How to disable automativally loaded packages iin lyx?

2011-04-04 Thread Csikos Bela
Dear lyx users:

I would like to prevent loading or disable loaded package in lyx 1.6.9, linux 

My problem is:

I want to use floatrow package, and I inserted \usepackage{floatrow} in the 
preamble. When I insert a float with setting "place it here definitely" lyx 
automatically loads the "float". This leads to error messages during pdf 
I do not need float package as I use the floatrow package.

Is there a way to disable the float package or prevent its loading?



Re: How to disable automativally loaded packages iin lyx?

2011-04-05 Thread Csikos Bela

Guenter Milde  írta:
>On 2011-04-04, Richard Heck wrote:>
> On 04/04/2011 01:43 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
>> I want to use floatrow package, and I inserted \usepackage{floatrow}>
>> in the preamble. When I insert a float with setting "place it here>
>> definitely" lyx automatically loads the "float". This leads to error>
>> messages during pdf creation. I do not need float package as I use the>
>> floatrow package.>
>> Is there a way to disable the float package or prevent its loading?>
> Probably it will work to add a line like:>
>  Provides float 1>
> to some layout file you are using.>
If it does, the "LyX way" would be to create a "floatrow" module with>
Provides float 1>

Thank you, it is working.
One thing I don't understand (but I am not familiar with lyx layout and module 

I made a floatrow.module file in ~/.lyx/layouts with the content exactly as 
above. When I add the module to the document, it adds this to the preamble:

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.

The \usepackage{floatrow} command is inserted twice.
Why is it?

Nevertheless it works perfect.



Lyx citations - keys and abbreviation of inserted citation

2011-04-06 Thread Csikos Bela

I have two questions related to how citations are shown in lyx document (not in 
the final output pdf).

1. When I insert 3 or more citations in the document, the list is abbreviated, 
only the first two keys are shown completely and the end of the list is cut. Is 
it possible to set lyx to show the complete list independently the number of 
inserted citations, even by hacking some layout files?

2. If the citation/bibliography style is set to author-year in document 
settings, the inserted citations are not shown as the original bib file keys; 
they look similar to the final result. Is it possible to set lyx to show the 
original key independently from the citation style? (For example I would prefer 
to see "Johnson2005" (the bib file key) instead of "(Johnson et al., 2005)" in 
the lyx document.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Lyx citations - keys and abbreviation of inserted citation

2011-04-06 Thread Csikos Bela
Richard Heck  írta:
>On 04/06/2011 04:58 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> Hello:>
> I have two questions related to how citations are shown in lyx document (not 
> in the final output pdf).>
> 1. When I insert 3 or more citations in the document, the list is 
> abbreviated, only the first two keys are shown completely and the end of the 
> list is cut. Is it possible to set lyx to show the complete list 
> independently the number of inserted citations, even by hacking some layout 
> files?>
No, this is set in the source. Having no limit at all would cause >
massive problems with line breaking. Note that if you put your mouse >
over the inset, then you will see the complete citation as a tooltip.>

I understand. Would it be possible to have the tooltip show the keys instead of 
complete citations?

> 2. If the citation/bibliography style is set to author-year in document 
> settings, the inserted citations are not shown as the original bib file keys; 
> they look similar to the final result. Is it possible to set lyx to show the 
> original key independently from the citation style? (For example I would 
> prefer to see "Johnson2005" (the bib file key) instead of "(Johnson et al., 
> 2005)" in the lyx document.>
No, this is not possible, either, but it's a reasonable request. Feel >
free to file an enhancement on trac, and we can try to get to it for >
2.1. (Too late for 2.0.)>

OK, I will do thi

Thank you,


Re: page numbering question

2011-05-24 Thread Csikos Bela
Thank you for the quick answers.

Julien Rioux  írta:
>On 23/05/2011 2:42 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:>
> Csikos Bela>  writes:>
>> Hello lyx users:>
>> My question is not specific to lyx but as I use lyx as a latex "frontend" I>
>> guess it is appropriate to ask it here.>
>> I would like to make a specific page numbering style in the footer,>
>> something like:>
>>  page-number --->
>> A horizontal line in the footer which is interrupted by the page number>
>> in the center. Is this possible in lyx/latex? How?>
> If you have the mboxfill package installed, you can change the page style to>
> "fancy" (Document>  Settings...>  Page Layout>  Headings style) and add the>
> following to the preamble of your document:>
> \usepackage{mboxfill}>
> \cfoot{\mboxfill[2\width][c]{-}\thepage\mboxfill[2\width][c]{-}}>
> Paul>

This solution is OK, but I want a rule, not a dashed line.
Unfortunately my example did not reflect his accurately.

Another solution also using fancy page headers in the document settings >
but plain tex otherwise. Put this in the preamble.>
In the above:>
- 0.6ex is the height of the line (looks kind of centered)>
- 1em is the width of a line segment which gets repeated to fill space>
- 0.4pt is the thickness of the line (this particular choice is a >
default value elsewhere in tex)>

This is what I need.

By the way, using fancy headers will add default headers, if you don't >
want them you get rid of them with>
-- >

Thank you both,


changing top margin for one page only

2011-07-07 Thread Csikos Bela

Is it possible to change the top margin for one page only in lyx/latex?
I googled and found package(s) changepage/chngpage. But this seems to 
allow changing the side margins only as I understand correctly. Also found that 
the \newgeometry command of the geometry package can be used. But in this case 
I don't know where to put \restoregeometry command since it causes to break the 

I would like to decrease the top margin of a page which has two minipages with 
graphics side by side on top.



font question

2011-07-08 Thread Csikos Bela

I have a question related to latex fonts, xetex and unicode.

In lyx2 under document > settings > fonts I can set "Use non-TeX fonts (via 
XeTeX/LuaTeX). If I want to use unicode encoding I have to set this option, I 
guess. Does this mean as well that the standard tex fonts won't be available?
Or can they be still chosen? If yes, how? I am confused.



Re: font question

2011-07-14 Thread Csikos Bela
Liviu Andronic  írta:
>2011/7/8 Csikos Bela :>
> Hello:>
> I have a question related to latex fonts, xetex and unicode.>
> In lyx2 under document > settings > fonts I can set "Use non-TeX fonts (via 
> XeTeX/LuaTeX). If I want to use unicode encoding I have to set this option, I 
> guess. Does this mean as well that the standard tex fonts won't be available?>
> Or can they be still chosen? If yes, how? I am confused.>
It is slightly confusing. You can use XeTeX and TeX fonts: uncheck>
'Use non-TeX fonts', select your preferred TeX fonts and compile View>
> Other > PDF (XeTeX). (When you do this, I'm not sure if you benefit>
entirely from the Unicode capabilities of XeTeX, since the TeX fonts>
are not---to my knowledge---Unicode aware.)>
Otherwise, if you need XeTeX with full Unicode support (again, I'm not>
sure if above you miss anything), check 'Use non-TeX fonts', select>
your preferred system fonts (which, in some cases, can be OTF versions>
of the TeX fonts) and compile View > PDF (XeTeX). Unicode is the only>
encoding that XeTeX supports, so you don't need to select anything>

Thank you.
I will try both methods and compare them.
Thanks again,


Re: textpos in lyx

2011-07-21 Thread Csikos Bela
Paul Rubin  írta:
>I tried this and the image appeared to be centered horizontally.  If you are>
still having a problem with it, perhaps you can post a minimal example that>
demonstrates the problem.>

Sure. I am trying to attach two lyx files and the resulted pdf files:

1. textpos-example-1-to-the-right.lyx and pdf: here the textblock is closer to 
the right edge of the page.

2. textpos-example-2-to-the-left.lyx and pdf: here it is closer to the left 
edge of the page.

Thanks for anwering,


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: textpos in lyx

2011-07-23 Thread Csikos Bela
"Paul A. Rubin"  írta:

>For some reason I can't get \textpos to place anything snugly against the 
>left corner of the page -- if set the position to (0,0), it still seems to 
>a small amount of space above and to the left.  However, with a bit of 

Yes, I also noticed that the image is not exactly at the top of the page.
I haven't realized the space at the left side.

>I was able to get a horizontal rule the size of your image to center pretty 
>(perhaps not quite perfectly).  The hacked LyX file is below.>

Thanks for the file. Though the box (rule) is exactly at the top edge, it is 
not centered horizontally. See the corresponding pdf.
It seems I have to play with the distances to locate it to the center.

Thanks again,


Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: textpos in lyx

2011-07-24 Thread Csikos Bela
Paul A. Rubin"  írta:


>Yes, \noindent is definitely simpler.  When I tried \noindent, it seemed to>
>throw the horizontal position off slightly, but I may have had something >else 
>play at the same time. I tried it both automatically (LyX inserts it if you>
>specify the paragraph to be justified) and manually (including it in the ERT). 
>>When LyX inserts it, it adds a space after \noindent, which might have ?>been 
>culprit.  I thought I got the same slight shift when I added it manually to 
>>the ERT, but perhaps not.  If it works for you, that's good.

Thanks Paul.
I don't have time currently to experiment further with this but, since the 
issue is solved with your help, I don't need to.

Thanks again,


Re: xetex font question

2011-07-25 Thread Csikos Bela
Liviu Andronic  írta:
>2011/7/24 Csikos Bela :>
> All the Hungarian fonts look OK, but the inserted greek letters are replaced 
> by empty spaces in preview or in the pdf produced by file>export>pdf (xetex).>
> If I replace nimbus font with times new roman, greek fonts are OK.>
> What can be the problem? In openoffice writer nimbus greek looks correct.>
>If Nimbus lacks Greek glyphs, the XeTeX will place white space instead
>of the intended characters, because it has nothing else to display. It
>may be possible than OpenOffice performs some automatic fallback
>replacement for the missing glyphs.

Yes, you're right, Nimbus does not have greek fonts.
As I have disabled font replacement in openoffice I thought the font was not 
replaced. It seems openoffice applied some internal default font replacement 



2 questions: \documentclass[english,magyar] and \DeclareRobustCommand{\greektext}

2011-07-28 Thread Csikos Bela

I am preparing a Hungarian document in lyx2.
The text is in unicode and has greek fonts.
I selected in document settings>language Hungarian language,
and use language package to custom \usepackage[magyar]{babel}.
Fonts are set to use non tex fonts via xetex/luatex.

My questions are:

1. Looking at the lyx source I found that the documentclass is set to
\documentclass[english,magyar]. Just after \begin{text} 
\selectlanguage{english} is set:


And only at the end of my text Hungarian is set:



I don't understand this. Can it be the cause of wrong hyphenation?

