Re: Dragging from message list to Knujon e-mail: AV

2007-01-06 Thread James Senick
Hello Mary,

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, at 03:25:17 [GMT -0600] (which was 4:25:17
AM in NY, USA) Mary Bull wrote:

> In connection with the discussion going on about Spam filters:

> Knujon sent me a Welcome letter in which they suggested that I drag
> the listing from a Spam message into the Editor window, as a means of
> attaching reports of several messages into one e-mail report to them.

I realize this doesn't address your specific TB related concern.
 But I wanted to share how I have been sending gobs of spam to
Knujon for several months now.  First I registered with Knujon
and sent them a list of all the email addresses to which I
receive spam.  Within about a week, they sent me a message with
a personal reporting address and an ftp account.  During the
week that I waited for ftp access, I did send the spam by way of
attachment. I'll mention this later.  But once I had ftp access,
I simply set my view mode to show rfc headers, exported all my
verified spam for each day to a folder in eml format, compressed
the spam, and finally ftp'd it to knujon.  I've reported over
20,000 spam messages in this way.

Knujon Registration:

Now for the hard way...before I had ftp access, I tried several
methods of sending spam to knujon. The first was a simple filter
that would forward any selected messages upon a hotkey combo
trigger.  Sometimes it worked.  But sometimes it did not.  This
method seemed to choke on some html stockspam.  Also, I had more
luck when only selecting 5 messages at a time.  If successful,
the forwards would be queued and the original would be archived
in a 'reported' folder.  This was too slow for me.

Lastly, I could select 22 messages (my preview pane shows 22),
right-click, choose 'alternative forward' to create a new
message with 22 eml attachments, and send that to Knujon.  More
could be selected but anything over 5-7 mb was sometimes
rejected.  My only problem with this method is that I could not
get the eml's to show the headers even when I had View set to
show them.  Knujon doesn't require them but I wanted to show
them anyway as I was trying to find a way to report to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] at the same time.

FTP appears to be the best solution.  But even if you don't want
to use an ftp client, they offer a Web based upload interface.
But I believe you need to be registered to use either.  More
info on reporting methods is buried within Knujon's
CastleCops forum:


Best regards,
James Senick

The Bat! v.3.86.11 beta
Windows XP build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB Shut down on Periodical Check

2002-08-26 Thread James Senick

Hello Peter,

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, at 17:37:52 [GMT +0200] (which was 11:37:52
AM in NY, USA) Peter Palmreuther wrote:

> There's _no_ such limit in RFC-(2)822 that is near 150+ characters, the
> only limit given is: 999 characters, and a recommendation to have lines no
> longer than 78 or 80 characters (means: folding long header lines).

The actual message in question contains more than 150 email
addresses...not just characters.  So the number of characters is
well above 999.  But this may be beside the point.

> I can't imagine why this 'long line' would make TB! crash, but if James
> could 'conserve' this mail in it's original state I'd be interested in
> inspecting it and it's repercussions on The Bat! by myself.

I can't either and it intrigues the heck out of me.  I have
conserved the message but cannot figure out how I could send an
exact copy to anyone else including myself.  Since I can't
receive it, I can't do much else but forward it via the
dispatcher to the best of my knowledge.

All I can really add is that from the list of email addresses
provided, I am sure it's spam.  So it could be possible that
something within the actual body of the message causes TB to
shut down.  But without being able to receive it, I cannot say
for sure.  That is the part that intrigues me--something that
can take TB down.  The question arises; what else could it do?

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB Shut down on Periodical Check

2002-08-26 Thread James Senick

Hello Thomas,

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, at 23:57:51 [GMT +0700] (which was 12:57:51
PM in NY, USA) Thomas F. wrote:

JS>> That is the part that intrigues me--something that
JS>> can take TB down.  The question arises; what else could it do?

> This is a very good question. Do you have any other access to the mail
> server, so that you can retrieve the message another way? Ritlabs
> certainly need to investigate here IMHO.

No, there is no other way that I know of right now.  I tried to
gain FTP access from our hosting service and they will not allow
it.  In fact, they recommended that I open the message from the
Web mail alternative.  Bad suggestion IMO.  I guess that's why
I'm not in tech support. ;)

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB Shut down on Periodical Check

2002-08-26 Thread James Senick

Hello Peter,

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, at 20:05:19 [GMT +0200] (which was 2:05:19
PM in NY, USA) Peter Palmreuther wrote:

> But ... is it really _one long line_??? That question has to be answered,
> else there's probably something completely different that makes The Bat!
> crash. It's hard to imagine the MTA did not fold this overlong line, that's
> why I ask.

Via TB's dispatcher, it certainly appears to be all one line.
But that doesn't necessarily say what the originator saw.  My
first thought when I saw it was that somehow the BCC line and
the Subject line were merged by some freak error.  The addresses
(or at least most of them) begin with 'submit@' so I don't think
it would be a stretch to think this person was using the BCC
line to spew his/her spam.

> @James: could you contact your ISP to grab this mail 'as is' out of your
> mailbox and send it to you as ZIPed (or any other form of archive that
> conserves _the original state_) file??? Any chance this could be done???

It's actually a mail account tied into one of the Web sites I
administrate.  But my hosting provider will not allow me ftp
access to the mail directory nor will they zip it and send it to
me.  I might ask again in a day or so though.  BTW, even if I
can get them to do this for me, all they can send me is an MBX
file. Are there any other mail clients with a dispatcher that
allow for redirecting a message straight from the dispatcher?  I
seem to remember a client that would allow one to choose how
many lines of body text the dispatcher would preview...

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB Shut down on Periodical Check

2002-08-26 Thread James Senick

Hello Julian,

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, at 21:11:10 [GMT +0100] (which was 4:11:10
PM in NY, USA) Julian Beach (Lists) wrote:

> I think that Popcorn might do this - it works only on messages on the
> server without downloading.  It is no longer available from
> the developers, but if you search for Popcorn you should be able to
> find it.  If not, let me know, and I will email you a copy.  It is a
> 108K zip file, and about 300K unzipped.  It has a small .ini file for
> configuration - no registry settings.

Thanks Julian.  Cool little program.  I really thought this was
going to workBut the message crashed Popcorn too :(
Unfortunately, Popcorn will not allow me to redirect that
message without first downloading it...which of course, crashes

> Julian

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: AVG/TB limitations and issues

2002-08-31 Thread James Senick

Hello ETM,

On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, at 13:49:09 [GMT -0400] (which was 1:49:09
PM in NY, USA) ETM wrote:

> Limitations

> Plugin doesn't certify messages due to a nature of the
> anti-virus plugin interface of The Bat!. The plugin is called
> only on message attachments. Outgoing messages are scanned
> since a version 1.61 of The Bat!

I think AVG normally could insert a brief message that
"certifies" that your message has been scanned before it was
sent.  The plug-in will not allow it to do this.  Further, I
think they may be explaining this badly as I believe for AVG to
be able to do this, it would have to be a plug-in to TB rather
than just a scanning plug-in.  But if you know they're being
scanned before leaving your pc, couldn't one "certify" them
one's self?

> Known issues

> Embedded messages are not currently scanned. According to
> producers of The Bat!, this problem should be fixed in the
> version 1.62 of The Bat!

As Leif mentions, these are nested messages.  And I believe
nested messages are actually scanned (after all they are
attachments themselves).  But what do not get scanned are the
the attachments of those nested messages.  So, better stated
(assuming I am correct, of course) the AVG plug-in cannot read
below the first level of attachments.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: AVG/TB limitations and issues

2002-08-31 Thread James Senick

Hello ETM,

On Sat, 31 Aug 2002, at 17:17:31 [GMT -0400] (which was 5:17:31
PM in NY, USA) ETM wrote:

> My current AV is notifying me when it receives Klez, etc., usually
> cleaning and restoring mail.  Do I understand correctly that AVG
> does not have that capability?

It will catch them.  It's caught every one here so far and I get
a lot of them sent my way...except those that are attached to
nested messages. Klez uses this method as well and it also
happens simply as a result of using your email address to mail
somehwhere that bounces 'your' message back to you.  Nasty little
thing that Klez is.

> I am not quick to "open" unknown
> items but I also don't want to jump from what appears to
> be protective to perhaps a not-so-protective AV program, or do I
> totally misunderstand what they are saying?

