Re: Hotkeys for expanding/collapsing threads?

2020-05-28 Thread Melissa Reese
Hello Tom, you wrote:

> is this what you are looking for?

Thanks!  That pointed me in the right direction!

Workspace/toolbars/customize/[shortcuts tab] looks like what I was trying to
find. When I have a chance to look around in those options, I'm sure I'll
find many of the useful shortcuts I've been looking for.

I've been using this great email client for so long (since v1.x), and my
usage has evolved in so many directions over time, I can sometimes lose
track of where to look when I want to get back to some options I haven't
used in a while.

Thanks again!  :)


Using The Bat! 9.1.18
OS: Windows 10.0 Build 18363

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Hotkeys for expanding/collapsing threads?

2020-05-22 Thread Melissa Reese
Hello Stuart, you wrote:

> Options/Preferences/Other Options/System Hotkeys. It shows you the options
> that are set and lets you add options.

That's the first place I looked, but there are only nine (9) listed.  In the
past there were dozens listed, organized by several categories.

Is the compete list available somewhere for download/installation?


Using The Bat! 9.1.18
OS: Windows 10.0 Build 18363

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Hotkeys for expanding/collapsing threads?

2020-05-21 Thread Melissa Reese


It's been a while, and I've forgotten many of the hotkey combinations I used
to use for various functions while reading mail and following discussion

Ever since clicking on "Help" sends us to a website instead of opening up
"in-program" help files, I've found "Help" much less helpful. There used to
be a very long list of key combinations for all sorts of functions, and I
can't find that list anywhere. Perhaps it still exists, but I'm just not
looking in the right places?

In any event, I'd at least appreciate being reminded of the hotkey
combinations for expanding and collapsing individual threads. Any help here,
and for finding the list of all other key combinations would be very much



Using The Bat! 9.1.18
OS: Windows 10.0 Build 18363

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB not exiting properly

2020-05-21 Thread Melissa Reese
Hello Julian, you wrote:

>> I've noticed that TB is not exiting properly when I hit the x. Whenever I
>> do and later try to start TB again, I am told there is still and instance
>> running and have to end task in the Task manager, before I can start the
>> program again.

> It is a long standing problem. I was supposed to have been fixed in TB!
> v9.x but I still have the same issue. It also means that TB! automatically
> starts with Windows, whether or not I want it to.

Not sure it's helpful to note, but just for the record, I've not been
experiencing either of these issues with TB v9.x and Windows 10.

In the past (with older versions of TB and Windows), I've *only very
occasionally* seen the shutdown/task management issue, but haven't seen it
for a long time, and certainly not since using v9.x on a new computer
(moving to new computer is very recent).

I've also *never* seen the "starts with Windows" issue with any version of
TB and/or Windows (never selected that option either -- ever since TB v1.x).

I suppose the only potentially useful aspect of mentioning my past and
current experiences is that these issues don't seem to happen consistently,
and I have no idea why/why not.


Using The Bat! 9.1.18
OS: Windows 10.0 Build 18363

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New filters/re-filtering not working

2020-05-12 Thread Melissa Reese
Hello again,

I wrote:

> Any ideas as to what's going on here?

Never mind.  I think I've got it sorted.  I just needed to reorder the
priority of the filters, as one of them was to "park" all messages.  Once I
made sure all other filters came before the "park" filter, all is well
again.  :)


Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

New filters/re-filtering not working

2020-05-11 Thread Melissa Reese

I just created a new POP3 account, and created new folders into which I'd
like to filter messages.

After creating a new filter, and I try to "re-filter" the Inbox, nothing is
filtered into the new folder, even though I know there are plenty of
eligible messages.

In all the years I've been using TB (since v1), I've never had this problem.
I'm now using the latest [stable] version.

Any ideas as to what's going on here?


Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Incorrect time stamps in *some* folders

2020-04-24 Thread Melissa Reese

You wrote:

> I don't recall seeing this on messages in my sent folders, but have
> sometimes seen 1 January 1970 and found the message was missing the
> Date header. (I thought the server was supposed to add this if it was
> missing.)

Does this mean that it could be a problem with my IMAP/SMTP and/or
POP3/SMTP email server providers?


TB! v9.1.18 on Windows 10.0.18362

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Incorrect time stamps in *some* folders

2020-04-23 Thread Melissa Reese

I'm having issues with time stamps being incorrect in some folders.
Sometimes it's in incoming folders (inbox and various sub-folders),
and sometimes it's in outgoing folders (sent and various

I haven't gone through all of the hundreds of folders/sub-folders in
all accounts, but here's an example:

In my main account, I have "inbox" and "sent" folders for various
individuals.  I sent a few emails to one particular person today, and
in the "created" column, they're all listed as having been sent on 1
January, 1970.

I've seen anomalies such as this scattered all over, with some
incoming and sent messages even listed as having been created or
received in 1899!

The computer's time is set correctly.

Can anyone tell me why this happens?  And how to fix it?



Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Eek! Did I really lose--forever--all emails in my IMAP Inbox?

2020-04-21 Thread Melissa Reese
Hello MFPA,

Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 10:11:32 AM, you wrote:

> Couldn't you have "best of both" by using IMAP but having TB! copy all
> messages to a local archive folder?

This sounds like just what I'd like to do. Can't seem to find the
option, though. Could you please let me know where to set this up in
the options? Thanks!

Haven't yet set up all my templates in this new installation, so it's
not showing my TB version at the moment. I'm using v9.1.16.


Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Eek! Did I really lose--forever--all emails in my IMAP Inbox?

2020-04-20 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Miguel,

On Monday, April 20, 2020, at 1:49:08 AM PST, you wrote:

>> I really don't know what happened, but all of a sudden, the main
>> inbox of my one IMAP account (my main email account!) is EMPTY!

> I don't know much about IMAP accounts, never used one but, wasn't
> that the idea of IMAP, to keep all email at the server?

That's what I thought.  I called my email server provider late last
night, and they were able to provide at least a partial solution for
the moment (restored email in that folder going back as far as 7
March, 2020 -- though I've been using this IMAP installation since
August, 2019).  I'm still waiting to hear about what happened to the

Next week, they'll be migrating me to what they say will be a better
version of IMAP-like protocol -- "Exchange"?  I guess I'll see what
happens moving forward.

> Is it an gmail account? Have you tried logging in from a browser and
> see?

Not gmail. Nor is it the account through which I'm sending this
message. It's on my own domain. It's a service I've had through
GoDaddy for many years now (POP3 until last August, when I decided to
give IMAP a try).

In any event, I'm happy to have the most recent emails restored, and
will see what happens in trying to recover the rest.  Thanks for your


PGP Public Key:

TB! v9.1.16 on Windows 10.0.18362

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Eek! Did I really lose--forever--all emails in my IMAP Inbox?

2020-04-20 Thread Melissa Reese

I really don't know what happened, but all of a sudden, the main inbox
of my one IMAP account (my main email account!) is EMPTY!

Is there any way to recover all those emails?

Whenever I try restoring from a backup made yesterday only results in
the maintenance center going into "not responding" mode (this was
happening before all this as well -- I've not yet been able to restore
at all).

Please, please tell me there's a way to recover all these lost email



PGP Public Key:

TB! v9.1.16 on Windows 10.0.18362

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Moving to a new pc

2020-04-18 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Richard,

On Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 7:10:39 AM PST, you wrote:

> If you install TB in the new machine and open TB it will look for a
> TBK. 1) If you want your data in the normal default location just
> open the new install of TB without allowing it to bring over the TBK
> info or setting up any account. That will establish the default data
> directory. Then point TB to your TBK and it will bring over
> everything to the default location.

I'm trying to do this right now, and have encountered a problem.  I
wonder if I'm not quite using the correct method?

On the new computer, after installing TB, I come to the "Create New
Account" box where, in the lower left corner, there's the option to
"Restore from...".  That's when I pointed it to my freshly created TBK
file.  Instantly, it went into "Not responding" mode, with the little
"thinking circle" just spinning.  Endlessly, it seems.

Am I supposed to somehow get past this "Create new account" box and
actually open up TB without having created a "new account", *then* use
the "restore" option to point to the TBK file?

I did run the maintenance option before creating the TBK file.

Some very specific help would be appreciated here.  Thanks!


PGP Public Key:

TB! v9.0.8 on Windows 10.0.18362

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Resizing and locking toolbars in v9?

2019-12-05 Thread Melissa Reese

On Thursday, December 05, 2019, at 2:03:24 AM PST, you wrote:

> v9 includes a new Customiser and, AFAIK, there is no option (at
> least yet) to set size of toolbar icons.

> V9.0.8.1 (current Beta as you can see in my signature) does include
> an option to lock toolbar.

Thanks!  I do hope a resizing option will be available as well, as it
seems the icons have become a bit larger, and now I can't fit all the
toolbars along the same line as I could before this update.


PGP Public Key:

TB! v9.0.8 on Windows 10.0.18362

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Resizing and locking toolbars in v9?

2019-12-04 Thread Melissa Reese

I just installed v9.0.8, and I'm having a hard time finding how to set
the size of toolbar icons, and locking the toolbars in place once I
get them how I'd like them.

Could someone please offer me a hint?



PGP Public Key:

TB! v9.0.8 on Windows 10.0.18362

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: IMAP -- for dummies, please

2019-08-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Robin,

On Monday, August 26, 2019, at 4:06:07 PM PST, you wrote:

> That's because it's IMAP.

> ...

> So I think it just comes with the change in protocol

Thanks Robin.  Just something new I need to get used to.

I'm still struggling with the folders/templates/filters transfer (or
complete recreation, if need be -- eek!).


PGP Public Key:

TB! v7.3.6 on Windows 10.0.17134

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: IMAP -- for dummies, please

2019-08-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Marck,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly,

On Monday, August 26, 2019, at 12:47:18 PM PST, you wrote:

MR>> Now, is there a way for me to transfer all my folders, filters, etc.
MR>> from my current POP3 account into this new IMAP account/folder?

> This  is  something I remember doing by dragging messages from the pop
> folders into the IMAP ones, one folder at a time. It was painful.

I'm using Windows 10.  Do I accomplish this via Windows Explorer?  Or
within TB?  How do I get all my filters and templates transferred?  Is
that even possible?

