Re: [twitter-dev] Encrypted data over Twitter

2010-05-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
r the same regulations, although that may be dependent on whether the receiver has the means to decrypt them. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Basic authentication

2010-05-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
ney to my account, or to lock you out of your bank account, and I'll forget them as soon as the deposit has been made. Really. I promise. *That* is the problem with Basic Auth, regardless of whether I use https when I log in to your bank account or not. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Can our twitter app call "/oauth/revoke"?

2010-05-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
app and link another without having to go to and find the 'revoke credentials' page. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: countdown to OAuth / basic auth removal / OAuthcalypse

2010-04-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
being the biggest-name application using an embedded SQLite database engine to handle its data. -- Dave Sherohman -- Subscription settings:

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Upcoming changes to the way status IDs are sequenced

2010-04-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
an the average refresh delay required by those clients which fall under the API rate limit. I submit, therefore, that any such delay caused by waiting for buckets to close will be inconsequential. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Whats the best practice for caching data?

2010-02-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
eshing it with the latest fresh profile data whenever I send or retrieve a status update for the user - that information is already coming back with the status, so I can update it without having to wait for any extra requests to complete. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: More OAuth Change Please - Simple Stuff

2010-02-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
es. "Most frequent case" does not imply "secure". If it did, we wouldn't bother with passwords or authentication at all because, hey, it's pretty much only ever me who uses my Twitter account. Only a miniscule number of attempts to update @DaveSherohman's status are made by people other than me. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Source parameter request for mobile Twitter app ignored (and issues with Twitter's policy toward oAuth on mobile/desktop)

2010-02-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
n that desktop/mobile apps are vulnerable to having their OAuth keys extracted from them, in which case they could still be impersonated, but that's the reasoning I've seen given previously for the policy.) -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: A New API For Browserless Apps?

2009-12-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
not seeing any coherent argument for how the planned third oauth flow will, in any way, be *worse* than the existing basic auth scheme. It may not be an absolutely perfect world in which absolutely nothing except Twitter itself is capable of accepting a Twitter password, but it's still a big improvement on what we have today. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: A New API For Browserless Apps?

2009-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 01:27:48AM -0600, Abraham Williams wrote: > On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 00:53, Dave Sherohman wrote: > > - If oauth is the only allowed authentication method, a rogue app would > > not be able to gain full access to your account. Perhaps most > > impo

Re: [twitter-dev] Unexplored Dark Underbelly of OAuth

2009-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
f without providing the necessary crypto keys and algorithms to you in some form. Once I have done so, there is no way to prevent you from using them in ways other than those which I intended. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: A New API For Browserless Apps?

2009-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
oauth flows because there is no way to bring up a browser. It in no way prevents or discourages use of the existing oauth flows in scenarios where a browser is available. Really, the current lack of oauth delegation is a far bigger obstacle to being able to say "don't give your Twitter password to anyone else" than the ability to turn a username/password into oauth credentials will ever be. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: A New API For Browserless Apps?

2009-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
side, I'm sure it will simplify things considerably for all API methods to support only a single authentication method. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: How to detect 'Duplicate text' failure to send tweet

2009-12-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
;m all for Twitter doing what they can to suppress it. It just would have been nice if rejected updates had been reported as errors (which they are) from square one. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Photo service for oauth clients

2009-12-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
ishing niche site, so non-fishing photos wouldn't be entirely welcome there, b) it does not provide an API, OAuth-based or otherwise, and c) I had to write it myself. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Track streaming : how to match tweets?

2009-12-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
ly be just as well off building the regex by hand. The main reason I'm using Regexp::Assemble to do it on the fly is because manually creating and then maintaining a regex that will efficiently match any of 1300 terms would be a nightmare. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Hashtag widget

2009-12-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
know of anything like it? > > Thanks all -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: How does twitter recognize @username in tweets?

2009-12-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
cal database of tweets, my first thought to emulate this would be to check the tweets' in_reply_to_user_id properties. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Format for 'source' parameter for Twitter clients

2009-12-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
27;m fairly certain it's over six months ago. Any application registered after that date *cannot* use the source parameter to identify itself. You *must* authenticate using OAuth if you wish your application to be identified as the source of updates. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Track streaming : how to match tweets?

