[FairfieldLife] Best Selling Cars in America

2013-09-09 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
"The August auto sales figures have been reported, and there were many
reasons for Japanese automakers to celebrate. Though Ford's (NYSE:F)
F-Series pickups still paced the industry with an impressive 71,115
sold, cars by Japanese automakers took 6 out of the 10 top spots in U.S.
auto sales last month..."

1. Toyota Camry


'These 6 Japanese Cars Dominated the U.S. in August'

[FairfieldLife] Re: last night I dreamt of judy stein . . .

2013-09-09 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> But Alex, if it is a dream, how on topic to dreams stay? :)
Well, as long as we're not making any sense today, let
me add that dreams are real - as real as the waking
state. There's probably not a single waking state event
that you can't experience in the dream state.

So, when Fester says he dreamed of Judy, it was a real
dream - because it was presented to him - it was not an
illusion, something that was not real.

P.S. You're supposed to copy and paste the thread with
interspersed > (right angle brackets) indicating the
quoted text.

That way, we know what you're responding to.

People: slow down and think before you post your
one-liners. LoL!


> This is quoted text

"Take the time to edit any quotations down to the minimum
necessary to provide context for your reply. Nobody likes
reading a long message in quotes for the third or fourth
time, only to be followed by a one line response: "Yeah,
me too."...

Email/Discussion Group Netiquette Tips:

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: September is National Yoga Month

2013-09-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Richard, do you look at your own posts on the Web site? 
> If you do, you'll see that there's no apparent distinction 
> between what you're replying to and your replies. It all 
> looks like just one post.
That's what I'm sayin'! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Survival

2013-09-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> Around here this stuff is taken seriously as we have big earthquakes.
On a recent episode of 'Doomsday Castle' they built
a solar water system. Very good information.



> I believe that was the film I watched on Netflix a couple year's back.
> There's a US series by National Geographic called "Doomsday Preppers"
> which is going into it's third season.  I watched the first two and
> had a special episode of preppers in other parts of the world before I
> canceled the tier the Nat Geo is on.  There were a lot of good
> ideas in the series.  Some of the people were a bit wacky and others
> very grounded.  The really good episodes were with ex special forces
> people who know how to survive about under any condition.  Around here
> this stuff is taken seriously as we have big earthquakes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Syriasly

2013-09-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> Huh?
Apparently not a single Dem member of Congress who has seen
the evidence has voiced doubt about the use of chemical weapons
by the Assad regime.

"If you're among the majority of war-weary Americans who oppose
any sort of military intervention in Syria, thank libertarian Republican
lawmakers Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Rep. Justin Amash of

'The Rise Of The Antiwar Libertarians'
Daily Beast:

> Great Alan Grayson op-ed in the New York Times:
>   "Over the last week the administration has run a full-court press on
> Capitol Hill, lobbying members from both parties in both houses to
> in support of its plan to attack Syria. And yet we members are
> to accept, without question, that the proponents of a strike on Syria
> have accurately depicted the underlying evidence, even though the
> proponents refuse to show any of it to us or to the American public.
> In fact, even gaining access to just the classified summary involves a
> series of unreasonably high hurdles.
> We have to descend into the bowels of the Capitol Visitors Center, to
> room four levels underground. Per the instructions of the chairman of
> the House Intelligence Committee, note-taking is not allowed.
> Once we leave, we are not permitted to discuss the classified summary
> with the public, the media, our constituents or even other members.
> are we allowed to do anything to verify the validity of the
> that has been provided."
> Huh?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dear Prudence – an interview with Prudence Farrow

2013-09-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
s3raphita :
> Nice photo.
There's Maureen, Cynthia, Heather, and Patti.

So, where is Prudence in the photo? It looks like
somebody copied a photo of the Beatles and their
wives for the Prudence interview. Go figure.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Survival

2013-09-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> By the way: if you're that paranoid make sure you stock 
> potassium iodide tablets. 
Uh, yeah, that's covered in the book I mentioned.

'How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It:
Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times'
by James Wesley Rawles
Plume, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack

2013-09-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> "Maybe so, but ..."
> Yep, yer so concise ... Prairie Dog.
> Snip, snip ... boo who..
> Apparently you don't realize that you've
> been gelded for a long time.
Sorry I hurt your feelings, but you are not supposed
to snip replies, lose the context, and then post 
'Thanks for the reply". LoL!

Also, you're not supposed to be copying and pasting 
whole articles lifted from other web sites. Learn to 
make a url instead. Go figure.
> > > Thanks for the reply.
> > >
> > Does it bother anyone else that the mime is talking?
> >
> > You nerd! You snipped the post sent John Jr.
> >
> > > Much more intelligent than Willy's inane
> > > "maybe so, but".
> > >
> > And, you snipped my post as well. What an newbie!
> >
> > > Back then everyone thought Saddam Hussein had
> > > WMD's and indeed he had Chems but that was all.
> > >
> > > This time the other Hussein shows his "skills" as a
> > > community organizer but unfortunately the tough
> > > guys don't live in his neighborhood. They fear Barry
> > > like they fear one of their innumerable concubines ...
> > > meaning not at all.
> > >
> > From what I've read, not a single Dem member of
> > Congress after viewing the intel has voiced doubt
> > about the evidence of chemical use by the Assad
> > regime.
> >
> > "The Petraeus statement follows endorsements of
> > Obama's measure this week by Hillary Clinton, his
> > first secretary of State; and Robert M. Gates, his first
> > secretary of defense and a holdover from President
> > George W. Bush."
> >
> > 'Petraeus calls on Congress to back White House on Syria'
> > Politico:
> > http://tinyurl.com/krxwcq3
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: last night I dreamt of judy stein . . .

2013-09-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Yeah, it's all crap. The only egregious offenders on 
> this thread are the idiots who can't stay on topic.
Which topic - obsessing on Judy in your dreams or Richard 
quoting netiquette?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Survival

2013-09-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> > Survival is the struggle to remain living.
> >
> > Survival Cache:
> > http://survivalcache.com/ 
> >
s3raphita :
> This individualistic, survivalist stuff is fun (kinda like
> scouting for grown-ups) but pretty unconvincing.
Most of what I've read is just common sense that could be
applied to any disaster. Apparently you've made no plans
to survive, that is, other than have a few pills to take in case
of a nuclear disaster, but what about other kinds of disasters
- any plans for that?

> If the shit ever does hit the fan then our best chances
> of pulling through will be if we group together and work
> as a community to solve any shelter/food/medical
> emergencies.
Ask anyone around here what it was like to live through
hurricain Katrina or Sandy and you could see what people
could have done BEFORE they found themselves and their
family inside the Astro Dome or without shelter.

> Indeed, people would opt for the hive even if that meant
> accepting something like fascism if that was the only
> possibility separating them from lawlessness.
If you had watched the show BEFORE you posted your
comments you would know that the family is the first line of
defense and security in any disaster. Go figure.

> I always think the tough guys who think they can make it
> on their own would fold come their first toothache or
> sprained ankle!
You are not even making any sense - all good survivalist
probably have medications for a toothache or a sprained
ankle in their pants pocket. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> If you're *completely* "in the present," how would you
> remember that you like chocolate but don't like tutti-
> frutti? When the guy asks you whether you want it in a
> dish or on a cone, how would you know what those 
> options represent?
We don't have the future, because it isn't here yet; the 
present is gone in less than a second; so, all we really 
have is the past. The past is the new now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: last night I dreamt of judy stein . . .

2013-09-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
 > and no, it wasn't a nightmare
You're not supposed to be putting someone's name in
the subject line, when it's sent to a list of discussion
group subscribers. It makes you look like an obsessive

Also, don't begin your message with a few words in
the Subject line and continue in the body of the
message. "That leads to discontinuity of the message
and defeats the purpose of the Subject Line."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> How "evolved" are people who "have to" react to everything
> said that pushes their buttons? How "evolved" are they to
> still *have* so many "buttons?"
Now this is funny - a guy reacts to his own post about 
button pushing, and then he lashes out because his buttons 
got pushed. LoL!

> I'm going to continue ignoring the people I ignored this 
> month, so what they say -- and how often they say
> it -- really doesn't affect me.
So, if he ignored the other button-pushers, how would the
primary biutton-pusher know if the other button-pushers
were evolved or not? Go figure. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack

2013-09-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> ...are the Russians believable in this situation? Or more believable
> than anyone else?
>From what I've read, Russia gave UN 100-page report in July blaming
Syrian rebels for the Aleppo chemical attack. So, it's not improbable
that Syrian rebels also are to blame for the chemical attack in

The WMD could be old chemicals reconstituted in Iraq and smuggled into
Syria by the rebels. If the similar attack was carried out by the rebels
Aleppo, then the 'red line' was crossed several months ago. Go figure.

It probably wouldn't benefit Assad to have his fixed security locations
bombed by the U.S. because of a single chemical attack, so there's some
doubt if Assad sent in the missiles with the poison gas.

BERLIN —  Russia says a deadly March sarin attack in an Aleppo
was carried out by Syrian rebels, not forces loyal to President Bashar
Assad, and it has delivered a 100-page report laying out its evidence to
the United Nations...

'Russia gave UN 100-page report in July'
McClatchey, September 5, 2013

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack

2013-09-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> Didn't we just experience how George Bush sold
> the Iraq War on the pretense of Saddam Hussein's
> possession of WMD?
Almost everyone on the planet is opposed to the
civil war in Syria and the use of chemical weapons.
And, almost everyone on the planet wants to to help
the Syrian refugees.

With 100,000 dead already, there will probably be a
million more refugees trying to get into Iran, Jordan,
or Iraq, even without a U.S. strike.

The real question: is the president in violation of
the U.S. Constitution if he launches attacks without
congressional authorization?

>From what I've read, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton
supports giving Obama carte blanche.

Bill Clinton in Bosnia and George W. Bush in Iraq,
they didn't need to sell the invasion to Congress.

'Hillary Clinton Supports Syria Attack'
Daily Beast:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Inside, Outside, Upside Down

2013-09-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > 'Congress looking at perilous precedent'
> > by Michael Gerson
> > The Washington Post, Friday September 6, 2013
> > 
> Are you on drugs?
> Read the U.S. Constitution.
You are supposed to read the newspaper article by
Michael Gerson BEFORE you post your comments - my
post was just a paraphrase of the article. It's in
the newspaper, The Washington Post today.
> This is a test.
So, I guess you don't read the newspaper? Go figure.
> > If the U.S. Congress votes no to attack Syria, this
> > will set dangerous new precedent. The U.S.
> > President then will not be in command - he will
> > no longer be the Commander in Chief of the U.S.
> > Armed Forces.
> > 
> > So, let's  review:
> > 
> > Obama directs drone strikes in Afghanistan,
> > Pakistan, and Sudan without consulting Congress.
> > 
> > In mid-June the Obama administration says it
> > would begin providing aid to the Free Syrian Army
> > - so where are the arms?
> > 
> > The President declared that Assad must go - but
> > Assad is still in power and apparently winning.
> > 
> > Obama drew a chemical weapons thin red line and
> > threatened an imminent military attack - but he
> > didn't attack and the attack was repudiated in
> > the U.K. Parliament.
> > 
> > Then the President indicated that we needed the
> > United Nations to back up the Syrian strikes -
> > then  Obama declared it unnecessary.
> > 
> > Now the President says he wants the U.S.
> > Congress to support the attack on Syria - but Obama
> > said he didn't really need Congress's support.
> > 
> > If Congress says no on the Syrian strikes, the
> > President of the U.S. will go into battle with "his
> > hands tied behind his back". Go figure.
> > 
> > Read more:
> > 
> > 'Congress looking at perilous precedent'
> > by Michael Gerson
> > The Washington Post, Friday September 6, 2013
> > 
> > 'US drone 'kills Haqqani commander Sangeen Zadran'
> > BBC News Asia:
> > http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-23983388

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack

2013-09-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
emptybill :
> Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack
Maybe so, but according to the Russians the chemical weapons
came from Iraq, just like I suspected. The WMD were already
used in Syria in March in the city of Allepo. So, how would Saudi
Arabia give chemical weapons to the Syrian rebels?

"Three simple numbers will prove whether sarin was used to
gas Syrians last month: 99-125-81."

'Labs Seeking Sarin Chemical Signature'
ABC News, September 6, 2013

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Real Fairfield Life Post

2013-08-24 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> To rudely follow up on my own post, but cutting to 
> the chase...
If you had free will, you could levitate or leap over 
tall buildings; you would have mind control and be 
able to predict the future, so you could avoid the 
dangers that lie ahead. Go figure.

Free will would be like being a God - able to cause 
change at will.

Sorry Charlie, but the world doesn't work that way. 

