[FairfieldLife] Well, aakaashaM no 'palipyate (na + upalipyate)!

2012-09-24 Thread card

See Giitaa XIII 32 here (p. 312):


It seems to be important to do dhaaraNaa (to concentrate)
on the relationship between body and aakaasha, because,
due to its subtlety (saukSmya; Meissner effect?) it (aakaasha) is not tainted 
(na; upalipyate)by the negative vibrations from the surroundings, like the 
superconductive materials are not tainted by the magnetic field in magnetic 
levitation (due to Meissner effect?)...


[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires 
 that Curtis enter into it. 

Saw this flash by in Message View and had to comment
that this is insanity. Neither Ann nor Robin has
either the ability or the right to make such a post.

They're both just attention vampires hoping they can 
suck yet another victim into interacting with them. 
And what they're both upset about is that it isn't

[FairfieldLife] New Ammachi Yahoo group list

2012-09-24 Thread Ravi Chivukula

If anyone's interested on Ammachi related discussion. It's moderated by a
woman I recently became friends with - in the last month, she is a very
nice, balanced woman.

Looks like the moderator of Ammachi_free_speech_zone has been pressured by
MA Center to give up the moderator duties to an overtly biased Amma
supporter and this mad yogi was duly kicked off :-)


[FairfieldLife] Robin and pussycats

2012-09-24 Thread card





[FairfieldLife] Re: The experience we are almost certain to have to go through

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Whose woods these are I think I know.
  His house is in the village though;
  He will not see me stopping here
  To watch his woods fill up with snow.
  My little horse must think it queer
  To stop without a farmhouse near
  Between the woods and frozen lake
  The darkest evening of the year.
  He gives his harness bells a shake
  To ask if there is some mistake.
  The only other sound's the sweep
  Of easy wind and downy flake.
  The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
  But I have promises to keep,
  And miles to go before I sleep,
  And miles to go before I sleep. ~ Robert Frost

Thanks for the link, Judy, beautiful performance. It's tempting to go beyond 
the simplicity of the poem about someone away from home and responsibilities 
and just pausing to watch the snow fall. The composer captured the wistful mood 
of the poem. Although the poem may portend death and the contemplation of 
death, I think the durge like quality of music is too heavy an interpretation. 
Frost may have wondered what it would be like to allow himself to be peacefully 
lulled to sleep in the snow.  It's more about wonder and embracing the beauty 
of the moment than a desire to freeze to death. The composer gets the 
wondering, wistful quality of the poem but I think he got suckered into the 
suicide angle. 

On a snowy night many years ago, scintillating particles of light all around, 
tree branches bowed low, I remember laying down in a big pile of snow and 
wondering how long I could remain comfortably ensconced in my snow nest. It was 
so peaceful and restful I thought how easy it would be to fall asleep and 
freeze to death.  I wasn't drunk and had no desire to die so the reality of 
feeling cold set in rather quickly. Surrendering to the beauty of the moment in 
the snow makes it impossible to have a care in the world. Frost and I 
understand each other.  



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 11:17 PM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
  Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires
  that Curtis enter into it.

 Saw this flash by in Message View and had to comment
 that this is insanity. Neither Ann nor Robin has
 either the ability or the right to make such a post.

 They're both just attention vampires hoping they can
 suck yet another victim into interacting with them.
 And what they're both upset about is that it isn't

Barry baby - it's OK - all of us here by now, know you read every single
message, you need to stop this Message View drama, looks pretty - what's
the word I'm looking for - aah emotionally stunted. My old man's post was
brilliant BTW and I dare either you or Curtis to respond to it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The experience we are almost certain to have to go through

2012-09-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Whose woods these are I think I know.
   His house is in the village though;
   He will not see me stopping here
   To watch his woods fill up with snow.
   My little horse must think it queer
   To stop without a farmhouse near
   Between the woods and frozen lake
   The darkest evening of the year.
   He gives his harness bells a shake
   To ask if there is some mistake.
   The only other sound's the sweep
   Of easy wind and downy flake.
   The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
   But I have promises to keep,
   And miles to go before I sleep,
   And miles to go before I sleep. ~ Robert Frost
 Thanks for the link, Judy, beautiful performance. It's 
 tempting to go beyond the simplicity of the poem about 
 someone away from home and responsibilities and just 
 pausing to watch the snow fall. 

When asked to reveal the hidden meaning of his poems, 
Robert Frost's response was If I wanted you to know 
I'd had told you in the poem.

The only response this poem evokes in me -- or has
ever evoked -- is the image of someone stopping on a 
journey to appreciate the Silence, before continuing
on. I've never understood those who had to project
more into it than that.

When it comes to the Big D, I can think of no better
lines than several of Bruce Cockburn's, inserted into 
a song that actually *was* about death, the death of 
his good friend and fellow singer/songwriter Mark

Death's no stranger
No stranger than the life I've seen...

Gone from mystery into mystery
Gone from daylight into night
Another step deeper into darkness
Closer to the light

But then I think I share with Mr. Cockburn a lack of
a fear of death, and a similar lack of focus on it.
It will happen soon enough, and when it does only
then will we be able to say anything whatsoever about
the nature of its mysteries. And then -- the ultimate
joke -- no one will be able to hear us expound upon 
them, if there even is an us left to expound upon
anything. Either we'll be off to new adventures, or
it'll just be the Big Black. Either way, the mystery
remains unsolved back in the place/time we just left.

I've prepared for death only as far as pre-selecting
the song that my friends and family can play at my
memorial service, should they feel they need to hold


I have friends who spent inordinate amounts of time 
studying techniques of Tibetan phowa, preparing for
their time in the Bardo, and hoping to secure the
highest possible rebirth for themselves, or in their
view the even higher possibility of getting off the
wheel altogether. The thing is, these same friends
don't seem to spend very much time appreciating
the world around them right here, right now, and 
all of *its* mysteries and beauties. I'm with Bruce
on this one...who CARES about the winds of the 
Bardo and where they'll take us, much less trying
to figure out how to make them take us where our
silly little selves think we should go. The here-
and-now wind is blowing in the here-and-now diamond
sky right here, right now. Its music is far more
interesting than any imaginary music we can imagine
in the afterlife. 

The afterlife is, after all, after life. Who wants
to miss life pondering it?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Good one, Curtis. You got a twofer, a double play. 
  You win the jackpot, a trip to Obfuscating Rehab 
  for the irony impaired. 
 Does anyone else get the feeling that this word is being 
 overused in a completely bogus way?

Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not 
think it means what you think it means. 

I resubmit my definition, which I think does more
justice to the way the word is used here than any

Irony (noun)
Saying what you really mean, and which you know
to be true, while pretending that it's not true,
and that you mean the opposite.

Synonym: having no balls.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 But she will continue, with her fifty posts a week, 
 fighting every battle large and small. Okay, medium 
 and small. Alright, alright. mostly all small. And 
 winning each one. Okay, vanquishing each opponent.  
 Alright, alright, annihilating any opposition with 
 her superior logic and ability to cite posts five 
 years back.

And with every single 50-battle week, demonstrating
that they're *all* meant as a distraction, to keep
people from noticing that she doesn't have anything
else to say. 

[FairfieldLife] Materialism

2012-09-24 Thread Buck
May we look upon our treasures, the furniture of our houses, and our garments, 
and try whether the seeds of war have nourishment in these our possessions.  
Holding treasures in the self-pleasing spirit is a strong plant, the fruit 
whereof ripens fast.  A day of outward distress is coming and Divine Love calls 
for us to prepare against it.



[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread laughinggull108

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Damn laughingoutloud108 - LOL..you know the secret, but why eyes closed and
 fingers crossed - you should have been brave and courageous. Anyway are you
 Vaj's long lost brother or something?

I am utterly devastated by that last question. Now you know MY secret...LOL. 
Now go play in the curds and ghee.

 On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 4:11 AM, laughinggull108
  (Sitting here with eyes tightly closed and fingers crossed) Baby
  Krishna...Baby Krishna...Baby Krishna...Baby Krishna...Baby Krishna...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Hey laughingstock108,
   I don't like your jerk-off name, I don't like your jerk-off face, I don't
   like your jerk-off behavior and I don't like you...jerk-off.
   Do I make myself clear?
   On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 8:55 AM, laughinggull108
Hang in there Share...you have at least one more supporter out here who
somewhat feels what you are trying to do. Susan was most certainly
when she indicated that FFL had become (and I'm summarizing here) a
somewhat different creature than what it started as so many years ago.
There's very little value in many of the comments made by certain
Everyone who even comes close to the 50 posts/week limit should look
at their posts from the past month or so and try to find those that
something significant towards the opening sentence to the description
this group: Fairfield Life focuses on topics of interest to seekers
finders) of truth and liberation everywhere. We can learn from each
if what is being offered is worthy of our attention. Knowledge IS
structured in consciousness...but I don't want to be anywhere near the
state of consciousness required to understand what some of you are
to say or do.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 About Judy's ways of not being truthful and to set the record
it was Robin not me who brought our conflict to FFL. And he did so
twice. And I mentioned that the first time he did so. Yet you
  began the
nitpicky piling on. Not Curtis, you. And you continued to do 
though you had not seen the initial private emails between me and
For me this is a crucial point. You did not know all that had been
between me and Robin. You certainly did not ever understand my
in the matter. Nor did you ever attempt to understand them. 
This is
also crucial.Â

 You continually piled on and nitpicked even though he brought the
conflict to FFL without asking how I felt about that. A reasonable
compassionate person would have let me and Robin work it out on our own
given these circumstances. Compassionate is obvious. 
is anyone here really qualified to help 2 people work out a
  conflict? If
yes, I'm 110% sure it's not you.

 This mercifully short post is a good example of what I don't like
your posting, Judy. You pick one technical aspect, that one about 
exchange. Which is probably technically correct in the sense that
nitpicky pilings on are not really exchanges. Yet you fail to 
aspects way more important:Â that it was Robin who brought the
twice onto FFL, not me; that you hadn't seen the initial private emails
between me and Robin; that you didn't attempt to understand where I was
coming from.

 These are your ways of not being truthful.

 From: authfriend authfriend@
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 7:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing
the Church of $cientology

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@
  Anyway, if by rabbit hole you mean my opinions of Judy, I
  assure you that Barry has little to do with that. When
  Judy butted in and continued to butt into a personal and
  emotional matter between me and Robin, that's when my
  current opinions of Judy were formed.

 You are not being truthful here, Share. You and I had
 *exactly one exchange* concerning the matter between
 you and Robin. I did not continue to butt in.

 Moreover, when you make public posts, you do not have
 the right to expect that nobody will comment on them,
 no matter how personal and emotional they 

[FairfieldLife] Top Ten Inspiring Tales from the Bible

2012-09-24 Thread turquoiseb
From http://listverse.com/2008/01/31/top-10-bizarre-biblical-tales/

10. A lesson for those who dare mock male pattern baldness
Found in: 4 Kings 2:23-24 http://www.drbo.org/chapter/12002.htm

One of the more inspirational passages in the Bible tells the story  of
Elijah, a wise man, yet one cursed with male pattern baldness. One  day
he was minding his own business, making the long walk to Bethel,  when
he is attacked by a roving band of children who tease him with  names
like bald head. But Elijah was having none of this, he turns 
round and curses them in the name of the Lord, and instantly two female 
bears emerge from a nearby wood and maul all 42 children to death.

The moral of this story? Don't make fun of bald people. Frankly, why
this story isn't included along with the Ten Commandments is
anybody's  guess, but I think it would serve as an excellent lesson
for children  who think baldness is something to be made fun of.

9. Eglon's ignoble death
Found in: Judges 3:21-25 http://www.drbo.org/chapter/07003.htm
Ehud is the Bible's sneakiest assassin (and also the only
left-handed  person mentioned in the Holy Book). He is on a mission to
deliver a  message from God to smarmy King Eglon. Ehud waltzes
in to meet the  gluttonous king, pulls out a sword and stabs Eglon in
the stomach. At  first he can't get it in, but he pushes harder and
eventually reaches  his intestine. Eglon is so overweight, we learn,
that his fat actually  covers the hilt of the sword, pushing it further
into his stomach until  it's not even visible. It's at this
point that Eglon loses control of  his bowels and begins to defecate
mercilessly all over his chamber. The  King's attendants eventually
come back, but do not enter Eglon's bed  chamber, assuming he is
relieving himself. After waiting to the point  of
embarrassment, his attendants burst in to find their king dead on 
the floor, covered in his own faecal matter. Meanwhile, Ehud had escaped
to the town of Seriah.

The moral of this story? Who cares, but it's damn cool.

8. Onan – cautious, yet foolish
8. Onan – cautious, yet foolish
Found in: Genesis 38:8-10 http://www.drbo.org/chapter/01038.htm

A story so eponymous, it gave way to its own neologism – onanism, an
archaic term for masturbation. Basically, God kills Er. Why? We
don't  really find out. However, in a stroke of good luck, Er's
father, Judah,  has given you the right, nay the duty, to have sex with
your dead  brother's wife. Onan is a bit apprehensive at first, but
agrees to go  through with this bizarre scheme to create a `true
heir' to Er. He  begins to have sex with the girl, but at the last
minute decides to pull  out and spill his seed upon the
ground. God is so irked he decides to  kill Onan too, and thus
nobody gets an heir. This story is the basis  for the Christian
condemnation of masturbation and birth control.

The moral of this story? In the words of Monty Python, Every sperm
is sacred…

7. A very disturbing tale

Found in: Judges 19:22-30 http://www.drbo.org/chapter/07019.htm

Within the Bible, one occasionally finds stories so horrible, one can 
wonder what their purpose is. Not only is this story utterly bizarre, 
but it is also absolutely disgusting. A man and his concubine are 
wandering the streets when they decide to seek shelter for the night, 
and find a man kind enough to let them stay. That night however, a group
of men turn up at the door and demand to see the guest so that they may 
have sex with him. The owner is unwilling to let his male lodger be 
raped and so offers up his virgin daughter instead. However, this is 
still not good enough for the men, so the owner offers them his
guest's  concubine and the men accept. The men brutally rape the
woman and leave  her on the doorstep where she bleeds to death. If that
is not enough,  when she is found by her husband, he chops her up into
twelve pieces  which he sends to each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

The moral of this story? I would hope none.

6. A novel way to show your love

Found in: 1 Kings 18:25-27 http://www.drbo.org/chapter/09018.htm

Before Byron, before Casanova, there was David. Young and in love, 
David desperately wants to marry Saul's daughter Michal and offers
Saul  anything he wants to let him marry her. What could Saul possibly
want?  Money? A vow of love? No. Saul wants foreskins. 100 to be exact.
Why?  Who cares. If you want my daughter, you're going to have to
find 100  foreskins by tomorrow. David finds this odd, but then again
this girl is  hot, so he goes out and kills 200 men, and collects their
foreskins.  It's only then he remembers that he only needs 100
foreskins. Oops. Oh  well, maybe if he hands over twice as many
foreskins, Saul will be  doubly as impressed. Indeed he is and duly
hands over his daughter to  David.

The moral of this story? Never be ashamed to do crazy things for love.
5. Like slicing salami
Found in: Exodus 4:24-26 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread laughinggull108

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Damn laughingoutloud108 - LOL..you know the secret, but why eyes closed and
 fingers crossed - you should have been brave and courageous. Anyway are you
 Vaj's long lost brother or something?

I am udderly devastated by your question...now you know MY secret...LOL. Now 
go play in the curds and ghee.

 On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 4:11 AM, laughinggull108
  (Sitting here with eyes tightly closed and fingers crossed) Baby
  Krishna...Baby Krishna...Baby Krishna...Baby Krishna...Baby Krishna...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Hey laughingstock108,
   I don't like your jerk-off name, I don't like your jerk-off face, I don't
   like your jerk-off behavior and I don't like you...jerk-off.
   Do I make myself clear?
   On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 8:55 AM, laughinggull108
Hang in there Share...you have at least one more supporter out here who
somewhat feels what you are trying to do. Susan was most certainly
when she indicated that FFL had become (and I'm summarizing here) a
somewhat different creature than what it started as so many years ago.
There's very little value in many of the comments made by certain
Everyone who even comes close to the 50 posts/week limit should look
at their posts from the past month or so and try to find those that
something significant towards the opening sentence to the description
this group: Fairfield Life focuses on topics of interest to seekers
finders) of truth and liberation everywhere. We can learn from each
if what is being offered is worthy of our attention. Knowledge IS
structured in consciousness...but I don't want to be anywhere near the
state of consciousness required to understand what some of you are
to say or do.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 About Judy's ways of not being truthful and to set the record
it was Robin not me who brought our conflict to FFL. And he did so
twice. And I mentioned that the first time he did so. Yet you
  began the
nitpicky piling on. Not Curtis, you. And you continued to do 
though you had not seen the initial private emails between me and
For me this is a crucial point. You did not know all that had been
between me and Robin. You certainly did not ever understand my
in the matter. Nor did you ever attempt to understand them. 
This is
also crucial.Â

 You continually piled on and nitpicked even though he brought the
conflict to FFL without asking how I felt about that. A reasonable
compassionate person would have let me and Robin work it out on our own
given these circumstances. Compassionate is obvious. 
is anyone here really qualified to help 2 people work out a
  conflict? If
yes, I'm 110% sure it's not you.

 This mercifully short post is a good example of what I don't like
your posting, Judy. You pick one technical aspect, that one about 
exchange. Which is probably technically correct in the sense that
nitpicky pilings on are not really exchanges. Yet you fail to 
aspects way more important:Â that it was Robin who brought the
twice onto FFL, not me; that you hadn't seen the initial private emails
between me and Robin; that you didn't attempt to understand where I was
coming from.

 These are your ways of not being truthful.

 From: authfriend authfriend@
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 7:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing
the Church of $cientology

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@
  Anyway, if by rabbit hole you mean my opinions of Judy, I
  assure you that Barry has little to do with that. When
  Judy butted in and continued to butt into a personal and
  emotional matter between me and Robin, that's when my
  current opinions of Judy were formed.

 You are not being truthful here, Share. You and I had
 *exactly one exchange* concerning the matter between
 you and Robin. I did not continue to butt in.

 Moreover, when you make public posts, you do not have
 the right to expect that nobody will comment on them,
 no matter how personal and emotional they are. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Share Long
Judy's attributing words to me that I did not write or even think is Judy's 
alternate approach to supplying subtext?!  Oh, wait, I think I get it.  
You're making a joke.  Please tell me you're making a joke.  And not twisting 
into a pretzel to avoid criticizing Judy.   

Raunchy, do you really think that the only parameter of fair fighting is 
keeping discussions out in the open?!  I disagree.  I think there are others 
that are at least equally important.

I notice how you put all of this on me and none of it on Judy, totally ignoring 
how she responded to my apology.  Of course that's what she did with the me and 
Robin kafufel.  Perhaps a requirement to belong to her clique?  

I would say rather if we can't be honest with ourselves, how can we be honest 
with others.  Discerning respected others have told me that I am honest with 
myself about my shortcomings to a very good degree.  Perhaps my memory is not 
as good as Judy's nor my ability to deal with the sheer volume of posts and 
archives.  But my intention about and devotion to big and little truths is at 
least as strong as hers, if not stronger.        

 From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use of 
 quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as I did 
 not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe herself?  Or someone 
 from another decade?  
 PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than a 
 rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter.  BTW, The previous sentence 
 shows the clean fighting way of using quotation marks as the words enclosed 
 therein were actually written by a FFL poster.    

You've got a pretty strong charge going on there, Share. Maybe it's something 
to reflect upon. It's quite clear to me Judy wasn't quoting anything you 
actually said. Her alternate approach to supplying subtext, that I've seen her 
use with Barry, might have been: Says Share, especially disliking the 
negativity of having her mistakes and falsehoods called to her attention. She 
really hates that. 

Seems to me fighting fairly means keeping the discussion out in the open. 
Private emails, or even the gist of them that leak into the public discussion, 
Sal's for example, is more likely to engender reality-obfuscating as well as 
mistrust and room to stretch or avoid the truth. 

I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere near the larger Truth if 
they have no concern for the smaller truths of everyday life, including on this 
forum. If we can't be honest with each other, how can we ever be honest with 
ourselves? ~J. Stein

  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:10 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy  everyone -- writing for the Church of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  My apologies to everyone including Judy for my part in
  this disagreement.  If anyone has questions or concerns
  about my part in it or in the one with Robin, again my
  request is that you email me directly for sake of
  sparing the forum any further negativity.
 Especially the negativity of having my mistakes and
 falsehoods called to my attention. I really hate that.


[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 quoting Judy:
  I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere near the larger 
  Truth if they have no concern for the smaller truths of everyday life, 
  including on this forum. If we can't be honest with each other, how can we 
  ever be honest with ourselves? ~J. Stein
 It sounds so good doesn't it.  Who could argue with that in theory.  But put 
 into practice by Judy, it just doesn't play out that way does it.
 But she will continue, with her fifty posts a week, fighting every battle 
 large and small.  Okay, medium and small.  Alright, alright. mostly all 
 small.  And winning each one.  Okay, vanquishing each opponent.  Alright, 
 alright, annihilating any opposition with her superior logic and ability to 
 site posts five years back.
 But that's our Judy.

