[cobirds] At least 2 Harlan's Hawk in Canon City

2013-11-23 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday I spotted 2 dark morph Harlan's Red-tailed Hawks in Canon City, both on private property. Interestingly they were perched within a few hundred yards of each other, though their view was likely obscured by the trees. I have uploaded photos of these dark morph birds onto my Birds and

[cobirds] A 4 Golden Eagle Thanksgiving Day in Fremont County plus a Bald Eagle in Pueblo Co.

2013-12-01 Thread SeEttaM .
I had some wonderful birding on Thanksgiving Day when I spotted 4 Golden Eagles in Fremont County. Two were across the river from Pathfinder Park on H115 between Canon City and Florence chasing the many pigeons attracted to that area by the prison's feeding of various critters they raise there.

[cobirds] Ferruginous Hawk with only one eye in Fremont County

2013-12-07 Thread SeEttaM .
I photographed a light-morph Ferruginous Hawk this week in eastern Fremont County getting some close up photos when she landed on a utility pole across the road from where I was parked (and photographing with long telephoto plus some cropping). I didn't see it in the field but when I uploaded her

[cobirds] Golden Eagles, one with very full crop in Canon City area

2013-12-11 Thread SeEttaM .
I have seen Golden Eagles on several occasions in the Canon City area lately. A few days ago I spotted one circling just outside the city limits then a half hour later found another one with very full crop more than 10 miles away in Fremont County. I have uploaded photos of both on my Birds and

[cobirds] Separating Yellow-bellied and Red-naped Sapsuckers

2013-12-14 Thread SeEttaM .
Both Red-naped and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers have been overwintering in Canon City for some years and I have been following them every year. Previously these were considered to be just east and west members of the same species so historical information on them in Colorado is fairly recent. And

[cobirds] Separating Yellow-bellied and Red-naped Sapsuckers: part II

2013-12-14 Thread SeEttaM .
Gosh, I hadn't been around to participate in the Pueblo Reservoir CBC and compilation so forgot I wouldn't get home until 10 pm so just getting this out. I expect some who looked at the photos I posted last night (Friday night) noted there was a hint of some red feathering at the bottom of that

[cobirds] Separating Yellow-bellied and Red-naped Sapsucker: part iii

2013-12-15 Thread SeEttaM .
I have uploaded a photo onto my Birds and Nature bloghttp://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/that shows the nape of the female sapsucker I have been posting about here along with discussion of the small amount of red on it's nape (which was not apparent when I first observed this sapsucker through my

[cobirds] Separating Yellow-bellied and Red-naped Sapsucker: part iv

2013-12-16 Thread SeEttaM .
I have uploaded a photos on my Birds and Nature bloghttp://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/showing the upperparts of the female sapsucker I have been blogging about. Also I put one of the charts from the Project Sapsucker for scoring the upperparts of sapsuckers and a discussion of what this bird

[cobirds] Separating Yellow-bellied and Red-naped Sapsucker: part v

2013-12-17 Thread SeEttaM .
I have uploaded photos onto my Birds and Nature bloghttp://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/of typical Red-naped and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers for the comparison on my blog with the facial markings of the female sapsucker. Much more complex and bird-nerdy now. SeEtta Moss Canon City

[cobirds] Separating Yellow-bellied and Red-naped Sapsucker: part vi

2013-12-18 Thread SeEttaM .
I have uploaded a very short video clip onto my Birds and Nature bloghttp://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/of the female sapsucker that is a probable hybrid Yellow-bellied X Red-naped. This video clip shows her drilling a sap well during the arctic freezing weather we had just over a week ago.

[cobirds] Am Dipper finally in Canon City area this season; one eyed hawk still surviving

2013-12-20 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday I found my first American Dipper in the Canon City area for this season, this one several miles east of town. Every winter we have from one to a few American Dippers that move downstream along the Arkansas River in Colorado in cold weather to spend the winter in the mild Canon City

[cobirds] Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Rock Wrens, Snow Geese, Lesser Goldfinch Greater White-fronted Geese in Canon City area

2014-02-23 Thread SeEttaM .
Nothing rare but a brief report on some local specialties and somewhat unusual birds I have found in the Canon City area. I haven't posted in awhile as I only returned less than 2 weeks ago from a 6 week stay in So Texas. The winds have been very gusty so it has not been the best of conditions to

[cobirds] Dark morph Rough-legged Hawk in Canon City

2014-02-27 Thread SeEttaM .
I spotted a dark morph hawk yesterday that I believed at first to be a Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk. However,on closer examination I realized it is a dark morph Rough-legged Hawk. Photos and discussion of field marks are now on my Birds and Nature blog. http://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/ I saw the

