[PHP-DB] Extracting values from an array (I think)

2003-11-24 Thread dpgirago
Hello All,

I'm familiar and comfortable with selecting and utilizing one record at a 
time in my php-mysql gui / application. But now I'm faced with having to 
select one field from 24 records and assign the results to 24 different 

Table structure: 

| Field  | Type  |
| meter_num | int(11)   |  primary key
| x | double|
| y | double|
| z | double|
| cc_val| varchar(64)   |
| cc_date   | date  |  primary key
| esn   | varchar(64)   |
| dsn   | varchar(64)   |
| csn   | varchar(64)   |
| comm_setup| varchar(128)  |
| multi_port| varchar(16)   |
| threshold | double|
| short_label   | varchar(20)   |
| label | varchar(80)   |
| comments  | varchar(255)  |
| mod_date  | datetime  |

query ="SELECT  short_label  FROM  config  ORDER BY  meter_num";

There will be 24 records max in this table, and meter_num is a primary key 
with values 1- 24 .

If I run this query in the MySQL client, I get a result set like this:


And I'd like to be able to do this:

$sLabel_1 = short_label_1;
$sLabel_2 = short_label_2;


These variables / values then get displayed in an HTML table in the 
appropriate place. I know that I can add a where clause to the query to 
select / assign each label individually, but that's 24 queries just for 
this one piece of data. Seems to me there must be a more efficient way to 
do this, but I'm runnin' out of ideas. 

Hope someone is thinking more clearly than I am right now.



Re: [PHP-DB] Extracting values from an array (I think)

2003-11-24 Thread dpgirago
Thanks for your kind reply, John. I've not used the variable variable 
technique before but do recall reading about it in the PHP Bible. 

I'll give it a try.


John Krewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

11/24/2003 01:33 PM



Re: [PHP-DB] Extracting values from an array (I think)

If you have to assign 24 unique variables rather than storing this data 
in an array, then you could apply some variable variable action.  Here 
is a code sample that assumes you are looping through a result set from 
a database:

query ="SELECT  short_label  FROM  config  ORDER BY  meter_num";
$result= @MSSQL_QUERY($query)
 or die("Can't connect or something painfully obscure");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 

That will, I believe, give you a list of variables/values such as:
$short_label_1 = short_label_1
$short_label_2 = short_label_2

You can also adjust the variable name to your liking, such as:


The above should be correct, but I do admit that I don't use this 
technique daily.

To bad you cannot just throw your values into an associative array and 
pluck them when needed
using $key => $value type of combinations.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Extracting values from an array (I think)

2003-11-24 Thread dpgirago
I'm getting the correct output from the following query:

>  $selectLabelQuery = "SELECT   short_label
> FROM config
> ORDER BY  meter_num";
>  $resultSelectLabelQuery = mysql_query($selectLabelQuery) or
> die("can't select short label");

which is processed here:

>  $counter = 1;
>  while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($resultSelectLabelQuery))
>  {

But the variable variable thing does not seem to be working, either with 
or without the $ for the 'counter' inside the brackets. 

>${$sLabel_ . $counter} = $row['short_label'];
>  }

When I WATCH  $counter and $row['short_label'], their values are 1 through 
24, and short_label_1 through short_label_24, respectively, so the problem 
is in this part ... ${$sLabel_ . $counter} or even when like this ${$sLabel_ . 
counter}  .



[PHP-DB] Seeking Opinions about PHP Directory Organization and Permissions on Linux

2004-01-09 Thread dpgirago
Howdy all,

I have been using PHP, MySQL and Apache on Win2K for about a year now and 
have recently begun the process of switching development to Linux -- 
Yesterday (by using the excellent reference by Patrick Harper, 
http://www.internetsecurityguru.com/documents/snort_acid_rh9.pdf ) I 
finally successfully installed from source MySQL-4.0.16, PHP-4.3.4, and 
Apache-2.0.48 on Linux, and a test phpinfo() page worked as expected. 

Now I need to migrate several multi-file (db_connect files, function 
include files, C executables) apps from windows to linux, so I was 

1.  How *nix users organize their 'include' and 'session' directories 
(e.g., outside the web root? how deep in the directory structure?).
2.  Whether all files (including C executables) should be owned by root, 
and what permissions should be set. For example, I was logged in as root 
when I made
 the phpinfo() file, so it  _is_ owned by root. Permissions were set 
automatically to 0644. Is this customary? And who/what will own the 
session files as they are created?
Perhaps I'm over-thinking these issues, but I've not much experience on 
*nix compared to windows, and it's Friday afternoon in my spot of the 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions / tips, etc... 


[PHP-DB] passing a $_POST variable

2004-01-16 Thread dpgirago
Good day all,

This may be easier than I'm imagining...

The question:
When using the header(location: ...) method for inserting or updating some 
 $_POST['variable']'s into a MySQL db (preventing repeat insertions or 
updates when 'refreshing', etc...), is it possible to return a 
$_POST['variable'] from the page that does the insert? I'm imagining that 
I'd have to have a form on the insert page with a hidden field to hold the 
values(s).  But using this line of reasoning, I'm stuck at how the form 
would be submitted. 

Here's a longer description of the issue:
The main page has 24 radio buttons related to computers on a network. When 
the page is initially displayed, none of these are selected. When a button 
is clicked, information about the selected computer, such as location, IP 
address, MAC, user(s), date of purchase, manufacturer, software installed, 
time and date of update, etc..., is displayed in one column, and in a 
second column, one has the option to enter new values for these items. So 
a user updates the record for the computer, enters username and password, 
hits submit, and the data gets sent in the $_POST array to a second page 
that does the insert, then redirects back to the main page (I know how to 
do all this stuff). What I'd like is for the main page to display the 
newly updated data for the just selected computer, along with info for the 
user related to the update ( succeeded, failed due to wrong password, 

I know I could use $_SESSION or $_GET variables for this stuff, but I'm 
hoping I can use the $_POST array. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this question, and for any thoughts 
you might have about it. 



2004-01-22 Thread dpgirago

-- $query = "CREATE TABLE staff (
-- name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
-- login VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
-- password VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
-- picaddy VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
-- email VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
-- staffbio TEXT NOT NULL,
-- createdate DATE NOT NULL,
-- tagline VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
-- PRIMARY KEY(staffid,login) )";

The problem with the above create table query is the _placement_ of the 
UNSIGNED keyword.

Rather than: 


The second worked for me while the first threw the previously reported SQL 
Syntax error. 


[PHP-DB] Unexpected Session Behavior on Mozilla

2004-01-28 Thread dpgirago
Hello PHP-DB listers,

I've a  PHP, MySQL Web Page script that branches according to browser 
(e.g., MSIE, or Mozilla ) and which uses a small number of session 
variables. I've noticed that when connecting through Explorer, for each 
browser / page instance opened on the same machine, there is a new session 
file created ( as I would expect ).  Yet when connecting through Mozilla 
on RH9, there is only one session file created per machine, which causes a 
second instance of the page to inherit the values of the session variables 
from the previously opened page. This is confusing to me, to say the 
least. Anybody have any thoughts as to why this is occurring?

MySQL 4.0.16
PHP 4.3.4
Apache 2.0.48
Win2K IE 5.50x
RH9 Mozilla 1.2.1


Re: [PHP-DB] Associated popup menu (php/mysql)

2004-02-06 Thread dpgirago
Let's see if I'm understanding you correctly. You want to have a form with 
2 or more popup menus, where a choice of `country` in the first menu then 
populates a second popup menu with the `states` located in that country? 

If this is what you're asking, I do this all the time using select (or 
drop down) boxes in html (with PHP, JavaScript, and a MySQL back-end). 
Perhaps it can be used also for pop-ups...?

The basics are to have the form submit to itself, have the database query 
selecting all `countries` populate the first menu when the page is first 
displayed by running a "select id_country, country from Countries" query 
against your database, then use the id_country of the selected country to 
run a second query, "select state_names from states where id_country = 
{$_POST['value_returned_from_first_query']}". I usually use 
'onchange=\"this.form.submit()\"' to automate the submittal of the 
Use conditional statements in your PHP code to control which queries get 
run, that is, only run the second query if the variable for the selected 
country has a value in it.

The PHP manual has lots of examples about how to use built-in functions 
for a variety of databases to query and retrieve data.



>Hello all,
>I've been searching for hours and cannot find the answer or sample in in 
>What is the best method (any sample or help would be appreciated), to
>associate popup menus in a form. Choosing the first popup menu (Main
>categorie) should provide to me the results for the second popup menu
>Ie : Countries --> states
>I know that javascript can do this sort of things, but I would like to 
>only php. Is that possible ?
>I have two tables in mysql: Countries & states that can be associated by

[PHP-DB] mail() and sendmail configuration

2004-02-23 Thread dpgirago
Good Morning,

This post is somewhat OT -- please forgive me. I've spent over 3 days 
trying to get sendmail configured and I've lost some patience and 
reasoning ability in the process.

I have a Linux (RH9), Apache 2.0.48, PHP 4.3.4, MySQL GUI that creates a 
PDF document on the server for web access. We would also like to have the 
document emailed to several folks within the company. So I essentially 
have to get the PDF attached to an email and routed to our SMTP server. I 
have webmin installed and have tried to use it to configure sendmail. When 
I execute  /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail status  ---  Linux says that sendmail 
is running. 

I'm using this method for creating emails with attachments (which was 
posted on the PHP-WIN list several months ago ), but it is failing:

The file was successfully sent!";

} else { 
die("Sorry but the email could not be sent. Please go back and try

I've examined the content of the variables in this expression (from above) 
[[$ok = @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers) ]] and 
it looks ok, though I'm no expert, so I'm guessing that the problem lies 
within the sendmail configuration. Webmin has loads of config pages for 
sendmail, and I admit that they're overwhelming right now. It seemed to me 
at first a relatively simple task to have an email created on the server, 
and forwarded to our SMTP server for delivery, but I was obviously naiive 
in this assumption. If anyone has suggestions or knows of helpful links or 
tutorials, I'd be deeply obliged.

Thanks for reading this long post.


Re: [PHP-DB] mail() and sendmail configuration

2004-02-23 Thread dpgirago

Thanks for the suggestions.

In regard to your question, no. A simple mail() invocation without the 
attachment does not work, hence my sense that the problem is the sendmail 
I'm in the process of checking the logs and will repost if anything looks 



02/23/2004 11:10 AM



Re: [PHP-DB] mail() and sendmail configuration

On Tuesday 24 February 2004 00:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This post is somewhat OT -- please forgive me. I've spent over 3 days
> trying to get sendmail configured and I've lost some patience and
> reasoning ability in the process.
> I have a Linux (RH9), Apache 2.0.48, PHP 4.3.4, MySQL GUI that creates a


> If anyone has suggestions or knows of helpful links or
> tutorials, I'd be deeply obliged.

0) Does the simplest mail() invocation work at all?

