Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimum rights to enrol a client

2015-03-20 Thread David Kupka

On 03/20/2015 09:16 AM, Andrew Holway wrote:


I'd like to find our what the minimum role would be to allow a user to join
a new client to freeipa.

Currently our enrol command looks like:
ipa-client-install --force-join --enable-dns-updates -U -p admin -w




AFAIK there is 'Host Enrollment' privilege created during IPA server 
installation. You need to create new role and add this privilege to the 
newly created role.
The role can then be assigned to any user or group. User with this 
privilege have enough permissions to enroll a host to IPA domain.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Power down all FreeIPA servers

2015-04-01 Thread David Kupka

On 04/01/2015 10:19 AM, Thomas Lau wrote:

Hi all,

we are going to have power maintenance and needed to shutdown two core
FreeIPA server. Is there have any sequence to shutdown and power on FreeIPA
server? Anything I need to aware of?

IFAIK there is no recommended Trick. You can turn them off and on 
normaly (with system or using ipactl stop/start) and after they start 
again the replication process should continue.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Found new problem after 3.3 - 4.1 update

2015-04-20 Thread David Kupka

On 04/20/2015 12:00 PM, Alexander Frolushkin wrote:

We found our host enrollment role does not work after ipa server update.
Now user having this role get this error:
Joining realm failed: No permission to join this host to the IPA domain.

Maybe now we need to add some addition permissions to this role, can someone to 
point out which permissions is required to add new host to domain?

Alexander Frolushkin
Cell +79232508764
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the e-mail and all attachments and any copies thereof.


This thread seams to solve similar issue:

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Access to IPA Web-UI with different domain names

2015-04-27 Thread David Kupka

On 04/27/2015 06:06 PM, David Dimovski wrote:

Hi Folks,
does somebody have a best practice, how to access the IPA Web-UI with
different domain names?

Our IPA 4.1 have two different IPs (extern and intern) with two domain
names. The web gui is only accessible from the domain name, which IPA was
registered with (intern domain name). When trying to access with the
extern domain name, IPA is rewriting to the intern domain name.

After disabling the rewriting, the web ui is accessible from the two
domain names, but the login is not possible from the extern domain name
(only intern domain name), getting the following error:
Logout session expired.

Does sombody has a idea or a clue?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards


IIUC this is not something FreeIPA supports. When you deploy FreeInPA 
server it is tied to a domain specified during installation.

I think you need to decide whether your FreeIPA domain is internal or 
If it's internal it is inaccessible from outside and you need to first 
connect to the internal network (e.g. use VPN) and then connect to 
FreeIPA server.

If it's external then everything works as expected.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA cluster shutdown sequence

2015-05-04 Thread David Kupka

On 05/04/2015 07:09 AM, Thomas Lau wrote:

Hi All,

We got a power maintenance soon, so all servers need to shutdown. Is
there have a shutdown / starting up procedure for FreeIPA cluster? We
are currently running two node cluster.

as I responded a month ago 
there is no special procedure. You just turn the servers off before the 
power outage and then turn them back on.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] replication again :-(

2015-05-19 Thread David Kupka

On 05/19/2015 09:04 AM, thierry bordaz wrote:

On 05/19/2015 03:42 AM, Janelle wrote:

On 5/18/15 6:23 PM, Janelle wrote:

Once again, replication/sync has been lost. I really wish the product
was more stable, it is so much potential and yet.

Servers running for 6 days no issues. No new accounts or changes
(maybe a few users changing passwords) and again, 5 out of 16 servers
are no longer in sync.

I can test it easily by adding an account and then waiting a few
minutes, then run "ipa  user-show --all username" on all the servers,
and only a few of them have the account.  I have now waited 15
minutes, still no luck.

Oh well.. I guess I will go look at alternatives. I had such high
hopes for this tool. Thanks so much everyone for all your help in
trying to get things stable, but for whatever reason, there is a
random loss of sync among the servers and obviously this is not


A new error:

[] reports: Update failed! Status: [49  - LDAP error:
Invalid credentials]

can you see the update on ?
It is looking like the replica agreement from this host is failing to
bind to a replica. This could explain why the replica do not receive the
update (disabled account, password/certificate expiration, ...)
Again logs/config would help.


maybe stupid question: Is time on all your replicas in sync? Usually 
when the time is not synced between KDC and client the ticket is 
rejected thus preventing login.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] freeipa sudden stop

2015-06-29 Thread David Kupka

On 30/06/15 05:17, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

Every once in a week suddenly IPA service would failed and only
realized when zimbra that using authentication with it failed during
user log in.

So I had to type in below commands one by one each time this happened.

systemctl start dirsrv@DOMAIN-COM.service
systemctl start krb5kdc.service
systemctl start kadmin.service
systemctl start ipa_memcached.service
systemctl start httpd.service

# cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 18 (Spherical Cow)

# rpm -qa | grep freeipa

I was told this this IPA server is a master IPA.

I could not find crash log in /var/log/messages other then when I
failed to start certain services or "service ipa start"

Any idea where I should exactly be looking in to?

Log messages attached.

The issue seems quite annoying. Could you please provide more info?
Do you have one freeipa master or more replicas?
If not do you experience this issue only on one of them?

According to the logs it looks like starting of pki-tomcatd fails and 
therefore "ipactl start" fails.

Could you run "# ipactl start -d" and post its output?

Also starting individual services is not a good idea as you can forget 
to start some (you actually did :-)

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Primary certificates

2015-07-14 Thread David Kupka

On 13/07/15 16:05, Janelle wrote:

Good morning,

I was wondering, I install my servers with the self-signed certs. Now my
management wants me to use official certificates. Is there an
easy/recommended way to swap out all the certificates on all the
servers? Especially with 16 servers, just trying to figure out if this
is something I could script with PSSH or similar in order to do them all
at once. Does it matter the order?

Thank you


Yes, there is an easy way:
1.Run "ipa-cacert-manage renew --external-ca" on one of CA masters 
(first ipa-server installed or any replica installed with --setup-ca).

This will generate csr you need to get signed by your CA.

2. Then run "ipa-cacert-manage renew --external-cert-file certificate> --external-cert-file "

This will update the IPA CA certificate in LDAP.

3. Then you need to run "ipa-certupdate" on all ipa servers and clients 
to distribute the new certificate.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Another Migration from 3.0 (CentOS 6.6) to 4.1 (CentOS 7.1)

2015-07-29 Thread David Kupka
ul/2015:17:25:50][TP-Processor2]: GroupAccessEvaluator: evaluate: uid null
[28/Jul/2015:17:25:50][TP-Processor2]: evaluated expression:
group="Enterprise TKS Administrators" to be false
[28/Jul/2015:17:25:50][TP-Processor2]: SignedAuditEventFactory:
authorization failure

Do you guys know which certificate is the one that's failing and where
else to look at to fix this problem?

Thanks so much for any help you can provide!



The problem is in pki-* packages. The old version that is used with 
freeipa-3.0 does not have REST API and the one that is used in 
freeipa-4.1 does not expect that.
The issue is fixed in pki 10.2.6 but I'm not sure if it is available in 
CentOS, yet.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] IdM Password Expiration

2015-08-05 Thread David Kupka

On 04/08/15 17:01, Robert Locke wrote:

Hey folks,

I have been using the following to adjust the Password Expiration of
accounts in IdM/IPA:
 echo "$ADMIN_PASS" | kinit admin
 echo -e "dn:
uid=rheluseri,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com\nchangetype: modify
\nreplace: krbPasswordExpiration\nkrbPasswordExpiration: 2030010100Z
\n" | ldapmodify -x -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w $ADMIN_PASS

This has worked nicely for me.

My "new" problem is that the admin account itself expires after 90 days.
I thought since ldapsearch does show the admin account, that simply
substituting the uid might work.

 echo -e "dn: uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
\nchangetype: modify\nreplace: krbPasswordExpiration
\nkrbPasswordExpiration: 2030010100Z\n" | ldapmodify -x -D
'cn=Directory Manager' -w $ADMIN_PASS

My attempts to adjust the admin account in this similar fashion have
been not surprisingly unsuccessful.



I just tried to set krbPasswordExpiration attribute for admin and it 
worked as expected:

$ ipa user-show admin --all
  dn: uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
  User login: admin
  krbpasswordexpiration: 2020010100Z

$ echo -e "dn: 
modify\nreplace: krbPasswordExpiration\nkrbPasswordExpiration: 
2030010100Z\n" | ldapmodify -x -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w $DM_PASS

modifying entry "uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"

$ ipa user-show admin --all
  dn: uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
  User login: admin
  krbpasswordexpiration: 2030010100Z

Could you provide more information about what is failing? Only thing 
that comes to my mind is that you're using $ADMIN_PASS variable where 
Directory Manager password is required but I know it's just name of the 

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] time restricted access

2015-08-13 Thread David Kupka

On 13/08/15 17:01, Marcelo Roccasalva wrote:


I've installed freeIPA 4.1.0 under CentOS 7 and I need to restric
authentication to one or more time ranges but I failed to find such a


you're probably looking for "Time-Based Account Policies". This is 
currently WIP, you can find more on freeipa-devel list.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Different shell for different systems

2015-08-18 Thread David Kupka

On 18/08/15 20:47, Wood Peter wrote:

Is it possible to setup different user shell for different systems?

I want users to have /bin/bash on all systems but I'd like them to get
/usr/bin/git-shell on some systems that serve git repositories.

Any idea how to achieve that?

Thank you,

-- Peter

I think that it should be possible with ID View 
but I'm not familiar with it.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] GID, groups and ipa group-show

2015-08-24 Thread David Kupka

On 21/08/15 15:21, bahan w wrote:

Hello !

I contact you because I notice something strange with IPA environment.

I created a group :
ipa group-add g1 --desc="my first group"

Then I created a user with the GID of g1
GID1=`ipa group-show g1 | awk '/GID/ {printf("%s",$2)}'`
ipa user-add --first=u1 --last=u1 --homedir=/home/u1 --shell=/bin/bash
--gidnumber=${GID1} u1

Then when I perform ipa group-show g1 command, I got the following result :
   Group name: g1
   Description: my first group

Same for ipa user-show u1 :
   User login: u1
   First name: u1
   Last name: u1
   Home directory: /home/u1
   Login shell: /bin/bash
   Email address: u1@
   Account disabled: False
   Password: False
   Member of groups: ipausers
   Kerberos keys available: False

These 2 commands does not see u1 as a member of g1.
When I try the command id u1, I can see the group :

id u1
uid=(u1) gid=(g1) groups=(g1)

Is it the normal behaviour of these IPA commands ?

Best regards.



I'm not sure if this is intended and/or correct behavior or not.
Looking at /etc/passwd and /etc/group I see it behaves similarly in a way.

You can have following entries in the aforementioned files



Looking in /etc/group you can't see user 'u1' is member of group 'g1' 
but tools like id, groups, getent shows this information.

On the other hand it would be useful to show these "implicit" members in 
group-show output.

Could you please file a ticket (

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] attempting to restore IPA

2015-09-10 Thread David Kupka

Hello Steven!

I would like to help you but unfortunately I have no chance to guess 
what went wrong.

To help us help you please report any issue in a way described on 
FreeIPA Troubleshooting page (

Most importantly we need the following:

1. Version of FreeIPA you are using.

2. Precise description of the problem.
Stating that "password does not work" is not specific enough. Does 
"kinit admin" fails? With what error message? What is in kdc log? Or 
does SSH login fails? Does the login on client using the restored server 

3. Steps that you did before the problem occurred.
How was the mentioned backup created? Was the FreeIPA server reinstalled 
since the backup was taken? Was any password changed after the backup? 
Was any error/warning reported during the restore?

4. Logs.
Please include at least iparestore.log and DS and Kerberos logs.

Maybe some of the information I am missing here can be found in the 
thread you are responding to. But since you have changed the subject I 
assume you are solving another issue. In that case it makes sense to 
start completely new thread and provide all relevant information. 
Searching for them in older thread is not only time consuming but also 
may confuse us as they could be no longer valid and/or relevant.

Do not take me wrong I am just trying to show you how to ask with bigger 
change of solving the issue for you in less time.

Best regards,

On 10/09/15 01:41, Steven Jones wrote:

So to restore IPA I tried,

ipa-restore --data ipa-full-2015-09-10-10-28-11

and now I cannot loginopsie.

The admin user password doesnt work and neither do my own accounts.

NB I assume the  flag --data restores the user data/HBAC rules etc?



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Re: [Freeipa-users] V6 and v4

2015-09-13 Thread David Kupka

On 13/09/15 16:33, Janelle wrote:


I read something recently that if ip v6 is disable on a server this hurts 
performance in some way? Is there more info on this or did I misread it?

Thank you

Hello Janelle,
I do not now about any performance issue with disabled IPv6.
Only case that came to my mind would be having  records in DNS and 
not having corresponding IPv6 on that host but that is general 

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Automatic IPA CA cert generation

2015-09-23 Thread David Kupka

On 22/09/15 17:02, James Masson wrote:


we're building IPAs in an automated fashion, for environments that get
created and destroyed a lot. At the moment, the CA certs used inside
these IPAs are self-signed, as part of the normal "ipa-server-install"
setup process.

We would like to switch to issuing signed intermediate CA certs to the
IPAs we deploy.

The documentation lists the two part process necessary for this. First
"--external-ca" - and then "--external-cert-file"

Are there any ways to skip this, and give the setup process a known
public/private key+cert up front? I'm hoping to avoid the need to have
to use/send this automatically generated CSR every time.


James M

Hello James,
currently it's not possible but making installation with externally 
signed CA single step sounds really useful to me.
Currently certmonger is generating the CSR for FreeIPA server in the 
first step of installation. Certmonger is also able to send certificate 
to external CA for signing.

I'm not sure if we could combine these two cermonger's abilities right 
now but if not it shouldn't be difficult to add functionality to 
certmonger to send the CSR to preconfigured CA instead of just storing 
it in file.

This would of course require configuring the certmonger with information 
about the CA before FreeIPA server installation but it's just one 
command (getcert-add-ca).

Could you please file a ticket (

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to unset a user's kerberos principal expiration date?

2016-06-30 Thread David Kupka

On 29/06/16 19:05, Roderick Johnstone wrote:


If I set a kerberos principal for a user to expire on a given date using:
ipa user-mod  --principal-expiration=DATE
is it possible to later remove this expiration date rather than just set
it to a time far in the future?


