Re: [WISPA] It's been a ride... Some up, some down.

2012-05-02 Thread MDK

There was a time, Marlon, when I would have agreed with you.   Except that I've 
been paying attention for a quite a few years...  compromise is what got us 
to this.  Not galloping, leaps and bounds, unhindered statism, but the exact 
compromise you are talking about - it ALWAYS goes in one direction.  The only 
compromise has been how far and how much.  It's the ratchet effect.  
Sometimes not moving, but NEVER going in the right direction.  It has found its 
way into every detail of every thing.   So, no, no more compromising.  I'm 
done.  It's now REVERSE.  Not compromise on not as much more but, NO MORE, 
and NOW LESS.   And if you're (WISPA) not actively acting to accomplish that, 
then it's actively hindering that action.  It's on the wrong side.  It's like 
travelling a road.  You're going to go one way... Or the other.  There isn't a 
compromise, if you're not going north, you're going south, if you're not going 
east, you're going west, and there is no such thing as standing still without 
being pointed in some direction.  

You say that you alone can't do anything.That I can't.  I agree.   But it 
has to start...somewhere.  If Uncle Sam came running, handing me free money I 
would not take it - and I, personally, have never been personally in as 
precarious financially as I am now, with no assurance I'll even have a home 
from one week to the next.   It's called principle, Marlon.  I have no right 
to what other people have worked for, or will work for in the next 50 years ( 
paying interest on our ocean of debt), and I will not take it.   In fact, it 
has to start with EVERY ONE OF US, not just how we vote, but how we act, how we 
talk to our neighbors, how we make our decisions, and what ideas we promote.   
I can't say I'm for this and then not live it.  

It's pure hypocrisy to say you gotta live with the system.   No, you don't.  
You have the freedom to still say no.   You have the freedom to NOT take CRP 
or RUS loans, or look for ways to get USF funding, for instance.  But, if 
you're willing to sell the use of your land for the pittance they give you, 
then you have no claim to saying you're 'with me', because you're not - you're 
completely willing to agree with, and take money from a program that robs one 
set of citizens to give money to another, plain and simple.  And look how 
widespread acceptance is among people who would otherwise claim to be small 
government conservatives.  I'm grateful you're now telling them to end USF and 
other stuff, but you know it's not going away until the Congress makes it go 

But Congress (and whoever is president) isn't going to make it go away until a 
very large majority of us, the people, demand it.  And no such demands are 
going to happen until we (you, me, and every single other person) have made the 
case for free markets, economic freedom, freedom to be in business, freedom of 
innovation, and freedom from political burdens with no redeeming value 
whatsoever.  But we're not there.   You're as helpful to the cause as the 
current president, because you're (and maybe not you, personally, Marlon, this 
has NEVER been about you in a personal way... My conversations referenced 
before... were not with you.  I've have conversations you don't know about) 
still willing to take money in opposition to what you claim to think.  Until 
we're not, Marlon, then we're not really believing what we're saying ,and of 
course, if we're not, we're never going to convince the country it has to 
change, or face a crisis beyond those of recorded history.  

Is WISPA making the case, not to just DC, but to the members as well, industry 
wide, that free markets solve problems?   Does the organization actively 
promote unfettered competition, by its members?  Does it make the case that no 
subsidies is, in fact, the only truly viable business and national strategy?   
If not, then WISPA is still in diametric opposition to me.   Does WISPA 
leadership routinely offer workshops on how individual WISP's can find 
opportunity to be those free market powerhouses?  And why and how you should 
stand on your own and why you should not get tangled up in trying to get a few 
dollars in exchange for a lack of autonomy?   

Going back to CRP, the people who signed up didn't see it in the terms I've 
posted.   Because we're conditioned to not think about it.  Because so many of 
us just see the dollars and don't apply forgotten principles that matter.   
Look how many millions of people went and borrowed money on a loan guaranteed 
by our federal government - many of which I'm sure, still claim to be for 
freedom, for limited government, and so on.   Look how it has corrupted us as a 
people, that we'll now give up almost anything we believe in for a few dollars 
or other material or monetary  benefit.  Nothing will change, until we're ready 
to live by what we think, and start doing so, and that includes our businesses, 
our financial lives, and every vote we 

Re: [WISPA] It's been a ride... Some up, some down.

2012-05-02 Thread MDK
I knew I could count on you to demonstrate complete ignorance of What Should 
Be, Because It Once Was.   

The founders would curse you for having no understanding.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

I really think you seriously need to read about our founding fathers, and how 
they operated, (they all did not get together and sing kumbaya at the camp 
fire, neither did they pickup their scrolls of paper and walk away to their own 
corners when there was disagreement )...and try to gain an understanding on the 
'Democratic Principles of Government'  on how they function and operate.

You seem to be totally missing the last 2 thirds of the  'for the people, of 
the people and by the people' , and yes it is precisely because of thinking 
like yours (suggested in your own words), that the Great French Philosophers of 
their time, said that the US Constitution / way of Governing is never going to 
work, and it is doomed for failure  When asked why ? The response was .. 
'Simple. common people are not interested in participating in the Governing 
Wireless mailing list

[WISPA] It's been a ride... Some up, some down.

2012-05-01 Thread MDK
As the anniversary of my full 8th year actively in the wireless internet 
business is here, I decided to make some comments.  My interest in wireless 
internet, and actual efforts to actually start doing  it are now 14 years old.  
 Yes, really, it was that long ago.  And I'm feeling much older these days. 

My first internet venture failed quite spectacularly.   I think I made every 
mistake one could make, and didn't learn every lesson there was to learn, 
either.   But it did help, as I did not repeat a bunch of things that were 
fatal.  The most important one was to not start with vastly larger bills than 
your revenue.   Growth doesn't always come in rapid fashion.   And there's a 
cost to all growth. Know before you make that leap, what the consequences will 

Over the last few years, I've been known to get what some people call 
political.   Perhaps it is, I say it isn't.  It's just common sense business 
principles.  It was one of my first lessons - learn how to preserve your future 
flexibility, because THINGS CHANGE.  That, too, was one of my first mistakes.  
I had no alternatives, really, to travelling down the road I started on, which 
was a seriously bad mistake.  That ability to be flexible, to violate the 
rules of internet by wire, is what created the WISP business in the first 
place, and yet, it's one of the things that's been done the most damage to, and 
faces the largest threats in the future. 

This post is probably my last, as it concerns things WISPA.   I have given up 
on WISPA completely.  Mostly for the reasons above.  While WISPA was being 
formed, I had the self-generated illusion that fellow  WISPS's would be all 
about getting, expanding, and maintaining the freedom to be in business.  We're 
notorious for being rogues, cowboys, unconventional, and extremely 
individualistic.  It would have never occurred to me that one or more founders 
of WISPA would go to the FCC and tell them that they should create reporting 
mandates and then encourage regulation of our industry.  My shock when I 
learned that was a kind of rock your world kind of thing.   And anger.  
Serious anger.   How dare people undertake to put us under the thumb of the 
utterly incompetent idiots in Washington DC?  If you want to live that way, go 
live some place like that, don't undertake to force it upon me.   That's the 
essence of the American attitude, history, and the very thing that built this 

Over the years, I've come to realize that unlike me, few of our industry have 
any such lesson learned.  The idea of getting free money or loans or other 
favors in the form of money from government or government actions has lured 
them into becoming just another faction of the crony capitalism that has all 
but destroyed our nation's economy, currency, and threatens to finish the job, 
rapid-fire.  WISPA certainly doesn't seem to have any interest in telling 
Washington DC to go pound sand, and do what is the morally, economically, and 
Constitutionally  right and proper thing. Leave us the HELL ALONE!  Stop 
pretending that DC is the source of goodness, and stop pretending that they 
have even an IOTA of the answers for what ails the country and how to supply 
our needs.  They do not. 

I won't waste your time with explanations of what I want, after all, either 
you're in agreement, or else your only interest is in creating false portrayals 
to attack me personally, calling me an anti-government nut or any of 100 
other senseless phrases. Some of you I've gotten to know a bit over the years, 
and I have no idea if any of you are on this list anymore.   Maybe someone will 
post this where everyone can read it if they want.  Why we can't advocate for 
economic and business operation freedom anymore is completely beyond my 
comprehension.  Especially since we're supposed be about business, a business 
which exists solely because  of that amazing concept of economic and personal 
liberty otherwise known as capitalism - or free enterprise - take your pick.  
It offends too many, and those who it doesn't are too too timid to stand for 
what they think in the presence of the socialist bullies. 

It's my wish and my prayer as well, that all of you have a good life, a 
prosperous future, health, and happiness.   But I hold out little hope, long 
term.  Unless things change, we're all going away, our plans and enterprises 
massacred by the attitude that all our needs are merely a utilitarian function 
of government.  Still, I hope the best for all - and always have and always 


Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy

Wireless mailing list

Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality

2011-11-07 Thread MDK
We had quite a conversation on TVWS, actually.   I explained how rules prohibit 
its use in so many instances that though it's a huge effort, where I live, for 
instance, there's no more than 2 channels.   If that.  Also, that HAAT rules 
seriously block deployment in areas where it would be most useful (mountains, 
Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: John Scrivner 
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 7:10 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality

Glad to hear someone up there in DC is listening. Did you happen to mention 
anything about our need of access to TVWS? 

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 12:56 PM, MDK wrote:

  Monday morning I got a phone call from a 202 number and answered it.   The
  name sounded vaguely familiar, but he finally identified himself as the
  assistant to my congressman.   Ahh, now I know why I recognize the name.
  Been in politics around here for many years.   State and federal.

  Thursday or Friday, I stumbled across a news story of my US Rep praising the
  FCC's changes to USF, which, from descriptions, look bad for me and most
  of us, as it involves subsidizing rural wireless (insert cellular for
  wireless and you get the gist) I was ticked as you can imagine, because
  he's literally from a small town where WISP's play a signficant role in
  broadband availablity.

  Well, I guess I must have used the right combination of words, because he
  (the assistant to my US Rep)  wanted to know what it was I thought.  Well,
  we had 20 minute conversation, where I explained that we as an industry are
  often the only viable operators for small niche areas where it simply is
  impossible to string wires or bury cables or whatever, in a cost effective
  manner (and he knows precisely what I mean, he drives the same roads and
  knows the same places I do), and now, someone's going to apply to get USF
  money to come and build right out over us, with subsidized funding.

  He didn't disagree with that assessment, btw, and asked what I thought
  should be done.   Abolish, of course.   In his view, the term of life for
  continual subsidy of rural telecom via USF has been abruptly shortened, and,
  they're at least talking about ending any continuous subsidy for anyone.  Of
  course, they can't end USF, because Congress made it law, but ending it is
  certainly an option in House, he implied.

  Further, we've reached the point where much of rural broadband is hampered
  by beaurocratic obstruction as much as anything else.  the need to use
  public land, or telephone pole access, or power pole access,  federal land
  use, and numerous other expensive and complicated matters.   I explained
  that it has traditionally been that people with great skill for beaurocracy
  get the money, but rarely seem to have great skill at getting customers
  happy and resourceful at accomplishing the technical challenges.  That
  subsidy causes business models to be built on it, rather than sustainable
  competitive operations.

  That we need the markets open to being able to enter the phone, tv, and
  internet business with whatever the appropriate technology, without endless
  hurdles in our way.   No idea if it did any good, but at least one person,
  who is at the top of the issues that matter to us in the house, got some
  input from the ground level.

  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
  541-969-8200  509-386-4589


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Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality

2011-11-01 Thread MDK

I understand your position that we should respect authority, but there's 
also the fact that sometimes, you have to stand up to people who are not 
supposed to be doing what they're doing, even when in government office.

As far as it goes, I have nothing to lose, really.  While the business is 
self sustaining, and makes me a small profit, I have never been in this bad 
of shape in my life.   10 months ago, the wife was injured at work,  4 
months ago, the injury, though treated and investigated, reached the point 
she could no longer work.  The workmen's comp insurer decided to try to duck 
any responsibility, and now lawyers are dragging them kicking and fighting 
all the way, but it's going to take months to get this done, with endless 
hearings and legal dodging and gamesmanship.   Even when or if we win (and 
we should) it means many more months of surgery, recovery, therapy.

At this point,  we're down to our last few bucks, I don't make enough to pay 
even the rent+utilities+cell phones.  So, if they want to try to squeeze me 
for money...  bring it on, I got nuttin, honey.   They just can't hurt me 
anymore than we've been hurt, so, I got nothing to lose.   And further,  I'm 
fighting mad.  Just one more authority showing up with a big stick saying 
work for me for nothing, you slave!

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Tom DeReggi
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 2:54 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality

 At the end of the day it boils down to whether its justified for a WISP to
 risk going to court.
 Admittedly, any government industry can cause a private company a lot of
 pain, if they want to, if you challenge them.
 That is not something someone should consider doing, lightly.

 With that said sometimes one must take a stand to defend their rights
 and what they believe in.
 Even if not cost effective for their own good, if its for the good of 

 Just like BrandX, eventually someone had to step up to take it to trial, 
 or loose.
 If a WISP was put in a position that they had to go to court, I bet that
 other third party groups would be willing to assist fund the battle behind
 the scenes.
 I'm not talking just other WISPs. I'm talking about other big money
 companies that couldn't risk a netneutrality loss on the court record,
 documenting presidence.

 My opinion is that it would not be wise for the federal enforcement
 agencies to target small organizations to challenge their rulemaking in
 One, It would be a media/publicity nightmare.  Such as  FCC puts small
 business out of business.
 Two, It would be embaressing, and make FCC look weak. Bully FCC picks on
 the little guy.
 Three, Small WISPs would gain more sympathee from Juries than Big money

 In my opinion the FCC rule making is not legal. Atleast not for those 
 aren't telecom act defined regulated carriers.  And in my opinion, a WISP
 could simply refuse to comply, and demand that the FCC obtain a court 
 to back their claim of authority. If the FCC came knocking on my door to
 enforce an alledged NetNeutrality issue, I would fight it.

 I think the disclosure portion is the one good part of the FCC 
 For that reason, I plan to comply with the disclosure portion, just 
 it makes good sense to do it anyway. Not to mention it would be just plain
 stupid not to comply to such an easy request, which would be almost like
 requesting a challenge, not to cooperate on such an easy request.  Plus,
 not disclosing info could open up a WISP to legal issues covered by laws 
 related to NetNeutrality, such as truth in advertising. Disclosure should 
 vague, so not to self inciminate more than necessary.

 But as far as complying to the other rules of NetNeutrality, I am going to
 operate my network the way I want to, and I'm not going to change that,
 unless I'm forced to.

 Please note, in general I respect the FCC's authority, and my viewpoint
 stated herein is strictly relating to NetNeutrality.

 Hopefully, I as well as other WISPs will operate their networks fairly, so
 this issue never has to come up. So many issues could be defended by
 reasonable network mangement, to defend oneself without the need for

 Tom DeReggi
 RapidDSL  Wireless, Inc
 IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

 - Original Message - 
 From: Tony Iacopi
 To: 'WISPA General List'
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 10:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality

 Hi there,

 Unfortunately I would love to agree with Matt and the fact that I paid for
 the network so I should be able to do what I want with it, however, the 
 it is currently written, if you provide internet service (which I believe 

Re: [WISPA] Neighbor Sharing Internet

2011-11-01 Thread MDK
I don't do anything.  I will do tech support ONLY for the paying person, and 
won't respond to complaints of slow or anything else.

Am I losing money?   Mulitple perspectives;   1.  I've got a customer that 
pays a bill.   2. if I prohibit it, there's probably not much chance they'll 
all sign up.  3.  I have no data use tracking anymore, so I don't know who's 
doing what.   4.  I know if the one paying the bill leaves, that  the 
other(s) will immediately call and re-up in another name.

Potentially lost revenue isn't lost...  It's just what you don't have.  If 
we fret ourselves into a stroke over potentially lost,  life would be 

As it is, I have bigger fish to fry and more pressing issues at hand.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Matt
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:56 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Neighbor Sharing Internet

 What do you do when you find out that a customer is using a wireless
 router to share Internet with neighbor and splitting the bill?  I am
 sure there are quite a few doing this but when they out right tell you
 about it when on a tech call is rare.  It is against our TOS.

 What do others do?

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[WISPA] Net Neutrality

2011-11-01 Thread MDK

Monday morning I got a phone call from a 202 number and answered it.   The 
name sounded vaguely familiar, but he finally identified himself as the 
assistant to my congressman.   Ahh, now I know why I recognize the name. 
Been in politics around here for many years.   State and federal.

Thursday or Friday, I stumbled across a news story of my US Rep praising the 
FCC's changes to USF, which, from descriptions, look bad for me and most 
of us, as it involves subsidizing rural wireless (insert cellular for 
wireless and you get the gist) I was ticked as you can imagine, because 
he's literally from a small town where WISP's play a signficant role in 
broadband availablity.

Well, I guess I must have used the right combination of words, because he 
(the assistant to my US Rep)  wanted to know what it was I thought.  Well, 
we had 20 minute conversation, where I explained that we as an industry are 
often the only viable operators for small niche areas where it simply is 
impossible to string wires or bury cables or whatever, in a cost effective 
manner (and he knows precisely what I mean, he drives the same roads and 
knows the same places I do), and now, someone's going to apply to get USF 
money to come and build right out over us, with subsidized funding.

He didn't disagree with that assessment, btw, and asked what I thought 
should be done.   Abolish, of course.   In his view, the term of life for 
continual subsidy of rural telecom via USF has been abruptly shortened, and, 
they're at least talking about ending any continuous subsidy for anyone.  Of 
course, they can't end USF, because Congress made it law, but ending it is 
certainly an option in House, he implied.

Further, we've reached the point where much of rural broadband is hampered 
by beaurocratic obstruction as much as anything else.  the need to use 
public land, or telephone pole access, or power pole access,  federal land 
use, and numerous other expensive and complicated matters.   I explained 
that it has traditionally been that people with great skill for beaurocracy 
get the money, but rarely seem to have great skill at getting customers 
happy and resourceful at accomplishing the technical challenges.  That 
subsidy causes business models to be built on it, rather than sustainable 
competitive operations.

That we need the markets open to being able to enter the phone, tv, and 
internet business with whatever the appropriate technology, without endless 
hurdles in our way.   No idea if it did any good, but at least one person, 
who is at the top of the issues that matter to us in the house, got some 
input from the ground level.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589


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Re: [WISPA] Neighbor Sharing Internet

2011-11-01 Thread MDK
My customer agreement on acceptable use says interfering with proper 
operation of the network and abuse of bandwidth and breaking the laws of 
the land as matters that get my attention.  It's simple and has yet to be a 
matter of any contention with any customer.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Sam Tetherow
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 10:51 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Neighbor Sharing Internet

 It's not fretting myself over potentially lost revenue.  It is a
 customer breaking the acceptable use policy.

 If you don't have a problem with customers sharing internet by all means
 don't list that as unacceptable use, your network, your rules.

 For me I see it as leaving money on the table.  It is listed as not
 allowed in my acceptable use policy and if I find it occurring I remind
 the customer that sharing internet with neighbors is not allowed and
 offer to help them secure the network.  I spin it as you don't want them
 'stealing' your internet, and you don't want them dragging down your
 speed.  If they say they know about it and condone it I remind them
 again that it is against policy and if it continues I will have to
 disconnect them.

 If someone can get something for free, pay half price or pay full price,
 11 times out of 10 they will go with free.  Will I gain customer #2?
 Sometimes.  Will I lose customer #1?   Sometimes, but if don't do
 anything I will never gain customer #2 and it negatively impacts my
 network as I now have more resources used and I gain no additional
 revenue.  It also sets the precedent that the acceptable use policy does
 not need to be adhered to.

 On 11/1/11 12:38 PM, MDK wrote:
 I don't do anything.  I will do tech support ONLY for the paying person, 
 won't respond to complaints of slow or anything else.

 Am I losing money?   Mulitple perspectives;   1.  I've got a customer 
 pays a bill.   2. if I prohibit it, there's probably not much chance 
 all sign up.  3.  I have no data use tracking anymore, so I don't know 
 doing what.   4.  I know if the one paying the bill leaves, that  the
 other(s) will immediately call and re-up in another name.

 Potentially lost revenue isn't lost...  It's just what you don't have. 
 we fret ourselves into a stroke over potentially lost,  life would be

 As it is, I have bigger fish to fry and more pressing issues at hand.

 Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
 541-969-8200  509-386-4589

 Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:56 AM
 To: WISPA General
 Subject: [WISPA] Neighbor Sharing Internet

 What do you do when you find out that a customer is using a wireless
 router to share Internet with neighbor and splitting the bill?  I am
 sure there are quite a few doing this but when they out right tell you
 about it when on a tech call is rare.  It is against our TOS.

 What do others do?

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Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality

2011-10-30 Thread MDK
If I ever post anything in regards to it will be:

Hey, FCC, I claim my Constitution right to be unencumbered by laws which 
neither you nor Congress have any authority to write, go stick your head in 
the sand!  Sincerely:  John Q Public.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Josh Luthman
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 3:19 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality

 If a legislator or someone from the FCC reads that I'm going to be
 pretty irritated.

