[LAAMN] The Last Words of Adolf Joffe

2012-09-03 Thread Cort Greene
The Last Words of Adolf
Written by In Defence of Marxism Monday, 03 September 2012
[image: Print] http://www.marxist.com/last-words-of-adolf-joffe/print.htm#

On the 16th November 1927, scarcely ten days after the tenth anniversary of
the October Revolution, Adolf Joffe shot himself. At his bedside he left a
letter to Leon Trotsky, a translation of which we are publishing today for
our readers (1) together with a brief explanatory introduction. These are
the words of a genuine Bolshevik and victim of the Stalinist terror.

[image: Leon Trotsky and Adolf
Trotsky and Adolf JoffeAdolf Abramovich Joffe, though trained to be a
physician, had joined the revolutionary ranks quite early in life. He was
active in the 1905 revolution, and had his share of the prisons and exiles
of the tsar. Some time before the First World War he returned to Russia
from Austria to organise the underground distribution of Trotsky’s Vienna
Pravda, was arrested and exiled to Siberia. He was liberated only in 1917.

In 1917 he was a member of the two organisations that were directly
responsible for the October insurrection – the October Central Committee of
the Bolshevik Party, and the Military Revolutionary Committee of the
Petrograd Soviet.

After the revolution he was selected by Lenin for the most important
diplomatic posts – he led the first delegation to the peace negotiations
with the Germans at Brest Litovsk in December 1917, was ambassador to
Germany in the stormy days of 1919, signed the peace with the Poles after
the 1920 war, was delegated to the Genoa Conference in 1923, was sent to
China to win over Sun Yat Sen, the Chinese nationalist leader, and later
served as Soviet ambassador to Japan.

Joffe had been in failing health for a long time – long before the
revolution his health was slowly undermined by a hereditary nervous
disease. But that did not prevent him from active participation in the
revolution, often appearing at the front lines when necessary.

He was among the first to join the Left Opposition led by Trotsky and had
soon to pay the price for revolutionary intransigence.

For reasons explained in his letter, he chose the only way out, and as
readers may agree, he died fighting.

The letter itself has a little history of its own. When Trotsky was
informed of Joffe’s death by phone he was also told that there was a letter
for him at Joffe’s bedside. But when Trotsky rushed there, the letter was
missing. On his insistence, however, a photostat copy was handed over to
Christian Rakovsky. Even in those days Stalin’s GPU functioned quite

Joffe’s funeral was set for a working day. Yet 10,000 Moscow workers joined
the procession led by Trotsky, showing Stalin that the Opposition was still
not beaten. “His life, not his suicide, should serve as a model to those
who are left behind. The struggle goes on”, said Trotsky.

Joffe’s widow, Marie Mikhailovana, was then removed from her position as
editor to the State Publishing House in March 1929 after she protested
against Trotsky’s expulsion from the USSR. She had not hesitated to join
the Opposition along with her husband.

As a result, she was arrested and exiled. She was subject to prison and
then a series of labour camps from 1929 until 1957, when there was a
partial rehabilitation. It was only then that she learnt of the
“liquidation” of her only son in 1937 at the age of seventeen.

Her book, One Long Night, based upon her experiences, was published in 1978
and is available from Wellred.

The price of Stalin’s rise to power, expressed in human lives is indeed
monstrous. He did away with the entire glorious generation of
revolutionaries that made October.

Adolf Joffe was among the first victims. We publish here the last word of
that great revolutionary, whose moving personal story reflected the tragic
betrayal of the October Revolution.


*To Leon Trotsky,*

Dear Leon Davidovich:

All my life I have thought that the man of politics ought to know how to go
away at the right time, as an actor quits the stage, and that it is better
to go too soon than too late.

More than thirty years ago I embraced the philosophy that human life has
meaning only to the degree that, and so long as, it is lived in the service
of something infinite. For us, humanity is infinite. The rest is finite,
and to work for the rest is therefore meaningless. Even if humanity too
must have a purpose beyond itself, that purpose will appear in so remote a
future that for us humanity may be considered as an absolute infinite. It
is in this and this only that I have always seen the meaning of life. And
now, taking a glance backwards over my past, of which twenty-seven years
were spent in the ranks of our party, it seems to me that I have the right
to say that during all my conscious life I have been faithful to 

[LAAMN] Support the Syrian People in their Courageous and Popular Struggle Against the Dictatorship of the Assad Regime!

2012-09-04 Thread Cort Greene

*An Unambiguous Position: Support the Syrian People in their Courageous and
Popular Struggle Against the Dictatorship of the Assad Regime!*

Posted on August 31, 2012

The resistance of the Syrian people has not ceased to grow since the
revolutionary process began in March 2011. The struggle of the Syrian
people is part of the popular struggles in Tunisia and Egypt, which has
spread to other countries in the region.

The new massacre at Daraya, over 300 people were killed, including dozens
of women and children, (a clear response has been made by the LCC against
the famous journalist Robert Fisk’s report on the massacre
in recent days is added to the long list of crimes of the regime. The
terrible repression against the Syrian people continues. Rami Abdel Rahman,
head of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (OSDH), announced on August
23 that at least 24,495 people have died in violence since the beginning of
the revolution, including a total of 17,281 civilians, while 6,163 soldiers
have been killed and 1,051 deserters who joined the insurgency. We must add
to this sad news some 1.5 million people displaced inside the country and
some 250,000 refugees in neighboring countries.

Despite this terrible repression by the regime, some sections of the left,
increasingly a minority, refrain from fully and unambiguously supporting
the Syrian revolution, despite the popular struggle of the Syrian people to
topple the regime and build a new Syria that is democratic, social and in
solidarity with other peoples’ struggles, especially the Palestinian
people. Some of these sections hide behind a biased interpretation of
anti-imperialism, very primitive and false in many ways, which in the past
has defended authoritarian regimes like Gaddafi’s Libya or Saddam Hussein’s
Iraq, while others simply repeat the propaganda of the Syrian regime, that
is to say: the uprising is a conspiracy of the imperialist West allied with
regional countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, against a Syria that
would be anti-imperialist and pro-resistance.

Another section of the left, with a more nuanced discourse, refuses to
support the Syrian revolution, but without publicly siding with the regime.
They argue that the Syrian revolution has now become purely a military
conflict between the opposition supported by the imperialist Western and
regional powers, against a regime that is not anti-imperialist, but opposes
imperialist interests and objectives in the region. This section of the
left only focuses on the dangers of Western imperialist and regional
interventions and, without a word about the much more real and important
support by the states of Russia and Iran in particular. They also discuss
the dangers of threats of a sectarian religious war, without a thorough
analysis of this element while ignoring its dynamics. They also have no way
to overcome the dangers of sectarianism. Finally, under the argument “the
main enemy is at home”, they claim that their duty is solely to oppose
their own imperialist government, while no solidarity and support are shown
and manifested for the struggle of the Syrian people. They refuse to
brandish the slogan of victory to the Syrian revolution.

We condemn these positions for several reasons, including the
“anti-imperialism” of the Syrian regime, which is a lie. Does amnesia
strike these sections of the left? Do they not remember that Bashar Al
Assad was presented as a reformist by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at
the beginning of the revolution in 2011, or when Nicolas Sarkozy received
with great pomp the Syrian dictator in the Elysee Palace in December 2010,
or his invitation to watch the parade of 14 July 2007 on the Avenue des

Also, how can they speak about supporting resistance when the regime
crushed the Palestinian and the progressive movement in Lebanon in 1976,
ending their revolution, all under the watchful eye of the Western
imperialist powers and Israel? This same regime participated in the
imperialist war against Iraq in 1991 with the coalition led by the United
States and worked with it again in the campaign of the “war against
terrorism” launched by U.S. President George Bush. During the past thirty
years, the Syrian regime has arrested all those trying to develop a
resistance in the country for the liberation of the Golan and Palestine,
while no bullet has been fired to free the occupied Golan.

Some nevertheless still speak of re-colonization of Syria such as Tareq
Ali, who we answered in this response:

[LAAMN] South Africa: The aftermath of the Marikana massacre and the struggle within the ANC

2012-09-04 Thread Cort Greene
South Africa: The aftermath of the Marikana massacre and the struggle
within the 
Written by Jorge Martín Tuesday, 04 September 2012

*On Monday, September 3, most of the miners arrested during the Marikana
massacre were released after an outcry of protest forced the state
prosecutor to withdraw charges of murder against them. The strike at Lonmin
continues as well as strikes and protests at other mines. The incident has
clearly revealed the real content of the struggle between left and right in
the run up to the ANC Manguang Conference.*

[image: Police officers after the
officers after the massacreIt is revealing that the 270 miners and others
arrested during the Marikana massacre were charged with murder of their 34
comrades who had been killed by the police. It says a lot about how little
has really changed despite the 1994 transition from apartheid to formal
capitalist democracy. The “common purpose” doctrine which was used to
charge them was widely used by the apartheid regime to send MK and ANC
fighters to the gaols, without having to go into the trouble to actually
find any proof of their guilt. The doctrine states that people involved in
a common activity are equally responsible for any damage that results from
it, even if they have not physically committed it.

Even if one accepts the legality of the doctrine, how can it be argued that
those 270 arrested had a common purpose with the perpetrators of the murder
of their comrades! And if they indeed were acting in common purpose with
the police who opened fire and killed 34 miners on August 16 at Marikana,
then, shouldn’t the police officers and those who gave them orders be also
put on trial for murder? So far, none of the police officers have even been
suspended nor are any under investigation.

These charges, bizarre as they are, have a logic behind them. The miners
who went on an unprotected (unlawful) strike and defied the orders of the
police and the mine owners must be collectively punished for their actions.
They must serve as an example to others and prevent further wild cat

Not only the charges but also the treatment of the arrested miners was to
set an example. Instead of being charged and given bail within 48 hours, as
the law provides for, they were in custody for over two weeks and for a
large part of this period they had not even been charged with a crime.
Their lawyers attempted to get a bail hearing with no results. The released
miners have also complained about being tortured while in

Finally the outcry was such and the embarrassment for the ANC ruling party
was so damaging that even Justice Minister Jeff Radebe was forced to ask
for a formal explanation from the Prosecutor’s Authority. Finally the
charges were dropped. Even as the announcement was being made to the press,
the provincial prosecutor who had brought murder charges against the
workers, Johan Smit SC, reaffirmed that he had not been wrong and that the
charges were sound to the astonishment of the national director of
prosecutions Nomgcobo Jiba who was by his side.

It was clear that the decision to charge them was political, as was the
decision to release them. In fact, only the “provisional murder charge” was
withdrawn, the others remain, but most of the miners have been released.

In the meantime, more details have emerged about the massacre itself which
contradict the official police version that they had acted in
“self-defence”. A detailed
investigative journalist Greg Marinovich concluded that in fact, at
least 14 of the 34 miners killed by the police were shot minutes after the
main stampede and shootings, 300 metres away, when they were cornered and
defenceless. Some were run over by police armoured cars (Nyalas) when they
were already on the floor. The report confirms the initial findings of
professor Peter Alexander of the University of Johannesburg who concluded
that it was the police firing on the workers that provocked them to
stampede in the direction of the police through a narrow gap in the barbed
wire fence that the police had laid surrounding them.

The idea that the background to this massacre was the conflict between
rival unions, COSATU-affiliated NUM and ACMU, is also wrong. As a matter of
fact many of those killed were NUM members, some of them even elected
An example of this is the case 

[LAAMN] Venezuelan Opposition Prepares for Non-Recognition of Chavez Victory

2012-09-05 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] Venezuelan Opposition Prepares for
Non-Recognition of Chavez Victory

Sep 4th 2012, by Francisco Dominguez - Huffington Post
[image: Primera Justicia (Justice First) party is opposition candidate
Henrique Capriles#039; party and has been his main supporter dur]

Primera Justicia (Justice First) party is opposition candidate Henrique
Capriles' party and has been his main supporter during his electoral

Venezuelans go to the polls on 7 October to elect their president. The main
choice is between the incumbent Hugo Chavez and Henrique Capriles Radonski,
a right-wing state governor with strong ties to the country's elite.

Yet with more than a month to go, sections of Venezuela's right wing
opposition coalition seem to have made up their mind about the outcome.
With substantial poll leads for Hugo Chávez they appear to be preparing to
decry the official results as a fraud.

Ricardo Hausmann, a key Capriles economic adviser, recently said his
campaign will announce their own results to the world before the official
announcement is made by Venezuela's independent National Electoral Council
(CNE), the equivalent of Britain's Electoral Commission. Their approach
seems to be that unless the results go their way, the CNE's official
results will be rejected by the opposition.

As Eleazar Diza Rangel, editor of Venezuela's main national newspaper *Ultimas
Noticias* - broadly sympathetic to the anti-Chávez opposition - recently
explained the purpose of attempts to claim fraud at the coming
presidential elections of 7 October [would be] in order not to recognise
the people's will.

Whatever views are held of the Chávez government, its democratic mandate is
without doubt. There is certainly no evidence from previous elections of

This will be Venezuela's 15th election since Chavez became President in
1999. All have been declared free and fair including by international
bodies such as the EU and Organisation of American State. Just last month,
Jennifer McCoy, director at the Carter Center, described Venezuela's
electronic voting system as one of the most reliable in the world. At the
coming elections, the Union of South American Nations will amongst the 200
international observers.

Any doubt about the impartiality of the CNE in organising free elections is
surely swept aside by the fact that earlier this year Venezuela's main
right-wing opposition coalition, the MUD, organised for it to conduct the
right's Presidential primaries. The MUD Executive Secretary described the
CNE's role in this selection as an excellent indication of the democratic
institutions in the
It is not serious for the right-wing coalition to endorse the CNE as a
legitimate electoral authority in February and denounce it in October.

The truth is that any opposition attempt to cry fraud is really about
covering up its own political failings. Polls carried out by the major
companies indicate a clear win for Hugo Chávez, with leads of between
15-27% in each of the 8 major polls carried out in
August's polls give similar results.

Rejecting the results in the face of a Hugo Chavez victory would be totally
consistent with the Venezuelan right-wing's record of resorting to
undemocratic means. Most well known is the short-lived coup against the
democratically-elected Chavez government in 2002 which abolished democracy
altogether until it was overturned by popular demonstrations. Soon after in
2003, they unleashed a 64-day oil industry lock-out that saw GDP collapse
by a third with the declared aim of ousting President Chavez. They then
claimed fraud at the 2004 recall referendum to decide if Hugo Chávez would
continue as President, which he won 58% to 42%. The opposition promised to
provide the evidence but eight years on they have yet to produce it. And
faced with certain defeat, they decided to boycott the 2005 parliamentary
elections to distract from their unpopularity, a move opposed by the
Organisation of American States.

Since then opposition has sought to use the democratic process to remove
Hugo Chavez. It has not rejected the CNE results that saw its presidential
candidate Henry Caprioles Radonski elected as a state governor, Chávez's
constitutional changes defeated in a referendum or the right-wing win
dozens of governors, mayors and MPs.

But faced with Hugo Chávez being elected for another six years, they now
seem set to be resorting to old habits.

Any such manoeuvres to undermine the real outcome need to be widely
condemned. It is the right of the Venezuelan people to freely determine who
their next president is. Their will must be upheld and respected.
*Source URL (retrieved on 05/09/2012 - 7:59am):*


[LAAMN] Lessons from Marikana: Class Collaboration with Capital, or Class struggle against Capital?

2012-09-05 Thread Cort Greene

Lessons from Marikana: Class Collaboration with Capital, or Class struggle
Written by Vusumuzi Martin Bhengu in South Africa Wednesday, 05 September

*For the sake of the company, its many thousands of
* and the industry which supports them, we need to find a sustainable peace
accord which allows people to return to a working business.*

Just under two weeks after 34 miners were brutally killed by police after
embarking on a wildcat strike, these were the words of the acting-CEO of
Lonmin, Simon Scott, calling for a peace accord between workers and
management. Ironically, there was no indication of any concessions on the
company's part to workers reasonable demands of a mere R12 500.

These words were echoed just beneath the mountains of where our national
assembly seats. Cabinet ministers, members of parliament and the media
alike, all called for an urgent peace accord to remedy the situation at
Lonmin mine. The inter-ministerial committee became chief advocates of this
peace accord. Like street performers, they went around the country, the
world, pleading with everyone that they met, assuring them that a peace
accord is the only solution to this 'tragedy' as they call it.

The NUM leaders joined the performance and held a press conference on
Tuesday (04/09/2012). “The NUM is committed to finding a peaceful
solution,” NUM General Secretary Frans Baleni told reporters in

What do they mean by 'peace accord'?

Under capitalism, society is into classes based on their role in
production, and these classes are central to capitalist economies. Often
these classes come into conflict as it has happened at Lonmin mine. The
ruling class in an attempt to reconcile these antagonisms, revokes feelings
of quasi-nationalism as means to put a stop to the revolt by workers. They
do so not as an attempt to abolishing inequality, but to maintain social
hierarchy which they see as a necessary element of the capitalist system.

What is class collaboration?

Class collaboration is a principle of social organization based upon the
belief that the division of society into a hierarchy of social classes is a
positive and essential aspect of civilization.

Whereas the doctrine of class struggle urges the working classes to
overthrow the ruling class and the existing social order for the purpose of
establishing equality, the doctrine of class collaboration urges them to
accept inequality as part of the natural state of things and preserve the
social order. Furthermore it holds that the State 'reconciles' class
antagonisms in society, and that the strife which gives rise to Communism
can be harmonized.

This is exactly what the State is advocating for, the collaboration of the
working class and capital for the prosperity of the nation. Such has been
resonated by the right-wing in the alliance, at the expense of workers

Already class collaboration has been rejected by some affiliates of COSATU,
chief amongst them, the National Union of MetalWokers of South Africa which
has recently because one of the few voices of the left within the alliance.
In a statement released by its Central Committe, it unequivocally calls for
class struggle as the only solution.

We see no solution to the violence against workers on the mines apart from
nationalisation in defence of the lives of all South Africans.

It further calls for the nationalization of mines as means to address the
ongoing impasse as we have reported yesterday, not a peace accord like some

As events unfold, we are more than convinced that South African workers are
moving on the right direction. In the direction towards self-realisation as
a class that is capable of overthrowing the domination of the capitalist

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Sudan joins Arab spring - ‘Elbow Lick Friday’s’ rock the regime

2012-09-06 Thread Cort Greene

 Sudan joins Arab spring - ‘Elbow Lick Friday’s’ rock the
Written by Jean Duval Thursday, 06 September 2012
[image: Print] http://www.marxist.com/sudan-joins-arab-spring/print.htm#

*Sudan until the recent secession of its southern part was Africa’s biggest
country. It is mostly known and in particular portrayed as such in the
world media, for its wars, genocides, organised famine, and ethnic,
religious and tribal strife. But revolutions tend to cut through the old
divisions fostered by the sitting dictators, old colonialist powers and new
imperialist forces. This is exactly what is happening today in Sudan since
the beginning of the ‘Sudanese spring’.*

the 18th of June, youth, workers and the lower middle classes from many
regions, villages, and different ethnic and religious background rose up en
masse. The revolt is directed against the heinous Islamist dictatorship of
Omar al Bashir and the ruling National Congress Party that has held power
since the coup in 1989.  This is the first revolt of this magnitude against
an Arab Islamist regime. As is often the case, it is the students that take
the lead, breaking the barrier of fear. They are clearly inspired by the
other revolutions in the Middle East, from which they borrow the tactics,
the organisational methods and slogans.
The youth revolts

This is what Jadaliyya reported at the end of the month of June:

“… street protests of a scale not witnessed for two decades continued into
their second week in Khartoum and other major Sudanese cities.
Anti-government protests, initially led by students from the University of
Khartoum, have inspired similar nation-wide demonstrations in al-Obeid,
Kosti, al-Gadaref, Port Sudan, Wad Medani, and Atbara. They began on June
16th with courageous female students at the University of Khartoum’s
downtown campus taking to the streets chanting ‘no, no to higher prices’
and ‘freedom, freedom.’

“The students initially protested the announcement of a thirty-five percent
hike in public transportation fees and called for the “liberation” of the
campus from the presence of the ubiquitous National Intelligence and
Security Services (NISS).  Since then, Khartoum and other cities have been
sites of daily protests driven by a widening political agenda. Echoing
calls heard in the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, and Syria, protesters
chanted ‘the people want the fall of the regime,’ ‘we will not be ruled by
a dictator,’ and ‘revolution, revolution until victory.’ Clearly mindful
(and no doubt apprehensive) of the protesters’ slogans referencing the Arab
uprisings as well as two previous popular intifadas that have removed
military regimes, President Omar al-Bashir quickly insisted that this is
‘no Arab Spring’.”

Since then many, especially in academic and media circles, have insisted on
Sudan’s “exceptionalism” and how it will not be affected by a revolutionary
upsurge of the people. This is an echo of the claims of “the robustness of
Arab authoritarianism”, a theme that is recurrent in academic studies on
the Middle East.

Something similar was said about Tunisia and later about the Egyptian
people. All those peoples were not supposed to revolt and overthrow the
existing regimes. The influential International Crisis Group (ICG)
similarly argued recently about Sudan that “years of subjugation at the
hands of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) have yielded both
political apathy and a weak opposition.”

Jadaliyya continues:

“However, since they began, the protests have expanded in both their
geographic reach and their social profile. Moving beyond the middle class
campus of the University of Khartoum, protests now include more lower class
students from other universities, supporters and activists belonging to the
major opposition parties, civil servants, the unemployed, and workers in
the informal sector. Moreover, despite the use of teargas, batons and
sweeping arrests on the part of the State Security and Intelligence
Services, the protests have expanded to include residents in the populous
informal settlements and working class neighbourhoods of Buri, al-Ilafoon,
al-Gereif, al-Sahafa, al-Abbassiya and Mayo south of the capital. As the
protests continued with greater force into their tenth day security forces,
frustrated at not being able to stem the tide of the protests, entered the
dormitories of the University of Khartoum’s Faculty of Education and set
them ablaze. The students, responding to Bashir's public statement on June
24th describing the demonstrators as ‘saboteurs’, foreign ‘aliens’ and
'rogues' chanted, ‘we are not rogues, you will end up dead in a sewage
system’, referring to how former Libyan leader Moammar Ghadafi was caught
before he was killed.”
Widespread repression

After dismissing the 

[LAAMN] Cuba:A Subtle Form of Corruption by Esteban Morales*

2012-09-06 Thread Cort Greene

A Subtle Form of Corruption September 6, 2012 | [image:
 Email http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=78030emailpopup=1 | [image:
 Print http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=78030print=1 | 0  13

*To my constant friends*

*By Esteban Morales* **(Published by Progreso

HAVANA TIMES – When in 2010 I wrote about corruption and what happened to
me became general knowledge, it was inevitable that many people worried.
Nobody ever understood how it was possible to take a political step of the
nature that was taken against the denunciation that was made.

Those writings went through the hurricane of incomprehension, so to speak,
and today we have moved ahead in terms of that type of criticism. Our
highest Political Directorate, being consistent with what it had said ever
since it assumed command, condensed its pronouncements: Corruption is the
equivalent of counterrevolution.

All of us revolutionaries breathed a sigh of relief. Taking up criticism
was a reality and nobody had to right to silence it.

But we must continue to advance. An important body of our revolutionary
intellectuals valiantly assume the criticism of our realities, as Raúl has
suggested, but we cannot yet feel deeply and confidently that they are
doing what they should do, even though they’re convinced of it.

Some bureaucrats lie in wait, taking advantage of the opportunity to tell
us intellectuals that we are wrong, that apparently things cannot be
exactly as Raúl has told us. Meanwhile, all of us who have assumed the
criticism of our society are, along with Raúl, convinced that it’s the only
way to save the process.

What did Raúl Castro mean by “corruption is the equivalent of
counterrevolution”? No doubt, that assertion is painfully all-encompassing,
because it includes the following dangers, among others:

• In the first place, it means that whoever becomes corrupt has already
crossed into the enemy’s ranks.

• That he tries to discredit the political discourse of the Revolution at
its most critical moment.

• That he leads people to say that things are not always what they seem,
which – like a direct attack on the nation’s leadership – is counter to any
process that tries to propel the economic renovation, to accomplish the
necessary social adjustments, and to achieve a change in mindset.

• That, amid the difficult material situation the nation is going through,
he gives a baleful example of how to solve my individual problem.

• That whoever becomes corrupt is practically incapable of upholding other
values, so his next step is to collaborate with those who can facilitate
his work, corrupting others and placing all of them in the service of

But there is a more subtle, concealed form of corruption among us, which
many people minimize because they practice it systematically or because
they don’t consider it as dangerous as the highest functionaries do.

In material terms, it is a piddling corruption, practiced gradually and
directly among low-level functionaries who, able to move certain resources,
exchange them as if they were swapping merchandise.

I’m talking about a functionary who manages a coffee shop and procures the
sweets and the beer for a friend who’s going to celebrate his daughter’s
15th birthday. In turn, his friend, who manages a factory, delivers to him
the flagstones and the cement he needs to build another room in his house.
A simple exchange between the two, where no money is exchanged, only goods,
and where many look the other way, waiting for their turn to engage in the
same deals.

This way, in an illegal fashion, an incredible amount of resources
disappear, resources that should have been sold to the population. This
type of corruption is no less harmful than the former one, for the
following reasons:

• Its low monetary value makes it appear as simple favors from a friend.
This has become popular under the description of “resolving.”

• In general, in the workplace, it is something that almost everyone knows
about but ignores, because they don’t care, they fear reprisals, or they
think that their day might come.

• It tends to create a level of compromise between the administrators and
the rest of the workers, who may consider they have the right to enjoy
those illegal advantages at some future time.

• It is very easy to conceal by means of accounting and economic control.

• Because no money is involved, the peril of its practice is quite limited.

• Nevertheless, the degree of corruption of this practice corrodes the
authority of even the political organizations in the workplace.

Looking at corruption in all its characteristics and levels of practice, we
see a phenomenon that can be defeated only if all the social sectors
participate, declaring a generalized war that makes us more aware of what
that corruption means and gives us the 

[LAAMN] Colombia’s Peace Negotiations- 4 articles

2012-09-06 Thread Cort Greene
 Colombia’s Peace Negotiators: The View from the United States
September 6, 2012
 tags: Álvaro Uribe
http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/alvaro-uribe/, bernardo
moreno http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/bernardo-moreno/, Carlos
colombian national
farc http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/farc/, jorge
jose obdulio gaviriahttp://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/jose-obdulio-gaviria/,
Oscar Naranjo http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/oscar-naranjo/,
paramilitaries http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/paramilitaries/, vicente
castano http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/vicente-castano/,
by Michael Evans http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/author/mxvans/

Former Colombian Armed Forces commander Jorge Enrique Mora was accused of
“looking the other way” with respect to collaboration with illegal
paramilitary forces.

With great fanfare and even greater expectations, Colombian President Juan
Manuel Santos this week identified the people he’s chosen to represent the
government in peace negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC), the leftist guerrilla group that has been at war with the
Colombian government for nearly 50 years.

Where the talks will lead is anybody’s guess, but as the negotiations take
shape, it’s worthwhile to review what declassified (and leaked) documents
from formerly secret U.S. files reveal about two of the individuals
selected to lead the process.

As director of the Colombian National Police (CNP), *Óscar Naranjo Trujillo
*was one of the most trusted members of former President Álvaro Uribe’s
security team and gained the respect and admiration of U.S. officials
through routine and frank engagements with them on a host of sensitive
matters. Naranjo had “a pretty good track record for success,” according to
U.S. Ambassador William Brownfield’s *account of an October 2009
and was “perhaps the smartest, best informed member of the [Government of
Colombia],” and someone whose “views and observations are usually worth
serious consideration.”

The National Security Archive’s declassified files include one especially
interesting example of how Naranjo earned his reputation for blunt
disclosures, although it does not reflect particularly well on the CNP as
an institution. The *1996
that Naranjo, then director of police intelligence, admitted to
U.S. diplomats that CNP forces “do not act” in the parts of Colombia under
control of the country’s illegal militia forces, led by indicted
paramilitary warlord Carlos Castaño.

Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that Naranjo continued to be an important
source of information for the U.S. on political, criminal and
security-related developments during the new century. Naranjo’s name
appears in 76 of the leaked cables, many of which pertain to the most
sensitive scandals of the Uribe presidency.

In a *March 2007
by Wikileaks, Naranjo is reported as saying that fugitive
paramilitary chief Vicente Castaño—older brother of Carlos Castaño —“enjoys
‘significant collaboration’ from elements of the police and military,”
despite the government’s supposed efforts to dismantle the illegal groups.

Former Colombian National Police director Oscar Naranjo told the U.S. that
police forces “do not act” in areas controlled by illegal paramilitary

Wikileaks has also shown that Naranjo accused top Uribe advisers Bernardo
Moreno and José Obdulio Gaviria of orchestrating a massive illegal
wiretapping operation that targeted judges, journalists, human rights
defenders and other presumed political opponents—even, in some cases, U.S.

   - In an *August 2008
U.S. Embassy reports that Naranjo “said presidential advisor Jose
   Obdulio Gavaria was behind a recent attempt to discredit [Supreme Court
   magistrate Iván] Velasquez using former paramilitaries in Medellin.”
   Naranjo said that “former Senator Mario Uribe [cousin of President Álvaro
   Uribe] had orchestrated a similar effort involving a former paramilitary
   (“Tasmania”) who claimed Velasquez had offered him legal benefits to
   implicate Uribe in a murder,” according to the cable.
   - In an *October 2008
   Naranjo reportedly 

[LAAMN] Palestinians on the Road to Damascus

2012-09-07 Thread Cort Greene

Palestinians on the Road to Damascus

September 7, 2012 § Leave a

by Ahmad Diab

*A Temporary People*

One hot summer day in 2011, the residents of the beleaguered Homs
neighborhood of Al-Khaldyeh were struggling to identify the bodies of two
men. There was something unusual about the bodies even by the now morbidly
gory Syrian standards. They were merely skeletons with worn-out fatigues,
and a few personal belongings. The unearthing of their bodies was
collateral damage to a stray bomb. They had been blown out of their
unmarked shallow makeshift grave by the shells of the Syrian army against
the rebellious neighborhood. The residents decided the belongings were
clearly from the 1980s, the military fatigues were Palestinian. The story
of Syrian Palestinians – like that of most Syrians – is one of many
tucked-away skeletons that are thrown into the open, unannounced yet badly
needing to be addressed.

Syria is home to some half a million Palestinian refugees, the great
majority of whom were born into a dictatorship that oppresses them and its
own people in the name of Arab unity and steadfastness in the face of
Zionism and imperialism. Their imagined and lived geographies could not be
farther apart. They know the streets of Homs, Aleppo, Deraa, and Damascus
like the palms of their hands. Their schools, named after their villages
and towns in Palestine, hoist the flag of the United Nations.

Like their Syrian brethren, once in tenth grade, they could be
automatically enrolled in the Baath party. Their ID cards are identical to
those of Syrians, with the only difference being the red words “temporary
residence” on top. Their travel documents could be taken for a Syrian
passport, were they not one shade of blue lighter – and the misspelled
“Travel Document for Palestinian Refugies” on the cover. Many Syrian
Palestinians live their temporary lives in shantytowns that are still
called “camps.” They follow the news of Jenin and Gaza as if it were their
own. They have never been allowed to set foot in either. They religiously
commemorate the dates of Palestinian massacres, victories and defeats. They
are also obligated to hold rallies saluting the Syrian regime and its
victories. Most camps have their own resident Palestinian Uncle Tom. They
hate that they need his permits to wed, work or travel, but they learnt the
Syrian proverb all too quickly, “kiss the hand that slaps you, and pray
[secretly] that it get cut.”

De jure, Palestinians are well integrated into the legal system and are
treated equally to Syrians. Most of these rights are legacy amendments that
predate the Baath

Some date back to 1956 parliamentary amendments; others such as issuing
travel documents to Syrian Palestinians are a Nasserite legacy when Syria
was in the United Arab Republic with Egypt. To its credit, once in power,
the Baath did not reverse them. However, the logic behind the legal status
of Palestinians is a paternalistic relic of a time when Arab countries were
self-appointed custodians over the fate of the Palestinians. It went thus:
unless constantly reminded, Palestinians would forget their land and cause.
Therefore, while they have most of the civil rights of fellow Syrians, they
cannot vote or hold Syrian passports. Furthermore, they are required to
fulfill the military service requirement their fellow Syrians do. They are
usually drafted into either the Syria-aligned Palestine Liberation Army or
the Syrian Army. De facto, the Baath discriminates equally against anyone
who does not abide by the official narrative. De facto no one has any
meaningful rights under an authoritarian regime. One could say that the
revolution started because the majority of Syrians felt they were not
integrated into the Syrian state.

*Dictatorship from the Standpoint of a Palestinian Refugee*

Equality in political suffering does not confer social equality amongst the
collectivity of sufferers. Syrians discriminate against Palestinians in
ways that are not dissimilar to those in which they discriminate against
fellow Syrians. Like the rest of eastern Mediterranean, Syria is a country
where almost everyone fancies himself or herself a Professor Higgins. In
Shaw’s “Pygmalion,” the professor of phonetics “can place any man within
six miles.” Syrians can detect the subtlest dialectic nuances; one vowel
shorter or longer and you are automatically cast as “other.” To other
Palestinians, Syrian Palestinians sound a little Syrian; to Syrians their
accents give them away as not quite from here (perhaps with the exception
of Deraa province). Not being from here can make a world of difference in a
place where having the right connections is a must to navigate the
ubiquitous state security apparatus. Not being from here 

[LAAMN] Effective Evil or Progressives’ Best Hope? Glen Ford vs. Michael Eric Dyson on Obama Presidency

2012-09-08 Thread Cort Greene
* Effective Evil or Progressives’ Best Hope? Glen Ford vs. Michael Eric
Dyson on Obama Presidency*

 As President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination to seek four more
years in the White House, we host a debate on his presidency with Glen Ford
of Black Agenda Report and Michael Eric Dyson, professor at Georgetown
University and author of numerous books. Ford calls Obama the more
effective evil for embracing right-wing policies and neutralizing
effective opposition, while Dyson argues Obama provides the best and
obvious choice for progressive change within the confines of the U.S.
political system. [includes rush transcript]
 Filed under  Election 2012http://www.democracynow.org/topics/election_2012,
DNC 2012 http://www.democracynow.org/topics/dnc_2012,
Michael Eric Dysonhttp://www.democracynow.org/appearances/michael_eric_dyson,
Glen Ford http://www.democracynow.org/appearances/glen_ford

*Michael Eric Dysonhttp://www.democracynow.org/appearances/michael_eric_dyson
*, professor of sociology at Georgetown University. He is a political
analyst on MSNBC and is author of numerous books, including *Can You Hear
Me Now?: The Inspiration, Wisdom, and Insight of Michael Eric Dyson*, *Making
Malcolm: The Myth and Meaning of Malcolm X*, and most recently, *Born to
Use Mics: Reading Nas’s Illmatic*.

*Glen Ford http://www.democracynow.org/appearances/glen_ford*, a longtime
journalist and executive editor of BlackAgendaReport.com, a weekly journal
of African-American political thought and action. His latest article is
called What Obama Has Wrought.

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[LAAMN] From exports to investment: contradictions in the Chinese economy intensify

2012-09-12 Thread Cort Greene

 From exports to investment: contradictions in the Chinese economy
Written by Adam Booth Wednesday, 12 September 2012

*The picture of the Chinese economy painted by commentators in the West is
often one of strength; an economy dominated by exports, with unstoppable
growth and development; in short, a model to emulate. Recent figures
released by the International Monetary Fund, however, describe a very
different situation; a situation where contradictions are intensifying
below the surface; a situation that is pregnant with crisis and
revolutionary consequences.*

[image: Chinese
we described and analysed some of the contradictions and limitations facing
the “Chinese Model, such as the accumulation of local government debt and
the looming crisis of overproduction facing the economy. In their recent
report http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/scr/2012/cr12195.pdf on the
Chinese economy (which was written in association with the Chinese
authorities), the IMF provide facts, figures, and statistics that emphasise
the points that we previously highlighted.

However, in addition, the IMF report demonstrates that the Chinese economy
has reorientated away from the export-led growth that it has been famous
for, and is now heavily based on internal investment. Such investment paves
the way for a new, greater crisis in the economy, as the IMF themselves

As we have explained
in the thirty year period following the “market reforms”, which were first
introduced by Deng in 1978, capitalist relations in China became
increasingly strengthened. A pivotal point in this capitalist restoration
was in 2001 when China joined the World Trade Organisation. Joining the WTO
meant giving up state control of foreign trade, opening China up to the
world market. This breaking down of the Chinese walls resulted in a large
investment boom as foreign capital flooded into China. In addition, the
admission of China into the WTO gave businesses in China increased access
to the world market for their exports.

The use of joint ventures, in which multinational firms were allowed access
into China on the condition that they do so in partnership with Chinese
state companies, was used to strengthen these Chinese companies to the
point whereby they could compete on the world market. In doing so, Chinese
companies were also able to acquire foreign technology on the cheap, thus
paving the way for a massive expansion of China’s productive apparatus.

Between 2001 and 2008, the Chinese economy grew at a tremendous pace,
largely thanks to exports. Growth of over 8% of GDP per year was seen
throughout this period, and by 2007 growth had reached 14.2%, with net
exports accounting for almost one fifth of this growth.

Over the same period, huge numbers of people flocked from the countryside
to the cities and the productivity of labour exponentially increased as a
greater quantity (and better quality) of machinery was put at the elbow of
each worker. According to a recent special report on the Chinese economy in
*The Economist *(May 26th 2012):

“From 1990 to 2008 China's workforce swelled by about 145m people, many of
them making the long journey from its rural backwaters to its coastal
workshops. Over the same period the productivity of the workforce increased
by over 9% a year, according to the Asian Productivity Organisation (APO).
Output that used to take 100 people in 1990 required fewer than 20 in 2008.
All this meant that growth of 8-10% a year was not a luxury but a

This vast expansion of industry in China created an equally vast mass of
commodities that had to find a market. “Excess capacity” (i.e.
overproduction) was seen across the economy, but especially in industries
such as cars, construction materials, and steel. With the Chinese currency
(the “yuan”, or “renminbi”) and labour costs held low, these commodities
were exported abroad to markets in the USA and Europe, and profits flowed
both to the multinational firms that had set up shop in China and also to
the newly strengthened Chinese companies (both state-owned and private).

By 2007, China registered a huge trade surplus with the rest of the world,
at 9% of Chinese GDP (equal to approximately US315bn), which contributed
towards a current account surplus of 10.1% of GDP (the current account of a
country is a measure of the flow of goods and services – i.e. the value of
commodities – that crosses the borders of a country). But such export-led
growth was extremely 

[LAAMN] Women's Rights Groups Present Proposals to Chavez for Government Plan

2012-09-14 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] Women's Rights Groups Present Proposals to
Chavez for Government Plan

Sep 14th 2012, by Rachael Boothroyd
[image: Women#039;s groups presented proposals to Chavez on Wednesday

Women's groups presented proposals to Chavez on Wednesday (Chavez.org)

Caracas, September 14th 2012 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – Women's rights groups
presented a series of proposals to Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez on
Wednesday evening in a televised event at the Teresa Carreño theatre in
Caracas. The groups are hoping that the proposals, which are related to
specific issues affecting Venezuela's female population, will be
incorporated into the Chavez administration's governmental plan for

Speaking to the women at the packed out theatre, Chavez highlighted that
the revolution had implemented numerous policies aimed at improving the
material conditions of the country's women and increasing their political
participation, especially those from poor backgrounds.

“All Venezuelan women have my deepest respect... never before has any
government treated Venezuelan women with such dignity and respect,” said
the head of state.

The president was also extremely critical of an opposition led political
rally last week, dubbed the “panty-a-thon” by the opposition's election
campaign organisers. The event was held between opposition presidential
candidate, Capriles Radonski and female supporters, and was a chance for
the presidential hopeful to outline his views on women's issues and respond
to their concerns.

“Capitalism has tried to reduce women to a fetish, a sexual symbol. Just a
little while ago, I believe that the Venezuelan bourgeoisie offended women
with an event that they called the ‘panty-a-thon.’ How crude! That reflects
their chauvinist and exclusive nature,” said Chavez.

Women's groups such as the “Runaway Collective” and “Skirts in Revolution,”
as well as female representatives from political groups such as the
Ezequiel Zamora Peasant Front all attended the event and addressed Chavez
directly. The majority of the groups belong to the umbrella collective, the
“Feminist Spider,” and have been working on the proposals for over a year.

“We have been carrying out debates throughout the national territory, and
we consider this program and its strategic framework to be vital for the
deepening and continuity of this emancipatory project, which is essentially
the construction of Bolivarian socialism,” said Melissa Orellana,
representative and spokesperson for the country's rural and peasant women's

The list of proposals handed over to the president include; the free
distribution of contraceptives for men and women, education in state
schools to increase awareness surrounding gender equality, the creation of
communal council based refuges for women who are victims of domestic
violence, an increase in communal projects to care for children and the
“socialization” of domestic labour to allow women to participate fully in
political activities. The women also demanded more state regulation over
the usage of women's bodies as “merchandise” in the media.

Chavez will now review the proposals with a view to including them in the
government strategy for the socialist transformation of the country during
the next 6 years. He also stated that his government would be committed to
deepening gender equality throughout his next term if he is re-elected in
the October presidential elections later this year.

“I, as a soldier, will be at your disposal to keep advancing this process
for the liberation of women... We must initiate new projects which come out
of organized women's groups,” said the president.

Many of the women's groups, who consider themselves to be
socialist-feminist, have said that true social change and progress in the
arena of gender equality will only be possible with the re-election of Hugo
Chavez in October.
*Source URL (retrieved on 14/09/2012 - 1:02pm):*

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[LAAMN] Bolivia: Miners' Dispute Holds La Paz Under Siege/COB General Strike

2012-09-14 Thread Cort Greene
MAS Party re-selects fmr Miss Bolivia Jessica Jordan as candidate for
governor of Beni in 2013 bit.ly/Q5clvZ 1 day

43% of Bolivian Glaciers

5 September 2012

The Hydrological and Hydrology University in Bolivia has completed a study
of 400 glaciers in the country and determined that they have retreated by
43% because of climate change since 1980. The study was based on satellite
images in collaboration with the National Climate Change Program. Principle
investigator Edson Ramírez studied glaciers of less that [...]

