Re: LyX/Mac OS 10.3.4: wrong paths?

2004-08-30 Thread Ronald Florence
On Aug 30, 2004, at 2:25 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
PS Bennett suggested running texhash, but Viktor replied: "Running
texhash as root, LyX-Setup and Edit->Reconfigure doesn't help either...
it still can't find any classes"
Viktor Horvath wrote:
I'm setting up a new pool configuration for my university's computer 
lab. I
did a fresh install of teTeX, Ghostscript et al. using the newest
i-Installer, then I installed LyX. Unfortunately, LyX is not able to 
any textclasses (article, book, ...) - of course they exist, and
TeX-frontends like iTeXMac are able to produce nice LaTeX output.

But the paths to, say, article.sty aren't the same as they were in 
i-Installer teTeX installations: Now the tex/ subdirectory is below
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex, and NOT below
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf which also exists! (For this reason, I 
make a link texmf -> texmf.tetex)

I experienced this problem using LyX 1.3.4 under both Mac OS 10.2.8 
10.3.4 with newest i-Installer teTeX versions.
I cannot duplicate Viktor's experience. I recently (8.vii.2004) 
installed teTeX on a new MacOS-10.3.x machine with the i-Installer; the 
tex subdirectory is below /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex.  I then 
installed LyX/Mac from the binary package.  LyX/Mac works fine, finds 
the article, book and other classes.  I did not need any special links 
to make this work.

The locations of teTeX binaries are hard-coded into LyX-Mac-1.3.4.  The 
location of the TeX hierarchy is set during the Edit -> Reconfigure 
phase of the installation.  Could Viktor have forgotten that?

Ronald Florence

Re: mac os x and ispell

2004-07-03 Thread Ronald Florence
Chris Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sounds like /sw/bin isn't in your path.  Have you specified a PATH
> environment variable in an environment.plist file in your ~/.MacOSX
> directory?  If not, create the file out of the following:
>  "
> com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
> /sw/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sw/sbin:/usr/local/lib:/us
> r/sbin:/etc:/usr/X11R6/bin
> /bin/bash
> :0.0

LyX/Mac-1.3.4 automatically sets the PATH to include /sw/bin and other
directories necessary for teTeX and other auxiliary executables.
Early versions of LyX/Mac used ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist to set the
PATH.  I changed it because the PATH set there affects every GUI
application and can have undesirable consequences: if user directories
like /sw/bin and /usr/local/bin are ahead of the system directories in
the PATH, user-installed binaries will take precedence over system
binaries of the same name -- maybe what you want, but potentially

If the original poster is using LyX/Mac-1.3.4 I would suggest trying
ispell from the command line to make sure it is working.  Or
installing aspell or cocoAspell, which are better spellcheckers.

Ronald Florence

Re: missing textclass cv?

2004-06-26 Thread Ronald Florence
Marc Jeffrey Driftmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am not exactly sure where Ron has set up LyX/Mac local package support but 
> I'm sure Mr. Florence has some better information on this matter.

The stock LyX/Mac installation creates a local teTeX directory in
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/latex if you installed Gerben
Wierda's teTeX or in /sw/etc/texmf.local/tex/latex if you installed
teTeX from fink.  The teTeX files for latex preview and for srcltx get
installed there during the LyX/Mac installation.

You can add your cv.cls files in whichever directory was created on
your installation and run texhash.

The installation could automatically install classes like cv,
hollywood, broadway, and lyxchess -- I never thought of it.

Ronald Florence

Re: "lyx-remote" script?

2004-06-17 Thread Ronald Florence
"G. Milde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I would like to see a script, that 
>* opens a file in a LyX session, if there is an open one, or
>* starts LyX with the file, if there is no LyX running.

Years ago, when I first ported LyX-1.3.x to X11 on the Mac, I wrote a
script that does this.  The script is actually for use with an
Applescript that responds to a file dropped on it, but it should work
as well from the command line.  See if does part of what you need.

Ronald Florence

Re: EndNote in Lyx Win32

2004-04-07 Thread Ronald Florence
Tom Tsuchiya wrote:

How can I use endnote in Lyx WIn32. Is it 
possible? (The reason I need to do this is that I have all my references 
stored in endnote files and I just cannot start all over again to 
rebuild similar database.) has some scripts 
that convert Endnotes citations to LaTeX citations.


Building LyX/Mac on UFS file systems

2004-03-19 Thread Ronald Florence
The build instructions for LyX/Mac in the lyx-1.3.4 distribution fail 
on UFS file systems.  Although Apple recommends that MacOSX systems use 
HFS+ file systems for boot partitions and Applications directories, 
Gerben Wierda, the maintainer of an excellent teTeX suite for MacOSX, 
discovered the problem in trying to build LyX/Mac on a UFS file system. 
 I don't have a MacOSX UFS file system here to test this on, but I 
believe the following changes would work:

After installing the LyX/Mac framework from and 
before doing "make install" in the lyx source directory:

- change /Applications/ from
	- delete /Applications/

   - change /Applications/ to 

If anyone is in a position to try this on a MacOSX system with a UFS 
filesystem, I'd welcome corrections or additions to these procedures.  
This should be easy to incorporate into the README.MacOSX for 


Re: Installing Lyx for Mac

2004-03-15 Thread Ronald Florence
Eric Durbrow wrote:

Downloaded the LyX program, ran the AppleScript setup, and can open it. 
Ran reconfigure.
Downloaded the gimp-print program and installed it.
Downloaded tetex etc using i-installer and fink (I tried both)

Result: the icon representing the printer and tex are still grayed out 
You don't need two versions of teTeX and for MacOS-10.3 you don't need 
to install gimp-print.  The installation of Lyx/Mac is simple (the 
directions on both the background of the download image and in the 
accompanying ReadMe):

- install teTeX;
- drag the LyX icon to your preferred location;
- run the LyX-Setup script;
- do Edit -> Reconfigure when you first start LyX.
The order of items is significant.

Re: can't add new classes to LyX/Mac-1.3.4

2004-03-10 Thread Ronald Florence
M. C. D. wrote:

I only mentioned it for the record.  ${PREFIX}/share/lyx doesn't exist, 
under any definition of ${PREFIX}.  If I hadn't already known where the 
files were, it might not have been obvious where to find them.  It also 
requires special effort to navigate to the contents of an .app package 
on OSX - you have to know that the LyX program is actually a directory, 
/Applications/, to get inside it from the command line.  You 
need to control-click the LyX icon and choose "Show package contents" to 
get inside it from the Finder.
If you click LyX -> About on the toolbar, LyX/Mac will tell you where 
the system LyX files and your local LyX files are on your installation. 
 The reason the LyX system files are in the application bundle in 
LyX/Mac instead of the .../share/lyx directory used on other versions of 
Unix/Linux is so the LyX/Mac application could be made relocatable (you 
can put it anywhere you choose) and so the installation would include 
everything in a single bundle which is Apple's preferred spec for MacOSX 


Re: help with lyx-qt and fonts

2004-03-05 Thread Ronald Florence
Khurom Kiyani wrote:

I have a problem with the screen fonts on my LyX-Qt 1.3.3. I installed 
it on my Mac OS X using Fink. All the greek letters, integrals and near 
abouts all math symbols turn out funny i.e. gobbledy gook. If i switch 
to the old xforms version everything is back to normal again. 
LyX/Mac is based on the Qt/Mac library and gets the math symbols right. 
 Try <>.


Re: Lyx and spell check

2004-03-03 Thread Ronald Florence
Henrik Edlund wrote:

The standard recommends (if not requires) that you put something inside
the anchor so that the target is identifiable in some way. Hence why it is
nice to put it around the  there so the headline becomes the
identification for the target.
It is rather evil CSS to do mouse-over colour changes on anchors. If this
is still what you want, then make it a class instead of a global setting.
Then use this class on all anchors you want mouse-over effects on.
The only browsers I have available here (Safari & IE) do not do 
mouse-over color changes on those labels.  Could it be that some 
browsers are misbehaving on those pages?


Re: Lyx and spell check

2004-03-03 Thread Ronald Florence
Angus Leeming wrote:

Ronald, why is the "LyX/Mac" title on this page a hyperlink. It 
doesn't actually do anything: [...]

Ditto for the section titles "download", "prerequisites", "using LyX" 

Personally, I found 'em confusing so I'm interested in your rationale.
If you go to the Table of Contents in the frame at the bottom of your 
browser screen, you can click on Screenshot, Download, Prerequisites, 
Using LyX, etc. to navigate on the page.  What is confusing about that?


Re: Lyx and spell check

2004-03-03 Thread Ronald Florence
Gennady Fiksel wrote:

I wonder if you anyone help me with spelling in Lyx that I just recently 
installed on Max OS 10.2.3
I love the program a lot.
When tried to do spell check the same message appeared every time - 
Failed to start ispell. It happens even I change to aspell in 
Preferences. I have CocoAspell installed and it works for all other text 
editors including iTex and TexShop.
Configuring cocoAspell to work with LyX/Mac is covered in the LyX/Mac 
howto at <>.  Click on 
spell-checkers in the table of contents.


Re: Lyx_aqua134

2004-02-22 Thread Ronald Florence
damien lepage wrote:

1/ When I open a document like cv.lyx I have the message " document use an
unknow text class -- substituting default" and "the document use a missing
class cv lyxx will not be able to produce output"
Futhermore cv.cls is in
Look at LyX -> Help -> Latex Configuration.  Under "CV" the document 
explains that the class file needs to be installed in your teTeX 
hierarchy.  Run texhash after you install it.