Also, I'm noticing something peculiar with checking messages via the
IMAP account...

The "Connection Centre" doesn't pop up on-screen automatically as it
does when I check for new mail in my POP accounts, but apparently, it
does open (have to click on it to show on-screen). However, it says
it's in "IDLE mode", and I have to "abort all" and manually close the
"Connection Centre", or it will just sit there, apparently doing


PGP Public Key:

TB! v7.3.6 on Windows 10.0.17134

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: IMAP -- for dummies, please

2019-08-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi again,

On Monday, August 26, 2019, at 12:29:46 PM PST, you wrote:

> Hi,

> Sorry to reply to myself, but here's an update...

Oh no, here we go again...

When I first set up the new IMAP account, it instantly downloaded the
latest 26 messages, so I just assumed all was well. Since then, when I
try to check email for that new account, I'm just getting this, and
nothing more:

 8/26/2019, 12:48:55: IMAP  - TLS handshake complete
 8/26/2019, 12:48:55: IMAP  - Connected to IMAP server (
>8/26/2019, 12:48:55: IMAP  - Fenix ready.
 8/26/2019, 12:48:55: IMAP  - Authenticating (user: 
"", method: "LOGIN")...
 8/26/2019, 12:48:55: IMAP  - IMAP server authentication OK, server says "LOGIN 
Full IMAP support is enabled"


PGP Public Key:

TB! v7.3.6 on Windows 10.0.17134

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: IMAP -- for dummies, please

2019-08-26 Thread Melissa Reese

Sorry to reply to myself, but here's an update...

On Monday, August 26, 2019, at 12:03:12 PM PST, you wrote:

> Could someone please give me--or point to--all the proper settings I
> need to get IMAP working in my TB? With thousands of messages in the
> many folders of the account in question, I certainly don't want to
> have to start a whole new account/folder and potentially lose all my
> messages, which I refer to often when looking for something.

Okay, as an experiment, I set up a "new account" (IMAP).  It works.

Now, is there a way for me to transfer all my folders, filters, etc.
from my current POP3 account into this new IMAP account/folder?


PGP Public Key:

TB! v7.3.6 on Windows 10.0.17134

Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

IMAP -- for dummies, please

2019-08-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hello fellow Batters,

It's been a while since I've had to ask a question here, but now it
seems I'm going to be switching to IMAP after using POP3 forever.

I've been trying to set up my primary email account (not the one used
for this email list), but have been so far unsuccessful.

When I look at my settings after filling in all the supposed IMAP
stuff, it still says "Protocol: POP3". When I click on "Change", I'm
only presented with two options: "POP3" or "Exchange". I'm currently
using TB version 7.x.

When talking to the tech person at my email server provider, he said
"Don't use "Exchange".

Could someone please give me--or point to--all the proper settings I
need to get IMAP working in my TB? With thousands of messages in the
many folders of the account in question, I certainly don't want to
have to start a whole new account/folder and potentially lose all my
messages, which I refer to often when looking for something.

So far, the closest I've gotten is to "TLS handshake complete" -- then
nothing. No incoming email, even though I know there should be
incoming messages.

I would need the proper settings for the "Authentication" options as
well -- for both sending and receiving.


Current version is 8.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Can I set up an IMAP account for a gmail address?

2017-03-05 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Susanne,

On Sunday, March 05, 2017, at 3:10:57 PM PST, you wrote:

> TLS works for me on a Gmail Imap account.

I tried that, but it still didn't work for me. I wonder if you could
mention all the settings/ports/etc. you're using for both incoming and
outgoing mail on that account? Thanks!


PGP Public Key:

TB! v6.8.8 on Windows 6.2.9200 

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Can I set up an IMAP account for a gmail address?

2017-03-05 Thread Melissa Reese

I've always used pop3 for my accounts, but I have one new account that
would be more convenient if I could set it up via the IMAP protocol.

I tried to set up the account as IMAP, but the incoming authorization
(according to gmail) seems to want "SSL", which is not listed in the
available authorization options for incoming mail.  Do I need a v7.x
Bat to get that option?  Or will this v6.x version work as well?

I'm still using a v6.x Bat on this computer. My main computer, which
has v7.x installed, isn't working properly at the moment, so I've been
using this other computer for a few months. As far as I know, I
purchased two different licenses for the two computers, and I don't
think I can "upgrade" this Bat without purchasing a new license.

I'm wondering - since the Bat with the newer license is on a
misbehaving computer at the moment, could I somehow use that license
to upgrade this instance of Bat?

In any event, I'd like to know if there's a way to set up this new
gmail account as IMAP on this machine with Bat v6.x.



PGP Public Key:

TB! v6.8.8 on Windows 6.2.9200 

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Upgrading to win 8 questions

2012-11-28 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Jernej,

On Wednesday, November 28, 2012, at 3:03:55 PM PST, you wrote:

> It definitely is. If the lack of Start Menu annoys you, there's
> Classic Shell  (free, but it's
> Start Menu is somewhat quirky) or StartIsBack
>  ($3 for 2 computers, but it's nearly
> identical to Windows 7's Start Menu).

Sad, isn't it, to require a third party "fix" right out of the box
just to maintain some basic functionality that we've come to
appreciate? Since my only touch screen devices run Android, I
certainly don't need the extra bloat--and potential resultant
issues--associated with the Windows 8 "all-in-one" approach.

> Also, currently the upgrade to Win8 Pro costs 30€, while upgrade to
> Windows 7 is around 200€.

Depends on where you are, who you know, how much patience you have, or
how lucky you can be.  Here in the US, even the full retail price
wouldn't come close to 200€ ($200 USD, at most).

My main laptop came with Windows 7 installed, but my two new (used,
but new to me) little netbooks needed new OSs after I installed new
hard drives in them. I got a legitimate copy of Windows 7 for $45 USD
(unused, on Craigslist - someone got it as a gift, but didn't need
it). There was even someone (a computer tech) selling a "System
Builder" DVD for the same price (these contain all versions of Windows
7, both 32 and 64 bit - with pre-programmed license activation) for
the same price. Not being an official "system builder" myself, I did
feel a bit awkward about that, so I just went with the "plain Jane"
copy of Home Premium. Good enough for my purposes.

Microsoft still has to support Windows 7 for several years to come,
and since I've had a really good experience with this version, I see
no point in messing about with a pre-SP1 Windows 8.

To each our own. :)


PGP Public Key:

TB! v5.2.2 on Windows 7 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: v5.2.2 annoyance: "x bytes of storage space released" confirmation. Can't seem to disable this notification.

2012-11-25 Thread Melissa Reese

I realize it's generally bad form to reply to myself, but here's an
update: Problem solved (it was my fault - overlooked an option)...

On Saturday, October 06, 2012, at 12:09:02 PM PST, I wrote:

> I do a bit of manual folder management while reading email, which
> often includes deleting selected messages from folders. With my
> previous v4.x, the "bytes saved" confirmation message only appeared
> when manually "compacting" a folder. Now it appears every time I
> delete any messages from any folder! This necessitates an additional
> mouse click or "enter" key operation to close this new and generally
> useless notification. I'm glad that storage space is "released", but
> I don't need to be told just how much is released every time I
> delete a message!

> I've looked all over the "preferences", and can't seem to find a way
> to disable this annoying "feature".

The solution to my problem was this:

In Account Properties | Mail management | Deletion, there's this

"Compact emptied folders automatically"

With this option, selected on this level (account level, as opposed to
individual folder level), every time I would right-click on a folder
and select "empty", it would also compact the folder, giving me the
"bytes saved" message.

I've reset my account options to what I prefer -- to just compact
everything upon program exit. All is well again, and I've now restored
v5.2.2 on my main computer.

Sometimes, it just takes a while to figure out precisely what type of
idiot I've been in a given situation.  I usually figure it out.
Eventually. :)


PGP Public Key:

TB! v5.2.2 on Windows 7 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: CA Root certificate

2012-10-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Leonard,

On Thursday, October 25, 2012, at 12:01:11 AM PST, you wrote:

> One of our accounts cannot retrieve mail. The error message is:

> !10/25/2012, 02:57:05: FETCH - TLS handshake failure. Invalid server
> certificate (The CA Root certificate is not trusted because it is
> not in the Trusted Root CA address book).

> How can I fix this?

I don't know if the email account in question is a Gmail account, or
even if your problem is the exact same problem I had, but if it is,
there is an acknowledged problem, and a solution...

I'm no fan of Gmail, but when I tried one of those ""
accounts some time ago, I discovered that it was just a Gmail account
in disguise. That account had a root certificate problem. While it
*could* retrieve email once I clicked on "okay" (in reply to "Continue
anyway?") when the error message popped up, this manual operation was
required every time that account wanted to check for email (no "hands
free/automatic" checking).

Here's the solution that worked for me (scroll down to root
certificate import instructions):

Once I had that fixed, and everything worked as expected, I deleted
that account - because I still didn't like Gmail. :)


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.44.2 on Windows 7 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Migrating to a new computer - a few questions...

2011-11-16 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Brian,

On Wednesday, November 16, 2011, at 11:48:11 AM PST, you wrote:

> On forum someone asked a question about
> "Access denied on editing file under c:\program files\" and the
> answer was that in Windows 7 applications are not supposed to store
> user-writable files in the Program Files folder. That's what the
> ProgramData folder is for."

Thank you - that's interesting! :)

> Someone else chimed in that instead of installing the program to the
> Program Files folder to install it to another folder then the
> built-in restrictions on writing to the Program Files folder would
> not apply.

Here's my actual agenda in this regard...

During initial installation, I just wanted an easy place (easy for me
to remember/find) to temporarily store the "Mail" folder, so that once
everything was up and running as I wanted, I would then take that
folder out and put it into an encrypted TrueCrypt volume - in an
"undisclosed location" (sort of like a vice-president ;)).

Thanks again - I appreciate the information!


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.44.2 on Windows 7 6.1.7600 

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Migrating to a new computer - a few questions...

2011-11-12 Thread Melissa Reese

On Wednesday, November 09, 2011, at 11:11:28 AM PST, I wrote:

> Are there any specific issues/problems I should be aware of in
> moving my Bat installation from this Win XP machine to my new Win 7
> machine?

