Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Compute Shader...

2017-05-11 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2017-05-11 at 08:23 +0200, Johannes wrote:
> Hello Carsten and Gerrit,
> I'm really happy to hear from you again :-)
>  > small comment, the *Ref* classes are meant to refer to/reference
>  > OpenSG external OpenGL objects, so validating them through OpenSG
>  > and translating them to an OpenSG managed OpenGL Id is not the
>  > intended behavior.
> So I misinterpreted the idea of these guys. My scenario is referencing 
> within OpenSG.
>  > I'll revert that part right away. If Johannes has a
>  > scenario where the previous behavior is not doing the right thing
>  > we can figure out a correct change with more calm.
> As the example currently works not with the GeoVectorBufferRefProperty 
> but with the ShaderStorageBufferObjRefChunk the revert is not hurting. 
> But I think that the scenario that I describe above is a valid and 
> important one. So we should support it. Additionally, now we have a 
> semantically interface break between the 'Ref' classes. We should find a 
> solution that supports both scenarios equally.
>  > There is one example actually using 2 ids, OSGTextureObjRefChunk.
> I do not know this one and have to look it up.
>  > This one has a oglGlId and an osgGlId if the OSG id is set the
>  > normal OSG validation/mapping is done. If the oglGlId is set
>  > only the GL calls are made. If both are set, the OpenSG id wins
>  >
>  > If there is a need to reference OpenSG internal properties this
>  > might be the way to go.
> This sounds promising. But I we would transfer that into the geo 
> property ref classes we would still break backward compatibility because 
> of API naming.

I'm actually ok with this as it won't compile (which is a pretty
obvious hint that something changed ;)). The original commit
unfortunately silently broke stuff as only the inner workings changed.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Compute Shader...

2017-05-10 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2017-05-10 at 13:43 -0500, Carsten Neumann wrote:
>   Hi Gerrit,
> On 2017-05-10 13:22, Gerrit Voß wrote:
> > sorry for being mostly silent, I'm chasing one deadline after another
> > since beginning of the year.
> not worries, good to hear it's still you doing the chasing instead of 
> the deadlines hunting you ;)
> > On Wed, 2017-05-10 at 11:11 -0500, Carsten Neumann wrote:
> >> On 2017-05-04 01:56, Johannes wrote:
> >>> is this still in the pipeline?
> >>
> >> yes, thank you for the reminder though. Since this modifies existing
> >> code (as opposed to mostly adding new classes) I wanted to take a little
> >> closer look.
> >> - For OSGComputeShaderAlgorithm is it possible to combine the
> >> useMemoryBarrier and memoryBarrier fields, i.e. if memoryBarrier is
> >> GL_NONE that means no memory barrier? That would allow controlling the
> >> barrier with a single field instead of requiring the setting of two.
> >> - Can you imagine a situation where a barrier is needed/useful before
> >> the compute shader? If so, should we have
> >> preMemoryBarrier/postMemoryBarrier fields instead?
> >> - In OSGGeo{Integral/Vector}BufferRefProperty you add getOpenGLId helper
> >> functions, but then they appear to not be used. Did I miss something?
> >
> > small comment, the *Ref* classes are meant to refer to/reference OpenSG
> > external OpenGL objects, so validating them through OpenSG and
> > translating them to an OpenSG managed OpenGL Id is not the intended
> > behavior.
> >
> > So the changes to OSGGeo{Integral/Vector}BufferRefProperty will break
> > existing code and kind of duplicate what the normal properties do.
> >
> > What was the reason behind these changes ?
> Oh right, I missed the part about this being external GL ids that do not 
> need mapping. I'll revert that part right away. If Johannes has a 
> scenario where the previous behavior is not doing the right thing we can 
> figure out a correct change with more calm. Sorry about the (potential) 
> breakage.

There is one example actually using 2 ids, OSGTextureObjRefChunk.

This one has a oglGlId and an osgGlId if the OSG id is set the normal
OSG validation/mapping is done. If the oglGlId is set only the GL calls
are made. If both are set, the OpenSG id wins ;)

If there is a need to reference OpenSG internal properties this might be
the way to go.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Commits 53e16c and 0177b7

2016-09-28 Thread Gerrit Voß

sorry for taking so long to answer, it's currently silly season ;)

On Mon, 2016-09-26 at 11:18 +, Johannes Brunen wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just discovered that one of my contributions (OSGGLEXT.h, 
> OSGGLFuncProtos.h) which Carsten has pushed with commit 53e16c to the master 
> tree has been 'reverted' by Gerrit with commit 0177b7. I did  made the 
> changes in order to stay as close as possible to the official glext.h and 
> wglext.h files. The commit of Gerrit has the following log message:
> "changed: some clean-up, check if most of these files can be auto-generated"
> Gerrit, did that mean, that you regularily update these files from the 
> official header files with some code generation machinery? I would be fine 
> with that if I could do the same on my local setup. Otherwise I think that it 
> is easier the way I did choose.
> What is your position?

currently I pull on demand and split the defines and functions. The
reason behind that is that on Linux (where I spend most of my time) I
can directly build against OpenGL 4.x libraries. OSGGLFuncProtos.h
is build in a way that I can switch between the window based extension
mechanism and direct linking. 

What I usually do if I need newer functionality which is not
inside either OSGGLExt.h or OSGGLFuncProtos.h depends on the system
I'm on. On Linux I just define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES before anything else
and am done with it. On Windows I use glew (set 
OSG_ENABLE_GL_INCLUDE_GLEW to TRUE and make sure glew is available).
The only trick is that one has to intialize glew at the right time.

Once I'm done testing I pull the required things over to OSGGLExt and

The problem with just dumping things in there was the following:

In file included

error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef uint64_t GLuint64EXT’
 typedef uint64_t GLuint64EXT;
In file included from /usr/include/GL/gl.h:1630:0,

from /home/gerrit/Projects/OpenSG/svn/OpenSG/Source/Base/Base/OSGGL.h:71,





/usr/include/GL/glext.h:3901:28: note: previous declaration as ‘typedef
long long unsigned int GLuint64EXT’
 typedef unsigned long long GLuint64EXT;
In file included

error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef int64_t GLint64EXT’
 typedef int64_t GLint64EXT;
In file included from /usr/include/GL/gl.h:1630:0,

from /home/gerrit/Projects/OpenSG/svn/OpenSG/Source/Base/Base/OSGGL.h:71,





/usr/include/GL/glext.h:3900:26: note: previous declaration as ‘typedef
long long int GLint64EXT’
 typedef signed long long GLint64EXT;

that's how I bumped into it and that's why I like it a little bit more
controlled, and also more nicely formatted ;)

kind regards


Gerrit Voß
Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU
南洋理工大学, Nanyang Technological University, (NTU)
新加坡,  Singapore

If we communicate everything we ever think, speech 
just becomes static. And all of us become bores.

J. Clarkson

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Setting up the depth buffer

2015-10-09 Thread Gerrit Voß


I added a new OSGFBOBackground which takes a FramebufferObject and 
on clear tries to blit all color, depth and stencil buffers,
either to the active FBO or to the window framebuffer. 

I only came around to do some quick testing, but it gives you
something to start with (and ideally it already does what you
need). I will do some further testing, especially on robustness.

kind regards

Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Setting up the depth buffer

2015-10-07 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2015-10-06 at 10:11 +0200, Johannes Brunen wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a method to setup the depth buffer and possibly the
> stencil buffer befor starting rendering a viewport.
> Suppose I have rendered a viewport with complex geometry into textures
> with a FBO. I know how to do that, but now I want to initialize the
> color and depth/stencil buffer from these textures  for rendering a
> second viewport. I have to render the second viewport a couple of times
> dynamically and won't render the first viewport in this situation.
> Can this be done with OpenSG? Can anyone give me an outline of such a
> setup?

a passive background might help. It can take a clear callback
where you can do the blitting. Another option in there
is to blit the current framebuffer into an FBO (which is not directly
what you are looking for). Adding blitting from another FBO should not
be to difficult, well depending on how accurate the 'what to blit'
settings have to be. I'll have a look.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Setting up the depth buffer

2015-10-07 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2015-10-07 at 13:55 +0200, Johannes wrote:
> On 07.10.2015 09:27, Gerrit Voß wrote:
> >
> > a passive background might help. It can take a clear callback
> > where you can do the blitting. Another option in there
> > is to blit the current framebuffer into an FBO (which is not directly
> > what you are looking for). Adding blitting from another FBO should not
> > be to difficult, well depending on how accurate the 'what to blit'
> > settings have to be. I'll have a look.
> >
> Great :-)
> I'm also playing around with an example with a PolygonBackground, but I 
> have problems getting it to run. What I'm trying is to create a viewport
> with a PolygonBackground that is painting the texture image from a FBO 
> that I have rendered prior to that. In that simple setup the image is 
> rendered perfectly fine. However, when I add a shader program chunk to 
> the material of the PolygonBackground that shader code is never called.
> I debugged the relevant code places where GL_COMPILE_STATUS and 
> GL_LINK_STATUS is checked, but the example program did not stop at these 
> places. Additionally, I debugged the State::activate(...) function. The 
> TextureObjChunk, TextureEnvChunk and the MaterialChunk get activated but 
> not so the ShaderProgramChunk.
> The poor man's idea with the shader is, that I can adapt the depth 
> buffer beside of the color buffer in the fragment shader.
> Below you can find part of the example. Could you take a brief look? Is 
> shader code in the PolygonBackground forbidden generally? In case it 
> helps I can post or upload the complete example code.
> However, I would prefer some infrastructure that is easier to setup. 
> Maybe we could come up with a FancyBackground that takes a FBO and 
> manages the blitting (color, depth, stencil) internally. Especially, I 
> do not like a solution involving a shader in the first place.

that might be the best solution.

For your shader problem below, that is an old issue. It boils down to
shaders being cached during the traversal and remapped to a different
object. So the frontend objects does not do any actual OpenGL calls.
The easiest way around this is to use a SimpleSHLChunk instead if one
wants to activate the shader directly.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: CMake build system

2015-10-07 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2015-10-07 at 08:41 +0200, Johannes wrote:
> On 06.10.2015 19:38, Gerrit Voß wrote:
> > I have a look, currently all the file information is collected and
> > temporarily stored. I would probably add a OSG_ADD_GLOBAL_EXE_SRC to
> > have a distinction between libs and executables.
> >
> I'm fine with that :-)

great ;), just commited the change, so now you can use
to add extra source files to each executable.

I'll look at the background tomorrow.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: CMake build system

2015-10-06 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2015-10-06 at 14:04 +0200, Johannes Brunen wrote:
> Hello Gerrit,
> the OpenSG 2 build system does provide the 'OSG_GLOBAL_PREP' variable,
> which allows me to call my own cmake configuration file. In that file
> I'm allowed to define another variable 'OSG_ADD_GLOBAL_SRC' that is
> evaluated for each of the OpenSG libraries. By that, I'm able to add a
> special memory management source file to the OpenSG libraries. That is
> working pretty fine. However, when I build any executable in OpenSG,
> e.g. the test*.exe or the example executables, then I have to add my
> memory management source file explicitly to the project. Both, the
> library and the executable must include this file. This is a little
> inconvenient and I would like to ask if it is possible to add the above
> variable evaluation in all ADD_EXECUTABLE statements, i.e.

I have a look, currently all the file information is collected and
temporarily stored. I would probably add a OSG_ADD_GLOBAL_EXE_SRC to
have a distinction between libs and executables.

kind regards

Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] [OpenSG 2.x] Bug fixes

2015-03-06 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2015-03-05 at 10:47 +0100, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 good to here from you :-)

  2. OSGShaderCacheTree.inl: The ShaderCacheTreeV3::sub() method is imho
  incorrect. The ShaderCache::clear() function currently does not work
  properly. I was facing references to already destroyed ShaderCache
  objects from ShaderProgramVariableChunks.
  for my understanding, what happens is you sub some cache entries and
  later on Cache::clear the system tries to delete them again. Your patch
  looks ok, though I'm still not sure where the subtle difference is ;).
  Is it easy to dump a dot file for this case.
 No it is not :-( The model with which I have worked on the issue was 
 rather big and I did have a complicated procedure list to reproduce the 
 error. I was able to find a way to get imho to the cause of the problem 
 in function 'void ShaderCacheTreeV3ObjectT, LevelBits::sub(UInt32 
 uiIdx)' but can't remember the steps which have taken me to this place 
 in detail. The problem is the missing '0x != (i  uiCurrBits) ' 
 part in the second 'if' statement. This leads to remaining entries in 
 the cache which do pop up later on.

ok, I see, that was the bit I missed ;(. 