2/ when i want to do a export in pdf or postscript, I have the message "no
information to export to pdf"

   /Applications/ -dbg latex

in a terminal and watch the output to check your teTeX installation and 


Re: pdf, dvi, preview mac os x

2004-02-21 Thread Ronald Florence
peko wrote:

i read the discussion about the problems in previewing with lyx and mac osx.
Although I think I really followed the instructions (first installing a
teTex base, which I did with the wonderful i-installer, then get the other
packages ghostscript 8, cm super, freetype 2, libwmv and iconv conversion
support, ImageMagick and then finally the lyx installation), I'm not able to
manage to get the preview work.
Any ideas out there of what to do?
I can't determine from your message whether ordinary previews of LyX 
documents in pdf or other formats fail, or whether it is the 
latex-preview of math in LyX that is failing.

If it is the former, try running

   /Applications/ -dbg latex

in a terminal; you may need to change the command if you installed 
LyX/Mac somewhere other than the Applications folder.  The debugging 
output will show the LaTeX generation/execution.

If latex-previews of math n LyX fail, did you run (double-click) 
LyX-Setup in the installation bundle?


Re: Natbib/bibtex fields

2004-02-18 Thread Ronald Florence
Rich Shepard wrote:

  Also, Stacy Prowell pointed me to gBib, a GUI front end for entries.
Although I'm a touch-typist and _much_ prefer working directly with text
files I'll take a look at this tool.
Touch-typing is less the issue than remembering the details of the 
bibliography format (at least for this 61-year old brain).  Unless you 
are entering items into BibTeX files every day, it's easy to forget the 
format specifications and end up with a debugging challenge.  This is 
one area where GUI-based tools save time in both the entry procedure 
and, with some tools, in directly inserting references into LyX files. 
There is a list of BibTeX tools in the LyX/Mac Howto and no doubt 
somewhere there is a list of Linux-specific tools like Pybliographer.


LyX scores with a publisher!

2004-02-17 Thread Ronald Florence
I've noted in the past that LyX is a frustration in dealing with trade 
publishers (like Random House, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster) for 
books intended for the general public.  Unlike some scientific 
publishers, trade publishers do not accept manuscripts in LaTeX, LyX or 
any format but ms-word or perhaps WordPerfect.  Indeed, my last 
manuscript, which is to be published this fall by the University of 
Wisconsin Press, had to be run through latex2rtf before submission. 
This proved a disaster, as there were many characters from transcribed 
Arabic and Hebrew which required underdots or overscores that the .rtf 
did not reproduce.

Today brought a golden lining to that cloud.  Some of the people we 
solicited for jacket comments, including Elie Wiesel, insisted on 
reading bound proofs instead of loose manuscript pages.  Normally proofs 
would come late in the publishing project, but an open-minded publicity 
person at the press announced, after looking at the beautifully 
formatted LyX manuscript pages, that they were so attractive they could 
be bound as proofs.  I made a simple change in the ms. to generate 
double-sided output, sent them the .pdf, and they bound the pages.  This 
is literally the first time, out of 8 published books, that I have ever 
encountered a welcome to LyX or LaTeX from a trade or university press.

Of course the actual book will be produced from the .rtfs with much 
time-consuming manual correction by the copy-editor and me.  Such is the 
inertia in the trade publishing world.


Re: Mac OS X Installation glitch

2004-01-29 Thread Ronald Florence
Justin Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I initially got errors in the installation because attempts to "cp
> .../previews/*" failed (no such directory).  [That's from memory; I
> neglected to copy it down at the time].

The ReadMe in the LyX/Mac bundle, and also inside the installer,
points out that a working teTeX installation is a prerequisite to
installing LyX/Mac.  The error message you got is what happens when
teTeX is not installed before the LyX/Mac installer trys to install
the files for latex-preview.

Ronald Florence

problems using external templates

2004-01-25 Thread Ronald Florence
The external templates dialog (LyX/Mac-1.3.4cvs) defaults to the
ChessDiagram, which is a mild annoyance, and if I do not select
another option and configure it fully, the external template inserts a
[Chess:] inset.  

How can I configure external templates to default to RasterImage, and
how can I configure it to not insert anything by default -- e.g., to
wait for the OK click and/or to default to "cancel"?   Thanks,

Ronald Florence

Re: New message, same ole' problem

2004-01-16 Thread Ronald Florence
Katrin Pietzsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't know, whether this is much of a help - it's rather an idea.
> Under Mac OS 10.3.2 I manually had to set the language in a
> file. Check out Ronald Florence web-site
>  -> using lyx
> for the instructions and maybe you or someone else on the list knows
> which is the correspondig file on your System that needs to be
> changed.

Those instructions (changing ~/.MacOSX/preferences.plist) are a MacOSX
only configuration.  Because LyX/Mac starts as a direct GUI
application, the environment variable needs to be set independent of
shells.  For X11 systems under Linux or Unix, it is probably
sufficient to set and export LANG in the shell.

Ronald Florence

Re: lyx 1.3.3 on MacOS 10.3.2

2004-01-14 Thread Ronald Florence
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Georg> I recently did an install on OS X 10.3. I had to set the LANG
> Georg> variable in the plist file in order to display german menus,
> Georg> although the system language was german.
> What is the variable that is changed when system language is set in
> prefs?

I think Georg is referring to the directions in the LyX/Mac howto to
define the environment variable LANG in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist in
order to change the GUI language.  In MacOS-10.2 this was not

Ronald Florence

Re: lyx 1.3.3 on MacOS 10.3.2

2004-01-13 Thread Ronald Florence
Katrin Pietzsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  You will probably find that if you click
> on the LyX mini-buffer, you can enter the characters there.  You could
> copy them to the LyX buffer, but this is a poor substitute for the
> preferable behavior in MacOS-10.2.
> That works, but indeed is a poor substitute ...

A workaround for the characters that the Qt/Mac library does not
recognize under MacOS-10.3 is to add defines for them in your bind
file.  For example, if you normally use the emacs binding, copy to your ~/.lyx/bind/
directory and add something like the following:

\bind "C-M-i i" "self-insert î"
\bind "C-M-e e" "self-insert é"
\bind "C-M-u u" "self-insert ü"
\bind "C-M-u o"     "self-insert ö"

This would make "Cmd-Option-i i" -> î, etc.  

Ronald Florence

Re: OS 10.3 Aqua interface

2004-01-12 Thread Ronald Florence
woodbd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Has anyone experienced problems with generating dvi's or pdf's from
> Lyx on mac OS 10.3?  I am using Ronald Florence's Aqua port of Lyx,
> and it seemed to work OK in 10.2.  Now in 10.3 all of the markup
> capabilities work fine, I just can't compile to get a pdf or dvi.  I
> have updated tetex and all associated packages, and also re-installed
> Lyx aqua (and reconfigured).  No luck.

What does your ~/.lyx/preferences file show for \viewer "dvi" and for
\viewer "pdf" and what programs have you configured in MacOS-10.3 as
the default viewers for those filetypes?  

Ronald Florence

Re: lyx 1.3.3 on MacOS 10.3.2

2004-01-11 Thread Ronald Florence
Katrin Pietzsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I downloaded the self installing binary
> (lyx-1.3.3-4macos10.2_aqua.dmg) from Ronalds web-site.
> The installation itself worked nicely and lyx runs, but I have a
> problem with the keyboard mapping. It's not compatible with a german
> keyboard. Most keys work - including some special charakters like ö,Ö
> or ä,Ä, but some don't, e.g. when i want to have a ":" i get an "Ö".

MacOS-10.3 changed the handling of some combination keys with the
Qt/Mac library.  Many characters that could be entered from the
keyboard with MacOS-10.2 (like é î ö à) can no longer be enterred
directly into a LyX buffer.  You will probably find that if you click
on the LyX mini-buffer, you can enter the characters there.  You could
copy them to the LyX buffer, but this is a poor substitute for the
preferable behavior in MacOS-10.2.

> Apart from that lyx 1.3.3 only installs with the englisch GUI, which
> doesn't really bother me - i was only a little surprised, because
> under Mac OS 10.2.8 lyx 1.3.3 installed with the german GUI.

I haven't tried LyX-1.3.3 for a while (I've been working on 1.3.4cvs),
but as far as I know it includes the GUIs for other languages and
should display in the default language of the system.  In any case,
LyX/Mac-1.3.4 will work in the correct GUI languages under MacOS-10.3.

Ronald Florence

Re: Lyx for Aqua 1.3.3: no view nor print

2003-12-29 Thread Ronald Florence
Tomoharu Nishino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >> - My .cshrc file was modified according to Tomoharu Nishino' web page
> >>   and contains the lines:
> >>
> >>source /sw/bin/init.csh
> >>setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/bin"
> >
> > This is not relevant, and may not be a good idea.
> >
> Ronald is absolutely right on this one.  The more recent versions of
> fink runs a shell-script during the installation process that sets up
> the correct paths, and should not require manual editing of the .cshrc
> file. 

Actually, .cshrc is not relevant to LyX/Mac, which as a GUI
application does not get its PATH from the shell initialization files.
Whatever method fink uses to set the PATH for shells, it may not be a
good idea to follow: fink puts its own directories ahead of system
directories like /bin and /usr/bin.  Unless you're sure of what fink
puts in those directories, and sure you want those binaries instead of
the "normal" binaries, it can be confusing and/or insecure to allow
fink to set your PATH.

