[RecipesAndMore] Re: update on me, sugar

2008-04-16 Thread trinh martin
syl.  praying you won't have to be in the hospital.  i know god deals with you 
a lot and he has guided you in so much  i know you will find forgiveness 
yet once again in your heart for all that has and is happening to you.  god 
bless you dear one and may he give you quick recovery and peace that surpasses 
all understanding.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sugar 
  To: recipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:27 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] update on me, sugar

  Hi all,
  A couple of weeks ago, I asked for prayer for myself, and today I went to the 
doctor and this is what he told me:
  he said that I had picked up a viral bacteria and infection in my lungs.
  he put me on antibiotics and cough syrup with co-dine to help me sleep.
  It was all caused by being around some people who were ill with the flu, and 
a staff infection, and refused to tell me on purpose, because i apparenaley got 
her upset, for some who don't know who I am speaking of it's my careing 
mother-in-law. she has always been awful towards me, and I won't make this a 
long story, but when I moved out, she was upset that   I stoled her son from 
her and now this a way to pay me back for being so selfish and inconsiderate 
of her feelings so there...
  she had my little niece of 5 years old try to get close enough to me, because 
little patricia had caught a staff infection, so it was a plan, and my mom in 
law was unbearably nice to me, and I thought she was trying, but that was my 
mistake...and before long, wa la! because my immune system is so low due to my 
kidney/pancreas transplant, and anti rejection meds, I was an easy target, and 
she knows this. 
  well, Lord help us, must help me pray for her, and well, as for me, I am on 
the road to recovery now.
  If I don't feel better by Friday, I'll be admitted in to the hospital but 
with God's help, and prayers, I'll be fine.
  Thanks for the prayers, and for the extra support for today.
  bless your hearts. Syl

  Sugar Says:
  'Life is not the way it's supposed to be.
  It's the way it is.
  The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'


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[RecipesAndMore] Re: one more vent, ar'r'r'r'r''rg

2008-04-17 Thread trinh martin
oh syl
my heart just breaks for you over and over agian.  i am so so so sorry your mil 
did this to you  how cruel and unthoughtful and just plain out hateful  
again, i am so so sorry this had to happen.  i so wish i could give you a hug 
and jsut let you cry out all your pains and hurts.  you are such a strong and 
deretermined and wonderful lady  god sees all dearest and god will have his 
revenge.  nothing ever goes unnoticed by god and nothing will ever be 
unpunnished when punishment is due  just remember, we love you and always 
here for you whenever you just need to talk.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Nicole Cooke 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:58 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: one more vent, ar'r'r'r'r''rg

  sorry sugar, but your husband Daniel, did he not say anything to his mother 
about singing a happy birthday son for you son who is no longer with you. I 
would think that he would of been very upset with her, I mean really how rude 
and uncaring. I would of opened the car door, asked her to pop her head in and 
then closed, then say oh sorry I though you were already in...I think your 
husband should of at least asked her why she was so rude and maybe to get her 
head checked.
  Oh man...stay away from that woman
  how did your son die and how was he, if you don't mind me asking.

  - Original Message 
  To: Blind Handi Girl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:42:41 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] one more vent, ar'r'r'r'r''rg

  ok, I am one to hurt easiely, and my mother-in-law knows this, so today she 
did the most imcredible hurtful thing, more than what she has done in the past 
2 years...:
  When I got home from the doctor, Daniel and I had to go to her house to pick 
up some paper work for my Social Security office, and even though I did not get 
off the car, while Daniel went inside to search for them, because she had hid 
them...(another story)
  she comes running out to the car to meet me, and hugs me and tells me, oh 
sweetie, I love you and I wanted to tell you thiss
  ehem, (now listen girls),
  she started to sing the Happy birthday to you song , and as I sit there with 
a blank, hurtful look on my face, she sings it very loud, and gives me a kiss 
and a present for my baby boy, that is not with me any more.
  It is a outfit with  shoes, a bike, and water paints with coloring books: 
knowing this, she goes on to tell me how proud she is to be a grandmother, and 
ect..., then she stops and says, oh, I forgot he is dead
  yes, just like that, and then walks away, so there I am sitting with a shock 
expression, while tears are flowing freely, with out me saying a word.
  Daniel gets in the car, and tells me, babe, why didn't you tell me you were 
feeling sick?, mom came back in the house worried that you were going to get 
ill, she said you told her that you were not well, and all this time I never 
said a word.
  well, that is all I am gona say, I don't want to keep going, but you can 
imagine the heart ache I have been feeling all day,
  it's why all the e mails of today has brought me a smile to my heart.

  Sugar Says:
  'Life is not the way it's supposed to be.
  It's the way it is.
  The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'


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[RecipesAndMore] Re: Fw: Worst First date

2008-04-29 Thread trinh martin

oh wow!!!  talk about an event never to be forgotten!!!

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:08 PM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Fw: Worst First date

 Worst First date

 If you didn't see
 this on the Tonight show, I hope you're sitting down when you read it. 
 probably the funniest date story ever, first date or not!!! We have all 
 dates but this takes the cake.

 Jay Leno went into the audience to find the most
 embarrassing first date that a woman ever had.
 The winner described her worst first date experience.
 There was absolutely no question as to
 why her tale took the prize!

 She said it was midwinter...Snowing
 and quite cold... and the guy had taken her skiing in the mountains 
 Lake City, Utah.  It was a day trip (no overnight). They
 were strangers, after all, and had never met before. The outing was fun 
 relatively uneventful until they were headed home late that afternoon.

 They were driving back down the mountain, when she gradually began to
 realize that she should not have
 had that extra latte. They were about an hour away from anywhere with a 
 room and in the middle of nowhere! Her companion suggested she try to hold
 which she did for a while. Unfortunately, because of the heavy snow and 
 going, there came a point where she told him that he had better stop and 
 go beside the road, or it would be the front seat of his car .

 They stopped and she quickly crawled out beside the car, yanked her pants
 down and started. In the
 deep snow she didn't have good footing, so she let her butt rest against 
 rear fender to steady herself. Her companion stood on the side of the car
 watching for traffic and indeed was a real gentleman and refrained from
 All she could think about was the relief she felt despite the rather
 embarrassing nature of the situation.

 Upon finishing however, she soon
 became aware of another sensation. As she bent to pull up her pants, the
 lady discovered her buttocks were firmly glued against the car's
 Thoughts of tongues frozen to poles immediately came to mind as she
 attempted to
 disengage her flesh from the icy metal. It was quickly apparent that she 
 brand new problem. Due to the extreme cold.

 Horrified by her plight and yet aware
 of the humor of the moment, she answered her date's concerns about what 
 taking so long with a reply that indeed, she was freezing her butt off
 and in
 need of some assistance! He came around the car as she tried to cover
 with her sweater and then, as she looked imploringly into his eyes, he 
 laughing. She too, got the giggles and when they finally managed to 
 themselves, they assessed her dilemma. Obviously, as hysterical as the
 was, they also were faced with a real problem.

 Both agreed it would take something
 hot to free her chilly
 cheeks from the grip of the icy metal! Thinking about
 what had gotten her into the predicament in the first place, both quickly
 realized that there was only one way to get her free. So, as she looked 
 other way, her first time date proceeded to unzip his pants and pee her 
 off the fender.

 As the audience screamed in laughter, she took the Tonight Show prize 
 Or perhaps that should be pants down. And you thought your first date 
 embarrassing. Jay Leno's comment...This gives a whole new meaning to 
 pissed off.

 Oh, and how did the first date turn out? He became her husband and was
 sitting next
 to her on the Leno show.


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[RecipesAndMore] please pray for us as we finish up the schoolyear with philip

2008-05-18 Thread trinh martin
either by the end of this week or sometime very soon, philip wil be taking his 
kindergarten test.  i am pretty sure we have covered all we need to, but please 
please keep us in prayer  as philip takes the tests and that he does very well 
on them.  i have to turn these tests scores to the schoolboard.  also, i do 
want philip to do well so that my parents and those that are so against us home 
schooling will have more reassurance that he is learning and that with god, we 
are able to do what we have to do to teach him.  please, please please, just 
keep us covered in prayer for the next few weeks to be.  I will be so happy and 
thankful once we get the test over and get the results and mail them off to the 
schoolboard.  i am probably making too much of a big deal, but this is our 
first time actually really testing and sending in the scores!
thanks for reading!!!

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] long update on us all

2008-06-15 Thread trinh martin
warning before you all read, this is going to be long since i am writing this 
to several lists.  i know, i should cut and paste, but with so much to share 
and so little time, please bear with me.  just skim over if you wish, smiles
anyway, we have gotten better for the most part with this cold.  my children 
finally are much better.  anna-lynn now is able to eat and sleep much happier 
now.  She is now just trying to roll everywhere and she loves for me to hold 
her handns and let her stand up and she will shuffle her feet to try to move 
around, smiles.  she is grabbing ever more so at food and drinks now and always 
trying to put things into her mouth, yikes!!!
philip  is doing better, but still has  that cough from time to time.  jojo and 
matthew likewise.  philip is glad school is almost over and matthew is 
beginning to recognize more letters.  jojo is  really learning to put words 
together and make longer sentances.  he unfortunately cries very very very 
easily, but that will probably be something else for another post, wo
I have been doing better.  i have been sick also and this cold just seems  to 
keep lingering on and on.  evertime it seems like it is  leaving, it comes 
back  i have never had a cold that acutaly takes away my smell as well as 
my taste.  i can't taste anything so everything tastes bland  good way to 
lose wieght, wo!
this past week has been one heck of a week for us  besides being sick, baby 
being sick etc, we had a mess up with the toilet  i don't know if one of 
the boys dropped something in there or if something fell in there, but thursday 
is when it happened.  the toilet woud flush, but didn't do the tump thump sound 
at the end.  i plunged, i poured hot boiling water into it, i threw buckets of 
water in it in the hopes that whatever was stuck woul get unstuck, wo!!!  
nothing worked.  the bad thing was that it always tricked me.  the toilet would 
flush and seem to do fine and the next time, go back to messing up1  
finally friday, i took a spatchula and shoved it down as far as i could, wo 
 gosh, the things one do when one becomes a parent!!!  never thought i would be 
the prime persom to play in a toilet, wo  anyway, after a few good angry 
shoves, i flushed the toilet and it flushed right!!!  i was happy, but i didn't 
want to celebrate too soon, wo  so i flushed several more times and it 
worked.  never new that spatulas could be so useful to fixing a toilet, wo! 
 anyway, the toilet has done mostly good for the last few days!!!
yesterday, we tookk the children to the church bazzoar.  while we were headed 
there, it suddenly started to rain.  that came as a surprised because they 
thought we would only have a 30 percent chance of rain, wo.  seems when they 
don't expect it, it really comes and surprises one and all, ,wo.  anyway, by 
the time we arrived, it had tappered off for the most part.  it wa nice.  i 
found a lot of good deals.  i bought  several shirts and shorts for the boys 
and a few nice things for anna.  i bought a heap load of books for aobut 3 
dollars.  i think it was about 50 or so.  these are all children books, smiles. 
there was a horse there and jojo loved riding and petting the horse.  anna-lynn 
looked at the horse.  we put her on it, and she began to cry!  actually, it 
is a minature horse.  anyway, we took her off the horese and tried to  get ehr 
to pet the horse, but she wouldn't go for it at all  she also didnn't want 
anything to do with the puppy there either  i guess she says anything that 
is furry and has 4 feet and moves can not be trusted, wo
ok, i think that is for now.  oh yes, jojo calls a pony a pody, smiles.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: long update on us all

