Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-05 Thread onpon4
Makefile is a text file. He means to add that as a new line at the top of it. The new line suggested explicitly make it use GNU bash.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Japanese (anthy) under XFCE

2018-04-04 Thread onpon4

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

2018-04-03 Thread onpon4
I was "shooting down" a female supremacist trying to inject female supremacy where it doesn't belong. This thread is not about changing Trisquel's naming system. Trisquel already *has* a naming system which includes both male *and* female names, and incidentally, it has exactly equal

Re: [Trisquel-users] Japanese (anthy) under XFCE

2018-04-02 Thread onpon4
「おんぽんよん」だ。 昨今その名をあまり使わない。「Julie.chan」(ジューリー丸ちゃん)か「The Diligent Circle」を使う。

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

2018-04-02 Thread onpon4
That's what makes it such a great name, though! :) It's a nice little in-joke about all the drama and speculation about Trisquel being... abandoned. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

2018-04-02 Thread onpon4
"Patriarchy in technology". Rght. In case my sarcasm doesn't show through clearly enough, please do *not* turn Trisquel into an SJW "muh womens representation" distro. "Female" is not a part of Trisquel's naming scheme; Trisquel releases are named after Celtic gods, either male *or*

Re: [Trisquel-users] Japanese (anthy) under XFCE

2018-03-30 Thread onpon4
"Japanese - Japanese" is the wrong one. You need "Japanese (Anthy)" or something like that. Did you install the IBus Anthy package?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Japanese (anthy) under XFCE

2018-03-29 Thread onpon4
Did you switch it from latin to hiragana within Anthy? There should be another menu option in the menu when you're in Anthy mode. I actually use GNOME and have never enabled Japanese input on Xfce, so I don't know the answer. But that's the first thing I would check.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why is Trisquel 8 taking so long

2018-03-27 Thread onpon4
"GNU FSDG" stands for "GNU Free Software Distribution Guidelines". The acronym has changed multiple times, but the "F" has never stood for "FSF".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-03-17 Thread onpon4
Hm... what about "sudo aptitude install -R wine1.6"? (The -R flag in aptitude prevents recommended packages from being installed. I know apt and apt-get have something similar, but I don't know what it is.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-03-17 Thread onpon4
The "is not going to be installed" error message can sometimes be fixed by explicitly telling the package manager to install the package it's complaining about. Or at least, you can figure out why it's not doing so automatically. I like to use the aptitude command. When it detects oddities

Re: [Trisquel-users] Confirmation: Iridium is libre

2018-03-15 Thread onpon4
The problem is only with the way WebKit is distributed, so Blink doesn't have the same problem. That's one major reason why there has been a push to switch to it for Qt, the way I understand it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel needs to be rebooted and based on Ubuntu 18.04

2018-03-14 Thread onpon4
Or they could finish the Trisquel 8 release and then start work on Trisquel 9... Seems perfectly reasonable to me, given how close Trisquel 8 is to a release.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SNAP, a door to non free software!

2018-03-12 Thread onpon4
Snap was the bane of my existence on Ubuntu 16.04. I couldn't figure out a way to disable it, and Software includes Snap packages (without an option to turn them off), so any time I tried to find a program that way I'd be inundated with proprietary Snap packages.

Re: [Trisquel-users] When a website expects more than javascript, what else might it be requiring ?

2018-03-10 Thread onpon4
> The website's Help Desk says, "we only do windows." Then don't use it. Call them every time you need information from them, and explain when you call that you can't use their Web interface because it doesn't work on Trisquel. Eventually, someone in charge will notice that this ridiculous

Re: [Trisquel-users] More Testing Please

2018-03-08 Thread onpon4
There's no need to hand-hold for servers. The installer supports making your own custom choices and if you're technical enough (which you should be if you're setting up a server from scratch), it's no big deal at all. In fact I tend to completely avoid those kinds of automatic partition

