[Mpls] Squirrels and Bulbs

2005-09-06 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


As bulb planting season approaches, I am wondering what successes have
people had keeping these fierce Minneapolis squirrels from eating their
bulbs? Since I don't have a sufficient supply of coyote urine -- does
putting chicken wire over the bulbs, under the dirt and mulch, work?

Minneapolis-specific solutions would be much appreciated. Thank you (grin)

Joseph Barisonzi 

-Original Message-
From: paul weir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 12:02 AM
To: mpls@mnforum.org
Subject: [Mpls] granite paving stones

There are many of you on this List who, I'm sure, have seen 
construction crews removing granite paving stones from roadbeds around 
the city and wondered how the city disposes of them. A lot of you have 
also thought you could put some of these stones to good use if only you 
knew how to obtain them. I've had the same thought, and over the last 
year I've taken some pains to discover how it's done.

The short answer is that the city has no policy covering the 
distribution of stones and bricks retrieved from its roadbeds. None. 
Construction crews simply leave them in piles, and people go in after 
the crews have left the site and fetch them any way they can. However, 
this has not always been the case. As I know now, the city's practice 
for many years was to carry away the stones in dump trucks and reserve 
them in various storage areas, where they've remained to this day. At 
the City of Minneapolis Columbia Heights Water Treatment Plant alone, 
tens of thousands of them are piled in great stacks and heaps, 
overgrown with weeds, unnumbered, and, for the most part, forgotten. 
How they've become unforgotten is an interesting story.

I'm the coordinator for a community garden in south Minneapolis and as 
such am always scrounging for free building materials to use in our 
garden projects. Last summer when Chicago Avenue was being torn up 
during June and July, I was curious to know how I could lay my hands on 
a sufficient number of stones to enable our gardening organization to 
build a path through the garden. I calculated we might need as many as 
several hundred, depending on the type of path we decided on. The 
obvious person to talk to about this was our city councilman, Dean 
Zimmerman, whom I called. Dean immediately put me in touch with a staff 
professional attached to the Public Works Dept., who invited me to meet 
him at the Columbia Heights plant (mentioned above) to examine the 
stones' suitability for our purposes. He was extremely helpful and 
would probably have permitted me right then and there to take the 
stones we needed, if only I had had a way to transport them. He even 
offered to have a city employee use a front-end loader to load them 
onto a truck -- if I could arrange to get a truck. I assured him I 
could. Alas, that was where things began to go wrong. Naturally, he was 
duty bound to ask the loader driver's supervisor for permission to have 
the stones loaded, and this in turn required the permission of a 
bureaucrat from Public Works' central administration. This gentleman's 
reaction was instantaneous and negative. We have no policy...we have 
no precedent...city residents have no standing...and just why do you 
want these stones, anyway? In answer to the last question, I said I 
felt that the city had a valuable asset in the stones. Moreover, since 
they were valuable, and since the city had not thought to make use of 
them for decades past, they ought now to be made available to the 
public for use in public spaces such as parks and community gardens. 
The response was once again swift and unambiguous. No, it was out of 
the question, it simply could not be done, there was no governing 
policy. I ventured to suggest that developers had been availing 
themselves of the stones for years with the city's tacit approval, but 
this was met with a shrug. Who could say? No records were kept of such 
things. The gentleman added that Dean Zimmerman had spoken to the 
Director of Public Works about the need for a policy, and she in turn 
had charged her staff to develop one. As the designated point man, he 
himself  would be rolling out the policy shortly, perhaps in a few 
weeks, surely no more  than a month, and would keep me apprised. That 
was in August, 2004.

In February of 2005, I called the gentleman at his office in Public 
Works and asked how the policy was coming along. He was working on it, 
he said, and he'd be presenting it to the city council for their 
approval in a couple of days. He'd make sure to let me know when this 
happened. Time passed. In May, I happened to run into RT Rybak in the 
downtown Barnes  Noble coffee shop and described to him the 
conversations I'd been having with Public Works. RT said he found it  a 
fascinating and important issue and invited me to send him an e-mail. 
I did. Not having received a reply for another month, I stopped in to 

[Mpls] Basic Role and responsibilities of a Council Member

2005-06-27 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


As I watch the municipal elections from a far, -- an unusual and welcomed
position for me - I am inspired to ask a slightly different question. 


Beyond a specific stand on an issue, or ideological opinions - what are the
basic skills necessary to be an effective council member?

Rather than reflecting on the differentiating attributes of this candidate
or another - what in fact do people feel are the job qualification for the
position of Council Member?

What are the skills that a person needs to be effective in fulfilling  the
responsibilities of a council member?


A sample list to start with:

- Responsiveness: Return phone calls? Follow up to emails? Respond to
letters? Explain votes when asked?

- Reading Comprehension: Ability to read and understand material before the

- Attendance: Attending Council Meetings? Attending Committee Meetings?
Attending Community meetings? Show up on time?

- Listening skills: Ability to understand someone else's perspective?
Ability to respect another person without agreeing with them?

- Communication: Ability to articulate a position on an issue? Ability to
clearly communicate a policy objective?

- Constituent Service Skills? Manage an office which tracks and follow-ups
on issues? Manage staff in a positive way? 

- Policy Understanding: Basic understanding of policy? Understanding of what
are the departments of the city? Understanding of the different independent
boards and who does what?

- Team Skills: Ability to work with the other council members in a manner
that results in advocated positions to be supported?

- Work Ethic: Make resolutions? Make policy recommendations? Actively
participate in the development of budgets? 


What do you think? Why?



Clearly some of these are more important then others - assume there were two
candidates who you liked equally well, both had stands on issues that were
exactly to yours. 

Now assume you wanted to add to the mix how effective the will be as a
Council Member - what are the specific basic skills needed?


Thanks for your thoughts.



Joseph Barisonzi

Wondering in Willard-Hay





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[Mpls] Price of Gas was RE: Taxpayers League

2005-06-22 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

As I fill my car's tank with gas and the tenths of a penny calculate into
the tens of dollars, I too am prone to complain. Over two dollars per gallon
for gas! -- outrageous.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Then I look in my cup holder and notice that I just paid over a dollar for
nice pure filtered and flavored water. Not a gallon of water -- just a pint.
If I calculate correctly that comes to over $8 a gallon. (it must be the
artificial lemon flavor that makes it so expensive)

Perhaps the huge corporate subsidies (scientific research and security)
that have artificially kept the price of gas low are taxpayer expenses that
should be diverted to (a) health care and education or (b) private checking
accounts (options available for those of each partisan lifestyle) 

I, on the other hand, would like to respond to my own hypocrisy -- not by
buying less gas or less foo-foo yuppie-fied augua drinks but by rotating
my measly dollar through the community with increased frequency. 

Does anyone know where the locally owned and managed gas stations are in
Minneapolis? Places where I can be somewhat assured that my dollar spent has
an increased chance of staying in the local community for a little bit
longer before it finds its ways to filling the mini bar at the vacation
villa of a corporate oil executive in a Bahamas' tax-haven?


Joseph Barisonzi
Networking from home in Willard-Hay
PS: I fully recognize that a significant percentage of the price of gas goes
to pay for road construction and repair -- much of which supports living
wage construction jobs here in Minnesota and Minneapolis. For the record I
am glad to have an opportunity to pay this expense as a percentage of my gas
purchase rather then as a toll on highway travel. Thanks!

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[Mpls] Would a leader on the Park Board please stand up? (Special opportunity for Carol Kummer)

2005-06-17 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

As I read this policy, as a non-lawyer, it seems to me that almost any group
assembly on park property could be considered to be in violation of this

Certainly most Neighborhood Association meetings which happen at Minneapolis
Parks would be in violation of the policy. 

Many neighborhood groups solicit membership (even free membership) in their
organizations. If done at a Mpls park without a permit, they are in violate
of Section 3a. 

Many (if not most) neighborhood groups meet to express views and consider
ideas. If done at a Mpls. Park without a permit, they are in violation of
Section 3b. 

Since I have yet to go to any gathering at a Minneapolis Park (or anywhere
for that matter) that didn't hand out printed materials like newsletters,
pamphlets, alert notices from the police, pieces of paper with agendas. . .
if done at a Mpls. Park without a permit we are all in violation of Section

In fact I can hardly think of any group of people having a gathering in a
park that would not be in flagrant violation of this policy. Did Mr.
Grueban's former organization have a permit every time they met and handed
out a piece of printed paper?

In fact-- what I would like to know if ANYone, at ANYtime has EVER received
a permit in occurrence with this policy? 

I certainly hope someone with more time then me starts a petition to
immediately suspend and subsequently repeal this policy. Please organize to
get the current MPRB members on the record in support of the repeal. 

Would two MPRB members please commit on this list to stepping forward to
author such a repeal? In light of how this policy has been misused, my
special request is that Jason Stone's opponent Carol Kummer rise to the
occasion, show real class, and author the motion for repeal herself. 

Remember -- if the motion is printed, people will be expressing opinions one
way or another on the issue, and the Park Board is meeting on Park Board
property, you will need a special permit.  

Thank you.

Joseph Barisonzi

P.S. I went to the Park Board website in anticipation of the Stone Arch
Festival this weekend and my desire to discuss issues with people I bump
into. I also thought I might like to give a person or two a brochure about
one of the businesses I manage. Imagine my surprise when I clicked the
permits section. There were permits for picnic facility use, weddings,
faciliaty use, parkway permits, still photo and video filming, canoe rack
permits, sailboar buoy permits and construction permits. There was no
permits for expressing a view on an issue, handing out literature, or
soliciting membership.  Nothing in the Frequently Asked Questions either.
Now, I am not one for conspiracies -- but it would make one wonder if
perhaps this policy was an archain unused policy -- like the law that red
cars can't drive down Lake Street in Minneapolis, or that it is illegal to
sleep naked in Minnesota (www.crazylaws.com)

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RE: [Mpls] Social responsibility

2005-06-12 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Jim raises a great list of solid reasons for a responsible property owner to
refuse rental to a potential tenant.  It is framed by an equally compelling
value of only renting to those we would want as a roommate (my personal
reason for getting out of the rental property business. I am not good living
with anyone other than myself and wouldn't wish anyone to be my roommate --
thus tenant.)

However, I think there is a deeper challenging question presented by Bill.  

Where DO those people live?  We live in a dark time where both the social
commitment to rehabilitation and the funding for transition programs is
diminishing. As we have discussed here, the facts consistently point to the
manifestations of racism in who gets arrested, who serves time, who ends up
with unlawful detainers. 

The spirals of credit history in an era of predatory lending by mortgage
companies, credit card companies and ever retailer with their own finance
department; and employment stability in an economy that puts a higher
priority on maximizing shareholder return then employment seem equality
prone to systemic inequalities. I am sure there are those much more literate
than I who can expose the horrific role of family and gender violence in
destabilizing families and leaving them with 

This is not to provide excuses. Yet, socially responsibility necessitates
we take these factors into consideration.

Driving people from neighborhood to neighborhood, from municipality to
municipality until they end up a permanent transient class seems to me to be
unhealthy for the families, the children and our community. It also raises
legitimate value and ethical issues for consideration.

I think that Bill's challenge for us to contemplate the social
responsibility as individuals and as a community in ensuring that there is
safe and affordable housing for everyone  -- even for those we don't want to
live with or next too -- is worth deeper thought and reflection.

Joseph Barisonzi
CommunityLeader, Inc

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[Mpls] A War of Attrition -- unhealthy for all

2005-05-18 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
The spin that Each of the first five ballots showed McLaughlin with more
votes. The first vote showed less than one percent difference. At each
additional ballot McLaughlin gained votes is not an accurate statement. The
only ballot that Peter received more votes was the second ballot.  From the
third ballot through the fifth ballot Peter lost votes. His percentage of
the total votes cast increased because his campaign lost less votes then the
Rybak campaign did. The truth was that the total number of votes was
decreasing and both campaigns were losing the presence of supporters to the
realities of life beyond the convention walls.

The convention was not a situation where either candidate mobilized
delegates to reach the supermajority needed for endorsement. There were no
significant groups of delegates that were swayed by floor arguments. There
were no shifting coalitions that resulted in a natural consensus of the body
being reached. The endorsement for mayor after the second ballot became a
War of Attrition

The supporters for each candidate had dug in their heels as was hoping
through a war of attrition to either (a) force an endorsement or (b)
maintain a block. Peter's campaign came to the convention hoping to maintain
a block and left trying to force an endorsement. RT's campaign came to the
convention hoping to force an endorsement and left trying to maintain a
block. Both campaigns achieved some objectives and lost others. 

A war of attrition -- whose people can stay the longest, have the least
outside commitments, have the best childcare, have the health to sit in a
convention for 10 hours, jobs that let them stay -- does not seem to me to
be a healthy foundation for an effective endorsement.

As a DFL delegate I was committed to an endorsement consistent with the
rules, values and principles of the DFL. In my eyes an endorsement is a
reflection of a 60% mandate. This is when a candidate has earned the support
of a super majority of the delegates. It was clear to me that neither of the
two major candidates running for the endorsement of the mayor had achieved
this standard.

I know my experience is not as deep and involved as others, but in my last
decade with the DFL I have experienced endorsements that we pushed through
by parliamentary procedure or through wars of attrition which have
resulted in a divided party and weakened candidates that leave the DFL party
vulnerable. Forcing a conclusion to Saturday's War of Attrition would not
have unified the party behind one candidate.

As a delegate I therefore do not believe that endorsement for the sake of
endorsement is healthy, wise or consistent with our principles. That is why
after the first ballot I consistently voted for no endorsement. I am glad
that was the result. I believe it was an accurate reflection of the will of
the delegates. 

I also believe it is an accurate reflection of the mood of DFLers in the
city -- who are divided in their loyalty and support for an energetic
progressive mayor who has made significant mistakes and a seasoned political
veteran who has yet to articulate how he would be a step forward rather then
a step backward. I believe a no endorsement appropriately sets the stage
for a primary battle where both campaigns will have an opportunity to better
reach out and articulate their message, more people will have an opportunity
to hear the candidates and hold them accountable for their past actions. 

In then end I believe this will make Minneapolis, the DFL, and the eventual
mayor stronger and more effective. And for all of its messiness -- therein
lies the wisdom of the collective process. 

Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] Food at Bars

2005-04-04 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Just as a note for your consideration -- I have no opinion on any matter
being discussed right now, but State law requires bars to serve food -- but
in order to not be a restaurant they have to serve food that has been
produced off-site. If they start producing the food onsite they need a
different license and such will have different food/alcohol sale

The snacky-crap that you refer to is actually a consequence of the current
licensing law.

(I learned this in talking with a smoke-free restaurant that wanted to serve
their own food in their non-smoke free bar area in Duluth during the initial
ban there. They couldn't serve their own name brand well-known branded
signature food produced onsite to the bar -- or it would no longer be a bar
and couldn't have smoking. For obvious reasons the voters have changed the
nature of the smoking ban in Duluth.)

Joseph Barisonzi

-Original Message-
From: John Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 7:26 AM
To: 'Mpls Forum'
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Smoking ban night 2

 The claim that virtually all bars in Minneapolis are restaurant/bars needs
 to be challenged with a visit to NE MPLS.  Sure you may be able to get
 things to eat, snacky crap like chips and peanuts and perhaps a choice of
 pizzas but I I would not say virtually all bars in Minneapolis are such.

there are many bars that offer more than that snacky crap you speak of in
MPLS.  Jaros, Stasiu's, sample room, dusty's, spring street, mayslacks,
psycho suzi's, 1029, gabbys.  The only one's I've been to that fit the bill
would be grumpy's, the knight cap and possibly the 22nd ave station, but i
seen signs they serve food.

I agree that all bars are not restaurant/bars but all bars in NE are not
pushing snacky crap as food.  

John Harris

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Personals - Better first dates. More second dates. 

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RE: [Mpls] Peace Ball

2004-09-21 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
You kill joy.

Are you suggesting that the motivation was not to make community power
but for the power players to have a ball? Actually when Michelle
Martin originally suggested the idea it was because she was single and
had a little black dress she wanted to wear and catch a certain
someone's attention. . . . 

Man, what a downer and cynical guy I am becoming.

Joseph Barisonzi
Community Knowledge Specialist
CommunityLeader, Inc.

Cloak captioned for the Romulan impaired.
-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 1:35 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Peace Ball

It sounds like the Peace Ball was a very successful community building  
event.  I hope that all those that enjoyed the benefits of this occasion
will be 
even more enthusiastic about the hard work that it will take to
translate such 
community building into powerful community change, much of which  is not
much fun at all.
Arthur T. Himmelman
Loring Park
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[Mpls] I apologize. Personal Email Posted to List.

