2008-09-13 Thread join sukses
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[FairfieldLife] Living with the American IAPOI legacy as an ex-pat

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB

It's a bitch.

For six years now I've lived in France and in Spain,
and traveled elsewhere in Europe, and it's taught me 
a great deal about America and its image worldwide.

I'd love to believe that I fit in here, and that
no one would mistake me for an American, but sadly 
that is not true. If nothing else, my accent gives
me away every time, no matter how much I practice 
my French or Spanish or Catalan.

Things will be going along swimmingly with some new
person I've just met at a cafe or a dinner party, 
and then I'll fail to pronounce Rouen the way Dave
Barry learned it should be pronounced, Woon, and 
the other person's 'tude towards me will change

Instead of assuming that I am possessed of above-
average intelligence, which they thought a moment
ago, they now assume that because I am an American, 
I am stupid. 

And not only stupid, but Ignorant And Proud Of It.

THAT, my friends who live in America and don't travel
much outside it, is the legacy of modern America. 
THAT is how the world is going to perceive you when
you travel, because that is how the vast majority of
the people in your country act.

They have voted for people who they *know* told them
lies about why their country invaded Iraq, and they
have voted for them TWICE. Because they wanted the 
lies to be true. They may have *known* inwardly that
the Iraq war was a lie, but they wanted to believe
that it *wasn't* a lie so strongly that they voted
for someone who just kept repeating the same lie over
and over again. They didn't *want* the truth; they 
wanted the ignorance.

They prefer the ignorance of Global warming is a 
hoax to the truth of Global warming and our contri-
bution to it as a nation is going to kill our own

They prefer the ignorance of We have the highest
standard of living on the planet to the truth that
We are unhealthy and live in a constant state of
fear because we are as bankrupt and living on credit
as our nation is.

They prefer ignorance. Period.

And they're *proud* of thinking this way.

And I get lumped in with them almost every time some-
one figures out that I'm from America.

And it pisses me off and I'm tired of it. I'm tired
of having to go back and waste a couple of hours of
remedial education with these people to clue them
into the fact that I don't think like this, even 
though I'm an American. 

But that's just the advance PR that comes with 
you as baggage when you're an American living or
traveling abroad. It's what people assume about you
because you're an American, and it's all that they
expect you to live up to, or down to.

I, for one, wish that the country of my birth would
dump this Ignorant And Proud Of It 'tude about life,
and just fuckin' smarten up. For once, America, do
something RIGHT, so that those of us out here in the
bigger world don't have to keep apologizing for you
and trying to distance ourselves from you.

Elect someone smart for a change. Please.

[FairfieldLife] Fiesta Again

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB
Spain has a *lot* of Fiestas. And, since I think 
that providing excuses to party down is a Good
Thing in a culture, this once-a-month major 
Fiesta thing really fits well into my lifestyle.

This particular Fiesta is supposedly the Catalan
party-down long weekend of the year, and as such
feels a little different than previous Fiestas
this summer. Most of the rest of them were orig-
inally religious in nature, and thus still have
a slightly stodgy feel to them. This one feels
more like, We're Catalan and we're still here
after centuries of barbarians trying to make us
fit into their culture and give up our own, and 
this is our weekend to party. Be warned.

For some odd cosmic reason, English tourists of
the gay persuasion seem to feel a solidarity 
with this Catalan joie de vivre, because the 
town is just *full* of them this weekend. But
it's also full of English tourists of the straight
female persuasion, so I'm not complaining. I'm
wearing my gaudiest Tommy Bahama shirt while 
sitting here at the Budda Bar typing away, and 
I've been getting a lot of interested glances 
anyway, more than usual. And from the women. Cool. 
Maybe this Fiesta attracts a higher class of 
tourist. Or a lonelier one. 

Whatever. It's a neat day, and the pheromone level 
in the air is so high it's probably testable, and
it promises to be a good party. 

I think healthy cultures *have* parties. One of 
the ways that I could tell that the TMO had gone
off the dharmic rails was that it stopped having
parties. They started having celebrations instead.
Deadly *serious* celebratoins, during which having
actual fun seemed to be Off The Program.

Call me an old hippie, but I *like* having fun. I
*like* getting together with my friends for no other
reason *than* to party and have fun. That seems to
me to echo the flow of dharma I feel in the universe.
I don't get the feeling that the universe wants 
me to take it all seriously, or myself seriously. If
the universe has a sentience of its own, I suspect
it wants me and all of its component sentient parts
to party down as often and as heartily as possible.
I think that the universe is one big party animal.

One thing you can say about the Rama - Frederic Lenz
guy was that he knew how to throw a party. He under-
stood the seriousness that spiritual seekers tended
to impose upon them selves, and he did his best to
alleviate that seriousness at regular intervals. We'd
fly to Maui and have a Gong Show on the beach while
drinking Mai-tais. We'd go on a hike to a power place
in the desert on the Fourth Of July and be served ice
cream cones, secretly carried out in their backpacks 
by him and a few trusted souls, packed in dry ice. 
We'd go en masse to movies, or to concerts by Tangerine 
Dream, and afterwards basically take over the nearest 
restaurant and party till dawn.

I think parties play an important part in the life of
a spiritual seeker. There have got to be situations
in which you are allowed and encouraged to let your
hair down and just be your self. Drop the roles you
have imposed upon yourself as you pursue your sadhana
and just have FUN for a while. Tomorrow you can go
back to being all serious, if you have to. But maybe
you won't feel you have to.

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread raunchydog
 The metaphor he used has an obvious meaning.  To try to connect this
 with a disgusting slur on women is such a stretch that I am amazed you
 could believe it.   But this kind of
 connection seems completely crazy to me. (That is not an underhanded
 reference to the antiquated diagnosis of hysteria in women although I
 am as proficient in the cure as the quack doctors of that era. 
 Special credit for anyone who can tell me what the cure was.  I'm
 sure you know Judy.)

What is so impossible about seeing that the pig in lipstick kerfuffle
is about Palin, when Obama's audience absolutely got it? The reason
they whooped and hollered grandly was not because he slammed McCain.
That intensity of response could only have happened because his little
in joke was about Palin. His sneaky insults have become an art form.

No, Hillary supporters are not crazy or hysterics. And I hope you are
not insinuating that Judy, in not so veiled code, needs to get laid.
That would be about as helpful as your cure for the ladies who have
probably been faking it. There are too many quacks waddling around
here. If I need help, I'll see… 

  Again, I strongly suspect Obama knew exactly what
  he was saying.

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
It's difficult to explain away Obama's lipstick
on a pig remark that he wasn't referring to Palin.
But, what follows is equally damning in Obama's
own words, You can wrap an old fish in a piece of
paper called change, it's still gonna stink after
eight years. Women get it that Obama was referring
to a woman's lady-parts as stinky fish. Obama
just lost the election. Bets are on.
   Dude, you are being the sexist, disgusting, pig 
   here.  I'm guessing you haven't had much actual
   contact with the opposite sex if that is your
   immediate association.
  In the first place, raunchydog isn't a dude,
  she's a dame.
  In the second place, you're fortunate if you've
  never encountered the insulting association of
  smelly old fish with a woman. Sorry to be
  clinical, but it's a reference to menstrual blood,
  which does smell a little fishy as it's drying.
  It's a slightly elderly association from pre-Tampax
  days when the odor was much more of a problem for
  menstruating women. No older woman would fail to
  recognize that association, and older women, of
  course, are Hillary's base, those who may be most
  tempted to vote for McCain because of Palin.
  Again, I strongly suspect Obama knew exactly what
  he was saying.

[FairfieldLife] Kallo ja luut?

2008-09-13 Thread cardemaister

Ties kuinka kauan USA:n presidentti on ollut vain
salaisen, kvasi-fundie-kristityistä koostuvan *todellisen*
(S  B) -Hallituksen sätkynukke. Vaikuttaa siltä, että he 
haluavat lätkä-äiti Sarah Palin'ista pressan, jotta
voivat huseerata miten tahtovat presidentin kykenemättä
puuttumaan asioihin mitenkään! :D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Living with the American IAPOI legacy as an ex-pat

2008-09-13 Thread new . morning
--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's a bitch.
 For six years now I've lived in France and in Spain,
 and traveled elsewhere in Europe, and it's taught me 
 a great deal about America and its image worldwide.
 I'd love to believe that I fit in here, and that
 no one would mistake me for an American, but sadly 
 that is not true. If nothing else, my accent gives
 me away every time, no matter how much I practice 
 my French or Spanish or Catalan.
 Things will be going along swimmingly with some new
 person I've just met at a cafe or a dinner party, 
 and then I'll fail to pronounce Rouen the way Dave
 Barry learned it should be pronounced, Woon, and 
 the other person's 'tude towards me will change
 Instead of assuming that I am possessed of above-
 average intelligence, which they thought a moment
 ago, they now assume that because I am an American, 
 I am stupid. 
 And not only stupid, but Ignorant And Proud Of It.
 THAT, my friends who live in America and don't travel
 much outside it, is the legacy of modern America. 
 THAT is how the world is going to perceive you when
 you travel, because that is how the vast majority of
 the people in your country act.
 They have voted for people who they *know* told them
 lies about why their country invaded Iraq, and they
 have voted for them TWICE. Because they wanted the 
 lies to be true. They may have *known* inwardly that
 the Iraq war was a lie, but they wanted to believe
 that it *wasn't* a lie so strongly that they voted
 for someone who just kept repeating the same lie over
 and over again. They didn't *want* the truth; they 
 wanted the ignorance.
 They prefer the ignorance of Global warming is a 
 hoax to the truth of Global warming and our contri-
 bution to it as a nation is going to kill our own
 They prefer the ignorance of We have the highest
 standard of living on the planet to the truth that
 We are unhealthy and live in a constant state of
 fear because we are as bankrupt and living on credit
 as our nation is.
 They prefer ignorance. Period.
 And they're *proud* of thinking this way.
 And I get lumped in with them almost every time some-
 one figures out that I'm from America.
 And it pisses me off and I'm tired of it.

Or you could embrace it and not have to relive it in the Bardo.

 I'm tired
 of having to go back and waste a couple of hours of
 remedial education with these people to clue them
 into the fact that I don't think like this, even 
 though I'm an American. 
 But that's just the advance PR that comes with 
 you as baggage when you're an American living or
 traveling abroad. It's what people assume about you
 because you're an American, and it's all that they
 expect you to live up to, or down to.
 I, for one, wish that the country of my birth would
 dump this Ignorant And Proud Of It 'tude about life,
 and just fuckin' smarten up. For once, America, do
 something RIGHT, so that those of us out here in the
 bigger world don't have to keep apologizing for you
 and trying to distance ourselves from you.

We'll do our best not to embarass you anymore. (but we still have
Curtis-- so no guarantees). But thanks so much for being so dependent
on us for your happiness and well-being.  It makes us back here feel
 Elect someone smart for a change. Please.

Gosh, we'll knuckle down and try! I just hope I don't get all dumb
again like in the last elections. You know how dumb that us dufuses
can get. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kallo ja luut?

2008-09-13 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ties kuinka kauan USA:n presidentti on ollut vain
 salaisen, kvasi-fundie-kristityistä koostuvan *todellisen*
 (S  B) -Hallituksen sätkynukke. Vaikuttaa siltä, että he 
 haluavat lätkä-äiti Sarah Palin'ista pressan, jotta
 voivat huseerata miten tahtovat presidentin kykenemättä
 puuttumaan asioihin mitenkään! :D

a;lsk dfj ;aslkd jf ;oiu q-pe 8uu0up[qy9y8 !

;kj; asdlkj r0ubvj;lkadj; j :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Living with the American IAPOI legacy as an ex-pat

2008-09-13 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 13, 2008, at 1:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Things will be going along swimmingly with some new
person I've just met at a cafe or a dinner party,
and then I'll fail to pronounce Rouen the way Dave
Barry learned it should be pronounced, Woon, and
the other person's 'tude towards me will change

Instead of assuming that I am possessed of above-
average intelligence, which they thought a moment
ago, they now assume that because I am an American,
I am stupid.

And not only stupid, but Ignorant And Proud Of It.

THAT, my friends who live in America and don't travel
much outside it, is the legacy of modern America.

All that proves, Barry, is that there's bigots outside of
America as well as in.


I, for one, wish that the country of my birth would
dump this Ignorant And Proud Of It 'tude about life,
and just fuckin' smarten up.

So do many Americans.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Living with the American IAPOI legacy as an ex-pat

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sep 13, 2008, at 1:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  Things will be going along swimmingly with some new
  person I've just met at a cafe or a dinner party,
  and then I'll fail to pronounce Rouen the way Dave
  Barry learned it should be pronounced, Woon, and
  the other person's 'tude towards me will change
  Instead of assuming that I am possessed of above-
  average intelligence, which they thought a moment
  ago, they now assume that because I am an American,
  I am stupid.
  And not only stupid, but Ignorant And Proud Of It.
  THAT, my friends who live in America and don't travel
  much outside it, is the legacy of modern America.
 All that proves, Barry, is that there's bigots outside of
 America as well as in.


  I, for one, wish that the country of my birth would
  dump this Ignorant And Proud Of It 'tude about life,
  and just fuckin' smarten up.
 So do many Americans.

But they don't ever DO anything about it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Living with the American IAPOI legacy as an ex-pat

2008-09-13 Thread cardemaister
--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Things will be going along swimmingly with some new
 person I've just met at a cafe or a dinner party, 
 and then I'll fail to pronounce Rouen the way Dave
 Barry learned it should be pronounced, Woon, and 
 the other person's 'tude towards me will change

I have no idea how difficult or easy it is for a native
speaker of (standard American) English to learn to pronounce
a trilled r-sound. If you want to camouflage, or whatever,
your native language, I think you should concentrate
on getting rid of the typical American 'r', which
IMO differs even from, say, the British 'r'. 
I guess the main difference is that a typical
American 'r' is pronounced farther back in the throat.
But I'm not at all sure about that.

