Re: Auto-detecting proxy settings in a standalone Java app

2004-10-22 Thread Ortwin Glück

Roland Weber wrote:
Wait, here is another idea: you could write a startup script that does
the proxy settings lookup, then passes the settings through -D
definitions as system properties, which can be accessed by your
Java application. That's a bit less ugly than calling native code
from within the app. The proxy settings for the HttpURLConnection
of the JDK are expected as system properties, too.
Of course that implies you need to restart your app, everytime the proxy 
settings change...

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Re: downloading a ZIP file with HttpClient...

2004-10-22 Thread Ortwin Glück
HttpClient makes no assuptions about the transferred entity. So, yes, 
you can download a ZIP file as any other file from a webserver.

O. Glück
Massimo Signori wrote:
Is it possibile to download a ZIP file using HttpClient?
Best regards,
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 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: too many TCP connections using httpClient?

2004-10-21 Thread Ortwin Glück
Make sure to *always* call method.releaseConnection() e.g. a finally 
block. Even if the request was unsuccessful.

Massimo Signori wrote:
Hi everybody, this is my code: 

private void notifyTimeServer() {
logger.debug(notifyTimeServer,  + timerURL);
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(timerURL);
int statusCode = -1;
for (int attempt = 0; statusCode == -1  attempt 
logger.debug(Establishing connection);
try {
statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);
catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(Error calling jsp);
if (statusCode != -1) {
logger.debug(Connection estabilished);
byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();

I was looking with TCPView the number of TCP connections that this piece of
code is opening when talking to the server and I saw that opens an
incredible number of connections. All TCP connections are in TIME_WAIT
Is there something wrong in this code? Or I'm forgetting something?
Best regards,
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 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: can not turn off log under HttpClient

2004-10-20 Thread Ortwin Glück
If you use Log4J, put the following in your
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%c] %m%n
Alternatively you can use System properties to control commons-logging:

When I read trace in my catalina.out, I find this information many many time
20 oct. 2004 10:21:27 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase
INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled

I read carefully the HttpClient user guide about logging and Apache common
logging guide, but I don't find how turn off thoses traces.
I tried this but it s don' t work :
/** logging **/
private static Log log1 =
private static Log log2 =
private static Log log3 =
private static Log log4 =
private static Log log5 =
If someone have an idea ...

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 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: can not turn off log under HttpClient

2004-10-20 Thread Ortwin Glück

I have nothing against log4J, but I can not add easyly a new packagge in my
application (someone else has to decide it...).
So I test with System properties. But the log message is traced again :
20 oct. 2004 10:55:17 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase
INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled
As the logging guide states:
Note: The system properties must be set before a reference to any 
Commons Logging class is made.

So set those properties as early as possible in your application or set 
them on the command line withe the -D option of the JVM.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: File Uploading using HttpClient

2004-10-20 Thread Ortwin Glück

IndianAtTech wrote:
Thanks for the Information.   I have found FileUpload API from Jakarta
commons project
Why do we have 2 API for Uploading from Same project
1. MultipartFileUpload - (Jakarta-commons)HttpClient - Project
This is a client side interface to upload to a server.
2. FileUpload  - (Jakarta Commons)
This is a server side interface to consume the uploaded file.
Or, Is  there any conceptual difference between two  API??
Yes. See above.
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Re: File Uploading using HttpClient

2004-10-20 Thread Ortwin Glück

Michael McGrady wrote:
Not sure what you are saying here, Gluck.  Can you explain?  I 
personally see these two implementations as competing applications.

Michael McGrady
(My first name is Ortwin btw)
No they are not competing but they are complementary. You would use 
HttpClient to read a file from disk, wrap it in a HTTP request and send 
it to a server. On the server you would use FileUpload to receive the 
file via HTTP, decode the MIME and save it somewhere on the server. 
FileUpload is typically used by webapp frameworks.

Ortwin Glück
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Re: Is it possible to send and email using HTTPCLIENT?

2004-10-20 Thread Ortwin Glück

Gerdes, Tom wrote:
Thanks, for the example!
Question though about it...  In the main you use the send class.  Is
this supposed to be SendApp, or am I missing something about the code?
send is a static method of SendApp. For further questions about the Java 
language, please refer to your favourite Java book or online resources 
other than this mailing list. Thanks.

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Re: threads problem with many connections

2004-10-01 Thread Ortwin Glück

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
If, for example, the HTTP server sends one a byte once per
second forever, HttpClient will never exit from executeMethod -
if I'm correct.
Yes. It's up to you to decide if that sort of communication makes sense. 
HTTP allows it however.

2. Open connections
You can set timeouts for idle connections, so you will get a timeout
exception after a while. If the connection is active (i.e. client is

Yes, but that's out of the scope of the described problem.
Sorry if I am missing the point!?

receiving data), your application should be able to figure out if it
is legitimate to stay open for such a long time and otherwise just
abort the method.

There's no such thing available in HttpClient, as far as I know?
What 'thing'? Abort? see HttpMethod#abort in 3.0
This needs a monitor Thread setting a timeout in our application.
You call
try {
 s = method.getResponseAsStream
 try {
 } catch(MyException) {
} finally {
Inside your stream processing you are free to throw an exception.
It could make sense to implement this timeout in HttpClient, as
I've said in previous mail, however I am not sure it is allowed
by the HTTP protocol.
No it doesn't. HttpClient doesn't care what you send over the wire, and 
it does not care how fast you are doing this either, because HTTP does 
not specify that of course. Your problem is completely in the 
application domain and not in the protocol domain.

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Re: threads problem with many connections

2004-10-01 Thread Ortwin Glück

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
What 'thing'? Abort? see HttpMethod#abort in 3.0

I was assuming stable httpclient, sorry to not making it clear
All right. It's true that 2.0 does not have built-in abort due to design 

I can't say for 3.0 but in 2.0 it seems that client.execute is
blocked until the server finishes sending the headers (does make
sense because executeMethod returns the HTTP response code).
my upper example (a server not sending any actual header) your
code excerpt is blocked forever, if I'm correct.
You are.
What you could do, is the following then:
Wrap the client.execute call:
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.TimeoutController;
Runnable task = new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
long timeout = ...; //millis
try {
  TimeoutController.execute(task, timeout);
} catch(TimeoutController.TimeoutException e) {
   /* task has been sent an interrupt signal by now */

I see. HttpClient uses socket timeouts for data transfer
timeouts, following your reasoning this is in the HTTP protocol?
HTTP is a connection based protocol and therefore requires a 
connection-aware transport layer. This is normally TCP. Timouts are 
available in all modern TCP implementations to prevent OS-level resource 
leaks. That's the reason why there is a timeout feature in Java 
If you don't like socket timeouts you are free to use a custom socket 
factory which produces sockets that behave to your taste.

Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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back in two weeks

2004-10-01 Thread Ortwin Glück
I am off to China now. See you in two weeks, guys.
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Re: threads problem with many connections

2004-10-01 Thread Ortwin Glück

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
Ok, thanks for this precise code excerpt.
Is it considered safe to interrupt the execute task that way? 
Define 'safe'...
method.releaseConnection() the way to go for full cleanup of
underlying resources, or the interruption might leave things in a
bad state?
Paranoid code:
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.TimeoutController;
Runnable task = new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
  try {
  } finally {
long timeout = ...; //millis
try {
  TimeoutController.execute(task, timeout);
} catch(TimeoutController.TimeoutException e) {
   /* task has been sent an interrupt signal by now */
That way the connection will be returned to an eventual connection pool. 
It's just not well defined when that will happen. You might want to use 
the SimpleConnectionManager instead and create a new HttpClient object 
for every request if you want to be really safe against resource leaks.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: Problem with Preferences Architecture