1) Check the php logs
2) Check the sendmail logs
3) Ask on the RedHat list
4) Ask on the sendmail list

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
Search the list archives before you post
To craunch a marmoset.
 -- Pedro Carolino, "English as She is 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Automatically Refreshing png-Image'd Web Page

2004-03-19 Thread dpgirago
Howdy Listers,

The Background:
I am making dynamic, color-coded, png images of the floor plan of a 
building and displaying them in a browser.  Numerous radioactivity sensors 
throughout the building send their readings to a MySQL dB, and the web 
page queries the dB, and depending on the readings, the areas specific to 
the sensors will appear green for normal, yellow for high but acceptable, 
and red for critical.  All this works OK.

The Problem:
Neither the HTML nor JavaScript code I usually use for automatically 
refreshing a page has any effect if the header("Content-type: image/png") 
necessary for displaying the png image is included. If I comment out the 
header() line, the page refreshes, but the image data comes through as 
hieroglyphics.  Obviously, I need to refresh the page to get the latest 
data, and to create and display the corresponding image.

The Question:
Is there any way to automatically refresh a web page displaying a png 

Thanks in advance for any thoughts/insights into how I can solve this 


RE: [PHP-DB] Automatically Refreshing png-Image'd Web Page

2004-03-19 Thread dpgirago
Thanks, Paul, you got it right. I was trying to do it all in one 
file/page. I'll have a go at your suggestion.

> I might be reading this wrong, but I do not think you should put your
> meta refresh request in the png creation script.  It should be in the
> html body script.

> Index.php
> Meta-refresh to call itself in 30 secs
> Call to 

> php_radio_image_creation_script.php
> header("Content-type: image/png") 
> Echo image content

> -Paul

[PHP-DB] Anyone Subscibed to PHP-GTK-General?

2004-04-22 Thread dpgirago
Warning: This is OT.

Just wondering if anyone receives emails from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I've subscribed and received a confirmation 
response, but my emails to that list get returned, and I receive no posts 
from anyone else. Does anyone know if [EMAIL PROTECTED] is 


RE: [PHP-DB] question on

2004-05-12 Thread dpgirago
> Thanks so much but I am so new to all this so need more explanation 
> I think at this point I don't mind the round trip to the server side 
till I
> find a better way. But for now I think I have what you are suggesting 
> then why my "echo" is not retuning anything :

Well, there is no value assgined to $_POST['newcountry'] in your example. 
How are you getting a value to that form field?


RE: [PHP-DB] question on

2004-05-12 Thread dpgirago
> Here is the complete code. In the one line Java script that I have I am
> setting the value. So what am I missing?

For the sake of the listers trying to help you, and for your own clarity 
of concept, I'd suggest starting out by putting all your code into one 
file. It's quite hard to follow as you've presented it. 

Also, it may make it easier if you try concatenating all your output to 
one $variable, then print/echoing it out.

Don't mean to be difficult, but we all have our own projects to work on. 


PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: inserting data into database!

2004-05-14 Thread dpgirago
> Here is my code now, but I am getting a parsing error

> Parse error: parse error, unexpected $end

> $db_table = 'log';

> $conn = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass);

> if ($conn == true) {

> $insert = "INSERT INTO $db_table SET ";

> $insert .= "Base = '" . $row->Base . "', ";

> $insert .= "Date_and_Time = '" . $row->Date_and_Time . "', ";

> $insert .= "Event_Type = '" . $row->Event_Type . "', ";

> $insert .= "Description = '" . $row->Description . "', ";

>  $insert .= "Initials = '" . $row->Initials . "'";

> mysql_query($insert, $conn);


If this is the actual code, you are missing a closing brace at the end of 
the block.


[PHP-DB] Convert HTML Table to Tab Delimited .TXT file

2004-05-24 Thread dpgirago
Howdy All,

I've PHP / Apache / MySQL running on a Linux machine where a GUI allows an 
administrator to track changes made to computers on our intranet. I've 
been asked to add an 'history' button so that all changes made to one or 
more computers can be put into a table, displayed on client machines 
(windows), then imported into an excel spread sheet.  So far so good. I'm 
querying the dB, retrieving the requested records, then displaying in a 
new window in a table with border set to '0'. The expectation is that the 
admin on a client machine will then copy the table to a text file, then 
import into excel. 

The problem is with the field separator. I tried concatenating a '\t' to 
each field but this didn't behave as expected. Eventually, I concated a 
'|' (bar) character, and this imported with the correct formatting. 
However, now there is this foreign character at the end of  each cell in 
the spread sheet. 

My question is whether there might be a more direct way to get the dB data 
into excel on the client PC (can't imagine how), or if not, how I might 
create a 'tab delimited' file from the HTML table and avoid introducing a 
foreign character as a field separator.

Thanks for reading this long post.


Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Convert HTML Table to Tab Delimited .TXT file

2004-05-24 Thread dpgirago
Thanks for responding, Torsten. If I'm understanding your suggestion, then 
what happens where the data from the dB already has a ; (semi-colon) in 
it? Wouldn't this corrupt the import into excel? 


>> My question is whether there might be a more direct way to get the dB 
>> into excel on the client PC (can't imagine how), or if not, how I might
>> create a 'tab delimited' file from the HTML table and avoid introducing 
>> foreign character as a field separator.

> A comma seperated values file (.csv) should be readable by Excel. Just 
put a
> ; between all values and save it as a text file with .csv extension. I 
> you don't need to go all the way via HTML output and copy/paste.

> Regards, Torsten Roehr

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Convert HTML Table to Tab Delimited .TXT file

2004-05-24 Thread dpgirago
There definitely are colons, and there is a 'comments' field and 
semi-colons may appear there. However I think I will include a note in the 
help file for the admin to avoid using semi-colons in this field. Seems 
the best solution. And you are right: A .csv is seen as an excel file, so 
opening the audit window then going to file > save as, and making the file 
Audit.csv, or something, avoids having to use the import wizard in excel. 
Saves several steps. Thanks so much! 


>> Thanks for responding, Torsten. If I'm understanding your suggestion, 
>> what happens where the data from the dB already has a ; (semi-colon) in
>> it? Wouldn't this corrupt the import into excel?

> This might cause a problem because Excel will start a new row then - 
> could also happen with a tab delimiter. At the moment I can't think of a
> solution for this. Is it probable that your data contains semicolons?

> Regards, Torsten

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Convert HTML Table to Tab Delimited .TXT file

2004-05-24 Thread dpgirago
Thanks, Christian, and all who responded. I think this is almost exactly 
as it will work. The problem with using some kind of MySQL frontend is 
that this would involve some knowledge of dB's and SQL (can't be certain 
of this), and that it would be additional steps. For example, the GUI 
already allows 1 or more computers to be selected (up to 48, now), and the 
audit history button simply queries the audit_table based upon the same 
selection of computers for all changes made during a specified period. 
Having to create a query for computers 1-7, 11, 15, 16, 24, 31, etc, where 
start date = 'some date' and end date = now() would really be dupliating 
work that the GUI is already doing. 

> An easy way to do it (work around) is to dump it as csv or html.  If 
> form can output an html table to the browser to show results then all 
> need is to include a short instruction on the html form that has all 
> in html table that would say something like "Save with your browser's 
> as' button and save it as a HTM file then open it with Excel"

> Then the user would easily open an HTML file in XLS and do what ever 
> want with it (save as XLS, WK*, etc  It gets more complicated if you
> want to use formulas in the spreadsheet but if its just raw data this 
> be a very easy way to accomplish what  you want.  Hope this helps.

> Christian

Re: [PHP-DB] Convert HTML Table to Tab Delimited .TXT file

2004-05-24 Thread dpgirago
Wow, thanks. I'm gonna give this a try right now.


Mark Weinstock at [EMAIL PROTECTED] recently wrote...
> Maybe I'm missing something (quite possible), but you can make the
> work happen autogically by using http headers.

> header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
> header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=excelfile.xls");

> Replace excelfile.xls with whatever you want the filename to be

> Then write out your table as you would normally. the result should be
> an excel file either downloaded or opened in the browser, depending
> on the browser settings.

Re: [PHP-DB] Convert HTML Table to Tab Delimited .TXT file

2004-05-24 Thread dpgirago
I've used the header function before for redirection with success, but in 
the current situation I'm not sure where to put the 2 calls to it. I'm 
making the web page on the fly -- querying the dB, writing out the string 
including html tags and the query result, using fopen to create the file, 
then using Javascipt to open a browser window displaying the just created 
page. So far I've either gotten the 'can't send headers, output already 
started' error message, or I've gotten the GUI page itself opened up in 
excel, interesting effect but not the intention ;-)

Does anyone have an idea where to try putting the header calls given the 
above set-up?



> Wow, thanks. I'm gonna give this a try right now.

> dave

> Mark Weinstock at [EMAIL PROTECTED] recently wrote...
>> Maybe I'm missing something (quite possible), but you can make the
>> work happen autogically by using http headers.

>> header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
>> header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=excelfile.xls");

>> Replace excelfile.xls with whatever you want the filename to be

>> Then write out your table as you would normally. the result should be
>> an excel file either downloaded or opened in the browser, depending
>> on the browser settings.David

Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple Inserts

2004-06-22 Thread dpgirago
Don't see anything obviously wrong with your query string. Are the inserts 
happening in the same block of code, i.e., are you sure that 
_$TimesheetID_ has a value in it when you're performing the second insert? 


> I am using a form to Insert data into 2 tables in the same database.

> $TimesheetID needs to be in each table. However, it is not being 
> into the second table, "tblTimesheetDetails" . Any advise?

> $result_timesheet=mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblTimesheet (TimesheetID,
> WorkerID, ClientID, TimesheetDate, ProspectiveOrRetrospective) VALUES
> ospective')")or die("Insert Error: ".mysql_error());

> $result_timesheetdetails=mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblTimesheetDetails
> (TimesheetID, ActivityTypeID, TimeSpentHours, TimeSpentMinutes) VALUES
> die("Insert Error: ".mysql_error());

[PHP-DB] MySQL_unbuffered_query() and MySQL_free_result()

2004-06-30 Thread dpgirago
Howdy All,

If one were to use mysql_unbuffered_query() instead of mysql_query(), are 
calls to mysql_free_result still needed? or valid? I'm asking because when 
I make this change in one of my scripts, mysql_free_result throws a 
warning: 'xxx'  is not a valid result resource... The application still 
runs fine, however. 

The manual says: 
"mysql_unbuffered_query() sends a SQL query query to MySQL, without fetching and 
buffering the result rows automatically, 
as mysql_query() does." 

Does this mean that from PHP's perspective, there only is an identifiable 
result resource when the result set is buffered? Because the rows of data 
are still being sent to PHP, albeit, one row at a time, right? But this 
apparently does not constitute a result resource. 

Can anyone enlighten me?



