Re: [OGD] thoughts and questions on greenhouse ventilation

2007-03-22 Thread PainterArt
Thomas, Another tactic for "I am both trying to keep the cold out and the very expensive heat generated by my furnace in the greenhouse" on cold days ("A week ago it was still over 100 in my greenhouse but the outside temperature was 10 degrees.") is to have several fans at the top of your gre

Re: [OGD] evaporative cooler for 14x20 greenhouse?

2007-03-10 Thread PainterArt
Nicholas, I am not sure I am following you or I am missing something. You ask: My primary concern is how to insulate it on winter nights while still being able to vent the greenhouse on sunny winter days? The system you linked to: I'm considering a wet wall system (e.g. http://www.greenhouseme

Re: [OGD] OrchidWiz on a Mac

2007-03-01 Thread PainterArt
This is only for the new Apples running on Intel processors. The newest Parallels runs Windows applications without leaving the Mac OS,129442-c,nonwindowsoss/article.html Apples finally waking up to the potential. I am s

[OGD] 1% for Orchid Conservation

2007-01-11 Thread PainterArt
With all the talk lately on the OGD of extinction, habitat destruction, and decline, I though it would be a good time to put in a plug for 1% for Orchid Conservation (1% FOC). Organizations that participate in 1% FOC commit to budget 1% or more of their net revenue towards in situ orchid conser

[OGD] HTML Scrub on the OGD

2006-10-03 Thread PainterArt
Hello John, I believe, the program (pipermail) that is used on the OGD to automatically send postings to all readers only sends posts that are sent in plain text or the plain text portion of a post. In this example ("An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL://pipermail/

Re: [OGD] Spidermites and miticides

2006-06-27 Thread PainterArt
Neil Paur asked about how to control his major problem with Spider mites. I am wonder out loud on this, but since sulphur is poisonous arachnids I am bet that a sulphur based fungicide spray would also work on mites. Mark Sullivan ___ the OrchidGuide

Re: [OGD] Slugs, Snails and diatomaceous earrh

2006-06-27 Thread PainterArt
Hello Bettina Sohst, Another arrow you can add to your quiver on your fight against snail and slugs is to buy some flexible screening that is used on screen doors and windows. Cut the screening so it is large enough to cover all the drainage holes at the bottom of your pots when place inside t

Re: [OGD] Need CITES clarification

2006-05-18 Thread PainterArt
William Fitz wrote: If I live in the USA or any other country that signed CITES, can I set up a lab, propagate hybrid orchids and sell them legally (not for export)? Or does one need to get permissions first as well as register the parent plants? Thanks. The short answer: CITES only applies

[OGD] Orchid, CO2 and Climate Change

2006-05-03 Thread PainterArt
Hello Buzz, Interesting website with a different point of view then climate alarmist, as they put it. Their main argument is that CO2 is a "amazingly effective aerial fertilizer". "Is carbon dioxide a harmful air pollutant, or is it an amazingly effective aerial fertilizer?" From time to time

[OGD] Climate Change and Habitat loss

2006-05-01 Thread PainterArt
Hello Cynthia in Prescott, AZ, I agree it is important to keep perspective, and to look at all possibilities when trying to figure something out. Even though I may hold a current position on something, I will change my opinion in light of new evidence or a persuasive argument. You are also righ


2006-04-30 Thread PainterArt
Hello John, CAM occurs in many orchids (thick leaved as oppose to thin leaves) and all succulents plants. Basically plants that are exposed to water stress have developed this biochemical adaptation. Mark ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) orchids@orc

Re: [OGD] "Are there aspects of climate change that could be good?"

2006-04-30 Thread PainterArt
Hello John, When I wrote: "Are there aspects of climate change that could be good? Sure. Few things are black and white. Bert doesn't have to take his orchids in now because frost has hit in many years. (I am not saying Bert doesn't see the downside to climate change.) It is all a matter of pe

Re: [OGD] Slow environmental change?