2004-09-21 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
I just sent a private and inappropriate email accidentally to the entire
list and I sincerely apologize. It was tainted by personal feels and
emotional baggage and was inappropriate. I apologize.

Does anyone know where I can find a computer program that would scan my
email and ask me prior to sending if that was something I really wanted
to send?  Thanks.

Joseph Barisonzi

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RE: [Mpls] Red Light Cameras

2004-08-26 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
I would like to second Barb's comment about the expansion of the

I would propose that many neighborhoods would be willing to front the
money for the cameras. Perhaps the fines could be divided between who
ever does the ticket processing and the neighborhood to pay back the
initial camera acquisition cost? 

Then Barb and her neighborhoods could put up the $2K (or what ever it
is) to put a camera on the drug dealing on the corner. And assuming a
$100/incident ticket and a 20% processing fee -- after 25 tickets the
camera would be all paid off! That would be, what, a month? Not a bad

Subsequent revenue should be dedicated to crime fighting in the
immediate area. In this way the immediate geographical victims of these
type of crimes could receive resources for geographically appropriate
and specific responses.

Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] Disingenuous and Unfortunate

2004-06-17 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


As a contributor with money and time to FREE -- the Green-lead effort to
overturn the redistricting plan; I want you to know that I found your
recent editorial about the Lawsuit to be extraordinarily disingenuous
and unfortunate. 


Trying to reframe this as a DFL versus Green debate is not an accurate
reflection of the facts. 


Here are a quick couples that you fail to mention:


1. The current unfortunate plan was passed with the support of the Green
Party representative on the Commission.


2. There was no effort to put Councilmember Lee into the same district
as a close ally. The close ally DFL Councilmember Samuels was not a
council member at the time. When he ran for office he knew that his
neighborhood would not be in the Third Ward after redistricting. This
fact was regularly used against Don during the election.


3. The efforts to overturn the redistricting plan have been consistently
supported in both time and money by many active DFLers including DFL
officer holders since the beginning. 


This in no way undermines your core point that the current districting
is not favorable to the issues we all share in common. No does it
undermine the effort to ensure a positive resolution of the lawsuit.
Yet, I would propose trying to disingenuously add the extraordinarily
partisan spin on these efforts is alienating to the many people who
would like to support your efforts --including people on the council
that you will need to eventually support any alternatives that you may
have to propose.



Joseph Barisonzi



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RE: [Mpls] Clarification needed: Rich people exempted from the second-hand smoke rules?

2004-06-16 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
I believe that Vicki is wrong. The Council got a legal opinion on that
yesterday. Perhaps on of them could confirm? Private clubs -- like the
Minneapolis club -- are still regulated place of employment. If they
have a license to say -- serve food --

Sorry Vicki -- another I thought so which turns out to be conjecture,
and false.

Joseph Barisonzi
Community Knowledge Specialist
CommunityLeader, Inc.

I don't know if you got the whole picture or not... but (s)he's not
exactly working on all thrusters. - McCoy, Star Trek IV

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Victoria Heller
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:08 AM
To: Mpls Forum
Subject: [Mpls] Clarification needed: Rich people exempted from
thesecond-hand smoke rules?

I assume that private, members only clubs are exempt from the air
rules.  You know, places like The Minneapolis Club -- where all of the
Democrats hang out.

Only the poor and the foot-bound metrosexuals will be impacted. Right?

Anyone with a car and some money can circumvent the rules.  Right?

I thought so.

Vicky Heller
North Oaks and Cedar-Riverside

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RE: [Mpls] Lingering death by arithmetic

2004-06-11 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

I am not going to get into an argument about you gross generalization
about Independent Boards, Other Expenditures, the MCDA or NRP -- there
are far better people to do that.

I would like to address you underlying philosophy. You said that we
should  Rather than spend, spend, spend, borrow, borrow, borrow, tax -
I am suggesting a transition to spend, tax, pay the bills.  

Interesting. Is that how you run your business? Your personal life? 

You have no mortgages? No leases? No credit cards? No construction
loans? No lines of credit? You deduct no assets depreciation? 

I know there are some religions that call upon their members to avoid
all debt -- but it does not seem to me that is a religion we would want
our public business to worship.

Joseph Barisonzi
Community Knowledge Specialist
CommunityLeader, Inc.

That is, I heard a good bit about a ring and a dark lord and something
about the end of the world. But please Mister Gandalf sir, don't hurt

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Victoria Heller
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 12:51 PM
To: Mpls Forum
Subject: [Mpls] Lingering death by arithmetic

[Carol Becker] Here is my challenge back to Ms. Heller. Which of these
things should be cut?  Which programs and by how much?  This can then be
translated into property tax levels and we can talk about what the tax
savings will be to the average taxpayer.

[Vicky Heller]  Here are the 2003 Minneapolis budgeted expenditures:
total $1.22 billion.

231,800,000 Public Works
146,400,000 MCDA
122,000,000 Capital Improvement
122,000,000 Debt Service
97,600,000 Other
97,600,000 Police
97,600,000 Transfers to Other Funds
73,200,000 Park Board
48,800,000 Fire Dept
48,800,000 City Coordinator
24,400,000 Health  Family Support
24,400,000 Convention Center
24,400,000 Licenses  Inspections
24,400,000 Library Board
24,400,000 Other Independent Boards
12,200,000 City Attorney

Without auditing each of the categories, it's difficult to identify
spending - and I don't have the time or desire to do it.  

The $97 million of other spending should be identified, since it is
equivalent to the entire police department.

When we get the 2003 financial reports, we will see how much of the MCDA
budget was reduced - note that its budget is equivalent to police and
combined.  The $146 million must include the costs of running the NRP -
which in my opinion should be completely scrapped.  Too bad we can't
the $200 million that's already been spent.

Until the debts and debt service are eliminated, the City should suspend
payments to Other Independent Boards.  Citizens should be willing to
contribute without expecting compensation.  What are all of these boards
anyway?  What do they do?  Why can't the City Council make those

Property taxes should be doubled - until all debts are paid - including
new library, the new Guthrie, and whatever happens at the Sear's site.

Once the debts are gone, Minneapolis will once again be the shining star
the North with more than enough money to maintain and increase its

Rather than spend, spend, spend, borrow, borrow, borrow, tax - I am
suggesting a transition to spend, tax, pay the bills.  Minneapolis is
choking on debt service right now and interest rates will be going up
Something must be done pronto.  We'll all be a lot smarter when the 2003
reports are available.  Why does it take so long for the City to produce
financial reports?

Vicky Heller
North Oaks and Cedar Riverside

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RE: [Mpls] Dick Day's School Bashing

2004-05-22 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

I think this idea of Earl's is brilliant. 
For those of us that are supports of the public schools to make up a one
page flyer and doorknock Dick Day's district?

Brillant. Sign me up!

Joseph Barisonzi

Solitude, the safeguard of mediocrity. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Earl Netwal
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:38 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Dick Day's School Bashing

Perhaps what's needed would be for a group of say 200 or so Minneapolis
teachers to get together and do a day of door-knocking in Owatonna,
to the good folk who live there about the challenges faced in
schools and how Mr. Day has been a contributor to the problem rather
than a
part of the solution.  200 teachers could probably educate a whole lot
Owatonnian's in one day, and perhaps bring Mr. Day to the point where he
might be willing to look at solutions rather than opportunities to throw


Earl Netwal, spouse of a special education teacher in Minneapolis'

and resident of the NENA portion of the urban forest.




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RE: [Mpls] smoke 'em if ya got 'em

2004-05-11 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Jonathan and List,

Once again the issue that there may or may not be a reduction in
business is cited -- yet no study to substantiate it. 

Thank you to the people have forwarded me studies (especially the peer
review kind) that show there is no decline in business in areas the
institute a ban -- and I am reviewing those. But no one has forwarded me
any type of research substantiating the claim that there is a loss of
business to restaurants or bars after a ban.

I would like to make up a fair briefing sheet on both sides of this
issue -- citing real facts not just the individualized stories that too
often pass for fact. It makes sense to think that they would -- but I
honestly can't find anything that says they do. 

(yet -- still looking though)

Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] McManus says They proved they were men.

2004-02-27 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

So, I am so intrigued with this story-- that even though no one else has
clamored in, I will respond to my own post! smile  

A memo ordered destroyed that was never destroyed? Two officers come to
McManus with information and are put on administrative leave?
Investigation by the BCA? The highest ranking women on the force, who
just happened to be the lead internal candidate for the position, put on
leave? Who is now represented by Former Federal Attorney Lillehaug?
Where is the former chief in this?

I was just listening to McManus on MPR say that he commended Cpt. Martin
and Lt. Carlson for proving they were men.

Slip of the tongue? Just an expression? Reflecting an underlying bias? 

There is clearly something going on here that hasn't come out in the
paper yet. At least we know the way to earn the chief's respect is to
prove you are a man.

Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] 3 top Minneapolis police officers put on leave

2004-02-26 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
3 top Minneapolis police officers put on leave

Politics? Good policing? Strong statement of change? Shaking things up
for the sake of shaking things us? Taking responsibility up the command
structure to make a statement? Taking responsibility up the command
structure to assert authority? 

And most importantly, why didn't I learn aobut this on this list first? 
Good job Rochelle Olson at the Strib for the breaking news.

Joseph Barisonzi

Disillusionment is what little heroes are made of. - Gene Kelly

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Michael Hohmann
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Timberwolves win (why don't you care?)

I attended the Wolves game last night... a near sellout crowd at Target
Center, and the Wolves did it again, beating the N Jersey Nets 81-68.
Wolves started out slow against the hot Nets, but were able to tie the
by halftime, and finish with a real blitz in the last five minutes.
Hudson was the star of the game.

We got downtown early for some food, shopped a bit and qualified for
parking in a nearby lot, and enjoyed the game.  Stores seemed busy on
week night.  We checked out the newly relocated and remodeled Dakota
Club on the Mall and found McCormick  Schmick's doing a brisk business
food and drink.  This was my first trip to the new Dakota, since it
relocated from St. Paul, and it looks GREAT!!

Given all this, I must say that I remain opposed to public financing of
professional sports enterprises, and recommend the upcoming conference
the Humphrey Institute at U of M (this Fri/Sat) to all interested list

Reining in Competition for Capital

Michael Hohmann
Linden Hills

also note: The CURA Housing Forum holds it's brown bag session Friday,
27th, 12-1:30 at Carlson School of Management, Rm. 1-143.
Topic is: Subprime Lending and Foreclosure in the Twin Cities.
It's free!

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Mark Wilde
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 9:19 AM
 Subject: [Mpls] Timberwolves win (why don't you care?)

 The Timberwolves have the second best winning
 percentage in the whole NBA.  Kevin Garnett has been a
 superstar on and off the court, probably the best
 player in basketball right now...and why does this
 list make me feel quilty about watching sports?

 Nothing about sports on the list...high school
 basketball, hockey, u of m women, nothing.

 Mark Wilde
 Windom Park


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RE: [Mpls] on thumpers

2004-01-20 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

What are those rights afforded by law and due process? I thought we
lived in an employment at will state which means a employer does not
have to have a reason or any due process to fire someone. I thought that
the only obligations they have are those that are in a contract, and
systemic discrimination issues.  Even employee manuals usually include a
clause that reminds you that it isn't a contract and the employer
follows the guidelines within the policy at their own pleasure. My
understanding would be the rights and due process you refer to would
have to be contained within the contract. Where am I wrong in this
understanding? Thanks!

Joseph Barisonzi

Contained in this short life are magical extents. - Emily Dickinson
-Original Message-
Behalf Of kevin stoll
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] on thumpers

Lawsuits against officers have gone down since the city has started to
those lawsuits instead of settling out of court. There is nothing in the
contract demanding more proof before an officer is fired. When an
officer is
fired they have the some rights afford by law and due process. Most
the case ends up in front of an independent hearing officer to settle
case. Incidentally the last 4 officers fired by the department have been

Kevin Stoll
Kenny Neighborhood
- Original Message - 
From: paul weir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 11:33 PM
Subject: [Mpls] on thumpers

 People ask over and over again why the city so often concedes large
 out-of-court settements to plaintiffs in thumping suits yet never
 manages to fire the cops involved. I'm no lawyer, but I suspect one
 of the reasons these cops remain beyond reach is that the city's
 contract with the Police Federation requires much more stringent
 proof of culpable behavior than the courts require for determining
 liability. If I'm right in thinking so, it would mean that that the
 city has waltzed itself into a vicious circle: Cops whose viciousness
 results in court settlements of hundreds of thousands if not millions
 of dollars cannot be fired because of an agreement the city itself
 negotiated; but since they cannot be fired, they're put back out in
 the street where they generate -- you guessed it -- more law suits. I
 also suspect that when the city justifies itself for settling these
 cases out of court by describing them as  too dangerous to
 litigate, we are getting a fairly realistic assessment not of the
 legal merit of the city's position but of the professional competency
 of its own attorneys.

 Finally, I would point out an ironic symmetry here. Sociologists
 assure us that the vast preponderance of mayhem that occurs in our
 streets is caused by a relatively small number of criminals, perhaps
 as few as two or three percent of the overall criminal population.
 This is a proposition that most people seem to have no trouble
 accepting. We're also assured by the same authorities that only a
 tiny number of cops  engage in brutality. Now, why is it so easy for
 most of us to accept the former, and so difficult for some of us to
 accept the latter? I have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear what
 others think.

 Paul Weir
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RE: [Mpls] Re: Millions in subsidies

2004-01-17 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Does anyone know if there has been any responses to Steve Brandt's
article about Brighton claiming there was sufficient profit to share
with the city as an initial and early investor in their river front
condo building exercise? 

* Has there been any official comment?

* Is anyone looking to hold elected feet to the fire on this issue?

* Has anyone officially requested that a legal authority look into this

This will be a great opportunity to find out if the new alphabet office
of development is the MCDA with a new façade -- or actually an
accountable advocate for the residents and taxpayers interests.

Joseph Barisonzi
Willard Hay


From: Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: [Mpls] Millions in subsidies
for the homeful Fri, 05 Dec 2003 16:48:49 -0600 (In Part)
 From Steve Brandt's article in yesterday's Strib:
 The city provided several million dollars in up-front assistance
for the rehabilitation of two milling buildings and the construction of
third between them.
 Despite grossing $50 million in condominium sales from developing
three buildings overlooking St. Anthony Falls, a developer said it
probably hasn't made enough money to pay the city under a profit-sharing
 The condos along S. 2nd Street in Minneapolis sold for a cumulative
total far higher than the $27 million that Brighton Development
they would fetch before it broke ground in 1998. At least 10 units sold
for more than $1 million each, and one topped $3 million.
 Link to the article:
Chris says:  I guess I need to take new math or creative
accounting or greed ethics. The city was supposed to receive 25% of
any profits exceding $4.4 million. The sales were far higher than the
expected $27 million, a number no doubt agreed to by the city as an
amount that would net the city some profit. And yet, despite exceding
the no-doubt
optimistic forecasts, there is no money to pay the city its share?
Sounds like Brighton lost money on paper but made a fortune in
hard cash through the use of creative accounting. It's just another case
of the city giving away taxpayer money to favored developers.

 When does suspected creative accounting become actionable in
criminal or civil court through the Hennipen County Attorney, Minnesota
Attorney General, or U.S. Attorney? Since the City of Minneapolis and
some of its officials could be either plaintiffs or a defendants in such
action, the City Attorney would have possible conflicts of interest. Can
tax payors initiate inquiries or action? Do they have to post a bond?
 If there is actual malfeasance and not just sloppy or negligible
oversight, don't we have to do more than just complain about wasted tax
dollars? If it is just sloppy or negligible oversight, don't we need to
do more than just yell about the problem? What?

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[Mpls] Park Board Action Recap

2003-12-20 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Okay, I fear I might be out of the loop, is this what we have so far?

In an aborted process, a majority of board members who had clearly
communicated extensively outside of the formal public process and
without notification of anyone including their fellow board members,
voted in one meeting to hire a Superintendent of the greatest public
park system in the United States an individual who had neither applied
nor interviewed for the job yet was known to this group in large part
because he was the CEO of a nonprofit which had a publicly subsidized
rental agreement in the flagship park property and in turn provided free
memberships as gifts to Park Board employees?

Am I getting this right?


Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] Porter accuses different officer of earlier sexual assault

2003-11-22 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
According to the Star Tribune, Stephan Porter changed has changed his
story about which of the officers assaulted him.  

Porter accuses different officer of earlier sexual assault

[Porter] accused Minneapolis officer Scott Creighton on Wednesday, but
Porter had said earlier that officer Jeff Jindra was the one who
assaulted him with a toilet plunger handle during the Oct. 13 drug raid.
Creighton was also present at the earlier raid, according to the

The Rev. Randolph Staten, who has supported Porter, questioned the
credibility of Creighton's statement: It seems to me the police are
making this up as they go.