*COB announces general strike for Friday 14th*

SUPPORT this measure was taken over in support to miners who receive their
salaries from state-owned mines, who are competing with miners under
cooperatives for the Rosario site in Colquiri mine, La Paz.

expanded national meeting carried out today [Sep 11] by the Central Obrera
Boliviana (COB) announced that it convenes to a 24-hour strike for Friday
September 14 in support to miners who work for the State, of the Colquiri
mine, in La Paz, according to Freddy Sanchez, Secretary of the Trade Union
Federation of miners Bolivia workers (FSTMB), as informed to Paginasiete.bo.

“By consensus, was decided to make an strike with demonstrations for Friday
in all Bolivia, calling for the reversal of all the Colquiri mine to the
State.” “If the Government does not meet this request, the following week,
[we will] take other measures according to what it may be,” said Sanchez.

“Strike is general and not only the mining sector but all sectors
affiliated to the COB,” he stressed.

At the same meeting, the COB was determined to ask the Government to
approve a short law to prevent mine take overs. “Currently, the control of
the mine is in charge of the Trade Union of workers and the State-owned
company.” All entry levels to the mine are mined [with dynamite] and if the
cooperative miners want to enter. We are firm in our position of reverting
[the control of the] mine. “Invite cooperative miners to pass to the wage
sector, so that they have health insurance of old age and compensation”,
said Sanchez.


Bolivia: Miners' Dispute Holds La Paz Under Siege
Posted 14 September 2012 http://globalvoicesonline.org/2012/09/14/ 6:00
  http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/pablo-andres-rivero/Written byPablo
Andres Rivero http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/pablo-andres-rivero/
Topics Labor http://globalvoicesonline.org/-/topics/labor/,
Politics http://globalvoicesonline.org/-/topics/politics/, Economics 
Business http://globalvoicesonline.org/-/topics/economics-business/, Citizen
Media http://globalvoicesonline.org/-/topics/citizen-media/ Languages
Spanish http://globalvoicesonline.org/-/languages/spanish/,

Hundreds of miners from private cooperatives are continuing to block the
main access roads to La Paz, Bolivia's seat of Government.

The siege was sparked by a dispute between private cooperative miners from
the La Paz Departmental Federation of Mining Cooperatives (Fedecomin in
Spanish) and employed miners from the state-run Bolivian Mining Corporation
(Comibol in Spanish). Both rival groups are seeking to take control of the
zinc and tin Colquiri mine, nationalised from Glencore
Bolivia’s government in June 2012.

The issue arises from Supreme Decree 1337, signed by President Evo Morales,
which guarantees the control of operating activities in the northern part
of the mine Colquiri, more precisely the Rosario vein.

The conflict began on the ground after the delimitation of operation areas:
Colquiri unionised miners, who are meant to operate in the south, refuse to
give the cooperative miners participation. Moreover, unionised miners are
blocking the access to the Colquiri mine, 92 miles (149 kilometers) from La

The government had set up negotiation talks between the rival factions, and
it was agreed that the siege would be lifted during the evening of
Wednesday, September 12; however, the blockades remain and the miners have
issued further 

Private cooperative miners have been close allies of the government led by
left-wing President Evo Morales. This group has declared that the unionised
miners, who are 

[LAAMN] Clashes after raids-SAfrican police fire gas, force people into shacks

2012-09-15 Thread Cort Greene
Police arrested five people in the raids on the hostels, home to about
6,000 miners, but for drugs offences not weapons, Ngubane said.

The aim of the raid was to disarm the mine workers to make sure that we do
away with the elements of threats that are taking their toll in the area of
Marikana, Ngubane said.

Miners later gathered at a field in Marikana, about 60 miles northwest of
Johannesburg, and police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse
them, a Reuters journalist at the scene said.

*SAfrican police fire gas, force people into shacks*

By THEMBA HADEBE, Associated Press – 11 hours ago

MARIKANA, South Africa (AP) — Police firing rubber bullets and tear gas
sent men, women and children scattering as they herded them into their
shacks in a crackdown on striking miners at a platinum mine.

Saturday's show of force follows a South African government vow to halt
illegal protests and disarm strikers who have stopped work at one gold and
six platinum mines northwest of Johannesburg. The strikes have destabilized
South Africa's critical mining sector.

It was the first police action since officers killed 34 miners Aug. 16 in
state violence that shocked the nation.

About 500 officers raided hostels at Lonmin PLC platinum mine before dawn
and confiscated homemade machetes, spears, knives and clubs, said police
spokesman Brig. Thulani Ngubane.

A half dozen men were arrested for illegal possession of arms and drugs in
those raids, he said. Another six were arrested Saturday morning.

Officers first fired tear gas at hundreds of miners who refused to disarm
at the hill of granite boulders that has become the strikers' headquarters.

Police then moved into the Wonderkop shantytown where residents set up
barricades of burning tires to try to block the officers from their
neighborhood. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at people who
disobeyed orders baying over a bull horn for them to stay in their homes,
tin shacks without electricity or running water divided by dirt tracks.

An army helicopter flew in to help herd people indoors.

Justice Minister Jeff Radebe called a news conference Friday to say the
government was intervening because the mining industry is central to the
economy of Africa's richest nation.

The South African government has noted and is deeply concerned by the
amount of violence, threats and intimidation that is currently taking place
in our country, he said.

Lonmin said it believed that just 3,000 of its 28,000 employees and 10,000
contract miners were involved in the strike. It said the rest of the
workforce was staying away because of threats from strikers who have said
they will kill anyone who works.

Ten people were killed in the run-up to the police killings, including two
police officers hacked to death by strikers, two mine security guards
burned alive in their vehicles and six shop stewards of the dominant
National Union of Mineworkers. Strikers accuse the NUM of being coopted by
mine management and being too involved in business and politics to pay
attention to basic shop-floor needs of its members.

The trouble that began Aug. 10 at Lonmin PLC, the world's third largest
platinum mine, is rooted in rivalry between the NUM and a breakaway union.

Strikers have rejected a Lonmin offer to boost the entry-level monthly
salary by 900 rand $112.50) to about R5,500 ($688) with commensurate
increases for higher paid workers. At government-brokered talks Friday the
company increased the offer to an additional R1,800 ($225) for the rock
drill operators who began the strike. But that still falls far short of the
strikers' demands for a minimum monthly wage of R12,500 ($1,560).

The strikers have said they would rather see Lonmin shut down the mine than
accept a lower offer.

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said Friday the strikes are extremely
damaging to the economy.

It undermines confidence in the South African economy and, if we undermine
confidence, we undermine investment, he said.

Strikes are illegal in South Africa unless approved by the government labor
conciliation board, which only allows stoppages once workers prove they
have tried and failed to negotiate with an employer and after the
conciliation board itself also tries to resolve the issue.

Michelle Faul contributed to this report from Johannesburg.

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[LAAMN] Video: The Sorrows of Syria

2012-09-16 Thread Cort Greene

* The Sorrows of Syria
by **pulsemedia.org* http://pulsemedia.org/* *
*Michael Provence, director of the Middle East Studies Programs at the
University of California, San Diego, explains the origins and evolution of
the Syrian conflict in an excellent new production by Alternate Focus. *
* *
* *
* *
 *The Syrian government has has tried with great determination and
dexterity to fragment the society and to exploit sectarian differences and
class differences to prevent the emergence of a secular nonsectarian
nationalist opposition. Michael Provence is the director of the Middle East
Studies Programs at the University of California, San Diego. His research
focuses on the colonial and post-colonial Arab world, particularly popular
insurgency and nationalism, and he has travelled and lived in many
countries in the region including Lebanon and Syria.*

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[LAAMN] Her views on the Latin American Left today-Marta Harnecker

2012-09-17 Thread Cort Greene
Other than saying she is somewhat too kind in some instances and dodges the
bullet in others but she does give you a sense of what is and what is not
going on, in a way!

I'm still against the road going through the park and indigenous land in
Bolivia and the MAS and Evo are not socialists or even democrats.


 Marta Harnecker: activist, writer,

* http://lo-de-alla.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/harnecker-1a.jpgHer
views on the Latin American Left today*

[Translation of an interview from *Folha de São Paulo* for August 28. See

by Eleonora de Lucena

She defines herself as a Marxist-Leninist “popular educator.” A Chilean,
she was a student of philosopher Louis Althusser, a Catholic student leader
and a member of the socialist government of Salvador Allende. She married
one of the commanders of the Cuban revolution, Manuel Piñeiro or “Barba
Roja,” and in the 2000s she became an adviser to Hugo Chávez.

Marta Harnecker says she had written more than 80 books. The best
known, *Conceptos
Elementales del Materialismo Histórico* (*The Basic Concepts of Historical
Materialism),* from the 1960s, has sold more than a million copies and is
in its 67th edition. At 75, she travels throughout Latin America and says
she is optimistic; the United States no longer does what it wants in the
region and the concept of sovereignty has grown.

Living now in Vancouver, Canada, she considers Chávez *“an essential
revolutionary leader” but a “contradictory person.”* “He is a soldier who
believes in popular participation. The important thing is to see the fruits
of this thing.” Venezuela is the least unequal country on the continent.

*Folha – How do you evaluate the political situation in Latin America?*

*Marta Harnecker* – I am very optimistic.

When Chávez won he was alone and now the scenario has changed a lot. I
consider the most advanced situations to be in Venezuela, Bolivian and
Ecuador. My last book was on Ecuador and is called *Ecuador: Una Nueva
Izquierda en Busca de la Vida en Plenitud.* The concept of these
governments is a that of an alternative to capitalism, in which the human
person has full development.

We didn’t consider this important in the past and these days it is
fundamental: a society constructed by people, from the bottom up. It is not
a matter of the people being beggars who receive gifts from the state. That
is not what we want and that is not what is being done. The midwife of this
process was neoliberalism, which brought about contradictions, and the
people began to resist and began to understand that they have to
participate in politics and to create political instruments. That was the
case in Ecuador, in Bolivia and in Venezuela. There was popular pressure
there in the 1980s which is part of the origins of Chávez’s triumph.

There is a structural crisis of the state. People no longer trust politics
or politicians and they want something new. They are tired of unfulfilled
promises. These governments came about and, contrary to the predictions of
some, including Brazilian intellectuals, the process has continued. There
are those who thought an obstacle had been met and it was going to slow
down. But that’s not the way it was.

But the empire is there. There are the cases of Manuel Zelaya and Fernando
Lugo. They had processes that were weaker internally, with more fragile
popular organizations, without parties. Both came from bourgeois parties.
There is nothing to copy in Latin America. Some become enthusiastic about
the Venezuelan process and think the same thing can be carried out in all
the countries. The process on the continent is completely differentiated.
What unites them is the social process. In Bolivia and in Ecuador, for
example, the indigenous are important groups but not in Venezuela.

*Isn’t Chávez’s performance closely linked to petroleum?*

Petroleum was already nationalized when Chávez came to power but it was not
in the hands of the government. It was being managed by groups allied with
the opposition. As a consequence of the 2002 coup, management by the
government has been reestablished. The profits from petroleum are used for
domestic social missions and to support other processes in Latin America.
There is a dependency, but they are clear that it needs to be overcome.

The government is investing in industrialization projects, since
neoliberalism de-industrialized our countries. The strategy is to be less
and less dependent on petroleum.

*The Morales government is faced with the opposition of popular movements
in Bolivia. How do you explain that?*

These are contradictions that the processes pass through. These are very
different from 

[LAAMN] *Esteban Morales*- Some Challenges Facing Cuba’s Press

2012-09-18 Thread Cort Greene
*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Some Challenges Facing Cuba’s Press*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On September 17, 2012 @ 9:17 am In *
leftcol3,Opinion* |

*Esteban Morales** http://estebanmoralesdominguez.blogspot.com/ [1]

Entrance to Havana Bay. photo:Caridad

HAVANA TIMES — Everything seems to indicate that there are now two presses
in Cuba. There’s one that some want all of us to read, and another one that
reaches only 10 percent of the population (though summaries of it are
broadcast over “Radio Bemba” [“Radio Lips,” or the grapevine], which Raul
Castro himself once said transmits better than the Cuban Institute of Radio
and Television).

Since the time that President Raul Castro made that statement, however,
there have now come into existence email and internet, which are highly
efficient means for circulating information that our press still doesn’t
dare to even think about printing.1

The written press, which has two main national newspapers, often duplicates
the news, making it possible to find the same things in both papers.2

These are newspapers that people purchase every day with the hope of seeing
major events and especially their concerns reflected in an open, fresh and
frank way – which is to say, what everyone is talking about and asking on
the street.

People ask: What’s happening with all this corruption? Whatever became of
the underwater cable that was assured would connect us to Venezuela and the
world? When will the output of the Cuban agriculture system start
reflecting more produce at lower prices? When will we see the changes in
immigration regulations, something that was energetically promised? When
will we actually be able to read the text of the new tax law? What will
happen with the accumulation of negative opinions concerning the latest
customs regulations? And so on…

This written press seems like something that’s not really Cuban. It’s too
over-simplified, too secretive, too bland. It has almost nothing to do with
the unique character and nature of Cubans, who laugh even their own

It’s a press that’s able to ferret out all the negatives concerning the
United States, sometimes putting news about that country on the front page
when that same information doesn’t even take up a tenth of a page in *USA
Today*, the most popular newspaper in the United States.

There’s no doubt that lately we’ve begun to note that our press is making
an effort, but it’s still far from meeting the expectations of the average
citizen. To some extent, this can be seen in the Friday section of the
official *Granma* newspaper and in a few sporadically published articles.

The Havana Bay tunnel. photo: Caridad

Next year’s announced congress of the Cuban Journalist’s Association (UPEC)
will inevitably have to “grab the bull by the horns” if we really want to
have a press in line with our times.

This would be a press that serves as an effective instrument for criticism,
for improving the economic model and changing people’s collective
mentality, which has been requested by the top leadership of the country.

Nonetheless, despite these modest gains, it’s sad to see that our national
newspapers are losing readers. Those who buy them do so almost by inertia
(or because there aren’t any alternatives) hoping to someday find in these
dailies what concerns them or what they want to know about and learn.

Unquestionably, with a press like this, the battles to be waged have been
lost in advance. The reasons for this include the following:

• The public has gotten tired of reading newspapers that don’t reflect our
real life situation or what’s happening overall.

• The gap between what the media reflects and reality has introduced
skepticism and suspicion.

• People have begun looking around for better alternatives – which is very

• Average citizens are turning to the national radio, which is always
spontaneous, and from there they are accessing foreign broadcasts, some of
which even broadcast in Spanish, with many directed specifically at Cuba
(the worst of which is so-called “Radio Marti”).3

• A mindset is being created whereby people seek information on events in
Cuba from sources abroad — news that should be available here — handing the
breaking news and information from the island on a silver platter to the
foreign media.4

• Citizens have become more perceptive of trumped-up stories and the
distortion of information.

• There is a lack of more realistic, democratic, open news coverage that
permanently eliminates secrecy, censorship and old, dogmatic and apologetic

• We are missing out on the inclusion of revolutionary Cuban intellectuals
who can reflect more realistic ideas, in addition to open and intelligent
criticism. People are distanced from those who can confront
counterrevolutionary criticism from positions that recognize our
shortcomings, before the enemy throws them in our face and turns those
arguments into arms for conducting 

[LAAMN] South Africa: Interview with Floyd Shivambu, suspended ANC YL spokesperson: “This is an anti-capitalist struggle for economic freedom”

2012-09-20 Thread Cort Greene

 South Africa: Interview with Floyd Shivambu, suspended ANC YL
spokesperson: “This is an anti-capitalist struggle for economic
Written by In Defence of Marxism Thursday, 20 September 2012

*Floyd Shivambu was a leading member of the South African Students Congress
(SASCO) as well as a leading member of the Young Communist League (from
which he was suspended in 2010). As a leading member of the ANC YL he
played a key part in developing this organisation’s stance on the **need to
nationalise the mines*http://www.marxist.com/anc-yl-nationalisation-mines.htm
* which has now become a central issue of the political debate in the
revolutionary movement in South Africa.*

[image: Floyd Shivambu. Photo: Gary van der
Shivambu. Photo: Gary van der
with expelled ANC YL president Malema, he has intervened actively in the
strike by Lonmim platinum miners at Marikana. Their support for the miners
at Lonmin, and in other companies who have walked out in the last weeks,
has earned them the hatred of the capitalist media and of the state.
According to union representatives at the South African Broadcasting
Corporation there is a veto on any mention of Julius Malema in the
company’s outlets.

There have also been threats on their lives. On Saturday, Julius Malema was
prevented by the police from speaking at a rally of striking mineworkers
who had invited him. Armed with automatic rifles, they threatened to arrest
him, bundled him and his supporters (amongst them Shivambu) into a car and
then followed them with police cars and a helicopter to make sure they were
on the highway on their way out of Rustenburg.

These are all violations of basic rights which any consistent democrat
should oppose. Whatever the views Malema and Shivambu might have about the
miners’ strike, nationalisation, the leadership of ANC and the National
Union of Mineworkers, the workers and public opinion in general should be
free to listen to them if they so wish and make up their own minds about
their ideas. If other leading figures of the ANC, the unions and the SACP
have different views on these questions, they should also address the
workers and the communities and engage in a serious debate.

Instead, what we are witnessing is a heavy handed orchestrated attempt to
suppress their views using the full force of the state apparatus. If this
is done with the expelled and suspended leaders of the ANC YL, who are
known public figures, we can only imagine the extent to which the state and
the mine owners are going in order to suppress the views of the strike
leaders themselves.

For all of these reasons we thought it would be of interest to our readers
to know Floyd Shivambu’s views directly. We asked him a number of questions
and we are grateful that he was willing to answer them. This does not mean
that we agree with or endorse all of his opinions, but we think that they
are a legitimate part of the debate. Our own views have been made clear in
other articles.

There is one particular point we would like to clarify. We think that both
the NUM and the SACP are working class organisations, made up of hundreds
of thousands of workers who joined them in order to struggle for better
conditions and for fundamental transformation of society. Certainly, we
think that their current leadership is not representing the interests of
their members and does not stand for socialism. This can be seen clearly in
the position they have taken *against *the nationalisation of the mines,
and the way in which their leaders have been co-opted into the very
capitalist state they are supposed to be fighting against. However, we
think it would be wrong not to distinguish between  the organisation as a
whole, with its mass membership, and its leadership. Our position is to
appeal to the working class to reclaim these organisations, taking them
back to their best traditions so they can become tools of revolutionary

We fully agree with the central idea expressed in the interview: “The
attainment of political freedom in South Africa was never accompanied by
economic liberation and transformation. The racist apartheid capitalist
Masters are still in control of the economy and have only co-opted a few
previously oppressed individuals into the higher echelons of capitalist

This is something we have repeatedly explained in our articles about South
Africa for the last 18 years. The Freedom Charter states as one of its aims
that “the mineral wealth beneath the soil, the Banks and monopoly industry
shall be transferred to the ownership of the people as a whole.” 

[LAAMN] Nicaragua formalizes pullout of SOA but...

2012-09-21 Thread Cort Greene
The but is that Nicaragua still receives lots of aid, military training
like fro US IMET, arms and other policy programs such from SOUTHCOM
and aid for the so called drug war which is a cover for the
US imperialism and interference and intel and through other agencies and
groupings not listed below article( all numbers from below are not complete
and may not have been reported as of yet). President Ortega was again
elected in 2006 and recently re-elected.



Nicaragua formalizes pullout of SOA
 [image: Nicaragua formalizes pullout of SOA]
Flying Solo: Nicaraguan military officers will no longer participate in the
U.S. School of the Americas (photo/ Tim Rogers)
By David Hutt / special to The Nicaragua Dispatch
September 18, 2012


The ‘School of the Americas’ (SOA) occupies a very dark place in Latin
American history.

The U.S. military academy, based in Fort Benning, Georgia, has been
training Latin American soldiers for well over half a century. More than
64,000 have passed through its doors, a significant number of which have
been accused and convicted of human rights abuses. It has educated 11
dictators, including Panama’s former drug-dealing strongman, Manuel
Noriega, and El Salvador’s Roberto D’Aubuisson, who controlled that
country’s infamous death squads.

In March of this year, SOA graduate Pedro Pimentel Ríos of Guatemala was
sentenced to 6,060 years in prison for his actions during the 1982 Dos
Erres Massacre that left more than 200 dead. Three years earlier, in 2009,
two-time graduate Gen. Romeo Orlando Vásquez led the military putsch
against Honduras’s democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya.

Dropping out of School: President Daniel Ortega and Father Roy Bourgeois
are joined by the president’s daughter, Camila (left), Sandinista foreign
policy advisor Miguel D’Escoto (right) and the SOA Watch’s Lisa Sullivan
and Mary Anne Perrone (photo courtesy of SOAWlatina.org)

This month, Nicaragua became the sixth Latin American country—and the first
in Central America—to announce the end of its participation in the school’s
officers’ training program. In practice, Nicaragua has been slowly reducing
its participation in the program over the past few years; it sent no new
officers to the school this year.

In 2004, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez rather unsurprisingly severed his
country’s links to the school, which he considers an “imperialist” training
camp. Two years later Argentina made a similar decision. Neighboring
Uruguay saw its neighbors’ pullout as an opportunity to affirm its
long-standing dismissal of the school. Then came Bolivia in 2008, and
Ecuador in 2012.

In 2007 Costa Rica, which has no standing army but sends police officers to
the SOA for training, also toyed with the idea of discontinuing its
participation. But the country decided to keep sending officers for
anti-narcotics training.

In announcing his decision several weeks ago, Nicaraguan President Daniel
Ortega said, “The SOA is an ethical and moral anathema. All of the
countries of Latin America have been victims of its graduates. The SOA is a
symbol of death, a symbol of terror.”

Ortega went on to empathize that “We have been gradually reducing our
numbers of troops at the SOA, sending only five last year and none this
year. We have now entered a new phase and we will not continue to send
troops to the SOA. This is the least that we can do.”

The decision came after Ortega met with a delegation from the “School of
the Americas Watch” (SOAW), a campaign group that has been bringing
awareness to the human rights abuses committed by SOA graduates since 1990.
The group’s founder, Maryknoll priest Father Roy Bourgeois, was motivated
to act after witnessing the assassination of Archbishop Óscar Romero in El
Salvador in 1980. He describes the SOA as a “symbol of United States
foreign policy whose role is always the same: to protect U.S. economic
interests and control the natural resources of Latin American countries.”

In 2001, the school attempted to distance itself from the past by renaming
itself the “Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.” It also
justified its existence by commenting that “no school should be held
accountable for the actions of its graduates.”

However, there have been questions about how much has changed. Maj. Joseph
Blair, a former director at the school, said, “There are 

[LAAMN] Terrorist Accomplice Supports Venezuelan Opposition Candidate

2012-09-21 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] Terrorist Accomplice Supports Venezuelan
Opposition Candidate

Sep 21st 2012, by Jean-Guy Allard – Correo del Orinoco International
[image: Ricardo Koesling (Aporrea.org)]

Ricardo Koesling (Aporrea.org)

Ricardo Koesling, the leader of opposition political party Piedra (“Rock”
in English) who declared “we’ll use bullets, fists, kicks, everything we’ve
got, to force the Chavistas out” and publicly reiterated his ongoing
support for right-wing candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski, just happens
to be the top Caraca sbased boss of Miami’s Cuban- American Mafia and the
Venezuelan link in Luis Posada Carriles’ international terrorist network.

*The Rock Star*

Koesling was absolutely hysterical last week after his party announced its
break with Capriles Radonski, a decision made public by Piedra Secretary
General Leonardo Chirinos.

Insisting that he continues to serve as the group’s lawyer and finance
secretary, Koesling issued a rage-filled tirade during an interview on
Radio Caracas, promising to “force out” Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez no
matter what the results of this year’s presidential election.

Close to high-level officials in the government of President Jaime Lusinchi
(1984- 89), Koesling helped Miami based terrorist Luis Posada Carriles
escape from Venezuela’s San Juan de los Morros Prison in 1985. His links to
Cuban-American terrorism, however, date back to the 1970’s.

On April 12, 2002, as part of the right-wing coup d’etat against Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez, Koesling led an assault on the Cuban Embassy in
Caracas. Koesling’s attack on the embassy was supported, on the ground, by
Salvador Romani, now exiled in Miami with the complacency of the US State

Another active participant in this act of terrorism against a country’s
sovereign diplomatic mission (in this case Cuba’s) was none other than
right-wing candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski – then mayor of the Caracas
municipality of Baruta.

The international, Cuban- American terrorist network coordinated by Luis
Posada Carriles includes Francisco Pimentel, an accomplice in the terrorist
attacks across Havana in 1997, and Hermes Rojas, known to have tortured
innocents alongside Posada while in El Salvador.

Among others visited by Koesling in Caracas is Henry Lopez Sisco, the most
notorious torturer and assassin for Venezuela’s secret police (Disip) under
former President Carlos Andres Perez (1974-79, 1989-93). Exiled in Costa
Rica, the now elderly Sisco facilitated private meetings, in August 1975,
between state agents of the Perez government and Manuel Contreras, then
Chief of Pinochet’s secret police (DINA).

Another member of Koesling’s inner circle worth mentioning is coup-monger
Alejandro Peña Exclusa, now head of the Latin American fascist organization
UnoAmerica, a group backed by ex military officials tied to Operation
Condor and other accomplices of terrorist attacks.

Two years ago, Peña Exclusa was found in possession of illegal explosives
after admitted Salvadorian terrorist Francisco “El Panzon” Chavez Abarca
confessed to Venezuelan authorities of plans to violently disrupt the 2010
parliamentary elections. No one should forget that Chavez Abarca’s
confessions, after his arrest in Caracas, linked him directly to
international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.

In 1997, Francisco Chavez Abarca was contracted by Posada, entered Cuba,
and committed three bomb attacks aimed at putting a violent end to tourism
on the island. While in Havana, he also organized a series of parallel
bombings carried out by fellow Salvadorian Ernesto Cruz Leon, one of which,
on September 14th, resulted in the death of Fabio di Celma, a young Italian
tourist. Chavez Abarca, extradited to Cuba by Venezuelan authorities, later
described how he recruited, trained, and sent a number of other mercenaries
into Havana.

*Koesling: “You Will All Burn Alive”*

Speaking to Radio Caracas last week, Koesling declared, “Capriles is going
to be President, and we’ll use bullets, fists, kicks, everything we’ve got,
to force the Chavistas out”. He also called the decision by Piedra
Secretary General Leonardo Chirinos “illegal” and accused Chirinos of
“receiving $200,000 dollars to pull support” from the opposition candidate.

In an interview with Caracas daily CiudadCCS, Chirinos quickly denied
Koesling’s claims, confirmed Piedra’s decision to withdraw its support for
Capriles, and reminded readers that Koesling left the party on September
11, 2012, a decision made public in right-wing daily El Nacional that same

According to Chirinos, Koesling ordered his name be removed from the Piedra
website and threatened to “burn all of us alive if we did not do what he
asked”, words that are reflective of the violent nature of a veteran of
imperial terror.

*Mobster Troops of Capriles*

Ever since the initial triumph of Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution
(1998- present), the Miami-based mafia – which for decades 

[LAAMN] Alan Woods-Venezuelan elections: Why the IMT supports Chávez

2012-09-24 Thread Cort Greene

 Venezuelan elections: Why the IMT supports
Written by Alan Woods Monday, 24 September 2012

*The presidential election due on October 7 represents a decisive moment in
the history of Venezuela. The outcome of this election will have a major
impact throughout the continent and internationally. It goes without saying
that the Hands Off Venezuela campaign is actively supporting the Bolivarian
candidate Hugo Chavez and fighting against any attempt of the oligarchy and
imperialism to sabotage the elections. The IMT stands firmly for the
re-election of Hugo Chávez. Why have we taken this position?*

[image: Chavez at rally, September 2012. Photo:
at rally, September 2012. Photo:
victory of Hugo Chávez in 1998 represented a historic advance of the
workers and peasants of Venezuela. According to the UN Economic Commission
on Latin America there was a 21 per cent reduction of poverty rates between
1999 and 2010. Illiteracy has been abolished. For the first time free
healthcare has been provided for the poor.

All these gains would be threatened by a victory of the opposition. It is
the elementary duty of every genuine revolutionary to defend these gains.
Whoever is not able to defend the gains of the past will never be able to
advance to the final victory.

The opposition’s claim that it will not reverse Chávez’s reforms is not to
be trusted. Let us take just one example: housing. The Housing Mission has
built thousands of homes for the poor. In May, information minister Andrés
Izarra announced that the programme was on target with 200,000 units built
since it began in 2011. The polling firm Hinterlaces indicates that, with a
76 per cent approval rating, the Housing Mission is the most popular
government social programme. Yet the opposition coalition MUD calls the
Housing Mission “a fraud and a failure” and criticizes the government for
expropriating land to build housing.

When Capriles won the governorship of Miranda State in 2008, he unleashed
his supporters against the Cuban doctors participating in the healthcare
programs of the revolution, and generally attempted to close down the
different social programs by expelling them from premises belonging to the
governorship, etc. It was only the active mobilisation of the people in the
streets that managed to defend the gains of the revolution.

The new Labour law recently reduced the working week from 44 to 40 hours,
and pre- and post-natal paid time off has been increased from 18 to 26
weeks. On leaving a company, for whatever reason, workers will receive a
payment based on their last monthly salary multiplied by the number of
years of employment – a major trade union demand. This is at a time when in
Europe, all governments are worsening workers’ conditions of employment.

Capriles has attacked the law on the grounds that it “does nothing to deal
with unemployment or to benefit those with unprotected casual jobs”. That
means that these reforms would be abolished by the opposition.

But it is not just a question of defending the conquests of the last 13
years, of preserving the reforms, the gains in healthcare and education,
the Missions and other programmes in the interest of the workers and the
poor. It is above all, the need to defeat the bourgeois counterrevolution
and thus prepare the way for a decisive advance for the Revolution, which
has not yet accomplished its fundamental goals.

The opposition says it is defending “democracy” against “dictatorship”. But
the same opposition was behind the failed coup in 2002. If they had
succeeded then, it would have been the end of democracy in Venezuela. The
example of Chile shows the fate that would have been in store. Capriles
himself, as the Mayor of the Caracas district of Baruta, participated in
the attempt to storm the Cuban embassy during the April 2002 coup, in
flagrant violation of its diplomatic status.

The bourgeois opposition showed its contempt for democracy and elections by
its decision to boycott national elections in 2005. Now, however,
opposition leaders are falling over themselves to “defend” the 1999
constitution – which they have always opposed tooth and nail, although it
was approved by an overwhelming majority in a popular referendum.

Nobody can place the slightest trust in the democratic credentials of the
What the opposition stands for

The opposition claims to represent the middle classes. But that is a lie.
The opposition represents the interests of the oligarchy – the big
landowners, bankers and capitalists. They are completely subservient to the
imperialists and 

[LAAMN] Venezuela:Interview: “Capitalism Is No Longer an Option”

2012-09-25 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] Interview: “Capitalism Is No Longer an

Sep 25th 2012, by Alba TV, Amilcar Figueroa
[image: Amilcar Figueroa (Telesur)]

Amilcar Figueroa (Telesur)

Amilcar Figueroa is Venezuelan, a historian, a political scientist and
member of the Continental Bolivarian Movement. Until 2011 he was president
of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino). He has a long political
background linked to the revolutionary struggles of Our America and he
participated in the compilation of the texts Reform or Revolution in Latin
America? (2009) and El Salvador: Its History and Its Struggles, among

In a conversation with Alba TV, he shared his impressions in the context of
the 7 October [presidential] election, [when socialist president Hugo
Chavez will stand against right-wing candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski],
and the possible scenarios and opposition strategies against the triumph of
Hugo Chavez. Furthermore, he spoke of the challenges for the Bolivarian
revolution in the 2013 – 2019 stage and its impact on the Latin American

*Alba TV: What scenario do you envisage for 7 October and the first days
after the election? What will the right-wing strategy be in this period?*

Figueroa: What we know is that they [the right wing] have been thinking
about and have been working on a strategy which involves [claiming]
electoral fraud [in the event of a Chavez victory].Of course this strategy,
launched from Europe and the United States with the media power that
imperialism and the right wing have, could have some impact. It would
depend on the margin of the [Chavez] victory. If it’s overwhelming, it’s
going to be a bit more difficult for them to implement this strategy.

What’s certain is that after [Chavez’s] victory, radical sectors [of the
right] will try to deepen destabilisation in various ways, I couldn’t say
which. In countries where imperialism has operated recently, the common
point is the existence of a small internal group deeply rooted in the
international alliance of the forces of capital. On the other hand, there’s
a part of the opposition that isn’t thinking about destabilisation, but
rather in trying to gain ground in the regional mayoral and state governor
elections in December.

These possibilities are there and we shouldn’t disregard either of the two.
Everything largely depends on the result on 7 October, and the margin by
which we win.

*Alba TV: Let’s look at the medium term. With Chavez elected and the
Program of the Nation being pushed forward, what will be the challenges for
the Bolivarian revolution?*

Figueroa: I think that we need to start by demanding something that
president Chavez himself proposed: rectification. It’s necessary to deepen
[the revolution], supported by the forces that historically are most
interested in the development of a socialist Venezuela. This happens by
understanding with enough clarity the current class structure in Venezuela,
what the structural composition of classes in the country is today and
which of those classes are most interested in the deepening of historic
change. With this input, [we should] develop all of our most important
political activity there, centre it there. [We should] weave the social
framework of the revolution from below, and strengthen [grassroots]
organisations and what has been called popular power.

I believe that’s the strategy. It’s not possible to advance if we don’t
take a leap forward in the conquest of social hegemony, and at the same
time, battle to revert current cultural domination. We still haven’t freed
ourselves from the cultural hegemony of the bourgeoisie. The values of
bourgeoisie society are still alive and kicking in all areas of Venezuelan
society. Therefore this is the strategic battle in front of which the
revolutionary movement has to focus its energy. Without a strategic vision,
understanding many other problems, there aren’t advances.

*Alba TV: In the words of Chavez, one of the main objectives of the [2013 -
2019] stage [of the revolution] consists of “crossing the threshold”,
securing the path to socialism in a way that the changes [so far] become
irreversible transformations. What analysis do you make of this objective? *

Advancing supposes having a very strong debate about how to understand the
transition, how to understand socialism, and what socialism is. All
socialist theory needs to be brought down to a concrete level and be seen
in the conditions of Latin America; in the conditions of the 21st century.
It’s a great challenge for the revolutionaries of Venezuela, where there
has been an extraordinary advance, which rose up in a moment of global
revolutionary retreat.

Of course this has permitted the creative search to adapt socialist theory
to the conditions of the 21st century. However, obviously we have to fight
a tremendous battle in theoretical construction. We won’t successfully
advance if the construction of theory around the revolution in Venezuela

[LAAMN] *Esteban Morales*- Once Again on So-Called Call ‘Petty’ Corruption

2012-09-25 Thread Cort Greene
*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Once Again on So-Called Call ‘Petty’ Corruption*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On September 25, 2012 @ 1:20 pm In *Lead
Articles,Opinion* |

*Esteban Morales* http://estebanmoralesdominguez.blogspot.com/ [1]  **

HAVANA TIMES — A few days ago I wrote an article titled “A Subtle Form of
Corruption http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=78030 [2],” which has thus far
been reproduced in *Cubarte* and *Havana Times*.

It deals with “petty” corruption, which has little to do with penny-ante
wrongdoing. Rather, millions and millions of pesos are being lost to the
country’s economy through these devices instead of circulating within
normal trade, where all of us would have the opportunity to purchase those
goods with our money.

This isn’t about a simple incidence of robbery in which one person happens
to appropriate something that doesn’t belong to them. This is a widespread
practice in which individuals and officials, taking advantage of their
positions in which they are supposed to protect social (public) goods,
instead divert those resources for their own advantage.

This is why corruption isn’t a simple act of theft or appropriation, but
the systematic deviation of material assets from the normal operation of a
society that creates, distributes and consumes, according to the rules
governing the economic system in question.

If you look more closely at the article I wrote, one will note what I
described the characteristics of these occurrences and their multiple
consequences, even political and ideological ones. However I didn’t
identify its root causes.

I don’t want to get “in over my head,” as they say, because these causes
are quite complex and touch on aspects that go far beyond corruption as
such, as these problems touch at the core of the deficiencies and
inadequacies of an economic model that we want to change.

Besides, this is a phenomenon that is not unique to our country, though in
our case it has particular causes that respond to the particular situation
being experienced by the Cuban economy.

Our economy has already undergone three strategic restructurings, each
occurring when it broke its economic dependence from a major power: Spain,
the United States and the USSR.

Fast Food.

We now find the Cuban economy in a historical moment in which it wants to
definitively break this cycle of dependency and build its own economically
efficient and sustainable model. Therefore the phenomenon of corruption in
Cuba cannot be separated from that context in which we live today.

The root causes of this corruption, which existed previously, have to do
now with several very important issues that touch squarely on the capacity
of many of our people (too many up until now) to meet their needs. Among
others these are:

- The so-called “inverted pyramid” within the economically active
population, which allows people without any training be employed in the
dollar economy and tourism, where they receive wages, special pay and tips.
These increase their opportunities for obtaining incomes in ways that
aren’t feasible for any employee in the state economy, regardless of the
skill level a government worker might possess.

Trunk drivers, taxi drivers and service workers receive their incomes in
hard currency, which is several times more than the salary of an employee
in the state economy – even when we compare these to highly qualified
professions, such as doctors, university professors, specialists,
researchers etc.

- The confusion over the years (which isn’t only theoretical) between
social property and state-owned property, which has meant that workers
don’t relate to the means of production as their own property, while the
state cadres manage the means of production as if it were leased to them
for their own benefit. This has come to be reflected by the popular
expression “Everything belongs to everyone and nothing belongs to anyone.”

- Many people holding positions, even within the state economy, of low rank
and low pay but who have access to the distribution of certain material
goods, use their official positions to “make ends meet” through the
diversion of resources.

Neptuno St. in Havana.

They create networks within which the managers of different operations
exchange favors and privileges for the access to material goods, whose cost
[to the state-owned business or institution] has no effect on their
personal incomes. This activity becomes a kind of corruption that permeates
even our political and mass organizations in workplaces.

Low-wage workers — in whatever government, private or semi-privately
environment and in whatever industry — continuously engage in theft, quite
often with implicit acceptance of this by their own higher-ups, who also
benefit from it. In this way they create mechanisms of permanent misconduct
in the management of assets belonging to society.

- In our case there is a gap between wage levels and prices, whereby the

[LAAMN] September 25 - thousands encircle Spanish Congress

2012-09-26 Thread Cort Greene
if videos, tweets and photos do not appear, click on the url:


 September 25 - thousands encircle Spanish
Written by Jorge Martín Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Jorge Martín reporting from protests outside the Spanish parliament
  Comments  Opinion http://www.marxist.com/comments-and-opinion/ »

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Ahmadinejad, Netanyahu, and Obama protested by Havaar in NYC

2012-09-27 Thread Cort Greene
Netanyahu, and Obama protested by Havaar in
Posted on September 26,
udi http://havaar.org/author/udi/
 http://havaar.org/# http://havaar.org/#
http://havaar.org/#1 http://havaar.org/# http://havaar.org/#

On September 25, 2012, *Havaar *was joined by *The Illuminator crew* and
their cargo van to take their message against war, sanctions, and state
repression onto the streets and public facades of New York. Projections
happened at Union Square, around Washington Square Park, and on the facade
of the historic Flatiron Building. Earlier in the day *Havaar *was joined
by friends and allies for a demonstration in midtown New York against
Ahmadinejad, Obama, and Netanyahu’s aggression towards the Iranian people. See
photos from that


Posted in Events http://havaar.org/category/events/,
Videohttp://havaar.org/category/video/ |
Tagged Ahmadinejad http://havaar.org/tag/ahmadinejad/,
Anti-war http://havaar.org/tag/anti-war/,
Netanyahu http://havaar.org/tag/netanyahu/,
Protest http://havaar.org/tag/protest/,
Solidarityhttp://havaar.org/tag/solidarity/ UPDATE:
Iranian Activists Release Photos and Video of Demonstration and Unannounced
Posted on September 26,
Havaar http://havaar.org/author/havaar/
 http://havaar.org/# http://havaar.org/#
http://havaar.org/# http://havaar.org/# http://havaar.org/#

 *Havaar  The Illuminator Join Forces to Protest Ahmadinejad, **Netanyahu
and Obama*
Contact: pr...@havaar.org
Photos of the protests can now be found on Havaar’s facebook

Video of the Illuminator projections has just now been released


*September 26, 2012,* *New York *—Today, as Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations General Assembly, *Havaar: Iranian
Initiative Against War, Sanctions and State Repression* released
photographs and a video from a demonstration it held yesterday to protest
Ahmadinejad’s crimes against the Iranian people, as well as President Obama
and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s support for severe economic
sanctions and escalating threats of attacking Iran militarily.

*Havaar said, “What Ahmadinejad, Netanyahu and Obama have in common is a
complete disregard for the lives and dignity of the Iranian people. Their
callousness in pursuit of their own political interests threatens the well
being of approximately 75 million Iranians, and moreover creates a bleaker
future for us all.”*

The demonstration occurred near the Warwick Hotel in midtown Manhattan
where Ahmadinejad and his coterie are staying.

*Ali Abdi*, a *student activist who until recently was involved in both the
student and women’s movement in Iran said*, “It’s impossible to describe
the feeling of holding larger than life photographs of Iranian political
prisoners in the streets of New York, close to where Iranian officials
responsible for their ongoing suffering are staying. I know this will give
some heart to their loved ones, and to many other Iranians who want to see
the release of all political prisoners.”

After the demonstration, Havaar was joined by *The Illuminator crew* and
their cargo van to take their message against war, sanctions, and state
repression onto the streets and public facades of New York. Projections
happened at Union Square, around Washington Square Park, and on the facade
of the Flatiron Building.

