism and bureaucracy, the people believe that
we have done more good things than bad ones and, as a result,
they praise us more than criticize us.  Consequently, an idol
is created: when some people criticize me, others would op-
pose them and accuse them of disrespecting the leader.
Every day I and other comrades of the central leadership re-
ceive some three hundred letters, some of which are critical
of us.  These letters, however, are either not signed or
signed with a false name.  The authors are not afraid that we
would suppress them, but they are afraid that others around
them would make them suffer.


FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Each item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaf-
lets in the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly
in Swedish, since 1975 are available on request.

Befürwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Ze-
dong. Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n)
gesandt werden. Flugblätter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von
mir hauptsächlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veröffentlicht,
sind auf Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi prin-
cipalement en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur de-

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cada número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su dis-
posición, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la
serie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en
sueco desde 1975.

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvud-
sakligen på svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)

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Re: Billical phrase A plague on both your houses! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Rolf Martens


At 02:53 2001-12-12 +, Bill Howard

 I was trying to
 show some erudition, you know, and besides,
 I've long found this to be a pretty good phrase,
 considering some elements in the political
 situation in our time.

 Any other good examples?



I meant above all the houses of traditional capitalism
and imperialism, on the one hand, and revisionism, as
represented not least by the social-imperialist Soviet
Union and its adherents from the 60s on.

There are many onther examples too of how the people
has been put between two fires, or caught in a kind of
pncer attack, but I shall leave it at that for now.

This phenomenon, of two reactionary rivals', or semi-rivals'
and also partners', saying they are each others' only
enemies, so that if you don't want the pest, then you
must choose the cholera - indeed, you're a cholera
advocate - at any rate is one which people should
look out for, in many respects today.

Rolf M.

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Re: Rolf, Barrybullah [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-11 Thread Rolf Martens


At 23:59 2001-12-10 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/10/2001 12:53:50 PM Pacific Standard Time,

If there's a show of hands, mine goes for getting rid of Rolf with his
interminable and ill-titled 'Unite' spam, his churlish 'debates' and his
unceasing sectarianism.

You don't have to read this mail.

Which is one of those truths which we (most
people, I think) find to be self-evident.

The reason for this churlish (whatever that means) etc
posting by that Ashcroft mascot Barrybullah Stoller
was that he didn't want *others* to be able to read them,
of course. Ban-ban-ban! today has become quite a
vougue, among certain people (not all that many at that,
and they're getting fewer and fewer too, but they're trying
to compensate for this by increasing their nastiness a
couple of degrees).

As advice to him, your point IMO is good too, anyway.

Rolf M.

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UNITE! Info #159en: E. Margolis on US' Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-11 Thread Rolf Martens
 de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong. Ca-
da número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su disposi-
ción, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la serie IN-
FORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en sueco desde

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje. Varje
nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk. Flygblad i
serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvudsakligen på
svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)

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UNITE! Info #19en: 4/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens
 in Afghanistan and with its own air force massively
bombed the villages in that country, appearently has already
been forgotten.

So those Marxists who have likewise forgotten this fact are
in good company, one might say. They may not have much chance
of actually becoming Najibullahs themselves. But they can com-
fort themselves with the fact that their standpoint tallies
with that of a not inconsiderable faction within that main reac-
tionary power of today, US imperialism.

FOERENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. Each
item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaflets in the
INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly in Swedish,
since 1975 are available on request.

Befuerwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Zedong.
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For Richard R, Barry S etc: On the SU's Afghan war, 1979-89 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


Now that there once more is a big war in Afghanistan,
and once more people all over the world rightly are
protesting against this atrocity too, there has been
something of a discussion on this list about the
previous aggression against that country, in 1979-89.

It's possible that some list subscribers don't know
all that much about this earlier war. Richard Roper
and Barry Stoller, for instance, certainly don't know
even the most elementary things about it, as can
be seen from some recent postings of theirs.

So for your benefit, Richard and Barry - and I hope
this may interest list subscribers in general - I'm
sending again four postings of mine from 1996 which
were about that war, among other things reproducing
a report on how it was discussed beforehand among
the top Soviet social-imperialists leaders at the time:

The 4 parts of my UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-
imperialism's Afghan war, originally of 09.10.1996.
Coming up now, separately.

At least some knowledge of that former war is
needed, I hold, if you're to understand properly
what's going on in the present one in Afghanistan

Rolf M. 

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Re: 10 years on: Capitalism brings ruin to Russia - no, 40 years [WWW.STOPN

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 11:28 2001-12-09 -0800, Richard Roper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well I don't know why you are a member of this list.

It's because I'm against the NATO and its actions,
of course.

You comment seems strange. It's probably caused by
my saying I was and am against the former social-
perialism in the Soviet Union and the present-day
continued new tsarism in Russia too, together with
your actually believing that ridiculous bullshit by the
Washington Pest, the NY Slimes, Cee No Nothing,
etc etc, that the Soviet Union (from the 60s on, say)
represented communism and that what was going
on in the world was a struggle between that commu-
nism, on the one hand, and the (traditional) im-
perialism, as represented by the USA and the NATO,
on the other - that if you're not in favour of one of
these, then you're for the other.

But that was and is a very wrong picture of things,
you know. The people in the world had and have
very good reason to be strongly against both of
these reactionary forces. They should say a plague
on both your houses, and that's what most of them
are doing too.

Those who're not with us [the US imperialists]
are with the terrorists, Bush is saying today -
all the more ridiculously of course, since they
themselves precisely *are* the terrorists too.

And there are some other people too who're
saying: If you oppose the US war against
Afghanista, then you're an adherent of Usama
bin Laden. Heard that one, Richard?