Roderick Johnstone

Hello Roderick,
AFAIK the only way to remove principal expiration at the time is remove 
krbPrincipalExpiration attribute from the user entry in DS.

$ kinit admin
Password for
$ ldapmodify -Y GSSAPI
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL username:
SASL data security layer installed.
changetype: modify
delete: krbprincipalexpiration
modifying entry "uid=tuser,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org"

I think that it makes sense to expose this in API. Could you please file 

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Moving from ca to ca-less without pki

2016-08-01 Thread David Kupka

On 29/07/16 15:35, Andreas Ladanyi wrote:


is it simply possible to move from ca to a ca-less environment in ipa ?
Because its ok for me to only use certificates in web and ldap
components. I use freeipa 4.2 , fedora 23.


Hello Andreas!

There is no tool that would do this for you, yet. You can manually 
remove CS entries from LDAP, remove CS instance, stop tracking 
certificates in certmonger and replace certificates for apache and 
dirsrv. But be very cautious any mistake may destroy the whole freeipa 
server and all data stored there.

ipa-cacert-manage does the opposite (installing CS on CA-less freeipa 
server). Feel free to file an RFE

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] (no subject)

2016-08-24 Thread David Kupka

On 24/08/16 19:08, Sean Hogan wrote:

Hi All,

  Would anyone be able to direct me to some docs regarding NFS automount
with IPA.  We are currently using this setup but to be specific I do not
want the priv keys to be in the users mounted home.  When I did the keygen
I took the defaults for location and it went into the exported home of the
user meaning it is mounted on any system the user logs onto which is not a
good idea.  Is there a way to set this up so the priv keys stay out of the
mounted home or since I have the keys uploaded into IPA I do not need the
key in home?

Sean Hogan

Hello Sean,

You can find the documentation here:

But I don't understand what is wrong with the setup. AFAIU NFS, shares 
must be mounted only on machines where you (admin) have full control and 
therefore ownership and access permissions can be enforced. Then ~/.ssh 
directory must have mode 0700 and all files inside it 0600.
If you obey these rules storing ssh keys on NFS share is no less secure 
than storing them locally.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to make a FreeIPA node replica become Master?

2016-09-15 Thread David Kupka

On 14/09/16 23:19, Sergio Francisco wrote:

We have a deployment of FreeIPA using 3 nodes (Master with more 2 replicas).

Recently, the master node had a problem with the process 'ns-slapd'
consuming 100% of CPU. During this problem, DNS service wasn't working, IPA
admin UI encountered timeout, SSH keys to access the hosts are not being
loaded correctly.

We observed in the logs of "dirsrv" that something related to the cachesize
wasn't enough to the space needed and then ns-slapd started a process to
recover it. We let the server running this operation almost one day and
nothing happened.

Today, we tried to:

1 - remove the failed server from the deployment, using the command below,
but unfortunately, it wasn't possible to do from both the 2 other nodes.

ipa-replica-manage del --force mux-idm-p03.muxi.dc --cacert=/etc/ipa/ca.crt
unexpected error: cannot connect to 'ldaps://localhost.localdomain:636

2 - tried to upgrade the failed server to a most recent version of IPA
using ipa-server-upgrade but it stopped in the step to connect

  [5/10]: starting directory server

2016-09-14T13:43:28Z ERROR IPA server upgrade failed: Inspect
/var/log/ipaupgrade.log and run command ipa-server-upgrade manually.
2016-09-14T13:43:28Z DEBUG The ipa-server-upgrade command failed,
exception: error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
2016-09-14T13:43:28Z ERROR [Errno 111] Connection refused

3 - tried to recover the 389-ds database with the command "db_recover -f
-v" but nothing happened.
4 - visited similar threads but none of them helped me

5 - as we need to urgently recover the service, we tried to rebuild the
failed server, removing and reinstalling all the packages needed by
ipa-server (yum install ipa-server bind bind-dyndb-ldap ipa-server-dns) and
tried to re-join the new server as a replica to receive all the data again,
but it doesn't seems to work.

The other nodes are working well, resolving DNS requests, allowing users to
access the servers using SSH, etc.

Any ideas of what I can do to rebuild the server?

CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

Hi Sergio,
first of all the terms master and replica are misleading. All FreeIPA 
servers are masters because the backends (389-ds) are configured to 
maintain multi-master replication. The difference between masters may be 
in services (CA, DNS, KRA, AD Trust, ...) that was configured on 
particular master but the data are synchronized among all masters.

Looking on the steps you've done it would be best to create new master 
as a replica of one of the existing masters.

Then you will probably need to enable CRL generating on some master 
because this can be enable only on one master and by default is enabled 
on first master that is installed with CA. Here you can find more 
information and how to:

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] help

2016-10-16 Thread David Kupka

On 17/10/16 02:44, 郑磊 wrote:

Hello everyone,
I'm using freeipa, and having a test and research with the  function of 
freeipa. At the same time, I have carried on the chinese  translation to the 
web interface, also added own function module in web  interface. However, For 
these changes I don't know how to interact with  the community, please help me. 
Thank you very much!


Do you have problem with developing your own module? Ask on

Is your module complete, you think that it will be useful for a lot of 
FreeIPA users and want it in upstream? Create pull request on GitHub 
( ).

Do you want to contribute the translations? Submit it via zanata 
( ).

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Do expired passwords remain usable indefinitely?

2016-10-24 Thread David Kupka

On 21/10/16 15:17, Brian Candler wrote:

Question: when a password expires, does it remain in a usable state in
the database indefinitely? For example, if someone comes along a year
after their password has expired, can they still login once with that

This is actually what I want, but I just want to confirm there's not
some sort of secondary threshold which means that an expired password is
not usable X days after it has expired.  Or, if there is such a
secondary threshold, where I can find it.

The scenario is a RADIUS server for wifi which reads NTLM password
hashes out of the database to authenticate - this continues to work
after expiry. However I want users to be able to do a self-reset later
if and when they want to.



Hello Brian!

AFAIK, it will work. Your RADIUS server will retrieve the hash from LDAP 
and do the validation locally. So FreeIPA has no way to say the password 
is expired.
When the user tries to obtain Kerberos ticket he will be forced to 
change the password and NTLM hash will be also regenerated.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Certmonger (or similar) for FreeBSD?

2016-10-24 Thread David Kupka

On 22/10/16 00:15, Gilbert Wilson wrote:

We have a lot of FreeBSD systems that I would like to streamline certificate 
issuance and renewal. Ideally, we could leverage our FreeIPA system's CA to do 
this. But, certmonger doesn't run on FreeBSD (or does it?). What other means 
have other people tried, or would you recommend investigating, to enable 
automated certificate issuance and renewal for FreeBSD FreeIPA clients?

Any pointers are appreciated!


Hello Gil!

I've very limited experiences with *BSD systems so the question may be 
completely off.
Have you tried to install and run certmonger using FreeBSD's Linux 
Binary Compatibility [1]? Though I don't know what are the limitations 
or possible issues it could be a way.


David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Certmonger (or similar) for FreeBSD?

2016-10-24 Thread David Kupka

On 24/10/16 19:26, Gilbert Wilson wrote:

On Oct 24, 2016, at 5:51 AM, David Kupka  wrote:

On 22/10/16 00:15, Gilbert Wilson wrote:

We have a lot of FreeBSD systems that I would like to streamline certificate 
issuance and renewal. Ideally, we could leverage our FreeIPA system's CA to do 
this. But, certmonger doesn't run on FreeBSD (or does it?). What other means 
have other people tried, or would you recommend investigating, to enable 
automated certificate issuance and renewal for FreeBSD FreeIPA clients?

Any pointers are appreciated!


Hello Gil!

I've very limited experiences with *BSD systems so the question may be 
completely off.
Have you tried to install and run certmonger using FreeBSD's Linux Binary 
Compatibility [1]? Though I don't know what are the limitations or possible 
issues it could be a way.


David Kupka

You know… I haven’t ever tried LBC! I suppose it’s worth a sacrificial virtual 
machine to see if it works. It also occurred to me that FreeIPA might have some 
sort of API given the web interface, and sure enough that made the Google-fu 
turn up more useful results.


There doesn’t appear to be a manual for the API but those examples seem to 
“show the way”. My initial thought is to create a script that uses kinit with a 
keytab to authenticate against FreeIPA and then create/renew permissible 
certificates for the system before they expire. This seems reasonable since the 
certificate creation/renewal is the scope of what I’m interested in doing. Do 
you see any reason not to do it this way or have any other alternative 
suggestions? Another way to think about it, perhaps, is what would you do on a 
Linux system if you didn’t have access to the FreeIPA client or certmonger?

Thanks for the pointer/reminder about LBC!


You're right, FreeIPA has JSON RPC API. It's used in WebUI and also in 
'ipa' CLI. If you've FreeIPA server 4.2 and above there's API Browser in 
WebUI (IPA Server - API Browser). There you can find all commands and 
their parameters.
Just obligatory disclaimer, talking directly to the API is not 
officially supported. This means that the API can change in future versions.

Good luck!
David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Do expired passwords remain usable indefinitely?

2016-10-25 Thread David Kupka

On 25/10/16 01:02, Prasun Gera wrote:

I've seen some different behaviour. I've had errors for users (including
the admin user) trying to log in with possibly an expired password. Both
webui and ssh would fail, but kinit would work. I'm not sure if this is
related to the password's expiration or the account's expiration. My
/var/log/secure has messages like "pam_sss(sshd:auth): received for user
uname: 13 (User account has expired)". Is there a setting for default
expiration of user accounts ? I don't remember setting it anywhere.

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 8:13 AM, David Kupka  wrote:

On 21/10/16 15:17, Brian Candler wrote:

Question: when a password expires, does it remain in a usable state in
the database indefinitely? For example, if someone comes along a year
after their password has expired, can they still login once with that

This is actually what I want, but I just want to confirm there's not
some sort of secondary threshold which means that an expired password is
not usable X days after it has expired.  Or, if there is such a
secondary threshold, where I can find it.

The scenario is a RADIUS server for wifi which reads NTLM password
hashes out of the database to authenticate - this continues to work
after expiry. However I want users to be able to do a self-reset later
if and when they want to.



Hello Brian!

AFAIK, it will work. Your RADIUS server will retrieve the hash from LDAP
and do the validation locally. So FreeIPA has no way to say the password is
When the user tries to obtain Kerberos ticket he will be forced to change
the password and NTLM hash will be also regenerated.

David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Hello Prasun!
If I understood Brian correctly he was asking about expiration of NTLM 
password hashes. In his case there is no checking for password or 
account expiration. It would need to be done in RADIUS server itself 
because RADIUS server just fetches the attributes from LDAP and does 
whatever it is programmed to do.

The situation that you're describing looks weird to me. When user's 
Kerberos Password expires kinit and WebUI forces password change on next 
login attempt. I don't know how ssh client behaves.

When user's Kerberos Principal ("account") expires neither WebUI nor 
kinit would allow login or password change. Administrator must prolong 
or remove the Kerberos Principal expiration.

By default Kerberos Password expiration is set according relevant to 
password policy (global_policy by default) and Kerberos Principal 
expiration is not set.

David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] rpm dependencies

2016-10-27 Thread David Kupka

On 26/10/16 20:00, lejeczek wrote:

hi all

quick question - does IPA rpms depend on samaba's?
I'm hoping I can remove samba-common but dnf fies a 46 packages long
list of dependencies - is it somehow broken?
If is not and that is 100% correct long chain of deps - then can samba
be safely downgraded to 3.6.x ? given that IPA does not integrate samba
in my configuration.

many thanks


Only freeipa-server-trust-ad package depends on samba. If you haven't 
configured AD trust you can safely remove samba (and also 
freeipa-server-trust-ad package if you've installed it).
samba-common contains files for samba client and server so removing it 
may remove applications that can behave as samba client.

David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] bind-dyndb-ldap and replication requirements

2016-11-09 Thread David Kupka

On 10/11/16 01:14, Brendan Kearney wrote:

i am asking this for a friend who is trying to figure out how to get
bind-dyndb-ldap working against openldap on ubuntu.  she does not have
replication between two or more ldap instances, and needs to figure out
the minimum requirements for bind-dyndb-ldap.  i have been trying to
help her, but i am unsure about what is needed, as i have n-way multi
master replication working already.

can anyone provide what the replication requirements are for
bind-dyndb-ldap?  currently, the SyncRepl module is loaded and the
overlay is created and configured for the mdb.  i have tried to help get
olcServerID and olcMirrorMode set in cn=config and
olcDatabase={2}mdb,cn=config respectively, but some errors were
encountered there.  is there a best practices doc that we can review?

the environment, as best i can tell is ubuntu, openldap 2.4.42 and bind
9.  exact os and bind versions are not known right now.


brendan kearney

Hello Brendan,
I don't have any experience with running OpenLDAP + bind-dyndb-ldap but 
quick web search showed me this:

The article is about CentOS 6 and more than 3 years old but still might 
be helpful because it's mainly about Bind 9 configuration.

David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-install failing, dirsrv not starting properly during install process

2016-11-29 Thread David Kupka

On 29/11/16 11:51, David Dejaeghere wrote:


I have a setup where i want to add a replica.  The first master setup has
an externally signed cert for dirsrv and httpd.  The replica is prepapred
succesfully with ipa-client-install but the replica install then keeps
failing.  It seems that during install dirserv is not configured correctly
with a valid server certificate. Output from the dirsrv error added to this
email as well.

