Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/26/2014 7:46 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/No problemo, Tormod. I posted partly to warn you who you were 
dealing with in Nabby, but also to give *him* a bit of a panic because 
he's terrified people here will find out his real name.

*/As for Richard Williams, what I said about him being...uh...overly 
fond of prairie dogs is not really true. At least not to the best of 
my knowledge.

*/What I said about him being generally recognized as being one of the 
biggest trolls on the Internet IS true, however, so be warned. 
Interacting with him in any way will just prove to be a waste of your 
time. I posted to warn you because his pattern is to pounce on all 
newbies /*

Now this is really funny - /Barry Wright pounced on a newbie to warn him 
about Richard Williams pouncing on a newbie. /It just doesn't get any 
better than this! Thanks, Barry you just made my day! LoL!//

*/(who don't know his patterns) and try to get them to interact with 
him, so he can waste their time and energy. /*

*From:* "Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:39 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of 

Hei (Norwegian greeting),


I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.

Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM 
movement rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much 
research has confirmed it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, 
too, I can tell.

Loving greetings,
Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, even after his passing, Maharishi makes it clear that devotion goes to 
Guru Dev. The mechanics are simply his intention, carried out by Nature.

---In,  wrote :

 It's not odd. Even though many naturally see Maharishi as their guru because 
he was the one we interacted with for decades, he himself always reminded us 
from where the teaching came. He even said that Guru Dev is our Guru, not him. 
It's rather obvious that Guru Dev is the teacher for those who perhaps never 
met Maharishi.

 Rare footage of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Los Angeles
 Rare footage of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Los Angeles Rare footage of 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi walking through a crowd of people to get to a lecture 
hall. Maharishi: Laughing Los Angeles has b...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Guru Dev Shankaracharya Brahmananda Saraswati जय गुरुदेव Jai Guru Deva
 Guru Dev Shankaracharya Brahmananda Saraswati जय गुर... Movie footage of Guru Dev, 
Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, believed to have been filmed in 
Lucknow, India, circa April 1952. Visible ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Odd thing - Although I am immeasurably indebted to Maharishi for bringing out 
the knowledge, to basically "reverse the trends of time", as he so aptly put 
it, my devotion and the natural direction of my heart, always goes to SBS. On 
the one hand, overflowing gratitude to Maharishi, but the overflowing love 
always flows to Guru Dev. Not that I ever think twice about it. :-)

 Welcome Tormod, I am 1/8 Norwegian (paternal grandmother was 1/2), though have 
not yet visited there, in this lifetime. I was pleasantly surprised to read 
recently that Norway is the wealthiest country in the world - No wonder TM is 
so popular there.
---In,  wrote :

 Hello Tormod, you seem to be a reasonable fellow. Please note that my comment 
was not directed at you specifically but rather in the direction of Paul Mason 
based on a comment Maharishi made some years ago that in the future some will 
try to sow discontent and doubts by trying to convince people of how devoted 
they are to Guru Dev. Their ultimate motifs could be to weaken the practice of 
meditation amongst TM'ers. It's something to keep in mind, nothing to be overly 
concerned about.

---In,  wrote :

 Hei (Norwegian greeting),


 I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.

 Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement 
rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has confirmed 
it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.



 Loving greetings,

 Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread nablusoss1008
It's not odd. Even though many naturally see Maharishi as their guru because he 
was the one we interacted with for decades, he himself always reminded us from 
where the teaching came. He even said that Guru Dev is our Guru, not him. It's 
rather obvious that Guru Dev is the teacher for those who perhaps never met 

 Rare footage of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Los Angeles 
 Rare footage of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Los Angeles Rare footage of 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi walking through a crowd of people to get to a lecture 
hall. Maharishi: Laughing Los Angeles has b...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 Guru Dev Shankaracharya Brahmananda Saraswati जय गुरुदेव Jai Guru Deva 
 Guru Dev Shankaracharya Brahmananda Saraswati जय गुर... Movie footage of Guru Dev, 
Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, believed to have been filmed in 
Lucknow, India, circa April 1952. Visible ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Odd thing - Although I am immeasurably indebted to Maharishi for bringing out 
the knowledge, to basically "reverse the trends of time", as he so aptly put 
it, my devotion and the natural direction of my heart, always goes to SBS. On 
the one hand, overflowing gratitude to Maharishi, but the overflowing love 
always flows to Guru Dev. Not that I ever think twice about it. :-)

 Welcome Tormod, I am 1/8 Norwegian (paternal grandmother was 1/2), though have 
not yet visited there, in this lifetime. I was pleasantly surprised to read 
recently that Norway is the wealthiest country in the world - No wonder TM is 
so popular there.
---In,  wrote :

 Hello Tormod, you seem to be a reasonable fellow. Please note that my comment 
was not directed at you specifically but rather in the direction of Paul Mason 
based on a comment Maharishi made some years ago that in the future some will 
try to sow discontent and doubts by trying to convince people of how devoted 
they are to Guru Dev. Their ultimate motifs could be to weaken the practice of 
meditation amongst TM'ers. It's something to keep in mind, nothing to be overly 
concerned about.

---In,  wrote :

 Hei (Norwegian greeting),


 I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.

 Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement 
rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has confirmed 
it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.



 Loving greetings,

 Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I think turq is bonkers wrt you. Honestly, imho, you're definitely one 
of the most versatile posters here: sometimes profound, sometimes funny, 
sometimes just plain interesting. Who cares if you post a lot?! Oh, that's 
right, people for whom *scrolling down* is such a hardship LOL!
  From: "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 10:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi
 On 11/26/2014 7:09 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
    While I'm giving you the standard "Newbie warning" about Nabby, Tormod, 
I should probably caution you about  the person posting as Richard J. Williams 
(and also occasionally posting as "punditster," "Pundit Sir," "WillyTex," and 
other obvious aliases). 
 Since we are introducing ourselves, maybe we should start out by letting new 
subscribers know that they can judge the respondents on this list by reading 
what they have posted to the group and just let their words speak for 
 Is that alright with you Mr. Wright?

