CS>Unsubscribing doesn't work...

2020-01-25 Thread mark

So it looks like 2 email accounts have to spam this sending now.
Meh twice.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 


2020-01-21 Thread mark


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CSTurp

2015-03-14 Thread mark

The 'yuck factor' is rather important when one is unwell and using
things which may be difficult to swallow - this is my opinion based upon 
my (too-)long experiences.

Having said that - and having gone through the Daniels info carefully -
I got the stuff and tried it...

No way.
Simply not possible for me to chew a sugar cube and swallow that crap -
I've been totaly away from sweeteners for too long - instant gag
response follows.

I did find a way to get the stuff down that worked and will use it every
now and again for a while.

I simply avoid the 'yuck' by using gel caps  a dropper.

Fill the big end with sugar - saturate it with the burpentine -
cover it quickly keeping ALL the stuff inside it - and wash it down
with good water.
3-4 00 caps done that way is about equal to the single cube.

It always goes down fine - burps follow soon after - hence the
deliberate mis-spelling.
No more gagging, no stomach upset at all, but after several weeks using 
it the bowels do get a bit too loose for my liking, so then it is time 
to take a break from it for a while.

After more than a decade with zero sugar and such things the ONLY reason
we have some sugar in the house at all is for making kombucha - which I
highly recommend for those who have been ill any length of time and
ESPECIALLY if there has been any pharma poison used.
The trick with kombucha is to be sure that all the sugar is consumed so
that it is not the least bit sweet; this brings all the benefits minus
having to cope with the toxic sugar garbage and how it can harm the body
in so many ways.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSTurp

2015-03-14 Thread mark
I just visited the archive and see that my earlier email is not there 
(yet ??), and there is a response from Ron which points out something 
that I should clarify as well as one other - so here I'll try to reply 
to both:

Thanks Ron.

Sat, 14 Mar 2015 09:52:24 -0700 

Very innovating.
I'm concerned that you seem to be treating it like a vitamin instead 
of a medicinal. I think one does not take a break from using it but 
rather uses it occasionally.


Not what I meant a'tall.
I found that I was unable to use it for as long as recommended; that was 
what I meant.

And in reply to someone who appears only as 'gmail':

Thanks. I have an encapsulator. I will try it.

My very, very, very bad !!!
It cannot sit inside capsules as it melts them - so I do them manually  
very carefully one at a time just before swallowing them down.
(This is a very good use for excess clear capsules I have are otherwise 
gathering dust because they are quite invisible in the capsule maker...)

Best Wishes to All.


mark wrote:

The 'yuck factor' is rather important when one is unwell and using
things which may be difficult to swallow - this is my opinion based 
upon my (too-)long experiences.

Having said that - and having gone through the Daniels info carefully -
I got the stuff and tried it...

No way.
Simply not possible for me to chew a sugar cube and swallow that crap -
I've been totaly away from sweeteners for too long - instant gag
response follows.

I did find a way to get the stuff down that worked and will use it every
now and again for a while.

I simply avoid the 'yuck' by using gel caps  a dropper.

Fill the big end with sugar - saturate it with the burpentine -
cover it quickly keeping ALL the stuff inside it - and wash it down
with good water.
3-4 00 caps done that way is about equal to the single cube.

It always goes down fine - burps follow soon after - hence the
deliberate mis-spelling.
No more gagging, no stomach upset at all, but after several weeks 
using it the bowels do get a bit too loose for my liking, so then it 
is time to take a break from it for a while.

After more than a decade with zero sugar and such things the ONLY reason
we have some sugar in the house at all is for making kombucha - which I
highly recommend for those who have been ill any length of time and
ESPECIALLY if there has been any pharma poison used.
The trick with kombucha is to be sure that all the sugar is consumed so
that it is not the least bit sweet; this brings all the benefits minus
having to cope with the toxic sugar garbage and how it can harm the body
in so many ways.


CSoff topic archive ??

2015-03-14 Thread mark
I've got something off-topic that I'd like to post, and wanted to see if 
it has been posted before, went to take a look...and so:

I just tried visiting the off-topic archive, here:

All I get is a page that says this:

  Sorry, cannot access /health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

Sorry, but the location //health/silverofftopiclist/index.html/ could 
not be accessed.

Is it gone, broken, or ???



Re: CSUrgent

2014-02-03 Thread Mark Siepak
your account is sending spam.

Tips to keep private email addresses out of the hands of spammers:
1. Avoid giving your or anyone else's email address to any web site.
2. Instead of forwarding email, cut and paste the text.
3. For group emails, use the bcc: (Blind Carbon Copy) field instead of
(Put your own address or a fake address in the to: field).
4. Want to do more? Attach this text as a custom signature to the bottom of
all your outgoing email.

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 9:27 AM, A. Reid Harvey reidhar...@hotmail.comwrote:

 I am writing to inform you that i am presently in London,i am stranded
 here because i happened to get my wallet and phone stolen out of an
 acquaintances car and my wallet held my money and other valuable things.I
 will like you to assist me with a soft loan urgently with the sum of $3000
 to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home.
 I will appreciate whatever you can afford, i'll pay you back as soon as i
 return.I am worried with this situation .I need urgent assistance and any
 help from you will be welcomed.


 Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 01:57:30 -0500
 Subject: Urgent...
 From: reidhar...@hotmail.com
 To: reidhar...@hotmail.com

Re: CSBruise with hard center?

2012-06-04 Thread Mark
Tick bite?



On 04 Jun 2012, at 15:02, Lisa blacksa...@comcast.net wrote:

Hello All,
My daughter woke up this morning with a light purplish bruise on the lower part 
of her shin bone. It’s about 2-3 inches in diameter with a light yellow center 
which feels like a small stone (tender to the touch). She does not remember 
banging herself yesterday – but she is a very active 9 year old and I can’t 
rule it out. However, at the same time – I wonder if it could also be a spider 
bite of some sort.
Either way – what’s the best course of treatment at this time? I can make a 
poultice of EIS (silver water) and then I was thinking perhaps a comfrey 
poultice. Is there any way I can draw any of the toxin out if it is indeed a 
spider bite?
Thanks for your help!

Lisa (in NH)

Re: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-11 Thread Mark
So if microwave is so harmless then could someone explain why plants die if 
they are watered with microwaved water?

Here's some evidence...

I did the test myself, but never captured photos and I got the same results.



On 11 May 2012, at 2:23, Mike Monett mrmon...@pstca.com wrote:

David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:

 Did Mike even do some basic google searching to confirm there is no
 evidence microwaves have negative health effects?  No, it appears not.

Yes, Mike did all the googling to search for evidence of harm.

Like most things, a weak analysis capability can convince you of anything.

I am finished with this topic.


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-11 Thread Mark
I'll buy some fresh plants this weekend  run the tests as described. Then I'll 
report back on the results (with pics)



On 11 May 2012, at 10:24, Mike Monett mrmon...@pstca.com wrote:

Mark markyd...@googlemail.com wrote:
 So if microwave is so harmless then could someone explain why plants die if 
 they are watered with microwaved water?
 Here's some evidence...
 I did the test myself, but never captured photos and I got the same results.

Try Snopes. That same claim is discussed and disproven:


Heating water on a stove has the same effect as a microwave. The water
molecules absorb the energy and move faster. When you remove the source of
energy, they cool and slow down.

You need to repeat the test using plain water as a control, microwaved
water as the variable, and stove heated water as the other control.

Let us know what you find out.


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: Watering plants: trial was // Re: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-11 Thread Mark
Thanks Jane,
I'll keep all posted with the methodology (for comment)  results as I go along 
over the next few weeks.



On 11 May 2012, at 13:32, Jane MacRoss highfie...@internode.on.net wrote:

It's important to know if things are true or not - and it's good to try the 
plant + water trial again - I think the other trial with plants to be found on 
YouTube was Marshal's daughter - not sure he's in this group tho.

There could be 4 trials, tap water, filtered water without chlorine and 
fluoride, stove-top boiled water and microwave boiled water - all water to be 
given to the plant specimens at the same temperature. All plant conditions to 
be as identical as possible for light, warmth, draught etc.


 There may be more tests, but the trend is clear. If microwaved water kills
 plants, it should have done so in the above tests. That did not happen.
 I really, really am very sorry I brought the whole issue of microwaving
 food up.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html

Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSWas: Macular Degeneration; Is: Being Courteous

2012-05-08 Thread Mark
Hi Mike,
Forgive my limited knowledge, but if current uses ions to flow, then having 
silver, zinc, copper in the body would help a zapper or any other such device 
reach the organs/glands to help kill bacteria and virus'?



On 08 May 2012, at 17:51, Mike Monett mrmon...@pstca.com wrote:

olushola camara camaramah...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Mike Monett mrmon...@pstca.com wrote:
  But he forgot to tell people that electrons cannot flow in water, and
 cannot reach pathogens to kill them.
 Tell that to the thousands of people electrocuted in their bathtub. Current
 is the flow of charge; and guess what charge is?

In metals, current flow is in the form of electrons. They are negatively
charged and move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode.

In electrolytes, current flow is in theform of ions. Positively charged
ions are usually metals, such as silver, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc,
copper, and so on. They flow from the positive terminal to the negative,
and are called cations.