Sounds like you've been on the losing end of an argument with Judy a time or 
two, Steve. Exactly how did she so handily annihilate you with her superior 
logic? Here's the thing, Steve,(Curtis can chime in here), it's not possible to 
be logical about anything unless you have command of the facts. You may have 
noticed, I certainly have, that the only time Judy nails you is when you don't 
have command of the facts and you end up making false statements. If someone 
made a false or misleading statement about you, would you want to let it stand 
or would you want people to know the truth? Of course you would you want the 
truth. Dollars to donuts, Judy would be the first to defend your honor and you 
would thank her for it. In veritate victoria: In truth, triumph.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Ann WB -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Share Long
Yes, cute dormouse, Ann.  Not looking at all pompous or reality avoiding which 
of course were the nasty parts of the metaphor.  And so of course not the ones 
you mentioned.  Your ignoring that does not do you justice.

Plus your ignoring Judy's part in this ie her response to my apology, does not 
do you justice either.

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use of 
 quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as I did 
 not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe herself?  Or someone 
 from another decade?  
 PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than a 
 rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter. 

Here is the thing, dear Share, although you have obviously taken exception to 
the metaphor of the dormouse as pertaining to you, it was a rather charming, in 
an interesting way, image and not one to get overly excited about. (See my 
photo of a rather adorable dormouse). On the other hand, I know you can do 
better in your description of Judy so that it encompasses not only your 
feelings (which seem to be hurt) as well as a degree of truthfulness and 
therefore potency without the ugly-esh negativity. I say this because I don't 
really sense that your rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter phrase as 
doing you the justice it could if you were to dig a little deeper to find the 
one that is just right. The one that fits your feelings right now but doesn't 
do you an injustice.

BTW, The previous sentence shows the clean fighting way of using quotation 
marks as the words enclosed therein were actually written by a FFL poster.    
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:10 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy  everyone -- writing for the Church of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  My apologies to everyone including Judy for my part in
  this disagreement.  If anyone has questions or concerns
  about my part in it or in the one with Robin, again my
  request is that you email me directly for sake of
  sparing the forum any further negativity.
 Especially the negativity of having my mistakes and
 falsehoods called to my attention. I really hate that.


[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
  quoting Judy:
   I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere near the
larger Truth if they have no concern for the smaller truths of everyday
life, including on this forum. If we can't be honest with each other,
how can we ever be honest with ourselves? ~J. Stein
  It sounds so good doesn't it. Who could argue with that in theory.
But put into practice by Judy, it just doesn't play out that way does
  But she will continue, with her fifty posts a week, fighting every
battle large and small. Okay, medium and small. Alright, alright. mostly
all small. And winning each one. Okay, vanquishing each opponent.
Alright, alright, annihilating any opposition with her superior logic
and ability to site posts five years back.
  But that's our Judy.

 Sounds like you've been on the losing end of an argument with Judy a
time or two, Steve.

Raunchy, you're kidding right.  Everyone has been on the losing end of
the arugument with Judy without exception likely beginning with her
first post.  Please don't state something some obvious.  I hope your
subsequent points are a little more substantive.

Exactly how did she so handily annihilate you with her superior logic?

Okay, I goofed.  In many cases the correct term would be twisted as it
pertains to logic. Er, her logic.

Here's the thing, Steve,(Curtis can chime in here), it's not possible to
be logical about anything unless you have command of the facts.

Facts are funny things.  That can be used in a context where they can
indicate different things.  The unemployment rate is 8.1%.  Romney: 
This is an unacceptable and a sign of continued failed economic policy. 
Obama:  The unemployment rate is on a steady decline.  It shows we are
on the right track to economic recovery.

You may have noticed, I certainly have, that the only time Judy nails
you is when you don't have command of the facts and you end up making
false statements.

Except that so much of what we discuss here are opinions.  Most of the
time what we discuss here are opinions.  I think the objection is that
Judy often states her opinions as fact.  And then there is what I have
called her ace in the hole where she can know what you actually mean
to say, or how you actually feel, even if you state the contrary.

If someone made a false or misleading statement about you, would you
want to let it stand or would you want people to know the truth? Of
course you would you want the truth. Dollars to donuts, Judy would be
the first to defend your honor and you would thank her for it. In
veritate victoria: In truth, triumph.

Of course I would want her to stand up for me in that situation.  And in
many cases I have seen her do that for me and others.  But in many other
instances I have seen her display tremendous partisonship in disputes
where, at least in my opinon, the truth is far away from the position
she is taking.  Again, just my opinion.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires 
  that Curtis enter into it. 
 Saw this flash by in Message View and had to comment
 that this is insanity. Neither Ann nor Robin has
 either the ability or the right to make such a post.
 They're both just attention vampires hoping they can 
 suck yet another victim into interacting with them. 
 And what they're both upset about is that it isn't


[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

 If someone made a false or misleading statement about you, would you
 want to let it stand or would you want people to know the truth? Of
 course you would you want the truth. Dollars to donuts, Judy would be
 the first to defend your honor and you would thank her for it. In
 veritate victoria: In truth, triumph.

It's an interesting example that you bring up here Raunchy.  I believe
you have taken the position that there are people (here) who don't
deserve to have the record corrected when a misrepresentation has been
made against them.  Or at least by the person who made the
misrepresentation.  And that is exactly the point I am making.  How
strong can one's committment be to truth, when it is so often trumped by
personal animosities?

 Of course I would want her to stand up for me in that situation. And
 many cases I have seen her do that for me and others. But in many
 instances I have seen her display tremendous partisonship in disputes
 where, at least in my opinon, the truth is far away from the position
 she is taking. Again, just my opinion.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Ammachi Yahoo group list

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
 Looks like the moderator of Ammachi_free_speech_zone has been
pressured by
 MA Center to give up the moderator duties to an overtly biased Amma
 supporter and this mad yogi was duly kicked off :-)

I'm sorry you've been derpived of an outlet to offer your opinion about
things Ravi.

However, I wonder if there is another side to the story?  You know,
their side?

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Good one, Curtis. You got a twofer, a double play. 
   You win the jackpot, a trip to Obfuscating Rehab 
   for the irony impaired. 
  Does anyone else get the feeling that this word is being 
  overused in a completely bogus way?
 Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not 
 think it means what you think it means. 
 I resubmit my definition, which I think does more
 justice to the way the word is used here than any
 Irony (noun)
 Saying what you really mean, and which you know
 to be true, while pretending that it's not true,
 and that you mean the opposite.
 Synonym: having no balls.


[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires 
  that Curtis enter into it. 
 Saw this flash by in Message View and had to comment
 that this is insanity. Neither Ann nor Robin has
 either the ability or the right to make such a post.
 They're both just attention vampires hoping they can 
 suck yet another victim into interacting with them. 
 And what they're both upset about is that it isn't


[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Good one, Curtis. You got a twofer, a double play. 
   You win the jackpot, a trip to Obfuscating Rehab 
   for the irony impaired. 
  Does anyone else get the feeling that this word is being 
  overused in a completely bogus way?
 Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not 
 think it means what you think it means. 
 I resubmit my definition, which I think does more
 justice to the way the word is used here than any
 Irony (noun)
 Saying what you really mean, and which you know
 to be true, while pretending that it's not true,
 and that you mean the opposite.
 Synonym: having no balls.

Susan: Very well put, Barry. Nice writing. I always like your point of view. 
You put a lot of thinking into your posts, and it shows. Also the travelling 
you have done. There are a lot of people on FFL who seem to want to stir things 
up. It's nice there are a few persons, like you and Curtis, who tell it like it 
is. You have such interesting things to say. I always learn something when I 
read one of your posts. Do you know anything about this Louis person? I thought 
he said some things about Robin that Robin needed to hear.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires 
  that Curtis enter into it. 
 Saw this flash by in Message View and had to comment
 that this is insanity. Neither Ann nor Robin has
 either the ability or the right to make such a post.
 They're both just attention vampires hoping they can 
 suck yet another victim into interacting with them. 
 And what they're both upset about is that it isn't

First of all, dear Barry, what are you talking about? Not that you will answer 
because you only speak to interesting people but you have left me scratching my 
fair head on this one. But I will ask a few rhetorical questions as others will 
be reading this since you will, no doubt, be busy photographing gravestones or 
watching the clock to make sure your dog is pooping on schedule.

Since when is interacting with someone categorized as being victimized? 
Attention vampire has no meaning for me, what does it mean to you? That when 
someone writes something they expect it may be read by a few other posters? 
Does it mean the writer is 'thirsty' for attention and writes all the time to 
assert their dogmatic opinions and continually berate others for their 
stupidity and obvious lack of sophistication and worldliness, or worse, their 
idealism? Take a look in the mirror Count, because that ain't me. And since 
when are you the granter of rights and freedoms on this forum? To say someone 
doesn't have the 'right' to expect a reply to something posted here? I demanded 
nothing by the way, but if Robin wants to well, gee, how outrageous. Just about 
as outrageous as your mock outrage here, dear Barry. 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Good one, Curtis. You got a twofer, a double play. 
   You win the jackpot, a trip to Obfuscating Rehab 
   for the irony impaired. 
  Does anyone else get the feeling that this word is being 
  overused in a completely bogus way?
 Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not 
 think it means what you think it means. 
 I resubmit my definition, which I think does more
 justice to the way the word is used here than any
 Irony (noun)
 Saying what you really mean, and which you know
 to be true, while pretending that it's not true,
 and that you mean the opposite.
 Synonym: having no balls.

I think he was referring to the word obfuscating, not irony.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

 The answer is of course that while this type of 
 architecture may be nice and may be interesting, 
 our health and well being and world peace are 
 NOT enhanced by it, this is a bullshit lie...

You have already been caught telling a fib here, 
Mr. Jackson - you only get one single bija mantra
in TM. How you got more than one TM bija mantra
from three TM teachers is beyond me. Obviously you
haven't been practicing TM. Go figure. 

Our health and well being and world peace are 
enhanced, or not, by by EVERYTHING we do, both
mental and physical. All actions are dependent on
other actions. 

Why do you think they call the family fireplace a 

   I noticed that you have not responded to the notion that 
   if sthapatya veda is so important to health, well-being 
   and world peace, seems like the Big M might have 
   mentioned it a few years ago so it could be working its 
   magic all these many years.
  MMY mentioned vastu before the erection of the Golden Dome 
  at Fairfield, IA, in 1972. Why do you think it's a dome?
   Perhaps you were not directing this to me, but I am not 
   a TM teacher, merely one of the peons who meditate.
  So, where did your TM bija mantra come from? 
  The point I'm trying to make is that the bijas mantras 
  used in TM practice came from the Sri Vidya sect. 
  So, I don't think they were 'made up' by MMY or Satyanand 
  or Nandakishore. This is probably the most important 
  aspect of TM practice that was mentioned on Usenet posts 
  which could discredit MMY, that TM was 'invented' by
  MMY, when in fact, it's a centuries old yoga technique
  used by Buddhists and Hindus since at least the time of
  the historical Buddha and the use of mandalas, if not
  long before in the Upper Paleolithic in South Asia, 
  according to historians.
  To sum up what has been established:
  If SBS had in his possession a Sri Yantra, and placed it 
  in the Brahmastan of his cave, worshipped it and 
  meditated on it while muttering the Saraswati bija mantra, 
  and since SBS posed in Padma Asana displaying the chit 
  mudra, and since SBS's teacher was SKS of Sringeri,
  the headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins, and since
  the Sri Yantra is placed on the mandir for worship at
  the Sringeri, in a vastu tantric temple which has a 
  south facing entrance, and since all the Saraswati 
  sannyasins of the Shankara order at Sringeri all adhere 
  to the Soundarylahari in which is mentioned the TM bija 
  mantra for Saraswati, and every Saraswati sannyasin 
  meditates on the Saraswati bija mantra at least twice 
  every day, most people would conclude that the TM bija 
  derived from the Sri Vidya sect of Karnataka, since the 
  TM bija mantra for Saraswati is mentioned in the most
  revered scripture of the Sri Vidya, and is enumerated
  in the Soundaryalahari, right?
  Work cited:
  'History of the Tantric Religion'
  by Bhattacharyya, N. N.
  New Delhi: Manohar, 1999

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires 
  that Curtis enter into it. 
 Saw this flash by in Message View and had to comment
 that this is insanity. Neither Ann nor Robin has
 either the ability or the right to make such a post.
 They're both just attention vampires hoping they can 
 suck yet another victim into interacting with them. 
 And what they're both upset about is that it isn't

RESPONSE: I take it back, Barry. I didn't explain myself. But I think Curtis 
very smart to keep quiet in order to frustrate my designs on him (AV). I knew 
there was a reason for his silence after all the posts directed at him. I think 
he has chosen the high ground here. I can refute what you have said, Ann and 
Robin, but what comes first is my refusal to give you both the satisfaction of 
even *that*: thereby demonstrating something more important even than the 
truth: Don't feed the monkeys at the zoo. 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
 lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
   quoting Judy:
I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere near the
 larger Truth if they have no concern for the smaller truths of everyday
 life, including on this forum. If we can't be honest with each other,
 how can we ever be honest with ourselves? ~J. Stein
   It sounds so good doesn't it. Who could argue with that in theory.
 But put into practice by Judy, it just doesn't play out that way does
   But she will continue, with her fifty posts a week, fighting every
 battle large and small. Okay, medium and small. Alright, alright. mostly
 all small. And winning each one. Okay, vanquishing each opponent.
 Alright, alright, annihilating any opposition with her superior logic
 and ability to site posts five years back.
   But that's our Judy.
  Sounds like you've been on the losing end of an argument with Judy a
 time or two, Steve.
 Raunchy, you're kidding right.  Everyone has been on the losing end of
 the arugument with Judy without exception likely beginning with her
 first post.  Please don't state something some obvious.  I hope your
 subsequent points are a little more substantive.
 Exactly how did she so handily annihilate you with her superior logic?
 Okay, I goofed.  In many cases the correct term would be twisted as it
 pertains to logic. Er, her logic.
 Here's the thing, Steve,(Curtis can chime in here), it's not possible to
 be logical about anything unless you have command of the facts.
 Facts are funny things.  That can be used in a context where they can
 indicate different things.  The unemployment rate is 8.1%.  Romney: 
 This is an unacceptable and a sign of continued failed economic policy. 
 Obama:  The unemployment rate is on a steady decline.  It shows we are
 on the right track to economic recovery.
 You may have noticed, I certainly have, that the only time Judy nails
 you is when you don't have command of the facts and you end up making
 false statements.
 Except that so much of what we discuss here are opinions.  Most of the
 time what we discuss here are opinions.  I think the objection is that
 Judy often states her opinions as fact.  And then there is what I have
 called her ace in the hole where she can know what you actually mean
 to say, or how you actually feel, even if you state the contrary.
 If someone made a false or misleading statement about you, would you
 want to let it stand or would you want people to know the truth? Of
 course you would you want the truth. Dollars to donuts, Judy would be
 the first to defend your honor and you would thank her for it. In
 veritate victoria: In truth, triumph.
 Of course I would want her to stand up for me in that situation.  And in
 many cases I have seen her do that for me and others.  But in many other
 instances I have seen her display tremendous partisonship in disputes
 where, at least in my opinon, the truth is far away from the position
 she is taking.  Again, just my opinion.

As they say, You're entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts. 
Furthermore, it's just plain sloppy to confuse the two. If you're going to 
claim that the truth is far away from the position Judy is taking, in other 
words, implying that she not telling the truth, then you better back that up 
with facts and not your OPINION. 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Judy's attributing words to me that I did not write or even think is Judy's 
 alternate approach to supplying subtext?!  Oh, wait, I think I get it.  
 You're making a joke.  Please tell me you're making a joke.  And not 
 twisting into a pretzel to avoid criticizing Judy.   

It was clear to me from the get go that Judy wasn't quoting anything you 
actually said. That part of my statement still stands. However, Judy corrected 
me: What I normally do is put Translation: before the proposed subtext. In 
this case I was *adding* something to what Share had said (Especially 
when...) rather than supplying subtext for what she had said, so 
Translation: didn't apply. But I knew nobody would think it was something she 
herself had said, so I just left it in quotes.

Apparently, Judy was fairly confident that nobody would think it was something 
you had *actually* said. IMO your objection to attributing words to you is a 
ruse to avoid the larger issue of having mistakes and falsehoods called to 
your attention.

 Raunchy, do you really think that the only parameter of fair fighting is 
 keeping discussions out in the open?!  I disagree.  I think there are 
 others that are at least equally important.

You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you can judge 
for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public forum) whether or 
not it was a fair fight. My point is that an open discussion on a public forum 
requires courage and integrity to be truthful with oneself and others. Openness 
keeps people honest, there's no place to hide. It's just you and the variety of 
mirrors of consciousness on the forum reflecting you back to you.

 I notice how you put all of this on me and none of it on Judy, totally 
 ignoring how she responded to my apology.  Of course that's what she did 
 with the me and Robin kafufel.  Perhaps a requirement to belong to her 

Judy's response to you is between you and Judy. The clique requirement slam 
is wholly gratuitous and also untrue, since I don't know anything about your 
Robin kerfuffle, nor do I care.

 I would say rather if we can't be honest with ourselves, how can we be honest 
 with others.  Discerning respected others have told me that I am honest with 
 myself about my shortcomings to a very good degree.  Perhaps my memory is 
 not as good as Judy's nor my ability to deal with the sheer volume of posts 
 and archives.  But my intention about and devotion to big and little truths 
 is at least as strong as hers, if not stronger.        

r#275;s ipsa loquitur 
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use 
  of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as I 
  did not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe herself?  
  Or someone from another decade?  
  PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than a 
  rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter.  BTW, The previous sentence 
  shows the clean fighting way of using quotation marks as the words enclosed 
  therein were actually written by a FFL poster.    
 You've got a pretty strong charge going on there, Share. Maybe it's something 
 to reflect upon. It's quite clear to me Judy wasn't quoting anything you 
 actually said. Her alternate approach to supplying subtext, that I've seen 
 her use with Barry, might have been: Says Share, especially disliking the 
 negativity of having her mistakes and falsehoods called to her attention. She 
 really hates that. 
 Seems to me fighting fairly means keeping the discussion out in the open. 
 Private emails, or even the gist of them that leak into the public 
 discussion, Sal's for example, is more likely to engender reality-obfuscating 
 as well as mistrust and room to stretch or avoid the truth. 
 I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere near the larger Truth 
 if they have no concern for the smaller truths of everyday life, including on 
 this forum. If we can't be honest with each other, how can we ever be honest 
 with ourselves? ~J. Stein
   From: authfriend authfriend@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:10 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy  everyone -- writing for the Church of 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   My apologies to everyone including Judy for my part in

[FairfieldLife] Quality control died with Steve Jobs?!

2012-09-24 Thread card


The ip5 was to be my first iphone, but I rang up and cancelled my pre-order 
today. I placed the order well over a week before the ip5 was released and got 
an SMS on the night of the release telling me they had just received my 
order That's 5 or 6 business days after I placed it, and that I would 
receive another SMS within 4 days telling me my estimated delivery date (which 
is sure to be weeks from now). Then with 4 out of every 5 phones turning out to 
be scuffed or chipped I just thought  it, I'll go with the galaxy s3 
instead. It's disappointing because I had been quite anti-apple for so long 
but finally caved and bought an iPad 3 this year and it changed my mind about 
apple being a ** company until now. It seems quality control and customer 
service died with Steve jobs.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Ann WB -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Yes, cute dormouse, Ann.  Not looking at all pompous or reality avoiding 
 which of course were the nasty parts of the metaphor.

Here is how I see it. You can focus on what you think of as the negative 
aspects of this or the funny ones or, of course, ignore the whole thing 
completely. All of these ways of dealing with the dormouse sentence are 
possible. I actually found myself laughing out loud at that description and I 
can say with all truthfulness I would have laughed just as much if it had been 
directed at me, which it may have been since Judy said it was not directed at 
you. What does focusing on the 'nasty parts of the metaphor' achieve anyway? 
Surely, you have the best answer to that, I know you do. So, when I read that 
descriptive my first impulse was to find a picture of a dormouse and look how 
fantastic that little creature was.

  And so of course not the ones you mentioned.  Your ignoring that does not 
do you justice.

I IGNORE nothing but I FOCUS on what is important, to me. This is how I live my 
life and it is the best way I know to do myself justice.
 Plus your ignoring Judy's part in this ie her response to my apology, does 
 not do you justice either.

Share, my post to you was written with good intentions. If you, like Curtis, 
think it was not then I failed in what I was trying to achieve, which was to 
encourage you to stay true to who you think you are, a positive and sensitive 
and thoughtful person, and not fall into the trap of lashing out in a way that 
goes against who you want to be, or what you work so hard on developing in your 
character in your relationship with others. But, in reality, it is none of my 
business so I will, as you are so much better than I am at doing, apologize if 
I wither misread you or overstepped my boundaries. 
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:33 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use 
  of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as I 
  did not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe herself?  
  Or someone from another decade?  
  PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than a 
  rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter. 
 Here is the thing, dear Share, although you have obviously taken exception to 
 the metaphor of the dormouse as pertaining to you, it was a rather charming, 
 in an interesting way, image and not one to get overly excited about. (See my 
 photo of a rather adorable dormouse). On the other hand, I know you can do 
 better in your description of Judy so that it encompasses not only your 
 feelings (which seem to be hurt) as well as a degree of truthfulness and 
 therefore potency without the ugly-esh negativity. I say this because I don't 
 really sense that your rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter phrase as 
 doing you the justice it could if you were to dig a little deeper to find the 
 one that is just right. The one that fits your feelings right now but doesn't 
 do you an injustice.
 BTW, The previous sentence shows the clean fighting way of using quotation 
 marks as the words enclosed therein were actually written by a FFL poster. 
   From: authfriend authfriend@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:10 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy  everyone -- writing for the Church of 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   My apologies to everyone including Judy for my part in
   this disagreement.  If anyone has questions or concerns
   about my part in it or in the one with Robin, again my
   request is that you email me directly for sake of
   sparing the forum any further negativity.
  Especially the negativity of having my mistakes and
  falsehoods called to my attention. I really hate that.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you can judge 
 for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public forum) whether or 
 not it was a fair fight. 