Ronald Florence

Re: Lyx for Aqua 1.3.3: no view nor print

2003-12-29 Thread Ronald Florence
"Gattuso, Jean-Pierre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have installed Lyx for Aqua 1.3.3 (on a G5 bipro 10.3.2) but cannot
> view any document and print is not available in the menu. I did the
> following checks:
> - My .cshrc file was modified according to Tomoharu Nishino' web page
>   and contains the lines:
>   source /sw/bin/init.csh
>   setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/bin"

This is not relevant, and may not be a good idea.

Did you follow the instruction in the ReadMe-First file and in the
installer package to run LyX-Setup?

Ronald Florence

Re: Memoir class and Inserting Index entry on LyX 1.3.3

2003-12-15 Thread Ronald Florence
Marc Jeffrey Driftmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Switching from book class to memoir to continue work on a novel works
> so long as I do not insert an Index. 

Does your publisher -- and/or do you -- really want an index in a novel?

Ronald Florence

Re: libtool cannot find or libqt.a (qt-3.3.0)

2003-12-13 Thread Ronald Florence
Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > -lc -lm mkdir .libs libtool: link: cannot find the library `'
> > 
> > The library it cannot find is libqt.a (
> In your build tree, you should find a human readable file 
> src/frontends/ This file is used by libtool to 
> ascertain which external libraries are needed.

Thanks.  It turns out that the dependencies in that and the other .la
files were correct, but that libtool cannot deal with MacOS
dependencies like "-framework GL".  Deleting the file and
running configure again fixed it.

Ronald Florence

libtool cannot find or libqt.a (qt-3.3.0)

2003-12-13 Thread Ronald Florence
In trying to build LyX/Mac with static compiles of new versions of the
Trolltech qt library, the LyX build breaks at

/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++  -O -Wno-non-template-friend -ftemplate-depth-30  
-framework Carbon -framework OpenGL -framework AGL -framework QuickTime -lz -o lyx  
BufferView.o  [...] mathed/ insets/ frontends/ 
graphics/ support/ ../boost/libs/regex/src/ 
../boost/libs/signals/src/ ../intl/libintl.a-lc -lm  
mkdir .libs
libtool: link: cannot find the library `'

The library it cannot find is libqt.a (

How can I fix this?  Configure did find the library and there were no
other protests.  Thanks,

Ronald Florence

Re: Looking for a faster PDF viewer

2003-12-08 Thread Ronald Florence
Marc Jeffrey Driftmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Maybe I'm wrong here, but I'd like to ask Ron Florence who has
> on OS X to hook into LyX Qt/Mac to verify whether or not
> the pdflatex functionality can dynamically update to Preview or not.
> And if it doesn't it is definitely something that would be available
> if it were a Cocoa version of LyX since Objective-C is purely dynamic
> both in type and run-time.

No, LyX/Mac does not dynamically update to Preview in PDF or pdflatex
mode.  It does dynamically update to MacDviX, which I much prefer for
previewing because LyX/Mac includes reverse DVI search -- when you
Option-Click in the DVI preview, LyX jumps to that point in the
original file.  The same feature is also available with xdvi.

LyX/Mac is a Carbon app, compilable from the same LyX source code that
is used for the other supported LyX platforms.  This was a very
important goal in developing the port.

Ronald Florence

beta-testers sought (relocatable LyX/Mac)

2003-11-29 Thread Ronald Florence
I'm looking for a couple of beta-testers for a new relocatable version
of LyX/Mac -- the application can be moved from /Applications.  This
feature will not be introduced officially until LyX/Mac-1.3.4, but I'd
like to test it on a few sites now, especially anyone running Jaguar
(MacOS-10.2.x).  I've tested it locally on Panther (MacOS-10.3.1).

Please write me with your MacOSX version and I'll point you to the
self-installing binary.  Thanks,

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX - Mailing Lists

2003-11-25 Thread Ronald Florence
Sean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think I've fixed it. I don't know who makes LyX/Mac, but whoever
> does should really rethink the design a little. 

I'm not sure what was "broken."  Early on Jean-Marc and I played with
an idea similar to yours for LyX/Mac.  Aside from being ugly, your
hack breaks Start-LyX, reLyX, noweb2lyx, and lyxeditor (which is used
for reverse DVI search with xdvi or MacDviX).  It may also break
starting LyX from the command line for batch processing and debugging.
I suppose with enough hacking you get get some of those features to
work, but in the process you would compromise the simple and reliable
installation, and lack of ugly hacks, that makes LyX/Mac appealing to
many Mac users.

As I noted earlier, if you have some compulsion to move LyX to a
different directory, you can make an alias anywhere you want.  The LyX
alias will function with all of the features your hack breaks.

Ronald Florence

Re: Recents reviews

2003-11-24 Thread Ronald Florence
Peter Ringwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Are the criticisms true?

1.  No blanks in paths: this is a LaTeX issue, not a LyX/Mac issue.

2.  The reLyX option in the file->import menu is listed as "Latex" and
works fine.

3.  The pull-down menues do sometimes misbehave (this is a Qt/Mac
library problem).

4.  Yes, as the HOWTO makes clear, teTeX is a prerequisite for a
working LyX/Mac.

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX - Mailing Lists

2003-11-24 Thread Ronald Florence
Sean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How do I get LyX to work in a directory besides /Applications/?
> Specifically, I want to stick it in a subdirectory
> /Applications/Productivity/. 

There are a number of reasons why LyX/Mac was built to be installed
and run from the /Applications directory, including (among others)
limitations in Applescript that make it impossible to get Start-LyX to
work without the fixed location.  There are quite a few other Mac
applications which also work only from /Applications.

If for some reason you want LyX/Mac in another directory, you can use
Option-Drag to make an alias of LyX in the other directory; it should
work fine.

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX - Mailing Lists

2003-11-24 Thread Ronald Florence
Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > How do I get LyX to work in a directory besides /Applications/?
>   Huh? I don't understand your problem. Here, the executable is in
> /usr/local/bin/ and, as long as X is running, I can bring it up in any
> desktop. Data can reside anywhere.

The earlier query seems to be about LyX/Mac, which is a port of LyX to
the MacOS native graphics, does not need X11, and functions as a full
GUI application on Macs.

Ronald Florence

Re: Problem installing new document class

2003-11-23 Thread Ronald Florence
Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yes, I know that Mac OS X is Unix-based, but it seems to me that
> operating system which puts programs in /sw tree is not exactly
> most usual among Unices (nothing wrong with that -- just the
> reason I think that things around directories are not exactly
> same as among most Unixes you meet around; and of course I may
> be wrong, because I have actually never used Mac OS X myself).

Yes, you are wrong, both about MacOS and about TeX installations.  One
software management utility (fink) puts MacOS software in /sw; it is
not an official part of MacOS.  (Many Unix versions put optional
software in /opt; by your standards are they also not "real" Unix?)

As Herbert noted, modern TeX installations include a texmf.local
hierarchy for user introduced files.  That was the original issue on
this thread, and the original poster would be wise to put local files
in the texmf.local directory so they are not overwritten in a TeX

If your own TeX installation does not have a texmf.local directory,
Matej, you might want to consider updating.  Be careful that the local
files you put in the tex directories are not overwritten when you do.

Ronald Florence

Re: Problem installing new document class

2003-11-22 Thread Ronald Florence
Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Actually, it would be better to put new files that are not part
> > of the
> > normal teTeX distribution in .../share/texmf.local/tex/latex/. 
> > The .../share/texmf/tex/latex hierarchy could be overwritten by
> > an upgrade of teTeX.
> That's probably something from Mac world. Here in Unix world
> anything in /usr/local should never be touched by any packager.


Mac's run Unix, and there are quite a few teTeX installations which
overwrite /usr/local/teTeX.

Ronald Florence

Re: Problem installing new document class

2003-11-21 Thread Ronald Florence
Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Moreover, it is probably better to put these files into 
> /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/elsevier (if this directory
> doesn't exist create it with mkdir -p) -- then you will remember
> that these files which you downloaded from somewhere else than
> with your distribution and you can be sure, that these won't be
> wiped out with the next update of TeTeX (OK, they _should_
> survive update, but there are so many broken packages around).

Actually, it would be better to put new files that are not part of the
normal teTeX distribution in .../share/texmf.local/tex/latex/.  The
.../share/texmf/tex/latex hierarchy could be overwritten by an upgrade
of teTeX.

Ronald Florence

Re: Changing language of LyX user interface.

2003-11-19 Thread Ronald Florence
Peter Ringwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Some time ago, I was experimenting with LyX and found a hint about how to
> change the whole GUI language, including the documentation, by adding two
> lines to a deeply buried file including >fr< or >ru<, depending on what
> language in which you wanted to see the interface.

With LyX/Mac, you can change the GUI language from the system default
by inserting the lines


between the  and  of ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist.
Substitute the two-character abbreviation of the langauge you want for
"fr".  You will have to log out and log in again for the change to
take effect.

Ronald Florence

Re: copyright symbol

2003-11-16 Thread Ronald Florence
Ed Sawicki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there a way to enter the copyright symbol from the keyboard using
> Lyx?

Option-g with LyX/Mac, which is the same as with any other native Mac

Ronald Florence

Re: lyx/mac & bibtex frontend

2003-11-15 Thread Ronald Florence
Katrin Pietzsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> is any of you other lyx/mac users using tkbibtex or JBibtexmanager in
> such a way that you can export bibtex-entries via pushing a button to
> lyx? 