 I do have some dot files and logging of instrumented code of the 
 original case. But I'm not sure that this information is of any help for 
 Attached you find what I do have. The session goes from program start to 
 crash. I did have the code somehow instrumented by adding member 
 '_oDbg_store' in the ShaderCache. I fill this set in the 
 'updateRemoveCallback()' function for each 'addDestroyedFunctor' call. 
 The crash happens since this set is not empty in the ShaderCache destructor:
 ss  ShaderCache::dtor =   std::hex  this   still in 
 _oDbg_store =   *iter;
 For this reason, the living objects carrying the callback 
 'ShaderCache::removeShaderVar' due to the 'addDestroyedFunctor' calls, 
 might execute the callback in the already destroyed ShaderCache object. 
 After inspection of the code I have found that the 'removeShaderVar' 
 function do not remove all entries in the '_oVarTree.sub(uiVarId);' call.
 I hope I could give you enough information to tackle the issue.

thanks, I committed the patch as it looks fine. I'll continue to look 
at your test cases, just in case there is something else lurking
around ;).

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] [OpenSG 2.x] Bug fixes

2015-03-04 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2015-03-03 at 10:34 +0100, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit and Carsten,
 I really would like to close this case. Did you have any time to look 
 into my patch? Hopefully, I'm not pestering to much.

not, I have to apologize, got stuck in some excel sheets and other fun 
things ;).

 On 11.02.2015 08:33, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  On Fri, 2015-02-06 at 09:33 -0600, Carsten Neumann wrote:
 Hello Johannes,
  On 02/06/2015 07:15 AM, Johannes Brunen wrote:
  back to OpenSG :-)
  2. OSGShaderCacheTree.inl: The ShaderCacheTreeV3::sub() method is imho
  incorrect. The ShaderCache::clear() function currently does not work
  properly. I was facing references to already destroyed ShaderCache
  objects from ShaderProgramVariableChunks.

for my understanding, what happens is you sub some cache entries and
later on Cache::clear the system tries to delete them again. Your patch
looks ok, though I'm still not sure where the subtle difference is ;).

Is it easy to dump a dot file for this case.

kind regards

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by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] [OpenSG 2.x] Bug fixes

2015-02-10 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2015-02-06 at 09:33 -0600, Carsten Neumann wrote:
   Hello Johannes,
 On 02/06/2015 07:15 AM, Johannes Brunen wrote:
  back to OpenSG :-)
  2. OSGShaderCacheTree.inl: The ShaderCacheTreeV3::sub() method is imho
  incorrect. The ShaderCache::clear() function currently does not work
  properly. I was facing references to already destroyed ShaderCache
  objects from ShaderProgramVariableChunks.
 I'll hold off applying this one for a couple of days so that either 
 Gerrit has a chance to comment or I can read up on how the cache works. 
  From you description it sounds like you have found the source of some 
 mysterious (and hard to find) bugs that have come up over time. Thanks 
 for finding this one!

I'll try to find some time to go over this one, but it might be more 
towards this weekend.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] How to use StereoBufferViewport

2014-11-25 Thread Gerrit Voß


you have to replicate what you did for the camera decorators for the
viewports as well. So you need StereoBufferViewports, one for the left
eye with 


and one for the right eye, with 


than add both viewports to the Window. 

Source/System/Window/testStereoDecor.cpp  has some examples for

kind regards

On Tue, 2014-11-25 at 15:48 +0100, Jörn Teuber wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 I have a seemingly simple problem with OpenSG 1.8 (yes, I have to use 
 that version...) which I don't know how to solve:
 I want to use a zSpace Monitor to render in 3D, so I need quad buffered 
 stereo. No problem I thought, just use the StereoBufferedViewport with a 
 Camera with two ShearedStereoCameraDecorator. But it does give me any 
 3D. I still only get a 2D version of my scene even though the monitor is 
 clearly in 3D mode. I can even disable one of the buffers of the 
 Viewport to get a nice flickering window. What did I miss here?
 Now a snippet of the relevant code I use (the original got some calls to 
 the zSpace API, but I don't think they matter here):
  m_pCamera = osg::PerspectiveCamera::create();
  osg::ShearedStereoCameraDecoratorPtr cameraDecoratorLeft, 
  cameraDecoratorLeft = osg::ShearedStereoCameraDecorator::create();
  cameraDecoratorLeft-setEyeSeparation( fEyeSeperation );
 fZeroParallaxDist );
  cameraDecoratorRight = osg::ShearedStereoCameraDecorator::create();
  cameraDecoratorRight-setEyeSeparation( fEyeSeperation );
 fZeroParallaxDist );
  m_pViewport = osg::StereoBufferViewport::create();
  m_pViewportLeft-setCamera( m_pCamera );
  m_pViewportLeft-setBackground( background );
  m_pWindow = osg::GLUTWindow::create();
  m_pWindow-setSize( m_iWindowWidth, m_iWindowHeight);
 rendering: a simple
 void render( osg::RenderAction* pRenderAction )
  m_pWindow-render( pRenderAction );
 Thank you so much for any help with this!
 Best regards
 Jörn Teuber
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 Opensg-users mailing list


Gerrit Voß
Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU
南洋理工大学, Nanyang Technological University, (NTU)
新加坡,  Singapore

If we communicate everything we ever think, speech 
just becomes static. And all of us become bores.

J. Clarkson

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from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration  more
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Re: [Opensg-users] Segfault in OSGTypedGeoIntegralProperty.h

2014-11-07 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2014-11-07 at 12:48 +0100, Victor Haefner wrote:

 UPDATE: The above is still valid, I refined it to the following:
 GeoUInt8PropertyRecPtr  Type = GeoUInt8Property::create();
 Type-addValue(GL_LINES);  //   -- segfault here
 #0 ?? OSG::initPolyVR (argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffe2d8)
 #1 0x57e7c6 main(argc=1, argv=0x7fffe2d8)
 InvalidWrite||Invalid write of size 1|
 ||Call stack:|
 OSG::initPolyVR(int, char**)|
 /home/victor/Projects/polyvr/src/main.cpp|18|0x57E7C5: main|
 ||Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd|
 ||Valgrind found 1 errors!|

hmm, just looking at this, it looks like osgInit fails to initialize all
the types, hence GeoUInt8Property::create creates nothing.
One way would be to use a debugger and trace through
GeoUInt8Property::create and see why it returns NULL.

Another, could you do a 'export OSG_LOG_LEVEL=10' in your shell and send
the output. That should trace a lot of the initialization part.

 UPDATE 2: get the same with 09geometry_water2.cpp
 #0 0x40be92 setValueint(index=0, val=7, this=0x7fffd9233b40)
 #1 ?? push_backint (val=optimized out, this=0x7fffd9233b40)
 #2 ?? addValueint (val=optimized out, this=0x7fffd9233b40)
 #3 ?? createScenegraph ()
 #4 0x40b333 main(argc=1, argv=optimized out)

this one looks more weird, why does it suddenly jump into:

createScenegraph () from (/home/victor/Projects/polyvr/src/main.cpp:48)

Another thing that worries me, 



the first part, the inline code, comes from /usr/local, the second part
from /usr/lib. Could it be that there are 2 OpenSG2 installs, one 
in /usr and one in /usr/local and those get mixed up ?

kind regards

Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-07-21 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2014-07-17 at 22:55 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On Wed, 2014-07-16 at 12:05 +0200, Johannes wrote:
  Hello Gerrit,
  On 15.07.2014 12:33, Gerrit Voß wrote:
   I pushed the commit, could you try and let me know if it works.
  Good and bad news...
  The rendering does now work with and without shader on all of my tested 
  graphic platforms with reasonably current drivers installed:
  ATI Radeon 5700 series
  NVidia GTX 560
  Intel HD Graphics 4000
  It works, however, only for newly created models. My stored scenes do 
  not work anymore. No graphic is visible at all.
 ok, what happened (for your example files) is that while the geometry is
 tagged as useVAO, individual properties, in particular the vertex
 position properties have their useVBO flag set to false. Hence nothing
 is rendered. OpenSG is not very graceful right now. I'm thinking about
 how to make it so.

ok, I made OpenSG a little more gracious and pushed the changes. With
them both of your files load and render (correctly for me at least).

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-07-17 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2014-07-16 at 12:05 +0200, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 On 15.07.2014 12:33, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  I pushed the commit, could you try and let me know if it works.
 Good and bad news...
 The rendering does now work with and without shader on all of my tested 
 graphic platforms with reasonably current drivers installed:
 ATI Radeon 5700 series
 NVidia GTX 560
 Intel HD Graphics 4000
 It works, however, only for newly created models. My stored scenes do 
 not work anymore. No graphic is visible at all.

ok, what happened (for your example files) is that while the geometry is
tagged as useVAO, individual properties, in particular the vertex
position properties have their useVBO flag set to false. Hence nothing
is rendered. OpenSG is not very graceful right now. I'm thinking about
how to make it so.

 With respect to the Intel HD Graphics 4000 platform I have another 
 problem. I'm facing a stray OpenGL error which I'm unable to track down. 
 In my debug sessions this error showed up in the Windows::doFrameExit 
 due to the error checking loop. Unfortunately, the error flag 
 (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) is not cleared by the glGetError call and the 
 application is trapped in this loop.
 I have tried hard to find the cause for the error but have not succeeded 
 so far. I do know that this loop implementation is in accordance with 
 the GL specs but it would nevertheless be fine if I could disable the 
 check for the debug session.

ok, this was the easy part, I added both, checking for a valid context
before calling glGetError. At the same time if you set the env variable
OSG_NO_GL_CHECK_ON_FRAMEEXIT it will ignore the test as well.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-07-16 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2014-07-16 at 12:05 +0200, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 On 15.07.2014 12:33, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  I pushed the commit, could you try and let me know if it works.
 Good and bad news...
 The rendering does now work with and without shader on all of my tested 
 graphic platforms with reasonably current drivers installed:
 ATI Radeon 5700 series
 NVidia GTX 560
 Intel HD Graphics 4000
 It works, however, only for newly created models. My stored scenes do 
 not work anymore. No graphic is visible at all.

hmm, as always fascinating ;) Would you have a small example file 
(off-list is fine). 

 With respect to the Intel HD Graphics 4000 platform I have another 
 problem. I'm facing a stray OpenGL error which I'm unable to track down. 
 In my debug sessions this error showed up in the Windows::doFrameExit 
 due to the error checking loop. Unfortunately, the error flag 
 (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) is not cleared by the glGetError call and the 
 application is trapped in this loop.
 I have tried hard to find the cause for the error but have not succeeded 
 so far. I do know that this loop implementation is in accordance with 
 the GL specs but it would nevertheless be fine if I could disable the 
 check for the debug session.

IIRC that only happens if there is no active context. I'll add that
check. Alternatively the fastest solution would be to add an environment
variable to suppress this check at that point in time.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-07-15 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2014-07-15 at 09:37 +0200, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
  On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 21:40 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  ok, I have an idea what goes wrong. I'll try to figure out a fix.
  Currently I'm not sure if an automatic solution can be found. Would
  it be a problem for you to explicitly mark the shader if it needs
  vertex attributes (e.g. contains a layout(location = ...)) statement
  or not ?
 So that means, I do have to figure out at run time, which shader code I 
 have to use, which implies that I have to change the shader code of 
 loaded (perhaps foreign) models on the fly?
 So, I'm not a big fan of such a solution :-)
 Can you elaborate what goes wrong?

the old problem, on non NVidia you have to know how the the GPU accesses
the vertex attributes (no shader/shader | shader with attribs) in order
to submit them correctly as there is no aliasing except for attribute

Currently I check the active attribute names and if any of them does not
start with gl_ assume that custom attributes are used. OpenGL forbids
the use of gl_ so that should be fine (both the ATI/NVidia compilers
complain if you do)

That solution seem to work for now, I will commit it soon. With it
your example works correctly.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-07-15 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2014-07-15 at 16:40 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On Tue, 2014-07-15 at 09:37 +0200, Johannes wrote:
  Hello Gerrit,
   On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 21:40 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
   ok, I have an idea what goes wrong. I'll try to figure out a fix.
   Currently I'm not sure if an automatic solution can be found. Would
   it be a problem for you to explicitly mark the shader if it needs
   vertex attributes (e.g. contains a layout(location = ...)) statement
   or not ?
  So that means, I do have to figure out at run time, which shader code I 
  have to use, which implies that I have to change the shader code of 
  loaded (perhaps foreign) models on the fly?
  So, I'm not a big fan of such a solution :-)
  Can you elaborate what goes wrong?
 the old problem, on non NVidia you have to know how the the GPU accesses
 the vertex attributes (no shader/shader | shader with attribs) in order
 to submit them correctly as there is no aliasing except for attribute
 Currently I check the active attribute names and if any of them does not
 start with gl_ assume that custom attributes are used. OpenGL forbids
 the use of gl_ so that should be fine (both the ATI/NVidia compilers
 complain if you do)
 That solution seem to work for now, I will commit it soon. With it
 your example works correctly.