[cobirds] Light Harlan's Red-taied Hawk in Canon City today

2014-03-03 Thread SeEttaM .
I spotted a Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk on the east side of Canon City late this afternoon that had a very white face that makes them ghostly distinctive. I got some photos of it that I have uploaded to my Birds and Nature blog http://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/ with discussion of field marks that

[cobirds] E Bluebirds, Sandhill Cranes, Cedar Waxwings, Snow and Greater White-fronted Geese in Canon City area

2014-03-11 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday I spotted 4 Sandhill Cranes in the ag fields on MacKenzie Ave. They have been feeding in these fields off and on (railroad trains and Dept of Corrections vehicles flush them frequently) yesterday and today. These fields had manure spread on them last week and I believe the cranes as

[cobirds] Video clips of Sandhill Cranes feeding before leaving Canon City

2014-03-15 Thread SeEttaM .
I got to watch the family of Sandhill Cranes that spent the week in Canon City as they fed in an ag field that had manure spread over it last week. They were close enough I could see them using their bills to pick through the clumps of manure as they searched for insects and grain. I got two

[cobirds] Black Phoebe at Fremont Sanitation District Plant in Florence

2014-03-16 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday I found a Black Phoebe in a tree behind the Fremont Sanitation District Plant in Florence. Black Phoebes have frequented this area including the fencing around the plant as well as the area where the tanks are located for a number of years. Last year a barrier was put up across the

[cobirds] Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk in Canon City (late report)

2014-03-18 Thread SeEttaM .
I also spotted a Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk last Friday while I was watching the Sandhill Crane family I posted about over the week-end. Then life happened (including a sick pup) and I haven't had time to post about it. Interestingly it took off on the same thermal as the Sandhill Crane family.

[cobirds] Black Phoebe casting a pellet

2014-03-21 Thread SeEttaM .
I spotted the Black Phoebe I found at the Fremont County Sewer District property in Florence as it was casting a pellet-yes, the same process as owls casting pellets. I have previously posted here when I uploaded photos on my blog of a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher casting a pellet

[cobirds] Pinyon Jays, one gathering nesting material in western Fremont County

2014-03-29 Thread SeEttaM .
This afternoon I birded the Bighorn Sheep Canyon area of Fremont County. Among the birds I saw was a flock of 60-70 Pinyon Jays that were being fairly quiet in some pinyon juniper. As I watched I spotted one on the ground pulling grass with it's bill, apparently gathering nesting material. Though

[cobirds] Black Phoebe, pair of Rock Wrens and pair of Say's Phoebes in Canon City Saturday

2014-03-30 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday morning I accompanied Colorado Springs birders Kathy Miller, Nina Ogilvie and Holly (?) on some birding in Canon City. We started on the Canon City Riverwalk about a quarter mile east of 9th Street where I had found a Black Phoebe on Friday. We did find the Black Phoebe there as well

[cobirds] Nesting American Dippers in Bighorn Canyon west of Canon City

2014-03-31 Thread SeEttaM .
Also on Saturday Kathy Miller, Nina Ogilvie and Holly (?) accompanied me to the Bighorn Sheep Canon west of Canon City where we watched one American Dipper feed in the water on the other side of the river from the several anglers. After they went on to the Westcliffe area I continued birding in

[cobirds] Black Phoebes pairing up in Canon City area

2014-04-04 Thread SeEttaM .
I found Wednesday that a single Black Phoebe that forages near the MacKenzie Ave bridge over the Arkansas River has found a probable mate. Since these two forage in the vegetation that is within about a hundred feet of this bridge, one can get pretty close views--but do be careful as there is a

[cobirds] Lincoln's Sparrow feeding under my nyger feeders in Canon City

2014-04-07 Thread SeEttaM .
Maybe others host Lincoln's Sparrows at their home feeders but don't post about it, but I was surprised to find one in my backyard today foraging on the ground under my nyger feeders. I often have White-crowned Sparrows that feed on the spilled nyger seed as well as perched on the hanging nyger

[cobirds] Farm-raised game birds that can be released in Colorado

2014-04-09 Thread SeEttaM .
In recent years a number of clearly farm-raised game birds such as Chukars have been posted and discussed on this listserve. Additional reports of game birds of questionable 'wildness' have also come up. While looking for something else I ran across the January 2014 Colo Parks and Wildlife

[cobirds] Regulations (and ethics) pertaining to bird food and conflicts with bears, etc

2014-04-09 Thread SeEttaM .
As I continued perusing the January 2014 Colo Parks and Wildlife Commission Final Regulations I ran across another section that may be of interest to those who feed birds. Reg #021, Feeding or Attracting Wildlife - D. No person shall fail to take remedial action to avoid contact or