[root@ns02 ~]# ipa-replica-install --setup-ca
WARNING: conflicting time&date synchronization service 'chronyd' will
be disabled in favor of ntpd

Run connection check to master
Connection check OK
Configuring NTP daemon (ntpd)
  [1/4]: stopping ntpd
  [2/4]: writing configuration
  [3/4]: configuring ntpd to start on boot
  [4/4]: starting ntpd
Done configuring NTP daemon (ntpd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv). Estimated time: 1 minute
  [1/43]: creating directory server user
  [2/43]: creating directory server instance
  [3/43]: restarting directory server
  [4/43]: adding default schema
  [5/43]: enabling memberof plugin
  [6/43]: enabling winsync plugin
  [7/43]: configuring replication version plugin
  [8/43]: enabling IPA enrollment plugin
  [9/43]: enabling ldapi
  [10/43]: configuring uniqueness plugin
  [11/43]: configuring uuid plugin
  [12/43]: configuring modrdn plugin
  [13/43]: configuring DNS plugin
  [14/43]: enabling entryUSN plugin
  [15/43]: configuring lockout plugin
  [16/43]: configuring topology plugin
  [17/43]: creating indices
  [18/43]: enabling referential integrity plugin
  [19/43]: configuring certmap.conf
  [20/43]: configure autobind for root
  [21/43]: configure new location for managed entries
  [22/43]: configure dirsrv ccache
  [23/43]: enabling SASL mapping fallback
  [24/43]: restarting directory server
  [25/43]: creating DS keytab
  [26/43]: retrieving DS Certificate
  [27/43]: restarting directory server
ipa : CRITICAL Failed to restart the directory server (Command
'/bin/systemctl restart dirsrv@SOMETHING-BE.service' returned non-zero exit
status 1). See the installation log for details.
  [28/43]: setting up initial replication
  [error] error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
Your system may be partly configured.
Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.

[29/Nov/2016:11:29:44.034285579 +0100] SSL alert: Security Initialization:
Can't find certificate (Server-Cert) for family
cn=RSA,cn=encryption,cn=config (Netscape Portable Runtime error -8174 -
security library: bad database.)
[29/Nov/2016:11:29:44.045039728 +0100] SSL alert: Security Initialization:
Unable to retrieve private key for cert Server-Cert of family
cn=RSA,cn=encryption,cn=config (Netscape Portable Runtime error -8174 -
security library: bad database.)

Hello David,

The error from the log indicates that either the NSSDB for dirsrv is not 
initialized or not accessible.

Could you please send output of the following commands?

# ls -lZ /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$REALM/
# certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-$REALM/ -L
# ausearch -m avc -i

David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-install failing, dirsrv not starting properly during install process

2016-11-29 Thread David Kupka

On 29/11/16 12:15, David Dejaeghere wrote:

Seems like it is but it does not show a server cert for dirsrv

[root@ns02 ~]# ls -lZ /etc/dirsrv/slapd-SOMETHING-BE/
total 468
-rw---. 1 dirsrv root   unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 65536
Nov 29 11:29 cert8.db
-rw-rw. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 65536
Nov 29 11:29 cert8.db.orig
-r--r-. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0  1623
Nov 29 11:29 certmap.conf
-rw---. 1 dirsrv dirsrv system_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 89977
Nov 29 11:29 dse.ldif
-rw---. 2 dirsrv dirsrv system_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 89977
Nov 29 11:29 dse.ldif.bak
-rw---. 2 dirsrv dirsrv system_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 89977
Nov 29 11:29 dse.ldif.startOK
-r--r-. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 36228
Nov 29 11:28 dse_original.ldif
-rw---. 1 dirsrv root   unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 16384
Nov 29 11:29 key3.db
-rw-rw. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 16384
Nov 29 11:29 key3.db.orig
-r. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s066
Nov 29 11:29 pin.txt
-rw---. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s040
Nov 29 11:29 pwdfile.txt
drwxrwx---. 2 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0  4096
Nov 29 11:29 schema
-rw---. 1 dirsrv root   unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 16384
Nov 29 11:29 secmod.db
-rw-rw. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 16384
Nov 29 11:29 secmod.db.orig
-r--r-. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0 15142
Nov 29 11:28 slapd-collations.conf

[root@ns02 ~]# certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-SOMETHING-BE -L

Certificate Nickname Trust


[root@ns02 ~]# certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-SOMETHING-BE -L

Certificate Nickname Trust



[root@ns02 ~]# ausearch -m avc -i

Exactly, the NSSDB should be accessible to dirsrv and is missing the 
Server-Cert but I don't understand why there's "bad database" error in 
the errors log. I'll try to reproduce it. What version of FreeIPA are 
you using? On what system?

2016-11-29 12:09 GMT+01:00 David Kupka :

On 29/11/16 11:51, David Dejaeghere wrote:


I have a setup where i want to add a replica.  The first master setup has
an externally signed cert for dirsrv and httpd.  The replica is prepapred
succesfully with ipa-client-install but the replica install then keeps
failing.  It seems that during install dirserv is not configured correctly
with a valid server certificate. Output from the dirsrv error added to
email as well.

[root@ns02 ~]# ipa-replica-install --setup-ca
WARNING: conflicting time&date synchronization service 'chronyd' will
be disabled in favor of ntpd

Run connection check to master
Connection check OK
Configuring NTP daemon (ntpd)
  [1/4]: stopping ntpd
  [2/4]: writing configuration
  [3/4]: configuring ntpd to start on boot
  [4/4]: starting ntpd
Done configuring NTP daemon (ntpd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv). Estimated time: 1 minute
  [1/43]: creating directory server user
  [2/43]: creating directory server instance
  [3/43]: restarting directory server
  [4/43]: adding default schema
  [5/43]: enabling memberof plugin
  [6/43]: enabling winsync plugin
  [7/43]: configuring replication version plugin
  [8/43]: enabling IPA enrollment plugin
  [9/43]: enabling ldapi
  [10/43]: configuring uniqueness plugin
  [11/43]: configuring uuid plugin
  [12/43]: configuring modrdn plugin
  [13/43]: configuring DNS plugin
  [14/43]: enabling entryUSN plugin
  [15/43]: configuring lockout plugin
  [16/43]: configuring topology plugin
  [17/43]: creating indices
  [18/43]: enabling referential integrity plugin
  [19/43]: configuring certmap.conf
  [20/43]: configure autobind for root
  [21/43]: configure new location for managed entries
  [22/43]: configure dirsrv ccache
  [23/43]: enabling SASL mapping fallback
  [24/43]: restarting directory server
  [25/43]: creating DS keytab
  [26/43]: retrieving DS Certificate
  [27/43]: restarting directory server
ipa : CRITICAL Failed to restart the directory server (Command
'/bin/systemctl restart dirsrv@SOMETHING-BE.service' returned non-zero
status 1). See the installation log for details.
  [28/43]: setting up initial replication
  [error] error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
Your system may be partly configured.
Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.


Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-install failing, dirsrv not starting properly during install process

2016-11-29 Thread David Kupka

On 29/11/16 13:55, David Dejaeghere wrote:

Correct.  Same symptoms.

2016-11-29T10:29:42Z DEBUG certmonger request is in state
dbus.String(u'CA_UNREACHABLE', variant_level=1)

Fedora 24 Server

[root@ns02 ~]# dnf history userinstalled
Packages installed by user

Ok. I've reproduced it by simply stopping dogtag on FreeIPA server while 
installing the replica. I see the exactly same errors as you've reported 
and are described in the ticket, now.

Is dogtag running on your master? Is in responding (e.g. issuing 
certificates for users)? Is it accessible from the replica?

2016-11-29 13:41 GMT+01:00 Petr Vobornik :

On 11/29/2016 12:43 PM, David Kupka wrote:

On 29/11/16 12:15, David Dejaeghere wrote:

Seems like it is but it does not show a server cert for dirsrv

[root@ns02 ~]# ls -lZ /etc/dirsrv/slapd-SOMETHING-BE/
total 468
-rw---. 1 dirsrv root   unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 cert8.db
-rw-rw. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 cert8.db.orig
-r--r-. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 certmap.conf
-rw---. 1 dirsrv dirsrv system_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 dse.ldif
-rw---. 2 dirsrv dirsrv system_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 dse.ldif.bak
-rw---. 2 dirsrv dirsrv system_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 dse.ldif.startOK
-r--r-. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:28 dse_original.ldif
-rw---. 1 dirsrv root   unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 key3.db
-rw-rw. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 key3.db.orig
-r. 1 dirsrv dirsrv
Nov 29 11:29 pin.txt
-rw---. 1 dirsrv dirsrv
Nov 29 11:29 pwdfile.txt
drwxrwx---. 2 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 schema
-rw---. 1 dirsrv root   unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 secmod.db
-rw-rw. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:29 secmod.db.orig
-r--r-. 1 dirsrv dirsrv unconfined_u:object_r:dirsrv_config_t:s0
Nov 29 11:28 slapd-collations.conf

[root@ns02 ~]# certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-SOMETHING-BE -L

Certificate Nickname Trust


[root@ns02 ~]# certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-SOMETHING-BE -L

Certificate Nickname Trust



[root@ns02 ~]# ausearch -m avc -i

Exactly, the NSSDB should be accessible to dirsrv and is missing the
Server-Cert but I don't understand why there's "bad database" error in
the errors log. I'll try to reproduce it. What version of FreeIPA are
you using? On what system?


Seems bit similar to would
be good to check if it has the same symptoms, mainly
  certmonger request is in state dbus.String(u'CA_UNREACHABLE',

in replica install log.

2016-11-29 12:09 GMT+01:00 David Kupka :

On 29/11/16 11:51, David Dejaeghere wrote:


I have a setup where i want to add a replica.  The first master
setup has
an externally signed cert for dirsrv and httpd.  The replica is
succesfully with ipa-client-install but the replica install then keeps
failing.  It seems that during install dirserv is not configured
with a valid server certificate. Output from the dirsrv error added to
email as well.

[root@ns02 ~]# ipa-replica-install --setup-ca
WARNING: conflicting time&date synchronization service 'chronyd' will
be disabled in favor of ntpd

Run connection check to master
Connection check OK
Configuring NTP daemon (ntpd)
  [1/4]: stopping ntpd
  [2/4]: writing configuration
  [3/4]: configuring ntpd to start on boot
  [4/4]: starting ntpd
Done configuring NTP daemon (ntpd).
Configuring directory server (dirsrv). Estimated time: 1 minute
  [1/43]: creating directory server user
  [2/43]: creating directory server instance
  [3/43]: restarting directory server
  [4/43]: adding default schema
  [5/43]: enabling memberof plugin
  [6/43]: enabling winsync plugin
  [7/43]: configuring replication version plugin
  [8/43]: enabling IPA enrollment plugin
  [9/43]: enabling ldapi
  [10/43]: conf

Re: [Freeipa-users] OTP Algorithm

2016-11-30 Thread David Kupka
addressees should scan this email and any attachments
for viruses. X-on makes no representation or warranty as to the absence of
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Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
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/ Alexander Bokovoy

David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] OTP Algorithm

2016-11-30 Thread David Kupka

On 30/11/16 10:13, David Kupka wrote:

On 29/11/16 12:57, Callum Guy wrote:

Hi Alexander,

I can confirm that I am using version 4.2.0.

The bug link provided mentions that it caused GA to fail to scan the
In my situation it is FreeIPA (or related service) which appears to
fail to
validate codes generated, meaning that only OTP codes generated using
are validated and accepted.

Just for clarity I can confirm that I have only tested OTP codes
and configured via the FreeIPA web interface. I will check the command
generation and let you know if this makes a difference.

Best Regards,


Hello Callum,
I've tried it with FreeIPA 4.3.2 (stock Fedora 24) and FreeOTP. I've
generated 3 OTPs (with sha256, sha384 and sha512) for tuser in the WebUI
and was then able to login into WebUI without problems.

$ ipa otptoken-find --owner tuser --all

3 OTP tokens matched


  Unique ID: 3c899764-7abf-459d-bf2b-7ba4af978a8b
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: U5XDN0BYc9KbvG1iYuVPuVHB448=
  Algorithm: sha256
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349880
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken


  Unique ID: 40ad189b-7b7c-44b9-8450-b3eb78057ef6
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: C79y2W+I0z429eRzsRP7qdpROaI=
  Algorithm: sha512
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349882
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken


  Unique ID: baf6d329-61ad-46f1-beca-6ddb55ba9bb4
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: 2hxrsJjQ6e+3qzVPZremtsB/NCg=
  Algorithm: sha384
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349881
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken

I've tried with Google Authenicator too and was unable to login.

Alexander found issue [1] asking for SHA256 support. From comment on the 
issue it appear that SHA1 is the only supported hash.

I compared codes generated by oathtool [2] and find out that Google 
Authenticator just ignores the information about used hash function and 
uses SHA1 without any error or warning.

So I can only recommend switching to FreeOTP or returning to SHA-1 hash 


On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:51 AM Alexander Bokovoy 

On ti, 29 marras 2016, Callum Guy wrote:

Hi Petr,

Thanks for coming back to me on this.

I have only tried using Google Authenticator. The generated QR code
successfully scans and codes are then generated on the GA device as


The problem is that the codes simply do not work.

My current thinking is that the service which interprets the codes
server-side is not configured to use the same algorithm meaning that
it is
trying to validate sha256/sha512 (both tested and not functional for
etc codes against codes perhaps generated with sha1 (the only algorithm
that appears to work).

I apologise in advance for my naive interpretation of the situation,
really isn't an area where i have experience. I'd love to understand
going on however I can't find what i need in the OTP documentation.

Which IPA version we are talking about? There was a case when the URI
generated by 'ipa otptoken-add' was using a wrong case in the algorithm
value and this was breaking Google Authenticator.

This bug was fixed since 4.1.5 release.

Best Regards,


On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:10 AM Petr Vobornik 


On 11/28/2016 01:03 PM, Callum Guy wrote:

Hi All,

I wanted to ask a quick question - perhaps a more experienced user


be able

to help or point me to the correct documentation.

Basically we have implemented password+OTP type authentication which

works great.

When adding a OTP code using the admin login you can choose an

algorithm. For us

the generated codes only work properly if the weakest sha1 algorithm



To be clear the code generation works fine but the codes are not


logging in. Is there a related setting we must change?



What type of otp token do you use? Does it work with some different?
E.g. FreeOTP vs Google Authenticator ...

Petr Vobornik


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Re: [Freeipa-users] OTP Algorithm

2016-11-30 Thread David Kupka

On 30/11/16 15:30, Callum Guy wrote:

Hi David,

I can confirm that using FreeOTP resolves the problem for me.

What a frustration, I am surprised that Google wouldn't add support beyond
SHA1 - perhaps a notice on the OTP documentation page would help others in
this situation.

Thank you so much for your assistance and links to explain the situation. I
hope to pay back the favour in due course.

Best Regards,


I'm glad I could help. I was very surprised that Google Authenticator is 
missing this and even worse don't error out about it. At first I was 
convinced that FreeOTP and FreeIPA has some shared bug and generates the 
codes in wrong way.