 Josh Luthman
 Office: 937-552-2340
 Direct: 937-552-2343
 1100 Wayne St
 Suite 1337
 Troy, OH 45373

 On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Dennis Burgess 
 Yes, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at 
 any time. We will insure our network runs as fast as possible for 
 interactive web applications.  If you feel that we are blocking something 
 you need, then you can go back to dialup.  Ahhahaha

 Dennis Burgess, Mikrotik Certified Trainer
 Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik  WISP Support Services
 Office: 314-735-0270 Website:
 LIVE On-Line Mikrotik Training - Author of Learn RouterOS

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 On Behalf Of Matt
 Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 3:43 PM
 To: WISPA General List
 Subject: Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality

  I am working with two law firms which I hope to announce today, that 
  marketing Open Internet (Net Neutrality) Disclosure Compliance
  templates or assistance at a relatively low cost.  They are doing this 
  WISPA members.  All ISP's must be in compliance and have statements on
  websites by November 20th.  There is a bit of homework that will need 
  done by each WISP about their network, management practices,
  etc. that may not be accomplished if you wait until the last minute.
  Again, my hope is to get this out today or Monday morning, maybe both!

 Have any ISP's posted this on there website already?  Curious what it
 looks like?

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Re: [WISPA] Weekend Politics that Make Sense

2011-09-20 Thread MDK
The mythical starving Congresscritter has never been located.  If one had ever 
been found, I'd be prepared to agree with you.   But, since most of them are 
far wealthier than you and I have any chance to be, then I'd say this is 

The fact of the matter, is that issue at hand is who holds the power.   
Congress and the federal government have vastly too much power.   The idea that 
they can demand you and I to obtain a permit or implement some network notion 
is absurdly insane.It is sheer lunacy beyond all measure of sense, 
intelligence, or reason.  The Constitution never gave them those powers.  But, 
with those powers being exercised, EVERYONE HAS AN INTEREST IN CORRUPTING 
CONGRESS TO HELP THEM.  If Congress can't make you buy insurance, can't make 
you build a house with 8 million added on expenses that fund special interests 
( low flow toilets, cars with air bags, all sorts of other sheer lunacy), then 
they have no reason to try to corrupt Congress either.  

The matter is, that Congress has vastly too much money, too much power, and 
thus,  IS INHERENTLY CORRUPT.The only cure is to restore the Constitution 
and limit Congress to those few, specific items it shoulid be doing, with all 
the oversight and checks and balances that were built in.   

Do that, and our debt problems vanish overnight, our economic problems vanish 
with it, and our social problems start mending - FAST.EVERY crisis facing 
America is directly caused by exceeding the boundaries that are plainly written 
into our Constitution.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Tom DeReggi 
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 9:45 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Weekend Politics that Make Sense

To explain my mentality on that...

I believe most congressman are people with good intentions who want to do good 
for their state, and effect posititve change. Intentions are always good.  If 
they weren't they never would have got into politics in the first place.  Many 
have high ethical morals, to fight for the cause, and never consider selling 
out their beliefs.  Most people when they have a decent amount of money that 
affords them a fine basic life without to much compromise, its usually enough, 
for them to stay strong to their morals.  The issue comes when a congressman 
has to choose between his family and his constituents. Family will always be 
more important 

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Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

2011-07-21 Thread MDK
The thing is, he has no constitutional authority for ANY of this.  

Instead, we have the three blind mice trying to make the country work.   WE 
know what we're doing and how to get it done.  They need to respect that they 
don't know squat and need to get the heck out of the way.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Mark Nash 
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 12:28 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

As much as I can feel for you Sam, put yourself in 
government-man-decision-maker shoes.  Put your money where you think it will be 
successful, and small players can't provide that assurance.  It's just too much 
of a gamble.  That's how I would feel I would think.  This is a high-tech 
service better left up to high-tech companies. (from their perspective).  Never 
mind that there is success happening in small doses everywhere.  It's a 
question of confidence and CYA'ing on the part of the decision-makers.

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Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

2011-07-19 Thread MDK
Mark, you seem to think that what I'm advocating is a 'dream' or some kind of 
old fashioned fantasy.  To correct your mistake here, I must point out that the 
system you seem to want to continue has brought this nation to the brink of 
bankrtuptcy, destroyed our industrial and scientific base, our technology base 
has eroded, our information age has enabled our competitors now, and we're 
rapidly proceeding to a nation full of people who  feed each other at 
mcdonald's, mow each other's lawns, provide internet, and lend each other money 
- or, in terms of reality, a fantasy.  

The history of our current telecom industry points to only one thing... 
Congress is wholesale inept at regulating business, services or industry.   We 
have 5 bazillion laws, all being targeted for efforts to gain advantage for 
this or that segment, or for this, or against that industry.  While we have 
played in the tide pools, away from the ocean sized breakers of Congressional 
and Federal controls, it has abundantly clear that what is going on is not 
sustainable, not good, not even faintly viable.   

I am not advocating a fantasy... I am advocating a restoration of the PROPER 
governance our constitution provided and served us so incredibly well while we 
stuck to it.  And, has done such immense damage when we ignored it. 

I am confused about why you think that WISPA and all other ISP organizations 
should not propose a clear philosophical message that FREE MARKETS WORK.  Duhh, 
we know they do, we compete as best we can, hobbled by the regulatory structure 
that grants others certain advantages, etc.  There's NOTHING wrong with the 
idea that Congress should set about undoing the sins of the last generations.  

Furthermore, as someone said, WISPA itself should, just because it is an 
advocacy organization, have a clear and unambiguous philosophy on what the 
organization is going to advocate for, not just WHO it advocates for - and I 
recall the heated discussions on that topic.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

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Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

2011-07-17 Thread MDK
Ok, lets get this in perspective.   I am one, uno, sole, lone person.  While 
I believe I am right, I am NOT interested in saying I have a right to impose 
my views on all this stuff on all the other members of WISPA.   Two years 
ago, I asked, prodded, and then nagged, to see if WISPA would voluntarily 
attempt to get some kind of consensus or perhaps at least write a standard 
of principles when it comes to the business philosophy.  I was booed down.

Like it or not, the semi-political aspects of business, being forced on us 
by an intrusive government, have to be dealt with.  Do you as members 
believe you have a RIGHT to be in business?  Without needing a license from 
some authority?  Do you actually believe in free and unencumbered 
enterprise?  Or does consensus fall elsewhere philosophically?

What are the guiding principles that drive WISPA's policy stands?  Is it 
just advantage for ourselves, however or wherever it can be found, including 
trying to get public money with strings that further tie our industry, or do 
you shoot for freedom first?  If it's not the latter, then me joining will 
not change the philosophy of WISPA and it's advocacy, and I see it's efforts 
as ultimately being negative, not positive for my life and future - 
translated as no money from me.

Previous conversations on this list lead to a realization that some people 
are afraid to advocate a philosophy that runs counter to whatever ideology 
the regulators hold - as if being yes men will curry favor and therefore 
crumbs will fall in greater quantity from the master's table in DC.  But if 
you had a clear philosophy up front, I think you could attract far more 
allies, the kind that stick with you, and help change the conversation. 
You keep asking for people to  to set up and WORK for what you want, but 
continue to refuse to say what it is you intend to work for.

I again ask for the leadership to demonstrate leadership and make a clear 
and unambiguous philosophical stand - and if I can agree with it, then I 
will support with time and dollars and energy.   But until I know it's 
something I can back with a clear conscience, I (and others, as well) remain 
on the sidelines.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Forbes Mercy
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 3:19 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

 I'm sorry I guess I missed you at the Legislative Committee list when I
 was putting this together sending out drafts and asking for comments and
 help /sarcasm.  WISPA is a representation of those who show up to help
 formulate consensus and policy, not my personal views.  So easy to throw
 darts at the end result when you wouldn't be part of the process, isn't 


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Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

2011-07-17 Thread MDK
+100 Rick.  And it is this fundamental philosophical perspective that I am 
asking WISPA to answer - what is the official position?   If there is none, 
then are all the positions and statements and arguments just convenient at the 
moment?   Does WISPA advocate for things that will result in higher regulatory 

Where is the We have a fundamental belief that free enterprise, unencumbered 
by artificial spectrum shortages or regulatory barriers is the only viable 
solution to America's broadband needs statement?   And a few other statements 
of principles against which every written statement and every proposal is 

Thus, all committees and all writers and all communication remains consistent 
in philosophy and message?   Is this being political?   Soemwhat, but the need 
to be so has been shoved upon us and if we're not dealing with it, then I see 
little hope of being a conversation leader, rather than just a I wanna be 
heard like all the rest.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: RickG 
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 6:03 PM
To: ; WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

it is Regulation (1996 Telecom Act) that
allowed us (ISP's) to be able to go into the business of providing
internet access and other communication services

With all due respect, it's exactly the mindset that government allows us to 
be in business that IS the problem. Telecom Act or no, regulation or no, there 
should be no question that we are allowed to make a living the way we want to 

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Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

2011-07-15 Thread MDK
Nice re-write of history, Forbes.   Who are you trying to protect?

It is NOT Congress which has been the motivating factor behind the FCC's 
anti-competitive behavior... It has been the administration and the people 
that this administration have appointed and have hired, combined with a 
small number of extreme left-wing groups who have been pushing Net 
Neutrality, etc.   It was NEVER Congress that pushed this.

Your effort to see spectrum auctioned is not so much a matter of lobbyists 
having taken over Congress as it is a matter of Congress finding ways to 
raise money.   A later poster reminded us that not only is Congress 
unfamiliar with what we do and how we do it - along with why we are needed - 
the FCC is just as ignorant as well.   Despite that fact that WISPA has 
communicated, the FCC people as a whole just DO NOT GRASP the realities of 
free market service providers.

Until the readers were so sore here that nobody would talk to me, and 
threatened to expel me, I tried to explain how WISPA needed to take a 
PRINCIPLED STAND at the time WISPA began to be noticed in DC, that we 
believed in Free Markets and freedom to do business, without being 
encumbered (killed) by federal regulation.

To this day, WISPA has no published principles which say that it, or you, 
believe in  free markets, open competition, and consumer - oriented 
stewardship of the nation's RF spectrum-rather than auctioning the assets to 
the largest bidder.  Instead, WISPA has a history of alternatively being for 
and against various actions - mostly based upon whether or not it was 
financially a win for the larger voices of WISPA.

This lack of principled direction has now come and bitten us in the 
backside, potentially lethally.   The central notion we have to fight is 
that spectrum should be auctioned (revenue to the feds) to the highest 
bidder.   And someone, in their ignorance, has managed to commit an idea 
commensurate to your local city government suddenly deciding to create a 
license to sell groceries  and has structured it so that it is all tied to 
one auction, where any deep pockets bidder can remove the ability of all the 
incumbents to stay in business.   Instead of educating Congress, the FCC 
,and our allies (if we have any) about how freedom to be in business has 
been the central mechanism by which a vast swath of America has great 
internet service,  we've quibbled over dollars and rules and tried to slant 
them for us against others - the very thinking we must now defeat.

I have said we all stand on freedom, or fall together, and for this I have 
been branded as a radical, idiot, moron, right wing extremist, and so on - 
as such principles are, according to the self proclaimed 'wise men' of the 
group, outdated and unworkable.   Until we need them, of course.  Even the 
tortured and twisted explanation below is still trying to defend the big 
government crapola, and by now, it better be as clear and obvious to you, as 
a just hammered thumbnail, that NOTHING ELSE MATTERS IF WE DO NOT HAVE THE 

I was at founding of WISPA.   I was there within a week or two of the 
interest list being formed, and I joined and donated money, until previous 
people of WISPA were found by me to be advocating FCC mandates on us.   At 
which I resigned and will not rejoin until my money is no longer at risk of 
being used against our basic and fundamental freedoms.

YEARS have been sqandered, because WISPA failed to advocate for freedom 
first, a consistent, principled basis for everything said, advocacy 
positions, etc.  Now, you have to suddenly get religion, because 
EVERYONE's freedom is at stake, even our competition's,.   Rather than 
advocate for that, WISPA now has a history just as compromised as ATT's and 
every lobbyist's, because it stood for little more than trying to bend the 
rules to favor US instead of THEM.   Expediently, we've discovered that 
open markets mean open to competition, as well, something not advocated by 
WISPA before.

I said in 2009 that there were people headed for Congress, a sea change 
coming, and that WISPA needed to get politically allied with the pro freedom 
crowd.  They were called radicals and idiots on this list instead.

If you have even ONCE advocated for big government intervention...  For 
money your way, for regulation to favor you instead of them, for a chance to 
get your hands on the subsidies, or IN ANY WAY supported the notion of 
government intervention in the markets YOU are directly to blame for the 
mess we're facing.   YOU failed to stand for the ONE thing that matters, 
freedom.   I sure hope we win this fight.

When I started posting about defending your right to be in business several 
years ago, it was because I had envisioned this happening, it was written on 
the wall, in big letters.  I told you so.  Are you going to get serious, or 
this just going to be just more arguments of convenience?


Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

2011-07-15 Thread MDK
A plan of action?  If I said this is what WISPA should do and laid it 
out in detail, all you'd do is say who are you?  Why should we hacve to do 
what you say?

Frankly, I have no idea why you're having difficulty.  You see, when you 
have proper business principles as your guiding mechanism, what you should 
do is crystal clear.   Nobody needs to write out a plan of action, it 
becomes self evident - you always advocate FOR the proper and best thing. 
And, after being consistent, year after year, and when stuff like this comes 
up, which becomes so blatantly obviously a result of failure to follow true 
principle, again, nothing is obscure or difficult.

Additionally, I said absolutely NOTHING partisan.   Not even ideological. 
It's simple straightforward business principles.   Principle Numero Uno is 
have the freedom to be in business, and there is nothing convoluted or 
difficult about that.

You seem to be interested in mere expediency.   That's what's gotten us to 
this crisis point, the idea of managing the favoritism, the cronyism, etc, 
to favor you, or at least not hurt you too much.   That's what's BEEN going 
on.  Had we (WISPA) been looking for and actively seeking allies who would 
with us, say with many voices, but one message - hands off, and be a 
steward of what's entrusted to you, I think the landscape would look 
different.  The word steward is loaded.  It means one entrusted to manage 
things for the benefit OF THE OWNER, that's us.The FCC and Congress are 
managing for the benefit of the federal treasury and the donations to 
campaigns - which is the polar opposite of managed for the good of the 

In the previous post, I wrote an analogy, one where the city effectively 
puts every service and business up for licensure at auction.  It takes no 
imagination at all to see that the city coffers and the winning bidder are 
the beneficiaries and the people are the losers.   Spectrum is a public or 
national resource held in trust by the federal government.   Auctions to the 
highest bidder do not benefit anyone but the monopoly holder and the 
treasury, by creating monopolies or very limited competition.   Again, we as 
consumers and businessmen are the losers.  Imagine if there were enough 
spectrum delegated so that if us WISP's wanted to be mobile broadband 
providers we could, as well as cellular, or even video / audio broadcasters. 
Instead, such services have been delegated a minute slice of available 
spectrum, keeping up the price of the auctions - and the number of 
competitors down.

Why?   It is in the interest of politicians to separate us from our money. 
But their REAL job is to defend us keeping it.  There are NOW myriad 
political allies to spread this message, to change the discussion from whom 
to screw out of lots of money to what is the best policy for the people 
and keep competition alive?   And, that's the message that is NOT being 
advocated by WISPA, and it should be.

You seem to think that the answer is to find the right pol to influence and 
the right committee members to lobby and the right allies to obstruct X or 
advance Y, but those are expediency, not principle.   They should be TACTICS 
to a principled purpose, one that will attract others, on the basis of its 
soundness and validity.

And lastly, about the FCC, the last administration's appointees were 
advocates for free markets and for competition and deregulation.  Not 
particularly effective ones, but at least they were not our enemy.   The 
current administration's people at the FCC are IN NO WAY our friend, for any 
way, manner, or purpose, and everything they want is bad for us and the 
country.  STop talking political party talking points, and get some reality.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Faisal Imtiaz
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 8:01 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] The Legislative Situation Is Dire

 Errr...  and your point is ?

 Ok, I am a nobody... I have seen / read your emails, not once can I say
 I have been able to pick out a proposed specific, action or a plan of
 action from you 

 My friend you and I can agree or dis-agree on concepts all day long...
 but the point still remains ... I for myself still am not able to
 ascertain what exactly is it that you have been proposing ? ( I
 understand the anger at all of the powers to be part...and I beg to
 differ when you start blaming ..'this administration'. I personally
 have been watching and following the FCC stuff, on sliding slopes, for
 the last 12 years..that according to my calculations has been multiple

 You clear your head, and try to articulate your position in a
 non-partisan manner, which can be understood by the general public, and
 put forward a reasonably 

[WISPA] FCC not listening to us

2011-06-03 Thread MDK
Take what you read here with a grain of salt, the quality of articles is 
variable.   However,  that at some level, the hearings were a sham, is not 
to be disputed.

When partisans, who are motivated to implement political ideology, over 
stewardship of public assets, are appointed to office... this is what you 
get.   Everyone keeps accusing me of being political and I keep trying to 
tell you all that THEY are the ones who are bringing politics into your and 
my business, often partisan or ideologically radical politics, at that.

I said years ago it was a waste of time to try to generate good will in 
WAshington DC.   The other name for good will is bribery, and when the 
people change, all we did was start the history of both asking for and 
playing in a game of who's got the most to offer.   From day one,  WISPA 
should have held a strident and inflexible position that ISP's are NOT to be 
subject to regulation, federal mandates, etc, and made friends of the 
organizations who would help us in that message and fight.

Instead, we've played into their hands and now have no history except one of 
going along to get along, while a tiny, but influential number of us who 
are still trying to get their hands on other people's money, have managed to 
make WISPA's history one of non-opposition to mandates and regulation - 
while continually shouting that opposition to mandates and regulations and 
refusal to accept such mandates was partisan politics - radical politics 
at that.

I can't imagine and I'm not even trying to guess what percentage of WISP's 
believe as a matter of simple and straitforward principle that we should NOT 
be under the federal government's thumb, providing free labor for the 
benefit of politicians,  as a price of being allowed into business.But 
I can't imagine that percentage being any less than almost all of us.

It was and is, and always will be perfectly NON PARTISAN notion that 
businesses should be free to operate without providing blackmail money or 
free labor to politicians to serve the public's needs.   It isn't even 
political.   It's a rational and perfectly sensible idea for any 
businessperson to hold.   And any American, for that matter.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589


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Re: [WISPA] Living Disaster Fund - Not a One Time Charity Event

2011-04-28 Thread MDK
If possible, the idea would be in cases where insurance is likely to eventually 
compensate, it could act as a loan, and the fund is replenished whenever 
insurance finally cuts a check.   Where there is not going to be insurance, 
perhaps the operator can agree to future payments for partial repayment...   

This would be the best way to avoid rapid depletion, while at the same time, 
donors never operate under the assumption that the whole of donations are 
simply gifts to someone who's suffered disaster.   

The other half of this, is that often help, especially the expert kind, is 
often as or more valuable than money... and a list of available volunteers for 
X purposes with X skills be maintained, as well.  People sign up for periods of 
time when available and periods when not.   Just to spread the risk around a 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Rick Harnish 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:04 AM
To: ; 'WISPA General List' ; ; 
Subject: [WISPA] Living Disaster Fund - Not a One Time Charity Event

I would like to further clarify a few things.  Obviously, I am moving quickly 
on this immediate need, however, I did send the Board an email this morning 
recommending a Disaster Committee be established.  I also made some initial 
recommendations on how this fund would be administrated.  I invite comments 
below and we can move this along rather quickly.  It is definitely needed and 
will be beneficial to have in place.


This disaster started me thinking that we need to become more proactive (as 
Marlon has suggested many times in the past) rather than reacting at the moment 
of need.  I am thinking some of the rules of the fund, if established would be:


  1.. Disaster Fund donations would be kept in a separate Disaster Fund 
Account, not to be used for General WISPA operating expenses. 
  2.. Sponsorships of the Disaster Fund could be available to our 
Vendor/Manufacturer members 
  3.. No more than 10% to 25% of the fund could be allocated to any one 
disaster (Up to the committee to decide) 
  4.. Interference from another operator would not qualify as a disaster.. 
  5.. Smaller automatic monthly donation payments would be encouraged and 
  6.. Vendors would feel comfortable shipping product immediately if the fund 
was paying for the equipment. 
  7.. The receiver of emergency funds would pay back at least 80% (Percentage 
to be determined by the committee) of the funds appropriated on a payment plan 
to be determined by the committee 
  8.. Interest earned on the fund, would return to the fund. 
  9.. More thoughts  




Rick Harnish

Executive Director


260-307-4000 cell

866-317-2851 Option 2 WISPA Office

Skype: rick.harnish.



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Re: [WISPA] Living Disaster Fund - Not a One Time Charity Event

2011-04-28 Thread MDK
I made a small donation, as well.   Come on guys, I know a lot of you are 
better off than me.   We should be able to make an adequate fund in 2 days  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: MDK 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 6:03 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Living Disaster Fund - Not a One Time Charity Event

If possible, the idea would be in cases where insurance is likely to eventually 
compensate, it could act as a loan, and the fund is replenished whenever 
insurance finally cuts a check.   Where there is not going to be insurance, 
perhaps the operator can agree to future payments for partial repayment...   

This would be the best way to avoid rapid depletion, while at the same time, 
donors never operate under the assumption that the whole of donations are 
simply gifts to someone who's suffered disaster.   

The other half of this, is that often help, especially the expert kind, is 
often as or more valuable than money... and a list of available volunteers for 
X purposes with X skills be maintained, as well.  People sign up for periods of 
time when available and periods when not.   Just to spread the risk around a 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Rick Harnish 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:04 AM
To: ; 'WISPA General List' ; ; 
Subject: [WISPA] Living Disaster Fund - Not a One Time Charity Event

I would like to further clarify a few things.  Obviously, I am moving quickly 
on this immediate need, however, I did send the Board an email this morning 
recommending a Disaster Committee be established.  I also made some initial 
recommendations on how this fund would be administrated.  I invite comments 
below and we can move this along rather quickly.  It is definitely needed and 
will be beneficial to have in place.