I realize it's in bad form to reply to myself, and I apologize for
this, but since no one else replied to this message, someone had to do
it! ;)

Just wanted to offer a little update...

Though I'm still waiting for my new OS software to be delivered
(thought it would arrive last week, but it looks like it'll be Monday
instead), I did decide to at least give this Bat migration a good
test. I'm happy to say that while the backup/restore process wasn't
perfect in every way, it was mostly painless, and now I have a
perfectly working Bat on this new machine.

During my first attempt at fresh installation and restoration from
backup, I ran into a problem that still seems a bit peculiar to me,
but I got around it for the moment: it kept claiming to be unable to
create a "Mail" folder within the main Bat program folder.  At this
point, the installation would abort.  I finally tried one of the other
options, and that allowed the installation to continue.  Then...

I have several current accounts, along with many folders of [much]
older accounts just used as archives at this point. When I chose
"select all" (all folders/sub-folders), clicking "next" would bring me
to a "not responding" error, and again, the installation would abort.
I tried again (after removing the newly created "RIT" folder in the
registry), and same problem.  So then...

I cleared the registry again, and started another fresh install. This
time, I only selected the two most essential current accounts for
restoration, and finally, everything went smoothly. Once I got that
going, I decided to recreate the two other active accounts one-by-one
from scratch (didn't really need to keep those particular account
archives anyway). Now everything is up and running, and working very
well! :)

I'm still wondering why the new installation had trouble creating a
"Mail" folder within the main program folder, but this is something I
can investigate at my leisure.

Thanks again to those who offered their help in the other thread.


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.44.2 on Windows 7 6.1.7600 

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Migrating to a new computer - a few questions...

2011-11-09 Thread Melissa Reese

Tonight, I'll be migrating from this old Win XP (32 bit) desktop
computer to a new Win 7 (64 bit) laptop. In order to make this as
painless as possible, I hope I can get a few questions answered before
I leap...

I've never yet used the "restore from backup" function in the Bat, so
this will be a new experience for me. As I try to understand it,
here's what I'm planning on doing...

1. Install a fresh copy of Bat (v4.2.44.2) on the new machine, and
input my registration code.

2. "Restore" from saved copy of backup (will have this saved on an
external drive)

3. Replace default "Mail" folder with copy of current "Mail" folder
(it's nearly 2 GB)

4. Install a new copy of TrueCrypt, move "Mail" folder into new
TrueCrypt volume in a new location, then set appropriate new "Mail"
file location within Bat preferences.

I'm hoping this process will yield a perfectly functional "clone" of
my current Bat setup.

Does all this seem reasonable, so far?

Are there any specific issues/problems I should be aware of in moving
my Bat installation from this Win XP machine to my new Win 7 machine?


I've been using K9 SPAM filtering for many years now.  Will this older
program still work on a Win 7 64 bit machine?

Thanks for any and all comments, recommendations, etc. that you might
be able to offer!


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.44.2 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Critical Error?

2011-06-10 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Nick,

On Friday, June 03, 2011, at 1:44:58 AM PST, you wrote:

> OT: I fear for the future of our lovely e-mail program.

As do I, but I'm not even thinking about Iphone apps and such.

The most stable TB! version I've ever used was v2.12, which I held
onto for much longer than most people before "updating" (I
specifically refrain from using the term "upgrading").

Filtering and its associated options has become a true pain, where
before it was very powerful, and everything worked as expected. System
resource usage also seems to become more cumbersome as each new
version is released. Since moving on to v4.x, I've submitted bug
issues, and have received totally unsatisfactory responses...until
they just stopped responding at all. No solutions.

I'll keep using TB!, as I do still like it more than most other email
clients I've tried or used, but will now always be wary of "updating".
Also, very unfortunately, I'm much more reluctant to recommend TB! to
new users (just not reliable enough anymore). There was a time when I
sent all sorts of new customers to Ritlabs. That's just not the case


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.44.2 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Reply template ignored in a folder

2010-07-08 Thread Melissa Reese

On Thursday, July 08, 2010, at 12:23:50 PM PST, you wrote:

>> I've got one folder where The Bat seems to completely ignore the
>> Reply template - it seems to use account default reply template.

> Is that for replies to all addresses? I ask because if it's just one
> address, it could be a reply template in the address book entry for
> that address (and there could be multiple address book entries for
> one address, so check them all).

Perhaps I should start a new, more specific thread for this, but I
guess it's also a reply template issue...

A little while ago, I complained of "select text to quote/F4"
procedure being ignored, and the entire original message being quoted
instead.  I think I've narrowed it down to this:

I receive a PGP/MIME encrypted message.  If I perform the "select text
to quote/F4" procedure on any part of this (before decryption)...

"This is a PGP encrypted message. Click the security button to
decrypt/verify it"

...the selection and quoted text works as expected.  However, if I
then decrypt the message, and the decrypted message is now in its own
"tab", the "select text to quote/F4" method does not work at all, and
the entire message is quoted in the reply.

Something is wrong with this reply quotation handling.  I consider
this a bug.


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Version 4 is causing frustration at every turn!

2010-06-29 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Marek,

On Tuesday, June 29, 2010, at 4:49:09 AM PST, you wrote:

> what viewer (plaintext/richtext) and editor (microed/windows
> editor/html editor) do You use? I have using plaintext viewer with
> microed editor and had no problem ever.

I've always used only plain text, with microed editor.  For some
reason, this particular time, select text/F4 worked!  And yet...

In another folder, with the very same reply template, it's still not
working (it's still quoting entire original message). And then in
others, it will quote the selected text, but with some additional text
that wasn't selected (usually a few of the lines above the selected

>> 3) Where did the "Edit Shortcuts" option go? The "Help" file still
>> insists that it can be found at "View/Edit Shortcuts", but it's not
>> there, and I can't seem to find it anywhere else.

> in View | Toolbars | Customise and second tab Shortcuts

Thanks.  It certainly wasn't described this way in the "Help" file:

"The Shortcut Editor is available in most of The Bat!'s non-modal
windows (such as main window, separate message browser, address book,
message editor) - you can invoke it by using the View|Edit Shortcuts
menu command of any of such window."

And still, no solution to the auto-response filter issue.

Thanks for your quick reply and help!


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Version 4 is causing frustration at every turn!

2010-06-29 Thread Melissa Reese

I'm not having a very good time with this new version of TB!  It could
just be that I haven't yet figured out some basic changes; or, it's
simply not working as it should.  I hope someone can assure me that
it's the former, and steer me in the right direction...

1) After an unsatisfactory support ticket experience, I'm still unable
to get a simple auto-response filter to work. The ticket was abruptly
closed...without a solution.

2) Selecting text in a message I wish to reply to, and hitting the F4
key no longer creates a reply message with just the selected text
quoted. Instead, the entire message is quoted. I tried finding a macro
that might help in a reply template, but so far, no satisfaction.

3) Where did the "Edit Shortcuts" option go? The "Help" file still
insists that it can be found at "View/Edit Shortcuts", but it's not
there, and I can't seem to find it anywhere else.

While this new version "looks" somewhat polished, it's not working
very well for me.  At this point, I'm beginning to expect the
unexpected, and not in a happy way.  Help!


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TheBat.Net/Gmail issue (aka: continuing "curiosity killed the cat" mode)

2010-06-22 Thread Melissa Reese

On Tuesday, June 22, 2010, at 10:59:53 AM PST, you wrote:

> I tried deleting one of the four equifax entries from my trusted
> root address book; I got the same error as you for both gmail and
> yahoo. When I re-imported that certificate, the error went away. The
> entry concerned is "Equifax Equifax Secure Certificate Authority"
> and the certificate serial number is 35DEF4CF.

Thank you!  Problem solved!  Here's where I found it :



PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TheBat.Net/Gmail issue (aka: continuing "curiosity killed the cat" mode)

2010-06-22 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Jenny,

On Monday, June 21, 2010, at 11:52:19 PM PST, you wrote:

> I've been using GMAIL for years in The Bat! without problems Check
> the gmail settings instructions and tick the appropriate
> authentication box and you should be in business. In Account
> properties, Transport, Authentication I have 'perform SMTP
> authentication (RFC 2554)' ticked

Been there, done that.

> you also have to enable POP / IMAP

Been there, done that too.

>  see also


I've followed all these instructions for both accounts.

I have two gmail accounts. One is a "regular" gmail account
("") that I've had for a long time (but hardly use because of
this ongoing issue), and my new "" account that I just
started. Both suffer from the same issue. I've done quite a bit of
Googling on this (oh, the irony!), and it seems I'm not the only one
dealing with this issue.  I've also installed all the CA Certs I
supposedly need, and still, no satisfaction.

Any other ideas?  Thanks!


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TheBat.Net/Gmail issue (aka: continuing "curiosity killed the cat" mode)

2010-06-21 Thread Melissa Reese

I realize it's bad form to reply to myself, and I apologize, but I
have some additional information...

On Monday, June 21, 2010, at 12:46:27 PM PST, I wrote:

> Checking and sending email both work, but first, I have to deal with
> these "Unknown CA Certificate" messages:



> Is there a specific certificate I can download and install that will
> solve the problem? Obviously, having to click "OK" on these dialog
> boxes every time I wish to send or receive email is a major
> buzzkill. Indeed, it makes the email account pretty useless.

I'm currently testing an installation of Thunderbird v3 for a friend,
so decided to see what would happen there with this same account
installed. I did receive a certificate error, but Thunderbird gave me
the option to accept a "permanent exception" to the usual CA
certificate rule:

If there's no other solution, is there any way to make such an
exception in The Bat's handling of this issue?


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

TheBat.Net/Gmail issue (aka: continuing "curiosity killed the cat" mode)

2010-06-21 Thread Melissa Reese

Out of curiosity, I decided to try a (Gmail) account.
Then I ran into an issue that I think needs solving...

Checking and sending email both work, but first, I have to deal with
these "Unknown CA Certificate" messages:

Is there a specific certificate I can download and install that will
solve the problem? Obviously, having to click "OK" on these dialog
boxes every time I wish to send or receive email is a major buzzkill.
Indeed, it makes the email account pretty useless.


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Auto-respond filter not working

2010-06-21 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Miguel,

On Monday, June 21, 2010, at 2:02:55 AM PST, you wrote:

> I you are willing to open a bug report, I will add a note with my
> findings.