H...just tried to pronounce a trilled 'r' in American
style. It feels downright impossible to make it trilled
and in the same time have the articulation basis, or stuff, rather 
deep in the throat. 

[FairfieldLife] My thoughts exactly, except for the stuff about her being hot

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB
Michael Seitzman
Sarah Palin Naked

She said nucular. Twice.

I realized three things tonight. For one, if you are 
a McCain/Palin/Bush voter, you and I do not have a 
difference of opinion. We have a difference in brain 
power. Two, she really is as ignorant as I feared. 
And, three, she really is kinda hot. Basically, I 
want to have sex with her on my Barack Obama sheets 
while my wife reads aloud from the Constitution. 
(My wife is cool with this if I promise to first 
wipe off Palin's tranny makeup. I married well.)

Now, I want to be clear and speak directly to those 
of you who LOVED that Palin interview. You're an 
idiot. I mean that. This is not one of those cases 
where we're going to agree to disagree. This isn't 
one of those situations where we debate it passion-
ately and then walk away thinking that the other 
guy is wrong but argued well. I'm not going to 
think of you as a thoughtful but misguided person 
with different ideas who still really cares about 
the country and the world. No, sorry, not this time. 
This time, if you watched those interview excerpts 
and weren't scared out of your freakin' mind, then 
you're mentally ill, mentally disabled, or mentally 
disturbed. What you are NOT is responsible, informed, 
curious, thoughtful, mature, educated, empathetic, 
or remotely serious. I mean it.

But I like to think that anyone can change.

Stop voting for people you want to have a beer with. 
Stop voting for folksy. Stop voting for people who 
remind you of your neighbor. Stop voting for the 
ideologically intransigent, the staggeringly ignorant, 
and the blazingly incompetent.

Vote for someone smarter than you. Vote for someone 
who inspires you. Vote for someone who has not only 
traveled the world but who has also shown a deep 
understanding and compassion for it. The stakes are 
real and they're terrifyingly high. This election 
matters. It matters. It really matters. Let me say 
that one more time. This. Really. Matters.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kallo ja luut?

2008-09-13 Thread off_world_beings

Kallo, Gallo, Gyalla, Gyana, Gana, Kyana, Gshana, Shiana, Shrama, Rama,
Vrama, Bramha, Bhrana, Brana, Vrana, Varayana, Vatadhana, Shamadana,
Actuarana, JamaDagnama, Shri Srama, Vaghnama, Jai Sama Vran Bran Bagavad
Shri Bevanadanum.

Om. veriam, veritam vairasanatayum


   --- In , cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ties kuinka kauan USA:n presidentti on ollut vain
 salaisen, kvasi-fundie-kristityistä koostuvan *todellisen*
 (S  B) -Hallituksen sätkynukke. Vaikuttaa siltä, että he
 haluavat lätkä-äiti Sarah Palin'ista pressan, jotta
 voivat huseerata miten tahtovat presidentin kykenemättä
 puuttumaan asioihin mitenkään! :D

[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't know how to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread off_world_beings

John McCain doesn't know how to send an e-mail 

Why is that important?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread off_world_beings

--- In , shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In the video, Matt Damon says if you look up the actuarial tables
 there is a one in three chance that McCain will die within the next
 four years.

 Damon then boldly challenges us to do the actuarial tables.

 Well, I did...and Damon is off...WAY off.

 The actuarial tables supplied by the U.S. government indicate a one
 in seven chance, NOT a one in three chance, as Damon claims.

Wrong again Shempgurkin, according to the statistics on McCain's chance,
he should already be dead. He is now in the statistical outlier zone at
this point Shump.

The statistics even show that YOU wil be dead within the decade, and
no-one --- yes, no-one whatsoever --- will care.

Get an education.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread off_world_beings

--- In , shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
  Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:40 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Matt Damon, bullshit artist
  --- In  , Rick Archer rick@
  In the video, Matt Damon says if you look up the actuarial tables
  there is a one in three chance that McCain will die within the next
  four years.
  Damon then boldly challenges us to do the actuarial tables.
  Well, I did...and Damon is off...WAY off.
  The actuarial tables supplied by the U.S. government indicate a one
  in seven chance, NOT a one in three chance, as Damon claims.
  Take a look at
  If you add up the four years for males from ages 72 to 75 you get
  0.151985 which translates to about 1/7th or one in 7.
  Did you factor in his several bouts with serious skin cancer? He
 had a
  growth removed just a month or so ago.

 No, I didn't.

 There are, literally, dozens of variables aside from age and gender
 (the only two variables in the actuarial charts I linked to above)
 that are factored into an individual's actuarial rating and, yes,
 cancer history is an important one.

 Another one is the lifespan of one's parents; for example McCain's 96
 year old mother, who is still alive.

But what about McCain's real father, who died at the time of conception?


[FairfieldLife] My Morning Meditation

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB

today's was a kind of 
walking meditation,
an exercise in mindfulness
while walking with my dogs
along the beach

nothing esoteric
just paying attention
to what's going on
in the environment
and in my mind

blue, near-cloudless sky
gentle breeze coming in off the sea
from North Africa,
carrying the scent of cinnamon and turmeric
stands set up along the boardwalk
by local vintners
so we can taste their fine Penedes wines
later today
streets already clean
the morning after a major Fiesta
the only others out at this hour
are fishermen
and pets
out walking their owners
and a jolly vendor
pushin' churros from his pushcart
without being pushy
the sound of the waves
the sound of
psychic dog laughter
as I let my owners
run leashless on the beach

a little mindfulness
on what is NOT present,
paying attention
to what's NOT going on
in the environment
and in my mind

no ads or posters or bumperstickers
for Bimbo and Bimbette
for that matter
no ads or posters or bumperstickers
for Obimbo, either
the only thing political I see
are a couple of Tibetan flags
flying from balconies
no police
no need
no one is trying to start a fight
no fear of terrorists or crime
no fear

enough of that
mindfulness time
gently bring the attention back
to what is important,
the focus of the meditation

blue, near-cloudless sky
gentle breeze coming in off the sea
from North Africa,
carrying the scent of cinnamon and turmeric

So what did you think about in your morning meditation?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Living with the American IAPOI legacy as an ex-pat

2008-09-13 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 13, 2008, at 1:53 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I, for one, wish that the country of my birth would
dump this Ignorant And Proud Of It 'tude about life,
and just fuckin' smarten up.

So do many Americans.

But they don't ever DO anything about it.

I know, it's sick.  But this has been happening for a long
time, which is how Reagan and Nixon got in to begin with.


[FairfieldLife] Re: My thoughts exactly, except for the stuff about her being hot

2008-09-13 Thread wayback71
--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Seitzman
 Sarah Palin Naked
 She said nucular. Twice.
 I realized three things tonight. For one, if you are 
 a McCain/Palin/Bush voter, you and I do not have a 
 difference of opinion. We have a difference in brain 
 power. Two, she really is as ignorant as I feared. 
 And, three, she really is kinda hot. Basically, I 
 want to have sex with her on my Barack Obama sheets 
 while my wife reads aloud from the Constitution. 
 (My wife is cool with this if I promise to first 
 wipe off Palin's tranny makeup. I married well.)
 Now, I want to be clear and speak directly to those 
 of you who LOVED that Palin interview. You're an 
 idiot. I mean that. This is not one of those cases 
 where we're going to agree to disagree. This isn't 
 one of those situations where we debate it passion-
 ately and then walk away thinking that the other 
 guy is wrong but argued well. I'm not going to 
 think of you as a thoughtful but misguided person 
 with different ideas who still really cares about 
 the country and the world. No, sorry, not this time. 
 This time, if you watched those interview excerpts 
 and weren't scared out of your freakin' mind, then 
 you're mentally ill, mentally disabled, or mentally 
 disturbed. What you are NOT is responsible, informed, 
 curious, thoughtful, mature, educated, empathetic, 
 or remotely serious. I mean it.
 But I like to think that anyone can change.
 Stop voting for people you want to have a beer with. 
 Stop voting for folksy. Stop voting for people who 
 remind you of your neighbor. Stop voting for the 
 ideologically intransigent, the staggeringly ignorant, 
 and the blazingly incompetent.
 Vote for someone smarter than you. Vote for someone 
 who inspires you. Vote for someone who has not only 
 traveled the world but who has also shown a deep 
 understanding and compassion for it. The stakes are 
 real and they're terrifyingly high. This election 
 matters. It matters. It really matters. Let me say 
 that one more time. This. Really. Matters.

This is Exactly how I feel.  Made me feel good to read it - he puts it so well. 
 So far, I 
cannot bear to watch or read much about this - too upsetting. These are not  my 
Americans if they vote for these folks, again

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  I would also would question whether TM or the TMSP actually
  helps concentration, the ability to focus in a totally
  relaxed manner for long periods of time on a particular
  thing. Compare that to the shamatha practitioners in the
  Shamatha Project who could meditate for up to 12 hours,
  many hours of that undistracted by thoughts! And then they
  came out rejuvenated and ready for more...
 Compare what to the shamatha practitioners, Vaj?
 Your uncertainty as to whether TM or the TM-Sidhis
 helps TMers to concentrate?
 You're obviously talking about concentration outside
 of meditation, since, as you know, TM itself doesn't
 employ concentration.
 I can't figure out what the meditational abilities
 of the shamatha practitioners has to do with your
 doubts as to whether TMers can concentrate for long
 periods outside of meditation.

wasn't there something about the impurity of getting
hung up about not being distracted by thoughts...?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
 In the video, Matt Damon says if you look up the actuarial tables 
 there is a one in three chance that McCain will die within the next 
 four years.  
 Damon then boldly challenges us to do the actuarial tables.
 Well, I did...and Damon is off...WAY off.
 The actuarial tables supplied by the U.S. government indicate a one 
 in seven chance, NOT a one in three chance, as Damon claims.
 Take a look at
 If you add up the four years for males from ages 72 to 75 you get 
 0.151985 which translates to about 1/7th or one in 7.

I think he meant with 5 cancer operations, hypertension and a Type A 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
  Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:40 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Matt Damon, bullshit artist
  --- In , Rick Archer rick@ 
  In the video, Matt Damon says if you look up the actuarial tables 
  there is a one in three chance that McCain will die within the next 
  four years. 
  Damon then boldly challenges us to do the actuarial tables.
  Well, I did...and Damon is off...WAY off.
  The actuarial tables supplied by the U.S. government indicate a one 
  in seven chance, NOT a one in three chance, as Damon claims.
  Take a look at
  If you add up the four years for males from ages 72 to 75 you get 
  0.151985 which translates to about 1/7th or one in 7.
  Did you factor in his several bouts with serious skin cancer? He 
 had a
  growth removed just a month or so ago.
 No, I didn't.
 There are, literally, dozens of variables aside from age and gender 
 (the only two variables in the actuarial charts I linked to above) 
 that are factored into an individual's actuarial rating and, yes, 
 cancer history is an important one.
 Another one is the lifespan of one's parents; for example McCain's 96 
 year old mother, who is still alive.
 However, one cannot take ALL the variables and make an effective 
 rating for a given individual without having access to one's full 
 medical records and history.
 I doubt the Hollywood star Matt Damon had access to those.
 Absent those records, one can only rely upon the general age/gender 
 actuarial tables, which is what I linked to.
 By the way, another factor that would have to be considered would be 
 profession.  Professions such as airline pilot or trapeze artist gets 
 special ratings (i.e. costs extra premium on an insurance policy).  
 And, of course, one of the most dangerous jobs in the world 
 is president of the United States because of 43 that have existed, 
 4 have been assassinated.
 But that rating would apply not only to McCain but to Obama as well.
 Damon probably meant that McCain had a 1 in 3 chance of dying over 
 the period of 8 years, which is two terms as president.  That would 
 have been more accurate, but Damon made specific reference to one 
 And, of course, a candidate for president only runs for one term at a 

He probably misread:

[FairfieldLife] Sittin' in the Budda Bar, sippin' Dharma

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB

In Sitges, Dharma is served in a tall wide glass,
rimmed with pink and white sugar sprinkles. Accord-
ing to the cocktails menu, it contains Tequila Silver,
Grenadine, and orange juice. And hey...Dharma is yummy.

The Budda Bar is a new bar in Sitges. It's on the main
drag looking out at the beach, and like its neighbor
down the street, Nirvana, it's got a cool name. That's
a good thing in a bar when you're looking for one to
sit in and write for a while. And unlike Nirvana, this 
bar is not filled with Yuppies. It's got an interesting
clientele, even after having been open only a week.

And the cocktails menu is way cool, too, if I wind up
sitting here and doing a lot of writing this Fall. I
get to choose from drinks called Nirvana, Karma, OMM,
Blue Monk, Zen, Mantra, Angkor Wat, Ayutthaya, Shiva,
Dharma, Lotos (Lotus), and Mandara. Cool. And such a
deal. For six Euros (cheap for a beachfront bar), I
can get a big, tall drink that lasts almost exactly
as long as the battery in my laptop does. 

Would there be a bar like this, with this bar's name
and the names of its drinks, if Maharishi hadn't made
meditation a household word? It's a good question, 
one that we will never know the answer to, because he
*did* make meditation a household word. And I, for 
one, thank him for doing so. 

