Re: Installing on Mac--MacTex vs. BasicTex

2011-06-17 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 27.05.11 05:14, schrieb Bob Alvarez:

I am installing Lyx 1.6.9 on a Macbook Air OSX 10.6 .

Quite interesting for me. I'm thinking over a change to Macbook 
Air for having a lightweight and smaller computing possibility 
when travelling.

The Wiki suggests BasicTex but this thread suggests that is a bad

My article you pointed to was more meant to encourage the use of 
Lyx with BasicTeX, I wrote:

For not to praise the day before eve, I don't exclude other
frustrating experiences with the method "BasicTeX and
additional packages on demand", but in the moment I'm
confident in having got with three days of work a very smaller
TeXLive installation, usable also with LyX.

I'm using »LyX with BasicTeX and additionel (LaTeX) packages on 
demand« all the time since then (Dec 2009) with success, also 
with BasicTeX 2011 and LyX 2.0.

But every now and then it is still somewhat difficult to 
interprete the LaTeX error messages and to find out what's the 
correct name of the package I have to install with tlmgr.

1. Has anyone had success installing and using Lyx with BasicTex
(I am mainly interested in koma-script article document class)?

Me, as I write above.

BacicTeX 2010 Mac - LyX 2.0.0 - TeXShop 2.36
MacBook Pro OSX 10.6.5 Snow Leopard intel

Re: LyX 2-dev on MacOSX compiled

2010-02-27 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 27.02.2010, 05:08 Uhr, schrieb BH :

I'm not sure what you think is unclear in INSTALL.MacOSX. Do you have
proposed changes?

Not yet, I'm going to make a proposal here:

In the INSTALL.MacOSX, rows 91-96 it reads:

91 Then, cd to the top of the LyX source hierarchy, and enter:
93 ./
94 ./configure --prefix=/path/to/ --with-version-suffix=-1.6  
--with-qt4-dir=/path/to/QT4 --with-included-gettext  
--enable-optimization=-O2  --disable-stdlib-debug

95 make
96 make install-strip

For innocent people like me it should be made clear that inspite the "  
--with-version-suffix=-svn" (or whatever "-suffix=nn")
the new build LyX application will be installed under the name given in  
the " --prefix=/path/to/ " part of the command.
So I propose in this part of the INSTALL.MacOSX should be added an  
elucidating NOTE and then read as the following or similar:

Then, cd to the top of the LyX source hierarchy, and enter:


NOTE: in the following "configure"-command you decide, where and with what  
name the LyX application will later (with the "make install-strip"  
command) be installed.
For example: " ./configure --prefix=/Applications/ …" will later  
install the new build with the name in the /Applications folder,  
thereby overwriting an existing LyX installation (if there is). If you  
want to keep a given installations, you should give the new one  
another name, e. g. by typing " ./configure  
--prefix=/Applications/ …", where the "-nn" name suffix here is  
free selectable. For a svn-Version of LyX the suffix "-svn" might be a  
good choice.

 ./configure --prefix=/path/to/ --with-version-suffix=-svn  
--with-qt4-dir=/path/to/QT4 --with-included-gettext  
--enable-optimization=-O2  --disable-stdlib-debug


 make install-strip

To my question:

And, if I want to recover the mistake I made, what to do?

I guess the easyest way would be, to do the procedure of compiling the  

Version 2.0.0svn again but with a corrected $ ./configure command (which
one?) and then install LyX 1.6.5 again, right? Other recommendations?

BH responded:

Yes -- that's right.

Thanks again for tutoring me! I did the compiling again with the corrected  
command and reinstalled LyX 1.6.5 from the .dmg - both versions of LyX  
working well now!

MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger - Aquamacs Distribution 1.9
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - LyX pre2svn

LyX 2-dev on MacOSX compiled

2010-02-26 Thread Joachim Osnabryg


to announce that I compiled successfully the LyX 2.0 svn version on MacOSX  
10.4 Tiger today.

Thanks to the hints from Julio Rojas and Guenter Milde, and the especially  
the kindly helping of "BH" , all on  
gmane.editors.lyx.general (ML within the thread  
"Lyx 2.0".

The general way I followed is described in the INSTALL.MacOSX which you  
get if downloading the source files by

svn co svn:// lyx-devel

After assuring that the PREREQUISITES mentioned therein were already  
fullfilled on my Mac,

I made the following:

I cd'd to the top of the LyX source hierarchy (in my case: $ cd  
/Developer/Applications/lyx-devel/ ), and entered:

$ ./

after that - in the case of _my_ Mac - I continued with:

$ ./configure --prefix=/Applications/ --with-version-suffix=-svn  
--with-qt4-dir=/opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac/ --with-included-gettext  
--enable-optimization=-O2  --disable-stdlib-debug

$  make

$ make install

… and had a LyX Version 2.0.0svn on the place of my former LyX 1.6.

And it seems to work properly, so far.

this result, the _overwriting_ of the former LyX 1.6 had not been intended  
by me. To keep the actual LyX 1.6.5 installation, what should I had typed  
within the $ ./configure command?

$ ./configure --prefix=/Applications/ --with-…
$ ./configure --prefix=/Applications>/ --with-…

Wouldn't be bad, if this would be made somewhat clear in INSTALL.MacOSX!

And, if I want to recover the mistake I made, what to do?

I guess the easyest way would be, to do the procedure of compiling the LyX  
Version 2.0.0svn again but with a corrected $ ./configure command (which  
one?) and then install LyX 1.6.5 again, right? Other recommendations?

MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger - Aquamacs Distribution 1.9
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - LyX 2.0.0svn

Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-25 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 25.02.2010, 17:00 Uhr, schrieb BH :

Mac is not Linux and so requires different procedures. Follow the
INSTALL.MacOSX instructions here.

Ay, Ay BH bewihelm, so according to INSTALL.MacOSX:

 ./configure --prefix=/path/to/ --with-version-suffix=-1.6  
--with-qt4-dir=/path/to/QT4 --with-included-gettext  
--enable-optimization=-O2  --disable-stdlib-debug

Only: which /path/to/QT4 ???

Only counted the MarcPorts, I have 8 qt4 ports (see below), the path to  
which of those might be the correct one?

And is »--with-included-gettext « really part of the command string or an  
alias where to put some other path or other information?

By $ gettext --version I got the answer:
gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.17

Sorry for my ignorance, may I have a tip for this, too?

Anyway thankful,

port search qt4
cutecom-qt4-mac @0.20.0 (comms)
Graphical serial terminal

GLC_lib @1.1.0 (graphics)
C++ class library that enables the quick creation of an OpenGL  

based on QT4.

py-pyqt4 @4.4.3 (python, devel)
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit

py25-pyqt4 @4.7 (python, devel)
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit

py26-pyqt4 @4.7 (python, devel)
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit

qt4-mac @4.6.2 (aqua)
Qt Tool Kit (Native Aqua Version)

qt4-mac-devel @4.6.1 (aqua)
Qt Tool Kit (Native Aqua Version)

qt4-x11 @4.4.3 (x11)
Qt Tool Kit

Found 8 ports.

MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger - Aquamacs Distribution 1.9
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - LyX 1.6.5

Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-25 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 25.02.2010, 13:27 Uhr, schrieb BH :

Follow the instructions in INSTALL.MacOSX. (It's somewhat more
involved than the above.)

Thank you Wilhelm, good tip (perhaps I overlooked it last time).