I use two -- Panda and AVG.  I use AVG only because of Klez and
the fact that Panda can't scan TB messages for some reason.  I
could get by without it for sure.  But it's nice to have those
hundreds and hundreds of Klez messages filtered for me
automatically.  Plus, AVG is the only other scanner besides
Panda that I have used that doesn't miss something.  I am not
referring to this nested message business.  Rather, I mean if I
put 50 collected viruses in a folder and scan them with several
AV apps, only AVG and Panda have caught them all.  Those others
that people seem so enamored with miss things left and right

> Elaine

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Wish list item

2002-09-27 Thread James Senick


Hello Jim,

I added this to the list several months ago with the added wish
that threads also be configurable i.e. dragging a message from
one thread to another and having it inherit it's new thread's
subject.  I don't think anyone understood what I was talking

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, at 13:23:50 [GMT +0100] (which was 8:23:50
AM in NY, USA) Jim Lanyon wrote:

> Hello Batters,

> How many Emails does one receive where the subject line content is:

> 1.  Less than clear
> 2.  Does not fully relate to the message content
> 3.  Is the 3rd or 4th reiteration of replies

> There was a facility in Outlook 2000 where the subject line could be amended.
> This was a useful, especially if one receives faxes from companies like
> Efax, where the subject line says "2 page(s) eFax from 02075874158" .  it also
> allows you to make subject line content relevant to your purpose.

> Worthy of consideration for inclusion in the nexr release?

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Wish list item

2002-09-27 Thread James Senick

Hello brunson,

Yes, that's a nifty workaround but certainly not a
solution...and Allie already suggested this. Nevertheless, you
forgot to mention that during this process, you have to save the
edited message which, unfortunately, adjusts the date.

But hey, I could just adjust my clock settings every time I do
this ...  Seriously, if it is a useful feature (I feel so)
there should be an added feature to cover it.  Unfortunately, TB
is built around too many workarounds as it is.

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, at 10:18:27 [GMT -0700] (which was 1:18:27
PM in NY, USA) brunson wrote:

s>> bye...  mark.
>   You can simply drag the Email into the outbox folder-Then double
>   click on it and it will open to allow you to EDIT any portion of the
>   message_ Subject line and or Body. Close and then drag back into your
>   inbox Folder..

>   BOB

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Wish list item

2002-09-27 Thread James Senick

Hello Gerard,

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, at 23:24:03 [GMT +0200] (which was 5:24:03
PM in NY, USA) Gerard wrote:

> Hi James,
>  It amazes me that someone who wants to edit an received email is
>  worried about the time and date.

It amazes me why many don't understand the need for it.  If I
had to guess, I'd have to say that many who don't see the need
to edit the subject lines either don't carry on discussions or
they simply do not use email for anything vital.

I receive a good deal of email much of which covers the same
topics yet have various subject lines.  More often than that, I
get replies to messages from me about one topic but containing
an entirely new topic.  With input from many different sources
at different times, date and time is essential to keep the
original flow of the topic.  Folders can only carry you so far.

>  As a last resort you could try export-edit-import.

I have used this method in the past minus the import part as I
was just archiving.  But good call just the same.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Wish list item

2002-09-27 Thread James Senick

Hello Allie,

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, at 18:35:16 [GMT -0500] (which was 7:35:16
PM in NY, USA) Allie C Martin wrote:

> This sounds so good that I think I'll go set this up now. :)

And I'll save this message for when and if a "moving threads"
option is ever available.  If I had it, this is what I'd do:

I'd use your shortcut and filter to edit the subject of the
first message in this thread.  Then after importing it back to
my TBDUL folder, I'd drag the rest of the messages in this
thread into a new one created by that exported/altered/imported
message that started it all off.  Except this time, the whole
thread will be entitled "Editable Subject" instead of Wish List

Sure would be nice to just type over the subject though :)
Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Editing incoming mail (was: Wish list item)

2002-09-28 Thread James Senick

Hello Dierk,

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, at 09:35:40 [GMT +0200] (which was 3:35:40
AM in NY, USA) Dierk Haasis wrote:

> Wrong. I do change occasionally the subject line *in conversation*.
> That is, I assign a meaningful/changed subject line to a reply. I am
> very particular when it comes to vital communication and *don't want
> anybody to change my mails* (this is for all of you that don't think
> international Copyright doesn't hold if authors don't expressly forbid
> to do anything).

Ah yes, Copyright law...the great obstacle to progress.  I won't
get into that too much because I respect your intelligence and
contribution to the Internet Community at large.  And I realize
I won't change your mind no matter how persuasive my argument.
The bottom line from my end is that I have absolutely no
intention of taking credit away from anyone, I simply want to
organize their shared information in a way that better suits the
way I work...keyword being work.

>> More often than that, I get replies to messages from me about one
>> topic but containing an entirely new topic. With input from many
>> different sources at different times, date and time is essential to
>> keep the original flow of the topic. Folders can only carry you so
>> far.

> That shows you why at least some RFCs aren't that bad. And it shows
> that the list rules do make more sense than just cater to the egos of
> the moderators.

Indeed.  But your response shows how much of the point you are
missing.  I'm not concerned with lists in this topic but rather
ongoing business discussions.

I realize this is going to make you and others upset but it
needs to be said.  The purpose of this "wish" is for business
purposes or at least things vital to someone's purpose with
email.  Many people wishing to use TB for business came from
Outlook.  And of course they are used to some of the more
practical features of Outlook...many of those that TB doesn't
have.  And while those rushing to the aid of TB can claim every
high-brow artistic excuse they can muster, the fact remains
that TB is missing many business type features.  As such, it is
very difficult to train (or even consider training) an office to
do the things they need to do with TB that they did so "easily"
with Outlook.  This wish is just one of those features and
admittedly not a major one.

[bracing for flames] Outlook did have the option of marking any
editing done by the recipient.  I used this feature often.  And
if I am not mistaken, it also retained the original subject
header but simply gave it some type of alias for organizational
purposes.  I may be mistaken but I seem to recall this as an
annoyance because if I replied to a message who'd subject I
edited (I filtered my replies to the same folders) I'd see my
own message with the original subject soon thereafter.  If any
program has the ability to keep track of all edits, it's TB.  It
could insert  in the message body, it could list
the original subject and message id.

There's simply no reason not to have this feature available.
And I'd hate to see it's consideration blocked because someone
fears the possibility of their email message being altered.

>> I have used this method in the past minus the import part as I
>> was just archiving.  But good call just the same.

> What you actually should do - for archiving purposes - is to export
> the mails completely into a text file, make some clearly
> distinguishable annotations and save them. Within TB! you use the Memo
> feature which can help a lot.

I do Dierk.  And if I could only run a second copy of TB, I
could import these back to that copy at will for searching.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Editing incoming mail (was: Wish list item)

2002-09-28 Thread James Senick

Hello Dierk,

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, at 12:21:50 [GMT +0200] (which was 6:21:50
AM in NY, USA) Dierk Haasis wrote:

> What I cannot do is take your comments, adjust them as I like (even
> for private use!) and then either say it is mine or it is yours. What
> I can do, is write something that is clearly identified as a comment
> unto it (regardless if it is a letter in paper or an e-mail).

Please?  This is another issue entirely but you are mistaken.
I'm surprised not to hear the 'evils' of redirecting
messages..after all they should never be sent to anyone without
the express written consent of the author, right?  Please?

> And I again remind us of the Memo function which does exactly that and
> can be used in filtering for, i.e., archival purposes.

Nice feature that appears to have been thrown in as an
afterthought and never polishedgood intention, bad

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Editing incoming mail (was: Wish list item)

2002-09-28 Thread James Senick

Hello Jan,

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, at 09:46:13 [GMT -0400] (which was 9:46:13
AM in NY, USA) Jan Rifkinson wrote:

>   Without commenting on the merits of your
>   position one way or the other, it strikes
>   me that you may be coming to this question
>   from a very different POV that some of the
>   others commenting on this thread.

>   As a professional writer [if memory serves
>   me] you are, have a right to be & should
>   be, very concerned with copyright &
>   ownership issues.

And a good one at that with a refreshing style.  But no matter
which angle you enter this fray from, copyright doesn't apply
here.  If you're talking about discussion lists, they are
public; if you're talking about business e-mails, it's really
only important that thoughts are organized and solutions are
discovered.  If you're concerned about people editing your
email messages (and I have to giggle here) put a copyright
statement on them and save your originals.  If you're really,
really concerned with copyright, it may help to dig into it
some more and convince yourself that copyright is not assumed
nor does the placement of a statement or symbol protect your
words from 'theft' or alteration.

>   Anyone publishing official works or quoting
>   would/should identify them as such whether
>   in conversation or in writing. But the
>   subject line may not be inviolate as it is
>   may not be considered content.

Indeed.  And while I feel Dierk's and others' feelings against
this are just, the idea of assumed copyright on a subject header
is laughable.

>   BTW, anyone who wants to change the subject
>   of this post for archival purposes can do
>   so AFAIC or annotate it to their heart's
>   content.

I have a feeling Marck will change the subject any minute now. 

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Editing incoming mail (was: Wish list item)

2002-09-28 Thread James Senick

Hello Jan,

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, at 10:15:54 [GMT -0400] (which was 10:15:54
AM in NY, USA) Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JS>> [...] There's simply no reason not to
JS>> have this feature available. [/...]