Well, 20 or so years ago, those same people
(or their predecessors) were saying, if you
oppose us, then you're with the Soviet Union.
Equally ridiculous, of course. Then as now,
this was a trick of trying to put people between
to fires: cholera or pest - choose what's best.
That one always was one quite important
strategy of the reactionaries', against ordinary

As it happens I am not a communist.

I never accused you of being one either.

Now that Washington Pest etc etc will tell you
that communists, that's people who supported
that (really arch-reactionary) social-imperialism
of the leaders of the Soviet Union, that it was
communism that fell in East Europe in 1989-91,
etc. Not true, I can inform you. This nonsense
is intended to confuse people completely as to
what has been, and is, going on in the world too.

All actual communists know that what Mao Zedong
said, as far back as in 1964, about the Soviet Union
is quite true: That the earlier socialism there had been
overthrown and replaced by a bourgeois dictatorship
of the fascist type, of the Hitler fascist type. The
adherents of that regime rightly were and are called
revisionists, by the actual Marxists.

Well yes, it was Carter and Brisinki who invaded
Afganistan in July 1979 - it's just they did it in a
Covert Operation - caused five million to flee,
devestated large parts of the country, built up a huge
para-miltary force etc. etc. This is the fairly
standard description of a country subjected to a
protracted Covert Intervention.

It was the largest operation of the CIA since Vietnam,
millions of dollars were spent on it, and
unparralleled propaganda operations took place in its

Now you're being really ridiculous, Richard.

You actually believe that it was the CIA etc who
*invaded* Afghanistan in 1979, who forced the
social-imperialists into sending 100,000+ troops
into the country, so that:

¤   1.5 million Afghans were killed
¤   5-6 million were forced to leave the country - the
 biggest refugee cathastrophy in our time - and 1 million
 more forced to leave  their homes, to become refugees in
 Afghanistan itself
¤   7000 villages were annihilated and 5000 more seriously
¤   between 10 million (UN estimate) and 60 million (other
 estimates) mines were laid throughout the country by the
¤   these mines have so far caused 200,000 deaths and
 400,000 maimings; they continue today to take a heavy
 toll and several decades will be required for their
¤   large parts of the vital and scarce forests were sys-
 tematically destroyed by the Soviet forces
¤   the infrastructure and the fields for agriculture were
 destroyed to a great extent

It's true of course that the CIA etc, even before this infamous social-
imperialist war of aggression, were doing what they could to
penetrate Afghanistan, and that they during that war pursued
reactionary interests of their own in their support, or support,
of the people's resistance against it.

But to blame *this* war on the CIA, that's believing that the US
imperialists at the time were all-powerful (another thing those
stupid media I mention would want you to believe too, of course)
and that those poor and innocent Soviet social-imperialists
had no will of their own.

I'm certain that if you just reflect a little on this, Richard, you'll
see yourself how ridiculous this 

UNITE! Info #19en: 2/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #19en: 2/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war
[Posted: 09.10.96]

[Continued from part 1/4]


After the breaking up of the Soviet Union in 1991, many earlier
confidential Soviet documents were made public, among them some
protocols of discussions in the Soviet revisionist party's Po-
litbureau. Here I shall quote from some extracts from one such
protocol, that of a session lasting three days in March 1979. My
source is the issue No. 4/1994 of the Swedish-languague magazine
Afghanistan-Nytt, organ of the Swedish Afghanistan Committee, a
solidarity organization for supporting the Afghan people's re-
sistance against the aggression. (This organization was suppor-
ted by a quite large number of people in Sweden, including many
who considered themselves left-wing. I joined it in the early

What's interesting, among other things, to note here are the
terms in which the Soviet social-imperialist chieftains them-
selves are describing that possible action in Afghanistan which
they were later in fact to undertake. Again, those descriptions
of events in that country in 1979-1989, by people calling them-
selves Marxists, which I'll quote in Chapter 3 should be com-
pared to those judgements on them which appear here, judgements
already made in advance, so to speak, by some of the very per-
sons responsible.

I reproduce in translation from an article in Afghanistan-Nytt
No. 4/94 by Stefan Lindgren, who reports on the Soviet protocol
[comments within square brackets are by me]:


In March 1979, almost nine months before the Soviet invasion,
considerable disturbances took place in the third-largest city
of Afghanistan. On 17 March, the Soviet Politbureau convened for
a three days long meeting. During the first two days, Brezhnev
was not present.

The situation in Afghanistan has seriously deteriorated. The
centre of disturbances is now the city of HeratAs is known
from earlier telegrams, the 17th Afghan division is stationed
there. It restored order but now seems in practice to have dis-
integrated. The artillery regiment and one infantry regiment
which were part of that division have gone over to the side of
the insurrectionists.

According to Gromyko, the uprising was caused by thousands of
revolters from Pakistan and Iran who with US help had caused
chaos in Herat. Over 1000 people had died in Herat, he reported.

The situation had not been adequatly met by the Afghan govern-
ment, Gromyko held, and he continued:

As a characteristical thing may be noted that at 11 o'clock
this morning, I had a conversation with AMIN, who is foreign
minister and the deputy of TARAKI, and he expressed no anxiety
whatsoever concerning the situation in Afghanistan but spoke
with Olympic calm about the situation's not being all that comp-
licated (...) Amin even said that the situation in Afghanistan
is normal. He said that not one single case of insubordination
on the part of the Govenors had been registered. (...)

Within about half an hour we got a another message, which said
that our comrades, the military Chief Adviser comrade Gorelov
and the Charge' d'Affaires comrade Alekseyev had invited comrade
Taraki to visit them (...) As far as military assistance was
concerned, Taraki said in passing that perhaps help will be
needed both on the ground and in the air. This must be under-
stood to mean that we are requested to send ground forces as
well as aircraft.

I hold that we must proceed from the most important fact when
helping Afghanistan, and this is, under no circumstances must
we lose that country.