2006-04-28 Thread PainterArt
Cynthia wrote: "Well, some of you that responded to my email about change causing speciation have seemed to imply that in the past change has been gradual, much more gradual than our current 'global warming' that we are debating if it really exists." Actually none of the responses I have read

Re: [OGD] Environmental Change

2006-04-27 Thread PainterArt
"Correct me if I am wrong, but is not environmental change a major cause of the creation of new > species? Is this not a silver lining? Change is the only constant in the > universe. It is the nature > of humans to object to this fundimental fact.Cynthia, Prescott, AZ I have to agree. If the

Re: [OGD] orchids / plant conservation, warning - UK

2006-04-26 Thread PainterArt
Quote from an article Viateur posted on the OGD: "The significant progress towards achieving the Plant Diversity Challenge targets for plant conservation is due almost entirely to the dedication and expertise of more than 50 voluntary societies, charities and local people," said Plantlife's chi

Re: [OGD] chilling phals

2006-03-16 Thread PainterArt
Hello Iris, Just another thought on chilling phals, if you try the ice method, I would use a cooler and those reusable gel packs (medical or you can get a sporting good stores along with the cooler) that you could freeze during the day. Cheers, Mark Sullivan 1% for Orchid Conservation http:/

Re: [OGD] chilling phals

2006-03-16 Thread PainterArt
Hello Iris, Chilling phals to 34 to 40 in the refrigerator is to cold, but you could turn up the refrigerator's thermostat. There is no reason that that would not work. As far as ice, I wouldn't put it in a pot. You could try an experiment. Put the ice in a large container with lid (bucket, gar

Re: [OGD] Some virus symptoms

2006-03-11 Thread PainterArt
Hello Cynthia, I think it is great that you are creating a picture gallery of virused plants. What is the testing that is being done to identify them as having a virus? Mark Sullivan 1% for Orchid Conservation

[OGD] Dr Cribb's Orchid Research Newsletter Statement.

2006-02-08 Thread PainterArt
I appreciate Dr Cribb's mentioning of 1% for Orchid Conservation (1% FOC) and his comments on the need to save orchid habitat . I think the saving of orchid habitat is something most of us can agree upon. I see no reason why there cannot be a nature reserve in the valley that P. kovachii grows

[OGD] Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, nitrogen fixing, and enviornmental risk of industrial fertilizer making

2006-01-31 Thread PainterArt
The following link is to an interesting article that while its main subject is the environmental problems of the world use of synthetic (natural gas based) fertilizers, it also goes into the natural fixing of nitrogen, and the process and history of the industrial making of fertilizers. http:/

[OGD] Orchids in a bio-wall air filteration

2006-01-18 Thread PainterArt
At the risk of being confused with our own orchid news hound, and scooping him in his own backyard. "The good news: Filters made from plants—which host toxin-digesting microbes—can help create purer air. Canadian biologist Alan Darlington, 46, helped come up with the idea in 1994, at Ontario's

[OGD] Talk about Attraction

2006-01-06 Thread PainterArt
I have always wonder about people who grow orchids that when they flower smell like rotting meat. Mark ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] bigger leaves or bigger roots

2005-12-12 Thread PainterArt
Hello Alan, Somewhere along the line of growing orchids, I was told that the secret to growing orchids was “Grow the roots the rest will follow.” I do believe this to be true though maybe overly simplistic. I believe that the size of the upper part of the orchid is limited by the root size belo

Re: [OGD] Sulphur Powder

2005-10-22 Thread PainterArt
Sulphur Powder is poisonous to arachnids. I can't vouch for leaches. When I was in the scouts we used a sock of which the bottom end was filled with sulphur powder. We would bang the sulphur powder against our lower legs dusting them to keep chiggers off. I guess with 11 year old boys you have

Re: [OGD] Erythoxylum coca and weed killers

2005-10-08 Thread PainterArt
Wendell, Wouldn't it be funny if Monsanto was actually behind the development of Roundup ready coca. They already produce other round up ready agricultural crops, in a nice circle of profit. Coca would be like hitting the mother load. Quick call your stock broker and buy Monsanto today! Cheers

