Re: Résolu : retour en bas du terminal lors d'un rappel de commande

2015-08-09 Thread mireero

On 08/06/2015 11:40 PM, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

J'ai dépassé plusieurs fois dans ma vie les limites qui mènent
à la honte (et bien plus qu'ici) et j'ai décidé que ça
n'aidait pas alors maintenant j'accepte mes déficiences et je
bannis la honte (bon, c'est la théorie...).

   Perso, j’ai éliminé une source de honte : la procrastination.
   Je ne remets plus jamais rien au lendemain : j’annule ! :oD

Du coup la honte, ça peut être utile. Ça fait 32h que je pense à écrire 
ce message mais je reporte joyeusement...

Faut dire aussi qu'en général, si je me rappelle bien, j'ai plutôt honte 
de ce que j'ai fait que le contraire ;)


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Re: Mise à jour wheezy - jessie

2015-08-09 Thread mireero

On 08/07/2015 06:40 PM, Jack.R wrote:


J'en suis à ma 3ème migration wheezy - jessie et à la 3ème qui se
passe mal. Il faut dire qu'à chaque fois c'est sur du matériel ancien.

Pour le premier un IBM X30, soucis de LKMS solutionné en rajoutant des
paramètres de boot du noyau dans /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=quiet i915.modeset=0 vga=791

Pour le deuxième grub n'arrivait pas à démarrer le noyau. Après moult
essais et échecs (et en ayant cassé pas mal de truc), je m'en suis
sorti en installant lilo (via un démarrage en mode rescue depuis la
netinstall jessie et shell sur /). Je suis un dégonflé, je n'ai pas
encore tenté de réinstaller grub maintenant que cela fonctionne.

Pour le 3ème (carte Supermicro X7SPA-HF ATOM D510), en cours de mise à
jour, impossible d'installer le nouveau kernel, pas assez de place
sur /lib. Le disque est partitionné comme suit (installation de squeeze
mise à jour en wheezy puis changement de carte mère si je me souviens
/sda1 /
/sda5 /usr
/sda6 /var
/sda7 swap
/sda8 /tmp
/sda9 /home

Qu'à cela ne tienne, il y a plein de lace sur /home, je déplace /lib
dans /home et crée un lien symbolique de /lib vers /home/lib.
Je relance apt-get dist-upgrade et tout roule.
Je reboot et là:
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

Un boot sur le CD netinstall de jessie me mélange toutes les interfaces
réseau et ne me permet pas d'ouvrir un shell sur /dev/sda1

A noter que firmware-linux-nonfree n'est pas installé, c'est peut-être
là que j'ai fait une autre erreur.

Des suggestions avant que je ne fasse façon bourrin ?
sortie du disque de la machine, copie le contenu de sda5 à 9 ailleurs,
supprime /sda5 à 9,agrandissement /sda1, recrée les partitions /sda5 à
9, recopie le contenu de sda5 à 9, suppression du lien
symbolique /lib, transfert de /home/lib dans /lib, réinstallation du
disque dans la machine, prières, reboot

Merci d'avance pour vos lumières.

Ici, si j'ai bien compris, quand tu parles de /lib, c'est de /usr/lib 
qu'il s'agit?

Ou alors plutôt, /lib est monté sur sda5 au lieu de /usr?

Bref, 2 remarques:

× La méthode bourrin me semble plus propre, ça ne casse pas la 
compartimentation qu'apporte des partitions séparées et les avantages 
recherchés (genre aide à la sauvegarde, options de montage distinctes...).

× Y'aurait pas un souci lorsque certain exécutables accèdent à des 
librairies dans [/usr]/lib, sachant que certains outils ne déréférencent 
pas les liens symboliques et s'attendent donc à trouver leur librairie 
(par ex) dans un [/usr]/lib dur.
Peut-être que le système a continué à fonctionner après ton /lib dans 
/home parce que certaines librairies clef comme la libc par exemple 
étaient déjà en mémoire lors du déplacement et donc toujours accessible. 
Mais plus lors d'un reboot.

Pour finir, si tu as plein de place dans /home, tu peux peut-être y 
placer directement /lib en coupant la partition en 2, ce serait plus 
rapide que de chercher à redimensionner /sda5.

Bon courage...


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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread Some Body

On 09/08/2015 00:00, moi-meme wrote:

Mais j'ai 2 conditions de sortie de la mainloop (une variable fait le
distingo et la suite ne pose pas de problème).

Je ne comprends pas le une variable fait le distingo.

Tu peux préciser ? Ou montrer le code ? La deuxième solution est la plus 

Je ne sais pas comment sortir par les 2 bouton en changeant la variable
en même temps car la méthode.quit n'autorise pas d'argument.

Je ne comprends pas. Tu as deux boutons dans ta fenêtre, et tu veux que 
les deux quittent le programme ?

Ou tu veux que les deux boutons quittent le programme, mais en affectant 
une valeur à ta variable selon le bouton qu'on a cliqué ?

Tu n'as qu'à faire ça :

def quitter_b1():
def quitter_b2():
b1=Button(..., command=quitter_b1)
b2=Button(..., command=quitter_b2)

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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread Some Body

On 09/08/2015 00:00, moi-meme wrote:

Mais j'ai 2 conditions de sortie de la mainloop (une variable fait le
distingo et la suite ne pose pas de problème).

Je ne comprends pas le une variable fait le distingo.

Tu peux préciser ? Ou montrer le code ? La deuxième solution est la plus 

Je ne sais pas comment sortir par les 2 bouton en changeant la variable
en même temps car la méthode.quit n'autorise pas d'argument.

Je ne comprends pas. Tu as deux boutons dans ta fenêtre, et tu veux que 
les deux quittent le programme ?

Ou tu veux que les deux boutons quittent le programme, mais en affectant 
une valeur à ta variable selon le bouton qu'on a cliqué ?

Tu n'as qu'à faire ça :

def quitter_b1():
def quitter_b2():
b1=Button(..., command=quitter_b1)
b2=Button(..., command=quitter_b2)

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Re: cron toutes les 25 secondes

2015-08-09 Thread andre_debian
On Sunday 09 August 2015 00:40:36 Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:
 Le Sat, 8 Aug 2015 22:40:32 +0200, a écrit :
  Mon fichier /var/log/auth.log indique :
  Aug  8 22:25:01  CRON[7327]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  opened for user root by (uid=0)
  Aug  8 22:25:29  CRON[7301]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  closed for user root
  Aug  8 22:26:59  CRON[7327]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  closed for user root
  Aug  8 22:27:02  CRON[7426]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  opened for user root by (uid=0
  soit un cron toutes les ~25 secondes.
  Deux cron à 22h22, deux cron à 22h26...
  Comment est-ce possible, ayant un cron toutes les 30 minutes minimum
  de programmé ?  (#crontab -e)

 Ce sont les jobs du système. Va voir du coté de /etc/cron*, un certain
 nombre de programmes ajoutent des tâches (genre recherche de mises à
 jour, reconstruction de bases de données...) à leur installation.
 Après, on peut gratter pour savoir ce que tout ce petit monde fait :-)
 J'ai à peu près la même chose sur mes logs à moi (ce qui n'est pas
 forcément une bonne chose ;-) Nicolas FRANCOIS

J'ai attentivement regardé dans /etc/cron.d/tâches,
et dans les répertoires /etc/cron.daily ... etc... ,
il n'y a aucune tâche toutes les ~25 secondes.

Bon dimanche.


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Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-09 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-08-09 12:39:32 +0200, Nicolas George wrote:
 If everything was not already complicated enough, shift, control and
 caps-lock have each a fixed value in the state mask, but all the other
 modifiers (from num-lock to alt-gr, including meta and super) arrive to the
 application as mod1 to mod5, with an arbitrary mapping. Applications (or
 toolkits) that want to allow alt- or meta-prefixed shortcuts are supposed to
 inspect the key mapping table to identify the correct modX. They usually get
 it wrong, frequently hard-coding mod1 = alt (to react to it) and mod2 =
 num-lock (to ignore it).

And now the Alt/Meta modifier should be called Alt instead of Meta
as some applications (e.g. Firefox) don't support Meta.

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: Permitir videollamadas con imo en iptables

2015-08-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 09 Aug 2015 09:24:49 +0200, Hospital Oftalmológico escribió:


Ese html...

 Necesito configurar mi firewall con iptables para que un grupo de
 usuarios conectados a un Access Point ubicado dentro de mi red local
 puedan utilizar el chat, llamadas y videollamadas de imo desde sus
 celulares android a través de la wifi.
 Mi servidor tiene instalado Debian GNU/Linux 7.0, además de los
 A continuación les muestro el script de iptables que utilizo el cual no
 me funciona,


Sólo una sugerencia: primero tendrás que saber qué puertos usa IMO y 
después activar el registro del cortafuegos para ir viendo los progresos 
que vayas haciendo al modificar las reglas de iptables.



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Re: Login clear screen

2015-08-09 Thread Frans van Berckel
On Sun, 2015-08-09 at 13:35 +0200, Frans van Berckel wrote:
 Ik ben wat met debian-ports (sid) op niet standaard hardware 
 aan het klooien. Mijn vraag is heel eenvoudig. Je boot het systeem, 
 ziet alle kernel teksten langs komen. En daarna krijg een login 
 Nu wil ik één stap terug. Vlak voor de login prompt doen ze een clear
 screen. Dan komt de prompt mooi boven in het scherm te staan. Mijn
 nadeel, want hij veegt daarmee alle foutmeldingen weg.
 Heb je hier weleens te maken gehad? Hoe zet je die clear screen voor 
 prompt uit. Is daar een handig trucje voor?

Veel oude webteksten door genomen. Maar ik heb het nu gevonden ...

# nano /etc/inittab

En deze lijn vervangen

1:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1

Voor deze lijn

1:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty --noclear 38400 tty1

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frans van Berckel

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[OT] Television licensing. was: Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 11:50:48 Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 06:43:15 -0400
 Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

 Hello Renaud,

 I cannot understand why the UK has not followed the other countries
 that have ditched TV licensing, and all the attending bureaucracy, and
 replaced it with a single check box on the income tax form...

 Because it's not a tax.  

In effect, it is an apothecated tax.  But we are reluctant to acknowledge 

 The money doesn't go to the govt, it goes to 
 the BBC.  License revenue is still 40% (IIRC) of their revenue.

78% in 14/15

The money that the BBC did get from the government has been withdrawn, but 
free licences are to continue, so that there is the beginning of a movement 
among the elderly for the abolition of the free licences.

As I said, a minefield with tremendous political sensitivity and controversy.


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Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-09 Thread Nicolas George
Le duodi 22 thermidor, an CCXXIII, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
 Still trying to grok the xkb stuff, i get the impression
 that at least on my system xterm gets to see Alt+Space, not a
 nobreakspace produced by general keyboard translations.

I suppose everybody already knows this, but to check what keys applications
receive from the X11 server, the xev program can be of great help.

Less known fact: to get the current full XKB mapping of the server, the
following command does the trick:

xkbcomp $DISPLAY -

(you can usually type :0 instead of $DISPLAY of course)

The xkb_keycodes section is just a set of symbolic constant names for
hardware keycodes, plus for some reason the label for the keboard LEDs.

The xkb_types section defines types of keys, depending on the effect of alt,
shift, ctrl, etc., keys. Writing a new type is not straightforward, but the
existing types are usually rather self-explanatory.

