[JAVA3D] using VirtualUniverse directly

2000-07-19 Thread Mark McKay

Anyone out there with sample code illustrating the direct use of a
VirtualUniverse?  I'm trying to get around using a SimpleUniverse.


Anyone out there with sample code illustrating the direct use of a
VirtualUniverse?  I'm trying to get around using a SimpleUniverse.


[JAVA3D] Coordinating View and Canvas3D

2001-09-18 Thread Mark McKay

I'm having trouble adjusting the view.  I wish to draw a single scene
graph within my Canvas3D such that it is always entirely visable, no
matter what the dimensions of my Canvas3D are.  (Ie, if I position the
viewer in a place so that he can see the entire thing, I'd like him to
continue seeing the whole thing even if the window size changes.)  As a
result, the scale should be min(canvasWidth, canvasHeight) / 2.0, rather
than the default canvasWidth / 2.0.

I've tried doing this by putting a component listener on the Canvas3d to
detect when it resizes, and then execute the following:

if (view != null)
  Dimension d = mainCanvas.getSize();
  if (d.width  d.height)
view.setScreenScale((double)d.height / (double)d.width);

Unfortunately, this does nothing.  I've also tried setting the scale
explicity from a text control:

String s = text_size.getText();
double d;
try { d = Double.parseDouble(s); }
catch (Exception e) { d = 1.0; }


I've noticed that when setScreenScale() is passed anything above about
.0625 then the view acts as if it was View.SCALE_SCREEN_SIZE, and below
this number, nothing is rendered at all.

Any help on how to set the scale would be greatly appreciated.

Mark McKay

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[JAVA3D] Looking for good primer for X3D

2001-09-21 Thread Mark McKay

Anyone know where I could find a good introduction for X3D?  Preferably
something in PDF format I could download for free? :)

Mark McKay

We, in all humidity, are the people of currant times. This
concept grinds our critical, seething minds to a halt.
  - Anders Henriksson, A History of the Past, Part II
(A collection of excerpts from student papers)

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[JAVA3D] Antialiasing Failing

2004-01-14 Thread Mark McKay

I'm trying to enable antialiasing for a scene I'm rendering in Java 3D.
I believe Ive done everything I need to do, but still my scenes are not
antialiased.  I've tried this on three computers now, each with great
video cards.
I am:

- Making sure to request a canvas with antialiasing abilities
   GraphicsConfigTemplate3D gct3 = new GraphicsConfigTemplate3D();
- Checking that antialiasing is enabled on the resulting Canvas3D
(canvas3D.getSceneAntialiasingAvailable() returns true)
- Enabling antialiasing on my view
   view.getSceneAntialiasingEnable() returns true
However, my polygons are still not antialiased.

On top of this, my lines are not anti aliased either, even though I set
this option on it's appearance.  (My lines are also only one pixel wide,
even though I'm giving them a width of 4 in their material).
I've even made a call to
   System.setProperty(j3d.implicitAntialiasing, true);
However, this isn't enabling antialiasing either.
Could anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?

Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Antialiasing Failing

2004-01-15 Thread Mark McKay
Just to follow up on my last email, here are the results QueryProperties
is returning:
version = 1.3.1
vendor = Sun Microsystems, Inc.
specification.version = 1.3
specification.vendor = Sun Microsystems, Inc.
renderer = DirectX
Renderer version = DirectX 8.0 or above
doubleBufferAvailable = true
stereoAvailable = false
sceneAntialiasingAvailable = true
sceneAntialiasingNumPasses = 1
textureColorTableSize = 0
textureEnvCombineAvailable = true
textureCombineDot3Available = true
textureCombineSubtractAvailable = true
texture3DAvailable = true
textureCubeMapAvailable = true
textureSharpenAvailable = false
textureDetailAvailable = false
textureFilter4Available = false
textureAnisotropicFilterDegreeMax = 8.0
textureBoundaryWidthMax = 0
textureWidthMax = 4096
textureHeightMax = 4096
textureLodOffsetAvailable = false
textureLodRangeAvailable = false
textureUnitStateMax = 8
compressedGeometry.majorVersionNumber = 1
compressedGeometry.minorVersionNumber = 0
compressedGeometry.minorMinorVersionNumber = 2
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[JAVA3D] Switch failing with SharedGroup

2004-01-15 Thread Mark McKay
I have large number of small, dot like shape objects that are
positioned to fall in a long line.  I want to animate these such that
first the one on one end  appears, then a few milliseconds later the
next one, then the next, and so on.  To implement this, I thought it
would be best to create a single instance of this shape under a
SharedGroup, and then create many links to it from a single Switch
node.  This Switch node would be set to be type CHILD_MASK, and I
would pass in a BitSet every few milliseconds to set which of my dots
should be visible and which should not.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work.  While this scheme will work fine
with non shared geometry, when using links to shared geometry, the
shared geometry only appears when every single piece in the set
visible.  I've tried this on two different machines and received the
same results.
Is this a bug in Java3D?  What would be recommended work arounds?

Mark McKay

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[JAVA3D] Can't write depth info in raster

2004-01-21 Thread Mark McKay
I have a scene graph and need to label certain parts of it for the user
to see.  After trying billboards and being unsatisfied with the results,
I tried using rasters, which were much faster and looked much nicer.
However, they are suffereing from the same problem that my billboards
were - when viewed from certain angles, my labels twist to partially
embed themselves in nearby geometry.  Since these are labels and should
sit on top of any geometry, it would be nice to set the depth they write
into the depth buffer to be it's minimum.  However, no matter what data
I write into my DepthComponent, the depth written into the buffer is the
same as the raster's root position in my scene graph.
Any ideas how to get my raster to do what I want?  I've tried both
integer and float depth components.
   //Create raster image of label
   Image labelImage =
   int width = labelImage.getWidth(null);
   int height = labelImage.getHeight(null);
   BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height,
   Graphics2D g = bi.createGraphics();
   g.drawImage(labelImage, 0, 0, null);
   ImageComponent2D ic = new
ImageComponent2D(ImageComponent.FORMAT_RGBA, bi);
   //Create foreground depth buffer
   DepthComponentFloat dc = new DepthComponentFloat(width,
   float[] depthData = new float[width * height];
   for (int i = 0; i  width * height; i++)
   depthData[i] = 0f;
   //Build raster
   javax.media.j3d.Raster raster = new javax.media.j3d.Raster(
   new Point3f(0f, 0f, 0f),
   0, 0, width, height, ic, dc);
   Shape3D labelShape = new Shape3D(raster);

Mark McKay

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[JAVA3D] Writing 2D content on top of a Canvas3D