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-03-04 Thread onpon4
Oh god, you saw my Japanese a year ago? What's the blush emoticon? xD

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-03-03 Thread onpon4
Jodiendo is just a troll. He makes nonsense up for the fun of it. Nothing he says should ever be taken seriously whatsoever, and most of it is incoherent anyway. つまり、Jodiendoさんのポストは必ずただのじょうだんです。笑ってわすれてくださいね。それとも、読まなくてもいいです。

Re: [Trisquel-users] New forum for free software related topics that are not strictly Trisquel related

2018-03-03 Thread onpon4
I don't think there's any reasonable way to fix this server-side. You already have the old emails, and your email client doesn't know that it's now supposed to be sent to a different email address. Just something to deal with I guess.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-03-01 Thread onpon4
That wasn't a message that was meant for you. Whatever happened to not being a vegan activist, as you proclaimed (by agreeing to strypey with no caveats) on the previous page? You're just proving what I said to be true. I still stand by what I said in relation to that: you need to drop the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any good freedom hardware for game development?

2018-03-01 Thread onpon4
I don't know the answer, but note that using software is always a possibility if the GPU doesn't support the version of OpenGL you need. I believe most distros are set up to run any unsupported OpenGL calls in software, so you should be good regardless. Also, there are some 2-D libraries

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-28 Thread onpon4
Split this off to here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Confirmation: Iridium is libre

2018-02-27 Thread onpon4

Re: [Trisquel-users] Confirmation: Iridium is libre

2018-02-27 Thread onpon4
Yeah, it sure would be nice to eventually get Iridium in Trisquel. I was never big on Chromium, but I know a lot of people do like Chrome and having a real choice* would be great. * Yes, there's all those WebKit browsers, but WebKit has security problems and these browsers often don't

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
I've decided to immortalize and expand on this on my website:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
Veganism is a lifestyle choice that tends to be really strict and implies activism, not just a description of what you eat. A lot of the time, it involves refusing to eat at certain places because there's a chance that a tiny bit of meat or egg or cheese might accidentally get into your

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
That actually sounds like a fine interaction to me. The comment about Netflix can be deflected because Netflix won't work on your browser. Or, you can ask them if they brought your computer, because you don't have Netflix.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Confirmation: Iridium is libre

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
He's already replied back to you. That was fast. "fully Open-Source means 100% including any and all components, plugins, extensions, patches, snippets and everything else it is shipped with by default."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
> If I don't hear them speak, I can > usually convince myself that there's someone in that crowd who would > have a shred of understanding and empathy for me, and appreciate me. This is a mindset you have to escape from. I had this mindset, too. It cost me my sanity, and it could easily have

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
> I don't believe in trying to go through mental gymnastics to relieve > the actual problem of not having a place to belong in the world. I didn't either. But if you make it to the other side, escape from the darkness, you will see why you were so wrong to think this. There is an underlying

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
This is a disproportionate reaction to what I said. Note that the second message still came before you had responded to the first. All I'm saying is, eat the food you want to eat. Don't make things harder on yourself by trying to stick strictly to a perfect vegan diet. I guarantee you you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
> "Hey, let's all play a game. Cal, here's you're controller." > > "No thanks, I'm good just watching." > > "OK..." This is anti-social and unreasonable. Take the controller and play with them. It's not your computer, i.e. not your responsibility. > "Sorry..." "Well, would you like

[Trisquel-users] Confirmation: Iridium is libre

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
I just wanted to mention this, since the topic of Iridium has come up in the past: There was an issue on Iridium's bug tracker asking for the developers to confirm that Iridium is 100% libre software. I decided to post there to get their attention, and a contributor has confirmed that,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-26 Thread onpon4
Regarding depression: I used to experience depression, it was constant, and after a while I didn't even recognize it as depression. I eventually solved it a couple years ago when I finally accepted a truth about myself I had really known for years, but always tried to deny out of fear.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-25 Thread onpon4
> When I'm having a bad time because there's no food around, or I'm > struggling to avoid using the computers, nobody understands me. Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. > I want to do this, but it's hard to do because we live far away and > don't have much gas money to spare. I don't