The xkb_compatibility section defines the effect of special keys.

The xkb_symbols section defines the actual symbols attached to each key.

And lastly, the xkb_geometry defines the physical layout of the keyboard, in
case you want to display it.

For a few more details, you can have a look at my personal notes:

 But i may be wrong. Still did not find a comprehensive
 introduction to the model of keyboard processing in X.

This is not comprehensive, but this is a start:

Applications get KeyPress (and KeyRelease) events, with, amongst other
things a keycode corresponding to the hardware code of the key, and a state
that encodes the currently active modifiers (shift, num-lock, etc.).

Bogus applications stop there.

Correct applications then must call the Xlib (or another library performing
the same task) to translate the keycode and state into a keysym (key
symbol) or a string. Keysyms are for direct key handling: movement, keyboard
shortcuts, etc. For text entry, the string must be used, otherwise input
methods (even simple compose and dead keys) do not work.

Then, some toolkits will add their own translation mechanism. XTerm uses
the X Toolkit Intrinsics, aka Xt. Xt has a per-widget translation
mechanism mapping expanded X11 events to high-level functions. Documentation
can be found in the libxt-doc package.

And lastly, applications can do their own mangling of the resulting keys or
text. XTerm does, it encodes the Meta/Alt modifier for applications by
either prefixing each character key with the Esc code or by adding 128 to
the ASCII code of characters, based on the metaSendsEscape, altSendsEscape
resource and a few others. Untangling the interaction of the +128 option
with UTF-8 environments is left as an exercise to the reader.

If everything was not already complicated enough, shift, control and
caps-lock have each a fixed value in the state mask, but all the other
modifiers (from num-lock to alt-gr, including meta and super) arrive to the
application as mod1 to mod5, with an arbitrary mapping. Applications (or
toolkits) that want to allow alt- or meta-prefixed shortcuts are supposed to
inspect the key mapping table to identify the correct modX. They usually get
it wrong, frequently hard-coding mod1 = alt (to react to it) and mod2 =
num-lock (to ignore it).

Next The Onion headline: a disgruntled Debian user opens fire at a
developers meeting before committing suicide by eating the full set of X11
reference manuals.

(Although to be fair, the current developers are probably suffering
from that old design as much as anybody else.)


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Ron
On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 11:23:17 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

 It was bound to have gone on line.  But I haven't had to pay for one for 7 
 years so didn't know that.  But I'll still have enough to worry about without 
 flipping TV licences!

A special tax was understandable in the days when a TV set was an expensive 

I cannot understand why the UK has not followed the other countries that have 
ditched TV licensing, and all the attending bureaucracy, and replaced it with a 
single check box on the income tax form...
 El consejo de la mujer es poco, y el que no le toma es loco.
  -- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

   -- --

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Re: Artefactos al mover barras en LibreOffice 5

2015-08-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 08 Aug 2015 13:53:10 -0500, alraparam escribió:

 El 08/08/15 a las 12:39, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 08 Aug 2015 12:45:47 -0430, Jose Maldonado escribió:

 El 08/08/15 a las 10:37, Camaleón escribió:


 Al final he puesto un bug en Document Foundation:


 Tengo una Laptop Asus X750J con Gráfica hibrida Intel - Nvidia
 si ejecuto desde la terminal, cualquiera de los dos
 soffice - Intel
 primusrun soffice - Nvidia
 Puedo mover alguna de las barras, pero al tratarla de regresar a su
 lugar, se cierra el libreoffice (Versión: y manda este mensaje:
 # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:


 No se si este relacionado con el problema que tienes ...

No le veo relación alguna pero igualmente deberías informar en el bugzilla 
que tienen.
 PD: Voy ha subir el log a bugzilla ...

Sí, mejor.



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Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Nicolas George wrote:
 I suppose everybody already knows this, but to check what keys applications
 receive from the X11 server, the xev program can be of great help.

Praise xev.

 xkbcomp $DISPLAY -

Nothing conclusive to see about space or SPCE.

 The xkb_types section defines types of keys

Leaves me clueless for now.

 The xkb_compatibility section defines the effect of special keys.

I guess Alt+Spacebar is about

interpret Alt_L+AnyOf(all) {
virtualModifier= Alt;
action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);

 The xkb_symbols section defines the actual symbols attached to each key.

key SPCE { [   space ] };

 And lastly, the xkb_geometry defines the physical layout of the keyboard, in
 case you want to display it.

I already wondered about grey20.

 This is not comprehensive, but this is a start:
 [... some things which i knew and many which i didn't ...]
 Next The Onion headline: a disgruntled Debian user opens fire at a
 developers meeting before committing suicide by eating the full set of X11
 reference manuals.

We need to hand out sedating medication before sending people
into the X space. (There are already proposals in literature:

 (Although to be fair, the current developers are probably suffering
 from that old design as much as anybody else.)

I assume a carreer starts at Scanner and peaks at Haberman of Keyboards.

So probably i was just lucky to stumble over a workaround
which was introduced in VT100 to rescue unprepared users
from the Pain of Space.
(I should have re-read Cordwainer Smith on the first hand.
 It's all there between his lines. Now i will be cautious
 not to meet the Manshonyagger.)

Have a nice day :)


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Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 02:48:57 David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Lisi Reisz (
  I think I may have misunderstood.  Do you have no licence, because you
  have no TV, or not pay a Licence because you are given one?

 Hint: look at my timezone (when you're awake).


  As if I shan't have
  enough to do if my husband predeceases me, I shall have to acquire a
  paid-for TV Licence rapidly, if I am not to have their bulldogs after me.
   Or I suppose that I could just get rid of the TV!!  Fast.  And watch
  iPlayer after the event.  Though not everything is available that way.

 TV Licensing is at and takes five
 minutes. However, the licence is per household so you're covered
 until the expiry date anyway. And you only need the name and address
 to check if you're covered and for how long. In theory, you can bin
 the actual licence (if they still produce them).

I shall have to check.  But I think that you are only entitled to a free 
licence, however long the piece of paper says, while the free licence holder 
is alive.  Although while (s)he is alive, it does as you say cover the entire 

It was bound to have gone on line.  But I haven't had to pay for one for 7 
years so didn't know that.  But I'll still have enough to worry about without 
flipping TV licences!


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Re: Aptitude is broken

2015-08-09 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-08-08 13:35:10 -0400, Frank McCormick wrote:
   Guess I'll wait until the churn slows:) And continue with apt-get.

or you could reinstall the latest aptitude version that was working;
this should be the version in stable and testing, 0.6.11-1+b1).

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Ron
On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 11:50:48 +0100
Brad Rogers wrote:

 I cannot understand why the UK has not followed the other countries
 that have ditched TV licensing, and all the attending bureaucracy, and
 replaced it with a single check box on the income tax form...  

 Because it's not a tax.  The money doesn't go to the govt, it goes to
 the BBC.  License revenue is still 40% (IIRC) of their revenue.

So it was in France (called the Redevance), which did not prevent it being 
now collected with the income tax, and passed of to the ORTF by the Finance 
 El consejo de la mujer es poco, y el que no le toma es loco.
  -- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

   -- --

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Permitir videollamadas con imo en iptables

2015-08-09 Thread Hospital Oftalmológico

Necesito configurar mi firewall con iptables para que un grupo de usuarios
conectados a un Access Point ubicado dentro de mi red local puedan utilizar
el chat, llamadas y videollamadas de imo desde sus celulares android a
través de la wifi.

Mi servidor tiene instalado Debian GNU/Linux 7.0, además de los servicios

A continuación les muestro el script de iptables que utilizo el cual no me


# Primero borramos todas las reglas previas que puedan existir
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -Z
iptables -t nat -F

# Definimos la politica por defecto sea ACEPTAR
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT

# Redirigimos el 80,443 a 3128

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -s -d
-p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -s -d
-p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

# Aceptamos todas las comunicaciones localhost

iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

# MAC por IPs permitidas HOSPITAL.
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -s 192.168.1.x -d -m mac
--mac-source xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -s 192.168.1.x -d -m mac
--mac-source xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -j ACCEPT
# ...

# Enmascaramos las peticiones a los puertos 5004, 5060, 5062 directo hacia
afuera y permitimos que atraviecen el servidor

iptables -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -t nat -s -p tcp
--dport 5004 -o eth0
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p tcp --dport 5004 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -t nat -s -p udp
--dport 5004 -o eth0
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p udp --dport 5004 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -t nat -s -p tcp
--dport 5060 -o eth0
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p tcp --dport 5004 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -t nat -s -p udp
--dport 5060 -o eth0
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -t nat -s -p tcp
--dport 5062 -o eth0
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p tcp --dport 5004 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -t nat -s -p udp
--dport 5062 -o eth0
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p udp --dport 5062 -j ACCEPT

# Abrimos los puertos 5060, 5062, 5004

iptables -A INPUT -d -p tcp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -d -p udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -d -p tcp --dport 5062 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -d -p udp --dport 5062 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -d -p tcp --dport 5004 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -d -p udp --dport 5004 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -d -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT

Aceptamos SMTP, POP3, HTTP y HTTPS
iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 110 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p tcp --dport 110 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT

# Denegamos resto de comunicaciones

iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -s -j DROP

# Hacemos NAT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

# Activamos el enrutamiento
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

echo OK

Un cordial saludo y perdonen las molestias que les pueda ocasionar,

Gracias anticipadas,

Re: Login clear screen

2015-08-09 Thread Geert Stappers
On Sun, Aug 09, 2015 at 01:35:29PM +0200, Frans van Berckel wrote:
 Ik ben wat met debian-ports (sid) op niet standaard hardware (sparc64)
 aan het klooien. Mijn vraag is heel eenvoudig. Je boot het systeem, je
 ziet alle kernel teksten langs komen. En daarna krijg een login prompt.
 Nu wil ik één stap terug. Vlak voor de login prompt doen ze een clear
 screen. Dan komt de prompt mooi boven in het scherm te staan. Mijn
 nadeel, want hij veegt daarmee alle foutmeldingen weg.
 Heb je hier weleens te maken gehad? Hoe zet je die clear screen voor de
 prompt uit. Is daar een handig trucje voor?

:r!aptitude show bootlogd

Pakket: bootlogd
Nieuw: ja
Staat: niet geïnstalleerd
Versie: 2.88dsf-41+deb7u1
Prioriteit: optioneel
Sectie: admin
Beheerder: Debian sysvinit maintainers
Architectuur: i386
Ongecomprimeerde grootte: 119 k
Hangt af van: libc6 (= 2.4), lsb-base (= 3.2-14)
Breekt: initscripts ( 2.88dsf-17), sysvinit-utils ( 2.88dsf-17)
Vervangt: initscripts ( 2.88dsf-17), sysvinit-utils ( 2.88dsf-17)
Beschrijving: daemon to log boot messages
 bootlogd logs all messages printed to the system console during system boot,
 and records those messages to a logfile.