(without the benefit of feedback from a public forum)

M: Another keyboard thrashed with Sumatran coffee with whole milk ejected from 
my nose. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Judy's attributing words to me that I did not write or even think is Judy's 
  alternate approach to supplying subtext?!  Oh, wait, I think I get it.  
  You're making a joke.  Please tell me you're making a joke.  And not 
  twisting into a pretzel to avoid criticizing Judy.   
 It was clear to me from the get go that Judy wasn't quoting anything you 
 actually said. That part of my statement still stands. However, Judy 
 corrected me: What I normally do is put Translation: before the proposed 
 subtext. In this case I was *adding* something to what Share had said 
 (Especially when...) rather than supplying subtext for what she had said, 
 so Translation: didn't apply. But I knew nobody would think it was 
 something she herself had said, so I just left it in quotes.
 Apparently, Judy was fairly confident that nobody would think it was 
 something you had *actually* said. IMO your objection to attributing words 
 to you is a ruse to avoid the larger issue of having mistakes and 
 falsehoods called to your attention.
  Raunchy, do you really think that the only parameter of fair fighting is 
  keeping discussions out in the open?!  I disagree.  I think there are 
  others that are at least equally important.
 You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you can judge 
 for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public forum) whether or 
 not it was a fair fight. My point is that an open discussion on a public 
 forum requires courage and integrity to be truthful with oneself and others. 
 Openness keeps people honest, there's no place to hide. It's just you and the 
 variety of mirrors of consciousness on the forum reflecting you back to you.
  I notice how you put all of this on me and none of it on Judy, totally 
  ignoring how she responded to my apology.  Of course that's what she did 
  with the me and Robin kafufel.  Perhaps a requirement to belong to her 
 Judy's response to you is between you and Judy. The clique requirement slam 
 is wholly gratuitous and also untrue, since I don't know anything about your 
 Robin kerfuffle, nor do I care.
  I would say rather if we can't be honest with ourselves, how can we be 
  honest with others.  Discerning respected others have told me that I am 
  honest with myself about my shortcomings to a very good degree.  Perhaps 
  my memory is not as good as Judy's nor my ability to deal with the sheer 
  volume of posts and archives.  But my intention about and devotion to big 
  and little truths is at least as strong as hers, if not stronger.     
 r#275;s ipsa loquitur 
   From: raunchydog raunchydog@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:56 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use 
   of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as 
   I did not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe 
   herself?  Or someone from another decade?  
   PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than 
   a rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter.  BTW, The previous 
   sentence shows the clean fighting way of using quotation marks as the 
   words enclosed therein were actually written by a FFL poster.    
  You've got a pretty strong charge going on there, Share. Maybe it's 
  something to reflect upon. It's quite clear to me Judy wasn't quoting 
  anything you actually said. Her alternate approach to supplying subtext, 
  that I've seen her use with Barry, might have been: Says Share, especially 
  disliking the negativity of having her mistakes and falsehoods called to 
  her attention. She really hates that. 
  Seems to me fighting fairly means keeping the discussion out in the open. 
  Private emails, or even the gist of them that leak into the public 
  discussion, Sal's for example, is more likely to engender 
  reality-obfuscating as well as mistrust and room to stretch or avoid the 
  I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere near the larger 
  Truth if they have no concern for the smaller truths of everyday life, 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

M: Did the *attack the confidence* formulaic routine work well for you when you 
were surrounded by 20 somethings Robin?  How has it been working for you lately?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
 ANN: I say this because I don't really sense that
 your rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter phrase as doing you the
 justice it could if you were to dig a little deeper to find the one that is 
 right. The one that fits your feelings right now but doesn't do you an
 M: Perhaps a review process is in order for Share. She could send you her
 posts before posting them, and they could be evaluated for how much they do
 justice to her.
 I think there is more than a little Robin left in you Ann. (I hope that was
 just right.)
 Oh yeah, and the doormouse thing is just totally condescending, there is no
 other way to spin that.
 Here was your intent tell:
 Here is the thing, dear Share,
 You kinda know what's coming after that.
 RESPONSE: If any reader examines what Curtis has said here, there is a kind 
 of hidden a priori psychology. And what is that a priori? That somehow the 
 force and imperiousness of the personality of Curtis can be a substitute for 
 any contact with the truth of the matter.
 Notice that Curtis perfectly deprives the impartial reader of any chance to 
 subject this difference of point of view to a fair hearing *independent of 
 the peremptory and despotic authority of Curtis*. Curtis takes on the entire 
 burden of the proof of his argument here--in the absence of any possibility 
 of having this matter adjudicated by a context within which Curtis himself 
 exists. Curtis annexes the context of truth through sheer dint of will and 
 It is certainly a spectacular phenomenon to witness [Hold it, Curtis: I will 
 have no respect for you whatsover *if you use the very mechanism I am 
 describing here to evade facing the inevitability of my analysis*--So 
 STFU--unless you are prepared to address my argument on its own terms]: 
 Curtis lords it over everyone, and kills the possibility of a context which 
 is opposed to Curtis getting a hearing.
 You see, Curtis is so scrupulously sensitive to the truth, that he knows how 
 important it is to keep that truth from undermining or refuting him. So he 
 just banishes it from existence and appropriates the context totally with the 
 force of his personality. 
 But of course all this is hidden from view. Look: There is some disagreement 
 between this person (whom Curtis is addressing here) and Curtis. But instead 
 of taking on the most generous and sincere motive which could lie behind the 
 comments this person has made to Share Long, Curtis would judge them out of 
 court categorically: as if to say: I have caught you in an utterly dishonest 
 and manipulative form of behaviour, and you had better just own up. You are 
 judged and sentenced; the execution awaits my discretion.
 I wish those readers at FFL who seek some form of contact with reality, with 
 what is the case, will see that Curtis operates under a set of ruthless and 
 intolerant rules. His judgment does not suffer from some subjectively 
 experienced doubt when he makes his argument. But this is because he simply 
 eliminates all of the reality which existed inside the context where the 
 issue is being controverted, and substitutes his own context, which will not 
 permit any appeal to a truth which Curtis has determined is a moral and 
 intellectual inconvenience to him.
 Curtis has a secret ex cathedra way of writing. One does not notice it; one 
 is influenced by the illusion that his confidence *must mean he is in contact 
 with the truth*; but as it happens, in disputation at least, Curtis's 
 confidence and authority is directly proportional to the truth which he is 
 denying entrance into the discussion.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's 
use of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is 
quoting as I did not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe 
herself?  Or someone from another decade?  

PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than 
a rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter. 
   Here is the thing, dear Share, although you have obviously taken 
   exception to the metaphor of the dormouse as pertaining to you, it was a 
   rather charming, in an interesting way, image and not one to get overly 
   excited about. (See my photo of a rather adorable dormouse). On the other 
   hand, I know you can do better in your description of Judy so that it 
   encompasses not only your feelings (which seem to be hurt) as well as a 
   degree of truthfulness and therefore potency without 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Robin and pussycats

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:


Dear Cardmaister,

Not withstanding Louis's likely opinion to the contrary, I take this post as a 

Did you notice that the tawny cat--who got the worst of the fight--in the end 
approached the more aggressive white cat--as if to say: I don't care how badly 
you treat me, I'd like to be your friend?

And then they both sort of walked away from each other having restored--and 
exhibited--their ultimate Buddhahood natures.

You know that Zen monk who turns to his friend (who is concerned about the 
effect of having carried a beautiful woman across a stream): Haven't you put 
her down yet?

Those cats moved on. It's harder to do when you go up the evolutionary ladder.

As for the robin, well, the consistency and winsomeness of his chirping, it is 
something I aspire to.

Thanks, Card.


[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 As they say, You're entitled to your opinion, but not your own
facts. Furthermore, it's just plain sloppy to confuse the two. If
you're going to claim that the truth is far away from the position Judy
is taking, in other words, implying that she not telling the truth, then
you better back that up with facts and not your OPINION.

Okay Raunchy, there are facts that are not open to interpretation and
those that are.
There are physical facts which cannot be disputed or which don't leave
room for interpretation and facts that do.
So and so killed someone.  Did he do it in self defense or did he do it
in a premeditated fashion out of anger or revenge?
So you are telling me that the conclusion for something like this is
clear cut.  I think this the fault line we often see here.   Some people
are satisfied offering an opinion on something like this, and others
will insist that their interpretation of this fact, is the correct
I think it may be you who are confusing the issues Raunchy.
If you are going to go into the pretzel mode, you might need to work on
it a little more.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you can
judge for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public forum)
whether or not it was a fair fight. My point is that an open discussion
on a public forum requires courage and integrity to be truthful with
oneself and others. Openness keeps people honest, there's no place to
hide. It's just you and the variety of mirrors of consciousness on the
forum reflecting you back to you.

Such noble words, but applied so selectively to only people you deem
deserving a fair hearing.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

Hi Ann,

My short response was written to you while in line at Starbucks on my phone 
before my show.  I actually botched your opening line to Share which I was 
trying to send back to you so you might see how I saw it, a bit condescending.  
She has been getting a lot of that from people here lately so I thought I would 
chip in.

I understand that you are not trying to sound like Robin and are not a 
student of his philosophy.  I said that because it seemed to be from his 
playbook to get under someone's skin presumptively as I thought you had with 
Share, asking her to go back and find another way to express herself that might 
express who she really is better than she had.  It implies that someone outside 
might know her mind and heart better and she needs to work on herself a bit to 
catch up with this insight.  I consider it a weird boundaries violation ala 
Robin.  Perhaps the connection was unfair of me given your history.  Judy pulls 
this on people too so I could have used her.  

In my perception, you and Judy and Raunchy have been ganging up on Share.  I 
don't think she deserves that.  I also understand that this is not how you are 
viewing all this.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  The thing is dear Ann...
 Yes? Tell me more.
 But if I am not to run out of posts by Monday night, at this rate I need to 
 cover more ground here. I found your comment below something I would like to 
 address, quickly:
 I think there is more than a little Robin left in you Ann. (And here this 
 is a direct quote from you complete with quotation marks, let there be no 
 Now, I take this comment of yours to mean that what I wrote to Share reminds 
 you of what Robin would have said. That is the only conclusion I can come to 
 from your assessment. But here is the thing. Robin does not hold a patent on 
 how he lives his life and how he in turn chooses to articulate that here in 
 his interactions with others. You assume because I said what I said to Share 
 that I have borrowed, incorporated, embodied Robin or, at least, his 
 philosophy. However, you would be wrong. I will not speak for him but I 
 will for myself when I say that the impulse and the belief behind that 
 impulse is something that I have come to know is true in my own life. This is 
 a discovery not a stolen idea, a borrowed life list of rules, a plagiarized 
 page out of Robin's Book On Reality. It is something I have come to 
 understand and believe. If it sounds familiar then how is this different from 
 the fact that there are undoubtedly more than one or two people on this 
 planet that can essentially perceive certain realities about life to be true? 
 Do you forget, I have not been around Robin for 26 years? Do you imagine I 
 keep copies of his old books at my bedside so I can stay clear and fresh on 
 his former writings and beliefs? Do you think I wish to follow him once again 
 as some beacon of realized knowingess? And perhaps more importantly, do you 
 see me as some mimicing, mindless drone who has no original ideas of her own? 
 Because if you do we really need to have that coffee in that cafe somewhere. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Oh yeah, and the doormouse thing is just totally condescending,
  there is no other way to spin that.
 It's dormouse, not doormouse (dor = sleep).

Always appreciated.

 And of course, as Curtis knows, the phrase wasn't used to
 describe Share (except by herself).

Actually I didn't, I just dropped in and must have gotten that wrong.  
If so I apologize to Judy if I was characterizing her as condescending 
for a term she herself didn't use.  
  Here was your intent tell:
 Intent tell, what a charming bit of psychobabble. NLP,
 I assume?

No, it is my own collage of the poker term as it applies to writing.  
It sounds so much edgier than foreshadowing.
   OK, since I was the one who composed the message to Share I think I am 
   the expert here. I could have written the sentence beginning with the 
   usual, Dear Share. The fact that I wrote those two words after a few 
   opening words does not, for me, change my intent of the letter to Share. 
   I don't want to hurt Share or to speak condescendingly to her (although I 
   have admitted times when I do give her a nudge or two about her many 
   spiritual pursuits and activities) but this was not the case in my post 
   today. I truly wanted to impart to her exactly what I said. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quality control died with Steve Jobs?!

2012-09-24 Thread martyboi
Apple products are very, very well thot out. However, I've played extensively 
with both the Apple and the Galaxy S3 - and the S3 is a very nice phone...it is 
rather large though - like it want to be a IPad. The navigation is extremely 
well functioning - and of course it uses Google maps which is a big plus.

I was using the Galaxy feature (android siri) and was able to lock up the 
phone by asking the following question:  Galaxy, what is the definition of 
antidisestablishmentarianism? The phone basically just sat there and locked 
up...until I rebooted. Failed a repeated test too. 

My only real beef with it is that it is totally fragile because it is too thin, 
so one small drop and the screen shatters...which I witnessed personally 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
 M: Did the *attack the confidence* formulaic routine work well for you when 
 you were surrounded by 20 somethings Robin?  How has it been working for you 

Robin: That's an unfair dig, Curtis. I think I never thought of applying it to 
*that* context--but, now that you bring it up, I sort of wish I had. A little 
late in the game now, I suppose. 

The universe computing through my Unity Consciousness didn't really make that 
one of its priorities.

But I am wondering: at 68, do you think it would work for me?

Now I realize I have stepped out of my usual mode of robin singing here, but I 
think there still is enough lust in there to want to give this a try. Ladies: 
be warned.

20 somethings: God, that would be nice, Curtis!

No, the power surge you get in enlightenment, that more or less trumps 
everything else. But now that I have given up the field of all possibilities, I 
am thinking retrospectively of *that* possibility.

And I think I blew it, Curtis. I think I blew it.

Sorry, all your gals *who could have been*.

I knew you'd find some way to get under my skin, Curtis.

Faces and eros: There has to be someone behind this, don't you think?

Platonically yours,


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  ANN: I say this because I don't really sense that
  your rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter phrase as doing you the
  justice it could if you were to dig a little deeper to find the one that is 
  right. The one that fits your feelings right now but doesn't do you an
  M: Perhaps a review process is in order for Share. She could send you her
  posts before posting them, and they could be evaluated for how much they do
  justice to her.
  I think there is more than a little Robin left in you Ann. (I hope that was
  just right.)
  Oh yeah, and the doormouse thing is just totally condescending, there is no
  other way to spin that.
  Here was your intent tell:
  Here is the thing, dear Share,
  You kinda know what's coming after that.
  RESPONSE: If any reader examines what Curtis has said here, there is a kind 
  of hidden a priori psychology. And what is that a priori? That somehow the 
  force and imperiousness of the personality of Curtis can be a substitute 
  for any contact with the truth of the matter.
  Notice that Curtis perfectly deprives the impartial reader of any chance to 
  subject this difference of point of view to a fair hearing *independent of 
  the peremptory and despotic authority of Curtis*. Curtis takes on the 
  entire burden of the proof of his argument here--in the absence of any 
  possibility of having this matter adjudicated by a context within which 
  Curtis himself exists. Curtis annexes the context of truth through sheer 
  dint of will and personality.
  It is certainly a spectacular phenomenon to witness [Hold it, Curtis: I 
  will have no respect for you whatsover *if you use the very mechanism I am 
  describing here to evade facing the inevitability of my analysis*--So 
  STFU--unless you are prepared to address my argument on its own terms]: 
  Curtis lords it over everyone, and kills the possibility of a context which 
  is opposed to Curtis getting a hearing.
  You see, Curtis is so scrupulously sensitive to the truth, that he knows 
  how important it is to keep that truth from undermining or refuting him. So 
  he just banishes it from existence and appropriates the context totally 
  with the force of his personality. 
  But of course all this is hidden from view. Look: There is some 
  disagreement between this person (whom Curtis is addressing here) and 
  Curtis. But instead of taking on the most generous and sincere motive which 
  could lie behind the comments this person has made to Share Long, Curtis 
  would judge them out of court categorically: as if to say: I have caught 
  you in an utterly dishonest and manipulative form of behaviour, and you had 
  better just own up. You are judged and sentenced; the execution awaits my 
  I wish those readers at FFL who seek some form of contact with reality, 
  with what is the case, will see that Curtis operates under a set of 
  ruthless and intolerant rules. His judgment does not suffer from some 
  subjectively experienced doubt when he makes his argument. But this is 
  because he simply eliminates all of the reality which existed inside the 
  context where the issue is being controverted, and substitutes his own 
  context, which will not permit any appeal to a truth which Curtis has 
  determined is a moral and intellectual inconvenience to him.
  Curtis has a secret ex cathedra way of writing. One does not notice it; one 
  is influenced by the illusion that his confidence *must mean he is 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
 CURTIS: The thing is dear Ann...
 RESPONSE: One must assume, since this is all that Curtis has said to Ann, 
 that this retort is sufficient to utterly destroy the substance and effect of 
 what Ann has written to Curtis.

M: No one must not. One might not know it was a short response I did on my 
phone while standing in line at Starbucks before my show.  One might even ask 
me if one was confused about the intent instead of going off on this rant.

I wanted Ann to experience this line directed toward her to understand where I 
was coming from. 

 It is not. Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires that Curtis 
 enter into it.

M;  Requires?  You really need to get over yourself Robin. You are the guy who 
has been answering posts with enigmatic Youtube videos.  Does this 
requirement only apply to me?

R:He refuses because his bloodhound instincts for the smell of truth have 
warned him: Do not go there. It is dangerous.

R: Right and you are the arbiter of truth., gotchya wise man.

 So what does he do instead? He capsizes the context to make it seem as if, in 
 this ironic turning of a phrase of Ann's (in her addressing Share Long), *he 
 has entirely dealt with the context of what Ann has said to him*. 
 But there is a catch to this that most FFL readers will miss (Raunchy not one 
 of them): Had anyone other than Curtis responded to someone as Curtis has 
 here, *that person would lack the force of personality and will to make this 
 response stand as in any way adequate to the challenge presented by Ann*.  
 But because it is Curtis who has written it, it has that Manly Halo 
 Good-Guy-That-I-Am-Always strength inside of it

M: You are being an asshole here Robin.  

R: --so, although ineffectual in the person of anyone else on FFL, with Curtis, 
it almost works. For at the very least, one has the illusory impression that 
Curtis has answered Ann. 
 Which he has not. Do you see? This is a form of manipulation and deceit that 
 is manifestly unfair to Ann and a form of insidious seduction of the reader. 
 Consider this thought experiment: *Someone other than Curtis has written each 
 one of the posts to Ann today* [that Curtis has in fact written]. Ann has 
 responded as she has. Now consider that this X person (someone other than 
 Curtis) responds to Ann's last post with this one sentence:
 The thing is dear Ann..

M: Plenty of posters write short lines to express a perspective concisely.  
Concisely Robin, you might want to consider that concept. 

 Think: How well would this go over? It would be a dying balloon. Almost 
 embarrassing. [And note how Curtis has made of Ann's original approach to 
 Share as if sneeringly condescending and foul--but it was not this inside 
 Ann's heart: such is the power of Curtis's appropriation of the truth.]
 But Curtis has a mystique (most balanced intellect among all of us--Xeno) 
 and a character which gives to his words some power they otherwise would not 
 have. And this of course is the point of my earlier post: Curtis is 
 fanatically determined not to let reality wrest control of the context. He 
 will possess that context at all costs.

M: Holy shit, no you diii-int!  You never answered me about why you 
repeated this charge a hundred times in your last posts, what was up with that. 
 Did you know you were?  Do you know you are now?  

Are you aware of the number of times you have repeated this charge?

 And in this sense, in saying what he has said to Ann here, he gives the 
 impression he has essentially had the last word. But has he?

M: No Robin that will always be you.

 He has said nothing. He has systematically and sedulously and deceitfully 
 made certain that the potency and thoughtfulness of Ann's post to Curtis is 
 entirely robbed of its intrinsic merit. This, by force of personality and 
 will. Curtis legendary status among certain posters and readers here enables 
 him to escape from the demands of truth and honesty which are incumbent upon 
 the rest of us.
 And my thesis can only be denied by Curtis *through the very same M.O. as I 
 have described here*. 

M: You really need to get that head out of your ass Robin.  At your age that 
has to exacerbate constipation issues, and it can't be helping your complexion. 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Oh yeah, and the doormouse thing is just totally condescending,
  there is no other way to spin that.
 It's dormouse, not doormouse (dor = 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Ann WB -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Yes, cute dormouse, Ann.  Not looking at all pompous or reality avoiding 
  which of course were the nasty parts of the metaphor.
 Here is how I see it. You can focus on what you think of as the negative 
 aspects of this or the funny ones or, of course, ignore the whole thing 
 completely. All of these ways of dealing with the dormouse sentence are 

M: I don't see you or any of us living up to this advice when the intent is 
directed toward us.  Judy's intent has been very clear with Share and she is 
feeling defensive because she is being attacked.