Re: [PHP-DB] [slightly OT] OOP syntax

2004-06-30 Thread dpgirago

>From my recent readings, and others please correct me here, I think you 
need to first declare the variables inside the Class, i.e., var 
$srvr['etime'] = array(); 
var $srvr['etime']['server'];

-- then assign a value to them:

var $srvr['etime']['server'] = '';

In other words, these must be separate steps. 

Not too sure about the syntax for declaring an array in the above. Maybe 
this needs to be separate steps, too?



> I have some procedural code that i'm wanting to convert into classes(and
> i'm a bit greeen to OOP), hopefully to offer them to the PHP community. 
> keep all my config data in arrays of arrays, which i'd like to keep when 
> move to a class model, but can't seem to find out the correct defintion
> syntax.

> for example, here is a portion of the array storing connection info to a
> mssql db(keeping it in db land)
> $srvr['etime'] = array();
> $srvr['etime']['server']= '';
> $srvr['etime']['db']  = 'dbmaster';
> $srvr['etime']['user']  = 'uname';
> $srvr['etime']['pass']  = 'pword';
> $srvr['etime']['title']   = 'eTime';
> $srvr['etime']['dfltch']= 'N';
> $srvr['etime']['optional']  = false;

> How would this need to be defined at the top of a class to taken on as a
> class variable/array.  Am i thinking of this wrong?

> I can add them all as scalar variables, but i'd rather work with arrays, 
> i use the arrays to loop for other functions.  I've tried a variety of
> syntaxes, but keep getting parse errors.

> thanks for any info you can provide.
> Jeff

RE: [PHP-DB] Turning off "Save Password"

2004-07-01 Thread dpgirago
I'd bet I'm in the minority here, but I don't mind at all the occasional, 
OT post. Hell, most of life seems OT, doesn't it?
BTW, your solution provides me with very helpful information. Thanks much.


> Fixed my own problem.

> Within the tag, you can use "autocomplete=off"
> To turn off the prompting or the autocompletion of any field. Apologize
> for this off-topic post, but I was searching for a non-javascript
> server-side solution

>> I'm trying to turn off the save password function so that I can do an
>> auth page that refuses to save passwords on the client side. I've tried
>> some JS but it works only in IE, not Netscape. So, I'm looking for a
>> server-side solution to this.

>> Any ideas?

>> Gary Every
>> Sr. UNIX Administrator
>> Ingram Entertainment Inc.
>> 2 Ingram Blvd, La Vergne, TN 37089
>> "Pay It Forward!"

[PHP-DB] PHP-4.3.7 and OpenSSL Version

2004-07-07 Thread dpgirago

If anyone 'listening' has the php 4.3.7 binary installed on Windows, would 
you kindly run phpinfo() and let me know what version of OpenSSL is 
bundled with the release ( should be either 0.9.7c or 0.9.7d ).



Re: [PHP-DB] PHP-4.3.7 and OpenSSL Version

2004-07-07 Thread dpgirago
Thanks Marie and MeX for having a look.


Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL software question

2004-07-28 Thread dpgirago
I have ERwin 4.1.2208 installed, and it connects to MySQL only through 
ODBC, so one needs to have the MyODBC.dll installed. You can then make an 
ODBC connection with it. But ERwin is probably a $4,000.00 software 
package. Pretty steep for an individual...


> May be ERwin or BPwin can help you.
> imho ERwin works with MSSQL, Access, so maybe new versions work with 
> MySQL too.
> Vincent Jordan wrote:

>> Is there a piece of software that will allow my to create MySQL
>> databases and table relations in a graphical format without having to
>> connect to the database?
>> I am looking for something where I can "point and click" the creation 
>> tables and easily create several relationships between tables ( kinda
>> like in access ) and when in done it will create the .sql file?

Re: [PHP-DB] Don't mean to be repetitive - Session Variables

2004-10-11 Thread dpgirago
Have you assigned the values in the $_SESSION['l_industry'] array to those 
specific local variables, $l_industry['0'], $l_industry['1']... ?


Stuart Felenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/11/2004 10:20 AM



Re: [PHP-DB] Don't mean to be repetitive - Session Variables

I may have spoken too soon.  Having one minor problem
with getting an array (from a multiple select) to
print out.  Anyone see anything wrong here :

Here is registering session array:

if ( empty( $_SESSION['l_industry'] ) ) {

if ( is_array( $_REQUEST['LurkerIndustry'] ) ) {
$_SESSION['l_industry'] = array_unique(
array_merge( $_SESSION['l_industry'],
 $_REQUEST['LurkerIndustry'] )
Here is my call: 

echo $l_industry['0'].""; 
echo $l_industry['1'].""; 
echo $l_industry['2'].""; 
echo $l_industry['3'].""; 
echo $l_industry['4'].""; 
echo $l_industry['5'].""; 

Thank you,

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] INNO tables - will I have problems?

2004-10-13 Thread dpgirago

10/13/2004 12:11 PM



Re: [PHP-DB] INNO tables - will I have problems?

To quote the Mighty Gerard Samuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Julian Madle wrote:
> > > I obviously have no control of which ISP and end-user may
> > > choose, although our product will specify that Linux, PHP4, and 
MySQL4 (or
> > > higher) are installed. The manual says that these are built-in on 
> > > 4.0 and above - I just need real-world confirmation from people with 
> > > experience in this area than me.
> > >
> >
> > If the minimum requirement of mysql is version 4, then you
> > will have no problems, as INNODB is the default type in mysql 4.x.x
> >
> > --
> InnoDB is included by default in mysql 4 but the default is still MyISM.

make that MyISAM

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Re: [PHP-DB] INNO tables - will I have problems?

2004-10-13 Thread dpgirago
right, so after you define the fields of the table,  you add type=innodb
simple as that


Gerard Samuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/13/2004 02:34 PM



Re: [PHP-DB] INNO tables - will I have problems?

>>If the minimum requirement of mysql is version 4, then you
>>will have no problems, as INNODB is the default type in mysql 4.x.x
> InnoDB is included by default in mysql 4 but the default is still MyISM.

I looked over the manual, and I believe that you are correct.
The default type is still MyISAM, but to create an INNODB table, one
must specify it in the CREATE TABLE syntax...

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RE: [PHP-DB] mysql error and resource ID:

2004-10-14 Thread dpgirago
If any of the variables used to insert data are strings ($f1a, $f2a, 
etc...), you'll need to have quotes around them.


Stuart Felenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/14/2004 08:26 AM



RE: [PHP-DB] mysql error and resource ID:

Not much luck here on placing the mysql_error($link);
I know the server and database is reachable. So I
imagine the error is happening in the query.  I've
moved the $link around with no luck. 


Revised code below:
--- Graham Cossey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] setting root password

2004-10-18 Thread dpgirago
If you haven't yet deleted the localhost root account, you can log onto 
the mysql client with:
mysql> mysql -uroot -p

then press enter again when it prompts you for a password.

You should now be able to manage all your account info.


"Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/18/2004 01:28 PM



[PHP-DB] setting root password

I have tried the step-by-step methods listed on mysql.com for setting a 
password for my local server but I keep getting the message "you must have
privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change
passwords for others".   What could I be doing incorrectly?


RE: [PHP-DB] setting root password

2004-10-19 Thread dpgirago

Is there a space between PASSWORD and the opening parenthesis? There 
shouldn't be, if there is. Otherwise, your statement worked without errors 
for me on MySQL Version 4.0.16.max-nt.

Make sure that you are logged in as root. 

C : \ >select user();

Sometimes MySQL is cryptic about its error messages for security reasons.


"Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/19/2004 08:24 AM



RE: [PHP-DB] setting root password


After going to the command prompt I have done exactly this:


c:\>cd C:\mysql\bin

c:\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot -p



I get the following familiar message:


You have an error on your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds 
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'PASSWORD('mypassword')' at line 1


Why does this not set my password correctly?





Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 1:35 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] setting root password


If you haven't yet deleted the localhost root account, you can log onto 
mysql client with: 
mysql> mysql -uroot -p 

then press enter again when it prompts you for a password. 

You should now be able to manage all your account info. 



"Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


10/18/2004 01:28 PM 













[PHP-DB] setting root password

I have tried the step-by-step methods listed on mysql.com for setting a 
password for my local server but I keep getting the message "you must have
privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change
passwords for others".   What could I be doing incorrectly?


RE: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way - SOLVED!!!

2004-10-22 Thread dpgirago
Did you intend to write that both sessions have the same name? Doesn't 
that result in the same issue with the session identification?

"Andre Matos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/22/2004 03:25 PM



RE: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way - SOLVED!!!

Hi list,

Thanks for all people who tried to help me in my "session" problem.

I have found a simple and easy way to have to web-based php applications
running in the same server and having one user using both on the same web
browser (two different windows or tabs).

I did this in one system:


and this in the another system:


Now I can have my two applications running in the same browser at the same

Thanks for all help that I received!!!


Andre Matos

-Original Message-
From: Andre Matos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 12:59 PM
To: 'Matt M.'
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way

Hi Matt,

I am trying to solve my problem to have one browser accessing two 
applications (each one in a different window) where each application has 
own and unique sessionID. I really don't want to use cookie because I will
need that the user enable the option "accept cookies" in the browser.

However, I am afraid to pass the sessionID on the URL because someone can
cat it.

I am using currently using SSL.

Can you see any solution for my problem?


Andre Matos

-Original Message-
From: Matt M. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 12:35 PM
To: Andre Matos
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way

> How can I send a SID (SessionID) in a security way from one page to
> Is it "security" to do this?

not sure what exactly you want.  You could just use cookies, dont
allow it to be in form fields or query strings.

you could use ssl.

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

RE: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way - SOLVED!!!

2004-10-25 Thread dpgirago
Just wanted to clarify. 

The devil is always in the details. 


Bart Baaten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/22/2004 03:35 PM

I think he meant one was named System1 and the other System2.

-Original Message-
Sent: vrijdag 22 oktober 2004 22:34
To: Andre Matos
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way - SOLVED!!!

Did you intend to write that both sessions have the same name? Doesn't 
that result in the same issue with the session identification?

"Andre Matos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/22/2004 03:25 PM


Hi list,

Thanks for all people who tried to help me in my "session" problem.

I have found a simple and easy way to have to web-based php applications
running in the same server and having one user using both on the same web
browser (two different windows or tabs).

I did this in one system:


and this in the another system:


Now I can have my two applications running in the same browser at the same

Thanks for all help that I received!!!


Andre Matos

-Original Message-
From: Andre Matos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 12:59 PM
To: 'Matt M.'
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way

Hi Matt,

I am trying to solve my problem to have one browser accessing two 
applications (each one in a different window) where each application has 
own and unique sessionID. I really don't want to use cookie because I will
need that the user enable the option "accept cookies" in the browser.

However, I am afraid to pass the sessionID on the URL because someone can
cat it.

I am using currently using SSL.

Can you see any solution for my problem?