[A statement which of course was just as candid as, and similar
to, for instance the discussion by the US imperialists in the
late 1940s and early 1950s on how it came to be that we had
lost China, about who was responsible for that, etc etc.]

Several other speakers expressed their distrust of the Afghan
government and its heavy-handed purges of rivalling Communist
[as those people of course would call them] factions.

Even at this point in time, there within the Politbureau were
put forward various proposals on armed intervention and even on
a complete invasion.

Defence minister USTINOV briefly reported:
Tomorrow, 18 March, operative groups will be sent to Herat's

He at the same time presented two possible lines of action. In
the one case, smaller forces would be sent. In the other, the
Soviet Union would dispatch two divisions, or about 36,000 men.

The proposals were met with some objections.

The question arises, against whom our Army will wage war if we
send them there. Against the insurrectionists, but the insurrec-
tionists have been joined by a large number of religious per-
sons, Moslems and among them a large number of the common
people. In this way  we will be forced to a considerable degree
to wage war against the people.

The following day, 

UNITE! Info #19en: 3/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #19en: 3/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war
[Posted: 09.10.96]

[Continued from part 2/4]

EVENTS '79-'89

A) *Opposing standpoints*

On the recent execution of Najibullah, one of those people in
Afghanistan on whose political line even the Soviet revision-
ist chieftain Kosygin had earlier commented (see Chapter 2):
I cannot understand why this question arises...The question of
sending people who would climb into your tanks and shoot on your
people. This is a very serious political question., I wrote to
the Jefferson Village Virginia Marxism list on 02.10 i.a.:

 The islamic Talibans who have recently conquered Kabul in
 Afghanistan, in the unfortunate internal fighting which has
 followed on the social-imperialists' forced retreat, are a
 pretty reactionary lot, it seems. But one thing they did well:
 They hung Nadjibullah, the infamous pro-Soviet Quisling.

This stung one other writer to that list into replying on the
same day, giving his own version of what had taken place in Af-
ghanistan in 1979-1989:

 I was frankly sickened by Rolf Martens recent post celebrating
 the execution,  by the new Taliban fundamentalist regime in
 Kabul, of the former Afghan President, Najibullah.

 I won't comment here on Mr Martens' assessment of the histori-
 cal viccissitudes of the past 17 years, other than to say that
 while the Peoples' Democratic Party of Afghanistan [PDPA] made
 numerous (and highly visible) errors in their twelve years of
 rule, their sins were and are dwarfed by the actions of their

 As far as Mr Martens' reading of the historical record itself
 is concerned, well,  the less said about that the better.

 The governments of the PDPA,  it should be remembered,
 instituted a system of universal education,  literacy,  health
 care, and subsidized housing in nearly all of the 30 provinces
 of the country.  They fashioned a labor law that was the most
 progressive in Asia,  admitting workers from both the public
 and private sectors to specialized secondary and higher schools
 regardless of nationality,  age,  sex or other factors,
 providing for free child care,  and raising wages by an average
 of 26 per cent (with the lowest paid receiving raises of up to
 50 per cent).   They subsidized the distribution of petrol,
 diesel fuel,  kerosene,  sugar, wheat flour, and firewood and
 other staples to such an extent that famine in areas under
 their control was virtually eliminated.

 But by far the most important reform instituted by the
 successive PDPA governments involved land reform.In the
 three major land reform acts (1978,  1981,  1985), the effects
 were not confined to a redistribution of land in favor of the
 poorest peasant families.  They gave impetus to the growing
 cooperative movement and freed the peasants from the grip of
 landowners and usurers.  The same acts provided for the mass
 education of all in the countryside under the slogan Everybody
 at the school desk, and attempted to put an end to
 discrimination against ethnic minorities, especially in the
 areas of culture and language.

 Opposed to this was the mujadaheen--a cancerous class of
 parasites,  the mullahs, the landowners,  the usurers-
 frenziedly feeding on the largesse of the Saudis,  the
Iranians,  the Pakistanis and, of course, the most loathesome
 entity of all,  the Reagan--Casey CIA.And since this is
 the Marxism list,  let us not fail to acknowledge the SWP,
 the ISO,  and others who,  while as notably effective as a wet
 fart in a monsoon as far as doing anything good, are always
 willing to jump in at imperialism's behest, increasingly now
 even before being asked.  The back of my hand to all of them.

 And to you,  Mr Martens.

Reading this posting, you might think there wasn't any war at
all in Afghanistan during that time - no 1.5 million people
killed, no 5-6 million refugees, no 7,000 villages completely
destroyed by the invader through helicopter gunship bombing,
for instance.

What that invader's puppet forces did, according to this writer,
was in the main to institute a system of universal education,
put into effect a labour law, raise wages, subsidize pet-
rol etc etc. - all while the foreign ground and air forces they
had begged for on their knees to be sent in were ravaging the
country. And the most important ting of all they did was a
land reform - when in fact what was done to agriculture in
Afghanistan during the decade in question was its large-scale
destruction, when in fact the whole country was littered with
the enormous amount of anything between 10 and 60 million mines,
far more than had been used in any country in any of the world
wars and an enormous hindrance to the toiling of the land in
Afghanistan for many decades to come too.

Well, he concedes, those puppet forces made numerous (and
highly visible) errors. That's the *sum* of what he has to

UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war
[Posted: 09.10.96]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmaerkning:
FOERENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information a* la dernie*re page / Ver
informacio'n en la u'ltima pa'gina / Se information paa sista


Two recent UNITE! Info items, #16en and #17en, of 04.10.96 and
05.10.96 respectively, have been dealing indirectly and in part
also directly with the question of the aggression by Soviet so-
cial-imperialism (which today no longer is in existence as such)
against a third-world country, Afghanistan, in 1979-1989. This
item too, and now more or less wholly, will be dedicated to the
same theme. Why? Why do I hold this question to be such a rela-
tively important one?