They are balanced by an equal flow of negatively-charged ions that flow
towards the anode. The are called anions. Examples are hydroxide, sulfur,

All life processes depend on the control of ions to perform various tasks
and to build structures like bone, trees, etc.

If electrons could flow in water, all life processes would immediately
cease, since electron flow would bypass these processes.


Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSQuestion ??

2012-02-08 Thread Mark
My daughter had warts on both her hands and feet. This was after a period of 
prolonged stress.
I gave her CS for 2 weeks both applying it to the affected areas, as well as 
taking it orally.

After 2 weeks - she didn't have a single wart. She's never had one since. 



On 09 Feb 2012, at 6:14, juga...@aol.com wrote:

I have a question for anyone who can help me ... I have what seems to be a 
plantar's wart on both of my feet  ... the left foot is worse than the right 
foot ... They are located on the top pads of both feet.  The area around the 
warts is pretty hard, like a hard callous.  Several months ago someone on this 
list said they had cured a wart by putting duct tape over the top of the wart, 
left it on for 7 days and the wart  came out at that time with a long tail on 
it... I took your suggestion and placed duct tape on both feet over the warts 
.. I left the tape on the warts for 8 days... when I took it off, nothing had 
changed, I still had the warts.  One strange thing did happen, since I put the 
duct tape on the wart on the left foot, the arch on my left foot itches 
incessantly, the itching never stops.  Can anyone on this list please offer me 
some suggestions as to how to remove these warts without going to a doctor or 
using modern medicine?  I'm not a fan of either of the above solutions.  
Question... if I use the duct tape again and leave it on longer than the 8 
days, would I have any better success?  Truly, I am at my wits end, the warts 
have gotten so sore it is making it very hard for me to walk  .. When I do 
walk, afterwards my feet hurt so badly and I have a burning sensation around 
the wart area.  Please, any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated... 
Thank you  .. Judy

Re: CSfree electricity machine for CS making

2012-01-12 Thread Mark
The website looks a bit dubious (leaked from secret archives), but the video 
lends some creadabilty.

I know very little  about electronics or electricity, but it seems simple 

Has anyone tried it?


On 12 Jan 2012, at 18:03, PTFerrance ptf2...@bellsouth.net wrote:

While looking for something on magnetics I found this page that shows how to 
make a small free electricity machine.
They give the parts, show the schematic and then show a video of it charging a 
mobile phone.   Then they offer the sale of a schematic for a larger unit for 
what seems to me like a reasonable price but I have nothing to compare it to.
I admit I know very little about electronics but I was thinking that something 
like this might run a CS making unit in case of a power outage???
Thanks for any discussion/critique.

Re: CSKidney Failure

2012-01-11 Thread Mark
Have you looked up the Bob Beck Protocol. There's a lot of useful information 
there on cleaning blood and removing unwanted pathogens from the body.



On 11 Jan 2012, at 8:49, 2 Words Production 2wordsproduct...@gmail.com wrote:


For a loved one, seeking to help her with failing kindeys. Does anyone know of 
any type of therapy out there or above there that can be used to clean the 
blood and support the kidneys - or even regenerate cells?
Also - are there any devices that can be used on the kidney area/meridian to 
alleviate pain?

Seeking all good healers out there to help in my quest.

Blessings of good health to all,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html

Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CS OT wart removal

2011-12-30 Thread Mark
Drink Colloidal Silver and put some on the wart.

My daughter broke out in warts on her hands  feet after a stressful time. She 
did the above and they were all gone in 2 weeks.



On 29 Dec 2011, at 22:29, anthony.aqui...@sasktel.net wrote:

 Anyone no of a way to get rid of a wart on old toe. I probably got it from 
 swimming at the local pool. Look for something that you have used personally 
 and worked. Thank you
 Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld
 From: David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 21:06:56 -0800
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 ReplyTo: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CScollodial silver for parkinsons. Please help. I need your 
 advice/ suggestions
 from this store: http://www.healthyitems.com/Liposomals-s/41.htm
 liposomal glutathione : work up to like 1,000 mg a day, all in the evening 
 (this is glutathioen but way way better)
 liposomal vitamin C: work up to like 5 grams a day, taken at least a few 
 hours before glutathione
 liposomal curcumin: like 1 gram a day
 from other places: (google shop)
 colloidal silver - make it yourself and work up to like 8 oz a day on empty.  
 Or try silver100 if yo udont wanna make anything yourself.  
 get meridian valley labs food allergy tests: 190 foods both IgE and IgG 
 antibodies.  Call them up and ask.  
 passion4life, 1 fl oz a day.  Special liquid multivitamin
 Yes EFA.  2 capsules twice a day.  esssential fatty acids.  
 MAP amino acids, 5 tablets a day
 liposomal ubiquinol  
 (this is coq10 but way way better.  I'd do 200 or even 400mg a day)
 liposomal colostrum:  1 tsp twice a day. (2 grams per tsp)
 Swanson magnesium oil. (you rub it on the skin)
 MSM (source of sulfur)
 BioSil (bioavailable silica)
 That's what I would start with if it were me.  Get the things out that could 
 be causing it (toxins, infections, food allergies).  And put the things the 
 body needs to build it all back up (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, 
 phospholipids, essential fatty acids).  

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #363

2011-11-28 Thread Mark
I would be interested too?
Could you post a link?



On 28 Nov 2011, at 17:15, jaxi jaxi.sch...@gmail.com wrote:

 Well I would be interested in a copy if you are willing to share.
 On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Paul pmb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the movie (from thepiratebay.org) and could put up a public area for 
 download, but I'm still considering the consequences and the *intention* 
 behind that action.  If anyone can convince me then I'll follow my natural 
 leanings and post it publically, but we need to be mindful of unintended 
 consequences and I'm sitting on the fence.
 Paul B 
 On 26/11/2011 23:17, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com wrote:
 From: Sara Mandal-Joy smjl...@wavewls.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
 Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 11:19 AM
 Subject: CSThrive
 Since Thrive stars (and was created by) someone who was being groomed to run 
 Proctor and Gamble, I was a bit hesitant to watch it or give it any weight.  
 However, after someone pointed me in the direction of a free U-tube version, 
 I decided to watch it.  It is profound, and important, and well worth 
 I watched it for free, since I wasn't going to put out 5 bucks on 
 http://www.thrivemovement.com to rent it, when I wasn't sure I was genuinely 
 interested in seeing it.  It is worth the 5 bucks.  In fact, after seeing it 
 for free I'm buying multiple copies (at 20 bucks each) to share with 
 friends.  The U tube freebies keep being posted and then removed by the 
 system, but new people keep uploading it
 again, varying the name enough to get it up there.  The preview is always 
 up, but if you search on Thrive you will find it appearing.  The full 
 movie is two hours and 8 minutes - that should help you find the right thing 
 regardless of what it is being called to get it on the site.  Once you find 
 one watch it soon or it will be gone.  It is well worth the money.  Not 
 discouraging anyone from renting and/or buying it.  BUT it is important to 
 see regardless.  Sara

CSopt out

2010-05-20 Thread Mark Wilburn
I want to opt out and not get any more and thanks


CSCongress sneak attack supplements through FTC?

2010-05-03 Thread Mark Modica
They are going to protect us to death.


CSNew Generator from Russia

2010-01-28 Thread Mark Modica
I have been reading and archiving for months. I am buying EIS as needed but
haven't made my own yet. Probably will go with Silvergen.
Because two of my children I and were assaulted by a vicious (viral I think)
infection this week- I was prompted to do a search on Ebay were I found
another generator available from Russia. Cost is about $150.00 including
worldwide shipping
From some links to studies I have found on this list I know Russia uses CS
to treat water on their space station and I find it encouraging to see they
claim 5 million units sold. I suspect there is more of an issue with even
safe drinking water in parts Ukraine and this machine has low concentration
fast production for treating drinking water as well as 10 PPM (uses
automatic timer)

Has anyone seen this this unit? Any positive or negatives ( other than buy a
machine from another hemisphere) would be appreciated.



Sorry to use Ebay links -- but manufacturer site is in Russian.

Re: CSNew Generator from Russia

2010-01-28 Thread Mark Modica
I only have heard that even seasoned world travelers should not drink the
water there.  (Certain they don't have a WalMart on every corner to stock up
on distilled water)
However I DO think it's exciting that this technology is being mainstreamed
around the world instead of chlorine or sodium hypochlorite to treat water.
It cannot hurt to see millions of people taking initiative - not being
harmed only helped.
Maybe even the WHO or CDC or FDA or EPA could acknowledge this. Yeah right

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Dan Nave bhangcha...@gmail.com wrote:

 This looks like it is meant to use ordinary tap water for brewing.  I
 don't know if it would work with distilled water, or not.

 It is an interesting concept, looks like it will put just enough into
 drinking water in a short period of time (35 seconds per liter) at a
 very low concentration .035ppm (35 micrograms per liter).  This should
 be OK for sterilizing water.

 The 10ppm made using tap water is more problematic.  I don't know if I
 would want to take much of that, although they are very conservative
 in the amount that they recommend you take as a maximum.

