[cia-drugs] President-Elect BarackObama

2008-11-26 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Major announcement from BarackTuesday, November 25, 2008 3:19 PM
From: David Plouffe, BarackObama.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Theresa J. 
Theresa J. --
Today and yesterday, President-elect Barack Obama announced key members of an 
economic team tasked with creating jobs, stabilizing the economy, and getting 
our country back on track.
Barack is bringing together some of the best minds in the country to make swift 
progress on the economic challenges we face. 
Timothy F. Geithner, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 
will serve as Secretary of the Treasury. Lawrence H. Summers, former Secretary 
of the Treasury under President Clinton, will serve as Director of the National 
Economic Council.
Christina D. Romer will serve as Director of the Council of Economic Advisers, 
Melody C. Barnes will serve as Director of the Domestic Policy Council, and 
Heather A. Higginbottom will serve as Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy 
Peter Orszag, currently Director of the Congressional Budget Office, will serve 
as Office of Management and Budget Director, and Rob Nabors will serve as 
Deputy Director. 
Watch the video of Barack's announcement yesterday and learn more about the 
economic team:
Barack's economic team has already begun work on a recovery plan, and he'll 
provide progress updates in the coming weeks. He'll also provide their initial 
recommendations to the incoming Congress.
You'll be instrumental in generating support to pass legislation that puts 
America on the road to recovery.
While we can't underestimate the challenge we face, we also can't underestimate 
the opportunity we have to bring the change our country needs.
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Paid for by Obama for America
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Flag this messageTell President-elect Obama the Pickens Plan is the 
answer!Saturday, November 22, 2008 1:12 PM
From: T. Boone Pickens [EMAIL PROTECTED]View contact details To: Theresa 
J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED]Having trouble reading this email? View it on our 
Boone here,
Please take a minute or two and click here to check out Barack Obama’s 
transition website. He’s asking people to tell him what they think. It’s a 
perfect opportunity for each one of us, including me, to tell him and his 
people about our plan and why we believe it’s important to reduce our 
dependence on foreign oil. 
Two times during the campaign, President-elect Obama said, “for the sake of our 
economy, our security, and the future of our planet, I will set a clear goal as 
president: In 10 years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the 
Middle East. We will do this. Washington has been talking about our oil 
addiction for the last 30 years.
He gets it! He knows what the problem is. Now we just have to make sure his 
people know that the Pickens Plan is the answer.
I’m headed to the ranch for Thanksgiving with my family -- and hopefully a 
couple days of rest. But when I get back, we’ll roll up our sleeves and get 
back to business.
In the meantime, have a great week and know that I’m grateful for all you’ve 
done, and that our country is going to be a better place because of the work 
we’re doing together.

PS Click here to let me and the rest of the Army know what message you left for 
President-elect Obama on his transition website.
If you feel you have received this message in error, we apologize. You can 
unsubscribe at any time.
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[cia-drugs] M,Obama(1)FCC(2)BIden(3)Al.F(4)P.Leahy(5)Women(6)Env(7)Pickens(8) PLUS Jay-Kenn(9) DNC +

2008-11-01 Thread Quechick Barnyard


[cia-drugs] FW: Alaskan Gifts to the World: Palin Varnished Moose Turds

2008-10-23 Thread Quechick Barnyard

--- On Wed, 10/22/08, Amy Muhs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: FW: Alaskan Gifts to the World: Palin  Varnished Moose Turds
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 11:07 PM

My niece lives in Alaska .  What he says is true.  She is different.   Amy
From: Barbara Subject: Alaskan Gifts to the World: Palin  Varnished Moose Turds



By now the world knows our Gov. Palin is an expert at swishing around
in color coordinated this and that, with her makeup, fake Minnesota
accent, and her mooseburger and mean-spirited commentary. 

We can only hope people realize that's not what our state is about and 

that she's a pretty atypical Alaskan, one who is simply skimming 

the gravy off our hard-earned Alaskan mystique 

to mix with her varnished nonsense. 

(And yes, some Alaskans do sell varnished moose turds, also.)

In the Arctic where global warming is melting our world regardless of
Palin's lone charge against reality, her alleged appeal leaves many of
us cold. With our long winters and tough trails, we still value a beaver
hat and common sense more than high heels and clip-on hairdos.  We
simply don't want another leader less intelligent than we are.



Published on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 by the Alaska Dispatch
That Sarah Palin Is One Unreal Alaskan
by Seth Kantner

I'm sitting on my bearskin chair beside the woodstove, in Kotzebue
Alaska , fifty miles above the Arctic Circle , while outside the ocean
begins to freeze over. Inside I have about 49 things piling up to say to
you, America .  

I'm an Alaskan -- born in an igloo, enjoy whale muktuk, all that -- and
in case you aren't sick of our state by now, I'll start off with an
apology for one of our residents: Sarah Palin.

We Alaskans are not generally so magazine-pretty like her, nor are we
so confrontational and vapid.  Most of us don't have those peachy cheeks 

-- we have sunburn, windburn and frostbite. Our fingernails are dirty from 

actually gutting moose, not yakking about it. Our hands are chapped from 

picking thousands of salmon out of nets, not holding one up for the camera.

Having said that, here in Alaska we are accustomed to getting jobs
we're not qualified to fill.  In our far-flung villages and towns we
have big money surrounded by big wilderness; the combination causes 

warped career opportunities.  Sort of an Edge of Nowhere phenomenon

 --cousin to the Bridge to Nowhere one.

For example, in the village closest to the wilderness homestead where I
was raised, I remember standing in my friend's cabin when his dad 

got a call on the CB radio: People are writing you in for mayor.

Nope! my friend's dad transmitted. Tell ‘em no, I ain't doing that.. 

He spit in a can, peered out the door at his Honda generator 

-- idling rough -- an extension cord running up the hill and under his door, 

to power the rerun of Dukes of Hazard he was watching. 

If he'd lived in Wasilla 25 years later he could have responded, 

Call Sarah, she'll want it.

Similar stories abound. Jimmy: who got the dogcatcher job by telling
the interviewer, I can shoot a shotgun, .30-06, .308...  Or my
friend Ian, who this summer worked with computers

-until he was named CEO of a $45 million corporation. 

Tougher in Alaska ?  Not necessarily. Here most anyone can be
dogcatcher, city planner, governor, with little or no experience. That's
one beauty of our state -- although, often the only thing keeping it all
working is the lubrication provided by obscene amounts of money. 

Sitting on this worn-to-the-hide bearskin chair of mine, scribbling, I
pause to glance at a month-old newspaper before I stuff it in the stove.
Lo! There's yet another photo of Gov. Palin; she's sitting in a glass
office in Anchorage , with a bearskin, too, draped across the back 

of her expensive couch. Sarah's wearing heels. 

The bear's wearing a fake head with a plastic snarl.  In the foreground 

on a glass table crouches something with pincers--a taxidermied king crab!  

I'll have to show this crab photo to my Eskimo friends I grew up with.
We simply never contemplated such wanton unAlaskanness.  

Why not eat the damn thing?  We ate this bear I'm sitting on, 

including the paws and jaw and fat-some of which we ate raw, 

while some got rendered for piecrusts.

Out beyond my window, the slush ice is thickening.  In the west lie the
Bering Straits. Yes, Vladimir Putin and Moscow are over there somewhere 

-- a little closer than London . Plenty of us reside hundreds of miles closer 
to Russia 

than Palin ever did down in the big cities of Wasilla or Juneau .  

In the past 40 years Russians have motored across a handful of times, 

Russian Eskimos, in homemade boats. One that I know stayed, and married.  

She's an Eskimo dancer and ivory carver, very capable and beautiful, in a real 

And, I guess like the rest of 

[cia-drugs] Protest(1)Vote(2)Cheney(3)Rove(4)ImmigID(5)Environ.(6)BigMediaFC(7)

2008-07-22 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Nationwide Protests to Oppose War with Iran Alison Raphael, OneWorld US 
Fri Jul 18, 11:50 AM ET
WASHINGTON, Jul 18 (OneWorld) - Street demonstrations, teach-ins, vigils, and 
freezes are among the events planned for this weekend as part of a nationwide 
protest against what are widely perceived to be moves by the George W. Bush 
administration toward military conflict with Iran. 
Freezes, involving a large number of people standing in place for five 
minutes, are planned for key locations in New York City such as Grand Central 
Station and Penn Station, as well as Chicago's Millennium Park and Santa 
Monica, California.
The term and new form of street action derive from the state of U.S.-Iran 
relations. The Bush administration says Iran must freeze its uranium enrichment 
program in order to defrost relations between the two countries and avoid 
further sanctions.
Elsewhere anti-war and religious groups, students, trade unions, and others 
will participate in Call to Action: No War with Iran co-sponsored by New 
York-based United for Peace and Justice and Washington, D.C.-based Peace 
Actions are planned in such diverse locations as Champaign-Urbana, Illinois; 
Melbourne, Florida; Philadelphia; San Francisco; and Waterloo, Iowa.
Two thirds of Americans asked during a recent Gallup poll whether they favor 
diplomatic initiatives or military action against Iran said they wanted the 
U.S. government to pursue peaceful negotiations.
While demonstrators around the United States drive home that point, a 
high-ranking U.S. diplomat will attend a meeting Saturday in Switzerland with 
an Iranian diplomat -- a rare break with Bush administration practice that has 
largely shunned direct talks with Iranian officials.
William Burns will attend the Geneva meeting involving Iran and a group of 
European Union countries trying to break through the current impasse, but White 
House spokesperson Dana Perino has characterized Burns' presence as a one-time 
U.S. participation.
The meeting is aimed at convincing Iran to accept a package of incentives 
offered last month by Western nations, in exchange for ceasing to enrich 
To date Iran has rejected the package, and earlier this month held highly 
publicized missile tests to show its level of seriousness. At the same time, 
rumors were rife that Washington is working behind the scenes with Israel to 
prepare a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Some experts argue that these rumors, whether or not they are true, have a 
negative impact by fueling Iranian nationalism, entrenching the stance of 
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, heightening tensions, and ultimately leading to 
intransigence and events such as the Iranian missile tests.
Media reports suggest that a pro-Israel lobby group is pressuring Congress to 
impose a naval blockade on Iran, which would be considered an act of war. 
In response, protestors in Columbus, Ohio plan a Peace Boat Blockade for 
Monday, involving a march on the offices of Republican Congressman Patrick 
Tiberi, who supports the blockade, carrying toy boats, submarines, and 
airplanes to demonstrate the crazy policy that this blockade symbolizes.
The demonstrations are scheduled for Jul. 19-21. Following the series of street 
actions planned for Saturday and Sunday, Monday has been designated 
Congressional Education Day. Protestors will lobby Congress to hold back 
plans for war with Iran.
OneWorld TV: U.S. Presidential Candidates Threaten War on Iran
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Re: Fortress WashingtonSunday, July 20, 2008 10:31 AM
Now that the Bush administration has made a shambles of everything for the past 
seven and a half years, Bush is calling for Congress to perform miracles and 
save this nation from total collapse. Never in all this country's history has 
such incompetence and abuse of power prevailed until he entered the White 
House.  The Republican majority in Congress attempted for eight straight years 
to remove President Clinton from office without justification. Then, for six 
straight years the Republican majority supported the disastrous Bush 
administration, in effect, a rubberstamp, do-nothing congress. What an example 
of pure hypocrisy and abuse of power. All the power was delivered to Bush on a 
silver platter, to use it without any oversight by the Republican majority. And 
today, with only a one vote Democrat majority in the Senate, it still goes on.  
The Bush administration has in many instances, revealed it believes it is 
unanswerable to anyone, and above the
 laws of the land. This is definitely the stand taken by rule
rs or dictators, not a U.S. president.  The Bush administration has violated 
the Constitution in order to protect itself from the people, and use secrecy to 
hide the abuse of power and prevent the 

[cia-drugs] Clark(1)ACLU(2)Carville(3)Tex(4)Pelosi(5)Noriega(6)Co-Sponser(7)

2008-07-16 Thread Quechick Barnyard


[cia-drugs] Reid(1)Begala(2)Schumer(3)Moveon(4)Russ(5)Levin(6)Colombia(7)

2008-07-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard

Now is your chance to tell DSCC who you want us to vote for, by the donations 
we send
in.  This is quite a table turn, we should be honored for trust from our 
Democratic Congress and those to come. We must have and keep those who will be 
warriors for the Demcoratic Platform in what we believe it means to be An 
American Patiot, yet we have seen those warriors in our Democratic Congress 
holding the line for our U. S. Constitutional Laws and rights, without much 
success, but just to keep fighting stands for something. It has been a long and 
hard struggle, it is simple, those who do not believe in our U. S. 
Constitutional laws and order, and our rights, and were  humiliated in order to 
stand steadfast. At the present we have a veto king and a Filibustering GOP 
neo-con Senate and house, who obeys their king. We prefer to keep law and order 
for a 
lawless land cannot stand. We all know that, so weigh you standards and get 
busy. We need to put our money where our mouth is. It is costly, but to keep 
those we love and respect, and to get new ones that can and will follow the U. 
S. Constiutional laws, order and rights. Just to think about it, no one should 
not be allowed to offer a bill or law which is not covered by our Constitution, 
and it covers nearly everything one can think of.  Encluding treason, ie.
I reccommend we all get a list started, for there are a lot of new ones whom we 
hope will be replacing many of the Retiring Republican Senators, as well as our 
senators who fought the good fight, and stands up.  We have a lot of those, who 
are still on our side as AMericans. One reason impeachment is always apt, in 
this case to prevent future executive office holders to attempt the same thing 
of running RoughShod over our U.S.Constitution. Integrity and perserverance 
goes a long way. And don't forget the over 2/3rd of the Senate and Congress in 
2008, this is imperative, that way we have a chance at getting our country and 
U.S.Constitution Back and our rights, of course.
We are Americans who live in America and whose ancestors built America.  It is 
in our genes. So we have a job to do and it won't be easy, but now is the time 
to start getting it done. 
Turning the tablesTuesday, July 1, 2008 2:45 PM
From: Harry Reid To: Theresa J. Steed  
Dear Theresa J.,
From the beginning I've wanted GiveEmHellHarry.com to be driven by you. Now, I 
need you to make a choice. Which Senate challenger do you want to hear from 
and raise money for?
You've raised ten of thousands of dollars for candidates - close to $1,000,000 
2006 - and directly helped Democrats take back the Senate. But today, the 
tables are turning - you're going to tell us who to raise money for. It's time 
for you to choose where we as a community direct our energy, enthusiasm, and 
Click here to vote in the first round, before the July 10th deadline! 
To pump up the excitement even more, we're going to have two rounds of voting - 
first round voting starts now, and ends on July 10th - and second round voting 
starts right after that. The winner of the second round will get to send two 
emails to the GiveEmHellHarry.com list, helping them build the resources needed 
to win this fall and reach our 60 Senator filibuster-proof majority. But hurry! 
The deadline to vote is July 10th. 
Vote before the July 10th deadline!
I'm looking forward to seeing which Senate challenger you pick. But I'm 
especially looking forward to throwing our support behind that challenger, and 
getting even closer to a 60 Senator Democratic majority. 
So, what are you still reading this for? Vote today!
Thanks for all you do, 
Harry Reid
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe, go to: http://www.giveemhellharry.com/unsubscribe
Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 

Cry BabiesWednesday, July 2, 2008 1:53 PM
From: Paul Begala To: Theresa Steed  
Dear Theresa,
Apparently, it didn't take long for the Grand Oil Party to come unglued. 
After I called their fat-cat funders a bunch of dirtbags in my email to you on 
Sunday, they started squealing like a pig stuck under a gate. 
House Republicans are crying so hard over my dirtbag comment, you'd think 
they just found out they were forced to spend the Fourth of July quail-hunting 
with Dick Cheney. 
So I want to take a minute to do something I don't do often enough: apologize. 
I am very sorry for calling those fat-cat plutocrat Republicans dirtbags. 
Doing so was grossly unfair. To bags of dirt. After all, dirt is good. Things 
grow from the dirt. I myself raise tomatoes and corn and pumpkins, jalapenos 
and cucumbers and lettuce - all from the good earth. 
No, it was too kind, too generous to call them dirtbags. Probably better to 
call them oilbags or toxic-waste-bags or chemical-pollutant-bags. So I'm sorry. 
Still, even though I used such a comparatively flattering term, 

[cia-drugs] CauseNet(1)Hersh(2)Change(3)FCNL(4)afl-cio(5)Environ(6)

2008-07-01 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Arn, I do believe this is a very apt time to bring this into view.  Patiotism 
is being used already by  
the Big Media Kabul. Them against us, We the people, and the Democratic Party, 
anything to tarnish our names.  However, the GOP does not have the single right 
and it happens to be an American thing, not a party thing.
I would go so far to say that as many Democrat families are experiencing the 
greatest sacrafice: sons and daughters in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with many 
parties' families.  I don't know how theses Big Media can sit there with a 
stright face and challenge any American over patriotism. That is a very serious 
thing.This war has strapped our Military and our Economical position in the 
world, along with some help from other directives.
Look around you.  Americans are a really hard working people and we do it 
right! That is being patriotic, and I believe that all Americans I know love 
their country. WE pay our voluntary internal revenue taxes, and back our 
military and our schools. I don't know of a single person who hates living here 
who hasn't already moved to another country. And I have heard that there are 
many Millionaires who actually already have moved and have duel citizenships.
Well, that is their perogative, but I believe we can pull America through this 
if we all work together. However, it took Bush's GOP Congress to vote in his 
What matters is really what is in our heart. That is where patriotism really 
lives. Our Flag is a symbol of much more than just a flag.  Go to search on 
your computer and find out what each thing means for a Military funeral or just 
to put up on your porch for the 4th of July, or parades or what ever you wish. 
Thank you for all that you do.
Happy Forth of July, Everyone! Please sign the petitions below. Que*

FW: 3 days to go, sign by the 4th!Tuesday, July 1, 2008 2:14 PM
From: Arn Pearson, Common Cause To[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Theresa J. Steed 
Just days ago, Common Cause launched our Recapture The Flag campaign. The 
response has been amazing. We're only 7,606 signatures short of our goal, 
25,000 signers of the petition by July 4th.
You can help put us over the top!
Please sign today at http://www.commoncause.org/RecaptureTheFlagPetition.

From: Arn Pearson, Common Cause [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 6/26/2008 11:36 AM
Subject: Recapture The Flag

Dear Theresa J.,
It's been a tough few years for we the people.
We've endured repeated abuses of power by the Executive Branch of our 
government. Time after time, we've watched Congress fail to stand up for what's 
right. We've seen the very symbols of our democracy tarnished, as our nation's 
reputation suffers at home and abroad because of these abuses.
Let's make sure our flag stands for liberty, justice and freedom.
Sign the 
Recapture The Flag Citizens' Petition today!
So today, Common Cause is launching a campaign to Recapture the Flag and unite 
us around the promise and hope of America.
Join today by signing our petition!
The Recapture the Flag Petition reads:
We The People believe in the Constitution, the rule of law and justice for all. 
We will not stand by as our democracy suffers at home and our nation's 
reputation is tarnished abroad.
The U.S. flag has long stood as a symbol of liberty, justice and freedom – a 
beacon of hope in a troubled world. We pledge to work to Recapture the Flag by 
demanding a government that respects human rights, leadership that rejects all 
forms of corruption, and elected officials who fiercely challenge anyone who 
seeks to undermine the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Click here to sign the petition today!
Our goal is to gather 25,000 signatures before 4th of July. You can help us get 
there. But you have to act now.
America can, and must, hold fast to the values that have made this country 
great. freedom from tyranny, respect for individual liberty and government 
based on the rule of law.
Let's make it clear that We The People expect no less from the next President 
and Congress. Please sign the petition right away.
Thanks for all you do,
Arn Pearson,
and the rest of the team at Common Cause
Forward this email Give to Common Cause Visit the CommonBlog
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Bush Preparing Attack on IranTuesday, July 1, 2008 2:14 PM
From: Debra Sweet, World Can't Wait To[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL 
Donate | Local Chapters | Store 
 Thursday June 26: John Yoo  David Addington testified in Congress, either 
denying they authored the torture memos that the Bush regime relied on, or 
refusing to answer questions.
Most of the news coverage centered on Conyers' questioning Yoo over whether the 
torture memo would allow the President to order a suspect to be buried live 
Overall the testimony showed the unrepentant authors of the legal justification 
of torture 

[cia-drugs] McMahon(1)PDA(2)DCCC(3)WEBB(4)McCain(5)UFPJ(6)Iran(7)Noriega(8)

2008-06-30 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Get your special edition T-shirt nowMonday, June 30, 2008 6:54 PM
From: Tom McMahon [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Theresa J Steed [EMAIL 
Dear Theresa J,
Tonight is the crucial financial reporting deadline for June.
The media and our opponents will be watching our fundraising numbers more 
closely than ever. And now that we've decided to refuse donations from 
Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs, they want to see if we can 
It's up to us to prove that a campaign funded by ordinary people giving only 
what they can afford can go toe-to-toe with John McCain and the Republican 
National Committee.
There's a simple way you can show your support before this important deadline.
We've designed a T-shirt to commemorate the Democratic Party's bold fundraising 
move. Show your support for our people-powered politics and own a piece of this 
If you make a donation of $30 or more before the deadline, you'll receive this 
special edition T-shirt:
To compete in the general election and bring change to Washington, every single 
one of us is going to have to show our support for this movement.
We're proud that Barack Obama's campaign led the way in this historic decision. 
Together, our party is building an organization in all 50 states.
But we've got our work cut out for us.
It's going to take unprecedented resources to compete all over the country and 
help Democrats win elections up and down the ballot in November.
Take a stand for change. Make a donation of $30 or more before the deadline to 
receive this special edition T-shirt:
Tom McMahon

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, 
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 
Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003 
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible 
as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.
July Call Schedule  PDAir AmericaMonday, June 30, 2008 7:55 PM
July Call Schedule  PDAir America

Dear Theresa,
PDA Leadership on Air America Tuesday July 1!
Tune in online here to listen to Mimi Kennedy on Air America with our PDA 
Colleagues Dr. Bill Honigman and Marcy Winograd, joined by our endorsed 
Healthcare NOT Warfare Candidates Bill Durston and Steve Young on CLOUT with 
Richard Greene.
Mimi will be co-hosting with Richard, who has been very supportive of PDA. We 
hope to show our support in return by listening to Clout at 9:00 PM EDT / 
6:00 PM PDT daily. Click here to listen to the live stream. We need to drive up 
the online listener numbers to keep Clout on the air with PDA! Listen, call 
in, support PDA on the Radio tomorrow: 9 PM ET, 6 PM PT! Spread the word to all 
your friends!
Schedule of July Conference calls--on our calendar
Please note dates and times, and sign up online now.
Have you made your plans for Chicago yet?
The 4th Annual PDA Grassroots Leadership Conference will be held in Chicago, 
August 1-3, 2008. Come celebrate our 4th birthday. Follow this link to reserve 
your space, and please reserve your airline or train tickets now! For more 
info. contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please listen to PDA on Air America tomorrow, and I'll see you in Chicago!
Mimi Kennedy,
National Board Chair
P.S. Tim's surgery went well.
Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the 
Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. Our goal: 
Elect a permanent, progressive majority in 2008. PDA's advisory board includes 
seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea 
Benjamin, Jim Hightower, Thom Hartmann and Rev. Lennox Yearwood. 
Spread the Progressive Word--Shop PDAstore!
NOTE: To unsubscribe use the link below.
2 minutesMonday, June 30, 2008 5:12 PM
Dear Theresa J.,
Barack Obama needs a gridlock-proof Senate majority to overcome Republican 
obstruction and change our country.  In just the next 2 minutes, you can impact 
the outcome of the November elections and help us win that majority.
I'm rushing this message to you because we're so close to our $2.25 million 
fundraising goal.  I need your help to raise $25,438 in the next 6 hours before 
midnight so we can execute our proven campaign strategy right though Election 
Click here to make a rush contribution of $50, $75 or more.  Give in the next 6 
hours and your gift is TRIPLED!
Your contribution in the next 6 hours directly funds the DSCC's campaign to 
elect that gridlock-proof Senate majority.  We need your help to respond to 
every Republican attack ad, 

[cia-drugs] Moveon(1)Impeachment(2)Report(3)AFL-CIO(4)Oil(5)USC(6)

2008-06-18 Thread Quechick Barnyard
TheDelcarationofPeaceinfo The Declaration of Peace [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
newpeacesign [EMAIL PROTECTED], sho listic707 [EMAIL PROTECTED], Spirit 
Crossing [EMAIL PROTECTED], Spirit Voice Newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Spirit [EMAIL PROTECTED], Timothy Karr  Campaign Dir. [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
UFPJ Action Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED], Veteransforpeace [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Betsy Reznicek  VFP [EMAIL PROTECTED], VotersForPeace [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
InvestmentforpeaceandJustice [EMAIL PROTECTED], t r u t h o u t [EMAIL 
Thenewbushwhackerbrigade [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thenewbushwhackerbrigade2 [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], georgeBushsucksin2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bushlied [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jews-And-Others- 
Against-Bush against bush [EMAIL PROTECTED], newworld_disorder [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], newworldorderwhistleblowers [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
newworldorderwhistleblowers3 [EMAIL PROTECTED],  mcdemocrats [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Vikki Spruill  President and CEO  Ocean Conservancy [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], NRDC Action Fund - Frances Beinecke [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ben 
Kroetz  TrueMajorityACTION [EMAIL PROTECTED], actionhouston [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], action [EMAIL PROTECTED], Anthony  Caroline  ACLU [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], DemVictory [EMAIL PROTECTED], legality-of-income-tax [EMAIL 
 legalityof IRS Taxes [EMAIL PROTECTED], National Taxpayers Union [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], National - Vanguard [EMAIL PROTECTED], NationalClimateDataCenter 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], nationalparanormal [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
NationalResourecesDefenceCouncil [EMAIL PROTECTED], nationalreferendumforum 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], nationalenergylabs [EMAIL PROTECTED]'lenergylabs.org, 
PROTECTED], Greatest1Commandment [EMAIL PROTECTED], HumaneRights Agenda 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], millions_march_to_save_ humanity [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
ImpeachBush.org [EMAIL PROTECTED], say_no_to_the_NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED],


[cia-drugs] WesClark(1)AWeiner(2)Kennedy(3)HarryReid(4)ACLU(5)Jobs(6)Gov.Dean(7)

2008-06-10 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  From: Wes Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   Add Mobile 
Subject: As dangerous as George Bush 
Dear Theresa J.,
   If you don't think John McCain is just as dangerous in the White House as 
George W. Bush, think again.
McCain will not reverse the foreign policy mistakes of George Bush.  He is 
content to leave us in Iraq, saying it'd be fine by me if we were in Iraq for 
another 100 years; he is rash on using military force with Iran.  He overplays 
the military card and doesn't seem to appreciate that the real strength of the 
nation lies in our economy and in our values. 
We have to be sure we have a Congress that will support a Democratic president 
but also one that, in the event of a John McCain presidency, has enough 
horsepower to ensure he can't continue the policies of George W. Bush. 
We can't just triumph over John McCain in the race for the White House.  We 
must also defeat every Republican senator who supports Bush and McCain and 
believes in continuing a war that 64% of the American people are vehemently 
against - people like Norm Coleman in Minnesota, Susan Collins in Maine, and 
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. 
The DSCC is working overtime to expand our narrow 51-49 Democratic majority so 
they can either push through the agenda of a Democratic president or act as a 
firewall against the radical policies of a President John McCain.  And with the 
GOP consolidating their national efforts now, the DSCC has got to have the 
support of committed Democrats early and often.
Click here to make a donation of $50, $75 or more to help expand the Democratic 
Senate majority in 2008.
As a military man, I know and respect the use of force.
I also know it's not enough to keep us safe.
But that's not the way John McCain and his acolytes see it.  Since 9/11, they 
have taken the very real threat of terrorism and turned it into a rallying cry 
for military adventurism.  Their paranoia runs so deep that Sen. McCain has now 
taken to calling Islamic terrorism the greatest evil ever faced by the United 
This nation triumphed over Nazism and Communism once before and I have no doubt 
that the bin Ladens of the world will eventually rue the day they challenged 
the United States.  But this constant fear mongering and refusal to change 
course in Iraq is making it more difficult to defeat our enemies.
American troops have done everything that's been asked of them and more in Iraq 
and Afghanistan.  But the Army and Marine Corps are stretched to their breaking 
point because George Bush has refused to engage in the type of diplomacy that 
could tamp down hostilities and ease the strain on our military.
And John McCain and any Republican senator who supports his presidential 
candidacy are offering more of the same.  And they have got to go.  You can 
make it happen.
Click here to make a donation of $50, $75 or more to help expand the Democratic 
Senate majority in 2008.
I have every expectation that America will have a Democrat in the White House 
next January, and when that happens, I know he or she will begin bringing 
American troops home from Iraq with honor.
But nothing is for certain in politics.  And while Democrats battle to retake 
the executive branch, we must work just as hard to expand our majorities in the 
United States Congress.
The DSCC is on the front lines of the fight for the Senate every day.  And 
today, they need you.
Gen. Wesley Clark
  100 years in Iraq!?!  Help defeat the Republicans.
  If you received this message from a friend, click this button to join the 
  From: Congressman Anthony Weiner [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Weiner Town Hall Meeting Coming To Your Couch 
If you are having trouble viewing this message, please click here.
  June 09, 2008 Unsubscribe Update My Profile 
  Dear Neighbor:
  I’m writing to invite you to take part in a “Conference Call Town Hall I’m 
hosting on Wednesday, June 11th at 7:30 PM.  This is a convenient way for you 
to share with me your thoughts on national and local issues.  I'll also update 
you on a couple of things I've been working on in Washington. 
  To join the Conference Call Town Hall dial 1-866-447-5149, enter the 
conference ID 12767 and then press #.
  I hope you will join me Wednesday, June 11th at 7:30 PM for this innovative 
Town Hall.  As always, if you have any concerns on this or any other issue, do 
not hesitate to contact me at my neighborhood office at (718) 520-9001 or email 


[cia-drugs] GreenPeace(1)HowardDean(2)Statue(3)Dean(4)Bush'sWar(5)FreePress(6)

2008-03-26 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Greenpeace [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert  
Dear Theresa J, 
I have a New Year's resolution I'd like to share with you. I resolve to do 
everything in my power to make the world a better place. I resolve to shake 
things up, to hold politicians accountable on global warming, and to push 
corporations to go green. I'll spend my year being a thorn in the side of those 
who profit from destroying the planet. 
  But no matter how tenacious I am, I can't do any of these things without YOU. 
  With your support last year, Greenpeace:
  Cooked up a greener Apple in just 9 months by successfully pressuring 
computer company Apple to remove hazardous materials from its products. 
Motivated the entire electronics industry to reach for greener standards. 
Prodded more than a half-dozen Members of Congress to co-sponsor the best 
legislation in Congress to combat global warming. 
Pushed Congress to divert hazardous rail cargo away from major cities. 
Encouraged Target, Kmart, and Sears to remove toxic PVC plastics from their 
products and packaging. 
Stopped Japan from winning the majority vote at the International Whaling 
It's been a significant year for progress on the environment, and I know that 
many of your efforts will lead to even greater victories in the year ahead. 
With your help, Greenpeace will continue to have the strength to tackle some of 
the world's greatest threats for another year. 
  Nuclear power, corporate muscle, political lobbyists, and greed - none have 
the strength to overcome YOU. Not when you have passion, truth, and strength in 
numbers. This year, I hope you know how much power you hold to change the 
world. I believe in that power, I believe in you, and I believe in what we can 
accomplish together. 
  So I wish you a Happy New Year, I wish you peace, and I wish you the strength 
to keep up the good fight. I'm grateful to you for all you have done and all 
you will do in the year to come, and I look forward to every moment of it.
  Rave on,
John Passacantando
Executive Director
  P.S. Take a look at this video we've compiled of all of the wonderful 
accomplishments we made together last year.
  3 Ways to Help 
1: Donate Now 
Help Greenpeace Take a Stand.
  2: Take Action 
Visit our Action Center and take action today.
  3: Tell a Friend 
Forward this message to a friend. Help spread the word.
Click here to see the year in review! 
  702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20001 
(800) 326-0959 
  You received this mailing because [EMAIL PROTECTED] is subscribed to our 
mailing list. If you prefer not to receive these mailings in the future click 
here to update your account. We value your privacy. If you have any questions 
about how we use your information please read our privacy policy. 
  Follow the Expedition.
To: quechick007 barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Howard Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Who I'm supporting 
 Dear quechick007,
  The Democratic Party has never been healthier. Just look at the vigorous 
presidential primary we've got on our hands. Right now, every one of the 
Democratic campaigns is working around the clock to become our nominee, and any 
of them would be a great choice.
  But when the dust settles and people like you pick our nominee, the real 
challenge will begin. This time, though, it won't be a debate of ideas with 
fellow Democrats. It will be against a Republican machine eager to redeem its 
losses in 2006, fighting to extend George Bush's policies for another four 
  We've all seen the way they run campaigns, so we have to be unified and 
ready. We know that the Republicans are going to come at us with every scam 
they think up to suppress the vote.
  In the past, they've abused robocalls that hide their true identity, jammed 
the phones Democrats used for getting out the vote, and purged voters from the 
voter rolls. We need to be united in order to stop them.
  Stand up and show our candidates, our opponents, and the country just how 
strong the Democratic Party is by joining me in a pledge to support the 
Democratic candidate for President in 2008 - no matter who wins. When we have a 
nominee, they'll know that thousands of Democrats from across the country are 
united - even if they may not have supported them in the primary. 
  Every one of the Republicans  and  John McCain  would continue President 
Bush's failed policies. America can't take a third Bush term, but that is all 
the Republicans offer.
  They believe that President Bush's war in Iraq is a success. We believe that 
it's time to bring our troops home.
  They support President Bush's pardon of White House Aide Scooter Libby. We 
believe in widespread ethics reform legislation to clean up the mess in 
  They agree with President Bush's veto of 

[cia-drugs] Wiretapping(1)AppolloAliance(2)InstutiteforPub. Accuracy(3)ACLU(4)

2008-03-14 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 01:01:05 -0700 (PDT) 
From:Politics Video Elections White House Congress U.S. Government World 
Supreme Court Press Releases Search:   All News Yahoo! News Only News Photos 
Video/Audio  Advanced 
House closes its doors for spying bill By PAMELA HESS, Associated Press Writer 
30 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - The House held a closed session Thursday for the first time in 25 
years to discuss a hotly contested surveillance bill. 
Republicans requested privacy for what they termed an honest debate on the 
new Democratic eavesdropping measure that is opposed by the White House and 
most Republicans in Congress.
Lawmakers were forbidden to disclose what was said during the hour-long 
session. The extent to which minds were changed, if at all, should be more 
clear Friday, when the House was expected to openly debate and then vote on the 
Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas said she didn't believe anyone 
changed positions but that the session was useful because no one would be able 
to complain on Friday that their views had not been heard.
We couldn't have gone more of an extra mile to make sure we're doing the best 
for national security, she told The Associated Press.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, the top Republican on the House Intelligence 
Committee, said in an interview that he read aloud the titles — but not details 
— of intelligence reports that shows the nature of the global threat and how 
dynamic the situation is, and how fluid.
Hoekstra said the House discussed the procedures intelligence agencies use to 
protect the identities of innocent Americans whose calls and e-mails are 
incidentally intercepted in wiretaps.
Hoekstra said three Democrats spoke as did eight or nine Republicans.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said there was nothing new, nothing that wasn't 
public, nothing that can't and shouldn't be debated on the floor tomorrow in 
open session.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said he heard nothing new that would 
change his mind about the bill.
Tomorrow, I will urge members on both sides of the aisle to vote for this 
legislation, Hoyer said.
The last such session in the House was in 1983 on U.S. support for paramilitary 
operations in Nicaragua. Only five closed sessions have taken place in the 
House since 1825.
Four members declined to sign the confidentiality oath required to participate 
in the closed session, House staff members said.
Many Democrats initially objected, calling it a political ploy by Republicans 
to delay a vote on the bill. House leaders did in fact push off the scheduled 
vote until Friday, just before taking a two-week recess. If it passes, the bill 
would need Senate approval before going to the president.
President Bush has vowed to veto it, saying it would undermine the nation's 
Bush opposes it in part because it doesn't provide full, retroactive legal 
protection to telecommunications companies that helped the government eavesdrop 
on their customers without court permission after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist 
About 40 lawsuits have been filed against telecommunications companies by 
people and organizations alleging they violated wiretapping and privacy laws. 
The lawsuits have been combined and are pending before a single federal judge 
in California.
The Democrats' measure would encourage the judge to review in private the 
secret government documents underpinning the program in order to decide whether 
the companies acted lawfully. If they did, the lawsuits would be dismissed. 
The administration has prevented those documents from being revealed, even to a 
judge, by invoking the state secrets privilege. That puts the companies in a 
bind because they cannot use the documents to defend themselves in court. 
It wasn't clear what information would be presented in the closed session. Just 
a fraction of Congress has been allowed to read secret documents underpinning 
the surveillance program, and those who have arrived at varying conclusions. 
The Senate Intelligence Committee, after seeing classified material, said the 
companies acted on the good-faith belief that the wiretaps they allowed were 
lawful. Democrats on the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees were 
unconvinced after being presented with the same material. 
The surveillance law is intended to help in the pursuit of suspected terrorists 
by making it easier to eavesdrop on foreign phone calls and e-mails that pass 
through the United States. A temporary law expired Feb. 16 before Congress was 
able to produce a replacement bill. Bush opposed an extension of the temporary 
law as a tactic to pressure Congress into accepting the Senate version of the 
surveillance legislation. The Senate's bill provides retroactive legal immunity 
for the telecommunications companies. 
Bush said lawsuits against telecom companies would lead to the disclosure of 
state secrets. Further, he said lawsuits would undermine the willingness of 

[cia-drugs] CarlLevin(1)FreePress(2)YouarenotaLapDog(3)EdwardsPDA(4)AWeiner(5)ACLU

2008-02-20 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:35:23 -0500 (EST) 
From: Senator Carl Levin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: My Vote Against Torture 
  Dear Friend,
Late last year in meetings with senior Saudi government officials, 
Congressional staffers raised concerns about the case of the Saudi rape victim 
who faced six months in prison and two hundred lashes because she spoke out 
  The Saudi officials responded by simply saying, Guantanamo and Abu 
Ghraib. As if to say, Who are you to lecture us about due process and human 
  When the President of the United States says we are not bound by the Geneva 
Conventions, allowing for enhanced interrogation techniques to be carried out 
by Americans, it is intolerable for many reasons: it is morally wrong and it 
violates our basic values; it produces unreliable information and may cause 
prisoners to resist cooperation; it violates domestic and international law; 
and it jeopardizes our own troops if they are captured.
  As General Petraeus, the commander of all our forces in Iraq, has said, Some 
may argue that we would be more effective if we sanctioned torture or other 
expedient methods to obtain information from the enemy. They would be wrong. 
Beyond the basic fact that such actions are illegal, history shows that they 
also are frequently neither useful nor necessary.
  Beyond all of those strong arguments, the specter of torture distracts from 
the virtue of our stand against terrorists, and it detracts from America's 
image around the world.
  General Petraeus also said, What sets us apart from our enemies in this 
fight, however, is how we behave. In everything we do, we must observe the 
standards and values that dictate that we treat noncombatants and detainees 
with dignity and respect.
  Last week, the Senate voted 51-45 on a bill to end the CIA's so-called 
enhanced interrogation techniques.
  The Intelligence Authorization Conference Report, which I supported, included 
a provision that would require all government agencies, including the CIA, to 
comply with the Army Field Manual on Interrogations, which is consistent with 
our obligations under Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, in the 
treatment and interrogation of detainees.
  Unfortunately, we are already hearing that the President may veto this bill.
  We need the understanding and goodwill of people from other nations for our 
own security, and winning back our moral standing around the world will not 
happen if we continue to tolerate torture.
Carl Levin
  P.S. Click here to read my full statement in support of the Intelligence 
Authorization Conference Report.
  To remove yourself from the Friends of Senator Carl Levin email list,
please click here to unsubscribe.
  Paid for by Friends of Senator Carl Levin. 
   Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:35:22 -0600 (CST) 
From: Free Press Media Reform Daily [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Media Reform Headlines for February 20, 2008 
News of the movement for February 20, 2008
Boston: The Future of the Internet Is in Your Hands
  Next week the FCC will be in the Boston area -- Cambridge, to be exact -- for 
an important public hearing on what the next generation of the Internet will 
look like.
ATT, Time Warner, Verizon Make Case Against Net Neutrality
  Predictably, the top incumbent cable and phone companies have defended 
Internet traffic shaping practices, including blocking the free flow of P2P 
files and sending out fake notices to users regarding the blockage.
Chloe Albanesius, PC Magazine
Providers Face Slowing Growth for Broadband
  One of the growth engines for phone and cable TV companies -- selling 
broadband Internet services to consumers -- is sputtering. And although a 
logical result might be a price war, analysts don't think that will happen.
Investor's Business Daily
Look Before You Leak
  The Wikileaks shutdown touches on both telecom immunity and Net Neutrality. 
If an ATT employee who wants to post evidence revealing how the company 
deployed illegal wire taps, what's to keep your Internet provider from killing 
those bits?
Robert X. Cringely, Info World
Federal Judge's Order Shutting Down Wikileaks Is First Amendment Travesty
  Although Wikileaks' silencing was sought by antidemocratic governments 
worldwide -- including China, whose censors work mightily to block all access 
to the site -- its plug was pulled, ironically, by a federal judge in San 
Peter Scheer, California First Amendment Coalition
Bill Gates Says Internet Censorship Just Won't Work
  Efforts by countries like China to restrict the exchange of information on 
the Internet are ultimately doomed to failure, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates 
Robert McMillan, IDG News Service
Consultations and Legislation Needed to Protect Net Neutrality in Canada
  The National Union of Public and General Employees is asking the Harper 

[cia-drugs] HowardDean(1)Kennedy(2)Moveon.org(3)WesClark(4)

