Re: G4 Quicksilver Tower - DOA

2012-07-08 Thread Sean Carroll

You might consider this:

Haven't tried it myself yet, but I plan to, not that I expect or care about the 
gift card part.


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USB Bluetooth dongle for G4 compatible with new wireless devices?

2012-04-19 Thread Sean Carroll
Could someone tell me if I could anticipate a problem in trying to get  
a new Apple wireless keyboard and Magic Trackpad to work with Power  
Mac G4s (Sawtooth, Gig-E) by way of either of the 2 IOGear devices  
shown on the following page:

I don't know if it's matter of compatible Bluetooth specs (which I  
can't find written anywhere for the keyboard, and the question seems  
to occur to me only when I'm NOT on the new Mac mini to look it up  
there) or if it's just no go with anything pre-Snow Leopard. By the  
way, I didn't get the new wireless stuff FOR the G4s, of course, and a  
trackpad isn't going to turn Leopard into Lion, but it would be sweet  
if they would also function - basically - with the old workhorses. For  

Thank you.


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Target Disk Mode with SATA

2012-04-19 Thread Sean Carroll
The setup: A Gig-E and a Sawtooth, both running Mac OS X Leopard  
10.5.8, both with SATA HDs and PCI card SATA controllers..

The desired outcome: Target Disk Mode, one to the other (either way).

The really desired outcome: Target Disk mode via FW 800 (PCI cards on  
both machines). Probably asking for too much there.

The problem: Target computer shuts down during startup. Looking for a  
HD on the ATA bus and not finding it, I'm told. No way around this?


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Re: Time Machine backups in wrong folders

2012-04-09 Thread Sean Carroll

You're wrong. When connected to a single volume, time machine uses  
the entire volume.

The correct solution is erase and partition, so you have one volume  
per backup. Just moving the folders won't alter the internal DB  
structure Time MAchine uses to keep track of things.

Thank you. I have erased and partitioned.

An academic question (or two) to help me understand Time Machine  
better: Why the different folders for each computer if TM is not  
equipped to keep track accordingly? Even though the backups from both  
OS's were all incorrectly lumped into the MiniLion folder (presumably  
because of my own little snafu), subfolders did correctly identify the  
backups as either Leopard or Lion. When I experimentally began an  
"initial" TM backup of Leopard, I saw that it was showing as a file  
"in progress" in the correct G4Leopard folder. How can it be that TM  
creates differentiation and then fails to recognize it? Unfortunately,  
I never got as far as seeing whether Lion's TM would show all the  
Leopard backups, since I couldn't "Enter Time Machine" there for some  
unknown reason (maybe the disk problems on the external HD that had to  
be repaired with DiskUtility). Are you saying that I wouldn't have  
seen those backups in Lion no matter what, or that Lion's TM couldn't  
be entered because I was attempting to use the same volume for  
different TM backups? I was able to enter TM in Leopard, though there  
was nothing there from which to restore, of course.


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Time Machine backups in wrong folders

2012-04-08 Thread Sean Carroll
Done right, it would appear that there should be no problem using the
same external drive partition for Time Machine backup for 2 different
Macs. Correct me if I'm wrong.

My problem is that some backups are in the wrong folder. What I should
see in column view is:

TM Partition>Backup.backups.db>MiniLion>a few folders (it's new)
***>G4Leopard>folders dating to
last June (500+ GB in all)

What I see instead is ALL of the far right folders in the MiniLion
folder and none in G4Leopard. So when I'm using the G4 now, of course,
entering Time Machine for the purpose of restoring is useless. There's
nothing there. I don't understand exactly how it happened, but do know
that when I was setting up the mini, I didn't see the option to name
the computer before migrating files from the G4 clone. Before I did
get to naming the mini, a Time Machine backup had already run. The
mini hijacked all the backups somehow. Maybe you can explain it. I
can't, not entirely.

Anyway, I thought the obvious solution was to either rename the TM
backup folders or move the G4 backups into the G4Leopard folder, but
this was not allowed.  In attempting the latter, I selected the option
"Authenticate" from a dialog box only to get a message that the
operation couldn't be performed (error -1426). I had the bright idea
that changing permissions might allow me to do what I wanted. Long
story short: Not recommended. As I was thinking that maybe I could
live with having to recover (TM) something on the G4 through the mini,
I discovered that I couldn't enter Time Machine at all with the mini!
I ran Disk Utility and had it verify and repair the TM volume (lots to
repair, took a long time). That's where I stand now. Haven't checked
if I can enter TM with the mini.

Any thoughts? Worst case, I just erase the TM partition and start
over, maybe even repartition the entire external HD to accommodate
separate TM partitions. Won't kill me. But it seems silly that I can't
simply rename or move folders to correct this problem.


A Sawtooth and a Gig-E running Leopard 10.5.8, and a new Mac mini
running Lion

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Re: PCI Cards under OS X 10.5.8 vrs 10.4.11

2011-11-24 Thread Sean Carroll
My Revolution 5.1's drivers for 10.4 & 10.5 never did work quite  
right. They did work, but some options were greyed out, settings  
were forgotten, etc… I won't buy another M-Audio card for OS X  
without first researching other user's experiences with it.

My Revolution 7.1 works fine in a Sawtooth running 10.5.8. Quirks,  
yes, but everything that really matters works, and I've used it for  
recording as well as playback. The most crucial "quirk" is something I  
learned by accident: Access the M-Audio settings ONLY through System  
Preferences, NEVER by clicking on the M-Audio icon that appears in the  
Dock when the preference pane is open (result = instant kernel panic).

The most annoying of the quirks is the mind-of-its-own  
unpredictability regarding Speaker Sets. Early on (5-6 months ago), I  
tried without success to delete some sets I'd created as I was  
experimenting. So I gave up on that. I just tried it again, and now I  
CAN delete them. Even this is beyond the level of weirdness any Apple/ 
Mac person should have to put up with, but as far as I can tell, for  
an advanced audio card that works with a G4 Mac, the M-Audio  
Revolution is the only game in town. The sound quality is beyond  
amazing compared to a stock sound card - that much I can vouch for.


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Re: Dashboard

2011-11-06 Thread Sean Carroll
I keep setting it to show the weather from Kansas City, MO (I load  
that on the website it sends you to) but it keeps going back to St.  
Louis, MO.
I an only 45 minutes from KCMO so I want it to stay on that weather.  
How do I make it do so?

What I would do is first go to the NWS website for KCMO
(where you can also specify a point forecast for your actual location  
by longitude and latitude) and go to the File menu in Safari and click  
on Open in Dashboard. Then you can select whatever portion of the NWS  
forecast page you want to appear in Dashboard. Simple as that.  
Whatever keeps redirecting you to St. Louis the way you did it (I'm  
guessing through the Weather widget in Dashboard) shouldn't happen  
with this method.


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Re: Leopard/G4: Unwanted "captions" and duplication in menus

2011-10-27 Thread Sean Carroll
I don't recognize this particular issue, but this is the sort of  
weird thing that happens when you accidentally turn on some of the  
Universal access stuff.

I'd considered that earlier. Although I haven't been in the Universal  
Access preferences in ages, it seemed possible that "something" might  
have messed with them just the same. So I had a look and didn't notice  
anything different.

At Bruce's mention, I decided to look again. Aha. In the Seeing tab of  
Universal Access, VoiceOver and Zoom were "on." But... but... how??  
(Piecing it back together now, I'm guessing that I had Zoom selected  
"on" to begin with. Still... VoiceOver?)


See, when you edit a craigslist post, as the last step, you're asked  
to hit Control-F5. Absent-minded fingers are wont to land on the  
common Command key instead. Bingo, VoiceOver selected and the  
attendant weirdness.

Thank you, Bruce! Problem solved.


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Leopard/G4: Unwanted "captions" and duplication in menus

2011-10-27 Thread Sean Carroll
Earlier this week, the following oddities appeared:

A dark border like that which would appear around a selected
spreadsheet cell began to crop up all over the place. That's what I
mean by "captions." It appears around desktop icons when they are
selected, and around the HD icon before anything is selected. It
appears in Finder (usually surrounding a "frame" of the window) and
application windows (including 3rd party apps, there first appearing
as a rectangle in the upper left corner) and dialog boxes (around one
of the response buttons) when they open. It surrounds a frame in
Safari windows when they open and moves according to selection

My Apple menu now looks like this in Finder (and all apps,
substituting app name for Finder):

About This Mac
System Profiler...
Software Update...
Mac OS X Software...
System Preferences...
Recent Items
Force Quit... (shortcut)
Force Quit Finder (different shortcut)
Shut Down...
Shut Down
Log Out Sean Carroll... (shortcut)
Log Out Sean Carroll (different shortcut)

The Safari menu duplicates Private Browsing, and there are also
duplicates in Safari's file menu (but in no other Safari menus). No
other apps, whether Apple or 3rd party, show the same duplications in
menus aside from the Apple menu.

Has anyone encountered anything like this? I see that a very recent
clone to an external drive predating this trouble doesn't show these
annoying new wrinkles. That suggests a rather simple solution,
assuming that the problem MUST be software (which I can't), but I
would actually rather understand and fix if possible (something
learned that way). I haven't changed any Preferences anywhere. The
only recent software installation was updating CCC. I haven't opened
any questionable-looking email attachments or followed any
questionable website's injunction to click "OK" in their dialog box,

The first thing that came to mind was funky PRAM, although no other
signs of such were or have been noted. I did zap PRAM in advance of a
possible battery change, but that had no effect.

Just looking for clues. Thanks.

Sawtooth 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA HD, Radeon 9800 Pro and a whole bunch
o' cards and whatnot
Running Leopard 10.5.8 current with all the latest Apple updates for

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Re: Stupified by Spotify

2011-07-19 Thread Sean Carroll

Anyone using Spotify?  What's your experience?

I just found out about Spotify from a friend in Sweden. I plan to give  
it a try, but thanks for the warning.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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Re: Upgrading G4 PowerMac AGP Graphics (Sawtooth) to USB 2.0

2011-06-30 Thread Sean Carroll

I added a
generic USB 2.0 PCI card with four ext and one int. port, but the
machine doesn't seem to acknowledge it

Did you press the CUDA button to reset the PMU after you installed the  
PCI card?

If it works at some point, do I end up with  "two USB buses"?

Yes. It's not a problem.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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Re: Interesting Problem

2011-06-26 Thread Sean Carroll
Sorry, Chuck - I misread the part about the Safari update difficulty,  
which sent me off into outer space with a lot of irrelevant speculation.

3. Have you ever run the program Monolingual in Leopard, or indeed,  
in a previous OS X that Leopard was installed over?

That would be a yes.

This may or may not bear on the interesting problem, but I have heard  
that use of Monolingual can have unpredictable consequences on  
subsequent updates. I ran Monolingual on Tiger 10.4.11 and haven't  
noticed any trouble since, but I was fortunate to run across an  
article on prudent and cautious use of Monolingual before I tried it.  
I haven't run Monolingual on Leopard 10.5.8 (which I didn't install  
over Tiger but on a fresh partition), but then again, the old Tiger  
Home folder did migrate to Leopard. Still, though, no obvious problems  
have been noted as a result.

I'm glad Bruce chimed in on the "client" question. I wanted to say 'go  
ahead, don't worry about it,' but looking at the Apple download page,  
I got confused myself. They make it confusing. Everything is somehow  
"recommended for all users." Gee, that helps.

Very frustrating, waiting on the slow progress of updates. But is your  
dial-up connection really *that* slow ordinarily? I had great,  
reliable dial-up service with Earthlink for years. I think it was  
about as good as a dial-up connection can be. Even so, dial-up is dial- 
up, and any big updates or other large downloads were projects rather  
than routine tasks. I remember it well, and with no nostalgia.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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Re: Interesting Problem

2011-06-19 Thread Sean Carroll
Yeah, I remember software updates on dial-up. No fun. They were apt to  
turn into overnighters, and if something happened to break the  
connection, well...

I would recommend trying again through Software Update, piece by piece  
this time. I mean, I *would,* but for the following questions

1. What's your previous history with Software Update in Leopard? Has  
it run before without incident? Was that a long time ago or recently?

2. What's the Leopard installation/update history on your machine?

3. Have you ever run the program Monolingual in Leopard, or indeed, in  
a previous OS X that Leopard was installed over?

4. If you go to Apple Menu>About This Mac, is the information  
(including build and serial number) correct?

5. What is your current version of Safari?

6. If you go to System Preferences>Software Update>Installed Updates,  
do you see anything that indicates that the updates that failed were  
already installed earlier? (Wondering if there's something going on  
with Software Update itself.)

7. Any other problems with downloads or installations recently?

This is just stuff I'd be asking myself if it was my interesting  
problem. I'm not to be confused with an expert.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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Re: SATA to eSATA adapter cable

2011-06-19 Thread Sean Carroll

Thanks for the thoughts, John.

I think my main question about your question is, what SATA controller
are you thinking of connecting your cable to? The answer to that will
probably determine how useful it may be to you.