2. As I said, the font is set to non-tex fonts.
Still lyx puts these lines in the preamble:

%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
\DeclareRobustCommand{\textgreek}[1]{\leavevmode{\greektext #1}}

But I can't see a anywhere that the commands are used in the text.
Why are they in the preamble then?



How to use spell checking in lyx?

2011-08-02 Thread Csikos Bela
Hello lyx users:

I wanted to use lyx spell checker for Hungarian language but I could not find 
out how to do it.

I have lyx 2.0.0 compiled on my system.
On my system hunspell-devel and aspell-devel files are also installed, and lyx
took this into account at build.

I can set "Spellchecker engine" in lyx preferences either to aspell or to 

When aspell is selected in preferences:
If I create a document and set its language to Hungarian in document settings, 
the spell checker does not use a Hungarian dictionary. If I press F7 the spell 
checker stop at the first Hungarian word and the language in the spell checker 
is set to English. How can I change the selected dictionary to Hungarian 
aspell-hu is installed.

Hunspell does not work at all, the hunspell Hungarian dictionary might be 



Re: How to use spell checking in lyx?

2011-08-03 Thread Csikos Bela
Liviu Andronic  írta:
>2011/8/2 Csikos Bela :>
> Hello lyx users:>
> I wanted to use lyx spell checker for Hungarian language but I could not find 
> out how to do it.>
> I have lyx 2.0.0 compiled on my system.>
> On my system hunspell-devel and aspell-devel files are also installed, and 
> lyx>
> took this into account at build.>
> I can set "Spellchecker engine" in lyx preferences either to aspell or to 
> hunspell.>
> When aspell is selected in preferences:>
> If I create a document and set its language to Hungarian in document 
> settings, the spell checker does not use a Hungarian dictionary. If I press 
> F7 the spell checker stop at the first Hungarian word and the language in the 
> spell checker is set to English. How can I change the selected dictionary to 
> Hungarian permanently?>
> aspell-hu is installed.>
With Aspell, try this [1], and let us know if it works.>

Thank you.
It helped to change language for the text.
No spell checker works as expected.

Thanks again,


prevent float placement on page with /newpage

2011-08-10 Thread Csikos Bela
Hello lyx users:

I have a question on float placement.
I am working on a document with sections, and I start every section
on a new page inserting an Insert>Formatting>New page
before the section title. But lyx occasionally places floats on the
same (new) page above the new section title.
How can I prevent this so that the section would start
on a completely new page and the float would be inserted
on a previous page?



change superscript or subscript to normal font

2020-11-24 Thread Csikos Bela

Accidentally I changed some text to superscript. How can I change it back to 
normal font?
I tried to reset all properties in font dialogue but none of them had the 
required effect.
This is  in lyx 2.0.6 (I know it's old but works for me.)


lyx-users mailing list

Re: change superscript or subscript to normal font

2020-11-25 Thread Csikos Bela
Axel Dessecker  írta:
>Am Dienstag, 24. November 2020, 17:01:14 CET schrieb Csikos Bela:
>> Hello:
>> Accidentally I changed some text to superscript. How can I change it back to
>> normal font? I tried to reset all properties in font dialogue but none of
>> them had the required effect. This is  in lyx 2.0.6 (I know it's old but
>> works for me.)
>> Thanks,
>> bcsikos
>Have a look at the insert -> formatting menu.

Yes, but what am I supposed to find there?
I don't want to set superscipt, I want to turn superscript off.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: change superscript or subscript to normal font

2020-11-25 Thread Csikos Bela
Kornel Benko  írta:
>Am Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:01:14 +0100 (CET)
>schrieb Csikos Bela :
>> Hello:
>> Accidentally I changed some text to superscript. How can I change it back to 
>> normal
>> font? I tried to reset all properties in font dialogue but none of them had 
>> the
>> required effect. This is  in lyx 2.0.6 (I know it's old but works for me.)
>> Thanks,
>> bcsikos
>Example file?

I don't see how it can help in this case, but see the attachment example file.


Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

old lyx document in lyx 2.3.6 doesn't compile

2022-09-14 Thread Csikos Bela
Hello:I have an old document I made in lyx 2.0. Lyx opens is but 
interprets the code incorrectly and gives compilation error:In lyx 2.0 the 
latex code 
 item. }\selectlanguage{english}%\end{enumerate}Opening the file in lyx 
latex code 
 item. }\selectlanguage{english}%\end{enumerate}How can I convert or open my 
lyx 2.0 document in lyx 2.3 so that it would work correctly?I attach the the 
lyx 2.0 file (MWE).Thanks,bcsikos

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: old lyx document in lyx 2.3.6 doesn't compile

2022-09-21 Thread Csikos Bela
On 9/14/22 13:16, Csikos Bela wrote:Hello:I have an old document I made in lyx 
2.0. Lyx opens
is but interprets the code incorrectly and gives compilation
error:In lyx 2.0 the latex code 

}\selectlanguage{english}%\end{enumerate}Opening the file in lyx latex code 

}\selectlanguage{english}%\end{enumerate}How can I convert or open my 
lyx 2.0 document in lyx 2.3 so
that it would work correctly?I attach the the lyx 2.0 file 
(MWE).Thanks,bcsikosThe problem seems to be that the "nosep" option for the 
is in the wrong place. It might be getting crosswise with the
language changes. I got it to compile as follows.I removed the magyar 
option from the line in the preamble that
loads babel. This may not be necessary for you, but on my system
"magyar" is not recognized by babel as a language name.I deleted the 
"enumerate options" inset.I put the cursor at the start of item 1 and hit enter,
temporarily changing the text to item 2.In the new (empty) item 1 
(which has reverted to English), I
used Insert > Enumerate Options to add back the "nosep"
option, then put the cursor after the inset and hit delete to
bring the original text back to item 1.HTH,PaulHello:Adding an option 
to enumitem in lyx 2.3.6. doesn't work if the list item has different language 
than the previous text. It works in lyx 2.0.6. It is a regression. I attach 
lyx, exported latex and compiled pdf files created with lyx 2.0.6 and

Description: application/lyx
%% LyX 2.0.6 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\usepackage{enumitem}		% customizable list environments
\newlength{\lyxlabelwidth}  % auxiliary length 


Lyx 2.0.6 customizble items (enumitem)

Normal list:
\item Normal list, item 1
\item Normal list, item 2
\item Normal list, item 3
List with nosep option:
\item List with nosep, item 1
\item List with nosep, item 2
\item List with nosep, item 3\selectlanguage{english}%


Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: application/lyx
%% LyX created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\newlength{\lyxlabelwidth}  % auxiliary length 


Lyx customizable lists (enumitem)

Normal list:
\item Normal list, item 1
\item Normal list, item 2
\item Normal list, item 3
List with nosep option:
\item List with nosep, item 1
\item List with nosep, item 2
\item List with nosep, item 3\selectlanguage{english}%


Description: Adobe PDF document
lyx-users mailing list

centered text's line spacing

2022-09-21 Thread Csikos Bela
Hello:In  lyx centering text changes line spacing. I can't write centered text 
with the same spacing as the normal text. Centering should not change line 
spacing.  I attach example files (lyx, tex, pdf).bcsikos

Description: application/lyx
%% LyX created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
Text line, not centered.

Another text line, still not centered.

Third text line not centered.
This text line is centered.

Second centered text line.

Third centered text line.

Description: Adobe PDF document
lyx-users mailing list

Wrong subscript size in small text

2022-11-09 Thread Csikos Bela
Hello:Inserting subscript into small text results in wrong subscript font size. 
The subscript size is equal to the font size (that is, small). Lyx incorrectly 
insert \small before the subscript text. An example:{\small{}aa 
A}\textsubscript{{\small{}B}}{\small{} bb}{\small\par}.This occurs in 
lyx 2.0.6 and to fix this?Thanks,bcsikos-- 
lyx-users mailing list

character replacement in lyx 3.0

2018-05-03 Thread Csikos Bela

In lyx 3.0 when I enter --, lyx shows an en-dash in its user interface, which I 
don't like.
How to set lyx to show the original input (--)?

(I know that latex replaces -- with en-dash in the pdf output, but in the lyx 
document file I want to see what I type.)



copy plain text

2018-05-03 Thread Csikos Bela

This question applies to lyx 3.0.

I have some text formatted and entered in ERT. In the same document I inserted 
a table and formatted the table font size and shape (to larger italic) by 
selecting the whole table and applying the font commands to the whole 
selection. This works nicely. Now I would like to replace some text in the 
table with text from the ERT so that the formatted table text would keep its 
style (size and shape, larger italic). I tried to use different copy commands 
but all of them reformats the text in the table to normal size and shape. How 
can I keep the table font style (larger italic) when I copy text into the table 
from somewhere else? In other words I'd like if the copied text (into the 
table) took the style of the fonts already configured in the table.



Re: copy plain text

2018-05-04 Thread Csikos Bela
"Paul A. Rubin"  írta:
>On 05/03/2018 12:05 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>> Hello:
>> This question applies to lyx 3.0.
>> I have some text formatted and entered in ERT. In the same document I 
>> inserted a table and formatted the table font size and shape (to larger 
>> italic) by selecting the whole table and applying the font commands to the 
>> whole selection. This works nicely. Now I would like to replace some text in 
>> the table with text from the ERT so that the formatted table text would keep 
>> its style (size and shape, larger italic). I tried to use different copy 
>> commands but all of them reformats the text in the table to normal size and 
>> shape. How can I keep the table font style (larger italic) when I copy text 
>> into the table from somewhere else? In other words I'd like if the copied 
>> text (into the table) took the style of the fonts already configured in the 
>> table.
>> Thanks,
>> bcsikos
>Could you posted a minimal example of this?

Here is a mwe.
Lyx table is formatted to have Italic large fonts.
When I copy text into it, the pasted text should be formatted to Italic large 


Description: application/lyx

Re: character replacement in lyx 3.0

2018-05-04 Thread Csikos Bela
"Jürgen Spitzmüller"  írta:
>Am Donnerstag, den 03.05.2018, 18:03 +0200 schrieb Csikos Bela:
>> Hello:
>> In lyx 3.0 when I enter --, lyx shows an en-dash in its user
>> interface, which I don't like.
>> How to set lyx to show the original input (--)?
>It's not possible (apart from putting the dashes in ERT).
>> (I know that latex replaces -- with en-dash in the pdf output, but in
>> the lyx document file I want to see what I type.)
>I can understand that. I still prefer that as well. 


Do you know in which lyx version was this behavior introduced?
The last I used was 2.1.x before 3.0.


Re: copy plain text

2018-05-04 Thread Csikos Bela
Hello, and thanks again your answer.

"Paul A. Rubin"  írta:

I snipped the content from previous messages.

