RE: [ZION] The Return of the King

2003-11-17 Thread hkpage
Yep!  Can't wait!  My husband and I are already making plans with another
couple in our branch (soon to be ward!) that we're friends with...we're
going to get a sitter or two for all of the kids and then do dinner and the

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 11/16/2003 10:25:52 PM
 Subject: [ZION] The Return of the King

 Tomorrow it is exactly one month until the opening of The Lord of the 
 Rings: The Return of the King on December 17th.  --JWR

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RE: [ZION] The Small World of the Church

2003-11-15 Thread hkpage
That's just too neat of a story!  A real day-brightener...thanks for

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Valerie Nielsen Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 11/15/2003 11:59:36 AM
 Subject: [ZION] The Small World of the Church

 I just wanted to share with you all something really neat.  You know, as
 members of the church, it doesn't matter where we are, if we are with
 fellow LDS, we have a lot to talk about.  It makes the world a smaller
 place.  Inevitably, someone you meet knows someone you know, and you feel
 a closer connection.  This is a story kinda like that.

 Well, way back before our wards spilt, a young couple moved into the
 ward.  They had no children and he was there to do a three year residency
 at Memorial Hospital.  When they found out they could not have children,
 they began adopting.  I remember Stacy crying as she held her first baby
 girl, saying, She's so beautiful.  I'd have taken her if she were
 homely, but look at her, she's just soo beautiful!  They were blessed
 with a second daughter, and just this past month, a son.

 When Miles finished his residency, he set up practice here.  I have
 always felt so close to Miles and Stacy.  When Tom died, Miles was a huge
 source of comfort.  I was extremely ill during the visitation, so I had
 to sit down to receive people, and Miles knelt down, held my hand, and
 spoke as a great priethood leader, of things not of this world, but in
 the world to come.  Just lately, he was called as Bishop (about a month
 ago) for the South Bend Ward.  

 O.K. now, I love doing genealogy.  I have always loved reading histories
 and uncovering the mysteries we call ancestors.  I especially love
 reading my dad's history.  He died 23 years ago, so I feel close to him
 when I read his stuff.  Last year, my sister found a legal pad that had
 Dad's handwritten draft of the typed history we all have.  It is
 different from the typed version, more raw and with details he left out
 of the typed version for some reason.  I used that handwritten version to
 share with my students this week, my dad's expreiences in WWII (we are
 doing a veteran's unit).  Thursday, after I'd read this to my last class,
 I decided to re-read it for myself.  I love to read his thoughts.  Well,
 page 13 contained some notes he scribbled.  It was obviously his notes
 for the section he called the Fabulous Fifties.  It was during the 50's
 that he married my mom, had most of us kids, and joined the church. (as a
 side note, Orrin Hatch was one of my parent's missionaries).

 Anyway, one of the little notes said, 7 Dec 1957 Pat. Blessing,  Reed
 Andrew, Detrioit Stake.  Now, I have seen my dad's patriarchal blessing
 numerous times.  I love reading over it.  What I had never connected, is
 that his patriarch, Reed Andrew, didn't have an 's' on the end of his
 name.  (connecting point here)  This is the same as Miles and Stacy
 Andrew.  As it turns out, Reed is Miles's grandfather!  Stacy said that
 Reed is the one who sealed them when they were married--that he was a
 sealer in Salt Lake, and got special permission to fly to Chicago to seal
 them.  How cool is that!  Reed has since passed, but think about this;
 when my parents were baptized, they lived in Ohio.   What are the odds,
 that in Northern Indiana, some 46 years later, descendents of early
 midwest saints would connect like this.

 Gotta love the TRUE church.


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Re: [ZION] Introducing Gary Smith

2003-11-15 Thread hkpage
LOVE the suggestion, Gary!  We're only 6 hours from Nauvoo...let's plan on

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Valerie Nielsen Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 11/15/2003 11:24:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Introducing Gary Smith

 On Sun, 9 Nov 2003 13:33:16 -0500 Gerald Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I look forward to meeting those in the Indiana/Midwest area.  What 
  would love, is for us to plan a Nauvoo reunion get-together next 
  Meet on a Saturday, go to a session, then dinner/lunch, and walk 
  the sites.  Who's interested?  I'm going to be pushing this from 
  until we organize something.

 Count me in.  May I suggest the Nauvoo State Park as a gathering place
 (if they get the showers opened) for those wanting to stay the night (or
 two).   Camping is fun and, for me, cheap.  My sons and I stayed there
 this past summer and it's right in Nauvoo.  The summer prior we stayed
 someplace else, farther away.  It's not too far (a couple hours?) from
 Dyersville, Iowa, where the movie _Field of Dreams_ was filmed.  That's a
 really neat site.  Basically untouched since the movie.

 Anyway, picture a campfire, with s'mores, great conversation and
 Zionisti, on the banks of the Ole Mississippi, at sunset.  It's


  All of you are welcome to use my home as a central pad for visiting 
  Church sites (or other visits). We're 5-6 hours from Nauvoo and 
  and 8 hours from Independence Mo and Palmyra.
  K'aya K'ama,
  Gerald (Gary) Smith 
  Family History, Food Storage, etc.
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Re: [ZION] Soccer Rules!

2003-11-14 Thread hkpage
I would MUCH rather watch a soccer game (or lacrosse game...or hockey
game...) than watch basketball.  I can't STAND basketball!  Watching it is,
for me, like being in the same room with a person who is running their
fingernails down a blackboard.  And... not only is basketball a terrible
sport, in my opinion, but the players - in addition to being freaks of
nature - are spoiled brats who make way too much money for what they do. Of
course, there are many players of other sports who are spoiled brats, also,
but it seems to me that basketball players are amongst the worst of the lot.

Soccer, lacrosse and hockey are such exciting games, and even more so when
one understands the rules  strategy.  One of my sisters plays on a co-ed
soccer team in the Washington DC area.  Recently, she got a yellow card (a
foul, in other words); the ref made what my sister felt to be a terrible
call and so, as she walked past him, she muttered moron under her breath.
The ref heard her and gave her a yellow card.  That's my Kimi!

Just my 2 cents worth...
Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Rusty Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 11/13/2003 11:45:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Soccer Rules!

 Soccer in  my  personal opinion requires a lot more of everything than
 almost any other sport, and with all due respect to foot ball fans, there
 is no comparison between the two in terms of the physical and mental
 demands-- soccer wins  easily; foot ball-- the players get to take all
 sorts of breaks. soccer-- you run the whole time, 45 minute? halves and
 don't have the benefit of protective padding like our football players do.
 if you can't crawl off the field due to an injury, they will stop the game
 long enough to get you out of the way, and then it's back to the game :)

  while it is true that normal size people can play soccer- for example, i
 was chief bench warmer on my college team- to make any headway in the
 sport, you have to be good. the rest of the world plays soccer like we
 baseball-- they are crazy about it. a few months ago we had a
 womanes game (I think) here in Seattle-- people flew in from Europe by the
 1000's to see the game, and it was not even a league game !

 if you really want to drive dull nails into your head-- well, that's your
 choice, but personally, I find soccer a lot more fun to watch than
 or football. instead of nails, try flaming bamboo splinters under your
 fingernails :)

 just my opinion.

 Bob Taylor

 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I don't feel the way you do about football, soccer and baseball.
 Professional football in this country cannot be played by
 ordinary people.  They have to be giants.  It is the same way
 with basketball: the best players are virtually freaks.  But
 normal sized people can play soccer.
 Exactly my point.  Soccer is a wimpy sport that anyone can play.
 Well, almost anyone.  I'm so wimpy I probably couldn't play it.
 As for baseball, well... when my kids all got stuck out in right
 field while the coaches kid got to be pitcher I learned that
 baseball, softball actually, wasn't much of a sport except for a
 favored few.  When I put my kids in soccer they all got to play
 their guts out every minute that they were in good enough shape
 to play.
 Grampa Bill never let any of us kids play sports.  He thought
 that we wouldn't study if we were playing.  I guess I showed him.
 I didn't study anyway.  :-)
 At the time I wasn't too concerned about not playing sports, but
 now I wish I had done something.  I will admit that those who
 play soccer seem to have a good time.  I personally don't see how
 you can call it shooting when the kicked ball goes no where
 near the goal.  So I will grant you a point on soccer perhaps
 being a fun game to play.  But I think I would rather drive dull
 nails into my temples than to have to sit through watching a
 soccer match.
 Cousin Bill
 Our country, right or wrong.  When
 right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
 to be put right. -- Carl Schurz

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There are no coincidences, only small miracles. Author Unknown


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Re: [ZION] Tell Heidi

2003-10-27 Thread hkpage
I have just LOVED the discussion on this subject!  This is great!  Thanks,
one and all, for your input.  It really helped me out.  Now, somewhat
further on this - and not to toot my own horn, but here goes...the branch
we have moved into has had 51 baptisms thus far during 2003, and a good
many of them have been retained.  What a wonderful time to be here.  I do
know for a fact that things are underway to turn this branch into a ward. 
Back in August, an absolutely GOLDEN family were baptized...father, mother
and one of the children who was old enough.  This past Sunday, I watched
all three of that family's children do an outstanding job participating in
the Children's Sac Mtg program.  I am the wife's visiting teacher and I am
really enjoying getting to know her and her family.  Not only do I want to
be her visiting teacher but her friend as well.  I make a point to sit next
to her in Relief Society.  This Saturday, our branch has a baptismal trip
to the Louisville Temple.  She asked me about it because she thought that
they had to wait a year to go to the temple at all.  I was pleased to be
able to explain to her that she and her husband (who is currently serving
as an adviser in the YM) can both go and participate, and then I offered to
keep their kids for the day so they can go.  I'm so excited about it!  My
kids are excited, too.  I wish I could go along with them, but the time for
that will come late next summer. :-)  When my husband returns from Los
Angeles (he's been out there a few weeks thanks to the grocery strike...he
comes home Sunday night), we plan to have them over for supper.  We'll
probably do it on a Sunday and have them come over in the afternoon so we
can have plenty of time to get to know them better. It's an absolutely
wonderful thing to be in on something like this.  Not only am I helping in
the Lord's work, but I'm gaining friends and that's always a good thing in
my book.