My SATA controller is a Sonnet Tempo 2-port, part # TSATA. "Supports  
booting from any attached drive," Not sure about ACHI, but I could  
probably find out easily.

The external drive is a LaCie Quadra 2TB. Quadruple interface,  
including eSATA (and an eSATA cable is included). The internal drive,  
FWIW, is a Seagate 750 GB SATA, 7200 RPM.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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Re: SATA to eSATA adapter cable

2011-06-19 Thread Sean Carroll

Just to add to  the confusion, LaCie and OWC made otherwise identical
SATA-I (1.5 Gb/c) PCI controller cards.

Well, my SATA controller card is a Sonnet. External drive is a LaCie  
Quadra. Connections are clear enough - SATA on the controller, eSATA  
on the external. What I'm not clear on is the efficacy and the  
feasibility of an adapted connection, but what you say seems to  
indicate that it's no sweat. If the connector fits, wear it. That's  
good news, if I interpret correctly.

Lots of adapters are sold by Hong Kong-based sellers which can  

a variety of conversions.

The adapter cable I'm looking at it is down the page here:

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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SATA to eSATA adapter cable

2011-06-19 Thread Sean Carroll
Just running this by our panel of experts to see if there's anything  
ill-advised or ill-considered about it, as SATA to eSATA is something  
I've no experience with.

The first and most important question is whether connecting an  
internal SATA drive, through its PCI controller, to an external drive  
with (among others) an eSATA port by means of a SATA-eSATA adapter  
cable even works to begin with, whether the external drive will even  
be recognized. If not, the rest of this is moot.

I have more PCI cards than slots for them, which isn't a bad thing.  
When I added an external drive, I wasn't at all sure I wanted to use  
Time Machine for backups. I stuck with CCC. At first the external  
drive connection was through my FW800 PCI card, but that card got  
bounced by a sound card which appears to have moved in more or less  
permanently. So it was back to FW400. Cloning was always time- 
consuming, and as recent work has created more to back up, it's only  
gotten more so. I haven't found incremental backups with CCC to be  
much of a time-saver, either, but this has become a moot point,  
because I've decided to give Time Machine a shot and let it be the  
incremental specialist. I still want bootable clones, so I'm not done  
with the very useful CCC, of course.

FW800 would be preferable for the external drive connection, and it's  
conceivable that the Gigabit Ethernet card could come out to  
accommodate that. I don't know if I'd recognize the difference going  
back to the internal modem. But this external drive offers eSATA  
connectivity as well. Trouble is, what I've got internally is a SATA  
HD with SATA controller PCI card (two ports). Theoretically (and  
perhaps quite mistakenly so), I can get an SATA-eSATA adapter cable to  
achieve what I suppose would be a SATA-level connection to the  
external drive. The trouble with that is that this cable can't get in  
through the back panel as things currently stand - the SATA controller  
PCI card has no ports or openings on its back plate. I had the oddball  
idea of taking out the ethernet PCI card to create an opening to snake  
the SATA-eSATA cable though. Concerns here are that it's a choice of  
SATA over FW800 that might be overkill for what I really need (and  
Time Machine works with nothing but FireWire anyway, or? And what  
about Target Disk Mode, if it came to that? Also seems to be strictly  
FireWire), and that I don't know what the impact of this small opening  
in the back panel on proper air flow within the case might be. I  
suppose a bit of duct tape could get around that and the dust entry  
factor. I also had the even odder idea of, instead, connecting the  
SATA-eSATA cable with the side door partially open whenever I wanted  
to create my bootable clone backups and getting presumably speedier  

I don't know if this is easy to estimate on a casual basis, but if it  
takes 3 hours for CCC to make a bootable clone connected to an  
external drive through FW400, how much less through FW800 and less  
still through SATA (the SATA-eSATA adapter cable)? I don't *need*  
faster in any desperate way. I can let the computer work overnight if  
it comes to that. But if I can *have* faster, well, of course I'll  
take it. That's only natural. I'm thinking that for Time Machine's  
incremental work, the FireWire standard won't matter much. But for  
CCC, faster than FireWire would be great.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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M-Audio Revolution 7.1 notes

2011-06-19 Thread Sean Carroll
I read all sorts of terrible things about the M-Audio drivers prior to  
acquiring the PCI card. Just thought I'd mention a finding.

Rule #1 seems to be: Never, ever, never access the M-Audio preference  
pane through the icon in the dock. At least not if you already have  
this pane open through System Preferences, and maybe not under any  
circumstances. I discovered this accidentally. Once I'd installed and  
updated the drivers, I saw the M-Audio thing in System Preferences,  
and figured, OK, that's how I get to it. I didn't put an M-Audio alias  
in the Dock. For the longest time I didn't notice it there when the  
preference pane was open, and then I saw it but didn't know what it  
was and ignored it. The other day I finally realized, oh, that's an M- 
Audio icon down there. So I clicked on it. Instant kernel panic. So I  
shut down, powered up again, logged in, and opened the M-Audio prefs  
the old way. No problems.

The M-Audio interface certainly has its quirks. Some settings are  
saved, and some you seemingly need to reinstate each and every time  
you open the prefs pane. Lately it's been problematic setting up and  
saving speaker sets, and impossible to delete old ones. Fortunately, a  
good working setting that I'd set up early seems to be intact, so the  
aforementioned amounts to a very minor problem. Overall, my experience  
with the sound card has been good. Tremendous sound quality, both out  
and in, head and shoulders above the already fine Apple-installed  
SoundBlaster and Apple Screamer cards I'd worked with before. Works  
great with (not to mention made possible) my newly expanded speaker  
system, 2 Altec Lansing speakers with subwoofer plus 2 more with  
integrated subwoofers (all powered).

Anyway, on the off chance that the oddity I mentioned in the second  
paragraph is the reason your Revolution 7.1 is sitting in a drawer  
right now, I mention it. The kernel panic I mentioned is the one and  
only instance of a SYSTEM problem caused by the card/drivers in at  
least 6 weeks of frequent and intense use (in Leopard - drivers also  
installed in Tiger although I haven't worked with the M-Audio there).  
This despite the fact that the "fine print" of the driver install  
process mentions "does not support CPU upgrades" - and I started out  
using it with a Sonnet 1.0 GHz CPU upgrade and have since installed a  
1.6 GHz CPU.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-19 Thread Sean Carroll
rwx means that the owner (user) has read, write, and execute  
permissions to the directory.  Execute permission is required to  
display the directory contents.

The blanks might show two more "rwx" items, first for the group and  
last for everyone.

Thank you, Doug.

Execute permission is not well handled by Finder.

How so?

I suggest familiarizing yourself with the man pages for ls and chmod.

I've got the man pages bookmarked. Good reference, but I probably need  
a book to make the subject approachable, to both engage me and help me  
absorb the info so that it all fits together in my mind, as opposed to  
learning a myriad of commands outside of a broader context.


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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-19 Thread Sean Carroll

Here's a decent explanation of what you see in the 'ls -l' command:

Thanks, Bruce.

Interesting story about "wheel." Truth is stranger than fiction. Here  
I was, thinking it might have to do with Linda Ronstadt's "Heart Like  
A Wheel," or Stealers Wheel, or Rush's "The Big Wheel," or maybe even  
"Proud Mary" by CCR, and all along I was overlooking the obvious.


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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-17 Thread Sean Carroll
ot; is about, or why Sean2 has "wheel" and Sean  
doesn't. What is "total 16"? 16 of what?

Some things are looking clearer. 19 + 9 + 4 = 32, and "32 Sean". (1156  
+ 136) = (646 x 2). I think I grasp the significance of the foregoing.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 & Tiger 10.4.11,
Gigabit Ethernet & M-Audio Revolution 7.1 PCI cards, ATI Radeon 9800  
Pro 128 MB AGP

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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll

Open a terminal window.
Change to the base /Users/seancarroll
chown to the name you want   chown -R seancarr:seancarr *

Thanks, Ralph (and Bruce) - always appreciate opportunities to learn  
more about what I can do in Terminal. When I try reading at length  
about it in the "man" pages, my eyes glaze over. Much easier in short  

You probably really just want to change ownership and not file

That was a good clue that helped.


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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll
Are you serious?  10^9 files requires a 30 bit integer to count  
them. I wouldn't be surprised to find that Apple's disk image  
structure can't handle it with 32 bit unsigned integers.

No, 1 billion was a gross exaggeration. I wasn't being serious and  
literal. Always on the lookout for dry senses of humor, I'm not quite  
sure if *you're* being serious.


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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll

  1.  Log in as the account user.
  2. Use Security preferences to turn off File Vault (you will be  
logged out during the process).

  3. Log in with the account again.
  4. Use Security preferences to turn FileVault back on (you will be  
logged out during the process).

When you do step 2 do you get logged off?

Step 2 was impossible, because FileVault wouldn't let me disable it  
for supposed lack of disk space.

Step 4 is curious though. It might just return you to where you came  

Yes, that's what I thought, too. Step 4 made me laugh. Why on earth  
would I turn the source of the problem back on?

Before that what do you see? Can you access your files? If you can  
you should be able to make unencrypted copies of them into a new  
folder in your home directory. It seems that the old files are  
really in a disk image that OS-X is working from. Can you see that?  
You might have to use to see it with ls -a if Apple has  
hidden it from Finder.

What I did in essence was to copy a bunch of FileVaulted stuff into a  
non-FileVaulted container, and then I had to change ownership/groups/ 
permissions to deal with that. It took me a while to find the easy way  
to do that. At first glance it seemed like most of the copied files  
and folders weren't encrypted at all, and then, well... it certainly  
seemed as though they were. I wouldn't know the difference between  
encrypted and outside of read/write privileges, but clearly the would- 
be replacement account couldn't use them at first.

You remind me that there were undoubtedly invisible files that would  
have frustrated my efforts after I'd eyeballed and manually altered  
permissions on a billion stray files. Actually, I think I would have  
given up and bought a new Mac at that point. Maybe this was what Apple  
was after with FileVault.


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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll

Can you, logged in as Sean2 get into the Sean folder?

I was able to at one point, but now that Sean folder is locked, don't  
know why.

If not, try this:

Last login: Tue Jun 14 18:00:01 on ttys000
Seans-Power-Mac-G4-Leopard:~ Sean2$ sudo -s

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

bash-3.2# ls -l /Users
total 16
-rw-r--r--@  1 _unknown  _unknown  6148 Jun 14 04:25 .DS_Store
drwx--@  4 Sean  Sean   136 Jun 13 22:49 .Sean
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel0 May 31  2008 .localized
drwxr-xr-x@ 15 AnyoneAnyone 510 Apr 25 19:12 Anyone
drwx--+ 32 Sean  Sean  1156 Jun 14 16:55 Sean
drwx--+ 19 Sean2 wheel  646 Jun 14 16:49 Sean2
drwxrwxrwt   9 root  wheel  306 Apr 16 18:42 Shared

In any case what I'm aiming for is getting all your old encrypted  
Sean stuff into Sean2, then deleting Sean and renaming Sean2 to  
Sean, which should get you back to where you wanted to be.

Oh, but I'd pretty much gotten that far when I cried for help, Bruce.  
Except for not having deleted/renamed the accounts yet, I did and  
still do have 2 "identical - in theory" sets of Home folder content.  
What made me cry uncle was "Home is not home," which I'll explain.

Once Sean2 was created from the contents of Sean, same stuff in a  
different container, I expected to restart. log in as Sean2, and see  
my interface as I knew it. I believed that most of that interface  
lived in my Home folder to begin with. Maybe that was wrong, or maybe  
I just didn't know what to do to connect with it and restore it. In  
any event, what I found was a very different desktop and a bunch of  
apps that behaved as though I was opening them for the first time.  
Experimenting (with Sean2 the guinea pig) revealed that the problem  
with Sean2 was that the account was stuck with tons of files that it  
didn't have privileges for. Once Sean2 had some privileges. Home and  
apps began - slowly - to behave like the "clones" they were supposed  
to be. The daunting thing was realizing that were still approximately  
1 billion files to check/change permissions on - and this just to TEST  
the theory that it would work. (Remember, I had Sean2 as the test  
subject. Nothing else was being altered. Tinkering with permissions  
for files I could delete without a second though didn't seem  
dangerous. But if it is, I'm listening.)