2004-01-24 Thread Mark McKay
What is the best way to write static 2D data to a Canvas3D?  For
example, if I wanted to draw a title centered at the top of my screen
(which would be positioned relative to the dimensions of it's AWT
container rather than scene geometry), what would be the best way to do
this?  Reading through the docs has left me confused as to the best way
to do this.
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Raster Depth Information being ignored

2004-01-24 Thread Mark McKay
I have a raster of data which I would like to draw over top of all
geometry in my scene.  However, no matter what values I pass to the
array which should define the depth information, the color pixelsin the
raster are written at the same depth as the point that defines the
raster's location in the scene graph.  I've also tried a two step
process where I first write depth information and then color information
in two different rasters.  My depth information simply seems to be
ignored.  Is there any way to get these rasters to appear above all the
Mark McKay

   private Shape3D buildFgRaster()
   //Create raster image of logo
   Image logoImage =
   int width = logoImage.getWidth(null);
   int height = logoImage.getHeight(null);
   BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height,
   Graphics2D g = bi.createGraphics();
   g.drawImage(logoImage, 0, 0, null);
   ImageComponent2D ic = new
ImageComponent2D(ImageComponent.FORMAT_RGBA, bi);
   //Create foreground depth buffer
   DepthComponentFloat dc = new DepthComponentFloat(width, height);
   float[] depthData = new float[width * height];
   for (int i = 0; i  width * height; i++)
   depthData[i] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
   //Build raster
   javax.media.j3d.Raster raster = new javax.media.j3d.Raster(
   new Point3f(0.5f, 0.5f, -10f),
   0, 0, width, height, ic, dc);
   raster.setDstOffset(new Point(0, 0));
   return new Shape3D(raster);
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Re: [JAVA3D] Writing 2D content on top of a Canvas3D

2004-01-25 Thread Mark McKay
Hi James,

Yes, I'd like to see your code if you would be kind enought to email it
to me.  Thanks.
Mark McKay

James Goldwater wrote:

As far as I can tell (and I'm so _not_ an expert at this) - you can't.
Although you can get a Graphics2D object from a Canvas3D and draw on
that, it absolutely kills performance.
The j3d.org packages include examples of overlay classes, which kind-of
allow you to fake it.  What these do is however a mere convenience: they
just insert the relevant 2d objects in the 3d universe at a z=0 position
 for your viewpoint.
I ended up doing this myself manually:  I used the LocalToWindow class
(found on Sun's java3d-interest mailinglist archives) which translates
local 3d coords to window coords, and wrote an inverse function.  But
that may not be appropriate in your application. (Mail me offlist for
the code if you want).
I look forward to being contradicted!


Mark McKay wrote:

What is the best way to write static 2D data to a Canvas3D?  For
example, if I wanted to draw a title centered at the top of my screen
(which would be positioned relative to the dimensions of it's AWT
container rather than scene geometry), what would be the best way to do
this?  Reading through the docs has left me confused as to the best way
to do this.
Mark McKay

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James Goldwater
I.T. Consultant
020 8949 7927 (mobile 078 999 55 265)
Preferred GPG Key: A2137B98 (pgp.mit.edu)


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Re: [JAVA3D] Writing 2D content on top of a Canvas3D

2004-01-25 Thread Mark McKay
James Goldwater wrote:

As far as I can tell (and I'm so _not_ an expert at this) - you can't.
Although you can get a Graphics2D object from a Canvas3D and draw on
that, it absolutely kills performance.
And causes lots of native exceptions to be thrown.

The j3d.org packages include examples of overlay classes, which kind-of
allow you to fake it.  What these do is however a mere convenience: they
just insert the relevant 2d objects in the 3d universe at a z=0 position
 for your viewpoint.
What do you mean?  Does this write raster data?  I've tried (with some
sucess) to position raster objects under a transfom that's identical to
the one for my viewing platform.  Effectively you can draw 2D objects
this way.  Unfortunately, if you have any geometry which comes close to
the eye, it pokes through your labels.
Woudl you think I was on the right track with this method?

I ended up doing this myself manually:  I used the LocalToWindow class
(found on Sun's java3d-interest mailinglist archives) which translates
local 3d coords to window coords, and wrote an inverse function.  But
that may not be appropriate in your application. (Mail me offlist for
the code if you want).
Have done so.  Thanks for the help.

I look forward to being contradicted!


My other idea was to create an offscreen Canvas3D and draw my 3D data
into a BufferedImage which I could then mangle however I wanted and
bitblt into an ordinary Swing component.  Are there any drawbacks to
this method you would know of?
(Another 2D question: in my experience, BufferedImages are quite slow
which is why I still manipulate all my image data with Java 1.0 image
producers and consumers.  Would a BufferedImage have a performance hit
with J3D?  How useful would learning about generic RenderedImages be?)
Mark McKay

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Re: [JAVA3D] Writing 2D content on top of a Canvas3D

2004-01-26 Thread Mark McKay
Justin Couch wrote:

Mark McKay wrote:

The j3d.org packages include examples of overlay classes, which kind-of
allow you to fake it.  What these do is however a mere convenience:
just insert the relevant 2d objects in the 3d universe at a z=0
 for your viewpoint.
What do you mean?  Does this write raster data?  I've tried (with some
sucess) to position raster objects under a transfom that's identical to
the one for my viewing platform.  Effectively you can draw 2D objects
this way.  Unfortunately, if you have any geometry which comes close to
the eye, it pokes through your labels.

The difference is the overlay packages are full 3D textured objects
in-scene rather than raster objects. In either case, you end up with the
same effects when objects get too close. I've tried to get the overlays
positioned as close to the minimum clip distance, but you still do end
up with the intersection problems at times. Either way, there is not
much you can really do about it as both objects exist as 3D elements in
the 3D world. The only real way of doing this is using 2D draw routines
over the window. Java3D has traditionally been quite poor in performance
with this path though. A change was put into 1.3 that allowed you to
blit an image through the Graphics3D class for decent performance. The
idea was you would draw everything to the image, then blit the image in
the preSwap() method on canvas to get your 2D effects. I've never tried
it myself to see the sucess or otherwise of this tactic.
I've tried this myself.  It has good performance, as far as I can tell.
There is a drawback - if you attempt to drag the component performing
the drawAndFlushImage() onto another monitor, J3D will throw a native
exception and crash.
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Finding 3D points on 2D viewing screen

2004-01-31 Thread Mark McKay
I have a number of points in my scene graph that I would like to know
the 2D coordinates of on my Canvas3D.  This is so I can position Java2D
labels adjacent to these points.  Translating the points into view space
isn't too hard, but Java3D completely encapsulates the viewing frutsum,
so I do not know how to determine where these points end up after
Mark McKay

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Re: [JAVA3D] camera location at start-up

2004-02-02 Thread Mark McKay
Flavius wrote:

normally the camera starts at (0,0,0) right?
is there a way to change this?