[cobirds] Black Phoebe nesting has begun in and near Canon City

2014-04-10 Thread SeEttaM .
This morning I found another apparent pair of Black Phoebes, these were on private property near Canon City. While I watched one of the birds pulled some plant material off what looked like a dried reed and flew with it to a probable nesting location that was used last year and likely the year

[cobirds] Cattle Egret and Greater Yellowlegs in Florence

2014-04-12 Thread SeEttaM .
Today I found a Cattle Egret and 2 Greater Yellowlegs, both first of the year birds in this area, in flooded agricultural fields along River Road in Florence. The Cattle Egret foraged close to the road and I got a couple of close photos of it and photo of the yellowlegs that I have uploaded to my

[cobirds] Evening Grosbeak, Black Phoebes and migrating Franklin's Gulls in Canon City

2014-04-12 Thread SeEttaM .
On Thursday I found a single Evening Grosbeak across the river from the Canon City Riverwalk about a mile east of the Sell's Lake trailhead. I also found a Black Phoebe in that same area and believe I heard a second Black Phoebe nearby. As I walked down the bluff trail of the Riverwalk I found

[cobirds] Glossy with White-faced Ibis in Florence today

2014-04-12 Thread SeEttaM .
I was delighted to not only find first of the year White-faced Ibis, a flock of about 25, in the flooded fields in Florence this morning but a Glossy Ibis among them. Also in the field were two Greater Yellowlegs plus several gorgeous Cinnamon and Blue-winged Teal in their fresh spring plumage.

[cobirds] Flock of 12 Wilson's Snipe in Canon City Tuesday

2014-04-17 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday (Tuesday) I found a migrating flock of 12 Wilson's Snipe in a partially flooded agricultural field on MacKenzie Ave in Canon City. I got a photo that shows 7 of the 12 snipe and have uploaded it to my Birds and Nature blog http://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/. SeEtta Moss Canon City

[cobirds] Glossy Ibis still in Florence Tuesday and American Pipit

2014-04-17 Thread SeEttaM .
The Glossy Ibis continued in the flooded fields in Florence though moving further east on Florence River Road as the irrigation water also moved. I also found a single American Pipit, a first of the year here, foraging in that field with the dark ibis and yellowlegs. I posted a couple of photos

[cobirds] Flock of more than 200 White-throated Swifts near Florence

2014-04-17 Thread SeEttaM .
This morning I stopped to check out the Blue Heron Ponds just east of Florence to see if any migrating birds were there. Soon I spotted a number of White-throated Swifts flying above the ponds, then more, then more---until well over 200 swifts came swooshing above as they consumed insects on the

[cobirds] Video up of the hundreds of White-throated Swifts near Florence

2014-04-19 Thread SeEttaM .
I have processed and uploaded onto my Birds and Nature bloghttp://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/a short video clip of the White-throated Swifts foraging near Florence yesterday. SeEtta Moss Canon City http://BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[cobirds] 5 Great Egrets in Canon City, Evening Grosbeak and Franklin's Gulls continue in Canon City area

2014-04-20 Thread SeEttaM .
Late yesterday 5 Great Egrets perched in the trees at Sell's Lake just off the Canon City Riverwalk, first of the year birds in this area. The Evening Grosbeak I reported in City on the bluff next tot the Riverwalk are still here. Though they likely are going to feeders in the residences there,

[cobirds] Yellow-rumped Warblers large influx in Canon City area this morning.

2014-04-21 Thread SeEttaM .
I saw dozens of Yellow-rumped Warblers this moring in several locations in Canon City area. All I saw were Audubons. And some were singing. SeEtta Moss Canon City Http://BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Colorado Birds

[cobirds] First of the year House Wrens, W Kingbird and Green Heron in Canon City area

2014-04-24 Thread SeEttaM .
A few first of the year birds in the Canon City area: - Western Kingbird on power lines next to H115 - House Wrens-two singing their hearts out in Holcim Wetlands - Green Heron in Florence River Park (seen yesterday and today) Also watched a large flock of White-throated Swifts stopping

[cobirds] FOY birds in Canon City- Green-tailed Towhee in my yard and Lazuli Bunting next door

2014-04-27 Thread SeEttaM .
This morning I spotted a first of the year Green-tailed Towhee foraging under my thistle feeders. A very shy bird, it flushed easily to the brush and tree pile I have next to the feeders. And yesterday I had a first of the year Lazuli Bunting singing in my neighbor's tree. Photos of the

[cobirds] Broad-winged Hawk in Lamar

2014-04-29 Thread SeEttaM .
Birding was near impossible with the strong wind gusts up to 63 mph and nasty dust storm today in Lamar. I was surprised to see a Broad-winged Hawk flying near a residential area this morning before I gave it up. I spotted it a little later as it flew in to perch. I got some very good photos of