 Might be very good for traveling, or for an earthquake, if it would
 operate on battery power...  (Hard to get distilled water when


 On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Mark Modica markmod...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have been reading and archiving for months. I am buying EIS as needed
  haven't made my own yet. Probably will go with Silvergen.
  Because two of my children I and were assaulted by a vicious (viral I
  infection this week- I was prompted to do a search on Ebay were I found
  another generator available from Russia. Cost is about $150.00 including
  worldwide shipping
  From some links to studies I have found on this list I know Russia uses
  to treat water on their space station and I find it encouraging to see
  claim 5 million units sold. I suspect there is more of an issue with even
  safe drinking water in parts Ukraine and this machine has low
  fast production for treating drinking water as well as 10 PPM (uses
  automatic timer)
  Has anyone seen this this unit? Any positive or negatives ( other than
 buy a
  machine from another hemisphere) would be appreciated.
  Sorry to use Ebay links -- but manufacturer site is in Russian.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Mark Modica
First Class Fiberglass

Re: CSNew Generator from Russia

2010-01-28 Thread Mark Modica
Not to get too deep into what they do in Russia -but is their any harmful
effects from this method that could backfire on my theory that this is a
good movement?

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Marshall Dudley mdud...@king-cart.comwrote:

 It is obvious from their picture of it in use that it is NOT producing
 colloidal silver, but silver chloride instead.


 Mark Modica wrote:

 I have been reading and archiving for months. I am buying EIS as needed
 but haven't made my own yet. Probably will go with Silvergen.
 Because two of my children I and were assaulted by a vicious (viral I
 think) infection this week- I was prompted to do a search on Ebay were I
 found another generator available from Russia. Cost is about $150.00
 including worldwide shipping
 From some links to studies I have found on this list I know Russia uses
 CS to treat water on their space station and I find it encouraging to see
 they claim 5 million units sold. I suspect there is more of an issue with
 even safe drinking water in parts Ukraine and this machine has low
 concentration fast production for treating drinking water as well as 10 PPM
 (uses automatic timer)

 Has anyone seen this this unit? Any positive or negatives ( other than buy
 a machine from another hemisphere) would be appreciated.




 Sorry to use Ebay links -- but manufacturer site is in Russian.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Mark Modica
First Class Fiberglass

Re: CSNew Generator from Russia

2010-01-28 Thread Mark Modica
Oh that silver chloride.
Maybe in about 3 o 4 years James Cameron could cast Avatar II in Moscow.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Mark Modica markmod...@gmail.com wrote:

 Not to get too deep into what they do in Russia -but is their any harmful
 effects from this method that could backfire on my theory that this is a
 good movement?

 On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Marshall Dudley mdud...@king-cart.comwrote:

 It is obvious from their picture of it in use that it is NOT producing
 colloidal silver, but silver chloride instead.


 Mark Modica wrote:

 I have been reading and archiving for months. I am buying EIS as needed
 but haven't made my own yet. Probably will go with Silvergen.
 Because two of my children I and were assaulted by a vicious (viral I
 think) infection this week- I was prompted to do a search on Ebay were I
 found another generator available from Russia. Cost is about $150.00
 including worldwide shipping
 From some links to studies I have found on this list I know Russia uses
 CS to treat water on their space station and I find it encouraging to see
 they claim 5 million units sold. I suspect there is more of an issue with
 even safe drinking water in parts Ukraine and this machine has low
 concentration fast production for treating drinking water as well as 10 PPM
 (uses automatic timer)

 Has anyone seen this this unit? Any positive or negatives ( other than
 buy a machine from another hemisphere) would be appreciated.




 Sorry to use Ebay links -- but manufacturer site is in Russian.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

 Mark Modica
 First Class Fiberglass

Mark Modica
First Class Fiberglass

CSUnder the skin mole removal? Aka white moles?

2009-06-13 Thread Mark Nancy Robbins
Does anyone know how to remove 'under the skin' moles, aka white moles?

Thanks for any help as I've been trying for years with no success.

Nancy Robbins

Re: CSRectum problem

2008-12-26 Thread Mark Siepak
Sorry, late to the discussion, but does she eat pumpkin seeds and chew and
swallow the shells? I had this same kind of problem fromdoing that,
which led to an anal fissure that did have to be surgically corrected. Now I
crack the shells and eat  the meat only.

Also sunflower seed hulls should not be   swallowed, either.

Re: CSDesideratum Bernadette especially

2008-12-02 Thread Mark Siepak
Hello, all,

Just be sure and join microelectricitygermkiller group, NOT
microelectricitygermkiller2, which is the only one to come up when you
search groups for microelectricitygermkiller!!
The PDF is about 4M, some blank pages at the start. Click on files and
scroll down past the folders, it is by itself, not in a folder


On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 6:04 PM, Shirley Reed pj20fl...@gmail.com wrote:

   I don't know how to copy and send it to anyone.  But you can get it by
 joining the microelectricitygermkiller group over at Yahoo.  It is in their
 files.Wesley's preface is worth the read.  In it he gives his very
 unflattering opinion of the medicos of his day.  He seems to have few
 illusions about several very good modalities getting wide use for the same
 reasons we do---money.  And lack of strong conscience.  The doctors are in a
 fairly powerless situation unless enough of them rebel and frankly, I think
 it would take at least 80% or so to even make a dent in the present
 situation.  I just pulled that # out of a hat. :)pj

Re: CSFree water?

2008-04-29 Thread Mark Siepak
Most of us in towns already pay a 'stormwater fee,' based on the square footage 
of your property, ostensibly to pay for storm sewers, levees, cleanup of storm 
debris, etc. Interestingly, in all the years of the drought here, we have never 
gotten a rebate for not having rain, storm cleanup, etc. The Money just goes 
into some slush fund somewhere.

Re: CSTotally OT -- but need help anyway

2008-04-08 Thread Mark Siepak
put down boric acid powder, it is the main ingredient in the ant killer 
products on the shelf. not toxic to humans or animals, unless you eat several 
ounces at once. kinda like jalapenos!


- Original Message - 
From: marmar...@bellsouth.net 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 11:20 AM
Subject: CSTotally OT -- but need help anyway

  I have an ongoing ant problem in my house.  In the kitchen, on 
countertops, I use Terro ant killer -- but in the family room the ants come in 
under the baseboards on the floor and I can't put Terro down because I have a 
small dog that I'm fearful would get into the poison.  So -- I have to spray a 
Raid product, which kills the ants but sets up an irritation in my throat that 
lasts for hours.  I'm wondering if there is any *natural* product (vinegar 
perhaps? or something like that) that will kill the ants but won't be so hard 
to deal with.  For those who would suggest that I apply ant killer outside of 
the house -- I've tried that too.  Nothing seems to stop these things.  And 
companies that treat for home pests are SO expensive.  Any help appreciated.  

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6:02 PM

Re: [Fwd: Re: CSCataracts]

2008-03-19 Thread Mark Siepak
Protein has lots of sulphur: why do you think burning hair smells so bad? 

And being sensitive to SULFA drugs is not a sensitivity to SULPHUR. I know my 
son  and a police officer at work are sensitive to sulpha drugs, yet can and do 
take MSM with no reaction whatsoever. Other than achy joints getting better, 
feeling of energy, and improved bowel function. 

Your results may vary


- Original Message - 
From: faith gagne 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: CSCataracts]

I guess I don't have any.  Faith G.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 8:39 AM
  Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: CSCataracts]

I thought sulphur made up most of the body.  Dee 

---Original Message---

From: faith gagne
Date: 03/18/08 11:58:24
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: CSCataracts]

MSM may be okay if one is not allergic to sulphur.  Faith G.


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8:10 AM

Re: CSNeed help my son has given me some negative information

2008-03-11 Thread Mark Siepak
Actually, I finally got her to admit she never took EIS/CS, but I think
her response containing that admission is on my other, old computer.
Will try and  retrieve it...

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley mdud...@king-cart.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSNeed help my son has given me some negative information

Carrole Orme wrote:
 My son has given me this site that talks about this lady being gray

 http://www.rosemaryjacobs.com http://www.rosemaryjacobs.com/.

 I know about all that but he keeps thinking it is not good to take it
 I would like some help giving him some real truthful information
 Please help me out with this I would like him to belive CS is a good
 All my other kids use it and are fine about it

 Instant message from any web browser! Try the new * Yahoo! Canada
 Messenger for the Web BETA*
Rosemary is a well known pharmaceutical shill.  She was given silver
nitrate nose drops by a DOCTOR, and it quite predictably gave her
argyria which silverr nitrate will do.  It is a lie that she was taking
colloidal silver, she has never taken colloidal silver.  If she had
been, she would not have had the problem.


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03/09/2008 12:17 PM

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2008 #113

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Nancy Robbins

I'm hoping someone can help answer this...

I have a friend that is very sick with the flu and is taking probiotics and is 
wondering if she takes CS if they will counteract one another?

Does anyone know about this?

Thank you for any help!
Nancy Robbins 

Re: CSMulti Vitamin and Mineral

2008-01-29 Thread Mark Siepak
The yellow is from water-soluble B vitamins passing thru. It shows you took 
enough that your body has (for that moment) enough of them, and is spilling the 
excess through the kidneys. 

A better test for pill solubility is to use vinegar, and you don't need more 
than just enough to cover whatever pill you are testing. Room temp is fine, I 
think, although you could put a small bottle with vinegar and pill in a 100 
degree water bath, if you want. Should dissolve in about an hour, less is 
better, more is suspect, unless time-release formula.


From: faith gagne 

Supplements may make urine more yellow, but that has nothing to do with the 
good the supplements do as they pass through the body.  Faith G.