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Place the camera under a TransformGroup.  This will allow you to
position the camera anywhere you want.
Mark McKay

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Re: [JAVA3D] Problems with stearing the camera angel with the mouse

2004-02-04 Thread Mark McKay
Fredrik Andersson wrote:


I try to write a class that implements the mouseinterfaces. When the user
moves the mouse the camera should update its viewing-angel.
To develop this I use a colorcube as stand in for the camera. I update the
colorcubes angel at X and Y axles.
But now I have a problem when I try to update both the angel for looking
up/down and looking left/right. I end up with a unwanted rotation around the
I attach my class for this. You should be able to just compile and test it.

I have /* */ the code for rotating the cube in left to right. So when you
try it it will just update the angel for looking up and down. When you enter
the mouse  it helps if you enters the mouse between 0 - 199 at Y-axel.
Uncomment the code for looking left to right and se what happens. It will
also be a unwanted rotation around the z-axle.
So any help to solve this unwanted rotation around the z-axle would be
great. Also suggestions for a better idee for this is appreciated.
Best regards
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This is a common problem with Euler angles.  For anything except simple
rotations around an axis, they quickly become hard to wrok with.
You may want to investigate quaternions.  There are Quat4f and Quat4d
classes in J3D to help you.  Quaternions let you rotate around any
arbitrary axis and are the preferred way to implement complex rotations.
If v is a unit vector you want to rotate around by A degrees, then do:

Vector3d myAxis = new Vector3d(1, 1, 1);
double sinA = Math.sin(A);
double cosA = Math.cos(A);
Quat4d myRot = new Quat4d(sinA * myAxis.x,  sinA * myAxis.y, sinA *
myAxis.z, cosA);
Plug this into a Transform3D, and you will be able to rotate by A
degrees around (1, 1, 1).
Mark McKay

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Re: [JAVA3D] java3d

2004-02-07 Thread Mark McKay
Tom Govaert wrote:

Dear Sirs,

I was wondering if someone could help me with this

Everywhere I look on the web I see things about how to program java3d.
But what I need to know is, is how java3d works. (hardware,
software..) How the highlevel API works with lowerlevel api directx.
What the main differences are between programming directx and
programming java3d. Whats the best of the two.
And how come that if I try to run a class file where the 3dapi isnt
installed but directx is, I get an error. Does every computer that
needs to run a java3d program needs to have the java3dapi installed ?
That would seem very strange to me.
If someone could help me please, I would be very grateful.

Kindest regards,

Tom Govaert

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In a nutshell, Java3D is a set of ordinary Java classes with native
extensions. In Java, native code is like a DLL. Native code is written
in another programming language (most likely C++) and compiled with
certain headers which make it visible to the Java virtual machine. The
higher level Java3D classes can then find the native libraries and
complete the bridge from machine to Java program.
Since the nature of 3D rendering differs so much from platform to
platform, quite different Java3D distributions are needed for each
machine. You cannot run Java3D applications without installing Java3D
seperately. (Although there's an interesting thread in the Sun forums of
someone trying to do everything at once through WebStart alchemy).
Sun promised at some point in the past to include Java3D as part of
WebStart, but has so for not followed through on that. If enough folks
bug them with email, we may be able to fix that. :)
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] java3d

2004-02-08 Thread Mark McKay
Tom Govaert wrote:

Thank you very much.

So if I understand correctly

JAVA3DCLASSES + DIRECTX DDL's (native code) make it possible to run a
program on the java virtual machine. You need the DIRECTX to get hardware
support for your program ?
What is the difference then of programming directly into DIRECTX ?
If you install de DIRECTX API and SDK and program in visualstudio.net, what
are the differences with programming JAVA3D.
If anyone knows any good websites about this, please mail them to me.

Kindest regards,
Tom Govaert

Any Java program will need Java classes in order to run.  And since Java
has no innate ability to render 3D graphics, it's necessary to also have
some native libraries to do the low level work of the 3D rendering.
Java3D comes with both of these, so there's no low level programming you
need to do yourself.
DirectX is not hardware, but rather a set of DLLs that Windows uses to
draw 3D graphics.  Other systems such as Linux use OpenGL (Windows has
OpenGL too).  All modern versions of windows ship with both.
Java3D has two distributions, the OpenGL and the DirectX versions.  The
same Java3D code will run on either distribution, so it's really up to
the user which version to install.  The OpenGL version is slightly more
efficient (and stable), so it's the distribution I use.
There is not really a way to program 'directly' in DirectX.  If you
program in C++, you will still need to link with the DirectX DLLs to get
any function out of it.  Ie, instead of using a Java API to access
DirectX, you will be using a Visual C++/C#/Visual Basic API.  The
language you choose to program in is largely independant of the
underlying graphics systems.
If you go to your local bookstore, you should find plenty of Microsoft
oriented books describing how to program in 3D the Microsoft Way(tm).
Or you could do it in Java and do it the Sun Microsystems way.  It's
really up to you.  I know I prefer Sun's implementation.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] java 3d room

2004-02-08 Thread Mark McKay
David Murtagh wrote:

Hi all,

Im new enough to java 3d and could do with any help!
Anyone have any ideas bout making a wall/room in java 3d. Have tried this code but it 
wont work properly. Any help is gratefully accepted,

public voidbuildWall(int from, int to)
  QuadArray plane = new QuadArray(4, 
  Point3f[] pts = new Point3f[4];
  plane.setCoordinate(0, gridPoints[from]);
  plane.setCoordinate(1, gridPoints[to]);
  float x1 =  gridPoints[to].x;
  float y1 =  gridPoints[to].y;
  float z1 =  gridPoints[to].z;
  plane.setCoordinate(2,  new Point3f(x1, y1 + height, z1));
  float x = gridPoints[from].x;
  float y = gridPoints[from].y;
  float z = gridPoints[from].z;
  plane.setCoordinate(3,  new Point3f(x, y + height, z));
  TexCoord2f  q = new TexCoord2f();
  q.set(0.0f, 0.0f);
  plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 0, q);
  q.set(1.0f, 0.0f);
  plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 1,q);
  q.set(1.0f, 1.0f);
  plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 2, q);
  q.set(0.0f, 1.0f);
  plane.setTextureCoordinate(0, 3, q);
  Shape3D wall =  new Shape3D();
  Appearance appear = new Appearance();
  appear.setMaterial(new Material());
  TextureLoader texLoader = new TextureLoader(bricks.jpg, null);
  Texture2D texture = (Texture2D) texLoader.getTexture();
  TextureAttributes texAttr = new TextureAttributes();


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You could create a room in a 3D modeling program such as Maya and export
it to a file (such as VRML) and use jX3D to load it into memory.  If you
don't have money to buy such a program, you may want to download
Blender, a fairly decent freeware modeling program.
Or you could create a Box object and scale it to an appropriate size.