I've added a paragraph to Troubleshooting page [1]. Could you please 
send me a link to the page where you were trying to find information at 
first? I would like to add a note and link there so other users with the 
same issue have it easier.


On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 1:11 PM David Kupka  wrote:

On 30/11/16 10:13, David Kupka wrote:

On 29/11/16 12:57, Callum Guy wrote:

Hi Alexander,

I can confirm that I am using version 4.2.0.

The bug link provided mentions that it caused GA to fail to scan the
In my situation it is FreeIPA (or related service) which appears to
fail to
validate codes generated, meaning that only OTP codes generated using
are validated and accepted.

Just for clarity I can confirm that I have only tested OTP codes
and configured via the FreeIPA web interface. I will check the command
generation and let you know if this makes a difference.

Best Regards,


Hello Callum,
I've tried it with FreeIPA 4.3.2 (stock Fedora 24) and FreeOTP. I've
generated 3 OTPs (with sha256, sha384 and sha512) for tuser in the WebUI
and was then able to login into WebUI without problems.

$ ipa otptoken-find --owner tuser --all

3 OTP tokens matched



  Unique ID: 3c899764-7abf-459d-bf2b-7ba4af978a8b
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: U5XDN0BYc9KbvG1iYuVPuVHB448=
  Algorithm: sha256
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349880
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken



  Unique ID: 40ad189b-7b7c-44b9-8450-b3eb78057ef6
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: C79y2W+I0z429eRzsRP7qdpROaI=
  Algorithm: sha512
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349882
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken



  Unique ID: baf6d329-61ad-46f1-beca-6ddb55ba9bb4
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: 2hxrsJjQ6e+3qzVPZremtsB/NCg=
  Algorithm: sha384
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349881
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken

I've tried with Google Authenicator too and was unable to login.

Alexander found issue [1] asking for SHA256 support. From comment on the
issue it appear that SHA1 is the only supported hash.

I compared codes generated by oathtool [2] and find out that Google
Authenticator just ignores the information about used hash function and
uses SHA1 without any error or warning.

So I can only recommend switching to FreeOTP or returning to SHA-1 hash


On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:51 AM Alexander Bokovoy 


On ti, 29 marras 2016, Callum Guy wrote:

Hi Petr,

Thanks for coming back to me on this.

I have only tried using Google Authenticator. The generated QR code
successfully scans and codes are then generated on the GA device as


The problem is that the codes simply do not work.

My current thinking is that the service which interprets the codes
server-side is not configured to use the same algorithm meaning that
it is
trying to validate sha256/sha512 (both tested and not functional for
etc codes against codes perhaps generated with sha1 (the only


that appears to work).

I apologise in advance for my naive interpretation of the situation,
really isn't an area where i have experience. I'd love to understand
going on however I can't find what i need in the OTP documentation.

Which IPA version we are talking about? There was a case when the URI
generated by 'ipa otptoken-add' was using a wrong case in the algorithm
value and this was breaking Google Authenticator.

This bug was fixed since 4.1.5 release.

Best Regards,


On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:10 AM Petr V

Re: [Freeipa-users] nfsv4+kerberos: group ID not mapped on newly create users, however user id is correct

2016-12-08 Thread David Kupka
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: Full hostname for 
'' is ''
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: No key table entry found for 
nfsclient$@DOMAINE.COM<mailto:nfsclient$@DOMAINE.COM> while getting keytab 
entry for 'nfsclient$@DOMAINE.COM'
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: No key table entry found for 
nfsclient$@DOMAINE.COM<mailto:nfsclient$@DOMAINE.COM> while getting keytab 
entry for 'nfsclient$@DOMAINE.COM'
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: No key table entry found for 
 while getting keytab entry for 'root/'
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: No key table entry found for 
 while getting keytab entry for 'nfs/'
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: Success getting keytab entry for 
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: INFO: Credentials in CC 
'FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_machine_DOMAINE.COM' are good until 1481109339
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: INFO: Credentials in CC 
'FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_machine_DOMAINE.COM' are good until 1481109339
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: using 
FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_machine_DOMAINE.COM as credentials cache for machine creds
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: using environment variable to select 
krb5 ccache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_machine_DOMAINE.COM
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: creating context using fsuid 0 
(save_uid 0)
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: creating tcp client for server
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: DEBUG: port already set to 2049
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: creating context with server<>
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: DEBUG: serialize_krb5_ctx: lucid 
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: prepare_krb5_rfc4121_buffer: protocol 
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: prepare_krb5_rfc4121_buffer: 
serializing key with enctype 18 and size 32
Dec  6 12:17:16 nfsclient rpc.gssd[1607]: doing downcall lifetime_rec 86303

Bjarne Blichfeldt.

I'm almost sure that 'krbcanonicalname' has nothing to do with this. 
Adding krbcanonicalname attribute was done to allow principal aliases 
(multiple kerberos principals for one user/host/service), see [1] for 

Unfortunately, I don't know what's wrong. SSSD is taking care of 
resolving users and groups on enrolled systems. "id mgm" should output 
something like "id=1414(mgm) gid=1414(mgm) groups=1414(mgm)" if it works 


David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Kerberos realm for different domain

2016-12-11 Thread David Kupka

On 09/12/16 22:56, Stephen Ingram wrote:

Can you have a domain that belongs to a Kerberos realm with a completely
different domain? For example, could belong to the
ANOTHERDOMAIN.COM realm as long as we control DNS for both and have all the
necessary SRV and TXT records to locate it and krb5.conf is configured


Hello Steve,

yes you can do it. DNS domain and Kerberos realm are two different 
things. It's common and AFAIK recommended to capitalize DNS domain to 
get the realm but it's not required.

If you really want to have them different make sure:
a) is under your control,
b) you don't already have other Kerberos instance (FreeIPA, MIT KRB5, MS 
AD, ...) with ANOTHERDOMAIN.COM realm deployed.

With FreeIPA you can run
# ipa-server-install --domain --realm ANOTHERDOMAIN.COM

But before you do, why do you want to have the realm different from the 

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Kerberos realm for different domain

2016-12-13 Thread David Kupka

On 13/12/16 07:52, Stephen Ingram wrote:

On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 11:31 PM, David Kupka  wrote:

yes you can do it. DNS domain and Kerberos realm are two different things.
It's common and AFAIK recommended to capitalize DNS domain to get the realm
but it's not required.
If you really want to have them different make sure:
a) is under your control,
b) you don't already have other Kerberos instance (FreeIPA, MIT KRB5, MS
AD, ...) with ANOTHERDOMAIN.COM <> realm

With FreeIPA you can run
# ipa-server-install --domain --realm ANOTHERDOMAIN.COM

But before you do, why do you want to have the realm different from the


We have multiple domains that we want to manage under one Kerberos realm. I
see that's it's possible for FreeIPA to manage multiple realms, but, for
simplicity, I'd rather use just one and have all domains underneath:

controls,,, etc.

Since we control all domain's DNS, we would create text records for each of
the example{x}.com domains pointing to REALM.COM Kerberos realm. We would
also create SRV records for each of the example{x}.com domains directing
Kerberos lookups to REALM.COM. I know it's a little unorthodox, but I'd
like to do it so we can keep everything in one easily managed lot.


P.S. I got several pornny spammy replies to this message. Is someone
sneaking into this list somehow?

Hello Steve,
in fact it's not possible to manage multiple Kerberos realms in one 
FreeIPA deployment. And judging from your description it also isn't what 
you want.
On the other hand, having one realm and multiple DNS domains is standard 
situation and usually the name of the realm is derived from the primary 
domain (e.g. the one that matches organization name). If all your 
domains are equal just pick the one that you're most sure you'll keep 
under your control.

Regarding the spamming problem, we're all receiving it and the main 
problem is that the spam is not targeting freeipa-users@ list but the 
individual addresses in conversations. There's not much we can do but 
Simo is trying to find a solution.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Failed ipa-client-install with IPA Replica

2016-12-13 Thread David Kupka
ello Beeth,
I've tried to reproduce the problem you described with 7.3 (ipa-server 
4.4.0-12) on master and replica and 6.9 (ipa-client 3.0.0-51) on client 
and it worked for me as expected.

I've done these steps:
[master] # ipa-server-install -a Secret123 -p Secret123 --domain 
example.test --realm EXAMPLE.TEST --setup-dns --auto-forwarders -U
[replica] # ipa-client-install -p admin -w Secret123 --domain 
example.test --server master.example.test -U

[replica] # ipa-replica-install
[client] # ipa-client-install -p admin -w Secret123 --domain 
example.test --server replica.example.test -U

[client] # id admin

Is there anything you've done differently?

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to disable First time password change on IPA user

2016-12-13 Thread David Kupka

On 13/12/16 13:44, Ben .T.George wrote:


How to disable first time password change on newly created user from web UI


Hi Ben,
AFAIK this is not possible to do using the API.

One hacky way I can think of is modifying the krbPasswordExpiration 
attribute in the 389ds after creation of the user.

$ sudo ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret123 -h $HOSTNAME << 

dn: uid=tuser,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: krbPasswordExpiration
krbPasswordExpiration: $(date -u -d "@$(($(date +'%s')+(90*24*3600)))" 


It works but I would not recommend using it in production environment.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] 32 bit netmask detection and error during install

2017-01-16 Thread David Kupka

On 16/01/17 03:15, Jeff Clay wrote:

I’m trying to install FreeIPA on CentOS 7. The server I’m using is a Google 
Cloud Compute Engine instance. For some reason, they assign all instances a /32 
bit netmask on the internal interface even though you have your own private /20 
When installing freeipa on these vm's, you get the error "Error: Invalid IP 
Address cannot use IP network address”

Here are the settings for the interface.
eth0: flags=4163  mtu 1460
inet  netmask  broadcast
ether 42:01:0a:80:00:05  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
RX packets 17904  bytes 116212393 (110.8 MiB)
RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
TX packets 19001  bytes 3287390 (3.1 MiB)
TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

How can I bypass that error and should /32 mask detection really be there?


Hello Jeff,
this issue was already fixed upstream [1]. The fix is part of 4.4.2 
release. I'm afraid it's not available in CentOS yet. The easiest way 
would be to wait for the release to get to the CentOS or use Fedora instead.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA 4.4 plugin migration path

2017-01-17 Thread David Kupka

On 17/01/17 10:10, Peter Fern wrote:

Hello all,

It appears there have been quite a few changes to the FreeIPA plugin
infrastructure in the 4.4 series.  I've been trying to wade through the
commits, but it's a pretty tough slog.

Does anyone have details on how to migrate plugins from <=4.3 to 4.4?


Hello Peter,
in 4.4 we split the plugins to the server and client plugins. Simple 
plugins (like server plugin) needs to exist only on server and all what 
is needed is to move it from ipalib/plugins to ipaserver/plugins.

But if commands in your plugin define interactive_prompt_callback (like 
dns plugin) or forward (like vault plugin) you will need to split the 
client and server part of the plugin.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA 4.4 plugin migration path

2017-01-17 Thread David Kupka

On 17/01/17 11:30, Peter Fern wrote:

On 17/01/17 20:39, David Kupka wrote:

in 4.4 we split the plugins to the server and client plugins. Simple
plugins (like server plugin) needs to exist only on server and all
what is needed is to move it from ipalib/plugins to ipaserver/plugins.

But if commands in your plugin define interactive_prompt_callback
(like dns plugin) or forward (like vault plugin) you will need to
split the client and server part of the plugin.

Hi David,

I tried that, but it didn't end well.  My plugin is quite simple, just
adds an attribute to the user model and UI/CLI extensions to manage it.
However it looks like plugin structure has changed (I see @register
decorators(?) and such), and ipalib.user no longer exists.  My old
plugin is available here:

Unfortunately Python is not a language I'm particularly familiar, so
I've not come across some of the patterns used in the new plugins, and
any pointers would be appreciated.



Ok, your plugin is not really a plugin but that should not be a problem.
To make it work:

1) replace "from ipalib.plugins.user import user" with "from 
ipaserver.plugins.user import user"

2) make sure "" is also in ipaserver/plugins/
3) restart httpd

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA 4.4 plugin migration path

2017-01-17 Thread David Kupka

On 17/01/17 12:16, Peter Fern wrote:

On 17/01/17 21:48, David Kupka wrote:

Ok, your plugin is not really a plugin but that should not be a problem.
To make it work:

1) replace "from ipalib.plugins.user import user" with "from
ipaserver.plugins.user import user"
2) make sure "" is also in ipaserver/plugins/
3) restart httpd

Thank you, that gets the web UI working as expected, but I seem to be
missing the CLI switch.

That is probably caused by client API schema cache that was also added 
in 4.4. Once the schema is downloaded and stored in cache it's validity 
is not checked for the next hour.

You can either force the check to be performed immediately:

$ ipa -v -e force_schema_check=1 user-add --help

or remove the cache:

$ rm -r ~/.cache/ipa/

You can find more about this feature and related changes on its design 
page [1]

I'm also adding an objectclass to the default userobjectclasses (and
updating existing users) in my install script, but it looks like maybe I
can use the 'updates' mechanism for this, is that right?  If so, is that
mechanism documented anywhere?

Adding objectclass or generally any attribute to many entries (users 
tends to be numerous) may take really really long and is not a good 
idea. It's better to add such objectclass on demand when the attribute 
is added to the entry for the first time.

But I agree with Alexander, in longer run it would be much better if you 
create and package proper plugin.


David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Limit regular user access only to self service portal

2017-01-18 Thread David Kupka

On 17/01/17 16:23, Georgijs Radovs wrote:

Hello everyone!

Is it possible to configure Sef-service permissions in FreeIPA in a way,
so that, when regular users log in, they don't have read access to other
FreeIPA sections like "Policy", "Authentication", "IPA Server"...?

My goal is - when user logs in Self-service portal, he sees only his
user account in "Identity" tab, no other tabs like "Policy" or
"Authentication" and can read and write only to his profile.

Basically, I want to limit user to his account only, so he does not see
information about other accounts.

by default user without any added roles can see "Users" and "OTP Tokens" 
tabs and is able to read other users and modify only his attributes.

You can find permissions that affects reading user attributes in IPA 
Server->Role Based Access Control->Permissions (eg. System: Read User 
Addressbook Attributes) and change "Bind rule type" from all to 
But be aware that modifying the permissions may result in SSSD being 
unable to resolve users unless you add those permissions to hosts (SSSD 
always uses host principal in FreeIPA deployment).