This disaster started me thinking that we need to become more proactive (as 
Marlon has suggested many times in the past) rather than reacting at the moment 
of need.  I am thinking some of the rules of the fund, if established would be:


  1.. Disaster Fund donations would be kept in a separate Disaster Fund 
Account, not to be used for General WISPA operating expenses. 
  2.. Sponsorships of the Disaster Fund could be available to our 
Vendor/Manufacturer members 
  3.. No more than 10% to 25% of the fund could be allocated to any one 
disaster (Up to the committee to decide) 
  4.. Interference from another operator would not qualify as a disaster.. 
  5.. Smaller automatic monthly donation payments would be encouraged and 
  6.. Vendors would feel comfortable shipping product immediately if the fund 
was paying for the equipment. 
  7.. The receiver of emergency funds would pay back at least 80% (Percentage 
to be determined by the committee) of the funds appropriated on a payment plan 
to be determined by the committee 
  8.. Interest earned on the fund, would return to the fund. 
  9.. More thoughts  




Rick Harnish

Executive Director


260-307-4000 cell

866-317-2851 Option 2 WISPA Office

Skype: rick.harnish.



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Re: [WISPA] WISP Testifying before Congress Wednes - Kill NetNeutrality- What you can do!

2011-03-06 Thread MDK
If you speak to to Walden, thank him for his efforts.   He's my congressman and 
has been at the very front of this the whole time.   


Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Tom DeReggi 
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 8:21 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Cc: ; 
Subject: [WISPA] WISP Testifying before Congress Wednes - Kill NetNeutrality- 
What you can do!

Reforwarding. Sorry for the repeat, I forgot to change the subject field 
appropriately, last Email send.

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Re: [WISPA] net neutrality... Two articles...

2011-03-05 Thread MDK
Rick, I didn't take any potshots at anyone.   

I linked a couple of short blurbs on the net..

and asked... What's WISPA's official stand or statement?   Is there one?   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Rick Harnish 
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 7:49 AM
To: 'WISPA General List' 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] net neutrality... Two articles...



Why don't you join WISPA and be part of the process instead of taking pot shots 
from the hinterlands.  It is time you stepped up to be counted.


For the record, I am personally totally against Network Neutrality; at least 
the versions that have been presented thus far.  Forcing unmanaged network 
content on broadband infrastructure operators will have dire consequences in 
the operation of the Internet and the businesses that provide it.




From: [] On Behalf 
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 1:09 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] net neutrality... Two articles...



House GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) convened a meeting of top communications 
companies on Wednesday morning, where he questioned why they are not doing more 
to help Republicans in the fight against net-neutrality rules. 

A spokeswoman for McCarthy confirmed the meeting.


The facts are that Net Neutrality is not about keeping all the bits equal.  Net 
Neutrality is about regulatory creep.  It's about controlling the 
infrastructure so that the message can be controlled.  It's about things like 
Internet Sidewalks [5], and Free Press' founder Robert McChesneys desire to 
control information, have a government takeover of infrastructure, and control 
what is available to the people.  We know this when he stated,

You will never, ever, in any circumstance, win any struggle at any time. That 
being said, we have a long way to go. At the moment, the battle over network 
neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and cable companies. We 
are not at that point yet. But the ultimate goal is to get rid of the media 
capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control.


I asked once... about a year ago.   What side is WISPA on?


I still can't tell.  Are they on the no regulation is needed, get lost! 
bandwagon, or are they on the We welcome the chance to have input on your 
future plans bandwagon?


The two roads diverged a while back.   


Which is WISPA on?  



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[WISPA] net neutrality... Two articles...

2011-03-04 Thread MDK

House GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) convened a meeting of top communications 
companies on Wednesday morning, where he questioned why they are not doing more 
to help Republicans in the fight against net-neutrality rules. 

A spokeswoman for McCarthy confirmed the meeting.


The facts are that Net Neutrality is not about keeping all the bits equal.  Net 
Neutrality is about regulatory creep.  It's about controlling the 
infrastructure so that the message can be controlled.  It's about things like 
Internet Sidewalks [5], and Free Press' founder Robert McChesneys desire to 
control information, have a government takeover of infrastructure, and control 
what is available to the people.  We know this when he stated,

You will never, ever, in any circumstance, win any struggle at any time. That 
being said, we have a long way to go. At the moment, the battle over network 
neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and cable companies. We 
are not at that point yet. But the ultimate goal is to get rid of the media 
capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control.

I asked once... about a year ago.   What side is WISPA on?

I still can't tell.  Are they on the no regulation is needed, get lost! 
bandwagon, or are they on the We welcome the chance to have input on your 
future plans bandwagon?

The two roads diverged a while back.   

Which is WISPA on?  

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Re: [WISPA] Smith: Companies must save private data to combat child porn

2011-01-25 Thread MDK
Careful Matt, someone might confuse you and me, if you keep up this attitude 

Just a friendly warning 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Matt Larsen - Lists 
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 8:50 PM
To: ; WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Smith: Companies must save private data to combat child 

I will be exercising my right to civil disobedience in the event that something 
like this comes to pass.   This would never make it through the court/judiciary 
system, so I'm fairly certain it won't be a problem.

Matt Larsen

On 1/25/2011 7:22 PM, St. Louis Broadband wrote: 
  Same thing here from CNET:

  Except they are saying it has to be saved for two years!  All browsing data 
and email.

  Nice if you're a big ILEC and have endless funds .

  The more I look at the state of the broadband market today, I wonder if WISPs 
will exist in the next few years.

  Victoria Proffer - President/CEO


  -Original Message-
  From: [] On 
Behalf Of Jeromie Reeves
  Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 8:12 PM
  To: WISPA General List
  Subject: Re: [WISPA] Smith: Companies must save private data to combat child 

  Why do they not just make everyone apply for v6 space. At least that

  way was designed for tacking IP space to people.

  On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Jack Unger wrote:

   The following information is offered for your personal use only. It 
contains no

   added starch, sugar or editorial content. It was not processed on any 

   that also processes eggs or nuts.




   House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith says new laws are needed that would 

   companies to save private data in order to help law enforcement combat child



   Smith said at a hearing on Tuesday that Internet access providers should be

   forced to save personal details linked to users' IP addresses as a way to 

   combat child pornography. In the last Congress, he introduced a bill 

   they do so for two years...









   Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.

   Author (2003) - Deploying License-Free Wireless Wide-Area Networks

   Serving the WISP, Networking and Telecom Communities since 1993  818-227-4220







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Re: [WISPA] Connected Nation Rules

2011-01-16 Thread MDK
Matt, I commend your thoughts, and how you chose to write them.   I always 
admire people who speak clearly, but from the heart. 

I would like to add something, or perhaps just explain why I think this 
industry will never become the domain of a few large players.   Our industry 
requires a dedication to individual service.   Many in the beginning wanted a 
box to plant on the desk, so that NO interaction with the customer was needed.  
 Instead, we serve each customer individually.   Our deployments require that 
we learn and plot our coverage and service in place, on the ground, interacting 
with local people.  

There is no large company that can do that.We CARE about our own business, 
because it IS our own business, and thus, we CARE about our customers, 
something you cannot ever pay someone to do.   The employee who  can be paid to 
care, is indeed...rare.   Thus, we have entered an industry with a model based 
upon the highest ideal of business - that of true service.   The flakes will 
fail, the greedy will fail, only those with a true concern for doing what needs 
to be done, in return for a modest paycheck will be successful.   Some can 
instill or find that kind of employee to hire, but no HR department will 
accomplish it.  

I don't call us heroes... Certainly I am not anyone's hero.  I'm a villain, 
when the power fails at 8 pm on a school night, and everyone's connection dies. 
 But I do my best, and I really, DO care that someone needs and I have the 
means of meeting it, and so I get up and go out, missing my dinner, to get 
things back up and going. 

Any of you on this list who won't do that, you're the exception, not the rule.  
 I can with confidence that you have a passion to do things for other people... 
 And found a way to earn that paycheck... and meet the need.   I believe very 
few of you are in this, solely for the money.   

And I disagree about our image...  It should be a nameless, faceless guy, 
working out of his truck, doing the job for his neighbor, on a handshake.   
That's who we are, more than anything else.   It's who we should sell ourselves 
as, and in doing so, gain our customer's loyalty, as we're loyal to them. Our  
business operations, and our treatment of customers should reflect that, as 

I don't have the answer for the problems in DC.   I don't have the answer for 
how to get Congress and agencies to allow us to do what we know how to do, and 
have the answers for.   I just think we should be on the offensive, not the 
defensive, and seek to change the nature of the game.  

BTW, I read your site from time to time, it's quite good.   Keep it up.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Matt Larsen - Lists 
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Connected Nation Rules

Scottie (and all other non-WISPA members on this list)

I would like to repost something that I put on the WISPA Members list and on my 
blog at - the WISP Manifesto.

I am advocating that we should change our strategies to put together our own 
numbers, fight government programs that harm our businesses with taxpayer money 
and show the world that we are heroes to our communities.   I would really 
enjoy commentary from anyone on the list.   ML

(This email started out as a response to Brian Webster's email and went WAY off 
on a tangent, so I'm changing the subject - sorry!) 

Brian, I'm going to disagree with you on a couple of points here.   

 I think that you are mostly right, but you are accepting the framing of the 
issues as the telcos and politicians want them to be framed.   That there is no 
way that we can win a toe-to-toe slugging match for spectrum, but this is not 
about a full on, frontal attack.This is guerilla warfare, and the game is 
played by a completely different set of rules.

 Think of it from the wisp operator's point of view..

 1) We've been given essentially no spectrum (the junk bands that we 
use were around long before WISPs were), 

2)We get no government subsidies, despite the existence of stimulus and 
rural development programs for broadband deployment, which actually..

3)Pours billions of taxpayer dollars into our competition, the same 
competition that has either delivered low grade broadband or none at all.

4)The USF program allows telcos to impose additional taxes on their 
services to go into a giant government enabled slush fund that goes right back 
into their systems.  

5)RUS only lends to ILECs and will not work with multiple entities in 
an area 

6)We are asked to turn over highly detailed information about our 
subscriber bases, tower sites and anchor tenants as part of the broadband 
mapping programs - information that is a FOIA request away from being public 

 In many (most) ways, we have little 

[WISPA] Looking for residential WISP in Phoenix area.

2011-01-13 Thread MDK
Please contact me offlist, by email, only...

mark   at   neofast   dot  net

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Re: [WISPA] MIMO antenna cabling...

2011-01-12 Thread MDK
I believe that's somewhere down the road, not too far distant.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Tom DeReggi 
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:22 AM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] MIMO antenna cabling...

OK... I just visited the forums and saw StarOS has been hard at work adding N 
Class support.
(Better late than never).

I stopped paying attention after around Starv3 v1.3.23 or soThinking EOL 
was near.

I just noticed the opposite on the forums with V3- v1.5.15, and even an ALIX 
specific version.
It appears StarOS's implementation is still playing catch up, but exciting to 
see that their product is evolving.
They definately have the talent on staff to evolve their product to a stable 

Wondering if they are working on adding an embedded Spectrum Scanner software 
for Ncards yet?

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL  Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

  - Original Message - 
  From: MDK 
  To: WISPA General List 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 2:16 PM
  Subject: [WISPA] MIMO antenna cabling...

  I'm in the position of wanting to test the Star-OS MIMO mode, and it occurs 
to me that connecting an antenna through a few feet of cable may have some 

  I'm going to use dual polarity antennas, and so I'm wondering if I need to 
use very closely matching cable lengths for the cables that connect the radio 
to the wire?The board / radio are inside the building, and the antennas 
will be about 10 feet away, or so.   

  Is this an issue to be concerned about?   

  Anyone know? 

  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
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[WISPA] MIMO antenna cabling...

2011-01-11 Thread MDK
I'm in the position of wanting to test the Star-OS MIMO mode, and it occurs to 
me that connecting an antenna through a few feet of cable may have some 

I'm going to use dual polarity antennas, and so I'm wondering if I need to use 
very closely matching cable lengths for the cables that connect the radio to 
the wire?The board / radio are inside the building, and the antennas will 
be about 10 feet away, or so.   

Is this an issue to be concerned about?   

Anyone know? 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
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Re: [WISPA] MIMO antenna cabling...

2011-01-11 Thread MDK
I'm aware of cable loss issues, but in this case, that's just not an option.   
LMR-400 has low enough loss at 5 ghz that I don't see any big issue with using 
it, and the run really isn't all that long.  

The radio system is an ALIX mini-itx and it has 5 radios, plus a 2 radio ALIX 
board, all in one enclosure.   BTW, it's a metal building, with the radios 
inside another heavy steel box, required to prevent nearby lightning strikes 
from shutting it down.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: support 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:51 AM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] MIMO antenna cabling...

10ft in RF cable is a Bad Idea I would put you board in a weather proof box and 
put it next to your antennas

On 1/11/2011 1:16 PM, MDK wrote: 
I'm in the position of wanting to test the Star-OS MIMO mode, and it occurs to 
me that connecting an antenna through a few feet of cable may have some 

I'm going to use dual polarity antennas, and so I'm wondering if I need to use 
very closely matching cable lengths for the cables that connect the radio to 
the wire?The board / radio are inside the building, and the antennas will 
be about 10 feet away, or so.   

Is this an issue to be concerned about?   

Anyone know? 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
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Tim Steele

NITLine Support

(574) 772-7550 ext 103

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Re: [WISPA] FCC Commish: No need for net neutrality; we have white spaces!

2011-01-03 Thread MDK
To heck with the critics!

What do they know?   Did anyone ask the people who know something, rather 
than just the pointy-headed academics?

NN rules are a disaster waiting to happen,  and open access is an 
unsustainable model based on a pretend market.

He is absolutely right, however, competition and the ability become 
competition simply removes the need for ANY meddling.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jack Unger
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 1:25 PM
To:; WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] FCC Commish: No need for net neutrality;we have white 

 Speechless, I am...

 Critics of US broadband want one of two things: open access rules that 
 create greater ISP competition of the kind that actually existed in the 
 2000s or, barring that, net neutrality rules to keep ISPs from abusing 
 market power. But according to FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell, we don't 
 either policy—white space devices make both approaches unnecessary...

 Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
 Author (2003) - Deploying License-Free Wireless Wide-Area Networks
 Serving the WISP, Networking and Telecom Communities since 1993  818-227-4220

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Re: [WISPA] bandwidth provider at Westin

2011-01-01 Thread MDK
I'm using Spectrum now, and at 65/meg, it hurts, since my use is going up as 
much as 10% a month.   Not only that, I haven't been able to get anyone to 
talk to me or respond to emails in six months, except for matters of 
collecting money.They're all over that, but I'm too small, I guess, to 
warrant anyone's time for any other matters.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Ryan Spott
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:57 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] bandwidth provider at Westin (aka condointernet) - get on this! :)


 On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 9:52 AM, MDK wrote:
 I'm looking for wholesale bandwidth providers located in Westin..  Anyone
 have names / etc?



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Re: [WISPA] Figuring it out

2011-01-01 Thread MDK
I've had my one test sector up for some time, and then it suddenly developed 
ethernet issues.  

I changed both cables and switch, and no joy.   

I have the replacement rocket, just waiting for the moment I can get back up 
there and replace it.  

Since this is more common than it should be, I'm going to go whine to UBNT.  I 
thought mine might a fluke or some kind of odd damage issue, but apparently 

Unless someone knows of a managed switch that uses less than 3W power, I'm 
stuck with dumb switches...  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Chuck Hogg 
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2010 6:47 AM
To: ; WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Figuring it out

Try setting the Rocket AP to 10Mbit on the Ethernet and see if you get the same 
results.  I have had several 100Mbit ethernet issues with Rockets, only fix I 
have had has been to put a modified POE RB/750G near the top of the tower to 
the Rocket.  At 100Mbit they had 7-20% packet loss.  If you have a mikrotik you 
can also test this using the ping command from base to top and set the timeout 
to 75ms.  If you have any packet loss, try setting to 10Mbit and ping again. 



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[WISPA] bandwidth provider at Westin

2010-12-30 Thread MDK
I'm looking for wholesale bandwidth providers located in Westin..  Anyone have 
names / etc?   



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Re: [WISPA] Wow- and how stimulus works

2010-12-24 Thread MDK
Nice fable :)

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Chuck Profito
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 9:42 AM
To: 'WISPA General List'
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Wow- and how stimulus works

 MDK- just for you.  :-}


 It is a slow day in the small Minnesota town of Marshall, and the streets
 are deserted.  Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody is
 living on credit.

 A rich tourist visiting the area drives through town, stops at the motel,
 lays a $100 bill on the desk and says he wants to inspect the rooms 
 before selecting one for the night.

 1. As soon as he walks upstairs, the motel owner grabs the bill and runs
 next door to pay his debt to the butcher.

 2. The butcher takes the $100 and runs down the street to retire his debt 
 the pig farmer.

 3. The pig farmer takes the $100 and heads off to pay his bill to his
 supplier, the Farmer's Co-op.

 4. The guy at the Farmer's Co-op takes the $100 and runs to pay his debt 
 the local prostitute, who has also been facing hard times and has had to
 offer her services on credit.

 5. The hooker rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill with the 

 6. The hotel proprietor then places the $100 back on the counter so the 
 traveler will not suspect anything.

 At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, states that the rooms 
 not satisfactory, picks up the $100 bill and leaves town.

 No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town 
 now out of debt and looks to the future with a lot more optimism.

 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Stimulus works.

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[WISPA] Merry Christmas, every one

2010-12-24 Thread MDK
RE: [WISPA] Wow- and how stimulus worksTo hopes your family can be together, 
your health be good, your world have peace. 

May the One who was born on whatever day it was, bless you and yours, and keep 
you throughout the year so you may again reach other Christmas.


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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-23 Thread MDK
If you're trying to align it (analogy) with ILEC's, I agree, the monopoly 
should never have been created.

However, if we just focus on the present, and ignore history - and history 
is ignored because it's mostly irrelevant - this is the situation and how it 
will be viewed.   Unlike Jeromie's characterization,  someone really DOES 
own it and it's not the taxpayer, it's a private entity.How they got 
it, no longer matters to the entity, it's how it affects them in the present 
and future that matters.   Unbundling amounts to being required to maintain 
and innovate at your expense, for the benefit of your competitors.

The business concept doesn't make sense, and it never will, ergo, it is not 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Mike Hammett
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 6:05 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

 To align it more closely with the telecom world, consider the
 following.  The city gave you an exclusive license to operate a grocery
 for 100 years, but you refused to accept credit cards, had manual doors,
 and rang up all prices by looking them up in a book.

 Since you were protected from new grocery stores, they forced you to
 allow a competitive store in your building, which accepted credit cards,
 had automatic doors, and had an electronic back end.

 Same thing other than the cost to lay new cables is almost
 insurmountable as opposed to just putting up another building.

 The key here is that you were protected from competition for 100 years.
 You shouldn't be allowed to build your empire under protection, then
 take advantage of said situation.  You should have never had that

 Mike Hammett
 Intelligent Computing Solutions

 On 12/21/2010 4:30 PM, MDK wrote:
 Jeromie, my socialist (or was that anarchist, I can't ever remember) 
 how are ya?   I was thinking about making a run to a wrecking yard up 
 way and stopping by to see how things were going.

 Anyway, each time I read this solution it reminds me why it won't work.

 Let's say I move to Cove.   Buy the biggest building in town, and put in 
 grocery store.   Along come the grocery neutrality advocates and require
 that I set aside space in my store for all the people who want to compete 
 the grocery market.If I knew that was going to happen, why would I be 
 brain dead stupid as to invest all my money in the first place?And if 
 happened after the fact, why would I continue to maintain the building 
 keep it open, for the benefit of others?

 YOU see this as an opportunity to capitalize on monopoly created 
 and getting your share of it.

 I look at it and notice that the business model it creates is insanity, 
 no effort will EVER be taken to be market oriented and innovative.

 YOu're just trading one set of problems for a future set of intractables,
 with EVERYONE invested into a system that's broken beyond hope.

 Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
 541-969-8200  509-386-4589

 Right there you prove what many want. The last mile should not be held
 by someone with stakes in what drives OVER that road.
 Lets make the last mile open to all ISPs who want to build out to the
 CO. I would drop in VDSL in my town TODAY if I COULD
 get access to the CO but the FCC took that away from us.

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-23 Thread MDK
That was the camel's nose in the tent, so to speak.  

NN and content regulation is merely some more of the camel through the door and 
in the tent with you.  

Rate or price controls, coverage requirements, bandwidth specifications, and so 
on would be the rest of the camel in the tent.  

At that point, you don't control your own network, prices, or service.   You 
merely manage a utility that's either going to be the surviving monopoly or go 
under, as the regulators continue to raise your costs by demanding more from 
you, while regulating your revenues.   

If you don't think they'll do that, please research obamacare where in a 
short period of time, insurers are allowed to:   Sign people up.   They will 
not be able to set their own rates, design their own product, or benefit from 
efficient operations - as required ratio of incoming to outgoing dollars is 

I'll bet some of you even thought it was a good idea at the time, as long as 
it's not YOUR business.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: RickG 
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:58 AM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

Yes, by the fact that a private person doing business is forced to report 
anything to the government is wrong. It breaks the trues spirit of capitalism  
freedom that this country was founded upon. Sorry to sound extreme but what 
will they force us to do next?