Creating geometry by typing in a lot of datapoints is very painful and I
would not recommend it.
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Java3D for Macintosh?

2004-02-08 Thread Mark McKay
I understand that Java3D has been recently ported to Mac, but am unable
to find any Mac downloads from the Java3D download site.  Where would I
be able to find this?  How stable would the Mac release be?
Mark McKay

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Re: [JAVA3D] run java in internet explorer

2004-02-10 Thread Mark McKay
John Wright wrote:


You don't have to put any special code in.  What you have to do is make
sure Java 3D is installed in the JVM that the browser is using.  So if
IE is using Microsoft's JVM then you need to switch to Sun's JVM (and
make sure whichever one the browser is using has Java 3D installed in it
- multiple JVM installs do cause a lot of trouble).
In case you're not familiar with IE - in the Internet Properties dialog
under the Advanced tab if you scroll down you'll find a check box (or
two) for selecting which JVM you want IE to use.
- John Wright
Starfire Research

You may also need to use something other than the applet tag.  Support
for this tag is spotty among browsers; some will ignore the installed
Java and instead use a version of Java 1.1.2 that ships with the browser.
The way around this is to use different HTML that uses the Java Plugin.
Or write deploy your application with WebStart.  Info on both of these
are available on the Sun website.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] view problem

2004-02-16 Thread Mark McKay
Yuefeng Kang wrote:

I load a vrml file which is a cylinder (d=105mm, h=180mm) to java 3d
viewer but I can not see it clearly. The code is like following,
Transform3D viewTrans = new Transform3D();
Transform3D eyeTrans = new Transform3D();
sceneBounds = (BoundingSphere)branchRoot.getBounds();
Point3d center = new Point3d();
Vector3d temp = new Vector3d(center);
temp.x = 0.0;
temp.y = 0.0;
temp.z = 200;

only when I set temp.z = 200 I can see something otherwise nothing
shows up. I also loaded a small cylinder(r=1) before and set temp.z =
10 and it works great.
Anyone can tell me anything wrong within my code?
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You will only be able to see objects that appear in front of your View
object.  Just like a camera cannot film objects that are behind it, the
View will not render objects that are behind it either.  By setting
temp.z to 200, you are moving the camera back far enough to see your
Try playing with different temp.z values to determine where the best
place to position your view is.  Alternatively, keep your view in place
and move your objects back into space by giving them a negtive
translation along z.
Mark McKay

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Re: [JAVA3D] Xj3d M8 download page

2004-02-23 Thread Mark McKay
Jeremy Pitten wrote:

Does anyone know of an alternative to the web3d.org download page for
the Xj3d M8 release?
I'm trying to get hold of an uptodate vrml97 to x3d converter tool and
believe one is bundled with this release.
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Have a look at http://ovrt.nist.gov/v2_x3d.html.  It's a fairly easy to
use converter between Vrml97 and x3d.  You'll have to hand edit the
embedded URLs after translation, though, as it doesn't do this properly.
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] How do you determine frame rate?

2004-02-23 Thread Mark McKay
I've read a couple of discussions here describing the frame rate of
their application, and was wondering what one did to gain access to this
information.  Does this mean you're using immediate mode and counting
the frames yourself will calls to System.getCurrentTimeMillis()?
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Application Built on Java 3D APIs: Flowing Water + 3D Bird + 3D Shark

2004-02-29 Thread Mark McKay
WorldShow3D wrote:

We just developed a 3D application through using Java 3D APIs and the
WorldShow3D browser in the package form. After you start this application,
you see flowing water, thundering waves, moving clouds, flying 3D birds,
swimming 3D shark, and rocky 3D island. When you click the bird, it will
chirp; when you click the shark, it will swim faster. Click other part of
the screen and then move your mouse, you can navigate on the sea. Click
Exit to stop the program. This program is Free. Just download it and try
by yourself.
For Windows (2000, XP and NT), if your system already has Java 3D installed,
you just need to download the following executable (669KB) and run it.

If you want to try it on other operating systems, please let me know.

Any feedbacks from you are appreciated.


It sounds  interesting, but I'm not going to download and install an
unknown exe on my computer.  Woudl you perhaps have a webpage with some
screen shots?
Mark McKay

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[JAVA3D] Native Skinning

2004-03-09 Thread Mark McKay
I was wondering how high a priority it would be for the folks at Sun to
implement an extension to Java 3D that would allow users to use skeleton
bones and skin techniques to deform mesh geometry?
Such a system ought to be fairly straight forward: create a BoneGroup
which extends TransformGroup to implement the skeleton hierarchy and a
SmoothSkin that extends Leaf and who's constructor accepts an
Appearance, a GeometryArray, the root of a BoneGroup hierarchy and a
vector of vectors of weights that describe per vertex the amount of
deformation each bone contributes to the displacement of the vertex from
it's GeometryArray position.
I've been thinking of implementing such a thing in software, but know it
would run way too slowly.  If the Sun engineers think this would be a
good idea, I'd like to hear from them.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Java3D native skinning

2004-03-09 Thread Mark McKay
Alex Scheran wrote:


I have red your post at the Java3D forum and i'am also very interested
in that.
I also work on a software solution to skin meshes using a skeleton
animation system, but i'm also very frustrated about the rendering speed.
So i would be thankful, if you can tell me your experience with that.

I havn't finished my implementations, only vertex-based mesh
modifications and skeletal animations are ready to use (check out the
If your are interested to exchange some ideas, please reply to this.

Best Regards!

Oh, very nice image.

Unfortunately, I don't think that this program can be solved without
resorting to native methods.  Skinning is about crunching a lot of
numbers quickly, which means that it ought to be handled with native
The best scenerio (from my point of view) is to have a couple of extra
classes added to J3D that would facilitate this.  It would allow users
to have the support and platform independance of Java, plus the speed
and possible hardware acceleration.  Otherwise, I'm either going to have
to write my own native methods and be restriced to one platform and have
lots of problems with distribution, or write everything in software and
have it run really slowly.
My best aproximation of skinning so far is generating many keyframe
meshes and linking them together in a Morph node.  However, this causes
some bad squashing between frames.
I'm afraid I'm stuck without taking some large programming detours that
would undermine using Java in the first place.  However, I'm sure it is
possible for this problem to be solved.  If any folks working with Sun
want to look into this, or perhaps even start an open source process
where everyone could contribute to this very useful extension, I think
that would be the best option for everyone.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Java3D native skinning

2004-03-09 Thread Mark McKay
Silvère Martin-Michiellot wrote:

I did produce a package to do some skinning supporting HANIM spec. If you
want to add support for mesh deformation, well that is ok for me. :)
Two remarks:
Don't expect anything from Sun on this. (After all you could also ask for
networking... and this would finally require many extensions)
Java is quite fast now and native, well, is native.
I'd like to look at your package.  Where is it?  Your homepage seems to
have been down since October.
Mark McKay

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[JAVA3D] Fast Java Math (was [JAVA3D] Java3D native skinning)

2004-03-09 Thread Mark McKay
Silvère Martin-Michiellot wrote:

Two remarks:
Don't expect anything from Sun on this. (After all you could also ask for
networking... and this would finally require many extensions)
Java is quite fast now and native, well, is native.
Over the past couple of years, I've come to really like the clean design
of Java and the convenient suplimentary libraries provided by Sun.
However, justified or not, I still have the nagging idea that Java is
slower than a compiled language such as C++.
If I impliment skinning on my own, I'll need to have two GeometryArrays
(one as a source mesh and the other as the destination).  Each frame,
for each vertex I'd have to perform a weighted sum of each vertex
transformed by each bone it is associated with.  Practically, this would
average out to 3 transforms, 3 scales by a float and 3 sums per vertex
per frame.  What's the best way to handle this?  Just use ordinary
Transform3Ds and Point3ds in my Java classes?  Use statically declared
arrays of double[]?  Is there something useful in NIO I ought to look
into? (as far as I can tell, NIO just allows fast access to local files
and sockets)  In general, what is the speediest way to do a lot of
number crunching in Java?
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Java3D native skinning

2004-03-12 Thread Mark McKay
Silvère Martin-Michiellot wrote:

At 21:22 09/03/2004 -0500, you wrote:

Silvère Martin-Michiellot wrote:

I'd like to look at your package.  Where is it?  Your homepage seems to
have been down since October.
Send me a personal email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your
email address, I'll send you a copy or a ftp directory to download the
file. I am very busy finishing jsci.sourceforge.net and people might
be interested to know that there will be code for physics simulation
and astronomy simulations (star systems) available in a week or two on
this website. This is the reason why my website is not yet upgraded
with a new version.

Thanks for your offer.  :)  However, I decided to go ahead and implement
it in software, and just finished up this morning.  I'm pleasantly
surprised how well Java can handle the task.
Good luck with your scientific package.  It looks like it could be quite
useful.  I liked the graphing applets you had up there too.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Java 3D beans

2004-03-23 Thread Mark McKay
Robert Gomez-Reino Garrido wrote:

Hi people,
I know that this is not the place to post this but I tried in Java Beans
forums and nobody replied me, looks like there is not a lot of activite
there! And, on the other hand, here I had always a fast and nice answer
The thing is that I would like to put some of my Java 3D worlds in beans
to use them from an Scada software as active x controls. I just start
reading about beans and I download the BDK but I am having some problems
with the beanbox so I am staked! Apparently it is having problems
loading the jar files. Can anybody, please, help me with this? The best
would be that you answer only to me instead of answering to all the
Sorry again.

I'd recommend not using the Bean Box at all.  NetBeans is a much nicer
way to develop, test and deploy beans.
In a nutshell, a Bean is just a regular java class in which you are
careful to follow certain naming conventions for getting and setting
variables and registering events and listeners.  If you need extra
control, you can also create a class that derives from a BeanInfo that
provides meta information to your editor.
Download NetBeans and read the online docs about developing with beans.
Then read up on beans in general.  This should be all you need.
Mark McKay

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Re: [JAVA3D] java3d savers

2004-04-05 Thread Mark McKay
bob wrote:


Nice demos. Am I correct to include that in that case I might as well
put my applet tool in my site, since your solution needs the JRE and
java3d classes as well? Also your applet demands full access to
machine and network (with a note that strongly advises against it, I
took the risk anyway :-) ), is that always necessary?


It shouldn't be.  That window only appears if you include the security
all-permissions/  /security tag in the JNLP file, and you only need
to include this if you are going to be accessing local files, the
network, or other sandbox unsafe things.  The applications don't look
like they need this, so it may be helpful if the CAVE staff remove this
from the JNLP file.
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Can J3D bump/normal map?

2004-04-12 Thread Mark McKay
I was wondering if J3D was capable of bump mapping (in browsing the
archives, I saw hints that bump, normal and reflection mapping was
possible, but no instructions on how to actually do this).
Is this possible?

Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Strange error of Java3D 1.3.1_02

2004-04-12 Thread Mark McKay
Andy Dunmore wrote:

Did anyone ever find a solution to this (Fail to Reset() D3D device, try
Recreate device again. - D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR) error?
I've also been struck by it, but have managed to sneak my way around it by
not letting the Canvas3D be resized to 0 (I've set it's setMinimumSize to
It would be nice to know if there are any other ideas around that help with
this problem.

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I get around it by destroying and recreating the window.  I encounter
this error when dragging a Canvas3D between two diffrent monitors.
Mark McKay

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Re: [JAVA3D] Can J3D bump/normal map?

2004-04-12 Thread Mark McKay
Paul Gordon wrote:

Hi Mark,

   Bump mapping can be acheived using DOT3 texture combine mode, but
unfortunately there is a bug with multi-layer texturing that I haven't
been able to circumvent yet, so you can't bumpmap something that already
has a texture on it.  Hopefully when the source is released we can fix
this :-)
Mark McKay wrote:

Fair enough.  What about normal mapping (ie, an RGB image where pixels
represent a normal vector at a a given texture coordinate)?  This
strikes me as an extremely useful feature which is starting to get wide
Post when the bump mapping bug is squashed. :)

Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] What are the bugs in Sound?

2004-04-12 Thread Mark McKay
I've been reading the posts about the buggy sound system on this mailing
list for a couple of months now.  I'm about to add sound to my J3D
project, and am wondering what gotchas to watch out for.  I need a pure
Java solution, and have been wondering if it might be best to skip the
Java3D sound and use the java.sound.* classes instead.
What problems does the sound engine have?

Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Can J3D bump/normal map?

2004-04-12 Thread Mark McKay
Paul Gordon wrote:

Fair enough.  What about normal mapping (ie, an RGB image where pixels
represent a normal vector at a a given texture coordinate)?  This
strikes me as an extremely useful feature which is starting to get wide

Ah yes, this is in fact what I am describing.  The program is fed a
graphic where the difference in greyscale intensities corresponds to the
displacement in the z axis of the points of a triangle representing the
3D surface.  Multiply the triangle normal by a light vector for each
triangle and you get the highlights/shades corresponding to the bumps.
I've got this down pat. You need to use DOT3 combine mode to applying
this light effects map to the object's existing appearance, but this is
where is fails, giving you a very funky but very incorrect result.
Normal mapping is different from this.  Rather than a greyscale image
that fakes extra height, normal maps provide more information, giving
you a normal vector on a per pixel basis.  It provides a much more
realistic effect than simple bump mapping.
Here's one of the better demonstrations I've found.  It has a very low
poly model that after mapping looks almost raytraced.

Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] the Need for Speed debate

2004-05-05 Thread Mark McKay
Florin Herinean wrote:
here are my 2c:
1) carefully design your scene. Don't use TransformGroups if you don't plan
to dynamically move the objects bellow. A static branch containing many
TransformGroups is a waste of resources which results in poor performance
and a high memory usage. Collapse whenever possible such static branchgroups
to Shape3D's or, if possible to single geometries.

I thought compiling a scene would walk the scene graph and eliminate
unnecessary Transform groups, and even go as far as to merge a static
tree into a single Shape.  Am I wrong in this?
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Scene exporter

2004-05-23 Thread Mark McKay
I've spent about a month writing a pretty detailed model exporter for
Java3D games, which I intended to use as a substitute for VRML/jX3D.  I
designed it to be optimized for use in for games, and specificly Java3D
games.  Unfortunately, I find my employment situation shifting, and am
not sure if I can go the next step and develop a game with my engine.
I'm writing to this list to get suggestions about what I should do next.
Some nice things my engine can do:
- Tag geometry in your editor to be visual, collision and/or sensor
geometry.  The loader generates three seperate trees, so the collision
tree is seperate from the visual tree which makes picking against it a
snap.  It even shares the geometry data, so no data is duplicated.
- Animate with true keyframes.  My engine interpolates between
keyframes, where as VRML seems to draw from a static list of values.
- Skinned bone models.  I've implemented in software a realtime skinning
- Multiple animation channels.  Drawing from the Maya notion of
'characters' and 'channels', one can have multiple animation channels
per exported model.  So you could create one model with one animaiton of
the character walking, and another running, and switch to the
appropriate animation in game code.
- Shared memory for instanced geometry.  If you instance geometry in
your source scene, only one copy of the geometry is kept in memory.  So
if you create a street with eight identical lampposts (each an
instance), you only have a memory hit for one model.
- No link nodes.  I found that link nodes caused odd behaviour in my
Java3D programs.  This was the primary reason that I decided to abandon
- Low level.  My engine avoids using behaviours and instead provides
it's own threading for animation.  It also provides seperate trees for
visual, collision and sensor geometry, so wakeup behaviours are not
necessary and picking can be done fairly directly.  While it does not
currently use JOGL or similar, it should be easy to adapt it to do so.
- Includes level of detail, fog, cone lights and other neat nodes like that.
Some drawbacks:
- Uses my own XML based file format to save scenes/models
- Currently an exporter only exists for Maya.
I call my new file format Salamander3D.  Let me know if this is
something that would interest folks.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Robot Arm Simulation

2004-05-23 Thread Mark McKay
Alp Yilancioglu wrote:
Need Help!  This is my thesis project for the university and I have got
only 10 days to finish this project. I need help because I dont know The
java3d package methods.
I am making a robot arm simulation.
I wanted the user to give the coordinates as an input and the arm will go
to the given coordinate
Joint- How can I make joint/ link between objects?
How can I make a hierarchical structure?
Which classes should I use ?
Please someone help
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You're going to want to spend a bit of time looking through the docs and
examples. Java3D is non trivial.
The basic structure you're looking for is:
Light {}
TransformGroup {
Shape3D (shoulderShape)
TransformGroup {
Shape3D (elbowShape)
Shape3D (wristShape)
Go to the directory where you installed Java, and look for the directory
with the Java3D examples. Open the index page in your web browser (on my
system this is C:\j2sdk1.4.2_04\demo\java3d\index.html). Play with the
examples and look at the source code to see how they work.
You may also want to look at
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] ....robot arm simulation

2004-05-24 Thread Mark McKay
Alp Yilancioglu wrote:
thank you for replying my message.
I have lots of problem with this thesis project, I need your help ,
like i have to rotate an arm by the angles given from the user as an
input to a destination.
I have to calculate all the mathematical thing by my self. Waiting for
your answers.. thank you..
*From:* Alp Yilancioglu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* 24 Mays 2004 Pazartesi 04:11
*Subject:* robot arm simulation
Need Help! This is my thesis project for the university and I have got
only 10 days to finish this project. I need help because I don't know
The java3d package methods.
I am making a robot arm simulation.
I wanted the user to give the coordinates as an input and the arm will
go to the given coordinate
Joint- How can I make joint/ link between objects?
How can I make a hierarchical structure?
Which classes should I use ?
Please someone help...
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Rotations are best handled with quaternions. To rotate things nicely,
create two Quat4f quaternions representing starting and ending angles
and call interpolate() to smoothly blend between them.
On the other hand, quaternions take a bit of time to understand
correctly, so you may simply want to create a Transform3D and use
setEuler() to orient it with Euler angles.
If you don't know how to program in Java3D, it may take you more than
ten days to both learn how to use it and write your program. If this
program is only a minor part of your thesis, you may want to ask your
professors for an extension on this part of your project. I'd also
highly recommend reading that online book I posted in the last email.
It's pretty short, and contains most of what you need to know to program
in Java3D.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] J3DGraphics2D drawAndFlushImage Scaling Problem

2004-05-24 Thread Mark McKay
Mike Pilone wrote:
I am using J3DGraphics2D to draw over my canvas. It is implemented such that
I draw into a buffered image, then draw this buffered image on the canvas
using J3DGraphics2D.drawAndFlushImage(...).
I found that if I draw directly using the graphics from
Canvas3D.getGraphics2D(), the 2D drawing looks correct and scales
appropriately as the canvas resizes. However, if I draw into an image, then
draw that image onto the canvas, it appears to be stretched by about 1.5 as
the width of the canvas grows or shrinks.
I have attached a slightly modified version of a J3DGraphics2D sample
application that was posted to this list a while back. In the postRender
section there are two commented sections: the one that works and the one
with the scale problem. Uncomment one of them and compare the problem.
I might also add that the scale problem only occurs when Java3D is trying to
share the buffer (the image is type 4BYTE_ABGR). Using TYPE_INT_ABGR scales
correctly, but that is most likely because Java3D is copying the image. This
is on Win2K, OpenGL, NVidia. I can get exact driver information if required.
There was a previous mention of this problem by another developer, but no
4I=-3X=5A1EBB1D99C73E85F9[EMAIL PROTECTED] That developer was using ATI
and saw the problem.