But I have 2 additional questions:

(after the preconditions and) after having run:

the following for ./configure:

 ./configure --prefix=/path/to/ --with-version-suffix=-1.6  
--with-qt4-dir=/path/to/QT4 --with-included-gettext  
--enable-optimization=-O2  --disable-stdlib-debug

Meanwhile Guenter Milde wrote in this thread on Thu, 25 Feb 2010 08:52:56  

URL: news://
in reply to 2010-02-24, Rob Oakes, who had written:

Lyx2 -sysdir "/path/to/sys/directory" -userdir "/path/to/user/directory"

the following:

However, this is done automatically, if you configure with e.g.
   ./configure --with-version-suffix=-svn --enable-build-type=release

now, the sysdir is /usr/local/share/lyx-svn and the userdir is  


which me seems more simple and very practical, if this will go well on  
MacOSX, too.

=> Will this go on MacOSX?

Of course, in each case followed then by,

 make install-strip

i. e. "$ sudo make install-strip" instead of "$ sudo make install", as  
Julio Rojas wrote.

=> Which one is correct on MacOSX?

Quite after an answer to this "last questions" I'll go to compile and give  
notice about the result, here and on the devel list.

Hopful waiting,
MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger - Aquamacs Distribution 1.9
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - LyX 1.6.5

Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-25 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 25.02.2010, 11:17 Uhr, schrieb Julio Rojas:

Get the trunk from:
svn co svn:// lyx-devel
Configure with:
./configure --with-version-suffix=-svn --enable-build-type=release
And the the usual:
sudo make install

Hi, friends,

I enter here hoping to a receipt like that of Julio above for MacOSX  
(Tiger). Some month ago I already tried to compile the lyx-devel version  
without success, probably because I made mistakes.

So I ask, especially those who have compiled the lyx-devel on MacOSX, will  
it go with the above commands or not?

Which is the right way to get it compiled on MacOSX?

hoping, joachim
MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger - Aquamacs Distribution 1.9
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - LyX 1.6.5

bblmemoir.cls - What and where?

2010-02-13 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Informing me on
I downloaded and opened the or other .lyx example file.

Trying to pdf them resulted in the LaTeX error: bblmemoir.cls not found.

From TeXLive manager I didn't found such class or package, in the ctan  
base I didn't found neither.

Can someone tell what that might be and where one could get it, please?

Is it a selfcooked .cls? (But that would not be presented as example  
files, I suppose)

regards, joachim

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: LyX-doc "EmbeddedObjects" not compiling

2010-01-17 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 17.01.2010, 16:53 Uhr, schrieb Joachim Osnabryg, => me:

Remaining problem:
 => The pdf output of this table is flawed and misarranged in column 2  
and 3, i. e. not usable for real purposes.

 - With your corrected English version the output is correct -
 I couldn't figure out, what's the difference in LyX or in LaTeX code.

Finally I managed to get correct output
- by copying the table 2.22 from Uwe's corrected English version into the  
German one,

- then changing the English words to German
- and changing the language-choose of that part in LyX to German as well.

No more help needed for my scope. But nevertheless the other language  
versions have to be corrected for the next LyX release.


The part of the LaTex Code now reads:

there are some tiny differences to the other code, which I'm not able to  
explane or interpret, e. g. line 6 in the following code began with  
\begin{centering}, what is now \centering{}

part of new code--

\caption[Ausrichtung mit dem \protect\LaTeX{}-Paket  
\textbf{dcolumn}]{\label{tab:Ausrichtung-mit-dem}Ausrichtung mit dem  

\textbf{dcolumn}. Bei allen Spalten musste getrickst werden, um die
gewünschte Ausgabe zu bekommen.}

\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Einheiten} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Einheiten} &  

12x24\,Flaschen & 12x24\,$\mbox{Flaschen}$ & 12\times  
1024x768\,Pixel & 1024x768\,$\mbox{Pixel}$ & 1024\times  

32x6\,cm & 32x6\,$\mbox{cm}$ & 32\times 6+$\mbox{cm}$\tabularnewline

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: LyX-doc "EmbeddedObjects" not compiling

2010-01-17 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 17.01.2010, 01:56 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr :
You haven#t used the new version, but the old one. Can you please  
recheck this?

You are right, I didn't realize that you had made the correction in the  
English version, not the German. Your corrected version, put on right  
place within directory, could be run with success. (On Mac, I had  
to open it from within the package directory.)

You can see if you are using the correct one by checking that the  
problematic table 2.22 contains now a "+" instead of a "~" in the third  
table column.

I managed to make the same correction in the German version within the directory and compiled it then from LyX window "Help/Hilfe >  
Eingebettete Objekte" with result, too.

Remaining problem:

=> The pdf output of this table is flawed and misarranged in column 2 and  
3, i. e. not usable for real purposes.

- With your corrected English version the output is correct -

I couldn't figure out, what's the difference in LyX or in LaTeX code.

In my corrected German version the code is:

\caption[Ausrichtung mit dem \protect\LaTeX{}-Paket  
\textbf{dcolumn}]{\label{tab:Ausrichtung-mit-dem}Ausrichtung mit dem  

\textbf{dcolumn}. Bei allen Spalten musste getrickst werden, um die
gewünschte Ausgabe zu bekommen.}

\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Einheiten} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Einheiten} &  

12x24\,$\mbox{Flaschen}$ & 12x24\,$\mbox{Flaschen}$ & 12\times  
1024x768\,$\mbox{Pixel}$ & 1024x768\,$\mbox{Pixel}$ & 1024\times  
32x6\,$\mbox{cm}$ & 32x6\,$\mbox{cm}$ & 32\times  


If you can give advice, it would be appreciated.

Thank you so far, think to change all the language versions for the next  
LyX release, I advice… ;)

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: LyX-doc "EmbeddedObjects" not compiling

2010-01-16 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 17.01.2010, 00:51 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr:

I replaced the ~ now with a +, please check if this version:
works now for you.

Here not, sorry. Still the same errors. (See below)

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

---first errors---

LaTeX Warning: Command \textasciitilde invalid in math mode on input line  

LaTeX Warning: Command \~ invalid in math mode on input line 2152.

! Please use \mathaccent for accents in math mode.
\...@accent @spacefactor \spacefactor }\accent
  #1 #2\egroup  
\spacefactor ...

l.2152 ...{Flaschen}$ & 12\times 24\textasciitilde
I'm changing \accent to \mathaccent here; wish me luck.
(Accents are not the same in formulas as they are in text.)

! Missing { inserted.

l.2152 ...{Flaschen}$ & 12\times 24\textasciitilde
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
You might want to delete and/or insert some corrections
so that I will find a matching right brace soon.
(If you're confused by all this, try typing `I}' now.)

! You can't use `\spacefactor' in math mode.

etc. etc…
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

LyX-doc "EmbeddedObjects" not compiling

2010-01-16 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Dear Helpers,

Today I tried to make a pdf or dvi from the LyX Help doc/de  
"EmbeddedObjects", but it stops with LaTeX errors at the floating table 22  
before the section head 2.12.3. I report the first LaTeX errors below.

I am completely at a loss with this fact. I wanted to have the  
EmbeddedObjects.lyx as pdf for better being able to study it…

Any advice/hint, what's going wrong and/or the way out?

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

---the first LaTeX  

LaTeX Warning: Command \textasciitilde invalid in math mode on input line  

LaTeX Warning: Command \~ invalid in math mode on input line 2152.

! Please use \mathaccent for accents in math mode.
\...@accent @spacefactor \spacefactor }\accent
  #1 #2\egroup  
\spacefactor ...

l.2152 ...{Flaschen}$ & 12\times 24\textasciitilde
I'm changing \accent to \mathaccent here; wish me luck.
(Accents are not the same in formulas as they are in text.)

! Missing { inserted.

l.2152 ...{Flaschen}$ & 12\times 24\textasciitilde
A left brace was mandatory here, so I've put one in.
You might want to delete and/or insert some corrections
so that I will find a matching right brace soon.
(If you're confused by all this, try typing `I}' now.)

! You can't use `\spacefactor' in math mode.
\...@accent ...}\accent #1 #2\egroup \spacefactor
! You can't use `\spacefactor' in math mode.