2004-09-29 Thread Ortwin Glück

Vikram Goyal wrote:
I am not sure if this is a bug or I am not running this right.
I am trying to get the preferences architecture to modify the http.useragent
property at the client level, and then retrieve the value at the method and
host level. The value gets percolated down to the Method level but the Host
level value does not change and gives the global value. See code below.
As per the 3.0 B2 documentation, the Method and Host params should try and
retrieve the value of the http.useragent from their local cache, and if it
they do not find it, should go up the heirarchy, till they reach the global
params. Since in the code below, the value is set at the Client level, one
lower than the Global level, it should be retrieved from the Client level
for both Method and Host params.
The problem in your code is, that the host params are not set at all.
You should add something along the lines of:
host.setParams(new HostParams(client.getParams()));
Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Problem with Preferences Architecture

2004-09-29 Thread Ortwin Glück

Vikram Goyal wrote:
I am not sure if this is a bug or I am not running this right.
I am trying to get the preferences architecture to modify the http.useragent
property at the client level, and then retrieve the value at the method and
host level. The value gets percolated down to the Method level but the Host
level value does not change and gives the global value. See code below.
As per the 3.0 B2 documentation, the Method and Host params should try and
retrieve the value of the http.useragent from their local cache, and if it
they do not find it, should go up the heirarchy, till they reach the global
params. Since in the code below, the value is set at the Client level, one
lower than the Global level, it should be retrieved from the Client level
for both Method and Host params.
Vikram, please ignore my first post.
The problem is, that HttpClient creates a new HostConfiguration object 
internally and sets default on that. So your original object is not 
modified. So within HttpClient the host configuration will use the right 
user agent string. But you can not see this from the outside.

This is line 389 in (HEAD):
 HostConfiguration methodConfiguration = new 

Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Problem with Preferences Architecture

2004-09-29 Thread Ortwin Glück

Vikram Goyal wrote:
No that is not right either. Because the HostConfiguration is created using
the supplied HostConfiguration in line 389 as you say, the parameters from
the supplied HostConfiguration are used to clone parameters for the new
HostConfiguration, so they should all be same. See
line 126.
Yes, but the information is only held in a temporary object and is not 
fed back to the object you pass into the execute call.

Even if I use the Client's HostConfiguration using
client.getHostConfiguration instead of using my own HostConfiguration and
using it in the executeMethod call, the problem remains.
Of course.
Why do you want to query the params objects outside HttpClient anyway?
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: [VOTE] 2.0.2 release

2004-09-29 Thread Ortwin Glück
+1 from me
Michael Becke wrote:
I propose that we mark the latest code in CVS HTTPCLIENT_2_0 as 2.0.2  
and proceed with a release.  Please vote as follows:

 Vote:  HttpClient 2.0.2 release
 [X] +1 I am in favor of the release, and will help support it.
 [ ] +0 I am in favor of the release, but am unable to help support it.
 [ ] -0 I am not in favor of the release.
 [ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Problem with Preferences Architecture

2004-09-29 Thread Ortwin Glück

Vikram Goyal wrote:
Sorry, I must be missing something, because I don't see it that way. The
temporary object that you are talking about, methodConfiguration, is used to
create the MethodDirector object that is used to execute the request. So it
is passed to the execute call.
Okay. I explain in detail:
Your code:

public class HttpClientTest {
 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
  HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
  client.getParams().setParameter(http.useragent, My Browser);  // set
the value here
  HostConfiguration host = new HostConfiguration();
  GetMethod method = new GetMethod(/);
  int returnCode = client.executeMethod(host, method);
  System.err.println(User-Agent:  +
host.getParams().getParameter(http.useragent));  // does not print My
  System.err.println(User-Agent:  +
method.getParams().getParameter(http.useragent)); // prints My 

http.useragent is set in the params object of client.
You create a new HostConfiguration host, that carries another new params 

Upon the executeMethod call the following happens:
1. host is passed in
2. A copy of host ist created (methodConfiguration). This is a *deep* 
copy, i.e. carries it's own params object that is different from host's 
param object.
3. methodConfiguration and client params are passed to HttpMethodDirector
4. client params are set as the defaults for methodConfiguration param
5. methodConfiguration param are set as the defaults for method params

In step 4 your http.useragent value ends up beeing the default value for 
params object of the *copy* created in 2 of your HostConfiguration 
object. Your original host object has never been passsed to 
HttpMethodDirector and has not been altered.

That's simply why.
Now, the question of course is, *if* it is correct to create this deep 
copy in 2. I thinks we should always clone params objects that we 
receive from the outside. Otherwise this may get us into trouble if they 
are modified concurrently from another thread or so. It would be more OO 
design anyway (do not expose intrinsic state).

I am testing the new Preferences Architecture before writing about it in a
Book that I am working on. I have spent the whole of today looking at the
source code but could not locate the problem, so it is bugging me now. It
makes sense, the architecture I mean, but it is just not working right for
the HostConfiguration.
Oh... now that you mention it, your name looks familiar. I guess the 
book will contain those three articles about Jakarta Commons as well. 
Watch out, 3.0 is ALPHA! API and contract may still change until the 
final version! Good luck with your book. May it become a bestseller.

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Re: Problem with Preferences Architecture

2004-09-29 Thread Ortwin Glück

Hentzen, Rudy wrote:
Does that mean you don't recommend 3.0 for use...u, damm I am boned, I was coding 
with it.  Hopefully I can change to 2.0.2 quite easily!!
No, I (along mit all other committers) really do recommend 3.0 for use 
as stated in our release announcement. I am just saying that API is not 
frozen yet. So be prepared for changes. Whether you are writing a book 
or are wiriting software does not matter. Both will be likely to change 
if we decide to change something in the API. You must decide for your 
project what is feasible and what is not. The advantages of using 3.0 
may well outweigh this disadvantage.

Ortwin Glück
-Original Message-
From: Ortwin Glück [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Watch out, 3.0 is ALPHA! API and contract may still change until the 
final version! Good luck with your book. May it become a bestseller.
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Quick Question

2004-09-29 Thread Ortwin Glück

Hentzen, Rudy wrote:
Phew, good stuff, I am not doing anything particularly complicated, just a few method calls.
Lucky you :-)
  Another thing, it is possible to, for example, get all the of the 
form actions from a html page, I have managed to get what I need using 
reg exps but just wondering if it is in the HttpClient package???
Many thanks
No, Rudy, unfortunately we provide no support for that. HttpClient 
focuses on the transport with HTTP. HTML is out of our scope. You may 
want to use a read-to-use HTML parser library for that. If your page is 
XHTML you can just use JAXP with the XML parser of your choice of course.

Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Proxy

2004-09-28 Thread Ortwin Glück

Hentzen, Rudy wrote:
Thanks for the swift reply, I have a proxy ip address, is that supported??
Sure. Just fill it into the example, where it says myproxyhost and 
8080 is the TCP port.

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Re: Performance

2004-09-28 Thread Ortwin Glück
This is very good news, Eric! Thanks a lot.
Eric Johnson wrote:
And I've finally gotten test results back from the appropriate people here.
In our test lab, between HttpClient 2.0.1 and the nightly, we found a 
difference of about 4ms per request.  As this was a live-test 
environment, with all of our application environment around HttpClient, 
the total numbers are probably mostly irrelevant to HttpClient, but the 
measurable improvement was entirely due to HttpClient changes.

We have some other statistics, but I worry that those are misleading for 
now, so I'm not mentioning those.  Hopefully, I'll be able to pass along 
some concrete data at some point.

For our purposes, the build otherwise looks stable.
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Re: HttpClient 3.0 is kind of done. Feedback needed

2004-09-17 Thread Ortwin Glück

Oliver Köll wrote:
I only have a minor feature request for the preferences architecture: it 
would be nice to be able to define default HttpMethodParams per 
HttpClient instance. (i'm not sure, but you may already have taken care 
of that).
Actually that was one of the design goals of the new preferences 
architecture: To be able to set and override any parameter at any level.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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2.0 Webapp tests failing

2004-09-17 Thread Ortwin Glück
Some of the Cookie tests are currently failing. Can some Cookie expert 
have a look into this?

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Re: HttpClient 3.0 is kind of done. Feedback needed

2004-09-16 Thread Ortwin Glück

Gerdes, Tom wrote:
What is the web site... 
I guess we should upload a copy of the 3.0 website and place a link to it.
Users can create the website by checking out the CVS and run Maven 1.0:
 maven site:generate
You will then find the Site under target/docs/index.htm
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: unable to find line starting with HTTP

2004-09-09 Thread Ortwin Glück
please take a look at our logging guide:
Try and get a wirelog of the communication. That will help to track down 
the problem.

