Re: [QUAD-L] Thought this was interesting

2009-09-04 Thread Aleo0813
according to the web site, it offers free trials, wonder if anyone in  
the US has them
FREE Trials
We are happy to arrange free demonstrations and trials of the Neater Arm  
Support in UK. _Please contact  us_ (  
for more details. (Not all our overseas contacts are able to offer  trials of 
the NAS or fitting to users' wheelchairs.) 


[QUAD-L] re: everyone in a twitter

2009-06-28 Thread Aleo0813

I also enjoy all 3, I find it a great way to keep in touch with family and  
friends...just my 2 cents
 ( . ( 
_ ( aleo0813

**An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Donate a power wheelchair--Ron or others that may know.

2009-06-01 Thread Aleo0813
You might want to check with Disabled American Vets...VFW - I know in  
Maryland they take donations, then help out those in need --
**An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

[QUAD-L] RE: bone on bone

2009-05-03 Thread Aleo0813
You might want to check into 
_Glucosamine  and Chondroitin - Joint Supplements for Arthritis_ 
_Synvisc  Injections - Joint Lubrication Injections for the Knee_ 
Due to the degenerative joint  disc disease I have , I have had more  
injections than I care to recall and I take the Glucosamine w/ Chondroitin  
Hope this helps

**The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Prevent UTI Pill?

2008-12-02 Thread aleo0813
Colloidal Silver - Antibiotic infection fighter?...maybe this is what he is 
takingjust adding my 2cents


-Original Message-
From: Lori Michaelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Prevent UTI Pill?

Some people are on this silver oxide kick and actually my husband recently 
tried it on his wound but it did not help.? I'm not knocking it -- I am only 
saying to be very cautious.


This has been discussed here before.? It is normally used as a topical 
preventative antibiotic (for pressure sores, wounds, etc.) but it will actually 
checking your skin blue if it is ingested and dangerous if ingested.? 


IF that is what this guy is talking about or ingesting.? 


Turning blue is a classic symptom of silver oxide and a dangerous one for 
ingestion of it.


Why?didn't you ask him ('some guy')?the name of the pill he took when you had 
the opportunity?? 


Please be careful!



On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was talking to a guy who told me about a pill he took daily to prevent UTI's. 
He said it was working great, but turned his urine blue. I don't think it was a 
true antibiotic and may be Over the Counter

But, now I can't recall the name of it. Anyone know about this and try it?



C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

Re: [QUAD-L] what ya watch?

2008-08-10 Thread Aleo0813
I am a big fan of  Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International along  with 
Paranormal State.  I also watch all the British Comedy's that are  avail on 
cable and collect them on DVD's

**Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? 
Read reviews on AOL Autos.  

[QUAD-L] free samples....

2008-07-21 Thread Aleo0813

Not sure anyone would be interested, but  I figured I'd pass this site along. 
  Just click on the link below and  go to the free samples, fill out your 
info and they send the free samples to  your door.  - Free Samples  Trials: Free Samples_ 

**Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for 
FanHouse Fantasy Football today.  

Re: [QUAD-L] subscribe

2008-07-12 Thread Aleo0813
Thanks,  for some odd reason I keep getting dropped from the  list.  This 
makes the 4th time in as many weeks  :)   
At any rate, I am glad to be back again...

**Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music 
scene in your area - Check out!  

[QUAD-L] subscribe

2008-07-11 Thread Aleo0813


**Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music 
scene in your area - Check out!  

Re: [QUAD-L] State We All Live In.

2008-03-07 Thread Aleo0813
  I live on top of Lookout Mtn in GA, overlooking Chattanooga TN

**It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money  
Finance.  (

Re: [QUAD-L] colliod silver

2008-02-22 Thread Aleo0813
For those interested in Colloidal Silver you can get it either at_:  
R-Garden, Products for the Garden within Us!_ 
fa5369bc940858e2335d4ekeyword=COLL)or _GNC_ 

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

[QUAD-L] Diverticulitis

2008-01-15 Thread Aleo0813
I have had diverticulitis for sometime (10 yrs or so)  My doctor at the time 
was medicating me for ulcerative colitis, and IBS... After more testing they 
also found the diverticula sacs that were inflamed.  I was put on pain meds for 
a while and given a long list of not to eat  foods, however I have found 
that it varies from person to person.  Things I try and avoid are bagels with 
the seeds, peas, corn, pop corn, different jams that contain seeds.  I have 
been told that the ulcerative colitis and IBS go hand in hand with 
diverticular disease.  I was also on Zelnorm for quite sometime, and it did 
seem to 
help.  Now days, I take bulk fiber when needed, watch the things I eat.  On 
occasion when I have a flare up I take aloe juice, and activated charcoal 
I have been told that stress and  antibiotics sometimes are found to be the 
cause.  I do know that in my own experience stress plays a major factor.