! Missing } inserted.

l.2152 ...aschen}$ & 12\times 24\textasciitilde{}$
I've inserted something that you may have forgotten.
(See the  above.)
With luck, this will get me unwedged. But if you
really didn't forget anything, try typing `2' now; then
my insertion and my current dilemma will both disappear.

Missing character: There is no � in font lmex10!

LaTeX Warning: Command \textasciitilde invalid in math mode on input line  

! Please use \mathaccent for accents in math mode.

etc. etc…

Re: "python -m elyxer" question

2009-12-29 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 29.12.2009, 18:46 Uhr, schrieb Alex Fernandez :

If you followed the elegant procedure you just have to
click on Tools > Reconfigure and it will find eLyXer automatically
(LyX version > 1.6.5). That is why it was elegant

I agree! After the first run I'm really impressed!

A rather challanging lyx file with 4 pages (when pdf) with older  
westphalian-saxon verses were well structured transformed into html. With  
the "footnotes" (here as the tufte style specific margin notes) as margin

notes ( or however it is called in html source code).
And with the bibliographical reference on the end (where I put the link to  
the bibtex file into the LyX document. Even the margin figures were in the  
margin (linked to there temporary place in the LyX tmp dir).

Few problems are remaining:

- The strophes/stanzas within the single poems are not separated (done in
LyX with paragraph break instead of newline);
- a complicated sidenote in the abstract (vertically shifted by a TeX
inset and with a /citep{…} within) had not been placed into the margin,
but it's LyX text between the TeX-insets was within the abstract text)
- a special tufte cls and layout inset (called "numbered margin note" or
the like) which I put into one poem has not been translocated to the
margin but remained as additional row in the poem.
- In the bibliography (bibtex) reference the German umlauts are in the
LaTeX manner, e. g. »"o« instead of »ö«, but I remember you mention this
problem in "3.1 Known Issues".

Some of these problems might be resolvable with user-defined accommodation
within the css. But that'a field I might achieve in future…

But I didn't want to go into these issues en details, in the moment, but
give an enthused first echo. After further experimenting I'll come back
more precisely, perhaps better on your Elyxer-users mailing list.

Thank you for your work on it, the bygone year!
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

"python -m elyxer" question

2009-12-29 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Today I installed elyxer (again),

I choose the "elegant way" as described in the user-guide, see
at the end of subsection 1.2.

The last Terminal command which I did on my Mac-OSX was:
sudo python install
- with success, no error message!

But I don't understand the meaning of the last phrase in the subsection  

"From now on we will assume that you are running as an  
executable file,
=> but you should substitute that for python -m elyxer if you have opted  
for this elegant procedure."

In the following parts of this section of the user guide, I only see the  
commands with

$ … - and not with "python -m elyxer".
Therefore I'm tangeled (afraid to do something wrong).

Hope that Alex "elyxer" Fernandez or someone using the "elegantly  
installed" elyxer can answer to my question, what python -m elyxer is for…

Yes, I had been one of the first users of elyxer on Mac (mentioned  
friendly by Alex in the "Acknowledgments"). But because of my complicated  
tufte classes, I decided to wait for further devolopements. Now making a  
new warm-up with it.

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Tufte layout?

2009-12-21 Thread Joachim Osnabryg
How to get an tufte-book style like title block (capitalized sans serif)  
in Handout (Tufte) in LyX:

The possible document options of both the tufte-book and -handout classes  
and other features can be looked after, of course, in the sample-book.pdf,  
And other questions on the tufte-latex classes or feature requests might  
better be discussed in the Mailing List / Forum of the tufte-latex project  

after the information how to get the tufte classes working in LyX, already  
given in this thread, and to make around this thread on "Tufte layout?", I  
would like to give to all interested a last hint about a document option  
alternative in tufte-handout which even me discovered only some day ago:

If in handout you want to get a tufte-book style like title block  
(capitalized sans serif) instead of the handout default roman italic, you  
have to choose the document option


- in LyX to type into the Document=>Options=>Document class pane, section  
Class options => User defined (field).
This is coupled, for the time being, with typesetting the margin material  
("footnotes", marginnotes etc.) also in sans serif.

(I had always put this doc options because of sans serif sidenotes and  
discovered only now the possibility of getting roman italic title block  
when deleting this sfsidenote option).

So far my final hint within this thread,

 Weitergeleitete Usenet-Nachricht 
Von: "Joachim Osnabryg" 
Betreff: Re: Tufte layout? Here the patched tufte-common.def!
Datum: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 23:47:48 +0100
URL: news://

as promised, here you get the information, how and where to get the
tufte-common.def file, patched by the developer for the use with LyX.

in your browser, save it as such (or .txt file and rename it then to
tufte-common.def) and put it on the place of the existing, overwriting it.
I. e. into your user _home_ "texmf" directory - on my Mac that is:
Might be that you have to create some of these sub-directories first.
Unfortunately I don't know which one and where it is in MiXTeX…

I understood that you have already installed the actuel LyX 1.6.5 (of
2009/12/05), so you need not to download the LyX layout files from the LyX

Don't forget sudo texhash (on Mac) and LyX=>reconfigure,
then you should be ready to go with the tufte-latex classes in LyX!

Happy LxXing with tufte-latex!
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: pro culture of margin notes

2009-12-20 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

18.12.2009, 22:09 Uhr, I wrote in this thread:

For not to remain alone in the Tufte-style field of LyX, I take the
liberty to promote and propagate the tufte-latex doc classes here.

to to make sure, that those, who do not follow the thread "Tufte layout?"  
do not miss the necessary information to run the tufte-latex classes in  
LyX, I repeat here from my answer there:

 Weitergeleitete Usenet-Nachricht ----
Von: "Joachim Osnabryg"

Betreff: Re: Tufte layout? Here the patched tufte-common.def!
Datum: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 23:47:48 +0100

Hello LyXers,

as promised, here you get the information, how and where to get the
tufte-common.def file, patched by the developer for the use with LyX.

in your browser, save it as such (or .txt file and rename it then to
tufte-common.def) and put it on the place of the existing, overwriting it.
I. e. into your user _home_ "texmf" directory - on my Mac that is:

Might be that you have to create some of these sub-directories first.
Unfortunately I don't know which one and where it is in MiXTeX…

I understood that you have already installed the actuel LyX 1.6.5 (of
2009/12/05), so you need not to download the LyX layout files from the LyX

Don't forget sudo texhash and LyX=>reconfigure,
then you should be ready to go with the tufte-latex classes in LyX!

Happy LxXing with tufte-latex!

--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---

Betreff: Re: Urgent: patched tufte-common.def - How for all?
Datum: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 23:17:29 +0100

Hello, Joachim.

The patch is in the latest svn (r139).  If folks don't want to use
svn, they may download the .def file directly from:

Just overwrite your existing tufte-common.def file with this one and
you should be set.

I have a couple more bugs I'd like to fix before I push out another
release, but I'm hoping to get that done soon.

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Tufte layout? Here the patched tufte-common.def!

2009-12-20 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Hello LyXers,

as promised, here you get the information, how and where to get the  
tufte-common.def file, patched by the developer for the use with LyX.

in your browser, save it as such (or .txt file and rename it then to  
tufte-common.def) and put it on the place of the existing, overwriting it.  
I. e. into your user _home_ "texmf" directory - on my Mac that is:

Might be that you have to create some of these sub-directories first.
Unfortunately I don't know which one and where it is in MiXTeX…

I understood that you have already installed the actuel LyX 1.6.5 (of
2009/12/05), so you need not to download the LyX layout files from the LyX

Don't forget sudo texhash and LyX=>reconfigure,
then you should be ready to go with the tufte-latex classes in LyX!

Happy LxXing with tufte-latex!

