the advantage that wicket provides in session handling is that it evicts objects from it for you. what you had to put into a session in lets say a struts app to be accessed across requests you now put into a Page and pass references from page instance to page instance if it is needed across pages. now when those pages are evicted from session by wicket so is that object you stored. from what i have seen in a lot of non-wicket projects - the things are put into session, but are never removed so they stay in there until the session times out - and thats a huge waste. sometimes when there is a wizard the laste page of the wizard does the cleanup, but the user can start a wizard and then decide to move on to something else w/out pressing the cancel button - this is another common source of session leakage that does not effect wicket.


On 8/9/06, Juergen Donnerstag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It sure seems that sessions are used heavily, but i knew that anyway,
> from documentation.

I don't think that sessions are used heavily compared to other
web-apps. The difference is that Wicket does most of the Sessions
tasks for you and it is consistent whereas with Struts etc you end up
doing everything yourself. From my experience, many web-apps end up
with much worse session usage as it is a developers tasks compared to
a similar Wicket app. In Wicket, we try to keep the developer in
control, but most standard session use case are already in place.
Overall and IMO it makes Session handling and usage much saver in the
long run. I don't have hard figures, but I think that Wicket web apps
don't use more session memory than any other normal web-app (no matter
which framework) which implements the same business functionality. Of
course there are always well-tuned apps which do it better, but I
think Wicket does a decent job for most use cases.


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