  He's another well-known crank and Internet troll, famous for doing everything 
he possibly can on this and other  forums to disrupt real conversations and 
provoke arguments for over 20 years now. 
  Read his stuff if you want, but bear in mind before replying to him that he 
is still on the Sexual Offender's List of  the state he lives in. As I 
understand it, many people where he outside their species, 
but Richard preferred his conquests young, and thus developed relationships 
with *underaged* prairie dogs.  That's looked down upon, even in Texas.
  Don't say you weren't warned... 
  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi
     Tormod, it may interest you to know that the person who  has been 
giving you such a hard time while posting anonymously as Nablusos1008 also 
lives in Norway. 
  He *claims* to have been a TM teacher and even  claims to have spent some 
time on TM Purusha courses in the past. But  it's important to remember that 
these are  unsubstantiated claims because 1) he posts anonymously, so no one  
knows his name, 2) as far as we can tell he wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a 
real TM facility these days  because of his association with and promotion of 
Off The  Program teachers such as Benjamin Creme, and 3)  he spends so much of 
his time being angry and lashing out at anyone  who isn't him that it's 
doubtful he ever meditated a day in his life. 
  Nabby (our nickname for him, since literally no one  here takes him 
seriously) is regarded by most as a crank. He  tends to write about his belief 
in aliens that he  calls the "Space Brothers" and about the supposed savior  
"Maitreya" touted by his real teacher Benjamin Creme, who has been about to 
appear any day now for almost thirty  years. Without ever appearing, of course. 
  If you're there "on the ground" in Norway and  in touch with real TMers, ask 
around. Someone probably knows  who this guy claiming to be a former TM  
teacher really is. Let us know when you find out.  
        From: "Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings  and those of Maharishi
  Nablusoss1008 - if that is your real name  . . . 
I would not have written what I  did if Maharishi had not himself  warned that  
this exact situation  would arise some time in the future.  I've never for a 
moment  believed that Paul Mason has the Movement's  progress as one of his  
 As for the rest of what  you wrote it's mostly blabber, same  stuff as your 
"review" of An  Autobiography of A Yogi.
  Every wild donkey has a right to  be on its guard of predators and  humans. 
You look much more  like a clown to me, but . . . you may be  on the side of 
Jesus. He not  only suspected his family contained  enemies who would kill him  
- and they tried to - but warned in  public that "a man's enemies will be the  
members of his own household." (Matthew 10:36). You are not of my  household, 
thanks God! 
  Go and suspect wisely and  well on Biblical ground, you!  But don't be rash. 
  There is Buddha's great  adv

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 11/26/2014 7:09 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
*/While I'm giving you the standard "Newbie warning" about Nabby, 
Tormod, I should probably caution you about the person posting as 
Richard J. Williams (and also occasionally posting as "punditster," 
"Pundit Sir," "WillyTex," and other obvious aliases).


Since we are introducing ourselves, maybe we should start out by letting 
new subscribers know that they can judge the respondents on this list by 
reading what they have posted to the group and just let their words 
speak for themselves.

Is that alright with you Mr. Wright?

*/He's another well-known crank and Internet troll, famous for doing 
everything he possibly can on this and other forums to disrupt real 
conversations and provoke arguments for over 20 years now.

*/Read his stuff if you want, but bear in mind before replying to him 
that he is still on the Sexual Offender's List of the state he lives 
in. As I understand it, many people where he outside 
their species, but Richard preferred his conquests young, and thus 
developed relationships with *underaged* prairie dogs. That's looked 
down upon, even in Texas.

*/Don't say you weren't warned.../*

*From:* "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:37 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of 

*/Tormod, it may interest you to know that the person who has been 
giving you such a hard time while posting anonymously as Nablusos1008 
also lives in Norway.

*/He *claims* to have been a TM teacher and even claims to have spent 
some time on TM Purusha courses in the past. But it's important to 
remember that these are unsubstantiated claims because 1) he posts 
anonymously, so no one knows his name, 2) as far as we can tell he 
wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a real TM facility these days 
because of his association with and promotion of Off The Program 
teachers such as Benjamin Creme, and 3) he spends so much of his time 
being angry and lashing out at anyone who isn't him that it's doubtful 
he ever meditated a day in his life.

*/Nabby (our nickname for him, since literally no one here takes him 
seriously) is regarded by most as a crank. He tends to write about his 
belief in aliens that he calls the "Space Brothers" and about the 
supposed savior "Maitreya" touted by his real teacher Benjamin Creme, 
who has been about to appear any day now for almost thirty years. 
Without ever appearing, of course. :-)

*/If you're there "on the ground" in Norway and in touch with real 
TMers, ask around. Someone probably knows who this guy claiming to be 
a former TM teacher really is. Let us know when you find out. /*

*From:* "Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:24 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi


Nablusoss1008 - if that is your real name . . .

I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself
warned that  this exact situation would arise some time in the
future. I've never for a moment believed that Paul Mason has the
Movement's progress as one of his priorities.
As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff
as your "review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi.

Every wild donkey has a right to be on its guard of predators and 
humans. You look much more like a clown to me, but . . . you may be on 
the side of Jesus. He not only suspected his family contained enemies 
who would kill him - and they tried to - but warned in public that "a 
man's enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matthew 
10:36). You are not of my household, thanks God!

Go and suspect wisely and well on Biblical ground, you! But don't be rash.

There is Buddha's great  advice to investigate - going against dumb 
belief - a help to suspect well, try to live wisely and well, a candle 
in a dark, dark cave:

"Etha tumhe Kalama. Ma anussavena, ma paramparaya, ma itikiraya,
ma pitasampadanena, ma takkahetu, ma nayahetu, ma
akaraparivitakkena, nid ditthinijjhanakkhantiya, ma
bhabbarupataya, ma samanro no garu ti."