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] manually apply patches from upstream

2017-01-19 Thread David Kupka

On 20/01/17 06:23, Jeff Clay wrote:

I’m using Centos 7 and have installed 4.4.0-14, however I’m using Google Cloud and 
needing some updates that have already been made upstream at 

I have downloaded the diffs from the 3 commits to the 4.4 branch. Searching my 
system for the proper directories, I found that many of the files (like can be found in a sub dir of of 
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ while other parts can be found in /usr/sbin/

I’m just wondering what is the best and proper way for me to apply those code 


Hello Jeff,
modifying package-installed "binaries" or "libraries" on production 
system is really bad idea. You may easily end up with system broken in 
numerous ways.
Proper way is to get CentOS downstream git clone [1] add the desired 
patches and build your own package.


David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] IPA-Server v3.0 Replication Broken

2015-01-29 Thread David Kupka

On 01/29/2015 02:43 PM, Auerbach, Steven wrote:

We have a pair of IPA Servers for our network. Our servers  are Oracle Linux 6 
x86_64 with the ipa-server.3.0.X packages [up to date as distributed by Oracle 

Recently we noticed that the master (IPA01) is replicating fine to the 
designated replicant. But changes that are made on the replicant do not get 
back to the master.

This is true when ipa-clients register (if the registration script grabs the 
replicant for registration then the host enrollment and DNS will not make it 
back to the master.
This is true when users make a password change. If the password process grabs 
the master then replication to the replicant is fine, but if the change process 
grabs the replicant it will not make it back to the master. Then the user login 
is broken.
This is true when, in the IPA Admin Web Interface we delete a host entry or DNS 
record. If done on the master the change replicates to the replicant. If the 
change is made on the replicant it does not make it to the master.

We have not found anything in the documentation that helps us understand where 
to proceed or what to do to diagnose the replication problem. We have tried 
removing the replicant from the IPA server configuration and powering off the 
box, creating a new server and reconstructing a new replica on that new server. 
The problem persists. We suspect the issue lies in some configuration somewhere 
on the master, but know not where to go next.

Anyone have a similar experience and overcome it? We will take any advice we 
can get!

With appreciation and respect;

Steven Auerbach
Systems Administrator
State University System of Florida
Board of Governors
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
(850) 245-9592 | Fax (850) 245-0419
[BOG-wordmark-wideFOR EMAIL-color]

this looks similar to: 

Did you try to raise the nsslapd-sasl-max-buffer-size?

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] chrony support

2015-02-13 Thread David Kupka

Hello Bryan,
I'm currently working on this. This feature should be available in 

David Kupka

On 02/13/2015 01:25 PM, Bryan Pearson wrote:

One of our IPA servers, is in a virtualized environment and is continuously
losing time, resulting in invalid credentials and breaking replication.

We are interested in using chrony instead of ntpd, while ipa start up and
use chrony instead of ntp?


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Re: [Freeipa-users] Adding external CA

2015-03-12 Thread David Kupka

On 03/12/2015 10:37 AM, crony wrote:

Hi FreeIPA Users,
I have a fresh new FreeIPA 4.1 on RHEL7.1 with self-sign CA and I would
like to change the self-sign CA to the external CA

Do you have any step by step document for do it correctly on 4.1 version?



I'm not aware of this being documented but fortunately this can be done 
in 3 easy steps:

1. # ipa-cacert-manage renew --external-ca
2. Let CA of your choice sing the CRL produced in step 1.
3. # ipa-cacert-manage renew 

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Possible bug in ipa-replica-install/pkispawn - or maybe lib mismatch

2015-10-05 Thread David Kupka

On 23/09/15 10:35, Michael Lasevich wrote:

Ok, I just went through process of migrating our IPA setup from 4.1.2
running on Fedora 20 (?? may have been 21) to 4.1.4 on CentOS 7 (MKosek
Copr version) and run into a nasty bug. The replica-install crashes during
CA configuration with something like:

''/usr/sbin/pkispawn' '-s' 'CA' '-f' '/tmp/tmpXX'' returned non-zero
exit status 1

Skipping CA works, but I needed the CA.

Upon digging into this, I found the issue appears to be in pki python, in


It looks like it makes a call to "/ca/rest/securityDomain/domainInfo" and
gets an XML doc which it converts to JSON. Somehow it gets mangled before
it looks at it. XML has outermost tag of "DomainInfo" - but JSON starts
with "Subsystem" (one layer lower) - I am guessing JSON converted strips
the "root" tag.

I bypassed this by hardcoding id as "IPA" - but obviously that is

Looking at Fedora box, it looks like the difference is in the  version of
PKI package that provides the lib - on Centos you get pki-base 10.1.2
(pki-base-10.1.2-7.1.el7.centos.noarch) - while on Fedore it was a 10.2
branch (and significantly different content in that file)

Anyway, I saw some reports of this bug in searches and no answers - so I
figured I would offer this pointer in (hopefully) the right direction.


Hello Michael!
Thanks for notifying us. Martin just updated the copr repository 
( with newer 
version of PKI packages and I tested replication between Fedora 21 and 
CentOS 7.1 (both FreeIPA 4.1.4) and it works for me as expected.

Could you please try it again?

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Why are some user's information not stored in the LDAP database?

2015-10-16 Thread David Kupka

On 16/10/15 15:26, Fujisan wrote:


When I enter the email address, the phone number or the mailing address of
ipa user 'smith' in the web ui "Identity/Users/smith", it does not appears
in the output of ldapsearch.
Sendmail can look into the ldap database and get the email address of a
user and send mail to that user.

Is it possible to add those info especially the email address in the ldap


I just tried and it worked as expected. Could you post your ldapsearch 
and its result?

$ ldapsearch -D"cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret123 -h localhost -b 
cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=test uid=tuser1

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base  with scope subtree
# filter: uid=tuser1
# requesting: ALL

# tuser1, users, accounts, example.test
dn: uid=tuser1,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=test
displayName: Test User
uid: tuser1
objectClass: ipaobject
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
objectClass: ipasshuser
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: organizationalperson
objectClass: krbticketpolicyaux
objectClass: krbprincipalaux
objectClass: inetuser
objectClass: posixaccount
objectClass: ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys
objectClass: mepOriginEntry
loginShell: /bin/sh
initials: TU
gecos: Test User
sn: User
homeDirectory: /home/tuser1
mail: tus...@example.test
krbPrincipalName: tus...@example.test
givenName: Test
cn: Test User
ipaUniqueID: 0c246a30-740c-11e5-986e-001a4a231292
uidNumber: 38323
gidNumber: 38323
mepManagedEntry: cn=tuser1,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=test
memberOf: cn=ipausers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=test

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] GID, groups and ipa group-show

2016-01-14 Thread David Kupka

On 14/01/16 22:09, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Prasun Gera wrote:

This is an old thread, but I can confirm that this is still an issue on
RHEL 7.2 + 4.2. This creates problems when there are roles associated
with groups, but group membership through GID is broken. I had migrated
all old NIS accounts into ipa. I then added the host enrollment role to
a particular group. Now, unless I add the users to the group explicitly,
they won't get the role, even if their gid is the same as the gid of the

The user GIDNumber just sets the default group for POSIX. If you do
groups on the user I'll bet it shows correctly.

For the purposes of IPA access control, as you've seen, the user must
have a memberOf for a given group, either directly or indirectly.


Exactly, but the question is, shouldn't IPA add this membership 
automatically? (Of course, only in case IPA has group with this GID.)


On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 5:01 AM, David Kupka>> wrote:

 On 21/08/15 15:21, bahan w wrote:

 Hello !

 I contact you because I notice something strange with IPA

 I created a group :
 ipa group-add g1 --desc="my first group"

 Then I created a user with the GID of g1
 GID1=`ipa group-show g1 | awk '/GID/ {printf("%s",$2)}'`
 ipa user-add --first=u1 --last=u1 --homedir=/home/u1
 --gidnumber=${GID1} u1

 Then when I perform ipa group-show g1 command, I got the
 following result :
Group name: g1
Description: my first group

 Same for ipa user-show u1 :
User login: u1
First name: u1
Last name: u1
Home directory: /home/u1
Login shell: /bin/bash
Email address: u1@
Account disabled: False
Password: False
Member of groups: ipausers
Kerberos keys available: False

 These 2 commands does not see u1 as a member of g1.
 When I try the command id u1, I can see the group :

 id u1
 uid=(u1) gid=(g1) groups=(g1)

 Is it the normal behaviour of these IPA commands ?

 Best regards.



 I'm not sure if this is intended and/or correct behavior or not.
 Looking at /etc/passwd and /etc/group I see it behaves similarly in
 a way.

 You can have following entries in the aforementioned files



 Looking in /etc/group you can't see user 'u1' is member of group
 'g1' but tools like id, groups, getent shows this information.

 On the other hand it would be useful to show these "implicit"
 members in group-show output.
 Could you please file a ticket

 David Kupka

 Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
 Go to for more info on the project

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to reference to IPA Server in Multi-Master Setup ?

2016-01-25 Thread David Kupka

On 25/01/16 12:08, Zeal Vora wrote:

Thanks Petr.

So if the domain is, in DNS, what would be the IP associated
with it ?

As there are 2 master servers, each of them will have different IP address.

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Petr Spacek  wrote:

On 25.1.2016 10:47, Zeal Vora wrote:


I have setup a multi-master IPA and it seems to be working fine.

The clients ( laptops and servers ) are not using the DNS of IPA.

I was wondering, while configuring ipa-client, which server do I


to when it asks the ipa-server hostname ?

Both the master server has different hostnames.  ( Master 1 )  ( Master 2 )

Specify only --domain option and do not use --server option at all. In will
enable server auto-detection using DNS SRV records and you will not need to
worry about adding/removing servers because all clients will automatically
pick the new list up.

Petr^2 Spacek

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The '--domain' parameter is for client installer to form DNS request.
Request that is sent is the same as one sent by this command:
dig -t SRV _ldap._tcp.

It then receiver list of records similar to this one:
100 0 389 
100 0 389 

Installer then goes through the list and checks if it's really FreeIPA 
server and first one that passes is used. When IP address is needed it 
can be resolved from the name included in SRV response.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Split backup actions in stop - backup - start commands

2016-02-16 Thread David Kupka

On 16/02/16 20:26, Matt . wrote:


I'm fugiring out if it's possible to strip the ipa start and stop from
the backup method and actually do a fullbackup manually started.

Any idea ?



Hello Matt,
you can perform data only backup where freeipa server is still running 
(ipa-backup --data --online).
But IIUC you want full backup with stopped freeipa sever only want to 
manually run sequence ipactl stop ; ipa-backup ; ipactl start

Could you please explain why do you need such behavior? Honestly, I'm 
unable to find use for this.

There's no way how to do it without touching the code. If you don't mind 
editing code just remove two else branches starting on lines 293[0] and 
316[1] in ipaserver/install/ (on recent Fedoras located in 

With this change full backup will be performed on running server unless 
you stopped it before. It can result in inconsistent data in backup archive.


David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Logging configuration for ipa server

2016-02-17 Thread David Kupka

On 17/02/16 09:36, bahan w wrote:

Hello !

I send you this mail for a question about the kerberos logs on the ipa

On the server, there are two configuration files :
- kdc.conf : for the server
- krb5.conf : for the client

In both of these files, we can put a logging section.
In this section, there is 3 parameters :
- default
- kdc
- admin

May I put the same values for both client and server or is it better to put
different values for the server part ?



Hello Bahan,
looking into krb5.conf man page I don't see any logging section. I think 
it should be enough to configure logging on the server (in kdc.conf).

User tries to perform kinit with nonexistent principal and receives error
$ kinit nonexistent
kinit: Client 'nonexist...@example.test' not found in Kerberos database 
while getting initial credentials

Then admin can see this event in the kdc log on server:
Feb 17 10:10:35 vm-248.example.test krb5kdc[11350](info): AS_REQ (6 
etypes {18 17 16 23 25 26}) CLIENT_NOT_FOUND: 
nonexist...@example.test for krbtgt/example.t...@example.test, Client 
not found in Kerberos database

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Split backup actions in stop - backup - start commands

2016-02-18 Thread David Kupka

On 17/02/16 10:47, Matt . wrote:

Hi David,

I have tested your way out and it seems to be OK.

The reason why I need this was is so I can perform a stop and
ipa-backup before I start my backup to my backupserver. (pre-command).

If I use ipa-backup directly it errors between the stop of ipa and the
actual ipa backup. I need to check that out further.

An ipactl start is not needed it seems as the ipa-backup command seems
to start ipa at any time again.

Do you understand/agree here ?

Hello Matt,

unfortunately I don't understand. The backup procedure AFAIK should work 
like this:

# ipa-backup && rsync -r /var/lib/ipa/backup/ backup.example.test:/ipa/

You ca run it manually or place it into the crontab or use it in your 
orchestration system.
It will backup the ipa server with necessary stop and start and then 
copy the new backup to the backup server.

Still I don't see the need for stopping the server manually.

ipa-backup calls "ipactl start" [0]. If you remove the else branch it 
will not start the server.



2016-02-17 8:00 GMT+01:00 David Kupka :

On 16/02/16 20:26, Matt . wrote:


I'm fugiring out if it's possible to strip the ipa start and stop from
the backup method and actually do a fullbackup manually started.

Any idea ?



Hello Matt,
you can perform data only backup where freeipa server is still running
(ipa-backup --data --online).
But IIUC you want full backup with stopped freeipa sever only want to
manually run sequence ipactl stop ; ipa-backup ; ipactl start

Could you please explain why do you need such behavior? Honestly, I'm unable
to find use for this.

There's no way how to do it without touching the code. If you don't mind
editing code just remove two else branches starting on lines 293[0] and
316[1] in ipaserver/install/ (on recent Fedoras located in

With this change full backup will be performed on running server unless you
stopped it before. It can result in inconsistent data in backup archive.


David Kupka

David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Recovering from data-only backup doesn't recover Kerberos keys properly

2016-02-24 Thread David Kupka

On 23/02/16 20:21, Marat Vyshegorodtsev wrote:


I've been doing backups using the tool like this:
ipa-backup --data --online

I didn't want any configuration to be backed up, since it is managed
from a chef recipe.