  Hi Faith.  I do realize a cup of water is different from hot stomach acid.  
But I was under the impression (and maybe wrongly so) that there is alot stuff 
out there in pill or tablet form that will not break down and go right through 
our bodies. I am open to correction and all thing possible.
There seems to be a weath of knowledge on the list and at the moment I'm a 
sponge trying to soak it up.

  From: faith gagne 
   Hi Ken.  A cup of water may be a bit different from hot 
   stomach acid. 
 nu-life Ultimate One is in Canada not sure about the USA.
 One of the things I do with any vit. or supplement I take 
   is to put one in a cup of water and see how long it takes to 
   desolve. It may not be scientific but it gives me an idea if a 
   product will break down easy.

CSIonic minerals

2008-01-09 Thread Mark Fletcher
If this question is off-topic for this list, please let me know (I'm a

I was wondering what the general consensus is here about ionic mineral
supplements.  Are they useful?  I have been taking Concentrace on and off
for 15 years.  I don't feel any more or less nourished when I take it or go
without it.


RE: CSIonic minerals

2008-01-09 Thread Mark Fletcher
Thank you Shiona.  This is very informative, and it's great to hear that I
was doing the right thing all along.  Now I only regret that there were long
periods where I didn't take the Concentrace.

Now to find out about colloidal silver...


-Original Message-
From: Shiona Phillips [mailto:hyasy...@freenetname.co.uk] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 5:21 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSIonic minerals

Mark Fletcher wrote:

 If this question is off-topic for this list, please let me know (I'm a 
 I was wondering what the general consensus is here about ionic mineral 
 supplements. Are they useful? I have been taking Concentrace on and 
 off for 15 years. I don't feel any more or less nourished when I take 
 it or go without it.

Hi Mark,

Last year Concentrace was discussed and it appears that several on the 
list have tried this product and feel that it benefits them. I've 
included a post by Terry which was very informative and also one from 
myself which illustrates the differences between seawater products and 
transdermal magnesium chloride oil, which has also been a subject of 
discussion here. Magnesium is the main ingredient in Concentrace and 
apparently is an extremely beneficial supplement that is particularly 
effective if applied transdermally to the skin - in baths or with a 
body spray.

Niagri (de-hydrated seawater used as the basis for making Tofu) has 
recently been suggested as a cheaper substitute for transdermal 
magnesium chloride oil, however it appears that Niagri, due to it's 
having been de-hydrated, does not contain such a high concentration of 
magnesium chloride as the transdermal oil products. However it is a 
cheaper alternative and therefore maybe it might also be a cheaper 
alternative to Concentrace as a general mineral supplement?

Quote: According to Quinton, which sells injectable Hypertonic and 
Isotonic sea water medical products (approximately $56 per liter and 224 
dollars per gallon) sea water which has been subjected to evaporation, 
and then to subsequent reconstitution from the resulting dry residue, 
does not display the same living qualities as seawater products that are 
not dried. This would apply to Nagari magnesium products that are sold 
for making tofu.


Dee said,
  At one time I used to buy the so-called colloidal
minerals from Joel Wallach and others. I then read
that these were no good because they are not bio
available in that form, so I started taking
Concentrace. I can't remember why I stopped taking it
but can you tell me why it is better than the
colloidal minerals mentioned? 

The source of Wallachs minerals is from a huge deposit
found in Utah, I believe. On one side of a small
mountain is where they are mined. On the other side is
the mining location owned by the Clark family. I
suspect they are digging these minerals from two sides
of the same huge deposit.

The form of minerals they are extracting from the
ground is called humic shale. It is believed to be the
remains of dinosaurs, trees, plants, etc., that were
buried in earthquake crevasses or sucked into tar
ponds, etc. In other words, the mineral levels and
proportions would be what you would find in a living
organism. The minerals have turned pretty much into
rock again (fossilized), but, when ground up into
powder and then suspended in liquid, they make a
comprehensive source of minerals. Although some folks
claim that these are not the type of minerals our
bodies need (being essentially rock), there is enough
positive evidence to support using them as a possible
mineral supplement (especially if you cannot get

Concentrace comes from the Great Salt Lake, also in
Utah. The Great Salt Lake is actually a small ocean,
according to the scientists. It is distinctive in that
water flows into this ocean (lakes, streams), but no
water flows out. It does not overflow because the heat
in Utah causes the water to constantly evaporate. The
evaporation causes the water to leave, but the
minerals in the water to remain (Natures
distillation). The water in the Lake is so
concentrated with minerals that, if you were to wade
out into the water as far as you could go, you would
only sink in up to your waste. The water is actually
thick with minerals. The minerals come from various
plant matter that washes down from surrounding
vegetation, as well as soil minerals. People travel
from all over the world to bathe in the Great Salt

What impressed me about Concentrace (apart from the
much cheaper price), was that the minerals in it are
dissolved minerals, rather than suspended. The Wallach
(and Clark) stuff is artificially suspended, and will
fall out of suspension (you need to shake the bottle).
Concentrace has an infinite shelf life. Plus, the
Clark/Wallach stuff is mixed with flavorings and
sweeteners, which I do not personally want. Just give
me the minerals, please. Concentrace has every mineral
the body needs, over 100

Re: CSCS and fish (and cats)

2007-11-20 Thread Mark Siepak
I don't think cats get parvo. They don't get vaccinated for it, anyway.
Probably kidney or bladder infection. Possibly had a tiny taste of

From: Marshall Dudley mdud...@king-cart.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS and fish

Sounds liken she had parvo. Almost always 100% fatal if left to the vet
to cure.


Deborah Gerard wrote:
 *I have a female cat this summer who started to pass blood clots, she
 also had blood in her urine, vomiting stopped eating, lathargic. Layed
 her chin on the water dish all day and night and didn't move. I
 started her on pure cs in the water dish and daily she improved. Over
 the next two weeks all the signs of any blood were gone. She gets cs
 daily now and looks and acts great.*

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-19 Thread Mark Siepak
You haven't answered the important question, if you are vaccinated,
are you afraid of?

There was no question asked, but to answer anyway

Burying the bodies of stupid people, and the resultant waves of disease
and pest overpopulation that cannot be vaccinated against.

Can you say bubonic plague?

the mark of civilization is the way it treats its' young, feeble, and
aged. You would let everyone die but the fit, healthy, lucky ones.

Sick Bastard, if I may re-use a term

No more, this is OT, and your ideas and morals are so corrupt you are
not worth my time.

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-19 Thread Mark Siepak
Never sent you anything personally

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-19 Thread Mark Siepak
Sorry, Mark, your Rights stop Sorry, Mark, your Rights stop WHERE MINE

So you cannot see the obverse, yours stop WHERE MINE START.

Gee - if you ever get your way, I sure hope those 10,000 will stop by
some day and thank you for being so generous with their lives.

Hopefully the millions you would allow to die would perform the same

couldn't possibly be the years of fast food, drugs, cokes, microwaved
food, etc, etc ad nauseum...

Babies die from all the communcable diseases. Explain that, but not to

End of discussion.


or relate it back to CS/EIS

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-19 Thread Mark Siepak
It is

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-19 Thread Mark Siepak
millions of dead bodies will create secondary waves of infection,
scavengers, predators, etc.

can you remember the bubonic plague? millions died, and not all from

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Re: CSDoctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Mark Siepak
I am going to bring this back on topic, I hope!

CS/EIS is free, or nearly so, helps many diseases/conditions and is as
toxic as water.

Big Insurance is co-mingled with Big Pharma, and has a vested interest
in drug profits.

If you use EIS/CS, you probably won't be going to the MD, who won't get
the chance to prescribe an expensive drug to treat your Symptoms (most
drugs don't cure anything, just treat the symptoms!). MDs are
brainwashed from the first year of med school that drugs and surgery are
the only things that will help, oh, yes, and grudgingly, therapy AFTER
the surgery.

No nutrition is taught, deficiency diseases are covered in a half-hour
the first year of school, and MDs are taught that noone knows anything
if they haven't been to med school.

So, CS/EIS will become severely restricted, as have some supplements, so
that Big Pharma can continue getting big profits to fund Big Insurance.
You must make your own EIS/CS if you want some, and cannot sell or
(eventually, just wait for the legislation) even give it away, or you
will be a felon.

Something similar happened to tobacco and hemp/marijuana (yes, I know
they are different). If the Big Industry cannot find a way to patent
something, they get their Senators and Congressmen to make it illegal.

Sorry for the rant, it's one of my hot buttons

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Re: CSRe: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Mark Siepak
My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of
Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on
me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to
own their own life and body.

Well, now, aren't you forcing YOUR medical beliefs and opinions *and*
*practices* on ME when you refuse to be vaccinated against communicable
diseases like smallpox or polio? After all, I DO think vaccinations
work, and even if the rate of bad reactions was 10% (more like one and a
half percent), I think it is worth maybe 10,000 with bad reactions, to
avoid having pandemics kill millions every 15-30 years. Of course, if my
child were one with the bad reaction, I would probably want to blame

Of course, you unvaccinated people could go to Hawaii, so no one else
would die when the inevitable pandemic swept  your 'nation'!

Sometimes the greater good for society is bitter medicine, pun intended.