Ortwin Glück
Juan Pedro López Sáez wrote:
Hello all.
From time to time I'm getting the following exception in my application:
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing
the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with
How can I manage it in my application? Can I find out what's going
wrong? Is it a server side issue?
Thank you very much.
Juan Pedro Lopez

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 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28728] - HttpUrl does not accept unescaped passwords

2004-09-08 Thread Ortwin Glück
Hey Roland,
Unfortunately this has nothing to do with the URL Scheme in use (HTTP 
here). But only with the authentication scheme used for the specific URL 
and the software that interpretes the userinfo part of the URL. If the 
server requires NTLM for instance, userinfo could contain a NT domain 
attribute as well. Until now I have never encountered anything else than 
the username:password format, however. Also to my knowledge, there is no 
RFC for a HTTP URL specification where those formats for userinfo were 
defined. The username:password format merley seems to be an established 
quasi-standard that has been adopted by many software products. That 
means we can basically do what we think is right :-)

Roland Weber wrote:
Hi Odi,
since the class is named HttpURL (or HttpsURL), I don't
think we need to bother about non-HTTP URL schemes :-)

Anyway, I like your version with separate constructors
for escaped and non-escaped authentication data. It
gives maximum flexibility.
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: problem with reading response of a multipart post

2004-08-26 Thread Ortwin Glück

Tomislav Dedus wrote:
first of all great project.
But I'm having little trouble with a multipart post.All other requests are
working fine.
After I execute the MultipartPostMethod with a few (120) StringParts nothing
The log shows that I get the response header HTTP/1.1 100 continue but
thats all.
Then after while (9ms) a SocketTimeoutException  occures. 

Is there a problem in my code or is that a known problem?

it seems that IIS expects you to use a 100 continue handshake. Try and 
enable it in HttpClient.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
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Re: HttpClient Reading Partial Response

2004-08-24 Thread Ortwin Glück

Manish Moorjani wrote:
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the quick response.
What I mean by partial response is as follows :
When I try accessing the url directly the application can do do things
1) Returns the response in one go
2) Keep on flushing after some data is fetched(say there are total 100 records, it 
displays 100 records first still the other 900 are getting fetched)
How do I implement the option 2 using HttpClient, that is can I get some part of the response from the URL and display it on screen and then make a 
request for remaining part so that timeout doesnt take place.
This is a server-side problem. You need to establish a custom protocol 
on top of HTTP to accomplish what you want. You could do it very simple 
and just use a custom HTTP header to tell your server that you want the 
data in chunks of a certain size:
 X-Chunksize: 100

Of course your server must interprete this header and send appropriate 
data that the client can handle.

On the client side you must not use HttpClients response buffering. So 
get the response as a stream from the HttpMethod.

Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: Status Bar keeps on going

2004-08-24 Thread Ortwin Glück

Manish Moorjani wrote:
When I use the HttpClient even after the page is fetched and displayed on the browser, I still see the status bar(of browser) movng for about 20 seconds.
I guess you need to explain the relation between Internet Explorer and 
HttpClient. Because by default there is none.

Ortwin Glück
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Re: HttpRecoverableException

2004-08-20 Thread Ortwin Glück
The question is, why does the method need to be retried in the first 
place. You should avoid having to retry expensive methods like POST and 
PUT normally. Furthermore a lot of questinos arise here:
 * Which version of HttpClient are you using?
 * Is it an authentication problem? (would expect a different exception)
 * Are you using a proxy by any chance?
 * Are you opening many simultanous connections to the same host?
 * Which HTTP Version does the server use?
 * Can you provide a wire log or packet log of the communication?

Ortwin Glück
Labajo, Dennis wrote:

Hi all.

I badly need help on an error (HttpRecoverableException) I'm getting.
Here's part of my java source code:


 the class where httpclient instance is created 

MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager cmgr = new
cmgr.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled( true );
cmgr.setMaxConnectionsPerHost( 10 );
cmgr.setMaxTotalConnections( 100 );
HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(cmgr);
httpclient.setState( this.commonHttpState);



 class where httppost is made 

DefaultMethodRetryHandler methodretry = new DefaultMethodRetryHandler();
PostMethod httppost = new PostMethod(this.server_url.toString());



I do see the recoverable exception caught three times:

2004/08/19 11:55:44:650 CDT [INFO] HttpMethodBase - -Recoverable
exception caught when processing request

But on the fourth recoverable exception, I get this:

2004/08/19 11:56:07:440 CDT [WARN] HttpMethodBase - -Recoverable
exception caught but MethodRetryHandler.retryMethod() returned false,
rethrowing exception
2004/08/19 11:56:07:440 CDT [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager -
-Freeing connection,
protocol=https:443, port=443]
2004/08/19 11:56:07:440 CDT [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager -
-Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads
2004/08/19 11:56:07:490 CDT [WARN] MainMenu - -Web Service Exception:
he.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing the
status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with HTTP



Is there something I'm not doing right? 






 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: HttpClient performance

2004-08-20 Thread Ortwin Glück
I ran the profiler on
HttpClient 2.0-alpha3 and
HttpClient 2.0 Branch latest CVS
I basically used Oleg's test case provided in the email thread you 
mentioned (code included).
I turned off logging and stale connection checking. I ran the tests 
against a local Tomcat on a Win2k Pro workstation with JDK 1.4.2_02 in 
Eclipse 3.0.

The profiler used was:
Feel free to discuss the results attached to this email.
Ortwin Glück
Zulfi Umrani wrote:
Just wanted to get the latest information on the performance issues
reported earlier. I have gone through the below emails from Archive, but
could not get a definite solution to the performance problem. Wondering
whether a definite solution was found and whether there is a patch
available. We tested the performance using pre-release-candidate version
of HttpClient(2.0) and it was much better than the release-candidate
versions and the final 2.0 version of HttpClient. Please note that I did
try using the  SimpleHttpConnectionManager and calling the
setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled method with false argument. The
performance does improve, but it is still slower than using JDK-1.4.2. I
will appreciate if someone who knows the solution can respond.[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=781750[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=781859[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=781909[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=779703

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 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: HttpClient performance (with download URL)

2004-08-20 Thread Ortwin Glück
I ran the profiler on
HttpClient 2.0-alpha3 and
HttpClient 2.0 Branch latest CVS
I basically used Oleg's test case provided in the email thread you
mentioned (code included).
I turned off logging and stale connection checking. I ran the tests
against a local Tomcat on a Win2k Pro workstation with JDK 1.4.2_02 in
Eclipse 3.0.
The profiler used was:
Feel free to discuss the results. Results are available for 7 days at:
Ortwin Glück
Zulfi Umrani wrote:
Just wanted to get the latest information on the performance issues
reported earlier. I have gone through the below emails from Archive, but
could not get a definite solution to the performance problem. Wondering
whether a definite solution was found and whether there is a patch
available. We tested the performance using pre-release-candidate version
of HttpClient(2.0) and it was much better than the release-candidate
versions and the final 2.0 version of HttpClient. Please note that I did
try using the  SimpleHttpConnectionManager and calling the
setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled method with false argument. The
performance does improve, but it is still slower than using JDK-1.4.2. I
will appreciate if someone who knows the solution can respond.[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=781750[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=781859[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=781909[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=779703

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 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12

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Re: Response content length is not known

2004-08-18 Thread Ortwin Glück

Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:
The best thing you could do to help solve the problem is to capture the HTTP traffic between the browser and the web server using a traffic analyzer. 
Have a look at Ethereal:
You can send us a packet log. (List may refuse large attachments and 
binary files).

