[FairfieldLife] Re: Barry and the Mystery Cultist

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
This is worth commenting on, if for no other reason 
than it exemplifies another of the hallmark symptoms
of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

One of the things that NPD individuals are known for
is their competitiveness, and their *need* to "win,"
at least in their own minds. So what they do is to
glom onto what they think is the "ultimate argument"
in favor of their all-important subjective view, and
then repeat it ad nauseum, *demanding* that people
respond to it. They're looking for the "win," and
can't *get past* this argument they think is so
devastating and convincing. 

In this case, how many times has Judy trotted out
this trollbait now -- six or seven times? She just
can't let it go. She's literally HAVING AN 
has felt that it was worth their time dealing with
or respond to, especially the person she is still 
up at 2:00 a.m. in the morning trying to "defeat." 

But to her -- lost in an NPD inner world inside
her mind -- it's a real argument. And she's "winning,"
whether anyone ever responds to it or not. Classic

The thing is, it's even a *meaningless* argument. 
WHAT DOES IT MATTER what someone else said 
on this subject, or who said it?

Like many NPD sufferers, Judy is big on trotting out
some supposed "expert witness" (usually herself, 
and usually in cases where she has no direct exper-
ience with the subject she's declaring the "truth"
of), and feeling that this "settles things," and
is the Last Word on the subject. 

Who CARES who said this? It was probably Curtis,
because it's funny, and clearly partly tongue in
cheek. But if had been said by a Supreme Court 
Justice in a legal ruling, it *still* wouldn't
have any bearing on how I or anyone else views
Robin Carlsen, and judges him either harshly or
compassionately. We're adults, and get to make up
our *own* minds about such things.

Yet she'll keep harping on this "ultimate argument,"
trying to get someone -- anyone -- to respond to
it so that she can DECLARE VICTORY. 

How sad for her. Now we know why she lives alone
in New Jersey and is up this late still trying 
desperately to "win" an argument on the Internet.
As has been quipped, doing that is in itself a
lot like competing in the Special Olympics -- you
may win a medal, but you're still retarded. 

Judy will undoubtedly DECLARE VICTORY over this
imagined ultimate thrust in a swordfight that is
going on only in her own mind. Let us all hope
for her sake that her imagined "win" will allow 
her to finally get some sleep. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Barry has made it clear that he thinks anyone who 
> didn't find Robin's having struck his students a
> Very Bad Thing was a "die-hard cultist," and he
> has claimed that Robin's supporters were such
> cultists because we had tried to defend Robin's
> hitting behavior.
> Contrary to Barry's claim, only one person on
> FFL, in fact, has done that. Now, who could
> that be?
> Here's what this Mystery Cultist said to Robin
> the morning after Robin posted his Open Letter
> in January 2012 (it's from the ninth paragraph
> of the post). I asked Barry whether he could
> identify the Cultist from the quote:
> "There is plenty of compassion here for weird shit we
> all did in our past and this doesn't sound like such a
> big deal. There were a whole bunch of weird psychological
> 'breakthrough' cults that seem to be far worse than what
> you were running back then. If you weren't banging your
> disciples ten deep in Elvis' Graceland white panty
> parties, you come off as better than most people in your
> position of power over the entranced."
> Barry hasn't said who he thinks the Mystery
> Cultist is. Either he really has no idea--which
> is strange, since he's so obsessed with the folks
> on FFL he thinks are cultists--or for some reason
> he's reluctant to say who it is.
> I suspect it's the latter, myself.
> Take a guess. Then check out this link to the post
> in question and see whether you agree with me that
> Barry would *really* prefer that the Mystery Cultist
> remain anonymous:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/302457
> When I first posted this quote Thursday evening, BTW,
> I predicted that we would hear no more fulminating
> from Barry about "cultists" doing any "justifying" in
> connection with Robin's Open Letter.
> I was right.
> I'm going to make one more post--a repost of Robin's
> Open Letter itself--then I think this particular
> kerfuffle will be all wrapped up, and Barry will have
> to think of a new one.

[FairfieldLife] Funny titles of upaniSat's, part 1: shvetaashvatara

2013-06-29 Thread card

shveta = white (cf. Russian 'svetlyi')

ashvatara = mule; literally (comparative of a *substantive*!) 'better (-tara) 
horse (ashva)'

shvetaashvatara,  a bahuvriihi compound: (having) white mule(s). QED! 

zvetAzvataram. `" having white mules "'N. of a teacher S3vetUp. ; pl.his 
school TA1r. Sch. ; 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > Barry, you need either to spruce up your game
> > considerably, or learn to lose gracefully.
> So all of this is about "winning" and "losing"
> in your opinion?

Well, for you it's about losing, yes. When you don't
tell the truth, you lose automatically. Nobody even
has to think about "winning." All it takes for you
to lose is for somebody else to tell the truth.

> And *that* is why you're so upset and why you've used up
> half of your allotted posts for the week in one day?

You wish I were upset. What's driving you bonkers is
that you know I'm laughing at you for all the times
you've fouled up in this discussion.

> How sad for you.

Yes, let me run get my tiny violin.

Thing is, I'm having to clean up several other folks'
confusion based on all the misstatements you've made.

(Notice that Barry has had to make his own count of
my posts past the 20 in the last Post Count. He's
been keeping track of my count obsessively every week
for years.)

> [https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/q71/1010430_4262\
> 34084150685_1193759337_n.jpg]

This is a pretty good one, applies perfectly, except
it isn't about me winning, it's about you losing. Again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: Robin's Open Letter of January 2012

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> >
> > Translation:  Robin claimed he didn't hit anyone. However, 
> > if he did, it was the devil who made him do it. Is that 
> > clear enough?
> EXACTLY. You and I may have had our differences, John,
> but you just *nailed* it here.

Well, no, Barry, he didn't, as you know, because Robin
never claimed "he didn't hit anyone" in the first place.

In the second place, John is apparently unclear on the
whole sequence of events, which (as you know) makes
nonsense of what he wrote.

> The diatribe Judy reposted is a long, NPD way of saying
> "Not responsible."

And here we'll have to make allowances for Barry, because
he refused to read Robin's posts. If Robin has said once,
he's said at least a dozen times that it was his own
personality flaws that were ultimately the cause of his
misbehavior, that he was in much worse shape than anyone
he confronted (as he says in this very letter, even, "As
it would turn out, there was more wrong with me than
anyone who 'came to the microphone'"--funny how Barry
missed that), and that he takes total responsibility for
what he did during those years.

Not even a whiff of NPD there, sorry. (Oh, and what he
wrote isn't a "diatribe," unless it's against himself.)

Now compare Barry's behavior. Will he acknowledge his
latest batch of bloopers? Will he acknowledge that he
misstated the case to John above?

Of course he won't. Barry *never* takes responsibility
for his own errors and faults, much less his lies.

So Barry, what about the Mystery Cultist? Did you check
the link I provided to that quote justifying Robin's
hitting his students in the early residential gatherings
he describes in the Open Letter?

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Barry Loses.

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > This is long but pretty interesting, especially as it
> > > describes Robin's experience with his community of
> > > followers in the earlier days of his group, before he
> > > started giving public seminars.
> > > 
> > > I'm reposting it for anyone who is curious as to
> > > whether either Barry or I have misrepresented it as
> > > we have been discussing it in the thread just past.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Dear Barry Wright,
> > > 
> > > It is true that before I ever gave an official seminar I did, in fact, 
> > > apply in
> > > a more Western sense, the Zen Roshi method of shocking someone—that is, I 
> > > did on
> > > occasion, strike someone physically. Vaj said there was a video of my 
> > > acting in
> > > this way. I know that no such tape exists. And if it did (as Vaj claims) 
> > > it
> > > would be a simple matter of contradicting my avowal here. You will 
> > > naturally
> > > ask: But Robin, by denying that you did in fact strike someone during a 
> > > seminar,
> > > you are in effect implying—surely you know this—that you *never* struck 
> > > anyone.
> > > This was your intent, right, Robin?
> > > 
> > > It was not, Barry. For me to have on the one hand denied this accusation 
> > > knowing
> > > it was false—if it had been true, Vaj would be able to convince me very 
> > > easily
> > > of this—and yet, then and there, admitted that I did engage in this 
> > > practise, or
> > > rather *had* engaged in this practise, would mean disclosing something 
> > > about me
> > > which would tend to be interpreted in an entire vacuum of understanding 
> > > of just
> > > what the context of this metaphysical theatre was. I chose, since you are 
> > > so
> > > hostile and prejudiced, to withhold admitting that in fact I had struck
> > > people—on rare occasions—inside the other, more intimate and personal 
> > > context of
> > > what chronologically preceded the formal seminars. When almost all the 
> > > persons
> > > who were convinced of my enlightenment lived in the same residence. By 
> > > itself,
> > > separated from the spiritual context within which it is practised, the Zen
> > > Roshi's blow would seem primitive and brutal and outrageous. But we must 
> > > assume
> > > even Leonard Cohen accepted that this was part of the spiritual 
> > > methodology to
> > > which he was subjugating himself in having determined he had a real 
> > > Teacher. Now
> > > what I did resembled not at all what is the classic Zen Flesh Zen Bones 
> > > move.
> > > See if you can stay with me while I try to explain the context within 
> > > which this
> > > act did in fact occur. Inside a seminar setting, however, it was never 
> > > necessary
> > > or appropriate. At least this is my sincere and I believe truthful 
> > > recollection.
> > > 
> > > Now my purported enlightenment, as I came to understand it, Barry, came 
> > > about
> > > through not just my own efforts, and my devotion to the Master (Maharishi 
> > > Mahesh
> > > Yogi); it was effected by the Vedic gods, these impulses of Creative
> > > Intelligence, the devas.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Barry, you need either to spruce up your game
> considerably, or learn to lose gracefully.

So all of this is about "winning" and "losing" in your opinion?

And *that* is why you're so upset and why you've used up
half of your allotted posts for the week in one day?

How sad for you.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Minions, minions, and more minions...

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Thank you, turq, perfect ending to my birthday, just 
> finished watching Despicable Me. And yes, I love little 
> Agnes but have to admit that little Edith also has a 
> special place in my heart. As does even that silly 
> Vector. As for Miss Hattie, well I'm sure she has 
> her good points too...some where very deep down inside (-:

I figured you'd like it. Now you're set to see the
sequel, which is in many ways even better. After
all, what Gru has been needing all along is a 
girlfriend with as bizarre and hilarious a sense
of style as he has.  :-)

>  From: turquoiseb 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:16 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Minions, minions, and more minions...
> No, not here on FFL. I think that position has been filled
> with the current four suckups. But in Paris, on opening
> night, "Despicable Me 2" was great. The theater was full
> of laughing bilingual French kids. (It was shown in VOST, 
> which means "version originale, sous-titré," but I assume
> most of the kids were English-speaking because most of 
> them looked too young to read, and they were laughing
> anyway.) 
> The voices and animated mannerisms of Steve Carroll, 
> Kristin Wigg, and even (throwing a bone to those who will
> only see a movie if it has a "known TMer" in it) Russell
> Brand were wonderful. But as with its predecessor, it
> was Elsie Kate Fisher as Agnes who stole the show. 
> If you have kids, you're going to see it anyway, no matter
> what I say. If you don't, you should consider it, because
> it might help you to remember what it was like to be one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
Barry, you need either to spruce up your game
considerably, or learn to lose gracefully.

You are *always* going to lose if you don't
tell your story, whatever it may be,
straightforwardly, because lying and distortion
signal to everyone that you have no confidence
in the case you're trying to make.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> >
> > Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have 
> > struck my students, and here's the context"
> > 
> > Wouldn't that have made a lot more sense, than issuing 
> > a blanket denial?
> Why didn't Judy say, right from the start, "Yes, I
> commented on a film I had never seen. I did it because
> I already didn't like Mel Gibson, based on things I
> had read about him in the media, and thus I was pre-
> disposed to believe the author of the article I posted.
> In reality, of course, I know NOTHING about the movie
> in question, because I've never seen it."
> Years later, and she's STILL never been able to say that.
> It's just been equivocation and attempts to shift the
> blame and "get Barry" all the way down...
> > As I've said, and others as well, it's not about the 
> > hitting, it's about the cover up, or the "appearance" 
> > of lying.
> And the concerted attempt to convince people here that
> he had "changed." I and many others have never been
> convinced of this. His behavior on Fairfield Life was
> just as bullying and just as "confrontational" as
> everything we've heard of his past. His tantrums
> and long, solipsistic, NPD diatribes (up to five 
> posts and thousands of words long) were exactly like
> his reported tantrums and diatribes back then. And
> the real bottom line is that his "I'm going to take
> my ball and go home" behavior were exactly like his
> behavior back then. When he couldn't stand the real-
> world criticism 25 years ago, he ran away and hid.
> When he couldn't stand the same kinds of criticisms 
> on FFL, he did exactly the same thing. 
> > And that is why I think the comparison to Clinton is perfect.
> > 
> > If you believe that oral sex constitutes sexual relations, 
> > then you say Bill Clinton was lying. But if you don't think 
> > oral sex constitutes sexual relations, then you give him 
> > a pass.  You hold your nose, but you give him a pass.
> I think it's simpler than that, and less flattering
> to Judy. It's more like, "If you *liked* Clinton, you
> display intellectual dishonesty and give him a pass.
> If you *liked* Robin, you display intellectual 
> dishonesty and give him a pass. If you have a 
> real *crush* on Robin, you continue to defend
> him any way you can, months or years after he
> ran away to hide again."
> > The fact that Robin didn't own up to the whole picture 
> > from the start, for me shows a lack of integrity.
> Ditto with Judy and the "Apocalypto" incident. The
> fact that she STILL can't bring herself to admit
> having commented on a film she's never seen indicates
> something very WRONG in the way her mind works.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > He didn't lie. As he said:
> > > > >
> > > > > "I did not deny something I knew was true. I denied
> > > > > what I was accused of."
> > > >
> > > > Hey Judy, can you flesh this out a little. Provide some
> > > > examples where this would be a meaningful distinction?
> > >
> > > Not sure what you mean by "examples." As you know, it
> > > refers to one specific situation, and the "meaningful
> > > distinction" is inherent in the two sentences anyway.
> > >
> > > You can read them in full context in the repost I just
> > > made of Robin's Open Letter.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: Robin's Open Letter of January 2012

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> Translation:  Robin claimed he didn't hit anyone. However, 
> if he did, it was the devil who made him do it. Is that 
> clear enough?

EXACTLY. You and I may have had our differences, John,
but you just *nailed* it here. 

The diatribe Judy reposted is a long, NPD way of saying
"Not responsible." 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > This is long but pretty interesting, especially as it
> > describes Robin's experience with his community of
> > followers in the earlier days of his group, before he
> > started giving public seminars.
> > 
> > I'm reposting it for anyone who is curious as to
> > whether either Barry or I have misrepresented it as
> > we have been discussing it in the thread just past.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Dear Barry Wright,
> > 
> > It is true that before I ever gave an official seminar I did, in fact, 
> > apply in
> > a more Western sense, the Zen Roshi method of shocking someone—that is, I 
> > did on
> > occasion, strike someone physically. Vaj said there was a video of my 
> > acting in
> > this way. I know that no such tape exists. And if it did (as Vaj claims) it
> > would be a simple matter of contradicting my avowal here. You will naturally
> > ask: But Robin, by denying that you did in fact strike someone during a 
> > seminar,
> > you are in effect implying—surely you know this—that you *never* struck 
> > anyone.
> > This was your intent, right, Robin?
> > 
> > It was not, Barry. For me to have on the one hand denied this accusation 
> > knowing
> > it was false—if it had been true, Vaj would be able to convince me very 
> > easily
> > of this—and yet, then and there, admitted that I did engage in this 
> > practise, or
> > rather *had* engaged in this practise, would mean disclosing something 
> > about me
> > which would tend to be interpreted in an entire vacuum of understanding of 
> > just
> > what the context of this metaphysical theatre was. I chose, since you are so
> > hostile and prejudiced, to withhold admitting that in fact I had struck
> > people—on rare occasions—inside the other, more intimate and personal 
> > context of
> > what chronologically preceded the formal seminars. When almost all the 
> > persons
> > who were convinced of my enlightenment lived in the same residence. By 
> > itself,
> > separated from the spiritual context within which it is practised, the Zen
> > Roshi's blow would seem primitive and brutal and outrageous. But we must 
> > assume
> > even Leonard Cohen accepted that this was part of the spiritual methodology 
> > to
> > which he was subjugating himself in having determined he had a real 
> > Teacher. Now
> > what I did resembled not at all what is the classic Zen Flesh Zen Bones 
> > move.
> > See if you can stay with me while I try to explain the context within which 
> > this
> > act did in fact occur. Inside a seminar setting, however, it was never 
> > necessary
> > or appropriate. At least this is my sincere and I believe truthful 
> > recollection.
> > 
> > Now my purported enlightenment, as I came to understand it, Barry, came 
> > about
> > through not just my own efforts, and my devotion to the Master (Maharishi 
> > Mahesh
> > Yogi); it was effected by the Vedic gods, these impulses of Creative
> > Intelligence, the devas. This was shown to me in the form of a revelation 
> > once I
> > realized that my enlightenment could not be compatible with the description 
> > of
> > the universe and the human soul as taught to me by Thomas Aquinas and my
> > learning of the Catholic catechism. It was not that Catholicism forced this
> > revelation upon me; it was more the tremendous shock of having the whole 
> > context
> > I had created [or had been created *through* me] since I returned from
> > Switzerland come apart, and eventually disintegrate. Once I realized that
> > certain invisible beings had had a hand in my ultimate liberation I 
> > immediately
> > realized that these very beings were not beneficent, were not interested in 
> > my
> > happiness. *They had deceived me*.
> > 
> > From that point on, early in 1987, I became determined to vanquish my
> > enlightenment, to destroy the biochemical and intellectual basis of my Unity
> > Consciousness. I knew that if my enlightenment was an hallucination, however
> > real it was experientially, that my actions flowing from this assumed state 
> > of
> > consciousness, were also flawed, defective, and problematic. And this 
> > included
> > that infrequent instance where I would, seemingly under supernatural 
> > inspiration
> > and authority, strike someone. Why strike someone, Robin? Well, here we get 
> > to
> > the crux of the matter, Barry.
> > 
> > These same celestial beings who created my enlightenment, and then pretty 
> > much
> > inspired the context out of which I then acted—they evidently knew both the
> > inherent and unrecognized weaknesses of each individual, as well as wh

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > You can read them in full context in the repost I just
> > made of Robin's Open Letter.
> In other words, "Go back and read what I wrote before,
> Dummy."

Er, no, Barry, you screwed up again. Robin wrote Robin's
Open Letter, not moi.

Boy, you're really going through a bad time, ain'cha?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have 
> struck my students, and here's the context"
> Wouldn't that have made a lot more sense, than issuing 
> a blanket denial?

Why didn't Judy say, right from the start, "Yes, I
commented on a film I had never seen. I did it because
I already didn't like Mel Gibson, based on things I
had read about him in the media, and thus I was pre-
disposed to believe the author of the article I posted.
In reality, of course, I know NOTHING about the movie
in question, because I've never seen it."

Years later, and she's STILL never been able to say that.
It's just been equivocation and attempts to shift the
blame and "get Barry" all the way down...

> As I've said, and others as well, it's not about the 
> hitting, it's about the cover up, or the "appearance" 
> of lying.

And the concerted attempt to convince people here that
he had "changed." I and many others have never been
convinced of this. His behavior on Fairfield Life was
just as bullying and just as "confrontational" as
everything we've heard of his past. His tantrums
and long, solipsistic, NPD diatribes (up to five 
posts and thousands of words long) were exactly like
his reported tantrums and diatribes back then. And
the real bottom line is that his "I'm going to take
my ball and go home" behavior were exactly like his
behavior back then. When he couldn't stand the real-
world criticism 25 years ago, he ran away and hid.
When he couldn't stand the same kinds of criticisms 
on FFL, he did exactly the same thing. 

> And that is why I think the comparison to Clinton is perfect.
> If you believe that oral sex constitutes sexual relations, 
> then you say Bill Clinton was lying. But if you don't think 
> oral sex constitutes sexual relations, then you give him 
> a pass.  You hold your nose, but you give him a pass.

I think it's simpler than that, and less flattering
to Judy. It's more like, "If you *liked* Clinton, you
display intellectual dishonesty and give him a pass.
If you *liked* Robin, you display intellectual 
dishonesty and give him a pass. If you have a 
real *crush* on Robin, you continue to defend
him any way you can, months or years after he
ran away to hide again."

> The fact that Robin didn't own up to the whole picture 
> from the start, for me shows a lack of integrity.

Ditto with Judy and the "Apocalypto" incident. The
fact that she STILL can't bring herself to admit
having commented on a film she's never seen indicates
something very WRONG in the way her mind works.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > >
> > > > He didn't lie. As he said:
> > > >
> > > > "I did not deny something I knew was true. I denied
> > > > what I was accused of."
> > >
> > > Hey Judy, can you flesh this out a little. Provide some
> > > examples where this would be a meaningful distinction?
> >
> > Not sure what you mean by "examples." As you know, it
> > refers to one specific situation, and the "meaningful
> > distinction" is inherent in the two sentences anyway.
> >
> > You can read them in full context in the repost I just
> > made of Robin's Open Letter.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > 
> > > He didn't lie. As he said:
> > >
> > > "I did not deny something I knew was true. I denied
> > > what I was accused of."
> > 
> > Hey Judy, can you flesh this out a little.  Provide some
> > examples where this would be a meaningful distinction?
> Not sure what you mean by "examples." As you know, it
> refers to one specific situation, and the "meaningful
> distinction" is inherent in the two sentences anyway.
> You can read them in full context in the repost I just
> made of Robin's Open Letter.