I think that this family has the desire to know more about the gospel and
they are doing their part to learn.  But it does help to have friends in
the branch/ward, to help them with the practical application of gospel
principles in their lives.

Just my thoughts...
Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 10/27/2003 11:36:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Tell Heidi

 Gerald Smith wrote:
 A few years ago, they heard the discussions but chose not to join,
 they didn't want to lose their old traditions/friends/habits. A year or
 later, they took the discussions again. This time, the branch president 
 assigned the members to take a turn having this investigator family into 
 their homes each Sunday for dinner after Church.

 We take turns having the missionaries over for dinner.  Why can't we take 
 turns hosting the new members in our homes?  The members ought to do it 
 spontaneously, but if they don't, perhaps the leaders should organize 
 something like we do with the missionaries.  I really believe that having 
 new members over to the house is the key to keeping them active.

 And we shouldn't feel a need to provide a lavish sit-down dinner when we 
 have new members over.  Just a bowl of buttered popcorn or a dish of ice 
 cream would do.  I mean, what do we do with our friends?

 John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The study of the doctrines of the Gospel will improve
 behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve
 behavior.  --Boyd K. Packer
 All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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RE: [ZION] Sorry About That

2003-10-25 Thread hkpage
Oh *sure*...that's what they *all* say!

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 10/24/2003 8:40:06 AM
 Subject: [ZION] Sorry About That

 Sorry about the autoresponse to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I've turned it off,
 you won't see it again.  --JWR

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[ZION] strengthening new converts

2003-10-23 Thread hkpage

Just this evening, I was asked to teach the lesson in Relief Society this Sunday.  The 
lesson is the Teachings for our Time #9, Strengthening New Converts.  I have yet to 
read the conference addresses the outline mentions, however, I have a few questions 
for you out there - and be forewarned that I might want to use some or all of your 
responses in my lesson...

What have you done to help strengthen a new convert (or new converts, as the case may 
For those of you who have been new converts...what has been done by others that has 
helped strengthen you?  What didn't help you?

Any and all thoughts on this subject would be very much appreciated by me! :-)
Thanks in advance!
Heidi the fair

Heidi Page
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RE: [ZION] Breaking the charter?

2003-10-15 Thread hkpage
I have heard that it *is* true, unfortunately.  I wouldn't want to be any
of those Baptist dudes when the time comes that they have to account for
their actions...


 [Original Message]
 From: Grampa Bill in Savannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 10/15/2003 6:27:31 AM
 Subject: [ZION] Breaking the charter?

 Dear ones,
 I received the following by email. It probably violates the charter 
 for me to forward it... but does anyone know the truth of this? I am 
   Some Muslims wear sacred clothing. So do some Jews. The same for
   Native Americans and some Hindus and others. Bits of cloth or string
   that are physical reminders of God and his bond
   with man. Sacred things, really, prayer shawls or beads, head
   coverings or aprons, medicine bags. Things that are special to people,
   honorable and good things.
   Things that should be respected.
   One would not, for example, rip the yarmulke from a Jewish man's head
   and mockingly fling it like a Frisbee. Nor would you wear a yarmulke as
   a spoof or joke. Certainly not as an attack on Judaism. Not as a
   mockery of Jews and their faith.
   Yet something like that happened this weekend. In front of thousands
   of people in one of America's great cities. An act of religious
   desecration, bigotry and discrimination. And the perpetrators boast of
   it to the press. It was in Salt Lake City. And it was against Mormons.
   And somehow that makes it acceptable.
   Here's what happened. Over the weekend, Mormons gathered for what they
   call general conference. It is a twice-a-year meeting that draws tens
   of thousands to Salt Lake City and is broadcast around the world to an
   audience in the low millions. It is a worship service. It is sacred and
   special to them. And each year it is protested.
   So-called Christian evangelists stand on the sidewalk outside the
   Mormon meetings and shout rude condemnations of the religion to the
   thousands who pass in and out. It is an odd spectacle, unmatched in
   American society. To think that crude protesters would stand outside a
   mosque or synagogue, or a cathedral or church, and harass worshipers and
   denounce a religion is just beyond the pale.
   It is an act of indefensible religious bigotry. And yet it happens,
   and is often applauded and boasted of.
   This column started with a mention of sacred clothing. Well, Mormons
   have sacred clothing, too. Like a variety of religious garments, it is
   worn against the skin. It is a type of underclothing. They don't talk
   about it. They don't show it to people. They keep it sacred. Like
   virtually all-religious clothing, it is a specific reminder of  promises
   made to God. Like virtually all religious clothing, it is precious and
   significant to the people who wear it.
   Well, Sunday the evangelists had some. Maybe six guys, Baptist
   ministers, mocking the Mormons as they came out of a meeting. Shouting
   rude things to people coming out of church. And they had these sacred
   garments. And one supposed minister of the gospel was wiping his
   backside with them, laughingly treating them like toilet paper as
   thousands who held them sacred walked by.
   Can you see that being done to a prayer shawl in front of a Synagogue,
   or a prayer rug in front of a mosque? Wouldn't all decent people
   publicly denounce that sacrilege?
   He also draped them around his neck, and pretended over and over to
   sneeze into them. And loudly blow his nose into them. While families and
   children walked past.
   Stop for a moment.
   Lay aside what you do or don't think about Mormons. But was that right?

   More to the point, was that Christian? Is that what Jesus would do? Is
   that what any decent person of any faith would do? Absolutely not. It
   is wrong, bigoted and un-American. No matter who it's against.
   It was an affront. It smelled like the bigotry of the Klan and the
   Third Reich. And yet the ministers boasted of it to reporters and  posed
   for pictures and no one in the Utah or American religious, media or
   civil rights communities has condemned it.
   And, oddly, two worshipers were taken away in handcuffs. One man,
   dressed in his church clothes, walked past in the crowd, saw the insults
   and desecrations, and grabbed the piece of clothing. To protect it. He
   was charged with robbery and taken to jail. Half an hour later another
   worshiper similarly grabbed a molested garment and attempted to take it
   away. He was unsuccessful and waiting police stepped in to take him into
   And that's the world we live in. You are harangued for your beliefs and
   arrested for defending them. And the bigotry of our society is
   illustrated by how selectively we practice tolerance.
  - by Bob Lonsberry C 2003 

RE: [ZION] Forgiveness of Serious Sins by Individual Members

2003-10-10 Thread hkpage

A few thoughts about your question...As tempting as that might be, and as
justified as we think it might be, I kindly refer you to Doctrine 
Covenants 64:10 which reads: I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will
forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.  This isn't easy
for me personally, but I find it helps to remind myself that I will be
shown as much mercy as I have shown others, and I myself need a lot of
mercy shown to me.  

Another thought...Us forgiving someone isn't so much for the person who has
done something against us, but for us.  If we don't forgive, we carry
around that grudge - or whatever you want to call it - and that hurts us,
not the other person.

One more thought...go to the Topical Guide of the scriptures, to the entry
Forgive, Forgiveness and just read the scriptures it mentions.  Don't
count on what I have to say...see what the Lord has said.  If you need to
find out more about it, find what has been said in recent General
Conference addresses on the subject.  I always find those helpful.

Just my two cents worth...

 [Original Message]
 From: Stacy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 10/10/2003 12:50:06 AM
 Subject: [ZION] Forgiveness of Serious Sins by Individual Members

 Is it all right to make forgiveness of serious sins conditional?  For 
 example, I'll forgive you if you are willing to join this church.


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Re: [ZION] Ward and Stake Web Pages

2003-10-09 Thread hkpage
I wish our stake had one of those web pages...I can see how it would be
extremely useful!  Last time I checked, our stake didn't have one.


 [Original Message]
 From: Jon Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 10/9/2003 1:47:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Ward and Stake Web Pages

 I log in regularly (usually at least daily), and have done so for a few
 years.  Our stake was one of the first 12 to be the guinea pigs.  It is
 quite useful.


 - Original Message - 
 From: Lew Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 12:48 AM
 Subject: [ZION] Ward and Stake Web Pages

  Has anyone login to a Stake or Ward Web Page?  They can be found at:,12831,2311-1,00.html
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [ZION] Thoughts On Diet

2003-10-03 Thread hkpage
Yeah, sweet potatoes are sweet, but they contain complex carbohydrates as
opposed to the simple carbohydrates in white potatoes.  So, one's blood
sugars will rise, but more slowly, and those blood sugars hold steady for a
longer period of time, and that makes it easier to regulate your blood
sugars.  Or, so I read in a health newsletter.

(and, by the way, my sweet potato was really good last night!)

 [Original Message]
 From: Stacy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 10/3/2003 3:10:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Thoughts On Diet

 That's odd!  Sweet potatoes are so sweet!