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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 30388] - Performance Increase by setting the initial ByteArrayOS length

2004-08-11 Thread Ortwin Glück

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-08-10 17:12 ---
I have a complete template system that browses and parses webpages using
multi-line regex'es.  The test page was about 6-10K, on a local server with
little delay.  The measure was on the number of pages I could process in the
whole system with a limit on memory (256MB).  I can't send you the complete code
(my boss would hang me), but what I can say is that before that method was one
of the main bottlenecks, now it's the regular expression code.  The system being
tested is massively parallel, limited only by the number of threads on the
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager and on my executor (I'm using Doug Lea's
excelent concurrent library to manage works).  My settings were 500-1000
concurrent conns to that website.  Anything else?
When dealing with such a complex system, just measuring the overall 
throughput can be totally wrong and misleading. I suggest you run a 
decent profiling of your application to see where the *real* bottlenecks 
are. I mean 1000 concurrent connections to a webserver are extreme.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Follow up to Bug 30514

2004-08-10 Thread Ortwin Glück

What I'd like to know is - is there a case when the cleaner thread 
realizes it can clean these not-closed connections out?
A connection will always be closed at some point. You just need to wait 
long enough. HTTP Servers will typically drop unused connections after 
15 to 60 seconds because connections are valuable resources. Then it 
depends on the underlying OS how long it takes until the local resources 
are freed and the socket object can be collected.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Wrong getResponseBody() length and too long request

2004-08-03 Thread Ortwin Glück

Giorgi Javrishvili wrote:
I need to make some crash-tests on web application, so I found the
example in CVS - 
But the problem is, that the request lasts much longer then in reality
and method.getResponseBody() returns completely wrong data - 18MB for
600kb file.
What is 'reality'?
Why do you think the data is wrong?
Did you check what you were getting back from the server?
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Re: AW: AW: Wrong getResponseBody() length and too long request

2004-08-03 Thread Ortwin Glück
Giorgi Javrishvili wrote:
Man, you are a MAN!!!
Although I was pretty sure about that before, thanks for the 
confirmation :-)

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Re: setRequestHeader, GetMethod, non-HTTP

2004-07-07 Thread Ortwin Glück

Is there a way to set non HTTP headers, i.e. if I set XYZ I want to 
receive XYZ on the server? 
I tried setting the 
headers using GetMethod class's setRequestHeader method. 
This is the way to go.
 Apparently I
receive them as HTTP headers on the server (i.e.on setting XYZ
I receive HTTP_XYZ on the server.). 
If you set XYZ, then XYZ will be sent over the network.
I guess you are using a CGI interface on that server. So you need to 
handle the translation yourself. Nothing we can do here I fear.

Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: multipart/form-data Boundary issues

2004-06-29 Thread Ortwin Glück

Eric Dalquist wrote:
I've been looking through the code dealing with multipart form uploads 
and have a few questions. First off, what happens if the text that 
someone is uploading contains the boundary text since it is hard coded 
in this implementation?
Actually a hard coded boundary string is bad practice. It should be 
randomly generated each time. Feel free to file a bug report.

If your text is likely to contain the boundary string, you should use 
some Content-Transfer-Encoding like Base64 or quoted-printable or 
something. Please refer to the respective MIME specification (RFC-2045, 
RFC-2046, RFC-2047 and RFC-2049).

Also I'm actually looking at the code to reconstruct a 
multipart/form-data message body from a set of files and named 
parameters. I don't actually want to send a request, just create the 
body and write it to a stream.
That should pose no problem.
My only issue is that I need to be able 
to set the boundary string from my code.
Why would one want to set the boundary string explicitly? A MIME 
compliant server does not care about the actual boundary string value.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: Question regarding Bug 20744

2004-06-21 Thread Ortwin Glück

Marius Barbulescu wrote:
I see a strange '--' in each part but I don't know if it correct or not.
They are not strange but conform to RFC-2046.
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Re: Resend: disable httpclient logging

2004-06-21 Thread Ortwin Glück

darren jiang wrote:
additional info:
1.  this is a standalone java program,
2. the script to launch the java process as follows:
#classpath for CDS_RUNTIME







The classpath contains Log4J. So Log4J will be used by commons-logging.
#classpath for deactive Account /cancel subscription

-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/cvm/enhancements/BatchL -cp $CLASSPATH com.telstra.cvm.cancellation.BatchMain $1

The java.util.logging property will be ignored, since Log4J is preferred 
over JDK1.4 logging.

3. in its classpath, it contains both httpclient-20.jar and 
I think HttpClient is not shipped with Struts. No problem here.
4. I change the last line to be one of the following:
In which file? The default config file for Log4J is and 
is expected on the top level of the classpath. If you want to use a 
different filename or location you must configure Log4J manually from 
within your application.

   NONE of them works!
many thanks!
Darren Jiang

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: PostMethod 's recycle method has problem

2004-06-11 Thread Ortwin Glück

Himanshu Thube wrote:
Thanks for all your answers for my questions till now. I have a problem 
with PostMethod. When I reuse the same method it gives a exception that 
PostMethod  needs to be recycled. So I had put a check with help of 
hasbeenUsed() method of PostMethod and trying to recycle the PostMethod. 
Unfortunately my program hangs :( when it reaches recycle() call or even 
if I try to print the ResponseBody of method.
is there any good reason for recycling the PostMethod instead of 
creating a new one?
I personally don't like this whole recycling thing and I think it should 
be deprecated. I recommend creating a new Object for every request.

Ortwin Glück
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Re: [newbie-question] Port Management for HttpClient

2004-06-11 Thread Ortwin Glück

bagas wrote:
What Platform are you on?
Windows XP (but I might change the platform for the real deployment)
And this is the JVM :
java version 1.4.1_02
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_02-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_02-b06, mixed mode)
Can you provide a full stack trace please? OK Address already in use: connect
at Method)

This looks like a platform specific bug in the JDK. I can not find 
anything in Sun's Bug database though - only older stuff that matches. 
Can you try 1.4.2_04 and check if the bug is still there? 1.4.1 is known 
to be buggy...

Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: HttpClient 2.0 problems

2004-06-11 Thread Ortwin Glück

Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:
unable to find line starting with 'HTTP' error is reported
or if the content-length or transfer encoding sent by the server is 
malformed etc.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Deprecate HttpMethod#recycle

2004-06-11 Thread Ortwin Glück
+1 from me (although this is not a vote) :-)
Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:
I suggest HttpMethod#recycle method be deprecated in 2.0 and 3.0. This has already 
been suggested by Eric a while ago. We should have listened
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Re: PostMethod 's recycle method has problem

2004-06-11 Thread Ortwin Glück

Foran, Christopher wrote:
But what if you want a persistent connection?  
HTTPClient handles persistent connections with the connection manager.
If you call
releaseConnection() are you not dropping the line?
No, you are returning the connection to the pool. There is no guarantee 
that you will obtain the same connection to the server with the next 
request. But this is normally not necessary, as all connections are 

I was assuming that
.recycle() was the correct way to maintain a persistent connection.
Don't assume, read the docs.
you're welcome
Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: HttpClient Consultant Needed Immediately

2004-06-10 Thread Ortwin Glück

Lukas Bradley wrote:
Because we only issue certificates for personal
security reasons, we are not a valid certificate authority in Java's eyes.
All you need to do is import their private CA's certificate into the 
keystore, so their SSL certs can be verified.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: [newbie-question] Port Management for HttpClient

2004-06-10 Thread Ortwin Glück

bagas wrote:
 I think using 20 thread
in the same time means I only use 20 ports (and another 20 ports use by
the Webserver) at the same time and there is still a lot of ports in my
computer that HttpClient can bind but still HttpClient often throws
exception because trying to bind already bound Socket. 
What Platform are you on?
Can you provide a full stack trace please?
Ortwin Glück
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Re: HttpClient problems

2004-05-28 Thread Ortwin Glück
Some comments on the posted code:
1. You should execute releaseConnection in a finally block, to ensure 
the connection is returned to the pool in any case:

PostMethod post = null;
try {
  post = new PostMethod(urlAddress);
  /* ... */
} finally {
  if (post != null) post.releaseConnection();
Otherwise you the connection pool might run out of connections if 
exceptions occur.