2009-12-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
7;s very doable (quick, even), despite having far more than 10 keywords involved. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] How does twitter recognize @username in tweets?

2009-12-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
The search function operates on complete words only, with no special-case handling for @usernames. "w...@yegle" doesn't match "@yegle" for the same reason it doesn't match "it": they're substrings embedded within the word, not the complete word. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Perl script for retrieving twits

2009-12-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
ed, but should work. Note that the maintainer of Net::Twitter was talking a couple months ago about wrapping the retrieved messages up into objects, so $tweet may no longer be a bare hashref; I just haven't needed to update my direct Twitter-interfacing functions since then so I haven't stayed on top of it. Check the Net::Twitter documentation for full details.) -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Call for action #StopBritneyBots

2009-12-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
sted technique to shut them all down en masse at the cost of less than one day of a single employee's time (and they may have other techniques they could use which would be more effective and/or even quicker to implement). It's a question of will and of policy. -- Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Retweets - where are they placed on timeline

2009-11-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
e last hour/day. This change sets the stage for serving both of us better. -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: PHP/cURL statuses/update results in 200 OK, but no actual update

2009-11-14 Thread Dave Sherohman
race conditions in which it would fail, too), but it does require you to keep that latest seen ID around and relatively up-to-date. -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: the new retweet feature might break my app

2009-11-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
before concerning myself with it), but would you mind sharing your issues with it, either here or off-list if you think that would be more appropriate? -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Oauth API not updating statuses consistently

2009-11-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
shortening, you'll think it failed unless you remember to ignore URLs when comparing the text) and false negatives (if the update is a duplicate of the user's most- recent status, the text will match even though the update failed), but YMMV. -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Lists Need Optional Hashtag binding with list subscription

2009-10-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
Twitter to allow the optional > > specification of one or more hashtags when associating an account with > > a list, which would indicate tweets from that account should only > > appear under this list IF these hashtags are part of the tweet. > > > > Leon > > -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Automated Tweets

2009-10-29 Thread Dave Sherohman
updates have been sent during that time. rv1 = send_tweet(tweet1); # OK rv2 = send_tweet(tweet2); # OK ... rv100 = send_tweet(tweet100); # OK rv101 = send_tweet(tweet1); # Fails, if within some unknown time limit -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: API 140 character truncation change?

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
status will also produce incorrect results when the submitted status is rejected for being identical to the user's most-recent previous status. Depending on your application, failure in this scenario may or may not be relevant. -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: New behaviour for statuses/update API call for 141+ char sized messages and duplicates?

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
just figured out that when calling statuses/updatewith a text > > > > longer than 140 chars, the reply of that API call will be 200 OK with > > > > the laststatusof the user. > > > > > > Wouldn't it be better to return some sort of error message? > > > > > > The same seems to be happening when sending a duplicate tweet. > > > > > > Ole > > > > > > -- > > > > Jan Ole Suhr > > > > > > > > On Twitter: -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: API 140 character truncation change?

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
he whole thing. Failing silently is *never* the right answer in an API or other library code. -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Comparing Posted Tweet to Current Status in PHP

2009-10-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
really needs to stop rejecting updates silently and add some kind of indicator (a non-200 HTTP status, an extra flag in the response payload, whatever) to tell us when the update had been rejected (and, ideally, why). -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: API 140 character truncation change?

2009-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
for the silent failure, so I can't report the cause to my users. Andy Freeman has mentioned that, in the case of rejection due to duplication, this is also unsatisfactory in that it does not allow him to identify the original status which was duplicated. -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Bug? Updates > 140 characters return success with prior update payload

2009-10-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
at I recall > seeing or can find now. This is a pretty significant change in > behavior for existing clients.. We are failing to post because people > are not getting an error and they believe it is our problem. Agreed. That is a definite problem. -- Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Bug? Updates > 140 characters return success with prior update payload

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
will indicate when this has happened, or if the update has been rejected for any other reason? Failing silently does not seem appropriate, particularly when the failure returns the user's previous status. -- Dave Sherohman