Ok, now I am really confused. Who is making things up as they go along?

Joseph Barisonzi

-Original Message-
Of Annie Young
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 11:56 AM
Subject: [Mpls] EPA Award for Met Council

Before I get yelled at abaout this not being loal... Carin DeWar, Bill 
Anderson (of the Environmental Dept of our City) and many other in 
Minneapolis were very influential in directing the writing and selling
the Smart Growth Initiatives that were placed in this award winning 
plan.  Too bad the revisionists who came in this year haven't followed 
through with these plans for the 2030 FRamework which many Minneapolis 
agencies are currently responding too.  The new one is a disaster
to the Award Winning Plan.
Oh well - let's hear it for changes in administrations! Yuck!
And Congratulations to the old guard.
Annie Young
East Phillips

Subject: EPA Smart Growth Award winners
On November 19, EPA announced five winners of the 2003 National
Awards for Smart Growth Achievement. This Award recognizes
outstanding achievement in smart growth by state, local, or regional
governments in five categories: Built Projects, Policies and
Regulation, Community Outreach and Education, Public Schools,
and Overall Excellence in Smart Growth.

More information, including summaries of the award-winning
projects, is available at www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/awards.htm.

The winners are:

Overall Excellence in Smart Growth:
Metropolitan Council, Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area,

Built Projects:
Department of the Navy-Southwest Division, Naval Facilities
Engineering Command, San Diego, California

Policies and Regulations:
Cuyahoga County Treasurer's Office, Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Community Outreach and Education:
Georgia Department of Community Affairs-Office of Quality Growth,
State of Georgia

Public Schools:
Wake County Public School System/City of Raleigh, Raleigh, North


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RE: [Mpls] RE: Economics

2003-10-19 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Which local charity should I give my money to if I want a great park
system? Or trained professional law enforcement? Which charity should I
give to if I want ensure that the traffic lights work?  Which charity
should I give to clean the leaves off the streets? What charity should I
give to if I want the sewers to filter my waste before it is dumped into
the Mississippi River? What charity do I give to if I want people
prosecuted for breaking the law? Or if I want to ensure people see
qualified judges? Which local charity should I be investing in to ensure
that the restaurants I go to have passed a health inspection?

What charity do I give to if I want neocons to get training in basic

Joseph Barisonzi

Anderson  Turpin wrote:

It's like those signs you see around the
city that say Happy to pay for a better Minnesota.  Hey, I agree with
expressed sentiment completely.  It's the implied belief behind the
that I'm totally opposed to -- that paying more taxes to the state will
result in a better Minnesota. If people are happy to pay for a better
then they should give money to the charity they think will improve the
the most.  Do they really think their taxes will improve things more
(or as
much) as the same amount of money directed to a cause of their own
You know taxes go to that awful corporate welfare too, and other things
progressives love to hate.  People from every political spectrum
want to minimize government spending because it simply isn't as
effective at
achieving our aims as money directed right at the place it's needed.

Ok, I'm all set to donate large sums of my money to charity to 
accomplish some important social and societal goals which will better 
the state and the city.  Can you tell me which charities will build 
light-rail transit lines all over the city, connect to St. Paul and 
(horrors) the suburbs, too?  I'd also like to see more highways, more 
heavy (long-haul) rail and commuter rail.  Lastly, I'd like to get the 
airport out of everybody's backyards and put it out in the country on a 
high-speed rail spur, like sane cities around the world.

Which charity can do that?  Ignore the cost for a moment, and the answer

is still none.

Paying taxes for anything other than their own personal comfort is one 
of those things that neoconservatives just love to hate.

Chris Johnson

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[Mpls] Star Tribune: Don Samuels: City must seek accountability and healing

2003-10-16 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Don Samuels: City must seek accountability and healing
Published October 16, 2003

Recent allegations that two members of the Minneapolis Police were
involved in a felony assault at a north Minneapolis apartment have
shocked us all. The event is made more challenging because of its racial

On the one hand we are tempted to act as if we are totally unaware of
this racial factor and hope it goes away. On the other hand, our
reaction might become so emotional that we are unable to make
constructive contribution to the ensuing dialog.

Both extremes are avoidable. It is possible to approach this dilemma in
such a way that accountability is justly pursued and healing is

The African-American community has been, historically, at the lowest end
of America's racial hierarchy. Long centuries and decades of this abuse
should not be covered up in the cause of peace.

When this willful denial happens, hate inevitably erupts, inconveniently
and often violently. Instead we should examine how this alleged incident
has become the eventuality of America's continuum and then change course
toward a better future.

The violence of black gangs and the genocidal repercussions of the drug
trade testify to the fact that the externally inflicted lynchings of the
Jim Crow era have now been replaced by internally inflicted homicide.
Young black men in gangs might not have learned much in school, but they
have learned well the diminished value of their lives and the lives of
their people.

From these lessons in inferiority, they have emerged as master scholars.
They know now, more than anyone else, the true insignificance of their
worth. In turn they treat each other accordingly. They occupy
residential communities where their women, mothers and children live at
great risk. They fight turf battles, destroying the lives they hate and
putting at risk the depreciated lives they share. They train disposable
recruits in their fatal trade like crops for the grim reaper.

That is why we must try our best to send them new messages of their full
humanity and provide opportunities, for those who are open, to learn new
ways to survive and thrive. And that is why we must, with even swifter
urgency, dispatch the incorrigible among them to institutions of
constraint, where they are no danger to those of us whose lives they so

On the other hand, the genocidal violence and humiliating actions of
renegade police also testify to the lingering strains of virulent

Men armed with lethal weaponry, official sanction and racial hate will
degrade and destroy life, sully community relationships and debase the
profile of our city's authority. Their hate of black bodies becomes
justifiably expressed in the vile humiliation of the deserving

There is this class of men, who have found in the city's sanction of
their use of force a perverse opportunity to violently express their
rabid disregard for the human dignity of people born brown. That is why
we must mandate effective training in racial sensibility for all our
officers. That is why we must actively screen officers for racist and
abusive tendencies and that is why, when racial crimes are perpetrated,
we must also put away the offenders.

And so, these two faces of the one coin continue to flicker in a society
that continues to bet its future on the naïve notion that things are
different now.

What we must do instead is commit ourselves to strident intolerance of
all forms of racial hate, whether it is expressed intraracially or

We must unwaveringly face the reality that the wanton disregard for
human life is possible from all quarters. It exists in denser
concentrations in the smoldering cauldron of race.

As a society, we must act swiftly to address the dehumanizing of people
of color and especially black people. We must name it when it appears in
the form of community defilement by gang terrorism. And we must identify
it even when it erupts in the guise of justice, inflicting degradation
on the very perpetrators of intraracial hate to which they were

We must recognize the hate of brown bodies in any form. We must call it
hate in every guise and we must address it with a sure and even hand.

In this case, should the allegations against the alleged community
perpetrators be true, then let us act according to the remedies
prescribed by law. And should the charges against the alleged official
perpetrators be true, then we must act with even swifter, impartial
justice. After all, they are the face of our justice.

In either case our deep wound gouged by history and exacerbated by this
incident will begin to heal. Our diverse community will begin to
recognize our common enemies. And we will realize that the common values
of human dignity and peace make siblings of us all.

Don Samuels represents the Third Ward in the Minneapolis City Council.

Joseph Barisonzi

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth

[Mpls] Minneapolis in CNN's Spotlight. Council Member Samuels to be interviewed live.

2003-10-16 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Minneapolis City Council Member Don Samuels will be CNN's Anderson
Cooper's guest on 350* at 6:00 pm tonight.  

My understanding is that there will be a 45 minute segment starting at
6:25 pm CST about Minneapolis, community-police relations, the alleged
police brutality, and the FBI involvement. 

Interviews with numerous City and community leaders have been (or are
being) taped. Council Member Don Samuels will be interviewed live. 

Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] Minneapolis in CNN's Spotlight. Council Member Samuels to be interviewed live.

2003-10-16 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Minneapolis City Council Member Don Samuels will be CNN's Anderson
Cooper's guest on 350* at 6:00 pm tonight.  

My understanding is that there will be a 45 minute segment starting at
6:25 pm CST about Minneapolis, community-police relations, the alleged
police brutality, and the FBI involvement. 

Interviews with numerous City and community leaders have been (or are
being) taped. Council Member Don Samuels will be interviewed live. 

Joseph Barisonzi

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before continuing it on the list. 
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RE: [Mpls] My statement today on the River Run Proposal

2003-10-10 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

I know lots of you don't get attachments through the list. So here are
Don's comments on River Run for all to read, critique, and consider:

Joseph Barisonzi

Comments on the River Run project from Council Member Don Samuels:

The River Run Project is a proposed housing development on Marshall
Avenue on the banks of the Mississippi River in the Sheridan
Neighborhood. The neighborhood leadership of Sheridan reviewed the
project over six months and made many suggestions for change. Here are
several of the changes demanded by Sherman, to satisfy the community.
Some of these were satisfactory to the group and some were not. 

1.  The number of units was reduced from 119 to 101.
2.  Underground parking was increased to reduce the need for above
ground parking. 
3.  Impervious surface was reduced and more green added to the rear.

4.  A rain garden and small pond were incorporated into the
5.  The building was set back more to facilitate the future
enhancement of Marshall Street. 
6.  Direct public access to the river was integrated into the site.
7.  The height of the building was reduced, in proximity to the
river, to reduce the need for a variance. 
8.  A faux-stone façade was added to some areas of the lower level
to enhance the look. 

On the other hand there are some change requests that were not achieved:

1.  The developers said home ownership an unequivocal impossibility.

2.  They also did not believe mixed commercial use was viable in the
current market. 
3.  They could not guarantee trouble free parking. 
4.  The neighborhood was still not satisfied with the four-storied
frontage on Marshall. 
5.  Neighborhood leaders felt the (rental) density of 101 units, was
still too high for the site. There was additional concerned about
saturating the rental market, especially with Bottineau Commons, of
similar size, just recently opened only blocks away. 

6.  Neighborhood leaders felt the design was not appealing or area
specific and that the building was not beautiful. 
7.  Community leaders were concerned that the building became a
visual and physical obstacle to the river.

In addition, concerns were raised about the management of Bottineau
Commons, owned by the same developers. The building, which had opened
this summer, had experienced a shooting and other minor criminal
activity and surrounding parking problems.

As a small business owner, I appreciated the tremendous work that the
property owner and developer had done to respond to community concerns.
As a neighborhood activist I had deep sympathies for the appropriate and
legitimate concerns raised by the neighborhood leadership. 
After observing months of adjustments and objections, in good faith, I
attempted to break the stalemate by negotiating what seemed to me to be
significant changes on behalf of the community, to move the project
toward approval. These included:

1.  The addition of a well-designed lobby to open the building up
and make the space more welcoming.
2.  An improved balance between market and affordable units.
3.  An innovative mortgage accrual program included in each rental
payment to build a “down payment nest egg” for residents to have the
option and an incentive for moving into home ownership.

The developer was reluctant, but willing to make these changes
contingent on neighborhood support. Community leaders, however, did not
embrace this compromise.  At the last community meeting, a straw poll
was taken and the vote was tied 10/10.  After the meeting several
neighbors complained that they had been confused about the vote and
would have voted against the project.  In the end, every community group
with direct or indirect involvement in the project voted against the
project.  A brief tally of communications in our office has opinions
against the project running 25:1 against the project, with over 100
communications logged. 

In the end, and after much consideration, I have decided to vote against
supporting the public financing of the project. 

Here is why:

The project is financed by the city, which requires that in such a case,
the community should review and register their opinion to the city. That
opinion was overwhelmingly against the project. As an elected official,
I am chosen to make decisions on behalf of my community and the city so
that people can go about their lives. The city allows and encourages
people to give their opinion directly, that opinion must be taken
seriously. When that opinion reaches the level of consensus, it must

If the elected representative has a dissenting view, they can and should
try to persuade the community. But if and when a community participates
in that spirit  -- is active and vocal -- but remains un-persuaded it is
counterproductive to the democratic process not to heed  that voice.
Empowering the community and encouraging community engagement demands
nothing less

RE: [Mpls] Historical readlining

2003-09-10 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

I am sure there are phd's in History on this list that will rip apart my
analysis, but what the heck -- I am feeling risky today.

According to "African Americans in Minnesota" by David Taylor and
published by Minnesota Historical Society Press (2002) the African
Americian dominated  neighborhoods in Minneapolis have been:

1. 1860-1875 In the area of North East basically where East Hennepin,
University and Broadway come together.
2. 1870-1930: On the other side of the river
3. 1870-1915: North of Franklin, West of Chicago and East of Lyndale
4. 1910: Start of the first North neighborhoods about the Olson Hwy and
Lyndale Avenue intersection. 
5. This expands North and Northwest in the 1930's
6. Continued in that expansion in the 1970's
7. In South Minneapolis in 1925-ish there was a hub South of 40th west
of Chicago and East of Nicollet.
8. This hub grew north and south in the 70's to range from Franklin does
to 60th between Chicago and Nicollet. 

As interesting is the migration of African Americans from South to
Bloomington, Burnsville and Richfield and from North to Brooklyn Center,
Brooklyn Park, Robbinsdale, Crystal and Plymouth.

Based on the footnotes in the book the data for making the maps seems to
have come predominately from Census data, and would have all the flaws
inherent in the collection of that data.

Joseph Barisonzi
Willard Hay

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter,
taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans
are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get
elected and prove it. - P.J. O'Rourke

-Original Message-
From: mpls-[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mpls-[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of David Brauer
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 5:04 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Historical readlining

on 9/9/03 4:47 PM, Jim Bernstein at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are parts of the Near North Side and in Central that were
 historically black neighborhoods and there was, up until the close of
 WWII, a loosely enforced "code" by lenders, developers and realtors
 kept all but the most prosperous black families confined to those
 neighborhoods.  Elected officials in the city for the most part but
 noteworthy exceptions, accepted that code and did not shake the tree.

Notwithstanding Jim's larger point, this post tweaked something I've
wondered about for some time...

Does any listmember know the historic boundaries of the redline (within
which people of color could buy)? When I first moved to Kingfield,
told me the line on the west side of the highway (which of course wasn't
highway then) was 38th Street; I've always wondered if that was true.

Perhaps the boundaries were fuzzier...but if anyone knows or has done
research, could they share their info on the list?

David Brauer

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[Mpls] Building Bridges: North and NorthEast to South and South West

2003-09-04 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Bottom of the Ballot resumes their "After the Election 2003" seminar
series on Tuesday, Sept. 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Southwest High School,
3414 W. 47th St.

The guest speaker will be City Councilmember Don Samuels (3rd Ward)
discussing the need and opportunity for Southwest neighborhoods to care
about and get involve in what is happening in North and NorthEast

Southwest Journal covers the upcoming event in this weeks issue:

Joseph Barisonzi

Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the
triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it. -
Ralph Waldo Emerson

-Original Message-
From: mpls-[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mpls-[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of Dean Zimmermann
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Somali street gangs (was: Libel, Star Tribune, etc.)

Yes, there is awareness of the Somali youth gang problems on the West
I have met with two different groups of elders on this issue, and I know
that Paul Zerby is also aware.  The mosque on the West Bank has begun
intensive programming activities for Somali youth.  Block club activity
beginning inside the Riverside Plaza.

Dean Zimmermann
Mpls City Council - Ward 6

- Original Message - 
From: "N.I. Krasnov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 9:41 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Somali street gangs (was: Libel, Star Tribune, etc.)

 "MJ Mueller" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 N.I Krasnov wrote:
 "I find it a G-d send that the Somalis settled here. They will show
 that black people moving into a neighborhood is not de facto
synonymous with
 crime. The Somalis have a culture and belief system that preclude
 behaviors. "

 MJ sez: This may be true from a cultural standpoint, but in reality
 quite a bit of gang activity happening in the Somali youth on the
 There have been a couple of incidences of riot-like swarming and
 unarmed , innocent people and the perpetrators have been Somali

 I also received an off list email about the Somali street gang problem
 Cedar-Riverside. I've gone on service calls to the projects and the
 Ave. area, and wasn't aware of the gang problem.

 Are the Somali organizations aware of the gangs?

 N.I. Krasnov
 Loring Park

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RE: [Mpls] An interesting experience with 911

2003-08-21 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

I believe there is. Unfortunately the system seems to have failed for
Michelle. I can't imagine why. 

As I left my house in Willard Hay I noticed the growing size of the dice
game and dealing at the end of the block. I plugged in my phone and
hooked up the earpiece and called 911. When I dialed I crossed over into
Golden Valley and I was connected with the Golden Valley 911. They
immediately connected me with Minneapolis 911.  Minneapolis 911 was
polite, professional and efficient.