2008-02-15 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Thu, 7 Feb 2008 05:54:42 -0800  
From: Quechick Barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Howard Dean 
  Wed, 6 Feb 2008 13:01:04 -0500 
To: quechick007 barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Howard Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: How we'll beat John McCain 
 Dear quechick007,
Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney are done. John McCain will be the Republican 
nominee -- he's the only one with a reasonable path to the nomination.
So how do we beat him? We stand up -- right now -- start fighting, and show the 
American people that he's not who they think he is.
We can't wait for Hillary or Barack to win the nomination. Now that the 
Republicans have a candidate, the dollars are starting to pour in from special 
interests who will do anything to beat the Democratic nominee. They're just 
waiting for us to decide so they can start smearing.
Here's what U.S. News and World Report recently reported about how the RNC is 
getting ready...
[RNC Chairman Mike] Duncan and his aides want to be ready to go on the 
offensive against the Democratic nominee presumptive in an effort to define the 
opposition candidate on GOP terms. Opposition research is already well along, 
and the plan is for surrogates to talk to the media around the country while a 
TV ad campaign in key states and media markets as soon as the Democratic 
nominee is determined.
We must be ready to fight back, and fight back hard, today.
Now that we know our opponent, it's time to build a national effort on the 
programs you and I have worked so hard to create over the last four years - 
from our cutting-edge technology to our voter protection programs, it's time to 
shift gears.
I need you to contribute $25, $50, or $100 to help us fight John McCain right 
John McCain is a media darling, but don't trust his carefully-crafted image - 
he's worked for years to brand himself. From Iraq to health care, Social 
Security to special interest tax cuts to ethics, he's promising nothing more 
than a third Bush term.
After championing campaign finance reform and ethics legislation to score 
political points, he now has a staggering amount of lobbyists involved in every 
aspect of his campaign. In fact, two of the top three sources for John McCain's 
campaign cash are D.C. lobbying firms, and he looked the other way as Jack 
Abramoff bought and paid for the Republican Party and the Culture of Corruption.
On immigration reform, he's run as far to the right as he can, aligning himself 
with the most extreme elements of the Republican Party.
On the war, McCain scoffed at Bush's call to leave troops in Iraq for 50 years, 
saying Make it a hundred!
On a woman's right to choose, McCain has vowed to appoint judges who would 
overturn Roe v. Wade.
On the economy, one of the issues that the American people care most about, 
McCain has said: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military 
and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated.
We can't afford four more years with a President who drives the economy into 
the ground. We can't afford four more years with a President who fights an 
endless war in Iraq. We can't afford four more years with a President who gives 
tax cuts to companies who ship jobs overseas; with a President who can't get 
every American the health care they deserve; with a President we just can't 
I don't just want to beat John McCain - I want it to be a landslide. If you're 
as committed as I am, I need you to make a contribution today:
Only the Democratic Party is legally allowed to spend unlimited amounts of 
money to back our nominee and tell the real story about John McCain. We proved 
that our strategy worked in 2006, and it will work again this fall.
Help us today:
Let's get going,
Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, 
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 
Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003 
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible 
as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.
DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

  13 Feb 2008 16:10:41 -0800 
From: Yahoo! Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Add Mobile Alert 
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo-inc.com. 
Learn more 
Subject: Y! Alert: Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy  
Yahoo! Alerts 
My Alerts - Edit Alert 
  The latest from Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
  Kennedy lends heft to NCLB (The Politico) 
UPDATED: Sen. Edward M. Kennedy: Closing the Torture Loophole: Bringing America 
Back from the Brink (HuffingtonPost) 
  Kennedy lends heft to NCLB

[cia-drugs] HowardDean(1)Kennedy(2)Moveon.org(3)WesClark(4)

2008-02-14 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Thu, 7 Feb 2008 05:54:42 -0800  
From: Quechick Barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Howard Dean 
  Wed, 6 Feb 2008 13:01:04 -0500 
To: quechick007 barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Howard Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: How we'll beat John McCain 
 Dear quechick007,
Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney are done. John McCain will be the Republican 
nominee -- he's the only one with a reasonable path to the nomination.
So how do we beat him? We stand up -- right now -- start fighting, and show the 
American people that he's not who they think he is.
We can't wait for Hillary or Barack to win the nomination. Now that the 
Republicans have a candidate, the dollars are starting to pour in from special 
interests who will do anything to beat the Democratic nominee. They're just 
waiting for us to decide so they can start smearing.
Here's what U.S. News and World Report recently reported about how the RNC is 
getting ready...
[RNC Chairman Mike] Duncan and his aides want to be ready to go on the 
offensive against the Democratic nominee presumptive in an effort to define the 
opposition candidate on GOP terms. Opposition research is already well along, 
and the plan is for surrogates to talk to the media around the country while a 
TV ad campaign in key states and media markets as soon as the Democratic 
nominee is determined.
We must be ready to fight back, and fight back hard, today.
Now that we know our opponent, it's time to build a national effort on the 
programs you and I have worked so hard to create over the last four years - 
from our cutting-edge technology to our voter protection programs, it's time to 
shift gears.
I need you to contribute $25, $50, or $100 to help us fight John McCain right 
John McCain is a media darling, but don't trust his carefully-crafted image - 
he's worked for years to brand himself. From Iraq to health care, Social 
Security to special interest tax cuts to ethics, he's promising nothing more 
than a third Bush term.
After championing campaign finance reform and ethics legislation to score 
political points, he now has a staggering amount of lobbyists involved in every 
aspect of his campaign. In fact, two of the top three sources for John McCain's 
campaign cash are D.C. lobbying firms, and he looked the other way as Jack 
Abramoff bought and paid for the Republican Party and the Culture of Corruption.
On immigration reform, he's run as far to the right as he can, aligning himself 
with the most extreme elements of the Republican Party.
On the war, McCain scoffed at Bush's call to leave troops in Iraq for 50 years, 
saying Make it a hundred!
On a woman's right to choose, McCain has vowed to appoint judges who would 
overturn Roe v. Wade.
On the economy, one of the issues that the American people care most about, 
McCain has said: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military 
and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated.
We can't afford four more years with a President who drives the economy into 
the ground. We can't afford four more years with a President who fights an 
endless war in Iraq. We can't afford four more years with a President who gives 
tax cuts to companies who ship jobs overseas; with a President who can't get 
every American the health care they deserve; with a President we just can't 
I don't just want to beat John McCain - I want it to be a landslide. If you're 
as committed as I am, I need you to make a contribution today:
Only the Democratic Party is legally allowed to spend unlimited amounts of 
money to back our nominee and tell the real story about John McCain. We proved 
that our strategy worked in 2006, and it will work again this fall.
Help us today:
Let's get going,
Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, 
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 
Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003 
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible 
as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.
DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

  13 Feb 2008 16:10:41 -0800 
From: Yahoo! Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Add Mobile Alert 
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo-inc.com. 
Learn more 
Subject: Y! Alert: Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy  
Yahoo! Alerts 
My Alerts - Edit Alert 
  The latest from Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
  Kennedy lends heft to NCLB (The Politico) 
UPDATED: Sen. Edward M. Kennedy: Closing the Torture Loophole: Bringing America 
Back from the Brink (HuffingtonPost) 
  Kennedy lends heft to NCLB

[cia-drugs] Intelligence Authorization Conference Report

2008-02-13 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Tue, 12 Feb 2008 17:48:50 -0500 
From: Harry Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Stopping Torture 
Dear tHERESA j.,
  Tomorrow, I will bring the Intelligence Authorization Conference Report to 
the floor of the Senate. Section 327 of the bill establishes one interrogation 
standard for the entire U.S. government. This would effectively end torture by 
requiring that the intelligence community abide by the standards articulated in 
the Army Field Manual.
  In order to attempt to block the ban on torture, Republicans may filibuster 
the bill or raise a point of order, claiming the torture provision violates the 
rules of the Senate. If the Parliamentarian agrees, we will be forced to try 
and waive the point of order. Either way we need 60 votes.
  Already some Republicans have signaled they will side with us - however we 
need more.
  Take a stand against torture
  Every Senator will be forced to answer a simple question: do they support 
  Do they support torture even though they know it is morally repugnant?
  Do they support torture even though they know it puts our own Soldiers, 
Sailors and Marines at risk?
  We are a nation at war -- a war in Iraq and a war against terrorism -- but 
this war does not give our leaders the authority to cast aside the laws of 
armed conflict. We need to restore our nation's moral authority, because the 
most effective way to fight terrorism is to harness all of our power - 
military, economic, and moral. When we do, the world will follow our lead once 
  It may take years, but we can start by declaring loudly, and with one voice: 
America does not torture.
  Take a stand against torture
  If we fail to oppose an evil as obvious as torture -- and it is an evil, then 
as Thomas Jefferson said, I will tremble for my country when I reflect that 
God is just. By passing this bill we can send a clear signal to the world that 
America does not torture - no ifs, ands or buts.
  Take a stand against torture
  Thank You,
  Harry Reid
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  Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[cia-drugs] HarryReid(1)stevens(2)pfaw(3)SteveHampton(4)KemaEnergyConferences(5)

2008-01-27 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 18:00:39 -0500 
From: Harry Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: FISA 
Dear tHERESA j.,
  Republicans seem to have forgotten that national security is one of the most 
important issues we address in the Senate. Yesterday, they proved the only 
thing they care about is politics.
  They spent the day filibustering on the Senate floor, preventing Democrats 
from introducing any amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 
(FISA) bill. This means they are blocking an important amendment, which I 
support, that would make sure phone companies don't receive retroactive 
  At the end of the day, Senator McConnell decided he would try and stop debate 
entirely by filing for cloture. That means if Republicans get 60 votes on 
Monday, debate on this vital issue will be shut down.
  Normally I wouldn't go this deep into Senate procedure, but if you care about 
your civil liberties and our national security, it is vital you tell your 
Senators to vote no on cloture Monday by visiting:
  Looking at this situation makes me think the President and Republicans want 
to fail so they can run and cry to the media that Democrats are weak on 
national security. That line didn't work in 2006 and it won't work in 2008.
  Closing the debate on this bill now is wrong.
  Tell your Senators to vote no on cloture Monday by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Harry Reid
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, go to: http://www.giveemhellharry.com/unsubscribe
  Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 
Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Guy Stevens, Council for a Livable World [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [CLW] Join Thousands Saying No Permanent Presence in Iraq!  
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:02:35 -0500 
  January 25, 2008
  Dear Theresa J., 
How much longer should we pay for a military presence in Iraq? Click above to 
view a short video on the cost of the Iraq War by Council for a Livable World's 
sister organization, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. 
Last week we told you about Bush's attempts to occupy Iraq for another decade - 
or even longer.
  3,260 people have already joined us in rejecting a permanent presence of U.S. 
troops in Iraq.
  Click here to add your name!
  The American public wants the United States out of Iraq, but Bush refuses to 
listen. And he is not the only one. Where Bush talks about a 10 year 
occupation, Republican Presidential candidate John McCain talks about another 
100 years.
  When asked on January 11 if the U.S. presence in Iraq would continue for 
another ten years, President Bush responded It could easily be that. 
  The Iraqi defense minister agreed a few days later, saying that Iraq would 
need American help to defend its own borders until at least 2018. 
  Click here to tell President Bush that it's time to bring our troops home.
  We did the math. Keeping just one third of our current troop levels in Iraq 
through 2018 pushes the cost of the war to over $1 trillion. And many, many 
more American and Iraqi lives lost. 
  George Bush and his cronies want to keep control of Iraq's oil and build 
permanent military bases to ensure we stay in the Middle East for generations 
to come. They have no regard for the cost, either in money or lives or the U.S. 
image in the world.
  We reject this dreadful policy to commit the United States to occupation long 
after George W. Bush leaves office. Click here to join us.
John Isaacs and Guy Stevens
  P.S. Click here to watch a short video on the cost of the Iraq War by Council 
for a Livable World's sister organization, Center for Arms Control and 
Contact Us   |   Privacy Policy
© 2006 Council for a Livable World, 322 4th Street NE, Washington, DC 20002, 
(202) 543-4100
To unsubscribe from this email list, use this link.
Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 14:37:23 -0800 
Subject: Take a stand for the Constitution at StopTheSpying.org 
From: PFAW Activist Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
Dear Theresa J.,
  The terrible Intelligence Committee-passed version of the FISA Amendments Act 
 S. 2248  is back, and it's being debated on the Senate floor RIGHT NOW.
  If you care about your civil liberties, your right not to be spied on without 
a warrant and accountability for the Bush administration's illegal wiretapping 
and the telecommunications companies that helped carry it out, the time to act 
is now. 
  We're partnering with our allies at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) 
to offer you a more creative way to tell your Senators to OPPOSE the 

[cia-drugs] HarryReid(1)stevens(2)pfaw(3)SteveHampton(4)KemaEnergyConferences(5)

2008-01-27 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 18:00:39 -0500 
From: Harry Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: FISA 
Dear tHERESA j.,
  Republicans seem to have forgotten that national security is one of the most 
important issues we address in the Senate. Yesterday, they proved the only 
thing they care about is politics.
  They spent the day filibustering on the Senate floor, preventing Democrats 
from introducing any amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 
(FISA) bill. This means they are blocking an important amendment, which I 
support, that would make sure phone companies don't receive retroactive 
  At the end of the day, Senator McConnell decided he would try and stop debate 
entirely by filing for cloture. That means if Republicans get 60 votes on 
Monday, debate on this vital issue will be shut down.
  Normally I wouldn't go this deep into Senate procedure, but if you care about 
your civil liberties and our national security, it is vital you tell your 
Senators to vote no on cloture Monday by visiting:
  Looking at this situation makes me think the President and Republicans want 
to fail so they can run and cry to the media that Democrats are weak on 
national security. That line didn't work in 2006 and it won't work in 2008.
  Closing the debate on this bill now is wrong.
  Tell your Senators to vote no on cloture Monday by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Harry Reid
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, go to: http://www.giveemhellharry.com/unsubscribe
  Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 
Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Guy Stevens, Council for a Livable World [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [CLW] Join Thousands Saying No Permanent Presence in Iraq!  
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:02:35 -0500 
  January 25, 2008
  Dear Theresa J., 
How much longer should we pay for a military presence in Iraq? Click above to 
view a short video on the cost of the Iraq War by Council for a Livable World's 
sister organization, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. 
Last week we told you about Bush's attempts to occupy Iraq for another decade - 
or even longer.
  3,260 people have already joined us in rejecting a permanent presence of U.S. 
troops in Iraq.
  Click here to add your name!
  The American public wants the United States out of Iraq, but Bush refuses to 
listen. And he is not the only one. Where Bush talks about a 10 year 
occupation, Republican Presidential candidate John McCain talks about another 
100 years.
  When asked on January 11 if the U.S. presence in Iraq would continue for 
another ten years, President Bush responded It could easily be that. 
  The Iraqi defense minister agreed a few days later, saying that Iraq would 
need American help to defend its own borders until at least 2018. 
  Click here to tell President Bush that it's time to bring our troops home.
  We did the math. Keeping just one third of our current troop levels in Iraq 
through 2018 pushes the cost of the war to over $1 trillion. And many, many 
more American and Iraqi lives lost. 
  George Bush and his cronies want to keep control of Iraq's oil and build 
permanent military bases to ensure we stay in the Middle East for generations 
to come. They have no regard for the cost, either in money or lives or the U.S. 
image in the world.
  We reject this dreadful policy to commit the United States to occupation long 
after George W. Bush leaves office. Click here to join us.
John Isaacs and Guy Stevens
  P.S. Click here to watch a short video on the cost of the Iraq War by Council 
for a Livable World's sister organization, Center for Arms Control and 
Contact Us   |   Privacy Policy
© 2006 Council for a Livable World, 322 4th Street NE, Washington, DC 20002, 
(202) 543-4100
To unsubscribe from this email list, use this link.
Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 14:37:23 -0800 
Subject: Take a stand for the Constitution at StopTheSpying.org 
From: PFAW Activist Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
Dear Theresa J.,
  The terrible Intelligence Committee-passed version of the FISA Amendments Act 
 S. 2248  is back, and it's being debated on the Senate floor RIGHT NOW.
  If you care about your civil liberties, your right not to be spied on without 
a warrant and accountability for the Bush administration's illegal wiretapping 
and the telecommunications companies that helped carry it out, the time to act 
is now. 
  We're partnering with our allies at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) 
to offer you a more creative way to tell your Senators to OPPOSE the 

[cia-drugs] HarryReid(1)stevens(2)pfaw(3)SteveHampton(4)KemaEnergyConferences(5)

2008-01-27 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 18:00:39 -0500 
From: Harry Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: FISA 
Dear tHERESA j.,
  Republicans seem to have forgotten that national security is one of the most 
important issues we address in the Senate. Yesterday, they proved the only 
thing they care about is politics.
  They spent the day filibustering on the Senate floor, preventing Democrats 
from introducing any amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 
(FISA) bill. This means they are blocking an important amendment, which I 
support, that would make sure phone companies don't receive retroactive 
  At the end of the day, Senator McConnell decided he would try and stop debate 
entirely by filing for cloture. That means if Republicans get 60 votes on 
Monday, debate on this vital issue will be shut down.
  Normally I wouldn't go this deep into Senate procedure, but if you care about 
your civil liberties and our national security, it is vital you tell your 
Senators to vote no on cloture Monday by visiting:
  Looking at this situation makes me think the President and Republicans want 
to fail so they can run and cry to the media that Democrats are weak on 
national security. That line didn't work in 2006 and it won't work in 2008.
  Closing the debate on this bill now is wrong.
  Tell your Senators to vote no on cloture Monday by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Harry Reid
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, go to: http://www.giveemhellharry.com/unsubscribe
  Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 
Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Guy Stevens, Council for a Livable World [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [CLW] Join Thousands Saying No Permanent Presence in Iraq!  
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:02:35 -0500 
  January 25, 2008
  Dear Theresa J., 
How much longer should we pay for a military presence in Iraq? Click above to 
view a short video on the cost of the Iraq War by Council for a Livable World's 
sister organization, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. 
Last week we told you about Bush's attempts to occupy Iraq for another decade - 
or even longer.
  3,260 people have already joined us in rejecting a permanent presence of U.S. 
troops in Iraq.
  Click here to add your name!
  The American public wants the United States out of Iraq, but Bush refuses to 
listen. And he is not the only one. Where Bush talks about a 10 year 
occupation, Republican Presidential candidate John McCain talks about another 
100 years.
  When asked on January 11 if the U.S. presence in Iraq would continue for 
another ten years, President Bush responded It could easily be that. 
  The Iraqi defense minister agreed a few days later, saying that Iraq would 
need American help to defend its own borders until at least 2018. 
  Click here to tell President Bush that it's time to bring our troops home.
  We did the math. Keeping just one third of our current troop levels in Iraq 
through 2018 pushes the cost of the war to over $1 trillion. And many, many 
more American and Iraqi lives lost. 
  George Bush and his cronies want to keep control of Iraq's oil and build 
permanent military bases to ensure we stay in the Middle East for generations 
to come. They have no regard for the cost, either in money or lives or the U.S. 
image in the world.
  We reject this dreadful policy to commit the United States to occupation long 
after George W. Bush leaves office. Click here to join us.
John Isaacs and Guy Stevens
  P.S. Click here to watch a short video on the cost of the Iraq War by Council 
for a Livable World's sister organization, Center for Arms Control and 
Contact Us   |   Privacy Policy
© 2006 Council for a Livable World, 322 4th Street NE, Washington, DC 20002, 
(202) 543-4100
To unsubscribe from this email list, use this link.
Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 14:37:23 -0800 
Subject: Take a stand for the Constitution at StopTheSpying.org 
From: PFAW Activist Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
Dear Theresa J.,
  The terrible Intelligence Committee-passed version of the FISA Amendments Act 
 S. 2248  is back, and it's being debated on the Senate floor RIGHT NOW.
  If you care about your civil liberties, your right not to be spied on without 
a warrant and accountability for the Bush administration's illegal wiretapping 
and the telecommunications companies that helped carry it out, the time to act 
is now. 
  We're partnering with our allies at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) 
to offer you a more creative way to tell your Senators to OPPOSE the 

[cia-drugs] HarryReid(1)stevens(2)pfaw(3)SteveHampton(4)KemaEnergyConferences(5)

2008-01-27 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 18:00:39 -0500 
From: Harry Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: FISA 
Dear tHERESA j.,
  Republicans seem to have forgotten that national security is one of the most 
important issues we address in the Senate. Yesterday, they proved the only 
thing they care about is politics.
  They spent the day filibustering on the Senate floor, preventing Democrats 
from introducing any amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 
(FISA) bill. This means they are blocking an important amendment, which I 
support, that would make sure phone companies don't receive retroactive 
  At the end of the day, Senator McConnell decided he would try and stop debate 
entirely by filing for cloture. That means if Republicans get 60 votes on 
Monday, debate on this vital issue will be shut down.
  Normally I wouldn't go this deep into Senate procedure, but if you care about 
your civil liberties and our national security, it is vital you tell your 
Senators to vote no on cloture Monday by visiting:
  Looking at this situation makes me think the President and Republicans want 
to fail so they can run and cry to the media that Democrats are weak on 
national security. That line didn't work in 2006 and it won't work in 2008.
  Closing the debate on this bill now is wrong.
  Tell your Senators to vote no on cloture Monday by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Harry Reid
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, go to: http://www.giveemhellharry.com/unsubscribe
  Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 
Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Guy Stevens, Council for a Livable World [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [CLW] Join Thousands Saying No Permanent Presence in Iraq!  
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:02:35 -0500 
  January 25, 2008
  Dear Theresa J., 
How much longer should we pay for a military presence in Iraq? Click above to 
view a short video on the cost of the Iraq War by Council for a Livable World's 
sister organization, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. 
Last week we told you about Bush's attempts to occupy Iraq for another decade - 
or even longer.
  3,260 people have already joined us in rejecting a permanent presence of U.S. 
troops in Iraq.
  Click here to add your name!
  The American public wants the United States out of Iraq, but Bush refuses to 
listen. And he is not the only one. Where Bush talks about a 10 year 
occupation, Republican Presidential candidate John McCain talks about another 
100 years.
  When asked on January 11 if the U.S. presence in Iraq would continue for 
another ten years, President Bush responded It could easily be that. 
  The Iraqi defense minister agreed a few days later, saying that Iraq would 
need American help to defend its own borders until at least 2018. 
  Click here to tell President Bush that it's time to bring our troops home.
  We did the math. Keeping just one third of our current troop levels in Iraq 
through 2018 pushes the cost of the war to over $1 trillion. And many, many 
more American and Iraqi lives lost. 
  George Bush and his cronies want to keep control of Iraq's oil and build 
permanent military bases to ensure we stay in the Middle East for generations 
to come. They have no regard for the cost, either in money or lives or the U.S. 
image in the world.
  We reject this dreadful policy to commit the United States to occupation long 
after George W. Bush leaves office. Click here to join us.
John Isaacs and Guy Stevens
  P.S. Click here to watch a short video on the cost of the Iraq War by Council 
for a Livable World's sister organization, Center for Arms Control and 
Contact Us   |   Privacy Policy
© 2006 Council for a Livable World, 322 4th Street NE, Washington, DC 20002, 
(202) 543-4100
To unsubscribe from this email list, use this link.
Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 14:37:23 -0800 
Subject: Take a stand for the Constitution at StopTheSpying.org 
From: PFAW Activist Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
Dear Theresa J.,
  The terrible Intelligence Committee-passed version of the FISA Amendments Act 
 S. 2248  is back, and it's being debated on the Senate floor RIGHT NOW.
  If you care about your civil liberties, your right not to be spied on without 
a warrant and accountability for the Bush administration's illegal wiretapping 
and the telecommunications companies that helped carry it out, the time to act 
is now. 
  We're partnering with our allies at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) 
to offer you a more creative way to tell your Senators to OPPOSE the 

[cia-drugs] (unknown)

2008-01-10 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[cia-drugs] Wildlife(1)AlFranken(2)RobertRedfored(3)SenatorCarlLevin(4)

2007-12-31 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Thu, 27 Dec 2007 15:23:33 -0500 (EST) 
From: Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: BREAKING: Bush/Cheney Admin. Puts Hundreds of Yellowstone Area Wolves 
at Risk 
  Wolf Emergency
  Federal officials are nearing a decision on wolf management in the Greater 
Yellowstone region.
  Help us ensure that wolves remain protected.
  Under Idaho’s lax wolf plan, even pups could be killed.
Dear Theresa,
  While most Americans have been celebrating the holidays, officials in the 
Bush/Cheney Administration have been working behind the scenes to pave the way 
for the killing of hundreds of wolves in the Greater Yellowstone area.
  Don’t let them get away with it! Urge U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne 
to abandon his efforts to allow states to start killing wolves and stop 
promoting the premature de-listing of gray wolves in the Northern Rockies.
  Over the last several weeks, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been 
quietly moving forward with rule changes that would allow officials in Idaho 
and Wyoming to begin killing wolves even before gray wolves are removed from 
the list of federally protected threatened and endangered species.
  This latest proposal would jump start plans to use fixed-wing aircraft, 
helicopters and other means to kill hundreds of wolves in Idaho, leaving only a 
few more than 200 wolves in the state. In fact, three-quarters of the wolves in 
the Lolo District of the Clearwater National Forest could be removed… even 
before they are de-listed. 
  And, unfortunately, it’s not just Idaho’s wolves that are threatened by the 
proposal. Hundreds of wolves in Wyoming could be shot and trapped under the new 
rules --  whether wolves are removed from the endangered and threatened species 
list or not. 
  A decision on the proposal is expected in the next few weeks. Please email 
Secretary Kempthorne right now and let him know that you oppose any proposal 
that would threaten the long-term future of wolves in the Northern Rockies and 
Greater Yellowstone Region.
  And the outlook for Wyoming wolves won’t improve any if, as expected, the 
Bush/Cheney Administration eliminates Endangered Species Act protections for 
gray wolves in the Northern Rockies early next year.
  On December 14th, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officially approved the 
State of Wyoming’s wolf management plan, allowing state officials to use aerial 
gunning and snares to shoot and trap as many as two-thirds of the wolves in the 
  Just last week, Congressman Nick Rahall (D-WV), Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD), 
George Miller (D-CA), Jim Saxton (R-NJ) and Norm Dicks (D-WA) warned in a 
letter to Secretary Kempthorne that de-listing wolves in the Northern Rockies 
now is a mistake. 
  In the letter, this bipartisan group of lawmakers cited grave concerns with 
the state wolf management plans approved by the Bush/Cheney Administration and 
their potential impact on the future of wolves in the region. 
  Take a stand now. Send Secretary Kempthorne a message now and let him know 
that you’re outraged by the Bush/Cheney Administration’s actions and that you 
want a sustainable future for wolves in the region. 
  Defenders is mustering our resources to fight these terrible proposals in the 
weeks ahead. But right now, we need you to speak out for wolves with your 
  For the Wild Ones,
  Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife  
  Defenders Home | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Donate Now  
© Copyright 2007, Defenders of Wildlife
  This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Please do not respond to this message. 
Click here to update your information or unsubscribe. 
  Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization 
dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their 
natural communities. 
  Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at: 
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
  Please don't forget, Al Franken is one of our own!
From: Dinah Dale, Al Franken for Senate [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Al needs YOU - help us finish the quarter strong! 
Dear Friend,
  My name is Dinah Dale, and I'm the Finance Director for the Franken campaign.
  That means it's my job to ensure that Al has the resources he needs to spread 
his message to every voter in Minnesota. Our campaign is already in full swing. 
Our new headquarters is bustling with field organizers, interns, and 
volunteers, and the phones never stop ringing.
  As a veteran of campaigns ranging from Paul Wellstone to Mark Dayton, I can 
tell you that early money makes a big difference. Because of the generous 
support of thousands of great progressives, we've been able to ramp up our 
program of voter contact and outreach much sooner than most campaigns. It's 
paying off - Al is the front-runner for the DFL nomination, and we're excited 

[cia-drugs] RepWexlerWantsHearings.com - goal for now 250, but we can do better!

2007-12-20 Thread Quechick Barnyard

   granniesagainstgeorge [EMAIL PROTECTED], georgeBushsucksin2000 [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], GeorgeBushMiserableFailure [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mothers Opposing 
Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED], madgrand mothers [EMAIL PROTECTED], MomsRising 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Mainstreet Moms themmob [EMAIL PROTECTED], Codepink 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], electionfraud [EMAIL PROTECTED], electionfraud2000 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], electionfraud2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED], electionscommittee 
   Politically Incorrect Cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED], Extreme Politics [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], 9-11-truthaction [EMAIL PROTECTED], reselect [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], dallasDemocrats [EMAIL PROTECTED], deface_the_national [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], TheCosmic Dialogue [EMAIL PROTECTED], yellowdog [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Texas Freedom Network [EMAIL PROTECTED], opend freedom [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], free ourmedia [EMAIL PROTECTED], free ourmedia [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Texas Freedom Network [EMAIL PROTECTED], freedm _49 [EMAIL 
   100,000+Keep signing and passing on :http://wexlerwantshearings.com From: 
IFyou had problems getting in to the Wexler Impeachment Petition   View All 
Topics | Create New Topic 
 100,000+Keep signing and passing on :http://wexlerwantshearings.com   
Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ranger116_2000   Wed Dec 19, 
2007 2:44 pm (PST)   100,000+Keep signing and passing on :http://wexlerwantsh 

Join Wexler's Call for Cheney Hearings
(sign early sign often -the Neo-Cons Would)

See Update letter from U.S. Representative Wexler at the bottom.

T Lee Buyea - Fla News Service 

U.S. Rep. Wexler's Quarter Million Person Challenge / Blog Radio

Dear Thomas,

 We have already reached 100,000 supporters. Thank You. 
Now We Need Each of You To Send an Email to Ten More People to Get
250,000 Signed Up at WexlerWantsHearings.com by the End of the Year. 
I can guarantee that your 100,000 voices calling for impeachment
hearings will now be heard in Congress. Together, through our new
Quarter Million Person Challenge, let's now set a new goal of 250,000
Americans signing up to demand action. 
It has been just 5 days since I called for impeachment hearings for
Vice-President Dick Cheney and already over 100,000 people - including
you - have answered that call by adding your name as an impeachment
supporter at www.wexlerwantshear ings.com. This is a truly remarkable
response that demonstrates the power that average, everyday Americans
can have when we come together to pursue justice and accountability. 
Never mind that the national media ignored my call and rejected an
op-ed that I wrote along with my Judiciary Colleagues Rep. Luis
Gutierrez (D-IL) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). The Netroots and citizen
activists like yourself are spreading our message and demanding
Quarter Million Person Challenge
Our movement continues to grow by the hour and the day. But, with the
media blackout, I need your help to grow our effort. With 100,000
supporters already signed-up.
if each of you e-mail ten of your friends (a Chainey letter)
about www.WexlerWantsHear ings.com  and the need for Cheney impeachment
hearings we will reach over a million Americans and perhaps we can reach
a new goal of 250,000 signers by the end of the year!! 
Join Me Thursday Night on Blog Radio to Discuss Our Next Steps
On this Thursday at 9:00 p.m. (EST) and 6:00 (PST), please join me as I appear 
on live on the Internet to discuss my efforts to convince
Congress to hold impeachment hearing. 
Congressman Wexler Live on Blog Radio:

WHEN: Thursday, December 18, 9:00 pm (EST)/6:00 pm (PST) 

WHERE: http://www.blogtalk radio.com/ fpc (a link will be posted at
www.wexlerwantshearings.com and www.wexlerforcongress.com
 WHO: Rep. Wexler will appear live on Florida Progressive Radio with host
Kenneth Quinnell of the Florida Netroots Caucus, Bob Fertick of
Democrats.com, as well as Dave Lindorf, author of The Case for
Impeachment,  and David Swanson with AfterDowningStreet. org.
More Media Blackout
The New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, USA Today, and Boston
Globe have all rejected our op ed (though the Miami Herald just put an
edited version in its Letters to the Editor section). We have heard
from the editors of some of these publications and they are telling us
that they are getting overwhelmed with phone calls and letters of
complaint. (Well done everybody!)

Call and E-mail these News Papers and tell them to tell U.S.Rep.Wexler' s
story !

In short, we need to keep the pressure on if this news will spread far
beyond the Netroots community. 
With warm regards,

Congressman Robert Wexler

[cia-drugs] Wexler-CheneyIMP(1)LivableWorld(2)Arms-Iraq(3)Animal-saving(4)

2007-12-18 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:40:22 EST 
  From: David Rubinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 08:19:48 -0800 
  HTML Attachment 
Number 281
December 17, 2007
  Today's DRANT
Ill-tempered, Iconoclastic, Impatient and Ideologically-unpredictable views, 
comments, and sources about the World, how we humans are messing it up, and how 
we can all DO SOMETHING about it.
By Presidential Executive Order, the National Security Agency (NSA) may be 
reading this email without warning, warrant, or notice,  judicial or 
legislative oversight. You have no recourse, or protection.
  So far, 90.000 people have signed the petition to demand that the Judiciary 
Committee move forward on hearings to Impeach Cheney. 
The members of the committee that have NOT joined Wexler and the others need to 
be TOLD to do so. Please access: 
There are links to all of them right there. 
Conyers and the rest of them have no conceivable excuse for delay, and its our 
job to tell them so, and to get them off their butts.
CL EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Wexler Thanks You For Your Support
  By: Nicole Belle on Monday, December 17th, 2007 at 7:30 PM - PST  
The tremendous response to my call for impeachment hearings for Vice President 
Cheney confirms that the Bush Administration and Vice President Cheney must be 
held accountable. I have been overwhelmed by the netroots support for my call 
for impeachment hearings and for my website - WexlerWantsHearings.com. As of 
Monday afternoon - after only four days - over 80,000 people have signed up to 
show their support for impeachment hearings.
It is the constitutional duty of Congress to investigate the serious charges 
that have been leveled against Vice President Cheney, and I am using my 
position as a member of the House Judiciary Committee to see that hearings are 
held. Unfortunately, Congress and the national media ignore this serious issue. 
The outpouring of support documented at WexlerWantsHearings.com has been driven 
and supported entirely through the power of blogs, the Internet, and word of 
mouth. Websites like Crooks and Liars have taken on this important cause and 
have stepped up to fill the void left by the main stream media who still 
somehow believe that impeachment is a fringe idea and not worth coverage. In 
this case, the American people are way ahead of Congress and the media.
I was shocked when no newspaper would publish the op-ed I wrote with Rep. Luis 
Gutierrez (D-IL) and Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). It is not every day that three 
members of the House Judiciary Committee set out a substantive case for 
impeachment hearings against the sitting Vice President. Yet, the national 
media yawned. No matter. The people have responded. Americans from all fifty 
states have signed up to support my call for hearings.
Originally, my goal was to gain 50,000 online signatures on behalf of 
impeachment hearings. Today, our goal is 250,000 supporters.
The charges against Vice President Cheney are too serious dismiss without 
hearings. If we band together, we can make focus the nation’s attention on this 
critical issue. Let’s continue to make our voices heard.
Congressman Robert Wexler
  By Representatives and Members of the Judiciary Committee:
Robert Wexler (D-FL), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
On November 7, the House of Representatives voted to send a resolution of 
impeachment of Vice President Cheney to the Judiciary Committee. As Members of 
the House Judiciary Committee, we strongly believe these important hearings 
should begin.
The issues at hand are too serious to ignore, including credible allegations of 
abuse of power that if proven may well constitute high crimes and misdemeanors 
under our constitution. The charges against Vice President Cheney relate to his 
deceptive actions leading up to the Iraq war, the revelation of the identity of 
a covert agent for political retaliation, and the illegal wiretapping of 
American citizens.
Now that former White House press secretary Scott McClellan has indicated that 
the Vice President and his staff purposefully gave him false information about 
the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson as a covert agent to report to the American 
people, it is even more important for Congress to investigate what may have 
been an intentional obstruction of justice. Congress should call Mr. McClellan 
to testify about what he described as being asked to “unknowingly [pass] along 
false information.” In addition, recent revelations have shown that the 
Administration including Vice President 

[cia-drugs] Wexler-CheneyIMP(1)LivableWorld(2)Arms-Iraq(3)Animal-saving(4)

2007-12-18 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:40:22 EST 
  From: David Rubinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 08:19:48 -0800 
  HTML Attachment 
Number 281
December 17, 2007
  Today's DRANT
Ill-tempered, Iconoclastic, Impatient and Ideologically-unpredictable views, 
comments, and sources about the World, how we humans are messing it up, and how 
we can all DO SOMETHING about it.
By Presidential Executive Order, the National Security Agency (NSA) may be 
reading this email without warning, warrant, or notice,  judicial or 
legislative oversight. You have no recourse, or protection.
  So far, 90.000 people have signed the petition to demand that the Judiciary 
Committee move forward on hearings to Impeach Cheney. 
The members of the committee that have NOT joined Wexler and the others need to 
be TOLD to do so. Please access: 
There are links to all of them right there. 
Conyers and the rest of them have no conceivable excuse for delay, and its our 
job to tell them so, and to get them off their butts.
CL EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Wexler Thanks You For Your Support
  By: Nicole Belle on Monday, December 17th, 2007 at 7:30 PM - PST  
The tremendous response to my call for impeachment hearings for Vice President 
Cheney confirms that the Bush Administration and Vice President Cheney must be 
held accountable. I have been overwhelmed by the netroots support for my call 
for impeachment hearings and for my website - WexlerWantsHearings.com. As of 
Monday afternoon - after only four days - over 80,000 people have signed up to 
show their support for impeachment hearings.
It is the constitutional duty of Congress to investigate the serious charges 
that have been leveled against Vice President Cheney, and I am using my 
position as a member of the House Judiciary Committee to see that hearings are 
held. Unfortunately, Congress and the national media ignore this serious issue. 
The outpouring of support documented at WexlerWantsHearings.com has been driven 
and supported entirely through the power of blogs, the Internet, and word of 
mouth. Websites like Crooks and Liars have taken on this important cause and 
have stepped up to fill the void left by the main stream media who still 
somehow believe that impeachment is a fringe idea and not worth coverage. In 
this case, the American people are way ahead of Congress and the media.
I was shocked when no newspaper would publish the op-ed I wrote with Rep. Luis 
Gutierrez (D-IL) and Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). It is not every day that three 
members of the House Judiciary Committee set out a substantive case for 
impeachment hearings against the sitting Vice President. Yet, the national 
media yawned. No matter. The people have responded. Americans from all fifty 
states have signed up to support my call for hearings.
Originally, my goal was to gain 50,000 online signatures on behalf of 
impeachment hearings. Today, our goal is 250,000 supporters.
The charges against Vice President Cheney are too serious dismiss without 
hearings. If we band together, we can make focus the nation’s attention on this 
critical issue. Let’s continue to make our voices heard.
Congressman Robert Wexler
  By Representatives and Members of the Judiciary Committee:
Robert Wexler (D-FL), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
On November 7, the House of Representatives voted to send a resolution of 
impeachment of Vice President Cheney to the Judiciary Committee. As Members of 
the House Judiciary Committee, we strongly believe these important hearings 
should begin.
The issues at hand are too serious to ignore, including credible allegations of 
abuse of power that if proven may well constitute high crimes and misdemeanors 
under our constitution. The charges against Vice President Cheney relate to his 
deceptive actions leading up to the Iraq war, the revelation of the identity of 
a covert agent for political retaliation, and the illegal wiretapping of 
American citizens.
Now that former White House press secretary Scott McClellan has indicated that 
the Vice President and his staff purposefully gave him false information about 
the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson as a covert agent to report to the American 
people, it is even more important for Congress to investigate what may have 
been an intentional obstruction of justice. Congress should call Mr. McClellan 
to testify about what he described as being asked to “unknowingly [pass] along 
false information.” In addition, recent revelations have shown that the 
Administration including Vice President 

[cia-drugs] Congressmaj.(1)Environment(2)SenatorDodd-Filibuster-call in (3)FreePress(4)

2007-12-17 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Remember, regardless of who is president, as Kucinich said:  As president,I 
will need a very good congress, and the majority would be better.
So we still must get 2/3 of the Congress, both the House and Senate to really 
restore our Constitutional Laws.
  Map of Races
Select a State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut 
Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky 
Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri 
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North 
Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South 
Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West 
Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming  Select a Senator Max Baucus Dick Durbin Tom Harkin 
Tim Johnson John Kerry Mary Landrieu Frank Lautenberg Carl Levin Mark Pryor 
Jack Reed Jay Rockefeller 
Louisiana Senator
Mary Landrieu
Senator Landrieu has toiled tirelessly to make all of the resources needed for 
Hurricane Katrina recovery. MORE
Political Roundup
Latest News Clips
Hall of Shame
Republicans: Is this it?
Pryor working on consumer protection
Interview: U.S. Senate Candidate Rick Noriega on the Issues
Disappearing Act 
  Finer Man 
Gordon Smith Offers Praise for GOP Obstruction
New Video: Schaffer's Disappearing Act
The Roadblock Republicans
Mitch McConnell: Year in Review
January: McConnell Called Himself Bush's Strongest Supporter On Iraq. 
In an interview discussing Iraq and the President's proposed troop escalation, 
McConnell described himself as the strongest supporter of the president you 
could find in the Senate on this effort.
  February: McConnell Blocked Senate Escalation Debate, Arguing Many GOPers 
Don't Want a Debate. 
Leading the fight to block a Senate debate on Iraq in February, McConnell said, 
let me just say there are many members on my side who would argue that we 
shouldn't be having this debate this week at all. Headlines across the country 
accused the McConnell-led Senate Republicans of blocking the essential debate.
  March: McConnell Holds Muti-Million Dollar Fundraiser With Bush, While 
Fighting his Battles in the Senate.  
On March 1, the Washington Times ran a headline that said, McConnell fighting 
Bush's battles in Senate.  The next day, President Bush traveled to Kentucky 
for a fundraiser with McConnell that raised $2.1 million for McConnell and the 
National Republican Senatorial Committee.
  April: McConnell Voted Against War Funding Bill That Would have Set a New 
Course in Iraq. 
In April, McConnell voted against a $124 billion Fiscal Year 2007 Supplemental 
spending bill, which would have begun bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq by 
October 1, with a goal of having most troops home by March 31, 2008. In 
addition to the withdrawal, the bill provided billions of dollars for military 
equipment and health care for active duty military and returning veterans.
  May: McConnell Endorsed Scandal-Plagued Gov. Ernie Fletcher, Saying He Had 
Never Met a Finer Man.   
In May, McConnell endorsed Republican Ernie Fletcher for Governor of Kentucky, 
saying, I have never met a finer man than our governor, Ernie Fletcher. In 
2006, Fletcher was indicted on three misdemeanor charges for allegedly doling 
out state jobs to political supporters. The indictments came after Fletcher 
pleaded the Fifth Amendment and declined to answer questions before a grand 
jury. In August 2006, Fletcher admitted to wrongdoing in his administration as 
part of an agreement to drop the charges, but a grand jury report released 
later said that Fletcher oversaw a widespread and coordinated plan to avoid 
state hiring laws.  Fletcher also pardoned every member of his administration 
that was involved with the scandal.  
  June: McConnell Held Up Essential Ethics Reform and 9/11 Commission 
On a single day in June, McConnell blocked congressional Democrats' attempts to 
move forward with a sweeping lobbying reform bill and a bill to implement the 
recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.
  July: Republican Senator Accuses McConnell of Dereliction of Duty for 
Actions on Immigration. 
In July, columnist Bob Novak wrote, I asked one of the few conservative 
Republican senators who stuck with President Bush on immigration to assess how 
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell handled the issue. Asking not to be 
quoted by name, he replied: ‘If this were a war, Sen. McConnell should be 
relieved of command for dereliction of duty.' Not only did the minority leader 
end up voting against an immigration bill that he said was better than the 2006 
version he supported, he abandoned his post, staying off the floor during final 
stages of the debate. 
  August: McConnell Led the Fight Against Expanding Health Care to Over 3 
Million Uninsured Children. 
In August McConnell voted against bipartisan legislation to expand 

[cia-drugs] RepConyersDodd(1)FDA(2)Moveon Petition(3)

2007-12-16 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Congressman John Conyers  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:38:41 -0500 
Subject: FISA Call to Action 
  FISA Call to Action
Dear Theresa:
The Senate will soon consider legislation addressing the Foreign Intelligence 
Surveillance Act (FISA).  I emailed you about this issue recently responding to 
inaccuracies in the press about Democratic efforts to improve protection of 
civil liberties.  I am writing you today to update you on the current state of 
the bill and to ask for your help.
  One critical question being considered in the Senate's FISA bill is whether 
to offer telecom companies retroactive immunity for any actions they undertook 
in the wireless surveillance program.  The Bush Administration has claimed that 
this is necessary for national security reasons, but I am skeptical.
  If the Administration was serious about arguing for this immunity, I suspect 
they would take steps to demonstrate to Congress the extent of this 
surveillance program and what role the phone companies played.  Yet they have 
refused to share even this information with the House.  Clearly, it is a bit 
much to ask for immunity from prosecution without explaining why it is 
  Because of these reservations, the House-passed FISA bill did not include the 
immunity the president sought.  In the Senate, however, it is becoming clear 
that a tough battle will now ensue over this provision.  Senator Chris Dodd of 
Connecticut has been a vocal opponent of telecom immunity and has promised to 
filibuster any FISA legislation that includes this provision.
  Senator Dodd needs your help right now.  Please visit his site and lend your 
support to the filibuster now.  Your help can make a difference at this 
important juncture.
  Thank you again for your continued support for a better democracy.
  Your Friend, 
John Conyers, Jr.  
  Paid for by the Conyers, John 
  Conyers for Congress
1831 Bay Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
   To unsubscribe from this mailing list, click here 
Powered by NGP Software, Inc.