We all follow the laws of cause and effect - a body 
in motion tends to stay in motion, etc.

That is, unless you're attempting to inject a new,
transcendental force into the universe. 

Just remember: a body at rest tends to stay at rest.

> IF you believe
> that Nature runs things
> and you don't really
> have any Free Will
> with which to "decide"
> what to do
> DID you ever
> have a choice about
> whether to meditate
> or not?
> :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > Very nice post. THIS is what Fairfield Life could be if so many
> > weren't so committed to lowering it to their level.
> >
> > That said, I only have one comment, and I hope you understand
> > that this is for fun, since we've discussed our differences of opinion
> > on the subject of free will in the past...
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
> > >
> > > So, being able to enlighten someone or teach them about it is a
> > > pretty big gift, and so I do respect MMY - warts and all.
> >
> > IF, as you suggest, there is no free will, and we're just flowing
> along
> > with Nature, circling the drain of ITS intention, not ours, why would
> > an ostensible teacher of enlightenment be any more special than any
> > other being, or what they "teach" a "gift?"
> >
> > I mean, if there is no free will, and we're all just doing what Nature
> > intends, then how could anything such a "teacher of enlightenment"
> > do or say *affect* us in any way? According to the No Free Will
> > theory, someone or something ELSE is running things. Nothing that
> > *anyone* we ever meet should be able to change that Plan, or Flow,
> > or whatever you choose to call it.
> >
> > Enlightened, schmightened. If there is No Free Will, and no one has
> > the ABILITY to change what is going to happen to them (because
> > Nature is "running" all of that shit), then how can any "teaching" by
> > any supposed "teacher of enlightenment" be seen as having been
> > instrumental in any of his/her students realizing enlightenment?
> >
> > Nature handles that shit, according to your theory. Not the seeker,
> > and not the teacher. IF your theory is correct, and there is No Free
> > Will, there is simply no possibile way to affect one's own future. It
> > wouldn't matter how many "teachers of enlightenment" you met;
> > Nature controls whether you're going to realize your own enlight-
> > enment...not the teachers, and not you.
> >
> > :-)
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brave Combo

2013-08-03 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Is this thread somehow connected to the one 
> about the pot farms??
This is the Brave Combo thread - so, how did it 
get hijacked to be about Bhairitu, pressure 
cookers, back packs, and sodomy? Go figure.

Somebody needs to take a break from posting or
watch what they are posting! What is wrong with
you people, anyway?

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > At Riverside they are probably more into poker than polkas. ;-)
> > 
> > Poke her or poke ass?
> > > 
> > > On 08/02/2013 01:23 PM, Share Long wrote:
> > > > noozguru! I got an idea, a brilliant idea if I don't mind saying so 
> > > > myself. You know that backpack and pressure cooker I was gonna send 
> > > > you? Instead let's get the names and addresses of some of those idiots 
> > > > who don't leash their dogs in the park. I'll order these dangerous 
> > > > items and send to them instead! And, just to make the whole thing more 
> > > > fun, the backpack is gonna be covered in polka dots. Gigantic pink 
> > > > polka dots! Of course the backpack will also contain a copy of 
> > > > Polkasonic which they can listen to while their unleashed dogs are 
> > > > walking them in the park!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > PS When my credit card numbers were stolen last year, the nice fellow 
> > > > at one of the vendors told me that the IP address was in Riverside, 
> > > > right abouts where that nice casino is located. Amazing!
> > > >
> > > >  >"They won a Grammy Award in 1999 in the Best Polka 
> > > > > Album category
> > > > > for their album Polkasonic, and again in 2004 for 
> > > > > their album Let's
> > > > > Kiss..."
> > > > >
> > > > > Brave Combo:
> > > > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_Combo
> > > > > 
> > > > >
> > > >> http://youtu.be/c8pLDpobvCc 
> > > >>
> > > > Who would have thunk it?  Willy is a polka fan.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Surface

2013-07-24 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > The idiots who created Win8 drives me nuts. Such
> > > a friggin arrogant bunch should be driven out of
> > > business. Where are the Japanese when we need
> > > them ?
> > >
> > It's not complicated - just turn on the Metro view
> > and tap on Start? LoL!
> >
> I already told you I will never touch a screen used
> for editing.
So, you bought a new laptop for editing with Win 8 but
it's not a touch screen model? Go figure.

> I now have a new, superior, very powerful, ultrafast
> and small laptop perfect for travelling made in Asia
> with an inferior operating system that doesn't even
> have a start menu, made in the USA.
Did you try the free app I told you about?

I guess you've lost me - I was going to use the Surface
as a mobile controller for my home entertainment
system, not for an editing workstation, although it could
be used for that.

I'm using an HDMI cable to connect a computer to the
TV set, just like Alex described using his MacBook. When
you're laying on the couch it's kind of hard to use a
mouse.  LoL!

> And if you ask it to come with XP or WIN7 they will
> laugh in your face. This is capitalism in a nutshell;
> instead of providing you with the promised "choice"
> they force you to buy their newest products whether
> you want it or not.
Win 8 is just like Win 7 - are you thinking it is a new
OS? The last time I checked, the Apple McIntosh
OS doesn't have a 'Start' button. How do they do it?

Mac OS:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Romney had to admit that he was wrong..
The IRS's Web page backs up Mr. Romney's 
figure as true.

"It is true that 46 percent of American 
households did not pay federal income 
taxes last year, according to the Tax 
Policy Center."

The Huffington Post:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor to Judy and PS to laughingG

2012-10-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Or I could be old enough to be their "Daddy" 
> (wink, wink) if you know what I mean.
Either way, just make sure you enjoy. LoL!

> > > Now, how about that spanking? I can be in NJ 
> > > in a few hours. Sorry Share.
> > > 
> > You realize these gals are old enough to be your 
> > mother, right?
> > 
> > > > Not too bad for a first attempt, gully boy, 
> > > > but you'll do better with practice.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor to Judy and PS to laughingG

2012-10-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Now, how about that spanking? I can be in NJ 
> in a few hours. Sorry Share.
You realize these gals are old enough to be your 
mother, right?

> > Not too bad for a first attempt, gully boy, 
> > but you'll do better with practice.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> I have never attempted nor have I ever implied or 
> said that I attempted to rise in the ranks of 
> the Movement...
So, you've got next to nothing to report to us about 
the TMO or the comings-and-goings of MMY. Some insider
informant you turned out to be. LoL!

We already got a dozen TM Teachers on the list and
a Minister and a Governor, and one guy's brother is 
repordedly a TMO Raja. One guy was a regional
co-ordinator for a dozen years; another guy was a 
president of a whole TMO district; one guy was inside 
the TMO for over thirty years; and we used to even 
have a TMO attorney posting on Usenet.

This newsgroup has at least four informants on the
INSIDE of both domes at Fairfield - at this very 

So, there's probably not much you can add to what's
already been posted on FFL and alt.m.t. as far as
rumors. You'll probably find more out about mantras 
and sex over at TM-Free Blog. LoL!

> > Well, I guess I won't be posting here any day 
> > of the week now that Richard has told me I 
> > don't make sense and I am not an advanced yogi...
> > 
> Well, you could stick around and get ridiculed by 
> the advanced yogis that post here. 
> Apparently you've never dialoged with Vaj, Curtis, 
> emptybill, or the tantric yogi, Bhairitu! 
> You just wait till Turq or Judy or Robin start
> remarking about what a dunce you've been all these 
> years, attemting to rise up in the ranks of the 
> TMO.
> > I dunno whut ta do now!
> >
> You'd fit in better on TM-Free blog dialoging
> with Sudarsha, Mike, or Gina. LoL!
> > Almost all of these rumors have been proved
> > to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
> > of us here who still support TM don't even
> > read these old rumors anymore. You can check
> > the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
> > really interested in learning the truth. 
> > 
> > If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
> > TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
> > is making a good discussion group look like 
> > idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
> > TM practice.
> > 
> > You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
> > and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Romney is a Liar

2012-10-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Romney has admitted he's wrong about his '47 
> percent' statement.  
It looks like you haven't thought this through. 

"So is it true that 47 percent of Americans 
don't pay income tax? Essentially, yes, 
according to the the Tax Policy Center..."

'Fact-checking Romney's "47 percent" comment'
CBS News, September 18, 2012, 11:46 AM 

> You'll have to catch his errors so that he 
> can own up to it.
Now all we have to do is catch your errors. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> I simply thought it would be amusing to revisit 
> some of the more ridiculous rumors that circulated 
> through the TM Movement over the years - sorry you 
> find it so offensive - you could take the option 
> of ignoring it.
Why not take your rumors over to TM-Free where they 
belong? You're not making any sense over here - just 
taking up unformatted bandspace. You're way out of 
your league here with the advanced yogis. 

Unless you can help me understand the mechanics of 
consciousness, you're next to useless even as an 
annonymous informant. 

> > I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
> > no post by Nabby defending anything on 
> > this thread!  OMFG!  How cool! 
> > 
> Almost all of these rumors have been proved
> to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
> of us here who still support TM don't even
> read these old rumors anymore. You can check
> the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
> really interested in learning the truth. 
> If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
> TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
> is making a good discussion group look like 
> idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
> TM practice.
> You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
> and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!
> > > What was WYMS?
> > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-05 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> I am shocked, stunned, petrified. I see 
> no post by Nabby defending anything on 
> this thread!  OMFG!  How cool!  
Almost all of these rumors have been proved
to be lies told by people like Vaj - lot's
of us here who still support TM don't even
read these old rumors anymore. You can check
the archives on FFL and alt.m.t. if you're
really interested in learning the truth. 

If we want to read fibs we could go over to 
TM-Free Blog. All you trolls are doing here 
is making a good discussion group look like 
idiots post here. MMY has nothing to do with 
TM practice.

You guys really suck as spiritual teachers,
and I don't see anyone defending you. LoL!

> > What was WYMS?
> > 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thursday contribution: My Knitted Boyfriend

2012-10-04 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> That's fine with me and I enjoyed today's 
> contributions.
So, how many respondents posted negative or 
positive messages about someone else in the 
group? Almost everyone in the group except 
Barry. LoL 

It looks like things got worse, instead of 
better. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-04 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> M = sex with the gals = not a rumor
So, you were there, in the same room. How did you
get past the door-boy and the skin-boy? 

> > > > You mean, after the rumor got spread around
> > > > that with TM you could get 'enlightenment' in 
> > > > 5-7 years and with the TM-Siddhi program you
> > > > could 'levitate'? After those, it would be
> > > > pretty difficult to cite any bigger rumors. 
> > > >
> > seekliberation:
> > > I remember at my Siddhi's course people were talking
> > > about the invisibility sutra and the potential wonders
> > > it could enable them to do.  I also remember another
> > > person talking about a sutra that would enable siddhas
> > > to turn themselves into animals.  Holy batshit, I can't 
> > > even get a 7 year old kid to believe something like 
> > > that!
> > > 
> > > > But, the really big rumors are that MMY 
> > > > murdered SBS in a conspiracy with the ashram 
> > > > cook, to poision SBS's food, and the other 
> > > > rumor about MMY having coitus with Jennefer 
> > > > on MMY's tiger skin under a painting of SBS
> > > > in the middle of the night at a yoga camp
> > > > in India. 
> > > 
> > > I think those rumors are among a bunch of rumors that Earl
> > > Kaplan spilled the beans on.  Whether they're true or not,
> > > we may never know.
> > > 
> > No, it wasn't Earl, it was Vajradhatu108 who spread
> > the MMY murder rumor and Rick Archer that spread the
> > MMY sex rumors.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Suggestion

2012-10-04 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Shit, I knew you couldn't last seven hours in a day 
> > without opening your big big-pie hole talking about 
> > somebody!
> >
> M, did somebody mention pie? Although I like pumpkin 
> pie well enough (seasonal now too) I must say my mother's 
> apple pie with cinnamon and orange zest was the best I have 
> ever had. Couple that with some Haagen Dazs ice cream and, 
> man oh man, how delicious.
So, it's all about your Mother. LoL!

> I must have missed something, who is authfriend talking 
> about?

> I thought she was talking about a suggestion, not a 
> person.
Marek is a person, and his 'suggestion' just got dumped on 
by Judy and several others. Shit, it wasn't three hours 
into the day before somebody sent in a negative message 
about someone! They just can't help it - some people just 
feel better when they have someone to talk to. 