Thank you for your testing and confirmation of the issue. I will open
a bug report today sometime (can't right now, as I'm just about out
the door for several hours). I may also see another possible issue
with the filtering system; but more on this after I have a chance to
do some more testing.

Thanks again!


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Auto-respond filter not working

2010-06-17 Thread Melissa Reese

On Thursday, June 17, 2010, at 2:47:39 AM PST, you wrote:

> There are two different issues here: the fact that auto-reply is not 
> sent immediately and the fact that no reply at all is generated.

One more issue to confuse matters...

After several hours (seems quite random), some replies were generated
and sent (a small batch at a time). Still not as many messages as the
test attempts, but they just seemed to appear and send themselves
whenever they felt like it; many hours later.

> Let's get to the second one first. Are you sure that the filter was 
> 'tested' and 'not triggered'? You can see this in the statistics tab of
> the filter and in the log.

Yes, I've been watching the statistics tab. Now, with many more tests
(with two different filters), I have a 20% and 3.7% "trigger" rate
(the greater the number of test attempts, the lower the "trigger"
rate), and the "send" rate is still far lower than the number of
messages just sitting in the outbox ("triggered", but never sent).

> - If the filter was tested and not triggered, what are the conditions in
> the filter?

Here's an example of what I'm testing.  I start with a mailto link:

Then, to be as specific--and basic--as I can in the filter, here are
the conditions:

"Subject" "is" "test auto reply"
"AND" "Text" "is" "test auto reply"


"This filter is active"

Send generated messages: "Immediately"

> - Id the filter was not even tested, do you have any other Incoming
> filters that may have triggered first avoiding the test of the
> auto-responder? If so, do you have any of these filers NOT set to
> 'continue processing with other filters' in the options tab?

I've checked all this, and even moved my two test filters to the top
of the incoming filter list. No better luck.


PGP Public Key:

TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Auto-respond filter not working

2010-06-17 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Mica,

On Thursday, June 17, 2010, at 12:36:14 AM PST, you wrote:

> I have a quite fine idea, but feel it will not be very "popular";
> namely back to version 2.12. Why changing something that's working
> fine.

Now and again, my curiosity demands a bit of attention; hence my
sudden jump from v2 to v4. I do find this new version interesting, so
while an issue like this can be frustrating, since it's not absolutely
essential for me at the moment, I'm willing to see if it can be sorted
out within a reasonable bit of time. Thanks, however, for offering
your opinion! :)


TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Auto-respond filter not working

2010-06-16 Thread Melissa Reese

I've set up an auto-respond filter, but it's not working. Though I set
it to send the reply immediately, in five test attempts, it only
created the reply message once, and instead of sending it immediately
as specified in the filter, it just put a copy in the Outbox (and
never sent).

In the four other identical tests, nothing at all happened (no
reply message was even created).

I've just recently "upgraded" to v4 (from my trusty old v2.12), and
this is the first time I've attempted to use the auto-responder in
this version. Never had this problem in v2.

Any ideas?  Thanks!


TB! v4.2.36.4 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Saving messages?

2009-08-14 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Susanne,

On Friday, August 14, 2009, at 10:13:17 AM PST, you wrote:

> What I'm looking for is a bulk way of saving several hundred
> messages as txt files in a windows folder.

I know that TB! can do a great deal, and you may well find the prefect
solution within TB!, however, there are other options as well...

For years, I've been using a handy program called "Mailbag Assistant"
for email archiving/search/parsing/etc., and it has worked very well.
I now see that the same software company (Fookes) has developed
another email archiving/exporting/email format conversion program
called "Aid4Mail", which looks very interesting, and perhaps it's just
what you're looking for (both Mailbag Assistant and Aid4Mail support
TB! message formats):


TB! v2.12.04 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Migrate folder tree w/filters from one account to another?

2009-08-03 Thread Melissa Reese

I've been away for a while, and I'm just getting back to setting up my
old Bat.  I've been using one account for the past week, but I'm
having problems with it, and decided to use a different account.  The
problem is that I built a large folder tree with both incoming and
outgoing filters in the account I'd like to abandon, and I'd like, if
possible, to simply move all these folders and their corresponding
filters to the new account.  Would this be possible?  Or must I build
the entire thing from scratch in the new account?

I realize that at the very least I'll have to go into the filters and
change the email addresses, but if I can at least move all the folders
and the basic filters in one graceful movement that would be



TB! v2.12.04 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Eek! Password protected account causes "not responding" Bat!

2007-02-20 Thread Melissa Reese

Sorry for replying to myself, but...

On Tuesday, February 20, 2007, at 12:43:09 AM PST, I wrote:

> Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Never mind. :-)  I've managed to get into the account, and I've
deleted the disagreeable password.  All is well. :-)


TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 3.95.08 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Eek! Password protected account causes "not responding" Bat!

2007-02-20 Thread Melissa Reese

Yesterday, I was playing around with the password protection on a
couple of accounts.  Both worked just fine the first few times I
opened them since.  Now, however, one of these accounts (happens to be
my main account) causes my Bat to freeze after I enter the password,
and the program is then in "not responding" mode.  I'd very much like
to get into this account, and I don't really care about keeping the
password protection on it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 3.95.08 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Account password problem; locked out!

2005-04-05 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Mica,

On Tuesday, April 05, 2005, at 4:05:04 PM PST, you wrote:

>> I've created an encrypted volume (PGPdisk), and the entire "MAIL"
>> folder is now contained on this volume, and TB! can only access it
>> when the volume is mounted.

> The pretty same setting I have here, although I keep both TB and
> (separately) Mail folder on a such disk. Although I am a bit
> surprised since I thought that you already practise similar
> strategy, ...

I usually do, but a few months ago, my PGP seemed to be acting a bit
peculiar, so I moved the mail folder to another location while I
sorted out the PGP problem. Naturally, I have no decent excuse for why
it took me so long to get back to it, so I'll offer a moderately lame
excuse instead. I've been too busy for my brain! :-)


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Account password problem; locked out!

2005-04-05 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Mica,

On Tuesday, April 05, 2005, at 1:45:42 PM PST, you wrote:

> This also made me to "forget" about any more serious
> security/privacy of such a sort of "protection", since actually all
> this mail of yours is *accessible* to anyone all the time,
> obviously, just by applying the method above.

Thanks! Considering the above, I decided to go about it in a different
way. :-)

I've created an encrypted volume (PGPdisk), and the entire "MAIL"
folder is now contained on this volume, and TB! can only access it
when the volume is mounted.

My computer is going to the doctor tomorrow for some upgrades and
maintenance work, and even though I trust the guy who will do the
work, I thought I would do this just to be safe (and I've been
thinking about doing this for a long time anyway).

Thanks again! :-)


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Account password problem; locked out!

2005-04-05 Thread Melissa Reese

This has never happened to me before, but it has now, and it's a major

I tried to password protect one of my accounts, and ever since I
applied the password, whenever I try to open the account and type in
the password, TB! stops responding! (after typing the password, then
"OK"). I'm running TB! v2.12.00, and until this moment, it has given
me no such trouble.

Any help you can offer would be appreciated.  The account in question
is my "main, personal" account, and I really need to get into it.



PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Anti Virus S/W

2005-04-03 Thread Melissa Reese

On Sunday, April 03, 2005, at 2:16:42 PM PST, I wrote:

> While *never opening any attachments* will indeed keep one
> "relatively safer" than if one were to *never* open any attachment,

Oops! That didn't turn out as intended. I should have written
something like...

> While *never opening any attachments* will indeed keep one
> "relatively safer" than if one were to open any attachments,

Sorry about that! :-)


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Anti Virus S/W

2005-04-03 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Alexander,

On Sunday, April 03, 2005, at 1:47:23 PM PST, you wrote:

>> If you don't open attachments, and you configure your browser to
>> disallow active content, and you block all incoming ports that are
>> a potential security risk (you can essentially block _all_ ports on
>> a PC that is used only as a client machine), you can be safe, with
>> or without an A/V product

> You really believe this, do you? Ever heard of the average "Joe
> User"? :-)

Do you excuse a bad driver just because they might not know what a red
light means? Or do you feel it's the driver's responsibility to keep
themselves informed of such potentially useful (indeed, essential)
bits of knowledge?

In the greater scheme of things, it really doesn't matter what one
chooses to believe.  What matters is learning how to use the tools we
choose to use.

It is unfortunate that we have to be so concerned with various
security and privacy issues, but since these tools (PCs with their OSs
and other software) are not entirely safe and/or secure *out of the
box* with regards to what might come in to them, invited or not, from
the Internet, I still *believe* that there's no real substitute for a
bit of end user education.

No amount of protective software will eliminate the necessity to learn
something that is necessary to learn. Since our lack of knowledge and
vigilance *can*, and obviously *does* affect others in negative ways,
being willing to learn a thing or two is not just for your own
benefit, but for the benefit of others as well. In that sense, it is
our *responsibility* to learn how to most effectively and "safely" use
these tools we insist upon using.

As far as Anthony's one particular comment above goes...

>> If you don't open attachments,

...I have mixed feelings if a small caveat is not appended. While
*never opening any attachments* will indeed keep one "relatively
safer" than if one were to *never* open any attachment, if the
admonition to not open *any* attachment is taken too literally, the
usefulness of the Internet in this respect can be somewhat diminished
for the end user.

I send and receive "attachments" all the time, and it *can* be a very
convenient *and safe* way to obtain and share various types of files.
Again, the "safe" exchange of attached files of any sort depends upon
how much a person is willing to learn about the potential dangers of
opening certain types of files; whether they be attached to an email
or downloaded in some other way.


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Anti Virus S/W

2005-04-03 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Rich,

On Sunday, April 03, 2005, at 9:25:09 AM PST, you wrote:

> Is anyone here running more than one A/V product on their PCs?

> It has always been a no-no to do this but the threats out there and
> the coverage any one product may be able to protect against almost
> seem to demand it!

The one thing that's getting very little mention here is the concept
of "careful practices" above and beyond any particular choice of AV/AT
and other types of "protective" software. This involves a
multi-layered approach involving the careful selection of software
(email/news clients, browsers, etc.), "safe" configurations of said
software, and enough sense to know what not to click on, download,
etc. regardless of what any AV/AT software might or might not have to
say about it.