--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---

Betreff: Re: Urgent: patched tufte-common.def - How for all?
Datum: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 23:17:29 +0100

Hello, Joachim.

The patch is in the latest svn (r139).  If folks don't want to use
svn, they may download the .def file directly from:

Just overwrite your existing tufte-common.def file with this one and
you should be set.

I have a couple more bugs I'd like to fix before I push out another
release, but I'm hoping to get that done soon.


20.12.2009, 20:00 Uhr, I wrote:

To get the actual release tufte-latex 3.5 go to:
and download the, direct download link:

Am 20.12.2009, 20:18 Uhr, I wrote:
Sorry, I forgot that I am already tufte LyXing on the basis of a patched  
tufte-common.def file, which was given to Uwe Stöhr and me by the tufte  
developer. Since it cannot be sent to the lyx-users ML, I have first to  
care about how to get it. I'll give notice, when I know.

--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---
Von: "Kevin Godby" 
An: "Uwe Stöhr", "Joachim Osnabryg"
Betreff: Re: tufte-latex 3.5 problems with LyX
Datum: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 06:39:12 +0100

Hello again, gentlemen.
I'm using a different hyperref detection mechanism now -- one that
isn't restricted to the preamble.

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Tufte layout?

2009-12-20 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 20.12.2009, 22:10 Uhr, schrieb John Kane :

No attachment :(

not yet, but soon I'll give notice where/how to get the patch.

Thanks for the help though.

as a matter of course…
by, joachim
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Tufte layout?

2009-12-20 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 20.12.2009, 20:00 Uhr, I wrote:

To get the actual release tufte-latex 3.5 go to:
and download the, direct download link:

Sorry, I forgot that I am already tufte LyXing on the basis of a patched  
tufte-common.def file, which was given to Uwe Stöhr and me by the tufte  
developer. Since it cannot be sent to the lyx-users ML, I have first to  
care about how to get it. I'll give notice, when I know.

A nessessary addition for using the tufte-latex in LyX, a communication of
tufte developer Kevin Godby and his patched tufte-common.def file as
attachment (if it passes to the list), to save as replacement of the
existing tufte-common.def of the actuel

regards, joachim

--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---
Von: "Kevin Godby" 
An: "Uwe Stöhr", "Joachim Osnabryg"
Betreff: Re: tufte-latex 3.5 problems with LyX
Datum: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 06:39:12 +0100

Hello again, gentlemen.

I've attached a patched tufte-common.def file that you can try it. It
should allow you to use \title and \author in either the preamble or
the document itself.

I'm using a different hyperref detection mechanism now -- one that
isn't restricted to the preamble.

If the hyperref package is loaded (either by the Tufte-LaTeX document
class or the user in the document preamble), then \title will set the
PDF title (and similarly for \author).  If hyperref is not loaded,
then the PDF title/author will not be set.

Please let me know how this works for you.  I have a couple other
small bugs to fix up and then I'll see about pushing a point release.



Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Tufte layout?

2009-12-20 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 20.12.2009, 16:06 Uhr, schrieb John Kane:
You should not have to but as I mentioned above I am not sure that it is  
automatically included in a Latex installation so you may have to  
install tufte-book there.

I don't think that is is shure that the newest version is already within
the CTAN tlnet repositories.

As I already wrote in the thread "pro culture of margin notes":
To get the actual release tufte-latex 3.5 go to:
and download the, direct download link:

and put the expanded files

into your user _home_ "texmf" directory - on my Mac that is:
Might be that you have to create some of these sub-directories first.
Unfortunately I don't know which one and where it is in MiXTeX…

I understood that you have already installed the actuel LyX 1.6.5 (of
2009/12/05), so you need not to download the LyX layout files from the LyX

Good luck,
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: .lyx~ backup-files: to delete? OK, but …

2009-12-20 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

I regard it necessary that the LyX user must be enlightened about the possible functions of the .lyx~ backup files and how to handle with it in the "Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > User interface" pane! (This to developers and documentalists)Am 20.12.2009, 06:07 Uhr, schrieb Diego Queiroz:The "proper boxes" I mean are "Backup original documents when saving" and "Backup documents, every XX minutes.".

They are the 4th and 5th checkboxes of the "Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > User interface" menu.Finally digged, more or less, thanks.In my bad English I would have written that:"Backup previous state before saving changes?" or"Backup of hitherto existing file before saving changes?"Sicherungskopie des vorherigen Standes vor dem Speichern von Änderungen?… if I have correctly found out, what is done when having this box checked.Still I do not really know what the backup file is for… Sure one could use it to go back to the state of the LyX file when opend again for continued editing in one step, i. e. without going back step-by-step with edit=>backward (germ. "rückgängig") = Ctrl + <-. But nowwhere is described how to accomplish this. The files.lyx~ cannot be opened in the normal way by LyX, only with the trick: rightclick one in Finder/File manager -> open with -> all programs -> (so on Mac).Finally, in the 4th and 5th checkboxes of the "Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > User interface" menu is not transparent, that the checking of box "Backup original documents when saving" is the _condition_ for the eventual checked and specified box "Backup documents, every XX minutes."From the logical structure of this options' window I concluded the two possibilities would be alternative (and/or additional).Still uncertain, wether the .lyx~ backup files have yet another scope within the …joachim-- Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: .lyx~ backup-files: to delete?

2009-12-19 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 20.12.2009, 00:25 Uhr, schrieb Diego Queiroz:

If you don't want the backups, just uncheck the proper boxes in "Tools >
Preferences > Look & Feel > User interface".

Gracias, but only I'm still uncertain, what the "proper boxes" there are.

The mines are in German, but "Sichere Originaldokumente beim Speichern" ≈  
"Save original documents when saving" ≈ "Salvar documentos originales  
salvando" is not very selfexplaining…

Como se llamen los boxes en englès o español?
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

.lyx~ backup-files: to delete?

2009-12-19 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

The files with the filename-extension ».lyx~« which LyX creates each time  
you begin a new document are obviously the »LyX backups« for which one may  
assign a special directory where they go. Otherwise they are saved in the  
same directory as the .lyx file itself.

As far I suppose these .lyx~ files are for the case that LyX crashes or if  
one inadvertently deletes the original .lyx file, isn't it?

Latest after closing the original .lyx file one can riskless delete them  
(aside from the own - or others - inadvertent deletion of the original  
file). Or have the .lyx~ files still another function?

In the LyX help docs I do not find something about this question, but I  
woul like to delete the backup-files LyX produced so far.

Please give also positive echo, if I am right with the above.


P. S.
An option for that in LyX won't bad, e. g. "Delete file backups after  
saving and closing the LyX document?"

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

pro culture of margin notes

2009-12-18 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Dear LyX-users,

With the help of my last talks here and elsewhere I have my LyX and LaTeX
installation (see footer) imbedding tufte-latex now spruced up again on
Mac. I breathe a sigh of relief… just before the highdays of the turn of
sun and year! Thanks to Uwe Stöhr and all contributers!

For not to remain alone in the Tufte-style field of LyX, I take the
liberty to promote and propagate the tufte-latex doc classes here. Sorry,
if it bothers someone, but it's not commercial and I am just a thankful
user of it.

Since the first LyX layout file for tufte-latex, more than one year ago,
was kindly created by the LyX developers (Jürgen Spitzmüller at that time)
on my demand, almost all documents which I worked out, were created in
tufte-latex with LyX.

It isn't me skirted (escaped), that, on the user-side, I am  a rather
forlorn (unique) or unrivallet with this. Asking myself whyever, the only
plausible answer seems me, that many LyXers who might like the designe and
- for their works - could well use the possibilities bidden by tufte-latex

- especially the broad right margin and extense use of sidenotes (instead
of footnotes) -,

do not know it. With this, the tufte style resumes an good old tradition
of printed books: the marginals, which when reading are much easyer to
access by the eyes than footnotes or endnotes.