2008-06-15 Thread trinh martin
anna-lynn is our six month old baby.  she is mixed in  the crowd of 3 older 
brothers, smiles.
so far, no other child is on the way, smiles.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sandra Warren 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:21 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: long update on us all

  Hi, Trin, so glad to see you back; last time I believe I saw you post, you 
were expecting! is Anna Lynn your newest baby and how old is she or if I am 
wrong, when are you expecting the new bundle of joy? I know mom had to have a 
plumber to the tune of 80 dollars, so next time we need a plumber here in 
Oklahoma, we will call you and pay your air fare out this way, smile!  My son 
Brian and his wife have 2 miniature horses, Pecos, a female and Prince, one 
year old, and my three year old grandbaby, Brianna, loves both of them. she is 
a real animal lover, and would have a menagerie at her house if she could have 
her way; so glad to see you here again; always love your posts.

  Hop aboard as time permits.
- Original Message - 
From: trinh martin 
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] long update on us all

warning before you all read, this is going to be long since i am writing 
this to several lists.  i know, i should cut and paste, but with so much to 
share and so little time, please bear with me.  just skim over if you wish, 
anyway, we have gotten better for the most part with this cold.  my 
children finally are much better.  anna-lynn now is able to eat and sleep much 
happier now.  She is now just trying to roll everywhere and she loves for me to 
hold her handns and let her stand up and she will shuffle her feet to try to 
move around, smiles.  she is grabbing ever more so at food and drinks now and 
always trying to put things into her mouth, yikes!!!
philip  is doing better, but still has  that cough from time to time.  jojo 
and matthew likewise.  philip is glad school is almost over and matthew is 
beginning to recognize more letters.  jojo is  really learning to put words 
together and make longer sentances.  he unfortunately cries very very very 
easily, but that will probably be something else for another post, wo
I have been doing better.  i have been sick also and this cold just seems  
to keep lingering on and on.  evertime it seems like it is  leaving, it comes 
back  i have never had a cold that acutaly takes away my smell as well as 
my taste.  i can't taste anything so everything tastes bland  good way to 
lose wieght, wo!
this past week has been one heck of a week for us  besides being sick, 
baby being sick etc, we had a mess up with the toilet  i don't know if one 
of the boys dropped something in there or if something fell in there, but 
thursday is when it happened.  the toilet woud flush, but didn't do the tump 
thump sound at the end.  i plunged, i poured hot boiling water into it, i threw 
buckets of water in it in the hopes that whatever was stuck woul get unstuck, 
wo!!!  nothing worked.  the bad thing was that it always tricked me.  the 
toilet would flush and seem to do fine and the next time, go back to messing 
up1  finally friday, i took a spatchula and shoved it down as far as i 
could, wo  gosh, the things one do when one becomes a parent!!!  never 
thought i would be the prime persom to play in a toilet, wo  anyway, after 
a few good angry shoves, i flushed the toilet and it flushed right!!!  i was 
happy, but i didn't want to celebrate too soon, wo  so i flushed several 
more times and it worked.  never new that spatulas could be so useful to fixing 
a toilet, wo!  anyway, the toilet has done mostly good for the last few 
yesterday, we tookk the children to the church bazzoar.  while we were 
headed there, it suddenly started to rain.  that came as a surprised because 
they thought we would only have a 30 percent chance of rain, wo.  seems when 
they don't expect it, it really comes and surprises one and all, ,wo.  anyway, 
by the time we arrived, it had tappered off for the most part.  it wa nice.  i 
found a lot of good deals.  i bought  several shirts and shorts for the boys 
and a few nice things for anna.  i bought a heap load of books for aobut 3 
dollars.  i think it was about 50 or so.  these are all children books, smiles. 
there was a horse there and jojo loved riding and petting the horse.  
anna-lynn looked at the horse.  we put her on it, and she began to cry!  
actually, it is a minature horse.  anyway, we took her off the horese and tried 
to  get ehr to pet the horse, but she wouldn't go for it at all  she also 
didnn't want anything to do with the puppy there either  i guess she says 
anything that is furry and has 4 feet and moves can

[RecipesAndMore] please pray for philip as he finishes his test today

2008-06-17 Thread trinh martin
please keep prayers going on for philip as he finishes his test this morning.  
he only has a few more sections and just going back and checking on his 
answers.  he has the math section, plural or singular, and matching a picture 
to the word with the same ending sound.
please pray that he doesn't get nervous, that he is able to focuss without 
being distracted often and that he does extreemely well.
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] thanks for pryaing for philip and his testing

2008-06-19 Thread trinh martin
well yesterday went pretty good.  we got a late start, we made it, smiles.  
I took care of stephanie's 2 children that she brought with her while she 
administered the test to philip.  according to stephanie, she thinks he did 
pretty decent so now we just wait for the test center to grade the test and 
send it back to us and we send the scores to the school admin.  
philip is so glad to get testing over for now, bless his heart.   i am so glad 
to finish this year off for schooling.  however, we are still going to work on 
school related items, but we won't have to feel like we need to finish this or 
that in a time crunch or feel like we have to make sure that he understands 
something for a test, smiles.  we are going to just have free learning where 
whatever goes, smiles.  
thanks all for your prayers for me and for philip.  we appreciated them all

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] my blessings

2008-06-23 Thread trinh martin
just felt like writing up here and reflecting on my blessings and sharing them 
with you!

the past few years have seen its rough and tumble times, but now that i really 
sit down and reflect, i have truly been blessed in many ways.  
our ways of raising our kids, home schooling, extended nursing, tandem nursing 
has gotten many a strange looks, smiles.  
anyway, i sometimes wonder if we are really doing what is right and when will 
the product show it's true  colors, smiles.
anyway, today, philip took his time to help write the grocery list.  my printer 
is out of ink, so i asked philip if he wanted to write down the list.  i didn't 
really figure he would stick with it, but he sat down and with my help spelling 
etc, he wrote a list and pastor lynn said he could actually read it for the 
most part.  lynn just had a few problems where we abbriviated a few words like 
pep candy for perppermint candy, allpur pines for all purpose pinesol, etc.  i 
am so so proud of him!  he really is growing up and becoming such a 
wonderful helper.  now, if i can just really teach him not to be so bossy and 
his biggest problem is hitting his brothers when he gets mad when he tells them 
to stope etc.
also, he helped me with feeding anna-lynn.  she is erating the baby rice cereal 
and boy can it be messy!  we took turns holding her and feeding her.  she 
is a smart little cookie, smiles.  she will bring her head to the spoon, but 
she also loves to put her hands int the food, ahhahaha.  the other 2 brothers 
wanted to get involved so everyone sat there feeding anna-lynn.  matthew tasted 
the food and said it tasted like oatmeal, but a baby's vertion.  i love how the 
2 older boys will elaborate and help one another and jojo by explaining things 
to one another.  it is just so precious and cute.  too bad i don't always take 
the time to really hear them in the bussiness of day to day life, smiles.
oh, matthew and i got on a subject of another sister.  he told me he didn't 
want antoher sister.  anna-lynn is too special and he doesn't want to have 
another sister, but he will take another brother, wo  funny thing is all my 
boys see it this way.  guess anna-lynn sure is their princess
philip has been very interested in helping matthew and jojo with letters colors 
and numbers!  we are going to be doing a lot of reading this summer,  so 
that will be pretty good  matthew is working on his hand writing some what. 
 it is neat seeing the boys work toghether, but at times, they sure can have 
huge fights
anyway, i have been truly blessed with these children.  sometimes i do feel 
overwhelmed when everone has jsut did all they could to make a day so much 
work, but they sure have love for one another and for others and they love 
going to church.  we jsut need to work more on praying and that is my fault, 

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: my blessings

2008-06-23 Thread trinh martin
thanks so much.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marilyn L. DeWeese 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 11:34 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: my blessings

  Hi Trin,

  This is a nice little article you wrote.

  I'm glad things are going well for you and your family.