Andre Matos

-Original Message-
From: Matt M. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 12:35 PM
To: Andre Matos
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way

> How can I send a SID (SessionID) in a security way from one page to
> Is it "security" to do this?

not sure what exactly you want.  You could just use cookies, dont
allow it to be in form fields or query strings.

you could use ssl.

Re: [PHP-DB] backing up database with mysqldump

2004-10-25 Thread dpgirago
MySQLdump is an executable program.
>From the command line:

C:\>mysqldump databasename > ./path/to/backup/file.sql (or file.txt )

C:\>mysqldump --help 

gives all the options


"Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/25/2004 11:14 AM



[PHP-DB] backing up database with mysqldump

I have attempted to follow the documentation for mysqldump both on 
and previous emails to this list server.  Unfortunately none of the advice
has helped me successfully backup my database.  I have been spoiled by
phpmyadmin backup procedures and have never had to manually set up a 
system for a local server.

>From shell> what should I enter tot to backup my database called "sampdb" 
a location "c:/backups"?

Everything I have tried spits out an error message.


RE: [PHP-DB] backing up database with mysqldump

2004-10-25 Thread dpgirago
C:\>mysqldump -uadministrator -p  test > test.sql
Enter password: **

"Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/25/2004 01:53 PM



RE: [PHP-DB] backing up database with mysqldump


How do I provide a password?

I have been trying -p password[mypass] mysqldump sampledb >




Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 11:24 AM
To: Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] backing up database with mysqldump


MySQLdump is an executable program. 
>From the command line: 

C:\>mysqldump databasename > ./path/to/backup/file.sql (or file.txt ) 

C:\>mysqldump --help 

gives all the options 



"Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


10/25/2004 11:14 AM 













[PHP-DB] backing up database with mysqldump

I have attempted to follow the documentation for mysqldump both on 
and previous emails to this list server.  Unfortunately none of the advice
has helped me successfully backup my database.  I have been spoiled by
phpmyadmin backup procedures and have never had to manually set up a 
system for a local server.

>From shell> what should I enter tot to backup my database called "sampdb" 
a location "c:/backups"?

Everything I have tried spits out an error message.


Re: [PHP-DB] backing up database with mysqldump

2004-10-25 Thread dpgirago
Don't you have to specify the databases on the command line when using the 
mysql client to load the data as in the second example?  I think you have 
to have also created them on the backup server.


> David Orlovich wrote on 10/26/2004:
> This is what I do (assuming your user is 'root'):
> /path-to-/mysqldump -uroot -pYOURPASSWORD --opt --all-databases > 
> backup.sql
> Alternatively you can pipe it into another database like so:

> /path-to-/mysqldump -uroot -pYOURPASSWORD --opt --all-databases | 
> /path-to-/mysql -hIPADDRESS -uroot -pYOURPASSWORD

> Cheers, David Orlovich

>On 26/10/2004, at 7:53 AM, Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office) wrote:
>> How do I provide a password?
>> I have been trying -p password[mypass] mysqldump sampledb >
>> ./backup/file.txt
>> -Matt

RE: [PHP-DB] Book recommendation for using MySQL w. PHP

2004-11-05 Thread dpgirago

I've gotten a lot of mileage lately out of 'The PHP Anthology,  Volumes I 
and II' by Harry Fuecks and published by SitePoint. The author 
demonstrates IMO fairly sophisticated usage of OOP techniques in 
constructing classes for MySQL, in particular.  And the coding examples 
are robust and explained really well. 

As to using MySQL and building queries, Paul DuBois' MySQL, Second Edition 
has stood the test of time for me as a basic and advanced reference. 


RE: [PHP-DB] how to find

2004-11-11 Thread dpgirago

Thanks for your kind words to the new guy. I really don't understand why 
others don't simply refrain from responding rather than burn bandwidth 
with their rants of "RTFM" or or "Off Topic - go somewhere else". I really 
appreciate all the posts folks make as I tend to learn something, even if 
the content is unexpected. 

> I think (hope) that Rene was just trying to emphasize that while this is
> a php mailing list - it is focused on databases.  An array full of 0's
> and 1's - while certainly data - hardly constitutes that.

David Giragosian, Psy.D.
Database Developer and Programmer
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

RE: [PHP-DB] mysql db dump with php

2004-11-17 Thread dpgirago

Don't know if this is the case or not, but the destination database has to 
already exist on the upload server.


"Nate Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

11/17/2004 10:08 AM



RE: [PHP-DB] mysql db dump with php

I tried this but to no avail.  What I surmise is that one of the following
is holding this up from being an option.

1) I'm on a shared server so I will have to specify the location of the 
to save in order to get to it afterwards.  I tried specifying the path and
the file name in the examples below but didn't get the resulting file as I

2) Its possible that the web server does not have the command available as
the mysql server is on another box, thus I won't be able to execute it.  I
am not familiar with mysql, so I'm not sure if this could be the case, is 
possible to have the drivers and not the supporting utilities installed?

3) Somehow shell execution is not enabled (exec()).  I do not think this 
the case as I am not thrown an error.  It would be possible though I would
think that the php script process doesn't have access to execute that
process maybe?

Any suggestions or another method? 

Thanks a ton!


-Original Message-
From: Jason Wong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] mysql db dump with php

On Wednesday 17 November 2004 13:51, Nate Nielsen wrote:

> i need a script that will connect to a db with a username and password,
> then export to the screen scripts to both recreate the database 
> (the create table commands) and then create insert statements to 
> that information into the database.  then of course, i need to run those
> scripts on the other server to create the db and populate it.

>From the command line of the system holding source database:

  mysqldump --opt -u username -p password nameofdatabase >

Now take the created file nameofdatabase.sql and place onto the system
destination database. Then from the command line of the system holding 
destination database:

  mysql -u username -p password < nameofdatabase.sql

If you don't have direct access to the command line use php's program 
execution functions.

> if you can hook me up i'll paypal you $20 bucks to buy you and yours a 
> pints of your favorite ale on me.

Donate it to your local Red Cross/Red Crescent or equivalent.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
Search the list archives before you post
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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP-DB] Transaction suddenly not working

2004-11-29 Thread dpgirago
> --- "Ford, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > 0: INSERT INTO Table1 (LurkID, ProfileName, Edu,
> > > WorkAuth, WorkExp, CarLev, Secu, Confi, Relo,
> > > Telecomu, City1, State1, City2, State2,
> > TravelPref,
> > > SalaryAnnual, SalaryHourly, Available) VALUES (47,
> > > '', 7, 2, 1015, 5, , '', '', '', 'fds', 5,
> > '',
> > 
> > You have 2 successive commas in this last line, with
> > no value in between --
> > this is your syntax error.
> > 
> > > , 4, 26, , 2004-02-02)01062 : Duplicate entry
> >  '0-f' for key 1
> > 
> > And again on this line -- twice, in fact, since the
> > previous line ends with
> > a comma, too.
> >

> Mike are you saying that I should put single quotes
> around all values regardless of the type ?
> The double commas are happening because around an int
> I don't use 'value' the single quotes . ?

Don't know about other database engines, but in MySQL, it doesn't matter 
if an int is inserted as a string, i.e., with the quotes. My recollection 
is that MySQL handles the type conversion internally. So, assuming you are 
validating the entries before inserting, if a value is missing, assign to 
it ''. Whatever the field has as a default value will then be inserted 
into the table.


Re: [PHP-DB] Use of 'as' name in where sub-clause

2004-12-01 Thread dpgirago

> If someone can give me a good reason why this is so, it will stop it 
> annoying me so much.

>From the MySQL manual for version 4.0.16:

It is not allowed to use a column alias in a WHERE clause, because the column 
value may not yet be determined when the WHERE clause is executed. See section 
A.5.4 Problems with alias.

I didn't check section A.5.4, but it probably gives a more detailed 


Re: [PHP-DB] Insert db values into dropdown box error

2004-12-09 Thread dpgirago
It looks like the parenthesis on the line with the 'while' loop is an 
opening parenthesis instead of a closing parenthesis.


[PHP-DB] List Active??

2004-12-29 Thread dpgirago
Just testing the list mail server as I haven't received any posts for days 


Re: [PHP-DB] mysql - image storing

2005-01-18 Thread dpgirago
>   Jason, can you explain why stripslashes should not be used on data
> taken from the db? when you store data in the db i thought it was good
> practice to addslashes, when you retrieve from the db, you will need
> to use stripslashes to remove the extra \

If I may step in...

Assuming a MySQL db, using mysql_escape_string obviates the need for using 
either stripslashes or addslashes for db 
inserts and selects. I'm not sure of the underlying mechanism, but if you 
use mysql_escape_string on a string, the  \'s and   " ' "s, etc... all get 
escaped automagically 
before the insert. If you then take a look at the inserted data using the 
mysql client, you will see that the full unescaped text has been inserted. 
So there is no need to use stripslashes when selecting it out. 

Personally, this is counterintuitive, but that's the way it works.


[PHP-DB] error checking question

2003-06-26 Thread dpgirago

Hello everyone,

I've been experimenting with checking for errors in data inserted into a table
using an html form.  The main page displays the result of a  "select  *  from
the_table" at the top of the page, with the form for inserting the data beneath.
The SQL for the insert occurs on a different page, with redirection back to the
main page using the header() function ( as I've learned to do from reading this
list ). This all works well. The inserted data shows up in the table, and there
are no surprises when refreshing, etc... I have also implemented some error
checking on the client side using JavaScript, and this is also working well.

What I would like to do is somehow have a redundant error check on the server
side and then display an error message above the form on the main page should
fields be left blank or forbidden characters entered. Since I have access to the
$_POST['variables'] on the form processing page, I've already written some code
to detect the presence of error characters, etc...and no query is performed if
there is an error.  But how do I pass a "flag" variable back to the main page to
echo an appropriate message above the form?

Advice or suggestions greatly appreciated.


PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Auto inc in MySQL

2003-07-09 Thread dpgirago


 make the the field, id_number, an auto_increment field.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/09/2003 07:44:34

cc:(bcc: David P. Giragosian/MDACC)

Subject:  [PHP-DB] Auto inc in MySQL

I know I'll get flamed for askign such a simple question, but here goes...

I have a MySQL DB and wanna increment a field 'id_number' by one each
time, to avoid creating duplicates...
I've done it before, but can't remember how...
Any ideas?


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[PHP-DB] PHP - Apache config problem

2003-07-14 Thread dpgirago

Howdy everyone,

I'm in the process of setting up a new development environment with Apache
1.3.27 and PHP 4.3.2 on a Win2k machine with SP2.
I'm getting an error message from apache saying that it can't find the
c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll . However, that is indeed where the dll is located.

This is the exact line in httpd.conf that apache is choking on:LoadModule
php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll .

Funny thing is, I have the same http.conf file in another Win2k machine running
the same apache version but with PHP 4.2.3 , and everything is OK.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP - Apache config problem

2003-07-14 Thread dpgirago


I dug around in the install.txt file in PHP, and found that php4ts.dll needs to
be relocated to either where apache.exe resides, where
php4apache.dll resides, or in the windows system directory. All now works as


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/14/2003 11:35:42

cc:(bcc: David P. Giragosian/MDACC)

Subject:  [PHP-DB] PHP - Apache config problem

Howdy everyone,

I'm in the process of setting up a new development environment with Apache
1.3.27 and PHP 4.3.2 on a Win2k machine with SP2.
I'm getting an error message from apache saying that it can't find the
c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll . However, that is indeed where the dll is located.

This is the exact line in httpd.conf that apache is choking on:LoadModule
php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll .

Funny thing is, I have the same http.conf file in another Win2k machine running
the same apache version but with PHP 4.2.3 , and everything is OK.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] PDF Implementation

2003-07-17 Thread dpgirago

Good Morning All ,

Has anyone successfully implemented PDF functionality within their PHP / MySQL
projects?  My needs are very basic, so I'd like to use something like ezPDF
creation to avoid buying a license. But I haven't yet got ezPDF to work
correctly.  Set up is Win2k, PHP 4.3.2, Apache 1.3.24, MySQL 4.0.13.

Specifics are much appreciated.



PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] PDF Implementation

2003-07-17 Thread dpgirago

Hi Norma,

That is what I'm exploring right now.  R&OS created the ezpdf class. But I'm not
actually getting very far with it. I have the class.pdf.php and class.ezpdf.php
files in my php includes directory, and when I try to access the readme.php
sample file that contains the manual, I get a bunch of Notice: Undefined Index
error messages. Any ideas?


Please respond to "Norma Ramirez - TECNOSOFT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   David P. Giragosian/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:   "lista php" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: [PHP-DB] PDF Implementation

Check out this page:http://www.ros.co.nz/pdf/, is a useful class and you can
implement with any kind of database.
Norma Ramirez
Area de Desarrollo Web

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:01 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] PDF Implementation

> Good Morning All ,
> Has anyone successfully implemented PDF functionality within their PHP /
> projects?  My needs are very basic, so I'd like to use something like
> creation to avoid buying a license. But I haven't yet got ezPDF to work
> correctly.  Set up is Win2k, PHP 4.3.2, Apache 1.3.24, MySQL 4.0.13.
> Specifics are much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> David
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function

2003-07-28 Thread dpgirago

Good day all,

Anyone have an idea why I receive a "call to undefined function" error message
when I use the imagetypes() function on PHP versions 4.2.3 and 4.3.2 ??

The code to test for  PNG image handling is right from the manual...


PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function

2003-07-28 Thread dpgirago


you know, when I removed the semi-colon and restarted apache, I got an error
saying that the module couldn't be found or started...
Wonder why it is not available. I downloaded PHP 4.3.2 php.net just last week.

BTW, I'm on Win 2k, also.

Any ideas?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/28/2003 11:17:23


Subject:  Re: [PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function

I'm running php 4.3.0 on windows 2000. The following code woks :

Producing the following output :

PNG Support is enabled

The manual suggests that the imagetypes() function has been available since
php 4.0.2. But, quoting from the manual "This function returns a bit-field
corresponding to the image formats supported by the version of GD linked
into PHP. ". Have you enabled the gd2 graphics extension?

Note that in my php.ini configuration file (located in C:\WINNT) I have
enabled the gd2 graphics extension (extension=php_gd2.dll) by removing the
semi-colon from the start of the line, etc.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 3:05 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function

> Good day all,
> Anyone have an idea why I receive a "call to undefined function" error
> when I use the imagetypes() function on PHP versions 4.2.3 and 4.3.2 ??
> The code to test for  PNG image handling is right from the manual...
> if ( imagetypes() & IMG_PNG)
>  {
>  echo "PNG Support enabled";
> }
> ?>
> David
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function

2003-07-28 Thread dpgirago


I was gonna repost to let everyone know that I was being a dummy because I
hadn't indicated in php.ini where the extensions directory was located. I added
the path, and uncommented the  <>, and all is ok in
php-land. Thanks, again

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/28/2003 03:03:41


Subject:  Re: [PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function

php_gd2.dll probably needs to be copied from your php install directory to
your windows system directory (so that it is in the path thingy). On my
system that translated to :

copy c:\php\extensions\php_gd2.dll to c:\WINNT\php_gd2.dll

for more information see,


the "Installation of Windows extensions" section

or the install.txt file in your php directory

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function

> Ah,
> you know, when I removed the semi-colon and restarted apache, I got an
> saying that the module couldn't be found or started...
> Wonder why it is not available. I downloaded PHP 4.3.2 php.net just last
> BTW, I'm on Win 2k, also.
> Any ideas?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/28/2003
> AM
> cc:
> Subject:  Re: [PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function
> I'm running php 4.3.0 on windows 2000. The following code woks :
>  if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) {
>echo "PNG Support is enabled";
> }
> ?>
> Producing the following output :
> PNG Support is enabled
> The manual suggests that the imagetypes() function has been available
> php 4.0.2. But, quoting from the manual "This function returns a bit-field
> corresponding to the image formats supported by the version of GD linked
> into PHP. ". Have you enabled the gd2 graphics extension?
> Note that in my php.ini configuration file (located in C:\WINNT) I have
> enabled the gd2 graphics extension (extension=php_gd2.dll) by removing the
> semi-colon from the start of the line, etc.
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 3:05 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] imagetypes( ) function
> >
> >
> > Good day all,
> >
> > Anyone have an idea why I receive a "call to undefined function" error
> message
> > when I use the imagetypes() function on PHP versions 4.2.3 and 4.3.2 ??
> >
> > The code to test for  PNG image handling is right from the manual...
> >
> >  >
> > if ( imagetypes() & IMG_PNG)
> >  {
> >  echo "PNG Support enabled";
> > }
> >
> > ?>
> >
> > David
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> >
> >
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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2003-08-28 Thread dpgirago
Howdy Listers, 

Can someone explain to me the mechanism by which SID acquires a value?

For example, 

echo $FOO;

produces something like "PHPSESSID=ade4055eef947f1a00cdb280470e859b" when 
IE is first opened and the page is loaded,
whereas reloading of the page produces an empty string when $FOO is 
echo'd. Seems to have something to do with creating a 
browser instance.



2003-08-28 Thread dpgirago
Howdy Listers, 

Can someone explain to me the mechanism by which SID acquires a value?

For example, 

echo $FOO;

produces something like "PHPSESSID=ade4055eef947f1a00cdb280470e859b" when 
IE is first opened and the page is loaded,
whereas reloading of the page produces an empty string when $FOO is 
echo'd. Seems to have something to do with creating a 
browser instance.


Re: [PHP-DB] Viewing Data From MySQL

2003-09-03 Thread dpgirago
Yes, easily. Use the 'if' conditional in mysql...

select if(col_name = 1, 'yes', 'no') from table_name;



09/03/2003 10:32 AM



[PHP-DB] Viewing Data From MySQL


Is it possible to change the way a query is displayed from a MySQL 
For example if I have a column that contains '1' or '0' can I run a query
that returns 'Yes' for every '1' and 'No' for every '0'?

Thanks for your help

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Links within this list

2003-09-18 Thread dpgirago
IMHO I would be extremely reluctant to open any link sent to this list. 
The last time I did so, not only did it connect me to a porno site, it 
created a link in my favorites folder, causing me to have a lot of 
explaining to do ( as I access this list through my place of employment ). 
So, subscribers beware, and participants, think twice about what you 
include in your email.



09/17/2003 02:41 PM
Please respond to "Ben Wheeler"; Please respond to "Ben Wheeler"; Please 
respond to "Ben Wheeler"; Please respond to "BJ"; Please respond to "BJ"



[PHP-DB] Quick Question  qufcYso

Anyone heard of this company?  I just bought a nice motherboard from these 
guys for 20 bucks!


Just wanting to know if anyone else has used them before.



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[PHP-DB] Query Filter in GUI

2003-09-22 Thread dpgirago
Good Morning PHP-DB Listers,

I have a PHP GUI in which a select box gets populated by a query of a 
MySQL DB for all CD's by all artists when the page is first opened. I am 
now trying to implement 
the same query but with a WHERE clause that filters the returned CD's to 
be displayed in the same select box according to the artist selected via a 
group of checkboxes (one per artist).  The problem so far is that if I try 
to implement some flow control (if checbox one is selected, append "where 
artist='hendrix' to the select all CDs query, mysql_query() etc...), I get 
an error message saying that the query string is empty. So I am looking 
for some advice about how to implement the logic of having the same select 
box display the results of different but related queries.

For example, 

$query_1 = "SELECT CD_title FROM CDs order by CD_title";
$result_1 = mysql_query($query_1) or die("Can't select CD_title from CDs" 
. mysql_error());
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result_1, MYSQL_BOTH)) ..etc...

works just fine.

But if I try to use some flow control to alter which query statement is 
assigned to $query_1...

if(checkbox one is selected)
$query_1 = "SELECT CD_title FROM CDs WHERE artist_name = 'Hendrix' 
order by CD_title";

elseif(no checkboxes are checked)
$query_1 = "SELECT CD_title FROM CDs order by CD_title";

$result_1 = mysql_query($query_1) or die("Can't select CD_title from CDs" 
. mysql_error());
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result_1, MYSQL_BOTH)) ..etc...

produces the error message stated above ... that the query string is 
empty. I've also tried to duplicate the "mysql_query($query_1) or 
die()..." within each section of the IF group, but then the select box 
does not get populated at all.

I am using session variables, and I'm certain that the checkboxes are 
correctly assigning the necessary values to the variables associated with 
them because I am echo'ing the variables and I can see the values that 
they have.

And when I run the query with the where clause in the MySQL client, it 
works just fine.

I'm guessing I'm missing something fairly simple because this type of 
functionality must have been implemented before.

Thanks for reading the rather long question. 


[PHP-DB] Query FIlter in GUI

2003-09-22 Thread dpgirago
Thank you CPT John W. Holmes. I'll give it a try.


[PHP-DB] test

2003-09-22 Thread dpgirago

mail server problems... please disregard

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[PHP-DB] Storing Session Variables

2003-09-24 Thread dpgirago
Just wondering...

Is there a limit to the number of session variables one can create/store ?
Or is the limit imposed by the size of the file ?
I'm on a Windows 2000 machine, and the variables are being saved in 


Re: [PHP-DB] Storing Session Variables

2003-09-24 Thread dpgirago
Define 'too much' please...


"CPT John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

09/24/2003 10:29 AM
Please respond to "CPT John W. Holmes"



Re: [PHP-DB] Storing Session Variables


> Is there a limit to the number of session variables one can create/store 
> Or is the limit imposed by the size of the file ?

Size of file is only limit, although you should impose a practical limit
yourself. If you need to ask this question, you're probably relying on
sessions to much.

> I'm on a Windows 2000 machine, and the variables are being saved in
> notepad.


---John Holmes...