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Re: CSRe: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Mark Siepak
 the first known outbreak not occurring until mass
smallpox vaccination 100 years ago

Ever thought that the people getting polio in that outbreak might have,
in pre-vaccination times, die from smallpox before they had a chance to
develop polio?

Sort of like cancer is so prevalent now.

Now that people live past 37 years old, that is

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Re: CSRe: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-17 Thread Mark Siepak
 I, on the other hand, would advocate the quarantining of all of the
people who actually evidence symptoms of said disease - and would
strongly urge those whose immune systems are compromised - whether
through poor lifestyle choices, lots of vaccinations, or some
combination thereof - to stay home, and away from other people.

You, sir, are the sick bastard. Many virulent diseases do not show
symptoms until AFTER the contagious period has almost ended.

Let's not quarantine anyone from the town where Ebola has surfaced, let
them travel all over the world, UNTIL they start bleeding out from every

Sick Bastard, indeed

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Re: CSDoctors... The New Order of Doctors

2007-10-16 Thread Mark Siepak
Sounds a lot like Farenheit 451 to me.

George Orwell was about 20 years ahead of his time, should have been

Well the more people become aware of the evil medical system the better
off everybody will be. 800,000 killed last year at the hand of these
genius', can anyone explain to me how this could possibly be

One doctor, speaking to 80 other doctors, stated, ...

   the doctors of the future will not be allowed to diagnose and treat
Furthermore, they will be used to kill people.

You can read it..  http://www.fugitt.com/files/neworder.zip
This is called,  The new order of the barbarians. 3 files, may be txt

Simple and to the point  !

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CSFlying with electronic CS/EIS devices

2007-10-10 Thread Mark Siepak
Hello all,

I work with TSA at the airport here, and we have recently started getting 
Suspicious Incident Reports on homemade and manufactured electronic devices, 
specifically Rife machines and silver generators. At least, that is what I 
assume from the info we get in the reports. 

Whether you agree the screening is of value or not, be advised that trying to 
carry any electronics that appear to have been altered, or are homemade, 
through the security checkpoint will most probably result in extra screening, 
delay, and possibly interview by authorities (more delay). If you must travel 
by air with these devices, PLEASE put them in your checked bags! If I saw one 
of these items (like the tone generator I saw last month), I know what it is 
and can just do the explosives test and you are on your way. But of the 110+ of 
us at this one airport, people like me are about 5% of the screeners. So the 
rest will probably freak and call supervisor, etc, etc, delay, delay..

Also, EIS/CS looks like water to most people, so be advised to carry only 3.4 
(100ml) bottles with you , being sure to have one quart sized plastic zip-top 
bag full. I.e., all your liquids, lotions, pastes, gels, aerosols, creams, etc 
in 100 ml bottles, which all must fit  in the bag, with the top zipped shut. 
One bag per passenger. Medicine, including OTC, is not included, but must also 
be in zip top bag. 

You can check any size of just about anything, though, so the easiest is to put 
it in your checked luggage.

Happy Holiday Season, whether it is just ending or about to start!


Re: CSRosemary Jacobs, get the file

2007-09-04 Thread Mark Siepak

Re: CSHanging Electrodes on the side of containers

2007-07-28 Thread Mark Siepak
A member of our PTA that does catering found some of these at Costco, or
Sam's Club (she couldn't remember which, and shops at both). They were 2 or
3 gallon size, though.

I think the very best container is a one gallon glass jug with a spigot in
the bottom.  At one time, they were easy to find. Now most are plastic, but
glass ones must still exist someplace.

I guess with a grinding tool on a Dremel-style drill, but not sure where you
could find a spigot small enough...

I think with the right technique, one could make the hole and add the
spigot to a glass jug.  sounds like a challenge anyway, does it not?


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Re: CSpoison ivy

2007-07-06 Thread Mark Siepak
Poison ivy, oak, and sumac do not 'spread:' the skin just takes longer to react 
in some areas that don't have as much urushiol on them. It appears that it is 
'spreading,' when it is, in fact, a delayed reaction. 

After the fact, calamine and oatmeal seem to work best for us.

When outdoors in areas with poison ivy (learn what it looks like in your 
area-there are many variations of leaf notching), when you come inside wash 
immediately with soap and / or shampoo with cool water. Hot water will open up 
the pores and drive the oil deeper, making worse blisters. Don't use alcohol, 
it will drive the oil deeper also.

Once the rash appears, hot showers can overload the 'itch' sensation for a 
while. The oil has already been absorbed by the skin, the heat won't make it 

For any secondary infections from scratching, mist as often as you think of it 
with CS, or if it is a larger area, cover with a cotton pad soaked in CS or CS 

Re: CSpoison ivy

2007-07-06 Thread Mark Siepak
Good point, you do want to wipe anything with alcohol, being careful to not
let it soak thru to your skin, as it will carry the oil with it!  Also don't
forget Kitty and Doggy! if either one rolls in a patch of poison ivy, they
won't get it, but you will!!!  Wash pets with pet shampoo only, using dog
shampoos for dogs only, cat and combo shampoos can be used on either. This
would be another cause of poison ivy rash 'spreading!'

I keep a pair of leather gloves in a plastic bag to pull poison ivy. I put
on nitrile gloves first, then the leather ones.

Whenever outdoors weeding, wash hands before using the restroom(!), phone,
etc. You could use that hand sanitizer with paper or cloth towels, just use
a lot and don't let it dry, wipe it off.

I'd add to the other advice that you have to be careful not to
recontaminate yourself by touching anything that may have the poison ivy
oil on it.  I once had a very bad case get totally out of control because
the oil was on my luggage handles, steering wheel, purse etc. - things I
hadn't thought of washing along with my clothes, shoes etc.


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Re: CSRe: Mark's Questions

2007-05-24 Thread Mark Siepak
See, I KNEW this would happen. I DID neglect to put in that you can test the
DW for impurities, OK. I still fail to see any difference in the CS/EIS made
with any number of DW products. If you have the time to go to the effort of
creating an elaborate (Don't start about how easy and cheap it is, nothing
is easier and cheaper than a stainless steel spoon, a silver . ingot,
wire and some alligator clips - I just don't care about millivolts, leds,
etc) setup for home use of your product, great, fine, go to it. If you are
selling it, I would think you'd have to have documented proof of your
production and end result, for liability's sake.

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Re: CSQuestions

2007-05-23 Thread Mark Siepak
Why not just get distilled water from the grocery store? What I get is 89
cents a gallon, and while I am sure chemists and purity fanatics will
excoriate me for this, it is fine for home use.

I wouldn't use well water for making CS/EIS, because even if you have it
analyzed, it can change over time as the aquifer moves. Don't reuse the
milky translucent jugs to store finished CS/EIS, it will taste plasticky,
and that means you are getting chemicals added that you probably don't want.
Yes, some are in there to begin with, but PETE plastic is better for
storage. I have had silver plate out on glass jars, which reduces the
effectiveness of your product.

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Re: CSSenate Document 264

2007-05-23 Thread Mark Siepak
whatever happened to this, Wayne? Did you find the docs, and forget why you
were looking for them? I'd be interested in the link to read them, if

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2007-02-10 Thread Mark Siepak
Are you in Mexico, or another third-world country? I know unless you have $$
upfront, Mexican hospitals won't even let you in the door, much less treat
you. A friend of mine had a cousin die with a head injury that the hospital
refused to treat, because he didn't have money to pay.

I would try the herbal poultice, but would not put the DMSO on it, as
comfrey can damage the liver in extended use orally. do not know dosages,
although should be able to Google it, or find a bruja that knows about such.

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Re: CSFwd: CSAgryia

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Siepak
Marshall, a couple of days ago, part of one post you made stated:

4. 2 tsp. of MSM per day. Sulfur (MSM) binds with silver and can help to
pull it from the body.

So should I take my CS at a different time than my MSM? I take MSM 2000 3x a
day with meals usually, quite often swishing with CS while I get the
supplements together, run water, feed the cats, etc. Then follow the CS with
Supplements, including the MSM. I guess the MSM binds the CS immediately (?)
so I don't get the benefit from either?

Thanks for all your knowledge-sharing in the past!


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Re: CSCS, Salt/C Acne

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Siepak
Hi, Silver-Listers,

I recently moved, changed computers and software, and have lost most of my
archived posts from the list.

If it's not too off topic, could you post the Salt/C protocol again, my son
is 11 and just starting to get acne, think he may have a bad time with it as
my wife's side of the family had very severe acne growing thru puberty.


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Re: CSOutage should be over...

2006-12-02 Thread Mark S. Siepak
All I got this am was two of your posts, the other was the one about
grounding your sleeping surface, the Crock device (as in Crock of $#! ??)
Mark S. Siepak
There exists a law, not written down...but inborn in our hearts;
a law which comes to us...from nature itself...
not from theory but from practice, not by instruction
but by natural intuition.
I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered...
any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.
-  Cicero 

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Re: CSOutage should be over...

2006-12-02 Thread Mark S. Siepak
OK, now got a few from others on the list, must be working now!
Mark S. Siepak
...It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
--Sheryl Crow

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Re: CScottage cheese substitute

2006-11-25 Thread Mark S. Siepak
All protein molecules have sulfur compounds. Why do you think hair stinks
when singed? Why do you think egg yolks turn green! Burn a burger bad enough
and it will stink the same! If you want to differentiate between flesh
protein and milk or eggs, fine, but protein is sulphurated protein. Some
may be able to digest one protein, and not another, as some say pork gives
them heartburn (and dogs have a hard time digesting pork fat, too).
Mark S. Siepak
The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

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Re: CSCS generator

2006-11-23 Thread Mark S. Siepak
I check the 9v batteries when the brewing time starts to get long - if you
can touch your tongue to both terminals of the battery and not feel a pretty
good tingle, recycle 'em.