[cobirds] Hepatic Tanager also in Lamar Woods this morning

2014-04-30 Thread SeEttaM .
I was again surprised today to find a Hepatic Tanager this morning in Lamar Woods, surely the one reported by Scott Severs from this afternoon. Winds this morning, while not as awful as yesterday, were still very strong and this tanager stayed mostly in thickets. I got one good photo of this

[cobirds] Other interesting Lamar area birds

2014-05-01 Thread SeEttaM .
At least one Broad-winged Hawk made the most of Lamar Woods today (Wed). I saw in both the north and south sections (or could be two birds), including with a good sized prey item in it's talons--I subsequently found a lot of feathers that had recently been plucked so likely a dove. Also saw

[cobirds] Hepatic Tanager NOT seen today at Lamar Woods

2014-05-02 Thread SeEttaM .
I didn't see the Hepatic Tanager when I birded in Lamar Woods this morning and 2 local birders I ran into who had started before did not report that bird either. Discussion was that few migrants there today with likelihood that many moved on last night as winds had diminished (overnight only as

[cobirds] Marbled Godwit, Glossy Ibis, Lazuli Buntings, W Tanager Peregrine chasing ibis in Canon City area

2014-05-06 Thread SeEttaM .
I found 2 Marbled Godwits amongst about 200 dark ibis in flooded ag fields in nearby Florence this morning (Monday morning). These are pretty rare in the Canon City area with few ebird reports and firsts for me here. I have uploaded photos of one of the godwits on my Birds and Nature

[cobirds] Glossy and hybrid plegadis ibis, Eastern Phoebe and foy Cassin's Kingbird in Canon City area

2014-05-08 Thread SeEttaM .
There was a very large flock of plegadis ibis in Florence this morning (Wednesday) numbering between 250 and 300. I observed two birds that had field marks consistent with Glossy Ibis and one that was clearly a hybrid. The two Glossy Ibis were actively feeding so moving in and out of the flock so

[cobirds] Green Heron, Plumbeous Vireo, Bl Chinned Hummer on nest in Canon City area today

2014-05-08 Thread SeEttaM .
I stopped for a few minutes on the Canon City Riverwalk on my way to an appt. Thre were a good number of Tree Swallows flying in the area, apparently a new group moving through. There were fair number of Yellow-rumped Warblers and a few Yellow Warblers working the trees. I spotted a first of

[cobirds] 3 grosbeak species, 3 warbler species and 2 bunting species in my Canon City yard last evening

2014-05-11 Thread SeEttaM .
Between 6 and 7:30 pm last evening an amazing number of neotropical birds moved through my Canon City yard: Rose-breasted Grosbeak-both a male and a female (first of the year sighting) Evening Grosbeak-several calling loudly Black-headed Grosbeak-a male and an immature Yellow Warbler-several

[cobirds] Canon City Riverwalk: Broad-winged Hawk, MacGillivray's Warbler, and Dusky Flycatcher; Black Phoebe at Florence Sewage Plant

2014-05-11 Thread SeEttaM .
Lots of action on the Canon City Riverwalk yesterday with a Broad-winged Hawk fly-over and a first of the year MacGillivray's Warbler foraging along the side of the bluff trail. Also on the bluff trail was a Dusky Flycatcher, softly calling. The Black-headed Grosbeak that had recently arrived

[cobirds] Empid fall-out in Canon City, saw at least 22 Gray Flycatchers

2014-05-12 Thread SeEttaM .
Though the snowstorm brought in a number of neotropical migrants today the most amazing thing was the numbers of empidonax flycatchers--I saw more than 40 flycatcher species. And of the empids the most prominent were Gray Flycatchers--though I not at least 22 it was closer to 30 but I was being

[cobirds] Suggestions needed for feeding flycatchers and other non seed eaters

2014-05-13 Thread SeEttaM .
I have found 8 Gray Flycatchers just in one quarter mile of. Canon City Riverwalk. The one local pet store is out of mealworms til 1 pm. I got their last 40 small crickets that I am placing at locations they use. Any other ideas to help them get nourishment to continue their migration? I have

Re: [cobirds] Re: Suggestions needed for feeding flycatchers and other non seed eaters

2014-05-13 Thread SeEttaM .
Gosh, it is always interesting to get answers to a question one didn't even ask. But I find those interesting to read. Joey said, ...but birds have migrated through Colorado for thousands of years prior to man living in Colorado. The birds have evolved over the years migrating through this area

[cobirds] Still some Gray Flycatchers left from the storm in Canon City today

2014-05-14 Thread SeEttaM .
This morning (Tuesday) I found 12 Gray Flycatchers in the same locations I checked yesterday. They were all actively foraging but not with much apparent success--it was still pretty chilly so not much insect activity. So I got the last 40 small crickets the local pet store had and dispersed them