Go figure,

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Suggestion

2012-10-04 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > I'm responding to Share's suggestion about Wednesday under
> > the original thread started by marek as a reminder about
> > the basic guidelines, which I think are great, about nothing
> > positive or negative about any particular poster on that day.
> >
> Um, Marek's suggestion was just his suggestion; it was not
> a reminder of the basic guidelines for FFL because it is
> not a part of those guidelines. Nor is it the case that we've
> all agreed to the suggestion. Nobody should feel obliged to
> follow it. I'm not sure how anyone got the idea that it's a
> done deal.
Shit, I knew you couldn't last seven hours in a day without 
opening your big big-pie hole talking about somebody!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best TM Rumor

2012-10-04 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> I was thinking today of what a rumor mill the 
> Movement has always been, so I am asking anyone 
> who cares to, to contribute their best TM rumor 
> (the one about mantras coming from the Buddhists 
> doesn't count)...
Shit, I knew it wouoldn't last three hours! Some
people just cannot keep their pie-holes shut
without posting something negative about someone
else at least once or twice a day. Go figure. 

"Just as a suggestion, and perhaps an interesting 
little experiment: perhaps FFL could designate one 
day of the week where everyone agrees to post no 
comments about any other poster, whether positive 
or negative..." - Marek Reavis 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Talked to Buddha

2012-10-03 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > You're the guy that collected all the mantras 
> > for thirty years.
> >
> I got three you idiot...
So, you got three Buddhist mantras, but in TM you
get only one mantra. Go figure.

> and you are the only one in the world I know of 
> who believes the TM mantras came from the 
> Buddhists.
and you are the only one in the world I know of 
who believes he talked to the dead Buddha. LOL!

> > > > I have no problem with vastu, I object to Maharishi 
> > > > co-opting old Indian knowledge to take advantage of 
> > > > people.
> > > > 
> > > So, you're thinking that MMY 'co-opted' the TM bija
> > > mantras, yet you love all of your bijas? You're not
> > > even making any sense. It has already been established
> > > where the bija mantras used in TM came from. You're
> > > just bactracking all over the place. What, exactly is
> > > your point?
> > >
> mjackson74:
> > My point is that you apparently have an unhealthy 
> > obsession about mantras - I said nothing about mantras, 
> >
> You're not even making any sense anymore. You're the 
> guy that collected all the mantras for thirty years. LoL!
> Author: mjackson75
> Subject: Fightin' about Mantras
> Newsgroup: Yahoo! FairfieldLife
> Date: September 27, 2012 5:52 pm
> 321245
> > I did not nor do I think that M co-opted the mantras - 
> > I was talking about vastu.
> >
> Maharishi 'Sthapatya Veda" is 'Maharishi' vastu 
> archtecture based on Buddhist edifice architecture. 
> Go figure.
> www.maharishivastu.org/
> Tantric practices, such as bija mantra, yantra, vastu, 
> yoga, are Buddhistic.
> 'TM - Not just another tantric, alchemical sect!'
> http://tinyurl.com/9ucnro8
> "Wherever Buddhism has flourished, it has left its visible 
> traces in the form of monuments which have their origin 
> in the tumuli of prehistoric times. These tumuli were 
> massive structures in the form of hemispheres, cones, 
> pyramids, and similar plain, stereometrical bodies which 
> contained the remains of heroes, saints, kings, or other 
> great personalities.
> In India the more or less hemispheric form, as we know 
> it from the first Buddhist stupas or caityas, has been the 
> prevalent type of such monuments. They were erected 
> for great rulers (chakkavarti) in pre-Buddhist times is." 
> Shakymuni mentions in his conversation with Ananda
> that "At the four crossroads they erect a cairn to the 
> king of kings (Digha Nikya XVI, 5).
> Read more:
> 'Psycho-cosmic Symbolism of the Buddhist Stupa'
> by Lama Anagarika Govinda
> Dharma Publishing, 1976

[FairfieldLife] Down the rabbit hole with Robin, Judy, Curtis and Share

2012-10-03 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > She is all grown up now and doesn't need you to 
> > tousle her hair...
> >
Robin Carlsen:
> The Sick Rose
> O Rose thou art sick. 
> The invisible worm, 
> That flies in the night 
> In the howling storm: 
> Has found out thy bed
> Of crimson joy:
> And his dark secret love
> Does thy life destroy.
Finally, a pundit that knows how to post formated 
text on a newsgroup!

[FairfieldLife] Re: GBh: Patanjali's reincarnation??

2012-10-01 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Shankaracharya's guru had told Shankaracharya that 
> Patanjali was reincarnated as Govinda Bhagavatpada 
> and was meditating in a cave somewhere in the state 
> of samadhi.[7]
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patanjali
>From what I've read, Gaudapada was meditating in a 
cave near Jabulpur, near MMY's hometown. He may or
may not have been in Samadhi, but probably he was,
since he was one of the first transcendental 
meditators in the tradion of Shakti and the Adi 

Let's review the TMer's Parampara: 

na-ra-yanaM padmabhavaM vashiSThaM shaktim ca tatputra
parasharam ca vya-saM shukam gauDapadaM maha-ntaM
govinda yogi-ndra matha-sya shiSyam |
shri- shankara-ca-ryamatha-sya padmapa-dan ca
hasta-malakan ca shiSyam taM troTakam
va-rtikaka-ram anya-nasmad
guru-n santatama-nato 'smi ||

shruti-smRti-pura-Na-nam a-layam karuNa-layam |
nama-mi bhagavat-pa-dam shankaraM lokashankaram ||

shankaraM shankara-ca-ryaM keshvaM ba-dara-yaNam |
su-tra-bha-Sya-kRtau vande bhagavantau punaH punaH ||

yad-dva-re nikhila- nilimpa-pariSad siddhiM
vidhatte 'nisham shri-mat-shri--lasitaM
jagadgurupadaM natva-tmatRptiM gata-H |
loka-jn'a-na payoDa-pa-Ta-n-dhuraM shri- shankaram sharmadaM
brahma-nanda sarasvati-m guruvaraM dhya-ya-mi
jyotirmayam ||

Transliterated by Borje Mullquist, from param.jpg on 
willytex's homepage 

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: ekih
Date: 10 Sep 2000 09:43:29 GMT
Local: Sun, Sep 10 2000 3:43 am
Subject: aavaahanam

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-27 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Well I guess I have not been paying attention - you 
> are saying the TM mantras were Buddhist in origin, 
> and they were made up by them, not cognized by much 
> more ancient rishis, as Maharishi said?
That's what I said, but Bill denied it; why I don't
know. Everyone knows that SBS was a Shree Vidya adherent,
and so is the Karpatri Swami, which he learned from SBS.

And, now everyone knows that the TM bijas are Shree
Vidya bijas. Shree Vidya is just like the Kashmere
Trika - that's probably why MMY was so fond of the Swami
Laksmanjoo. Why wanyone would want to deny this is
beyond me, but it's just like a TM Teacher to try and
mislead. Go figure.

> I bet Bevan and King Tony would be surprised to know 
> that. 
How much would you be willing to wager?

There are no bija mantras in the Rig Veda.

> But thank you for finally telling me why I have such 
> trouble in life - its because all I say is nonsense 
> gibberish! Well now I know.
Good 'luck' with your nonsense gibberish!

> > > Look Jackson, your gonna cause his head to explode.
> > >
> > Isn't this just like an ex-TM teacher - still trying 
> > to hide the truth about the TM bija mantras. Go figure.
> > 
> > People! The TM bija mantras were made up by tantric 
> > Buddhists in the year 401 AD during the Gupta Age in 
> > India by the 'Consciousness-only School, which is very
> > similar to Shree Vidya and Kashmere Trika. LoL!
> > 
> >  
> > > Here's an example of a former post that deals with 
> > > this point but that Willy can't make sense of in 
> > > any way.
> > > 
> > Wiki Wilki!!!
> > 
> > "In Hinduism and Buddhism, the Sanskrit term bija, 
> > literally seed, is used as a metaphor for the origin 
> > or cause of things and cognate with bindu. The Om bija 
> > in Esoteric Buddhism. The metaphor is considerably 
> > extended in the Consciousness-only teachings of the
> > Yogacara school of Buddhism."
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C4%ABja
> > 
> > > He can't let it go 'cause he can't understand.
> > > 
> > Yeah, right, Bill - nobody can understand nonsense
> > gibberish but you. LoL!
> > 
> > 
> > > > > Apparently Mr. Jackson doesn't want to talk about
> > > > > the elephant in the room - the bijas mantra you get
> > > > > when you start TM. Jackson desn't seem to know
> > > > > much about them - he didn't seem to realize that
> > > > > you get only one bija when you learn TM, when he
> > > > > paid the $65.
> > > > >
> > > > > And, if you adopt other bijas from other teachers,
> > > > > then you're not practicing TM.
> > > > >
> > > > > > When finally someone with an insiders
> > > > > > view on the above topics volunteer to share his
> > > > > > insights who are you to try to stop him?
> > > > > >
> > > > > So, it's unlikely you'll be getting any insider
> > > > > information revealed by Mr. Jackson.
> > > > >
> > > > > > Let anyone freely display his Pearls of Wisdom !

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Alternative

2012-09-27 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

So, it's all about Barry.

> None of these comments address the disparity between the traditional
> practice of Maitri Bhavana (the contemplative cultivation of loving
> kindness) versus the three little "impulses" used in tm-sanyama
> practice.
> Having to follow strict institutional rules is no excuse for the absence
> of compassion. For example, Buddhist monks must strictly observe 253
> rules, Buddhist female monastics must observe 348 rules. However, these
> monastics are not thereby allowed to be assholes to people.
> Administrative duties in Buddhist monasteries require many skill sets
> and yet maitri-bhavana is still enjoined as one of the most fundamental
> practices for everyone. Not that everyone in a monastery does them
> because most of their time is spent performing chants for the benefit of
> the lay people. That is how the monasteries earn donations. However, the
> administrators are answerable to the whole assembly of monastics for
> their behavior.
> A total of nine little "impulses" doesn't seem to do much
> for practitioners supposed "evolution". In actual results, this
> practice seems unconnected to these administrator's personal
> consciousness, whether surface or deep, no matter how long or how much
> they have performed sanyama. This disconnect basically stands alone as
> an example of "something is missing".
> That is why I included the example of the guided contemplation. It is
> one example of what seems missing.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" emptybill@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > People wonder why administrators who practice the tm-sidhi program
> for
> > > 40 years are so unkind and uncaring. Look no farther than the how
> the
> > > first three sutra-s are practiced - three reps of three ideas ...
> that
> > > is all.
> > >
> >
> > That job.  I have friends who have experience working in the
> movement's course office over the years.  Hopefully the guidelines
> facilitate what is going on.  When the guidelines are less than fair to
> people there can be a lot of deep (spiritual) hurt in enforcing them
> where it wrecks people's lives as it can.  At times this has been real
> bad.  The course office position holds a lot of power over people. 
> There is a lot of communal hurt around that and the people working there
> end up a conduit for that communal hurt and consequent anger.  If
> someone doesn't have a thick skin before coming in to the job they get
> one or get out.  It's an soul corrupting job if ever there was one like
> being a Ring-bearer in Lord of the Rings.  Hopefully the guidelines help
> facilitate what we are doing and not get in the way of it.  The
> guidelines evidently have caused a lot of trouble that way.  There's a
> reality to that.
> > -Buck
> >
> >
> > > Although engaged with during tm-sanyama, the three sutra-s are
> initial
> > > ideas. Their possible results? According to MMY some feelings of
> > > "warmth". But why should only three repetitions of such introductory
> > > feelings produce a significant, lasting change in someone?
> > >
> > > MMY used to analogize every method other than tm/tm-sidhi as just
> > > another "cart and bullock" practice.
> > >
> > > As a counter-point, here is a condensed and succinct example of the
> main
> > > method used in the traditions of Patanjali Yogasutra-s and Gautama
> > > Buddha's eight-fold path. Once you get a feel for it, you will
> > > understand why these Abodes of Brahma (Brahma Viharas) are
> considered
> > > essential for actualizing and realizing awakened liberation.
> > >
> > > ….
> > >
> > > The Four Brahma Viharas
> > >
> > > A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema
> > >
> > > Think of the four brahma viharas, the four supreme emotions,
> > > loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy (joy with others), and
> > > equanimity. And see them, as the Buddha explained them, as the only
> > > emotions worth having. Nothing else has any real place in our
> hearts.
> > > And think your heart as yearning to be filled with love and
> compassion,
> > > with joy with others, and equanimity. See your heart as yearning for
> > > that and then fill it with those emotions. The warmth of love. The
> care
> > > of compassion. The generosity of joy with others. And the
> peacefulness
> > > of equanimity. Fill your heart to the brim.
> > >
> > > And now spread the love and compassion, and the joy with others, and
> the
> > > equanimity through this room. So that there is the warmth and the
> care,
> > > the generosity and the peacefulness of it all through this room, so
> that
> > > everyone can partake of it.
> > >
> > > And now let these four emotions, with their warmth and their caring,
> > > their generosity and their peacefulness emanate from your heart and
> > > reach out to the people who are close to you, so that they can have
> part
> > > of it, without expecting that you can

[FairfieldLife] Re: Image stabilization sux??