Easing off the brakes just a bit, I tested something. While looking at  
Get Info for Sean2, I noticed something I'd failed to see before.  
There *was* an "Apply to enclosed items" thingy there, down at the  
bottom. I'd seen that in something I'd come across pertaining to Snow  
Leopard, couldn't find it here, and concluded that Leopard didn't have  
it (it's probably been around for ages). So there was a global  
solution. I changed the ownership/groups/permissions for Sean2, all of  
it, with the apply to enclosed items. Waited. And it worked. To a  
degree. It's hard to tell exactly how much, because I'd already done a  
lot of manual work going through System and Finder preferences one by  
one, going back and forth between accounts to make sure I was matching  
the Old Home settings. Still. preferences were missing from apps,  
including OS apps like Mail and Safari. Everything was kind of halfway  

Fortunately, there is something in MobileMe that I think is pretty  
new. New to me, anyway. The ability to sync Preferences. I performed  
this sync from Sean to MobileMe, and then from MobileMe to Sean2.  
Voila - Mail is Mail and Safart is Safari again, as is the case with  
dozens of apps I opened to test. I won't be deleting the Sean account  
for a while, as a precaution, but I think I'm close to where I need to  

2 things: a) There's got to be an easier way than all the steps I had  
to take just to get my old Home folder out of its insane FileVault  
container, and b) why, to begin with, did FileVault not recognize that  
I had plenty of the disk space it needed for me to disable it? It  
wasn't just FileVault being wrong about disk space - the audio editors  
Audacity and Wave Editor were having the same problem, which is what  
led me to look at FileVault in the first place. ITunes wasn't having a  
problem with importing the exported MP3s, but then again, these were  
smaller files. It's possible that the Sean Home folder might have  
cloned back and forth between 160 GB and 40 GB HDs. It's also possible  
that, before the cloning shuffle, I had rebuilt Tiger from the ground  
up (consequently creating the original Sean home folder then) on the  
160 GB drive, on a larger than 40 GB partition. But how then does a  
sparse disk image's capacity get scrunched - I haven't read anything  
about that. All I've gathered

Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll
Sorry all about the HTML last message - this is from Sean2, where my  
mail settings are a little out of whack.

Having never messed with it, I don't know; can you move folders out  
of your home directory to elsewhere on the hard drive?

Yes. You can copy the FileVaulted stuff to the root level of the HD or  
partition. The caution I read was about saving the copies to the  
Desktop or in other words copying to where you're copying from.

You can with non-filevault users.

If it's just your home directory stuffed up, moving, say '/ 
Documents' out of your home directory might free up a lot of space.

You might get a warning about it not being fact you  
WANT this to be the case, because that means that files are coming  
out of the disk image.

i think that if it was encypted by FileVault, it stays that way no  
matter how you copy and move it. That's the rub. The 10.4 fix I  
mentioned seems to involve moving FileVault-encrypted stuff into a non- 
encrypted Home folder. Since you can't disable FileVault for the Home  
folder's new admin account when it wasn't even on to begin with, it  
seems to leave no choice but to change ownership/permissions so that  
the new replacement admin account even has "privileges" for its own  
stuff.  Weird. WEIRD, i say.


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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll

From the Sean2 account:

Last login: Tue Jun 14 16:53:20 on ttys000
Seans-Power-Mac-G4-Leopard:~ Sean2$ pwd
Seans-Power-Mac-G4-Leopard:~ Sean2$

From the Sean account, the pwd is Sean.

Does Sean or Sean2 hold your stuff?

You mean "my stuff as i know it?" That would be Sean. The Sean2 Home  
folder is made up of folders copied from Sean with Sean2 read/write  
permissions added. The only thing i've done with the original Sean  
Home folder is copy from it, no messing with the files/folders inside  
of it. Sean2 has been the guinea pig.

We're getting there, honest. :-)

Hey, I was thrashing about in deep water without a clue. Believe me,  
I'm not going to get impatient with the lifeline that's been thrown to  
me now. Well, maybe a little. : - )


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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll
 seems to say that with File  
Vault you are always talking to a disk image that was likely  
established with a maximum size.

Thank you, Doug. The irony here is that in order to disable FileVault,  
I am being asked - well, required - to create more space in the Home  
folder (43 or 48 GB or something) than its max capacity (40 GB). Talk  
about a bind.

It's official. I hate FileVault. "Oh, cool. Encryption!" How stupid  
was I?


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Re: Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll

Thank you, Bruce.

Terminal says:

Last login: Tue Jun 14 15:07:32 on ttys000
Seans-Power-Mac-G4-Leopard:~ Sean$ ls -l /Users
total 0
drwxr-xr-x@ 15 Anyone  Anyone   510 Apr 25 19:12 Anyone
drwx--+ 32 SeanSean1156 Jun 14 14:27 Sean
drwxrwxrwx+ 18 Sean2   staff612 Jun 14 13:09 Sean2
drwxrwxrwt   9 rootwheel306 Apr 16 18:42 Shared
Seans-Power-Mac-G4-Leopard:~ Sean$

More detail to follow after you have a look at this. You are correct  
that I've been in a total panic about this. Brakes on. Rest your foot.


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Home folder near "capacity"

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Carroll
Sawtooth 1.6 GHz 2 GB RAM running Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8

Oh man, do I need help. Is there a way to change all the read/write
permissions for every file and folder in a Home folder all at once?
Please say there is.

I just found out that a Home folder can have a "capacity" other than
that of the HD or partition. Apparently, this capacity is set by the
size of the HD it was "born" in. Through changes to larger HDs and
from OS to OS, I've migrated the same Home folder. Big mistake,
evidently. I found out about this while trying to figure out why some
applications weren't saving files as they should have and misreporting
available disk space (I have oceans of disk space). Cursing out these
apps as "crap," I still looked into whether something in my system
might be to blame. Grasping at straws, I wanted to disable FileVault,
and discovered that I couldn't, for lack of "disk space." HOME FOLDER
space, as it turns out. Limited to the old 40 GB size from days of
yore. So, the fix:

Well, besides being a chore that wiped out an entire day, it wasn't
quite the fix I expected, nor was it able to proceed quite as
advertised. I thought the new account/new Home folder would yield a
clone of the old, essentially,with the only difference being that the
new Home folder would have mega-capacity. Wrong. Very wrong. The new
Home isn't home at all. So, faced with the choice of rebuilding the
system from scratch or turning the new account into a carbon copy of
the old if I can, I've gone with the latter. For now.

I spent hours yesterday changing permissions in the new Home folder,
hitting everything that had the red circle with the minus sign. I see
today that that was just the tip of the iceberg. Do I carry on with
this madness and hope for a global shortcut, or do I dare risk the

a) Delete my old admin account
b) Rename the new admin account to match that of the old

My fear is that the act of deleting the old admin account will wipe
its name off all those file permissions, and that I'll end up with a
new account that has no permissions at all.

The familiar, working-but-limited Home folder is backed up, no worries
about the data. But a Home folder with a capacity of 40 GB on a 500+
GB partition has become useless. If only I'd known.

Thanks in advance for any advice and suggestions.


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Re: RealTek 8169 in Beige G3 on OSX?

2011-06-02 Thread Sean Carroll

Perhaps some day I'll revisit this issue out of curiosity.   Darn it.
The 8169 ought to work, and it bugs me that it doesn't

I had a similar problem not long ago getting a gigabit ethernet card  
(also RealTek 8169) to work, both with OS 9 and OS X. Mind you, it was  
with a G4 (Sawtooth) rather than a G3. What solved my problem was  
inserting the CD-ROM that came with my ISP-supplied router and letting  
that software configure the "new" connection. Voila, suddenly the PCI  
slot was recognized. I'm pretty sure the card itself had always  
appeared in System Profiler, but Network preferences/OS 9 Control  
Panels had simply refused to cooperate with it, despite my futile  
efforts to force them to.


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Case fan replacement on Sawtooth

2011-05-15 Thread Sean Carroll
I'm considering replacing the case fan in my Sawtooth with a new and
different one, a cooler and supposedly quieter model. I haven't
replaced a case fan before. What worries me, besides everything, is
what I'm going to encounter in how the fan is connected to the power
supply. (The new fan will just plug into a... um... whatchamacallit.
Pass-through connector - that's it.) Unless otherwise advised, I
envision going in armed with nothing but screwdrivers. A little how-to
and what-to-look-out-for would certainly help me avoid surprise and
disaster. Not necessarily prevent, mind you, but definitely "help

Thanking you in advance,

Sean Carroll

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Re: Wells Fargo, Numbers and Appleworks

2011-05-07 Thread Sean Carroll
When I try to paste a number of transactions into Numbers it pastes  
them all into one cell.

So right now my OP is to paste first into Appleworks, then recopy/ 
paste into Numbers.

Have you tried, when pasting from AppleWorks into Numbers, Edit>Paste  
and Match Style? Seems to me that should get your spreadsheet all set  
up in Numbers just like it is in AppleWorks. Tested and works here for  
me with my own example, anyway - formulas and all. Select an area of  
cells - size doesn't matter - before pasting.

I do like the budget pies Numbers provides. Nifty way to see what's  
eating up my budget alive.

Quicken offers budget pies. You can download statements from your bank  
into Quicken as well. Not that there's anything wrong with spreadsheet  

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB
hard drive, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0 & FW800, ATI Radeon 9800 Pro,  
Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: Power Mac G4 (AGP graphics)

2011-05-03 Thread Sean Carroll
I have a Power Mac G4 (AGP graphics) with 512 MB. It is in good  
shape and runs faultlessly. Is it worth while to upgrade the memory  
to 2.0 GB considering the age of the machine and it's resale value?


Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, SATA 750 GB hard drive,  
gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0 & FW800, ATI Radeon 9800

Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: Using HD > 128GB in G4 Macs!

2011-04-06 Thread Sean Carroll

Oh, Man! I never knew this! :-o
If I only had knew it before... I have a 250GB HD now, using only  
the first

128GB (of course)... and quite full.

Last December, when I was still a complete hardware ignoramus, I  
faced a situation where replacing one or both of my 40 GB HDs seemed  
a very urgent matter (it wasn't, as it turns out, but that's not  
important here). I hastened to school myself on HDs and purchased a  
160 GB drive. Can't remember if I learned about the 128 GB limitation  
(here) just before or after this. In any case, there was a period  
where I figured I'd have to resign myself to 32 GB wasted. Then,  
someone was kind enough to share the enable-LBA48 patch with me  
(thanks again, man!). Ha! At first, I was too dumb to figure out how  
to *run* the patch. But I got it eventually.

Anyway, I've had any number of partition schemes on both drives over  
the last 4 months (I always CCC a backup clone and erase the drive  
I'm partitioning first, never tried or even considered partial  
partitioning), and I've also zapped PRAM a number of times and even  
replaced the PRAM battery in the meantime, losing LBA48 and having to  
run the patch again more than once. For the sake of my PATA (IDE)  
drive - the SATA 750 GB seems immune to the changes. I have had no  
data loss or corruption or had any other funky business occur as a  
result. I've worked all partitioning schemes around that first-128 GB  
borderline everyone has mentioned. No problems.

Don't be afraid. enable-LBA48 is your friend. Either that, or get a  
SATA drive/PCI SATA controller that has - as my Seagate and/or Sonnet  
seem(s) to - LBA48 "built in."

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 and Power Mac G4

2011-03-31 Thread Sean Carroll
Keep in mind that the driver OS compatibility is misleading, at  
least for the 5.1. There is a 'final' driver that is marked for  
10.4 and a 'beta' driver marked for 10.5, but if you download & run  
the 'beta' it will say it supports 10.4 & 10.5.

Thanks. Last I checked, all these cards that been on Amazon and eBay  
had disappeared.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-27 Thread Sean Carroll
>> (and I'm not sure I understand what you meed by 'need input', I guess.)

I think "Need input!" harks back to an old TV show or movie. I seem to
recall a robot named - Five Alive? - with an insatiable hunger for
sensory/informational stimulus. Input.



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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-27 Thread Sean Carroll
The last time - before this more recent testing, that is - that I  
opened the bookmarks menu to organize them (I don't do it often),  
I don't recall any slider being there, or anything indicating  
there could be something to pull down. At some point since, the  
cover flow area had just appeared there, no need to pull down.

If you slide it all the way up, the cover flow area disappears.   
All that's left is the black area to the left of the search field.   
In there, in the middle, just above the boundary with the white  
area, is the slider.  You know you're over it when the cursor  
changes to the hand.  Then you can grab and drag down.

Yes, I know. I'm all over Top Sites and the bookmarks menu now  
(turning them into a Safari/Tiger-based Leopard Cover Flow Finder  
window, sort of, which actually works). I was just explaining how the  
feature Top Sites wasn't there in my Tiger until recently, and then  
all of a sudden it was. I get how the feature works. I can see now  
how it could be more than eye candy to some. It's all in how you use  
a web browser, I suppose. I don't typically have 40 pages open and  
hop back and forth between them, myself.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-27 Thread Sean Carroll
In the bookmarks menu, grab the slider and pull it down -- IOW  
create the cover flow area.

The last time - before this more recent testing, that is - that I  
opened the bookmarks menu to organize them (I don't do it often), I  
don't recall any slider being there, or anything indicating there  
could be something to pull down. At some point since, the cover flow  
area had just appeared there, no need to pull down.

Top Sites pays attention to the preference settings.  If you have  
it set to open top sites when you create a new window or tab, it  
will do so.

