
2007-04-08 Thread Gideon Addington
Yes, it may be easier for a lot of us to have all this come to our mailboxes
(God knows I don't want another site to visit - though at the same time, I
don't like this stuff in my inbox either) but for software like Yojimbo
forums are going to be a good self-help area, as well as "gathered info."
However one may like it, listserv's aren't exactly common internet practice
these days and not the best way for lots of people to communicate in an
easily archived way.  I say best in the sense that it is not the best in
terms of "people will use it."

Keep in mind THESE archives were down for over a month.

The forum is a friendlier service to most the people on the web, and having
such info and help is going to be in the best interest of new users to

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Yojimbo and PDF files (wish list).

2007-04-08 Thread Brian Durant

For a while now, I have been a licensed user of both Yojimbo and Yep.
I have come to the conclusion after a number of months of use, that
Yojimbo is by far the better piece of software for me, particularly
after the recent Yep 1.5 upgrade PDF file debacle.

Is Bare Bones taking this issue with a large number of PDF files and
the Yojimbo database seriously?

The general opinion on the list has seemed in the past to be that
using Yep or some other program was necessary to avoid risking
database degradation when storing a large number of PDF files. There
hasn't been much on this issue for some time on the list and I would
just like to make sure that Bare Bones doesn't drop the ball.



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Re: Yojimbo and PDF files (wish list).

2007-04-08 Thread Bob Koss

On Apr 8, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Brian Durant wrote:

For a while now, I have been a licensed user of both Yojimbo and Yep.
I have come to the conclusion after a number of months of use, that
Yojimbo is by far the better piece of software for me, particularly
after the recent Yep 1.5 upgrade PDF file debacle.

What was the 1.5 debacle? I'm still using 1.2.

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Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread Steven Samuels
I've completely re-organized the script. Now it will pipe multiple  
selected messages. I apologize for the multiple posts. Unless someone  
finds a mistake, this is the last version.


Script Follows the next line:

This script will:

1. Pipe selected messages from Apple Mail to Yojimbo notes
2. Put the date sent (/mm/dd) & name or address of sender or  
recipient into Comments

4. Add tags "email" and either "in" or "out"

After running the script, The Comments  will look like:

2007/04/08 <:  (an incoming message)
2007/04/09 >: Sam  (an outgoing message)

Sorting on the Comments column will sort on date order.

Note:  If an account has been deleted, all messages to and from it  
will be classified & tagged as incoming. To restore the proper  
classification, create a dummy version of the account and disable it.  
Only the email address need  be correct; the server settings are  

Based on MailtoYojimbo Applescript by Jim Correia of Bare Bones Software
Originally posted in the Yojimbo Talk Forum: http://

The error dialog was copied from MailToYojimbo-v1.1 by Drummond  
Field, posted at: 

(Drummonds very nice script will prompt for tags.)

Steve Samuels
Version 11

--Set up a function to generate the body of the message

on generateMessageText(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _sender to sender of m
set _subject to subject of m
set _date to date received of m as string
set _contents to content of m
set _messageString to "From: " & _sender & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Subject: " & _subject & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Date: " & _date & return
set _messageString to _messageString & return & return & _contents
end tell

end generateMessageText

--Set a second function to pass a variable which indicates whether I  
sent the message or not

on CountSent(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _ctsent to 0 as integer
repeat with _acct in accounts
set _sender to sender of m
set _sx to extract address from _sender
if email addresses of _acct contains _sx then
set _ctsent to _ctsent + 1 as integer
-- _ctsent counts the number of times the sender's address matches  
one of mine

-- At the end of the function, the value of _ctsent will be 0 or 1
end if
end repeat
end tell
return _ctsent
end CountSent

--Main Program
on run
tell application "Mail"
tell message viewer 1
set messageList to selected messages
if not (exists selected messages) then
display dialog "No message was selected" & return & "Transfer  
cancelled." with title "Error..." giving up after 3 with icon 0  
buttons {"Ok"}

end if
--Now loop through messages
repeat with m in messageList
set _contents to ""
set _date to ""
set _sender to ""
--Classify message as incoming or outgoing
if my CountSent(m) is 1 then
set _type to "outgoing"
end if
if my CountSent(m) is 0 then
set _type to "incoming"
end if

set _name to subject of m
set _contents to _contents & my generateMessageText(m)

--Set up date sent
set _date to date sent of m
set _yr to year of _date as string
set _month to month of _date as number

--Force month to format 'mm'
set _smon to _month as string
if _month < 10 then
set _smon to "0" & _smon
end if

--Force day to format 'dd'
set _day to day of _date as string
if day of _date < 10 then
set _day to "0" & _day
end if

-- Create date sent  with /mm/dd format
set _datef to _yr & "/" & _smon & "/" & _day

--Get sender's name & address
set _sender to sender of m
set _ssender to extract name from _sender
--If there is no name, _ssender defaults to the address
set _saddr to extract address from _sender