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: c-diff

2007-11-27 Thread Aleo0813
I am no expert by far, but my mom had c-diff several times and we were told 
it was from the over use of certain antibiotics, after yrs of this problem they 
finally started using sulfate antibiotics (not exactly sure what they are) 
From what I understood at the time is that C-Diff is contagious especially to 
caregivers, and generally a person who has been on an antibiotic treatment 
system is already run down is prone to this bacteria going haywire.
Hope this below helps
Clostridium difficile
Clostridium difficile (C. diff) is a _bacterium_ 
(  that is present naturally in 
the _gut_ 
(  of around 3% of adults and 66% 
of children. 
C. diff doesn't cause any problems in healthy people. However, some 
_antibiotics_ (  that are used 
treat other health conditions can interfere with the balance of good _bacteria_ 
(  in the _gut_ 
( . When this happens, C. diff 
(  can multiply and cause 
such as _diarrhoea_ (  and 
_fever_ ( . 
Because C. diff infections are usually caused by _antibiotics_ 
( , most cases usually happen 
in a 
healthcare environment such as a hospital or care home. Older people are most 
at risk 
from infection, with the majority of cases (80%) occurring in people over the 
age of 65. 
Most people with a C. diff infection make a full recovery. However, in very 
rare cases the infection can be fatal. 
The number of C. diff cases has risen from 22,000 a year in 2002 to almost 
45,000 in 2004. One of the main reasons for this rise is the improvement in 
tests to diagnose the infection, but there has clearly been an increase in the 
number of cases. 
C. diff infections can be prevented by good hygiene practices in healthcare 
environments. However, it is extremely _contagious_ 
(  and is spread very easily. 
The symptoms of C. difficile (C. Diff) infection can include: 
*   mild to severe _diarrhoea_ 
( , 
*   _blood_ (  stained 
_stools_ ( , 
*   _fever_ ( , and 
*   abdominal cramps.
These symptoms are usually caused by colitis (_inflammation_ 
(  of the lining of the 
small intestine). 
In rare cases, C. diff can cause an infection of the lining in the abdomen 
(peritonitis) and _blood_ (  
In very rare cases, a C. diff infection can be fatal. The risk of this is 
higher in elderly people and people who have other very serious health 
Most people who get a C. diff infection will get symptoms while they are 
taking _antibiotics_ ( . 
symptoms can appear up to 10 weeks after they have finished taking 
_antibiotics_ ( . 
C. difficile (C. diff) is an anaerobic _bacterium_ 
( . This means that it doesn't 
need _oxygen_ 
(  to survive and multiply 
Therefore it usually survives well in the large intestine, where there is very 
little _oxygen_ (  available. 
C. diff doesn't usually affect healthy children and adults, because the 
healthy good _bacteria_ (  in 
intestine keep it in check. However, some _antibiotics_ 
(  can interfere with this 
healthy balance of 
_bacteria_ ( . When this 
happens, C. 
diff can begin to multiply and produce toxins (poisons). At this point, a 
person is said to be infected with C. diff. 
Once C. diff _bacteria_ (  
start to produce toxins, the _bacteria_ 
(  can then spread easily. This 
is because it can produce spores even 
when exposed to unfavourable conditions, such as being outside of the body. 
Spores are what _bacteria_ (  
produce so they can multiply. 
C. diff spores leave the body in an infected persons _diarrhoea_ 
( . The spores can then 
contaminate their 
surroundings, such as toilets, 

[QUAD-L] re: family members helping

2007-10-17 Thread Aleo0813
I have been reading the post and its heartbreaking, there was a time when 
family was it, Rarely did families send the grandparents or parents to a 
home. I know in my own family no one ever thought of it. My dad had COPD and 
for years my mom took care of him, and when and if she needed to be away from 
the house either I or my sister was there. I was only 13 when he passed but 
taking care of him was what we did, then later when my sister got sick with 
Diabetes and lost part of one leg then the other foot, we took care of her. No 
resented it, it is just what families do. After she passed in 99 my mom 
developed cancer for the 3rd time. She ( mom) cared for a sick husband and then 
daughter while fighting her own battle, but she never complained. I took care 
her from 2000 till her passing in 02. I have a spine disease, but never once 
did I think of not taking care of any of them. My parents gave me life the very 
least I could do was honor my father and mother.  Right now I live in Ga and 
have a fairly large modular home ( 5 bd, 3 bth) and a few times over the past 
few yrs we have had people stay with us, first a college student, then a 
family member and my husband and I have thought about adopting someone who 
a family. There is a community need here that is for the disabled only and 
one of the guys was needing a place till his apt was ready and we offered him 
our home, I wonder if that might be a solution for those that have no one.
Just adding my 2 cents in..

** See what's new at

[QUAD-L] The dash Movie ---

2006-08-13 Thread Aleo0813

Just thought some of you might enjoy this.


[QUAD-L] For all you animal lovers

2006-08-03 Thread Aleo0813

I read this to my husband and he was in tears laughing. 


RE [QUAD-L] heritage

2006-07-31 Thread Aleo0813

My heritage is Irish


Re: [QUAD-L] Angelique and Sandy--another female

2006-07-27 Thread Aleo0813


 Thanks for the howdy. 


[QUAD-L] if anyone is interested in some free coupons

2006-07-27 Thread Aleo0813

If anyone is interested -- I have received 2 set's of coupons that I will gladly send out via mail if anyone wants them.

1st-- 1.00 off any TUMS smoothie product
2nd-- 2.00 off any OS-CAL calcium supplement
3rd-- 5.00 off any CITRUCEL caplets, fiber shakes or fibersmoothie products

I know these can get expensive if you take them daily.

Just thought I'd pass them on to anyone who can use them.


Re: Re: [QUAD-L] Angelique and Sandy--another female

2006-07-26 Thread Aleo0813

Female here also. I am not a quad, and I do not post often so maybe I do not count : )


[QUAD-L] For Those Who Live DownUnder!

2006-07-16 Thread Aleo0813

lookout Mountain, Ga  97 here today, suppose to be 100 tomorrow 


[QUAD-L] zaba search

2006-07-15 Thread Aleo0813

The site is not zaba research, it is zaba search

ZabaSearch - Free People Search Engine

alot of the info is free, if you want more info you can pay and get a bit more.


[QUAD-L] re: people finding

2006-07-14 Thread Aleo0813

A popular site for law enforcement is ZABA search, it might be of some help


[QUAD-L] re:What's out your back door down the street?

2006-07-10 Thread Aleo0813

Out my backdoor, is mainly a small wooded area that leads to the Lula Lake Land Trust, and the Lula lake Falls. We have all sorts of wildlife to watch, from deer to turkeys (who right now have their young with them) alos alot of racoons. 


[QUAD-L] insurance

2006-06-27 Thread Aleo0813

I know from time to time there has been a lot of talk about health insurance coverage's. Just thought some of you might be interested in this" " When my husband left his employment after 20+ yrs he was offered to keep our insurance via cobra at something like 840. per mth, we chose not to stay with United Health so we have been searching. We found Sure health and right now they have open enrollment so all preexisting is covered, and they offer a prescription plan. Just thought I'd share the info in case anyone else is looking for affordable insurance.


[QUAD-L] RE: Who lives where?

2006-06-26 Thread Aleo0813


I am located on Lookout Mountain, in Georgia. I have family in Freehold NJ.


[QUAD-L] Love, music, stories and love again

2006-06-26 Thread Aleo0813


Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in for what its worth. I too met my husband online. We just celebrated our 3 rd anniversary April 26. I have to agree with Lori, it is the modern day equivalent of pen-pals back in the 40's. My husband chatted online via chat rooms and IM and emails fornearly year before we even decided to exchange phone numbers.


Re: [QUAD-L] Property Tax Exemption

2006-05-23 Thread Aleo0813

Maryland offers a tax credit for the disabled and or elderly.


[QUAD-L] insurance

2006-03-29 Thread Aleo0813

listed beloware a few web addresses that I was given about medigap insurance in the state of Georgia if anyone is interested. 