Although I had done some meditation before I met him,
both during my Better Living Through Chemistry period
and after it, I never really approached meditation as
a regular practice until I met him. In a very real way,
he introduced me in this life to the flow of Dharma 
and the joy of surfing that flow, and that's cool.
So I raise my glass, this fine perfect-temperature
afternoon in Sitges, and toast his memory with a glass
that is still full, 41 years later, of Dharma. Good 
move, dude.

And here's another toast to my new Click Next the
instant I see a BPD poster's name in the From line
of a post resolution. I've been keeping track of the
number of times I clicked Next without reading a word
of the post, and so far today this resolution has 
enabled me to avoid a total of 30 time-wasting and 
energy-wasting screeds by four compulsive idiots 
spoiling for a fight and trying their best to start
one, just so they'll feel alive. I guess that's a 
kind of Dharma, too, but I'm tellin' ya...I prefer
the variety they serve at the Budda Bar.

With any luck, and at this rate, the four of them 
will be gone by Monday, and the rest of the posting
week at Fairfield Life will be as much of a party
environment as the town of Sitges is this weekend. 
The rest of us will have fun and actually have a few
pleasant conversations, while the BPD compulsives 
are off in some dark funk feeling persecuted because 
they can't fantasize about persecuting us any more. 
If they go *really* insane and post out while I'm 
still sitting here with this drink (which everyone but 
them knows is a distinct possibility), maybe I'll even
order a second drink. But I'll make this one a Nirvana 
to celebrate, because celebration will feel appropriate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kallo ja luut?

2008-09-13 Thread cardemaister
--- In, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kallo, Gallo, Gyalla, Gyana, Gana, Kyana, Gshana, Shiana, Shrama, Rama,
 Vrama, Bramha, Bhrana, Brana, Vrana, Varayana, Vatadhana, Shamadana,
 Actuarana, JamaDagnama, Shri Srama, Vaghnama, Jai Sama Vran Bran Bagavad
 Shri Bevanadanum.
 Om. veriam, veritam vairasanatayum

Whoa, that's kewl! :D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread Peter
Just another smear by the liberal, misogynist, media who can't stand that a 
woman of true values and integrity with a plastic Jesus in her heart has 
stepped-up to the plate and hit a grandslam for the red,white and blue! Go 

--- On Sat, 9/13/08, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist
 Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 6:05 AM
 --- In,
 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In, Rick
 Archer rick@ wrote:
   On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
   Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:40 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Matt Damon, bullshit

   --- In ,
 Rick Archer rick@ 
   In the video, Matt Damon says if you look up the
 actuarial tables 
   there is a one in three chance that McCain will
 die within the next 
   four years. 
   Damon then boldly challenges us to do the
 actuarial tables.
   Well, I did...and Damon is off...WAY off.
   The actuarial tables supplied by the U.S.
 government indicate a one 
   in seven chance, NOT a one in three chance, as
 Damon claims.
   Take a look at
   If you add up the four years for males from ages
 72 to 75 you get 
   0.151985 which translates to about 1/7th or one
 in 7.
   Did you factor in his several bouts with serious
 skin cancer? He 
  had a
   growth removed just a month or so ago.
  No, I didn't.
  There are, literally, dozens of variables aside from
 age and gender 
  (the only two variables in the actuarial charts I
 linked to above) 
  that are factored into an individual's actuarial
 rating and, yes, 
  cancer history is an important one.
  Another one is the lifespan of one's parents; for
 example McCain's 96 
  year old mother, who is still alive.
  However, one cannot take ALL the variables and make an
  rating for a given individual without having access to
 one's full 
  medical records and history.
  I doubt the Hollywood star Matt Damon had access to
  Absent those records, one can only rely upon the
 general age/gender 
  actuarial tables, which is what I linked to.
  By the way, another factor that would have to be
 considered would be 
  profession.  Professions such as airline pilot or
 trapeze artist gets 
  special ratings (i.e. costs extra premium on an
 insurance policy).  
  And, of course, one of the most dangerous jobs in the
  is president of the United States because
 of 43 that have existed, 
  4 have been assassinated.
  But that rating would apply not only to
 McCain but to Obama as well.
  Damon probably meant that McCain had a 1 in 3 chance
 of dying over 
  the period of 8 years, which is two terms as
 president.  That would 
  have been more accurate, but Damon made specific
 reference to one 
  And, of course, a candidate for president only runs
 for one term at a 
 He probably misread:
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 Or go to:
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread cardemaister
--- In, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think he meant with 5 cancer operations, hypertension and a Type A

The election shall be a farce? Everything has been orchestrated,
or whatever, in such a manner, that Sarah Palin shall become
an ignoramus sock puppet president with no power to say
what THE Boys should or shouldn't do?

(?There's a government inside the government... 
-- Bill Clinton?)

[FairfieldLife] The Answer To The World's Political Probjems

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB

It's simple, it's cheap, and it would both improve the 
political process and bring dignity to it.

Nose glasses. You know...the kind with big, thick, black 
frames and with a big, bushy mustache under the bridge. 

Simply require that any candidate for public office 
wear nose glasses full-time until the election is over.
In every photo, nose glasses. At every speaking engage-
ment, nose glasses. On every poster and ad, nose glasses.
In every debate, every candidate is wearing nose glasses.
I think it would fix almost everything that is currently
wrong with politics. 


Well, have you ever tried to get someone to take you
seriously while you were wearing nose glasses? You're
up there ranting away a mile a minute, trying to get
everyone to CARE about what you're ranting about enough
to vote for you, and you look out at the audience and
they're all laughing at you because you're doing all 
this and trying to be all serious *while wearing nose 
glasses*. Who can possibly take someone seriously who
is wearing nose glasses?

And if you really ARE a cool candidate, someone who 
actually is evolved enough and smart enough to deserve 
to win, when this happens and you find everyone laughing 
at you, you'll start to laugh at yourself. And that will 
be the thing that the voters will be looking for, and 
that will tell them who to vote for.

[ The preceding is a paid political message brought to
you by There's One Reborn Every Minute, Inc., provider
of fine nose glasses and fine politics since 1967. ]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
raunchydog wrote:
 While on hiatus I started this post as an 
 email to Rick in response to photos of the 
 Palin family he mistakenly emailed, and for 
 which he apologized. The photos portrayed 
 her family as red necks partying with 
 liquor and toting guns.  

Rick, the forum moderator, has been sending
you photos of the Palin family by email? WTF?
You mean the moderator is biased against Sarah
Palin's family? Why would Rick want to smear
the Palin family, including a Dowms baby? It
just doesn't make any sense.

So, Barak Obama is a celebrity politician, a 
lawyer, and was once a star, an 'American Idol', 
but now his star is fading. 

So Obama lashed out at Sarah Palin. His pal, 
Joe Biden said Sarah Palin was 'good-looking.' 
Then they said she was 'doing what she was told 
to do'. Then they called Sarah Palin a liar and 
said she was not the mother of her Down's baby. 
Then Obana called Sarah Palin a 'pig' and a 
'stinky fish'. One the rascals even cracked a
joke about a 'ball-gag', whatever that is.

Then the FFL political pundits said Sarah Palin 
had a nice ass, and they posted photoshopped 
images of Sara in a bikini. And now some FFL
informants are sending photos of Palin's family,
depicting them as 'rednecks', to the FFL 
respondents. What is a 'redneck' anyway?

Can you believe this? And then the FFL pundits 
tried to run off all the women on the forum and 
tried to ban a you for taking up for Sarah 

This is just outrageous! Yahoo! FFL sucks.

Apparently they will do anything to smear Sarah 
Palin. They are mad as hell and really, really
scared and afraid. 

And now Governor Sarah Palin proves them wrong, 
every day.

[FairfieldLife] Meditation Tastings

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB

I'm still at the Budda Bar, still on my first drink,
still writing, and still with at least an hour left 
on my battery. Life is good.

Across the street, life is good in another way. That's
where they have the stands set up for the wine tasting.
People are lined up to try the latest vintages from
the Garraf and the Penedes.

I love the way that wine is sold. If you love good wine,
you don't buy it because it has a fancy label or because
of the ads or because Cindy Crawford is the spokesmodel
in those ads. You go out to a winery or to a store that
cares as much about wine as you do, and you actually
taste the stuff. 

If you're lucky, you wind up dealing with enthusiastic,
happy people who are really in love with the wine that
they grow and sell. They'd love for you to like it, too,
and hope that you will. But if you don't, they under-
stand, because in the world of wine there is no such
thing as best, just The Wine You Prefer.

This is the way I think meditation should be taught.

No glitz, no glammer, no fancy label, no claims of 
bestness, no expensive ads with Heather Graham in them. 
You just hold talks and teach what you've got to offer 
to all who attend. And you do it for free.

If you really love the technique of meditation or the
spiritual path that you have to offer to people, put
your ass (and its ass) on the line the way that vintners
do, and let people *taste* the damned product before 
buying it. If they like it, they'll take what they've
learned home with them and imbibe it again. If they find
that the knowledge you gave to them for free brings some 
benefit to their lives, they'll come back to you to find 
out more. If not, you'll have done a nice thing anyway.

This is actually how meditation was taught in a few of
the spiritual organizations I\ve hung with. And it seemed
to work for them. 

Who paid for it? For the posters and the ads and the cost
of the meeting rooms and the time spent teaching the classes?
We did, of course, we being the students of that partic-
ular spiritual path. We considered it selfless giving and
paying it forward, because other students before us paid
for our first free talk and instruction session.

Call me an idealist, but I think that this is how teaching
meditation works best. Doing it free keeps all the money
crap out of the equation, and much of the ego crap as well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
Peter wrote:
 This interview with Gibson completely exposes 
 her as a political ra-ra. 
Did we watch the same interview? You didn't mention 
a single specific instance to indicate that Sarah 
Palin was exposed. Did you even watch the interview?
I did and Sarah Palin made Charlie look like a fool.

This guy Gibson didn't even know what the 'Bush
Doctrine' was! Can you beleive that? Not to mention
that Charlie lied about Palin's prayer statement.

She said - quite correctly - that, if Georgia and 
Ukraine are admitted to NATO, the United States may 
be obliged to defend them. This has been morphed 
into an assertion that we might invade Russia. And 
ABC News bears much of the blame: It actually sent 
out a pre-broadcast alert to that effect.

So now we can play this stupid game, pretending she 
wants to invade Russia instead of debating real 

Read more:

'ABC'S Bungles'
By Kirsten Powers
New York Post, September 12, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation Tastings

2008-09-13 Thread Patrick Gillam
--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Who paid for it? For the posters and the ads and the cost
 of the meeting rooms and the time spent teaching the classes?
 We did, of course, we being the students of that partic-
 ular spiritual path. We considered it selfless giving and
 paying it forward, because other students before us paid
 for our first free talk and instruction session.

The Internet has been a great place for 
people to teach for free. I'm continually 
amazed at the people who make an avocation 
out of teaching and counseling gratis online. 
Since going online in 1995 I've read 
educational pieces for sex, appliance 
repair, grease cars, meditation and more. 
People do it, apparently, because it's 
fun. It may aggrandize the ego - I know 
more than you - but often the impulse 
seems selfless.

In Waldorf Education circles, it's 
acknowledged that the impulse to teach 
arises from within the soul, and cannot 
be denied. Neither can it be sold. True 
teachers cannot *not* teach. Waldorf 
teachers consider their teaching to be 
a gift they give, and encourage parents 
to consider their tuition payments to be 
gifts as well, rather than fees for services.

The problem with this teaching-as-a-gift 
model is that it's not sustainable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation Tastings

2008-09-13 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Who paid for it? For the posters and the ads and the cost
  of the meeting rooms and the time spent teaching the classes?
  We did, of course, we being the students of that partic-
  ular spiritual path. We considered it selfless giving and
  paying it forward, because other students before us paid
  for our first free talk and instruction session.
 The Internet has been a great place for 
 people to teach for free. I'm continually 
 amazed at the people who make an avocation 
 out of teaching and counseling gratis online. 
 Since going online in 1995 I've read 
 educational pieces for sex, appliance 
 repair, grease cars...

Can I dare to hope that the courses in sex, 
appliance repair and how to operate a grease 
gun were not all offered at the same website,
or worse, in the same course?  :-)

 ...meditation and more. 
 People do it, apparently, because it's 
 fun. It may aggrandize the ego - I know 
 more than you - but often the impulse 
 seems selfless.
 In Waldorf Education circles, it's 
 acknowledged that the impulse to teach 
 arises from within the soul, and cannot 
 be denied. Neither can it be sold. True 
 teachers cannot *not* teach. Waldorf 
 teachers consider their teaching to be 
 a gift they give, and encourage parents 
 to consider their tuition payments to be 
 gifts as well, rather than fees for services.
 The problem with this teaching-as-a-gift 
 model is that it's not sustainable.

I beg to differ. It's how a couple of tradi-
tional Tibetan sanghas I've interacted with
have sustained themselves for centuries.

The key is size, and no one in the organiza-
tion getting paid. No one. This includes the
head teacher, if there is one. He or she
has a Day Job and works for a living, too.

Plus, none of the three or four organizations 
I've had personal experience with that teach 
for free has ever had any desire to get big. 
They have no staff, they have no accountants, 
they have no real expenses *except* the rooms 
they teach in and the ads and teaching materials. 
And they like things that way.  

Introduce the grandiose and (some would say)
megalomaniacal desire to save the world,
and you have the TMO. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Inventor of the term Bush Doctrine: Gibson clueless

2008-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
Shemp wrote:
 Yes, Palin didn't know what it is. But 
 neither does Gibson. 

Charlie Gibson blew it, big time. 