Imagine if in the beginning I gave this rap to you about Barry's posts to you.  
Is this realistic? 

 I actually found myself laughing out loud at that description and I can say 
with all truthfulness I would have laughed just as much if it had been directed 
at me, which it may have been since Judy said it was not directed at you. What 
does focusing on the 'nasty parts of the metaphor' achieve anyway? Surely, you 
have the best answer to that, I know you do. So, when I read that descriptive 
my first impulse was to find a picture of a dormouse and look how fantastic 
that little creature was.
   And so of course not the ones you mentioned.  Your ignoring that does not 
 do you justice.
 I IGNORE nothing but I FOCUS on what is important, to me. This is how I live 
 my life and it is the best way I know to do myself justice.
  Plus your ignoring Judy's part in this ie her response to my apology, does 
  not do you justice either.
 Share, my post to you was written with good intentions. If you, like Curtis, 
 think it was not then I failed in what I was trying to achieve, which was to 
 encourage you to stay true to who you think you are, a positive and sensitive 
 and thoughtful person, and not fall into the trap of lashing out in a way 
 that goes against who you want to be, or what you work so hard on developing 
 in your character in your relationship with others. But, in reality, it is 
 none of my business so I will, as you are so much better than I am at doing, 
 apologize if I wither misread you or overstepped my boundaries. 
   From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:33 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use 
   of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as 
   I did not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe 
   herself?  Or someone from another decade?  
   PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than 
   a rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter. 
  Here is the thing, dear Share, although you have obviously taken exception 
  to the metaphor of the dormouse as pertaining to you, it was a rather 
  charming, in an interesting way, image and not one to get overly excited 
  about. (See my photo of a rather adorable dormouse). On the other hand, I 
  know you can do better in your description of Judy so that it encompasses 
  not only your feelings (which seem to be hurt) as well as a degree of 
  truthfulness and therefore potency without the ugly-esh negativity. I say 
  this because I don't really sense that your rageful, reality-obfuscating 
  dirty fighter phrase as doing you the justice it could if you were to dig 
  a little deeper to find the one that is just right. The one that fits your 
  feelings right now but doesn't do you an injustice.
  BTW, The previous sentence shows the clean fighting way of using quotation 
  marks as the words enclosed therein were actually written by a FFL poster. 
From: authfriend authfriend@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:10 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy  everyone -- writing for the Church 
   of $cientology
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
My apologies to everyone including Judy for my part in
this disagreement.  If anyone has questions or concerns
about my part in it or in the one with Robin, again my
request is that you email me directly for sake of
sparing the forum any further negativity.
   Especially the negativity of having my mistakes and
   falsehoods called to my attention. I really hate that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone Curtis -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Share Long
Thank you for this Curtis and for your earlier email to Ann.  Again I 
appreciate how you're being reasonable and fair to everyone.  And how you 
didn't let the dormouse correction derail what I perceive as your genuine truth 

Bet the trees in DC area are gorgeous now.  

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

Hi Ann,

My short response was written to you while in line at Starbucks on my phone 
before my show.  I actually botched your opening line to Share which I was 
trying to send back to you so you might see how I saw it, a bit condescending.  
She has been getting a lot of that from people here lately so I thought I would 
chip in.

I understand that you are not trying to sound like Robin and are not a 
student of his philosophy.  I said that because it seemed to be from his 
playbook to get under someone's skin presumptively as I thought you had with 
Share, asking her to go back and find another way to express herself that might 
express who she really is better than she had.  It implies that someone outside 
might know her mind and heart better and she needs to work on herself a bit to 
catch up with this insight.  I consider it a weird boundaries violation ala 
Robin.  Perhaps the connection was unfair of me given your history.  Judy pulls 
this on people too so I could have used her. 

In my perception, you and Judy and Raunchy have been ganging up on Share.  I 
don't think she deserves that.  I also understand that this is not how you are 
viewing all this. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  The thing is dear Ann...
 Yes? Tell me more.
 But if I am not to run out of posts by Monday night, at this rate I need to 
 cover more ground here. I found your comment below something I would like to 
 address, quickly:
 I think there is more than a little Robin left in you Ann. (And here this 
 is a direct quote from you complete with quotation marks, let there be no 
 Now, I take this comment of yours to mean that what I wrote to Share reminds 
 you of what Robin would have said. That is the only conclusion I can come to 
 from your assessment. But here is the thing. Robin does not hold a patent on 
 how he lives his life and how he in turn chooses to articulate that here in 
 his interactions with others. You assume because I said what I said to Share 
 that I have borrowed, incorporated, embodied Robin or, at least, his 
 philosophy. However, you would be wrong. I will not speak for him but I 
 will for myself when I say that the impulse and the belief behind that 
 impulse is something that I have come to know is true in my own life. This is 
 a discovery not a stolen idea, a borrowed life list of rules, a plagiarized 
 page out of Robin's Book On Reality. It is something I have come to 
 understand and believe. If it sounds familiar then how is this different from 
 the fact that there are undoubtedly more than one or two people on
 this planet that can essentially perceive certain realities about life to be 
true? Do you forget, I have not been around Robin for 26 years? Do you imagine 
I keep copies of his old books at my bedside so I can stay clear and fresh on 
his former writings and beliefs? Do you think I wish to follow him once again 
as some beacon of realized knowingess? And perhaps more importantly, do you see 
me as some mimicing, mindless drone who has no original ideas of her own? 
Because if you do we really need to have that coffee in that cafe somewhere. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Oh yeah, and the doormouse thing is just totally condescending,
  there is no other way to spin that.
 It's dormouse, not doormouse (dor = sleep).

Always appreciated.

 And of course, as Curtis knows, the phrase wasn't used to
 describe Share (except by herself).

Actually I didn't, I just dropped in and must have gotten that wrong.  
If so I apologize to Judy if I was characterizing her as condescending 
for a term she herself didn't use. 
  Here was your intent tell:
 Intent tell, what a charming bit of psychobabble. NLP,
 I assume?

No, it is my own collage of the poker term as it applies to writing.  
It sounds so much edgier than foreshadowing.
   OK, since I was the one who composed the message to Share 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Ann WB -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Share Long
Ann I accept your apology and offer mine for any misunderstanding of you.  Share

 From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 8:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Ann WB -- writing for the Church of $cientology


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Yes, cute dormouse, Ann.  Not looking at all pompous or reality avoiding 
 which of course were the nasty parts of the metaphor.

Here is how I see it. You can focus on what you think of as the negative 
aspects of this or the funny ones or, of course, ignore the whole thing 
completely. All of these ways of dealing with the dormouse sentence are 
possible. I actually found myself laughing out loud at that description and I 
can say with all truthfulness I would have laughed just as much if it had been 
directed at me, which it may have been since Judy said it was not directed at 
you. What does focusing on the 'nasty parts of the metaphor' achieve anyway? 
Surely, you have the best answer to that, I know you do. So, when I read that 
descriptive my first impulse was to find a picture of a dormouse and look how 
fantastic that little creature was.

  And so of course not the ones you mentioned.  Your ignoring that does not 
do you justice.

I IGNORE nothing but I FOCUS on what is important, to me. This is how I live my 
life and it is the best way I know to do myself justice.
 Plus your ignoring Judy's part in this ie her response to my apology, does 
 not do you justice either.

Share, my post to you was written with good intentions. If you, like Curtis, 
think it was not then I failed in what I was trying to achieve, which was to 
encourage you to stay true to who you think you are, a positive and sensitive 
and thoughtful person, and not fall into the trap of lashing out in a way that 
goes against who you want to be, or what you work so hard on developing in your 
character in your relationship with others. But, in reality, it is none of my 
business so I will, as you are so much better than I am at doing, apologize if 
I wither misread you or overstepped my boundaries. 
  From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:33 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use 
  of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as I 
  did not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe herself?  
  Or someone from another decade?  
  PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than a 
  rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter. 
 Here is the thing, dear Share, although you have obviously taken exception to 
 the metaphor of the dormouse as pertaining to you, it was a rather charming, 
 in an interesting way, image and not one to get overly excited about. (See my 
 photo of a rather adorable dormouse). On the other hand, I know you can do 
 better in your description of Judy so that it encompasses not only your 
 feelings (which seem to be hurt) as well as a degree of truthfulness and 
 therefore potency without the ugly-esh negativity. I say this because I don't 
 really sense that your rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter phrase as 
 doing you the justice it could if you were to dig a little deeper to find the 
 one that is just right. The one that fits your feelings right now but doesn't 
 do you an injustice.
 BTW, The previous sentence shows the clean fighting way of using quotation 
 marks as the words enclosed therein were actually written by a FFL poster. 
   From: authfriend authfriend@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:10 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy  everyone -- writing for the Church of 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   My apologies to everyone including Judy for my part in
   this disagreement.  If anyone has questions or concerns
   about my part in it or in the one with Robin, again my
   request is that you email me directly for sake of
   sparing the forum any further negativity.
  Especially the negativity of having my mistakes and
  falsehoods called to my attention. I really hate that.


[FairfieldLife] Wha: edible umlauts??

2012-09-24 Thread card


[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread maskedzebra
 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

CURTIS1: The thing is dear Ann...

ROBIN1: One must assume, since this is all that Curtis has said to Ann, that
this retort is sufficient to utterly destroy the substance and effect of what
Ann has written to Curtis.

CURTIS2: No one must not. One might not know it was a short response I did on 
my phone
while standing in line at Starbucks before my show. One might even ask me if
one was confused about the intent instead of going off on this rant.

I wanted Ann to experience this line directed toward her to understand where I
was coming from.

ROBIN2: Bullshit, Curtis.

ROBIN1:It is not. Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires that 
enter into it.

CURTIS 2: Requires? You really need to get over yourself Robin. You are the guy 
has been answering posts with enigmatic Youtube videos. Does this requirement
only apply to me?

ROBIN2: You are culpably selective and tendentious here, Curtis. You are 
proving my thesis. 

ROBIN1 :He refuses because his bloodhound instincts for the smell of truth have 
him: Do not go there. It is dangerous.

CURTIS 2: Right and you are the arbiter of truth., gotchya wise man.

ROBIN2: No, no, Curtis. It is not who is the arbiter of truth. Newton and 
Copernicus were not arbiters of the truth. The question is: Does what I am 
saying here explain your behaviour, Curtis. And I believe it does. But you, you 
*know* it does.

Or am I wrong here, Curtis?

Why not this response: Robin, what you are saying about me is not true. I do 
not avoid the truth, and I do not understand on what basis you can make such an 
outrageous and demeaning and trangressive statement. Shut up, Robin. You are 

But that would be taking too much of a chance. It's the metaphysic of your 
M.O., Curtis, and I have been describing it for some time now. You have never 
addressed the question--and you never will. This is the secret to understanding 
you, Curtis. You will not go anywhere near where reality might make trouble for 

ROBIN1: So what does he do instead? He capsizes the context to make it seem as 
if, in
this ironic turning of a phrase of Ann's (in her addressing Share Long), *he has
entirely dealt with the context of what Ann has said to him*.

But there is a catch to this that most FFL readers will miss (Raunchy not one
of them): Had anyone other than Curtis responded to someone as Curtis has here,
*that person would lack the force of personality and will to make this response
stand as in any way adequate to the challenge presented by Ann*. But because it
is Curtis who has written it, it has that Manly Halo Good-Guy-That-I-Am-Always
strength inside of it

CURTIS2: You are being an asshole here Robin.

ROBIN2: Explain how my assholeness is a more salient fact than what I am 
describing as the truth of how you act, Curtis.

ROBIN1: --so, although ineffectual in the person of anyone else on FFL, with 
it almost works. For at the very least, one has the illusory impression that
Curtis has answered Ann.

Which he has not. Do you see? This is a form of manipulation and deceit that
is manifestly unfair to Ann and a form of insidious seduction of the reader.
Consider this thought experiment: *Someone other than Curtis has written each
one of the posts to Ann today* [that Curtis has in fact written]. Ann has
responded as she has. Now consider that this X person (someone other than
Curtis) responds to Ann's last post with this one sentence:

 The thing is dear Ann..

CURTIS2: Plenty of posters write short lines to express a perspective 
Concisely Robin, you might want to consider that concept.

ROBIN2: Have I misjudged you, Curtis? I think Xeno's estimation of you 
significant. But you are making me lose confidence in you. This won't do at all.

I am getting very angry with you, Curtis. Please stop with the names.

ROBIN1: Think: How well would this go over? It would be a dying balloon. Almost
embarrassing. [And note how Curtis has made of Ann's original approach to Share
as if sneeringly condescending and foul--but it was not this inside Ann's heart:
such is the power of Curtis's appropriation of the truth.]

But Curtis has a mystique (most balanced intellect among all of us--Xeno)
and a character which gives to his words some power they otherwise would not
have. And this of course is the point of my earlier post: Curtis is fanatically
determined not to let reality wrest control of the context. He will possess that
context at all costs.

CURTIS2: Holy shit, no you diii-int! You never answered me about why you 
this charge a hundred times in your last posts, what was up with that. Did you
know you were? Do you know you are now?

ROBIN2: I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to bullshit your way 
out of addressing what I say about you, Curtis. I have said things about you; 
you have not denied them. This is an admission of your concealed 

[FairfieldLife] sublime Nisargadatta quote

2012-09-24 Thread Share Long
knowing i am nothing is wisdom, knowing i am everything is love. between the 
two my life moves. -nisargadatta

[FairfieldLife] 6 tips to celebrate National Punctuation Day

2012-09-24 Thread turquoiseb
Short, to the point, and more clearly expressed than 
I've seen almost anywhere else. 


Other tips, concealed as ...walked into a bar jokes:

A semicolon walks into a bar; it has a drink and then leaves. 

A dangling modifier walks into a bar. After finishing a 
drink, the bartender asks it to leave.

A question mark walks into a bar?

Two scare quotes walk into a bar.

A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking to drink.

The bar was walked into by the passive voice.

Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They 
drink. They leave. 

Finally, more grammar than punctuation:

The past, the present and the future walked into a bar.
It was tense.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@... wrote:

I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to bullshit your way
out of addressing what I say about you, Curtis. 

M:  You have  now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  Got it.  Over and 

  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
 CURTIS1: The thing is dear Ann...
 ROBIN1: One must assume, since this is all that Curtis has said to Ann, that
 this retort is sufficient to utterly destroy the substance and effect of what
 Ann has written to Curtis.
 CURTIS2: No one must not. One might not know it was a short response I did on 
 my phone
 while standing in line at Starbucks before my show. One might even ask me if
 one was confused about the intent instead of going off on this rant.
 I wanted Ann to experience this line directed toward her to understand where I
 was coming from.
 ROBIN2: Bullshit, Curtis.
 ROBIN1:It is not. Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires that 
 enter into it.
 CURTIS 2: Requires? You really need to get over yourself Robin. You are the 
 guy who
 has been answering posts with enigmatic Youtube videos. Does this 
 only apply to me?
 ROBIN2: You are culpably selective and tendentious here, Curtis. You are 
 proving my thesis. 
 ROBIN1 :He refuses because his bloodhound instincts for the smell of truth 
 have warned
 him: Do not go there. It is dangerous.
 CURTIS 2: Right and you are the arbiter of truth., gotchya wise man.
 ROBIN2: No, no, Curtis. It is not who is the arbiter of truth. Newton and 
 Copernicus were not arbiters of the truth. The question is: Does what I am 
 saying here explain your behaviour, Curtis. And I believe it does. But you, 
 you *know* it does.
 Or am I wrong here, Curtis?
 Why not this response: Robin, what you are saying about me is not true. I do 
 not avoid the truth, and I do not understand on what basis you can make such 
 an outrageous and demeaning and trangressive statement. Shut up, Robin. You 
 are wrong.
 But that would be taking too much of a chance. It's the metaphysic of your 
 M.O., Curtis, and I have been describing it for some time now. You have never 
 addressed the question--and you never will. This is the secret to 
 understanding you, Curtis. You will not go anywhere near where reality might 
 make trouble for you.
 ROBIN1: So what does he do instead? He capsizes the context to make it seem 
 as if, in
 this ironic turning of a phrase of Ann's (in her addressing Share Long), *he 
 entirely dealt with the context of what Ann has said to him*.
 But there is a catch to this that most FFL readers will miss (Raunchy not one
 of them): Had anyone other than Curtis responded to someone as Curtis has 
 *that person would lack the force of personality and will to make this 
 stand as in any way adequate to the challenge presented by Ann*. But because 
 is Curtis who has written it, it has that Manly Halo Good-Guy-That-I-Am-Always
 strength inside of it
 CURTIS2: You are being an asshole here Robin.
 ROBIN2: Explain how my assholeness is a more salient fact than what I am 
 describing as the truth of how you act, Curtis.
 ROBIN1: --so, although ineffectual in the person of anyone else on FFL, with 
 it almost works. For at the very least, one has the illusory impression that
 Curtis has answered Ann.
 Which he has not. Do you see? This is a form of manipulation and deceit that
 is manifestly unfair to Ann and a form of insidious seduction of the reader.
 Consider this thought experiment: *Someone other than Curtis has written each
 one of the posts to Ann today* [that Curtis has in fact written]. Ann has
 responded as she has. Now consider that this X person (someone other than
 Curtis) responds to Ann's last post with this one sentence:
  The thing is dear Ann..
 CURTIS2: Plenty of posters write short lines to express a perspective 
 Concisely Robin, you might want to consider that concept.
 ROBIN2: Have I misjudged you, Curtis? I think Xeno's estimation of you 
 significant. But you are making me lose confidence in you. This won't do at 
 I am getting very angry with you, Curtis. Please stop with the names.
 ROBIN1: Think: How well would this go over? It would be a dying balloon. 
 embarrassing. [And note how Curtis has made of Ann's original approach to 
 as if sneeringly condescending and foul--but it was not this inside Ann's 
 such is the power of Curtis's appropriation of the truth.]
 But Curtis has a mystique (most balanced intellect among all of us--Xeno)
 and a character which gives to his words some power they otherwise would not
 have. And this of course is the point of my earlier post: Curtis is 
 determined not to let reality wrest control of the context. He will possess 
 context at all costs.
 CURTIS2: Holy shit, no 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  As they say, You're entitled to your opinion, but not your own
 facts. Furthermore, it's just plain sloppy to confuse the two. If
 you're going to claim that the truth is far away from the position Judy
 is taking, in other words, implying that she not telling the truth, then
 you better back that up with facts and not your OPINION.
 Okay Raunchy, there are facts that are not open to interpretation and
 those that are.
 There are physical facts which cannot be disputed or which don't leave
 room for interpretation and facts that do.
 So and so killed someone.  Did he do it in self defense or did he do it
 in a premeditated fashion out of anger or revenge?
 So you are telling me that the conclusion for something like this is
 clear cut.  I think this the fault line we often see here.   Some people
 are satisfied offering an opinion on something like this, and others
 will insist that their interpretation of this fact, is the correct
 I think it may be you who are confusing the issues Raunchy.
 If you are going to go into the pretzel mode, you might need to work on
 it a little more.

Pretzel mode happens to people who state an opinion as if it were fact. That's 
what you did by implying Judy doesn't tell the truth and exactly why she so 
easily kicks your butt in an argument.  

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  CURTIS: The thing is dear Ann...
  RESPONSE: One must assume, since this is all that Curtis has said to Ann, 
  that this retort is sufficient to utterly destroy the substance and effect 
  of what Ann has written to Curtis.
 M: No one must not. One might not know it was a short response I did on my 
 phone while standing in line at Starbucks before my show.  One might even ask 
 me if one was confused about the intent instead of going off on this rant.
 I wanted Ann to experience this line directed toward her to understand where 
 I was coming from. 
  It is not. Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires that Curtis 
  enter into it.
 M;  Requires?  You really need to get over yourself Robin. You are the guy 
 who has been answering posts with enigmatic Youtube videos.  Does this 
 requirement only apply to me?

 R:He refuses because his bloodhound instincts for the smell of truth have 
 warned him: Do not go there. It is dangerous.
 R: Right and you are the arbiter of truth., gotchya wise man.
  So what does he do instead? He capsizes the context to make it seem as if, 
  in this ironic turning of a phrase of Ann's (in her addressing Share Long), 
  *he has entirely dealt with the context of what Ann has said to him*. 
  But there is a catch to this that most FFL readers will miss (Raunchy not 
  one of them): Had anyone other than Curtis responded to someone as Curtis 
  has here, *that person would lack the force of personality and will to make 
  this response stand as in any way adequate to the challenge presented by 
  Ann*.  But because it is Curtis who has written it, it has that Manly Halo 
  Good-Guy-That-I-Am-Always strength inside of it
 M: You are being an asshole here Robin.  
 R: --so, although ineffectual in the person of anyone else on FFL, with 
 Curtis, it almost works. For at the very least, one has the illusory 
 impression that Curtis has answered Ann. 
  Which he has not. Do you see? This is a form of manipulation and deceit 
  that is manifestly unfair to Ann and a form of insidious seduction of the 
  reader. Consider this thought experiment: *Someone other than Curtis has 
  written each one of the posts to Ann today* [that Curtis has in fact 
  written]. Ann has responded as she has. Now consider that this X person 
  (someone other than Curtis) responds to Ann's last post with this one 
  The thing is dear Ann..
 M: Plenty of posters write short lines to express a perspective concisely.  
 Concisely Robin, you might want to consider that concept. 
  Think: How well would this go over? It would be a dying balloon. Almost 
  embarrassing. [And note how Curtis has made of Ann's original approach to 
  Share as if sneeringly condescending and foul--but it was not this inside 
  Ann's heart: such is the power of Curtis's appropriation of the truth.]
  But Curtis has a mystique (most balanced intellect among all of us--Xeno) 
  and a character which gives to his words some power they otherwise would 
  not have. And this of course is the point of my earlier post: Curtis is 
  fanatically determined not to let reality wrest control of the context. He 
  will possess that context at all costs.
 M: Holy shit, no you diii-int!  You never answered me about why you 
 repeated this charge a hundred times in your last posts, what was up with 
 that.  Did you know you were?  Do you know you are now?  
 Are you aware of the number of times you have repeated this charge?
  And in this sense, in saying what he has said to Ann here, he gives the 
  impression he has essentially had the last word. But has he?
 M: No Robin that will always be you.
  He has said nothing. He has systematically and sedulously and deceitfully 
  made certain that the potency and thoughtfulness of Ann's post to Curtis is 
  entirely robbed of its intrinsic merit. This, by force of personality and 
  will. Curtis legendary status among certain posters and readers here 
  enables him to escape from the demands of truth and honesty which are 
  incumbent upon the rest of us.
  And my thesis can only be denied by Curtis *through the very same M.O. as I 
  have described here*. 
 M: You really need to get that head out of your ass Robin.  At your age that 
 has to exacerbate constipation issues, and it can't be helping your 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 Pretzel mode happens to people who state an opinion as if it were
fact. That's what you did by implying Judy doesn't tell the truth and
exactly why she so easily kicks your butt in an argument.