What the situation really "demands" is a bit of end user education,
and there's just no way around it; regardless of how many bits of
AV/AT software someone might want to run concurrently (or even having
only one running on-access and the other just being available for
on-demand scanning).

If someone is either very determined to infect their machine, or
simply clueless in the realm of prevention, even the "best" AV/AT
software can eventually let something slip by.

> I am considering running side by side nod32 & AVG...

At best, that's useless overkill in my view (I also still have
questions as to AVG's overall quality). As far as *anti-virus* goes,
NOD32 alone should be enough (see again my comments above concerning
"careful practices"). Trojans are another issue, and even with a great
AV like NOD32, I still feel a little better running BOClean alongside
(these two do not conflict, as they work on different levels, and in
different ways).


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Anti Virus S/W

2005-04-01 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Jeff,

On Friday, April 01, 2005, at 2:05:22 AM PST, you wrote:

> Has anybody any recommendations for an effective A/V product that
> will work unobtrusively in the background and check my incoming
> email?

I'm always happy to recommend NOD32. It's fast, accurate, and even on
not very powerful machines, it's very resource friendly. I've used it
for almost four years now, and it has always been very stable and
trouble free. It also scans incoming POP3 without any special setup.
If you're interested, here's the URL:


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Thinking about v3

2005-03-10 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Mica,

On Monday, March 07, 2005, at 10:09:46 AM PST, you wrote:

> That's my contribution: if you use some "more complicated" or
> "unusual" filtering rules -- be careful.

This is something that concerns me, as over that past few years, I've
implemented more "complicated/convoluted" filter rules than I can
count or even remember. All I know is that they're working! :-)  I
had to dig into my filters and make some adjustments when I moved from
v1 to v2, and I'm wondering if I'll have to do the same if I now move
on to v3?

> I myself am waiting to see "what will happen" before I decide to buy
> a copy of a v3 using *my* name. The main reason of mine was
> "encryption on the fly", and I was already prepared to buy a "Secure
> Bat" but they entombed this form of the popular mammal, just in the
> moment when I pulled my wallet. Pity, since I do not need any
> additional features, as "hardware tokens" etcetera. Just a
> possibility to keep my mail in an encrypted form, while still using
> all the resources of a "standard" TB.

I share some of the same concerns here as well. I also don't use IMAP,
the HTML editor, Rich Text Viewer, or "smileys", so I'm mainly
concerned with keeping my email management as stable and trouble free
as possible. So far, v2.12.00 has worked brilliantly for me, and I'm
just a bit wary of moving on to the next major version "just because
it's there". I will at least try to learn more about the new filtering
system before I make up my mind.

Being a bit more conservative these days about using "bleeding edge"
software, and since TB! development seems to move at a pretty fast
pace in certain areas, I guess I'll continue to monitor v3.x from a
distance to see if anyone encounters any real "show stopper" problems,
or can demonstrate any real advantages that I just couldn't live
without. I'm all for supporting TB! development by upgrading, and I'm
sure that someday I will again upgrade, but I'm just so happy with how
my 2.x version is working for me now that I'm a little reluctant to
mess with it. :-)

My mother is still using v1.62r, and when v2 was released (and also
v3), I told her about it, but she's even more afraid than I am to try
something "new and improved"; especially while she's still coming to
grips with v1! (which, if you know how my mother gets along with
computers in general, is pretty impressive already!). :-)


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Thinking about v3

2005-03-06 Thread Melissa Reese

In the past, I was always eager to jump to the latest versions of
software as soon as they were released. Lately, I've become a bit more
conservative; especially when a version I'm currently using is stable
and working well for me. Now, finally, I'm thinking about TB! v3.

Is the current release version (non-beta) stable and fully functional?
Are there any known issues that I should be aware of?



PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problems with GnupG and PGP integration

2005-03-02 Thread Melissa Reese

On Wednesday, March 02, 2005, at 4:43:42 PM PST, you wrote:

> I cannot verify Melissa's messages because I don't have the keys

Did you see the URL in my signature? :-)

> but the rest of this thread all check out OK here, using PGP8.1

By the way, the message of David's that Mica found to be "Bad" was
"Good" here; using PGP 8.1 to verify.


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problems with GnupG and PGP integration

2005-03-02 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi David,

On Wednesday, March 02, 2005, at 11:40:13 AM PST, you wrote:

> Upgrade to the 1.4.1rc2, it fixes that problem.

Hee hee! I just sent you an off-list message relating the interesting,
yet disturbing experience of installing this new version of GnuPG.
Problems went way beyond simple TB! integration issues, hence the
off-list reply. :-)


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Problems with GnupG and PGP integration

2005-03-02 Thread Melissa Reese

I'm having problems with both GnuPG and PGP with regards to
integration with TB! The problems are more severe with GnuPG, so I'll
start with that.  Please note that I'm still using TB! v2.12.00.  I'm
using GnuPG v1.4.0, and PGP v8.1.

Here's what happens when I try to verify a simple inline clear
signature using the TB! integration with GnuPG:

gpg: conversion from `utf-8' to `CP0' not available

If I use the GPGtray HotKeys (GPGshell v3.32) to perform the
verification function on the same message, all is well, and GnuPG
shows no error.

I get the same error if I try to use any of the PGP/MIME options with
GnuPG as well.  Just after asking for my passphrase (for signing),
I'll get this error again:

gpg: conversion from `utf-8' to `CP0' not available

I can get no further than that.  So, for the moment, GnuPG integration
with TB! seems to be entirely useless to me.

Now, with PGP integration:

This works, in general. However, I'm having a problem getting it to
create a PGP/MIME encrypted message. PGP/MIME signing and verification
is no problem, but if I try to use the on-the-fly "privacy" options to
enable a PGP/MIME signed *and* encrypted message, it will only produce
an inline signed/encrypted message.

Now, if I instead use these macros in a template...


...PGP/MIME works as expected, creating a fully PGP/MIME
signed/encrrypted message. So, why does this work using macros in a
template, but the very same options chosen on-the-fly in the message
editor creates inline instead of PGP/MIME messages?

Any ideas on both GnuPG and PGP problems will be appreciated.  Thanks!


PGP public keys:

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: need NOD32 plug-in source

2005-02-25 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Marek,

On Friday, February 25, 2005, at 5:46:19 AM PST, you wrote:

Mikus>> Which version of installed NOD32 components do You use?
Mikus>> 2.12.3?

> 2.12.2 and actually I didn't know there's a newer version available.
> Will check that out.

I don't feel any need to use the nod32 plug-in, but I don't think the
difference between v2.12.2 and 2.12.3 should really make a difference
with regards to the plug-in.

Since I noticed that my v2.12.2 didn't update itself to v2.12.3 via
the internal update function, I wrote to Eset, and here was their
response (14 February):

The current version (2.12.3) came out about a month ago. The only
thing that was changed from 2.12.2 was that a couple of websites had
trouble opening with the default settings. It didn't come as a
component update, but had to be downloaded completely. As this
affected very few people, we didn't mention it to everyone, as we will
be having a major program update within a couple of weeks. As this
will also have to be retrieved by downloading the entire program, we
felt the easiest way not mention the minor update, unless the user was
experiencing the connection problem.

As soon as this next update is available, you'll receive a pop-up
notifying you of it's release.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Add Begin PGP signature

2005-02-14 Thread Melissa Reese

On Monday, February 14, 2005, at 12:57:39 PM PST, you wrote:

> Will this list be able to help me with thebat?
> I feel so near the answer on that :/

Yes, as many of the subscribers to that list are Bat users. :-)


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Remote Images in HTML mail?

2005-02-05 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Alexander,

On Saturday, February 05, 2005, at 2:08:06 AM PST, you wrote:

>>> This and HTML mail as standard when you start a new mail.

>> No, sorry, this would let many people go away.

> Should be made configurable. Whats the problem with a switch that
> defines the default editor?

There already is:

Options | Preferences | Viewer/Editor | Default Message Text Editor

I'm still using v2.x, but I see this option already exists.


PGP public keys:
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TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Remote Images in HTML mail?

2005-02-04 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi David,

On Friday, February 04, 2005, at 8:20:02 PM PST, you wrote:

> Is there a way to make TB! display remote images in an HTML mail for
> email that we know is safe? Say from like or
> I'm trying to convince a friend of mine to switch over to TB!

I don't think you can download images directly into the message pane,
but you should be able to open the attached HTML document into a
browser if you really want to see all the images.


PGP public keys:
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TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: The actuality of starting using PGP

2005-01-29 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Leif,

On Saturday, January 29, 2005, at 3:51:01 PM PST, you wrote:

JJ>> Not so. You do not need the sender's key to read an encrypted
JJ>> e-mail, because it will be encrypted to the recipient public key.
JJ>> The recipient only needs his own private key.

> Depends on how you encrypt it. If you encrypt a message using your
> own secret key, then people would use your public key to decrypt it.
> This is useful if you want to encrypt a message only to keep it from
> casual eyes.

No, that's not quite right.

A "public key" is never used to decrypt an encrypted message. Only the
holder of the private (secret) key and its corresponding passphrase
can decrypt a message encrypted to the corresponding public key.

There is a method of signing that is not "clear signing", and it's
called "ascii armoring". It *looks like* it's encrypted, but it's not.
In that case, anyone with PGP or GnuPG using the "decrypt & verify"
function will convert the message back to clear text at the same time
the signature is verified (providing that the public key of the signer
is present on the recipient's public keyring).

Again though, the only way to decrypt an *encrypted* message is with
one's own private key and passphrase, and the message must be
encrypted using the corresponding public key. A single message can
also be encrypted to several different public keys, so that each
holder of the corresponding private keys can decrypt it using their
own private key/passphrase.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Is it possible to change folder locations?

2005-01-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Darrin,

On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, at 8:34:53 PM PST, you wrote:

> I wish to move folders under the account tree to different
> locations. Is this possible?

You can also "drag and drop" to move folders around.  The following is
from the help files [Folder Tree] section:

To re-position a folder within the account's hierarchy, press and hold
the Alt key and then use drag-and-drop to move the desired folder.
This will move a folder next to the folder onto which it is dropped in
the account folder tree. To drop a folder into another folder and make
it appear as a sub-folder, use  while dragging the folder.