2012-09-27 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> Image stabilization sux??
> http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/25/iphone-5-lumia-920-image-stabilization-face-off/
So, the Nokia came out on top.

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-23 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > You continually piled on and nitpicked...
> >
> Knowledge IS structured in consciousness...
Based on what you wrote, this is 'nitpicking' to post that
'knowledge is structured in consciousnes', at least on FFL.


"I have the Mandukya Upanishad with Shankara's detailed
commentary. Nowhere is there a discussion of 7 states
of consciousness, much less Maharishi's 7 states."


The three fundamental states of consciousness according
to Kashmere Trika:

jgrat - waking state
svapna - dreaming
suupti - dreamless sleep

"Besides these three there is another state which has no
name (turya - the fourth) because it is indescribable.
This fourth state is that of perfect fusion of pramatri,
pramana and prameya, also known as superconsciouness,
pervading the other three states and existing also
outside them."


'Kashmir Shaivism, The Secret Supreme'
by Swami Lakshman Jee, pag. 73

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-21 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> I noticed that you have not responded to the notion that 
> if sthapatya veda is so important to health, well-being 
> and world peace, seems like the Big M might have 
> mentioned it a few years ago so it could be working its 
> magic all these many years.
MMY mentioned vastu before the erection of the Golden Dome 
at Fairfield, IA, in 1972. Why do you think it's a dome?


> Perhaps you were not directing this to me, but I am not 
> a TM teacher, merely one of the peons who meditate.
So, where did your TM bija mantra come from? 

The point I'm trying to make is that the bijas mantras 
used in TM practice came from the Sri Vidya sect. 

So, I don't think they were 'made up' by MMY or Satyanand 
or Nandakishore. This is probably the most important 
aspect of TM practice that was mentioned on Usenet posts 
which could discredit MMY, that TM was 'invented' by
MMY, when in fact, it's a centuries old yoga technique
used by Buddhists and Hindus since at least the time of
the historical Buddha and the use of mandalas, if not
long before in the Upper Paleolithic in South Asia, 
according to historians.

To sum up what has been established:

If SBS had in his possession a Sri Yantra, and placed it 
in the Brahmastan of his cave, worshipped it and 
meditated on it while muttering the Saraswati bija mantra, 
and since SBS posed in Padma Asana displaying the chit 
mudra, and since SBS's teacher was SKS of Sringeri,
the headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins, and since
the Sri Yantra is placed on the mandir for worship at
the Sringeri, in a vastu tantric temple which has a 
south facing entrance, and since all the Saraswati 
sannyasins of the Shankara order at Sringeri all adhere 
to the Soundarylahari in which is mentioned the TM bija 
mantra for Saraswati, and every Saraswati sannyasin 
meditates on the Saraswati bija mantra at least twice 
every day, most people would conclude that the TM bija 
derived from the Sri Vidya sect of Karnataka, since the 
TM bija mantra for Saraswati is mentioned in the most
revered scripture of the Sri Vidya, and is enumerated
in the Soundaryalahari, right?

Work cited:

'History of the Tantric Religion'
by Bhattacharyya, N. N.
New Delhi: Manohar, 1999

Read more:

"When the term "Tantra" is used in relation to authentic Hindu Shaktism, it 
most often refers to a class of ritual manuals, and – more broadly – to an 
esoteric methodology of Goddess-focused spiritual practice (sadhana) involving 
mantra, yantra, nyasa, mudra and certain elements of traditional kundalini 
yoga, all practiced under the guidance of a qualified guru after due initiation 
(diksha) and oral instruction to supplement various written sources..."

'Shaktism's focus on the Divine Feminine does not imply a rejection of 
Masculine or Neuter divinity. However, both are deemed to be inactive in the 
absence of Shakti. As set out in the first line of Adi Shankara's renowned 
Shakta hymn, Saundaryalahari (c. 800 CE)..."


"In the principally Shakta theology of the Shri Vidya the goddess is supreme, 
transcending the cosmos which is a manifestation of her...The school has an 
extensive literature of its own. The details of the beliefs vary in different 
texts, but the general principles are similar to those found in Kashmir 
Shaivism...The goddess is worshipped in the form of a mystical diagram 
(Sanskrit: yantra) of nine intersecting triangles, called the Shri Chakra that 
is the central icon of the tradition."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > So Judy made Sal threaten Emily " snip
> > > 
> > M: This is instructive in how things spin out of 
> > control here...
> > 
> My perception of when it was exactly that Judy went 
> bat shit crazy...
So, it's all about Judy?

Non sequitur.

"(Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is 
an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from 
its premises."



> > M: This is instructive in how things spin out of control
> > here.  Remember my objections to Ann's use of words like
> > "traumatizing" and "vicious attack" Raunchy's "brutally"
> > in their imagination of an email they have not seen?
> > Egged on by Judy's insinuations of how egregious it was
> > (I disagree)those hoping for an excitement buzz escalated
> > what was said to make it all more newsworthy.
> >
> > And now we have the last step. (I hope)  Ravi has now
> > turned this imagination of the email into an online threat.
> > It is one of his favorite troll tactics and he has used it
> > before. Online threats, unlike the usual FFL slander machine,
> > are a felony in some states and are a growing concern
> > monitored by law enforcement and lawyers concerned about
> > liability. If something actually happens after it is
> > claimed that an online threat has been made, families sue
> > everyone in sight.
> >
> > The language we use here matters.  Please stop turning
> > your opinion about what someone wrote (that you haven't
> > even read) into something more exciting by making it
> > sound more sinister. It pushes the bent tack in the box
> > toward this kind of claim that is not only not fair to
> > Sal, it is really irresponsible considering who posts here.
> >
> > Ravi, please retract your claim that this email contained
> > something threatening. It did not. Not even close. This was
> > wrong for you to put on a public board.
> For your information and that of other people, here
> are some quotes from a paper I found while researching
> an article recently on the Internet and its dangers called
> "Cyberstalking and the technologies of interpersonal
> terrorism." A few quotes in it struck me as remarkably
> parallel to the situation you and others find themselves
> in on Fairfield Life. Highlighting mine:
> Stalking is a problem that affects millions of people and
> causes them great stress and diminishment of quality of
> life. Stalkers and obsessive pursuers clearly incorporate
> any means that facilitate their pursuit, and one of the
> increasingly available means of intrusion is the advent
> of cyberspace technologies. Taken broadly, cyberstalking
> is `the use of the internet, email, or other electronic
> communications devices to stalk another person'...
> This quote is more to the point, relating the
> newer crime/complex of cyberstalking to an older,
> more established psychological profile of pathology,
> called ORI, or Obsessive Relational Intrusion. It
> echoes theories I didn't know existed in formal
> psychology, but interestingly have suggested here
> myself, especially about the cyberstalkers seeking
> a kind of intimacy that is lacking in their real lives,
> and going *most* crazy when this perceived sense
> of intimacy with the object of their obsession -- even
> though it's not real, and exists only the stalker's mind
> -- is interrupted, and their delusional sense of "intimacy"
> withdrawn. See if this sounds somewhat familiar to
> you, Curtis, both with regard to how Judy has reacted
> to you withdrawing from the endless arguments she
> once was able to lure you into, and with regard to
> how Robin reacted when you similarly "cut him off
> at the pump," attention-wise. Highlighting mine:
> Stalking is closely related to a phenomenon referred to as
> obsessive relational intrusion (ORI). ORI is the unwanted
> pursuit of intimacy through the repeated invasion
> of a person's sense of physical or symbolic privacy.
> Most stalking is a form of ORI, but the two phenomena are
> not isomorphic. Some stalking, for example, is purely for
> the sake of terrorism or destruction, as with political or
> underworld assassinations. In contrast, ORI does not have
> to be threatening, as in a socially unskilled paramour
> simply annoying or pestering an object of affection.
> Despite these differences, research shows that even relatively
> mild efforts at such courtship often cross the threshold of
> threat and fear by virtue of their repetition,
> inappropriateness, timing, and/or oddity. Furthermore,
> most stalking cases evolve from prior relationships
> in which one party is pursuing efforts to re-establish
> intimacy, or exacting revenge for having the intimacy
> removed from their lives. Thus, although stalking and
> ORI are conceptually distinct phenomena, their domains
> overlap extensively.
> My perception of when it was exactly that Judy went
> bat shit crazy at her current levels is when you finally
> perceived that she was attempting to force on

[FairfieldLife] Re: Roger Ebert on the film that caused four murders

2012-09-16 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> "I would go so far as to suggest those who made the trailer 
> hoped to hurt their feelings."
"CAIRO — Following a blunt phone call from President Obama, 
Egyptian leaders scrambled Thursday to try to repair the 
country's alliance with Washington, tacitly acknowledging that 
they erred in their response to the attack on the United 
States Embassy by seeking to first appease anti-American 
domestic opinion without offering a robust condemnation of 
the violence."

New York Times, September 14, 2012

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-15 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > "I sent your email to Curtis and Judy...
> >
> Let's see how Curtis spins this into a defense of
> his dishonest description of Sal's email. Listen up,
> Barry and Vaj, this is how Mr. Wonderful does it.
So, it's all about Sal. LoL!

Now they're in a spin cycle down the rabbit hole, just
making stuff up. let's see what Robin says when he gets
back online. Now, that's some spin! Sal must be really
afraid of Robin. Go figure. 

> > So let's see how Judy can spin this into troll bait.  
> > Listen up all you apprentice trolls. mama troll is
> > gunna reveal the formula.
> >
> > > > > Amazing, how Curtis managed to turn things around so 
> > > > > that that Emily, the aggrieved party who Sal dumped
> > > > > on in a private email, is now Emily the instigator 
> > > > > of a nefarious plot to sic Judy on poor Curtis. 
> > > > > Pretty slick, I'd say.
> > > > 
> > > > Hey thanks for standing up to Judy for calling me 
> > > > dishonest...
> > > > 
> > > > oh wait, sorry I just read that again.
> > > > 
> > > > Actually I thought it was to sick Judy on Sal
> > > > who Emily knows hates Sal.
> > > 
> > > Emily was not aware of my criticisms of Sal.
> > 
> > You mean the chick you usually refer to as Stupid Sal
> > and who is obviously on the "other team".  Yeah, she
> > know.
> Not according to Emily.
> >  Emily explained
> > > why she sent it to Curtis and me (see below). Curtis is
> > > calling Emily a liar.
> >
> > See the move?  Because Emily doesn't specifically
> > mention all possible reasons for sending it to Judy, 
> > anyone who speculates about her reasons is calling
> > her a liar!
> "Emily knows Judy hates Sal" is not a speculation.
> That's a statement of purported fact. The speculation
> would have made no sense without the purported fact.
> > So first she got me to write by calling me a liar
> Let's correct this again. I said Curtis's description
> of Sal's email was dishonest. (I guess you could call
> it "lying by omission"--it certainly fits that
> description. Clintonesque, in other words.)
> Curtis knew what I was referring to. He could have
> corrected his description of Sal's post to reflect
> the reality. He chose instead to pretend he'd been
> unjustly accused.
> > and now she is hoping to get everyone going including 
> > Emily, who has escaped this nut house with this troll
> > move by claiming I was calling her a liar.
> Emily did not claim you were calling her a liar.
> We'll see at some point what Emily thinks of Curtis's
> interpretation of events. She's about to go on vacation,
> so we may not hear from her until she gets back at the
> end of September. (Curtis breathes a huge sigh of
> relief and immediately makes plans to be elsewhere
> when things hit the fan.)
> > So let me be clear now that Judy has tried to play
> > this creepy game.
> Translation: "How the hell can I possibly spin this to
> make Judy look bad after I stupidly pretended that Sal's
> hate mail to Emily was no big deal?"
> > Emily IMO likes stirring the pot here and watching what 
> > happens.  She did it often and well.  She is a student
> > of the personal dynamics here and I seriously doubt she 
> > would object to this characterization of her.
> Interesting, then you'd think she wouldn't have been
> so upset by Sal's email if it was as benign as you
> claim, wouldn't you?
> > When she included Judy she knew exactly what the Judy 
> > package comes with.  I believe that she hoped for a
> > little Judy/Sal smackdown in return for Sal's critical 
> > email.  And NO she didn't say this herself, but that 
> > doesn't mean that the reason she gave isn't also true.
> > It just may not be the complete list of motivations for
> > why she chose YOU.
> I'll leave this for Emily to respond to directly, since
> I can't post Emily's emails to me that indicate otherwise.
> > > > [Judy] wasn't only calling me dishonest, she was 
> > > > insinuating without proof that Sal's email was
> > > > somehow more egregious the how I described it.
> > > 
> > > Emily also described Sal's email as being more egregious 
> > > than how Curtis described it.
> > 
> > Duh,she was being criticized and I was being defended.
> > Imagine that, we have different perspectives on the same
> > email, what an amazing thing.
> Not the issue, as Curtis knows. Emily wouldn't have a
> problem with reasonably polite disagreement or even
> fair criticism.
> Ah, but this is the first time Curtis has let slip
> that the email was *critical of Emily*.
> Note that Curtis did *not* describe the email as "very
> unpleasant" or "*so* angry" or "bad energy." No, here's
> Curtis's description:
> - It was Sal's opinion
> - Sal expressed concern about some people online
>   (actually that would be one person, not "some
>   people")
> - Sal was sticking up for Curtis
> And according to Curtis, I could have no valid challenge
> to his honesty in describing the email like that.
> I 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are small businesses the engine of the economy?