Indeed, I would like to see the culture of marginals requicken (revive) in
today's literary world again… and LaTeX and LyX are the only instruments
to realize that.

So if this has awoken your interest, have a look at the produced
sample-pdfs at:

Best regards,
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: "doc class xy can't be loaded"

2009-12-18 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Thank you, Rob & Uwe,  for your hints!

In fact I had a very confusing situation, yesterday: first the problem  
described, then, after trying to heal it, none of the existing files of  
that doc class could be run properly.

I'm not able to describe exactly all what I tried and have done. Now, with  
the problem solved I have the following impression about the history of  
the problem, which I report for similar cases:

1. About six weeks ago, on November 5, 2009, to correct the first,  
imperfect version of Uwe Stöhr's tufte-handout.layout I added a line  
»Input« on the right place in it. (With success, BTW, as I  
reported then in the thread »tufte-handout.layout outdated«).

After the installation of Uwes corrected (still actual) version of this  
.layout in

~/Library/Application\ Support/LyX-1.6/layouts
 I just renamed my selfmade .layout file - not knowing that in LyX appear  
not the file names but the names given in the declaration

# \DeclareLaTeXClass[tufte-handout]{handout (Tufte)}
- with the result of having it shown twice in the LyX  
document->options->doc class window. But usually I began work by choosing  
a template of this doc class. So it didn't bother.

2. Since then until yesterday - as it seems - in fact I _always_ worked  
with this self-tuned .layout instead of the new standard one - which is  
now in LyX 1.6.5.

3. After deleting this self-tuned, renamed .layout file yesterday,
=> I could not run none of my existing tufte-handout docs. LyX error:
»Kann Format für ID 'tufte-handout-patch-NN' nicht verwenden ≈ Can not use  
format for ID 'tufte-handout-patch-NN'«.
After emptying the trash: »The document class tufte-handout-patchXY can't  
be found etc...«.

It seems that LyX remembers not only the doc class, but also the exact  
name of the .layout file with which the documents are produced…

4. With the deleting of all tufte-handoutlayout files in  
~/Library/Application\ Support/LyX-1.6/layouts the installation was  
corrected (LyX 1.6.5 uses the .layout in the program package folder).

=> But nevertheless, for each of my existing tufte-handout docs, the first  
time I call them, I get the

»class tufte-handout-patchXY can't be found« error.
Only by (re-)choosing then the »handout (Tufte)« in the LyX menu  
document->options->doc class window and saving the LyX doc again, I get by  
and by rid of that problem.

So in future: "Don't modify a .layout file unless you know what you are  
doing"… ;-)


Am 17.12.2009, 22:49 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr :
assure that you are using the tufe layout files that come with LyX and  
also assure that there is no other version of the layout file in the  
same directory as the LyX file.

Am 17.12.2009, 21:53 Uhr, schrieb Rob Oakes :
I had two thoughts.  Have you reconfigured LyX (Tools -> Reconfigure)  
since installing or uninstalling the document classes?  Second, do you  
have multiple copies of the Tufte document classes or layouts  
installed.  I've found that LyX doesn't like having more than a single  

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

"doc class xy can't be loaded"

2009-12-17 Thread Joachim Osnabryg
Since sometime, when in LyX I choose File => new and then with within the  
standard new document class (article), I choose Document => Options and  
within the Options window, section document class, choose "Handout  
(Tufte)", I get the LyX error:

Die Dokumentklasse tufte-handout konnte nicht geladen werden.
The document class tufte-handout could not be loaded.

But there are the .layout files for it within the and within
~/Library/Application\ Support/LyX-1.6/layouts/
- of course the tufte-latex .def and .cls files installed and tex-hashed -

which I use it nearly dayly with my (costomized) template  
tufte-hdout-…etc.lyx file(s) with success.

What might be the reason for this awfull error message, how can I get rid  
of it and use the document class/layout "Handout (Tufte)" in this "normal"  
way, too?

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

tufte-latex 3.5 problem with LyX

2009-12-16 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Admirable LyX Layouter,

in the framework of actualization of my MacTeX installation I installed
the brand actual version 3.5.0 of the tufte-latex classes from

Running the actual LyX example files (with the actual LyX layouts from
Uwe Stöhr) I get the LaTeX error

»Can be used only in the preamble«

for the title and the author in the LyX document.

For helping a bit more I exported the Tufte LyX example files to pdflatex.  
Running them with TeXShop or TeXworks give the same error message.

Experimentally I changed these files a little bit by moving the \title{…}  
and \author{…} rows

=> before \begin{document}

and they compiled well with TeXShop or TeXworks.

Unfotunately I am not able to transpone this finding in the Tufte layout  

May I hope you will find a working solution, best with title and author in  
the main LyX working window, third best with having to put title and  
author into the preamble (menu document => options) window.

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Bad experience with BasicTeX-2009 - solved f. t. moment

2009-12-16 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 15.12.2009, 21:36 Uhr, schrieb Rob Oakes :
However, I would actually recommend that you use MacTeX.  While it is a  
bit of a hard drive pig (3 GB), I've had troubles with other LaTeX  
distributions on Mac (including BasicTeX). …  Manually trying to sort  
this out is tremendously frustrating.  (Speaking from experience here.)

Hey Rob
& all interested in BasicTeX for Mac,

on the first view, you are right, … perhaps in the long run, too.

But I posted my question which is more one regarding LaTeX-Distribution  
than LyX, also in the "TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List" and in the Newsgroup  
de.comp.text.tex. For my question, which package was lacking, from the  
letter I got good answer from Ulrike Fischer saying:

»ppl ist palatino und dir fehlt offensichlich die Schrift "an sich"
(die pfb-Datei) ... Also suche als erstes nach einem Paket "palatino"  
oder... oder so was ähnliches und installiere es.«

[…search for "palatino"… and install it.]

I did this with success and reacting to the remaining LaTeX errors I did a  
search over the yet existing (full) TeXLive 2008 directory  
~/usr/local/texlive/2008/, by this finding the subdirectory of the  
package, and with it the name to search with tlmgr to install the  
package/fonts, e. g. for »fplrc8a« the package name »fpl«, and so forth.

After 3 or 4 additional packages I could run - on BasicTeX-2009 - with  
success the tufte sample-handout.tex!
=> I say this also for whome is thinking about installing BasicTeX instead  
of MacTeX.

And, dear LyXer, this method seems to work also with LyX. I ran e. g. an  
existing koma letter of mine with success.
Another LyX document, which first ended with telling I hadn't have  
installed the proper LaTeX cls (esint in this case) went well from LyX  
after installing esint with tlmgr.

With my prefered tufte-latex class there is still a problem on LyX which  
might require a change in the LyX layout files. I will post that in  
another thread.

For not to praise the day before eve, I don't exclude other frustrating  
experiences with the method "BasicTeX and additional packages on demand",  
but in the moment I'm confident in having got with three days of work a  
very smaller TeXLive installation, usable also with LyX.

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Bad experience with BasicTeX-2009 on Mac

2009-12-15 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Has anyone tried some BasicTeX version for MacOS with LyX with succes?

This time, for reasons of disc space economy, I prefered not to migrate to  
full MacTeX 2009, but rather installing the BacicTeX.dmg (2009)  from  for then, whenever  
necessary, install aditional LaTeX packages with tlmgr.

Because all the day I'm using a somewhat extraordinary LaTeX/LyX document  
class (tufte-latex, handout and book), I expected having to install  
additional packages after need, whenever in an error message is said  
"cannot find xy.sty" or similar - and I did this already in about 10 cases.