2. You are setting the Authorization header manually. You could use 
HttpClient's built-in authentication logic instead.

3. You are setting the encoding in the Content-Type header to 
ISO-8859-1, but you do not specify any encoding in xmlStr.getBytes(). 
This assumes that the default platform encoding be ISO-8859-1, which is 
true for Windows in certain locales but not for most other platforms. 
Furthermore this assumes your ?xml ? Header uses 
encoding=ISO-8859-1, which I can not verify from the code. I suggest 
you get the XML Stream (not a String) from a DOM directly and specify 
the same encoding as in the Content-Type header.

paul wrote:
   It seems from the wire logs I gathered, that's the normal behaviour.
   I am creating a new HttpMethod object for every send.
   Only when I receive the response, then releaseConnection was called.
   Here's the code :
//convert trade to xml
String xmlStr = convertTradeToXMLString(trade, some1id, someid);
PostMethod post = new PostMethod(urlAddress);
post.setRequestHeader(Content-type, text/xml; 
post.setRequestHeader (Authorization, Basic  + encoding);
post.setRequestHeader(HTTP-Version, HTTP/1.1);
post.setRequestHeader (Connection, Keep-Alive);
   xmlInBytes =new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlStr.getBytes());
   if (xmlStr.length()  Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
else {
   // Execute request

toConsole(B4 sending xml, 
toConsole( Send xml to somewhere @ + new 
int result = httpClient.executeMethod(post);
   //System.out.println(Response body: );
MQClientConstants.toConsole( Reply from fxlink received 
@ + new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
String xml = post.getResponseBodyAsString();

Httpclient was created like this :
connMgr = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
 connMgr.setMaxConnectionsPerHost( MAXHOSTCONNECTIONS );//20 
setMaxConnectionsPerHost = +MAXHOSTCONNECTIONS);

 connMgr.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled( true );
setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled = +true);
 httpClient = new HttpClient(connMgr);
 httpClient.setTimeout(TIMEOUT);//5 secs


 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: HttpClient problems

2004-05-28 Thread Ortwin Glück

paul wrote:
About 1, I have added the changes.
2, I need to add some id, pwd into the authentication logic, does 
httpclient api allow for setting this details?
I don't think there is anything special. You can just create a 
UsernamePasswordCredentials object and add with the HttpState 
#setCredentials method. You might want to set an individual HttpState 
object per execute call as well. You should enable preemtive 
authentication as well. If you do that, set the realm to null in the 
setCredentials method. See API doc for details, and bug 29062 for not 
yet documented stuff :

3, Point noted, I will add that in.
I suggest you set up a test system, and run some massive multithreading 
tests against it to reproduce the problem reliably. So you can tell when 
you have fixed the problem.

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Re: does HttpClient transparently send proxy auth after getting HTTP 403 code?

2004-05-27 Thread Ortwin Glück

Alex Hunsley wrote:
My main question is: if I don't call setAuthenticationPreemptive(true), 
and if HttpClient tries to use a proxy and receives an HTTP 403 (proxy 
auth required) message back, will it transparently then give the proxy 
auth that I have set, or will it just give me the 403 code it received? 
On a 403 response from the proxy, HttpClient will try to authenticate 
with the proxy by repeating the request, if (and only if) you have set 
credentials that are applicable to the host and realm. If all auth 
attempts fail, you will get the 403 response back as a last resort.

Please make sure you set the correct hostname and realm for your 

p.s. I have had no luck at all finding a simple proxy that is runnable 
under cygwin or windows that will let me enable basic proxy 
authorization so I can test this.
Check out Squid, which is available for Cygwin (Web category) and native 
Window (which is kinda not well-supported). Its config file is huge 
(squid can do a lot) but quite straight forward.

Ortwin Glück
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Re: HttpClient problems

2004-05-27 Thread Ortwin Glück

paul wrote:
2004/05/26 20:09:50:564 SGT [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - 
-Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Connection reset


Does anybody know what causes the SocketException ? 
Not yet, but we're gonna find out for you :-)
Please produce a wirelog and send the section with the request / 
response immediately preceding the exception.
For instructions about how to make a wirelog please see our Logging Guide:

Please note that wire logging will slow down your application 
considerably! This is escpecially bad, because the problem you are 
experiencing seems to happen randomly. Please make sure you disable 
logging after you have successfully captured the output.

Is it becos I didn't
set a higher maximum connection per host using setMaxConnectionsPerHost 
on the MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager object ?
Probably not - just doesn't look like it.
Pls help. This is urgent as I am currently using it on a production system.
You are welcome. Maybe we should start offering commercial support and 
make A LOT of money :-)

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: NTLMv2

2004-05-27 Thread Ortwin Glück

Fuhrmann, Hauke wrote:
Hi there
finally seem to find my problem: The IIS I want to request web pages from
uses NTLMv2 authentification. I guess, the httpclient only supports NTLMv1,
is that true? As the password hashes in v1 and v2 are different, the
handshake will fail.
Will v2 be implemented in short term?
This question has been asked a while ago. See[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgNo=5973
The answer you are looking for is the last in that thread. (follow links 
on bottom of page)

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: HttpClient problems

2004-05-27 Thread Ortwin Glück

paul wrote:
2004/05/26 20:09:50:290 SGT [DEBUG] EntityEnclosingMethod - -Request 
body sent
2004/05/26 20:09:50:562 SGT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - -Closing the 
Why is the connection closed here? Who is doing this? The response has 
not been read yet!

Could this be a threading issue? Are you reusing HttpMethod objects? At 
what point you call HttpMethod#releaseConnection()?

Any code from your app available?
2004/05/26 20:09:50:563 SGT [INFO] HttpMethodBase - -Recoverable 
exception caught when processing request
2004/05/26 20:09:50:563 SGT [WARN] HttpMethodBase - -Recoverable 
exception caught but MethodRetryHandler.retryMethod() returned false, 
ing exception
2004/05/26 20:09:50:564 SGT [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - 
-Freeing connection, hostConfig=HostConfiguration[, 
protocol=https:443, port=443]
2004/05/26 20:09:50:564 SGT [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - 
-Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Connection reset

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: is this mailing list protected against spam harvesters?

2004-05-27 Thread Ortwin Glück

Alex Hunsley wrote:
Btw, is this mailing list protected against spam harvesters? 
No, as far as I can see not. I complained about this issue when 
Eyebrowse went online but my complaints were graciously ignored. Anybody 
on the PMC who is responsible for that?

 I know the
archives are published online, are the email addresses in the messages 
online protected in any way, or are they ripe for the harvesters?
Even worse, we have archives in mbox format here accessible for the 

There are some more archives that archive our lists:
 *  does a very good job at filtering out email addresses
 * is not bad, but not good enough
 Don't know about the rest.
Actually 95% of email I get is uninteresting mailing list junk, SPAM or 
virii, about 10-20 MB per day.

Ortwin Glück
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Re: Help on getting started using HttpClient

2004-05-26 Thread Ortwin Glück

Gowda, Prasad wrote:
!-- File: redirectmeta.html --
TITLELivelink - Redirection/TITLE
Now my question, how do I get the HttpClient to go to this redirect url and
retrieve the actual content.

Let me explain, that normally redirects are caused by the Location HTTP 
header and a redirect status code.
But the redirect in your case is requested by the body of the HTTP 
message, that is the HTML code. HttpClient is not HTML specific and not 
a web browser. Therefore HttpClient does not look into the HTTP message 
body and can not interprete HTML. You will need to parse the HTML code 
and find the meta tag yourself. You could either just write a simple 
parser for this specific purpose or employ a full-blown HTML parser [1].

[1] ask Google:

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 ortwin glück  [www]
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Re: retrieved wired code for Unicode

2004-05-25 Thread Ortwin Glück

K.M. Ku wrote:
Hi Mike
Thx for info. However, I cannot get the correct Unicode character after
storing in String. It is oK for ISO8859 (as it is the default charset of
httpclient, right?). Can you share me the correct method to store the
Unicode characters into String variable?
Thx a millon.

The server should set the correct encoding in the Content-Type header. 
Then you can use HttpMethod#getResponseAsString.