In other words, "Go back and read what I wrote before,

Another way of saying, "I HAVE SPOKEN. The matter is
closed, because *I* have declared it closed."

You get a lot of this from people suffering from
Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- declaring their
subjective experience "reality," and expecting 
people to buy it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27

Thanks. (-:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
> Good to hear, Steve.
> I like you, your posts. I was only trying to annoyingly put attention
on something that has way too much attention.
> If I was to post a bunch of crap that happened around my life on here,
it would become the same. Controversial, entertaining, fun, stupid and
eventually annoying.
> Toasted ravioli's I honestly did not check out that link. ha.
> Maybe I could make some from home?
> Glad to see you back in good spirits. :)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> >
> >
> > Good news. I've got a better understanding of the situation and am
> > to move on. I'm sorry if the process didn't move along at your
> > prescribed time table. Perhaps I can do better next time.
> >
> > P.S. If you ever come to St. Louis, I recommend you try the toasted
> > raviolis. We seem to be the only place you can get them. Be sure to
> > get some extra parmesan cheese and extra marinara sauce.
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
> > >
> > > Ahh, nothing like a little animation to the alleged story, here,
> > and girls. Let's go deeper into the rabbit hole
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDxgvMHCDXA
> > >
> > > Stop, Steve! This whole thing is looking ridicules to us all and
> > you say, I am not Shakespeare, (Don't have a dick, like you say that
> > am infatuated with.) the draining of time and place on a subject to
> > prove what? About someone not even posting here anymore...you must
> > to desire to see that person post again. I can't take it anymore!
> > Steve! Stop! Please!
> > > Go after Nabby at least, because he will at least attempt to
> > and maybe even through in a really nice song or two from the way
> > machine. You sir, are picking on a man who is not present. If he
> > dead, than that is fair game too, to contemplate the what was, has
> > aspects.
> > > Become that nice person you were before. Be the husband, the
> > the man with a life. Please don't let us down to think if we all had
> > life as grand as yours, we would be posting here on FFL? :)
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have struck
> > > > > > my students, and here's the context"
> > > > >
> > > > > Two reasons. One, he was accused of striking his students
> > > > > in a very specific context in which he believed he had not
> > > > > done so; and two--well, you'll need to read the Open Letter
> > > > > for that reason.
> > > >
> > > > Why not clarify it at the outset? Someone makes a rather serious
> > > > charge, why not take the time at that moment to set the record
> > straight.
> > > > If, as he says, the truth was going to come out, address it in a
> > > > pre-emptive fashion. He offers some rationale for why he did not
> > > > that, and leaves it to others to decide if this indicated
> > on
> > > > his part, or a lack of integrity.
> > > >
> > > > From the open letter:
> > > >
> > > > When Vaj first accused me of hitting someone at a seminar, I
knew it
> > was
> > > > not
> > > > true. After all, many persons were there for the first time. Had
> > done
> > > > what I
> > > > was accused of, a majority of those who had never before
attended a
> > > > seminar
> > > > would have walked out. I don't remember a single person leaving
> > > > seminar.
> > > >
> > > > It was just not ripe for me to explain all this. I did not deny
> > > > something I knew
> > > > was true. I denied what I was accused of. And knew, probably,
> > eventually
> > > > the
> > > > truth would come out, which might have the appearance of my
> > at
> > > > the very
> > > > least equivocated on this matter. But my conscience is clear. I
> > never
> > > > hesitated
> > > > for a moment in knowing it was premature of me to on the one
> > deny
> > > > having
> > > > done what I was accused of in one context—which was true: I
> > not
> > > > strike
> > > > anyone during a seminar—while at the same time feeling an
> > obligation
> > > > to
> > > > acknowledge that this indeed did in fact happen—on rare
> > > > occasions—in a quite
> > > > different and more intimate context.
> > > >
> > > > I will leave it to the readers of FFL to determine whether I am
> > morally
> > > > culpable
> > > > in having acted as I have.
> > > >
> > > > And this part, from an earlier part of the open letter, were his
> > reasons
> > > > for the striking. So why not just address the issue since it had
> > been
> > > > raised rather than giving, at least, the "appearance" of trying
> > > > conceal it.
> > > >
> > > > But h

[FairfieldLife] Re: Barry and the Mystery Cultist

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> Indeed, I had not followed the whole discussion, it was the
> first post in the thread you had mentioned. I do not even
> remember if I read the post when it was originally posted
> by Ann. I vaguely remember something of that thread. What I
> thought was most interesting about it was Robin not really
> liking to touch people or being touched. My interest is not
> much in this striking business, but what his state of mind
> was then, and what it might be now.

And you find the fact that he didn't like to touch or
be touched 30-some years ago, and whether he still
doesn't, of interest why?

You know what, Xeno? I'm much more interested in *your*
"state of mind." I find your obsessive fascination with
Robin's current "state of mind" (i.e., sanity)--your
attempt to find a way to publicly pin a psychiatric
diagnosis on him--more than a little unhealthy. And the
sneaky way you go about it is just plain creepy.

Now, what about the Mystery Cultist?

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > I guess you missed where this post of Ann's was discussed
> > at some length in the recent discussion, Xeno, huh? Too bad;
> > you thought you had discovered something that was being kept
> > under wraps.
> > 
> > Now, any ideas about who the Mystery Cultist might be that
> > I quoted, the one person here who actually tried to excuse
> > Robin's striking his students in the private setting before
> > there were any seminars?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Barry and the Mystery Cultist

2013-06-29 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
Indeed, I had not followed the whole discussion, it was the first post in the 
thread you had mentioned. I do not even remember if I read the post when it was 
originally posted by Ann. I vaguely remember something of that thread. What I 
thought was most interesting about it was Robin not really liking to touch 
people or being touched. My interest is not much in this striking business, but 
what his state of mind was then, and what it might be now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> I guess you missed where this post of Ann's was discussed
> at some length in the recent discussion, Xeno, huh? Too bad;
> you thought you had discovered something that was being kept
> under wraps.
> Now, any ideas about who the Mystery Cultist might be that
> I quoted, the one person here who actually tried to excuse
> Robin's striking his students in the private setting before
> there were any seminars?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"  
> wrote:
> >
> > The following is the text from post #302425 posted by Ann on Jan 22, 2012:
> > -
> > 
> > OK, this subject of seminars and physical violence seems to be a very 
> > important one for some of you. I am going to include a quote I received 
> > today from my newly-connected friend/FFL lurker/former Robin follower who 
> > has given me permission to use part of her email to me. She has been 
> > following my posts and obviously saw that I was going to address this 
> > subject tonight. She is an avid FFL follower as I told you before. We shall 
> > call her GL. You should also know that she is no apologist for Robin but 
> > was a Canadian involved very early on with Robin's Victoria days.
> > 
> >  I want to start with this incident she outlines in her email because 
> > chronologically it is the first real seminar setting which took place in FF 
> > back in 1982. It is the session when Lavern was allegedly struck by Robin. 
> > It is fortunate GL emailed me what she did otherwise I could tell you 
> > nothing of the incident as I was not there, I had not yet attended any 
> > Robin gathering. It is the seminar I told you my friend had attended and 
> > had piqued my interest in Robin initially. But I digress.
> > 
> >  Here is the excerpt from GL's email to me regarding the event:
> >  Dear Ann,
> >  Here's what I remember about 'hitting' or not. I think R's account Jan.17 
> > was about right, message# 302057 (his last post). Were you in Fairfield in 
> > summer of 1982? Somewhere in the bottom of my storage boxes is a videotape 
> > of the Fairfield incident. (I was there, on the video crew.) I don't 
> > remember who else was on stage, who hit Lavern on the shoulder/back. One of 
> > R's devoted assistants, I have a couple of ideas, but don't want to name 
> > here. He said it was an accident, he turned and accidentally made contact 
> > with her, or was trying to keep her from falling off the edge of the 
> > platform. oops! It was a shock for all of us. R was furious, and found a 
> > way to somehow incorporate the incident into the bigger unfolding story of 
> > Fairfield. 
> > 
> >  Now I am not sure, because I don't have the will or the stamina to go 
> > through the long list of posts dealing with the hitting issues, why this is 
> > such a hot topic or by who(m?) it has been brought up (but I am guessing 
> > perhaps Vaj) or even what the exact questions regarding hitting are. So 
> > bear with me and may I assume it is a simple question like," Did Robin ever 
> > make physical contact with a confrontee that could be described as assault 
> > ?" Hopefully that is close enough. The simple answer is, "Yes, I saw Robin 
> > make/imply physical contact with a confrontee that could be described as 
> > assault."
> > 
> >  There is something you first need to know about Robin in the old days. He 
> > abhorred being touched or touching people (at least the people I know). He 
> > used a silk cloth to sit on, especially in public places, he would often 
> > have a wet cloth handed to him after making contact with his hand with 
> > someone on stage. It was so rare to get a touch from Robin that it was 
> > considered a great honour to have him lay a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
> > 
> >  I have witnessed so many confrontations they must number in the hundreds. 
> > They could arise during a meal, a walk or in the far more formal setting of 
> > a taped seminar. I missed virtually nothing as I was a permanent fixture as 
> > one of two camera operators. Hours and hours standing behind a big tripod 
> > my eye to the viewfinder watching every second with our switcher in the 
> > back punching between cameras for optimal camera angles.
> > 
> >  Assault • figurative attack or bombard (someone or the senses) with 
> > something undesirable or unpleasant.
> >  My dictionary gave me this definition so let's run with it. 
> > 
> >  Confrontation was not that fun. Trust me on this. It co

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption

2013-06-29 Thread Michael Jackson
well I was not a TM meditator till 1974 and didn't know there was anything 
untoward about TM till about 1987 so I missed some stuff

 From: Mike Dixon 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption

Dude where have you been?

From: Michael Jackson 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Damn! I never heard of that incident either.

From: Mike Dixon 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Oh yeah, it happened. I just don't remember who it was. I'm thinking Billy 
Clayton, who became a skin- boy later. Maybe that was the *pay back* for doing 
the master's bidding.That was the same course that John and Yoko came to kidnap 
Yoko's daughter from a previous marriage, that was there with her father.

From: Michael Jackson 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
I would love to know.

From: Mike Dixon 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Was it Billy Clayton that got busted trying to smuggle course fees(Cash) out of 
Majorca to Switzerland in a suit case about '71 or '72?

From: John 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 6:47 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Lawson,  We don't know if that is the case in Italy today.  They'll have to 
interrogate this official to find out who ordered the operation, for what 
purpose, and for how long has this been going on.  This case could make Dan 
Brown's new novel a factual tale, which I have not read yet.  --- In 
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote: 
> The only incident I heard of was in Spain many decades ago at a time when, if 
> a company or organization was NOT doing that, they were plain stupid. Some 
> countries have had a triple digit inflation rate relatively recently. Not 
> sure if Spain was one of them, but when I was there in 1980 or thereabouts, 
> they had national police with submachine guns at ever major street corner in 
> anticipation of riots due to the closing of the national banks. 
> L 
> --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  
> wrote: 
> > 
> > He should have talked to Girish and marshy's other kin folk - I hear the 
> > Movement people did that crap all the time and got away with it. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> >  From: John  
> > To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com > > Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 
> > 1:12 PM 
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > He tried to bring in millions of euros in cash from Switzerland without 
> > going through customs.  Further investigation of this case could disclose 
> > many ugly details.  One wonders how many mistresses this crook is keeping 
> > by stealing from the church coffers. 
> > 
> > This is a case of Jupiter turning into a malefic.  When it does, it steals 
> > millions through organized crime. 
> > 
> > http://news.yahoo.com/vatican-official-arrested-corruption-plot-075720910.html
> >  > > 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trampoline Video by RD

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
This little gal sure is a winner. You must be just
bursting your buttons, raunchy.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Juliette won 3rd Place Sub-Advanced Girls Age 8, United States Trampoline & 
> Tumbling Association National Championships, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
> http://youtu.be/R7rMywzoQlU

[FairfieldLife] Re: Barry and the Mystery Cultist

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
I guess you missed where this post of Ann's was discussed
at some length in the recent discussion, Xeno, huh? Too bad;
you thought you had discovered something that was being kept
under wraps.

Now, any ideas about who the Mystery Cultist might be that
I quoted, the one person here who actually tried to excuse
Robin's striking his students in the private setting before
there were any seminars?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> The following is the text from post #302425 posted by Ann on Jan 22, 2012:
> -
> OK, this subject of seminars and physical violence seems to be a very 
> important one for some of you. I am going to include a quote I received today 
> from my newly-connected friend/FFL lurker/former Robin follower who has given 
> me permission to use part of her email to me. She has been following my posts 
> and obviously saw that I was going to address this subject tonight. She is an 
> avid FFL follower as I told you before. We shall call her GL. You should also 
> know that she is no apologist for Robin but was a Canadian involved very 
> early on with Robin's Victoria days.
>  I want to start with this incident she outlines in her email because 
> chronologically it is the first real seminar setting which took place in FF 
> back in 1982. It is the session when Lavern was allegedly struck by Robin. It 
> is fortunate GL emailed me what she did otherwise I could tell you nothing of 
> the incident as I was not there, I had not yet attended any Robin gathering. 
> It is the seminar I told you my friend had attended and had piqued my 
> interest in Robin initially. But I digress.
>  Here is the excerpt from GL's email to me regarding the event:
>  Dear Ann,
>  Here's what I remember about 'hitting' or not. I think R's account Jan.17 
> was about right, message# 302057 (his last post). Were you in Fairfield in 
> summer of 1982? Somewhere in the bottom of my storage boxes is a videotape of 
> the Fairfield incident. (I was there, on the video crew.) I don't remember 
> who else was on stage, who hit Lavern on the shoulder/back. One of R's 
> devoted assistants, I have a couple of ideas, but don't want to name here. He 
> said it was an accident, he turned and accidentally made contact with her, or 
> was trying to keep her from falling off the edge of the platform. oops! It 
> was a shock for all of us. R was furious, and found a way to somehow 
> incorporate the incident into the bigger unfolding story of Fairfield. 
>  Now I am not sure, because I don't have the will or the stamina to go 
> through the long list of posts dealing with the hitting issues, why this is 
> such a hot topic or by who(m?) it has been brought up (but I am guessing 
> perhaps Vaj) or even what the exact questions regarding hitting are. So bear 
> with me and may I assume it is a simple question like," Did Robin ever make 
> physical contact with a confrontee that could be described as assault ?" 
> Hopefully that is close enough. The simple answer is, "Yes, I saw Robin 
> make/imply physical contact with a confrontee that could be described as 
> assault."
>  There is something you first need to know about Robin in the old days. He 
> abhorred being touched or touching people (at least the people I know). He 
> used a silk cloth to sit on, especially in public places, he would often have 
> a wet cloth handed to him after making contact with his hand with someone on 
> stage. It was so rare to get a touch from Robin that it was considered a 
> great honour to have him lay a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
>  I have witnessed so many confrontations they must number in the hundreds. 
> They could arise during a meal, a walk or in the far more formal setting of a 
> taped seminar. I missed virtually nothing as I was a permanent fixture as one 
> of two camera operators. Hours and hours standing behind a big tripod my eye 
> to the viewfinder watching every second with our switcher in the back 
> punching between cameras for optimal camera angles.
>  Assault • figurative attack or bombard (someone or the senses) with 
> something undesirable or unpleasant.
>  My dictionary gave me this definition so let's run with it. 
>  Confrontation was not that fun. Trust me on this. It could be an assault on 
> the senses, yelling or just having to hear what you did not want to hear. And 
> in one case I remember there was what I believe to be an assault on the body, 
> by Robin. I only remember it as an assault because the result was that the 
> confrontee's eyeglasses were broken. The glasses fell off of the confrontee's 
> face and hit the ground and were broken. I do not know if they were broken 
> while still on this man's face or broke when they hit the ground. I remember 
> feeling very shocked and very sad because this was Robin's best, oldest male 
> friend and the vulnerability of this man standing there with his eyeglasses 
> shattered at his

[FairfieldLife] Sadhus of Arunachala

2013-06-29 Thread Richard
Here is a pictorial of Arunachala sadhus. Enjoy!



[FairfieldLife] Re: Why does YF need muscle power?

2013-06-29 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
>> [...]
 Even at its most extreme, I always took the rhetoric about the TM-Sidhis 
 as concerning control or mastery, or at least working with the laws of 
 nature, not defeating them.
>>> It's the same thing Lawson, defeating gravity is the same as 
>>> mastering it, it no longer affects you.
>> Affects you differently might be more accurate.
 MMY used to say that the laws of nature in the vicinity of our planet were 
 stupid and needed to be woken up [by group meditation and group practice 
 of the TM-Sidhis]. 
>>> The laws "in the vicinity" of our planet are stupid? He clearly never
>>> studied physics like he claimed then, for they are the same everywhere.
>> The "laws of nature" are the devas, in Maharishi-speak. When they aren't 
>> dealt with appropriately, the behavior of the devas defaults to the laws of 
>> physics and so on. When they are dealt with appropriately, they can be 
>> reasoned with, or coaxed, or something, to behave in ways different than 
>> their default mode of conduct.
>> Or something.
> Or something, yes. I sense we shouldn't be relying on these
> guys for our science updates.
>> L
There is waking, dreaming, sleeping, and in meditation, TC. Any of these four 
can cross over each other in meditation. Some individuals have more leakage 
between these states than others, if some current research is correct. What 
happens if the mind is crossing between waking and dreaming and TC and 
something is introduced such as a conscious thought (I am relying on others 
here for the description of TM's sanyama)?

There is one other situation in which waking and sleeping and dreaming cross 
over, and that is sleepwalking, and people have been reported to have done some 
rather astonishing things in this state. Could sanyama be a deliberate 
technique to foster this state?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Barry and the Mystery Cultist

2013-06-29 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
The following is the text from post #302425 posted by Ann on Jan 22, 2012:

OK, this subject of seminars and physical violence seems to be a very important 
one for some of you. I am going to include a quote I received today from my 
newly-connected friend/FFL lurker/former Robin follower who has given me 
permission to use part of her email to me. She has been following my posts and 
obviously saw that I was going to address this subject tonight. She is an avid 
FFL follower as I told you before. We shall call her GL. You should also know 
that she is no apologist for Robin but was a Canadian involved very early on 
with Robin's Victoria days.

 I want to start with this incident she outlines in her email because 
chronologically it is the first real seminar setting which took place in FF 
back in 1982. It is the session when Lavern was allegedly struck by Robin. It 
is fortunate GL emailed me what she did otherwise I could tell you nothing of 
the incident as I was not there, I had not yet attended any Robin gathering. It 
is the seminar I told you my friend had attended and had piqued my interest in 
Robin initially. But I digress.

 Here is the excerpt from GL's email to me regarding the event:
 Dear Ann,
 Here's what I remember about 'hitting' or not. I think R's account Jan.17 was 
about right, message# 302057 (his last post). Were you in Fairfield in summer 
of 1982? Somewhere in the bottom of my storage boxes is a videotape of the 
Fairfield incident. (I was there, on the video crew.) I don't remember who else 
was on stage, who hit Lavern on the shoulder/back. One of R's devoted 
assistants, I have a couple of ideas, but don't want to name here. He said it 
was an accident, he turned and accidentally made contact with her, or was 
trying to keep her from falling off the edge of the platform. oops! It was a 
shock for all of us. R was furious, and found a way to somehow incorporate the 
incident into the bigger unfolding story of Fairfield. 

 Now I am not sure, because I don't have the will or the stamina to go through 
the long list of posts dealing with the hitting issues, why this is such a hot 
topic or by who(m?) it has been brought up (but I am guessing perhaps Vaj) or 
even what the exact questions regarding hitting are. So bear with me and may I 
assume it is a simple question like," Did Robin ever make physical contact with 
a confrontee that could be described as assault ?" Hopefully that is close 
enough. The simple answer is, "Yes, I saw Robin make/imply physical contact 
with a confrontee that could be described as assault."

 There is something you first need to know about Robin in the old days. He 
abhorred being touched or touching people (at least the people I know). He used 
a silk cloth to sit on, especially in public places, he would often have a wet 
cloth handed to him after making contact with his hand with someone on stage. 
It was so rare to get a touch from Robin that it was considered a great honour 
to have him lay a gentle hand on your shoulder. 

 I have witnessed so many confrontations they must number in the hundreds. They 
could arise during a meal, a walk or in the far more formal setting of a taped 
seminar. I missed virtually nothing as I was a permanent fixture as one of two 
camera operators. Hours and hours standing behind a big tripod my eye to the 
viewfinder watching every second with our switcher in the back punching between 
cameras for optimal camera angles.

 Assault • figurative attack or bombard (someone or the senses) with something 
undesirable or unpleasant.
 My dictionary gave me this definition so let's run with it. 

 Confrontation was not that fun. Trust me on this. It could be an assault on 
the senses, yelling or just having to hear what you did not want to hear. And 
in one case I remember there was what I believe to be an assault on the body, 
by Robin. I only remember it as an assault because the result was that the 
confrontee's eyeglasses were broken. The glasses fell off of the confrontee's 
face and hit the ground and were broken. I do not know if they were broken 
while still on this man's face or broke when they hit the ground. I remember 
feeling very shocked and very sad because this was Robin's best, oldest male 
friend and the vulnerability of this man standing there with his eyeglasses 
shattered at his feet was deep enough to stick in my memory. I can not say if 
there was real force involved and there certainly wasn't blood and I can not 
even say if there was contact or just implied contact and the confrontee moved 
his head quickly and the glasses spun off. But to me this was an assault 
because in that moment a man appeared shattered along with his glasses. And at 
the time I did not understand why it had to be.