2012-02-14 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> Oil is a fungible product; its price is dictated not
> by where it is originally located, but by whatever
> the global market for that product is at any particular
> point in time...
In Texas, we have cheaper gasoline than you do because we
have the refining capacity of Valero
   and Tesoro
  . It takes
less gasoline to transport refined gasoline to a location
than to import gasoline from Saudi Arabia. Texas is the
biggest producer of oil and gasoline in the United States
and has the most refineries.

These are the facts:

3302 Fairlanes Blvd & W Wilson St
Borger, TX

308 W Burlington
Fairfield, IA

In order to get gasoline, oil has to be transported to
a refinery. It's either done by truck or by ship or by
a pipeline, or you import gasoline already refined from
another country.

There is only one way to bring gasoline prices down in
the immediate future: demand must be decreased

But, for the future, what you need to do is get out and
vote for a candidate that really knows how to manage U.S.
energy resources. It's not the time to deny permits for
pipelines or to close refineries in the United States!

If Iran closes the Straight of Hormuz, you're going to
have to pay for it big time, with aid to Israel and at
the pump: look for $10.00 a gallon for regular!

America runs on gasoline and cars. Oil and gasoline are
the drivers for markets worldwide.

> > Your solution is to NOT drill and get oil to the
> > refinery?
> >
> Again, you're obviously a smart guy, even if
> reflexively oppositional, so I don't get why you made
> that stuff up, assert that I wrote it, and then put
> me down for writing it. How does that make any sense?
It was just a QUESTION, Marek - nobody is putting you
down for your opinions. Why are you TM Teachers so
confrontational? It doesn't make any sense.

At this point, there is no way you are going to avoid
$4.00 gasoline at the pump this summer. But, I say we
should be drilling for more domestic oil and building
new refineries for the next twenty years or so, in order
to supply the demand in the U.S.

Most people don't even know where the oil in their car
came from. But, I get ALL my oil from either Spindle
Top or the from the Permian Basin, and I use ONLY
Texaco fuel in my lawnmower.

"Blame refinery closures and downtimes in the United
States and in the Caribbean on top of seasonal hikes..."

Read more:

'Former Shell CEO: Get Ready for $5 Gasoline'
Money News:

[FairfieldLife] Re: OMG: ashvamedha!

2012-01-20 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > So, based on the evidence, the rite of the horse sacrifice
> > probably originated in Europe somewhere in the Northern
> > Caucasus  (4000 BCE.
> > 
> > Ratha is the Sanskrit name for chariot:
> >
> Oh shucks! 
"...that modern humans were dispersing through southern Asia 
towards Australia and New Guinea, and Denisovans must also 
have been living in that region. So they weren't just in 
Siberia, they were actually right across eastern Asia and 
down into Southeast Asia, where there was another 
interbreeding with people whose descendants ended up in New 
Guinea and Australia."

Rethinking "Out of Africa"

> I believe in some Northern Finnish
> dialects that's 'rathaat' (standard Finnish: rattaat), 
> i.e. it's in plural form (Sanskrit rathaaH).
> http://tinyurl.com/7u9q66x

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Is Fully Prepared

2012-01-20 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > The President of the U.S.A. has said under no 
> > > circumstances would he allow the waterway to 
> > > be closed. If anyone tries to close the 
> > > Straight, they should be hit on the head 
> > > really hard. 
> > > 
> > > > and loose another war ?
> > > >
> > The U.S. has never lost a war.
> >
> ...the USA did NOT loose the Vietnam and Iraqi war, 
> and is NOT about to loose the war in Afghanistan. :-)
The U.S. did not loose the war in Vietnam and the U.S. 
is not at war with Iraq or Afghanistan.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-20 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> I have to admit the whole thing is pretty fascinating 
> and I'd be happy to give you a better description but 
> maybe you could tell me about yourself.
>From what I've read, "Robin Woodsworth Carlsen is the 
first alleged enlightened being of the TM movement." 

Some people think that Robin went insane after a blast 
of 'kundalini' energy almost unhinged him. No doubt it 
was a very powerful experience, but Robin's writings on 
FFL don't seem to be the work of a crazy person.


"Carlsen was to return to Switzerland one more time for 
yet another course before his final dissolution into Unity 
Consciousness, and to sit at the feet of his master, the 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. While Carlsen's autobiographical 
work From Ignorance to Enlightenment covers the outline of 
this final course, it does not go into the details of his 
actual enlightenment..."

Work cited:

'The Sunnyside Drama: The First Three Years of 
By Robin Woodsworth Carlsen
Snow Man Press, 1979 

Other titles of interest:

'On First Meeting Werner Erhard and Est: A Memoir of 
Deliberate Affirmation' 
By Robin Woodsworth Carlsen 
Snow Man Press, 1980

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stop PIPA too!

2012-01-20 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Jon Stewart on SOPA:
> >
> So appropriate, too, that the clip above is 
> shared by the non-copyright owner. 
Well, at least one FFL respondent does not realize
or fails to understand that that the case cited 
below is a FEDERAL case! 
"A federal jury Thursday slapped a local flea 
market with a $3.6 million award to the designer 
brand Louis Vuitton for allowing vendors to sell 
knockoffs of its products..."

Read more: 

'Bogus goods to cost flea market $3.6 million'
San Antonio Express News:

> > "Going down the slippery slope of censorship...
> >
> > Read more: 
> > 
> > http://www.techdirt.com/articles/2022/04254316872/definitive-post-why-sopa-protect-ip-are-bad-bad-ideas.shtml

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stop PIPA too!

2012-01-19 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> PIPA, the Protect IP bill, is also being shoved 
> through the Senate.  Our two California senators 
> seemed to have turned into "Hollywood Whores"... 
Oh my Gawd. You mean Hollywood has been supporting 
political candidates by lobbying in the U.S. 
Congress? This is just outrageous!

SOPA and PIPA have proponents and opponents on both 
sides of the debate. Go figure.

Apparently some of our elected officials have been 
asleep at the wheel by not preventing pirates from 
steal American technology, products and intellectual 
property. The question is, who is providing a safe 
harbor for these foreign sites and who is doing all 
the illegal downloading and streaming?

I'd be real upset if I invested my life savings in 
a movie project, only to see the profits go to a 
gang of forgers in a foreign country.

A technical examination of SOPA and PROTECT IP: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stop PIPA too!

2012-01-19 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Call your Congress Critters: 
>From what I've read, most of those who urged you 
to spread the word and fight the bills are among 
the richest Americans - the one percent! 

Just follow the money.

"The problem with this is that the entire site 
would be affected, not just that portion that is 
promoting the distribution of illegal material. 

It would be a bit like requiring the manager of 
a flea market to shut down the entire market 
because some of the merchants were selling 
counterfeit goods."

'Bogus goods to cost flea market $3.6 million'

Read more: 


[FairfieldLife] Re: US Is Fully Prepared

2012-01-19 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > A line has been drawn on the sand, 
> > figuratively speaking.  What will Iran do 
> > next? 
> Can they afford to spend money they don't 
> have,
Well, I hope so! It's about time someone did 
something about the fascists running Iran. 

That Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been killing 
Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq for years. 

If Iran tries to block the transport of oil
through the Straight, I'd be in favor of 
opening it back up as soon as possible. 

If I was running NATO, I'd send in a large 
force of troops and set all the political 
prisoners free from Evin prison! 

The President of the U.S.A. has said under no 
circumstances would he allow the waterway to 
be closed. If anyone tries to close the 
Straight, they should be hit on the head 
really hard. 

> and loose another war ?
The U.S. has never lost a war.

[FairfieldLife] Re: OMG: ashvamedha!

2012-01-19 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> OMG: ashvamedha!
So, the 'Ashvamedha', which is Sanskrit for 'horse sacrifice',
is mentioned in Rig Veda 1.162-163. Gawd!

Since there is no evidence for horses in pre-Vedic India, we
can assume that horses  were introduced into India by the
Sanskrit speakers that migrated INTO India (1500 BCE) after
the domestication of the horse.

That's long before the composition of the Vedas by the
Sankrit-speaking Indo-Europeans. It is a well-known fact
of history that the Indo-Europeans invented the horse-drawn
chariot, the spoked-wheel, and probably the plough.

The earliest evidence for the use of horses are found in chariot
burials (circa 2000 BCE). This makes sense, because some of
the earliest evidence for horse domestication (4000 - 3500
BCE) are found in the Eurasian Steppes.

So, based on the evidence, the rite of the horse sacrifice
probably originated in Europe somewhere in the Northern
Caucasus  (4000 BCE.

Ratha is the Sanskrit name for chariot:


Read more:

'Archaeology and Language'
The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins
By Colin Renfrew
Cambridge University Press, 1990

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > > So you two Barry's support the Hollywood 
> > > > billionaires AND the Silicon Valley 
> > > > billionaires? Go figure.
> > > > 
> You sure don't read much of what I post.
Apparently it's the two Barry's that have the most 
to lose if the bill passes - free movie downloads.

> Yesterday he posted a link to an article he must 
> not have read because it also opposed the bill.
So, who said I was in favor of the bill? 

> What would we do without the village idiot? :-D
What would we do without the village pirates?

[FairfieldLife] Ameritopia?

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
"...I had to pick certain philosophers, who came up 
with certain model utopian ideas, to give examples 
of totalitarian regimes, which really brilliant men 
came up with, and to warn people today that we're 
headed on the same glide path." - Mark Levin 

'We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country'

[FairfieldLife] Re: English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision 
> > to black out the English-language Wikipedia for 24 
> > hours, worldwide...
> > 
> Google will also be joining the protest tomorrow...
So you two Barry's support the Hollywood billionaires 
AND the Silicon Valley billionaires? Go figure.

Apparently the primary targets are sites overseas - sites 
that sell counterfeit movies and music and let pirates 
download and stream at no charge.

"Protecting foreign criminals from liability rather than 
protecting American copyright holders and intellectual 
property developers is irresponsible, will cost American 
jobs, and is just wrong," - Senator Patrick J. Leahy

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-18 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > http://www.maharishiphotos.com/divine.html
> >
> ...I've got an idea that revolves around 3 
> Filipino hookers and a roll of duct tape that 
> I want to run by you.
So, you want to talk more about your sexual 
activities again. Where do you think this will 
put you on the Google search? Why would anyone 
need duct tape on 3 Filipino 'hookers'? 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: News Blackout on National Defense Authorization Act

2012-01-16 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > News media's blackout on the most radical 
> > elimination of American rights in U.S. 
> > history...
> >
> That and the MSM isn't covering the SOPA 
> bill either.
So, what have you got against a ban on internet
bloggers quoting sources as copyright infringement,
even if sources are cited?

'SOPA and PROTECT-IP: A Line-By-Line Analysis'
PJ Media:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowboarding crow

2012-01-15 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > "Kaka" is Sanskrit for crow or crow 
> > language... 
> >  
> An obvious mis-spelling.
In Sanskrit, a chariot is called a 'ratha'.

> ...a phonemic caricature of an old, dravidian 
> latrine song from the era when the dravidian 
> chariots over-ran Europe and ruled the known 
> world.
Apparently the Dravidians of South Asia had 
neither the horse nor the chariot. And, the 
Dravidian language is NOT spoken much in Europe. 
So, it's doubtful the Dravidian speakers came 
OUT of India and "over-ran" Europe.