“*Havaar: Iranian Initiative Against War, Sanctions and State Repression”
is a grassroots group of Iranians, Iranian-Americans and allies who have
joined together to categorically oppose any military action and sanctions
against Iran. Havaar stands in solidarity with the Iranian people’s
struggle against war and sanctions and* *against state repression,
asserting that all of these forms of violence hurt the lives and
aspirations of ordinary Iranians. Visit **havaar.org* *and *
  10,000 More Workers’ Signatures Delivered on the Living
  September 25, 20120 http://iranlaborreport.com/?p=2014#respond

On September 22, 10,000 additional workers’ signatures were 

[LAAMN] It’s Psychological Warfare, Stupid: Why Netanyahu Really wants to Destroy Iran

2012-09-28 Thread Cort Greene

 It’s Psychological Warfare, Stupid: Why Netanyahu Really wants to Destroy

Posted on 09/28/2012 by Juan

The Israeli Likud Party’s cover story for why it wants to draw the United
States into a war with Iran makes no real sense. Prime Minister Binyamin
Netanyahu has been predicting an Iranian nuclear bomb since 1992 (a time
when Iran had no nuclear program at all), and he has been wrong for 15
years in a row. Minister of Defense Ehud Barak and other Israeli officials
have said publicly that Iran has not decided to go for a nuclear
weapon. Ayatollah
Ali Khomeini has given more than one fatwa or formal religious ruling that
making and stockpiling nuclear weapons are
Islamic law. Netanyahu is in a position similar to that of someone who
wants to argue that Pope Benedict XVI secretly has a condom factory
operating in the Vatican.

*Iran isn’t, contrary to what Netanyahu alleged, a year away from having a
nuclear weapon. Iran can’t construct a nuclear weapon at all as long as it
is being actively inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency,
which it is (and yes, including the Fordo facility). There is no facility
with uranium or enrichment facilities that is off limits to the IAEA
inspectors. No country under active inspection by the UN has ever developed
a nuclear weapon. Israel, which always refused such inspections, has some
400 nuclear warheads.*

The dark green below is the Occupied Palestinian Territories that Israel

So what is really driving all this noise about Iran? It is the Israeli
right wing’s competition with the Palestinians. In the past few years,
Israel has vastly expanded the number of Israeli squatters on Palestinian
land in the West Bank:


Israeli squatters, backed by Netanyahu, are attempting to make a
Palestinian state impossible. Netanyahu’s plan is to keep the Palestinians
(some 12 million strong, 4 million of them in the Occupied Territories)
stateless and without citizenship rights forever. People without a state
have no institutions that would enforce their claims on property or on
basic human rights, and so they are open to being treated, in a way, like
slaves and constantly stolen from, as the Palestinians are.

Israel’s policy has long been to use its close relationship with the United
States to domesticate or destroy any country in the region that gives hope
to the Palestinians that they might one day get their own state. (Earlier
in the conflict, maximalist claims against Israel were common, but for all
practical purposes Palestinian statehood is what is at issue since the
early 1990s). The Israeli military, backed and resupplied by the US, beat
Egypt and Jordan into accepting a separate peace. Lebanon’s economy was
destroyed more than once. Netanyahu argued hard for a US war on Iraq, and
the American Neocons who fomented that war began by writing a position
paper for Netanyahu himself arguing for an invasion of Iraq. Iraq was no
match for nuclear-armed Israel, but it was perceived as giving moral
support to and raising the morale of Palestinians resisting Israel’s vast
theft of their lands. Iraq had to be broken.

*Now, Iran is more or less the last man standing. Iran, and its unstable
ally, Baathist Syria, are the only major Middle Eastern countries that
strongly support the Palestinians, though admittedly more in speeches than
practically. The rest have either given in (Egypt, Jordan) or de facto
acquiesced in Israel expansionism into the West Bank. Iran’s defiance gives
the Palestinians, especially those with a fundamentalist religious cast of
mind, hope. (The extremeness of Iran’s position on Israel is unhelpful in
fact to Palestinian aspirations, but it is a psychological plus for a
beaten-down people).*

Netanyahu wants to remove all hope from the Palestinians, so as to keep
them permanently stateless and to ensure that their land is available for
Israeli encroachment.

The Iran bogeyman is Netanyahu’s way of changing the conversation, of
making sure that his Occupation of the Palestinian territories is never
brought up. The US and Europe, who pay lip service to a ‘peace process’ in
actual fact go along with the continued Occupation and ongoing
expropriation of the Palestinians, and seem to fall for the Iran

Likewise, an opinion poll some years ago found that a third of Israelis
said they would emigrate and leave their country if Iran achieved a nuclear
weapon. Netanyahu is in a demographic race 

[LAAMN] U.S. advisors embedded within Honduran police and judiciary since 2010/11

2012-09-29 Thread Cort Greene

U.S. advisors embedded within Honduran police and judiciary since 2010/11
Sat, 09/29/2012 - 09:02 — AP

Click image for larger version of FOIA-released document. Text (with key
passages bolded) below image.


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2011-04671 Doc No.
C17685398 Date: 09/19/2012 [released; issued 03/22/11]
Page 3 of 5

[…]majority of crimes are not solved, leading to a sense of impunity and
lawlessness, which undermines the population's faith in the democratic
system. Drug traffickers and other criminals are able to operate unhindered
in many parts of the country, especially in the remote La Mosquitia region
in the east of the country bordering Nicaragua and the western region of
Hondurans, bordering Guatemala.

6. (U) The Embassy is helping Honduras address this scourge. The Embassy
and the Government of Honduras have established a bilateral task force to
implement programs under the Merida/Central American Regional Security
Initiative (CARSI). *The Task Force pursues a bilateral multi-agency
approach to combat the shared threats to security and stability in both
Honduras and the United States* as well as the Americas region from
transnational illicit trafficking and criminal organizations. The Task
Force is co-chaired by President Lobo and the Ambassador. *The Task Force
has formed eight inter-agency working groups to focus in-depth on the
issues of counternarcotics operation, anti-gang programs, social
development and crime prevention, border security, seized criminal assets
and financial crimes, investigation and prosecution capacity-building, La
Mosquitia (the remote, undeveloped region most vulnerable to narcotics
trafficking), and human rights.* In late January, the GOH created a Task
Force to fight impunity and to address violent crimes of particular
concern. This Task Force, which was the result of discussions that the
executive branch conducted with the Attorney General and the judicial
branch, serves as a coordination mechanism to bring together all relevant
law enforcement agencies. A Financial Crimes Task Force has also been
created to prosecute cases under the 2010 Seized Asset Forfeiture law. *Each
task force has two embedded U.S. advisors: a police advisor to facilitate
the Investigative process with the National Police and a prosecutorial
advisor to assist the Public Ministry in case preparation.* Honduras needs
to be able to work effectively with not just the United States, but other
nations in the region as well to combat this serious threat to its


Saturday, September 29, 2012
 Behind the Model Cities Memorandum of Understanding
 There's a lot of misinformation floating around about who is behind the
Honduras Model Cities memorandum of opportunity (MOU).  This is the
agreement, announced by Juan Orlando Hernandez of the Honduran Congress,
that would authorize a specific group of investors to build the first such
enclave in Honduras.

So here's what we can find out:

Grupo MGK  (note, not NKG, NGK, or MKG as the careless or perhaps
terminally dyslexic Honduran papers keep reporting) is the consortium
behind the memorandum of understanding signed last week with Honduras to
develop a model city.

The group, whose bare bones generic website grupomgk.com (in English and
Spanish) was hastily erected in the last week, claims to have developed
plans for a model city-like project in Estonia, but shelved it upon hearing
of the Honduran opportunity.

Their new http://www.statscrop.com/www/grupomgk.com website has already
been updated since it was first made public. Michael Strong registered the
domain name with GoDaddy on September 8. The website was last updated on
September 21.

There are currently four public faces for Grupo MGK:  Michael Strong,
Gabriel Delgado, Robert Haywood, and Nadine Spencer.

Michael Strong reportedly
studiedhttp://www.amazon.com/Michael-Strong/e/B001OQeconomics at
the University of Chicago, but dropped out of the graduate
program when he was offered a job teaching his socratic training seminar to
teachers in Homer, Alaska. This in turn, led to a 15 year career in
education consulting.

Strong met John Mackey, the founder of Whole Foods, during this period, and
together they founded Freedom Lights Our World (FLOW), dedicated to the
proposition that entrepeneurs and markets were the most effective way of
creating a better world.  They have since moved on to more targeted
projects: Conscious Capitalism http://www.consciouscapitalism.org/, Radical
Social Entrepeneurs http://www.radicalsocialentreps.org/, and Peace
Through Commerce http://www.peacethroughcommerce.org/.

Strong is also a founder of the Free Cities
whose website, described as gorgeous in this

[LAAMN] Venezuela:(Guarimba)Violent Destabilisation Strategy as a Possible Scenario on 7 October

2012-09-30 Thread Cort Greene
 [image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] Violent Destabilisation Strategy as a
Possible Scenario on 7 October

Sep 30th 2012, by Prensa REMI
[image: Opposition guarimba (archive)]

Opposition guarimba (archive)

*Threats of violent destabilisation in this juncture*

Based on various declarations made by spokespeople of [opposition parties]
Popular Will, Sumate, and other opposition organisations in the support
material that was used in their election booth witness training workshops,
a Plan B, or a destabilising plan linked to the election process has become
apparent, where some under cover counter revolutionary forces have been
preparing a confrontation action with the following courses of action:

1. Not recognise the election results if they aren’t favourable

2. Scream electoral fraud (they have been preparing the land these last few
months through their spokespeople, media, and social networkers)

3. Organise subversive acts that contravene public order and use a
“critical mass” (professionals of diverse areas: journalists, graphic
reporters, lawyers, artists, engineers, economists etc) as cannon fodder.

4. Through agitational focus points and “guarimbas” (violent
destabilisation), create a picture of ungovernability.

5. Use these actions as a trigger of generalised violent conflict  to
provide the framework for special undercover operations, presenting a
picture of civil war.

6. In this political- military conflict, the conditions for foreign
intervention would be generated.

*Execution of the Guarimba Plan and the key voting booths*

The progress of the above scenario is intimately associated with the
deployment of committed groups in areas near the voting centres, to promote
violent situations there.

Under the alibi of defending the vote of the Venezuelan Command [the
opposition’s electoral campaign] has organised units of the following

- 133,893 witnesses to safeguard the votes

- 82,530 progressives (in charge of mobilising voters who have difficulties
arriving at their voting booths)

-40,000 logistical volunteers (authorised to support anything that is
necessary within and outside the voting booths)

The actions of the referred to groups is focused on what they have called
“key electoral centres”.

According to the internal documents of Capriles’ campaign, the “key
electoral centres” are those that fulfil one or various of the following

1. Electoral centres where they detected irregular voting compared to
nearby centres.  This means that where, for example, nearby the opposition
loses 60 to 40, in the key ones we lose 90 to 10 or worse [“we” refers to
the opposition]

2. Electoral centres where there have been violent incidents against
opposition witnesses

3. Electoral centres in far away rural zones, or in populated high risk
areas, where the opposition doesn’t have any witness presence.

4. New electoral centres, because they don’t have historical references.

In other words, they have located their actions in those electoral centres
with the following characteristics:

1.  Where the Chavistas have a majority.

2. Where the MUD [opposition coalition] doesn’t have enough witnesses or

3. Where there have been irregularities or conflicts in the past.

4. Where, according to the opposition, there is a possibility of vote

5. In the new centres created by the CNE.

6.  In those places where the electoral result, abstention, and blank votes
have a anomalous historical behaviour.

The Venezuelan command has established a Special Unit of Attention to
Electoral Centres, based on the following indicators:

-Of the total electoral register of 18,802,648 (not including the votes
outside of Venezuela), 3,290,692 people will vote in the key centres, which
represents 17.5%.

-Of the 13,683 electoral centres, 5,328 are key centres, or 38.9%.

-Of the total voting booths established by the CNE of 39,018, the key
centres will have 8,437 booths, which represents 21.6%.

The objective of the Special Units of Key Centres is to guarantee that in
each of them, they have one centre coordinator and that each booth has at
least two opposition witnesses.

Also in the guarimba document “parcelisation” and “mapping the
municipalities” and “establishing points of operative support” are talked
about where the units will be operating.

*Organisation and function of the Special Unit of Attention to the Key

In the following graphics, which were support material for the training of
members of the special unites organised by the Venezuelan command for the
guarimbas, we find the main operative faces of this strategy, under the
disguise of defending the vote:

[Note, due to their Spanish content, Venezuenalysis.com has only included a
few of the graphics, to give the reader proof that this article is based on
real opposition documents]

*Key voting centres*


*Defense of the vote and functional organisation*

*Intelligence networks for an early alert*

At the moment, 

[LAAMN] Haiti - More Mobilizations Against Martelly Government

2012-10-01 Thread Cort Greene
 Several thousand people take to streets of Haiti capital in
anti-government protest By Associated Press, Published: September 30

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Several thousand people poured into the streets of
Haiti’s capital on Sunday to protest the government of President Michel

It was among the biggest demonstrations this year in Port-au-Prince against
the first-time leader as he tries to rebuild the impoverished nation
following a powerful 2010 earthquake that displaced more than a million
people and destroyed thousands of homes.

Demonstrators’ complaints included the high cost of living, rising food
prices and allegations of corruption as they snaked through the poorer
neighborhoods Port-au-Prince. Some protesters carried small red cards to
suggest that Martelly has committed too many fouls since he was sworn in as
president in May 2011.

The Martelly government had no immediate public reaction to the protest.

Martelly, a pop music star before he turned to politics, presented himself
as an outsider when he ran for the presidency. He promised free schooling
and houses for people displaced by the earthquake. But some Haitians
complain that Martelly has fallen short of improving their lives in one of
the poorest countries in the world.

“The president has made so many promises but nothing has become a reality,”
protester Max Dorlien said. “It’s only a clique of his friends who are
making money.”

The Sunday protest followed several weeks of mostly peaceful demonstrations
in the countryside, and more are planned for October.

It also marked the 21st anniversary of the first ouster of two-time
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a former priest who returned to Haiti
last year after seven years in exile. Since his return, Aristide has
remained in his compound in the capital and out of the public spotlight,
fueling widespread speculation on his political relevance.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.


  *The Mobilization Against Martelly Grows*

 *by Isabelle Papillon
*[image: ...]For the second consecutive week, thousands of people of all
ages and walks of life took to the streets of Cap Haïtien, Haiti’s second
largest city, on Sep. 21 to protest against President Michel Martelly and
Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe.

They denounced high-level corruption, the high cost of living,
Martelly’s “hijacking” of the electoral council, and government attempts to
evict peasants from plots of land on which they have lived and farmed for
almost two centuries.

After rallying at the Samarie roundabout in the morning,
thousands of people from Cité Lescot, La Fossette and other Cap-Haïtien
neighborhoods marched through the city, rallying in front of the central
government’s offices, known as the Delegation of the North, and at the
Courthouse. In front of the Delegation’s offices, pro-Martelly partisans
hiding inside the government building threw rocks at the protesters. The
demonstrators threw rocks back at them. The Haitian National Police (PNH)
and UN occupying troops (MINUSTAH) fired tear-gas canisters to disperse the
protesters, with only partial success.

When they met the marchers, some people were seen to
theatrically take off their pink bracelets, meant to signify allegiance
with the government, and throw them on the ground.

*Martelly, Martelly, pèp Nò a pap jwe,* the demonstrators
shouted. (The people of the North do not play around.) We do not want
imported rice, we want to work, they chanted.  We want to live in peace
in our country.

To ease spiking food prices, last week Lamothe announced that
the government would import 300,000 bags of rice.

Despite some brutality from the PNH and MINUSTAH, the
demonstration ended without major incident.

However, during the afternoon after the march had ended,
helmeted-policemen of the Security Unit to Guard the National Palace
(USGPN) arrived in Cap Haïtien from Port-au-Prince and began shooting with
leveled weapons in different parts of the city. In retaliation, the people
threw stones and bottles.

The evening before the march, the city was also tense.
Burning-tire barricades, a traditional form of protest, went up in several
roads, especially near the neighborhoods of La Fossette, Cité Lescot, and
Samarie. Police gunfire wounded at least three people. Thrown rocks and
bottles injured one policeman.

On Sep. 17, four days before the demonstration, the government
sent a delegation headed by Interior Minister Ronsard Saint-Cyr and the
State Secretary for Communication, Guyler C. Delva to try to buy off those
responsible for the mobilization in the North. The mission was a failure,
like a similar on to the southern city of Les Cayes the week before as
confirmed by the former Southern delegate Pierre Etienne France on a radio
in the capital this week (see *Haïti Liberté*, Sep. 19, 2012).


[LAAMN] Venezuela destabilization - Opposition Discusses “Plans” With Foreign Diplomats

2012-10-01 Thread Cort Greene
*I have monitoring the chatter boxes of the extreme right in Venezuela for
weeks now and how they have been building for this and other
destabilization plans by propagating with their unrealistic outcomes...they
are itching for a civil war, what they fail to realize is this will only
bring a quicker end to them!*
 Opposition Discusses “Plans” With Foreign Diplomats

Oct 1st 2012, by Correo del Orinoco International
[image: Opposition politician Richard Mardo hosted the meeting between
foreign diplomats and opposition figures (informecifras.com)]

Opposition politician Richard Mardo hosted the meeting between foreign
diplomats and opposition figures (informecifras.com)

Over the weekend, investigative journalist Jose Vicente Rangel warned of
backroom opposition attempts to prevent another election win for Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez.

Citing a private meeting between members of opposition coalition Democratic
Unity Roundtable (MUD) and Caracas based diplomats from the United States
and Spain, among others, Rangel warned of ongoing efforts to “convince” the
international community that anti-Chavez candidate Henrique Capriles
Radonski “is set to win the October 7th election”. Inflating expectations
in the press, Rangel explained, MUD strategists intend to carry out the
recently-uncovered “Rapid Reaction Plan”, a violent post-election strategy
made public late last week by Chavez Campaign Coordinator Jorge Rodriguez.

Speaking to viewers on Sunday 23 September during his weekly television
program Jose Vicente Hoy, former Venezuelan Vice President Jose Vicente
Rangel warned of suspicious opposition positioning in the final weeks of
the 2012 presidential campaign. Referring specifically to a September 12
meeting held at the private residence of opposition gubernatorial candidate
Richard Mardo, Rangel explained how “representatives of the Venezuelan
opposition tried convincing foreign diplomats that Capriles is set to win
the October 7 election, even if only by a small margin”.

According to the investigate journalist, “special guests” at the private
meeting included Paolo Serpi, Antonio Perez-Hernandez, and Luis Raygada
Souza-Ferreira, the Caracas-based Ambassadors of Italy, Spain, and Peru,
respectively. James Derham, the top US diplomat in Venezuela, as well as
Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s highest authority in country, also attended
the luncheon. Brazil’s Ambassador in Caracas, Jose Antonio Marcondes de
Carvalho, turned down the invitation.

In addition to Richard Mardo, the MUD’s candidate for Governor of Aragua
State, those representing the Venezuelan opposition at the meeting were
Luis Miquilena, an open supporter of the 2002 coup d’ etat against
President Chavez, Marcel Granier, Managing Director of radical opposition
media network Radio Caracas de Televisión (RCTV), and Carlos Bardasano,
member of private media giant Venevisión’s Board of Directors.

According to Rangel, Mardo used the backroom meeting to express his “total
lack of confidence in the National Elections Council (CNE)” and promise
those present that he and “his people” are “prepared to take to the
streets, using both motorcyclists and civilian groups to combat the

What was “most surprising” about the meeting, Rangel said, was how “some of
those in attendance cautiously requested further information while others
made worrying affirmations and expressed their firm, radical positions”.

Private news media including opposition dailies El Universal and Noticias
24 also reported on the meeting, stating that Mardo and the others simply
had gathered “to analyze Venezuela’s electoral situation”.

*“Rapid Reaction Plan”*

In addition to the troubling talks between foreign diplomats and the MUD,
National Coordinator for the Chavez Campaign Jorge Rodriguez recently
denounced what he called “irresponsible right-wing extremists within the
(opposition’s) campaign” who have developed and circulated a document that
details plans to cause political unrest in the aftermath of next month’s
presidential election.

Titled the “Rapid Reaction Plan”, the document is said to have been
prepared by Alejandro Plaz, former Director of Sumate, the US-financed NGO
tasked with fomenting a greater opposition presence in Venezuelan politics.
In the context of next month’s vote, “the authors of the Rapid Reaction
Plan discuss criteria for selecting key sites to be taken over”, Rodriguez

These sites include “national and regional freeways, major avenues,
emblematic plazas, Governors’ and Mayors’ offices, strategic non-civilian
points – meaning military installations – news media offices, ports, and

“What do ports and airports have to do with voting centers?” he asked.
“What do military installations have to do with an election booth, with an
electoral contest?”

Warning the Venezuelan people to “watch out” for possible opposition
violence, Rodriguez added, “this plan describes nothing more than a
desperate minority 

[LAAMN] Letter from the US: Green Party challenges two-party fraud

2012-10-02 Thread Cort Greene
Against those with a “lesser evil” argument who attack the Greens as
taking votes from the Democrats, Stein replied: “You can’t spoil something
that is already rotten.” *

*Speaking on Democracy Now!, Stein said that keeping silent and voting for
the “lesser evil” has brought us to the present stage of economic
depression, to perpetual wars, to high unemployment and loss of civil

 Letter from the US: Green Party challenges two-party fraud
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
By Barry Sheppard http://www.greenleft.org.au/taxonomy/term/471, San
Francisco http://www.greenleft.org.au/taxonomy/term/2493

The recent strike and mass mobilisations of teachers and their supporters
in Chicago were significant for those who opposed them.

The Democrat Barack Obama and the Republican Mitt Romney aligned themselves
against this fight to defend public schools.

In contrast, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein expressed
solidarity with the movement and was invited to speak at a rally.

Officially, Obama stayed silent on the strike, but he did not need to speak
to show where he stood. His former chief of staff in the White House and
now Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, led the charge against the teachers.

Obama’s education secretary, Arne Duncan, is in charge of Obama’s program
to weaken the teachers’ unions and promote the privatisation of public
schools under the banner: “Race to the Top.”

Duncan was the Chicago schools CEO from 2002 through 2008, before he was
elevated by Obama.

In a show of bipartisan support, Romney and his even more reactionary
running mate, Paul Ryan, came out in solidarity with Emanuel and denounced
the teachers.

The Green Party convention in July nominated Stein as its candidate. A
physician, she is well-known as an advocate for a national health insurance
program for all, and fighter on environmental issues.

She successfully opposed building trash incinerators and campaigned to
clean up the “Filthy Five” coal plants in Massachusetts, her home state.

Stein previously ran against Romney for Massachusetts governor in 2002, and
for secretary of state in 2006, winning 350,000 votes as a Green-Rainbow
candidate against the Democrats and Republicans.

Stein’s running mate, Cheri Honkala, was born into extreme poverty. A
single mother in her teens, she became a leading advocate for the poor and
homeless, co-founding the Kensington Welfare Rights Union in Philadelphia.

Honkala became a socialist, and for a time was a member of a Maoist group.

Honkala was named *Philadelphia Weekly* Woman of the Year in 1997, and
the same title by *Ms. Magazine* in 2001. Last year, she ran as the Green
candidate for Philadelphia sherrif, pledging to stop home foreclosures in
the wake of the ongoing depression.

The Green Party convention was a movement event. Many references to the
Occupy movement were met by cheers. With the slogan of “Occupy the
Elections,” the party declared its solidarity with the goals of Occupy in
opposing the “1%”.

In her acceptance speech, Stein said she joined the Green Party because
it’s “the only national party that is not bought and paid for by corporate

“The corporate-sponsored political parties — the establishment — isn’t
going to change the status quo for us. We’ve got to do it.”

Chants of “Bring the Troops Home Now!” erupted when Stein denounced the
illegal wars being waged by Washington and called for closing the nearly
1000 US military bases around the world.

She condemned the National Defense Authorization Act backing the US wars,
the use of drones, the Patriot Act, the racist Arizona anti-immigrant laws,
and called for the repeal of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which
impoverishes Mexican peasants and workers.

Gar Alperovitz, historian and writer, author of *America Beyond Capitalism*,
gave the keynote speech at the convention. A reformist socialist, his
references to socialism were met with cheers from the delegates.

He told the convention that their challenge was the “transformation of the
most powerful corporate capitalistic system in the history of the world —
that’s what it is about … not simply a gesture, not simply a new party, not
simply a green movement”.

He concluded by referring to two recent polls that 49% of youth had a
favorable opinion of socialism, and concluded that there were opportunities
to change the system.

The Green parties in much of the world have become part of the capitalist
system, even joining capitalist and imperialist governments. The Green
Party in the US has not gone down that path.

From its original formation around ecological issues, the Green Party has
broadened into a social justice party. Within the party, there is a wide
political variation from left-liberal to socialist. But the party’s
direction under the impact of the depression is to become more radical.

The party is largely white. Women, African Americans and Latinos within the
party have organised themselves into caucuses, and 

[LAAMN] Green Party USA prepares for Oct. 3 protests over Jill Stein's exclusion from pres. debates

2012-10-02 Thread Cort Greene
*http://www.gp.org* http://www.gp.org/* *

*For Immediate Release:*
*Tuesday, October 2, 2012*

*Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, **202-904-7614* 202-904-7614*, **
mcla...@greens.org* mcla...@greens.org
*Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, **916-995-3805* 916-995-3805*, **
starl...@gp.org* starl...@gp.org
*Ben Manski, Jill Stein Campaign Manager, **608-239-6915* 608-239-6915*,

*Green Party prepares for Oct. 3 protests over Green nominee Jill*
*Stein's exclusion from the presidential debates*

*• Dr. Stein on Democracy Now! broadcast live from Denver during the*
*first Obama-Romney debate*

*• Rigged Debates = Rigged Elections, say Greens*

*WASHINGTON, DC -- Greens across the US are demanding an invitation for*
*Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein (**
*to the presidential debates, in advance of the first debate on*
*Wednesday, October 3, in Denver.*

*Dr. Stein's plans for October 3 include an appearance on Democracy*
*Now!'s Live Debate Talkback, hosted by Amy Goodman, live from Denver*
*during the Obama-Romney debate*
* ).*

*Below is a list of events in Denver and links related to the first*
*debate and Dr. Stein's exclusion, including a march on the Commission*
*on Presidential Debates (CPD).*

*Green Party leaders and activists have insisted that the debates must*
*include every candidate who is on enough ballots to win the White*
*House and who has demonstrated a minimal level of support -- either 1%*
*of the vote in a credible national poll or qualification for federal*
*matching funds or both. Jill Stein and Libertarian nominee Gary*
*Johnson meet all of these criteria. (See 'Occupy the CPD!',*
*http://occupythecpd.org)* http://occupythecpd.org)/

*Greens have called the CPD, which controls the debates, an attempt to*
*rig elections. The CPD, owned and run by the Democratic and Republican*
*parties and the two parties' corporate funders, determines criteria*
*for participation and has decided that only Barack Obama and Mitt*
*Romney will be allowed in front of the microphones.*

*The CPD took over the debates in the early 1990s to limit the stage to*
*their own candidates and to make sure that no challenging questions*
*get asked. The League of Women Voters, which sponsored the debates*
*before the CPD took over, has called this situation a fraud on the*
*American voter.*


*• Wednesday, Oct. 3, 5:30 pm MST: Occupy the Debates! Occupy Denver,*
*Green presidential candidate Jill Stein, Green vice-presidential*
*candidate Cheri Honkala, and supporters will join an Occupy Denver*
*march on the Commission on Presidential Debates. McWilliams Park at E.*
*Yale Avenue and S. Steele Street in Denver. More information:*

*• Wednesday, Oct. 3, 7 pm MST (9 pm EST, 6 pm PST): Democracy Now!'s*
*Live Debate Talkback with Jill Stein, former Salt Lake City Mayor and*
*2012 presidential candidate Rocky Anderson, and host Amy Goodman. The*
*live program will begin at 6:30 pm, and Jill Stein will join the show*
*at 7 pm. Central Presbyterian Church, 1660 Sherman Street in Denver.*
*More information:*
* *
* *

*• Wednesday, Oct. 3, 9:30 pm MST: Occupy the Debates! AFTERRALLY with*
*Jill Stein, Cheri Honkala and musical entertainment. Stein-Honkala*
*campaign manager Ben Manski will host a post-debate rally with live*
*music and rousing speeches from the candidates. Mercury Cafe, 2199*
*California Street in Denver. More information:*
* *


*• Chickens picket Romney HQ in leadup to Denver debates protests*
*(OccupytheCPD.org organizer and U.S. Uncut founder Carl Gibson*
*presented a Romney staffer with 'The World's Biggest Chicken Award'.*
*Romney last faced Jill Stein in a 2002 gubernatorial debate which*
*Massachusetts media later declared Dr. Stein the winner.)*

*• Occupy the CPD!*

[LAAMN] Oct.3rd-Indonesia: First general strike in 50 years

2012-10-02 Thread Cort Greene

 Indonesia: First general strike in 50
Written by Ted Sprague Tuesday, 02 October 2012
| Print 

*Tomorrow, October 3, will witness an important event in the history of the
labour movement in Indonesia. For the first time in 50 years, Indonesian
workers will carry out a national general strike which will involve an
estimated 2 million workers in 21 different cities. Three demands serve as
the basis of this general strike: increases in the official minimum wage,
an end to all outsourcing arrangements, and universal national health care
for all.*

This general strike is not something that falls from the sky. It is the
culmination of the radicalization process in the workers movement for the
past one year. Radical actions of hundreds of thousands of workers who have
gone on strike and blockaded industrial areas and major highways; the
leadership of the workers in the movement against the fuel price increase
this March that forced the government to back down; the largest May Day
rally with 160,000 workers on the streets, followed by the formation of the
MPBI (Council of Indonesians Workers and Labourers) that united 5 million
workers; all these form a continuing process that leads to this general

Workers have also started to fight for demands that go beyond the confines
of their factories, from workers in Gresik, an industrial area in East
Java, who fought for free education for the people to all-Indonesia
workers’ actions against a fuel price increase this year. Workers’
struggles have gone beyond “day-to-day demands in the factory” to
“day-to-day demands of the wider masses”. This in turn will touch on the
questions of politics and power. To win “day-to-day demands in the
factory”, it is normally enough for workers to strike in the said factory
to press the boss. However, to win “day-to-day demands of the wider masses”
(free healthcare, free education, etc.), the struggle has to be brought to
a wider political stage. It is here that the question of state power is
posed, where economic struggle is linked to political struggle. It is also
here that workers find their leadership role in the struggle for the
general well-being of the masses.

The Indonesian working class has gone through a number of important phases
in the past 50 years, ones which are filled with ebbs and flows, advances
and retreats:

1. Period of Glory (late 50s to early 60s)

The labour movement is at its peak in the late 50s and early 60s, with
SOBSI as the largest workers’ federation at that moment, claiming a
membership of 3 million workers, even more than any federation or
confederation today.

2. Defeat (1965)

In 1965 the labour movement suffered its biggest defeat, destroyed
physically and ideologically in the hands of the New Order regime.

3. Rebirth (mid 1980s)

The shift in the Indonesian economy from oil-gas exports to manufacturing
in the mid-1980s created a new layer of proletariat. This new proletariat,
thrown into the factories in their thousands, was one of the forces that
shook the Soeharto regime. The number of recorded strikes in the 1990s
increased significantly, from 61 in 1990 to 300 in 1994.

4. Reformasi (1998)

The 1998 Reformasi Movement, even if it didn’t bring about a
fundamental change, opened the democratic gateway for the workers.
Independent trade unions mushroomed in the aftermath of 1998.
Meanwhile, SPSI workers, awakened by the Reformasi, also started to
shake this New Order trade union. (The SPSI, the state sponsored union
and the arm of the regime in the workplaces, was until 1998 the only
recognised workers’ organisation.) The stranglehold of the SPSI was
weakened and splits took place. In this period, workers were
re-learning their long-lost fighting traditions.

This general strike will be the next phase in the history of the Indonesian
labour movement, a turning point whereby the working class becomes a real
political force that is not only recognized and respected by the wider
masses but also feared by the ruling class. Workers with their national
strike, for the first time will enter the national political arena. In the
eyes of the toiling masses, they will no longer just be “tens or hundreds
of workers in factories demanding wage increases”, but they will be seen as
the *Indonesian working class who fought for the welfare of the whole
people of Indonesia*. In the period of Reformasi, this position was held by
the students who became an extension of the voice of the people. Today
workers will start claiming their historical role as the class that leads
the struggle of the whole of the oppressed masses.

The complete victory of capital over labour during the Soeharto dictatorial
regime made the Indonesian capitalist class somewhat arrogant. For the past
50 years since 

[LAAMN] Hezbollah fighters killed in Syria-Syria calls Hamas traitorous

2012-10-02 Thread Cort Greene
*Someone should tell the Iranian Foreign minister that the Quds Force,
Hezbollah , Russia and China along with some supporting different segments
of the opposition are also outside interference...*


Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Tuesday described Tehran as a
strong ally of the people of Syria and warned outside powers not to
interfere in the conflict.

But in an interview with Australia's SBS television, Salehi also said the
Syrian government needed to recognize the opposition that has been waging
an 18-month-old rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

When it comes to outside interference, and to the internal affairs of
Syria, and when outside powers dictate upon the Syrian people that 'Look,
your president should step down, and this should happen,' this is not the
right way to do things, he told the broadcaster's Dateline program.

What we are saying is that both sides have to recognize the other side. In
other words, the government has to recognize the opposition, and the
opposition has to recognize the government.

Official: Hezbollah fighters killed in Syria   October 02, 2012 09:09
PM By Elizabeth
A Kennedy http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Elizabeth-A-Kennedy.ashx   [image:
Associated Press]   [image: A+] [image: A-]

BEIRUT: A Hezbollah commander and several fighters have been killed inside
Syria, a Lebanese security official said Tuesday, a development that could
stoke already soaring tensions over the Lebanese militant group's role in
the civil war next door.

Hezbollah's reputation has taken a beating over its support for the Syrian
regime, but any sign that the group's fighters are taking part in the
battle raises fears that the conflict could expand into a wider fight
engulfing the region.

Hezbollah has stood by Syrian President Bashar Assad since the uprising
began 18 months ago, even after the group supported revolts in Egypt,
Tunisia, Libya and Bahrain.

Assad's fall would be a dire scenario for Hezbollah. Any new regime led by
Syria's majority Sunni Muslims would likely be far less friendly - or even
outright hostile - to Shiite Muslim Hezbollah. Iran remains the group's
most important patron, but Syria is a crucial supply route. Without it,
Hezbollah will struggle to get money and weapons as easily.

The Syrian uprising has left Assad deeply isolated - making his remaining
allies such as Iran and Russia all the more important. At last week's
gathering of world leaders at the United Nations, dozens of nations
excoriated the Assad regime for its role in a conflict that activists

estimate has killed at least 30,000 Syrians.

It was not immediately clear how the Hezbollah militants were killed or
whether they had been fighting alongside the Syrian army. But Hezbollah's
newspaper al-Intiqad said Hezbollah commander Ali Hussein Nassif, who is
also known as Abu Abbas, was killed while performing his jihadi duties.
It did not say when or where he was killed.

A Lebanese security official said Nassif was killed in Syria and his body
was returned to Lebanon through the Masnaa border crossing on Sunday.

Speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to
the media, the official said the bodies of several other Hezbollah fighters
have been brought back to Lebanon in recent days.

Hezbollah spokesman Ibrahim Moussawi on Tuesday confirmed the deaths of the
Hezbollah members but said he had no further information on where or how
Nassif was killed. He declined further comment.

The Syrian opposition has long accused the group of helping the Syrian
leadership crack down on the uprising - a claim the group has repeatedly
denied. Hezbollah has to tread a careful path with its support for the
regime, mindful that many of its supporters in Lebanon dread getting sucked
into the conflict.

Nassif's funeral, which was held in the eastern town of Budai, near
Baalbek, was attended by top Hezbollah officials including the head of the
judicial council and the political bureau, an indication of Nassif's high

On Tuesday, Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV showed the funerals of at least two
other Hezbollah members it said were killed while performing their jihadi
duty. Both funerals were attended by Hezbollah officials and commanders.

The coffins of the dead were draped with Hezbollah's yellow flags and
carried by militants in black uniforms and red berets. Hundreds of people
marched in the funeral.

Samer al-Homsi, an activist in Syria's central Homs province, which borders
Lebanon, said Nassif was killed Saturday when a roadside bomb went off as
the car he was in passed just outside the town of Qusair. He said Nassif
and several other people were killed in the blast.

His job was to coordinate with Syrian security agencies, al-Homsi said
via Skype.

He added that the rebels detonated the bomb without knowing that the
target was a Hezbollah official. We knew he was a Hezbollah official after
it was announced by the group in Lebanon, he said. 

[LAAMN] Iran says Julian Assange Mossad Agent! idiots!

2012-10-02 Thread Cort Greene
here is the article from Iran Press tv, what a bunch idiots!


State funded Press TV broadcasts news reports and analyses which are close
to the official position of the Iranian government, and its programmes are
monitored and regulated by the Islamic Republic



October 02, 2012
 Share on 
Off His Onion
Breaking News: Julian Assange Mossad Agent!

Iran is a great country for kebab; their pretty if well-covered girls are
fine; but sense of humour is just not their forte. Their state media
repeatedly broadcasted items lifted from the *Onion*, a satirical magazine
taking them for literal truth. The *Onion* ran a
American farmers who would rather have a drink with Ahmadinejad than
with Obama, and their Fars news agency duly
The Onion faked an interview with Mark Zuckerberg, and Iranian
state-owned Press TV took
a real thing.


And now, a new faux-pas. The same Iranian state-owned Press TV published an
Julian Assange with a bombastic claim: “Exclusive: Assange-Mossad ties
unveiled”. A brief check shows an identical piece appeared on The Veterans
Both pieces are identical, both “exclusive” and both written by the
same person, a Gordon Duff, wearing two hats, that of “the chief editor of
VT” and that of a “columnist of Press TV”. Oy, it would be better to stick
to the *Onion*.

Not only it is not “exclusive”, there is no “revelation” either. In his
column, Duff claims that “Assange, an intelligence asset of Israel, as
Zbigniew Brzezinski pointed out on December 2, 2010 on National Public
Radio in an interview with Judy Woodruff, one tasked with supplying a
platform for Israeli intelligence to insert carefully crafted “pointed
intelligence” wrapped in “Wikileaks.” A very strong claim! Who would know
better than Zbigniew Brzezinski, whether Assange is an intelligence asset
or not? If he says so, it is certainly true. But alas, it is not so. In the
interview, or anywhere else, or on any other occasion Zbigniew Brzezinski
did not say anything similar about Julian Assange.

So, does Duff brazenly lie? No, he cheats the reader. Brzezinski explained
what  “intelligence asset” is, and Duff built the sentence so a careless
reader would think Brzezinski related it to Assange. Crafty trick! He could
say: Assange, a vile paedophile, as the head of London police said, one who
lusts after small children, and we would think that the Head of Scotland
Yard confirmed criminality of Assange. He should be a lawyer, this Duff,
and make good money.

The centrepiece is the absurd claim that by accusing President Obama of
seeking to exploit the Arab spring revolutions for political gain, Assange
“supported Romney, just like Netanyahu”. This is too silly even for the
Onion! Julian Assange
Obama   to cease persecution of Wikileaks and of Sergeant Manning, and
he said that Obama’s vocal support for freedom of expression had not been
translated into action. All that is true: Obama was and is a big
disappointment for his voters. He uses drones to kill people more often
than any US president. He used and derailed the Arab Spring 

[LAAMN] Caracas notebook: Not seeing the Capriles excitement

2012-10-03 Thread Cort Greene

Caracas notebook: Not seeing the Capriles excitement

http://settysoutham.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/img_5408.jpgFive days
from now, the votes should be counted in Venezuela’s first presidential
election in six years and people can stop speculating about how the race
will turn out. Unlike the vast majority of elections around the world, this
one could change the politics, policy, and even demographics of a
significant-sized and reasonably important chunk of the world — and the
place that may have more accessible oil than anywhere else.

For now, we’re in the campaign, and from what little I have seen in two
days in Venezuela, the excitement is greater on the side supporting
incumbent President Hugo Chávez, rather than challenger Governor Henrique

That is exactly the opposite of what I’ve read on most of my favourite
English language websites about the country, but it’s the truth. To put it
very simply, Capriles’ campaign looks like a very well run, professional
campaign, and not a grassroots movement. Chávez’s campaign has elements of

For example, as I have wandered through Caracas’ richer east end and poorer
center for the last two days, I have seen more cars and buses decorated
with Chávez slogans than with Capriles slogans. I see very little graffiti,
stickers or lapel pins in favour of either side. I see a lot of people
wearing pro-Chávez T-shirts that read “Misión 7 Octubre,” a reference to
election day. I see far more street stencils for Chávez. I see people
driving around supporting Chávez in vehicle and motorcycle caravans. At a
kiosk in the center of Caracas today, a worker offered me a silkscreen
print of “CHAVEZ” if I came back with a T-shirt. Tonight in Altamira Plaza,
the spiritual heart of the upscale east end, there was a very good punk and
ska show in favour of Chávez.

Obviously the government can pay for all the logistics of this — the sound
systems, posters, and so forth — if Chávez’s PSUV party happens to fall
short of funds. And it can oblige workers to go to big marches. And some of
the lack of Capriles marketing may be that people are scared to show
support for him, after seeing the fate of those who opposed the government
in past elections. But it’s hard to get people to go out and blow horns in
favour of someone if they really don’t support him. The musicians’ sound
system may have been paid for by the state, but they weren’t paid to say
“Viva Chávez carajo.”

Several times, I have been around grassroots movements to force out an
unpopular machine candidate. I recall the mayoral insurgencies in San
Francisco that almost got Tom Ammiano and Matt Gonzalez into the mayors’
office. Both failed, sure — but they were real movements, with a vast pack
of people working day and night to bring about change. With Capriles, I see
some volunteers in the street, but they are giving out party-produced
flyers, not hand-written screeds or home-made stickers. These seem to be
people who are glad to have found a possible saviour from Chavismo, rather
than people who are excited to support their candidate.