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:

  I don't think form 477 has anything to do with breaking anything. 

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

  On 12/22/2010 12:44 AM, RickG wrote: 
The first step to breaking the net was form 477.

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:57 PM, MDK wrote:

  The whole problem was creating monopolies in the first place, and then
  pretending you can fix what you broke by half-baked notions of 
  created markets...

  There is NOTHING broke about 'internet' because it hasn't been regulated.

  Your issue is nothing but a complaint about the results of what should 
  have been done in the first place.

  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
  541-969-8200  509-386-4589


  From: Fred Goldstein

  Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 6:56 PM
  To: WISPA General List 

  Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

   Well, no, what IS PROFOUNDLY BROKEN is that the ILECs are no longer
   required to be common carriers.  They built their network using
   common carrier privileges.  They got their market share using common
   carrier privileges.  And then they turned  around and got their
   common carrier obligations lifted by the profoundly corrupt
   Cheney-Rove FCC.  So now they control the content on their wires, and
   you can't lease them.  That's just wrong.  And the Genachowski FCC
   isn't doing squat about that, though they absolutely have the power
   to do so.  We do need a national common carrier utility.  There is a
   clear distinction between carriage and content. ISPs are content, not
   carriage.  And WISPs are self-provisioned ISPs who deliver content
   over unlicensed facilities without using a carrier, and without being 

Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein at
ionary Consulting
+1 617 795 2701


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[WISPA] I probably haven't been clear...

2010-12-23 Thread MDK
This business about winning and losing...

For me, winning is about being in charge of my life and my business.   Who 
has veto power over what I choose to do?   Me.   That's winning.

Losing:   When someone else has veto power over any decision I make. 
Example, the FCC decides which aspects of my business I can control, and 
which aspects THEY control.

This is the precise argument over our nation's founding.   The rebellious 
types decided they'd had it, and they wanted to govern their own lives. 
Now, it's really hard to have a nation, with NO GOVERNMENT,  but that 
doesn't mean that you have to live with a tyrant deciding what powers to 
exercise.We gave government limited powers, and everything else IS UP TO 
US.   Government does not get to decide what additional powers it has.   It 
does not get to reinterpret the establishing contract ( Constitution) for 
itself.   It has never been given that power.   No branch of government is 
delegated interpretation power of the Constitution, by the Constitution, 
for instance.   It stands on its own, with plain and obvious language anyone 
can understand.   Not even the Supreme Court.   Don't believe me?   Read the 

In a microcosm, this is my point of view.Neither Congress nor the FCC 
has any statutory authority in the Constitution to require you to do SQUAT, 
unless your business is somehow commerce between the states.   And in that 
regard, it is still limited to the ability to override state policy toward 
commerce with ANOTHER STATE.   Just because you buy internet in state 1 and 
sell it in state 2 does not mean that Congress now owns you.  It just means 
that Congress can overrule any rules state 1 or 2 makes about what you do.

When we take the attitude that it is inevitable that we are regulated as 
an industry, we have utterly forgotten the legal foundation of both OUR 
individual rights, our rights as business entities, and the statutory 
limitations of government.

It's like establishing a contract between you and someone else, say, hiring 
a secretary, who, over time, decides that you are subservient to the 
employee you pay, and starts making your decisions for you.   You, legally, 
would fire this person, and that's the end of that.   Congress and the FCC 
simply do not have the authority to do many things they want to do.   We 
should be bound, by civic duty, and by citizenship, to simply say No.   It 
is US who should decide if we WANT any federal laws on the matter, and if 
so, we ask for them, and if we decide they can't do anything useful, we say 
no and send them packing.   No, not the people who want to control their 
neighbor's business, but those who own the business decide.

We are in an outside of the law situation.   Both Congress and the various 
agencies have decided for themselves what powers to exercise, far in excess 
of their constitutional limitations.And, for whatever reason, we have a 
significant segment of the population who likes this situation, of having an 
unlimited and unrestricted government controlling them.   Why unlimited? 
Well, if you specify what your employee is empowered to do, and instead, 
your employee takes upon themselves full control over your enterprise... 
Then the agreement between you is broken.Either you assert your 
contractual standards... or there are no standards.   Either you enforce 
your employee's behavior, to contractual limitations... Or your employee 
just does WHATEVER he or she wants.It really is an all or nothing 

If you do not assert your dominance, which exists as a matter of contractual 
law, then you have lost all authority to object to anything.   You cannot, 
as a matter of consistency say I Object to the breaking of this part of the 
contract between you and me and at the same time, refuse to enforce most 
other provisions, and have any logical leg to stand on.If it's not all 
valid, then who gets to decide what is and what isn't?

I've been called radical and all sorts of things for this thinking.   But 
for the life of me, I cannot understand why.   There's nothing radical about 
insisting that your contractual rights be respected.   We have them, and 
they're contained in the Constitution.  And it says that WE, as the people, 
control our government, FULLY, except for approximately 36 specific, 
delegated, enumerated responsibilities ( the number is debateable, what they 
are isn't), and we have a process called amendment that gives us power to 
both further delegate and to rescind.

I want that contract respected and honored.How is that radical?

And why do so many of you object?   It's all about law, and contract.

We as businesses operate on agreements.   We have agreements with our 
customers.   We do x, they do y.   We're only in business so long as that 
specific relationship stays intact.If we don't perform and / or, they 
don't pay, then it all falls apart.If your provider fails to provide for 

Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-23 Thread MDK
Hey Mark... This Mark is not anti-government, as in wanting anarchy.   

I'm still trying to grasp the thinking of people who welcome regulation.   
Perhaps my understanding is better and thus, I write better.  I don't know.  

However, as for giving WISPA money and promoting it...  That will happen when 
or if WISPA officially adopts policies that I can support.   But not until 
then.   Don't ask me to change your organization.   I was once in it and 
financially supported it and it took positions contrary to what I can support, 
so I left.   That has to change before I will come back.   

Simple enough?   

You (as leaders and members of WISPA) really do have to decide where you're 
going, and if that's the same way, or close enough, that I can support, I will. 
  Please don't ask me to jump into a contrarian situation, where I'm the odd 
man out, with an invitation to seek to change your organization around you.  
That's seriously chaos and results in severe discord.   Ya'll don't need 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Mark Nash 
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 11:41 AM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

Normally I don't open a message from MDK for fear of witnessing what I have 
become accustomed to.  It took me a few days to do it, but I did open this 
thread.  And I have to say I don't mind reading it.  I may not agree with 
anything or agree with part, but the point is that I don't mind reading this, 
whereas I did in the past.  

For that effort, I say well done Mark.  You've found a way to get your points 
across without clouding the issue with anti-government opinions.

Now pay the fee  join WISPA and help make change... Those of us who do would 
appreciate that (money where the mouth is, that kind of thing).

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-23 Thread MDK
Fred, your commentary on the written statutory and agency aspects of the events 
is admirably good and clear. 

However, we philosophically disagree vehemently, apparently, on the conclusions 
or judgements you make about things.  

I disagree almost entirely about the need or value of utilities as 
monopolies, or extremely regulated agents of government want and policy.   I 
believe these have hurt us as a nation immensely.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred Goldstein 
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 12:06 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

At 12/23/2010 02:19 PM, MDK wrote:

  That was the camel's nose in the tent, so to speak.  
  NN and content regulation is merely some more of the camel through the door 
and in the tent with you.  
  Rate or price controls, coverage requirements, bandwidth specifications, and 
so on would be the rest of the camel in the tent.  
  At that point, you don't control your own network, prices, or service.   You 
merely manage a utility that's either going to be the surviving monopoly or go 
under, as the regulators continue to raise your costs by demanding more from 
you, while regulating your revenues.   

Actually, regulated utilities are a good thing.  That's the point of there 
being a utility:  It provides a necessary service to the public whose value is 
largely external to the utility itself, and which is not normally competitive.  
Hence it is usually regulated in a manner that ensures a fair profit for 
investors, while protecting consumers against price gouges.  These are usually 
safe investments, so called widows and orphans stocks.

However, it's necessary to define what is and what isn't a utility.  Telephone 
companies are traditionally treated as utilities, though they no longer wish to 
be, except when it convenes them.  ISP, in contrast, were created as the 
customers of the telephone utility, protected *from* misbehavior *by* the 
utility by regulation.  The lifting of that utility-like rule -- in particular, 
Computer II -- led to the neutrality kerfuffle.

Regulating ISPs per se *as* utilities, while popular among those who, for 
instance, created that silly mock tiered-service flyer in 2006, is a different 
issue.  ISPs are being used as substitutes for utilities, because the Bells 
offer ISP services and have withdrawn their utility services.  That does not 
argue against regulation of all utilities; it argues for maintaining a 
distinction between utility and customer.

Because the FCC failed again to cite the Title II common carrier function as a 
basis for its rules, and maintains an artificial integration of content and 
carriage when the content is an ISP, its new regulations are likely to be 
voided.  If they had cited a Title II function, it would have been unlikely to 
impact WISPs, who have never been Title II carriers.

  If you don't think they'll do that, please research obamacare where in a 
short period of time, insurers are allowed to:   Sign people up.   They will 
not be able to set their own rates, design their own product, or benefit from 
efficient operations - as required ratio of incoming to outgoing dollars is 
  I'll bet some of you even thought it was a good idea at the time, as long as 
it's not YOUR business.  
  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
  541-969-8200  509-386-4589

  From: RickG 
  Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:58 AM
  To: WISPA General List 
  Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

  Yes, by the fact that a private person doing business is forced to report 
anything to the government is wrong. It breaks the trues spirit of capitalism  
freedom that this country was founded upon. Sorry to sound extreme but what 
will they force us to do next?

  On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Mike Hammett  

I don't think form 477 has anything to do with breaking anything. 


Mike Hammett

Intelligent Computing Solutions

On 12/22/2010 12:44 AM, RickG wrote: 

  The first step to breaking the net was form 477.

  On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:57 PM, MDK  wrote:

The whole problem was creating monopolies in the first place, and then

pretending you can fix what you broke by half-baked notions of 

created markets...

There is NOTHING broke about 'internet' because it hasn't been 

Your issue is nothing but a complaint about the results of what should 

have been done in the first place.


Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy

541-969-8200  509-386-4589

Re: [WISPA] Wow

2010-12-23 Thread MDK
You know, the thing about this, is that it would probably be GOOD, not bad.

It would eventually result in people noticing that data consumption is a 
little like your water bill...  The more you use, the more it costs.

These people believe that an ISP's connection to you is unlimited...  All 
you can consume, 24/7.   And they base their premise that pricing to pay for 
that kind of use, is what people are paying, and that's not true.   What 
people are paying for, is the average between the users.   Eventually, I see 
people ASKING to not pay the ever growing bill that will be required when 
everyone ( not really, just a significant percentage, like 10 to 30% of 
users) streams the evening news, 5 hours of nightly entertainment movies, tv 
shows, live peer to peer entertainment and transfers, and other such 
bandwidth hungry services.

If I could buy at a carrier hotel, for $1/Mbit, and had no transport costs, 
save my own network,  my pricing structure STILL FAILS at about 4 - 8 times 
the usage that my average customer now consumes and I'm faced with raising 
rates.  And, that customer is using between 8 and 12 times what he did just 
6 years ago.  IE, it's not that long when the internet bandwidth price just 
may not matter - no matter how cheap it becomes, and that the final mile and 
next to final mile costs will be what drives the price and the way of 
marketing services.

I don't have a great deal on bandwidth, but it's not a BAD deal on 
bandwidth, and honestly, the bandwidth cost, though a significant component 
of the monthly outgo, and I expect it to fall per meg over time,  is going 
to be less and less relevant - and the cost of delivering that final and 
next to final mile, along with customer service, is going to be the BIG 

What's this mean, in 5 years?   I think it means that either certain means 
of offering internet are either going to become a menu of services with a 
price attached to each, or the overall cost to the consumer is going to 
climb so far that people are going to demand tiered services so that they, 
themselves, choose consumption levels they are willing to pay for.

I could be all wrong, here, but, hey... It's almost a new year, so I'm 
donning my prophet hat and shooting off my mouth.   Let the debates 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Larry A Weidig
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 7:30 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Wow

 Just wanted to pass this along, as I think it summarizes what
 the general public believes is the entire issue at stake:

 * Larry A. Weidig (
 * Excel.Net,Inc. -
 * (920) 452-0455 - Sheboygan/Plymouth area
 * (888) 489-9995 - Other areas, toll-free

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK

The whole problem was creating monopolies in the first place, and then 
pretending you can fix what you broke by half-baked notions of government 
created markets...

There is NOTHING broke about 'internet' because it hasn't been regulated.

Your issue is nothing but a complaint about the results of what should never 
have been done in the first place.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred Goldstein
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 6:56 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

 Well, no, what IS PROFOUNDLY BROKEN is that the ILECs are no longer
 required to be common carriers.  They built their network using
 common carrier privileges.  They got their market share using common
 carrier privileges.  And then they turned  around and got their
 common carrier obligations lifted by the profoundly corrupt
 Cheney-Rove FCC.  So now they control the content on their wires, and
 you can't lease them.  That's just wrong.  And the Genachowski FCC
 isn't doing squat about that, though they absolutely have the power
 to do so.  We do need a national common carrier utility.  There is a
 clear distinction between carriage and content. ISPs are content, not
 carriage.  And WISPs are self-provisioned ISPs who deliver content
 over unlicensed facilities without using a carrier, and without being one.

  Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein at
  ionary Consulting
  +1 617 795 2701

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK
I'm sure you mean well, but I'm not even stirred up yet.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Faisal Imtiaz
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 6:27 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

  'Dude'... get a grip.. get out of this business, get some sanity into 
 your life... this kind of stress is not good...

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK
Bob, that's about the truest comments on the matter...  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Bob Moldashel 
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 6:34 AM
To: ; WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

Excuse me but is your signature big enough on this e-mail??   


regarding this FCC thing...

Some how, some way this thing will bite us in the butt and reward the big guys.


On 12/20/2010 8:05 PM, St. Louis Broadband wrote: 
  Yes it is!


  Victoria Proffer - President/CEO





  From: [] On 
Behalf Of Joe Fiero
  Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 4:12 PM
  To: 'WISPA General List'
  Subject: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless


  It's good to see all our efforts pay off.




  REUTERS  updated 2 minutes ago 2010-12-20T21:45:55 

  WASHINGTON - The Federal Communications Commission is expected to adopt 
Internet traffic rules on Tuesday that would ban the blocking of lawful 
content, but allow high-speed Internet providers to manage their networks, 
senior agency officials said Monday. 

  Commissioners Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn had expressed concerns with 
the proposal laid out by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski early this month, but 
senior FCC officials said they had come to an agreement and are expected to 
vote in favor of the rules. 

  Genachowski proposed banning the blocking of lawful traffic but allowing 
Internet providers to manage network congestion and charge consumers based on 
Internet usage.

  The rules would be more flexible for wireless broadband, Genachowski said in 
a previous speech, acknowledging that wireless is at an earlier stage of 
development than terrestrial Internet service.




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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK
The problem we have here, Faisal, is not about constructive criticism.   I am 
not arguing the value of policy X vs policy Y, but frustrated that the vast 
majority of US, who have the most to lose, speak of these things in terms of 
such inevitability, as if losing the battle against overreaching feds has 
already been lost, and all that's left is to try to weasel some kind of 
benefits for ourselves.  

And thus, my undying anger toward a former WISPA leader who went to the FCC and 
suggested that they START poking their nose in our business.  His intention was 
to get us political status, so that we could get our nose into the government 
trough.   That's the kiss of death, and somehow, we've managed to avoid the 
bullet so far, all hope is NOT lost. 

And that's where it all has gone awry.  

And I’m not taking this as personal, relax.   

The point is, we should not be debating the value of regulation X vs the value 
of regulation Y, but instead seeking to make alliances in Congress to FOREVER 
butt the government (fcc, etc) out of our business.  

I wrote about 9 months ago, that the new Congress coming would have some very 
strong allies in that regard, and that there's a change coming, one so big that 
it'll change our possible future.   Why should we roll over and play dead, 
failing to ally ourselves with friends in Congress who WANT to exempt us 
entirely from any meddling in our business?   Why should we play the FCC's 
game, when there's a much bigger and much better idea - to gain our freedom to 
do business without having an endless worry about what the changing faces at 
the FCC are going to do - and have that endless threat and constant looking 
over our shoulder, wondering when the sword will fall, the train will come down 
the tracks, or whatever other metaphor is most meaningful to you?  

This means that the money trough from Congress will go AWAY and that we have to 
earn our freaking keep from now on, with no subsidy, no grants, no loans, at 
the taxpayer expense.   But I consider that the best business deal we could 
ever negotiate.   The ANGER of many Congressmen have right now, as directed 
toward the FCC is one that makes my consternation seem like mild whining.  The 
FCC is stepping on the toes of Congress, giving them the bird, so to speak.   

If you want strategy, then STRATEGY says we go to Congress.  We have strong 
allies in both houses, but they need US to give them cover politically, so they 
can bully the rules through they want, and it really DOES mean freedom for us.  
 When was the last time a Congress had a near majority in both houses that 
decided they should BUTT OUT of an industry?  Well, we have it.   And it will 
be messy.   And controversial.   And some people are going to get all bent out 
of shape, because they WANT money, more than they want freedom. 

I asked this list almost a year ago, directed my comments at the leadership of 
WISPA, and it said basically the following:   How long are you going to try to 
straddle this?   How long is the leadership going to mouth we need freedom to 
operate our business with the contradicting premise of we want to get federal 
money and subsidies?   The latter never comes with the former.WISPA is 
going to have to take a stand, either it's going to say we invite and 
recognize the value of  regulation of ISP business, network, and policies or, 
it's going to have to say We believe that our industry is best UNREGULATED.   
 And they punted.   Instead, I was told to shut the hell up and not bring it up 

Instead of sitting down and asking our contacts in DC who our friends are, in 
terms of getting us permanent free market status, the leadership chose to 
continue straddling the fence, so as to not rock the boat.And, I will NOT 
support WISPA, until or unless it actually grows a pair and fights, not to 
encourage and promote us being regulated, but the RIGHT thing, which is our 
independence.   Those people who were denigrated and put down, those tea 
party types, have suddenly gotten big pull in DC.  

And they want every ally they can get.  And WE should be one of them.   EVERY 
DAY OF THE WEEK for the last month, major opinion writers, congressmen, 
senators, and so on, have ARGUED for our NON regulated status all over the 
news, tv shows, cable, internet sites, newspapers, magazines, you name it.  
Where the hell are we?   Afraid to say the word, all hunkered down and have 
already given up and declared dead - that being heavily regulated status being 
a foregone conclusion and our free market status lost.   There's basically TWO 
organizations, the White House, and Genachowski himself that are pushing it, 
THAT IS IT.   And they're a tiny, but loud minority, and they have the sympathy 
of Democrats.   Both of the organizations pushing it, are well funded and are 
basically socialists, who push an agenda of extreme government power, over all 

In this is case, it is not us against Congress, 

Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK
I wholeheartedly disagree with your premise.

From that point on, we have little to debate about.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred Goldstein
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 11:43 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

 At 12/21/2010 01:57 PM, MDK wrote:

The whole problem was creating monopolies in the first place, and then
pretending you can fix what you broke by half-baked notions of 
created markets...

 Uh, no.  Wireline is a natural monopoly.  That is NOT what it has
 sometimes been taken to mean, an excuse to regulate.  Rather, it's an
 economics concept, which means that the cost of entering the market
 as a new provider is substantially higher than the cost to an
 existing provider of adding incremental capacity.  In other words,
 the incumbent can always underprice the new entrant, so it's
 impossible to compete.

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK
So, I disagree with his premise, and his argument about the premise, that 
wired telephony is a natural monopoly, and I'm not allowed to say so? 
What, who speaks first is now the authority and cannot be questioned?

All of what he said is based upon the natural monopoly premise, and since 
we disagree on that premise, we don't have anything to debate about what he 
said, I disagree with his conclusions.

This is neither disrespectful nor insulting.   And, since it's somewhat off 
the topic of this thread, I chose to not further pursue it.

Now, can we get on with whatever our conversation will be about the matter 
of import, at least at this point in time?

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Faisal Imtiaz
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:31 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

 It is tough to have a meaningful discussion when you make comments as
 such ..

 You don't have to agree with Fred, but if you listen to him with and
 open mind, at worst you will end up learning about a whole series of
 events that got us this point...

 And it is not due to some individual who went to Washington and Kissed
 someone !


 Faisal Imtiaz
 Snappy Internet  Telecom

 On 12/21/2010 3:06 PM, MDK wrote:
 I wholeheartedly disagree with your premise.

  From that point on, we have little to debate about.

 Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
 541-969-8200  509-386-4589

 From: Fred
 Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 11:43 AM
 To: WISPA General
 Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

 At 12/21/2010 01:57 PM, MDK wrote:

 The whole problem was creating monopolies in the first place, and then
 pretending you can fix what you broke by half-baked notions of
 created markets...
 Uh, no.  Wireline is a natural monopoly.  That is NOT what it has
 sometimes been taken to mean, an excuse to regulate.  Rather, it's an
 economics concept, which means that the cost of entering the market
 as a new provider is substantially higher than the cost to an
 existing provider of adding incremental capacity.  In other words,
 the incumbent can always underprice the new entrant, so it's
 impossible to compete.

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK
Fred gave his reasons, which if I were to answer to, I'd have to quote him, but 
the gist of what he said, was that the NEXT operator to come along would have 
to pay MORE to compete than the original.  