The social-imperialists' overt aggression in Afghanistan in '79-
'89 today is already history. But it's still something which
shows up with quite extraordinary clarity the sharp difference
between Marxism, on the one hand, and revisionism, on the other.
And the phenomenon of revisionism, that's one of the most impor-
tant political phenomena of all in our century.

What is revisionism? It's Marxism, socialism, proletarian poli-
tics in *words* but bourgeois politics, even imperialism, in
*deeds*. A discussion on this phenomenon and its root causes
follows in one of the chapters below.

The openly bourgeois media, in the Western countries, for in-
stance, of course never use the word revisionism, at least not
in this important political sense. To them, everybody *is* a
Communist who has proclaimed him/her/self to be one, and the
same goes for parties - indeed, such revisionist parties as no
longer even find it tactically wise even to try to pose as
Communist still continue to be called so by the openly bour-
geois media. This of course is done in order to make it more
difficult for the masses of people to distinguish between actual
Communism on the one hand and revisionism on the other, and to
disredit the very idea of Communism. For Marxists, naturally
it's vital to draw a sharp dividing line between the genuine and
the faked (notwithstanding the fact that it sometimes may be
difficult to see which is which) and to enlighten everybody on

An infamous example of a state ruled by revisionists is the Chi-
na of today, which, as all (who know some elementary facts of
history) can see, is completely different from the earlier, so-
cialist China which was guided by Mao Zedong's genuinely Marxist
political line. An even more infamous example of such a state
was the Soviet Union of yesterday (from approximately the mid-
50:s until 1991).

The aggression of that state against Afghanistan exposed to the
whole world, even more clearly than its earlier crimes, the true
character of it, and importantly contributed to its eventual

Just as the US war of aggression in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
in the late '60:s and early '70:s very clearly and to the whole
world exposed the true character of US imperialism, and that of
its hackneyed supporters too, so did the Afghan war of the So-
viet Union expose the true character of *that* state and of
*its* hackneyed supporters.

This was so, despite the fact that in both of those cases of
superpower aggression there was a certain amount of meddling
on the part of the other superpower too, which tried to further
its own interests under the guise of supporting the resistance
of the respective country against the invader and his puppets.

After the invading Soviet troops were forced to leave Afghani-
stan, in 1989, internal strife has continued in that country,
undoubtedly to a great extent caused and aggravated by continued
interference by both superpowers. One of the warring factions,
the Taleban, recently conquered the capital and i.a. executed
one of the earlier leaders of the Soviet social-imperialists'
puppet regime in the country, Najibullah. This occasioned a
heated exchange among some people who all are calling themselves

I on my part expressed, on the Jefferson Village Virginia Marx-
ism list, my opinion that this at least was a just action on the
part of the Taleban. Some others protested against this, and in
quite violent terms too. They made clear their staunch support
for the earlier actions undertaken by the Soviet Union in Af-
ghanistan and for those of its puppet regime. How could someone
who *opposed* these very benficial and civilizing deeds even
be allowed on a Marxism list at all, how could he indeed be con-
sidered a civilized person? In this direction went one trend
of thought.

This discussion, or whatever you might call it, is the immediate
reason why I've now dedicated some Info items to the question of
events in Afghanistan 1979-1989. The present one contains the
following more or less brief 

Re: For Richard R, Barry S etc: On the SU's Afghan war, 1979-89 [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 05:20 2001-12-10 -0500, comrade mart, Canada,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], alias Thomas P. Murray,
USA, (only one of some 30 Murray cyber ghosts so far)

Rolf, you are one of the biggest ad most persistent TROLLS on the
the internet. *Nobody* gives a damn what you wrote in 1996...or at
any other time, before or since, for that matter.  You are a legend in
your own mind and the sooner you are banned from this list, (like
you have been banned from PTTP and other lists) the better.

Well, Thomas, you certainly are doing your best to give a
name to what I've called social-imperialism, social-fascism
and Quisling 'Marxism'. Confronted with what I'm pointing
out (again), all you can say is ban-ban-ban! in true Brezhnev
or - more pertinently today - Ashcroft style. Really a good
visual demonstration, Murray-mart!

Rolf M.

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Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 07:27 2001-12-10 -0800, Richard Roper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You are spouting absolute nonsense, and indeed
attempting to justify and support US. agressesion, as
well as supporting Imperialism.

The Russians did not Invade them on 7/12/79, in
spite of what Jimmy Human Rights Carter said at the
time since a major Covert Operation had started, under
Carter's signature on 3/7/79.

Quite clearly the government of that country was
entitled to ask for assistance, as did Nicaragua,
Angola, Mozambique etc. etc.

Yes, of course, ASSISTANCE it was! An ASSISTANCE
which meant that (as I repeat):

¤   1.5 million Afghans were killed
¤   5-6 million were forced to leave the country - the
 biggest refugee catastrophy in our time - and 1 million
 more forced to leave  their homes, to become refugees in
 Afghanistan itself
¤   7000 villages were annihilated and 5000 more seriously
¤   between 10 million (UN estimate) and 60 million (other
 estimates) mines were laid throughout the country by the
¤   these mines have so far caused 200,000 deaths and
 400,000 maimings; they continue today to take a heavy
 toll and several decades will be required for their
¤   large parts of the vital and scarce forests were sys-
 tematically destroyed by the Soviet forces
¤   the infrastructure and the fields for agriculture were
 destroyed to a great extent

What nice people it is who *support* this! What nice people
it is who say that *opposing* this means supporting
aggression by that other gangster, US imperialism!