 So I am sorry to have to disappoint anyone hoping for a real knock down drag 
'em out expose. Robin simply did not punch or kick or throw people around. He 
was not a physically violent man. No 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Zimmerman trial - So, it's all about race

2013-06-29 Thread Mike Dixon
It's been political from the get- go. This has been a lame attempt at 
rehabilitating the unfortunate image of many young black males in America 
today. "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon". The media has pushed the 
image of a younger, more wholesome, clean-cut Trayvon being racially profiled 
by a *white*, oops, *white Hispanic* vigilante. NBC was caught , red-handed, 
editing 911 tapes in an attempt to make Zimmerman's motives look racially 
charged. At the same time,the media only shows us photos of Martin some 4 -5 
years younger, less intimidating, no *grill*,no mention of his reputation for 
fighting or drug use. The facts coming out in the trial are showing why 
Zimmerman was not charged in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, it's the 
media that is on trial and I find them guilty of misuse of the facts to promote 
a political agenda.


 From: Richard J. Williams 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 6:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Zimmerman trial - So, it's all about race
"We don't believe the focus was really race" - Martin 
Family Attorney

"That's a remarkable statement to come from the Martin 
legal team, since race is the only reason we're having 
this trial at all. 

Everyone from the Martin family's lawyers, to the 
professional grievance industry, to characters like the 
New Black Panther Party was busy whipping up riot 
conditions and treating Zimmerman as a fugitive from 
racial justice, which led to filmmaker Spike Lee 
endangering the lives of an innocent couple that just 
happened to be named 'Zimmerman.' 

And there's a good reason the media referred to 
Zimmerman as 'white' until photos of him finally leaked 
out, and they had to change it to 'white Hispanic,' a 
very special demographic of which George Zimmerman 
seems to remain the only high-profile member."

'The focus most certainly is race at the Zimmerman trial'


[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Videos Showing Destruction in Kedarnath; Interpretations of Bhagavad Gita

2013-06-29 Thread wleed3

--- Begin Message ---
Title: IndiaDivine

Videos Showing Destruction in Kedarnath 
The following videos show some of the destruction that occurred in Kedarnath due to flash floods. The first two videos are filmed by Raghubeer Bisth who was staying at the Kedarnath helipad when the destruction hit. He has uploaded a video showing the initial heavy rain at the helipad, as well as a video walking through the Kedarnath town a couple days after the destruction.
 ... Read Article  Interpretations of Bhagavad Gita 
[ by Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, originally published circa 1948 ]

It has become a luxurious fashion of the day, along with the progress of material civilization, that everyone can make his interpretation of the great Indian philosophy called the Bhagavad-gita. This concise form of Vedic knowledge, known as the Gitopanisad, is acknowledged by all sections of transcendental scholars, in India especially, as the cream of all Upanisads and that of Vedanta-sutras also. Scholars and acaryas... Read Article   
 This newsletter is sent to 258,573 subscribers. To subscribe, please visit: http://www.indiadivine.com/newsletter/index.php?action="" /> To unsubscribe, please visit: http://www.indiadivine.com/newsletter/index.php?action="">

--- End Message ---

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread obbajeeba

Good to hear, Steve. 
I like you, your posts. I was only trying to annoyingly put attention on 
something that has way too much attention.
If I was to post a bunch of crap that happened around my life on here, it would 
become the same. Controversial, entertaining, fun, stupid and eventually 
Toasted ravioli's I honestly did not check out that link. ha.
Maybe I could make some from home?

Glad to see you back in good spirits. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> Good news. I've got a better understanding of the situation and am ready
> to move on.  I'm sorry if the process didn't move along at your
> prescribed time table.   Perhaps I can do better next time.
> P.S. If you ever come to St. Louis, I recommend you try the toasted
> raviolis.  We seem to be the only place you can get them.  Be sure to
> get some extra parmesan cheese and extra marinara sauce.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
> >
> > Ahh, nothing like a little animation to the alleged story, here, boys
> and girls. Let's go deeper into the rabbit hole
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDxgvMHCDXA
> >
> > Stop, Steve! This whole thing is looking ridicules to us all and as
> you say, I am not Shakespeare, (Don't have a dick, like you say that I
> am infatuated with.) the draining of time and place on a subject to
> prove what? About someone not even posting here anymore...you must want
> to desire to see that person post again. I can't take it anymore! Stop!
> Steve! Stop! Please!
> > Go after Nabby at least, because he will at least attempt to rebuttal
> and maybe even through in a really nice song or two from the way back
> machine. You sir, are picking on a man who is not present. If he were
> dead, than that is fair game too, to contemplate the what was, has been
> aspects.
> > Become that nice person you were before. Be the husband, the father,
> the man with a life. Please don't let us down to think if we all had a
> life as grand as yours, we would be posting here on FFL? :)
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have struck
> > > > > my students, and here's the context"
> > > >
> > > > Two reasons. One, he was accused of striking his students
> > > > in a very specific context in which he believed he had not
> > > > done so; and two--well, you'll need to read the Open Letter
> > > > for that reason.
> > >
> > > Why not clarify it at the outset? Someone makes a rather serious
> > > charge, why not take the time at that moment to set the record
> straight.
> > > If, as he says, the truth was going to come out, address it in a
> > > pre-emptive fashion. He offers some rationale for why he did not do
> > > that, and leaves it to others to decide if this indicated integrity
> on
> > > his part, or a lack of integrity.
> > >
> > > From the open letter:
> > >
> > > When Vaj first accused me of hitting someone at a seminar, I knew it
> was
> > > not
> > > true. After all, many persons were there for the first time. Had I
> done
> > > what I
> > > was accused of, a majority of those who had never before attended a
> > > seminar
> > > would have walked out. I don't remember a single person leaving a
> > > seminar.
> > >
> > > It was just not ripe for me to explain all this. I did not deny
> > > something I knew
> > > was true. I denied what I was accused of. And knew, probably,
> eventually
> > > the
> > > truth would come out, which might have the appearance of my having
> at
> > > the very
> > > least equivocated on this matter. But my conscience is clear. I
> never
> > > hesitated
> > > for a moment in knowing it was premature of me to on the one hand
> deny
> > > having
> > > done what I was accused of in one context—which was true: I did
> not
> > > strike
> > > anyone during a seminar—while at the same time feeling an
> obligation
> > > to
> > > acknowledge that this indeed did in fact happen—on rare
> > > occasions—in a quite
> > > different and more intimate context.
> > >
> > > I will leave it to the readers of FFL to determine whether I am
> morally
> > > culpable
> > > in having acted as I have.
> > >
> > > And this part, from an earlier part of the open letter, were his
> reasons
> > > for the striking. So why not just address the issue since it had
> been
> > > raised rather than giving, at least, the "appearance" of trying to
> > > conceal it.
> > >
> > > But he evidently had his reasons for letting it play out the way it
> did,
> > > so I will respect that.
> > >
> > > If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful
> representation of
> > > themselves through the malice of this fallen angel that they were in
> > > fact
> > > defending or upholding the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Old? Shrii yantra crop circle!

2013-06-29 Thread Share Long
These were also wonderful to see on my birthday, Nabby, thank you. I had some 
favorites too.

 From: nablusoss1008 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 4:59 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Old? Shrii yantra crop circle!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> Is this perchance a hoax?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KliBRinZHJA

Difficult to say but it could be a hoax. They are certainly not Crop Circles as 
there is no crops in the desert. Real ones here:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Minions, minions, and more minions...

2013-06-29 Thread Share Long
Thank you, turq, perfect ending to my birthday, just finished watching 
Despicable Me. And yes, I love little Agnes but have to admit that little Edith 
also has a special place in my heart. As does even that silly Vector. As for 
Miss Hattie, well I'm sure she has her good points too...some where very deep 
down inside (-:

 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:16 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Minions, minions, and more minions...

No, not here on FFL. I think that position has been filled
with the current four suckups. But in Paris, on opening
night, "Despicable Me 2" was great. The theater was full
of laughing bilingual French kids. (It was shown in VOST, 
which means "version originale, sous-titré," but I assume
most of the kids were English-speaking because most of 
them looked too young to read, and they were laughing

The voices and animated mannerisms of Steve Carroll, 
Kristin Wigg, and even (throwing a bone to those who will
only see a movie if it has a "known TMer" in it) Russell
Brand were wonderful. But as with its predecessor, it
was Elsie Kate Fisher as Agnes who stole the show. 

If you have kids, you're going to see it anyway, no matter
what I say. If you don't, you should consider it, because
it might help you to remember what it was like to be one.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27

Good news. I've got a better understanding of the situation and am ready
to move on.  I'm sorry if the process didn't move along at your
prescribed time table.   Perhaps I can do better next time.

P.S. If you ever come to St. Louis, I recommend you try the toasted
raviolis.  We seem to be the only place you can get them.  Be sure to
get some extra parmesan cheese and extra marinara sauce.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
> Ahh, nothing like a little animation to the alleged story, here, boys
and girls. Let's go deeper into the rabbit hole
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDxgvMHCDXA
> Stop, Steve! This whole thing is looking ridicules to us all and as
you say, I am not Shakespeare, (Don't have a dick, like you say that I
am infatuated with.) the draining of time and place on a subject to
prove what? About someone not even posting here anymore...you must want
to desire to see that person post again. I can't take it anymore! Stop!
Steve! Stop! Please!
> Go after Nabby at least, because he will at least attempt to rebuttal
and maybe even through in a really nice song or two from the way back
machine. You sir, are picking on a man who is not present. If he were
dead, than that is fair game too, to contemplate the what was, has been
> Become that nice person you were before. Be the husband, the father,
the man with a life. Please don't let us down to think if we all had a
life as grand as yours, we would be posting here on FFL? :)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have struck
> > > > my students, and here's the context"
> > >
> > > Two reasons. One, he was accused of striking his students
> > > in a very specific context in which he believed he had not
> > > done so; and two--well, you'll need to read the Open Letter
> > > for that reason.
> >
> > Why not clarify it at the outset? Someone makes a rather serious
> > charge, why not take the time at that moment to set the record
> > If, as he says, the truth was going to come out, address it in a
> > pre-emptive fashion. He offers some rationale for why he did not do
> > that, and leaves it to others to decide if this indicated integrity
> > his part, or a lack of integrity.
> >
> > From the open letter:
> >
> > When Vaj first accused me of hitting someone at a seminar, I knew it
> > not
> > true. After all, many persons were there for the first time. Had I
> > what I
> > was accused of, a majority of those who had never before attended a
> > seminar
> > would have walked out. I don't remember a single person leaving a
> > seminar.
> >
> > It was just not ripe for me to explain all this. I did not deny
> > something I knew
> > was true. I denied what I was accused of. And knew, probably,
> > the
> > truth would come out, which might have the appearance of my having
> > the very
> > least equivocated on this matter. But my conscience is clear. I
> > hesitated
> > for a moment in knowing it was premature of me to on the one hand
> > having
> > done what I was accused of in one context—which was true: I did
> > strike
> > anyone during a seminar—while at the same time feeling an
> > to
> > acknowledge that this indeed did in fact happen—on rare
> > occasions—in a quite
> > different and more intimate context.
> >
> > I will leave it to the readers of FFL to determine whether I am
> > culpable
> > in having acted as I have.
> >
> > And this part, from an earlier part of the open letter, were his
> > for the striking. So why not just address the issue since it had
> > raised rather than giving, at least, the "appearance" of trying to
> > conceal it.
> >
> > But he evidently had his reasons for letting it play out the way it
> > so I will respect that.
> >
> > If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful
representation of
> > themselves through the malice of this fallen angel that they were in
> > fact
> > defending or upholding the integrity of themselves in resisting the
> > beneficent
> > and merciful inspiration of my enlightenment—consciously as it
> > or
> > unconsciously colluding with the fallen angel—I might, on
> > shock that
> > person out of such an identification. And this took the form
> > of
> > striking them. Maybe in total 4 or 5 persons were struck. I hardly
> > it was
> > more than this. And this was not something that happened on a
> > basis. It
> > was in extremis. But we shall see if this testimony is contradicted
> > someone
> > who was there.
> >
> > This was not anger, punishment, retaliation, ritualistic violence.
> > was an
> > inspired—and much resisted (I hated it)—response in me in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trampoline Video by RD

2013-06-29 Thread obbajeeba
Fabulous!  Thanks for sharing!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> Juliette won 3rd Place Sub-Advanced Girls Age 8, United States Trampoline & 
> Tumbling Association National Championships, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
> http://youtu.be/R7rMywzoQlU

[FairfieldLife] Trampoline Video by RD

2013-06-29 Thread raunchydog
Juliette won 3rd Place Sub-Advanced Girls Age 8, United States Trampoline & 
Tumbling Association National Championships, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread obbajeeba
Ahh, nothing like a little animation to the alleged story, here, boys and 
girls. Let's go deeper into the rabbit hole 

Stop, Steve!  This whole thing is looking ridicules to us all and as you say, I 
am not Shakespeare, (Don't have a dick, like you say that I am infatuated 
with.) the draining of time and place on a subject to prove what? About someone 
not even posting here anymore...you must want to desire to see that person post 
again. I can't take it anymore! Stop! Steve! Stop!  Please!  
Go after Nabby at least, because he will at least attempt to rebuttal and maybe 
even through in a really nice song or two from the way back machine. You sir, 
are picking on a man who is not present. If he were dead, than that is fair 
game too, to contemplate the what was, has been aspects. 
Become that nice person you were before. Be the husband, the father, the man 
with a life. Please don't let us down to think if we all had a life as grand as 
yours, we would be posting here on FFL? :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have struck
> > > my students, and here's the context"
> >
> > Two reasons. One, he was accused of striking his students
> > in a very specific context in which he believed he had not
> > done so; and two--well, you'll need to read the Open Letter
> > for that reason.
> Why not clarify it at the outset?  Someone makes a rather serious
> charge, why not take the time at that moment to set the record straight.
> If, as he says, the truth was going to come out, address it in a
> pre-emptive fashion.  He offers some rationale for why he did not do
> that, and leaves it to others to decide if this indicated integrity on
> his part, or a lack of integrity.
> From the open letter:
> When Vaj first accused me of hitting someone at a seminar, I knew it was
> not
> true. After all, many persons were there for the first time. Had I done
> what I
> was accused of, a majority of those who had never before attended a
> seminar
> would have walked out. I don't remember a single person leaving a
> seminar.
> It was just not ripe for me to explain all this. I did not deny
> something I knew
> was true. I denied what I was accused of. And knew, probably, eventually
> the
> truth would come out, which might have the appearance of my having at
> the very
> least equivocated on this matter. But my conscience is clear. I never
> hesitated
> for a moment in knowing it was premature of me to on the one hand deny
> having
> done what I was accused of in one context—which was true: I did not
> strike
> anyone during a seminar—while at the same time feeling an obligation
> to
> acknowledge that this indeed did in fact happen—on rare
> occasions—in a quite
> different and more intimate context.
> I will leave it to the readers of FFL to determine whether I am morally
> culpable
> in having acted as I have.
> And this part, from an earlier part of the open letter, were his reasons
> for the striking.  So why not just address the issue since it had been
> raised rather than giving, at least, the "appearance" of trying to
> conceal it.
> But he evidently had his reasons for letting it play out the way it did,
> so I will respect that.
> If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful representation of
> themselves through the malice of this fallen angel that they were in
> fact
> defending or upholding the integrity of themselves in resisting the
> beneficent
> and merciful inspiration of my enlightenment—consciously as it were,
> or
> unconsciously colluding with the fallen angel—I might, on occasion
> shock that
> person out of such an identification. And this took the form sometimes
> of
> striking them. Maybe in total 4 or 5 persons were struck. I hardly think
> it was
> more than this. And this was not something that happened on a regular
> basis. It
> was in extremis. But we shall see if this testimony is contradicted by
> someone
> who was there.
> This was not anger, punishment, retaliation, ritualistic violence. It
> was an
> inspired—and much resisted (I hated it)—response in me in order
> to facilitate
> the process whereby a person could experience liberation—even
> momentarily—from
> their trance caused by their being identified with the particular fallen
> angel
> which had been chosen somehow to present this formidable and ultimate
> existential challenge to this person's soul, and their whole sense of
> who they
> really were.
> Now I have come, in having repudiated and deconstructed my
> enlightenment, to see
> that once I became enlightened on that mountain above Arosa, that my
> perception
> had been played such that I could only apprehend each human being in
> terms of
> this cosmic 

[FairfieldLife] Knock, knock, Das State has its "eyes" on Prairie Dog Willy

2013-06-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

BRB (be right back), the FBI is at the door. LoL!

> > Episode 1 of the adventures of our "competent" NSA:
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHz7iYMqSZQ
> > episode 2:
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA_nM1k5B2g
> > 
> > Those who have worked for the government will note 
> > accurate depiction of a higher up government bureaucrat.
> >
> So, this is what you do on Saturday night. LoL!
> emptybill:
> > > > Yep, I used your real name in the subject line.
> > > >
> > > 'Willytex' isn't my real name. LoL!
> > >
> > > > Oh ... the outrage, the outrage.
> > > >
> > > You're too late. Barry already attempted to shun
> > > and shame me on Usenet by posting my real name.
> > >
> > > Steve Perino posted the url of my place of employ.
> > >
> > > John Manning trolled to my place of employ and
> > > copied a photo of me and posted it to alt.m.t.
> > >
> > > So, what? I'm retired now so you can't get me
> > > fired, Asscracker.
> > >
> > > What's really funny about this is that I had
> > > already posted my real name and where I worked.
> > >
> > > LoL!
> > >
> > > Are you with Anonymous anymore? Apparently you
> > > don't even know what 'lulz' means. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] My real name, was Das State has its "eyes" on Prairie Dog Willy

2013-06-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Episode 1 of the adventures of our "competent" NSA:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHz7iYMqSZQ
> episode 2:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA_nM1k5B2g
> Those who have worked for the government will note 
> accurate depiction of a higher up government bureaucrat.
So, this is what you do on Saturday night. LoL!

> > > Yep, I used your real name in the subject line.
> > >
> > 'Willytex' isn't my real name. LoL!
> >
> >> Oh ... the outrage, the outrage.
> >>
> > You're too late. Barry already attempted to shun
> > and shame me on Usenet by posting my real name.
> >
> > Steve Perino posted the url of my place of employ.
> >
> > John Manning trolled to my place of employ and
> > copied a photo of me and posted it to alt.m.t.
> >
> > So, what? I'm retired now so you can't get me
> > fired, Asscracker.
> >
> > What's really funny about this is that I had
> > already posted my real name and where I worked.
> >
> > LoL!
> >
> > Are you with Anonymous anymore? Apparently you
> > don't even know what 'lulz' means. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Zimmerman trial - So, it's all about race

2013-06-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
"We don't believe the focus was really race" - Martin 
Family Attorney

"That's a remarkable statement to come from the Martin 
legal team, since race is the only reason we're having 
this trial at all. 

Everyone from the Martin family's lawyers, to the 
professional grievance industry, to characters like the 
New Black Panther Party was busy whipping up riot 
conditions and treating Zimmerman as a fugitive from 
racial justice, which led to filmmaker Spike Lee 
endangering the lives of an innocent couple that just 
happened to be named 'Zimmerman.' 

And there's a good reason the media referred to 
Zimmerman as 'white' until photos of him finally leaked 
out, and they had to change it to 'white Hispanic,' a 
very special demographic of which George Zimmerman 
seems to remain the only high-profile member."

'The focus most certainly is race at the Zimmerman trial'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Das State has its "eyes" on Bhairitu

2013-06-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Also got a kick out of this video satire about how 
> > Americans are manipulated by the government:
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OvG62F_A2Wk
> >
> On the same general theme of government manipulation,
> savor this from Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who lost both legs
> in combat in Iraq. She is questioning a man whose business
> received $500 million in government contracts because it 
> was a small business purportedly owned by a disabled vet.
> His disability was a twisted ankle playing football in prep
> school. His VA disabled rating is probably legal.
> If you can't be bothered to sit through the questioning,
> tune in at about 4:50 for her windup. Best put on your
> flame-retardant suit:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rPOKm20wP4s
In this country, the government can't just monitor 
your constitutionally  protected activities—like gun 
ownership—just because it wants to.

"...if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have 
to worry about it,' turns us into a police state." 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Das State has its "eyes" on Prairie Dog Willy

2013-06-29 Thread Bhairitu
Episode 1 of the adventures of our "competent" NSA:
episode 2:

Those who have worked for the government will note accurate depiction of 
a higher up government bureaucrat.

On 06/29/2013 05:50 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> emptybill:
>> Yep, I used your real name in the subject line.
> 'Willytex' isn't my real name. LoL!
>> Oh ... the outrage, the outrage.
> You're too late. Barry already attempted to shun
> and shame me on Usenet by posting my real name.
> Steve Perino posted the url of my place of employ.
> John Manning trolled to my place of employ and
> copied a photo of me and posted it to alt.m.t.
> So, what? I'm retired now so you can't get me
> fired, Asscracker.
> What's really funny about this is that I had
> already posted my real name and where I worked.
> LoL!
> Are you with Anonymous anymore? Apparently you
> don't even know what 'lulz' means. Go figure.
 Das State has its "eyes" on Bhairitu

>>> You fuk*n nerd - you're not supposed to post somebody's
>>> name in the subject line of your post, insinuating that
>>> he is being watched by the police. This is slander and
>>> an attempt to smear. LULZ!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption

2013-06-29 Thread Mike Dixon
Dude where have you been?