I use Verizon. I don't know if that matters.

As a side note, my neighbor reported that the police were there within
15 minutes or so. Less then a week later there was a GTF bust on the
property. Now the kids can play in the yard without watching drug
dealing or prostitutes begging for a hit. I am glad. Of course, I am
sure the problem will be back soon -- but it is a nice reprieve.

Joseph Barisonzi

Children are all foreigners. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

-Original Message-
Of Melissa Wyatt
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] An interesting experience with 911

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 11:08:42 -0500, Michelle Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I hit 911 on the cell phone and called in the situation and location.

 The 911 operator said, oh, that's St. Louis Park and immediately
 up on me.  Luckily, police and fire crews came up just then so I
 redial.  I've wondered since, though, if St. Louis Park just happens
 have a different 911 number than the rest of the state or if I was 
 supposed to find a phone book and fumble around for some other number


A friend of mine had a similar experience a few years ago.  He was
from my house to another friend's place, and was mugged at 25th and 
Aldrich.  He was jumped by three guys (what were they thinking, he's
and was holding a motorcycle helmet in one hand... he could've
them).  He dialed 911, but he's from New Jersey, so it called the local
911 line.  They told him tough luck.  He ended up calling me, had me
911, and walked down to the Loon Grocery to call again from there.
you think there's a way we could fix the call system so it would forward
the nearest 911 center?

Melissa Wyatt
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FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

RE: [Mpls] Who would scandalize my name?

2003-08-14 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Joseph Barisonzi
Community Knowledge Specialist
CommunityLeader, Inc.

-Original Message-
Of Ed Felien
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 4:02 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Who would scandalize my name?

Dear Friends,

I have been out of town for the last few weeks.  I was sorry to see on
return that some of my friends have had so little to do in my absence
have spent great energy speculating about my character (or lack

The hideous blemish on my reputation seems to be a result of my
with Basim Sabri.  Mr. Sabri is alleged to have tried to influence a
Council Member.  Federal prosecutors indicted him in District Court.
indictment was dismissed by the judge.  An appeal by the prosecution to
Court of Appeals reinstated the indictment, and, now, that decision has
appealed by the defense to the United States Supreme Court.

But, of course, Mr. Sabri is guilty until proven innocent.

He's guilty of being a Palestinian working to provide business
for Latin Americans and Somalis.

He's guilty of being a businessman trying to rehabilitate residential
commercial buildings in South Minneapolis.

And, worst of all, he's guilty of getting things done.  Look at what
done to Lake Street from 2nd Avenue to 5th Avenue.  And he did that
any government money, completely on his own.

I heard about Basim Sabri years ago.  Lisa McDonald was my friend before
ran for City Council the first time.  I heard a lot about Basim Sabri,
that helped form an opinion in my mind about who he was.  Then, I
started to
notice what he was doing.  I looked at what he had done.  And I began to
think it was probably better to judge the man on what he had done,
than on what some people said about him.
I have had an interest in the Sears building all my life.  It has been
icon in South Minneapolis.  Our family shopped there when I was a child.
mother worked in the Catalog Department.  I bought a house two blocks
on 10th Avenue in 1970, and I have lived in its shadow ever since.
When Sears left, like the rest of South Minneapolis, I was devastated.
tried to save the building when the Council Member wanted to tear it
for a Chicago developer who wanted to replace it with a strip mall.  In
I offered a plan to use the first floor as a community market place,
open to
all ethnic groups in South Minneapolis-one-stop shopping, you would be
to get onion skins for eggrolls, tortilla shells for tacos and lefse for
butter and brown sugar-all under one roof.  But it was just an idea.  I
no capital to undertake something like that.
Then the Mercado opened on Bloomington and Lake, and Basim Sabri opened
bazaar on Lake and Pillsbury for Somali small businesses.  Since then
has created business spaces for Latin Americans and Somalis at 207 East
Lake, 301 East Lake, 341-347 East Lake, and, most recently, at 417 East
I heard MCDA was inviting proposals for the renovation of the Sears
building.  The last time MCDA asked for proposals, I don't remember
but Ray Harris making an offer.  I was afraid no one would want to work
save the building.  I believed Basim Sabri could do for the Sears
what he had been doing for troubled properties along Lake Street.  I met
with him, and I convinced him to submit a proposal.  I am a very small
member of his team to renovate the building.  I believe very strongly
he has the vision, the energy, the determination and the experience to
renovate the building in a manner that will best benefit all the people
South Minneapolis.
I have not publicly written about this until now because our decision to
submit a proposal happened so fast.  On June 9 we learned there were
other developers submitting proposals, and we might not make the first
so it didn't seem worth talking about until we knew one way or the
The decision of MCDA to shortlist just happened a few days ago, and MCDA
decided to submit all four developers to the City Council sitting as the
MCDA Board of Commissioners.  So, at this point, Sabri Properties, along
with Fine Associates, Ryan Properties and the Comote Development Team
be considered by the MCDA Board in September.
There are strengths and weaknesses in the other proposals.  But,
perhaps, a
comparison of the proposals should wait for another time.
There has never been a secret about my association with Sabri
It was mentioned prominently in the June 14 Star Tribune article by
Brandt that described the proposals.
But, to return to the purpose of this response, yes, I am proud to be an
associate of Basim Sabri, and I believe he has done great things to
Lake Street.  He's colorful and controversial.  He's not afraid to crack
eggs to make an omelet.  But, he gets things done!
Ed Felien

RE: [Mpls] Unintended consequences

2003-08-14 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Some initial thoughts about your comments: 

1. The troopers will not be familiar with the neighborhood. This is
true. This is why the State Patrol will under the command of the local
inspector and will be teamed up with a local law enforcement officer.
My understanding from Inspector Dolan is that the State Patrol will
never be out on their own. (The Mayor was very insistent on this when he
and Don met with the Governor.) They will be a resource to expand the
scope of the existing law enforcement resources.

2. What good will 12 more do to a force of 800+?  First of all it is not
just 12; it is a coordinated response including Park, Hennepin County,
and CRT law enforcement resources. It also includes other resources from
Hennepin County District Attorney's office and the ATF. What these
additional resources will allow is a target response to the problem area
without seeing a decrease of resources for any other area of the city.

3. Everyone agrees that long-term solutions are important.  Stopping the
bleeding, saving lives, and creating a window for other initiatives to
gain traction are important too -- especially to the majority of
residents in there neighborhoods bearing the brunt of the bad choices by
some people in our community.

4. As much as I oppose the concealed weapons law, I do feel compelled to
point out there is no demonsratable connection between the violence in
our communities and the concealed weapons law. The bangers are not
going to hand gun safety classes and filing out applications for
concealed weapons permits.  The indirect link contending that the
conceal and carry law increases the flow of guns, thus allowing more
into the community is logical -- but not demonstrated. As much as it
would be political convenient to point our fingers at an unpopular bill
as the rational for the increase in violence of the past two months, it
probably isn't intellectually honest.

5. Let's assume there is a policy of creating crime containment areas
which helped to create a climate for these shootings to occur.  Then
this is precisely the type of coordinated response the clean up the
crime containment area. This coordinated law enforcement and citizen
action, lead by strong civic leadership, is exactly the letting it be
known that the area no longer exists. The coordinated response teams
are surgically targeting the known perpetrators.  This is precisely what
Ms. Gross calls for.

The outstanding question is whether those who traditionally work on
social and economic justice issue will lob rhetorical bombs decrying
short term solutions as not being enough -- or will join local residents
and help build a healthy community. Let's seize this opportunity, and
come together as a community to really make a difference for the people
of this community. Understand that there will be different perspectives
and different approaches, but that we all want the same thing and
working together will make each of our individual efforts stronger.

I would urge the residents of Jordan (or anywhere else in the city) that
have concerns and are interested in being part of the solution to
contact Jonathan Palmer at Jordan Area community Council or Laura Wolff
at Don Samuels Council office.

Joseph Barisonzi

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)

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[Mpls] Don Samuels on Gary Eichten tomorrow at 11-noon on NPR

2003-08-04 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Tune in to MPR (91.1)
to hear Gary Eichten's guest

Minneapolis Council Member Don Samuels

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

Joseph Barisonzi

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)

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RE: [Mpls] Unintended consequences--help for Jordan

2003-08-03 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

The additional resources for North Minneapolis, specifically Jordan,
which were secured by Councilmember Don Samuels with the support of
Mayor RT Rybak, Hennepin County Commissioner Mark Stenglien and Governor
Tim Pawlenty provide a window of opportunity. Much as stopping the
bleeding prepares for deeper surgery -- stopping the immediate violence
allows longer term solutions an opportunity to gain traction.

The violence, which had peaked with five serious shootings in three
days, is not a broadbase insurgency due to poverty, lack of affordable
housing, or fraying social service fabric.  It is directly connected
with a handful of known individuals, with long criminal records, that
are terrorizing the surrounding population. Because of the business they
have chosen, and how they conduct this business, they have put a dark
cloud over the incredible positive work being done by organizations,
agencies, businesses and individuals in the community.  

A coordinated response with additional resources was necessary. The
state troopers were one small part of the new resources that were
brought to the table. On Friday Don announced new resources from the
Park Police, Hennepin County Sheriffs department, Hennepin County
Attorney's office, CRT, and the Gang Task Force.  There was also the
framework for a taskforce to be lead by DPS Commission Rich Stanek to
respond to future situations such as this.  An expanded citizen response
has also been launched. 

I find the proposition that people turn to a life of crime and violence
because of the lack of opportunity to be completely unacceptable. 

Poverty is one factor that increases the likelihood of succumbing to the
appeal of bad choices; but there are several other equally strong
factors that also increase that likelihood. Community apathy, personal
need for escapism, spiritual hopelessness, community dissolution and
discontinuity concentration of people who can not take advantage of
opportunity, and inadequate and inappropriate law enforcement are all
factors which when aggregated support an environment where bad choices
become prevalent.

The overwhelming majority of poor people and members of community of
color have made different choices. The overwhelming majority of the
residents of impacted neighborhoods are struggling to make ends meet
without picking up a crack pipe. The overwhelming majority of people
from communities of color have invested in their futures and are reaping
the benefits.  The bad choices of a very few must not be allowed to
write the efforts of the majority off as a peculiar abnormality. 

(Likewise the corporate leadership of WorldCom, Enron, or Halliburton
were neither poor nor black when they chose a life of crime.)

This is not to say that poverty, lack of affordable housing, and needs
for a social service fabric is not serious issue related to the overall
health of the community. They must be and are being addressed. But too
often these root causes are used to paralyze efforts to address
immediate problems. While we work on continuing and expanding solutions
to address these issues we can not allow the fear and terror of violence
to undermine our efforts.  The flawed perception that law enforcement
and addressing underlying root causes is a dichotomy must be replaced
with a healthy and balanced both/and approach.

As the citizens of Jordan rise up and communicate clearly that they will
not be forced into their homes by the criminal behavior is it possible
that the purveyors of the violence will simply move to another
neighborhood? I hope not. But yes, it is possible. Thus, as Don and RT
said on Friday, this is not a Jordan challenge or a Minneapolis
challenge but a regional challenge. We must all come together to meet
it. As the new resources focused on Jordan accomplish their goal they
will be focused on additional hot spots in the city. In this, Don and RT
have responded in a manner consistent with the goal to make the entire
city a safe place to live. 

Joseph Barisonzi

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RE: [Mpls] Thank you Don Samuels no thanks to the Governor, Now It's time for Others to Step-Up?

2003-08-02 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Clearly law enforcement is only one part of the equation. Clearly we all
agree personal and social engagement and economic development are
equally important. We can also all agree that a sense of safety and
stability are the bedrocks on which these other goals can be achieved.

Don wanted me to note that he was extremely appreciative of the gesture
of the Minneapolis Police in dropping a bullet-proof vest off on
Thursday night. Don did put it on and showcase his
lean-mean-crime-fighting-machine. This was mostly for the benefit of his
wife Sondra.  smile In the end, it was put on a chair; and Don, Sondra
and their two kids cuddled-up in the tent at the community garden on
26th and Knox and spent a peaceful night.  

Please stop by this weekend at the garden and say hi to Don, Sondra, and
other community leaders. The 24 hour vigil continues through Sunday.
Share your ideas of how the community can best utilize the window
created by the additional law enforcement resources from the State,
County, Parks, County Attorney Office, Weed and Seed, and the CRT.

Or just enjoy the garden and drink some lemonade.

Joseph Barisonzi
FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

RE: [Mpls] Samuels will fast until more beat cops walk Jordan

2003-08-01 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

The key variable missed in the Star Tribune story is that Council Member
Samuels called for the beat cop goal to be met not through the further
stretching of limited City of Minneapolis resources, but through a
coordinated approach using Park, Transit, University, County and State
law enforcement professionals.  

This is precisely the type of innovative local leadership that Pawlenty
calls for. That does not however remove Pawlenty from responsibility for
the role he must play to support that to happen.

Joseph Barisonzi

-Original Message-
Of List Manager
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 7:16 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Samuels will fast until more beat cops walk Jordan

Wants five 24-hour-a-day patrols. Police say that means 35 officers -
than an entire 4th Precinct shift.


David Brauer
List manager

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FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

[Mpls] FW: Council Member Samuels announces three important events

2003-07-30 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Council Member Samuels asked me to send all of you the text to a press
release he issued this afternoon.  He would like very much for all of
you to come and show your support at one or both events.  

Don Samuels, Minneapolis' Third Ward City Council Member announced today
that in response to gun related violence in Minneapolis, he will be
holding both a Call to Action Press Conference, and an extended vigil.
Council Member Samuels' decision comes on the heels of multiple
shootings which happened in the City in just the last three days.  The
most recent incident happened last night in North Minneapolis' Jordan
neighborhood.  The victim was a child between the ages of one and
two-years-old, and was in her home at the time of the shooting.

Press Conference
What:   A specific call to action to address gun violence in Minneapolis
When:  10:00 am, Thursday, July 31
Where:  Jordan Neighborhood Community Garden, located at 26th and Knox
Avenues North

Extended Vigil
What:   Council Member Samuels will fast and hold an around the clock
vigil in honor of recent victims of gun violence in Minneapolis
When:   From the evening of Wednesday, July 30, to the evening of
Sunday, August 3rd, 24 hours a day
Where: Jordan Neighborhood Community Garden, located at 26th and Knox
Avenues North
Why:To draw desperately needed City and State attention and
resources to the ongoing crisis of gun violence in Minneapolis.

Council Member Samuels urges everyone to join him in his extended vigil,
day or night, to show unity in community efforts to end gun violence in
Minneapolis.  For further information, please contact Council Member
Samuels' office, at 612-673-2203

Also please join Don is supporting: 

Jordan Peace Rally and BBQ
Jordan Community Council in partnership with MAD DADS will host a Peace
rally and Kick-off to their new community street patrol.
When: Friday, July 1, 2003
Where: Jordan Neighborhood Community Garden, located at 26th and Knox
Avenues North

For more information contact Jonathan Palmer @ 612-529-9267

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[Mpls] Don Samuels in the Pioneer Press

2003-06-03 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Sunday Pioneer Press article profiling Third Ward Minneapolis City
Councilmember Don Samuels:

MINNEAPOLIS: 3rd Ward vigilance

Council Member Don Samuels' recent vigils to remember people killed in
his ward, while politically risky, seem to be uniting a community.

Pioneer Press



When it comes to City Council votes, Samuels appears to be walking a
middle line through a bipolar ward. I'm not sure that he has any voting
pattern, said Council President Paul Ostrow. He listens, then makes a
judgment. Listening is Samuel's strong suit. I've seen him sit through
very lengthy presentations and say nothing, said Mayor R.T. Rybak.
Then he'll say one small thing at the end, and it will be a gem.

Al McFarland, editor of Insight News, which circulates widely in the 3rd
Ward, believes Samuels is being accepted on both sides of the river.
His vigils are resonating, McFarland said. By example, he's inviting
ordinary people to take a stand.

And more. . . . 

Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] Where do I go 80's dancing in Minneapolis?

2003-04-03 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Oh, good friends of the Minneapolis watering

My good friends and I (as previous identified by David:
posse) feel like escaping from the propaganda of Fox, the horror of CNN and the
deep freeze of the local economy by going out dance if we want to
this weekend. On previous such trips we went Salsa dancing  but
this time we feel like escaping into the banality of the pop culture that
governed us as we came of age. So, we are looking for the joyful
harmonies of 80s music. You know  ABBA, Flock of Seagulls, MC Hammer,
Wham, Culture Club, New Edition, Cure, Def Leopards, Loverboy, the Police, Bon
Jovi, and of course David Hasslehoff (who know, I try to include him on every

So here is the question: Where do we go dancing with
80s music?