As I wrote back in 1996 too:

One of the warring factions,
the Taleban, recently conquered the capital and i.a. executed
one of the earlier leaders of the Soviet social-imperialists'
puppet regime in the country, Najibullah. This occasioned a
heated exchange among some people who all are calling
themselves Marxists.

I on my part expressed, on the Jefferson Village Virginia Marx-
ism list, my opinion that this at least was a just action on the
part of the Taleban

Let's hope that the present-day Najibullahs, whether they
are quislings of the Russian new tsarists or of the US
imperialists (or of both), will meet with the same fate,
and not only those in Afghanistan either.

Rolf M.

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Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 3/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 07:36 2001-12-10 -0800, Richard Roper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kindly do not clutter up this antinato list with your
cant and hypocrisy.

Yes, Richard, now you're talking! Now you're showing
up, just like that colleague of yours, Thomas mart P.
Murray (see other posting!), your true colours, in that
oh-so-well-known fashion of the Brezhnevs, the Ashcrofts
etc: ban-ban-ban!; we have no arguments against what
you're saying anymore than an attempt to shut you up!.

Rolf M.

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Re: Rolf - Barry shows his (Brezhnev/Aschroft type) hand too! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 14:23 2001-12-10 -0500, Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If there's a show of hands, mine goes for getting rid of Rolf with his
interminable and ill-titled 'Unite' spam, his churlish 'debates' and his
unceasing sectarianism.

Yes of course, Barry, what else was to be expected from you too -
when you've run out of arguments totally and are standing there
with your arch-reactionary political line quite bare-assed - than

For this very typically Brezhnev/Ashcroft political line, - just make
those who're exposing us shut up! - those other staunch Leftists
Richard Najibullah-1 Roper and Thomas P. mart Najibullah-2
Murrey already have raised *their* hands.

Only you were - so far - missing. But here you are too, Barry
Najibullah-3 Stoller!

Pretty educating, I at least hope all this is, to all other
list subscribers, concerning one phenomenon that all
genuine leftists and NATO opponents are up against too!

Rolf M.

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Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 10:57 2001-12-10 -0500, mart [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
alias Thomas P. Murrey, wrote:

Hi Richard,
I know  this Rolf  guy. He is a professional TROLL and this is his stock
and trade - making ridiculous statement and then getting people to respond
to him. It doesn't matter what you say to this guy or how many ways you
prove him wrong. He has tried to wreck several other e-groups with this
tactic and  was eventually, thrown off them and banned. Unfortunately, not
before he literally drove away much of the membership with his endless rants
and tirade that escalated to him making personal threats and publishing
ridiculous statements and personal information about other group members.
His goal is to clog up the lists with posts by and about him.  Apparently,
he has now targeted this list. I suggest the best tactic would be to ignore
him and not respond to his statements. You can't win with this guy and it
only feeds his warped ego and his need to feel important.

What, Thomas P. mart Najibullah-2 Murray? No ban-ban-ban! any
more, as in your first reply?? Now that you're even already getting
support for this from Barry Najibullah-3 Stoller too??

You don't think that this quite openly-Brezhnev/Ashcroft-type shut'em
up! line will work, after all? That it's too revealing, concerning you
and your phonyleftist ilk?

Well, that's somewhat s-mart of you anyway, miserable Murray-Burray-

Rolf M.

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Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 14:32 2001-12-10 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's hope that the present-day Najibullahs, whether they
are quislings of the Russian new tsarists or of the US
imperialists (or of both), will meet with the same fate,
and not only those in Afghanistan either.

Rolf M.

I believe that this form of justice was invented in the wild west...

Well, yes, I see what you mean. That crook Najibullah didn't get
a proper trial. I hold that killing him just like that was a good
thing anyway - the facts in that case were very clear to all.

Proper trials *are* better of course. This is my opinion too.
My infamous ex-countryman Vidkun Quisling, for instance,
that original colleague of Najibullah, did get one, back in
1945-46, and was duly hung, according to all rules and
proper procedures. Some more of those people really
should have been too.

Rolf M.

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Re: 10 years on: Capitalism brings ruin to Russia - no, 40 years [WWW.STOPNAT

2001-12-09 Thread Rolf Martens


At 03:27 2001-12-08 -0800, Richard Roper wrote:


It's of crucial importance at this time to realise
what happened in Afghanistan for obvious reasons.

I am amazed by this type of comment on this site.

Jimmy Carter signed for large scale Covert Operations
against Afghanistan on 3rd July 1979, six months
before the intervention. This is all from the horse's
mouth - Zbigniew Brisinski - who also wrote Carter a
note on the same day saying it would produce Soviet

We should also be aware of Krushchev's - essentially
he was trying to do a deal economically with America -
but this is far being socio-imperialism.

So of course it was *Carter and Brezinski* (US)
who invaded Afghanistan in 1979, eventually had
100,000+ troops there, devastated large parts
of the country, forced some 5 millions to flee,
etc, etc, and not the Soviet social-imperialists!
Their scumbag oh-so-communist friends, who
kept applauding this brotherly help had nothing
to do with this either, huh? Not one bit better than
the US (traditionally-)imperialist murderers are
those people; this it's imperative that everyone
sees today too.

Rolf M.

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Re: 10 years on: Capitalism brings ruin to Russia - no, 40 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-09 Thread Rolf Martens


At 11:55 2001-12-08 -0500, Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rolf M.:

  Your subject line should have been 40 years on..., Barry!

  The former socialism in the Soviet Union was not overthrown in 1991,
 of course, but in the late 50s / early 60s, and social-imperialism, one
 kind of that impossible capitalism too, established there...

According to you, 'real' Soviet socialism ended sometime around 1953

No, some 3-10 years later than that.

According to the Trots, 'real' Soviet socialism ended sometime around

And according to the Menshviks, there wasn't even any 'real' Soviet

All you three sectarian groups do is play the utopian nihilism game with
minor variations.