  16 Dec 2007 01:08:48 -0800 
From: Yahoo! Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Y! Alert: Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy  
Yahoo! Alerts 
My Alerts - Edit Alert 
  The latest from Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
  Bipartisanship is key as the storm gathers over health-care reform (The 
Columbus Dispatch) 
FDA bill to regulate cigarettes on hold but not dead (Winston-Salem Journal) 
UPDATED: FDA bill to regulate cigarettes on hold but not dead (Winston-Salem 
  Bipartisanship is key as the storm gathers over health-care reform (The 
Columbus Dispatch) Top 
Sunday December 16, 2007 2:28 AM CST 
The country might or might not have another President Clinton in 2009. But what 
lessons does the 1993-94 health-care-reform debacle presided over by President 
and first lady Hillary Clinton offer for whoever takes over the Oval Office? 
FDA bill to regulate cigarettes on hold but not dead (Winston-Salem Journal) 
Sunday December 16, 2007 2:19 AM CST 
WASHINGTON A plan to give the Food and Drug Administration the power to 
regulate cigarettes is on hold for now, but supporters said last week that it 
is likely to resurface in Congress early next year. By no means is it dead, 
said William V. Corr, the executive director of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free 
Kids, a public-health advocacy group that has long sought FDA regulation of 
cigarettes. ... 
FDA bill to regulate cigarettes on hold but not dead (Winston-Salem Journal) 
UPDATED: Sunday December 16, 2007 12:43 AM CST 
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at 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.  
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:57:23 -0800 
From: Nita Chaudhary, MoveOn.org Political Action [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Theresa J.Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Halliburton and Rape 
Click here to add your name: 
Congress must investigate the rape of Jamie Leigh Jones and others, hold those 
involved accountable, and bring US contractors under the jurisdiction of US 
Sign the petition 
  Support Jamie Leigh Jones' 

[cia-drugs] Kennedy(1)TimJohnson(2)BensonDoubleHullOilTankers(3)

2007-12-10 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Mon, 10 Dec 2007 16:46:43 -0500 
To: Theresa J Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Sen. Ted Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Not This Senator 
Dear Theresa J, 
  Republicans apparently think it's acceptable to continue pouring billions of 
taxpayer dollars into the war in Iraq. They think it's acceptable to ignore the 
needs and priorities of our people here at home on dozens of vital domestic 
  But it's not acceptable to this Senator. 
  If you agree with me - if you want to end the GOP's distorted priorities and 
get America back on track - help elect a Democratic Senate that will do it. 
Make a donation of $10, $20, $50 or $100 to the Committee for a Democratic 
Majority today: 
  This holiday season, millions of working families across the nation are 
suffering unfairly because of the distorted priorities of President Bush and 
his Republican allies in Congress. 
  From rising gas prices to soaring health costs to skyrocketing housing 
payments, Americans in communities across the country are worried about their 
jobs, their retirement, and whether they can afford their son or daughter's 
college education. 
  Again and again, Republicans in Congress have blocked needed progress by 
Democrats on behalf of working families. They blocked legislation to fund early 
childhood education and veteran's job training programs. They've blocked 
legislation to protect workers' rights. They've even blocked legislation for 
children's health care. 
  Instead, the Republican leadership is attacking Senators like me for 
supporting an end to the war in Iraq and bringing our troops home as soon as 
  The 2008 elections are our chance to change all that. Right now, I'm working 
hard with the Committee for a Democratic Majority to decide where to put 
resources into the 2008 election, and elect leaders who will do the right 
thing. You still have time to send early, critical funds to our program that 
can make a big difference. You can help elect enough new Democratic Senators to 
end this disgraceful GOP obstruction and move America forward once again. 
  Please make a $10, $20, $50 or $100 donation to the Committee for a 
Democratic Majority: 
  Thank you so much for your strong support. 
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
  Paid for by The Committee for a Democratic Majority 
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, go to: http://www.democraticmajority.com/unsubscribe

WE the people on the internet grass roots, would like to thank Senator Tim 
johnson for his hard fight to come back and business as usual.  We admire you 
for your perserance and know that you are doing your share to get America back 
on Track Again.  It will take us all to turn this country in a different 
Direction, as under our 
U. S. Constitution, not as Law Breakers but as Law and order on our agenda.. We 
must restore our U. S. Constitution, and save our country.  We are grateful to 
you for being an example us all of us to never give up.  We shall overcome!
  Theresa J. Steed
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A year after hemorrhage, S.D. senator gets around 
Posted 15h 17m ago | Comments13 | Recommend3 E-mail | Save | Print |   
Enlarge By Susan Walsh, AP 
Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., right, rides next to Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., 
left, on Capitol Hill in Washington. 
By Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The last thing Sen. Tim Johnson remembers about Dec. 13, 2006, is 
arriving at the hospital in an ambulance. After that, his memory begins to fade.
The South Dakota Democrat suffered a brain hemorrhage that day, setting off a 
furious round of speculation about whether the balance of Congress would shift. 
Senate Democrats had just won a one-vote majority in the November elections, 
and the senator's death could have passed control of the chamber back to 
  But Johnson held on.
  He survived life-threatening surgery that night, oblivious to the political 
speculation and the TV camera trucks surrounding George Washington University 
Hospital. He emerged from a medically induced coma a month later, and has fuzzy 
memories of the Super Bowl and the State of the Union address in the weeks that 
  I had dreams about being other places but I wasn't fully conscious, Johnson 
told The Associated Press in an interview in his Senate office. It was strange 
when (my wife) Barbara and the family told me what a deal it had been.
  FIND MORE STORIES IN: Senate | Capitol Hill | SD | Susan Walsh | Sen. Tim 
Johnson | Dr. Michael Yochelson 
A year later, Johnson, 

[cia-drugs] HowardDean(1)Greenpeace(2)Al Gore(3)Scientist(4)PolarBears(5)

2007-12-08 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Wed, 5 Dec 2007 15:00:00 -0500 
To: quechick007 barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Howard Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Hope not fear 
Dear quechick007,
  Here we go again. 
  For the past few months, the Bush Administration exploited the fears of 
Americans to make their case against Iran. Just a few weeks ago, the President 
said I believe they want to have the capacity, the knowledge, in order to make 
a nuclear weapon. 
  This week, 16 U.S. intelligence agencies published a report that in fall 
2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program. Turns out the White House was 
aware of this shocking assessment for a few months, but reportedly worked to 
delay its public release. 
  Distortions and manipulation to promote a narrow ideological agenda is 
nothing new to the Bush Administration -- it's how they misled us into Iraq. 
This is the worst kind of leadership: a dishonest appeal our base emotions. 
  Iran may pose a threat, but misleading the American people is not the way to 
deal with it.  All of the Democratic candidates have said that we need to have 
all options on the table when dealing with Iran -- Republicans seem to only 
consider war.
  After we elect a Democratic president in 2008, the American people will once 
again have a leader who will be open and honest with them. But until then, it's 
important that every Republican presidential candidate avoids the 
fear-mongering that George Bush has used to so profoundly divide this country. 
  Back when I ran for President, I couldn't walk ten feet without seeing a 
Hope not Fear slogan on a t-shirt or a sign. And now, four years later, it's 
never meant more to me. 
  Join me and remind every Republican presidential candidate that all Americans 
want to be inspired by hope, not governed by fear.  Tell them to listen to the 
intelligence community: 
  If these quotes are any indication, the Republican frontrunners haven't 
gotten the message: 
  Rudy Giuliani: Iran is nuclear threat, not just because they can deliver a 
nuclear warhead with missiles; they're a nuclear threat because they are the 
biggest state sponsor of terrorism and they can hand nuclear materials to 
  Mitt Romney: If for some reasons they continue down their course of folly 
toward nuclear ambition, then I would take military action if that's available 
to us. 
  Mike Huckabee: A President has to do whatever is necessary to protect the 
American people. If we think Iran is building nuclear capacity that could be 
used against us in any way, including selling some of the nuclear capacity to 
some other terrorist group, then yes we have a right [to attack]. I would do it 
in a heartbeat.  
  We don't need four more years of Bush-Cheney foreign policy in the White 
House. No matter your party, it's time to stop scaring Americans with doomsday 
scenarios -- and start talking about the positive steps our country can take to 
ensure a peaceful world community. 
  Stand up for policy based on facts, not hysteria fueled by fear: 
  President Bush used faulty intelligence and fear-mongering to enter Iraq. Now 
he's been caught using faulty intelligence and fear-mongering to engage Iran. 
  He's not going to get away with it. Don't let any one of our nation's 
presidential candidates get away with it either. 
  Howard Dean
 Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, 
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 
  Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003 
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible 
as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
  Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.
  DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003
Tue, 4 Dec 2007 16:55:12 -0500 (EST) 
From: Greenpeace [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Act Now! 1,000 Whales in Danger 
Dear Theresa J, December 4,2007 
I'm writing you from onboard the Greenpeace ship Esperanza, on my way to the 
frigid waters of the Southern Ocean and on course to intercept the Japanese 
whaling fleet. The whaling fleet is planning to kill more than a thousand 
whales, including 50 endangered fin whales, and for the first time, 50 humpback 
whales. It's my job to protect as many whales as I can from that fate.
  As soon as we find the fleet, I'll be driving a rigid inflatable boat between 
the fleet's grenade-tipped harpoons and the whales they're attempting to kill. 
I know the dangers that lie ahead of me, but if I can help the whales to 
escape, there's no greater reward.
This year, we're committed to staying with the hunting fleet as long as they 
remain in the Southern Ocean - that could mean several months at sea. It costs 

[cia-drugs] mail from Harry Reid(1)H.R.1999.IH - NO!(2)Moveon-StoptheWaron Iran(3)

2007-12-06 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Wed, 5 Dec 2007 17:49:54 -0500 
From: Harry Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: A long line of inaccurate comments 
Dear tHERESA j.,
  We've all heard their heated rhetoric on Iran.
  George Bush, Dick Cheney, other administration officials, and right wing 
pundits using phrases such as imminent threat and talking about the potential 
for World War III. Now we know these are just the latest in a long line of 
inaccurate and misleading comments -- the same type of misinformation that got 
us into the Iraq war.
  All 16 of our nation's intelligence agencies have concluded that Iran stopped 
its nuclear weapons program four years ago. This finding, contained in the 
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that was released yesterday, further 
diminished the credibility of the President, who has a dangerous record of 
overstating threats.
  Of course, instead of announcing a new diplomatic offensive, George Bush's 
response was to state, the NIE doesn't do anything to change my opinion about 
the danger Iran poses to the world. Well, maybe his opinion hasn't changed, 
but the facts have. The President is the only person that I know who can 
receive a report like the NIE and believe that it's a warning signal.
  I have no doubt that those cheerleading for a war with Iran will continue to 
do so. That's why I need your help to get the word out in your community about 
this development. If we can send 10,000 letters to the editor by Monday, I know 
it will make a real difference.
  Help make sure that George Bush and his allies don't spread misinformation 
leading to war with Iran.
  Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
  Instead of stubbornly insisting the NIE did not change his opinion, George 
Bush should announce a new diplomatic surge.
  George Bush used this playbook in the build-up to the war in Iraq -- and now 
he is trying to lay the same foundation for us to go to war in Iran. For the 
last seven years, we've seen this kind of misinformation coming from the White 
House. Our nation deserves better.
  Help make sure that George Bush and his allies don't spread misinformation 
leading to war with Iran:
  Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
  Thank you,
  Harry Reid
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, go to: http://www.giveemhellharry.com/unsubscribe
  Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 
Bill H.R.1999.IH - Can you believe this?  Someone in the House is surely 
attempting to integrate Mexicans and Americans for their North American 
Union???Enough is enough!
We want our constitution back and Law and Order! How Complicated can it be? We 
are not going to start this NAU thing, it is the runner up to the New World 
Order of the
Future Police State - on continent!
3 out of 4 Americans do not want NAU, nor integration against our will.
Bill in the House of Reps. to fund La Raza 
Posted by: Deon M. [EMAIL PROTECTED]   deonm88 
Wed Dec 5, 2007 5:15 pm (PST) 
Message- Original Message - 
From: Alanna 
To: ronpaul-763@ meetup.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 12:41 PM
Subject: RE: [ronpaul-763] Fw: Bill in the House of Reps. to fund La Raza
  Here is a link to email your opposition to HR 1999
http://capwiz. com/jbs/issues/ alert/?alertid= 9817586
  Join the 
http://www.ronpaul2 008.com/
-Original Message-
From: ronpaul-763@ meetup.com [mailto:ronpaul-763@ meetup.com] On Behalf Of 
Gary Conway
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 8:12 AM
To: ronpaul-763@ meetup.com
Subject: [ronpaul-763] Fw: Bill in the House of Reps. to fund La Raza
  Subject: Bill in the House of Reps. to fund La Raza
  We need to start calling Sali and Simpson on this bill. 
  TO: All Meetups:
  I know it is hard to believe, but there is a bill in Congress to fund the 
racist, anti-American, anti-assimilation, pro-illegal, and pro-Hispanic
takeover of the US organization La Raza. This bill asks the American people to 
spend 5 million dollars in 2008
and 10 million a year for each fiscal year thereafter to fund La Raza. NOTHING 
  To read the bill click on the following link: Hope Fund Act of 2007 
(Introduced in House) [H.R.1999.IH]
  After reading the bill, phone, fax or email your Representative and politely 
ask him/her not to co sponsor this bill and when
H.R. 1999 comes up for a vote, to vote NO against it, that you do not want 
your tax money funding any organizations that
advocate open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.
  Call the capitol switchboard TOLL FREE: 1-866-340-9281 and ask to speak to 
your Representative by name.
  Check out AOL Money  Finance's list of the hottest products and top money 
wasters of 2007.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free 

[cia-drugs] Bill#1955(1)GregPalast(2)

2007-11-28 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Bill#1955 - do not pass!
This bill must not pass...who ever heard of a Constitutional Law which refers 
to thought process.
This is absurd, it is too rediculous to pass such a bill.. We would be opening 
ourselves to no protection 
under the U. S. Constitutional law, whatsoever.  We must preserve our U. S. 
Constitution and revert those bills recently
illegally added without referring to our Laws and Order. IMHO, this bill was 
slipped in for passage, while we are thinking other things just now.
I really do think these neo-cons thought we would not catch this impossible and 
ruination to our rights and freedoms..Utterly dangerous to our best interest. 
Vote NO!  This is a dangrous bill which only a Police State would install.  We 
cannot afford to lose any more of our bill of rights,
and Constitutional protection.  HR1955 would affect every single citizen in the 
U. S. A..all of us could be set up so easy, it would be a big
regretable bill to pass.. It is not necessary to pass this for we have other 
bills more concise and precise which is more effective and realistic.
This would only be used by a Dictator, not a president under our U. S. 
Constitution.  We must rescend any bills passed in since 2000, which
would jerpardize all the U. S. Citizens.  We must demand our Bill of right and 
our freedoms expressed by the U. S. Constitution, be restored immediatly.
WE do not want edicted laws in this land, no president has the right to do so 
in our country.  We demand our Republic be restored, every Constitutional
protection we had before this administation.  We must do it now, or the 
precedence of this Executive Branch might be passed on to the next president 
admistration and become permanent law.
We respectfully urge all of the Senate to vote against this dangerous Bill.  It 
should not become part of our U.S.Constitution.
How will HR1955 affect YOU?
Posted by: zz 22 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:16 am ((PST))
  Behaviour like this affects the entire internet community, not just
Wake up!
  Violent Radicalization-Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act headed for
Senate Vote
  IMC Miami
November 26, 2007
  Fears that government could define Internet radicalization and
criticism as terrorism mount, violent comments left on messageboards
by trolls could be exploited to entrap peaceful 9/11 truthers. A new
bill that recently passed the House and is headed for Senate approval
has online activists worried that the vague definitions used for
defining the Internet's contribution to radicalization of potential
terrorists could lead to a government crackdown on talk radio, free
speech and the 9/11 truth movement.
  The bill is H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2007 and passed Congress after a bipartisan vote on
October 23rd.
  Ostensibly, the bill targets United States citizens because of its
constant reference to basic Constitutional protections, but this has
led some to fear that it is intended to shut down free speech on the
Internet and stifle patriot and alternative talk radio networks.
  The bill defines violent radicalization as The process of adopting
or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of
facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political,
religious, or social change.
  It further defines homegrown terrorism as The use, planned use, or
threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born,
raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or
any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United
States government, the civilian population of the United States, or
any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
  The term planned use has caused concerns that thinking about
violence, ie thought crime, could be considered a terrorist act. But
since to plan violence must involve some form of planning, whether
that be drawing up bomb diagrams or making violent statements, the
real threat seems to have been overlooked.
  A disturbing trend in recent months has been the proliferation of
violent postings on messageboards of websites affiliated with peaceful
9/11 truth organizations.
  These messages are being posted by shameless trolls, COINTELPRO
operatives and their stooges in a clear effort to discredit the 9/11
truth movement by making us all appear to be crazy nutcases who plan
to commit terrorist acts.
  Establishment media hacks like Glenn Beck have then seized upon the
idea to spew propaganda about how the next Timothy McVeigh will come
from the truth movement, despite the fact that the leadership of the
truth movement have practiced what they preach all along, by engaging
in completely peaceful protests and other forms of non-violent
educational activism.
  The bill's reference to how The Internet has aided in facilitating
violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the
homegrown terrorism process 

[cia-drugs] Levin(1)AlienID(2)Guns(3)Kucinich(4)RockVote(5)ImmigrationRevolt(6)

2007-11-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Sat, 24 Nov 2007 12:59:09 -0500 (EST) 
From: Friends of Senator Carl Levin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Senator Levin on Fox News Sunday 
  Dear Theresa j.,
  Senator Levin will appear Fox News Sunday this weekend, to discuss once again 
the need to change the failed status quo in Iraq. He will also be answering 
questions about the ongoing situation in Pakistan.
  Fox News Sunday airs at 6:00 pm on the national Fox News cable channel, and 
between 7:00 am and 11:00 am on most local Fox affiliates.
  Click here to check your local listings.
  We hope you have a chance to tune in and watch Senator Levin, as he continues 
to take a leadership role to bring about a change in our Iraq policy.
Friends of Senator Carl Levin
  To contribute to Senator Levin's re-election campaign, please click here.
  To remove yourself from the Friends of Senator Carl Levin email list,
please click here to unsubscribe.
  Paid for by Friends of Senator Carl Levin. 
 Sat, 24 Nov 2007 00:22:17 -0700 
From: APFN [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert  
Subject: - Evidence of Revision 
Evidence of Revision
  JFK - Evidence of Revision (1 of 5) he Assassinations of Kennedy and Oswald
JFK - Evidence of Revision (2 of 5) The Why of it all
JFK - Evidence of Revision (3 of 5) Hoover and others.What so few know
JFK - Evidence of Revision (4 of 5) The RFK assassination
JFK - Evidence of Revision (5 of 5) RFK assassination, MK ULTRA + Jonestown 
List of States that give Illegal Aliens US ID card 
Posted by: Linda Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]   sherry6slinky 
Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:53 pm (PST) 
  List of States that give Illegal Aliens US ID cards 
  Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:08 pm (PST) 
Here is a list of the States that hand out US ID cards to those who have
criminally and Illegally entered the USA. If anyone wants to add contacts to
this list and re-post that would be great. Remember a US ID card is about
the greatest thing an illegal immigrant needs to do just about anything in
the USA. Removing this would cause great problems for the millions of
illegal aliens who are hiding here, sucking up OUR taxes ( billions nation
wide, countless millions in Maryland alone ) , hurting our citizens,
illegally voting, stealing American jobs, lowering wages, ruining our health
care and social services, and causing so many problems here. 
  (1) Maryland ( Possibly one of the biggest problems ) Governor Martin
OMalley (D) is supporting most of the Mid to EAST portion of the USA with ID
cards for Illegal Immigrants. Maryland, Washington DC, New Jersey and the
surrounding area have exploded with illegal immigrants because of this.
Maryland even pays ( tax paid ) for Spanish translators to keep up with the
THOUSANDS of ID cards they give Illegals per week. Cutting off Maryland to
Illegal Immigrants would shut down most of the Mid to EAST Coast ability to
get US ID cards to Illegal Aliens. 
  Office of the Governor 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] state.md. us 
100 State Circle, Annapolis, Maryland 21401-1925 
410.974.3591 ~ 1.800.811.8336 ~ MD Relay 1.800.735.2258 
Email the Web Team 
  (2) Washington State 
(3) Oregon 
(4) UTAH ( Although this State I believe is a driving permit, not an actual
US ID card ) 
(5) New Mexico, probably a big problem here but in this region is a net work
of back up States near by handing out US ID cards as well . 
(6) Michigan 
(7) Maine ( probably not too many Illegal immigrants this high, yet. Most
Illegals in the mid portion to EAST coast rely on Maryland using Governor
Martin OMalley and a group called CASA of Maryland and their net work of
shared address and Tax paid translators to speed up the process ) 
(8)Hawaii ( probably no too many Illegals here, yet. 
  Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post 
Messages in this topic (1) 
23 Nov 2007 03:08:36 -0800 
From: Yahoo! Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Y! Alert: Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy  
Yahoo! Alerts 
My Alerts - Edit Alert 
  The latest from Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
  U.S. program overpaid Pa. student-loan agency (The Philadelphia Inquirer) 
Wednesday November 21, 2007 12:12 AM CST 
HARRISBURG - Pennsylvania's student-loan agency was overpaid $35 million in 
federal subsidies over three years, according to an audit released yesterday. 
You received this email because you subscribed to Yahoo! Alerts. Use this link 
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at 701 First Avenue, 

[cia-drugs] USCCguns(1)L.A.Air(2)Trade(3)US-ED(4)Leak(5)USConstitutuion(6)

2007-11-21 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Breaking news E-mail alerts 
Get breaking news in your inbox as it happens  
Justices to take on 2nd Amendment 
Updated 2h 52m ago | Comments463 | Recommend15 E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints 
 Permissions |   
Enlarge By Jacquelyn Martin, AP file 
Karen Wiggins, head of the firearms division for the Washington D.C. Police 
Department, stands in the firearms reference collection. Most of the guns, used 
now for forensic research, were seized during crimes under a decades old law in 
the nation's capital that bars handgun ownership for nearly everyone except law 
Digg  del.icio.us  Newsvine  Reddit  Facebook What's this? By Joan Biskupic, 
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court announced Tuesday it would decide the scope of 
the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, accepting a momentous case 
that could change gun laws across the nation.
The dispute over a Washington, D.C., handgun ban, to be heard in the spring and 
likely decided by July, would mark the first time the court directly interprets 
the Second Amendment.
  Tuesday's action immediately mobilized both sides of the debate over gun 
rights. The fractious question could become an issue in the 2008 presidential 
  It's going to be the biggest case of the year, says Georgetown University 
law professor Randy Barnett. This will be one of the rare instances that the 
court tells us what the meaning of the Constitution is, not the meaning of its 
prior (cases). If the court holds that the Second Amendment protects an 
individual right, it would be significant.
For decades, judges generally have ruled that the Second Amendment covers a 
collective right of state militias, such as National Guard units, not the 
rights of individual gun owners. In the last Supreme Court case that involved 
the topic, in 1939, the justices emphasized the Second Amendment's protection 
for a well-regulated militia and upheld federal regulation of individuals' 
use of sawed-off shotguns. It did not directly confront the Second Amendment's 
FIND MORE STORIES IN: Washington | Supreme Court | DC | Justices | Circuit | 
Second Amendment 
I suppose there are many families who can no longer afford to fly. Everything 
has gone up, especially Gas for our transportation.Que*
  Yahoo!My Yahoo!Mail Make Y! your home pageYahoo! SearchSearch:Welcome, 
Press Release Source: Los Angeles World Airports 
Reminder - Media Advisory: Los Angeles World Airports, Transportation Security 
Administration Representatives Available for Thanksgiving Travel Interviews at 
Tuesday November 20, 9:00 pm ET 
LOS ANGELES, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 20, 2007 -- 
WHAT: Media representatives from Los Angeles World Airports and the
  U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Security
  Administration (TSA) will be available at terminal curbside for
  news interviews at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
  These representatives will share travel tips and travel forecast
  for the Thanksgiving holiday travel period. Airport officials
  estimate 1.85 million passengers are expected to come through
  LAX during the 10-day holiday period between Friday, Nov. 16
  and Sunday, Nov. 25. The busiest travel days are expected
  to include Wednesday, November 21, and Sunday, November 25.
  WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007
  4:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
  WHERE:Two locations on Upper/Departure Level: (1) between Terminals 1
  and 2, and (2) between Tom Bradley International Terminal and
  Terminal 4.
  PARKING:  Television and radio broadcast-equipped vehicles displaying a
  valid LAX Media Parking Permit ONLY will be allowed to park
  terminal curbside. Media vehicles parked curbside must be
  attended at all times. All media with valid LAX Media Parking
  Permits may park in Vendor Delivery Lots 3, 4 and 6 located
  across from the same numbered terminals on the Lower/Arrival
  Level. All other media must park in parking structures.
  CONTACTS: -- LAX Public Relations Specialist Katherine Alvarado (also
 Spanish-speaking) at (310) 646-5260 or 24-hour pager at
 (310) 523-8994
  -- TSA Western Regional Public Affairs Officer Nico Melendez
 at 24-hour pager at (877) 561-6212.
  NOTE: LAX Public Relations Office will be closed Thanksgiving Thursday,
  Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23.
 Katherine Alvarado
 LAX Public Relations Specialist
 (also Spanish-speaking)
 (310) 646-5260
 24-hour pager: (310) 523-8994
 Nico Melendez
 TSA Western Regional Public Affairs Officer
 24-hour pager: (877) 561-6212
  Source: Los Angeles World Airports
Email Story 
Set News Alert 

[cia-drugs] EarthJus.(1)SPP(2)Exposi'(3)Utube(4)A.Weiner(5)HumanRights(6)Radio(7)

2007-11-17 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  I would like for everyone to share in this beautiful card sent by the 
EarthJustice Team, It has grown, because everyone really had a hand in this and 
we ar so proud of all of you.
Now Open the card! 1...2..3...Go!
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 19:23:41 GMT 
From: Earthjustice [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   Add Mobile 
To: Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Thank you for all you do 
  A thank you message from Earthjustice
  Dear Theresa J.,
  From all of us here at Earthjustice, thank you for your
commitment to protecting the Earth and its treasures. With your
help, we're winning.
  Click here to see your thank you card:
Earthjustice is the nation's leading, non-profit law firm for
the environment. To learn more about our work, visit our
  To modify your email communication preferences, update your
personal profile or remove yourself from ALL email lists
maintained by Earthjustice, visit your subscription management
page at:
426 17th Street, 6th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612-2820

'Stop SPP' marches in 9 cities tomorrow 
Posted by: Sardar [EMAIL PROTECTED]   sog_recon 
Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:33 pm (PST) 
'Stop SPP' marches in 9 cities tomorrow
New York, Chicago, L.A. among sites for protest of 'North American 
  Posted: November 16, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
  By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2007 WorldNetDaily. com
  The leaders of the United States, Canada and Mexico conferred 
over the Security and Prosperity Partnership in August
Protest marches opposing the controversial Security and Prosperity 
Partnership of North America are scheduled tomorrow for nine cities across 
the nation.
  Opponents of the SPP will gather in Atlanta, Chicago; Houston; Las 
Vegas; Los Angeles; New York City; Sacramento; Clearwater, Fla.; and Yakima, 
Wash., to bring attention to a U.S. agreement with Mexico and Canada they 
charge is part of an incremental move toward an EU-style continental merger.
  President Bush first declared the establishment of the SPP at a summit 
meeting with Mexico's then-president, Vicente Fox, and Canada's then-prime 
minister, Paul Martin, in Waco, Texas, March 23, 2005.
  (Story continues below)
  Jonnie Crivello, national organizer for the March for America!, 
explained to WND in an e-mail that the goal of tomorrow's event is to 
demonstrate the country's opposition to the SPP and the establishment of a 
North American Union.
  In addition to letter writing and making phone calls to elected 
officials, Americans are now taking to the streets to show that there are 
real people behind the demands to halt North American integration and to 
keep the United States a sovereign nation, Crivello said.
  March for America! is a vehicle to unite, she stressed. Many 
Americans who otherwise might never have heard about the Security and 
Prosperity Partnership or the North American Union will learn about both 
through our marches.
  Crivello told WND originally was established last summer to oppose the 
Bush administration' s attempt to pass its comprehensive immigration reform 
  Then, in August, the group held a protest in Seattle in opposition to 
the third SPP summit meeting, held in Montebello, Quebec.
  WND reported Bush met with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon and 
Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper August 20–21.
  In response to a question from Fox News during the final press 
conference in Montebello, Bush ridiculed as a conspiracy theory the idea 
that SPP might develop into a North American Union.
  Still, opponents organizing tomorrow's Stop SPP marches insist the 
administration is following the European model, charging that Europe 
progressed from a trade agreement comparable to NAFTA – the European Coal 
and Steel Agreement reached 50 years ago this year – to the European Union 
today, a full-fledged regional government with the euro as its currency.
  After protesting the SPP summit, Crivello decided to keep the March 
for America! idea going.
  She was encouraged by radio talk show host Jim Stachowiak of Freedom 
Fighter Radio, who picked up on Crivello's idea and proposed to hold a Nov. 
17 Stop SPP march in his home city of Atlanta.
  Crivello liked Stachowiak's suggestion and decided to keep alive the 
March for America! website to endorse Stop SPP nationwide.
  Since then, organizers in Chicago; Clearwater, Fla., Houston, Las 
Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Sacramento and Yakima, Wash., have joined 
  We will not wait for the North American Union to be put in place in a 
stealth fashion, just as the European Union was created in Europe, Crivello 
told WND. The 

[cia-drugs] Thank You Mr. Romero, Executive of ACLU, a good old American group with USConstitutional Lawyers and justice as their aims, they can do it with our help

2007-11-08 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Please send this one to every relative and person you know, and then some share 
this good news.  We have a courage person with a big stick to help us.  
Moveon.org, and all the wonderful groups we have will be so helpful and I just 
can't wait, can you??  Let's roll up our sleeves and thank goodness we all want 
our country back and our constitution restored just like it was. We already 
have laws which can handle nearly every situtation.  We really don't need those 
other vague and loophole stuff fit for Edictates. I don't like living under 
miltiary law and i suspect that those troops in our military do what they do so 
we AMericans can remain free.
Thu, 8 Nov 2007 16:08:18 -0600 (CST)From:  Anthony D. Romero 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Today, at the prison 
at Guantánamo Bay...  
#message27065777947126876891585432401307462149911916869204 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  
Working to End 

  Observing Guantánamo hearings: ACLU attorney, Jamil Dakwar, is at Guantánamo 
Bay to observe the hearing of Omar Ahmed Khadr. Read his comments and 
observations about the hearing on the ACLU blog tomorrow.
  Testifying before Congress: ACLU attorney, Amrit Singh, testified today 
before the House Judiciary Subcommittee looking into enhanced interrogation 
methods used on detainees in U.S. custody. Read more about her testimony.
  Getting the facts: As a result of a Freedom of Information Act request filed 
by the ACLU, the third secret torture memo from Alberto Gonzales’ DOJ was 
revealed on Tuesday. Learn more about the documents and what they uncover. 

Dear Friend, 
  ACLU attorney Jamil Dakwar is in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba serving as a human 
rights observer at the hearing of a Canadian citizen named Omar Ahmed Khadr. 
Khadr was only 15 years old when he was captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. 
This is his third hearing; the first two resulted in the charges against him 
being thrown out. 
  After nearly six years of disarray and uncertainty about how to prosecute the 
320 remaining prisoners being held at Guantánamo Bay, the U.S. government has 
failed to complete a single trial. As the prisoners continue to languish 
without being charged or tried, one thing remains crystal clear: We cannot 
arbitrarily detain prisoners, deny them access to lawyers, and hold them 
  It is also clear that Congress cannot continue to put off taking action, they 
need to close Guantánamo Bay, restore habeas corpus and repudiate torture once 
and for all. In the meantime, you and I cannot wait for a change in Congress or 
the White House to demand that our leaders fix the damage done to the 
Constitution, our freedoms and our most fundamental American values over the 
last seven years.
  That’s why we’re asking ACLU members to bring the discussion about these 
vital issues to their friends and family by hosting a screening of the powerful 
documentary, Ghosts of Abu Ghraib, on or before December 10, International 
Human Rights Day. Sign up to host a screening. 
  We know for a fact that when they learn of the abuses being carried out in 
their name, the American people reject the use of torture and believe that our 
nation should uphold the rule of law. That is why the ACLU is calling on 
friends like you to help us educate and mobilize the public.
  We won’t wait for ’08 to end torture, restore habeas corpus and close 
Guantánamo . We must act now. By hosting a screening of “Ghosts of Abu Ghraib,” 
you will increase awareness about the issues of torture, habeas corpus and due 
process. Raising awareness of these issues is essential as we fight to restore 
our Constitution and our most fundamental values.
  All you need to host a viewing is a DVD player, a TV and guests. We’ll 
provide you with the tools you need to have a meaningful discussion. 
  Sign up to host a screening. 
  To think that it has taken almost six years for Khadr's hearing to take place 
underscores the fact that we can’t wait for ’08 to restore the Constitution; we 
must act now. 
  I hope you’ll consider hosting a viewing of this important documentary, and 
help build awareness about these fundamental issues. Thank you for your 
involvement and for standing up for freedom and the rule of law. 
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
  © ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004

Unsubscribe from receiving email, or change your email preferences.

  I believe this is to be something of which the GOP Republicans and be in on 
if they truly want to keep our country and our constititional rights and laws. 
To have a working society, and government, we must enforce our constitutional 
laws which must be upheld. Our version, we do not live by a Miltiary Law, at 
least not yet, but we are getting ever so close, with the 

[cia-drugs] Thank You Mr. Romero, Executive of ACLU, a good old American group with USConstitutional Lawyers and justice as their aims, they can do it with our help

2007-11-08 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Please send this one to every relative and person you know, and then some share 
this good news.  We have a courage person with a big stick to help us.  
Moveon.org, and all the wonderful groups we have will be so helpful and I just 
can't wait, can you??  Let's roll up our sleeves and thank goodness we all want 
our country back and our constitution restored just like it was. We already 
have laws which can handle nearly every situtation.  We really don't need those 
other vague and loophole stuff fit for Edictates. I don't like living under 
miltiary law and i suspect that those troops in our military do what they do so 
we AMericans can remain free.
Thu, 8 Nov 2007 16:08:18 -0600 (CST)From:  Anthony D. Romero 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Today, at the prison 
at Guantánamo Bay...  
#message27065777947126876891585432401307462149911916869204 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  
Working to End 

  Observing Guantánamo hearings: ACLU attorney, Jamil Dakwar, is at Guantánamo 
Bay to observe the hearing of Omar Ahmed Khadr. Read his comments and 
observations about the hearing on the ACLU blog tomorrow.
  Testifying before Congress: ACLU attorney, Amrit Singh, testified today 
before the House Judiciary Subcommittee looking into enhanced interrogation 
methods used on detainees in U.S. custody. Read more about her testimony.
  Getting the facts: As a result of a Freedom of Information Act request filed 
by the ACLU, the third secret torture memo from Alberto Gonzales’ DOJ was 
revealed on Tuesday. Learn more about the documents and what they uncover. 

Dear Friend, 
  ACLU attorney Jamil Dakwar is in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba serving as a human 
rights observer at the hearing of a Canadian citizen named Omar Ahmed Khadr. 
Khadr was only 15 years old when he was captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. 
This is his third hearing; the first two resulted in the charges against him 
being thrown out. 
  After nearly six years of disarray and uncertainty about how to prosecute the 
320 remaining prisoners being held at Guantánamo Bay, the U.S. government has 
failed to complete a single trial. As the prisoners continue to languish 
without being charged or tried, one thing remains crystal clear: We cannot 
arbitrarily detain prisoners, deny them access to lawyers, and hold them 
  It is also clear that Congress cannot continue to put off taking action, they 
need to close Guantánamo Bay, restore habeas corpus and repudiate torture once 
and for all. In the meantime, you and I cannot wait for a change in Congress or 
the White House to demand that our leaders fix the damage done to the 
Constitution, our freedoms and our most fundamental American values over the 
last seven years.
  That’s why we’re asking ACLU members to bring the discussion about these 
vital issues to their friends and family by hosting a screening of the powerful 
documentary, Ghosts of Abu Ghraib, on or before December 10, International 
Human Rights Day. Sign up to host a screening. 
  We know for a fact that when they learn of the abuses being carried out in 
their name, the American people reject the use of torture and believe that our 
nation should uphold the rule of law. That is why the ACLU is calling on 
friends like you to help us educate and mobilize the public.
  We won’t wait for ’08 to end torture, restore habeas corpus and close 
Guantánamo . We must act now. By hosting a screening of “Ghosts of Abu Ghraib,” 
you will increase awareness about the issues of torture, habeas corpus and due 
process. Raising awareness of these issues is essential as we fight to restore 
our Constitution and our most fundamental values.
  All you need to host a viewing is a DVD player, a TV and guests. We’ll 
provide you with the tools you need to have a meaningful discussion. 
  Sign up to host a screening. 
  To think that it has taken almost six years for Khadr's hearing to take place 
underscores the fact that we can’t wait for ’08 to restore the Constitution; we 
must act now. 
  I hope you’ll consider hosting a viewing of this important documentary, and 
help build awareness about these fundamental issues. Thank you for your 
involvement and for standing up for freedom and the rule of law. 
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
  © ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004

Unsubscribe from receiving email, or change your email preferences.