It says, in one translation:

Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (ie, thinking that thus
have we he

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Yaw, I've veen vatching zeezon vree of "Lillyhammer" on da Netflix.  In 
zee epizode vour zee staff at ze Flamingo are learnzing meditation, not 
ze TM kind but ze "mindfulness" kind.  It alzo zeems zey hast gottzen 
tired of cold and snowy Norvay and shot zum zeens in Rio.

On 11/26/2014 04:37 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/Tormod, it may interest you to know that the person who has been 
giving you such a hard time while posting anonymously as Nablusos1008 
also lives in Norway.

*/He *claims* to have been a TM teacher and even claims to have spent 
some time on TM Purusha courses in the past. But it's important to 
remember that these are unsubstantiated claims because 1) he posts 
anonymously, so no one knows his name, 2) as far as we can tell he 
wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a real TM facility these days 
because of his association with and promotion of Off The Program 
teachers such as Benjamin Creme, and 3) he spends so much of his time 
being angry and lashing out at anyone who isn't him that it's doubtful 
he ever meditated a day in his life.

*/Nabby (our nickname for him, since literally no one here takes him 
seriously) is regarded by most as a crank. He tends to write about his 
belief in aliens that he calls the "Space Brothers" and about the 
supposed savior "Maitreya" touted by his real teacher Benjamin Creme, 
who has been about to appear any day now for almost thirty years. 
Without ever appearing, of course.  :-)

*/If you're there "on the ground" in Norway and in touch with real 
TMers, ask around. Someone probably knows who this guy claiming to be 
a former TM teacher really is. Let us know when you find out. /*

*From:* "Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:24 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi


Nablusoss1008 - if that is your real name . . .

I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself
warned that  this exact situation would arise some time in the
future. I've never for a moment believed that Paul Mason has the
Movement's progress as one of his priorities.
As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff
as your "review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi.

Every wild donkey has a right to be on its guard of predators and 
humans. You look much more like a clown to me, but . . . you may be on 
the side of Jesus. He not only suspected his family contained enemies 
who would kill him - and they tried to - but warned in public that "a 
man's enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matthew 
10:36). You are not of my household, thanks God!

Go and suspect wisely and well on Biblical ground, you! But don't be rash.

There is Buddha's great  advice to investigate - going against dumb 
belief - a help to suspect well, try to live wisely and well, a candle 
in a dark, dark cave:

"Etha tumhe Kalama. Ma anussavena, ma paramparaya, ma itikiraya,
ma pitasampadanena, ma takkahetu, ma nayahetu, ma
akaraparivitakkena, nid ditthinijjhanakkhantiya, ma
bhabbarupataya, ma samanro no garu ti."

It says, in one translation:

Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (ie, thinking that thus
have we heard it for a long time).
Do not accept anything by mere tradition (ie, thinking that it has
been handed down thus through many generations).
Do not accept anything on account of rumours (ie, by believing
what others say without any investigation).
Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures.
Do not accept anything by mere supposition.
Do not accept anything by mere inference.
Do not accept anything by merely considering the appearances.
Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your
preconceived notions.
Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable (ie,
should be accepted).
Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected by
us (and that therefore it is right to accept his word.)
But when you know for yourselves - these things are immoral, these
things are blameworthy, these things are censured by the wise,
these things, when performed and undertaken, conduce to ruin and
sorrow - then reject them.
When you know for yourselves - these things are moral, these
things are blameless, these things are praised by the wise, these
things, when performed and undertaken, conduce to well-being and
happiness - then live and act accordingly." [This section: Bht 284-85]

So, try to benefit from the art of suspicion also, learn 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I mean, it is sorta funny to have all this advice from someone who claims to 
have so little invested in this site. 

 Here's he's acting as the deputy monitor.



---In,  wrote :

 No problemo, Tormod. I posted partly to warn you who you were dealing with in 
Nabby, but also to give *him* a bit of a panic because he's terrified people 
here will find out his real name. 


 As for Richard Williams, what I said about him being...uh...overly fond of 
prairie dogs is not really true. At least not to the best of my knowledge. 


 What I said about him being generally recognized as being one of the biggest 
trolls on the Internet IS true, however, so be warned. Interacting with him in 
any way will just prove to be a waste of your time. I posted to warn you 
because his pattern is to pounce on all newbies (who don't know his patterns) 
and try to get them to interact with him, so he can waste their time and 

 From: "Tormod Kinnes tkinnes@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi
 Hei (Norwegian greeting),


 I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.

 Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement 
rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has confirmed 
it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.



 Loving greetings,

 Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]

Thank you, all well-meaning ones! I appreciate your concern my way.


On 26 November 2014 at 16:01,
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

> Odd thing - Although I am immeasurably indebted to Maharishi for bringing
> out the knowledge, to basically "reverse the trends of time", as he so
> aptly put it, my devotion and the natural direction of my heart, always
> goes to SBS. On the one hand, overflowing gratitude to Maharishi, but the
> overflowing love always flows to Guru Dev. Not that I ever think twice
> about it. :-)
> Welcome Tormod, I am 1/8 Norwegian (paternal grandmother was 1/2), though
> have not yet visited there, in this lifetime. I was pleasantly surprised to
> read recently that Norway is the wealthiest country in the world - No
> wonder TM is so popular there.
> ---In,  wrote :
> Hello Tormod, you seem to be a reasonable fellow. Please note that my
> comment was not directed at you specifically but rather in the direction of
> Paul Mason based on a comment Maharishi made some years ago that in the
> future some will try to sow discontent and doubts by trying to convince
> people of how devoted they are to Guru Dev. Their ultimate motifs could be
> to weaken the practice of meditation amongst TM'ers. It's something to keep
> in mind, nothing to be overly concerned about.
> ---In,  wrote :
> Hei (Norwegian greeting),
> Thanks!
> I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.
> Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement
> rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has
> confirmed it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.
> Loving greetings,
> --
> Tormod Kinnes

Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Odd thing - Although I am immeasurably indebted to Maharishi for bringing out 
the knowledge, to basically "reverse the trends of time", as he so aptly put 
it, my devotion and the natural direction of my heart, always goes to SBS. On 
the one hand, overflowing gratitude to Maharishi, but the overflowing love 
always flows to Guru Dev. Not that I ever think twice about it. :-)

 Welcome Tormod, I am 1/8 Norwegian (paternal grandmother was 1/2), though have 
not yet visited there, in this lifetime. I was pleasantly surprised to read 
recently that Norway is the wealthiest country in the world - No wonder TM is 
so popular there.
---In,  wrote :

 Hello Tormod, you seem to be a reasonable fellow. Please note that my comment 
was not directed at you specifically but rather in the direction of Paul Mason 
based on a comment Maharishi made some years ago that in the future some will 
try to sow discontent and doubts by trying to convince people of how devoted 
they are to Guru Dev. Their ultimate motifs could be to weaken the practice of 
meditation amongst TM'ers. It's something to keep in mind, nothing to be overly 
concerned about.

---In,  wrote :

 Hei (Norwegian greeting),


 I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.

 Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement 
rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has confirmed 
it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.



 Loving greetings,

 Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 While I'm giving you the standard "Newbie warning" about Nabby, Tormod, I 
should probably caution you about the person posting as Richard J. Williams 
(and also occasionally posting as "punditster," "Pundit Sir," "WillyTex," and 
other obvious aliases). 


 He's another well-known crank and Internet troll, famous for doing everything 
he possibly can on this and other forums to disrupt real conversations and 
provoke arguments for over 20 years now. 


 Read his stuff if you want, but bear in mind before replying to him that he is 
still on the Sexual Offender's List of the state he lives in. As I understand 
it, many people where he outside their species, but Richard 
preferred his conquests young, and thus developed relationships with 
*underaged* prairie dogs. That's looked down upon, even in Texas.


 Don't say you weren't warned...

 And Tormod, we'll just let bawee speak for himself. You'll get a very clear 
picture of what this guy is all about in no time. No one needs to embellish 
what dreck he spews here about everyone. One thing I will say - you can't 
believe a word he says - about anyone or anything. He lives to make stuff up in 
order to elevate himself on what he thinks is the pedestal of original and 
independent thinking. Just humor him.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

*From:* nablusoss1008 

Buck, be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev 
this and Guru Dev that, their agenda could be to try to hurt 
Maharishi's Movement and ultimately try to stop people from meditating.

On 11/26/2014 6:11 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

*/Can't argue with Nabby's logic here, because it's essentially the 
same thing that Michael and Salyavin and myself have been saying for 


So, what happened to all the money you collected from poor students and 
gave to the Fred Lenz cult - promising them /"instant enlightenment"/ 
just to pay for a phoney "magic trick show"? You and Fred made P.T 
Barnum look like a saint!


*/"Any time you see the words 'Jai Guru Dev' written at the bottom of 
something, run away quickly because nine times out of ten the person 
who wrote it is trying to rip you off."/*

*/ Please stop the hypocrisy, Barry - it's just too embarrassing - 
you're making all military-brats look like bigots. Why can't you figure 
this out?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread nablusoss1008
What's next, will the Turq warn newbees of Judy, Fleetwood, dr. Pete, Rory, 
Stanley, Richard and the host of other posters here who have pointed out that 
the Turq is hallucinating ?

---In,  wrote :

 No problemo, Tormod. I posted partly to warn you who you were dealing with in 
Nabby, but also to give *him* a bit of a panic because he's terrified people 
here will find out his real name. 


 As for Richard Williams, what I said about him being...uh...overly fond of 
prairie dogs is not really true. At least not to the best of my knowledge. 


 What I said about him being generally recognized as being one of the biggest 
trolls on the Internet IS true, however, so be warned. Interacting with him in 
any way will just prove to be a waste of your time. I posted to warn you 
because his pattern is to pounce on all newbies (who don't know his patterns) 
and try to get them to interact with him, so he can waste their time and 

 From: "Tormod Kinnes tkinnes@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi
 Hei (Norwegian greeting),


 I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.

 Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement 
rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has confirmed 
it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.



 Loving greetings,

 Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread nablusoss1008
Hello Tormod, you seem to be a reasonable fellow. Please note that my comment 
was not directed at you specifically but rather in the direction of Paul Mason 
based on a comment Maharishi made some years ago that in the future some will 
try to sow discontent and doubts by trying to convince people of how devoted 
they are to Guru Dev. Their ultimate motifs could be to weaken the practice of 
meditation amongst TM'ers. It's something to keep in mind, nothing to be overly 
concerned about.

---In,  wrote :

 Hei (Norwegian greeting),


 I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.

 Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement 
rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has confirmed 
it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.



 Loving greetings,

 Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
No problemo, Tormod. I posted partly to warn you who you were dealing with in 
Nabby, but also to give *him* a bit of a panic because he's terrified people 
here will find out his real name. 

As for Richard Williams, what I said about him being...uh...overly fond of 
prairie dogs is not really true. At least not to the best of my knowledge. 

What I said about him being generally recognized as being one of the biggest 
trolls on the Internet IS true, however, so be warned. Interacting with him in 
any way will just prove to be a waste of your time. I posted to warn you 
because his pattern is to pounce on all newbies (who don't know his patterns) 
and try to get them to interact with him, so he can waste their time and 
  From: "Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi
     Hei (Norwegian greeting),

I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.
Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement 
rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has confirmed 
it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.