  Always, Prayers,
- Original Message - 
From: trinh martin 
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] my blessings

just felt like writing up here and reflecting on my blessings and sharing 
them with you!

the past few years have seen its rough and tumble times, but now that i 
really sit down and reflect, i have truly been blessed in many ways.  
our ways of raising our kids, home schooling, extended nursing, tandem 
nursing has gotten many a strange looks, smiles.  
anyway, i sometimes wonder if we are really doing what is right and when 
will the product show it's true  colors, smiles.
anyway, today, philip took his time to help write the grocery list.  my 
printer is out of ink, so i asked philip if he wanted to write down the list.  
i didn't really figure he would stick with it, but he sat down and with my help 
spelling etc, he wrote a list and pastor lynn said he could actually read it 
for the most part.  lynn just had a few problems where we abbriviated a few 
words like pep candy for perppermint candy, allpur pines for all purpose 
pinesol, etc.  i am so so proud of him!  he really is growing up and 
becoming such a wonderful helper.  now, if i can just really teach him not to 
be so bossy and his biggest problem is hitting his brothers when he gets mad 
when he tells them to stope etc.
also, he helped me with feeding anna-lynn.  she is erating the baby rice 
cereal and boy can it be messy!  we took turns holding her and feeding her. 
 she is a smart little cookie, smiles.  she will bring her head to the spoon, 
but she also loves to put her hands int the food, ahhahaha.  the other 2 
brothers wanted to get involved so everyone sat there feeding anna-lynn.  
matthew tasted the food and said it tasted like oatmeal, but a baby's vertion.  
i love how the 2 older boys will elaborate and help one another and jojo by 
explaining things to one another.  it is just so precious and cute.  too bad i 
don't always take the time to really hear them in the bussiness of day to day 
life, smiles.
oh, matthew and i got on a subject of another sister.  he told me he didn't 
want antoher sister.  anna-lynn is too special and he doesn't want to have 
another sister, but he will take another brother, wo  funny thing is all my 
boys see it this way.  guess anna-lynn sure is their princess
philip has been very interested in helping matthew and jojo with letters 
colors and numbers!  we are going to be doing a lot of reading this summer, 
 so that will be pretty good  matthew is working on his hand writing some 
what.  it is neat seeing the boys work toghether, but at times, they sure can 
have huge fights
anyway, i have been truly blessed with these children.  sometimes i do feel 
overwhelmed when everone has jsut did all they could to make a day so much 
work, but they sure have love for one another and for others and they love 
going to church.  we jsut need to work more on praying and that is my fault, 

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 

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[RecipesAndMore] please pray for sister in law

2008-06-23 Thread trinh martin
today we got a phone call letting us know that my sister-in-law is in the 
hospital.  she had a major stroke.  her bp was something like 260/190 or 
something outragious like that.   supposedly they took her to hospital 
yesterday, but she wouldnt' allow the dr and nurses to check and admit her.  
her grand daughter found her on the floor this morning and she was unresponsive.
please keep us in prayers.
curtis is pretty upset since she was like a second mother to him.  she took 
care of him while he was young and especially after his mom died.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: Hi Gang

2008-06-24 Thread trinh martin
oh i am so so sorry to hear the passing of lex.  may your memmories of him 
comfort you during this hard time.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: steve doyle 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:42 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Hi Gang

  I just want to share my sad News, My Guide Dog was put to sleep this 
Morning, he talk me out at 8 15, he went for a Operation at ten this Morning he 
was so full of Cancer they had to put him to sleep.
  He was with me right from 16 Months to 11 years of age.
  Please Prey for me I am totally lost with out my Best Friend Lex.
  I Love you Lex,
  Rest In Peace my best Friend.
  Thanks Lex for all your help over the Years,
  I hope you have lots of fun in Dog Heaven.
  Bye Bye Lex I Love You.

  A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up 
  an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.


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[RecipesAndMore] update on odds and ends

2008-06-25 Thread trinh martin
well my sister in law is doing much beter.  thanks so much for praying.  her dr 
told her family that with a bp as high as hers, most people have a stroke and 
also have a heart attack and die immediately.
she is doing much much better now.  they are working on therapy already with 
her.  ollie's right side is paralyzed, but her dr is hure her right foot will 
be back to normal, but not sure about her right arm.  she is having more 
problems with taht arm, but she is able to push down and move around with her 
right foot.
anyway, more news for us here  yesterday i had to take my great grandma to 
the hospital.  she was complaining about chest pains, shurtness of breath, her 
ankels and part of her legs were swollen, and she was feeling queasy and shaky. 
 so i had to do a quick feed for anna-lynn, dash out the door and be with my 
great grandma last night.  i didnt get home till nearly 3 in the morning  i 
will be going back.  they have her on the progressive care unit.  they are just 
doing tests and observing her since she had mentioned her chest was hurting.  
it hurts her in the center, so i am guessing maybe bad acid reflux.  
anyway, we are just ripping and running and trying to keep miss anna happy and 
trying to feed her enough before i leave so she doesn't get too upset.  she 
won't use the sippy that much, but she loves her rice cereal and philip knows  
how to help feed her.
poor anna-lynn has to go to her 6 month old check up this friday  gosh, the 
shots are so so rough on her.  please pray in advance that she will do very 
well with these shots.  not sure if i really want to deal with sick throwing up 
baby and great grandma in hospital or at home and i have to check on her 
mostly!  please just keep us all in prayers.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] philip's test results

2008-06-26 Thread trinh martin
we got the results back yesterday of phiip's test
we are so happy  he did very very very well  he got some scores that 
were adverage and some above adverage.  we are so thankful and relieved that 
all this is over and that he has done well  thank god for sticking by our 
side and helping us teach.  now to newer adventures of schooling and matthew 
added on to the slew of home schooling and testing!

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] update on great grandma

2008-06-26 Thread trinh martin
thanks all for your prayers.  great grandma is now home.  they didn't find 
anything wrong with her heart, and they were able to see which medicine it was 
that was making her  ankles and legs swell up  
i haven't heard anything about my sister in law today yet, but i suppose she is 
doing well too.  her dr feels she will gain back walking and use of her right 
leg, but not sure how much she will gain back with her arm, but she is a 
toughy.  good thing is the dr or maybe it was the therapis realizes the power 
of god!  he says it isn't what he does, god has the last answer in it 

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: I need a lift

2008-07-10 Thread trinh martin
oh bless your sweet heart.
i am here if you need to talk or anything.  i am so sorry you are feeling down. 
 wil think an dpray for you that god cheers you up in his marvelous ways~!!!

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sugar 
  To: recipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 1:22 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] I need a lift

  Hi all,
  It's just me, Sugar, and well, today I am feeling a bit down,so I just wanted 
to let you know that if you remember to say a little prayer, or thought for 
someone who needs a little lift, remember me, please?
  just having a sad day, that's all.
  Have you ever felt that you were all alone in a crowded room of loved ones 
and, or friends?
  it's how I am feeling today.

  Sugar Says
  'Try some wicked sugar...
  Go on, you'll like it!'


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[RecipesAndMore] used brille books

2008-07-17 Thread trinh martin
i know that many libruaries sale old or used books that they no longer need.  
does the library do this for braille books?  is there a place that anyone knows 
of that one can get used braille books for a decent price?

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] feeling left out

2008-07-20 Thread trinh martin
do anyone here feel sometimes they are left out of the loop?

i go to a church that i have attnded on and off since i was a teenager.  i left 
when i was about 18 to attend college, but i still always came to see them on  
my vacations.  anwya, sicne we moved back to live with my parents, i have been 
attending here for nearly a year.
one would think that one would feel more family like with the church.  i don't 
know how to explain this...
we have met a few good folks from the church and we do things from time to time 
with them if they call and ask if we woudl like to come along for this or that. 
 sometimes, i have asked such and such to take me to the store, and we have a 
great time.  
my thing is feeling more excepted with the church.  for instance, they have 
baby showers, weddings showers and never ask if i want to come along.  
today, they had a 1 month old baby come to the church.  i had to make several 
hints and finally had to just come out and ask if the baby was still around and 
could i hold him.  it is a long story, but first the pastor's wife asked if i 
had held the baby since he was so small and she figured i would be reminded of 
philip when he was a baby.  anyway, she told the grandma of the baby that she 
would hold anna-lynn so i could hold the baby.   Well, vicky walked with me to 
the church kitchen, but still never handed the baby over and after about 20 
mins, i asked her about the baby.  she had said at first before we went off to 
the  kitchen that john, her son was in a hurry to go home, but when i got to 
the kitchen, he was just sitting around.  vicki handed the baby to another lady.
anyway, that was one way i felt left out today.
later, the women were talking about a wedding shower that is to take place this 
coming saturday.  no one asked me anything about coming etc.  
this has happened for baby showers as well.

got to go take care of anna-lynn.
mabye this is all just trivial.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: feeling left out

2008-07-21 Thread trinh martin
yes, that is the most annoying fact.  they know i have kids  i am always 
bringing in my 4 kids to church!!!

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Helena 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 2:33 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: feeling left out

  Oh, I can relate to that. I often felt left out at my church, even if there 
were some great people there. People were nice to me -- At least most of them 
were -- but I was never included in things. I belonged to a prayer group, and 
we use to meet twice a month. But sometimes I heard they had been meeting at 
each other's homes,  singing and praying, or just fellowshipping. But I was 
never asked to join.
But that was really stupid, that they didn't seem to want you to hold the 
baby. They must know that you've got children of your own. But some people 
don't want me to hold their babies either. Except once, when a school mate at 
the school for grown-ups just handed her child over to me, saying: Just hold 
Nellie while I take off my coat, will you? One of the elderly women came over, 
saying: Oh, there's no need, I'll take her! But the mother stood her ground, 
saying: Oh, but I've just given her to Helena, and she's settling down nicely.
But it was clear that the elderly lady didn't trust me. Not because I can't 
have children of my own, but because, of course, that I can't see.