I am working with very few hours of data observation, but up to now, I
don’t see the Capriles excitement everyone is talking about. And with voter
turnout as a major variable in the outcome of the
that lack of excitement could matter on Sunday.

“Come back at 3 pm with a shirt and we’ll silkscreen it.”

Capriles gets a sign, Chávez gets people waving his T-shirts from the
balcony at a newly built (still under construction, actually) public
housing project on Av. Libertador, Caracas.

Pissed at the government for failing to provide housing for 13 years
following disastrous floods in Vargas state? Yes, they are. Showing support
for Capriles? Sorry, nope.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Chavez Supporters and Government Prepare to Defend Venezuelan Elections

2012-10-03 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] Chavez Supporters and Government Prepare
to Defend Venezuelan Elections

Oct 3rd 2012, by Tamara Pearson
[image: Vice-president Elias Jaua (archive)]

Vice-president Elias Jaua (archive)

Caracas, October 3rd 2012 (Venezuelanalysis.com) –In the light of documents
and statements revealing opposition plans to cause destabilisation on
election day and possibly not recognise the results, Chavez supporters are
organising in order to defend the voting process and the results.

There are concerns, due to statements made by the opposition over the last
few months, that they will contest Sunday’s results and cry electoral
fraud. The opposition coalition, the MUD, have also circulated leaflets
telling supporters to “stay out in the streets after voting” in order to
minimise fraud by a “deceitful and criminal” government. Other documents
also show the opposition is organising its voting booth witnesses to create
tension and disturbances, and an environment of ungovernability.

Further, yesterday the head of the pro-Chavez campaign, called Campaign
Carabobo Command (CCC), Jorge Rodriguez, warned that the opposition will
conduct “exit polls”, announcing the “results” at 3pm, before the booths
close, in order to create further confusion.

Members of the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), the United Socialist Party of
Venezuela (PSUV), and the youth of the PSUV have already organised
themselves into teams to mobilise and protect the voting centres, working
with the CCC to avoid conflict at the centres and to pass on any necessary

In Sucre state, for example, 250 PSUV youth have also been trained and
accredited as election booth witnesses, which includes understanding the
electoral power law and the electoral processes law.  More youth are also
organised at each booth, with one person responsible for logistics, another
for mobilisation, and another to encourage voting.

Vice-president Elias Jaua said on Monday that the Venezuelan people will
also “go out onto the streets to defend the electoral results” should the
opposition refuse to recognise them. He added that if that happens, the
opposition will even be “condemned by its own support base”.

“In Venezuela there is a democracy that is more complete, deeper, and
authentic every day and where there are sectors who have the right to be
against this project,” Jaua added.

The defence minister, Henry Rangel, said he had met with the National
Electoral COuncil (CNE) in order to guarantee safety for voters on Sunday.

“The deployment of our troops to carry out the Republic Plan is guaranteed,
and owing to the maturity that we have as  the National Bolivarian Armed
Forces, [with years of experience] participating in electoral processes, we
are even more prepared and better deployed [for Sunday’s election],” Rangel
said.  The Republic Plan is the plan the army implements for every
election, in order to ensure that it is a peaceful and legitimate process.

“We have all the contingency plans in place, so that we can preserve the
peace, tranquillity, and public order,” Rangel concluded.

*Further, from Friday until the Monday after voting, as is the custom for
Venezuelan elections, the sale of alcohol and the carrying of arms will be
prohibited, there will be uninterrupted police service, and heavy
transport, such as double-decker buses and large trucks will also be
*Source URL (retrieved on 03/10/2012 - 8:03pm):*

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[LAAMN] Democracy Now video:Expanding the Debate Exclusive: Third Party Candidates Break the Sound Barrier As Obama-Romney Spar

2012-10-04 Thread Cort Greene
  Expanding the Debate Exclusive: Third Party Candidates Break the Sound
Barrier As Obama-Romney Spar

*As President Obama and Mitt Romney squared off for the first time on
Wednesday night, Democracy Now! broke the sound barrier by pausing Obama
and Romney’s answers to get real-time responses from candidates Jill Stein
of the Green Party and Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party. Stein and
Anderson joined Democracy Now! for a live special just miles away from the
Obama-Romney contest at the University of Denver. Many Obama supporters
have expressed surprise that Romney was able to put the president on the
defensive, while Obama failed to mention several of Romney’s potential weak
spots, including including his record at the private equity firm Bain
Capital, his vast personal wealth and offshore investments, and his recent
remark that 47 percent of Americans are government dependents. Today,
highlights from our Expanding the Debate special with the voices of all
four candidates, showcasing the broadened perspectives on the critical
issues beyond the Democratic-Republican political spectrum. [Includes rush

*Video, click on the url:*


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[LAAMN] Venezuela (LIVE + VIDEOS) campaign rally finale: A masive flood in Caracas for Chavez!

2012-10-04 Thread Cort Greene
for orginal Spanish and to watch live streamng if it does appear:go to te


(LIVE + VIDEOS) finale: A flood Caracas with Chavez!
By: Aporrea.org-City CCS / VTV / TeleSUR / Aporrea.org |Thursday, 4/10/2012
5:35 a.m.|
[image: Caracas is prepared to give a strong support to Hugo Chavez]
 Caracas is prepared to give a strong support to Hugo Chavez
[image: To fill all the spaces!]
 To fill all the spaces!

Caracas, October 4 - After a march called by Chavez admirable De Sabaneta
to Miraflores Caracas will now close the election campaign of the
candidate of the Fatherland.

Seven of the major roads Caracas plans Plenar revolutionary militancy today
in support of their candidate, Hugo Chavez, as part of his election
campaign closing.

It is expected that a sea of ​​people fill to capacity Bolivar avenues,
Urdaneta, Baralt, Armed Forces, Mexico, and Lecuna University.

Several members of Carabobo Campaign Command and the United Socialist Party
of Venezuela (PSUV) invited Chavez supporters to participate in what they
hope will be a massive concentration.

*Chavez on various platforms*

**The PSUV leader, Ana Elisa Osorio, said Chavez likely candidate visit
various platforms that will be located at key points of the seven avenues,
said while participating in the program which transmits Front D'VTV and
reviewing the web site red awning.

The integral of that political organization said the activity will be an
unprecedented event.

He said it is extremely important because if we do in Caracas
proportionally what has been done inside the country, we are confident that
this will cause the avalanche of votes on 7 October.

With this high concentration the flagship socialist ends the last stage of
his campaign that was called from Sabaneta to Miraflores.

The concentration of people in support of Chavez is scheduled to begin at
10 am. From this time he feels the movement of hundreds of people in the
city center and militancy movement of vehicles coming to support its
candidate from various parts of the country.

Come with Chavez!

Streaming live video by Ustream http://www.ustream.tv/






 This note has been viewed about 5457 times. The original source of this
document is:
Venezolana de Television ( http://www.vtv.gov.ve )

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[LAAMN] Photos/Video-Venezuela:Over1 Million in the rain-Closing Campaign Rally in Caracas for Chavez

2012-10-05 Thread Cort Greene
 Great March in Caracas

Oct 4th 2012, by Ryan Mallett-outtrim

Some shortvideos of a very small part of the giagantic march in support of
Chavez today as election campaigning ends.



*Source URL (retrieved on 05/10/2012 - 6:08am):*

Closing Campaign Rally in Caracas

By Various

A selection of photos from Chavez's closing campaign rally in Caracas!

See as: smaller image(s) http://venezuelanalysis.com/images/7318?b=1 |

[image: Chavez speaks to the crowd (Laiguana)]

Chavez speaks to the crowd (Laiguana)

[image: (VTV)]


[image: The rally was probably the biggest in Venezuela#039;s history

The rally was probably the biggest in Venezuela's history (laiguana)

[image: Estimates place the march#039;s numbers at over a million people

Estimates place the march's numbers at over a million people (laiguana)

[image: (VTV)]


[image: (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

(Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

(Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: (Tamara Pearson/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

(Tamara Pearson/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: Despite the rain, people were still in high spirits... (Ryan

Despite the rain, people were still in high spirits... (Ryan

[image: Chavistas react to a woman holding a Capriles poster in front of
her window (whilst covering her face!) (Rachael Boothroyd/Venez]

Chavistas react to a woman holding a Capriles poster in front of her window
(whilst covering her face!) (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

(Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: Dancing! (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

Dancing! (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

(Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: In case you hadn#039;t gathered, Chavistas really like dancing...
(Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

In case you hadn't gathered, Chavistas really like dancing... (Rachael

[image: and Tambor! Preferably together... (Rachael

and Tambor! Preferably together... (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: The celebrations outside Miraflores Palace went on into the night
(Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

The celebrations outside Miraflores Palace went on into the night (Rachael

[image: (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

(Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

[image: (Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)]

(Rachael Boothroyd/Venezuelanalysis.com)

Published on Oct 5th 2012

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LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] Lies, half truths and bias - the world’s media and the Venezuelan election

2012-10-05 Thread Cort Greene

 Lies, half truths and bias - the world’s media and the Venezuelan election
Written by Jorge Martin - Hands off Venezuela Friday, 05 October 2012

*Once again there has been a remarkably well coordinated campaign of
disinformation regarding the Venezuelan presidential elections on Sunday
October 7.*

[image: Chavez rally]The whole of the world’s media has more or less
followed the same script: A tired, sick autocratic caudillo (military
dictator), Chavez, is facing the young, dynamic, democratic, centre-left
candidate of the united opposition. While Chavez is squandering the
country’s oil money, Capriles would maintain the social programs but bring
efficiency to them. While there is no scope for fraud, the campaign has not
been free and fair. Chavez commands hysterical support from the mobs in few
big rallies, while Capriles has criss-crossed the country getting his
message across to a population thirsty for change. The opinion polls are
allegedly showing a technical draw, while some in the last week have shown
Capriles to be ahead. Capriles supporters have faced violence from the
chavista mob, but the opposition candidate has kept his cool. Chavez has
threatened civil war if he loses, while Capriles is the candidate of peace.

Every single one of these sentences, which are taken literally from the
appalling media coverage of the Venezuelan elections, is either completely
false (a straight lie), extremely one-sided, or a biased comment passing as

“autocratic caudillo” (The Economist headline was “The Autocrat and the
Ballot Box”) has been elected and ratified in over a dozen electoral
contests in the last 14 years. The “young centre-left democratic and
dynamic” candidate of the opposition participated in the April 2002 coup
against democracy (as did all of the parties in his MUD coalition), fainted
twice at the beginning of the campaign, and when elected governor of
Miranda launched an assault on the very social programs he know claims to
support. He is not even really that young, at 40 years of age.

Several journalists from state-owned and community media have been
assaulted at meetings of the “democratic” and “peaceful” opposition, though
you will not hear about that in the world’s leading newspapers.

Of the 18 opinion polls carried out in September, 14 give Chavez as a
victor and his average lead is 12 percentage points over Capriles (UK
Academics Call for End to Media Misrepresentation about Polls in
How this can be presented as a “technical draw” is anybody’s guess.

When Chavez said that the real plan of the opposition (as revealed by a
number of high profile opposition figures) was a neoliberal austerity
package and that its implementation would lead to a civil war he was just
basing himself on the historical precedent of the Caracazo uprising in
1989. The media decided to present the comment as “Chavez threatens civil
war if he loses election”.

El Pais in Spain has been particularly vicious in its attacks on Chavez
whom they describe as a “Mesiah”, a “TV preacher” and a “rock star”. It
even offered an open editorial space to Capriles to explain his program (Quiero
hablares del 
We wonder whether the same space was offered to the other candidate, in the
interest of fairness and balance. Somehow I fear that was not the case. We
should not be surprised though, as this is the paper which on April 13,
2002 showed its true colours with an editorial comment in favour of the
oligarchic coup which briefly removed president Chavez (Golpe a un

A special prize must go to The Independent in Britain who, on the day after
the huge final election rally of Chavez (which filled 7 enormous avenues in
Caracas), had the headline “Chavez finally meets his
illustrated with pictures of Henrique Capriles and not a single reference
to Chavez’s rally. This is the same paper that on August 16 2004 announced
Chavez was “losing his grip on power” as “mid-morning polls” showed him
losing the recall referendum 

[LAAMN] Lal Khan-Venezuelan Revolution at Cross roads

2012-10-07 Thread Cort Greene
*Just to remind people, the Venezuela Consejo Nacional Electoral/CNE( **
http://www.cne.gov.ve/web/index.php* http://www.cne.gov.ve/web/index.php* )
is official numbers people should pay attention to today( we should hear
officially by late tonight), there will be lots of rumors, both sides are
tense and many rumors of a Plan B from both and rain is in forecast most of
the day all over the country...*
*Cort *

*Venezuelan Revolution at Cross
* *
 Written by Lal Khan Saturday, 06 October 2012

*The elections being held today, October 7, 2012, in Venezuela are of
immense historical significance. The results of this election will have a
crucial impact not just in Venezuela and Latin America but far beyond its
frontiers, on the consciousness of the masses and the dynamics of the class
struggle. It is neither an accident nor a coincidence that there has been
an enormous interest and attention in the outcome of these polls by the
experts and strategists of the western imperialist world ruling elites and
its media.*

has been called a dictator, tyrant, authoritarian, narco, anti-American
terrorist. They have portrayed the image of Venezuela as one of violence,
insecurity, crime, corruption and chaos, failing to mention the incredible
achievements and social advances during the last decade, or the causes of
the social inequalities left behind from previous governments. These
scathing attacks on Hugo Chavez are not without a reason. They are
terrified of a Bolivarian victory. The rhetorical attacks on Iran, North
Korea, Islamic fundamentalism and so on are a different ball game.

In fact the imperialist and the Venezuelan oligarchies are fervently
campaigning for the joint opposition (forged by the imperialists and their
agents) candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski to win this presidential
election.  The imperialist support for this right wing candidate is for the
very clear interests of the resumption of unhindered imperialist plunder
and the intensification of capitalist exploitation. The imperialist support
was plainly spelt out by Robert Zoellick, the outgoing President of the
World Bank, when he said in June this year, “Chavez’s days are numbered. A
Capriles victory was an opportunity to make the Western Hemisphere the
first democratic hemisphere.” This is in spite of the fact that Chavez has
won eight elections and referendums during his almost fourteen year term
which were endorsed even by so called ‘neutral’ American observers
including the Jimmy Carter foundation.

But imperialism and their strategists have a simple definition of
democracy: does a government do what they want it to do?- in other words
the freedom of free market enterprises and unfettered access for corporate
capital to unrestricted exploitation in order to amass colossal rates of
profit. Capriles stands exactly for these policies. He describes himself as
a political centrist who looks to the left, but this is mere rhetoric
coming from a man who belongs to one of the wealthiest families in
Venezuela and whose   programme of privatisation, austerity and
neoliberalism will return the country to the poverty and stagnation of the
lost decades of the 1980s and 1990s.

Capriles and the right wing opposition’s subservience to big oil companies
and imperialism will mean a return to the plunder of Venezuela’s huge oil
reserves as in the past. This is evident from the massive financing of
Caprile’s campaign by these vested interests as well as plans to sabotage
the elections. His political record includes support for the 2002
anti-Chávez coup and an attack on the Cuban Embassy during the 2002 coup
that toppled Chavez for a few days. This military coup was covertly
supported by US imperialism and the present opposition which is now
masquerading as democrats. Capriles has announced a foreign policy of
appeasement to imperialism and to cold shoulder the relations with the left
governments in Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua and other governments
elected in the wake of a rising tide of class struggle in Latin America.
But the masses are not so naive. They can see the ugly physiognomy of the
oligarchy that lies concealed behind the smiling mask.

Chavez was a colonel in the military commandos in the 1980’s. In fact he
took part in a military operation against a guerrilla campaign in the
mountains launched by the communist party at the time. One of leaders of
the communist fighters was comrade Maria Leon who later became a senior
minister in the Chavez government after the 2002 coup. That was a unique
rendezvous. When Chavez was elected in 1998, he was not a socialist. But
when he tried to carry out the capitalist revolution, he was astonished to
find that the biggest hostility to the 

[LAAMN] 90% percent vote in Chavez wins 54%

2012-10-07 Thread Cort Greene
90% percent vote in Chavez wins 54%

Capriles 44%

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[LAAMN] Venezuela: the masses defend revolutionary gains – time to move to socialism

2012-10-08 Thread Cort Greene

 Venezuela: the masses defend revolutionary gains – time to move to
socialism http://www.marxist.com/venezuela-chaves-victory-oct-2012.htm
Written by Jorge Martin Monday, 08 October 2012

*Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez has won, yet again, the presidential
elections on Sunday October 7, with a comfortable margin of 54.84% against
the 44.55% of his opponent Henrique Capriles. This is another victory for
the Bolivarian revolution which should be used in order to carry out the
revolution to the end.*

*With over 95% of all votes counted, Chavez received 7,860,982 votes, and
the candidate of the oligarchy and imperialism 6,386,155 votes. The turnout
was an amazing 81%, beating even the previous record of the 2006
presidential elections which saw a 74% turn out*. This showed the extremely
polarised nature of this campaign, in which both camps mobilised all of
their supporters.

One of the main features of the election day was precisely the massive
level of participation. The Bolivarian campaign had made an appeal for
people to wake up early in order to vote, so as to achieve such a clear
result which would pre-empt any attempts of the reactionary opposition to
cry fraud.

A comrade from Venezuela reported how some started to queue outside polling
stations even the night before. At 3 am the *chavista *wake up call could
be heard in working class and poor neighbourhoods in Caracas and throughout
the country. By the time polling stations opened at 6 am, there were
already long queues of people waiting to cast their vote, and the situation
continued during the day.

At 6 pm, polling stations were supposed to close, but Venezuelan election
rules say that as long as there are people waiting to exercise their
democratic right to vote, polling stations should remain open. This was the
case yesterday, with some polling stations remaining open until 8.30, two
and half hours after the established time.

By then it was already clear that the counterrevolutionary opposition was
becoming nervous. Capriles asked for all polling stations to be shut by
6.01 pm. The reason was clear: in the upper class areas of Caracas the
polling stations were deserted, while in the working class and poor areas
hundreds were still queuing up to vote.

There was a report, for instance, of a polling station in Antímano, Caracas
(which voted 75% for Chavez), where 75% had already voted, but there were
still 800 people waiting in the queue. In general the turn out in the more
working class areas where Chavez got his biggest vote, was between 3 and 5%
higher than in the upper middle class and upper class areas where Capriles

Even before the official closing time of the election, the opposition was
already preparing a campaign of dirty tricks. Rumours were deliberately
spread about so-called “exit polls” which gave Capriles an advantage over
Chavez's, in some cases of even 10 percentage points. These were aimed at
creating the impression that Capriles was winning and thus make any
official results showing a Chavez victory doubtful. Scandalously the
Spanish right wing newspaper ABC published a huge headline on their website
announcing: “First exit poll shows Capriles victory”.

This was the continuation of a continued barrage of propaganda in the last
few months which we have analysed elsewhere. On election day itself, the
“liberal” El País in Spain, one of the most vociferous in its support for
Capriles, published an editorial under the title of “More than a vote –
Venezuelans are choosing between two antagonistic social models.”

It then described the election as a plebiscite over “the continuation of
the president's autocratic regime … a model of government based on personal
charisma and the perversion of democracy”. In its Monday edition (printed
before the results were announced), it continued in the same vein: “two
opposite political projects are confronted: the hegemony of populist
*or the recovery of liberal democracy. The most trustworthy opinion polls
show a technical draw.”

The Venezuelan presidential election was indeed the choice between two
models. Although the campaign of Chavez started on a very soft line “Chavez
is the heart of Venezuela”, it then became more radical and was filled with
a clear class content. In the last few weeks Chavez concentrated in
denouncing a document written by a number of economic advisors to the
Capriles campaign revealing their real plan. The document was basically a
massive austerity package, including cuts in social spending, attacks on
pensions and labour rights, etc.

Chavez correctly warned that the implementation of such a plan would lead
to civil war (as happened in 1989 when Carlos Andres Perez implemented an
IMF package of cuts). In his huge 

[LAAMN] Election Diary, Venezuela-The Ballot and the Bullet

2012-10-08 Thread Cort Greene

October 08, 2012
 Share on 
*Election Diary, Venezuela*
The Ballot and the Bullet


*The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie*

We made the mistake of flying into Caracas as Chávez was closing his
campaign in the capital, up to 3 million of his red-shirted supporters
clogging seven large city streets (the opposition had crowed proudly about
having merely filled the Avenida Bolivar the previous week). As we sat in
traffic, the minutes stretching into hours, our *taxista *comrade’s
triumphalism took the form of sarcasm: “You see all this traffic,” she
insisted, pointing at the hundreds of buses and cars full of Chávez
supporters hanging out windows, honking horns, and waving flags, “this is
the proof that the *Presidente *will be defeated.”

On the other side of this powerfully segregated metropolis, the tension was
palpable but its source unclear. Upscale supermarkets were as clogged as
the streets of the city center, but instead of the poor headed home after a
triumphant march that for many sealed victory, now it was the well-heeled
middle and upper classes stockpiling margarine, *harina *Pan for making *
arepas*, and kilos of sugar. Many, their shopping complete, threw a few
extra *bolos *at a worker to push their shopping carts up the uneven
sidewalks: such is their undeniable charm.

This hysteria echoes and is stoked by the opposition press domestically and
internationally, and some of the fears are comical at best, as with the
self-styled exile who had a hard
a phone card in Caracas’ wealthiest neighborhood:
*surely *the world must be rapidly approaching its end. While we expect
such things from what is often dismissed as remnants of the “rancid
oligarchy,” arguably more surprising was the coverage in the run-up to the
election provided by *The Guardian*‘s Rory
who piled unsubstantiated claims upon nonsense to create a sense that the
Chávez campaign was stumbling amid its patent inability to govern the

What are they afraid of, these domestic and foreign sowers of worry and
discord? A combination of an irrational, racist, and classist fear of the
Chavista other, and a deeper fear of themselves: the knowledge that if
anything happens after the election, it will almost certainly be their
doing. For Chavistas, awareness of the possibility of an opposition “Plan
B” is the only damper on their expectations of victory.

*Preparing for a Plan B*

The night before the elections, I attend a clandestine security meeting in
a *barrio *of southwestern Caracas, no doubt one of many such spontaneous
gatherings of revolutionaries to discuss the possible security scenarios
the election might bring. The participants discuss a plan for anonymously
escaping from the neighborhood in the event of a coup or local clashes, but
simmering under the surface is the question of what to do if Chávez loses,
knowing full well that many of the most militant collectives which dot the
Venezuelan political landscape have no intention of accepting defeat. “The
Tupamaros aren’t going to sit around with their arms crossed,” one suggests.

This question of whether or not to recognize an opposition victory at the
polls is hopelessly entangled with the certainty that no such victory is
possible: as former vice president and current mayor of western Caracas put
it at a press conference, Chávez will lose *cuando las ranas echan pelos*,*
*when frogs grow hair. But there is also the very real and open question of
whether such a massive step backward could be justified to conform to the
formalities of a representative democracy that has always been viewed with
suspicion by grassroots revolutionaries seeking to build a more
participatory and direct form of democracy.

Another rejects the mere 

[LAAMN] Cuba Exhales after Venezuelan Vote

2012-10-09 Thread Cort Greene
*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Cuba Exhales after Venezuelan Vote*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On October 9, 2012 @ 11:03 am In
Ravsberg,Lead Articles,Uncategorized* |

*Fernando Ravsberg* http://cartasdesdecuba.com/ [1]

Billboards in Cuba with photos of Chavez, whose popularity stands in third
place behind Fidel and Raul Castro. Photo: Raquel Perez

HAVANA TIMES — Most Cubans are breathing easier this week. The victory of
Hugo Chavez in Venezuela will ensure them a stable supply of oil in
exchange for the work of tens of thousands of aid workers from the island
who are employed in his health and education programs.

The Cuban greeting to Chavez was written personally by President Raul
Castro, noting that: “Your decisive victory ensures the continuity of the
struggle for the genuine integration of ‘Our America.’ We reiterate our
unwavering solidarity and support.”

But not everyone is happy. Dissidents and exiles see it as a curse that
allows the perpetuation of socialism in Cuba. They know that the US
economic embargo will never have the impact they seek as long as Havana
receives that support.

For the average Cuban, the equation is much simpler. The reelection of
Chavez as president of Venezuela means six more years without blackouts, an
adversity that everyone remembers from the 1990s, when energy shortages
lasted up to eight hours a day.
The 100,000 barrels*

When they began announcing the results of the Venezuelan elections, one
young Cuban said: “A friend from California called to congratulate me.
Laughing, she said she was glad because I could keep sleeping with air

During the days before the election, many of my acquaintances — distrustful
of the typical triumphalism of the national media — asked me what I thought
would be the Venezuelan election results and the real capacity of Cuba to
face a Chavez defeat.

It’s no secret that the country has no capacity for self-sufficiency in
oil. It needs the 100,000 barrels a day that come from Venezuela, which is
equivalent to the amount of foreign exchange that Cuba couldn’t pay without
the work of its aid workers.

It also means a sigh of relief for those same Cuban professionals who go
back and forth working in Venezuela earning a share of their salary in
foreign currency. This allows them to bring back to the island appliances
that they could never have purchased on their normal wages.

*A bad memory*

Chavez’s victory again dispels the bad memories of the 1990s, when the
blackouts were so long that people jokingly refer to “*alumbrones*” (brief
periods when the lights were actually *on*). Those were exceedingly
difficult years for most Cubans given everything they entailed.

Masses were even held in the Havana Cathedral for the health of Hugo
Chavez, who was afflicted with cancer and treated by Cuban doctors.

The lack of electricity meant no air conditioning or even a fan to cool the
hot tropical nights. People camped out on rooftops and sleepless mothers
spent their evenings fanning their children to cool them down and to keep
the mosquitoes away.

Nor was it possible to enjoy a shower, because in most homes and buildings
water was pumped using electric motors. What people had for drinking was
served at room temperature, and food rotted in refrigerators that couldn’t
keep things cold.

Currently the situation would be even worse, because back in those days,
cooking was done using natural gas, kerosene and firewood; but since the
“Energy Revolution,” a lot of the appliances that used those old energy
sources were changed for ones that use electricity.

*A common strategy*

Cuba is trying to diversify its international relations, but still no
country or group of countries can replace Caracas. In selling its services
abroad, Venezuela absorbs 40,000 Cuban aid workers, while all of Africa
contracts only 5,000.

But the Venezuela of Chavez is not solely interested in Cuba in the
economic field. The Venezuelan government also has a political commitment
to regional integration projects in Latin America, which includes Havana
and excludes its main enemy: the United States.

Petroleum policies of Caracas that are supportive of the continent have
allowed it to create a community of leftist ALBA states — among which Cuba
moves like a fish in water — and to also push for broader and more diverse
formations such as UNASUR (the Union of South American Nations) and CELAC
(the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).

In fact, relations with Venezuela give Havana a greater presence on the
continent thanks to programs such as the “Operacion Milagro” eye surgery
program and the “Yo si puedo” literacy method, funded by Venezuela while
implemented by Cuban aid workers.


Article printed from Havana Times.org: *http://www.havanatimes.org*

URL to article: *http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=79973*

URLs in this post:

[1] *Fernando Ravsberg*: 

[LAAMN] South Africa Strikes continue about to go Nationwide

2012-10-09 Thread Cort Greene
*3,600 sacked as S. Africa labour unrest deepens*

By by Andrew Beatty (AFP) – 7 hours ago

JOHANNESBURG — Close to 3,600 strikers were sacked at South African mines
on Tuesday in the latest wave of mass lay-offs to rock Africa's largest

Two mining firms said they had fired the workers for taking part in illegal
work stoppages.

Platinum miner Atlatsa said 2,161 miners had been given until the end of
business on Wednesday to appeal their dismissal.

Meanwhile Gold One sacked 1,435 people -- more than 75 percent of its
workforce -- at a gold and uranium mine near Johannesburg

Both wildcat strikes have run since October 1.

Amid rising anger at South Africa's failure to tackle vast income gaps that
plague the country 18 years after the end of Apartheid, scores of miners,
truckers and other workers have downed tools unilaterally, demanding higher

While a handful of mine owners have acquiesced to demands for higher pay
and better working and living conditions, others have taken a tougher line.

Last week mining powerhouse Anglo American announced it had sacked 12,000
workers at its platinum mine in Rustenburg in the north of the country.

On Tuesday Gold One -- a mid-sized mining group partially owned by the
China-Africa Development Fund -- said the workers had until Thursday to
appeal their dismissal.

Dismissed employees have been informed of their right to appeal their
dismissal, it said.

The South African Police Service is maintaining a strong presence at the
operation to ensure that there are no acts of intimidation or violence.
Currently only essential services are continuing.

While mass sackings have been used in the past in South Africa as a means
of gaining negotiating leverage, after months of sometimes deadly labour
unrest that could prove a risky gambit today.

Over 50 people are thought to have died since the start of August in
strike-related violence, which threatens to derail South Africa's already
weak economic growth.

 South African bosses suspend 15,000 gold miners over wildcat strike
   [image: South African bosses suspend 15,000 gold miners over wildcat
strike] http://libcom.org/files/images/blog/photo_1347269945007-1-0.jpg

In the South African region of West Rand, Gold Fields, one of the world’s
largest producers of gold have suspended 15,000 miners who yesterday took
unofficial strike action, and are currently seeking a court injunction to
bring the strike to an end.

Reasons for the strike are not 100% clear; however, it is believed that
dissatisfaction with local NUM branch leadership, and demands for improved
pay are the main causes of the dispute.

Throughout the mining disputes across South Africa, workers are becoming
increasingly dissatisfied with the approach of the NUM to negotiating with
the bosses.

Workers rejection of the NUM is likely to escalate, as it has emerged that
senior NUM leaders are earning salaries equivalent to those of union barons
in the UK, despite the wages of the rank and file being significantly
lower. There are also several former NUM leaders who sit on the board of
directors at Lonmin.

The NUM invest significant amounts of union subs into a variety of
companies. There has been an allegation by the new mineworkers union (AMCU)
that the NUM have been investing monies into the mine companies themselves,
hence their refusal to fight for miners interests. This allegation is
unproven at the moment.

Elsewhere, workers at Lonmin platinum mine have failed to show up for yet
another week. Business consultants that Lonmin brought in following the
crash of their share prices has gone on record saying that “Lonmin need to
start closing mines”.

The dispute across South Africa’s gold and platinum mines has no end in
sight. The more that the corrupt NUM leadership cosy up to the bosses and
the gangsters who run the ANC, the more the workers are going to take
matters into their own hands.

Solidarity comrades!

South Africa Shows Europe How Anti-Austerity Protests Are Done
 [image: Tyler Durden's picture]http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden
Submitted by Tyler Durden http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden on
10/08/2012 21:33 -0400

 While we have grown 'used' to hearing of protests in several European
peripheral nations, South Africa has turned the anti-austerity protest
amplifier to 11 in recent days. From the Lonmin
subsequent wage
the truck-drivers' strike and Amplats
firing of 12,000
South Africa's local government worker's union has now said it will
join a nationwide strike amid the labor unrest in 

[LAAMN] Pakistan:IMT sympathiser shot in Swat Red Flags in Taliban Territory

2012-10-10 Thread Cort Greene
 Pakistan: National Marxist Youth School Summer 2012 - Red Flags in Taliban
Written by Imran Kamyana Wednesday, 10 October 2012

[image: Pakistan: National Marxist Youth School Summer 2012 - Red Flags in
Taliban Territory]Swat is a place known for religious extremism and the
Taliban. A war has been going on between the Pakistan Army and the
draconian religious fanatics it itself created and nourished just two years
ago. During all those months of warthe Marxists not only exposed the
reality of the Islamic fundamentalists and their connections with the
Pakistani state but also organized the local masses against this evil
nexus. Many comrades themselves became victims of this religious terrorism
including one comrade who was shot and had eight bullets in himfrom a G-3
rifle. Only his will power and hatred against the cruelty of the state and
the Taliban kept him alive.

To read more go to the url:


 IMT sympathiser shot in Swat - Barbarism must not
Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 10 October 2012
| Print | http://www.marxist.com/imt-sympathiser-shot-in-swat/print.htm#

The suffering of the people of Pakistan is largely unknown in the West. A
veil of silence has been carefully drawn over the number of people killed
every day by American drones and Taliban murders. But recently a small
corner of the curtain was raised as the result of a particularly appalling

[image: Malala Yousafzai shot]Malala YousafzaiYesterday Malala Yousafzai
was brutally shot by gunmen as she was returning home from school. Masked
assassins stepped onto a bus filled with terrified children, identified
her, and shot her at point blank range in the head and neck.

Who are these men who wage war on defenceless schoolgirls? We know who they
are because they have already admitted their guilt. The cowardly murderers
who perpetrated this vile deed feel no need to hide away from public
opinion. They feel no shame, for they are utterly shameless. The Pakistan
Taliban has claimed responsibility for this act of bloodthirsty savagery.

What crime did this fourteen year-old girl commit that could justify the
taking of her life? Was she a friend of American imperialism? Did she
support the occupation of Afghanistan? Was she on the side of the Pakistan
government and its army?

No, she was none of those things. On the contrary, Malala was on the side
of the oppressed people of Pakistan and Afghanistan and every other
country. She was an enemy of imperialism, landlordism and capitalism. She
stood for the cause of freedom, progress and socialism. And for that they
have tried to take her young and innocent life.
Swat laid waste

Perhaps nowhere has the sufferings of the people of Pakistan been greater
than in the mountainous area known as Swat. The Swat valley is a
picturesque place that was famed for its music and tolerance. It used to be
a favourite holiday and honeymoon destination. Now it has been laid waste
by a war characterised by the utmost savagery on all sides.

Because of its proximity with Afghanistan, this beautiful region has been
plunged into a bloody war, in which the Pakistan army, the Taliban and US
imperialism have vied with each other to win domination.

First the Taliban seized control. They made life a hell for the people of
Swat, forcing men to grow beards, beheading their opponents, imposing
sharia law and other reactionary measures to keep the masses in a state of
ignorance and illiteracy in which they would be more easily dominated by
the mullahs and religious fanatics.

In one incident the Taliban killed 14 people in one village and hanged
their bodies from the trees as a warning. Only two people dared to bury the
bodies. Later they began to organize resistance to the terrorists and they
are now members of the IMT. Despite all the difficulties and dangers, the
comrades of the International Marxist Tendency in Swat organized a
very successful
Marxist School this
from July 13th to July 15th.

The school was attended by more than 225 comrades from all over the
country. Even some soldiers were present. Also present was comrade Malala
Yousafzai, who spoke in the debates. She was full of confidence and
enthusiasm in the just cause for which she was fighting.

Now, not three months later, she is fighting for her life in an intensive
care ward in a Peshawar hospital, with a bullet lodged close to her brain.
Reactionary nature of the Taliban

There are those in the West who consider themselves “lefts” who think it is
right to support the Taliban, allegedly because they are “fighting
imperialism”. Here we have ignorance and cynicism combined in equal


[LAAMN] PSUV Announces Candidates for Venezuelan Regional Elections, Some Criticism

2012-10-12 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] PSUV Announces Candidates for Venezuelan
Regional Elections, Some Criticism

Oct 12th 2012, by Rachael Boothroyd
[image: PSUV Vice-President, Diosdado Cabello, announced the nominations on
Wednesday (YVKE)]

PSUV Vice-President, Diosdado Cabello, announced the nominations on
Wednesday (YVKE)

Caracas, October 11th 2012 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – Venezuelan President
Hugo Chavez's political party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
(PSUV), has announced its 23 candidates for the up and coming state
governor elections, due to be held on 16 December.

The nominations were officially announced in a live press-conference by
PSUV Vice-president Diosdado Cabello and include 9 current PSUV governors
and 3 government ministers, including Minister of Justice and Domestic
Affairs, Tareck El-Aissami, who will stand in Aragua and Indigenous Affairs
Minister, Nicia Maldonado, who will stand in Amazonas. Current Minister of
Communes and Popular Power, Isis Ochoa, will stand in Lara.

Before making the announcements Cabello stated that “this might not satisfy
some sectors, but there it is. Here are the names that we are putting
forward for this struggle”.

Whilst the PSUV incumbents in some states such as Falcon's Stella Lugo and
Bolivar state's Rangel Gomez will be candidates again this time round,
other states will witness new contenders.

One of the main reshuffles of the Chavez government was the replacement of
current Vice-President of Venezuela, Elias Jaua, by Foreign Affairs
Minister, Nicolas Maduro, who will take up the vice-presidency as of next

Jaua will now stand for governor of Miranda state, currently held by former
opposition contender for the presidency, Capriles Radonski. Capriles lost
to Chavez in last Sunday's presidential elections by 11.11% and will stand
again for the state governor position.

Registering his candidacy for the state earlier today, Capriles stated that
the opposition had “lost one match, but for the next match, everyone can be
clear that the deceitful and cunning (government) will not be returning to

Although Chavez won a majority in 22 out of Venezuela's 24 regional states
in the presidential elections, including Miranda, the contest for some
state governor positions is expected to be tightly fought, with various
states only secured by a small margin. In the 2008 regional state elections
the PSUV won 17 of the 22 governorships up for election that year.

Both the government and the opposition have received some criticism for
their nominations, with Venezuelan news site YVKE reporting that Capriles
has registered as the candidate for Miranda in spite of the fact that the
MUD's official primary elections in February saw Carlos Oscariz nominated
for the post. *Some Chavez supporters have also reacted negatively to the
PSUV’s selections.*

*“The big question is what the hell do we do with these candidates for
provincial government,” said Caracas-based community activist, Gustavo
Borges, on a social networking site.*

*“Do we block them, do we vote for them, do we get mad, do we keep the
(electoral) map “red, very red”, do we fold our arms, or keep fighting?” he

*Similar reactions were also posted on the “revolutionary women with
Chavez” facebook page. “In Bolivar they have to review Henry Rangel Gomez,
the Chavista working class are not happy with him at all,” said one man on
the page.*

*Rangel Gomez has been subject to criticism from many workers' collectives
in the industrial Guayana region, who accuse him of trying to sabotage
projects aimed at implementing workers control. Andres Velasquez of the
“Radical Cause Party,” (LCR) which enjoyed substantial working class
support in the Guayana region in the 1980s will also stand in Bolivar,
where he previously served as governor in 1989. The LCR is currently allied
with the Venezuelan opposition.*

*Many people on the Facebook forum also exhorted other members to vote for
the “people’s candidates” on the day and not for “personal tastes,” but
other remain unconvinced. Several said that they trusted Chavez's judgement.

“If the commander decided to put them there then he will evaluate our
political strategy, but as we should be self-critical I think that the
revolutionary people should throw themselves into voting for these
candidates in the same way as they did for the presidential elections. The
problem will be the mayoralties, there isn't good local management. We have
to give more power to the people and not sabotage ourselves,” said another

*The pro-government coalition of political parties and social movements,
the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), has taken a mixed reaction to the PSUV’s
nominations, supporting some, and having reservations about others.
According to a representative of the Venezuelan Communist Party (PCV), Yul
Jabour, the PSUV took into account a list of GPP suggestions of possible
state governor candidates for some, but not all, of its 

[LAAMN] audio-The Harvey Goldberg Lectures- History of Social Movements

2012-10-16 Thread Cort Greene
I was lucky enough to have studied, sat-in on his classes on the History of
Social Movements in the Humanities bulding rm.3650 for many years (standing
room only most times 500 people +) , worked on some of the same projects he
did and on a few occasions late at night while I was cook at Dolly's in
Madison and other venues to converse with him on about Lenin, Trotsky, the
October revolution and Rosa Luxemburg, which were his most famous lectures
in my view...



  Harvey Goldberg Lectures
   Between 1975  1983

These recordings were made by students in various classes taught by  Harvey
Goldberg at the University of Wisconsin. So extraordinary was Harvey as a
teacher that, after word got around, his lectures were attended by
standing-room-only throngs of hundreds of students. Agriculture Hall, which
sat some 600, became his venues from the 60s until 1987 when he died of
cancer. He taught history so that students could use it to change the
world, which is what a lot of them went on to do. Goldberg taught an
estimated 25,000 students in his career and supervised 99 Ph.D.
dissertations. He was likely the most influential teacher of his
generation, so beloved that his students and friends organized a foundation
at UW to continue his work and then took the step to raise funds to
dedicate a classroom at the Brecht Forum in Harvey Goldberg's memory.
   [image: audio/mpeg icon]1. Rosa Luxemburg
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]2. German Working Class Movement
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]3. French Social Democrats
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]4. Revolutionary Syndicalism
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]5. German Revoution - Betrayal by SPD  SGT
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]6. Rosa Luxemburg
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]7. Russian Revolution - Lenin
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]8. Lenin  Leninism
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]9. Russian Revolution - Socialism in One Country
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]10. Collaboration of Social Democrats During WW1
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]11. Anti-war Underground - Liebknecht
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]12. German Revolution - Rosa Luxemburg
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]13. German Revolution = Hindenburg
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]14. Lenin  Leninism - History Project
  *[image: audio/mpeg icon]**15. October Revolution
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]16. German Revolution
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]17. German revoution - Sacred Union-Corporatism
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]18. American Imperialism - The Windfall of WWII
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]19. Lend Lease - Iran-Juwait
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]20. Resistance Movement of WWII
  [image: audio/mpeg icon]21. American  Soviet Sellout of Italian
  [image: audio/mpeg 

[LAAMN] New Documents Show US Military Estimated Invasion of Cuba Would Cost 18,500 US Casualties

2012-10-16 Thread Cort Greene
Please click on url to view other documents mention article if they show up:

 New Documents Show US Military Estimated Invasion of Cuba Would Cost
18,500 US Casualties…. Assuming the Cubans Wouldn’t Take the “Foolhardy
Step” of Using Nukes.
October 16, 2012
 tags: Castro http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/castro/, chairman of the
joint chiefshttp://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/chairman-of-the-joint-chiefs/,
Cuban Missile Crisishttp://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/cuban-missile-crisis/,
fidel castro http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/fidel-castro/,
kennedy presidential
National Security
RFK http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/tag/rfk/, tactical nuclear
by Nate Jones http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/author/natebjones/

To commemorate the Fiftieth anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis,
The National Security Archive has posted a slew of newly declassified
documents.  Perhaps the most jarring of these –here is the NY Times’s
is a formerly Top Secret
memohttp://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB397/written on 2
October 1962 by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General
Maxwell Taylor, assessing that the US could likely invade Cuba at a cost of
an estimated 18,500 casualties –assuming the Cubans did not take the
“foolhardy step” of launching nuclear weapons.