I tried JBibtexmanager and found it functional but ugly.  Both it and
tkbibtex use the lyxpipe to communicate with LyX, so make sure you
configure the Bibtex manager with same lyxpipe that has been set up
for LyX/Mac.  (The two LyX/Mac features that use the lyxpipe,
Start-LyX and the lyxeditor that syncs LyX with DVI previewers like
MacDviX and xdvi, look up the lyxpipe from ~/.lyx/preferences, so you
can change the pipe if one of the Bibtex managers is not flexible.)

Ronald Florence

Re: Understanding natbib tarball contents

2003-11-15 Thread Ronald Florence
Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > PS. You might want to consider adding a single line with '-- ' in front of
> > your signature, since that would allow some mail software to recognize it
> > as a signature and automatically remove it in replies.
>   I have that turned off in pine; I can turn it on. You're the first to ask
> in six years of my using pine for my mail.

Both the "-- " and the limit of four lines in a signature are
specified in one of the RFCs on Internet email.  Some mailers and
newsreaders enforce the latter.

Ronald Florence

Re: Bibliographic entries

2003-11-15 Thread Ronald Florence
On Bibtex, command line editing, and GUIs ...

My fingers think in emacs, and although I now work on a Mac after 16
years on SunOS, Solaris, and predecessors, I instinctively gravitate
toward command line solutions in unfamiliar situations.  

That said, I would strongly urge using a good GUI Bibtex manager.
Unless you enter Bibtex entries every day, or at least every week, so
that the syntax and special formatting tricks (even of the emacs
bibtex-mode) are fingertip-familiar, using a command line tool will
mean relearning the tricks and format each time you go back to add to
your bibliographies.  GUI tools were made for exactly that situation
of periodic unfamiliarity.  And some GUI tools, like pybibliographer,
not only offer a full range of entry options, but also convenient
features like automatically injecting a reference into LyX.

For what it is worth, I use Bibdesk.  On the LyX/Mac howto I recommend
a bunch of other Bibtex managers compatible with LyX/Mac.  There are
even more good Bibtex managers available for X11.

Ronald Florence

cocoAspell 1.4 & LyX/Mac

2003-11-13 Thread Ronald Florence
The new cocoAspell is a convenient system-spellserver with MacOS-10.3,
and the package is easier to install than the earlier version, but
some functionality has been lost.  With the previous version (which
only worked with MacOS-10.2), it was possible to make symbolic links
from the executable to /usr/local/bin and run "aspell" from the
terminal and/or from programs like emacs and LyX.  With the new
cocoAspell, the symbolic link works from the terminal, but it works
only intermittantly from emacs, and refuses to work with LyX/Mac.  

I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has a workaround for getting
the new cocoAspell to work with LyX/Mac.  Thanks,

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX .layout from LaTeX .cls

2003-11-12 Thread Ronald Florence
Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   The .cls file is huge (60K) compared with the 1K or smaller .layout files,
> so there must be much more detail specified in the former than in the book
> class from which the book.layout was created.

If this is a one-off project, you may find that preparing a layout
file is more work than you can justify.

At the risk of accusations of heresy . . .if you've already written
the text and are comfortable with it, you might find it easier to
export the LyX file(s) as LaTeX, and import them and the new .cls file
into a good editor like emacs with auctex.  It's a different style of
working from LyX, but emacs or some other text editor might be
well-suited to the fine formatting and tedious character-by-character
massaging when you hear back from the book designer and copy-editor.

Ronald Florence

Re: CocoAspell and LyX?

2003-11-10 Thread Ronald Florence
Petrus Hyvönen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I believe i have seen somewhere a description of how to get CocoAspell to
> work together with LyX/Aqua. Is it just to link cocoAspell to
> /usr/local/bin/aspell or are there any tricks involved, like choosing
> language, options and such?

The instructions used to be in the LyX/Mac howto at
<>.  I took them out because
cocoaAspell doesn't work with Panther (MacOS-10.3).  If you're running
MacOS-10.2 and don't plan to upgrade, try:

   cd /usr/local/bin 
   sudo mkdir share lib 
   sudo ln -s /Library/Services/cocoAspell.service/Contents/MacOS/cocoAspell aspell 
   cd share 
   sudo ln -s /Library/Services/cocoAspell.service/Contents/Resources/share/aspell
   cd ../lib 
   sudo ln -s /Library/Services/cocoAspell.service/Contents/Resources/lib/aspell

   If you installed cocoaAspell somewhere other than /Library, change
   the script accordingly.

Ronald Florence

Re: Can't compile LyX (xforms) on MacOX X 10.3

2003-11-06 Thread Ronald Florence
Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > The file is big and i am am not a programmer. I did the "~MathGridInset();" in 
> > math_gridinset.h directly under the first "public:"
> > 
> > and in math_gridinset.C 
> > under the using std::vector;
> > 
> > MathGridInset::~MathGridInset()
> > {}
> While this is not wrong, it should not be needed at all.
> This somehow smells like a broken compiler...

Apple's versions of gcc-3.1 and gcc-3.3, including the newest release
of gcc-3.3 with MacOS-10.3, are all broken, at least for C++.  There
are numerous bugs, many of which I have reported to Apple, none of
which they seem eager to fix.  LyX versions after 1.3 can only be
compiled with Apple's gcc-2.95.

And to complicate matters, LyX binaries compiled under MacOS-10.3
(Panther) will not run on MacOS-10.2 (Jaguar) because the newer
development libraries include many functions that are not present in
the MacOS-10.2 libraries.  I've finally succeeded in generating a
MacOS-10.2 compatible binary of LyX/Mac on MacOS-10.3, but it is not
easy to do.

Ronald Florence

Re: Can't compile LyX (xforms) on MacOX X 10.3

2003-11-05 Thread Ronald Florence
Markus Rosenstihl wrote:

> > This compiles the most but then i get an error:

I'm not sure why you would want LyX/xforms on the Mac, when LyX/Mac is
available, but if you really want the X11/xforms version, you'll find
compilation directins at <>.  

For a simpler, more functional LyX with the Mac look & feel, try

Ronald Florence

Re: lyx/mac & latex-preamble

2003-11-01 Thread Ronald Florence
Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Fix your Gnus -- the characters were \ (backslash), {} (braces),
> which are rather useful in LyX preamble :-)

Those characters showed up in my gnus.  The original poster, without
mentioning that she was using a German keyboard, said she had tried
Shift-Alt-7. Shift-Alt-8, and Shift-Alt-9, which on an English Mac
keyboard are not \ {}.

In any case, while those characters are certainly useful in a LyX
preamble, because of limitations in the Trolltech Qt/Mac library, they
cannot be entered directly into a LyX preamble from a German keyboard.

Ronald Florence

Re: lyx/mac & latex-preamble

2003-11-01 Thread Ronald Florence
Katrin Pietzsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just tried to enter something like
> \usepackage{packagename}
> to the latex-preamble and encountered a slight problem - i wasn't able
> (and still am not) to insert the characters \ (which on a mac-keybord
> is "shift+alt+7") and {} ("shift+alt+8", "shift+alt+9"). Has any of
> you other mac-users experienced the same problem or even better does
> someone know what the problem is?

The characters don't show up in my newsreader (Gnus) so I'm not sure
what you can't do.  From keycaps on an English keyboard they are the
double-dagger, degree symbol and midline dot.  The preamble is not a
LyX buffer, and in the case of LyX/Mac it is managed directly by the
Qt library, which is why the Mac Cmd-c, Cmd-x, and Cmd-v keys work in
the preamble and some combination keystrokes do not work there.

Why do you want to insert those characters into the preamble?

Ronald Florence

Re: Publshers & Lyx (or "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & aspirin...")

2003-11-01 Thread Ronald Florence
Bryan Bibb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have been struggling to set up my transliteration scheme in
> LyX/LaTeX.  What do you use for transliterating aleph and ayin?  By
> this I mean, what packages and/or symbols do you use?  I currently am
> using an apostrophe for aleph and the \ain command from the wsuipa
> package, which is a mirrored apostrophe.  It looks ok, but I'd rather
> use the customary symbols (smallish sans-serif c).

A reduced superscripted sans-serif c would look best, but this is a
case where I don't bother to get fancy in a manuscript.  Unless you're
publishing yourself, or have a contract that lets you provide
camera-ready copy, the publisher's design department will make the
final choice of fonts, which may or may not include the best version
of some symbols.  Pedantic typography can be a turn-off for a general
trade book, and the publisher may or may not conclude that a proper
ayin would be best for the planned market.  I leave those details to
be worked out with the copy-editor.
> I'm editing a volume of essays right now as well, and they don't know
> it yet, but they'll be getting pdf's and text files. 

I have yet to meet a publisher (my experience is only trade and
university presses) that was enthusiastic about .pdf submissions.
Their copy-editing and production software is geared to PC
word-processor files, especially ms-word.  If you have fonts and
symbols that do not reproduce in ascii text files, be ready for
headaches when you prepare final manuscript submissions.

Ronald Florence

Publshers & Lyx (or "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & aspirin...")

2003-10-31 Thread Ronald Florence
I just submitted the final manuscript of my 8th book (3rd written with
LyX).  My previous books were with trade publishers (Random House,
HarperCollins, St. Martins, etc.), and I assumed that the University
of Wisconsin Press would be friendlier to LyX.  I was wrong.  Like
most trade publisher contracts, the UW contract requires electronic
submission in "Microsoft Word for Windows."

My submission cd includes the complete manuscript (~400 pages) in
.dvi, .ps, and .pdf formats, and a directory with the files produced
by LyX -> Export -> Latex.  To meet their submission requirements
half-way, I included a separate directory of latex files produced by
putting a small block of ERT at the end of each chapter to produce
endnotes with each chapter, even though the finished book (like my
beautifully LyX-formatted manuscript) will have notes at the end.