It's boring.

To those who don't care about such things as facts -
or, to be more precise, to those who feel uncomfy
about the facts because of their long-time support
of an arch-reactionary power - yes, of course it's

Rolf M.

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Re: 10 years on: Capitalism brings ruin to Russia - no, 40 years [WWW.STOPNATO

2001-12-08 Thread Rolf Martens


At 06:58 2001-12-06 -0500, Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AFP. 5 December 2001. Russia's dashed hopes.

MOSCOW -- At a glance Russia has made remarkable progress in the 10
years since the Soviet Union officially ceased to exist...

Your subject line should have been 40 years on..., Barry!
The former socialism in the Soviet Union was not overthrown
in 1991, of course, but in the late 50s / early 60s, and
social-imperialism, one kind of that impossible capitalism too,
established there. This it's important to see, in order fully to
understand the causes of the present disaster. One of them
was that typically imperialist war against Afghanistan, for
instance, 1979-1989.

One very good article on that overthrow is the Chinese one
from 1964: On Khrushchov's Phoney Communism and Its
Historical Lessons for the World. It can be found on David
Romagnolo's excellent site Marx to Mao at

Also for other reasons it's important today to see the difference
between actual and phony socialism.

Rolf M. 

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Re: UNITE! Info #158en: Kama Ado - US: nothing happened [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-07 Thread Rolf Martens


I think that this war has seen the US establishment and its allies engage 
in systematic lying and the concealment of information and events, though 
with so much at stake ruling classes do not act like truth-telling boy 
scouts anyway.
In earlier posts I overstated the Taliban's powers of resistance. 
Unfortunately, I think the US etc. authorities will begin attacking other 
countries, thinking that they had a relatively easy ride in Afghanistan. I 
believe the next target is Iraq, which indeed has never stopped being 
attacked. The signals that Iraq is next up for assault are very strong. 
Other countries like Britain and Turkey are being pulled into line for 
just such an attack.

Steve K.

Yes, you're right, Steve. I on my part am guessing, though,
that the US authorities will not dare an all-out war against
Iraq soon. The British ones for instance seem to be rather
much against it, and some influential US circles too. The
international resistance by the people against the Afghanistan
war has had some effect, I think. One should of course be
prepared against all possible new atrocities anyway. And that
war which still is going on against Iraq - constant air attacks,
the murderous economic blockade - is outrageous enough.
As we probably all agree, it must be strongly protested
against and brought to an end too.

Rolf M.

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UNITE! Info #158en: Kama Ado - US: nothing happened [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-06 Thread Rolf Martens
 for years against the Soviet Union, but I've never
seen him look so vulnerable. I sent them there myself yester-
day,'' was all he could say. I sent them for security.''

But the commander provided us with mujahedin escorts of our
own, and we set off down the road to Landi Khiel. We found the
ruins of the office where the first lot of soldiers had died,
and the guesthouse where they perished the previous morning.
And there, in the ruins of a family house, was a small frag-
ment of nothing. It was the tail-end of a compact bomb. It
bore the words Surface Attack Guided Missile AGM 114, and a
serial number: 232687. It was half-buried in the remains of
the straw roof of a house where three men had died: Fazil
Karim, his brother Mahmor Ghulab, and his nephew Hasiz Ullah.
They were a family, just ordinary people, said Haji Mohammed
Nazir, the local elder who was accompanying us. They were not
terrorists - the terrorists are in the mountains, over there.

So we drove on in the direction of the White Mountains, where
hundreds of al-Qa'ida members, and perhaps even Osama bin
Laden himself, are hiding in the Tora Bora cave complex. A
B-52 was high in the sky; a billow of black smoke was visible,
blooming out of the valley. Something, surely, was happening
over there. And then we reached the ruins of Kama Ado. Among
the pathetic remains I found only one sinister object ­ an old
leather gun holster with an ammunition belt. It is conceivable
that a handful of al-Qa'ida members had been spending the
night there, and that US targeters learnt of their presence.

But after 22 years of war, almost every Afghan home contains
some military relic, and the villagers swore they hadn't seen
Arab or Taliban fighters for a fortnight. Certainly there
could not have been enough terrorists to fill the 40 fresh
graves. One person told me a few holes contained not intact
people, but simply body parts.

We had been warned that white faces would meet an angry re-
ception in the village where nothing happened, but I encoun-
tered despair and bafflement. I had only one moment of real
fear, when an American B-52 flew overhead. We halted our con-
voy, clambered out of the cars and trotted into the fields on
either side. The plane did a slow circle; I was conscious of
electronic eyes looking down on us, the only traffic on the
road. Then, to everyone's relief, the bomber veered away.

Before we left the city, an American colleague in Jalalabad
telephoned the Pentagon and informed them of our plans to
travel to the village where nothing happened. I can't help
wondering, in these looking-glass times, what that B-52 would
have done to our convoy if that telephone call had not been
made. Perhaps nothing would have happened to me too.

© 2001 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd


FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. Each
item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaflets in
the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly in Swedish,
since 1975 are available on request.

Befürwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Zedong.
Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n) gesandt
werden. Flugblätter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von mir haupt-
sächlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veröffentlicht, sind auf An-
frage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s). Vo-
lantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi principale-
ment en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur demande.

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong. Ca-
da número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su disposi-
ción, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la serie IN-
FORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en sueco desde

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje. Varje
nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk. Flygblad i
serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvudsakligen på
svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

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(reserve, since Oct 2000:)

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NEWS ON CONGO 039: President Kabila's UN speech [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-06 Thread Rolf Martens
 undertaken by the Congolese re-
bels, at the instigation of Rwanda and in violation of the Lu-
saka Accord, of the DDRRR plan and of all the pertinent reso-
lutions of the Security Council.