Fine, whatever you say Raunchy.
But thank you for not bringing up this notion again of how we must be
honest with ourselves and others when on a public forum.  Because you
certainly are not the person to pontificate on that.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Ann WB -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Yes, cute DORMOUSE Ann.


  Not looking at all pompous or reality avoiding which of course were the 
nasty parts of the metaphor.
  Here is how I see it. You can focus on what you think of as the negative 
  aspects of this or the funny ones or, of course, ignore the whole thing 
  completely. All of these ways of dealing with the DORMOUSE 
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxiYrSk0Wagare possible.
 M: I don't see you or any of us living up to this advice when the intent is 
 directed toward us.  Judy's intent has been very clear with Share and she is 
 feeling defensive because she is being attacked.
 Imagine if in the beginning I gave this rap to you about Barry's posts to 
 you.  Is this realistic? 
  I actually found myself laughing out loud at that description and I can say 
 with all truthfulness I would have laughed just as much if it had been 
 directed at me, which it may have been since Judy said it was not directed at 
 you. What does focusing on the 'nasty parts of the metaphor' achieve anyway? 
 Surely, you have the best answer to that, I know you do. So, when I read that 
 descriptive my first impulse was to find a picture of a dormouse and look how 
 fantastic that little creature was.
    And so of course not the ones you mentioned.  Your ignoring that does 
  not do you justice.
  I IGNORE nothing but I FOCUS on what is important, to me. This is how I 
  live my life and it is the best way I know to do myself justice.
   Plus your ignoring Judy's part in this ie her response to my apology, 
   does not do you justice either.
  Share, my post to you was written with good intentions. If you, like 
  Curtis, think it was not then I failed in what I was trying to achieve, 
  which was to encourage you to stay true to who you think you are, a 
  positive and sensitive and thoughtful person, and not fall into the trap of 
  lashing out in a way that goes against who you want to be, or what you work 
  so hard on developing in your character in your relationship with others. 
  But, in reality, it is none of my business so I will, as you are so much 
  better than I am at doing, apologize if I wither misread you or overstepped 
  my boundaries. 
From: awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:33 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's 
use of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is 
quoting as I did not write those words.  Or even think them.  
Maybe herself?  Or someone from another decade?  

PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse 
than a rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter. 
   Here is the thing, dear Share, although you have obviously taken 
   exception to the metaphor of the dormouse as pertaining to you, it was a 
   rather charming, in an interesting way, image and not one to get overly 
   excited about. (See my photo of a rather adorable dormouse). On the other 
   hand, I know you can do better in your description of Judy so that it 
   encompasses not only your feelings (which seem to be hurt) as well as a 
   degree of truthfulness and therefore potency without the ugly-esh 
   negativity. I say this because I don't really sense that your rageful, 
   reality-obfuscating dirty fighter phrase as doing you the justice it 
   could if you were to dig a little deeper to find the one that is just 
   right. The one that fits your feelings right now but doesn't do you an 
   BTW, The previous sentence shows the clean fighting way of using 
   quotation marks as the words enclosed therein were actually written by a 
   FFL poster.    

 From: authfriend authfriend@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:10 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy  everyone -- writing for the 
Church of $cientology

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 My apologies to everyone including Judy for my part in
 this disagreement.  If anyone has questions or concerns
 about my part in it or in the one with Robin, again my
 request is that you email me directly for sake of
 sparing the forum any further negativity.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you can
 judge for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public forum)
 whether or not it was a fair fight. My point is that an open discussion
 on a public forum requires courage and integrity to be truthful with
 oneself and others. Openness keeps people honest, there's no place to
 hide. It's just you and the variety of mirrors of consciousness on the
 forum reflecting you back to you.
 Such noble words, but applied so selectively to only people you deem
 deserving a fair hearing.

Is that a fact? Prove it.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
   You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you
  judge for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public
  whether or not it was a fair fight. My point is that an open
  on a public forum requires courage and integrity to be truthful with
  oneself and others. Openness keeps people honest, there's no place
  hide. It's just you and the variety of mirrors of consciousness on
  forum reflecting you back to you.
  Such noble words, but applied so selectively to only people you deem
  deserving a fair hearing.

 Is that a fact? Prove it.

You have on at least on one occasion slandered someone, and when it was
pointed out that you made an entirely inaccurate statement about this
person you refused to back down or issue an apology.
So when you talk about how we must be honest with ourselves and others,
I find this to be empty rhetoric on your part.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@ wrote:
  I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
  bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
  you, Curtis. 
 M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
 Got it.  Over and out.

It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
That Curtis or anyone else owes him a response
in which he addresses what he says about him. And
that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
until he does.

That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
That's what attention vampires do. That's what
Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
trend it's what Ann is starting to do.

It's NOT what normal people do. 

What would you do if some guy on the street walked
up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things 
about you in your face, and then stood there 
demanding that you *debate* these things with him, 
and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to 
point up to the sky and say Look...is that a UFO?
...and then run away?

And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
start to think that they can demand things of
others that they would never dare to demand of 
them in real life. 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@ wrote:
I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to bullshit your way
out of addressing what I say about you, Curtis. 

CURTIS: You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin. Got it. Over and 

ROBIN: Troll here Robin: Well, as long as the big fish are biting, I will, 
Curtis. Thinking of using my Max Squid now, instead of a lake troll.  Thanks 
for showing me the spot where I should drop my line. 


   In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  CURTIS1: The thing is dear Ann...
  ROBIN1: One must assume, since this is all that Curtis has said to Ann, that
  this retort is sufficient to utterly destroy the substance and effect of 
  Ann has written to Curtis.
  CURTIS2: No one must not. One might not know it was a short response I did 
  on my phone
  while standing in line at Starbucks before my show. One might even ask me if
  one was confused about the intent instead of going off on this rant.
  I wanted Ann to experience this line directed toward her to understand 
  where I
  was coming from.
  ROBIN2: Bullshit, Curtis.
  ROBIN1:It is not. Ann has written a response to Curtis which requires that 
  enter into it.
  CURTIS 2: Requires? You really need to get over yourself Robin. You are the 
  guy who
  has been answering posts with enigmatic Youtube videos. Does this 
  only apply to me?
  ROBIN2: You are culpably selective and tendentious here, Curtis. You are 
  proving my thesis. 
  ROBIN1 :He refuses because his bloodhound instincts for the smell of truth 
  have warned
  him: Do not go there. It is dangerous.
  CURTIS 2: Right and you are the arbiter of truth., gotchya wise man.
  ROBIN2: No, no, Curtis. It is not who is the arbiter of truth. Newton and 
  Copernicus were not arbiters of the truth. The question is: Does what I am 
  saying here explain your behaviour, Curtis. And I believe it does. But you, 
  you *know* it does.
  Or am I wrong here, Curtis?
  Why not this response: Robin, what you are saying about me is not true. I 
  do not avoid the truth, and I do not understand on what basis you can make 
  such an outrageous and demeaning and trangressive statement. Shut up, 
  Robin. You are wrong.
  But that would be taking too much of a chance. It's the metaphysic of your 
  M.O., Curtis, and I have been describing it for some time now. You have 
  never addressed the question--and you never will. This is the secret to 
  understanding you, Curtis. You will not go anywhere near where reality 
  might make trouble for you.
  ROBIN1: So what does he do instead? He capsizes the context to make it seem 
  as if, in
  this ironic turning of a phrase of Ann's (in her addressing Share Long), 
  *he has
  entirely dealt with the context of what Ann has said to him*.
  But there is a catch to this that most FFL readers will miss (Raunchy not 
  of them): Had anyone other than Curtis responded to someone as Curtis has 
  *that person would lack the force of personality and will to make this 
  stand as in any way adequate to the challenge presented by Ann*. But 
  because it
  is Curtis who has written it, it has that Manly Halo 
  strength inside of it
  CURTIS2: You are being an asshole here Robin.
  ROBIN2: Explain how my assholeness is a more salient fact than what I am 
  describing as the truth of how you act, Curtis.
  ROBIN1: --so, although ineffectual in the person of anyone else on FFL, 
  with Curtis,
  it almost works. For at the very least, one has the illusory impression that
  Curtis has answered Ann.
  Which he has not. Do you see? This is a form of manipulation and deceit that
  is manifestly unfair to Ann and a form of insidious seduction of the reader.
  Consider this thought experiment: *Someone other than Curtis has written 
  one of the posts to Ann today* [that Curtis has in fact written]. Ann has
  responded as she has. Now consider that this X person (someone other than
  Curtis) responds to Ann's last post with this one sentence:
   The thing is dear Ann..
  CURTIS2: Plenty of posters write short lines to express a perspective 
  Concisely Robin, you might want to consider that concept.
  ROBIN2: Have I misjudged you, Curtis? I think Xeno's estimation of you 
  significant. But you are making me lose confidence in you. This won't do at 
  I am getting very angry with you, Curtis. Please stop with the names.
  ROBIN1: Think: How well would this go over? It would be a dying balloon. 
  embarrassing. [And note how Curtis has made of Ann's original approach to 
  as if sneeringly condescending and foul--but it was not this inside Ann's 
  such is 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to seventhray -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 To everyone:  I am now automatically putting the posts of
 certain posters right into Trash.  So obviously I won't be
 responding to those people.

Setting an example of integrity and courage for us all.

Hey, maybe I should try that. Then I could say anything
I damn pleased and never worry about whether it was true
or accurate or fair. I could just live in my own little
solipsistic Disneyland.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@ wrote:
   I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
   bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
   you, Curtis. 
  M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
  Got it.  Over and out.
 It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
 That Curtis or anyone else owes him a response
 in which he addresses what he says about him. And
 that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
 do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
 until he does.

M:  That was kind of a startling admission wasn't it?  Presumptive 
unfriendliness goes torrettes. 

 That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
 what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
 ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
 That's what attention vampires do. That's what
 Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
 trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
 It's NOT what normal people do. 
 What would you do if some guy on the street walked
 up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things 
 about you in your face, and then stood there 
 demanding that you *debate* these things with him, 
 and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to 
 point up to the sky and say Look...is that a UFO?
 ...and then run away?
 And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
 start to think that they can demand things of
 others that they would never dare to demand of 
 them in real life.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra maskedzebra@ wrote:
   I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
   bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
   you, Curtis. 
  M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
  Got it.  Over and out.
 It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
 That Curtis or anyone else owes him a response
 in which he addresses what he says about him. And
 that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
 do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
 until he does.
 That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
 what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
 ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
 That's what attention vampires do. That's what
 Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
 trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
 It's NOT what normal people do.

Actually, that's what reporters have been doing with
Romney concerning the tax returns he has refused to
release, just for one recent example in public life.

Romney's excuse that he doesn't owe it to anybody to
release the returns hasn't gone over too well. The
reporters haven't been calling him names, but pundits
sure have been, as has the Obama campaign.

Come to think of it, it's also a tactic Barry has used
many times: posing a question to someone, then if they
don't respond, repeating the question over and over
and calling them cowardly because they haven't answered
him. I can think of several instances right off the bat;
I suspect we all can.

Gee, do we have yet another demonstration here of 
Barry's incomparable talent for inadvertent irony?

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
you, Curtis. 
   M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
   Got it.  Over and out.
  It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
  That Curtis or anyone else owes him a response
  in which he addresses what he says about him. And
  that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
  do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
  until he does.
  That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
  what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
  ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
  That's what attention vampires do. That's what
  Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
  trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
  It's NOT what normal people do.
 Actually, that's what reporters have been doing with
 Romney concerning the tax returns he has refused to
 release, just for one recent example in public life.
 Romney's excuse that he doesn't owe it to anybody to
 release the returns hasn't gone over too well. The
 reporters haven't been calling him names, but pundits
 sure have been, as has the Obama campaign.
 Come to think of it, it's also a tactic Barry has used
 many times: posing a question to someone, then if they
 don't respond, repeating the question over and over
 and calling them cowardly because they haven't answered
 him. I can think of several instances right off the bat;
 I suspect we all can.
 Gee, do we have yet another demonstration here of 
 Barry's incomparable talent for inadvertent irony?

Barry said he would put his money on it, but when I
accepted his wager and raised him $500, he wouldn't
put his money where his mouth was, and he didn't fold,
and he refused to show his hand, so Barry owes all of 
us big time by now, for fibbing. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

 It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
 That Curtis or anyone else owes him a response
 in which he addresses what he says about him. And
 that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
 do, he's just going to keep calling him names
 until he does.

 That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
 what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
 ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do.
 That's what attention vampires do. That's what
 Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
 trend it's what Ann is starting to do.

 It's NOT what normal people do.

 What would you do if some guy on the street walked
 up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things
 about you in your face, and then stood there
 demanding that you *debate* these things with him,
 and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to
 point up to the sky and say Look...is that a UFO?
 ...and then run away?

 And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
 start to think that they can demand things of
 others that they would never dare to demand of
 them in real life.

So, it's all about Barry. LoL!

Share, I tried to warn you.

   I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to
   bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about
   you, Curtis.
  M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.
  Got it.  Over and out.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Judy's attributing words to me that I did not write or even think is Judy's 
  alternate approach to supplying subtext?!  Oh, wait, I think I get it.  
  You're making a joke.  Please tell me you're making a joke.  And not 
  twisting into a pretzel to avoid criticizing Judy.   
 It was clear to me from the get go that Judy wasn't quoting anything you 
 actually said. That part of my statement still stands. However, Judy 
 corrected me: What I normally do is put Translation: before the proposed 
 subtext. In this case I was *adding* something to what Share had said 
 (Especially when...) rather than supplying subtext for what she had said, 
 so Translation: didn't apply. But I knew nobody would think it was 
 something she herself had said, so I just left it in quotes.
 Apparently, Judy was fairly confident that nobody would think it was 
 something you had *actually* said. IMO your objection to attributing words 
 to you is a ruse to avoid the larger issue of having mistakes and 
 falsehoods called to your attention.
  Raunchy, do you really think that the only parameter of fair fighting is 
  keeping discussions out in the open?!  I disagree.  I think there are 
  others that are at least equally important.
 You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you can judge 
 for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public forum) whether or 
 not it was a fair fight. My point is that an open discussion on a public 
 forum requires courage and integrity to be truthful with oneself and others. 
 Openness keeps people honest, there's no place to hide. It's just you and the 
 variety of mirrors of consciousness on the forum reflecting you back to you.
  I notice how you put all of this on me and none of it on Judy, totally 
  ignoring how she responded to my apology.  Of course that's what she did 
  with the me and Robin kafufel.  Perhaps a requirement to belong to her 
 Judy's response to you is between you and Judy. The clique requirement slam 
 is wholly gratuitous and also untrue, since I don't know anything about your 
 Robin kerfuffle, nor do I care.

Share, I'd to make a correction. Nor do I care is harsh, dismissive and 
unfair. It doesn't convey what I would rather have said, which is that the 
Robin kerfuffle is not relevant to anything I've said to you. 
  I would say rather if we can't be honest with ourselves, how can we be 
  honest with others.  Discerning respected others have told me that I am 
  honest with myself about my shortcomings to a very good degree.  Perhaps 
  my memory is not as good as Judy's nor my ability to deal with the sheer 
  volume of posts and archives.  But my intention about and devotion to big 
  and little truths is at least as strong as hers, if not stronger.     
 r#275;s ipsa loquitur 
   From: raunchydog raunchydog@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:56 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use 
   of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as 
   I did not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe 
   herself?  Or someone from another decade?  
   PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than 
   a rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter.  BTW, The previous 
   sentence shows the clean fighting way of using quotation marks as the 
   words enclosed therein were actually written by a FFL poster.    
  You've got a pretty strong charge going on there, Share. Maybe it's 
  something to reflect upon. It's quite clear to me Judy wasn't quoting 
  anything you actually said. Her alternate approach to supplying subtext, 
  that I've seen her use with Barry, might have been: Says Share, especially 
  disliking the negativity of having her mistakes and falsehoods called to 
  her attention. She really hates that. 
  Seems to me fighting fairly means keeping the discussion out in the open. 
  Private emails, or even the gist of them that leak into the public 
  discussion, Sal's for example, is more likely to engender 
  reality-obfuscating as well as mistrust and room to stretch or avoid the 
  I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere near the larger 
  Truth if they have no concern for the smaller truths of everyday life, 
  including on this forum. If we can't be honest with each other, how can we 
  ever be honest with ourselves? ~J. Stein

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-24 Thread mjackson74
Me refería a las técnicas avanzadas te idiota

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  The answer is of course that while this type of 
  architecture may be nice and may be interesting, 
  our health and well being and world peace are 
  NOT enhanced by it, this is a bullshit lie...
 You have already been caught telling a fib here, 
 Mr. Jackson - you only get one single bija mantra
 in TM. How you got more than one TM bija mantra
 from three TM teachers is beyond me. Obviously you
 haven't been practicing TM. Go figure. 
 Our health and well being and world peace are 
 enhanced, or not, by by EVERYTHING we do, both
 mental and physical. All actions are dependent on
 other actions. 
 Why do you think they call the family fireplace a 
I noticed that you have not responded to the notion that 
if sthapatya veda is so important to health, well-being 
and world peace, seems like the Big M might have 
mentioned it a few years ago so it could be working its 
magic all these many years.
   MMY mentioned vastu before the erection of the Golden Dome 
   at Fairfield, IA, in 1972. Why do you think it's a dome?
Perhaps you were not directing this to me, but I am not 
a TM teacher, merely one of the peons who meditate.

   So, where did your TM bija mantra come from? 
   The point I'm trying to make is that the bijas mantras 
   used in TM practice came from the Sri Vidya sect. 
   So, I don't think they were 'made up' by MMY or Satyanand 
   or Nandakishore. This is probably the most important 
   aspect of TM practice that was mentioned on Usenet posts 
   which could discredit MMY, that TM was 'invented' by
   MMY, when in fact, it's a centuries old yoga technique
   used by Buddhists and Hindus since at least the time of
   the historical Buddha and the use of mandalas, if not
   long before in the Upper Paleolithic in South Asia, 
   according to historians.
   To sum up what has been established:
   If SBS had in his possession a Sri Yantra, and placed it 
   in the Brahmastan of his cave, worshipped it and 
   meditated on it while muttering the Saraswati bija mantra, 
   and since SBS posed in Padma Asana displaying the chit 
   mudra, and since SBS's teacher was SKS of Sringeri,
   the headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins, and since
   the Sri Yantra is placed on the mandir for worship at
   the Sringeri, in a vastu tantric temple which has a 
   south facing entrance, and since all the Saraswati 
   sannyasins of the Shankara order at Sringeri all adhere 
   to the Soundarylahari in which is mentioned the TM bija 
   mantra for Saraswati, and every Saraswati sannyasin 
   meditates on the Saraswati bija mantra at least twice 
   every day, most people would conclude that the TM bija 
   derived from the Sri Vidya sect of Karnataka, since the 
   TM bija mantra for Saraswati is mentioned in the most
   revered scripture of the Sri Vidya, and is enumerated
   in the Soundaryalahari, right?
   Work cited:
   'History of the Tantric Religion'
   by Bhattacharyya, N. N.
   New Delhi: Manohar, 1999

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 If you going to slander me, back it up with a specific instance or
apologize. Fact: I made a case for honesty. Your opinion: It was empty
rhetoric. Fact: You confuse fact with opinion and conflate the two in
the same sentence. Evidence?
You slandered Sal.  I am sorry that I don't recall all the details.  You
can look it up if you want.  But I think it was generally acknowledged
that you made a factual representation, that you refused to back down
from even when confronted when clear evidence that this was the case. 
And if I recall the incident correctly, and I think I do, you indicated
that Sal was not worthy of an apology from you.
So there you have it.
So, once again, talk about Judy's superior logic, talk about Judy's
trouncing her opponents in arguments, but please spare me your
pontificating about the need for unflinching honesty when participating
in a public forum.  I am not seeing that in the way you operate here.
So once again, Read what you just wrote. That's enough therapy for one
day, Steve. Session over. Five cents, please.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Richard John -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Share Long
Richard, I bet a really good jyotishi could tell us who it's going to be about 
tomorrow (-:

John, what about Guru and Rahu in the 8th, opposed by Mars and Ketu in 2nd.  
Can't be good!