Apparently he doesn't even know what the 
'Bush Doctrine' even is. Preemption isn't 
a factor of the Bush Doctrine because it's 
already implicit in the Doctrine of Self 

Bad form and bad journalism on Gibson's 
part. When Gibson asked the question, I 
wasn't sure exactly what the Bush Doctrine 
was. There were a couple of different 
notions associated with it and I wasn't 
sure there was a single one that was the 
Bush Doctrine. I assumed that I was just
ignorant, and that Gibson was trying to 
trip up Palin. 

Read more:

'Sarah Palin and the Bush Doctrine'
By Mike Rappaport
The Right Coast, September 11, 2008

The main elements of the Bush Doctrine 
were delineated in a National Security 
Council document, National Security Strategy 
of the United States, published on September 
20, 2002,[5] and this document is often 
cited as the definitive statement of the 

Bush Doctrine:

[FairfieldLife] Palin wins over Obama women

2008-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
USA Today/Gallup:

McCain 54
Obama 44

If Mr Obama should be in any doubt how gravely 
the Alaska governor's vice-presidential nomination 
has imperiled his White House ambitions, then a 
day spent in Macomb County will make this clear: 
white women who voted for John Kerry in 2004 are 
suddenly deserting him on masse.

Read more:

'Palin wins over Obama women'
By Tim Reid
Times Online, September 12, 2008 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread raunchydog
 Rick, the forum moderator, has been sending
 you photos of the Palin family by email? WTF?
Rick, sorry for outing you. That was not my intention. In context, my
post was about my brother and how this election has given me a better
understanding of him. Rick helped bring his story into focus for me
and that is the only reason I mentioned it. About my brother:

...Hillary's populous campaign made me aware, having lived in
Fairfield's bubble for almost 30-years, of how out of touch I had
become with my own working class roots. My brother isn't very
educated, he is a Union man, bowls in tournaments, shoots pool,
smokes, drinks beer, gets drunk, tells off color jokes, and takes care
of a disabled wife. He is a devoted Democrat and proudly served in
Vietnam. He loves our country. He is your typical red neck. We don't
talk much but the love is there.

I get emails from him complaining about illegal aliens taking jobs,
about 2nd amendment rights, about desecration of the flag, about
soldiers serving in Iraq, and about school prayer. He is not a swing
voter, but the Republicans are more than happy to address his concerns.

Before Hillary's campaign I thought, I'm an educated post graduate
person, I have meditated for almost 40 years and know a lot about
life. I now ask how can I judge myself to be more knowledgeable about
life or to know better who deserves my vote than my red neck brother
who never finished high school but whose life experiences I will never
feel as he has.

Although I agree with WillyTex for different reasons about the smears
on Palin, I think he may have missed the substance of my post. But I
do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a short
span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records. Keep it up guys
and sink your candidate.

[FairfieldLife] Technology for Manifesting Intentions - reminder

2008-09-13 Thread Susan

Technology for Manifesting Intentions
Friday Sept. 19th at 7:30 pm at Revelations Coffee House.
“Pick something great to do and do it!”
“Give the future a direction”
    -His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
This is a fellowship group focused on doing exactly what the master has asked 
us to do. It is not in any way a deviation from the TM or TM Sidhi program. It 
is simply a way for people with a specific vision, and who are of like mind, to 
support one another in the use of the tools of consciousness to manifest our 
full potential and greatest dreams. Using techniques outlined in films like The 
Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know, we apply our imagination and waking 
thoughts in ways that are supported and furthered by natural law.
I am looking to create a core group of 6-10 people who want to take this 
manifestation technology to the next level and really see it happen in their 
Please call me if you have any questions: Susan Sayler 760 687-5911.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin wins over Obama women

2008-09-13 Thread raunchydog
--- In, Richard J. Williams

 If Mr Obama should be in any doubt how gravely 
 the Alaska governor's vice-presidential nomination 
 has imperiled his White House ambitions, then a 
 day spent in Macomb County will make this clear: 
 white women who voted for John Kerry in 2004 are 
 suddenly deserting him on masse.
 Read more:
 'Palin wins over Obama women'
 By Tim Reid
 Times Online, September 12, 2008

My brother lives in Mt. Clemens. This is the demographic I have been
yammering about. Times Online: This is Mount Clemens, in the heart of
Macomb County, where the pollster Stan Greenberg first identified the
phenomenon of the Reagan Democrats – the working-class, socially
conservative, traditionally Democratic whites who deserted the party
for Ronald Reagan in 1980. It is fair to say that this critical swing
group now has a new name: Palin Democrats.

[FairfieldLife] Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) on Sarah Palin

2008-09-13 Thread do.rflex

Interview for Philly Magazine:


VICTOR FIORILLO: Okay, last question. I'm sure you've seen all the
comparisons in the media and among Republicans of Sarah Palin to
Wonder Woman. How do you feel about that?

LYNDA CARTER: Don't get me started. She's the anti-Wonder Woman. She's
judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how they've got to live
their lives. And a superior religious self-righteousness … that's just
not what Wonder Woman is about. Hillary Clinton is a lot more like
Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn't she?

No one has the right to dictate, particularly in this country, to
force your own personal views upon the populace — religious views. I
think that is suppressive, oppressive, and anti-American. We are the
loyal opposition. That's the whole point of this country: freedom of
speech, personal rights, personal freedom. Nor would Wonder Woman be
the person to tell people how to live their lives. Worry about your
own life! Worry about your own family! Don't be telling me what I want
to do with mine.

I like John McCain. But this woman — it's anathema to me what she
stands for. I think America should be very afraid. Very afraid.
Separation of church and state is the one thing the creators of the
Constitution did agree on — that it wasn't to be a religious
government. People should feel free to speak their minds about
religion but not dictate it or put it into law.

What I don't understand, honestly, is how anyone can even begin to say
they know the mind of God. Who do they think they are? I think that's
ridiculous. I know what God is in my life. Now I am sure that she's
not all just that. But it's enough to me. It's enough for me to have a
visceral reaction. And it makes me mad.

People need to speak up. Doesn't mean that I'm godless. Doesn't mean
that I am a murderer. What I hate is this demonization of everybody
but one position. You're un-American because you're against the war.
It's such bullshit. Fear. It's really such a finite way of thinking
about God to think that your measley little mind can know the mind of
God. It's a very little God that way. I think that God's bigger. I
don't presume to know his mind. Or her mind.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) on Sarah Palin

2008-09-13 Thread shempmcgurk
Lynda Carter is hardly a non-partisan.

Her husband was a long-time associate of Clark Clifford who was the 
top adviser to Democrat presidents and the Democrat Party for decades.

Indeed, they were so close that they were indicted and tried together 
in a sensational bank fraud case a number of years back (both were 
acquited if I remember correctly).

--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interview for Philly Magazine:
 VICTOR FIORILLO: Okay, last question. I'm sure you've seen all the
 comparisons in the media and among Republicans of Sarah Palin to
 Wonder Woman. How do you feel about that?
 LYNDA CARTER: Don't get me started. She's the anti-Wonder Woman. 
 judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how they've got to live
 their lives. And a superior religious self-righteousness … that's 
 not what Wonder Woman is about. Hillary Clinton is a lot more like
 Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn't she?
 No one has the right to dictate, particularly in this country, to
 force your own personal views upon the populace — religious views. I
 think that is suppressive, oppressive, and anti-American. We are the
 loyal opposition. That's the whole point of this country: freedom of
 speech, personal rights, personal freedom. Nor would Wonder Woman be
 the person to tell people how to live their lives. Worry about your
 own life! Worry about your own family! Don't be telling me what I 
 to do with mine.
 I like John McCain. But this woman — it's anathema to me what she
 stands for. I think America should be very afraid. Very afraid.
 Separation of church and state is the one thing the creators of the
 Constitution did agree on — that it wasn't to be a religious
 government. People should feel free to speak their minds about
 religion but not dictate it or put it into law.
 What I don't understand, honestly, is how anyone can even begin to 
 they know the mind of God. Who do they think they are? I think 
 ridiculous. I know what God is in my life. Now I am sure that she's
 not all just that. But it's enough to me. It's enough for me to 
have a
 visceral reaction. And it makes me mad.
 People need to speak up. Doesn't mean that I'm godless. Doesn't mean
 that I am a murderer. What I hate is this demonization of everybody
 but one position. You're un-American because you're against the war.
 It's such bullshit. Fear. It's really such a finite way of thinking
 about God to think that your measley little mind can know the mind 
 God. It's a very little God that way. I think that God's bigger. I
 don't presume to know his mind. Or her mind.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In , shempmcgurk 
  --- In , Rick Archer rick@ 
   On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
   Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:40 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Matt Damon, bullshit artist
   --- In  , Rick Archer rick@

   In the video, Matt Damon says if you look up the actuarial 
   there is a one in three chance that McCain will die within the 
   four years.
   Damon then boldly challenges us to do the actuarial tables.
   Well, I did...and Damon is off...WAY off.
   The actuarial tables supplied by the U.S. government indicate a 
   in seven chance, NOT a one in three chance, as Damon claims.
   Take a look at
   If you add up the four years for males from ages 72 to 75 you 
   0.151985 which translates to about 1/7th or one in 7.
   Did you factor in his several bouts with serious skin cancer? He
  had a
   growth removed just a month or so ago.
  No, I didn't.
  There are, literally, dozens of variables aside from age and 
  (the only two variables in the actuarial charts I linked to above)
  that are factored into an individual's actuarial rating and, yes,
  cancer history is an important one.
  Another one is the lifespan of one's parents; for example 
McCain's 96
  year old mother, who is still alive.
 But what about McCain's real father, who died at the time of 

I had never heard of that but if true then, yes, this is a factor 
that must be included along with all the other several dozen factors 
in coming up with an actuarial profile for John McCain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) on Sarah Palin

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
One ignoramus being judgmental about another ignoramus.
How edifying.

--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Interview for Philly Magazine:
 VICTOR FIORILLO: Okay, last question. I'm sure you've seen all the
 comparisons in the media and among Republicans of Sarah Palin to
 Wonder Woman. How do you feel about that?
 LYNDA CARTER: Don't get me started. She's the anti-Wonder
 Woman. She's judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how
 they've got to live their lives. And a superior religious
 self-righteousness … that's just not what Wonder Woman is

Love to see Carter quote Palin telling people how
they've got to live their lives, or being religiously



 Hillary Clinton is a lot more like
 Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn't she?
 No one has the right to dictate, particularly in this
 country, to force your own personal views upon the populace —
 religious views.

Actually, the only personal view she's shown the
slightest inclination of forcing on the populace--
at least that I've heard about--concerns abortion.
And guess what? That is *not* necessarily a
religious view.

On the other hand, if you are absolutely convinced
that abortion is murder, based on religious belief
or not, *of course* you're going to try to get it
banned, just as those of us who believe capital
punishment is murder are trying to get *it* banned.

 What I don't understand, honestly, is how anyone can even
 begin to say they know the mind of God. Who do they think
 they are? I think that's ridiculous. I know what God is
 in my life. Now I am sure that she's not all just that.
 But it's enough to me. It's enough for me to have a
 visceral reaction. And it makes me mad.

I would never presume to know God's will or to speak
God's words.--Sarah Palin in her ABC interview

 It's really such a finite way of thinking about God to think
 that your measley little mind can know the mind of God. It's
 a very little God that way. I think that God's bigger. I don't
 presume to know his mind. Or her mind.

Or even what she's said, it would seem.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) on Sarah Palin

2008-09-13 Thread do.rflex
--- In, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Lynda Carter is hardly a non-partisan.

 Her husband was a long-time associate of Clark Clifford who was the 
 top adviser to Democrat presidents and the Democrat Party for decades.
 Indeed, they were so close that they were indicted and tried together 
 in a sensational bank fraud case a number of years back (both were 
 acquited if I remember correctly).
 --- In, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  Interview for Philly Magazine:
  VICTOR FIORILLO: Okay, last question. I'm sure you've seen all the
  comparisons in the media and among Republicans of Sarah Palin to
  Wonder Woman. How do you feel about that?
  LYNDA CARTER: Don't get me started. She's the anti-Wonder Woman. 
  judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how they've got to live
  their lives. And a superior religious self-righteousness … that's 
  not what Wonder Woman is about. Hillary Clinton is a lot more like
  Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn't she?
  No one has the right to dictate, particularly in this country, to
  force your own personal views upon the populace — religious views. I
  think that is suppressive, oppressive, and anti-American. We are the
  loyal opposition. That's the whole point of this country: freedom of
  speech, personal rights, personal freedom. Nor would Wonder Woman be
  the person to tell people how to live their lives. Worry about your
  own life! Worry about your own family! Don't be telling me what I 
  to do with mine.
  I like John McCain. But this woman — it's anathema to me what she
  stands for. I think America should be very afraid. Very afraid.
  Separation of church and state is the one thing the creators of the
  Constitution did agree on — that it wasn't to be a religious
  government. People should feel free to speak their minds about
  religion but not dictate it or put it into law.
  What I don't understand, honestly, is how anyone can even begin to 
  they know the mind of God. Who do they think they are? I think 
  ridiculous. I know what God is in my life. Now I am sure that she's
  not all just that. But it's enough to me. It's enough for me to 
 have a
  visceral reaction. And it makes me mad.
  People need to speak up. Doesn't mean that I'm godless. Doesn't mean
  that I am a murderer. What I hate is this demonization of everybody
  but one position. You're un-American because you're against the war.
  It's such bullshit. Fear. It's really such a finite way of thinking
  about God to think that your measley little mind can know the mind 
  God. It's a very little God that way. I think that God's bigger. I
  don't presume to know his mind. Or her mind.