>The text you are copying from ERT actually has no style attached to it. 
>The style is applied outside the ERT box. So what you are copying is, 
>from LyX's perspective, plain text.

Yes. This is the reason I gave the subject 'copy plain text'.

> I don't think there is a way around 
>that, because I do not believe LyX will let you apply LyX formatting 
>commands (\shape, \size) inside ERT.

My problem is not this.

>If you want the entire LyX table to be large italic, that is easy to do. 
>Rather than applying the format to the text inside the first row, select 
>the entire table and then apply the format to that. Once you've done 
>that, plain text from anywhere that you paste in becomes large and 

Is is not correct, and that is my problem. I did exactly what you write
above, and the inserted text becomes plain text, not large italic.
I would expect too what you write, that is, if I apply the format to the whole
table then the newly inserted plain text will be formatted the same.
But it is not. At least not in my lyx 2.3.0. installation.

Thank again,


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-06 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux  írta:
>On 06/09/2011 12:09 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> Hello:>
> Is it possible to indicate page number of floating figures automatically?>
> For example:>
> "some text in document (fig. 5, page z)">
> Page number z would be inserted by latex/lyx at compilation.>
> Thanks,>
> bcsikos>
>Absolutely! Please see Section 6.1 of the User's Guide that you find in
>the Help menu.

Thanks Julien.

This was exactly what I thought of.

As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.
I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred
versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent
insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the starred
commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used
(which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they
could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.

Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page. 
How can I correct this one?

One more question:
The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be
redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.
It gives an example:

\renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\"achsten Seite}%

What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?
How can I find it out?

Thanks again,


Re: indicate page number of floats

2011-09-08 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux  írta:
>On 06/09/2011 8:50 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> As I see the varioref package is used for this purpose.>
> I looked at its documentation and found that the package has starred>
> versions of vref and vpageref commands (vref*, vpageref*) which prevent>
> insertion of a space before the reference. It seems that currently the 
> starred>
> commands can not be inserted through lyx, TeX code has to be used>
> (which is not a problem). But it could be a feature improvement if they>
> could be inserted through lyx as well in a future release.>
>So you get extra spaces? Do you have a minimal example file which shows >
>your problem?>

Thank Julien.
Here is an example. See the page reference in the parenthesis.

#LyX 2.0 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 413
\textclass article
\use_default_options true
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman default
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\default_output_format default
\output_sync 0
\bibtex_command default
\index_command default
\paperfontsize default
\use_hyperref false
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\use_mhchem 1
\use_mathdots 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\use_refstyle 1
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig1"


\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand vpageref
reference "fig1"


) shows ...

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
sideways false
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig1"


This is a figure caption






>You can always put the reference right next to the preceding word:
>"as seen[pageref]"
>will produce
>"as seen on this page"
>in output.
>I don't remember if I ever needed to do that and why.
> Another issue is that one of my references says 'on this page'  (in the last 
> line>
> of the page) but the table float is placed on the next page.>
> How can I correct this one?>
I never had this. Is your label within the float?>

Yes, it is. I will try to make an example for this too, but it takes time.

> One more question:>
> The varioref document says that the \reftextbefore etc. commands can be>
> redefined, but if babel is used it has to be done using babel mechanism.>
> It gives an example:>
> \addto\extrasngerman{%>
>  \renewcommand\reftextfaceafter {auf der n\"achsten Seite}%>
>   ...>
> What would be the command for magyar (Hungarian) language?>
> How can I find it out?>
I would try replacing ngerman with magyar.>

Unfortunately this does not work.
Try to figure it out myself.

Thanks again,


Re: LyX and Inkscape

2011-09-23 Thread Csikos Bela
Mukhtar Ullah  írta:
> >
> So, besides setting the TEXINPUTS, how do you include the image in your >
> document? Using \input or an external template?>
> >
>I am using the \input command in ERT. You may try \input via child document 
>>as Martin suggested.


I became interested in this one too.
However no matter whether I set the TEXINPUTS prefix or leave it as is
I always get error message:

!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file ./inkscape.pdf): reading image file fail

I have linux, lyx-2.0.1 and texlive 2010-34.1.

What can be the problem?



Re: LyX and Inkscape

2011-09-23 Thread Csikos Bela
Csikos Bela  írta:

>I became interested in this one too.
>However no matter whether I set the TEXINPUTS prefix or leave it as is
>I always get error message:>
>!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file ./inkscape.pdf): reading image file fail
>I have linux, lyx-2.0.1 and texlive 2010-34.1.
>What can be the problem?

I found what was the problem. The lyx file name and the pdf to be inserted
had the same file name (inkscape-try).


Re: pdf viewer with ruler for linux

2011-09-25 Thread Csikos Bela
"Sebastian Krämer"  írta:

>>On Fri, 2011-09-23 at 21:50 +0200, Csikos Bela wrote:
>>Is there a pdf viewer for linux which has rulers (horizontal
>> and  vertical)?
>I wouldn't call it a pdf viewer but Gimp can open pdfs as graphics. It
>should have a ruler. (I've never used one with gimp, so I can't say for

Yes, pdfs can be opened in GIMP and GIMP has ruler.
But this method has inconveniences:
1. The document has to be opened as one page at a time.
2. The screen/ruler has to be calibrated, and even if it is done the ruler 
gives only accurate results when the document is viewed at 100% magnification.
If zoomed up or down, the valuse are not useful.

However since the dimensions of a pdf page is known, it would not be very 
difficult to draw a ruler in the pdf viewer, I guess. I queried google but could
not find a viewer with rulers. I do not understand why it is not implemented in 
any of the viewers.

Thanks once more for your suggestion.


lyx feature request: view preamble only

2011-10-26 Thread Csikos Bela
Hello lyx users and developers:

In lyx the total preamble is different from the preamble which can be edited
in Document>Settings>LaTeX preamble as lyx adds its own code to the

Occasionally it is good to have a look at the full preamble including lyx
inserted code. Currently the full preamble can be only seen when the
View>View source option is turned on. This is however not a perfect
solution since in case of a long document 1/ the tex source window always
switches to the current paragraph where the cursor is located, that is it is
necessary to scroll up to the top frequently, and 2/keeping the tex code
window open sometimes slows down lyx.

For the abovementioned reasons I would like to suggest implementing/ask
for  a "view preamble only" option which would show only the preamble including 
both user and lyx inserted code.



Re: lyx feature request: view preamble only

2011-10-28 Thread Csikos Bela
Richard Heck  írta:
>On 10/26/2011 02:37 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> Hello lyx users and developers:>
> In lyx the total preamble is different from the preamble which can be edited>
> in Document>Settings>LaTeX preamble as lyx adds its own code to the>
> preamble.>
> Occasionally it is good to have a look at the full preamble including lyx>
> inserted code. Currently the full preamble can be only seen when the>
> View>View source option is turned on. This is however not a perfect>
> solution since in case of a long document 1/ the tex source window always>
> switches to the current paragraph where the cursor is located, that is it is>
> necessary to scroll up to the top frequently, and 2/keeping the tex code>
> window open sometimes slows down lyx.>
> For the abovementioned reasons I would like to suggest implementing/ask>
> for  a "view preamble only" option which would show only the preamble 
> including both user and lyx inserted code.>
This is a great idea! Can you please add an enchancement request to Trac?>

Thank you.
I added a ticket to trac:


copy/paste problem in lyx 2.0.1

2011-11-23 Thread Csikos Bela

I am using lyx 2.0.1 on openSUSE 11.2.
I have an openoffice odt document and I would like to copy text from it into 
lyx. For this I select the text in openoffice writer, press ctrl+C, then I 
select the lyx window. First, the lyx window responds very slowly, it takes 
several seconds until it shows the (already entered) text. Second, I can not 
copy the text with ctrl+V: the info line shows that "command disabled". Also in 
the edit menu most of the paste commands are grayed out except for Paste 
Special -> Selection and Selection, Join Lines.
There is no problem with pasting the selected text into a simple text editor.
Copy/paste from a simple text editor into lyx also works OK.

When I want to paste the the text into lyx from openoffice, the lyx console 
window (if I start lyx in console window) gives the following message:

GuiClipboard.cpp(89): No timely response from clipboard, perhaps process 
holding clipboard is frozen?

Is this a lyx bug, or openoffice?
How could I solve it?
It makes impossible to do what I want.



Re: copy/paste problem in lyx 2.0.1

2011-11-24 Thread Csikos Bela
Liviu Andronic  írta:
>On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Csikos Bela  wrote:>
> Hello:>
> I am using lyx 2.0.1 on openSUSE 11.2.>
> I have an openoffice odt document and I would like to copy text from it into 
> lyx. For this I select the text in openoffice writer, press ctrl+C, then I 
> select the lyx window. First, the lyx window responds very slowly, it takes 
> several seconds until it shows the (already entered) text. Second, I can not 
> copy the text with ctrl+V: the info line shows that "command disabled". Also 
> in the edit menu most of the paste commands are grayed out except for Paste 
> Special -> Selection and Selection, Join Lines.>
> There is no problem with pasting the selected text into a simple text editor.>
> Copy/paste from a simple text editor into lyx also works OK.>
> When I want to paste the the text into lyx from openoffice, the lyx console 
> window (if I start lyx in console window) gives the following message:>
> GuiClipboard.cpp(89): No timely response from clipboard, perhaps process 
> holding clipboard is frozen?>
What Desktop Environment? What clipboard manager? There were some>
similar, strange issues when using LyX under Xfce [1].>

openSUSE 11.2 with KDE 3.5.10. I don't know the clipboard manager, can it be 
the klipper applet that is shown on the panel?



Re: copy/paste problem in lyx 2.0.1

2011-11-24 Thread Csikos Bela
Liviu Andronic  írta:
>On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Csikos Bela  wrote:>
> openSUSE 11.2 with KDE 3.5.10. I don't know the clipboard manager, can it be 
> the klipper applet that is shown on the panel?>
If it's KDE, then I don't know. Have you tried removing the applet?>
Also experiment with some other clipboard managers, such as>

Just and addon:

The problem does not affects lyx 1.6.9 _on_the_same_ system.
However lyx 1.6.9 is an openuse build service build, lyx 2.0.1 is my own build.

Off topic: Why my name is removed from the sender line on the MARC mailing list?


copy/paste paste problem between documents in different languages

2011-11-29 Thread Csikos Bela

When I copy text from a Hungarian lyx document into an English document,
the pasted text becomes underlined and the new language code is inserted into 
the English document as well.  For example the lyx source code is changed from 
(before pasting):


to (after pasting):

\item [{\inputencoding{latin2}...

This occurs even if there is no any foreign (that is Hungarian language 
specific character) in the pasted text. It also occurs if the paste 
special/plain text method is used.