- Original Message - 
From: trinh martin 
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 3:30 AM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] feeling left out

do anyone here feel sometimes they are left out of the loop?

i go to a church that i have attnded on and off since i was a teenager.  i 
left when i was about 18 to attend college, but i still always came to see them 
on  my vacations.  anwya, sicne we moved back to live with my parents, i have 
been attending here for nearly a year.
one would think that one would feel more family like with the church.  i 
don't know how to explain this...
we have met a few good folks from the church and we do things from time to 
time with them if they call and ask if we woudl like to come along for this or 
that.  sometimes, i have asked such and such to take me to the store, and we 
have a great time.  
my thing is feeling more excepted with the church.  for instance, they have 
baby showers, weddings showers and never ask if i want to come along.  
today, they had a 1 month old baby come to the church.  i had to make 
several hints and finally had to just come out and ask if the baby was still 
around and could i hold him.  it is a long story, but first the pastor's wife 
asked if i had held the baby since he was so small and she figured i would be 
reminded of philip when he was a baby.  anyway, she told the grandma of the 
baby that she would hold anna-lynn so i could hold the baby.   Well, vicky 
walked with me to the church kitchen, but still never handed the baby over and 
after about 20 mins, i asked her about the baby.  she had said at first before 
we went off to the  kitchen that john, her son was in a hurry to go home, but 
when i got to the kitchen, he was just sitting around.  vicki handed the baby 
to another lady.
anyway, that was one way i felt left out today.
later, the women were talking about a wedding shower that is to take place 
this coming saturday.  no one asked me anything about coming etc.  
this has happened for baby showers as well.

got to go take care of anna-lynn.
mabye this is all just trivial.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 

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[RecipesAndMore] anyone kow of any good websites for good creative building toys q

2008-07-21 Thread trinh martin
 can you all please give me websites for places to buy items such as building 
blocks, legos, kenix, other imaginative and creative toys that will help with 
my boys.  i want to start getting toys that they can build with.  also, i am 
looking for manipulatives that help teach math, science, and spelling. t hans.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: going away for a few days

2008-08-25 Thread trinh martin
have a wonderful time syl  
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sugar 
  To: recipesandMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:37 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] going away for a few days

   Hi Steve, and Delma
  everyone, Both Daniel and I will be vacationing for a few days with my 
parent's for thier 38th wedding anniversary,.
  We are leaving tomorrow, Monday, so we will return Sat. 
  I would not like to go no mail, but please keep me as regular
  thanks, and blessings
  Sugar Says:
  'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons because, to them, you are
  crunchy and taste good with ketchup.'


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[RecipesAndMore] a differnt viewpoint from a family member finally

2008-08-26 Thread trinh martin
we for the past week and a half have had company from vietnam.  i have to 
admit, before they came here, i was quite nervous on what they would think etc 
of my home schooling my children, having 4 kids, both parents being  blind det 
etc.  the reason for all this wondering is because i hear so much from my 
family how of a mistake i have made choseing home  schooling, having children, 
being married to someone blind, depriving my children etc etc.  i have even had 
it thrown in my face how i am commiting a horrible sin with the choices i made 
in parenting, home schooling etc.
anyway, when my great uncles, great ant, and 2 cousins arrived 2 fridays ago, i 
wondered on and off what they would think.  
curtis took the children to the fair that next day and i was asked to come 
along to have a lunch with the family.  anna-lynn and i tagged along.  not soon 
after we left, my great aunt turned around and asked me when the kids were 
going to school.  i repled that i am teaching them.  she thought i meant that i 
was just teaching for the summer.  she again asked when they would head off to 
school.  i told her that i was teaching at home.  she then thought i was 
teaching them till they were ready for school.  i replied that i am home 
schooling which means that antyhing they would learn at school, i am teaching 
myself.  she didn't say much more about it.
my cousin got into the conversation and asked how do i do this?  she 
surprisingly was excited and very agreeable.  she explained to her mom that 
these kids will maybe never enter a school system or if they do, they may enter 
later in their elemetary years or high school etc.  she told my aunt that was 
such a great idea becuase the kids would have one on one time, not be 
distracted by toher children, be able to learn and do their tasks faster, have 
more caring and compassionate thoguhts for people, in general, be very well 
rounded.  she had said that she noticed how clever and fast the kids pick up 
and she saw how they loved their little sister.  she thought home schooling was 
a great idea and she said since i am the mom, only i would know what the needs 
of my kids were  
i was so astonished and awe strucken/.  i have never really had any relatives 
feel that home schooling was good for the kids  i always heard of the kid 
snot socializing, my blindess playing a huge role, me depriving my children of 
everything and the kids becoming drug attics etc etc.
my mom heard our conversation, but she chose to ignore it all  i was really 
hoping that it would have penatrated and that she would have been proud to hear 
that someone in the family thought home schooling was a great thing!  oh 
now in september, my grandma from my mom's side of the family will be here from 
vietnam.  i don't know what she will percieve!!!
oh, when my cousin did come down to visit, she asked if the kids had doen their 
work yet.  i told her that we had got up early that day and had done a few odds 
and ends.  she never tested the kids, she never asked what we did, how do i kow 
the kids are staying on task, how do i teach this or that

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: a differnt viewpoint from a family member finally

2008-08-26 Thread trinh martin
thanks.  very nice to have one possitive person on my sdie  so used to the 
questions and the negativity!!

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marilyn L. DeWeese 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:51 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: a differnt viewpoint from a family member 

  Hi Trin,

  I know it must have made you feel better to hear some positive thoughts.  I'm 
glad for you.

  Keep up the good work.

- Original Message - 
From: trinh martin 
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 4:57 AM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] a differnt viewpoint from a family member finally

we for the past week and a half have had company from vietnam.  i have to 
admit, before they came here, i was quite nervous on what they would think etc 
of my home schooling my children, having 4 kids, both parents being  blind det 
etc.  the reason for all this wondering is because i hear so much from my 
family how of a mistake i have made choseing home  schooling, having children, 
being married to someone blind, depriving my children etc etc.  i have even had 
it thrown in my face how i am commiting a horrible sin with the choices i made 
in parenting, home schooling etc.
anyway, when my great uncles, great ant, and 2 cousins arrived 2 fridays 
ago, i wondered on and off what they would think.  
curtis took the children to the fair that next day and i was asked to come 
along to have a lunch with the family.  anna-lynn and i tagged along.  not soon 
after we left, my great aunt turned around and asked me when the kids were 
going to school.  i repled that i am teaching them.  she thought i meant that i 
was just teaching for the summer.  she again asked when they would head off to 
school.  i told her that i was teaching at home.  she then thought i was 
teaching them till they were ready for school.  i replied that i am home 
schooling which means that antyhing they would learn at school, i am teaching 
myself.  she didn't say much more about it.
my cousin got into the conversation and asked how do i do this?  she 
surprisingly was excited and very agreeable.  she explained to her mom that 
these kids will maybe never enter a school system or if they do, they may enter 
later in their elemetary years or high school etc.  she told my aunt that was 
such a great idea becuase the kids would have one on one time, not be 
distracted by toher children, be able to learn and do their tasks faster, have 
more caring and compassionate thoguhts for people, in general, be very well 
rounded.  she had said that she noticed how clever and fast the kids pick up 
and she saw how they loved their little sister.  she thought home schooling was 
a great idea and she said since i am the mom, only i would know what the needs 
of my kids were  
i was so astonished and awe strucken/.  i have never really had any 
relatives feel that home schooling was good for the kids  i always heard of 
the kid snot socializing, my blindess playing a huge role, me depriving my 
children of everything and the kids becoming drug attics etc etc.
my mom heard our conversation, but she chose to ignore it all  i was 
really hoping that it would have penatrated and that she would have been proud 
to hear that someone in the family thought home schooling was a great 
thing!  oh well.
now in september, my grandma from my mom's side of the family will be here 
from vietnam.  i don't know what she will percieve!!!
oh, when my cousin did come down to visit, she asked if the kids had doen 
their work yet.  i told her that we had got up early that day and had done a 
few odds and ends.  she never tested the kids, she never asked what we did, how 
do i kow the kids are staying on task, how do i teach this or that

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 

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[RecipesAndMore] Re: a differnt viewpoint from a family member finally

2008-08-26 Thread trinh martin

thanks  i am still tickled wo!!!  so nice having to not give answers and 
feeling like i am an open book or being questioned for a criminal act, wo.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family
- Original Message - 
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:04 AM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: a differnt viewpoint from a family member 

 Glad you got some positive feedback from a family member and one who 
 ask you a zillion questions.

 Keep up the good work.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Marilyn L. DeWeese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:51 AM
 Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: a differnt viewpoint from a family member

 Hi Trin,

 I know it must have made you feel better to hear some positive thoughts.
 I'm glad for you.

 Keep up the good work.

  - Original Message - 
  From: trinh martin
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 4:57 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] a differnt viewpoint from a family member

  we for the past week and a half have had company from vietnam.  i have to
 admit, before they came here, i was quite nervous on what they would think
 etc of my home schooling my children, having 4 kids, both parents being
 blind det etc.  the reason for all this wondering is because i hear so 
 from my family how of a mistake i have made choseing home  schooling, 
 children, being married to someone blind, depriving my children etc etc. 
 have even had it thrown in my face how i am commiting a horrible sin with
 the choices i made in parenting, home schooling etc.
  anyway, when my great uncles, great ant, and 2 cousins arrived 2 fridays
 ago, i wondered on and off what they would think.
  curtis took the children to the fair that next day and i was asked to 
 along to have a lunch with the family.  anna-lynn and i tagged along.  not
 soon after we left, my great aunt turned around and asked me when the kids
 were going to school.  i repled that i am teaching them.  she thought i
 meant that i was just teaching for the summer.  she again asked when they
 would head off to school.  i told her that i was teaching at home.  she 
 thought i was teaching them till they were ready for school.  i replied 
 i am home schooling which means that antyhing they would learn at school, 
 am teaching myself.  she didn't say much more about it.
  my cousin got into the conversation and asked how do i do this?  she
 surprisingly was excited and very agreeable.  she explained to her mom 
 these kids will maybe never enter a school system or if they do, they may
 enter later in their elemetary years or high school etc.  she told my aunt
 that was such a great idea becuase the kids would have one on one time, 
 be distracted by toher children, be able to learn and do their tasks 
 have more caring and compassionate thoguhts for people, in general, be 
 well rounded.  she had said that she noticed how clever and fast the kids
 pick up and she saw how they loved their little sister.  she thought home
 schooling was a great idea and she said since i am the mom, only i would
 know what the needs of my kids were
  i was so astonished and awe strucken/.  i have never really had any
 relatives feel that home schooling was good for the kids  i always 
 of the kid snot socializing, my blindess playing a huge role, me depriving
 my children of everything and the kids becoming drug attics etc etc.
  my mom heard our conversation, but she chose to ignore it all  i was
 really hoping that it would have penatrated and that she would have been
 proud to hear that someone in the family thought home schooling was a 
 thing!  oh well.
  now in september, my grandma from my mom's side of the family will be 
 from vietnam.  i don't know what she will percieve!!!
  oh, when my cousin did come down to visit, she asked if the kids had doen
 their work yet.  i told her that we had got up early that day and had done 
 few odds and ends.  she never tested the kids, she never asked what we 
 how do i kow the kids are staying on task, how do i teach this or that

  may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
  martin family
  may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
  martin family