This resolution I am welcoming also since it notably envisages
the deployment of Phase III of the MONUC, the demilitarisation
of the city of Kisangani, the neutrality of the city of Kindu
and the reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Mr President,

In this statement of mine I have condemned those ignoble acts
which have been perpetrated against the people of the United
States of America and the people in the whole world.

I have pointed to the catastrophic situation in my country due
to the war of aggression since three years back.

I have noted significant progress of the peace process in the
Democratic Republic of Congo, which unfortunately risks being
compromised on account of the bad faith of Rwanda and its Con-
golese accomplices of the rebellion.

I have underlined how indispensible is help by the internatio-
nal community for a successful outcome of this process and
the start of reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of

The Congolese people who has suffered so much only asks one
thing of the UN and of the international community: That jus-
tice be done, for the weak as well as for the strong, for the
rich and for the poor.

Mr President, your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I thank


NEWS ON CONGO postings bring statements by the Congo National
Association in Sweden and the DR Congo Committee in Sweden and
also reproduce information and analysis from other sources.

[This endnote is being updated continually, in order to show
readers where at the time they can best get information. Last
update of this note: 07.12.2001.]

Some websites with information in English and/or in French on
the DR Congo:

Official site of the DR Congo:

Site of the DR Congo's Permanent Mission at the UN:
(With much information, i.a. continually updated news in French
and English; NB new address this year)

Kinshasa newspaper l'Avenir:

Great Lakes Press:

Congo 2000:

Two Belgium-based sites support the struggle of the DR Congo: and

Two other Belgium-based sites: ATMA: and Congon-
line: (the last only for subscribers).

An English-language website managed by Richard Alcorn, USA,
with i.a. much material from August 1998 on from us supporters
of the DR Congo in Sweden:
(This site has no more recent material; last updated Nov 1998)
(Replaces an earlier site, Africanews)

(Managed by Ed Marek, formerly of the US Air Force. Often ap-
parently well-informed and, of late, containing considerable
criticism of the official US position on the aggression. Its
informations should be treated with great caution anyway, ex-
perience shows.)

Rebel aggressor puppets, a site based in South Africa:

Three discussions sites of interest:
(Belgium-based. E-group discussions are in French and English.
For participation, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or congokin_
(Congo Defence Fund)
(New, founded 09.11.2001)

Some contact addresses:

Congo National Association
Box 5343 SE - 102 45
Tel:+46 - 8 - 471 96 26 (chairman)
 +46 - 8 - 84 57 18  (facility)
Fax:+46 - 8 - 751 26 06

DR Congo Committee (Chairman: Bony Ndjov-a-Shamalo)
c/o Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe

Tel:   +46 - 40 - 12 48 32

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UNITE! Info #157en: 1/2 The Afghanistan war success [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-11-28 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #157en: 1/2 The Afghanistan war success
[Posted: 29.11.01]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmärkning:
¡UNIOS! / FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information à la dernière page / Ver
información en la última página / Se information på sista sidan


Last Monday, 26.11, US president Bush made a public statement
concerning the aims of the US imperialists, who now are clai-
ming that their massive bombing of poor and distant Afghanistan
during more than a month has brought a success which should
be applauded at least by the people in the rich countries.

According to press reports, Bush said that the war in Afgha-
nistan was only the beginning of the war against(!) terro-
rism. He in the same breath added war threats against two
other, likewise poor and distant, countries, Iraq in the Middle
East and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK or
North Korea) in East Asia. He warned those two smaller
countries that there would be consequences(!) [for them] for
producing weapons of mass destruction(!).

There apparently was no attempt in that speech of the US presi-
dent's at justifying these war threats by a belief that
the governments of those countries, or forces harboured by
them, were somehow responsible, wholly or in part, for those
infamous attacks which killed some 4,000 people, quite in the
main innocent civilians, in the USA on 11 September.

Such an attempt would have been ridiculous too, in the present
situation. As everybody can see, nothwithstanding those nega-
tive traits which the regimes of both Iraq and the DPRK do
have - the latter of course not a socialist one but one of a
particular revisionist type, though it on some points rightly
opposes imperialism in the world - none of those regimes could
reasonably have found it to be in its interest to organize or
support such terror attacks in the USA as those of 11.09.

And above all of course, neither Iraq nor North Korea have
anything even nearly like those resources which were needed
for that very sophisticated atrocious operation of simul-
taneously hijacking four large passenger aircraft in the USA
and flying three of them smack into the WTC towers and the
Pentagon, all within less than two hours.

The same goes for those other distant and extremely poor coun-
tries which have recently been mentioned too by US or other
imperialist representatives as possible targets for mass de-
struction - Sudan, Yemen, Somalia - and for any forces har-
boured by them.

Neither could Afghanistan under that reactionary and oppressive
Taliban regime which today is being replaced by another and no
less reactionary (respectively, by conditions of warlordism
and banditry), or the so-called al Qaeda network in that coun-
try, possibly have organized those attacks. This pretext for
the continued atrocity of bombing the cities of Afghanistan is
a ludicrous one indeed, so ludicrous that it in part has been
replaced by another one, that of the US and other imperia-
lists' wanting to end(!) the oppression in Afghanistan and
to develop(!) that country. As if what they have always
been doing, all over the world, is not precisely the opposite,
and today precisely more and more so.

Who did have the technical and logistic resources necessary
for the terror attacks in New York and Washington on 11.09?
Who did have a very strong motive for such an atrocity against
the people in the USA, and indirectly against the people in
all other countries too, in the situation in the world at the

None other than the US imperialists themselves, respectively,
some faction or other within that ruling group of people in
the USA, at any rate persons with influence and contacts at a
very high level indeed within the present US administration.