A “Foolhardy step indeed.”

Earlier this week, the Archive’s Peter Kornbluh also posted newly
declassified documents
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB395/from Robert F.
Kennedy’s Cuban Missile Crisis files held by the John F.
Kennedy Presidential Library.  These include a draft letter to Fidel
Castro, RFK’s sketch of the seating arrangements during the first ExComm
meeting, as well as his list of “hawks” (who favored force) and “doves”
(who favored diplomacy).  http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB395/

…Wonder if one of these exists for the Geronimo watch party?


Finally, the Archive’s Svetlana Savranskaya has posted
published a
examining the Cuban Missile Crisis from the Soviet side.  The Soviet
documents –from the Anastas Mikoyan Archive, include the minutes to
the four-hour
November 1962 
which the Old Bolshevik Mikoyan told Fidel Castro that the Soviets
also be removing their tactical nuclear weapons from Cuban territory.
 Fidel responded by pleading to keep the “offensive” weapons (“Maybe we
could use them to defend our commercial fishing ships?”), and blaming the
entire Missile Crisis on the Soviets (“Obviously, the Soviet military
specialists did not undertake all necessary measures to camouflage the

How do these revelations make you feel about the 4,000-plus operational
stationed around the globe?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Cuba Allows Citizens to Travel Abroad

2012-10-16 Thread Cort Greene
*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Cuba Allows Citizens to Travel Abroad*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On October 16, 2012 @ 7:25 am In *Features,Lead
Articles,Updates* |

Cubans have complained for decades of their inability to travel abroad
without a costly and often difficult to obtain exit permit. Photo: Caridad

HAVANA TIMES — Cuba will allow citizens to travel abroad without first
obtaining exit permits, a key and long awaited reform of President Raul
Castro reported DPA news.

Beginning January 14, 2013, Cubans will be able to leave the island with
only a valid passport and visa from the country of destination, the Foreign
Ministry announced on Tuesday.

The long-awaited immigration reform eliminates the presentation of a letter
of invitation and the processing of the “carte blanche” (exist permit)
needed by Cubans for decades to leave the country. At the same time, the
Cuban government announced it would take unspecified steps to “preserve the
human capital created by the revolution.”

The reform also extends permission to stay abroad from 11 to 24 months.
Cubans who already have exit visas in their passports “may leave the
country without a new process,” the statement said.

Current immigration laws also prohibit Cubans uninterrupted stay abroad
under penalty of losing their property on the island and the possibility of

In mid-2011, Raul Castro’s government announced immigration reform as part
of a series of profound economic adjustments to “update” the Cuban model
with market elements.

The new immigration measures “are inscribed in the irreversible process of
the normalization of relations of emigrants with their country,” said an
editorial in the official *Granma* newspaper,
published in its online version.

The travel ban has caused serious crisis with US immigration over the last
half century, such as the wave of “*balseros*” (rafters) in 1994, and the
Mariel exodus in 1980 (when the Cuban government allowed exiles to
temporarily boat-lift their relatives from that port).

While distributed in many countries, the vast majority of Cuban emigrants
live in the United States.

Havana accuses Washington of encouraging illegal immigration with its
admission policy for Cuban refugees (the Cuban Adjustment Act and its
so-called “dry foot, wet foot” policy), which automatically give Cubans who
reach US territory a fast-track to permanent residency.

“The updated immigration policy takes into account the state’s right to
defend itself against the interventionist and subversive plans of the US
government and its allies,” the Cuban government said in its statement

“For this reason, measures shall be maintained to preserve the human
capital created by the revolution, in the face from talent theft by the
powerful nations,” it added.

It’s estimated that Havana will continue to impose restrictions on the
outflow of professionals such as doctors to prevent a mass exodus. It also
remains unclear whether the measure will allow temporary travel abroad for
political dissidents like blogger Yoani Sanchez, who has been denied exit
visas on 20 occasions

*See the immigration reform
[1] in the Gaceta Oficial (in Spanish).*


Article printed from Havana Times.org: *http://www.havanatimes.org*

URL to article: *http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=80347*

URLs in this post:

[1] immigration reform text: *

[2] Image: *http://www.linkwithin.com/*


*Havana One-Ups Washington on Travel*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On October 16, 2012 @ 1:04 pm In *Opinion,Recent
Posts* |

*Can Obama and Romney Avoid the Issue?*
 http://www.havanatimes.org/?attachment_id=80367 [1]


*B**y** John McAuliff *

HAVANA TIMES — Cuba’s welcome announcement of the end of the exit visa
travel restriction poses two challenges to the Obama Administration:

1) Political: Cuba is giving its citizens more freedom to travel to the US
than the US gives its citizens to travel to Cuba. The White House should
respond by using its power to allow all non tourist travel to Cuba without
applying for a license, our equivalent of the White Card. It must also
press Congress to abolish all travel restrictions.

2) Legal: The Cuban Adjustment Act and wet foot dry foot policy must be
suspended and repealed. With Cubans free to travel to Mexico and Canada,
‘step across the border’ economic migration will become a bigger problem.

I wonder whether this increases the likelihood of Cuba coming up during
next Monday’s Presidential debate in Florida on foreign policy .

A general question will produce similar anti-regime boilerplate from both
candidates.  The glaring contrast is on travel .

*President Obama* authorized unrestricted travel and remittances  for Cuban
Americans and opened 

[LAAMN] Venezuela:Calling for Democratisation in the PSUV

2012-10-17 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] Calling for Democratisation in the PSUV

Oct 17th 2012, by Lucha de Clases ( http://www.luchadeclases.org.ve/ )
[image: Diosdado Cabello announcing the PSUV#039;s candidates for the
regional elections (YVKE Mundial).]

Diosdado Cabello announcing the PSUV's candidates for the regional
elections (YVKE Mundial).

On 10 October, a little after 8:30pm, the vice-president of the United
Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, appeared in the
media announcing his party’s candidates for governor in the upcoming
elections. The response from the grassoots of the party was fast in coming.

In all the social networks, the text messages, and in conversations with
different comrades, there is a discontent with the way these candidates
were chosen. What was the criteria that was taken into account in order to
choose them? Has their previous management [as governors or in other
positions] been evaluated correctly, and above all, do they enjoy popular

Comrade president Hugo Chavez, when he founded the PSUV, he said that this
party should be the political organisation that drives the revolution, it
should bring together all revolutionary militants, in every community,
factory, barrio, town, and city. Chavez talked of being shoulder to
shoulder with the workers, rural workers, students, housewives, and small
producers. However, unfortunately the reality in the PSUV at this time is

Without any doubt it’s the PSUV that is most accepted party in Venezuelan
society, all the opinion polls confirm it, and it’s the party with the
highest amount of votes in all the elections. But, we still have to ask
ourselves, is the party going in the right direction and if the choosing of
candidates by the party leadership is the right policy to ensure that the
party and the revolution strengthen eachother? Many comrades are really
bothered by this choice, they comment that “this candidate isn’t admired by
anyone” and “this candidate has never been to my community”.

In our opinion this form of choosing candidates doesn’t strengthen the
party nor the revolution, but on the contrary, it weakens it. We think that
the grassroots of the party should carry out the revolution. We’re
militants on foot, those of us who come into contact every day with the
feelings of our worker and rural comrades. They tell us what they think of
all of their leaders. Who better than the rank and file militants to know
how a governor or mayor has failed, who better than us to know the needs of
each city, barrio, or street?

*United Socialist Party of Venezuela*

Despite comrade Hugo Chavez’s huge efforts to create a mass party that
unites the best and most advanced people and to leave behind those parties
that are just used as electoral machinery;  we have to say that these
objectives have not been met.

At the moment the party is being used as an electoral machine and not as an
organisation that constantly debates the policies that the revolution
should implement at each moment in time from the grassroots. It doesn’t
focus on the revolutionary ideas that we defend, nor discuss the programs
that each state organism should follow, nor believe in our militancy and
our tradition of struggle, commitment, and effort, nor discuss the methods
and tactics to follow in each battle that we are faced with.

Our socialist party is only active in electoral campaigns, and in a very
limited way. Unfortunately it’s becoming a machine to make propaganda for
one candidate or another, and leaving behind the objectives in which it was
founded by comrade Chavez.

The party should be present in every union, student, or rural worker
struggle, in the communities, and also supporting and doing everything
possible to help workers in other countries of the world in their battles;
it should always be on the side of the poor people and the workers, always
on the side of the class that is the motor of socialism. It should not just
accompany the exploited classes, but rather it should be the tool used by
them to wage their struggle.

At the moment the leadership of the PSUV is using the method of *cooptacion*[
*Translator: roughly translatable to “cooption” but not the same, it’s when
an organisation internally names its own members or leaders, without
depending on external criteria- eg when Roman emperors chose their
successors, or the Catholic Church chooses its popes*] to elect its
candidates, but why are they using this undemocratic method for these
candidates who will play such an important role in the immediate future of
the revolution? It’s true that the method of *cooptacion* can be a
preferred one under certain conditions, such as when a party is cornered
and has to work clandestinely, but this method should be understood as an
exception not as a general rule. As we understand the current conditions in
Venezuela, they are just right for each candidate and member of the party’s
leadership to be elected democratically by the 

[LAAMN] Lal Khan:Waziristan’s long march to modernity

2012-10-19 Thread Cort Greene

 Waziristan’s long march to
Written by Lal Khan Friday, 19 October 2012

*The reactions of the political elite during the recent caricature of a
long march launched and abruptly ended half way by Imran Khan [a right wing
populist politician and former Pakistan cricket team captain] were either
hysterical or comical. The Jamaat a Islami and other religious outfits that
supported it are trying to create an extreme right wing political force at
the behest of the sections of the state.*

The commercial mullahs and the liberal bourgeois politicians had their own
axe to grind. Playing their game of exchanging insults and accusations,
undermining the real issues of the oppressed masses it was business as
usual for the politics of ideological and intellectual decay immersed in
the froth of corruption. Their diatribes and crude allegations against
Khan’s march were more out of jealousy and their fear of losing political
ground to him. Imran proclaims it as a stupendous success with the main
pretext that more than a hundred channels highlighted the plight of the
people of tribal areas in the international media.

Were the “international community”, the UN or the perpetrator of these
drone attacks, US imperialism in any needof being addressed? Don’t they
know about the devastation and bloodshed caused by the Hellfire missiles
fired by these predator reapers? US imperialism now operates more than
10,000 drones with an annual budget of $5bn making it the preferred
instruments of destruction from a remote and at a safe distance in Nevada.
Truth is there's profit to be made, the market for drones is already valued
at $5.9bn and is expected to double in 10 years. As Chris Hedges reveals in
his book *War is a force that gives us meaning*, an estimated 62 million
civilians perished in the 20th century's wars. The biggest beneficiaries of
the 4.4 trillion dollars spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have
been the military industrial complex and the media empires. The imperialist
war industry needs these conflicts and bloodshed for its gargantuan rates
of profits.

Imran Khan said that the long march was called off, “not that the military
stopped them but it had made them aware of the dangers of entering
Waziristan”. Is he that naive that he didn’t anticipate the “dangers” in
the region before announcing and embarking upon the long march to
Waziristan? Or was the army orchestrating this whole episode in their own
clash of interests and bargaining with their imperialist bosses? The
barbarity of the terrorist attacks killing and maiming thousands of
innocent people by the Taliban with the latest brutal assassination attempt
on the 14 year old girl Malala Yousafzai blatantly lays bare the bestial
nature of these Islamic bigots. A cursory analysis of the last few years
amply demonstrates how Pakistan’s security apparatus orchestrated national
chauvinism and religious bias. But every time they abandoned their
cherished and sacred nationalism for a fistful of dollars.

The oppressed people of Waziristan are suffering from perhaps the worse
form of combined and uneven development. Satellite phone arrived here
without waiting for the land lines to be introduced. Planes arrived without
the people ever experiencing the train or decent road transport. The most
advanced weapons such as drones were used in this one of the most primitive
hinterlands. Cable television came before any tapped running water reached
these pre-tribal societies. Drug trade created a mafia economy before the
advent of the relatively less profitable industrial enterprise. These most
advanced gadgets in this wasteland have ruptured the medieval culture and
traditions of the region. The obsolete social fabric on which tribal
relations and structures were based upon has been ripped apart by this
uneven pattern of technological and economic incursion. The black money has
intruded deep down the socio economic relations of the past. Tribal
loyalties, honour, etc. have become saleable commodities. But the
imperialist and capitalist modernisation has failed to lift the region from
its medieval backwardness. Rather it has further convoluted and perverted
this medieval social and economic setup. This primitiveness has now
violently struck back against this debilitated, leeching and benighted
modernity with a vengeance.

Capitalism is too frail and impotent to develop this region. It cannot
provide a modern infrastructure, healthcare education and modernisation.
The warlords, mainly mullahs exhibiting piety but indulged in heinous
crimes, are obscenely rich and their wealth flourishes in the far
pavilions. In a callous manner they exploit the deprived youth as raw
fodder for their mercenary wars. Their ever changing allegiances are rented
rather than 

[LAAMN] Malala’s Lessons

2012-10-22 Thread Cort Greene
Malala able to stand, write, thanks supporters: Doctors


October 20, 2012 at 10:30 am Maryam Namazie

The shooting of the wonderfully brave Malala Yousefzai by the Pakistani
Taliban has brought to the fore many of the issues that I have been banging
on about for a long time.

*Not all Muslims (or those labelled as Muslims) support Islamism and the
likes of the Taliban.*

Many of them are its first victims and at the frontlines of resistance.

And because of who Malala is and what she represents, this ever-present
resistance and dissent is pushing its way into mainstream consciousness and
demanding to be seen and heard.

The far-Right keeps asking where the ‘Muslim’ voices of dissent are (and
this question has become the question of the day within many circles). Of
course, they ask this not because they care but because it implies that
Muslims are one and the same with the vile Islamists so that the far-Right
can justify its racist, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim agenda.

Well assholes, here they are…

On another related matter, what I find most ironic in all this is how the
Taliban’s propaganda is so close to the nice, lovely, liberals and
post-modernist and relativist Left who keep calling for tolerance and
respect of the intolerable (as if the Islamist perspective is that of all

I personally have lost count of the amount of times I have heard these
lovely people tell me that the demand for universal rights is a demand for
– shall we just put it in the Taliban’s words as they are one and the same
– ‘western culture’ …

Like the far-Right, this lot sees Islamists and Muslims as one and the same
but from another ‘progressive’ angle. Defending Sharia law, the Islamic
regime of Iran’s right to nuclear technology, the veil, and every other bit
of misogyny and barbarity is to them an act of anti-imperialism because
they see Islamism as a force of resistance against US-led militarism (when
it is in fact the other side of the same coin) and a defence of Muslims
from bigotry. I suppose, to justify their inhuman position, they have no
choice but to see Islamism as the representative of every single ‘Muslim’
no matter how many bodies pile up in prisons, in city centres, and
alleyways across the Middle East, North Africa and right here in Europe.

How shameful. How very sorry I feel for this lot and how angry. Because in
this colossal fight against the beast of Islamism, they knowingly or
inadvertently have decided to side with the beast and not the likes of

Hopefully, this can be a turning point for them, though I won’t be holding
my breath.

With or without them, the likes of Malala will bring – is bringing –
Islamism to its knees.

The fact that the Taliban has to shoot a 14 year old girl who merely wants
the right for girls to go to school shows how afraid they are of her and
the dissent she represents and how very potent and effective this
resistance is. Not bombs, not regime change from above, not economic
sanctions but people power and sheer human will and defiance.

In the meanwhile, our young hero, Malala, has been able to walk with help,
and has managed to converse in writing, even asking for her supporters to
be thanked.

Islamists – and your cowardly apologists – be afraid, be very afraid…
About the Author

 This is my personal blog. Any comments made by me here are my own and
don't reflect the various campaigns I work on (unless of course they are
attributed to those campaigns). Some of my activities include being
Spokesperson of the One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain,
the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and Equal Rights Now - Organisation
against Women's Discrimination in Iran. I work closely with Iran
Solidarity, which I founded, and the International Committee against
Stoning on the Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani stoning case amongst others. I am
very much on the Left and am Central Committee member of the
Worker-communist Party of Iran

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[LAAMN] Longtime Indigenous American activist Russell Means dies at 72

2012-10-22 Thread Cort Greene
 [image: Leonard Peltier Defense Offense

Incident At Oglala – The Leonard Peltier Story

Leonard, Peltier, rally, Russell, Means, Fargo -
  ► 10:08► 
 www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUl5fifMUf8Nov 28, 2008 - 10 min - Uploaded by
*Russell Means* speaking at Nov. 28, 2008 rally for *Leonard Peltier* at
federal courthouse in Fargo, ND where *...*
   Longtime Indian activist Russell Means dies at 72

   - Article by: DIRK LAMMERS and KRISTI EATON
   - Associated Press
   - October 22, 2012 - 3:42 PM

 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Russell Means spent a lifetime as a modern American
Indian warrior. He railed against broken treaties, fought for the return of
stolen land and even took up arms against the federal government.

A onetime leader of the American Indian Movement, he called national
attention to the plight of impoverished tribes and often lamented the
waning of Indian culture. After leaving the movement in the 1980s, the
handsome, braided activist was still a cultural presence, appearing in
several movies.

Means, who died Monday from throat cancer at age 72, helped lead the 1973
uprising at Wounded Knee — a bloody confrontation that raised America's
awareness about the struggles of Indians and gave rise to a wider protest
movement that lasted for the rest of the decade.

Before AIM, there were few national advocates for American Indians. Means
was one of the first to emerge. He sought to restore Indians' pride in
their culture and to challenge a government that had paid little attention
to tribes in generations. He was also one of the first to urge sports teams
to do away with Indian names and mascots.

No one except Hollywood stars and very rich Texans wore Indian jewelry,
Means said, recalling the early days of the movement. And there were
dozens, if not hundreds, of athletic teams that in essence were insulting
us, from grade schools to college. That's all changed.

AIM was founded in the late 1960s to demand that the government honor its
treaties with American Indian tribes. The movement eventually faded away,
Means said, as Native Americans became more self-aware and self-determined.

There were plenty of American Indian activists before AIM, but it became
the radical media gorilla, said Paul DeMain, editor of News from Indian
Country, a national newspaper focused on tribal affairs.

If someone needed help, you called on the American Indian Movement, and
they showed up and caused all kind of ruckus and looked beautiful on a
20-second clip on TV that night, DeMain said.

Means and AIM co-founder Dennis Banks were charged in 1974 for their role
in the Wounded Knee uprising in which hundreds of protesters occupied the
town on the site of the 1890 Indian massacre. Protesters and federal
authorities were locked in a standoff for 71 days and frequently exchanged
gunfire. Before it was over, two tribal members were killed and a federal
agent seriously wounded.

After a trial that lasted several months, a judge threw out the charges on
grounds of government misconduct.

Other protests led by Means included an American Indian prayer vigil on top
of Mount Rushmore and the seizure of a replica of the Mayflower on
Thanksgiving Day in Plymouth, Mass.

But Means' constant quest for the spotlight raised doubts about his
motives. Critics who included many fellow tribe members said his main
interest was building his own notoriety.

Means said his most important accomplishment was the proposal for the
Republic of Lakotah, a plan to carve out a sovereign Indian nation inside
the United States. He took the idea all the way to the United Nations, even
though it was ignored by tribal governments closer to home, including his
own Oglala Sioux leaders, with whom he often clashed.

For decades, Means was dogged by questions about whether the group promoted
violence, especially the 1975 slaying of a woman in the tribe and the gun
battles with federal agents at Wounded Knee.

Authorities believe three AIM members shot and killed Annie Mae Aquash on
the Pine Ridge reservation on the orders of someone 

[LAAMN] Palestine:UN cuts Fatah calls for boycott of Qatari emir's visit,PFLP critical, PSF declines invitation

2012-10-22 Thread Cort Greene
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — When the ruler of Qatar arrives in the Gaza
Strip on Tuesday, he will hand the Palestinian territory's
their biggest diplomatic victory since taking power five years ago.

The first head of state to visit Hamas-controlled Gaza, the emir will
deliver more than $250 million in aid, a move that will deepen the Islamic
militant group's control of Gaza and which reflects the rising influence of
the Muslim 
the region.

The Brotherhood now governs Egypt, and Islamic parties have made gains
elsewhere in the region since last year's popular revolts that became known
as the Arab Spring. Qatar has been a key ally of the movement, which
includes the Palestinian offshoot Hamas..

*Fatah calls for boycott of Qatari emir's visit*
 Published yesterday 22:04
[image: Font-] [image: Font+]
  GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Fatah on Monday called on Palestinians to boycott a
visit of the Qatari emir to the Gaza Strip.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani is expected to visit Gaza on Tuesday to
inaugurate reconstruction projects worth $254 million. He will be the first
head of state to visit the Hamas-run enclave since Israel imposed a siege
on Gaza in 2006.

Fatah's office in Gaza said the visit would entrench the division between
the West Bank, governed by the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, and the
Hamas-run Gaza Strip.

Looking for a political power in the region at the expense of the
Palestinian people and their rights and unity is unacceptable, Fatah said
in a statement, adding that aid to the Palestinian people was not a gift
but a national and holy duty.

Fatah said all aid to Palestinians should be channeled through the
Palestine Liberation Organization and its leader President Mahmoud Abbas.

It said those using Palestinian suffering for their own narrow goals
should look for ways to support Palestinians to achieve their rights

Earlier Monday, Fatah leader Yahya Rabah told Ma'an that Fatah had not been
invited to meet Sheikh al-Thani by Qatar or Hamas.

Spokesman of the Hamas-led government Taher al-Nunu insisted that Fatah had
declined an invitation to attend the welcoming celebration for the emir.

*Popular Struggle Front leader Mohammad al-Ziq said his party had declined
an invitation from Hamas to join the welcoming ceremony.

Al-Ziq said the emir's visit would further the division and legitimize the
national split while the PLO was trying to win state membership of the UN.

The Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine also criticized the visit.

We are surprised that emir of Qatar will visit Qaza at this time, PFLP's
general leadership said in a statement. This visit is serving the Israeli
occupation and will enhance the geographic division between Gaza and the
West Bank.

PFLP said the millions of dollars donated to Gaza by Qatar would not mask
the real political reasons behind his visit. *
UNRWA staff to strike over cuts
 Published yesterday 20:17
[image: Font-] [image: Font+]
  BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- UNRWA staff employed in schools, clinics and offices
in refugee camps across the West Bank will strike on Tuesday in protest
over cutbacks in services.

UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, is cutting health services
and other emergency programs, and firing 130 employees, a spokesman for
refugee camps in the West Bank said Monday.

Imad Abu Ismail said in a statement that medical operations had been
canceled due to a financial crisis in the UN agency.

He said a general strike will be held on Tuesday and protests will continue
until the austerity measures are reversed.


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[LAAMN] Tribunal to investigate 1980s massacre of political prisoners in Iran

2012-10-23 Thread Cort Greene
In February 1980, the Ministry of Interior issued an order banning
activities of all political groups in universities and demanding that
cultural activities by students must conform to the government and
university regulations. Ayatollah Khomeini criticized universities for
giving refuge to professors and students who were dependent on the East
and West, and opposed the Islamization of universities. Clashes began by
Hezbollah thugs, bookstores were closed, left wing groups terrorized and
banned and the universities were closed for two years.

Many communists, socialists and secularists of many tendencies were
arrested and the repression began just as in the days of the Shah.

*Tribunal to investigate 1980s massacre of political prisoners in Iran*

*Hearings in The Hague from 25th to 27th October at the Peace Palace, home
to the UN's international court of justice, aim to uncover the truth about
the death of approximately 15 000 political prisoners - including many
teenagers - executed by the Islamic Republic of Iran between 1981 and 1984.
Founded in 2007, the Iran Tribunal is a cross between a people's truth
commission and a formal legal indictment. *

Additional links regarding the Iran Tribunal Hearings
Guardian article
 Live stream video of the hearings can be watched on:

Background of the Iran Tribunal Campaign in interview with Ahmad Muosavi,
Leila Ghalebani and Behrouz Partow
The Iran Tribunal holds Truth Commission in London

Testimonies of witnesses during the Truth Commission hearings, London 18-22
June 2012

Press Accreditation
The Hague, 25-27 October 2012

Hearings in London(45 Minutes)http://vimeo.com/album/2006255/video/48505289

Findings of the Truth
The outline
*Latest New*
The Steering Committee
“May this Tribunal prevent *the crime of silence*“…?

… Reflecting upon a human tragedy which took place during the 1980s in
Iran’s prisons, when over 2 political prisoners, men and women, and
numerous under aged detainees were sentenced to death by execution. The
mass executions of political prisoners were carried out during this decade.
The pinnacle of these crimes took place during the summer of 1988 when over
5000 political prisoners were executed in a short space of time throughout
Iran’s prisons.

For the first time in the contemporary history of Iran, the families of the
victims, along with the survivors of the mass executions have initiated an
international Commission/ Tribunal in order to investigate the mass
genocide of Iran’s political prisoners. “Iran Tribunal” is aiming to hold
the Iranian Islamic Regime accountable for its crimes against humanity.

“Iran Tribunal” does not hold a “Legal” statute”, but acts as a court of
the people, a Tribunal of conscience, faced with injustices and violations
of international law. Regrettably, such abuse and breach of international
laws are ignored by the existing international jurisdictions, or that is
recognized, and due to the lack of political will of the international
community, perpetrators are allowed to continue with complete impunity.

“Iran Tribunal” also aims to raise the awareness of the international
community and the civil societies by exposing the horrific magnitude of
this human tragedy.

“Iran Tribunal does not gain its legitimacy from a government or any
political party. The driving force behind “Iran Tribunal” is the will of
ordinary people complemented and supported by the clear conscience of
eminent people and various professionals who are committed to the
fundamental rights of those who initiated this Tribunal. Its achievements
does not Give legitimacy to any government or political party for their own

This Tribunal should bring this human tragedy, which has been concealed and
undisclosed for so long, onto the world stage.

With your solidarity and through unity, we would be able to succeed in
mobilising the world opinion and support behind our humanitarian cause. The
Iranian regime must be held accountable for its crimes against humanity.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[LAAMN] Operation Urgent Fury - A Bitter Anniversary: Remembering the Invasion of Grenada

2012-10-23 Thread Cort Greene
Grenada 1979-1984 KHhttp://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/Grenada_KH.html
As to the invasion itself ... code-named *Urgent Fury* . *...* Before
long the Psychological *Operations* Battalion of the US Army was cruising
over the island in a *...*

Maurice Bishop and The New Jewel Movement

Maurice Bishop's Daughter Speaks - Renaming of Airport - MBIA

A Bitter Anniversary: Remembering the Invasion of Grenada
October 22, 2012
Tweet http://twitter.com/share [1]
The Other Side of Paradise https://nacla.org/blog/other-side-paradise [2]

The second half of October is always a time of reflection amongst
progressive forces in Caribbean, but especially so in Grenada. This is
because October 19 marked the 29th anniversary of the death of Maurice
Bishop, the Prime Minister of the People’s Revolutionary Government of
Grenada. In addition, October 25 will mark the 29th anniversary of the
invasion of Grenada—where the United States attacked the island’s
population of 110,000 with 7,000 troops via land, sea, and air.

[image: 1339] Photo Credit: hot97svg.com

The right wing Heritage Foundation described the 1983 invasion
[3] “The Reagan Administration's bold action to restore democracy and a
free market economy to Grenada.” Ronald Reagan himself stated
[4] “no invasion; it was a rescue mission.” Guyana’s *Stabroek News* was
more precise, calling
[5] “one of the most egregious examples of asymmetrical warfare in modern
times, the United States of America, the world’s most powerful state,
invaded Grenada, one of the world’s weakest mini-states.”

Given the context of the Cold War, the United States under Reagan had been
busy undermining http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB2/nsaebb2.htm
[6] the revolutionary government in Nicaragua, aiding the right wing
paramilitaries http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/1891145.stm [7] in El Salvador,
[8] the progressive government of Michael Manley in Jamaica. Reagan was
also eager to score a military victory and restore the confidence that had
been lost after the Vietnam War and the overthrowing of the Shah in Iran.
This victory was to come at the expense of the Grenadian people, and the
wider hopes of the Caribbean, in constructing a model of society based on
social justice.

The Grenadian Revolution began on March 13, 1979, when the New Joint
Endeavor for Welfare Education and Liberation, or the New Jewel Movement,
overthrew the corrupt and increasingly oppressive government of Eric Gairy.
Bishop described
[9] under Gairy as one of “a total dependence on imperialism, a reality
that meant extreme poverty, characterized by massive unemployment, with
more than half of the work force out of work, high malnutrition,
illiteracy, backwardness, superstition, poor housing and health conditions
combined with overall economic stagnation and massive migration.”

The role of the Grenadian Revolution, its importance to the wider
Caribbean, and the threat it posed for the United States was best summed up
by Bishop who 
[10] in 1980 that “We are obviously no threat to America, nor is Cuba for
that matter. I think Washington fears that we could set an example for the
rest of the region if our Revolution succeeds. In the Caribbean region
you’re talking about small countries with small populations and limited
resources, countries that over the years have been classic examples of
neo-capitalist depend­encies. Now you have these new governments like
Nicaragua and Grenada that are attempting a different experiment. They are
no longer looking at development as how many hotels you have on the beach
but in terms of what benefits people get. How many have jobs? How many are
being fed, housed, and clothed? How many of the children receive education?
We certainly believe in Grenada that the people of the English-speaking
Caribbean *want *to see an experiment like that succeed. They *want *to see
what we are trying to build come about. America understands that and
obviously if *we *are able to succeed where previous 

[LAAMN] Santa Monica, Ca.- 10/27*Films4Cuban5*MAESTRA

2012-10-23 Thread Cort Greene
 * Apologies for duplicate emails. ** ** RSVP A MUST** No need to rsvp more
than once.  Thank you.** *

* Films4Cuban5 presents*
*  *
* (Teacher)*
*  ** Saturday, October 27, 7 pm*
*  At the Home of Rachel and Jay*
* 601- 9th Street, Santa Monica, California*
* one block E of Lincoln, one block N of Montana*
* Southeast Corner,  Easy Parking  *
*  *
* Before Film:** Meet at Izzy's Deli, 15th and Wilshire 5:00 PM *
* Free street parking @ Izzy's Deli , rear lot, computer store lot  on 15th.
* After Film:** Discussion, end the embargo on CUBA COFFEE , gourmet
*  *
*  *
* RSVP:  rachel...@earthlink.net310-780-7363 (first 20)*
*  *
 Maestra * (Teacher)*
* Cuba, 1961: 250,000 volunteers taught 700,000 people to read and write in
one year. 100,000 of the teachers were under 18 years old. Over half were
* MAESTRA explores this story through the personal testimonies of the young
women who went out to ** teach literacy in rural communities across the
island - and found themselves deeply transformed in the process.*
* Documentary 2011 Spanish w/ English subtitles 33 minutes *
* Film preceded by 18 minute Cuban 5 Documentary *

* $10 donation *
* ** Includes $5 reduction on  End the Embargo on Cuba coffee*
*   and/or Cuban 5 all cotton T shirts and DVDs.*
* For the Cuban 5 defense*
* www.thecuban5.org/*
* In September 1998, five Cuban men were arrested in Miami by FBI agents.
Gerardo Hernandez, Ramón ** Labañino, Fernando Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero
and René Gonzalez were accused of the crime of ** conspiracy to commit
espionage.  *
*  RENÉ González Sehwerert, one of Cuba's five anti-terrorist heroes,
released from prison *
* October 7, 2011  having served in full the brutal and unjust sentence he
was given.*

* Leonard Weinglass presente!*
*  *
*  *
*  *
*  *
*  *
*  *
*  *
*  *
*  *

*A means can be justified only by its end. But the end in its turn needs to
be justified.

(Also quoted as The end may justify the means as long as there is
something that justifies the end.)

Leon Trotsky

Their Morals and Ours (1938)*

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[LAAMN] Corriente Revolucionaria Bolívar Y Zamora -CORRECTION WITH CHAVEZ, widening and deepening of popular power

2012-10-24 Thread Cort Greene


CORRECTION WITH CHAVEZ, widening and deepening of popular power
 (Caracas, October 23, 2012). At the headquarters of the National
Coordination CRBZ in Caracas was held a press conference in order to
establish a position before the new historical cycle of the Bolivarian
Revolution. Breaking down the post analysis - Oct. 7 election since CRBZ
which is valued popular victory obtained by Comandante Chavez as a
strategic victory given that the Bolivarian Revolution was able to overcome
a threat orchestrated by a complex transnational powers led by Imperialism
U.S. and the rancid oligarchy.
 *Companion Melitza Orellana, National CRBZ spokeswoman said at this stage,
... the new historical cycle must be properly interpreted to define a
policy that tends to the revolutionary correction, expansion and deepening
of the Socialist People's Power, the frontal attack to corruption,
inefficiency, bureaucracy and reformism but especially strategic debate and
definitions as the transition to socialism, the construction of the New
State Community and within this popular power relations - constituted power
... *
 Within this framework are invited all the popular field, the PCV, PPT, to
revolutionary groups, intellectuals, youth, students and workers to start a
process of discussion and articulation without sectarianism, without
meanness of any kind, without arrogance or pride . Only the strategic
thinking that is the people and the revolution. For the new historical
cycle Crbz claim unit Venezuelan revolutionaries and patriots to implement
the revolutionary program of government proposed by Commander Hugo Chavez.
 Himself was reported to work resolutely CRBZ the formation of a broad
front of social forces, revolutionary, patriotic and democratic, plural and
diverse character, a political force necessary for the construction of
Bolivarian Socialism, assuming mandatory and urgent tasks of the
 This line invited all colleagues Revolutionary field to participate in the
Extraordinary Assembly CRBZ to be held on 27 and 28 October in San Antonio
de los Altos, Miranda state.
 Press CRBZ

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[LAAMN] Third Party Presidential debate, on Foreign policy: Green Party-Jill Stein on Drones,Vote on next one

2012-10-24 Thread Cort Greene
*From last nights third party debate, on foreign policy .There may be
another third party debate next week (see below)*
*Here's Jill Stein on drones: *

* A foreign policy based on militarism and brute military force and wars
for oil is making us less secure, not more secure. We need to cut the
budget and bring the troops home, and we need to end the drone wars, not
bring the drones home, because they're already coming home. We need to end
the use of drones and not lead the development of a new arms race, but lead
the development of a new treaty -- a convention to permanently ban the use
of drones as a weapon of war and as a means of spying on the American

Here's Rocky Anderson:

During the Bush and the Obama years, our Constitution has been shredded
while the imperial presidency has expanded, with presidents who think they
can unilaterally take us to war, often on a pack of lies, with presidents
who think the federal government should have the authority to round anyone
up, including U.S. citizens, and imprison them up to the rest of their
lives without charges, without trial, without legal representation, and
without the right of habeas corpus. And our elected officials are sound
asleep while the Pentagon is warning the climate change is a greater
long-term security risk to the United States than terrorism.

Second 2012 Presidential Debate October 30 in Washington, DC


Vote now to influence which two candidates advance to the October 30 debate!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] You can't stand the Truce!- Allawite Woman General Syrian popular movement and revolutionaries have say

2012-10-26 Thread Cort Greene
*BREAKING in #Syria: Explosion rocks #Damascus as people use Truce Day to
protest regime*


*See also EAWorldView*

Listen to what the Syrian popular movement and revolutionaries have to say!
Posted on October 21,

“*Being a revolutionary or supportive of revolts means you don’t read old
fashioned Marxists (As’ad Abu Khalil), you don’t read politicized
historians (Robert Fisk), you don’t read blanket thinkers leftists (Joseph
Massad), it means that you don’t read statuses on Facebook by privileged
people like myself. It only means that you read common people’s banners and
slogans in demos. Only then, you’ll know what this revolution is made of*.”
Razzan Ghazzawi, Syrian activist

This text above was written a couple of months ago by Syrian activist
Razzan Ghazzawi, and translated very well my feeling regarding a (much
longer) list of so called leftist personalities and groups that have failed
to support the Syrian revolution for numerous reasons. These groups and
persons, that I will not cite to not give them any importance, actually
spread false analysis and lies, going as far as to deny the popular
characteristic of this revolution, and justifying their refusal to support
this revolution, because the Syrian popular revolution would have been
hijacked by the Western and pro Western regional forces such as Saudi
Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

This article is not to give a long analysis on the way this interpretation
of the Syrian population revolution is completely wrong, as it was done in
the past several times (see previous articles on the blog), but to show
what the Syrian people have to say in contrast to these kind of discourses.

*Foreign conspiracy using foreign and armed Islamists/ and terrorists? No
Popular movement?*

This is a claim coming back quite often by numerous groups. My answer to
this affirmation is another question: Do you often see Islamists dancing,
singing, and demonstrating side by side with women? Or do you see many
foreign/ islamists/ extremists saying Christian and Muslims are one hand,
and/or the the Syrian people are one?? Or demonstrating for a Democratic
Civil State?? Check the nonexistent popular movement in Syria:

Demonstration in Jobar (village close to Damascus), 19.10.2012

Aleppo, Al-Ashrafiya Neighborhood, university students

Aberateka, 17.10.2012

Bab srejeh, Ezeh square, Damascus, 14.10.2012

Daraya, 14.10.2012

Musical instrument (the 3oud) in the demonstration

“No to sectarianism, our dream is a civil state”

Deir Zor, 13.4.2012, for all that are scared, we are not calling for a war,
we are calling to build a democratic and civil state for all Syrians

In Syria there are two sects: the sect of freedom and the sect of of the
regime, our demand is a civil and democratic state

*For more photo's and rest of the article, click on url:*


*Also article from Oct.11th, BREAKING NEWS: First Female Allawite Officer
* *

* *
* *
* *
* ** *
*Features* *  Defected woman general trains Syria's rebels ** ***
*Zubaida al-Meeki was the first woman officer to quit President Bashar
al-Assad's forces to join the Free Syrian Army.*
Basma Atassi http://www.aljazeera.com/profile/basma-atassi.html Last
Modified: 23 Oct 2012 13:24
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 Al-Meeki says she joined the rebels to train new recruits due to 'the
crimes committed by the regime' [Al Jazeera]

In a revolution that has become associated with masculine bravado and
gunfights in the streets, Zubaida al-Meeki stands out.

A former Syrian army general, she became the first woman officer to
publicly announce her defection from President Bashar al-Assad's army after
seeing what she describes as crimes and atrocities committed by the

An Alawite originally from the Occupied Golan Heights, bordering Israel,
al-Meeki used to work 

[LAAMN] Comrade Chavez, If You Want to Know What Happened to the Communes, Ask the People

2012-10-26 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis]Comrade Chavez, If You Want to Know What
Happened to the Communes, Ask the People

Oct 26th 2012, by Atenea Jiménez Lemon – The National Network of Communards
[image: A mural for the Ataroa Commune in Lara state, which reads:
“communities in charge” (Ola Bolivariana)]

A mural for the Ataroa Commune in Lara state, which reads: “communities in
charge” (Ola Bolivariana)

Where are the communes?

It worried us to hear the president asking where are the communes.
Humbly, and with revolutionary determination we say to Comrade Chavez, if
you want to know where the communes are, then you should ask the people
directly! If you were to do this, then you would immediately find more that
80 commune experiences which are in the process of construction, which have
made both good decisions and mistakes, which have different levels of
integration, cooperation and harmonization, and you would find that that we
are building them with all of our might and dedication. To borrow from one
of our comrades in the guerrilla struggle in the mountains of Falcon, Edgar
Olivet, The only thing which is real and lasting is that which is built by
the people through their effort and determination, anything else is simply
a mirror image of colonialism.

If you ask the Minister of Communes where the communes are, then she will
of course tell you that the communes haven't registered, that they didn't
meet a certain requirement for FUNDACOMUNAL, that they need more time to
become proper communes, [i.e.] those that have community battle rooms,
communal brick-making or carpentry cooperatives, [and] maybe she would even
tell you that the Venezuelan people are extremely irreverent and that they
just don’t want to construct the communes.

If you ask the governors and mayors, they’ll tell you (with very few
exceptions) that they don’t have the resources to put into practice those
government policies,” that they need more funds, and they will also leave
that unspoken question hanging in the air Are you going to eliminate local
government and mayoralties?. Or they will tell you that the people who are
currently building the communes are anarchists, the ultra left, or finally
the most infallible argument of all, that there are a bunch of
counter-revolutionaries who have infiltrated the communes.

If you ask the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, the national leadership
will hesitate before answering, because they have neglected that
fundamental principle which should be revered by any revolutionary party;
every socialist militant should be organically involved in the popular
movement, as understood in its diverse spheres and territorial
expressions. Others will answer that there are many collectives which are
promoting the communes and that they are autonomous. The majority will
argue that we are a vanguard, but that the masses aren’t ready for the
communes yet.

However, if you ask the people, Comrade Chavez, we will tell you that:

1. Since 2009 a revolutionary movement called the National Network of
Communards has existed, and that we are constructing the communes through
our own knowledge and actions, because we aspire towards a communal way of
life, as a community, in socialism or communism.

2. We started by coordinating 16 communal processes in construction and
today we have more than 80 experiences, amongst which we have communes,
communal cities, communal territories, direct social property enterprises,
direct exchange markets, political training schools, community media and
revolutionary collectives and individuals.

3. We believe that the construction of the communes and their different
levels of organisation and integration should come from the efforts of the
people, and that the role of the revolutionary government should be to
facilitate that process, to accompany us in the long struggle which emerges
from changing from one form of government to another, to construct
participatory democracy, build a communal economy which goes beyond
businesses, and above all, construct what (Venezuelan educator, Simon
Rodriguez) Robinson was referring to: that the people learn to govern
themselves. We learn to govern ourselves by doing it!

4. We have developed this training process working with our own
facilitators and methodological tools, supported by some comrades who have
managed to infiltrate public institutions of the State, with the central
idea of critically analysing our local, regional, national and
international reality in order to be able to transform it.