As the codes go into the lyx source code there is no way to change them
or get rid of them, while they are absolutely unnecessary in the document.

How can this be solved?



Re: copy/paste paste problem between documents in different languages

2011-11-29 Thread Csikos Bela

Wolfgang Engelmann  írta:
>Am Dienstag, 29. November 2011, 18:53:21 schrieb Csikos Bela:>
> Hello:>
> >
> When I copy text from a Hungarian lyx document into an English document,>
> the pasted text becomes underlined and the new language code is inserted>
> into the English document as well.  For example the lyx source code is>
> changed from (before pasting):>
> >
> \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc}>
> >
> to (after pasting):>
> >
> \usepackage[latin2,latin9]{inputenc}>
> ...>
> \selectlanguage{magyar}>
> ...>
> \item [{\inputencoding{latin2}...>
> >
> This occurs even if there is no any foreign (that is Hungarian language>
> specific character) in the pasted text. It also occurs if the paste>
> special/plain text method is used.>
> >
> As the codes go into the lyx source code there is no way to change them>
> or get rid of them, while they are absolutely unnecessary in the>
> document.>
> >
> How can this be solved?>
> >
> Thanks,>
> >
> bcsikos>
See the screenshot, point 5 use the second item in the drop down menu for >
setting back the language.>
Sorry, I use the German version, thought its clearer this way>


I can set the language to English.
It's strange that I haven't noticed that menu option so far.


Re: pdf dimensions

2011-12-01 Thread Csikos Bela
"Gian Maria Niccolò Benucci"  írta:
>Hi everyone,Is it possible to reduce the dimension of the compiled pdf in LyX 
>2.0???Thanks a lot,-- Gian >

Do you mean the page size of the produced page?
It can be set easily under Document>Settings>Page layout>Paper format>Format.


line spacing in lyxlist type lists

2011-12-02 Thread Csikos Bela

How can I set or change the line spacing of the lyxlist style in lyx 2?
I would like to set the distance between the list items, and also the linespace 
within the item. It is also fine if I have to use latex code, or edit the 



Re: line spacing in lyxlist type lists

2011-12-02 Thread Csikos Bela
Liviu Andronic  írta:
>On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Csikos Bela  wrote:>
> Hello:>
> How can I set or change the line spacing of the lyxlist style in lyx 2?>
> I would like to set the distance between the list items, and also the 
> linespace within the item. It is also fine if I have to use latex code, or 
> edit the preamble.>
Look into the docs of the 'enumitem' module.>


I looked at the lyx's user guide and I found the following in section

You can decrease the space by adding an optional argument to the first item of 
the list. There add the command nolistsep to get no additional list space like 
in this example:
• A bullet list
• without additional
• vertical space

If I understand correctly I have to add '\nolistsep' in TEX code, but I don't 
know where.  If add it right before the first item I get error message:

 \item \nolistsepa
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed.

The lyx user guide is very obscure in regard how and where to insert the 


Re: line spacing in lyxlist type lists

2011-12-02 Thread Csikos Bela
Liviu Andronic  írta:
>On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Csikos Bela  wrote:>
> Liviu Andronic  írta:>
>>On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Csikos Bela  wrote:>>
>> Hello:>>
>> How can I set or change the line spacing of the lyxlist style in lyx 2?>>
>> I would like to set the distance between the list items, and also the 
>> linespace within the item. It is also fine if I have to use latex code, or 
>> edit the preamble.>>
> Look into the docs of the 'enumitem' module.>>
> Thanks.>
> I looked at the lyx's user guide and I found the following in section 
>Have you looked into 'examples/enumitem.lyx'? It has an example on how>
>to do this:

I don't have this file in lyx 2.0.1, I have only enumitem.module in

>load the module, and insert the option via C-menu > Insert>
>Short Title.>

This was exactly what I wanted to do. I loaded the module, but
insert>short title is greyed out when labeling list type is selected.



enumitem.module in Lyx 2

2011-12-09 Thread Csikos Bela

I have Lyx 2.0.2 compiled from source package in  openSUSE 11.2.
The program works well, however I have a problem with the
"Customizable list (enumitem)" module. The tooltip for this module
says: "Controls the layout of enumerate, itemize, description, and
list/labeling." The Lyx User's Guide in section 3.3.7 says that the
list properties can be changed/modified by inserting keywords using
the menu Insert>Short title option. On my system this works with
the enumerate, itemize, and description list types. When the labeling
or enumerate-resume list types are selected the Insert>Short title
menu option is greyed out and I can not insert anything.

My question is why the Insert>Short title option is greyed out.
Should not it work with the labeling and enumerate-resume list types
as well? How could I make it work?

Thanks in advance,


Re: line spacing in lyxlist type lists

2011-12-09 Thread Csikos Bela
Liviu Andronic  írta:
>On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Csikos Bela  wrote:>
> Hello.>
> Thank you again.>
> I have built lyx 2.0.2 from the source file available at>
> Compilation and installaton went without errors, but>
> the installation does not include enumitem.lyx file.>
> /usr/local/lyx/2.0.2> ls -lR |grep enumitem>
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3206 2011-12-03 01:33 enumitem.module>
>  :/usr/local/lyx/2.0.2>>
I'm not sure why you don't have this file. I'm using 2.0.2, too.>>
>>>load the module, and insert the option via C-menu > Insert>>>
>>>Short Title.>>>
>> This was exactly what I wanted to do. I loaded the module, but>>
>> insert>short title is greyed out when labeling list type is selected.>>
>>See last list in the attached. I guess it should do what you want.>>
> I opened the file that you have attached.>
> The greyed opt insert with the accompanying nolistsep ERT is visible in the 
> editor window, however this is not reflected in the text sourec code. See the 
> attached image, opened-doc-with-nolistsep-option.jpg.>
I'm not sure what goes wrong. Perhaps it's a bug in LyX support of 'enumitem'.>
Try to load the 'enumitem' module and then include the following in>
the preamble:>
\setlist{nolistsep} % or \setlist{noitemsep} to leave space around whole list>
Note that this should have an effect on all the lists in your document.>

Thanks Liviu.
I apologize for the delayed answer but had other stuff to do.

Inserting the lines above into the preamble had effect on the list's line 
spacing. However I still can not understand what can be the problem
with the enumitem module. I probably will start a new thread for this issue.

Thanks again,


Re: enumitem.module in Lyx 2

2011-12-09 Thread Csikos Bela
Richard Heck  írta:
>>On 12/09/2011 09:02 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
>> Hello:
>> I have Lyx 2.0.2 compiled from source package in  openSUSE 11.2.
>> The program works well, however I have a problem with the
>> "Customizable list (enumitem)" module. The tooltip for this module
>> says: "Controls the layout of enumerate, itemize, description, and
>> list/labeling." The Lyx User's Guide in section 3.3.7 says that the
>> list properties can be changed/modified by inserting keywords using
>> the menu Insert>Short title option. On my system this works with
>> the enumerate, itemize, and description list types. When the labeling
>> or enumerate-resume list types are selected the Insert>Short title
>> menu option is greyed out and I can not insert anything.
>> My question is why the Insert>Short title option is greyed out.
>> Should not it work with the labeling and enumerate-resume list types
>> as well? How could I make it work?
>Labeling is LyX's own special thing, and is not handled by enumitem. For 
>the "resume" case, this just picks up where your previous enumeration
>left off, and inherits the settings of that list. So it is not supposed >
>to be modifiable then.

Thanks Richard.

I read the enumitem manual, and indeed it says that it is for modifying only
the enumerate, itemize, and description list types.

On the contrary, the enumitem module tooltip clearly indicates that the module,
apart from the above three list types, can be used to modify the labeling 
The Lyx User's Guide also indicates that, as I have pointed out in my previous 
Apart from this if you look at the source (by turning on View>View Source) you 
can see
that the 'lyxlist' environment is changed to 'elabeling' environment when the 
module is loaded
(\begin{lyxlist}{00.00.} becomes \begin{elabeling}{00.00.}),
which also indicates that the module is supposed to affect labeling list type.

Finally, the enumitem.module file has comments that indicate the same:

# Customisable LyX List
# -

(I took the above from the enumitem.module file).

If, on the contrary to all of these, the module is not supposed to modify
labeling lists, it should be explained clearly in the User's Guide and the 
tooltip info should be changed accordingly.

Guenter Milde, the author of the enumitem.module file maybe could
clarify this issue.

Thanks again for your response,


Re: enumitem.module in Lyx 2

2011-12-16 Thread Csikos Bela
Guenter Milde  írta:
>On 2011-12-11, Liviu Andronic wrote:>
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Guenter Milde  wrote:>
 My question is why the Insert>Short title option is greyed out.>
 Should not it work with the labeling and enumerate-resume list types>
 as well? How could I make it work?>
>>> Labeling is LyX's own special thing, and is not handled by enumitem.>
>> In my LyX 2.x SVN, it is handled by enumitem.>
>> And inserting options with the misnamed Insert>Short Title into a labeling>
>> works, too.>
> I'm not suer what's wrong, but I think I'm seeing this issue, too (in>
> both 2.0.x and 2.1 SVN). For one, I cannot insert a "short title". But>
> worst is that when I look into enumitem.lyx and specifically at the>
> last example that suggests that the environment "also takes an>
> optional argument", here is what I get in the View Source:>
> It also takes an optional argument:>
> \begin{elabeling}{withNN}>
> \item [{nice}] description>
> \item [{with}] several items and>
> \item [{including~one~very~long~label}] and the item content starting>
> at the next line.\end{elabeling}>
> The above completely ignores the 'style=nextline' inserted in the>
> 'opt' inset. When I write anything else in the inset, the Source pane>
> dully ignores it. Something is wrong.>
It seems the latest update>
# 2011-01-12 bugfix: set elabeling label font to \normalfont.>
has broken this. >
In my local ~/.lyx-svn/layouts folder, I have the previous version that>
fully defines the Labeling style while the 2011-01-12 version seems to>
inherit from>
The following patch should fix the issue:>
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ Input>
 Style Labeling>
LatexName elabeling>
+   OptionalArgs  1>
# FIXME This should probably be defined using \newlist instead>
% labeling-like list based on enumitem's description list with>
Günter  >

Thank you for the fix.

Re: biblatex options in the preamble

2012-01-04 Thread Csikos Bela
Csikos Bela  írta:
The biblatex users guide (Version 1.7, November 13, 2011)>
on page 44, section says:>
"The following options may be used in the optional argument to \usepackage as 
well as in the configuration file and the document preamble.">
How can I set an option in the preamble? What would be the exact code for 
example for the option maxbibnames=10 if I don't want to put it as an "optional 
argument to \usepackage"?>

I found the answer on p. 61, section 3.2.2:



biblatex options in the preamble

2012-01-04 Thread Csikos Bela

The biblatex users guide (Version 1.7, November 13, 2011)
on page 44, section says:

"The following options may be used in the optional argument to \usepackage as 
well as in the configuration file and the document preamble."