I pushed the commit, could you try and let me know if it works.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-07-14 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 21:40 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  On 10 Jul, 2014, at 17:22, Johannes wrote:
  Hello Gerrit,
  I have created a minimalistic example which shows exactly the behavior on 
  my AMD HD Radeon 5700 series platform
 thanks, I will have a look at it, as soon as I get back to office. I'm only
 a few hours away from a 12 hour plane ride ;) Latest Monday I'm back in

ok, I have an idea what goes wrong. I'll try to figure out a fix.
Currently I'm not sure if an automatic solution can be found. Would
it be a problem for you to explicitly mark the shader if it needs
vertex attributes (e.g. contains a layout(location = ...)) statement
or not ?

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-07-10 Thread Gerrit Voß


 On 10 Jul, 2014, at 17:22, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 I have created a minimalistic example which shows exactly the behavior on my 
 AMD HD Radeon 5700 series platform

thanks, I will have a look at it, as soon as I get back to office. I'm only
a few hours away from a 12 hour plane ride ;) Latest Monday I'm back in

kind regards
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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-06-04 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2014-06-03 at 17:32 +0200, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 On 03.06.2014 13:44, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  could you send me an osg file dump of the scene graph for the 1_x sequence
  of images. I'll try to recreate the problems, but it might be easier having 
  reference to see the actual setup.
 I have uploaded the files to

thanks, with shaders I'm seeing a the same flat appearance on ATI
cards and correct shading on NVidia card.

ok, beware, we are entering the murky waters of vertex attribute 
aliasing. Which IMHO causes the main problems between NVidia and ATI
hardware/drivers in your case, and in general. As far as I understand
it, when using vertex attributes with shaders in an any kind of
compatibility profile (I'm counting #version 120 as one) only
gl_Vertex/location 0 is guaranteed to alias correctly. All the others
might (NVidia) or might not (ATI), were should not is correct according
to the spec. Also, in compat mode you can't bind anything explicitly to
location=0 in your shaders, so here comes the 'ugly' mix.

Could you try the following vertex shader for your setup, which 
makes use of gl_Vertex being aliased and the normal being explicit

//#version 150 compatibility
//#extension GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location : enable
// or
#version 330 compatibility

out vec3 vTranfNormal;
out vec4 vPosition;

layout(location = 2) in vec3 glNormal;

// Compute the normal
vec3 fnormal(void)
vec3 normal = gl_NormalMatrix * glNormal;
normal = normalize(normal);
return normal;

void main()
gl_Position   = ftransform();
gl_ClipVertex = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
vTranfNormal  = fnormal();
vPosition = gl_Vertex;

Could you try this one and let me know if it solves your display
problems. If you need more attributes (colors/tex coords) you have
to provide the corresponding layout statements in your shader.

Coming back to another point in the thread:


I finally fixed to OSB loader problems (a while ago), so this option
will disappear rather soon and the =ON case will become the only
available option.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] Using per-instance Vertex Attributes

2014-06-04 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2014-06-04 at 10:57 +0200, Marcel Weiler wrote:
 Hi all,
 for instanced rendering I want to give the instanced Geometry core an 
 attribute that represents a per-instance position offset. I know how to 
 set the usual indices and positions, but how do I add custom vertex 
 I tried setting the property to binding location 1 using Snippet 
 geo-setProperty(offsets, 1) but this causes the following warning:
 WARNING: GeoVectorProperty::activate: Non-Generic attribute nr. 1 unknown!

 and this approach does not work (the instances are not rendered with an 
 I also tried misusing the colors property, but even though I set its 
 divisor to 1 it seemed to be advancing per vertex, not per instance.
 Am I even on the right track here? 

yes, this should work.

 Or do I have to set some properties in the GeoInstancer?

no, just the base geometry and the number of instances.
e.g. from the CSM example

 core GeoInstancer
   numInstances 4
   baseGeometry USE BaseGeometry

first quick one (and sorry if you have), have you looked at/tried
Examples/CSM/Instancing/SimpleDivisor ?

If yes, there is something weird going on with the example. Using
   vec4 vVertex = gl_Vertex + vec4(
results in wrongly scaled/projected instances. This can be fixed by
changing the vertex position computation to 
   vec4 vVertex = gl_Vertex + vec4(
 gl_MultiTexCoord7.xwz, 0.);

The example uses attribut 15, but I quickly tried 1 and 3 and it works
as expected.

If you can, could also send me a .osg dump of the subgraph containing
the instancing (off-list is fine) and I can have a further look.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Shading problems

2014-06-03 Thread Gerrit Voß


could you send me an osg file dump of the scene graph for the 1_x sequence
of images. I'll try to recreate the problems, but it might be easier having a 
reference to see the actual setup.

kind regards

 On 30 May, 2014, at 18:31, Johannes Brunen wrote:
 after sync with the current  OpenSG 2 master trunk
 (51f04ac30d8481dcb2eb1ddb318bff97450d1956) I have rendering problems
 (AMD Radeon HD 5700 series) with shaders.
 I have uploaded a zip file to
 which contains some png images, the CMakeCache.txt file and some log
 files created during my test.
 Basically, I have used the following relevant CMake options for my VC
 9Sp1 Win64 setup:
 Ok, now I try to describe my problem. I will refer to the png images.
 For what follows I use one directional light source.
 I start my application with disabled shader support and create some
 geometry (sphere and cylinder)
 I enable the usage of shaders. I have applied a simple phong shader with
 removed ambient light. All is correct here.
 Now, I create new additional geometry the same way as I did before. The
 shading is completely lost. However, I tested that the shader is still
 working properly.
 Now, I disable the shader usage. See that the increase of brightness due
 to the additional ambient contribution. But, the lastly added geometry
 still does not render correctly!
 Creation of new geometry work now as expected. Rendering of first and
 third geometry is correct. Second geometry is incorrect.
 Shader activated again, first and third geometry correct, third geometry
 New geometry, which renders incorrect.
 In order to get a little more information, I did modify my phong shader
 so that the diffuse contribution is equal to the normal direction. I.e.
 I used
 Diffuse  = (n + vec3(1,1,1)) * 0.5;   // += Kd * n_dot_l;
 The result of this can be seen in the second group of images:
 Start of app with disabled shader support and create some geom.
 Activated shader usage. The geom coloring of the normals in eye space.
 New geometry created. All normals are identical.
 I do not have any idea what is going wrong here and really need some
 Alternatively, I tried to compile the OpenSG code with 
 but this resulted in other (unsolved problems) as I have reported in
 Beside, this message does not show up in the
 Maybe, this is the reason I got no response from the community.
 Any help is very much appreciated here. I need to solve these two
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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Open questions

2014-05-14 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2014-05-14 at 11:52 +0200, Michael Raab wrote:
 Hello Carsten,
  Does the above sequence reliably reproduce the problem or does it
  sometimes work/sometimes not? Is the commitChanges() placement after
  addChunk() relevant?
  Sorry, not really a good idea what could be the cause, other than
  kind of caching on the status of the uniform...
 The problem seems to be that before rendering the shader in our main
 application window, we create a material preview icon using a fbo in
 combination with a passive window.
 For that icon rendering everything works as expected. The main
 rendering then creates in SimpleSHLChunk::handleGL() the shader,
 programs but does not update the uniform variables as they are not
 marked as changed.
 I wrote a fix that eliminates the problem on our side. Patch is

hmm, there seem to be a deeper issue than, just for my understanding,
your passive preview window and your application window are different
windows. If so that looks like it needs more general fix, somehow bind
the uniform state to the window. I'll have a closer look at that.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Using compute shaders in OpenSG

2014-05-05 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Sun, 2014-05-04 at 15:33 +0200, Carsten Neumann wrote:
   Hello Marcel,
 On 05/04/2014 02:34 PM, Marcel Weiler wrote:
  I am trying to use compute shaders in OpenSG but can't make them work.
  The compute shader should modify the texture of a plane, but it never
  gets activated.
 do you mean there is no OpenGL call to launch the compute shader or is 
 the texture simply unchanged?
  My current setup is as follows: I load the OSGContribComputeBase Library
  using OSG::preloadSharedObject(OSGContribComputeBase) Snippet before I
  call osgInit(argc, argv). Then I set up my scene. The root has two
  children: a node with a geometry core which consists of a plane with a
  texture (ChunkMaterial with MaterialChunk, TextureObjectChunk and
  TextureEnvChunk) and node with an AlgorithmComputeElement core which
  holds the compute shader. The compute shader setup looks as follows
  NodeRecPtr  computeNode  =  Node::create();
  AlgorithmComputeElementRecPtr  computeElement  =  
  ComputeShaderAlgorithmRecPtr  computeAlgorithm  =  
  _comp  =  OSG::ComputeShaderChunk::create();
  _comp-addUniformVariable(destTex,  (int)  
 This looks suspect. I haven't used compute shaders (through OpenSG or 
 otherwise), but normally texture uniforms are set to the texture unit 
 the texture is bound to, not the OpenGL id.
 Shouldn't bottom_tex be added to MFTextureImages of computeAlgorithm 
 (this makes sure the texture is activated before executing the shader)?
 The id returned by getGLId() is _not_ an OpenGL object name, it is 
 simply an id OpenSG uses to access the actual OpenGL object on different 
 contexts. You can use that id together with a context (i.e. OSG::Window) 
 to get the real OpenGL object name (Window::getGLObjectId()).

Carsten is right, it should be the texture image unit, I would guess 0
in this case, the MFTextureImages index in general. One further note,
as the compute node is part of the tree you have to make sure it is
not culled away. Either put the compute node  as a group above the
plane / element you want to render (this is what
Examples/CSM/NewShader/Compute does) or set the compute nodes BBox to
inifite and static.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2.0 - Render and read back depth buffer using FBO

2014-04-23 Thread Gerrit Voß

On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 06:48 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  On 22 Apr, 2014, at 22:55, Dirk Reiners wrote:
  Hi Michael,
  On Apr 22, 2014 3:16 AM, Michael Raab wrote:

   The other still remains and I think I found the reason. As temporary 
   window I use a PassiveWindow. When this gets destructed is sets the 
   current Context to NULL.
   To be honest I have no idea why this is done and what the main idea 
   behind the PassiveWindow is. Maybe you can give a short summary?
  The idea behind the PassiveWindow is that it's passive: it does not 
  activate/manage the OpenGL context at all and expects it to be handled by 
  the outside. It was designed to be used with GUI toolkits that we don't 
  have native support for like GTK.
  I'm writing this on my phone so I can't look at the code, but it should not 
  be able to do anything with the actual OpenGL context, so I'm not sure 
  which connects it sets to NULL.
 it's a bug, it runs through a code path that does not check the passive flag 
 before deactivating.
 I'll have a look.

fixed with the latest commit. 

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2 and Ubuntu 14.04 - COLLADA import

2014-04-23 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 12:12 +0200, Victor Haefner wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have issues with COLLADA on Ubuntu 14.04, the imported geometry is
 totally messed up.
 The scenegraph structure seams to be right, but the vertex data is wrong.
 If plan on investigating it further, but any help or clues would help a lot
 as I dont know the code at all.
 Does anyone have similar issues? I tried it on two different workstations
 with the same results.

do you have a small sample file for me to test (can be send off list).

thanks  kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2.0 - Render and read back depth buffer using FBO

2014-04-22 Thread Gerrit Voß


 On 22 Apr, 2014, at 22:55, Dirk Reiners wrote:
 Hi Michael,
 On Apr 22, 2014 3:16 AM, Michael Raab wrote:
  The other still remains and I think I found the reason. As temporary window 
  I use a PassiveWindow. When this gets destructed is sets the current 
  Context to NULL.
  To be honest I have no idea why this is done and what the main idea behind 
  the PassiveWindow is. Maybe you can give a short summary?
 The idea behind the PassiveWindow is that it's passive: it does not 
 activate/manage the OpenGL context at all and expects it to be handled by the 
 outside. It was designed to be used with GUI toolkits that we don't have 
 native support for like GTK.
 I'm writing this on my phone so I can't look at the code, but it should not 
 be able to do anything with the actual OpenGL context, so I'm not sure which 
 connects it sets to NULL.

it's a bug, it runs through a code path that does not check the passive flag 
before deactivating.
I'll have a look.

kind regards
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Re: [Opensg-users] Bug in OSGShaderProgram.cpp

2014-04-21 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2014-04-11 at 16:07 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 thanks for the detailed report, I'll have a look.