Medigap Insurance a little info about the state of Georgia



2006-02-28 Thread Aleo0813

I'm 42 w/ degenerative spine disease causing multiple spinal compression's.

[QUAD-L] home health

2006-02-26 Thread Aleo0813

Thought I'd share some info. A friend in Chattanooga who has a aide 5 hrs a day has been having the same problems as many here on the list. Someone elsein her apt complex who also has an aide gave her this web site. She is now getting her aide thru this service, according to her the same number of hours but a bit cheaper. I really do not know anything about how this company works but she did have to pay a fee 19.95. 

Here is the link she sent me, if anyone is interested check it out.

Home Health Services for Families

Hope the info can help someone.

Re: [QUAD-L] Waxing for women

2006-01-26 Thread Aleo0813

not sure about where you are located but here locally most the places that do nails have someone now on staff that does hair removal either by plucking, waxing or electrolysis


Re: [QUAD-L] Types of pain_Warmth

2006-01-22 Thread Aleo0813

I have found that using a heating pad to warm up my bed before getting in helps alot, as does leaving it on low and placed down around my lower legs and feet. For whatever reason if my lower legs are cold then the rest of me is freezing. 

it might be worth a try, just make sure its not to hot that it causes other problems 


[QUAD-L] medigap in GA

2006-01-14 Thread Aleo0813

Here is a site that helps find medigap coverage for those living in Georgia, in case anyone is interested. -- Medicare Supplement Insurance

[QUAD-L] prescription solution web site

2005-12-15 Thread Aleo0813

Prescription Solutions

I recall seeing some post recently about prescription coverage with medicare, a friend sent this site to me, so I am passing it along. 
I hope there is some helpful info. 


[QUAD-L] voice activated telephone phone hands free for $110

2005-11-02 Thread Aleo0813

In case anyone is interested, I found this while web surfing today. I know some time back someone was looking for a handsfree phone. Here is one for 110.00 -- I emailed to see if it was still avail and was told "yes" and in fact they have several of them and will ship to the US only. Mobility Consignment --Under mobility aids, sub category -- all other mobility aids. 


Re: [QUAD-L] Home prices

2005-10-19 Thread Aleo0813

 I found out fast that the humidity here can be bad, the first few years I lived here I lived in the valley. The summers had their share of hot humid days. After I got married in 03 my husband andI started talking about finding a bigger place to live, and since he had lived on Lookout Mountain for over 20 odd years he suggested we look there. It is only 10-12 miles difference from the valley to the top of the mountain, but it is a world of difference tempwise. While we have had some hot days the humidity up here is no where near as bad and down below. And like I mentioned before the prices are reasonable. I added the link to my blog spot, there is a pic of the College my husband works at, it shows the surrounding area - the road in the pic that runs next to the school is near my home (less than a mile ). It is a beautiful area, I too am a Yankee born and raised but I have to say I would honestly suggest this area to anyone looking for a place that offers milder climates, yet a change in every season (I love the fall colors ). Friendly people, great food and like anywhere else good doctors in amongst the idiots -- I am starting to sound like an ad for Southern Living : )


Re: [QUAD-L] Re: How far to travel in w/c

2005-10-09 Thread Aleo0813

Was just looking at the listing on the home, it is a pretty home but the price WOW.

When I lived in Md, I saw the property values go up in a matter of 5 yrs. The home I lived in was built in 1909, my grandparents purchased it for 4000.00, in 2003 before I sold it the house appraised for 257,000. 
In Georgia the property values are still affordable. We purchased 2.79 acres and had a 2005 modular placed. It is comparable in size to the one listed in AZ. We have 2560 sq. ft,( 5bd room, formal living room w/stone fireplace, large kitchen, dinning room, laundry room and family room, and 3 full bathrooms)wehad one of the bedrooms converted into an office with a built in desk unit ,the master BD's bath has separate shower and garden tub . Sliding doors from the dinning area that open out to a 12X 20 deck. Everything, land included did not cost us 1/3 of the asking price for the one in the listing. I find it amazing that we all ( for the most part) live in the same country, but pricing is so different from area to area.
Just wondering what the housing costs are in other area's


Re: [QUAD-L] non medical tasks question

2005-09-25 Thread Aleo0813


 Non-medical tasks could include a boat load of things. One lady I know who has 12 hr's a day help, has her 2 PCA's help with all sorts of hobbies. The one did a small herb planter on her deck and they tend to that a day or so a week. The other lady, who is apparently really good at doing hair (cutting and setting) does her hair each week. She swears that having her hair done, and makeup done helps keep her depression at bay.They do all sorts of little things like that for her. Everything from being her personal shopper, then gift wrapper to card and letter writing. They haverearranged her furniture, and did light housekeeping. Pet walking (which she says is another way got her to get outside each day, even thought she is unable to physically take care of her dog). I have also seen listings in our church, for companion's. Disabled and elderly people looking for someone to just come and spend an hour or so a week, just talking sharing time together. Maybe even someone willing to attend a church service with them.


[QUAD-L] Remedies, interesting reading

2005-09-16 Thread Aleo0813

Thought you might be interested in reading some "remedies" for everyday problems. My mother was a firm believer in such things, and I might add that some actually worked. Since none seem harmful you might want to check them out. IF for nothing else some entertaining reading.