--If the message was received, set the name to the  sender and  a tag  
to "in"

if _type is "incoming" then
set _person to "<: " & _ssender
set _tag to "in" as string
end if

--If the message was sent, get the first recipient's name, if  
available, otherwise the address

if _type is "outgoing" then
set theRecipients to to recipients of m
if (exists name of item 1 of theRecipients) then
set _pers to name of item 1 of theRecipients
set _person to ">: " & _pers
set _addr to address of item 1 of theRecipients
set _person to ">: " & _addr
end if
set _tag to "out" as string
end if

---Now set up the note with body, comments, and tags
tell application "Yojimbo"
set aNewNoteItem to make new note item with properties  
{contents:_contents, name:_name, comments:_datef & " " & _person}

add tags {"email", _tag} to aNewNoteItem
end tell

end repeat
end tell
end tell
end run

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Re: Yojimbo and PDF files (wish list).

2007-04-08 Thread Marlyse Comte
Nothing bad if you know what to watch out for. Yep changed the way it
looks for PDF files, it's more like the Finder now then iPhoto. But in
the end you'll notice that it's actually quite the same still, once it
is setup correctly. People were warned that it's a major upgrade and
these often do not come lightly. Yep is still a great piece of software.

To read up on it go and look on Yahoo under "Yep Group", you can get the
whole thread there on it ... 


 former message(s) quotes: -

>On Apr 8, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Brian Durant wrote:
>> For a while now, I have been a licensed user of both Yojimbo and Yep.
>> I have come to the conclusion after a number of months of use, that
>> Yojimbo is by far the better piece of software for me, particularly
>> after the recent Yep 1.5 upgrade PDF file debacle.
>What was the 1.5 debacle? I'm still using 1.2.
>This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to
>  the mailing list .
>To unsubscribe, send mail to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>List archives:  
>Have a feature request, or not sure if the software's working 
>correctly? Please send mail to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Yojimbo and PDF files (wish list).

2007-04-08 Thread pat

What would be a large amount of PDFs?

I see two different possible uses for Yojimbo:

1-For stroing info scraps. I have 100s of PDFs already in YJ and it's  
doing a fine job with no issues, but there are not massive PDFs  
excepts for a few.

2-For storing a catalogue of PDFs, for example all my design/print  
output PDFs. These are larger files and there are a whole lot more of  
them. For the minute, I'm not using YJ for this. I would like to but I  
don't think BareBones designed the software for this type of function.  
If each PDF is 5MB and I add a couple every day, I'd have a pretty  
unrully database very fast and I don't think it would have a good  
effect on my .Mac syncing either!



Quoting Bob Koss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Apr 8, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Brian Durant wrote:

For a while now, I have been a licensed user of both Yojimbo and Yep.
I have come to the conclusion after a number of months of use, that
Yojimbo is by far the better piece of software for me, particularly
after the recent Yep 1.5 upgrade PDF file debacle.

What was the 1.5 debacle? I'm still using 1.2.

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Feature Request: Nested Tag Collections

2007-04-08 Thread Niels Kobschätzki


I know that the Yojimbo-team seems to not want to have nested folders  
because search better than sort. But I'd really like to "nested tag  
E.g. I have a lot of items with the tag "japan". Now I'd like to have  
sub-tag-collections with in that where I just have to add a tag.
E.g. one folder politics (tags: "japan" "politics"), one folder  
economics (tags: "japan" "economics" one folder abe shinzo (tags:  
"japan" "abe shinzo") and so on. Tag Collections are nice but I see  
it coming that I have so much that I will need some time just to  
search "manually" for the right tag-collection.


Jammern für Anfänger: Niels K. (25) Jammerbacke -- auch für  
professionelles Jammern zu haben

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Feature Request: or-condition in Tag collections

2007-04-08 Thread Niels Kobschätzki


Right now tag-collections only have an "and"-condition ("matches all  
of these tags"), I'd like to see an "or"-condition ("can match any of  
these tags").


Jammern für Anfänger: Niels K. (25) Jammerbacke -- auch für  
professionelles Jammern zu haben

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Feature Request: Shortcuts for labels and often used tags

2007-04-08 Thread Niels Kobschätzki

It'd be great if there would be shortcuts which can be assigned to  
tags I often use (in my case "read later" or "to do" for example) or  
labels for adding _and_ removing them (e.g. something I wanna read  
gets "read later", when I read it, I just want to remove a tag via a  
shortcut instead of using the mouse (is there anyway to use the  
keyboard to navigate to the tags?)


Jammern für Anfänger: Niels K. (25) Jammerbacke -- auch für  
professionelles Jammern zu haben

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Re: Yojimbo and PDF files (wish list).

2007-04-08 Thread Brian Durant

Yes, the PDF file issue for Yojimbo seems to actually be a two part issue:

1) a large amount of small PDF files (under 5 MB each), or
2) a smaller amount of PDF files (over 5 MB each).