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
 What is so impossible about seeing that the pig in lipstick
kerfuffle is about Palin, when Obama's audience absolutely got it? 

The line brings laughs every time it has been used including when
McCain used it when speaking about Hillary.  It is a zinger line that
gets laughs just as Palin's line did, folksy wisdom, like a Mark Twain
one-liner always brings laughs.  You cannot detect from the laughter
what the audience was thinking.  Calling someone a pig is a stupid
insult but using it as a way to illustrate the McCain change
bullshittery was clever and was what Obama obviously meant. I can
understand the rumor mongers trying to manufacture controversy out of
this but more thoughtful people like Judy and yourself joining in the
fray makes we really wonder, WTF?

The reason
 they whooped and hollered grandly was not because he slammed McCain.

Psychic hotline is closed.  The line got a laugh.  It was meant to. 
That is what we know.

 That intensity of response could only have happened because his
little in joke was about Palin.

It always gets a laugh.  Even FOx news has backed off this absurd premise.

 His sneaky insults have become an art form.

As has your reading in hidden meanings.

 No, Hillary supporters are not crazy or hysterics. And I hope you
are not insinuating that Judy, in not so veiled code, needs to get laid.

At least your are consistent.  Everything has a veiled meaning that
you can read.  Got it.

 That would be about as helpful as your cure for the ladies who have
 probably been faking it.

True colors showing.  

 There are too many quacks waddling around
 here. If I need help, I'll see… 

Lot of bluff and bluster in our posts.  I'm still trying to figure out
if the tone is all tongue in cheek of if you are just a caustic
personality like Richard.  I'll keep reading and time will tell.

   Again, I strongly suspect Obama knew exactly what
   he was saying.
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ 

 It's difficult to explain away Obama's lipstick
 on a pig remark that he wasn't referring to Palin.
 But, what follows is equally damning in Obama's
 own words, You can wrap an old fish in a piece of
 paper called change, it's still gonna stink after
 eight years. Women get it that Obama was referring
 to a woman's lady-parts as stinky fish. Obama
 just lost the election. Bets are on.

Dude, you are being the sexist, disgusting, pig 
here.  I'm guessing you haven't had much actual
contact with the opposite sex if that is your
immediate association.
   In the first place, raunchydog isn't a dude,
   she's a dame.
   In the second place, you're fortunate if you've
   never encountered the insulting association of
   smelly old fish with a woman. Sorry to be
   clinical, but it's a reference to menstrual blood,
   which does smell a little fishy as it's drying.
   It's a slightly elderly association from pre-Tampax
   days when the odor was much more of a problem for
   menstruating women. No older woman would fail to
   recognize that association, and older women, of
   course, are Hillary's base, those who may be most
   tempted to vote for McCain because of Palin.
   Again, I strongly suspect Obama knew exactly what
   he was saying.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) on Sarah Palin

2008-09-13 Thread do.rflex
--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  Lynda Carter is hardly a non-partisan.

LYNDA CARTER: I like John McCain. But this woman — it's anathema to me
what she stands for.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Just another smear by the liberal, misogynist, media who can't 
stand that a woman of true values and integrity with a plastic Jesus 
in her heart has stepped-up to the plate and hit a grandslam for the 
red,white and blue! Go Alaska! 
 --- On Sat, 9/13/08, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist
  Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 6:05 AM
  --- In,
  shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
   --- In, Rick
  Archer rick@ wrote:
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:40 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Matt Damon, bullshit


--- In ,
  Rick Archer rick@ 


In the video, Matt Damon says if you look up the
  actuarial tables 
there is a one in three chance that McCain will
  die within the next 
four years. 

Damon then boldly challenges us to do the
  actuarial tables.

Well, I did...and Damon is off...WAY off.

The actuarial tables supplied by the U.S.
  government indicate a one 
in seven chance, NOT a one in three chance, as
  Damon claims.

Take a look at

If you add up the four years for males from ages
  72 to 75 you get 
0.151985 which translates to about 1/7th or one
  in 7.

Did you factor in his several bouts with serious
  skin cancer? He 
   had a
growth removed just a month or so ago.
   No, I didn't.
   There are, literally, dozens of variables aside from
  age and gender 
   (the only two variables in the actuarial charts I
  linked to above) 
   that are factored into an individual's actuarial
  rating and, yes, 
   cancer history is an important one.
   Another one is the lifespan of one's parents; for
  example McCain's 96 
   year old mother, who is still alive.
   However, one cannot take ALL the variables and make an
   rating for a given individual without having access to
  one's full 
   medical records and history.
   I doubt the Hollywood star Matt Damon had access to
   Absent those records, one can only rely upon the
  general age/gender 
   actuarial tables, which is what I linked to.
   By the way, another factor that would have to be
  considered would be 
   profession.  Professions such as airline pilot or
  trapeze artist gets 
   special ratings (i.e. costs extra premium on an
  insurance policy).  
   And, of course, one of the most dangerous jobs in the
   is president of the United States because
  of 43 that have existed, 
   4 have been assassinated.
   But that rating would apply not only to
  McCain but to Obama as well.
   Damon probably meant that McCain had a 1 in 3 chance
  of dying over 
   the period of 8 years, which is two terms as
  president.  That would 
   have been more accurate, but Damon made specific
  reference to one 
   And, of course, a candidate for president only runs
  for one term at a 
  He probably misread:

Yes, I think you're right, Spare Egg.

As I surmised in a separate response to Rick Archer, Damon's 1 in 3 
figure only works if one is considering 8 years, which is two 
presidential terms in office.

Of course, candidates only run for one term at a time.

Thanks for finding that link as I think it was the cause 
of Damon's confusion which, of course, caused his reasoning to be off 
by 133%.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
But I do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a
short span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.

Actually that record still stands.  It was the more than twenty
million emails I received and continue to receive from my republican
relatives concerning Obama being a secret Muslim who will hand our
country over to the terrorists as soon as he is elected.

Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.  Were you
satisfied with her answers in her first interview with Gibson?

--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Rick, the forum moderator, has been sending
  you photos of the Palin family by email? WTF?
 Rick, sorry for outing you. That was not my intention. In context, my
 post was about my brother and how this election has given me a better
 understanding of him. Rick helped bring his story into focus for me
 and that is the only reason I mentioned it. About my brother:
 ...Hillary's populous campaign made me aware, having lived in
 Fairfield's bubble for almost 30-years, of how out of touch I had
 become with my own working class roots. My brother isn't very
 educated, he is a Union man, bowls in tournaments, shoots pool,
 smokes, drinks beer, gets drunk, tells off color jokes, and takes care
 of a disabled wife. He is a devoted Democrat and proudly served in
 Vietnam. He loves our country. He is your typical red neck. We don't
 talk much but the love is there.
 I get emails from him complaining about illegal aliens taking jobs,
 about 2nd amendment rights, about desecration of the flag, about
 soldiers serving in Iraq, and about school prayer. He is not a swing
 voter, but the Republicans are more than happy to address his concerns.
 Before Hillary's campaign I thought, I'm an educated post graduate
 person, I have meditated for almost 40 years and know a lot about
 life. I now ask how can I judge myself to be more knowledgeable about
 life or to know better who deserves my vote than my red neck brother
 who never finished high school but whose life experiences I will never
 feel as he has.
 Although I agree with WillyTex for different reasons about the smears
 on Palin, I think he may have missed the substance of my post. But I
 do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a short
 span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records. Keep it up guys
 and sink your candidate.

[FairfieldLife] Rick can't be outed, was: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread Rick Archer
 Rick, sorry for outing you. That was not my intention. In context, my
 post was about my brother and how this election has given me a better
 understanding of him. Rick helped bring his story into focus for me
 and that is the only reason I mentioned it. About my brother:

I can't be outed because I'm already out. I use my real name here. In
addition to my FFL indulgence, I have a humor list with about 500 people on
it to which I send things that strike me as funny or interesting and a
political list with about 150 people on it to which I send lefty political
stuff. RaunchyDog happens to be on the latter and maybe the former as well.
These are not chat groups like FFL - just email lists. If anyone reading
this would like to be put on one or both of them, let me know by private

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin's Demon Haunted Churches

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In, off_world_beings 
   There were 4 of these voodoo Christians outside the dome
   at program time years ago, chanting off to the side. A 
   negative energy came from them and hit me in the stomach
   as I walked innocently by.
  Maybe that's why Palin *left* this church some
  years ago and now attends a nondenominational
  church that isn't so extreme. Ya think?
 Which church is that?

Which one are you asking about, the one she left
or the one she attends now?

She used to attend the Wasilla Assembly of God.
She now attends Wasilla Bible Church, which is

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation Tastings

2008-09-13 Thread Vaj

On Sep 13, 2008, at 8:45 AM, Patrick Gillam wrote:

The problem with this teaching-as-a-gift
model is that it's not sustainable.

Well it has been, at least for a couple of millenia.

One of the shining examples of such an approach, is the Vipassana  
awakening schools of Goenka.

Wanna awaken? Go to a free 10 DAY meditation retreat, lodging and food  

After ten days, if you liked it or got something out of it, you donate  
some money; what's comfortable for you. Total sliding scale.

Not only has this model been sustainable, it's been extremely  
successful with courses selling out faster than new courses can be  
scheduled. Thousands have begun to awake because of it, so that makes  
it naturally self-sustaining.

It also has been applied and worked in some of the most deplorable  
conditions imaginable, like the most notorious prisons in India (as  
detailed in the documentary Doing Time, Doing Vipassana). It also  
proved that the most imprisoned souls can be begin to awake, even if  
society sees it fit to separate them from that society. Compassion in  
action, not just a way to tap into federal or state dollars (that  
would be applied greed).

And this is just one example. The Shambhala tradition is another that  
teaches nondual meditation for free, in a number of different  
approaches, as the student integrates more and more. And they have an  
incredible infrastructure globally despite the fact their meditation  
is taught for free.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, curtisdeltablues 

 But I do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a
 short span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.
 Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.

Did raunchydog say that was a smear? I don't believe so.

I'd guess she's talking about smears like the list of
books that Palin allegedly banned when she was mayor
of Wasilla. Actually it's a list of all the books that
have been banned in the U.S. at one time or another, a
number of them published well after Palin was mayor.

I received that one from my best friend, who got it
from a minister of her acquaintance, who got it from
someone at UCLA, all of whom accepted it without
question as accurate.

(Palin didn't ban any books; she merely asked the
librarian how she would react if she were asked
to remove books. Nor did Palin threaten to fire
the librarian for not being willing to do so.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote: Chime in boyz.

We may need to be careful about this one. According to
a story in the Boston Globe back in 2000, the injuries
McCain suffered as a POW make it impossible for him to
use a keyboard. This was well before the question of his
not knowing how to send email ever arose.

Of course, if he were really interested, there's most
likely some software or hardware designed for people
who can't use their hands to type.

But that he doesn't know how to send email seems like
a pretty petty complaint given all the other more
important complaints there are about him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread do.rflex
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  But I do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a
  short span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.
  Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.
 Did raunchydog say that was a smear? I don't believe so.
 I'd guess she's talking about smears like the list of
 books that Palin allegedly banned when she was mayor
 of Wasilla. Actually it's a list of all the books that
 have been banned in the U.S. at one time or another, a
 number of them published well after Palin was mayor.
 I received that one from my best friend, who got it
 from a minister of her acquaintance, who got it from
 someone at UCLA, all of whom accepted it without
 question as accurate.
 (Palin didn't ban any books; she merely asked the
 librarian how she would react if she were asked
 to remove books. Nor did Palin threaten to fire
 the librarian for not being willing to do so.)

Then why DID Palin fire the librarian [who was later re-instated after
public outrage]?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation Tastings

2008-09-13 Thread Vaj

On Sep 13, 2008, at 11:27 AM, Vaj wrote:

It also has been applied and worked in some of the most deplorable  
conditions imaginable, like the most notorious prisons in India (as  
detailed in the documentary Doing Time, Doing Vipassana).

[FairfieldLife] Sarah Palin - Book Banning - and the Firing Librarian

2008-09-13 Thread do.rflex

ABC report:

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, curtisdeltablues 

  Again, I strongly suspect Obama knew exactly what
  he was saying.
 The metaphor he used has an obvious meaning.  To try to
 connect this with a disgusting slur on women is such a
 stretch that I am amazed you could believe it.  I can
 understand the right wing using it as a cynical tactic,
 but you surprise me here.  As I said in my other post,
 there are plenty of things to go after Obama for.  But
 this kind of connection seems completely crazy to me.

I'm not as sure about the fish reference as I am
about the lipstick one, but I really wouldn't put
it past him.

Both metaphors have an obvious meaning. That isn't
the issue. The issue is whether he picked metaphors
with obvious meanings to disguise less-obvious nasty
swipes at Palin in order to give himself plausible
deniability. And as I said, these are far from the
only two instances from him of this sort of thing; it
appears to be a habit.

It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
especially working-class women, which he's shown
in his refusal to reach out to Clinton's
supporters, dismissing them by saying they'll get
over it and vote for him because there's nowhere
else for them to go. And if they don't, that's OK
because he doesn't need their votes.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of authfriend
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 10:51 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig


It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
especially working-class women, 

You mean like the women he worked with as a community organizer on the South
side of Chicago instead of taking a high-paying job?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sittin' in the Budda Bar, sippin' Dharma

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With any luck, and at this rate, the four of them 
 will be gone by Monday, and the rest of the posting
 week at Fairfield Life will be as much of a party
 environment as the town of Sitges is this weekend. 
 The rest of us will have fun and actually have a few
 pleasant conversations, while the BPD compulsives 
 are off in some dark funk feeling persecuted because 
 they can't fantasize about persecuting us any more. 