I know this is not the same weight as the other critical
issues facing Minneapolis: like the wading pools, or the 35W
access project, Linders fascism, nefarious connections between Stride,
Raucous Caucus and other potential terrorists, or Scott Persons

So for every breath you take while answering
this email -- thank you.

Joseph Barisonzi


(PS: My good friend Michelle is reminding me not to forget Madonna
 so here it is  Our favorite Material Girl!)

(PPS: Sorry, forgot Prince  what was I thinking  big
shot-out to all the Prince fans  especially Peter. Hi Mr.

[Mpls] Jury Duty

2003-02-23 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


I have the joy of being called for jury duty the first two
weeks of March. On one hand I am excited to serve the community in this
manner. On the other I am worried. As a small business owner I dont
know how I can afford the time away from the store. I work as a
consultant. Several of my clients of major projects that we are in the middle
of implementing. My involvement is (at least in my mind) is critical to the projects
success. My pay is also contingent on my active involvement in the
project  when ever the clients requests. I have all ready postponed my
jury duty once. 

I know my situation is not unique. How have others
responded? What does one do? How to I address my sense of duty? Cant
we swap our civic duty to the jury with something that doesnt take up
the entire work day for two weeks?

Joseph Barisonzi


[Mpls] Don Samuels Inaugural Speech

2003-02-14 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
% white. This
disparity gets worse every year. We are at a point today where it would
not matter if the apprehensions were justifiable 100 percent of the
time. Individual incidents of justice, administered by an unjust system,
are nullified by the naive intent of that justice and breed resentment. 

We must, with a sincere heart, recruit, retain and track our diversity.
We must challenge ourselves to reverse decades of inadequacy by having
at least half of our new officers be people of color, every year, until
parity is established. 

We must move up to a new level of efficiency in City Government. We
should adopt or adapt the Baltimore model known as CitiStat which uses
existing, affordable technology to improve all areas of city government.
CitiStat consolidates data, establishes and tracks performance standards
reliably, enhances transparency, improves service delivery, saves money
and treats our citizens like the valued customers they are.

With open hearts, we must enter into a new era of ethical transparency
where this council's integrity is above reproach and trust in government
is restored to mint condition. We must move forward to pass a new code
of ethics incorporating the recognized best practices in ethics law.
This must include an independent review panel, which instills
accountability -- both for city officials and for those who would make
accusations against them. Our overarching priority must be a restoration
of public trust and we must be willing to relinquish prerogatives of
convenience to achieve this essential goal.

We must develop our green-space along the Mississippi, which is the
heart of our ward and our city. Let us transform this river from a
flowing wound of division back to the gleaming ecological treasure
nature gave us. Let us rise to the commitment of support promised by
MCDA and Planning Department to make the vision a reality and on
schedule. The river must become a venue for new love, not sludge and
sewage. Let us make it a gift to Hawthorne and Holland, Jordan and
Sheridan, linked by green-ways to each community, easily accessible and
welcoming to every neighbor, the birthright of all citizens, rich and
poor, east and west; preserved, healthy and clean. 

Let us make a well-managed transition from heavy industry to clean,
light industry and offices. Let us stabilize and foliate her banks,
attract recreational boaters, create riverfront hospitality
destinations, fishing piers and overlooks. 

We must support the grassroots initiatives of the arts community, the
creative heart of our city. We declare the third ward a Mecca for the
Arts. Our Arts District is not a three-day fair. It is a permanent home
for the arts, where generations of artists will be born, trained and
sustained. Let our children see the option of the arts as more than the
prerogative of the privileged few, as accessible to all who have talent
and wish to share their genius. Let the arts community become an
irresistible draw to the city and state and to nation whose heart has
been hardened by numbing pop culture and frigid utilitarianism. Let our
esthetic heart beat again. Let us take time to see beauty, and consume
it. Let us develop a sales tax category for artists that allow them to
keep more of what they earn and real estate tax incentives that allow
artist to stay in the area that they have revitalized.

Can one love a community? Can a heart beat for the city? Can the
restoration of the disenfranchised be an ardent desire? I believe it. I
believe, in my heart, that we can all rise to a higher level of
sacrifice for our city, embrace new levels of efficiency for our city,
live up to higher standards of integrity, and achieve a deep embrace of
community for our city. Then we will experiences a new sense of
fulfillment in our city. It is St Valentines Day. The city's heart beats
faster in anticipation of our commitment.

Joseph Barisonzi
Community Knowledge Specialist
CommunityLeader, Inc.

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RE: [Mpls] Separate Police Communications Has Not Served the Community

2003-02-09 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

I can think of four great reasons to consolidate the police
communications department with the City communications department.

1. Organizational: 

The Police think of themselves an independent organization -- separate
from the accountability and management of the City of Minneapolis.  They
are in fact a department.  Anything that is done to integrate the police
into the city as a whole is a good thing.

2. Community Accountability: 

Every time there is a threat of police brutality the representatives
from the police department immediately jump up and deny that anything is
wrong.  I believe this undermines efforts at finding the truth or
letting facts speak before a community polarization of the issue.
Perhaps channeling that communication through a department that is
responsible to the interests of the city as a whole will result in a
greater opportunity to respond to tragedies with a little less
polarization. Those that raise the fear that this is centralization
worthy of a communist state should explain how the communities of St.
Paul, Chicago or New York have less police accountability because their
police's communication departments are integrated with the rest of the
city's communication activities.

3. Negotiating the Police Budget Through The Media: 

While generally the police department tries to reassure the public that
crime is down and Minneapolis is safe, the message suddenly changes
whenever the management is expected to operate within a budget. Around
budget time a story is inevitably planted that all Minneapolis is on the
verge of becoming a war zone and whomever's proposed budget or contract
will reduce the force by half.

I don't believe public works, the MCDA, city attorney, licenses,
regulatory services and inspections department all need their own
communication departments -- so why should the police department? Should
the public works department have their own communications department so
that when the city council changes budgets a driver of a plow truck can
say Well this will just result in massive car pile ups and stranded

4. Presenting a Lousy Image of Our City to Minnesota: 

I know a sensational crime story in the urban core makes great copy to
lead the nightly news.  The results are devastating for our communities
-- in spirit and in tangible dollars. I hope that the coordinated
strategy will result in less sensationalism and more news stories based
on facts. 

And dare I hope I read one less stories that quotes a police officer who
lives in the suburbs saying something to the effect of - Downtown
Minneapolis is just scary; I would never bring my family here. Imagine a
3M employee being quoted That spray is worthless, don't ever buy that
or a soldier being quoted as saying Oh, none of us are really prepared
to be here at all.  

I agree that there has been a significant lack of leadership by the
elected city leadership around the police department.  I would propose
that integrating the police department's communication function into the
city of Minneapolis' communication function is an example of just the
type of leadership needed.  Give us more!

Joseph Barisonzi
(Wondering who did the aweful job of coordinating the announcement of
this change at City Hall -- hoping it isn't the same person who will be
taking coordinating all the communication functions.)

FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

[Mpls] Special Election Day in the third Ward.

2003-02-03 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Special Election Day in the Third Ward!

Vote. Call a friend to Vote. Take a neighbor to Vote.

This is a tight race and history will be made!

If you would like to volunteer during the day to get out the
vote, phone voters, drive voters to the polls, do poll watching. . . .or just
be part of the action  give us a call or stop by The Conga at 5th
and Hennepin NE

Joseph Barisonzi

Samuels Campaign Coordinator


A Special thank you to S.L.

RE: [Mpls] PiPress take on 3rd Ward race

2003-01-30 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
I think we should set a policy for the list that press must check with
the author and ask for permission before lifting straight from the list.

The dear lovely reporter from the Pioneer Press is the worst offender.

Joseph Barisonzi
Community Knowledge Specialist
CommunityLeader, Inc.

-Original Message-
Of Eric Mitchell
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:04 AM
To: List Manager; Mpls list
Subject: Re: [Mpls] PiPress take on 3rd Ward race

I noticed that I'm named and quoted in this aricle.
The quote was taken from one of my posts here. Another
quote from our list was used, but it was attributed to
just another poster.

Is there not a courtesy procedure when 'lifting' posts
from this site and using them in an aricle? 

Eric Mitchell
Maple Grove

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FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

[Mpls] Star Tribune Endorses Don Samuels

2003-01-28 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Star Tribune: Don Samuels / Hard choice in Minneapolis' Third Ward
Published Jan. 29, 2003

Too bad both candidates in Monday's Third Ward special election can't
win seats on the Minneapolis City Council. Olin Moore and Donald Samuels
would be impressive additions.

Beneath Moore's canned rhetoric (DFL endorsement apparently requires the
use of trite phrases like fighting for change, etc.) lies an uncommon
devotion to Minneapolis and a deep understanding of the challenges it
Behind Samuels' burst onto the local scene lies a remarkable set of life
experiences that brings a fresh outlook to city politics.

Our choice is Samuels.

We can't recall a more reflective candidate, one who seems to break
every mold, one filled with creative observations possible only from
someone unsteeped in local habits and, thus, able see more clearly the
tasks ahead. Samuels, 53, fits well the disparate Third Ward: immigrant,
artist, musician, corporate executive, quietly religious family man,
determined community leader. His resumé spans the ward's distinct halves
as effectively as the Lowry Avenue Bridge.

How about this for a life story: Born in Jamaica, son of an
authoritarian Pentecostal minister. Emigrates to New York at 20.
Fascinated by the American civil rights struggle, but disillusioned by
the black church's self-satisfaction over its role. Flees to the
corporate/artistic world. Builds an executive career as a toy designer
for Hasbro, then starts his own business. Meanwhile, graduates from
Luther Seminary and is ordained a Baptist minister. Moves his wife and
two young daughters from middle-class comfort to a tough block in the
Jordan neighborhood. Confronts drug dealers and initiates a dual-track
community strategy of getting tough with criminals while urging police
to be more respectful of neighbors.

Samuels is a quiet man uncomfortable with self-promotion. He's an urban
sophisticate who quotes Shakespeare with a lingering Jamaican lilt. But
he hasn't forgotten his modest immigrant roots, seeing more clearly than
many others the opportunities possible in America. He has won broad
support from both liberals and moderates, among them Mayor R.T. Rybak
and County Commissioner Mark Stenglein. If there's a mainstream left in
Minnesota politics, Samuels swims in it.

His shortcoming (lack of government experience) is Moore's strength. At
32, Moore has worked a decade for U.S. Rep. Martin Sabo. The party's
endorsement and support from labor, plus the fact that voters in
Northeast Minneapolis, where Moore lives, tend to turn out in greater
numbers, make him the favorite.

Moore has a keen sense of metropolitan issues and Minneapolis' role in
them. He sees clearly the city's aspirations, especially along the north
riverfront. His modest beginnings give him an appreciation for the
struggles of many Third Ward families.

Yet Samuels offers special gifts of conciliation and collaboration too
valuable to turn away. Third Ward voters should send Don Samuels to City


Joseph Barisonzi
Campaign Coordinator

FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

[Mpls] Insight Endorses Don Samuels

2003-01-27 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Monday, January 27, 2003
Endorsement: Elect Don Samuels, 3rd Ward
by Insight News 

Don Samuels offers the best of all worlds for residents of Minneapolis'
Third Ward and for our city. 

As an immigrant and naturalized American, he brings a voice to the
thousands of new Americans whose arrival helps stem the Minneapolis
population decline attributable to urban flight of recent decades. 

As a man of African descent, Samuels brings the reality of diversity to
a City Hall that is long on lip service and short of action, when it
comes to recognizing that the lives and aspirations of people of color
are not just peripheral issues to be relegated to the margins of the
City's business agenda. 

As a businessman, Samuels' corporate experience brings a sense fiscal
reality, that accountability of having to operate within the budget. But
that hard nosed business pragmatism is balanced by the entrepreneurial
zeitgeist, the dogged hope, the irrepressible commitment to being a
possibility thinker.

Samuels says without boasting, but a as matter of fact, that he was a
single father who parented a son 24-hours a day for over 15 years. That
fact speaks volumes about his belief in the responsibility of men to be
present in the lives of their children, especially their sons. Samuels
has a new family, He and his wife, Sandra chose to live in the Third
Ward --the challenging part of the Third Ward in the Jordan
neighborhood. That family decision, to create a home and to raise their
daughters in a neighborhood that has been scarred by gang violence and
deaths, and drug dealing lawlessness, reflects Samuels' sense of
obligation to be a part of the solution by demonstrating that rallying
neighbors can vanquish fear that allows hopelessness and lawlessness to

Samuels is a DFLer who showed strongly in the special DFL endorsing
convention for Third Ward and strongly in the special primary last

Now is the time for DFLer's of good conscience, who are not afraid of
the progressive and liberal tradition and standards of this great party,
to be their finest and grandest. 

We encourage DFLers to act in good faith, adding their vote to the
expected votes of Republicans, Independent

Joseph Barisonzi
Campaign Coordinator

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RE: [Mpls] Third ward race -Phyllis is incorrect

2003-01-26 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

[DFL Rep. Kahn said] I understand that Don Samuels has not promised to
move within the boundaries of the new third ward, even if elected. (If,
I'm wrong on this point, I expect a Samuels's supporter to correct me.)

This is not accurate. Talking once with Don would confirm this.  In fact
Don has spoken numerous times at public forums, house parties and on
this list about this issue. 

Don is not a career politician planning his next election now. For Don,
the council seat is not a launching block for a political career. He is
running to represent the current residents of the Third Ward. 

If the voters choose Don, after the lawsuit is finalized, the borders of
our new wards are secured, and Don has had the experience of serving as
a Council Member he will take three variables into consideration:

1. What will be best for his family?
2. What type of representing will the residents of the new Fifth be
3. What is the feedback and support from residents in the new Third?

As Don and Sondra did in this race -- he will get together with
neighbors and supporters from throughout the Ward -- and decide what is
in the best interest of the people of the Third Ward.

If that means Don and his family moves -- then they will move. 

Joseph Barisonzi
Samuels Campaign Coordinator

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[Mpls] Rybak, Stenglein to endorse Samuels in Third Ward race

2003-01-25 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Rybak, Stenglein to endorse Samuels in Third Ward race
Rochelle Olson
Star Tribune
Published Jan. 25, 2003
Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak will endorse DFLer Don Samuels today in the
City Council's special election, passing over DFL endorsee Olin Moore.
The endorsement was an unexpected coup for Samuels as he seeks to upset
Moore in the Feb. 3 election to succeed Third Ward Council Member Joe
In a written statement Friday, Rybak said Samuels represents a new voice
from the community who is stepping forward and challenging others to be
better citizens.
Don didn't wait for others to change things. He saw a problem, got out
and did the work that needed to be done, Rybak said, adding that
Samuels is courageous, something politics needs right now.
Rybak and others are to formally endorse Samuels at a news conference
this morning.
Moore, who has worked for 10 years in the Minnesota office of U.S. Rep.
Martin Sabo, has been endorsed by several labor unions besides the DFL
Samuels first received attention last summer when Rybak brought him to
City Hall as a community voice of calm following violence on the North
Side. Samuels lives in the Jordan neighborhood and is active there.
He wasn't interested in running for office until neighbors prevailed
upon him to run after Biernat's resignation following a conviction on
corruption-related felonies.
Word of Rybak's endorsement came as a surprise to Moore and to the
council's DFL Majority Leader Scott Benson, who is working on Moore's
The mayor's a big boy, and he can make his decisions as he sees fit,
Moore said. This is politics, and people pick sides, and that's fine.
He declined to express disappointment in Rybak, saying that he's focused
on seeking the support of voters in the Third Ward, which covers parts
of north and northeast Minneapolis.
Benson said he found the news very curious. I would have expected the
mayor would either support the endorsed candidate or remain neutral.
Minneapolis DFL Party chairman Brian Melendez said the party has no rule
barring Rybak from supporting the candidate of his choice.
Rybak won the 2001 mayoral election as a rookie candidate without DFL
endorsement himself. He took on DFL incumbent Sharon Sayles Belton.
DFLers declined to endorse any candidate at the city convention, which
had the effect of giving Rybak a boost.
Samuels is expected to pick up a handful of other endorsements from a
cross-section of politicians, including independent Hennepin County
Commissioner Mark Stenglein; council members Barret Lane (an
independent), Barbara Johnson (a DFLer) and Natalie Johnson Lee (a Green
Party member), and former Third Ward council contenders Valdis Rozentals
(a Republican), Shane Price (a Green Party member) and Trish Schilling
(an independent).
Benson noted that, with individual endorsements, the candidate is
susceptible to the endorser's baggage as well as benefits. I always
think those endorsements are risky, he said.
-- Rochelle Olson is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Joseph Barisonzi
Community Knowledge Specialist
CommunityLeader, Inc.