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[RecipesAndMore] Re: [Bulk] [RecipesAndMore] Re: a differnt viewpoint from a family member finally

2008-08-27 Thread trinh martin
Messagethanks so much

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sandra Warren 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:40 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: [Bulk] [RecipesAndMore] Re: a differnt 
viewpoint from a family member finally

  Hi, Trin! Good deal that they accepted your decisions, and feel you, as a 
blind parent, are doing your level best with the children. Your mom lets 
herself become too emotionally involved, instead of trusting your decisions and 
just letting you know she is there for you and the family when you request 
help, she shouldn't dredge you in help and syrup, if you get my drift! I am all 
for home schooling; know several families, both parents sighted where it was 
done throughout most of high school, and then around the junior and senior 
years, the kids requested attending regular high school for the experience. the 
parents did allow the transition. Keep a stiff upper lip; I know you are doing 
a terrific job, and no better than that can be accomplished by one person.
- Original Message - 
From: Jan 
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:27 AM
Subject: [Bulk] [RecipesAndMore] Re: a differnt viewpoint from a family 
member finally

Families can be our worst critics. I'm glad your extended family was so 
positive. Since they're not emotionally involved in the situation, as your mom 
lets herself be, they can be more objective and see the situation for what it 


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[RecipesAndMore] Re: I'm not feeling to good

2008-09-09 Thread trinh martin
hi syl!!
praying that everything will be ok.  praying that the dr will find out what is 
going on and will be able to treat whatever is going on.
keep us posted.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sugar 
  To: recipesandMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 3:41 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] I'm not feeling to good

  Hello friends,
  just a note to ask for warm thoughts, and prayers.
  I am not feeling all that well.
  don't think it's anything to serious, but with my meds, and transplants, I 
have to go and get checked out.
  I am going to see my doct. tomorrow for many reasons.
  just not feeling all myself in general, so just know I'm ok, just not 100% 
  I will keep yu posted


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[RecipesAndMore] Re: Update from The Martins!

2008-09-25 Thread trinh martin
kids need all the hugs they can get, smiles.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sandra Warren 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:46 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Update from The Martins!

  Hi, Trin,
  Glad things are going well for you and your family, and the little ones are 
bonding well with their grandma, or was it their great grandma? sometimes when 
folks get older, they forget how it is to be a child, and like being by 
themselves, and just do not bond well with young ones, well, it, too, all 
depends on the senior. my mom always likes Brian and Dana to hold Brianna, and 
she is one of the best behaved three and a half year olds, but she is so afraid 
the child will move or lose something of hers. they visit and carry her around. 
I know the grandma in your household loves all the kids, and as they hang out 
with her more, she will bond more and more. I commend you for home schooling 
all of them. they sound like such little cherubs, and if I were there, I'd 
swoop! them all up and hug and hug and hug and hug all of them!

- Original Message - 
From: Marilyn L. DeWeese 
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:16 PM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: update form the martins

Hi Trin,

I'm glad things are going so nicely for you and your family.  I enjoy your 
stories.  Take care.

  - Original Message - 
  From: trinh martin 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:42 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] update form the martins

  we have been very busy the past few weeks
  seems like if one project isn't going on, another one is or sometimes two 
or more!!!
  i was taking care of my great grandma, but she decided to go to visit her 
other son.  I had to help her get ready and my eldest son philip and her has 
bonded in a unique way.  she and philip used to have a hard time getting along. 
 actually, she didn't like philip, felt he was annoying her, felt he wouldn't 
learn antying, but as he got older and she could ask him to take care of 
flowers vacuum, etc, she started softening towards him.  i think also, she sees 
that even though he home schools, he isn't some sttrange alien, smiles.  
anyway, she kept telling philip that she would miss him which is quite 
something for my great grandma.  she has a hard time at times saying what she 
means, especially if it is sentimental.  also, she was the same way with jojo, 
which is very nice too.  she used to not be able to deal with him saying no, 
no, at everything because she felt he was saying no to her.  if she was  
walking by and he said no, she felt he was trying to tell her where she could 
go.  at that time,  jojo was about a few months from turning two and his 
favorite word of course was no no no no  anyway, she kept talking about how 
much he has learned to speak since  
  we took her to the airport monday of last week.  it has been a week since 
she is gone.  seems a little strange withouth her being around.  before she 
left, i would sometimes cook with her since my mom had gone to vietnam and i 
had to cook food for my dad.  it was nice for the most part.  my grandma does 
and can be reasonably nice to be around when she doesn't have anyone she wants 
to impress or someone who is trying to find something negative about someone 
else.  that was a blessing that i did get to spend time with her when my mom 
left for a few weeks.  we were able to just enjoy ourselves and just chat.  i 
don't know if she will return, but may god bless her and watch over her at all 
  anyway, fast fording here, smiles!!!  On thursday of last week, we 
again were at the airport and this time, it was to pick up my grandma and mom 
from vietnam.  my grandma is in her late 80's, but one would never  notice! 
 she walks pretty fast, can get up and down, plays with the great grandkids, is 
able to hold anna-lynn and walk around with her and she is about 20 or so 
  Anyway, i have been taking care of her while my parents are at work  
she really is a nice lady and easy to take care of, but i know she is pretty 
lonely.  she is quite an interesting lady to talk with
  while we were walking one day, she asked me where was the chickens, cats, 
and dogs!  she is used to being able to look right outside her little house 
and walk around ousdie and see cats chasing dogs, dogs chasing cats, cats 
chasing chickens, pigs, etc, etc, etc.  she is so used to being able to walk 
over to her 2 sibblings houses and her other childrens' homes.  i am sure she 
is so so bored here.  after all, all she can see now is just cars going back 
and forth.
  she was amazed that pretty much every household has at least 2 cars

[RecipesAndMore] where has the time flown

2008-09-28 Thread trinh martin
anyone know where the time has flown with my anna-lynn?
this mommy realizes now her baby is 9 months old, a very  determined, happy, 
contented, for the most part obedient, laid back, good natured, knows what she 
wants, and smily baby!!! 
not only has she decided to remind dear old mommy how she can go up the stairs 
by crawling for the past almost month now, she loves to remind me how she can 
go back and forth on her own by holding onto something and sometimes even a few 
steps alone!  she has to let me know that she knows how to feed herself, 
thank you, mommy dearest  i will sometimes catch her with a spoon or fork 
in her hand and trying to feed  herself and even at times when she feels like 
playing mommy, me too!  actualy, she does a pretty good job  she 
doesn't get too much everywhere, wo!!!  she also  tries to drink form a cup, 
smiles.  she will take the napkin and wipe her mouth and when her nose is 
yucky, she will take a baby wipe and cute as a button, dab at her nose, wo!!!  
oh, i forgot to mention, this little turkey will put her hand into the gerber 
puff can, help herself to a few, eat it, get some more and when she is done, 
will try to put the top on.  she hasn't realized until i help her that the lid 
goes right on top by pushing, not sliding, smiles.
in the bath tub, she is so cute.  she loves to splish splash with both hands 
and feet and loves to laugh at herself, smiles.  she knows when it is bath 
time.  she will go crawling fast as anything to the bathroom door, smiles.
she is now in about 12-18 or sometimes even larger sizes depending on what it 
is.  where is my newborn baby!!  
oh, she is a joy to have around  she is different from her sibblings.  they 
were mostly loud boys, but she is soft, knows what she wants, persistant, but 
in a quiet manner, smiles.  she is serious, but very smily too.  very observant 
and just seems to soak in everything
now that i have wore you guys off from reading of my girl, i hope you did enjoy 
this proud mommy's baby moments stories, smiles.
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: Hi Gang

2008-10-01 Thread trinh martin
oh this is wonderful!!!
may i ask, are  they training you at your own home?
i am looking for some place that waill train me at my home.  i have 4 children, 
7 years old and younger, so you know the deal, smiles.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  - Original Message - 
  From: steve doyle 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 3:40 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Hi Gang

  I just want to share some news with you all,
  Today I had a visit from Guide Dogs, they took me around the block with just 
a Harness just to see how fast I walk and so on, then they put on the Harness 
on a Dog called Lake, I went for a walk for about 20 Minutes or so then she 
came home with me, hahha then the Trainer told me we worked so well together 
that she is mine, smiles,
  I go on class in 6 Weeks time, she is a black Lab, smiles wow she sure did 
love to lick me, hahahahaha just wanted to share with our little Family.
  Take care my Head is still in the clouds, i did not know this would happen.
  smiles from Steve.

  A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up 
  an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.


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[RecipesAndMore] ghout!

2008-10-05 Thread trinh martin

anyone knows what is good to help relieve ghout?  curtis seems to have that in 
his ankle today, ouch.  

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] anna-lynn's update and mroe

2008-10-09 Thread trinh martin

today i took anna-lynn to the dr for her check up. she is now 10 months old. 
she weighs almost 21 pounds and is about 30 inches long thank god, she 
didn't have to have any shots!!! 

we went out to eat afterwords at a chinese buffet. she was so so adorable and 
fed herself and seemed to know just how to eat the various foods we gave to 
her. she thinks she is so grown up now. she is really clombing the stairs and 
she is a fast little thing she lets you hold her to nurse her, play with 
her a bit and then, she is on the go for such a baby, she has a loud voice, 
wo!!! she knows what she wants and when she has had enough!!! 

she is taking little steps on her own now and bending over and picking up toys, 
smiles. too grown up for her mommy in just 2 more months, my baby girl will 
be a year old! i neeed time to slow down god has truly blessed each of 
my children! 

matthew is his unique self as usual he is now into heart surgery, how the 
heart works, how to fix the heart etc, etc. he is on what is healthy, what 
isn't. he wanted to be a dr, but after showing him picutres and talking and so 
forth, he has decided it is too much work 

philip is 7. he is his usual hyper happy determined little self. however, he 
seems jealous so often when i say one of the other kids has done something 
good. Philip and joseph have a lot of the same temperments and thoughts. 
matthew and anna-lynn are more laid back and are more like one another. 