 From: Michael Jackson 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Damn! I never heard of that incident either.

 From: Mike Dixon 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Oh yeah, it happened. I just don't remember who it was. I'm thinking Billy 
Clayton, who became a skin- boy later. Maybe that was the *pay back* for doing 
the master's bidding.That was the same course that John and Yoko came to kidnap 
Yoko's daughter from a previous marriage, that was there with her father.

 From: Michael Jackson 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
I would love to know.

 From: Mike Dixon 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Was it Billy Clayton that got busted trying to smuggle course fees(Cash) out of 
Majorca to Switzerland in a suit case about '71 or '72?

 From: John 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 6:47 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Lawson,  We don't know if that is the case in Italy today.  They'll have to 
interrogate this official to find out who ordered the operation, for what 
purpose, and for how long has this been going on.  This case could make Dan 
Brown's new novel a factual tale, which I have not read yet.  --- In 
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote: 
> The only incident I heard of was in Spain many decades ago at a time when, if 
> a company or organization was NOT doing that, they were plain stupid. Some 
> countries have had a triple digit inflation rate relatively recently. Not 
> sure if Spain was one of them, but when I was there in 1980 or thereabouts, 
> they had national police with submachine guns at ever major street corner in 
> anticipation of riots due to the closing of the national banks. 
> L 
> --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  
> wrote: 
> > 
> > He should have talked to Girish and marshy's other kin folk - I hear the 
> > Movement people did that crap all the time and got away with it. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> >  From: John  
> > To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com > > Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 
> > 1:12 PM 
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > He tried to bring in millions of euros in cash from Switzerland without 
> > going through customs.  Further investigation of this case could disclose 
> > many ugly details.  One wonders how many mistresses this crook is keeping 
> > by stealing from the church coffers. 
> > 
> > This is a case of Jupiter turning into a malefic.  When it does, it steals 
> > millions through organized crime. 
> > 
> > http://news.yahoo.com/vatican-official-arrested-corruption-plot-075720910.html
> >  > > 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Das State has its "eyes" on Bhairitu

2013-06-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > One of the favorite tactics of internet pranksters is to
> > 'raid a forum or site, essentially overwhelm it with
> > negative rants in large numbers just for kicks - lulz.
> >
> > Thank God respondents are allowed only 50 posts per week
> > on Yahoo! FFL or else we'd be hacked and shut down by
> > the pirates and the hackers.
> >
> > According to what I've read on 4chan /b/, Anonymous will
> > conduct a major DDoS, even bigger than the attack on the
> > Church of Scientology: Project Chanology, soon.
> >
> I don't think FFL or the TMO is even remotely on 
> Anonymous's radar. You have nothing to fear, Willy.
It's not me that I'm worried about, it's Yahoo that might
get hit, and then you won't have a discussion group to 
post to for at least a day or two! That will probably drive 
you black hat crackers wild. 

Don't worry about me - I'm moving to Sonoma and buying a 
pot farm with my retirement package and my inheritance.
You can contact me at the Santa Rosa Starbucks - look
for the guy in the black T-shirt with the PowerBook -
the guy with the grin on his face. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
He did have his reasons, and he explains them in his letter.
It's good of you to have read the letter and to respect his
reasons; I can't imagine he'd ask any more of you than that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have struck
> > > my students, and here's the context"
> >
> > Two reasons. One, he was accused of striking his students
> > in a very specific context in which he believed he had not
> > done so; and two--well, you'll need to read the Open Letter
> > for that reason.
> Why not clarify it at the outset?  Someone makes a rather serious
> charge, why not take the time at that moment to set the record straight.
> If, as he says, the truth was going to come out, address it in a
> pre-emptive fashion.  He offers some rationale for why he did not do
> that, and leaves it to others to decide if this indicated integrity on
> his part, or a lack of integrity.
> From the open letter:
> When Vaj first accused me of hitting someone at a seminar, I knew it was
> not
> true. After all, many persons were there for the first time. Had I done
> what I
> was accused of, a majority of those who had never before attended a
> seminar
> would have walked out. I don't remember a single person leaving a
> seminar.
> It was just not ripe for me to explain all this. I did not deny
> something I knew
> was true. I denied what I was accused of. And knew, probably, eventually
> the
> truth would come out, which might have the appearance of my having at
> the very
> least equivocated on this matter. But my conscience is clear. I never
> hesitated
> for a moment in knowing it was premature of me to on the one hand deny
> having
> done what I was accused of in one context—which was true: I did not
> strike
> anyone during a seminar—while at the same time feeling an obligation
> to
> acknowledge that this indeed did in fact happen—on rare
> occasions—in a quite
> different and more intimate context.
> I will leave it to the readers of FFL to determine whether I am morally
> culpable
> in having acted as I have.
> And this part, from an earlier part of the open letter, were his reasons
> for the striking.  So why not just address the issue since it had been
> raised rather than giving, at least, the "appearance" of trying to
> conceal it.
> But he evidently had his reasons for letting it play out the way it did,
> so I will respect that.
> If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful representation of
> themselves through the malice of this fallen angel that they were in
> fact
> defending or upholding the integrity of themselves in resisting the
> beneficent
> and merciful inspiration of my enlightenment—consciously as it were,
> or
> unconsciously colluding with the fallen angel—I might, on occasion
> shock that
> person out of such an identification. And this took the form sometimes
> of
> striking them. Maybe in total 4 or 5 persons were struck. I hardly think
> it was
> more than this. And this was not something that happened on a regular
> basis. It
> was in extremis. But we shall see if this testimony is contradicted by
> someone
> who was there.
> This was not anger, punishment, retaliation, ritualistic violence. It
> was an
> inspired—and much resisted (I hated it)—response in me in order
> to facilitate
> the process whereby a person could experience liberation—even
> momentarily—from
> their trance caused by their being identified with the particular fallen
> angel
> which had been chosen somehow to present this formidable and ultimate
> existential challenge to this person's soul, and their whole sense of
> who they
> really were.
> Now I have come, in having repudiated and deconstructed my
> enlightenment, to see
> that once I became enlightened on that mountain above Arosa, that my
> perception
> had been played such that I could only apprehend each human being in
> terms of
> this cosmic battle between good and evil. Now I am able to see each
> person
> absolutely on their own, without respect to 'the demonic'. And therefore
> I am
> sorry for all that I did which amounted to being determined by this
> hallucination. Which especially included on occasion trying to shock the
> person
> out of his or her identification with the fallen angel which was
> tormenting and
> deceiving them, even if they appeared oblivious to this truth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Das State has its "eyes" on Prairie Dog Willy

2013-06-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Yep, I used your real name in the subject line.
'Willytex' isn't my real name. LoL!

> Oh ... the outrage, the outrage.
You're too late. Barry already attempted to shun 
and shame me on Usenet by posting my real name.

Steve Perino posted the url of my place of employ.

John Manning trolled to my place of employ and
copied a photo of me and posted it to alt.m.t.

So, what? I'm retired now so you can't get me 
fired, Asscracker. 

What's really funny about this is that I had
already posted my real name and where I worked. 


Are you with Anonymous anymore? Apparently you 
don't even know what 'lulz' means. Go figure.

> > > Das State has its "eyes" on Bhairitu
> > >
> > You fuk*n nerd - you're not supposed to post somebody's
> > name in the subject line of your post, insinuating that
> > he is being watched by the police. This is slander and
> > an attempt to smear. LULZ!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> >
> > Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have struck
> > my students, and here's the context"
> Two reasons. One, he was accused of striking his students
> in a very specific context in which he believed he had not
> done so; and two--well, you'll need to read the Open Letter
> for that reason.

Why not clarify it at the outset?  Someone makes a rather serious
charge, why not take the time at that moment to set the record straight.
If, as he says, the truth was going to come out, address it in a
pre-emptive fashion.  He offers some rationale for why he did not do
that, and leaves it to others to decide if this indicated integrity on
his part, or a lack of integrity.

>From the open letter:

When Vaj first accused me of hitting someone at a seminar, I knew it was
true. After all, many persons were there for the first time. Had I done
what I
was accused of, a majority of those who had never before attended a
would have walked out. I don't remember a single person leaving a

It was just not ripe for me to explain all this. I did not deny
something I knew
was true. I denied what I was accused of. And knew, probably, eventually
truth would come out, which might have the appearance of my having at
the very
least equivocated on this matter. But my conscience is clear. I never
for a moment in knowing it was premature of me to on the one hand deny
done what I was accused of in one context—which was true: I did not
anyone during a seminar—while at the same time feeling an obligation
acknowledge that this indeed did in fact happen—on rare
occasions—in a quite
different and more intimate context.

I will leave it to the readers of FFL to determine whether I am morally
in having acted as I have.

And this part, from an earlier part of the open letter, were his reasons
for the striking.  So why not just address the issue since it had been
raised rather than giving, at least, the "appearance" of trying to
conceal it.

But he evidently had his reasons for letting it play out the way it did,
so I will respect that.

If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful representation of
themselves through the malice of this fallen angel that they were in
defending or upholding the integrity of themselves in resisting the
and merciful inspiration of my enlightenment—consciously as it were,
unconsciously colluding with the fallen angel—I might, on occasion
shock that
person out of such an identification. And this took the form sometimes
striking them. Maybe in total 4 or 5 persons were struck. I hardly think
it was
more than this. And this was not something that happened on a regular
basis. It
was in extremis. But we shall see if this testimony is contradicted by
who was there.

This was not anger, punishment, retaliation, ritualistic violence. It
was an
inspired—and much resisted (I hated it)—response in me in order
to facilitate
the process whereby a person could experience liberation—even
their trance caused by their being identified with the particular fallen
which had been chosen somehow to present this formidable and ultimate
existential challenge to this person's soul, and their whole sense of
who they
really were.

Now I have come, in having repudiated and deconstructed my
enlightenment, to see
that once I became enlightened on that mountain above Arosa, that my
had been played such that I could only apprehend each human being in
terms of
this cosmic battle between good and evil. Now I am able to see each
absolutely on their own, without respect to 'the demonic'. And therefore
I am
sorry for all that I did which amounted to being determined by this
hallucination. Which especially included on occasion trying to shock the
out of his or her identification with the fallen angel which was
tormenting and
deceiving them, even if they appeared oblivious to this truth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Old? Shrii yantra crop circle!

2013-06-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Is this perchance a hoax?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KliBRinZHJA

"It wasn't. it took them quite a few days,
working in the hot sun. I just took a while
before the National Guard pilot noticed it.
I know the guys involved and see them
regularly to this day: Bill Witherspoon,
Bob Hoerlein, Mark Petrick, I think Michael
Cain, a few others. I've seen photos of them
working on the project. I believe in aliens
and tend to believe they are involved in
many of the crop circles, but they weren't
involved in the Oregon yantra."


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 30-Jun-13 00:15:01 UTC

2013-06-29 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 06/29/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 07/06/13 00:00:00
103 messages as of (UTC) 06/29/13 23:59:53

20 authfriend 
11 seventhray27 
 9 turquoiseb 
 7 Bhairitu 
 6 Michael Jackson 
 5 doctordumbass
 5 Share Long 
 5 John 
 4 obbajeeba 
 4 Ravi Chivukula 
 4 Mike Dixon 
 4 Buck 
 4 Alex Stanley 
 3 laughinggull108 
 3 card 
 2 nablusoss1008 
 2 emptybill 
 2 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 1 sparaig 
 1 raunchydog 
 1 Richard J. Williams 
Posters: 21
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] You are bought and sold by your masters every day - slave!

2013-06-29 Thread emptybill


[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: Robin's Open Letter of January 2012

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> Translation:  Robin claimed he didn't hit anyone.  However,
> if he did, it was the devil who made him do it.  Is that
> clear enough?

No, because that isn't what he said at all. My goodness,
I really didn't think any *more* confusion could be
injected into this discussion.

> JR
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > This is long but pretty interesting, especially as it
> > describes Robin's experience with his community of
> > followers in the earlier days of his group, before he
> > started giving public seminars.
> > 
> > I'm reposting it for anyone who is curious as to
> > whether either Barry or I have misrepresented it as
> > we have been discussing it in the thread just past.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Dear Barry Wright,
> > 
> > It is true that before I ever gave an official seminar I did, in fact, 
> > apply in
> > a more Western sense, the Zen Roshi method of shocking someone—that is, I 
> > did on
> > occasion, strike someone physically. Vaj said there was a video of my 
> > acting in
> > this way. I know that no such tape exists. And if it did (as Vaj claims) it
> > would be a simple matter of contradicting my avowal here. You will naturally
> > ask: But Robin, by denying that you did in fact strike someone during a 
> > seminar,
> > you are in effect implying—surely you know this—that you *never* struck 
> > anyone.
> > This was your intent, right, Robin?
> > 
> > It was not, Barry. For me to have on the one hand denied this accusation 
> > knowing
> > it was false—if it had been true, Vaj would be able to convince me very 
> > easily
> > of this—and yet, then and there, admitted that I did engage in this 
> > practise, or
> > rather *had* engaged in this practise, would mean disclosing something 
> > about me
> > which would tend to be interpreted in an entire vacuum of understanding of 
> > just
> > what the context of this metaphysical theatre was. I chose, since you are so
> > hostile and prejudiced, to withhold admitting that in fact I had struck
> > people—on rare occasions—inside the other, more intimate and personal 
> > context of
> > what chronologically preceded the formal seminars. When almost all the 
> > persons
> > who were convinced of my enlightenment lived in the same residence. By 
> > itself,
> > separated from the spiritual context within which it is practised, the Zen
> > Roshi's blow would seem primitive and brutal and outrageous. But we must 
> > assume
> > even Leonard Cohen accepted that this was part of the spiritual methodology 
> > to
> > which he was subjugating himself in having determined he had a real 
> > Teacher. Now
> > what I did resembled not at all what is the classic Zen Flesh Zen Bones 
> > move.
> > See if you can stay with me while I try to explain the context within which 
> > this
> > act did in fact occur. Inside a seminar setting, however, it was never 
> > necessary
> > or appropriate. At least this is my sincere and I believe truthful 
> > recollection.
> > 
> > Now my purported enlightenment, as I came to understand it, Barry, came 
> > about
> > through not just my own efforts, and my devotion to the Master (Maharishi 
> > Mahesh
> > Yogi); it was effected by the Vedic gods, these impulses of Creative
> > Intelligence, the devas. This was shown to me in the form of a revelation 
> > once I
> > realized that my enlightenment could not be compatible with the description 
> > of
> > the universe and the human soul as taught to me by Thomas Aquinas and my
> > learning of the Catholic catechism. It was not that Catholicism forced this
> > revelation upon me; it was more the tremendous shock of having the whole 
> > context
> > I had created [or had been created *through* me] since I returned from
> > Switzerland come apart, and eventually disintegrate. Once I realized that
> > certain invisible beings had had a hand in my ultimate liberation I 
> > immediately
> > realized that these very beings were not beneficent, were not interested in 
> > my
> > happiness. *They had deceived me*.
> > 
> > From that point on, early in 1987, I became determined to vanquish my
> > enlightenment, to destroy the biochemical and intellectual basis of my Unity
> > Consciousness. I knew that if my enlightenment was an hallucination, however
> > real it was experientially, that my actions flowing from this assumed state 
> > of
> > consciousness, were also flawed, defective, and problematic. And this 
> > included
> > that infrequent instance where I would, seemingly under supernatural 
> > inspiration
> > and authority, strike someone. Why strike someone, Robin? Well, here we get 
> > to
> > the crux of the matter, Barry.
> > 
> > These same celestial beings who created my enlightenment, and then pretty 
> > much
> > inspired the context out of which I then acted—they evidently knew both the
> > inherent and unrecognized weaknesses of each individual, as well as what th

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have struck
> my students, and here's the context"

Two reasons. One, he was accused of striking his students
in a very specific context in which he believed he had not
done so; and two--well, you'll need to read the Open Letter
for that reason.

> Wouldn't that have made a lot more sense, than issuing a
> blanket denial?

He didn't issue a blanket denial. Steve, you really aren't
going to get this if you haven't read the posts and don't
remember what the situation was. Especially if you depend
on what Barry says.

> As I've said, and others as well, it's not about the hitting, it's about
> the cover up, or the "appearance" of lying.
> And that is why I think the comparison to Clinton is perfect.
> If you believe that oral sex constitutes sexual relations, then you say
> Bill Clinton was lying.  But if you don't think oral sex constitutes
> sexual relations, then you give him a pass.  You hold your nose, but you
> give him a pass.
> The fact that Robin didn't own up to the whole picture from the start,
> for me shows a lack of integrity.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > >
> > > > He didn't lie. As he said:
> > > >
> > > > "I did not deny something I knew was true. I denied
> > > > what I was accused of."
> > >
> > > Hey Judy, can you flesh this out a little. Provide some
> > > examples where this would be a meaningful distinction?
> >
> > Not sure what you mean by "examples." As you know, it
> > refers to one specific situation, and the "meaningful
> > distinction" is inherent in the two sentences anyway.
> >
> > You can read them in full context in the repost I just
> > made of Robin's Open Letter.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: Robin's Open Letter of January 2012

2013-06-29 Thread John
Translation:  Robin claimed he didn't hit anyone.  However, if he did, it was 
the devil who made him do it.  Is that clear enough?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> This is long but pretty interesting, especially as it
> describes Robin's experience with his community of
> followers in the earlier days of his group, before he
> started giving public seminars.
> I'm reposting it for anyone who is curious as to
> whether either Barry or I have misrepresented it as
> we have been discussing it in the thread just past.
> Dear Barry Wright,
> It is true that before I ever gave an official seminar I did, in fact, apply 
> in
> a more Western sense, the Zen Roshi method of shocking someone—that is, I did 
> on
> occasion, strike someone physically. Vaj said there was a video of my acting 
> in
> this way. I know that no such tape exists. And if it did (as Vaj claims) it
> would be a simple matter of contradicting my avowal here. You will naturally
> ask: But Robin, by denying that you did in fact strike someone during a 
> seminar,
> you are in effect implying—surely you know this—that you *never* struck 
> anyone.
> This was your intent, right, Robin?
> It was not, Barry. For me to have on the one hand denied this accusation 
> knowing
> it was false—if it had been true, Vaj would be able to convince me very easily
> of this—and yet, then and there, admitted that I did engage in this practise, 
> or
> rather *had* engaged in this practise, would mean disclosing something about 
> me
> which would tend to be interpreted in an entire vacuum of understanding of 
> just
> what the context of this metaphysical theatre was. I chose, since you are so
> hostile and prejudiced, to withhold admitting that in fact I had struck
> people—on rare occasions—inside the other, more intimate and personal context 
> of
> what chronologically preceded the formal seminars. When almost all the persons
> who were convinced of my enlightenment lived in the same residence. By itself,
> separated from the spiritual context within which it is practised, the Zen
> Roshi's blow would seem primitive and brutal and outrageous. But we must 
> assume
> even Leonard Cohen accepted that this was part of the spiritual methodology to
> which he was subjugating himself in having determined he had a real Teacher. 
> Now
> what I did resembled not at all what is the classic Zen Flesh Zen Bones move.
> See if you can stay with me while I try to explain the context within which 
> this
> act did in fact occur. Inside a seminar setting, however, it was never 
> necessary
> or appropriate. At least this is my sincere and I believe truthful 
> recollection.
> Now my purported enlightenment, as I came to understand it, Barry, came about
> through not just my own efforts, and my devotion to the Master (Maharishi 
> Mahesh
> Yogi); it was effected by the Vedic gods, these impulses of Creative
> Intelligence, the devas. This was shown to me in the form of a revelation 
> once I
> realized that my enlightenment could not be compatible with the description of
> the universe and the human soul as taught to me by Thomas Aquinas and my
> learning of the Catholic catechism. It was not that Catholicism forced this
> revelation upon me; it was more the tremendous shock of having the whole 
> context
> I had created [or had been created *through* me] since I returned from
> Switzerland come apart, and eventually disintegrate. Once I realized that
> certain invisible beings had had a hand in my ultimate liberation I 
> immediately
> realized that these very beings were not beneficent, were not interested in my
> happiness. *They had deceived me*.
> From that point on, early in 1987, I became determined to vanquish my
> enlightenment, to destroy the biochemical and intellectual basis of my Unity
> Consciousness. I knew that if my enlightenment was an hallucination, however
> real it was experientially, that my actions flowing from this assumed state of
> consciousness, were also flawed, defective, and problematic. And this included
> that infrequent instance where I would, seemingly under supernatural 
> inspiration
> and authority, strike someone. Why strike someone, Robin? Well, here we get to
> the crux of the matter, Barry.
> These same celestial beings who created my enlightenment, and then pretty much
> inspired the context out of which I then acted—they evidently knew both the
> inherent and unrecognized weaknesses of each individual, as well as what the
> Western Tradition represented in terms of individuation of one's experience
> through a true existential willingness to allow life to 'make' one's
> soul:—Also—*this is the key point, Barry*—these same celestial beings made me
> see each human being as existing inside a context where actual fallen angels
> warred with the good forces in the universe to take away a human being's
> innocence, determined as they were to make an individual a tool of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27

Why he didn't say, right from the start, "yes I have struck my students,
and here's the context"

Wouldn't that have made a lot more sense, than issuing a blanket denial?

As I've said, and others as well, it's not about the hitting, it's about
the cover up, or the "appearance" of lying.

And that is why I think the comparison to Clinton is perfect.