 At 04:44 PM 10/02/2003 -0500, you wrote:

 I've read that sweet potatoes are even better for diabetics than white
 potatoes.  Something about the sugars breaking down less easily and thus
 keeps the blood sugar levels at a more sustained amount as opposed to the
 spike and drop you get with the levels thanks to white potatoes.  My
 husband and I both like them.  We top them with cinnamon and they are
 tasty! We like to have them with a nice steak or grilled chicken
 breast...mmm!  Making me hungry!  I guess it's a good thing we're meeting
 friends of ours (who are from out of town) tonight for supper at the
 Roadhouse Steakhouse.  I think I know what I'm having...
 Heidi the hungry
   [Original Message]
   From: R. Kent Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: 10/2/2003 9:28:50 AM
   Subject: Re: [ZION] Thoughts On Diet
   Kent clarifies:
   We don't remove ALL carbs as some have reported that the brain goes
   stupid mode if it doesn't get some... we try to keep to less than 40
   (looking at a lot more labels now) mixed with major protein.  Some
   better than others... Potatoes turn into 95% sugar while rice is only
   converted.  Beans are less than that.  My doctor suggested that a few
   for breakfast can be good so suggested we eat raw oatmeal(not cooked)
   fruit and non-fat milk for breakfast... It goes right thru without
   absorbed.  At lunch I usually have chili (I like Cattle Drive) with a
   roast beef dumped in, with cottage cheese and a lettace wedge, and for
   supper a nice steak/chicken/fish with extra vegetables and a green
   Sometimes Judy mixes up some jello no-sugar pudding with a few sliced
   strawberries ontop for dessert or a fresh pear. We were big ice cream
   so switched to Blue Bunny with a little fresh fruit instead of all the
   sauces. Judy makes the best pies in the world so it is a big
sacrifice in
   that regard, but our tastes have changed dramatically and we find it
   just say no and have a fresh apple instead.
   Stacy Smith wrote:
You know, the more I think about it, I didn't quite experiment that
before.  I had only protein for two meals and carbs for a third
But what is being proposed would be very hard to live with but I
I'd have to find a tasty way.  I don't remember God opposing bread
such, especially whole wheat, and diabetic educators never tell
to eliminate pasta, potatoes or rice from the diet, but if it means
never going on dialysis or insulin I might have to try it.  I don't
what I'd do about the traditional birthday, Christmas and
celebrations but they would be very few and far between.  It's back
taste, I suppose, since I have a hard time tolerating most
but not all.
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Re: [ZION] Thoughts On Diet

2003-10-02 Thread hkpage
I've read that sweet potatoes are even better for diabetics than white
potatoes.  Something about the sugars breaking down less easily and thus
keeps the blood sugar levels at a more sustained amount as opposed to the
spike and drop you get with the levels thanks to white potatoes.  My
husband and I both like them.  We top them with cinnamon and they are VERY
tasty! We like to have them with a nice steak or grilled chicken
breast...mmm!  Making me hungry!  I guess it's a good thing we're meeting
friends of ours (who are from out of town) tonight for supper at the Texas
Roadhouse Steakhouse.  I think I know what I'm having...

Heidi the hungry

 [Original Message]
 From: R. Kent Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 10/2/2003 9:28:50 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Thoughts On Diet

 Kent clarifies:
 We don't remove ALL carbs as some have reported that the brain goes into 
 stupid mode if it doesn't get some... we try to keep to less than 40
 (looking at a lot more labels now) mixed with major protein.  Some carbs
 better than others... Potatoes turn into 95% sugar while rice is only 55% 
 converted.  Beans are less than that.  My doctor suggested that a few
 for breakfast can be good so suggested we eat raw oatmeal(not cooked)
 fruit and non-fat milk for breakfast... It goes right thru without being 
 absorbed.  At lunch I usually have chili (I like Cattle Drive) with a can
 roast beef dumped in, with cottage cheese and a lettace wedge, and for 
 supper a nice steak/chicken/fish with extra vegetables and a green salad. 
 Sometimes Judy mixes up some jello no-sugar pudding with a few sliced 
 strawberries ontop for dessert or a fresh pear. We were big ice cream
 so switched to Blue Bunny with a little fresh fruit instead of all the 
 sauces. Judy makes the best pies in the world so it is a big sacrifice in 
 that regard, but our tastes have changed dramatically and we find it easy
 just say no and have a fresh apple instead.

 Stacy Smith wrote:
  You know, the more I think about it, I didn't quite experiment that way 
  before.  I had only protein for two meals and carbs for a third meal.  
  But what is being proposed would be very hard to live with but I guess 
  I'd have to find a tasty way.  I don't remember God opposing bread and 
  such, especially whole wheat, and diabetic educators never tell people 
  to eliminate pasta, potatoes or rice from the diet, but if it means 
  never going on dialysis or insulin I might have to try it.  I don't
  what I'd do about the traditional birthday, Christmas and Thanksgiving 
  celebrations but they would be very few and far between.  It's back to 
  taste, I suppose, since I have a hard time tolerating most vegetables 
  but not all.
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[ZION] Items for Diabetics (was: Thought for the day)

2003-09-30 Thread hkpage

Speaking as the wife of a grocery store manager, I know that my husband is
always willing to at least check to see if he can get products ordered in
for customers.  Much of the time, he can indeed have things ordered in
special for customers.  Sometimes, things just aren't available in our
area.  May I ask where you live?  What's the name of your local
supermarket?  If your supermarket is part of the same family of stores that
my husband works for, they should be more than happy to help you.

If I were you, on my next trip to the store, I would ask to speak to the
manager.  Tell him or her what you're looking for and ask if they have
those things.  If they do, they should be more than willing to help you
locate those items.  If they don't carry those items, ask if those things
can be ordered in.  If the manager needs UPC code numbers and names of
products to have ordered in, let me know and I'll get those for you.  If
the store manager is not willing to help you, ask for their toll-free
customer help line (most chains have one) and inform them of your needs and

If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.

Good luck!

 [Original Message]
 From: Stacy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 9/30/2003 12:00:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Thought for the day

 I want to know more about how to get more diabetic products because I
 find them in my local supermarket.


 At 03:01 PM 09/30/2003 +, you wrote:

 That IS a nice thought (even for a diabetic).  And, nope, I didn't get 
 that post.  And it is strange how far off-topic we got.  Who knows where 
 it will lead this time?
 (Does anyone else have this problem -- beginning sentences with 
 conjunctions?  I never had this habit until after studying the Book of
 If ya thinks ya is right, ya deserfs credit - even if ya is wrong. Gus 
 Segar via Popeye
 -- Jon Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I started out this thread with a thought for the day, to wit:
 Sent 9/21:
 Thought for the Day:
 A nice box of chocolate can provide your entire daily intake of calories
 one place.
 Isn't that handy?
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RE: [ZION] Thought for the day

2003-09-22 Thread hkpage
Works for me!  Especially if it's Dove or Lindt chocolate!

By the way, Job...aren't you in North Carolina?  If so, did you sustain any
damage from Isabel?


 [Original Message]
 From: Jon Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 9/21/2003 9:12:31 PM
 Subject: [ZION] Thought for the day

 Thought for the Day:

 A nice box of chocolate can provide your entire daily intake of calories
 one place.

 Isn't that handy?


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RE: [ZION] Thought for the day

2003-09-22 Thread hkpage
Hey, it's's rainy...I didn't use my spellchecker...

Heidi (who almost just typo'ed her own name!)

 [Original Message]
 From: Elmer L. Fairbank [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 9/22/2003 9:53:07 AM
 Subject: RE: [ZION] Thought for the day

 At 09:38 AM 9/22/2003 -0500, the amazing Heidi the Fair wrote:
 Works for me!  Especially if it's Dove or Lindt chocolate!
 By the way, Job...aren't you in North Carolina?  If so, did you sustain
 damage from Isabel?

 Heidi is now in correspondence with a real hero.  Shall we all sit and
 him comfort?

 Just picking, Heidi  8))  I hope Jon faired better temporally than his 
 typo-namesake.  May we all fare as well as he in other matters, however.


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RE: [ZION] Crying Babies

2003-09-22 Thread hkpage
I was able to do this with my own kids, though it was hard at first.  When
our first child was born, we were given a book, the title of which went
something like How to help your child sleep through the night, or words
to that effect.  It was written by a Dr. Ferber out of Boston, and he
advocated this system when helping babies learn to sleep through the night.
He promoted a graduated system...First night - address needs, and then when
baby started to cry, go in after 5 minutes, reassure and then leave.  Wait
10 minutes, reassure.  Wait 15 minutes, reassure...and so on at 5 minute
intervals until baby fell asleep. The second night, don't start going in
until after 10 minutes, and go in at 10 minute intervals.  Third night, 15
minutes, etc...  The idea was that baby would know you were there but would
be given time to fall asleep by itself (sans soother, binky, pacifier or
whatever you want to call it).  It took each of my kids about 3 days to
learn to fall asleep by themselves; once they learned this, life was much
easier for everybody!


 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 9/22/2003 9:43:01 AM
 Subject: [ZION] Crying Babies

 Once all possible needs have been addressed, there is something
 about letting a baby cry until she finally gives it up.  The sisters are 
 not especially good at this, but I can do it just fine. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Thought for the day

2003-09-22 Thread hkpage

My husband is diabetic also, and he buys the candies with sucralose all the
time.  There are some made by Russell Stover, Cadbury's Turtles, and now
I'm seeing some done by Reese's (is that Hershey's?).  I've seen them at
Walmart, Target  Kroger, and I'm sure they are carried at other stores, as
well.  My husband does say that they aren't the best for diabetics, but if
you're really craving the taste of chocolate, they are good to have on
hand.  Also, the box does warn against eating too many at a time.  Because
the body doesn't process the sucralose, I imagine it causes plumbing
problems.  My husband might eat one every couple of days.  I've tried them
and they aren't bad at all.  My favorites are the coconut  chocolate
concoctions by Russell Stover's.


 [Original Message]
 From: Stacy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 9/22/2003 5:31:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Thought for the day

 Where does one get it?  Are these candies?


 At 04:38 PM 09/22/2003 -0400, you wrote:

 Stacy Smith wrote:
   No, what is it? (sucralose)
 Sucralose is the trade name for the stereoisomer of normal sucrose (table
 sugar).  It tastes the same as regular sugar, but is not processed by the
 body.  Your taste buds can't tell the difference (but perhaps your
 pocketbook can!).
 If I remember my organic chemistry correctly, table sugar is R-sucrose
 Sucralose is L-sucrose.
 So, you see, diabetics can partake of the handy one-box-holds-all

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RE: [ZION] working woman

2003-09-20 Thread hkpage
Well, there IS a way to follow prophetic counsel AND work where there is a
husband in the home...and it looks like I'm about to embark upon it.  I'm
going to start doing child care in my home, so I'll be at home with my own
children yet bringing in income.  I'm also considering giving piano lessons
from my home.  And I'm also considering taking night classes in medical
transcription (I have work experience from my college years in it, but I
need to sharpen my skills and there is a program near my home) so that I do
that from home.  I have a friend from high school, who is LDS and lives in
Arizona.  She and her husband have 4 children, and though she is trained in
other things, she took a course in medical transcription so that she could
work from home, and she gets paid very well for her work, which is part

Now, Jim, you have to admit that there are circumstances when a woman HAS
to work outside the home.  Val in Mishawaka has to...she is a widow; her
family depends on her.  The time may come when I will have husband
will likely be unable to work due to physical disability in the next 5
years.  I really should be doing more to prepare to support my family, but
right now I feel like I should be at home.  I will, in the next year,
probably be taking part time college courses to finish up my last year of
bachelor's degree work.  We hope to eventually transfer to Louisville, and
then I can go to law school, which I've always wanted to do.  Once my
husband becomes unable to work, we will likely move east, closer to my
parents (and a bit closer to his family, too), to have the help  support
of family.  