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Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-09 Thread Nicolas George
Le duodi 22 thermidor, an CCXXIII, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
 I guess Alt+Spacebar is about
 interpret Alt_L+AnyOf(all) {
 virtualModifier= Alt;
 action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);

I do not think so. IIUC, it means that Alt_L enables the Alt virtual
modifier. This virtual modifiers is then used in type definitions like:

type CTRL+ALT {
modifiers= Shift+Control+Alt+LevelThree;
map[Shift]= Level2;
preserve[Shift]= Shift;
map[LevelThree]= Level3;
map[Shift+LevelThree]= Level4;
preserve[Shift+LevelThree]= Shift;
map[Control+Alt]= Level5;
level_name[Level1]= Base;
level_name[Level2]= Shift;
level_name[Level3]= Alt Base;
level_name[Level4]= Shift Alt;
level_name[Level5]= Ctrl+Alt;

and then these definitions are used in key definitions like this:

key FK01 {
type= CTRL+ALT,
symbols[Group1]= [  F1,  F1,  F1,   
   F1, XF86Switch_VT_1 ]

That codes that Control+Alt+FK01 yields the XF86Switch_VT_1 keysym. And
lately, the magic of the compatibility section:

interpret XF86Switch_VT_1+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
repeat= True;
action= SwitchScreen(screen=1,!same);

makes XF86Switch_VT_1 an internal keyboard control to change to another VT.

That mechanism is sheer elegance in its simplicity, isn't it?

(I wonder how many readers will catch that reference without looking it up.)

 key SPCE { [   space ] };

In other words, at the XKB level, the space key is the most boring key
ever. The conversion to non-break-space happens because of XTerm or its


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 06:43:15 -0400
Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

Hello Renaud,

I cannot understand why the UK has not followed the other countries
that have ditched TV licensing, and all the attending bureaucracy, and
replaced it with a single check box on the income tax form...

Because it's not a tax.  The money doesn't go to the govt, it goes to
the BBC.  License revenue is still 40% (IIRC) of their revenue.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Who's a sucker now?
Edward The Bear - The Damned

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Neteja SPAM Llista

2015-08-09 Thread Oscar Osta Pueyo
Des de fa uns dies ja tenim obert el mes de juliol. Només hi ha dos correus
a la llista de traducció i són SPAM. Així que aquest mes és senzill.

Gràcies per la vostra ajuda

Oscar Osta Pueyo

Re: Artefactos al mover barras en LibreOffice 5

2015-08-09 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 08 Aug 2015 15:35:42 -0430, Jose Maldonado escribió:

 El 08/08/15 a las 13:09, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 08 Aug 2015 12:45:47 -0430, Jose Maldonado escribió:
 El 08/08/15 a las 10:37, Camaleón escribió:
 Al final he puesto un bug en Document Foundation:
 Prueba activando la opción de aceleracion OpenGL, en mi caso ha
 funcionado perfectamente, usando el driver radeon y GLAMOR activado.
 Si te refieres a las opciones que aparecen en LibreOffice (Herramientas
 → Opciones → LibreOffice → Ver) tengo activada sólo la primera opción:


 Si te refieres al controlador gráfico, está activado (o eso parece):


 Raro. Has probado borrando el directorio .config/libreoffice y volviendo
 a marcar las opciones para usar OpenGL.


No, no lo he probado, pero parece que hay más gente con el mismo problema 
ya que han marcado el bug que puse como duplicado, aunque los informes 
son con sistemas windows, veremos en qué termina...



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Add some command-line program on startup

2015-08-09 Thread Sumit Murari
Hi everyone,

I want to add some command line to start on startup, but I can't find GUI where 
I can easily add my program, so that I'll start as I start my computer !

Sumit Murari

Re: How come i wrote a NO-BREAK SPACE in xterm+bash ?

2015-08-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

David Wright wrote:
 Poking around in /usr/share/X1/xkb/ I can see that rules/base has lines
nbsp:level4 = +nbsp(level4)
 // level3  level3ns provide no-breaking spaces starting from level3
 // This is good for typographers but experience shows many users accidently
 // type no-breaking spaces on the CLI (resulting in errors)

I wonder about the ratio of the number of typographers
and the number of many users. For the latter one should enable
nbsp only on systems with no shell, or give it a visible screen

Still trying to grok the xkb stuff, i get the impression
that at least on my system xterm gets to see Alt+Space, not a
nobreakspace produced by general keyboard translations.

After all, this line in /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm prevents
the unwanted nbsp:

  *VT100.Translations: #override AltKeyspace: string( )

I understand that if xterm saw nobreakspace then the line
would have to be

   *VT100.Translations: #override nobreakspace: string( )

I tried the latter line as replacement of the former.
This gives me back the unwanted UTF character (194,160) on
Alt+Spacebar in freshly started xterm.

But i may be wrong. Still did not find a comprehensive
introduction to the model of keyboard processing in X.
(And possibly such a comprehensive description might be
 too complicated for me to map it to my actual question.)

Have a nice day :)


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2015-08-09 Thread Jasper Binford | AU IT Solutions
Hi, my name is Layla Harriman and I work for a Search-Marketing-company in  
Melbourne, Australia.

I was doing some research on your industry and I landed on your website.

Long story short, I have created an 18-Page Website Audit which addresses  
all of the technical and web errors on your website that is stopping you  
from ranking on PAGE 1...

I am happy to send you this report at-no-cost. All I want is the chance to  
cal.l you and discuss THE WEBSITE AUDIT in greater detail.

What do you think?

Kind Regards,

Layla Harriman

Headquarters: 41 Bridge Rd Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia
Other Offices: Hong Kong  China | USA | New Zealand | UAE | Singapore

Re: Add some command-line program on startup

2015-08-09 Thread Francesco Ariis
On Sun, Aug 09, 2015 at 02:17:05AM -0400, Sumit Murari wrote:
 I want to add some command line to start on startup, but I can't find
 GUI where I can easily add my program, so that I'll start as I start
 my computer !

Hello Sumit, not sure if that's what you need, but you can edit
your `~/.xinitrc` file. As an example, I have this line

setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl

which selects an appropriate keyboard layout. Is that what you
were looking for?

Description: Digital signature

[solved] Re: After full-upgrade, `Meta' key not working within Emacs

2015-08-09 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Mike Kupfer writes:

 Rodolfo Medina wrote:

 After last full-upgrade, Emacs starts without X support and with the `Meta'
 key not being recognized.  How to fix that?

 If you're running Emacs in tty mode, then I think the Meta key support
 is done by the terminal emulator.  What terminal emulator are you using?

Yes, I'm using XTerm, and the Meta or Alt role is played by ESC.  But Meta/Alt
is enabled appending the following line:

xterm*metaSendsEscape: true

to the file /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm.

 As for Emacs not having X support, which Emacs packages do you have
 installed?  Are there any warning messages when you start Emacs from the
 command line?

With the last full-upgrade, emacs24 was replaced by emacs-nox.  Now, if I do:

 # aptitude install emacs24

, it complains that it conflicts with emacs-nox and suggests to remove it, that
I expect will solve the problem.  But, after all, using Emacs without GUI
support is all right for me.


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Re: Drive para Geforce 9500gt Nvidia no Debian

2015-08-09 Thread Tiago Rocha

On 09-08-2015 14:58, Richard Antunes wrote:

Boa tarde senhores,
estou interessado em montar um computador e pretendo instalar uma
nvidia. Encontrei uma GeForce 9500gt no mercado livre e gostaria de
saber se o Debian possui drive para esta placa. Alguém saberia me
Deve funcionar com o driver nouveau. Mas eu sempre recomendo antes de 
comprar qualquer hardware dá uma olhada no para ver a 
compatibilidade com software livre.

Obrigado a todos.


Tiago Rocha

É bom tudo aquilo que faço que diminui o meu poder sobre outra pessoa;
é ruim tudo aquilo que faço que aumenta o meu poder sobre ela.”
Antônio Joaquim Severino

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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 14:14:12 Cobra wrote:
 It’s no secret. In the original post I said I did a default install except
 for the inclusion of GNOME. That implies the DM is gdm and the GUI is Gnome

You may have meant it to imply it, but I thought that Gnome 3 was still the 
default GUI in Debian 8.  So your statement that it was a default 
install except for the inclusion of GNOME 3 meant to me that you had NOT 
included GNOME3 (the default), and implied nothing about what you had 

Some of us, anyhow I, need things spelt out a bit more clearly.


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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 14:14:12 Cobra wrote:
 It’s no secret. In the original post I said I did a default install except
 for the inclusion of GNOME. That implies the DM is gdm and the GUI is Gnome

I've just managed to find your thread opener, and you did in fact mention 
GNOME.  You are quoting yourself inaccurately.  But I was unable to find it 
before.  You appear to break the thread every time you reply, which makes the 
thread very difficult to follow, and earlier emails very difficult to find.

You also don't quote, so you really are very difficult to follow.

Anyhow, you may have some important package missing.  You could run tasksel 
again and install some of the more basic stuff that you left out.   Or you 
could reconfigure gdm since that could be where the problem lies, since 
GNOME3 runs without it.

# dpkg-reconfigure gdm 


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Re: unable to upgrade kde-full on sid

2015-08-09 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* Peter Baranyi [2015-08-09 10:46 -0400]:

 Following your link I did not find any information for users, only
 developers. Do I have to wait until all packages are updated or is there
 another way?

Іf you want to stay with sid: No.

  Do you smell something burning or is it me?

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OT - Particionar disco duro de 2 TB

2015-08-09 Thread David
Hola Linuxeros:

Como Ubuntu está basado en Debian, es casi lo mismo pero no igual, por eso he 
puesto OT.

Tenia un disco duro de 1TB, con Win7, en 2010 cuando compré el equipo le reduje 
la partición de Win7 y  cree varias particiones para 


Le instalé Ubuntu 10.04, después la 12.04 y por último  la 14.04 en el mismo 
disco duro del equipo, desde hace un mes he tenido problemas con el disco duro, 
no  me montaba la partición /home y decía que no existía  pero el Win7 
arrancaba pero desde hace 7 dias no me arranca nada ni win ni Ubunntu, yo creo 
que es un fallo hardware del disco duro, he llevado el equipo a la tienda y he 
dicho que si el disco duro se ha estropeado, como creo yo, que le pongan uno de 
2TB y le instalen Win, mi duda es la siguiente, yo en 2010 con el Live-cd de 
Ubuntu 10.04 reduje la partición de Win7 NTFS pero era MBR, ahora el disco de 
2TB tendrá un sistema de particiones GPT, mi duda es:

Con el Live-cd Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits

1.- ¿Habrá algún problema para reducir la partición NTFS sobre tabla de 
particiones GPT en un sistema no UEFI del 2010 y luego crear las distintas 
particiones de Linux?, según tengo entendido con GPT no es necesario crear una 
partición extendida para poder tener más de 4 particiones sino que sobre GPT se 
pueden crear todas las particiones primarias sin tener el limite de 4 como se 
tiene en MBR.

2.- ¿Seguirá funcionando Win después de haber instalado Ubuntu 14.04?

3.- ¿El GRUB me permitirá escoger Win o Ubuntu como siempre me ha sucedido con 
anterioridad? Con discos MBR

4.- ¿Como me recomendáis que particione los 1.8TB que pienso destinar a Ubuntu 
o Debian? Mi intención es dejar 200GB a Win o quizás menos. 

5.- ¿Es peligroso tener una partición /home muy grande?, por riesgo de que se 
estropee y pierda  todo su contenido, como parece ha sucedido con mi anterior 

6.- ¿Qué tamaño me aconsejáis para /home? 