I just had a batch turn grey, it was stored in PETE plastic jug on the stove
when my son made tater tots in  it, which realy got the CS hot. The batch in
the glass jar stayed the same (slightly yellow), but the batch in the PETE
went grey, like there was charcoal in it. I suppose the silver coming out of
ionic state into larger particles? Tasted stronger, but still use it, albeit
the dogs and cats are getting the lion's share of that batch.

Interestingly, when I pour it into the ceramic dog bowl and add tap water,
it will go clear in a few hoursbut I'm not tasting it to see if it is
still potent! Dogs and cats don't seem to mind the flavour...
There exists a law, not written down...but inborn in our hearts;
a law which comes to us...from nature itself...
not from theory but from practice, not by instruction
but by natural intuition.
I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered...
any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.
-  Cicero 

Mark S Siepak 

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Re: CSCS generator

2006-11-23 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Plus,  this is a good setup to take camping, put in your 'bug-out' bag, amd
just to know how to do if your home electricity should go out (hurricane,
tornado, earthquake, fire, mudslide, etc)
You do not examine legislation in light of the benefits it will convey if
properly administered, but in light of the wrongs it would do and the harms
it would cause if improperly administered.   ‹Lyndon B. Johnson
Mark S. Siepak

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Re: CSCS generator

2006-11-22 Thread Mark S. Siepak
I don't understand why you electronics gadget guys insist on making such a
complicated unit! Three 9v batteries, two jumpers, two silver electrodes,
and a quart jar. So you have to watch it, so what? Brew cs while doing
laundry or watching TV, reading, etc. After a few tries, you will have some
idea of when to check it so it doesn't turn yellow (which really doesn't
matter, anyway, and I also have no earthly idea why you folks think it
does). The whole idea is to get someone who is curious about CS started, so
they can begin to see the benefits!

Sure, once they are convinced of the benefits of CS, if they want to they
can 'go electronic', but I never have - I use old 9v batteries from the
smoke detectors that get changed every year, that would otherwise be thrown
away. Also from r/c remotes that no longer have enough range to control the
vehicle (bad to get your r/c boat too far out on the pond, then realize it
isn't responding any more, and going toward the spillway!!)

The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSsinusitis

2006-11-17 Thread Mark S. Siepak

My feet, I can't move my feet! My vheels, my gott, I can't move mine
vheels! It's as if we're stuck to the floor!

Sorry, all non Rocky Horror non-fans, I just couldn't resist...
The technical term jiffy is the name of an actual unit of time which
is1/100 of a second.
Mark Siepak

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Re: CSFlow-through CS

2006-11-13 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Am I missing something?
If the water supply is not total loss, why not just add CS when the
tank/pool/resevoir gets low from evaporation and use? The CS would clean out
the pump, make the animals drink an increasing ppm of CS (assuming plain
water to begin with, adding only CS would gradually raise ppm, avoiding Herx
reaction), and probably reduce odor from waste, too.
Of course if it IS total loss system, like an open tap just running water
all the time, that wouldn't work.
-- --
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends upon the unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw
-- --
Mark S.Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSSteel electrodes, Why not Silver?

2006-11-10 Thread Mark S. Siepak
G'mornin', Wayne!

No, although it does give larger wetted area (being always careful to keep
alligator clip out of the water!).

I'm just not flush with cash and after much internet searching, I just bid
what I wanted on eBay, eventually I got a great price ( I think 'twas $10
US, incl shipping, for an ounce of .)


...It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
--Sheryl Crow
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSSteel electrodes, Why not Silver?

2006-11-09 Thread Mark S. Siepak
The main factor in my case is that I bought a silver ingot to use for the
anode. Why buy two if it makes no difference? Why go to the trouble of
cutting it up to make two, or melting it and casting two? If you are going
for a fancy-shmancy setup with switching polarity, then, of course both have
to be silver.
We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall
march ahead. We cannot turn back. --Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSNew to group

2006-11-05 Thread Mark S. Siepak
You can also make a CS generator very simply, by putting 3 nine-volt battery
snap connectors together red wire to black wire of the next connector, etc,
to get 27 volts, putting alligator clips on the ends for the silver
electrodes, and using steam distilled water in a glass jar. You just have to
watch it and the first batch may take quite a while.
For subsequent batches, you can add a bit of CS to the Distilled Water to
get things working faster. Indeed, it may be good to learn how to do this in
case of power outage or camping trips!

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even
his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he
establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
- Thomas Paine
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSSteve, no more Metric/Gauge confusion!!

2006-11-05 Thread Mark S. Siepak
I just use an ingot alligator-clipped as the Anode (+), and a stainless
steel spoon for the Cathode (-). I do watch mine, and check the Tyndall with
a laser, doing about a quart at a time, with a quarter cup of the previous
batch as a starter so it doesn't take so long. Some batches turn yellow,
but there is no harm in that. If I forget a batch and it gets gunky, I use
it to disinfect the wood cutting board, and as a foot soak!

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India,
history will look upon the act of depriving a whole
nation of arms, as the blackest. ‹ Mahatma Gandhi
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSSeptic skeptic

2006-10-31 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Bob said, I'm sorry but I just cannot get by the fact you are drinking
URINE. Maybe it is because I was born in an age where body fluids are not
for drinking.

Bob, not sure you want to hear this, but bodily fluids are promoted by
government subsidies here in the USA - Got Milk? And in Africa (I think it
is the Masai) drink the blood of their bulls. They make cheese with a goat
stomach, milk, and urine in the Middle East. I know keeshka (sp), a Slavic
sausage, is made with blood, ground liver and kidney, spices, and barley or
rice. It is really good! (of course, like all sausage, sometimes it is
better to savor the flavor and not ask too many questions about

I could try UT if I had some incurable disease, or if stranded without
water somehow, but have a hard time with the idea. Maybe mixed with
lemonade, it would taste like Gatorade?!! Then just add the CS right before
The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSCodex Alimentarius

2006-10-23 Thread Mark S. Siepak
From Snopes.com (Urban Legends debunked)
Full page at: http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/vitamins.asp

Vitamin See

Claim:   American consumers risk losing their right to purchase and use
vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements.

Status:   Multiple - see below:

In June 2005 the USA will be forced to accept Codex regulation of
vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements:   False.

Bills proposing the regulation of dietary supplements are currently
before Congress:   Not any more.
Example:   [Collected on the Internet, 2005]

Origins:   This e-mailed alert began circulating on the Internet in
January 2005. Although the call to arms is worded in such a way as to
convince those who receive that their right to purchase vitamins,
minerals, and dietary supplements in the U.S. is about to be lost to
them unless they act decisively in defense of it, it is outdated and the
facts of what is being considered by American lawmakers and why are
radically dissimilar from the red cape being waved.

First of all, this is another case of an issue that is now largely moot
due to outdated information. Back in 2003, two versions of a bill that
proposed the regulation of dietary supplements (S. 722, the Dietary
Supplement Safety Act of 2003, and H.R. 3377, the Dietary Supplement
Access and Awareness Act) were introduced to Congress. Neither of these
bills was ever voted upon, much less passed. They both expired with the
end of the 108th Congress in 2004 and have not been reintroduced to the
currently sitting 109th Congress.

Moreover, neither of these items of potential legislation was forced on
the U.S. by an outside regulatory body, nor did they say anything about
restricting the American public's access to vitamins and minerals. Their
sole target was dietary supplements, a class of products that has been
unregulated since 1994, when Congress passed legislation that exempted
them from federal regulation. Claims that your right to take vitamins
and minerals is about to be impaired or that you will require doctors'
prescriptions to obtain such products should be regarded as attempts at
rabble-rousing, deliberate moves to spur you into action against one
thing by convincing you that something very different and far closer to
your heart is at stake.

Vitamins and minerals are not under the gun. Dietary supplements are.
And no outside regulatory body is behind this move: the proposed
legislation is the work of American lawmakers looking to safeguard the
public from the unscrupulous and the hazardous. If you take nothing else
from this article, take the preceding three sentences. 

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Re: CSCodex Alimentarius

2006-10-23 Thread Mark S. Siepak
You're gonna believe what you're gonna believe; but you don't have to live
like a refugee  - Tom Petty
-- --
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends upon the unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw
-- --
Mark S.Siepak

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Re: CSCodex Alimentarius

2006-10-23 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Hello, virtually everything is a dietary supplement. You have to understand
what THEY have defined a dietary supplement as.

You conspiracy freaks really yank my chain: I cannot believe how completely
stupid you sound. And I am sure I sound equally stupid to you.

So can we keep silver-list on topic of SILVER use, abuse, creation, storage,
etc. If you want to be political, go OT, please.