Re: [cobirds] SeEtta's Two-headed Flycatcher, etc.-Canon City

2014-05-16 Thread SeEttaM .
On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 12:55 AM, Ted Floyd tedfloy...@hotmail.comwrote: I read with interest SeEtta Moss's post the other day about apparent pairs of migrant Gray Flycatchers. In my experience, empids of all stripes are strict loners on migration. Even when they're dripping from the trees,

[cobirds] Cassin's Vireo singing and Black Phoebe on Canon City Riverwalk

2014-05-17 Thread SeEttaM .
Today (Friday) I listened to a Cassin's Vireo singing on the Canon City Riverwalk. Though I spotted it a few times I could not get a photo of it. Also Plumbeous Vireos on the Riverwalk as well as good numbers of other neotropical migrants including many Yellow-rumped Warblers. Lazuli Buntings

[cobirds] American Redstart and Northern Flicker in Canon City today

2014-05-21 Thread SeEttaM .
This morning (Tuesday) I spotted a Northern Waterthrush at Sell's Lake then a female American Redstart, a first of the year bird. There was another push of Wilson's Warblers that have been absent for a few days. Yellow-rumps still in good numbers. Photos of the Northern Waterthrush on my Birds

[cobirds] 2 pr. prob Eastern Phoebes with hybrid Black X Eastern Phoebe mates attending nests in Canon City area

2014-05-28 Thread SeEttaM .
I have found two probable hybrid Black X Eastern Phoebe (intermediate in plumage between these species) that are feeding nestlings in the Canon City area. Both are with a mate that looks more typical of an Eastern Phoebes. I have some excellent photos of both pairs and their nest but have only

[cobirds] Holcim Wetlands just east of Florence is closed to entry

2014-06-12 Thread SeEttaM .
Holcim Wetlands been closed for an undetermined period due to the unusually high running Arkansas River that was just over 30 feet from the wetland pond just a day or so ago broke through the bank and dissecting the trail. I have posted an aerial photo and one taken from the county road of Holcim

[cobirds] TRICOLORED HERON at Holcim Wetlands-seen from road, Holcim still closed

2014-06-16 Thread SeEttaM .
While checking on the closed Holcim Wetlands from the side of the county road last evening I spotted a TRICOLORED HERON fishing there. I was reluctant to post this rarity since Holcim Wetlands and their parking lot are closed indefinitely due to the breach of the bank by the high water in the

[cobirds] Acorn Woodpecker at Pueblo Mtn Park

2014-06-18 Thread SeEttaM .
I drove up to Pueblo Mtn Park on Sunday to see the reported nesting Acorn Woodpeckers. Both the male and female Acorn Woodpeckers didn't show up right away but I wasn't able to get there until the hot midday. And I did not hear a Grace's Warbler singing though I didn't remember that they were

[cobirds] Prob hybrid Black X Eastern Phoebe on Canon City Riverwalk

2014-06-19 Thread SeEttaM .
Earlier this spring I found an apparent pair of what looked like Black Phoebes that were located across the river from the Canon City Riverwalk. I did not get good enough views of these phoebes to tell if they appeared typical or not--which in my experience takes good close views and preferably

[cobirds] Blue-gray Gnatcatcher building nest in Red Canyon Park north of Canon City-video clip up

2014-06-20 Thread SeEttaM .
I just uploaded the video clip showing a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher working on a nest that I took in Red Canyon Park just north of Canon City yesterday. This is is a close-up video clip that came out quite nicely. Note I used high magnification to get this and also stayed in my car to avoid disturbing

Re: [cobirds] Re: Black Phoebe - age question

2014-06-26 Thread SeEttaM .
Both Cathy's photo and the one from David Waltman show brownish wing bars consistent with juvenal plumage which is also indicated by the bit of orange on the gape of Cathy's bird. Having taken hundreds of close-up photos of the many Black Phoebes we have had in the Canon City area I have find

[cobirds] Nesting Cordilleran Flycatchers feeding babies in Pueblo Mtn Park

2014-07-07 Thread SeEttaM .
Saturday I found a pair of Cordilleran Flycatchers feeding babies in a nest built in one of the historic picnic shelters in Pueblo Mtn Park. I got a number of very good photos of them and the nest that I have uploaded to my blog @

[cobirds] Acorn Woodpeckers at Pueblo Mtn Park

2014-07-08 Thread SeEttaM .
In addition to watching the nesting Cordilleran Flycatchers that were nesting in Pueblo Mtn Park when I was there over the week-end, I observed an apparent pair of Acorn Woodpeckers. Unfortunately there was a large and loud wedding going on not far from the apparent nest tree so I waited until

[cobirds] Early Sanderling at Lake Meredith, good # Burrowing Owls in n. Otero Co.