That's about as flawed a premise for technological matters as it is possible to 
have.   Technology gets CHEAPER as it become more popular, subsequent 
competitors pay LESS to provide services than the first.   This is WHY telcos 
and utilities were given monopoly status in the first place, so they would be 
protected from competition, thereby ensuring healthy and long term profits from 
their investment.   

Fred used the example of roads, as a comparison.   Hardly a valid one, since 
wire takes up minimal real space, and roads take up ALL the space we have for 
them.   Roads are publicly owned, for the most part (yes, I know, private toll 
roads exist, but that's really outside of free market business, just the same), 
and consume the only space that exists for them, they live in a 2 dimension 
world.   The two are NOT comparable, not even slightly.  

What's really at issue here, is that the incumbents were built with money 
extracted from the consumer at usurious rates, and profits were protected and 
guaranteed by both federal and state law.   And, incumbents have the historical 
benefit of having had that guaranteed profit from which to build an 
infrastructure that competitors would not have, and would have to start from 
scratch.Ideas of separating the lines from the service are merely responses 
to that fact, and in no way fix the issue.  

It can't be fixed, but we could undo some of it, if we wanted.  And, that would 
mean, quite simply, the deregulation and non-protected status of common 
carriers.   Basically, just doing away with it entirely.Sadly, that leaves 
some with a historical advantage, but NOT one that cannot be overcome.   RF 
space could be allocated to overcome the lack of land space that states have 
created by making monopolies out of rights of way, etc.   There's myriad ways 
of putting the free back in the market, rather than just trying to rent-seek, 
by trying to divert profits or cash flow from one entity to another.   

States could recognize the validity of the need for free market services and 
stop protecting the incubent by allocation of space adequate for multiple 

I don't know why the idea of natural monopoly has such sway on some people.   
For the most part, it's just a dodge against doing the hard thing... Undoing 
historical mistakes.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: David E. Smith 
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 1:17 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 15:08, MDK wrote:

  So, I disagree with his premise, and his argument about the premise, that
  wired telephony is a natural monopoly, and I'm not allowed to say so?

 If you claim telephony isn't a natural monopoly, by the definition of that 
phrase, you have to back up the assertion. By the macroeconomics definition of 
the phrase, telephone wires are pretty much a perfect example; what's your 

David Smith

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK
Jeromie, my socialist (or was that anarchist, I can't ever remember) friend, 
how are ya?   I was thinking about making a run to a wrecking yard up that 
way and stopping by to see how things were going.

Anyway, each time I read this solution it reminds me why it won't work.

Let's say I move to Cove.   Buy the biggest building in town, and put in a 
grocery store.   Along come the grocery neutrality advocates and require 
that I set aside space in my store for all the people who want to compete in 
the grocery market.If I knew that was going to happen, why would I be so 
brain dead stupid as to invest all my money in the first place?And if it 
happened after the fact, why would I continue to maintain the building and 
keep it open, for the benefit of others?

YOU see this as an opportunity to capitalize on monopoly created investment, 
and getting your share of it.

I look at it and notice that the business model it creates is insanity, and 
no effort will EVER be taken to be market oriented and innovative.

YOu're just trading one set of problems for a future set of intractables, 
with EVERYONE invested into a system that's broken beyond hope.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

 Right there you prove what many want. The last mile should not be held
 by someone with stakes in what drives OVER that road.
 Lets make the last mile open to all ISPs who want to build out to the
 CO. I would drop in VDSL in my town TODAY if I COULD
 get access to the CO but the FCC took that away from us.


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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-21 Thread MDK

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred Goldstein 
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 2:41 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

At 12/21/2010 05:14 PM, MDK wrote:

  Fred gave his reasons, which if I were to answer to, I'd have to quote him, 
but the gist of what he said, was that the NEXT operator to come along would 
have to pay MORE to compete than the original.  

Yes, to reach the first customer, as well as on a per-customer basis, which 
sets the price.  If Bell has 100% of the market and you don't have lines, then 
you'd have to pull a line to reach your customer.  That's a huge cost compared 
to their being able to use existing lines.  If you won a 25% market share and 
they had 75%, then if your cost per mile were the same as theirs, your cost 
per home served would be three times theirs.  If you don't know the impact of 
that, look at RCN's sad history.  Hint:  It's in my book.  Five billion 
dollars lost in four years.

The average cost per customer goes UP as you expand, not down - when discussing 
wires.  And nobody starts a telco based on having ONE customer.  Instead, you 
pull lines and invest in plant to develop a business model that's better priced 
than your ILEC's average and undercut them to gain marketshare where you pass 
the customer.  Yes, I know somewhere you have ONE customer, I had that 
experience a few years back, myself.This is because you have to reach 
farther and to less dense customers as you expand.   Since that lowers your 
cost / customer, it allows you to siphon off the less costly to provision with 
lower prices, and it raises the cost per customer of the incumbent, as they 
lose customers in close (cheap) and their mix becomes more and more costly, as 
yours goes down...

Eventually, the ILEC is a non-viable entity and will either be broken and 
consumed by competitors, or it will divest itself into smaller, lower-cost 
units.   There ARE NO NATURAL MONOPOLIES in this business.There are natural 
sizes of maximum efficiency, and to be above or below will result in you being 
less than fully competitive.   By their nature,  the incumbents are too large 
to be efficient and are, given the proper political environment, fully 
vulnerable to competition.  

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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-20 Thread MDK
No, we LOST.   You see, once they have the power, they have the power.It is 
not a victory to be partially regulated, or to get partial exemption.  

I cannot imagine why industry is rolling over and playing dead for this.   

As far as I'm concerned it's come and arrest me, coppers and I will damn well 
NOT comply.   

And if we all did that.  They'd just give up.   But we're too chicken to stand 
up for ourselves, as a country, anymore, apparently.   I don't know when people 
forgot that according to the Constitution, we tell the government what to do 
and where to get off, not the other way around.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Joe Fiero 
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 2:12 PM
To: 'WISPA General List' 
Subject: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

It's good to see all our efforts pay off.




REUTERS  updated 2 minutes ago 2010-12-20T21:45:55 

WASHINGTON - The Federal Communications Commission is expected to adopt 
Internet traffic rules on Tuesday that would ban the blocking of lawful 
content, but allow high-speed Internet providers to manage their networks, 
senior agency officials said Monday. 

Commissioners Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn had expressed concerns with the 
proposal laid out by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski early this month, but 
senior FCC officials said they had come to an agreement and are expected to 
vote in favor of the rules. 

Genachowski proposed banning the blocking of lawful traffic but allowing 
Internet providers to manage network congestion and charge consumers based on 
Internet usage.

The rules would be more flexible for wireless broadband, Genachowski said in a 
previous speech, acknowledging that wireless is at an earlier stage of 
development than terrestrial Internet service.




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Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

2010-12-20 Thread MDK
I am opposed to ALL aspects, period.   Nothing is broken such that it needs 
the atomic bomb of government to fix it.

This is a fix in desperate search of a broken and the closest thing to a 
broken they can find is a hypothetical that isn't a disaster in the first 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jeromie Reeves
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 4:56 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

 While I do agree with the idea that we need less regulation of (fixed)
 wireless and a lower barrier to entry for cellular wireless, I would
 like to knwo what parts of this particular proposal you have a issue
 with. I, personally, would love to see the layer 1 and layer 2+ be
 forcably broken apart for wired isps (IE, if you are a ILEC, you must
 have a separate business entity run the 2+, with set prices for
 everyone who wants to be a layer 2+ entity on that layer 1 network)
 with wireless getting a mix of this (unlicensed is not bound to layer
 1/2+ split, with some licensed being (like cellular) and some licensed
 not being bound (like 3.65, sub 700) and opening more spectrum (that
 is a mix of bound and non-bound) and see where that takes us. Time to
 wake up and go pickup the kids.

 On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 4:30 PM, MDK wrote:
 No, we LOST.   You see, once they have the power, they have the power. 
 is not a victory to be partially regulated, or to get partial 

 I cannot imagine why industry is rolling over and playing dead for this.

 As far as I’m concerned it's come and arrest me, coppers and I will 
 well NOT comply.

 And if we all did that.  They'd just give up.   But we're too chicken to
 stand up for ourselves, as a country, anymore, apparently.   I don't know
 when people forgot that according to the Constitution, we tell the
 government what to do and where to get off, not the other way around.

 Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
 541-969-8200  509-386-4589
 From: Joe Fiero
 Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 2:12 PM
 To: 'WISPA General List'
 Subject: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

 It’s good to see all our efforts pay off.

 REUTERS  updated 2 minutes ago 2010-12-20T21:45:55

 WASHINGTON — The Federal Communications Commission is expected to adopt
 Internet traffic rules on Tuesday that would ban the blocking of lawful
 content, but allow high-speed Internet providers to manage their 
 senior agency officials said Monday.

 Commissioners Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn had expressed concerns 
 the proposal laid out by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski early this 
 but senior FCC officials said they had come to an agreement and are 
 to vote in favor of the rules.

 Genachowski proposed banning the blocking of lawful traffic but allowing
 Internet providers to manage network congestion and charge consumers 
 on Internet usage.

 The rules would be more flexible for wireless broadband, Genachowski said 
 a previous speech, acknowledging that wireless is at an earlier stage of
 development than terrestrial Internet service.


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Re: [WISPA] Friday Funny

2010-11-07 Thread MDK
Ehhh...  Not that strange. 

Several winters ago, we put in a small POP on the roof of a 2.5 story house in 
the mountains.   You can stand on the roof and see, 17 miles away, the other 
end of the point, and with binoculars, see the house and all in the middle of 
wheat fields.   This link runs between the peaks of two homes.

from below, you can't find the upper one, because it's hidden between two 
masses of trees.   

We put the link in on a foggy day, and got a -73 or so signal on both ends and 
left happy.   Several months later, after some phone calls to complain about 
irregular bandwidth, we discover that our link is now poor quality, down to 
about -86 or so.   Again, cloudy day and we can't see into the mountains.   
But,  we climbed to both ends, and upon taking stuff apart, appeared to find 
some moisture in one of the cable ends.   Changing it all, we put it back up 
and  it worked ok, but still weak.   Shuffling the frequency around found that 
moving a couple channels over got us a -78 signal.   Cool.   So, it was left 
there.   About two weeks later, we've got no signal again.   But, a big storm 
is moving in and we're not going to climb ladders in the wild wind, and so tell 
the customers they'll have to wait till tomorrow.   But the next day, the link 
is up and stronger than it's been in weeks.   It came up during the night. 

So,  unable to find anything wrong, we wait it out.   This repeats itself twice 

Finally, after another storm clears yet again, we return to the top end, 
finding nothing wrong, go to the lower end, and having run the link in RM and 
AND looked at the path in Google Earth, I notice that the lower antenna is NOT 
aimed at our client's house on the mountain, but across a valley from it and 
we've been using a reflection off the hillside covered in snow!   Each time the 
snow melted, the link died, but a storm came the NEXT day and put new snow 

A 10 degree or so adjustment in the antenna direction on the lower end results 
in us finding another peak in signal, where it has run perfectly fine ever 
since...  The top antenna is still pointed the same, and even attempts to 
re-peak it end up exactly pointed as the first when we installed it.  

I have decided I am just a practicing WISP 'cause there ain't no way I'm ever 
getting this all right, just like a doctor... 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Marco Coelho 
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 10:57 AM
To: WISPA General List ; 
Subject: [WISPA] Friday Funny

This must be strange propagation month.

We've got a new installer who put a 900 MHz canopy with a yagi pointing to the 
south side of one of our towers 6 miles away.  He gets a 56 signal, but it's 
really unreliable for some reason.

He goes out there again to re-sight, same issues after a couple of days.

I happen to look at the map for this customer.  Whoa He is being shot to 
the BACK SIDE of a motorola 60° panel 900 MHz AP.  56 Signal from 6 miles away 
180° out

This 900 is there for spot application only.  Never intended for over 3 mile 
shots, especially in the opposite direction!

I need a beer.

Marco C. Coelho
Argon Technologies Inc.
POB 875
Greenville, TX 75403-0875

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[WISPA] anyone know what this is about?

2010-10-19 Thread MDK


An Obama administration task force that includes officials from the Justice and 
Commerce Departments, the F.B.I.and other agencies recently began working on 
draft legislation to strengthen and expand the Communications Assistance to Law 
Enforcement Act, a 1994 law that says telephone and broadband companies must 
design their services so that they can begin conducting surveillance of a 
target immediately after being presented with a court order.

There is not yet agreement over the details, according to officials familiar 
with the deliberations, but they said the administration intends to submit a 
package to Congress next year.

Another quote:

Another proposal would create an incentive for companies to show new systems to 
the F.B.I. before deployment. Under the plan, an agreement with the bureau 
certifying that the system is acceptable would be an alternative safe harbor, 
ensuring the firm could not be fined.

I am obviously not being...  anything other that correct to say People, this 
is serious...

You can't deploy anything new until the government approves of it, or face 
massive liability for fines and fees?   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

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Re: [WISPA] anyone know what this is about?

2010-10-19 Thread MDK
LOL...  Seriously, I've not seen any mention of this anywhere on any of the 
wireless sites, nor any other news site...  

So, my question...  Does anyone know anything about this?   

I'm thinking that just about every telecom/internet/isp/voip/etc engaged entity 
should be on high alert to head this off at the pass, so to speak.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: RickG 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 8:39 AM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] anyone know what this is about?

They'll call it the obama-air bill.

On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 11:35 AM, MDK wrote:


  An Obama administration task force that includes officials from the Justice 
and Commerce Departments, the F.B.I.and other agencies recently began working 
on draft legislation to strengthen and expand the Communications Assistance to 
Law Enforcement Act, a 1994 law that says telephone and broadband companies 
must design their services so that they can begin conducting surveillance of a 
target immediately after being presented with a court order.

  There is not yet agreement over the details, according to officials familiar 
with the deliberations, but they said the administration intends to submit a 
package to Congress next year.

  Another quote:

  Another proposal would create an incentive for companies to show new systems 
to the F.B.I. before deployment. Under the plan, an agreement with the bureau 
certifying that the system is acceptable would be an alternative “safe harbor,” 
ensuring the firm could not be fined.

  I am obviously not being...  anything other that correct to say People, this 
is serious...

  You can't deploy anything new until the government approves of it, or face 
massive liability for fines and fees?   

  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
  541-969-8200  509-386-4589


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[WISPA] Sea Change - about the FCC

2010-10-14 Thread MDK
This morning my favorite news site had yet another article about the FCC, 
labled walking a fine line where they're distancing themselves a bit from 
full on telecom style regulation and trying to sell some vague in between 

To be honest, the electorate isn't in favor of ISP regulation at all.   The 
political activists are counting on a Sea Change in Congress with the elections 
coming up soon, and are chomping at the bit for change, including having 
Congress direct the FCC BY VOTE to leave ISP's alone.  

A few Congresscritters and indeed, some of the apparently soon be elected ones 
are willing to be activist in this regard to roll regulations back.Is this 
something we could get WISPA to officially support?   I realize that this may 
seem premature, however...   

1.  Political climates change fast.The activists to deregulate things are  
fired up big time.   We'd be just one thing they'd love to add to the list of 
overreaches, but few grasp the whys or hows.However, if sit and wait, while 
making no noise, it is unlikely we'll get very far. 

2.  The public is almost universally unaware that we're supposed to create and 
support the ability to fully capture everything an individual client does.  
When I explain it to them, they get narrowed eyes and start to get quite 
hostile.   We WOULD have great public support for repeal. 

3. Considerable attention is being given to the cost of mandates, as a form of 
hidden tax on business.   

Of course, nothing is set in stone until its set in stone, but should the sea 
change occur that's being predicted, the new Congress will be actively 
searching for and attempting to repeal overreaches.   Is WISPA prepared to go 
to bat for us in this regard?If not, why not, what's needed? WISPA 
needs a well written, clear, and unambiguous statement ready to go in January, 
should we have the opportunity to make our voices heard by ears that think we 
have not just a right to be heard, but are indeed, on our side.   

Is this where WISPA is willing to go?


Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

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Re: [WISPA] TV White Space

2010-09-27 Thread MDK
Nothing will happen until the database is created.  At that point, some 
software tool will search it for you, and once some equipment is built, it 
should auto-register for you, as well as control the channels.

For the moment, there's nothing any of us can do.   You can't stake out a 
claim, as  the unlicensed scheme just doesn't create that opportunity.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jory Privett
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 6:40 AM
Subject: [WISPA] TV White Space

 I was looking at the available channels in my area and realized that there 
 are not many that can be used easily.  There are a lot of operators that 
 are competing  here that will possibly want to use them also.   My 
 question is what will be the registration process to acquire this channel 
 space?  I have not seen any talk about it but with the very limited space 
 available  there has to be some type of registration/licensing.  Also are 
 there any rules on usage?  I would hate for someone to register on the 
 best channels and then not actually use them.

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Re: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 23rd, 2010

2010-09-26 Thread MDK

Oh... I thought it was just me having issues with the site.  If you move 
REAL slow, it seems to work fine.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jeromie Reeves
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 8:11 PM
To:; WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 

 sort and filter the fcc db, mainly for microwave links and tower
 locations.  The spectrum bridge map does not work well for me,
 crashing often (both linux and windows) with tile errors.

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Re: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 23rd, 2010

2010-09-26 Thread MDK
It appears that you have, even if VHF-Lo turns out to be not workable, several 
UHF channels.  

Of course, if you have real estate on the hills to the north, east, and south, 
you're not too bad off, either.   

( wife's mother lives in Yakima, son's going to be going to YVCC sometime soon, 
I think, I know the place somewhat.)

I ran the center of town type of scenario,  putting the spot somewhere a little 
west of the railroad tracks and just south of the downtown corridor.   I 
suspect it may change if you move out toward Moxee or  through the gap out 
toward Wapato, or up north toward Naches.   

The spectrumbridge tool works pretty decently, but it lacks explanation of some 
of the features.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Forbes Mercy 
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 8:29 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 23rd, 

Well since I'm Yakima you now have my attention!

Forbes Mercy
President - Washington Broadband, Inc.

On 9/25/2010 5:00 PM, MDK wrote: 
  Your sarcasm would be, well, effective, if I weren't correct about there 
being no way to use it.   No other WISP is going to be able to do what I can't 
do, either, Jack.  

  In my town, there is ONE UHF channel.   6 mhz.   That's it.  In the 
mountains, where we need it due to forest, it can't be done.Get yourself a 
copy of Radio Mobile and check your HAAT, RM uses the FCC's requirement as its 

  There's ONE VHF-HI channel.Two VHF-LO channels.   And, as mentioned, the 
VHF low is so susceptible to noise I doubt anyone will even try to make 
anything work there.   One flourescent light on and your internet goes dead...

  So, while this is fantastic in theory,  in reality, this spectrum will not be 
useable to signficant level, by many WISP's.  If you use the tools you have and 
start inspecting your sites, you'll find that there's a lot more use of TV 
space than you knew.And, some places are amazingly open.   

  However, some of the rural guys will find lots of space.   I hope, anyway.  

  Gresham, OR,  - 2 channels
  Portland, OR,  - 2 channels

  Spokane, WA,  12 channels - but a good chunk won't work due to HAAT 
  Libby, MT, 37 channels
  Moro, or, 36 channels ( population, 400?)
  Tacoma, WA, 12 channels
  yakima, WA , 14
  Lawrence, KS.  12

  The majority of examples above include at least half the channels in VHF.   
As I noted before, there ARE obstacles to overcome in using VHF, especially 
VHF-lo.   Even VHF-hi could prove to be seriously susceptible to interference.  
  Also,  the VHF and and sometimes even UHF frequencies are subject to 
interference by skip, which will cause cyclical interference issues, by 
broadcasters far, far away.   We'll find out when either makers trials leak 
results,  or when people start trying.  

  These are some of the technical issues that will become part of our 
vocabulary as we try to move into this.   Has anyone here seen any trials done 
in the VHF frequencies?   

  I did some propagation examples in my town, using RM and UHF, and it appears 
we're going to be limited to around 1.5 miles max distance, unless you can get 
your antenna near max height, both AP and client due the fact the fresnel zone 
is HUGE!   

  I didn't dry the VHF bands, as I couldn't find quickly find any antenna specs 
published for the frequencies.  

  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
  541-969-8200  509-386-4589

  From: Jack Unger 
  Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 3:53 PM
  To: WISPA General List 
  Subject: Re: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 23rd, 

  Hello Mark,

  Thank-you for your comments and thanks in advance for agreeing not to use the 
available TV White Space channels in your area. That will leave those open for 
another WISP to use. 

  Thank you again and best regards, 


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Re: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 23rd, 2010

2010-09-25 Thread MDK
I'm not trying to throw cold water on you, but before anyone gets themselves 
all excited, they better make use of the spectrumbridge tool and see if they 
have ANY available channels.I'm relatively rural and I have ONLY 2-9.  All 
other frequencies are either adjacent to in use or in use.   And, at the low 
frequencies in use, I sort of doubt it will be well supported.  Antenna issues 
for 2-6 make one wonder if it'll be used much at all. That's BELOW the FM 
band, and making use of antenna gain involves airplane size antennas.I'm 
not saying it can't work, but there's huge issues, making the range and 
practicality small.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Rick Harnish 
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 3:07 PM
To: ; 'WISPA General List' ; 
Subject: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 23rd, 2010

Today's FCC decision to open up the TV Whitespaces for unlicensed operations is 
a decision that validates the WISP industry, WISPA, it's members and the 
grassroots efforts we have achieved since our birth in 2004.  I would like to 
thank all of the WISP operators who have joined this movement and have 
supported our efforts to improve our industry's stake in the Broadband Service 
business landscape.  