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: Greetings!

2009-04-04 Thread trinh martin

i am so sorry to hear this...
we are most definitely praying for you and for frank.  i so wish there was more 
we could do for you.  please try to take care of yourself too!!!

  - Original Message - 
  From: marilyn deweese 
  To: cooking-frie...@yahoogroups.com 
  Cc: hands-on-cook...@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 5:37 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Greetings!

  Frank was taken by ambulance last night to the James Cancer Center.  He may 
have had a heart attack sometime during the past week, without telling anyone 
he had chest pains.

  We won't know much more until Monday, probably.  He has a team of 
cardiologists working with him.

  We don't know if he can tolerate the colon surgery or not.

  Just, pray, please!




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[RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

2009-04-17 Thread trinh martin
i just recieved news from my friend.
her name is holly.  she is a blind mom, but has lost much hearing due to her 
brain tombers.  she is pretty young, about early 20's.  she is married and has 
a son who is almost two.
she has been losing her hearing more nad more as time has gone by.  she says 
she woke up today and so much more of her hearing is gone.
please, let's agree to join in prayer for holly and for god to restore her 
hearing and for him to give her peace and comfort during this time of 
uncertinty.  please pray with her that her family will be able to deal with 
this as it has gotten worse.  she is a sweet person and such an encouragement 
to so many
let's pray hard for holly!!

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[RecipesAndMore] Re: urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

2009-04-17 Thread trinh martin

yes, anyone that you think who is willing to pray for holly, please send to 
anyone  she is a dear friend of mine and such a loving girl of god and 
trusting in god, even though it is getting tough at times.

- Original Message - 
From: Delma dbl...@centurytel.net
To: RecipesAndMore RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:42 AM
Subject: Fw: [RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

 - Original Message - 
 From: Pastor Barry
 To: Delma
 Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 10:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

 hello beloved, surely will be praying for her.  You might want to send 
 one to Debra also at her e mail address
 so she can place it on the church prayer request.
 Love in Christ

 Galatians 6
 8 For he that soweth to his flesh
 shall of the flesh reap corruption;
 but he that soweth to the Spirit
 shall of the Spirit
 reap life everlasting.

 Your Brother in Christ
 Pastor Barry

 Home Phone:

 E-mail address

 Skype contact

 Come join me in the Church of Hope
 ON the blind related web site of

 You can find my audio sermons on
  - Original Message - 
  From: Delma
  To: Pastor Barry
  Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:30 AM
  Subject: Fw: [RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

  - Original Message - 
  From: trinh martin
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 10:26 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

  i just recieved news from my friend.
  her name is holly.  she is a blind mom, but has lost much hearing due to
 her brain tombers.  she is pretty young, about early 20's.  she is married
 and has a son who is almost two.
  she has been losing her hearing more nad more as time has gone by.  she
 says she woke up today and so much more of her hearing is gone.
  please, let's agree to join in prayer for holly and for god to restore 
 hearing and for him to give her peace and comfort during this time of
 uncertinty.  please pray with her that her family will be able to deal 
 this as it has gotten worse.  she is a sweet person and such an
 encouragement to so many
  let's pray hard for holly!!



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[RecipesAndMore] Re: urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

2009-04-17 Thread trinh martin

can you forward this to the lady that the pastor wrote about to send to?

- Original Message - 
From: Delma dbl...@centurytel.net
To: RecipesAndMore RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:42 AM
Subject: Fw: [RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

 - Original Message - 
 From: Pastor Barry
 To: Delma
 Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 10:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

 hello beloved, surely will be praying for her.  You might want to send 
 one to Debra also at her e mail address
 so she can place it on the church prayer request.
 Love in Christ

 Galatians 6
 8 For he that soweth to his flesh
 shall of the flesh reap corruption;
 but he that soweth to the Spirit
 shall of the Spirit
 reap life everlasting.

 Your Brother in Christ
 Pastor Barry

 Home Phone:

 E-mail address

 Skype contact

 Come join me in the Church of Hope
 ON the blind related web site of

 You can find my audio sermons on
  - Original Message - 
  From: Delma
  To: Pastor Barry
  Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:30 AM
  Subject: Fw: [RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

  - Original Message - 
  From: trinh martin
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 10:26 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] urgent please pray fora dear friend of mine

  i just recieved news from my friend.
  her name is holly.  she is a blind mom, but has lost much hearing due to
 her brain tombers.  she is pretty young, about early 20's.  she is married
 and has a son who is almost two.
  she has been losing her hearing more nad more as time has gone by.  she
 says she woke up today and so much more of her hearing is gone.
  please, let's agree to join in prayer for holly and for god to restore 
 hearing and for him to give her peace and comfort during this time of
 uncertinty.  please pray with her that her family will be able to deal 
 this as it has gotten worse.  she is a sweet person and such an
 encouragement to so many
  let's pray hard for holly!!



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[RecipesAndMore] sorry if this is not allowed, but i have a few prayer groups

2009-04-26 Thread trinh martin
i have started a new group called
prayer for our nation.  pretty much, it is about praying for our leaders, our 
nation, etc.  
if you want to join, please send an email to

please pass this on to any people you know who are truly praeyr warriors and 
want to pray hard for this nation and its well being
also, i have a few other groups for prayer, 
innercessary prayer,
beyond thankful
praying mommies
a mother's touch
blind home schooling families.
i now some of these wouldn't interest you, but i am just writing a general 

in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD
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[RecipesAndMore] update for little boy

2009-05-08 Thread trinh martin
How about this link for updates: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/prestonloyd

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[RecipesAndMore] pickles?

2009-05-11 Thread trinh martin
does anyone know if the gallon jar of pickles needs to be refridgerated?  these 
are dill whole pickles.

in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD
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[RecipesAndMore] very nice randition of stand by me

2009-05-21 Thread trinh martin
if we take this further and sing or listen to this song in the thoughts of 
having jesus standing by us, how beautiful it really is!!!
This is a music piece that I thought some of the musicians on the list would 
especially appreciate the process of creation for.  I am amazed at how well 
this came together.  It is people from all over the world doing street 
performances of the song Stand By Me.  Then it is all put together into this 
great song. 



in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD
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[RecipesAndMore] please keep my son's 1st grade test in prayers

2009-05-22 Thread trinh martin
it is friday here and pretty much just a few days before my son takes the first 
grade cat test.  please pray with us that he does extremely well, that god is 
there with him and he doesn't get nervous or too hasty.  please pray that he 
will have reviewed all that needs reviewing!!!  Philip will be testing on 
tuedsday and thursday unless he can take it all in one day, but i am pretty 
sure it iwll have to be two days.  please also pray for his attention span.  
testing is not his best point  
thanks so much for your prayers.

in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD
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[RecipesAndMore] Re: please keep my son's 1st grade test in prayers

2009-05-25 Thread trinh martin
thanks so much.

in all we do, we do for GOD
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sandra Warren 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 11:46 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: please keep my son's 1st grade test in prayers

  Hi, Trin, You got it! We'll be praying and wishing him the very best.
- Original Message - 
From: trinh martin 
To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 3:27 AM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] please keep my son's 1st grade test in prayers

it is friday here and pretty much just a few days before my son takes the 
first grade cat test.  please pray with us that he does extremely well, that 
god is there with him and he doesn't get nervous or too hasty.  please pray 
that he will have reviewed all that needs reviewing!!!  Philip will be testing 
on tuedsday and thursday unless he can take it all in one day, but i am pretty 
sure it iwll have to be two days.  please also pray for his attention span.  
testing is not his best point  
thanks so much for your prayers.

in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD

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[RecipesAndMore] july 5th prayers

2009-05-25 Thread trinh martin
American Christians to Declare 'Dependence' on God 
By Michelle A. Vu 
Christian Post Reporter 
American Christians across the nation will band together the day after 
Independence Day to repent and pray for God to heal the country.

George Barna: America Is Being Destroyed Inside Out 
The newly launched initiative Call2Fall, organized by the conservative 
Christian group Family Research Council, will focus on the spiritual and moral 
problems growing in the nation.

America is a nation in moral crisis, says FRC President Tony Perkins. Four 
out of every ten children are born out of wedlock, and every day roughly 3,000 
unborn children are aborted in our county. From homosexual 'marriage' to 
proposed curbs on religious speech, there are serious matters for the church to 
address, humbly and with great earnestness, before God.

Held a day after Americans celebrate their independence, Call2Fall will be a 
day when Christians declare their dependence on God, Perkins explains. The 
name of the initiative means call to fall on our knees.

Supporters of the July 5 prayer initiative echoed FRC's concerns during a media 
teleconference on Tuesday. They called on churches to mobilize members in 
prayer and repentance and for pastors to lead by example.

We are seeing the crumbling of our nation economically, spiritually, and 
perhaps even militarily, said the Rev. Larry Stockstill, senior pastor of 
Bethany World Prayer Center in Louisiana.

I feel that our only hope as a nation - there really isn't a new political 
agenda we can pull out of the hat or any other form of medicine for America - 
is prayer and fasting, he said.

Dr. Richard Land, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist 
Convention - the nation's largest Protestant denomination - said he believes 
Southern Baptists will be receptive to the initiative.

Last fall, the SBC had organized its own prayer initiative for the presidential 
election that was joined by over 4,200 churches.

We believe great movements of God always start with God's people humbling 
themselves and getting right with God, said Land, president of the Ethics and 
Religious Liberty Commission. And we believe this is absolutely essential for 
our nation.

With July 5 being a Sunday, churches are being called to have their entire 
congregation pray for at least three to five minutes for the spiritual health 
of their church and for America. Some churches, according to FRC, are holding a 
prayer event the entire day.

I believe that we are going to see America changed, concluded Bishop Harry 
Jackson, Jr., founder of the High Impact Leadership Coalition and senior pastor 
of Hope Christian Church in Maryland.