[OGD] 1% for Orchid Conservation

2005-10-04 Thread PainterArt Orchid conservation is a subject that we hear about from time to time on forums, in magazines and with society meeting speakers. We are appalled to hear about habitat destruction or the decimation of species by illegal collecting such as in the case of

[OGD] Re: Foliar Feeding

2005-08-06 Thread PainterArt
John Stanley wrote: “What puzzles me is that most orchid leaves seem to have a pretty impermeable, if not waxy, outer layer (at lest on their dorsal surface) and I would have thought the stomatal pores to be too small for the ingress of water (unless assisted by a wetting agent that would creat

[OGD] Re: foliar spray fertilizers

2005-08-02 Thread PainterArt
mickinmontana asked: "Have we visited this topic recently?Sorry but I didn't use foliar spray until recently [WONDER GROW]. Believe I've read that plants can't utilize organic nitrogen, until it is broken down by bacteria & fungi in the soil/compost. " This is a myth. When you say organic nitr

[OGD] Re: Bees

2005-05-26 Thread PainterArt
Paul wrote: "The real question is whether "hyperspecialisation" is real, an appropriate term, or merely a hopeful exaggeration based on limited observation." To add or suggest to Paul's interesting responses: I suspect that in a number of cases what may see as "hyperspecialisation" may not be f

[OGD] 'Lakeview' Clonal Name

2005-04-17 Thread PainterArt
You may want to try asking Oakhill Gardens. I have a Phal pulcherrima 'Lakeview Yellow Splash' from them, and I believe they use 'Lakeview' clonal name some of their other orchids. Mark Sullivan ___ the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Norris home for collateral

2005-04-15 Thread PainterArt
Bert wrote: "We were informed by Norris that he had to pledge his home in Houston as collateral for Arias' bail and Arias stayed with Norris pending a sentencing hearing." Since Arias skipped the country, does that mean Norris lost his home? Mark ___ t

[OGD] Phototropic or negative gravitropic roots

2005-04-14 Thread PainterArt
Based on what Charles and AJ pointed out and a little more reading, “catch roots” would be better called phototropic or negative gravitropic roots. The reason phototropic roots would be correct is that epiphytic orchid roots photosynthesis. My hypothesis is that in upward aerial roots auxin i

[OGD] Re: Catch Roots

2005-04-10 Thread PainterArt
Hello Dennis, After looking at Tennis's picture of catch roots, I agree that the roots would be more of a deterrent then a landing place for small insect eating birds. They look more like the spikes used to fortify positions in war before barbwire and razor wire. Having thought about catch roots

[OGD] Charcoal Salt Aborbtion, Orchid Media, and Catch Roots

2005-04-07 Thread PainterArt
Iris wrote: "In the size particles we use in orchid media, the charcoal holds onto the excess salts for two years, after which it reaches its capacity & the salts are released into the medium. That is one reason to repot your orchids every two years." Boy, I would like to see the scientific stu

[OGD] Scientific Method no longer has the clean bill of health that people once assumed ??

2005-03-14 Thread PainterArt
greig russell wrote "Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 119": Scientific Method no longer has the clean bill of health that people once assumed. Making the results fit the expectations, to ensure continued funding, was its death knell. The scientific method does not include "making the results fit the

[OGD] Re: Particle properties of a potting mix

2005-02-07 Thread PainterArt
Ray, There is no doubt in my mind you know what you are doing in regards to semi hydroponics. I was only trying to note to Roy and others who are trying to use an all perlite mix, that an all perlite mix would work better in a semi hydroponic system as you describe on your website, then in the w

[OGD] Re: Particle properties of a potting mix

2005-02-04 Thread PainterArt
Upon re-reading this part of my statement, it is to general of a statement. I was think about small perlite. Though on a quick read of Ray’s Semi-Hydroponics Basic he writes “The medium is another key component of the culture technique; it must be inert so it won't decompose, fairly uniform in p

[OGD] Particle properties of a potting mix

2005-02-04 Thread PainterArt
Ron, your all perlite potting mix is running into two problems and I suspect a third: The water retention properties of a porous, irregular-shaped and small particles. Porous materials like perlite can store water within themselves. There water retention is high. As you know perlite also floats