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-25 Thread onpon4
That's what I tried with my younger brothers. It didn't work. As soon as my mom got them laptops (which ran Windows), they abandoned all of it. See, the problem is that my oldest brother was pushing the proprietary games he liked, and they liked those games too, much more than they liked any

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-02-25 Thread onpon4
Are you trying to make friends over the Internet? That never works. I make friends in two ways: * Talking with my coworkers. * Going to activity groups, where people do something that I am interested in. Like a board game playing group I go to every month. If you're saying that you're such

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any plans to dump systemd ?

2018-02-25 Thread onpon4
> I don't really understand why debian switched to it, given that it isn't as good for older hardware. What init system you use has nothing to do with hardware support. That is the kernel (Linux) and the kernel alone. As for not understanding why Debian switched to it, perhaps that should

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-24 Thread onpon4
Addendum: should have been a reply to the post above, not this one. Sorry about that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-24 Thread onpon4
Regarding her friends, it's worth noting that F-Droid includes a feature that allows setting up your device as a localized repo for other F-Droid users. So she can share the games she has with her friends that way. She might also be able to get the games her friends play off of them this way

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-24 Thread onpon4
You're right, sugar is terrible for you, but we are naturally inclined to like it, regardless. In fact all energy gets converted to sugar (glucose), so it's not inherently evil. The problem is consuming it in excess, without the fiber that typically accompanies it in fruit. Now, if it was

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-24 Thread onpon4
> How would using a legally downloaded program on a legally purchased device infringe copyright? Because you're making copies and distributing them to someone else (your daughter). Her being your daughter does not change anything, and neither does the fact that you're using a physical

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any plans to dump systemd ?

2018-02-24 Thread onpon4
Maybe, rather than rejecting systemd, you should ask systemd users for help on how to do the things you haven't figured out. To my knowledge, systemd includes the most advanced and efficient init system out there, and that's why the vast majority of distros have chosen to use it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google Play and childrens' privacy

2018-02-24 Thread onpon4
I'm not sure, but assuming that it is possible, it would be copyright infringement to my knowledge. (IANAL) Perhaps it would be better to introduce her to what F-Droid offers. What sorts of games does she play? You said "tocoboco's and lego", but I don't know what kinds of games those are.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-23 Thread onpon4
Ah, a quote mine. Classy. (See, I can do sarcasm too.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-23 Thread onpon4
> No. It is like letting the gas company know where your stove is, exactly when you are using it, what you are cooking and allowing the gas company to control whether you are worth receiving that gas for the particular meal you are cooking or not. You're so full of shit. All Google knows

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-23 Thread onpon4
LOL, dude, just a couple comments down from the one you linked, MB points out that you could disable GA instantly and your only response was, "what I put on my website is not your business". You're so full of shit. You have nothing against using Google Analytics to track your visitors

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel-users mailing list mirrored to newsfeed

2018-02-22 Thread onpon4
> You need to configure your email server address, port, and so forth in your mail reader in order to use email, don't you? No, IceDove figures that out automatically. > A newsgroup is not like a www site that you can casually point your newsreader to. So, you're saying it takes more

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel-users mailing list mirrored to newsfeed

2018-02-22 Thread onpon4
> I think you should configure an account just like when you would set up an email account. In your newsreader there should be a way to configure accounts. Just create a new account and point it to and you should be gtg. Why would I want to do that? The only advantages

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-22 Thread onpon4
It's already been explained to you that Google learns nothing about you from this behavior. They know that your IP address is running a Web browser. Big whoop. I think the benefit of protecting people from malicious websites, scamming, phishing, etc is much more important than not letting

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel-users mailing list mirrored to newsfeed