>   Sure there is.

>   This is a different program & the
>   feature[s] you are talking about can be
>   handled differently in TB!.

Ok, badly stated...there is no reason I see that this feature
shouldn't be considered.  Better?

>   If your group can't be retrained, must we
>   conclude that The Bat! has to be changed to
>   meet their requirements?

Absolutely!  That's what I am here for...and many others I am
sure.  Call it lobbying for your interests to be considered.

>   I don't think so.

Really?  I don't buy that.  I've seen you raise a good many
argument for and against features based upon what you feel
would serve email users better.

>   After all, these requirements seemed to be
>   based on their use of an email client that
>   is apparently inferior & unsatisfactory [to
>   them] otherwise there wouldn't be any
>   interest in switching to TB! in the first
>   place.

Have you ever come across an office or department you know would
benefit from switching to TB only to hold that suggestion
because of the "learning curve" involved.  That's badly said
too.  TB doesn't have a steep learning curve.  Rather, more
popular software has a 'dumbing' effect.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Editing incoming mail (was: Wish list item)

2002-09-28 Thread James Senick

Hello Jan,

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, at 11:19:22 [GMT -0400] (which was 11:19:22
AM in NY, USA) Jan Rifkinson wrote:

>   A valid point but I think lobbying for
>   something that already exists in a
>   different form sort of belongs in the dept.
>   of redundancy dept.

Redundancy? Redundancy?  I'm starting to sway a bit here but not
fully.  Two different approaches to accomplish the same task is
not necessarily a bad thing.  I am trying as hard as I can to
convince others that this is a useful feature that could be made
easier if enough people found the 'need' for it.

>   My point is that if a suggested feature
>   can't be accomplished in a given program,
>   it should be placed on the wish list &
>   weighed against the other suggested
>   features. But if, as in this case, I
>   believe the program can already handle the
>   stated need, then I don't think that the
>   program should be dumbed down to facilitate
>   its use.

If people have workaround in place to achieve such a thing then
it only makes sense to consider it for hard coding.  What  was
referring to as far as 'dumbing' is that the competing products
in question make it impossible for one to look past a toggle
button for options.  That said, Outlook's implementation of the
subject editing feature is not one of these features.  It can be
done but it's not 'easily' found.  BTW, it wasn't handled very
well either.  But power users could certainly find it and
administrators could easily set it into motion.

>   Dumbed down, like television network fare
>   in the U.S. is a product that tries to
>   please the lowest common denominator. I
>   just don't buy this approach.

No, dumbed down is more of a containment thing...only let the
people see what we want them to see...then that becomes their
limited environment for life.

>   In addition, I think there are other
>   programs, Mailbag Assistant or Zoot for
>   instance, that are far more able to
>   categorize, archive & gather emails on a
>   specific subject than TB!

Tried them both...and the worst excuse for an archival program
I've ever seen...Express Archiver.  What I'd like to use is
MHonArc but have yet to find the time to put some work into it.

>   TB! is always going to be a niche product
>   -- hopefully a big enough niche to reward
>   its developers -- and there is no reason,
>   IMO, to turn it into something that its
>   not.

And perhaps it is my responsibility to set up what is needed to
accomplish such tasks with TB more easily.  My client has one
copy of TB running per my suggestion.  I'd really like the whole
place to be using it.  That's another topic I suppose.

>   Let's bag it before they tag us.

As long as I have the last word.  I really want this feature and
even more the ability to combine threads.

>   Take care.

Peace.  Just don't diss our Country's TV anymore as some of us
like our trash. 

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Watch Threads

2002-09-29 Thread James Senick

Hello Batters,

New wish list item for consideration...or is it necessary?  I
really miss an old "Watch Thread" feature that I think I came
across first in XNews.  For lists, I'd really like to be able to
highlight incoming messages of a thread interesting or important
to me.  Perhaps some would like the option to have a sound
alert or pop-up notification when a new message to a 'watched'
thread was received.  I'd be happy with just a predefined color
group, highlighting those messages.  A filter won't do since one
would have to create conceivably hundreds over the course of
time.  But perhaps just a macro with assigned hotkey to toggle a
thread's being 'watched' would do if not for the lazily
preferred context menu option?

Is this worth pursuing to anyone else?  Is such a thing possible
with TB macros and templates? Currently, I couldn't
write a TB macro or template if my life depended on it.  But I
can borrow and alter them with the best of them. 

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-09-29 Thread James Senick

Hello Dierk,

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, at 19:23:27 [GMT +0200] (which was 1:23:27
PM in NY, USA) Dierk Haasis wrote:

> Hello James!

> On Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 6:52:34 PM you wrote:

>> Is this worth pursuing to anyone else?

> There is a difference in handling e-mail and news - XNews and Agent
> are both (AFAIK) off-line newsreaders. E-mails are usually
> transferred from the server to your machine to do the necessary work
> on them. With news you only load down those messages you are
> interested in; the Watch Thread feature therefore automates this for
> you.

I understand the differences between the applications.  However,
that is not the point nor does it prohibit mail clients from
achieving the same regardless of how messages are transferred or
stored.  Quick example...since I am involved in this thread, I'd
like every future reply to it or any threads spawned from it to
be highlighted automatically.  The purpose is to get right to
where I left off when I return later and having this thread
stand out amongst the rest.  Important to note, such a feature
should be able to toggle highlighting off for the thread as a
whole..none of this one message at a time nonsense.

Perhaps I was incorrect in my terminology, but I believe the
'Watch Thread' command I was referring to simply highlighted
future additions to the thread...not singling them out for
download against the rest.  But I was mistaken also about XNews.
 In XNews, I used 'scoring' to achieve similar organization.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-09-29 Thread James Senick

Hello Scott,

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, at 12:31:57 [GMT -0500] (which was 1:31:57
PM in NY, USA) Scott McNay wrote:

> Methinks  you're  missing  the  point.   "Mark  Thread"  means  you're
> interested in the subject and want it highlighted or something so that
> you can read it first, before any other email.  I agree with James, it
> might be interesting.

Correct.  I want to mark a thread or topic as "watched" or
important so that every response to that thread takes visual
precedence over others.

> James,  just  create  a  rule that applies a color.  It shouldn't take
> tooo long to create a rule, if you're accustomed to doing it.

If you're referring to a filter...I don't want to move the
message nor create hundreds of filters over time regardless of
how easy it is. Plus any filter solution (at least any I have
thought of) would leave out the important need to "un-watch" an
entire thread.  If I misunderstood, please let me know.

And before anyone suggests it, marking a thread after the fact
does not cut it.  To be useful, it would have to mark _future_
replies to the thread as the come in.

Not to drag this out too much...but I would have been more than
happy with just parking a whole thread provided that every
**future reply to that thread were automatically parked** without
intervention.  Currently, I repeatedly park threads I am
"watching" each time I come across them.  I unpark the thread
when I lose interest or the thread dies.  IOW, I am using the
park thread feature as a glorified flag.  Hopefully that
clarifies my purpose a bit.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-09-29 Thread James Senick

Hello pmf,

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, at 15:34:49 [GMT -0400] (which was 3:34:49
PM in NY, USA) pmf wrote:

J>> New wish list item for consideration...or is it necessary?  I
J>> really miss an old "Watch Thread" feature that I think I came
J>> across first in XNews.

> The "Watch Thread" feature has been in news readers long pre-dating
> XNews.

To clarify, I said I came across it first, not that XNews
featured it first.  I too have used a good many newsreaders in
the past.  While I don't consider it a newsreader per se, it may
have been OE in which I first saw the "watch thread" option. It
could have been Agent or Gravity.  The reason I mentioned XNews
at all was to give an example of what I was after.  Had I known
that people would think I didn't know the difference between a
newsreader and a mail client, I wouldn't have did so.  My
fault...I mistakenly used the term "Watch Thread" which at least
Agent uses to selectively download future messages that belong to a
thread of interest. Was it Netscape Messenger that had a similar
scoring function for mail threads?

> It's been expressed many times on the list that people essentially want
> to bring the functionality of news readers to mailing lists. Outwardly,
> the newsgroups and mailing lists are very similar, but the guts of how
> news and email work are very different, making it not a trivial task to
> add some of a news readers functionality to a mailer.

More importantly, the purpose of newsgroups and mail lists are
similar.  Seeing the response to the recent wish list item that
I supported, I gathered that a good many TB users use lists
often.  As such, I expected to see some support for this
particular suggestion.

> As you mention in another message, what you're thinking of is scoring,
> not watching.

Thanks for correcting me.  But remember, the scoring should be

> A simple highlighting or flagging would be doable if TB
> could keep a setting for thread - for example, a mark thread flagged
> option would flag incoming as well existing messages in the thread.