WISPA isn't a business; it is a well defined association of member companies 
that have common interests and a drive to improve their businesses.  It is 
quite remarkable what we can all do when we combine our forces.  Today's MO on 
the TV Whitespaces included WISPA 88 times!  We (WISPA) are now a household 
name with most of the lobbying groups (both opposition and supporters) in the 
broadband industry, the FCC and many legislators.  We still need to work on the 
legislative lobbying effort and that will take each of our members to write to 
their congressman and senators, meet them personally and tell them our stories 
and successes.  Although it may be out of many operator's comfort zone, it 
should be noted that they (legislators) all get up and get dressed every 
morning just like you and I.  They are often former neighbors and have a 
passion to serve their local service areas, just like we do.  We need to 
befriend these influential people and relay our passion to extend broadband 


We estimate there are 2000-3000 WISPs in the USA.  Nearly 400 have joined and 
support WISPA.  We can further benefit our industry with greater participation 
from those who continue to sit on the sidelines.  We invite those WISPs to join 
the rest of the operators by joining WISPA at  By 
joining WISPA, you become a co-owner of WISPA with all of the other members.  
Incidentally, I just received a call from Francois Menard, a very astute 
operator in Canada, who will be joining WISPA very soon.  He thanked WISPA for 
our hard work and he would like to get a similar organization started in Canada 
or get more Canadian WISP companies to join WISPA.  There is absolutely no 
reason why we cannot duplicate what we have achieved to assist our neighbors to 
the north with greater effectiveness.  


The telecom world is heating up, debate is dynamic and everlasting!  Our work 
and lobbying continues or we will fade away through legislation without 
representation.  We MUST speak up to hold our ground and seek new fertile 
ground.  I work hard each day to stimulate the industry I so dearly love.  I 
invite you to join our efforts.  The technical talk is fine and needed, but 
without a playing field to place the infrastructure and achieve business 
success, the technical talk is all a moot point.




Rick Harnish

Executive Director


260-307-4000 cell

866-317-2851 WISPA Office

Skype: rick.harnish.


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Re: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 23rd, 2010

2010-09-25 Thread MDK
Your sarcasm would be, well, effective, if I weren't correct about there being 
no way to use it.   No other WISP is going to be able to do what I can't do, 
either, Jack.  

In my town, there is ONE UHF channel.   6 mhz.   That's it.  In the mountains, 
where we need it due to forest, it can't be done.Get yourself a copy of 
Radio Mobile and check your HAAT, RM uses the FCC's requirement as its 

There's ONE VHF-HI channel.Two VHF-LO channels.   And, as mentioned, the 
VHF low is so susceptible to noise I doubt anyone will even try to make 
anything work there.   One flourescent light on and your internet goes dead...

So, while this is fantastic in theory,  in reality, this spectrum will not be 
useable to signficant level, by many WISP's.  If you use the tools you have and 
start inspecting your sites, you'll find that there's a lot more use of TV 
space than you knew.And, some places are amazingly open.   

However, some of the rural guys will find lots of space.   I hope, anyway.  

Gresham, OR,  - 2 channels
Portland, OR,  - 2 channels

Spokane, WA,  12 channels - but a good chunk won't work due to HAAT limitations.
Libby, MT, 37 channels
Moro, or, 36 channels ( population, 400?)
Tacoma, WA, 12 channels
yakima, WA , 14
Lawrence, KS.  12

The majority of examples above include at least half the channels in VHF.   As 
I noted before, there ARE obstacles to overcome in using VHF, especially 
VHF-lo.   Even VHF-hi could prove to be seriously susceptible to interference.  
  Also,  the VHF and and sometimes even UHF frequencies are subject to 
interference by skip, which will cause cyclical interference issues, by 
broadcasters far, far away.   We'll find out when either makers trials leak 
results,  or when people start trying.  

These are some of the technical issues that will become part of our vocabulary 
as we try to move into this.   Has anyone here seen any trials done in the VHF 

I did some propagation examples in my town, using RM and UHF, and it appears 
we're going to be limited to around 1.5 miles max distance, unless you can get 
your antenna near max height, both AP and client due the fact the fresnel zone 
is HUGE!   

I didn't dry the VHF bands, as I couldn't find quickly find any antenna specs 
published for the frequencies.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jack Unger 
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 3:53 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Today is a Momentous Day for our Industry - Sept. 23rd, 

Hello Mark,

Thank-you for your comments and thanks in advance for agreeing not to use the 
available TV White Space channels in your area. That will leave those open for 
another WISP to use. 

Thank you again and best regards, 


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Re: [WISPA] testing... What happened?

2010-09-10 Thread MDK
Yes, Jim, put away the brainrot :)

It seems Godaddy wasn't renewing a little used domain of mine and, well, the 
rest is obvious.   :)

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jim Patient
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 10:04 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] testing...   What happened?


 Jim Patient
 Cell: 314-565-6863
 Desk: 636-692-4200
 YIM: jeffcosoho

 On 9/9/2010 10:21 PM, Robert West wrote:
 Put away the alcohol.  It's all good

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Mike Hammett
 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 7:59 AM
 To: WISPA General List
 Subject: Re: [WISPA] testing... What happened?

There was a post 1.5 hours before this one.

 Mike Hammett
 Intelligent Computing Solutions

 On 9/9/2010 1:28 AM, MDK wrote:
 No wispa traffic in days.

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[WISPA] testing... What happened?

2010-09-09 Thread MDK

No wispa traffic in days.   

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Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality statement from Genakowski

2010-09-03 Thread MDK
I find it disturbing that almost no public discussion of this is going on.   Is 
this a matter where we think that the imposition will have little or no effect 
on us, or do we expect to simply ignore it, or is everyone just confident it 
won't happen?   

There's a lot going on, on many fronts, economic and social and governmental, 
and our collective future appears headed not just for us having loss on an 
individual basis, but full national currency and economic collapse.  You'd 
think the public list would get mention of at least the FCC actions and 
planning to coordinate resistance - along with how it will affect everyone, be 
they WISPA centric or not.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred Goldstein 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 7:43 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality statement from Genakowski

At 9/2/2010 05:59 PM, you wrote:

  How, uhh.. .do they propose to ban doing this?

By permitting specialized services (anything other than a bog-neutral wide 
open Internet service) only under limited conditions.  Among them are these 
proposals, from the new Further Inquiry:

(E) Limit Specialized Service Offerings: Allow broadband providers to offer 
only a limited set of new specialized services, with functionality that cannot 
be provided via broadband Internet access service, such as a telemedicine 
application that requires enhanced quality of service.19

(F) Guaranteed Capacity for Broadband Internet Access Service: Require 
broadband providers to continue providing or expanding network capacity 
allocated to broadband Internet access service, regardless of any specialized 
services they choose to offer. Relatedly, prohibit specialized services from 
inhibiting the performance of broadband Internet access services at any given 
time, including during periods of peak usage.20

end quote

 Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein at   
 ionary Consulting 
 +1 617 795 2701 

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[WISPA] Net Neutrality statement from Genakowski

2010-09-02 Thread MDK
Yesterday, the Chairman released a statement on net neutrality, which 
basically said We need more public comment.

This an excerpt from his published statement:

Recent events have highlighted questions on how open Internet rules should 
apply to 'specialized' services and to mobile broadband -- what framework 
will guarantee Internet freedom and openness, and maximize private 
investment and innovation. As we've seen, the issues are complex, and the 
details matter. Even a proposal for enforceable rules can be flawed in its 
specifics and risk undermining the fundamental goal of preserving the open 

Accordingly, the FCC's Wireline and Wireless Bureaus are seeking further 
public comment on issues related to 'specialized' (or 'managed') services 
and mobile broadband. The information received through this inquiry, along 
with the record developed to date, will help complete our efforts to 
establish an enforceable framework to preserve Internet freedom and 

So, people, get your commentary in.

If you're wondering how to approach it in an informative way, this link here 
might help.  I'll give you specific permission to quote, copy, whatever... 
It's written simplistically, but addresses almost all aspects of net 
neutrality.If you have ideas that might improve this, let me know.

Honestly, people do not understand that there really truly cannot be perfect 
net neutrality, and that the way people define the term is widely varied. 
I've discussed this with numerous customers, and once they grasp what is 
being asked for and what is being proposed, and that the legal framework 
simply doesn't fit the service, they're never in favor of it.

We need to  blanket our country with this kind of informative statement.


Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

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Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality statement from Genakowski

2010-09-02 Thread MDK
Could you give us all a link to these provisions?

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred Goldstein
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:21 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality statement from Genakowski

 At 9/2/2010 03:20 PM, MDK wrote:
Yesterday, the Chairman released a statement on net neutrality, which
basically said We need more public comment.

 Yes, we'll need to send in more posts to keep them from producing
 rules that put WISPs and other competitive ISPs out of business.  It
 looks as if this latest statement was hastily produced as a way to
 take what Verizon and Google  agreed to and rapidly turn it into
 rules.  Julius is enamored of the deal, for the deal's sake,
 whatever the deal is.  He has a hard-on for FiOS and thinks Google is
 a deity, so their collective opinion trumps 310 million Americans' 

 Note how the proposed rules essentially outlaw the competitive
 provision of non-POTS telecommunications service (anything but plain
 Internet access).  They suggest that a large ISP is allowed to offer
 some small percentage of their network for other offerings, but the
 types of services that IT managers need for business communications
 (links between their buildings, etc.) are apparently to be banned
 from open provision.  This is just a little gotcha that Verizon
 snuck in, an exmaple of the type of idiocy that this proceeding, and
 the neutrality movement, has begotten.

  Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein at
  ionary Consulting
  +1 617 795 2701

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Re: [WISPA] Net Neutrality statement from Genakowski

2010-09-02 Thread MDK
How, uhh.. .do they propose to ban doing this?

 Note how the proposed rules essentially outlaw the competitive 
 provision of non-POTS telecommunications service (anything but plain 
 Internet access).  They suggest that a large ISP is allowed to offer 
 some small percentage of their network for other offerings, but the 
 types of services that IT managers need for business communications 
 (links between their buildings, etc.) are apparently to be banned 
 from open provision.  This is just a little gotcha that Verizon 
 snuck in, an exmaple of the type of idiocy that this proceeding, and 
 the neutrality movement, has begotten.

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Re: [WISPA] Katrina, Five Years Later

2010-09-01 Thread MDK
I'll second that.Mac, and all the other people who so selflessly put in 
money and time and pain and sleepless hours and living without showers for days 
to camping in crowded trailers and trying to get a cell signal and get 
communication out to get stuff in, for countless hours that'll never be punched 
on a time clock nor really ever accounted for...   Your efforts displayed the 
finest part of human nature, even when you got tired and ill tempered or so 
fatigued you couldn't remember what town you were in.

Thank you, to one and all. 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Matt Larsen - Lists 
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:42 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: [WISPA] Katrina, Five Years Later

(from my blog,


It is now 5 years since Katrina hit New Orleans and changed the face of the 
Gulf Coast forever.   One of the good things that came out of this disaster was 
the outstanding effort by wireless ISPs that came together to provide Internet 
and phone services to thousands of refugees from the storm.Mac Dearman 
stood at the center of that effort.

I called Mac the day after Katrina hit to check in on him and see how bad off 
he had it.   Other than a little damage, his network was in good shape.   I 
called a couple of days later, and he told me stories about the refugees of the 
storm, churches and makeshift shelters filled to overflowing with people that 
had nothing more than the clothes on the backs.   He and his employees had been 
working non-stop to put in Internet connections and voip phones at the shelters 
so that the people there would be able to contact their loved ones and start 
the process of applying for federal help.I could tell from the tone in his 
voice that he was completely worn out, but could not stop because this work had 
to be done.

I got on a plane the next morning and headed down to help in any way that I 

Within two days after I arrived, there were at least 30 people camped out at 
Mac's farm near Rayville, Louisiana and semi loads of donated equipment had 
arrived that allowed us to put Internet, VOIP phones and computers at nearly 
every shelter in Mac's service area.   I had to leave after a week, but Mac 
took his volunteer army of WISPs down to the Bay St. Louis and Gulfport areas 
along the coast and kept going until the next spring.

It was truly an amazing effort, done with no government support, purely with 
volunteer help and donated equipment.   The campaign to help people after 
Katrina was a pinnacle moment of the infant WISP industry, and a perfect 
illustration of the ability of WISPs to provide critical services quickly, 
efficiently and professionally.

Thank you Mac, and thanks to all of the volunteers that were able to take the 
time to help him out.   WISPs everywhere owe you a debt of gratitude.

More reading:

Matt Larsen

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Re: [WISPA] Suggestions for high bandwidth @ 25 miles.

2010-08-31 Thread MDK
But that's close in.   Throughput falls drastically as the distance goes up.   
Even when the radio rates stay up, throughput falls.   I have an 11 mile p2p 
link in production now.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Josh Luthman 
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 8:15 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Suggestions for high bandwidth @ 25 miles.

I have NSM5 that do 150 megs aggregate right now.

  On Aug 30, 2010 11:09 PM, MDK wrote:

  I've already got UBNT stuff in production, and I know without a doubt it
  won't handle 100m full duplex - especially at 25 miles.

  Might be possible to do parallel links or something, but that would require
  some kind of load failover system at each end, since no way will it do 100 m
  one way, if there's any backward traffic.

  What Proxim stuff?

  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
  541-969-8200 509-386-4589

  From: Josh Luthman
  Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 4:22 PM

  To: WISPA General List

  Subject: Re: [WISPA] Suggestions for high bandwidth @ 25 miles.

   Proxim, Ubiquiti M...
   Josh Luthman
   Office: 937-552-2340
   Direct: 937-552-2343
   1100 Wayne ...

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Re: [WISPA] Suggestions for high bandwidth @ 25 miles.

2010-08-31 Thread MDK
As the distances go up, the longer it takes for the packet to be transmitted 
from one point to another, and the round trip time grows, which reduces the 

My experience is, that it would be all but impossible to do two parallel 
links in 5 ghz with UBNT stuff, as the antennas are not sufficiently 
isolated from each other, and despite being on channels that don't overlap, 
they still seem to have issues from strong nearby signals.And that would 
be even more true, using 40 mhz channels, as the spectrum it's listening 
to is so much wider.

Perhaps my early hardware hasn't the selectivity of later, but I haven't 
heard there's significant differences.

It was really my first thought, but so far I don't see it as viable unless 
somehow I can physically isolate the two links so they don't hear the closer 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Faisal Imtiaz
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:49 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Suggestions for high bandwidth @ 25 miles.

 On 8/31/2010 11:44 AM, MDK wrote:
 Even when the radio rates stay up, throughput falls.

 Haven't seen that. There are some issues as such due to alignment,
 firmware and Ack settings... that affect all links, medium range  long

 To get to higher end of the throughput / over the air rate, you will
 need to use 40meg channel / have a nice clean connection in the -60's...


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Re: [WISPA] Slight variations in antenna height, big path loss change

2010-08-30 Thread MDK
I won't claim any great expertise here, but I have seen the same from RM. 
There is some minor thing wrong with the way Fresnel is calculated that 
seems to cause this.

If you leave the link right as it is, but change the overall size of your 
map, you may find that the odd up and down rssi calculation goes away.It 
has worked for me before.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred R. Goldstein
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 12:34 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Slight variations in antenna height, big path loss change

 I'm doing some path loss estimates in RadioMobile.  Mainly 5.8 GHz stuff.

 I have a place where I'd like to run a point-to-multipoint sector as
 an injection feed to multiple APs in the mesh.  This would need to
 run AirMax or Nstreme or NV2 in order to manage the traffic, but that
 part seems easy enough.  If I don't use NV2 and claim the SkyPilot
 rule, then my ERP is capped at +36 dBm.  (So I'm kind of marginal on
 path loss already.)  I can use a 20 dB sector antenna (AM2-60), whose
 footprint covers all of the APs I'd like to reach, up to 22
 kilometers away.  The APs are set to have 24 dB panel antennas.  So
 they can run point to point ERP upstream, to the extent that it
 helps the fade margin in that direction.  BTW the paths are mostly
 over water, but elevated by more than 2-3 Fresnel zones.

 Now here's the weird part.  In RadioMobile, when I adjust the PtMP
 end's height in half-meter increments, path loss jumps all over the
 place.  To one destination 18.5 km away:
 At 7 meters, 134.5 dB.  At 7.5 meters, 144.7 dB.  At 8 meters, 139.3
 dB.  At 8.5 meters, 134.4 dB.  At 10 meters, 137.0 dB.

 Now to a different destination only 12.5 km away (the closest one), I get:
 At 7 meters, 137.4 dB.  At 7.5 meters, 150.7 dB.  At 8 meters, 132.2
 dB.  At 8.5 meters, 131.7 dB.  At 10 meters, 136.5 dB.

 Well, the obvious answer so far might be to avoid the 7.5 meter
 height, but now going to a third destination 16.8 kilometers away, I get:
 At 7 meters, 141.6 dB.  At 7.5 meters, 134.3 dB.  At 8 meters, 136.6
 dB.  At 8.5 meters, 139.5 dB.  At 10 meters, 151.9 dB.

 So there's no height that makes everyone happy, and that assumes I
 actually get a choice of height.  Most likely it goes on the power
 pole wherever they let us attach it.  And tweaking the remote ends
 doesn't make that much difference at all.

 So here's the question.  Is this type of variation likely to exist in
 the real world, or is this just RadioMobile's propagation model being
 overly sensitive? Thanks!

  Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein at
  ionary Consulting
  +1 617 795 2701

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Re: [WISPA] Ubiquiti AirMax Sectors

2010-08-30 Thread MDK

Had some strange RSSI anomalies I could not understand until I moved the 
antenna.   Actually pointing it farther away resulted in better RSSI. 
There seem to be some mild nulls at or rather near the edges of the beams, 
where the V and H will have up to 5 db difference between them.

For the price, they are really hard to beat, however.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Bob Moldashel
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:46 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Ubiquiti AirMax Sectors

 Any feedback on these at 5 Ghz would be appreciated

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[WISPA] Suggestions for high bandwidth @ 25 miles.

2010-08-30 Thread MDK
Assuming that spectrum (frequencies open) is not a problem, what would you 
use in the 5 ghz range to reach 25 miles?Want to do full duplex 100 M 
ethernet connection.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Paolo Di Francesco
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 1:50 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] (DIRECTLY) Connecting two wireless with a RF cable

 Hi all

 I was wondering if directly connecting two wireless cards would burn
 them. The point is not the power sent by the two cards, but if the
 impedance is not the right one.

 Indeed in the normal use with the antenna the impedance is not the
 same of using a direct cable from one card to another. Not sure what
 impedance the RX card would show to the TX card

 Any idea? I am quite curious. Anybody using this configuration in daily

 Thank you


 Ing. Paolo Di Francesco

 Teleinform s.r.l.
 Sede Legale: Via Francesco Paolo Di Blasi 1, 90144 Palermo
 Unita' Operativa: Via Regione Siciliana 49, 90046 Monreale (Palermo)
 Tel: +39-091-6408576, +39-091-6404501
 Fax: +39-091-6406200

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Re: [WISPA] Suggestions for high bandwidth @ 25 miles.

2010-08-30 Thread MDK
I've already got UBNT stuff in production, and I know without a doubt it 
won't handle 100m full duplex - especially at 25 miles.

Might be possible to do parallel links or something, but that would require 
some kind of load failover system at each end, since no way will it do 100 m 
one way, if there's any backward traffic.

What Proxim stuff?

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Josh Luthman
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 4:22 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Suggestions for high bandwidth @ 25 miles.

 Proxim, Ubiquiti M...

 Josh Luthman
 Office: 937-552-2340
 Direct: 937-552-2343
 1100 Wayne St
 Suite 1337
 Troy, OH 45373

 On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 7:18 PM, MDK wrote:
 Assuming that spectrum (frequencies open) is not a problem, what would 
 use in the 5 ghz range to reach 25 miles?Want to do full duplex 100 M
 ethernet connection.

 Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
 541-969-8200  509-386-4589

 From: Paolo Di Francesco
 Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 1:50 PM
 To: WISPA General List
 Subject: [WISPA] (DIRECTLY) Connecting two wireless with a RF cable

 Hi all

 I was wondering if directly connecting two wireless cards would burn
 them. The point is not the power sent by the two cards, but if the
 impedance is not the right one.

 Indeed in the normal use with the antenna the impedance is not the
 same of using a direct cable from one card to another. Not sure what
 impedance the RX card would show to the TX card

 Any idea? I am quite curious. Anybody using this configuration in daily

 Thank you


 Ing. Paolo Di Francesco

 Teleinform s.r.l.
 Sede Legale: Via Francesco Paolo Di Blasi 1, 90144 Palermo
 Unita' Operativa: Via Regione Siciliana 49, 90046 Monreale (Palermo)
 Tel: +39-091-6408576, +39-091-6404501
 Fax: +39-091-6406200

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Re: [WISPA] solar power setup

2010-08-30 Thread MDK
Send me an email offlist at mark (at) neofast dot net and I'll design the whole 
system for you, including what kind of reliability, etc, for your locality.
I'll even find you good prices and the right kind of parts to make it work 

I know the best places to buy pretty much everything.   I just need to know 
where it's for and may want some intel about your local conditions.   


Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Glenn Kelley 
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 7:35 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: [WISPA] solar power setup

I am looking for a shopping list to build for the following setup: 

I need to create a solar power setup for a remote location

The location will be running two Ubiqutiy 5ghz radios - not much. 

I would like to have enough battery power to last say 4 days w/ the system not 
having any sun - but I could live with 48 hours ... 