I don't know about other Yojimbo users, but I have sort of a
combination of the two. I have a number of PDF files that are software
manuals (GraphicConverter, Take Control, etc. that are up to around 25
MB in size. I also have  a fairly large number of PDF files that are
digital receipts of software and hardware purchases that I either have
scanned a copy of or "printed" to PDF. I also have a number of web
archive files as well as a number of files that I have chosen to make
PDF files rather than web archives. I have about 50 files so far, but
the amount increases by two or more per week these days.

As far as Yep is concerned, I have stopped using it at least for now.
I took a break even before the issues with the 1.5 upgrade as I and
another user never got a response to a problem with generating or
renaming a  scanned document where Yep just kept spinning its wheels.
It was not even able to create a PDF with default naming by the




What would be a large amount of PDFs?

I see two different possible uses for Yojimbo:

1-For stroing info scraps. I have 100s of PDFs already in YJ and it's
doing a fine job with no issues, but there are not massive PDFs
excepts for a few.

2-For storing a catalogue of PDFs, for example all my design/print
output PDFs. These are larger files and there are a whole lot more of
them. For the minute, I'm not using YJ for this. I would like to but I
don't think BareBones designed the software for this type of function.
If each PDF is 5MB and I add a couple every day, I'd have a pretty
unrully database very fast and I don't think it would have a good
effect on my .Mac syncing either!



Quoting Bob Koss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Apr 8, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Brian Durant wrote:
>> For a while now, I have been a licensed user of both Yojimbo and Yep.
>> I have come to the conclusion after a number of months of use, that
>> Yojimbo is by far the better piece of software for me, particularly
>> after the recent Yep 1.5 upgrade PDF file debacle.
> What was the 1.5 debacle? I'm still using 1.2.

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Re: Yojimbo and PDF files (wish list).

2007-04-08 Thread Patrick Woolsey

>2-For storing a catalogue of PDFs, for example all my design/print
>output PDFs. These are larger files and there are a whole lot more of
>them. For the minute, I'm not using YJ for this. I would like to but I
>don't think BareBones designed the software for this type of function.

That's correct. :-)

If you need to handle large quantities of large PDFs, you'll want a media
catalog/file manager as this is quite a different sort of task from those
Yojimbo tackles.


 Patrick Woolsey  /  Director of Technical Services
Bare Bones Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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Re: Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread samplerx
Well, I found a two places to avoid unnecessary command or function  
evaluations. The improvements make a big difference when transferring  
large numbers of messages. Hence: Version 12.


On Apr 8, 2007, at 9:38 AM, Steven Samuels wrote:

|I've completely re-organized the script. Now it will pipe multiple  
selected messages. I apologize for the multiple posts. Unless someone  
|finds a mistake, this is the last version.

--I've completely re-organized the script. Now it will pipe multiple  
selected messages.


(* Version 12

This script will:

1. Pipe selected messages from Apple Mail to Yojimbo notes
2. Put the date sent (/mm/dd) & name or address of sender or  
recipient into Comments

4. Add tags "email" and either "in" or "out"

After running the script, The Comments  will look like:

2007/04/08 <:  (an incoming message)
2007/04/09 >: Sam (an outgoing message)

Sorting on the Comments column will sort on date order.

Note:  If an account has been deleted, all messages to and from it  
will be classified & tagged as incoming. To restore the proper  
classification, create a dummy version of the account and disable it.  
Only the email address need  be correct; the server settings are  

   Based on MailtoYojimbo Applescript by Jim Correia of Bare Bones  
   Originally posted in the Yojimbo Talk Forum: http://

   The error dialog was copied from MailToYojimbo-v1.1 by Drummond  
Field, posted at: 

  (Drummonds very nice script will prompt for tags.)


--Set up a function to generate the body of the message

on generateMessageText(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _sender to sender of m
set _subject to subject of m
set _date to date received of m as string
set _contents to content of m
set _messageString to "From: " & _sender & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Subject: " & _subject & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Date: " & _date & return
set _messageString to _messageString & return & return & _contents
end tell

end generateMessageText

--Set a second function to pass a variable which indicates whether I  
sent the message or not

on CountSent(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _sender to sender of m
set _sx to extract address from _sender
set _ctsent to 0 as integer
repeat with _acct in accounts
if email addresses of _acct contains _sx then
set _ctsent to _ctsent + 1 as integer
-- _ctsent counts the number of times the sender's address matches  
one of mine

-- At the end of the function, the value of _ctsent will be 0 or 1
end if
end repeat
end tell
return _ctsent
end CountSent

--Main Program
on run
tell application "Mail"
tell message viewer 1
set messageList to selected messages
if not (exists selected messages) then
display dialog "No message was selected" & return & "Transfer  
cancelled." with title "Error..." giving up after 3 with icon 0  
buttons {"Ok"}

end if
--Now loop through messages
repeat with m in messageList
set _contents to ""
set _date to ""
set _sender to ""
set _count to my CountSent(m) as integer