2018-02-22 Thread onpon4
> just subscribe to the newsgroup above and you will have these instant benefits I downloaded the Pan Newsreader and put that address you mentioned in. It does nothing whatsoever. It says that "Getting group list from 'nntp://'" is a

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel-users mailing list mirrored to newsfeed

2018-02-20 Thread onpon4
Erm, why? What does use of a mailing list have to do with Usenet? Actually, I don't even get why you want to go back to using Usenet in the first place. I've never been exposed to newsgroups outside of archives like Google Groups, so I don't know personally what it's like, but I am not aware

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-20 Thread onpon4
しんぱいしないでください。いつも何も言わなくてもいいです。それから、他人は話を続けてもいいですね。何もスレを始めた人のせいではありません。ボスではないのですね。 There's no need to announce that you're not continuing. You can respond or not respond to messages as you wish; you don't gain any obligations simply because you started a thread. Please be at ease and don't

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-19 Thread onpon4
> You seem to ignore the most common scenario (which I already explained but again:) host A is perfectly clean/libre system communicating with host B which is PRISM'ed (= all communication is tapped). Now consider that hosts like A are very few and hosts like B are almost all other computers

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread onpon4
> But all these doesn't explain his correspondents' security weaknesses, namely PGP on Windows. Edward Snowden has *got to* know better than to fall into that. Snowden used Tails, not Windows. This was also what he had the journalists he talked to use.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread onpon4
It's not just Microsoft. I saw an ad about a month ago advertising this feature for Apple devices.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-16 Thread onpon4
It's a reference to the possibility of a government agent opening the package and tampering with the hardware to install a bug on it. Not very likely, but this has been done before when the state has wanted to target an important person.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread onpon4
> But I also thought that a lady who learns Japanese is rare. Because Japanese men are not popular with ladies of the world. It looks that Japanese ladies are popular in the world. I don't think many people Japanese because they're attracted to Japanese girls. xD The number one reason is

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread onpon4
> Does that means that even if I get a libreboot PC, the PC still has a potential for be installed the backdoors? Not physical backdoors, via traffic. And even the free softwares are complex and bloated, probably full of bugs? It just means that no software is perfect, and no hardware is

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread onpon4
No worries. Your English is way better than my Japanese, at any rate.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread onpon4
I suggest you assume good faith from all posters; it's very possible for something you are interpreting as anger is something different entirely, given your skill level at English that I can see. And at the same token, don't worry about angering people. You'll be fine as long as you don't

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread onpon4
へぇ~。 But "Jap" is generally seen as a slur. You probably don't want to refer to yourself as that. It would be like me referring to myself as a 外人, I guess. ところで、私は女です。

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread onpon4
Most of the recommendations on prism-break are fine, so if you find it helpful, go for it. I just don't think it's a helpful reference in general. It's too unfocused.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread onpon4 seems fine, but I don't recommend prism-break as a reference. It's all over the place and blacklists Trisquel because it's based on Ubuntu, which just tells me they don't understand how this stuff works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-10 Thread onpon4
"Perfect" is impossible. If it's possible for one person to understand something, it's possible for anyone as long as they have the right knowledge. But practically speaking, no one is going to crack good encryption; the time it would take (without e.g. social engineering) is a period of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is it ethical to use github?

2018-02-08 Thread onpon4
God, ADFENO, you really have a knack for resurrecting month-old threads. I disagree with the FSF on this. I never enable JavaScript when accessing GitHub, and I get zero problems. In fact, it's one of the best no-JavaScript designs I've ever seen. And the whole C2 thing... that page they

Re: [Trisquel-users] How will libreboot deal with Meltdown and Spectre?