How can I set an option in the preamble? What would be the exact code for 
example for the option maxbibnames=10 if I don't want to put it as an "optional 
argument to \usepackage"?



converting utf8 encoded bib file to ascii

2012-01-06 Thread Csikos Bela

I am searching for a linux program which can convert a bibtex bibliography file 
from utf8 encoding to ascii or latin-1. Which can convert special characters to 
"latex type" characters, eg. á --> \'{a}, ü --> \"{u}, Ł  --> \L etc.

If you know such a program, please let me know.



exporting lyx file to latex file with original figure references

2012-01-09 Thread Csikos Bela

I would like to export a lyx file to plain latex file so that the original 
image files would be used in the created tex file. Currently when I export to 
plain latex all the images are converted to eps files and the images are 
referenced in the tex file by the figure names only without the suffix. I would 
like to have the original files with suffix (png and jpg) in the bibtex file. 
Is it possible? As I know correctly pfdlatex (when runned on a tex file) can 
use jpg and png files.



Re: copying from MS Word to LyX

2012-01-09 Thread Csikos Bela
Richard Heck  írta:
>>On 01/09/2012 07:11 AM, Leslaw Bieniasz wrote:>
>> Hi,>
>> I am new to LaTeX and LyX. I have a document written in MS Word, 
>> >>containing>
>> lots of math equations plus text, and I want to copy it into LyX. Is there 
>> >>any way to do it? I see that this issue was discussed in the past in this 
>> >>forum, and the suggestion was to write the doc file in the html format, 
>> >>and then import the html file into LyX. However, I do not see any option 
>> >>in LyX, to import or read html. So, how can I make the conversion?>


What I usually do is copy/paste from word/openoffice document into lyx.
This makes sure that the special characters will be correct, do not have to 
play with encoding, and fixing an imported document even may take more time 
than copy/pasting. But unfortunately copy/paste from ooo/libreoffice into lyx 
occasionally problematic in some desktop environmments.

>You should at least try opening the file in Libre Office and then >
>exporting to LaTeX, then opening the LaTeX file in LyX. It will be far >
>from perfect, but it won't take that long to get it right.>

I can not find save as latex option neither in the save nor in the export 
window. I have LibreOffice 3.4.4 OOO340m1 (Build:402).
Ooo 3.1.1 doesn't not have such an option either.
I have openSUSE 11.2.


Re: exporting lyx file to latex file with original figure references

2012-01-10 Thread Csikos Bela
Guenter Milde  írta:
>On 2012-01-09, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> Hello:>
> I would like to export a lyx file to plain latex file so that the>
> original image files would be used in the created tex file. Currently>
> when I export to plain latex all the images are converted to eps files>
> and the images are referenced in the tex file by the figure names only>
> without the suffix. I would like to have the original files with suffix>
> (png and jpg) in the bibtex file. Is it possible? As I know correctly>
> pfdlatex (when runned on a tex file) can use jpg and png files.>
Did you try File>Export>pdflatex?>
(File>Export>Latex is for conversion to DVI, which requires EPS images.)>

I haven't tried it before, and was what I needed.
Thank you!


Re: Tables

2012-01-11 Thread Csikos Bela
Hal Kierstead  írta:

Using LyX 2.02, I am trying to make a table with two columns---one 1 inches 
wide and the other 5 inches wide. When I enter this using the table settings 
dialog, every thing looks right in LyX, but when I export it both columns are 5 
inches wide.  What am I doing wrong?  Does it matter that I am using the AMS 
book class?



Export to what? PDF, dvi, plain tex?
I tried to make a table like this and it as expexted when viewed as pdf
using export PDF (pdflatex).
I am attaching the lyx file and the resulted pdf file.

Just for clarity: you have to set the width of the columns individually.
Click in the left column - right click - more - settings - Table settings tab - 
Columns settings: set width 1 inch. Repeat this with the right column, but set 
it to 5 inch.


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: Tables

2012-01-12 Thread Csikos Bela
Hal Kierstead  írta:
On Jan 11, 2012, at 8:46 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> Hal Kierstead  írta:>
> Hello,>
> >
> Using LyX 2.02, I am trying to make a table with two columns---one 1 inches 
> wide and the other 5 inches wide. When I enter this using the table settings 
> dialog, every thing looks right in LyX, but when I export it both columns are 
> 5 inches wide.  What am I doing wrong?  Does it matter that I am using the 
> AMS book class?>
> >
> Hal>
> >
> >
> Hello:>
> >
> Export to what? PDF, dvi, plain tex?>
> I tried to make a table like this and it as expexted when viewed as pdf>
> using export PDF (pdflatex).>
> I am attaching the lyx file and the resulted pdf file.>
> >
> Just for clarity: you have to set the width of the columns individually.>
> Click in the left column - right click - more - settings - Table settings tab 
> - Columns settings: set width 1 inch. Repeat this with the right column, but 
> set it to 5 inch.>
> >
>BCikos ->
Thanks for your interest.  Here is a simple lyx document, the exported tex 
document and the pdf it generates.  I created the LyX document just as you 
said, and it looks fine in LyX, but not in the pdf version.  I see you inserted 
your table in a float, but this did not help when I tried it.>
Thanks again,>


Please do not top post.

I looked at your lyx file and found that the pdfsync package causes the 
problem. Remove that from the preamble and your table will look as expected. I 
would not use the fullpage package either as you can
set the margins in lyx easily. Note that your example texts overhang
the borders because they don't contain any space and can not
be hyphenated either.


Re: Captions at top of tables

2012-01-13 Thread Csikos Bela
Shane Siers  írta:
>Hi, all.  This should be an easy one, but I just spent an hour trolling Google 
>and discussion forums and still don't know:>
I want my float captions to be at the bottom for figures (default) and at the 
top for tables -- there is where I'm having the problem.  I tried putting 
the table (a Sweave chunk) below the caption in the float, but on compilation 
this just printed the chunk code as text.>
I hope this has an easy answer...let me know if I have to spend 20 minutes 
paring my document down to a useable example.-- >


I use the caption and floatrow packages together to set floating tables/figures 
and their captions. They are very powerful, even might be overkill for your 
purpose. Unfortunately the floatrow manual is overwhelming and hard to 
understand at first. You can find the manuals here:


Re: hyperref and TOC

2012-01-17 Thread Csikos Bela
Csikos Bela  írta:
>Hello lyx users:>
I tried to use hyperref package in my lyx document.>
It nicely creates the bookmarks/links in the pdf but does not include the TOC 
itself. I am attaching a .lyx and a .pdf doc as an example.>
What I have in the bookmarks pane is:>
First section>
I would like to have 1) a bookmark for the TOC and also 2) one for the Title 
page, like this:>
Title page>
Table of contents>
First section>
Clicking on the Title page would navigate to the Title page, and clicking to 
the TOC would navigate to the TOC page.>
How can I achieve this?>

I found out myself:

I inserted in ERT

\pdfbookmark[1]{Title page}{titlepage}

just before TITLE PAGE



just before the TOC.


change backref page number with arrow

2012-01-17 Thread Csikos Bela

I would like to change the page numbers at the end of bibliography entries 
(created by backref option of hyperref) for clickable  (left or up) arrows.
Clicking the arrow would navigate back to the page where the actual citation
is located. Is this doable? How?



Re: Novice: Text in the middle of the page

2012-01-20 Thread Csikos Bela
nomnex  írta:

>My apology for many questions in a row. I am a bit overwhelmed with the>
the default lyx (either article, or report class) document margins -->
probably for typographical reason -- do not center the text on the>
page. The left margin is larger than the right margin.>
What is the best way to have the text in the middle of the page:>

To set all the margins or left/right margins equal.

a. Can I use the {geometry} package in the preamble, and what is the>
command to pass.>

You can do this but see below.

b. Else, should I set Document margins manually (there is no>
indication of the default L/R margin values).>

If you set the margins in lyx it loads the geometry package with the
correct options. Eg. if I set all margins to 2 cm, lyx insert the following 
in the preamble:



The default margins (if you don't set them in Lyx) are defined by the document 
class. I don't know how to get to know those 
values. Probably the class documentation contains it.


Re: Bibtex style file modification

2012-01-20 Thread Csikos Bela
Shane Siers  írta:
>I am preparing a submission for a journal that does not have its own latex 
>style definitions file.  I am using ecology.bst which is very close.  However, 
>I would like to be able to make the following modifications:>
1.  Journal titles are currently italicized; I would like to turn off 
italicization of journal titles.>
2.  Currently, there is a comma between the last listed author and the 
publication year; I would like to make this a period (e.g. "...Smith, 
1986." to "...Smith.  1986.")>
Can someone help me with this?  I'll attach the .bst file.>


Yous should try the makebst script from the custom-bib package.
It is part of standard latex installation or you can download it from ctan.
It has documentation as well.

Probably you have to run the script a few time to get to know it.
The bst file created with the makebst command can be used with the natbib 

This is from the custom-bib readme file (version 4.31):

To use/install the package:

0. (optional, for hackers) LaTeX makebst.dtx to get the documentation;
 This also extracts makebst.ins from makebst.dtx, if it does not already
1. Run TeX (or LaTeX) on makebst.ins (--> makebst.tex)
2. Run TeX (or LaTeX) on makebst.tex to start customizing
 your own .bst file. Select merlin as the master file (default) when
 asked. (I have other master files for my own purposes.)
3. Answer the questions that then arise; for merlin, you will also be asked
 which language support file you want (default is merlin itself, meaning
 English or the pseudo-language Babel). You will also be asked if you want
 to add a file defining short-hand designations for various journals; such
 files are included (physjour.mbs, geojour.mbs, photjour.mbs) for physics
 geophysics, and optics journals, but you could create your own.
4. The menus that appear may not be informative enough for you. More
 information can be obtained by reading the documentation (on the options)
 contained in the .mbs files themselves. This documentation can be printed
 out by running LaTeX on the .mbs files.
5. The makebst program only produces a docstrip batch job to generate the .bst
 file. The last question it asks is whether that job should be run right
 away. You can always run it again yourself by running TeX or LaTeX on
 this .dbj file. (The .dbj file can also be manually edited if you want to
 play around with the various options it includes.)