--Classify message as incoming or outgoing
if _count is 1 then
set _type to "outgoing"
set _type to "incoming"
end if

set _name to subject of m
set _contents to _contents & my generateMessageText(m)

--Set up date sent
set _date to date sent of m
set _yr to year of _date as string
set _month to month of _date as number

--Force month to format 'mm'
set _smon to _month as string
if _month < 10 then
set _smon to "0" & _smon
end if

--Force day to format 'dd'
set _day to day of _date as string
if day of _date < 10 then
set _day to "0" & _day
end if

-- Create date sent  with /mm/dd format
set _datef to _yr & "/" & _smon & "/" & _day

--Get sender's name & address
set _sender to sender of m
set _ssender to extract name from _sender
--If there is no name, _ssender defaults to the address
set _saddr to extract address from _sender

--If the message was received, set the name to the  sender and  a tag  
to "in"

if _type is "incoming" then
set _person to "<: " & _ssender
set _tag to "in" as string
end if

--If the message was sent, get the first recipient's name, if  
available, otherwise the address

if _type is "outgoing" then
set theRecipients to to recipients of m
if (exists name of item 1 of theRecipients) then
set _pers to name of item 1 of theRecipients
set _person to ">: " & _pers
set _addr to address of item 1 of theRecipients
set _person to ">: " & _addr
end if
set _tag to "out" as string
end if

---Now set up the note with body, comments, and tags
tell application "Yojimbo"
set aNewNoteItem to make new note item with properties  
{contents:_contents, name:_name, comments:_datef & " " & _person}

add tags {"email", _tag} to aNewNoteItem
end tell

end repeat
end tell
end tell
end run


Re: Feature Request: Nested Tag Collections

2007-04-08 Thread Patrick Woolsey


 Patrick Woolsey  /  Director of Technical Services
Bare Bones Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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Re: Feature Request: or-condition in Tag collections

2007-04-08 Thread Patrick Woolsey
Niels Kobschätzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sez:

>Right now tag-collections only have an "and"-condition ("matches all
>of these tags"), I'd like to see an "or"-condition ("can match any of
>these tags").

As we've mentioned before :-), we will be adding support for user-definable
smart collections in a future version, and those will allow such criteria.

Tag collections in their current form won't change, so that we can add
support for tagging items via drag & drop in future.


 Patrick Woolsey  /  Director of Technical Services
Bare Bones Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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Re: Feature Request: Shortcuts for labels and often used tags

2007-04-08 Thread Patrick Woolsey
Niels Kobschätzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sez:

>It'd be great if there would be shortcuts which can be assigned to
>tags I often use (in my case "read later" or "to do" for example) or
>labels for adding _and_ removing them (e.g. something I wanna read
>gets "read later", when I read it, I just want to remove a tag via a
>shortcut instead of using the mouse

The UI for configuring this to work with arbitrary tags is likely to be
pretty messy. :-)

If you use any sort of macro utility or FastScripts, I'd defintely
recommend a script or set of scripts instead, which could apply/remove your
desired tag(s).

>(is there anyway to use the  keyboard to navigate to the tags?)

Certainly, though this does depend on where you start from:

* if focus is in the search field, collections list, or item list,
  just keep tabbing.

* if focus is in the content area of an item, Ctl-Shift-Tab will back out
  to the tags field.


 Patrick Woolsey  /  Director of Technical Services
Bare Bones Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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Re: Feature Request: Shortcuts for labels and often used tags

2007-04-08 Thread Niels Kobschätzki

On Apr 8, 2007, at 5:55 PM, Patrick Woolsey wrote:

Niels Kobschätzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sez:

It'd be great if there would be shortcuts which can be assigned to
tags I often use (in my case "read later" or "to do" for example) or
labels for adding _and_ removing them (e.g. something I wanna read
gets "read later", when I read it, I just want to remove a tag via a
shortcut instead of using the mouse

The UI for configuring this to work with arbitrary tags is likely  
to be

pretty messy. :-)

I just thought about 5 to 10 or so (which could be on cmd+1 to cmd+0)

If you use any sort of macro utility or FastScripts, I'd defintely
recommend a script or set of scripts instead, which could apply/ 
remove your

desired tag(s).

I'll try that

(is there anyway to use the  keyboard to navigate to the tags?)

Certainly, though this does depend on where you start from:

* if focus is in the search field, collections list, or item list,
  just keep tabbing.

* if focus is in the content area of an item, Ctl-Shift-Tab will  
back out

  to the tags field.

ok. thx :)


Jammern für Anfänger: Niels K. (25) Jammerbacke -- auch für  
professionelles Jammern zu haben

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Re: Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread John Hawkins
I am a relatively new apple user, so please forgive my ignorance, but  
the recently posted 'script to pipe multiple Mail message to Yojimbo'  
is a script that I could really use. Can someone advise the best way  
to setup this script to run from mail?

Thanks in advance for any help and advice that you can provide.