And, since I can almost guarantee they will say that they have never
heard of LaTeX or LyX, I chose to spare myself future pain by also
including a directory of .rtf files, which presumably their design and
layout software can read.  Latex2rtf was quick, but failed at

1) tables (any chapter with tables hard-crashed OpenOffice);
2) various characters with overscores and underdots that are used to
   transliterate Arabic and Hebrew;
3) endnotes; and 
4) double-spaced output.  

Cleaning up the .rtf files took the better part of a day, left me
close to carpal tunnel syndrome, almost wore out the mouse, made a
dent in a bottle of aspirin, and ultimately produced ugly output that
is missing many special characters, has crude ascii approximations of
tables, and footnotes they will have to convert to endnotes.  

I doubt publishers will change their attitudes or recognize the
simplicity and excellence of LaTeX and/or LyX.  But I'll keep using
LyX.  Why?  Because I like the WYSIWYM concept, the beautiful output
for letters and manuscript drafts, and the LyX developers.

Still, I dread the next book submission ...

Ronald Florence

Re: scrolling (three questions)

2003-10-29 Thread Ronald Florence
Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You should find that the xforms frontend does have a more manageable 
> scrolling behaviour.

I've used LyX from before version 1.0, with xforms and qt frontends,
and don't remember the scrolling ever being satisfactory.  I wish it
were better, but have from necessity developed -- as I suspect other
LyX users have -- workarounds.  Why can't the scrolling be fixed?  It
would be very useful to be able to mark large blocks of text with the

Ronald Florence

LyX/Mac & Panther (MacOS-10.3)

2003-10-29 Thread Ronald Florence
The newest release of LyX/Mac works with Panther (MacOS-10.3).  See
This version is also simpler to install and provides inverse DVI
search (option-clicking in MacDviX or xdvi takes you to that point in
the LyX file).

For more information on LyX/Mac, see the howto at


Ronald Florence

Re: Pasting Russian into Macintosh LyX

2003-10-21 Thread Ronald Florence
On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 10:35  AM, Peter Ringwood wrote:

I couldn't find the complaints you mentioned on Google and in 
particular the

"If you're using a locale such as LANG=ru_RU, and some others,
 these fonts will not load in Qt. This is a Qt bug that Troll
 Tech refuse to fix."
I am a little new to the game, but is it usual for someone to put 
things as
strongly as 'refusing' to fix?
The quote is from the README included with the lyx-math fonts.  If you 
installed LyX/Mac, the README should be in ~/Library/Fonts/lyx-math or 
/Library/Fonts/lyx-math.  I can't speak for Trolltech.  They've done a 
wonderful job in providing the Qt/Mac library, but there are 
misfeatures and decisions they made that are problems for LyX, such as 
some of the keymapping.  Later versions of their library, which have 
keymapping that is even less suitable for LyX, may have fixed some of 
the Russian encoding problems.

In any case, I found a workaround.  Using 'ClipboardConvertor', which 
I got
from I found a tool to turn Word Cyrillic into plain 
(or other), and with CyrillicEncoder from VersionTracker, I was able 
to turn
plain cyrillic text into a kind of KOI8 garbage which LyX accepted and 
as normal Cyrillic.

I am no serious coder so perhaps I don't understand the issues, but 
would it
be so difficult to add this functionality to LyX?
I'm not the person to ask, as I don't really understand the treatment 
of encoding like KOI-8 in LyX and the Qt library.  The LyX/Mac binary 
is compiled without the iconv library, because the library is not 
included in MacOS.  I don't know whether including it would help 
(MacOSX versions are available from fink or Gerben Wierda).


LyX/Mac - beta testers wanted for new release

2003-10-20 Thread Ronald Florence
I welcome beta testers for a new release of LyX/Mac.  New features:

  - Inverse DVI search: if you use MacDviX with Preview -> DVI, you
can Option-Click in the DVI window and have LyX jump to the
corresponding point in the source file.  The feature should also
work with xdvi.

  - Simplified installation, even on configurations where the user's
home directory is on a symbolic link or remotely mounted.

  - Automatically installs the preview-latex and srcltx LaTeX macros.

Prerequisites are MacOS-10.2 and a teTeX installation, including
libiconv, which is normally part of the Wierda and fink installations.
If you're interested, email me for download information.  Installing
the new version takes a few minutes.  Thanks,

Ronald Florence

Re: Pasting Russian into Macintosh LyX

2003-10-20 Thread Ronald Florence
Peter Ringwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have been trying to make the switch from MS Word to LyX (for Mac OS X).
> Unfortunately, I have discovered that although cut and paste to and from LyX
> in English works just fine, in Russian, there seems to be an encoding
> problem, and no matter whether I am swapping between Word, or Text Edit, and
> no matter that I set all encodings in LyX and Word and Text Edit to KOI-8,
> all I get is garbage.

I have not investigated the problem, but the Trolltech Qt library, on
which LyX/Mac is based, apparently has some problems with Russian
encoding.  A quick search of Google shows quite a few complaints about
the lack of KOI-8 suport in the Trolltech Qt library, and even the
documentation for the lyx-math fonts includes this warning:

"If you're using a locale such as LANG=ru_RU, and some others,
these fonts will not load in Qt. This is a Qt bug that Troll
Tech refuse to fix."

Ronald Florence

Re: I can't preview in Lyx/Mac - Solved (hopefully)!

2003-10-14 Thread Ronald Florence
Chris Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Go to LyX -> Preferences -> File formats; click on "Postscript" in the
> File formats window, and in the Viewer field enter "gv -watch" (no
> quotes, of course).  With the -watch flag set, gv will check every
> second to see if the .ps file it is rendering has changed, and will
> refresh if so.  

MacDviX also updates automatically.  If MacDviX is configured as the
default OSX application for .dvi files, it will preview .dvi files in
LyX/Mac without additional configuration.  "C-x r" runs dvi-update.


Ronald Florence

Re: I can't preview in Lyx/Mac - Solved (hopefully)!

2003-10-14 Thread Ronald Florence
Katrin Pietzsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I needed to specify the applications to preview dvi, ps, pdf - which I
> did as Oliver Margraf suggested in his mail (Edit --> Preferences?
> (Einstellungen) --> file format? (Dateiformate) and then "open -a
> Preview" or another programme).
> At least I found a way to view my file - although I don't think that
> e.g. the programme "Preview" is able to refresh the view. I have an
> ghostview installation which runs under X11. Does anybody by any
> chance know, whether and how I can configure LyX to use a
> X11-application for  previewing files?

>From the LyX/Mac Howto <>:

   LyX/Mac uses the system default viewers and requires no
   configuration to preview PDF or HTML.  If you have installed
   applications like MacDviX or MacGhostView, LyX will use them to
   preview DVI and Postscript.  If you prefer, you can specify GUI
   viewer applications with "open -a app-name" or "open -a
   'Application Name'" in LyX -> Preferences -> File formats ->
   filetype -> Viewer.  If you're running X11, you can specify viewers
   like xdvi or gv.  To restore the previewer for a filetype to the
   default system viewer, set it to "open".

Ronald Florence

Re: PDF files from Aqua Lyx

2003-10-13 Thread Ronald Florence
Richard Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Now, I have installed Lyx for Aqua, which is great, but again I'm
> getting crappy PDF files.  Anyone know what the cause and solution
> are? 

What's "crappy" about your .pdf files?  More specifically, what fonts
are you using, what method of generating .pdf, and what viewer?

Ronald Florence

LyX/Mac Installation FAQ

2003-10-13 Thread Ronald Florence
  LyX/Mac installation is normally trouble-free if you follow the
  steps in the installer ReadMe.  The few installation problems that
  have been reported were resolved by one of the following steps:

  - If the LyX/Mac package won't install, run Applications ->
Utilities -> Disk Utility to fix the ownership and permissions on
your disk, then run the LyX/Mac installer again.  If you are
upgrading an early installation of LyX on Aqua, trash the LyX and
Start-LyX applications before installing LyX/Mac.

  - If LyX/Mac installs but the preview options don't show up in the
toolbar under View or don't work:

a) Check that you have a working teTeX implementation, that you
   logged out and logged in again after installing LyX/Mac, and
   that you ran LyX -> Edit -> Reconfigure after starting LyX.

b) If you had a ~/.lyx/preferences file from a previous
   installation of another version of LyX, either delete it or
   make sure the entries for viewers do not override the LyX/Mac

c) If you had a bad ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file before
   installing LyX/Mac, the installer may not be able to fix it.
   Either delete the file and run the LyX/Mac installer again, or
   check <> to
   make sure the file is a valid plist.  You need to log out and
   log in again after making changes to this file.

Ronald Florence

Re: I can't preview in Lyx/Mac

2003-10-13 Thread Ronald Florence
Katrin Pietzsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I loged out and in again after the installation, i did "edit ->
> reconfigure" (or vice versa) and I just checked my teTeX-installation
> -
> it works. What's disturbing me is that i don't understand completely
> which software is required and where it has to be installed and how to
> be linked with LyX/Aqua in order to get the preview working.

The previous query of no previews was a case of not running Edit ->
Reconfigure.  To follow up on the command line testing Angus
suggested, you could do that in LyX/Mac by starting

% /Applications/ 

in a terminal and watching the output as you run LyX.  It will
probably tell you what is awry.  If LyX cannot find your LaTeX
installation, and you did log out and log in again after installing
LyX/Mac, the problem could be in your ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist
file.  LyX/Mac installs that automatically, or if the file exists
tries to modify it to a safe path.  If the file was broken, LyX/Mac
may not be able to fix it.