[OGD] Re: Digitization of Orchids Magazine

2005-01-28 Thread PainterArt
To Joe and Helga Gray, the AOS, Wildcatt Database Co., and other involved in the digitization of Orchids Magazine: I appreciate the time and commitment that you are doing to see this project through. The digitization of the Bulletin and Orchids is a big undertaking, but will be a great service

[OGD] Re: EC & TDS

2005-01-18 Thread PainterArt
Ray wrote: (This one is probably semantic) Seems to me that an EC meter is measuring the conductivity of a solution, not of the components of it, per se. Maybe true salts affect the conductivity more than other minerals, but they are all involved in the solution conductivity to some degree. M

[OGD] Re: EC & TDS

2005-01-17 Thread PainterArt
Ray asks: Does anyone have any factual background as to why we focus on TDS? Ray, I don't think you will ever nail down a factual background as to why we focus on TDS as oppose to EC. My thoughts: I do think most orchid growers don't use a TDS/EC meter and don't have too. Most growers rely on fell

[OGD] Terry Glancy's posting problems

2005-01-11 Thread PainterArt
I will take a couple shots in the dark as to why Terry is having a problem with his post showing in the digest form of the OGD. (It appears from other people's post that those who receive OGD posts individually they have no problem getting Terry's post.) A. He wrote the post in Word or other typ

[OGD] Amazon Highway trying to balance economic progress and the environment

2004-11-11 Thread PainterArt
<>Bridge to link Brazil, Peru -- and 2 oceans Highway through Amazon seen as threat to rain fores<>t The full article can be read at:<> Interesting excerpts from the article:<> Leaders of Brazil and Per

[OGD] Opinion on the Flagship Species Conservation Act

2004-11-02 Thread PainterArt
The bill HR 5096 which may be cited as the `Flagship Species Conservation Act of 2004', in my opinion is a mixed bag from a conservation point of view. Currently the individual species acts are getting 5 million each per year for a smaller group of species like the Asian and African Elephant Co

[OGD] Re: Orchids as flagship species (Peter Tobias)

2004-10-30 Thread PainterArt
<>The bill HR 5096 Peter Tobias refers to can be found at: <> You may have to copy and paste the link. Make sure you get the colon at the end or you get a blank page. <>* * <> <>The bill will have to be rewritten to include flora. It is currently

[OGD] Re: Practical CITES or moving a collection overseas

2004-10-24 Thread PainterArt
Marianne, On moving a private collection of orchids from France to the US, I would direct all my questions to the US Fish & Wildlife. Save all correspondence, get names, and follow all directions to the letter. It does not matter how anyone on the OGD, or how you read CITES, what matter is how the

[OGD] What is Conservation?

2004-10-19 Thread PainterArt
Viateur: <> How do you define conservation? Why do you think CITES is both a conservation and trade treaty? What are the conservation aspects of CITES? <> <> <>The issue of whether CITES is a conservation or trade treaty has been pounded into the ground fairly thoroughly on the OGD. What I am int

[OGD] Re: Cuitlauzina pendula

2004-10-08 Thread PainterArt
Wilford, I know you are a very good grower of orchids so I value your information. I just want to double check that this is correct. You wrote: "The plant will usually start a new growth sometime in Dec or by Jan, and from then until blooming no more water and no more fertilizer should be given.

[OGD] Putting orchids back into the wild

2004-10-08 Thread PainterArt
I agree for the most part when Karen Frederiksen say "Sorry, but I believe we are fooling ourselves if we believe our plants are in anyway part of preserving the species.. though if we share and make our plants available we might be able to take pressure of wild collection, and use them to educ

[OGD] Re: A Saint for Orchids

2004-08-31 Thread PainterArt
Viateur How about St Swithin? He has a nice primary hybrid named after him. "On his deathbed Swithin begged that he should be buried outside the north wall of his cathedral where passers-by should pass over his grave and raindrops from the eaves drop upon it." from

[OGD] Phalaenopsis Leaf Problem Update

2004-08-31 Thread PainterArt
I recently submitted a Phalaenopsis leaf with the problem to my local county (San Francisco) State (CA) Agricultural Representative. I also gave him pictures of my Phals with the problem, a printed out copy of Steve Wilson web page, a

[OGD] RE: stopping fertilizing in the middle of growth

2004-08-19 Thread PainterArt
Michael wrote: Here's a question: many of my plants have started to put out new leads. Generally, I like to have my fertillizing schedule coordinate with the seasons, which means I'm due for a slow down soon, but since so many of my plants seem to starting another active growth phase...I donno...