Re: making a Box: using floatrow package in place of default float

2012-03-02 Thread Csikos Bela
Justin Wood  írta:
>Hi all. Bit of a tortured question, but hoping someone can help me sort this 
>out.The goal: I'm trying to add the ability to create box floats in my 
>doctoral thesis, which are used to contain regular text displayed as an 
>important aside. Attached is an example of what I'm after (box.pdf), based 
>on what I have so far.>
Functionality requirements:* a float, framed* numbered caption, derived from 
containing chapter (Box 2.1, 2.2, etc) which is included in the List of X in 
TOC* that caption should be at the top and inside the box itself>
* text should be smaller font size>
The setup:* LyX 2.0.2 on OS X 10.7.3 with TeXLive 2011.* documents use the 
bundled thesis template (KOMA-script), set with XeTeX for additional fonts 
(though the same function was provided by this mechanism when it was 
'just' LaTeX).>
To date (~18 months) I've been using a custom boxedfloat.module that Jürgen 
Spitzmüller provided me with (attached), with the following LaTeX preamble to 
control the caption format:\@ifundefined{fs@boxed}{}% do nothing if not in use>
{%  \usepackage{framed}>
   \newcommand\floatc@simplerule[2]{\flushleft{\@fs@cfont #1 #2}}  
    \def\@fs@post{\end{framed}}%    \def\@fs@mid{\kern8pt}%>
    \let\@fs@iftopcapt\iftrue}}%This works very well — again, producing the 
example — however I have a couple of limitations that the floatrow package 
seems to be able to address:>
* specifying the font size once in preamble, whereas at the moment I've not 
been able to find any other way than ERT at the beginning and end of the float 
to add {\small ... }>
* the ability to use normal paragraph breaks rather than manually entering 
\medskip* the ability to include footnotes within the Box, which to date has 
proved impossible but floatrow states that it can do soThe problem...:>
I cannot get floatrow to work. I found this previous list trail from 2011, and 
followed the suggestion to implement floatrow.module (aside: looking at 
exported LaTeX, \usepackage{floatrow} is still inserted twice). Unfortunately 
nothing I've tried has succeeded, and my knowledge of LaTeX and/or LyX 
modules doesn't appear up to the task... It seems that the module 
overriding of the auto-included float package does not occur before LyX 
automatically adds the configuration commands pertaining to the original float 
package; namely:>
floatrow documentation sort of says this should work anyway, but it 
doesn't. Any time I try to replace or override this in the floatrow.module 
or LaTeX preamble, compilation (XeTeX) throws an Undefined control sequence 
error, protesting that \floatstyle{boxed} was not \def'd, followed by a 
missing \begin{document}. My tentative guess is that the float style commands 
are effectively being given twice?>
The request:I'll be eternally grateful if someone can help me solve this! I 
don't much care how it's done, whether by resolving this particular 
issue with using floatrow over the default float or by some other package or 
LaTeX wizardry. Perhaps it could even be added to LyX proper; surely I'm 
not that unusual in seeking this format type?>
Thanks as always!PS - slightly less than 6 months till immutable submission 
~:justin.wood:~ ≤ 350ppm>


Here are two example lyx files. See the difference between the location of
the floats, which is reflected in the TOC.

This requires caption and floatrow packages but not the module you mentioned.
For details see the documentation of floatrow package.



Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

kerning and accented characters

2012-03-06 Thread Csikos Bela

Certain character pairs look very ugly in lyx/latex output.
For example if V is followed by Hungarian accented a or e (ie. á or é) it looks 
very ugly.
See the attached lyx and pdf files.
I know that I could use \kerning command to adjust the distance between the 
characters but
how could I avoid inserting the command at every occurrence of such character 



Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

right align a block of text

2012-03-11 Thread Csikos Bela

I would like to align to the right margin a block of text in the following way:
 - The end of the longest line in the block aligned to the right margin
 - The beginnings of the other lines in the block aligned to the beginning of
   the longest line in the block.

It would look like this:

left margin right margin
text block longest
block shorter
another shorter

How can a do it in lyx/latex?



Re: kerning and accented characters

2012-03-11 Thread Csikos Bela
"Jürgen Spitzmüller"  írta:
>Csikos Bela wrote:>
> Certain character pairs look very ugly in lyx/latex output.>
> For example if V is followed by Hungarian accented a or e (ie. á or é) it>
> looks very ugly. See the attached lyx and pdf files.>
> I know that I could use \kerning command to adjust the distance between the>
> characters but how could I avoid inserting the command at every occurrence>
> of such character pairs?>
This looks like a problem in the kerning tables of the fonts. It seems to me >
that LatinModern does a better job at kerning these character pairs.>
Fixing the kerning is difficult, see>>
If you need this specific font, you could define a macro such as>
\newcommand\myve{V\kern-1pt é}>
Where you fix the kerning for specific pairs (and sizes). A crude hack, I >
You might also check the TeXGyre Pagella font instead of Palatino. Pagella is >
a Palatino clone from the LatinModern makers.>>

Thank Jürgen.
I tried several fonts available in my latex installation but none of them
looks  correct.
Unfortunately I don't know how to add a font to my my latex font pool.
I looked at the relevant latex documents but I had no time yet to go
through them. 

Thanks again,


Re: right align a block of text

2012-03-11 Thread Csikos Bela
Csikos Bela  írta:
I would like to align to the right margin a block of text in the following way:>
 - The end of the longest line in the block aligned to the right margin>
 - The beginnings of the other lines in the block aligned to the beginning of>
   the longest line in the block.>
It would look like this:>
left margin right margin>
text block longest>
block shorter>
another shorter>
How can a do it in lyx/latex?>

It seems that the arrangement is not preserved
in the mail body, therefore I attach a pdf showing
I would like to achieve. It has another example
with with two text blocks, one on the left and
one on the right. Left block is aligned to the left,
right block is aligned to the right margin.

Is this possible in lyx?



Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: right align a block of text

2012-03-12 Thread Csikos Bela
Richard Heck  írta:
>On 03/11/2012 02:49 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> It seems that the arrangement is not preserved in the mail body, >
> therefore I attach a pdf showing I would like to achieve. It has >
> another example with with two text blocks, one on the left and one on >
> the right. Left block is aligned to the left, right block is aligned >
> to the right margin. Is this possible in lyx? Thanks, bcsikos>
Just use \hfill between the two parts, as in the attached. (Note that >
the first line is indented because of the paragraph settings. You can >
unindent it if you wish.)>

Thanks Richard, but please note that what I need is different.
I want two blocks of text; within both blocks the lines are left aligned.
The whole left block is left aligned, and the whole right block is right 
Take a look at the example pdf I attached with my previous post.
Why I need this? See the answer to PhilipPirrip's post.

Thanks again,


Re: right align a block of text

2012-03-12 Thread Csikos Bela
PhilipPirrip  írta:
> Is this possible in lyx?>
Everything that is possible in LaTeX is also possible in LyX. Therefore, >
asking on a LaTeX group would be a better option for you, I guess. The >
answer would be - yes, it is possible, but is it easy?>
Easiness is relative. I don't care if it is easy or not.

Moreover, these 'strange' formattings should be better done in >
LibreOffice, or even better in Scribus. Maybe you should ask yourself >
why do you need LaTeX and LyX after all.>

Well, I don't write official letters in scribus, and I changed to lyx from
office writers (LibreOffice, OpenOffice, MS Word) since it gives nicer output.
I don't see why this would be 'strange' format.
If I write an official letter, I want to put  the recipient's address in the
top left corner, and the sender's address in the top right corner.
And it would look ugly if the sender's address was staggered at the
inside; it also would be ugly if the sender's address block wasn't aligned.


Re: right align a block of text

2012-03-12 Thread Csikos Bela
"Ignacio García"  írta:
>Csikos Bela, wrote on Sun, 11 Mar 2012>I would like to align to the right 
>margin a block of text in the following way:>
> - The end of the longest line in the block aligned to the right margin>
> - The beginnings of the other lines in the block aligned to the beginning of>
>   the longest line in the block.You can try with Insert>Box, then 
> Insert>Formatting>Horizontal Space>Horizontal Filland then another Box.You 
> have to manually adjust the width of the boxes, especially the second to 
> adjust the margin>

Thank you all for replying.
I did exactly the same, I used two minipages,  one on the left and one on
the right. What problematic is the width of the right minipage.
It should be exactly the length of the longest line it contains,
but it can not be set like that. Setting the width manually is not a
real solution since by changing font type or size might require
resetting its width.
I guess the same applies to tables.
I found \makebox command; its width can be set exactly to the
width of its content with the \width parameter. Unfortunately
\makebox command works only with one line boxes. It can not
have new lines.
All in all there is no good solution so far.



Re: right align a block of text

2012-03-12 Thread Csikos Bela
Richard Heck  írta:
>On 03/12/2012 12:13 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:>
> Thank you all for replying.>
> I did exactly the same, I used two minipages,  one on the left and one on>
> the right. What problematic is the width of the right minipage.>
> It should be exactly the length of the longest line it contains,>
> but it can not be set like that. Setting the width manually is not a>
> real solution since by changing font type or size might require>
> resetting its width.>
> I guess the same applies to tables.>
> I found \makebox command; its width can be set exactly to the>
> width of its content with the \width parameter. Unfortunately>
> \makebox command works only with one line boxes. It can not>
> have new lines.>
> All in all there is no good solution so far.>

Yes, this is exactly I needed.
Thanks a lot!


Re: Paste not working

2012-03-15 Thread Csikos Bela
"Kortink, Mark A"  írta:
When I use “Copy”, either via Ctl-C or the menu, it works because I 
can use the menu item “Paste Recent” to paste what I copied. 
However “Paste”, as in Ctl-V or the menu item, don’t work and 
the menu item is greyed out. This problem has only started in the last few 
weeks, everything was fine before that and I haven’t changed 
anything. RegardsMark  

I had very similar (practically the same) experience.
I used/use KDE 3.5 and its default klipper clipboard manager.
Interestingly I could copy/paste from all applications except openoffice.
I had no time to experiment with different options.
I came to this list with that problem as well, you can check the thread here:
(subject: copy/paste problem in lyx 2.0.1
date: 2011-11-23)


Re: Boxes in lyx, difficulty in controlling...

2012-03-15 Thread Csikos Bela
Julien Rioux  írta:
>On 13/03/2012 4:35 PM,  Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك >
نورونيا  wrote:>
> Thanks for that Julien. Could you please give me a clue as to how to do it>
> with Lyx 1.6.7? Thanks, FN>
In the graphics settings dialog, in the Clipping panel, change the Left >
bottom and Top right (x,y) coordinates (you will have to try some values >
and test the output).>


I suggest that you try floatrow package. It is very powerful.
You can make boxed figures in different styles and control the lookout
very precisely. Unfortunately the manual is not very easy to understand.
Together with the caption package you can control captions as well.
Here I am attaching an example lyx file. Please note that it uses
your example png image which have to put in the same directory where
you put this example lyx file.