Alternatively use the  keys to move folders up,
down, in and out within the tree structure.

PGP public keys:
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TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB & K9

2005-01-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Mike,

On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, at 8:59:54 PM PST, you wrote:

> It makes sense. I have deleted the folder several times, recreated
> it it with varying names to no avail...

I'm still using TB! v2.12, and I see that you're using v3.  I don't
know if there's some peculiar about the particular build of v3 you're
using either.

By the way, the SPAM folder I created is a "common folder".  Is this
the way you created your Junk folder as well?

I'm really just grasping at straws here, because I can't seem to
reproduce the problem.  Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Good luck sorting it out!


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB & K9

2005-01-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Mike,

On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, at 2:14:59 PM PST, you wrote:

> Has anybody else seen any of these behaviors before?

I have no idea if this should make any difference, but are you by
chance using the "Junk mail" folder that TB! creates for use with the
BayesIt plug-in?

When I set up my K9, I just created a fresh "SPAM" folder for K9
designated spam, and I've never seen any of the behavior you've

Again, I don't know if my speculations about folders makes any sense


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Xray - How to filter?

2005-01-19 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Alexander,

On Wednesday, January 19, 2005, at 12:35:32 PM PST, you wrote:

> Plug in the POP3 module, plug out the IMAP module, the mailchat
> module, the HTML editor module... :-)

You forgot to unplug the "smiley" module as well! :-)


PGP public keys:
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TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Mailwasher Pro

2005-01-17 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi John,

On Sunday, January 16, 2005, at 12:55:58 PM PST, you wrote:

> IMO K9 is the best of the lot, and free as well.

I use K9 as well, and I'm very happy with it. Just out of curiosity, I
recently tried the latest version of the BayesIt plug-in, but I got
tired of moving good emails back to their proper folders during the
initial training (got too frustrated with this, so I just removed it
and continued to use K9, which is now working at about 99.5% accuracy,
with no false positives).


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

"Park" column width mysteriously resizes itself

2005-01-15 Thread Melissa Reese

I'm trying to help someone who is still using TB! v1.62r, and I
thought I'd run this by the real TB! experts before I get back to her
tomorrow.  This is the first time this person has noticed this

Apparently all by itself, the "Park" column of the message index
resizes itself periodically.  It becomes very wide, and has to be
resized to its original width. This only happens to the account's main
"Inbox", and not to any of the user created folder views.

When she resizes it manually (click & drag), it stays that way for a
while, then becomes ridiculously wide again after a while.

Tomorrow when I speak to her again, I was thinking of suggesting that
she go into the "Message List Columns" options to try and reset the
width of that column from there. I'm hoping that this will work, but
since this is such a peculiar problem, I thought I'd ask here to see
if anyone else has experienced this, and if what I'm thinking of would
might solve it. Any ideas would be appreciated.



PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Caching Phasprhases PGP 8 VS the Bat

2004-07-01 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Kirys,

On Thursday, July 01, 2004, at 1:15:17 AM PST, you wrote:

> It seems that if i enable phassphrase caching into pgp 8, the bat
> implementation for pgp stops working.

I can't confirm the problem here. I usually don't cache my passphrase,
but I just now tried it out, and everything is working. I sent several
types of messages to myself (clear signed, signed and encrypted,
PGP/MIME signed, PGP/MIME signed and encrypted). Signing and
decryption worked as expected with the cached passphrase.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.  I know how frustrating it can be
when you have a problem, and others can't reproduce it in order to
find a reason or solution.  Hopefully someone else will have some
ideas for you.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Anti-spam plugins and TB!

2004-06-24 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Nick,

On Thursday, June 24, 2004, at 2:40:06 PM PST, you wrote:

> Still working out some issues with TB! v2. Does v2 come with an
> anti-spam plug-in by default? Specifically one that would add to the
> subject line "intercepted as spam" any message it found as
> suspicious?

I know that the BayesIT plug-in works with TB!, but since I use
something else (K9 proxy), I'm not familiar with how BayesIT works.

With K9, there's a choice of having K9 put [Spam] in the subject line
of suspected email, or "X-Text-Classification: spam" added to the
headers. These can be used as filtering that messages
classified as spam can be placed in a spam folder (I use a single
"common" folder for spam from all my accounts).

Perhaps someday when I feel like messing around, I'll try the BayesIT
plug-in, but for now, I'm very happy with K9.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: please focus on fundamental features such as search...

2004-06-18 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Samson,

On Friday, June 18, 2004, at 4:45:59 PM PST, you wrote:

> "search mail" is a good example. even today, it is still impossible
> to find a msg with combined conditions.

I generally have no trouble finding particular messages with the
current search capabilities, but for more thorough searching of mail
and archives, I use "Mailbag Assistant" from Fookes Software. With
this, you can search current or archived mail databases on any of
several criteria, and also view separately various aspects of the
found messages. I think Mailbag Assistant is great! :-) Here's the
site if you're iterested:


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Newbie seeking advice :-)

2004-06-14 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Tony,

On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 12:54:29 PM PST, you wrote:

> Any settings I should look for specifically?

Allie's suggestion is, of course, the first essential setting to
enable.  After that, you can either use the PGP related macros in
templates (for customizing how PGP deals with certain recipients by
default), and/or use the "Privacy" menu options on-the-fly from the
message editor.

Aside from these basic options and settings, I couldn't find any
unusual tweaks I had to perform in order to get the PGP integration
working well here.

Kevin Coates wrote up very detailed guide to using the TB/PGP
integration. I do have a copy of it in my files, so if you want it, I
can send it along via private email.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Newbie seeking advice :-)

2004-06-14 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Tony,

On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 12:54:29 PM PST, you wrote:

> I just 'ask' TB! to decrypt.
> Probably some setting but I have no idea where to look.
> Any settings I should look for specifically?

I'm going to have to get back to you on this, because I need to go out
and run some errands soon. As far as I know, I haven't had to make any
peculiar tweaks to the integration to get it working as it is for me,
but I'll come back tonight and look at my settings to see if I can
find anything helpful.

> I want to get v8 working because of PGPdisk

I use PGPdisk as well, and it's definitely one of the reasons I'm not
just using GnuPG exclusively on this machine.

MR>> If we want to continue this aspect of the discussion, perhaps we
MR>> should move it to TBOT before the fish start flying. :-)

> Is that a separate list?

Yes.  It's the "The Bat! Off Topic" list.  Here's the direct
subscription mailto:



PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Newbie seeking advice :-)

2004-06-14 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Tony,

On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 11:49:09 AM PST, you wrote:

> Unfortunately that integration doesn't work. Or maybe I should say I
> can't get it to work.

That is peculiar, as it does work as expected here.

> Encrypting/signing/decryption all work.
> When I decrypt PGP wants to save to file.
> Real integration would be that it replaces the encrypted text with
> the plain text. Without loosing quotes/formatting etc.

As I just said above, PGP v8 integration does work as expected here.
I have no idea why it's asking you to "save to file".  Are you trying
to use the PGP options from "PGPtray" when you're using TB!?  Or are
you actually using the integration?  There is a difference in how
these work.

> BTW as long as it works and handles modern ciphers it doesn't matter
> if it's PGP/OpenPGP/GPG/...

I use both PGP and GnuPG on my computer.  Let's get one thing sorted
out here.  *Both* PGP and GnuPG are based on the standard called
"OpenPGP" (and so is "Hushmail"...with Phil Zimmermann's help).
"OpenPGP" is not any sort of separate application beyond PGP and's merely the standard both are based upon.

I wrote:

MR>> With a program like PGP, deciding whether or not to use the latest
MR>> version is not just about's often about having the
MR>> latest security fixes as well.

Then you replied:

> Tell that on :-)
> Many there will not agree with you.

And many others there will agree with me. :-) I haven't had much time
lately to visit, but I've been a regular there for
several years. There are indeed those who will continue to prefer the
old 2.x versions, and again, those who mistrust any version after Phil
Zimmermann left NAI (then NAI subsequently sold PGP to "PGP
Corporation"), but I feel differently about these issues; as do
several other experienced PGP/GnuPG users (including many regular
participants at

Most end-users of PGP are not capable of evaluating the source code of
PGP, so they still have to trust someone...or at least trust the idea
that if the source code is available for peer review, "someone" is out
there pouring over it, and will let the rest of us know if/when they
find any problems (vulnerabilities, backdoors, etc.). The people who
formed the new "PGP Corporation" are actually the more trustworthy of
the former NAI employees who worked on PGP. I've corresponded over the
years with Phil Zimmermann and a few of the current PGP Corporation
people (while they were at NAI, and also after they formed "PGP
Corporation") enough to feel I can "trust" in their intentions with
regards to PGP's trustworthiness.

For someone like myself, who couldn't tell the difference between a
"backdoor" and a "bathtub" if I were to look at the source code, I
need to find other ways to "trust" the code; and I feel I've done all
I can to assure myself that it's okay for me to use.

If we want to continue this aspect of the discussion, perhaps we
should move it to TBOT before the fish start flying. :-)


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Newbie seeking advice :-)

2004-06-14 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Tony,

On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 9:52:01 AM PST, you wrote:

> Thanks for the link. No plugins for PGP v8.x
> So I installed PGP 6.5.x :)

Oops!  Not a good idea!

Firstly, since TB has built-in *integration* with PGP v8.x, there's no
need for a plug-in. :-)

Secondly, PGP v6.5.8 does not have some of the vulnerability fixes
that are included in v8.x, so unless there's a really good reason why
you can't use v8.x, it's usually best to use the latest version.

With a program like PGP, deciding whether or not to use the latest
version is not just about's often about having the
latest security fixes as well.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: List of reply addresses

2004-06-13 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Peter,

On Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 8:56:56 AM PST, you wrote:

> This should have been preview pane, sorry...

Um...don't you mean "header pane" (or "header bar"?) instead? I may be
confused here, but I've always considered the "preview pane" to be
just the window with the message in it, and that "bar" just above it
(between the message index/list and preview pane) with all the
selected header information in it to be the "header pane" or "header

By the way...when I'm reading a list message, and use the "Ctrl+F4"
shortcut, the reply is addressed to the original sender - not to the
list - just as intended with Ctrl+F4.