Loving greetings,-- 
Tormod Kinnes


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread nablusoss1008
Spending most of my time in Berlin it's always funny to read abot the Turqs 
hallucinations. His anger for having been exposed as someone not knowing 
anything about Tantra yet calling himself "uncletantra" seems to be unbounded.
 And just for the record. a) Benjamin Creme is not my teacher and b) there is 
nothing whatsoever contradictory between his writings and the teaching of 
Maharishi b) I can join Flying-halls in any facility owned by the Movement in 
any part of the world whenever I wish and spent two days in Seelisberg just a 
few weeks ago, Felix being an old friend of mine. I've said this several times 
before here, instead the Turq prefferrs to listen to his hallucinations brought 
about by old age and excessive consumption of alchohol.
 As for Tormod I have no reason to doubt his motifs. My comment was made on a 
general basis based on a quote from Maharishi.


---In,  wrote :

 Tormod, it may interest you to know that the person who has been giving you 
such a hard time while posting anonymously as Nablusos1008 also lives in 


 He *claims* to have been a TM teacher and even claims to have spent some time 
on TM Purusha courses in the past. But it's important to remember that these 
are unsubstantiated claims because 1) he posts anonymously, so no one knows his 
name, 2) as far as we can tell he wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a real TM 
facility these days because of his association with and promotion of Off The 
Program teachers such as Benjamin Creme, and 3) he spends so much of his time 
being angry and lashing out at anyone who isn't him that it's doubtful he ever 
meditated a day in his life. 


 Nabby (our nickname for him, since literally no one here takes him seriously) 
is regarded by most as a crank. He tends to write about his belief in aliens 
that he calls the "Space Brothers" and about the supposed savior "Maitreya" 
touted by his real teacher Benjamin Creme, who has been about to appear any day 
now for almost thirty years. Without ever appearing, of course.  :-)


 If you're there "on the ground" in Norway and in touch with real TMers, ask 
around. Someone probably knows who this guy claiming to be a former TM teacher 
really is. Let us know when you find out. 

 From: "Tormod Kinnes tkinnes@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi


 Nablusoss1008 - if that is your real name . . .

 I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself warned that  
this exact situation would arise some time in the future. I've never for a 
moment believed that Paul Mason has the Movement's progress as one of his 
As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff as your 
"review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi. 

 Every wild donkey has a right to be on its guard of predators and humans. You 
look much more like a clown to me, but . . . you may be on the side of Jesus. 
He not only suspected his family contained enemies who would kill him - and 
they tried to - but warned in public that "a man's enemies will be the members 
of his own household." (Matthew 10:36). You are not of my household, thanks God!

Go and suspect wisely and well on Biblical ground, you! But don't be rash.

 There is Buddha's great  advice to investigate - going against dumb belief - a 
help to suspect well, try to live wisely and well, a candle in a dark, dark 

 "Etha tumhe Kalama. Ma anussavena, ma paramparaya, ma itikiraya, ma 
pitasampadanena, ma takkahetu, ma nayahetu, ma akaraparivitakkena, nid 
ditthinijjhanakkhantiya, ma bhabbarupataya, ma samanro no garu ti."
It says, in one translation:

 Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (ie, thinking that thus have we heard 
it for a long time).
Do not accept anything by mere tradition (ie, thinking that it has been handed 
down thus through many generations).
Do not accept anything on account of rumours (ie, by believing what others say 
without any investigation).
Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures.
Do not accept anything by mere supposition.
Do not accept anything by mere inference.
Do not accept anything by merely considering the appearances.
Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived notions.
Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable (ie, should be 
Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected by us (and that 
therefore it is right to accept his word.)
But when you know for yourselves - these things are immoral, these things are 
blameworthy, these things are censured by the wise, these things, when 
performed and undertaken, conduce to r

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/26/2014 6:17 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
Ahhh, I love to watch the True Believers fight amongst one another - 
just a good confirmation of the lack of effect of TM and the so-called 
Marshy Effect!

You'd think a guy hailing from SC with a reputation like he's got would 
try to make himself look good - at least on the internet. Go figure.


*From:* nablusoss1008 
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 26, 2014 6:47 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself 
warned that  this exact situation would arise some time in the future. 
I've never for a moment believed that Paul Mason has the Movement's 
progress as one of his priorities.
As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff as 
your "review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi.

---In,  wrote :

be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev
this and Guru Dev that, their agenda could be to try to hurt
Maharishi's Movement and ultimately try to stop people from

I recognise it is good to prepare for foul weather (in good time)
when the weather is fine and the sky is clear, too. Sure, sure.

But to warn against rain in the middle of a desert seems out of
place too.

Since the fall of Troy there has been a saying against "Greeks
carrying gifts". I am not a Greek.


Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]
Hei (Norwegian greeting),


I have no idea of Nabby's identity, and may not try to find out either.

Now, there is one more thing - Maharishi did a lot to keep the TM movement
rolling, and TM surely helps a lot. I am glad that much research has
confirmed it. I have a lot to be grateful for - my life, too, I can tell.

Loving greetings,
Tormod Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Uh, Barry.  I think you've been saying it for, maybe 20 years, five, six, seven 
times a day. 

 What is it you were saying about obsession, yesterday?

 Or was it yesterday, or maybe the day before that, or maybe the day before 
that, or maybe

---In,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
   Buck, be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev this and 
Guru Dev that, their agenda could be to try to hurt Maharishi's Movement and 
ultimately try to stop people from meditating.

 Can't argue with Nabby's logic here, because it's essentially the same thing 
that Michael and Salyavin and myself have been saying for years:  

 "Any time you see the words 'Jai Guru Dev' written at the bottom of something, 
run away quickly because nine times out of ten the person who wrote it is 
trying to rip you off."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
While I'm giving you the standard "Newbie warning" about Nabby, Tormod, I 
should probably caution you about the person posting as Richard J. Williams 
(and also occasionally posting as "punditster," "Pundit Sir," "WillyTex," and 
other obvious aliases). 