Be careful, Jim, of painting all LDS working women with the same brush.


 [Original Message]
 From: Jim Cobabe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 9/19/2003 9:12:23 AM
 Subject: RE: [ZION] working woman

 With regard to applying prophetic counsel, where is the line between 
 personal prerogative and inspiration, and personal apostasy?

 2 Sam 6:6-7

 And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand 
 to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. 

 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him 
 there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.

 I note that in the original ark-steadying incident, it would certainly 
 appear that the imperative of the moment was a more important 
 consideration than any more formal rules.  When do such considerations 
 assume overriding priority?

 What about testing the Lord's word?  Do we give an honest try to obeying 
 prophetic counsel, then abandon that when we have decided that our 
 circumstances warrant some other course of action?

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Re: [ZION] working woman

2003-09-15 Thread hkpage
Well, Paul, my husband is in what you would refer to as a white-collar
job and supervises what you would call blue-collar workers.  However,
many of those blue-collar workers make much more money than my husband
does because of the union.  They are unionized and are thus paid overtime, husband is salaried but does not get paid overtime, yet he is
required to put in over 60 hours per week (and he is not the only manager
in this position).  Last weekend, in 3 days, he put in 42 hours.  He puts
in MANY MANY MANY more hours than any of his spoiled unionized blue collar
workers even DREAM of putting in themselves!  And yet, they're talking of
striking next year because - BOOHOO - the company cannot continue to pay
100% of their health insurance premiums.  The company is not asking the
unionized workers to pay any more than what management has been paying for
years, yet the spoiled unionized workers are planning to strike over this
next year when the contract is up.  Quite frankly, my husband is being
oppressed in his job by a female regional manager who favors other females
in promotions.  The last person to get promoted was a female with less than
2 years of service in, yet my husband who is eminently more qualified and
smarter and who has nearly 5 years in, was not promoted.  Yes, my husband
is white collar, but I have to work, too.


 [Original Message]
 From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 9/14/2003 7:56:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman

 Gordon B. Hinckley, Women of the Church, Ensign, Nov. 1996, 67
 Some years ago President Benson delivered a message to the women of the
 Church. He encouraged them to leave their employment and give their
 individual time to their children. I sustain the position which he took.
 NEVERTHLESS, I recognize, as he recognized, that there are some women (it
 has become very MANY in fact) who HAVE TO WORK TO PROVIDE FOR THE NEEDS
 OF THEIR FAMILIES. To you I say, do the very best you can. I hope that if
 you are employed full-time you are doing it to ensure that basic needs
 are met and not simply to indulge a taste for an elaborate home, fancy
 cars, and other luxuries. The greatest job that any mother will ever do
 will be in nurturing, teaching, lifting, encouraging, and rearing her
 children in righteousness and truth. None other can adequately take her
 There are many woman who have to work because their husbands are blue
 collar workers who have been oppressed by the financial changes of our
 society. The prophet is confessing to the Church there are changes taking
 place. President Bensen is dead and can no longer counsel the Church
 regarding the movement of the LDS people in a changing world which
 continues to get worse and oppress the poor working men of this world.
 President Hinckley confesses that the number of woman is MANY that
 HAVE to work.
 I feel that those people (especially white collar men) that tell the blue
 collar men that wives shouldn’t work are way out of line and are NOT
 following the counsel and example of the prophet! It is the white collar
 men that have oppressed the blue collar men since this world began and
 the day will come when that will no longer be the case.
 Finally, if you self righteous white collar brethren don't like what I'm
 saying-- then shove it where the sun don't shine! :-(((  so blahhh to

 Paul O

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RE: [ZION] working woman

2003-09-15 Thread hkpage
The situation Ronn describes is similar to ours.  I do the haircuts in the
family myself, except for mine and then I only go about twice a year -
sometimes only once a year - to those cheapo haircut places where I only
spend about $12.  For the kids' clothes, I shop rummage sales  secondhand
stores and buy things on clearance.  I only buy clothes for myself once in
a blue moon; I bought some clothes last fall.  Most of what I wear is
either gifts from my mom or secondhand from my mom.  I do have some things
I bought on clearance...I paid $3 for my one pair of jeans at an outlet
store.  We have to spend a bit more on my husband's clothes; he has to wear
a shirt  tie every day.  He is, however, in dire need of shoes.  He did
not have a suit until this weekend.  We had to buy one because he has a
work function coming up in a few weeks at which a coat  tie is required
for the men.  We found a $300 suit at an outlet that we paid $130 for.  I
thought that was pretty good.  Last week, someone slashed my husband's
tires (a bunch of people in our neighborhood had that happen to them) and
so the cheapest set of tires we could get for his truck ran us $350 which
includes free lifetime tire rotation.  The free lifetime rotation is
important because my husband feels that's important.  That's how he managed
to get 87,000 miles out of this set that got cut - we were going to have to
replace them soon, anyhow.  At the same time, I need to be out in the
workplace because we realistically are looking at my husband becoming
disabled in the next few years due to him being a brittle diabetic.  I am
going to become the sole support of my family soon, and so I'm getting back
into the workplace now so that I can get more experience.

Criticize me if you must, but first walk a mile in my shoes...

 [Original Message]
 From: Ronn! Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 9/14/2003 8:45:28 PM
 Subject: RE: [ZION] working woman

 At 09:04 PM 9/14/03 -0400, Noel B wrote:
 And why are they working? To get that second car, or the boat or the
 bigger house???

 Or occasionally to keep the family from falling any further behind when 
 taxes of various sorts frequently take up the first 50% of everyone's 
 income, gas is over $2.00 a gallon, the first car costs $20,000 (or if
 buy a used one to save money, it's always in the shop) and a basic house 
 over $100,000, and many people are living paycheck to paycheck not by 
 choice or because they are profligate, and an unexpected medical bill or 
 something can wipe you out, and your job could end tomorrow without any 
 warning . . .

 -- Ronn!  :)

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Re: [ZION] working woman

2003-09-15 Thread hkpage

I'm sorry...when I said spoiled, I meant only the ones that my husband
has had to deal with.

That being said, he can (and does when his employees call in) do everything
they can do.  When he's shorthanded, he will often unload a truck.  When
the freezers and coolers break down, he fixes them (I can tell you that I'm
getting to be quite an expert at getting oil  grease out of his dress
shirts!).  When a customer wants a cake decorated after the bakery people
go home, he decorates it (he's also a chef).  He does have to be careful in
doing these things, however, because the union can - and does - grieve
him doing these jobs because they are union jobs.  Meanwhile, the union
employees aren't doing them, or they've called in sick or something...the
jobs have to get done and my husband has to pick up the slack.

Again, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend.

 [Original Message]
 Date: 9/15/2003 8:26:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman

 As a member of a union (NEA, ISTA, BEA), and the widow of a spoiled?
blue collar UAW worker, I'd like to see your husband get his hands dirty
doing the blue-collar work my husband did his whole life!

 It literally broke his back!  He couldn't even go to his youngest
daughter's high school graduation because he couldn't walk!  There is no
amount of money in the world to make up for that!

 Your husband may work more hours, but he sure doesn't have the working
conditions the blue collar workers do.  How unfair of you to call them
spoiled.  How unfair to complain because they want decent health care
coverage for their families.  It is your attitude that keeps unions alive!  


 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, Paul, my husband is in what you would refer to as a white-collar
 job and supervises what you would call blue-collar workers.  However,
 many of those blue-collar workers make much more money than my husband
 does because of the union.  They are unionized and are thus paid overtime, husband is salaried but does not get paid overtime, yet he is
 required to put in over 60 hours per week (and he is not the only manager
 in this position).  Last weekend, in 3 days, he put in 42 hours.  He puts
 in MANY MANY MANY more hours than any of his spoiled unionized blue collar
 workers even DREAM of putting in themselves!  And yet, they're talking of
 striking next year because - BOOHOO - the company cannot continue to pay
 100% of their health insurance premiums.  The company is not asking the
 unionized workers to pay any more than what management has been paying for
 years, yet the spoiled unionized workers are planning to strike over this
 next year when the contract is up.  Quite frankly, my husband is being
 oppressed in his job by a female regional manager who favors other females
 in promotions.  The last person to get promoted was a female with less
 2 years of service in, yet my husband who is eminently more qualified and
 smarter and who has nearly 5 years in, was not promoted.  Yes, my husband
 is white collar, but I have to work, too.