However, on a list where I need to hard code the list address as the
default "reply to" in a folder template, Ctrl+F4 doesn't work to send
the reply to the original sender instead.  What I use in this case is
a quick template like this:


Once I select the text I want to quote, then hit "F4", I just type the
quick template's handle and the "To" address is changed from the hard
coded list address to the original sender's address.  This is slightly
clumsy, but it works.  I guess I could try to be a little less lazy
and figure out a new method for this that would just require a single
keyboard combination after selecting the text to quote. :-)


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Possible with template?

2004-06-13 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Roelof,

On Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 1:03:06 PM PST, you wrote:

> You can see the account name used in the status at the bottom of the
> edit screen.

And with this indicator in the status bar, one can right click on the
account name, and choose any other account to become the sending
account for the particular message in question.

All the other categories shown in the status bar can be right-clicked
and changed on-the-fly as well.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Access Violation

2004-06-13 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Tony,

On Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 12:54:48 AM PST, you wrote:

> I assume TB! uses MSIE' engine to render the pages; so maybe that
> conficts..?

Eek! Please don't assume such a horrible thing! :-) One of TB!'s many
strengths is that it uses its own HTML rendering engine.  This is why
it's not vulnerable to "web bugs" and other little nasties that might
be embedded in HTML.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Virus warning upon execution of mail download

2004-06-13 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi William,

On Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 12:52:08 AM PST, you wrote:

> I don't have this problem using NOD32 independently.

> It flags an incoming virus-laden message, I delete it, end of story.

I've been using NOD32 for a few years now (since v1.x), and I really
like the way v2 is working (no more need to configure that old POP3
scanner module). I don't use a TB! plug-in, and messages aren't
repeatedly downloaded to the temp folder. Once I delete an infected
message at the point NOD32 detects it (during new message download), I
delete it, and never hear from it again. :-)


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New Key & Checksum codes

2004-06-07 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Jack,

On Monday, June 07, 2004, at 1:18:40 PM PST, you wrote:

> What do I have to do to get new codes? Do I have to actually
> purchase TB! again?

Yes. There was a period of time when users of v1.x could get a
substantial discount when upgrading to v2.x. The new version has been
available for a while now, so I think that discount offer is no longer
in effect.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: OT: AV

2004-05-31 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Mike,

On Monday, May 31, 2004, at 3:08:05 PM PST, you wrote:

> So,no more Norton. I have two candidates to decide from:

> AVG or Kaspersky.

Of those two, I would favor Kaspersky.  However, I feel you'd be even
better off with NOD32 from Eset:


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Why should I use PGP ?

2004-05-30 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Cyrille,

On Friday, May 28, 2004, at 2:51:07 AM PST, you wrote:

> Why should I use PGP ?

I just noticed your message sitting here unanswered for a few days, so
perhaps I can mention a few reasons why you might want to use PGP
(though PGP integration is a part of The Bat!, if we go too much into
purely PGP issues, perhaps we could move this to the OT list). are a few reasons you might want to use PGP...

1) To protect your privacy via email, and in doing so, also protect
   the privacy of your correspondents. Basically, encryption allows
   you to put your email in an envelope rather than on a postcard.

   It's kind of amazing what people will put on an "email postcard",
   though they wouldn't dare put such things on a postcard to send
   through the post.

2) To give your email and document recipients a way to verify if
   messages, documents, and other files are really from you, and to
   also let them know if your signed documents or files have been
   altered or not since you signed them.

3) To use PGPdisk, or some other disk volume encryption tool to
   protect various local databases, programs, etc.

PGP, GnuPG, and various disk volume encryption tools can go a long way
in protecting our privacy in a digital environment that is, by
default, extremely insecure.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: ?subject= and spaces in it

2004-05-29 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi makc666,

On Saturday, May 29, 2004, at 12:42:13 AM PST, you wrote:

> Try yourself:
> &restrict=&exclude=&words=subject

In addition to what others here have said about this, I do find it
ironic that you're complaining about TB!'s handling of URLs when your
own email client has wrapped the long URL you posted here. In order to
even use it at all, I had to paste it into the text editor and
reconstruct it into one line.

Then, there are email clients that can't properly handle mailtos and
other URLs that use the proper "%20" space character. The "RFCs" are
attempts at standardization, so that a wide variety of software and
OSs can deal with common aspects of formatting when communicating with
each other. It seems therefore perfectly reasonable to me for software
developers to try and adhere to the RFCs when they write their code.

Perhaps developers like MS create "lenient" software because their own
software so routinely "breaks" the accepted standards in the first
place? Even if this seems convenient in some ways for users of their
software, I'm not so sure it's the best approach to these issues.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Challenge / reponse systems

2004-05-08 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Marck,

On Saturday, May 08, 2004, at 4:35:56 PM PST, you wrote:

MR>> least in the notices I've been sent from this "service",
MR>> the person using the service is identified (by name, but not by
MR>> email address).

> Erm - not quite. Take this message as an example? I have sent a
> message addressed to '"Melissa Reese on TBUDL"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'. Now, when RiskFreeMail challenge me,
> they will say:

> You recently sent a message to "Melissa Reese on TBUDL"

> How much use is that? None!

You're quite right...sorry for my confusion! And thanks for your
clarification!  :-)

All I've done so far in response to my "RiskFreeMail" challenges
generated from sending messages to the PGP-Basics lists was to post a
small rant at PGP-Basics-OT complaining about some people's (no
specifics) use of the "RiskFreeMail" service. :-)

I suppose in the case of a mail list, a more general ban on the use of
services like "RiskFreeMail" might be in order (just as you've already
put into motion). Hopefully, the people currently using the service -
or considering the use of it - will take note of such a list policy,
and act accordingly.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Challenge / reponse systems

2004-05-08 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Marck,

On Saturday, May 08, 2004, at 7:20:15 AM PST, you wrote:

> We have just been made aware of a service called "RiskFreeMail". One
> of our users is using them to filter mail. We don't know who and
> can't throw them off the list.

I've recently (more so now than before) been receiving these notices
from a few "RiskFreeMail" users (or, perhaps more accurately, from
"RiskFreeMail" on their behalf).

There is a "sender" address with [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain, and it
doesn't *seem* to have any personally identifying information in it,
but this is also in the Kluges of all these these notices:

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This should be easy enough to filter on.

However, each of the notices I receive do also tell me who the
"interested party" is. They look like this:

You recently sent a message to [user's name snipped]
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with a subject "[message subject
snipped]". To help cope with the ever increasing volume of junk
e-mails, I am using RiskFreeMail which has placed your message on

[the rest snipped]
= least in the notices I've been sent from this "service", the
person using the service is identified (by name, but not by email

I really don't like this sort of third party intervention that wants
me to jump through such silly hoops just to get a message through to
someone, or to some mail list especially. This sort of thing seems
especially useless if someone is already using an email client like
TB!, where there are plenty of ways to filter out unwanted email
without having to make others visit web sites to enter codes and such.

And who knows?...perhaps a "service" like "RiskFreeMail" could have
its own sinister ulterior motives; collecting email addresses of those
who "click here" to visit the site and enter the "code"?  They may
indeed help *their users* in some way, but how do I know that my email
address isn't being sold to someone else?


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Eek! A Bat HTML (hyperlink) question!

2004-05-01 Thread Melissa Reese

On Friday, April 30, 2004, at 10:46:28 PM PST, I wrote:

> I wonder if anyone would like to send me, via private email, a
> message formatted with HTML that includes such a hyperlink? Perhaps
> there's just something wrong with how my viewer is handling them?

Several of you were kind enough to send me "test messages" with your
"hyperlinks" included.  Since there were several of you, and I don't
have time at the moment to reply individually to each, this message
will have to serve as my "thank you" to all of you.  Thank you!

First, as a "plain text person" myself, I want to thank you for even
starting up the dreaded HTML editor at all in order to help me out. I
know how painful this can be.

Secondly...all your hyperlinks worked! However, I must include the
following caveat, though I'm not yet entirely sure if this is the only
thing that "fixed" it for me...

At the time I wrote my original query, I had just recently installed
TB! v2.10.03.  This was the version I was using while testing the HTML
editor and the "hyperlink" function. For an unrelated reason, between
that time and the time I tested the "hyperlinks" all of you sent to
me, I had rolled back my Bat to v2.10.01.

In subsequent testing of hyperlink creation/clicking in v2.10.01,
everything here seems to work as expected.  I can create hyperlinks in
the HTML editor, and when I send the test mail to myself, I can click
on them (single click), and they work as expected.

I may do a bit more testing between v2.10.01 and v2.10.03, just out of
masochistic curiosity, but for the moment, rolling back to the earlier
version of TB! seems to have addressed the "problem" I encountered
last night in my testing.

I'll pass this information on to my mom, and hopefully, in spite of
this working, she still won't be sending much of the "HTML email"
around! :-)

Thanks again for all your help!


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Eek! A Bat HTML (hyperlink) question!

2004-04-30 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Costas,

On Friday, April 30, 2004, at 10:24:52 PM PST, you wrote:

> I even tried preceding the URL with a space, but even then the
> hyperlink functions properly.

That's very peculiar. I wonder if anyone would like to send me, via
private email, a message formatted with HTML that includes such a
hyperlink? Perhaps there's just something wrong with how my viewer is
handling them? I'll also try to send a message like this to my mom, to
see if she can click on a hyperlink I create from here.

> By the way, there is a site, as I found out!

Hee hee! I had no idea! I guess I'll have to be more careful with my
"fake" URLs! :-)


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.03 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Eek! A Bat HTML (hyperlink) question!

2004-04-30 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Bill,

On Friday, April 30, 2004, at 6:53:08 PM PST, you wrote:

> I have a feeling that you may be typing the "text" in the "Link
> name" dialog, which is the "name" part of the tag, not the visible
> text.

No.  I actually did try it the way you described as well...first
typing the "text" in the message body, selecting it, then clicking on
the hyperlink button, and just putting the URL in the appropriate
space.  Even this technique didn't work for me.

Any other ideas?



PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.03 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Eek! A Bat HTML (hyperlink) question!