I finally managed to finalize the fix and push it out.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Bug in OSGShaderProgram.cpp

2014-04-11 Thread Gerrit Voß


thanks for the detailed report, I'll have a look.

kind regards

On Thu, 2014-04-10 at 18:20 +0200, Marcel Weiler wrote:
 I have found a bug in OSGShaderProgram.cpp:
 If you set a shader source of a (Simple)SHLChunk to an invalid source 
 code, ShaderProgram::handleGL(...) will delete the shader in line 
 Snippet 769 and uiShader will be set to 0. If you then set the shader 
 source to a valid source again, uiShader will still be 0 and no new 
 shader is created.
 Because there is no shader object to compile, the compilation of the new 
 shader source will fail (line 723). OpenSG then tries to get the error 
 log. In line 732 it queries GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, but uiShader is still 0 
 and so the returned value in iDebugLength is invalid. In my case 
 iDebugLength was negative, which when OpenSG tries to reserve a buffer, 
 is cast into a very large unsigned number and causes a Snippet 
 Possible solution:
 Line 645 is a commented if-condition which once checked if uiShader 
 equals 0. The condition was replaced  with if(mode == 
 Window::initialize), but after initialization this condition always 
 evaluates to false.
 When by using the debugger I make the program go into the new if-block a 
 new shader object is created and everything works well again.
 I think both if-conditions should be combined with a logical OR ( if 
 (uiShader==0 || mode == Window::initialize) ). This should remove the bug.
 The modified example file I attached to this mail causes the problem I 
 described. Initially a valid shader is active. If you press 'x', an 
 invalid vertex-shader source will be passed to the SimpleSHLChunk. Until 
 then nothing bad happens. If you press 'x' again, the original, valid 
 shader source is passed to the SimpleSHLChunk again and the program crashes.
 I hope the information I provided helps to solve the problem.
 Kind Regards,
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Gerrit Voß
Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU
南洋理工大学, Nanyang Technological University, (NTU)
新加坡,  Singapore

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: new GeoHandler

2014-03-27 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2014-03-25 at 18:46 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-03-24 at 20:25 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  sorry for the long silence, I had to many OpenSG unrelated things on my 
  plate ;(.
  I'll have a look at this problem as well as the bool mfield one.
 good news number one, I could reproduce it for the Windows and ATI
 setup. ATI doesn't like the combination of VAO and display lists.

 I will work on a long term fix so that display lists are automatically
 disabled if an ATI GPU is detected and VAO are used to render.
 I also see the MFBool error and know where the problem is, this one
 needs some fcd2code tweaking, I'll work on it as well.

I just pushed the patches fixing these two problems. 

a) auto disable display list with VAOs on ATI cards
b) change the ret values of editMField(index) to MFieldType::reference 
   to avoid the MFBool compile errors.

kind regards

Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: new GeoHandler

2014-03-25 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2014-03-24 at 20:25 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 sorry for the long silence, I had to many OpenSG unrelated things on my plate 
 I'll have a look at this problem as well as the bool mfield one.

good news number one, I could reproduce it for the Windows and ATI
setup. ATI doesn't like the combination of VAO and display lists.

If I disable the display lists at the startup of your test 

int main(int argc, char **argv)

OSG::FieldContainer *pProto =

if(pProto != NULL)
OSG::Geometry *pGeo = dynamic_castOSG::Geometry *(pProto);


I get the correct rendering for the Windows ATI combination. 

I will work on a long term fix so that display lists are automatically
disabled if an ATI GPU is detected and VAO are used to render.

I also see the MFBool error and know where the problem is, this one
needs some fcd2code tweaking, I'll work on it as well.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: new GeoHandler

2014-03-24 Thread Gerrit Voß


sorry for the long silence, I had to many OpenSG unrelated things on my plate 
I'll have a look at this problem as well as the bool mfield one.

kind regards

 On 24 Mar, 2014, at 18:24, Johannes Brunen wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 I have weird behavior on my VC 2008 (VC9) 64bit platform after enabling
 the OSG_ENABLE_NEW_GEOHANDLER flag. More specifically I see the problem
 only on my ATI Radeon desktop. On Nvidia I do not experience any
 The geometry is broken on rendering, i.e. I see missing polygon facets
 all over the mesh.
 Attached you can find a minimalistic example program and a screen shot
 which does show the problem on my ATI setup but not on my Nvida machine.
 Can you explain what is happening here?
 Is this a deficit of OpenSG or of my usage pattern or of the ATI driver?
 Any help is appreciated...
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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2.0: CMake options...

2014-01-30 Thread Gerrit Voß


 On 30 Jan, 2014, at 16:28, Johannes wrote:
 Hi Gerrit,
 are you listening?

yes, only it's new year over here, so I'm at home. Therefore:

祝大家新年快乐 ;)

 I would like to try/use the new instancing geometry. After regeneration 
 of the documentation I could not find anything about the files residing 
 in folder Source/System/NodeCores/Drawables/Geometry/Instancing.
 A little search showed that flag OSG_ENABLE_NEW_GEOHANDLER is necessary 
 for these files to be part of the build. However, I can't overlook the 
 implications if turning that flag to true.

if there are any negative implications these are bugs. There is still one with
the osb loader as one combination of vbo/vao crashes, at least on linux.
But I plan to fix this one very soon. This one is actually the reason why
I haven't removed the old drawing/gl handling code from the geomety.

 After rereading the options 
 again I realized that I likewise have problems to explain some of the 
 other options properly.
 Could you shed some light on it?

I'll try, but I traveled home without my laptop, so some I might have to defer
until I'm back on Tuesday. Typing a lot on an IPad is not much fun.

 What are the current limitation of the provided instancing 
 infrastructure with respect to ARB_draw_instanced, ARB_instanced_arrays, 
 ARB_draw_indirect, ARB_base_instance and ARB_transform_feedback_instanced?

currently I only implemented instancing based on glDrawElementsInstanced and
glDrawArraysInstanced, but the base vertex, base instance variants could be 
implemeted the same way. Indirect drawing hasn't made its way into OpenSG.
Into the tranform feedback variant I haven't looked yet, but that might take 
time before I can squeeze it in. 

The instancing information itself is not part of the geometr core, but is stored
in a different core (geoinstancer). That one references a base geometry for

 Do you have any example how to use the new instancing properly?

Only with CSM (Examples/CSM/Instancing). What I haven't put in yet is reading
the instance parameter from a texture, this is work in progress.

 Similar, I'm interested to know about VAO (ARB_vertex_array_object) and 
 VBO and their connection to display lists in the context of OpenSG.

VAO/VBO are a platform dependent nightmare. In general the Vao part can not
be inside a diaplay list, so you are left with only the draw calls inside the 
I would tend not to use display list with vao's. For the csm I build a test for
all geometry index and vbo/vao/display list variants 
but this one runs of a script (which I haven't ported to windows), but it is a 
to check if in doubt. Note some combination won't render. Currently I haven't 
to put in code that falls back to something that actually renders an invalid 
Inside the sh scripts is a table with expectd results (no pos, no fallback 
means nothing
is rendered). The same set exists in the instancing example dir.

 Additionally, I would like to play with the complex scene manager. Are 
 there any options which must be properly set in order to run the examples?

the easiest is just to pass the directory of the example (one with a params.csm 
as the only parameter. The param.csm is actually just a shortcut to store the 
parameters in a file (I'm just lazy)

 I hope that my questions are not to blunt, but I would like to dive more 
 into modern OpenGL by means of OpenSG.

no problem, ask away, usually you learn something while explaining ;)

 On 29.01.2014 19:40, Carsten Neumann wrote:
 On 01/29/2014 10:21 AM, Johannes Brunen wrote:
 I would like to ask for some background information about the following
 OpenSG build options:

that one I have to check after returning home. IIRC somewhere some function 
were changed between OpenGL versions.


I though we removed that one, this one was there to enable the new shader 
and should be on. If we haven't removed it we should.


I rewrote parts of the old geo opengl handler to support vaos and now 
It it only still there because of a bug in the osb loader, once I fix this I 
will remove the
old parts.


this one I have to check in detail, but IIRC it is for platforms (in general 
non dll platforms)
that allow you to link against newer OpenGL functions so one does not have to 
got through
the extension handling mechanism of the window.


Allow the CSM Window to recieve multi-touch events on Windows.


Writes the generated python bindings into the source tree and not to some 
specified external location. Somewhere should be a module path which interacts
with this. I will check the details once I'm back home.


This auto 

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-commits] [OpenSG2] opensg branch master updated. ad5c829c35f567f0962fb869c89f999bf442c562

2013-11-12 Thread Gerrit Voß


On 12 Nov, 2013, at 22:19, Carsten Neumann wrote:

Hi Gerrit,
 I think one of these commits is missing the file OSGExtensionsConfig.h 
 (included from OSGAlgorithmComputeElementData.cpp) and breaks the build. 
 Could you add the missing file when you get a chance? Thanks!

will check, dailybuilds say the same ;), sorry.

kind regards
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Re: [Opensg-users] Collada Loader Problem (OpenSG 2.0, Win x64)

2013-10-02 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2013-09-26 at 12:22 +0200, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
 Hi Gerrit,
 On 26.09.2013 08:10, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  On Wed, 2013-09-25 at 13:30 +0200, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
  thanks a lot for looking into it.
  Just a question on the side:
  Is it correct Collada to have ids, which start with an underscore,
  e.g., visual_scene id=_entity_balken01 name=_entity_balken01 ?
  Because in the combination
  it does not find the scene root node ..
  to me the reason looks more like a name clash as the root node in
  your scene has the same id :
  node name=_entity_balken01 id=_entity_balken01
  Using _entity_balken01 currently crashes so I look into this, but if I
  use _x_entity_balken01 instead it loads the scene as expected.
 yes, node id and visual_scene id are the same in this case.
 visual_scene id=_entity_balken01 name=_entity_balken01
 node name=_entity_balken01 id=_entity_balken01 ..
 It came to me like this, as the result of the DAE/FBX exporter from 
 exporting a node named _entity_balken01,
 into a file named _entity_balken01.dae ;-)
 So really a special case, but to please Maya ..

hmm, does the scene name depend on the file name or the node name ?.
I'll have to check if one can resolve it by doing local library
searches if the internal collada lookup fails. In your case it finds the
node first and fails on the following downcast to scene.

For the general loading problem I committed a fixed. Now the loader
checks for invalid indices (have to check all for primitive types
though) and removes any index with -1 in it.

As this leaves you without any texture coordinates I added one option to
the collada loader (tryMergeInvalidIndices). In this case the loader
checks if  it can merge multiple invalid indices into a valid one if the
-1 blocks do not overlap, e.g. for something like:

index1:  1  2  3  4  -1 -1 -1  5  6  7  8
index2: -1 -1 -1 -1  11 12 13 -1 -1 -1 -1 

the loader will merge:

index1: 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 5 6 7 8
index2: reuse index1

As this is the case for your file you at least are able to get a
geometry with texture coordinates out of the loader.  

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Collada Loader Problem (OpenSG 2.0, Win x64)

2013-09-26 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2013-09-25 at 13:30 +0200, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
 thanks a lot for looking into it.
 Just a question on the side:
 Is it correct Collada to have ids, which start with an underscore,
 e.g., visual_scene id=_entity_balken01 name=_entity_balken01 ?
 Because in the combination
 it does not find the scene root node ..

to me the reason looks more like a name clash as the root node in
your scene has the same id :

node name=_entity_balken01 id=_entity_balken01

Using _entity_balken01 currently crashes so I look into this, but if I
use _x_entity_balken01 instead it loads the scene as expected.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Collada Loader Problem (OpenSG 2.0, Win x64)

2013-09-25 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2013-09-23 at 18:44 -0500, Carsten Neumann wrote:
   Hello Christoph,
 On 09/23/2013 07:37 AM, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
  I have a crash with rendering a scene loaded as Collada (OpenSG 2.0, Win 
  In OSGGeoImmediatePumpGroup.cpp:
  void pumpMultiAttrib(PumpClassicInfo info,   UInt16 slot, GLenum   
  attrib, UInt32 vertIdx)
  for slot==9 all indices info.attribIndex 
  [slot]-getValueUInt32(vertIdx) are invalid.
  I used no graph-ops at all during loading: 
  Please see the example scene
  to reproduce the problem!
 thanks, I'm looking into it. Looks like the collada loader produces an 
 invalid geometry (default graph ops crash as well - specifically the 
 striper). More precisely the index for TexCoords1 is broken, it has a 
 bunch of leading UInt32(-1) values, before (what looks to be) correct 
 data starts. Haven't found the source of it yet.

the source of the -1 is in the dae file. Problem is the dom code returns
these arrays as domListOfUInt. One thing one has to do is check if an
index contains -1 (readTriangles does this) and than discard it. But
there is a bug, the comparison uses the wrong type UInt32, it should be 
domUint as otherwise the comparison fails on 64bit system.

If you haven't got one I can quickly generate the patch.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Regression after update...