Description: Binary data

font question: where to find font family name

2012-06-19 Thread Csikos Bela

According to my knowledge if I want to use other fonts than the few in lyx GUI 
selection window, I have to load them manually.
For this I can use a command, eg.  \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}.
ptm here specifies (Adobe?) times font family.
My question is where can I find the font family name I have to specify in this 
command. I read fntguide and a few other docs but I could not find how to 
determine the font family name.
For example I have installed tex-gyre-pagella fonts but I don't know what is
the font family name for it. Where can I find it (not only for this font but 
for other fonts as well)?



Re: font question: where to find font family name

2012-06-20 Thread Csikos Bela
stefano franchi  írta:
>On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Csikos Bela  wrote:>
> Hello:>
> According to my knowledge if I want to use other fonts than the few in lyx 
> GUI selection window, I have to load them manually.>
> For this I can use a command, eg.  \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}.>
> ptm here specifies (Adobe?) times font family.>
> My question is where can I find the font family name I have to specify in 
> this command. I read fntguide and a few other docs but I could not find how 
> to determine the font family name.>
> For example I have installed tex-gyre-pagella fonts but I don't know what is>
> the font family name for it. Where can I find it (not only for this font but 
> for other fonts as well)?>
> Thanks,>
> bcsikos>
Finding standard Latex font names may be less than trivial at times.>
See here for basic information:>>
For the family names of the standard postscript fonts, look at table 3>
in the following doc:>
For the TeX Gyre fonts, you should use their own docs. For instance,>
Pagella's name should be qpl (not tested). In general, TeX Gyre fonts>
come with their own latex packages that simplify their use. For>
instance, pagella can be used by loading the tgpagella package in your>
preamble (instead of using the \rmdefault command) :>
Hope it helps,>

Thank you.
I did not know about tgpagella package.
I thought there should be somewhere a database or file which
list all the fonts with their tex code names.
For example if I browse my latex font directory and find a font
(not among the standard fonts) which I'd like to use, how to know what its
name is. Or all font installed in latex have accompanying document which 
describes this?


import ms word

2012-09-19 Thread Csikos Bela

In openSUSE 11.2 system lyx 2.0.2 had File->
Import->MS Word option. In openSUSE 12.1 lyx
2.0.4 this option is missing.
Was it removed from lyx, or does it require some



source font files

2012-10-11 Thread Csikos Bela

I would like to experiment with font installing and font setup in lyx/latex.
For this I need the font source files that I can use for building the different 
font types. Where can I find the sources of fonts which are included in a 
general latex setup? For example the source files for Palatino, Bookman, Times 
Roman font sets?

Thanks in advance


Metric (TFM) file not found error

2012-10-20 Thread Csikos Bela

I have a problem in linux lyx 2.0.4.
I have created a font using fontinst.
I have put all the font files (tfm, afm, pfa, vf, fd, map) in the same
directory where the lyx file is. I also added the content of the map
file to the file /usr/texlive/2012/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/
When I try to view the file using pdflatex I get the following errors:

! Font T1/9bk/m/n/12=9bkl8t at 12.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found
! Font T1/9bk/m/n/20.74=9bkl8t at 20.74pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not 

I exported the file as plain tex file from lyx, and running pdflatex on the tex 
in a console window results in a pdf file.

I have a full texlive 2012 installation.

What is the problem with lyx, why can't it see the tfm files?

I am attaching the log files of lyx run (lyx-pdflatex.log) and
pdflatex run (kern01.log).

Thanks in advance,


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: Metric (TFM) file not found error

2012-10-24 Thread Csikos Bela
"Paul A. Rubin"  írta:
>It is LaTeX, not LyX, that cannot find your font files.

Once more for maikng it clear: if I run pdflatex in the same directory
the pdf file is created and is correct. Latex can find the file if I run 
It can not find it when I use lyx.

> Try using texhash to add >
>your directory to the LaTeX search path.>

I did it several times, did not make a change.



Re: Metric (TFM) file not found error

2012-10-26 Thread Csikos Bela
"Paul A. Rubin"  írta:
>> Once more for maikng it clear: if I run pdflatex in the same directory
>> the pdf file is created and is correct. Latex can find the file
>> if I run pdflatex.>

Paul, thank you for your answer, it helped me to solve the problem.

>What happens if you run pdflatex from a different directory and give it
>the path to the exported .tex file?

In that case pdflatex can not make pdf output either as it can not find
the necessary files (fonts and sty files).

>LyX does not run pdflatex in the source directory; it exports the .tex
>file to a temp directory, copies over image files (mangling their names
>as needed) and compiles in the temp directory, so as not to screw up 
>anything in the source directory. It should be copying over the PDF 
>files, but it has no way of knowing that it needs to copy over the
>TFM files.

I knew that lyx uses a temporary directory but I believed that
it still uses all the necessary files which are available in the current
(lyx file's) directory. Obviously I was wrong.

>If the TFM files are on the LaTeX search path, then no copying of
>them should be required (pdflatex should be able to find them from 

Your message made clear that this is latex path and not lyx problem.
Therefore I made a copy of the /usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/fonts 
directory structure in my ~/texfm dir and copied the fonts into the
corresponding subdirs. (I also added the necessary map entry lines to
file, but I did it earlier.)
After this both lyx and latex could produce pdf output.

One more thing: I added the full path of the directory that contained all the 
necessary files (fonts, map, style file) to lyx->tools->preferences->paths 
TEXINPUT prefix but it did not make a change either.
What is TEXINPUT prefix path for then?

Thank for your help,


underline bug?

2012-10-26 Thread Csikos Bela

When several words are underlined and the font size is changed from normal to 
other size the output font size is incorrect for the second, third etc. word.
See the attached example.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?

It can be fixed by inserting TEX code but it might be tricky
as it is difficult to predict where the TEX codes are put exactly
in the formatted text.

This raises another issue: there should be a way in
lyx to control the exact location of the inserted TEX code.


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

How to keep togetherenumerate resume and regular paragraph?

2013-01-05 Thread Csikos Bela

I am preparing a document where I use enumerated list using enumerate-resume 
(by loading Customizable lists (enumitem) module).
The the document structure is as follows:

- enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
- regular paragraph including centered text/figure block
- enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
- regular paragraph including centered text/figure block
- enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
- regular paragraph including centered text/figure block

and so forth.

I want all

- enumitem-resume paragraph incouding short title
- regular paragraph including centered text/figure block

pairs keep together on the same page, that is I don't want
page break between the enumitem-resume and the following
regular paragraph.

How can I achieve this?

In my output many pairs are separated.
The short title is at the bottom of the page and the
following text is at the top of the next page.

I attach an example, lyx and output pdf file.
See item 5 and the following black block,
item 9 and the following block.

Thanks in advance,


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: How to keep togetherenumerate resume and regular paragraph?

2013-01-08 Thread Csikos Bela
Richard Heck  írta:
>On 01/05/2013 12:14 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I am preparing a document where I use enumerated list using 
>> >>enumerate-resume (by loading Customizable lists (enumitem) module).
>> The the document structure is as follows:
>> - enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
>> - regular paragraph including centered text/figure block
>> - enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
>> - regular paragraph including centered text/figure block
>> - enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
>> - regular paragraph including centered text/figure block
>> and so forth.
>> I want all
>> - enumitem-resume paragraph incouding short title
>> - regular paragraph including centered text/figure block
>> pairs keep together on the same page, that is I don't want
>> page break between the enumitem-resume and the following
>> regular paragraph.
>> How can I achieve this?
>> In my output many pairs are separated.
>> The short title is at the bottom of the page and the
>> following text is at the top of the next page.
>> I attach an example, lyx and output pdf file.
>> See item 5 and the following black block,
>> item 9 and the following block.

>The usual way to keep stuff together is to use a minipage (Box), but 
>that won't work here, since it messes up the numbering. Probably there 
>is some more complicated method involving \nopagebreak, but my own sense
>in cases like this is that the effort required to figure that out is 
>probably not worth it. Just insert manual page breaks when you are done 
>with the paper.

Thank you Richard.

Probably I have to do that.
The only thing that the document is very complex, and it takes about 5 minutes 
to build the pdf by pdflatex. (Compiling the pdf of the Lyx User Guide takes 25 
secs.) Therefore the try/adjust cycles are very time consuming.


Re: setting options for bibtex

2013-02-05 Thread Csikos Bela
Coen van Hasselt  írta:

>I want to turn off printing of DOIs in my BibTex bibliography in Lyx.
>When I try to add the option doi=false under Document settings ->
>Bibliography -> Bibliography generation -> Options
>the bibliography is not generated anymore (i.e. question mark for
>citation and empty bibliography). How can I set this option via Lyx ?


I guess you cannot do this, that is control bibliography output style, in lyx.
How the bibliography looks is determined by the bibliograpy style file (.bst 
file). When you insert bibliography in lyx, you have to select the bibtex 
database file (.bib) file and the style file (.bst). The bst file controls how 
the citations and the bibliography are formatted. You can choose predefined bst 
files or you can create one according to your liking. Creating a bst file is 
not the easiest at first, it takes some time to learn it. I am aware of two 
tools for creating bst style files:

1. custom-bib package for tex/latex (

2. Java based bib-it program has a style file generator module.

Maybe the second one is easier to use.
One can control which keys in what order should be in a bibliography item (and 
citations as well) and how they are formatted.



Re: husort

2013-02-07 Thread Csikos Bela
"Dr. Gyorgy Pota"  írta:
>Dear Users,
>I use, a perl program for making index according to the
>Hungarian alphabet. In Lyx I write this command to the place that opens 
>with Output/Latex/Custom. When I  use the program with the makeindex 
>parameters -c -q then it works but does not differentiate between the 
>accented letters and their normal counterparts, that is members of the 
>pairs a, á; e, é; u, ü etc. are the same. However, the program is 
>allowed to run with the parameters --sort-hu -a as well, which, in 
>principle give the full solution to the accented letter problem. In Lyx 
>the program runs with these parameters but without making any index. 
>Would you help me, please? Many thanks, Gyorgy Pota


The manual of magyarlatex clearly states that you have to
use instead of makeindex.

In lyx 2.0.x you have to set "Tools -> Preferences -> Output
-> Latex -> Index generation -> Processor" to "Custom".
Below this you set "Command:" to with full path (eg:
In linux make sure that has the correct run permission.
Then don't forget to click save. Do a Tools -> Reconfigure.
Restart lyx. Now the index should be generated correctly.



line spaces in minipage

2013-02-20 Thread Csikos Bela

In minipage the linespaces are different between lines.
Why is it, and how can it be corrected?