RemediesI almost want a sore throat to see if this really works!Did You Know That? Drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieveheadachepain almost immediately -- without the unpleasant side effects causedby traditional "pain relievers."Did you know that Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve forburns.Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filledwithmysterious chemicals, try chewing on a couple of curiously strongAltoidspeppermints. They'll clear up your stuffed nose.Achy muscles from a bout of the flu? Mix 1 Tablespoon of horseradishin 1cup of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply itas amassage oil, for instant relief for aching muscles.Sore throat? Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1tablespoon six times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria.Cure urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer . Just dissolve two tabletsin a glass of water and drink it at the onset of the symptoms. Alka-Seltzerbegins eliminating urinary tract infections almost instantly -- even thoughthe product was never been advertised for this use. (Note:Alka-Seltzer PlusCold Medicine is not the same..and contains aspirin, which can cause stomachbleeding if you have ulcers.)Honey remedy for skin blemishes... Cover the blemish with a dab ofhoney andplace a Band-Aid over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile,and speeds healing. Works overnight.Listerine therapy for toenail fungus... Get rid of unsightly toenail fungusby soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leavesyour toenails looking healthy again.Easy eyeglass protection... To prevent the screws in eyeglasses fromloosening, apply a small drop of Maybelline Crystal Clear nail polishto thethreads of the screws before tightening them.Coca-Cola cure for rust... Forget those expensive rust removers. Justsaturate an abrasive sponge with Coca Cola and scrub the rust stain.Thephosphoric acid in the coke is what gets the job done.
Cleaning liquid that doubles as bug killer... If menacing bees,wasps,hornets, or yellow jackets get in your home and you can't find theinsecticide, try a spray of Formula 409. Insects drop to the groundinstantly.Smart splinter remover...just pour a drop of Elmer's Glue-All overthesplinter, let dry, and peel the dried glue off the skin. The splinter sticksto the dried glue.Hunt's tomato paste boil curecover the boil with Hunt's tomatopaste as a compress. The acids from the tomatoes soothe the pain and bring theboilto a head.
Balm for broken blisters...To disinfect a broken blister, dab on afew drops of Listerine ... a powerful antiseptic.Heinz vinegar to heal bruises... Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar andapply it to the bruise for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the bluenessandspeeds up the healing process.Kills fleas instantly. Dawn dish washing liquid does the trick. Add afewdrops to your dog's bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinsewell toavoid skin irritations. Goodbye fleas.
Rainy day cure for dog odor... Next time your dog comes in from therain,simply wipe down the animal with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantlymakingyour dog smell springtime fresh.Eliminate ear mites... All it takes is a few drops of Wesson corn oil in your cat's ear. Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat dailyfor 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers the mites, andaccelerates healing.Quaker Oats for fast pain reliefIt's not for breakfast anymore!Mix 2cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwavefor 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands forsoothing relief from arthritis pain.

[QUAD-L] pseudomonas infection ( some info about)

2005-09-15 Thread Aleo0813

Some info on pseudomonas infection, I highlighted in blue about the treatment. Hope it helps.

Pseudomonas infectionsDefinition 
A pseudomonas infection is caused by a bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and may affect any part of the body. In most cases, however, pseudomonas infections strike only persons who are very ill, usually hospitalized.Description 
P. aeruginosa is a rod-shaped organism that can be found in soil, water, plants, and animals. Because it rarely causes disease in healthy persons, but infects those who are already sick or who have weakened immune systems, it is called an opportunistic pathogen. Opportunistic pathogens are organisms that do not ordinarily cause disease, but multiply freely in persons whose immune systems are weakened by illness or medication. Such persons are said to be immunocompromised. Patients with AIDS have an increased risk of developing serious pseudomonas infections. Hospitalized patients are another high- risk group, because P. aeruginosa is often found in hospitals. Infections that can be acquired in the hospital are sometimes called nosocomial diseases.
Of the 2 million nosocomial infections each year, 10% are caused by P. aeruginosa. The bacterium is the second most common cause of nosocomial pneumonia and the most common cause of intensive care unit (ICU) pneumonia. Pseudomonas infections can be spread within hospitals by health care workers, medical equipment, sinks, disinfectant solutions, and food. These infections are a very serious problem in hospitals for two reasons. First, patients who are critically ill can die from a pseudomonas infection. Second, many Pseudomonas bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics, which makes them difficult to treat.
P. aeruginosa is able to infect many different parts of the body. Several factors make it a strong opponent. These factors include: 

The ability to stick to cells 
Minimal food requirements 
Resistance to many antibiotics 
Production of proteins that damage tissue 
A protective outer coat. 

Infections that can occur in specific body sites include: 

Heart and blood. P. aeruginosa is the fourth most common cause of bacterial infections of the blood (bacteremia). Bacteremia is common in patients with blood cancer and patients who have pseudomonas infections elsewhere in the body. P. aeruginosa infects the heart valves of intravenous drug abusers and persons with artificial heart valves. 
Bones and joints. Pseudomonas infections in these parts of the body can result from injury, the spread of infection from other body tissues, or bacteremia. Persons at risk for pseudomonas infections of the bones and joints include diabetics, intravenous drug abusers, and bone surgery patients. 
Central nervous system. P. aeruginosa can cause inflammation of the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) and brain abscesses. These infections may result from brain injury or surgery, the spread of infection from other parts of the body, or bacteremia. 
Eye and ear. P. aeruginosa can cause infections in the external ear canal--so-called "swimmer's ear"-- that usually disappear without treatment. The bacterium can cause a more serious ear infection in elderly patients, possibly leading to hearing problems, facial paralysis, or even death. Pseudomonas infections of the eye usually follow an injury. They can cause ulcers of the cornea that may cause rapid tissue destruction and eventual blindness. The risk factors for pseudomonas eye infections include: wearing soft extended-wear contact lenses; using topical corticosteroid eye medications; being in a coma; having extensive burns; undergoing treatment in an ICU; and having a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube. 
Urinary tract. Urinary tract infections can be caused by catheterization, medical instruments, and surgery. 
Lung. Risk factors for P. aeruginosa pneumonia include: cystic fibrosis; chronic lung disease; immunocompromised condition; being on antibiotic therapy or a respirator; and congestive heart failure. Cystic fibrosis patients often develop pseudomonas infections as children and suffer recurrent attacks of pneumonia. 
Skin and soft tissue. Even healthy persons can develop a pseudomonas skin rash following exposure to the bacterium in contaminated hot tubs, water parks, whirlpools, or spas. This skin disorder is called pseudomonas or "hot tub" folliculitis, and is often confused with chickenpox. Severe skin infection may occur in patients with P. aeruginosa bacteremia. The bacterium is the second most common cause of burn wound infections in hospitalized patients. 
Causes  symptoms 
P. aeruginosa can be sudden and severe, or slow in onset and cause little pain. Risk factors for acquiring a pseudomonas infection include: having a serious illness; being hospitalized; undergoing an invasive procedure such as surgery; having a weakened immune system; and being treated with antibiotics that kill many different kinds of bacteria (broad- spectrum 

[QUAD-L] Re: (QUAD-L) Fwd: Ingrates

2005-09-12 Thread Aleo0813

Just thought I'd share what info I have on the clean-up

My nephew is currently volunteering in W. Jefferson La, I have spoken with him on 2 occasions since going down there from Baltimore Md. They are currently staying in an evacuated hospital, going out during the day with armed escorts to do what they can. He was emotional, as this was I think a bit more than he had bargained for. He said the people he has met, and talked with are grateful for the help. A few of the guardsmen that are there keeping the peace are ones that have returned from the war, a few remarked how bad things were down there as to compared to over there. Initially when my nephews group arrived, (187 total), DR's, nurses, EMT's, paramedics, and ambulance drivers they all had a deep desire to make a difference, however after 24 hours 68 went home, saying they had no idea it would be that bad. Most volunteered for 30 days but those that have remained said they will stay as long as they feel needed. 