But there must be some other principal problem, that inhibits properly  
compiling of my (existing) LyX documents. I am sure, it is not because of  
LyX. But perhaps someone here can give advice, though:

With a tufte-handout lyx file, which compiled well to pdf under  
MacTeX-2008, now there are errors like:

! Font T1/phv/m/n/10=phvr8t at 8.4pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file  
not found.
! Font T1/pplj/m/n/10=pplr9d at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not  

Other error messages with the koma letter class and layout (also working  

! Font T1/pplx/m/n/12=pplr9e at 12.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not  

! Arithmetic overflow.
! Font T1/pplx/m/n/8=pplr9e at 8.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not  
! Font OT1/pplx/m/n/8=pplr9t at 8.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not  

! \textfont 0 is undefined (character ().

None of the processes result in usable pdf.

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 - LyX 1.6.5
MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Old/new problem with Tufte layouts

2009-11-28 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 28.11.2009, 15:07 Uhr, schrieb John Kane:

I wonder if anyone can help me with Tufte layouts?

Helo, John,
I have the Tufte layouts running - with the newest svn-version of the  
tufte-latex package
and the new LyX layout files, but on MacOSX. I'm hesitating to answer you  
because I'm not enough qualified in LaTeX and LyX, too.

Let's hope that Uwe Stöhr (or some other qualified LyX layouter) take pity  
on you…

Uwe has been engaged in the thread "tufte-handout.layout outdated" which I  
began 29 Oct 2009 on this list. After that we had both an dialog with the  
tufte-latex developer Kevin Goodby, see:

"LaTeX Error: File `xifthen.sty' not found."

The LaTeX package xifthen is indeed required for tufte-latex, see:

Just my twopence contribution …

The actual files are:
tufte-common.def (r133), tufte-book.cls and tufte-handout.cls (both r127)  
and can be found there:

But better wait for better help …
MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

Re: tufte-handout.layout outdated

2009-10-30 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 30.10.2009, 02:40 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr :
To make LyX files created with the old layout work, you need to open the  
LyX file with a text editor and replace

- "CharStyle:SmallCaps" with "SmallCaps"
- "CharStyle:AllCaps" with AllCaps
- "CharStyle:NewThought" with "NewThought"

Very good, I'll find a way to change it at a single blow with  
TextWrangler, I hope.

But that's not all. Some formatations seem not to go, e. g. the  
multicolumn package that I uses to insert a full-width two-colomn parbox  
or minipage with my contact data on the end of an article. But these are  
not necessary for me.

Another transfer problem:

In my immediate try, when opening an elder tufte-handout made LyX file,  
there are stopping errors (the pdf in LyX tmp insufficiently made); but  
when copying the whole content of one of these files to your new  
handout-sample.lyx file, it works. This would mean laborious transition  

In case, that you get another idea for that or how to avoid it, let it  
know, please. If not, then I have to take the time for this work.

Tell me, if I shall send you an real file LyX file (of 2, 3 pages), made  
with the elder handout.cls and .layout …

regards, joachim
MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

Re: tufte-handout.layout outdated

2009-10-29 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 29.10.2009, 17:31 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr:

The next version doesn't use this layout file version but this one:

very fine!

Can you please test it out? (To get it work you need to have my  
tufte-book.layout file is the same folder as the tufte-handout.layout.)

Already done. Just to give you a first response:

Your new handout layout file works more or less with the original  
sample-handout.lyx (provided once with Jürgen's old tufte-handout.layout  

More or less, because some formatations - as »newthought«, »ALL CAPS«,  
»FULL CAPITAL LETTERS, and »SmallCaps« {character style  
(Edit->TextStyle->SmallCaps)} are marked red and partly as "undefined" in  
the LyX window already and appeare in normal character stile in the  
produced pdf.

With my self-produced LyX-files on basis of the old tufte-handout.cls and  
-.layout your new .layout unfortunately does not work yet, but I have to  
test it further with faked ones, because in the real ones I have some  
additions in the preamble (and special formatations within the documents)  
which might be excluded already in the new tufte-handout.cls (and  
-common.sty) and not because of your new .layout file.

The problem is, that I have to exchange everytime the files in  
LyX1.6/layouts and ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/tufte-latex/ to test it,  
continuing with my work on my existing LyX files on basis of the old  
handout cls and layout. But I will try out more.

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

Re: BigFoot Package

2009-10-29 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 29.10.2009, 23:17 Uhr, schrieb rgheck:>

Further to comments the other day, attached is a package that implements
some simple functionality of the bigfoot package. It seems to work for
my purposes. Unfortunately, in developing it, I realized that we do not
yet have counters for custom insets. So this will have to be on the
radar for 1.7.

Very good, but anyway, what possibilities is it for? Already now?

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

tufte-handout.layout outdated

2009-10-29 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Big problem for me, but also for the next release of LyX:

tufte-book.layout - works well,
tufte-handout.layout doesn't work with actual release of Tufte (2009 May  

Please watch, Uwe, Jürgen
 & all Tufte-interested LyX-Developer & User:

While the new tufte-book.layout, created by Uwe Stöhr

- => "Tufte-book proposal … for the  
layout file where less ERT needs to be used" -

works well with the the actual release of tufte-latex  
( the vanguard  
tufte-handout.layout, produced kindly by Jürgen Spitzmüller almost one  
year ago

does no longer work well with the actual release of tufte-handout.cls (and  
tufte-common.sty). There are uncountable latex errors with it and Lyx  
refuses to offer the pdf-latex view. Though in the the tmp dir I find one,  
more or less usable on my superficial look, but: without the bibliography  
and citations.

Am 27.10.2009, 23:58 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr in the thread "Tufte-book  
Layout File":

I revised Jason's layout file and the version you find here:
as "Tufte-book proposal"
will be included in the next LyX version. Can you please test it?

I did it and reported enthused success.

But when I then started to work again with my numerous tufte-handout  
LyX-files, produced until no: not one is processed well any more.

Obviously the LyX tufte-handout.layout is outdated!
I don't wonder about that: as I have seen, the Tufte-LateX developers have  
changed to put the main processing into a tufte-common.sty file (in  
future: -.def) and only some special cls-commands in both …book.cls and  
…handout.cls. But I am not able to produce a new LyX-layout for handout.

What shall I do now? Hope I can reestablish the old "depreciated"  
tufte-handout.cls from 2008 may (or november at the latest) to be able to  
run my produced and make new ones in LyX (I had backed-up the old  

Or, given that the tufte-book.layout »will be included in the next LyX  
version«, may I hope that a new tufte-handout.layout will be made? Jürgen  
Spitzmüller produced the old one in a fly in the train …

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.3
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)
Opera 9.64 -  Newsreader

Re: Tufte-book Layout File

2009-10-28 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 28.10.2009, 02:15 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr:
Before you proceed please first try out the recent version of the layout  
file and the example document, see my previous email.

Sorry, Uwe,

for unknown reasons - insufficiency of my newsreader? - I hadn't had your  
e-mails in the gmane.editors.lyx.general newsfolder, but now I found them  
in the inbox folder of this mail account (which I use only for news etc.),  
and your other postings in this thread as well.

Downloaded your tufte-book.layout version, your example lyx and the .bib  
file and after reconfiguring LyX:

…  all went well, finally ! !

 When the example LyX file works for you, but not your own document,  
please send me this document.

Thank you (and Jason, too), I'll come back to this offer, in case…

Regards, joachim
MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

Re: Tufte-book Layout File

2009-10-27 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 27.10.2009, 21:42 Uhr, schrieb Jason Waskiewicz:
My best idea is that there could be a conflict with the \lipsum package.  
I have a similar computer setup to yours (Mac with Leopard -- though  
mine is a PPC).  I've had no trouble on that machine or on my Linux box.

Thank you for your endeavor, Jason, but the \lipsum package cannot be the  
reason because, without using it, the result is similar.