"The earliest fully developed true chariots 
known are from the chariot burials of the 
Andronovo (Timber-Grave) sites of the 
Sintashta-Petrovka Proto-Indo-Iranian culture 
in modern Russia and Kazakhstan from around 
2000 BC."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-14 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> > > I don't recall ever having seen what you
> > describe as the "straight up" finger-flip..
> >
> That photo shows the "fist-and-finger" version.
No, it was the straight up version.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-14 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> I don't recall ever having seen what you describe as
> the "straight up" finger-flip...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-14 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > esp. if you have children in your home. If 
> > > you have an attorney, you should let them 
> > > know as well.
> > >
> > You sound really scared. 
> >
> It was my wife who it freaked. But the police 
> were very reassuring - that is if you don't mind 
> a trace on your phones for 3 months.
A guy that lives down the block went to the library
and checked out a book on Islam. When he found a 
powdery substance in it, he freaked out. 

Called the police and the FBI. The whole block was 
roped off and the poor guy and his wife had to stand 
outside for over seven hours, in front of all their 

The guy's wife got freaked about her husband calling
the FBI and the police. She yelled at him "Why did 
you get that stupid book, you fu*kin idiot? It was 
just plain old talcum powder!!!"

P.S. Do you know what results come from posting 
'Vajradhatu' into Google?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-14 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> I just reached the top 10 in Google for my 
> name and the P word this week...
Don't feed it!

So, I wonder what you'd find on Google if you 
keyed in 'willytex'? 

For the record, I am retired from my job as 
janitor for the school, so it won't do any 
good now to send an email to my previous place 
of employ complaining about my political 
opinions, sexual relations, or my religious 

And, nobody will be able to find me out in 
the wilderness, so don't even think about 
trying to track me down up there this winter 
in the snow.

Maybe I'll come down from the mountain next 
summer, maybe not. 

So, in future, if you want to cantact me in 
person just send a letter or telegram to the 
address below:

The Tejas Wallah
C/O General Delivery
Utter Kashi, UP, India

[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-14 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > I wont list all the people who stuck 
> > up for me, but you all know who you 
> > are and I really appreciate your 
> > kindness. The day he left was going 
> > to be my last day here. Now the 
> > damage is done and I can only hope 
> > it will not have its intended 
> > malicious effect. I am a sadder but 
> > wiser poster here having been through 
> > that.
> > 
> > Word to the wise: People can say almost 
> > anything here about you with little 
> > lasting consequences. But when someone 
> > is repeating a phrase, again and again, 
> > it can hurt you and you need to act 
> > fast. 
> >
> They should also know that if they receive 
> threats or death threats due to participation 
> on this forum, they should contact the 
> authorities (local police) ASAP, 
Now that's a thought-stopper!

> esp. if you have children in your home. If 
> you have an attorney, you should let them 
> know as well.
You sound really scared. 

For the record: I, Willytex, take back any and
all statements posted by me on the internet,
directed at any individual, in which I listed
their real name, such as Barry, Judy, Lawson,
Curtis, Susan, Emily, Alex, Rick, Jim, or John.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone tried this?

2012-01-13 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > According to Swami Sivananda Saraswati, 
> > Kundalini yoga is really considered a 
> > Laya yoga. 
> >
> No one seems much interested in 'karma 
> yoga' do they. 
It all depends on what you mean by 'karma' 

Most of these yoga designations were made up 
by Swami Vivekananda in his book 'The Yogas 
and Other Works). But karma Yoga in it's most 
basic form is just like TM practice, as 
described in the Gita: meditation on the 
Ishvara, or the Pranava, which is similar to 
TM practice, followed by activity that 
supports nature.

Karma Yoga is described in the Bhagavad Gita, 
as a yoga of selfless and altruistic 
activities. So, karma means action or 

Karma yoga is based on karma, obviously, but 
also on the theory of reincarnation. 
According to Karma Yoga, humans are born with 
and develop sanskaras, which can be positive 
or negative, from previous lives.  

Sanskaras (volitions) are what drive people 
to perform actions in their present life. The 
process of acrueing karma will continue as 
samsara in a never-ending cycle of rebirth. 

According to the enlightenment tradition, 
this endless round of becoming can be brought
to an end, through Yoga, that is, in addition 
to normal evolution, an adept of Yoga can 
burn up his karma through the practice of 
Yoga, until the sum total of sanskaras is 

When that happens, the yogin is 'Liberated' 
from samsara, and has reached enlightenment,
that is, they have *isolated* the Purusha 
from the prakriti. 

> Not sufficiently glamorous, arcane and 
> esoteric perhaps.
'Hatha Yoga' or 'Kundalini Yoga' is actually 
a late invention compared to yogic meditation. 
According to what I've read, Hatha Yoga was
invented by the Nath siddhas during the Gupta
Age in India.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-12 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> > Wright is without a doubt one of the most trollish
> > informants posting on the internet - he's right
> > up there with Lon P. Stacks, fer sure!
> >
Alex Stanley:
> http://www.verheyden.org/obits/obituaries.php/obitID/681023

And, while you're at it, please delete this offensive
post by the Yahoo! FFL Moderator, Rick Archer, and
warn him if he persists in his trollish behavior, he will
be banned from FFL. Thanks, Alex.

Rick Archer:
"Is it not the most beautiful and terrifying thing this
side of Lynne Cheney in a ball gag and the Olsen Twins
eating ham sandwiches off each other's sunken rib

Subject: Mark Morford: Is Tom Cruise The Messiah?
Author: Rick Archer
Date: February 2, 2007 9:57 am

[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-12 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Advice? Get a life, then write about it. 
> > Living vicariously on the lives of others 
> > is so TM.
> > 
> There is little real courage among the posters 
> here at FFL. Oh, you don't like that? Then 
> refute what I have said...
For the record, I think Barry Wright sucks as a
spiritual teacher. I've said this dozens of times
on this news-forum and on USENET. 

Wright is without a doubt one of the most trollish 
informants posting on the internet - he's right 
up there with Lon P. Stacks, fer sure!

Here's an example of his writing when I attempted
to engage him in a discussion of a book I read
by Wasserman about the Cathars:

"Willy, Willy, Willy, you're such an idiot 
sometimes it actually inspires awe.  :-)

I'm not interested in cheap, cheezy shit
you can find on the Net about the Cathars,
most of it fiction..."

Read more:

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Re: Question for Delia -- Catharism
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: September 11, 2004 02:26:49 PST

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone tried this?

2012-01-12 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Well, that's another nice Sanskrit "dilemma", you've 
> lead me into! :D
> Namely 'caNDaalii' seems to be the nominative singular
> *feminine* form "from" 'caNDaala(H)' (masc.), whereas
> 'kuNDalii' is the nominative singular *masculine* 
> "from" 'kuNDalin'...
I'm surprised you didn't know that caNDaali refers to 
the homophone of 'kuNDalI'. I'm even more surprised that 
Vaj didn't realize that Bikram's Hatha Yoga generated 
inner heat - Tummo. 

Almost all yogis know that Hatha Yoga is Kundalini Yoga.

And, 'TM Rounding' is Hatha Yoga alternated with Mantra 
Yoga. The process of 'rounding' and  alternating activity 
and rest, produces 'Tummo' the inner heat. This has been 
demonstrated by yogis in the lab.

Hatha Yoga produces heat. In fact, all activity produces 
heat! But, what is referenced here is specifically 
'inner heat', the heat that burns up accumulated karma, 
according to Theos Bernard.

Hatha Yoga, the yoga of force, was developed by 
Matsyendra, one of the most illustrious of the yogi
Mahasiddhas, numbering 84, according to the Nath 

According to David Gordon White, "It was especially 
within two tantric sects, the Western Transmission and 
the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra), that a 
practical concomitant to this speculative - and in some 
cases gnoseological or soteriological - metaphysics 
came to be elaborated. 

This was Hatha Yoga, the "method of violent exertion," 
whose system of the six chakras ("wheels [or circles] 
of transformation") became the centerpiece of the 
doctrine and practice of the Nath Siddhas - who claim 
their origins in the person and teachings of 

Works Cited: 

'A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas' 
by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
Rishikesh, International SRM Publications, 1962 

'The Alchemical Body' 
Siddha Traditions in Medieval India 
by David Gordon White 
Chicago: University Press, 1996 
Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. 
Bibliography. Index. 
Page 5.

'Hatha Yoga' 
by Theos Bernard, M.A., Llc., P.hD. 
New York: Columbia U. Press, 1932 
Illustrated. Partial Translations of Hatha Yoga 
Out of print. Rare. A classic. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-11 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > If one does an email search through google and finds
> > someone out, as to what their name is, then what you
> > are saying is no one has a right on this forum to
> > expose who they actually are?
> >
> Correct. For instance, it's easy to go to Curtis's
> website and learn his real name, but he doesn't want
> that posted here,
You mean "Curtis" is his real name and he has a website?

Rick, it was all just a joke!

"Sex is a valued part of my life, especially in humor. (I am
resisting a comment like "All my ex girlfriends will tell
you that sex with me is a total joke.") Oops!"

Newsforum: Yahoo! FairfieldLife
Author: curtisdeltablues
Date: May 15, 2008 1:26 pm

[FairfieldLife] Re: Response to Robin

2012-01-11 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > I'm doomed to be a failure, I understand 
> > and accept that...
> >
> Don't be a mega-pimp Ravi.
Now we've got Ravi 'nuked', and Vaj calling him 
a 'mega-pimp', now that Ravi can't post a defense. 

Man, that's low!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-11 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

Rick Archer:
> >  So we nuked him.
> >
> So do we now all pat ourselves on the back?  
Isn't that just like the TMO - ban people from 
posting - now they've even taken over the Yahoo!
FFL newsgroup forum.

What happened to all the money?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone tried this?

2012-01-11 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > In the context of yoga, 'caNDaalii' fairly probably 
> > refers to heat...
> >
> It's also a close homophone of kundali (kuNDalI)...
According to the Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon, the Sanskrit 
word 'kuNDalin' refers to snake that is 'coiled'.

If you are a TM practitioner, you would have probably 
experienced the kundalini rising effect many times. I
don't know why Vaj is being disingenuous about this,
since most of us are yogis on this forum and already
know this.

Go figure.

According to Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Kundalini yoga 
is really considered a Laya yoga. The kundalini yoga 
energy can be awakened and a corresponding 
enlightenment experience can be attained by yogic 
techniques, such as pranic breathing, kriyas, hatha 
yoga asanas, and mantra meditation.

Benson has demonstrated that a deep meditation, like 
TM practice, is a "conscious mental process that 
induces a set of integrated physiologic changes 
termed the relaxation response." 

In one study a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was 
used to identify brain regions that are active in 
simple meditation. In another study, it was recorded 
that there was "a skin temperature reduction on the 
palms of the hands during the experience of mental 
silence", arising as a result of a single 10 minute 
meditation session!

Works cited:

'Kundalini Yoga'
By Swami Sivananda Saraswati
The Divine Life Society, 2007
Page page 32.

'Functional brain mapping of the relaxation response 
and meditation'
By Herbert Bensin and Sara Lazar
Neuroreport, May 15, 2000
Volume 11, Issue 7; pp. 1581-1585

'Changing Definitions of Meditation: Physiological 
By Manocha, Black, Ryan, Stough, and Spiro
Journal of the International Society of Life Sciences, 
Vol 28 (1), March 2010

Read more:

'Kundalini Demystified'
By David T, Eastman
Yoga Journal, September 1985
pp. 37–43

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone tried this?

2012-01-10 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > > Here is an exercise that enables one to keep
> > > > warm in cold weather...
> > > >
> > Vaj:
> > > Lobsang Rampa was a phony fiction writer. These
> > > are not instructions for heat yoga (caNDAlI-yoga).
> > >
> > Candali (kundalini) is a Sanskrit translation of a
> > Tibetan word - Tummo.
> Actually gtum mo is a Tibetan translation of the 
> Sanskrit.
Tummo is a Tibetan word.


> > But, in fact, 'Heat Yoga' was popularized by Bikram
> > Choudhury. Bikram Yoga's goal is to obtain general
> > health through hatha yoga poses and pranyama.
> Different type of "heat yoga" Willy.
Hatha Yoga with 'pranyama' is "heat yoga". All the 
tantric hatha yogis practiced a form of pranyama and 
meditation. That's what Hatha Yoga is - producing the
inner heat in order to burn off the accumulated karma. 

> > Bikram Choudhury believes that the heated studio
> > helps with deeper stretching, while reducing stress
> > and tension. You can find the detailed instructions
> > in Bikram's 'Pranayama Series' of Hatha Yoga poses,
> > which are very similar to the instructions of T.
> > Lobsang Rampa! Go figure.
> >
> > However, the practice of Tibetan 'Tummo', is the
> > yoga of generating 'inner' heat. This practice has
> > been described in detail by W.Y. Evans-Wentz in his
> > book 'Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines'.
> >
> > Tummo is a siddha meditation technique, similar to
> > the practice of TM.
> >
> Were you ever instructed in TM? 
Yes, I was taught how to meditate by the Maharishi 

> I've been instructed in both TM and chandali-yoga 
> and they're actually nothing alike.
It has not beem established that you know TM or any 
other yoga practice. Who was your guru?