7.- He pensado los siguientes tamaños
/boot   2GB
/   20GB
/home   el resto, pero me parece demasiado grande para una única partición

8.- Los tipos de las particiones he pensado todas “ext4”, ¿existe alguna mejor 
o más recomendable y más segura? Para Ubuntu o Debian y un uso doméstico.

El equipo tiene lo siguiente:

- CPU Intel Core 2 Duo
- Tarjeta Gráfica NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 con 1 GB  de RAM de vídeo
- Memoria 8 GB de RAM
- Placa Base, no me acuerdo ya que está en la tienda, pero creo que es una Asus 
PL4 o algún nombre similar

Un saludo y gracias por vuestra ayuda y consejos

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Re: Drive para Geforce 9500gt Nvidia no Debian

2015-08-09 Thread

On 09-08-2015 15:14, Tiago Rocha wrote:
 GeForce 9500gt

 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Debian no dell vostro 5480

2015-08-09 Thread Isaac Filho
Por um acaso alguém aqui tem esse notebook?

Gostaria de trocar umas figurinhas.

Enviado via K9mail

Re: unable to upgrade kde-full on sid

2015-08-09 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* Peter Baranyi [2015-08-09 08:51 -0400]:

 I have a unstable debian installed and I cannot upgrade kde-full

It seems to be a matter of the gcc-5 transition [0].


  Do you smell something burning or is it me?

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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 16:15:02 Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Sunday 09 August 2015 15:56:25 Lisi Reisz wrote:
  Or you
  could reconfigure gdm since that could be where the problem lies, since
  GNOME3 runs without it.
  # dpkg-reconfigure gdm

 If that doesn't work you could try the various methods of reinstalling.


Sorry - reinstalling gdm, not reinstalling the whole thing.


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Re: Drive para Geforce 9500gt Nvidia no Debian

2015-08-09 Thread Richard Antunes
Olá Tiago,obrigado por sua atenção. Encontrei o pacote nvidia-driver no 
synaptic e diz que suporta GeForce 8xxx e superiores. Seria esse o drive?

 Em Domingo, 9 de Agosto de 2015 15:14, Tiago Rocha escreveu:

 On 09-08-2015 14:58, Richard Antunes wrote:
 Boa tarde senhores,
 estou interessado em montar um computador e pretendo instalar uma
 nvidia. Encontrei uma GeForce 9500gt no mercado livre e gostaria de
 saber se o Debian possui drive para esta placa. Alguém saberia me
Deve funcionar com o driver nouveau. Mas eu sempre recomendo antes de 
comprar qualquer hardware dá uma olhada no para ver a 
compatibilidade com software livre.

 Obrigado a todos.


Tiago Rocha

É bom tudo aquilo que faço que diminui o meu poder sobre outra pessoa;
é ruim tudo aquilo que faço que aumenta o meu poder sobre ela.”
Antônio Joaquim Severino

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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Cobra
I realize my interaction with the list is problematic. I am new to this, I don’t
subscribe to the list itself, and I am interacting via the web page

On that page there are only three choices I can see for replying, none of which
have the desired effect of adding the reply to the message thread as I would 

Relative to the actual problem I have, my point is that I am doing a fairly 
install that leads to an non-functional system. I did not “leave out” anything 
that the install
wanted to include; I only “added” GNOME as an optional desktop.

I have tried several test installs on a different machine using various desktop 
KDE worked and let me login after the reboot but, it did have problems with the 
being inverted and offset from the active pointer location making it very hard 
to work with.
This cursor behavior carried over into the GUI as well. However, if the GUI was 
from a TTY the cursor displayed properly and behaved normally.

MATE worked just fine: no bizarre behavior with the DM, login works just fine, 
and the
GUI works as expected. I liked the MATE desktop better then GNOME 3 so I 
the system on the original machine using MATE and all is well. So, from my 
point of
view the original issue is moot.

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Re: BIND9 sous squeeze

2015-08-09 Thread Christophe


Le 09/08/2015 17:19, Thanh Taduy a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Je me remets à vos connaissances sur les problèmes concernant BIND, car
je pense que ce sera un jeu d'enfant pour vous.
Je suis sous Debian squeeze et j'essaie de faire la chose suivante :
J'ai un domaine qui s'appelle admettons, ce domaine possède un certain nombre d'entrées A
qui s'appellent admettons Public1, Public2,
C'est entrées sont connues publiquement, joignables de n'importe tout,
et elles sont déclarées sur un DNS externe au LAN.

Je voudrais maintenant rajouter des entrées qui seront privées (Privé1,
Privé2, ...). Ces entrées seront déclarées sur un DNS du LAN en interne.
La zone qui est déclarée sur mon DNS privé est par conséquent

Ma question est, comment dois-je écrire mon fichier name.conf ainsi que
mon fichier de zone de telle manière à ce que si quelqu'un du LAN essaie
d'atteindre un serveur Privé, le DNS interne lui résolvera le nom en
local, et si l'entrée n'est pas dans cette zone locale, le DNS
transférera cette requête vers le DNS de mon FAI.

Je vous remercie par avance de toute les suggestions que vous pouvez me
Bon dimanche

Dans bind9, ca s’appelle des views .

Il te faut définir un fichier de zone par emplacement (alias plage 
d'adresse IPv4 ou IPv6) qui requête le DNS :

et dans la configuration de bind (simple exemple) :

view net0 {
match-clients {; };
recursion yes;

zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/zones/;

view net1 {
match-clients {; };
recursion yes;

zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/zones/;

En espérant que cela aide.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

unable to upgrade kde-full on sid

2015-08-09 Thread Peter Baranyi

I have a unstable debian installed and I cannot upgrade kde-full with

aptitude install kde-full
The following packages will be upgraded:
The following packages are RECOMMENDED but will NOT be installed:
  kdeaccessibility kdesdk kdetoys kdewebdev
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 432 not upgraded.
Need to get 12.8 kB of archives. After unpacking 17.4 kB will be freed.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 kde-full : Depends: kde-plasma-desktop (= 5:88) but 5:84 is installed and
it is kept back.
Depends: kde-standard (= 5:88) but 5:84 is installed and it is
kept back.
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

 Remove the following packages:
1) kde-full

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] q
Abandoning all efforts to resolve these dependencies.

Nor with apt-get:

apt-get install kde-full
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 kde-full : Depends: kde-plasma-desktop (= 5:88) but it is not going to be
Depends: kde-standard (= 5:88) but it is not going to be
Recommends: kdeaccessibility (= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going
to be installed
Recommends: kdesdk (= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going to be
Recommends: kdetoys (= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going to be
Recommends: kdewebdev (= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going to be
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

As far as I know I have no held packages but maybe I am mistaken? In
/etc/apt/sources.list I only have

deb sid non-free main contrib

and nothing else in sources.list.d, and I already updated apt. What can I
do now?


Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Cobra
It’s no secret. In the original post I said I did a default install except for 
the inclusion of GNOME.
That implies the DM is gdm and the GUI is Gnome 3.

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Drive para Geforce 9500gt Nvidia no Debian

2015-08-09 Thread Richard Antunes
Boa tarde senhores,estou interessado em montar um computador e pretendo 
instalar uma nvidia. Encontrei uma GeForce 9500gt no mercado livre e gostaria 
de saber se o Debian possui drive para esta placa. Alguém saberia me responder? 

Obrigado a todos.

Re: BIND9 sous squeeze

2015-08-09 Thread gnafou
je crois que tu as juste la récursivité à activer.  ( allow-recursion ) 

 Le Dimanche 9 août 2015 17h19, Thanh Taduy a écrit 

 Bonjour à tous,
Je me remets à vos connaissances sur les problèmes concernant BIND, car je 
pense que ce sera un jeu d'enfant pour vous.Je suis sous Debian squeeze et 
j'essaie de faire la chose suivante :J'ai un domaine qui s'appelle admettons, ce domaine possède un certain nombre d'entrées A qui s'appellent 
admettons Public1, Public2,C'est entrées sont connues publiquement, 
joignables de n'importe tout, et elles sont déclarées sur un DNS externe au LAN.
Je voudrais maintenant rajouter des entrées qui seront privées (Privé1, Privé2, 
...). Ces entrées seront déclarées sur un DNS du LAN en interne. La zone qui 
est déclarée sur mon DNS privé est par conséquent
Ma question est, comment dois-je écrire mon fichier name.conf ainsi que mon 
fichier de zone de telle manière à ce que si quelqu'un du LAN essaie 
d'atteindre un serveur Privé, le DNS interne lui résolvera le nom en local, et 
si l'entrée n'est pas dans cette zone locale, le DNS transférera cette requête 
vers le DNS de mon FAI.
Je vous remercie par avance de toute les suggestions que vous pouvez me 
faire.Bon dimancheThanh


Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 12:29:56 -0600
Cobra wrote:

Hello Cobra,

email address I expected the responses would be mailed to me. When

Requests posted through a mailing list are, generally speaking, replied
to on the same list.  If there is no *specific* request to reply to your
email address, it's pot luck whether you get any private replies at all.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
When I say ugly, I don't mean rough looking, I mean hideous
Ugly - The Stranglers

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: repo portable

2015-08-09 Thread Diddier Hilarion

apt-offline podría serte de utilidad.

El 07/08/15 a las 13:27, escribió:

No tengo conexión a internet solo a una intranet

Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Mise à jour wheezy - jessie

2015-08-09 Thread Jack.R
Le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 08:45:41 +0200,
mireero a écrit :

 On 08/07/2015 06:40 PM, Jack.R wrote:
  J'en suis à ma 3ème migration wheezy - jessie et à la 3ème qui se
  passe mal. Il faut dire qu'à chaque fois c'est sur du matériel
  Pour le premier un IBM X30, soucis de LKMS solutionné en rajoutant
  des paramètres de boot du noyau dans /etc/default/grub
  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=quiet i915.modeset=0 vga=791
  Pour le deuxième grub n'arrivait pas à démarrer le noyau. Après
  moult essais et échecs (et en ayant cassé pas mal de truc), je m'en
  suis sorti en installant lilo (via un démarrage en mode rescue
  depuis la netinstall jessie et shell sur /). Je suis un dégonflé,
  je n'ai pas encore tenté de réinstaller grub maintenant que cela
  Pour le 3ème (carte Supermicro X7SPA-HF ATOM D510), en cours de
  mise à jour, impossible d'installer le nouveau kernel, pas assez de
  place sur /lib. Le disque est partitionné comme suit (installation
  de squeeze mise à jour en wheezy puis changement de carte mère si
  je me souviens bien):
  /sda1 /
  /sda5 /usr
  /sda6 /var
  /sda7 swap
  /sda8 /tmp
  /sda9 /home
  Qu'à cela ne tienne, il y a plein de lace sur /home, je déplace /lib
  dans /home et crée un lien symbolique de /lib vers /home/lib.
  Je relance apt-get dist-upgrade et tout roule.
  Je reboot et là:
  Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
  Un boot sur le CD netinstall de jessie me mélange toutes les
  interfaces réseau et ne me permet pas d'ouvrir un shell
  sur /dev/sda1
  A noter que firmware-linux-nonfree n'est pas installé, c'est
  peut-être là que j'ai fait une autre erreur.
  Des suggestions avant que je ne fasse façon bourrin ?
  sortie du disque de la machine, copie le contenu de sda5 à 9
  ailleurs, supprime /sda5 à 9,agrandissement /sda1, recrée les
  partitions /sda5 à 9, recopie le contenu de sda5 à 9, suppression
  du lien symbolique /lib, transfert de /home/lib dans /lib,
  réinstallation du disque dans la machine, prières, reboot
  Merci d'avance pour vos lumières.
 Ici, si j'ai bien compris, quand tu parles de /lib, c'est de /usr/lib 
 qu'il s'agit?
 Ou alors plutôt, /lib est monté sur sda5 au lieu de /usr?
 Bref, 2 remarques:
 × La méthode bourrin me semble plus propre, ça ne casse pas la 
 compartimentation qu'apporte des partitions séparées et les
 avantages recherchés (genre aide à la sauvegarde, options de montage
 × Y'aurait pas un souci lorsque certain exécutables accèdent à des 
 librairies dans [/usr]/lib, sachant que certains outils ne
 déréférencent pas les liens symboliques et s'attendent donc à trouver
 leur librairie (par ex) dans un [/usr]/lib dur.
 Peut-être que le système a continué à fonctionner après ton /lib dans 
 /home parce que certaines librairies clef comme la libc par exemple 
 étaient déjà en mémoire lors du déplacement et donc toujours
 accessible. Mais plus lors d'un reboot.
 Pour finir, si tu as plein de place dans /home, tu peux peut-être y 
 placer directement /lib en coupant la partition en 2, ce serait plus 
 rapide que de chercher à redimensionner /sda5.
 Bon courage...