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[Mpls] Rybak and Stenglein join community in support of Samuels

2003-01-25 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Rybak and Stenglein Endorse Don Samuels

Diverse group of Council Members and Community Leaders forms in support
of Neighborhood Activist and Businessman

Don Samuels is a uniquely courageous individual who represents
everything we need in politics right now: more citizens stepping
forward, inspiring their neighbors to do what's right. - Minneapolis
Mayor R.T. Rybak

On Saturday morning January 25, 2002 in the kitchen of neighborhood
activist and campaign volunteer Kim Carlson, Minneapolis Mayor R.T.
Rybak and Hennepin County Commissioner Mark Stenglein endorsed
neighborhood activist and businessman Don Samuels for City Council. 

The Mayor and Commissioner joined Council Members Natalie Johnson Lee,
Barb Johnson, and Barret Lane in support of Mr. Samuels who is running
as a Democrat without DFL party endorsement.  

At the announcement were former competitors for the Council Seat:
Valdis Rozentals, a Republican; Shane Price, Green Party; and Trish
Shilling, an Independent all who have officially thrown their support
behind Don Samuels.  

Also in attendance were community leaders from throughout the Third Ward
including Maureen Carlson, Joyce Vincent and Jim Jarvis.  

Don Samuels represents a new voice from the community stepping forward,
inspiring his neighbors, and building community block by block,
challenging us all to be better citizens. said Mayor R. T. Rybak.  Don
didn't wait for others to change things he saw a problem, got out and
did the work that needed to be done. Don Samuels is a uniquely
courageous individual who represents everything we need in politics
right now: more citizens stepping forward, inspiring their neighbors to
do what's right. 

Commissioner Mark Stenglein, whose County Commissioner district includes
the Third Ward says, We need to have someone in City Hall who'll be
unafraid to ask the hard questions and make the right decisions on
behalf of these residents.  Don Samuels has been that voice for so many
years as a community volunteer - now we need that voice on the
Minneapolis City Council. 

Don Samuels is the right person for this job.  Don's shown his
commitment and dedication to the people and I know he'll make a great
council member for the Third Ward, says Stenglein.  

I am proud that my neighbors, from both sides of the river - from every
neighborhood in this ward - are joined today by Democratic, Green,
Republican, and Independent leaders said Don Samuels in front of a
cheering crowd of almost 75 supports.  By working together, across
party line, on both sides of the river we can lift up and empower our
neighbors of the Third Ward - and we can call our neighbors throughout
the city to a new commitment to community.

After the crowd was warmed by political speeches - they all grabbed maps
and literature pieces and fanned out across the ward.  We are here to
tell our neighbors how excited we are about Don Samuels said community
leader Jim Jarvis.

Don Samuels, who emigrated from Jamaica 33 years ago, is a small
business owner who has worked as a toy designer and inventor for 22
years. He rose in corporate America to be the Director of Research and
Development for Hasbro.  He has been an active leader in the Jordan
Neighborhood in North Minneapolis where he co-found the Jordan
Livability Project. He rose to city-wide prominence when he stood up to
create calm during the Jordan riot last August. An ordained minister
with a Master in Divinity from Luther Seminary, Don is married and the
father of three.  He raised his son for 26 years as a single parent; and
currently is raising two preschool children with his wife Sondra. 

A special election on Monday, February 3, 2002 will fill the seat which
was vacated by Joe Biernat.

For additional information about Don Samuels and the campaign please
visit www.DonSamuels.org or contact Joseph Barisonzi, Campaign
Coordinator at 612-518-5536.

Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] Significant Endorsements for Don Samuels

2003-01-24 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Significant Endorsements For Don Samuels To Be Announced

On Saturday morning January 30, 2002 at 10 am the Don Samuels for City
Council campaign will make a significant endorsement announcement at a
press conference in Northeast Minneapolis. Don Samuels, the community
activist and small business owner, is running an insurgent campaign for
City Council in Minneapolis Third Ward.  

Running as a Democrat, but without the endorsement of the DFL Party, the
Samuels campaign has been building support and momentum since their
stunning second place finish in the Primary on December 30, 2001. 

The Samuels campaign will hold a press conference at the launch of a
volunteer literature drop on Saturday morning.  The press conference
will be at 10 am at the home of Kim Carlson, 2308 Marshall Street NE.
There will be significant photo and film opportunities.

For additional information about Don Samuels and the campaign please
visit www.DonSamuels.org or contact Joseph Barisonzi, Campaign
Coordinator at 612-518-5536.

Joseph Barisonzi

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RE: [Mpls] NWA; Don Samuels;NRP

2003-01-20 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

I don't believe that anyone is making the argument that Don as a
self-made immigrant can do Sabo's job better then he has.  Don is
running for City Council -- not Congress.  He has no aspirations to run
for Congress, and does not include his perspective on congressional
issues as part of his campaign platform.

Nor do I believe that anyone is making the argument to support Don
because of connections he may or may not have.  While Don is very proud
to have earned support from his potential peers as diverse as Green
Party's Natalie Johnson Lee, DFL's Barb Johnson, and Independent Barrett
Lane. In the end he wants to earn the endorsement of a majority of
voters in the ward. He wants to earn their support because of who he is
and his personal, professional and volunteer experience.

On the question of making jobs -- who has made more?  It depends on how
you think jobs are made.  If jobs are made by the government: then yes,
Martin Sabo has made far more jobs then Don.  If jobs are made in the
private sector: Then Don's 12 years in corporate America and 11 years as
a small business owner has resulted in far more people going home with
paychecks to pay the rent, the mortgage, the food bill and medical

Either way - government or private sector -- Don has been part of far
more economic development then his opponent -- who is NOT Martin Sabo
but Martin Sabo's constituent outreach person.

For many it is Don's real world experience of making jobs, balancing
budgets and advocating for his employees that make Don such an appealing
candidate to fight for the Third Ward in these trying economic times.
And I think that is a very realistic reason to choose one candidate over

Joseph Barisonzi

FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

[Mpls] Don Samuels Resume

2003-01-13 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

For those who requested to view Don Samuels resume:


Joseph Barisonzi


[Mpls] Okay --so I am a sucker -- but it's not Junk mail.

2003-01-02 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

As someone who believes strongly in the political process and still
idealistically believes in the importance of political speech, my neck
has bristled every time I saw the subject line that read Re: [Mpls]
Controversial junk mail (not from Don or Olin, from the MPS)  

Being a geek, I checked the definition of junk mail. According to
Merriam Webster:

Main Entry: junk mail
Function: noun
Date: 1954
: third-class mail (as advertising circulars) that is often addressed to
occupant or resident

Now I can't speak for Olin's political mailings.  I do know that Don
Samuels campaign sent 5 pieces of mail over a five week period. Each was
sent first class presort and was addressed to a specific resident at a
specific address.  By definition it was not junk mail.  Now I understand
that many people don't like to be bothered with the messiness of
political mailings.

So, at huge risk (I know all my friends are rolling their eyes right
now) let me ask an innocent question:  What suggestions do people have
for balancing the need and desire of political campaigns to communicate
with voters during an election with the desire by many people to not
receive material about political candidates? I would appreciate it if
responses would take into consideration that during every campaign,
candidates and their volunteers hear the following complaints:
1. I never heard of you
2. I never heard from you
3. I don't know anything about you 
4. Can you send me some material (this of course was after five
literature pieces had been mailed and two had been put on their
5. I don't vote because I don't know about the candidates.
6. Don't bothering me at home. I don't take phone solicitations.

Over the next month Don's campaign would like to make our case to the
voters of the Third Ward why we believe that Don is the best choice to
be the next councilmember.  It would thrill me to find a way to do this
that did not result in accusations and attacks of flooding mailboxes or
making unwanted phone calls - and resulted in view rates equal to mail
or contact rates equal to the phone.  Suggestions?

Joseph Barisonzi
Community Knowledge Specialist
CommunityLeader, Inc.


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RE: [Mpls] 3rd Ward race- does the Gay community have a friend in this race? Yes, several.

2002-12-29 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Most of the campaign volunteers are out -- well campaigning -- rather
then responding to Dyna's outrageous posts.

1. The Unsupported Accusations

The Samuel's campaign is in no way playing loose with the rules. Dyna
is making leaping assumptions based on partial information at best.  We
have printed no where near 70,000 literature pieces.  Simply because
Dyna, as a likely primary voter has received 5 mailings -- she assumes
everyone in the ward has.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
Simply because Dyna doesn't know who the Samuel's donor list is she
assumes it must be coming from illegal or illicit sources.  Is it so
hard to believe that a professional African-American man without a party
endorsement would have the resources to raise money to run for office?

When the campaign finance reports are filed the list of donors and
expenses of the campaign will be appropriate, responsible, legal and
moral. To imply otherwise is completely irresponsible.

2. Don supports GLTB civil rights

Don Samuels as an individual and as a candidate is pro-choice and
supports GLTB civil rights. He would have supported the Domestic
Partnership ordinance which recently passed the City Council.  He would
work closely with the Minneapolis delegation to advocate that the city
be allowed to extend domestic partnership benefits to Minneapolis City

Don was never invited to screen with Stonewall DFL prior to the
endorsement, and their endorsement of the DFL-endorsed candidate after
the DFL endorsement was a foregone conclusion. As Stonewall DFL's
leadership has expressed on this list before they are obligated by their
organizational charter to support only the DFL-endorsed candidate. Don
is not that candidate.

3. The dark-side of the DFL

I can not close without responding to this comment of Dyna's:  If Don
Samuels had any real community values he'd respect the choices of his
neighbors and join them in supporting the DFL endorsed candidate, Olin

As a Democrat I find this offensive and the exact sentimentality that is
justifiably driving voters from the DFL in droves. With this philosophy
we wouldn't have a single statewide elected Democrat.  Both Mark Dayton
and Mike Hatch ran against the DFL-endorsed candidates on their
respective roads to victory.  Even the party heroes like Rodger Moe
and Skip Humphrey have run against the DFL endorsement.  The idea that
60% of 72 people, no matter how representative, should solely choose who
the candidate should be to the exclusion of other choices is utterly

If the party is going to be revived, and re-earn a majority either in
Minnesota or nationally -- the idea that it is disrespectful to run
against a DFL-endorsed candidate must whither away. We need the new
faces, the new ideas, the new constituencies, and the new voices that
non-traditional candidates offer.  We do not need more of the same party
insiders propped up by organizational loyalty -- we need to reach out
and lift up authentic community leaders.

4. A viable alternative

Fortunately there are many Democrats, both in the 3rd ward and around
the city that felt it was in the best interest of the DFL, the best
interest of the city, and the best interest of their neighbors in the
Third Ward to provide an authentic community voice -- someone who may
not have played all the political games -- but someone with diverse,
unique experience and a well developed moral and political compass -- a
real chance to be considered by all the voters in the Third Ward. We
don't choose, they don't determine, only some will vote -- but we have
tried to create a level playing field where the best candidate will
emerge from the will of the people.

On Monday night we will learn the voters choices. 

Proud to be working hard to give amplification to an authentic community

Joseph Barisonzi


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RE: [Mpls] 3rd ward- a council seat up for auction? No.

2002-12-27 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

As the person helping to coordinate Don's mailings I must protest Dyna's
false allusions and numbers.  Don's campaign budget for the City Council
is a reasonable amount in the $7,000/range.  The total printing and
mailing budget was less then $5,000 and we are within budget. Our per
piece cost is not fundamentally different from the cost of the 3+ DFL
endorsed candidate's full color postcards which have been mailed to
voters. Don does not putting any of his own money into the race. Our
fundraising from neighborhood supports has been more generous. His
ability to connect with people has made him remarkable successfully,
especially in light of not receiving any of the PAC money available to
party endorsed candidates. 

A total of five holiday cards were sent to a target list of likely
voters.  These holiday cards played on a variety of primarily secular
holiday songs.  They were designed by someone with a Jewish background,
and reviewed by a full scope of third ward residents from different
cultural and religious backgrounds.  People found them a humorous way to
introduce a candidate to the voter during the middle of a festive
holiday season. My favorite was the Silent Night - Silent Night card.
My partner's favorite was the 12 Days piece.  

Most of all I would like to defend our designer and printer whom Dyna
referred to as scab.  Our printer is a minority-owned business located
in the heart of the North Minneapolis portion of the Third Ward.  We
chose our printer to reflect Don's commitment to the small businesses of
the Third Ward.  The majority of the employees of the digital design and
print company live in the Third Ward. They are paid a competitive wage.
This state-of-the-art company is a dynamic shop of people working on the
cutting edge of digital media production.  They are an incredible asset
to the North and Northeast community.  Don is proud to have had an
opportunity to utilize their talent.  They made a significant
contribution to the campaign's ability to introduce Don to a broader

A budget in a campaign is a double-edge sword.  If a candidate is
unsuccessful raising sufficient funds to mount a credible campaign they
are accused of not being a serious contender -- if too much is raised
they are susceptible to challenges 

I hope that Don strikes the balance which is reflective of his values.

Joseph Barisonzi

FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

[Mpls] Don Samuels is a First Generation American

2002-12-26 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Don is an immigrant -- born in Jamaica, immigrated to the United States
as a young man, and completed the naturalization process. He is a US

This is part of his life story, and part of what makes him such an
exciting candidate for City Council in the Third Ward.

Joseph Barisonzi


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RE: [Mpls] Third Ward .

2002-12-11 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Great Doug Grow column about Don Samuels. 

Go Don!  I have never met such an authentic community voice. It was
refreshing to see him on Monday night.  My favorite line -- after all
the other candidate claimed to have never supported a non-DFL endorsed
candidate for office -- was when Don said: (paraphrasing) I love my
brother -- I wouldn't always support him. I love my sister -- but I
wouldn't always vote for her. And there are some Democrats I would
support either! 

The Sabo machine beat the Labor machine on Monday.  Come December 30 --
I believe the neighborhoods will win.

Joe Barisonzi

Trivia Pursuit Question: How many delegates at the Third Ward Convention
were African American?

FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

[Mpls] Third Ward -correction

2002-12-11 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
(In my zeal I of course missed a critical contraction:


Great Doug Grow column about Don Samuels. 

Go Don!  I have never met such an authentic community voice. It was
refreshing to see him on Monday night.  My favorite line -- after all
the other candidate claimed to have never supported a non-DFL endorsed
candidate for office -- was when Don said: (paraphrasing) I love my
brother -- I wouldn't always support him. I love my sister -- but I
wouldn't always vote for her. And there are some Democrats I wouldn't
support either! 

The Sabo machine beat the Labor machine on Monday.  Come December 30 --
I believe the neighborhoods will win.

Joe Barisonzi

Trivia Pursuit Question: How many delegates at the Third Ward Convention
were African American?


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RE: [Mpls] RE: Minneapolis Third Ward Politics

2002-12-07 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
the work is done by those who show up  I love that phrase. 

It is a vitally important sentiment to allow an organization to move
forward with its mission -- always waiting around for unrepresented
group of people can turn into the quagmire which paralyzes action.

Unfortunately it is also the phrase which allows for a never questioning
the underlying premises of who it is that shows up.  It allows us to
avoid the serious questions about systemic marginalization and
disenfranchisement of those with less access to political power.  

It is also not a very strategic political move.  The group who shows up
in the DFL has become increasingly disconnected with the larger group of
voters who share the DFL values but can't justify the time and energy it
takes to show-up to the labyrinth of meetings that make up the DFL

A quick review of statewide races would show that the work being done by
those who show up at the DFL has not proven very effective in the end
goal of electing statewide candidates.  I would argue a review of the
last city election would equally show that in a review of competitive
races the DFL delegates didn't do so well.  (Kallenbaugh, Campbell,
Cherryholms, Abbot lost. And two candidates who were perceived as
blocking DFL endorsements: Rybak and Niziolek went on to win [for
fairness reasons this does not include the DFL endorsement for Herron])
The determining factor of victory was not status in the DFL -- but
active involvement in the community.

The Stonewall DFL held their screening before filing was closed.  All of
the candidates who have announced their intention to run were not
invited -- in fact all of the candidates who we have announced their
intention to run as DFLers were not invited.  I certainly support any
organization's right to conduct their own endorsement process in anyway
it sees fit -- but the fact that these process reinforce a process which
is inherently marginalized authentic community voices who have not been
invited into the DFL establishment bodes poorly for both the party,
the city, and those of use who care about the values the DFL professes.