I noticed this two. Java3D seems to automatically scale your image to
match the new screen size.  I believe this annoying behaviour is related
to the viewport being given both a physical size and a pixel size when
you first create your view.
The way I got around this was to catch the screen resize event and
create a new Canvas3D whenever the user resized the canvas.  I prefer
having my 2D images render with a 1:1 pixel aspect.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Robot Arm Simulation

2004-06-02 Thread Mark McKay
Alp Yilancioglu wrote:
Hi again..
  How can i recompile the scene.
  i want to make my  robotarm -to pick an available shape from the
eviroment and put it to a another  given x,y,z coordinate
 i make it like this.
 during runtime my robot arm goes on to the shape to pick it. and i
add the shape to the robot arm..
  like   lowerArm.addChild(Shape3D);
but when i done this rendering during the runtime stops.
is this right? or Wrong? if it is wrong how can i pick an object during
if it is right. then how can i re render or re compile the scene which is
created with in a simpleUniverse?

When you compile a scene, the Java3D parser walks the scene graph and
makes tweaks that optimize performance at the expense of limiting
functionality.  There are two ways to keep the ability to change the
graph after it starts rendereing:
- Call set|Capability() to enable a certain capability to exist after
the graph is compiled (such as
- Don't compile the graph in the first place
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Looking for Java3D jobs

2004-06-09 Thread Mark McKay
I have worked with Java3D both professionally and as a hobbiest for
about four years now, and am wondering if there are any companies out
there that may be looking for someone with my skillset.  I am currently
job hunting and sent my resume to many graphics companies, but have yet
to come across comany specifically looking for Java3D.  Are such
companies out there?  Would anyone be able to suggest companies to look
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] ANNOUNCEMENT: Java 3D source code now available!

2004-06-26 Thread Mark McKay
I've developed what I consider to be a useful sketeton and smooth
skinning system which I believe would be useful for Java3D.  Is this the
sort of thing the project would be interested in?  If so, would there be
a way I could contribute?  The java.net forum doesn't seem to be
allowing anyone to submit code at the moment.
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Skinning System for Java3D

2004-06-27 Thread Mark McKay
I've posted an archive file with Java3D related things on my website.
Although the archive itself is fairly large, the skin and bones specific
stuff consists of two files.  There's a write up on them here:
The archive can be downloaded at http://www.kitfox.com/salamander/.  It
represents about two and a half months of work on what I intended to be
a distributed MMORPG style engine.  However, time and money constraints
have focused my attention towards a Real Job, so it's essentially
abandoned at the moment.
It contains some useful things, such as Flash style menus and a 3D file
format and importer for game levels and character animations (as well as
an exporter from Maya).
Let me know what you think.  If folks are interested, I may continue to
develop parts of it.  As much as I would like to continue to develop
Salamander into a general purpose gaming engine for Java, I've come to
understand what a huge undertaking this is and something that I cannot
accomplish on my own.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Skin question

2004-06-28 Thread Mark McKay
Serge Bernier wrote:

Nikolai V. Chr wrote:à
When I tried exporting animation from 3ds to vrml, it did not export
this link. It exported keyframes.
And btw. vrml does not support skinning/morphing.

Exactly, a 3ds animation to vrml create a bunch of files accordingly to the
keyframe of the animation. I reconstruct the bones structure from the
information in the first vrml file. After that I search in the other files
only the information about the mouvement of the bones.
The rest of the job is to attach skin. I know the information is not in the
VRML files but I dont know if 3ds export that information in another format
(ex: ascii file)? Is there any other option when you export the animation to
vrml file (like export bones and mesh)??
Serge Bernier

Selon Nikolai V. Chr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Serge Bernier wrote:

Hi all,
I dont know how 3ds make the link between the
mesh and the bones.

When I tried exporting animation from 3ds to vrml, it did not export
this link. It exported keyframes.
And btw. vrml does not support skinning/morphing.

Agreed.  VRML does not support skinning, and does not interpolate
between keyframes either, both of which make it unsuitable for video
game content.
If you're interested in creating a plugin for 3DS Max that can export
skins, you might want to look in to porting the plugin I've created for
Maya at http://www.kitfox.com/salamander/3d/salamander3d.html.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] morphing, 3ds objects and the Starfire loader

2004-06-30 Thread Mark McKay
Paul Brown wrote:
I've been pleased to see the interest in skin  bones animation
triggered by Mark's contribution recently. These are once again exciting
times now that the Java3D code has become an open source Java.net
OK, enough of that, on to my problem...
I'm trying to morph between objects created in 3D studio max and
imported into Java3D using the excellent Starfire loader. The different
versions of the objects have been saved to different files.
With some of the morphs, I get a weird effect in which the object
appears to fragment before reassembling itself. This looks interesting
but is not want I want. I suspected that this was caused by the
corresponding vertices being read into my geometry arrays, through the
loader, in a different order for the offending files. This was confirmed
in the log generated by the loader.
Other morphs work - and again, the logging shows that in these cases,
the corresponding vertices are read in the same order.
My question is how does 3D Studio Max store the coordinates of the
vertices? Is there any way to ensure that they are stored in the same
order between files? And/or is there any way to ensure that the
Startfire (or any other) loader reads them in the same order?
Many thanks,

Hi Paul,
Originally I tried using morphs for animation, but decided to abandon
them (and develop the skinning system) because even though they worked
correctly, they usually look bad when they animate.  Unless you're going
to go to the extreme of defining every frame of animation (which takes a
lot of memory), morphing interesting objects produce odd, squished
I'm not sure how your loader stores verticies specifically, but you may
want to try exporting low vertex cubes and tetrahedrons and looking at
the verticies directly when you load them in.  Vertex order would be
critical for the Morph node to work properly.
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Illustrator/SVG graphics?

2004-09-04 Thread Mark McKay
One thing you could try is to read the SVG in as Java2D shapes and then
try to convert the 2D path shapes to 3D ones.
I've written a light weight SVG parser which will soon be uploaded to
https://svgsalamander.dev.java.net/.  Currently you can find it at
Mark McKay
M. Halpin wrote:
I have a bunch of art in Illustrator that I'd like to render as flat polygonal meshes. 
 By default, AI
can export to SVG and DXF:  the SVG files look pretty good in third-party SVG viewers, 
the DXF files look awful (not to mention that only a few components of them actually 
load using
the DXF loaders referenced on j3d.org).
Anyway, so I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to load/convert SVGs into something 
can render as polygons?  (Rasterizing to a texture isn't really an acceptable option). 
 I figure it
must be possible, especially since svgl can render these sames SVGs as polygons in C 
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Re: [JAVA3D] Illustrator/SVG graphics?