  I believe this is to be something of which the GOP Republicans and be in on 
if they truly want to keep our country and our constititional rights and laws. 
To have a working society, and government, we must enforce our constitutional 
laws which must be upheld. Our version, we do not live by a Miltiary Law, at 
least not yet, but we are getting ever so close, with the 

[cia-drugs] Al Gore(1)NY-Law(2)DNA(3)Elections(4)RedFridays(5)Racism(6)GOPSplitVote

2007-11-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Wed, 7 Nov 2007 13:53:31 -0500 
To: Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Live Earth [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Let's restore our constitutional laws and order.  We don't intend to give our 
country away and we don't intend to put it up on the acution block so people of 
all kinds, can come here and ruin us.  We decide who comes and who do not 
qualify. We the people are not simply against legal Immigration, but we will 
decide, not the crooks, criminals, drugtzars, and theives, according to our 
constitutiional Laws that is what upholding and defending our constitution 
means and every elected citizens swears to this before being install, or just 
It is time to get rid of the new Dicatorship and cut them off at the knees, 
mentally. That is against our constitution, and they know it! They are putting 
one over on us, to get our country for them selves as a police state.
When illegals cometo our country, then they miss the immigration process, which 
would discover their real names and also, their ids, and if they have a 
criminal record.  These things are important also so the people who are 
terrorist cannot enter our boarders, Keeping American Strong and Safe.
And of course, we really don't want integration because we are against giving 
up our Soveriegnty. Please, let us decide who comes to our country, you can bet 
you won't go to Mexico and passed on to live there without their governments 
permission. There are great numbers who are dope smugglers and hard and 
dangerous criminals, and many other things,  We cannot turn our country over to 
people who would take our jobs and then treat us wrong,
Some will do that. Yes, We do feel sorry for those who come and would make good 
American Citiens, but it is impossible to separate them from the bad ones.  It 
truly is a shame when Rich countries like Mexico, which has Oil in large 
quantities and sells a great deal of it, as well as gold, silver and other
precious ores.  They are one of the richest nations on earth.  So if you stop 
and think about it, who is the culprits?  Most like just like what we are 
possibly facing now, the NAU and NWO, but why did they not stand up for their 
rights and protest, they have proven they surely know how..so what is  the 
problem, a few taking all the wealth and leaving the masses with nothing in 
Our Churches and certain agencies who are set up for this should definitely get 
permission to go in and help these people.  Many of the do not even attend 
school, and those who do only can get a 6th grade education. We are supporting 
a lot of Countries just now, look around and you will see that we are in two 
war zone countries, and also We are carrying a big burdon of supporting the 
illegals who
are requested by the rich, but yet, do they take the farm workers jobs?  No, 
they want better and who could blame them, but..why don't the big corporate 
farms go to Mexico and get a lot of workers who would come with the permission 
of the Mexican Government??? Also
the ex-elpresidente' has tried to take over our country and tell we the people 
it is good for us, but that is because they no longer have the burdon and also 
probably dumped all the jails, etc, etc on us.
If we go into the North Atlantic Union, then our country, consitutuion, rights 
and we would be facing the usherin of the New World Order Police state.. It's 
our choice, not big special interest, they do no pay for their health care or 
carry insurance on them, or give them free dentists and hospital treatment. 
Many livein the Hud 
Housing, and get food stamps and welfare and 

[cia-drugs] Dollar(1)NAU-Amnesty(2)ACLU(3)DrugCosts(4)

2007-10-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  IMF warns of abrupt dollar fall+NEWS 
Posted by: Kathy [EMAIL PROTECTED]   kathvan2003 
Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:29 pm (PST) 
IMF warns of abrupt dollar fall
The dollar hit a record low against the euro on Monday as Rodrigo Rato, 
managing director of the International Monetary Fund warned that the US 
currency could suffer a dramatic fall that would shake confidence in American 
assets. The outgoing IMF managing director said the depreciation of the dollar 
had been orderly, but cautioned there was a risk of a runaway sell-off that 
would hit growth in major economies. The risks of a disorderly fall in the US 
currency appeared to increase over the weekend.
  New credit crunch loomsChina's CITIC buys Bear Stearns stake

Subject: New arguments against DREAM 
   From:   Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA  
Date:   Tuesday 23oct07 4:30 p.m. EDT  
New DREAM amnesty stats -- Fence-sitting Senators need to hear these stats 
today and tomorrow morn  
  Our Capitol Hill Team is hearing from fence-sitting Senators that the 
argument that is moving them most toward voting YES on the DREAM Act amnesty is 
that it would give an amnesty to only 60,000 kids a year.
  These fence-sitters are listed in black on our Home page at 
www.NumbersUSA.com. (We are updating that list by the hour to show you who is 
pledging to vote NO and YES.)
  Point No. 1 about the numbers
  All of you who have access to a phone and a modicum of privacy right now need 
to call the Senators in black and tell their offices that the NUMBERS 
involved in DREAM are far larger than the claim of just 60,000 a year.
  Dr. Steve Camarota at the Center for Immigration Studies this afternoon 
issued estimates on how many illegal aliens potentially could be involved if 
the DREAM Act amnesty becomes law. His research was based on the latest 
government surveys.
  DREAM Act Offers Amnesty to 2.1 Million
New Estimate Shows Another 1.4 Million Family Members Could Also Stay
  WASHINGTON (October 23, 2007) — The Senate is currently considering the DREAM 
Act (S.2205). Some have argued that only 60,000 illegal immigrants would be 
granted amnesty annually under the Act, but a new analysis by the Center for 
Immigration Studies of 2007 Census Bureau data shows millions of potential 
  An estimated 800,000 illegal immigrants under age 17 have been here long 
enough to qualify for legalization under the DREAM Act. There are a total of 
1.7 million illegal aliens estimated to be under age 18.
  • There are an estimated 900,000 parents of illegal aliens under age 18 who 
qualify. It is unclear whether the government would deport these parents.
  • The DREAM Act is also unclear as to what will happen to the siblings of 
legalized illegals who are themselves illegal, but do not meet the Act’s 
requirements. There are an estimated 500,000 such children.
  • The DREAM Act also allows illegal aliens ages 18 to 29 to legalize if they 
claim to have arrived prior to age 16. We estimate 1.3 million meet this 
requirement. There are a total of 4.4 million illegal aliens in this age group.
  • Thus the total number of potential amnesty beneficiaries is 2.1 million 
(assuming no fraud). This does not include 1.4 million siblings and parents of 
qualifying illegals who may end up receiving a de facto amnesty.
  • Prior legalization programs have been plagued by fraud. One-fourth 
(700,000) of those legalized in the 1986 amnesty are estimated to have done so 
  • Given the difficulty in determining whether an applicant meets the DREAM 
Act’s amnesty requirements, coupled with the overworked nature of the 
immigration bureaucracy, fraud could be a significant problem.
  Methodology: These estimates are based on a Center for Immigration Studies 
analysis of the March 2007 Current Population Survey (CPS) collected by the 
Census Bureau. No estimate is definitive, of course, but the Urban Institute, 
the Pew Hispanic Center, and the INS have all used the March CPS to estimate 
the size of the illegal population. We estimated that the survey included more 
than 11 million illegals in 2007. This is entirely consistent with prior 
research. The above numbers do NOT include those illegal aliens missed by the 
Census Bureau’s survey. The Department of Homeland Security and other 
researchers have estimated that 10 percent of illegals are likely missed in 
Census Bureau surveys of this kind. Thus, the actual number of potential 
beneficiaries is almost certainly higher than the numbers discussed above.
  We use the demographic characteristics of respondents to distinguish legal 
and illegal immigrants in the survey. We combine this with the estimated number 
of legal immigrants in the country. This method is based on some very 

[cia-drugs] Kucinich(1)Policetraining(2)PulsePoll(3)TomHarkin(4)Paul(5)Hightower(6)

2007-10-18 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Print - Close Window  
From: Tomi Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient@,  
Subject: Kucinich Meet up in Houston 
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:47:40 -0500 
Dennis's new autobiography is coming out!  This will be a good time to wear 
your Kucinich shirt, a pin for him, or whatever else identifies you as a 
Kucitizen and meet with other supporters of the best candidate for President!  
I just replied and said I'd bring a friend.  I hope it is one of you!
Announcing a new event for The Houston Dennis Kucinich Meetup Group!
  What: Spreading the Word
  When: Saturday, November 3, 12:00 PM
  Where: Click the link below to find out!
  Event Description: We'll meet at Barnes  Noble in the cafe to spread the 
word to people in the store. Be sure to wear your Kucinich gear and bring 
materials to pass out if you have them. And please bring a friend!
  Learn more here:

 Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:50:05 -0500 
  From: Police Training [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: 
Uphold the law with police training. Enroll now. 
 Click these ads to enroll in police officer training. Learn the skills you 
need to protect and serve the public at the local, state or federal level!  
You received this message because you are subscribed to Unique Skip. To remove 
yourself from this service and stop receiving email messages from Unique Skip, 
go to http://www.uniquelistmanagementmailings.com/us or go here. To read our 
privacy policy, go to http://www.uniquelistmanagementmailings.com/pp or go 
here. Please mail comments about this message to Unique Skip, 1128 Royal Palm 
Beach Blvd., #222, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. 
From: Tomi Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient@,  
Subject: Presidential Primary Pulse Poll 
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:29:02 -0500 
Hey Friends, 
  I wanted to drop you a short note to ask for your help. DFA is holding a 
Presidential Primary Pulse Poll to decide which candidate deserves their 
support. I voted for Representative Dennis Kucinich and I need help to move 
them from 3rd place in the poll. 
  Could you take just a minute to vote for Dennis Kucinich right now? Here's 
the link: 
  Thanks for your help. 
Wed, 17 Oct 2007 20:08:57 -0400 
From: Tom Harkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Taking care of our home front 
Taking care of our home front
Dear Friend,
Over the past few months, I worked very hard with my colleagues to write a bill 
that would invest in our country's future by funding our important domestic 
  The Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill, 
which I brought to the Senate floor today, supports vital programs like Head 
Start, student financial aid, job training, community health centers, 
home-heating assistance for the poor, mental health and substance abuse 
services and a host of other important measures.
  You can learn more about this legislation by watching my video message.
  This bill provides serious, substantive assistance to those Americans that 
need it. Of course, President Bush continues to play politics by threatening to 
veto this bill, just as he vetoed increased funding for children's healthcare a 
few weeks ago. 
  Make no mistake. He'd rather have taxpayers spend twelve billion dollars in 
Iraq every month, than to invest 11 billion dollars above his request over the 
next year to meet our essential needs on the home front. 
  Please stand with me by urging your Senators to support the funding bill this 
week. Today, I asked our friends at DailyKos to join me with this effort as 
well. An overwhelming vote in the Senate will send a strong message to the 
White House. It's time to stop playing politics and start getting this country 
back on the right track.
  Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
  Tom Harkin
  Paid for and authorized by Citizens for Harkin
You are subscribed to this newsletter as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please click here to 
modify your message preferences or to unsubscribe from any future mailings. We 
will respect all unsubscribe requests. 
Thanks for your help. **
I must say, that I have been working in these interent Democratic grassroots, 
and never in my wildest dreams would I ever think that one single vote for a 
Republican would be likely in 2008.  I am shocked by all means. Think about it.
We in the internet have been discussing what today is common knowledge, we did 
reserach and looked and read and worked and contacted everyone we could.  I 
know that Moveon.org was our home base to begin with and we grew like crazy, 
and people joined us, even from other parties, for most 

[cia-drugs] XMasMtns(1)Energy(2)Kucinich(3)Verizon(4)Hightower(5)Energy(6)Women(7)

2007-10-17 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  I would reccommend that you sign the petition for your own state as well, for 
one never knows when America is being sold off to the highest bidder.  Keep on 
Keeping on.
Que **
 Home » How You Can Help » Online Action Center » Preserving Texas » Other 
Petition to Gov. Perry: Don't Sell Christmas Mountains
On Friday, the National Park Service announced they would like to add the 
Christmas Mountains to Big Bend National Park. Big Bend's superintendent asked 
Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson to delay the sale of the Christmas Mountains 
to private interests in order to give them time to put together a proposal. 
  Unfortunately, Patterson turned the park service down, saying he didn't want 
them to manage the property unless they changed their policy that prohibits 
concealed hand guns on the property. This is a completely unrelated issue and 
shouldn't stand in the way of the protection of the Christmas Mountains. 
  The good news is that Patterson is only one of three votes on the School Land 
Board, the body which will decide what to do with the Christmas Mountains. The 
other two members are appointees of Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg 
  Please sign our petition to Gov. Perry and Attorney General Abbott asking 
them to direct their appointees to stop the sale of the Christmas Mountains.
   Petition text:
  Dear Gov. Perry and Attorney General Abbott, 
  Please direct your appointees on the School Land Board to stop the sale of 
the Christmas Mountains to private interests. The mountains should become part 
of Big Bend National Park, as the original donors intended.  
 First Name 
Last name 
 Clean air. Clean water. Open spaces.
Contact Us Privacy Policy Jobs Site Map Search
  815 Brazos, Suite 600 • Austin, TX 78701 
Phone (512) 479-0388 • Fax (512) 479-0400 
Top Photos Courtesy of Shutterstock.com and NREL
Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:11:06 -0400 (EDT) 
From: Paradigm Strategy Group [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Deal Structuring 1. Nat Gas, 2 Generation, Scottsdale, Nov 13-16 
This email is being sent by Energy-Conferences.net, on behalf of Paradigm 
Strategy Group.* 
Risk Management Natural Gas Hedging  Max Value from Generation
  Scottsdale, AZNovember 13-16  
Paradigm Strategy Group, Inc., a premier energy trainer, proudly brings two of 
our acclaimed technical programs to Scottsdale, AZ from November 13-16, 
designed for those seeking training in advanced trading techniques including 
synthetic puts and call, dynamic hedging and option monitization as well as 
natural gas specific training.
  Early Bird  Special Promotions — Click Here to Learn More
  November 13-14 — Scottsdale, AZ
Hedging and Deal Structuring in Natural Gas
Natural gas has a unique profile of risks, and with it an equally unique array 
of products and concepts to deal with them. For energy professionals grounded 
in the basic concepts of risk management, this course probes into how those 
tools and concepts can be applied specifically to deal with natural gas. It 
also demonstrates how the physical processes of transportation, storage, and 
generation interface with their financial counterparts; basis spreads, calendar 
spreads, and spark spreads, to create useful risk methodologies. It is the 
understanding of this integration of physical and financial that is key to 
optimal performance in the natural gas and other energy businesses. 
  November 15-16 — Scottsdale, AZ
Realizing Maximum Value from Generation 
The ‘real’ optionality embedded in power generation is at the same time both 
more complex than conventionally traded puts and calls as well as potentially 
much more valuable. Until recently, owners of generation have been content with 
a passive strategy toward these options – waiting/hoping for prices to move 
into the money. Increasingly both merchants and utilities have begun to 
approach these real option positions proactively, drawing on the tools and 
methods employed by professional option dealers to extract maximum value from 
options, techniques that allow value to be realized regardless of ultimate 
price levels. This seminar explores these approaches in some depth while 
considering their applicability and limitations for power generators.
  Click Here To Download A Complete Course Brochure
  These programs are basic and intermediate level (group-live offering) courses 
with no prerequisites or advanced preparation required.  CPE credits for Course 
1 are: CPE Credits: Marketing 2, Management Advisory Services 2, Economics 1, 
Production 5, Specialized Knowledge  Applications 4. Total =14. Course 2 CPE 
Credits: Marketing 2, Management Advisory Services 2, Economics 1, Production 
5, Specialized Knowledge  

[cia-drugs] AMasMtns(2)Energy(2)Kucinich(3)Verizon(4)Hightower(5)Energy(6)Women(7)

2007-10-17 Thread Quechick Barnyard
XMasMtns(1)Energy(2)Kucinich(3)Verizon(4)Hightower(5)Energy(6)Women(   Posted 
by: Quechick Barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED]   quechick007   Wed Oct 17, 2007 
10:39 am (PST)   
I would reccommend that you sign the petition for your own state as well, for 
one never knows when America is being sold off to the highest bidder. Keep on 
Keeping on.
Que **

Home » How You Can Help » Online Action Center » Preserving Texas » Other 
Petition to Gov. Perry: Don't Sell Christmas Mountains
On Friday, the National Park Service announced they would like to add the 
Christmas Mountains to Big Bend National Park. Big Bend's superintendent asked 
Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson to delay the sale of the Christmas Mountains 
to private interests in order to give them time to put together a proposal. 
Unfortunately, Patterson turned the park service down, saying he didn't want 
them to manage the property unless they changed their policy that prohibits 
concealed hand guns on the property. This is a completely unrelated issue and 
shouldn't stand in the way of the protection of the Christmas Mountains. 
The good news is that Patterson is only one of three votes on the School Land 
Board, the body which will decide what to do with the Christmas Mountains. The 
other two members are appointees of Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg 
Please sign our petition to Gov. Perry and Attorney General Abbott asking them 
to direct their appointees to stop the sale of the Christmas Mountains.
Petition text:
Dear Gov. Perry and Attorney General Abbott, 
Please direct your appointees on the School Land Board to stop the sale of the 
Christmas Mountains to private interests. The mountains should become part of 
Big Bend National Park, as the original donors intended. 

First Name 

Last name 





Clean air. Clean water. Open spaces.
Contact Us Privacy Policy Jobs Site Map Search
815 Brazos, Suite 600 • Austin, TX 78701 
Phone (512) 479-0388 • Fax (512) 479-0400 
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] as.org 
Top Photos Courtesy of Shutterstock. com and NREL

 * * *

Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:11:06 -0400 (EDT) 
From: Paradigm Strategy Group [EMAIL PROTECTED] rences.net 
To: quechick007@ yahoo.com 
Subject: Deal Structuring 1. Nat Gas, 2 Generation, Scottsdale, Nov 13-16 

This email is being sent by Energy-Conferences. net, on behalf of Paradigm 
Strategy Group.* 

Risk Management Natural Gas Hedging  Max Value from Generation
Scottsdale, AZ November 13-16 

Paradigm Strategy Group, Inc., a premier energy trainer, proudly brings two of 
our acclaimed technical programs to Scottsdale, AZ from November 13-16, 
designed for those seeking training in advanced trading techniques including 
synthetic puts and call, dynamic hedging and option monitization as well as 
natural gas specific training.
Early Bird  Special Promotions — Click Here to Learn More
November 13-14 — Scottsdale, AZ
Hedging and Deal Structuring in Natural Gas
Natural gas has a unique profile of risks, and with it an equally unique array 
of products and concepts to deal with them. For energy professionals grounded 
in the basic concepts of risk management, this course probes into how those 
tools and concepts can be applied specifically to deal with natural gas. It 
also demonstrates how the physical processes of transportation, storage, and 
generation interface with their financial counterparts; basis spreads, calendar 
spreads, and spark spreads, to create useful risk methodologies. It is the 
understanding of this integration of physical and financial that is key to 
optimal performance in the natural gas and other energy businesses. 
November 15-16 — Scottsdale, AZ
Realizing Maximum Value from Generation 
The ‘real’ optionality embedded in power generation is at the same time both 
more complex than conventionally traded puts and calls as well as potentially 
much more valuable. Until recently, owners of generation have been content with 
a passive strategy toward these options – waiting/hoping for prices to move 
into the money. Increasingly both merchants and utilities have begun to 
approach these real option positions proactively, drawing on the tools and 
methods employed by professional option dealers to extract maximum value from 
options, techniques that allow value to be realized regardless of ultimate 
price levels. This seminar explores these approaches in some depth while 
considering their applicability and limitations for power generators.
Click Here To Download A Complete Course Brochure
These programs are basic and intermediate level (group-live offering) courses 
with no prerequisites or advanced preparation required. CPE credits for Course 
1 are: CPE Credits: Marketing 2, Management Advisory Services 2, Economics 1, 
Production 5, Specialized Knowledge  Applications 4

[cia-drugs] Sen. Leahy(1)Peace(2)Greentips-GreenPeace(3-4)Kucinich(5)Moveon.org(6)

2007-10-15 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:29:31 GMT 
From: Patrick Leahy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Cathie Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: There's still time to renew kids' health insurance 
 Dear Cathie,
We still have three days to convince House Republicans to override Bush's veto 
against health insurance for kids -- write a letter-to-the-editor today!
Over the past few weeks, Democrats in Congress and across the country have been 
working to override President Bush's veto against the reauthorization of the 
State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) -- legislation that would 
provide millions of American children with access to quality medical care. 
  Thanks to our Green Mountain PAC community, over 2,000 letters-to-the-editor 
have already been sent to local newspapers across the country, urging 
Republicans in Congress to override the President's callous veto! But we need 
to do more.
  The Senate has the votes to override Bush's veto, but we still need to 
convince wavering Republicans in the House to renew SCHIP. The House will vote 
to try to override the President's veto this Thursday, and it's up to us to 
persuade undecided House Republicans to renew health insurance for kids.
  Click here to send your own letter-to-the-editor, urging House Republicans to 
override the President's veto against health insurance for kids!
  Renewing SCHIP would provide 10 million American children with the health 
care they deserve. This legislation is crucial to our kids, and the choice to 
reauthorize health insurance for children is clear. But to succeed in 
overriding Bush's veto, we need your help. 
  Through the Green Mountain PAC website, we've made it quick and easy for you 
to send your own letter-to-the-editor of your local paper. We've even provided 
some talking points to help you write your short letter and will automatically 
email it to your local newspaper on your behalf.
  We need friends like you to continue pressuring my Republican colleagues in 
Congress to reauthorize SCHIP and provide health care to millions of children. 
  Click here to send your own letter-to-the-editor, urging House Republicans to 
override the President's veto against health insurance for kids!
  The same amount of money we spend for 41 days of the Iraq war could provide 
ten million American kids with health coverage for a full year. The President 
has readily spent billions of taxpayers' dollars in Iraq, but refuses to spend 
a small fraction of the federal budget on health care for our kids. If the 
President refuses to make health care for our children a priority, then it is 
the responsibility of Congress to do so.
  Just a few days ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House is now 
fewer than 20 votes short of an override of the President's veto against SCHIP. 
With your help, we can override the President's veto and start prioritizing 
health care in our country.
  Click here to send your own letter-to-the-editor, urging House Republicans to 
override the President's veto against health insurance for kids!
  Thank you for your support.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator
  P.S. It won't take more than a couple of minutes to make your voice heard, so 
please click here to send your own letter-to-the-editor now. Members of the 
Green Mountain PAC community have already sent over 2,000 
letters-to-the-editor, and emailing thousands more will send a strong message 
to Republicans in Congress. Together, we can ensure that millions of American 
children continue to receive the medical care they need. 
  Write a letter-to-the-editor today! 
  Paid for by Green Mountain PAC, www.greenmountainpac.com.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee 
Invite your friends and family to join Senator Patrick Leahy's Green Mountain 
PAC today! 
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Green Mountain 
  This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit your subscription management 
page to modify your email communication preferences or update your personal 
profile. To stop ALL email from Green Mountain PAC, click to remove yourself 
from our lists (or reply via email with remove or unsubscribe in the subject 
 Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: We're celebrating and you're invited to be a part of history. 
Dear Theresa J,
  Save the date to mark the 50th anniversary of the largest grassroots peace 
network in the United States, Peace Action. If you cannot make it to any of our 
anniversary events you can still share in the celebration by taking advantage 
of our matching gift opportunity and standing up for peace and justice in Iraq 
on October 27th at a demonstration near you. 
  Numerous celebrities, activists, and scholars have come out to support the 
work Peace Action has committed itself to for a half century, including:  Matt 
Damon, Noam 

[cia-drugs] Wildlife(1)Rice(2)Illegals(3)ACLU(4)Darfur(5)

2007-10-04 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  In Conroe, Texas near the gulf (100 mi) where there are many lake golf 
country clubs, there were four pup seals on the lawn of a private home 
overlooking the lake.  They were sprauled out on their lawn, playing, AFTER 
FISHING, and a dip in the lake. We have a few vines, and few odd creaters in 
the lakes but this is a first!
   Well, it doesn't take being a rocket scientist to figure out that these 
young pups were all the way from the north, where the cold and ice are.  Now, 
We were amazed to see pictures and article on the front page county news paper. 
 So I hope we can safely say that the wild creatures, (many as staples for life 
such as Eskimos ,etc who still live the old way, and use blubber for oil lamps 
and the skins to keep warm and also clothes.  Polar bears and much of the wild 
life  are vital to their economy.  Yes, there they still use the dog sleds for 
transportation and safety.  Others use Raindeer on the Siberian side.  and so 
many people's livelyhood is at stake. Remember the sled dogs were from the wolf 
family..in fact so were our domestic dogs.  It is an important chain in our dog 
  We must think about the real thing of global warming.  We must stop the 
pollution and other problems CO2 particularly. But can you imagine what these A 
bomb testings is doing to our climate? and our oceans?  
Also,the Uranium bombs will radiate people, Look at the CDC website and you 
will learn just how dangerous these atomic conpenents are.  Manhy of them takes 
about a million years or more to purify by nature.  We must over come this 
destructive and mad things we are allowing to take place.. most of it is in the 
Name of Money or God they say .  How many wars have we fought in the name 
of God!!  What hypocrits we are.  It is more than too late, so if we want our 
earth to survive, and it's people, then we must give some real thought to what 
we are doing to our planet.  These insane people who have no regard for 
humanity and our planet, are making big bucks there is no argument there, but 
what are they accomplishing in the long run?  World supremecy??  I doubt it, 
and they probably never will.  It is a pipe dream,  And a nightmare for poor 
people in the world, and war torn people.
  PS - we must get 2/3 of the senate so we can clean up our earth and our 
politics, and a bunch of hairbrained lunatics out!!  We are the largest party 
and the only ones who can send them packing. and we will, if we can get 2/3 
Senate.  Get ready and get going now, if we want to build this consus, then, we 
must get active with our goal in mind., so regardless who is in the Executive 
branch we can't get vetoed. That is the Aim. O f course it would better to have 
both and also toget a Justice Department who will enforce our laws.  
  Theresa j. Steed
Fw: 50,000 signatures for polar bears - can you help? 
Posted by: Lori R. Price [EMAIL PROTECTED]   lori_price_clg 
Wed Oct 3, 2007 12:35 pm (PST) 
  - Original Message - 
From: Rebecca Young, Care2 Action Alerts 
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 11:08 AM
Subject: 50,000 signatures for polar bears - can you help?
  Forward to a Friend | Take Action 
Hi Lori,
  It's not too late to save polar bears, but we have to act quickly.
  New government research confirms that global warming could cause polar bears 
to disappear in less than 50 years.
  We have just two more weeks to urge our government to list polar bears as 
threatened under the Endangered Species Act. We want to submit 50,000 public 
comments to make sure polar bears survive the next 50 years - can you help?
  Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect polar bears immediately!
  The sea ice polar bears rely on for survival is melting at an alarming rate, 
leaving these massive mammals vulnerable to starvation and even death by 
drowning. They are even cannibalizing each other -- something never witnessed 
before -- in a desperate shot at survival.
  We need to tell our government: No more delays. No more excuses. It's time to 
protect polar bears from extinction! 
  Thank you for standing up for wildlife,
  Rebecca Young
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team 
  Two Weeks Left to Protect Polar Bears
With its own scientists admitting that the loss of sea ice is directly related 
to rising global temperatures and the polar bear's distressing decline, the 
Bush/Cheney Administration can no longer deny that global warming is real, with 
real and devastating consequences for wildlife and people. 
Forward to a friend 
Read the petition  
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Rice calls for 360-degree look at Blackwater scandal Tue Oct 2, 11:49 AM ET
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she wanted a no-holds 

[cia-drugs] KathyDopp - Elections- Utah Legislature voting on Diebold machines uTUBE

2007-09-30 Thread Quechick Barnyard
It is a sorry sight to see Legislatures with less than integrity. 
  Voters learn about integrity and are introduced to it in the First Grade, 
with the example of Honest Abe (Lincolon, who was also a Republican).  Yet we 
are on the verge of losing on of America's Grand Old Party, due to lack of 
Integrity. You all know the story of Abe Lincoln and the Cherry Tree? Don't you?
  Voters expect no less than the truth and Honesty with We the People of the 
United States of America.
  Kathy Dopp is a mathemathematician, and has worked in investigations of 
Election in America for a very long time.. she has Archives of her work.
  The following is for your information:
  Open the U Tube link and watch.
  Thereasa J. Steed
Sun, 30 Sep 2007 16:11:32 -0600From:  Kathy Dopp [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  [election] Fwd: For when you 
need a chuckle  #message475232191805232404732059400129294316491633206526 { 
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }  
-  Watch the Texas legislature vote once, twice,I wonder how many other 
State legislatures do this?-- Forwarded message --  From: 
Chris Gruener [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Date: Sep 30, 2007 2:15 PM  Subject: For 
when you need a chuckle   Hi Kathy. I thought the absurdity of facts 
presented in  this  brief  video might make you chuckle - or maybe puke, 
depending on your mood!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG6X-xtVaskeurl= .   
 Keep up the good fight! -  Chris-- Kathy DoppThe material 
expressed herein is the informed  product of the author  Kathy Dopp's 
fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a  Mathematician, Expert in 
election audit mathematics and procedures; in  exit poll discrepancy analysis; 
and can be reached atP.O. Box 680192  Park City, UT 84068  phone 
435-658-4657http://utahcountvotes.org  http://electionmathematics.org  
http://electionarchive.orgAmendment Suggestions for the Ballot Integrity Act
Have Reason to Worry - Response to Those Who Encourage Voters to   Trust  
Diebold Bombshell - Discovered in Utah  
Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body  and 
mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day, wrote  Thomas Jefferson 
in 1816
-  To 
unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL 

  Sun, 30 Sep 2007 16:11:32 -0600From:  Kathy Dopp [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  [election] Fwd: For when you 
need a chuckle  #message475232191805232404732059400129294316491633206526 { 
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }
-  Watch the Texas legislature vote once, twice,I wonder how many other 
State legislatures do this?-- Forwarded message --  From: 
Chris Gruener [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Date: Sep 30, 2007 2:15 PM  Subject: For 
when you need a chuckle   Hi Kathy. I thought the absurdity of facts 
presented in  this  brief  video might make you chuckle - or maybe puke, 
depending on your mood!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG6X-xtVaskeurl= .   
 Keep up the good fight! -  Chris-- Kathy DoppThe material 
expressed herein is the informed  product of the author  Kathy Dopp's 
fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a  Mathematician, Expert in 
election audit mathematics and procedures; in  exit poll discrepancy analysis; 
and can be reached atP.O. Box 680192  Park City, UT 84068  phone 
435-658-4657http://utahcountvotes.org  http://electionmathematics.org  
http://electionarchive.orgAmendment Suggestions for the Ballot Integrity Act
Have Reason to Worry - Response to Those Who Encourage Voters to   Trust  
Diebold Bombshell - Discovered in Utah  
Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body  and 
mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day, wrote  Thomas Jefferson 
in 1816
-  To 
unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL 

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

[cia-drugs] McMahonDNC(1)BushPardonshimself(2)TedKennedy(3)Kucinich(4)

2007-09-22 Thread Quechick Barnyard
To: quechick007 barnyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: What we're doing to win in 2008 
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 14:31:16 -0500 
  The 50-State Strategy Organizersclick to enlargeDear quechick007,
  I hope this picture means as much to you as it does to me.
  Because if it does -- if you believe in the 50 State Strategy -- you have to 
ask yourself an important question:
  Are you doing everything you can to help these organizers succeed?
  An investment in these people means an investment in the frontline of our 
Party's effort to compete everywhere in 2008. Right now, you can be part of a 
fundraising effort that demonstrates this commitment to their success. Donate 
what you can today:
  The 50 State Strategy is dedicated to leaving no county behind, is committed 
to dedicating resources to getting Democrats elected in parts of the country 
once thought of as Republican strongholds, and to building an enduring 
structure to enable grassroots activists to become engaged in the political 
process to change the direction of the country for the better. -- Jason, an 
organizer in Virginia
  I couldn't have said it better. Jason's work, along with all our organizers, 
is the sort of work that will pay off on Election Day.
  Let me give you four concrete examples of how we're spending your 
contribution, and how we're going to win back the White House in 2008:
  Voter Protection: Organizers are meeting with every election official across 
the country to make sure that our candidates are prepared. We're building a 
valuable database that campaigns can use to get out the vote and deal with 
voter problems now -- not on Election Day.
  Rapid Response: Organizers are a key part of our aggressive rapid response 
program that tracks and researches the Republican presidential candidates 
everywhere they go -- holding them accountable for everything they say. In 
addition, we're following the Republican candidates and collecting plenty of 
material for when we need it.
  A National Field Program: Organizers are also building a field program that 
starts at the grassroots level and works up. Learning from the success of 2006 
we're designing a national field effort that will deliver the vote in 2008. 
While everyone was in Cleveland last month, we worked to consolidate our 
volunteer databases so that we can set clear benchmarks and goals.
  Technology: I mentioned both the voter protection and the volunteer 
databases, but those are nothing compared to our multi-million dollar voter 
database. We've had a team working with states for the past three years to 
assemble the most comprehensive and intelligent voter database the Democratic 
Party has ever had. It will allow us to run smarter campaigns with less waste.
  Here's the bottom line: this sort of operation is what we all want -- but it 
isn't free. Our organizers are making the most of what we have, but you can 
help right now with a contribution:
  Earlier this week, Governor Dean asked for 2,500 donors to support the 
organizers across America -- and we're already more than halfway there. Let's 
show these organizers just how strongly this Party supports them.
  Take it from Craig, an organizer in Utah:
  The 50 state strategy is the largest, most comprehensive effort to organize 
everywhere ever undertaken by a political party in America. I am proud to be a 
part of it.
  If you're as proud as I am, show Craig and the rest of our hard-working 
organizers in the field that you're behind them:
  These folks are busting their tails for our Party -- will you step up and 
help them?
  Tom McMahon
Executive Director
  P.S. I recently asked our organizers to share their feedback on the program. 
There's more than I could put in this email, but I wanted to share some of the 
  Bryce in Montana:
  By simply investing money and time early in a state we can make so much 
possible that we would have never dreamed of during past elections. We saw how 
in Montana this investment led us to having a Democratic Governor, legislature, 
4 of 5 statewide offices, and just recently two Democratic U.S. Senators, with 
the addition of Sen. Jon Tester.
  Jesse in Oregon:
  I am most proud of the work that I did during the 2006 elections. 
Capitalizing on the work I had done in the previous 5 months with county 
parties and their activists we ran a volunteer field campaign across the state 
on a shoestring budget. The counties hit all our goals and helped re-elect the 
governor and we took back the state house for the first time in over a decade. 
Our work proved that this program works and that it can win elections for 
democrats and turn red counties blue.
  This is a program to bring politics back to the people and empower local 
activists to create and work for a better 

[cia-drugs] WesCLark(1)Blackwater-Alfranken(2)Kucinich(4)

2007-09-19 Thread Quechick Barnyard

My New Book: A Time To Lead 
Dear Theresa J.,
From Palgrave
Pub. September 4, 2007
Buy it now on Amazon!
Listen to an audiobook clip 
I'm excited to announce that this month, my personal memoir hit the shelves. 
It's entitled, A Time to Lead: For Duty, Honor and Country. 
  When I set out writing A Time to Lead, I wanted to tell a story -- a story 
about America. I quickly realized the only way I could really do that was by 
telling you the way I experienced it. The book chronicles periods of my own 
life: growing up in the South during the 1950's, my life as a soldier, my life 
in politics, and beyond; it's told through my experience, and the experience of 
others. Our communities and our country face many challenges. Our stories unite 
  This is my story. 
  During the next several months, I'll be touring America to tell this story; I 
hope to see you along the way. 
  My official website, WesleyKClark.com, is a resource for my updated tour 
schedule, recent news, videos, and more. Please check it out, and be sure to 
sign up for email updates. 
  Wes Clark
  P.S. - Be sure to tune in to Comedy Central tonight, Wednesday the 19th, at 
11pm ET; I'll be Jon Stewart's guest on The Daily Show. Also, I'll be appearing 
on Hardball on MSNBC at 7pm ET. 
This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit your subscription management 
page to modify your email communication preferences or update your personal 
profile. To stop ALL email from WesPAC, click to remove yourself from our lists 
(or reply via email with remove or unsubscribe in the subject line).  
   If you cannot view this email, please click here.
  Subject: Can Iraq Get Blackwater to Go? 
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 21:25:30 -0400 
Check out these Audio Highlights:
  Viggo Mortensen
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow chats with Viggo Mortensen
Farm Aid and bio-diesel
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi chats with Willie and Annie Nelson, Woody Harrelson and Kelly King about 
Farm Aid and the wonders of bio-diesel fuel 
Straw Poll
The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom conducts a Democratic Presidential straw poll 
Funniest Wrong Number Ever
The Lionel Show
Lionel answers a call for another radio show, the confused caller has no clue 
what to do? 
  Report Card Time
The Rachel Maddow Show
The al-Qaeda report card... 6 years later 
  Brent Budowsky
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi talks with Brent Budowsky, writer for The Hill, about the Petraeus 
hearings and the Webb Amendment 
Can Iraq Get Blackwater to Go?
By Nancy Scola on September 17, 2007 - 9:05pm
  We mentioned this morning that the Iraqi government has revoked the operating 
license of Blackwater USA, a contractor/security firm/private army working in 
Iraq. But to say that we have any real idea what that means, or indeed what 
Blackwater has been doing in Iraq since the war began, would be suggesting 
certainty where absolutely none exists. Congressman Henry Waxman has been 
looking into Blackwater and related security firms for years, has called it an 
indecipherable world of contractors and subcontractors. That's 
congressionalese for a giant, murky mess. Even the instance that has gotten 
Blackwater in trouble with the Iraqi government is confusing, but is said to 
involved the deaths of 8 Iraqis and the wounding of more than a dozen more. 
  The U.S. government is unhappy with the move because Blackwater provides 
security for all American diplomats and State Department employees. (They are 
the guys with guns surrounding Paul Bremer in photos from his time as Coalition 
Provisional Authority chief.) Also, Blackwater has deep connections within the 
Bush Administration; Vice Chairman Cofer Black was the chief counterterrorism 
official on 9/11. Former CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson has this to say:
  Depending on whether the Blackwater security firm stays in Iraq will inform 
us whether Prime Minister Maliki has any power or is just a U.S. puppet. My 
money is on the puppet.
  One problem with their eviction? 
  The Iraqi government has zero power to enforce a decision to oust a firm like 
Blackwater. For starters, Blackwater has a bigger air force and more armored 
vehicles then the Iraqi Army and police put together.
  Filmmaker Robert Greenwald has a short video here highlighting what is known 
about Blackwater, including the many millions in no-bid government contracts 
they've received since the start of the war. 
  A note from Al Franken 
 It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a campaign in full swing.  The 
polls show that we’re within single digits of overtaking Norm Coleman, one of 
George W. Bush’s favorite Senators.  We’re seeing huge crowds and big 
enthusiasm everywhere we go.  And over 52,000 donors (so far!) have ensured 
that we’ll have the resources to continue to hold Sen. Coleman’s feet to the 

[cia-drugs] GoreEmmy(1)NAU-NWO(2)

2007-09-18 Thread Quechick Barnyard
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 Al Gore collects interactive Emmy for Current TV By Steve Gorman 
20 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Six months after grabbing Oscar glory for his 
eco-documentary An Inconvenient Truth, former Vice President Al Gore 
collected an Emmy Award on Sunday for his fledgling youth-oriented cable 
network, Current TV. 
The network, which launched in 2005 with video clips and other short programs 
made by viewers, received the interactive television services Emmy, a 
noncompetitive award picked by a panel of the Academy of Television Arts and 
  We are trying to open up the television medium so viewers can help to make 
television ... and reclaim democracy, Gore said in accepting the award, given 
Sunday for the first time during the Primetime Emmys telecast.
  Gore, who is chairman of the venture, was joined on stage by Current's chief 
executive, his business partner Joel Hyatt.
  Billed by Gore as a media innovation that encourages a two-way conversation 
with its audience, the 24-hour network airs a mix of professionally produced 
segments and viewer-produced videos from a few seconds to 15 minutes.
  About 25 percent of Current's programming pods consist of homemade pieces 
dubbed viewer-contributed content, or VC Squared.
  The rapid-paced format is targeted at Internet-savvy viewers 18 to 34 
years-old, a generation Gore said wants to be in control of its media. 
Programming subjects range from fashion and lifestyle trends to news and 
current events.
  Current TV was converted from a defunct cable channel, Newsworld 
International, that a Gore-led investor group purchased in 2004 from Vivendi 
Universal for a reported $70 million.
  With an estimated reach of 50 million homes in the United States and Britain, 
Current is carried to subscribers through satellite service DirecTV and various 
cable systems.
  Gore, the Democratic nominee for president in 2000, last plied the Hollywood 
red carpet in February, when the big-screen version of his slide-show lecture 
and book about the threat of global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, won the 
Academy Award for best documentary feature.
What I have observed about amnesty and the North American Union, which will 
usher in the elite few people who would rule the world and how, and isn't it 
strange they are using the U.S.A.Citizens' tax dollars to go
on with their plans.  If we call every single congress person, do you think we 
could have an impact??? - We can do so much collectively.
George Bush has always said one thing and done another, now we see him pulling 
his plan closer together
everysingle day, for Bush Inc, is already putting it in place, which is suppose 
to get us used to a different Continent,and different rights and different 
laws, all the way. The New World Order Insists that they make a continent
our of all the states or countries into one big Continent..they think it will 
be easier to rule that way, instead of so many little countries and so many 
people in each of those 
countries.  Well, I think we are seeing this event taking place before our very 
eyes, and we just keep on keepingon. That is the wonderful thing about us and 
our groups. TheGOP and the Republican congress, got all the bills they need to 
pull this thing off While the dark prince is still in charge,
Can you say Martial Law  if he does step in with that, then there probably 
won't be a 2008 election.  But on my calander there will be! We haven't really 
discussed the referendums which can be used to call for a general election.  I 
have been think about that, so let us bushup on the subject.
Remember the Gops used, (so they say) referendum voting for recalling The 
California Governor..And then they went on the replace with Arnold...I wonder 
why? I think UK is considering a referendum on wheather to pull out of the EU. 
Now I wonder where they got that idea. hmm...
As We watched in amazement, they kept right on doing it for they have almost as 
many votes as us..Tim Johnson came back and let's hope he votes with us. many 
in the senate as we do and don't forget that Cheney can always come to break a 
to replace our constitution, in order to
over ride our constitution with loop holes all through the new bills they 
passed to take away our
Soveriegnty, and rights and freedoms and soon to remove the USA and also our 
USConstitution in entirety.  This Amnesty Bill coming up next week,
concerns all American citizens.  Personally, I guess some of us will be kicking 
and screaming one of these
days, when we see what big ideas they have for us...computer chips for our 
brains and even a little 

[cia-drugs] Pelosi-HCall-Iraq(1)CongWeinerNY(2)KevinMartin-PeaceAction-Weapons(3)