2013-08-26 Thread Gerrit Voß


sorry for the silence, I'll have a detailed look tomorrow (as I did
the patch that broke things). Was offline for a while, just back.

kind regards

On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 11:38 +0200, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Carsten and Gerrit,
 I have not solved this issue yet but I have a little peace of extra 
 The crash happens in
 void ShaderValueVariable::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField,
BitVector details)
  MFParentFieldContainerPtr::const_iterator parentsIt  =
  MFParentFieldContainerPtr::const_iterator parentsEnd =
  MFUInt16::const_iterator idxIt = _mfExeVariableIdx.begin();
  OSG_ASSERT(_mfExeParents.size() == _mfExeVariableIdx.size());
  while(parentsIt != parentsEnd)
  TypeTraitsBitVector::One  parentsIt.getParentFieldPos(),
 because the _mfExeParents does contain garbage. Now I have looked up the 
 place where this container is filled. This is done in
 void ShaderProgramVariables::merge(ShaderProgramVariables *pVars,
  for(; vIt != vEnd; ++vIt)
  if(*vIt != NULL)
 However, I could not find any call to the corresponding subExeParent 
 function nor to any other appropriate cleanup method.
 void ShaderValueVariable::addExeParent(FieldContainer * const pParent,
 UInt16 uiVarIdx 
  editMField(ExeParentsFieldMask, _mfExeParents);
  editMField(ExeVariableIdxFieldMask, _mfExeVariableIdx);
  _mfExeParents.push_back(pParent, uiParentFieldId);
 void ShaderValueVariable::subExeParent(FieldContainer * const pParent)
  Int32 iParentIdx = _mfExeParents.findIndex(pParent);
  if(iParentIdx != -1)
  editMField(ExeParentsFieldMask, _mfExeParents);
  editMField(ExeVariableIdxFieldMask, _mfExeVariableIdx);
 Maybe this is of some help. Currently, I'm not in the position to solve 
 this issue.
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Gerrit Voß
Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU
南洋理工大学, Nanyang Technological University, (NTU)
新加坡,  Singapore

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Re: [Opensg-users] SimpleSHLChunk uniform variable

2013-05-29 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2013-05-28 at 19:33 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On Mon, 2013-05-27 at 18:18 +0200, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
  Hi,   I am using a SimpleSHLChunk for a GLSL shader over a
  MaterialDrawable. Now, I need to update a uniform variable per frame.
  This works in the client application via updateUniformVariable
  locally, but does not on the cluster servers ..   What am I missing 
 let me try, I'm looking into your other cluster problem anyway.

I fixed one things (parent transmission) so for my test cases the 
SimpleSHL chunk variables are updated through the cluster. Could
you try and let me know if it solved your problem.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] SimpleSHLChunk uniform variable

2013-05-28 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2013-05-27 at 18:18 +0200, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
 Hi,   I am using a SimpleSHLChunk for a GLSL shader over a
 MaterialDrawable. Now, I need to update a uniform variable per frame.
 This works in the client application via updateUniformVariable
 locally, but does not on the cluster servers ..   What am I missing 

let me try, I'm looking into your other cluster problem anyway.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] ShadowStage and custom HDRStage with gBuffer

2013-05-22 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2013-05-21 at 19:35 +0200, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
 yes exactly!  I am currently compiling it but need some more time to test.
 Currently, I do not need the depth buffer but perhaps in the future.
 Used it in a different place but just a SimpleStage with FrameBufferObject.
 So could you summarize what you changed perhaps?

the main problem was that during post processing the HDR stage ran
through a set of FBOs. At the end the outer FBO from the SimpleStage
was not activated, hence the HDR stage always drew into the framebuffer.

The final piece was to make sure the SimpleStage does not clear the
buffer the HDR stage filled, by disabling the execution (which did
nothing more than to clear the active buffer).

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] ShadowStage and custom HDRStage with gBuffer

2013-05-21 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2013-05-15 at 13:41 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-05-14 at 09:05 +, Wagner, Stefan wrote:
  Thanks Gerrit,
  sorry, my stage setup was already the same as you suggested. 
  So it also doesn't work with:
  HDRStageWithSSAO - ShadowStage - Scene
  I'm looking forward to your patch! :D
 ok, the basic combination HDRStage - ShadowStage - Scene 
 should work. I'll start to look into the gbuffer problem. 

ok, I pushed some changes that should help with the gbuffer pass.

Could you try and add the following around the action recurse
call for the GBuffer traversal :

  RenderAction::RenderPropType rProp = a-getRenderProperties();




This should prevent the shadow stage from interfering with the GBuffer
pass (effectively behaving like a group).

I tried it in my test setup and it worked. Let me know if there are
still problems left.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] ShadowStage and custom HDRStage with gBuffer

2013-05-21 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 11:25 +0200, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
 Hi Gerrit,
 thanks a lot :-)
 What about the SimpleStage with a FrameBufferObject? Does it need the
 same fixes
 (in the chain with HDRStage - ShadowStage)?   

It should be fixed for the following arrangment:

HDR Stage
Shadow Stage

so the simple stage collects the colour output from the HDR stage.
Does this match your setup ? Would you need the depth buffer as well ?

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2 daily build

2013-05-19 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 15:51 +0200, Michael Raab wrote:
 Hi,   today I started to think about porting our applications to
 OpenSG2.0. I downloaded the latest daily builds of OpenSG2.0 and its
 support libs for Windows (32bit). At first I tried to start
 It crashes immediately, the console shows Got 000. Any ideas? 

appCSM.exe needs a start-up dir. Drag one of the dirs from
OpenSG 2.0.0\share\OpenSG\Examples\CSM (for example Simple) onto appCSM
and it should start correctly.

I should make this more obvious and it should not just crash, noted.

 The next thing I noticed was that the bin folders for relnoopt,
 debugopt and debug do not contain any debug information (*.pdb). In my
 opinion it would be a good idea to deliver that files as well.

ok, I'll look into it.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2 daily build

2013-05-17 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2013-05-17 at 13:59 +0200, Michael Raab wrote:
 Hi,   have checked the libaries that are used, they should be ok. I
 pulled a recent GIT clone of OpenSG2, downloaded the supports lib from
 the daily build mirror and tried to build on my own. 

 Some remarks:  

 - the last GIT commit was done 10.04.2013; Is this really the latest

no, since the sourceforge update the urls changed:


On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 09:54 -0500, Carsten Neumann wrote:
Hello all,
 SourceForge have updated their software and are migrating projects.  
 The conversion for OpenSG ran last night - thank you Dirk!
 One side effect is that git repository URLs have changed:
 If you have an existing checkout you can use git remote set-url to 
 change the URL or (carefully!) edit the entry in .git/config.


 - OSGFileIO doesn't build; define OSG_WITH_COLLADA_NAMESPACE was
 - OSGFileIO doesn't link, here's the error log:   

Unfortunately I won't have time to look into it before Tuesday/Wednesday
next week. If it is still unresolved by that time I'll have a look.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Building rev. a592e8c - 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER' : undeclared identifier

2013-05-16 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 07:45 +, Gierlinger, Thomas wrote:
 Dear all,
 I am trying to build the current sources (rev. a592e8c) on windows (vc9) 
 using more or less the default options
 self.cmakeDefs = [
 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH= + os.path.join(self.installPrefix, 
 self.installDir).replace('\\', '/'),
 I am getting undeclared identifier errors for GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 
 GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 etc. which were used as *_EXT before.
 Is this a problem with my settings or requires OSGGLEXT.h an update?

arg, my bug, I have OSG_INCLUDE_GLEW enabled by default, that hides the
missing GL constants.

I'll fix it.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Building rev. a592e8c - 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER' : undeclared identifier

2013-05-16 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 16:29 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 07:45 +, Gierlinger, Thomas wrote:
  Dear all,
  I am trying to build the current sources (rev. a592e8c) on windows (vc9) 
  using more or less the default options
  self.cmakeDefs = [
  os.path.join(self.installPrefix, self.installDir).replace('\\', '/'),
  I am getting undeclared identifier errors for GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 
  GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 etc. which were used as *_EXT before.
  Is this a problem with my settings or requires OSGGLEXT.h an update?
 arg, my bug, I have OSG_INCLUDE_GLEW enabled by default, that hides the
 missing GL constants.

ok, that should be fixed.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] ShadowStage and custom HDRStage with gBuffer

2013-05-16 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 11:25 +0200, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
 Hi Gerrit,
 thanks a lot :-)
 What about the SimpleStage with a FrameBufferObject? Does it need the
 same fixes
 (in the chain with HDRStage - ShadowStage)?   Cheers,

that might be a little bit more tricky, as it needs more communication
between the stages (most of it is there but it needs some tweaking).
The GBuffer from the HDR stage or the earlier problem still don't 

What does you SimpleStage do ? Just render the subtree into the
colorbuffer ? Let me try it, but we have our centre review
on Monday, so most likely it will take until next week.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] ShadowStage and custom HDRStage with gBuffer

2013-05-14 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2013-05-13 at 12:12 -0500, Carsten Neumann wrote:
   Hello Stefan,
 On 05/13/2013 11:21 AM, Wagner, Stefan wrote:
  I extended the HDRStage with a custom gBuffer (position, normal) which I
  use for SSAO (I know overkill, but I need the gBuffer for other things
  as well).
  This works fine if I use this stage only but I’m running into problems
  if I try to combine this stage with the ShadowStage. My custom gBuffer
  gets cleared as soon as I enable the ShadowStage.
  I tried to enable combineblend and also attached a DepthClearBackground
  to the viewport, but that didn’t helped. Does anybody knows why?
  My layout is the following:
  ShadowStage - CustomHDRStage - VisitRenderTree
 my guess would be that the buffer gets cleared when generating the 
 shadow maps - for which ideally you'd want the HDRStage to be a no-op. 
 However, the HDRStage does not really have a good (any?) way of knowing 
 that it is being visited as part of a pass that renders shadow maps, so 
 I'm not sure what to suggest :(

ok, I'm looking into it right now as Christoph still has the same

For the case with only shadow and hdr stage the setup should actually be
the other way round, e.g.

HDRStage - ShadowStage - Scene

as the HDR stage is a simple postprocessor. I would expect it to run
last in all cases.

I'm nearly done so that the shadow stage respects the target buffer
set by a parent stage. I hope to commit this later today (latest

Once this is done I will add our SSAO implementation and see how this
best fits into it. Let me run some basic tests with this setup first
so I get all the implication of the g-buffer part.

I'll get back to you as soon as I have a little bit more information.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] ShadowStage and custom HDRStage with gBuffer

2013-05-14 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2013-05-14 at 09:05 +, Wagner, Stefan wrote:
 Thanks Gerrit,
 sorry, my stage setup was already the same as you suggested. 
 So it also doesn't work with:
 HDRStageWithSSAO - ShadowStage - Scene
 I'm looking forward to your patch! :D

ok, the basic combination HDRStage - ShadowStage - Scene 
should work. I'll start to look into the gbuffer problem. 

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Crash in ShaderCacheTreeV3

2013-05-06 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2013-05-02 at 16:32 +0200, Johannes Brunen wrote:
 I have a crash in function add(const IdStore, ObjectT*) in file
 The problem is that the value type of container  IdStore is UInt16. But
 my model results in storing values greater than 65535. This leads to
 negative uiCurrIdx indices not tolerated anymore.

unfortunately there is currently the UInt16 limit, with other
parts reducing the number of bits further (to 12 IIRC). 

Currently the id's are also not reused, so if one creates
and deletes a lot of shaders this will be a problem.

For planning how to fix this, would it help in your case to 
reuse the id's. E.g. how many shader programs / shader
executables do you have active at one point in time.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] New FC with field from another lib

2013-03-20 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2013-03-19 at 21:56 +0100, Alexander Lang wrote:
 i have two folders/libs in Source/Contrib, let's call them TestA and
 TestB. Both have their *Def.h and
 CMakeLists.lib.OSGContrib[TestA|TestB].txt files.

it's an old pia, right now you must include OSGTestA.h in OSGTestB.h.
The fields only use forward declarations, but some of the function in
TestB will need the full declaration. I haven't come around fixing it.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: SimpleMaterial oddity

2013-03-14 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2013-03-13 at 15:40 -0500, Carsten Neumann wrote:
   Hello Johannes,
 On 03/07/2013 02:20 AM, Johannes wrote:
  commitChanges() is called and the rebuildState() function is also
  called. But I can't find the place where the parent ChunkMaterial chunk
  list is populated.
  In SimpleMaterial's rebuildState() the _materialChunk is updated and
  added to the _pState member. Additionally, the parent's
  addChunks(_pState) function is called which populates the _pState with
  the parent's chunks found in the _mfChunks container.
  However, the _mfChunks of the parent is never changed and that is
  actually what is evaluated in the MaterialChunkOverrideGroup
  renderEnter() function. Maybe the implementation of this function does
  make wrong assumptions about the chunks container content?
 hmm, it seems to me MaterialChunkOverrideGroup should iterate over the 
 chunks of the State returned by PrimeMaterial::getState(). That would 
 also make it work with materials not derived from ChunkMaterial.
 This is made a bit tricky by the fact that State does not allow easy 
 iteration over it's contained chunks.

looking at the code it might actually make more sense to let the
material do the work instead of the other way around. Let me look
at it quickly.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Shader usage...

2013-03-13 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2013-03-11 at 11:40 +0100, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 I have tested your fix finally. Unfortunately I have some new problems now.

arg, my mistake the uiProgId update fetched the old program id, not the
new one, not sure where my brain was ;(. I fixed that one.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Invisible Objects, OpenSG 2.0 Mac OS X 10.8

2013-03-11 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Sat, 2013-02-23 at 10:40 +0100, Keyan wrote:
 Hi Gerrit,
 thanks for the fast reply. I actually add and remove points + i change their 
 colour. so basically, i change nearly all properties.

this one should be fixed, the properties weren't updated correctly if
inside a vao.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Shader usage...