Otherwise use HttpMethod#getResponseAsStream and use a with a specified encoding.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Sun's and HttpClient

2004-05-19 Thread Ortwin Glück

Himanshu Thube wrote:
I am trying to suggest Apache Http client library against SUN for our application, our application requirement is as 
follows :

1. SSL support
HttpClient makes no assumptions about the underlying Transport Level 
Security. This is completely abstracted away by Socket Factories. You 
may use any SSL Implementation of your choice.

see the SSL Guide for more detailed information:
2. Reuse the SSLSession / HttpState while reconnecting to web server 
HttpClient can reuse open connections through a connection pool. You 
must do proper SSL session handling yourself.

3. Restablishing Http(s) connection multiple times to web server
No problem.
4. HttpClient should have same behaviour like a Browser (IE)
What do you mean exactly? HTTP is a standard. We follow the standards. 
For convenience we have support for 'browser compatibility' mode in some 
places like Cookie handling, to mimic common bugs in popular browsers. 
HttpClient also has an option (strict mode = off) to be forgiving about 
server-side HTTP misbehaviour (like plain wrong headers).

5. Asynchronous communication where Http client opens connection and 
should recieve data from server whenever server has some data for http 
You can get the response data as a non-buffered input stream. Reading is 
blocking. However you will need to account for connection timeouts.

6. Other requirements are Performance, etc..
HttpClient performs extremely well (set logging to a high level).
 From the web I found few comparisons but some of them were vague (e.g. 
One features page of Http client it is written The jdk has the 
HttpUrlConnection which is limited and in many ways flawed) but there 
is no concrete explaination for this.

Another comparison link 
does not provide sufficient comparison for my requirement.
That comparison seems up to date, even though it has been online for 
several years now. I would say 'fix turnaround' is very high here though.

Can someone provide concrete link or  information, about comparison 
between Apache Http client library against SUN for my 
requirements ?
None that I know of. If you find any third party reviews of HttpClient, 
please let us know.

For my requirement, I came up with only one valid point where Apache 
Http client library provides a API where I can associate HttpState with 
Http(s) connection. I guess if I dig more into JDK I will also find a 
way to do this over there.

One more question - Does HttpState contain the Credentials ? Does this 
also contain SSL information (certificates, etc...)  It is just a marker 
interface at the moment. So does it contain certificates, etc... like 
SUN's SSLSession ?
HttpState does contain the credentials. However SSL certificates are 
completely handled by the underlying SSL implementation. HttpClient does 
not handle those for you.

Ortwin Glück
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: StatusLine IndexOutOfBounds

2004-05-18 Thread Ortwin Glück
Sam Berlin wrote:
I'm not sure if this problem is still on CVS HEAD, but we're seeing it  
against 2.0rc2.  
would you mind writing a JUnit test case exhibiting the problem against 
CVS HEAD? Thanks.

Ortwin Glück
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Re: [VOTE] 3.0 alpha 1 release

2004-05-14 Thread Ortwin Glück

I would like to see issue fixed first.


Michael Becke wrote:

I propose that we mark the latest code in CVS HEAD as 3.0 alpha 1 and  
proceed with a release.  Please vote as follows:

 Vote:  HttpClient 3.0 alpha 1 release
 [ ] +1 I am in favor of the release, and will help support it.
 [ ] +0 I am in favor of the release, but am unable to help support it.
 [ ] -0 I am not in favor of the release.
 [ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).
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Re: [VOTE] 3.0 alpha 1 release

2004-05-14 Thread Ortwin Glück

Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

The sole purpose of 3.0 alpha1 release to get people look at the API and
give us some feedback on how it is shaping up. Alpha1 release is hardly
expected to be bug free
I really can't see why #28728 should be a release blocker


I agree it's not a release blocker. I don't wanna be a dick here. It is 
just a bug that requires nearly no effort to fix.  So why not include 
the fix in alpha.


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Re: [VOTE] 3.0 alpha 1 release

2004-05-14 Thread Ortwin Glück
with the patch for #28728 that was just committed.


Michael Becke wrote:

I propose that we mark the latest code in CVS HEAD as 3.0 alpha 1 and  
proceed with a release.  Please vote as follows:

 Vote:  HttpClient 3.0 alpha 1 release
 [ ] +1 I am in favor of the release, and will help support it.
 [ ] +0 I am in favor of the release, but am unable to help support it.
 [ ] -0 I am not in favor of the release.
 [ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).
 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Posting XML over authenticated connection using SSL

2004-05-14 Thread Ortwin Glück

Lee Francis Wilhelmsen wrote:
- The server responds saying not authorized with a realm value
- HTTP Client then resends the post using the credentitals
  I have supplied (why doesn't it do this the first time?)
This is the standard behaviour. You can enable preemtive authentication.

org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing 
the status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with 

DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized [\r][\n]
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Server: IBM HTTP Server/V5R3M0[\r][\n]
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 11:18:33 
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Accept-Ranges: bytes[\r][\n]
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Content-Type: text/html; 
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Content-Length: 282[\r][\n]
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Last-Modified: Fri, 14 May 2004 
11:18:33 GMT[\r][\n]
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Expires: Fri, 14 May 2004 11:18:33 
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Pragma: no-cache[\r][\n]
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  Cache-Control: no-cache[\r][\n]
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  WWW-Authenticate: Basic 
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  IMW0254E 
bgcolor=[0xfffd][0xfffd]FFF7E7H1Error 401/H1IMW0216E Not 
authorized.  Authentication failed.PHRADDRESSA 
HREF=; target=_topIBM HTTP Server - 
North American Edition V5R3M0/A/ADDRESS/BODY/HTML
DEBUG [main] httpclient.wire -  POST /sting/StingServlet 

Notice there is no closing  character and this seems to be the cause 
of this particular problem.

Why is this happening? Can anyone help?

Best regards
Lee Francis Wilhelmsen


The problem is that your server reports an incorrect Content-Length on 
the 401 Response body.
Count yourself: It sais 282 bytes. But the response is 283 bytes. (the 
two [0xfffd] sequences are one byte each). Nothing we can do here I fear.

Ortwin Glück

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: Posting XML over authenticated connection using SSL

2004-05-14 Thread Ortwin Glück

Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:
I agree with Odi that incorrect Content-Length value appears to be the culprit.
I suggest you also file a bug report with IBM. Not setting the content 
length correctly is a really gross violation of the HTTP 1.1 Protocol. 
It makes reusing the same connection completely impossible as the client 
must get out of sync.

Maybe you can also try and modify the 401 error document on the server 
side and see if that makes any difference.

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: HTTP 302 Console output handle question

2004-05-11 Thread Ortwin Glück

Mahamood, Saad (SD) wrote:
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException: Redirect from host to is not supported

WARNING: Invalid Redirect URI from: to:

My question is, how do I get a handle on this output within in my code?
Since I want to be  able to display to the end user the redirected website
that they should be referencing to. 
Please read:

The website below talks somthing about logging, but again I have no idea how
to use it:
Please refer to the Commons Logging and the Log4J websites.

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Re: A few remaining issues to be discussed before we cut 3.0a1

2004-05-10 Thread Ortwin Glück
Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
(1) Since this release is going to be incompatible with 2.0 API anyways,
I suggest HttpException be changed to derive from Exception and not
As you know, I have a very relaxed oppinion of breaking API 
compatibility. I am in favour of this change.

(2) I no longer want to conceal my frustration with the way bugzilla is
managed. Frankly I am fed up. I suggest we seriously consider moving to
Anything I can help here?

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: A few remaining issues to be discussed before we cut 3.0a1

2004-05-10 Thread Ortwin Glück

Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:

As you know, I have a very relaxed oppinion of breaking API
compatibility. I am in favour of this change.
Same here. But I have to admit we might be a minority on this issue
You know, the Swiss like votes, and democracy :-)

Anything I can help here?