However, when I tried to recover the backup to a fresh FreeIPA
install, Kerberos (GSSAPI) broke — I can't authenticate myself
anywhere using Kerberos: CLI, HTTP, etc.

LDAP password-based authentication works alright.

After some googling and reading through the mailing list, I followed
this manual and updated all keytabs for all services — dirsrv, httpd,

Then it broke  in a different way: for a correct session it says that
my session is expired or just does nothing, for an incorrect password
it responds with "password incorrect" (see screenshot).

For CLI it just says that the credentials are incorrect regardless of
what credentials I provide.

I suppose that all krbPrincipalKey fields are tied to some other
encryption key that is not included in data-only backup.

Could you please let me know how to regenerate krbPrincipalKey for all
users or how to work around this issue?

Best regards,

Hello Marat,
I would say that this is expected. During freeipa-server installation 
all service and host kerberos keys are generated randomly, stored in 
Directory Server and in keytab accessible to the host/service.
When you reinstall freeipa-server all keys are regenerated and no longer 
matches the ones stored in your backup.

You can use ipa-getkeytab(1) with Directory Manager credentials to 
retrieve new keys but think it's not enough to make it work again.

Hopefully, someone, who understand kerberos better will advice.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Not able to get kerberos ticket from keytab

2016-02-26 Thread David Kupka
etype aes256-cts, salt
"s`GD^,#=cA:Vr9hD", params ""
[27248] 1456447246.165001: Received cookie: MIT
[27248] 1456447246.165142: Retrieving from FILE:keytab
(vno 0, enctype aes256-cts) with result: 0/Success
[27248] 1456447246.165166: AS key obtained for encrypted timestamp:
[27248] 1456447246.165210: Encrypted timestamp (for 1456447246.164647):
plain 301AA011180F32303136303232363030343034365AA1050203028327, encrypted
[27248] 1456447246.165224: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (real)
returned: 0/Success
[27248] 1456447246.165228: Produced preauth for next request: 133, 2
[27248] 1456447246.165239: Sending request (257 bytes) to EXAMPLE.MY
[27248] 1456447246.165253: Resolving hostname
[27248] 1456447256.178637: Initiating TCP connection to stream
[27248] 1456447256.179456: Sending TCP request to stream
[27248] 1456447256.184929: Received answer (167 bytes) from stream
[27248] 1456447256.184941: Terminating TCP connection to stream
[27248] 1456447256.185043: Response was from master KDC
[27248] 1456447256.185065: Received error from KDC: -1765328353/Decrypt
integrity check failed
kinit: Password incorrect while getting initial credentials

From the 2 trace I notice the return bytes on return from calling using

keytab is only 167 bytes compare to 722 bytes. Does anybody know the
reasons or could point me to where I could debug further?



I don't know why it does not work with ktutil but I've find other way 
how to get keytab for a user:

$ kinit ttester
$ ipa-getkeytab -p ttes...@example.test -k ttester.keytab -e 

$ kdestroy ttester
$ kinit ttes...@example.test -kt ttester.keytab


David Kupka

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Not able to get kerberos ticket from keytab

2016-02-26 Thread David Kupka

On 26/02/16 08:56, David Kupka wrote:

On 26/02/16 02:22, Teik Hooi Beh wrote:


I have manged to deployed 1 ipa master and 1 ipa client with success on
centos 7.2 with freeipa v4.2. I also managed to create user and set
sshd-rules to for ttester user and also successfully get krb ticket
using *kinit*. I am trying to deploy password-less SSH login with
kerberos using the following guide  (


snippet -

*$ ktutil ktutil: add_entry -password -p -k 1 -e
aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 ktutil: write_kt keytab*

When I tried *kinit -kt keytab*, I get *"**kinit:
Password incorrect while getting initial credentials"*
Doing a trace using KRB5_TRACE on both calls

*1. KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stderr kinit*
27242] 1456447025.219676: Getting initial credentials for
[27242] 1456447025.222070: Sending request (164 bytes) to EXAMPLE.MY
[27242] 1456447025.23: Resolving hostname
[27242] 1456447035.238004: Initiating TCP connection to stream
[27242] 1456447035.238675: Sending TCP request to stream
[27242] 1456447035.241248: Received answer (337 bytes) from stream
[27242] 1456447035.241257: Terminating TCP connection to stream
[27242] 1456447035.241377: Response was from master KDC
[27242] 1456447035.241437: Received error from KDC:
pre-authentication required
[27242] 1456447035.241484: Processing preauth types: 136, 19, 2, 133
[27242] 1456447035.241499: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt
"s`GD^,#=cA:Vr9hD", params ""
[27242] 1456447035.241504: Received cookie: MIT
Password for
[27242] 1456447062.215750: AS key obtained for encrypted timestamp:
[27242] 1456447062.215815: Encrypted timestamp (for 1456447062.215315):
plain 301AA011180F32303136303232363030333734325AA1050203034913, encrypted

[27242] 1456447062.215942: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (real)
returned: 0/Success
[27242] 1456447062.215948: Produced preauth for next request: 133, 2
[27242] 1456447062.215965: Sending request (257 bytes) to EXAMPLE.MY
[27242] 1456447062.216010: Resolving hostname
[27242] 1456447072.229254: Initiating TCP connection to stream
[27242] 1456447072.229655: Sending TCP request to stream
[27242] 1456447072.236955: Received answer (722 bytes) from stream
[27242] 1456447072.236974: Terminating TCP connection to stream
[27242] 1456447072.237080: Response was from master KDC
[27242] 1456447072.237117: Processing preauth types: 19
[27242] 1456447072.237125: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt
"s`GD^,#=cA:Vr9hD", params ""
[27242] 1456447072.237131: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
[27242] 1456447072.237140: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/73C6
[27242] 1456447072.237199: Decrypted AS reply; session key is:
[27242] 1456447072.237216: FAST negotiation: available
[27242] 1456447072.237236: Initializing KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000 with
default princ
[27242] 1456447072.237275: Storing ->
krbtgt/ in KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
[27242] 1456447072.237330: Storing config in KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
for krbtgt/ fast_avail: yes
[27242] 1456447072.237345: Storing ->

in KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
[27242] 1456447072.237371: Storing config in KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
for krbtgt/ pa_type: 2
[27242] 1456447072.237380: Storing ->
in KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000

*2. KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stderr kinit -kt keytab*
[27248] 1456447236.144685: Getting initial credentials for
[27248] 1456447236.147107: Looked up etypes in keytab: aes256-cts
[27248] 1456447236.147255: Sending request (164 bytes) to EXAMPLE.MY
[27248] 1456447236.147381: Resolving hostname
[27248] 1456447246.161528: Initiating TCP connection to stream
[27248] 1456447246.161970: Sending TCP request to stream
[27248] 1456447246.164772: Received answer (337 bytes) from stream
[27248] 1456447246.164791: Terminating TCP connection to stream
[27248] 1456447246.164904: Response was from master KDC
[27248] 1456447246.164943: Received error from KDC:
pre-authentication required
[27248] 1456447246.164987: Processing preauth types: 136, 19, 2, 133
[27248] 145644724

Re: [Freeipa-users] freeipa restore backup on a new server

2016-04-12 Thread David Kupka

On 12/04/16 11:26, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:

Hi ,

I am running ipa-server verison 4.2 on AWS,and testing the freeipa backup and
restore .

The restoration works fine if its on the same host, wherin i uninstall freeipa
and then install it back and then do a full restore.

However, if its a new machine with a different ip, the restoration fails.

I am running the restoration from an ansible playbook.. heres the output, that 
I get

Preparing restore from /tmp/ipa/ipa-full-2016-04-12 on <>
Performing FULL restore from FULL backup
Each master will individually need to be re-initialized or
re-created from this one. The replication agreements on
masters running IPA 3.1 or earlier will need to be manually
re-enabled. See the man page for details.
Disabling all replication.
Stopping IPA services
Systemwide CA database updated.
Restoring files
Systemwide CA database updated.
Restoring from userRoot in xyz-COM
Restoring from ipaca in xyz-COM
Starting IPA services
Command ''ipactl' 'start'' returned non-zero exit status 1
stdout: Configuring certmonger to stop tracking system certificates for CA

Is there a limitation that the ip needs to be the same for a restore to happen
or am I missing something.


Hello Rakesh,
it's not possible to determine what happened from information that you 
have sent. Could you please find the service that failed to start and 
send its logs?

I believe that all services in FreeIPA depends on host names and resolve 
IP address from DNS when needed.
But if DNS server is part of FreeIPA server you're trying to restore it 
is holding old records with old IP addresses. Maybe this is the cause 
but it's just wild guess.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] How To: Create Admin Account with all Permissions but the ability to Delete?

2016-04-14 Thread David Kupka

On 14/04/16 19:59, Caton, Tina, CYFD wrote:

As a policy we disable accounts, never delete accounts.

We wish to create an Administrator account with Account Creation, Change and
Disable Permissions - No Deletion Permissions. Is that possible? How would one
do it? Thank you.

Tina Caton

Hello Tina,

this can be done.

FreeIPA uses RBAC (role based access control). On the lowest level there 
are individual permissions ($ ipa permission-find) which are just 389-ds 
ACIs (access control instructions).
Then there are privileges ($ ipa privilege-find) that hold some set of 
Another layer consists of roles ($ ipa role-find) that can hold multiple 
privileges. Users and groups can be assigned a role ($ ipa 
role-add-member  [--user ] [--group ]).

What you need to do is to create a privilege (e.g. "Never delete user 
administrator") similar to "User Administrator" with only difference 
that it won't have "System: Remove Users" permission and then create a 
role very similar to "User Administrator" with privilege "User 
Administrator" replaced with "Never delete user administrator".
Then you can give this role to the any user or group (don't forget to 
remove the origina "User Administrator" role).

Alternatively, if you're sure that no admin user in your deployment will 
ever need to delete user. You can simply remove "System: Remove User" 
permission from "User Administrator" privilege ($ ipa 
privilege-remove-permission "User Administrators" --permissions "System: 
Remove Users").

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa -v ping lies about the cert database

2016-04-15 Thread David Kupka

On 15/04/16 11:42, Harald Dunkel wrote:

Hi folks,

If I run "kinit admin; ipa -v ping" as a regular user, then I get

ipa: INFO: trying
ipa: INFO: Connection to failed with 
(SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE) The certificate/key database is in an old, 
unsupported format.
ipa: INFO: trying
ipa: INFO: Connection to failed with 
(SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE) The certificate/key database is in an old, 
unsupported format.
ipa: ERROR: cannot connect to 'any of the configured servers':,

Using root there is no problem. Obviously this is a Unix
access problem, not an old database.

I would like to avoid running maintenance scripts as root,
if possible. The error message doesn't include any path
information, so I wonder how I can fix the access problem
without opening the system too wide?

Every helpful hint is highly appreciated

Hello Harri,

the FreeIPA certificate database is stored in /etc/ipa/nssdb, by default 
the permissions are set to:

$ ls -dl /etc/ipa/nssdb/
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 73 Apr 15 14:00 /etc/ipa/nssdb/

$ ls -l /etc/ipa/nssdb/
total 80
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 65536 Apr 15 14:00 cert8.db
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 16384 Apr 15 14:00 key3.db
-rw---. 1 root root40 Apr 15 14:00 pwdfile.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 16384 Apr 15 14:00 secmod.db

Please check the permission on your system. If it's different and you 
(or system admin) haven't changed it please file a ticket 

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] howto ldapsearch for disabled/enabled users?

2016-04-15 Thread David Kupka

On 15/04/16 13:31, Harald Dunkel wrote:

Hi folks,

I have no luck with the ipa cli, so I wonder if it is
possible to ldapsearch for disabled or enabled users?
A command line like

ldapsearch -LLL -Y GSSAPI -b cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com uid=somebody

doesn't show :-(.

Every helpful hint is highly welcome

Hello Harri,

the attribute you're looking for is 'nsaccountlock'. This command should 
give you uids of all disabled users:

$ ldapsearch -LLL -Y GSSAPI -b cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=test 
"(nsaccountlock=TRUE)" uid

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Object class violation

2016-04-17 Thread David Kupka

On 17/04/16 07:23, Günther J. Niederwimmer wrote:

I like to setup / install  a replica for my IPA Server.

Now I have this Error

Configuring Kerberos KDC (krb5kdc). Estimated time: 30 seconds
   [1/8]: adding sasl mappings to the directory
   [2/8]: configuring KDC
   [3/8]: creating a keytab for the directory
   [4/8]: creating a keytab for the machine
   [5/8]: adding the password extension to the directory
   [6/8]: enable GSSAPI for replication
   [error] OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION: {'desc': 'Object class violation'}
Your system may be partly configured.
Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.

ipa.ipapython.install.cli.install_tool(Replica): ERROR{'desc': 'Object
class violation'}

Have I also to delete the replica on the IPA Server ?

Or can I repair the replica ?

the simplest way is to run # ipa-server-install --uninstall -U on 
replica and # ipa-replica-manage del  on master.

But I don't understand why did you get the  "Object class violation" 
error. Have you changed the schema on IPA server? Or done any other changes?
If not could you please file a ticket 
( and provide reproducer?

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa -v ping lies about the cert database

2016-04-18 Thread David Kupka

On 15/04/16 15:16, Harald Dunkel wrote:

Hi David,

Hello Harri,

the FreeIPA certificate database is stored in /etc/ipa/nssdb, by default the 
permissions are set to:

$ ls -dl /etc/ipa/nssdb/
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 73 Apr 15 14:00 /etc/ipa/nssdb/

$ ls -l /etc/ipa/nssdb/
total 80
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 65536 Apr 15 14:00 cert8.db
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 16384 Apr 15 14:00 key3.db
-rw---. 1 root root40 Apr 15 14:00 pwdfile.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 16384 Apr 15 14:00 secmod.db

Please check the permission on your system. If it's different and you (or 
system admin) haven't changed it please file a ticket 

Sorry, I should have mentioned that the client runs Debian
with freeipa 4.0.5.

# ls -al /etc/ipa/
total 24
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Dec 29 08:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 190 root root 12288 Apr 15 12:44 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  1792 Dec 29 08:32 ca.crt
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   194 Dec 29 08:32 default.conf

No nssdb. AFAICS only the ipa servers in my lan have a
directory /etc/ipa/nssdb (CentOS 7).