  [Original Message]
  From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 9/14/2003 7:56:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman
  Gordon B. Hinckley, Women of the Church, Ensign, Nov. 1996, 67
  Some years ago President Benson delivered a message to the women of the
  Church. He encouraged them to leave their employment and give their
  individual time to their children. I sustain the position which he took.
  NEVERTHLESS, I recognize, as he recognized, that there are some women
  has become very MANY in fact) who HAVE TO WORK TO PROVIDE FOR THE NEEDS
  OF THEIR FAMILIES. To you I say, do the very best you can. I hope that
  you are employed full-time you are doing it to ensure that basic needs
  are met and not simply to indulge a taste for an elaborate home, fancy
  cars, and other luxuries. The greatest job that any mother will ever do
  will be in nurturing, teaching, lifting, encouraging, and rearing her
  children in righteousness and truth. None other can adequately take her
  There are many woman who have to work because their husbands are blue
  collar workers who have been oppressed by the financial changes of our
  society. The prophet is confessing to the Church there are changes
  place. President Bensen is dead and can no longer counsel the Church
  regarding the movement of the LDS people in a changing world which
  continues to get worse and oppress the poor working men of this world.
  President Hinckley confesses that the number of woman is MANY that
  HAVE to work.
  I feel that those people (especially white collar men) that tell the
  collar men that wives shouldn’t work are way out of line and are NOT
  following the counsel and example of the prophet! It is the white collar
  men that have oppressed the blue collar men since this world began and
  the day 

Re: [ZION] working woman

2003-09-15 Thread hkpage
Oh!  And I husband has also literally broken his back at
work...when the store was being constructed, they didn't properly cover an
area where pipes and that come up to the ground...only covered it in
plywood.  He was walking the area in the truck bay, and thought he'd
stepped around it, but when his foot hit the wood, the wood shattered, he
fell and the pipes broke his fall, as well as his back.


 [Original Message]
 Date: 9/15/2003 8:26:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman

 As a member of a union (NEA, ISTA, BEA), and the widow of a spoiled?
blue collar UAW worker, I'd like to see your husband get his hands dirty
doing the blue-collar work my husband did his whole life!

 It literally broke his back!  He couldn't even go to his youngest
daughter's high school graduation because he couldn't walk!  There is no
amount of money in the world to make up for that!

 Your husband may work more hours, but he sure doesn't have the working
conditions the blue collar workers do.  How unfair of you to call them
spoiled.  How unfair to complain because they want decent health care
coverage for their families.  It is your attitude that keeps unions alive!  


 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, Paul, my husband is in what you would refer to as a white-collar
 job and supervises what you would call blue-collar workers.  However,
 many of those blue-collar workers make much more money than my husband
 does because of the union.  They are unionized and are thus paid overtime, husband is salaried but does not get paid overtime, yet he is
 required to put in over 60 hours per week (and he is not the only manager
 in this position).  Last weekend, in 3 days, he put in 42 hours.  He puts
 in MANY MANY MANY more hours than any of his spoiled unionized blue collar
 workers even DREAM of putting in themselves!  And yet, they're talking of
 striking next year because - BOOHOO - the company cannot continue to pay
 100% of their health insurance premiums.  The company is not asking the
 unionized workers to pay any more than what management has been paying for
 years, yet the spoiled unionized workers are planning to strike over this
 next year when the contract is up.  Quite frankly, my husband is being
 oppressed in his job by a female regional manager who favors other females
 in promotions.  The last person to get promoted was a female with less
 2 years of service in, yet my husband who is eminently more qualified and
 smarter and who has nearly 5 years in, was not promoted.  Yes, my husband
 is white collar, but I have to work, too.


  [Original Message]
  From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 9/14/2003 7:56:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman
  Gordon B. Hinckley, Women of the Church, Ensign, Nov. 1996, 67
  Some years ago President Benson delivered a message to the women of the
  Church. He encouraged them to leave their employment and give their
  individual time to their children. I sustain the position which he took.
  NEVERTHLESS, I recognize, as he recognized, that there are some women
  has become very MANY in fact) who HAVE TO WORK TO PROVIDE FOR THE NEEDS
  OF THEIR FAMILIES. To you I say, do the very best you can. I hope that
  you are employed full-time you are doing it to ensure that basic needs
  are met and not simply to indulge a taste for an elaborate home, fancy
  cars, and other luxuries. The greatest job that any mother will ever do
  will be in nurturing, teaching, lifting, encouraging, and rearing her
  children in righteousness and truth. None other can adequately take her
  There are many woman who have to work because their husbands are blue
  collar workers who have been oppressed by the financial changes of our
  society. The prophet is confessing to the Church there are changes
  place. President Bensen is dead and can no longer counsel the Church
  regarding the movement of the LDS people in a changing world which
  continues to get worse and oppress the poor working men of this world.
  President Hinckley confesses that the number of woman is MANY that
  HAVE to work.
  I feel that those people (especially white collar men) that tell the
  collar men that wives shouldn’t work are way out of line and are NOT
  following the counsel and example of the prophet! It is the white collar
  men that have oppressed the blue collar men since this world began and
  the day will come when that will no longer be the case.
  Finally, if you self righteous white collar brethren don't like what I'm
  saying-- then shove it where the sun don't shine! :-(((  so blahhh to
  Paul O
  The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
  Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
  Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up 

Re: [ZION] working woman

2003-09-15 Thread hkpage
I, too, would also like decent health care for my family, but we pay more
and get less coverage than the union employees do.  He doesn't get
overtime.  They do.  He doesn't have any recourse when he doesn't like how
he's being treated by his bosses.  They do.  All they have to do is grieve
whatever clause in their contract they feel is being violated.  What
recourse does my husband have?  He has been told by HR people that, as a
white male, he legally has no recourse for anything.


 [Original Message]
 Date: 9/15/2003 8:26:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman

 As a member of a union (NEA, ISTA, BEA), and the widow of a spoiled?
blue collar UAW worker, I'd like to see your husband get his hands dirty
doing the blue-collar work my husband did his whole life!

 It literally broke his back!  He couldn't even go to his youngest
daughter's high school graduation because he couldn't walk!  There is no
amount of money in the world to make up for that!

 Your husband may work more hours, but he sure doesn't have the working
conditions the blue collar workers do.  How unfair of you to call them
spoiled.  How unfair to complain because they want decent health care
coverage for their families.  It is your attitude that keeps unions alive!  


 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, Paul, my husband is in what you would refer to as a white-collar
 job and supervises what you would call blue-collar workers.  However,
 many of those blue-collar workers make much more money than my husband
 does because of the union.  They are unionized and are thus paid overtime, husband is salaried but does not get paid overtime, yet he is
 required to put in over 60 hours per week (and he is not the only manager
 in this position).  Last weekend, in 3 days, he put in 42 hours.  He puts
 in MANY MANY MANY more hours than any of his spoiled unionized blue collar
 workers even DREAM of putting in themselves!  And yet, they're talking of
 striking next year because - BOOHOO - the company cannot continue to pay
 100% of their health insurance premiums.  The company is not asking the
 unionized workers to pay any more than what management has been paying for
 years, yet the spoiled unionized workers are planning to strike over this
 next year when the contract is up.  Quite frankly, my husband is being
 oppressed in his job by a female regional manager who favors other females
 in promotions.  The last person to get promoted was a female with less
 2 years of service in, yet my husband who is eminently more qualified and
 smarter and who has nearly 5 years in, was not promoted.  Yes, my husband
 is white collar, but I have to work, too.


  [Original Message]
  From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 9/14/2003 7:56:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman
  Gordon B. Hinckley, Women of the Church, Ensign, Nov. 1996, 67
  Some years ago President Benson delivered a message to the women of the
  Church. He encouraged them to leave their employment and give their
  individual time to their children. I sustain the position which he took.
  NEVERTHLESS, I recognize, as he recognized, that there are some women
  has become very MANY in fact) who HAVE TO WORK TO PROVIDE FOR THE NEEDS
  OF THEIR FAMILIES. To you I say, do the very best you can. I hope that
  you are employed full-time you are doing it to ensure that basic needs
  are met and not simply to indulge a taste for an elaborate home, fancy
  cars, and other luxuries. The greatest job that any mother will ever do
  will be in nurturing, teaching, lifting, encouraging, and rearing her
  children in righteousness and truth. None other can adequately take her
  There are many woman who have to work because their husbands are blue
  collar workers who have been oppressed by the financial changes of our
  society. The prophet is confessing to the Church there are changes
  place. President Bensen is dead and can no longer counsel the Church
  regarding the movement of the LDS people in a changing world which
  continues to get worse and oppress the poor working men of this world.
  President Hinckley confesses that the number of woman is MANY that
  HAVE to work.
  I feel that those people (especially white collar men) that tell the
  collar men that wives shouldn’t work are way out of line and are NOT
  following the counsel and example of the prophet! It is the white collar
  men that have oppressed the blue collar men since this world began and
  the day will come when that will no longer be the case.
  Finally, if you self righteous white collar brethren don't like what I'm
  saying-- then shove it where the sun don't shine! :-(((  so blahhh to
  Paul O
  The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
  Surf the web up 

Re: [ZION] working woman

2003-09-15 Thread hkpage
One more thing (every time I read this email, I think of something
else) don't know what working conditions my husband has.  You really
don't, and you shouldn't presume to judge them.  I didn't make clear in my
first email that I was referring to only the employees my husband has to
deal with, and I'm sorry about that.  He doesn't even have mandated breaks,
yet the union employees do.  And if they don't get their 10 minute smoke
breaks RIGHT ON TIME, they're screaming and they file a grievance.  I can't
tell you how many times I bring him something for supper because he's
working 7 am to 10 pm, and he's lucky to get 3 minutes to gulp down a
sandwich.  Just this past Saturday, he actually had a day off (after
working 10 days straight) and we went in to get groceries.  We couldn't get
through the store without them paging him to deal with a customer...and the
girl at the front desk got huffy when I pointed out that it was his day
off.  That's just the tip of what we're dealing with here...we're not
protected by a union contract.


 [Original Message]
 Date: 9/15/2003 8:26:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman

 As a member of a union (NEA, ISTA, BEA), and the widow of a spoiled?
blue collar UAW worker, I'd like to see your husband get his hands dirty
doing the blue-collar work my husband did his whole life!

 It literally broke his back!  He couldn't even go to his youngest
daughter's high school graduation because he couldn't walk!  There is no
amount of money in the world to make up for that!

 Your husband may work more hours, but he sure doesn't have the working
conditions the blue collar workers do.  How unfair of you to call them
spoiled.  How unfair to complain because they want decent health care
coverage for their families.  It is your attitude that keeps unions alive!  