Je parlais bien de /lib et non de /usr/lib.

La méthode bourrin a parfaitement fonctionné, c'était donc bien ma
magouille de lien symbolique /lib vers /home/lib qui avait mis le bazar.

Il est possible que /home soit monté trop tard et que le lien ne soit
pas encore valide lorsque le noyau essaye d'accéder à certains éléments
de /lib.

M'enfin, / qui faisait 337Mo est maintenant à 1Go, je ne devrais plus
être embêté par cela lors des prochaines mises à jour.

Il me reste encore un serveur à mettre à jour (un celeron qui doit
avoir 10 ans) et auquel je n'ai pas un accès physique à la machine ...
Je vérifierais la place dispo sur chaque partition (en particulier /)
avant de commencer. Je ne me souviens plus s'il est en lvm. Pourvu que
ce soit le cas.


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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 15:56:25 Lisi Reisz wrote:
 Or you
 could reconfigure gdm since that could be where the problem lies, since
 GNOME3 runs without it.

 # dpkg-reconfigure gdm

If that doesn't work you could try the various methods of reinstalling.


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Re: Drive para Geforce 9500gt Nvidia no Debian

2015-08-09 Thread Tiago Rocha

On 09-08-2015 15:42, Richard Antunes wrote:

Olá Tiago,
obrigado por sua atenção. Encontrei o pacote nvidia-driver no synaptic e
diz que suporta GeForce 8xxx e superiores. Seria esse o drive?

No Debian você tem essa opção instalar os drivers não-livres (o pacote 
nvidia-driver no caso). Como o Debian é um sistema operacional livre ele 
não instala por padrão nenhum software não-livre, se fosse o caso você 
teria que ativar a sessão non-free[1] o que não é recomendado.
No caso da 9500 GT você nem vai precisar apelar e ativar o non-free 
porque o nouveau funciona perfeitamente.



Em Domingo, 9 de Agosto de 2015 15:14, Tiago Rocha escreveu:

On 09-08-2015 14:58, Richard Antunes wrote:
  Boa tarde senhores,
  estou interessado em montar um computador e pretendo instalar uma
  nvidia. Encontrei uma GeForce 9500gt no mercado livre e gostaria de
  saber se o Debian possui drive para esta placa. Alguém saberia me
Deve funcionar com o driver nouveau. Mas eu sempre recomendo antes de
comprar qualquer hardware dá uma olhada no para ver a
compatibilidade com software livre.

  Obrigado a todos.

Tiago Rocha

É bom tudo aquilo que faço que diminui o meu poder sobre outra pessoa;
é ruim tudo aquilo que faço que aumenta o meu poder sobre ela.”
Antônio Joaquim Severino

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Tiago Rocha

É bom tudo aquilo que faço que diminui o meu poder sobre outra pessoa;
é ruim tudo aquilo que faço que aumenta o meu poder sobre ela.”
Antônio Joaquim Severino

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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread moi-meme
Le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 11:10:02 +0200, Some Body a écrit :

 Tu n'as qu'à faire ça :
 def quitter_b1():
   variable=quelquechose fenetre.quit()

j'avais presque bon manquait les parenthèses ça ne le faisait pas.

OK ça marche ! 

PS : comme d'hab plus c'est gros plus c'est dur à trouver

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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Cobra
The whole problem is that I have not received ANY mail in response
to my original post. Because my original post included my return
email address I expected the responses would be mailed to me. When
none arrived by the end of the day I checked the web page:

and found replies had been posted. I check to see if my ISPs spam filter
was overzealously quarantining the replies. It was not. With no mail message
to reply to I proceeded to interact via the web page with the obvious
problematic results.

As an aside, the OS X mail client does behave as described I the quoted
passage, but this only affects the display and organization of messages in 
the client’s mail folders. To the best of my knowledge it does not affect the
functionality of the normal reply-to mechanics nor is it the cause of my 
with interacting with the mailing list, but I could be wrong.

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Re: Drive para Geforce 9500gt Nvidia no Debian

2015-08-09 Thread Richard Antunes
Tiago, tem razão. De acordo com o link que do site que me indicou seria o drive 
nouveau mesmo. Então posso comprar sem medo? Blz..
Obrigado a todosAbraço

 Em Domingo, 9 de Agosto de 2015 15:42, Richard Antunes escreveu:

 Olá Tiago,obrigado por sua atenção. Encontrei o pacote nvidia-driver no 
synaptic e diz que suporta GeForce 8xxx e superiores. Seria esse o drive?

 Em Domingo, 9 de Agosto de 2015 15:14, Tiago Rocha escreveu:

 On 09-08-2015 14:58, Richard Antunes wrote:
 Boa tarde senhores,
 estou interessado em montar um computador e pretendo instalar uma
 nvidia. Encontrei uma GeForce 9500gt no mercado livre e gostaria de
 saber se o Debian possui drive para esta placa. Alguém saberia me
Deve funcionar com o driver nouveau. Mas eu sempre recomendo antes de 
comprar qualquer hardware dá uma olhada no para ver a 
compatibilidade com software livre.

 Obrigado a todos.


Tiago Rocha

É bom tudo aquilo que faço que diminui o meu poder sobre outra pessoa;
é ruim tudo aquilo que faço que aumenta o meu poder sobre ela.”
Antônio Joaquim Severino

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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread Alexandre Hoïde

On 09. 08. 15 22:00, moi-meme wrote:

Le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 21:30:02 +0200, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :

RPS ça doit être comme les virgules en Grosse-nompareille.
texte corps=Parisienne

c'est quoi Grosse-nompareille ?

  Il a mordu ! IL A MORDU ! Il frétille encore. L'humanité n'est pas 
perdue. ^^

*Dictionnaire de L'Académie française, 4th Edition (1762)*
  NOMPAREILLE (Page 218)

NOMPAREILLE s.f. Se dit en plusieurs Arts, pour exprimer ce qui est 
de plus petit.

On appelle ainsi Une sorte de ruban fort étroit. Un noeud de 
nompareille. Acheter de la nompareille chez un Rubanier.

Il se dit aussi d'Une sorte de dragée fort menue. Acheter une livre 
de nompareille chez un Confiturier. De la nompareille de Verdun.


NOMPAREILLE *Terme d'Imprimerie*. Est un des plus petits caractères 
dont les Imprimeurs se servent. Il est entre le Petit Texte  la 
Sédanoise, ou Parisienne. Nompareille à petit oeil, à gros oeil, Belle 

On appelle Le plus gros caractère, *Grosse nompareille*, Il est après
le Triple Canon.

Et *Dictionnaire de L'Académie française, 6th Edition (1832-5)*
  PARISIENNE. s. f. (Page 2:346)

PARISIENNE. s. f. Petit caractère d'imprimerie, qui est 
immédiatement au-dessous de la nompareille, et dont le corps a cinq 
points. On le nomme aussi Sédanoise. Au-dessous de la parisienne, il n'y 
a que la perle.

Source :
Voir aussi :

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Re: two peoples separated by a common language -was {Re: [OT] Television licensing. was: Re: pptp-based vpn}

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 22:17:16 Bob Bernstein wrote:
  we Yankees are put off by
 apothecated, and begin, when we see it, to wonder if we
 have any prescriptions that need to be picked up at the good
 old apothecary.

And quite right too.

You are better proof readers than I.  I see what I know should be there.  And 
my spell checker was entirely happy.  Sorry again. :-(

I have quadruple checked hypothecated.   It is right this time.

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Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread David Wright
Quoting Lisi Reisz (
 On Sunday 09 August 2015 02:48:57 David Wright wrote:
  Quoting Lisi Reisz (
   I think I may have misunderstood.  Do you have no licence, because you
   have no TV, or not pay a Licence because you are given one?
  Hint: look at my timezone (when you're awake).
   As if I shan't have
   enough to do if my husband predeceases me, I shall have to acquire a
   paid-for TV Licence rapidly, if I am not to have their bulldogs after me.
Or I suppose that I could just get rid of the TV!!  Fast.  And watch
   iPlayer after the event.  Though not everything is available that way.
  TV Licensing is at and takes five
  minutes. However, the licence is per household so you're covered
  until the expiry date anyway. And you only need the name and address
  to check if you're covered and for how long. In theory, you can bin
  the actual licence (if they still produce them).
 I shall have to check.  But I think that you are only entitled to a free 
 licence, however long the piece of paper says, while the free licence holder 
 is alive.  Although while (s)he is alive, it does as you say cover the entire 

D'oh! (My turn). I hadn't picked up on the significance of paid-for
and just assumed that one of you paid the bills and all that sort of
thing. For the longest time, both our cars were always registered in
my wife's name because I never got round to changing it each time we
acquired a new one and I took over the older one.

 It was bound to have gone on line.  But I haven't had to pay for one for 7 
 years so didn't know that.  But I'll still have enough to worry about without 
 flipping TV licences!

AFAICT you could put the TV licence in the name of your pet rabbit; so
long as the address has one, they will not disturb you. Were you to
get rid of your TV (and let your licence expire), they would plague
you with letters until you made a declaration. (Even then they might not


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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread Some Body

On 09/08/2015 20:24, moi-meme wrote:

Le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 11:10:02 +0200, Some Body a écrit :

Tu n'as qu'à faire ça :

def quitter_b1():
variable=quelquechose fenetre.quit()

j'avais presque bon manquait les parenthèses ça ne le faisait pas.

OK ça marche !

Tu peux aussi redéfinir fenetre.quit() pour vérifier de quel bouton 
vient l'événement. Mais je pense que ma première solution est plus propre.

Je ne me souviens plus du nom de ces fonctions dans une fonction, mais 
c'est bien pratique pour gérer des interfaces graphiques.