He's another well-known crank and Internet troll, famous for doing everything 
he possibly can on this and other forums to disrupt real conversations and 
provoke arguments for over 20 years now. 

Read his stuff if you want, but bear in mind before replying to him that he is 
still on the Sexual Offender's List of the state he lives in. As I understand 
it, many people where he outside their species, but Richard 
preferred his conquests young, and thus developed relationships with 
*underaged* prairie dogs. That's looked down upon, even in Texas.

Don't say you weren't warned...

   From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi
    Tormod, it may interest you to know that the person who has been giving you 
such a hard time while posting anonymously as Nablusos1008 also lives in 

He *claims* to have been a TM teacher and even claims to have spent some time 
on TM Purusha courses in the past. But it's important to remember that these 
are unsubstantiated claims because 1) he posts anonymously, so no one knows his 
name, 2) as far as we can tell he wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a real TM 
facility these days because of his association with and promotion of Off The 
Program teachers such as Benjamin Creme, and 3) he spends so much of his time 
being angry and lashing out at anyone who isn't him that it's doubtful he ever 
meditated a day in his life. 

Nabby (our nickname for him, since literally no one here takes him seriously) 
is regarded by most as a crank. He tends to write about his belief in aliens 
that he calls the "Space Brothers" and about the supposed savior "Maitreya" 
touted by his real teacher Benjamin Creme, who has been about to appear any day 
now for almost thirty years. Without ever appearing, of course.  :-)

If you're there "on the ground" in Norway and in touch with real TMers, ask 
around. Someone probably knows who this guy claiming to be a former TM teacher 
really is. Let us know when you find out. 

 From: "Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

Nablusoss1008 - if that is your real name . . .

I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself warned that  
this exact situation would arise some time in the future. I've never for a 
moment believed that Paul Mason has the Movement's progress as one of his 
As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff as your 
"review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi.

Every wild donkey has a right to be on its guard of predators and humans. You 
look much more like a clown to me, but . . . you may be on the side of Jesus. 
He not only suspected his family contained enemies who would kill him - and 
they tried to - but warned in public that "a man's enemies will be the members 
of his own household." (Matthew 10:36). You are not of my household, thanks God!
Go and suspect wisely and well on Biblical ground, you! But don't be rash.
There is Buddha's great  advice to investigate - going against dumb belief - a 
help to suspect well, try to live wisely and well, a candle in a dark, dark 

"Etha tumhe Kalama. Ma anussavena, ma paramparaya, ma itikiraya, ma 
pitasampadanena, ma takkahetu, ma nayahetu, ma akaraparivitakkena, nid 
ditthinijjhanakkhantiya, ma bhabbarupataya, ma samanro no garu ti."

It says, in one translation:

Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (ie, thinking that thus have we heard it 
for a long time).
Do not accept anything by mere tradition (ie, thinking that it has been handed 
down thus through many generations).
Do not accept anything on account of rumours (ie, by believing what others say 
without any investigation).
Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures.
Do not accept anything by mere supposition.
Do not accept anything by mere inference.
Do not accept anything by merely considering the appearances.
Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived notions.
Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable (ie, should be 
Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected by us (and that 
therefore it i

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Tormod, it may interest you to know that the person who has been giving you 
such a hard time while posting anonymously as Nablusos1008 also lives in 

He *claims* to have been a TM teacher and even claims to have spent some time 
on TM Purusha courses in the past. But it's important to remember that these 
are unsubstantiated claims because 1) he posts anonymously, so no one knows his 
name, 2) as far as we can tell he wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a real TM 
facility these days because of his association with and promotion of Off The 
Program teachers such as Benjamin Creme, and 3) he spends so much of his time 
being angry and lashing out at anyone who isn't him that it's doubtful he ever 
meditated a day in his life. 

Nabby (our nickname for him, since literally no one here takes him seriously) 
is regarded by most as a crank. He tends to write about his belief in aliens 
that he calls the "Space Brothers" and about the supposed savior "Maitreya" 
touted by his real teacher Benjamin Creme, who has been about to appear any day 
now for almost thirty years. Without ever appearing, of course.  :-)

If you're there "on the ground" in Norway and in touch with real TMers, ask 
around. Someone probably knows who this guy claiming to be a former TM teacher 
really is. Let us know when you find out. 
  From: "Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

Nablusoss1008 - if that is your real name . . .

I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself warned that  
this exact situation would arise some time in the future. I've never for a 
moment believed that Paul Mason has the Movement's progress as one of his 
As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff as your 
"review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi.

Every wild donkey has a right to be on its guard of predators and humans. You 
look much more like a clown to me, but . . . you may be on the side of Jesus. 
He not only suspected his family contained enemies who would kill him - and 
they tried to - but warned in public that "a man's enemies will be the members 
of his own household." (Matthew 10:36). You are not of my household, thanks God!
Go and suspect wisely and well on Biblical ground, you! But don't be rash.
There is Buddha's great  advice to investigate - going against dumb belief - a 
help to suspect well, try to live wisely and well, a candle in a dark, dark 

"Etha tumhe Kalama. Ma anussavena, ma paramparaya, ma itikiraya, ma 
pitasampadanena, ma takkahetu, ma nayahetu, ma akaraparivitakkena, nid 
ditthinijjhanakkhantiya, ma bhabbarupataya, ma samanro no garu ti."