Having said that, here is a quote for you:
You do not examine legislation in light of the benefits it will convey if
properly administered, but in light of the wrongs it would do and the harms
it would cause if improperly administered.   ‹Lyndon B. Johnson
Mark S. Siepak

 From: sol sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com
 Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 11:51:22 -0600
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSCodex Alimentarius
 Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Resent-Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:03:00 -0700
 You said exactly what I thought when I read that sentence. So far as I
 am aware vitamins and minerals are indeed dietary supplements.
 Marshall Dudley wrote:
 Vitamins and minerals are not under the gun. Dietary supplements are.
 This sentance is self contradictory, since all vitamins and minerals ARE
 diatary supplements.  How can they both be under the gun, and not under the
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSX-RAY and CS

2006-10-13 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Don't know why it would be contraindicated, there isn't enough silver in the
CS to show up on X-Ray, I don't believe...

Do any of you chemists know if CS is harmed in any way by going through the
X-Ray at the airport? Just curious.
We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall
march ahead. We cannot turn back. --Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
Mark S. Siepak

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Re: CSX-RAY....radiation ... and CS

2006-10-13 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Sorry, Trudy, 
I meant an answer to your question: there isn't enough Silver in the CS to
show up on ANY x-ray. Probably they don't want her taking anything because
of chemo. My sister has breast cancer, and they don't even want her to take
Vit C supplements, NO SUPPLEMENTS at all was what she was told, because of
possible interactions with the chemo.

PS Now a Question: Do any chemical gurus know if Xrays from the airport will
harm CS' efficacy? Precipitate? silver ions clump, etc?
Thanks in Advance
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art . . . it has no
survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to
survival. C. S. Lewis

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSX-RAY and CS

2006-10-13 Thread Mark S. Siepak
You can take 3 oz size bottles/tubes thru security, as long as what you take
fits in a QUART size zipper seal bag. Each passenger is allowed one filled
bag (must be able to be zipped closed.

You must take the plastic bag out of your carry-on before it goes thru the
Xray machine, so the contents can be clearly seen on the monitor, also this
helps to check the 3 oz size limit, as the Xray image does not always give
true sizesPlease don't try a 3.75 oz tube that is half empty (or 6 oz,
whatever) - the size printed on the container is what applies, NOT what is
left inside.

Any size prescription medication is ok, and OTC stuff should be 8 oz
or less. Also baby milk/formula is ok, as are baby foods and most ointments
for baby.

Any size of anything is ok in checked luggage (yes, the cargo holds are
pressurized, they carry animals there)

There exists a law, not written down...but inborn in our hearts;
a law which comes to us...from nature itself...
not from theory but from practice, not by instruction
but by natural intuition.
I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered...
any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.
-  Cicero 

Mark S Siepak 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSHow to distinguish real silver?

2006-10-09 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Hello Faith,
I would not use jewelry for making CS. It is too likely to be sterling, if
that pure! Best bet would to be to take them to a pawn shop that buys scrap
gold and silver, sell them, and find a .999 pure silver coin to use as and

Along those lines, I use a silver ingot for +, and a stainless spoon for -,
I am sure I saw on this list it was ok for cathode to be stainless, but have
not seen anyone recommend it lately. Is it OK?

Mark S. Siepak

 From: Faith Saint Francis faithstfran...@hotmail.com
 I would like to know if there is any do-it-yourself way of knowing if the
 silver is real, and not sterling. Maybe a bath of some vinegar, or other
 citric liquid? Should there be a mark on the rods (like much seen on gold)?
 Or do we simply go and see a goldsmith for an answer?

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Re: CSSilver and a goat

2006-10-04 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Based on my dogs and cats, just put some CS into the drinking water, my pets
don't seem to notice. If it is severe, maybe a few teaspoons orallybut I
don't know if goats will have a herxheimer reaction from sudden large doses
(resulting in quick die-off of pathogens and release of toxins from them,
usually giving fever and loss of appetite).

I would try it if the vet had no clueor if you can't afford the vet

The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Re: CSColonic appliance instructions

2006-09-20 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Usually a waterbed-filling kit will have all the adapters, depending on
which kind of filler it is, you might be able to put the 3/4 tubing right on
the filler neckor use a garden hose end, cut off, then slip the 1/2
tubing inside that...

-- --
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends upon the unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw
-- --
Mark S.Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CS

2006-09-20 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Brother In Law = bil
-- --
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends upon the unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw
-- --
Mark S.Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSA safe, gentle and easy way to cleanse your colon or bowl

2006-09-19 Thread Mark S. Siepak
I'm guessing: Magnesium Oxide?

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India,
history will look upon the act of depriving a whole
nation of arms, as the blackest. ‹ Mahatma Gandhi
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSKen, allergies?

2006-09-05 Thread Mark S. Siepak

 ### So, why worry about sanitary?
 This place is a SEA of germies...nuthin new about that.
 Park your car in the sun for an hour.UV light, ozone and air kills
 almost all of em right fast.
 Ever hear how kids who eat dirt don't get nearly as many allergies later on?

Yeah, and I also know some have died from eating dirt laced with lead from
battery acid, and some bugs on that windshield may still have active
stingers in them, and some may just be nasssty-tasting!!

Btw, bird poop will eat the paint off your car, much less the surface of
your tongue. 

And as far as more local goes, unless you stay on  your own property all
the time, you will encounter other allergens, say, going to the library, or
the PTA meeting across town, or the City Council meeting, or to your local
polling place to vote.

You do vote, right?

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not;
nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not;
the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. -- Calvin Coolidge
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSKen, allergies?

2006-09-04 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Licking the Windshield sounds, u, unsanitary, even if you clean it
first. I have always heard that you can use local raw honey to abate allergy
symptoms. Don't know how long it would take, though. Suspect that wouldn't
work for this year, maybe next. A tablespoon a day should get your system
used to the local pollens. Key thing is LOCAL, and RAW honey.
The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSGodzilla with silver electrodes - other uses?

2006-08-24 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Couldn't you hook up (3) 6v batteries in series ( + of one to - of next,
last two to electrodes - one from first battery, one from last battery) to
get 18v, as I do with 9v batteries (I use 3, because I am getting the last
drops of electricity out of the ones from toys, smoke detectors, etc)
Mark S. Siepak

 Yes you can make CS with 6 volts it jsut takes longer and works better if you
 bubble air through the water while it going.

 Harking back to old topic - silver wire as electrodes in Godzilla for use on
 the skin.
 I put the (thinning) wires from my CS generator on my Godzilla with
 alligator clips to use on the skin, then got to wondering whether, in case
 of need, I could make my CS by putting the electrodes in distilled water.
 This would mean a 6v battery doing the job.

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Re: CSC-Span will air 9/11 Truth Conference tomorrow

2006-07-29 Thread Mark S. Siepak
This is not silver related, in the least.

It is offensive to me.

You can hold whatever paranoid conspiracy theories you want, but keep them
to yourself and your ilk.

You do all who have fought for this country a dishonour, imho.

Please leave politics and religion outside when you come into

The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS Bubbles and Spice for Ants - Back to Borax!

2006-07-27 Thread Mark S. Siepak
The commercial ant killing liquid is actually just borax dissolved in
water (saturated solution, ie, a little bit doesn't dissolve at the bottom
of the bottle), with honey or sugar added.and usually a blue colorant.
Get a little squeeze bottle (buy it, ONCE, to get the bottle with the tiny
hole so you can squirt a fine stream into cracks and crevices) and make your
own - you don't need the blue :-).

Boric acid gets rid of roaches, the non-toxic roach killer you buy in the
store is just boric acid with some filler added. Sprinkle a teaspoon of it
around where roaches may be, keeping it out of animal and child tasting zone
(ie, behind fridge, back of cupboards, under sinks...).

 You walk into the kitchen and a parade of ants is having a field day on your
 countertop. What do you do?
 Rather to my surprise, when I sprayed and cleaned up with my borax/water mix
 the ants (which seemed to be heading for my RO water jar) disappeared and
 the problem seemed to be over.

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Re: CSDo we need cow magnets?

2006-07-26 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Cross-section in the middle would be about the size of a quarter, about 3-4
inches long, tapered at both ends. If you have ever seen a 'rattleback' toy
a cow magnet would be about as big as two put flat sides together.
You do not examine legislation in light of the benefits it will convey if
properly administered, but in light of the wrongs it would do and the harms
it would cause if improperly administered.   ‹Lyndon B. Johnson
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSDo we need cow magnets?

2006-07-25 Thread Mark S. Siepak
It is sort of a moot pointwe don't have four stomachs for stray iron
bits to get caught inand as you said, when's the last time you chewed
the hinge off your front door and swallowed the screws? Or snacked on barbed
wire?? I suppose you could swallow a cow magnet, but I'd be afraid it would
lodge in your appendix
The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSFwd: Re: CSMSM powder form $6/lb

2006-07-23 Thread Mark S. Siepak
I have a veterinary friend (DVM) who has said the vet drugs are exactly the
same, from the same factories, but to be certified for human consumption
they have to be monitored and tested periodically for purity, etc. So the
animal drugs are at the beginning and end of a run of human drugs, just are
not certified because the machinery is either still being adjusted, or after
the run of human drugs are not monitored, when the rest of the raw materials
on hand are being used up. He uses vet drugs for his family.