On Apr 8, 2007, at 9:38 AM, Steven Samuels wrote:

I've completely re-organized the script. Now it will pipe multiple  
selected messages. I apologize for the multiple posts. Unless  
someone finds a mistake, this is the last version.


Script Follows the next line:

This script will:

1. Pipe selected messages from Apple Mail to Yojimbo notes
2. Put the date sent (/mm/dd) & name or address of sender or  
recipient into Comments

4. Add tags "email" and either "in" or "out"

After running the script, The Comments  will look like:

2007/04/08 <:  (an incoming message)
2007/04/09 >: Sam  (an outgoing message)

Sorting on the Comments column will sort on date order.

Note:  If an account has been deleted, all messages to and from it  
will be classified & tagged as incoming. To restore the proper  
classification, create a dummy version of the account and disable  
it. Only the email address need  be correct; the server settings  
are irrelevant.

Based on MailtoYojimbo Applescript by Jim Correia of Bare Bones  
Originally posted in the Yojimbo Talk Forum: http://

The error dialog was copied from MailToYojimbo-v1.1 by Drummond  
Field, posted at: 

(Drummonds very nice script will prompt for tags.)

Steve Samuels
Version 11

--Set up a function to generate the body of the message

on generateMessageText(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _sender to sender of m
set _subject to subject of m
set _date to date received of m as string
set _contents to content of m
set _messageString to "From: " & _sender & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Subject: " & _subject & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Date: " & _date & return
set _messageString to _messageString & return & return & _contents
end tell

end generateMessageText

--Set a second function to pass a variable which indicates whether  
I sent the message or not

on CountSent(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _ctsent to 0 as integer
repeat with _acct in accounts
set _sender to sender of m
set _sx to extract address from _sender
if email addresses of _acct contains _sx then
set _ctsent to _ctsent + 1 as integer
-- _ctsent counts the number of times the sender's address matches  
one of mine

-- At the end of the function, the value of _ctsent will be 0 or 1
end if
end repeat
end tell
return _ctsent
end CountSent

--Main Program
on run
tell application "Mail"
tell message viewer 1
set messageList to selected messages
if not (exists selected messages) then
display dialog "No message was selected" & return & "Transfer  
cancelled." with title "Error..." giving up after 3 with icon 0  
buttons {"Ok"}

end if
--Now loop through messages
repeat with m in messageList
set _contents to ""
set _date to ""
set _sender to ""
--Classify message as incoming or outgoing
if my CountSent(m) is 1 then
set _type to "outgoing"
end if
if my CountSent(m) is 0 then
set _type to "incoming"
end if

set _name to subject of m
set _contents to _contents & my generateMessageText(m)

--Set up date sent
set _date to date sent of m
set _yr to year of _date as string
set _month to month of _date as number

--Force month to format 'mm'
set _smon to _month as string
if _month < 10 then
set _smon to "0" & _smon
end if

--Force day to format 'dd'
set _day to day of _date as string
if day of _date < 10 then
set _day to "0" & _day
end if

-- Create date sent  with /mm/dd format
set _datef to _yr & "/" & _smon & "/" & _day

--Get sender's name & address
set _sender to sender of m
set _ssender to extract name from _sender
--If there is no name, _ssender defaults to the address
set _saddr to extract address from _sender

--If the message was received, set the name to the  sender and  a  
tag to "in"

if _type is "incoming" then
set _person to "<: " & _ssender
set _tag to "in" as string
end if

--If the message was sent, get the first recipient's name, if  
available, otherwise the address

if _type is "outgoing" then
set theRecipients to to recipients of m
if (exists name of item 1 of theRecipients) then
set _pers to name of item 1 of theRecipients
set _person to ">: " & _pers
set _addr to address of item 1 of theRecipients
set _person to ">: " & _addr
end if
set _tag to "out" as string
end if

---Now set up the note with body, comments, and tags
tell application "Yojimbo"
set aNewNoteItem to make new no

Re: Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread Sherman Wilcox
My preferred method of using scripts like this is to save the script  
to the Scripts folder in Library (probably in the Mail sub folder).

I also own Mail Act-On -- a wonderful utility for Mail users. I then  
set up a rule in Mail that will integrate with Mail Act-On (the Mail  
Act-On manual will tell you how to do this) and this script.

The result is that I can type a 'trigger' key (I use '/') in Mail,  
and then another key (I use "y" for Yojimbo), and the selected message 
(s) will be transferred to J=Yojimbo. Pretty darned elegant.

On Apr 8, 2007, at 11:13 AM, John Hawkins wrote:

I am a relatively new apple user, so please forgive my ignorance,  
but the recently posted 'script to pipe multiple Mail message to  
Yojimbo' is a script that I could really use. Can someone advise  
the best way to setup this script to run from mail?

Thanks in advance for any help and advice that you can provide.


On Apr 8, 2007, at 9:38 AM, Steven Samuels wrote:

I've completely re-organized the script. Now it will pipe multiple  
selected messages. I apologize for the multiple posts. Unless  
someone finds a mistake, this is the last version.