That'd be perfect.  But I think the actual procedure would have
to be internal since TB offers the ability to select by what
header people prefer their messages to be threaded if at all.

> However, I've seen news readers - which are designed to handle such
> processing - have trouble with consistently applying thread settings to
> new messages in a thread, so I'd guess its not as easy to do as it might
> seem.

The only 'reader' I recall encountering such a problem was
OE...enough said.

But is this suggestion good enough to add to the Wish list in
your opinion?

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-09-29 Thread James Senick

Hello Marck,

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, at 23:51:23 [GMT +0100] (which was 6:51:23
PM in NY, USA) Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

> Every time a new thread comes up that I want to watch, I just add
> the subject as an alternative search. Works a treat! Every so often
> I tidy the filter up and remove old subjects from it.

Oh my!  I feel dumb.  I completely forgot about the alternative
sets.  Thanks Marck.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-09-30 Thread James Senick

Hello Marck,

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, at 04:00:02 [GMT +0100] (which was 11:00:02
PM in NY, USA) Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

> You are. The watch filter works on the Inbox. It highlights any mail
> you are currently watching, moving it to the Inbox (i.e. not moving
> it at all). The mail is then filtered to ... wherever it wants to be
> by the subsequent filters.

This is acceptable provided that one _only_ wants to have this
filter replied on future incoming mail.  IOW, if you wanted to
set a hotkey to apply this filter to already 'in-house' threads
/ messages, they'd be moved back to the inbox from the folder
you were browsing.  In this case, only a re-filter would
do...that is, unless you were to have that filter park messages
as part of the action set.  BTW, Marck.  I have a need for a
certain filter that's driving me batty :)  Can I write you
direct to see if I'm on the right track?

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-09-30 Thread James Senick

Hello Marck,

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, at 12:43:21 [GMT +0100] (which was 7:43:21
AM in NY, USA) Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

JS>> ... if you wanted to set a hotkey to apply this filter to
JS>> already 'in-house' threads / messages, they'd be moved back to
JS>> the inbox from the folder you were browsing.

> Not necessarily. I just added  as the hotkey for the
> filter and left the "Check the selected message against this rule"
> unchecked. It works perfectly, applying the "watched thread" colour
> but leaving the message in place.

That's odd.  Mine moved them. I'll test again in a bit.  I must
have left something out.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-09-30 Thread James Senick

Hello Marck,

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, at 08:09:46 [GMT -0400] (which was 8:09:46
AM in NY, USA) James Senick wrote:

>> Not necessarily. I just added  as the hotkey for the
>> filter and left the "Check the selected message against this rule"
>> unchecked. It works perfectly, applying the "watched thread" colour
>> but leaving the message in place.

> That's odd.  Mine moved them. I'll test again in a bit.  I must
> have left something out.

 OK, I found what it was.  What I did originally was neglect to
set the folder to Inbox...instead it was set to TBDUL.  So each
time I used the hotkey combo on any thread already here, the
thread would move to TBDUL plus the other actions I had set.  I
assumed that the same would occur when the move to folder was
set correctly as Inbox, but I was mistaken.  Why, I don't
understand, but as long as the move to folder is the Inbox, they
don't move at all regardless of what folder you're working in.
Hope I didn't confuse anyone.  Thanks for keeping me in check

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Email Archiving, was: Editing incoming mail (was: Wish list item)

2002-09-30 Thread James Senick

Hello Doug,

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, at 10:48:28 [GMT +0100] (which was 5:48:28
AM in NY, USA) Doug Weller wrote:

> What don't you like about Mailbag Assistant?

> Has anyone tried Forkeeps?
 Reply to this message has been sent directly to you and to TBOT
as well as this thread has been declared Dead.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Wish list item

2002-09-30 Thread James Senick

Hello Jonathan,

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, at 14:03:20 [GMT -0500] (which was 3:03:20
PM in NY, USA) Jonathan Angliss wrote:

> On Monday, September 30, 2002, Doug Weller wrote...

>>> Here's the filter:
>>> BeginFilter
>>> Name: Export for editing
>>> Active: 1
>>> Source: \\alliem\Inbox
>>> Target: \\alliem\Inbox
>>> CopyFolder: none

>> [SNIP]
>> Sorry, I'm lost.

>> What do I do with this? Where do I put it?

> Highlight from where it says BeginFilter to EndFilter (inclusive),
> copy (CTRL C), then go to your filters dialog box, and press CTRL V.
> You should notice a new filter magically appear ;)

Don't forget to alter the paths listed to match your mail folder
structure and the path to the text editor of your choice.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-10-01 Thread James Senick

Hello Miguel,

On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, at 19:16:49 [GMT +0200] (which was 1:16:49
PM in NY, USA) Miguel A. Urech wrote:

>>  OK, I found what it was.  What I did originally was neglect to
>> set the folder to Inbox...instead it was set to TBDUL.  So each
>> time I used the hotkey combo on any thread already here, the
>> thread would move to TBDUL plus the other actions I had set.  I
>> assumed that the same would occur when the move to folder was
>> set correctly as Inbox, but I was mistaken.  Why, I don't
>> understand, but as long as the move to folder is the Inbox, they
>> don't move at all regardless of what folder you're working in.
>> Hope I didn't confuse anyone.  Thanks for keeping me in check
>> Marck.

> Like you, I don't understand why they are not moved. That is what I
> find odd. A bug perhaps? A _useful_ bug?

I didn't want to mention this until I had some time to look at
it more closely but...

While the use of my specified HotKey combo no longer moves the
selected messages (as long as the Move to...folder is set to
Inbox, that is) the filter itself _is_ _copying_ incoming messages
back to the Inbox eventhough

A) The Watch filter is set to "continue processing other
filters" and

B) My TBDUL filter is still active and correctly set to move
applicable messages to the TBDUL folder and

C) My Watch filter resides above the TBDUL filter.

I don't get it. If anything were to go wrong, I'd expect
incoming messages to be moved to the inbox rather than copied
there.  I suspect that it has something to do with the fact that
one of my 'Actions' is to park the message...if you have a rule
set to move a message that's parked, it copies it.  But I do not
understand why the move command is ignored unless it is parked.

More when I get time.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-10-01 Thread James Senick

Hello Marck,

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, at 00:06:08 [GMT +0100] (which was 7:06:08
PM in NY, USA) Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

MAU>> Like you, I don't understand why they are not moved. That is
MAU>> what I find odd. A bug perhaps? A _useful_ bug?

> No, an intended feature. It has always been so and designed to be
> so, that when the source and destination folders of a filter are the
> same then a message is not moved.

Assuming you mean in practice rather than just in theory, is it
conceivable that if you _initially_ have a filter set to move
messages to another folder and _then_ change it to move to the
inbox that said intended feature is broken?

IOW, if you leave it alone, TB never moves the message at all.
But if you actively configure it to move the message to the
inbox, then it actually does?

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Watch Threads

2002-10-02 Thread James Senick

Hello Marck,

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, at 02:15:28 [GMT +0100] (which was 9:15:28
PM in NY, USA) Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

JS>> IOW, if you leave it alone, TB never moves the message at all.
JS>> But if you actively configure it to move the message to the
JS>> inbox, then it actually does?

> Manually invoked filters that check against rules will move a
> message from a folder to the Inbox. So that's one circumstance under
> which a "No move" filter does move. So, yes, exceptions can be
> induced.

Actually, I meant _manually re-configured_ but I think you may
have answered the question anyway.  More importantly though,
I've found that this oddity / feature is kind of a bonus when
considering my original intent which was basically to be made
more aware of threads I'm interested in.  I have a safe copy
with the same formatting intended sent to the proper folder and
a "hey look at me" copy in the Inbox.  Clutter?  Not at all
since I now know I can delete the ones in the Inbox at will and
refer to the entire thread in the proper folder when necessary.
 Granted, I could set a highlight, flag, and copy filter instead
to achieve the same.  But it's a nice little discovery just the

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Antivirus Programs.

2002-10-07 Thread James Senick

Hello Chris,

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, at 15:19:58 [GMT -0700] (which was 6:19:58
PM in NY, USA) Chris Weaven wrote:

> Hi all,

> As the subject suggests, I'm trying to find out what the preferred
> anti-virus program is out there.

I use two -- Panda AntiVirus Platinum and AVG.  I have used and
trusted Panda for a while now but picked up AVG for it's
integration with TB via plug-in as someone already mentioned.
After a while AVG has gained my respect and now is also used as
a double check.

However, I let neither run on it's own.  The only automatic
scanning done here is by AVG on incoming email.  Anything else I
check manually.  I've only ever been burned by one virus /
trojan and that was CodeRed.  For that type of threat, these
days I use Sygate Personal Firewall.