 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, Paul, my husband is in what you would refer to as a white-collar
 job and supervises what you would call blue-collar workers.  However,
 many of those blue-collar workers make much more money than my husband
 does because of the union.  They are unionized and are thus paid overtime, husband is salaried but does not get paid overtime, yet he is
 required to put in over 60 hours per week (and he is not the only manager
 in this position).  Last weekend, in 3 days, he put in 42 hours.  He puts
 in MANY MANY MANY more hours than any of his spoiled unionized blue collar
 workers even DREAM of putting in themselves!  And yet, they're talking of
 striking next year because - BOOHOO - the company cannot continue to pay
 100% of their health insurance premiums.  The company is not asking the
 unionized workers to pay any more than what management has been paying for
 years, yet the spoiled unionized workers are planning to strike over this
 next year when the contract is up.  Quite frankly, my husband is being
 oppressed in his job by a female regional manager who favors other females
 in promotions.  The last person to get promoted was a female with less
 2 years of service in, yet my husband who is eminently more qualified and
 smarter and who has nearly 5 years in, was not promoted.  Yes, my husband
 is white collar, but I have to work, too.


  [Original Message]
  From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 9/14/2003 7:56:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [ZION] working woman
  Gordon B. Hinckley, Women of the Church, Ensign, Nov. 1996, 67
  Some years ago President Benson delivered a message to the women of the
  Church. He encouraged them to leave their employment and give their
  individual time to their children. I sustain the position which he took.
  NEVERTHLESS, I recognize, as he recognized, that there are some women
  has become very MANY in fact) who HAVE TO WORK TO PROVIDE FOR THE NEEDS
  OF THEIR FAMILIES. To you I say, do the very best you can. I hope that
  you are employed full-time you are doing it to ensure that basic needs
  are met and not simply to indulge a taste for an elaborate home, fancy
  cars, and other luxuries. The greatest job that any mother will ever do
  will be in nurturing, teaching, lifting, encouraging, and rearing her
  children in righteousness and truth. None other can adequately take her
  There are many woman who have to work because their husbands are blue
  collar workers who have been oppressed by the financial changes of our
  society. The prophet is confessing to the Church there are changes
  place. President Bensen is dead and can no longer counsel the Church
  regarding the movement of the LDS people in a changing world which
  continues to get worse and oppress the poor working men of this world.
  President Hinckley confesses that the number of woman is MANY that
  HAVE to work.
  I feel that those people (especially white collar men) that tell the
  collar men that wives shouldn’t work are way out 

RE: [ZION] Temple Defilement

2003-08-22 Thread hkpage
A bunch of years ago - late 1980's iirc - a man with an expired temple
recommend (he had been ex'd, I think) forced his way into the D.C. Temple
with a gun and held a couple of temple workers hostage for a few hours.  He
eventually surrendered and the story made the news.  The temple was closed
for a day or two.  If I remember right, they just quietly rededicated that
part of the temple.  I'm not sure, though...I was a teenager at the time
and not much was said about how they handled it.  Does anyone else remember?

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 Date: 8/22/2003 6:27:03 AM
 Subject: RE: [ZION] Temple Defilement

 This is what happened in Manti, as we were told by some Manti folks. 
Most of the time, entering the temple unworthily is considered
significantly different from defiling the temple (a premeditated act which
leaves physical evidence).  Entering the temple unworthily defiles the
person, not the temple.

 If ya thinks ya is right, ya deserfs credit - even if ya is wrong. Gus
Segar via Popeye

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stacy Smith:

 I was wondering how it works, that's all.


 I think the scripture says It shall be holy, or the Lord your 
 God will not dwell therein.

 When a person who is not worthy enters and leaves the 
 temple, and no one knows about it (that is, we mere 
 mortals), I don't think anything is done.

 I have heard of two or three situations where someone 
 broke into a temple and either did things they shouldn't 
 or caused minor damage.  In those cases, after any 
 needed repairs, I understand that the temple president 
 was authorized by the President of the Church to 
 rededicate that area of the temple.

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[ZION] Welcome back Rusty!

2003-08-14 Thread hkpage
Welcome back, Rusty!  I'm sure that teaching seminary for 4 years was an
amazing experience.  It's good to see you on this list again.

Heidi the fair


 For those of you who are long-time Zion members, you may remember me -
 Rusty Taylor.  I've been on John's lists off and on since the beginning...
 anyone else remember the awesome cyber-food fights we had?  Well, I've
 teaching Seminary for the last 4 years and didn't have time to do that and
 be on this list.  Now, I'm done for a while.  I need a break.  Our oldest
 son has left on his mission and our younger son will be a senior in high
 school this year.  I want to spend more time with him before he goes on

 For those of you who don't know me - I joined the Church at 16 with my
 parents and younger 2 sisters (an older brother was away at college at the
 time and has never joined).  We were baptized at the Joseph Smith Memorial
 in Sharon, VT.  I went to school at BYU and went on a mission to Sapporo,
 Japan.  Then I met my husband, Bob - we got married, moved to Alaska and
 ended up in Kotzebue.  That's where we met John and Esperanza.  After 6
 years and adopting our sons, we moved back to the lower 48, and have lived
 on the Kitsap Peninsula (across the Puget Sound from Seattle) ever since.
 I work for the local school district.  I don't have a Church calling at

 I'm looking forward to being part of Zion, again.  Yoroshiku onegai

 Sis. Rusty

 Persecution against the Saints does not have to assume the same form as
 those overt violent acts against the Church in the Nauvoo period.  Even
 more hateful and vindictive injustice was weighed against the Church
 after it was established in the Rocky Mountains.  The extent of the
 bureacratic and legalistic punishment of the Church by the US Government
 during that period is difficult to fathom.  Such predations could easily
 be revisited in the near future.  It seems that all the motivation
 required during the earlier period of anti-Mormon aggression was the
 manipulation of public sentiment by powerful people in high places.  Are
 people any more sophisticated today?

There are no coincidences, only small miracles. Author Unknown

   Mrs. Rusty Taylor - Poulsbo, WA
  website --

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[ZION] power out

2003-08-14 Thread hkpage

I'll bet that Saints living in the areas affected by this huge power outage are either 
wishing that they were prepared to deal with something of this nature or thankful that 
they are indeed prepared.  I know that my in-laws, who live in between Ottawa and 
Toronto, are indeed prepared and they'll manage alright enough.  I wonder, is my father in law's regular day to work at the Toronto Temple...I 
imagine they just went on home after securing the temple

Heidi the fair

Heidi Page
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Re: [ZION] The Exodus from Nauvoo

2003-08-08 Thread hkpage
Even though our country has laws against certain forms of persecution
(would it fall under hate crimes?), I believe that when it comes to the
Saints, those laws will be ignored.  I believe that any breaking of those
laws will be overlooked, much as KKK activities were overlooked for so
long.  Laws or no laws, we are going to be persecuted.  I believe that it
has already begun, though not yet widespread.  

Faith, like Pres. Hinckley said, is the key.  With faith, I can feel pity
for those who have persecuted the Saints and will yet persecute because
eventually they are going to have to pay a terrible price and they don't
even know it.  What a terrible surprise that will be.  If I have faith, if
I truly live the gospel, what of any eternal significance can happen to me?

Just my two cents' worth...
Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Valerie Nielsen Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 8/8/2003 4:32:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] The  Exodus from Nauvoo

 The feelings then are still present today.  I have been to Nauvoo twice
 in the past year, and both times met up with people who absolutely hate
 us.  I'm not sure they even know why they do, except it has been taught
 to them to hate.  As I stood looking across the mighty Mississippi, I
 tried to imagine the Saints crossing with wagons and horses.  It was
 incomprehensible to me.  I get nervous driving over that river on a
 bridge.  Then, on the Iowa side, I looked over and saw what the Saints
 must have seen--the beautiful Nauvoo temple, shining and beautiful.  I
 cannot begin to imagine what it must have been like to work so hard to
 build that edifice, only to have to leave it behind.  In fact, it was
 finished and dedicated after many Saints had already left Nauvoo.  I
 can't be so sure that I would not have stayed behind with Emma--she had
 already suffered so much loss.

 It is unfortunate that such hatred exists--but it did then and it still
 does.  If anyone read the article link I sent the other day, then you
 know that such hatred still exists.  A few months ago we discussed here,
 briefly, Pres. Hinckley's allusion to our season of relative comfort
 coming to an end.  At the April 2001 General Conference, he mentioned the
 relative peace we lived in, and the fact there were no big wars.  Of
 course we know what happened less than a month before the Oct 2001
 conference.  At that conference GBHinckley talked very strongly about the
 evil that still exists in the world today.  He emphasized over and over
 the value of our testimonies and faith.  Especially our faith.

 I still remember hearing him speak and thinking to myself that we are
 going to, again, be a persecuted people.  I doubt it will be in the same
 manner it was then--our country has laws now against such things, but I
 believe it will happen nonetheless.  I still have people who have known
 me for years give me the strangest look and turn their backs when they
 find out I am a Mormon.  I much prefer those who find out and joke with
 me about which wife I am.  At least I have something on which to build. 
 But those who say nothing and just walk away. . .

 my 2cents

 On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 11:48:36 -0800 John W. Redelfs
  I've been reading THE STORY OF THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS by James B. 
  Allen and 
  Glen M. Leonard, and I just read the part where the saints were 
  forced to 
  leave Nauvoo in February, 1846, months before their planned 
  departure in 
  April.  I was especially moved by the story of the saints who were 
  too poor 
  to make the trek, but who were forced across the river 
  nevertheless.   Reading this history, I just can't help feeling a 
  resentment towards the American people who either persecuted the 
  saints or 
  looked the other way while they were persecuted.
  Over a thousand saints died on the trail that first winter, the 
  winter of 
  1846-47.  Disgusting.
  John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  There is no place in this work for those who believe only
  in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
  news.  It is a message of triumph. --Gordon B. Hinckley
  All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 
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Re: [ZION] Is Laughter a Sin?