On the clients I can see a cert8.db in /etc/pki/nssdb.
Looking at the time stamp it seems to be related to freeipa.

# ls -al /etc/pki/nssdb/
total 76
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Dec 29 08:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  4096 Dec 28 16:09 ..
-rw--- 1 root root 65536 Dec 29 08:32 cert8.db
-rw--- 1 root root 16384 Dec 29 08:32 key3.db
-rw--- 1 root root 16384 Dec 29 08:32 secmod.db

No pwdfile.txt . I would guess the key database has been created
with --empty-password.

Does this look familiar, or is this misconfigured and weird?

Sorry for asking stupid questions, but the setup in my lan is
all I have. I have never had a chance to see another freeipa
installation. Hope you don't mind?


Hello Harri,
actually the version and OS information makes a difference :-)

Older version of FreeIPA client was using NSSDB in /etc/pki/nssdb, I 
don't recall at what version we switched to /etc/ipa/nssdb but it was 
some time ago.

I have reproduced the issue on Debian and after changing the access 
rights (# chmod ga+r /etc/pki/nssdb/*) it works for me. ipa command 
needs to access the IPA CA certificate stored there to verify identity 
of FreeIPA server.

I haven't seen this issue on Fedora so I'm adding Timo who is porting 
FreeIPA on debian. Timo have you met this issue?

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Best practice for requesting a certificate in Kickstart?

2016-04-25 Thread David Kupka

On 24/04/16 04:46, Anthony Clark wrote:

Hello All,

TL;DR: what's the best way to grab a SSL cert and key during kickstart?

(this is all using CentOS 7.2 latest)

I'm using Foreman to manage my kickstart and Puppet services, and its built-in
FreeIPA client enrollment works just fine.

However I'd like to also request a certificate and key for a Puppet client to
use to authenticate to the Foreman-controlled Puppet server.

If I manually set up a puppet client then it works just fine.  I use something
like this:

# ipa-getcert request -w -r -f /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/<%=
<> %>.pem -k /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/<%=
<> %>.pem
# cp /etc/ipa/ca.crt /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem

(then setting the correct paths and settings in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf)

I tried to make that work inside the Kickstart process, but as those commands
are running inside a kickstart chroot the certmonger service won't start.

Is there a better method to grab a SSL cert and key for the host during
kickstart?  Or should I just wait until firstboot and perform the steps at that

Many Thanks and FreeIPA is really amazing!

Anthony Clark

Hello Anthony,

TL;DR Set DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/dev/null in kickstart 
chroot environment before calling "ipa-getcert request".

The issue is already addressed by BZ1134497 [1]. When getcert detects 
there is no DBus it starts certmonger and communicates over unix socet. 
But in Kickstart environment DBus is available but unusable (BZ1271551, 
[2]). It can be workaround by setting 
DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/dev/null (it is described in Doc Text 
of [1]).

You can also run ipa-client-install with --request-cert and it will also 
request certificate for the client. And also require the workaround in 
Kickstart chroot environment. But unlike "ipa-getcert request -w" it 
won't wait for the certificate to be issued and fetched.

The reason is that it can take days for certificate to be issued (some 
CAs require human approval) so ipa-client-install only submit the 
request and doesn't wait for certificate.
After the installation completes and system is started certmonger 
periodically query for the certificate and fetch it when available.


David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] can live turn off nsslapd-security: to off ?

2016-04-27 Thread David Kupka

On 27/04/16 12:48, wrote:


Without restarting dirsrv possible do that ?

thx Regards


Hello Barry,

this ldapsearch should list all attributes that needs restart after 

$ ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret123 -b cn=config 

I don't see nsslapd-security listed so it should be possible to change 
it in runtime.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] can live turn off nsslapd-security: to off ?

2016-04-27 Thread David Kupka

On 27/04/16 13:15, wrote:

Do u meant use ldapmodify?
I tried update the dse.ldif but it will fall back after a while.

2016年4月27日 下午7:10 於 "David Kupka">> 寫道:

On 27/04/16 12:48, <> wrote:


Without restarting dirsrv possible do that ?

thx Regards


Hello Barry,

this ldapsearch should list all attributes that needs restart after

$ ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret123 -b cn=config

I don't see nsslapd-security listed so it should be possible to change it in

David Kupka

Yes, I mean ldapmodify.

Editing dse.ldif while dirsrv is running has no effect because it is 
read only at start and written at least before exit.

If you REALLY need to edit dse.ldif be sure to stop dirsrv then edit it 
and start dirsrv again.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ca-error: Error setting up ccache for local "host" service using default keytab: Clock skew too great.

2016-04-28 Thread David Kupka
CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
 issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=sample.NET
     subject: CN=RA Subsystem,O=sample.NET
 expires: 2017-10-13 14:09:49 UTC
 eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
 pre-save command:
 post-save command: /usr/lib64/ipa/certmonger/renew_ra_cert
 track: yes
 auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20130519130745':
 ca-error: Internal error: no response to
 stuck: yes
 key pair storage:
cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin='297100916664
cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
 CA: dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
 issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=sample.NET
 subject: <>,O=sample.NET
 expires: 2017-10-13 14:09:49 UTC
 eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
 pre-save command:
 post-save command:
 track: yes
 auto-renew: yes

Thanks, Anthony

Hello Anthony!

After stopping NTP (or other time synchronizing service) and setting 
time manually server really don't have a way to determine that its time 
differs from the real one.

I think this might be issue with Kerberos ticket. You can show content 
of root's ticket cache using klist. If there is anything clean it with 
kdestroy and try to resubmit the request again.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] mod_nss FreeIPA

2016-05-25 Thread David Kupka

On 26/05/16 07:42, Günther J. Niederwimmer wrote:


can any help to find the correct way to configure a Webserver with IPA.

I can't create a correct DB in /etc/httpd/alias

I search on the INet and read the install Log from ipa-server but it is for me
not possible to found a working way :-(.

Thanks for a answer ?

Hello Günther,

I'm not sure if I understand your question. What I take from you message is:

I want a IPA webserver with NSSDB in /etc/httpd/alias.

The answer then is:

ipa-server-install creates that DB for apache and populates it with 
certificates. So there is nothing to do.

From one of my test servers:

# certutil -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -L

Certificate Nickname Trust 


ipaCert  u,u,u
Server-Cert  u,u,u
Signing-Cert u,u,u

If this is not what you was asking please try to explain what you want 
to achieve with more details.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] SSH login to client

2016-06-09 Thread David Kupka

On 09/06/16 13:18, Pavel Picka wrote:


Have anyone experience, when create user on ipa-server, and want to login on 
client with this user I get :

Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).

(with kinit [1st time change] was password changed to new one)
even with another change with ipa user-mod --password I am getting same result

and on client in /var/log/messages found :

Jun  9 12:36:02 rhel04 [sssd[krb5_child[4635]]]: Decrypt integrity check failed
Jun  9 12:36:02 rhel04 [sssd[krb5_child[4635]]]: Decrypt integrity check failed
Jun  9 12:36:05 rhel04 [sssd[krb5_child[4637]]]: Decrypt integrity check failed
Jun  9 12:36:05 rhel04 [sssd[krb5_child[4637]]]: Decrypt integrity check failed
Jun  9 12:36:28 rhel04 [sssd[krb5_child[4641]]]: Decrypt integrity check failed
Jun  9 12:36:28 rhel04 [sssd[krb5_child[4641]]]: Decrypt integrity check failed

Pavel Picka

Hi Pavel!

I have few questions that may help locating the issue:

Are you able to kinit as the user on server and client?
Are you able to ssh to the client as the admin?
What is the output of "id user" on client?

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] client in many IPA domains

2017-02-06 Thread David Kupka
On Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 02:04:55PM -0200, Raul Dias wrote:
> Hello,
> Can ipa-client (e.g., anotebook) be in more than one realm? e.g. depending
> on the network where it is connected.
> -rsd

> -- 
> Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
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It depends what are you expectation about features that will be available on 
such client.

If you just want to be able to obtain Kerberos ticket for a user on the client 
it will work even without FreeIPA (assuming DNS records for Kerberos are in 

Enrolling the client to two FreeIPA domains is theoretically doable but:
a) would require some experimentation and manual tinkering,
b) may bring security issues (e.g. sharing the same Kerberos key with both 
c) will likely result in weird behavior,
d) is definitelly not supported nor encouraged.

David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Freeipa-users] Looking for instructions on one way subtree sync IPA->IPA

2017-02-10 Thread David Kupka
> | ||   |  
> | |^   |   |  
> | |Project +  
> | ++   |  user1 can own   
> |  |  processes here  
> |  |  
> |  |  
> |  |  
> |  |  
> |   +++-+  +-+ ++  |  
> |   ||| |  | | ||  |  
> |   | IPA|| Linux   |  | Linux   | | App using  |  |  
> |   ||| OS  |  | OS  | | LDAP   |  |  
> |   +++-+  +-+ ++  |  
> |  |  
> |^ |  
> || |  
> | Wider Enterprise Estate  |  
> +|-+  
>  |
>  |
>   user1 details mastered here 
> If 'Enterprise' IPA was instead Active Directory, I believe the above
> could be achieved with a One way Trust?
> We have an additional aim to be able to set authorisation rules in the
> Project IPA (e.g., putting the Enterprise IPA users into groups where
> the groups are managed in Project IPA.)
> Thanks,
>  Nick
> -- 
> Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
> Go to for more info on the project

Hi Nick,
I might be missing something but I would say that the Project IPA is not
necessary in the desribed scenario.

You can create accounts for all the users involved in Project in Enterprise
IPA and assign them to Project group. You can also enroll all Project hosts
to Enterprise IPA and add them to  Project hostgroup. Then you can use HBAC
rules [1] to:

* disable the default allow_all rule
* allow everyone in Project IPA to acces Project hostgroup
* allow all but Project group to access Any host

Employees that are also part of other group will be still able to access
everything. Contractors will be only in Project group and won't be able to
access your Enterprise environment.

Of course, unless this is against your company policy...

David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to change kerberos key lifetime?

2017-02-15 Thread David Kupka
On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 02:13:04PM -0500, William Muriithi wrote:
> Hello
> We are currently mostly using RHEL 6 on the clients but IPA is on RHEL
> 7.3. I am using Kerberos to authenticate NFS mount and its working
> fine.  However, there is a lot of users who are complaining that its
> causing too much problems.  They are all related to key expiry
> I have looked at how to rectify this and noticed that the only
> solution with RHEL 6 is to increase the time the key is valid.
> However, it hasn't worked, the key lifetime remains a day and maximum
> lifetime of 7 days.
> These are the changes I have made so far:
> Changed the policy on IPA:
> [root@lithium ~]# ipa krbtpolicy-show
>   Max life: 15552000
>   Max renew: 25552000
> [root@lithium ~]#
> Changed kerberos configuration:
> [libdefaults]
>   default_realm = ENG.EXAMPLE.COM
>   dns_lookup_realm = true
>   dns_lookup_kdc = true
>   rdns = false
>   ticket_lifetime = 4320h
>   forwardable = yes
>   udp_preference_limit = 0
> Changed sssd configurations:
> [domain/]
> krb5_renewable_lifetime = 180d
> krb5_renew_interval = 3600
> cache_credentials = True
> krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
> ipa_domain =
> id_provider = ipa
> auth_provider = ipa
> access_provider = ipa
> ipa_hostname =
> chpass_provider = ipa
> ipa_dyndns_update = True
> ipa_server = _srv_,
> ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
> autofs_provider = ipa
> ipa_automount_location = default
> [sssd]
> services = nss, sudo, pam, autofs, ssh
> domains =
> [nss]
> homedir_substring = /home
> None have lead to any difference as seem below.  What would I be missing?
> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_782_L8aH9N
> Default principal:
> Valid starting ExpiresService principal
> 02/15/17 13:17:11  02/22/17 13:17:11  krbtgt/
> renew until 03/01/17 13:17:11
> Regards,
> William
> -- 
> Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
> Go to for more info on the project

Hello William,
first you're mantioning "key expiry" but if I understand corectly you're
interested in "ticket lifetime". 

As mentioned here [1] the ticket lifetime is the minimum of 4 values:
1) maxlife for the user principal
2) maxlife for the service [principal]
3) max_life in the kdc.conf
4) requested lifetime in the ticket request

You've already done 1) (ipa krbtpolicy) and 4) (ticket_lifetime in
[libdefaults] in /etc/krb5.conf on client).

To increase 2) you need to change maxlife for krbtgt service. There're two ways
this ca be done:
a) modifying krbMaxTicketLife attribute in
b) using kadmin.local:
# kadmin.local
Authenticating as principal admin/
: modprinc -maxlife 10day krbtgt/EXAMPLE.ORG
Principal "krbtgt/" modified.
: exit

To increase 3) you need to change 'max_life' in /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
and restart krb5kdc service.

But generally I don't think it's a good idea to have such long tickets. Would
it make sense in your use case to deploy SSSD on user systems to handle
Kerberos tickets for them?


David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to change kerberos key lifetime?

2017-02-16 Thread David Kupka
On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 07:54:47AM -0500, William Muriithi wrote:
> Morning David,
> Thank you very much for your help.
> > first you're mentioning "key expiry" but if I understand correctly you're
> > interested in "ticket lifetime".
> Yes, want to increase ticket lifetime.
> >
> > As mentioned here [1] the ticket lifetime is the minimum of 4 values:
> > 1) maxlife for the user principal
> > 2) maxlife for the service [principal]
> > 3) max_life in the kdc.conf
> > 4) requested lifetime in the ticket request
> >
> > You've already done 1) (ipa krbtpolicy) and 4) (ticket_lifetime in
> > [libdefaults] in /etc/krb5.conf on client).
> >
> > To increase 2) you need to change maxlife for krbtgt service. There're two 
> > ways
> > this ca be done:
> > a) modifying krbMaxTicketLife attribute in
> > krbPrincipalName=krbtgt/,cn=EXAMPLE.ORG,cn=kerberos,dc=example,dc=org
> > b) using kadmin.local:
> > # kadmin.local
> > Authenticating as principal admin/
> > : modprinc -maxlife 10day krbtgt/EXAMPLE.ORG
> > Principal "krbtgt/" modified.
> > : exit
> Will try 2 b and see how it goes
> >
> > To increase 3) you need to change 'max_life' in 
> > /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
> > and restart krb5kdc service.
> >
> okay, wasn't actually aware of this.  Will look at it
> > But generally I don't think it's a good idea to have such long tickets. 
> > Would
> > it make sense in your use case to deploy SSSD on user systems to handle
> > Kerberos tickets for them?
> >
> I am actually using SSSD on all the systems, even the desktops.  I
> agree the changes above aren't ideal and would prefer to get SSSD
> working well.  Where would like to avoid this error showing around
> every 12 hours.
> antimony:  Could not chdir to home directory /home/william: Key has expired
> Regards,
> William

Hello William!