In fact, TM is Kundalini Yoga. 

The pranyama exercises and meditation leading up to 
'tummo' or the generating of the inner heat, are 
described by Evans-Wentz in his book 'Tibet's Great 
Yogi Milarepa'. 

Other western witnesses of this practice include the 
adventurer Alexandra David-Néel and Lama Anagarika 
Govinda, whom I cited in a previous post.

Several scientific studies have been conducted that 
show the physiological effects of Tummo and it has 
been shown that this practice is very similar to TM 
practice - rounding with hatha yoga and deep 
meditation utilizing bija mantras.

Read more:

'The Six Yogas of Naropa'
Tsongkhapa's Commentary 
By Glenn H. Mullin (Translator) 
Snow Lion, 2005

Work cited:

'Body temperature changes during the practice of 
g Tum-mo yoga'
By Herbert Benson and Jeffrey Hopkins et al.
Nature Magazine, January 21, 1982. Nature 295. 
Pages 234 - 236.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone tried this?

2012-01-10 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Here is an exercise that enables one to keep 
> > warm in cold weather...
> >
> Lobsang Rampa was a phony fiction writer. These 
> are not instructions for heat yoga (caNDAlI-yoga).
Candali (kundalini) is a Sanskrit translation of a 
Tibetan word - Tummo. 

But, in fact, 'Heat Yoga' was popularized by Bikram 
Choudhury. Bikram Yoga's goal is to obtain general 
health through hatha yoga poses and pranyama.

Bikram Choudhury believes that the heated studio 
helps with deeper stretching, while reducing stress 
and tension. You can find the detailed instructions 
in Bikram's 'Pranayama Series' of Hatha Yoga poses, 
which are very similar to the instructions of T. 
Lobsang Rampa! Go figure.

However, the practice of Tibetan 'Tummo', is the 
yoga of generating 'inner' heat. This practice has 
been described in detail by W.Y. Evans-Wentz in his 
book 'Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines'.

Tummo is a siddha meditation technique, similar to 
the practice of TM.

According to MMY, this yoga technique, pranyama, 
when followed by deep meditation, accompanied by a 
non-semantic mnemonic, such as a bija mantra, 
produces an intensely blissful feeling.

According to the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, 
Tummo was developed by the Mahasiddha Naropa, as a 
set of practices in the 'Six Yogas of Naropa', to be 
used in order to recognize the true nature of the 

Read more:

'Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism'
According to the Esoteric Teachings of the Great Mantra 
Om Mani Padme Hum
By Lama Anagarika Govinda
E.P. Dutton & Co, 1960  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Statement concerning Ravi's posts about Curtis

2012-01-09 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Yes, first they came for our dome badges, but no one noticed.
> Then they came for our Saints, but no one noticed. 
> Then they came for our Jyotish Pandits, but no one noticed.
> Then they came for every spiritual faceted forum and everyone 
> jumps on a band wagon to shoot the messenger!!!
This is a very insightful observation. So, I would like to 
nominate obbajeeba's message as FFL 'Post of the Week'. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-09 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > This might make for an interesting discussion if we 
> > could get off the stupid dime...
> >
> Speaking the sweet truth is a behavioral rasayana...
"When mental activity disappears, then knower, knowing and 
known become merged one into another, just like a transparent 
crystal which assumes the appearance of that upon which it
rests." - Pantanjali (Yoga Sutras I.41) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: National Yagya program- taking two steps back

2012-01-09 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Taking Two steps back...
> >
Mike Doughney:
> From that perspective this sort of mailing 
> is a Big Step Forward.
We are in the midst of a war against terrorism, 
with thousands dead, the rest of us worried 
about smallpox, anthrax, smuggled nukes, dirty 
nukes, truck-bombs, car-bombs, luggage-bombs 
and even shoe-bombs. But, Mike thinks that we 
should be worried about a David Lynch mailing. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Statement concerning Ravi's posts about *****

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> And, hey, Ravi: There's war mongers here and you're 
> worried about Curtis wanting sex? 
It has NOT been established that Curtis wants sex. Do 
you have a lawyer that can prove that?

> Get the fuck real.
Now I'm really scared - I take back any sexting I ever
did on this forum. Isn't that just like the TMO - to
try and interfere with the spreading of knowledge!

So, you guys should just shut up about Marshy's private
sex life!

And, hey, Ed: They're sexting each other here and you're
worried about a "war monger" posting his opinion? You're 
not making any sense. Don't you like sex anymore?

> And failing Ravi's agreement to rein in his accusations,
> then I think the onus DOES then go to Rick, and in all 
> love, I warn Rick that this scenario could go south and 
> ugly in a nanosecond and that it is not merely his Yahoo
> group at stake, but it is a community's worth of wisdom 
> and struggle that might be lost to the world because of 
> the actions of a single "outrageously indifferent to the
> civilities of the group" poster.
"Don't even bother to shut it down." - MMY

> > > Yep, I should hope the FFL moderators would enforce 
> > > the highest levels of civility here.
> > 
> > You can hope until you're blue in the face, but until 
> > Rick decides he no longer wants FFL to be an almost 
> > anything goes free-speech zone, you're likely to remain
> > disappointed. I suggest people simply filter out those 
> > participants they find disagreeable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Adoptive Admissions

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> ...it's not my contention that anything was "proved" 
> in Judith's book, only that her story, seemed plausible 
> to me. 
So, did you ever get a chance to cross examine MMY and
get his side of the story? Now that he's passed away he
can't defend his own good name. But, you'd think his
own desciples would come to his defense. Go figure.

> There's not enough (if any) evidence that we have to 
> actually determine what, if anything, occurred between 
> Maharishi and Judith, or anyone else.
Apparently the only evidence is a report by Judith, but
I wonder where Jemima Pittman, Nandi Keshore, and Nancy
were that night. From what I've read, MMY used to post
skin-boy outside his door at all times.

For many reasons, I just can't imagine a guy like MMY
doing it to a gal on his deer skin rug under a photo of
SBS up on the roof of his house that didn't even have 
a bathroom in it or running water. 

> It doesn't seem far fetched to me that a guy like him, 
> who obviously enjoyed power and privilege, wouldn't 
> also be attracted to others sexually.
So, why do you think the informants Barry and Curtis are 
in such denial? They seem really scared of Ravi telling 
the truth about the TMO and their nefarious sexcapades
in bars. I mean if their guru did it, why wouldn't they?

Why would they let MMY have all the fun? It doesn't make
any sense. According to Ned Wynn, having sexual 
relations on TTC was just about the main activity!

> That doesn't mean that he actually engaged in sexual 
> activities with anyone, but as unique as he appeared 
> to be in lots of ways, I don't know why we would assume 
> that he was exempt from natural human desire and behavior 
> when he exhibited other normal human characteristics.
> His proclivities, one way or the other, are not before 
> us in any sort of forensic setting where we might hope 
> to come to a more accurate determination. And even if 
> they were, we could still come to the wrong conclusion.
> So, go figure, eh?
Well, I figure you must have paid Judith $37.50 for a 
lousy paperback book with a few louse photos in it. Then
you passed it around to all your friends up there in
Fairfield. Or, did you get your dog-eared copy from Rick?

I got screwed by a old geezer into buying the trashy book,
but after reading it I threw it in the trash where it

> > > I don't think that he was a pervert or
> > > inordinately lecherous.
> > >
> > It's a very weak defense, Marek - apparently
> > I'm the only real defender of Maharishi
> > Mahesh Yogi on this entire list.
> > 
> > Go figure.
> > 
> > It has NOT been established that MMY had
> > sexual relations with anyone. You would
> > think that at least one informant would be
> > able to provide evidence if this were true.
> > 
> > Without some evidence, or an believable
> > eyewitness report, I'm just not buying it.
> > 
> > So, let's review:
> > 
> > Are we to believe that Judith walked over
> > to Marshy's house, in the dead of night,
> > climbed in through the bedroom window,
> > and had sexual relations with MMY on his
> > deer skin rug under a painting of Guru Dev.
> > 
> > With Nanda Kishore asleep in the living
> > room and Ms Pittman posted at the front
> > door?
> > 
> > This is just outrageous!
> > 
> > 
> > According to Nancy, you could hear a pin
> > drop on a warm night up there on the hill
> > in Rishikesh India.
> > 
> > Are you thinking that Judith could get
> > within ten feet of the Maharishi without
> > anyone in the whole ashram knowing about
> > it?
> > 
> > Secretly traisping over to MMY's house,
> > with a flashlight and probably with duck
> > tape on their ankle bells, to what, give MMY
> > a sexy back rub?
> > 
> > It just doesn't make any sense, Marek.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Statement concerning Ravi's posts about Curtis

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Yep, I should hope the FFL moderators would enforce 
> > the highest levels of civility here.
> >
Alex Stanley:
> You can hope until you're blue in the face, but until 
> Rick decides he no longer wants FFL to be an almost 
> anything goes free-speech zone, you're likely to remain 
> disappointed. I suggest people simply filter out those 
> participants they find disagreeable.
Yeah, Buck, just start your own FFL enemies list. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Statement concerning Ravi's posts about Curtis

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > I nonetheless suspect that we've reached a point 
> > > where something may have to be done...
> > >
> > Yeah, I guess Rick will have to ban Raunchdog, Turquoiseb,
> > DeltaBlues, Vaj, Ravi, Zazari, and 'futur.musik', for 
> > sexting on FFL. Why did they do it, that's the question. 
> > I already told them I'm not gay.
> >
> > Where is Alex when we need him?
> >
> Where is your own self control?
Look, I already told you at least four times last week 
I DID NOT have sexual relations with that dog, raunchy!

Are you implying that sexting is forbidden on FFL? Where
have I been? Go figure.

Top Ten Reasons Why a Vibrator Is Better Than a Man:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trending Now

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Fine, and you think there's nothing fundamentally
> wrong with his constant gratuitous, vicious insults
> and lies about other posters here and his absurd
> posturing about his own spirituality...
It's beginning to look like Barry has some sexting
friends here on FFL! Go figure.


> > Just working on your insult tennis game are you?
> > I can tell you've been improving your topspin!
> >
> Just reintroducing the concept of reality to
> all of this fantasizing that's been going on.
> In his head the Ravster seems to believe he's
> a real rock star, but in reality his biggest
> groupie probably has to remove her false teeth
> before giving him a blowjob. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Internet freedom converning Ravi's posts

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > We can only try to be proud of what we post and let 
> > the chips fall where they may.
> > 
> Catch a fuckin' CLUE, people. Your personal desire to "get"
> someone on your Enemies List doth not give you the right to
> try to "get" them in real life. That just makes you insane,
> not spiritual, or moral.
Oh, stop you're silly, *IMO*, whinning! 

Some of my fan mail:

Judy Stein:

You scumbucket

>From Kirk:

You're totally fucked willytex you asshole

>From Barry2:

Fuck you, you little fascist shit.

>From Barry Wright:

What Willytex is *really* doing with those prairie dogs
Willytex's (Richard Williams) new name!
Willy's a troll
Wee Willy Wanker
Willytex's new name!
You had him pegged right - he's a total loser 

Read more:

Subject: Re: My recent fan mail
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
Date: November 2, 2006

[FairfieldLife] Re: Adoptive Admissions

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Nice to see where you stand on this issue Richard.  
> Can't say I am surprised.  Perhaps you feel a bit 
> displaced as most trollish poster here.
The forum has turned in to a 'fun zone', so I thought 
I'd just make a joke out of it. Sorry, you don't have 
a sense of humor today. 

But, I've been tolerating this kind of abuse here for 
years - you just have to learn how to deal with it in 
a unmoderated forum like this. 

But, hell, you took it all wrong - you guys are'my 
heros. I mean, if you can't seduce a young gal in a 
bar or a bedroom after practicing TM - what's the 

Go figure.

That MMY, if the accounts are true, was one awesome 
seducer! Maybe I should have become one of his enablers
too - and had some fun back then!

> > These informants, such as Barry, Curtis, and Judith, 
> > think they can just waltz into someone's bedroom, in the 
> > middle of the night, and demand to be sexually gratified 
> > under the pretence of being spiritual teachers?
> >
> You are accusing us a sex crime on a public posting board 
> Richard.  And given our mix of friendly discussions this 
> is uncalled for and out of line. Your wacky troll routine 
> has crossed a line here.
It's now called 'tweeking', according to Ravi. And, it
looks like he's got a few admirers. Where I come from,
silence usually indicates agreement. But, just for the record
Curtis, I DID NOT have sexual relations with that raunchy
prairie dog! 