If you believe that oral sex constitutes sexual relations, then you say
Bill Clinton was lying.  But if you don't think oral sex constitutes
sexual relations, then you give him a pass.  You hold your nose, but you
give him a pass.

The fact that Robin didn't own up to the whole picture from the start,
for me shows a lack of integrity.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> >
> > > He didn't lie. As he said:
> > >
> > > "I did not deny something I knew was true. I denied
> > > what I was accused of."
> >
> > Hey Judy, can you flesh this out a little. Provide some
> > examples where this would be a meaningful distinction?
> Not sure what you mean by "examples." As you know, it
> refers to one specific situation, and the "meaningful
> distinction" is inherent in the two sentences anyway.
> You can read them in full context in the repost I just
> made of Robin's Open Letter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: Robin's Open Letter of January 2012

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> Hey, back to square one for me.  This is as Clintonesque as
> it gets.

Oh, I think it could get more Clintonesque, actually. It's
certainly along the same general lines, as I've said from
the start. But the situation and motivation, of course, are
very different. I'm afraid you'll have to read the letter,
or at least to have read my posts in this discussion, for
this to be clear, so you may just have to stay at square
one and be none the wiser.

> "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky"
> I think that is a perfect comparison.
> Acquit him if you don't believe oral sex is "sexual relations", and
> convict him if you think it is.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> >
> > This is long but pretty interesting, especially as it
> > describes Robin's experience with his community of
> > followers in the earlier days of his group, before he
> > started giving public seminars.
> >
> > I'm reposting it for anyone who is curious as to
> > whether either Barry or I have misrepresented it as
> > we have been discussing it in the thread just past.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Barry Wright,
> >
> > It is true that before I ever gave an official seminar I did, in fact,
> apply in
> > a more Western sense, the Zen Roshi method of shocking
> someone—that is, I did on
> > occasion, strike someone physically. Vaj said there was a video of my
> acting in
> > this way. I know that no such tape exists. And if it did (as Vaj
> claims) it
> > would be a simple matter of contradicting my avowal here. You will
> naturally
> > ask: But Robin, by denying that you did in fact strike someone during
> a seminar,
> > you are in effect implying—surely you know this—that you
> *never* struck anyone.
> > This was your intent, right, Robin?
> >
> > It was not, Barry. For me to have on the one hand denied this
> accusation knowing
> > it was false—if it had been true, Vaj would be able to convince me
> very easily
> > of this—and yet, then and there, admitted that I did engage in
> this practise, or
> > rather *had* engaged in this practise, would mean disclosing something
> about me
> > which would tend to be interpreted in an entire vacuum of
> understanding of just
> > what the context of this metaphysical theatre was. I chose, since you
> are so
> > hostile and prejudiced, to withhold admitting that in fact I had
> struck
> > people—on rare occasions—inside the other, more intimate and
> personal context of
> > what chronologically preceded the formal seminars. When almost all the
> persons
> > who were convinced of my enlightenment lived in the same residence. By
> itself,
> > separated from the spiritual context within which it is practised, the
> Zen
> > Roshi's blow would seem primitive and brutal and outrageous. But we
> must assume
> > even Leonard Cohen accepted that this was part of the spiritual
> methodology to
> > which he was subjugating himself in having determined he had a real
> Teacher. Now
> > what I did resembled not at all what is the classic Zen Flesh Zen
> Bones move.
> > See if you can stay with me while I try to explain the context within
> which this
> > act did in fact occur. Inside a seminar setting, however, it was never
> necessary
> > or appropriate. At least this is my sincere and I believe truthful
> recollection.
> >
> > Now my purported enlightenment, as I came to understand it, Barry,
> came about
> > through not just my own efforts, and my devotion to the Master
> (Maharishi Mahesh
> > Yogi); it was effected by the Vedic gods, these impulses of Creative
> > Intelligence, the devas. This was shown to me in the form of a
> revelation once I
> > realized that my enlightenment could not be compatible with the
> description of
> > the universe and the human soul as taught to me by Thomas Aquinas and
> my
> > learning of the Catholic catechism. It was not that Catholicism forced
> this
> > revelation upon me; it was more the tremendous shock of having the
> whole context
> > I had created [or had been created *through* me] since I returned from
> > Switzerland come apart, and eventually disintegrate. Once I realized
> that
> > certain invisible beings had had a hand in my ultimate liberation I
> immediately
> > realized that these very beings were not beneficent, were not
> interested in my
> > happiness. *They had deceived me*.
> >
> > From that point on, early in 1987, I became determined to vanquish my
> > enlightenment, to destroy the biochemical and intellectual basis of my
> Unity
> > Consciousness. I knew that if my enlightenment was an hallucination,
> however
> > real it was experientially, that my actions flowing from this assumed
> state of
> > consciousness, were also flawed, defective, and problematic. And this
> included
> > that infrequent instance where I would, seemingly under supernatural
> inspiration
> > and authority, strike someone. Why strike someone, Robin? Well,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: Robin's Open Letter of January 2012

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27

Hey, back to square one for me.  This is as Clintonesque as it gets.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky"

I think that is a perfect comparison.

Acquit him if you don't believe oral sex is "sexual relations", and
convict him if you think it is.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> This is long but pretty interesting, especially as it
> describes Robin's experience with his community of
> followers in the earlier days of his group, before he
> started giving public seminars.
> I'm reposting it for anyone who is curious as to
> whether either Barry or I have misrepresented it as
> we have been discussing it in the thread just past.
> Dear Barry Wright,
> It is true that before I ever gave an official seminar I did, in fact,
apply in
> a more Western sense, the Zen Roshi method of shocking
someone—that is, I did on
> occasion, strike someone physically. Vaj said there was a video of my
acting in
> this way. I know that no such tape exists. And if it did (as Vaj
claims) it
> would be a simple matter of contradicting my avowal here. You will
> ask: But Robin, by denying that you did in fact strike someone during
a seminar,
> you are in effect implying—surely you know this—that you
*never* struck anyone.
> This was your intent, right, Robin?
> It was not, Barry. For me to have on the one hand denied this
accusation knowing
> it was false—if it had been true, Vaj would be able to convince me
very easily
> of this—and yet, then and there, admitted that I did engage in
this practise, or
> rather *had* engaged in this practise, would mean disclosing something
about me
> which would tend to be interpreted in an entire vacuum of
understanding of just
> what the context of this metaphysical theatre was. I chose, since you
are so
> hostile and prejudiced, to withhold admitting that in fact I had
> people—on rare occasions—inside the other, more intimate and
personal context of
> what chronologically preceded the formal seminars. When almost all the
> who were convinced of my enlightenment lived in the same residence. By
> separated from the spiritual context within which it is practised, the
> Roshi's blow would seem primitive and brutal and outrageous. But we
must assume
> even Leonard Cohen accepted that this was part of the spiritual
methodology to
> which he was subjugating himself in having determined he had a real
Teacher. Now
> what I did resembled not at all what is the classic Zen Flesh Zen
Bones move.
> See if you can stay with me while I try to explain the context within
which this
> act did in fact occur. Inside a seminar setting, however, it was never
> or appropriate. At least this is my sincere and I believe truthful
> Now my purported enlightenment, as I came to understand it, Barry,
came about
> through not just my own efforts, and my devotion to the Master
(Maharishi Mahesh
> Yogi); it was effected by the Vedic gods, these impulses of Creative
> Intelligence, the devas. This was shown to me in the form of a
revelation once I
> realized that my enlightenment could not be compatible with the
description of
> the universe and the human soul as taught to me by Thomas Aquinas and
> learning of the Catholic catechism. It was not that Catholicism forced
> revelation upon me; it was more the tremendous shock of having the
whole context
> I had created [or had been created *through* me] since I returned from
> Switzerland come apart, and eventually disintegrate. Once I realized
> certain invisible beings had had a hand in my ultimate liberation I
> realized that these very beings were not beneficent, were not
interested in my
> happiness. *They had deceived me*.
> From that point on, early in 1987, I became determined to vanquish my
> enlightenment, to destroy the biochemical and intellectual basis of my
> Consciousness. I knew that if my enlightenment was an hallucination,
> real it was experientially, that my actions flowing from this assumed
state of
> consciousness, were also flawed, defective, and problematic. And this
> that infrequent instance where I would, seemingly under supernatural
> and authority, strike someone. Why strike someone, Robin? Well, here
we get to
> the crux of the matter, Barry.
> These same celestial beings who created my enlightenment, and then
pretty much
> inspired the context out of which I then acted—they evidently knew
both the
> inherent and unrecognized weaknesses of each individual, as well as
what the
> Western Tradition represented in terms of individuation of one's
> through a true existential willingness to allow life to 'make' one's
> soul:—Also—*this is the key point, Barry*—these same
celestial beings made me
> see each human being as existing inside a context where actual fallen
> warred with the good forces in the universe to take away a human

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> > He didn't lie. As he said:
> >
> > "I did not deny something I knew was true. I denied
> > what I was accused of."
> Hey Judy, can you flesh this out a little.  Provide some
> examples where this would be a meaningful distinction?

Not sure what you mean by "examples." As you know, it
refers to one specific situation, and the "meaningful
distinction" is inherent in the two sentences anyway.

You can read them in full context in the repost I just
made of Robin's Open Letter.

[FairfieldLife] Repost: Robin's Open Letter of January 2012

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
This is long but pretty interesting, especially as it
describes Robin's experience with his community of
followers in the earlier days of his group, before he
started giving public seminars.

I'm reposting it for anyone who is curious as to
whether either Barry or I have misrepresented it as
we have been discussing it in the thread just past.

Dear Barry Wright,

It is true that before I ever gave an official seminar I did, in fact, apply in
a more Western sense, the Zen Roshi method of shocking someone—that is, I did on
occasion, strike someone physically. Vaj said there was a video of my acting in
this way. I know that no such tape exists. And if it did (as Vaj claims) it
would be a simple matter of contradicting my avowal here. You will naturally
ask: But Robin, by denying that you did in fact strike someone during a seminar,
you are in effect implying—surely you know this—that you *never* struck anyone.
This was your intent, right, Robin?

It was not, Barry. For me to have on the one hand denied this accusation knowing
it was false—if it had been true, Vaj would be able to convince me very easily
of this—and yet, then and there, admitted that I did engage in this practise, or
rather *had* engaged in this practise, would mean disclosing something about me
which would tend to be interpreted in an entire vacuum of understanding of just
what the context of this metaphysical theatre was. I chose, since you are so
hostile and prejudiced, to withhold admitting that in fact I had struck
people—on rare occasions—inside the other, more intimate and personal context of
what chronologically preceded the formal seminars. When almost all the persons
who were convinced of my enlightenment lived in the same residence. By itself,
separated from the spiritual context within which it is practised, the Zen
Roshi's blow would seem primitive and brutal and outrageous. But we must assume
even Leonard Cohen accepted that this was part of the spiritual methodology to
which he was subjugating himself in having determined he had a real Teacher. Now
what I did resembled not at all what is the classic Zen Flesh Zen Bones move.
See if you can stay with me while I try to explain the context within which this
act did in fact occur. Inside a seminar setting, however, it was never necessary
or appropriate. At least this is my sincere and I believe truthful recollection.

Now my purported enlightenment, as I came to understand it, Barry, came about
through not just my own efforts, and my devotion to the Master (Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi); it was effected by the Vedic gods, these impulses of Creative
Intelligence, the devas. This was shown to me in the form of a revelation once I
realized that my enlightenment could not be compatible with the description of
the universe and the human soul as taught to me by Thomas Aquinas and my
learning of the Catholic catechism. It was not that Catholicism forced this
revelation upon me; it was more the tremendous shock of having the whole context
I had created [or had been created *through* me] since I returned from
Switzerland come apart, and eventually disintegrate. Once I realized that
certain invisible beings had had a hand in my ultimate liberation I immediately
realized that these very beings were not beneficent, were not interested in my
happiness. *They had deceived me*.

>From that point on, early in 1987, I became determined to vanquish my
enlightenment, to destroy the biochemical and intellectual basis of my Unity
Consciousness. I knew that if my enlightenment was an hallucination, however
real it was experientially, that my actions flowing from this assumed state of
consciousness, were also flawed, defective, and problematic. And this included
that infrequent instance where I would, seemingly under supernatural inspiration
and authority, strike someone. Why strike someone, Robin? Well, here we get to
the crux of the matter, Barry.

These same celestial beings who created my enlightenment, and then pretty much
inspired the context out of which I then acted—they evidently knew both the
inherent and unrecognized weaknesses of each individual, as well as what the
Western Tradition represented in terms of individuation of one's experience
through a true existential willingness to allow life to 'make' one's
soul:—Also—*this is the key point, Barry*—these same celestial beings made me
see each human being as existing inside a context where actual fallen angels
warred with the good forces in the universe to take away a human being's
innocence, determined as they were to make an individual a tool of their
purposes by subtly inducing that person to compensate for some weakness or
distortion inside of them *through behaving in a particular mode*.The mode so
chosen was the creation of the fallen angel. Each person's mode was unique.
'Mode' here representing the inauthentic presentation of themselves.

The specific pattern of an individual's mode, then, revealed the influence of
these fallen angels (or 

[FairfieldLife] Barry and the Mystery Cultist

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
Barry has made it clear that he thinks anyone who 
didn't find Robin's having struck his students a
Very Bad Thing was a "die-hard cultist," and he
has claimed that Robin's supporters were such
cultists because we had tried to defend Robin's
hitting behavior.

Contrary to Barry's claim, only one person on
FFL, in fact, has done that. Now, who could
that be?

Here's what this Mystery Cultist said to Robin
the morning after Robin posted his Open Letter
in January 2012 (it's from the ninth paragraph
of the post). I asked Barry whether he could
identify the Cultist from the quote:

"There is plenty of compassion here for weird shit we
all did in our past and this doesn't sound like such a
big deal. There were a whole bunch of weird psychological
'breakthrough' cults that seem to be far worse than what
you were running back then. If you weren't banging your
disciples ten deep in Elvis' Graceland white panty
parties, you come off as better than most people in your
position of power over the entranced."

Barry hasn't said who he thinks the Mystery
Cultist is. Either he really has no idea--which
is strange, since he's so obsessed with the folks
on FFL he thinks are cultists--or for some reason
he's reluctant to say who it is.

I suspect it's the latter, myself.

Take a guess. Then check out this link to the post
in question and see whether you agree with me that
Barry would *really* prefer that the Mystery Cultist
remain anonymous:


When I first posted this quote Thursday evening, BTW,
I predicted that we would hear no more fulminating
from Barry about "cultists" doing any "justifying" in
connection with Robin's Open Letter.

I was right.

I'm going to make one more post--a repost of Robin's
Open Letter itself--then I think this particular
kerfuffle will be all wrapped up, and Barry will have
to think of a new one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Old? Shrii yantra crop circle!

2013-06-29 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> Is this perchance a hoax?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KliBRinZHJA

Difficult to say but it could be a hoax. They are certainly not Crop Circles as 
there is no crops in the desert. Real ones here:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pretty much the bottom line on religion

2013-06-29 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

> http://theoatmeal.com/comics/religion

The basic emotion involved in desiring another to experience religious

  [The basic emotion enovolded in relious conversion.]

[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:

> He didn't lie. As he said:
> "I did not deny something I knew was true. I denied
> what I was accused of."

Hey Judy, can you flesh this out a little.  Provide some examples where
this would be a meaningful distinction?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread Share Long
Thank you, JR, I couldn't tell for sure from my ephemeris but suspected that's 
the case. Reborn at 65! It has been a happy day, feeling very grateful for all 
big and little elements of life. Pizza for lunch! BTW, if you google on 
cardemaister's phrase, it means something about being in vain, in vain, it's 
all futility. And at the library, the movie Lincoln was available to borrow. 
But not Despicable Me which the video store did have. But I got it for free 
because it's my birthday!

 From: John 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share


Happy Birthday, indeed!!  The Moon is transiting your natal Moon today too.  
So, this day is very happy and special.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> Translation from gull-speak:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> Happy birthday to you!
> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> Jai Guru Dev
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> >
> > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Das State has its "eyes" on Prairie Dog Willy

2013-06-29 Thread emptybill
Yep, I used your real name in the subject line.

Oh ... the outrage, the outrage.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> emptybill:

> > Das State has its "eyes" on Bhairitu
> >
> You fuk*n nerd - you're not supposed to post somebody's
> name in the subject line of your post, insinuating that
> he is being watched by the police. This is slander and
> an attempt to smear. LULZ!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-29 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Did you have a point you wanted to make, Xeno?
> I don't see how you think this post helps Barry.

Neither do I. I was just tired of following this thread as it had gone on so 
long, so I posted something on this thread but rather in-specific as to how it 
applied. It just happened to follow whichever post I 'replied' to. And it was a 
bit atypical for Barry to keep in the queue for so long, and so many other 
joined in. I like the title of the thread. Lots of potential.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"  
> wrote:
> >
> > Because no one here is on trial in a real legal sense, does it really make 
> > any difference what Robin said, what Barry said, what Judy said, etc.?
> > 
> > While what people write down, or put on the Internet somewhere has a 
> > certain fixed property about it, human memories of events we write down may 
> > not reflect 'what actually happened'. There is enough research on human 
> > memory to indicate that each time we retrieve a memory, it gets re-written 
> > and is probably altered by dropping out certain information and including 
> > new information based on the current context in which the memory is 
> > retrieved. So if we have textual accounts of things remembered, it still 
> > may not be relevant to truth.
> > 
> > http://www.simplypsychology.org/loftus-palmer.html

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread doctordumbass
Cool - Thanks!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Doc, whereas in Western Gemini runs approx May 22 to June 22, in jyotish 
> Gemini runs approx June 15 to July 15.
> laughinggull, I'm excited for you too. And I'll wave at you and Buck from the 
> women's Dome (-:
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:40 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> You are welcome - When does Gemini end in jyotish? Because in the western 
> sign, it ends June 21, then moves into Cancer. I mention it because you are 
> the second person I have met who has a birthday in western Cancer, but says 
> they are Gemini, instead.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Thank you Doc, Geminis forever! (-: Bhairitu, thank you for good wishes and 
> > for telling me about Soleus. Not sure if White House Down was a satire but 
> > *they* say that a feature of Kali Yuga is that truth is presented in the 
> > form of fiction and fiction is presented as truth. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: "doctordumbass@" 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:29 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Happy Birthday Share, and may this be your best year, ever!
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
> > > youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said 
> > > it so fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she 
> > > laughed and said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. 
> > > Me and my Mom have come a long way these past 65 years (-:
> > > Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You 
> > > too Steve.
> > > Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny 
> > > Farm Lounge
> > > And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, 
> > > yahoo!
> > > 
> > > PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has 
> > > in the past!
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: laughinggull108 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> > > 
> > > Translation from gull-speak:
> > > Happy birthday to you,
> > > Happy birthday to you,
> > > Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> > > Happy birthday to you!
> > > 
> > > Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> > > Happy birthday to you,
> > > Happy birthday to you,
> > > Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> > > Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> > > Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> > > 
> > > Jai Guru Dev
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> > > 
> > > [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> > > wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention 
> > > to original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad 
> > > thing...well, yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Pretty much the bottom line on religion

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb


[FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption

2013-06-29 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Mike,
> > > 
> > > You sound like Qoheleth from the Old Testament. 
> > 
> > ??You mean like:
> > 
> > havel havelim, omar kohelet, havel havelim. hakol havel!
> >
> Card,
> Please, translate.

2 Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher, Vanity of vanities: the whole is 

[FairfieldLife] Minions, minions, and more minions...

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
No, not here on FFL. I think that position has been filled
with the current four suckups. But in Paris, on opening
night, "Despicable Me 2" was great. The theater was full
of laughing bilingual French kids. (It was shown in VOST, 
which means "version originale, sous-titré," but I assume
most of the kids were English-speaking because most of 
them looked too young to read, and they were laughing

The voices and animated mannerisms of Steve Carroll, 
Kristin Wigg, and even (throwing a bone to those who will
only see a movie if it has a "known TMer" in it) Russell
Brand were wonderful. But as with its predecessor, it
was Elsie Kate Fisher as Agnes who stole the show. 

If you have kids, you're going to see it anyway, no matter
what I say. If you don't, you should consider it, because
it might help you to remember what it was like to be one.

[FairfieldLife] Old? Shrii yantra crop circle!