 From: Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

 It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
 That Curtis or anyone else owes him a response
 in which he addresses what he says about him. And
 that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
 do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
 until he does.
 That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
 what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
 ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
 That's what attention vampires do. That's what
 Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
 trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
 It's NOT what normal people do. 
 What would you do if some guy on the street walked
 up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things 
 about you in your face, and then stood there 
 demanding that you *debate* these things with him, 
 and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to 
 point up to the sky and say Look...is that a UFO?
 ...and then run away?
 And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
 start to think that they can demand things of
 others that they would never dare to demand of 
 them in real life.

So, it's all about Barry. LoL!
Share, I tried to warn you.

   I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
   bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
   you, Curtis. 
  M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
  Got it.  Over and out.


[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 
 You have on at least on one occasion slandered someone, and when
 it was pointed out that you made an entirely inaccurate statement
 about this person you refused to back down or issue an apology.
 So when you talk about how we must be honest with ourselves and 
 others, I find this to be empty rhetoric on your part.


Since there's such a big fuss about my having used Sal's
comments about Jennifer Blair as an example of bullying, I
found and read Sal's entire thread 'Email going around FF.'
I see that I commented to Susan wayback71 on the thread
by posting a link making fun of Sal's objection to milk and
cookies. When I used Sal's thread as an example of bullying,
all I remembered about it was that Sal lobbed one of her
signature stink bombs criticizing a fundraiser for Jennifer,
a lovely person, who lost everything in the Depot fire, as
did many other people I know and care about, Max Sutherland,
Marty Brodeur, and Duncan McMasters just to name a few. For
the sake of accuracy I should have looked up the thread
before posting about it.--raunchydog, 3/6/12


Not only did Sal not take back her slur on Jennifer
for serving milk and cookies at her fundraiser, BTW,
she doubled down on it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhist Meditation: A Management Skill?

2012-09-24 Thread martyboi

Google has been teaching mindfulness practice for years. They have an advanced 
engineer/instructor, Chade-Meng Tang whose official title is Jolly Good 
Fellow. The course is one of the Company's most popular. His new book is 
Search Inside Yourself. I am currently reading it.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Ann WB -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Yes, cute dormouse, Ann.  Not looking at all pompous or
 reality avoiding which of course were the nasty parts of
 the metaphor.

Which metaphor had not been applied to you in the
first place.

Except by yourself, of course, in your attempt to 
demonstrate what a terrible person I am.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Judy's attributing words to me that I did not write or
 even think

I did not attribute words to you, Share.

The rest of this is so distant from reality, it boggles
the mind.

 is Judy's alternate approach to supplying subtext?!  Oh, wait, I think I 
get it.  You're making a joke.  Please tell me you're making a joke.  And 
not twisting into a pretzel to avoid criticizing Judy.   
 Raunchy, do you really think that the only parameter of fair fighting is 
 keeping discussions out in the open?!  I disagree.  I think there are 
 others that are at least equally important.
 I notice how you put all of this on me and none of it on Judy, totally 
 ignoring how she responded to my apology.  Of course that's what she did 
 with the me and Robin kafufel.  Perhaps a requirement to belong to her 
 I would say rather if we can't be honest with ourselves, how can we be honest 
 with others.  Discerning respected others have told me that I am honest with 
 myself about my shortcomings to a very good degree.  Perhaps my memory is 
 not as good as Judy's nor my ability to deal with the sheer volume of posts 
 and archives.  But my intention about and devotion to big and little truths 
 is at least as strong as hers, if not stronger.        
  From: raunchydog raunchydog@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Supplying some mental floss for this exchange and just in case Judy's use 
  of quotation marks is obfuscating, I'm sure it's not me she is quoting as I 
  did not write those words.  Or even think them.  Maybe herself?  
  Or someone from another decade?  
  PS  I'd rather be a supposed pompous, reality-avoiding dormouse than a 
  rageful, reality-obfuscating dirty fighter.  BTW, The previous sentence 
  shows the clean fighting way of using quotation marks as the words enclosed 
  therein were actually written by a FFL poster.    
 You've got a pretty strong charge going on there, Share. Maybe it's something 
 to reflect upon. It's quite clear to me Judy wasn't quoting anything you 
 actually said. Her alternate approach to supplying subtext, that I've seen 
 her use with Barry, might have been: Says Share, especially disliking the 
 negativity of having her mistakes and falsehoods called to her attention. She 
 really hates that. 
 Seems to me fighting fairly means keeping the discussion out in the open. 
 Private emails, or even the gist of them that leak into the public 
 discussion, Sal's for example, is more likely to engender reality-obfuscating 
 as well as mistrust and room to stretch or avoid the truth. 
 I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere near the larger Truth 
 if they have no concern for the smaller truths of everyday life, including on 
 this forum. If we can't be honest with each other, how can we ever be honest 
 with ourselves? ~J. Stein
   From: authfriend authfriend@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:10 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy  everyone -- writing for the Church of 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   My apologies to everyone including Judy for my part in
   this disagreement.  If anyone has questions or concerns
   about my part in it or in the one with Robin, again my
   request is that you email me directly for sake of
   sparing the forum any further negativity.
  Especially the negativity of having my mistakes and
  falsehoods called to my attention. I really hate that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Ammachi Yahoo group list

2012-09-24 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:35 AM, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002...@yahoo.com


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...

  Looks like the moderator of Ammachi_free_speech_zone has been pressured
  MA Center to give up the moderator duties to an overtly biased Amma
  supporter and this mad yogi was duly kicked off :-)

 I'm sorry you've been derpived of an outlet to offer your opinion about
 things Ravi.

 However, I wonder if there is another side to the story?  You know, their

Opinion? Opinion? Goddammit - how dare you call it opinion Steve baby. It's
drama, it's entertainment, it's performance, it's acting, it's stand-up
comedy  - the goal is captivate my audience and enthrall, entice and
entertain them. There has to be stories, pathos - emotion, drama, love,
hate, anger, greed, jealousy, sure lines prepared - yet the script totally
unknown to me. The audience feels empathy with me - I make up, improvise as
I go along based on the audience, the mood, is there a better actor than me
on this entire fucking planet? - I don't need these stupid lists. If
someone's offended it's their bias, their fears, their insecurities,
their anxieties.

It doesn't matter - even one person a day is enough and I find enough
people to entertain in a given day, at work, at other places - it can even
be the cashier at the checkout line. Why I was at the dentist's office the
other day and I made sure he was thoroughly entertained, in fact the dental
assistant can't stop giggling when she sees me. At the end I asked the
dentist how he would rate me as a patient on a scale of 1-10, and he said -
of course a 10. I asked me to rate me either a 9 or 9 and half because
otherwise there would be no room for improvement, that I would have no
motivation, he laughed and agreed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Ammachi Yahoo group list

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

Why I was at the dentist's office the
 other day and I made sure he was thoroughly entertained, in fact the dental
 assistant can't stop giggling when she sees me.

M: I am having so much trouble improving on this scene for a satire.

Sometimes perfection just needs to stand alone. 

 On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:35 AM, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Looks like the moderator of Ammachi_free_speech_zone has been pressured
   MA Center to give up the moderator duties to an overtly biased Amma
   supporter and this mad yogi was duly kicked off :-)
  I'm sorry you've been derpived of an outlet to offer your opinion about
  things Ravi.
  However, I wonder if there is another side to the story?  You know, their
 Opinion? Opinion? Goddammit - how dare you call it opinion Steve baby. It's
 drama, it's entertainment, it's performance, it's acting, it's stand-up
 comedy  - the goal is captivate my audience and enthrall, entice and
 entertain them. There has to be stories, pathos - emotion, drama, love,
 hate, anger, greed, jealousy, sure lines prepared - yet the script totally
 unknown to me. The audience feels empathy with me - I make up, improvise as
 I go along based on the audience, the mood, is there a better actor than me
 on this entire fucking planet? - I don't need these stupid lists. If
 someone's offended it's their bias, their fears, their insecurities,
 their anxieties.
 It doesn't matter - even one person a day is enough and I find enough
 people to entertain in a given day, at work, at other places - it can even
 be the cashier at the checkout line. Why I was at the dentist's office the
 other day and I made sure he was thoroughly entertained, in fact the dental
 assistant can't stop giggling when she sees me. At the end I asked the
 dentist how he would rate me as a patient on a scale of 1-10, and he said -
 of course a 10. I asked me to rate me either a 9 or 9 and half because
 otherwise there would be no room for improvement, that I would have no
 motivation, he laughed and agreed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Ammachi Yahoo group list

2012-09-24 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Ravi Chivukula

 On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:35 AM, seventhray1 
 lurkernomore20002...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...

  Looks like the moderator of Ammachi_free_speech_zone has been pressured
  MA Center to give up the moderator duties to an overtly biased Amma
  supporter and this mad yogi was duly kicked off :-)

 I'm sorry you've been derpived of an outlet to offer your opinion about
 things Ravi.

 However, I wonder if there is another side to the story?  You know, their

 Opinion? Opinion? Goddammit - how dare you call it opinion Steve baby.
 It's drama, it's entertainment, it's performance, it's acting, it's
 stand-up comedy  - the goal is captivate my audience and enthrall, entice
 and entertain them. There has to be stories, pathos - emotion, drama, love,
 hate, anger, greed, jealousy, sure lines prepared - yet the script totally
 unknown to me. The audience feels empathy with me - I make up, improvise as
 I go along based on the audience, the mood, is there a better actor than me
 on this entire fucking planet? - I don't need these stupid lists. If
 someone's offended it's their bias, their fears, their insecurities,
 their anxieties.

 It doesn't matter - even one person a day is enough and I find enough
 people to entertain in a given day, at work, at other places - it can even
 be the cashier at the checkout line. Why I was at the dentist's office the
 other day and I made sure he was thoroughly entertained, in fact the dental
 assistant can't stop giggling when she sees me. At the end I asked the
 dentist how he would rate me as a patient on a scale of 1-10, and he said -
 of course a 10. I asked me to rate me either a 9 or 9 and half because
 otherwise there would be no room for improvement, that I would have no
 motivation, he laughed and agreed.

Yet, yet.. I just want to entertain my beloved for the rest of my life and
she's mad at me - oh how cruel is this? May be this is all a practice for
her, it will be all good once I earn her grace.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to seventhray -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Seventhray, thank you for all the reasonable points you've been making.  And 
 for being fair to everyone.  And for being from my perspective both 
 straightforward and profound.  Whoops, sorry if sounding pompous (-:
 Anyway, I wonder if Raunchy really thinks that all mirrors, such as distorted 
 ones which think they're undistorted, really add to truthfulness.  And that 
 one is guaranteed to get accurate and objective feedback as to the fairness 
 of a fight from a forum like FFL!  
 There is a very good reason that wise people ask professional peace makers to 
 act as a mediator, especially in emotional situations.  Even well meaning 
 family and friends simply cannot be objective and fair to both parties.     
 To everyone:  I am now automatically putting the posts of certain posters 
 right into Trash.


 So obviously I won't be responding to those people.    
  From: seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you can 
  judge for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public forum) 
  whether or not it was a fair fight. My point is that an open discussion on 
  a public forum requires courage and integrity to be truthful with oneself 
  and others. Openness keeps people honest, there's no place to hide. It's 
  just you and the variety of mirrors of consciousness on the forum 
  reflecting you back to you.
 Such noble words, but applied so selectively to only people you deem 
 deserving a fair hearing.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
  You have on at least on one occasion slandered someone, and when
  it was pointed out that you made an entirely inaccurate statement
  about this person you refused to back down or issue an apology.
  So when you talk about how we must be honest with ourselves and
  others, I find this to be empty rhetoric on your part.


 Since there's such a big fuss about my having used Sal's
 comments about Jennifer Blair as an example of bullying, I
 found and read Sal's entire thread 'Email going around FF.'
 I see that I commented to Susan wayback71 on the thread
 by posting a link making fun of Sal's objection to milk and
 cookies. When I used Sal's thread as an example of bullying,
 all I remembered about it was that Sal lobbed one of her
 signature stink bombs criticizing a fundraiser for Jennifer,
 a lovely person, who lost everything in the Depot fire, as
 did many other people I know and care about, Max Sutherland,
 Marty Brodeur, and Duncan McMasters just to name a few. For
 the sake of accuracy I should have looked up the thread
 before posting about it.--raunchydog, 3/6/12

This sounds like someone too proud to make a clear unequivocal apology,
which is what one might expect from after clear unequivocal
misrepresentation.I mean you can find a half of an apology there if you
look hard for it.So maybe with this doubling down you refer to at some
point, maybe together those two constitute an apology, but I doubt it.
But thank you for looking this up.


 Not only did Sal not take back her slur on Jennifer
 for serving milk and cookies at her fundraiser, BTW,
 she doubled down on it.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 
 You slandered Sal.  I am sorry that I don't recall all the 
 details.  You can look it up if you want.

You made the accusation. *You* should be the one to look
it up to support the accusation. You should have looked it
up, in fact, before you ever made it.

Not just because that's the ethical thing to do, but
because you would never have made the accusation if you
had, and you'd have saved yourself the embarrassment of
being wrong.

 But I think it was generally acknowledged
 that you made a factual representation, that you refused to
 back down from even when confronted when clear evidence that
 this was the case.

Wrong, and wrong. Let's see if Steve backs down when he
reads the post of raunchy's that I just reposted.

 And if I recall the incident correctly, and I think I do, you 
 indicated that Sal was not worthy of an apology from you.

You have that part correct. Of course, that involves
opinion, not fact. I agree with raunchy: Sal has been
so incredibly unpleasant here so often--as well as
frequently getting her facts bollixed up--without ever
making any apologies that she does not deserve to
receive apologies from anybody.

 So there you have it.
 So, once again, talk about Judy's superior logic, talk about
 Judy's trouncing her opponents in arguments, but please spare
 me your pontificating about the need for unflinching honesty
 when participating in a public forum.  I am not seeing that
 in the way you operate here.

You are not seeing raunchy's unflinching honesty because
you have a very poor memory and aren't willing to do your
homework, so you see only what you want to see.

I wouldn't call you dishonest per se in that regard, but
I sure would say you significantly lack integrity.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
  You slandered Sal.  I am sorry that I don't recall all the
  details.  You can look it up if you want.

 You made the accusation. *You* should be the one to look
 it up to support the accusation. You should have looked it
 up, in fact, before you ever made it.
Thank you Judy.  I knew you would chime in here.  Here's the first
possible oint of contention, or parsing.  What constitutes slander. 
Now Judy will say that slander is not the right term, and then we can
go on and on about that.
 Not just because that's the ethical thing to do, but
 because you would never have made the accusation if you
 had, and you'd have saved yourself the embarrassment of
 being wrong.
Judy, I think you saved everyone (or at least me) a lot of time on the
whole matter by looking up, what you call Raunchy's apology in the post
you made a few minutes ago.  If not an apology, it sure seems like she's
back tracking on something.
  But I think it was generally acknowledged
  that you made a factual representation, that you refused to
  back down from even when confronted when clear evidence that
  this was the case.

 Wrong, and wrong. Let's see if Steve backs down when he
 reads the post of raunchy's that I just reposted.

  And if I recall the incident correctly, and I think I do, you
  indicated that Sal was not worthy of an apology from you.

 You have that part correct. Of course, that involves
 opinion, not fact. I agree with raunchy: Sal has been
 so incredibly unpleasant here so often--as well as
 frequently getting her facts bollixed up--without ever
 making any apologies that she does not deserve to
 receive apologies from anybody.
Judy, thank you.  Bless you.  This was all I wanted.  I wanted the *. 
You know the importance of integrity and honesty on a public forum*
*except when it doesn't apply.  namely to people I think don't deserve
Thank you again Judy.  That is all I wanted to hear.
  So there you have it.
  So, once again, talk about Judy's superior logic, talk about
  Judy's trouncing her opponents in arguments, but please spare
  me your pontificating about the need for unflinching honesty
  when participating in a public forum.  I am not seeing that
  in the way you operate here.

 You are not seeing raunchy's unflinching honesty because
 you have a very poor memory and aren't willing to do your
 homework, so you see only what you want to see.
Judy, no doubt I have blind spots.  Perhaps I have one here.  But I
don't think the evidence presented is indicating that.
 I wouldn't call you dishonest per se in that regard, but
 I sure would say you significantly lack integrity.
Okay, I accept that.  You are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Ammachi Yahoo group list

2012-09-24 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 11:16 AM, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...

 Why I was at the dentist's office the
  other day and I made sure he was thoroughly entertained, in fact the
  assistant can't stop giggling when she sees me.

 M: I am having so much trouble improving on this scene for a satire.

 Sometimes perfection just needs to stand alone.

Yes indeed Curtis, The dentist was a San Diego conservative, among the many
lines I used one of them was that I was a die-hard San Franciscan and that
if I felt any pain I would organize a protest in front of his office. I
also made fun that his conservative opinions were going unchallenged
because he was stating them while working on my teeth giving me absolutely
no chance to respond. Of course a bit earlier I established a common ground
by letting him know that I appreciated the fiscal conservatism and that I
was a liberal when it comes to morality.

Anyway I messed up earlier when I said I want  my audience to empathize
with me. No, what I meant was I want my audience to connect with me, at a
heart level, I refuse to be ignored - either they love me or hate me -
either I'm a fun, loving guy or a rude, insulting asshole as in yours and
Barry's case. There's no way anyone who interacts with me and isn't stirred
at a heart level.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to seventhray -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1
Hey Share,
I hope I am not taking a liberty here, but there are some people, and I
include myself in this, who are more comfortable operating on a more
intuitive level.  And therefore we might be more prone to be
misunderstand by others who operate from a more analytical level.
But I have noticed that when you ratchet up the analytical side of your
personality that you hone right in on the issues.
You are two parts Saraswati and one part Kali.
Honestly the Kali part kind of turns me on. (-:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...
 Seventhray, thank you for all the reasonable points you've been
making.  And for being fair to everyone.  And for being from my
perspective both straightforward and profound.  Whoops, sorry if
sounding pompous (-:

 Anyway, I wonder if Raunchy really thinks that all mirrors, such as
distorted ones which think they're undistorted, really add to
truthfulness.  And that one is guaranteed to get accurate and
objective feedback as to the fairness of a fight from a forum like

 There is a very good reason that wise people ask professional peace
makers to act as a mediator, especially in emotional situations. 
Even well meaning family and friends simply cannot be objective and fair
to both parties. Â  Â

 To everyone:Â  I am now automatically putting the posts of certain
posters right into Trash.  So obviously I won't be responding to
those people. Â Â

  From: seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

  You can fight fairly in private emails as much as you like and you
can judge for yourself (without the benefit of feedback from a public
forum) whether or not it was a fair fight. My point is that an open
discussion on a public forum requires courage and integrity to be
truthful with oneself and others. Openness keeps people honest, there's
no place to hide. It's just you and the variety of mirrors of
consciousness on the forum reflecting you back to you.

 Such noble words, but applied so selectively to only people you deem
deserving a fair hearing.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@ 
  You have on at least on one occasion slandered someone, and when
  it was pointed out that you made an entirely inaccurate statement
  about this person you refused to back down or issue an apology.
  So when you talk about how we must be honest with ourselves and 
  others, I find this to be empty rhetoric on your part.
 Since there's such a big fuss about my having used Sal's
 comments about Jennifer Blair as an example of bullying, I
 found and read Sal's entire thread 'Email going around FF.'
 I see that I commented to Susan wayback71 on the thread
 by posting a link making fun of Sal's objection to milk and
 cookies. When I used Sal's thread as an example of bullying,
 all I remembered about it was that Sal lobbed one of her
 signature stink bombs criticizing a fundraiser for Jennifer,
 a lovely person, who lost everything in the Depot fire, as
 did many other people I know and care about, Max Sutherland,
 Marty Brodeur, and Duncan McMasters just to name a few. For
 the sake of accuracy I should have looked up the thread
 before posting about it.--raunchydog, 3/6/12
 Not only did Sal not take back her slur on Jennifer
 for serving milk and cookies at her fundraiser, BTW,
 she doubled down on it.