Script Follows the next line:

This script will:

1. Pipe selected messages from Apple Mail to Yojimbo notes
2. Put the date sent (/mm/dd) & name or address of sender or  
recipient into Comments

4. Add tags "email" and either "in" or "out"

After running the script, The Comments  will look like:

2007/04/08 <:  (an incoming message)
2007/04/09 >: Sam  (an outgoing message)

Sorting on the Comments column will sort on date order.

Note:  If an account has been deleted, all messages to and from it  
will be classified & tagged as incoming. To restore the proper  
classification, create a dummy version of the account and disable  
it. Only the email address need  be correct; the server settings  
are irrelevant.

Based on MailtoYojimbo Applescript by Jim Correia of Bare Bones  
Originally posted in the Yojimbo Talk Forum: http://

The error dialog was copied from MailToYojimbo-v1.1 by Drummond  
Field, posted at: 

(Drummonds very nice script will prompt for tags.)

Steve Samuels
Version 11

--Set up a function to generate the body of the message

on generateMessageText(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _sender to sender of m
set _subject to subject of m
set _date to date received of m as string
set _contents to content of m
set _messageString to "From: " & _sender & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Subject: " & _subject &  

set _messageString to _messageString & "Date: " & _date & return
set _messageString to _messageString & return & return & _contents
end tell

end generateMessageText

--Set a second function to pass a variable which indicates whether  
I sent the message or not

on CountSent(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _ctsent to 0 as integer
repeat with _acct in accounts
set _sender to sender of m
set _sx to extract address from _sender
if email addresses of _acct contains _sx then
set _ctsent to _ctsent + 1 as integer
-- _ctsent counts the number of times the sender's address matches  
one of mine

-- At the end of the function, the value of _ctsent will be 0 or 1
end if
end repeat
end tell
return _ctsent
end CountSent

--Main Program
on run
tell application "Mail"
tell message viewer 1
set messageList to selected messages
if not (exists selected messages) then
display dialog "No message was selected" & return & "Transfer  
cancelled." with title "Error..." giving up after 3 with icon 0  
buttons {"Ok"}

end if
--Now loop through messages
repeat with m in messageList
set _contents to ""
set _date to ""
set _sender to ""
--Classify message as incoming or outgoing
if my CountSent(m) is 1 then
set _type to "outgoing"
end if
if my CountSent(m) is 0 then
set _type to "incoming"
end if

set _name to subject of m
set _contents to _contents & my generateMessageText(m)

--Set up date sent
set _date to date sent of m
set _yr to year of _date as string
set _month to month of _date as number

--Force month to format 'mm'
set _smon to _month as string
if _month < 10 then
set _smon to "0" & _smon
end if

--Force day to format 'dd'
set _day to day of _date as string
if day of _date < 10 then
set _day to "0" & _day
end if

-- Create date sent  with /mm/dd format
set _datef to _yr & "/" & _smon & "/" & _day

--Get sender's name & address
set _sender to sender of m
set _ssender to extract name from _sender
--If there is no name, _ssender defaults to the address
set _saddr to extract address from _sender

--If the message was received, set the name to the  sender and  a  
tag to "in"

if _type is "in

Re: Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread Sherman Wilcox

On Apr 8, 2007, at 11:20 AM, Sherman Wilcox wrote:

transferred to J=Yojimbo

Sorry, so as not to confuse, that's just a typo. Should say  
"transferred to Yojimbo"


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Re: Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread samplerx

On Apr 8, 2007, at 1:13 PM, John Hawkins wrote:

I am a relatively new apple user, so please forgive my ignorance,  
but the recently posted 'script to pipe multiple Mail message to  
Yojimbo' is a script that I could really use. Can someone advise  
the best way to setup this script to run from mail?

Hi, John.  If you've never used AppleScript before, this is a good  
way to start.

1. Find the application Script Editor inside the Applescript Folder  
in your Applications folder. Double click on it and it will open a  
new blank script.
2. Second, open the email containing the script. I'm enclosing a  
slightly updated version below, so you can just use this one.

Copy and past the script from this message into the script editor.
3. Hit the button at the top that says "Compile." It looks like a  
hammer  If there are is an error message at this point, you may not  
have copied the entire script, or you may have included a non-script  
piece from this message.
4. Save the script to your desktop under any descriptive name you  
like, such as PipeMailtoYojimbo.scpt. Save as  file format "Script."  
You will put it someplace else later.

5. Now open Yojimbo.
6. Switch to a message list view for any mailbox in Mail and select  
one or more messages

7. Press the "Run" button  in the Script Editor window.

If everything works, you should see the new messages appear in Yojimbo.

Now you have to save the script someplace. Sherman had one  
suggestion: the Scripts folder inside the Library in your "home  
folder."  This is the one with a little "house" icon and your user  
name. . However I put my scripts, or copies of them, in a separate  
folder in my Documents folder, because I am more likely to back that up.