I didn't touch the preferences. I was surprised to see Top Sites  
there at all. It hadn't always been. I can only surmise that the last  
Safari update put it there, and that Top Sites falls under the  
heading of the Cover Flow framework, and that Safari subsequently  
recognized the installation of a Core Image-supporting graphics card,  
resulting in the sudden appearance of (default) prefs and an  
interface I hadn't seen before and didn't expect. Lotta guessing.

heh.  yea, lemme know when you think of [a use for Top Sites].  I  
see Top Sites and the bookmark cover flow as being bs featuritis /  
eye candy that serves no function other than to slow your work  
flow.  There must be a dozen features that Apple *could* have taken  
that time to implement.  You know, things like simple bookmark  
sorting, etc.

I have to agree. There must be something it's good for, though. I'm  
thinking along the lines of... hmmm... maybe doing something with  
documents/files to have a sorta-kinda Tiger version of Leopard's  
Cover Flow Finder by way of Safari. Just a vague thought.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: A note on Monolingual 1.3.9 and Tiger

2011-03-27 Thread Sean Carroll

I use Monolingual often, one trick I've learned is to make sure I have
other web browsers (Firefox, Chrome) installed so that I can download
and reinstall Safari if it has issues after the languages are removed-
that issue was discussed quite a bit when Tiger was the current OS.

Good plan. I made a point of specifically *not* removing language  
files from *any* applications after reading how Adobe software  
reacted to this. So the damaged file must have either been from  
excising architectures or due to Monolingual being more hacksaw than  

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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OnyX kills HTML mail... mostly

2011-03-26 Thread Sean Carroll
Well, doesn't "kill," really, but strips it and forces it to adhere  
to your dress code... mostly.

Since I didn't notice any mention of this in the Rich Text thread  
(maybe I missed it), I'll mention that OnyX (Parameters>Misc) allows  
me to force most of the HTML email I receive to plain text and the  
font/size I've chosen for composing in Mail. Too funny to encounter  
this after I'd concluded (embarrassed) that I'd been wrong and  
possibly delusional to think such a thing possible.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: A note on Monolingual 1.3.9 and Tiger

2011-03-26 Thread Sean Carroll
Ahm not much of a fan of Monolingual.  From the tech support POV  
it's a PITA.

I can see that (now), but, aside from the disasters I read about,  
mostly due to non-adherence to RTFM, everything I saw was  
"Monolingual is great."

If your HD is so full that a 1.x GB savings is so important, then  
you really should just buy a new drive.

Nah, HD's not even close to full. Just a clearing out of the  
seemingly expendable. The allure of the "lean and mean" system. For  
years and years I never went in for any Spring Cleaning-type stuff.  
Thought I'd try it. I prepared myself with a complete backup.

Taking a hack saw to your engine is never a good plan.

No. Didn't know it was a hacksaw, though. Guess I'll skip it on Leopard.

Or you could have just gone into /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ and  
moved the damaged Flip4Mac plugin files outta there.

Heh. Well, *you* could have. Me, I didn't know exactly which of the  
file(s) were damaged or where to find them, or indeed that moving  
them out would amount to fixing.

As you update products, the storage savings from mono will be  
obliterated - unless you rerun it again.

Updaters that use patching apps will now all fail.  You'll have to  
do the big downloads and clean installations to update those products.

At some point in the future, when you migrate to an x86 Mac, you'll  
need to remember to NOT migrate any of the munged products and  
such. All that will have to be reinstalled anew.

Well, the good news is that there won't be much if any updating. It's  
Tiger, end of the line, and with no third-party apps that I have any  
need to update. Also, nobody here (on Tiger) will be migrating to an  
x86 Mac. That will be a completely fresh start, a whole other world.

And now that you've munged your system, remember to *archive* your  
backup/clone.  Don't update it!  That will just propagate what  
you've damaged into the backup!   Start a new backup instead.  That  
way, *when* something goes wrong, you'll have the original known- 
complete backup from which to restore things.

The unmunged system is alive and well as a bootable clone as we  
speak. If things go crazy-bad with the "munged" system, I've lost  
nothing but a couple hours.

I appreciate the opinion and the advice. Good caution for others  
considering Monolingual, too. Thanks.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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A note on Monolingual 1.3.9 and Tiger

2011-03-26 Thread Sean Carroll
Prior to trying out Monolingual, I found and studied the following  
helpful article:

Based on cautions about Adobe apps, I decided not to remove language  
files from any apps (unchecking the Languages box - actually both  
boxes - on Applications in Monolingual Preferences). At the last  
minute I decided I would remove unneeded architectures from apps  
(rechecking the Architectures box on Applications in the prefs).

After Monolingual had done its thing and I'd rebooted, I opened  
Safari and got a dialog box about a Flip4Mac file having been damaged  
and the need to reinstall Flip4Mac. OK, fine. Except that I needed  
Safari to go get it, and Flip4Mac was killing Safari after the dialog  
box. Tried reinstalling Flip4Mac from the old .mpkg, no dice, nothing  
there to install. Hmmm. What do I do now, wait another 100 minutes to  
clone back the backup? Fortunately, Flip4Mac's uninstaller still  
worked. With Flip4Mac gone, Safari worked again, and I was able to  
download Flip4Mac and right the Monolingual wrong.

I mention this both as a note on Monolingual and as a question about  
what other little oddities I might expect as a result of messing with  
the architectures in applications (I had the ARM and all G5 and 64- 
bit and Intel ones removed). I hope I avoided the major disasters  
that people who just kind of dived into running Monolingual have  

Took about 50 minutes here. Monolingual reported removing 790 MB, but  
the system came back showing 1.12 GB of additional space on the  
partition. Either way, not bad.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-26 Thread Sean Carroll
For the most part, Cover Flow - or at least its ubiquitous use, in  
things like Finder, is a "named" Leopard feature, yes.  But the  
framework that drives it is available in Tiger.  Not sure it was  
delivered as part of the .11 update or if it's bundled as one the  
many frameworks that comes with Safari 4.x - probably the latter.

Thanks, Dan.

So, I looked around for an obvious sign of Cover Flow in Safari 4.1.3  
(4533.19.4), not there. Clicked on the "?" and searched "Cover Flow."  
Well well well. And from the Help Viewer:

NOTE: Cover Flow does not appear on older computers with graphics  
cards that don’t support Cover Flow

Aha! It was only recently that I - several times over, as it were -  
installed a video card of more recent vintage. Maybe this also  
accounts for how I could have used Tiger 10.4.11 since there was one  
and been ignorant of Top Sites until it popped up "accidentally" a  
month or so ago. And then - stock video card back in - it never came  
back. When this thread began, I was prepared to chime in with how my  
Safari/Tiger, the same as Yersinia's, didn't bother me with Top Sites  
at all and how strange that was. I tested again first, and Top Sites  
was back, appearing no matter how I opened a new tab (one theory shot  
down) and all over Safari's preferences! What?? All because of the  
new Radeon, as it turns out. Or?

It was easy for me to get rid of Top Sites, however. Worked fine,  
just had no immediate use for it. Maybe I'll think of one.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-26 Thread Sean Carroll
I hope I'm not being irrelevant and stupid here again, but... um,  
didn't Cover Flow debut in Leopard, and isn't Yersinia running Tiger  
on the Mac in question?

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: Mail Archiving

2011-03-20 Thread Sean Carroll
Right around now each year I make two new folders "On My Mac,"  
this year they're called "2010 Inbox" and "2010 Sent."  I then  
manually slide about 200 posts at a time from the previous year  
from the current Inbox and Sent mail into these respective  
folders. If I highlight more, the process usually chokes.

I looked into a solution with Mail 2.1.3 and Smart Mailboxes and/or  
Rules. Couldn't come up with anything that didn't break down on some  
detail. Such as the problem of trashing the old Inbox email without  
having it disappear from the Smart Mailboxes as a consequence. If  
there is indeed a way around this, it occurs to me that a clever  
solution would be to "archive" email as you go rather than making it  
a yearly batch chore - certainly possible.

I see that Leopard's Mail 3.x has an Archive Mail feature.  
Interesting, not that I'd suggest the expense and trouble of  
installing Leopard for that reason alone.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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iLife/iWork older versions for older Macs

2011-03-20 Thread Sean Carroll
I'm considering the purchase of older versions of these application  
suites. I'm after versions that will work in both Tiger and Leopard  
(full machine specs below). iLife '08 and iWork '09 would appear to  
be the way to go, but since I've never owned or used either of these  
bundles of apps, I could obviously use some advice. I'm wondering if  
these older versions are already too old to "enhance my digital life"  
by working seamlessly with MobileMe (etc., etc.) as they undoubtedly  
could when they were current. Anything later has to wait until I have  
an Intel Mac, and I'd love to try out the apps I have yet to  
(GarageBand, for one) anyway, so I suppose the foregoing is a moot  

In the meantime, it would be nice to get a working version of iPhoto  
going in Leopard 10.5.8 . It doesn't want any part of iPhoto 2.0.1  
that it inherited from Tiger. This iPhoto came originally with  
Panther or Tiger, can't remember which. Probably updated at some  
point through some long-forgotten Software Update. Probably not  
"standalone" updateable anymore. Still, experimentally, I looked  
around. Tried a 4.0.3 download (wasn't finding anything in the 3's)  
without much hope. Check this out:

"Neither iPhoto 4.0 nor iPhoto 4.0.1 could not be found in / 

I don't doubt the factual part - not surprising that 4.0.3 of  
anything might require 4.0 - but the *language.* Could that possibly  
be legitimate software anyway? Many of the download sites that come  
up in a Google search just seem so bogus. I guess I could also use  
some advice on reliable sources for Mac downloads aside from Apple  
itself (which is mostly limited to the newest stuff anyway). Lemme  
see what I've got bookmarked... PureMac, VersionTracker/cnet, that's  
about it. Seems like I used to have more. Musta been in the olden  
days of OS 9.

Anyway, all that got me thinking that the only way to get a newer  
iPhoto was through iLife. Correct?

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 & Leopard 10.5.8

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Re: rich text problem

2011-03-19 Thread Sean Carroll
My apologies for being stupid(er than usual). I see that Mail indeed  
offers "message viewing control" under Preferences>Fonts & Colors  
(set it so long ago I forgot where it was), and I am undoubtedly  
quite mistaken - memory fails me - that Outlook Express offered  
anything more under OS 9. Still:

A bit odd that Mail doesn't directly offer the option to view all  
messages as plain text. As far as I can tell.

If Mail (or any installed email client) can disregard and override  
font and type size HTML tags, theoretically it must be possible for  
it to be instructed to recognize some HTML tags and not recognize  
others. Evidently there's no market for such customization options,  
as I'd guess most people are as ambivalent as I about overdone HTML  
in email and that creators of email applications have no interest in  
something that defeats the trend toward snazzier-looking and more  
personalized (or more marketing-friendly) email.


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Re: rich text problem

2011-03-17 Thread Sean Carroll
The original idea of rich text was that it would support only  
simple markup, a limited number of tags.  Then, as I understand it,  
MS got involved and suddenly it was full-on HTML with all sorts of  
MS specific malformations and such.

Aha. (Thanks for the other clarifications as well.)

Now I'm wondering if there are email clients that allow for much more  
selective control of how messages are displayed, and if not, why not.  
More selective than all or nothing in terms of HTML. If this can  
occur to me in 2011 (along with vague ideas of how it would be done  
and images of a "Nuke smileys and other graphics" checkbox), it must  
have occurred to someone wiser a long time ago. I do seem to recall  
that Outlook Express in OS 9 gave you customizable viewing options  
that Mail doesn't, though that's not near the extensive control that  
I'm sure must be possible. Well, I'm not entirely sure, because if it  
was possible... wouldn't we all be using such an email client  
already? So I wonder what the obstacles are.


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Re: rich text problem

2011-03-17 Thread Sean Carroll
In response to the OP's comment about slipping up and getting  
reprimanded, what I do: In Mail>Preferences>Composing, I set the  
message format to Plain Text. I do this specifically for the G-list  
(although I could certainly set up a special account with this  
preference only for LEM list mail and leave my others as is). When I  
need rich text for other email, which is often, it's simple enough to  
say yes to a little drop-down window and have it. I think the option  
to choose between composing in plain text and HTML is also available  
on webmail clients. Used to be on mine, anyway. It's odd that Mac  
Mail doesn't seem to offer a preference (or a more directly available  
one, anyway) for *viewing* in plain text exclusively.

Rich text email isn't the exclusive province of idiots. I find it  
unfortunate that useful tools of nuance in writing such as italics  
and bold type are forbidden here. I agree with a number of arguments  
against rich text, at least in theory. But I have no problem viewing  
all email in my real email client in the format it was sent in. I  
guess my eyes don't bleed that easily.

A long time ago, I thought the problem with rich text/HTML mail  
(synonymous terms?) was how mail servers handled it. If that's no  
longer true, and if one can (as Bruce outlined) set Mail (and  
probably another real email client as well) to display all email as  
plain text, then I confess to being befuddled as to why the subject  
of rich text evokes such passion.