[OGD] Andy Easton's Arguments

2004-08-19 Thread PainterArt
Andy, You are more convincing when you make your arguments based on issues like as you have with David Grove. You are less convincing when you include attacks that are personal like whether someone has other interests then orchids, one of your more benign personal attack arguments. Of course yo

[OGD] Tired of squares , *b, and other things popping up in your carefully worded OGD Posts

2004-08-19 Thread PainterArt
 , *b and such happen because you write your post in word, copy and paste into your e-mail send message, and then your e-mail program converts it to plain text to send after you press the send button. Before you press the send button everything looks good, then it shows up on the OGD with 

Re: [OGD] are there orchids behind those trees ?

2004-08-13 Thread PainterArt
Viateur in Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 322 states: "It should be interesting to see if the question is part of the political debate during the coming months", referring to the US Conserve Roadless Areas Directive. <> Unfortunately, I don't think environmental issues will be too prominent in

[OGD] Re: Phal mystery syndrome

2004-07-26 Thread PainterArt
AJ wrote: "Not specifically directed towards Gary, but has anyone with this mystery phal syndrome (occasionally referred to as the phal "microfungus") ever sent out leaf material for diagnosis by a plant pathologist?" I will take a sample phal leaf to the California Plant Pest Diagnostic Cent

[OGD] Re: US Roadless Area Directive

2004-07-17 Thread PainterArt
Viateur in the Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 287 asks: <>" What is the purpose of the following decision (?): <>"America's agriculture secretary, Ann Veneman, ended a directive that protects almost 60m acres of national forest in western states from road building. The states will instead be allow

[OGD] Re: Manuel Arias and George Norris

2004-07-13 Thread PainterArt
Like with most "white collar" crimes, the charges and convictions are usually based on the cover up and conspiracy and not as much the root crime of smuggling, embezling, illegal stock trading, or whatever. Ask Martha Stewart. If they don't get you on that, the tax man will. If icones is right a

[OGD] Re: Temperature monitoring

2004-07-13 Thread PainterArt
AJ, You may want to investigate temperature buttons. This link is for a full system The temperature ibutton seem to sell individual parts with a temperature ibutton sensor starting at $2.23. I haven't investi

[OGD] Re: Icones' Comments

2004-06-11 Thread PainterArt
icones, I appreciate your words. I wasn't exactly sure what you would say. It is true in criticizing "exemption of all hybrids from the CITES" proposal coming from the OSG/IOCC, I was not attacking you. At one point I thought of including "I am not trying to shoot the messenger." I do think a

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 240

2004-06-10 Thread PainterArt
Bert, You wrote: Remember that horticulturists are free to enhance their products indefinitely with artificial fertilizer containing all minerals required by their products. "Mother Nature" has nothing to do with this construct. She is primarily the product of fuzzy 19th century thinking, w

[OGD] Re: OGD V6 #239: Mother Nature

2004-06-10 Thread PainterArt
Bert, When I wrote "On global warming, I agree one study not going to say much. I also agree in the end Mother Nature is in charge, but when a deforested mountainside sends a landslide through a village at the bottom..." I was responding to Hello Mark, Global warming isn't the problem, the p

[OGD] Re: Carbon Dioxide and orchids

2004-06-10 Thread PainterArt
Bert, You were correct in your first posting when you stated that I was mixing CO2 use for growing orchids, and CO2 and global warming, for that I apologize and should have made two separate postings. When I posted the article on " Carbon dioxide theory debunked" (not my title) from the Washin