Ronald Florence

Re: I can't preview in Lyx/Mac

2003-10-12 Thread Ronald Florence
Miguel A Tinoco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am new to lyx/Mac. I installed the newest version
> using following this website's steps: 
> However, I can't preview or actually the Update option under the View option on
> the menu is not working. 

Do you have a working teTeX installation?  Did you log out and log in
again after installing LyX/Mac, as noted in the installer Readme?

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX/Mac-1.3.3

2003-10-03 Thread Ronald Florence
Chris Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> One question though -- is there a way to move the usual control key
> functionality from the Command key *back* to the control key?  Emacs key
> bindings are pretty well hardwired into my fingers, and CMD-a just
> doesn't cut it for getting to the start of the line! :-)

Alas, that key-mapping is hard-wired into the Qt/MacOSX library.  (My
emacs-trained fingers have had the same woes.)  The newer versions of
the Qt/MacOSX library are worse: they grab the Option key so it cannot
function as a Compose key or be mapped for LyX keyboard shortcuts.

Ronald Florence


2003-10-02 Thread Ronald Florence
A self-installing binary bundle of LyX/Mac-1.3.3 is now available at  .

LyX/Mac (formerly LyX on Aqua) is a full-featured LyX implementation
on the native MacOSX graphics display.  The application has the Aqua
look & feel, including the menubar and anti-aliased text, and does not
require X11.  The current version of LyX/Mac includes LyX menu
shortcuts, the LyX math fonts, and latex-preview.

For information on installing and configuring LyX/Mac, see .

Ronald Florence

sloppy fingers (was Re: Aspell and LyX: a difficult matrimony?)

2003-09-29 Thread Ronald Florence
I wrote earlier:

> I don't know about LyX on ms-windows, but aspell works very well with
> other versions of LyX.  With LyX/Mac (formerly LyX on Aqua) it is even
> possible to install cocoAspell as a system spelling server and have
> LyX/Mac use it. 

The correct URL is .  Sorry
for any inconvenience.

Ronald Florence

Re: Aspell and LyX: a difficult matrimony?

2003-09-29 Thread Ronald Florence
"Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Could somebody here please help me? Or should the divorce between
> Aspell and LyX be decreed? Thank you a lot in advance!

I don't know about LyX on ms-windows, but aspell works very well with
other versions of LyX.  With LyX/Mac (formerly LyX on Aqua) it is even
possible to install cocoAspell as a system spelling server and have
LyX/Mac use it.  The directions for configuring this are on .

Ronald Florence

Re: Shortcut-key expansion

2003-09-22 Thread Ronald Florence
Alfredo Braunstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Rich Shepard wrote:
> >   Still, when I press alt-e I get the edit menu.
> > 
> >   What have I missed?
> Unfortunately, you cannot use any key which is already taken by a menu
> shortcut (the underlined letters in the menus). 

If you want to use a key that is taken by a menu shortcut, copy
lyx-dir/lyx/ui/default.ui to ~/.lyx/ui/default.ui and edit it to
take out the offending shortcut, e.g., change

Submenu "Edit|E" "edit"


    Submenu "Edit"  "edit"

Then restart LyX.

Ronald Florence

book formatting (for Rich Shepard)

2003-09-21 Thread Ronald Florence
You might try using the book style and layout, and doing:

  My Book   [title]
  Rich Shepard  [author]

ERT \thispagestyle{plain}\frontmatter

  © 2003 Rich Shepard

  [followed by foreward, dedication page, other books by Rich Shepard , etc.]

ERT \mainmatter

  Table of Contents

  Include: 01.lyx
  Include: 02.lyx
  . . .

ERT \backmatter

  [Bibliography, endnotes, index, etc.]

This has worked for four different trade and university publishers.
For non-fiction I use the endnotes.sty package and jurabib, with a
\notehead macro to put chapter headings in the notes and renumber with
each chapter.  I can share that if you need it.

Unless a publisher requires a special format, the less you hack the
standard styles and layouts, the less hassles when you revise, share
with collaborators, or adapt the output to another format.

Ronald Florence

Re: Pagination in book class

2003-09-20 Thread Ronald Florence
Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   If the book (or memoir) class had a style "Copyright" as does the
> Koma-Script book format, I would not be asking all these questions.
>   Would you like to help me add this feature to the book class? I'm always
> happy to learn more.

Sounds like your publisher requires something special.  I've written
four books with LyX, all published by trade or university presses
(Random House, HarperCollins, St. Martins Press, and University of
Wisconsin Press, the latter scheduled in 2005), and never had to sweat
a "copyright page." 

If you want the copyright information on a separate page, try a new
page in \frontmatter, add some space at the top, and then

© 2003 Rich Shepard

Ronald Florence

Re: Pagination in book class

2003-09-20 Thread Ronald Florence
Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> \pagestyle{empty}
> \clearpage
> %% Contents of copyright page
> \clearpage
> \pagenumbering{roman}
> \setcounter{page}{1}
> %% Table of Contents -- done by LyX
> Preface %% Un-numbered chapter
> %% preface contents
> \pagenumbering{arabic}
> Introduction %% Part # -- done by LyX
> Background %% Chapter 1 -- done by LyX
>   The page reading, "Part 1  Introduction", is numbered, 1. There is a blank
> page and the next recto page is "Chapter 1  Background" with a page number
> of 3.
>   This is not what I want; at least, I don't think that's what I want. 

Try the \frontmatter, \mainmatter, and \endmatter ERT insertions to
get lowercase roman and arabic page numbering where you want them.

If you manually encode every detail of the formatting -- as you seem
to be doing above and in your other recent queries -- you turn LyX and
LaTeX into the equivalent of a PC word-processor.  LyX is cumbersome
used that way, and it really takes takes the joy out of the whole
WYSIWYM concept behind LyX.

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX/Mac: AppleScript error when double clicking on a LyX file

2003-09-19 Thread Ronald Florence
Jean Gosset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I copied the "lyxrc.defaults" from a previous lyx installation to
> "~/.lyx/preferences".

This may be part of your problem.  Try deleting ~/.lyx/preferences and
following the howto instructions for LyX/Mac and the procedures
suggested in various replies to your original query.

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX/Mac: AppleScript error when double clicking on a LyX file

2003-09-19 Thread Ronald Florence
Jean Gosset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> One problem is that the file "~/.lyx/preferences" does not
> exist. Also, I am working under "csh" and not "bash".

As I wrote previously, you could/should save your preferences in LyX,
which would create the ~/.lyx/preferences file.  To test why your
Start-LyX is not finding the lyxpipe from a csh, do:

% sh

That will give you a Bourne shell, where you can run the two commands
I sent previously:

$ bogus=`perl -n -e 'print,exit if s/^.serverpipe\\s+\"(.+)\"/$1/;' 
~/.lyx/preferences /Applications/`
$ echo $bogus

If you don't get "/Users/gosset/.lyx/.lyxpipe" there is something
wrong with your perl installation or perhaps with permissions on your

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX/Mac: AppleScript error when double clicking on a LyX file

2003-09-19 Thread Ronald Florence
Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Then I'm afraid that LyX's use of pipes is incompatible with now your mac uses 
> pipes. This is definitely possible.

Actually, LyX pipes work fine on the Mac, and are used by Start-LyX to
open files from the finder in LyX/Mac.  I would guess that the pipes
in M. Gosset's ~/.lyx directory were put there by a different version
of LyX, perhaps by his previous fink installation.  Removing the pipes
(rm ~/.lyx/.lyxpipe*) and starting LyX/Mac again should get Angus's
test working.

The failure of M. Gosset's Start-LyX to find the location of the
lyxpipe is more troubling.  The following test, run from a Bourne
shell may help locate the problem.  This test uses the same mechanism
to locate the pipe as the Start-LyX applescript.

  $ bogus=`perl -n -e 'print,exit if s/^.serverpipe\\s+\"(.+)\"/$1/;' 
~/.lyx/preferences /Applications/`
  $ echo $bogus

On a working LyX/Mac installation, the value of $bogus should be -- in
M. Gosset's case -- /Users/gosset/.lyx/.lyxpipe .  If it doesn't work,
I would suspect a broken perl installation or a permissions problem.

Ronald Florence

Re: Using LyX for court documents

2003-09-18 Thread Ronald Florence
You will need a LaTeX class and a LyX layout file, as others have
suggested, but the built-iin support for BibTeX and the availability
of Jurabib should make citations in court documents a pleasure.

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX/Mac: AppleScript error when double clicking on a LyX file

2003-09-18 Thread Ronald Florence
Jean Gosset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When I try to open a LyX file by double clicking on its icon in the
> Finder or through a "Drag and drop" of its icon onto the "Start-LyX"
> application, I get the AppleScript error: "You need to setup the
> LyXServer pipe in LyX > Preferences > Paths.". In this menu I see as
> path "/Users/gosset/.lyx/.lyxpipe". This file does not exist. The "ls
> -la /Users/gosset/.lyx/.lyx*" command gives me the following answer,
> with two empty files but none with the right name:
> prw---   1 gosset  staff 0 Sep 18 17:30
> prw---   1 gosset  staff 0 Sep 18 17:30 .lyxpipe.out

Looks like the LyXServer pipe is properly configured by the LyX/Mac
install.  Did you not trash an old version of Start-LyX from a
previous installation of LyX on Aqua before installing LyX/Mac?  