2014-07-12 Thread SeEttaM .
Late report--I birded Lake Meredith, Lake Henry and Lake Holbrook on Tuesday to see what early shorebirds may have stopped over and what other birds were around (on an unusually cool so enjoyable birding day with temps only going to 82 in the lower Ark Valley). At Lake Meredith I found an early

[cobirds] Yellow-billed Cuckoo family, Dickcissels, Chimney Swifts and Mississippi Kites in lower Arkansas Valley

2014-07-16 Thread SeEttaM .
This morning I found an adult Yellow-billed Cuckoo and observed it feed an apparent fledgling cuckoo in Lamar Woods in Lamar. Interestingly the fledgling has grayish upper and lower mandibles and I learned from Birds of North American online that they do not get their black and yellow mandibles

[cobirds] Northern Cardinals, Carolina Wren(s) and Gray Catbird also in Lamar Woods,Lamar

2014-07-17 Thread SeEttaM .
In addition to the Yellow-billed Cuckoos in Lamar Woods today (Wed) I heard at least one and likely more than one Carolina Wren singing in the south end of the woods. Also heard a Gray Catbird calling there. Saw a pair of Northern Cardinals, the male carried food in it's bill that seemed likely

[cobirds] Dickcissels, male female, in Ft Lyond area

2014-07-20 Thread SeEttaM .
Last week while birding in the lower Arkansas Valley I photographed and recorded Dickcissels in the Ft Lyons area. I brought local birder Jill Smith to view them and we got to see them from as close as 40 feet away on power lines as the males sang to declare their territory. Jill and I believe

[cobirds] Scissor-tailed Flycatchers south of Florence and their behavior

2014-07-21 Thread SeEttaM .
I was able to get out to look for the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher found by Rich Miller south of Florence this morning. I drove past a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in the same dead tree previously described a couple of times, pulling over when safe to take a couple of photos. After reading that Mike

[cobirds] The female Scissor-tailed Flycatcher tonight south of Florence

2014-07-24 Thread SeEttaM .
As I had a meeting to attend in Rockvale which is not far from where the Scissor-tailed Flycatchers have been seen I stopped by just after 6:30 pm to see if they would be around. I spotted the female and got one quick photo before she flew off. While not nearly as good as the photos I got

[cobirds] Confirmed nesting of SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER pair south of Florence

2014-07-25 Thread SeEttaM .
I drove out tonight to do some more observation of the SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHERS south of Florence as it just seemed to me that their defense of that location from the Am Crows was an indication of current/future nesting. I was rewarded a little after 8 pm with a view of a SCISSOR-TAILED

[cobirds] Scissor-tailed Flycatchers nesting south of Florence: the female foraging

2014-07-28 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday and today I got some much better photos of the female Scissor-tailed Flycatcher when she foraged near where I was parked in the driveway several hundred feet north of the nest tree. I watched her and sometimes the male forage a number of times and when I saw them with their catch they

[cobirds] Juv Broad-winged Hawk fly-by in Florence area yesterday

2014-07-29 Thread SeEttaM .
I had internet connections problems last night so could not post. Yesterday while walking in Florence River Park at the edge of that small town I spotted a juvenile Broad-winged Hawk flying by. I got photos that while not great do provide field marks when edited and I have now uploaded those to

[cobirds] RFI-Scissor-tailed Flycatcher south of Florence

2014-08-02 Thread SeEttaM .
I have been out of town. Did anyone see the female Scissor-tailed Flycatcher south of Florence since Monday , July 28? SeEtta Moss Canon City -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Colorado Birds group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving

[cobirds] Only male Scissor-tailed Flycatcher So of Florence this morning

2014-08-03 Thread SeEttaM .
I observed the area South of Florence where the pair of Scissor-tailed Flycatchers have been nesting for about 2 hours this morning (Saturday). I saw the ever-faithful male, who was perched in the nest tree for much of that time I was there. I did not see the female at all. Though the nest is

[cobirds] Male Scissor-tailed Flycatcher still defending nest tree south of Florence, no sign of female

2014-08-05 Thread SeEttaM .
I didn't find either the male or female yesterday morning-stayed about a half hour then went birding nearby and returned but neither in site. When I got there this morning I spotted the male right off but still no sign of the female for at least 3 days. The male spent more than 20 minutes

[cobirds] Ladder-backed Woodpecker on far west side of Canon City this afternoon

2014-08-05 Thread SeEttaM .
While watching an apparent family group of 3-4 Ash-throated Flycatchers moving together just off of Temple Canyon Road on the far west side of Canon City, I spotted a male Ladder-backed Woodpecker. Canon City is on the northern boundary for sightings of Ladder-backed Woodpecker but most are seen

[cobirds] Update on Scissor-tailed Flycatcher south of Florence

2014-08-09 Thread SeEttaM .
On Thursday the owner of the property on which the nest tree is located let me know that the neighbor to the west had been hosting a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, thought to be the male (that is more almost a half mile west of the highway, behind a locked gate and not viewable from public access).