This obvious fact - of course - is being denigrated completely
by all the reactionary international mass media, whose repor-
ting on the most vital subjects in many different fields has
steadily become more and more completely divorced from reali-
ty, not just since a couple of months back but since many
years back. This they are not breathing one word about.

It's necessary to point out, and to repeat, who - approximate-
ly who - very obviously did organize the 11 September atroci-
ties, and why. If you don't see this, you cannot understand
even approximately what is really going on today, concerning
Afghanistan and in the whole world too.

To make out more precisely what, very established, forces in
the USA were behind the 11.09 co-ordinated attacks is diffi-
cult of course and will continue to be so, on account of the
massive smokescreens. Some of those rather few Internet

UNITE! Info #157en: 2/2 The Afghanistan war success [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-11-28 Thread Rolf Martens
 série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi principale-
ment en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur demande.

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong. Ca-
da número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su disposi-
ción, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la serie IN-
FORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en sueco desde

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje. Varje
nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk. Flygblad i
serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvudsakligen på
svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)

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UNITE! Info #154en: A strange accident in France [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-24 Thread Rolf Martens
 in some earlier items, in English, German respectively
Swedish, of this series. For a more comprehensive and detailed
treatment of this subject (as far as possible, based on the in-
formation available to me), I refer present readers to this
planned later item.

One relatively smaller thing at least is worth mentioning in
this connection, in my judgement: On Saturday, a depot of some
5,000 tons of automobile tires in the harbour of Malmoe, Swe-
den, from which this Info is being posted, caught fire due to
a so far unknown cause; it still is burning despite the ef-
forts of some 70 firefighters, with a big pall of smoke for
the time being blowing out towards the sea. Two persons are
reported to have been slightly injured by this fire.

Some events in the past which there have been reasons to sus-
pect were sabotages by big-time reactionaries in fact have
appeared to have quite small, though consistent, forces of
opposition to those reactionaries as their indirect targets.
There is a possibility, in my opinion, that this event here in
Malmoe was caused by a displeasure on the part of some such
reactionaries with, for instance, the latest Info in this se-
ries, which opposed the mendacious propaganda in connection
with the reactionary atrocities in the USA on 11.09: 'UNITE!
Info #153en: The people is target; an inside job', of 20.09.
It's also possible of course that this fire was accidential,
or else due to some crime or other not connected with poli-
tics, and that its point in time was a coincidence.

FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. Each
item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaflets in
the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly in Swedish,
since 1975 are available on request.

Befürwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Zedong.
Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n) gesandt
werden. Flugblätter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von mir haupt-
sächlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veröffentlicht, sind auf An-
frage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s). Vo-
lantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi principale-
ment en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur demande.

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong. Ca-
da número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su disposi-
ción, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la serie IN-
FORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en sueco desde

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje. Varje
nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk. Flygblad i
serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvudsakligen på
svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
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UNITE! Info #153en: People is target; an inside job [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-20 Thread Rolf Martens
 foisted upon
a gullible US public to push them into supporting the war
against Vietnam.

Bamford begins Chapter Four of his book by describing the bi-
zarre cold-war atmosphere in the US in 1960, with the witch-
hunts of McCarthyism a recent event, and US military leadership
full of paranoid arch-reactionary attitudes.

According to secret and long-hidden documents obtained for Body
of Secrets, the Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up and approved
plans for what may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the
U.S. government.  In the name of anticommunism, they proposed
launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their
own country in order to trick the American public into suppor-
ting an ill-conceived war they intended to launch against Cuba.

Codenamed Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written
approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American
streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on
the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched
in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere.  People would be
framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hi-
jacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Cas-
tro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as
the public and international backing, they needed to launch
their war.


That particularly corrupt plan in the end was not carried
out. Among similar plans that - most probably - was, the hos-
tage-taking incident at the Japanese embassy in Lima, Peru,
between December 1996 and April 1997 is worth mentioning.

In Peru, a people's war against the reactionary government of
Fujimori had been going on since 1980, led by the PCP, a party
of genuinely revolutionary character, as far as can be ascer-
tained, though also with serious faults in its line. In a much-
publicized action, a so-called competing guerilla organiza-
tion the MRTA, rather clearly a puppet of US imperialism,
attacked the Japanese embassy in Lima in December 1996 on the
occasion of a gathering of many ambassadors, and took everyone
present hostage; the US ambassador to Peru happened to have
left the building half an hour before. Eventually the embassy
was stormed in April 1997 by the forces of Fujimori, who kil-
led several of the hostage-takers.

Several things pointed to this being a PsyOp of the US impe-
rialists: Their obvious interest in combating the actual peop-
le's war and creating a false impression concerning it, their
likewise obvious concern about the considerable influence of
the Japanese bourgeoisie in Peru and some other South American
countries at the time and their dissatisfaction (already)
then with their muppet at that time in Peru, Fujimori, who was
eventually replaced some years later.

In connection with the recent events, this mode of operation
of some forces within US imperialism (as it most likely was)
not so long ago also merits attention.

FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. Each
item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaflets in
the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly in Swedish,
since 1975 are available on request.

Befürwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Zedong.
Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n) gesandt
werden. Flugblätter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von mir haupt-
sächlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 veröffentlicht, sind auf An-
frage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s). Vo-
lantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi principale-
ment en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur demande.

Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong. Ca-
da número # se envía en uno o más idiomas. Están a su disposi-
ción, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la serie IN-
FORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por mi principalmente en sueco desde

Förespråkar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje. Varje
nummer # kommer att sändas på ett eller flera språk. Flygblad i
serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvudsakligen på
svenska sedan 1975, kan fås på begäran.

Postal address:

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38U4
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

E-mail (main, since Oct 1995:)
(reserve, since Oct 2000:)

This Discussion List is the follow-up for the old stopnato that has been 
shut down

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