2003-07-25 Thread hkpage
I don't think we can say that laughter is or is not a sin.  To my mind, it
really depends on what we're laughing at.  We're not to make light of - or
make fun of or laugh at - sacred things.  It's as simple as that, to me. 
It's entirely appropriate to laugh at the look at your kid's face when
she's snuck an extra-spicy Dorito that's she's been told not to have (it
really was funny!  She came running out of the bedroom looking very
surprised and saying hot! hot!  She was 3 1/2 at the time).  I have no
problem with cracking jokes and such, but I wouldn't think of joking about
something that I hold sacred.  That's part of the reason that I,
personally, have no desire to see that movie Bruce Almighty.  From what
I've heard of it, it seems to me to make light of things that I feel are
sacred.  That's my opinion, of course, and I could be wrong.

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 7/14/2003 8:40:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Is Laughter a Sin?

 Showing deep insight, Stacy Smith wrote:
 P.S.:  Do you mind if I send your message about laughter to some 
 priesthood holders and get their opinion as well?

 Please do.  Every time I ask this question, EVERYONE tells me that
 and joking are fine, but NOBODY attempts to explain the scriptures 
 prohibiting it.  Personally, I laugh and joke a lot.  But these verses 
 bother me because they seem to be contradicting what seems right to me.

 John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is no place in this work for those who believe only
 in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
 news.  It is a message of triumph. --Gordon B. Hinckley
 All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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Re: [ZION] Video Amusement (was: Gods and Generals)

2003-07-23 Thread hkpage
I'll let you know about the League.  Right now, my husband is with a friend
catching a matinee of it.  I'll get him to tell me what he thought of it
and I'll let you know.  Meanwhile, I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean and
I loved it!  My mom loved it, too.

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 7/17/2003 2:42:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Video Amusement (was: Gods and Generals)

 Chet Cox wrote:
 And of course we want to go see *the League of Veryordinary Gentlemen* 
 since a friend told us it wasn't as bad as the comic.

 This movie played briefly here in Ketchikan, and I wanted to go see it
 it was replaced by Terminator 3 before I had a chance.  Was it any 
 good?  If it was, I'll buy the DVD when it comes out, but otherwise 
 no.  What did you like or dislike about it?

 John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is no place in this work for those who believe only
 in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
 news.  It is a message of triumph. --Gordon B. Hinckley
 All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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RE: [ZION] Little Ducks

2003-07-04 Thread hkpage
What a neat thing to be able to watch these little ducks!  It does make you
nostalgic for when they were little and you could more easily protect them.
JWR, just from what I've learned about you and your wife over this
impersonal medium of email, I think you both have done the best you can to
prepare them for life.  You've followed that proven method of teaching
correct principles and then letting them govern themselves (wasn't it
Joseph Smith who first said that...and did I get it right?).  That's what
my husband and I are trying to do.  As my son gets taller and taller (he'll
be 11 in October and the top of his head hits just under my nose!  He
thinks that is just great!), it becomes obvious to us that time is short. 
In just 8 short years, he'll be going on a mission (he's already preparing
and talks about it all the time).  That time is going to just fly right on
by.  Sure, I've got my little ducks still at home but it won't be for long!

 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 7/2/2003 5:56:15 PM
 Subject: [ZION] Little Ducks

 Just outside my sliding glass patio door are a number of wild mallard 
 ducks.  One of them is an expectant mother sitting on a nest of eggs. 
 is so dedicated that she will not move even when I approach her even
 she is terrified as evidenced by her hyperventilating.  But another
 whose eggs have already hatched, keeps parading up and down the walk of 
 nearby condos with five little ducklings following her about.  I imagine 
 that the nesting, expectant mother is envious.   Maybe soon there will be 
 more little ducklings.

 I am reminded of those years when my children were little, just after 
 moving here to Ketchikan.  We went everywhere together, with the kids 
 following along behind just like a row of little ducks.  sigh  And then 
 they grew up and left home.

 John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is no place in this work for those who believe only
 in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
 news.  It is a message of triumph. --Gordon B. Hinckley
 All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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[ZION] Gripe session

2003-07-02 Thread hkpage
Okay, we're in this new branch (though it will probably be a ward by the end of this 
year at the rate we're going).  While there are a lot of new members, I'd say about 
2/3 of the branch have been members for a while.  However, it seems like some of those 
just don't bother to do the right thing.  For instance, both the opening and closing 
prayers in our sacrament meeting this past week were given by brothers who have been 
members of this branch for years, yet throughout both prayers, familiar terms (you, 
your, etc. vs. thee, thine, thy, etc...) were used quite often.  I thought I was 
listening to a Baptist prayer!  Now, I totally understand that newer members might not 
know that we shouldn't use the familiar terms and that doesn't bother.  What does 
bother me is that these two ought to know better.  I suspect they DO know better yet 
they're just doing it that way because they want to do it that way.  Am I just being 
too nit-picky here?

By the way, that brother who I feel was too familiar with me that first Sunday there 
(he hugged me instead shaking my outstretched hand and I'd never met the man 
before...) continues to try to make what I feel is too-close contact.  This past 
Sunday, I was sitting in the pew waiting for my husband to come sit by me and I had my 
arm outstretched along the back of the pew just waiting for my beloved.  As I was 
sitting there, I feel a hand on my shoulder and then that hand ran down my arm a bit 
and patted it.  I turn around expecting to see my husband and I saw this other guy.  
The meeting was just getting started so I didn't feel like I should be saying 
anything.  However, if he tries anything like that again, I've got to say something!  
What do I say?  The thought that came to my mind was to say something like, I would 
prefer if you would just shake my hand when you greet me.  I don't know.  His wife 
already doesn't like me; she's the self-appointed matriarch of the branch (they've 
been here something like 40 years and she's thinks she's just IT!) and she teaches the 
Gospel Doctrine class.  She said something in class that wasn't correct and I 
corrected her.  I did it in a civil manner, but apparently one is not supposed to 
correct her (according to her anyway) judging by her reaction to me ever since then.  
I prefer to be on good terms with all my fellow ward/branch members, and so I am 
somewhat bothered by this, but I'm not so bothered that I'm sorry I corrected her.  
Anyway...any suggestions from anyone?

Thanks for listening to my gripe session...
Heidi the fair

Heidi Page
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Re: [ZION] hand shakes

2003-06-24 Thread hkpage
Oh, I don't know, Paul.  I'm pretty particular, I suppose, but I just don't
worry about making hand contact with the temple workers.  Especially when
it pertains to performing ordinances, I just feel like the Lord will
protect us.  And actually, the Lord is in charge; He is the one who has
said how the ordinances are to be performed.  It is just my personal
feeling that when we are in the temple, we are where we are supposed to be
and everything will be alright.  I just don't worry about it there. 
Naturally, I wash my hands as per my usual practice (like after using the
restroom and before eating) but beyond that, I just don't worry about it in
the temple.

But that's me...
Heidi the fair

Heidi Page

 [Original Message]
 From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 6/23/2003 9:52:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] hand shakes

 On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 04:11:31 -0700 Stacy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  What are we supposed to do about temple workers' hands?  Are we to 
  ask if 
  they have washed them?

 It's just down right dirty, nasty, and germy. There just doesn't seem to
 be a way out of it. H. Oh well; what can we do? We have no say about
 it. The prophet runs the show.


 Could we wear latex gloves in the temple?? I'm dead, serious! Can we? Who
 is going to stop me from doing so? It's our business and our health--
 besides latex gloves are white. 

 This just might be a glorious revelation on my part! Safe temple
 ordinaces? ;-)))

 Paul O the Great

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Re: [ZION] hand shakes

2003-06-22 Thread hkpage
I am a big believer in hand washing.  That might have something to do with
the fact that my mother is a nurse.  Anyhoo...I've spent a lot of time
around children that aren't my own, and I rarely get sick.  I strongly
believe that I wash my hands thoroughly as often as possible.  I'm not
obsessive about it, but I do wash my hands thoroughly before eating and
after using the loo, before and after being around children (like, serving
in the nursery or looking after the neighbors' kids, etc), and also when
I've touched animals (like petting a dog).  I've taught my children to be
careful about washing their hands as well, and they rarely are sick beyond
having allergies...

Also, I don't use anti-bacterial soap at my house.  In both bathrooms and
in the kitchen, I have liquid soap pumps filled with regular,
non-anti-bacterial soap.  Also, and this is an eccentricity (if you want to
call it that) passed on to me from my mother...after using a public
restroom and washing hands, I use a paper towel in my hand (or, failing
that, a tissue from my purse) to open the door to leave - in recognition of
the fact that most people don't regularly wash their hands well, if at all,
and then they go touch that door handle.  Ish!

Heidi the fair

Heidi Page

 [Original Message]
 From: Jon Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 6/22/2003 12:17:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] hand shakes

 Antibacterial soap is no more effective than regular soap.  Here's the

 1.  The skin keeps bacteria and viruses out of the body.
 2.  Bacteria and especially viruses lurk in the oil on your hand.
 3.  Washing with water only does a poor job of removing these disgusting
 4.  Washing with a wetting agent such as soap or detergent removes these
 oils.  But ya gotta wash ALL of the surface of your hands, including
 the fingers.  Most people do an extremely poor job of washing their hands.
 5.  Antibacterial agents kill some bacteria, but certainly don't do
 about viruses (you know, colds, flues. etc.)
 6.  Stop poking your face with your hands.  That will eliminate much of
 infection that occurs.
 7.  If you are worried about shaking hands, then also do not touch any
 handrails, nor any door knobs, nor anything else anyone has touched.

 As an interesting side note, there was a study done on the causes of
 intestinal infection on wilderness backpackers.  What made them sick?  Was
 it untreated water?  Bad jokes?  What was it?

 It turns out that the highest correlating factor was whether or not they
 washed their hands before eating and after pooping.  Those who did seldom
 got sick.  Those who got sick seldom did.