Content d'avoir pu t'aider :)

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Re: [Sid] Conflit de dépendances : Gnome-shell ne fonctionne plu

2015-08-09 Thread Felix Defrance

Le 08/08/2015 01:16, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :
 On 07. 08. 15 22:04, Alexandre ARNAUD wrote:

 Le 07/08/2015 22:44, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Je parlais évidemment d’attendre que les paquets ne se cassent plus
 les uns les autres *avant* d’accepter de mettre à jour et de
 supprimer des paquets importants (ce qui est trop tard pour toi mais
 pouvait servir d’avertissement). Remarque, j’ai toujours un peu de
 mal à comprendre que l’on accepte une mise à jour qui fait
 désinstaller des paquets que l’on veut garder… 
 Pour être tout à fait honnête je ne regarde pas la liste des paquets
 qui vont être MAJ. Je croyais que lorsque qu'un conflit de dépendance
 arrivait apt-get serait plus intelligent et ne casserait pas le système
   Salut Alex,
   Bin en fait, non. Comme Sylvain te l'as déjà dit, tu peux utiliser
 aptitude pour obtenir une liste complète des paquets qui seront
 mis à jour (et/ou ajoutés/supprimés), ainsi que des propositions pour la
 gestion des éventuels conflits de dépendances, *avant* de lancer

Il y a aussi les paquets apt-listbugs et apt-listchanges qui sont bien
utiles lors des upgrades.

Le premier surtout, il permet de mettre en pause le processus
d'installation, juste avant l'installation effective des paquets. Le cas
échéant, il affiche les bugs connus avec les ID relatifs sur Ca m'a permit de nombreuses fois de faire le choix de
ne pas upgrader et de ne pas casser mon système.

   Sous SID, cette vérification est obligatoire, car il arrive que
 l'état des dépôts ne permette simplement pas (temporairement) de
 résoudre tous les conflits… autrement qu'en désinstallant des
 paquets. En l'état actuel, aptitude me propose (au mieux) 87
 suppressions pour éliminer les conflits, y compris la suppression
 d'aptitude ^^. Il convient donc d'annuler et d'attendre qq jours avant,
 éventuellement, d'écumer (ou d'envoyer) les rapports de bugs.
   Par contre, tu peux utiliser la commande « safe-upgrade » d'aptitude :
 $ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
 sans risquer de suppression intempestive. (voir man aptitude)
   Si ce n'est pas indiscret, je serais intéressé de savoir quel type
 d'interfaces tu utilises pour pallier le problème de vue ?
 Contrastes; loupe; synthèse vocale; braille… ? Et est-ce que GNU/Linux
 offre de bons outils ou environnements pour ça ?
   … juste par curiosité.

Félix Defrance
PGP: 0x0F04DC57

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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread David Wright
Quoting Cobra (
 I realize my interaction with the list is problematic. I am new to this, I 
 subscribe to the list itself, and I am interacting via the web page
 On that page there are only three choices I can see for replying, none of 
 have the desired effect of adding the reply to the message thread as I would 

That's odd because the links themselves have the necessary
information, viz (for my previous posting):;Subject=Re:%20Re:%20Login%20failure%20after%20new%20install;;Subject=Re:%20Re:%20Login%20failure%20after%20new%20installamp;;David
 Wright (on-list);Subject=Re:%20Re:%20Login%20failure%20after%20new%20install;David
 Wright (off-list)

 MATE worked just fine: no bizarre behavior with the DM, login works just 
 fine, and the
 GUI works as expected. I liked the MATE desktop better then GNOME 3 so I 
 the system on the original machine using MATE and all is well. So, from my 
 point of
 view the original issue is moot.

Happy to hear that.


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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 10 août 2015 à 00:31, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :

 On 09. 08. 15 23:31, Philippe Gras wrote:
 Le 9 août 2015 à 22:39, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :
 On 09. 08. 15 22:00, moi-meme wrote:
 Le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 21:30:02 +0200, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :
 RPS ça doit être comme les virgules en Grosse-nompareille.
 texte corps=Parisienne
 c'est quoi Grosse-nompareille ?
  Il a mordu ! IL A MORDU ! Il frétille encore. L'humanité n'est pas perdue. 
 C'est comme le site de Jack, qui m'a réellement laissé dubitatif :-)
  J'ai beaucoup de respect pour Moi-même (l'autre), parce qu'il n'hésite
 pas à demander, quand il ne sait pas (bien qu'il eusse peu trouver
 lui-même (par récursion)). Moi, rien que d'imaginer que je demande
 « C'est quoi le site de Jack ? » ça me fout des frissons dans le dos.

C'était dans une signature sur la liste ou celle des traducs d'aujourd'hui

ça ressemblait à une timeline de twitter, mais sans l'aspect glossy + fun

… uniquement centrée sur des rapports d'activité de Jack pour Debian.

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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Sun, 9 Aug 2015, Cobra wrote:

I am new to this,

This list is particularly welcoming to newbies.

I don’t subscribe to the list itself

Um...pray tell, why not?

Bob Bernstein

two peoples separated by a common language -was {Re: [OT] Television licensing. was: Re: pptp-based vpn}

2015-08-09 Thread Richard Owlett

Lisi Reisz wrote:


Because it's not a tax.

In effect, it is an apothecated tax.  But we are reluctant to acknowledge

I did a duckduckgo search for apothecated. I got a bunch of 
colonial dictionaries. Their definitions seemed to make no sense 
in context.

What's the Crown's definition?
P.S. I've been been fascinated by linguistics for  .5 century 
due to Latin teacher reputed to have tutored Romulus et al and an 
English teacher reciting Beowulf in original with a running 
translation [*NOTE BENE* the quotation marks ;]

Paraphrasing 'somebody', Inquiring minds want to know.

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Re: two peoples separated by a common language -was {Re: [OT] Television licensing. was: Re: pptp-based vpn}

2015-08-09 Thread David Goodenough
On Sunday 09 August 2015 15:51:10 Richard Owlett wrote:
 Lisi Reisz wrote:
  Because it's not a tax.
  In effect, it is an apothecated tax.  But we are reluctant to 
 I did a duckduckgo search for apothecated. I got a bunch of
 colonial dictionaries. Their definitions seemed to make no sense
 in context.
 What's the Crown's definition?
 P.S. I've been been fascinated by linguistics for  .5 century
 due to Latin teacher reputed to have tutored Romulus et al and an
 English teacher reciting Beowulf in original with a running
 translation [*NOTE BENE* the quotation marks ;]
 Paraphrasing 'somebody', Inquiring minds want to know.
It's not apothecated, it is hypothecated,


Re: two peoples separated by a common language -was {Re: [OT] Television licensing. was: Re: pptp-based vpn}

2015-08-09 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Sun, 9 Aug 2015, Richard Owlett wrote:

I did a duckduckgo search for apothecated.

Same here only used google, which seemed to want to make me 
understand how hypothecated should be used.

My hunch is the two words are equivalent in some vague sense 
of functionality, but clearly we Yankees are put off by 
apothecated, and begin, when we see it, to wonder if we 
have any prescriptions that need to be picked up at the good 
old apothecary.

Oh well.

Bob Bernstein

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Re: two peoples separated by a common language -was {Re: [OT] Television licensing. was: Re: pptp-based vpn}

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 21:51:10 Richard Owlett wrote:
 Lisi Reisz wrote:
  Because it's not a tax.
  In effect, it is an apothecated tax.  But we are reluctant to acknowledge

Typo and old age with recalcitrant fingers.  Also lousy proof reading.  I 
believe taht I have mentioned taht before.  Sorry. :-(


 I did a duckduckgo search for apothecated. I got a bunch of
 colonial dictionaries. Their definitions seemed to make no sense
 in context.

 What's the Crown's definition?
 P.S. I've been been fascinated by linguistics for  .5 century
 due to Latin teacher reputed to have tutored Romulus et al and an
 English teacher reciting Beowulf in original with a running
 translation [*NOTE BENE* the quotation marks ;]

 Paraphrasing 'somebody', Inquiring minds want to know.

2. to allocate the revenue raised by a tax for a specified purpose


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Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread David Wright
Quoting Lisi Reisz (
 On Sunday 09 August 2015 20:23:34 Joe wrote:
  On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 11:50:48 +0100
  Brad Rogers wrote:
   On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 06:43:15 -0400
   Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
   Hello Renaud,
   I cannot understand why the UK has not followed the other countries
   that have ditched TV licensing, and all the attending bureaucracy,
   and replaced it with a single check box on the income tax form...
   Because it's not a tax.  The money doesn't go to the govt, it goes to
   the BBC.  License revenue is still 40% (IIRC) of their revenue.
  Non-payment is a criminal offence, not a breach of contract, and is
  potentially punishable by imprisonment.
  The BBC does not have the powers of prosecution and imprisonment.
  Where the money ends up is irrelevant, it is collected by UK law,
  enforced by the UK government and courts.
  If it walks like a duck, etc., and when the government robs me, it's
  called 'tax'.

When I was a boy, the TV licence fee was taxed (called duty) by the
government at 33%.

 I agree.  A HYpothecated tax.  Unlike most hypothecated taxes, however, it is 
 actually spent on that for which it is intended.

Perhaps that's why the government is unhappy with the situation: they
hate hypothecated taxes. Here, property taxes vary by town and county,
and the sales tax varies from one side of the street to the other!


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Re: [OT] Television licensing. was: Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Huh, don't give our stick government any ideas; TV has never had a
license issue in my lifetime in AU.  And if the LNP (Liberal/National
Party - coalition or rather demolition!) ...  succeeds in screwing us
over more, it just might be on their cards :(

We have pay tv, but plenty of free to air; same goes for radio. I don't
understand people paying for Apple Music or any other similar service.
Heck, we even get a good go with TuneIn radio app  one day they may
charge for it, but it's free.  If they do, then there are plenty of free
Internet radios and plenty of free IPTV around.


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Kablolu bağlantı kablosuz arayüz üzerinden nasıl paylaşılır?

2015-08-09 Thread Serkan KURT
Merhaba. Kablolu bağlatım var ve bu bağlantıyı bilgisayarın kablosuz arayüzü 
ile paylaşmak istiyorum. Debian Jessie amd64 KDE üzerinde Network Manager ile 
birkaç şey denedim ama başaramadım. Yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim.

Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 09 Aug 2015 14:29:56 -0400 (EDT), Cobra wrote:

 The whole problem is that I have not received ANY mail in response
 to my original post.  Because my original post included my return
 email address I expected the responses would be mailed to me.  When
 none arrived by the end of the day I checked the web page:
 and found replies had been posted.  I check to see if my ISPs spam filter
 was overzealously quarantining the replies.  It was not.  With no mail message
 to reply to I proceeded to interact via the web page with the obvious
 problematic results.

Debian mailing list policy is for replies to be posted to the list only,
without a CC to the OP (original poster), unless the OP explicitly asks
for a CC.  Since you've complained about not receiving e-mails, I'll
interpret that as an implicit request for a CC.  But just this once.

Many people read the list via the web and don't want e-mails.  If you want
e-mails, you should subscribe to the list.  When you reply to an e-mail from
the list, you should change the Reply-To address to the list address,
if your e-mail client doesn't do that for you, before you send it.  Please
read this:

especially the section entitled Code of Conduct.  A couple of points from
the Code of Conduct are excerpted here:

   * When replying to messages on the mailing list, do not send a carbon copy
 (CC) to the original poster unless they explicitly request to be copied.