> Can people let me know what they use and the reason they use it.

All the above I use for their configurability and simple ability
to drop down to manual mode. If I were using a shared computer I
would consider other more automatic configurations if not other
products entirely.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Splash Screen?

2002-10-23 Thread James Senick
Hello Anne,

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, at 02:31:16 [GMT +0100] (which was 9:31:16
PM in NY, USA) Anne wrote:

> However, I tried this and it didn't work - I still have a logo showing
> when TB launches even though the hotkey is now pointing to the batch
> file.

For a goof, try this:

-Open Windows Explorer and locate your TB program folder

-Right-Click drag THEBAT.exe to your desktop and choose "Create
Shortcut Here"

-Right-Click that newly created shortcut on the desktop and
choose "Properties".

-Append the path listed in the "Target" box with /nologo
(ensure there is a space before the /switch)

-Now, right-click drag that newly created shortcut to another
spot on the desktop and again choose "Create Shortcut Here".

- Change the name of this new shortcut to something more
descriptive like "HotShort".

- You've created a shortcut to a shortcut.  Configure your
hotkey / button to launch the second level shortcut - HotShot.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Splash Screen?

2002-10-23 Thread James Senick
Hello Adam,

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, at 17:45:12 [GMT -0230] (which was 4:15:12
PM in NY, USA) Adam wrote:

JA>> cd\progra~1\

JA>> then type

JA>> dir

JA>> and see what it tells you "The Bat!" folder is.  Mine shows as
JA>> thebat~1...

> Will that be the same in Windows XP?  I can't duplicate the above in
> XP.

For XP, you can try the same method via command prompt.  You can
get to the prompt by typing "command" (without quotes) in the
Run dialogue.

Start/Run/type "command"/Click OK

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Regarding TB! Internet Presence & Support

2002-10-20 Thread James Senick
Hello Don,

On Sun, 20 Oct 2002, at 20:41:24 [GMT -0400] (which was 8:41:24
PM in NY, USA) Don Zeigler wrote:

> People seem to like the community feel of a message board. Not to mention
> that a board offers yet more pages for indexing by search engines,
> increasing a program's visibility.

Good enough for me.  True about the indexing.  I hadn't thought
of that.  Though they also index the archives.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Sending HTML with The Bat!

2002-10-21 Thread James Senick
Hello Tim,

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, at 10:13:32 [GMT -0400] (which was 10:13:32
AM in NY, USA) Tim Musson wrote:

> Could you keep this on the List? I don't want to send HTML mail, but
> would like to know how if I *need* to in the future.

No way, man.  It's mine...j/k

Personally, I have no problem with that.  It's just kind of
lengthy for TBDUL.  I'll make it downloadable / readable from

It should be said that I adapted and revised this method from
Marck's FAQ mention of Oleg Zalyalov's original solution.

If anyone has any amendments or fixes to the method, I'd
appreciate it if they'd let me know so I can tighten it up a

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Splash Screen?

2002-10-21 Thread James Senick
Hello Anne,

On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, at 04:28:20 [GMT +0100] (which was 11:28:20
PM in NY, USA) Anne wrote:

> Is there a way of getting round this - apart from not using
> the mail key which I won't not do - does anyone know?

Create a shortcut to the shortcut with the NOLOGO switch?

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Splash Screen?

2002-10-25 Thread James Senick
Hello Anne,

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, at 03:42:27 [GMT +0100] (which was 10:42:27
PM in NY, USA) Anne wrote:

JS>> For a goof, try this:

> Just for fun I tried creating another batch file which runs the
> original batch file which has the /nologo parameter.  I programmed the
> hotkey to run the second batch file, and Lo! it ran and launched TB
> *without* the logo.  However, I did get a huge black dos window in the
> middle of my screen which actually lasted longer than TB splash screen
> and didn't auto-close! 

Actually, the point of my message was to scrap the batch file
idea entirely.  My method works with shortcuts.  I think if
you tried my suggestion
that it would work per your original request.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Where to find Virus protection plugins

2002-11-19 Thread James Senick
Hello Daniel,

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, at 22:52:11 [GMT +0100] (which was 4:52:11
PM in NY, USA) Daniel Dekany wrote:

> I don't understand why people who uses on-access scanner (and you do,
> if I don't misunderstand you) want integrate Virus protection with
> TB!, but perhaps I miss something.

I can't answer for Chris but perhaps he and I share some of
these reasons...

1. Just because an anti-virus application has on-access
capability does not necessarily mean that they use it as such;
one may be able to configure it for on demand only scanning such
as I do with Panda. IMO, on access scanning is a huge waste of
resources and stability.

2.  Many A/V applications disallow (or are administered to
disallow) any user intervention when dealing with suspicious
files.  The majority of the A/V's in this class that I have seen
just clean or delete the suspect file without much warning.  I'm
not comfortable with this.  I like to verify that the file is
indeed infected before any action is taken.

3.  Given the above, I used TB's AVG plug-in as a lazy filter
during the heavy Klez attachment days.

4.  A second opinion is a good thing.

> And if you don't open attachments, then your machine can't caught
> viruses with TB! Reading mails is safe. (E-mail agents using MS HTML
> rendering engine is a different story... with those agents, reading an
> email can active virus, since the MS HTML stuff is too powerful and
> may contains bugs that virus can exploit. I remember the iframe
> thing...)

I think most TB users are of a caliber to whom the safe "never
open attachments" rule is a bit extreme.  I agree with you in
your feeling of security with TB.  However, it is only a matter
of time until someone again targets TB users just to say they
could do so.  I'd like to be prepared with a little extra backup
when that day comes.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread James Senick
Hello DG,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002, at 11:33:26 [GMT -0500] (which was 11:33:26
AM in NY, USA) DG Raftery Sr. wrote:

> Again, and I'm sure this subject will hit the dead topic instruction
> soon, I would not consider Re: being utilized in a business
> correspondence nor memo as "Regarding". My reasoning?

> re·gard·ing,
> v. tr.
> To take into account; consider.

Regarding is not a verb; it's a preposition.  As a preposition,
regarding means in relation to or referencing.  As you see, the
term 'regarding' and 'referencing' are synonymous.  I'm not arguing
with you but rather proving you indirectly correct :)

However, as Dierk alluded to 'Re' is a preposition of it's own.
IOW, it is not an abbreviation--it stands alone.  I think many
people confuse it for an abbreviation simply because many people
confuse uses of the colon.  The colon in this case is merely a
break line of sorts between the preposition and the phrase,
sentence, or term following it.  It just makes the whole line
more complete.

Why did I bother writing this at all?  Just to say that I think
you are all very much correct.  Even Thomas who is closest to
being mistaken.  While 'Re:' is certainly not an abbreviation
for the word 'reply', Thomas's idea of 'in reply to' certainly
does have direct correlation to 'in reference to' which
correlates to 'in regards to' which is linked to 're'.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Duplicate Addresses

2001-09-26 Thread James Senick

  Does theBat automatically filter duplicate address book entries when
performing a mass mailing?

Thanks in advance and I apologize if this question was answered

Best regards,
theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2
Proudly in New York USA!


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Re: (SOT) Re: HTML-mail

2001-12-01 Thread James Senick


Saturday, December 01, 2001, 4:50:43 AM, you wrote:

Alastair> For what it's worth, my opinion is that TB! is doing the right thing
Alastair> (read but not write).

Alastair> The problem is that home and business have radically different
Alastair> requirements.

Good call.  I'm glad to hear someone finally say it.
But I think you are referring to inter-office messaging rather
than business e-mail.  And no, this doesn't mean spam.  Not
every message from a commercial entity is spam.  That's another
area where people get carried away. HTML e-mail is most useful
as a business tool rather than a glitzy informal message. I'd
love to use theBat as my sole business e-mail tool but it is
quite a hassle to attach an html file to 10,000+ messages then
export them, make necessary changes (and no, changing the
content type to multipart/alternative is not the only change
necessary) and finally import them all back into the Outbox.

The fact is that theBat is and hopefully always will be
a step above other e-mail clients.  So, simply adding the
ability to compose html messages would not be enough.  One would
still want to be able to personalize mass e-mail messages and
further more embed an ascii version for anyone not able to view
html.  No other e-mail client provides this functionality to my
knowledge.  Even Becky only allows for sending mass html
messages via the BCC line which many servers will toss out on
sight.  Why?  Again that fear that any message with numerous
addresses in the BCC line is Spam.

On viruses and external images...from the business end
it would be ridiculous to expect customers to put up with
embedded images.  Keeping them external at least gives the
customer a chance to delete the message before all the
downloading begins.  Please don't think of HTML e-mail as an
evil business tool used by spammers alone.  In my case I'd much
rather send text since I can send them ten times faster.  But
our subscriber base prefers HTML.  They sign up for it, it is
not chosen for them.  The problem with viruses is well
documented but it is certainly not the norm.  And one shouldn't
shy away from HTML because of them just as you wouldn't abstain
from using the 'Net for fear of infection.