As a workaround for that possibility, try saving your Preferences in
LyX.  (Older versions of Start-LyX only read your own Preferences;
newer versions read system-wide Preferences as well.)

Ronald Florence

Re: \renewcommand... (except inside a footnote)?

2003-09-03 Thread Ronald Florence
Herbert Voß <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > How do I define \renewcommand{\cite}{\footcite} to work only when it
> > is not inside a footnote?  Thanks,
> \let\Oldfootnote\footnote
> \let\Oldcite\cite
> \let\cite\footcite
> \renewcommand{\footnote}[1]{%
>   \let\cite\Oldcite%
>   \Oldfootnote{#1}%
>   \let\cite\footcite%
> }

Wonderful!  Many thanks.  (It does require that the first full
citation be done inside a footnote, but that's a peculiarity of
jurabib.  Your code works perfectly.)

Ronald Florence

\renewcommand... (except inside a footnote)?

2003-09-03 Thread Ronald Florence
I use \renewcommand{\cite}{\footcite} in the preamble with jurabib to
get footnote citations, which endnote.sty puts at the end of the book.
For multiple citations, I need to put the citations inside a footnote,
but \footcite inside a footnote is unacceptable.

How do I define \renewcommand{\cite}{\footcite} to work only when it
is not inside a footnote?  Thanks,

Ronald Florence

Text Before (in citations)?

2003-09-03 Thread Ronald Florence
What is the status of "Text Before" in citations in LyX?  Will this be
possible in 1.3.3?  Thanks,

Ronald Florence

Meta-key menu shortcuts with LyX on Aqua

2003-08-28 Thread Ronald Florence
Many users of LyX on Aqua have been disappointed that because of
limitations in the Qt/MacOSX library, most of the meta-key LyX menu
shortcuts are not available.  There is a partial workaround.  Map your
favorite sequences in your bind file in ~/.lyx/bind:

\bind "M-~S-i c""citation-insert"
\bind "M-~S-i f""footnote-insert"
\bind "M-~S-i u""url-insert"
\bind "M-~S-i m""math-insert"

Note that these examples use Option-Shift-i.  Most of the other
shortcuts could be similarly mapped.

Ronald Florence

multiple references in a citation?

2003-08-25 Thread Ronald Florence
I'm using Jurabib and endnote.sty for a book.  Is there a way to get
multiple references into a citation, each with a page number or other
"text after"?  

Also, is there a way to put something other than the page numbers as
"text after" with Jurabib?


Ronald Florence

LyX on Aqua update

2003-08-14 Thread Ronald Florence
The newest (5-August-2003) version of LyX on Aqua at

includes a number of bug fixes and improvements to make installation
easier (down to a couple of clicks now) and operation more reliable.
The bundle also includes latex-preview.

Barring unforseen errors, this will be the last release of LyX-1.3.2
for Aqua.  I would like to thank the LyX developers and users, and
especially Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, for the many suggestions, bug
reports, and code fragments that went into the various revisions, and
for their patience as this port evolved.

The LyX on Aqua Howto at has
been updated and simplified to reflect the changes in the binary

Ronald Florence

Re: New Release (LyX on Aqua)

2003-08-02 Thread Ronald Florence
Lenore Horner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm having one problem with it.
> When I say view PDF nothing happens.  So I checked the preferences
> pane and sure enough all it says preferences -> file formats -> PDF is
> open -a.  I add "Acrobat Reader 6.0" and then I see things in Acrobat
> as expected.  This is a little wierd since ~/.lyx/preferences
> contained the line
> \viewer "pdf" "open -a "Abrobat Reader 6.0""
> before I tried to view or tinkered with preferences.  

The vanilla setup of the 27-70-2003 binary of LyX on Aqua sets the
viewers to "open" which would utilize whatever PDF viewer you have
designated as the default for the Mac.

If you delete ~/.lyx/preferences and start LyX again it should restore
the default configuration.  If you prefer a viewer other than the
system default, change it in your preferences and click "modify"
before you do "save." 

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX on Aqua Probs

2003-07-29 Thread Ronald Florence
Toby Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have installed everything as said on 18james but
> there are no view options and when I look in
> preferences there appears to be no converters for PS
> or pdf or anything installed or dvi and no of my
> viewers are recognised.

If you have a valid ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist (installed
automatically by the binary version if there is no preexisting file),
the 27-7-2003 LyX on Aqua will use the default Mac system viewers for
PDF, HTML, Postscript, EPS, and DVI.  Viewers for PDF & HTML are
standard on MacOSX; the others are user-installed options.  If you
prefer, you can enter your preferred viewer in LyX -> Preferences.

As noted in "known issues" on the HOWTO at, running Edit -> Reconfigure
will reset user-assigned Previewers to the system defaults.

Ronald Florence

New Release (LyX on Aqua)

2003-07-27 Thread Ronald Florence
There is now a new release (27/7/2003) of LyX on Aqua which fixes a
number of bugs, including ReLyX.  This release is a self-contained
application, which makes for a much simpler installation.  Please see
the upgrade and installation instructions on the LyX on Aqua howto at .

Ronald Florence

reLyx (importing LaTeX files) bug in LyX on Aqua

2003-07-24 Thread Ronald Florence
Importing LaTeX files does not work with the current implementation of
LyX on Aqua.  Until the problem is fixed in a new release, here's a
workaround.  In a terminal, do:

   % [ -d /usr/local/share/lyx ] || sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/lyx
   % sudo cp -pR /Applications/ 
   % sudo cp -pR /Applications/ 

Sorry for the inconvenience.  

(Technical explanation for the curious: Jean-Marc and I thought we had
fixed reLyX to search for data dirs inside the application bundle; I
unfortunately tested those patches on a system that also had those
dirs in /usr/local/share/lyx.)

Ronald Florence

Re: no section numbering within lyx

2003-07-24 Thread Ronald Florence
Till von Reumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When I put the
> lines
> EN
> in it, it still doesn't change to an english interface. 

The `en' should probably be lowercase.  Did you logout and login again
after changing ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist?

(From the LyX on Aqua howto: You need to logout and login again
before changes in environment.plist take effect.)


Ronald Florence

Re: no section numbering within lyx

2003-07-24 Thread Ronald Florence
Till von Reumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am not getting numbers anywhere, not in the LyX-Help-Documents and
> not in my own ones. I am definitely using the normal Section type
> sections and not the Section* ones. In the Navigation menu too I get
> no numbering of sections and subsections and subsub... 

This is curious.  I haven't been able to reproduce this on LyX/Aqua,
and have not heard a similar report from anyone else.  Does this
persist when you change the screen font(s)?  

> Another little curiosity is that even though I never put the
> apropriate lines int the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist (and I looked and
> they are not there) my LyX is entirely in German. I wonder how it
> knows that I am in Germany and using a German OS X? 

LyX on Aqua must be more clever than we assumed.  ;<) The language
change mechanism isn't well tested and may not work as described in
the HOWTO.  In German, does your Preferences menu appear under Edit or
under LyX?  How about "About LyX" -- is it under LyX or under Help?
You might try changing the language preference for the Mac to English
in System Preferences and logging out and in again to see if that
opens LyX in English.

Ronald Florence

Re: no section numbering within lyx

2003-07-23 Thread Ronald Florence
Till von Reumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i am using the os x aqua version of lyx 1.3.2. everything works
> perfectly except that there are no numbers in the sections and
> subsections of the documents no matter if the document is an
> "article", a "report" etc. 

This is surprising, as I've never seen this problem with LyX Aqua.  If
you look at one of the LyX help files, do you not get numbered

Ronald Florence

Re: unexpected quit

2003-07-14 Thread Ronald Florence
Lenore Horner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have just, rather excitedly, followed Ron's instructions for
> installing Aqua Lyx.  To my disappointment, double clicking on the Lyx
> icon immediately results in an unexpected quit error message. 

Sounds like a version of MacOS before 10.2, or a very early (and
obsolete) version of the binary.  The Qt library on which the LyX on
Aqua port is based doesn't work with pre-Jaguar versions of MacOSX.

Ronald Florence

Re: Message on TeX OS Mac Mailing List

2003-07-08 Thread Ronald Florence
Jim Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I would certainly not use LyX until the path settings requirements were
> > removed from the general GUI-app environment to LyX-specific
> > preferences in ~/Library/Preferences
> I'm going to be better safe than sorry, so I'd appreciate anyone's
> help in uninstalling the Lyx files from machine. I use OS 10.2.6. When
> I try to trash the application and environment.plist I get a message
> saying that these belong to the root. BTW, I'm the administrator of my
> machine.

Gerben Wierda (who posted the note to the TeX list) personally does
not like setting PATH in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist.  I have recently
modified the PATH in environment.plist to place system bin directories
before user-directories like /sw/bin and /usr/local/bin.  I believe
this creates a safe working environment for LyX and other GUI
applications.  I recommend that users upgrade their environment.plist
file for this reason.

The LyX (Aqua) binary package installs a number of files as root,
because the installation requires the creation of a /usr/local/bin and
additions to /usr/lib.  If you want to remove these files, you can
either log into the machine as root, or use "sudo rm" from a terminal.

Ronald Florence

Lyx (MacOSX Aqua) bugfixes

2003-07-08 Thread Ronald Florence
Thanks to the sharp testing and suggestions of many users, and the
quick response of the LyX developers, several bugs in the Aqua
implemention of LyX are fixed in the currrent versions of the source
and binary distributions:

  - the Preferences submenu now appears under LyX reliably;

  - LyX does not crash with the tutorial and navigation menu;
  - the ^ key works in math mode;

  - symbols like the integral sign now appear in an appropriate size;

  - the X11 libraries and includes are not required;

  - reLyx works correctly in the binary distribution;

  - the PATH in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist is safer; 

  - other smaller fixes.