   * If you send messages to lists to which you are not subscribed,
 always note that fact in the body of your message.

Also, though the code of conduct does not specifically require it, we prefer
the usenet style of interleaved quoting here, not top-posting.  (I haven't
seen you top post yet, but I'm just letting you know since you're new.)


  .''`. Stephen
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread moi-meme
Le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 21:30:02 +0200, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :

 RPS ça doit être comme les virgules en Grosse-nompareille.
 texte corps=Parisienne

c'est quoi Grosse-nompareille ?

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Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Joe
On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 11:50:48 +0100
Brad Rogers wrote:

 On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 06:43:15 -0400
 Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
 Hello Renaud,
 I cannot understand why the UK has not followed the other countries
 that have ditched TV licensing, and all the attending bureaucracy,
 and replaced it with a single check box on the income tax form...
 Because it's not a tax.  The money doesn't go to the govt, it goes to
 the BBC.  License revenue is still 40% (IIRC) of their revenue.

Non-payment is a criminal offence, not a breach of contract, and is
potentially punishable by imprisonment. 

The BBC does not have the powers of prosecution and imprisonment. 

Where the money ends up is irrelevant, it is collected by UK law,
enforced by the UK government and courts.

If it walks like a duck, etc., and when the government robs me, it's
called 'tax'.


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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread Alexandre Hoïde

On 09. 08. 15 20:24, moi-meme wrote:

j'avais presque bon manquait les parenthèses ça ne le faisait pas.

OK ça marche !

PS : comme d'hab plus c'est gros plus c'est dur à trouver

RPS ça doit être comme les virgules en Grosse-nompareille.
texte corps=Parisienne

PS Bien que ce message puisse être réprouvé, au titre de son inutilité,
je plaide sa valeur aguicheuse en trait d'union.

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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Sunday 09 August 2015 13:52:05 Cobra wrote:

 I realize my interaction with the list is problematic. I am new to
 this, I don’t subscribe to the list itself, and I am interacting via
 the web page

That is your first mistake. You do not have total control over the 
formatting of the message, and I have yet to consciously note that any 
webmail app I have ever tangled with even pretended to do threading 
correctly.  I still avoid them like the plague, a decade  change after 
they convinced all the winders folks that it was somehow the cats meow.

 On that page there are only three choices I can see for replying, none
 of which have the desired effect of adding the reply to the message
 thread as I would wish.

 Relative to the actual problem I have, my point is that I am doing a
 fairly vanilla install that leads to an non-functional system. I did
 not “leave out” anything that the install wanted to include; I only
 “added” GNOME as an optional desktop.

As other have said, Gnome3 seems to be the default for Jesse.  I've not 
made that jump from wheezy yet as I prefer to let the infant mortalities 
to abate, I like a system that JUst Works(TM).

 I have tried several test installs on a different machine using
 various desktop options. KDE worked and let me login after the reboot
 but, it did have problems with the cursor being inverted and offset
 from the active pointer location making it very hard to work with.
 This cursor behavior carried over into the GUI as well. However, if
 the GUI was started from a TTY the cursor displayed properly and
 behaved normally.

Odd, but I've never paid much attention to the mouse in a tty situation 
even if I could get it to work,  That used to be easy a decade+ back in 
redhat 6.3 but died after fedora 3 IIRC.

 MATE worked just fine: no bizarre behavior with the DM, login works
 just fine, and the GUI works as expected. I liked the MATE desktop
 better then GNOME 3 so I re-installed the system on the original
 machine using MATE and all is well. So, from my point of view the
 original issue is moot.

So now it seems, if I am following this fractured thread correctly, you 
are asking a linux oriented group, to fix Apple's WebMail? I only know 
of one person I've known for nearly 3 decades who is now at Apple, and 
webmail isn't something he is involved in so I won't suggest his name.

Linux, specifically Debian, problems, someone here can probably address.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page

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Re: Artefactos al mover barras en LibreOffice 5

2015-08-09 Thread Javier Barroso
2015-08-09 13:34 GMT+02:00 Camaleón
 El Sat, 08 Aug 2015 15:35:42 -0430, Jose Maldonado escribió:

 El 08/08/15 a las 13:09, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 08 Aug 2015 12:45:47 -0430, Jose Maldonado escribió:

 El 08/08/15 a las 10:37, Camaleón escribió:


 Al final he puesto un bug en Document Foundation:

A mi también me pasa en sid + incoming, lo he puesto en el bug


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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 9 août 2015 à 22:39, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :

 On 09. 08. 15 22:00, moi-meme wrote:
 Le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 21:30:02 +0200, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :
 RPS ça doit être comme les virgules en Grosse-nompareille.
 texte corps=Parisienne
 c'est quoi Grosse-nompareille ?
  Il a mordu ! IL A MORDU ! Il frétille encore. L'humanité n'est pas perdue. ^^

C'est comme le site de Jack, qui m'a réellement laissé dubitatif :-)

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Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 20:23:34 Joe wrote:
 On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 11:50:48 +0100

 Brad Rogers wrote:
  On Sun, 9 Aug 2015 06:43:15 -0400
  Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
  Hello Renaud,
  I cannot understand why the UK has not followed the other countries
  that have ditched TV licensing, and all the attending bureaucracy,
  and replaced it with a single check box on the income tax form...
  Because it's not a tax.  The money doesn't go to the govt, it goes to
  the BBC.  License revenue is still 40% (IIRC) of their revenue.

 Non-payment is a criminal offence, not a breach of contract, and is
 potentially punishable by imprisonment.

 The BBC does not have the powers of prosecution and imprisonment.

 Where the money ends up is irrelevant, it is collected by UK law,
 enforced by the UK government and courts.

 If it walks like a duck, etc., and when the government robs me, it's
 called 'tax'.

I agree.  A HYpothecated tax.  Unlike most hypothecated taxes, however, it is 
actually spent on that for which it is intended.


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Re: two peoples separated by a common language -was {Re: [OT] Television licensing. was: Re: pptp-based vpn}

2015-08-09 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Sun, 9 Aug 2015, Lisi Reisz wrote:

I have quadruple checked hypothecated.  It is right this 

It's not as if you are a chronic or multiple offender, 
which latter adjective is in some counties preferred for 
reference to citizens who earn repeated arrests for driving 
while intoxicated, which I *imagine* to be a more serious 
offense than spelling boo-boos, but then Lord knows I am not 
an attorney, that is just my opinion, and I could be wrong.

Bob Bernstein

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Re: pptp-based vpn

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 22:41:18 David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Lisi Reisz (
  On Sunday 09 August 2015 02:48:57 David Wright wrote:
   Quoting Lisi Reisz (
As if I shan't have
enough to do if my husband predeceases me, I shall have to acquire a
paid-for TV Licence rapidly, if I am not to have their bulldogs after
me. Or I suppose that I could just get rid of the TV!!  Fast.  And
watch iPlayer after the event.  Though not everything is available
that way.
   the licence is per household so you're covered
   until the expiry date anyway.
  I shall have to check.  But I think that you are only entitled to a free
  licence, however long the piece of paper says, while the free licence
  holder is alive.

 D'oh! (My turn). I hadn't picked up on the significance of paid-for
 and just assumed that one of you paid the bills and all that sort of

Correct.  I do!  But when they said: change the name on your licence to your 
husband's and you can have it free, I said thanks and changed the name.

  It was bound to have gone on line.  But I haven't had to pay for one for
  7 years so didn't know that.  But I'll still have enough to worry about
  without flipping TV licences!

 AFAICT you could put the TV licence in the name of your pet rabbit; so
 long as the address has one, they will not disturb you. 

Yes, but, slow as they are,  I think that they just might pick up on the 
person entitled to a free licence being dead, seeing as how deaths have to be 
registered!  He'll just have to take care to let me predecease him. ;-)  Or 
wait until I qualify for a free licence myself.

 Were you to 
 get rid of your TV (and let your licence expire), they would plague
 you with letters until you made a declaration. (Even then they might not

At one stage I didn't have a television.  I assure you they don't stop!!


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Re: HS : Tkinter

2015-08-09 Thread Alexandre Hoïde

On 09. 08. 15 23:31, Philippe Gras wrote:

Le 9 août 2015 à 22:39, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :

On 09. 08. 15 22:00, moi-meme wrote:

Le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 21:30:02 +0200, Alexandre Hoïde a écrit :

RPS ça doit être comme les virgules en Grosse-nompareille.
texte corps=Parisienne

c'est quoi Grosse-nompareille ?

  Il a mordu ! IL A MORDU ! Il frétille encore. L'humanité n'est pas perdue. ^^

C'est comme le site de Jack, qui m'a réellement laissé dubitatif :-)

  J'ai beaucoup de respect pour Moi-même (l'autre), parce qu'il n'hésite
pas à demander, quand il ne sait pas (bien qu'il eusse peu trouver
lui-même (par récursion)). Moi, rien que d'imaginer que je demande
« C'est quoi le site de Jack ? » ça me fout des frissons dans le dos.

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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Martin Smith

On 09/08/2015 19:29, Cobra wrote:

The whole problem is that I have not received ANY mail in response
to my original post. Because my original post included my return
email address I expected the responses would be mailed to me. When
none arrived by the end of the day I checked the web page:

and found replies had been posted. I check to see if my ISPs spam filter
was overzealously quarantining the replies. It was not. With no mail message
to reply to I proceeded to interact via the web page with the obvious
problematic results.

As an aside, the OS X mail client does behave as described I the quoted
passage, but this only affects the display and organization of messages in
the client’s mail folders. To the best of my knowledge it does not affect the
functionality of the normal reply-to mechanics nor is it the cause of my 
with interacting with the mailing list, but I could be wrong.

I have always found that Thunderbird handles usenet much better than 
Mail, it

is almost as good as slrn.
But the world moves on doesn't it, for me Thunderbird has taken over 
from mutt and slrn

because all my day to day work gets done on this iMac.