2007-09-15 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Union of Concerned Scientists [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michael L.  Care2 Energy  
Global Warming Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED], info [EMAIL PROTECTED], SierraClub 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], environmental900 [EMAIL PROTECTED], greenpeacewebmaster 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Vikki Spruill  President and CEO  Ocean Conservancy 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], InvestmentforpeaceandJustice [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gene 
Karpinski  League of Conservation Voters [EMAIL PROTECTED], Barbara Boxer 
PROTECTED], Dr. MatthewT [EMAIL PROTECTED], Luke Metzger  TexPIRG Advocate 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], earth stewards [EMAIL PROTECTED], Earthjustice [EMAIL 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], Live Earth [EMAIL PROTECTED], receptive responseable 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], action [EMAIL PROTECTED], ActionForum Central [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Anthony D. Romero  ACLU [EMAIL PROTECTED], TheWildernessSociety 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Rodger Schlickeisen  Defenders of Wildlife [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Humane Society of the United States [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
actionhouston [EMAIL PROTECTED], actionhouston [EMAIL PROTECTED], Agata G.  
Care2 Action Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED], Center for American Progress Action 
Fund [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Donnelly  Public Campaign Action Fund [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Campaign to Defend the Constitution [EMAIL PROTECTED], Friends 
  I ask your patience and go to every single sign in, for there is a lot more 
following this page. It wouldn't hurt to go to Kevin's website.  This is truly 
amazing, one of the best description of what is really going on, in a long time.
It is time we find out how dangerous the Dirty Bombs and 
any of Nuclear facilities.
This is the worst possible situation which we have before us also in Iran,  We 
must be factual and get down to the real problem!  I urge you to search DU 
and CDC and read and go to the definitions.  It will scare you into peace, if 
anyone has any sense at all.
A hint is Uranium, Plutonium, strotium90, which are some of the ingredients for 
Nuclear Energy. I doubt you will find the full recipe for it on lone or 
anywhere else but these are some of the ingredients.
  Regards, Que
   Fri, 14 Sep 2007 18:17:39 -0400 (EDT) 
From: Kevin Martin, Peace Action [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   
Add Mobile Alert  
  Subject: Has Your Rep. Signed onto the Showdown Against Bush's Plans for 

Dear Theresa J.,
  The Congressional Progressive Caucus has drafted a letter to make clear to 
the President they will not fund any U.S. Military Operation in Iraq Except for 
Fully-Funded Redeployment and to Protect Our Troops While that Operation is in 
Progress. Already, 76 House members have joined the showdown with the White 
  Has your Representative signed? Find out who represents you here and then 
check our list to make sure they have taken action against Bush’s plans for 
  YES! My Representative has signed onto the Showdown.
We’d like you to acknowledge them with a thank-you and ask them to put 
pressure on their colleagues to do the same. 
  NO! My Representative is Not in Touch with the American People.
Let those who have NOT signed know that you want them to stand up to Bush and 
get our troops out of Iraq.
  With the rhetoric surrounding the testimony of Gen. Petraeus, in the media 
and from the White House, it is vital your Representative knows where you stand 
on the Iraq occupation. This targeted action lets your Representative know that 
supporting this complete re-deployment of our troops out of Iraq is both a 
moral decision and politically advantageous one.
  You commit your time and resources to Peace Action; we want to keep you 
updated on actions that will have an impact on U.S. policy on the issues most 
important to you. With 76 Congressional Members and countless other 
organizations behind this action we believe this will have an impact.
  Last month over 9,000 of you signed a petition against the U.S. weapons deal 
to the Middle East. We brought your demands to Representatives influential in 
policy toward Israel and other countries in the region. We’re still 
collecting so if you haven’t yet done so – sign today.
  Show your support for the work we do for you by voting for us in the Peace 
  Kevin Martin 
Executive Director 
Peace Action 
  P.S. Keep checking back with Peace Action for more updates on the issues that 
mean the most to you and how you can TAKE ACTION.
Click here to subscribe to the Action Alert Network 
Click here to unsubscribe 
  Has Your Rep. Signed On to the showdown?
  Signatories List
  Yes, Thank Them
  No, Tell Them To
  Don't Know Your Rep?
  Find Out here By Zip
  More On Our Issues

[cia-drugs] NeedyStudents(1)Oberman(2)Boxerthanks(3)Moveon.org(3)Connick-N.O. - HabitatforHumanity-NO(4)

2007-09-14 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  This about says it all about our illustious administration and the republican 
congress. They are so worried about giving all our money to the war and the 
elite rich, that they forget to even look at the needs of our country.  This is 
real security when leaders do a good job for we the people and our country at 
 Breaking news E-mail alerts 
Get breaking news in your inbox as it happens  
  Needy students given food for weekendUpdated 32m ago | Comment| Recommend 
   E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints  Permissions |   
 Enlarge By John Sommers II, Reuters 
Actress Hilary Duff talks with volunteer food servers as she gets lunch during 
a 20-year anniversary party for Kentucky and USA Harvest at the Open Hand 
Kitchen at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Louisville, Ky.  
   By Wendy Koch, USA TODAY
Today and every Friday, more than 50,000 children are taking backpacks full of 
food home from school in programs that have quietly swept the nation. The goal 
is to keep needy kids and their families from going hungry on weekends. 
More than 120 food banks are distributing backpacks at 1,200 sites — mostly 
schools — in 40 states, up from about 30 food banks in a handful of states 
three years ago, according to Maura Daly of America's Second Harvest, a network 
of food banks.
  Funding for the BackPack Program has come from individuals, civic groups, 
churches and companies, including Wal-Mart. There's a real concern about 
childhood hunger in the United States, Daly says. 
  Hilary Duff, 19, TV's Lizzie McGuire, worked with another hunger-relief 
group, USA Harvest, to launch Blessings in a Backpack. Begun in July 2005 at 
two schools in Louisville, it will serve eight schools in four states by next 
month. Duff funds weekend meals for about 1,000 kids at a Los Angeles grade 
  Each backpack contains several pounds of healthful foods such as fruit cups, 
bread, milk, juice, crackers, beef stew and peanut butter. 
  FIND MORE STORIES IN: Friday | Hilary Duff | Lizzie Mcguire 
Healthy eating is really important for school-age children, says John Cook, a 
professor at Boston University Medical Center. Without it, he says, they can be 
grumpy and have trouble paying attention. They act out more and get lower 
grades, he says. 
  An estimated 12.4 million children live in U.S. households that were 
uncertain about having or could not get enough food at least part of the year, 
according to a survey by the Department of Agriculture. The number of 
low-income students receiving free lunches at school has increased from less 
than 3 million in 1969, when record-keeping began, to nearly 15 million last 
  Those meals feed kids during the week, but teachers noticed some students 
hoarding food on Friday and coming to school lethargic and hungry on Monday. 
Some were going to the dumpsters, says Rodney Bivens of the Regional Food 
Bank of Oklahoma.
  Bivens began his program five years ago after a boy passed out at school one 
Monday morning. The principal found out the student had eaten nothing over the 
weekend but a hot dog without a bun.
  We were just shocked, says Bivens, whose program expects to serve 7,500 
students at 250 elementary schools by next May. Our goal is to keep that child 
in school. Bivens says the program has lowered absenteeism and improved 
  The backpacks are the same kind that kids put schoolwork in, so there's no 
stigma to carrying one home, says Heather Brennan, a social worker at Crestview 
Elementary School in Kansas City, Mo. She says kids want to be in the program 
so they can help their families.
  Crystle Allen is a single mother of three boys at Crestview who get backpacks 
every week. 
  They look forward to Fridays, she says. She works full-time at a day care 
center but says she can't afford to buy the healthful snacks her boys receive.
  The program has been amazingly helpful, Allen says. I'm so grateful. 
  Posted 4h ago 
Updated 32m ago  E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints  Permissions |   
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  Olbermann: Bush Is Just Trying to Play Us With 'Troop Withdrawal' in Iraq
  By Keith Olbermann, Countdown. Posted September 8, 2007.
 Bush says his new goal is to have the presidential candidates comfortable 
about sustaining a presence in Iraq, contradicting every 

[cia-drugs] KennedySrHouse(1)Gore-Emmy(2)Gingrich-Bush(3)AdsCellPhone(4)Sunnivowsrevenge(5)

2007-09-14 Thread Quechick Barnyard
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   Mourners vow revenge at sheik's funeral By DAVID RISING, Associated Press 
2 hours, 13 minutes ago
BAGHDAD - Some 1,500 mourners called for revenge Friday as they buried the 
leader of the Sunni revolt against al-Qaida, who was assassinated by a bomb 
after meeting with President Bush earlier this month. 
An al-Qaida front in Iraq claimed responsibility for the blast that killed 
Adbul-Sattar Abu Risha, 37, and three companions. A statement posted on the 
Internet by the Islamic State of Iraq called Abu Risha one of the dogs of 
Bush and described Thursday's killing as a heroic operation that took over a 
month to prepare.
  The statement could not be independently verified, but it appeared on Web 
sites commonly used by the insurgents. Al-Qaida earlier killed four of Abu 
Risha's brothers and six other relatives for working with the U.S. military.
  In Diyala province, meanwhile, a bomb exploded near a U.S. military vehicle 
on Friday, killing four American soldiers, the U.S. command said. They were the 
first American deaths reported in Iraq since Monday.
  Many al-Qaida fighters were believed to have shifted to Diyala after Abu 
Risha's tribal fighters helped drive them out of their sanctuaries in Anbar 
  Scores of Iraqi police and U.S. military vehicles lined the route to protect 
the funeral procession as it followed the black SUV carrying the 
Iraqi-flag-draped coffin of Abu Risha to the family cemetery just west of 
Ramadi, Anbar's capital.
  We will take our revenge, the mourners chanted. We will continue the march 
of Abu Risha.
  The sheik was buried one year to the day after he organized Sunni Arab clans 
into an alliance to drive al-Qaida in Iraq from sanctuaries in Anbar province 
where the terror movement had flourished since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
  Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, the second-highest ranking U.S. officer in Iraq, and 
several high-ranking government officials attended the funeral, including 
Iraq's interior and defense ministers and National Security Adviser Mouwaffak 
  We condemn the killing of Abu Risha, but this will not deter us from helping 
the people of Anbar — we will support them more than before, al-Rubaie 
declared. It is a national disaster and a great loss for the Iraqi people — 
Abu Risha was the only person to confront al-Qaida in Anbar.
  Iraqi officials said the roadside bomb was just outside Abu Risha's walled 
compound in view of a guard shack and an Iraqi police checkpoint. That raised 
suspicion that the killing may have been an inside job, the officials said, 
speaking on condition of anonymity because the information is sensitive.
  Sheik Jubeir Rashid, a senior member of Abu Risha's movement, said police 
were questioning security guards and other staff but no arrests had been 
  During open-air Friday prayers in the streets of Baghdad's Shiite slum Sadr 
City, a stronghold of anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, Imam Muhannad 
al-Gharawi blamed the assassination on the government's inability to secure 
  The Iraqi people have lost trust with this government and killings are still 
going on — the latest is the assassination of the Anbar Awakening Council 
leader, he told thousands of worshippers. Everyone is threatened with death 
in this country as long as the American Black House is still giving the orders.
  Abu Risha's assassination cast a cloud over Bush's claims of progress in 
Iraq, especially in Anbar, which had been the center of the Sunni insurgency 
until the dramatic turnaround by the local sheiks. Bush met with Abu Risha 
during a visit to Anbar on Sept. 3.
  In a televised address Thursday, Bush ordered gradual reductions in U.S. 
forces in Iraq but rejected calls to end the war. More than 130,000 U.S. troops 
will remain after the withdrawals are completed in July.
  Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Friday raised the possibility of cutting 
U.S. troop levels to 100,000 or so by the end of 2008, if conditions on the 
ground improve enough.
  It was encouraging to see the president's comments to Americans to reinforce 
support for us, said Lt. Col. Mike Donnelly, 42, of Honolulu, based at Tikrit 
with the 25th Infantry Division. It was encouraging to hear what he had to say 
because it gives validation to what we're doing. 
  Capt. Bryan Greening, 25, of El Paso, Texas, said he found no surprises in 
Bush's speech. 
  I think the drawdown is a good idea, said Greening, assigned to Tikrit with 
the 1st Cavalry Division. The surge has done whatever it can and now it's time 
to allow soldiers to go home and get some rest. 

[cia-drugs] Fax-callDoganVoteTuesHR-1773(1)Harkins(2)Edwards(3)Petraeus(4)

2007-09-10 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Please call or fax SenaterDorganBillHR1773 set to vote Tuesday Morning!  Our 
Congress will not fund the MexicanTruckers coming into our country and using 
our transportation, overloading our own transportation.  
  Dozens dead in Mexico truck crash and blast By Robin Emmott 
Mon Sep 10, 6:18 PM ET
NADADORES, Mexico (Reuters) - A tractor-trailer loaded with explosives blew up 
in Mexico on Monday after a traffic accident, creating a huge fireball that 
killed dozens, including rescue workers and photographers. 
People stuck in the traffic jam caused by the accident were also killed in the 
blast that left a crater 65 feet wide and 9 feet deep near the town of 
Nadadores in the northern state of Coahuila, witnesses and officials said.
  There were body parts scattered in the trees, said Paulina Luna, 62, a 
local resident who was evacuated to a shelter. Her brother's home was 
flattened. The house was swept from the earth as if it never existed, she 
  The tractor-trailer had collided with a pickup and burst into flames. Firemen 
at the scene were trying to put out the blaze when they ran out of water. 
Moments later there was a huge explosion that almost obliterated the rig.
  We were waiting about 100 meters (300 feet) from the crash when there was an 
incredibly loud bang. Suddenly there were flying rocks and a fireball, said 
Silverio Alfonso Amador, 44, who was in the traffic jam and survived the 
  His face was covered with burns and his ears stuffed with cotton wool.
  At least 29 people were killed and around 150 injured, up to 30 of them in 
serious condition in local hospitals, state officials said. Radio stations 
reported that about 40 people had died.
  Around 260 people living close to the site in a small desert roadside village 
called Selemania were evacuated.
  An army explosives expert at the scene told Reuters the tractor-trailer was 
carrying 25 metric tons of ANFO, a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil 
used widely in the mining industry. Coahuila is a major mining state.
  Soldiers and police cordoned off an area up to a mile around the site of the 
blast, which badly damaged eight houses and blew out the windows of 60 others.
  Witnesses said 26 wrecked and charred cars were hauled away from the scene. 
TV images showed a body hanging from a power line.
  We found part of the engine, Coahuila state police chief Fausto 
Destenave-Kuri told Reuters. The truck practically disintegrated.
  Three of the dead were local journalists.
  Reporters who were taking photographs died there as well as emergency 
workers and drivers who stopped to help, state Gov. Humberto Moreira said.
  ***More on a Mexican Trucker*
  Dozens dead in Mexico truck crash and blast By Robin Emmott 
Mon Sep 10, 6:18 PM ET
  NADADORES, Mexico (Reuters) - A tractor-trailer loaded with explosives blew 
up in Mexico on Monday after a traffic accident, creating a huge fireball that 
killed dozens, including rescue workers and photographers. 
People stuck in the traffic jam caused by the accident were also killed in the 
blast that left a crater 65 feet wide and 9 feet deep near the town of 
Nadadores in the northern state of Coahuila, witnesses and officials said.
  There were body parts scattered in the trees, said Paulina Luna, 62, a 
local resident who was evacuated to a shelter. Her brother's home was 
flattened. The house was swept from the earth as if it never existed, she 
  The tractor-trailer had collided with a pickup and burst into flames. Firemen 
at the scene were trying to put out the blaze when they ran out of water. 
Moments later there was a huge explosion that almost obliterated the rig.
  We were waiting about 100 meters (300 feet) from the crash when there was an 
incredibly loud bang. Suddenly there were flying rocks and a fireball, said 
Silverio Alfonso Amador, 44, who was in the traffic jam and survived the 
  His face was covered with burns and his ears stuffed with cotton wool.
  At least 29 people were killed and around 150 injured, up to 30 of them in 
serious condition in local hospitals, state officials said. Radio stations 
reported that about 40 people had died.
  Around 260 people living close to the site in a small desert roadside village 
called Selemania were evacuated.
  An army explosives expert at the scene told Reuters the tractor-trailer was 
carrying 25 metric tons of ANFO, a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil 
used widely in the mining industry. Coahuila is a major mining state.
  Soldiers and police cordoned off an area up to a mile around the site of the 
blast, which badly damaged eight houses and blew out the windows of 60 others.
  Witnesses said 26 wrecked and charred cars were hauled away from the scene. 
TV images showed a body hanging from a power line.
  We found part of the engine, Coahuila state police chief Fausto 

[cia-drugs] NormanFinkelstein (1)NWO-Chertoff?(2)Environment(3)Poverty(4)

2007-09-05 Thread Quechick Barnyard
(Some of you might recall, a few years back lynn Cheney asked Libermamn to be 
on her board of directors in getting political professors fired from their 
universities.  I guess this is her baby!
POLITICS, NEWS, FINANCE mparent Marc Parent mparent CCNWON My archived blog 
is at: http://mparent.blogspot.com/
  Saturday, September 1, 2007
Norman Finkelstein: “I fully expect to be arrested,” Sept 5 
  Fri 31 Aug 2007
  Posted by Cecilie Surasky 
After losing tenure because of an unprecedented campaign of outside 
interference waged by Alan Dershowitz, who has no academic background in in 
Middle East or Israeli history or politics , DePaul University has decided to 
unilaterally cancel Holocaust Industry author Norman Finkelstein’s classes and 
shut down his office. This despite overwhelming approval of his scholarship by 
his peers at the school, and a remaining one-year contract.
  When classes start on September 5, Finkelstein promises
  “As usual I will show up for class on the first day and go to my office. I 
fully expect to be arrested.”
  Fox News reports:
  Meanwhile, a faculty advocacy group sent the university a letter demanding 
the administration reinstate Finkelstein or hold a hearing with an elected 
faculty body to show cause for the suspension.
  “There ought to be a hearing before any such action is taken,” said Robert 
Kreiser, senior program officer for the American Association of University 
  Administrative leave with pay isn’t justification for removing Finkelstein 
from teaching, Kreiser said.
  “They have the burden of demonstrating that there was good reason to suspend 
him,” Kreiser said.
  For a man who is a son of Holocaust survivors and who has been targeted by 
critics because he “believes that some Jews have exploited the Holocaust,” 
Finkelstein must have felt some tragic sense of validation while watching 
demonstrations in Israel earlier this month by Holocaust survivors and their 
familes. There are 250,000 survivors still living, but it turns out barely, in 
Israel. A government report said about a third live in poverty. Thousands took 
to the streets when the state offered to help out with insulting $20.00 monthly 
payments, prompting Israeli historian Tom Segev to say, “it could be that 
Germany treated the survivors better than the State of Israel did.” 
  So who got all those reparation payments? It wasn’t the Holocaust survivors 
of Israel.
  Educational Institutions , Alan Dershowitz
Parent CCNWON at 7:06 AM 
  Labels: Academia, Alan Dershowitz, Censorship, Israel, Israel lobby, Norman 
Finkelstein, police 
  Mon Sep 3, 2007 11:28 am (PST) 
http://tinyurl. com/3aezna
  see also View all web results for chertoff attorney general
Chertoff to replace Gonzales as attorney general?
  OfficialWire: Michael Chertoff As Attorney General?Does Chertoff, an Israeli 
citizen, warrant becoming attorney general of the United States? Does any of 
this make any sense to you? ...
officialspin. com/main. php?action= recentrid= 21370 - 41k - Cached - Similar 
  Chertoff has much more directly relevant experience than Gonzales had when 
the latter was nominated to be attorney general, Chertoff's tenure as ...
commentisfree. guardian. co.uk/marcy_ wheeler/2007/ 08/goodby_ gonzales. htl
  Speculation grows about Chertoff as attorney general -- www.newsday. 
com/news/ nationworld/ nation/ny- ustown0828, 0,6753978. story - 
  By Frosty Wooldridge
August 30, 2007
NewsWithViews. com
  On 9/11, the United States suffered its worst terrorist attack in the 
history of the Republic. Burning World Trade Center towers featured black 
smoke, people jumping out of windows—and ultimately, magnificent skyscrapers 
collapsing like water falling over the edge of Niagara Falls.
  Meanwhile, President Bush read a children’s story to an elementary 
classroom for eight minutes after being told that two commercial jets ran 
into the WTC towers.
  Cogent arguments based on investigations by serious Americans 
projected an inside job. Did the president of the U.S. know about 9/11 like 
Franklin D. Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor? Why didn’t the CIA splice the 
pieces together long before the event? What subliminal message did our 
leaders ignore when Muslims in U.S. flight schools learned how to fly 
commercial jets with no interest in the skills of take offs and landings? 
What about demolition explosives purported in the third building that 
collapsed, but was not hit by airplanes? How could so many Muslims from 
dangerous countries be given visas so nonchalantly? Was CIA chief George 
Tenant playing 

[cia-drugs] Sen.JohnsonBack! (1)R.Doolittle(2)PaperTrails(3)ATT-Ver.Spy(4)Lawbreakers(5)

2007-09-05 Thread Quechick Barnyard

Wed, 5 Sep 2007 07:09:52 -0400 
To: Theresa Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Sen. Ted Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Welcome Back, Senator Tim Johnson
Dear Theresa,
  Tim Johnson has spent the last eight months in the battle of his life. Now he 
needs our help to continue his battle for working men and women in the United 
States Senate.
  When Tim underwent emergency surgery last December, no one knew if he'd be 
able to carry on with the day-to-day challenges of a being a Senator, let alone 
a re-election campaign. But Tim has always been a fighter, and he's ready to 
get back to work for the rest of his term -- and for terms to come.
  It's time for our community to help this courageous Democrat. Today is Tim's 
first day back on Capitol Hill. Let's welcome him home by making a contribution 
to his 2008 re-election campaign:
  Even though Tim will be able to hit the campaign trail, this race will be far 
from easy. South Dakota Democrats have been a major target for the Republican 
Party in recent years, and the GOP is hoping to win back this seat in 2008.
  In 2002, Tim Johnson won his race by only 524 votes. In 2004, Senate Minority 
Leader Tom Daschle lost his seat by a 51-49% margin. And in 2006, South Dakota 
received national attention for a radical right-wing challenge against Roe v. 
  Once again, the National Republican Senatorial Committee has made Tim 
Johnson's seat a top priority.
  As he said last week during his first public appearance:
With patience, persistence and faith, I have fought back, and my will to keep 
fighting for you has never been stronger. I believe I have been given a second 
chance at lifeand as I stand here tonight, let me say this: I will take 
that second chance and work harder than ever to be the best I can be for each 
and every South Dakotan.
  With your help, Tim Johnson can make the most of that second chance. We need 
him in the Senate and I ask you to make a donation now:
  With all the Republican tricks and antics we've seen before, we know the 
importance of each and every Democratic vote in the Senate.
  Democrats have made extraordinary progress in restoring the people's voice in 
the halls of Congress. But in order to turn the people's voice into law, we 
must expand our Democratic majority in 2008 -- and protect the good Democrats 
we already have.
  That fight begins with Tim Johnson in South Dakota.
  It's been a long and trying year for Tim, his family, his staff, and the 
people of South Dakota. Please do your part to help Tim continue to work on 
behalf of our shared values.
  Show Tim Johnson what protecting our Democratic majority means to you. Thank 
you so much.
  Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Donate to Tim Johnson
The latest from Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
  In the Nation (The Philadelphia Inquirer) 
Wednesday September 5, 2007 1:32 AM CDT 
WASHINGTON - The two top aides to Rep. John T. Doolittle (R., Calif.) have been 
subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury investigating ties between 
Doolittle, his wife, and jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff. 
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This is something we should give some thought to and now is the time to 
contact not only your senators but others as well, and congress people.  If we 
don't have a legal and binding election system, then why bother to vote?  I 
plan to vote, don't you?
  Date: 5 Sep 2007 02:40:19 - 
  Subject: HR 811 vote this week--Tell Congress NO! 
From: Progressive Democrats of America [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Please Call Congress and urge your Representative to Vote NO on HR 811 
Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121 
  HR 811 will be voted in the House this week!
  HR 811 uses the term paper ballot to refer to a voter-verified paper trail. 
This is intended to confuse you and gain your support. 
  HR 811 does not ban DREs -- BUT it should! 
  HR 811 does not require a voter-marked paper ballot-BUT it should: 
  Paper trails are no substitute for ballots that voters can mark directly! 
  The latest from Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
  Probe shows conflicts over student loans (AP via Yahoo! News) 
Probe shows conflicts over student loans (The San Luis Obispo Tribune) 

[cia-drugs] FalseFlag(1)VideoBigBro(1)NAFTA-WTO-GAT(3)Al-Gore-The11thHour(4)

2007-09-02 Thread Quechick Barnyard

Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 11:28:16 -0500 
Announcement Of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
  http://peaceinspace .blogs.com/ 911/2007/ 08/announcement- of.html
  Announcement Of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
  International Lawyer Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, who is a Judge on 
the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal, will make a public call 
for an International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal. He will speak at 
Ready for Mainstream, a 9/11 Anniversary Conference (Sept.8-9, 2007) at 
Cooper Union, 7th St and 4th Avenue, New York.
http://www.ready4ma instream. ny911truth. org/index. html
  According to Independent Scientist Leuren Moret and Alfred Webre, 9/11 was 
a False Flag Operation to provide a pretext to engage in Genocidal  
Ecocidal Depleted Uranium (DU) bombing of Central Asia (Afghanistan and 
Iraq) in order to secure vast oil and uranium reserves; to roll out a 
Terror-based National Security state-system world-wide; to implement the 
final stages of a world Depopulation policy; and to trigger a World War III 
  Since 1945, under the Nuremberg Principles, causing aggressive war 
constitutes the most serious of War Crimes. The International Citizen's 
9/11 War Crimes Tribunal would be convened under the jurisdiction of the 
Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal, established in February 
2007 as a permanent citizen's Tribunal by The Perdana Global Peace 
Organization, chaired by Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, former Prime 
Minister of Malaysia, who is the first prominent world leader to take up 
the depleted uranium (DU) radiation issue as an instrumentality of the 
Depopulation policy.
  As a matter of law, there is a sufficient quantum of evidence for the 
appointment of an independent prosecutor under Article III(3) of the U.S. 
Constitution to prosecute treason against President GW Bush; Vice President 
Richard B. Cheney; and the Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld for the 
armed attack upon the United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of 
a False Flag Operation.
  U.S. Congress fails to Act
  The establishment of an International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal is 
justified, given that official institutions in the U.S. have failed to 
assign legal accountability for the False Flag Operation of 
9/11. Representative John Conyers, Jr., Chairman of the U.S. House of 
Representatives Judiciary Committee and his senior staff personally 
reviewed the 9/11 Independent Prosecutor Act and Congressional 
following the 2006 U.S. Mid-term Election and Senior Staff met twice with 
representatives of the 9/11 Independent Prosecutor Act. The Chairman 
refused to introduce the Act, despite support for the Act by his Senior 
Staff. The 9/11 Commission failed to take testimony under oath from Bush 
and Cheney, and reached fraudulent conclusions.
  9/11 As A War Crime
  The False Flag Operation of 9/11 was the pretext for, and an integral part 
of the planning and execution of the illegal War of Aggression in 2001 
against Afghanistan and of War Crimes committed by the United States in 
Afghanistan, as found by the Final Judgment, International Criminal 
Tribunal for Afghanistan at Tokyo. The Court found the use of Depleted 
Uranium (DU) weapons in Afghanistan to constitute War Crimes, Genocide, 
Crimes Against Humanity, and Omnicide. The False Flag Operation of 9/11 is 
a legal component of these War Crimes, and the perpetrators of 9/11 are 
guilty Aggressive War, Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, and War Crimes.
  9/11 War Crimes Tribunal:
http://peaceinspace .blogs.com/ 911/
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Commentary  Last Updated: Aug 27th, 2007 - 00:58:41 
Free-trade pacts: Job loss to lost sovereignty to police state
By Dan Merica
Online Journal Guest Writer  Cartoonist
  Aug 27, 2007, 00:52
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  A video commentary on how Bush and his administration used fear and the
promise of security to pave the way for unlawful and unconstitutional
policies, including preemptive war, warantless wiretapping,
and enhanced interrogation techniques.
  Unfortunately, many of us (including myself) fell for it for the 

[cia-drugs] Warner no run-Craig resign(1)NAU-NWO-NO!(2)Moveon-Katrina - sign email(3)

2007-09-01 Thread Quechick Barnyard
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Full Coverage: U.S. Congress Enlarge Photo APGOP: Craig plans to resign from 
AP - 13 minutes ago 
BOISE, Idaho - Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig will resign from the Senate 
amid a furor over his arrest and guilty plea in a police sex sting in an 
airport men's room, Republican officials said Friday.
  Slideshow: Sen. Larry Craig 
  Off the Wires
Plane with U.S. lawmakers shot at in Iraq Reuters - Fri Aug 31, 11:54 AM ET A 
recovering Johnson remains determined AP - Fri Aug 31, 6:05 AM ET AP IMPACT: 
Chase for pork still strong AP - Thu Aug 30, 5:54 PM ET Summary: Vague standard 
in Senate's code AP - Thu Aug 30, 5:07 PM ET Congress may move quickly on Peru 
trade: aides Reuters - Thu Aug 30, 4:33 PM ET » More Off the WiresNews Stories
Veteran Republican to stand down at BBC - Fri, Aug 31, 2007 Tape Shows a 
Senator Protesting After Arrest at The New York Times (reg. req'd) - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 Well-placed GOP sources: Craig likely to quit soon at CNN.com - Fri, 
Aug 31, 2007 Craig Faces Growing Republican Pressure to Resign Bloomberg via 
Yahoo! News - Thu, Aug 30, 2007 GOP Leaders Strip Craig Of Committee 
Assignments - washingtonpost.com at The Washington Post (reg. req'd) - Thu, Aug 
30, 2007 » More News Stories
Feature Articles
A timeline of Sen. John Warner's life and career at The Virginian-Pilot (reg. 
req'd) - Fri, Aug 31, 2007 Craig interrogation excerpts AP via Yahoo! News - 
Fri, Aug 31, 2007 A recovering Johnson remains determined AP via Yahoo! News - 
Fri, Aug 31, 2007 Nothing in code matches Craig conduct AP via Yahoo! News - 
Thu, Aug 30, 2007 Idaho sees red over Craig at The Los Angeles Times (reg. 
req'd) - Thu, Aug 30, 2007 For Idaho Paper And Reporter, Craig Story Posed a 
Moral Dilemma at The Washington Post (reg. req'd) - Thu, Aug 30, 2007 
» More Feature ArticlesOpinion  Editorials
Warner Retires, Battle To Replace Him Begins Fri, Aug 31, 2007 Va. Senate: A 
Golden Opportunity for Democrats at The Washington Post (reg. req'd) - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 A Precedented Scandal at The Washington Post (reg. req'd) - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 Disowning Senator Craig at The New York Times (reg. req'd) - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 The Larry Craig affair at Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Fri, Aug 31, 
2007 The trouble with Larry at Baltimore Sun - Fri, Aug 31, 2007 
» More Opinion  EditorialsRelated Web Sites
THOMAS: U.S. Congress on the Internet  - includes the Congressional Record text 
and index, bills and voting records, current session schedules, and committee 
information. U.S. House of Representatives  - with links to member sites, 
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Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress  - Containing biographical 
information about every person who has served in the U.S. Congress. FedNet  - 
Provides live and archived audio coverage of congressional events including the 
Floor debates from the House and Senate, hearing coverage and news conferences. 
Open CRS Network  - provides access to Congressional Research Service reports 
already in the public domain. Encourages Congress to provide public access to 
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Warner Won't Seek Reelection ABC News- Sen. John Warner, R-VA., announces he 
won't seek a sixth term in the Senate.
Craig under pressure CNN- The embattled U.S. Senator Larry Craig is facing 
calls to resign, as CNN's Candy Crowley reports. 
Craig's arrest tape ABC News- Audiotapes detail the Idaho Republican's visit to 
a Minneapolis men's room. 
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Virgina Sen. Warner Will Leave at End of Term at NPR - Fri, Aug 31, 2007 
On tape, Craig denies allegations of soliciting officer at CNN.com - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 
U.S. Senators Prep for Tough Election Fight at NPR - Wed, Aug 29, 2007 
» More Audio
Warner Won't Seek Reelection ABCNEWS.com video via Yahoo! News - Fri, Aug 31, 
Sen. Craig's bathroom denial ABCNEWS.com video via Yahoo! News - Fri, Aug 31, 
Police officer accuses Sen. Craig of lying AP video via Yahoo! News - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 
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[cia-drugs] (unknown)

2007-09-01 Thread Quechick Barnyard
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Witness News Site Index Search:   All News Yahoo! News Only News Photos 
Video/Audio  Advanced 
Full Coverage: U.S. Congress Enlarge Photo APGOP: Craig plans to resign from 
AP - 13 minutes ago 
BOISE, Idaho - Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig will resign from the Senate 
amid a furor over his arrest and guilty plea in a police sex sting in an 
airport men's room, Republican officials said Friday.
  Slideshow: Sen. Larry Craig 
  Off the Wires
Plane with U.S. lawmakers shot at in Iraq Reuters - Fri Aug 31, 11:54 AM ET A 
recovering Johnson remains determined AP - Fri Aug 31, 6:05 AM ET AP IMPACT: 
Chase for pork still strong AP - Thu Aug 30, 5:54 PM ET Summary: Vague standard 
in Senate's code AP - Thu Aug 30, 5:07 PM ET Congress may move quickly on Peru 
trade: aides Reuters - Thu Aug 30, 4:33 PM ET » More Off the WiresNews Stories
Veteran Republican to stand down at BBC - Fri, Aug 31, 2007 Tape Shows a 
Senator Protesting After Arrest at The New York Times (reg. req'd) - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 Well-placed GOP sources: Craig likely to quit soon at CNN.com - Fri, 
Aug 31, 2007 Craig Faces Growing Republican Pressure to Resign Bloomberg via 
Yahoo! News - Thu, Aug 30, 2007 GOP Leaders Strip Craig Of Committee 
Assignments - washingtonpost.com at The Washington Post (reg. req'd) - Thu, Aug 
30, 2007 » More News Stories
Feature Articles
A timeline of Sen. John Warner's life and career at The Virginian-Pilot (reg. 
req'd) - Fri, Aug 31, 2007 Craig interrogation excerpts AP via Yahoo! News - 
Fri, Aug 31, 2007 A recovering Johnson remains determined AP via Yahoo! News - 
Fri, Aug 31, 2007 Nothing in code matches Craig conduct AP via Yahoo! News - 
Thu, Aug 30, 2007 Idaho sees red over Craig at The Los Angeles Times (reg. 
req'd) - Thu, Aug 30, 2007 For Idaho Paper And Reporter, Craig Story Posed a 
Moral Dilemma at The Washington Post (reg. req'd) - Thu, Aug 30, 2007 
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Warner Retires, Battle To Replace Him Begins Fri, Aug 31, 2007 Va. Senate: A 
Golden Opportunity for Democrats at The Washington Post (reg. req'd) - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 A Precedented Scandal at The Washington Post (reg. req'd) - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 Disowning Senator Craig at The New York Times (reg. req'd) - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 The Larry Craig affair at Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Fri, Aug 31, 
2007 The trouble with Larry at Baltimore Sun - Fri, Aug 31, 2007 
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Warner Won't Seek Reelection ABC News- Sen. John Warner, R-VA., announces he 
won't seek a sixth term in the Senate.
Craig under pressure CNN- The embattled U.S. Senator Larry Craig is facing 
calls to resign, as CNN's Candy Crowley reports. 
Craig's arrest tape ABC News- Audiotapes detail the Idaho Republican's visit to 
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Virgina Sen. Warner Will Leave at End of Term at NPR - Fri, Aug 31, 2007 
On tape, Craig denies allegations of soliciting officer at CNN.com - Fri, Aug 
31, 2007 
U.S. Senators Prep for Tough Election Fight at NPR - Wed, Aug 29, 2007 
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Warner Won't Seek Reelection ABCNEWS.com video via Yahoo! News - Fri, Aug 31, 
Sen. Craig's bathroom denial ABCNEWS.com video via Yahoo! News - Fri, Aug 31, 
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[cia-drugs] Paul Newman - It's Every American's job to step up and do something about it!

2007-08-30 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Paul Newman is a great American, and he is expressing the truth that we all 
agree with. His letter to us shows his confindence in our internet patriots and 
doers.  It is time to respond to words of truth and peace.  We must take an 
active role in this endeavor if we ever will have the strength in our 
Democratic Congress to take our country back and put all this imperalism to 
rest once and for all.  We have had a long hard fight, but our job is not over 
yet.  Do not stop now! we are just now getting some things done towards saving 
the America we all love and our Constitution as well.. Hang in there, we can do 
it!  We know the truth when we hear it, let's roll up our sleeves and take our 
country back starting NOW!  we can do it, collectively we can do it!!!
  Theresa J. Steed
  Dear Ms.Steed,
  When our country has been as deliberagtely misled and suffered as much damage 
as it has over the last
  six years, I believe it's every American's job to step up and do something 
about it.
  I know you do, too. Or you would't have done as much to help get Democrats 
elected last year.
  America isn't of the people, by the people and for the people any more.  It's 
about something  completely different. And completely wrong.
  Think about it!
  Our troops are stuck in a war that's gone on longer than our involement in 
World War II and cost us more than Vietnam - and still George Buch refused to 
change course!
  Gas is headed towards $4 a gallon but still the Bush administration sits on 
it's hands.  Or worse, pushes to destroy some of our last wild places just to 
get a few more month'
  or worse, pushes to destroy some of our last wild places just to get a few 
more months' worth of profit for BIg Oil.  
  Over45 million Americans don't have health insurance. And more are losing 
their jobs every day. And still the Bush administration just ignores them.
  Our national debt has shot up by some $3 trillion and to hear George Bush 
talk you'd think the most important thing right now is to give more tax breaks 
to rich guys like me.
  I am just as frustrated as you are that we haven't made more progress with a 
Democratic Congress.  But Democrats have only a one-seat majority in the Senate 
and the GOP has used filibusters and veto threats to stop them from moving our 
country forward.
  Just the same, our best defense against this adminimstration is a Democratic 
Senate. And I'm going to do everything I can to help elect more Democratic 
Senators so the Senate can start acting in the Interest of the American People. 
 Because no matter who wins the White House in 2008, we have to make surewe 
have a working majoirty.
  Theresa, I know you agree - and that's why I'm asking you to join me in 
supporting the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, I'm throwing my weight 
behind the DSCC because no other organization - not even the DNC - is focused 
just on electing Democrats to the Senate. And they need your help now if 
democrats are going to strengthen our majority in 2008. 
  The DSCC plans to raise $3.7 million for the Media Response Project by 
September 30.  A group of Senate Demcorats believes in it so much that they 
will raise the funds to match whatever we can raise before then on a on-to-one 
basis.  So you'll be doing twice as much to help if you contribute today!  So 
when GOP Sentors try to block question into the last six years of all-GOP rule, 
the DSCC will make sur
voters know about it.  When this administration panders to the extreme right, 
the DSCC will hold their feet to the fire.  And when they run ads that distort 
the truth and smear our candidatges, we'll call them on it.
  Now let me give you another reason to make that contribution right now.
  The way politics works is that the earlier you can fill the war chest, the 
more likely you are to win.  If the DSCC has a lot of cash to show potential 
challengers to GO
  right now, the more likely they will run - because they know the 
  DSCC has what it takes to back them all the way.
  And early support means more staffers in key states to watch the polls and 
get out the vote - which means those challengers have an even better chance of 
winning come Election Day.
People like you and me have to get in involved because things have gone so 
wrong in our country that we can't sit back and let the fringe groups and 
coporate money decide our agenda.
I really do beleive it's our job to do something, about this! And what I hope 
you'll do is support the DSCC's Media Response Project with $75, $100 or even 
  A lot of people know me as an actor, and a few more know me as a salad 
dressing and popcorn 'mogul'. But at this point in my life, I'm just trying to 
make a difference in the things that I think are important.
  2008 isn't just another election. It's our 

[cia-drugs] ConyersImpeach(1)NAUVCHIP(2)IRAN(3)CNNFOX(4)NOAAClimate(5)

2007-08-29 Thread Quechick Barnyard
John Conyers can most likely get our constitution back in working order with 
this action.
  At anyrate this administration and those who broke Constitutional law should 
be filed on for treason, for each item they ad and strike out can make no 
freedom for our people, for which Americans love so much. Our leaders will not 
sign a single bill of importance to the Democrats, so we might as well begin 
taking back our country by airing the truth to Americans. It is about time they 
know about the law breaking people in washingtonDC government.  Enough is 
enough!!! Most of us are uneasy with the bogus laws which creates dictators.  
We like America to be free, we love our rights bought with soldiers protecting 
our constitution and our people.  What more could one want of their military? 
Or our representative governing bodies.
  Like Howard Dean, I want my country back!!
Conyers - Impeachment on Table
Wed Aug 29, 2007 17:44
Conyers - Impeachment on Table
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - FreeMarketNews.com
  Rep. John Conyers declared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could not stop him from 
beginning impeachment proceedings in the House Judiciary Committee against a 
'long list of people' in the Bush administration, although he did not make a 
firm commitment to begin proceedings. Nancy Pelosi has impeachment 'off the 
table,' but that's off her table, it is not off John Conyers' table, the 
Michigan Democrat said during a town hall meeting in his district Tuesday. 
Nancy Pelosi, who I actually supported, cannot prevent me from introducing an 
impeachment resolution against, well I've got a long list of people who are 
eligible. -Raw Story
I am for John Cronyers, he is a loyal American Patriot and cares about our 
constitution, and law breaking people are in his aim. So stand aside and stay 
in touch with him as much as possible.  We need to back him, for together with 
Kucinich's Cheney impeachment, we could get our constitution back and also our 
Click Here For The Full Story
  The following video was posted online Wednesday: 
  Rep. John Conyers declared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could not stop him from 
beginning impeachment proceedings in the House Judiciary Committee against a 
'long list of people'in the Bush administration, although he did not make a 
firm commitment to begin proceedings.
  Nancy Pelosi has impeachment 'off the table,' but that's off her table, it 
is not off John Conyers' table, the Michigan Democrat said during a town hall 
meeting in his district Tuesday. Nancy Pelosi, who I actually supported, 
cannot prevent me from introducing an impeachment resolution against, well I've 
got a long list of people who are eligible.
  Conyers did not announce plans to begin impeachment proceedings, which he has 
previously said would be politically untenable. Rather, his speech seemed to 
indicate that pro-impeachment activists did not yet convince him that Bush and 
Cheney deserved to be booted from office. A Conyers spokesman did not 
immediately respond to RAW STORY's request for clarification of the 
congressman's comments.
  I want you to know that I have no reticence, no reluctance, no hesitation to 
use the tool of impeachment ... whenever I feel that it is appropriate, 
Conyers said. I only wish that I could be moved by a lot of people coming to 
my office.
  One activist who helped organize hundreds of protesters who traveled to 
Washington to push Conyers to begin impeachment remains unconvinced that the 
congressman will actually take action.
  I think John Conyers ... is saying, 'I'm not going to do what my 
constituency wants, I'm going to do what the Democratic leadership wants,' 
Tina M. Richards, CEO of Grassroots America, told RAW STORY Wednesday.
  Although she acknowledged Conyers adamantly wants to impeach, Richards said 
he is being precluded from doing so by Pelosi and other top House Democrats. 
Hundreds of impeachment activists are expected to descend on Pelosi's office 
next month to pressure the House Speaker to allow impeachment proceedings.
  The 21-term congressman, who took control of the Judiciary Committee this 
year, boasted that he was the first to introduce a resolution calling for 
Richard Nixon's impeachment.
  Conyers mentioned frequent visits by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, who 
recently led hundreds of protesters to urge him to begin impeachment 
proceedings. He told the activists he would not begin impeachment hearings 
because there is not enough support among Democrats, who control the House, for 
the move.
  I understand the politics of impeachment, Conyers said. But we have 
something going on now that we've never had before.
  The following video was posted online Wednesday:
Google video:

[cia-drugs] Greenpeace(1)Evans-spiritofLiberty..(2)Roy Beck(3)Cronyn(4)

2007-08-28 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Tue, 28 Aug 2007 15:32:07 -0400 (EDT) 
From: Greenpeace [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Good News for Whales 
 Dear Theresa J, August 28, 2007 
  There's a storm brewing off the coast of Massachusetts that's threatening the 
future of wind energy for the entire country. In the face of global warming, 
there are a few powerful forces giving the cold shoulder to what could be 
America's first offshore wind farm - mostly because they believe it would 
blemish their million-dollar views.
  The Cape Wind project would offset up to 113 million gallons of oil and would 
be like taking 175,000 cars off the road to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 
Even though more than 80% of Massachusetts residents support the project, a 
select few, including Senator Ted Kennedy who's compound would face the wind 
farm, are standing in the way of progress and jeopardizing the entire effort. 
  That's why we've hit the airwaves and targeted the opposition with television 
ads aired all across New England. If you haven't seen these ads, check them 
  But this fight isn't just local. We need YOUR help to get Congress on track 
and make offshore wind a reality.
  Tell Congress to blow off millionaire complaints and do what's right for the 
  As we look for ways to combat global warming and increase renewable energy, 
the answers really are blowing in the wind! We need your help to show even more 
public support for Cape Wind and renewable energy. Take action and tell the 
Chairman of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming that 
he should support this visionary project. 
  Your Friend,  
  Kate Smolski 
Global Warming Campaigner 
  I was just as shocked as you were last year when Iceland announced they were 
going to restart their commercial whaling program. Well, I'm happy to tell you 
that at least for this year, the commercial hunt seems to have come to an end. 
  When Iceland announced that they were issuing a permit to hunt 39 whales 
including 9 endangered fin whales, I couldn't believe my ears. Last year, the 
Icelandic whalers killed 7 minkes and 7 endangered fin whales, only a fraction 
of their quota. But around the world, more than 100,000 activists have 
pressured Iceland in the wake of their whaling efforts, and it seems to have 
worked - at least for now. With almost no market in Iceland and fears that the 
meat might be contaminated with toxic chemicals, the hunt has been a disaster. 
They still haven't made the results of the contamination testing on whale meat 
public, but they can't seem to convince anyone to buy their whale meat 
  Iceland has said they won't issue new permits until the market conditions for 
whale meat improve and they get permission to export whale products to Japan. 
Well, I've got some news for the Icelandic government: there's no market for 
whale meat in Japan either. Japan is having trouble selling the thousands of 
tons of whale meat it already has in storage from its own Southern Ocean 
scientific hunt. 
  Since the Icelandic government is ready to admit that there isn't any market 
for commercial whale meat, they might as well face up to the facts: there's no 
legitimate scientific reason for killing whales either.
  It's time for Iceland to hang up those harpoons for good!
  Your friend,
  John Hocevar
Oceans Campaigner 
 3 Ways to Help 
1: Donate Now 
Help Greenpeace Take a Stand. Become a Member Today.
  2: Take Action 
Visit our Action Center and take action today.
  3: Tell a Friend 
Forward this message to a friend. Help spread the word.
  Week of Action 
  Feel up to the challenge? Sign up to be part a delivery event now! You won't 
want to miss out on this amazing opportunity to do something about global 
Read The Book 
This newly published book is receiving rave reviews. The authors take you up 
close and personal to the Cape Wind project and it's controversial history. The 
book also has a blog with the latest entry titled, Greenpeace at it again. 
 702 H Street, NW 
Suite 300
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  You received this mailing because you are subscribed to our mailing list. If 
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  We value your privacy. If you have any questions about how we use your 
information please read our privacy policy. 
  Are you stepping lightly at work?