[QUAD-L] Inspiring story : A family's Escape from the flood.

2005-09-12 Thread Aleo0813

Thought maybe some might be interested in reading this.


Is Living Paycheck to Paycheck a Crime Punishable by Death in Floodwater? The most resourceful woman in America, Mabel Brown, saves herself and 18 family members. This is their escape story. "It's their own fault, really. Why didn't those people just evacuate when they had the chance?" I overheard one woman saying to another in the line at the grocery store. I shielded my face with a box of frozen waffles and pretended to read the National Enquirer while I eavesdropped some more.She, like many, was convinced that what we're seeing on the 6 o'clock news is merely Darwinism in action. And the unfit are not surviving.Unfit people, like single mom Mabel Brown. Mabel wanted to leave but couldn't get gas for her aging car, since all the stations were closed. A New Orleans newcomer who just moved there from Atlanta, Mabel's instincts told her to take the $20 dollars she had in cash and get out. But her sisters had lived in New Orleans for years. And they told her hurricanes were scary but if they had candles they would be okay. 

But then the water started rising. Mabel checked every 20 minutes and counted how many of the outside steps were covered up. When the water was up to the 7th step, she knew they were in trouble. But it was dark, and they couldn't leave their apartment and walk through the water in the pitch-black city. 
"We knew there were alligators and snakes in the water because we were next to the Bayou, so we were afraid to get in the water in the dark, we couldn't have seen where we were going." 
So she and her sister went onto the porch and started fires with their furniture trying to flag down helicopters to rescue them and their six kids. 
The next morning the water was up to step 14, Mabel told the kids "Get up, put on long sleeve pants and shirts, put on some shoes, and we're going to walk through the water." 
At 5'6'' the water was up to Mabel's chin. Her two daughters age 8 and 13 could swim so she dragged them along beside her. 
Her sister and her niece couldn't swim and they were too short to keep their heads above, so Mabel got her sister's two older boys to put them on their backs. In water up to their necks, Mabel told the group to feel for the sidewalk with their feet so they could keep their footing. 
They made their way through the oozing trash filled muck for over two miles to get the still day bridge overlooking the Super Dome. They waited for five hours, watching bodies float by, trying desperately to get one of the police cars or buses to take them out of the city. 
"We saw the buses, but they wouldn't let people on. One guy opened his door and we thought we were going to get on, but they went to take all the prisoners out of the jails." 
She decided to leave on her own, "I'm seeing bodies tied to the pole so I said, if I have to walk all the way to Baton Rouge that was my plan." But then the water started rising on the other side of the bridge. 
Mabel asked policeman after policeman what to do "But everybody told us something different. I kept seeing buses going toward the Super Dome, so I realized that was where I better go." 
As the crowd around them on the bridge got wilder and wilder, Mabel gave up her spot on dry concrete, grabbed her sister, the six kids, and waded back down into knee high muck to get inside the Dome with the hopes that one of the buses would get her family to safety. 
Mabel and the crew entered the Dome and found utter mayhem. With buses sitting right outside, the crowd grew crazier by the minute. Everyone was panicking that the other levee near the Dome was going to break and they would all be washed away. Bedlam broke out, guns were being fired inside the dome, there were no lights in the rest room. 
"People were losing their kids, crazy men were snatching kids bringing them in the bathroom and raping them." A woman told Mabel a 2-year-old had died from rape. Mabel kept her two daughters beside her. 
"We were stuck together like glue." 
Finally they were told that the buses, still sitting right outside would be loading in the morning. Sitting in a chair, normally reserved for a screaming Saints fan, Mabel spent the night with her arms wrapped around her two kids wondering if the levee was going to break, the dome was going to catch fire, or worse, she might fall asleep and lose her grip on her kids. 
At 4 o'clock the next afternoon, after 24 hours in hell, Mabel and her kids were loaded like cattle on buses headed for Houston. 
Seven hours later Mabel's bus pulled into the Astro Dome parking lot. She was told to stay on the bus and wait until they could check her in. 
"But I counted the number of buses and realized it would take forever for them to get to us, so I got my kids off and we walked into the Dome." 
Mabel checked herself in. They were provided showers, clothes and food. "They were out of blankets so they gave us sweaters. We found boxes, broke them apart and laid the kids 

[QUAD-L] super quads

2005-08-24 Thread Aleo0813

Just had to throw my thoughts out here on this subject of "super quads." I have been reading the post and find it amazing that you all do not see yourselves as "super individuals," I certainly find you all that way. Whenever I start to slip into a "pity party" attitude I come online and always find a post that picks me up. I know that is not the intention of the poster because rarely are any posts directed to me, but just reading what most of you face and how you all deal with each issueencourages me. I think that each and every person on this list is incredible, and in my mind it proves the old saying "that which does not kill you only makes you stronger" Recently, here locally and in some surrounding towns they had an unsung hero's tribute, and I think I'd have to say that my hero's can be found on this list. You might be surprised at the impact you have on peoples lives that youtouch. What I find sad is that most of youare rarely told how important you are, so I did not want to miss out on the opportunity to let you know what my thoughts are.


Re: [QUAD-L] Caregivers

2005-08-08 Thread Aleo0813

I have been following off and an on the subject of caregivers.Here in Georgia there seem to be several options avail, at least in the NW Georgia area. ( Chattanooga TN is 15 min away)
We live on the mountain and there are several people we know that are caregivers (freelance ), they are not nurses and generally do light housework along with any special care a person might need. I have talked to a few of them and on an average they make around 10.00 per hr (nonagency). There is also a few agency's like comfort-keepers that are privately owned companies that deal with in-home care. They do everything similar to assisted living but in your own home. I am not sure what they charge per hour.


[QUAD-L] Abilities Buzz-thought I'd send it in case anyone is interested.