Wow! Judy, I just read the thread from the link you posted. That was one rip 
roaring good time.  All the nuts fell out of the bag, rolled around on the 
floor and got crushed under foot. Barry was there in full metal flack jacket 
regalia, screaming about cunts, death threats, and poor Rush Limbaugh getting 
caught with a bottle of Viagra coming through customs from the Dominican 
Republic. What a hoot. Thanks for the memories.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
 lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
   You slandered Sal.  I am sorry that I don't recall all the
   details.  You can look it up if you want.
  You made the accusation. *You* should be the one to look
  it up to support the accusation. You should have looked it
  up, in fact, before you ever made it.
 Thank you Judy.  I knew you would chime in here.  Here's the first
 possible oint of contention, or parsing.  What constitutes slander. 
 Now Judy will say that slander is not the right term, and then we can
 go on and on about that.
  Not just because that's the ethical thing to do, but
  because you would never have made the accusation if you
  had, and you'd have saved yourself the embarrassment of
  being wrong.
 Judy, I think you saved everyone (or at least me) a lot of time on the
 whole matter by looking up, what you call Raunchy's apology in the post
 you made a few minutes ago.  If not an apology, it sure seems like she's
 back tracking on something.
   But I think it was generally acknowledged
   that you made a factual representation, that you refused to
   back down from even when confronted when clear evidence that
   this was the case.
  Wrong, and wrong. Let's see if Steve backs down when he
  reads the post of raunchy's that I just reposted.
   And if I recall the incident correctly, and I think I do, you
   indicated that Sal was not worthy of an apology from you.
  You have that part correct. Of course, that involves
  opinion, not fact. I agree with raunchy: Sal has been
  so incredibly unpleasant here so often--as well as
  frequently getting her facts bollixed up--without ever
  making any apologies that she does not deserve to
  receive apologies from anybody.
 Judy, thank you.  Bless you.  This was all I wanted.  I wanted the *. 
 You know the importance of integrity and honesty on a public forum*
 *except when it doesn't apply.  namely to people I think don't deserve
 Thank you again Judy.  That is all I wanted to hear.
   So there you have it.
   So, once again, talk about Judy's superior logic, talk about
   Judy's trouncing her opponents in arguments, but please spare
   me your pontificating about the need for unflinching honesty
   when participating in a public forum.  I am not seeing that
   in the way you operate here.
  You are not seeing raunchy's unflinching honesty because
  you have a very poor memory and aren't willing to do your
  homework, so you see only what you want to see.
 Judy, no doubt I have blind spots.  Perhaps I have one here.  But I
 don't think the evidence presented is indicating that.
  I wouldn't call you dishonest per se in that regard, but
  I sure would say you significantly lack integrity.
 Okay, I accept that.  You are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Steve, you're starting to babble incoherently. Time for a rest.

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Very Smart Meter Decision

2012-09-24 Thread Dick Mays
Forwarded from a Fairfield Friend:

Dear Friends,
Please don't bother phoning either of these numbers just yet. The first one 
472-2358 is the water plant. They will just refer you to the Water Department 
which is the 472-5343 number. If you phone that number today, they will tell 
you that it's not official until tonight's council meeting, and to call back 
tomorrow, Tues. Then, after you go sign a paper at the water department, it'll 
be 4-6 weeks before they'll trade out the RF meter for a fiber optic one. So, 
phone or go by the water department Tuesday to get your RF meter out without 
paying any fees.

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com wrote:

 From: Einar Olsen fountains...@gmail.com
 The very positive news of Fairfield City Council Water and Sewer Committee's 
 recently announced decision to move away from RF meters in favor of a fiber 
 optic system deserves sincere and enthusiastic support and appreciation. The 
 Committee's announcement also included no longer requiring fees to opt out of 
 RF meters, as well as to refund opt out fees already paid. 
 If your home has a Neptune RF water meter, you can easily have it replaced at 
 no charge with a non-RF meter, just by calling City Hall or the Water 
 Department 472-2358 or 472-5343 
 (http://cityoffairfieldiowa.com/index.aspx?nid=202), and also asking them to 
 credit any opt-out fee you may have already paid. 
 It's a great time to offer gratitude to Fairfield City leaders; I hope you 
 will consider contacting them at this time to express appreciation:
 Water and Sewer Committee Members:
 1. Daryn Hamilton  dham...@yahoo.com  (Chair)
 2. Susan Silver  silversforcitycoun...@hotmail.com
 3. Tony Hammes  thamme...@hotmail.com
 4. Mayor Ed Malloy  mayormal...@fairfieldcityhall.com
 5. Carl Chandler, Water Department Director  
 6. City Administrator Kevin Flanagan  472-6193  
 Council Members who previously supported no opt-out fee:
 7. John Revolinski  jrevolin...@gmail.com
 8. Connie Boyer  bo...@lisco.com
 It would also be very appropriate and constructive to come to the City 
 Council meeting this Monday, September 24, to express or show appreciation 
 for this visionary, progressive decision 
 (http://cityoffairfieldiowa.com/DocumentView.aspx?DID=401). Although the 
 meeting begins at 7 PM, the change in meter topic is listed late on the 
 agenda, so coming at 7:30 or even later should be fine. 
 A more complete report is at the end of this email. 
 Arthur Firstenberg, for decades one of the most influential U.S. leaders 
 favoring the reduction and elimination of EMF/RF radiation, author of 
 Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution, 
 and organizer of the National Day of Protest against Smart Meters on 
 Thursday, October 4 in Washington, D.C., called to offer his congratulations, 
 saying, You have set a precedent.
 http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/  http://actiondaytostopsmartmeters.org/
 It's also a good time to thank those who worked with the City of Fairfield 
 leaders to come to this remarkable decision: the following people all made 
 major, on-going, time-consuming contributions, listed alphabetically by last 
 name (It is revealing that all but possibly one of the above people are 
 frequent TM-Sidha participants in National Super Radiance Group Program, with 
 fully half on the long IAA program): 
 Christopher Bell, J.D. (former MOU faculty, current M.U.M. Sustainable Living 
 faculty, and our only local certified Bau Biologist)
 Susan B.
 John Brown 
 Robert David, M.D.
 Simon Davies
 Jennifer Diamond
 Brian Horsfield
 Robert Palma (http://rfreduce.com/resume.htm)
 George Reid (years ago, the first to actively and widely caution locally 
 about EMF and RF radiation, measure many homes, and communicate strongly with 
 utility companies)
 Kathryn Seranduk
 Bob Stone 
 Richard Wolfson (PhD Physics, M.U.M. and MSAE Faculty 
 The following also made significant to very significant contributions to this 
 His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was very concerned about electrosmog, 
 wrote and spoke against VLF and ELF radiation, asked for the cessation of 
 cell phone use, and took extended and vigorous measures to reduce and 
 eliminate EMF/RF radiation from his home and headquarters of the Global 
 Country of World Peace in Vlodrop, Holland.
 Also listed alphabetically by last name:
 All Who Came to Council Meetings, Contacted City Officials, Sent Emails, and 
 Sent Letters to Local Publications
 John Andrews
 Lisa Ashelman 
 Steve Briggs
 Marty Brodeur
 Arthur Firstenberg (cf. above for websites)
 Bill Goldstein, J.D.
 Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy (of Queens College, London, one of the leading 
 researchers in 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
 lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
   You have on at least on one occasion slandered someone, and when
   it was pointed out that you made an entirely inaccurate statement
   about this person you refused to back down or issue an apology.
   So when you talk about how we must be honest with ourselves and
   others, I find this to be empty rhetoric on your part.
  Since there's such a big fuss about my having used Sal's
  comments about Jennifer Blair as an example of bullying, I
  found and read Sal's entire thread 'Email going around FF.'
  I see that I commented to Susan wayback71 on the thread
  by posting a link making fun of Sal's objection to milk and
  cookies. When I used Sal's thread as an example of bullying,
  all I remembered about it was that Sal lobbed one of her
  signature stink bombs criticizing a fundraiser for Jennifer,
  a lovely person, who lost everything in the Depot fire, as
  did many other people I know and care about, Max Sutherland,
  Marty Brodeur, and Duncan McMasters just to name a few. For
  the sake of accuracy I should have looked up the thread
  before posting about it.--raunchydog, 3/6/12
 This sounds like someone too proud to make a clear unequivocal
 apology, which is what one might expect from after clear
 unequivocal misrepresentation.

There was no such misrepresentation. Here's what raunchy

When artist, Jennifer Blair lost everything in a fire Sal
heartlessly, gratuitously, derided a fundraiser for her.


That is absolutely accurate. It is not, however, *complete*.
When informed that Jennifer had lost everything in a fire,
Sal said she hadn't been aware of that and hoped Jennifer
made some money. She never took back her derision about
how the fundraiser was being promoted and conducted--as I
said, she doubled down on that.

Raunchy had forgotten that Sal had ultimately wished
Jennifer success with the fundraiser. That's what raunchy
was referring to above when she says she should have
looked up the whole thread.

So no clear unequivocal misrepresentation to apologize
for, and raunchy most certainly backed down when she
checked the thread and found she'd left out Sal's wish
for the fundraiser's success. Raunchy accurately
described Sal's first reaction and accurately
characterized Sal as a bully.

You got it wrong, Steve. You're never too lazy to comment,
but you're almost always too lazy to do your homework
to ensure your comment is factually accurate.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
 lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
   You slandered Sal.  I am sorry that I don't recall all the
   details.  You can look it up if you want.
  You made the accusation. *You* should be the one to look
  it up to support the accusation. You should have looked it
  up, in fact, before you ever made it.

 Thank you Judy.  I knew you would chime in here.  Here's the
 first possible oint of contention, or parsing.  What 
 constitutes slander. Now Judy will say that slander is
 not the right term, and then we can go on and on about that.

What do you bet that if Steve brings this up again, he'll
claim I said slander wasn't the right term?

I didn't, of course, nor would I, because it is the
appropriate term.

  Not just because that's the ethical thing to do, but
  because you would never have made the accusation if you
  had, and you'd have saved yourself the embarrassment of
  being wrong.

 Judy, I think you saved everyone (or at least me) a lot of
 time on the whole matter by looking up, what you call
 Raunchy's apology in the post you made a few minutes ago.

I did not call it Raunchy's apology. My God, you're *so*
lazy you won't even bother to look at something that was
posted only a few minutes ago to see whether you're
representing it accurately.

 If not an apology, it sure seems like she's back tracking
 on something.

Yes. So you were wrong, Steve.

   But I think it was generally acknowledged
   that you made a factual representation, that you refused to
   back down from even when confronted when clear evidence that
   this was the case.
  Wrong, and wrong. Let's see if Steve backs down when he
  reads the post of raunchy's that I just reposted.
   And if I recall the incident correctly, and I think I do, you
   indicated that Sal was not worthy of an apology from you.
  You have that part correct. Of course, that involves
  opinion, not fact. I agree with raunchy: Sal has been
  so incredibly unpleasant here so often--as well as
  frequently getting her facts bollixed up--without ever
  making any apologies that she does not deserve to
  receive apologies from anybody.

 Judy, thank you.  Bless you.  This was all I wanted.  I wanted
 the *. You know the importance of integrity and honesty on a 
 public forum*
 *except when it doesn't apply.  namely to people I think don't 
 deserve it.

Well, you didn't get what you wanted, sorry about that.
Raunchy's acknowledgment that she accidentally omitted
part of the story satisfies the requirement of integrity
and honesty.

Apologies are a whole 'nother thing. They're a matter of
courtesy only. Raunchy's refusal to offer that courtesy
to one of the most discourteous people ever on this forum
is fully justified.

 Thank you again Judy.  That is all I wanted to hear.

You heard what you wanted to hear. But it wasn't in
anything I said.

   So there you have it.
   So, once again, talk about Judy's superior logic, talk about
   Judy's trouncing her opponents in arguments, but please spare
   me your pontificating about the need for unflinching honesty
   when participating in a public forum.  I am not seeing that
   in the way you operate here.
  You are not seeing raunchy's unflinching honesty because
  you have a very poor memory and aren't willing to do your
  homework, so you see only what you want to see.

 Judy, no doubt I have blind spots.  Perhaps I have one here.
 But I don't think the evidence presented is indicating that.

I didn't think you'd acknowledge you had been wrong, even
when presented with the evidence.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 Steve, you're starting to babble incoherently. Time for a rest.

I guess you know this is Judy's line.
I will withdraw from the battle if you wish Raunch.
Perhaps it will allow you to save a little face.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...
 I didn't think you'd acknowledge you had been wrong, even
 when presented with the evidence.

This has become your story Judy.  For a long time, this has been your

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@...
 You got it wrong, Steve. You're never too lazy to comment,
 but you're almost always too lazy to do your homework
 to ensure your comment is factually accurate.

I think Judy, you pick the outcome you want, and then spin the data to
make sure it conforms to this end.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

I can't believe they resurrected this old routine.  Not so easy to spin if we 
look at Sal's exact words:

On Nov 30, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
 Hello everyone:

 We wanted to let you know that you have another chance to see
 Jennifer's ceramics and paintings at our house this Thursday
 night, 1 December, at 7pm. See map attached.

 We will provide cookies and milk.


 Presumably along with lollipops, balloons,
 and a game of duck-duck-goose as well.


 That's Jennifer Blair, whose studio was in the Depot Building that just burned
to the ground. What is so unbelievable about trying to raise some money after
experiencing a loss like that?


Nothing at all, Alex, and it should be obvious that's
not what I meant. Jesus! Clearly I didn't know that~~
it wasn't obvious from the email, you know. I just meant the cookies and milk
bit. Well, I hope she raises some.


M: Yeah that's 'Ol Sal the bully making fun of cookies and milk at Fairfield 
events again.  Poor cookies and milk, how can they stand this abuse?

So what was Raunchy's comment about the above interaction:

 When artist, Jennifer Blair lost everything in a fire Sal
heartlessly, gratuitously, derided a fundraiser for her.

M: Yeah, nothing to apologize for there, I remember the weeping and wailing of 
those poor Ginger Snaps.   Glad they have two people to stick up for them here 
on FFL.  If they don't hold the line next there will be snickering over the 
Snicker Doodles. 


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
  I didn't think you'd acknowledge you had been wrong, even
  when presented with the evidence.
 This has become your story Judy.  For a long time, this has been your

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  Steve, you're starting to babble incoherently. Time for a rest.
 I guess you know this is Judy's line.
 I will withdraw from the battle if you wish Raunch.
 Perhaps it will allow you to save a little face.

Stay, go, whatever. My face is just fine. Trouble is, you haven't a clue how or 
why you get slammed dunked so easily and so often. Sadly, you keep coming back 
for more and I'm starting to feel sorry for you. Here's a clue: You're never 
too lazy to comment, but you're almost always too lazy to do your homework to 
ensure your comment is factually accurate. ~J. Stein 

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 Stay, go, whatever. My face is just fine. Trouble is, you haven't a
clue how or why you get slammed dunked so easily and so often. Sadly,
you keep coming back for more and I'm starting to feel sorry for you.
Here's a clue: You're never too lazy to comment, but you're almost
always too lazy to do your homework to ensure your comment is factually
accurate. ~J. Stein

I think you're doing a double down.  You've got Judy down.  And you do a
damn good Ravi as well.
You go girl!

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:

 I can't believe they resurrected this old routine.  Not so easy to
spin if we look at Sal's exact words:
Wow  Curtis,  I was too lazy to look it up.  I guess that is what Judy
was counting on.  Trouble is, she gambled and she lost.  Cuz I had back
 On Nov 30, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
  Hello everyone:
  We wanted to let you know that you have another chance to see
  Jennifer's ceramics and paintings at our house this Thursday
  night, 1 December, at 7pm. See map attached.
  We will provide cookies and milk.


  Presumably along with lollipops, balloons,
  and a game of duck-duck-goose as well.

  That's Jennifer Blair, whose studio was in the Depot Building that
just burned
 to the ground. What is so unbelievable about trying to raise some
money after
 experiencing a loss like that?


 Nothing at all, Alex, and it should be obvious that's
 not what I meant. Jesus! Clearly I didn't know that~~
 it wasn't obvious from the email, you know. I just meant the cookies
and milk
 bit. Well, I hope she raises some.


 M: Yeah that's 'Ol Sal the bully making fun of cookies and milk at
Fairfield events again.  Poor cookies and milk, how can they stand this

 So what was Raunchy's comment about the above interaction:

  When artist, Jennifer Blair lost everything in a fire Sal
 heartlessly, gratuitously, derided a fundraiser for her.

 M: Yeah, nothing to apologize for there, I remember the weeping and
wailing of those poor Ginger Snaps.   Glad they have two people to stick
up for them here on FFL.  If they don't hold the line next there will be
snickering over the Snicker Doodles.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
   I didn't think you'd acknowledge you had been wrong, even
   when presented with the evidence.
  This has become your story Judy.  For a long time, this has been

[FairfieldLife] An open letter to Steve (Seventhray1)

2012-09-24 Thread Robin Carlsen

Dear Steve,

Let us say that I hate Raunchy and authfriend (Judy). I think Share very brave 
and true and strong. You are my best friend. I read through the correspondence 
among you, Raunchy, and Judy.

Now recollect: I am much more disposed to take your part* in all this, given 
the biasses of my heart--and the sense (in order for me to hate and love like 
this) of how my heart has made the right decision in its judgment of these four 
persons. We are leaving, for the moment, Curtis and Barry out of this 
conversation (I am starting it [this conversation]; you can continue it once I 
have finished speaking).

So, I am reading through these correspondence, desirous of having my feelings 
of attraction and aversion validated by what I read. That is, I want to see how 
my affection and respect for you is well placed--as is my repugnance or dislike 
of Raunchy and Judy.

After some time I realize I am experiencing a bit of a dilemma: Raunchy, 
despite herself, is coming off as sincere, honest, confident in her good faith 
in the matter being disputed. I don't like the dissonance this creates inside 
of me--because I realize an important principle here, Steve: It is not possible 
for Raunchy to be acting in accordance with her conscience, certain she does 
not warrant the accusation you have made about her--and on the other hand, for 
you to be right in believing Raunchy is dishonest and prideful and ungracious. 

I am in a quandary here, Steve: I feel the truth of Raunchy's protestations of 
innocence (and therefore the appropriateness of Judy coming to her defence); I 
do not feel the conscious malice or deliberate obstinacy in my friend, Steve. 
What am I to do? 

Well, from my own point of view I am going to remain true to the love I have 
for my friend, Steve--BUT what I cannot escape is my responsibility for THE 

Now if I look objectively at all the evidence--even wishing fervently for my 
friend Steve to be vindicated and for there to be signs of disingenuousness and 
prevarication from the side of those two persons whom I despise--when I sift 
through everything that has been said, I realize an uncomfortable truth: 
Neither Raunchy nor Judy have ever had any doubt as to their bona fides when it 
comes to being honest in this argument--*and it shows, Steve*; it shows.

Now since I love my friend Steve, I know he could not consciously oppose the 
fact that these two women are arguing honestly and truthfully [that is, knowing 
that he was doing this]--we are not just talking about the content of what they 
say here, Steve; we are talking about motive and intention: I exonerate them 
from all charges of subterfuge or distortion in their defence of the reputation 
of Raunchy. But Steve has come out against them: he is wrong; and yet I love 
him just as much in this. What am I to do?

Well, two things: 1. Probe my knowledge of Steve to see if I can find there 
anything which could account for him finding himself in the position he is in: 
arguing for the wrong side of this issue--so wrong that he continues with every 
post to provide the opportunity  for the person here slandered--Raunchy--to 
prove her good faith and sincerity in all this. 2. Try to show to Steve, my 
friend, how reality--that is, the secret providence at the back of everything 
that happens in the universe (the source, even, of this providence)--has judged 
Steve wrong. As in: what are the signs of Steve being wrong? or reality judging 
him wrong?

And I am forced back upon myself and my love for Steve. And what do I come up 
with, Steve? That you are not when you throw out your opinions, your thoughts, 
your judgments, *in any way whatsoever contemplating their possible falseness, 
their possible disagreement with reality, the contingency of being contradicted 
at some point in the future*.

This is your problem, Steve: you are anaesthetized to the living pressure of 
reality upon you when you write your animadversions against Raunchy and 
Judy--and when you, in a kind of psychological symmetry, must perforce take up 
the defence of someone who you perceive has been the victim of these two 
adversaries of yours: Share.

It really comes down to something raw and simple and undeniable, Steve: It is 
the art of discriminating between a position that is being favoured by reality 
and a position which requires--since it is not favoured by reality--you to 
become daftly isolated and cut off from reality (and therefore truth). This is 
what keeps happening to you, Steve, despite the best of intentions (After all, 
in this scenario I love you and you are my best friend).

You just don't know what it is like when reality has abandoned you and you are 
going it alone--therefore up against not just your opponents, but up against 
reality itself.

This is what happened today in your correspondence with Raunchy and Judy--and 
by implication in your 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Me refería a las técnicas avanzadas te idiota

You're not making any sense. You only get one bija
mantra in TM.

 I got my first one from Jamie Vollmer, my second
 from Neil Patterson, the third from some Indian TM
 Sidhi administrator whose name no one could
 pronounce so they just called him Mr. Vaj or
 something like that.

320724 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/320724

   The answer is of course that while this type of
   architecture may be nice and may be interesting,
   our health and well being and world peace are
   NOT enhanced by it, this is a bullshit lie...
  You have already been caught telling a fib here,
  Mr. Jackson - you only get one single bija mantra
  in TM. How you got more than one TM bija mantra
  from three TM teachers is beyond me. Obviously you
  haven't been practicing TM. Go figure.
  Our health and well being and world peace are
  enhanced, or not, by by EVERYTHING we do, both
  mental and physical. All actions are dependent on
  other actions.
  Why do you think they call the family fireplace a
 I noticed that you have not responded to the notion that
 if sthapatya veda is so important to health, well-being
 and world peace, seems like the Big M might have
 mentioned it a few years ago so it could be working its
 magic all these many years.

MMY mentioned vastu before the erection of the Golden Dome
at Fairfield, IA, in 1972. Why do you think it's a dome?
 Perhaps you were not directing this to me, but I am not
 a TM teacher, merely one of the peons who meditate.