Only to help me drown my frustration in a few beers ;-) On a more serious note, I do not think there's much we can do. Our only option is to vote in favour of migration to Jira and hope that Jira is better supported
You got my +1


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Re: [VOTE] Migrate HttpClient issue tracking from Bugzilla to Jira

2004-05-10 Thread Ortwin Glück

 Vote:  Migrate HttpClient issue tracking from Bugzilla to Jira
 [x] +1 I am in favor of the proposal, and will help support it.
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Re: [newbie] Logger Appender

2004-05-05 Thread Ortwin Glück
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, C
log4j.appender.F.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %-5p [%t] %c %3x - %m\n
log4j.appender.N.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %-5p [%t] %c %3x - %m\n
log4j.appender.C.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %-5p [%t] %c %3x - %m\n

The above defines 3 different appenders and uses the console appender 
for DEBUG level (all) output.
To use the file appender instead, change the first line to:
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, F

Please refer to the Log4J documentation or other resources on the web 
for more information.

Ortwin Glück

bagas wrote:
Hi all,
I try to use log4j as httpclient logger but I receive a warning :
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
How can set an appender to a logger ? please give me a example

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: IIS (NTLM) + proxy server (NTLM or basic) problem

2004-05-04 Thread Ortwin Glück

Adrian Sutton wrote:
There is absolutely no way that 
HttpClient can authenticate with both an NTLM proxy and an NTLM host at 
the same time.  The protocol just doesn't allow for it,
It would be worth mentioning that in a sentence or two in our 
authentication guide.

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Re: Using HttpClient for a servlet include

2004-05-03 Thread Ortwin Glück

Beller, Maximilian wrote:
But I need the external action to access my HttpServletRequest(session)
and HttpServletResponse. 
Those are local objects you can not and should not expose to external 
applications. Please consider the use of web services in conjunction 
with EJBs. Otherwise I fear you will end up in a terrible mess.

Ortwin Glück

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
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Re: Bug in HTTPUrl?

2004-04-28 Thread Ortwin Glück

Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
Any idea what to do with one? First of all, user name and password in
HTTP url is something completely new to me. Any idea what Sung-Gu had in
We need to check what is the allowed character range that is supported 
in the username/password part of a HTTP-URL and how that is compatible 
with the URI specs and if there is any escaping defined. Maybe we'll 
just raise an exception if invalid characters are found.

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Re: Bug in HTTPUrl?

2004-04-28 Thread Ortwin Glück

Roland Weber wrote:

Hi Oleg,

see RFC 2396, URI: Generic Syntax, section 3.2.2:


   Some URL schemes use the format user:password in the userinfo
   field. This practice is NOT RECOMMENDED, because the passing of
   authentication information in clear text (such as URI) has proven to
   be a security risk in almost every case where it has been used.

of course it is out of question that this poses security problems. But 
this fact does not make the URI classes less buggy.

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Re: Bug in HTTPUrl?

2004-04-28 Thread Ortwin Glück

Roland Weber wrote:

Hi Ortwin,

the quote was not meant as an estimation.
Just a hint why that part of the URI spec
might be less well known as others.
Ok :-)

BTW, the section also defines the valid characters:

  userinfo  = *( unreserved | escaped |
 ; | : |  | = | + | $ | , )
unreserved= alphanum | mark
  mark  = - | _ | . | ! | ~ | * | ' |
  ( | )
escaped   = % hex hex
alphanum  = (is just [a-zA-Z0-9])
So, actually this seems not to be a bug in the URI classes directly. The 
hash # character should have been escaped with %23 in the first place. 
All we could do is check for invalid characters and throw an exception 
here. I'm just not sure if this check is actually worth it. Probably 
not. It makes parsing overly complicated. We should just well formatted 
input for URI and HttpURL classes.

Gustav, can you live with this answer?

Ortwin Glück

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Re: customizing debugging levels per httpclient instance

2004-04-27 Thread Ortwin Glück
Jorrit Kronjee wrote:
I would like 
to see the wire of one of the threads, but suppress the other. 
Currently this is not possible. A simple workaround with Log4J is:
  * set your logging string to include the thread name
  * grep the log for the thread name you whish

Ortwin Glück

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Re: [newbie] SSL

2004-04-27 Thread Ortwin Glück

bagas wrote:

Dear All,

I am sorry let me rephrase my question.
What I want to ask are
1. How do I check and approve a certificate sent by a web server in
https request? So that I don't get error like :
ption: No trusted certificate found.
2. Can a HttpClient uses a certificate so that it can be verified by a
webserver that it trying to connect? If this can be done please give me
an example?
Thank You.
Rahmat Bagas Santoso
Please check out the SSL guide

which should answer your questions.

As statet frequently on this list, HttpClient makes no assumptions about 
the underlying SSL implementation. Please refer to the documentation of 
your SSL implementation for further information.

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Re: using it as a http-url-handler...

2004-04-27 Thread Ortwin Glück
There is o.a.c.h.util.HttpURLConnection. It's ancient and I don't know 
if it will work for you, but it's certainly a starting point.

gabor wrote:

i know this has been asked before, but maybe some progress has been
i need to use httpclient as a http url-handler in java (registering it
with java.protocol.handler.pkgs and so on).
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Re: Socket redirect

2004-04-21 Thread Ortwin Glück

Thorsten Scherler wrote:
I have written a sonar for web services. One part of that application 
is the httpClient.
Thorsten, which version of HttpClient are you using?

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Re: Socket redirect

2004-04-21 Thread Ortwin Glück

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

2.0 rc2
Please consider updrading to 2.0 final. This should not need any changes 
in your application.

...but like I stated in the last mail it was NOT a problem of the 
httpClient after all. The problem was a misconfiguration of our server! the way sorry for the hassle!

King regards
Never mind.

Ortwin Glück

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Re: License 2.0 Broilerplate

2004-04-19 Thread Ortwin Glück

Jandalf wrote:
Any objections?
I completely agree.

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Re: question about performance

2004-04-13 Thread Ortwin Glück

Alvarez, Gil wrote:

After the port, we saw a significant increase in cycles used by the
machines, about 2-3 times (ie, the load on the boxes increased from
using up 20% of the cpu, to about 50%-60% of the cpu.
Besides the hints already given, you should profile your application to 
find out where the most CPU time is spent. Using Eclipse Profiler 
Plugin, this is a simple task.

Ortwin Glück

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Re: JRE problem

2004-04-07 Thread Ortwin Glück

Thiago Kleinubing wrote:
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: AppTeste, method: init signature: ()V) Incompatible object argument for function call
The Exception suggests that the class AppTeste is causing the problem. 
You should try and recompile your Applet with a Sun JDK 1.3 or use the 
-target 1.3 option. Please note that this has nothing to do with the 
HttpClient library.

Ortwin Glück

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Re: Logging issue

2004-04-07 Thread Ortwin Glück
paul wrote:

   Both classpaths are the same and both don't have log4j. The jars are 
commons-httpclient-2.0.jar  commons-logging.jar . But when compiling, 
it have log4j before commons-logging.jar, does it matter?

Are you running the same JDK version on both machines? Commons-logging 
will use JDK 1.4 logging automatically if available. You can also try 
and pass the System properties on the java command line (-D option).

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Re: Bug in HTTPUrl?

2004-04-02 Thread Ortwin Glück
It seems that the problem is in line 1886 that does not like 
meta characters in the userinfo. Should we be escaping the userinfo 
somehow (?) before passing the string to URI?


Gustav Munkby wrote:


If I do:

HTTPUrl url = new HTTPUrl(kurt, nicepass#, hostname, 80, path);

throws a URIException with message port number invalid.

First of all the message is wrong...

Next attempt was to urlencode the password, which resulted in the above 
line working, but the password was sent url-encoded to the destination, 
which can hardly be the desired behaviour?

Gustav Munkby

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Re: The httpclient.wire log.

2004-03-31 Thread Ortwin Glück

Geir H. Pettersen wrote:

I have been using the commons httpclient successfully since rc1. Great work
guys! This is the best client that I ever have used in java.
Thanks for the flowers, Geir!