2013-06-29 Thread card

Is this perchance a hoax?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread obbajeeba
Happy Birthday, your airess.  :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Doc, whereas in Western Gemini runs approx May 22 to June 22, in jyotish 
> Gemini runs approx June 15 to July 15.
> laughinggull, I'm excited for you too. And I'll wave at you and Buck from the 
> women's Dome (-:
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:40 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> You are welcome - When does Gemini end in jyotish? Because in the western 
> sign, it ends June 21, then moves into Cancer. I mention it because you are 
> the second person I have met who has a birthday in western Cancer, but says 
> they are Gemini, instead.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Thank you Doc, Geminis forever! (-: Bhairitu, thank you for good wishes and 
> > for telling me about Soleus. Not sure if White House Down was a satire but 
> > *they* say that a feature of Kali Yuga is that truth is presented in the 
> > form of fiction and fiction is presented as truth. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: "doctordumbass@" 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:29 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Happy Birthday Share, and may this be your best year, ever!
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
> > > youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said 
> > > it so fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she 
> > > laughed and said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. 
> > > Me and my Mom have come a long way these past 65 years (-:
> > > Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You 
> > > too Steve.
> > > Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny 
> > > Farm Lounge
> > > And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, 
> > > yahoo!
> > > 
> > > PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has 
> > > in the past!
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: laughinggull108 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> > > 
> > > Translation from gull-speak:
> > > Happy birthday to you,
> > > Happy birthday to you,
> > > Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> > > Happy birthday to you!
> > > 
> > > Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> > > Happy birthday to you,
> > > Happy birthday to you,
> > > Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> > > Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> > > Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> > > 
> > > Jai Guru Dev
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> > > 
> > > [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> > > wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention 
> > > to original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad 
> > > thing...well, yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread Michael Jackson
world renowned only in the sense of the world of TMSP True Believers

 From: Alex Stanley 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris

Whatever the weather, I'm sure there's a world renowned quantum physicist in 
Fairfield who can put it all into the proper, Vedicly  scientific perspective. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> We'll see if that holds up when you get ice storms this winter
>  From: Alex Stanley 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 1:18 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris
> The 10 day forecast for Fairfield has highs in the 70s to low 80s, with 50s 
> and 60s at night. Of course, the science is very clear on this: FF has 
> Maharishi brand Vedic pandits, while Texas and California do not, hence the 
> more pleasant temperatures in FF.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Was 101 here and I ran the AC in the evening.  It still works.  I wanted 
> > to replace it as it is probably over 30 years old GE but the neighbors 
> > think there's is even older but working.  I wanted to replace it with a 
> > quieter unit but most of the stores only have window not through the 
> > wall.  However some of the installer blogs say they can make some of the 
> > window units work as through the wall.  Around here though the 
> > installers seen to only want to do central air.  I looked into it but 
> > with the required electrical upgrade was $5000.  The place is prepped 
> > for it and I asked the original owner why she didn't put it in and she 
> > said it wasn't worth it because it only got really hot a few days out of 
> > the year and the wall unit was sufficient.  I have a Soleus portable in 
> > this room which I run if it gets too hot.
> > 
> > It's a Spare the Air Day but I'm still driving to the waterfront park 
> > for a walk which may have a cool breeze off the water. People hate these 
> > Spare the Air Days around here because it's a perfect day to BBQ and 
> > they can't.  And Saturdays you get these gardening crews coming around 
> > as they will be in this neighborhood running movers and blowers which 
> > aren't supposed to be run either.  But what can they do?  People want 
> > them there on Saturday when they're home not during the week.
> > 
> > If the BART workers strike on Monday then the Bay Area might look like 
> > Mumbai by the end of day.
> > 
> > On 06/29/2013 07:52 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > > Upper 120's for Death Valley today, upper 90's for Houston with near 100% 
> > > humidity, feels like Death Valley! But a, the comforts of 
> > > air-conditioning. The dog doesn't want to run(swim,maybe) the Peregrine 
> > > won't want to fly. We'll just chill today.
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >   From: turquoiseb 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:29 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
> > > 'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
> > > free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)
> > >
> > > Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
> > > served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
> > > vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
> > > English or something today.
> > >
> > > As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
> > > the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
> > > are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
> > > around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
> > > the American Southwest.
> > >
> > > I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
> > > now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
> > > Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
> > > was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of
> > > weeks.
> > >
> > > At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
> > > ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
> > > made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
> > > were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
> > > were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
> > > when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
> > > at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
> > > was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
> > > been estimat

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread John

Happy Birthday, indeed!!  The Moon is transiting your natal Moon today too.  
So, this day is very happy and special.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> Translation from gull-speak:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> Happy birthday to you!
> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> Jai Guru Dev
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> >
> > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption

2013-06-29 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> >
> > Mike,
> > 
> > You sound like Qoheleth from the Old Testament. 
> ??You mean like:
> havel havelim, omar kohelet, havel havelim. hakol havel!

Please, translate.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread Share Long
Doc, whereas in Western Gemini runs approx May 22 to June 22, in jyotish Gemini 
runs approx June 15 to July 15.

laughinggull, I'm excited for you too. And I'll wave at you and Buck from the 
women's Dome (-:

 From: "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:40 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

You are welcome - When does Gemini end in jyotish? Because in the western sign, 
it ends June 21, then moves into Cancer. I mention it because you are the 
second person I have met who has a birthday in western Cancer, but says they 
are Gemini, instead.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Thank you Doc, Geminis forever! (-: Bhairitu, thank you for good wishes and 
> for telling me about Soleus. Not sure if White House Down was a satire but 
> *they* say that a feature of Kali Yuga is that truth is presented in the form 
> of fiction and fiction is presented as truth. 
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:29 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> Happy Birthday Share, and may this be your best year, ever!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
> > youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said 
> > it so fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she 
> > laughed and said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. Me 
> > and my Mom have come a long way these past 65 years (-:
> > Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You too 
> > Steve.
> > Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny Farm 
> > Lounge
> > And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, 
> > yahoo!
> > 
> > PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has in 
> > the past!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: laughinggull108 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> > 
> > Translation from gull-speak:
> > Happy birthday to you,
> > Happy birthday to you,
> > Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> > Happy birthday to you!
> > 
> > Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> > Happy birthday to you,
> > Happy birthday to you,
> > Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> > Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> > Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> > 
> > [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> > wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention 
> > to original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad 
> > thing...well, yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread Bhairitu
I would wager that Fairfield has more hot days (90 or above) per year 
than we have here in the SF Bay Area.  We're going into a cooling trend 
during the week.

On 06/29/2013 10:18 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> The 10 day forecast for Fairfield has highs in the 70s to low 80s, with 50s 
> and 60s at night. Of course, the science is very clear on this: FF has 
> Maharishi brand Vedic pandits, while Texas and California do not, hence the 
> more pleasant temperatures in FF.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Was 101 here and I ran the AC in the evening.  It still works.  I wanted
>> to replace it as it is probably over 30 years old GE but the neighbors
>> think there's is even older but working.  I wanted to replace it with a
>> quieter unit but most of the stores only have window not through the
>> wall.  However some of the installer blogs say they can make some of the
>> window units work as through the wall.  Around here though the
>> installers seen to only want to do central air.  I looked into it but
>> with the required electrical upgrade was $5000.  The place is prepped
>> for it and I asked the original owner why she didn't put it in and she
>> said it wasn't worth it because it only got really hot a few days out of
>> the year and the wall unit was sufficient.  I have a Soleus portable in
>> this room which I run if it gets too hot.
>> It's a Spare the Air Day but I'm still driving to the waterfront park
>> for a walk which may have a cool breeze off the water. People hate these
>> Spare the Air Days around here because it's a perfect day to BBQ and
>> they can't.  And Saturdays you get these gardening crews coming around
>> as they will be in this neighborhood running movers and blowers which
>> aren't supposed to be run either.  But what can they do?  People want
>> them there on Saturday when they're home not during the week.
>> If the BART workers strike on Monday then the Bay Area might look like
>> Mumbai by the end of day.
>> On 06/29/2013 07:52 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>>> Upper 120's for Death Valley today, upper 90's for Houston with near 100% 
>>> humidity, feels like Death Valley! But a, the comforts of 
>>> air-conditioning. The dog doesn't want to run(swim,maybe) the Peregrine 
>>> won't want to fly. We'll just chill today.
>>>From: turquoiseb 
>>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>>> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:29 AM
>>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris
>>> No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
>>> 'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
>>> free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)
>>> Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
>>> served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
>>> vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
>>> English or something today.
>>> As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
>>> the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
>>> are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
>>> around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
>>> the American Southwest.
>>> I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
>>> now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
>>> Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
>>> was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of
>>> weeks.
>>> At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
>>> ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
>>> made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
>>> were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
>>> were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
>>> when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
>>> at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
>>> was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
>>> been estimated that if they hadn't done that, the number of deaths as a
>>> result of the canicule would have been several times higher than it was.
>>> But today it's cool, and so were the fish and chips. Life just rocks
>>> sometimes when you're easy to please.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread Alex Stanley
Whatever the weather, I'm sure there's a world renowned quantum physicist in 
Fairfield who can put it all into the proper, Vedicly  scientific perspective. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> We'll see if that holds up when you get ice storms this winter
>  From: Alex Stanley 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 1:18 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris
> The 10 day forecast for Fairfield has highs in the 70s to low 80s, with 50s 
> and 60s at night. Of course, the science is very clear on this: FF has 
> Maharishi brand Vedic pandits, while Texas and California do not, hence the 
> more pleasant temperatures in FF.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Was 101 here and I ran the AC in the evening.  It still works.  I wanted 
> > to replace it as it is probably over 30 years old GE but the neighbors 
> > think there's is even older but working.  I wanted to replace it with a 
> > quieter unit but most of the stores only have window not through the 
> > wall.  However some of the installer blogs say they can make some of the 
> > window units work as through the wall.  Around here though the 
> > installers seen to only want to do central air.  I looked into it but 
> > with the required electrical upgrade was $5000.  The place is prepped 
> > for it and I asked the original owner why she didn't put it in and she 
> > said it wasn't worth it because it only got really hot a few days out of 
> > the year and the wall unit was sufficient.  I have a Soleus portable in 
> > this room which I run if it gets too hot.
> > 
> > It's a Spare the Air Day but I'm still driving to the waterfront park 
> > for a walk which may have a cool breeze off the water. People hate these 
> > Spare the Air Days around here because it's a perfect day to BBQ and 
> > they can't.  And Saturdays you get these gardening crews coming around 
> > as they will be in this neighborhood running movers and blowers which 
> > aren't supposed to be run either.  But what can they do?  People want 
> > them there on Saturday when they're home not during the week.
> > 
> > If the BART workers strike on Monday then the Bay Area might look like 
> > Mumbai by the end of day.
> > 
> > On 06/29/2013 07:52 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > > Upper 120's for Death Valley today, upper 90's for Houston with near 100% 
> > > humidity, feels like Death Valley! But a, the comforts of 
> > > air-conditioning. The dog doesn't want to run(swim,maybe) the Peregrine 
> > > won't want to fly. We'll just chill today.
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >   From: turquoiseb 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:29 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
> > > 'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
> > > free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)
> > >
> > > Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
> > > served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
> > > vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
> > > English or something today.
> > >
> > > As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
> > > the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
> > > are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
> > > around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
> > > the American Southwest.
> > >
> > > I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
> > > now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
> > > Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
> > > was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of
> > > weeks.
> > >
> > > At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
> > > ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
> > > made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
> > > were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
> > > were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
> > > when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
> > > at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
> > > was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
> > > been estimated that if they hadn't done that, the number of deaths as a
> > > result of the canicule would have been several times higher than it was.
> > >
> > > But today it's cool, and so were the fish and chips. Life just rocks
> > > sometimes when you're easy to please.  :-

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread Michael Jackson
We'll see if that holds up when you get ice storms this winter

 From: Alex Stanley 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 1:18 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris

The 10 day forecast for Fairfield has highs in the 70s to low 80s, with 50s and 
60s at night. Of course, the science is very clear on this: FF has Maharishi 
brand Vedic pandits, while Texas and California do not, hence the more pleasant 
temperatures in FF.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Was 101 here and I ran the AC in the evening.  It still works.  I wanted 
> to replace it as it is probably over 30 years old GE but the neighbors 
> think there's is even older but working.  I wanted to replace it with a 
> quieter unit but most of the stores only have window not through the 
> wall.  However some of the installer blogs say they can make some of the 
> window units work as through the wall.  Around here though the 
> installers seen to only want to do central air.  I looked into it but 
> with the required electrical upgrade was $5000.  The place is prepped 
> for it and I asked the original owner why she didn't put it in and she 
> said it wasn't worth it because it only got really hot a few days out of 
> the year and the wall unit was sufficient.  I have a Soleus portable in 
> this room which I run if it gets too hot.
> It's a Spare the Air Day but I'm still driving to the waterfront park 
> for a walk which may have a cool breeze off the water. People hate these 
> Spare the Air Days around here because it's a perfect day to BBQ and 
> they can't.  And Saturdays you get these gardening crews coming around 
> as they will be in this neighborhood running movers and blowers which 
> aren't supposed to be run either.  But what can they do?  People want 
> them there on Saturday when they're home not during the week.
> If the BART workers strike on Monday then the Bay Area might look like 
> Mumbai by the end of day.
> On 06/29/2013 07:52 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > Upper 120's for Death Valley today, upper 90's for Houston with near 100% 
> > humidity, feels like Death Valley! But a, the comforts of 
> > air-conditioning. The dog doesn't want to run(swim,maybe) the Peregrine 
> > won't want to fly. We'll just chill today.
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   From: turquoiseb 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:29 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
> > 'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
> > free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)
> >
> > Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
> > served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
> > vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
> > English or something today.
> >
> > As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
> > the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
> > are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
> > around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
> > the American Southwest.
> >
> > I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
> > now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
> > Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
> > was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of
> > weeks.
> >
> > At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
> > ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
> > made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
> > were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
> > were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
> > when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
> > at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
> > was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
> > been estimated that if they hadn't done that, the number of deaths as a
> > result of the canicule would have been several times higher than it was.
> >
> > But today it's cool, and so were the fish and chips. Life just rocks
> > sometimes when you're easy to please.  :-)
> >
> > 
> >


[FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread doctordumbass
LOL - I am OK with the trade-off...and taking three showers a day.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> The 10 day forecast for Fairfield has highs in the 70s to low 80s, with 50s 
> and 60s at night. Of course, the science is very clear on this: FF has 
> Maharishi brand Vedic pandits, while Texas and California do not, hence the 
> more pleasant temperatures in FF.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Was 101 here and I ran the AC in the evening.  It still works.  I wanted 
> > to replace it as it is probably over 30 years old GE but the neighbors 
> > think there's is even older but working.  I wanted to replace it with a 
> > quieter unit but most of the stores only have window not through the 
> > wall.  However some of the installer blogs say they can make some of the 
> > window units work as through the wall.  Around here though the 
> > installers seen to only want to do central air.  I looked into it but 
> > with the required electrical upgrade was $5000.  The place is prepped 
> > for it and I asked the original owner why she didn't put it in and she 
> > said it wasn't worth it because it only got really hot a few days out of 
> > the year and the wall unit was sufficient.  I have a Soleus portable in 
> > this room which I run if it gets too hot.
> > 
> > It's a Spare the Air Day but I'm still driving to the waterfront park 
> > for a walk which may have a cool breeze off the water. People hate these 
> > Spare the Air Days around here because it's a perfect day to BBQ and 
> > they can't.  And Saturdays you get these gardening crews coming around 
> > as they will be in this neighborhood running movers and blowers which 
> > aren't supposed to be run either.  But what can they do?  People want 
> > them there on Saturday when they're home not during the week.
> > 
> > If the BART workers strike on Monday then the Bay Area might look like 
> > Mumbai by the end of day.
> > 
> > On 06/29/2013 07:52 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > > Upper 120's for Death Valley today, upper 90's for Houston with near 100% 
> > > humidity, feels like Death Valley! But a, the comforts of 
> > > air-conditioning. The dog doesn't want to run(swim,maybe) the Peregrine 
> > > won't want to fly. We'll just chill today.
> > >
> > >   
> > >
> > > 
> > >   From: turquoiseb 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:29 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris
> > >
> > > 
> > >   
> > > No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
> > > 'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
> > > free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)
> > >
> > > Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
> > > served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
> > > vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
> > > English or something today.
> > >
> > > As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
> > > the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
> > > are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
> > > around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
> > > the American Southwest.
> > >
> > > I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
> > > now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
> > > Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
> > > was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of
> > > weeks.
> > >
> > > At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
> > > ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
> > > made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
> > > were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
> > > were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
> > > when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
> > > at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
> > > was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
> > > been estimated that if they hadn't done that, the number of deaths as a
> > > result of the canicule would have been several times higher than it was.
> > >
> > > But today it's cool, and so were the fish and chips. Life just rocks
> > > sometimes when you're easy to please.  :-)
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread laughinggull108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> India in the summer? You must be a glutton for punishment.

Oh, I thought that was a given as to anyone who posts here on FFL. ;-) 
Actually, it should be cooling slightly by the time I really get into the 
traveling part. I'm more concerned about the road washouts in north India 
preventing me from getting to where I really want to go. I'll just have to wait 
and see, then cross that bridge when I come to it, so to speak.

> Even my late guru came back early from a trip there and when I
> asked why he said "too hot!" He had become acclimated to US weather.

> On 06/29/2013 09:37 AM, laughinggull108 wrote:
> > As I mentioned earlier, I'm heading to FF week after next for the first 
> > couple of days of the Governors' thingy, so I'll be in dome for at least a 
> > couple of programs, then it's off to Mother India. Did I mention that I'm 
> > excited?
> >


[FairfieldLife] Re: A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread Alex Stanley
The 10 day forecast for Fairfield has highs in the 70s to low 80s, with 50s and 
60s at night. Of course, the science is very clear on this: FF has Maharishi 
brand Vedic pandits, while Texas and California do not, hence the more pleasant 
temperatures in FF.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Was 101 here and I ran the AC in the evening.  It still works.  I wanted 
> to replace it as it is probably over 30 years old GE but the neighbors 
> think there's is even older but working.  I wanted to replace it with a 
> quieter unit but most of the stores only have window not through the 
> wall.  However some of the installer blogs say they can make some of the 
> window units work as through the wall.  Around here though the 
> installers seen to only want to do central air.  I looked into it but 
> with the required electrical upgrade was $5000.  The place is prepped 
> for it and I asked the original owner why she didn't put it in and she 
> said it wasn't worth it because it only got really hot a few days out of 
> the year and the wall unit was sufficient.  I have a Soleus portable in 
> this room which I run if it gets too hot.
> It's a Spare the Air Day but I'm still driving to the waterfront park 
> for a walk which may have a cool breeze off the water. People hate these 
> Spare the Air Days around here because it's a perfect day to BBQ and 
> they can't.  And Saturdays you get these gardening crews coming around 
> as they will be in this neighborhood running movers and blowers which 
> aren't supposed to be run either.  But what can they do?  People want 
> them there on Saturday when they're home not during the week.
> If the BART workers strike on Monday then the Bay Area might look like 
> Mumbai by the end of day.
> On 06/29/2013 07:52 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > Upper 120's for Death Valley today, upper 90's for Houston with near 100% 
> > humidity, feels like Death Valley! But a, the comforts of 
> > air-conditioning. The dog doesn't want to run(swim,maybe) the Peregrine 
> > won't want to fly. We'll just chill today.
> >
> >   
> >
> > 
> >   From: turquoiseb 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:29 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris
> >
> > 
> >   
> > No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
> > 'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
> > free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)
> >
> > Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
> > served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
> > vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
> > English or something today.
> >
> > As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
> > the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
> > are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
> > around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
> > the American Southwest.
> >
> > I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
> > now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
> > Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
> > was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of
> > weeks.
> >
> > At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
> > ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
> > made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
> > were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
> > were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
> > when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
> > at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
> > was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
> > been estimated that if they hadn't done that, the number of deaths as a
> > result of the canicule would have been several times higher than it was.
> >
> > But today it's cool, and so were the fish and chips. Life just rocks
> > sometimes when you're easy to please.  :-)
> >
> > 
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread Bhairitu
India in the summer?  You must be a glutton for punishment. Even my late 
guru came back early from a trip there and when I asked why he said "too 
hot!"  He had become acclimated to US weather.

On 06/29/2013 09:37 AM, laughinggull108 wrote:
> As I mentioned earlier, I'm heading to FF week after next for the first 
> couple of days of the Governors' thingy, so I'll be in dome for at least a 
> couple of programs, then it's off to Mother India. Did I mention that I'm 
> excited?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
>> laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
>> youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said it 
>> so fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she laughed 
>> and said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. Me and my 
>> Mom have come a long way these past 65 years (-:
>> Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You too 
>> Steve.
>> Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny Farm 
>> Lounge
>> And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, yahoo!
>> PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has in 
>> the past!
>>   From: laughinggull108 
>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
>> Â
>> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
>> Translation from gull-speak:
>> Happy birthday to you,
>> Happy birthday to you,
>> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
>> Happy birthday to you!
>> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
>> Happy birthday to you,
>> Happy birthday to you,
>> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
>> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
>> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
>> Jai Guru Dev
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
>>> Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
>> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
>> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
>> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
>> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread Bhairitu
And barely recognizable as the chord progression to "Happy Birthday" to 
avoid royalty payments to competitor Warner.   But the song was derived 
from "Good Morning to You" which being a 19th century song is public domain.


As a copyright holder myself I'm all for reversing the mods to the 
Copyright Act (such as the DMCA) and giving them the original term of 14 
years and one 14 year renewal.  The longer terms are just corporate 
silliness getting out of hand.  We like to refer to the DMCA as the 
"Mickey Mouse Law" since Disney lobbied for it because Mickey was 
falling out of copyright (though protected by trademark) and they wanted 
to keep selling you their old cartoons.

Today it is used to keep the Prison Industrial Complex in business with 
the aid of the NSA by putting away people for downloading a song or 
video for longer than many get for armed robbery.