> > > > Ravi discusses his New Years Night at the "Mist", 
> > > > where he describes having a 19 year old girl hit him 
> > > > up for drinks, and how the boner in his pants keeps 
> > > > getting harder and harder. Let me say, nothing in 
> > > > that story bothered me. I was rooting for the guy.
> > > > 
> > Ravi:
> > > To date I have identified Curtis and Barry, and nothing 
> > > they have said here suggests they disagree or that they 
> > > aren't perverts or that they haven't used their power, 
> > > authority in cults to prey on innocent women.
> > >
> > So, you're saying that these two, who once ran the TMO 
> > cult, used to use their power and authority to prey on 
> > innocent women? 
> > 
> > What in the world were they thinking? 
> > 
> > Why would Barry and Curtis spend close to twenty-five 
> > years in cults in order to seduce young women when they 
> > could do it like you do rignt in a bar or a tavern?
> > 
> > These informants, such as Barry, Curtis, and Judith, 
> > think they can just waltz into someone's bedroom, in the 
> > middle of the night, and demand to be sexually gratified 
> > under the pretence of being spiritual teachers?
> > 
> > If true, then this is just outrageous! 
> > 
> > > I have stated this before but I acknowledged that I was 
> > > tweaking Curtis, intentionally lying, but the fact that 
> > > his responses were so mild clearly suggests there is 
> > > some truth in it and Curtis doesn't want to talk about 
> > > it more.
> > >
> > Apparently nobody wants to talk about it anymore. Maybe
> > that's because it is still going on up in Fairfield. From
> > what I've heard, the TMO authorities up there are living
> > a riotus life of abject indulgence, with 'spas' and 
> > tantric yoga clinics all over the place; eating organic 
> > health food while the rest of the town eats cake. 
> > 
> > Go figure.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Statement concerning Ravi's posts about Curtis

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > This is not an uncommon phenomenon in this Internet age
> > of freedom of expression...
> >
> I nonetheless suspect that we've reached a point where
> something may have to be done...
Yeah, I guess Rick will have to ban Raunchdog, Turquoiseb,
DeltaBlues, Vaj, Ravi, Zazari, and 'futur.musik', for sexting on
FFL. Why did they do it, that's the question. I already told
them I'm not gay.


Where is Alex when we need him?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Adoptive Admissions

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > Ravi discusses his New Years Night at the "Mist", 
> > where he describes having a 19 year old girl hit him 
> > up for drinks, and how the boner in his pants keeps 
> > getting harder and harder. Let me say, nothing in 
> > that story bothered me. I was rooting for the guy.
> > 
> To date I have identified Curtis and Barry, and nothing 
> they have said here suggests they disagree or that they 
> aren't perverts or that they haven't used their power, 
> authority in cults to prey on innocent women.
So, you're saying that these two, who once ran the TMO 
cult, used to use their power and authority to prey on 
innocent women? 

What in the world were they thinking? 

Why would Barry and Curtis spend close to twenty-five 
years in cults in order to seduce young women when they 
could do it like you do rignt in a bar or a tavern?

These informants, such as Barry, Curtis, and Judith, 
think they can just waltz into someone's bedroom, in the 
middle of the night, and demand to be sexually gratified 
under the pretence of being spiritual teachers?

If true, then this is just outrageous! 

> I have stated this before but I acknowledged that I was 
> tweaking Curtis, intentionally lying, but the fact that 
> his responses were so mild clearly suggests there is 
> some truth in it and Curtis doesn't want to talk about 
> it more.
Apparently nobody wants to talk about it anymore. Maybe
that's because it is still going on up in Fairfield. From
what I've heard, the TMO authorities up there are living
a riotus life of abject indulgence, with 'spas' and 
tantric yoga clinics all over the place; eating organic 
health food while the rest of the town eats cake. 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Adoptive Admissions

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> I don't think that he was a pervert or
> inordinately lecherous.
It's a very weak defense, Marek - apparently
I'm the only real defender of Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi on this entire list.

Go figure.

It has NOT been established that MMY had
sexual relations with anyone. You would
think that at least one informant would be
able to provide evidence if this were true.

Without some evidence, or an believable
eyewitness report, I'm just not buying it.

So, let's review:

Are we to believe that Judith walked over
to Marshy's house, in the dead of night,
climbed in through the bedroom window,
and had sexual relations with MMY on his
deer skin rug under a painting of Guru Dev.

With Nanda Kishore asleep in the living
room and Ms Pittman posted at the front

This is just outrageous!

According to Nancy, you could hear a pin
drop on a warm night up there on the hill
in Rishikesh India.

Are you thinking that Judith could get
within ten feet of the Maharishi without
anyone in the whole ashram knowing about

Secretly traisping over to MMY's house,
with a flashlight and probably with duck
tape on their ankle bells, to what, give MMY
a sexy back rub?

It just doesn't make any sense, Marek.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Rule? Was (Happy new year to everyone !!! (And more love bombing..)

2012-01-08 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > So, it's all about Judy.
> >
> Hey, Willytex, is that your girlfriend?
Nope, I'm married,  - thanks for the interest -
but Judy is about my age.

So what's taking Judy so long to show us the lie 
in this post? Are you trying to canvass for the 
award for unintentded irony? Go figure.

Somebody owes me fer sure, on this one! So, let's 
see you stand up and pay up. LoL!

> > > O.K. then. Show us one post where Judy has 
> > > ever pointed out an unintended irony, a lie 
> > > or a wiggle from owning up to an error 
> > > because and only because the person she
> > > confronted is a TM critic. Bet you a buck 
> > > you can't and I'll bet you another buck Judy 
> > > would be the first to dig up such a post if 
> > > it existed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Adoptive Admissions

2012-01-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > People could consider responding to what 
> > other posters actually write...
> >
> I'm sure the judge would shut it down...  
Well, if this was a court the judge would ask 
for some evidence to be presented.

> Some of the patients here probably need their 
> meds upped though. :-D
So, let's see your doctor's prescription first
and then we'll decide what you need. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Revelation and Conversion

2012-01-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > It really does remind me of that line in the 
> > Mass: "Lamb of God who taketh away the sins 
> > of the world". This is the Amsterdam 
> > experience, and the disciples of Barry have 
> > downplayed it almost deceivingly...
> >
> The Amsterdam Experience. Really funny, really 
> good, Robin. Frankly, I vote this whole post 
> (yes, I actually read it) the Funniest Post of 
> the last few years...
To bad Barry won't ever read it, since Robin is
on Barry's enemies list. LoL!

"Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the 
misfortunes of others..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Revelation and Conversion

2012-01-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> We haven't  heard from Judy since her original post.  
> She may still be consulting with the "Others" about 
> how to proceed.
So, it's all about Judy.

> > R: I must admit to some confusion. Am I to suppose 
> > you conceived of this choice after releasing all 
> > that pent-up hatred and resentment in the first 
> > part of this post? But I am going to trust you 
> > here, Judy—that you are not playing some cynical 
> > game. I will (once again) ask Steve's advice about 
> > this: he will know whether you are being true or 
> > not. He always does.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Revelation and Conversion

2012-01-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > For in the end, I assure you, Barry will be 
> > vindicated...
> >
> Hail Barry, full of Grace, Blessed be the fruit of 
> his thumbs...
Barry is going to have to demonstrate more than words
here in order to convince me that he is enlightened!


"And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as 
one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put 
forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, 
and eat, and live for ever... therefore the Lord God 
sent him forth from the garden of Eden..." 

(Genesis 3:22-3) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Adoptive Admissions

2012-01-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> In a forum like FFL, however, where there are 
> so many posters and lurkers and where over a 
> hundred a messages a day are posted, it doesn't 
> make practical sense to apply the charge of 
> adoptive admission for anyone's failure to 
> respond to what someone else posts...
Where I come from, silence usually indicates 

In a conversation between a few guys over a beer 
leaning over the back of a pickup, when someone 
calls you a zoophilia pervert and infers that 
he just had sexual relations with your mother, 
if you don't speak up, folks just assume it's 

Go figure.

So when you didn't speak up, or even take up for 
your own guru, I figured you agreed with the 
others that MMY was a just selling mantras for 
money in order to seduce young women.

"The book by Judith would have been more 
believable if there had been more details about 
what the Maharishi actually had to say to her. 

It's a very slim paperback, just 219 pages with 
about a dozen ripped-off photos, and really poor 
ones at that. 

Apparently Judith actually took only three photos 
of the Maharishi in the two years she was in the 

What is more interesting to me was the part about 
Ms Pittman and her position in the Maharishi's 
so-called 'inner circle'. 

There is one photo of the Maharishi sitting at a 
dinning room table with the inner circle that is 
really humorous though. He looks like a 'midget' 
compared to the others at the table. 

When I saw it my first thought was how in hell 
would someone as attractive as Judith want to be 
having sex with a small guy like that, if you 
know what I mean."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Revelation and Conversion

2012-01-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> > My theory on Dr. Pete is that some people took 
> offense at his remarks, and he took some heat in 
> his professional life because of it...
> That might have been part of it, but I see Peter's 
> loss more in terms of 'enlightenment integrity'...
Get a grip, Vaj - they're talking about you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: So what are US troops doing in Israel?

2012-01-07 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> What would Iran have to gain in attacking Israel?
To wipe Israel off the map and to kill all the Jews 
in Judea?

> That wouldn't make much sense.
Iran and Syria have been attacking Israel for years, 
through the Hamas and Hezbollah, Islamic fundamentalist 
militant groups, inspired by the Ayatollah Khomeini. 

[FairfieldLife] Trending Now

2012-01-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> > Sorry, there nothing in the FFLife budget for
> > reparations.
> Even YOU have to see that. I understand your desire
> to "stand by your gender" and come up with some
> defense of her consistent actions. But it's the
> TRENDS I'm talking about, as are most of the people
> criticizing her lately.
What about poor old Willytex? He's not a 'TM Critic'
and Judy doesn't hesitate to wax him good sometimes.

Go figure.

> The particular nitpicks or
> claims are just a manifestation of the larger
> obsession. But it really IS an obsession, and
> I'd bet
How much would be willing to wager?

> that if you're honest with yourself, even
> YOU have to admit it...
So, go ahead, admit it, and then pay up!

  [That's my MAC behind me!] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Rule? Was (Happy new year to everyone !!! (And more love bombing..)

2012-01-06 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> To say that she is neutral about people and
> only addresses issues is absolute hypocrisy,
> all the LABELS (Emily take note) like 'master
> of unintended irony', or calling Vaj a
> notorious liar are from her...
So, it's all about Judy.

Maybe we should award 'zarari' a little oscar
statue of a 'prairie dog' for 'Master of Inadvertent
Irony' for posting, at least three times, the
address to Skolnick's 'Junk Yard Dog' page.

Prairie Dog Oscar:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our resident enlightened guys

2012-01-05 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> Imagine my surprise reading this: (actual explicit
> terms used will be substituted for non offensive
> ones)...
So, why would you be surprised now?

> Like most Texans, Willy likes to imagine that he
> would never have "lost" to an intruder.
> Like most Texans, he probably believes that while
> going to S&M clubs, dressing in black leather tie-
> me-up-and-fuck-me outfits (complete with ball
> gag), and being whipped by Miss Kitty while
> listening to Waylon Jennings records.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy new year to everyone !!! (And more love bombing..)

2012-01-05 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> Two people stood very close to each other...
"Two birds sat in a tree; one ate the fruit; 
another looked on." - Shvetashvatara (4.7)

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Rule Against Porn Texting?

2012-01-05 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> ...if "willytex" can be accused of having sex with a
> prairie dog, which is a standard joke around here,
> then anything goes.
For the record, I DID NOT have sexual relations with
that "prairie dog"!

  [I did NOT have sex  with that prairie dog! ]

"Willy, since fucking prairie dogs or whatever you do
with your time doesn't seem to fill enough of it
lately, and you've been going out of your way to
associate me with Rama and thus with a big, bad cult
figure, I figure I should explain a couple of things..."

Subject: Open Letter To Willytex
Author: Uncle Tantra
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: August 6, 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Rule? Was (Happy new year to everyone !!! (And more love bombing..)

2012-01-05 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > I don't know which forum you are referring to, 
> > but it must be  different from the one than the 
> > one I am reading. Maybe its time to put off your 
> > glasses, or simply are honest about reality.
> >
> O.K. then. Show us one post where Judy has ever 
> pointed out an unintended irony, a lie or a wiggle 
> from owning up to an error because and only because 
> the person she confronted is a TM critic.
Uh oh. Maybe it's time for Barry to keep his pie 
hole shut with the porn texts for Judy. Where's Rick 
when we need him? Go figure.

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