But I digress...I think the reason why theBat has yet to
implement HTML composing is simply because when RitLabs does
something they try to do it right.  I don't think it is because
they are part of some end all html e-mail movement.  I am not
speaking from insider knowledge here.  These are just my
thoughts on the subject.

Alastair> I have a feeling that strong feeling against viruses will spread,
Alastair> particularly as broadband connections become common, and there will be a
Alastair> fork; email will be for plain ASCII and attachments, whereas the bells
Alastair> and whistles will move to instant messaging.

Again, this is from the home-user standpoint.
E-commerce requires the use of HTML e-mail to some degree.  And
at least some customers ask for it specifically.  Attachments
were all the rage way back when but now people fear them.  I
guess I can't blame least they've come that far in
avoiding viruses. I prefer the dual html / ascii method.  I like
to choose.  But so far theBat is the only client that handles it
near perfect in my experience.

Alastair> Given all this, I would not encourage people to use HTML in emails, but
Alastair> they have to be able to read it (or remove it) :)

I guess I can't really argue with that except to expand
on it.  I wouldn't discourage the use of any form of
communication.  However, I would highly encourage the use of
theBat.  That move alone would solve many of the concerns
expressed in these two threads.  Even though we all may consider
theBat to be beyond mainstream quality, the masses may not feel
this way until HTML composing and improved handling is
implemented.  Again, I trust this is already in the works, as
Marck has stated.  It's probably just being done the right way!
 One only needs to be patient I suppose.

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: (SOT) Re: HTML-mail

2001-12-01 Thread James Senick

Hey Sean,

N.> Hello James,

N.> To my the problem isn't HTML,'s the fact that the features
N.> of HTML can be misused by more unsavory types (such as spammers, who,
N.> by merely including an external image, can determine whether or not your
N.> email address is valid.)

Good point.  But validating e-mail addresses isn't
necessarily a bad thing either.  I waste bandwidth every week
because of all the people who subscribe to newsletters yet give
me invalid e-mail addresses.  But many of those e-mail servers
don't allow validation.  But the type of validation you are
talking about is different and for a different reason of course.
 The key there is to disallow a message to "call home" without
authorization.  I have no doubt RITLabs would be on top of that
in a jiffy.  Too, this would be an issue if using IE as the
viewer.  I am not sure of all the technical aspects on this
though.  So don't trust my judgement alone.

N.> However, there are also perfectly valid
N.> reasons to want/need HTML.  However, in these cases, the receipient
N.> usually expects HTML from a certain source.  I think it'd be great if
N.> The Bat! allowed you to set up a list of people (or a filter?) that
N.> were allowed to send you HTML, and it would display the images
N.> automatically for mail from those addresses.

That's a great idea.  I'm not really a programmer so I
couldn't say how difficult such a thing would be to accomplish.
 But it sounds as if it might even have work-around potential.
And it addresses the fact that one could execute malicious code
without images.

Personally, I'd like to see cooperation with programs
like Panda AntiVirus and / or Zone Alarm.  Though it may not be
with the software of my choice, I think these are things that
may very well happen with theBat once people begin to realize
how much more powerful and extendable it is versus the likes of
Outlook and OE.

N.> - Sean T.

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: (SOT) Re: HTML-mail

2001-12-01 Thread James Senick

Hi Januk,

Sunday, December 02, 2001, 12:31:38 AM, you wrote:

Januk> Hello James,

Januk> On Saturday, December 1, 2001 at 22:54 GMT -0500, a creature mimicking
Januk> James Senick [JS] wrote:

JS>> One would still want to be able to personalize mass e-mail
JS>> messages and further more embed an ascii version for anyone not
JS>> able to view html.

Januk> TB has a version of a mass mailing function.

Yes.  I was really referring to the personalization of
HTML e-mail messages on a mass scale.  It can still be done;
just not nicely done.  The ascii portions can be personalized.
And too, I am referring to personalization of the message body
rather than just the to address or subject line.
The html cannot since it begins as an attached file.

Januk> It has been reported that this feature can be somewhat buggy when
Januk> working with large numbers of addresses.  I personally can't comment as
Januk> I never use the feature.  Also, I can't be sure that the problems are
Januk> in the current release, they may have been from the 1.53 beta days.
Januk> Again, I'm not sure because I don't use it.  The point is, you should
Januk> probably test the feature on a known test group before using it on
Januk> your customers.

I have used it on semi large ascii mass mailings and with the
multipart/alternative version as well.  I haven't noticed any
bugs to date.  It is slow during that process but I would expect
that of any program processing such a large request.  It should
also be noted though that I use a local mail server for this
type of thing.  So the send isn't nearly as lengthy as it could
be. And there is no need to send in batches. If I sent them all
at once to an external mail server I'd likely run into a memory
error.  Thanks for the advice though.

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: (SOT) Re: HTML-mail

2001-12-02 Thread James Senick

Hello Dierk,

Sunday, December 02, 2001, 4:17:59 AM, you wrote:

Dierk> The biggest problems for me are:

Dierk> 1. People send HTML but *don't* use the HTML features, making
Dierk> messages unnecessarily big. Those are the messages that look
Dierk> exactly the same in HTML and PT.

Yes and in that, I really like the way TB handles such
messages.  Even for the ones containing useless stationery.  I'm
not really bashing stationery but referring to those who have it
set for every message by default.  I don't fault the software
for having the feature, however. But fixing this is akin to
convincing my great Aunt to quit sending chain letters.  But
seriously, I like the way TB handles most HTML messages, giving
you the power to delete the HTML portion while still saving the
text for later review.

Dierk> 2. People find out about the features of HTML and use them
Dierk> unnecessarily. Those are the messages that could/should have been
Dierk> sent in PT but look like the most stupidly designed web sites from
Dierk> which you can get - quite literally - a seizure.

Yes again.  And this is somewhat understandable on the
Web at least.  People still learning are eager to try anything
flashy.  Yet I don't think such features should be removed from
e-mail clients.  There are valid uses for almost

Dierk> It is actually some spammers and the commercial newsletters (like
Dierk> PCWelt's) that make really good use of HTML. To them even GET makes
Dierk> sense, even if their NL are completely void of contents when I see
Dierk> them with TB!.

Good last point.  Some organizations seem to find it easier to
compose a message as one large set of sliced graphics and / or
objects.  yet, as you say, the message body contains nothing in
the way of content.  This is something many of us wouldn't ever
know had we never come across TB.

The main thing I like about HTML messages are link
formatting and structure.  For instance, sending a rather
lengthy link which contains strings like htm?view=01189432 at
the end are troublesome for many e-mail clients.  Of course,
HTML formatted links don't share this problem.  And even the
best of tricks are not fool proof.  The only decent solution is
to set up a redirect link with a shorter URL for every link
contained in a message.  ECom newsletters considered, this can
be a laborious task to say the least. In this way, I have had to
make decisions to leave some content out of text-only versions
while HTML versions are complete and as intended.

Secondly, structure is important at least internally.
I'm sure most of us have by now received a transaction receipt
in text that is horribly wrapped.  Some solid companies do their
best to adjust for standard column lengths.  But they never seem
to work perfectly.  While I wouldn't recommend sending customer
invoices in HTML alone, I'd consider using the dual method.  And
I certainly share internal documents of this type with table
structures via HTML.  This is almost necessary due to some
office members using 640 x 480 on 14" monitors.  But these can't
be confidential documents as encrypting HTML documents is a
mystery to me.

Dierk> - --
Dierk> Dierk Haasis

Dierk> PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

Dierk> The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

Dierk> Es ist viel einfacher, Kritik zu üben, als etwas anzuerkennen.
Dierk> (Benjamin Disraeli)

Dierk> Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt
Dierk> Comment: Privacy is the core element to Freedom!

Dierk> iQA/AwUBPAnjuPTo1oA8g8dLEQJWgQCfWg02Ei32cHxJLQPh7HZvCJb5L7IAnjJ1
Dierk> Q1gpSxSd+3XH4ynnqPNRDolo
Dierk> =WHqa

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: (SOT) Re: HTML-mail

2001-12-02 Thread James Senick


I got the same.  But I think that was an auto generated
send from the trojan.  Possibly not.  But that would be my first
guess seeing how it was the BadTrans worm that was attached.
Apparently it scans inboxes for new prospects.  I think people
in this list are far above that sort of behavior.