Call2Fall organizers hope to have eight million Christians participate in the 
prayer event and declare their dependence on God.

On the Web: 


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[RecipesAndMore] please pray for philip's math test today at ten

2009-05-26 Thread trinh martin
please pray for philip!!!  he will be doing his math test at ten today and 
depending on how things go, maybe start some parts of his reading test.

please pray for peace, for him not to be nervous, for his full attention, and 
for all to go very well and that it isn't bad at all for him at all!!!  this is 
his first grade test!!

in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD
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[RecipesAndMore] philip's test

2009-05-26 Thread trinh martin
i found a very good website for the math 1st grade test.  what is a good site 
to go for la testing material online?

philip finished his math and he did very well.
he started on his la part, but it had lots of reading and i think he found it 
more difficult.  he didn't know all the words and sounded out what he could.  
please continue to pray with me that he will do very well on thelanguage part 
of this test!!!  all he has left now is lots of reading on his own!!!

in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD
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[RecipesAndMore] please pray for this mom/child

2009-05-26 Thread trinh martin
The Pennsylvania State Police has issued an Amber Child Abduction Alert for the 
Upper Southampton Township Police, Bucks County.

Upper Southampton Township Police are searching for Julia RAKOCZY, a white, 
non-Hispanic female, 8 years old, 4'1 tall, 59 pounds, long brown hair, blue 
eyes, dime-sized birthmark on her forehead, unknown clothing.  She was abducted 
at approximately 2:00 PM May 25th, 2009 along State Route 132, Street Road, 
Upper Southampton Township, Bucks County, about 1 mile north of Philadelphia 
City.  Two black males, no further description, jumped in her mother's vehicle, 
a silver color 2005 GMC Denali SUV, PA Registration GYK8998, and drove away.  
Her mother, Bonnie SWEETEN, a white, non-Hispanic female, 38 years old, 5'11 
tall, 130 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, was in the vehicle also.  

Anyone with information about the abduction should immediately contact the 
police by calling 911.


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[RecipesAndMore] philip has finished his test

2009-05-28 Thread trinh martin
thanks all so so very much for your wonderful prayers!!!  philip has finished 
his testing about an hour ago.  we think he did pretty decent on both his 
reading/math!!!  again, thanks thanks thanks!!!  what a sigh of relief till 
next year!!!  maybe i wil look at evaluators instead!!!

in all we do, we do for GOD
in all we do, we do for GOD
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[RecipesAndMore] please pray for this family

2009-05-29 Thread trinh martin
this is so so sad.  i just got this from another hs group!!

Hello women! I don't usually post prayer requests of others, but this one 
breaks my heart. It is from another homeschool mom in my area.. please pray for 
her little boy if you get the chance...Email is below Michelle

Hi Ladies,
Most of you already know that our precious 2 year old Josiah has been
hospitalized at CHOC.
I've been there since yesterday. We ask for prayer.
He hurt himself on a trampoline but seemed fine. We started noticing bruises
from where he must have gotten
pinned in between the springs. Over the next few days he started getting
more and more unexplained bruises
all over his body despite being carefully monitored. He then started getting
nose bleeds vomiting and a fever.
I started checking online and asking around online thinking he must be
anemic or something and took him in.
We thought it would be a quick check up, maybe that they'd give us some iron
pills or something for him and
be sent home. They did blood tests and are convinced he has either a blood
disorder or cancer, ( leukemia)
This has nothing to do with the trampoline incident and we are grateful to
God that it happened or we wouldn't
have taken him in. Only the Lord knows how long this would have gone

They have done so many tests and it is so awful to see my poor little baby
get poked, prodded, and not allowed
to nurse or eat. It is so heartbreaking and torturous to hear him screaming
as they can't find his veins. I consider
myself a very strong person but this has had me breaking down in tears. I'd
give anything for it to be me instead.
I have been crying out that the Lord would
have mercy on this precious child. He is low on platelets, hemoglobin, and
blood. They have given him platelets
and blood. He had a bone marrow biopsy scheduled today but his blood doesn't
look well enough to proceed and
they don't want to risk him bleeding alot when he already has low blood. So
it will hopefully be done tomorrow.
I pray it's early as he doesn't understand why he cant eat, drink or nurse.
I won't dare eat or drink in front of him so
I haven't been eating either.. This has been so hard to leave the other kids
to take care of him . I didn't understand
God's decision to not allow us to buy the house we wanted in Riverside or
Huatzin losing his job, but now I see his
perfect timing. 1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but
then face to face; now I know in part, but
then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. I don't know
what I'd do if Huatzin had to work right now
during this whole ordeal. I am overwhelmed at the kindness and love so many
of you have displayed toward my family.

Sweet Brenda even came to the hospital and stayed late last night to help
explain some of the terminology and advocate
for me. I often forget to eat or drink or ask for things that we need. I am
home only for a quick time to ask for prayer, shower,
and get back to my baby. PLEASE lift Josiah and our family in prayer. I was
overwhelmed last night when I started contracting
heavily before they even began the transfusions. I am praying God will be
merciful and not let the baby come just yet. I
CANNOT leave my two year old. I am all that he wants. I am ok with the
thought of having a baby alone while Huatzin
stays with him, though that isn't at all ideal, but would prefer this whole
thing be taken care of before baby arrives. I am
praying it's ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) which he has the
symptoms of, but isn't as bad as leukemia. I don't want to face having to
decide to go the natural route for cancer treatment vs.. chemo. I forgot my
bible at a friends house so I so appreciate all of you that texted over
bible verses. It was so encouraging and helpful. Thanks for all the love and
support. I am sorry I haven't returned many of your calls. The cell phone
doesn't get very good reception at the hospital and we share a room with
another family ( with a daughter with Leukemia ;-( so I try not to use the
room phone often. I try to sleep as they wake him up every hour or so... It
is hard as he is hooked up and wants to get down. I also have to wait to
find a nurse to watch him while I go to the bathroom which is awful. It is
uncomfortable, but I know there is a purpose for it all.
One good thing about it, if it is leukemia, I am due any day and would be
able to use the cord blood. Great timing but I'd REALLY prefer not to travel
down that road! Thanks again Alida  Rodriguez Family

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[RecipesAndMore] please keep this little girl in prayers

2009-05-30 Thread trinh martin

I would like a special prayer request for a family friend.
Maggie (9 years old) was attending school last Friday, a week ago, and 
exhibited some unusual behavior, such as bumping into walls, stumbling, unable 
to read, so the teacher called the mom. The mom rushed her to the 
pediatrician's office in Texarkana, Tx, who sent her straight to Little Rock, 
Arkansas, where she was diagnosed with an fast-growing, inoperable cancerous 
tumor wrapped around the brain stem. She was kept over-night in Little Rock, 
then transferred to St. Judes' Children's Hospital in Memphis Tennessee. 

This sudden unexpected terminal illness coming on within 24 had devastated the 
family and friends, putting one grandfather in the hospital. This family 
desperately needs your prayers. Since arriving at St. Judes, they are trying to 
find a way to cope, and need all the prayers available. Here is the latest 

A few days ago, I found out about a friend's little 9 year old girl who had had 
no symptoms until last Friday, and within 18 hours, had been diagnosed with 
inoperable brain stem cancer. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for those prayers, as we know every one 
is heard and counted!! If you didn't get the individual email, here is an 
update, and your prayers will be so appreciated!.

Please, please keep praying!

Little Maggie Cobb, age 9, my family friends, diagnosed with brain-stem cancer 
6 days ago has been put on the Caring Bridge website: 

I think the official name of the brain stem cancer is: DIPG

She was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) (suspected) 
close to my home, sent to Texarkana, TX for confirmation, forwarded to a 
neurosurgeon at Children's Hospital in Little Rock, AR by Friday night/Saturday 
morning to make 'a plan', and arrived at St. Judes' Children's Hospital in 
Memphis, Tennessee on Sunday night/Monday morning, ..and now the family has 
decided to 'attempt chemo' along with other treatments (last up-date today). I 
think it was the only thing the doctors were willing to attempt with this form 
of cancer to maybe slow the progression. Further decisions will depend on how 
welll Maggie tolerates the treatments, and how much stress or discomfort it may 
cause, as each person is different. 
I guess we never know what we would do under such desperate circumstances.

If you go to: 


..you can see her family and her photos, and leave a prayer message. The 
family reads the messages to her every day, so they are much appreciated. You 
will have to give your name and email address in order to view her photos and 
read the family's updates, as well as leave a prayer message for Maggie, but it 
is a secure site. 

Maggie knows she is ill, but not the full extent of the problem, and hopes for 

I'm sure anyone who has a minute extra would be greatly blessed by having 
visited with this angelic child for even just a moment on the website.

Life can turn on a moment's notice, and none of us know when that moment may 

Thought for the day:

Last week, Maggie's grand dad, Roger, explained to her that the 'big brown 
bear' stuffed animal she wanted was unreasonable. YESTERDAY, he called and 
emailed everyone he knew asking them to please find and purchase the biggest 
brown bear available and send 'Overnight mail' to Maggie at St. Judes in 

Roger is a very religious man, as is his family, but in the midst of his 
prayers, he wanted Maggie 'somehow' to have that big brown bear he had denied 
her last week. You can bet Roger will make sure Maggie has that big brown bear, 
but it will only arrive loaded with prayers!

Her grandfather has had Maggie at his home every weekend of her life, helped 
her build a treehouse, took her everywhere with him, and spent untold hours 
'playing' with this dear child. Now, in this hour of crisis, a 'big brown bear' 
will temporarily make Maggie happy while we all send our heart-felt, most 
sincere Prayers to Heaven for the tender care and comfort of this little child 
of God.

As parents, and grandparents, let us not forget to say 'Thank You' to God for 
every moment and every tiny blessing! If you didn't receive my first request 
for Prayers for Maggie, please pray now! Thanks so much!

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[RecipesAndMore] pops family?