5. Thanks to fraternal debate we have made a series of contributions
towards the construction of the communes. Within that context, we have held
4 national forums with the participation of 400 spokespeople at each one,
as well as with the presence of international guests.

6. Since the national forum held in Carora in 2011, we agreed to hold
forums according to different topics or areas. We began with the communal
economic system, then communal 

[LAAMN] Venezuela:Bolívar and Zamora Revolutionary Current (CRBZ) proposes a Frente Amplio or Revolutionary Left Bloc

2012-10-29 Thread Cort Greene
Excuse this poor translation...

CRBZ proposes a Frente Amplio or Revolutionary Left Bloc, as collective
leadership by the Leader of the Revolution

*Aporrea.org - www.aporrea.org*

Orginal in Spanish below:

29/10/12- www.aporrea.org/ideologia/n217181.html
  Extraordinary National Assembly Bolívar and Zamora Revolutionary
 Credit: Aporrea.org
Caracas, October 29, 2012. - The Bolívar and Zamora Revolutionary Current
(CRBZ), held on 27 and 28 October Extraordinary National Assembly, to
discuss the results and post-election situation after the presidential
elections Apr. 7. The CRBZ consists of the National Peasant Front Ezequiel
(FNCEZ) Zamora, Simon Bolivar Communal Front (FNCS), the People's Front of
Workers (FPPO) and Training Centre (CEFES), along with Communes and
Communal Cities, unions the construction sector and the oil sector and
other organized expressions. Extraordinary National Assembly concluded on
Sunday October 28 in San Antonio de Los Altos (State of Miranda), active
discussion after about 500 participants in the plenary sessions and panel
discussions. Were invited spokespersons of movements, groups and allied
streams that are part of the Popular Revolutionary Alliance  (ANMCLA,
SURCO, Movimiento de Pobladores, Alianza Sexo Genero Diversa
Revolucionaria, Marea Socialista).

  Colleagues were also internationalists the MST in Brazil and Argentina's
Dario Santillan Front. From there emanated a Declaration CRBZ that raises
the obligation to overcome dormancy and chavismo autism institutional
sectors, looking to expand the spaces democratization and incidence in
power , push with all sectors of the popular revolutionary platform that
allows us to fight democratic radicalization of the revolution

.  In his vision, understand that this broad front of the unit, must
comply as a revolutionary bloc that has the strength to drive by the Leader
of the Revolution Commander and act as a collective leadership.

In the event, hundreds of fighters and wrestlers social, the peasantry, the
working class and grassroots activists, discussed what they call the new
cycle of the revolutionary period and on what to do to respond to the
deepening of the revolutionary process led by President Hugo Chavez
commander, all in the prospect of achieving socialist people's power. stressed
the need to be critical and self-critical and modify, extend and
evaluate the role of the people as a historical subject of transformation,
generate a cumulative process of social and political force from the
grassroots of the revolution, to open channel for the poor people of the
country and the city assume its leading role. 

*These would be some of the keys to counter the threat and move to counter
the bureaucratic caste, reforming the State and the Government, now
prevents the assumption of popular power and socialism. In this sense, the
reviews were very strong anti-bureaucratic, against the obstacles of
officials to socialist transformation, against corruption and intrigues to
benefit individuals and business asectores.*

 But this estimate that is required based on unit recognition of the other
/ a, in the defense of the revolution, in the construction of what will be
this space with the organizations, parties and movements ... They talk
about building a revolutionary bloc working on the realization of the
tasks of the revolution ... from diversity in their struggles.

Therefore, the proposed CRBZ advance a broad drive space, movements and
parties: democratic, patriotic and revolutionary, able to be a social and
political force, with autonomy, critical dangers to the revolution, capable
accompany and support our president in this new stage of the revolution
that begins ... Having the strength to drive along the top commander of
the revolution and act as a collective leadership, to develop a proposed
program and plan of struggle, which are contained the aspirations and
demands of the people, in the framework of that for CRBZ should be the
democratic radicalization of the revolution.

This proposal is in addition to the commitment assumed in the construction
are of the People, through the formation and strengthening of village
communes and cities, to reach the goal of the State Community and
socialist. The assembly was reported about 150 jobs community organization
being driven CRBZ, 44 counties and five cities formed Communal, with
production projects based on social ownership and the exercise of
self-government in the territories in which are located. Strategically
conceive the importance of developing the peasant movement along the unit
with the workers' organizations.

It was also very evident in gender, the presence and active participation
of women and slogans referring to the combination of women and men
struggling in equity. Their main slogans in the event were By popular
unity, toward rectifying and democratic radicalization of the revolution!  and
With Chavez, modification, expansion and deepening of the 

[LAAMN] Jill Stein vsGaryJohnson-3rd Party Debate Changed to Nov.5th Due to Hurricane

2012-10-30 Thread Cort Greene
Free and Equal Elections Foundation Changes Presidential Debate to November
5 Due to Hurricane
*By aaron http://freeandequal.org/updates/author/aaron/ On October 28,
2012 · 20 

Free and Equal Elections Foundation today announced the date of the second
open-party Presidential debate has changed to November 5. *The debate will
feature Libertarian Party candidate Gary
Johnsonhttp://www.garyjohnson2012.com/and Green Party candidate Jill
Stein http://www.jillstein.org/, a line-up decided by voters last week
after the first debate between Johnson, Stein, Constitution Party
candidate Virgil
Goode http://www.goodeforpresident2012.com/, and Justice Party
candidate Rocky
Anderson http://www.voterocky.org/.*

The November 5 debate will be held from 9:00pm to 10:30pm Eastern Time at
RT America’s state of the art studio and facility. RT America will open its
studio and offer a live, neutral feed via satellite to interested media.
The moderator will be announced next week.

*Free  Equal has assembled a diverse group of ballot-qualified candidates,
political parties, media, businesses, musicians, radio personalities,
organizations, and individuals across the political spectrum to support an
open, honest, unscripted, multi-partisan debate for American voters and the
international community.*

* Current sponsors include: The Nation http://www.thenation.com/,The
American Conservative http://www.theamericanconservative.com/,Fair Tax
Nation http://www.fairtaxnation.com/,Humboldt
,Before It’s News http://beforeitsnews.com/,The Josh Tolley
,Ballot Access News http://www.ballot-access.org/,Come Home
,Owl Creek Gazette http://owlcreekgazette.com/,Free Talk
Securing Liberty Radio http://www.securingliberty.com/, 1787
Voice of Russia http://english.ruvr.ru/, Freedom’s
Muslims for Liberty http://www.muslims4liberty.org/,National Constitution
Party http://www.constitutionparty.com/,The Justice
,Blue Republicans http://www.bluerepublican.org/,Restore the
,Re-Tea Party http://www.reteaparty.com/,Free the Vote
,We the People http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org/,Grassroots for
Liberty http://www.rp2012.org/,New Progressive Alliancehttp://newprogs.org/
,Libertarian Party of Illinois http://www.il.lp.org/, Liberty
Liberty Avengers http://www.libertyavengers.com/, Liberty
Cook County Green
Marin Libertarian Party http://marinlp.com/, Rockford Tea
End the Lie http://endthelie.com/,Wide Awake
Freedom Files http://www.freedomfiles.us/,Kelly Truth
,1787 Flags http://1787flags.com/,The Liberty
,Liberty Hourhttp://www.wtpnetwork.com/index.php?do=/the-liberty-hour-8482/,
Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic
Through the Mirror with Larry
ROJS Radio Live http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rojsradio,Drudge
,Freedom Informant Network http://www.freedominfonetwork.org/,Gadsden
Rising on Freedomize http://gadsdenrising.blogspot.com/,Irregular
,J.D. Nero https://www.facebook.com/JDNeroFanPage,The
,StopTheLie.com http://www.stopthelie.com/home.html, Aleph Objects,
,Ron Paul Flix http://ronpaulflix.com/,Cindy Sheehan’s
,Elect1.org http://elect1.org/,Rense Radio Networkhttp://www.renseradio.com/
,Milwaukee Business
,Libertarian Party of Tennessee http://www.lptn.net/, Devvy
,KCSB http://www.kcsb.org/, No Agenda http://www.noagendashow.com/, Liberty
Australia http://www.la.org.au/, Barstool
Deadline Live http://deadlinelive.info/, Saint Joseph
Terry Michael http://www.terrymichael.net/, Daily
Freedom Force International 

[LAAMN] What’s stronger than Hurricane Sandy?

2012-10-30 Thread Cort Greene
130,000 other housing units in Santiago Province in Cuba were damaged or
destroyed, if you want to help out see below article. And close to
200,000 people were displaced again in Haiti but you hear very little about
the effects of storm from media in the US about Cuba and Haiti.

What’s stronger than Hurricane
30, 2012 — Sabina Becker

These are:

These modest homes are all plastic, made in Venezuela. And they are strong
enough to withstand even the force of a Caribbean

*Much destruction, countless uprooted trees and downed power lines. This
remains the predominant scene in every corner of Santiago de Cuba on
Monday. But it is accompanied by swarms of men and women who, using modern
means or simple machetes and brooms, are transforming the images of
Hurricane Sandy’s devastation from four days ago before our very eyes.*

The president of Cuba, Raúl Castro, toured the streets of Cuba’s
second-largest city, and nearby zones of renown such as Siboney and El
Caney. The spirit of Santiago’s citizens was as great as the devastation.

Raúl began his tour with an homage to José Martí at his mausoleum in the
Santa Ifigenia cemetery, which also houses monuments to the fallen of the
July 26 uprising, and the internationalist martyrs. There was no major
damage at the site, nor was the Martí mausoleum affected.

During a brief stop at a site along the Central Highway, near the exit from
Santiago, where a hundred Venezuelan-made “petrocasas” had been erected
five years ago, it became evident how little damage these buildings had
sustained compared to the devastation wrought by the hurricane on the other
homes nearby. It is a sign that the petrocasas are a good option,
especially in rural zones.

The Santiago residents of the petrocasas could personally confirm the
buildings’ resistance to strong winds.

“Listen, I thought they wouldn’t hold out, but there they are — they’re
super-strong!” said Olvedis Ramos, who was surprised by the cyclone while
he was visiting local relatives.

“I thought Sandy would be stronger than the petrocasas, but she was no
match for them.”

In a characteristic gesture of solidarity, the inhabitants of the
petrocasas took in many neighbors who were at risk. None of the
Venezuelan-built homes suffered any damage.

Said Raúl Castro about the passing of Sandy over the province, “It’s been
hard, but Santiago is Santiago. It has resisted gales and wars of every
kind, and it will overcome this one too. We must resist!”

A smattering of applause was the response.

Translation mine.

The idea of the petrocasas was conceived a few years ago in Venezuela, as a
solution to the housing problems
there.http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/3326Many Venezuelans,
especially in urban areas, live in precarious shantytowns
on flood-prone hillsides. They need inexpensive but durable materials to
build their houses so the latter don’t rot away in the heat and rain of
that tropical land, as so many of the rickety improvised hillside
*ranchos*do. And since petroleum is abundant and cheap, hard plastic
became an
obvious choice. Many former slum dwellers now live in safe, dignified
petrocasas, which are made from PVC walls filled with cement.

Now Venezuela is helping out Cuba (which supplied doctors and literacy
teachers to those same slums) by replacing poor families’ *bohíos* (shacks)
with petrocasas, among other things. And since Cuba was recently found to
possess some vast offshore oil deposits, which the Venezuelan state oil
company, PDVSA (builder of the petrocasa!), will soon help develop, it’s
just a matter of time before petrocasas become a regular feature of the
Cuban landscape. They will play a considerable part, too, in Cuba’s
industrial revamp and modernization, and will provide plenty of good jobs.

Just more proof that when Cuba comes in from the cold, it won’t be because
the US lifted that odious blockade with which they attempted to starve the
island into submission, nor will capitalists play the role of the heroic
liberator; it will be with the help of fellow Latin Americans, most
prominently the oil-rich (and oil-wise) Bolivarian people of Venezuela.

And just more proof that human solidarity is stronger than any hurricane.


This was sent out by Walter Lippmann:

Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC)
Phone: 805-233-7574
jbarbieri...@mediccglobal.org | www.medicc.org

October 30, 2012

Hurricane Relief for Santiago, Cuba: Help Now!

As the US eastern seaboard counts severe losses and begins recovery from
Hurricane Sandy, Cubans are digging out from the same storm— with far fewer
resources at their disposal. To restore power, 72 crews of linesmen work
day and night. In the 

[LAAMN] South Africa:War is Upon Us

2012-10-31 Thread Cort Greene
*M­arikana Commission: Dali Mpofu drops new torture bombshell*

   - Sipho Hlongwane

31 October 2012 13:22 (South Africa)

On Wednesday, Dali Mpofu told the Marikana Commission of Inquiry that six
men arrested by the police in the last weeks were brutally tortured while
in custody. We also got an update on why Legal Aid is refusing to fund the
legal fees for the wounded miners. By SIPHO HLONGWANE.

The Marikana Commission of Inquiry has heard that six men arrested in the
past weeks have been savagely tortured by the police. Dali Mpofu, the
advocate for the 78 miners wounded by the police on 16 August, said that
the men were released last night and told him of their ordeal.

To rea article:
Workers Gathering After Amplats
You +1'd this publicly.
AllAfrica.com-22 minutes ago
*South Africa*: Workers Gathering After Amplats Protests. By Jenni Evans,
31 October 2012. Johannesburg — Almost 2000 fired mineworkers were
gathering *...*
Show moreShow less

The South African Civil Society Information Service

A nonprofit news agency promoting social justice. Seeking answers to the
question: How do we make democracy work for the poor?

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Related Articles

   - Who Murdered NUM Branch Secretary Daluvuyo
   - The Road to Marikana: Abuses of Force During Public Order Policing
   Operations http://sacsis.org.za/site/article/1455

Wise Words

Democracy is the road to socialism
Karl Marx

War is Upon Us
By Richard Pithouse http://sacsis.org.za/s/stories.php?iUser=20 · 30 Oct

[image: Picture credit: Adapted by SACSIS from various
Picture credit: Adapted by SACSIS from various sources.

*to the fragrance of lemon blossoms
and then to the ultimatums of war*
*- Pablo Neruda, Right Comrade, Its the Hour of the Garden, Isla Negra,
Chile, September 1973*

When COSATU and the Communist Party have to rely on the police and their
stun grenades, rubber bullets and, by some accounts, live ammunition to
force their way into a stadium against the opposition of striking workers
it is clear that their assumption of a permanent right to leadership is
facing a serious challenge from below. It's equally clear that the ruling
party and its allies intend to force obedience rather than to seek to
renegotiate support or enable democratic engagement, that the police aren't
even making a pretence of being loyal to the law rather than the ruling
party and that this is the way that Blade Nzimande likes it.

The misuse of the police to defend the authority of the ruling party in
Rustenburg is no exception to a broadly democratic consensus. In fact it
has become a routine feature of political life. At the same time as the
drama was unfolding in Rustenburg on Saturday a meeting with technical
experts to discuss a plan to upgrade the Harry Gwala shack settlement on
the East Rand was summarily banned by the police on the grounds that it was
a 'security threat'. The settlement is in urgent need of services as basic
as water and refuse removal but millions have been spent on a pavilion in
memory of Oliver Tambo adjacent to the settlement. As the ANC's role in the
struggles against apartheid is memorialised that memory is simultaneously
desecrated as it is mobilised to legitimate the increasingly violent
containment of popular dissent.

The collapse of the ruling party's hegemony on the mines in Rustenburg is
not the first time that the ANC has lost control of a territory where it
once took its right to rule for granted. In early 2006 the ANC was, despite
a large police presence and a large contingent of supporters bussed in from
elsewhere, unable to go ahead with a rally to be addressed by S'bu Ndebele,
the then Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, in the Kennedy Road shack settlement in
Durban. Some years later the ANC eventually took that space back with the
open use of violence organised through party structures with the support of
the police. But despite the announcement, made by a senior SACP member,
that the state had decided to 'disband' the movement that had won popular
support in Kennedy Road, and despite tremendous intimidation and the gross
misuse of the police and the criminal justice 

[LAAMN] Venezuela Sending More Aid to Cuba/Haiti

2012-11-01 Thread Cort Greene
*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Venezuela Sending More Aid to Cuba/Haiti*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On November 1, 2012 @ 1:13 pm In *Business 
Economy,Recent Posts,Updates* |

*Following Hurricane Sandy *

HAVANA TIMES (dpa) — The Venezuelan government today sent 93 tons of foods
to Cuba on an “air bridge” that will continue transporting humanitarian
assistance in the wake of the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy, reported
Venezuela’s minister of the Interior, Nestor Reverol.

The official added that another airplane will take foods to Haiti and that
the “air bridge” will become operational over the next seven days.

Venezuela had already sent 553 tons of foods, water, medicine and teams to
support recovery efforts following the landfall of the hurricane. President
Hugo Chavez has also formed a governmental commission to evaluate the
damage and to support the reconstruction of the affected areas.

“Over these next seven days we will be sending all of what is required by
both countries. This is a vast expression of support for our sister peoples
of Haiti and Cuba,” said Reverol, who pointed out that some 646 tons of
additional material assistance will be sent next week to help the two

“We’re ratifying our commitment of solidarity and our affection for these
peoples who have been hit so hardly. We are sure that the people of Haiti
and Cuba will come out of this crisis,” he asserted.

The ambassador of Cuba in Venezuela, Rogelio Polanco, expressed his thanks
for the humanitarian assistance, which he said demonstrates the
“sensitivity of President Hugo Chavez and the vocation of solidary of the
Bolivarian Revolution.”

Polanco reported that the pounding by Hurricane Sandy left 11 dead and
seriously damaged or destroyed at least 130,000 houses in Cuba.

“This shipment has great spiritual value for our people, in addition to the
physical value that it already entails,” he indicated.

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*Bolivia to Send Water and Food to Cuba November 1, 2012 | [image:
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HAVANA TIMES — The government of Evo Morales approved on Wednesday the
sending of 120 tons of humanitarian assistance to Cuba to help address the
destruction caused by the Hurricane Sandy, reported Bolivian Minister of
Defense Ruben Saavedra.

The official specified that the first 60 tons will be sent on Saturday and
a second shipment of a similar quantity will go out three or four days
later in fulfillment with the Supreme Ordinance approved by the national

The Bolivian state expressed its solidarity with those countries hit by the
hurricane and caused enormous losses, particularly in Cuba, where it was
reported that 11 people died and over 150,000 homes were damaged or
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Post-Sandy: Castro Realistic  Optimistic

November 1, 2012 | [image:
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Raul Castro has been touring the hurricane damage and bringing a message of
hope in Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo. Photo: Estudios Revolución.

HAVANA TIMES — After touring Santiago de Cuba earlier in the week Cuban
President Raul Castro is in Guantanamo today one of the three provinces hit
hardest by Hurricane Sandy a week ago.

Castro’s main message is asking people not to lose hope and assuring they
will not be abandoned.

The latest destruction reports show over 180,000 damaged or destroyed homes
along with over 100,000 hectares (245,000 acres) of crops destroyed, the
hardest hit being the sugar crop, along with plantains and other bananas,
vegetables and other basic crops.

“It was a truly hard blow; it was a powerful hurricane that developed very
quickly. The reality [of the damage] exceeds the photos and images in the
press and television: Santiago has been shaken; it looks like a bombed
city. But we will recover. You are a tough people. We’ve known that for
over a half century,” said Castro.

First vice-president Jose Ramon Machado, who is accompanying Castro in the
tour of the affected regions, said “one of the greatest problems in the
coming months is going to be providing food for the people.” Cuba imports
over half its basic foods.

Cuba already had a shortage of building materials and skilled construction
workers before hurricane damage, tensing the situation in the coming period.

In fact, reconstruction 

[LAAMN] Cuba Acuses the USA of Subversion

2012-11-02 Thread Cort Greene
*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Cuba Acuses the USA of Subversion*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On November 2, 2012 @ 9:04 am

*By Circles Robinson*

The US Interests Section occupies a five-story building along the Havana
Malecon seawall. Photo: Caridad

HAVANA TIMES — Cuba accused the United States and its US Interests Section
in Havana on Thursday of actively working to promote a “regime change” in

While the charges are not new, they come less than a week before the US
presidential elections and on the heels of Hurricane Sandy which caused
major damage in both countries.

The Foreign Ministry statement indicates that Cuba “will use all legal
means available to defend the nation’s sovereignty and make the Cuban
people and their laws be respected,” but it did not go so far as to suggest
any plans to close the diplomatic mission.

Cuba accuses the Obama administration – as it had the Bush government – of
numerous illegal activities “to promote, advise, instruct, train, finance
and supply with diverse equipment and technologies its mercenaries in Cuba.”

*Note: The following is the Cuban Foreign Ministry statement in Spanish.
When an official version is published in English we will make the

*Declaración del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores*

La Sección de Intereses de los Estados Unidos (SINA) en La Habana sigue
fungiendo como cuartel general de la política de subversión del gobierno
norteamericano contra Cuba, que tiene entre sus propósitos fundamentales
fabricar un movimiento de oposición al gobierno legítimo de Cuba y fomentar
la desestabilización interna para provocar un “cambio de régimen” en
nuestro país.

Como ha sido denunciado con anterioridad, durante los últimos años, la SINA
ha continuado realizando actividades ilegales, que nada tienen que ver con
las funciones de una misión diplomática y que consisten en promover,
asesorar, instruir, entrenar, financiar y abastecer con medios y
tecnologías diversas a sus mercenarios en Cuba.

Diplomáticos de esa oficina incitan permanentemente a estas personas, que
responden a los intereses del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos contra Cuba a
cambio de una buena retribución monetaria, a protagonizar acciones
provocadoras, desplegar campañas de manipulación sobre la realidad del país
y actuar contra el orden constitucional cubano.

En su empeño por ejercer un papel rector en la tarea imposible de convertir
a sus mercenarios en un movimiento creíble de oposición interna, la SINA
canaliza fondos del presupuesto del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos y medios
financiados por este para alimentar el negocio de la subversión interna.

En su labor de injerencia en los asuntos internos de Cuba, la SINA ha
llegado al extremo de asumir tareas de capacitación, estableciendo dentro
de su sede locales y centros ilegales de Internet para proveer
entrenamiento e impartir cursos a personas, con el objetivo de que actúen
contra los intereses del Estado cubano, en violación flagrante de la
Convención de Viena sobre Relaciones Diplomáticas, de las leyes cubanas y
del propio acuerdo que dio origen al establecimiento de la Sección de

En Cuba, como en muchos países, se requiere del consentimiento del Estado
cubano y de la aprobación del Ministerio de Educación Superior para poder
impartir programas docentes o cursos. También se necesita la autorización y
una licencia de operación del Ministerio de Informática y Comunicaciones
para ofrecer servicios de Internet. La SINA no cuenta con ningún permiso
para dar estas prestaciones, que realiza sin la anuencia de las autoridades
cubanas, por lo que son ilegales.

Resulta inaceptable y cínico que este tipo de programas que promueve la
SINA, incompatibles por demás con las funciones de una misión diplomática,
sean desarrollados por el país que sostiene, por ley y por decisión de su
gobierno, una política de abierta hostilidad y bloqueo dirigida a doblegar
y destruir a la Revolución, que, entre otros aspectos, restringe el libre
intercambio educacional, cultural, académico, científico y deportivo entre
los dos países e impide a Cuba conectarse a las decenas de cables
submarinos que rodean la isla para poder acceder a Internet.

Existen pruebas irrebatibles de que las actividades ilegales que realiza la
SINA son financiadas con fondos oficiales del gobierno norteamericano, que
en sumas millonarias son adjudicados anualmente al Departamento de Estado y
a la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional
(USAID), en virtud de la sección 109 de la Ley Helms-Burton, que tiene como
objetivo explícito promover un cambio en el sistema político, económico y
social de Cuba.

Estas acciones subversivas, unidas al recrudecimiento del bloqueo
económico, comercial y financiero, la persecución cada vez más feroz de las
transacciones financieras cubanas y la utilización de nuevos pretextos para
evadir la propuesta de sostener un diálogo serio, respetuoso y en
condiciones de igualdad 

[LAAMN] California Agency Releases Evidence of Money Laundering in Right-Wing Campaign Spending on Ballot Measures

2012-11-05 Thread Cort Greene
California Agency Releases Evidence of Money Laundering in Right-Wing
Campaign Spending on Ballot
Dayen http://news.firedoglake.com/author/dday/ Monday November 5, 2012
11:09 am


California’s Fair Political Practices Commission forced a mysterious $11
million donor to two ballot measures to reveal its secret funding sources
today, and the result showed how most of these independent expenditure
groups work, mostly through money

Ending a mystery that captivated the run-up to Election Day, the Arizona
group behind an anonymous $11 million donation revealed under court order
today that the shadowy donation was laundered through two groups, including
one tied to David and Charles Koch, the billionaire brothers who have
played a huge role in spreading anonymous political cash around the country.

The donation, the largest anonymous contribution to a ballot measure
campaign in California history, was made to the Small Business Action
Committee, a conservative group running a campaign for Proposition 32, the
measure that would curb labor’s ability to collect political cash, and
against Proposition 30, Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax-hike initiative.

“This isn’t going to stop here,” said Ann Ravel, chairwoman of the Fair
Political Practices Commission, the state’s political watchdog. “They
admitted to money laundering. We agreed to do this without an audit because
we wanted to get information to the public before the election. But we in
no way agreed this would preclude further action.”

Ravel said Phoenix-based Americans for Responsible Leadership conceded it
was the intermediary and not the true source of the contribution. The true
source was Americans for Job Security and was made through a second
intermediary, the Center to Protect Patient Rights, she said.

Americans for Job Security was both active in the 2010 election cycle. They
are a corporate front
received initial funding from the insurance industry. And the Center
to Protect Patient Rights is run by a Koch Brothers operative, Sean Noble,
who admitted the money laundering to the FPPC. This is a misdemeanor under
California law, but conspiracy to commit money laundering is a felony.

What we really see in these revelations is the complex web of front groups
that mask corporate spending almost entirely. Hearing that Americans for
Responsible Leadership donated a large sum of money that was seeded by
Americans for Job Security just replaces one brick wall with another, as
far as transparency is concerned. And this is par for the course in
campaign finance – layers of spending and intermediaries and front groups
to make it as difficult as possible to divine the true source of the

The spending in California went toward two ballot measures. Prop 32 would
essentially eliminate union participation in politics in the state, while
Prop 30 would increase taxes to fill a budget gap on education spending.
The funding went toward Yes on the former and No on the latter. Prop 32,
opposed by a strong union-based campaign, will lose tomorrow. But even with
that loss, you may be able to describe it as a victory, because it pulled
focus from the most effective groups from the left in state politics,
leaving the critical Prop 30 generally on its own to fend off right-wing
attacks. Polls show Prop 30 too close to call, after being solidly ahead
earlier in the cycle. So all this spending did its job, by spreading thin
the spending on the left and possibly defeating a tax measure that, if it
fails, will lead to more stinging cutbacks in public services and a further
drowning of government in the bathtub.

This is the textbook for how these funding networks work: spend huge,
everywhere, secretly if at all possible, and keep chipping away at the
state until you can notch a victory. The FPPC struck a small blow for
transparency here, but the system remains unbowed.
[image: comment on this]No

[LAAMN] Lal Khan-Bolshevik Revolution: 95 years on Ted Grant articles

2012-11-07 Thread Cort Greene

*95th anniversary of the Russian Revolution: Russia 1917, Europe 1970s*
Written by Ted Grant Wednesday, 07 November 2012

On the 58th anniversary of the Russian Revolution Ted Grant wrote this
article in which he compared the revolutionary ideas and tactics of the
Bolsheviks in 1917 to the class collaborationist and reformist policies of
the leaders of the Socialist and Communist parties in the 1970s. He
explains how the Bolsheviks were able to lead the workers to successfully
take power in 1917. He stressed the historical significance of the Russian
revolution. Unfortunately the isolation of the revolution to one country
prepared the ground for its degeneration and the coming to power of a
bureaucratic elite.

Read article in the Ted Grant Archive http://marxists.org/archive/grant/:


also another article from 1974:




*Bolshevik Revolution: 95 years on*
Written by Lal Khan Wednesday, 07 November 2012

Sometimes decades pass and not much happens. At other times more events
take place in days than those that occurred in decades. After the collapse
of the Soviet Union twenty years ago we were relentlessly told the great
political and economic questions had all been settled and that liberal
democracy and free-market capitalism had triumphed. Socialism had been
consigned to the dustbin of history. The strategists of capital were
exultant. The “end of history” was proclaimed by Francis Fukuyama.

[image: alan-woods-on-the-russian-revolution-2]The events on a single day
on 15th September 2008 were a watershed. The collapse of Lehman Brothers
glaringly exposed a voracious model of capitalism forced down the throats
of the world as the only way to run a modern economy, at the cost of
grotesque inequality, exploitation, wars and colonial occupations; it has
now come down crashing. The baleful twins of neo-conservatism and
neoliberalism had been tried and tested to destruction. The Arab
revolutions in 2011 not only engrossed one country after another in the
Middle East but gave rise to more convulsive events around the globe than
in the preceding two decades.

The intensity and ferocity of these events was such that it sent shivers
down the spines of the ruling elites across the world. Innumerable
comparisons were drawn of these revolutions with the revolutions of the
19th and 20th century yet the single greatest event of the 20th century,
the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 was conspicuously missing from the
analysis and reports of the media. And this is neither an accident nor a
coincidence. It was by design which reflects the fears that even the name
of this revolution instil in the hearts of the ruling classes the world
over. And this is in spite of the relentless din of the voracious chorus
that ‘socialism’, Marxism’, ‘communism’ are dead.

Of all the parodies of popular representation in which history is so rich,
Pakistan’s political elite is perhaps the most absurd. On the one hand they
reverberate the cliché that ‘socialism is dead’, while at the same time
mostly the right wing politicians are frighteningly warning about a bloody
revolution. Awkwardly some present the French revolution as a solution to
the crisis without even knowing which one. From 1789 till 1968 there were
five bourgeois revolutions and two proletarian revolutions in France. The
victorious Paris Commune of 1871 was the first revolution in history in
which the working classes took power and held it for more than seventy days
while the May 1968 upheaval in France was even larger in comparison to the
Russian revolution of 1917 but was defeated by the betrayals of the leaders
of the traditional workers parties in France. But such is the deafening
silence on the Bolshevik Revolution as if it never even happened. If one
dares to mention it the abrupt reply of the political overlords and their
intellectual geniuses of today is “Oh! That failed in Russia.” The relative
weight of slander in a political struggle in society still awaits its

The Russian revolution of October 1917 changed the course of history. The
American journalist and socialist who witnessed the events of the
revolution at first hand wrote in his epic book, Ten days that shook the
world, “No matter what one thinks of Bolshevism, it is an undeniable fact
that the Russian revolution is one of the greatest events in human history,
and the rule of the Bolsheviki is a phenomenon of worldwide importance.”
According to the Russian orthodox calendar, the revolutionary insurrection
and the 

[LAAMN] Some election results: for president,Peace and Freedom Party Green Party

2012-11-08 Thread Cort Greene
Socialist wins historic 27% against WA House Speaker

*Kshama Sawant, the Occupy-inspired Socialist Alternative candidate for
Washington State House, scored 27% against Democratic incumbent Speaker
Frank Chopp. *

*full vote not counted as of yet.*

*Kshama Sawant*
* Peace and Freedom Party,  here are some of their results in California:*
* *
*Rosanne Barr/Cindy Sheehan got 36,975 votes -  0.4 % also on the ballot in
Florida, total combined=49,000 votes*
* *
* *
*State Senate seat 9, Mary Mcllrory  got 33,801 votes - 14.2 %*
*State Senate seat 33, Lee H.Chauser got 28.031 votes - 19.5 %*
* State Assembly district 15, Eugene Ruyle got 17,437 votes - 13.1 %*
* *
*PF did endorse other individuals and slates and those results I can not
find at this time. Could be further updates also.*
* Cort*
* *
* *
*As of this time, could change:*


*Right now, Obama has 50.3 percent - over 60 million votes
Romney has 48.1 percent - over 57 million votes
Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party), 1 percent, 1.139 million votes
*Jill Stein (Green Party), .3 percent, 396,562*
*Rosanne Barr, Peace and Freedom Party - 49,000*
Rocky Anderson, 34,521
Thomas Hoefling, 28,099
Jerry Litzel, 12,895
Jeff Boss, 12,895
Randall Terry, 12,895 [Those 3 having the same figure is weird]
Merlin Miller, 12,895 [another one!]
Jill Reed, 12,032
Richard Duncan, 12,032
None of the Above, 5,753
Andrew Barnett, 4,704
Chuck Baldwin, 4,704
Barbara Washer, 4,704
Tom Stevens, 4,001
*Stewart Alexander (Socialist Party), 3,897*
Virgil Goode (Constitution Party), 3,553
Will Christensen, 3,553
*James Harris (Socialist Workers Party), 3,427*
Jim Carlson, 3,169
Sheila Tittle, 2,470

*Peta Lindsay (Party for Socialism  Liberation), 1,518*
*Gloria LaRiva ( Note: Gloria La Riva and Filberto Ramirez are the Party
for Socialism and Liberation's candidates on Wisconsin's ballot), 533 part
of above total for PSL*
*Jerry White, Socialist Equality Party- wsws -1,126*
Dean Morstad, 1,107
Jack Fellure, 503

Now I know there are many different shades of Green and some are to the

*Some more Green Party results; Florida*
* *
*Green Party candidate for Republican dominated Monroe County ( Keys)
running for Mosquito Control Board, Oliver Kofoid for the District 1 seat
got  10,299 votes 30.52 percent.*
*Green Party candidate Florida House of Representatives District 12, Karen
Morian* won the endorsement of several labor organizations as well as the
local Democratic Party,* got 20,087 votes, 31.75 percent*
*In Bay County in the Panhandle, a write in campaign for County Supervisor
seat 3, Henry Lawrence Green Party got 309 votes.*


Wisconsin the Green Party merged with the Labor and Farm Party in the late
80's: In Wisconsin State Assembly race 78th District, Jonathan Dedering got
7,303 votes, 24.3 % against the Democratic incumbent.

*there are 11 Green office holders in Wisconsin statewide most at the
county level, I do know one who was/is a socialist-feminist.


*Local Elections: California Greens win eight races on November 6*

Twenty-two California Greens ran in November 6th elections. Eight were
elected, including all five incumbents seeking re-election and three
first-time candidates.

Among those elected were a Green Mayor, four School Board members, two
Water District members and a Fire Protection District board member (in a
non-incorporated area where the Fire District serves as a de facto City
Council regarding approving development).

The eight California Greens elected on November 6th follow seven others who
were elected in municipal elections in August, September and October, for a
total of 15 California Greens elected in 2012.


*California Greens Elected on November 6th:*

Bruce Delgado

Mayor (1)

Bruce Delgado, Mayor, Marina (Monterey County) (incumbent)
1st of 2 candidates for one seat, 2,604 votes 62.58% ELECTED

School District (4)

Phyllis T. Greenleaf, Trustee, Board of Education, Live Oak Elementary
School District (Santa Cruz County)
2nd of 3 candidates for two seats, 2,540 votes 33.5% ELECTED

Mike A. Perez, Trustee, Board of Education, Aromas-San Juan Unified School
District (Monterey County) (incumbent)
3rd of 4 candidates for three seats 360 votes 22.7% ELECTED

Kimberly Ann Petersen, Trustee, Board of Education, Geyserville Unified
School District (Sonoma County)
2 candidates for three seats (not on ballot, declared elected because race
not contested) ELECTED

Karen L. Pickett, Board Member; Canyon Elementary School District, Canyon
(Contra Costa County) (incumbent)
1 candidate for two seats (not on ballot, declared elected because race not
contested) ELECTED

[LAAMN] Elections 2012: The More Things Stay the Same, the More They Change

2012-11-08 Thread Cort Greene
11.14.2012 01:00PM - 03:00PM
Minneapolis - Alan Woods Tour - Venezuela, Cuba, and the Future of the
Latin American 


11.14.2012 07:00PM - 09:00PM
Minneapolis - Alan Woods Tour - In Defense of Marxist Philosophy: An
Introduction to Dialectical


11.15.2012 07:00PM - 09:00PM
Minneapolis - Alan Woods Tour - Art and the Class



Elections 2012: The More Things Stay the Same, the More They

Written by John Peterson Thursday, 08 November 2012 11:55

$6 billion and over a year of campaigning later, and it would appear that
the status quo remains. Obama is still the president; the Democrats control
the Senate; and the Republicans control the House of Representatives. On
the surface, nothing has changed. Taken at face value, this is correct.
As we have explained many times
both Obama and Romney are defenders and advocates of the capitalist system.
Nothing fundamental was going to change no matter who won. However, looks
can be deceiving.

As Marxists we must look beneath the surface at the underlying and
contradictory processes taking place in the depths of society. In reality,
these elections represent a significant shift to the left, albeit within
the limited constraints of the current U.S. political panorama.
*There's more than meets the eye*

[image: Obama after his victory. Photo: WHCI News/ Kevin Gebhardt]*Obama
after his victory. Photo: WHCI News http://www.flickr.com/photos/wchinews//
Kevin Gebhardt*Compared to the genuine enthusiasm of 4 years ago, there is
a notable lack of generalized optimism and enthusiasm on the day after the
election. Despite the media's efforts to instill a sense of enthusiasm,
national pride, and exhortations that we should all take a moment to stand
in awe of democracy, the mood has been muted and indifferent, to say the
least. The sense that something real is going to change is long gone. In
2008, millions saw a vote for Obama as an expression of their burning hope
that life could be different. It was a vote for equality, opportunity,
dignity, and above all: jobs. Fast-forward 4 years and the crisis has taken
its toll on people's lives and enthusiasm. It’s been called a “tale of two
recoveries,” or a “growth recession” —growth for the rich and recession for
the rest of us. For many, this time around, a vote for Obama was a vote
just to try and stay afloat, an attempt to hold on to the little hope that
remains as the crisis grinds on and on.

For millions of Americans, a vote for Obama was a vote against cuts and
austerity. Unfortunately, that is precisely what they will get in his
second term.

That Romney and Obama were running neck and neck in the run up to Election
Day was due to a variety of reasons. The media needs to sell advertising,
so building the election up as a nail-biter was in their interest. It is
also a reflection of the total impasse of the two main capitalist parties,
neither of which can offer a real and convincing solution. Ultimately, it
boils down to the fact that most people saw no real difference between the
two, or at least, no difference that would compel them to make an extra
effort to get out and vote. The minor surge in votes for Obama in a few key
states had more to do with voting defensively than any real enthusiasm for
his presidency. I t was a classic case of damned if you do, damned if you
don't. Neither candidate offered a way out of the crisis, and millions
instinctively understood that.

2008 saw the highest presidential election turnout since 1960. Curtis Gans,
director of American University's Center for the Study of the American
Electorate estimates that turnout in every state but Iowa will be below
that of 2008. In most states, turnout was even below 2004. He estimated
that only 126 million, or 57.5% of Americans voted for at least one office

[LAAMN] Venezuela’s Chavez: Obama Should Govern His Own Country and not “Invade” Others

2012-11-09 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis]Venezuela’s Chavez: Obama Should Govern His
Own Country and not “Invade” Others

Nov 9th 2012, by Ewan Robertson
[image: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in a meeting with government
ministers yesterday (agencies)]

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in a meeting with government ministers
yesterday (agencies)

Mérida, 9th November 2012 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – Venezuelan president
Hugo Chavez has commented on the re-election of US president Barack
Obama, *while
urging his own state governor candidates to maintain their commitment “with
the people” and not the “local bourgeoisie.*”

In a meeting with ministers yesterday, Chavez offered his thoughts on the
current US president’s re-election, saying, “Hopefully President Obama
reflects and dedicates himself to governing his country, and forgets about
invading other peoples, destabilising other countries, etc.”

The Venezuela president further stated his opinion that Obama should
“reflect, first, for his country, which lamentably has many social and
economic problems. It's a divided country, a country with a social and
economic fracture where poverty and misery are growing every day.”

With Chavez’s own re-election on 7 October, both presidents have been
through long electoral campaigns this year. The latest figures on the US
election put turnout lower than in 2008, possibly at around 50%. In
Venezuela’s presidential election turnout was 81%, a historic high.

Speaking to ministers, Chavez also described the US as being dominated by
“a super elite, [who] are exploiting the country and society: poisoning it,
cheating it, manipulating it through a media war.”

Venezuelan – US relations have been frozen at the chargé d’Affaires level
since 2010, when the former US ambassador to Venezuela, Patrick Duddy,
ended his term of service, and the Chavez government refused at accept
Obama’s replacement, Larry Palmer.

*Message to Candidates*

*In the same meeting, Chavez also sent a message to the candidates for his
party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), in the upcoming
regional and local elections.*

*The Venezuelan head of state warned candidates against a lack of
commitment with the Bolivarian movement, saying that some of his party’s
elected representatives “end up trapped by the regional bourgeoisie…and
each of those cases has pained me greatly.”*

*He accused some of his movement’s representatives as being afraid of local
power elites, and argued “they freeze up….you see them making great
speeches, and suddenly they win the mayoralty, the governorship, and they
stop themselves!”*

*Chavez also criticised his governors for not doing more to tackle the
system of large-scale land ownership in Venezuela, known as latifundios. He
stated that “I haven’t received, in all these years, even one
recommendation from a governor to confront the latifundios, to fulfil the
constitution: it seems you’ve forgotten, then?”*

The PSUV is currently waging a campaign against the opposition MUD
coalition, and other groups, for state governor elections slated for 16
December. In many states the election is likely to be tight-fought.

In this context, Chavez declared to the PSUV’s candidates, “What I’m doing
is a reflection and a call, hand on heart…from now on I commit my
candidates for governor to assume their responsibility with the revolution,
not with local groups, or political groups inside the (PSUV) party.”