2004-04-30 Thread Melissa Reese

I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but I recently got my
mother to move from TB! v1.62 to v2.x.

Of course, this means that she's now interested in sending the
occasional HTML message (some of her friends really like this sort of
thing).  She has run into a problem, and I'm trying to help her figure
it has to do with the "Hyperlink" option in the HTML editor.

I've been doing a bit of testing in my own Bat, and I can't seem to
create a working link using the "hyperlink" button in the HTML editor.
Here's what I've been trying...

I click on the hyperlink button, type in the text that should be
visible, then type a URL in the space provided. When I close that
dialog box, the text shows up underlined in the message body. I send
the message to myself, and view it as HTML. When I move the mouse
pointer over the link, the little "hand" shows up as if it's a
clickable link, but when I click on it, nothing happens.

I've tried typing the URL in a couple of different ways:  and

Neither seems to work.

If I'm doing this incorrectly, can someone please show me the error of
my ways? Or, is there a known bug with the hyperlink option in the
HTML editor?


PS:  Sorry for helping someone to create "HTML email", but it's my
mom, and I want her to be happy.  I'll repent later. :-)


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.10.03 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Connection Centre and CPU usage

2004-03-27 Thread Melissa Reese
Hash: SHA1

Hi dAniel,

On Saturday, March 27, 2004, at 8:35:28 AM PST, you wrote:

> Sounds cool. Great idea, thanks for sharing. Probably useful for
> Melissa to track it down and I archived it myself in case I could
> need it. does look interesting.  When I get a chance later, I'll look
at it (thanks BWMarcotte for the tip!).

That said, I do seem to have stumbled upon the ultimate culprit (and I
do mean *stumbled*!), and if I'm remembering correctly, it may have
been one of the "not entirely necessary" processes that either my
nVidia graphics card or SB live 5.1 sound card installed, which
insisted on starting with Windows.

I used a program called "Windows Startup Inspector" to find the
process dependencies and disable the potentially offending

In any event, "rundll32.exe" is no longer constantly activated, and
I'm no longer having problems with "sluggish mouse syndrome" whenever
TB! checks for new mail. :-)

Thanks everyone!

- -- 

PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Connection Centre and CPU usage

2004-03-25 Thread Melissa Reese

On Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 7:26:51 PM PST, I wrote:

> This has *never* been a problem for me in the past, but recently, it
> has begun to happen. Whenever TB! is checking for new mail, while
> CPU usage does go up to 30% or so, it isn't until the very end of
> the process that it spikes up to 100%, and for a few moments, my
> mouse is virtually uncontrollable.

First, thanks to everyone who tried to help! I *seem* to have isolated
the culprit, but I'm unsure about how I should deal with it...

The apparent culprit here is "rundll32.exe" (Run DLL as an APP), found
in the ...\Windows\system32 folder (WinXP Home).

When I go into "EndItAll" and close the "rundll32.exe" process, I no
longer notice the annoying mouse strain mentioned in my original
message (quoted above), regardless of CPU usage "spikes" as the
Connection Centre does its thing. In fact, while "rundll32.exe" is not
running, I haven't noticed any unhappy side effects (not yet, anyway).

However, since I haven't yet tested doing many different things while
"rundll32.exe" is shut down, I may have just not run into any obvious
problems yet. I do remember, while doing certain things, my firewall
(Kerio Personal Firewall) will pop up and ask me if I want to allow
"Run DLL as an APP" in order to proceed to the next step of some

After Googling on "rundll32.exe", it does seem that this process has
its fingers in several different areas of "normal" operations, so I'm
not sure if it's okay to look for a way to disable the process
permanently. If, however, disabling this process under normal
operating conditions is not a problem, could someone explain to me
just how I might go about disabling it at startup?

I've looked in the "Control panel/administrative tools/services", and
haven't yet found it there (though I may just be missing something
obvious there, so I'll go back and look more carefully).

So...does anyone have suggestions with regards to this "rundll32.exe"



PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Connection Centre and CPU usage

2004-03-24 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Thomas,

On Wednesday, March 24, 2004, at 9:47:34 AM PST, you wrote:

> No suchs problem in the office, XP Pro with a fresh install of TB,
> only once upgraded to the current version. Oh, and the folders in
> the office are as large as the ones at home.

This is interesting. I think the last "fresh" installation of my TB!
was v1.62x, with updated versions installed on top of that, bringing
me up to my current v2.04.7. Perhaps I'll make a complete backup, then
un-install, then try a fresh install of v2.04.7, then restore
everything from the backup.

Before I try that, I would appreciate any comments or hints anyone
might have about this procedure, as I really don't want to lose my
several account settings, complicated folder structure, my many
filters, etc.



PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Connection Centre and CPU usage

2004-03-24 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi again,

On Wednesday, March 24, 2004, at 8:39:13 AM PST, I wrote:

> I have no idea why, but when I got to my computer this morning, I'm
> no longer noticing the problem described above.

Eek!  To continue this little conversation with myself...

After a re-start, it's happening again! :-(  As far as I know I'm not
running any different background programs.  Any ideas for trouble
shooting would be appreciated.



PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Connection Centre and CPU usage

2004-03-24 Thread Melissa Reese
Hash: SHA1


On Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 7:26:51 PM PST, I wrote:

> This has *never* been a problem for me in the past, but recently, it
> has begun to happen. Whenever TB! is checking for new mail, while
> CPU usage does go up to 30% or so, it isn't until the very end of
> the process that it spikes up to 100%, and for a few moments, my
> mouse is virtually uncontrollable.

I apologize for replying to myself, but here's a small update...

I have no idea why, but when I got to my computer this morning, I'm no
longer noticing the problem described above. While CPU usage during
email polling still jumps around (also sometimes spiking to 100%), I'm
not currently experiencing the "sluggish mouse" syndrome as I have the
past several days. As far as I know, I haven't done anything

Even though this problem has mysteriously disappeared (for the moment,
anyway), I'd still be interested in comments from anyone who has
experienced this anomaly, so that I might be able to avoid it in the


- -- 

PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Connection Centre and CPU usage

2004-03-23 Thread Melissa Reese
Hash: SHA1


I know this subject has been addressed here in the past, but in
looking at old messages, I haven't yet found a solution that works for
me.  So...I'll try again...

This has *never* been a problem for me in the past, but recently, it
has begun to happen. Whenever TB! is checking for new mail, while CPU
usage does go up to 30% or so, it isn't until the very end of the
process that it spikes up to 100%, and for a few moments, my mouse is
virtually uncontrollable. Since I have several accounts, each polling
for new mail at various intervals, this recent anomaly has become
quite a bother as I'm trying to do other tasks while TB! is running.

I'm not running any anti-virus or anti-spam plug-ins (just allowing my
NOD32 to do its usual port 110 level scanning, which was never a
problem before).

Is this 100% CPU usage spike a known problem with v2.04.7? Or could
the cause be something else in my system?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

- -- 

PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Adding space between last line and Gnupg 1.2.3. signature

2003-12-16 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Marck,

On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 2:35:43 PM PST, you wrote:

> support. Any blank lines are stripped before the signature is added.

Oh...okay. Since I use PGP with the TB! integration, when I want to
use GnuPG with TB!, I just use the GPGshell HotKeys, so I've never
noticed what happens when using the GnuPG/TB integration.


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.02.3 CE on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Adding space between last line and Gnupg 1.2.3. signature

2003-12-16 Thread Melissa Reese
Hash: SHA1

Hi Edgar,

On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at 11:40:22 AM PST, you wrote:

> How can I ad a space between my last line and the signature?

You can add a line space at the end of your template. You can check to
be sure it's the proper line space by doing Ctrl+A on your message,
and if the selected area shows a full selected area across the whole
screen at the level of your last line (instead of ending abruptly
after the last word in your message), then there will be a blank line
between the last line in your message and the beginning of the

There's no need to add an actual character on the line after your
actual message.

I usually PGP/MIME sign messages to this list, but I'll clear sign
this one.

- -- 

PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.02.3 CE on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1



Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Does Message Dispatcher reflect Selective Download filter action?

2003-12-10 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Constance,

On Wednesday, December 10, 2003, at 2:53:53 PM PST, you wrote:

> Do you happen to be using regular expressions in Selective Download
> filter(s)? If not, do you know of anyone who is using regular
> expressions in Selective Download filters who might be willing to
> assist me?

You might try asking some questions at the "TBTECH" list, where there
seem to be many regex experts.  If you haven't already, here's the
subscription mailto:



PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.02.3 CE on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: The Bat! Ver.2.02 Christmas Edition *

2003-12-09 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Edgar,

On Tuesday, December 09, 2003, at 12:01:58 PM PST, you wrote:

> New Edition

Eek! After installing, I had to go through all my folders and
completely start over with arranging message list columns, threading
and sorting preferences, etc. What a pain. :-(

I sure do hope all my filters and templates are okay! (they seem to


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.02.3 CE on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.02 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: the bat! and cyrillic

2003-11-30 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Andre,

On Sunday, November 30, 2003, at 4:35:48 AM PST, you wrote:

> When I then look at the source of the created mail there are again
> questionmarks in the headers while the body is ok.

I'm not sure, but could the answer be found in "Account
Properties/Options..." ?

[ ] Allow 8-bit characters in message header


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.01.3 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: individual template - wrapped at different position

2003-11-27 Thread Melissa Reese
Hi Thomas,

On Thursday, November 27, 2003, at 8:43:51 AM PST, you wrote:

> I don't think there are any template macros with which you can
> change the line length.

This is one of the QTs involved in my multiple paragraph re-wrapping
template, and it does specify a wrap limit:

%Rem="This line is optional"%___%_Wrap_Limit="70"%-


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

TB! v2.01.3 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: no certificate button

2003-11-26 Thread Melissa Reese
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 26 November 2003 02:58 pm, Paul Cartwright wrote:

> it might be the issue, but you would think that reinstalling a
> complete package would fix it. For the beta, all I do is copy over
> the TheBat.exe file, so all my settings should stay...

Hi Paul,

I'm not looking at my TB! at the moment, but I wonder if this *could* 
have something to do with it...

In your preferences, do you have S/MIME enabled?  I don't know if that 
being enabled or disabled should make any difference in the options 
available to's just a wild guess.

- -- 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

  1   2   3   4   >