It says, in one translation:

Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (ie, thinking that thus have we heard it 
for a long time).
Do not accept anything by mere tradition (ie, thinking that it has been handed 
down thus through many generations).
Do not accept anything on account of rumours (ie, by believing what others say 
without any investigation).
Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures.
Do not accept anything by mere supposition.
Do not accept anything by mere inference.
Do not accept anything by merely considering the appearances.
Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived notions.
Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable (ie, should be 
Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected by us (and that 
therefore it is right to accept his word.)
But when you know for yourselves - these things are immoral, these things are 
blameworthy, these things are censured by the wise, these things, when 
performed and undertaken, conduce to ruin and sorrow - then reject them.
When you know for yourselves - these things are moral, these things are 
blameless, these things are praised by the wise, these things, when performed 
and undertaken, conduce to well-being and happiness - then live and act 
accordingly." [This section: Bht 284-85]

So, try to benefit from the art of suspicion also, learn to investigate like a 
By the way, anonymous posters are a motley crew with many uncultivable cowards 
in it ... You can take it to heart. I do not say you were a fool with misplaced 
suspicions - that's where civil manners and decency help out - up to a point. 
As for me, I was fooled by Autobiography of a Yogi. What I have taken up in may 
Amazon review of Autobiography of a Yogi takes off from a blend of own 
experiences and facts. And there are many more facts I could have gone into. 
Some are here, on my own net place and hosted by a Norwegian university:

T. Kinnes


[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]

Nablusoss1008 - if that is your real name . . .

I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself
> warned that  this exact situation would arise some time in the future. I've
> never for a moment believed that Paul Mason has the Movement's progress as
> one of his priorities.
> As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff as your
> "review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi.

Every wild donkey has a right to be on its guard of predators and humans.
You look much more like a clown to me, but . . . you may be on the side of
Jesus. He not only suspected his family contained enemies who would kill
him - and they tried to - but warned in public that "a man's enemies will
be the members of his own household." (Matthew 10:36). You are not of my
household, thanks God!

Go and suspect wisely and well on Biblical ground, you! But don't be rash.

There is Buddha's great  advice to investigate - going against dumb belief
- a help to suspect well, try to live wisely and well, a candle in a dark,
dark cave:

"Etha tumhe Kalama. Ma anussavena, ma paramparaya, ma itikiraya, ma
> pitasampadanena, ma takkahetu, ma nayahetu, ma akaraparivitakkena, nid
> ditthinijjhanakkhantiya, ma bhabbarupataya, ma samanro no garu ti."

It says, in one translation:

Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (ie, thinking that thus have we
> heard it for a long time).
> Do not accept anything by mere tradition (ie, thinking that it has been
> handed down thus through many generations).
> Do not accept anything on account of rumours (ie, by believing what others
> say without any investigation).
> Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures.
> Do not accept anything by mere supposition.
> Do not accept anything by mere inference.
> Do not accept anything by merely considering the appearances.
> Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived
> notions.
> Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable (ie, should be
> accepted).
> Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected by us (and
> that therefore it is right to accept his word.)
> But when you know for yourselves - these things are immoral, these things
> are blameworthy, these things are censured by the wise, these things, when
> performed and undertaken, conduce to ruin and sorrow - then reject them.
> When you know for yourselves - these things are moral, these things are
> blameless, these things are praised by the wise, these things, when
> performed and undertaken, conduce to well-being and happiness - then live
> and act accordingly." [This section: Bht 284-85]

So, try to benefit from the art of suspicion also, learn to investigate
like a human.

By the way, anonymous posters are a motley crew with many uncultivable
cowards in it ... You can take it to heart. I do not say you were a fool
with misplaced suspicions - that's where civil manners and decency help out
- up to a point.

As for me, I was fooled by Autobiography of a Yogi. What I have taken up in
may Amazon review of Autobiography of a Yogi takes off from a blend of own
experiences and facts. And there are many more facts I could have gone
into. Some are here, on my own net place and hosted by a Norwegian

T. Kinnes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Ahhh, I love to watch the True Believers fight amongst one another - just a 
good confirmation of the lack of effect of TM and the so-called Marshy Effect! 

  From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 6:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi
    I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself warned 
that  this exact situation would arise some time in the future. I've never for 
a moment believed that Paul Mason has the Movement's progress as one of his 
priorities.As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff as 
your "review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi.

---In,  wrote :

be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev this and Guru Dev 
that, their agenda could be to try to hurt Maharishi's Movement and ultimately 
try to stop people from meditating.

I recognise it is good to prepare for foul weather (in good time) when the 
weather is fine and the sky is clear, too. Sure, sure.
But to warn against rain in the middle of a desert seems out of place too.
Since the fall of Troy there has been a saying against "Greeks carrying gifts". 
I am not a Greek.

Tormod Kinnes
  #yiv2718642136 #yiv2718642136 -- #yiv2718642136ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: nablusoss1008 

    Buck, be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev this and 
Guru Dev that, their agenda could be to try to hurt Maharishi's Movement and 
ultimately try to stop people from meditating.
Can't argue with Nabby's logic here, because it's essentially the same thing 
that Michael and Salyavin and myself have been saying for years:  
"Any time you see the words 'Jai Guru Dev' written at the bottom of something, 
run away quickly because nine times out of ten the person who wrote it is 
trying to rip you off."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Tormod, nice to have another poster in the Funny Farm Lounge* (FFL) who has a 
good sense of humor.
* the nickname Funny Farm Lounge was coined by Bhairitu.
  From: "Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 5:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi
be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev this and Guru Dev 
that, their agenda could be to try to hurt Maharishi's Movement and ultimately 
try to stop people from meditating.

I recognise it is good to prepare for foul weather (in good time) when the 
weather is fine and the sky is clear, too. Sure, sure.
But to warn against rain in the middle of a desert seems out of place too.
Since the fall of Troy there has been a saying against "Greeks carrying gifts". 
I am not a Greek.