Does anyone have a good source for inexpensive (but good) solar panels? 

and perhaps a good shopping list for this project. 

my first time getting into the solar stuff... 

I moved about 8 miles out of town and need to setup a point to point w/ a hop 
in between to the house 
Glenn Kelley | Principle | HostMedic | 
Pplease don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.

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Re: [WISPA] Matchmaker and Taxpayer Waste

2010-08-24 Thread MDK

Make the message simple and easy to understand.  


Might even sell.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Rick Harnish 
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 4:04 PM
To: ; 'WISPA General List' 
Subject: [WISPA] Matchmaker and Taxpayer Waste

Today I had a farmer in rural Illinois call me.  He is building a new 110' 
grain leg and was inquiring on what it would take to do wireless Internet 
from it.  He says he has DSL now from a rural telephone coop but they won't 
sell him wireless service from one of their towers ½ mile away because he has 
DSL.  This farmer would like to get rid of his phone line and all of the 
expense and taxes with it.  Obviously, the rural telco does not want to give up 
their USF subsidies by converting this customer over to wireless.  I was able 
to locate a WISPA member within 40 miles of his farm and introduced the two.  I 
hope it works out for both the farmer and the WISPA member.


The reason I bring this up is that it is evidence that USF subsidies are 
outdated and burdensome to Broadband competition and deployment.  The loss of 
income from federal USF subsidies, far outweigh the cost savings to the 
customer.  It is no wonder that people want to ditch their phone lines so 
badly.  With the federal government subsidizing this ancient copper telco 
infrastructure at an estimated average of $17,000 per line per year, common 
sense would tell every taxpayer in the US that the time for USF reform is now.  
Is it time to make some noise about this unfairness in the market place?  I 
think so!  




Rick Harnish

Executive Director


260-307-4000 cell

866-317-2851 WISPA Office

Skype: rick.harnish.


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Re: [WISPA] Broadband work with Indian Reservation

2010-08-13 Thread MDK
I tried to, but it fell through.They chose to spend a HUGE amount of money 
for Fiber to the curb and try to administer it themselves, rather than about 
15% of the cost for me to bring in broadband and maintain it.   As far as I 
know, it has been a disaster, but they're now so invested in it they won't 
change.This is a very small reservation, and they only wanted to get 
broadband to the most densely populated part of it.   I may still end up 
putting in wireless to the remote parts, since lots of non-indians live out 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Rick Harnish 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 12:28 PM
To: ; 'WISPA General List' ; 
Cc: 'A Goldman' 
Subject: [WISPA] Broadband work with Indian Reservation

I will be attending a Strategy Meeting in New York later this month which is 
hosted by NABA (Native American Broadband Association and Intersections 
International).  Alex Goldman will be covering these meetings as well.  Between 
now and then, I would like to hear from WISPs across the country that may have 
worked with Indian tribes in the past or are presently working with them.  Part 
of Alex's articles will focus on how private ISPs are successfully working with 
the Indian Nation, however I would also like to hear the downside of anyone's 
experiences.  NABA has reached out to WISPA to develop alliances and 
collaboration, both on the lobbying front and the development of public/private 
partnerships so that many of the grants awarded to the Indian tribes will have 
a good local ISP partner to assist in the implementation of the projects.  


If your ISP business is near a reservation, I would like to hear from you in 
the next week.  




Rick Harnish

Executive Director


260-307-4000 cell

866-317-2851 WISPA Office

Skype: rick.harnish.


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Re: [WISPA] Broadband work with Indian Reservation

2010-08-13 Thread MDK
Mind you that sovereign part only applies to whatever they wish to apply it 
to.   They're not at all, when it suits them. IN this, they have their 
cake, eat it, and expect us to give them an unlimited supply, as well.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jack Unger 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 3:18 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Broadband work with Indian Reservation

Gosh, I just do not understand how some native American peoples could feel so 
territorial. What's up with that???

Forbes Mercy wrote: 

  I totally understand since 2003 I have tried to get on tribal hills and 
unless I piggyback on an existing tower all I can get is we want to do 
Internet ourselves, I check back in every two to three years, same thing.  I 
should feel lucky they haven't tried to ban us.


  On 8/13/2010 1:55 PM, Travis Johnson wrote: 
The reservation in our area put an actual ordinance in effect that bans all 
outdoor antennas on any structure (including their homes, sheds, garages, 
barns, etc.). We still do installs there (along with 2 or 3 other providers), 
but technically they could enforce it.

The reason? Because they are going to do their own internet, TV and VoIP 
solution... they have only been talking about it for almost 6+ years and have 
not installed a single piece of equipment. They have two nice water towers, and 
a nice tower up on a 500ft tall butte right in the middle of their area... but 
they won't allow ANYONE on any of it because they are going to do it.

This is the EXACT reason the tribes are SO FAR behind, and can't compete in 
the real world. They won't allow us to bring them technology that would help 
all their people. Instead they just built a huge new Tribal headquarters and 
are trying to get money to build a huge gambling casino.


MDK wrote: 
  I tried to, but it fell through.They chose to spend a HUGE amount of 
money for Fiber to the curb and try to administer it themselves, rather than 
about 15% of the cost for me to bring in broadband and maintain it.   As far as 
I know, it has been a disaster, but they're now so invested in it they won't 
change.This is a very small reservation, and they only wanted to get 
broadband to the most densely populated part of it.   I may still end up 
putting in wireless to the remote parts, since lots of non-indians live out 

  Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
  541-969-8200  509-386-4589

  From: Rick Harnish 
  Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 12:28 PM
  To: ; 'WISPA General List' ; 
  Cc: 'A Goldman' 
  Subject: [WISPA] Broadband work with Indian Reservation

  I will be attending a Strategy Meeting in New York later this month which 
is hosted by NABA (Native American Broadband Association and Intersections 
International).  Alex Goldman will be covering these meetings as well.  Between 
now and then, I would like to hear from WISPs across the country that may have 
worked with Indian tribes in the past or are presently working with them.  Part 
of Alex's articles will focus on how private ISPs are successfully working with 
the Indian Nation, however I would also like to hear the downside of anyone's 
experiences.  NABA has reached out to WISPA to develop alliances and 
collaboration, both on the lobbying front and the development of public/private 
partnerships so that many of the grants awarded to the Indian tribes will have 
a good local ISP partner to assist in the implementation of the projects.  


  If your ISP business is near a reservation, I would like to hear from you 
in the next week.  




  Rick Harnish

  Executive Director


  260-307-4000 cell

  866-317-2851 WISPA Office

  Skype: rick.harnish.




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Re: [WISPA] [Motorola II] Broadband work with Indian Reservation

2010-08-13 Thread MDK
YOu have it all wrong.

Suppose you live in a land where your culture is incapable of dealing with 
the rest of the world around it, but the invaders are bleeding hearts who 
give you land and let you try to continue your incompatible culture 
unchanged in a world where it is outdated, outmoded and incapable of 
survival.   In which case, the powers that be grant you money to live on 
while you pretend to pursue the preservation of your dead and unviable 
culture.It leads to a mess, a huge mess, a world of despondency, want, 
dependency and hopelessness.

Ya'll need to understand that the indian wars were never over land.The 
ownership culture of the whole rest of the world was irrelevant. 
Instead, the wars were fought over the idea that the world was being 
transformed around them, and some believed they should fight it, rather than 
adjust.   IT was a fight over resources - the kind of inter-tribal conflict 
that had gone on for centuries untold - except it wasn't a fight against 
another tribe, it was a fight against a culture armed with knowledge, 
technology, communication, law, and wealth.   And neither understood it.

Had we handed the western half of the country to the natives and just drew 
a line around them and made it do not cross boundaries, the failures of 
the various cultures would still have occurred, and so would have the 
diseases, and so on.And worse, people with less scruples than the 
schmucks who wrote treaties with them, would have invaded for the wealth 
and simply wiped 'em out.

Sadly, reservations did nobody any favors, it perpetuated the myth that 
primitive culture can survive a modern world and that you can mix the two 
with impunity, using political considerations as the measuring cup.

We know that cultures CAN adapt to both the knowledge and science of the 
world around them, and can adapt to changes in ideas about rights and 
ownership and written law, etc.   Modern indians want the consumer trappings 
of modern life... while living without the cultural qualities that made it 
possible to achieve them - or at least the reservation mentality seeks to 
keep it that way.

I've ranted long enough off topic...   Let's just leave at this : 
Reservation mentality and attempts to preserve cultures unchanged are 
exercises in a level of imbecility so monumental, with results so horrible, 
it is simply a crime against humanity.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred Goldstein
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 4:52 PM
To:; WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] [Motorola II] Broadband work with Indian  Reservation

 At 8/13/2010 04:15 PM, lakeland wrote:
Hm. How do you become a soverign nation?

 Well, you start by having a big country.  Then you get invaded and
 settled by people with better weapons, and diseases that wipe out 90%
 of your population. Then wars are fought which kill more of them and
 take away more land, settled with treaties supposedly guaranteeing
 them sovereignty on at least limited land.  Then the survivors are
 forced off their land, at least all of the good land, into deserts
 and small reservations, where they're mistreated for another
 century.  Finally they get good lawyers and lobbyists and open casinos.

Sounds like its a lot better than being a WISP or an Integrator.  :-)

 When you add it all up, I don't really think so. :-(

  Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein at
  ionary Consulting
  +1 617 795 2701

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Re: [WISPA] Coronal Mass Ejection

2010-08-06 Thread MDK
I've got a number of links and customers and whatnot, in the LONG category, 
many past 20 miles.lots of backhauls over 10 miles.

So far, haven't seen anything I recognize as something unusual.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: RickG
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 1:47 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Coronal Mass Ejection

 I thought so but had to ask. I've got some strange things going on so
 I'm wondering but hate to jump to conclusions.

 On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Josh Luthman wrote:

 Josh Luthman
 Office: 937-552-2340
 Direct: 937-552-2343
 1100 Wayne St
 Suite 1337
 Troy, OH 45373

 On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:23 PM, RickG wrote:
 How does this apply to wireless?

 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Mike wrote:
 04 AUG 2010 -- From

 The second CME is still en route. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35%
 chance of major geomagnetic storms when the cloud arrives on August
 4th or 5th. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for 

 Friendly Regards,


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Re: [WISPA] Ubiquiti Link - Poor Performance

2010-08-06 Thread MDK
I've had several UBNT devices lose output power suddenly. Then one side 
of the link is about 18-20 db lower than the other, and the throughput goes 
away, badly.

Do you have a large RXSL differences between sides on any link?

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: RickG
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 1:01 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Ubiquiti Link - Poor Performance

 Here is a good one!

 I have a short link of about 3 miles from my main tower to another.
 On the main tower I have four UBNT 5G-20-90's with RockeyM5's running
 firmware 5.2. All have performed very well since I installed them
 earlier this year. On the other end at the problem tower I have a 26Db
 grid with a BulletM5 also running fw5.2. The link was doing well until
 two days ago. Then, the latency went through the roof. I assumed it
 was the radio but after switching it out twice, I decided to blame the
 antenna. So, I swapped out the grids multiple times. Then decided to
 try a Nanostation, and a Nanobridge but got worse results. I'd blame
 the sector on the main tower but another link on it remains working
 well. There is a topology difference between the working link and the
 poor link with the later being higher. There is some noise in the area
 but not unusual. What I do note is that the main tower does not see
 the far end very well (-78) and it should really be much higher. The
 receive rate is only 6.5Mbps.

 At any rate, I've got about 3 dozen subs on this tower and worked on
 it until 5am so I'm ready for some fresh input!

 Thanks in advance!

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Re: [WISPA] Tell Google not to destroy the Internet

2010-08-05 Thread MDK
This is about business.   Don't insult us by posting Huffington as 
anything but trash.

There's no detail in the story whatsoever, to judge the merits of the 
conclusions of the writer, so I assume it's pure trash, like everything 
else on Huffington.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Patrick Leary
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 10:45 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Tell Google not to destroy the Internet

 They are closing a deal with Verizon on Monday that will essentially
 blackmail content providers. Want your content to get through faster?
 Pay us. That is pretty much it in a nutshell. Maybe ISPs around the
 world should block Google entirely unless they pay you then.

 As an individual

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Re: [WISPA] Tell Google not to destroy the Internet

2010-08-05 Thread MDK
Same problem.

There was no detail in the story.   Nothing.   did not explain HOW it was 
supposed to work, etc.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Josh Luthman
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 12:05 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Tell Google not to destroy the Internet

 It was off of a NYT news article.

 Josh Luthman
 Office: 937-552-2340
 Direct: 937-552-2343
 1100 Wayne St
 Suite 1337
 Troy, OH 45373

 On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:01 PM, MDK wrote:
 This is about business.   Don't insult us by posting Huffington as
 anything but trash.

 There's no detail in the story whatsoever, to judge the merits of the
 conclusions of the writer, so I assume it's pure trash, like everything
 else on Huffington.

 Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
 541-969-8200  509-386-4589

 From: Patrick Leary
 Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 10:45 AM
 To: WISPA General List
 Subject: [WISPA] Tell Google not to destroy the Internet

 They are closing a deal with Verizon on Monday that will essentially
 blackmail content providers. Want your content to get through faster?
 Pay us. That is pretty much it in a nutshell. Maybe ISPs around the
 world should block Google entirely unless they pay you then.

 As an individual

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Re: [WISPA] Tell Google not to destroy the Internet

2010-08-05 Thread MDK
Want your internet to move faster, pay me more money.I tell my customers 

Wow, what a criminal I am.   Destroying the internet.

Sheesh.Can we get past the noise and on to what an immense opportunity 
this would be for private enterprise to thrash Verizon?

If Qwest, Charter would just get into these agreements,  my phone would ring 
like never before and I'd be hiring people ot keep up with the demand.

All we have to fear is government.Period.

It is the only deadly enemy.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Patrick Leary
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 10:45 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Tell Google not to destroy the Internet

 They are closing a deal with Verizon on Monday that will essentially
 blackmail content providers. Want your content to get through faster?
 Pay us. That is pretty much it in a nutshell. Maybe ISPs around the
 world should block Google entirely unless they pay you then.

 As an individual

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Re: [WISPA] OT: New Tax Recordkeeping Rules Will Cost Small Businesses

2010-08-04 Thread MDK
That came to the attention of the list several months ago.What's come 
out since then, is that the IRS itself hasn't the capacity to even deal with 
the 1099's, nor have they the automated capacity to do what Congress 
intended they use them for. Nor has Congress provided the means of 
funding the changes necessary to do so.

The IRS is attempting to thin the number of 1099's by administrative relief, 
by saying that all credit card and debit card transactions, for instance, 
are going to be exempt.However, that's not set in stone, because it is 
actually re-writing what Congress clearly intended in the bill.

I believe there's some Republican congresscritters who are seeking to repeal 
this, specifically, but right now, I'm not in possession of that factually, 
I don't know the names.   This rule was imposed by Obamacare, and was 
written into health care reform.

There's a very sizeable number of states and other individuals, as well as 
class action lawsuits (of which I am a member of one) who is suing Congress 
over a number of provisions in the bill.Overlooked by the writers, was 
the need to write severability into the bill, so if any portion or part or 
segment or function of it is found illegal or unenforceable or 
unconstitutional by the courts, the whole will be nullified.

So, while yeah, this looks like a big deal for some, it may, if the lawsuits 
win, turn out to be nothing, and a lot of our headaches can or will be 
dispatched in court.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Matt
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 7:16 AM
To:; WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] OT: New Tax Recordkeeping Rules Will Cost Small Businesses

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Re: [WISPA] Multiple sectors, one frequency?

2010-08-04 Thread MDK
Fred, a guy on the UBNT site was offering some RF shields for the UBNT 
sectors.   Those, combined with spacing and screening and grounding, 
appeared to bring the RXSL down low enough to actually put the same 
frequencies on the same tower.Or, if it were a building or water tank,

But, Airmax does not provide immunity from self interference on its own.   I 
know, I tried.   I put a backhaul and sector on the same frequency and when 
the sector was busy, it seriously degraded the backhaul's throughput.   And 
vice versa.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred R. Goldstein
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:31 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] Multiple sectors, one frequency?

 If I have a site with, say, Ubiquiti Rocket M5 radios plugged into
 120 degree sector antennas, with Airmax (TDMA) turned on, do they
 have to be on separate frequencies, or can they coexist on one?  The
 5.8 GHz band is kind of crowded to be having three access frequencies
 plus two or more backhaul frequencies... thanks.

  Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein at
  ionary Consulting
  +1 617 795 2701

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[WISPA] net neutrality, there may be hope yet...

2010-08-03 Thread MDK
On the political side of the issue, the anti-Genakowski allies are increasing 
in number and strength.

I, for one, think that if Comcast Charter or Qwest, or anyone, started 
deprioritizing specific content or blocking certain content providers, that our 
business could boom.I'm getting ready to actually compete with dsl and 
cable in my first town.   Some trepidation at that, wondering if I'm going to 
be investing with little return, but it seems to me that we'd be far better off 
keeping the FCC far, far from our network administration decisions.  

I'm curious what stand WISPA has officially taken, and how it's being followed 

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

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Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] Health Insurance

2010-08-03 Thread MDK
I have limited sympathy with your comments for a simple reason...Health 
Care IS NOW a political topic.So is broadband.  So is internet network 
operations.   So is bandwidth control, so is hiring someone, so is firing 
someone, so are the money management choices you make, so is retirement, so 
are benefits, so are, well, dang near every aspect of our business lives.

I'd say none of us, at least the smaller guys, asked for any of this to be 
brought upon us.20 years ago, hardly a single thing mentioned above was 
or had ANY political concerns, and now, they're all political, and rarely 
are the political concerns going to bring about wise or prudent outcomes.

This has been pushed upon us, by interests not in our favor, and those 
interests are not going away, nor are they moderating in the slightest.   In 
fact, they are intent upon making MUCH more of our businesses and lives 

Yes, there are simple dollar value equations to some aspects of employer 
based health care, but some of it's purely political now.Any discussion 
of bandwidth management and application prioritization necessitates a 
weighing and ultimately making judgments about political things.   Even 
arguments over what the politics actually means and how far it intends to 
reach and how much it legally CAN reach.   Which ultimately brings us to the 
point where we discuss the topic of health care the same way we discuss 
customers who use the CD tray as a coffee cup holder, or expect us to do 
miracles, on a budget of dander and fluff - and that discussion is by 
necessity as much political as moral, logical, ethical.

So you want us to NOT express our opinions on the nature of the political 
intrusions into our business.Might as well say that we can't express 
opinion about cranky customers, or which operating system is best on SBC's 
or how to manage a network.   By necessity, these things are all relevant, 
as are our opinions of them.  But so, too, the political aspects of our 
business, must be at least some what legitimate to discuss, lest we as a 
group by default follow a political course with no discussion or even 
consideration to where that leads us.

It would be reasonable and proper to ask to keep such discussions relevant 
and topically accurate, and to try to keep this from degenerating into a 
political flame war.   More importantly, it is necessary that respect be 
given to those who don't agree with your opinion, and that the there is 
only one default and acceptable opinion - that which is politically 
correct and I see that happen in a lot of places these days.   And usually, 
that opinion and default position is utterly indefensible, but is never 
challenged, due to the powers that be preventing dissent.

I would prefer that our discussions were not about politics.   But they have 
to be, since politics has invited itself into darn near every aspect of our 
business.I'd say there's a powerful lesson there... but that would be 
ideological, huh.


Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Forbes Mercy
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 10:45 AM
To: WISPA General List;
Subject: Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] Health Insurance


 Can we nip this in the butt right now?  The discussion was to see if it
 was feasible for WISPA to look at a group rate for health care, it is
 now evolving into a political discussion.  Political discussions usually
 degrade into undesirable threads which make people mad and ultimately
 cause one or more to ask to be unsubscribed from the Members list.  We
 consider that a sad loss because they won't get the benefit of the many
 discussions we have that have to do with being a WISP just because
 someone wanted to spread their own political views.  We are not an
 advocacy for political causes other than for more spectrum and better
 rules for WISP's.  You obviously wanted to spread your views all across

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Re: [WISPA] net neutrality, there may be hope yet...

2010-08-03 Thread MDK
Do you mean by bandwidth, the number of bytes moved, or the maximum velocity 
at which they can move?In the question below, that is.   

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jack Unger 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:24 PM
To: WISPA General List 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] net neutrality, there may be hope yet...

Why would customers installing file servers cause you a problem if you limited 
their throughput to the Terms and Conditions of their contract where you would 
specify the amount of bandwidth that you were supplying them and limiting them 

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Re: [WISPA] USF Reform Bill Introduced - The most compelling reason todocument and map your network coverage ever

2010-07-28 Thread MDK
Great, they want to tax us now.   

Nothing like getting kicked in the head.Tax the little guy to subsidize the 
big one.What a wonderful plan.  

This is worse than NOTHING.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Brian Webster 
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 9:37 AM
To: ; 'WISPA General List' ; 
Subject: [WISPA] USF Reform Bill Introduced - The most compelling reason 
todocument and map your network coverage ever

Steve Coran just posted the message below to the WISPA FCC committee list. I 
took particular note to the following statement:


- would reduce or deny support to wireline incumbents in areas where at least 
75% of households can receive voice and broadband from a competitive provider 
that does not receive support


Now the way I read the above statement is that if a WISP covers 75% of a 
current USF recipients service area, there will no longer be eligibility to 
receive USF funds. Remember if they have broadband they also have access to 
many VOIP providers even if you do not provide VOIP services. Vonage and Skype 
come to mind, not to mention cellular coverage. This would be a huge factor in 
leveling the playing field for WISP's in rural markets! I cannot see a more 
compelling reason to document and map your networks than this. Not only will it 
prevent yet another subsidized competitor from coming in to your service area, 
but it will also erode funding  for any Telco who currently receives USF in 
your markets. This would bring wireless as a delivery method to the forefront 
because there are then no artificial revenue streams subsidizing the cost to 
deliver last mile service. We all know that wireless has the least cost per 
household passed in low density markets.