2013-03-07 Thread Gerrit Voß


finally Cebit is over (at least for me).

On Fri, 2013-02-22 at 11:45 +0100, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,

 Now after loading the scene the rendered solid is black. After a redraw 
 all is rendered fine.

I could recreate the problem from your example and found the bug. The 
changeFrom method did not update the progId correctly, so it thought
no shader was active when switching shaders in the first frame and
left before updating the shader vars.

I fixed it and pushed the change. With the change your example runs
fine in the first frame.

I will start to catch up with the rest of the pending issues once I
touched down in Singapore tomorrow.

sorry for the delay.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Some change proposals

2013-02-25 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2013-02-25 at 10:21 +0100, Christoph Fünfzig wrote:
 I would like like to report some change proposals.

I look into it as soon as possible. Currently I have to support Cebit 
stuff, and this eats up all my time. Towards the end of the week it
should get better ;)

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: VariantMaterial

2013-02-07 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2013-02-06 at 10:30 -0600, Carsten Neumann wrote:
   Hello Johannes,
 On 02/05/2013 06:13 AM, Johannes Brunen wrote:
  I'm curious about the VariantMaterial. I could not find documentation or

  2. How to use it properly?
 basically you just put a couple of materials in with:
 VariantMaterial::addMaterial(PrimeMaterial  * const materialP,
   MaterialMapKey key= 0);
 and a fallback with:
 VariantMaterial::setFallbackMaterial(PrimeMaterial * const value);
 Of course the real question is how to generate meaningful 
 MaterialMapKeys so that the material selection based on RenderProperties 
 works. Unfortunately I don't know that part, sorry.

It is the incomplete beginning of doing more complicated rendering 
algorithms. Usually the RenderProperties are meant to be set for the
action by the corresponding stage. For example we are currently 
finishing an SSAO and LPV stage for better lighting. As both of them
are deferred shading algorithms the primary rendering has to produce
the buffers required by the post processing. So the stage sets 
the action RenderProperties do indicate that the rendering should
create the deferred buffers. Of course the material currently have
to be manually setup to support this. To some extend I hope to 
automate this later on.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: ShadowStage with PassiveBackround

2013-02-01 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2013-02-01 at 09:09 +0100, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 On 01.02.2013 08:34, Gerrit Voß wrote:
  no got it, still try to wrap my head around what is happening. One
  short question, how are the shadows drawn, is there another geometry
  that received the shadows ?
 Yes, what I do is to calculate the bounding box of my scene and place a 
 transparent plane, created by makeCylinder, just below the box.
  For the ATI's I'll have to find a way to test as I  don't have any
  recent card. I'll see if I can find information if there are limitations
  to the blitFramebufferPart on ATI.
 It would be possible to send you such a card or we could bear the 
 expensive of such a card if this helps.

Let me see if I can buy one over here. 

 In my experience ATI is more petty about the GL standard. At least with 
 the GLSL shader code I have written NVIDA was always more forgivable.
 Do you have any information about the 
 glGetFloatv(GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F,...) error.

yes, a quick grep gave a registerContant(GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F) away. 
I fixed this one, so this should be gone.

But now I get warning from the uint uniforms as well ;), have to track
those down.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG Build Error using c++11 on Mac OS X

2013-01-29 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2013-01-28 at 06:01 -0500, Venkat (OpenSG) wrote:
 Good day,
 -Original message-
 From:Gerrit Voß
 c++11 yes and it should not be a problem (I'll let the build run right
 now), but you are doing more, you are switching the underlying c++
 library implementation as well and this is not a trivial
 undertaking (and something entirely different). Is there a particular need 
 for you to switch to clangs libc++ at this point in time ?. As there will be 
 more errors to follow it might take some time for me to go through and fix 
 kind regards
 I tried building with libstdc++ and I am able to build opensg successfully.  
 But I need to link to libc++ for my application (due to dependencies) and I 
 get errors from opensg header/inl files.
 I guess I will try to build opensg with libc++ and see how far I can go.

not far I'm afraid, from a quick glance, while the first error 
(operator ) can be resolved, the second one (mfieldvector) can not
be resolved easily. Without looking into all the details my first
inclination is that we have to provide a more complete std::vector
implementation to get around this one.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Invisible Objects, OpenSG 2.0 Mac OS X 10.8

2013-01-28 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2013-01-28 at 12:05 -0500, Venkat (OpenSG) wrote:
 Good day,
 -Original message-
 From:Gerrit Voß
 odd result, quick question from when is your OpenSG ? Could you
 update to the latest version and try again with
 OSG_ENABLE_NEW_GEOHANDLER ON. I fixed one typo recently.
 kind regards 
 Checked again with the latest git, with option OSG_ENABLE_NEW_GEOHANDLER=ON.  
 No change, scene is not displayed.

hmm, ok, was there a change in the results fro the test scenes
from Examples/CSM/Models/IndexVariants/ ?

thanks  kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] VTK6

2013-01-27 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Sun, 2013-01-27 at 20:15 -0500, Venkat (OpenSG) wrote:
 Good day,
 I have VTK6 installed and when building opensg, it detects VTK6 and tries to 
 build the Contrib/VTK module.  However it then throws some compile errors 
 because of breaking changes - for one vtkCommon is split into several parts 
 and the compiler also complains about missing symbols.
 Is it possible to add an option to disable the build of VTK module?

within cmake set OSGBUILD_OSGContribVTK to off an regenerate.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG Build Error using c++11 on Mac OS X

2013-01-27 Thread Gerrit Voß

On Sun, 2013-01-27 at 07:57 -0500, Venkat (OpenSG) wrote:
 Good day,
 I get the below compile errors when building on Mac OS X 10.8.2 when running 
 cmake with the following flags:
 cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -g3 -Wall -O0 
 Is c++11 supported?  I will appreciate if someone has a fix/workaround for 
 the errors.

c++11 yes and it should not be a problem (I'll let the build run right
now), but you are doing more, you are switching the underlying c++
library implementation as well and this is not a trivial
undertaking (and something entirely different). Is there a particular need 
for you to switch to clangs libc++ at this point in time ?. As there will be 
more errors to follow it might take some time for me to go through and fix them.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: ShadowStage with PassiveBackround

2013-01-24 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2013-01-24 at 14:15 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 Hello Johannes,
 On Mon, 2013-01-21 at 16:03 +0100, Johannes wrote:
  Hello Gerrit,
  is this still on your list?
 some progress, I can create some similar artefacts if I draw into the 
 frame / depth buffer before OpenSG starts rendering. I currently assume
 the entities not being seen by the shadow stage, except for values in
 the z-buffer, confuses the shadow stage. The least invasive 
 solution I can come up is to have the ShadowStage leave a correct
 Z-Buffer (which currently is not happening) and draw the additional
 elements after the OpenSG rendering finishes. This seems to get rid
 of the artefacts for my example.
 Would this change in order be possible for your situation, e.g. on
 the way in through the passive windows you only clear the buffers,
 than call passiveWindow-render(); and than call the functions 
 that draw the additional elements (e.g. the box with the greenish
 floor) before swapping the buffers ?

ok I cleaned and pushed this part, if you set
ShadowStage::_sfBlitZBuffer to true the ShadowStage will leave a
filled ZBuffer behind.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Invisible Objects, OpenSG 2.0 Mac OS X 10.8

2013-01-23 Thread Gerrit Voß


odd result, quick question from when is your OpenSG ? Could you
update to the latest version and try again with
OSG_ENABLE_NEW_GEOHANDLER ON. I fixed one typo recently.

kind regards 

On Sat, 2013-01-19 at 08:23 -0500, Venkat (OpenSG) wrote:
 Good day,
 -Original message-
 From:Gerrit Voß
 For a more structured approach I added some simple geometry variants 
 (Examples/CSM/Models/IndexVariants/{Multi|Single|NoIndex}) to the
 examples, could you use testWindowGLUT to run through them and let me
 know the result for each of the runs. Just renders quat or does not
 render quat is fine. Note some examples contain invalid combinations 
 and won't render something anyway.
 Multi : all OK
 Single: following do not render, all others ok.
 NoIndex: following do not render, all others ok
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Gerrit Voß
Fraunhofer IDM @ NTU
南洋理工大学, Nanyang Technological University, (NTU)
新加坡,  Singapore

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: ShadowStage with PassiveBackround

2013-01-23 Thread Gerrit Voß

Hello Johannes,

On Mon, 2013-01-21 at 16:03 +0100, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 is this still on your list?

some progress, I can create some similar artefacts if I draw into the 
frame / depth buffer before OpenSG starts rendering. I currently assume
the entities not being seen by the shadow stage, except for values in
the z-buffer, confuses the shadow stage. The least invasive 
solution I can come up is to have the ShadowStage leave a correct
Z-Buffer (which currently is not happening) and draw the additional
elements after the OpenSG rendering finishes. This seems to get rid
of the artefacts for my example.

Would this change in order be possible for your situation, e.g. on
the way in through the passive windows you only clear the buffers,
than call passiveWindow-render(); and than call the functions 
that draw the additional elements (e.g. the box with the greenish
floor) before swapping the buffers ?

kind regards,

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: ShadowStage with PassiveBackround

2013-01-22 Thread Gerrit Voß


On 21 Jan, 2013, at 23:03, Johannes wrote:

 Hello Gerrit,
 is this still on your list?

yes quite far up. Should have some time tomorrow to look at it and other
OpenSG things. Finally nearly cleared the new year backlog.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: ShadowStage with PassiveBackround

2012-12-18 Thread Gerrit Voß


On 17 Dec, 2012, at 16:14, Johannes wrote:

 Hello Gerrit,
 On 10.12.2012 07:04, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 The problem is the PassiveBackground, which acutally does not clear
 anything, it relies on the application having cleared the (window)
 buffers. As the shadow stage render everything in it's own FBO but
 reuses the outside background is misses this clear. It is a general
 problem for stages and passive backgrounds. I'll see if I can find a
 solution where the stages blit the framebuffer contents into their
 I extended the PassiveBackground so that it can do something if used
 within an FBO. This has to be enabled setting
 PassiveBackground clearFrameBufferObject
 to true. Than there are two options, either the application sets a
 callback which gets called if PassiveBackground::clear is called with
 a FBO active. If the callback is not set the PassiveBackground will
 blit the window contents (color + stencil + depth) to the active FBO.
 Currently it assumes that the active FBO size does not exceed the
 window size (right now it's the first version).
 I have incorporated the code into my setup but it does not work quite
 correctly. I have setup the framework on two different computers one with an 
 ATI graphic adapter and the other uses one of Nvidia. Both do make problems 
 but slightly different. For my testing I also enabled the GLIntercep utiltiy. 
 Here are my results:

ok, I'll have a look, short question, what does the background the app
creates before the passive background is run looks like ? Is it empty
with just a color or is it more complex ?

thanks  kind regards
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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: ShadowStage with PassiveBackround

2012-12-09 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2012-12-07 at 10:32 +0100, Johannes wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 On 26.11.2012 03:15, Gerrit Voß wrote:

  Has anyone a idea with respect to the clearing operation?
  The problem is the PassiveBackground, which acutally does not clear
  anything, it relies on the application having cleared the (window)
  buffers. As the shadow stage render everything in it's own FBO but
  reuses the outside background is misses this clear. It is a general
  problem for stages and passive backgrounds. I'll see if I can find a
  solution where the stages blit the framebuffer contents into their
 Did you have time to think about this one? As I'm relying on the 
 PassiveBackground it is very important for me.

I extended the PassiveBackground so that it can do something if used
within an FBO. This has to be enabled setting 

PassiveBackground clearFrameBufferObject 

to true. Than there are two options, either the application sets a 
callback which gets called if PassiveBackground::clear is called with
a FBO active. If the callback is not set the PassiveBackground will
blit the window contents (color + stencil + depth) to the active FBO.
Currently it assumes that the active FBO size does not exceed the 
window size (right now it's the first version). 

I also added an example (Examples/CSM/Shadow/SimplePassive). For me
it works, could you check and see if it works for your setup.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OSGAddonsGV: Crash in testSimpleCudaComputeOSG

2012-12-09 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2012-12-06 at 19:43 +0100, Alexander Lang wrote:
 i am trying to get OpenSG 2.0 running with CUDA 5.0 and Windows 7.
 Compilation of the OSGContribCompute project worked fine (after i
 uncommented the line
 in the CMakeLists.Lib.OSGContribCompute.txt, otherwise the GLUT functions
 would not be found).
 The testSimpleCudaComputeOSG can be started but as soon as the CUDA
 execution branch is triggered, the application crashes at the call to
 'cudaGLRegisterBufferObject' within the function
 'updateGeoOSGCudaCallback' (Unhandled Access violation exception).
 The CUDA programming guide specifies that before any CUDA interop call,
 'cudaGLSetGLDevice' has to be called. So i added
 after GLUT was initialized. I also replaced the function with
 'cudaGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer' since 'cudaGLRegisterBufferObject' is
 deprecated, but to no effect.
 I set up a simple stand-alone CUDA application in Visual Studio 2010 that
 calls this function without problems.
 Any idea? Does anyone use CUDA and OpenSG?