2004-09-07 Thread Mark McKay
The latter, although more verbose, could be manipulated by standard XSLT
methods. The former requires deep XPath kung fu and declarative
recursion programming to pick apart.  The SVG folks went for conciseness
rather than ease of transformation. :-(

If you're lookiing for a good SVG reader, you could try my new project
at https://svgsalamander.dev.java.net.  It will read and transform your
shape correctly, and you can query the 2D scenegraph to get the shapes
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Java3D to be used for tennis instant replays

2004-09-15 Thread Mark McKay
Here's a cool Java3D application about to take the sports world by storm:
AutoRef is a system that uses cameras to monitor a tennis game in
progress and uses computer vision algorithms to analyze the image and
determine where the ball is in 3D space.  Then the data is sent over a
network to a game play server, and from there to multiple 3D clients (I
wrote both the server and clients).  Data is buffered, the current score
is determined, and 3D displays of instant replays are shown onscreen.
The system has been tested at the US Open and even made the newspapers
(in response to the bad umpire calls that lost Serina Williams the title):
Auto-ref uses a combo of C++ and Java technologies, with both the client
and the scoring server being 100% pure java.  Currently the system is
set up to render Java3D images to pixel boards in the stadium,
television broadcast, a handheld device used by the line judge, and the
referee's laptop.  The system is currently accurate enough to have less
than 3 millimeters of error.
Mark McKay
Alessandro Borges wrote:
Where you guys are using Java and 3D engines outside of writing games ?
 If you're doing something cool, please let me know.
That is the question Matthew Schmidt ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) from JavaLobby is
asking in http://www.javalobby.org/nl/archive/jlnews_20040914o.html
If you have something to tell drop him a email.
There is also aforum topic about Java3D at JavaLobby:

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[JAVA3D] Dynamic textures

2004-11-26 Thread Mark McKay
I'd like to create a piece of geometry with a texture that is
dynamically generated based on the (s, t) texture coordinate being
read.  The intent is to allow me to create a terrain texture which will
return a road texture on the bits of terrain that shold have roads,
grass in the bits that have grass and rock in the bits that have rock.
I can't create a single texture before hand because it would be huge,
but I can automatically generate the correct 2D texture using a class
I've developed (you can request of this call any rectangular area and it
will return the correct 'map' for that section).  I've considered using
multiple textures, but there seems to be no way for me to integrate my
distinct texture maps the way I'd like using a purely 3D process.
Another example would be: is there a way to texture a Mandlebrot set on
a piece of geometry without prerendering the image of the set?
Is there any way to do this?  Will the programmable shaders provide this
ability when implemented?
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] https://j3d-webstart.dev.java.net/release/java3d-1.3.1.jnlp doesn't work anymore ??

2005-02-02 Thread Mark McKay
Thierry Milard wrote:
 I have been trying for a week to play with wjav Web Start jlmn files.
It used to work allright. It installed automatically
all jar and dll(?) files og java3D version1.3.3 with this tag:
But it seems to be out today. Is it still ok to used this tag ?

dev.java.net it down for maintanence today.  It should be up and working
again tomorrow.
Mark McKay
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[JAVA3D] Bilting to screen Color, Z-Buffer with Rasters

2005-02-09 Thread Mark McKay
I need to do some direct writing to the color and z buffer in my 3D
application.  This needs to be done directly.  I've tried using the
J3DGraphics2D in the Canvas3D.postRender() method to write a
BufferedImage directly to the output buffer, but this has the
unfortunate side effect of automatically scaling my image if the screen
size changes (I'd much prefer catching the resize event and rebuilding
the image I'm bilting).
Two things I need to do:
- I have an image I'd like to use as a static background and another
image with z-buffer information.  I'd like to bilt my image and z-buffer
first and then draw my 3D scene over top.  Can I do this?
- I have some images I'd like to bilt directly on top of the final
image.  Unfortunately, the drawAndFlushImage() method of J3DGraphics2D
has the unfortunate 'feature' of automatically scaling my image when the
3D window is resized.  What I've tried so far with rasters sometimes
allows geometry to project through my raster image.  Is there another
way to do this?
I've been playing with Rasters, which look promising, but haven't been
able to get either of my above effects yet.  Can the above be done?
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] About posting Java3D job

2005-04-11 Thread Mark McKay
Hello Meide,

I've been working with Java3D for several years now. Previously, I've
worked with ITTWorks to produce virtual shoping malls, and am currently
working part time with Pantometrics creating simulation software.

I would be interested in doing contract work over the internet. I have a
webserver, and can create an account where I can post code, demos, and
other content you can access securely.

Please take a look at my website at http://www.kitfox.com. Could you
tell me a little more about this job?


Mark McKay

Meide Zhao wrote:

Dear All,

I don't know if I can post Java3D job here But it seems that this is the
place where experienced Java3D programmer can be found.


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[JAVA3D] Any way to write Z-buffer with raster?

2005-05-01 Thread Mark McKay
I'm trying to figure out how to write Z-buffer data.  I have a raster
that contains both color and depth information.  While the color data is
being rendered correctly, the depth information seems to be discarded.
Is there a way to write both color and depth information?  I'd like to
be able to draw other objects from my scene graph and have them
correctly appear in front or behind objects in my raster.
The code below uses a raster with transparency, but I could do it
without transparency if necessary.
   BufferedImage bufImage;
   bufImage = new BufferedImage(150, 150,
   Graphics2D g = bufImage.createGraphics();
   g.fillOval(0, 0, 100, 100);
g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, .5f));
   g.fillOval(50, 50, 100, 100);
   DepthComponentInt dc = new DepthComponentInt(150, 150);
   int[] depth = new int[150 * 150];
   for (int i = 0; i  depth.length; i++)
//As a test, give a large depth value to make raster appear
in the back of most scene geometry
   depth[i] = 10;
   ImageComponent2D image;
   image = new ImageComponent2D(ImageComponent2D.FORMAT_RGBA,
   raster = new javax.media.j3d.Raster();
   raster.setPosition(new Point3f(0, 0, 0));
   raster.setSize(bufImage.getWidth(), bufImage.getHeight());
   Appearance app = new Appearance();
   RenderingAttributes ra = new RenderingAttributes();
   sceneRoot.addChild(new Shape3D(raster, app));
Mark McKay
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Re: [JAVA3D] Any way to write Z-buffer with raster?

2005-05-03 Thread Mark McKay
Well, Kevin's response seems promising.  Quoting form his post:
   I recommend that you try to use two raster objects, one with
RASTER_DEPTH and the other with RASTER_COLOR. Draw the depth raster
first. Draw the color-only raster second, with depth test and depth
write enable disabled. Draw all 3D objects after this and they should be
correctly Z-buffered with the image.
I'm going to give this a try.  Hopefully it works.
Mark McKay
Tobias D. Kammann wrote:
Hi there. I'm having the same problem.
Actually my code looks almost like your code posted one year ago (January
2004). Perhaps we can find a solution together...
Take a look at my posting and the answer:
Unfortunatelly it doesn't work for me that way yet. (The same thing: the
Raster has always depthvalue of the 3d point where its origin lies in the
scene graph.)

Tobias aka Konterfei.
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