Too bad there's not such a thing as reasonably-well-off text.  
Something that could allow for a few useful things like italics and  
bold type without letting in smileys and all the rest.


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Re: Safari 4.1.3 for Tiger: Fast, but Not Perfect

2011-03-15 Thread Sean Carroll

Folx, can you please double check me on the version of Safari?

Well, I with Safari 4.1.3 just ran Software Update and was only told  
(as usual) that all my software appears to be up to date.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Re: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 and Power Mac G4

2011-03-13 Thread Sean Carroll
Here's the lengthy Forum Thread that I spent way too much time  
discovering these simple truths:


Thanks, Bill. Though I'm not looking to M-Audio for anything I'd  
record my own music with (I wouldn't dare, after what I've read),  
your experience echoes the overall tenor of what I've read elsewhere.  

So the hardware is good and the drivers suck and support does not  
exist. The driver situation doesn't bode well. Anything could happen.  
Support, well... since when could I expect support for a Sawtooth or  
anything I could possibly put into it (aside from this here list  
itself, of course)? Unfortunately, for my machine, one of the M-Audio  
Revolutions seems to be the only game in town. I've seen them on eBay  
for cheap, but I have no experience with eBay and no trust. At the  
right price, the M-Audio could be worth taking a chance on. I guess  
I'll keep an eye on LEM Swap for a while.

Over and out.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Re: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 and Power Mac G4

2011-03-13 Thread Sean Carroll
so if you need a comprehensive archive it's best to use the archive  
at <>.

Thank you.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Re: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 and Power Mac G4

2011-03-13 Thread Sean Carroll

Too bad the driver support has decayed so badly over the years.

With a 1999 machine running a (largely) 2005 OS, I'm hoping for  
immunity from the decay. I'll try to glean from the archive how  
applicable the driver issues are to me.

I also like my
music loud - it really helps me hear the detail in the music, even for
slow music that would normally be played softly. For the most part, I
hate living in a house (yard work, ugh), but the one thing that really
makes homeowning pay off for meis being able to crank my music as loud
as I like.

I hear you, Eric. 9 years in a rented house in a rural area was  
heaven. (Even in spite of a couple acres worth of yard work.) The  
current rented room in a house situation isn't oppressively  
restrictive, but I may yet be forced to live in an apartment again (=  
headphones), so I'm hoping good headphone volume and control is part  
of the M-audio package, or if not, part of some other sound card  

Oh, and for those of you who might have thought "hook it up to your  
stereo, why don't you?" - the Mac + Altec-Lansing speaker system *is*  
the stereo (not to mention the radio and [theoretically] the  
television [that I don't watch and rarely even consider]). Best  
stereo I've ever had.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Re: Core Image and Quartz Extreme

2011-03-13 Thread Sean Carroll

I finally have a video card that supports Core Image and Quartz
Extreme. As an added bonus, it works.

Which card would that be? Do you get better YouTube video too? And how
about DVD video

Just as a point of comparison, I'll mention that I've replaced the  
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB with a GeForce FX5200 256 MB (both flashed  
PC cards, the latter fixed and in for testing). In terms of streaming  
video, comparative results (subjective in nature) were mixed. I'll  
probably keep both cards and continue to use the FX5200 unless and  
until I encounter problems with it. For a MDD, between these two, I  
suspect more people here would recommend the Radeon 9800 Pro.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, GeForce  
FX5200, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Re: Core Image and Quartz Extreme

2011-03-12 Thread Sean Carroll

Which card would that be? Do you get better YouTube video too? And how
about DVD video?

ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB AGP, a PC card flashed for Mac. Streaming  
video is noticeably better overall - haven't checked YouTube, don't  
look at much of that, but let's see... Nah, Flight Of The Conchord's  
"Business Time" is as choppy video-wise as I remember it being.  
Sounds great, though. DVD video, hmmm, wasn't ever disappointed with  
how the stock card handled that, but in watching some older Seinfeld  
episodes on DVD it was especially noticeable how grainy they were  
compared to later ones, which would seem to indicate that the new  
card is truer to the source and thus better. No surprise there. Well,  
I was surprised that I noticed it.

I have a Dual 1.25 MDD running Tiger.

OK, that answers the question I posed in the M-Audio thread.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Re: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 and Power Mac G4

2011-03-12 Thread Sean Carroll

Mine works if I switch to and fro in the control panel and sometimes I
have to restart my MDD. Tiger is worse than Panther, the "latest"
drivers for Tiger are not good at all, IMHO you can better use the
Panther drivers in Tiger too.

Is your MDD a dual-processor, Jörg? I get the impression issues  
reported often have to do with dual-processor machines.

You should read all older posts about this.

Thanks, I will. Didn't search because I really didn't figure there  
would be any.

The card seems OK but the Mac support really sucks.

Well, it's an old sound card for an old machine. I'm not really  
counting on any support. Just looking for digital sound (music, not  
movies) that's a cut above and more control over it (no real  
complaint about the stock card), future speaker options, and also  
headphone volume that could damage my hearing if I wanted it to. Not  
that I even like to use headphones anymore, but it's a good option to  
have, and the lack of real bass response in any headphones is made  
worse by ridiculously low line-level volume. I thought there would be  
a simple and cheap fix for this - I can't be the only person in the  
world who likes their music *loud* - but everything I found was  
complicated and expensive.

Sean Carroll

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Re: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 and Power Mac G4

2011-03-11 Thread Sean Carroll
I appreciate the feedback here so far on the M-Audio Revolution sound  
cards. I get the overall impression that either one should work fine  
with Tiger in a single-processor G4 desktop.


Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Core Image and Quartz Extreme

2011-03-11 Thread Sean Carroll
I finally have a video card that supports Core Image and Quartz
Extreme. As an added bonus, it works. I was thinking that I didn't
have anything that would give me a demo of these mystical new graphics
capabilities right away. But I looked into it.

As a wise man once remarked: Haha, ripples...

Yes, I have now seen the rotating cube of Fast User Switching and the
ripples of Dashboard widgets for the very first time. I am not kidding
when I say that these things alone could keep me entertained for
hours. But are there even more cheap thrills available to me in the
basic OS (Tiger 10.4.11) and suite of apps? I can't wait.

Power Mac G4 AGP "Sawtooth" 1.0 GHz, 2GB RAM, 1 each SATA (750 GB) &
PATA (160 GB) hard drives, gigabit ethernet & USB 2.0, ATI Radeon 9800
Pro, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11

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Re: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 and Power Mac G4

2011-03-06 Thread Sean Carroll
I own the 5.1 and I was pretty happy with the card. The drivers  
however had issues such as forgetting settings.

Thanks, Tina. Do you still use the card? I see where M-Audio has some  
updated 5.1 drivers with a release date of 1-27-2009, don't know if  
that would/would have address(ed) those settings issues you mention.


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M-Audio Revolution 7.1 and Power Mac G4

2011-03-06 Thread Sean Carroll
Does anyone here have any experience to share about this PCI sound  
card? I think I'd like to get one, but some feedback from the older  
Mac crowd could be helpful in making that decision. Sound cards seem  
to be a subject of less than widespread interest here, so I'll gladly  
take replies off-list.



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Re: A Few Questions

2011-03-05 Thread Sean Carroll
3) Where are the Preferences for Trash so I can get it to stop  
asking me if I want to delete stuff?

Assuming there hasn't been a change to this rather basic function  
since Tiger, from the menu bar, Finder>Preferences>Advanced and then  
uncheck "Show warning..."


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Re: The strange world of graphics card ID and ROM matching

2011-03-05 Thread Sean Carroll

I did find this, with a UPC that matches the one on the "ZO-52" label:

No image where there should be one, though, just the "?" Scant info  
as well. Horrid-looking website. Yikes.


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Re: The strange world of graphics card ID and ROM matching

2011-03-05 Thread Sean Carroll
All my searches come up with it being a Biostar NVidia GeForce  
5200, My question is why is the fan missing?

Thank you, Albert. I wasn't sure how universal a UPC really was (yes,  
folks, I know what the "U" stands for). I considered that search and  
thought, 'nah, I'll have to sift through reams of irrevelant products.'

I don't know how reliable labels are, really. Especially as 2 of the  
labels seem to be either contradictory or redundant.

The card is currently packed for shipment to a secret testing  
laboratory. So I can't take another look. I suppose removing the heat  
sink could have revealed the 4 - RAM chips, right? - obscured by it,  
the possibility indicated by the Biostar, but for the heat sink to  
fit over those knobs - capacitors? - on the inside upper part of the  
card... well, I suppose the heat sink could have been formed to fit  
over them. I never thought to peer at it from that particular angle.  
I encountered the suggestion to remove the heat sink and look  
directly at the GPU, but at that point I was still thinking, man,  
there must be an easier way.

It seems to me that I've encountered that peculiar gigantic heat sink  
the card came with *somewhere* in my searching, on a card that didn't  
otherwise seem to match, but now I can't relocate it.

Thanks again for checking it out. It's a lead, better than I've come  
up myself with so far. Not that it rules anything out, but  
unfortunately, I couldn't find that Biostar here - http:// - in pursuit of a little more info.


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The strange world of graphics card ID and ROM matching

2011-03-05 Thread Sean Carroll

Like puzzles? Good ("good") mysteries?

Look at these:


a) Identify the card precisely. Extra points for providing a link  
that shows a matching image and specs.

b) Identify the correct Mac ROM - if there is such a thing - for the  
card. Extra points for revealing how you know and where to get it.


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Re: 533MHZ Digital Audio G4 won't boot to OS9.1 retail CD

2011-03-02 Thread Sean Carroll
Can you not, from within Tiger, insert the OS 9.1 install CD and  
install OS 9.1 on your "empty" HD (or a partition there)? I may be  
misunderstanding the importance to you of running OS 9.1 within the  
Mac OS X Classic Environment, but if I'm not mistaken, I think  
Classic calls for OS 9.2.2 and nothing earlier, at least in all the  
versions of OS X I've run (Panther and Tiger).

I'm not sure why a Digital Audio that came with OS 9.1 pre-installed  
would have a problem with any 9.1 disc (aside from any optical drive  
issues). If anyone else here knows, the answer would enlighten me.


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Re: Timer

2011-02-26 Thread Sean Carroll
Is there a timer I can get for my Mac that I can set to remind me  
audibly of an elapsed amount of time to help with my cooking?



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Re: GeForce FX 5200 causing kernel panics on Sawtooth running Tiger

2011-02-26 Thread Sean Carroll

What version of Tiger are you running?

10.4.11, long since fully updated. Original ATIRage128Pro card (which  
works fine) is back in and on hand if I need it. Still some stuff  
left to try out with the 5200.


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Re: GeForce FX 5200 causing kernel panics on Sawtooth running Tiger

2011-02-24 Thread Sean Carroll

according to the OHS website.


Scroll down to the 5th item, or if this link doesn't work the way I  
think it should, Click to Enter Store and go to Monitors/Video.


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Re: GeForce FX 5200 causing kernel panics on Sawtooth running Tiger

2011-02-24 Thread Sean Carroll
> i dont no if someone ask you this
> the geforce is mac original hardware or pc flash card?

I have been told by a G-Groups person that it is definitely a flashed
PC card manufactured by Zogis, something that was not mentioned on the
OHS website, perhaps because it's common knowledge that many or most
or all NVIDIA chipset cards are such (I really don't know). All I know
is that I was led to believe that this card would simply *work* from
the get-go with Power Mac G4s, Sawtooth among them. I'm not, AFAIK,
equipped to do any flashing or reflashing of cards myself. I have also
been told that Mac OS X has all manner of NVIDIA drivers built into
it. I have NVIDIA drivers on an OHS CD, but there are no instructions
on where I would put them, and no installer. Not necessary, according
to the OHS website.


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Re: GeForce FX 5200 causing kernel panics on Sawtooth running Tiger

2011-02-24 Thread Sean Carroll
No display issues at all. The card works in that sense.

Bruce, I'd appreciate it if you could look into the thread "Sawtooth/
Tiger boot problems" (I was unfortunately unaware of the precise
nature of the problem at the time of the original post) for some
background on my problem. Kris has been most helpful in raising my
graphics card consciousness, but I raise some questions in later posts
in the thread that have yet to be addressed. For instance, does the
absence of NVDResman from System Profiler>Extensions mean anything?
I'd really like to understand what the real issue here is: a) The card
as hardware, b) the card's ROM, or c) my system. What you say would
seem to rule out a).

I'm not qualified to speak on whether Bob from OHS knows his a** from
anything. I'm in the unfortunate position of having to assume that
anyone who seems to know what they're talking about, does. Until
there's a contradiction.

At stake is my desire to add Core Image and Quartz Extreme support,
mainly for the sake of Leopard, which I would really like to finally
try and get the most out of.