I'm just coming back to this. I just managed to get the cuda part
compiling against cuda 5.0, but I haven't had time to look at it
further. Give me a little time, I'll update you once I get it running

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] [OpenSG 2.0]

2012-12-06 Thread Gerrit Voß


On 5 Dec, 2012, at 18:11, Hannah Carbonnier wrote:

 - Mail original -
 short question, are you compiling with -std=c++11 active. That
 seems to
 trigger a similar problem for me.
 I compile with -std=c++0x active, I don't know the difference :s. But the 
 error is still the same with -std=c++11.
 if yes, you have to have a space between the  and PRIx64, e.g.
 as PRIx64 it will resolve to x and this fails because  is now
 operator. Written as  PRIx64 still seems to resolve correctly.
 I replaced all PRIx64 by  PRIx64 (and all PRIx64 by PRIx64 ) and the 
 error is now : expected ‘)’ before ‘PRIx64’. 
 I'll have to check OpenSG against that.
 Ok, thanks

ok, the latest OpenSG version builds against both variants (-std=c++11 and 
on my Fedora 17 system.

let me know if there are still problems on your side.

kind regards
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Re: [Opensg-users] Invisible Objects, OpenSG 2.0 Mac OS X 10.8

2012-12-06 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2012-12-06 at 13:27 +0100, Keyan wrote:
 is there a workaround available? slowly this is going to be a serious issue 
 and problematic for the project.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around what the problem is. As I can't
reproduce it anywhere it is isn't that easy.

For a more structured approach I added some simple geometry variants 
(Examples/CSM/Models/IndexVariants/{Multi|Single|NoIndex}) to the
examples, could you use testWindowGLUT to run through them and let me
know the result for each of the runs. Just renders quat or does not
render quat is fine. Note some examples contain invalid combinations 
and won't render something anyway.

There are three scripts in there to run through the examples but you
might need to tweak the path settings.

Could you also send me your CMakeCache.txt from the build dir so I have
a better idea of your settings.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] [OpenSG 2.0]

2012-12-04 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2012-12-04 at 18:48 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On Tue, 2012-12-04 at 10:56 +0100, Hannah Carbonnier wrote:
  Hi all, 
  I work on a project that depends on OpenSG 2.0 and uses cmake.
  To enable ‘PRIx64’ macro, we have added this line in our CMakeList.txt
  file :
  Everything worked until we updated from Fedora 15 to Fedora 17 and (I
  think that is the problem but I'm not sure) from gcc 4.6.3 to gcc
  4.7.2. With these new versions, we get the error : unable to find
  string literal operator ‘operator PRIx64’
  Does somebody already had this problem and found a solution?
 short question, are you compiling with -std=c++11 active. That seems to
 trigger a similar problem for me.

if yes, you have to have a space between the  and PRIx64, e.g. written
as PRIx64 it will resolve to x and this fails because  is now an
operator. Written as  PRIx64 still seems to resolve correctly.

I'll have to check OpenSG against that.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG stages and clustering

2012-11-29 Thread Gerrit Voß


sorry for all the delays, SIGGRAPH Asia is in town, so I will come
back to all the pending stuff afterwards ;)

On 30 Nov, 2012, at 4:04, Alexander Lang wrote:

 Hello Carsten,
 thanks for your reply. I linked my cluster server to the OSGEffectGroups
 library and started it but the problem remains the same with both HDR and
 Depth-peeling stage and in my application as well as the modified
 clusterclient application. If you have the time, could you test it (with a
 OSGEffectsGroup-linked server and the attached patch that adds a HDR stage
 to the clusterclient.cpp)?

short question, what is the platform ? If windows, you might run into the old
dynamic linker problem (, the AfterBuilding
section). Could you try and force the server to load the effect groups lib, e.g.
use something 'set OSG_LOAD_LIBS=OSGEffectGroups' depending on the

kind regards
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Re: [Opensg-users] Threaded dynamic cluster client

2012-11-25 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2012-11-23 at 21:48 +0100, Alexander Lang wrote:
 i would like the client application to remain responsive after the
 connection to the render servers has been initialized. The
 MultiDisplayWindow::init() function blocks until all render servers have
 connected, therefore i would like to call init or initAsync on the
 MultiDisplayWindow instance in another thread.
 I changed the code of the testDynamicClusterClient.cpp file (attached)
 such that on connection request a thread is created that operates on
 aspect 1. After that, the function in the main thread returns.
 The MultiDisplayWindow pointer is changed to a MTRecPtr such that it will
 be available in the connection thread. After the thread is synced to the
 main thread, initAsync is called. Once a server connected, the thread
 waits on a barrier.
 The main thread continuously polls if the thread is waiting on the barrier
 and if so, pulls the changes from the connection thread to the main
 The connection thread then finishes.
 This works until i want to disconnect. Setting the
 MultiDisplayWindowMTRecPtr to NULL does not free the object, the
 connection is lost but the server window is not closed. At this point only
 the main thread exists, therefore i am puzzled what could keep the window
 from being destroyed. Any ideas?
 P.S. How about an explicit ClusterWindow::disconnect() that would set any
 pointers that refer to the window instance to NULL, like the WeakPtr?

hmm, this has nothing directly to do with the clustering. It is more
related to the multi-threading in general. I'll have a look.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Crash on shadow stage cleanup

2012-11-21 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2012-11-20 at 15:15 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On 19 Nov, 2012, at 23:05, Johannes wrote:
  What is missing, IMHO, is a disconneting operation from the StageData 
  destructor to the Stage instance.
 plausible, let me check, in theory the connection should have been 
 deregistered if either part
 (data or action) is destroyed.

I missed one cast when removing one callback. That one should be fixed.
Could you try and let me know if your program still crashes.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Invisible Objects, OpenSG 2.0 Mac OS X 10.8

2012-11-21 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Mon, 2012-10-22 at 04:16 -0400, Venkat (OpenSG) wrote:
 I have the same problem, however things work correctly if I turn off display 
 lists.  For example:

I updated the experimental geometry gl handler, so that only allowed
commands are recorded within the display list.

If you have time could you try if this helps with the problem. 

The only thing you have to build OpenSG with OSG_ENABLE_NEW_GEOHANDLER 

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Crash on shadow stage cleanup

2012-11-19 Thread Gerrit Voß


On 19 Nov, 2012, at 23:05, Johannes wrote:

 I have done some further debugging and have gained a little insight, but 
 have not yet solved the problem entirely.
 What is happening goes as follows:
 After creation of my scene manager and the embedded ShadowStage object, 
 my composite viewer (managing the viewports and the RenderAction) calls 
 redraw which comes around in the ShadowStage::renderEnter method. This 
 method then calls this-setData(pData, ..., ract), with a just created 
 ShadowStageData object. Inside of this call a connection between the 
 RenderAction and this StageData instance is established.
 Now on destruction of my composite viewer the render action is 
 destroyed. This leads, by the established connection, to the destruction 
 of the ShadowStageData instance.
 But, the setData(...) call also establish a change handler between the 
 ShadowStage and the ShadowStageData instances.
 Now on destruction of my scene manager instance the embedded ShadowStage 
 object is destroyed. This, however, yields to a change message to the 
 already destroyed ShadowStageData instance.
 I think that this is not a destruction order problem since the my scene 
 manager does have an idependent lifetime from the composite viewer.
 What is missing, IMHO, is a disconneting operation from the StageData 
 destructor to the Stage instance.

plausible, let me check, in theory the connection should have been deregistered 
if either part
(data or action) is destroyed.

kind regards
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Re: [Opensg-users] OSG Templates for Eclipse CDT ?

2012-11-05 Thread Gerrit Voß


quick answer as I'm not familiar with eclipse.

On 6 Nov, 2012, at 0:23, Cormier, Mickael 

 Hi all,
 I'm actually working with Codeblock in a Ubuntu VM, but i'd like to work with 
 Eclipse CDT my Mac. 
 Is there some Templates or example project for OSG in Eclipse CDT ? 
 Or is somebody familiar to Eclipse CDT and could help me with ?
 I would for example make some try with editing the tutorials in eclipse and 
 run them then.

we don't provide any specific project templates, as we use cmake. seems to provide a 
good overview on the options one has in order to use eclipse with projects using
cmake. From a brief glance I would either recommend option 1 or option 3, though
I haven't tried them. I use option 1 (the internal cmake generator) with 
on Windows and it works quite well. The one thing I saw is that eclipse does not
seem to be to happy about out of source builds (which OpenSG enforces), so one 
to keep an eye on the suggestion made with respect to that part.

If you run into problems let us know, I'll try to find some time to help out.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OSGQGLWidget::initializeGL() never called

2012-11-04 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2012-11-02 at 11:00 -0500, Carsten Neumann wrote:
   Hello Dirk,
 On 11/02/2012 10:55 AM, Dirk Reiners wrote:
  We override anything that makes the GL context current to avoid
  stealing it away from a parallel thread, which QT likes to do...
 yup, OSGQGLWidget::GLContext should take care of that, it has empty 
 implementations of makeCurrent()/doneCurrent() ;)

which results in initializeGL running without a current context if
QT4Window::init ran before.

The current version assumes that ::init is called on all OpenSG 
windows, directly by the application, as part of the OpenSG window
creation process as with all other windows, in order to initialize the
OpenGL state as expected by OpenSG. For other windows there isn't a
separate intitializeGL call as there is for QT. 

I (partially) see the point of calling QT4Window::init from
initializeGL, my worry is how to prevent other OpenGL calls as they
might crash the application. So the current choice was not to call into 
initializeGL at all in order to avoid problems and assume the
application explicitly calls QT4Window::init. Not sure how a 
better solution can look like.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Invisible Objects, OpenSG 2.0 Mac OS X 10.8

2012-10-22 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2012-10-19 at 12:39 +0200, Keyan wrote:
 is there any news on this issue? Can anyone confirm that this happens 
 elsewhere too?

unfortunately not, I did update my OpenSG on OSX and ran 01hello but the
torus shows up. Could you run the 01hello in the OpenGL Profiler and
send my the recorded trace off list so I can see if the OpenGL commands
match up.

thanks  kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] FieldHandles invalid, can not set pointer

2012-10-03 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2012-10-03 at 09:20 +, Halm, Andreas wrote:
 What does this mean? I get a crash directly after these warnings so i am sure 
 they are related ...
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [528] fieldId [8] file id [475] system id [528]
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [539] fieldId [8] file id [471] system id [539]
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [542] fieldId [8] file id [502] system id [542]
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [553] fieldId [8] file id [498] system id [553]
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [556] fieldId [8] file id [529] system id [556]
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [567] fieldId [8] file id [525] system id [567]
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [528] fieldId [6] file id [475] system id [528]
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [542] fieldId [6] file id [502] system id [542]
 OpenSG WARNING: OSBRootElement::mapPtrField: FieldHandles invalid, can not 
 set pointer - target fc [556] fieldId [6] file id [529] system id [556]

can you easily identify which fields are behind 8 and 6 and let me know
what kind of ptr fields have a problem. The fcd field part and the
corresponding getHandle editHandleXXX function definitions for the
particular fields would be a great help. 

 Unfortunately I couldn't find anything about these so they probably aren't 
 happening so often ...
 So these happen while loading a .osb file, containing some custom field 
 containers (all nodecores) and saved with the same program. 
 The classes are not in a seperate DLL, but statically linked. They are 
 heavily cross-linked which may be the problem - the loader does not seem to 
 able to recreate the links. The crash (assert) happens in a call to 
 changed() when some of the pointers are 0.

As long as the system can create the container, which seems to be the
case, it is properly registered with OpenSG and there should not be any
follow-up problem where the code is actually located. 

 Any idea where to go from here? I could of course go for some home-brewn 
 save/load mechanism but i would rather not...

let's have a look first ;)

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] FieldHandles invalid, can not set pointer

2012-10-03 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2012-10-03 at 10:52 +, Halm, Andreas wrote:
 Hi Gerrit,
  can you easily identify which fields are behind 8 and 6 and let me know what
  kind of ptr fields have a problem. The fcd field part and the corresponding
  getHandle editHandleXXX function definitions for the particular fields
  would be a great help.
 the problem is that i don't know in which type i have to look for field ids 6 
 and 8. i am guessing for 
 weak pointers to a custom nodecore though. digging further ...

that is not far of my initial guess which pointers might cause problems.
I'll have a look and see if I can build a simple example, if you have
additional information let me know.