   Jack Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Add to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert 
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn 
Subject: Secure The Border Crusade 2008 
Dear Bill,
Please check out http://www.spiritofliberty.net/crusades.php and give me your 
thoughts on planning the 2008 Crusade.
Dean Allen
I sent 

[cia-drugs] What is happening to America?

2007-08-27 Thread Quechick Barnyard

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert  What IS Happening 
to America? Have You Ever Pondered The Following:  
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 00:49:30 -0500 
“What IS Happening to America? Have You Ever Pondered The Following: 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why our borders are still wide open? 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why our immigration laws are unenforced? 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why CAFTA was passed in the House by two recanted 
votes after the time for voting had expired? Especially in light of the fact 
that most ordinary people would agree that NAFTA has been such a devastating 
failure for both Mexico and America. 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why the Senate told 83% of We the People to ‘go to 
hell’ when they passed the amnesty bill S.2611 - which will add 100 million 
people to America in the next ten years, according to Dr. Robert Rector of the 
Heritage Institute. That number is a CONSERVATIVE estimate since statisticians 
extrapolated those numbers from the 2000 census to arrive at the totally bogus 
figures of 10 -12 million illegals. 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why the reconquista rabble rouser can march in our 
streets and shout from the roof tops that they want to take over the Southwest, 
yet our government doesn’t investigate them for sedition like they did the VA 
nurse who wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the Iraq War, and the 
government’s handling of Hurricane Katrina? 
  Good questions all, but none answered by people we have elected to serve us. 
Instead, we get silly remarks about “harmonizing” our regulations on jelly 
beans and chocolate. If that is all three heads of state are deciding, after 
three summit meetings, after many meetings among cabinet level government 
servants, we are wasting time and money and destroying the trust of We the 
Barbara Anderson 
  http://www.webcomme ntary.com/ asp/ShowArticle. asp?id=andersonbdate=070824
 What IS Happening to America? Have You Ever Pondered The Following:  
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 00:49:30 -0500 
“What IS Happening to America? Have You Ever Pondered The Following: 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why our borders are still wide open? 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why our immigration laws are unenforced? 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why CAFTA was passed in the House by two recanted 
votes after the time for voting had expired? Especially in light of the fact 
that most ordinary people would agree that NAFTA has been such a devastating 
failure for both Mexico and America. 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why the Senate told 83% of We the People to ‘go to 
hell’ when they passed the amnesty bill S.2611 - which will add 100 million 
people to America in the next ten years, according to Dr. Robert Rector of the 
Heritage Institute. That number is a CONSERVATIVE estimate since statisticians 
extrapolated those numbers from the 2000 census to arrive at the totally bogus 
figures of 10 -12 million illegals. 
  Didn’t you ever wonder why the reconquista rabble rouser can march in our 
streets and shout from the roof tops that they want to take over the Southwest, 
yet our government doesn’t investigate them for sedition like they did the VA 
nurse who wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the Iraq War, and the 
government’s handling of Hurricane Katrina? 
  Good questions all, but none answered by people we have elected to serve us. 
Instead, we get silly remarks about “harmonizing” our regulations on jelly 
beans and chocolate. If that is all three heads of state are deciding, after 
three summit meetings, after many meetings among cabinet level government 
servants, we are wasting time and money and destroying the trust of We the 
Barbara Anderson 
 to the illegal status and entry into the US by illegal workers. Perjury, 
fraud, identity theft, and all other assorted crimes would be deemed forgiven. 
The illegals could legally shoot and kill a Border Patrol agent who was trying 
to stop their entry, and they could claim an amnesty for that under the bills 
provisions. I guess if you have enough political muscle, you don't have to obey 
any laws you don't like. You can get off scot free. Randy
From: Roy Beck NumbersUSA [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   Add 
Mobile Alert 
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by numbersusa.com. 
Learn more 
Subject: Watch for our petition/ad email 
   From:   Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA  
Date:   Sunday 25AUG07 11:55 p.m. EDT  
 Monday begins TV ad campaign to expose human face of victims of extreme 
  The ad is something else!
  It reminds viewers that there are real victims to the federal government's 
policy of importing or allowing more than a million foreign workers (both legal 
and illegal) into this country each year.
  If you are reading this Monday mid-morning, you should also have in your 
in-box an 

[cia-drugs] Three emails of significance - Social Security Illegal Mexican Nationals

2007-08-26 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Pentagon officials have said the program was productive and had detected 
international terrorist interests in specific military bases. But they also 
acknowledged that some officials may not have been using the system 
  The TALON reports - collected by an array of Defense Department agencies 
including law enforcement, intelligence, counterintelligence and security - 
are kept in a large database and analyzed by an obscure Pentagon agency, 
the Counterintelligence Field Activity. CIFA is a three-year-old outfit 
whose size and budget are secret.
  Last year, a Pentagon review found that as many as 260 reports in the 
database were improperly collected or kept there. At the time, the Pentagon 
said there were about 13,000 entries in the database, and that less than 2 
percent either were wrongly added or were not purged later when they were 
determined not to involve real threats.
  Copyright © 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
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Legislative Alerts and Updates • Key Votes • Capitol Hill Basics 
Action Alert 
 Oppose S. 1639! (Updated 6/26/07) 
The controversial immigration reform bill (S. 1348) has been given a new life 
under a new bill number - S. 1639.  
  The Senate is expected re-launch floor debate on the so-called immigration 
“reform” bill. For several weeks now The John Birch Society has been sending 
out legislative e-alerts on S. 1348, the Comprehensive Reform Act of 2007. Our 
e-alert users were successful in urging the Senate to oppose S. 1348! On June 
7, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) pulled the legislation from the 
Senate floor due to a failure to obtain enough supporters to end debate and 
have a vote on the bill. Over the past few weeks the White House has been 
working closely with key members of Congress to renegotiate the terms of the 
immigration legislation.
  This new comprehensive immigration reform bill (S. 1639), introduced by 
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) on June 18, is not so new at all. The bill still 
carries the same amnesty provisions and guestworker program that caused S. 1348 
to fail in the first place. Additionally, the Kennedy amendment attached to S. 
1348 (S. Amdt. #1150) that called for the acceleration of the Security and 
Prosperity Partnership of North America, is still included in Section 413 of S. 
  It is the sense of Congress that the United States and Mexico should 
accelerate the implementation of the Partnership for Prosperity to help 
generate economic growth and improve the standard of living in Mexico, which 
will lead to reduced migration…
  So what exactly has changed in this legislation? In a word, nothing! The 
basic elements of the Bush/Kennedy “grand compromise” remain in the bill. 
Continuous pressure on members of the Senate is essential in defeating the 
passage of S. 1639 which would – among other things – place millions of illegal 
immigrants on a path toward citizenship. 
  Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), an opponent of S. 1639, argued on Monday that the 
only way to block the immigration bill is for the American people raise the 
level of their voices in the next 24 hours.
  Proceed to the alert below to contact your senators on this issue. Tell them 
that you oppose: 1) amnesty, 2) a guestworker program that would displace 
countless American workers, and 3) U.S. involvement in the Security and 
Prosperity Partnership of North America. 
  As always, all messages are editable and users are requested to use that 
function in order to avoid the appearance of a form letter being sent out en 
Take Action 
1 Compose Message 
 Message Recipients:
 Your U.S. Senators  
 Delivery Method:
 Printed Letter 
Editable text:
(edit or add your own text - 9022 characters left) 
Over the past few weeks I have been keeping in close contact with you and your 
office on the immigration reform debate. Recently I have been made aware that 
the immigration reform bill (S. 1348) has been reintroduced under a new bill 
number, S 1639. Introduced by Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts, S. 1639 
contains all the same provisions that I was opposed to in S. 1348. Namely, S. 
1639 would:
  - Create the Z visa which would place millions of illegal immigrants on a 
path toward citizenship
  - Establish an enhanced guestworker program that would displace American 
  - Call for the acceleration of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of 
North America - an agenda backed by President Bush that would eventually merge 
the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, into a common North American Community
  Please oppose S. 1639 and any other legislation that would promote and/or 
provide amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, or any of the other reasons 

[cia-drugs] PFAW-In Contempt of Congress-(1)TomHughes -Delegates(2) -ACLU-Ad (3)

2007-08-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:20:06 -0700 
Subject: In Contempt of Congress 
From: PFAW Activist Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
Bush administration officials have yet to get the message that congressional 
subpoenas are not optional!
  Are you on board with our efforts to Hold Them in Contempt?
  Already signed?
  Forward this e-mail to five friends!
The contempt of Congress vote is of grave importance to this nation. No one 
should stand idly by while this administration continues to operate above the 
law. – Rep. John Conyers, Chairman, House Judiciary Committee*
  Dear Theresa J.,
  Your calls for accountability are being heard by key members of Congress.
  Over the next several weeks, we'll be asking you to help keep grassroots 
pressure on Congress to move forward contempt proceedings against 
administration officials who haven’t complied with congressional subpoenas.
  A clear message must be sent that the Bush administration can no longer run 
roughshod over our constitutional system of checks and balances.
  If you have not signed People For's petition calling on Congress to Hold 
Them in Contempt, please do so now. If you have, please make it your personal 
mission to get five friends to sign.
  Who is them? Since we are focusing on people who have tried to sidestep 
subpoenas from both the House and Senate, so far, them is:
  Former White House Counsel Harriet Miers
White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten
Karl Rove, the president’s chief political adviser 
And this list could grow to include aides to Vice President Cheney and others.
  All of these officials have used erroneous claims of executive privilege to 
withhold testimony, documents or other information from Congress in the ongoing 
investigation into the U.S. attorney purge. The House Judiciary Committee has 
already ruled Miers' and Bolten's claims to be invalid and Chairman Conyers 
will be seeking a vote by the full House shortly after Congress returns in 
September. That's why we're asking for your help now.
  The Bush administration has shown nothing but contempt for checks and 
balances, so it's only fitting that Congress hold administration officials in 
contempt for their flagrant noncompliance with congressional subpoenas.
  Are you on board?
  If you're already on board, recruit your friends and ask them to join the 
petition. In the coming weeks, we'll be coordinating with our allies on the 
Hill and several other partner organizations to create a massive groundswell in 
support of contempt citations.
  Thank you for being part of this critical first wave.
  -- Your Allies at People For the American Way
  * P.S. Here's Rep. Conyers' full statement:
  Congress will soon vote on contempt of Congress citations for White House 
Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten and former White House Counsel Harriet Miers. This 
vote is a pivotal point in history as the House of Representatives asserts its 
constitutional duty to provide executive branch oversight. This extraordinary 
step is necessary following the refusal of the White House to comply with 
subpoenas issued in the U.S. Attorney investigation. The contempt of Congress 
vote is of grave importance to this nation. No one should stand idly by while 
this administration continues to operate above the law.
  P.P.S. Earlier this week, Senator Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate 
Judiciary Committee, also threatened contempt proceedings against 
administration officials for not providing documents and testimony in 
compliance with subpoenas.
  This message was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Manage your People For profile and e-mail subscriptions at:
  To ensure that People For e-mails are not diverted to your spam or bulk 
please add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book and/or safe list.
  Links may show up as kintera in the address bar. This is normal and those 
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PFAW © 2007

  Fri, 24 Aug 2007 16:36:43 GMT 
From: Tom Hughes, Democracy for America [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Theresa J Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: One Year from Today 
  Dear Theresa J,
One year from today, thousands of Democratic delegates from all across America 
will be arriving in Denver, Colorado for the 45th Democratic National 
Convention. The event generates incredible publicity for the nominee and 
highlights the successes of hard working progressive Democrats like you. That's 
why you should be a Grassroots Democratic Delegate.
  Find out how to become a 

[cia-drugs] SenatorBayh-Legacy - RockyAnderson-Impeach - IraqVets - the war

2007-08-23 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Reclaiming Our Legacy
Last week's announcement that Karl Rove is leaving the President's side at the 
end of the month means the Bush administration soon will be without the 
services of a cunning political operative who rarely missed an opportunity to 
exploit our national security challenges for partisan political advantage.
  Rove will be remembered for winning campaigns by convincing the American 
people that only President Bush and the Republicans are tough enough to lead 
our country in these dangerous times.
  Rove's thesis rings particularly hollow today, as the President resolutely 
refuses to offer a candid assessment about the reality in Iraq or to adapt his 
strategy to defeat our most dangerous enemies in an age of global terror.
  In the 110th Congress, I have been proud to see many of my fellow Democrats 
step forward to reclaim our Party's historic legacy on matters of national 
security. Remember: It was Franklin Roosevelt who stood up to fascism and led 
America's greatest generation to save the world from tyranny. It was Harry 
Truman who drew the first line in the sand against the spread of global 
communism and helped rebuild Europe and Asia after World War II. It was John F. 
Kennedy who called on us to bear any burden and pay any price in defense of 
liberty. And it was President Clinton who rallied the international community 
to put a stop to ethnic cleansing in Bosnia.
  Under President Bush's leadership, we've spent four years, $450 billion, and 
sent more than 165,000 troops to Iraq, yet our National Intelligence Estimate 
indicates al Qaeda has gotten stronger. Many experts believe that we've created 
more terrorists than we've killed by our presence in Iraq.
  Today, as the President continues to confuse the war on terror with a civil 
war between Sunnis and Shiites, I am working with my fellow Democrats and a few 
courageous Republicans like Senator Richard Lugar to get our eye back on the 
  As I reminded Chris Wallace recently on Fox News Sunday, Iraq today is not 
the central front in the war on terror - Afghanistan and Pakistan are. We were 
attacked from Afghanistan, and Pakistan is where the al Qaeda leadership is 
reconstituting itself today. Our attention and resources ought to be refocused 
on capturing Osama bin Laden and rooting out al Qaeda's enclaves across the 
  We also need a tough and smart approach to dealing with Iran, which continues 
its defiant march to nuclear weapons.  According to the State Department, Iran 
is the No. 1 state sponsor of terror. We cannot afford to allow the world's 
most dangerous regime to acquire the world's deadliest weapons. But the Bush 
administration, obsessed with Iraq, has failed to rally our allies to 
effectively address this menace.
  Before the summer recess, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved my 
nuclear safeguards legislation to prevent countries like Iran from walking up 
to the atomic threshold under the flimsy pretense of seeking civilian nuclear 
power. When Congress reconvenes after Labor Day, I will work to see that this 
crucial bill becomes law.
  We also must redouble our efforts to honor the brave Americans who are 
sacrificing so much to keep us safe. The Senate recently approved comprehensive 
legislation to make sure our wounded warriors have access to the care they 
deserve when they return from battle. I was proud of my contribution to that 
bill - a provision that helps ensure that soldiers with traumatic brain 
injuries have access to the cutting-edge cognitive therapies that will allow 
them to recuperate and live full and productive lives.
  I will continue to fight for more support for our military personnel, 
including pressing for enactment of my plan to relieve the financial strain on 
soldiers with school debt by suspending the accrual of interest on their 
federal student loans.
  My fall agenda will continue to work on refocusing our national security 
policy as the Senate evaluates two September reports on the political and 
military outlook in Iraq. I also will continue to pursue an aggressive domestic 
agenda in the areas of innovation, education, and fiscal responsibility to make 
America more competitive in the global economy. Earlier this month, I 
introduced legislation to double research and development funding for small 
business innovators, and the Senate Judiciary Committee soon will consider my 
bill to protect U.S. companies that are losing profits and employees as a 
result of intellectual property theft (Wall Street Journal article).
  It is well past time for the United States to reassert global leadership and 
to address the many challenges undermining our strength at home. As we turn the 
page on the Karl Rove era and the White House loses its Svengali of national 
security politics, I pledge to continue my work in Washington to insist on 
smarter domestic and 

[cia-drugs] SenatorBayh-Legacy - RockyAnderson-Impeach - IraqVets - the war

2007-08-23 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Reclaiming Our Legacy
Last week's announcement that Karl Rove is leaving the President's side at the 
end of the month means the Bush administration soon will be without the 
services of a cunning political operative who rarely missed an opportunity to 
exploit our national security challenges for partisan political advantage.
  Rove will be remembered for winning campaigns by convincing the American 
people that only President Bush and the Republicans are tough enough to lead 
our country in these dangerous times.
  Rove's thesis rings particularly hollow today, as the President resolutely 
refuses to offer a candid assessment about the reality in Iraq or to adapt his 
strategy to defeat our most dangerous enemies in an age of global terror.
  In the 110th Congress, I have been proud to see many of my fellow Democrats 
step forward to reclaim our Party's historic legacy on matters of national 
security. Remember: It was Franklin Roosevelt who stood up to fascism and led 
America's greatest generation to save the world from tyranny. It was Harry 
Truman who drew the first line in the sand against the spread of global 
communism and helped rebuild Europe and Asia after World War II. It was John F. 
Kennedy who called on us to bear any burden and pay any price in defense of 
liberty. And it was President Clinton who rallied the international community 
to put a stop to ethnic cleansing in Bosnia.
  Under President Bush's leadership, we've spent four years, $450 billion, and 
sent more than 165,000 troops to Iraq, yet our National Intelligence Estimate 
indicates al Qaeda has gotten stronger. Many experts believe that we've created 
more terrorists than we've killed by our presence in Iraq.
  Today, as the President continues to confuse the war on terror with a civil 
war between Sunnis and Shiites, I am working with my fellow Democrats and a few 
courageous Republicans like Senator Richard Lugar to get our eye back on the 
  As I reminded Chris Wallace recently on Fox News Sunday, Iraq today is not 
the central front in the war on terror - Afghanistan and Pakistan are. We were 
attacked from Afghanistan, and Pakistan is where the al Qaeda leadership is 
reconstituting itself today. Our attention and resources ought to be refocused 
on capturing Osama bin Laden and rooting out al Qaeda's enclaves across the 
  We also need a tough and smart approach to dealing with Iran, which continues 
its defiant march to nuclear weapons.  According to the State Department, Iran 
is the No. 1 state sponsor of terror. We cannot afford to allow the world's 
most dangerous regime to acquire the world's deadliest weapons. But the Bush 
administration, obsessed with Iraq, has failed to rally our allies to 
effectively address this menace.
  Before the summer recess, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved my 
nuclear safeguards legislation to prevent countries like Iran from walking up 
to the atomic threshold under the flimsy pretense of seeking civilian nuclear 
power. When Congress reconvenes after Labor Day, I will work to see that this 
crucial bill becomes law.
  We also must redouble our efforts to honor the brave Americans who are 
sacrificing so much to keep us safe. The Senate recently approved comprehensive 
legislation to make sure our wounded warriors have access to the care they 
deserve when they return from battle. I was proud of my contribution to that 
bill - a provision that helps ensure that soldiers with traumatic brain 
injuries have access to the cutting-edge cognitive therapies that will allow 
them to recuperate and live full and productive lives.
  I will continue to fight for more support for our military personnel, 
including pressing for enactment of my plan to relieve the financial strain on 
soldiers with school debt by suspending the accrual of interest on their 
federal student loans.
  My fall agenda will continue to work on refocusing our national security 
policy as the Senate evaluates two September reports on the political and 
military outlook in Iraq. I also will continue to pursue an aggressive domestic 
agenda in the areas of innovation, education, and fiscal responsibility to make 
America more competitive in the global economy. Earlier this month, I 
introduced legislation to double research and development funding for small 
business innovators, and the Senate Judiciary Committee soon will consider my 
bill to protect U.S. companies that are losing profits and employees as a 
result of intellectual property theft (Wall Street Journal article).
  It is well past time for the United States to reassert global leadership and 
to address the many challenges undermining our strength at home. As we turn the 
page on the Karl Rove era and the White House loses its Svengali of national 
security politics, I pledge to continue my work in Washington to insist on 
smarter domestic and 

[cia-drugs] CongressUpdates(1)AlGore-Polluters(2)WorkingAmerica-askquestion(3)

2007-08-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 President Bush Signs Bill Expanding Warrantless Wiretapping--What do you 
To: Theresa J Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: Congress.org Weekly Update [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact Details   
Add Mobile Alert  
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 16:12:16 -0400 (EDT) 
August 6, 2007
  President Bush Signs Bill to Expand Warrantless Wiretapping
On August 5, President Bush signed into law S.1927, a bill amending the Foreign 
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. The law expands the ability of certain 
government agencies to monitor phone calls, emails, and other communications 
that are part of a foreign intelligence investigation.
I Support the Expansion of Warrantless Wiretapping
I Oppose the Expansion of Warrantless Wiretapping
  House Passes SCHIP Legislation
On August 1, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3162, a bill dealing with 
the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Learn more about the specifics 
of the bill and let Congress know what you think by clicking here .
  Congress Passes Ethics Bill
On July 31, the House of Representatives voted 411-8 to pass S.1, the 
Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007. On August 2, the 
Senate passed its version 83-14. The bill contains reforms for lobbying and 
earmark disclosure, among other things.
Tell Congress what you think. 
  Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
On July 31, House of Representatives passed H.R. 2831, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair 
Pay Act. This bill amends previous pieces of legislation dealing with 
discriminatory compensation in the workplace. Read more here.
  House Passes 9/11 Bill
On July 27, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, which calls for 
implementation of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. What do you think?
  What Other Bills Are People Writing to Congress About?
Read Letters to Leaders and find out! 
S.590 and H.R. 2776, concerning renewable energy tax credits 
H.R. 1726, calling for more humane treatment of farm animals
H.R. 2605, which would establish a sunset for the 2002 resolution authorizing 
force against IraqH.R. 976, calling for tax relief for small businesses
H.R. 180, requiring the identification of companies that do business in the 
SudanH.R. 2610, the Skill Game Protection Act
H.R. 1022, concerning the Assault Weapons Ban
Congress is currently in recess for the month of August.
  FY08 Appropriations Bills
For more information on FY08 Appropriations bills, click here.
 Passport Trouble?
New regulations concerning air travel security went into effect in January, 
causing a backlog in processing passport applications. To learn more, click 
  Seminar: Think Like A Legislator
Are you a government relations professional? If your job entails influencing 
elected officials on the federal or state level, you need to attend our 
upcoming online seminar Think Like a Legislat 

  Primary Navigation
Secondary Navigation
World Video Middle East Europe Latin America Africa Asia Canada 
Australia/Antarctica Kevin Sites Search:   All News Yahoo! News Only News 
Photos Video/Audio  Advanced 

   Gore: Polluters manipulate climate info By GILLIAN WONG, Associated Press 
Tue Aug 7, 10:28 AM ET
SINGAPORE - Research aimed at disputing the scientific consensus on global 
warming is part of a huge public misinformation campaign funded by some of the 
world's largest carbon polluters, former Vice President Al Gore said Tuesday. 
There has been an organized campaign, financed to the tune of about $10 
million a year from some of the largest carbon polluters, to create the 
impression that there is disagreement in the scientific community, Gore said 
at a forum in Singapore. In actuality, there is very little disagreement.
  Gore likened the campaign to the millions of dollars spent by U.S. tobacco 
companies years ago on creating the appearance of scientific debate on 
smoking's harmful effects.
  This is one of the strongest of scientific consensus views in the history of 
science, Gore said. We live in a world where what used to be called 
propaganda now has a major role to play in shaping public opinion.
  After the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, made up of the 
world's top climate scientists, released a report in February that warned that 
the cause of global warming is very likely man-made, the deniers offered a 
bounty of $10,000 for each article disputing the consensus that people could 
crank out and get published somewhere, Gore said.
  They're trying to manipulate opinion and they are taking us for fools, he 
  He said ExxonMobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, is 

[cia-drugs] WorkingFamiliesTonight(1)dcinstIraqoil(2)W.CLarkhowtoleave(3)baghdad(4)

2007-08-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Tue, 07 Aug 2007 14:05:35 GMT 
From: Working Families e-Activist Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Feel the Excitement 
 Dear Theresa J.,
the Night
The AFL-CIO Presidential Candidates Forum will be broadcast live on MSNBC and 
XM Satellite Radio.
  Moderator Keith Olbermann has said he may try to catch the candidates “a 
little off-guard.” 
  See what happens tonight at the forum on MSNBC television and XM Radio at
 7 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. CDT).
 The numbers don’t lie—the level of anticipation surrounding the AFL-CIO 
Presidential Candidates Forum is sky-high.
  More than 12,000 working men and women and family members are expected at 
Soldier Field in Chicago to watch in person. You’ve submitted more than 2,200 
questions for the candidates, and you’ve voted more than 25,000 times for your 
favorite questions.
  Tonight, tune in to watch the candidates discuss issues important to working 
families—issues like health care, the right to organize, education and Iraq.
  Coverage of the 90-minute forum begins on MSNBC television and XM Satellite 
Radio (Channel 130) at 7 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. CDT).
  Keith Olbermann, the moderator of tonight’s forum, isn’t surprised about the 
great response. Here’s what he told the AFL-CIO Now blog:
  An informed audience like the AFL-CIO membership is naturally going to 
respond to this The focus on this election is not being diminished because 
it is starting so early, but probably increased. I think people understand how 
important an election this is, and my sense is that it is going to grow.
  Thanks to everyone for participating in the “What Do YOU Want to Ask the 
Candidates?” contest.
  See which of the final questions will be asked during the live broadcast.
  In solidarity, 
Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO
  Visit The Union Shop!
Visit the Web address below to tell your friends about this. 
 If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Working 
Families e-Activist Network.  
  If you would like to unsubscribe from the e-Activist Network, or update your 
account settings, please visit your subscription management page.  
  Tue, 07 Aug 2007 14:30:15 -0400 
From: Institute for Public Accuracy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Institute for Public Accuracy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Iraqi Oil Law Impasse: Good News for Democracy? 
Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Tuesday, August 7, 2007
   Iraqi Oil Law Impasse: Good News for Democracy?
  Iraqis oppose plans to open the country's oilfields to foreign
investment by a ratio of two to one, according to a poll released
http://www.PriceOfOil.org, http://www.TheBushAgenda.net
Juhasz is the author of The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One 
Economy at a Time and a fellow with Oil Change International. She said
today: For the first time, individual Iraqis have been asked to give 
their opinion of the transformation of their oil industry driven
by the Bush administration. Their response is revelatory: Iraqis 
strongly oppose privatization and feel completely uninformed about the 
oil laws [legislation] set by the U.S. Congress as benchmarks for the 
Iraqi government even though they are virtually unknown to the Iraqi 
Leaver is a research fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. He 
said today: Violating the very notions of freedom and democracy Bush 
invokes in nearly every speech on Iraq, the U.S. government has
intervened in the restructuring of Iraq's oil industry since at least 
2002. This poll shows that Iraqis want the U.S. and private oil 
companies to stop pushing the Iraqi government to accept widespread 
privatization of Iraq's oil development.
Zahller is a campaign associate with Oil Change International. She 
said today: While critics suspect the U.S.'s real motivation is the 
contracts for American and international companies, U.S. officials have
 stated that they see the law as a reconciliation measure, designed to 
unite Iraq's ethnic and sectarian groups in a common vision of how to 
develop their oil. Ironically, the law has indeed united Iraqis -- in 
opposition to the privatization proposals.
Zahller added: The Bush administration and Congress need to 
recognize that virtually all sectors of Iraqi society are opposed to
proposed oil law, and immediately cease pressure on the Iraqi
to pass it. Passage of the current draft law will only serve to fuel 
strong suspicions that access to and control of Iraqi oil was the
for the war and the occupation.

[cia-drugs] PFAW - checks Balance (1)- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - write your rep(2)-FPMediareform (3) Repurt Murdoch

2007-08-03 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 14:08:59 -0700 
Subject: Checks and Balances 
From: People For the American Way [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
  Dear Theresa J.,
  When did Americans begin to take the Constitution for granted? When did our 
vision for justice blur so dangerously?
  As activists and Americans, every day we gaze, gawk, and stare at a President 
who defies the values we hold dearest. Some of us are angry. Others terrified. 
Many of us are both. And yet as members of People For the American Way, we can 
repair our battered Constitution. We can fight off President Bush's coming 
assaults on the Constitution. We can see a better way. It takes vision. And it 
takes action.
  If you're angry or terrified or share our vision of the Constitution, can you 
give now so that we can take urgently needed action?
  At a time when Bush's gloomy polling flirts with Nixon's, many grow weary and 
are just counting the days for this presidency to end. But we cannot simply 
avert our eyes, and People For the American Way will not just ride out the end 
of the Bush era. We can see our president's warped view of the executive 
branch. We see it clearly—as the ideological underpinning of arrogant, 
terrifying, and shameful abuse of power.
  That's why we do our work. That's why we fight against the NSA's illegal 
domestic spying. That's why we push for the restoration of habeas corpus. 
That's why we demand that White House stonewallers be held accountable by 
holding them in contempt of Congress. When some politicians and members of the 
media let John Roberts and Samuel Alito lull them into believing that the Far 
Right actually does respect precedent and the Constitution, or does understand 
fundamental checks and balances, we expose the truth.
  It's critical that we open our nation's eyes to how fragile our Constitution 
really is. We must spread the word that the Court, no less than the Presidency, 
will be on the ballot in November, and a wise electorate will vote accordingly.
  Will you help us educate and mobilize our electorate? Will you help put the 
Supreme Court on the ballot?
  It's already clear that the Far Right yearns to make this an issue to 
motivate and turn out its voters. Republican presidential candidates are 
already dangling the obscene promise of more Far Right nominees to the court in 
order to placate their intolerant base. It's right-wing code for turning back 
the clock on decades of social justice progress.
  But we're looking to the future—and taking action now to protect it. People 
For the American Way is poised to launch an all-encompassing Supreme Court 
Campaign leading up to the 2008 elections. We need your help executing our 
vision, built on three pillars:
  Identify Senate races and presidential battlegrounds where Americans will 
care deeply about the Court and the Constitution it interprets. 
Scrutinize recent decisions and upcoming cases that tell the story of what the 
Court is doing to our rights and freedoms in order to create compelling ways to 
tell that story to voters. 
Charge into those battlegrounds and get the story to voters who most need to 
hear it. 
Can you help us start a conversation that will help progressive and moderate 
Americans see clearly that a vote for a better tomorrow must also be a vote for 
a fairer Supreme Court?
  In so many ways, People For the American Way is already starting this 
conversation. This week, we're gathering in Chicago with other progressives for 
the second annual YearlyKos convention, which we're proud to sponsor. We've 
organized several events, including one called Reversing the Alito Effect, 
dedicated to strategizing with the netroots and others about how progressives 
can reverse the damage done by the Roberts-Alito Court.
  PFAW's Ralph G. Neas will talk with Slate.com editor and legal affairs writer 
Dahlia Lithwick, Harvard Law professor David Barron, and Philadelphia attorney 
Adam Bonin about how to mobilize progressives in 2008 and beyond to keep Far 
Right justices from dominating the Court, and defying our Constitution, for a 
generation or more.
  Will you help us with this and other projects critical to making America see 
clearly that the Supreme Court matters to justice and fairness and our everyday 
  Thank you.
  —Your Friends at People For the American Way
This message was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Manage your People For profile and e-mail subscriptions at:
  To ensure that People For e-mails are not diverted to your spam or bulk 
please add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book and/or safe list.
  When you click through to some of our pages,
the addresses may include kintera. This is normal.
  Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail. Replies will not be 

[cia-drugs] PFAW - checks Balance (1)- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - write your rep(2)-FPMediareform (3) Repurt Murdoch

2007-08-03 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 14:08:59 -0700 
Subject: Checks and Balances 
From: People For the American Way [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
  Dear Theresa J.,
  When did Americans begin to take the Constitution for granted? When did our 
vision for justice blur so dangerously?
  As activists and Americans, every day we gaze, gawk, and stare at a President 
who defies the values we hold dearest. Some of us are angry. Others terrified. 
Many of us are both. And yet as members of People For the American Way, we can 
repair our battered Constitution. We can fight off President Bush's coming 
assaults on the Constitution. We can see a better way. It takes vision. And it 
takes action.
  If you're angry or terrified or share our vision of the Constitution, can you 
give now so that we can take urgently needed action?
  At a time when Bush's gloomy polling flirts with Nixon's, many grow weary and 
are just counting the days for this presidency to end. But we cannot simply 
avert our eyes, and People For the American Way will not just ride out the end 
of the Bush era. We can see our president's warped view of the executive 
branch. We see it clearly—as the ideological underpinning of arrogant, 
terrifying, and shameful abuse of power.
  That's why we do our work. That's why we fight against the NSA's illegal 
domestic spying. That's why we push for the restoration of habeas corpus. 
That's why we demand that White House stonewallers be held accountable by 
holding them in contempt of Congress. When some politicians and members of the 
media let John Roberts and Samuel Alito lull them into believing that the Far 
Right actually does respect precedent and the Constitution, or does understand 
fundamental checks and balances, we expose the truth.
  It's critical that we open our nation's eyes to how fragile our Constitution 
really is. We must spread the word that the Court, no less than the Presidency, 
will be on the ballot in November, and a wise electorate will vote accordingly.
  Will you help us educate and mobilize our electorate? Will you help put the 
Supreme Court on the ballot?
  It's already clear that the Far Right yearns to make this an issue to 
motivate and turn out its voters. Republican presidential candidates are 
already dangling the obscene promise of more Far Right nominees to the court in 
order to placate their intolerant base. It's right-wing code for turning back 
the clock on decades of social justice progress.
  But we're looking to the future—and taking action now to protect it. People 
For the American Way is poised to launch an all-encompassing Supreme Court 
Campaign leading up to the 2008 elections. We need your help executing our 
vision, built on three pillars:
  Identify Senate races and presidential battlegrounds where Americans will 
care deeply about the Court and the Constitution it interprets. 
Scrutinize recent decisions and upcoming cases that tell the story of what the 
Court is doing to our rights and freedoms in order to create compelling ways to 
tell that story to voters. 
Charge into those battlegrounds and get the story to voters who most need to 
hear it. 
Can you help us start a conversation that will help progressive and moderate 
Americans see clearly that a vote for a better tomorrow must also be a vote for 
a fairer Supreme Court?
  In so many ways, People For the American Way is already starting this 
conversation. This week, we're gathering in Chicago with other progressives for 
the second annual YearlyKos convention, which we're proud to sponsor. We've 
organized several events, including one called Reversing the Alito Effect, 
dedicated to strategizing with the netroots and others about how progressives 
can reverse the damage done by the Roberts-Alito Court.
  PFAW's Ralph G. Neas will talk with Slate.com editor and legal affairs writer 
Dahlia Lithwick, Harvard Law professor David Barron, and Philadelphia attorney 
Adam Bonin about how to mobilize progressives in 2008 and beyond to keep Far 
Right justices from dominating the Court, and defying our Constitution, for a 
generation or more.
  Will you help us with this and other projects critical to making America see 
clearly that the Supreme Court matters to justice and fairness and our everyday 
  Thank you.
  —Your Friends at People For the American Way
This message was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Manage your People For profile and e-mail subscriptions at:
  To ensure that People For e-mails are not diverted to your spam or bulk 
please add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book and/or safe list.
  When you click through to some of our pages,
the addresses may include kintera. This is normal.
  Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail. Replies will not be 

[cia-drugs] RichNoriega-answeringthecall(1)-JackReed, Carllevin(2)-TomHughesIdon't Recall Gonzales(3)

2007-08-03 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Thu, 02 Aug 2007 16:02:11 GMT 
From: Rick Noriega [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Theresa Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Answering the call to serve 
Dear Theresa,
Click here to watch our campaign launch video, Service
On July 16, 2007 I answered the call to serve from thousands of Texans across 
the state and formed an exploratory committee to seek the Democratic nomination 
for U.S. Senate.  With your help, we will beat John Cornyn on November 4th, 
  But this campaign is not about one person or candidate; it's about all of us 
answering the call to serve. 
  You are receiving this message as an active Texas Democrat. If you do not 
wish to receive emails from the Rick Noriega campaign, please click here to 
opt-out and we will immediately remove you from our list. We respect your 
privacy and will honor your request. 
  That call to serve is why I first joined the military in the wake of the Iran 
hostage crisis; it's why I led troops in Afghanistan, directed the Hurricane 
Katrina evacuee center in Houston, and served on our nation's border.  That 
same call to serve is why I have represented Texas as a State Legislator for 
five terms, fighting for greater affordability and access to health care, more 
educational opportunities for our children, and to protect all of our civil 
liberties and civil rights. 
Our campaign has released a new video entitled Service.  I hope that you'll 
take a moment to watch the video, and then share it with your friends and 
family by forwarding this email.  Encourage them to visit www.RickNoriega.com 
to watch the video and join our campaign.
  Click here to watch the video!
  I am embarking on a new challenge, to take back our state and nation from 
this administration and its number one cheerleader, the junior Senator from 
Texas, John Cornyn.  It is an awesome challenge, and I am going to need you to 
stand with me. We will fight for change. We will fight for Texas. And we will 
do it together.
  Rick Noriega
Contribute Today!
  Paid for by Rick Noriega for Texas
  Tell your friends to join Rick Noriega for Texas! 
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Rick Noriega.  
This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit your subscription management 
page to modify your email communication preferences or update your personal 
profile. To stop ALL email from Rick Noriega, click to remove yourself from our 
lists (or reply via email with remove or unsubscribe in the subject line).  
  Print - Close Window  
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 09:46:19 -0400 (EDT) 
From: Senator Jack Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: We Won't Give Up. Period. 
  Dear Theresa j.,
Carl needs your help!
Please click here to contribute. 
Carl Levin is right. He knows that a change in course in Iraq can't come soon 
enough. And he's fighting for it every day.
  The bad news is his tenacious efforts to force change make him a tempting 
target for Republicans to defeat in 2008. You just know that Karl Rove and his 
buddies are itching to bring down one of the most effective critics of this 
administration's failures in Iraq. We can't take anything for granted.
  Those of us fighting for change in Iraq can't afford to lose Carl. We need 
you to make a contribution to Senator Levin's campaign so that our Republican 
opponents can't defeat him in November 2008.
  Please make a secure online contribution of $25, $35, or more to Carl's 
campaign. Your actions today will build the foundation for Carl's victory next 
  I know what it means to fight for America.
  As a West Point grad, a paratrooper, and now a Senator, I've dedicated my 
life to serving our country. And I could not be more proud to serve alongside 
Carl Levin in the United States Senate.
  Carl is a critical piece of our slim Senate majority. He voted against the 
war from the beginning and every day he pushes the Bush administration to 
change course in Iraq. The Senate simply cannot afford to lose his courage and 
  Carl is too modest to toot his own horn, so his friends need to do for him. 
The challenges facing our country demand a leader like Carl Levin. I hope you 
will join me in working to keep him in the Senate.
  Please make a secure online contribution of $25, $35, or more to Carl's 
campaign. Your actions today will build the foundation for Carl's victory next 
  For more than a year, I have worked with Carl to pass the Levin-Reed 
amendment to force the President to start withdrawing troops from Iraq. Our 
troops are fighting hard and doing a magnificent job, and we owe them a 
strategy that is worthy of their sacrifice. But Senate Republicans recently 
blocked a vote on our plan after an all night debate.
  Carl and I are not going to give up until we have enough votes to force a 
change of course in 