[cobirds] Scissor-tailed Flycatchers-not; Ladder-backed Woodpecker and Wilson's Warbler in Florence River Park

2014-08-15 Thread SeEttaM .
The female Scissor-tailed Flycatcher has not been reported since July 28 and now I have not seen nor heard of any reports of him since last Sunday when the landowner saw him near the nest site on their property south of Florence. I found a photo I had taken of the female on July 28 sitting on the

[cobirds] Acorn Woodpeckers in Pueblo Mtn Park: confirmed breeding success roadrunner in west Pueblo County

2014-08-17 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday I got back to Pueblo Mountain Park to check on the pair of Acorn Woodpeckers that appeared to be nesting in July. I found them away from the nest tree and there were 4 birds that were high up in the pine trees. I observed an adult bird feeding a young fledgling (with blackish eyes found

[cobirds] Family of Gray Flycatchers in Red Canyon Park north of Canon City

2014-08-18 Thread SeEttaM .
This past Monday I birded Red Canyon Park about 10 miles north of Canon City where I stumbled upon some very young fledgling Gray Flycatchers. There was definitely one parent in attendance that I observed feeding one or more of the young birds, and I believe the other parent was nearby. They were

[cobirds] Flock of migrating Common Nighthawks feeding over Canon City

2014-08-19 Thread SeEttaM .
Over the week-end a flock of at least a dozen, likely more, Common Nighthawks that were migrating through stopped over to feed with many flying close over my home, flying around and around for about 45 minutes. They were not very high so I got photos showing field marks and identifiable by gender

[cobirds] Blue Jay predating hummingbird nest in Canon City

2014-08-20 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday as I walked on the Canon City Riverwalk I heard 2 hummingbirds, probably Black-chinned, making noises that sounded as though they were very upset. I spotted them above a tree branch about 30 feet above the ground and they appeared to be upset with an immature Blue Jay that I observed on

Re: [cobirds] Blue Jay predating hummingbird nest in Canon City

2014-08-20 Thread SeEttaM .
Hi All, It is a bummer when nature takes it's natural course. Steve Larson I find it unfortunate that a member thought it necessary to impose his apparent critique of my statement that I found it a bummer that a young Blue Jay had just eaten likely nestling hummingbirds.. While some may not find

[cobirds] Field trip this Saturday to Red Canyon Park near Canon City for Gray Flycatchers, Juniper Titmouse more

2014-08-20 Thread SeEttaM .
Today I found the probable same family of Gray Flycatchers for the 4th time in just over a week and at least one and likely two young are still being fledged. Also found a second family of Gray Flycatchers there, saw a single (surprisingly) Pinyon Jay, Juniper Titmice, plus enjoyed a flock of

[cobirds] Red Canyon Park near Canon City-Gray Flycatchers, Pinyon Jays, Virginia Warbler

2014-08-22 Thread SeEttaM .
Did a scouting trip to Red Canyon Park this morning and it was hopping. I refound the Gray Flycatcher family I have been following and at least 2 more Gray Flycatchers. Saw several Pinyon Jays today. Other birds of interest: Virginia Warbler (1), Evening Grosbeaks, Black-headed

[cobirds] Red Canyon Park field trip yesterday: Gray Flycatchers, Pinyon Jays, Juniper Titmouse and more

2014-08-24 Thread SeEttaM .
The field trip I led yesterday for 11 participants to Red Canyon Park was very productive with most target species seen. I refound the Gray Flycatcher family I have been following for the past 2 weeks and everyone got excellent views of them and heard their frequent contact calls. In addition

[cobirds] Western Tanagers moving through Canon City in good numbers

2014-08-26 Thread SeEttaM .
Yesterday I saw about 2 dozen migrating Western Tanagers along the Arkansas River as it runs through Canon City. I got a couple of photos of one who hawd just had a quick bath in a ditch that I have posted on my Birds and Nature blog http://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/ Today I checked Brush

[cobirds] Red Canyon Park yesterday produced a Townsend's Warbler, 80+ Pinyon Jays and more

2014-08-28 Thread SeEttaM .
Since Red Canyon Park has been so productive I returned yesterday morning and it was well worth it. I refound the Gray Flycatcher family plus 3 more Gray Flycatchers, had 2 flocks of Pinyon Jays fly over ( one flock of 75 and the other with 8), found a Townsend's Warbler, watched several Juniper