 - Original Message -
 From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 9:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] hand shakes

  On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:29:45 -0500 Ronn! Blankenship
   Paul, maybe you should consider carrying around one of those big
   bottle of that anti-bacterial hand gel and use it every time
   after you shake someone's hand . . . and hope you never get called
   Sacrament meeting door greeter . . .
  That's really a good idea, seriously, a good idea. I'll talk to my wife
  about it.
  Paul O
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RE: [ZION] hand shakes

2003-06-21 Thread hkpage
Ronn wrote: 
Paul, maybe you should consider carrying around one of those big squirt 
bottle of that anti-bacterial hand gel and use it every time immediately 
after you shake someone's hand . . . and hope you never get called as 
Sacrament meeting door greeter . . .

I would rather shake hands than the greeting I got this past Sunday.  Our
first Sunday in our new unit, and some brother comes up and, ignoring my
outstretched hand, hugs me.  Needless to say, being hugged by a man who was
a total stranger to me made me EXTREMELY uncomfortable.  Yeah, yeah, I know
we're not strangers but fellow saints, but that doesn't mean I want to hug
one I've not ever met yet.  I'm just going to have to make a point to avoid
this person, I guess (unless y'all have any other suggestions).  Heck,
there's a lot about the way this branch is run that I just don't know about husband believes this is a test for us to see how we'll react to
all the weirdness going on.

Paul, you can get bottles of the anti-bacterial stuff that is the right
size for your pocket or your wife's handbag, and they have a flip top. 
Either that, or you can carry around those individually-wrapped
anti-bacterial moist towelettes, as I do.  That, and I keep a container of
those wipes that are the kind that you can use for hands or whatever
(there's Lever2000, know what I mean, though, right?) in
the car at all times.

Anyway, stay tuned for tales from our new branch...
Heidi the fair

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Re: [ZION] I'm all shook up.

2003-05-29 Thread hkpage
Jon writes: rom:  It's tornados that scare me.

Now, see, I'm kinda opposite.  While tornadoes scare me, I know that with
technology being what it is, there is a MUCH better chance that you're
going to get a warning that a tornado is heading your way.  With an
earthquake, there is no reliable way that they can give any kind of warning
that an earthquake is imminent.  If something like that is going to happen,
I like having the warning so I can take steps to preserve life.

But that's me...
Heidi the fair

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[ZION] This month's Ensign

2003-01-24 Thread hkpage
Can anyone out there in Utah help me out?  I renewed our Ensign
subscription a little too late it seems, and we'll be missing the February
issues of the Ensign and Friend.  I will be happy to send a check to cover
the cost of the single issues of both magazines and postage if someone
would be willing to pick them up and send them to me.

Thanks in advance!
Heidi the fair

Heidi Page

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RE: [ZION] LOTR Two Towers

2002-12-16 Thread hkpage
Not me, but someone I knew in Kansas was named Eowyn.  Her parents were
LOTR fanatics.  She had this wonderful long, wavy red hair that I just

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Johnna Cornett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 12/14/2002 12:40:18 AM
 Subject: [ZION] LOTR Two Towers

 Well, I'm excited for movie two.  I want to see it opening night, not 
 sure how I'll work that in to my life with a baby.  My husband has seen 
 Fellowship for the first time on DVD over Thanksgiving weekend, so now 
 he wants to see Two Towers with me, hurrah.

 A friend brought the DVD by at Thanksgiving, so I got to see much of 
 that backstory, making-of footage.  Made me more excited to see the next 
 installment.  Made me wonder why I'm not doing cool stuff in my life, 
 like making scale models of orthanc, or designing elven swords, or more 
 particularly, designing and making the costumes.  
  My daughter was Fleur de la Coeur for Halloween, and making her 
 costume was too fun.  She's a natural platinum blonde at this age, and 
 her good friend already claimed the Hermione role.

 My prediction for this Two Towers movie is that it will be violent.  As 
 I was rereading Two Towers this week, I was noticing a preponderance of 
 battle scenes.  Also, I 'm looking forward to Eowyn's character being 
 introduced to the movie--a fabulous character that could be the star of 
 a lesser work.

 Reading two of the books a measure of fan status?  I'm running into geek 
 rating.  I've read the entire LOTR trilogy four times in the last 
 thirteen months.  Too me, the dividing line between the fans and the 
 fanatics is learning elvish.   
   Though now more people talk about LOTR and I find I know much more 
 about it that other readers, I believe I should give in to my interest 
 in the languages of middle earth.  apparently I'm a tolkien geek anyway.

 My eight-year-old wants to have a LOTR-themed birthday party next year.  
 That's my girl!  

 okay, I'll admit my friends called me Meriadoc all those years ago, and 
 my best friend was Pippin.  anyone else had a LOTR moniker?

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Re: [ZION]

2002-12-16 Thread hkpage
Glad to hear it!

Heidi the fair

Heidi Page

 [Original Message]
 From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 12/14/2002 10:51:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION]

 tumor benign

 Paul O

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[ZION] Are any of you having problems? morphing to The Two Towers Anticipation

2002-12-09 Thread hkpage
What kind of tumor, Paul?  Hopefully, it is benign.

By the way, am I the only one out there who is REALLY looking forward to
seeing LOTR: The Two Towers?

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 12/9/2002 11:28:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Are any of you having problems?

 On Mon,  9 Dec 2002 14:28:51 + Chet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Ouch, Paul!
  Here's hoping and praying for no permanent damage (at our ages, 
  joints just don't snap back) and a swift recovery.  In this day of 
  electronic information, our typing skills are paramount.

 I went to see the doctor today and he put my right wrist in a brace. I'll
 see what happens in two weeks.

 I just had surgery on Friday to have a tumor removed from my
 back-side-trunk. Other than that I'm doing pretty good actually. :-)

 Paul O

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Re: [ZION] December's Friend mag

2002-11-29 Thread hkpage can do!  The filling and thus the pie turned out great did not
last long!

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Steven Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 11/28/2002 8:46:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] December's Friend mag

 Kin ya send me some of that blueberry pie?
 Steven Montgomery
 At 04:11 PM 11/27/2002, you wrote:
 Hi all...we got our December Church magazines today, and when I looked in
 the Friend on page 28 (in the Trying To Be Like Jesus section), there
 my son's picture.  Months ago, I helped him write out his experience and
 mailed it off.  Are we ever excited to see it in the Friend, and I
 I'd let you all know.
 Gotta go...I'm making homemade filling for blueberry pie...
 Heidi the fair
 Heidi Page

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Heidi Page

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[ZION] December's Friend mag

2002-11-27 Thread hkpage
Hi all...we got our December Church magazines today, and when I looked in
the Friend on page 28 (in the Trying To Be Like Jesus section), there was
my son's picture.  Months ago, I helped him write out his experience and we
mailed it off.  Are we ever excited to see it in the Friend, and I thought
I'd let you all know.

Gotta go...I'm making homemade filling for blueberry pie...

Heidi the fair

Heidi Page

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RE: [ZION] Rockwell Island Lighthouse

2002-10-06 Thread hkpage

WOW!  I saw it, and did the right-click-save-picture-as thing...  I just
set a gorgeous pic of the Oakland Temple as my wallpaper, but the
lighthouse is next!

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 10/6/2002 1:00:10 AM
 Subject: [ZION] Rockwell Island Lighthouse

 Here is the picture that I have been marveling about. --JWR

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Heidi Page

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Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread hkpage

I wonder if you have been asked to not use the term free agency because
the word free might connote to some people that one can use their agency
free of any consequences.  Sure, we have free use of our agency but must
accept that any decision has consequences, good or bad; we are not FREE
of those consequences.  And, so I wonder if that's the reason...  When I
teach YW lessons, I make a conscious effort to not use that term.

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Jon Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 10/4/2002 7:08:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

 In CES, we have been instructed to NOT use the phrase free agency, but
 rather use moral agency.  What the reason is, I do not know.
 Marc A. Schindler wrote:
 Can't say as I disagree with anything you write. Perhaps the ambiguity of
 word free is what has led to a decrease in popularity of the term free
 in favour of moral agency.

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Heidi Page

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[ZION] Possibly expanding family

2002-10-03 Thread hkpage

No...I'm not pregnant (I don't think, anyway...).  We may just have the
opportunity to adopt two children in as little as six months from now. 
They have been removed from their parents' custody because the parents are
barely more than children themselves and can't even take care of
themselves.  They had been living in a dump of a home and had been
obtaining their electricity illegally.  Well, the utilities found out and
sent someone to shut off the electricity.  When that happened, they
realized that there were young children in the home (at this point, they
are 20 months old and 6 months old) and reported that to authorities.  They
were removed from the home a week ago.  The maternal grandparents are
members of our ward and are just agonized over this.  They were going to
take the children in to their home but realized that if they did, the
mother would never be motivated to make needed changes in her life (the
husband is only father of the youngest child).  While they hope against
hope that their daughter will put her life in order, they are extremely
doubtful that this will take place.  The court has given her six months to
make changes in her life sufficient to be able to care for the children. 
Again, her parents are very doubtful that she ever will be at that point
anytime soon.  Which is where we come in...the grandparents would love to
see these darling children raised in a strong LDS home and sealed to their
parents, and they - knowing we haven't been able to have more children -
asked if we might consider adopting them.  That came as quite a shock, but
after much prayer and discussion, we decided that should the court
terminate parental rights, we would love to add these children to our
family.  So, we could have them in our home in as little as six months from
now, which is an exciting thought.  We put the question to our children to
see what they thought, and they were so excited at the prospect.  They are
really hoping that they end up with a new little sister and a new little

We're just praying that things will work out the way the Lord would have
them do, whether they are meant to stay with their biological mother or be
adopted by us.

Just thought I'd let you all know...I'll keep y'all posted...
Heidi the fair

Heidi Page

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Re: [ZION] Ways food storage could be activated

2002-10-01 Thread hkpage

By the way, is GREAT to see you back on the list!

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 9/30/2002 8:40:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Ways food storage could be activated

 Why are we (I include myself in that) latter-day saints so reluctant to
 get our year's supply of food? 
 Not JWR. I have seen his stash. He is loaded with grain! When I visited
 him in Alaska I told him he may need a gun to protect his stock but he
 said he has so much he is willing to feed his neighbors too!
 What a swell guy.
 Paul O
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Heidi Page

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