2018-02-08 Thread onpon4
I agree with this 100%. There are so so so many bad things that are stopped by just not running code you can't trust on your computer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight Browser

2018-02-03 Thread onpon4
heyjoe's insistence that "scarce" just means "finite" is nothing more than a linguistic distraction to avoid admitting that no one ever said RAM was infinite. MB has already clarified what he means by "scarce". I use the same exact definition. If you or heyjoe want to use "scarce" to mean

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight Browser

2018-02-03 Thread onpon4
DFSG is not 100% compatible with GNU FSDG. That said, the reason for the assertion that WebEngine is non-free is that it's based on Chromium. I have never seen anyone actually evidence the claim that Chromium is proprietary.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight Browser

2018-02-02 Thread onpon4
> Python is an interpreted language and you don't know how the interpreter handles the data internally.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight Browser

2018-02-02 Thread onpon4
> your expectations of efficiency are contrary to the basic programming principle: that a program should use only as much memory as it actually needs for completing the task and that memory usage should be optimized. That is only a "basic programming principle" if RAM is scarce. RAM is not

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight Browser

2018-02-01 Thread onpon4
> Starting a new program requires free memory. Yes, but if you pay more attention to the context of what I was saying, that would be included under the umbrella of "use". There's a difference between using 2GB right now and using 2GB ever. The point is that if you can spare RAM, ideally,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight Browser

2018-02-01 Thread onpon4
No, if you're not swapping, there's no performance loss. There is zero benefit to having RAM free that you're not using. If you're only ever using 2 GB of RAM out of 16 GB, those other 14 GB are doing absolutely nothing for you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight Browser

2018-02-01 Thread onpon4
Exactly. I don't think a lot of people understand that increased RAM and hard disk consumption is often done intentionally to improve performance. The only way reducing RAM consumption will ever help performance is if you're using so much RAM that it's going into swap, and very few people

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lightweight Browser

2018-01-31 Thread onpon4
The question that comes to mind for me is, "lightweight" in what sense? I don't think anyone who requests a "lightweight" browser really understands what they're asking for. Here are a few possibilities I can think of: 1. Low memory footprint (e.g. because your computer only has 1GB of RAM)

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's wrong with DOCX?

2018-01-25 Thread onpon4
> I am not sure that it will amount to much, because it is a "lip service" by Microsoft, never meant to work properly in large/professional scale. I meant that the fact that they support the standard means you can safely ignore OOXML as a "standard" and just use ODF. I don't know if it

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 operating system and Windows based viruses

2018-01-24 Thread onpon4
That device also is locked down by DRM, so no. You would be best off not using Kindle e-books and getting paper books instead, or e-books in a libre, non-DRM-encumbered format (e.g. ePub) if possible. Defective By Design has a rather lengthy list here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 operating system and Windows based viruses

2018-01-24 Thread onpon4
> BTW I don't know whether Synaptic itself is installed by default. It is. Its entry is under "System Settings".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 operating system and Windows based viruses

2018-01-24 Thread onpon4
All package manager frontends, including Add/Remove Applications, show whether or not any given program is installed. Even if you use the command-line to request the installation of a program you already have installed, it will see that it's already installed and tell you that. So no

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's wrong with DOCX?

2018-01-24 Thread onpon4
In my experience, OOXML files don't work well on LibreOffice, probably because of those things MB mentioned. Everything always seems to render differently between MS Office and LibreOffice. I actually remember the whole controversy back when I was in school. My dad was a vocal critic of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 operating system and Windows based viruses

2018-01-24 Thread onpon4
> once I download Trisquel 7 on my notebook, should I copy all my files once again on the Trisquel 7 Documents folder? That's fine. Any viruses there won't work on GNU/Linux, but if you're concerned about what might happen to Windows users, you can scan with ClamAV (the ClamTK package,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-24 Thread onpon4
... Touche.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-23 Thread onpon4
> Lard is poison. I know this is off-topic, but I would dispute that. Do some research on the history of the lipid hypothesis, which is what you're referring to; there's really not any evidence behind the idea. It's more likely excess sugar consumption and, to a lesser extent, other excess

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread onpon4
> The questions were a reply to Magic Banana who wasn't. Fair enough, I was mistaken on this point, then. I apologize. > So to you a conversation is worthy only if it is an argument? These are