Given that your tufte-book.layout is working in your similar computer  
setup, and that the tufte-book.cls is working on my machine with LaTeX  
(TeXShop), it's rather myterious for me where the reason for the  
misfunction might be, in my context.

By the way, in the same manner runs your kindly provided  
tuftebooksample.lyx: LyX ends with the same - and some more - LaTeX  
errors, but in the tmp-dir the pdf is produced, I suppose correct.

It would be interesting to hear from some others, especially with  
intel-Macs, wether the tufte-book.layout runs well in their LyX!

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

Re: Tufte-book Layout File

2009-10-26 Thread Joachim Osnabryg
Am 18.10.2009, 21:59 Uhr, schrieb Jason Waskiewicz  

I recently made a .layout file for the Tufte-book class.

Very commendable undertaking! I would be very glad, if we got a well  
performing layout file for that! (After my extensive use of Spitzmüller's  
layout for the Tufte-handout class.

Anyway, I'm hoping those with more skills can evaluate this .layout
file, improve it, and, possibly, find some use for it.

I'm not the one who can help with that. But I tried to run LyX with your  
layout file (I had the LaTeX tufte-book.cls already installed before),  
only with a \lipsum text, but without success. (LyX stopped the document  

It produced an pdf-output into the tmp subdirectory of LyX, with:

T I T E L X <== on the 1st page, and the
Lorem ipsum … … <== text on the following pages.

For the case, that it might help you or other developers of an LyX-layout  
for the tufte-book.cls,
or if someone can give me a hint, what's going wrong  in my LyX, I report  
here the rest:

Within the LyX program window I got the LaTeX errors:
LaTeX Error: Command \cplabel already defined.
LaTeX Error: Command \adjustwidth already defined.

errors & warnings copied from the LaTeX protocol:
LaTeX Info: Redefining \checkoddpage on input line 62.

! LaTeX Error: Command \cplabel already defined.
   Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.
l.71   \...@esphack}

Your command was ignored.
Type  Ito replace it with another command,
orto continue without it.

LaTeX Info: Redefining \...@ngetext on input line 94.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \changetext on input line 106.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \changepage on input line 116.

! LaTeX Error: Command \adjustwidth already defined.
   Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

l.147 \item[]}{\end{list}}

Your command was ignored.
{/usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}] [2

] [3]
Package bibentry Warning: You have used \nobibliography*
(bibentry)without a following \bibliography.
(bibentry)You may not be able to run BibTeX.

Any help?

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

Re: Converting paragraph breaks to newlines in a .layout file

2009-10-14 Thread Joachim Osnabryg
Am 05.10.2009, 22:03 Uhr, schrieb Jack M. Lyon  

Jack M. Lyon wrote:
--I need a command that will convert paragraph breaks to newlines in the  
LaTeX text inside the paragraph environment verse1. So the text in LyX  
will look like this (styled as Poem):

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

I know that problem, but fear I don't have the solution you want. I have  
for this case the following make-shift/workaround:

Within the same strophe/stanza of a poem, after each line, I type  
Command+Return instead of only Return and get my wanted result.

In case of copying and pasting the poem text from another source, this is  
bothering a little because, after each line, you have to substitute the  
paragraph break by the newline break. I put the curser on the end of the  
line, type Command+Return and immediate erase the paragraph break.

Sorry, if this is an old hat for you, just in case.

And in more elegant and less time-consuming ways I am interested, too.

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

Re: aspell, cocoaspell with lyx - a fake?

2009-08-28 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Thank you very much, Richard, for your kindly and detailed help!

First I uninstalled the aspell installed with MacPorts and tried to follow  
your instructions.

Am 28.08.2009, 14:25 Uhr, schrieb Richard Talley:
First, install cocoAspell and make sure it's working properly with LyX  
as an

English language spellchecker. That's pretty straight forward.

At least to that point I came. I wouldn't call it "straight forward" but  
the concentrated work of some hours, but anyway, the English language  
spellchecker seems to work usably in my LyX, if I needed it.

I continued with installing and configuring the German language dictionary:

Do one thing and one thing only while running System Preferences as root.
Click on the Spelling preference pane that cocoAspell installed so it  
compiles and configures your new dictionary. Quit System Preferences.  

it from the GUI. You should now be able to choose your new dictionary.

OK, so far.

Only: the crazy German "spellchecking" in LyX continued as yesterday.

So I give up. I'm going to uninstall CocoAspell as well and shall use LyX  
without spellchecker. Sorry though!

Congratulation to you, for getting usable the Spanish dict. But  
nevertheless I regard this complicated procedure as unreasonable and  
unacceptable for a normal LyX user. I remain with the conclusion:

German language Aspell spellchecking in LyX on Mac-OSX is not practicable!

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.3
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

aspell, cocoaspell with lyx - a fake?

2009-08-27 Thread Joachim Osnabryg
Could it be that the spellchecking possibility in LyX with Aspell or  
CocoAspell is a big piss take, at least on Mac-OSX?

I have worked till today without spellchecker in LyX, but I should install  
one for my convenience.

Now I worked about 8 hours to install and configure (Coco)Aspell for LyX  
without acceptable result (and fear to have another 2, 3 hours to get rid  
of it).

First I installed CocoAspell, because in the LyX-wiki page vor Mac
it is said:
"The easiest spellchecker to install is cocoAspell. CocoAspell provides an  
installation of aspell and a preferences pane for selecting and setting up  

I did it. But LyX could not find it. LyX searched for:  

which does not exist. (I want the spellchecker for German)

I installed Aspell with MacPorts. Same result. Only after putting in the  
path to one of the files de-common.dws or de-DE-only.dws in  
LyX-preferences | language | spellschecker it "works". But in the way to  
suggest for each (btw correct) word a sample of words which have nothing  
to do with the one proofed.

=> Has anyone installed Aspell or CocoAspell under Mac-OSX and has got  
them working with LyX in a reasonable manner?

Would you please describe how you installed and configured it?


MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.3
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 1.6.4 is released

2009-08-24 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 24.08.2009, 13:28 Uhr, schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

NOTE that no Mac OS X binaries will be provided for this release, due to
a regression on this platform that was detected after 1.6.4 was released.
Expect a minor update that addresses this problem to be released soon.

OK, that means patience. But you continue with:

If you already have the sources of the previous release, you may want to  
apply one of the following patches instead

Is this statement also guilty for my case with LyX 1.6.3 having installed  
from the Mac OS X binaries?

Sorry for my ignorance…

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.3
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger (intel)

shortcuts: LyX & OSX side by side?

2009-07-21 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

sorry, again with changed subject (still hoping for help):

Hi LyXers, especially on Mac-OSX:

With my German keyboard on Mac-OSX normally I can get with

alt+a | d | e | o |  t | p | + | x | c | m |  l  |  ö | ä  etc.
the following special letters/symbols:
   å  | ∂ | € | ø | † | π | ± | ≈ | ç | µ | @ | œ | æ etc.

which I find very practical.

But because of the key-bindings in LyX (mac-bindings in this case, see
Help=>Keybord-Shortcuts or similar) these
usual key combinations for special characters are disabled in LyX.

Of course one can disable any key-binding in LyX (so they are not usable
at all and the system key-combinations will be in effect in LyX, too) or
create another one, which seems rather laborious and time-consuming.

I hoped I could vary the keybinding of LyX or of Mac-OSX with one ore few
steps, e. g. change from alt+x
to command+alt+x or similar to avoid this problem, but I didn't find out,

Can anybody show a way to get the wanted result, i. e. holding the LyX
keybindings and
==> create other key-combinations for the special letters/symbols which in
other programs are got with alt+x?

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.1
MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

alt+a/d/e/o/t to get å, ∂, €, ø, † e tc.