Joseph Barisonzi

-Original Message-
Of Tim Bonham
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 3:44 PM
To: mpls-issues
Subject: [Mpls] RE: Minneapolis Third Ward Politics

Some information about 3rd Ward:

At the Stonewall DFL Screening on Friday, both Olin Moore  Kari Diedzic

stated that they would not run against an endorsed DFL candidate.  Margo

Ashmore stated that she would, and that she was not sure that she would 
even seek DFL endorsement -- she was undecided, but might run as an 

I don't understand the apparent indignation of some people about the
that several of the candidates live in the new (redistricted) 3rd ward
not in the old 3rd ward.  It isn't like these are carpetbaggers moving
just for the election -- they have lived  worked  volunteered in this 
ward for many years, and are well known to people in the ward.  The DFL 
delegates (and DFL primary voters) will soon let them know if they
done enough for the ward!  For some of them, the ward line is literally 
just across the street.
The only legal requirement is that they reside in the (old) ward
as of 
Saturday, Jan 5th, 2003.  After all, Robert Lilligren  Dean Zimmerman
not required to relocate when their ward moved out from under them in
redistricting.  And at least one candidate, Kari Dziedzic, has already 
moved to an address that is in both the old  new ward lines.

I also don't agree with the comments denigrating the DFL endorsement 
convention.  I really expect that there will be as many delegates at
convention as at the last one, even though that one was much closer to 
their election as delegates.  And if delegates have moved out of the
no doubt other delegates have moved in, and can be seated at this 
convention.  And in the end, as the saying goes, the work is done by
who show up.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson


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FN:Joseph Barisonzi ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
TITLE:Community Knowledge Specialist

RE: [Mpls] Minneapolis Third Ward Politics -Correction

2002-12-06 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Mea Culpa -- the 100 or so delegates were elected in March 2002, which
is not two years ago. Preliminary reports are that as many as 25 of them
have already moved.  I may be overly optimistic -- but this does not
seem to me to be an accurate representation of the Democrats who live in
the Third Ward.

The Party should consider some basic standards for holding an
endorsement convention.  The quorum should be based both on the
eligible delegates -- and the base Democratic vote in the area.  Without
the quorum an endorsement is not an accurate reflection of Democrats
intent, and perpetuates a cycle of disenfranchisement.

Joseph Barisonzi


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[Mpls] Dearth of Volunteering?

2002-10-22 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


My head started to throb as I thought about the contention that
campaigns are run simply by fundraisers and consultants.

I am volunteering on three races this cycle. One of those, a State
Senate race has well over 100 active volunteers. Fifty of those
volunteers working at least 3 hours a week.  Ten of them are working
more then 10 hours a week.  The only paid people are the printer and the
mail house. Maybe we gave the designer a stipend after the 10 literature
piece.  Oh, and the person who coordinated the food for one of the
weekly group door knocks may have gotten to take some extra food home.

Rest assured all of the campaign's balance sheet for every party is
recording far more volunteer hours then anything else. Personal feeling
aside on the content of those campaigns from other parties (and some
from my own) I think a huge congratulations and thank you are in order
for the hundreds of thousands of volunteers all over the state that are
doing the grunt work of democracy.

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

PS: And a special pox on the homes of those who choose to participate
only by complaining about a) Receiving too much literature in the mail;
or b) The nature of political ads.  Negative ads only work on people who
are not involved. The best way to stop negative ads is to get involved
in the dirty process called democracy. And I am on every fundraising
list known to man, and I still get more ads from credit card companies
begging me to go further in debt then from people wishing to represent
me as an elected official.   


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RE: [Mpls] Theatre riot

2002-10-16 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


There have been literally hundreds of rap concerts in town without
disturbances.  There have been disturbances after College sports events
and we don't sarcastically say A disturbance after a college game. What
a surprise! There are disturbances of hundreds of people every time
Bush or Cheney come in town on official business or campaign business.
We don't sarcastically say A disturbance following the president. What
a surprise! 

Less then a month ago YO! and What Up! held a conference/festival on Rap
and Hip Hop music at Intermedia Arts. Two day of music from Noon until
10 pm, largely residential area, hundreds of kids from all over the
metropolitan area, nose rings, tattoos, spiked hair. Not a single
problem. Not a single police call. Perhaps that is the norm?

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10
Who has never listened to an entire rap song in my life.

-Original Message-
Of Dooley, Bill
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:13 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Minneapolis Issues List
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Theatre riot

A disturbance after a rap concert. What a surprise!

Bill Dooley

-Original Message-
From: Terrell Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:03 PM
To: Minneapolis Issues List
Subject: [Mpls] Theatre riot

On the day that MCDA announces the upcoming opening of the Pantages
Theatre, we read in the paper that a small riot broke out inside the
neighboring Orpheum Theatre.


Apparently at least part of the problem was that the musical group
performing at the Orpheum did not begin its performance as scheduled
which, I guess, is not that much different from many MCDA projects.

This time I told there were a dozen cops working to break up the melee
in the theatre.  I'm unclear if this was before, during or after the

Anyway the activity moved out into the streets, shots were fired and
one person went to HCMC with stab wounds.

This follows by a few days the stabbing murder of a Loring Park
neighborhood resident at the edge of Loring Park.  Generally murders
are rare downtown, this hasn't been a good year.  But why is MCDA
allowing theatre concert goers to become agitated by late appearing
acts which only excite riotous behavior?  

Is that the way we create a safe downtown?  Agitate the customers?

Terrell Brown
Loring Park
terrell at terrellbrown dot org

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[Mpls] Governmental Support for Garage Bands. . . .

2002-10-13 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Title: Garages are for more than just cars...


Lets all take it for granted that
garages are nice and useful. For parking cars, fixing bikes, storing shovels,
hanging rakes 

or as my garage is being
used at this moment to paint a 960 sq. ft graffiti mural for the Dungeons of
Darkness and Doom @ the Mall of America (Haunted House fundraiser for Whats
Up!, YO!, and the Mall of America Youth Foundation which opens this Wednesday).

No one is dissing garages.

The question is only one of whether they
should be mandatory on new construction.

I strongly believe in building and zoning codes.
The ones I like the most are the ones that ensure the safety of buildings for their
current and future inhabitants. Nothing is more frustrating then opening up the
wall of an old house and finding a maze of interlocking home sprung

Codes I support are those that help to
impact our quality of life through design. This is a tricky area  constant
attention must be paid to balancing the values and goals of the community with
the rights of the individual property owner. Since garages neither
directly impact the safety of the building, nor does the lack of a garage negatively
impact the quality of life of the community  I believe making garages
mandatory would be a significant overstepping of the line into governmental micro-management.

I would much prefer the City Council spent
their time exploring strategies for supporting the building and maintaining affordable
housing, figuring out how to make the Target Center competitive, and resolving
our pension problem before they invest time and energy in the mandatory nature
of garages.

Joseph Barisonzi

Lyndale, Ward 10

PS: If support for garages was actually a covert
way to provide governmental subsidies to support garage bands and ignite the
dormant Minneapolis music scene thus returning us to the forefront of the
cutting edge scene  then I take back everything I said -- and I support
making garages mandatory.

RE: [Mpls] Car Crash 36th and Grand

2002-09-18 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


I know the people who live in that house. They are wonderful. Very
involved in the community. They will do anything -- except watch cars in
their front yard. My understanding from them is that IF they watched
cars in their front yard they would be spending most of their lives in
court as a witness to car accidents.  Both 36th and Grand, 36th and
Blaisdell are two high accident corners.  My hearts go out to them as
they try to collect insurance money to re-landscape after every fender

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

PS: When I was at LNA I wanted to use NRP money to by one of the speed
cameras. I thought we could pay the city for administering the ticket
and then we could earn revenue from the speeders in the neighbohrood.
This revenue could be invested in things which reduced traffic speed and
volumne.  Unfortuently the camera-ticket-givers were ruled illegal or
something like that. Darn it.

-Original Message-
Of ken avidor
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 5:42 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Car Crash 38th and Grand

Since the media doesn't consider car crashes newsworthy, (hmmm...I
wonder if all those car ads have something to do with it) here is a link
to see what happened when two speeding cars collided at 38th Street and
Grand Avenue last Saturday.


Now you can see for yourselves that I'm not exagerating the risk
children take when they walk or bike on the sidewalks, alleys  and
streets of Minneapolis.

When are we going to get enforcement of the speed limits? When are the
cops going to crack down on motorists who run red lights?

Ken Avidor
38th and Grand

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[Mpls] Hennepin Stronghold? Maybe. Major Candidate? Maybe Not or Putting the Green Vote into Perspective

2002-09-11 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


It's been my impression that Minneapolis is the stronghold/beachhead of
the Green Party in Minnesota.  I looked for Ken Pentel's voting results
to test this.  While I haven't added up a Minneapolis breakdown of the
gubernatorial totals yet, I did find Hennepin County's totals easily.
Comparing Mr. Pentel's Hennepin County total (2,130) with his statewide
total (5,388), I calculated that Ken got 39.5% of his votes from
Hennepin County, even though Hennepin only has about 25% of the state's

There is another set of facts that are far more interesting.  Democratic
candidate Ole Savior and Republican Candidate Leslie Davis both
outpolled Ken Pentel in Hennepin (3633 for Ole, 2990 for Leslie).  

The news for Ken is worse statewide.  Ole and Leslie each got over four
times as many votes as Ken.  (25,205 for Ole, 22,157 for Leslie)

Nothing against Ken nor the Greens for stirring the pot, but getting
obliterated by Ole Savior brings the term major candidate into
perspective. It also raises pragmatic political question about intent,
purpose and self-delusions.

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

Hennepin County
-Ken Pentel  2,130
-Leslie Davis 2,990
-Ole Savior 3,633

-Ken Pentel  5,388
-Leslie Davis 22,157
-Ole Savior 25,205

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[Mpls] McKinsey, Yesterday, What happen?

2002-09-10 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


Did anyone have a chance to following the discussion of the McKinsey
stuff at the City yesterday? What happen?

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

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RE: [Mpls] Everything you wanted to know about city pensions....

2002-09-10 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


This is a fantastic article. It really makes one sick in the stomach.  I
have heard whispers for years about the impact of the pensions on the
budget.  When the Police Federation lost the million in by playing high
risk investments in Technimar -- there were a couple Star tribune
articles hinting that the city taxpayers were going to have to foot the
bills. The staggering nature of the financial situation is outrageous. 

Let's hope the era where City Taxpayers have no control over funds with
no transparency is over. I hope that the City Council approves sending
the Fire and Police funds to the state.  I hope that our lobbyist can
win approval to do that in some manner that allows the taxpayers to fund
the gap without destroying our tax base. I hope that there is a serious
re-look at the City's official role in the lawsuit brought against Brian
Rice et all by former and current police officers (I believe include
former chief John Laux) as it relates to Technimar -- maybe some of the
money can be recovered. 

Let's also hope that who ever the new city appointees to these boards
are they are professionals with a sense of civic duty that compels them
to show up -- and city officials with the responsibility of following up
with their appointees.

And let's all cross our fingers that an leader emerges who can
articulate an investment strategy which doesn't put tax dollars into
Enron, WorldCom, and the Qwest's of the world.  There must be a better

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

PS: Isn't it interesting that the best lawyer in the Pension business
also just so happens to be the Best Lobbyst the Park Board could find,
also is the real estate expert that signed the purchase agreement on
behalf of the Park Board for their riverfront headquarters, also is the
Lawyer who guided the Police Federations investment in Technimar???
With apologies to Deep Throat -- wouldn't it be great to have the
resources to follow the money? 

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RE: [Mpls] Mplscivicdiscuss

2002-09-09 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


And how is it substantively distinct from the list we are currently
participating in? I mean other then the obvious, that Jim is the
moderator accountable to no one rather than David who is accountable to
an elected board of directors?

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

-Original Message-
Of Jim Mork
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 9:33 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Mplscivicdiscuss

OK, one last try.  I'm going to change the
charter for Minneapolis Civic Discussions: 
Unlimited posts, unmoderated, no residence
requirement.  I do request that place of
RESIDENCE be stated in a signature.  Neighborhood
is nice but not required, city will do. And the
other thing is not a rule but a hope that the
bulk of discussion will be about Minneapolis to
justify the title of MINNEAPOLIS civic
discussions. However, I think I'll say that
issues that have a lot of impact on Minneapolis,
such as state taxes and Highway 62 widening are
very legitimate discussion topics.

This is a significantly different set of
parameters from anything I see out there.  If
people don't subscribe, I'll bow to the
marketplace (yes even leftos do it) and kill the

Jim Mork (Cooper/Longfellow/Minneapolis)

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[Mpls] MyBallot.net - The Primary Voter's Online Sample Ballot Source

2002-09-06 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


I love the idea of myballot.net.  I have been looking for a resource to
provide friends of mine who are not yet engage in politics.
Unfortunately myballot.net is not yet that resource -- but it could be!

The best thing about myballot.net is that it does let you know which
House, Senate, County and Judicial races you will be voting in. This is
nice; of course you could already get this at the Secretary of State's
or Hennepin County's sites.  

I check four addresses.  The first two had significant problems and the
other two found the ballot correctly.  Based on past experience, it
seemed as though the engine for this was the same one that Hennepin
County has.  There are challenges, mentioned on this list before, with
the Hennepin County database which have not been cleaned up or resolved.

More importantly is instead of integrating the links to the candidates
web site, or issue-based links compiling information from the candidates
on the different issues -- it simply forwards the user to a Goggle
search of the candidates name and the identified issue.  

For incumbents with a record, press and listings from interest groups
this works sometimes. For Jean Wagenius on the issue of Environment
Goggle's top choices were links to environmental organization
proclaiming Rep. Wagenius' strong environmental leadership.  For Greg
Gray the first link on the issue I picked sent me to a far right wing
group that had an editorial labeling Greg Gray as a racist for
supporting gun control as a legislator.  Other places in the site listed
Dick Gephardt as a communist subverting the constitution and Franklin
Delano Roosevelt as their top pick for Racist of the Month.

For challengers it is even more difficult. For none of the challengers
that I clicked were any of the top ten offered links actually about the
person in question.  This was especially true for people with common
last names -- like Johnson.  

For a political novice or someone without my addiction to the internet
-- this would be frustrating and result in not learning about the

On the other hand I did learn that an Andrew Koebrick who may or may not
be the same person as the Green Party Secretary of State Candidate
appealed a City Council action to build 88 units of Senior Housing on
July 24, 2002. 

Most disappointing there is no way to look at comparisons between the
candidates on issues. Either in their own words -- or some type of

I urge every one of our overactive list users to check the site so
constructive comments can be forwarded to the great volunteers trying to
make this happen.  Perhaps a couple of us should also volunteer to help.
So I will do that as well!

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

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RE: [Mpls] Roche v. Dibble

2002-09-05 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


I have had the opportunity to review literature and campaign material
from both Rick Roche and Scott Dibble. I have known Scott for years
through his work on transportation, city, development, affordable
housing, human rights, and airport issues. But I always have a soft spot
in my heart for rebels running unconventional campaigns so I thought I
would check Mr. Roche out.

I recently had the opportunity to read in full the literature Mr. Roche
dropped challenging how hard Scott has worked as a first term
legislature, challenged his effectiveness as a member of the minority,
and touted his own long legislative record (two terms in the 70's in
Massachusetts) I also read his attack letter on Scott to Progressive
Minnesota's membership. 

What I have learned is that Mr. Rouche is immensely qualified to
represent - Massachusetts in the 1970's.  

But for those of us living in Minneapolis 30 years later -- Scott Dibble
is a far superior choice.

Senate District 60 has always been incredibly well represented.  For
over two decades by a true hero Allen Spear who wielded universal
respect as the Senate President.  Then Myron Orfield, who changed the
political landscape in St. Paul and provide the platform for Democrats
to have a fighting chance in the Northern Suburbs. He left public office
to continue as the foremost national expert for regional approaches to
planning and development. This are big shoes to fill -- and only someone
as grounded and as connected as Scott Dibble in the people, lives,
businesses, neighborhoods, and issues stands a chance.  

All my bets are on Scott -- and all of Minneapolis and Minnesota will
reap the rewards.

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

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[Mpls] Atherton's Mature Response to the Star Tribune

2002-09-02 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


There are several reasons that I will not be voting for Michael
Atherton. None of which are because neither the DFL nor the Star Tribune
to endorse him. I will share three:

This first and foremost is that Mr. Atherton is not an advocate for
public education. (See post below as yet another example where is
criticism of Mr. Shapiro is that Mr. Shapiro was and is not a critic of
public education)

I believe school board member the legal, fiduciary, political, ethical
and moral to advocate, promote, boost as well as ensure the quality of
our public education system. I want my school board members to have the
finesse to be both advocates for improvement while also being boosters
for public education. 