BTW, the only one of the many animal vaccinations required to be given by a
DVM is rabies, if you choose, you can go to the feed  seed and order all

Mark Siepak

things sure are cheap there compared to the prices for us human
consumption...do you have animals as well?...debbie

-- Original message --
From: scl...@netzero.net scl...@netzero.net
You can ask them. I was recommended their for msm by someone who uses it for

-- debbiegerar...@comcast.net wrote:
Are the other products listed good for human consumption?...thanks debbie

Re: CSFwd: Re: CSMSM powder form $6/lb

2006-07-23 Thread Mark S. Siepak
No, but I have read elsewhere the same type of info about mineral and herbal
supplements, ie, the bulk sales are the same item, just part of the
manufacturing run is certified for human use, and put into appropriate size
capsules. The rest gets pressed into pills for whatever size animal would be
taking them...there is a reason for some pills being called Horse Pills
(although true horse pills would choke a human, see the size of a cow magnet
and think if you would want to swallow that!!)


(Cow magnets are given orally to travel thru the digestive system and remove
nails, barbed wire fragments, nuts, bolts, wire, etc that the animal may
have eaten along with hay, pasture, feed, or cribbed from farm buildings)

Did you friend say anything about the vitamins, minerals and probiotics?
thanks again...debbie

-- Original message --
From: sol sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com

 Opti-msm is the only msm made in the U.S. from U.S. sourced raw
 materials, is my understanding.
 Mark S. Siepak wrote:
  I have a veterinary friend (DVM) who has said the vet drugs are
  exactly the same, from the same factories, but to be certified for
  human consumption they have to be monitored and tested periodically
  for purity, etc. So the animal drugs are at the beginning and end of a
  run of human drugs, just are not certified because the machinery is
  either still being adjusted, or after the run of human drugs are not
  monitored, when the rest of the raw materials on hand are being used
  up. He uses vet drugs for his family.  

Re: CSEveryday Use

2006-07-19 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Oddly, I have gotten a purple stain on counters where CS has dripped and not
been wiped up...
There exists a law, not written down...but inborn in our hearts;
a law which comes to us...from nature itself...
not from theory but from practice, not by instruction
but by natural intuition.
I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered...
any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.
-  Cicero 

Mark S Siepak 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSRoot Canals

2006-07-16 Thread Mark S. Siepak
I had the same problem, and had the root canal through a crown. The pain
went away, but about a year (maybe less) later, that crown cracked and had
to be replaced. I would do it and deal with any collateral damage later, if
it happens to crack the way mine did - the pain isn't worth it.
He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even
his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he
establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
- Thomas Paine
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSBlood typing, was Re: CSThis man's best freind

2006-07-10 Thread Mark S. Siepak
 The Red Cross via Mrs Bush was telling people to donate vast
amounts of blood, would it be badly needed.  What was said was that it
could be frozen.  Immediately called a doctor friend to verify that some
new blood process was not on the market.

Actually, I believe the plasma (serum, or liquid part of blood with blood
cells and maybe platelets filtered out) can be frozen up to a year. So not
some vampiric feast, as intimated...

There exists a law, not written down...but inborn in our hearts;
a law which comes to us...from nature itself...
not from theory but from practice, not by instruction
but by natural intuition.
I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered...
any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.
-  Cicero 

Mark S Siepak 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSVitamins / Taste of MSM

2006-07-09 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Amway/Quixtar used to have a tasty fruit flavored msm drink, years ago. Also
a great msm lotion that didn't have much odor at all ( I HATE anything like
that with a smell that lingers) You could try them.
The technical term jiffy is the name of an actual unit of time which
is1/100 of a second.
Mark Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSThis man's best freind

2006-07-06 Thread Mark S. Siepak
When my elderly cat needed blood, what they said was that animal hospitals
that need blood will have a universal donor animal available, usually one of
the vet's or one of the tech's. Perhaps the problems mentioned were because
of a lack of preparation/concern on the part of the vet: Whatever, they're
just animals.' I have met two of these money-grubbers (not good enough to be
an MD, but somehow got into DVM school, and are just out to make money)

Human blood typing is done the same way. The types are: A, B, AB, and O,
with O being universal donor (other blood types will accept without problems
most of the time), and AB being universal recipient (will accept blood from
any of the other types without problems most of the time).

Yes, there is the Rh factor, which only has an effect with mothers and
babies, and possibly severely debilitated immunodeficient people.
The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Re: CSThis man's best freind

2006-07-06 Thread Mark S. Siepak
BTW, that vet was not 'low tech', as you sneered.  ALL transfusions are done
that way, donor higher, recipient lower. The only reason blood is given from
bags hung up is that the blood has been stored from donors who are not able
to give transfusions in person. Could you imagine heart surgery, with 8-10
donors lined up in the hall to transfuse the patient?!! This is one reason
modern medicine saves so many lives.
Good intentions will always be pleaded for any assumption of power. The
Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good
intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean
to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.
- Daniel Webster
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSBlood typing, was Re: CSThis man's best freind

2006-07-06 Thread Mark S. Siepak
If you have had major surgery that would require more than a couple of units
(pints) of serum (which I don't think needs to be typed), your type is done
then, but not recorded permanently.

A lot of the 'public' are in condition white, ie, unaware of what is going
on or important in the world, and would not really remember their type, but
blurt out something so they won't look stupid, then if it is wrong and there
is a problem, sue! 

So they won't tell you, so it has to be done every time you may need blood
(you can lose a couple pints which can be replaced by serum only-no blood
cells or platelets). Exception is the military, and they don't trust memory
either, it is on the dog tag.

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India,
history will look upon the act of depriving a whole
nation of arms, as the blackest. ‹ Mahatma Gandhi
Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSapricot seeds,milk based probiotics

2006-06-20 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Sorry, but Paw-paw is a native North American fruit, Papaya is from the
tropics, and is the one with the digestive enzyme, papain, in the seeds. Dry
and grind them in a pepper mill.
The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSProbiotics

2006-06-19 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Check to see if it is milk-based. Ingredients that are related to dairy
would be whey, casein, milk solids, etc. I have a terrible time with even
milk in coffeeI would try acidophilous, kefir, real organic yogurt.
Kaopectate may be better or at least a good change from Immodium, too.

We use a Canadian-made Lacteeze enzyme added to milk to eliminate the
lactose - it even makes the milk last longer!  Gelda Scientific produces the
Lacteeze drops.  They do have an 800 toll free #, and it is:
1-866-673-9320, or try http://www.gelda.com
The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreaonable
world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble
is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality,
yet it is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and
regular than it is; its' exactitude is obvious; but its' inexactitude is
hidden, its' wildness lies in wait  --G. K.  Chesterton

Mark S. Siepak

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Re: CSdry itchy hands/ Thanks for the replies

2006-06-18 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Try avoiding powdered latex gloves. Some are allergic to the powder, some,
like my wife, are allergic to the latex. Where I work, we are required to
wear gloves most of the time, and are issued vinyl gloves. We have all
sizes, and it would be important to get the right size, as too small don't
really stretch enough to use, while too large are floppy. I could send you
one of each size around what size your hand is. I wear a medium to large
leather glove, and use Large vinyl gloves.

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art . . . it has no
survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to
survival. C. S. Lewis

Mark S. Siepak, bro...@gtcinternet.com

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSOT: Cat Question

2005-12-26 Thread Mark S. Siepak
Is Mookie drinking enough? What about litterbox 'dampness? We had a cat,
Murphy, for about 20 years, every few years his kidneys would go into
overdrive, or something, and he would start to get dehydrated, even though
the box was full of 'clumps.' It was like the water went right through him
so fast the body didn't have time to get what it needed. We always took him
to the vet, an old family friend, who would usually test urine, and then
send us home with a quart of IV fluid and a large bore needle. We would just
give him the extra fluid under the skin at intervals until it was gone. Then
he would be fine again for a few yearsstrange. The vet never figured it
out, and a substitute vet once when he was on vacation, did a lot of other
tests that proved nothing out of whack. ($$$ vacation for us!)

Take Mookie to the Vet.

Mark S. Siepak, bro...@gtcinternet.com

From: Raine rainelov...@sbcglobal.net

I have a question about my cat (will also post it to the SilverPets list,
but lately some posts have taken days to go through and I don't want to
wait). He was just laying in my lap having purr-fest and I realized that
his normally pink nose is very pale in color, almost white. His gums are
also quite pale. I believe this is indicative of anemia?
He's young (15 months) and is behaving normally. He eats Innova Evo for
cats. I also add CS to his water because he occasionally gets mouth sores.
He doesn't have fleas, or worms (to my knowledge). He hasn't had any
vaccinations since I got him last Jan.
Does anyone know of any other reason for his pale nose/gums? What should I
look for, and/or do?

Raine, with Mookie the Mindless
You do not examine legislation in light of the benefits it will convey if
properly administered, but in light of the wrongs it would do and the harms
it would cause if improperly administered.   ‹Lyndon B. Johnson

Re: CS**white diarrhea in a child??

2005-12-24 Thread Mark S. Siepak
The only time I have heard of white diarrhea was when my sister lived in
West Texas and drank some water that was highly alkaline, runoff from
Cinnibar (mercury extracted with cyanide) mines. They had to bring water in
for any consumption, even teeth-brushing!

Hope the young'un didn't eat/drink something nasty
 What would cause vomiting with white??(says the
 parents) diarrhea in a three year old? They tested for
 Hep, said it was negative. My husband is ill with his
 liver and I am afraid for him to be near them, it's
 his son's family. 

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