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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 21:05:37 Stephen Powell wrote:
 Also, though the code of conduct does not specifically require it, we
 prefer the usenet style of interleaved quoting here, not top-posting.  (I
 haven't seen you top post yet, but I'm just letting you know since you're

In order to top post, you first have to quote. ;-)


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Re: OT - Particionar disco duro de 2 TB

2015-08-09 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Sun, 9 Aug 2015 17:29:13 + (UTC)
David escribió:

 Hola Linuxeros:
 Como Ubuntu está basado en Debian, es casi lo mismo pero no igual, por eso he 
 puesto OT.
 Tenia un disco duro de 1TB, con Win7, en 2010 cuando compré el equipo le 
 reduje la partición de Win7 y  cree varias particiones para 
 Le instalé Ubuntu 10.04, después la 12.04 y por último  la 14.04 en el mismo 
 disco duro del equipo, desde hace un mes he tenido problemas con el disco 
 duro, no  me montaba la partición /home y decía que no existía  pero el Win7 
 arrancaba pero desde hace 7 dias no me arranca nada ni win ni Ubunntu, yo 
 creo que es un fallo hardware del disco duro, he llevado el equipo a la 
 tienda y he dicho que si el disco duro se ha estropeado, como creo yo, que le 
 pongan uno de 2TB y le instalen Win, mi duda es la siguiente, yo en 2010 con 
 el Live-cd de Ubuntu 10.04 reduje la partición de Win7 NTFS pero era MBR, 
 ahora el disco de 2TB tendrá un sistema de particiones GPT, mi duda es:
 Con el Live-cd Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits
 1.- ¿Habrá algún problema para reducir la partición NTFS sobre tabla de 
 particiones GPT en un sistema no UEFI del 2010 y luego crear las distintas 
 particiones de Linux?, según tengo entendido con GPT no es necesario crear 
 una partición extendida para poder tener más de 4 particiones sino que sobre 
 GPT se pueden crear todas las particiones primarias sin tener el limite de 4 
 como se tiene en MBR.
 2.- ¿Seguirá funcionando Win después de haber instalado Ubuntu 14.04?
 3.- ¿El GRUB me permitirá escoger Win o Ubuntu como siempre me ha sucedido 
 con anterioridad? Con discos MBR
 4.- ¿Como me recomendáis que particione los 1.8TB que pienso destinar a 
 Ubuntu o Debian? Mi intención es dejar 200GB a Win o quizás menos. 
 5.- ¿Es peligroso tener una partición /home muy grande?, por riesgo de que se 
 estropee y pierda  todo su contenido, como parece ha sucedido con mi anterior 
 6.- ¿Qué tamaño me aconsejáis para /home? 
 7.- He pensado los siguientes tamaños
 /boot 2GB
 / 20GB
 /home el resto, pero me parece demasiado grande para una única 
 swap  1GB
 8.- Los tipos de las particiones he pensado todas “ext4”, ¿existe alguna 
 mejor o más recomendable y más segura? Para Ubuntu o Debian y un uso 
 El equipo tiene lo siguiente:
 - CPU Intel Core 2 Duo
 - Tarjeta Gráfica NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 con 1 GB  de RAM de vídeo
 - Memoria 8 GB de RAM
 - Placa Base, no me acuerdo ya que está en la tienda, pero creo que es una 
 Asus PL4 o algún nombre similar
 Un saludo y gracias por vuestra ayuda y consejos
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No es OT, te equivocaste de lista
Pregunta en la de ubuntu
Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: OT - Particionar disco duro de 2 TB

2015-08-09 Thread Juan Lavieri

El 9 de agosto de 2015, 20:40, Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus escribió:

  intentaste preguntar primero en la lista de MUGRU-BUNTU antes de

 No entiendo el afán de este sujeto de decirle Mugrubuntu a Ubuntu,
 Ubuntu studio es una distro altamente recomendable para diseño y
 multimedia, y eso no tiene nada de mugruoso, ni mugre mas que la que
 parece tener en la cabeza este trol.

 Creo que una de las fortalezas de gnu/linux en general es su
 diversidad... pero bueno, no parece que todos lo vean así.

​No solo eso, sino que me gustaría tener la estadística de los miles de
detalles que hemos corregido algunos usuarios de debian consultando
soluciones que aparecen en las listas y foros de ​ubuntu.  Se que este es
un OT, pero a veces nos salimos por completo las casillas;  por ejemplo a
Angel Claudio no le gustó la pregunta, tiene sus razones, pero expuso su
objeción con respeto, como debe ser y en esencia ambas respuestas apuntan
hacia lo mismo.  Creo que no es mucho pedir ese tipo de comportamiento.


no puedo torificar todas las conecciones con iptables

2015-08-09 Thread Alexander Villalba
En debian no he podido torificar todas las conecciones utilizando iptables
siguiendo las recomendaciones de esta página:

Asumo que si sigo todas esas recomenciones al hacer cualquier conexión a
internet esta me debería aparecer torificada con netstat -aptun tal como
cundo hago un torify  sin embargo ese no es el caso.  Mi ip real me apace
en conexiones con aplicaciones que no son tor, por ejemplo cuando hago un
apt-get install , aparece en netstat la ip real conectandose a los

Re: OT - Particionar disco duro de 2 TB

2015-08-09 Thread AlexLikeRock

intentaste preguntar primero en la lista de MUGRU-BUNTU antes de 
preguntar aqui??

software libre no significa gratis: richard m. stallman

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ipsec no trabaja

2015-08-09 Thread Alexander Villalba
He seguido las instrucciones que se dicen en esta web pero no he logrado que ipsec
trabaje en Debian.

En una appvm de Qubes con debian 8 si logre que ipsec trabajara utilizando
la misma configuración.

Me llama la atención que en modules.builtin del debian que instale no
aparezcan los modulos xfrm resposables de ipsec mientras que en el debian
de Qubes si están. Sin embargo los modulos de xfrm si aparencen en sus
directorios respectivos en ambos casos.

Re: OT - Particionar disco duro de 2 TB

2015-08-09 Thread Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus

 intentaste preguntar primero en la lista de MUGRU-BUNTU antes de preguntar

No entiendo el afán de este sujeto de decirle Mugrubuntu a Ubuntu,
Ubuntu studio es una distro altamente recomendable para diseño y
multimedia, y eso no tiene nada de mugruoso, ni mugre mas que la que
parece tener en la cabeza este trol.

Creo que una de las fortalezas de gnu/linux en general es su
diversidad... pero bueno, no parece que todos lo vean así.

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Re: Violación de segmento

2015-08-09 Thread AlexLikeRock

Al final voy a tener que hacer una copia del disco duro y reinstalar todo.
Por supuesto no pude instalar el aptitude-dbg.
Gracias y saludos

no te deverias de rendir tan rapido,
 hay soluciones para todo aqui en GNU.
 yo en una ocacion me kede sin  APT y aptitude,
y pude evitar borrar todo

vilacion de segmento me suena a un fichero dañado,

si es que no haz borrado debian
borra el cache de APT

# apt-get autoremove

# apt-get clean

si tampoco responde, abres el siguientes folders como root  borras todo 
lo quetenga dentro



software libre no significa gratis: richard m. stallman

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Re: unable to upgrade kde-full on sid

2015-08-09 Thread Peter Baranyi
On 9 August 2015 at 09:10, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

 * Peter Baranyi [2015-08-09 08:51 -0400]:

  I have a unstable debian installed and I cannot upgrade kde-full
 It seems to be a matter of the gcc-5 transition [0].


   Do you smell something burning or is it me?

 hi, yes it seems to be the case. If I try to install gcc-5, it wants to
remove 69 packages including kde-full kde-plasma-desktop kde-plasma-netbook
kde-standard kde-workspace and a lot of kde programs:

19 upgraded, 209 newly installed, 69 to remove and 392 not upgraded.

Following your link I did not find any information for users, only
developers. Do I have to wait until all packages are updated or is there
another way? I'll try to use a snapshot repo from July 31 or before.


BIND9 sous squeeze

2015-08-09 Thread Thanh Taduy
Bonjour à tous,

Je me remets à vos connaissances sur les problèmes concernant BIND, car je
pense que ce sera un jeu d'enfant pour vous.
Je suis sous Debian squeeze et j'essaie de faire la chose suivante :
J'ai un domaine qui s'appelle admettons, ce domaine possède
un certain nombre d'entrées A qui s'appellent admettons Public1,
C'est entrées sont connues publiquement, joignables de n'importe tout, et
elles sont déclarées sur un DNS externe au LAN.

Je voudrais maintenant rajouter des entrées qui seront privées (Privé1,
Privé2, ...). Ces entrées seront déclarées sur un DNS du LAN en interne. La
zone qui est déclarée sur mon DNS privé est par conséquent

Ma question est, comment dois-je écrire mon fichier name.conf ainsi que mon
fichier de zone de telle manière à ce que si quelqu'un du LAN essaie
d'atteindre un serveur Privé, le DNS interne lui résolvera le nom en local,
et si l'entrée n'est pas dans cette zone locale, le DNS transférera cette
requête vers le DNS de mon FAI.

Je vous remercie par avance de toute les suggestions que vous pouvez me
Bon dimanche

Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread David Wright
Quoting Lisi Reisz (
 On Sunday 09 August 2015 14:14:12 Cobra wrote:
  It’s no secret. In the original post I said I did a default install except
  for the inclusion of GNOME. That implies the DM is gdm and the GUI is Gnome
 I've just managed to find your thread opener, and you did in fact mention 
 GNOME.  You are quoting yourself inaccurately.  But I was unable to find it 
 before.  You appear to break the thread every time you reply, which makes the 
 thread very difficult to follow, and earlier emails very difficult to find.
 You also don't quote, so you really are very difficult to follow.

I agree: the OP really needs to quote. But I think there's a clue in
Cobra's posting as to what's going on:
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.2102)

I googled   apple mail threading   and could hardly believe the links
I found. But this takes the biscuit:

Mail (Yosemite): conversation

A grouping (or thread) of email messages. Mail uses the subject lines,
dates, senders, recipients, and other information from messages to
group them together in a conversation, so they’re easier to find and
follow. For example, Mail can group messages about a vacation trip,
sent to and from multiple people, into a single conversation.
Only the most recent message of a conversation is shown in the message
list. A number in the top message indicates how many of the
conversation's messages are in the current mailbox.

Last Modified: Nov 13, 2014

So for Apple thread is an alternative alternative term for
Conversation. Most of the other hits are about the difficulties of
making Re: work properly!


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Re: Login failure after new install

2015-08-09 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 09 August 2015 17:46:43 David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Lisi Reisz (
  On Sunday 09 August 2015 14:14:12 Cobra wrote:
   It’s no secret. In the original post I said I did a default install
   except for the inclusion of GNOME. That implies the DM is gdm and the
   GUI is Gnome 3.
  I've just managed to find your thread opener, and you did in fact
  mention GNOME.  You are quoting yourself inaccurately.  But I was unable
  to find it before.  You appear to break the thread every time you reply,
  which makes the thread very difficult to follow, and earlier emails very
  difficult to find.
  You also don't quote, so you really are very difficult to follow.

 I agree: the OP really needs to quote.

If he were to quote, even if he still continued to use Apple Mail, one could 
follow a bit of what he is on about.  But by the time I can't work out or 
sometimes remember to what he is replying, and can't refer back because I 
can't find the emails, I just can't follow.  If many of us find the same, it 
is no wonder that no-one has so far succeeded in helping him solve his 

Even Gmail doesn't seem to mess threads up quite so badly.


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Re: généalogie sous wine

2015-08-09 Thread S L
 Le 09/08/2015 19:04, alain a écrit :
 je désire faire fonctionner un logiciel de généalogie génétique 2007 dont je
 posséde le code sur un ordi portable dell qui sera réserve à cette action
 j'ai donc installé ce logiciel sous wine et le fonctionnement me paraissait
 normal (import GEDCOM visualisation d'arbre ,impression d'un rapport
 mais lorsque j'ai voulu importer un ficher PDF cela a été réalisé mais je ne
 peut pas l'éditer
 de même pour les fichiers ODT,DOC aucun affichage ne s'ouvre et un message
 d'erreur apparait
 pouvez vous m'aider?

Le 9 août 2015 19:45, Michel ANDREU a écrit :
 Il existe un logiciel de généalogie libre : Gramps ; qui n'a pas besoin de
 Wine. Normalement, tu devrais pouvoir ouvrir les fichiers de génétique
 2007 avec Gramps, qui reconnaît habituellement les formats des autres
 logiciels de généalogie.
 Michel ANDREU - Pays d'Auge
 LinuxMint LMDE Cinnamon version 2014
 Linuxien depuis janvier 2008

En voici d'autres :énéalogie
Librement, SL

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