The second reason is that based on Mr. Atherton's posts on this list I
feel I have had an opportunity to get to know his perspective on public
education and the role of schools in our society. I have read the
studies he quotes, and read the studies that make contradictory claims.
I have seen the limits of education and child development researches
applicability to the school setting.  Mr. Atherton clearly does not
share my values about active schools and civic society. While I in no
way deny him the right to those opinions -- it doesn't mean I would want
to vote to have someone with those opinions be a trustee of arguably the
most important public asset in Minneapolis. (Apologies to all the Park
Board fans. . . )

The third reason is that in a time of budget cuts, and immense
challenges because the electorate experimented with a critic in our
state government -- the personal style has exhibited -- especially since
the Star Tribune editorial -- has done more to convince me that the
editors may have in fact had an extremely valid point. 

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale Ward 10

-Original Message-
Of Michael Atherton
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Strib school board endorsements

Michelle Mensing wrote:

  Michael Atherton writes:
   When I started my campaign for Minneapolis school board a number of
   people told me I was crazy, that the educational establishment and
   the DFL would destroy me.

  There were obviously enough voters who broke away from the DFL mold
to elect
  Denny Schapiro (who ran as an independent) to the school board last
  If a candidate has a message that resonates with voters, they will
vote for
  that person regardless of endorsement.

Denny Schapiro was not and is not a critic of public education, he is a
of the status quo.  Mr. Schapiro was also endorsed by the Tribune and
his chances
were not destroyed prior to the primary by the Tribune editorial board
referring to
him as a, 52 year old failed businessman with narrow personal
concerns.  I'd 
like to see someone justify the Tribune's lack of endorcement of the
only two
public school critics in a field of 12 canidates.

  I happen to not agree with the
  discussions I have heard from Michael Atherton, therefore I will be
  selecting other candidates to vote for.  And it will not be purely
based on
  DFL endorsement.  I will be supporting 3 of the 4 DFL endorsed
  because I like what I have heard them say.  My fourth choice has not
  been decided, but I do know it will be one of the non-DFL endorsed

That is your right. I expect that many people will not vote for me, and
three to four times as many now with the Tribune's distortion, but I'm
to make people aware that the failures of the public school system can
corrected and are not intractable.  Not winning a school board seat will
more beneficial for me than winning, given that I would have worked
to improve the schools and it would probably have consumed too much of
my time.
My family will just follow the path of many other parents who have the
means and we will avoid the public schools.  I just thought that voters
have a choice other than the typical DFL candidates who know little or
about education.  Just what is it that you've heard the candidates say
than sound bits and platitudes?  What exactly are their positions,
and goals?  Joe Ericson is the only one that I know that has taken the
to identify their positions on issues.

  I agree there is a problem with the DFL's endorsing system in
  and I hope DFL members will continue reforming the city endorsing
system (as
  I know I will do).  But, I think it is a little simplistic to suggest
  the DFL will destroy candidates who are not endorsed.  Denny
  seems to have survived.

I have been told that Mr. Schapiro is well connected in the DFL and had
previously been active as a party member.  I respect the fact that he
to run as an independent and did not seek endorsements, but as I pointed
out his candidacy wasn't undermined prior to the primary by the state's

Re: [Mpls] Library/Planetarium Fundraising and Grantwriting

2002-03-18 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


The numbers don't support the inital contention that this is a strong 
history of fundraising or granwriting.  In 2000 grants represented less 
than 4% of total revenue.  And with a small background in fundraising 
that I have, a nonprofit whose purpose it is to raise money should 
certinally baable to build a donor base of more that 120 thousands 
dollars after more than 50 years.  

I am making no judgement on the need for the money, how it is spent, how 
it should be spent, whether public institutions like the library should 
have to go out and raise fund. . . . all I am saying is that neither the 
amount raised by the MPS or FMPL are enough to justify the statement a 
strong history of fundraising and grantwriting

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

Gibson, Kristi wrote:

In response to Wizard Marks' post regarding the library's history of
fundraising and grantwriting:

The Minneapolis Public Library and The Friends of the Minneapolis Public
Library both have a strong history of fundraising and grantwriting. A
significant portion of the library's revenue comes from grants, including
federal, state, and local government programs, foundations, and neighborhood
organizations. In 2000 grants supplied $.8 million out of the library's
total revenues of $22 million. 

While we don't have a grants office, managers and administrators, with the
assistance of front line staff, prepare grant applications and manage grant
funds received. Our largest grant in recent years was $.5 million from the
Carnegie Corporation of New York, used to accelerate library services that
meet the needs of today's new immigrant families and assist their transition
to a successful life in Minneapolis. 

Likewise, The Friends of MPL have been raising funds on behalf of the
library for more than 50 years. In the current fiscal year, they've garnered
$120,000 in grants and corporate gifts that support library and Friends
programs, including the Planetarium.

Kristi Gibson
Public Affairs
Minneapolis Public Library

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Re: [Mpls] Dairy Queen at the Lakes

2002-03-04 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


How about Sebastian Joes at Lake Harriet. And Sonny's at Lake Calhoun. 
 Both locally owned small batch favorties. Sonny's is 100% organic and 
natural.  Then when I feel like some Hanna Lemongrass ice cream I will 
walk around Lake Calhoon, and when I want some awesome Chocolate Chip I 
will walk around Harriet. It will make the decision of where to walk so 
much easier.

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale (Home of Sonny's Ice Cream)  Ward 10


Rick Carney writes:

I too would favor
a local company, absolutely,  if there is one with the
wherewithal and ability to step in and take over. The
question is, who wants to, and even more importantly, who

David Brauer writes:

According to DQ's website, they are based at:

American Dairy Queen Corporation
7505 Metro Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55439

So they're local. And it seems they have the wherewithal.

But wait - this just in - DQ's claim to Minneapolis-basedness is a big
corporate LIE. True locals know that Metro Blvd. is not in Minneapolis,
but EDINA! So they ARE out-of-towners.

David Piehl writes:

Dairy Queen may have local headquarters, but they are a subsidiary of
Berkshire Hathaway Inc (as in Warren Buffet).  Here is a link to their
website: http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/;

Someone else commented about Ben and Jerry's.  Ben and Jerry's was sold a
few years ago for several hundred million dollars to Unilever, the second
largest food company in the world - based in the Netherlands.

Haagen Daz, on the other hand, was owned by Pillsbury and is now part of
General Mills.  Though Nestle managed to get control of the North American
ice cream production, all of the Haagen Daz ice cream shops world-wide (and
they are everywhere in northern Europe) are owned by General Mills.
Further, it's all natural.

Personally, I'd rather see Sebastian Joe's open up there, or maybe a Grand
Ole Creamery - with a focus on ice cream cones (nearly no litter) and maybe
non-disposable dished for those who'd rather not deal with a cone.

David Piehl
Self-Appointed Central Neighborhood Ice Cream Expert

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[Mpls] Unbank, the Planning Commission, Citizen Participation

2002-02-28 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


I haven't ranted on the list for a bit, so when I saw the post about the 
Planning Commission's support for Unbank and the unarticulated 
unhappiness by a group of Central residents -- I thought to myself no 
time like the present

For many, driving down a commercial street and seeing check-cashing or 
payday loan businesses and advertisements for a rent-to-own sale on a 
complete living room set is a sign of economic destruction. For many it 
communicates slums, the ghetto and reminds them to lock their door 
and roll up their windows. The liberal righteousness decries the 
hardship burdened by poor folk. For me it is a clear sign of the failure 
of the mainstream economic institutions to meet the needs of low-income 

The mainstream economic institutions of banks and credit unions do not 
meet the needs of many of the people in our community. For these people 
the process of paying rent, sending in the electrical bill, securing a 
phone line, or buying a bedroom set can be a nightmare process of 
fingerprints, user fees, double charges, demeaning looks, and multiple 
visits. Accomplishing this while holding down your job and parenting 
kids takes a pretty clever genius to not be looking at further declining 
credit, late fees, poor rental history and a host of interrelated 

Yes, check cashing facilities and rent-to-owns charge extraordinary high 
interest rates and fees. Banks charge less fees (ideally anyway) and 
credit cards charge lower rates (well, except mine -- but that is a 
different story) but there are many people who for a variety of reasons 
do not have the credit to secure a credit card. I know, for those of you 
that get tons of credit card applications in the mail every day it might 
be hard to imagine. For the majority with bank accounts, debit cards, 
and easy access to your cash at any ATM, the value of a check cashing 
facility may not be immediately apparent. But for thousands of people 
with no bank account, these businesses allow the customer to convert a 
paycheck into the cash they need to pay bills. For the majority with 
credit cards and draft protection on your bank accounts, covering an 
unexpected car or medical cost is not a disaster. But for thousands of 
people with no credit; a payday loan can be the only hope. The 
alternative is the guy you know through a friend of a friend who will 
charge you a lot more money and threaten physical harm on your loved one 
if you can't pay at the right time.

Is it a moral outrage that people who are already paid abysmally 
unlivable amounts of money for the work they do have to pay 
extraordinary fees to cash their check, and pay again to convert their 
cash into a money orders to pay their rent or phone bill? Yes. Is it a 
moral outrage that people get caught in cycles of debt just to have a 
television or a couch to sit on in their living room? Yes. But the 
answer is not making access to financial services even more difficult. 
Licensing, regulating, and bureaucratizing them out of the neighborhood 
does not make the need go away. So before we wave the flag of 
neighborhood standards, cleaning up the ghetto, and stand on the 
platform of moral righteous decrying user fees let's explore what we 
could do to support and empower low income people to have access to the 
financial services that they (we) need.

I am not speaking for or against the proposal for an UnBank in Central 
Neighborhood. I am making no value judgment about the representation or 
lack-thereofof CNIA to the broader community interest. I am making no 
comment on the emergence of other organizations to represent groups of 
resident's interest. I am writing only to invite the list to think 
creatively how the community can support meeting real needs of families 
and invite them into the mainstream economic institutions. Rather than 
rally against what we don't like; let's develop some viable solutions 
for what we do want. What does a neighborhood-based institution look 
like that cashes checks, provides payday loans, and rents-to-own without 
user fees? What if people could build a savings account each time they 
made their rental payment, or each time they cashed their check at that 
neighborhood-based business? What is social service organizations used 
money, not as a hand -ut, but an incentive and matched this savings 
account so that people had a real chunk of change? What if this real 
chunk of change allowed someone to open a real bank account, with draft 
protection, a visa debit card, and a financial counselor to support 
developing money management skills? What if that was a business that was 
collaboratively owned by the community so that the profit could be 
reinvested in the community? What if someone called Unbank and asked 
them if they want to be a partner in that business?

Just a thought,

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

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Re: [Mpls] Open Records

2002-02-25 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


Would this include Target Corporation, the Twins, the Guthrie, US West,
Excel, and other organizations that receive contracts with public money
to carry out specific functions? Every meeting of the Target Corporation
would become an open meeting that anyone could attend? If more than two
directors of Excel Energy met at the Minneapolis Club they would be in
violation of the Open Meeting law?

Or this another example of double standards?

Joseph Barisonzi

Andy Driscoll wrote:

 ANY publicly funded organization should be subject to the open meeting and
 records access laws. Period.
 Andy Driscoll
 Saint Paul
 I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our
 monied corporations which dare already to challenge our
 government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the
 laws of the country.
  --- Thomas Jefferson,1816
 From: Michael Atherton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 17:39:45 -0600
 Subject: Re: [Mpls] Open Records
 I'd like to thank everyone for providing such useful and
 accurate information in answer to my question.
 Now I have a few more questions.  Why would a neighborhood
 NRP organization feel that it is necessary to have a legal
 opinion to allow them to avoid releasing records in regards
 to NRP business?  That is especially after at least one
 MCDA lawyer felt that they should?  Is this in the sprit of
 community involvement supposedly engendered by the NRP?
 I believe that if the NRP is going to be funded again it should be
 on the condition that their contractors be subject to the Open Records
 Law in relation to NRP business.  If not it allows rouge organizations
 to do much as they please with very little oversight and accountability.
 Michael Atherton
 Prospect Park
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Re: [Mpls] NRP the fiefdom

2002-02-06 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


There seems to be three aspects of the assertation of neighborhood 
fiefdom's and the NRP.  

The first is that the neighborhoods currently act like little fiefdoms.  
The second is that there didn't use to be little feifdoms and now there 
The third is that this is bad.

Rather then just assumptions and rhetoric. I would be interested in 

What is a fiefdom?
What is an example of neighborhoods acting like a feifdom?
What is the basis of the conclusion that feifdom behavior is the norm?

When did the neighborhoods not act like feifdoms?
When did that change?
Is it correlated with the design of the NRP, or with the organic 
development of neighborhoods within a city structure?

What is bad about neighborhoods focusig on issue on a neighborhood scale?
What examples are there for where an individual neighborhood action has 
been harmful to the collective interests of the city?

Everywhere I go in Minneapolis I see examples of neighborhoods working 
together.  To me -- that appears to be the norm.  When neighborhoods are 
working on their own, it is because the issue or the solution is 
specific to the local geographic area. Nowhere am I seeing neighborhoods 
at war.  I have not see or heard any example of where fiefdom-ism has 
undermined collective civic interests.  Of course, my experience may be 

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

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Re: [Mpls] Salary Votes

2002-02-04 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


My comments on Councilmembers Schiff's inconsisitency had nothing to do 
with his votes on how the Mayor chose to organize his staff and what to 
pay them.

My comments were a clarification on the inconsistency to which Scott 
Persons referred.  Which had to do with the council leadership vote. The 
record is that Gary Schiff grabbed the microphone after the election to 
call for unanimous support of Ostrow's candidacy for Council president. 
 But then when it came time to vote, voted for Barb Johnson.  I then 
proposed a reason as to why.

If Councilmember Schiff has a new vision for progress and change, which 
is different from the one that he has communicated in his literature and 
to the voters when he ran for office, it would be nice for him to 
publically share that vision. I would be interested in how 
Councilmember's micromanaging the organization of the Mayors office is a 
positive direction for the city.

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale Neighborhood, Ward 10

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Re: [Mpls] Gary Schiff's mayoral staff salary critique

2002-02-01 Thread Joseph Barisonzi


I believe that Scott was referring to Gary's celebrated comment after the
election in the Star tribune where he called for unanimous support for
Councilmember Ostrow. But then later -- when Ostrow decided he wasn't the most
qualified member of the council to be chair of Zoning and Planning -- he
switched his allegience to Councilmember Johnson.

Of course he did do the honorable thing and make the obligatory motion for
unanimous support of the newly elected chair after the election of the chair --
but the record should show that councilmember Schiff did not stand by the Mayor
or the agenda for change when the time for rhetoric had passed and the votes
were taken.

Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
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[Mpls] www.aCityForNeighbors.org

2001-02-26 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

For Immediate Release
Contact: Joseph Barisonzi612-518-5536www.aCityForNeighbors.org

Minneapolis Voters receive Report Card on their council members

A City for Neighbors distributes 3000 report cards to DFL delegates before ward conventions start.

Information available at www.aCityForNeighbors.org

On Tuesday, February 26 over 3,000 DFL Minneapolis voters will receive a report card on how their council members have voted on key city issues. The report cards, produced and distributed by A City For Neighbors, calculates the percentage of "good neighbor" votes taken by the current 13 council members. The report card is a tool providing citizens the information they need to hold council members accountable for their most recent votes on issues such as affordable housing, subsidized development projects, the airport, environmental concerns and government ethics. 
The report card was simultaneously published at www.aCityforNeighbors.org with detailed research supporting each of the votes.
According to Joseph Barisonzi, co-chair of A City for Neighbors, "In order to make voting decisions, citizens need to have information about how their Council Members are voting. We are providing a summary of important roll call votes. Citizens will make up their minds for themselves."
Barisonzi further reports that "there is a very disturbing pattern of putting big money special interests ahead of people and neighborhoods – our goal is to make the information available and support citizens to make up their own minds. We are confident the citizens will hold their elected officials accountable based on the public record."
While the report card was initially sent to DFL delegates, Barisonzi said, "We are committed to sending this report card to every citizen in Minneapolis." A City for Neighbors has targeted DFL delegates because 12 of 13 council members are DFLers. The incumbents’ ward conventions are the first time citizens can hold their elected officials accountable in any election year.
Who is A City for Neighbors?Formed less than two months ago, A City for Neighbors is a group of concerned Minneapolis residents who strive to advance a new vision for Minneapolis. A City for Neighbors, which does not endorse candidates, seeks to promote discussion and accountability by providing information to citizens about votes in City Hall that affect Minneapolis neighborhoods. A City for Neighbors is counting on positive feedback to provide the support to distribute this and other information tools to all Minneapolis voters. 
Why these votes?The selected votes were representative of the issues that have dominated public and media attention over the past 8 years. They are also the most indicative of the City’s skewed priorities: Block E, Target Store, Stadiums, our "affordable housing" money going for housing that is not really affordable at all. A City for Neighbors was committed to providing information on clean, single-subject votes where the issue being voted on was the only thing being voted on.Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
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