There are many ways to document and map your coverage areas. First and foremost 
though is that you should file the Form 477 as required. Next one should map 
their network with an accurate service area where you would confidently offer 
service. This can be done many ways (including paying me to do it). This also 
shows a very important reason to be participating in your state broadband 
mapping efforts. I would expect that those state maps will become one of the 
major verification sources to establish the 75% coverage. The FCC 477 database 
will probably become another verification source. If you are listed in both of 
them it would be very hard for someone to say you don't exist and don't offer 
coverage in their areas.


One of the downsides to this bill is that all broadband providers will be 
required to contribute to the fund. My gut feeling though is that if WISP's 
were accurately mapped and documented it would show so much less of the US is 
unserved by broadband and thus the required funding through USF to get it there 
will be much less.




Last week, Reps. Boucher (D-VA) and Terry (R-NE) introduced legislation that 
would reform the Universal Service Fund.  The Press Release, Overview, Section 
by Section summary and text of the bill are available at this link:


I have not read these documents, but plan to do so soon.  A few highlights that 
the trade press has noted:

- would reduce or deny support to wireline incumbents in areas where at 
least 75% of households can receive voice and broadband from a competitive 
provider that does not receive support

- FCC would create cost model that includes broadband in figuring support 

- competitive bidding among wireless carriers for USF support

- no more than two wireless CETCs could get support in the same area

- carriers would have 5 years to provide broadband throughout their service 
areas, or would lose support

- all broadband providers would pay into USF to expand contribution base

- FCC to decide appropriate speed for broadband 


Rep. Boucher has said that the bill is on his front burner and that he wants 
to get the legislation passed this Fall.  Please feel free to comment on-list 
AFTER you've reviewed the documents so that you can promote education of the 
WISPA membership and help shape whatever position WISPA may wish to take as the 
bill works its way through Congress.  Thanks.  


Stephen E. Coran

Rini Coran, PC

1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600 

Washington, D.C. 20036

202.463.4310 - voice

202.669.3288 - cell

202.296.2014 - fax - e-mail


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Re: [WISPA] USF Reform Bill Introduced - The most compelling reasonto document and map your network coverage ever

2010-07-28 Thread MDK

Cripes, this is good?

There's ONE good plan.   

USF go byebye.  

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: St. Louis Broadband 
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 9:59 AM
To: ; 'WISPA General List' ; ; 
Subject: Re: [WISPA] USF Reform Bill Introduced - The most compelling reasonto 
document and map your network coverage ever

- would reduce or deny support to wireline incumbents in areas where at least 
75% of households can receive voice and broadband from a competitive provider 
that does not receive support


Ø  Now the way I read the above statement is that if a WISP covers 75% of a 
current USF recipients service area, there will no longer be eligibility to 
receive USF funds. Remember if they have broadband they also have access to 
many VOIP providers even if you do not provide VOIP services. Vonage and Skype 
come to mind, not to mention cellular coverage. This would be a huge factor in 
leveling the playing field for WISP's in rural markets!


That is the way I see it too!



Victoria Proffer



From: [] On Behalf 
Of Brian Webster
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:37 AM
To:; 'WISPA General List';
Subject: [WISPA] USF Reform Bill Introduced - The most compelling reason to 
document and map your network coverage ever
Importance: High


Steve Coran just posted the message below to the WISPA FCC committee list. I 
took particular note to the following statement:


- would reduce or deny support to wireline incumbents in areas where at least 
75% of households can receive voice and broadband from a competitive provider 
that does not receive support


Now the way I read the above statement is that if a WISP covers 75% of a 
current USF recipients service area, there will no longer be eligibility to 
receive USF funds. Remember if they have broadband they also have access to 
many VOIP providers even if you do not provide VOIP services. Vonage and Skype 
come to mind, not to mention cellular coverage. This would be a huge factor in 
leveling the playing field for WISP's in rural markets! I cannot see a more 
compelling reason to document and map your networks than this. Not only will it 
prevent yet another subsidized competitor from coming in to your service area, 
but it will also erode funding  for any Telco who currently receives USF in 
your markets. This would bring wireless as a delivery method to the forefront 
because there are then no artificial revenue streams subsidizing the cost to 
deliver last mile service. We all know that wireless has the least cost per 
household passed in low density markets.


There are many ways to document and map your coverage areas. First and foremost 
though is that you should file the Form 477 as required. Next one should map 
their network with an accurate service area where you would confidently offer 
service. This can be done many ways (including paying me to do it). This also 
shows a very important reason to be participating in your state broadband 
mapping efforts. I would expect that those state maps will become one of the 
major verification sources to establish the 75% coverage. The FCC 477 database 
will probably become another verification source. If you are listed in both of 
them it would be very hard for someone to say you don't exist and don't offer 
coverage in their areas.


One of the downsides to this bill is that all broadband providers will be 
required to contribute to the fund. My gut feeling though is that if WISP's 
were accurately mapped and documented it would show so much less of the US is 
unserved by broadband and thus the required funding through USF to get it there 
will be much less.




Last week, Reps. Boucher (D-VA) and Terry (R-NE) introduced legislation that 
would reform the Universal Service Fund.  The Press Release, Overview, Section 
by Section summary and text of the bill are available at this link:


I have not read these documents, but plan to do so soon.  A few highlights that 
the trade press has noted:

- would reduce or deny support to wireline incumbents in areas where at 
least 75% of households can receive voice and broadband from a competitive 
provider that does not receive support

- FCC would create cost model that includes broadband in figuring support 

- competitive bidding among wireless carriers for USF support

- no more than two wireless CETCs could get support in the same area

- carriers 

Re: [WISPA] U.S. not getting broadband fast enough, FCC Says

2010-07-21 Thread MDK
Let's see... the Administration continues to implement wildly absurd and 
destructive policies, continues a mad dash desperate attempt to bankrupt the 
country with spending so insane it boggles the mind, continues to take over 
industries with regulatory legislation that makes less sense than chewing 
off your own fingers,  continues to threaten to regulate ISP's like 
telephone companies,  acts at the speed of a hesitant glacier at doing 
anything like opening up spectrum that normal (read, not possessing mega 
millions or billions of dollars) businesses can use...   And they're 
wondering why the prospects for deployment seem bleak.

How does one grab these people by the collar, shake them awake, and 
introduce them to reality?

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
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From: RickG
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:21 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] U.S. not getting broadband fast enough, FCC Says

 Yet, another push for broadband from the FCC:

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Re: [WISPA] Rural Telco in Washington Gets $17,763 per line

2010-07-13 Thread MDK
If you did, how would you sleep at night, knowing you're ripping off money 
for nuttin?

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Glenn Kelley
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:39 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Rural Telco in Washington Gets $17,763 per line

 That was my question.

 I would love to find a way to get $300K to build a number of towers 
 around - and then a few thousand per subscriber per year to give them VOIP 
 and Internet...

 - but then again I guess we all would

 Something however for us to use perhaps as Fodder to show why we should - 
 when we can service so many more.

 On Jul 12, 2010, at 11:36 PM, Jack Unger wrote:

  WISPs get a share of the USF funds that will be redirected to broadband? 
 Noodle me that...

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Re: [WISPA] Rural Telco in Washington Gets $17,763 per line

2010-07-13 Thread MDK

I dunno what it is about my personality, but I really, REALLY hate 
collecting money.I hate asking for it.I hate setting prices.

I always look at it as if I were the customer, and what would things be like 
if it were ME paying the bill.Maybe that's the wrong attitude, because 
honestly, it tends to make me undercharge.Objectively, you have to set a 
'what your time is worth' value and stick to it.But when you do that, 
often you find that your bill is absurdly expensive.  like a $250 bill for 
fixing some guy's computer.   A computer that's not worth 300 bucks.

I take those in from time to time, and work on them ONLY when I have free 
time.   And the bill is small.

Still, I think sometimes that's not quite right either, so how do you choose 
to do what you do?   Conscience has to guide, but you also have to be honest 
and you can't undercharge and stay in business, either.

How do y'all do it?

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: RickG
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:52 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Rural Telco in Washington Gets $17,763 per line

 You beat me to it Mark. In the end, history will show that the free
 government money attitude is what was at the root of our country's
 downfall. Most  WISP's are built on independance. We should fight
 against the use of our tax dollars for all these wasteful programs. I
 think all other utilities should be made to stand on their own as
 well. What better way to show that it works than by our own example?

 On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 11:14 AM, MDK wrote:
 If you did, how would you sleep at night, knowing you're ripping off 
 for nuttin?

 Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
 541-969-8200  509-386-4589

 From: Glenn Kelley
 Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:39 PM
 To: WISPA General List
 Subject: Re: [WISPA] Rural Telco in Washington Gets $17,763 per line

 That was my question.

 I would love to find a way to get $300K to build a number of towers
 around - and then a few thousand per subscriber per year to give them 
 and Internet...

 - but then again I guess we all would

 Something however for us to use perhaps as Fodder to show why we 
 should -
 when we can service so many more.

 On Jul 12, 2010, at 11:36 PM, Jack Unger wrote:

  WISPs get a share of the USF funds that will be redirected to 
 Noodle me that...

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Re: [WISPA] yet another WiMAX vs LTE article

2010-07-01 Thread MDK
Xg's product is stated to allow small operators to offer a cellular like 
service, using the 900 spectrum.They say they can deal with crowded 
spectrum,  and it's designed for low density population.

What it amounts to is an IP mobile network, using portable VOIP phones. 
It is interesting, but I have my doubts as to it's viability market-wise. 
If it were more commodity priced,  we (WISP's) might get interested and 
take it on.   I'd LOVE to have my own 900 mhz based voip phone network. 
The range is considered to be quite large in rural and unobstructed areas, 
farther than WiMax stuff.Who knows.   What I do know, is that Xg started 
with a bunch of UWB stuff and made a lot of really wild claims, and then 
suddenly changed direction to this.

It SEEMS whole, and it does seem like they've built something serious.

I just don't know if it's really a viable operation.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Fred Goldstein
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 10:04 AM
To:; WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] yet another WiMAX vs LTE article

 At 7/1/2010 10:20 AM, awrote:
It would be interesting to see this So far the only folks who have
been successful with beamforming products (off the shelf easily
available) in the 802.11n have been the Ruckus Wireless Folks. They had
been sticking to indoor units because of their business relationships
with the Outdoor beam forming folks like Wavion and Gonetworks both of
them built nice outdoor units aimed towards Muni Wireless..but only do
802.11a/b/g  no N to the best of my knowledge.

Ruckus is slowly venturing out into the outdoor radios market place.

 Their outdoor products look somewhat interesting.  They claim 14 dB
 gain from beamforming which, with their 22 dBm power, puts them right
 at the legal PtMP limit.  (No doubt not a coincidence!)   Anybody
 here played with them?

 I wonder if the beamforming is smart enough (dynamic) to deal with
 tropo ducting, especially over water.  E.g., the target is at 20
 degrees bearing, but an inversion is diverting the signal away, so
 maybe pointing at 40 degrees will get through better at the moment.

 BTW their web site is demented!  I use NoScript.  When I do NOT allow
 scripts from them, I can see the whole product page, with the
 specs.  When I allow scripts, it essentially puts up a different,
 much shorter page, the idiotarian version.  In Chrome, the same
 thing happens if you just turn on or off Javascript support.

Meanwhile... Ubiqiti is doing something very interesting... they are
coming up with 802.11n based radios with MIMO antennas for  3.65mhz and
900mhz it will be very interesting to see how these perform.

 I wonder if their low-cost hardware will support beamforming, or just
 muxing (high speed MIMO).  Beamforming takes a lot more software.

The only other folks who claim to be doing  some wonderful stuff with
900mhx are the XgTechnology folks... but you decide if they are for 


 XG made some Extraordinary Claims in their startup phase.  The
 company's BoD is all financiers, no techies.  They have raised a lot
 of cash and have no products.  Hmmm...

 But their white paper describes something rather more ordinary.  It
 is a 1.3 Mbps carrier in a 1.44 MHz channel.  Yawn.  The only secret
 sauce is a better scheduler than WiMAX, if you're mainly interested
 in CBR channels like phone calls.

 I had a long talk yesterday with a vendor I won't name... he made
 extraordinary claims too, but when I put on my hard-core techie act
 and started throwing stuff back at him, he backed down fast, and his
 claims became more ordinary, and frankly behind the market.  There
 are companies designed to sell product to users, and companies
 designed to sell stock to speculators...

Faisal Imtiaz
Snappy Internet  Telecom

On 7/1/2010 9:57 AM, Fred Goldstein wrote:
  I wonder how WiMAX would work on 900 MHz.  Beamforming base antennas
  would be rather large, but I could see a market, especially if it
  nulled out interference.

  Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein at
  ionary Consulting
  +1 617 795 2701

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[WISPA] Airmax speed

2010-06-28 Thread MDK

I put up a temporary install of a UBNT rocket / sector combination, and it's 
at one of my regular AP spots, it sees quite a bit of noise.

using a nanobridge as a cpe, and with only one other client online...   I 
was able, at 4 miles, to get an internal speed test of 120mbit.This is 
using 40 mhz channel.

It isn't ideal' conditions, in fact, far from it, as the client end was 
looking past an obstruction, in the form of foliage in the fresnel zone, and 
the other end sees noise on what unused rf space there is around the -85 
to -90 range.

I was able, using a 20 mhz channel, to get over 60 mbit throughput. 
didn't realize until later I was partially sharing the spectrum with another 
ap on the site.

Impressive.Not so impressive is that at 8.2 miles, with the client just 
peeking over the rooftop of the next door house, and through a tiny gap in 
trees a block away, throughput is about 8-12 down and 1-5 up, varies at 
times.   20 mhz channel.

the internal speed test is used mostly for the speed tests at the short 
client, as I didn't have a fast enough machine to shove that much data, and 
using tests for the client at 8.2 miles.

speed tests tended to raise the ping times from 1-6 ms to 8 to 20 ms, with 
apparently some random noise caused long pings now and then.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589


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Re: [WISPA] What are the Challenges?

2010-06-27 Thread MDK
I've never been to any WISP or ISP con of any kind.   Wanted to, but never 
had the dough to go.

First, St Louis?   Why?   Go to Las Vegas and do it in early November. 
There's a cheap way to get to Vegas from anywhere in the US, especially at 
that time of the year.

Heck,  round  trip from the pacific northwest is under 200 bucks.   Also 
from most larger places in most states there's something cheap to Vegas.

Rooms are cheap, travels's cheap, rental cars are $25 a day or less.

St Louis is never going to be an option.   Orlando, maybe - at least I own a 
timeshare there.   Vegas,  maybe.You want people to come?   Go some 
place it doesn't cost an arm and leg to get to, stay at, or get home.

Just my mumblings on a late Sunday evening.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Rick Harnish
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:28 PM
To:; 'WISPA General List'
Subject: [WISPA] What are the Challenges?

 Members and WISP followers,

 We would like to better understand some of the challenges that many of you
 face on a daily basis as we continue to fine tune the Regional Meeting
 Agenda.  As you know the 1st Regional Meeting is scheduled for July 21st 
 22nd in St. Louis. We have been pleasantly surprised at the response we 
 received from vendors in our industry in committing to exhibit at our
 Regional Meeting.

 One thing we have noticed during the signup period is that many WISPs that
 are attending are traveling long distances to come to St. Louis in the 
 stages of signup.  We originally picked St. Louis because of its central
 location in the US and because there are a tremendous amount of WISP
 companies throughout the Central US.  We really anticipated that 70% of 
 attendees at this meeting would come from a 500 mile radius from St. 
 This does not seem to be the case and we find ourselves wondering why this
 to be the case.

 My first inclination is to blame it on weather.  I realize that weather in
 the Central US has been extremely volatile this summer with persistent
 storms continually moving across the region.  I am asking if this is 
 the reason preventing many Midwestern WISPs from signing up for this 
 or not.  If it is something else, I would like to investigate further.  We
 believe it is our obligation to the Vendors who have committed staff, 
 and resources to attend the meeting, that we ask these tough questions.

 Our goal and the budget for the RM are based on a count of 200 attendees. 
 are pretty sure we will reach this goal but if we are not going to get
 there, we need to start preparing now.  As you may or may not know, we do
 have a price increase of $50 per attendee beginning on July 1st.  It would
 be silly of me not to point this out to any prospective attendees.

 This week, we were able to negotiate a much nicer hotel and meeting
 facilities at the Renaissance Hotel in St. Louis.  The Renaissance 
 lowered its room rate surprisingly to $79 per night and threw in free
 internet, parking and shuttle.  These concessions are saving our
 participants nearly $60 from the previous hotel.  The catering and AV
 budgets alone exceed the registration fees we are charging for members.

 Therefore, I ask that everyone describe your intentions for attending or 
 intending and send a brief description why.  If it is summer vacation, 
 is fine, that is a risk we took when choosing these dates.  If it is 
 activities such as 4H fairs, baseball tournaments, or whatever, just let 
 know.  If it is the weather and damage has not allowed you to book because
 of excessive repair bills, that is also fine.  I am just trying to get a
 feel on the pulse of the industry as we analyze the success of this 
 and possibly plan the next one.

 If there are other challenges you wish to discuss, let me know.  I would
 rather the Board be aware so that we can formulate policy and programs to
 alleviate these concerns as we move forward.


 Rick Harnish



 260-307-4000 cell

 866-317-2851 WISPA Office

 Skype: rick.harnish.

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Re: [WISPA] It only feels like Friday

2010-06-22 Thread MDK
Anyone with 2 cents worth of common sense could have told them the outcome. 
The reason most poor are poor in developed nations is because of the poor 
quality of decisions.Children of families that exhibit this behavior 
merely continue it.Give them the additional means of wasting more time 
and making even worse decisions... and they will.What's worse, is that 
if you GIVE someone this stuff, they don't even value it enough to work for 
it, meaning they develop an even worse sense of entitlement to be given 
things and ergo, make even worse decisions.

But, like I said, it didn't need any professors and millions to study it. 
All they needed to do is ask a few parents of successful kids (and even 
unsuccessful kids) what lack of parenting does and what it results in, and 
the outcome was easily predicted without any need for studies.Too bad 
the intellectuals can't seem to grasp such common sense stuff.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Jeromie Reeves
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:21 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] It only feels like Friday

 Interesting read of the short version. Is universal net access good or
 bad or should we be spending that money on other things, like better
 parent education?

From the linked page for the research paper

 You should expect a free download if you are a subscriber, a
 corporate associate of the NBER, a journalist, an employee of the U.S.
 federal government with a .GOV domain name, or a resident of nearly
 any developing country or transition economy.

 ...What exactly, is out economy if not transitional?


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[WISPA] What, no response to the FCC vote today?

2010-06-18 Thread MDK
This may be our last chance to survive in this business.

I know what my position is, and it should be clear to most of you.

However, the FCC needs to hear from the smaller operators, and from small 
business saying Hands off!   We can't afford your wishes.   And they 
need to hear it from the providers and the customers of those providers.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589


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Re: [WISPA] Looking to Sell..........

2010-06-16 Thread MDK

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Josh Luthman
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 5:17 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Looking to Sell..

 Are you talking 5Ghz?

 On 6/15/10, MDK wrote:
 I'm real happy with the 23 db panels from Arc Wireless.   Slightly better
 RSSI than a 25 db PacW grid.

 Not expensive, but the mounts are kinda hokey.

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Re: [WISPA] Is this a record of some kind?

2010-06-15 Thread MDK

The nearest possible clients to this site are 4 miles, and most are at 10 to 
20 miles.

Nope, never had any real interference issues, and I'm definitely not over 
EIRP limits.

I got my space planted first, and everyone else moved around me.

Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

From: Marlon K. Schafer
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 8:52 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Is this a record of some kind?

 What that really means is that you are likely running far too large of an

 You're also going to find yourself interfering with your own network far
 more than is healthy with things that run this way!


 - Original Message - 
 From: MDK
 To: WISPA General List
 Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 10:16 PM
 Subject: [WISPA] Is this a record of some kind?

 This evening I was at one of my access points... one that has several
 backhauls and various 2.4 and 5 ghz ap's at it.

 After I was done with my few minutes of doing things, I wanted to make
 I had not physically disconnected or accidentally unhooked anything
 with the batteries, checking water levels, etc).I pulled out a
 Acer Aspire One to be precise, running windows xp, using the normal wifi
 card it came with.   I fired it up (it is set to any so it simply
 associates to the access points that are open at home, work, etc), and
 I was done, noted it said it was connected, at which point I opened 
 on the browser to confirm connectivity.   Google popped up, meaning 
 were connected, and then I decided to run a speed test.   I got about
 speed, which is like painfully slow.   I was standing outside, with the
 netbook sitting on the hood of my truck.

 So, I decided to see what it was associated to, and it was another access
 point ...  11 MILES AWAY!   I confirmed it by the SSID and by the ip dhcp
 had assigned, as belonging to the ap 11 miles distant.

 It has no external antenna, just the one the factory built into the

 I have detected, using netstumbler and the internal antenna on my laptop
 (dell C610 and CM9 installed) access points over 24 miles away before, 
 this is the longest, by far, I have been able to get a real connection,
 assignment, and transfer data.

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