[cia-drugs] RichNoriega-answeringthecall(1)-JackReed, Carllevin(2)-TomHughesIdon't Recall Gonzales(3)

2007-08-03 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Thu, 02 Aug 2007 16:02:11 GMT 
From: Rick Noriega [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Theresa Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Answering the call to serve 
Dear Theresa,
Click here to watch our campaign launch video, Service
On July 16, 2007 I answered the call to serve from thousands of Texans across 
the state and formed an exploratory committee to seek the Democratic nomination 
for U.S. Senate.  With your help, we will beat John Cornyn on November 4th, 
  But this campaign is not about one person or candidate; it's about all of us 
answering the call to serve. 
  You are receiving this message as an active Texas Democrat. If you do not 
wish to receive emails from the Rick Noriega campaign, please click here to 
opt-out and we will immediately remove you from our list. We respect your 
privacy and will honor your request. 
  That call to serve is why I first joined the military in the wake of the Iran 
hostage crisis; it's why I led troops in Afghanistan, directed the Hurricane 
Katrina evacuee center in Houston, and served on our nation's border.  That 
same call to serve is why I have represented Texas as a State Legislator for 
five terms, fighting for greater affordability and access to health care, more 
educational opportunities for our children, and to protect all of our civil 
liberties and civil rights. 
Our campaign has released a new video entitled Service.  I hope that you'll 
take a moment to watch the video, and then share it with your friends and 
family by forwarding this email.  Encourage them to visit www.RickNoriega.com 
to watch the video and join our campaign.
  Click here to watch the video!
  I am embarking on a new challenge, to take back our state and nation from 
this administration and its number one cheerleader, the junior Senator from 
Texas, John Cornyn.  It is an awesome challenge, and I am going to need you to 
stand with me. We will fight for change. We will fight for Texas. And we will 
do it together.
  Rick Noriega
Contribute Today!
  Paid for by Rick Noriega for Texas
  Tell your friends to join Rick Noriega for Texas! 
If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Rick Noriega.  
This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit your subscription management 
page to modify your email communication preferences or update your personal 
profile. To stop ALL email from Rick Noriega, click to remove yourself from our 
lists (or reply via email with remove or unsubscribe in the subject line).  
  Print - Close Window  
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 09:46:19 -0400 (EDT) 
From: Senator Jack Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: We Won't Give Up. Period. 
  Dear Theresa j.,
Carl needs your help!
Please click here to contribute. 
Carl Levin is right. He knows that a change in course in Iraq can't come soon 
enough. And he's fighting for it every day.
  The bad news is his tenacious efforts to force change make him a tempting 
target for Republicans to defeat in 2008. You just know that Karl Rove and his 
buddies are itching to bring down one of the most effective critics of this 
administration's failures in Iraq. We can't take anything for granted.
  Those of us fighting for change in Iraq can't afford to lose Carl. We need 
you to make a contribution to Senator Levin's campaign so that our Republican 
opponents can't defeat him in November 2008.
  Please make a secure online contribution of $25, $35, or more to Carl's 
campaign. Your actions today will build the foundation for Carl's victory next 
  I know what it means to fight for America.
  As a West Point grad, a paratrooper, and now a Senator, I've dedicated my 
life to serving our country. And I could not be more proud to serve alongside 
Carl Levin in the United States Senate.
  Carl is a critical piece of our slim Senate majority. He voted against the 
war from the beginning and every day he pushes the Bush administration to 
change course in Iraq. The Senate simply cannot afford to lose his courage and 
  Carl is too modest to toot his own horn, so his friends need to do for him. 
The challenges facing our country demand a leader like Carl Levin. I hope you 
will join me in working to keep him in the Senate.
  Please make a secure online contribution of $25, $35, or more to Carl's 
campaign. Your actions today will build the foundation for Carl's victory next 
  For more than a year, I have worked with Carl to pass the Levin-Reed 
amendment to force the President to start withdrawing troops from Iraq. Our 
troops are fighting hard and doing a magnificent job, and we owe them a 
strategy that is worthy of their sacrifice. But Senate Republicans recently 
blocked a vote on our plan after an all night debate.
  Carl and I are not going to give up until we have enough votes to force a 
change of course in 

[cia-drugs] AirAmericaRadio - SamSederatyearlyKos - Action ACLU - Stop the Spying Sellout

2007-08-02 Thread Quechick Barnyard
   Air America Radio [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Sam Seder at YearlyKos 
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 18:23:35 -0400 
Check out these Audio Highlights:
Crime and Punishment
The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom and a caller debate crime and punishment in society
  John Nichols
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi talks to John Nichols, author and Nation journalist, about the 
Constitution and impeachment
  Kent Jones Now
The Rachel Maddow Show
Classical music vs. Crime
Misguided War on Drugs
The Lionel Show
Ex-Narc, Barry Cooper, tells us why he turned from soldier in the war on drugs 
into one of its harshest critics.
Mike Gravel Interview
The Rachel Maddow Show
Mike Gravel, Democratic presidential hopeful and former senator from Alaska, 
joins Rachel to talk about his presidential ambitions and about what it's like 
to steal the show at every Democratic debate.
Why join the military?
The Lionel Show
A mother turns to Lionel because her son can’t join the military … huh? What?!?!

YearlyKos Convention
  Air America’s own Sam Seder is embedded at the YearlyKos Convention in 
Chicago. He will be interviewing all of your favorite progressive bloggers over 
the next three days, to bring you a virtual smorgasbord of Blogger interviews 
for this weeks “Seder on Sunday”. Listen to AirAmerica.com from 4pm-7pm ET on 
Sunday, August 5th to hear his take on YearlyKos along with the best interviews 
of the convention.
  Next week AirAmerica.com will also bring you all of the interviews that 
didn’t make it into the show. Check out AirAmerica.com next week for details on 
how to stream or podcast all of you favorite blogger interviews.
  Justin Timberlake's '08 endorsement?
  Want to find out who?
  Spend a minute with McCain, Romney, Thompson and Brownback for an 
“enlightening” discussion. We have it on video for you to watch! 
  We know that Bush is extreme - could these guys be even worse?
  Watch this video and change the debate in ’08!
  Hopefully the next debate on August 5 in Iowa (on ABC’s This Week with George 
Stephanopoulos) won’t be as scary as this one.
Thu, 2 Aug 2007 12:05:31 -0500 (CDT) 
From: Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Urgent: Stop the Spying Sellout 
Congress needs to hear from you right now -- before they grant the president 
new spying powers.
Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy and Hastily Rewrites Our 
Spying Rules.
Dear Theresa,
  We need you to take action right now -- before Congress sells out our 
  President Bush is facing more resistance than he expected as he tries to undo 
oversight for NSA spying. This morning, The Los Angeles Times exposed that the 
Bush Administration's real motivation is a disagreement with the top-secret 
FISA court that limits spying abuses. If Congress gives Bush what he wants, 
those legal limits won't be in his way.
  Take action right now -- before Congress sells out our privacy.
  Thanks to your phone calls, Democratic leaders in Congress are re-evaluating 
their stance on Bush’s proposed overhaul of the spying rules.  But the fight is 
not over. We need you to keep calling. 
President Bush wants Congress to give Attorney General Alberto Gonzales 
exclusive power to decide who is “reasonably believed to be outside the United 
States” and to force Internet and telecommunications companies in the United 
States to comply with requests for data or access to emails and phone calls 
without warrants and without court review. That low standard and lack of 
accountability will undoubtedly sweep up the phone calls and emails of 
Americans who are on the other end of the communication, putting our privacy at 
  Make no mistake, if Congress doesn’t take a stand now, Bush will continue to 
bulldoze over Congress and play on lawmakers’ timidity and political 
calculation in the months ahead. No president should have powers to spy on 
Americans’ emails or phone calls without individual warrants, period. 
Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy.
  Democratic leaders in Congress now claim they won’t put Gonzales in charge of 
spying. And they also claim they won’t agree to any “compromise” on NSA 
surveillance unless the rules require warrants in some form to spy on 
Americans, and some court review. 
  But details remain murky. There is still a very real danger Democrats will go 
along with much of what the administration has been pushing for, putting our 
telephone and email communications at risk.
  We face extraordinary circumstances, so we are asking you to keep the 
pressure on. Congress is set to vote on this today or tomorrow, before they go 
home for recess.
  Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy.
Caroline Fredrickson


[cia-drugs] AirAmericaRadio - SamSederatyearlyKos - Action ACLU - Stop the Spying Sellout

2007-08-02 Thread Quechick Barnyard
   Air America Radio [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Sam Seder at YearlyKos 
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 18:23:35 -0400 
Check out these Audio Highlights:
Crime and Punishment
The Thom Hartmann Program
Thom and a caller debate crime and punishment in society
  John Nichols
The Randi Rhodes Show
Randi talks to John Nichols, author and Nation journalist, about the 
Constitution and impeachment
  Kent Jones Now
The Rachel Maddow Show
Classical music vs. Crime
Misguided War on Drugs
The Lionel Show
Ex-Narc, Barry Cooper, tells us why he turned from soldier in the war on drugs 
into one of its harshest critics.
Mike Gravel Interview
The Rachel Maddow Show
Mike Gravel, Democratic presidential hopeful and former senator from Alaska, 
joins Rachel to talk about his presidential ambitions and about what it's like 
to steal the show at every Democratic debate.
Why join the military?
The Lionel Show
A mother turns to Lionel because her son can’t join the military … huh? What?!?!

YearlyKos Convention
  Air America’s own Sam Seder is embedded at the YearlyKos Convention in 
Chicago. He will be interviewing all of your favorite progressive bloggers over 
the next three days, to bring you a virtual smorgasbord of Blogger interviews 
for this weeks “Seder on Sunday”. Listen to AirAmerica.com from 4pm-7pm ET on 
Sunday, August 5th to hear his take on YearlyKos along with the best interviews 
of the convention.
  Next week AirAmerica.com will also bring you all of the interviews that 
didn’t make it into the show. Check out AirAmerica.com next week for details on 
how to stream or podcast all of you favorite blogger interviews.
  Justin Timberlake's '08 endorsement?
  Want to find out who?
  Spend a minute with McCain, Romney, Thompson and Brownback for an 
“enlightening” discussion. We have it on video for you to watch! 
  We know that Bush is extreme - could these guys be even worse?
  Watch this video and change the debate in ’08!
  Hopefully the next debate on August 5 in Iowa (on ABC’s This Week with George 
Stephanopoulos) won’t be as scary as this one.
Thu, 2 Aug 2007 12:05:31 -0500 (CDT) 
From: Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Urgent: Stop the Spying Sellout 
Congress needs to hear from you right now -- before they grant the president 
new spying powers.
Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy and Hastily Rewrites Our 
Spying Rules.
Dear Theresa,
  We need you to take action right now -- before Congress sells out our 
  President Bush is facing more resistance than he expected as he tries to undo 
oversight for NSA spying. This morning, The Los Angeles Times exposed that the 
Bush Administration's real motivation is a disagreement with the top-secret 
FISA court that limits spying abuses. If Congress gives Bush what he wants, 
those legal limits won't be in his way.
  Take action right now -- before Congress sells out our privacy.
  Thanks to your phone calls, Democratic leaders in Congress are re-evaluating 
their stance on Bush’s proposed overhaul of the spying rules.  But the fight is 
not over. We need you to keep calling. 
President Bush wants Congress to give Attorney General Alberto Gonzales 
exclusive power to decide who is “reasonably believed to be outside the United 
States” and to force Internet and telecommunications companies in the United 
States to comply with requests for data or access to emails and phone calls 
without warrants and without court review. That low standard and lack of 
accountability will undoubtedly sweep up the phone calls and emails of 
Americans who are on the other end of the communication, putting our privacy at 
  Make no mistake, if Congress doesn’t take a stand now, Bush will continue to 
bulldoze over Congress and play on lawmakers’ timidity and political 
calculation in the months ahead. No president should have powers to spy on 
Americans’ emails or phone calls without individual warrants, period. 
Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy.
  Democratic leaders in Congress now claim they won’t put Gonzales in charge of 
spying. And they also claim they won’t agree to any “compromise” on NSA 
surveillance unless the rules require warrants in some form to spy on 
Americans, and some court review. 
  But details remain murky. There is still a very real danger Democrats will go 
along with much of what the administration has been pushing for, putting our 
telephone and email communications at risk.
  We face extraordinary circumstances, so we are asking you to keep the 
pressure on. Congress is set to vote on this today or tomorrow, before they go 
home for recess.
  Take Action Now Before Congress Sells Out Our Privacy.
Caroline Fredrickson


[cia-drugs] Govenor Howard Dean - Doing what we do best

2007-07-31 Thread Quechick Barnyard
the_corrupt_ republicans_club [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ourrealnewsplace [EMAIL 
  Propaganda_ Matrix [EMAIL PROTECTED], al-gore-2004-community [EMAIL 
mcdemocrats [EMAIL PROTECTED], Avian2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
catapultthepropaganda [EMAIL PROTECTED], Takebacksanatoniodems [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Alternate_News [EMAIL PROTECTED], Information Clearing House 
  the_corrupt_ republicans_club [EMAIL PROTECTED], the_nexus [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Quest_of_the_Imperarium [EMAIL PROTECTED], Quote_of_the_Imperium 
  KeepUp [EMAIL PROTECTED], lauralee [EMAIL PROTECTED], gore2008 worldwide 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], friendsof al gore [EMAIL PROTECTED], National - Vanguard 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], National Taxpayers Union [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
nationalparanormal [EMAIL PROTECTED], nationalreferendumforum [EMAIL 
originalchicks [EMAIL PROTECTED], polical sanity [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
political cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED], political_sanity_ main [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
PoliticalEvents [EMAIL PROTECTED], Politically Incorrect Cafe [EMAIL 
  ConsciousOneness [EMAIL PROTECTED], KeepUp [EMAIL PROTECTED], lauralee 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], gore2008 worldwide [EMAIL PROTECTED], friendsof al gore 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], National - Vanguard [EMAIL PROTECTED], National 
Taxpayers Union [EMAIL PROTECTED], nationalparanormal [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
nationalreferendumforum [EMAIL PROTECTED], MilitaryFamilies [EMAIL 
polical sanity [EMAIL PROTECTED], political cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
political_sanity_ main [EMAIL PROTECTED], PoliticalEvents [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], Politically Incorrect Cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED], the911 coverup 
  From: Howard Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Doing what we do best 
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:00:16 -0500 
 Dear Theresa J.,
  A hundred years from now, school children will read about Al Gore and his 
leadership to address global climate change. No one has worked harder or 
inspired more Americans to tackle the greatest threat the world has ever faced.
  Now it's time to add your name to the history books.
  Stand with Al and pledge to live a life that will protect our environment for 
generations to come:
  Last Saturday, thousands of Democrats planted seeds for a cleaner planet at 
events across the country. We had a great weekend, rolling up our sleeves and 
getting our hands dirty -- but there's even more we can do clean up the planet.
  Here's the pledge that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and I have all taken:
  To demand that my country join an international treaty within the next 2 
years that cuts global warming pollution by 90% in developed countries and by 
more than half worldwide in time for the next generation to inherit a healthy 
  To take personal action to help solve the climate crisis by reducing my own 
CO2 pollution as much as I can and offsetting the rest to become carbon 
  To fight for a moratorium on the construction of any new generating facility 
that burns coal without the capacity to safely trap and store the CO2;
  To work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home, 
workplace, school, place of worship, and means of transportation;
  To fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy 
sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal;
  To plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting 
forests; and,
  To buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving 
the climate crisis and building a sustainable, just, and prosperous world for 
the 21st century.
  This pledge is an easy way to show that the political will exists to stop 
global warming -- no matter how hard President Bush tries to deny the problem 
or delay the solution.
  I've signed it. Now it's your turn:
  Despite the recent attention on global climate change, we're still fighting 
an uphill battle. Over the past few years, Republicans have done everything in 
their power to silence Al, the scientific community, and anyone else who tells 
the truth about what's happening. In 2004, one NASA scientist claimed that in 
three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree 
to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and 
controlled as it is now.
  But despite this opposition, we've won the debate. As Al Gore said during the 
recent Live Earth concerts, we're now presented with a choice: Do we use this 
unprecedented opportunity to 

[cia-drugs] LukeM. Texas Environment Members (1) PFAW- Contempt Congress!(2)

2007-07-26 Thread Quechick Barnyard

Hi Theresa J.,
  Great news! On Friday, after more than 1200 Environment Texas members
 contacted the Public Utility Commission (PUC), the Commissioners voted
 to significantly increase the number of transmission lines out to windy
 parts of the state. This will allow wind developers to increase the
 amount of wind power in the state by more than ten times!
  This is great news for Texas, but in order to take a big bite out of
 global warming pollution, we need the entire country to significantly
 boost its investment in clean, renewable energy. Next week, the US House
 of Representatives will vote on an amendment to require 20% of our
 electricity from renewable sources by the year 2020. 
  Please call your Representative today at 202-224-3121. If you don't
 know who your Representative is, that's OK. When you call, tell the
 operator your zip code and they'll connect you to the right office.
  Here's a sample message you can use when you call: Hello, my name is
  and I live in _. I'm calling to urge Rep. _ to vote for the
 renewable electricity standard amendment to the energy bill.
  Then, please tell us what they told you by filling out our form at:
  For background, here's a recent editorial from the San Antonio
  Editorial: Give the thumbs up to renewable energy 
  Web Posted: 07/20/2007 06:08 PM CDT
San Antonio Express-News 
  The House soon will be hearing a key bill that could begin to change
 the way we power our lives. 
  Known as the Udall-Platts Renewable Energy Standard, the bill would
 require utilities to produce 20 percent of their electricity from
 renewable sources by 2020. Those sources include wind, solar, geothermal and
  The Senate passed an energy bill in June that was stripped of a similar
  The legislation also would create a nationwide credit system that would
 allow utilities to buy and sell excess energy. Such a system spurs
 competition and provides low-cost energy for regions where such production
 is more expensive. 
  A 2006 U.S. Public Interest Research Group analysis found that doing so
 would cut global warming pollution by 500 million tons. The group
 estimates that such a reduction translates to removing 89 million cars off
 the road. 
  A more recent study by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that
 such a change would have positive effects in Texas, including creating an
 annual average of more than 17,000 renewable energy jobs between now
 and 2020 in manufacturing, construction and other industries. 
  Farmers and ranchers who produce biomass energy or lease their land to
 wind developers could cumulatively bring in about $550 million and
 residents could save up to $1.75 billion on energy bills from now through
  Texas stands to gain greatly from such legislation because its size and
 location make it first in the nation for renewable energy potential -
 think of all the sun and wind that passes over and through this state. 
  Whether one believes in global warming or not, taking steps to reduce
 our dependence on non-renewable fuels like oil makes sense. It will
 result in a cleaner, healthier environment for future generations, wean the
 nation slowly off its dependence on oil and save consumers millions in
 energy costs. 
  **end of editorial*
  Please call your member of Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell them to
 vote for the renewable electricity standard amendment to the energy bill.
  Then, please tell us what they told you by filling out our form at:
  Luke Metzger
Environment Texas Director
  P.S.  Thanks again for your support.  Please feel free to share this
 e-mail with your family and friends.
  Forward this e-mail | Subscribe to PFAW Action Alerts 
  Demand that your Representative vote for Congressional oversight, for 
constitutional checks and balances, and against Bush's Imperial Presidency!
Dear Theresa J.,
  The House Judiciary Committee did its constitutional duty yesterday by voting 
to hold Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers in contempt of Congress. That's because, 
under orders from President Bush, they have flat-out ignored subpoenas and 
refused to cooperate with the investigation into the U.S. Attorney scandal.
Our petition calling on Congress to hold chief of staff Josh Bolten and former 
White House counsel Harriet Miers in contempt received over 20,000 signatures 
in less than 24 hours!
Sign the petition! Demand that the full House hold them in contempt! 
  Congress has a responsibility to oversee the executive branch and the 
president. It's built into the Constitution. But this President and Vice 
President keep trying to reshape the Constitution and 

[cia-drugs] AlGore (1) - Jim Dean (2) American Family voices (3)

2007-07-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 ConsciousOneness [EMAIL PROTECTED], CIA-drugs cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, 
legality-of-income-tax [EMAIL PROTECTED], legalityof IRS Taxes [EMAIL 
  re_callbush [EMAIL PROTECTED], ImpeachBush.org [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lampson 
Care2 Human Rights Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED], learnandtellthetruth [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], bank-boycott [EMAIL PROTECTED], boycott_power [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], circle2012dreams [EMAIL PROTECTED], ConsciousOneness [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], CIA-drugs cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, KeepUp [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
lauralee [EMAIL PROTECTED], legality-of-income-tax [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
legalityof IRS Taxes [EMAIL PROTECTED], Me ria [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
MilitaryFamilies [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ted Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED], wesley 
clark [EMAIL PROTECTED], National - Vanguard [EMAIL PROTECTED], National 
Taxpayers Union [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 nationalparanormal [EMAIL PROTECTED], nationalreferendumforum [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], nationalreferendumforum [EMAIL PROTECTED], originalchicks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], polical sanity [EMAIL PROTECTED], political cafe [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], political_sanity_ main [EMAIL PROTECTED], PoliticalEvents 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Politically Incorrect Cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Dear Theresa J.,
  In order to ultimately force our leaders to take action to solve the climate 
crisis, we have to use every medium -- including television, radio, and the 
Internet -- to build public support. And that's just what the Alliance for 
Climate Protection will do.
  The Alliance is a three-year campaign that will push the climate crisis to 
the top of the nation's agenda using a combination of paid advertising, public 
service announcements, and grassroots power.
  Your voices have carried our movement this far. So as we begin to create our 
media campaigns, I didn't want to only turn to an advertising firm -- I wanted 
to turn to you.
  If you had 60 seconds to convince all of your friends that they needed to 
take action to stop the climate crisis, what would you say? How would you get 
the attention of millions of people all over the world?
  Well, now you have the chance! Current TV and the Alliance for Climate 
Protection have teamed up to sponsor 60 Seconds to Save the Earth.
  The premise is simple: make the best 15, 30, or 60-second ad showcasing how 
you or someone you know is taking action to alleviate the climate cisis -- or 
create an original, persuasive message that will open eyes, inspire change and 
empower your audience.
  Get the details and create your ad by visiting:
  After you submit your ad, our panel of celebrity judges will narrow the field 
to 20 finalists. Then you will be able to help pick the winner through an 
online vote. The top ads will be aired internationally on Current TV, featured 
in the Alliance's national campaign, and showcased on MySpace's Impact channel.
  In addition, the grand-prize winner will receive a Toyota hybrid car, while 
three finalists will win Sony electronic products, and 16 semi-finalists will 
receive T-Mobile Sidekicks.
  So get started -- in 60 seconds you can save the planet. Learn about this 
incredible contest and submit your ad today by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Al Gore

  Dear Theresa J.,
  In order to ultimately force our leaders to take action to solve the climate 
crisis, we have to use every medium -- including television, radio, and the 
Internet -- to build public support. And that's just what the Alliance for 
Climate Protection will do.
  The Alliance is a three-year campaign that will push the climate crisis to 
the top of the nation's agenda using a combination of paid advertising, public 
service announcements, and grassroots power.
  Your voices have carried our movement this far. So as we begin to create our 
media campaigns, I didn't want to only turn to an advertising firm -- I wanted 
to turn to you.
  If you had 60 seconds to convince all of your friends that they needed to 
take action to stop the climate crisis, what would you say? How would you get 
the attention of millions of people all over the world?
  Well, now you have the chance! Current TV and the Alliance for Climate 
Protection have teamed up to sponsor 60 Seconds to Save the Earth.
  The premise is simple: make the best 15, 30, or 60-second ad showcasing how 
you or someone you know is taking action to alleviate the climate cisis -- or 
create an original, persuasive message that will open eyes, inspire change and 
empower your audience.
  Get the details and create your ad by visiting:
  After you submit your ad, our panel of celebrity judges will narrow the field 
to 20 finalists. Then you will be able to help pick the winner through an 
online vote. The top ads will 

[cia-drugs] AlGore (1) - Jim Dean (2) American Family voices (3)

2007-07-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 ConsciousOneness [EMAIL PROTECTED], CIA-drugs cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, 
legality-of-income-tax [EMAIL PROTECTED], legalityof IRS Taxes [EMAIL 
Ted Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED], wesley clark [EMAIL PROTECTED], National - 
Vanguard [EMAIL PROTECTED], National Taxpayers Union [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
nationalparanormal [EMAIL PROTECTED], nationalreferendumforum [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], nationalreferendumforum [EMAIL PROTECTED], originalchicks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], polical sanity [EMAIL PROTECTED], political cafe [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], political_sanity_ main [EMAIL PROTECTED], PoliticalEvents
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], Politically Incorrect Cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Dear Theresa J.,
  In order to ultimately force our leaders to take action to solve the climate 
crisis, we have to use every medium -- including television, radio, and the 
Internet -- to build public support. And that's just what the Alliance for 
Climate Protection will do.
  The Alliance is a three-year campaign that will push the climate crisis to 
the top of the nation's agenda using a combination of paid advertising, public 
service announcements, and grassroots power.
  Your voices have carried our movement this far. So as we begin to create our 
media campaigns, I didn't want to only turn to an advertising firm -- I wanted 
to turn to you.
  If you had 60 seconds to convince all of your friends that they needed to 
take action to stop the climate crisis, what would you say? How would you get 
the attention of millions of people all over the world?
  Well, now you have the chance! Current TV and the Alliance for Climate 
Protection have teamed up to sponsor 60 Seconds to Save the Earth.
  The premise is simple: make the best 15, 30, or 60-second ad showcasing how 
you or someone you know is taking action to alleviate the climate cisis -- or 
create an original, persuasive message that will open eyes, inspire change and 
empower your audience.
  Get the details and create your ad by visiting:
  After you submit your ad, our panel of celebrity judges will narrow the field 
to 20 finalists. Then you will be able to help pick the winner through an 
online vote. The top ads will be aired internationally on Current TV, featured 
in the Alliance's national campaign, and showcased on MySpace's Impact channel.
  In addition, the grand-prize winner will receive a Toyota hybrid car, while 
three finalists will win Sony electronic products, and 16 semi-finalists will 
receive T-Mobile Sidekicks.
  So get started -- in 60 seconds you can save the planet. Learn about this 
incredible contest and submit your ad today by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Al Gore

  Dear Theresa J.,
  In order to ultimately force our leaders to take action to solve the climate 
crisis, we have to use every medium -- including television, radio, and the 
Internet -- to build public support. And that's just what the Alliance for 
Climate Protection will do.
  The Alliance is a three-year campaign that will push the climate crisis to 
the top of the nation's agenda using a combination of paid advertising, public 
service announcements, and grassroots power.
  Your voices have carried our movement this far. So as we begin to create our 
media campaigns, I didn't want to only turn to an advertising firm -- I wanted 
to turn to you.
  If you had 60 seconds to convince all of your friends that they needed to 
take action to stop the climate crisis, what would you say? How would you get 
the attention of millions of people all over the world?
  Well, now you have the chance! Current TV and the Alliance for Climate 
Protection have teamed up to sponsor 60 Seconds to Save the Earth.
  The premise is simple: make the best 15, 30, or 60-second ad showcasing how 
you or someone you know is taking action to alleviate the climate cisis -- or 
create an original, persuasive message that will open eyes, inspire change and 
empower your audience.
  Get the details and create your ad by visiting:
  After you submit your ad, our panel of celebrity judges will narrow the field 
to 20 finalists. Then you will be able to help pick the winner through an 
online vote. The top ads will be aired internationally on Current TV, featured 
in the Alliance's national campaign, and showcased on MySpace's Impact channel.
  In addition, the grand-prize winner will receive a Toyota hybrid car, while 
three finalists will win Sony electronic products, and 16 semi-finalists will 
receive T-Mobile Sidekicks.
  So get started -- in 60 seconds you can save the planet. Learn about this 
incredible contest and submit your ad today by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Al Gore
  This message was 

[cia-drugs] AlGore (1) - Jim Dean (2) American Family voices (3)

2007-07-24 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 ConsciousOneness [EMAIL PROTECTED], CIA-drugs cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, 
legality-of-income-tax [EMAIL PROTECTED], legalityof IRS Taxes [EMAIL 
Ted Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED], wesley clark [EMAIL PROTECTED], National - 
Vanguard [EMAIL PROTECTED], National Taxpayers Union [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
nationalparanormal [EMAIL PROTECTED], nationalreferendumforum [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], nationalreferendumforum [EMAIL PROTECTED], originalchicks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], polical sanity [EMAIL PROTECTED], political cafe [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], political_sanity_ main [EMAIL PROTECTED], PoliticalEvents
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], Politically Incorrect Cafe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Dear Theresa J.,
  In order to ultimately force our leaders to take action to solve the climate 
crisis, we have to use every medium -- including television, radio, and the 
Internet -- to build public support. And that's just what the Alliance for 
Climate Protection will do.
  The Alliance is a three-year campaign that will push the climate crisis to 
the top of the nation's agenda using a combination of paid advertising, public 
service announcements, and grassroots power.
  Your voices have carried our movement this far. So as we begin to create our 
media campaigns, I didn't want to only turn to an advertising firm -- I wanted 
to turn to you.
  If you had 60 seconds to convince all of your friends that they needed to 
take action to stop the climate crisis, what would you say? How would you get 
the attention of millions of people all over the world?
  Well, now you have the chance! Current TV and the Alliance for Climate 
Protection have teamed up to sponsor 60 Seconds to Save the Earth.
  The premise is simple: make the best 15, 30, or 60-second ad showcasing how 
you or someone you know is taking action to alleviate the climate cisis -- or 
create an original, persuasive message that will open eyes, inspire change and 
empower your audience.
  Get the details and create your ad by visiting:
  After you submit your ad, our panel of celebrity judges will narrow the field 
to 20 finalists. Then you will be able to help pick the winner through an 
online vote. The top ads will be aired internationally on Current TV, featured 
in the Alliance's national campaign, and showcased on MySpace's Impact channel.
  In addition, the grand-prize winner will receive a Toyota hybrid car, while 
three finalists will win Sony electronic products, and 16 semi-finalists will 
receive T-Mobile Sidekicks.
  So get started -- in 60 seconds you can save the planet. Learn about this 
incredible contest and submit your ad today by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Al Gore

  Dear Theresa J.,
  In order to ultimately force our leaders to take action to solve the climate 
crisis, we have to use every medium -- including television, radio, and the 
Internet -- to build public support. And that's just what the Alliance for 
Climate Protection will do.
  The Alliance is a three-year campaign that will push the climate crisis to 
the top of the nation's agenda using a combination of paid advertising, public 
service announcements, and grassroots power.
  Your voices have carried our movement this far. So as we begin to create our 
media campaigns, I didn't want to only turn to an advertising firm -- I wanted 
to turn to you.
  If you had 60 seconds to convince all of your friends that they needed to 
take action to stop the climate crisis, what would you say? How would you get 
the attention of millions of people all over the world?
  Well, now you have the chance! Current TV and the Alliance for Climate 
Protection have teamed up to sponsor 60 Seconds to Save the Earth.
  The premise is simple: make the best 15, 30, or 60-second ad showcasing how 
you or someone you know is taking action to alleviate the climate cisis -- or 
create an original, persuasive message that will open eyes, inspire change and 
empower your audience.
  Get the details and create your ad by visiting:
  After you submit your ad, our panel of celebrity judges will narrow the field 
to 20 finalists. Then you will be able to help pick the winner through an 
online vote. The top ads will be aired internationally on Current TV, featured 
in the Alliance's national campaign, and showcased on MySpace's Impact channel.
  In addition, the grand-prize winner will receive a Toyota hybrid car, while 
three finalists will win Sony electronic products, and 16 semi-finalists will 
receive T-Mobile Sidekicks.
  So get started -- in 60 seconds you can save the planet. Learn about this 
incredible contest and submit your ad today by visiting:
  Thank you,
  Al Gore
  This message was 

[cia-drugs] CNN 6:00PM TONIGHT. DO NOT MISS - John Edwards[EMAIL PROTECTED],

2007-07-23 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From: David Bonior, Edwards for President [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact 
Details   Add Mobile Alert 
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Theresa J. 
From: David Bonior, Edwards for President [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact 
Details   Add Mobile Alert 
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by johnedwards.com. 
Learn more 
Subject: CNN. 6:00 p.m. TONIGHT. Do not miss this! 
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:07:35 -0400 

  Dear Theresa J.,
  6 p.m.
  What really matters?
  You choose.
  You don't want to miss it!
  John will also make history tonight by going online live right after the 
debate to answer your questions.
  You can submit your questions now, and then join the live conversation with 
John Edwards a few minutes after the debate, all online at:
  Send in your question in writing—or in your own web video. You can even 
submit your question by texting DEBATE to 30644 from your mobile phone. 
However you reach out, John wants to hear from you—because this campaign is not 
about one voice, it's about all of us joining together to change this country.
  People will be talking about what they see tonight for a long time. If you 
watch the debate, you'll understand why.
  Get ready.
  -- David Bonior
   Campaign Manager
   John Edwards for President
   Monday, July 23, 2007 
How You Can Take Action 

  Make sure you receive email updates from Senator Edwards. Find out how to add 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to your Address Book. 
  Click here to unsubscribe from email sent by John Edwards for President. 
  Paid for by John Edwards for President 410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel 
Hill, NC 27516 (919) 636-3131. johnedwards.com. Contributions to John Edwards 
for President are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. 
Previous | Next | Back to Messages Save Message Text | Full Headers Learn more 
Subject: CNN. 6:00 p.m. TONIGHT. Do not miss this! 
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:07:35 -0400 

  Dear Theresa J.,
  6 p.m.
  What really matters?
  You choose.
  You don't want to miss it!
  John will also make history tonight by going online live right after the 
debate to answer your questions.
  You can submit your questions now, and then join the live conversation with 
John Edwards a few minutes after the debate, all online at:
  Send in your question in writing—or in your own web video. You can even 
submit your question by texting DEBATE to 30644 from your mobile phone. 
However you reach out, John wants to hear from you—because this campaign is not 
about one voice, it's about all of us joining together to change this country.
  People will be talking about what they see tonight for a long time. If you 
watch the debate, you'll understand why.
  Get ready.
  -- David Bonior
   Campaign Manager
   John Edwards for President
   Monday, July 23, 2007 
How You Can Take Action 

  Make sure you receive email updates from Senator Edwards. Find out how to add 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to your Address Book. 
  Click here to unsubscribe from email sent by John Edwards for President. 
  Paid for by John Edwards for President 410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel 
Hill, NC 27516 (919) 636-3131. johnedwards.com. Contributions to John Edwards 
for President are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. 
Previous | Next | Back to Messages Save Message Text | Full Headers 

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

[cia-drugs] PDA -Healthcare IOT Call - (II)Truthout-alittle helps (!II) -Call-HateCrimeBill

2007-07-16 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  (I)  Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:35:06 -0600From:  Progressive Democrats of 
America [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Reminder: TODAY, (MONDAY 7-16) 
Healthcare IOT call!  #message2429276284891462627240017580126460057532070577832 
{ overflow:auto; visibility:hidden } 
  Greetings Issue Organizing Team for Health Care for All/Single Payer!
  Please join us for our monthly conference call TONIGHT:
  Date: Monday, July 16 
  Time: 9:00 pm EST, 8:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm MST, 6:00 pm PST 
  Conference Call #:  (605) 990-0400   Code: 968483#

  Proposed Agenda: 
Welcome to new members of PDA Health Care for All/Single Payer Team - including 
Donna and Larry Smith, featured in SiCKO  now active with PDA-CO! 
  I. Building on SiCKO flyering Campaign Momentum:Reports from the Field - 
Response  Reaction
  II. Legislative Update: 
  A. Rep. Conyers' 7/17 Judiciary Committee Hearing on Bankruptcies Resulting 
from Medical Crises
  B. New HR 676 co-sponsors: Congratulations PDA-HA - Rep. Hirono signs on! 
Strategy to bring on later comers
  C. Pressure on key Committee members: 
  Rangel (NY), Starks (CA)
  D. Reports on Congressional District meetings  sessions with members in D.C.
  III. New National Leadership Conference on Guaranteed Healthcare - PDA heads 
up Legislative Strategy effort   
  IV. Media Rapid Response 
  V. Making use of PDA Google Group on Health care for All - Please join, if 
you haven't already!
Questions, comments or concerns? 
  Please call Diane at (301) 209-1899 x101 or (845) 661-3754 
  or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  Theresa J. Steed 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  A Little Help From Everyone Is All It Takes
Date:  Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:31:46 -0700  
#message772327649206146474212577880126461313391597490951 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  
  Tuesday 17 July 2007If everyone who reads TO chipped in a little every 
month we'd be set.   Just toss in what you can. That will do it. Thanks to 
those who are   donors and to those answering the call for the first time.
Just click this link for our electronic donation options:  
http://www.truthout.org/donations/You can also donate by check, made 
payable to:  Truthout  P.O. Box 231278  Encinitas, CA 92023Or donate by 
phone:  213.489.1971*REMEMBER: You can select a monthly plan to provide us 
with automatic,   recurring support. Please sign up for whatever you can 
afford.Truthout is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, independent news source, so 
your   contributions are completely tax deductible.LOW INCOME READERS: 
Don't send cash. Just help us by spreading the   word!If you are an active 
donor, THANK YOU!Truthout is free to all. Donations are strictly voluntary. 
If you stop   receiving our newsletters, notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] at once.   
 Thanks again!Marc Ash, Executive Director - t r u t h o u t  [EMAIL 




t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject:A Little Help From Everyone Is All It TakesDate:Mon, 16 Jul 
2007 14:31:46 -0700#message772327649206146474212577880126461313391597490951 { 
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }
  Tuesday 17 July 2007If everyone who reads TO chipped in a little every 
month we'd be set.   Just toss in what you can. That will do it. Thanks to 
those who are   donors and to those answering the call for the first time.
Just click this link for our electronic donation options:  
http://www.truthout.org/donations/You can also donate by check, made 
payable to:  Truthout  P.O. Box 231278  Encinitas, CA 92023Or donate by 
phone:  213.489.1971*REMEMBER: You can select a monthly plan to provide us 
with automatic,   recurring support. Please sign up for whatever you can 
afford.Truthout is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, independent news source, so 
your   contributions are completely tax deductible.LOW INCOME READERS: 
Don't send cash. Just help us by spreading the   word!If you are an active 
donor, THANK YOU!Truthout is free to all. Donations are strictly voluntary. 
If you stop   receiving our newsletters, notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] at once.   
 Thanks again!Marc Ash, Executive Director - t r u t h o u t  [EMAIL 



(IV) - Hate Crime Bill Needs your support - Call your senators  Mon, 16 Jul 
2007 20:43:10 GMTFrom:Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:Theresa J Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Call Now: Hate 
Crimes Bill Needs Your 
Support#message25682763264914630321820455901264602148813262416437 { 
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden } #yiv887675731  ,#yiv887675731  
P,#yiv887675731  TD,#yiv887675731  TD P,#yiv887675731  TD UL,#yiv887675731  TD 

[cia-drugs] PDA -Healthcare IOT Call - (II)Truthout-alittle helps (!II) -Call-HateCrimeBill

2007-07-16 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  (I)  Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:35:06 -0600From:  Progressive Democrats of 
America [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Reminder: TODAY, (MONDAY 7-16) 
Healthcare IOT call!  #message2429276284891462627240017580126460057532070577832 
{ overflow:auto; visibility:hidden } 
  Greetings Issue Organizing Team for Health Care for All/Single Payer!
  Please join us for our monthly conference call TONIGHT:
  Date: Monday, July 16 
  Time: 9:00 pm EST, 8:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm MST, 6:00 pm PST 
  Conference Call #:  (605) 990-0400   Code: 968483#

  Proposed Agenda: 
Welcome to new members of PDA Health Care for All/Single Payer Team - including 
Donna and Larry Smith, featured in SiCKO  now active with PDA-CO! 
  I. Building on SiCKO flyering Campaign Momentum:Reports from the Field - 
Response  Reaction
  II. Legislative Update: 
  A. Rep. Conyers' 7/17 Judiciary Committee Hearing on Bankruptcies Resulting 
from Medical Crises
  B. New HR 676 co-sponsors: Congratulations PDA-HA - Rep. Hirono signs on! 
Strategy to bring on later comers
  C. Pressure on key Committee members: 
  Rangel (NY), Starks (CA)
  D. Reports on Congressional District meetings  sessions with members in D.C.
  III. New National Leadership Conference on Guaranteed Healthcare - PDA heads 
up Legislative Strategy effort   
  IV. Media Rapid Response 
  V. Making use of PDA Google Group on Health care for All - Please join, if 
you haven't already!
Questions, comments or concerns? 
  Please call Diane at (301) 209-1899 x101 or (845) 661-3754 
  or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  Theresa J. Steed 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  A Little Help From Everyone Is All It Takes
Date:  Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:31:46 -0700  
#message772327649206146474212577880126461313391597490951 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  
  Tuesday 17 July 2007If everyone who reads TO chipped in a little every 
month we'd be set.   Just toss in what you can. That will do it. Thanks to 
those who are   donors and to those answering the call for the first time.
Just click this link for our electronic donation options:  
http://www.truthout.org/donations/You can also donate by check, made 
payable to:  Truthout  P.O. Box 231278  Encinitas, CA 92023Or donate by 
phone:  213.489.1971*REMEMBER: You can select a monthly plan to provide us 
with automatic,   recurring support. Please sign up for whatever you can 
afford.Truthout is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, independent news source, so 
your   contributions are completely tax deductible.LOW INCOME READERS: 
Don't send cash. Just help us by spreading the   word!If you are an active 
donor, THANK YOU!Truthout is free to all. Donations are strictly voluntary. 
If you stop   receiving our newsletters, notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] at once.   
 Thanks again!Marc Ash, Executive Director - t r u t h o u t  [EMAIL 




t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject:A Little Help From Everyone Is All It TakesDate:Mon, 16 Jul 
2007 14:31:46 -0700#message772327649206146474212577880126461313391597490951 { 
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }
  Tuesday 17 July 2007If everyone who reads TO chipped in a little every 
month we'd be set.   Just toss in what you can. That will do it. Thanks to 
those who are   donors and to those answering the call for the first time.
Just click this link for our electronic donation options:  
http://www.truthout.org/donations/You can also donate by check, made 
payable to:  Truthout  P.O. Box 231278  Encinitas, CA 92023Or donate by 
phone:  213.489.1971*REMEMBER: You can select a monthly plan to provide us 
with automatic,   recurring support. Please sign up for whatever you can 
afford.Truthout is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, independent news source, so 
your   contributions are completely tax deductible.LOW INCOME READERS: 
Don't send cash. Just help us by spreading the   word!If you are an active 
donor, THANK YOU!Truthout is free to all. Donations are strictly voluntary. 
If you stop   receiving our newsletters, notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] at once.   
 Thanks again!Marc Ash, Executive Director - t r u t h o u t  [EMAIL 



(IV) - Hate Crime Bill Needs your support - Call your senators  Mon, 16 Jul 
2007 20:43:10 GMTFrom:Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:Theresa J Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Call Now: Hate 
Crimes Bill Needs Your 
Support#message25682763264914630321820455901264602148813262416437 { 
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden } #yiv887675731  ,#yiv887675731  
P,#yiv887675731  TD,#yiv887675731  TD P,#yiv887675731  TD UL,#yiv887675731  TD 

[cia-drugs] DSCC - Tipping Point

2007-07-13 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Thu, 12 Jul 2007 15:35:12 -0400 (EDT)From:  J.B. Poersch [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Tipping point  
#message4304505338711450522158224810126325290792462552842 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  

Dear Theresa J. ,

The Iraq debate is reaching a tipping point.