Re: [PHP-DB] Storing Session Variables

2003-09-24 Thread dpgirago
> Get serious for a second here... Why not explain why you're asking this
> question? If you're going to store a huge amount of data in a session,
> explain why.

OK. Today I'm working on a prototype GUI for a medical setting ( the 
production GUI will be done in C++, I believe). The GUI must keep track of 
a patient's name, prescriptions, and diagnoses, as well as things like 
what treatment room the patient will be seen in. Because different 
treatment rooms have different equipment, and so are used for different 
purposes, the user of the GUI will 
begin by selecting a treatment room, which pulls up from the DB all the 
patients scheduled for that room on that day. There are 6 treatment rooms, 
and if a user has navigated 3 or 4 steps into the GUI then decides to 
select a different treatment room ( and a different patient ), then 
everything gets reset. 

Most of these variables are getting stored as session variables so that 
the data persists as the user navigates further into the application. 
Including things like username, password, permissions, login flag, 
database, hostname, patientID, prescriptionID(s), diagnoses, treatment 
room, and several other variables, I'm using about 15 session variables. 
As I debug, I'm needing to sort through a growing number of variables to 
see what values have been stored in them. This is getting tedious because 
the list scrolls off the page. But as I develop more of the app, the need 
for more persisting variables has grown, and I guess I just had a moment 
of panic that I was gonna hit some limit of persisting variables.

BTW, this GUI is for an intranet site, with perhaps 20 users max. 

You've been extremely helpful to me and many other listers here, John, and 
I did not mean to perturb you in any way by my initial question.


Re: [PHP-DB] Query's

2003-09-29 Thread dpgirago
Are you asking for help with the query, or with having the query populate 
a select box? If you are planning to be able to manually enter search 
criteria, then you do not want a select box, you want a text type input. 



09/29/2003 05:01 PM



[PHP-DB] Query's

Howdy List,

I am a little confused in incorporating a drop down menu into my select
I have a very simple 1 table database that contains my DVD collection.

Right now - very simply it connects to the database, and then produces
the results of the search based on a

This then produces the results onto the page in the tables that I have

This was fine when I only had 50 or so dvd's - I am nearing the 500
mark, and it is WAY past time to add a search

This is where I get lost.

I can get into mysql monitor, and I can pull out using SELECT * FROM
movies WHERE genre LIKE ***
And then I have a selection of Genre's that I can enter to generate the

What I am trying to do is incorporate some selection drop down menus
that would make the search process easier.

Example: search for movies where {dropdown1} is {equal or like}
Dropdown 1 would be my first criteria: movie name, director, lead actor,
The equal or like would be a standard textfield to be filled in.

I hope that I am making sense here. 

If anybody can shed some light onto a confused newbie (the php script
above was written at my old place of employment for me - otherwise I
could ask them) it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


"Come to the edge, Life said. 
They said: We are afraid. 
Come to the edge, Life said. 
They came. 
It pushed them...and they FLEW." 
-Guillaume Apollinaire 1870-1918
"Once you have tasted flight, 
you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, 
for there you have been and there you long to return." 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] How to open PDF File on Server on Local Client

2003-10-14 Thread dpgirago
Good Day All,

I have an intranet GUI that allows users to select, insert, and update 
data in a db.  When data is entered into one of the screens, a C program 
is called which does some calculations and then creates a PDF file on the 
server. I want the user to then see the PDF file opened on their local 
computer (or at least be able to click a link or a button to view it). The 
local machines will use some PDF viewer to open the file (Acrobat or Yap, 
I think). My question is, how do I get PHP to push the file data from the 
server to the client, so that the user can then open the PDF locally. I'd 
like the GUI to remain open so that once the PDF is viewed, printed, and 
closed, the user is back to the GUI.  I think I'm needing a PHP Manual 
reference to some group of functions. Suggestions greatly appreciated.



Re: [PHP-DB] How to open PDF File on Server on Local Client

2003-10-14 Thread dpgirago
OK. So if I understand corectly, a link with the path to the file on the 
server will work. How do I have a new browser opened displaying the PDF 
more or less automatically, ie, without the user clicking anything? Is 
this a Header() function?


RE: [PHP-DB] How to open PDF File on Server on Local Client

2003-10-14 Thread dpgirago
Richard and Karen,

Thanks for your help this morning with my PDF question. I created the link 
dynamically as you suggested.
In retrospect, I also think that I was seeking a javascript solution, 
i.e., now that the PDF file exists on the web server :



Then echo out the variable within the body of the HTML document :


> just use the target="_blank" attribute that I listed in the example in 
> previous e-mail. That will spawn a new browser window with the PDF file 
> it and leave the original browser window open.
> If you need something more elegant such as a window without the chrome
> (toolbars, address bar, etc.) then you're going to have to use a simple
> JavaScript.

>> -Original Message-
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 11:31 AM
>> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] How to open PDF File on Server on Local Client
>>> OK. So if I understand corectly, a link with the path to the 
>>> file on the 
>>> server will work. How do I have a new browser opened 
>>> displaying the PDF 
>>> more or less automatically, ie, without the user clicking 
>>> anything? Is this a Header() function?
>>> David

Re: [PHP-DB] Retreive data from multiple columns by ['tablename.colname']

2003-10-16 Thread dpgirago
Hi Erik,

I think you can use   ** $line['cases.id'] ** if you individually identify each column 
selected, rather than using the * symbol.


Erik Björling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/16/2003 10:57 AM



[PHP-DB] Retreive data from multiple columns by ['tablename.colname']

> Hi,
> I use a query with multiple tables:
> SELECT * FROM cases,status,prio  where cases.statusid=status.id && .
> I retreive the data into my variable $line like this.
> while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {.
> How can I retreive data from $line without using the index value as 
> integers for example $line[13]
> I would like to write $line['cases.id'] to retreive 'id' data from the 
> table 'cases' in a SQL-manner. But I get an error message regarding 
> index 'cases.id'.
> Is there an easy solution to this? Is there another sign then '.' or 
> I use other names for my 'id'-columns such as c_id, s_id etc.?
> Regards
> Erik Björling

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Re: [PHP-DB] max character size mysql can contain

2005-02-25 Thread dpgirago
Yemi Obembe wondered:

Hi guiz,
I was just wondering if anyone has an idea the maximum size of 
characters(in bytes) a mysql database can contain


This is determined by the OS file-size limit as MyQSL stores its data in 
regular files. I think maybe 4G on windows. Not sure on *nix, but likely 
much bigger.


Re: [PHP-DB] Re: paginating : optimising queries

2005-03-22 Thread dpgirago
> On a side note, who's sick of seeing the word optimizing misspelled in 
> the title? :)

> Ah, the things we do to keep a thread clean.

> -- 
> - Martin Norland, Sys Admin / Database / Web Developer, International 

Well, of course, _optimise_ is the British spelling of _optimize_ .

Afterall, this __is__ an international list ;->


Re: [PHP-DB] Re: paginating : optimising queries

2005-03-22 Thread dpgirago
> >
> > > On a side note, who's sick of seeing the word optimizing misspelled 
> > > the title? :)
> >
> > > Ah, the things we do to keep a thread clean.
>> Well, of course, _optimise_ is the British spelling of _optimize_ .
>> Afterall, this __is__ an international list ;->
>> David

> My apologies to all, 'dict' tricked me - it has 'optimize', 'optimise', 
> 'optimizing', but not 'optimising' - and I foolishly only checked the 
> -ing conjugated tense instead of the root! (I do try a cursory check 
> before posting such nonesense, honest!)

> Now back to your regularly scheduled international discussion...


No apologies necessary from my perspective. You are a very active member 
of these php lists, and you have helped a great many php users the world 
over. I'm afraid some cross cultural sensitization kicked in on my end 
from many years working in human services.


RE: [PHP-DB] What wrong with my Query??

2005-03-25 Thread dpgirago

I think you could also just use backticks around `limit` as occurs in the 
table creation statement below.


> limit is a mysql keyword...change that field name and the corresonding 
> in your sql

> bastien

> > From: "HarryG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: php-db@lists.php.net
> > Subject: [PHP-DB] What wrong with my Query??
> > Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 16:26:38 +1100
> > 
> > What the hell is wrong with this MYSQL query?? PHP keeps giving me the 

> > error message:
> >
> > You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that 
corresponds to 
> > your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 
> > name='test1', email='[EMAIL PROTECTED]', password='t
> >
> > $query = "INSERT INTO mfadmin SET id='', account='$accname_lc', 
> > limit=$plans, name='$yourname', email='$email', password='$password', 
> > lastlogin='$datetoday', datecreated='$datetoday', 
> > lastip=";
> >
> > This is my table structure
> > CREATE TABLE `admin` (
> >   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >   `account` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `limit` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `email` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `password` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `lastlogin` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `datecreated` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `expiry` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `lastip` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
> > ) TYPE=MyISAM;

RE: [PHP-DB] What wrong with my Query??

2005-03-25 Thread dpgirago
Either syntax is correct. From section 6.4.3 of the MySQL Manual:

[INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]
VALUES ((expression | DEFAULT),...),(...),...
[ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_name=expression, ... ]
[INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]
[INTO] tbl_name
SET col_name=(expression | DEFAULT), ...
[ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_name=expression, ... ]


Actually, your sql syntax is wrong. The SET keyword if for UPDATE not

$sql = "INSERT INTO mfadmin
astip) VALUES

Gary Every
Sr. UNIX Administrator
Ingram Entertainment Inc.
2 Ingram Blvd, La Vergne, TN 37089
"Pay It Forward!"

-Original Message-
From: HarryG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:27 PM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP-DB] What wrong with my Query??

What the hell is wrong with this MYSQL query?? PHP keeps giving me the
error message:

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'limit=2, name='test1', email='[EMAIL PROTECTED]', password='t 

$query = "INSERT INTO mfadmin SET id='', account='$accname_lc',
limit=$plans, name='$yourname', email='$email', password='$password',
lastlogin='$datetoday', datecreated='$datetoday', expiry='$expirydate',
This is my table structure
CREATE TABLE `admin` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `account` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `limit` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `email` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `password` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `lastlogin` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `datecreated` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `expiry` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `lastip` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] How to Disable Daylight Savings Time on RedHat 9.0

2005-04-05 Thread dpgirago
We have created a MySQL/ C application that gathers environmental data and 
does inserts into the db once per minute. 
A set of PHP applications reads this data and does some graphical display 
of the values. 
Changing from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time causes minor 
problems, but in the Fall, DST to ST will screw things up royally.

I did some googling yesterday, and others have asked how to disable the 
automatic DST changeover in Red Hat 9.0, but no one really got an answer, 
leading me to believe that it is not straight forward. Does anyone know 
how to do this?? 