On 06/29/2013 09:15 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCs2Jb53CRY
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
>> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
>> Translation from gull-speak:
>> Happy birthday to you,
>> Happy birthday to you,
>> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
>> Happy birthday to you!
>> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
>> Happy birthday to you,
>> Happy birthday to you,
>> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
>> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
>> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
>> Jai Guru Dev
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
>>> Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
>> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
>> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
>> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
>> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread doctordumbass
You are welcome - When does Gemini end in jyotish? Because in the western sign, 
it ends June 21, then moves into Cancer. I mention it because you are the 
second person I have met who has a birthday in western Cancer, but says they 
are Gemini, instead.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Thank you Doc, Geminis forever! (-: Bhairitu, thank you for good wishes and 
> for telling me about Soleus. Not sure if White House Down was a satire but 
> *they* say that a feature of Kali Yuga is that truth is presented in the form 
> of fiction and fiction is presented as truth. 
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:29 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> Happy Birthday Share, and may this be your best year, ever!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
> > youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said 
> > it so fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she 
> > laughed and said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. Me 
> > and my Mom have come a long way these past 65 years (-:
> > Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You too 
> > Steve.
> > Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny Farm 
> > Lounge
> > And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, 
> > yahoo!
> > 
> > PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has in 
> > the past!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: laughinggull108 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> > 
> > Translation from gull-speak:
> > Happy birthday to you,
> > Happy birthday to you,
> > Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> > Happy birthday to you!
> > 
> > Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> > Happy birthday to you,
> > Happy birthday to you,
> > Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> > Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> > Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> > 
> > [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> > wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention 
> > to original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad 
> > thing...well, yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread laughinggull108
As I mentioned earlier, I'm heading to FF week after next for the first couple 
of days of the Governors' thingy, so I'll be in dome for at least a couple of 
programs, then it's off to Mother India. Did I mention that I'm excited?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
> youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said it 
> so fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she laughed 
> and said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. Me and my 
> Mom have come a long way these past 65 years (-:
> Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You too 
> Steve.
> Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny Farm 
> Lounge
> And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, yahoo!
> PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has in 
> the past!
>  From: laughinggull108 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> Translation from gull-speak:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> Happy birthday to you!
> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> Jai Guru Dev
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> >
> > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread Share Long
Thank you Doc, Geminis forever! (-: Bhairitu, thank you for good wishes and for 
telling me about Soleus. Not sure if White House Down was a satire but *they* 
say that a feature of Kali Yuga is that truth is presented in the form of 
fiction and fiction is presented as truth. 

 From: "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:29 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

Happy Birthday Share, and may this be your best year, ever!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
> youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said it 
> so fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she laughed 
> and said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. Me and my 
> Mom have come a long way these past 65 years (-:
> Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You too 
> Steve.
> Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny Farm 
> Lounge
> And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, yahoo!
> PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has in 
> the past!
>  From: laughinggull108 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> Translation from gull-speak:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> Happy birthday to you!
> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> Jai Guru Dev
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> >
> > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread doctordumbass
Happy Birthday Share, and may this be your best year, ever!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
> youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said it 
> so fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she laughed 
> and said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. Me and my 
> Mom have come a long way these past 65 years (-:
> Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You too 
> Steve.
> Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny Farm 
> Lounge
> And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, yahoo!
> PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has in 
> the past!
>  From: laughinggull108 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share
> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> Translation from gull-speak:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> Happy birthday to you!
> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> Jai Guru Dev
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> >
> > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]

Re: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread Bhairitu
Was 101 here and I ran the AC in the evening.  It still works.  I wanted 
to replace it as it is probably over 30 years old GE but the neighbors 
think there's is even older but working.  I wanted to replace it with a 
quieter unit but most of the stores only have window not through the 
wall.  However some of the installer blogs say they can make some of the 
window units work as through the wall.  Around here though the 
installers seen to only want to do central air.  I looked into it but 
with the required electrical upgrade was $5000.  The place is prepped 
for it and I asked the original owner why she didn't put it in and she 
said it wasn't worth it because it only got really hot a few days out of 
the year and the wall unit was sufficient.  I have a Soleus portable in 
this room which I run if it gets too hot.

It's a Spare the Air Day but I'm still driving to the waterfront park 
for a walk which may have a cool breeze off the water. People hate these 
Spare the Air Days around here because it's a perfect day to BBQ and 
they can't.  And Saturdays you get these gardening crews coming around 
as they will be in this neighborhood running movers and blowers which 
aren't supposed to be run either.  But what can they do?  People want 
them there on Saturday when they're home not during the week.

If the BART workers strike on Monday then the Bay Area might look like 
Mumbai by the end of day.

On 06/29/2013 07:52 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> Upper 120's for Death Valley today, upper 90's for Houston with near 100% 
> humidity, feels like Death Valley! But a, the comforts of 
> air-conditioning. The dog doesn't want to run(swim,maybe) the Peregrine won't 
> want to fly. We'll just chill today.
>   From: turquoiseb 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:29 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris
> No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
> 'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
> free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)
> Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
> served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
> vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
> English or something today.
> As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
> the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
> are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
> around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
> the American Southwest.
> I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
> now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
> Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
> was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of
> weeks.
> At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
> ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
> made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
> were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
> were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
> when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
> at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
> was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
> been estimated that if they hadn't done that, the number of deaths as a
> result of the canicule would have been several times higher than it was.
> But today it's cool, and so were the fish and chips. Life just rocks
> sometimes when you're easy to please.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread Share Long
Krishna muppets! Thank you, turq for this and also for Despicable Me2 trailer. 
Talk about making me smile big! Anyway, was wanting to rent something special 
for this evening and I think I'll go for DesMe1 (-:

 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:15 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> Translation from gull-speak:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> Happy birthday to you!
> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> Jai Guru Dev
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> >
> > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread Share Long
laughing here too because I was talking to my Mom AND watching your gull 
youtube and she said goodbye, I can tell you're on Internet. But she said it so 
fast that I said, Mom, do you have to go to the bathroom? And she laughed and 
said yes and I said, I could tell, and then we both laughed. Me and my Mom have 
come a long way these past 65 years (-:
Anyway, thank you for this laughingji, hope you're well and happy. You too 
Feeling lots of gratitude for it all, including everyone in the Funny Farm 
And guess what? It's only going up to 73F in FF today, yahoo!

PS Happy Birthday to someone who's currently not posting on FFL but has in the 

 From: laughinggull108 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:05 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share


Translation from gull-speak:
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
Happy birthday to you!

Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
Through you, heaven on earth for all,
Through you, heaven on earth for all.

Jai Guru Dev

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!

[Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday wishes, 
as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to original 
subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, yes, it 
*is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]


Re: [FairfieldLife] Das State has its "eyes" on Bhairitu

2013-06-29 Thread Bhairitu
Happy Birthday.  Did you find "White House Down" to be more of a 
satire?  Some folks say it comes off that way.  I saw "Olympus Has 
Fallen" a couple months back.

I watched "The Last Exorcism Part II" on BD last night.  Sony is the 
distributor so the disc wasn't rental and had the Special Features on it 
so listened to the commentary which was interesting.  Makes for a long 
night.  Rated PG-13 but probably not for Buck.

On 06/28/2013 02:20 PM, Share Long wrote:
> Yeah, noozguru, I was gonna add Trader Joe's but wasn't sure and didn't want 
> archivists to go ballistic. Or make it too easy for your NSA team (-: Anyway, 
> saw White House Down today. Loved it. All kinds of good guys and bad guys and 
> smart, brave females. A little humor now and then. Think Independence Day 
> melded with Air Force One. Enough twists and turns to never sag for 2 hours! 
> Not great cinema but just what I was in the mood for. Go figure.
>   From: Bhairitu 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 2:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Das State has its "eyes" on Bhairitu
> Fry's should hand deliver me their weekly ad flier.  They might also
> note that I often stop my Trader Joe's on the way back from Fry's.
> Just listening to Gerald Celente on Alex Jones right now saying he
> starts out each day with meditation.  Unfortunately for the TMO it's
> Buddhist meditation.  Celente is a trends researcher and does a pretty
> good job of reporting where the economy is.
> I read it's going to be 129 degrees in Death Valley today.  When I left
> for my walk this morning it was already 77 degrees.  I might even need
> to run my AC today.  I've got a portable unit here in the computer room.
> I'm waiting for a helicopter to fly by to see if it shows up on the
> FlightRadar24 app.  It's been fun seeing whose private jet is flying out
> of Buchanan.  Now I can keep tabs on the 1%.  There was a copter flying
> around yesterday before I got the app but couldn't tell if it was the
> Regional Parks Police helicopter or channel 7 (both look about the
> same).  The local police and county sheriff don't have a helicopter
> anymore so it seems they share use of the Parks one since they need one
> to patrol the large regional parks we have around here.  The park police
> missed  some ticket writing last weekend as I ran into several OOs who
> were walking their dogs even off leash in the game preserve ($300 ticket
> per dog).  The rest of the waterfront park is open to dog (on leash
> only) so why they walk them there is curious and I often ask. The rest
> of the park is about 3 times that preserve area.
> On 06/28/2013 04:14 AM, Share Long wrote:
>> noozguru, just keep up those Mandarin lessons and you'll be ok no matter how 
>> many times Big Brother records you driving to Fry's (-:
>>From: emptybill 
>> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 8:13 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Das State has its "eyes" on Bhairitu
>> http://cironline.org/reports/license-plate-readers-let-police-collect-millions-records-drivers-4883
>> The local and state police are watching you too - not just the NSA.
>> Blame it on Bush - as usual.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> http://youtu.be/IS3HSguQNM8
> Translation from gull-speak:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
> Happy birthday to you!
> Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy birthday to you,
> Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
> Through you, heaven on earth for all,
> Through you, heaven on earth for all.
> Jai Guru Dev
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> >
> > Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
> [Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday 
> wishes, as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to 
> original subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, 
> yes, it *is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Share

2013-06-29 Thread laughinggull108

Translation from gull-speak:
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear (insert appropriate name here),
Happy birthday to you!

Alternate translation to true TMers everywhere:
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy CC, happy GC, happy Unity, to you!
Through you, heaven on earth for all,
Through you, heaven on earth for all.

Jai Guru Dev

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!

[Snip, snip, snip all other nonsense having nothing to do with birthday wishes, 
as well as changing subject line so as not to give more attention to original 
subject line than is deserved...not that that's a bad thing...well, yes, it 
*is* a bad thing...bad dog, very bad dog...]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption

2013-06-29 Thread Michael Jackson
Damn! I never heard of that incident either.

 From: Mike Dixon 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption

Oh yeah, it happened. I just don't remember who it was. I'm thinking Billy 
Clayton, who became a skin- boy later. Maybe that was the *pay back* for doing 
the master's bidding.That was the same course that John and Yoko came to kidnap 
Yoko's daughter from a previous marriage, that was there with her father.

From: Michael Jackson 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
I would love to know.

From: Mike Dixon 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Was it Billy Clayton that got busted trying to smuggle course fees(Cash) out of 
Majorca to Switzerland in a suit case about '71 or '72?

From: John 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 6:47 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Lawson,  We don't know if that is the case in Italy today.  They'll have to 
interrogate this official to find out who ordered the operation, for what 
purpose, and for how long has this been going on.  This case could make Dan 
Brown's new novel a factual tale, which I have not read yet.  --- In 
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote: 
> The only incident I heard of was in Spain many decades ago at a time when, if 
> a company or organization was NOT doing that, they were plain stupid. Some 
> countries have had a triple digit inflation rate relatively recently. Not 
> sure if Spain was one of them, but when I was there in 1980 or thereabouts, 
> they had national police with submachine guns at ever major street corner in 
> anticipation of riots due to the closing of the national banks. 
> L 
> --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  
> wrote: 
> > 
> > He should have talked to Girish and marshy's other kin folk - I hear the 
> > Movement people did that crap all the time and got away with it. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> >  From: John  
> > To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com > > Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 
> > 1:12 PM 
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > He tried to bring in millions of euros in cash from Switzerland without 
> > going through customs.  Further investigation of this case could disclose 
> > many ugly details.  One wonders how many mistresses this crook is keeping 
> > by stealing from the church coffers. 
> > 
> > This is a case of Jupiter turning into a malefic.  When it does, it steals 
> > millions through organized crime. 
> > 
> > http://news.yahoo.com/vatican-official-arrested-corruption-plot-075720910.html
> >  > > 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Edward Snowden?

2013-06-29 Thread Mike Dixon
It's Bush's fault!


 From: Richard J. Williams 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:43 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Edward Snowden?

Everyone knows by now that Edward Snowden worked for 
Booz Allen Hamilton for only three months. We know 
that the purloined information appeared in the 

And, we know that Snowden flew to Hong Kong and then
to Moscow. The question remains "Who, if anyone, aided 
and abetted this well-planned theft of U.S. secrets?"

'Who Helped Snowden Steal State Secrets?'
Wall Street Journal:

> He's encrypted thousands of documents and sent them 
> to Wikileaks. For all we know he may be a stooge, 
> "in an elaborate scheme to get disinformation, or 
> malware, into Chinese or Russian intelligence. (Or 
> for all he knows)."
> http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/170444/
> "Every revelation about Edward Snowden should only 
> deepen our concerns about our private data."
> 'Fear of a Black Hat'
> Slate:
> http://tinyurl.com/npz2lsb


Re: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread Mike Dixon
Upper 120's for Death Valley today, upper 90's for Houston with near 100% 
humidity, feels like Death Valley! But a, the comforts of air-conditioning. 
The dog doesn't want to run(swim,maybe) the Peregrine won't want to fly. We'll 
just chill today.


 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:29 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris
No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)

Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
English or something today.

As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
the American Southwest.

I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of

At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
been estimated that if they hadn't done that, the number of deaths as a
result of the canicule would have been several times higher than it was.

But today it's cool, and so were the fish and chips. Life just rocks
sometimes when you're easy to please.  :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: The #1 Symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> One of my good friends in Santa Fe was a psychiatrist who had, over the
> course of his career, treated many individuals suffering from
> Naricissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). When I met him, he had already
> given up on psychiatric treatment, having been convinced over the course
> of 20+ years that the condition was untreatable. But knowing of my
> interest in the subject (caused by having studied with at least two NPD
> spiritual teachers), he was willing to talk with me about his
> experiences back when he *was* treating NPD, and some of the conclusions
> he had drawn from those experiences. One of these conclusions seems
> relevant to recent events on FFL, so I'll rap about it a little.
> The symptom he spoke of as the "#1 tip-off" that he was dealing with
> someone with NPD was what he called "blame displacement."
> To explain a bit, NPD sufferers live in an illusory/delusory world
> inside their own heads; they rarely, if ever, interact with reality as
> it is seen by other people. Subjectivity "rules" for the NPD individual,
> and they tend to sincerely believe that "how they see the world"
> *equates* to "how the world is."
> So it is often a SHOCK to them when someone calls them on their own
> antisocial or unethical behavior. According to my friend the shrink,
> their *first* impulse at that point is to DENY it. They cannot accept
> that the view of them being proposed by this other person could be
> correct, because it contradicts their own internal, subjective view of
> themselves.
> Their *second* impulse is to attempt to SHIFT THE BLAME for these
> contradictory views of themselves. They call the person criticizing them
> or their behavior "liars," and furthermore (and this is the tip-off)
> claim that the critic *does not even believe what they are saying*, and
> that they are *consciously* lying about them in an attempt to "get"
> them.
> Now think back to recent discussions about what Robin did
> when Vaj pointed out

(Barry means "claimed.")

> that Robin had struck his students. First he DENIED it
> vociferously, lying through his teeth the whole time.

He didn't lie. As he said: 

"I did not deny something I knew was true. I denied
what I was accused of."

That's a fine distinction, but it's a valid one.

> But second, he
> attempted to SHIFT THE BLAME, and portray Vaj as the Bad Guy
> In This Scenario, claiming that *he* was lying, and claiming 
> furthermore than Vaj even "knew" that he was lying. Classic
> NPD behavior.

Unfortunately, Barry, nobody who has read Robin's
many posts here taking full blame for his misdeeds
30-some years ago is going to fall for this. Robin
has very consistently portrayed himself as the Bad
Guy in That Scenario, including in his Open Letter.

That he resists taking the blame for something of
which he feels he isn't guilty doesn't make him a
narcissist. That's just not the way it works.

If he claimed Vaj was lying, it was because he was
convinced Vaj was lying.

Vaj lied *routinely* on FFL, as well as being
exceptionally abusive. He lied about me many times.
He even lied about Ann, privately to you, and you
got into hot water with Ann when you believed him
and repeated his lie on FFL.

> Next, think about Judy Stein, and her well-established
> patterns on this forum. When faced with a critic -- someone
> who calls her on her behavior in a way that contradicts her
> internal view of who she is and what she's doing -- her
> first impulse is to DENY the behavior. But her second is
> *almost always* to attempt to SHIFT THE BLAME and claim
> that the critic is not only lying, but *consciously* lying,
> and doesn't "really" believe the thing he or she is saying
> about her. Again, classic NPD behavior.
> We really DO believe the things we say about you, Judy.

No, you don't, Barry. You don't even believe what
you've just written (and appropriately so).

> Your inability to comprehend or accept this is based on
> your own disability -- Narcissistic Peronsality Disorder
> -- not on some "superior" insight or intuition or
> "seeing."

Plain old deductive reasoning.

> You cannot accept that we *really* see you this way
> because it so strongly contradicts your view of
> yourself. This is called Narcissism.

It's called Barry Hates Judy and Will Say Anything He
Can Think of to "Get" Her, even when he doesn't
believe it himself.

Barry, you're projecting. Pretty ironic that you
try to project your own flaming narcissism onto

(Is that the editorial or the royal "we," by the way?
Or maybe the MPD "we"? Curious minds want to know.)

> *Six and a half years* after you made your "Mel Gibson,
> Christian bigot" post, you *still* cannot bring yourself
> to say, "OK, I did it. I commented on a film I'd never
> seen." You *still* have to equivocate, and pretend not
> only that it never happened, but that Barry is "lying"
> about it happening.
> It happened. The proof is here 
> (h

[FairfieldLife] It's all in the eyes

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
There is a woman in this cafe I have been unable to tear my gaze away
from for several minutes now. It's *not* that I'm being lecherous, or
that she is attractive (although she is). It's her eyes. I have seen
those eyes staring down at me from my walls for almost 40 years.

They're the eyes of a woman in the first piece of real art I ever
bought. It's a lithograph from 1897 called "Invocation de la Madone à
l'onyx," by Marcel Lenoir. I first saw it in a gallery in Westwood when
I worked for the TM Regional Office when it was still located at 1015

I walked into the gallery one day at lunch, and this woman just stopped
me into my tracks. I was transfixed. After I recovered somewhat, I asked
the price. I was told it was $250, and at that time of my life, working
full time for the TMO as I was, I realized that I couldn't afford it.

But I bought it anyway. I talked the owner of the gallery into reserving
it for me "on layaway," paying for it in five monthly installments, all
I could afford after rent and food. During that time it still hung on
the gallery walls, and I went in several times a week to visit "my"
lithograph. Ever since -- even though I've bought a great deal more
expensive and theoretically impressive art in the meantime -- it's hung
in my houses in a place of honor. It's one of the things I would grab
and carry out with me if my house was on fire and I had to flee quickly.

Yet in all this time I've never seen any woman in real life with eyes
quite like that. Until today.

The woman in question smokes, and has a boyfriend, but still...she has
those eyes. Such a gift from the universe...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Edward Snowden?

2013-06-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

Everyone knows by now that Edward Snowden worked for 
Booz Allen Hamilton for only three months. We know 
that the purloined information appeared in the 

And, we know that Snowden flew to Hong Kong and then
to Moscow. The question remains "Who, if anyone, aided 
and abetted this well-planned theft of U.S. secrets?"

'Who Helped Snowden Steal State Secrets?'
Wall Street Journal:

> He's encrypted thousands of documents and sent them 
> to Wikileaks. For all we know he may be a stooge, 
> "in an elaborate scheme to get disinformation, or 
> malware, into Chinese or Russian intelligence. (Or 
> for all he knows)."
> http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/170444/
> "Every revelation about Edward Snowden should only 
> deepen our concerns about our private data."
> 'Fear of a Black Hat'
> Slate:
> http://tinyurl.com/npz2lsb

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption

2013-06-29 Thread Mike Dixon
Oh yeah, it happened. I just don't remember who it was. I'm thinking Billy 
Clayton, who became a skin- boy later. Maybe that was the *pay back* for doing 
the master's bidding.That was the same course that John and Yoko came to kidnap 
Yoko's daughter from a previous marriage, that was there with her father.


 From: Michael Jackson 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
I would love to know.

 From: Mike Dixon 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Was it Billy Clayton that got busted trying to smuggle course fees(Cash) out of 
Majorca to Switzerland in a suit case about '71 or '72?