Barry, dear, that's *your* fantasy.

Man, how hard up for fulfilling thoughts do you have
to be to fantasize about what people you don't like
are fantasizing?

The question is, why do *you* feel so persecuted?
Don't you even realize how much persecuting *you*
do, every damn week?

Have you ever noticed how many of your posts that
begin with determinedly lighthearted odes to the
joys of walking your dogs or sitting in cafes
watching women end up attacking some person or
group (as in the one I'm responding to)?

Have you ever noticed how few pleasant conversations
you actually have here, despite your constant
bloviation about how wonderful it is to be able
to have them?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  But I do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a
  short span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.
  Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.
 Did raunchydog say that was a smear? I don't believe so.

No she didn't.  I was making the point that the most important
information going out about her has nothing to do with smears.

I think the clarification about the library books question is
important.  I work with schools and PTA members and have heard stories
about how most are approached to ban certain books by super religious
people.  I heard that she just asked the librarian what the procedure
was and didn't pursue it.  I don't think that would fly too well in
independent Alaska.  But it is not a bad line to keep an eye on for
anyone in a position of power.

I understand that people, myself included have to be careful about
jumping to conclusions about her.  But I have some experience with
people who are as outspokenly religious as Palin and so her positions
are not completely unexpected.  She doesn't believe in abortion in the
case of incest or rape.  This is an extreme position even for a
pro-lifer.  I saw her answer this question so I am sure this is not a
smear.  I checked out her new church's beliefs from the Website you
included, thanks for that.  Given their stated relationship to
scripture I have a few areas of culture (gay rights for one) that I
will be watching her words very carefully on.  

 I'd guess she's talking about smears like the list of
 books that Palin allegedly banned when she was mayor
 of Wasilla. Actually it's a list of all the books that
 have been banned in the U.S. at one time or another, a
 number of them published well after Palin was mayor.
 I received that one from my best friend, who got it
 from a minister of her acquaintance, who got it from
 someone at UCLA, all of whom accepted it without
 question as accurate.
 (Palin didn't ban any books; she merely asked the
 librarian how she would react if she were asked
 to remove books. Nor did Palin threaten to fire
 the librarian for not being willing to do so.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: My thoughts exactly, except for the stuff about her being hot

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Seitzman
 Sarah Palin Naked
 Vote for someone smarter than you. Vote for someone 
 who inspires you. Vote for someone who has not only 
 traveled the world but who has also shown a deep 
 understanding and compassion for it.

Unfortunately, the Democrats failed to nominate her.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation Tastings

2008-09-13 Thread Patrick Gillam
--- In, TurquoiseB wrote:

 --- In, Patrick Gillam wrote:
  The problem with this teaching-as-a-gift 
  model is that it's not sustainable.
 I beg to differ. It's how a couple of tradi-
 tional Tibetan sanghas I've interacted with
 have sustained themselves for centuries.
 The key is size, and no one in the organiza-
 tion getting paid. No one. This includes the
 head teacher, if there is one. He or she
 has a Day Job and works for a living, too.
 Plus, none of the three or four organizations 
 I've had personal experience with that teach 
 for free has ever had any desire to get big. 
 They have no staff, they have no accountants, 
 they have no real expenses *except* the rooms 
 they teach in and the ads and teaching materials. 
 And they like things that way.  
 Introduce the grandiose and (some would say)
 megalomaniacal desire to save the world,
 and you have the TMO.

You're right - the issue with free teaching 
is not sustainability, but scalability. Good 
correction. I disagree with you, however, 
that it's a bad thing to scale up an organization 
that teaches meditation. The problem with Maharishi's 
organization was not its scale but its ideology. If 
we forget about saving the world for a moment, I feel 
it was a really cool thing for non-seekers to learn a 
simple technique that enriched their lives. It was 
cool for TM to be widely available. It was neat for 
a TMer to be able to get checked in Marshalltown and 
Iowa City and Fort Collins and Columbia and Wilton, 
let alone St. Louis and Chicago and Boston. What I 
resent about the story of the TMO was not its scale, 
but the orthodoxy that destroyed that scale.

Of course, it was that sense of mission that scaled 
up the organization in the first place, so what zeal 
giveth, zeal apparently taketh away.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, geezerfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
   Bet you anything  who the private email was from...
  Sal, you really should refrain from betting on
  your intuitions, 'cause your intuition muscle
  is awfully flabby.
  I hereby give Rick permission to announce it
  publicly here if I emailed him about raunchydog.
  Over to you, Sal. Do you have the guts to ask

 Feeling threatened by strong woman Sal Judy? Certainly
 sounds like it.

No, actually I sometimes feel guilty for pounding
on Sal, because she's so pathetically helpless.
It's like beating up on a cripple. It's just that
she's such an *obnoxious* cripple.

She should stick to her bons mots. She's pretty
good at those.

Notice that she hasn't dared to ask Rick whether
I emailed him about raunchydog. She *hasn't* got
the guts. Nor does she have the guts to admit she
was wrong, much less to apologize.

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
 It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
 especially working-class women, which he's shown
 in his refusal to reach out to Clinton's

Contempt for woman?  Wow! I think you are way off here Judy.  But that
is the great thing about political discussions, we all have our POV.

I would buy the fact that he doesn't like Hillary and vise versa, and
I'm sure they both have pretty good reasons for feeling that way.

Personally I think this kind of extreme criticism is as distracting to
examining his true faults as all the sexist discussion about Palin.

--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Again, I strongly suspect Obama knew exactly what
   he was saying.
  The metaphor he used has an obvious meaning.  To try to
  connect this with a disgusting slur on women is such a
  stretch that I am amazed you could believe it.  I can
  understand the right wing using it as a cynical tactic,
  but you surprise me here.  As I said in my other post,
  there are plenty of things to go after Obama for.  But
  this kind of connection seems completely crazy to me.
 I'm not as sure about the fish reference as I am
 about the lipstick one, but I really wouldn't put
 it past him.
 Both metaphors have an obvious meaning. That isn't
 the issue. The issue is whether he picked metaphors
 with obvious meanings to disguise less-obvious nasty
 swipes at Palin in order to give himself plausible
 deniability. And as I said, these are far from the
 only two instances from him of this sort of thing; it
 appears to be a habit.
 It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
 especially working-class women, which he's shown
 in his refusal to reach out to Clinton's
 supporters, dismissing them by saying they'll get
 over it and vote for him because there's nowhere
 else for them to go. And if they don't, that's OK
 because he doesn't need their votes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread raunchydog
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

The issue is whether he picked metaphors
 with obvious meanings to disguise less-obvious nasty
 swipes at Palin in order to give himself plausible
 deniability. And as I said, these are far from the
 only two instances from him of this sort of thing; it
 appears to be a habit.

I saw this in the comments at The Confluence from riverdaughter enjoy

Brush left shoulder
Brush right shoulder
Middle finger to left temple
Middle finger to right temple
Look down your nose to the left
Look down your nose to the right
Jump and quarter turn


[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  (Palin didn't ban any books; she merely asked the
  librarian how she would react if she were asked
  to remove books. Nor did Palin threaten to fire
  the librarian for not being willing to do so.)
 Then why DID Palin fire the librarian [who was later
 re-instated after public outrage]?

She was reinstated the next day, actually.


Palin initially requested Emmons' resignation, along with those of 
Wasilla's other department heads, in October 1996. Palin described 
the requests as a loyalty test and allowed all of them (except one, 
whose department she was eliminating) to retain their positions. But 
in January 1997, Palin fired Emmons, along with the police chief. 
According to the Chicago Tribune, Palin did not list censorship as a 
reason for Emmons' firing, but said she didn't feel she had Emmons' 
support. The decision caused 'a stir' in the small town, according to 
a newspaper account at the time. According to a widely circulated e-
mail from Kilkenny, 'city residents rallied to the defense of the 
City Librarian and against Palin's attempt at out-and-out censorship, 
so Palin backed down and withdrew her termination letter.'

As we've noted, Palin did not attempt to ban any library books. We 
don't know if Emmons' resistance to Palin's questions about possible 
censorship had anything to do with Emmons' firing. And we have no 
idea if the protests had any impact on Palin at all. There simply 
isn't any evidence that we can find either way. Palin did re-hire 
Emmons the following day, saying that she now felt she had the 
librarian's backing. Emmons continued to serve as librarian until 
August 1999, when the Chicago Tribune reports that she resigned.

The librarian now refuses to talk about the incident,
other than to say she doesn't recall Palin citing the
titles of any books to be considered for removal. And
the librarian never claimed that Palin threatened to
fire her over her refusal to consider removing books.

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of authfriend
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 10:51 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig
 It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
 especially working-class women, 
 You mean like the women he worked with as a community
 organizer on the South side of Chicago instead of taking
 a high-paying job?

Non sequitur.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Technology for Manifesting Intentions - reminder

2008-09-13 Thread Peter
No dome for you, my mala covered samsarini!

--- On Sat, 9/13/08, Susan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Technology for Manifesting Intentions - reminder
Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 9:46 AM


Technology for Manifesting Intentions
Friday Sept. 19th at 7:30 pm at Revelations Coffee House. 
“Pick something great to do and do it!”
“Give the future a direction”
    -His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
This is a fellowship group focused on doing exactly what the master has asked 
us to do. It is not in any way a deviation from the TM or TM Sidhi program. It 
is simply a way for people with a specific vision, and who are of like mind, to 
support one another in the use of the tools of consciousness to manifest our 
full potential and greatest dreams. Using techniques outlined in films like The 
Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know, we apply our imagination and waking 
thoughts in ways that are supported and furthered by natural law.
I am looking to create a core group of 6-10 people who want to take this 
manifestation technology to the next level and really see it happen in their 
Please call me if you have any questions: Susan Sayler 760 687-5911.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin wins over Obama women

2008-09-13 Thread frosty . mage
--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  If Mr Obama should be in any doubt how gravely 
  the Alaska governor's vice-presidential nomination 
  has imperiled his White House ambitions, then a 
  day spent in Macomb County will make this clear: 
  white women who voted for John Kerry in 2004 are 
  suddenly deserting him on masse.
  Read more:
  'Palin wins over Obama women'
  By Tim Reid
  Times Online, September 12, 2008
 My brother lives in Mt. Clemens. This is the demographic I have been
 yammering about. Times Online: This is Mount Clemens, in the heart 
 Macomb County, where the pollster Stan Greenberg first identified 
 phenomenon of the Reagan Democrats – the working-class, socially
 conservative, traditionally Democratic whites who deserted the party
 for Ronald Reagan in 1980. It is fair to say that this critical 
 group now has a new name: Palin Democrats.

It doesn't matter who they vote for because both parties are in the 
pockets of big business, and they'll get screwed over by McCain just 
like they got screwed over by Bush and Clinton. The way Obama has 
flip-flopped hard to the right, I think he's just as capable of 
pushing for NAFTA-style middle class destruction as Hillary. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) on Sarah Palin

2008-09-13 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Actually, the only personal view she's shown the
 slightest inclination of forcing on the populace--
 at least that I've heard about--concerns abortion.
 And guess what? That is *not* necessarily a
 religious view.
 On the other hand, if you are absolutely convinced
 that abortion is murder, based on religious belief
 or not, *of course* you're going to try to get it
 banned, just as those of us who believe capital
 punishment is murder are trying to get *it* banned.


...and I would presume that, even then, her position on abortion 
would be to overturn Roe v. Wade.

But what overturning Roe v. Wade would do is simply turn it over to 
the individual 50 states to decide, which is where many experts feel 
it should have been left in the first place.  Before the case was 
handed down by the Supreme Court in 1973 there were numerous states 
that allowed abortions.

Interestingly, if memory serves me correctly, liberal New York State 
wasn't one of them; New York had had a pro-choice law but the state 
legislature overturned it at some point before Roe v. Wade was handed 

But I think that the whole emphasis on questioning candidates for 
president and VP stand on this issue and who they would therefore 
appoint to the Supreme Court is way overblown in terms of importance.


Because since Roe v Wade became law in 1973, 22 of those 35 years has 
seen a pro-life Republican president in office; of the 12 years held 
by Democrats, four of those years were administered by Jimmy Carter 
who is more pro-life than any of those Republicans.  So 26 of the 35 
years since Roe v. Wade were overseen by pro-life, anti-abortion 

7 of the 9 current sitting Justices on the Supremme Court were 
appointed by those pro-life, anti-abortion Republican presidents.

Yet in the 35 years since Roe V. Wade, of the 45 million abortions 
that has occured in the United States not one of those babies has 
been denied the pleasure of being sucked out of its mother's 
womb...DESPITE who was president.

As George Will once observed: the president is not as powerful as 
people think he is...

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
  It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
  especially working-class women, 
  You mean like the women he worked with as a community
  organizer on the South side of Chicago instead of taking
  a high-paying job?
 Non sequitur.

I think it is part of a long list of evidence against your claim.  It
includes his being raised by a single mom who he speaks of adoringly,
married to a strong independent woman who relates to him as an equal
during interviews, and his doting relationship with his two daughters.  

BTW if you read about the Mcain political culture you have much more
ammo for a male dominant world which is why his pick came as such a
surprise.  Bush seemed to be much more comfortable working with women
as his close relationship with Condi and Karen Hughes showed.