How can you trigger the script?  Sherman uses Mail Act On.  I use a  
utility called "iKey" which does many other things besides run  
scripts; that way I can keep all my shortcuts together.  Many people  
use the free utility "FastScriptsLite" which you can find by a Google  
search.  I don't have any experience with FastScriptsLite, but I'd  
try it first.

Good luck!

Steve Samuels

Script Follows below next line:

(* Script to pipe selected Apple Mail messages to Yojimbo notes, with  
dates sent, names, & tags

Version 13

This script will:
1. Pipe selected multiple selected messages from Apple Mail to  
Yojimbo notes.
2. Put the date sent (/mm/dd) & name or address of sender or  
recipient into Comments

3. Add tags "email" and either "in" or "out"

After running the script, a comment will look like:

2007/04/08 <:  (an incoming message)
2007/04/09 >: Sam (an outgoing message)

Sorting on the Comments column will sort on date.

Note:  If an account has been deleted, all messages to and from it  
will be classified as incoming. For proper classification, create a  
dummy version of the account and disable it. Only the email address  
need  be correct; the server settings are irrelevant.

   Based on MailtoYojimbo Applescript by Jim Correia of Bare Bones  
   Originally posted in the Yojimbo Talk Forum: http://

   The error dialog was copied from MailToYojimbo-v1.1 by Drummond  
Field, posted at: 

  (Drummond's fine script will prompt for tags & is very customizable.)

   Steve Samuels

--Set up a function to generate the body of the message

on generateMessageText(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _sender to sender of m
set _subject to subject of m
set _date to date received of m as string
set _contents to content of m
set _messageString to "From: " & _sender & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Subject: " & _subject & return
set _messageString to _messageString & "Date: " & _date & return
set _messageString to _messageString & return & return & _contents
end tell

end generateMessageText

--Set up a second function to pass a variable which indicates whether  
I sent the message or not

on CountSent(m)
tell application "Mail"
set _sender to sender of m
set _saddr to extract address from _sender
set _ctsent to 0 as integer
repeat with _acct in accounts
if email addresses of _acct contains _saddr then
set _ctsent to _ctsent + 1 as integer
-- _ctsent counts the number of times the sender's address matches  
one of mine

-- At the end of the function, the value of _ctsent will be 0 or 1
end if
end repeat
end tell
return _ctsent
end CountSent

--Main Program
on run
tell application "Mail"
tell message viewer 1
set messageList to selected messages
if not (exists selected messages) then
display dialog "No message was selected" & return & "Transfer  
cancelled." with title "Error..." giving up after 3 with icon 0  
buttons {"Ok"}

end if
--Now loop through messages
repeat with m in messageList
set _contents to ""
set _date to ""

Re: Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread Sherman Wilcox

On Apr 8, 2007, at 2:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How can you trigger the script?  Sherman uses Mail Act On.  I use a  
utility called "iKey" which does many other things besides run  
scripts; that way I can keep all my shortcuts together.  Many  
people use the free utility "FastScriptsLite" which you can find by  
a Google search.  I don't have any experience with FastScriptsLite,  
but I'd try it first.

Ah, yes, iKey. I also use QuicKeys, which can run a script, but it's  
a more expensive solution than all of these others. I'd bet there's  
some fancy way to do this with Quicksilver too (but who can figure it  

Of course, once it's in the script folder in Library, if you have the  
global script menu installed you can also trigger it by selecting it  
from the script menu in Mail.


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Feature Request: Drag-n-Drop images

2007-04-08 Thread David Conrad
Not sure if this has been covered in past discussions, but I'd love  
to cast a vote for the ability to drag images from a Web browser  
directly into either the drop-dock or the Yojimbo application without  
having to create a note to contain it. That's not a currently  
supported feature, correct?

As a designer I'm constantly collecting ideas/inspiration in the form  
of images from the web. It's nice to have these stored "off-line"  
instead of a URL because I can arrange and sort things visually if  
need be. Currently I just have a big directory of files, but I'd love  
to have them in jimbo.


David Conrad

Design Commission

121 Prefontaine Pl. S.
Seattle, WA 98104

Office- 206.223.7709
Mobile- 206.349.5477

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Re: Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread Michael Ward


As you have probably figured out by now there is a million ways to do  
things on a Mac. What I offer you is very basic and I am sure others  
may have a better way to perform the same functions but here is how I  
used the Mail to Yojimbo script you refer to:

If you are not familiar with scripting on the Mac there is usually a  
folder installed in Applications called Applescript. Inside you will  
find two applications Applescript Utility and Script Editor.

FIrst open Applescript Utility, check the box next to Show Script  
Menu in menu bar then quit the application. At the top of your screen  
somewhere on the right you will see an 'S' or scroll looking icon. If  
you click on that icon you will see various items including Mail  
Scripts. Inside Mail Scripts are a number of pre-compiled scripts you  
may be interested in but the new one will not be there until you  
perform the following.