Sunday, December 02, 2001, 1:40:27 PM, you wrote:

N.> Oh...and let's not forget those who, rather than being able to
N.> rationally argue their point of view, have to attempt to send someone
N.> a virus to try and prove their point (You know who you are, and I
N.> don't appreciate it in this kind of forum.)  I stand by my statement
N.> that there can and are valid uses of HTML email that are not malicious, and
N.> anything that can be done to enable these, while protecting against
N.> the misuse of it (such as only allowing it from those you specify) is
N.> a Good Thing.

N.> - Sean T.

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: (SOT) Re: HTML-mail

2001-12-02 Thread James Senick

Hi Cyclon,

Sunday, December 02, 2001, 1:35:06 PM, you wrote:

Kris> Hello, I also have a question about HTML : I know that I can't create
Kris> a HTML message, but what do I have to do when I want to reply to a
Kris> HTML message, or when I want to forward it?  Then the HTML structure
Kris> is lost, and all that is left is plain text, so the receiver will not
Kris> see the original contents of the mail.  Is there any other way to make
Kris> sure the receivers sees the original message?

Depending on how well the original e-mail was formatted,
you may find these work arounds useful.

1)  Open the message and hit Ctrl-A or select all text, then
choose "Specials" and "reply quoting selected text".  If the
structure was formatted well, it might appear pretty much

2)  Alternatively, you could either forward the message or
redirect it.  Of course, you'd have to edit the to and from
lines.  But the HTML portion should be included as an attachment
this way.  Thereby, you could say something like, "see
attachment for original message".

3) There are other ways that would appear more 'normal' but
they'd be too time consuming for just one message unless it was
terribly important.  Personally, I'd redirect the message to one
of the e-mail accounts I use on Becky or Outlook and deal with
it from there.  But the same could be done with a hotmail
account too.  But there may be far better suggestions from
others more knowledgeable than I.

Kris> Greetings,

Kris> Cyclon

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread James Senick


Wednesday, December 12, 2001, 9:49:30 PM, Roberto wrote:

RP>>> Newsreader: "We still have not decided on what it will look like -
RP>>> as a plug-in or as a built-in function..."
MDP>> I have no idea what is happening with that.

Roberto> I *really* hope it doesn't happen. If TB is a MUA, it should be just
Roberto> that. If people want a newsreader, it should be a separate client.
Roberto> Doing one thing and doing it right is what has taken TB to where it
Roberto> is: The best (POP3) e-mail client this side of the galaxy.

  I very much look forward to newsreader capability in TB.  But I
understand your counter to that as well.  Perhaps it's just
the wish that all of one's communications tools could perform
like TB that is intriguing.
Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: The Bat FAQ, "=" Navigation

2002-02-17 Thread James Senick


I sympathize with your situation as I am sure Marck
does.  What you may not be aware of is, if I'm not incorrect,
Marck has developed the FAQ voluntarily - as in he wanted to
help others without deriving any financial benefit.  Don't take
offense as my intent isn't to make you feel guilty or anything
of the sort. But the fact is that every page author has to
tackle this nasty problem and can never please everyone as a
result.  Even the latest and greatest browser software can be
rendered limited in use as a result of other installed faulty
software such as plug-ins and add-ons.  Taking a look at the FAQ
in WebTV is quite a treat :).  But then again, WebTV users are
unlikely to have much interest in the Bat, right?

If you need any help configuring your browser, feel free
to write me direct.  I'd be more than happy to help where I can.

Sunday, February 17, 2002, 2:34:41 PM, Karin wrote:

Karin> On 17-02-2002 at 19:28, Marck D Pearlstone kindly wrote:

>>> I have to agree with that, although my version of Opera works with it.
>>> I don't understand what the meaning is of that kind of programming: is
>>> there a special reason that the page isn't set up "normal" ?

>> The majority of people can read it and access it well.

Karin> Indeed. And is that a reason to ignore the rest? As I told
Karin> you: I cannot use the page in Mozilla, NS4.7 _nor_ in
Karin> MSIE5.0. I have proper and fully installed browsers.

Karin> And actually, the error might be yours. There is no doc type
Karin> defined...

Karin> - K -

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/39
Windows Windows 2000 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: filter for sent mail

2002-02-25 Thread James Senick


Hello Peter,

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, at 20:15:51 [GMT -0500] (which was 8:15:51
PM in NY, USA) Peter Kerekes wrote:

Peter Kerekes> Actually it would be even better, if possible , to use the
Peter Kerekes> same filter I set up already for incoming mail and add
Peter Kerekes> recipient in addition to sender.

If I follow you correctly, what you want goes something
like this: you have a filter that filters email from James from
the inbox to the James folder.  And you'd like to have a copy of
all messages you send to James filtered to the same folder.

If so, go to your current incoming filter(s), select
one, and choose "Copy" from the buttons below.  Then drag that
newly created copy of your filter into the Outgoing filters
group.  Select the copy again and just switch "Sender" to
"Recipient" via Location Filter Stings drop down box.

Messages are only filtered from the Inbox (via incoming)
and the Outbox (via outgoing) per account.  In other words, you
can't filter messages from any other folder.  I think you were
referring to setting up an incoming filter to your outbox
folder...which can't happen.

- --
Best regards,

   To hate is to study, to study is to understand, to understand is to
appreciate, to appreciate is to love. So maybe I'll end up loving your theory.
-- John A. Wheeler

The Bat! v.1.54 Beta/43
Windows 2000 build 2195 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Version: PGP 6.5i



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Re: HTML viewer

2002-02-28 Thread James Senick


Hello Dierk,

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, at 09:35:47 [GMT +0100] (which was 3:35:47
AM in NY, USA) Dierk Haasis wrote:

>> A source of regular frustration (of a minor sort, for sure) is that
>> the HTML viewer in 1.53 does not show headers.  Is this still true in
>> the 1.54 Beta?

Dierk Haasis> Yes.

Dierk Haasis> Just go to the PT version and hit ++.

Dierk Haasis> Is it technically possible to show headers in the usual HTML messages?

I don't believe so. At least if you're referring to the
headers being displayed as part of the message as is the case
with text view.  To display them directly in the html view, I
think, would require appending the actual HTML code which would
be buggy at best no matter what precautions were taken to
display them consistently.  Otherwise they'd have to go into the
small frame above the message view.

- --
Best regards,

   To change one's life:
1. Start immediately,
2. Do it flamboyantly,
3. No exceptions.
- --William James

The Bat! v.1.54 Beta/44
Windows 2000 build 2195 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Version: PGP 6.5i



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Re: A way to modify _incoming_ mail

2003-02-27 Thread James Senick
Hello Thomas,

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, at 09:55:49 [GMT +0700] (which was 9:55:49
PM in NY, USA) Thomas Fernandez wrote:

>> Export -> Edit -> Import. That easy :)

Not easy enough for those who have to do it often.

> I know this, but it is an old circular discussion Pit was referring
> to: Should it be possible to edit incoming messages from within TB?
> Pit (and others) think it shouldn't, I (and others) think it should be
> possible. I just wanted to keep the idea alive, as I believe it would
> be a nice feature (one I would use, as opposed to a scheduler ).

The idea is very much alive here.  I am still happy with TB as
is but fully expect this feature to be added at some point. To
me, the whole essence of TB cries for this type of manipulative
power to be given to mail power users.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.63 Beta/7
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: A way to modify _incoming_ mail

2003-02-28 Thread James Senick
Hello Spike,

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, at 09:33:24 [GMT -0500] (which was 9:33:24
AM in NY, USA) Spike wrote:

 Export -> Edit -> Import. That easy :)

JS>> Not easy enough for those who have to do it often.

> Easy enough for something that should not be easily done!

Point taken. But you can't veto every single possible option out
of what amounts to irrational fear.

> The issue is the ability to modify something someone wrote in a way
> they never intended.  One should NOT be able to modify a message
> without indicating PLAINLY that the original writer's message has been
> changed. The inability to easily do so is good for the 'sanctity' of
> the original poster's intentions.

One most certainly should be able to modify a message. While all
creations indeed do have a specific intent, you cannot impose a
limit on the interpretation or organization of those creations.
Once again, this argument seems to be viewed by the opposition
only within the extreme confines of group postings.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.63 Beta/7
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: A way to modify _incoming_ mail

2003-02-28 Thread James Senick
Hello Miguel,

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, at 19:18:20 [GMT +0100] (which was 1:18:20
PM in NY, USA) Miguel A. Urech wrote:
>> Not easy enough for those who have to do it often.

> It should be fairly easy to do with PowerPro. I'll try it later or
> during the weekend.

Allie was kind enough to write a filter for my needs and he gave
me some side tips as well how to incorporate PowerPro into the
mix. This was some time ago.  But I'll dig up a link to the
original in the archives if I get the chance.

I didn't want to get too specific as my needs for editing
incoming messages likely differ from others'.  But here goes
just so you understand why I'd edit a message at all.