Thanks very much,


Re: [PHP-DB] Pre-Include File -- Global Include Pre/Post by filename

2005-04-05 Thread dpgirago

Perhaps you are referring to these directive in php.ini:

; Automatically add files before or after any PHP document.
auto_prepend_file =
auto_append_file =


Peter Beckman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

04/05/2005 03:39 PM


PHP-DB Mailing List 

[PHP-DB] Pre-Include File -- Global Include Pre/Post by filename

Back in 2000 I remember there being a file that could be created in the
include path that, if existed, would be called and executed before any
other PHP script was executed.  There was also a script that if named
correctly and put in the include path, would execute AFTER the called
script was executed.

Was this depreciated, or does it still exist?  I can't remember what to
call it, and I can't seem to find the right page in the manual.  Any help?

Peter Beckman  Internet 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.purplecow.com/

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] How to Disable Daylight Savings Time on RedHat 9.0

2005-04-05 Thread dpgirago
> We have created a MySQL/ C application that gathers environmental data and 

> does inserts into the db once per minute. 
> A set of PHP applications reads this data and does some graphical 
> of the values. 
> Changing from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time causes minor 
> problems, but in the Fall, DST to ST will screw things up royally.

> I did some googling yesterday, and others have asked how to disable the 
> automatic DST changeover in Red Hat 9.0, but no one really got an 
> leading me to believe that it is not straight forward. Does anyone know 
> how to do this?? 


Turns out this is a multi-step process in Linux involving creating a text 
file with new time zone rules, running it against 'zic' ( as in -- zic 
newRules.tx ), then soft linking the output file to /etc/localtime. 

See this link: 

about which the author was kind enough to respond, and see 'man zic' for 
more basic info and some additional examples.

--> David 

Re: [PHP-DB] Transfering post data to a series of pages.

2005-05-04 Thread dpgirago
Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office) wrote:
> Is there a way to transfer post data to a series of PHP pages?
> For example, lets say I have the following 4 pages:
> Page1.php - this page has my original post form
> Page2.php - this page does one thing with the post data
> Page3.php - this page does another thing with the post data
> Page4.php - this page shows the results of everything I have done
> Right now I am using the header: 
> The problem is, the following works:
> Page1.php - this page has my original post form
> Page2.php - this page does one thing with the post data
> Page3.php - this page shows the results of everything I have done
> But when I try to add the second transfer the data is lost:
> Page1.php - this page has my original post form
> Page2.php - this page does one thing with the post data
> Page3.php - this page does another thing with the post data
> Page4.php - Only the results from Page2.php are shown
> ASP does this with <%Server.Transfer ("transferpage1.asp")%>
> Is there a counterpart with PHP?
> - Matthew

Martin Norland wrote:
>> include() :P

>> seriously though, Page1.php and Page4.php are the only two pages that 
>> should exist, if any.  Page2 and Page3 should pretty much guaranteed be 

>> turned into function calls or classes and called from Page4.php.  You 
>> don't need to separate logic and display in separate scripts that you 
>> push everything at, just separate your logic out into function calls.

What Martin suggests makes a lot of sense. Can you say something about why 
you have the site design the way that you do?


[PHP-DB] Creating an Associative Array

2005-06-08 Thread dpgirago
This question will probably be off-topic for some, but it does relate to a 
database application so please bear with me. 

I'm pulling date-times out of a MySQL db:

mysql> select date_format(`date_time`, '%Y.%m.%d %H:%i:%s') as rightNow 
from location1 order by date_time desc limit 1;

| rightNow |
| 2005.06.08 14:24:11 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

then trying to create an associative array where the date-time is the key 
and a value, corresponding to a pixel location on a graph, is computed 
using an algorithm like this:

(int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2)); (see below)

This code snippet is producing an array of arrays rather than a simple 
associative array:

(int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2)));



array(3601) { [0]=> array(1) { ["2005.06.08 15:50:17"]=> int(980) } [1]=> 
{ ["2005.06.08 15:50:16"]=> int(980) } [2]=> array(1) { ["2005.06.08 
15:50:15"]=> int(980) } [3]=> array(1) 
{ ["2005.06.08 15:50:14"]=> int(980) } [4]=> array(1) { ["2005.06.08 
15:50:13"]=> int(980) } [5]=> array(1) 
{ ["2005.06.08 15:50:12"]=> int(979) } [6]=> array(1) { ["2005.06.08 
15:50:11"]=> int(979) } [7]=> array(1) ...

What I need is output like this:

array(3601) { ["2005.06.08 14:52:56"]=> int(980)
  ["2005.06.08 14:52:55"]=> int(979)
  ["2005.06.08 14:52:54"]=> int(978)
  ["2005.06.08 14:52:53"]=> int(977) 

so that I can search for a pixel value given a certain time value within 
the past hour.

I hope this makes sense and that someone can see the error in code.

I'm using php 4.3.7, but I see that php 5.x has an array_combine function 
that would do the trick. 
Maybe will have to upgrade.

(obviously not ready for the Zend Exam)

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Creating an Associative Array

2005-06-09 Thread dpgirago
Thank you kindly, Neil Smith and Brent Baisley.

I now see the error of my approach. 

$dateArray = array();

> for($counter = 0; $counter <= 3600; $counter++)
> {
>$dateArray[ date("Y.m.d H:i:s", $now - $counter) ] = 
> (int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2)));
> } 

works just fine.

Brent, the array(3601) was coming from the $counter loop above and is the 
seconds in an hour plus one ( for aesthetic reasons ).


[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Creating an Associative Array

2005-06-09 Thread dpgirago
Thank you kindly, Neil Smith and Brent Baisley.

I now see the error of my approach. 

$dateArray = array();

> for($counter = 0; $counter <= 3600; $counter++)
> {
>$dateArray[ date("Y.m.d H:i:s", $now - $counter) ] = 
> (int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2)));
> } 

works just fine.

Brent, the array(3601) was coming from the $counter loop above and is the 
seconds in an hour plus one ( for aesthetic reasons ).




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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Creating an Associative Array

2005-06-09 Thread dpgirago
Thank you kindly, Neil Smith and Brent Baisley.

I now see the error of my approach. 

$dateArray = array();

> for($counter = 0; $counter <= 3600; $counter++)
> {
>$dateArray[ date("Y.m.d H:i:s", $now - $counter) ] = 
> (int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2)));
> } 

works just fine.

Brent, the array(3601) was coming from the $counter loop above and is the 
seconds in an hour plus one ( for aesthetic reasons ).




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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Creating an Associative Array

2005-06-10 Thread dpgirago
Thank you kindly, Neil Smith and Brent Baisley.

I now see the error of my approach. 

$dateArray = array();

> for($counter = 0; $counter <= 3600; $counter++)
> {
>$dateArray[ date("Y.m.d H:i:s", $now - $counter) ] = 
> (int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2)));
> } 

works just fine.

Brent, the array(3601) was coming from the $counter loop above and is the 
seconds in an hour plus one ( for aesthetic reasons ).




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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Creating an Associative Array

2005-06-10 Thread dpgirago
Thank you kindly, Neil Smith and Brent Baisley.

I now see the error of my approach. 

$dateArray = array();

> for($counter = 0; $counter <= 3600; $counter++)
> {
>$dateArray[ date("Y.m.d H:i:s", $now - $counter) ] = 
> (int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2)));
> } 

works just fine.

Brent, the array(3601) was coming from the $counter loop above and is the 
seconds in an hour plus one ( for aesthetic reasons ).




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Re: [PHP-DB] mysqldump but exclude one table. .

2005-06-14 Thread dpgirago
C:\>mysqldump --version
mysqldump  Ver 9.09 Distrib 4.0.16, for Win95/Win98 (i32)

C:\>mysqldump --help | grep table
STDIN   6   Dumping definition and data mysql database or table
STDIN   7   Usage: mysqldump [OPTIONS] database [tables]
STDIN   22--add-drop-tableAdd a 'drop table' before each 
STDIN   31In this case no tables are given. 
All name arguments are
STDIN   41-K, --disable-keys  '/*!4 ALTER TABLE tb_name 
STDIN   42'/*!4 ALTER TABLE tb_name ENABLE 
KEYS */; will be put
STDIN   54-x, --first-slave   Locks all tables across all 
STDIN   61-l, --lock-tables   Lock all tables for read.
STDIN   65--no-autocommit Wrap tables with autocommit/commit 
STDIN   67Dump all tables in single 
transaction to get consistent
STDIN   68snapshot. Mutually exclusive with 
STDIN   74Don't write table creation info.
STDIN   80--opt   Same as --add-drop-table --add-locks 
--all --quick
STDIN   81--extended-insert --lock-tables 
STDIN   88-Q, --quote-names   Quote table and column names with a 
STDIN   94-T, --tab=name  Creates tab separated textfile for 
each table to given
STDIN   98--tablesOverrides option --databases (-B).
STDIN   112 add-drop-tableFALSE
STDIN   132 lock-tables   FALSE

C:\>mysqldump --help | grep ignore


Ummm. What version are you using, Martin?


[PHP-DB] MySQL 4.1 as Backend

2005-07-05 Thread dpgirago
Anyone using MySQL 4.1 as a backend to their PHP apps? I'm particularly 
interested in the cluster software that the docs say are part of 4.1. I 
have some apps that would benefit from a high uptime db backend but I'm a 
bit concerned about the 'not enterprise-ready' disclaimer on the mysql 
website for the 4.1 package.


Re: [PHP-DB] load data infile -- problem

2005-08-18 Thread dpgirago
You can definitely do a "load file" from within the mysql client, so I'd 
guess you can do it through mysql_query, too. I'm wondering about the 
semi-colon within the query. Maybe it needs to be escaped, too.


> I could be 100% wrong on this, but I do not think that a command line 
> statement can be executed through mysql_query() - try exec().
> If I remember correctly mysql load data infile ... is not executed from 
> within mysql, but at the command line.

> (Hint: look at the source for phpMyAdmin and copy how it is done.)

> Regards - Miles

At 08:30 AM 8/18/2005, select.now wrote:
>>Helo everyone !
>>I find this problem and I think I am close to the solution but ...
>>The question: I need to import a few thousand of record storee in a 
>>file on my local harddisk, with my php application, managing my mysql 
>>So, in command line, all works fine, all records are correctly imported.
>>  -
>> >mysql load data infile 'c:\\datastream\\import\import
>>->into table iport
>>-> fields terminated by ';'
>>-> ignore 9 lines;
>>But in my php app, because I am confuse a bit (use of ['], ["] and the 
>>definition of variables in mysql_query), I don't make this import.
>>--  ---
>>$a = 'c:\\\datastream\\\import\\\import';
>>$extra_arg = 'fields terminated by \';\' ignore 9 lines;';
>>$query = 'load data infile \''.$a.'\' into table import '.$extra_arg.'';
>>$result = mysql_query ($query) or die_mysql ("Executia comenzii 
>>$query a esuat.");
>>--  --
>>I get this output-error:
>>  load data infile 'c:\\datastream\\import\\import' into table import 
>> fields terminated by ';' ignore 9 lines;
>>and the import doesn't occured.
>>Where is located my mistake ?
>>Thanks in advance.
>>cu respect, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [PHP-DB] retrieve text from pdf

2005-09-07 Thread dpgirago
Hello Yui,

We use an executable called pdftotext.exe to extract text from pdf's.