In the Applescript Folder open the Script Editor application. Once  
opened you will see a blank window that will accept the text of your  
script. Now go back to the email containing the script you desire and  
copy the text  of the script. This would be everything below the  
credits and paste the copied text into the Script Editor window. Once  
pasted into the Script Editor you will select Compile. Mere moments  
later the text in the window will change into a compiled Applescript  
but it still is not ready to use. The next step is to save the  
compiled script by going to FILE -> SAVE AS and this is were it gets  
slightly tricky. First select a name for your script, maybe MAIL TO  
YOJIMBO or something. You will then navigate to the proper storage  
location. So as an example, if your hard drive name is the default  
you would navigate Macintosh HD -> Library folder -> Scripts folder - 
> Mail Scripts folder and drop it to speak. Quit  Script  
Editor and Open Mail.

Once Mail is open select the message(s) you want to send to Yojimbo.  
Click of the 'S' (scroll) in the Menu bar ->  select Mail Scripts ->  
select MAIL TO YOJIMBO and the process is done. Look in Yojimbo and  
you will see your email in the Library.

Hopefully this was the info you were after. As I said there are a  
million ways to do things on the mac and this is just one.


On Apr 8, 2007, at 1:13 PM, John Hawkins wrote:

I am a relatively new apple user, so please forgive my ignorance,  
but the recently posted 'script to pipe multiple Mail message to  
Yojimbo' is a script that I could really use. Can someone advise  
the best way to setup this script to run from mail?

Thanks in advance for any help and advice that you can provide.


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RFE Write-Protect Notes

2007-04-08 Thread Verdon Vaillancourt


I did some searching on the list and was getting pretty broad  
results, so I thought I'd just ask. I hope I'm not bringing up  
anything that has already been talked to death ;-)

Has it been considered to add the ability to lock or write protect  
items in YJ, notes specifically?

To be honest, I've been evaluating with the demo and am about a week  
away from making a commitment. I pretty much like YJ and it is  
becoming a part of my daily workflow, but I have some concern about  
inadvertently cutting text from a note/clipping instead of copying  
and that sort of stuff. Any comments?


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Re: Feature Request: Drag-n-Drop images

2007-04-08 Thread infrahile
Not sure if this has been covered in past discussions, but I'd love  
to cast a vote for the ability to drag images from a Web browser  
directly into either the drop-dock or the Yojimbo application  
without having to create a note to contain it.

I agree, this would be very useful…

As a designer I'm constantly collecting ideas/inspiration in the  
form of images from the web. It's nice to have these stored "off- 
line" instead of a URL because I can arrange and sort things  
visually if need be. Currently I just have a big directory of  
files, but I'd love to have them in jimbo.

…but not for this.  I'm also a designer and keep a similar reference,  
however I like a visual catalogue of all the images - Yojimbo is just  
going to give me a text list of files when what I need is a thumbnail  
graphic type arrangement for quick visual scanning. I'd recommend  
iView media pro for this task (although this has been bought by M$  
now and given their track record with perfectly good mac software…  
well, we'll see… )

iView is great for this sort of visual catalogue and it's keywords  
feature can be used effectively as tags for your images. You can also  
set up an iView catalogue to auto-update from one or many folders, so  
whenever you open it it'll always be up to date with your latest  
additions. I use it in conjunction with Hazel ( http:// ) for an automated scrapbook building  
tool - a folder on my desktop acts as a general inbox, any image  
files dumped in there is moved by Hazel to a scrapbook inbox (movies  
go to another, PDF's another, etc.) and the next time I open my iView  
scrapbook catalogue for inspiration I know that it'll scan my  
pictures inbox and bring it bang up to date for me, I can then add  
keywords (or use nested folders… ;o) to organise. Works a treat - i  
guess iPhoto might do the same although i don't use it.

That said, for those images that are useful to keep in a Yojimbo  
note, a drag & drop note-from-image feature would be a very handy  
timesaver (although, if you drag 'n drop multiple images does this  
make a bunch of individual notes, or a single one with all the images… 

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Re: Script to pipe multiple Mail messages to Yojimbo with date, names,tags

2007-04-08 Thread J. Stewart

On 4/8/07 at 4:50 PM, Sherman Wilcox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thusly:

Ah, yes, iKey. I also use QuicKeys, which can run a script, but 
it's a more expensive solution than all of these others. I'd 
bet there's some fancy way to do this with Quicksilver too (but 
who can figure it out?).

FYI, as of the current version, TypeIt4Me is also able to run a 
script as the action of an abb expansion.

Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery? - 
George Carlin

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Re: RFE Write-Protect Notes

2007-04-08 Thread J. Stewart
On 4/8/07 at 6:03 PM, Verdon Vaillancourt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
spake thusly:

Has it been considered to add the ability to lock or write protect items in YJ, 
notes specifically?

You can encrypt them via a password, does this count?  :)

OK... so if the Jacksonville Jaguars are known as the "Jags" and 
the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are known as the "Bucs", what does that 
make the Tennessee Titans? - George Carlin

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