2009-06-03 Thread trinh martin
think on this next time you take a sip of pop  honestly, it can stand for 
something else besides a nice soft drink, smiles!!!

are you one of these/pops family?
pops family.
what it santds for!!!
so, are you a pops family?
a family that prays together, obeys together, plays together, and study 

remember, the family that prays together stays together!!!
the family that obeys god laws and does according to his will is beyond blessed 
in all ways!
the family that plays together always keeps account of his 
the family that study together learns in wisdom and god's stature!  that type 
of growth is better than being the prettiest or strongest  that growth is 
food into god's kingdom.
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[RecipesAndMore] the martins

2009-06-04 Thread trinh martin
here is an update on the martin clan!!!

philip is tickled!!!  he has finished school for the moment.  he finished with 
his test last thursday so this week, they are taking a break and next week or 
so we will learn braille, sign language, and maybe  a little bit spanish/other 
languages and just review!  philip is tickled that he is done and the other 
kids are still finishing up school in public school
i took anna-lynn and joseph to the dr today.  jojo had to get one shot and 
anna-lynn two.  anna-lynn is 25 pounds and about 31 inches and she is almost 18 
months old.  joseph is 30 pounds and about 41 inches.  they both did well, but 
the dr seems to think that joseph needs help because he didn't talk to her a 
lot.  she aksed him how old he was and he wouldn't answer right away.  i tried 
to explain to her thathe jusdt doesn't talk to people unless he knows them well 
and he hasn't seen this dr much.  he finally did talk a bit to her, but she 
claims he isn't speaking in sentences.  she asked him what color whas his 
pants, how old was he and he just gave easy answers lik 3 for how old are you 
and blue for his pants color.  i don't see how she can evaluate that he can't 
talk from just two little questions.  sometimes i honestly think they make too 
much of a deal for no reason!!!
anyway, besides that, all went well.  joseph was really cute when he got his 
shot.  he just said all calmly, ou and when the nurse asked him if it hurt he 
said calmly very much so!!!  Anna-lynn was so cute because she kept showing me 
the chair and having me sit down.
Anna-lynn is so sweet and so serious and cute!!!  she is so grown up now!!  i 
love putting dresses on her and she loves to wear dresses more so then regular 
pants/shirts.  se already loves to pick out her clothes!!!  She loves to point 
and heave me touch what she thinks is pretty.  when you ask her what is pretty, 
she points to it and laughs and claps her hands.  
Matthew is very wise when it comes to god and he loves to talk about god.  all 
the boys love to play church!!!  the boys do some crazy things, but they do 
have love for each other, love for god, and love to help everyone!!

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[RecipesAndMore] plastic poker chips or something simular

2009-06-04 Thread trinh martin
i want to do a reward system and some  other things using plastic poker chips 
or something simular.  i will be using this for the kids paying to watch tv or 
play on their computer.  they will lose chips also for bad behavior, messy 
room, etc.  they will gain chips for helping one another, keeping the house 
clean, various things like that.  
does anyone know where to find plasic poker chips or something simular?

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[RecipesAndMore] prayer for staring a prayer group

2009-06-07 Thread trinh martin
as of tomorrow, my husband and i will be having a meeting with others that have 
decided to take their time to pray for the nation and for its wellbeing, the 
ldaders, for god's protection, for his guidance, etc.  we will be having this 
at nine p.m. each night.  please pray that god shows us how he wants this run 
and that his pressence and spiritie is with us all at times and that he brings 
in faithful true prayer warriors.

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[RecipesAndMore] blenders?

2009-06-08 Thread trinh martin
what type blenders do you all recommend?  my dad loves to make/mix 
smoothies/drinks.  i want to get him one for father's day.  thanks

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[RecipesAndMore] blenders?

2009-06-10 Thread trinh martin
if a blender says it can or is just made for smoothy making, do you think it 
will be able to crush soy beans?  i am getting this for my dad since he loves 
making smoothies and different drinks, but my mom loves to make her own soy 
milk.  i would think that if it can crush ice, i should be able to crush soy 
beans?  or should i look for a blender/food processor?

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[RecipesAndMore] good prayer

2009-07-03 Thread trinh martin

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and 
seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and 
will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
-- 2 Chronicles 7:14

In today's Scripture, which occurs immediately after the dedication of the 
Temple, God told Solomon that the Temple would be a place his people could come 
and be assured that their prayers would be heard if they honestly and humbly 
would seek God. This promise is true still, to this very day, for while God's 
physical Temple isn't standing, his spiritual one is found in the gathering of 
his people (cf. 1 Cor. 3:16; Matt. 18:20). While we know that God hears our 
individual prayers, what a great blessing and what a powerful promise for God's 
people today! We know that when we gather with believers and humble ourselves 
before God and seek his presence he will hear us. Rather than wait for a 
grandiose, world-wide effort to start, why not get together regularly with 
others who will join us in this prayer effort?

Loving Father, earnestly I seek your presence now. Please forgive me for my 
sin. Please use me to be an influence for good in my time. Most of all, Father, 
please move to bring revival and healing to our time, our people, and our land. 
We desperately need your guidance, blessing, and character in our government 
and among our people. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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[RecipesAndMore] very good poem

2009-07-06 Thread trinh martin




Thought you all would enjoy this email from Precept Headquarters.  Read when 
you have an opportunity, otherwise delete it.







  Green Eggs And I AM
  By Elizabeth Wallace

   My seminary course in Trinitarianism included several 
class lectures on I AM in the Bible. I wrote the following piece to fulfill 
the assignment of a creative project having to do with the Trinity.
  I have wondered if Jesus had come at a different time how 
he would have communicated with His children. The following is a result of two 
greats in my life coming together: God, the ultimate lover of my soul, and Dr. 
Seuss, who had a love of the simple things of life. If Dr. Seuss had written 
theology books, instead of classics such as Green Eggs and Ham, I think it 
would have gone a little something like this.

  Green Eggs And I AM

  My name?
  I AM.

  I am I AM,
  I AM I am.

  I AM here,
  I AM there,
  I am I AM everywhere.

  Father, Son, and Spirit are we.
  We are one, but we are three.

  I AM here,
  I AM there,
  I am I AM everywhere.

  One in Three and Three in One,
  Jesus is God, Jesus is Son.

  Spirit's Power, Father's Plan,
  Nail scars in the Son's pierced hands.

  What, you exclaim, How can that be?
  S, my child, just rest in me.

  I will not be put in a box.
  I will not let you worship an ox.

  I created it all-the family, the mountain, the tree-
  We created it all, so you could grasp the we.

  I will call you here and there,
  And I will go with you everywhere.

  I AM here,
  I AM there.
  I am I AM everywhere.

  Confused, uncertain, and having doubt?
  Give up now, you won't figure it out. 

  Father, Son, and Spirit are we.
  We are one, but we are three. 

  Adonai, Yahweh, Savior, Friend-
  The aspects of me never end. 

  I will not be defined by just one name,
  But I will love you just the same

  So what should you do?
  How should you react?
  Learn enough truth to guard against attack.

  Then let go of questions like Why?
  And raise your voice in praise toward the sky.

  Never to leave is my promise to you.
  Stay focused, listen to me, and follow through.

  Wherever I lead, wherever you go,
  I'll be there, too, just continue to grow.

  I am I AM,
  I AM I am 

  On a train
  In the rain
  In a box
  With a fox
  On a boat
  With a goat

  Anywhere, everywhere you may go,
  I am I AM is all you need to know. 


  From Prayer Essentials For Living In His Presence, Vol. 1, p. 
71-72, ©2000, by Sylvia Gunter.

  Available at www.thefathersbusiness.com. 


  An archive of past devotionals is available on the website.




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[RecipesAndMore] praise god for this

2009-07-08 Thread trinh martin
Soldiers getting an earful of Jesus
Allie Martin - OneNewsNow - 7/8/2009 7:00:00 AM

An audio Bible ministry is getting the entire New Testament -- in compact 
form -- to troops through military chaplains.

It is all part of the Military BibleStick project by Faith Comes By 
Hearing. The ministry has developed a portable, digital audio Bible for the 
military, loaded it with the entire New Testament, and is sending those to 
chaplains who request them.

Ministry spokesman Troy Carl tells OneNewsNow the Military BibleStick 
project is strengthening the faith of soldiers -- and changing the lives of 

One of the things that's been so touching to us is how military men and 
women share their BibleStick with those who maybe are not of faith, and how 
those people have been impacted by the truth of the scripture, he shares.

They're coming to an understanding of who Jesus was and why he was sent to 
the earth -- and a lot of that has come as a result of other military 
members sharing their BibleStick with those who are nonbelievers. So that's 
been very exciting.

According to the ministry, the BibleStick -- which is about the size of a 
pack of chewing gum -- was designed intentionally for use in low-light 
situations where reduced visibility is critical. It has a matte black 
finish, matte black ear buds, and a red-light-only operation.

So far more than 10,000 audio Bibles have been given to service members in 
Iraq, Kosovo, and Afghanistan.

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[RecipesAndMore] Re: Update On Dan

2009-07-10 Thread trinh martin
oh this is wonderful news!!!  praise the lord!

in all we do, we do for GOD
  - Original Message - 
  From: Lora Leggett 
  To: chocoholicc...@yahoogroups.com 
  Cc: cooking-frie...@yahoogroups.com ; recipesandmore@googlegroups.com ; 
  Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 12:23 AM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Update On Dan

  We have good news about my brother, Dan.  Dan was released from the hospital 
at around 10:15 Thursday evening where he had a brief stay in the emergency 
room after being released earlier that day.
  Our son brought him back to our house where we talked a couple hours and then 
he spent the night on our couch.  Then early Friday morning our son took him to 
his work where he picked up his car and got several prescriptions.
  He is back home where he needs to rest, recover, and become used to changes 
in diet and several different medications.  He is a diabetic now and there are 
conditions that are being monitored with his heart, bladder, blood thinners,  
injections and I can't think of much more.
  But he has lost some weight, is looking well rested, speaking and breathing 
easier.  And all the wondering and uncertainty is over.  There is a long road 
ahead but i am happy he got there in time to catch all of these conditions and 
have a lot of options for treatment.
  We are happy to have him back.  Our son, George Elvis, will do some more of 
the work that Dan had done for us during the last ten years as a service 
provider and of course a great brother.



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