The fact that your desktops are using SSSD changes the situation dramatically.

SSSD (with ipa or krb5 provider) obtains ticket for user when he is logging-in.
And can be configured to renew the ticket for the user until the ticket renew
life time expires. 

Given this you can keep ticket life time reasonable short (~1 day) set ticket
renewable life time to longer period (~2 weeks) and maintain reasonable
security level without negative impact on user's daily work.

Look for krb5_renew_interval, krb5_lifetime, krb5_renewable_lifetime options
in sssd-krb5 man page.

David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to change kerberos key lifetime?

2017-02-16 Thread David Kupka
On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 06:05:48PM -0500, William Muriithi wrote:
> David
> >
> > The fact that your desktops are using SSSD changes the situation 
> > dramatically.
> >
> > SSSD (with ipa or krb5 provider) obtains ticket for user when he is 
> > logging-in.
> > And can be configured to renew the ticket for the user until the ticket 
> > renew
> > life time expires.
> >
> > Given this you can keep ticket life time reasonable short (~1 day) set 
> > ticket
> > renewable life time to longer period (~2 weeks) and maintain reasonable
> > security level without negative impact on user's daily work.
> >
> > Look for krb5_renew_interval, krb5_lifetime, krb5_renewable_lifetime options
> > in sssd-krb5 man page.
> >
> Thanks a lot.  I did actually end up using this.   Will wait for a
> couple of days and see if anybody if the situation is better and
> update you.
> Curious though, why isn't renewal interval setup by default?  Is there
> a negative consequence of having SSSD renewing tickets by default?  I
> can't think of any and hence a bit lost on explaining the default
> setup
> > --
> Regards,
> William

Honestly, I don't know why krb5_renew_interval isn't set by default.

My wild guess would be that in typical SSSD deployment user logs-in in the
begining of work day, SSSD gets ticket that last for a day for him and he
logs-out in the end of the workday (after 8~10 hours). So there's no need to
refresh it.

But feel free to open a ticket for SSSD [1] and describe you use case. I don't
know SSSD that well and maybe there's no reason against setting it by default.


David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] sysaccounts max length

2017-02-20 Thread David Kupka
On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 03:06:21PM +0100, Matt . wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Does anyone know what the max length is for a sysaccount username is ?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> -- 
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From man 8 useradd:

Usernames may only be up to 32 characters long.

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Looking for instructions on one way subtree sync IPA->IPA

2017-02-21 Thread David Kupka
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 10:27:40AM +, Paris, Dan wrote:
> Hi FreeIPA-users,
> My colleague Nick Piper emailed 
> previously<>
>  regarding the subject matter.
> We are still attempting to find a solution that meets our requirements and 
> are considering manually building an ldif file to import into our master IdM 
> server. In the reply to our original query Alexander Bokovoy mentioned: "In 
> short, there is no support for IPA-IPA trust or replication. There are many 
> reasons for that, including some complex technical issues on how this could 
> be reliably working." Would you be able to provide some detail around these 
> technical issues and provide some guidance as to if exporting an ldif file 
> would meet our needs?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dan
> Dan Paris | Leading Engineer
> 250 Brook Drive, Reading, RG2 6UA | United Kingdom
> M:  +44 7920783573
><>  | 
> Registered in England & Wales (registered number 947968)
> Registered Office: 250 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading RG2 6UA, United 
> Kingdom

> -- 
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> Go to for more info on the project

Hi Dan!

The biggest missing part on the way to FreeIPA-FreeIPA trust is the Global
Catalog [1]. There might be (and probably are) other parts that FreeIPA lacks
but I don't know the details.

Regarding using ldif for synchronization. I don't think that's good idea for
several reasons:
1) It will be hard and error prone to keep the data in sync. Even in case you
would claim that corporate FreeIPA is authoritative source and all changes made
in project FreeIPA will be lost you would need to periodically export,
optionally compare and replace potentionally huge number of entries (users,
groups, sudo rules, HBAC rules, ...).

2) To be able to obtain Kerberos ticket for user you would need to copy also
Kerberos master key which is used to encrypt keys for users. This is quite
sensitive material.

By the way have you considered having just single FreeIPA deployment as I
proposed in [2]? Why is separate deployment of FreeIPA for the project


David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Freeipa 4.4 creating users with expiration

2017-03-05 Thread David Kupka
On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 08:44:45PM +0530, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
> Hello,
> Am using Freeipa 4.4 version .
> I would like to create few users only valid for few days or  months. So,is
> there a way to create few users with a preset expiration or auto lock those
> accounts after a few days
> Thanks
> Rakesh

> -- 
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Hello Rhakesh,
AFAIK there's no mechanism to Lock the user account after period of time or at
specified time. You need to call "ipa user-disable LOGIN" manually.

You can file ticket and describe your use-case here:

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Options for existing CA/DNS infrastructure

2017-03-20 Thread David Kupka
On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 10:47:02PM -0400, Rob Foehl wrote:
> I'm looking at deploying FreeIPA in a few environments with substantial DNS
> and/or CA infrastructure, and have some choices to make...
> How much trouble will I have if FreeIPA is delegated a zone like
> with all clients in or other children?  (No
> overlap with AD-managed zones, but in at least one case autodiscovery won't
> be possible due to mixed clients in the parent zone.)
> What's the best way to play nice with existing PKI -- generate a CA CSR at
> installation time and sign that?  Is there any provision for automatically
> renewing these certs, say if the external CA were to be subsumed by a
> dedicated Dogtag instance?
> Advice and experience appreciated, before I paint myself into a corner
> somewhere...  Thanks!
> -Rob
> -- 
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> Go to for more info on the project

Hello Rob,
FreeIPA can be deployed in environment with existing DNS and/or CA server.
IIRC you have following options:
- regarding DNS:
-- Delegate DNS zone for FreeIPA. It will then manage the zone and add records
there. Obviously, it will not add records for clients in other zones.

-- Don't setup DNS in FreeIPA and keep managing all records in your current DNS
server. There's plan to integrate with external DNS servers [1] but nothing was
done yet.

- regarding CA:
-- install CA-less FreeIPA - you need to issue certificates for HTTPD and 389-DS
with your certificate server and provide those when installing FreeIPA server

-- install FreeIPA with CA certificate signed with external CA. Use
--external-ca option. The installation will be interupted to let you sign
generated CSR. FreeIPA will then issue all needed certificates.

-- install FreeIPA with self-signed CA certificate. This is default but then
you need to distribute the certificate to all clients.

Certmonger [2] is configured during ipa-server-install to track and renew


David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Freeipa-users] Use SQLite format NSS database?

2017-03-20 Thread David Kupka
On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 11:58:35AM -0500, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> Can IPA 4.4 (on CentOS 7) use a SQLite format NSS database in
> /etc/httpd/alias?
> I would presumably have to prepend "sql:" to the NSSCertificateDatabase
> setting in nss.conf.
> Anything else?
> -- 
> Ian Pilcher
>  "I grew up before Mark Zuckerberg invented friendship" 
> -- 
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> Go to for more info on the project

Hello Ian,
I'm not sure but I guess there will be surprises on the way.

First of all you need to migrate the DB to SQL format (1). Then you will have
two DBs in alias directory one in old and one in new format. This is probably
not what you want because then you can easily end up with two different sets of
certificates and hard to find errors. So it's probably better to remove old DB
(cert8.db, key3.db and secmod.db). But then you'll break ipa-certupdate,
ipa-server-certinstall and probably others because they use the old format.
Prefixing 'sql:' to HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR in
/usr/lib/ptyhon2.7/site-packages/ipaplatform/base/ might help but I
never tried.

Generally I would not recommend touching this on production system. Why do you
want to change the database format?

(1) certutil -d sql:HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR --upgrade-merge --source-dir
HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR --upgrade-id 1

David Kupka

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ldap connector from IIQ to ipa

2017-03-20 Thread David Kupka
On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 05:23:31PM +0100, Iulian Roman wrote:
> Hello,
> We do plan to integrate  IPA with IdentityIQ (sailpoint) for user
> provisioning. Because IPA does abstract all the ldap commands via new set
> of commands and APIs, i am not sure if the standard ldap connector is the
> right option and if it is supported ( taking into consideration that a
> simple user creation does update/create more ldap containers).
> Could you please clarify if updating IPA via standard ldap commands is
> supported but not necessarily a best practice or it is an absolute NO ?
> Thank You !

> -- 
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We have staging area for this purpose. You can create and update user entries
there and once the entry is complete you can call stageuser-activate to create
user entry with using values from stageuser entry.

You can find description of the feature and examples on design page [1].

David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Freeipa-users] Original master lost, cannot create additional CA clones

2017-03-21 Thread David Kupka
> RESPONSE HEADER:  Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
> RESPONSE HEADER:  Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
> RESPONSE HEADER:  Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 15:50:34 GMT
> RESPONSE HEADER:  Connection: close
> Exception in SecurityDomainLoginPanel(): java.lang.Exception: Invalid 
> clone_uri
> ERROR: ConfigureSubCA: SecurityDomainLoginPanel() failure
> ERROR: unable to create CA
> ###
> 2017-03-17T15:50:35Z DEBUG stderr=java.lang.Exception: Invalid clone_uri
> at ConfigureCA.SecurityDomainLoginPanel(
> at ConfigureCA.ConfigureCAInstance(
> at ConfigureCA.main(
> In /var/log/pki-ca/debug, I see:
> Could not get or build CA chain. Error 
> Certificate is not a PKCS #11 
> certificate
> at 
> at 
> In /var/log/pki-ca/catalina.out I see:
> CMS Warning: FAILURE: Cannot build CA chain. Error 
> Certificate is not a PKCS #11 
> certificate|FAILURE: authz instance DirAclAuthz initialization failed and 
> skipped, error=Property internaldb.ldapconn.port missing value|
> I have tried deploying a new replica to freshly installed systems, and the 
> same problem occurs. I have backups from when IPA was first installed, if any 
> config files or certificates need to be brought back. I can provide further 
> log excerpts if needed.
> Thank you in advance,
> Paul Brennan

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Hello Paul,
is there a reason you run ipa-replica-install with --skip-conncheck option?
Does it fail with the same error when you run with connection check?
There might be some closed ports on ipasrv201's firewall that cause this fail
and connection check would discover this. But it's just my wild guess.

David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
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Re: [Freeipa-users] IPA domain level is 1, so replica prepare fails (new installation)

2017-03-21 Thread David Kupka
On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 04:38:58AM +, Z D wrote:
> Hallo, I have a problem to prepare the replica.
> Environment:
> OS: Newly installed EL7.3
> IPA Server: Newly installed ipa-server 4.4.0
> The error:
> # ipa-replica-prepare 
> Replica creation using 'ipa-replica-prepare' to generate replica file
> is supported only in 0-level IPA domain.
> The current IPA domain level is 1 and thus the replica must
> be created by promoting an existing IPA client.
> To set up a replica use the following procedure:
> 1.) set up a client on the host using 'ipa-client-install'
> 2.) promote the client to replica running 'ipa-replica-install'
> *without* replica file specified
> 'ipa-replica-prepare' is allowed only in domain level 0
> The ipa-replica-prepare command failed.
> Any explanation for this and possible resolution, thanks, Zarko

> -- 
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Hello Zarko,
as already described in the output you've posted ipa-replica-prepare is no
longer used when domain level is above 0. Since domain level 1 new replica is
first joined to FreeIPA domain as client using ipa-client-install and then
promoted to replica using ipa-replica-install.
You can find out more about Replica Promotion on design page [1].


David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
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Re: [Freeipa-users] IPA domain level is 1, so replica prepare fails (new installation)

2017-03-22 Thread David Kupka
On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 04:38:58AM +, Z D wrote:
> Hallo, I have a problem to prepare the replica.
> Environment:
> OS: Newly installed EL7.3
> IPA Server: Newly installed ipa-server 4.4.0
> The error:
> # ipa-replica-prepare 
> Replica creation using 'ipa-replica-prepare' to generate replica file
> is supported only in 0-level IPA domain.
> The current IPA domain level is 1 and thus the replica must
> be created by promoting an existing IPA client.
> To set up a replica use the following procedure:
> 1.) set up a client on the host using 'ipa-client-install'
> 2.) promote the client to replica running 'ipa-replica-install'
> *without* replica file specified
> 'ipa-replica-prepare' is allowed only in domain level 0
> The ipa-replica-prepare command failed.
> Any explanation for this and possible resolution, thanks, Zarko

> -- 
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> Go to for more info on the project

You can also look into RHEL documentation:

David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
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Re: [Freeipa-users] One kerberos realm, two dns zones and SSHFP records

2017-03-23 Thread David Kupka
On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 03:29:06PM -0400, Ranbir wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm using a fully updated CentOS 7.3 environment for two IPA servers. I
> have one kerberos realm, one dns zone with the same name as the
> kerberos realm and another dns zone with a different name. DNS is
> managed by IPA. For the sake of this message:
> realm: REALM.IPA
> dnszone1: realm.ipa
> dnszone2: random.ipa
> When I join a server that's going into the realm.ipa dns zone to the
> IPA domain, SSHFP records for that server get automatically created in
> realm.ipa. But, when I do the same for a server going into the
> random.ipa dns zone, the SSHFP aren't automatically created. I have to
> do add the SSHFP records manually after the client install completes.
> Why are SSHFP records not added automatically for the second dns zone
> and I how can I fix this situation?
> Thanks in advance.
> Ranbir
> - -- 
> Ranbir
> Version: GnuPG v2
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> AEtlIGyrGau9jPaeHYwd
> =mJn4
> -- 
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Hello Ranbir,
are other records (A, , PTR, ...) created for the client in random.ipa and
just SSHFP missing? Is the domain random.ipa properly delegated? Is sshd
installed and keys generated on client in random.ipa?

David Kupka

Description: PGP signature
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