2005-06-24 Thread Aleo0813


Keeping you abreast of current news and trends in the disability and senior markets 

June 2005 

Welcome to ABILITIES BUZZ 2005 , a monthly newsletter that keeps you updated on the latest news and trends in the disability and senior markets. In this issue we provide a report on how communities are banding together to provide extracurricular activities for young people living with a disability; we also review the House passage of the Stem Cell Enhancement Act. We report on the 2005 National Quad Rugby Championships; and we report on how new assistive devices are improving the lives of people living with a disability. This month we also feature a report from The Orange County Register that highlights from Abilities Expo/ Southern California, which took place from June 3-5 at the Anaheim Convention Center. It's not too late to register for Abilities Expo/ Metro Detroit taking place August 26-28 at the Novi Expo Center in Novi, MI. Visit for more information. 

Read on for a synopsis of the latest industry news and trends. For complete text on any of the articles, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Athletes with quadriplegia take sports to the extreme with wheelchair version 
A report on the 2005 National Quad Rugby Championships and "Murderball" Release 

The Boston Globe, on May 31, reports on the 2005 National Quad Rugby Championships, a game as fearless as its competitors. James DuBose, 33, who became a quadriplegic in 1992 when a deer cut in front of his pickup truck and he was thrown from the vehicle, is one of those athletes. Hustling for a loose ball, DuBose, playing for the Pasadena Texans, is clipped from behind. He flips his wheelchair and lands on his head. The game is stopped and DuBose is picked up by members of the staff. There is no hush from the crowd, because Broadbent Arena is empty. His teammates are totally unconcerned. They see this as an opportunity to catch their breath, make minor adjustments to their gloves, grab a gulp of water. DuBose refuses to come out; after all, this happens all the time. The players call it "Murderball " among themselves but they use another name in an official capacity so they don't terrify sponsors. 

Welcome to the 2005 National Quad Rugby Championships. "I figure I've already got a broken neck, what else can happen?" said DuBose. According to league officials, at least 75 percent of the players incurred their spinal cord injuries in motor vehicle accidents, and there's an alarming number of young players who were gunshot victims. The game is played by quadriplegics in special wheelchairs with angled wheels and metal grills. Played on a regulation basketball court, it's a combination of football, basketball, hockey, and ''Ben-Hur." They don't have to wear helmets, but all players must be strapped in. 

It is only fitting that the championships are held here in Muhammad Ali's hometown, because each athlete has the heart of a champion. Eight teams battle for a trophy. There is no prize money. To be eligible, players must have a combination of upper- and lower-extremity impairment. Three limbs must be affected. Before the tournament, each player is evaluated and given a classification ranging from .5 for the worst injuries to 3.5. Teams field four players at a time, and their combined classifications must not exceed 8. They use a regulation (but sticky) volleyball with a pseudo-blood-stained hand as a logo. They play four eight-minute quarters. 

Murderball was invented in Canada and imported to the University of North Dakota in 1981 by Brad Mikkelsen, a quadriplegic who formed a team called the Wallbangers. With 45 teams in the United States and 20 international teams, Quad Rugby is the fastest-growing wheelchair sport in the world. The documentary on the sport, ''Murderball ," was the winner of the Documentary Audience Award and a Special Jury Prize for Editing at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival. 
From the gyms of middle America to the Olympic arena in Athens, Greece, "Murderball" tells the story of a group of world-class athletes unlike any ever shown on screen. In addition to smashing chairs, it will smash every stereotype you ever had about the disabled. It is a film about family, revenge, honor, sex (yes, they can) and the triumph of love over loss. But most of all, it is a film about standing up, even after your spirit - and your spine - has been crushed. The film will be released in NY and LA on July 8, 2005 followed by a national release. 

For more information visit 

Communities band together to provide innovations for people living with disabilities Two New Jersey communities provide better accessibility to people living with disabilities 

On May 15, the NJ Edition of The New York Times reports that two areas of New Jersey are working hard to change the perception of "fun" and "disability." In Hamilton, New Jersey, one of the most wheelchair-accessible baseball fields in the Northeast is 

[QUAD-L] re:I'm gone

2005-06-23 Thread Aleo0813

 Although I do not post much, I too would miss having you on the list. I have found your post's to be insightful, and respectful. I truly hope you decide to stick around.


[QUAD-L] off the daily topic---- free medicine foundation

2005-06-15 Thread Aleo0813

I realize that this is not the "topic of the day" but back sometime ago someone posted about the costs of medicine. My brother-in-law has signed up for and has been approved thru "free medicine direct" to receive all of his monthly medicines for no charge. He sent me the telephone number and name, and I found their web page. Just in case anyone is interested in seeing if they can get some help.

Free Prescription Medicine at Free Medicine Foundation - Home


[QUAD-L] subscribe

2005-06-15 Thread Aleo0813

Re: [QUAD-L] A manual wheelchair question

2005-05-22 Thread Aleo0813

Power Assist Wheelchair - Electric Wheelchairs  Manual Wheel Chair - INDEPENDENCE iGLIDE

The iGlide might be what you are looking for.


[QUAD-L] manual wheelchair question

2005-05-22 Thread Aleo0813

I might also add, that the iGlide is currently not be marketed. I was told however that you can still get them, but it is a hassle. Sorry I could not be of more help


[QUAD-L] re: Slippery slopes to making it personal

2005-03-30 Thread Aleo0813

I think that a lot of people when asked what there wishes are in regard to being kept alive would say the same thing "no, I don't want to live like that." I know that it is encouraged to put your wishes in writing, but it is not an easy thing to do. Most people who are fully able-bodied have no idea what life would be like if they became disabled, and that fear is what drives people to say, "nope,I wont live like that" I think if more people without disabilities joined groups like this, it would change there minds.They would see first hand that life goes on, and you can still do a lot of the same things (maybe a bit differently) and you can still enjoy and experience life . This list is a great example that proves a disability is not a death sentence. I have a disability, and feel very lucky that I am able to still do a lot of the things I enjoy, and I have thought about, what would I do if I was to become more disabled and I think from talking to my husband, and being a member of this group the decision was easy to make. I would wish to live, and having people around that love me and wish for me to live is the key. Each person on this list has a great network of those who care for them and it is clear to see each time I check my emails. People do not always agree on this list but you are still here for each other. This group has taken the fear of being disabled from me, and has taught me to just take things as they come. Wow, sorry about rambling on, and looking back on this I only hope my point was made, that while it is suggested we do our living wills, it is understandable why people do not. Its fear that prevents it. At least that is my opinion. 


[QUAD-L] RE: Playing God

2005-03-28 Thread Aleo0813

Seems like everyone wants to play God in Terri's situation. And play God here on the list by stating what and why and where and when Terri should live (or not live).