You can find it here: -> http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/download.html

Although we use it from the command line, I'd guess that it can be used 
satisfactorily with exec() within a PHP script, also.


"Bastien Koert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

09/07/2005 08:30 AM


[EMAIL PROTECTED], php-db@lists.php.net

RE: [PHP-DB] retrieve text from pdf

Are you looking for the text of the document or the data from forms 
in the PDF?

For the latter you can use the FDFToolkit from adobe.


>From: Yui Hiroaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: php-db@lists.php.net
>Subject: [PHP-DB] retrieve text from pdf
>Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 13:57:51 +0900
>hi! Anyone know how to retrieve text from pdf?
>If someone knows how, please teach me the code or site?
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Re: [PHP-DB] connection to mysql db

2005-10-11 Thread dpgirago

You need to use the username and password of the database, not the OS, to
connect to MySQL. You would also need to set up an account for the
username/host name of the remote computer within MySQL for this to work
successfully. If this is a new installation of MySQL, try leaving username
and password blank as I think there is a default account with open
credentials. In any event, have a look at the user table in the mysql
database for the accounts that have been already set up.


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  |  php-db@lists.php.net   
  |  [PHP-DB] connection to mysql db

I have mysql running on a linux box at my house.  I want to connect to
that box from another machine on my home network but get access
errors.  When connecting, I use the machines internal ip and the root
name and password of the linux box but I get access denied errors.
How can I connect?


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[PHP-DB] Google Style Search Results

2005-12-07 Thread dpgirago
We are developing a website where our intranet users can put in keywords
and search a document database (MySQL). Results returned would appear
similar to a Google search. We have the text stripped from the 750+
articles using pdf2txt and have added a full text index to the db table; a
query using "match" - "against" works extremely well. We'd like to display
a few sentences or sentence fragments from the articles with the key words
in bold, again, Google-like.  I guess "exploding" the text from the db on
an empty space would get each word into an array for processing, but this
seems very tedious.

If anybody has any other ideas about how else to go about this, or has done
something similar, I'd appreciate the advice.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Google Style Search Results

2005-12-07 Thread dpgirago

It's possible that the keywords wouldn't be in the  first X numbers of

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| |   Joseph Crawford|
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| |   12/07/2005 02:11 PM|
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  |  "[PHP-DB] Mailing List"  
  |  Re: [PHP-DB] Google Style Search Results   

why not use substr?
$preview = substr($string, 0, 50) .'...';

it will probably cut off in the middle of a word, but you can use strpos
check to see if the char is a space to get to the point you want.

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Zend Certified Engineer
Codebowl Solutions, Inc.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Google Style Search Results

2005-12-07 Thread dpgirago

Thanks Joseph and Philip. I think that will work very well.

>> why not use substr?
>> $preview = substr($string, 0, 50) .'...';
>> it will probably cut off in the middle of a word, but you can use strpos
>> and
>> check to see if the char is a space to get to the point you want.
>> It's possible that the keywords wouldn't be in the  first X numbers of
>> characters.

> Then use strstr() to find the first occurence of the first keyword and
> then use substr with an initial offset...


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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: SQL Insert INTO question

2005-12-08 Thread dpgirago

In full agreement here. I scratched my head this morning, then looked up
"INSERT" in the MySQL Docs for a sanity check. It must be an UPDATE
statement to work as indicated below.


<< Sorry David Mitchell >>


Is that a syntax supported by MySQL?  That is, an INSERT with WHERE clause?
I tried it against Oracle, and it doesn't work (can you imagine how
upsetting it would have been to have learned that, after having worked with
SQL for several years, one can do an update using an INSERT statement?).
I'm pretty sure it doesn't work against MS SQL Server, DB2, etc (not 100%
certain, but 99.9%).

On 12/8/05, El Bekko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> geekgirl1 wrote:
> > First time poster.
> >
> > This is the problem.  I want to add the value of $_POST[review] to the
> > reviews table where the unique id from the reviews table equals the
> > review id on my form.  The statement below does not work.  Should I
> > use UPDATE instead?
> >
> > "INSERT INTO reviews (review_txt)
> >   VALUES
> >   ('$_POST[review]') WHERE review_id = $id";
> >
> > Marian
> "INSERT INTO reviews (review_txt)
>('$_POST[\'review\']') WHERE review_id = '$id'";
> There, now it should work :)
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Minor Change

2005-12-12 Thread dpgirago


Echo out the query. Check it. Run it from the MySQL client.

 What does the error message say? Does the table "109fh6" actually exist in
the database?


#  Ken responded:
# After adding echo mysql_error(); I get the same result.  I tried changing

# the query to include 109fh7 (a table which doesn't exist) and got the
# result as with 109fh6.  Changing to 109fh5 does pull up that table.  The

# line to which the error message refers is while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc

# ($data_set))  That is what always come up when there is an error in the
# query.

On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 14:13:10 -0500, Micah Stevens

> You're getting an error, after the query, put:
> echo mysql_error();
> to find out what's happening.
> On Monday 12 December 2005 11:05 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I made tiny changes to my php file and sql table and the table won't
>> come
>> up.  I updated the table name (and php file name) from 109fh5 to 109fh6.
>> In the table, I changed 6 cells, leaving a couple blank.  Then I changed
>> only the digit "5" to make it a "6" (109fh6) in the following:
>> $get_data_query = "select rep, party, state, cd, minority, afr_am,
>> asian,
>> am_indian, hispanic, med_hsehold_income, poverty from 109fh6 order by
>> $sort_field $sort_order";
>> Now I get "Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a
>> valid
>> MySQL result resource in" etc.
>> I've done this many times without a problem (this is the 6th time in
>> this
>> sequence).  What could be wrong after such a minor change?
>> Ken

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[PHP-DB] Dynamic Navigation Bar

2005-12-22 Thread dpgirago
Results from full-text searches on a documents database are returning
sometimes 300-400 hits, so I'm gonna need to implement a dynamic navigation
bar. Perhaps this a stupid question, but it seems from a brief googling
that navigation bars -  dynamic or not - operate by appending variables and
values to the URL within the link, which are then grabbed
from the $_GET array.  Can someone shed some light on whether this the only
method used?

 And, yes, I know that there is a Pear package that does this, but I'm more
inclined to implement my own at present.

Thanks very much.


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RE: [PHP-DB] Dynamic Navigation Bar

2005-12-22 Thread dpgirago

Thanks for the quick response, Bastien.
I was thinking that using hidden fields may be another way to go. But how
would I assign a value to a form variable via clicking on a link?

>No, you could try keeping that data in sessions or in hidded form fields
>the page...note that the latter requires that you do a page submit with
>onclick of the link / button

>>To: php-db@lists.php.net
>>Subject: [PHP-DB] Dynamic Navigation Bar
>>Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 09:27:33 -0600
>>Results from full-text searches on a documents database are returning
>>sometimes 300-400 hits, so I'm gonna need to implement a dynamic
>>bar. Perhaps this a stupid question, but it seems from a brief googling
>>that navigation bars -  dynamic or not - operate by appending variables
>>values to the URL within the link, which are then
>>from the $_GET array.  Can someone shed some light on whether this the
>>method used?
>>  And, yes, I know that there is a Pear package that does this, but I'm
>>inclined to implement my own at present.
>>Thanks very much.

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Re: Fw: [PHP-DB] Dynamic Navigation Bar

2005-12-23 Thread dpgirago

Thanks for weighing in on the question, Julien. It's an intranet
application, and I have some influence with the users' browser settings, so
I used Javascript. I have to admit though that I was unaware you could pass
a function from an anchor href tag
(link, for those
similarly in the dark). Dynamically creating the links with their
associated offset for use with MySQL's "limit" syntax works very well. I'm
curious if anybody knows how long Javascript has supported this syntax? I
found example scripts using it beginning in chapter 15 of Danny Goodman's
"JavaScript Bible" (5th Edition) 2004, so I'm guessing it's part of the
Document Object Model specification, but I didn't explore it's origins.

Thanks Bastien and Julien.


> From: "Julien Bonastre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Bastien Koert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 11:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Dynamic Navigation Bar

>I would suggest using the GET method..
> Unless you have some reason you don't want the data passed via GET..
> In which case I suggest just storing all that in a session..
> So for example, I wouldn't want to pass a big ugly html-encoded query
> string via the GET URI, as it would look awful
> Instead, set a session variable holding that query and any related
> you are also processing [ie user selected sorting of results
> [ascending/descending] etc, fields to sort by, whatever options you have]

> and just pass a 'pg' value via get
> such as ./search.php?pg=2
> or something..
> As as alternative to the javascript form POSTing method..
> Its up to you, I'm just providing an alternative to using Javascript
> as someone else outlined is CLIENT side, hence you are relying on correct

> operation by the browser for it to work..
> I don't like relying on the clients browser, I like relying on my code..
> Enjoy
> ---oOo--- Allowing users to execute CGI scripts in any directory should
> only be considered if: ... a.. You have no users, and nobody ever visits
> your server. ... Extracted Quote: Security Tips - Apache HTTP
> Server ---oOo--- --oOo---oOo-- Julien Bonastre
> [The_RadiX] The-Spectrum Network CEO ABN: 64 235 749 494
> www.the-spectrum.org --oOo---oOo--
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bastien Koert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 1:39 AM
> Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Dynamic Navigation Bar
>> javascript
>> Bastien
>>>To: php-db@lists.php.net
>>>Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Dynamic Navigation Bar
>>>Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 09:38:01 -0600
>>>Thanks for the quick response, Bastien.
>>>I was thinking that using hidden fields may be another way to go. But
>>>would I assign a value to a form variable via clicking on a link?
>>> >No, you could try keeping that data in sessions or in hidded form
>>> >fields
>>> >the page...note that the latter requires that you do a page submit
>>> >onclick of the link / button
>>> >
>>> >Bastien
>>> >>To: php-db@lists.php.net
>>> >>Subject: [PHP-DB] Dynamic Navigation Bar
>>> >>Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 09:27:33 -0600
>>> >>
>>> >>Results from full-text searches on a documents database are returning
>>> >>sometimes 300-400 hits, so I'm gonna need to implement a dynamic
>>> >>bar. Perhaps this a stupid question, but it seems from a brief
>>> >>googling
>>> >>that navigation bars -  dynamic or not - operate by appending
>>> >>variables
>>> >>values to the URL within the link, which are then
>>> >>from the $_GET array.  Can someone shed some light on whether this
>>> >>method used?
>>> >>
>>> >>  And, yes, I know that there is a Pear package that does this, but
>>> >> I'm
>>> >>more
>>> >>inclined to implement my own at present.
>>> >>
>>> >>Thanks very much.
>>> >>
>>> >>David
>>>PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>>>To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
>> --
>> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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