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GeForce FX 5200 causing kernel panics on Sawtooth running Tiger

2011-02-24 Thread Sean Carroll
I've been unable to get this new graphics card to work properly. It's
the only failure of an otherwise successful upgrade project (Sonnet ST/
G4 1.0 GHz CPU, SATA card and HD, and USB 2.0 card were the other
items). I finally spoke with Bob at OHS, and he says the kernel panics
are due to the power supply being inadequate for the new card. I may
swap it back for something else. But a question has occurred that
didn't have time to during that conversation. Bob suggested that the
power supply issue could be "especially" due to demands on power from
other additions.

I don't know whether or how the power to the card is interconnected
with the supply of power to other devices. Is it worth a try to
sacrifice one HD (and an internal Zip drive, although I don't know
what kind of power draw this unused drive is to begin with)? That's
about all there is to sacrifice. Is there another fix that doesn't
involve real electrical and wiring skills or replacing the PSU? I'd
love to get this graphics card to work, but there is a limit to how
important that is.

Thank you.


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Myriad LEM lists discussion

2011-02-23 Thread Sean Carroll
Perhaps a convention (noun 1. a way in which something is usually
done, esp. within a particular area or activity) simple enough for
anyone to understand regarding subject lines could do away with all
groups but LEM Discussion and LEM Swap. The idea here is that, if you
are so inclined, you can create your own group or groups through the
use of your very own email filters.

A couple templates:

MACHINE:OS:Description of problem (entirely freestyle here)

HARDWARE:Description of problem (entirely freestyle here)

Examples based on them:

SAWTOOTH:TIGER:GeForce FX5200 causing kernel panics

GRAPHICS CARD:GeForce FX5200 causing kernel panics

In the case of these examples. I think the latter would better connect
questions with answers (not to mention questions with other
questioners). Most people would think to mention their machine and OS
(etc.) without prompting within the body of the message, and people
with expertise in graphics cards tend not to be limited to certain Mac
models and operating systems.

I'm a member of the G-Group and the OS 9 group, and I receive posts as
emails, and as it now stands, my practice is to at least skim through
everything. Very educational. I know such an approach isn't for
everyone, but I glean bits of information and things to pique my
interest from threads I'd probably disregard if I went by subject
alone. All of which goes to say: I don't offer the idea mentioned
above for my own sake.


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Re: Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-20 Thread Sean Carroll
There are likely some issues here. This card is made by Zogis, so  
it's a flashed PC card for certain. As far as I can tell, all the  
128MB cards were 64bit cards. It appears the 128bit cards were all  

Thanks for all the good information and the offer to help, Kris. I  
need to mull things over. I might return the card and go for  
something else. I might try a fix. I would like to know what OHS has  
to say about it. Email does not appear to be their preferred mode of  
communication, so maybe I'll have to call, if I can remember how to  
work a... a... what were they called? Telephones?


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Re: Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-20 Thread Sean Carroll

What does System Profiler>Graphics/Displays>nVidia GeForce FX5200 say?

Heh. That was in my previous post, but again:


GeForce FX 5200:

  Chipset Model:GeForce FX 5200
  Type: Display
  Bus:  AGP
  Slot: SLOT-A
  VRAM (Total): 256 MB
  Vendor:   nVIDIA (0x10de)
  Device ID:0x0321
  Revision ID:  0x00b1
  ROM Revision: 2060
DELL S2009W:
  Resolution:   1600 x 900 @ 60 Hz
  Depth:32-bit Color
  Core Image:   Supported
  Main Display: Yes
  Mirror:   Off
  Online:   Yes
  Quartz Extreme:   Supported
  Status:   No display connected


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Re: Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-20 Thread Sean Carroll
Another oddity with this GeForce 5200 FX. It was advertised as 128  
MB, and shows up in System Profiler with 256 MB VRAM. There are two  
labels on the card itself. One says:

FX 5200 128MB/128bit DDR

The other:

5200 128 MB AGP

The nefarious underworld of video cards. Who knew they were so weird?  
I didn't.


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Re: Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-20 Thread Sean Carroll

Comparing this excerpt from the (Unresolved kernel trap) crash report:

Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):


With this from System Profiler/Extensions:


  Version:  1.7
  Last Modified:10/15/07 9:46 AM
  Get Info String:  1.7, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 2000-2004
  Location: /System/Library/Extensions/IOPCIFamily.kext
  kext Version: 1.7
  Load Address: 0x46
  Dependencies: Satisfied


  Version:  1.4.2
  Last Modified:12/2/07 2:26 AM
  Get Info String:  1.4.2, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 2000-2004
  Location: /System/Library/Extensions/IOGraphicsFamily.kext
  kext Version: 1.4.2
  Load Address: 0x7ca000
  Dependencies: Satisfied


  Version:  1.4.2
  Last Modified:12/2/07 2:26 AM
  Get Info String:  1.4.2, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 2000-2004
  Location: /System/Library/Extensions/IONDRVSupport.kext
  kext Version: 1.4.2
  Load Address: 0x7ee000
  Dependencies: Satisfied

Does it mean anything that the Load Addresses in the last 2 above  
don't match what I presume to be intended as Load Addresses in the  
crash report? Or that there is no NVDAResman extension appearing in  
System Profiler? Does that excerpt from the crash report convey  
anything more than "We don't like this new card - please remove it  


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Re: Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-20 Thread Sean Carroll
Here's what the Tiger 10.4.11 System Profiler had to say about the  
5200 when it was installed:


GeForce FX 5200:

  Chipset Model:GeForce FX 5200
  Type: Display
  Bus:  AGP
  Slot: SLOT-A
  VRAM (Total): 256 MB
  Vendor:   nVIDIA (0x10de)
  Device ID:0x0321
  Revision ID:  0x00b1
  ROM Revision: 2060
DELL S2009W:
  Resolution:   1600 x 900 @ 60 Hz
  Depth:32-bit Color
  Core Image:   Supported
  Main Display: Yes
  Mirror:   Off
  Online:   Yes
  Quartz Extreme:   Supported
  Status:   No display connected

I've looked into Kris's The Mac elite link. Closest match for the  
5200, under the heading Original NVIDIA PPC ROMs is an FX 5200 Ultra  
with a ROM revision matching the above 2060. However, it also shows a  
different RAM size than the above. Next closest match is under the  
heading Modified NVIDIA PPC ROMs, the various XFX PVT44AWANG GeForce  
6200 listings that show a ROM revision of 2149a and a matching 256 MB  
RAM size.

I clicked on the Hacking NVIDIA Extensions Support link. The phrase  
"Kernel panic at boot" jumped into focus immediately, as you might  

So, let me see here. Hnmmm. I might have a card with Original NVIDIA  
PPC ROM, or maybe that's what I'm supposed to have gotten but  
actually got a card with Modified NVIDIA PPC ROM with an  
inappropriate ROM revision. Plausible? I'm only guessing. I've got a  
card that just don't work, or rather, one that "works," but really  
doesn't work. It seems clear that for whatever reason, the following  
might apply, and I quote (from The Mac Elite):

"Some cards can be made to work in OS X with custom ROM, however OS X  
extensions does not support the card's hardwired device ID, so it  
would result in a Kernel Panic at boot. If the card is close to  
another officially supported card in OS X or use the same GPU,  
there's an easy hack which will allow it to operate in OS X."

I don't know why OHS would sell me a card I had to hack to make work.  
Perhaps that was what the missing installation instructions were  
about. I'll see what they have to say, and take another look at the  
CD-ROM they sent me in the meantime.


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Re: network settings have changed-but it won't go away!

2011-02-20 Thread Sean Carroll

I opened the network preferences window and clicked on the ethernet as
the network to use.  Now it gives me the "flip down" window that tells
me the the network applications have changed.  I click on the "ok"
button, the window flips up, and then flips down again.

I remember this problem. I was too out of touch to know it was a well- 
known bug, and I'm sorry I didn't know about Andy's solution then,  
because it drove me absolutely nuts. (Had to time that click  
*precisely* in between flip-downs to make the Network window close,  
like an annoying website background pop-up window!) A very unseemly  
problem for the likes of Mac OS X, and all the more disturbing  
because of it. That flip-down window caused me to dread and  
eventually avoid the Network preference pane. I'm not even sure why  
it eventually went away - I think the solution might have been a by- 
product of reconfiguring my internet connection with my ISP's  
wireless router software. Nothing I did on purpose, anyway. And I  
*still* think the Network preference pane in Tiger is a drag and  
mostly useless (yes, I hear you, I know that I would be obligated to  
use it if I was doing anything at all sophisticated with networking -  
I use "useless" in a sour grapes sense). I'm anxious to see if  
Leopard offers something a little more friendly.


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Re: Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-20 Thread Sean Carroll
The 5200 is usually a pretty good card, it supports both Quartz  
Extreme & Core Image. Have you checked the firmware revision in  
System Profiler against other versions available at the MacElite  
ROM repository?:

No, wasn't aware, and thanks much for the link.

These cards are usually solid, perhaps a new ROM version will solve  
your problems? If not, you need to ditch the Rage and get another  
AGP card that supports Quartz Extreme & Core Image.

Yes, the 5200 seemed like a sensible and straightforward way to get  
the Core Image and Quartz Extreme support. I'm not a gamer and don't  
currently do anything that would push a video card, but it's a matter  
of getting a little more modern (hand in hand with other modest  
upgrades) and getting the most out of Leopard, which, now that I'm  
able to at last, I think I'd like to try. The card came from Operator  
Headgap Systems. and as advertised, it seemed to be a matter of put  
it in and go. I took another look at the copy for the card on the OHS  
website, and I see now that installation instructions were to have  
come with it. I didn't receive any. All I got was what seems to be  
the OHS standard OS 9 Kitchen Sink CD, although nothing in the order  
I placed had anything in particular to do with OS 9, and on that CD,  
I found nothing relevant to the GeForce 5200 FX.

After all the grief the 5200 has caused, I'm hesitant to put it back  
in and try it again. But of course I will, thanks to this new lead  
you've given me. Just not today. Yesterday was a nightmare. Lately  
all this work *on* the computer has pushed away all the fun I could  
be having *with* the computer.


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Re: Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-19 Thread Sean Carroll
Conclusion: There is no joy to be had from this GeForce 5200 FX  
graphics card. Tiger booting problems and kernel panics during  
booting, restarts, and occasionally while running applications  
(Console, Safari, Mail), and possibly an OS 9 problem because of it.  
I can't absolutely make that connection myself. Seems weird that such  
problems would persist and even get worse when the GeForce had been  
removed again. Problems with PRAM must figure into this whole mess as  
well. I hope I have that part all straightened out now (with lessons  
learned). But I'm sore afraid that I might not.

It occurred to me to ask why the very first startup with the new card  
had gone so well. What changed? I racked my brains trying to think of  
what I did in between "seemingly OK" and "disaster." I remembered a  
couple things. One was that I *did* fiddle, mechanically, with the  
card again early on, being concerned about whether I had really  
seated it properly. I think the fiddling was after the trouble  
started, but the concern was there to begin with. I began today with  
a plan to start over with the GeForce.

Today's sequence of events (FWIW, new PRAM battery installed yesterday):

Disconnect everything external, open side door, remove ATIRage128Pro  
card, reinstall GeForce card (did not reset CUDA this time, as I did  
not when the ATI card had gone back in)

Close side door, reconnect everything external, power button on
Tiger boots up lightning fast, I log in, everything normal and good
Select OS 9 volume from SP>Startup Disk and restart
OS 9.2.2 boots up fine, I log in, error message requiring restart
(I've seen this before, so I try a different tack)
Shut down with power button
Power on, option key held down, attempt to boot from Tiger volume  
(same HD, the older PATA one)

Apple screen, spinning dial... gray screen
Shut down with power button
Power on, shift key held down
Boot into OS 9.2.2 (not what I wanted or expected) extensions off, I  
log in through different dialog box after message about system  
password required, no error 10

Go to Control Panels>Startup Disk, select Tiger volume, restart
Tiger boots up, I log in, all good
Go to Apple menu>Restart
Blue screen, then the kernel panic screen
Shut down with power button
Power on, option key held down, attempt to boot from Tiger volume
Tiger boots up, I log in, all good
Go to SP>Startup Disk, select current Tiger volume, restart
Tiger boots up, I log in, all good
Go to Apple menu>Shut Down
Power on, Tiger boots up with utterly blinding speed, I log in, all good
I open Console and look around... Console freezes and then hangs,  
Spinning Pinwheel of Death appears, and then the kernel panic screen

Shut down with power button
Power on, Tiger boots up, I log in, all good (but obviously not  
really good) - crash report is the same old thing indicting the  
GeForce card

Go to SP>Startup Disk, select Panther volume (same PATA HD), restart
Panther boots up, I log in, all good, back to SP>Startup Disk, select  
Tiger volume, restart
Tiger boots up, I log in, all good, back to SP>Startup Disk, select  
Tiger volume on the SATA HD this time, restart
Tiger-SATA boots up, I log in, all good, back to SP>Startup Disk,  
select Tiger volume on PATA HD this time, restart
Kernel panic screen, shut down with power button, power on with  
option key held down, select Tiger volume on PATA HD
Gray screen, shut down with power button, power on with option key  
held down, hold down shift key and select Tiger volume on PATA HD
Safe Boot into Tiger, I log in, go to SP>Startup Disk, select current  
Tiger volume, restart

Normal boot into Tiger, I log in, all good
Go to SP>Startup Disk, Panther volume on SATA HD, restart
Kernel panic screen, shut down with power button, power on with  
option key held down, select Tiger volume on PATA HD

Safe boot into Tiger, I log in, go to Apple menu>Restart
Normal boot into Tiger, I log in, empty kernel panic Trash, go to  
Apple menu>Shut Down

At this point it was time to start over again and try a different  
path from there.