I receive many messages per month dealing with content I have to
further process.  As I do process this content, I like to edit
the subject line (numbering and date of completion) for
organizational purposes.  Occasionally, I also have to refer to
the originals. I can do this quickly after organizing the
original messages sequentially and by date.

The way I accomplish this admittedly small yet important task is
to drag the original into the Outbox, double-click it, edit the
subject note the original date of receipt, save it, and finally
drag it back into its proper folder. It's not a particular
difficult process and works fine.  But it is a nuisance when
dealing with multiples.

Other than that, on occasion, I may take a personal message and
rename the subject in the same manner. In fact, I have done this
with the TB lists before to save a copy of someone's RegEx
template idea for later reference.  Of course I'd leave the
original intact within one of the TB folders here in case I
needed to reply or quote it some time in the future.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.63 Beta/7
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: A way to modify _incoming_ mail

2003-02-28 Thread James Senick
Hello Nick,

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, at 18:32:14 [GMT +] (which was 1:32:14
PM in NY, USA) Nick Dutton wrote:

> Surely an answer (if there is to be one) is to add, rather than modify?

> If each stored message was given _extra_ fields: Subject(modified) and
> Body(modified), these could then be assigned to the default view by those
> who want them.  These fields by default would only be pointers to the
> original fields unless modified via macros or manual edit.

Excellent point. I'm not sure if it would cover others' needs

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.63 Beta/7
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Scot Finnie's Newsletter

2002-03-03 Thread James Senick


Hello William,

On Sun, 3 Mar 2002, at 13:02:51 [GMT +] (which was 8:02:51
AM in NY, USA) William Moore wrote:

William Moore> Thank you for your email dated Sunday, March 03, 2002, 11:29:27 AM, in 
which you wrote:

MAU>> Scot's article is anything but an independent review

William Moore> I must admit it is unlike him to talk about a two-year old product
William Moore> although he says he will review it in the near future.

Not only that.  But with the following statement he
bases that outdated opinion as a premise for all the alternative
email faithful as being mistaken...

"But I guess I have some disappointing news. I've looked at all
three programs in the past and have found them wanting."

Nevertheless, I think his self proclaimed professional
opinion makes something else very clear: TB is so functional and
so different that one can use TB for years and still learn
something new every day.  Unlike other less powerful clients, TB
can't be seen as not offering a function simply because it
doesn't have a shiny button explicitly stating that purpose:  If
you can conceive it, odds are that you can do it with
just have to find out how.

Likewise, Mr. Finnie's misjudgments may also point a
finger at the real source of finding TB "wanting":  that would
be the lack of a full blown manual and context sensitive help
that is a little more sensitive to the actual task at hand.
There are more important individuals out there testing TB than
Mr. Finnie and they are likely less daft but less technically
proficient as well...such as those email users at the business
level looking for simple solutions to OE and Outlook's
shortcomings like simply selecting 100 messages at once and
exporting them to text files.  That simple need alone has given
me the opportunity to push 3 business level registrations of TB
in the last two months.

Without a super manual or having someone hold Finnie's
hand through setting up TB to his needs, I'd say send him an
invitation to sit in on this list for a week or two.  After all,
the true manuals and help files reside here.

William Moore> I was one of those who complained about his ignoring TB! in his previous
William Moore> newsletter but I'm still too much of a Bat newbie to write again and
William Moore> refute the points he makes.

Nice try.  Personally, I'd take an inquisitive and
innovative "newbie" over a biased set in his ways "expert" any

- --
Best regards,

   Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow.
-- Arthur Stringer, _The Silver Poppy_

The Bat! v.1.54 Beta/45
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AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

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Re: How to temporarly stop Periodecally check

2002-03-04 Thread James Senick


Hello Shahar,

On Fri, 01 Mar 2002, at 18:46:33 [GMT +0200] (which was 11:46:33
AM in NY, USA) Shahar wrote:

Shahar> I have few accounts and I check for new mail every X minutes.
Shahar> Is there a way to temporarly stop Periodecally check for all the
Shahar> accounts without turn off TB! ?

I too am interested in a similar function.  I could
swear it used to exist in TB and was called "Pause Mail Check"
or something to that effect.

Anyway, I believe your needs have been misunderstood.  I
think you want a button or menu command to immediately pause
check / send operations until you re-enable it by toggling the
same button or menu item.

I often take the time to write email messages when doing
massive uploads or downloads via FTP.  As luck has it, that is
the time when an associate decides to send me a 10 megabyte
attachment via email.  It would be nice to toggle off auto
checking when doing these things.  I don't want to shut down TB
though because I am writing a message during this time.  And of
course, I don't want to kill my connection because another
application is using it.

- --
Best regards,

   I think nighttime is dark so you can imagine your fears with less distraction.
- --Calvin

The Bat! v.1.54 Beta/45
Windows 2000 build 2195 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

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Re: Direct Delivery

2002-03-04 Thread James Senick


Hello Roelof,

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, at 16:39:26 [GMT +0100] (which was 10:39:26
AM in NY, USA) Roelof Otten wrote:

Roelof Otten> Recently I found a program called postcastserver that
Roelof Otten> does the same, but is freeware where ADR has to be paid after ther 3o
Roelof Otten> days. I haven't done any intensive testing, since I'm using a complete
Roelof Otten> mailserver on my LAN these days.

Roelof Otten> postcastserver can be found on

I've also used PostCast Server for this purpose with
success.  You'll have to alter SMTP settings and such in the
chosen TB account or create a new one solely for that purpose.
But this is no chore.  What you'll be doing is sending from TB
to PostCast Server.  PostCast Server then sends direct to your
recipient(s).  So, you actually send twice but the 'connections'
are ultra fast since they aren't really Internet connections to
a remote mail server.

I use one specific TB account for this and just change
the SMTP / port settings as needed.

- --
Best regards,

   If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and
   there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

The Bat! v.1.54 Beta/45
Windows 2000 build 2195 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 512 MB RAM

Version: PGP 6.5i



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hiding group recipients

2001-03-19 Thread James Senick

Forgive me if this has been covered before.  Is there a way to hide the
recipients in a group mailing (mass)?


Thank you,
James Senick

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Re[2]: hiding group recipients

2001-03-20 Thread James Senick

Hello Dierk,

  Thank you very much.  Now the other posts make sense :)  I kept looking
for this mass mailing option.

Tuesday, March 20, 2001, 3:08:47 AM, you wrote:

DH> 1. Use the BCC field. (If you want an address in the TO field for
DH> cosmetic reasons, just fill in your own or a dummy).

DH> 2. Got to the address book and use the "New mass mailing" under
DH> "File". for that you have to define a Quick Template. With this method
DH> every one on your "list" will get a message personally delivered (TO =
DH> addressee).

DH> - --
DH> Dierk Haasis

Best regards,
James Senick

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-21 Thread James Senick

My HTML messages are listed as

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-22 Thread James Senick

   My problem is fixed and I kind of understand how it happened.  My
html messages were arriving as attached .mv files which normally
pertain to Miva Script files.  I had recently changed the default
handler for that extension to another program for editing (EditPlus).
 I simply deleted the extension from Explorer.  Upon a theBat reload,
html files then showed as message.hts.  The hts extension is yet
another Miva Script extension (older version I believe).  I can still
open these files with my preferred program and I normally open them
from within the editor anyway.  But most importantly, theBat is now
showing the proper message.html.

Now I ask myself, "Self, was this really worth the trouble to
see ads in your messages"?

This was simple for me since the only purpose hts and mv files
have here is to be edited with a text editor.  But regarding other's
file extension oddities, I am unsure.  Correct me if I am wrong but I
believe the main purpose of a file extension is to associate a file
type with a master program or set of menu extensions.  That said, if a
program is looking for a certain file type, it will find it and
manipulate it regardless of whether the extension is recognized by the OS.
Don't take my word for it though.

Wednesday, March 21, 2001, 10:05:39 PM, you wrote:

>> > And it asks for the location to be entered.. Something still missing here, but 
>I'm lost!
>> What I meant you to delete was the quotation marks. The %1 may be
>> crucial. If you did just that, Netscapes me (what a bad pun).
Jim> Quotes only were deleted... the %1 remains... along with my problem!!! :)) 

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-23 Thread James Senick

Thursday, March 22, 2001, 10:39:01 PM, you wrote:

Jim> Must be nice... even after deleting the WCT entry from the Registry, mine still 
show up 
Jim> as message.wct.. but on the positive side, when I double-click it, it shows up 
Jim> in Netscape - images and all!!  :))  I still would REALLY like to be able to 
Jim> the message in the message list & get to view it, though!!

 Did you try deleting the wct extension from Explorer's File Types
Dialogue Box?  By the way, I did find several more sources of the wct
extension that have not been mentioned here as yet.  The most notable
of these is Web Trends.

Best regards,

theBat! version 1.51
Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 1

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