Chavez also clarified that he was not referring to all PSUV
representatives, and argued that the movement had many “good teams”. He
concluded his commentary by again urging all his candidates to maintain
“loyalty [with] the people and the revolution, whatever the cost.”
*Source URL (retrieved on 09/11/2012 - 3:38pm):*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Pakistan: Imperialism and the All-Party Circus

2011-10-05 Thread Cort Greene

 Pakistan: Imperialism and the All-Party
Written by Lal Khan Wednesday, 05 October 2011

*As if the catastrophic effects of terrorism, flooding, violence, the dengue
plague and other innumerable disasters were not enough, the ruling elite and
its brash media has hyped up the empty imperialist provocations and vague
threats, adding to the mental trauma the masses were already suffering in

Hysteria has been built up to whip up chauvinism and create a nationalistic
fervour with overtones of religious bigotry. If the Pakistani ruling classes
create even greater distractions to divert the attention of the masses away
from the intense socio-economic disaster they have to endure, the US elite
has no less dread of the consequences of the economic mess they have made in
America. The workers and youth of America are going through the worst crisis
and tribulations for generations.

US imperialism is losing the war in Afghanistan. But the irony is that the
defeat is not a short lived event that could end this bloodshed and
devastation. It is a protracted war of attrition to which there seems to be
no end in sight. In the process it is draining the blood and finances of
American working class youth, the soldiers on the ground who are dying on
the altar of the profits of corporate America and the imperialist insatiable
lust for hegemony and domination of the planet. In this madness the
devastation and bloodshed of the suffering people of Afghanistan and the
adjoining areas of Pakistan is gargantuan. Innumerable innocent men, women,
children are being slaughtered, which is deemed so-called “collateral
damage” which nobody really bothers to estimate. The American writer and
politician Gore Vidal once commented that the US is a republic with one
bourgeois party with two right wings. The political elite are attempting to
laugh away the economic crisis they cannot avoid or overcome and also the
lingering defeat that is staring them in the face. A hue and cry about the
involvement of Pakistan in the Taliban insurgency is being raised by the US
generals in frustration at the consistent military failures they are
suffering at the hands of a ragtag of fanatics who are propped up not only
by drug money and sections of the ISI but also by some of the reactionary
Arab despots, who ironically happen to be long standing allies of US

Threats by US generals and the vague denials by the State Department and the
White House expose the bitter conflicts between the different institutions
of the US state. The threat of a full scale attack or invasion of Pakistan
starting with North Waziristan would be extremely arduous if not
catastrophic to execute for an already debilitated and demoralised US
military. Firstly, when did the US strategists not know about the
connections and links of the ISI with these obscurantist terrorist groups?
It was in fact the CIA and the Saudi intelligence agency that designated and
funded the ISI for the job three decades ago. They also helped to construct
the networks of drug cartels and criminal mafias to finance the jihad. Since
the US invasion in 2001 this has been more or less an open secret. The
hysterical agitation of the right-wing US politicians calling for an end to
aid to Pakistan to force it to cease its support for the Taliban, along with
the fear-mongering on the part of Pakistan’s liberal elite about the
calamity such a blockade of ‘aid’ would produce, is a deception and facade.

US ‘aid’ is always exclusively handed out for imperialist interests. In 1957
the US Secretary of State acclaimed Pakistan as a ‘bulwark of freedom in
Asia’, but the Committee of Foreign Relations had no qualms about the
purposes of the ‘aid’. Its report of 12 March 1957 said, “Technical
Assistance is not something to be done, as a Government enterprise, for its
own sake and not for the sake of others. The US Government is not a
charitable institution... Technical Assistance is only one of the number of
instruments available to the US to carry out its foreign policy and promote
its national interests abroad... these tools of foreign policy include
economic aid, military assistance, security treaties, overseas information
programmes, participation in the UN and other international organisations,
the exchange of persons programmes, tariff and trade policies, surplus
agricultural commodities disposal policies and the traditional processes of
diplomatic representation.” This has always been and always will be the real
character of American aid, till and until the capitalist system and the
imperialist foundations of the USA remain and are not overthrown by the
American proletariat and youth.

The reaction of the Pakistan’s ruling elite and its state apparatus if

[LAAMN] Syria: The Assad's killing machine continues

2011-10-06 Thread Cort Greene
Assad is growing weaker
t http://www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=317759#
javascript:checkSize('size');   javascript:checkSize2('size')
  An image grab from a YouTube video shows defected Syrian soldiers standing
on tanks amid demonstrators in Hama. Defecting soldiers are a major threat
to the Assad regime. (AFP photo/YouTube)

A ferocious battle was taking place in Rastan between army defectors and
loyalists to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Witnesses said the ranks of
the rebels swelled when more soldiers defected from the attacking pro-Assad
forces. Benefitting from the support of the local population, the defectors
unexpectedly held their ground and inflicted heavy casualties on the
attackers, forcing the army to use air power to bombard the town randomly
and teach both defectors and civilians a lesson.

But six months after the outbreak of the uprising, it seems that Assad is
the one who needs to learn some lessons. Brutality has succeeded in subduing
dozens of the flashpoint Syrian cities and towns only as long as Assad keeps
his tanks in the squares and his snipers on rooftops. When these are
redeployed to quell the uprising elsewhere, protesters take to the streets
again to demand Assad step down.

Syria has seemingly reached a stalemate between Assad's loyalists and those
calling for his ouster. But the rebels have time on their side, especially
given their tested determination and resilience.

Assad, for his part, has employed a two-pronged strategy: the unlimited use
of violence coupled with a propaganda campaign aimed at scaring Syria's
minorities and foreign powers of the consequences of his possible downfall.

With the decline of America's power in the region and with the potential for
a power vacuum to prevail, many fear the future if Assad were to fall. The
scenarios have varied between a civil war that might spill into Iraq and
Lebanon, and a radical Islamist takeover. News reports are also buzzing with
unverifiable stories that army defectors and civilian activists have been

Syrian rebels fall into four general categories. One is composed of
dissidents in exile who have no influence over the course of events but can
help lobby world powers in favor of the uprising. The other three types of
activist are inside Syria, and two of them have been instrumental in
stirring the uprising.

*Peaceful activists, organized into loosely connected Coordination
Committees, have been the main engine of the uprising.

They organize protests and tape them, and run a sophisticated social media
campaign. The probability of these people turning violent is slim.*

*Another group influencing events inside Syria is the army defectors, who
have so far organized themselves into the Free Officers, the Free Syrian
Army, and the Khaled Bin al-Walid Battalion in Homs and the Omar Ibn
al-Khattab Battalion in Deir al-Zour. Estimated at more than 10,000, these
soldiers have ambushed Assad's loyalists and engaged them in battles, though
they often run out of ammunition and get decimated.*

The last group is formed of intellectuals and opposition figures living in
Syria who were active before the uprising began.

They have no influence with either the peaceful activists or the army
defectors. A few of them have been co-opted by Assad and have been arguing
that a civil war is inevitable, thus aggravating the fear of a post-Assad
Syria. Many of them call for dialogue with Assad as the only way to end the

More soldiers will probably defect, and some may join forces with tribal
fighters and procure arms off the black market, but they will by no means be
able to get their hands on enough firepower to make a dent in the official
armed forces. If the Libya war tells us anything, it is that ragtag militias
without foreign intervention cannot stop, let alone defeat, an organized
army like the units still loyal to Assad.

Still, despite Assad's brutal upper hand, time is on the rebels’ side.

Last week, the government banned the import of any commodity with a tax that
is higher than five percent to prevent the flow of hard currency out of
Syria, leading experts to conclude that the volume of Syria's reserves is
much smaller than the $18 billion Syria's Central Bank governor, Adib
Mayyaleh, previously announced.

The minute Assad runs out of foreign currency, the Syrian pound will stop
being worth the paper it is printed on. Hyperinflation will hit, and Assad
will not be able to pay his fighters.

Unlike Libya's Moammar Qaddafi, who had an estimated $15 billion in cash in
the vaults of his Central Bank during the fight for Tripoli, Assad's
resources are meager, especially after Europe slapped sanctions on the
country’s oil sector last week.

Assad is growing weaker by the hour. If Syrians continue protesting, there
is no way he can keep his terror campaign going. There is no worldwide

[LAAMN] Venezuela:The Bureaucratic Distortion of the Strategic Lines of the PSUV

2011-10-06 Thread Cort Greene
Trouble is these are most of the same people blocking and sabotaging the
advance of socialism and the Bolivarian revolution


Cilia Flores (first Vice-president of the PSUV), Elias Jaua Milano
(Vice-president of the Los Llanos region), *Nicolas Maduro (Vice-president
of the Southern region),* Francisco Ameliach (Vice-president of the
Central-Western region), Aristobulo Isturiz (Vice-president of the Eastern
region), Diosado Cabello (Vice-president of the Central region), Héctor
Rodríguez, Carlos Escarrá, Jorge Rodríguez, Darío Vivas, Érika Farías,
Freddy Bernal, Héctor Navarro, Jacqueline Faria, Luis Reyes, María Cristina
Iglesías, Alí Rodríguez Araque, Ana Elisa Osorio, Antonia Muñoz, Noelí
Pocaterra, Ramón Rodríguez Chacín, Tarek El Aissami, Yelitze Santaella and
Rodrigo Cabezas, amongst other members

[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] The Bureaucratic Distortion of the
Strategic Lines of the PSUV

Oct 5th 2011, by Javier Biardeau - Rebelion

Given that prospects still exist for analysing the results of the discussion
assemblies on the so-called five “Strategic Lines of PSUV Political Action”
(which will now be 6), it’s necessary to demonstrate the most evident
symptoms of bureaucratic assimilation and neutralization of radical
criticism to the “party-machine” logic, which began to be voiced following
the problematic results of September 2010.

On the 20th of December 2010 in a meeting with the national leadership of
the PSUV, our very own Chávez began the first debate regarding the Strategic
Lines of Political Action of 2011-2012. There, in the presence of Cilia
Flores (first Vice-president of the PSUV), Elias Jaua Milano (Vice-president
of the Los Llanos region), Nicolas Maduro (Vice-president of the Southern
region), Francisco Ameliach (Vice-president of the Central-Western region),
Aristobulo Isturiz (Vice-president of the Eastern region), Diosado Cabello
(Vice-president of the Central region), Héctor Rodríguez, Carlos Escarrá,
Jorge Rodríguez, Darío Vivas, Érika Farías, Freddy Bernal, Héctor Navarro,
Jacqueline Faria, Luis Reyes, María Cristina Iglesías, Alí Rodríguez Araque,
Ana Elisa Osorio, Antonia Muñoz, Noelí Pocaterra, Ramón Rodríguez Chacín,
Tarek El Aissami, Yelitze Santaella and Rodrigo Cabezas, amongst other
members, Chávez outlined the reasons why 2011 and 2012 would be crucial
years for the Bolivarian Revolution.

*“The main reason for this meeting is to begin a discussion on the content
of the “Strategic Lines of Political Action”, a document which is a draft.
We have paid attention and interest to a series of constructive ideas. It is
us, the national leadership, alongside the bases of the party, who will
construct a new reality”.*

Chavez indicated that the document contained *fundamental ideas *for
tackling the tasks of 2011-2012 which relate to the political continuity of
the Bolivarian Revolution.

*“The next two years will be crucial for the Bolivarian Revolution. That’s
how the militancy and leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
should see it”.*

Chávez set out clearly at the time that “beyond the PSUV, we have to
increase our forces, a *reunification of patriotic and nationalist forces,
on course for the creation of the Patriotic Pole*”. The interpretation of
“beyond the PSUV” implied a counterweight to the logic of the party-machine,
to overcome any overbearing intentions on the part of the PSUV (United
Socialist Party of Venezuela), or of any of the political organisations that
support the Bolivarian Revolution, leaving behind sectarianism, dogmatism,
and bureaucracy, that historically have done so much damage to the
construction of unified forces; preventing the formation of a great platform
of revolutionary parties, social movements, collective fronts now called the
“great patriotic pole”, but also similar to other experiences on the
continent called “the revolutionary broad front.

In a war, the formation of the “great patriotic pole” is a *superior and
principal objective* for tackling the strategic political tasks of 2012,
which in itself, allows for a “democratic deepening” of Venezuelan society,
in order to guarantee the “socialist horizon”; given that to not do this
would be to go backwards, not only to the neanderthal obscurantism of the
Fourth Republic, but also to a “low intensity democracy”, a neo-colonial
protectorate controlled by Washington.

That is how Chávez, in those days of 2010, reiterated the fundamental
importance of carrying out “critical and self critical” efforts to debate,
without losing our main and superior objective. In conclusion, he called for
a constructive debate which produces proposals that add to and multiply
within the process of accumulating revolutionary forces, not proposals which
subtract from and divide those forces in a suicidal process which weakens
the revolution.

If there is a political-ethical element which defines “socialist militancy”,
it is precisely the need for honest debate of ideas (not 

[LAAMN] Alan Woods-USA: Wall Street rocked by anti-capitalist protests – time to build a labor party!

2011-10-06 Thread Cort Greene

 USA: Wall Street rocked by anti-capitalist protests – time to build a labor
Written by Alan Woods Thursday, 06 October 2011

*Yesterday Wall Street was rocked by a mass demonstration of over 15,000
people protesting against “corporate greed.” The crowd jammed the square and
stretched for blocks along Broadway. This unprecedented protest was a
manifestation of the mood of anger, bitterness and frustration that has been
accumulating for years in American society, which had already previously
erupted in the big demonstrations and walkouts in Madison, Wisconsin,
culminating in the occupation of the Capitol.*

[image: Yesterday outside City Hall, New York. Photo: bogieharmond]
is part of a general worldwide ferment, the clearest expression of which was
the Arab Revolution. These explosive events have had a profound effect on
the consciousness of the workers and youth everywhere. This was shown by the
statement made by Bob Masters of the Communications Workers of America. He
said the spontaneous uprising was in keeping with popular revolts breaking
out all over the world this year: “Occupy Wall Street captured the spirit of
our time,” he said. “This is Madison. This is Cairo. This is Tunisia.”

Role of the students

The demonstrations began in lower Manhattan twenty days ago. The majority of
the protesters were students. This is a natural development. Although the
students cannot play an independent role in the class struggle, they are
always a sensitive barometer that reflects the tensions and contradictions
that are silently accumulating in the depths of society. Historically, the
students always tend to move first. They can anticipate a movement of the

What is significant is the class content of the slogans shouted by the
protesters. This is a movement of the poor against the rich, of the
exploited against the exploiters. Ordinary Americans who have had to bear
the brunt of the crisis have seen their living standards decimated while the
bankers who have helped themselves to billions of dollars of public money
award themselves lavish bonuses.

Filmmaker Michael Moore attacked the fat cat bankers in plush offices far
above the street. “They are responsible for ruining the lives of millions of
people,” he said. “They weren't just satisfied with being filthy rich.”

All layers of the working class have seen their living standards eroded,
including those who long considered themselves “middle class.”

“I feel the middle class has been under attack for some time now. I always
wondered when this was going to happen,” said Jimmy Shea, 45, a union
carpenter at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx. “The students set it off with
Occupy Wall Street and the unions came around because the unions are finding
the same problems as the kids,” he added.

The mood of many was summed up by Alex Ponton, a 67-year-old retired
salesman who had never been to a protest before: “I want the wealthy to pay
their fair share. If, in some small way, I can show up and yell and support
and march, I'll do whatever I can do to help Main Street.”
Role of the unions

The media at first attempted to portray the demonstrators as a bunch of
hippies and eccentrics, highlighting the presence of people dressed as
clowns and zombies. But this cynical propaganda was immediately cut across
when thousands of workers and union members joined protesters marching
through the financial district of New York.

At first the unions mostly watched from the sidelines as the Occupy Wall
Street protests grew from a motley band of activists camping in a park into
a movement that was growing in strength and spreading across the country.

Members of the city's biggest unions marched in solidarity with the students
who began camping out three weeks ago to protest the excesses of the richest
1%. “We are the 99%. So are you!” protesters chanted as they marched to
Foley Square, just north of City Hall. “It's an epic march,” said John
Samuelson, president of the Transport Workers Union Local 100, who urged his
35,000 bus and subway workers to march.

Among these is the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), the Empire
State's largest union, representing 600,000 teachers. In an interview on
Tuesday, spokesman Carl Korn publicly offered NYSUT's support for Occupy
Wall Street and its message about shrinking income inequality, investing in
public education, and making the rich pay. “Teachers and public employees
represent the other 99 percent; they are not in the 1 percent,” Korn said,
echoing the theme of the occupation.

The participation of organized labor in this protest represents a most

[LAAMN] Oct.14th-Films4Cuban5 in Santa Monica THE DAY DIPLOMACY DIED

2011-10-09 Thread Cort Greene
 * Films4Cuban5 presents*


* *
*Friday, Oct 14, 7:00 pm*
*Before Film: Meet at Izzy's Deli, 15th and Wilshire 5:00 PM *
*Free street parking @ Izzy's Deli , rear lot, computer store lot  on 15th.*

*After Film: End the Embargo to CUBA COFFEE w/ Izzy cookies.*
* At the Home of Rachel and Jay*
*601- 9th Street, Santa Monica, California*
*one block E of Lincoln, one block N of Montana*
*Southeast Corner,  Easy Parking  *
* *

*RSVP:  rachel...@earthlink.net   - 310-780-7363 (first 20)*

*The Day Diplomacy Died (2010) 33 minutes*

*The Day Diplomacy Died (2010) , exposes the story behind the lock up of 75
“independent” journalists, trade unionists, and librarians in Cuba in 2003
through the eyes of four ex-Cuban state agents working undercover. The
former agents speak out for the first time on film about the inner workings
of the dissident groups they infiltrated and the various plans, supported by
the U.S. government,  that were being developed to destabilize Cuba. Must
see film.*

*$5 donation *
*For the Cuban 5 defense*
*In September 1998, five Cuban men were arrested in Miami by FBI agents.
Gerardo Hernandez, Ramón **Labañino, F ernando Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero
and René Gonzalez were accused of the crime of **conspiracy to commit
espionage.  *
* RENÉ González Sehwerert, one of Cuba's five anti-terrorist heroes,
released from prison October 7 **having served in full the brutal and unjust
sentence he was given.*
*We sent $100 to Antonio for his birthday.  October 16 ¡Feliz cumpleaños!*

* *

* *
* *

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Seven months into the Syrian Revolution masses still striving for a breakthrough

2011-10-12 Thread Cort Greene

 Seven months into the Syrian Revolution masses still striving for a
Written by Mousa Ladqani Wednesday, 12 October 2011

*In the seventh month of its life, the Syrian revolution has passed through
many stages, experienced ebbs and flows, and reached new layers of the
masses while others have passed into inactivity or suffered brutal
oppression. However, the youth and the oppressed are determined to carry the
torch of the revolution to the end, to victory or martyrdom. The revolt
has spread like wildfire, and all the efforts of a decaying regime to
extinguish the fire have resulted in no more than a temporary relief. The
masses have awakened from their slumber to come onto the stage of history,
and a nation is being reborn baptised in blood and fire.*
 [image: July 22. Photo: syriana2011]
reaches deep into the masses

What started as a movement of angry, frustrated and oppressed youth has
spread to capture the imagination of millions striving for freedom and
justice. From Dar'aa in the South, passing through Damascus, Homs and Hama
in the centre and reaching Idleb in the North, and from Latakia in the west
to Der Al-Zour and Qamishli in the East, the revolution has spread to engulf
the whole country. Just as the revolution has spread horizontally it has
equally spread vertically with the revolutionary fever reaching deep into
all classes of society: farmers, workers, small shop owners, professionals,
intellectuals, and even artists and celebrities. Even those sections of
society supportive of the regime have been pushed onto the stage of politics
by the movement. Everyone is talking about politics and many are involved in
political activity, and that can only be a sign of a society in
revolutionary ferment.
Mass demonstrations reach their peak

To the politically fresh, untutored masses, lessons are learnt the hard way,
often at a very costly price. Initially the Syrian masses may have had the
illusion that mass demonstrations and square occupations were all that was
required to overthrow their oppressor. However, they are coming to realize
that a slogan alone cannot stand in the face of a machine gun. The mass
demonstrations reached their peak in the period prior to and during the
month of Ramadan with around half a million demonstrators in each of Hama
and Der Al-Zor and many tens of thousands in Damascus, Homs, Latakia, Idleb
and their surrounding towns and villages.

Demonstrators were not limited to unemployed youth or farmers and small shop
keepers, but they included elements from all layers of society. This was
evident from the various demonstrations of engineers and doctors in Der
Al-Zor, Da'raa and other cities, the demonstration of artists and
celebrities in the heart of Damascus, and the many arrests among university
professors and intellectuals. Workers and public sector employees also
participated which was confirmed by the harassment or firing of suspected
employees from their workplaces.

The regime took a decision to use the utmost force to stop the mass movement
from growing further. Cities were invaded with tanks and neighbourhoods were
bombed. Mass arrests, brutal torture, executions, rape, siege and
deprivation of food, water and medicine, plunder and destruction of property
and sources of income, burning of crops and killing of livestock, are all
methods that the regimes has resorted to. This overwhelming oppression
succeeded in preventing mass demonstrations after extensive deployment of
the armed forces all over the country. The movement has ebbed since, and
demonstrations have continued but with lesser intensity. The masses are
thinking and reflecting; they have come to realize that the revolution
cannot be won this way alone. The regime has taken this opportunity to step
up repression, and conducting more mass arrests among the youth activists.
The revolutionary committees and the free Syrian army

The extreme brutality of the regime has brought with it a price. Many
previous supporters or confused elements have passed to the camp of the
revolution after seeing the blatant oppression and brutalities of the
regime. A regime that has to employ this much oppression to stay in power is
obviously one that has lost its legitimacy among wide sections of the
population, and with it its stabilizing base and support among the masses.

The regime has paid dearly when it comes to its armed forces. The Syrian
army, and even the security forces, have been falling apart; many soldiers
and officers have defected, slowly, but constantly. Now this chaotic and
scattered process of defection has accumulated slowly and reached a point
where it has acquired a quality. The defecting soldiers have 

[LAAMN] Is an Iranian Drug Cartel Behind the Assassination Plot against the Saudi Ambassador?

2011-10-12 Thread Cort Greene
Where it is not beyond the Quds Brigade to commit assassinations inside and
outside of Iran, the story put out by the US sounds more like the theater
of the absurdmeets Iran Contra-Gate which had drug dealers, gun runners
and intelligence services working with one another too...but whose this



 Is an Iranian Drug Cartel Behind the Assassination Plot against the Saudi

Posted on 10/12/2011 by Juan

As many observers have pointed out, the story given us by Attorney General
Eric Holder about the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi
ambassador in Washington, D.C., makes no sense. *Veteran CIA operative Bob
Baer, now retired, notes that Iranian
highly professional and works through proxies, and this sloppy
simply is not their modus operandi.

The US is alleging that Gholam Shakuri, a known member of the Quds Brigade,
the special operations force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, was
involved and that he was running an Iranian-American agent, Manssor
Arbabsiar, a *used car dealer with a conviction on check
Arbabsiar wired $100,000 to a bank account he thought belonged to a member
of the Zeta Mexican drug cartel, as a down payment on the $1.5 million
demanded by the cartel member for carrying out the assassination.

If Arbabsiar really had been an Iranian intelligence asset, he would have
been informed if there’s one thing the US typically monitors, it is money
transfers of more than $10,000 (as a measure against drug money laundering).
The only safe way to undertake this transaction would have been cash, and no
one in the Quds Brigade is so stupid as not to know this simple reality.
Moreover, would the Quds Brigade really depend so heavily on someone with a
fraud conviction, who was therefore known to US authorities? Expert
terrorism deploys “newskins” people who can fly under the radar of police
and security forces.

One possibility as to what is really going on here is *signaled by the
in the
*San Francisco Chronicle*:

” Arbabsiar also told the informant that the same Iranian sponsors behind
the assassination plot also controlled drug smuggling and could provide tons
of opium, the federal law enforcement official said.”

In other words, Arbabsiar’s patron, Shakuri, may have had a side business,
besides the Revolutionary Guards day job, as an element in *an opium- and
heroin-running gang bringing the stuff from
Iran and to points west. About half of Afghanistan’s opium and
heroin is exported via Iran.

If a rogue Iranian drug cartel with an IRGC cover wanted to hit the Saudi
ambassador, then it would be natural for them to reach out to their
counterparts, the Zetas in Mexico. Whereas if the Iranian state wanted to
assassinate someone, it would be crazy for them to reveal themselves to a
Mexican gangster.

So why hit the Saudis? If it was an Iranian cartel, they might be annoyed
with the Saudi version of the *war on
After all, some of their colleagues may have gotten caught in the dragnet.
Or they might be angered that Saudi-backed Sunni militant gangs in Iraq and
Syria have grabbed smuggling routes, cutting out the Iranians.

Of course, we cannot rule out the
possibilityhttp://www.tni.org/archives/pin-docs_220976-1of a direct
Iranian government plot. After all, Chilean dictator Gen.
Augusto Pinochet assassinated dissident (and former ambassador) Orlando
Letelier in Washington, DC in 1976.

Iranian and Saudi relations have been roiled by the turmoil in Syria, with
with the Saudis supporting the opposition. In Bahrain the Saudis helped
crush the movement toward greater openness, angering Iranians. And, the
wikileaks cables demonstrate that the Saudis behind the scenes repeatedly
urged the US to hit Iran. There is something like a cold war between the two
regional powers, and this plot could be part of it. But I agree with Baer
that it looks too much like amateur hour to likely be the doings of the
Iranian government per se.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
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[LAAMN] Egypt: Christian and Mulsim workers and youth united despite manoeuvres of the military

2011-10-14 Thread Cort Greene

 Egypt: Christian and Mulsim workers and youth united despite manoeuvres of
Written by Brian Adams Friday, 14 October 2011

*Faced with ever increasing contradictions, the military rulers in Egypt
have looked to cut across the recent wave of class struggle by attempting to
divide the workers and youth along religious lines. This is the context in
which the recent deaths of 24 Coptic Christian Egyptian protestors must be

[image: October 13 vigil for Maspero dead. Photo: Omar Robert Hamilton]
latest events began after a brutal clampdown by the army of a Coptic protest
in the Aswan province against the burning of a church. The protestors in
Aswan were calling for the dismissal of the Governor of Aswan, who they
claimed had done nothing to prevent the burning of Coptic churches, and who
had in fact tried to blame the Copts themselves for building churches in the
first place.

On Sunday 9th October, Coptic Christians in Cairo, who make up approximately
10% of Egypt’s 85 million population, marched from Shoubra, a predominantly
Coptic suburb of Cairo, to Maspero, the location of the Egyptian state
television, to protest against the state violence against the Copts in
Aswan, and once again demanding the removal of the Aswan Governor. The
demonstration began with around 200 Copts, but grew in size as it headed
towards Maspero, with reports of over 1000 by the time it had reached the
state television building. *Importantly, numerous reports indicate that the
protest was composed of both Copts and a large number of Muslims by the end
of the march.*

What ensued was the worst state brutality seen in Egypt since Mubarak let
his marauding band of thugs and policemen loose upon the revolutionaries in
Tahrir Square earlier this year. The army attacked the peaceful protest of
Copts and Muslims with unbelievable ferocity. An eyewitness report on Al
Masry Al Youm http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/503496 describes the
army attacks:

“[The protest at Maspero] was immediately met with gunfire in the air. As
protesters continued moving forwards, the gunfire continued.

“Suddenly, there was a great surge of people moving back, and something
strange happened. Two armored personnel carriers (APCs) began driving at
frightening speed through protesters, who threw themselves out of its path.
A soldier on top of each vehicle manned a gun, and spun it wildly,
apparently shooting at random although the screams made it difficult to
discern exactly where the sound of gunfire was coming from.

“It was like some brutal perversion of the military show the armed forces
put on for the 6th of October celebration three days before. The two
vehicles zigzagged down the road outside Maspero underneath the 6th of
October Bridge and then back in synchronicity, the rhythm for this
particular parade provided by the ‘tac tac tac’ of never-ending gunfire, the
music the screams of the protesters they drove directly at.

“And then it happened: an APC mounted the island in the middle of the road,
like a maddened animal on a rampage. I saw a group of people disappear,
sucked underneath it. It drove over them. I wasn’t able to see what happened
to them because it then started coming in my direction.”

 [image: Osama Heikal, minister of information. Illustration: Latuff]
also show the massacre of the protestors by the army in great
with army vehicles driving manically into the peaceful crowds and tear gas
being fired from all sides. The latest figures indicate that at least 24
were killed and 329 injured – the most severe death toll since the January
and February days of the revolution.

The Egyptian state media have attempted to excuse this brutality as a
defensive act against the “violent Coptic protestors”. As an article on

“Egyptian state television not only failed to calm matters, but actually
played a role in aggravating an already tense situation.

“In an unprecedented move, broadcasters on state television at one point
called on the Egyptian public to head to Maspero en masse to defend Egyptian
soldiers from what they described as ‘angry Christian protesters’.

“Indeed as the night unravelled, vigilante mobs attacked demonstrators
fleeing police bullets and tear gas, using machettes, swords and cudgels.”

However, countless sources indicate that: a) the march was entirely peaceful
before being 

[LAAMN] Cuba Develops New Socialist Golf Courses

2011-10-14 Thread Cort Greene
*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Cuba Develops New Socialist Golf Courses*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On October 14, 2011 @ 5:17 am In *Features,Lead
Articles,Sports* | *No

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*Isbel Diaz Torres*
 http://www.havanatimes.org/?attachment_id=53037 [2]

Photo: www.cubaselecttravel.com

HAVANA TIMES, Oct. 14 — It’s already public that the Cuba government plans
to allow foreigners to acquire properties in perpetuity in ultra-modern golf
course communities.  The ultimate goal seems to be the development of
enormous residential-hotel-golf course enclaves for tourists and the future
Cuban bourgeoisie.

“They told us that this incursion has the highest priority for investment,”
said Graham Cooke, a Canadian golf course architect and the designer of a
project for the Guardalavaca Beach area, along the island’s north-eastern
coast.  The project, with an estimated value of more than $455 million, is
being promoted by a consortium of Canadian Indian tribes whose officers
supposedly entered into contract with the Cuban government this past August.

According to Cuba’s tourism minister, Manuel Marrero, the government
negotiated with several foreign companies to set up the first joint-ventures
that will construct these golf courses on the island, in addition to other
“real estate developments” related to tourism.

The company *Standing Feather
[3] (SFI) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Cuban government in
late April, and on this past July 6 agreed to create — together with the
Cuban state-owned company Palmares Grupo — the “Cuba-Kanata Golf Ltd”
company.  This joint-venture will be the first to begin construction
activity, with work set to begin in September of next year.  Despite the
magnitude of this project, no information concerning it has appeared in the
island’s broadcast media or written press.

It’s also known that the executive director of London’s Essence Group, who
has helped sponsor international golf tournaments in Varadero, plans to
develop a $300 million country club on the most famous beach in Cuba.

In late July, the British ambassador on the island, Dianna Melrose,
announced at the Cuban Foreign Ministry that her country’s business
community wants to invest in Cuba’s tourism sector, particularly in new
hotel and golf course projects being started.

Mexico is another one of the countries that wants to “share” experiences
with Cuba in the development of golf tourism, said Gloria Guevara Manzo, the
head of the that country’s Federal Tourism Secretariat during the FITCUBA
2011 tourism fair this past May.  Consultants with the Mexican firm “Piza:
arquitectura de golf” are serving as advisors on the design and construction
of the tourist complexes for Palmares, the company responsible for the
development of golf facilities in terms of tourism.

According to statements by Mexican officials, their country is among the top
ten trading partners with Cuba, citing commercial exchange for $325 million
in 2010.  They went on to state that Mexican investment in the island is
approximately $730 million, adding that, “This positions us as one of the
ranking Latin American investors on the island.”

In total, the four largest development projects total over $1.5 billion,
while the *New York Times* says that the amount of profits coming into the
Cuban government coffers will be about half.

Cuba now has three 18-hole golf courses: the Campo de Golf Capdevila and the
Havana Golf Club (both in Havana), and the Varadero Golf Club, located at
the popular tourist resort in Matanzas Province.  This latter curse was
built before 1959 by the Dupont family.  The current perspective is to
develop sixteen short and medium-term real estate projects that will include
courses for this sport.

During the first parliamentary session of 2011, Cuba’s tourism minister
claimed that the agreement had the approval of the Council of Ministers.
 The official noted that the four initial projects will be developed in the
provinces of Holguin, Pinar del Rio, Havana and Matanzas.


In its eagerness for Cuba to become an exemplary and upscale destination in
the Caribbean, the island’s government has decided to promote an elite sport
like golf, apparently seeing it as a means of revitalizing the economy.

To this end, the government has shown no reservations about offering life
leases on structures and land usufruct for 99 years.  As the Canadian
consortium disclosed to the *El Universal *newspaper, “We’re proud to
announce that the titles on the luxury properties that buyers purchase
aren’t the standard 99-year leases.  Instead, residential properties are
being sold with the owners having the right to own them in perpetuity.”

[LAAMN] The Colombia Connection

2011-10-15 Thread Cort Greene

The Colombia Connection
Fri, 10/14/2011 - 11:28 — AP

In a simple cable search http://cablesearch.org/ for Giuliani, I
found 10BOGOTA276:
where the broken window tycoon responsible in large part for the
Honduran invisible genocide of the naughts received the following praise:

5. (SBU) Chairman Hochberg praised President Uribe and Colombia for its
sound economic and investment strategies and attention to social policies,
which helped reduce poverty. The Chairman shared that prior to his first
trip to Colombia he consulted two important friends of the country --
Congressmen Eliot Engel and Gregory Meeks, both of whom briefed him on
Colombia's achievements. As a New Yorker, the Chairman noted how investment
and prosperity returned to New York City after Mayor Giuliani reduced crime.
Hochberg highlighted parallels between New York City and Colombia and
praised President Uribe for enhancing security, which has led to the
positive investment climate and economic development that Colombia enjoys

In the cable, Uribe is also quoted as bragging about all the security forces
Colombians are training (spreading that false positive expertise to the rest
of the hemisphere), like 11,000 Mexican police. Great job, Alvie.

Colombian agents are crawling all over the Bajo Aguán region, according to
countless reports from people there, and have participated in the death
squad activities. This recent article in The
Monoclehttp://www.monocle.com/goes into frightening detail about
Colombia's continued training activities
under Lobo's BFF Santos:

Police Academy--Colombia

Decades of warfare against drug cartels and armed guerillas have provided
Colombia with a valuable asset. Countries across Latin America are sending
their troops and police to learn the techniques of its elite Jungla unit.

issue 47 . volume 05 . October 2011

Writer: Anastasia Moloney
Photographer: Luca Zanetti

Fight club

Along with Jungla training, the Colombian police also offers in-country
tailor-made specialist courses for regional police forces. Since 2009, it
has trained around 8,000 police and soldiers, mostly from Latin America.
Some of the most popular courses are:

Bolivia: With more cocaine laboratories sprouting up across the Andean
country, Colombia's Junglas provide training on finding and destroying
clandestine cocaine laboratories.

Mexico: The rise of Mexican drug cartels has increased demand for Colombian
expertise on how to gather intelligence and build a criminal case against
drug traffickers. Police from Colombia's anti-kidnapping unit, Gaula, have
also trained the Mexicans in techniques against kidnapping and extortion.

Honduras: With one of the world's highest murder rates and rising numbers of
kidnappings, Colombian police provide training on rescuing hostages and
preventing abductions.

El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica: As Mexican drug gangs use
these countries as money laundering spots, the Colombian police have
provided training to tackle this growing problem.

Brazilian policeman Noberto Aviles regrets not getting fitter before coming
to Colombia. I didn't prepare myself physically enough, Aviles pants, as
he grabs a breather in the canteen at Colombia's main police training
centre, a three-hour drive south of Bogotá. So far this morning Aviles has
gone on a brisk 5km run, been put through several fitness drills and has
been forced to do countless push-ups – all before breakfast. It's more
difficult than I'd imagined, he says.

Aviles is one of 107 young police officers and soldiers from 12 Latin
American countries taking part in a commando course run by the Colombian
anti-narcotics police's elite Jungla, or Jungle, squad. Set up by Britain's
SAS in 1989 to create a special force to combat drug trafficking in
Colombia, the 526-strong Jungla commandos are now passing on their
battle-hardened experience of fighting leftist guerrilla armies and drug
cartels to police from across Latin America.

In a lush valley, the 4,700 hectare training site – complete with two lakes,
a tower from where recruits learn how to descend by rope from helicopters
and experimental fields planted with 14 different varieties of coca, the raw
ingredient for cocaine – will be home to the recruits over the next few
weeks. For those looking to learn how to carry out top secret operations,
raid rebel camps, patrol rivers, destroy cocaine laboratories deep in the
jungle, hunt down drug kingpins, rescue hostages and become sharpshooters,
Colombia's Jungla course is the one to be on.

Four weeks in and already 11 recruits have dropped out. By the end of the
four-month course that will test endurance and navigation skills to breaking
point in the desert, rivers, cold mountains and humid rainforests of
Colombia, around a quarter of recruits will have left or failed the test.

Jerónimo Animaz, a 

[LAAMN] This is the Way the Iraq War Ends, with Bangs and Whimpers

2011-10-16 Thread Cort Greene
 This is the Way the Iraq War Ends, with Bangs and

Posted on 10/16/2011 by Juan

The Associated Press is reporting that
sources in the Obama administration are admitting that all US troops will
have to leave Iraq by 31 December, in accordance with the Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA) negotiated between George W. Bush and the Iraqi parliament.

The US embassy in Baghdad announced the US Air Force has now handed
responsibility for Iraq’s air space over to the

Bush was forced into that SOFA because US troops could not fight in Iraq
without a legal cover if they were to avoid possible war crimes prosecutions
and lawsuits. From June 2003 until fall of 2008, the United Nations Security
Council resolutions recognized the US as the occupying power with the
responsibility to provide security to the population (a duty that might
necessitate the deployment of military force). But the Iraqi government did
not want, by 2008, to go to the UNSC for yet another such resolution,
because it was eager to begin escaping its subordination to the UN. In the
absence of a UNSC resolution, US troops needed a bilateral treaty to
legalize their activities in Iraq.

Thus, Bush had to sign what the parliament gave him or face the prospect
that US troops would have to leave by 31 December, 2008, something that
would have been interpreted as a defeat. The price the Iraqi parliament
extracted for allowing the US troops to remain was an iron-clad guarantee
that they would all be out by the end of 2011. Bush and his generals clearly
expected, however, that over time Washington would be able to wriggle out of
the treaty and would find a way to keep a division or so in Iraq past that

Last spring Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki began insisting that the SOFA was
unalterable. He admitted that a new SOFA could be negotiated that would
allow US troops to be brought back in 2012, but they would have to leave by
the end of 2011 as the treaty specified. Moreover, he insisted that any new
SOFA would have to be approved by parliament. I thought to myself at that
time that the whole game was over with, since the Iraqi parliament was never
going to vote publicly to bring thousands of US troops back into the
country. It would be seen as a surrender to neo-imperialism. Moreover, it
might well be that a majority of the parliamentarians even privately wanted
the foreign soldiers out of their country. The Sadr Bloc of Muqtada al-Sadr,
with 40 seats, certainly wanted the US gone, and they threatened to revive
their paramilitary and attack any US troops who tried to stay. Al-Maliki
does not have a majority in parliament without the Sadrists, so they were
always likely to get their way.

The AP reports that the sticking point for the Iraqi cabinet was that the US
side wanted any US troop contingent in Iraq to have immunity from
prosecution in Iraqi courts. This provision is called “extraterritoriality,”
and it had been granted by the Shah in Iran to US troops in bases in that
country. Extraterritoriality was an issue on which Ayatollah Khomeini
campaigned against the Shah’s government in the demonstrations of 1963,
which caused the ayatollah to be exiled from the country. The Islamic
Supreme Council of Iraq and the Sadr Movement are enough in the Khomeinist
tradition that they would object to this provision. Even the more lay Shiite
fundamentalist Da’wa Party, which al-Maliki heads, would find that a hard
pill to swallow, given that they are Iraqi nationalists as well as Shiite

Washington hawks had wanted to keep 25,000 US troops in Iraq indefinitely.
The Obama administration had decided by this September that that goal was
unrealistic, and decided to seek a small contingent of 3,000 or so. But
there would be no point in having them in Iraq if they could not fight when
necessary, and for that activity they would have needed a new SOFA or a
legislated extraterritoriality. They got neither, and so the US has to go.

It turns out that the day on which the US military lost Iraq once and for
all was September 16,
when Blackwater private security guards, all decorated ex-military, opened
fire in Nisoor Square under the mistaken impression that they were under
attack by the ordinary civilian motorists there. 17 were killed, dozens
wounded, and the incident became a cause celebre for Iraqis eager to see an
end to a foreign military presence in their country. That the US 

[LAAMN] Pres.Chavez in Cuba for Medical Exams

2011-10-17 Thread Cort Greene
*- Havana Times.org - http://www.havanatimes.org -*

*Chavez in Cuba for Medical Exams*

Posted By *Circles Robinson* On October 17, 2011 @ 7:53 am In *Recent
Posts,Updates,World* | *No

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Raul Castro welcomes Hugo Chavez to Cuba for medical exams. Photo: granma.cu

*HAVANA TIMES*, Oct. 17 — Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez arrived in Havana
on Sunday night for medical exams that are far from routine.

Cuba’s chief political and economic ally wants to know whether four sessions
of chemotherapy eradicated any trace of the cancer which led to his June
operation to extract a tumor in his “pelvic area”.

The chemo was appled three times in Cuba and once in Venezuela.

Chavez was met at the Jose Marti International Airport by Cuban President
Raul Castro.

Chavez was accompanied by his country’s Minister of Health, Eugenia Sadar,
Minister of Agriculture, Juan Carlos Loyo and Ricardo Menéndez, a vice
president and Minister of Science and Technology.

The Venezuelan leader is hoping for a green light from doctors on his
recuperation.  He plans to run for reelection in Oct. 2012.