So other than this dubious metaphor interpretation, what is your
evidence that Obama has contempt for women?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick can't be outed, was: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread Peter

--- On Sat, 9/13/08, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rick can't be outed, was: Painful to watch - Gibson 
interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'
Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 11:00 AM


 Rick, sorry for outing you. That was not
my intention. In context, my

 post was about my brother and how this election has given me a better

 understanding of him. Rick helped bring his story into focus for me

 and that is the only reason I mentioned it. About my brother: 

I can’t be outed because I’m already out. I use
my real name here. In addition to my FFL indulgence, I have a humor list with
about 500 people on it to which I send things that strike me as funny or
interesting and a political list with about 150 people on it to which I send 
political stuff. RaunchyDog happens to be on the latter and maybe the former as
well. These are not chat groups like FFL – just email lists. If anyone reading
this would like to be put on one or both of them, let me know by private email.
Rick, you got outed? Does your wife know about this? Is my mantra still good? 




[FairfieldLife] Bush War Crimes Conference -- Live Video

2008-09-13 Thread Bhairitu
Saturday morning, the dean of Massachusetts School of Law at Andover 
will convene a two day planning session with a single focus: To arrest, 
put to trial and carry out sentence on criminals in the Bush Administration.

The conference, arranged by Lawrence Vevel, cofounder of the Andover 
school, will focus on which of Bush's officials and members of Congress 
could be charged with war crimes. The plan also calls for necessary 
organizational structures to be established, with the purpose of 
pursuing the guilty to the ends of the Earth.

For Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo to spend years 
in jail or go to the gallows for their crimes would be a powerful lesson 
to future American leaders, Velvel said in a media advisory.

Rest of the story and live video feed here:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread do.rflex
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   (Palin didn't ban any books; she merely asked the
   librarian how she would react if she were asked
   to remove books. Nor did Palin threaten to fire
   the librarian for not being willing to do so.)
  Then why DID Palin fire the librarian [who was later
  re-instated after public outrage]?
 She was reinstated the next day, actually.
 Palin initially requested Emmons' resignation, along with those of 
 Wasilla's other department heads, in October 1996. Palin described 
 the requests as a loyalty test and allowed all of them (except one, 
 whose department she was eliminating) to retain their positions. But 
 in January 1997, Palin fired Emmons, along with the police chief. 
 According to the Chicago Tribune, Palin did not list censorship as a 
 reason for Emmons' firing, but said she didn't feel she had Emmons' 
 support. The decision caused 'a stir' in the small town, according to 
 a newspaper account at the time. According to a widely circulated e-
 mail from Kilkenny, 'city residents rallied to the defense of the 
 City Librarian and against Palin's attempt at out-and-out censorship, 
 so Palin backed down and withdrew her termination letter.'
 As we've noted, Palin did not attempt to ban any library books. We 
 don't know if Emmons' resistance to Palin's questions about possible 
 censorship had anything to do with Emmons' firing. And we have no 
 idea if the protests had any impact on Palin at all. There simply 
 isn't any evidence that we can find either way. Palin did re-hire 
 Emmons the following day, saying that she now felt she had the 
 librarian's backing. Emmons continued to serve as librarian until 
 August 1999, when the Chicago Tribune reports that she resigned.
 The librarian now refuses to talk about the incident,
 other than to say she doesn't recall Palin citing the
 titles of any books to be considered for removal. And
 the librarian never claimed that Palin threatened to
 fire her over her refusal to consider removing books.

Thanks, Judy. 

I personally find it very arrogant, authoritarian, demeaning and
creepy that Palin implemented 'loyalty tests' with the librarian and
the other dept heads - as if Wasilla was *her* little club.

[FairfieldLife] Palin's Political Advisor's Video

2008-09-13 Thread Bhairitu

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   But I do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in 
such a
   short span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.
   Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.
  Did raunchydog say that was a smear? I don't believe so.
 No she didn't.  I was making the point that the most important
 information going out about her has nothing to do with smears.
 I think the clarification about the library books question is
 important.  I work with schools and PTA members and have heard 
 about how most are approached to ban certain books by super 
 people.  I heard that she just asked the librarian what the 
 was and didn't pursue it.  I don't think that would fly too well in
 independent Alaska.  But it is not a bad line to keep an eye on for
 anyone in a position of power.
 I understand that people, myself included have to be careful
 about jumping to conclusions about her.  But I have some
 experience with people who are as outspokenly religious as
 Palin and so her positions are not completely unexpected.  She
 doesn't believe in abortion in the case of incest or rape.
 This is an extreme position even for a pro-lifer.

Actually, it's the only *consistent* position for
a pro-lifer. It suggests that she really is concerned
with the sanctity of life rather than with curtailing
women's sexual freedom.

(And as I noted elsewhere, it's not *necessarily* a
purely religious position. You don't have to be
religious to be against abortion.)

  I saw her answer this question so I am sure this is not a

No, this isn't a smear. (That she curtailed funding for
a home for pregnant teens is a smear.)

As far as I'm aware, abortion is the *only* issue on
which she has indicated any desire to impose her
personal view on others; she's for the repeal of Roe
vs. Wade, as I recall. But as I noted earlier, if you
genuinely believe abortion is murder, *of course*
you're going to be in favor of legislation or court
decisions to prevent it.

  I checked out her new church's beliefs from the Website you
 included, thanks for that.  Given their stated relationship to
 scripture I have a few areas of culture (gay rights for one)
 that I will be watching her words very carefully on.

Might want to have a look at the transcript of an
interview Fox's Greta Van Susteren had with the
pastor of Palin's current church. It appears to me
that he doesn't take the fundamentalist position that
being gay is a choice, FWIW, nor does it look as
though he believes prayer can change one's sexual

I'm reading somewhat between the lines here, but I
get the distinct impression that although this pastor
is a traditional fundamentalist Christian, he's more
compassionate and thoughtful than most. I suspect he's
struggling with the way the Bible passages dealing
with homosexuality present it as a choice, because his
experience with counseling gays seems to contradict

Here's video of the interview:

(There are a lot of [unintelligibles] in the
transcript, but the video is clearer, and you get
to see what the guy is like personally.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Moodmaking as Enlightenment

2008-09-13 Thread Vaj

On Sep 13, 2008, at 12:37 PM, Peter wrote:

Vaj, this won't play with Mozilla. Do you have a url for it?


You'll need to have Quicktime installed. It plays on Firefox and  
Safari for me.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread Richard Williams Chime in boyz.
Judy wrote:
 We may need to be careful about this one. According to
 a story in the Boston Globe back in 2000, the injuries
 McCain suffered as a POW make it impossible for him to
 use a keyboard. This was well before the question of his
 not knowing how to send email ever arose.

This is a new low for the Obama campaign, as if calling
Sarah Palin a 'pig' wasn't serious enough. Now they've
stooped to making fun of a handicapped person, a POW
no less, and a candidate for president. Obama will be
making a public apology on prime-time for this one, I
predict. Obama is finished now - the contest is over.

What a gaff!!!

I've always thought that Barack Obama is unqualified for 
the office of President--he isn't qualified to be a 
Senator, either--but I've never thought he was 
particularly mean-spirited. Until now.

Boston Globe:

McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing 
his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. 

Read more:

'Obama Gets Tough, Shoots Self In Head'
Posted by John Hinderaker
Powerline, September 12, 2008


[FairfieldLife] Gina Gershon Strips Down Sarah Palin

2008-09-13 Thread Bhairitu
Gershon does her impression of Palin:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  I think he meant with 5 cancer operations, hypertension and a Type A
 The election shall be a farce? Everything has been orchestrated,
 or whatever, in such a manner, that Sarah Palin shall become
 an ignoramus sock puppet president with no power to say
 what THE Boys should or shouldn't do?
 (?There's a government inside the government... 
 -- Bill Clinton?)

That thought HAS crossed my mind...


[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
Two words, speech recognitions software.  Been out for over a decade.

The criticism about being computer illiterate is valid in this day and
age.  Or do you think the Internet is a bunch of tubes Richard?  No
one is making fun of his disability. In fact using his disability as
an excuse is a disservice to the many disabled people who don't let
their disabilities stop them from using technology.  Stephen Hawking
uses a computer very effectively. 

--- In, Richard Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote: Chime in boyz.
 Judy wrote:
  We may need to be careful about this one. According to
  a story in the Boston Globe back in 2000, the injuries
  McCain suffered as a POW make it impossible for him to
  use a keyboard. This was well before the question of his
  not knowing how to send email ever arose.
 This is a new low for the Obama campaign, as if calling
 Sarah Palin a 'pig' wasn't serious enough. Now they've
 stooped to making fun of a handicapped person, a POW
 no less, and a candidate for president. Obama will be
 making a public apology on prime-time for this one, I
 predict. Obama is finished now - the contest is over.
 What a gaff!!!
 I've always thought that Barack Obama is unqualified for 
 the office of President--he isn't qualified to be a 
 Senator, either--but I've never thought he was 
 particularly mean-spirited. Until now.
 Boston Globe:
 McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing 
 his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. 
 Read more:
 'Obama Gets Tough, Shoots Self In Head'
 Posted by John Hinderaker
 Powerline, September 12, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Technology for Manifesting Intentions - reminder

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, Susan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Technology for Manifesting Intentions
 Friday Sept. 19th at 7:30 pm at Revelations Coffee House.
 �Pick something great to do and do it!�
 �Give the future a direction�
 ��������������� -His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh 
 This is a fellowship group focused on doing exactly what the master has asked 
 us to do. 
It is not in any way a deviation from the TM or TM Sidhi program. It is simply 
a way for 
people with a specific vision, and who are of like mind, to support one another 
in the use 
of the tools of consciousness to manifest our full potential and greatest 
dreams. Using 
techniques outlined in films like The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know, we 
apply our 
imagination and waking thoughts in ways that are supported and furthered by 
natural law.
 I am looking to create a core group of 6-10 people who want to take this 
technology to the next level and really see it happen in their lives. 
 Please call me if you have any questions: Susan Sayler 760 687-5911.

Ironically John Hagelin denounced The Secret as being too superficial to work.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   He probably misread:
 Yes, I think you're right, Spare Egg.
 As I surmised in a separate response to Rick Archer, Damon's 1 in 3 
 figure only works if one is considering 8 years, which is two 
 presidential terms in office.
 Of course, candidates only run for one term at a time.
 Thanks for finding that link as I think it was the cause 
 of Damon's confusion which, of course, caused his reasoning to be off 
 by 133%.

And yet, the point still stands. Even if McCain doesn't die, the odds of being 
unhealthy due to heart attack or stroke to continue to hold office are quite
large as well.


[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, curtisdeltablues 

   It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
   especially working-class women, 
   You mean like the women he worked with as a community
   organizer on the South side of Chicago instead of taking
   a high-paying job?
  Non sequitur.
 I think it is part of a long list of evidence against your claim.

No, it isn't; it has nothing to do with it and
certainly isn't evidence *against* it. How he
*treated* the women he worked with, how he talked
about them to his friends, might constitute evidence
pro or con, but we don't know any of that.

If you're going to be a community organizer, you
don't have a choice about whether to work with
women. And the high-paying job he could have had
is a complete red herring in this context. It's
apples and kiwi fruit.

 includes his being raised by a single mom who he speaks of
 adoringly, married to a strong independent woman who relates
 to him as an equal during interviews, and his doting
 relationship with his two daughters.

None of that precludes his having contempt for
women as a whole, Curtis. I'm not a sexist; some
of my best friends are women. Do you believe he
thinks of his mother and Michelle and his daughters
as typical women, or are they special in some
sense? None of them are working-class, either. His
mother and Michelle were highly educated, and his
daughters go to a private school.

 BTW if you read about the Mcain political culture you have much
 more ammo for a male dominant world

It's my understanding that he pays his female staff
members the same as his male staff members, whereas
Obama's female staffers are paid less than the men.
I also understand McCain has a higher proportion of
women on his staff than Obama does.

 which is why his pick came as such a

Well, sure, but he *did* pick a woman. Obviously he
didn't vet her thoroughly enough, but he must have
known she was a pistol, and it didn't threaten him.

There were several women Obama could have picked
other than Hillary, but he chose a man.

  Bush seemed to be much more comfortable working
 with women as his close relationship with Condi and Karen
 Hughes showed.

I haven't seen anything to indicate McCain doesn't
get along well with his female staffers and advisers.
And his campaign, especially with his pick of Palin,
has no hesitation about asking for women's votes.

 So other than this dubious metaphor interpretation, what is your
 evidence that Obama has contempt for women?

Go back and read my post, Curtis. I explained it
there. Somehow you managed not to see it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
 I'm reading somewhat between the lines here, but I
 get the distinct impression that although this pastor
 is a traditional fundamentalist Christian, he's more
 compassionate and thoughtful than most. I suspect he's
 struggling with the way the Bible passages dealing
 with homosexuality present it as a choice, because his
 experience with counseling gays seems to contradict

Palin answered this question from Gibson by saying she doesn't judge
if gay people are that way by choice.  I'm hoping she has a more
pragmatic approach to gay rights, but I still think she will oppose
gay marriage which causes a lot of real problems for gay couples. 

I don't think we will realistically find out from any candidate how
far they would push their personal agendas when in office.  Bush came
off as less interested in pushing a faith based agenda in his
campaign.   But once he got the power his anti science bias has caused
a lot of trouble.

--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
But I do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in 
 such a
short span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.

Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.
   Did raunchydog say that was a smear? I don't believe so.
  No she didn't.  I was making the point that the most important
  information going out about her has nothing to do with smears.
  I think the clarification about the library books question is
  important.  I work with schools and PTA members and have heard 
  about how most are approached to ban certain books by super 
  people.  I heard that she just asked the librarian what the 
  was and didn't pursue it.  I don't think that would fly too well in
  independent Alaska.  But it is not a bad line to keep an eye on for
  anyone in a position of power.
  I understand that people, myself included have to be careful
  about jumping to conclusions about her.  But I have some
  experience with people who are as outspokenly religious as
  Palin and so her positions are not completely unexpected.  She
  doesn't believe in abortion in the case of incest or rape.
  This is an extreme position even for a pro-lifer.
 Actually, it's the only *consistent* position for
 a pro-lifer. It suggests that she really is concerned
 with the sanctity of life rather than with curtailing
 women's sexual freedom.
 (And as I noted elsewhere, it's not *necessarily* a
 purely religious position. You don't have to be
 religious to be against abortion.)
   I saw her answer this question so I am sure this is not a
 No, this isn't a smear. (That she curtailed funding for
 a home for pregnant teens is a smear.)
 As far as I'm aware, abortion is the *only* issue on
 which she has indicated any desire to impose her
 personal view on others; she's for the repeal of Roe
 vs. Wade, as I recall. But as I noted earlier, if you
 genuinely believe abortion is murder, *of course*
 you're going to be in favor of legislation or court
 decisions to prevent it.
   I checked out her new church's beliefs from the Website you
  included, thanks for that.  Given their stated relationship to
  scripture I have a few areas of culture (gay rights for one)
  that I will be watching her words very carefully on.
 Might want to have a look at the transcript of an
 interview Fox's Greta Van Susteren had with the
 pastor of Palin's current church. It appears to me
 that he doesn't take the fundamentalist position that
 being gay is a choice, FWIW, nor does it look as
 though he believes prayer can change one's sexual
 I'm reading somewhat between the lines here, but I
 get the distinct impression that although this pastor
 is a traditional fundamentalist Christian, he's more
 compassionate and thoughtful than most. I suspect he's
 struggling with the way the Bible passages dealing
 with homosexuality present it as a choice, because his
 experience with counseling gays seems to contradict
 Here's video of the interview:
 (There are a lot of [unintelligibles] in the
 transcript, but the video is clearer, and you get
 to see what the guy is like personally.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Gershon Strips Down Sarah Palin

2008-09-13 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gershon does her impression of Palin:

It appears that Palin has her fair share of female critics:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin - Book Banning - and the Firing Librarian

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ABC report:

She was for banning books before she was against it...


[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Again, I strongly suspect Obama knew exactly what
   he was saying.
  The metaphor he used has an obvious meaning.  To try to
  connect this with a disgusting slur on women is such a
  stretch that I am amazed you could believe it.  I can
  understand the right wing using it as a cynical tactic,
  but you surprise me here.  As I said in my other post,
  there are plenty of things to go after Obama for.  But
  this kind of connection seems completely crazy to me.
 I'm not as sure about the fish reference as I am
 about the lipstick one, but I really wouldn't put
 it past him.
 Both metaphors have an obvious meaning. That isn't
 the issue. The issue is whether he picked metaphors
 with obvious meanings to disguise less-obvious nasty
 swipes at Palin in order to give himself plausible
 deniability. And as I said, these are far from the
 only two instances from him of this sort of thing; it
 appears to be a habit.
 It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
 especially working-class women, which he's shown
 in his refusal to reach out to Clinton's
 supporters, dismissing them by saying they'll get
 over it and vote for him because there's nowhere
 else for them to go. And if they don't, that's OK
 because he doesn't need their votes.

How many of CLinton's supporters are working class women?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   (Palin didn't ban any books; she merely asked the
   librarian how she would react if she were asked
   to remove books. Nor did Palin threaten to fire
   the librarian for not being willing to do so.)
  Then why DID Palin fire the librarian [who was later
  re-instated after public outrage]?
 She was reinstated the next day, actually.
 Palin initially requested Emmons' resignation, along with those of 
 Wasilla's other department heads, in October 1996. Palin described 
 the requests as a loyalty test and allowed all of them (except one, 
 whose department she was eliminating) to retain their positions. But 
 in January 1997, Palin fired Emmons, along with the police chief. 
 According to the Chicago Tribune, Palin did not list censorship as a 
 reason for Emmons' firing, but said she didn't feel she had Emmons' 
 support. The decision caused 'a stir' in the small town, according to 
 a newspaper account at the time. According to a widely circulated e-
 mail from Kilkenny, 'city residents rallied to the defense of the 
 City Librarian and against Palin's attempt at out-and-out censorship, 
 so Palin backed down and withdrew her termination letter.'
 As we've noted, Palin did not attempt to ban any library books. We 
 don't know if Emmons' resistance to Palin's questions about possible 
 censorship had anything to do with Emmons' firing. And we have no 
 idea if the protests had any impact on Palin at all. There simply 
 isn't any evidence that we can find either way. Palin did re-hire 
 Emmons the following day, saying that she now felt she had the 
 librarian's backing. Emmons continued to serve as librarian until 
 August 1999, when the Chicago Tribune reports that she resigned.
 The librarian now refuses to talk about the incident,
 other than to say she doesn't recall Palin citing the
 titles of any books to be considered for removal. And
 the librarian never claimed that Palin threatened to
 fire her over her refusal to consider removing books.

But did say she found it hard to work with Palin.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  The librarian now refuses to talk about the incident,
  other than to say she doesn't recall Palin citing the
  titles of any books to be considered for removal. And
  the librarian never claimed that Palin threatened to
  fire her over her refusal to consider removing books.
 Thanks, Judy. 
 I personally find it very arrogant, authoritarian, demeaning
 and creepy that Palin implemented 'loyalty tests' with the 
 librarian and the other dept heads - as if Wasilla was *her*
 little club.

I can't document this, but my sister, who's been
following all this very closely, tells me she read
somewhere that the previous mayor, her opponent in
the mayoral race, had demanded before the election
that the department heads sign a loyalty oath to
*him*. If that's the case, it's not really
surprising that she'd ask for the same thing once
she'd won the election.

I share your dislike of loyalty tests. As I've tried
to make clear over and over, I don't like or support
Palin. I'm just appalled at the smears of her being
circulated by Democrats.

[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread sparaig
--- In, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Two words, speech recognitions software.  Been out for over a decade.
 The criticism about being computer illiterate is valid in this day and
 age.  Or do you think the Internet is a bunch of tubes Richard?  No
 one is making fun of his disability. In fact using his disability as
 an excuse is a disservice to the many disabled people who don't let
 their disabilities stop them from using technology.  Stephen Hawking
 uses a computer very effectively. 

I met a computer scientist 25 years ago who was so close to totally blind 
that she had to wear a microscope-like assembly to be able to read words 
one letter at a time on the computer screen.

And of course, with text to speech and speech to text, and the upcoming
EEG-driven interfaces, anyone in waking state who still has one of the standard
communications senses (i.e., anything but smell) can use a computer


[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
  especially working-class women, which he's shown
  in his refusal to reach out to Clinton's
  supporters, dismissing them by saying they'll get
  over it and vote for him because there's nowhere
  else for them to go. And if they don't, that's OK
  because he doesn't need their votes.
 How many of CLinton's supporters are working class women?

They're her base, Lawson.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 13, 2008, at 12:05 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Two words, speech recognitions software.  Been out for over a decade.

The criticism about being computer illiterate is valid in this day and
age.  Or do you think the Internet is a bunch of tubes Richard?  No
one is making fun of his disability. In fact using his disability as
an excuse is a disservice to the many disabled people who don't let
their disabilities stop them from using technology.  Stephen Hawking
uses a computer very effectively.

I also have a friend who's legally blind who's been
on the Internet for years, loves it in fact.   Lots
of software out there for people who have challenges.

It's pretty amazing, actually, that McCain would let this
one out without insisting he's trying to do something
to correct the lack.  I suppose maybe it could be seen
as an example of his honesty, though.


[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sep 13, 2008, at 12:05 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  Two words, speech recognitions software.  Been out for over a decade.

I can't believe no one has goofed on me for this gaff! That is really

  The criticism about being computer illiterate is valid in this day and
  age.  Or do you think the Internet is a bunch of tubes Richard?  No
  one is making fun of his disability. In fact using his disability as
  an excuse is a disservice to the many disabled people who don't let
  their disabilities stop them from using technology.  Stephen Hawking
  uses a computer very effectively.
 I also have a friend who's legally blind who's been
 on the Internet for years, loves it in fact.   Lots
 of software out there for people who have challenges.
 It's pretty amazing, actually, that McCain would let this
 one out without insisting he's trying to do something
 to correct the lack.  I suppose maybe it could be seen
 as an example of his honesty, though.

[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread do.rflex
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
 wrote: Chime in boyz.
 We may need to be careful about this one. According to
 a story in the Boston Globe back in 2000, the injuries
 McCain suffered as a POW make it impossible for him to
 use a keyboard. This was well before the question of his
 not knowing how to send email ever arose.

There's no telling if he's going to buy a tape from the Video
Professor, or just have his son-in-law sit down with him for a few
days, but John McCain has decided to learn how to use the internet.

I am learning to get online myself, and I will have that down fairly
soon, getting on myself, McCain told the New York Times in an
interview that appeared Sunday. I don't expect to be a great
communicator, I don't expect to set up my own blog, but I am becoming
computer literate to the point where I can get the information that I

Even so, McCain bluntly admits, I don't e-mail. I've never felt the
particular need to e-mail.

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCains New ad Lipstick on a Pig

2008-09-13 Thread authfriend
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's my understanding that he pays his female staff
 members the same as his male staff members, whereas
 Obama's female staffers are paid less than the men.
 I also understand McCain has a higher proportion of
 women on his staff than Obama does.

Correction/amplification: McCain's female staffers are
paid *more* than his male staffers. (The above refers
to Obama's and McCain's Senate staffs, not their campaign
staffs, BTW.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Even so, McCain bluntly admits, I don't e-mail. I've never felt the
 particular need to e-mail.

Yeah, why would anyone need information faster than the fastest pony
can ride?

--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  wrote: Chime in boyz.
  We may need to be careful about this one. According to
  a story in the Boston Globe back in 2000, the injuries
  McCain suffered as a POW make it impossible for him to
  use a keyboard. This was well before the question of his
  not knowing how to send email ever arose.
 There's no telling if he's going to buy a tape from the Video
 Professor, or just have his son-in-law sit down with him for a few
 days, but John McCain has decided to learn how to use the internet.
 I am learning to get online myself, and I will have that down fairly
 soon, getting on myself, McCain told the New York Times in an
 interview that appeared Sunday. I don't expect to be a great
 communicator, I don't expect to set up my own blog, but I am becoming
 computer literate to the point where I can get the information that I
 Even so, McCain bluntly admits, I don't e-mail. I've never felt the
 particular need to e-mail.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 13, 2008, at 12:50 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sep 13, 2008, at 12:05 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Two words, speech recognitions software.  Been out for over a  

I can't believe no one has goofed on me for this gaff! That is  
really funny.

What gaffe, Curtis?  That speech recognitions software is
3 words instead of 2?  Just awful, I tell ya.

Actually, considering some of the criticisms that often
fly here, I'm surprised nobody did either.  Now, if Obama
 had said that...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 13, 2008, at 12:53 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Even so, McCain bluntly admits, I don't e-mail. I've never felt the
particular need to e-mail.

Yeah, why would anyone need information faster than the fastest  
pony can ride?

Ignorance: it's the new honesty!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Matt Damon, bullshit artist

2008-09-13 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And yet, the point still stands. Even if McCain doesn't die, the odds 
of being too
 unhealthy due to heart attack or stroke to continue to hold office 
are quite
 large as well.


And that's why we're so lucky to have Sarah!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin wins over Obama women

2008-09-13 Thread John
--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  If Mr Obama should be in any doubt how gravely 
  the Alaska governor's vice-presidential nomination 
  has imperiled his White House ambitions, then a 
  day spent in Macomb County will make this clear: 
  white women who voted for John Kerry in 2004 are 
  suddenly deserting him on masse.
  Read more:
  'Palin wins over Obama women'
  By Tim Reid
  Times Online, September 12, 2008
 My brother lives in Mt. Clemens. This is the demographic I have been
 yammering about. Times Online: This is Mount Clemens, in the heart 
 Macomb County, where the pollster Stan Greenberg first identified 
 phenomenon of the Reagan Democrats – the working-class, socially
 conservative, traditionally Democratic whites who deserted the party
 for Ronald Reagan in 1980. It is fair to say that this critical 
 group now has a new name: Palin Democrats.

According to a San Francisco Chronicle article, the election will be 
won in certain key states, which include Florida, Michigan, Illinois 
and Ohio.  These states are considered the swing states.  If Obama 
can win these swing states and hold the same states (blue) that voted 
Democratic from the last election, he wins.

Essentially, the red states or those which voted Republican in the 
last election will support McCain and will vote accordingly.  Texas 
is considered to be a Republican state.  So, I don't think Obama will 
be campaigning hard in Texas.  For the most part, the southern states 
are predicted to vote Republican as they did the last time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread raunchydog
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
But I do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in 
 such a
short span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.

Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.
   Did raunchydog say that was a smear? I don't believe so.

  I understand that people, myself included have to be careful
  about jumping to conclusions about her. 
Category 5 hurricane Obamaton, assaults our intrepid heroine of the
working class, moose hunter, sharp shooter, Sarah Palin, and the
flotsam and jetsam of her life crashes forcefully ashore. As her surge
battered life lay bare; the Obamatons frantically pick through the
rubble hoping to find a legitimate reason to discredit her. In their
haste to program everyone to hate her as they instinctively do, they
remain unapologetic for the wreckage they caused. While stepping over
the bodies of the friends and family they helped lay waste, their
brown shirted thuggery is on full display. Keep it up guys and sink
your candidate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moodmaking as Enlightenment

2008-09-13 Thread ddeadlus
Good God, that's so true.

--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A Public Service Announcement from Vaj and the SEFFTPOSITUUOE

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