2009-07-19 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

With my German keyboard on Mac-OSX normaly I can get with

alt+a | d | e | o |  t | p | + | x | c | m |  l  |  ö | ä  etc.
the following special letters/symbols:
  å  | ∂ | € | ø | † | π | ± | ≈ | ç | µ | @ | œ | æ etc.

which I find very practical.

But because of the key-bindings in LyX (mac-bindings in this case) these  
combinations are disabled.

Of course one can disable any key-binding in LyX (so they are not usable  
at all and the system key-combinations will be in effect in LyX, too) or  
create another one, which seems rather laborious and time-consuming.

I hoped I could vary the keybinding of LyX or of Mac-OSX, e. g. from alt+x  
to command+alt+x or similar to avoid this problem, but I didn't find out,  

Can anybody show a way to get the wanted result, i. e. holding the LyX  
keybindings and
==> create other key-combinations for the special letters/symbols which in  
other programs are got with alt+x?

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.1
MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: LyX vs. wordprocessors

2009-04-07 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 05.04.2009, 00:46 Uhr, schrieb Steve Litt

If it's longer
than 5 pages, I use LyX or Komposer (a WYSIWYG HTML editor).

Sorry, Steve, do you mean
or Nvu - HTML-Editor (for Windows)
or Nvu Composer (for several OSs)

or something else?

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.1
MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Introducing eLyXer: LyX to HTML converter

2009-03-13 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 13.03.2009, 03:18 Uhr, schrieb Alex Fernandez:

It seems that your Python is not understanding the decorator syntax
for classmethods, which were introduced in Python 2.4:

I believe, but I'm not the one to understand these things.

The following command would verify that this is indeed the problem:
  $ python --version

I tried out:

joachim$ python --version
Unknown option: --
usage: python [option] ... [-c cmd | file | -] [arg] ...

... perhaps again specific to Mac-OSX, but:

joachim$ python -V
Python 2.3.5
localhost:/Developer/Applications joachim$ python_select -l
Available versions:
current none python23-apple python25

i. e. I have - besides python23-apple - also some python25, might be
incomplete. It had been installed together with some MacPorts program I
don't remember spontaneously. Because of a problem with LyX starting
"Document => New", on advice of Konrad Hofbauer, I did then as I decribed
in that thread »defaults.lyx, lyx2lyx error in LyX 1.6 - resolved«:
localhost:/opt joachim$ sudo python_select python23-apple
Selecting version "python23-apple" for python

That resolved the problem. Experimentally today I tried to reselect  

again, but the problem with LyX "New" came back, so I went immediately
back to python23-apple.

It would appear that Tiger comes with a Python 2.3 version. It is easy
to upgrade to a more current version:

Unfortunately, on for Mac-OSX 10.4
Tiger there are only packages up to Python 2.4.1 and PPC ONLY. Python 2.5
seems to run only on  Mac-OSX 10.5 Leopard, if I understand well.

I would commit to make eLyXer work with Tiger, but only if you are
willing to be the guinea pig ... What do you think?

No problem with the role of guinea pig (the German Versuchskaninchen) with
the perspective of becoming a truffle pig and having eLyXer running
correctly on Mac-OSX 10.4.

But it seems rather impossible because of the python25 problem, as far
as I see.

=>Has somebody activated python25 running on Mac-OSX 10.4 without problems
with LyX "New"? And if, which python 2.5 had you installed and how?

=>Or have you, Alex, still an idea of resolving the problem?

But might be this would be wasted effort in the moment, for the time being
I share the happiness of Linuxers with eLyXer :-(

MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.1
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Introducing eLyXer: LyX to HTML converter

2009-03-12 Thread Joachim Osnabryg
Am 12.03.2009, 16:43 Uhr, schrieb Alex Fernandez  

Version 0.4 (20090312) is uploaded:

OK, I dared to download and uncompress it.

And proceeded to the first step, with the response:

joachim$ ../elyxer userguide.lyx userguide2.html
  File "../elyxer", line 21
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

There is no userguide2.html in my /elyxer/docs directory.

So far, according to your userguide.lyx and .html not "everything is  
working fine".

Might be because of Mac-OSX (as you "haven’t tested it on Mac OS X")???

Just to report it.

Good luck, joachim
MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.1
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: Introducing eLyXer: LyX to HTML converter

2009-03-12 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Am 11.03.2009, 02:08 Uhr, schrieb Alex Fernandez

eLyXer is very much a work in progress, since it only supports a
pretty small subset of LyX features

Being very impressed of the quality of the example
I suppose that

margin notes in LyX

(or better footnotes as numbered margin notes in the Handout (Tufte) LyX  
layout) will not yet be translated as such (i. e. marginals) by eLyXer.

(Sorry, I didn't install and try out eLyXer yet.)

But if you and others who are able to develope eLyXer would build that
capability in, it would serve very well my publications plans of texts
with many short helping/illuminating notes in the margin (for less
disconnect someone's reading of the main text.

Just to make you know my wish,
Good luck, joachim

Re: defaults.lyx, lyx2lyx error in LyX 1.6 - resolved

2009-03-03 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Konrad Hofbauer schrieb:
But probably an incomplete python25 installed by macports, i.e., you are 
missing some modules (the py25- stuff in macports).

You can either

1) run lyx2lyx from terminal, try to find out which modules it is 
missing and install those from macports or

I tried that with:

localhost:/opt joachim$ lyx2lyx
-bash: lyx2lyx: command not found

Question: What would be a correct command to "run lyx2lyx from 
the terminal"

(for future problems)?

"just for fun" I did too:

localhost:/opt joachim$ lyx
-bash: lyx: command not found
localhost:/opt joachim$ ./lyx
-bash: ./lyx: No such file or directory

Question: What is the right way to call lyx from the command line 
(given that this is a common advice to find out problems)?

Konrad Hofbauer schrieb weiter:

2) re-select Apple's built-in python as default python using
python_select -l

Response and my further proceeding:

Available versions:
current none python23-apple python25
localhost:/opt joachim$ sudo python_select python23-apple
Selecting version "python23-apple" for python
localhost:/opt joachim$ python_select -l
Available versions:
current none python23-apple python25

Although nothing seemed to have changed, I started LyX again.

Document => New

with success, without error message!

Thank you, Konrad, that did it.

Goutgaun! joachim
MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.1
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

Re: defaults.lyx, lyx2lyx error in LyX 1.6

2009-03-03 Thread Joachim Osnabryg

Konrad Hofbauer schrieb:

Have you changed something in your python installation
(e.g., installed python3)?

Months ago, I installed MacPorts, because I wanted to use 
rtf2latex2e (with LaTeX and LyX).

I did some other install and uninstall with MacPorts meanwhile, 
the uninstalls I did carefully first asking the port 
dependencies. (But I'm not really familiar with MacPort.)

Because of your question I asked now "port installed" and that 
gave back inter alia:

python25 @2.5.4_0+darwin_8+macosx (active)
python_select @0.2.1_0+darwin_8 (active)

So, not python3.

Is python necessary for or obstructive to LyX?

Which python has to be installed?

Could installing the actual LyX version 1.6.1 once again (over 
the existing) help?

Goutgaun! joachim
MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.1
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger - MacPorts 1.700

defaults.lyx, lyx2lyx error in LyX 1.6

2009-03-03 Thread Joachim Osnabryg
Yesterday, I still produced lyx letters with my own templates. 
Today - whyever - I wanted to start with File => New and got the 
error message:

stammt von einer anderen LyX-Version, aber das lyx2lyx-Skript 
konnte das

Dokument nicht konvertieren.
is from another LyX-Version, but the lyx2lyx script could not 
convert the document.

This is rather cryptic for me. I neither understand why I should 
have the wrong defaults.lyx, nor have I an idea how to repare 
this problem.

Please give me a hint!
Goutgaun! joachim
MacTeXLive 2008 - TeXShop 2.18-svn - LyX 1.6.1
MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.11 Tiger