Disconnect, open, reseat card, cooperating with its "want" to sit  
lower toward the in-side, leave mounting screw off, press CUDA button

Close, reconnect, power on
Kernel panic screen

OK, the seemingly abnormal mounting screw situation isn't the cause  
of improper seating.

Disconnect, open, put GeForce card mounting screw back in, press CUDA  
for a few seconds to make sure I was really pressing it all (it's so  
small, and my fingertips rather insensitive)

Close, reconnect, power button on, option key, select Tiger volume
Gray screen
Disconnect, open, reseat card yet again - level, also paying  
particular attention to perpendicular this time (CUDA? Forget CUDA.  
I'm sick of CUDA)
Close, reconnect, power button on, option key, hold down shift and  
select Tiger volume

Safe Boot into Tiger, I log in, empty Trash, go to Apple menu>Restart
Hold down option key, select Tiger volume
Normal boot

Re: Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-16 Thread Sean Carroll
Removed new video card and reinstalled old one - immediate problem  
solved. No booting problems. OS 9 problem (see below) has changed  
from Login Error forcing a restart to "Application Login has quit  
unexpectedly" with no apparent ill effect.

Each of the panics in this log show the crash occurred in the  
driver for your video card.  Either the card is foo, or it's not  
seated properly, or 

Yes, thanks - sometimes it takes asking a stupid question to open  
one's eyes. After posting the panic log, I saw the obvious that I'd  

Details, or are they secret?  And after such "major upgrading" did  
you reset your PMU?

Yes, I reset the PMU after all the new stuff ( GeForce 5200 FX video  
card, USB 2.0 card, Sonnet SATA card and factory recertified Seagate  
SATA 7200 RPM, 750 GB HD, Sonnet ST/G4 1.0 GHz CPU) had been  
installed and before starting up for the first time after the upgrade.

Yes, spreading the information around across multiple threads makes  
problems so much easier to solve.  Seriously - please provide ALL  
the information in ONE thread.  Don't waste people's time, making  
us sort thru the hundreds of threads on G3-5 to locate your  

I get your point, Dan, but you misunderstand - perhaps you overlooked  
my term "another sense." This thread was intended to be about one  
particular problem. What I didn't want to waste anyone's time with  
was an overly detailed description of the upgrade. I wanted to share  
the whole upgrade experience in another thread, to invite comment and  
much less urgently needed answers there. I didn't know positively  
(then) that the boot problem could be pinned on any part of the  
upgrade, but I had to *mention* "major upgrading" as a possibly  
relevant detail. If I had known precisely *how* it was relevant, I  
wouldn't have posted anything about the trouble without first  
reinstalling the old video card.

You have to re-select the boot volume each time?  That means the  
startup disk isn't being stored in the pram properly.  Try  
replacing your PRAM Battery.

Reinstalling the old video card and having Tiger boot up as it should  
from the get-go would seem to indicate - now - that the startup disk  
is being stored in the PRAM just fine. I do have fresh - or at least  
new - PRAM batteries on hand, however.

The problem started (after the first couple uneventful and successful  
boots from PATA HD with SATA connected but unformatted) with gray  
screens after brief blue and before the startup window appeared. The  
very first sign of any trouble anywhere was that after booting  
normally for the first time into OS 9.2.2 and logging in, I got a  
Login Error (error 10) requiring restart. I clicked on Restart, the  
button went black - and just stayed that way. I continued to work in  
OS 9, installing USB & FireWire drivers from an OHS CD, and the error  
window just went away eventually. After selecting Restart in OS 9  
from the Special menu, normal booting was over. The following  
procedure worked for a while:

Power on, zap PRAM
Hold down option key (gray screen -  or blue screen with eventual  
kernel panic message - again otherwise)
With main Tiger volume "preselected' in the array of volumes, click  
on arrow

When this magic failed (zapping PRAM became ineffectual) after a few  
successes (got into Tiger and everything was fine there - OS 9 still  
gave the Login Error message, which was now fatal), the procedure  
became "boot twice to boot once":

Power on, hold down option key
Hold down shift key and then click arrow for "preselected" Tiger volume
After Safe Boot into Tiger and login, restart (didn't matter how,  
whether through Apple menu or SP>Startup Disk)

Hold down option key (still necessary), etc., without the Safe Boot
(blue screen, brief gray screen, screen goes black, then normal Tiger  
wakes up and is back in business)

I am trying to recall what I tried or changed over the course of  
things going from bad to worse. Either in normal unsafe Tiger or  
booted from the Tiger install CD, I formatted and partitioned the new  
SATA drive with Disk Utility. I CCD'd all my volumes (all partitions  
within the first 128 GB) from the PATA HD to the SATA (all partitions  
within the first 128 GB). During the relatively brief Age of PRAM- 
Zapping, I was careful to run the enable-lba48 patch each time I got  
back in after a zap, and saw that it was applied even after the  
abnormal restarts (the outer partition "free space" volume on the  
PATA would reappear on the desktop - the appearance of the SATA free  
space volume was never affected). I booted into pre-upgrade  
reinstalled more-basic Panther (through one of the same special  
procedures as above) and played around with getting it to work (like  
Tiger and OS 9 do) with the Gig-E ethernet card both before and after  
updating to 10.3.9 - still no go there, only connects with built-in  
ethernet despite supposedly correct drivers and appar

Sawtooth/Tiger boot problems

2011-02-15 Thread Sean Carroll
The booting process on my Sawtooth has gone absolutely haywire in the
aftermath of some major upgrading. I hope it's OK to post a crash
report here from a failed boot attempt (this particular failure was of
the blue screen and eventual message in several languages to restart
or hold down power button variety). (The apparent to the eye
variations on booting failure have been many.)

At this point, there's no booting at all without holding down the
option key, selecting the main OS (Tiger 10.4.11) volume, and then
booting in safe mode. After trashing what's been put in the Trash (or
not - i think the system will do this on restart anyway), I can option-
boot and select and start up Tiger in normal mode. Here are the files
that appear in the trash after a Safe Boot:


I'm just looking for clues right now, not necessarily pinpoint problem-
solving answers (not that I'd refuse any such). I can and will go into
great detail about the upgrading itself in another thread and another
sense later. The thing is - all the new hardware works, and there was
plenty of it. The operation was a success (as was the very first post-
upgrade startup) - and now the patient is ill.

Here's the crash report: (For you experienced decipherers out there -
again, just being pointed in the right direction would be fine. I
promise not to follow up with a dozen requests for clarification. Not
right away, anyway.)

Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access
DAR=0x31FB034E PC=0x34F15E14
Latest crash info for cpu 0:
   Exception state (sv=0x31FCEA00)
  PC=0x34F15E14; MSR=0x9030; DAR=0x31FB034E; DSISR=0x4000;
LR=0x34F04148; R1=0x1CA8BBA0; XCP=0x000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x02728E00 0x34F04148 0x34F02268 0x34F12498 0x34F0238C 0x002EB7B8
 0x0008BEB0 0x00029234 0x000233F8 0x000ABEAC 0x
  Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
Proceeding back via exception chain:
   Exception state (sv=0x31FCEA00)
  previously dumped as "Latest" state. skipping...
   Exception state (sv=0x3200D280)
  PC=0x9000AF48; MSR=0x0200F030; DAR=0x0007B07C; DSISR=0x4200;
LR=0x9000AE9C; R1=0xBFFFEF00; XCP=0x0030 (0xC00 - System call)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.0: Wed Oct 10 18:26:00 PDT 2007;
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0003): 0x300 - Data access
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
 0x000954F8 0x00095A10 0x00026898 0x000A8204 0x000ABB80
Proceeding back via exception chain:
   Exception state (sv=0x31FCEA00)
  PC=0x34F15E14; MSR=0x9030; DAR=0x31FB034E; DSISR=0x4000;
LR=0x34F04148; R1=0x1CA8BBA0; XCP=0x000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x02728E00 0x34F04148 0x34F02268 0x34F12498 0x34F0238C 0x002EB7B8
 0x0008BEB0 0x00029234 0x000233F8 0x000ABEAC 0x
  Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
   Exception state (sv=0x3200D280)
  PC=0x9000AF48; MSR=0x0200F030; DAR=0x0007B07C; DSISR=0x4200;
LR=0x9000AE9C; R1=0xBFFFEF00; XCP=0x0030 (0xC00 - System call)

Kernel versio`Model: PowerMac3,1, BootROM 4.2.8f1, 1 processors,
PowerPC G4  (2.1), 1 GHz, 1.25 GB
Graphics: GeForce FX 5200, GeForce FX 5200, AGP, 256 MB
Memory Module: DIMM0/J21, 512 MB, SDRAM, PC133-333
Memory Module: DIMM1/J22, 512 MB, SDRAM, PC133-333
Memory Module: DIMM2/J23, 128 MB, SDRAM, PC133-333
Memory Module: DIMM3/J24, 128 MB, SDRAM, PC133-333
Network Service: PCI Ethernet Slot 4, Ethernet, en1
PCI Card: usb, usb, SLOT-B
PCI Card: usb, usb, SLOT-B
PCI Card: pci1033,e0, SLOT-B
PCI Card: SeriTek/1S2 v. 5.3.1b1, 11/02/07, 23:24:45, ata, SLOT-C
PCI Card: pci10ec,8169, sppci_ethernet, SLOT-D
Parallel ATA Device: ST3160215A, 128 GB
Parallel ATA Device: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-109
Parallel ATA Device: IOMEGA  ZIP 100   ATAPI
USB Device: USB Audio CODEC, Burr-Brown from TI, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500
USB Device: DeskJet 930C, Hewlett-Packard, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard, Mitsumi Electric, Up to 12 Mb/
sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Apple Optical USB Mouse, Fujitsu Takamisawa Component, Up
to 1.5 Mb/sec, 100 mA
USB Device: Apple Pro Keyboard, Mitsumi Electric, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 250
FireWire Device: Astra 6400, UMAX, Up to 400 Mb/sec



Re: Anyone Want To Explain? + The -122 Error

2011-02-11 Thread Sean Carroll
So for instance if you had a folder called One, and inside that  
was a
folder called Two, you can't move One into Two, because Two is  
One. So you'd have One inside Two, inside One, inside Two, inside  

inside Two.

Somewhere Schrodinger's cat is crying.

And it is not crying... at the same time.  We'll never know.

And yet we do know. At the same time.

I am glad that error codes are somewhere you have to look for them in  
Mac OS X. I remember System 7.5.5 .


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Re: Power Mac G4 733mhz Digital Audio dilemma

2011-02-11 Thread Sean Carroll

Doesn't Leopard require a minimum 867 MHz CPU?

Leopard's *installer* does the speed check.  ppc Leopard itself  
will run on any G4/G5.

Thanks for clearing up that confusion on my part.


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Re: Power Mac G4 733mhz Digital Audio dilemma

2011-02-10 Thread Sean Carroll

I just recently acqired a Digital Audio 733mhz for $25 (it needed ram
and a HDD which I had on hand).  So I have it up and running, but I am
looking for advice for an OS.

Why not Tiger? But you already have Leopard.

I would
like to add that I have a copy of leopard from my Quicksilver but if
fails to install and Leopard Assist does not seem to work (I have
actually never successfully gotten Leopard Assist to work on a non
supported G4.).  I had this issue with my old lampshade iMac 800mhz.

Doesn't Leopard require a minimum 867 MHz CPU?


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Re: Changing the breathing rate of a sleeping Power Mac G4

2011-02-10 Thread Sean Carroll
A couple questions for Sawtooth owners:

1. What color is your power button LED? (Mine appears green - think
the LED is actually more of a yellow or yellow-green)

2. What is the approximate pulsation rate of this LED during Sleep?
(Mine is ~1.5 seconds for a full cycle of dark-brightest-dark again.
My old Gig-E - white LED - was at a much more leisurely ~4 second
pulsation rate)

I suspect that this LED is on its own hardwired circuit, as Dan
suggested. If there was a way to tinker with it through the OS, it
would have been discovered by now. Others have tried in vain already.