The httpclient.wire log is fantastic, but there is something there that
bothers me a bit. Before the characters are written to log, they are decoded
with US-ASCII (or the default character set if that fails).
The problem with this is if you try to debug http traces with special
character you will actually lose information on what is actually sent.
My example is: I am having some encoding problems with my client, and I want
to check exactly what bytes I am sending. I am sending the three Norwegian
characters (1)æ (2)ø and (3)å. (ae together, o with a slash and a with a
ring over).
(1) is encoded in UTF-8 as 0xc3 0xa6
(2) is encoded in UTF-8 as 0xc3 0xb8
(3) is encodes in UTF-8 as 0xc3 0xa5
The problem is when I try to POST these three characters. It is logged as:
[0xfffd][0xfffd][0xfffd][0xfffd][0xfffd][0xfffd] (but actually that is not
what is sent)
I want the log to be: [0xc3][0xa6][0xc3][0xb8][0xc3][0xa5]
I think, just using the default platform encoding is as bad as using 
US-ASCII because it does not reflect was is *really* sent over the wire. 
Actually the wirelog should ideally provide all bytes in hexadecimal 
representation along with their supposed interpretation as characters in 
some encoding (such as default platform encoding). A presentation 
similar to hexdumps would me nice IMHO. However this might imply a small 
buffering (16 bytes per line) to make a nice layout.

Sample output (hex values do not match text):

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Re: Connection Pooling/Piplining

2004-03-31 Thread Ortwin Glück

Vimarsh Vasavada wrote:

Hello all.
We have following challenge to address :
1. We have 2 JBOSS Servers, say, S1 and S2
2. There will be 1,00,000 distinct-client-threads fired to
3. S1 will have hence virtually 1,00,000-threads attempting to exchange
request/response with S2 only.
What is your server hardware and operating system that you want to 
handle 100'000 threads?

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Re: Setting maxTotalConnections and maxHostConnections

2004-03-31 Thread Ortwin Glück
Eric Bloch wrote:
Which JVM?  I usualliy bench against Sun's; ( JRockit benched worse last 
I tried it (it was a year ago or more))
Sun and IBM are usually a little faster than Blackdown. JRockit has 
'ThinThreads' which may be a good thing here.

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Re: [VOTE][PROPOSAL] Promote HttpClient to Jakarta Level

2004-03-23 Thread Ortwin Glück

Unfortunately too busy at work to be of great help :-(

Ortwin Glück

Adrian Sutton wrote:
 Vote:  Promote HttpClient to Jakarta level
 [ ] +1 I am in favor of the proposal, and will help support it.
 [X] +0 I am in favor of the proposal, but am unable to help support it.
 [ ] -0 I am not in favor of the proposal.
 [ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).
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Re: [VOTE] suspend use of @author tags

2004-03-17 Thread Ortwin Glück

Michael Becke wrote:

Given the current ambiguity regarding @author tags I propose that we  
suspend their use for contributors without a CLA on file.  This is  
meant to be a temporary solution until something official is endorsed  
by the ASF board.


 Vote:  Suspend use of @author tags
 [ ] +1 I am in favor of the proposal
 [ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).

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Re: OutOfMemory if using PUT

2004-03-17 Thread Ortwin Glück

please have a look at this example:

(link may be wrapped)

Kind regards

Ortwin Glück

martin hilpert wrote:

i using the HttpClient in a Java Applet but
if i transfer a file larger then 32MB i get a OutOfMemory.
does some others has the same bug?

greetz from Germany

 NOSE applied intelligence ag
 ortwin glück  [www]
 software engineer [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hardturmstrasse 171   [pgp id]   0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich   [office]  +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland   [fax] +41-1-277 57 12
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Re: OutOfMemory if using PUT

2004-03-17 Thread Ortwin Glück

martin hilpert wrote:
that means there is no work around WITH PUT ?
The two alternatives ARE the work around!

that are both POST requests?
The same applies to PUT methods as well as PUT basically works the same 
as POST.

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Re: OutOfMemory if using PUT

2004-03-17 Thread Ortwin Glück

martin hilpert wrote:

Hi Ortwin,

Not from within HttpClient directly. You can however simply wrap your 
stream and count the bytes read through the respective methods.
 how can i wrap it?
any sampel code?
Errm... Ever heard of the class? It is 
intended to be a base class for such a thing linke you need. If you are 
using Swing you can just use javax.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream.


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Re: OutOfMemory if using PUT

2004-03-17 Thread Ortwin Glück

martin hilpert wrote:
i dont understand how i can monitor the stream.

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
PutMethod put = new PutMethod(zielurl);
FileInputStream fin =new FileInputStream(C:\test.jpg);
  MonitorInputStream min = new MonitorInputStream(fin);
class MonitorInputStream extends FilterInputStream {

   public MonitorInputStream(InputStream in) {

   public  int  read(byte[] b, int off, int len) {
 int bytesRead =, off, len);
 ... do what you like with bytesRead now ...

 return bytesRead;

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Re:[OT] Looking for Http Tool

2004-03-15 Thread Ortwin Glück

this question is off topic here; we are not Google nor ExpertExchange. 
So don't expect too many answers. But I guess even wget has the feature 
you are looking for.

Ortwin Glück

Robert Douglass wrote:
I'm looking for a tool that intelligently makes rule-based static copies of
dynamic sites. [...]
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Re: unable to find line starting with HTTP error

2004-03-15 Thread Ortwin Glück

Dr. K.M. Ku wrote:
Roottelnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /ijac/14/1401/S02181967041401.html HTTP/1.0
body bgcolor=#FF
div align=center
I cannot find the response header. I think this is the origin of the
problem. Is there any workround/patch to this issue? It is passive way to
tell the webmaster to fix the problem.

Without response line and headers this is not HTTP. You don't need 
HttpClient. You can just open a socket, write the request line and get 
all the data. That's it.

Ortwin Glück

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Re: NTLM authenticity problem

2004-03-12 Thread Ortwin Glück
Get HttpClient from here:

Make sure you put the jar file on your classpath.

Ortwin Glück

Marcelo Muzilli (IG) wrote:

Howdy people,
	I´m a newbie in Servlet programming and I need to develop a code to
run in a Ms IIS Webserver (the code needs authenticate in the IIS using the
NTLM authentication protocol). 
	I found a code that will authenticate me but I have not success for
this. I downloaded the .JAR and DOCs from the Jakarta homepage and if you
try to compile the following example code (found in the link, it returns na error because there is no
libs, listed above, inside the .JAR:

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthPolicy; 

	Please, where could I find it or please if somebody could help me? 

Thanks in advance,

Marcelo Muzilli

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-11 Thread Ortwin Glück

Dan Christopherson wrote:

I think that owner is intended in the sense of the primary person 
responsible for maintaining, not in the sense of the legel owner.
Honestly, there is no such thing in this project. The responsible 
persons are the (few) active committers. Those change (slowly) over 
time. Also, the term author rather suggests origin than maintainance 
of the code.

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Re: @author tags

2004-03-10 Thread Ortwin Glück

Michael Becke wrote:

The ASF has recently recommended that we discontinue use of @author 
tags.  When first starting out I always enjoyed seeing my name in 
lights, though I do agree with the ASF's opinion on this matter.  If 
we come to a consensus to remove @authors I suggest that we remove them 
from all existing code, as well as leave them out of new additions.   
Any comments?

I always liked the author tag. But following the news about the SCO vs. 
the rest of the world case makes me a little concerned these days. I 
welcome ASF's decision to protect their contributors from legal issues. 
Removal of author tags are okay with me. There still are CVS logs of 
course and the contributor list on our web site.

Ortwin Glück

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Re: [VOTE] Promote HttpClient to Jakarta level

2004-03-10 Thread Ortwin Glück

Ortwin Glück
 Vote:  Promote HttpClient to Jakarta level
 [ ] +1 I am in favor of the move, and will help support it.
 [x] +0 I am in favor of the move, but am unable to help support it.
 [ ] -0 I am not in favor of the move.
 [ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).
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Re: @author tags

2004-03-10 Thread Ortwin Glück

Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:
I could also imagine some sort of 'thank you' page listing individuals with their respective contributions. 
The real question is what is to be done with all the contributions made up to now. 
Yes, let's just put together that 'thank you' page (think of it like the 
credits of movie). The question is if we just want to list the names or 
if we actually want to go into some level of detail as to how much or 
what the person contributed.

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