I attach an example lyx and corresponding pdf file.
It shows that the distances between lines are
different. It also shows that the distances are different
between paragraphs (enter) and between lines (ctrl+enter)
but they should be the same.

Thanks in advance,


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: line spaces in minipage

2013-02-20 Thread Csikos Bela
"Jürgen Spitzmüller"  írta:
>2013/2/20 Csikos Bela :
>> Hello:
>> In minipage the linespaces are different between lines.
>> Why is it, and how can it be corrected?
>Try to put \Huge in TeX mode at the beginning of the minipage and
>leave the text size at normal.

Thanks, it works then.

Re: line spaces in minipage

2013-02-21 Thread Csikos Bela
"Jürgen Spitzmüller"  írta:
>2013/2/20 Csikos Bela :
>> Hello:
>> In minipage the linespaces are different between lines.
>> Why is it, and how can it be corrected?
>Try to put \Huge in TeX mode at the beginning of the minipage and
>leave the text size at normal.

Thanks, it works like that.

pdf content saved as images

2013-02-25 Thread Csikos Bela

Is it possible in lyx or latex to save or export a document so that the 
content would be bitmap images? That is, the result would be similar to when
I scan a text as jpg (or other) and save it as pdf (embed the image in pdf).

And/or is it possible to make a pdf which is not searchable or indexable?



Re: pdf content saved as images

2013-02-26 Thread Csikos Bela
Scott Kostyshak  írta:
>Hi bcsikos,
>On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 5:59 AM, Csikos Bela  wrote:
>> Hello:
>> Is it possible in lyx or latex to save or export a document so that the 
>> resulting
>> content would be bitmap images? That is, the result would be similar to when
>> I scan a text as jpg (or other) and save it as pdf (embed the image in pdf).
>Yes, on Ubuntu you can convert with just the following:
>"convert Intro.pdf temp.png"
>You could put this into a converter. You have to be careful with
>multiple pages though because I don't think most bitmap formats have a
>concept of "pages".

Thanks, covert really works. Even multiple pages is not a problem, as many 
image files are created as many pages the pdf file has. And all those files 
result in one pdf file when the images are the input and the pdf is the output 
file (convert eg *.jpg output.pdf).

>> And/or is it possible to make a pdf which is not searchable or indexable?
>This must be possible but I have no experience with it. A manual way
>to do this would be to convert from pdf to png and then convert back
>to pdf and then join all of the pdf pages together with pdftk.

Yes it does the trick, but pdftk is not needed, as I explained above.

Thanks again,


Re: Palatino linotype in Lyx

2013-03-05 Thread Csikos Bela
"Jürgen Spitzmüller"  írta:

[long snip]

>There used to be support files for Linotype Palatino (which is a commercial
>font which you have to purchase from Linotype) by Walter Schmidt

I can hardly believe that NIH requires exactly Palatino Linotype if it is a 
commercial font and has to be purchased. I suspect they require Palatino
like font, and also think they should give a specific list of font names they 
want and where they are available.

It would be nice to see the original description what they require (eg. a link).


table alignment example

2013-03-11 Thread Csikos Bela

I have problem with table centering and aligning to the right.
I attach en example lyx file and the corresponding pdf output.
If the table is aligned to the left (last table in the example) it looks OK.
But if I center or right align the same table it is shifted to the right, not 
placed correctly. The rules indicate text width (from left to right margin).
Why is this and how can I correct it? I would like to insert nicely centered
table. Do I miss something obvious?



Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: table alignment example

2013-03-11 Thread Csikos Bela
Scott Kostyshak  írta:
>On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Csikos Bela  wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I have problem with table centering and aligning to the right.
>> I attach en example lyx file and the corresponding pdf output.
>> If the table is aligned to the left (last table in the example) it looks OK.
>> But if I center or right align the same table it is shifted to the right, 
>> not placed correctly. The rules indicate text width (from left to right 
>> margin).
>> Why is this and how can I correct it? I would like to insert nicely centered
>> table. Do I miss something obvious?

>Just to clarify for other users that test this, the pdf is not the
>same as compiled from the .lyx file. The pdf has four tables. The .lyx
>file has three tables, and none of them is centered.

Sorry, here I attach the 'correct' lyx and pdf files.
There are four tables:
1. general minimal table, right aligned
2. table with longer lines incorrectly right aligned
3. the same table as above incorrectly centered
4. same table as above correctly left aligned


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: table alignment example

2013-03-11 Thread Csikos Bela
Scott Kostyshak  írta:
>On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Csikos Bela  wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I have problem with table centering and aligning to the right.
>> I attach en example lyx file and the corresponding pdf output.
>> If the table is aligned to the left (last table in the example) it looks OK.
>> But if I center or right align the same table it is shifted to the right, 
>> not placed correctly. The rules indicate text width (from left to right 
>> margin).
>> Why is this and how can I correct it? I would like to insert nicely centered
>> table. Do I miss something obvious?

>Just to clarify for other users that test this, the pdf is not the
>same as compiled from the .lyx file. The pdf has four tables. The .lyx
>file has three tables, and none of them is centered.

Sorry, here I attach the 'correct' lyx and pdf files.
There are four tables:
1. general minimal table, right aligned
2. table with longer lines incorrectly right aligned
3. the same table as above incorrectly centered
4. same table as above correctly left aligned


Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: table alignment example

2013-03-12 Thread Csikos Bela
PhilipPirrip  írta:
>> I have problem with table centering and aligning to the right.
>You set the width of the right aligned table to 80% of the line width.

Text width to be accurate. I want it to be like that.

>LaTeX probably calculates the position of your table with respect to 
>this size. Table is, however, rendered to accommodate the whole text in 
>each of the cells, and turns out bigger.

I can't understand this. Could explain it, please? Possibly by giving example?
Furthemore this does not explain why the table looks correct when left aligned.

>Solution: let LaTeX control the size of the table automatically.

This is not solution, this is an ugly workaround. I set that width on purpose 
since I want
more distance between columns than default.

This behavior seems like result of serious bug. 
The width of table can be specified to fixed value. It would be nonsense
if giving this option resulted wrong table layout/placement.


Re: table alignment example

2013-03-12 Thread Csikos Bela
PhilipPirrip  írta:
>On 03/12/2013 01:16 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>> This behavior seems like result of serious bug.
>> The width of table can be specified to fixed value. It would be nonsense
>> if giving this option resulted wrong table layout/placement.
>You can always rewrite the code for typesetting the tables, you don't 
>have to be so angry.

Sorry if it sounded like that, I was not angry at all.

>What you're saying is a contradiction, imo. First, you set your table 
>width to 80% of text width, but then you fill it with cells that exceed 
>that width, still you expect everything to work.

That's the key. I haven't realized my table width was wider than
the defined 80%. Now I measured it, and you're right, it is ~86%.
If I set the defined width to 90%, alignment is correct.
That is, it was my fault, sorry.



Re: Two hopefully simple lyx questions

2013-03-12 Thread Csikos Bela
Regina Anger  írta:
>Hi,I am using lyx to write a thesis, and currently there are only two issues
>which cause problems:1. Sometimes I use long non-breakable words, like
>long function names. In those cases lyx/latex do not attemp to break a new
>line, instead the long function name ignores margins and even sometimes >is 
>placed outside of the printable area.Is this a known problem?

You can add the line
in document preamble (Document->settings->Latex preamble).
It helps to keep margins and force line breaks.

For preventing hyphenation of your long functions add this to the very 
beginning of your document in ERT (=insert text code):
\hyphenation{longfunction1 lon-gfun-cti-on2 etc}.

Staying with the above example logfunction1 will not be hyphenated at all, 
longfunction2 can be hyphenated at every indicated dashes.

>2. Is there any way to use footnotes in the caption 
>of figure floats? Lyx automatically disables the Insert->Footnote menu >item 
>in this case.

I don't know about this one.


editing math in lyx

2013-03-13 Thread Csikos Bela

How can I edit text written in math mode in lyx?
An example: I write a fraction using \textrm for both
the numerator and the denominator. Then I decide to
change these to sans serif (textsf). How can I apply
the change to the fraction's numerator and denominator?
(ie. change the code \textrm to \textsf)?



updating texlive package

2013-03-14 Thread Csikos Bela

Not specific to lyx but related.
I have currently texlive 2012 and I don't want to update it to newest texlive 
2013 now. But I have a few outdated packages I would like to update.
Can it be done with texlive manager (tlmgr)? To update a texlive package from a 
local zip file downloaded from a site like ctan.



Re: editing math in lyx

2013-03-14 Thread Csikos Bela
Guenter Milde  írta:
>On 2013-03-13, Csikos Bela wrote:
>> Hello:
>> How can I edit text written in math mode in lyx?
>> An example: I write a fraction using \textrm for both
>> the numerator and the denominator. Then I decide to
>> change these to sans serif (textsf). How can I apply
>> the change to the fraction's numerator and denominator?
>> (ie. change the code \textrm to \textsf)?
>Third method: 
>* select and cut the fraction
>* paste into text - will appear as LaTeX macros
>* edit
>* cut and paste back to the formula
>This also works for complete formulas. Then, alternatively, you can select
>the LaTeX-macros-text and convert to a math box via Ctrl-M (or Alt-M D for a
>display formula).

Gunter, Paul, Richard:

Thank you. All three methods work, but I prefer #2 and #3 over #1.


Re: updating texlive package

2013-03-14 Thread Csikos Bela
Scott Kostyshak  írta:
>On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 6:08 AM, Csikos Bela  wrote:
>> Hello:
>> Not specific to lyx but related.
>> I have currently texlive 2012 and I don't want to update it to newest 
>> texlive 2013 now. But I have a few outdated packages I would like to update.
>> Can it be done with texlive manager (tlmgr)? To update a texlive package 
>> from a local zip file downloaded from a site like ctan.
>2013 is not released yet.

Thanks, you're right.

>You can run 'tlmgr --gui' to give you a GUI for updating LaTeX
>packages with TeX Live.
>(note that you have to have the package perl-tk installed)
>That will also download the package itself so you don't have to do it manually.

I know how to start tlmgr gui.
What I don't know if I can use it to update a package from local zip file,
and if yes, how. This was my original question.

In the meantime I ran tlmgr and found that the package I am interested 
is installed, and the window shows the package name, and local rev .(ver).
But the remote rev. (ver.) column is empty.


How can I check the remote rev. (ver.) without installing/updating the given 
package? A want to update it only if I see that it (the remote rev. (ver.)) is 
the one I need. If I check the package checkbox and click update the package 
will be updated, what I don't want until I don't see version number. (I hope I 
made my question clear.)



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