Just the same, I looked into 'man pmset' (in the 10.4 manual pages)
and didn't see anything very promising. I tried and got nothing but
the same generic "recipe book" of allowed commands/arguments whether I
typed (in Terminal) either of these:

pmset ~g [pslog or whatever]

sudo pmset ~g [pslog or whatever]

That was disappointing. I tried reading a Shell Script Primer, but my
eyes glazed over. Sometimes it's better to start in the middle with a
clue than at the beginning with none. All I want at this point is a
sensible conversation with Terminal - I won't be messing with kernels
or kexts (whatever *they* are - let me guess - kernel extensions?) any
time soon. To paraphrase an amusing bit from another poster here, my
relationship with the command line has only gotten as far as agreeing
to meet for coffee.


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Re: Panther installation PCI Ethernet Card problem

2011-02-08 Thread Sean Carroll
IORegistryExplorer is the application's name and 2.1 is the current  

Thank you.


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Re: Panther installation PCI Ethernet Card problem

2011-02-08 Thread Sean Carroll

Thanks, Dan.

System Profiler and the Network system preferences will show the  
card if it's working.

After installing Panther 10.3 and the PCI card driver, the ethernet  
card didn't show up in System Profiler PCI/AGP. After the update to  
10.3.9 , it did. Still didn't work, though. No sign of it at any time  
in Network Preferences. I "invented" the Network port "Ethernet PCI  
Card Slot 4" (mimicking what Tiger showed) and unchecked the existing  
Built-In Ethernet to no effect (unsurprisingly). No way to input any  
of the ethernet card info into Network Preferences. I get why, more  
or less, but nonetheless, Network Preferences has always frustrated  
me with its largely "read-only" behavior and (other, past)  
strangeness (like opening it only to get the dialog "Your settings  
have been changed by another application" that popped up again and  
again each time the dialog box was closed). I digress.

From Terminal, you can invoke System Profiler by its command line:  
system_profiler SPNetworkDataType

Did, got only the information on Built-in Ethernet, though  
"system_profiler" showed the Ethernet Controller under PCI/AGP as it  
should have.

The PCI ethernet card works just fine in Tiger and OS 9. I guess I'll  
just reinstall Panther and not install any OHS-supplied driver at  
first or do any updating. I'll have my ISP-supplied router software  
attempt to configure my connection first (this solved my problem with  
OS 9.2.2) with the ethernet cable connected to the PCI card.

As an aside, I happened to notice that whereas Network Preferences in  
Tiger shows a "Built-in FireWire" (one checked, who knows why, and  
one grayed out as well) Network Port Configuration, in Panther it  
doesn't. There (and not in Tiger) there is one called "6 to 4." I  
wonder what all that is about. Sharing an internet connection with  
another computer by FireWire? Part of the "Target Disk Mode" FW hook- 
up thing?


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Re: Panther installation PCI Ethernet Card problem

2011-02-08 Thread Sean Carroll
Realtek is perhaps the only manufacturer which has developed OS 9  

for its 10/100/1000 card.

You have to dig really deeply to find those drivers, however.

Fortunately, OHS supplied the OS 9 drivers for me.

Anyway, the Realtek 8169 card is supported OOTB by MacOS from 10.2  
on, so

I really wonder why Realtek bothered developing a driver for 10.3 and

All the stranger that the card isn't working with Panther, and only  
with Panther, and didn't from the get-go. What would interfere with  
OOTB support? I don't think I tried connecting before installing the  
driver from the OHS CD-ROM, but then again, why would I have, not  
knowing about the OOTB support?

The following might hold a clue for someone who can decipher it:

When Tiger 10.4.11 starts up, the small startup window shows  
"Starting Mac OS X." And that's it, before the login screen appears  
very quickly.

When Panther 10.3.9 starts up, the small startup window is blank for  
a couple seconds. Then (with some variation between testing instances):

(With ethernet cable in PCI card jack):

Welcome to Macintosh
Checking disks
Waiting for Network Initialization
Loading Shared IP Extension
Starting Printing Services
Loading IP Firewall Extension
Waiting for Network Extensions
(Login window appears)
(Software Update and Safari unable to connect)

(With ethernet cable in built-in ethernet jack):

(indecipherable blur)
Loading Shared IP Extension
Starting Printing Services
Loading Shared IP Extension
Waiting for Network Extensions
Loading IP Firewall Extension
Waiting for Network Extensions
(Login window appears)
(Software Update and Safari able to connect)

I don't believe I've seen much or any of this during a startup before  
with any OS of mine, although it's been over 3 years since I used  
Panther or had it installed at all. The appearance of "Printing"  
seems suspicious. Part of the bloated installation I performed was  
scads of unneccesary printer drivers. I'm haunted by the specter of  
possibly having to write a report in Simplified Chinese on my work in  
Xcode to send to a Lexmark printer and being unable to. There's  
nothing at all complicated about my printing setup. HP DeskJet 935C  
connected to a USB hub connected to the computer. Nothing shared or  
Internet about it.

How might I inquire as to the status of the PCI ethernet card and its  
drivers through Terminal? Is looking at a log (which log?) in Console  
after I start Panther likely to shed any light on the situation?


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Panther installation PCI Ethernet Card problem

2011-02-06 Thread Sean Carroll
(Power Mac G4 AGP 450 Mhz, 1.25 GB RAM, 160 GB & 40 GB internal PATA
HDs, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11, Mac OS X Panther 10.3.9, Mac OS 9.2.2)

About a month ago I installed a Gigabit Ethernet PCI card from
Operator Headgap Systems, described in part as follows:

"This PCI ethernet card adheres to IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, and 802.3ab
standards. This Realtek Chipset PCI 10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet
adapter is a high-bandwidth network adapter that auto-senses
10/100/1000Mbps connection speed"

Drivers were included on a CD. The card worked with Tiger, no sweat.
Ran into some snags with OS 9, but my wireless router CD helped bail
me out. Actually, it might have helped me configure Tiger as well. I
don't recall having to do much of anything manually. (What I tried
failed, anyway).

Today I installed Panther on a partition. Nothing I've tried has made
Panther work with the ethernet card. (It does connect with the built-
in 10/100 Base-T Ethernet. But it's the principle of the thing. It
ought to work with the PCI card.) To begin with - and this was after
installing the driver - System Profiler didn't even see the card until
after I'd updated (from original install disc version) to 10.3.9 . I

Reinstalling drivers from the OHS CD, more than once, including
drivers for 10.2+ (actually, the driver named as the one for 10.3 also
said "10.2+" within the installer) and 10.4 .

Network Setup Assistant.

System Preferences>Network. Not much I could do there when PCI
Ethernet Slot 4 (as shown in Tiger and OS 9) didn't exist as far as it
was concerned. I had all the Tiger System Profiler info for PCI
Ethernet Slot 4 printed and in front of me, and there didn't seem to
be a thing I could do to put it in.

My wireless router CD. Didn't recognize a connection with ethernet
cable connected to the PCI card. Auto-configured connection just fine
with it connected to built-in ethernet.

It seems to me I'm seeing something different (from Tiger) as Panther
starts up, prior to the login screen. "Loading Shared  IP [something]"
and "Waiting on Network Extensions", among other things. I'll be more
precise if need be. Just not right now - I've already restarted
Panther about a million times today. Anyway, the aforementioned made
me think there might be something in Panther interfering with the
Realtek driver. I looked to see if I could discern any differences in
various obscure network/internet apps between Tiger and Panther
(Internet Connect, for instance), but I was just grasping at straws.
Didn't notice anything obvious enough for me.

Maybe I just didn't get the correct Realtek driver from OHS, somehow.
If that's not it, I'm at a loss.

While I'm here, I'll mention something else about the new Panther
installation. It takes absolutely forever to boot up, whether
restarting or just starting. 2 minutes of black screen before the
monitor even comes to life again. That seems egregious even for a
bloated custom install + 8 billion accepted software updates. Tiger
and OS 9 are on the same HD and have no such problem. So maybe I'll
start over and do an Easy Install, then the 10.3.9 Combo update, then
install the Realtek driver. Before I do anything else.


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Re: problems installing Leopard software on g4

2011-01-31 Thread Sean Carroll


Have you tried inserting the Leopard install DVD after booting up  
normally, ignoring the prompt to install and closing that window,  
then going to System Preferences>Startup Disk, selecting the install  
DVD (it appears there, right?) as the system you want to start up  
your computer, and clicking on Restart? Just a thought. It's the way  
I usually install (and I don't know that Leopard would be any  
different - but I've never installed Leopard). Doesn't amount to  
anything more than what's already been suggested, maybe, but it's a  
different path that might yield a clue. Or even work.


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Re: Hard drive failing!

2011-01-29 Thread Sean Carroll
Sorry, John - here's a shorter link you won't have to copy and paste:

I'm sure you can find your way from there.


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Re: Hard drive failing!

2011-01-29 Thread Sean Carroll

Current (failing) is a Seagate ST3250824AS 250GB Hard Drive.

Seagate Barracuda, 3.5", 7200rpm, 8 MB cache, SATA.

Seeking recommendations for replacement.

Operator Headgap has a factory recertified Seagate Barracuda, 3.5",  
7200 RPM, 32 MB cache, SATA, 750 GB going for $59 and change. 


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Re: Sawtooth to Sabretooth: The CPU upgrade question

2011-01-29 Thread Sean Carroll

running 9.2.2 with the Sonnet upgrade:

That all sounds quite similar to the extra steps for OS 9 that I read  
about for the Newer Technology CPU upgrade. Evidently, the CPU  
upgrade (not Newer Technology) I have ordered is as Plug-n-Play as  
they come. I hope so, as this is the only part of the whole Sawtooth  
upgrade that makes me a bit nervous.


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Re: unread mail on G5 PM

2011-01-29 Thread Sean Carroll
You can also sort the mail by status by clicking the top of the  
status column (the one with the dot in it).

The first time you click should bring all unread mail to the top, a  
second click should put all unread mail at the bottom.

Cool. I like that approach even better than mine, Tina. After all  
these years, finally a use for that useless status column!


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Re: Changing the breathing rate of a sleeping Power Mac G4

2011-01-29 Thread Sean Carroll
> From the shell (Terminal), the pmset tool
> manages it.  Perhaps there's something in the docs, 'man pmset'.  Of
> course, it could also just be a hardwired circuit...

Thanks, Dan. I read up a bit on 'man pmset'. I got as far, so far, as
seeing what I could "get." I'll have to dig deeper.


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Re: Changing the breathing rate of a sleeping Power Mac G4

2011-01-29 Thread Sean Carroll
I should mention another difference between the Gig-E and the
Sawtooth: The color of the power button LED. The Gig-E's was white.
The Sawtooth's is yellow. In daylight it is clearly yellow. In poor
light or darkness it appears more green (because of the blue around
it). I wonder a) if this Sawtooth's power button LED was replaced at
some point with a part different from stock, maybe even something from
a non-Apple computer, b) if incorrect voltage would alter the LED
pulsation rate and if that would point to a PSU/wiring problem that
also caused the case fan to "complain" (low but constant "just not
right" noise) and could even be related to it (a wiring mixup during
some past repair?), c) whether the LED its;ef is just faulty somehow,
and c) if I might also complain that I don't like this "green" light.
White is the proper color of computer Sleep breathing, at least for
the Gig-E and its brothers.

I also wonder why Apple would not enable some control of the power
button LED's behavior through the GUI, at least to enable or disable
this pulsation during Sleep (some people can't stand it). It's not
like it's a dangerous thing to allow the user to easily control
(imagine an "Overclock CPU" pane in System Preferences). I ran across
an article stating that Apple had patented their particular "Sleep
breathing." Could that have anything to do with them (seemingly)
keeping it entirely out of the user's hands?

Maybe the only thing to do is replace the existing LED with a proven
white, slow-breathing one from a Gig-E. Not today. Probably easier to
just buy a whole Gig-E.


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Re: unread mail on G5 PM

2011-01-29 Thread Sean Carroll
Is there a way to gather unread mail in Apple Mail application in  
one folder or list without searching an unending mail list? I'm  
using 10.4.11 and 10.5.8.

To begin with, set up a Smart Mailbox with one rule ("all of the  
following conditions"), "Message is unread."

Sean (using Tiger 10.4.11)

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Re: Changing the breathing rate of a sleeping Power Mac G4

2011-01-28 Thread Sean Carroll

For those interested, a possibly interesting discussion:


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Re: Changing the breathing rate of a sleeping Power Mac G4

2011-01-28 Thread Sean Carroll
My first Mac was a Graphite iMac 600 MHz, the first time I saw it  
'breathe' while sleeping I was in love with it. I wish that I still  
had that adorable little Mac so I could give it a hug.

Have all Macs, or at least desktops, since... well, since whenever  
Apple introduced it... have they all "breathed" during sleep? Do they  
still? Except for trips to the Apple Store to gawk and dream, the  
entirety of my Mac experience has been Power Macintosh 7100/66 - Gig- 
E - Sawtooth. So I don't know.

Silly and OT I know, but what can I say?

My reaction to the discovery of the breathing was along the lines of:  
Oh, this is *too* cool. (Very profound.) One of those little touches  
that made a Mac more than a box. Underestimated, perhaps.


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