 From: John 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 6:47 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vatican Official Arrested for Corruption
Lawson,  We don't know if that is the case in Italy today.  They'll have to 
interrogate this official to find out who ordered the operation, for what 
purpose, and for how long has this been going on.  This case could make Dan 
Brown's new novel a factual tale, which I have not read yet.  --- In 
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote: > > 
The only incident I heard of was in Spain many decades ago at a time when, if a 
company or organization was NOT doing that, they were plain stupid. Some 
countries have had a triple digit inflation rate relatively recently. Not sure 
if Spain was one of them, but when I was there in 1980 or thereabouts, they had 
national police with submachine guns at ever major street corner in 
anticipation of riots due to the closing of the national banks. >  > L >  > --- 
In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote: 
> > > > He should have talked to Girish and marshy's
 other kin folk - I hear the Movement people did that crap all the time and got 
away with it. > >  > >  > >  > >  > >  > >  
From: John  > > To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com  > > Sent: 
Friday, June 28, 2013 1:12 PM > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Vatican Official 
Arrested for Corruption > >  > >  > >  > >    > > He tried to bring in 
millions of euros in cash from Switzerland without going through customs.  
Further investigation of this case could disclose many ugly details.  One 
wonders how many mistresses this crook is keeping by stealing from the church 
coffers. > >  > > This is a case of Jupiter turning into a malefic.  When it 
does, it steals millions through organized crime. > >  > > 
> > > 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27
Hey, that reminds me.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARE!!
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27"  wrote:
> Thanks Rav for the invite.
> For right now, I'm gonna stay on my present track.  As different
> or angles emerge I'll remain open to changing my position.  But at
> present I'm going to stay the course.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> >
> > Agree - perhaps Steve will rise, redeem, realize his mistake and
> display his amazing American charitable nature, this blessedness and
> strongly condemn Barry and Xeno for trying to maliciously label Robin
> a sociopath, not dismiss it as mere "difference of opinion".
> >
> > Very harsh and hurtful stuff Steve and no proof based on Robin's
> actions here 2011-13. at FFL, anyway neither Xeno nor Barry have shown
> us other than innuendo and distortion of facts, even these distorted
> facts not meeting the high burden of proof that's required here.
> >
> > Come on Steve, here's a chance to walk the talk !!!
> >
> > On Jun 28, 2013, at 8:04 PM, "authfriend" authfriend@ wrote:
> >
> > > I just want to say that Steve never *used* to be so
> > > stupidly, deliberately obnoxious. He was a perfectly
> > > nice chap with a pretty good sense of humor who
> > > occasionally said some fairly interesting things.
> > > Sometimes he'd get into hassles of one sort or
> > > another, but mostly he was fine.
> > >
> > > Something has happened to him in the last few years,
> > > and it doesn't look like it's anything good.
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > What moronic stuff again.
> > > >
> > > > You are clueless to your contradictions, your hypocrisy, your
> dishonesty - no charitable stuff coming through Stevie baby. Certainly
> not any kind of values anywhere - this hypocrisy, this dishonesty.
> > > >
> > > > A classic example of what I was talking about. I had to double
> down on your bullshit so you could perhaps look at your hypocrisy and
> dishonesty, but no you said I was harsh. Of course I was harsh, I was
> intentionally harsh.
> > > >
> > > > How about Robin being labelled sociopath - was that harsh?
> your charity that you talk about? Aligning yourself with the
> maliciousness of the sadist Barry and the one with the self-professed
> sociopathic traits - Xeno.
> > > >
> > > > Pathetic Stevie baby.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Jun 28, 2013, at 6:41 PM, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > where was I? BTW, just had a delicious Caesar salad with the
> wife and toasted raviolis. Don't you just love it when those croutons
> are perfect, not really crunchy, but not too spongy either. I do.
> > > > >
> > > > > Anyway, back to the business at hand.
> > > > >
> > > > > About this American thing, Rav. What I'm saying is that
> up in the culture, we don't really feel like we always need to be
> proving ourselves. I think we feel pretty blessed and generally try to
> have a charitable attitude.
> > > > >
> > > > > You seem like you've got something to prove. Or maybe that
> worshipping Amma trip that got laid on you was just too much for you
> handle.
> > > > >
> > > > > Anyway, it's really not that original to label people with
> you disagree as needing to be institutionalized. But if makes you feel
> good, by all means keep it up.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Stevie's world
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Lying, dishonesty = Blind spots
> > > > > > Bullying, malicious vindictiveness, assigning people labels
> Difference
> > > > > > of opinion
> > > > > >
> > > > > > When pointed out he says he is an American.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Steve baby - you, Barry and Xeno have some psychological
> issues, you
> > > > > > guys need to be drugged, institutionalized.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Or you are just pathological liars. Xeno says he is
> sociopathic, that he
> > > > > > lacks empathy. Barry lacks empathy, is a sadistic bully.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > God have mercy on your souls.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On 6/28/13 4:43 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > > > > > > God what silly nonsense Steve. You are so fucking moronic,
> clueless to
> > > > > > > how you have completely changed your tune here.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > No distorting the truth is not difference of opinion.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I clearly showed your distortion of facts - whether it be
> aversion to
> > > > > > > men, or my posts on Ammachi free speech. You accused me of
> bullying
> > > > > > > and being an American, LOL how hilarious.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > No - it's not a difference of opinion. You may not be
> sociopathic like
> > > > > > > Xeno and Barry but you are dishonest and by clearly lack
> integrity
> > > > > > > by your support of malicious, vindictive behavior of Xeno
> and Barry.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Your behavior is sickening Steve, do

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27
Thanks Rav for the invite.
For right now, I'm gonna stay on my present track.  As different facts,
or angles emerge I'll remain open to changing my position.  But at
present I'm going to stay the course.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Agree - perhaps Steve will rise, redeem, realize his mistake and
display his amazing American charitable nature, this blessedness and
strongly condemn Barry and Xeno for trying to maliciously label Robin as
a sociopath, not dismiss it as mere "difference of opinion".
> Very harsh and hurtful stuff Steve and no proof based on Robin's
actions here 2011-13. at FFL, anyway neither Xeno nor Barry have shown
us other than innuendo and distortion of facts, even these distorted
facts not meeting the high burden of proof that's required here.
> Come on Steve, here's a chance to walk the talk !!!
> On Jun 28, 2013, at 8:04 PM, "authfriend" authfriend@... wrote:
> > I just want to say that Steve never *used* to be so
> > stupidly, deliberately obnoxious. He was a perfectly
> > nice chap with a pretty good sense of humor who
> > occasionally said some fairly interesting things.
> > Sometimes he'd get into hassles of one sort or
> > another, but mostly he was fine.
> >
> > Something has happened to him in the last few years,
> > and it doesn't look like it's anything good.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
> > >
> > > What moronic stuff again.
> > >
> > > You are clueless to your contradictions, your hypocrisy, your
dishonesty - no charitable stuff coming through Stevie baby. Certainly
not any kind of values anywhere - this hypocrisy, this dishonesty.
> > >
> > > A classic example of what I was talking about. I had to double
down on your bullshit so you could perhaps look at your hypocrisy and
dishonesty, but no you said I was harsh. Of course I was harsh, I was
intentionally harsh.
> > >
> > > How about Robin being labelled sociopath - was that harsh? Where's
your charity that you talk about? Aligning yourself with the
maliciousness of the sadist Barry and the one with the self-professed
sociopathic traits - Xeno.
> > >
> > > Pathetic Stevie baby.
> > >
> > >
> > > On Jun 28, 2013, at 6:41 PM, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@ wrote:
> > >
> > > > where was I? BTW, just had a delicious Caesar salad with the
wife and toasted raviolis. Don't you just love it when those croutons
are perfect, not really crunchy, but not too spongy either. I do.
> > > >
> > > > Anyway, back to the business at hand.
> > > >
> > > > About this American thing, Rav. What I'm saying is that growing
up in the culture, we don't really feel like we always need to be
proving ourselves. I think we feel pretty blessed and generally try to
have a charitable attitude.
> > > >
> > > > You seem like you've got something to prove. Or maybe that
worshipping Amma trip that got laid on you was just too much for you to
> > > >
> > > > Anyway, it's really not that original to label people with whom
you disagree as needing to be institutionalized. But if makes you feel
good, by all means keep it up.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Stevie's world
> > > > >
> > > > > Lying, dishonesty = Blind spots
> > > > > Bullying, malicious vindictiveness, assigning people labels =
> > > > > of opinion
> > > > >
> > > > > When pointed out he says he is an American.
> > > > >
> > > > > Steve baby - you, Barry and Xeno have some psychological
issues, you
> > > > > guys need to be drugged, institutionalized.
> > > > >
> > > > > Or you are just pathological liars. Xeno says he is
sociopathic, that he
> > > > > lacks empathy. Barry lacks empathy, is a sadistic bully.
> > > > >
> > > > > God have mercy on your souls.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On 6/28/13 4:43 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > > > > > God what silly nonsense Steve. You are so fucking moronic,
clueless to
> > > > > > how you have completely changed your tune here.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > No distorting the truth is not difference of opinion.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I clearly showed your distortion of facts - whether it be
aversion to
> > > > > > men, or my posts on Ammachi free speech. You accused me of
> > > > > > and being an American, LOL how hilarious.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > No - it's not a difference of opinion. You may not be
sociopathic like
> > > > > > Xeno and Barry but you are dishonest and by clearly lack any
> > > > > > by your support of malicious, vindictive behavior of Xeno
and Barry.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Your behavior is sickening Steve, don't know how you
function in a
> > > > > > normal society - a lowly, superficial, inauthentic, pathetic
> > > > > > indeed. Are these your American values - moronic dishonesty,
> > > > > > vindictiveness? God what a joke.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Jun 28, 2013, at 4:29 PM, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-29 Thread seventhray27
Hey Judy, thank you for the analysis.
Now remember, that people do change.  This is not a bad thing. 
Hopefully they change for the better.  In this case you feel the change
was for the worse.  No biggy.
But honestly my heart opens up to you a little.  Maybe there's a little
rut you happen to be stuck in.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> I just want to say that Steve never *used* to be so
> stupidly, deliberately obnoxious. He was a perfectly
> nice chap with a pretty good sense of humor who
> occasionally said some fairly interesting things.
> Sometimes he'd get into hassles of one sort or
> another, but mostly he was fine.
> Something has happened to him in the last few years,
> and it doesn't look like it's anything good.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
> >
> > What moronic stuff again.
> >
> > You are clueless to your contradictions, your hypocrisy, your
dishonesty - no charitable stuff coming through Stevie baby. Certainly
not any kind of values anywhere - this hypocrisy, this dishonesty.
> >
> > A classic example of what I was talking about. I had to double down
on your bullshit so you could perhaps look at your hypocrisy and
dishonesty, but no you said I was harsh. Of course I was harsh, I was
intentionally harsh.
> >
> > How about Robin being labelled sociopath - was that harsh? Where's
your charity that you talk about? Aligning yourself with the
maliciousness of the sadist Barry and the one with the self-professed
sociopathic traits - Xeno.
> >
> > Pathetic Stevie baby.
> >
> >
> > On Jun 28, 2013, at 6:41 PM, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@ wrote:
> >
> > > where was I?  BTW, just had a delicious Caesar salad with the wife
and toasted raviolis.  Don't you just love it when those croutons are
perfect, not really crunchy, but not too spongy either.  I do.
> > >
> > > Anyway, back to the business at hand.
> > >
> > > About this American thing, Rav.  What I'm saying is that growing
up in the culture, we don't really feel like we always need to be
proving ourselves.  I think we feel pretty blessed and generally try to
have a charitable attitude.
> > >
> > > You seem like you've got something to prove.  Or maybe that
worshipping Amma trip that got laid on you was just too much for you to
> > >
> > > Anyway, it's really not that original to label people with whom
you disagree as needing to be institutionalized.  But if makes you feel
good, by all means keep it up.
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Stevie's world
> > > >
> > > > Lying, dishonesty = Blind spots
> > > > Bullying, malicious vindictiveness, assigning people labels =
> > > > of opinion
> > > >
> > > > When pointed out he says he is an American.
> > > >
> > > > Steve baby - you, Barry and Xeno have some psychological issues,
> > > > guys need to be drugged, institutionalized.
> > > >
> > > > Or you are just pathological liars. Xeno says he is sociopathic,
that he
> > > > lacks empathy. Barry lacks empathy, is a sadistic bully.
> > > >
> > > > God have mercy on your souls.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On 6/28/13 4:43 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > > > > God what silly nonsense Steve. You are so fucking moronic,
clueless to
> > > > > how you have completely changed your tune here.
> > > > >
> > > > > No distorting the truth is not difference of opinion.
> > > > >
> > > > > I clearly showed your distortion of facts - whether it be
aversion to
> > > > > men, or my posts on Ammachi free speech. You accused me of
> > > > > and being an American, LOL how hilarious.
> > > > >
> > > > > No - it's not a difference of opinion. You may not be
sociopathic like
> > > > > Xeno and Barry but you are dishonest and by clearly lack any
> > > > > by your support of malicious, vindictive behavior of Xeno and
> > > > >
> > > > > Your behavior is sickening Steve, don't know how you function
in a
> > > > > normal society - a lowly, superficial, inauthentic, pathetic
> > > > > indeed. Are these your American values - moronic dishonesty,
> > > > > vindictiveness? God what a joke.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Jun 28, 2013, at 4:29 PM, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >>
> > > > >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > > >> > >> > Am I screaming loud Steve baby - what do you think
about the
> > > > >> behavior of
> > > > >> > Xeno and Barry?
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > Is that bullying? Is that sociopathic behavior? Trying
their darnedest
> > > > >> > to associate, attach a label of sociopath on Robin in spite
of all the
> > > > >> > facts that are presented by Judy, Ann and I?
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > >> My goodness Ravi, you really don't get it do you. And to be
> > > > >> so scared of some kind of label!!
> > > > >>
> > > > >> So, let me make sure I have it straight. You are protesting
that in
> > > > >> spite of the all "f

[FairfieldLife] A true culinary "find" in Paris

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
No, not five-star cuisine, comfort food -- fish and chips. And in my
'hood, no less, at a very acceptable cafe near rue Mouffetard that has
free Wifi. I feel like a soccer fan shouting "Score!"  :-)

Light, crispy crust perfectly fried around a tasty morsel of fresh fish,
served with acceptable fries, tartar sauce, and -- bless them! --
vinegar on the side, without me even having to ask for it. I must look
English or something today.

As for "today," it's still overcast and slightly on the chilly side, at
the end of June. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but many around me
are wearing coats and sweaters. It's a gigantic leap to go from looking
around the cafe at this to reading on the Net about the heat waves in
the American Southwest.

I wish them all well. Ten years ago I was here in Paris during the
now-infamous canicule (heat wave) that killed hundreds of people in
Europe. It was *intense*. High temperatures, but the killer (literally)
was that it never cooled down -- not even at night -- for a couple of

At that time of year, most of Paris is away on vacation. Many of the
ones left behind are old, and don't have the money to travel. Their age
made them susceptible to heatstroke and respiratory conditions, and many
were placed in grave danger by the incessant heat. The doctors of Paris
were *also* away on vacation during this period, but to their credit,
when they heard about the temperatures, many of them left their families
at their vacation homes and returned to Paris, because they knew what
was going to happen, and wanted to be there to care for people. It has
been estimated that if they hadn't done that, the number of deaths as a
result of the canicule would have been several times higher than it was.

But today it's cool, and so were the fish and chips. Life just rocks
sometimes when you're easy to please.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A veritable *demonstration* of "intellectual dishonesty"

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
If we're going to discuss intellectual dishonesty,
let's start with the fact that Barry has *no clue*
about the nature of my personal relationship to
Robin. Which means that when he attempts to
characterize it as if he knows something about it,
he is being intellectually dishonest.

Not a good start, is it? Doesn't get any better,

The next significant fact is that with regard to
his FFL posts, Barry is a chronic liar--not just
intellectually dishonest but factually dishonest,
having made many, many seemingly factual statements
that he knows to be false.

The irony of the task Barry has undertaken here is

Now let's examine the dishonesty in what he goes on
to say:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Now that we've managed to tweak the Judy Wind-Up Doll to the
> point that she's already pissed away a quarter of her posts
> for this coming week in the first four hours of the "posting
> week" :-),

Actually only four of my posts so far this posting week
had to do with this topic, and only two of those were
in response to Barry (in both cases correcting 
knowingly false statements of his).

Pretty pathetic tweaking, if you ask me.

What's got him so hysterical is that he's been unable
to get away with any of his own false statements
(some of which have been flat-out lies, others due to
ignorance and/or carelessness). Bottom line, he's 
been a flop at portraying Robin as a villain. That's
because it's an intellectually dishonest concept. He
knows Robin *isn't* a villain.

> let's put her whole
> performance this past week into some perspective, shall we?
> What wound her up was me posting some FACTS -- in his own
> words -- about her fantasy boyfriend Robin Carlsen in
> response to Card's post of Clinton looking into the camera
> and telling the American public, "I did NOT have sex with
> that woman." That struck me as a *perfect* parallel to
> what Robin did with the "I did NOT strike my students"
> routine that backfired on him so badly.

No, sorry, you posted some false statements and some
quotes that were out of context. I corrected you and
provided the context you carefully left out, an
intellectually dishonest omission.

And as you know, from the start I characterized Robin's
move as "Clintonesque," so you can stop your dishonest
pretense that somehow I objected to that comparison.

> Robin, trying to make Vaj's claims "go away," homed in on a
> Judy Steinian nitpick and took advantage of the phrase
> "during a seminar" to deny that he had ever struck his
> students.

He did not deny that he had ever struck his students.
A lie from Barry. To Robin, there was a significant
distinction between smacking confrontees on stage in
front of an audience during a public seminar--which
would have been exceptionally stupid just from a
business perspective, let alone any others--and doing
so in a private setting with a residential community
of people he had been working closely and intensely
with for some time.

That is not a difficult distinction to understand.
It's intellectually dishonest to claim it's of no

If you read his Open Letter, he explains why he felt
trying to convey on FFL what went on in the private
setting--which was highly esoteric, to say the least--
would have been futile. After all, Vaj was still
carrying on a prolonged and sadistic jihad against
him on a number of different fronts. Not a good
environment, to say the least, for communicating
something as complex and mysterious as what he
detailed in his Open Letter.

> In the course of doing this,
> he used phrases like, "this is not something I would have
> done" and "I never once struck someone on stage."
> He was clearly using the nitpick of "during a seminar" to
> LIE, and claim he had *never* struck his students,

No, that isn't clear at all, sorry. That's your malign
interpretation, and it's intellectually dishonest. As
he said in the Open Letter, he knew it would have to
come out eventually. He just didn't think it was the
appropriate context at that point.

> the same equivocal trick that Clinton was trying to use
> by relying on a subjective, self-serving definition of
> "sex" that did not include blowjobs to LIE about Monica
> Lewinsky.

Similar tactic, different situation, different motivation.

> Judy Stein, self-appointed "hall monitor of honesty" on
> Fairfield Life, sees nothing wrong with this.

Not true. I understood why he had done it, but I wasn't
comfortable with the "Clintonesque" aspect.

> And the thing is, Robin was even lying about THAT, the
> nitpick, as Judy herself admits in a later post.

And that's another lie from Barry. I never "admitted"
that Robin lied, because I don't think he did lie. I
don't know what happened onstage, and neither does
Barry. Neither does Ann, for that matter. As I pointed
out in another post, it's highly unlikely he would
have lied about an incident he knew Ann would have
witnessed. He isn't *stupid*. There has to be

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crop Circles

2013-06-29 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Maybe this explains why our visiting aliens are so enamored of > making crop 
> circles.
> "There had been a popular joke on Freedom, started by a man named 
> Calder. Looking down from space, he had said, the dominant life 
> forms on Earth were obviously the cereals and other grasses. They 
> occupied all the most desirable and fertile land; and they had 
> tamed insects and animals to care for them. In particular, they 
> had domesticated the bipeds to nurture and cultivate them and to 
> save and plant their seed. Now, watching the farmers, Alex could 
> easily imagine that they were worshiping and genuflecting before 
> their masters."
> - Larry Niven

Great find. For a "hard science" SciFi writer, Larry
could be very funny on occasion.

[FairfieldLife] Crop Circles

2013-06-29 Thread Michael Jackson
Maybe this explains why our visiting aliens are so enamored of making crop 

“There had been a popular joke on Freedom, started by a man named 
Calder. Looking down from space, he had said, the dominant life forms on Earth 
were obviously the cereals and other grasses. They occupied all 
the most desirable and fertile land; and they had tamed insects and 
animals to care for them. In particular, they had domesticated the 
bipeds to nurture and cultivate them and to save and plant their seed. 
Now, watching the farmers, Alex could easily imagine that they were 
worshiping and genuflecting before their masters.” 
― Larry Niven

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sure sounds like Robin to me...

2013-06-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> It was ALWAYS "about the hitting." It's only the
> die-hard cultists trying to protect their past or
> present investment in fantasies about Robin who are
> trying to make it appear to be something else. 
> Robin physically struck his students, and can find
> ways to justify that. His "defenders" KNOW that he
> repeatedly physically struck his students,

We "KNOW" this *because Robin admitted it*.

> and continue to find ways to justify that.

I don't recall anybody ever trying to justify it.
Robin himself has condemned it in no uncertain
terms (as Barry knows).

Oh, wait, I *do* remember somebody here attempting
to justify it:

"There is plenty of compassion here for weird shit we
all did in our past and this doesn't sound like such a
big deal. There were a whole bunch of weird psychological
'breakthrough' cults that seem to be far worse than what
you were running back then. If you weren't banging your
disciples ten deep in Elvis' Graceland white panty
parties, you come off as better than most people in your
position of power over the entranced."

This person also said:

"What Ann may not be aware of about the dynamics of the
place is that the Robin hitting people issue wasn't
really about Robin hitting people."

Hmm. That's exactly what Ann said that Barry so
furiously denies, calling her a "cultist" for even
suggesting it. Guess the person who wrote the above
must be a cultist too, huh?

This post was made the morning after Robin posted his
Open Letter, not a year and a half later. Boy, those
cultish Robin-defenders got busy quick, didn't they?

By this time, Barry will have figured out who wrote
that post. And that will be the end of his fulminating
about "justifying" and "cultists."

Anybody else want to take a guess as to who it was?
Steve, how about you? Xeno?

> THAT is why this 
> topic continues to come up. THAT is the very stuff
> of the cult mindset.

No, Barry keeps bringing it up because of his own
personal animus against his critics, especially
Robin and his defenders. Full stop.

In this instance, he brought it up because he was
*infuriated* by his inability to bait Ann and me,
just as Ann said. When he made a bunch of patently
false claims about Robin's behavior on FFL, I
easily documented the lies and laughed at him. Then
he suggested Robin was a psychopath, and Ann and I
both laughed at him. Then he lost control completely,
hauled out the whole striking-students business
again, and crowned it with one *huge whopper* of an
exceptionally malicious lie.

That lie was exposed and debunked as well. Now he's
busy trying to save a little face by telling a whole
bunch *more* lies, and failing miserably. But he
can't stop himself. It's a compulsion.

  1   2   >