[OGD] Re: Carbon dioxide

2004-06-09 Thread PainterArt
Hopefully, thinking more clearly this morning, even with using CO2 you shouldn't run into any nutrient limiting factor as long as you use a complete fertilizer maybe even one with nickel. Uh... Landslide Mark Sullivan Putting two and two together and getting one

[OGD] Re: Carbon dioxide

2004-06-08 Thread PainterArt
Actually what interested me about the "Carbon Dioxide Theory Debunked" article was that elevated level of carbon dioxide caused rapid growth the first year, but was limited by a nutrient deficiency the following years. On this forum when carbon dioxide on orchids has been discussed in the past,

[OGD] Carbon dioxide, nitrogen fixation, and global warming

2004-06-07 Thread PainterArt
One topic that comes up on the OGD every now and then is the use of carbon dioxide to speed up orchid growth. This is an interesting article on carbon dioxide and plant growth. One thing to keep in mind that AJ Hicks has pointed out in the past is that orchids are survivalist, and can grow in l

[OGD] Re: CITES hybrid conservation

2004-06-02 Thread PainterArt
POTUS It is good to hear from a fellow clear thinking, patriotic American who can put two and two together and get one. You are truly righteous. I would go further but I have a reputation of being spineless to keep. It is part of my secret plan to stamp out extremist fundamentalism. We know wha

[OGD] Re: CITES Logic and intelligence

2004-06-02 Thread PainterArt
Nancy, I dont have any problem with all hybrids being excluded from CITES. Even though I tried to spell out my criticism I guess I was not clear enough for some people, though I know icones knows what I was getting at. I will try and be clearer for you. The Orchid Specialist Group and Internat

[OGD] Re: Excluding hybrids from CITES

2004-06-02 Thread PainterArt
Carson, I agree I dont see much of a savings for orchid business though one possible benefit to orchid businesses is the of greater number of hybrids being available to them without questioning or having to establish whether the parents are CITES compliant. Of course this is all up to what the

[OGD] Re: conservation congress - report

2004-06-02 Thread PainterArt
icones, Taking an example of a shipment of a few boxes of Paphiopedilums, what are the mechanisms that will save inspectors time and effort? Will the importing country inspectors take a shippers or exporting countrys word that all the Paphiopedilums are hybrids and are in compliance with CITE

[OGD] Re: conservation congress - report

2004-05-30 Thread PainterArt
I just have to question this logic. At the International Orchid Conservation Congress 2004, the congress and the Orchid Specialist Group (OSG), SSC, IUCN adopted two proposed changes to CITES one of which is that all hybrids be excluded from CITES and CITES Documentation. Am I the only one that

[OGD] Washing coir (coco peat)

2004-05-11 Thread PainterArt
One way to greatly reduce the mess from soaking and washing coir is to use a pillowcase. Hopefully one you dont plan on using for anything else. What I do: Drop the brick of coir in a pail of water and soak over night. Pour everything into a pillowcase. Smash up the brick in the pillowcase, fir

[OGD] Salmon, ex situ orchid conservation, stamp and coin collecting

2004-05-06 Thread PainterArt
I should say from the beginning I am not against ex situ conservation, but there are a few underlying problems. Forgive me for a bit while I go a little off the orchid subject, but I will bring it back to orchids. The Bush Administration has not only brought endangered species listing to a halt

[OGD] White Fringeless Orchid (Platanthera integrilabia) protection and the US Endangered Species Act

2004-05-06 Thread PainterArt
This was posted on the orchid species forum: In summary, the petition requests that the Bush Administration cease delaying Endangered Species Act protection for 225 of the nations most imperiled plants and animals. One of the

[OGD] A Proposal to Raise Money and Awareness for Orchid Conservation

2004-04-28 Thread PainterArt
A Proposal to Raise Money and Awareness for Orchid Conservation This has nothing to do with CITES. The Raising Money and Awareness Program A label would be created with the picture of an orchid and words like Grown from Flask or Born in a Flask, and A percentage of sale for Orchid Conserv