Just thought I'd add my two-cents. First, I do not want to play God, that position is filled by our marvelous creator (and for the record, I am glad that he is in charge and not me) The biggest problem I am having with all of this is the manner in which it is all being handled. I have no idea what her true wishes are in this situation, but starving to death has got be a horrible way to go. They keep saying she in a vegetative state, I always thought that meant a person was brain dead and there is no activity, from what I have read she does have brain activity, and we know that the brain has the ability to compensate by using area's that are not damaged. So who knows, on some level she may be aware. If you leave your dog in a car without water and the window open, you would be arrested, if your pets at home are not well protected by the elements and not fed and watered the state will haul them away. Prisoners who have been convicted of horrible crimes are fed daily, because not feeding them is a violation of there rights, and is considered cruel and inhumane. And just think all that Terri did was become disabled. Its a sad day when pets and prisoners are better protected by our laws than the disabled. Again this is just my humble opinion, and if nothing else comes of all that has happened I hope it nudges people to make sure there desires are clearly stated so no other family has to go thru what they are enduring.


[QUAD-L] Abilities Buzz

2005-02-17 Thread Aleo0813


Keeping you abreast of current news and trends in the disability and senior markets

February 2005

Welcome to the February issue of ABILITIES BUZZ, a monthly newsletter that keeps you updated on the latest news and trends in the disability and senior markets. In this month's issue we provide a report on a new device that has improved hearing for theatergoers; we discuss a new software system for sharing research data on spinal cord injuries; we provide excerpts on President Bush's recent State of the Union address as it relates to seniors and people living with a disability; we report on a new device that has received encouraging results for people living with paralysis; and, lastly we will feature several of the Abilities Expo presenters.

Read on for a synopsis of the latest industry news and trends. For complete text on any of the articles, email [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Improving the theater experience for people living with hearing loss 
I-Caption creates dramatic improvements for those with hearing loss

Newsweek on February 7, 2005 reports that for people who have hearing disabilities, live theater is often a frustrating experience. As jokes fly by and lyrics are sung, viewers are forced to ignore what they've missed or pester companions for a play-by-play. But last week, "Wicked" audiences at Broadway's Gershwin Theater became among the first in the nation to have access to a handheld device that provides captions as the show progresses. The I-Caption, a five-ounce Dell Axim Pocket PC, is about the size of a pack of cigarettes.

Most theaters on Broadway and elsewhere, and most cinemas, now offer people with hearing-disabilities devices that either deliver a special audio feed into the ears or transmit a frequency that hearing aids amplify. Both are unreliable. The lot of the theatergoer who's hard of hearing has been to attend special performances at which portable caption boards are hauled in or interpreters sign the show. I-Caption, which cost "Wicked" about $10,000, knows which dialogue to show by picking up wireless prompts from the light board.

Now that it works, I-Caption will soon be available at "Mamma Mia!" productions and on touring shows. It could also be used at movies, sporting events and even rock shows. Which means hearing-impaired guests might be the only ones to finally decipher Bob Dylan.

Software To Deliver Wed-Based Interactive Platform for Spinal Cord Injury Researchers
Platform to enhance collaboration among researchers

The January 25, 2005 PR Newswire announced that TopCoder, Inc., has successfully deployed a web-based application to disseminate critical research data between the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation's (CRPF) Research Consortium on Spinal Cord Injury and the general scientific community including the state- of-the-art gene _expression_ laboratory at the world renowned Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, CA.

This custom interactive platform, which allows users to see how thousands of genes behave after injury, makes data easily accessible to all scientists. CRPF believes that the database information is highly relevant to researchers investigating many different aspects of spinal cord injury. "The information provided by gene _expression_ microarray technology has long been of interest to scientists throughout the spinal cord research community," said Dr. Fred H. "Rusty" Gage of the Salk Institute. "What has been lacking, and what TopCoder's tool provides, is a mechanism for scientists around the world to effectively retrieve the data that interests them."

The Salk Institute has an extremely large amount of gene data resulting from years of research on the topic of spinal cord injury. Scientists across the globe need to access this data to further their own related research. Because of the large amount of information resulting from the research, it is extremely difficult to distribute the data to interested scientists. Additionally, as most researchers only require a subset of the information produced by Salk, it is important that they have the ability to quickly access the data they need without having to sort through excess information.

The CRPF Research Consortium on Spinal Cord Injury is an international network of neuroscientists focused on repair and recovery of function in the chronically injured spinal cord. Through collaborative research, Consortium investigators are studying how to optimize the intrinsic capacity of the adult nervous system to repair and remodel itself as well as how to elicit robust regenerative responses after injury.

President Bush's State of the Union addresses many issues facing seniors and people living with disabilities.
Address excerpts on healthcare, social security, and research

The February 3, 2005 Chicago Tribune has printed excerpts from President Bush's latest State of the Union address. The following are excerpts from the address focusing on seniors and people living with a 

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Farm visitors?

2005-01-24 Thread Aleo0813

 IF you are looking for day-trips in Maryland I'd like to suggest the Catoctin Mtns park - Catoctin Mountain Park (National Park Service) Close by there is also Cunningham St Park with the falls area -CUNNINGHAM FALLS STATE PARK, MD PHOTOS And not far away ( less than 15 min by car )
is the -Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo - Welcome! If you are out for the day you might also wish to see -grotto 

Then of course there is always Gettysburg, PA that is not too far within 60-90 min drive. All the places listed above are pretty well accessible and all have picnic areas. If you would rather dine in at a restrauntthere are severalin Thurmont, MD,( Mountain Gate, and Cozy) to name two. 

There are so many places to take day trips to in MD, I was born and raised in Carroll County and there alone is a ton of things to do. There is also a little known place called- Lilypons Water Gardens-the source for water gardening,ponds,lilies,bog plants,its a nice place to drop in and see also. 
Hope some of these places catch your fancy. They are geared toward family time, and most are either free or inexpensive. IF you are interested and want more info feel free to drop me an email.


Re: [QUAD-L] Cold / Heat

2005-01-20 Thread Aleo0813

In a message dated 1/20/2005 7:29:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Dan,I just started classes here at Ivy Tech. 2day while sitting out in sleet and19 degrees I made up my mind. When I finish school I'm moving South. Italked 2 my brother and he's looking into moving 2 Ga. next yr anyway. SoI'll have support if that¹s where I end up. 

 Where- abouts in Georgia is your brother looking to move? I am in Georgia, overlooking Chattanooga Tn. A nice City/town that is fairly well accessible friendly.