So, where did your TM bija mantra come from?
The point I'm trying to make is that the bijas mantras
used in TM practice came from the Sri Vidya sect.
So, I don't think they were 'made up' by MMY or Satyanand
or Nandakishore. This is probably the most important
aspect of TM practice that was mentioned on Usenet posts
which could discredit MMY, that TM was 'invented' by
MMY, when in fact, it's a centuries old yoga technique
used by Buddhists and Hindus since at least the time of
the historical Buddha and the use of mandalas, if not
long before in the Upper Paleolithic in South Asia,
according to historians.
To sum up what has been established:
If SBS had in his possession a Sri Yantra, and placed it
in the Brahmastan of his cave, worshipped it and
meditated on it while muttering the Saraswati bija mantra,
and since SBS posed in Padma Asana displaying the chit
mudra, and since SBS's teacher was SKS of Sringeri,
the headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins, and since
the Sri Yantra is placed on the mandir for worship at
the Sringeri, in a vastu tantric temple which has a
south facing entrance, and since all the Saraswati
sannyasins of the Shankara order at Sringeri all adhere
to the Soundarylahari in which is mentioned the TM bija
mantra for Saraswati, and every Saraswati sannyasin
meditates on the Saraswati bija mantra at least twice
every day, most people would conclude that the TM bija
derived from the Sri Vidya sect of Karnataka, since the
TM bija mantra for Saraswati is mentioned in the most
revered scripture of the Sri Vidya, and is enumerated
in the Soundaryalahari, right?
Work cited:
'History of the Tantric Religion'
by Bhattacharyya, N. N.
New Delhi: Manohar, 1999

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Richard John -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread John

The 8th house represents transformation, mystery, taboo subjects, sexual 
practices, scientific discoveries, esoteric subjects and ancient civilizations. 
 Oddly enough, it also represents writing compositions since this house is the 
5th house (signifying creativity) from the 4th house(signifying the heart or 

1. Jupiter in the 8th house causes arguments among members since Jupiter is the 
lord of the 5th house or the mind/discussions of concepts.

Also, Jupiter is a significator of the Guru.  Thus, the forum engages in 
discussing the negative aspects, such as rumours of sexual encounters with 
female disciples, of spiritual movement gurus like MMY and others.

2. Rahu in Gemini and in the 8th house causes discussion of current scientific 
developments, particularly in cosmology and quantum theories.

Since Rahu signifies something odd or foreign, the forum often discusses gay 
marriages, polygamy, and polyamorous relationships.  Similarly, the forum has 
discussed topics like crop circles, UFOs, Atlantis, construction of the 
Egyptian pyramids, and the ancient Maya and Inca civilizations.

3.  The combination of Jupiter and Rahu causes discussion of atheistic 
philosophies, particularly that of Richard Dawkins.

4.  You will find all of these discussions in the archives, which represent the 
forum's written works and literature.

So, there you have it--the forum activities in brief.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Richard, I bet a really good jyotishi could tell us who it's going to be 
 about tomorrow (-:
 John, what about Guru and Rahu in the 8th, opposed by Mars and Ketu in 2nd.  
 Can't be good!
  From: Richard J. Williams richard@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:26 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
  It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
  That Curtis or anyone else owes him a response
  in which he addresses what he says about him. And
  that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
  do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
  until he does.
  That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
  what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
  ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
  That's what attention vampires do. That's what
  Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
  trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
  It's NOT what normal people do. 
  What would you do if some guy on the street walked
  up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things 
  about you in your face, and then stood there 
  demanding that you *debate* these things with him, 
  and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to 
  point up to the sky and say Look...is that a UFO?
  ...and then run away?
  And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
  start to think that they can demand things of
  others that they would never dare to demand of 
  them in real life.
 So, it's all about Barry. LoL!
 Share, I tried to warn you.
I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
you, Curtis. 
   M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
   Got it.  Over and out.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1
 lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
  I can't believe they resurrected this old routine.  Not so easy to
 spin if we look at Sal's exact words:
 Wow  Curtis,  I was too lazy to look it up.  I guess that is what Judy
 was counting on.  Trouble is, she gambled and she lost.  Cuz I had back up!

M: I can't imagine what they though would be different from the last time they 
went down this road.  The facts speak for themselves so to see the spin machine 
at work is so revealing.  And how about that Robin hitting send AFTER he read 
it?  I guess this shouted sentence is now one of the comedic phrases of the 


I cannot escape is my responsibility for THE TRUTH THAT HAS AN EXISTENCE AND 

Turns out he can!  Pretty easily too. 

  On Nov 30, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
   Hello everyone:
   We wanted to let you know that you have another chance to see
   Jennifer's ceramics and paintings at our house this Thursday
   night, 1 December, at 7pm. See map attached.
   We will provide cookies and milk.
   Presumably along with lollipops, balloons,
   and a game of duck-duck-goose as well.
   That's Jennifer Blair, whose studio was in the Depot Building that
 just burned
  to the ground. What is so unbelievable about trying to raise some
 money after
  experiencing a loss like that?
  Nothing at all, Alex, and it should be obvious that's
  not what I meant. Jesus! Clearly I didn't know that~~
  it wasn't obvious from the email, you know. I just meant the cookies
 and milk
  bit. Well, I hope she raises some.
  M: Yeah that's 'Ol Sal the bully making fun of cookies and milk at
 Fairfield events again.  Poor cookies and milk, how can they stand this
  So what was Raunchy's comment about the above interaction:
   When artist, Jennifer Blair lost everything in a fire Sal
  heartlessly, gratuitously, derided a fundraiser for her.
  M: Yeah, nothing to apologize for there, I remember the weeping and
 wailing of those poor Ginger Snaps.   Glad they have two people to stick
 up for them here on FFL.  If they don't hold the line next there will be
 snickering over the Snicker Doodles.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@
I didn't think you'd acknowledge you had been wrong, even
when presented with the evidence.
   This has become your story Judy.  For a long time, this has been

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:to Richard John -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Ravi Chivukula

I don't know about the chart of FFL but you need to get a grip on your
astrology basics man because you have so many elementary mistakes.

Jupiter in the 8th house causes arguments among members since Jupiter is
the lord of the 5th house or the mind/discussions of concepts.

This is a ridiculous argument, arguments would have some airy influence so
should involve 3/11 houses. 8th is not written composition, 8th is the gut,
intuition - Jupiter in 8th wouldn't cause arguments more like Jupiter -
higher intelligence directed towards 8th house matters - i.e. metaphysics.
And no 5th house has nothing to do with mind, 5th house is for like you say
elsewhere love( as opposed to marriage), creativity, mantra, innate hidden
talents, children.

The combination of Jupiter and Rahu causes discussion of atheistic
philosophies, particularly that of Richard Dawkins.

This again is ridiculous. Jupiter and Rahu is Guru Chandala Yoga - so this
list would be against authority, against Gurus, against tradition (hence
being in West opposed to mainstream Christianity, favoring Eastern
religions) in the areas of metaphysics, spiritual transformation (8th).

Stop confusing my Aunt Share you idiot !!!

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 2:15 PM, John jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:



 The 8th house represents transformation, mystery, taboo subjects, sexual
 practices, scientific discoveries, esoteric subjects and ancient
 civilizations. Oddly enough, it also represents writing compositions since
 this house is the 5th house (signifying creativity) from the 4th
 house(signifying the heart or thought).

 1. Jupiter in the 8th house causes arguments among members since Jupiter
 is the lord of the 5th house or the mind/discussions of concepts.

 Also, Jupiter is a significator of the Guru. Thus, the forum engages in
 discussing the negative aspects, such as rumours of sexual encounters with
 female disciples, of spiritual movement gurus like MMY and others.

 2. Rahu in Gemini and in the 8th house causes discussion of current
 scientific developments, particularly in cosmology and quantum theories.

 Since Rahu signifies something odd or foreign, the forum often discusses
 gay marriages, polygamy, and polyamorous relationships. Similarly, the
 forum has discussed topics like crop circles, UFOs, Atlantis, construction
 of the Egyptian pyramids, and the ancient Maya and Inca civilizations.

 3. The combination of Jupiter and Rahu causes discussion of atheistic
 philosophies, particularly that of Richard Dawkins.

 4. You will find all of these discussions in the archives, which represent
 the forum's written works and literature.

 So, there you have it--the forum activities in brief.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  Richard, I bet a really good jyotishi could tell us who it's going to be
 about tomorrow (-:
  John, what about Guru and Rahu in the 8th, opposed by Mars and Ketu in
 2nd.  Can't be good!
  From: Richard J. Williams richard@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:26 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of
   It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
   That Curtis or anyone else owes him a response
   in which he addresses what he says about him. And
   that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
   do, he's just going to keep calling him names
   until he does.
   That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
   what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
   ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do.
   That's what attention vampires do. That's what
   Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
   trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
   It's NOT what normal people do.
   What would you do if some guy on the street walked
   up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things
   about you in your face, and then stood there
   demanding that you *debate* these things with him,
   and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to
   point up to the sky and say Look...is that a UFO?
   ...and then run away?
   And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
   start to think that they can demand things of
   others that they would never dare to demand of
   them in real life.
  So, it's all about Barry. LoL!
  Share, I tried to warn you.
 I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to
 bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about
 you, Curtis.
M:Â  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.Â
Got it.  Over and out.


[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I can't believe they resurrected this old routine.  Not so easy
 to spin if we look at Sal's exact words:

Exact words of Sal that Curtis did not want us to look
at, for obvious reasons (Sal responding to Susan in the
same thread, same day):

Well, yeah. Or any of a variety of other things that
don't sound like she's expecting a bunch of 8-year olds
to show up. First time I can recall such a pathetic,
juvenile inducement to come somewhere. Only in this town.

On Nov 30, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Susan wrote:

 I think Sal meant only that champagne and wine are usually
 the beverage of choice at art shows, not cookies and milk.
 Hope Jennifer can seel some of her work. ARtists rarely
 have it easy.


Curtis's spin (remember, he saw the above post too
when he went to look up the ones he wanted to show us):

 M: Yeah that's Ol Sal the bully making fun of cookies and
 milk at Fairfield events again.  Poor cookies and milk,
 how can they stand this abuse?
 So what was Raunchy's comment about the above interaction
[now below--JS]:
  When artist, Jennifer Blair lost everything in a fire Sal
 heartlessly, gratuitously, derided a fundraiser for her.
 M: Yeah, nothing to apologize for there, I remember the
 weeping and wailing of those poor Ginger Snaps.   Glad they
 have two people to stick up for them here on FFL.  If they
 don't hold the line next there will be snickering over the
 Snicker Doodles.

To make it crystal clear: Curtis chose to quote only Sal's
more benign remarks, omitting the ones raunchy had been
referring to that I just quoted. 
Let's look at them once again:

Well, yeah. Or any of a variety of other things that
don't sound like she's expecting a bunch of 8-year olds
to show up. First time I can recall such a pathetic,
juvenile inducement to come somewhere. Only in this town.

So Curtis lied blatantly in order to take a shot at
raunchy and me. It wasn't cookies and milk Sal had been
deriding, it was Jennifer herself; and it wasn't
Fairfield events in general, it was Jennifer's
fundraiser specifically--the first time Sal could
recall such behavior.

And these derisive remarks, which raunchy characterized
accurately as heartless and gratuitous, were made by Sal
*after she had learned of the fire in which Jennifer had
lost everything*.

No wonder Curtis didn't want us to see them.

 On Nov 30, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
  Hello everyone:
  We wanted to let you know that you have another chance to see
  Jennifer's ceramics and paintings at our house this Thursday
  night, 1 December, at 7pm. See map attached.
  We will provide cookies and milk.
  Presumably along with lollipops, balloons,
  and a game of duck-duck-goose as well.
  That's Jennifer Blair, whose studio was in the Depot Building that just 
 to the ground. What is so unbelievable about trying to raise some money after
 experiencing a loss like that?
 Nothing at all, Alex, and it should be obvious that's
 not what I meant. Jesus! Clearly I didn't know that~~
 it wasn't obvious from the email, you know. I just meant the cookies and milk
 bit. Well, I hope she raises some.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An open letter to Steve (Seventhray1)

2012-09-24 Thread seventhray1
Hey Robin,
I'm not really getting it this time.  A few comments below.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...

 Dear Steve,

 Let us say that I hate Raunchy and authfriend (Judy). I think Share
very brave and true and strong. You are my best friend. I read through
the correspondence among you, Raunchy, and Judy.

 Now recollect: I am much more disposed to take your part* in all this,
given the biasses of my heart--and the sense (in order for me to hate
and love like this) of how my heart has made the right decision in its
judgment of these four persons. We are leaving, for the moment, Curtis
and Barry out of this conversation (I am starting it [this
conversation]; you can continue it once I have finished speaking).

 So, I am reading through these correspondence, desirous of having my
feelings of attraction and aversion validated by what I read. That is, I
want to see how my affection and respect for you is well placed--as is
my repugnance or dislike of Raunchy and Judy.

 After some time I realize I am experiencing a bit of a dilemma:
Raunchy, despite herself, is coming off as sincere, honest, confident in
her good faith in the matter being disputed. I don't like the dissonance
this creates inside of me--because I realize an important principle
here, Steve: It is not possible for Raunchy to be acting in accordance
with her conscience, certain she does not warrant the accusation you
have made about her--and on the other hand, for you to be right in
believing Raunchy is dishonest and prideful and ungracious.

 I am in a quandary here, Steve: I feel the truth of Raunchy's
protestations of innocence (and therefore the appropriateness of Judy
coming to her defence); I do not feel the conscious malice or deliberate
obstinacy in my friend, Steve. What am I to do?

 Well, from my own point of view I am going to remain true to the love
I have for my friend, Steve--BUT what I cannot escape is my

 Now if I look objectively at all the evidence--even wishing fervently
for my friend Steve to be vindicated and for there to be signs of
disingenuousness and prevarication from the side of those two persons
whom I despise--when I sift through everything that has been said, I
realize an uncomfortable truth: Neither Raunchy nor Judy have ever had
any doubt as to their bona fides when it comes to being honest in this
argument--*and it shows, Steve*; it shows.

 Now since I love my friend Steve, I know he could not consciously
oppose the fact that these two women are arguing honestly and truthfully
[that is, knowing that he was doing this]--we are not just talking about
the content of what they say here, Steve; we are talking about motive
and intention: I exonerate them from all charges of subterfuge or
distortion in their defence of the reputation of Raunchy. But Steve has
come out against them: he is wrong; and yet I love him just as much in
this. What am I to do?

 Well, two things: 1. Probe my knowledge of Steve to see if I can find
there anything which could account for him finding himself in the
position he is in: arguing for the wrong side of this issue--so wrong
that he continues with every post to provide the opportunity  for the
person here slandered--Raunchy--to prove her good faith and sincerity in
all this. 2. Try to show to Steve, my friend, how reality--that is, the
secret providence at the back of everything that happens in the universe
(the source, even, of this providence)--has judged Steve wrong. As in:
what are the signs of Steve being wrong? or reality judging him wrong?

 And I am forced back upon myself and my love for Steve. And what do I
come up with, Steve? That you are not when you throw out your opinions,
your thoughts, your judgments, *in any way whatsoever contemplating
their possible falseness, their possible disagreement with reality, the
contingency of being contradicted at some point in the future*.

 This is your problem, Steve: you are anaesthetized to the living
pressure of reality upon you when you write your animadversions against
Raunchy and Judy--and when you, in a kind of psychological symmetry,
must perforce take up the defence of someone who you perceive has been
the victim of these two adversaries of yours: Share.

 It really comes down to something raw and simple and undeniable,
Steve: It is the art of discriminating between a position that is being
favoured by reality and a position which requires--since it is not
favoured by reality--you to become daftly isolated and cut off from
reality (and therefore truth). This is what keeps happening to you,
Steve, despite the best of intentions (After all, in this scenario I
love you and you are my best friend).

 You just don't know what it is like when reality has abandoned you and
you are going it alone--therefore up against not just your opponents,
but up against reality itself.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An open letter to Steve (Seventhray1)

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:
 *Since writing this, Steve, I note that Curtis has conscientiously
 provided the e-mail exchange that supposedly represents in its
 forceful indictment of the mendacity of Raunchy the entire case 
 against Raunchy the person. I should just stipulate that even if 
 there should be some ambiguity about the moral victory here in
 this particular incident *this does not go to the question of 
 Raunchy's character*, which anyone, from reading her posts, can 
 determine for themselves. She is a good and loving person, and her
 definition of herself as such is in accordance with the facts.

Sadly, Robin, Curtis tried to take us all for a ride again.
Curtis carefully *omitted* the post of Sal's that exonerates
raunchy and removes all ambiguity about who has consistently
held the high ground and who has remained on the low road.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  I can't believe they resurrected this old routine.  Not so easy
  to spin if we look at Sal's exact words:
 Exact words of Sal that Curtis did not want us to look
 at, for obvious reasons (Sal responding to Susan in the
 same thread, same day):

M: Yes if you don't include every post in the thread, it is a plot.  
Unfortunately for Judy, this just confirms the facts of what was going on.

 Well, yeah. Or any of a variety of other things that
 don't sound like she's expecting a bunch of 8-year olds
 to show up. First time I can recall such a pathetic,
 juvenile inducement to come somewhere. Only in this town.

M: Confirming that what as funny was a bunch of adults coming to a party 
advertizing cookies as the draw.  It was not bullying some poor person who had 
a tragedy. Remember that TM celebrations involve cake for adults, so this 
snarkiness has a long history for people out of the TM mindset.

 On Nov 30, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Susan wrote:
  I think Sal meant only that champagne and wine are usually
  the beverage of choice at art shows, not cookies and milk.
  Hope Jennifer can seel some of her work. ARtists rarely
  have it easy.

M: And Susan with out the get Sal agenda read it right.

 Curtis's spin (remember, he saw the above post too
 when he went to look up the ones he wanted to show us):

M: No I didn't I typed in her name and the one I posted came up first.  But of 
course it doesn't matter at all.  It is just a Judy mindreading spin to try to 
make me look bad through malicious imagination.

  M: Yeah that's Ol Sal the bully making fun of cookies and
  milk at Fairfield events again.  Poor cookies and milk,
  how can they stand this abuse?
  So what was Raunchy's comment about the above interaction
 [now below--JS]:
   When artist, Jennifer Blair lost everything in a fire Sal
  heartlessly, gratuitously, derided a fundraiser for her.
  M: Yeah, nothing to apologize for there, I remember the
  weeping and wailing of those poor Ginger Snaps.   Glad they
  have two people to stick up for them here on FFL.  If they
  don't hold the line next there will be snickering over the
  Snicker Doodles.
 To make it crystal clear: Curtis chose to quote only Sal's
 more benign remarks, omitting the ones raunchy had been
 referring to that I just quoted. 
 Let's look at them once again:
 Well, yeah. Or any of a variety of other things that
 don't sound like she's expecting a bunch of 8-year olds
 to show up. First time I can recall such a pathetic,
 juvenile inducement to come somewhere. Only in this town.
 So Curtis lied blatantly in order to take a shot at
 raunchy and me. 

M:  Amazing but expected.  I'll let the reader decide. 

It wasn't cookies and milk Sal had been
 deriding, it was Jennifer herself; and it wasn't
 Fairfield events in general, it was Jennifer's
 fundraiser specifically--the first time Sal could
 recall such behavior.

M: So goofing on a person who put out the cookies rather than the cookies 
themselves is your big reveal?  Judy world is a wonder unto itself amen.

 And these derisive remarks, which raunchy characterized
 accurately as heartless and gratuitous, were made by Sal
 *after she had learned of the fire in which Jennifer had
 lost everything*.

M: Why compound your transparent malice toward Sal by showing up as an idiot as 
well?  Your choice.

 No wonder Curtis didn't want us to see them.

M: How magically your mind must work to know such a thing!

What now do I post every post in this thread now or just wait for Judy to post 
them one by one to try to dig herself out of this?

  On Nov 30, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
   Hello everyone:
   We wanted to let you know that you have another chance to see
   Jennifer's ceramics and paintings at our house this Thursday
   night, 1 December, at 7pm. See map attached.
   We will provide cookies and milk.
   Presumably along with lollipops, balloons,
   and a game of duck-duck-goose as well.
   That's Jennifer Blair, whose studio was in the Depot Building that just 
  to the ground. What is so unbelievable about trying to raise some money 
  experiencing a loss like that?
  Nothing at all, Alex, and it should be obvious that's
  not what I meant. Jesus! Clearly I didn't know that~~
  it wasn't obvious from the email, you know. I just meant the cookies and 
  bit. Well, I hope she raises some.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Raunchy -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

   I can't believe they resurrected this old routine.  Not
   so easy to spin if we look at Sal's exact words:

Sal's exact words:

Well, yeah. Or any of a variety of other things that
don't sound like she's expecting a bunch of 8-year olds
to show up. First time I can recall such a pathetic,
juvenile inducement to come somewhere. Only in this town.

  Wow  Curtis,  I was too lazy to look it up.  I guess that
  is what Judy was counting on.  Trouble is, she gambled and
  she lost.  Cuz I had back up!
 M: I can't imagine what they though would be different from
 the last time they went down this road.  The facts speak for
 themselves so to see the spin machine at work is so revealing.

Curtis is angling for Barry's Master of Inadvertent
Irony title.

Oh, wait, no, he isn't. This malicious dishonesty was
entirely deliberate, not inadvertent.

Poor Steve's head must be spinning.

 And how about that Robin hitting send AFTER he read it?  I
 guess this shouted sentence is now one of the comedic phrases
 of the year:
 I cannot escape is my responsibility for THE TRUTH THAT HAS AN EXISTENCE AND 
 Turns out he can!  Pretty easily too.

Robin added a footnote (of which Curtis omits mention here)
taking account of what Robin graciously (but erroneously)
referred to as Curtis's conscientiously providing the
posts in question.

Obviously Robin didn't know when he added the footnote that
Curtis had once again resorted to gross dishonesty. Curtis
knew it, of course, while he was mocking Robin above.

Why Curtis thought he could *get away* with it is a mystery.

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