[cobirds] Ordway stockyard ditch and other areas north of Rocky Ford and La Junta

2014-09-15 Thread SeEttaM .
I birded Friday afternoon in several areas north of Rocky Ford and La Junta including Lakes Meredith, Henry, Holbrook and the Ordway town reservoir--a few shorebirds at the lakes but very few birds at any of these locations. The most shorebirds I found were in the bar ditch adjacent to the Ordway

[cobirds] Migrating flock of more than 50 White-throated Swifts near Canon City

2014-09-24 Thread SeEttaM .
Over the week-end I did some birding at the Royal Gorge Park (not the for-pay now amusement park but the free and not-yet developed park owned by the City of Canon City). One can get to the edge of the Royal Gorge Canyon which is breathtaking and not uncommonly flown by White-throated Swifts.

[cobirds] Mountain Chickadees at Brush Hollow SWA feeding on leafminer larva inside leaves

2014-09-25 Thread SeEttaM .
I found a couple of Mountain Chickadees at Brush Hollow Reservoir yesterday (Tuesday) a location that is 25-30 miles from the foothills. I had spotted a single Mountain Chickadee on the Canon City Riverwalk last week but since this is only about 5 miles from the foothills a stray Mountain

[cobirds] Williamson's Sapsucker and more migrating White-throated Swifts in Canon City area

2014-10-04 Thread SeEttaM .
Today I found the first of the fall Williamson's Sapsucker, a male, in Canon City. It was feeding in one of the pines at a private residence where I have seen many sapsuckers over the years. Today I also found a latish Warbling Vireo along the Arkansas River and a Black Phoebe nearby. A few

[cobirds] Heads up: Chukars transplanted to the front range

2014-10-07 Thread SeEttaM .
From Colo Parks and Wildlife: In order to develop chukar hunting along the Front Range, Colorado Parks and Wildlife biologists will release about 400 wild chukars in northeast Colorado over the next two years. Ultimately, this project aims to establish a self-sustaining huntable population of

[cobirds] Canon City area Lewis's Woodpeckers are back in action

2014-10-10 Thread SeEttaM .
After an absence of several months during breeding in unknown locations, Lewis's Woodpeckers are back out foraging and caching food for the winter. I saw several at my friend's property east of Canon City and more in the area of Colon's Orchards (which provides apples for their sweet tooth). I

[cobirds] Many Orange-crowned Warblers in mixed flock on Canon City Riverwalk

2014-10-10 Thread SeEttaM .
Apparently the rains grounded a number of migrating Orange-crowned Warblers as I saw more than a dozen today foraging in a mixed flock on the Canon City Riverwalk just west of Raynolds. Most vocal in the flock were several Black-capped Chickadees but several Brown Creepers were also vocalizing.

[cobirds] Sage and Curve-billed Thrashers in Canon City

2014-10-12 Thread SeEttaM .
I found a Sage Thrasher which is fairly uncommon for the Canon City area in some 4-winged Saltbrush/cholla cactus habitat on the north side of town where I often find our resident Curve-billed Thrashers. I watched the Sage Thrasher perch on top of the shrub and flick it's wings while it got a

[cobirds] Yellow-bellied and 3 Williamson's Sapsuckers in Canon City, 3 Common Loons latish Osprey at Trinidad Lake

2014-11-04 Thread SeEttaM .
On my way back from an extended trip to New Mexico Sunday I stopped at Trinidad Lake where I saw a latish Osprey, several good sized flocks (75 or so birds each) of Pine Siskins and 4 Common Loons actively diving for food. I got several good photos of these loons in autumn transitional plumage

[cobirds] Rufous morph Red-tailed Hawk in Canon City

2014-11-09 Thread SeEttaM .
I spotted a rufous morph (Western) Red-tailed Hawk this morning in Canon City and I have uploaded a photo of it on my Birds and Nature blog http://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/. I also have several photos of a Yellow-rumped Warbler that perched on a barbed wire fence with some Mountain Bluebirds

[cobirds] Yellow-rumped Warblers foraging warming today in Canon City

2014-11-12 Thread SeEttaM .
Today I did car birding in our relatively awful winter weather (not as bad as other front range cities but only got to 14 or so today) and found 5 Yellow-rumped Warblers foraging on the grounds of The Abbey. Though a limited number of Yellow-rumped Warblers often overwinter I felt badly for these

[cobirds] Ladder-backed Woodpecker and other birds foraging in Williamsburg near Canon City

2014-11-14 Thread SeEttaM .
This morning I ventured a ways outside of Canon City to the small town of Wiliamsburg that is only about 5 miles southwest of Canon. I found a male Ladder-backed Woodpecker drilling a very cold tree cholla cactus. Also in Williamsburg area was a Northern Shrike as well as a flock of Mountain

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