It is up to all of us to make sure it tips towards bringing American troops 
home from this disastrous mission.

Yesterday, we told you about the DSCC's launch of ads in the states of four GOP 
senators obstructing change in Iraq.  That's only the first step.  

Democratic Senators Jack Reed and Carl Levin are sponsoring an amendment next 
week that would order President Bush to begin drawing down combat troops within 
120 days, and end combat by April 30, 2008.  We absolutely need you to get 
behind it.

And the best way to do it is to demand that Republican Senate Minority Leader 
Mitch McConnell and other GOP senators stop hiding behind fear and sloganeering 
to defend George Bush's surge.  That's why I am asking you to sign on to the 
DSCC's grassroots campaign to demand change in Iraq.  The DSCC's ads, combined 
with your support can help build the momentum we need to get our troops home. 

We'll take the thousands of names we gather and deliver them right to 
McConnell's office to let him know how disgusted the American people are with 
GOP senators blocking change in Iraq.  But we've got to act quickly because 
this bill will be on the Senate floor next week.

Click here to tell Mitch McConnell and other GOP Senators to stop obstructing 
Democratic efforts to begin bringing American troops home from Iraq.

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been giving it his all to 
force change in Iraq.  This week marks the fifth time in 2007 alone that Sen. 
Reid has overseen legislation that would challenge Bush on Iraq and bring our 
troops home.

But the reality is that with Democrat’s holding a razor thin 51-49 Senate 
majority, Republicans have done everything and anything to impede progress.  
You need 60 votes to get a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, and that is 
why it is so important to up the pressure on McConnell and company to support 
this legislation.

You can build the momentum to bring our troops home.


J.B. Poersch
Executive Director, DSCC

Click here to tell Mitch McConnell and other GOP Senators to stop obstructing 
Democratic efforts to begin bringing American troops home from Iraq.   
This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from the DSCC's 
email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with 
unsubscribe in the subject line.

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

[cia-drugs] DSCC - Tipping Point

2007-07-13 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Thu, 12 Jul 2007 15:35:12 -0400 (EDT)From:  J.B. Poersch [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Tipping point  
#message4304505338711450522158224810126325290792462552842 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  

Dear Theresa J. ,

The Iraq debate is reaching a tipping point.

It is up to all of us to make sure it tips towards bringing American troops 
home from this disastrous mission.

Yesterday, we told you about the DSCC's launch of ads in the states of four GOP 
senators obstructing change in Iraq.  That's only the first step.  

Democratic Senators Jack Reed and Carl Levin are sponsoring an amendment next 
week that would order President Bush to begin drawing down combat troops within 
120 days, and end combat by April 30, 2008.  We absolutely need you to get 
behind it.

And the best way to do it is to demand that Republican Senate Minority Leader 
Mitch McConnell and other GOP senators stop hiding behind fear and sloganeering 
to defend George Bush's surge.  That's why I am asking you to sign on to the 
DSCC's grassroots campaign to demand change in Iraq.  The DSCC's ads, combined 
with your support can help build the momentum we need to get our troops home. 

We'll take the thousands of names we gather and deliver them right to 
McConnell's office to let him know how disgusted the American people are with 
GOP senators blocking change in Iraq.  But we've got to act quickly because 
this bill will be on the Senate floor next week.

Click here to tell Mitch McConnell and other GOP Senators to stop obstructing 
Democratic efforts to begin bringing American troops home from Iraq.

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been giving it his all to 
force change in Iraq.  This week marks the fifth time in 2007 alone that Sen. 
Reid has overseen legislation that would challenge Bush on Iraq and bring our 
troops home.

But the reality is that with Democrat’s holding a razor thin 51-49 Senate 
majority, Republicans have done everything and anything to impede progress.  
You need 60 votes to get a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, and that is 
why it is so important to up the pressure on McConnell and company to support 
this legislation.

You can build the momentum to bring our troops home.


J.B. Poersch
Executive Director, DSCC

Click here to tell Mitch McConnell and other GOP Senators to stop obstructing 
Democratic efforts to begin bringing American troops home from Iraq.   
This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from the DSCC's 
email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with 
unsubscribe in the subject line.

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

[cia-drugs] Speaker Pelosi - House Call - Uniting to Stop Global Warming

2007-07-08 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 Print - Close Window Date:  Fri, 6 Jul 2007 13:19:15 -0700 
  Subject:  House Call - Uniting to Stop Global Warming  
#message74994182561512026851276626901261407212672771750772 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }   July 6, 2007  
  Five Things
You Can Do
  The average American generates about 15,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each 
year from home energy use and personal transportation and from the energy it 
takes to produce the products and services we consume. There are steps we can 
take to reduce our carbon footprint and to keep our earth healthy. But we all 
must do our part. As people gather across the globe for July 7th's Live Earth 
events, here are 5 steps you can take to help protect the earth and reduce 
global warming:
  1) Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. Compact 
fluorescent bulbs produce as much light as regular incandescent light bulbs, 
but last 10 times as long and use just a quarter of the energy.
  2) Turn off lights and appliances when you’re not using them. This not only 
helps the planet, but will save money on your electric bills
  3) Reduce what you consume, reuse what you use, and recycle the rest. 
Producing new products from recycled materials saves 70 to 90 percent of the 
energy and pollution that would result if the product came from non-recycled 
materials. You can save a good-sized tree by recycling a stack of newspapers 
only 4 feet high!
  4) Turn your heat down 2 degrees in the winter and your air conditioning up 2 
degrees in the summer. This simple step could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon 
dioxide a year.

5) Cut down on the number of miles you drive each day by carpooling, walking, 
biking, or taking public transportation. Driving just 10 miles less each week 
would eliminate about 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year!

  Coming Together to Stop Global Warming
  We hold our children's future in our hands – not our grandchildren, or 
great-grandchildren, but our own children.
- Speaker Pelosi
  As people on every continent gather for July 7th's Live Earth events, the 
Democratic-led Congress is delivering on its promise to invest in energy 
independence and work to reverse global warming. Last week, Speaker Pelosi 
announced the House's Energy Independence Day legislation and signed the 
Live Earth Pledge, rededicating herself and Congress to combating global 
warming. The Live Earth pledge includes demanding that the United States 
join an international treaty within the next two years that cuts global 
warming pollution by 90 percent in developed countries and by more than half 
worldwide, committing to taking personal action to help solve the climate 
crisis, and fighting for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable 
energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal.
  Global warming is one of the most pressing issues of our time. For 12 years, 
the leadership in the House of Representatives stifled all discussion and 
debate of global warming. That long rejection of reality is over, to the relief 
of Members on both sides of the aisle. The climate crisis is as local as our 
neighborhoods and as global as the planet. The Democratic-led Congress is 
committed to acting swiftly to protect our earth from dramatic changes that 
threaten our national security and health, our crops and coastlines, and the 
very survival of many species on earth. Reducing global warming is also an 
opportunity to stimulate new and innovative technologies, create new green 
jobs, and reduce pollutants that are harmful to human health.
  Bringing Attention and Urgency to the Global Climate Crisis
From the start of the 110th Congress, Democrats have worked to bring attention 
and resources to combating global warming and achieving energy independence. 
In January, Speaker Pelosi created the Select Committee on Energy Independence 
and Global Warming, a unique policy committee to add resources and urgency to 
Congress' commitment to addressing climate change and our dependence on 
foreign oil. The Committee has held hearings on the many impacts of global 
warming, and in May, Speaker Pelosi and Members of the Committee, traveled to 
Greenland and Europe to see firsthand the devastating effects of climate 
change on local communities.
  Change Starts at Home
Because change begins at home, Congress has begun to Green the Capitol, an 
effort to reduce the environmental impacts of running the Capitol and House 
office buildings. House buildings will begin reducing the levels of carbon 
dioxide and dramatically reduce energy consumption – by 50 percent – in just 10 
years. This includes shifting to 100 percent renewable electric power, 
aggressively improving energy efficiency, and offsets to ensure carbon neutral 
operations. The House's reliance on electricity will be dramatically reduced 

[cia-drugs] Senator Chuck Schumer - What a Week!

2007-07-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard
imm Fri, 6 Jul 2007 12:35:55 -0400 (EDT)From:  Sen. Chuck Schumer 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  What a week!  
#message50674162786611943862406272101261356930962847441 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  

  Dear Theresa J. ,

I have been leading the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) for two 
and a half years now.

And yet I am still continually amazed by the commitment of you, our grassroots.

In the past few weeks alone, thousands of our supporters helped us blow past 
our ambitious quarterly fundraising goal - the tenth straight quarter we've 
done that.

And then, this week, when President Bush made the outrageous decision to 
commute Scooter Libby's prison sentence, tens of thousands of you signed on to 
our petition expressing your disgust for this affront to justice.

Thank you so very much.

Your unrivaled energy and unflagging financial support means that Republican 
Senate incumbents, already beleaguered by their blind support for George Bush 
and plummeting poll ratings, will have an even tougher road ahead to defend 
their Senate seats in 2008.

21 Republican seats are up for reelection in 2008, compared to only 12 
Democratic seats.  And already, some GOP incumbents are showing clear signs of 
vulnerability.  Only 31% of New Hampshirites think incumbent John Sununu 
deserves to be reelected.  Norm Coleman in Minnesota and Gordon Smith in Oregon 
have approval ratings hovering below 50%.  

Republican senators are once again showing their blind obedience to Bush -- not 
one has had the guts to stand up and say that the Scooter Libby commutation 
makes a mockery of the American justice system.

Democrats have a once in a generation opportunity to expand a 51-49 Senate 
majority that has made it all too easy for Republicans to carry George Bush's 
water and obstruct the change that you voted for in 2006.

You have provided a huge lift for us at the DSCC.  Your support allows for more 
staffers in key states, more ads and more investment in advanced micro 
targeting techniques to get Democrats to the polls on Election Day.  You are 
giving us the resources to convince the very best leaders that Democrats have 
to offer, to run for Senate.

Most importantly, your energy is keeping every one around here fired up and 
focused on the goal at hand: expanding our majority.

We've still got a long way to go.  But thanks to you, we're off to an amazing 


Sen. Chuck Schumer
  P.S.  It's not too late to send a message to George Bush that you are 
appalled by his commutation of Scooter Libby's prison sentence.  Click here to 
sign a petition expressing your outrage.  We’ll deliver it to the White House 
on Monday.
 This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from the 
DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message 
with unsubscribe in the subject line.

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
 Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

[cia-drugs] Senator Patrick Leahy - Subpoenas

2007-06-30 Thread Quechick Barnyard
I will be out of town to Washington D.C. attending a world forum, from 2, july 
to morning of e 5th..then on from there to a wedding for a few days. So I will 
be a little behind time in deliverying messages to the Furums, this coming week.
  Theresa J. Steed

Be a PS3 game guru.
Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.

[cia-drugs] OPaul Begala - Cheney and the Constitution

2007-06-30 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 14:51:22 -0400 (EDT)From:  Paul Begala [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Cheney and the Constitution  
#message8459230317109668422411417801258643172772488338017 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  

  Dear Theresa J. ,

I don't like the fact that Dick Cheney gets to cast the deciding vote when the 
Senate is tied. But that's what the Constitution says, so we Democrats follow 

Mr. Cheney - and for that matter, George W. Bush - has a different approach. 
When they don't like something that's in the Constitution, they just ignore it.

Congressional oversight of White House wrongdoing?  Stonewall. The Bill of 
Rights requires warrants for wiretaps?  Subvert it. The mandate to faithfully 
execute the laws Congress passes?  Violate it with signing statements 
claiming the president’s above the law. The utter disrespect Bush and Cheney 
have for the Constitution is more like King George III than George Washington. 

Fortunately, Democrats have stopped Bush and Cheney from rewriting our beloved 
Constitution.  So Bush and Cheney are subverting the Constitution every way 
they can.
  Click here to make a contribution of $50, $75 or more to make sure Democrats 
keep control of the United States Senate.  Make a contribution now and a group 
of Democratic senators will match every single dollar you give, effectively 
doubling your contribution. 

This week, we learned that Cheney refused to cooperate with the federal agency 
charged with making sure national security documents are handled correctly.  
When that didn't work, he tried to abolish the agency altogether.  Then he 
claimed he wasn't subject to the law because he wasn't part of the executive 
branch.  Can you imagine?  The Vice President claiming he's not part of the 
executive branch?What he's really saying - and what President Bush has 
seemed to believe all along - is that he's above the law. 

Dick Cheney is a disgrace to his office.  He has repeatedly spoken out against 
constitutional checks and balances and the rule of law.  And not one Republican 
senator can muster the courage to stand up for these cherished principles?

It's all the more reason why when Democrats clean out the White House in 2008 
we need to get rid of a whole crop of Republican senators too. But to throw 
them out, we have to keep up with the GOP money machine.  That is why it is so 
important to ensure the DSCC hits its new $750,000 fundraising goal by midnight 
tomorrow.  This is your last chance to help the DSCC beat its crucial second 
quarter fundraising deadline.  You fuel everything the DSCC does, and we need 
some more gas.

Click here to make a contribution of $50, $75 or more to make sure Democrats 
keep control of the United States Senate.  Make a contribution now and a group 
of Democratic senators will match every single dollar you give, effectively 
doubling your contribution. 

For months, the DSCC has been working to pinpoint opportunities to expand our 
narrow 51-49 Senate majority.  You've all seen how Republicans have enabled 
Bush and Cheney to skirt the law, how they've worked to obstruct our agenda, on 
Iraq, and elsewhere.  The answer to this problem is making them pay on Election 

The DSCC is doing the microtargeting now to find every possible Democratic 
voter in our targeted states and the candidate recruitment now to make sure 
Republican incumbents have to face top notch challengers come Election Day.

In fact, the DSCC is doing all kinds of things because they're the one and only 
organization whose sole mandate is electing more Democrats to the Senate.

Bush may be gone soon, but he's leaving behind plenty of cronies like John 
Sununu and Norm Coleman in his wake.  There are 21 Republican senators up for 
reelection in 2008, and every single one has been handmaiden to the worst 
presidency ever.  Every single one of them has been an enabler to the 
Bush-Cheney attempt to undue everything our Founding Fathers so carefully 

If you want to throw out everyone and everything that made the Bush-Cheney 
years possible, you need to support the DSCC today and help them beat their 
June 30 fundraising deadline.

Click here to make a contribution of $50, $75 or more to make sure Democrats 
keep control of the United States Senate.  Make a contribution now and a group 
of Democratic senators will match every single dollar you give, effectively 
doubling your contribution. 

In May we celebrated Memorial Day.  In June it was Flag Day.  July brings 
Independence Day.  What better way to celebrate this season of patriotism than 
to strongly support the last, best defenders of our Constitution, the rule of 
law and the freedoms we cherish?  A small act of generosity today can pay huge 
dividends the next time the GOP tries to undermine our hard-won freedoms.  

Our Founders pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to give 
us the 

[cia-drugs] Senator Tom Harkin - REstore our constitution and - Close Guantanamo Bay Prison

2007-06-29 Thread Quechick Barnyard

  The Next Step  by Tom Harkin 

   [input] $   [input]   [input]  

  On Tuesday, I joined thousands of concerned Americans like you from around 
the country to demand that Congress restore habeas corpus and shut down the 
prison facility at Guantanamo Bay. As I told the group in Washington, to 
restore America’s moral authority we need less Patriot Acts and more acts by 
We need American patriots like you to join together and stand up to George 
W. Bush and Dick Cheney by telling them that we will not let them torture in 
our names, that we will not let them throw people into prison without the right 
of habeas corpus, and that we will no longer let them make a mockery of our 
  Will you stand up and be a patriot today by donating $500, $250, or even $50 
to my campaign to show the Bush Administration that we mean business when it 
comes to protecting our basic rights?
  Thousands of patriots like you took an important step to help restore our 
civil libert ies last month by joining with me to sign the ACLU’s petition in 
support of my legislation to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, 
while requiring that criminal detainees be transferred to state-of-the-art, 
maximum security facilities within the United States. Only then will we regain 
our moral leadership and our ability to rally support in our fight against 
  Because of your voice, the media is now reporting, that the Bush 
Administration may be reaching a decision on whether or not to close the 
facility. But we cannot let up – we must continue stand up for human rights and 
the Constitution.
  Please click here the play button above to watch my speech at the ACLU’s 
National Day of Action to restore habeas corpus and show that you stand with us 
in restoring our fundamental rights by making a contribution to my campaign 


  Authorized by Citizens for Harkin 
and paid for by ActBlue (www.ActBlue.com). 

Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
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[cia-drugs] Al Gore - Your House, a TV, and two billion people - Throw a house party!!! Live Earth Concerts

2007-06-20 Thread Quechick Barnyard
house, a TV, and two billion peopleDate:  Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:03 -0400  
#message148928147072790510132025830125496081971730010993 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }

  Dear Theresa J.,
On July 7, more than 2 billion people will join together to watch the 
Live Earth concerts and demonstrate to our leaders that the time has come to 
solve the climate crisis.

Will you commit to organize a Live Earth house party? The parties will be fun 
and they'll make a difference.

  Click Here to Host a Live Earth House Party  On July 7, more than 2 billion 
people will join together to watch the Live Earth concerts and demonstrate to 
our leaders that the time has come to solve the climate crisis.
  Wherever you are that day, you can be part of the action. At events around 
the world, we are going to convert the potential energy of Live Earth into a 
global campaign. In thousands of homes, people will invite their friends and 
neighbors to watch the concerts and join the movement to solve the climate 
  NBC will be televising Live Earth (and even more extensive coverage will be 
available live on MSN) so turning your house into a Live Earth venue is easy. 
Will you commit to organize a Live Earth house party on July 7th? The parties 
will be fun and they'll make a difference. 
  7.7.07 will be the one opportunity we have to bring hundreds of millions of 
new people into our campaign. We cannot let it slip by.
  If you host a Live Earth Party, you'll have access to a special video 
I#65533;ve made urging people to take action. Together, I know we can convince 
everyone attending these parties to get involved. In a few short hours, you and 
your friends can watch the concert, take action and at the end, upload a photo 
from your event that will be accessible to others taking part throughout the 
world. Through these parties, we can reach more people than ever before and 
build a truly global movement to solve the climate crisis.
  Holding a Live Earth party is easy and we will have all the tools you need to 
make your party a success.
  Sign up as a party host by visiting:
  Live Earth will be a unique moment when the uninterrupted and undivided 
attention of the world will be focused on the climate crisis. I need your help 
to really make it count.
  Thank you,
   Al Gore

You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. View our Privacy 

Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
 Browse Top Cars by Green Rating at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.  

[cia-drugs] Wes Clark - Can You Do it again? - John Kerry- Can You Believe These Guys? ( ((two emails)))

2007-06-17 Thread Quechick Barnyard
 Print - Close Window   
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 13:36:29 -0400To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]From:  
John Kerry [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Can You Believe These Guys?  
#message601716813423576282175420220125262738041695321238 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  

Can you believe these guys? Sometimes it just boggles the mind how people can 
be staring a problem like our climate crisis in the face and keep on playing 
the same political games of the past. We have major proposals before the Senate 
to start the process of real change in our energy production and use in this 
country, and what amendment do the Republicans insist on bringing forward? 
Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

We'll fight that fight (again), but, amazingly, the Republicans' intransigence 
goes even deeper. Last night we tried to start to bring amendments to the floor 
to make the energy bill a true blueprint for a new future, and the Republicans 
simply refused to vote up or down on the first amendment, essentially demanding 
that any amendment have 60 votes to even be considered. The best science tells 
us we have 10 years to act on climate change, and they waste time with stubborn 
procedural roadblocks. And the Bush Administration tells Congress that it is 
strongly opposed to ANY numerical requirements on vehicle miles-per-gallon 
standards (CAFE standards).

But we have a Democratic leadership now, and we're fighting for change. In 
particular, I'm fighting for an energy plan that includes three things as the 
minimum to start to deal with our energy and climate crises:

•a major increase in the efficiency of all sources and uses of energy, from 
pickup trucks to fluorescent light bulbs, including raising the CAFE standard 
for cars and light trucks to 35 mpg by 2020

•dramatic incentives for all renewable energy sources, including the 
requirement that at least 20% of our energy come from renewable sources like 
wind and solar by 2020

•A comprehensive plan to get clean coal technologies and carbon 
sequestration off the drawing board and under construction

We can get a new direction, but there are many entrenched interests fight 
change. As I've learned since I worked as an activist on the first Earth Day, 
big environmental change only comes with the activism of the American people. 
So, if you want Congress to deal with this major issue, please call your 
Senator today and demand action on these priorities.

We're considering these amendments today, so pick up the phone and call 

Thank you,
John Kerry

John Kerry For U.S. Senate
129 Portland Street, Boston, MA 02114-2014

Paid For By John Kerry For Senate

You are subscribed to this newsletter as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please click here to 
modify your message preferences or to unsubscribe from any future mailings

Date:  Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:49:43 GMTFrom:  Wes Clark [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:  Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Can You 
Do It Again?  #message7424168288875777611751585401252632211613403672773 { 
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[cia-drugs] Wes Clark - Can you do this again? More Iraq Soldiers want to be in Congress!!!!

2007-06-15 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Well, you bet we can.  We need those who really know what war is all about and 
knows how to prevent it.  We can use all the help in our congress we can get 
with people like that!
  Theresa J. Steed
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:49:43 GMTFrom:  Wes Clark [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:  Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Can You 
Do It Again?  #message7424168288875777611751585401252632211613403672773 { 
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }  
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  Dear Theresa J.,
  Help Charlie, John and Jon get their campaigns to a strong start! 
  Last November, you and hundreds of thousands of people in the WesPAC 
community changed the direction of our country – electing the first Democratic 
Congress in a dozen years. You helped put an end to the rubberstamp Congress, 
providing the critical check and balance to George W. Bush's radical agenda.
What I'm most proud of was adding the veterans to the House and Senate. The 
voices of Chris Carney, Phil Hare, Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak, Tim Walz, and 
Jim Webb have changed the debate. Of course, they have help lead the debate on 
Iraq and other national security issues, but they have also lent their unique 
perspectives on critical issues like the minimum 

[cia-drugs] UCS (UnionofConcernedScientistActionNetwork): Join UCS and make the world healthier and safer

2007-06-10 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Cities in NY and Oregon, Boston are acting now on environment.  We need to get 
this idea around that State actions and also City Action can be a very good and 
fast beginning.
  Talk to your mayors and your governors and get the word out asp.  We must get 
started now!
  Below is a message from the Union of Concerned Scientist Action Nework, I 
hope you will become a member and keep up to do your part.  The Chairmperson 
for the Senate is Barbara Boxer, her email address is:  info, then click  
  There are quite a few forums with which you can communicate and keep up on 
things, talk, 
  suggest and come up with a lot of things we can do in own home and own 
community, even state.  Following are a few:  info,[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
greenpeacewebmaster [EMAIL PROTECTED], NRDC[EMAIL PROTECTED], SierraClub 
  RobertRedford [EMAIL PROTECTED], info [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Ocean 
Conservancy [EMAIL PROTECTED], Earth Action [EMAIL PROTECTED], Earthjustice 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Earthjustice [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michael L.  Care2 Energy 
 Global Warming Alerts [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
  then keep on until you get a lot of communication and you can then begin to 
get involved with the environmental process for Global Warming. This way we can 
write to our congress and also to our states, cities, etc, etc,  even local 
newspapers.  We have built a concensus before, so do it that way, tell your 
friends and family and get busy doing your part.  it is something we must 
address for safety and survival, and for the future of our Children and 
America.  Aslo we must take a world wide vision as well.  
  the following UCS eletter will explain, and also they are the leaders of this 
and are real scientists.  They know the score and I am sure the more people 
they have joining their crusade, the better chance we will have of getting 
America wakened to this burdon we must work with, for after all, we are in the 
same boat.  Exchange Ideas in forums and put  up a post or two about this 
situation the world is now faced with.  It is real.

  Theresa J. Steed
   Print - Close Window Date:  Sat, 09 Jun 2007 13:02:03 GMT
From:  Union of Concerned Scientists Action Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:  Theresa J. Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Join UCS and make the 
world healthier and safer  #message { overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }
 #yiv770597136  ,#yiv770597136  P,#yiv770597136  TD,#yiv770597136  TD 
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[cia-drugs] Sen. Chuck Schumer[EMAIL PROTECTED] - The Death of Hope - Stop Being Stubborn, Sign the Stem Cell Bill

2007-06-08 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Print - Close Window Date:  Thu, 7 Jun 2007 10:43:25 -0400 
(EDT)From:  Sen. Chuck Schumer [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject:  The death of hope  #message { overflow:auto; 
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[cia-drugs] Ed Brown - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dITKfUJKkl8

2007-06-08 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Ron Corvus [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  TruePatriotsUnite [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject:  Ed Brown Says Armored Personnel Carriers Spotted In 
AreaDate:  Thu, 7 Jun 2007 09:00:40 -0500  #message { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  Ed Brown: Tax Protester
  - Original Message -   From: Fred Smart 
  Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 8:44 AM
  Subject: Ed Brown Says Armored Personnel Carriers Spotted In Area



If you have any information to share and for live updates please call into a 
conference line which we've set up this morning: 

Call 218-486-1300.  Enter Conference Bridge Number:  556459

Peace and God Bless, 


  Thursday, June 07, 2007http://questforfairtrialinconcordnh.blogspot.com/

  Ed Says Armored Personnel Carriers Spotted In Area Listen to audiblog 
report from Ed below.

powered by Hipcast.com

MP3 File 

posted by The Freedom Fellowship at 9:14 AM 0 comments 

Ron Paul for President 2008!

Lord I have no plans of my own save those you shall re

Shape Yahoo! in your own image.  Join our Network Research Panel today!

[cia-drugs] PatrickLeahy - Habeas Restoration Act Clears first Key Hurdle

2007-06-08 Thread Quechick Barnyard
We must get behind this bill and see to it that all of our Senators in 
Washington, D.C. are notified by each state's constituants that we do not like 
what is going on with our U.S.Consitition and It must be restored.
  Theresa J. Steed
Fri, 08 Jun 2007 15:19:29 GMTFrom:  Patrick Leahy [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]To:  Theresa J Steed [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Habeas 
Restoration Act clears first key hurdle  #message { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden } #yiv1518808995  ,#yiv1518808995  P,#yiv1518808995  
TD,#yiv1518808995  TD P,#yiv1518808995  TD UL,#yiv1518808995  TD 
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{font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, 
serif;font-size:18px;}#yiv1518808995 /* Used for Advocacy Campaign titles */ 
.monospace {font-family:Courier, monospace; 
Dear Theresa J,

Urge your friends and family to contact their Senators today!

  Yesterday, thanks to your help, we took an important step toward restoring 
one of our nation's fundamental liberties: The right to challenge one's 
detention by the government in a court of law.
  On an 11-8 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the Habeas Corpus 
Restoration Act, a bipartisan bill I authored with Sen. Arlen Specter to 
restore Habeas rights that were taken away last year by a Military Commissions 
Act that was rushed by the Bush Administration through a rubberstamp Congress.
  While this is an important first step in undoing the damage done to our civil 
liberties, our work is far from over.  The bill now moves to the full Senate, 
where I hope it will reach the floor and be voted on this 

[cia-drugs] Re: All talk

2007-06-08 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  Well, you are right.  Hot air!  Number one, it is the OPEC who sets the price 
of crude oil.  It was 30- 32$ when Bush came into office.  He is Now in charge 
of OPEC, Bush with Saudi Arabia, etc, etc.  Chavez is out of OPEC,  The Oil 
Companies are having to pay 60- 65$ per bbl.  Everyone blames the Oil 
companies.  I worked as an executive secretary for a dozen hears for Oil 
companies and Related corporations.  It was I who complied and had printed the 
five year plan for Conoco Oil Company, as the V.P. in Houston was my boss. So I 
got to be able to see through a lot of smoke and mirrors.
Howard Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear Thersa J,
  President Bush announced a new strategy to deal with global warming last 
week: let the next president deal with it.
  Just take a look at the news. The White House called for a summit of the 
top-15 global greenhouse gas emitters, but then announced that it would only 
have a long term, aspirational goal -- one with voluntary targets for 
emission reductions.
  That's because the Bush Administration wants to talk about global warming, 
but never do anything about it. And rest assured, if another Republican moves 
in to the White House in January 2009, you can be sure that we'll have four 
more years of climate change denial.
  Make global warming a priority in the 2008 election. Contribute to the 
Democratic Party today:
  Just days prior to the summit announcement, the White House rejected a G8 
climate change agreement, calling it fundamentally incompatible with the 
President's approach to climate change.
  Now the president's approach has rubbed off on the 2008 Republican 
presidential hopefuls.
  Mitt Romney, John McCain, Tom Tancredo, and Sam Brownback have all opposed 
strict fuel efficiency standards. McCain, while sponsoring a bill capping 
carbon emissions, has opposed renewable energy standards. And Rudy Giuliani, 
now a partner in Houston law firm for Big Oil, has barely said anything about 
global warming at all.
  The ugly truth behind the Republicans' resistance to tough global warming 
measures is that they're completely beholden to the oil industry. As long as 
Big Oil keeps Republicans flush with cash, they will continue to obstruct 
efforts to stop global warming.
  There is only one way to guarantee our government gets serious about climate 
change: electing a Democratic president in 2008.
  Make that happen by contributing to the Democratic Party:
  18 months ago, President Bush stood on Capitol Hill, stating that America is 
addicted to oil. But since that speech, the White House has made a lot of 
plans to invest in cleaner energy for a greener planet, but hasn't followed 
through on any of them.
  As House global warming committee chairman Edward Markey said, This is a 
rope-a-dope strategy ... It's an attempt to hoodwink the American people into 
believing he is actually going to do something about global warming. President 
Bush has moved from a strategy of denial to a strategy of delay.
  We don't need four more years of needless studies about the existence of 
global warming -- we need four years of Democratic leadership to start working 
to stop it.
  Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

  Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, 
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003
  Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not 
deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
  Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.
  DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Get the free Yahoo! toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware 

[cia-drugs] Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'

2007-06-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Wed, 6 Jun 2007 20:16:20 -0700 (PDT)From:  Stevo [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject:  Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'To:  
Me Bite [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #message { overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }

Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'  by John McCormick 
   In an event that felt more like a campaign appearance than a book 
signing, Al Gore's visit to Chicago this afternoon brought the usual 
speculation about another presidential bid.
  Run, Al, run, some chanted on the third floor of the Borders on State 
Street, where some of his biggest fans started arriving before sunrise for an 
event that started shortly before 1 p.m.

 The former vice president, of course, is asked the same question 
almost everywhere he goes: are you running? 
   I'm not planning to be a candidate again, Gore said, after a 
six-minute campaign-style speech that touched on everything from his trademark 
issue of global warming to the Iraq war.
   Dressed in a dark blue suit, blue shirt and blue tie, Gore's policy 
wonkishness was on full display. 
   Many of the consequences the scientists have warned us about are 
happening, and they are happening much more quickly than even the worst of the 
computer-model projections had led them to believe, he said.
   The corny humor, too: Thank you for the standing ovation, he joked to 
the several hundred fans waiting for a signature. He was signing both his 
books: The Assault on Reason and An Inconvenient Truth. 
   His biggest applause line came when he talked about the need to end the 
war, which he compared to global warming. 
  In both cases, the facts were ignored, he said. 
   As some of those moved past the book signing table, Gore was repeatedly 
urged to jump into the Democratic primary field. 
   I'm not planning on it, but I appreciate it, he told one fan. 
  I appreciate that sentiment. I'm not planning to do it as you know, he told 
  Still, that wasn't enough to quell the demand of many of those who wore Gore 
2008 stickers, buttons and T-shirts. 
   I'm very disappointed in how that turned out in 2000 and I hope he will 
run again, said Steve Jensen of suburban Burbank, who volunteered for Gore in 
Iowa in 2000. I think he could win the Democratic nomination by a landslide.  

I think I need some Head - On!! (apply directly to the forehead), Stevo   
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.   http://icasualties.org/oif/  

  Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups AAR 
Political Discussion Group group. 
To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
For more options, visit this group at 

Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
Check out fitting  gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.

[cia-drugs] Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'

2007-06-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Wed, 6 Jun 2007 20:16:20 -0700 (PDT)From:  Stevo [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject:  Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'To:  
Me Bite [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #message { overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }

Gore hits Chicago to chants of 'Run, Al, Run'  by John McCormick 
   In an event that felt more like a campaign appearance than a book 
signing, Al Gore's visit to Chicago this afternoon brought the usual 
speculation about another presidential bid.
  Run, Al, run, some chanted on the third floor of the Borders on State 
Street, where some of his biggest fans started arriving before sunrise for an 
event that started shortly before 1 p.m.

 The former vice president, of course, is asked the same question 
almost everywhere he goes: are you running? 
   I'm not planning to be a candidate again, Gore said, after a 
six-minute campaign-style speech that touched on everything from his trademark 
issue of global warming to the Iraq war.
   Dressed in a dark blue suit, blue shirt and blue tie, Gore's policy 
wonkishness was on full display. 
   Many of the consequences the scientists have warned us about are 
happening, and they are happening much more quickly than even the worst of the 
computer-model projections had led them to believe, he said.
   The corny humor, too: Thank you for the standing ovation, he joked to 
the several hundred fans waiting for a signature. He was signing both his 
books: The Assault on Reason and An Inconvenient Truth. 
   His biggest applause line came when he talked about the need to end the 
war, which he compared to global warming. 
  In both cases, the facts were ignored, he said. 
   As some of those moved past the book signing table, Gore was repeatedly 
urged to jump into the Democratic primary field. 
   I'm not planning on it, but I appreciate it, he told one fan. 
  I appreciate that sentiment. I'm not planning to do it as you know, he told 
  Still, that wasn't enough to quell the demand of many of those who wore Gore 
2008 stickers, buttons and T-shirts. 
   I'm very disappointed in how that turned out in 2000 and I hope he will 
run again, said Steve Jensen of suburban Burbank, who volunteered for Gore in 
Iowa in 2000. I think he could win the Democratic nomination by a landslide.  

I think I need some Head - On!! (apply directly to the forehead), Stevo   
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.   http://icasualties.org/oif/  

  Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups AAR 
Political Discussion Group group. 
To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
For more options, visit this group at 

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
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[cia-drugs] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2007-06-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard
  This is classic!  Must read.
  The one about Devon County UK is a farming community and they could be 
independent if they needed to be.  Wow, they are printing their own 
courrency...Can you imagine?  
  This is a must read [EMAIL PROTECTED] Great forum.
  Read! read!
  Love ya,
  7 Jun 2007 19:05:57 -From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  View Contact 
Details   Add Mobile Alert 
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoogroups.com. 
Learn moreTo:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  [Avian2005] Digest Number 
1570   [input]   [input]   [input]   [input]#message { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }The Birds Is Coming 
Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)   
   Fwd: PNN REPORT MORLEY From: Darryl Wagoner 
   Re: Citgo Changing Name / Must Read From: eddie stinson 
   Must Video Bill Moyers - The cost of Iraq!! Everyone is losing but a From: 
Alex James 
   ABC NEWS Flashback 1960: U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cu From: 
Alex James 
   UK South Devon Town poised to create its own currency in the footste From: 
Alex James 
   NASA Chief Administrator Bullied by Global Warming Zealots' Cabal to From: 
Alex James 
   Huge oil field discovered in Iran, I guess the Zion-Con Cabal will f From: 
Alex James 
   Re: Nancy Pelosi is nuts From: Trish Strong   
   Re: Nancy Pelosi is nuts From: Trish Strong   
   Re: Nancy Pelosi is nuts From: Darryl Wagoner 
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[cia-drugs] Kevin Martin, Peace Action - How do you define security in the nuclear age?

2007-06-07 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Peace has it's price, but that is not as bad as war and it costs a whole lot 
  Peace is cheaper and a lot better for us.
  Theresa J. Steed
 Print - Close Window Date:  Thu, 7 Jun 2007 19:57:40 -0400 
(EDT)From:  Kevin Martin, Peace Action [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject:  How do you define security in the nuclear age?  
#message { overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }  
Dear Theresa J,

  The House Appropriations Committee voted not to fund the Reliable 
Replacement Warhead (RRW) yesterday.  Yes, common sense does play a role.  
But, more important is the role which we, as citizens, play in leading our 

Prior to the vote Peace Action sent an alert to over 100,000 concerned 
citizens willing to take a stand to end nuclear proliferation, provide 
leadershiptoward the abolition of nuclear weapons, and promote a more peaceful 
future.  We will continue to mobilize  and inform the nation until that future 
is achieved.  
  Peace Action amplifies your voices to our government.  We need your help to 
continue our mission.

Making sure Congress gets our message is what makes the difference.  Online 
campaigns, call-in days, letter writing campaigns, paid advertising – over the 
years Peace Action Education Fund has helped to build a powerful movement 
against nuclear weapons that has already resulted in victories against the MX 
missile and the Nuclear Bunker Buster.

  Right now, Peace Action is gearing up for the House vote next Wednesday, 
followed shortly by a vote in the Senate.  Can you offer $50 towards a nuclear 
free future?  Together, we can fight for a legacy we are proud to pass onto the 
next generation.
You can define what security means in this country and how Peace Action should 
disseminate your message.  If the US continues down the path of nuclear weapons 
development, it is certain that other countries will follow.  We can't let Bush 
take us down that path! 

Kevin M. Martin 
Executive Director 
Peace Action 

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[cia-drugs] Kevin Martin, Peace Action - Stop U.s.Weapons of Mass Destruction

2007-06-06 Thread Quechick Barnyard
Print - Close Window   
  Please help up get the world out and contact with your congress people, asp.  
The vote in the committe is coming up soon, we have lots of work to do.
Date:  Tue, 5 Jun 2007 18:04:33 -0400 (EDT)From:  Kevin Martin, 
Peace Action [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Stop 
U.S. Weapons of Mass Destruction  #message { overflow:auto; visibility:hidden } 
  Dear Theresa J,
  Last month, with your continuing efforts, Peace Action lobbied The House 
Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee to completely cut funding for 
Bombplex 2030 and the Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW).  But there is still 
work to be done.
  Congress know you oppose further funding for nuclear weaponry.
  We expect a full appropriations committee vote on the bill Wednesday, June 
6th.  Find out if your Congressperson is on this vital committee - click here 
to contact them TODAY.
  The full House floor vote is expected on June 13th. The Bush administration 
is lobbying hard to fund development of these new nuclear weapons - tell your 
representative you won’t pay for more nuclear bombs.
  We need an unambiguous victory in the House to strengthen our hand with the 
Senators who expect to vote on funding by mid-June.  
  Peace Action and our allies are working put an end to the production of 
nuclear weapons in the U.S.   With your help we can continue to mobilize 
grass-roots efforts when the proposal hits the Senate floor.  Click here to 
help us prepare for the Senate.
  For the past 50 years Peace Action has been mobilizing the nation to fight 
for a more peaceful, nuclear free, world.   We’d like to extend our thanks to 
you for your continued support of our mission.
 Kevin M. Martin 
Executive Director Peace Action 
  Click here to subscribe to the Action Alert Network 
  Click here to unsubscribe


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