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread onpon4
> The questions weren't even put to you specifically No, they were put to someone who was joking and specifically told you so. That's why I didn't feel the need to refute every single thing you said. Just those two because they stood out to me. Look, if you aren't willing to argue the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-20 Thread onpon4
I gave you a detailed explanation as to why it's different, and your only response is a variant of "no it's not"? Why do you even bother responding if you're not going to actually refute my reasoning? > In any case - you didn't even look at the essence of the questions which is the whole

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-20 Thread onpon4
> 1. When you go to a restaurant, do you consider every dish for which you are not given the recipe + the right to modify and redistribute it a "maybe poison"? That's not quite the same thing. When you're given food at a restaurant, you're not given a recipe that you're not allowed to

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-19 Thread onpon4
That's a proprietary program. I suggest you don't use it. If you want an antivirus program, that's ClamAV. Look for "ClamTK"; it's in the repo and acts as a graphical frontend for ClamAV. But I should note that antivirus on GNU/Linux is not for your own protection; it's for the protection

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Tor really that bad?

2018-01-14 Thread onpon4
You don't even need cryptocurrency or e-cash to pay anonymously. You can go to any store that sells gift cards, buy a MasterCard or VISA gift card with cash, and use that to pay. It just costs a bit more.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-01-08 Thread onpon4
If you're not interested in learning English properly, then don't do activist work that requires skills in English. There is plenty of good you can do with Cantonese, like just spreading the basic idea of libre software through Cantonese. Or you could take up programming; no one cares how

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-01-08 Thread onpon4
So, you're just saying that's where your vocabulary comes from? That's immaterial. All dictionaries contain roughly the same entries, the only difference is spelling and a few new or uncommon words. The point is that you need more tutoring. You're not even close to done learning English.

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS, the free software community and cognitive dissonance

2018-01-07 Thread onpon4
> Nobody loads a file into a game in the way they commonly load files into > spreadsheets, word processors, and other similar programs for which work is > typically done. Games do load files, but I suppose you mean that you never transfer files for use with non-identical software, and

Re: [Trisquel-users] GPS navigator with free software

2018-01-07 Thread onpon4
If you have a device that can run Replicant with GPS, that would do the trick; you could use OsmAnd~, ZANavi, or Navit (all found in the F-Droid repo). But I don't think any Replicant-supporting phones support GPS with libre software, so that's partly just theoretical. A device with

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-01-07 Thread onpon4
No, that's not true. British English and American English are the same language. The spelling differences have nothing to do whatsoever with other languages. They were caused by spelling standard differences a couple hundred years ago.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-01-07 Thread onpon4
> When I was a teen I was mostly used to be tutored based on the Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries, both web interface and physical ones. A dictionary cannot tutor you. Dictionaries are tools. Tutors are people who teach you. These are not interchangeable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to spread computing freedom?

2018-01-06 Thread onpon4
It's not about what "does the most harm". It's about consistency in your principles. To recommend something, and then turn around and say that that thing you recommended is unethical, is hypocrisy. Hypocrisy never helps any cause. And what good do you hope to bring about, really? Saving

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-01-06 Thread onpon4
I'm talking to someone who is (or at least was) convinced that his English is great. Someone who believes they have great proficiency already is never going to get better. Also, learning English is not easy. Not only is the entire way English grammar works mostly alien to Asian languages

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-01-06 Thread onpon4
Whatever languages you're fluent in. All I know for sure is that English is not one of them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to spread computing freedom?

2018-01-05 Thread onpon4
I think people are better off using Microsoft Office than Google Docs. And what are you going to tell them? "I don't recommend this Web service, but use it anyway, here, I'll teach you how to use it"? I don't think it makes sense.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-01-05 Thread onpon4
> that's never my own fault if my English skills are bad, instead those bad educational systems are liable to this. How is your activism in Cantonese going?

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