Tormod Kinnes


[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread nablusoss1008
I would not have written what I did if Maharishi had not himself warned that  
this exact situation would arise some time in the future. I've never for a 
moment believed that Paul Mason has the Movement's progress as one of his 
 As for the rest of what you wrote it's mostly blabber, same stuff as your 
"review" of An Autobiography of A Yogi.


---In,  wrote :

 be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev this and Guru Dev 
that, their agenda could be to try to hurt Maharishi's Movement and ultimately 
try to stop people from meditating. 

 I recognise it is good to prepare for foul weather (in good time) when the 
weather is fine and the sky is clear, too. Sure, sure.

 But to warn against rain in the middle of a desert seems out of place too.

 Since the fall of Troy there has been a saying against "Greeks carrying 
gifts". I am not a Greek.




 Tormod Kinnes

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]
> be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev this and Guru
> Dev that, their agenda could be to try to hurt Maharishi's Movement and
> ultimately try to stop people from meditating.

I recognise it is good to prepare for foul weather (in good time) when the
weather is fine and the sky is clear, too. Sure, sure.

But to warn against rain in the middle of a desert seems out of place too.

Since the fall of Troy there has been a saying against "Greeks carrying
gifts". I am not a Greek.


Tormod Kinnes

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread Tormod Kinnes [FairfieldLife]
One more thing,

I was asked about sources by Michael Jackson (not dead):

The source is Dr. Raj R. P. Varma.

Elsa Dragemark (1972) tells from her training time in the Himalayan academy
of Maharishi:

Doctor Varma came to Guru Dev six months before Maharishi and knows more
about Guru Dev and Maharishi than any other person I have met.
During the time Doctor Varma was a disciple of Guru Dev he did not withdraw
from the world to live as a monk. . . . {p. 240]
Doctor Varma had been a practicing homeopath, but since he was now quite
old - I would think about sixty-five - he had closed his practice and
retired. When the academy was open he spent his time there  . . .
Fortunately Doctor Varma had not entirely abandoned his homoeopathic
practice - this to our great joy and benefit. . . .
  One did not necessarily have to be ill to go to Doctor Varma, one
could just as easily pay him a visit for no particular reason at all. {p.
241] . . .
I did not always feel like talking nor for that matter did
Doctor Varma. Then I just wanted to sit there and watch how with soft,
graceful hand movements and brush strokes he mixed and applied paint to the
canvas - creating that, which would eventually depict Guru Dev on the
throne of the Shankaracharya. Guru Dev sat in the lotus position on the
carved and richly ornamented golden throne. In his right hand he held the
Shankaracharya staff while his left hand rested in his lap. He was dressed
in a bhakti-coloured - or translated into English orange-coloured - robe
and had heavy flower garlands around his neck. A pair of wooden sandals of
the simplest kind, placed in the foreground of the picture, made a touching
impression. They expressed modesty - yes, almost poverty in stark contrast
to the mighty one on the throne, whose inscrutable all-seeing gaze beheld
something distant -- in cosmos - while he at the same time scrutinized the
observer with penetrating eyes. The high forehead, glorified by wisdom and
holiness, was covered with an ochre-coloured sandal paste, giving coolness
to the highly developed brain. The sharply outlined mouth, surrounded by a
curly grey beard, bore witness of severity and firmness, but also of
endless compassion and love. The portrait really gave the impression of a
very alive personality.
  I asked Doctor Varma if it wasn't difficult to reproduce Guru Dev's
  He answered: "Yes, very. Nobody has yet succeeded, not even a
photographer has been able to capture and reproduce Guru Dev's expression,
but I do the best I can."
  Doctor Varma lowered his voice and added almost solemnly: "Those, who
have once seen Guru Dev's eyes can never forget them." {p. 242]

—  It was when Guru Dev had come out from the jungle that I first met him.
Then he was not yet Shankaracharya. Guru Dev was the pure and holy man with
strict rules of life that he had been reputed to be. He was not interested
in acquiring disciples and was therefore extremely restrained on the
subject. In the 24 hours the public was only allowed to meet him for half
an hour. That was between six-thirty and seven o'clock at night. A
bramachary guarded his door.
  I came to the house where Guru Dev lived and asked the bramachary for
permission to enter and to sit at Guru Dev's feet, but he said:
— No, no don't be in such a hurry to see Guru Dev.
  I came evening after evening, but each time I was staved off in this
  The bramachary asked everyone who came to see Guru Dev:
— What is your name? Do you desire to see Guru Dev?
  He made a note of the name after which he went to Guru Dev and asked
if such and such a person might have an audience.
  Guru Dev closed his eyes for a moment and answered either "Let him
come in" or "Ask him to leave", for by only knowing the visitor's name he
was able to tell what kind of person he was. . . .
  I was allowed to enter and sit at Guru Dev's feet . . . in 1939 - and
then I was also initiated. . . .
  Guru Dev visited Jabalpur six months later. It was then that
Maharishi first met Guru Dev. Maharishi had just then taken his degrees in
mathematics and physics at the university of Allahabad.

Maharishi: "We were a few men who had gone to visit Guru Dev. We sat
outside his door for a long time until we were finally admitted. We sat
down by the door which had been left open. Guru Dev sat in darkness. We
could only sense his presence - he didn't talk to us. Suddenly a car drove
by on the road and the headlights momentarily shone in through the open
door. For the first time I was able to see Guru Dev's face. Oh, it was a
wonderful sight! I have never seen anything so wonderful. Immediately I
experienced a deep reverence and devotion to him and I decided to do
everything in my power to be in his surroundings." {p. 257]

  Doctor Varma continued:
  A few days after Maharishi had seen Guru Dev for the first time he
returned and

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's teachings and those of Maharishi

2014-11-26 Thread nablusoss1008
Buck, be aware of false prophets. When someone is talking Guru Dev this and 
Guru Dev that, their agenda could be to try to hurt Maharishi's Movement and 
ultimately try to stop people from meditating.