Only tomorrow I'm travelling, and today is partially still filled with
report writing, but I'll try to get back to work on OpenSG asap ;)

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] FieldHandles invalid, can not set pointer

2012-10-03 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2012-10-03 at 10:59 +, Halm, Andreas wrote:
  Hi Gerrit,
   can you easily identify which fields are behind 8 and 6 and let me
   know what kind of ptr fields have a problem. The fcd field part and
   the corresponding getHandle editHandleXXX function definitions for
   the particular fields would be a great help.
  the problem is that i don't know in which type i have to look for field ids 
  6 and
  8. i am guessing for weak pointers to a custom nodecore though. digging
  further ...
 i am quite sure now it is the MFUnrecChildWaypointCorePtr type, which has id 
 6 in one type and id 8 in another type. it is one of these 
 parent-child-pointer constructs.

for a basic test osb io of MFUncrecChildXXX ptr fields for objects
derived from NodeCore seems fine. Could you send me the
field.../field part from the enclosing fcd file so I can see if
there are any particular settings that break things (off list is fine).

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Solution on msvc windows platform

2012-09-07 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2012-09-07 at 08:45 +0200, Johannes Brunen wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 what cmake version are you using? I'm using cmake 2.8.9. I did several cmake 
 runs always with the same result.

I'm still with 2.8.8. I'll try 2.8.9.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Solution on msvc windows platform

2012-09-07 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2012-09-07 at 15:37 +0800, Gerrit Voß wrote:
 On Fri, 2012-09-07 at 08:45 +0200, Johannes Brunen wrote:
  Hello Gerrit,
  what cmake version are you using? I'm using cmake 2.8.9. I did several 
  runs always with the same result.
 I'm still with 2.8.8. I'll try 2.8.9.

hmm, looks the same as 2.8.8 over here. But I started with an empty
build dir.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] WIN32Window::activate: failed: 2000

2012-09-06 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Tue, 2012-09-04 at 16:17 +0200, Alexander Lang wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 there is yet an issue. My widget that inherits from OSGQGLWidget does not
 repaint itself as a reaction to a call to updateGL(). Could you check the
 OSGQGLWidget implementation? Thanks.

yup, there still was a bug. Should work now.

kind regards

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Opensg-users mailing list

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: Solution on msvc windows platform

2012-09-06 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2012-09-06 at 09:42 +0200, Johannes Brunen wrote:
 Hello Gerrit,
 I have minor problems with the cmake generated solution on the microsoft
 windows platform.
 1. I see the advanced examples projects at the top level instead of
 residing in the Examples folder. I have not found the reason for that in
 the CMakeLists.txt files. What is the reason?

not sure, for my VS project it sits inside examples. The only idea I 
would have is closing the solution, rerun cmake, reopen the solution and
see if this makes a difference.

 2. Is it possible to move all of the INSTALL_xxx, OSGAllXXX and DocXXX
 targets into an extra folders for convenience? What do you and other

I move the INSTALLXXX targets into a folder. For Doc I currently only
have one, so I left this at the top level.

 3. The simplePluginApp target could also be moved from the top level?

same as 1, for me it sits in the Tests folder.

 4. The OSGAll target could be moved into the CMaklePredifinedTargets
 folder as well?

I would tend to leave the OSGAllXXX targets at the top level as these
are the once I use cross system. To make the toplevel less crowded I 
moved the regular libs to folders (OSGCoreLibs, OSGContribLibs) as
I only use them once something goes wrong and the OSGAllLibs target

Have a look at let me know what you think.

kind regards

PS: All of the above applies to the latest git version.

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Re: [Opensg-users] Nightly generated Doxygen

2012-09-05 Thread Gerrit Voß


On 5 Sep, 2012, at 17:54, Hannah Carbonnier wrote:

 I can't acces to Doxygen trac on OpenSG website, can you? Do you know what 
 the problem is?

just tried from home and it is accessible. What kind of error did you get ?

kind regards
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Re: [Opensg-users] WIN32Window::activate: failed: 2000

2012-09-03 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2012-08-31 at 20:28 +0200, Alexander Lang wrote:
 using the newest OpenSG 2 version my application does not work anymore.
 The last time i compiled OpenSG 2 is about 3 month ago. I am using QT. The
 only change i made to my code was to use the OSGQGLWidget::GLContext class
 instead of my own that inherits QGLContext. The error message is:

I switched the QT part to use the qtcontext and not to create an own
instance (which seems to be quite tricky on OSX). Could you try if the
latest version resolves your problems.

thanks  kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Compiling New Container Type to Library with VS 2010

2012-08-30 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2012-08-29 at 13:54 +0200, Alexander Lang wrote:
 following the tutorial on i created a
 new field container type that is supposed to compile to a library called
 DepthPeeling. However, using Visual Studio 2010 i am unable to compile
 the library because of the following error: error C2491:
 'OSG::DepthPeelingStageBase::_type' : definition of dllimport static data
 member not allowed. Looking at the code i see that the generated user cpp
 file (DepthPeelingStage.cpp) contains the macro #define
 OSG_COMPILEDEPTHPEELINGLIB, but not the base cpp file
 (DepthPeelingStageBase.cpp). My question is: Why does fcd2code not include
 that macro also in the base cpp?

that looks off, the #define in the user cpp file looks like a left over,
which I will remove.

I general this define should be set on the compiler command line, e.g.
for each lib the CMake configuration files contain something like :


Could you try to add the OSG_COMPILEDEPTHPEELINGLIB define to your
compiler command line.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Evaluation of OpenSG as scene graph library for embedded devices

2012-08-30 Thread Gerrit Voß


sorry for the delay.

On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 05:56 -0700, Mirko Oertle wrote:
 thanks for your answer.
 When we have the worst case, than all numbers happen :-).
 Performance and memory foot print are major issues on embedded devices. 

hmm, unfortunately OpenSG definitely has some overhead here, some of 
which we have to address also for the desktop version but I haven't
had time to do a thorough profiling so far.

 You cant compare it to any desktop environments. So the memory and 
 performance overhead of the library is important. It seems that we have to 
 look deeper into it with a test app.
 What do you think how difficult a port of the library to EC7 or CE 6 could be?

Recently I only tried IOS and and least a simple model came out ok. As
for embedded Windows, I haven't looked at the latest version and the
quick glance left me more confused trying to make sense of all the
variants ;(. It also looks like the SDKs are not as freely available
as before, so a quick test seems to be not as straight forward as
with earlier ce versions. I'll see if I can get access to one of the

The main issue (which is still unsolved for OpenSG in general) is 
handling GLES2, so far what exists is more a quite basic approximation. 
I never had time do completely implement support for it. The good thing
is this is something I can look at independent of the platform, and
something I wanted to for quite some time now, so I can give support
on these parts.

The other part is boost as this is the only external library OpenSG
requires to build, all others are optional. If this is not readily
available porting will be painful.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Invisible Objects, OpenSG 2.0 Mac OS X 10.8

2012-08-24 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Fri, 2012-08-24 at 10:41 +0200, Keyan wrote:
 Hi Gerrit,
  this looks like one of those modern optimus laptops, IIRC Apple allows you 
  to disable the intel
  graphics completely. Could you try this and see if it makes a difference.
 I am currently using a new MacBook Pro, which does have two graphics cards. I 
 hesitated to upgrade my MacPro because of this issue, but I will do so, as 
 soon as possible, because what you suggested actually makes a difference, 
 even if it is not quite as you suspected.
 I deactivated the dynamic switching and chose between the internal and 
 discrete setting. The internal setting, referring to the Intel Graphics 
 Card results in a nice torus drawn in 01hello. The discrete setting, 
 referring to the NVidia Graphics Cards, results in an empty window, when 
 01hello is called. I am relying here on what the application (gfxCardStatus 
 2.1.1) told me, because 'internal' and 'external' are the only options I can 
 choose, and pop-up notifications then tell me, which graphics card is in use.

  I'll check of there is the possibility to save a trace from the debugger. 
  I'll also see if I 
  can get access to a  10.8 machine.
 On monday, I will upgrade my MacPro to 10.8.1, which has a NVidia graphics 
 card only, and let you know, if the issue still occurs. So far, thanks for 
 the tip!

short update, I upgraded ours and 01hello seems to work (the torus comes
up), the only difference is, that one has an ATI card, but from my
experience hardware behaves more uniformly under OS X, so that should
hopefully not matter that much. Only for some tests (csm) I lost the
mouse input, not sure why ;(.

One thought, could you try testWindowCocoa on the discrete nvidia card, 
not that glut has an influence.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Invisible Objects, OpenSG 2.0 Mac OS X 10.8

2012-08-23 Thread Gerrit Voß


On 24 Aug, 2012, at 5:49, Keyan wrote:

 Hi Carsten,
 I managed to compile 01hello in Xcode, and did run it in the debugger 
 (Instruments) with the OpenGL Debugging Tool, but I am unable to see anything 
 that is worth pasting. 01hello does not print any warnings or messages to the 
 console, other than the graphics card information (NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA 
 GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine), and the tracer shows me that 2 drivers are 
 called alternatively, namely GeForceGLDriver and 

this looks like one of those modern optimus laptops, IIRC Apple allows you to 
disable the intel
graphics completely. Could you try this and see if it makes a difference.

 This is all that I can provide at this point. If there is anybody more 
 experienced in OpenGL debugging on Mac, I would be thankful for some more 
 tips on how to get more useful information.

I'll check of there is the possibility to save a trace from the debugger. I'll 
also see if I 
can get access to a  10.8 machine.

kind regards
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Re: [Opensg-users] OSG2, Ogre skinning + cluster

2012-08-14 Thread Gerrit Voß


On 15 Aug, 2012, at 3:41, Carsten Neumann wrote:

Hello Volker,
 On 08/14/2012 11:16 AM, Volker Settgast wrote:
 concerning the skinning-with-cluster problem:
 Thinking some more about this, even if the call to 
 data-setDataValid(false) never happens the servers should still get 
 updated data. However, if your application calls 
 OSG::commitChangesAndClear() after rendering, all changes that were done 
 as part of rendering are lost - the only safe time to clear the 
 changelist is immediately after transmitting it, but the ClusterWindow 
 lumps the transmit together with rendering so that it is difficult for 
 the app to clear the CL at the right time.
 It seems ClusterWindow should have an option (default: true) that 
 controls if it clears the changelist after transmitting it.

small comment, changes during local rendering should never be needed to
get the clustering right. Usually they should not even be transmitted.
Because, rendering locally on the master while clustering is optional, 
for example on our main cluster the application is started remotely,
without anybody being even being logged into the master, so no
rendering will happen in this setup.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] Bad performance in cluster with textures

2012-07-26 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 11:25 +0200, Hannah Carbonnier wrote:
 More précisely, my texture is PNG image data, 2048 x 2048, 8-bit/color RGB, 

hmm, that should not be a problem (as long as the gfx cards is happy
with the size, and you said reducing the size does not help). I'll look
into this. Could you let me know a simple test case I can use to
reproduce/test the problem (off list is fine). Similar if it is related 
to sofa, I added some CSM cluster examples to our part (apps/examples)
(e.g. for the textured snake) could you try if these show the same
behaviour. At least when I ran the snake example I did not observe any
significant slowdown (I'll try again).

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] HDR Stage in Cluster

2012-07-26 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2012-07-26 at 17:38 +0200, Volker Settgast wrote:
 I just tried to add the HDR stage to our cluster (I removed the
 vignette-effect for that to work).
 But I found out that the core is not synchronized. Now, is it my application
 doing something wrong or the HDRStage not cluster-enabled?
 btw: the ShadowStage works just fine.
 Is it maybe the definition pointerfieldtypes=none which I found in the
 FCD of the HDRStage? (not sure any more what that means)

there is one error in the fcd file, the isBundle=true should be
isBundle=false. But even after fixing this it still does not work
properly. I'll have a deeper look.

kind regards

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Re: [Opensg-users] OSG2 debug output in navigator

2012-07-12 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2012-07-12 at 10:30 +0200, Volker Settgast wrote:
 in system/window/utilities/OSGNavigator.cpp, line 701 there is an fprintf. I
 think somebody forgot to remove it .

ok, I'll remove it, 


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Re: [Opensg-users] CMake Mac OS X Compile OpenSG 2.0

2012-07-12 Thread Gerrit Voß


On Thu, 2012-07-12 at 15:38 +0200, Victor Haefner wrote:
 Your fix works! OpenSG 2.0 runs on Mac :)
 Are you or the community interested in the batch file wich installs on mac?
 We will soon polish the one we have now when installing OpenSG on a fresh
 Mac OS.
 I also have one for Ubuntu, one day I will look at how to create my own
 repositories.. But until then, I can at least share those batch files :)

I would be interested in them as I just finished the basic CPack
infrastructure (recently) and python based dailybuild scripts (a while

For Mac OS I have a general question on packaging, how is one expected
to deal with the variety of 3rd repositories, e.g.

MacPorts vs Fink vs Homebrew ?

Our dailybuild machine is currently using Homebrew. In general Mac OS
seems to be quite fragmented in this respect and I don't have a good
idea how to solve this or how it is supposed to be solved.

kind regards

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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