Please see for installation
and configuration details, source code, and the binary.

Ronald Florence

Re: Lyx @ Aqua

2003-07-06 Thread Ronald Florence
Torsten Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i tried Lyx for Aqua and i really impressed ! Great job Ron !!! Thank
> you for this port.
> But there i have one question. My lyx version under X11 has German
> menus etc, the Aqua version does not. Is this a bug/feature or have i
> to do something else to get German menus ?

To set an alternative language for the interface, try adding


to ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist, where XX is the two-letter code for
the language you want.  You'll need to log out and in again for this
to take effect.

I'll add this to the LyX on Aqua howto.

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX/Aqua bug

2003-07-06 Thread Ronald Florence
On Sunday, July 6, 2003, at 08:18  AM, John Levon wrote:

A user has pointed out that the LyX (Qt/MacOSX) port to the Aqua
interface crashes abruptly if the Navigate menu is clicked while
viewing the Tutoral.  I confirmed the bug.
Backtrace please
It turns out that this bug was introduced by Jean-Marc's fix for the 
minor bug that causes the Preferences menu in LyX/Aqua (which is under 
LyX in the toolbar, following Qt/macOSX convention) to not show up 
until the Edit menu is clicked.  I'm backing the "fix" out of the 
source distribution, and will change the binary distribution as well as 
soon as I hear from Jean-Marc.


LyX/Aqua bug

2003-07-06 Thread Ronald Florence
A user has pointed out that the LyX (Qt/MacOSX) port to the Aqua
interface crashes abruptly if the Navigate menu is clicked while
viewing the Tutoral.  I confirmed the bug.

Ronald Florence

LyX binary (MacOSX Aqua) -- fixed!

2003-07-03 Thread Ronald Florence
The LyX binary for MacOSX Aqua has now been fixed.  (The installation
permissions on the original version were incorrect -- my apologies for
any inconvenience this may have caused, and thanks to those who
pointed out that the original was not working.)

The link for the new binary is in the LyX on Aqua howto at along with the prerequisites
and configuration instructions.

Ronald Florence

Re: LyX on MacOSX (binary release)

2003-07-02 Thread Ronald Florence
William Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I tried installing it and got:
> ``There were errors installing the software
>Could not set file attributes.
>Please try installing again.''
> I'm guessing this is 'cause I had the X Qt version installed previously?

I don't think it is because you had a previous version installed.
There is an error in the permissions of the current version of the
LyX binary, which does not corrrectly install the QT library.  As a
stopgap until a new binary is in place, download the library from and install it in
/usr/lib with permissions ugo+x.

Ronald Florence

LyX on MacOSX (binary release)

2003-07-02 Thread Ronald Florence
A binary release of LyX for MacOSX, using the native Aqua graphics
interface, is now available.  The implementation is based on LyX-1.3.2
and the GPL-licensed QT/MacOSX library.  The application has the
typical Aqua look & feel with a menubar and icons, and does not
require the installation of X11.

For configuration and installation information on the binary release,
and a pointer to the self-installing package, see the LyX on Aqua
HOWTO at .

Ronald Florence

Re: compilation problem with Trolltech MacOSX/GPL QT libraries

2003-07-01 Thread Ronald Florence
John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 07:48:01PM +0200, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> > > /usr/local/src/qt-mac-free-3.1.2/include/qwindowdefs.h:104: conflicting
> > > types for `typedef struct OpaqueControlRef * ControlRef'
> > > ../../../src/frontends/controllers/ControlRef.h:43: previous declaration as
> > > `class ControlRef'
> > 
> > As far as I understand it, this is a naming clash. Qt has a 
> > typedef struct OpaqueControlRef *ControlRef;
> Has anyone reported this stupid bug to Troll Tech yet ?

The Trolltech GPL-licensed QT/MacOSX libraries are not supported.  I
got Lyx-1.3.2 to compile with the libraries by changing all the
clashing ControlRef references in the LyX code to ControlLyXRef.  The
patch, which also includes patches for the configuration files and a
few other problems in building the Aqua native LyX, is at .

Ronald Florence

LyX-1.3.2 Aqua (MacOSX native w/o X11)

2003-06-25 Thread Ronald Florence
I've just released a beta version of LyX-1.3.2 for MacOSX using the
Aqua interface.  This version does not require X11, and has the look &
feel of other Aqua applications, including the menubar.  To give the
Aqua version a try, see for
compilation instructions and links to the necessary patches and

Caution: this Aqua version is still in development, has some
limitations, has not been fully tested, and the build is somewhat
tricky.  For production work, many users may prefer a MacOSX
implementation using X11 from the LyX on OSX Howto at .

Ronald Florence

LyX with the MacOSX/GPL QT libraries

2003-06-24 Thread Ronald Florence
Following some helpful suggestions from Juergen Spitzmueller and
Alfredo Braunstein, and some hacking in the LyX source, I was able to
compile Lyx-1.3.2 with the newly-released Trolltech GPL MacOSX QT
libraries.  Both were compiled with gcc-2.95.2 (gcc-3.1 in the Apple
implementation cannot compile LyX-1.3.x).  These libraries feature a
direct Aqua interface and do not require X11.

The bottom line is that it compiles, and a LyX/QT window quickly pops
up on the screen, but the LyX window does not seize focus, and is
hence useless.  I suspect this will take a good deal of debugging in
the QT code, and that it may not even work with gcc-2.95.2.  If
someone wants to mess more with this combination, I've enclosed the
patch (apply in .../lyx-1.3.2/src) needed to get it to compile with
the Trolltech libraries.  (I, alas, have work to do, and the X11/QT
version on MacOSX will get it done just fine!)

Regards, and thanks for the quick help from Juergen and Alfredo,

Ronald Florence

*** frontends/controllers/ControlRef.C.orig Thu Sep  5 11:14:21 2002
--- frontends/controllers/ControlRef.C  Tue Jun 24 16:44:16 2003
*** 27,38 
  extern BufferList bufferlist;
! ControlRef::ControlRef(LyXView & lv, Dialogs & d)
: ControlCommand(lv, d, LFUN_REF_INSERT)
! vector const ControlRef::getLabelList(string const & name) const
Buffer const * buf = bufferlist.getBuffer(MakeAbsPath(name));
if (!buf)
--- 27,38 
  extern BufferList bufferlist;
! ControlLyXRef::ControlLyXRef(LyXView & lv, Dialogs & d)
: ControlCommand(lv, d, LFUN_REF_INSERT)
! vector const ControlLyXRef::getLabelList(string const & name) const
Buffer const * buf = bufferlist.getBuffer(MakeAbsPath(name));
if (!buf)
*** 41,60 
! void ControlRef::gotoRef(string const & ref)
lyxfunc().dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BOOKMARK_SAVE, "0"), false);
lyxfunc().dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_REF_GOTO, ref));
! void ControlRef::gotoBookmark()
lyxfunc().dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BOOKMARK_GOTO, "0"), false);
! vector const ControlRef::getBufferList() const
vector buffers = bufferlist.getFileNames();
for (vector::iterator it = buffers.begin();
--- 41,60 
! void ControlLyXRef::gotoRef(string const & ref)
lyxfunc().dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BOOKMARK_SAVE, "0"), false);
lyxfunc().dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_REF_GOTO, ref));
! void ControlLyXRef::gotoBookmark()
lyxfunc().dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_BOOKMARK_GOTO, "0"), false);
! vector const ControlLyXRef::getBufferList() const
vector buffers = bufferlist.getFileNames();
for (vector::iterator it = buffers.begin();
*** 66,72 
! int ControlRef::getBufferNum() const
vector buffers = bufferlist.getFileNames();
string const name = buffer()->fileName();
--- 66,72 
! int ControlLyXRef::getBufferNum() const
vector buffers = bufferlist.getFileNames();
string const name = buffer()->fileName();
*** 77,83 
return int(cit - buffers.begin());
! string const ControlRef::getBufferName(int num) const
return bufferlist.getFileNames()[num];
--- 77,83 
return int(cit - buffers.begin());
! string const ControlLyXRef::getBufferName(int num) const
return bufferlist.getFileNames()[num];
*** frontends/controllers/ControlRef.h.orig Mon Oct 21 13:38:08 2002
--- frontends/controllers/ControlRef.h  Tue Jun 24 16:44:45 2003
*** 20,29 
  /** A controller for the Ref Dialog.
! class ControlRef : public ControlCommand {
!   ControlRef(LyXView &, Dialogs &);
std::vector const getLabelList(string const &) const;
--- 20,29 
  /** A controller for the Ref Dialog.
! class ControlLyXRef : public ControlCommand {
!   ControlLyXRef(LyXView &, Dialogs &);
std::vector const getLabelList(string const &) const;
*** frontends/qt2/Dialogs_impl.h.orig   Mon Jan 13 04:57:15 2003
--- frontends/qt2/Dialogs_impl.hTue Jun 24 16:47:05 2003
*** 185,191 
  typedef GUI
! typedef GUI
  typedef GUI
--- 185,191 
  typedef GUI
! typedef GUI
  typedef GUI
*** frontends/qt2/QRef.C.orig   Wed Dec 18 20:10:41 2002
--- frontends/qt2/QRef.CTue Jun 24 16:47:37 2003
*** 38,44 
  using std::endl;
! typedef Qt2CB > base_class;
--- 38,4

  1   2   3   4   >