[QUAD-L] RE : Cold

2005-01-18 Thread Aleo0813

For me, I think it has something to do with age also. I use to love the cold weather  the snow, however as I have gotten older and my blood is a bit thinner I get cold easy. Right now it is 30 here in GA and I am SO ready for summer. Guess for now I will have to keep thinking tropical thoughts

Wishing everyone a warm and cozy evening.

[QUAD-L] Re: Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

2005-01-17 Thread Aleo0813

Thankfully not all the south experiences the terrible heat during the summer. I moved from Maryland ( Close to the PA line ) to the Georgia Mountains. As a general rule since I have been here it has not been that terrible. I have been told that the mountain is about 10-15 degrees colder than the valley's below. Today we are cold at 36, last night we even had snow flurries. 


re : [QUAD-L] Smurf Question :)

2005-01-16 Thread Aleo0813

Just thought I would comment on smurf's postings. I for one love reading them and I too can almost "hear" the accent. My husband and I are great supporters of public TV and they show quite a bit of britcoms ( British Comedy ), over the years I have also joined the BBC America list so I can purchase different Britcom series like "The thin blue line " and "Are you being served" and "The Vicar of Dibley" the terminology is one of the things I love. 
Anyway just thought Id share that. The "piccy" is what got me thinking of the british show's.


[QUAD-L] re : stinky urine

2005-01-14 Thread Aleo0813

Below is some info that might help. Info in red is about smells. I too had the problem of a strong odor and it was only after changing vitamins, so after talking to my Dr I went back on the ones I had been taking and the odor went away.

Normal results may vary from lab to lab. 



Pale to dark yellow


Many foods and medications can affect the color of the urine. Colorless urine may be caused by conditions such as long-term kidney disease or uncontrolled diabetes. Dark yellow urine can be caused by conditions such as dehydration. Reddish urine can be caused by blood in the urine.





Cloudy urine can be caused by pus (white blood cells), blood (red blood cells), sperm, bacteria, yeast, crystals, mucus, or a parasite infection (such as trichomoniasis).



Slightly "nutty" (aromatic) odor


Some foods (such as asparagus), vitamins, and antibiotics (such as penicillin) can cause urine to develop an unusual odor. A sweet, fruity odor may be caused by uncontrolled diabetes. A urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause a foul odor. Urine that smells like maple syrup can indicate maple syrup urine disease, a condition caused by the body's inability to break down certain amino acids.

Specific gravity




Abnormally high specific gravity indicates very concentrated urine, which may be caused by not drinking enough liquid, loss of too much liquid (excessive vomiting, sweating, or diarrhea), or substances (such as sugar or protein) in the urine. Abnormally low specific gravity indicates dilute urine, which may be caused by drinking excessive amounts of liquid, severe kidney disease, or the use of diuretics.





Some foods (such as citrus fruit and dairy products) and medications (such as antacids) can affect urine pH. A high (alkaline) pH can be caused by prolonged vomiting, a kidney disease, some urinary tract infections, and asthma. A low (acidic) pH may be a sign of severe lung disease (emphysema), uncontrolled diabetes, aspirin overdose, prolonged diarrhea, dehydration, starvation, drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, or drinking antifreeze (ethylene glycol).





Protein in the urine usually indicates kidney damage or disease that can be caused by conditions such as an infection, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), or glomerulonephritis. 
Protein in the urine can also be caused by heart failure, leukemia, poison (lead or mercury poisoning), or a condition during pregnancy that results in high blood pressure (preeclampsia).





Some medications can cause glucose in the urine. Excess glucose in the urine is often caused by uncontrolled diabetes. Other conditions that may cause glucose in urine include an adrenal gland problem, liver damage, brain injury, certain types of poisoning, and certain types of kidney diseases that decrease their ability to reabsorb glucose from the urine.





Ketones in the urine can indicate poorly controlled diabetes, a very low-carbohydrate diet, starvation (including disorders that result in poor nutrition such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia), alcoholism, or poisoning from drinking rubbing alcohol (isopropanol). Ketones are often found in the urine when a person does not eat (fasts) for 18 hours or longer. This may occur when a person is sick and avoids food or vomits for an extended period of time. Low levels of ketones are sometimes found in the urine of a healthy pregnant woman.

Microscopic analysis


Very few or no red or white blood cells or casts are seen. No bacteria, yeast cells, or parasites are present. A few crystals are usually normal.


Red blood cells in the urine may be caused by kidney or bladder injury, kidney stones, a urinary tract infection, inflammation of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis), a kidney or bladder tumor, or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). White blood cells (pus) in the urine indicate a urinary tract infection, bladder tumor, inflammation of the kidneys, or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Depending on the type, casts can indicate inflammation or damage to the tiny tubes in the kidneys, poor blood supply to the kidneys, metal poisoning (such as lead or mercury), heart failure, or a bacterial infection.
Excessive amounts of crystals, or the presence of certain types of crystals, can indicate kidney stones, damaged kidneys, or problems with metabolism. Some medications and certain types of urinary tract infections can also increase the number of crystals in urine.
Bacteria in the urine indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI). Yeast cells or parasites (such as the parasite that causes trichomoniasis) can indicate an infection of the urinary tract.What Affects the Test 

Many medications can interfere with urine test results. 

[QUAD-L] Koran verse is part of a urban legend

2004-08-26 Thread Aleo0813

Claim:  Quranic verse speaks of the "wrath of the Eagle cleansing the lands of Allah." Status:  False. Example:  [Collected on the Internet, 2003] 

Quran (9:11) -- For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace. 
Origins:  No, this isn't a legitimate quotation from the Quran (or Koran), the sacred text of Islam. The chapter and verse citation quoted above is a leg-pull, an obvious play on the USA's (the Eagle) launching of military action against Afghanistan and Iraq (the "lands of Allah") in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks on America organized by Osama bin Laden (the "son of Arabia awakening a fearsome eagle"). That the chapter and verse selection match the date of the terrorist attacks (9:11) is another giveaway to the joke. Depending upon which translation of the Quran one uses, the section corresponding to chapter 9, verse 11 actually reads something like this: 

But if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, they are your brethren in faith; and We make the communications clear for a people who know. Last updated:  3 May 2003  
The URL for this page is Click here to e-mail this page to a friend Urban Legends Reference Pages © 1995-2004 by Barbara and David P. Mikkelson This material may not be reproduced without permission