 You might also like:
  A Visit to the Zoo
 The Gateway to Eastern Cuba
 Entertainment vs. Salaries
 Cuba’s Constitution, Law and Rights
 Self-Employed Worker in Cuba (Part III)
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URL to article: *http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=53351*


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[LAAMN] Children of Syria to the Assads-F--K Off

2011-10-17 Thread Cort Greene
 *The children in Ma’arrat Hourmah in the Idlib Province out their demands
very succinctly and in English so everyone can understand. They want Bashar
Al-Assad to simply “Fuck Off”
* *

 In *Qamishly*, more than 20,000 Kurds took part in today’s demonstration
http://youtu.be/8fktAlyszLY and carrying banners saying “we won’t serve in
an army that kills us.” Many wore T-shirts commemorating the assassinated
Kurdish rights activist Mishaal Tammo http://youtu.be/6WpmtaqUGXc


As the militarization of the revolution continues, couple of with rising
despair and anger on part of the protesters, be it with world leaders, or
opposition groups. As this banner from the town of Kafar nabbel in the Idlib
Province, clearly shows:

*Down with the Regime and the Opposition, Down the Arab and Islamic Nation,
Down with the Security Council, Down with the World, Down with Everything…
Occupied Kafar Nabbel, October 14, 2011*

  Sunday, October 16, 2011
   Fuck Off!http://syrianrevolutiondigest.blogspot.com/2011/10/fuck-off.html
 *While Arab politicians struggle to formulate a response or a proposal and
the Syrian opposition to proffer a vision or a plan, the children of Syria
have no such trouble. They know exactly what the crisis is all about. The
Assads, in their words, need to “Fuck Off.”*

 *Sunday October 16, 2011 *

9 people were killed by pro-Assad militias in protests that took place
throughout Syria. The dead include 6 in *Homs City* (where 40 were also
reported wounded), 2 in *Khan Shaikhoon* in Idlib Province and 1 in the town
of *Zabadani* in Damascus Province.  The death toll is expected to mount as
pro-Assad militias continue their attack on neighborhoods in Homs City,
towns in Homs Province (Teer Mallah and Ghanto), in Idlib Province (Khan
Shaikhoon), Deraa/Hauran Province (Harrah, Ankhel and Mseifrah) and Damascus
Province (Zabadani and Madaya).

Meanwhile, the *Arab League* to reach consensus on freezing Syria’s
membership, and ended its extraordinary meeting by calling for dialog
between the Assad regime and all opposition groups. The League also
announced the formation of a special ministerial delegation to pay a visit
to Damascus and carry message in person to the *Assad regime*. The move is
based on the *Arab League Plan* calling for holding free presidential
elections in 2014, a plan that was rejected by the regime and most
opposition groups. The position of the *Syrian National Council* on this
issue remains unclear as its spokesmen continue to issue contradictory
statements to the media.

*Syria escapes suspension from Arab
*Assad, his raids on Lebanon, and Syria's slow slip into civil
*Syria’s Alawites go on arms shopping

*The children in Ma’arrat Hourmah in the Idlib Province out their demands
very succinctly and in English so everyone can understand. They want Bashar
Al-Assad to simply “Fuck Off”
* *

In the town of *Ankhel* in the Deraa/Hauran Province, protesters come under
fire even as they stand defiant http://youtu.be/GNw8yuRncxk In a different
part of town, the same scenario unfolds http://youtu.be/YF82VwLepHo ,
http://youtu.be/ZjIlvhzR2t4 The people target are students, not college
students, but students in High School, Junior High School, and even primary
schools http://youtu.be/arfsxzVuyiw Afterwards, the town observes a general
strike http://youtu.be/HJlEvTbJ6n8 And at night, people took back to the
streets http://youtu.be/DCZ3KDWQv6I

A martyr from the nearby *Harrah* http://youtu.be/wzKi1WVfw84 Gunfire
in *Khirbet
Ghazaleh* http://youtu.be/I3oQlD2-WHg Security troops then move in
http://youtu.be/4RdAWIkb4E8 In *Da’el* protesters came under fire

*Homs City*: praying for Nesrine Da’as and her daughter
http://youtu.be/xUH2xsSSWsw Nesrine was pregnant when she was shot by a
sniper on Saturday, doctors managed to pull out the fetus, but she died
hours later http://youtu.be/HaTybJllpVc In the evening, protesters in *Baba
Amr* came out denouncing the stand of the Arab League
http://youtu.be/kDDEZaCUXzQ Meanwhile, the crackdown in *Insha’aat* *
Neighborhood* leaves new martyrs http://youtu.be/7cjzu6EDOLo ,
http://youtu.be/UlacZ3-dTMI In *Khaldiyeh*, protesters offered new martyrs
http://youtu.be/GAJLIqrIONM then came out again to call for protection
chanting “the people want a no-fly zone” http://youtu.be/Nv2Pu8QXISs Then
came udner fire again http://youtu.be/fI0Q_xtcw0g


[LAAMN] Greece: Situation becoming revolutionary-General Strike starts on Thursday

2011-10-17 Thread Cort Greene

 Greece: Situation becoming
Written by Stamatis Karagiannopoulos in Athens Monday, 17 October 2011

*The situation in Greece is becoming more and more revolutionary as each day
passes. The country has been paralysed by a wave of strikes centred on the
public sector and state owned enterprises, which is the workers’ response as
they attempt to ward off the terrible attack of the government. This wave of
strikes was anticipated by the mass occupation movement in the universities
and schools in September, which proved once again that the youth is a
sensitive barometer of the class struggle.*

[image: March 13 general
are seeing mobilisations in those workplaces where we have the most powerful
Trade Unions of the Greek working class. Workers in transport, the ports,
electricity generation, local government, ministries, hospitals, education,
tax offices, and the archaeological sites have decided to take all-out
strike action and are also occupying one government buildings after another.

For the first time the workers in these sectors have the overwhelming
support of the unemployed workers and of the workers in the private sector.
The perception of the past that the workers in these sectors, i.e. state
employed workers, were privileged no longer exists within the ranks of the
workers in the private sector because it is precisely this sector that is on
the receiving end of the harshest attack, with mass redundancies and big
cuts of up to 50% in their salaries. The line separating the workers of
public and private sector has ceased to exist as a result of the brutal
attack of the government.

Also in the private sector now we have a huge government attack, with a the
same new law demanded by the troika of the ECB, EU and IMF, being put to
Parliament this coming Thursday, which is aimed at reducing the minimum wage
from 750 euros to 550 euros by removing the National General Collective
Agreement and all sectoral collective agreements. In fact, the law de facto
removes the official role of the unions until the crisis ends.

The result of all this is that the atmosphere among the workers has become
more militant than ever. This time what stands out clearly is the
determination to fight until the end. Trade union activists and trade union
leaders are saying openly to the media that the strikes are political. A
leading trade unionist from the bus workers said last Friday in a famous TV
programme that we will continue the strikes until the overthrow of the
government. We want to wipe out that gang!

The most militant are the refuse collectors who have been on strike for the
past ten days and have staged an occupation in the rubbish dumps. The
government sent in the Special Police Forces yesterday to terrorize the
strikers but they refused to end their occupation. They stated that if the
government did not back this would lead to the spilling of blood.'' The
government then proceeded to award the collection of refuse to private
companies who, however, are incapable of collecting any rubbish from the
streets because they receive constant attacks and insults from ordinary
people who shout ''scabs'' at them. This one incident expresses very clearly
the rock solid support for the strikes on the part of the majority of the
Greek people.

As a result of the huge pressure from the rank and file, the 24-hour general
strike of the GSEE and ADEDY is looking more and more like it could be a
48-hour general strike on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. But the mood
that is maturing among the working class is going even beyond that, and the
idea that what is needed is an all-out political general strike is gripping
the minds of many workers.

This situation is putting enormous pressure on the PASOK government, which
is now a lot weaker than it was in the summer. The parliamentary group of
the PASOK – many of whom can see that if they continue to openly support
austerity their seats in parliament will be at risk – is coming under
immense pressure from the trade unions and the workers in general. Already
one PASOK MP has said that he intends to vote against the new law and
another has threatened that he would resign. This risks reducing
Papandreou’s majority in parliament to unworkable levels. The PASOK has 154
MPs in a parliament of 300 members.

The PASOK’s loss of popular support is also being reflected inside the
unions. The PASOK has its own factions – known as PASKE – within the trade
unions. Already, PASKE in the municipal workers’ union and the teachers’
union had split from the PASOK earlier this year. Last Wednesday PASKE in
the railway workers’ union announced it was breaking with the PASOK. We 

[LAAMN] October 15 international day of action in the United States and the intervention of the WIL comrades

2011-10-18 Thread Cort Greene

October 15 international day of action in the United States and the
intervention of the WIL comradeshttp://www.marxist.com/15o-usa-reports.htm
Written by Socialist Appeal – USA Tuesday, 18 October 2011
[image: Print] http://www.marxist.com/15o-usa-reports/print.htm#

*The comrades of the Workers’ International League in the United States have
been intervening in the #Occupy Wall Street movement since the very
beginning. Here we publish several reports from comrades around the United
States on the movement and their intervention within it.*

[image: Times Square]
year ago, the world's attention was focused on Europe, as mass mobilizations
against cuts and austerity shook the world. This was soon surpassed by the
heroic and inspiring movement of the Arab masses, with the drama of Hosni
Mubarak's fall galvanizing the planet. The occupation of Tahrir Square in
Cairo then inspired the mass movement and occupation of the state capitol in
Madison, Wisconsin after Governor Scott Walker's attack on public sector
workers. Now Greece and the whole of Europe are again at center stage. But
alongside the European crisis and protests is the #OccupyWallStreet movement
in New York City, which has spread across the U.S. and back to Europe,
Japan, Korea, and beyond.

The Marxists have long explained that with a globalized economy comes
globalized economic and social crisis. This in turn leads inevitably to
global class struggle, protest, and ultimately, revolution. What we are
seeing around the world today is just a taste of what is to come as the
world class struggle enters a new and ever-more convulsive stage.

Here in the U.S., sit-ins, protests, tent cities, marches and rallies marked
the October 15 international day of action. Over the weekend, tens of
thousands of protesters poured onto the streets to commemorate the 10-year
anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, and in solidarity with the
#occupy movement. From Boston to Baton Rouge, Los Angeles to Seattle, and a
dozen cities in between, the Workers International
Leaguehttp://www.socialistappeal.org/has been participating in the
Occupy Wall Street movement since day one.

We have been able to discuss with literally hundreds of people, handed out
thousands of leaflets, sold hundreds of copies of *Socialist Appeal*, and
have had a tremendous opportunity to raise the ideas of revolutionary
Marxism and the need for a labor party in the U.S. with thousands of young
people and workers from around the country. Below are just a few highlights
from our October 15 interventions:
New York, NY

As comrades know, the occupation in lower Manhattan is the flagship of this
new #occupy movement. Comrades from the NYC Metro area have been intervening
in the movement since day one, and we have carefully watched every ebb and
flow in numbers and every oscillation in its political orientation.

On Saturday four comrades sold id=mce_marker24 in literature, including
more than 40 papers  met several people interested in the ideas of Marxism,
from around the U.S. and around the world. Occupiers decided to keep the
events of the 15th rather busy. There was a march to Washington Sq. Park at
11am and one on Times Square at 5pm. Bourgeois media estimates the crowd at
the latter to have crossed the 12K mark, bringing it close to the numbers
seen at Foley Square earlier when unions showed up in support.

The movement began as an amorphous grouping of various political trends on
September 17th and has engaged itself in a long dialogue. The purported
‘leaderless’ character of this movement has privileged internal dialogue
almost over all else. Politics continue to take second place over “building
the movement.” This has been both a weakness and strength of the movement,
allowing it to grow and attract a large layer of sympathizers.

However, as this movement grows, there will be an increased opportunity and
need for Marxists to offer a critique of its limits. In New York we have
noticed that the so-called “leaderless” nature of the movement does not
stand to an honest examination. There is an unaccountable leadership that
has emerged, usually those with charisma and almost always those in a
position to not have to worry about rent or work. Those that cannot dedicate
the time to the movement are heard less by this ‘direct democracy’. Some in
the movement see the limitations of this structure, but as yet there is no
viable alternative.

The core of the actual occupiers is anarchist youth. The class basis of
anarchism lends itself well to the occupation tactic. But even some of these
self described “anarchists” are looking for more sophisticated ideas. And,
for example, a member of the IWW has shown interest in our ideas and
material. Others are more hardened in their views. In either case, their
methodology dominates not only the general assembly but some of the

[LAAMN] Occupy Canada: Expropriate the 1%!

2011-10-18 Thread Cort Greene

 Occupy Canada: Expropriate the
Written by Alex Grant Monday, 17 October 2011
[image: Print] http://www.marxist.com/occupy-canada-15o/print.htm#

*The Canadian corporate media commentators were all united with a single
opinion — the #Occupy movement would have no traction north of the border
due to Canada’s “stable banks that never needed a bailout”. Despite the fact
that this is a lie, (the federal government gifted $25-billion to the
Canadian banks via the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation), on Saturday
15th October the people showed the press just how out of touch they are.
Over 1,000 in Montreal, over 2,000 in Vancouver, over 5,000 in Toronto, and
hundreds more in a dozen other cities, marched to join the international
occupy movement.*

[image: #OccupyToronto]
After being ignored and belittled, the movement that began in New York has
taken firm root in Canada. The very notion of criticizing corporate rule and
capitalism has been ridiculed in the mainstream media, so much so that large
numbers were silenced. Now these people have said they will not be shut up
and have burst onto the political scene.

In response to those like Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who say that Canada
does not have the same inequality as the United States, we answer that
Canada’s inequality is increasing at a far higher rate than in the US. Over
the last 30 years, the income share of the richest 1% of Canadians has
doubled. There exists an oligarchy of approximately 500,000 that owns 67% of
all Canadian wealth. On the other side, almost a million are forced to use
food banks, a third of whom are children. There is much for workers and
youth to get angry about.

is not accidental that the largest occupy demonstration started on Toronto’s
Bay Street — the home of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Big 5 banks (the
“scene of the crime”). Over 5,000 blocked the intersection of Bay and King
on a wet and windy day and then marched to St James Park a few blocks away.
*The Marxists organized in Fightback were there in force and received an
amazingly favourable reception. Our main slogan, “NATIONALIZE THE BANKS —
NATIONALIZE THE TOP 150 CORPORATIONS” got an enthusiastic echo with many
saying that is what we need.*

[image: Fightback tent attracked wide layers all
the park, many groups set up and the Fightback Marxist tent was a hive of
activity. There was a constant stream of four or five people at any one time
coming up and asking for our perspective on events. Half way through the
day, we ran out of the latest issue of Fightback and by the end of the day,
we had sold all our material! Over 100 people signed up to learn more about
Marxism. The movement is very diverse and people have many, many, questions;
the clear ideas of Marxism showed their power in this situation. The
interest was so great that several of our organizers literally lost their
voices after a full day of discussing with new people.

At this stage of the movement there are a thousand questions but very few
answers. One of our key messages was, “The capitalist system is not broken —
it is meant to work this way.” Therefore, if we are to end the crisis and
end inequality in society, we need to do away with capitalist production for
profit and replace it with a socialist society that produces for need. This
message gained serious traction and Fightback supporters managed to present
their views to the mass media on a number of occasions. You can see a
selection of our interviews below:





question arises, where next for the occupy movement? Approximately 200 are
camping out at St James Park on a regular basis with thousands others coming
in-and-out. If this movement is to gain traction, it much reach outside a
single park and engage with the wider working class. Encouragingly, the
movement was supported by many unions; the Canadian Auto Workers and the
Communications, Energy, and Paperworkers Union gave formal endorsements,
while Sid Ryan of the Ontario Federal of Labour was present and supportive.
Postal workers and CUPE flight attendants, who have just had their right to
strike removed by the Harper Conservatives, were also there and received
warm support. The unions did not mobilize their members in a major way on
the 15th but instead gave significant 

[LAAMN] [Audio] Hamid Alizadeh on the Iranian Revolution

2011-10-19 Thread Cort Greene

 [Audio] Hamid Alizadeh on the Iranian
Written by Hamid Alizadeh Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Hamid Alizadeh of *Mobarezeye
speaking on the Iranian Revolution 1979 at the recent World
School of the IMT http://www.marxist.com/2011-world-school.htm.

*Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!*
[image: Get Adobe Flash Player here]http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer


Audio  Video http://www.marxist.com/audio-and-video/ » History 

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[LAAMN] Rome: October 15 – half a million people protest against the ECB and austerity measures

2011-10-19 Thread Cort Greene
 Rome: October 15 – half a million people protest against the ECB and
Written by Roberto Sarti, Editorial Board of FalceMartello Wednesday, 19
October 2011

*On October 15 Rome saw one of the biggest demonstrations of the last few
years in Italy. Up to half a million people flooded the streets of the
capital. Not only was this a huge demonstration in terms of the numbers
taking part, but even more significantly you could hear the most radical
slogans of the last decade. The masses, inspired by Athens, Madrid and New
York, chanted “we don’t want to pay the debt”, “No to austerity”, “No to the
dictatorship of the ECB and the banks”, etc.*

[image: October 15, Rome. Photo: Enrico]
was a widespread feeling that the Letter to the Italian government from
Trichet and Draghi (the outgoing and the incoming ECB governors
respectively) should be “returned to sender”. That letter, sent at the
beginning of August and made public only at the end of September, is an open
declaration of war against the Italian working class. In very clear terms it
basically *ordered* the Italian government to implement the same policy as
Papandreu’s in Greece.

“The aim – said the letter – should be to achieve a balanced budget in 2013,
mainly via expenditure cuts.” They see a need for “the full liberalisation
of local public services… through large scale privatization”. There is also
a need “to tailor wages and working conditions to firms' specific needs and
increasing their relevance with respect to other layers of negotiations. The
June 28 agreement between the main trade unions and the industrial
businesses associations moves in this direction.”

In other terms, Draghi and Trichet pushed for the abolition of the national
collective bargaining agreement, something that was not fully implemented in
the June 28 agreement between the bosses’ confederation and the unions (the
CGIL included, the biggest and traditionally “left” trade union
confederation). The ECB insisted that Italy should adopt “A thorough review
of the rules regulating the hiring and dismissal of employees” Sacconi, the
minister of labour, included this point in the new budget voted by the
parliament some weeks ago.

The letter ended with pressure for an attack on the public sector workers:
“the government should consider significantly reducing the cost of public
employees, by strengthening turnover rules and, if necessary, by reducing
wages.” The letter also added an attack on women’s pensions (“rapidly
aligning the retirement age of women in the private sector to that
established for public employees”).

We have quoted at length from this letter because it shows the cynicism and
the brutality of the capitalists in this epoch of crisis. This brutality,
however, was rejected completely by the demonstrators in Rome on Saturday.
What you could feel on October 15 was a generalized questioning of the
capitalist system and its institutions. Living conditions in Italy are
worsening in a dramatic manner. The rottenness of the system is widely
recognized and is illustrated by the Berlusconi government, whose strategy
is reduced simply to surviving each parliamentary vote.

[image: October 15, Rome. Photo: Cau Napoli]
letter of the ECB, on the other hand, was well received by all the political
forces in parliament. The reaction of Bersani, the general secretary of the
Democratic Party (PD), was to declare that “if Italy had a different
government [implying one which included the PD], there would have been no
need for the ECB to make so many qualifications. In any case, we will
guarantee a balanced budget.”

It is no wonder therefore that the Democratic Party was not present on
Saturday’s demonstration. The CGIL also did not officially participate. The
leaders of the CGIL, many of whom are members or are very close to the PD,
are keen to support any new government that will be formed after a crisis of
the present Berlusconi government. However, how any new government would be
able to put forward a different policy from the one dictated by the ECB
without breaking with the capitalist system is a mystery.

All the most advanced sectors of the working class and of the youth were
present on October 15. The metal workers’ union of the CGIL, the FIOM,
organized a sizeable sector. The Committees in Defence of the Public
Education also organized a sector, where Falcemartello supporters were
present with the banner “We want everything back!” (Rivogliamo tutto)
produced last year for the October 16 demonstration called by the FIOM. It
was a lively sector, with revolutionary and 

[LAAMN] Greece October 19-20: After earth-shattering general strike –what next?

2011-10-20 Thread Cort Greene
*The Relevance of Marxism Today *
*Written by Alan Woods and Ted Grant in 1994 Thursday, 20 October 2011 *

* *

*As the crisis of world capitalism becomes ever more severe we would suggest
reading** this article written in
*. It explains all the factors that have led to the present crisis, and
although the temporary and unprecedented credit bubble allowed the system to
avoid a serious recession for an extended period of time, eventually all the
factors explained in this article have come to the surface.*




 Greece October 19-20: After earth-shattering general strike –what
Written by Marxistiki Foni Thursday, 20 October 2011

*Today (October 19), the first day of the 48-hour general strike in Greece
was sensational. Apart from the government and public utilities workers that
participated in the strike massively, hundreds of thousands of workers from
the private sector came out on strike for the first time, and also joining
the millions of striking workers were tens of thousands of small
businesspeople and shopkeepers who closed the shutters to their shops in

[image: Syntagma square]
About half a million protesters flooded the streets of Athens in one of the
biggest strike movements in modern Greek history. Tens of thousands also
participated in demonstrations in an unprecedented wave of protests and
strike action in the provinces, with 50,000 in Thessaloniki, over 20,000 in
Patras and Heraklion in Crete and several other cities that had never seen
such huge numbers on the streets.

[image: 2011-10-19 Athens general strike
magnificent general strike marks an acceleration of the movement of Greek
society towards a revolutionary situation. The working class, having
paralysed the state and the economy, have become conscious of the immense
power they have and seem determined to make any sacrifice necessary and
fight to the end. Of extreme significance is also the fact that the working
class is now openly backed by the middle classes, who have come to realise
that only the workers can provide the necessary power and leadership in this
key battle.

[image: Photo: 
the other hand, we see the ruling class in a state of political deadlock and
confusion, regardless of the outcome of the vote in parliament on the new
austerity measures. This situation has become abundantly clear after the
failure of the recent talks between Papandreou, leader of PASOK, and
Samaras, leader of the conservative New Democracy. What is visible is the
stress and panic that the stormy mass movement of the workers has provoked
among these political leaders. Instead of presenting an image of
“cooperation” in the face of the crisis, what seemed to dominate the meeting
of these leaders was a state of embarrassment and the desire to blame each
other for the mess.

[image: 2011-10-19 general
one thing that is missing to transform this massive wave of protest into a
victorious revolutionary movement is a decisive revolutionary leadership.
Unfortunately, the leaders of the trade unions and the parties of the Left
are lagging behind the movement, confused and well below the needs of the
moment. They refuse to support and organise an escalation of the struggle
with a general all-out, long lasting, political strike, even now after this
earth-shattering general strike which has radically changed the situation
and which has brought to the surface a mass mood of determination to
struggle, and while workers in one sector after another have already
organised political strikes.

[image: 2011-10-19 Athens general strike
the comrades in Synaspismos and the Synaspismos Youth gathered around the
journals “Marxistiki Foni” and “Revolution”, believe that the natural and
necessary next step after this powerful 48-hour general strike is to move on
to an all-out general political strike, organised by the trade unions,
together with the election of strike committees in every workplace and the
setting up of picket, defence squads, strike funds, soup kitchens and also
the election of a 

[LAAMN] Portugal: right wing government’s austerity cuts prepare social explosion

2011-10-20 Thread Cort Greene
 Portugal: right wing government’s austerity cuts prepare social
Written by Jorge Martín Wednesday, 19 October 2011

*As Portugal’s right-wing government announced the harshest austerity cuts
in the country’s history, economic forecasts were revised down and the main
trade union confederations CGTP and UGT announced the calling of a general

[image: October 15. Photo: Bloco]
the measures proposed in the 2012 budget which was presented to Parliament
on Monday, October 17, is the cutting of Summer and Christmas bonuses worth
a month’s wages each for civil servants earning over 650 euro a month (which
will mean a 20% cut in income), increases in VAT for certain goods (in some
cases from 6% to 23%), an extension of the 5% salary cut for civil servants
into 2012, cuts in pensions, a 50% cut in pay for overtime and a proposal to
allow businesses to lengthen the working day by 30 minutes without any
additional pay.

The government expects to achieve spending cuts to the tune of 4.4% of GDP
and revenue increases equal to 1.7% of GDP. The budget also includes a
massive privatisation plan for 2012 to raise 4 billion euros. This includes
the sale of the national airline TAP, airport managing company ANA, the
freight transport branch of the railways CP, and the postal service CTT,
next year, as well as selling off stakes in the power and electricity
companies EDP and REN, this year.

Even if all these measures are passed and implemented, Portugal’s debt will
still reach 100.8% of GDP this year (up from 93.3% in 2010) and increase to
106.8% in 2013, before it starts to be reduced. The government intends to
cut the budget deficit from 9.8% of GDP in 2010, to 5.9% in 2011 and 4.5% in
2012, before reaching the EU limit of 3% in 2013.

However, as the first news of these massive austerity cuts were being
announced, the economic forecasts were already revised down, both for 2011
and for 2012. Portugal’s GDP is now expected to contract by 1.9% in 2011 and
a by 2.8% in 2012 (up from an earlier estimate of 2% in May at the time when
Portugal agreed a bailout plan with the European Union). This would be
Portugal’s worst recession since 1975. These measures come on top of already
savage austerity cuts implemented in the 2011 budget by the former
Social-democratic government and which were agreed as part of the 78 billion
euro EU bailout plan.

Even as the government presented its budget proposals, EU Economic and
Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn warned that these cuts might not be
enough, pointing out how Portugal was on course to a 2011 budget deficit
equal to 8.3% of GDP, instead of the 5.9% which had been agreed as part of
the bailout. This means a further 3.4 billion euros’ worth of cuts or
additional revenue were needed.

The government is heavily relying on increasing the country’s exports in
order to meet its targets, forecasting a 4.8% increase in exports for 2012.
However, the bleaker economic prospects for the rest of Europe and the world
economy as a whole make this a very optimistic target. Unemployment, which
was 8.3% in 2006, is expected to reach 13.4% next year.

Furthermore, families are being asked to pay the bulk of this savage
adjustment plan (6.2 billion euro or a 5% across the board cut in living
standards), followed by the state (3.2 billion euro worth of cuts) and with
the capitalists only contributing 650 million euros in increased taxes and
cuts in subsidies. Overall, state expenditure in social subsidies will be
cut by 4.3% and the state wage bill will be reduced by nearly 15% through
wage reductions, redundancies and cuts in bonuses. Most of the increased
revenue from taxation will also come from increases in VAT which hit working
people hardest.

The problem is that, like in Greece, these massive cuts will have the effect
of contracting internal demand and therefore further aggravating the
recession. The Finance Ministry itself foresees a steep contraction of
private consumption of 3.5% this year and 4.8% next year.

Rui Barbara, an economist at Banco Carregosa was quoted by Reuters warning
that these measures can have the effect of making the recession worse: “On
the one hand one can understand the government's plan to try to highlight
that we are different to Greece but on the other hand there is the risk of a
snowball effect with more recession, lower revenues and a tougher downturn.”
The “markets” share this pessimistic view and already in July Moody’s
downgraded the rating of the Portuguese debt to the level of junk bonds.

[image: Pedro Passos Coelho. Photo: PDS/ Luis Saraiva]

[LAAMN] Alan Woods-After the death of Gaddafi: Revolution and counterrevolution in Libya

2011-10-21 Thread Cort Greene
 After the death of Gaddafi: Revolution and counterrevolution in

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 21 October 2011 14:54


[image: After the death of Gaddafi: Revolution and counterrevolution in
Libya]*The capture and killing of Colonel Gaddafi has been described in
detail by the mass media in all its gory details. With the death of Gaddafi
and the taking of Sirte the National Transitional Council is talking about
forming a transitional government. The NTC is recognized by the imperialist
powers whose interests it represents. However, many ordinary Libyans look
with justified mistrust at the NTC and their imperialist backers.*

*Although Gaddafi was captured alive he was summarily shot. But it is not
difficult to see why he was not arrested and put on trial. Had he faced a
trial he would have exposed all his past dealings with the likes of Blair,
Sarkozy and Berlusconi. That explains why they have revelled so much in his
death. Their hypocrisy stinks to high heaven, as they had made many
lucrative deals with Gaddafi in the past, even handing over people to his
regime who were subsequently tortured.*

*The death of Gaddafi and the final collapse of his regime closes one
chapter. However, this merely marks one turning point in the situation. Now
that the old regime is finally gone, a struggle will open up over the future
of Libya. In this struggle we will see the forces of both revolution and
counter-revolution trying to get the upper hand. Here we publish an analysis
of the situation by Alan Woods.*

Confusion of the Left

[image: Libyan rebels
rebels celebrating*The Left has displayed enormous confusion over the events
in Libya. On the one hand, some people have capitulated to imperialism to
the extent of supporting the military intervention of NATO. This was both
naive and reactionary. To allow one’s judgement to be clouded by the
hypocritical chorus of the hired media and to swallow the lies about a
so-called “humanitarian” intervention to “protect civilians” was stupid in
the extreme.*

The intervention of NATO was not at all intended for humanitarian purposes
or to protect civilians. It was dictated by cold and cynical calculations.
The same people who had established a cosy relationship with Gaddafi, who
supplied him with arms and sent political prisoners to Libya to be tortured
by his secret police can hardly lay claim to “humanitarian” principles. They
have not shown the same tender concern for the suffering people of Bahrain.

The emancipation of the Libyan people is the concern of the Libyan people
alone. It cannot be entrusted to the imperialists, who have supported every
blood soaked dictatorial regime in North Africa and the Middle East for
decades. Our first demand is for an end to all foreign interference in
Libya. Let the Libyan people settle their own problems in their own way!

*However, the other tendency on the Left was no better. They went to the
other extreme and backed Gaddafi, who they painted in rosy colours as a
“progressive”, “anti-imperialist” and even a “socialist”. None of this was
true. It is true that the Libyan regime (and also the Syrian regime) had a
different character to the regimes of Tunisia and Egypt. But that did not
fundamentally change its oppressive nature, or qualify it as genuinely

In order to shed light on the real processes at work it is not sufficient to
place a plus or minus sign against these two equally incorrect positions. We
must see the whole picture and not just present a one-sided view.

We must not paint the situation in rose-tinted colours. But by far the most
serious mistake from a Marxist point of view is to deny or minimise the
revolutionary or potentially revolutionary elements in the equation. What is
necessary is an all-sided and balanced approach that takes all the elements
into consideration and shows how the contradictions may be resolved. The
main problem – as in Egypt – is the lack of revolutionary leadership.

History is full of examples of revolutions which were defeated, aborted or
hijacked by alien class forces. Libya is no exception to this rule. The fact
that a popular revolution has taken place by no means signifies that its
ultimate success is guaranteed. But this general observation is just as true
for Tunisia and Egypt as it is for Libya.

For example, although the conditions are very different, in the sense that
in Spain in the 1930s there were 

[LAAMN] Libyan oil workers strike for the removal of managers linked to Gaddafi

2011-10-21 Thread Cort Greene

 Libyan oil workers strike for the removal of managers linked to
Written by Jorge Martin Friday, 21 October 2011

*Workers at Waha Oil company have been on strike and holding protests for 7
weeks now. Their main demand is the purge of the top management of the
company from directors whom they accuse of being stooges of the old regime.
It is an example of class issues coming to the fore once the old regime has
been put to one side*.

[image: Waha Oil workers demonstrate demanding management to resign]
workers say they have documental evidence that Waha Oil directors
collaborated with Gaddafi’s troops by giving them food, shelter and
equipment worth millions. Workers have vowed never to work for them again.
“This management committee gave 60 four-wheel drive land cruisers to [ousted
leader Moammar] Qaddafi's forces in March. These cars helped the Qaddafi
forces kill some Libyan people and commit other crimes,” said Riad, an
organization supervisor and he added: “We are demanding that the management
committee of Waha quit... After the February 17 revolution, we want to get
rid of these figures of corruption.”

Waha Oil is a joint venture with American firms ConocoPhillips, Marathon and
Amerada Hess, and before the civil war produced around a quarter of Libya’s
oil, equivalent to around 400,000 barrels per day.

The Waha Oil workers have demonstrated noisily for weeks outside the office
of the new head of the National Oil Corporation, Berouin. They also took
direct action and forcibly ejected their managers from the company
headquarters. (see

Finally, late last week workers and sources at the state National Oil
Corporation (NOC) said the company's chairman Bashir Alashhab and his deputy
would be replaced. But it seems that the NTC “prime minister” blocked the
agreement: “The Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril stopped the agreement because
he said it was not the time for change,” said Haithem Etarhouni, a
representative of the striking workers.

[image: Waha Oil Company plant]
the workers were informed on Tuesday, October 18, they decided to resume
their strike action. “The chairman and members must go immediately, and not
wait another minute,” said Widad El Said, a secretary at the company who
took part in one of the protests. Workers feared a deal was being made
behind their backs. They said they believed Alashab was inside the ministry
in a closed meeting with the head of the NOC and the oil and finance
minister, the liberal exiled professor of economics Tarhouni.

The strike and demonstrations have not been limited to Waha Oil workers but
have also involved other oil companies. Workers at the Libyan Petroleum
Institute, who also said their managers had actively supported Gaddafi’s
army, joined them outside the NOC head office. Workers from NOC itself and
from other subsidiaries have also become involved in the protest movement.
Maged El-Arbed, a protester who works for Libya's state National Oil Co.,
said the demonstrators are seeking the dismissal of NOC and other oil
industry managers accused of corruption and supporting Gaddafi's regime.
Pressure from the workers has already led to the dismissal of the chairman
of the Sirte Oil Company.

It is clear that the Libyan revolution has emboldened the workers, giving
them a new feeling of confidence. “This is a new era, a new revolution. We
paid a lot of blood. We are looking for a huge change,” said Haifa Mohammed,
a female worker from NOC’s sustainable development department. Their
expectations are already starting to clash with the leadership of the
National Transitional Council. “We expected this change to happen. But what
we are seeing is the old people are still there, the bad people, the
managers. The new people they brought are not good enough, said one of the

[image: Waha Oil workers demonstration]
some of the workers have drawn the conclusion that they do not need managers
to restart operations in the oil fields. “Most of the people that produce
the oil are here. We can do without them, the managers. We can start from
tomorrow if we can have enough transport, equipment, tools and materials,”
said Abdullatif Hetwash, an engineer who has worked for Waha Oil for 36

The authorities of the NTC do not seem very keen on workers’ protests. At an
earlier demonstration on September 26, Adel Tahar 

[LAAMN] Greece: The first death, but millions are in an all-out struggle

2011-10-23 Thread Cort Greene

 Greece: The first death, but millions are in an all-out
Written by Editorial Board of Marxistiki Foni Saturday, 22 October 2011

*On Thursday in Athens during the mass workers' protests we saw the state
collaborating with hooligans and provocateurs against the labour movement.
What is now required is a political general strike! Here we publish a
statement by the Greek Marxists of Marxistiki Foni.*

[image: 2011-10-20
confronting police. Photo: odysseasgrToday's [Thursday, October 20] second
day of the great 48-hour general strike, was marked by the first death, a
53-year old militant building worker, Dimitris Kotsaridis. He died as a
result of a police operation, during which tear gas was used against the
demonstrators, which is common practice for Greek police. All this happened
in the background of the implementation of an insidious plan of repression
of the strike rally, which the police cooperated with hooligans and

The plan was implemented in order to overshadow the fact that today in the
general strike the turn-out was even bigger than yesterday and in order to
break up the demo in Syntagma square, in which for the second consecutive
day, hundreds of thousands of militant strikers rallied and for the first
time after a long period there was united action of the entire labour

The main target of this plan of repression was no accident. It was PAME [the
Communist Party's faction inside the trade unions]. To anyone who
participated in today's demo, it was clear that the organized and strong
presence of PAME around the Parliament – of course in conjunction with the
massive, organized presence of dozens of unions – was a key factor in
delaying the use of stone throwing provocateurs with the tacit collaboration
of the riot police, which is then usually used as an excuse by the police to
disperse demonstrations in clouds of chemical gas.

The brains behind the forces of state repression understood that the PAME
stewards had to be removed if Syntagma Square was going to be cleared of the
angry protesters. Therefore, the police put in place their tried and tested
method of using hooligans and provocateurs against the forces of PAME.

The organized forces of PAME, based themselves on the best traditions of the
labour movement, and courageously faced the provocateurs and the hooligans.
They showed how the labour movement should respond in an organized manner to
the vile and reactionary actions of agents provocateurs and to the violence
of the forces of state repression. They demonstrated in their action the
burning need, but also the concrete possibility for the establishment of an
organized workers' militia, based on the solidarity and participation of all
the forces of the labour movement.

[image: 2011-10-20 tear
gas against protesters. Photo: odysseasgrUnfortunately, the passive response
of the leadership of the labour movement and the Left, and particularly the
leadership of the Communist Party, to the tragic events has to be
criticized. Its reaction so far to the murder of a PAME militant fighter,
has been lukewarm, to say the least. The moderate stance of these leaders
has been praised for its sense of political responsibility both by the
government and other representatives of the ruling class, such as A.
Georgiadis (a right-wing LAOS MP).

In contrast to this passive attitude of the Left and labour leaders, the
objective situation has become very critical. The labour movement today
mourns the first death in the battle against the government and the Troika.
The only way to honour the memory of this militant is through the
continuation and escalation of the strike movement, for the sake of which he
was sacrificed.

The bloody methods of suppression that lead to the death of a militant, but
also to dozens of other wounded protesters, is another symptom of the
political impasse and panic on the part of the government and the ruling
class, in the face of such a mighty strike movement. We have to understand
that although the new bill is expected to go through parliament, we have
cornered them, and now is the time to escalate the struggle decisively in
order to finish with them!

The attempt to make the working class pay for the crisis and the condemning
of a large number of workers to a permanent state of misery and mass
unemployment, in order to protect the superprofits of the international
usurers – the creditors of the state – and to save big business from the
deep capitalist crisis, will continue inexorably as is eloquently
demonstrated by 

[LAAMN] 18,000 deported from U.S. to El Salvador

2011-10-23 Thread Cort Greene
   New post on *Voices from El Salvador*
http://voiceselsalvador.wordpress.com/author/voicesfromelsalvador/  18,000
deported from U.S. to El

In the past twelve months, the United States government has deported over
400,000 immigrants  back to their countries of origin, and according to a
report by El Faro, 95% http://www.elfaro.net/es/201110/noticias/6350/ of
the deportees were Latin American. The number of deportees has risen by
40,000 since 2008 when almost 350,000 people were deported from the U.S.

*The vast majority (286,893) of the deportees were Mexican. The country with
the second most deportees is Guatemala (33,324). Honduras is third (23,822)
and El Salvador is fourth (18,870). Of those deported, 55% had been charged
with some crime in the U.S.*

President Obama ran on a platform that included immigration reform as one of
his top priorities, but we have still seen no action other than a failed
attempt at passing the Dream Act. Certainly much of the inaction on reform
is attributable to the Tea Party Movement and the extreme positions taken by
the Republican presidential candidates, who seem to stumble over each other
to take the most extreme position possible on immigration enforcement.

According to the online journal
immigration enforcement has been a cash cow for private prisons. There are 2
million immigrants in private prisons in the United States. The government
pays these prisons $45-130 per day for their detention.

Though the political climate is not favorable to immigration reform, our
politicians need to at least keep trying and we have to keep this issue on
the front on the front page of the papers.

* | October 23, 2011 at 3:10 pm | Tags:
El Salvador http://voiceselsalvador.wordpress.com/?tag=el-salvador,
immigration http://voiceselsalvador.wordpress.com/?tag=immigration |
Categories: Advocacy http://voiceselsalvador.wordpress.com/?cat=5967, U.S.
Relations http://voiceselsalvador.wordpress.com/?cat=22582917 | URL:

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[LAAMN] NPR finds new discrepancies in Marco Rubio’s family history

2011-10-25 Thread Cort Greene

NPR finds new discrepancies in Rubio’s family history
Posted by *Rachel
* at 07:58 PM ET, 10/24/2011

National Public Radio has raised more questions about the biography of Sen.
*Marco Rubio* (R-Fla.), who told a reporter two years ago a story of his
family’s departure from Cuba that does not mesh with his current accounts.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) speaks at the Washington Ideas forum at The
Newseum in Washington October 5, 2011. (YURI GRIPAS - REUTERS)

The Post’s Manuel Roig-Franzia pointed
discrepancies in Rubio’s version of his family history in a story last
week. The senator has frequently stated that his parents came from Cuba in
1959 or after Fidel Castro took power. Castro took control of the island in
January1959. Records show that his parents left in May 1956 — long before
Castro took power and six months before Castro even invaded the island.

In a 2009 interview with NPR reporter Robert Siegel, Rubio said that his
mother went to visit her father in Cuba in 1960, because he had gotten in an
accident and was stuck in the hospital.

“My grandfather, who had already been stricken with polio as a young man,
had an accident he was hit by a bus,” Rubio told Siegel, in audio
“All Things Considered” Monday. “So my mom went back with her sister
take care of her father in 1960, and my dad stayed behind [in Miami]

Rubio’s grandfather had also emigrated to the United States at that point;
Rubio’s office told NPR for Monday’s story that he had returned for a visit
and gotten in an accident.

He went on: “When the time came to come home, the Cuban government wouldn’t
let her. So my dad was here in Miami, working, and desperate. ... And they
would go to the airport every day for nine months waiting to be let go, and
finally they were able to come and it was very frightening. And I think
that’s when they knew for sure that thats not the place they wanted to be.”

Rubio wrote in Politico last
weekhttp://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66567.htmlthat the
senator’s mother returned to Cuba in 1961, “with the intention of
moving back,” and stayed for about a month before realizing that “the change
happening in Cuba was not for the better.” He did not mention the
grandfather or any inability to leave the country..

A spokesman for the senator told NPR that Rubio’s mother was temporarily
barred from leaving Cuba on a trip back.

“But rather than the nine-month forced wait that Rubio described two years
ago to NPR, Rubio in the latest version of his family story says they
arrived in Cuba in 1961 and left the following month,” NPR’s David Welna
reported today.

*Records show that Rubio’s mother entered Cuba on Feb. 27, 1961, and she
left on March 29, 1961.*

In various statements, Rubio has maintained that he is the son of exiles,
and that the specific dates and timelines are not relevant to the overall
point of his family’s story.

“It is important to remember that these events occurred over a decade before
he was born, and the dates and time frames are based on how these events
were described to him almost two decades after they happened,” Rubio
spokesman Alex Conant told The Fix. “As it turns out, some of the dates and
time frames were wrong. But his family story is essentially the same.”

Roig-Franzia answered reader
the story today.

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